Vote MICHIGAN Editorial Today UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. +W STATE (7r- STATE NEWS Page 2 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 12, 1962 Price 10$ AUSG and Class Elections ontinues petitions More By Call For Freedom MARY BASING Today; Polls Open 8 to6:30 Of the r.mral Michigan State News Staff University Editorial 12 Credits ,ms were still agitating for student freedom Tuesday Reactions Required "Nearly half -- 2,500 -- of the students turned out for -ML second protest rally in a frkins lot outside thefieldhouse Mixed To Vote o continue their protest against -e CM I administration s pcl- Students vote today to elect the oncerning student civil All University Student Govern¬ Jamie Blanchard, candidate for From' about 8 to 9 pjnTthe AU5G president, and three other ment president, class officers, and AUSG representatives. -monstrators clianted for aSat- student leaders, expressed mixed Elections will be held In dorms rday meeting with CMU Presi- views Wednesday on State News' during lunch and dinner hours -nt'judson Foust and jeered editorial endorsement ofBob and in Berkey Hall and the Union 'uder.t government leaders, Howard. fr m 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. nis Moore, St. Clair Shores Blanchard said the editorial. All undergraduates carrying 12 'or. and Thomas Kromer, or more credits are eligible to "Stated my grade point incor¬ nt junior, who asked them to vote for AUSG president. Re¬ sperse. Moore and Kromerare rectly. It's a 2.4" quirements for voting for class e outgoing and incoming stu- "Did not point out that my officers 0-42 credits earned, CHANTING FOR CLARIFICATION-Central are: body presidents re- Michigan Uni¬ :tively. versity students, agitating for more student freedoms, Tues¬ grades are a reflection of time sophomore; 43-100 credits earn¬ given to fulfilling my responsi¬ ed, junior: and 101-165 credits, ite: an hour in the parking day night staged their second protest rally and marched 1,000 bilities in campus activities about senior. Students with more than more than 1,000 students Strong to downtown Mount Pleasant, earring placards and 30 hours a week." 165 credits may not vote for class •'rched 10 blocks to downtown chanting for a meeting with administration to clarify the so¬ officers. asant and back to the "Failed to point out that Frosh- cial probation regulations. Students mustpresent their IDs -.ile city and state po- Soph Council's twist dances and »J off the side streets ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I „ essay contests don't pretend to Candidates for AUSG president nd slopped traffic on M-20, the overlap AUSG functions. These are Bob Howard, Elmhurst, 111., ighway running north to Big are the kinds of things Frosh- junior, and Jamie Blanchard. apids. ■ f oust. who was in Lansing both uesdrv and Wednesday, was re- Global soph is supposed to do." "Ignortd the basic idea of my platform — that the executive Ferndale sophomore. Candidates for class officers Include: , ■d seen with a policeman branch must be solidified in order SENIOR CLASS e the fieldhouse during the to provide tangible benefits for For president: Richard Met- Glimpses the students that they are aware zler, Trenton Junior. Jack Shea, of and can make us of." Detroit junior, and Chuck Dal- lav >, R; yal Oak Junior. For vice Blanchard said he felt the There was no violence during president: JackPricer, Birming¬ » ■ newspaper's decision to support GETTING tiwi> HER BID IN for t ham junior; and for secretary, ebday n.ght demonstration, By the Associated Press Howard was based on Howard's ^ 7th annual Bosses Luncheon w , Friday Is the deadline Karen r^per r was scheduled for last ervations Milling* on Junio: the Student Union and 1 paper^ qualifications with- Mrs Klt stapier. executive se¬ according to Candidates for treasurer ar« ts ear involvedsaidWednesday Tension Mounts in New York School Strike consideration of the candi- dates' potential to carryout their cretary to w Lloyd M. Turk, ^4„yu llillk| di- be held ' pril 26 in Center. Dr. John Hannah will Kellogg luncheon sponsors, the MSU Kathy Farnum, Grosse Point* rector of agricultural Business Women's Club. Junior Judie Duncan, Detroit Jun¬ /at they expect the demonstra- NEW YORK - More than half of the cltv's programs if elected. ior and Shar< i Georgi, ~ - - - Grosse to continue until Fouat teachers struck for higher pay Wednesday, badly Pointe Junior. crippling the New York public U.S. Steel the students' demand. Other student leaders com¬ Pricing Displays a sch ol system, the nation's Monday night about 500 stu- largest. A court ordef late in the mented on the editorial's con¬ JUNIOR CLASS s ralliedonFoust'slawnpro- day forbade further picketing. tent and the precedent-setting Idle students by the thousands ran wild in Terry Burgon, Lackawanna. ing the censorship of student school buildings stand on endorsing a candidate and rampaged through the streets, as normal standards of N.Y., sophomore for president; ications, the weekly news- class¬ James Bannan, .baglnaw sopho¬ Monopoly Power: Adams room discipline collapsed. "A per, Central Michigan Life, and Nearly a score of schools were closed tight, with their thou¬ newspaper can't stand in more. and Robert P/au, Saginaw e literary magazine, Tempo, the middle, said Larry Camp¬ s phomore, for vice president. sands of pupils sent home. Countless others went bell, AUSG president. ley chanted for a meeting with through the "It has For secretary, Nancy Lewis, motions of holding classes. to declare its opinions >ust Saturday to clarify the editor¬ Detroit sophomore; Peggy Sweet- The first full scale teachers strike in the ially. If it's out of step with The wage settlements were "I am nc " hiinistration's policies on stu- history of New York 35 land, Lansing sophomore: and City was branded by Board of Education. President Max Rubin the University or with student presumed to be non-inflationary, individuals.' Karen Kral^wetz McHenry, 111., ' he protests center as "reckless irresponsible, a betrayal of a pledge, immoral opinion, it may be ineffective." "The action of U.S. Steel but still the companies raised I am saying i: they h around the '•All r o; ship by CMU administra- and illegal.' increasing prices is a brazened prices, he said. ''All fhithat ' this powei Candidates for t 3r„ of three stories ready for Jim Anderson, administrative display of monopoly power," proves is that steel is not a com- Amei Patricia Peet, Six Rivers sopho¬ iblication in the January issue vice-president of AUSG who Walter Adams, professor of petitive industry," he explained, self"" out or tne world market Carole Schiffer. Detroit lempo involving abortion and U. S. Won't Negotiate With Cuba on Prisoners backs Howard, said he was "glad economics and Senate Anti-trust In a competitive industry wl iaid. Labor has gotten ii more: soph m re: and Mary Wheaton, ;.hj profanity; the rumored sup- to see State joining a large group Subcommittee consultant, told the company raises prices the wage increases, management ha Wilmette 111., sophomore. follow suit, increased pricesandtheconsum •essior, a! letters to the editor of college newspapers which State News Wednesday. others do not nave the Life; and the WASHINGTON - President Kennedy Wednesday ruled out any bring out and evaluate election U.S. Steel Corp. announced he said; however en one cuts er pays, he added, SOPHOMORE CLASS expulsion ve to do the "For the first time in the his fou: students, government negotiation with Cuba on ransoming 1,179 Invasion issues." Tuesday an increase its prices prices the others For president: BruceOsterink. April 6, for by $6 a ton. The other major same if they wai immoral behavior, one the prisoners who have Just been sentenced to long prison terms. Grand Rapids freshman: and Jim Ken Applegate, pres identof steel firms have followed suit, sales. importer of steel for four year ifumbent senior class president Kennedy saidnPremier Fidel Castro knew that the "United he s " n,!: Corey, Grand Rapids freshman. iotl;er the vice president States government cannot engage in negotiations like that." MHA, said he felt the editorial The increase produced almost The only solution to this prob- F >r vice president. Judy Janko- - prudent body and outgoing Futhermore, Kennedy said, Castro knew that the families of should have emphasized that the unanimous criticism in Con- lem is to bring anti-trust action dicates that our price s viak, Niles freshman; Rosalind is completely out of line resident of the student senate. the men could not raise the sums he asked for their freedom. organizations Howard and gress, and was a blow to Pres- against big steel, he said. Prophet. Niles freshman; Diane Blanchard belong to are for dif- At the present time the steel : 'etitior.s were circulated April The amounts range from $25,000 to $500,000 a man, and total ident Kennedy's prestige and his "In a competitive economy the iouthfield fresh $62 million. ferent purposes. drive for domestic wage-price only way to deal with a trust is - industry is operating at only 70% and" jThn' Chidester'VorYHuron presented to Foust Mon- of capacity, he said. By lowering ; night. Signed by approxi- Therefore the President declared that what Castro actually ( stability. to bust it," Adams said. prc hman 'Howard's jobs," he said," "If the other steel companies It is not enough the prices instead of increasing them •ately 3,000 persons, the peti- has done is to sentence the men to 30 years in prison. Susan Fry, Aurora, 111., fresh¬ have been primarily appointive, fan into line, the effect of their senate investigate the steel in- the steel industry could put the ■on.- called for man is candidate for secretary. speech andpress while Blancharifs have been ob- ee o.t., more action would be the same as if dustry or to have President Ken- other 30% back Charles Baugh, Crystal Lake, power for the tudent ga\ernment and a clear tained through his own initia- they had engaged in outright con- nedy beg them to practice re- Adams said. 111., freshman, and Lucy Ann tive." splracy," Adams said. straint, he said. "Not using e full capacity of "'"~iition oi the administration's -al probation regulations, Kennedy Asks Tighter Drug Control the industry sn't getting our Langohr. freshman, ( lumbia are City, Ind.. candidates for men back to work. said. i hey also demanded the organ- "Does this make any 5t!nr > of a court made up administratorsandfac- of WASHINGTON day for - President Kennedy asked Congress Wednes¬ new controls over drugs of doubtful effectiveness and those sold over the counter without prescriptions. Miss Jefford Sta 200,000 people in Michigan alone are out of work." 3- try all cases Involving )' ular activities of He also recommended establishing an enforceable system to "What we are getting now is inflation in the midst of recess¬ Wins Theater prevent illegal distribution of habit-forming barbituates and For three and a half hours ion," he said. Mary Beth Erdman, and amphetamines Barbituates are sedative-type drugs and am¬ Tuesday night a breathles1- audi¬ lea Blt0" = a nt of senio r in Mount journalism and phetamines are stimulants. These and other proposals were made in a letter rs imitated rtu dip- can family. maJor from Saginaw Furthermore, he said, he has nd \ ,-e president of the fresh- "serious deterioration" in the reported Aug. 24 was being con¬ 1 matlc play-artlng perfectly. been advised the increase would " world situation. sidered as the starting date and The serious and delicateproposl- cl»ss, said. add a billion dollars to the cost At his news conference, the 25 the completion date for tion discussed thr ugh ruder' s,I!U.dent Senat# ,nd tb* There - of national defense "at a time ernment officers have President set no specific day. release of the . was . dialogue was enlivened . enlivene by the . .. when ^ ls needed» tuderr VJPP°rt behind them both But Anny spokesmen said & no indication why the date. wer. barely audible but but impassioned Impassi. .a of the maUer are mustering out will begin during moved forward- outbursts of Nich las Meredith "Kennedy said, "there Irst ,rst L the "me, Physically. For th* the first 10 days of August and However, a presidential sta»- as the righteous Chaplain de justification for is no an increase in senate can fece be completed by the end of the ment Issued in connection with COOL SHAKESPEARIAN—Who*V»f said that Princes weren'j steel prices." sis rati°n ®n ,n month y Kennedy's remarks stressed that Meredith redeemed change in temper*turi. The high lve Ministration previous Dates for release of specific setting a go-home time for the swinging guys? Hugh Manning, the Old Vic's leading Prince m the last act when his « n followed W. Steel U.S. Steels lead, with flrms wU1 b® trom « » 52. units are being worked out and men Rla not the result of any i to have suffered n ill effacts in his destruction of the remorse was heart-rending. jhe outlook for Friday is Continued on poge 3) won't be announced until April (Continued on pog* 2) State News Photo by Mark Krastof. William Sylvester and George (Continued on page 5) mostly cloudy and a little cooler. Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thufday. April 12 1 editorial j n ■□□an i^nn nrsj Qur CrOSSWOrd uiu^onuiu Puzzle • ■□ana ncaaa Das HaBag!Sa □□ana aasaa arnaaan Paintings Girl Raleigh's Policy Student reaction toward the Swte News editorial endorsing aaataaa nana □so ana aanaa □a annano"* 00 aaaaa onn mri Called LONflON liVA musty old jV *." a. hidden for three centuries dia- 37, closes that Sir Walter Raleigh ' . diary 4i' courtly 47 Intrigue when Raleigh, at rh* nMk of his career. /, wad at the peak of his career. ar He had led ships against the fell from the favor of good Queen Spaniards and troops against the theRaleieh child. Raleigh, afraid of the reaction, was keeping ,^fl distance trom the bh thpiac.** Ql ■ Bob Howard for AUSG president causes us to clarify our policy. oaaa □niiona Bess because he got a girl Into Irish. His privateering ventures But he had powerful -T* squelch the false rumor that Jody Howard 13. Burmese Forgeries But first we must □anno arannu trouble. brought money to the government, the court — notably the f, , , Parsons, the candidate's sister, wrote the editorial. Mrs. Parsons neither wrote the editorial nor Is a member of the 14 Br indebted □aaaas uaaaaa That was the beginning of the With his pele handsome face Essex and Sir Robert ■ th« reached her Jj family is a State News staff member this term. PHILADELPHIA W -Four Raleigh The editorial board, made up of five top editors, decided 16. Barn com¬ paintings on permanent show in The diary makes It clear he birrerly Jealous 58- R«l«iih and the girlwered.l .ui... partments of Yesterday's Puute forced into a ped Into ckmgeons. He was £3 io support Howard because he is the better candidate. one of the country's major art aftmr fiv* k... mitted his fatal mistake. Young after five weeks, but re We still back him. IB^Native of galleries as old masters of Ita¬ riage that led to his disgrace and, eventually, to a rendezvous Bess Throckmorton > of power had gone and u« hls lian schools have been branded All unsigned material in the editorial pages is selected and 20. Excess of ieddownhilL Bess approved by the editor-in-chief, managing editor, ~lty editor. ^ llv.KhU frauds by an expert. with the executioner's ax. Dr. A. L. Rowse of Oxford behind an apple tree, so iegjma has it. and Raleigh married her was held four months.TTirock^\ Prof. Frederick Hartt, head of copy editor and editorial page editor, who compose the board. Raleigh was The State News to * an editorial stand and didn't remain the University of Pennsylvania's University pulled off a scholarly in secret after she became preg- condemnedJ James I alter the queen's ste, art department, says the four, scoop in a book disclosing the nant. neutral because we felt a responsibility to the student body and was beheaded in lr 23 d* housed In the Barnes Foundation contents of the diary, which was Next spring she gave birth to t. point out the differences between the two candidates. It is 2s Je' found in a storeroom at Can- hard 'for ttie~iv^agV-swdent to learn the qualities of each can¬ didate. Impartiality in this election would have been irrespon¬ lians of the 14th and 15th cen¬ Historians had been unaware turies. but were In fact painted sibility that Raleigh fathered a child, after 1900. Newspapers speak their own minds on the editorial pages and present objective reporting on the news pages. Signed articles and letters appearing on the editorial pages Hartt said he was persuaded that certain other works at the although his secret marriage was well known. Candidate.. The girl he had to wed was Barnes Gallery in suburban Low¬ represent the views of an Individual and not the opinions of the Bess Throckmorton, maid er Merion are forgeries, too, but paper of honor to the tyranical Queen Ibe editorial board made a decision after evaluating the that he would not talk specifi¬ Elizabeth I. Their child, a boy, platforms and the candidates approaches to student government cally about any except those sup¬ is presumed to have died in in¬ problems. posedly of the Italian period, his specialty. fancy. In the past the State News has remained Impartial on can¬ The The Barnes Foundation had 370-year-old diary was didates for offices. This was neglecting responsibility, we be¬ written by Arthur Throckmorton, lieved no comment on the professor's brother of Raleigh's bride. It The decision to support a candidate is not unique with the remarks. Hartt stressed that he found paints a brilliant picture of State News Tie Indiana Daily Student and the University of Michigan Daily are tw i examples of papers who supported can¬ no fakes, no wrongly attributed didates in recent elections. paintings among the brilliant mo¬ dems, such as Renoir, Cezanne anti Matisse which make up most Vote RESERVES of the collection and give it its world reputation. (Continued from page One) The $100 million collection was marked change in the internat¬ the realized dream of the late ional situation." Dr. Albert C. Barnes, physician Caroie Schiffcr Rather, Kennedy said, the and chemist. The collection was action is made possible by "our handed over to the foundation and successful buildup of permanent by degrees the public has been instead of emergency strength." permitted to share in its riches. Meanwhile, he said, the reserve In a court appearance last Fri- i Junior Class units honed to fighting trim dur¬ ing the nearly one year of active Two Summer Courses day Hartt said he thought sev¬ eral of the presumed-to-be old Treasurer Aity, "will remain available, in masters were far from that. He Dotty Dreyer Says a new and heightened combat readiness, if a new crisis state of In Chinese Offered gave no particular reason at the " should arise requiring further Two Chinese, Intensive each courses In sical Chinese. Shortly after the beginning of Tuesday, he elaborated — "in order to clear up any misunder¬ Make a Date with Duke covering a full Release of the year's work, are being offered the elementary course the clas¬ standings which may have follow¬ guardsmen was made possible, by the department of foreign ses are conducted largely in ed my recent testimony." "\ennedy said, because Congress languages in the 1962 summer Chinese. The method of Instruct¬ That testimony was given at a Honors College provided extra funds for accel¬ quarter. ion and the drill material de¬ hearing on an application by the Greek Week erating the build-up of regular The courses are being offered veloped for use In these clas¬ foundation to charge $2 admis- forces. TCiis, he said, resulted because of an Increasing interest enables the student to carry F rosh-Soph Duke LARRY D. BOCKSTANZ ses Creation of two new divisions Koiomozoo sophomore, w< selected the outstanding ba in Chinese both on this campus and In the United States, James on a ese fluent conversation In Chin¬ about everyday activities. Wolvervine Sec. Alpha Lambda Delta Ellington & his Orchestra which by Summer's end will bring the number of combat-ready div¬ isions 16. compared to 11 in ic codet from ce ROTC cadets at cererm 1,600 Air For P. Wang, instructor of the courses, said. Wang said that this degree of fluency equals the fluency achiev¬ Campus Litter 411 E. Grand River TOG SHOPe to Wang said he thought that pre¬ ed by third and fourth year stu¬ June last year. Retaining six wings of B-i~ mes Tuesday. Bockstani w< cited for outstanding perfor sent relationship of the Western world with communist China is dents at other institutions other language programs. or in Cleaning Bill bombers scheduled for inactivea- tion and non-nuclear combat. mance in ROTC and scho the cause of this increased in¬ terest. Americans are becoming more interested In all of the "The standards of our program here are very high," he said. Students who lack interest in $15,000 The $15,000 a year litter clean¬ communist dominated nations. the course or who are unable to up job is reaching its annual EUROPE The Elementary Chinese handje the work are advised to offers a total of 250 con¬ peak, Burt Ferris, superinten¬ course drop the course." dent of the ground maintenence tact hours with teachers and as¬ Wang was born in China and sistants. Three hours a week are came to the U.S. In 1946. He department, said in an interview. He explained that the $15,000 spent in the air-conditioned lang¬ taught Chinese at the Army Lang¬ ADVENTURER TOUR figure includes only the wages of uage laboratory practicing under uage Scho I in California ar.d did \ •.* • ' OANC« - IS-.&I'JM IUXEMBOUPV Germany people involved in litter pick-up. - . the supervision of an assistant. graduate work at Cornell Univer¬ It does not include the costs of j L N '« • SWITZERLAND - i-A.f . MONACO . f-«ANC£ ■ Most of the homework will be sity before coming to MSI' last handling, disposal, bookkeeping ROUND TRIP SHIP SI 195.00 JI VE IS to AUG 14 done In the laboratory as oral practice which is emphasized. He or equipment. was particularly interested Ferris said the litter left PENNYWISE BUCCANEER TOUR The second year course in¬ in developing Chinese language on the campus by students accum¬ cludes reading of newspaper art¬ courses here because only about ulate beneath the snow during the icles, short stories, essays, re¬ 50 of the 1800 colleges and univer¬ winter greatly increasing the cent political journals, and clas¬ sities in the U.S. offer Chinese. clean-up burden in the spring. JUNE 4 to JULY 23 $995.00 R0UND TR,P SIlIP "Students themselves sponsible for most of the litter," are re¬ IMPERIAL TOUR Ferris said. "Some litter is ENQIAND - SCOT AND - NOHWAy SWEOEN DENMARK Liebermanns . - "-•'-*••0 . e--V - --jSA'ANY . Switzerland brought in by outside groups I "'-N- but, if the sponsors of these ^ .VI GOSUkVtA -^ITALY . MONACO - ■ groups are contacted before they arrive, the amount of litter they TERM PARTY HE Jl .NE IS to AUG. 3® *1496.50 ROUND TRIP SHIP A Good Brief Case... leave is minimal." Ferris said the women's dorms 214 N. Washington SCANDANAVIAN THRIFTRIP TOUR «.'• i-".■ GERMANY A-:.'r A • . SCO".AND - NCBWAV . SWEDEN . CtNMAR< ITALY . SAN MASiNO . SWITZERLAND - UfCHTENSTE'N - MONACO • FSANCE Puis Your Best loot forward.. along Bogue St., Brody Group and Shaw Hall are the lest litter areas of across Convenient From Gladmer Parking in Rear The Eagle OPEN TILL 2 A. M. Banquet Facilities (SPAIN) (PORTUGAL! (where you'll find the JUNE 15 to AUG. $1327.25 ROl N*D TRJP SHIP nicest ways to get away!) TROUBADOR TOUR You won't find a vacation- SCOTLAND . ENGLAND . HOLLAND GERMANY SWITTERLAND brightening variety like this any¬ . . LIECHTENSTEIN - AUSTRIA . ITALY . SAN MAPiNO MONACO FRANCE where else. And now that spring • - (SPAIN) (PORTUGAL) has sprung, the buys are just as JUNE 21 to AUG. 14 $1048.10 ROUND TRIP SHIP tempting as the weather. Your THRIFTRIP AND IRISH*THRIFTRIP TOUR choice of 11 new-size Chevy II IIPELAN: ) . SCOTLAND - ENGLAND • HOl.AND . GERMANY models. Fourteen spacious, SWITZERLAND LIECHTENSTEIN new rel air 4-door station wagon MONAC O - - ALST'lA - iTALY . S*N MAR'NO spirited Jet-smooth Chevrolet^. • FRANCE (SPAiN) [ PORTUGAL) And a nifty, nimble crew of Jrtsmoothie that ride* just right, loaded or light— JUNE 21 to AUG. 22 S1060.40 ROUND TRIP SHIP rear-engine Corvairs. Three complete lines of cars—and we f"1 H7.5-cu.-Jt. cargo care and Full Coil suspension. EXPLORER* TOUR mean complete—to cover SCOTLAND - ENGLAND - HOLLAND . GfRwANY . SWITZERLAND just * LiEChTtNSTE'N - a li"RIA . ITALY . :>N WARiNO . MONACO about any kind of going yon FRANCE - (SPAIN, (PORTUGAL) could have in mind. And all JULY 5 to AUG. M ,$1049.50 VAGABOND TOUR ROU>iD TRIP SHIP FUN Ml) under one roof, too! You just won't find better pickings in size, sizzle and savings anywhere RUSSIA HOLLAND YUGOSLAVIA . - P.O'.A'O GERMANY • - <**..' ■ . SAM MAR NO DENMARK CZECHOSLOVAK A . HUNGARY . • SWEDEN . FINLAND PPANCt • MONACO . AUSTS'A SIM DAIS under the sun. And you couldn't pick a better time than now— SWITZERLAND • ENGLAND duringvourC'hev- - C'ORVair MONZa i.inx>r sedan mletdealer\s Pun From triors to sure-footed scat, this o JUNE 27 to SEPT. 10 $1309.40 R0l ND TRIP SHIP « ^ in I)a>H. 9"' the gift of making sport of most any trip. VOYAGER *TOUR ENS AND . HOLLAND - GERMANY . SWITZERLAND UECMTENSUIN - AUSTRIA - ITALY . SAN MAR 'NO . MONACO FRANCE (SPAIN) . (PORTUGAL) JUNE » te AUG. 22 $990.50 ROUND TRIP SHIP AMBASSADOR BIG TEN TOUR SCOTLAND - ENGLAND - HOLLAND - BELGIUM - GERMANY SWITZERLAND . LIECHTENSTEIN . AUSTR'A - YUGOSLAVIA ITALY - MONACO . FRANCE - (DENMARK (SWtDENJ - (NORWAY) Going for an Interview? A smart brief case will JUNE 2S te AUG. M keep your papers organized and give you confidence. $1242.00 ROUND TRIP SHIP See them in many sr^es and sizes. EXPLORER TOUR SCOTLAND • ENGLAND - HOLLAND - GERMANY SWITZERLAND LIECHTENSTEIN AUSTRIA - . . ITALY SAN MARINO • MONACO - FRANCE - (SPAIN) . [PORTUGAL) Attache Cases 56* JULY S to AUG. » $1049j)0 ROUND TRIP SHIP VAGABOND TOUR HOLLAND - GERMANY OENMARK SWEDEN FINLAND - . . RUSSIA . ROLAND - CZECHOSLOVAKIA . HUNGARY AUSTRIA Brief Bags . YUGOSLAVIA - ITALY SWITZERLAND . SAN MARINO - FRANCE • ENGLAND . MONACO 58" ^tlNE C7 !• SEPT. It $1309.40 ROUND TRIP SHIP Free Gold Monogram NEW CHEVY II NOVA STATION WAGON Htre't a wagon thai sells at a compact price, yet totes in load a big way with a longer floor than C0UECE TRAVEL OFFICE with second seat and any compact—over 9 tailgate down. ft. MAR 8.1962 d River Sfe LANSING EAST LANSING ED 2-8667 107 S. Washington Ste Ike 209 E. Grand River new Chart*,Chety II and your ChenolH Cormjr vine at One-Slop . Michigan SUte Hews. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 12. 1962 3 gjliktr to Uctw» Brothers 4 ™ Army Wins,. AF Loses 0, Bone Saw Sale Tic MSLT • ROTC rifle teems split The match was also the third in the won-lost column In two »nd final match in a series be- Hannah To Attend ~~A Tickau nck~ Will Monday m*>onfor «n m »l. t j _ maiches held in Demonstration tween MSU Army and Air Force Halt Saturday morning. for the MSU Inter-Service College Seminar The Army ROTC team won its Trophy. ment. Assn. Br®th®r« Pour Concert Monday match against Bowling Green Army won the trophy President John A. Hannah will »«* VeTn So ^liL B„tln« in Chico. "s "*• Union ticket desk. p ^ ^ $I ^ $2 ^ * Army by a score of 1416 to by a margin of 51 points The " ir ForceROTCrlfjeteam attend a conference at Corning, weelce«i. 1413 out of a possible 1500. With lost its match with N.Y.. Thursday to discuss prob¬ duscuss frac- *n" ***30 *or ^ two hour con- University of lems in the formation of Saturday's match . MSU Army Michigan Air Force 1389 to 1401. college narA'aa.* nailed down first place in league In sharp contrast to last competition and isi» virtually virruauy as- ^ first ... place finish. MSU au" um.n, s«» training the; emptied These by lroubIewipoM with the f ob Hendrick, smile, "It keeps my mouth moist future varsity Muskegon jun- so my upper plate won't tniors leaving include defensive i r, totaled "60 pounds for third sllpdur- team is divided Into its separate tackles (Kakela and Kumiega): place in the 181-pound class. ing all the excitement." components: defensive backs, de- Gary O'Neil Drayton Plains jun¬ fensive linemen, offensive line- defensive backs (Stewart. Fontes, ior, lifted In the 165-pound class, CRAIG A RICKEY MAN men. offensive backs. Bellman); power-r iners (Ball- man, Charon, Hatcher); the ends but did not place. ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) * coach works wlth each of (Hudas and Brandstatter); and "he MSU team will travel to -Roger Craig, now a pitcher these groups, spotting and cor- place-kicker (Brandstatter). Detroit on April 28 to compete with the New York Mets, was the faults and weaknesses, The coaching staff will be ir. the Senior Michigan champion¬ last player signed by the late travels from group to choosing the new holders of these ships. Frank Rickey, brother of Branch 8rouP' talking to players Individ- Rickey. Craig helped pitch the ually- Dodgers to a couple of National After these learning-periods League pennants and was picked have progressed for a while, all STARLITE 2 Miles Southwest o1 up in the expansion program. ' the footballers gather toput their training to use. The first two Lansing on M-78 offensive teams and a defensive S Francisco W L Pet. GB 1 0 1.000 through scrimmages, with the defensive team holding NOW!2BIG HITS Pittsburgh 1 0 1.000 dummies. Hit No. (1) i .000 Houston i o Thus the team members 000 Philadelphia 11 .500 1/2 working in the scrimmages can 500 1/2 Cincinnati 1 1 .500 1/2 exhibit their skills while those 500 1 n New York 0 0 St. Louis .000 1/2 Players watching can learn exact- 0 0 .000 1/2 ly how the newly-taught techni- Los Angeles 0 1 .000 1 ques are to be used. Milwaukee 0 1 .000 I Duffy's football philosophy, as Chicago 0 1 .000 1 evidenced in spring practice. Is: A-NIGHT GAMES. "There's no magic to winning ball games; you've got to know the fundamentals: Wednesday's Results blocking, runn¬ WASHINGTON ing. and passing. (Rain) NEW YORK at ST. LOUIS (N) li/1i!Si§AS-.CJTY CHICAGO at HOUSTON (N) PHILADELPHIA at PITTSBURGH EH Grba of the Los (Rain) Angeles Angels plans to pitch without glasses this spring. In 1955, when he last hurled without glasses, he compiled a 17-6 rec¬ ord for San Jose in the California League. PROGRAM INFORMATION CA ■E37ZS EAST LANSING PHONE ED.2-2814 NIGHTS & SUNDAY — ADULTS 90j SAT. MAT. 65< Now Showing-Starts At 7:20 One Complete Show Feature 7:40 SOPHIA LOREN Academy Award Winnerf WALK ON THE WILD Sll a new kind of love-story 'BEST ACTRESS' •VIOLENT and SEXY." LAURENCE! - N. Y. Post LOREN * THIS ISM isr "two • MULT rla WOMEN PICTURE! '■to* M AND WINNER OF 2 ACADEMY AWARDS MHNEMUN mi ins wn STARTS TODAY! XTABTW6 SUM. "THt WMK LUCON complete shows 1:00-2:55 7:10-9:20 Future Shown 1KW-3KJVJ#| 7:30-9:40 wiPhigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 12, 1962 ORDER A WANT-AD! PORSC HE COITPF.. 1957 SELL ON LUCKY FRIDAY 13th chanicaly O.K. Abarth muffler. Employment LEASE — 3 bedrooms, hill¬ MENTALLY DEPRESSED be¬ * Service Steel prices hadn't been raised low price or trade for good side home, den, family room, cause of inability to get auto M PEANUTS since 1958. V-W CONTACT AVON Manager if 3 fireplaces. 3 year* old. A insurance? Phone Bubolz. ED or GHIA. c til owner at SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS. PERSONALS However, when Kennedy suc- ED 2-6354. you want work but can't give quality home. Only 3 miles north 2-8671. Over Jacobson's. Q] 14 full time. We have whatyouneed. Rent latest model Singer portable - ceeded in forestalling a steel of East Lansing on Park Lake For appointment in your home at only $5 Price increase when the last Road. $175 a month. Call IV monthly or $1.50 per WILL WHOEVER EXCHANGED please write or call: Mrs. Alana week. We deliver and pick AFROTC OVERCOATS with me steelworkers' pay raise went into 5-6890. 12 up. Huckins. 5664 School St., Haslett. Buy the brand new Spartan, model last lab of last term sec 6 effect 1831 fau- th* President Mich. Telephone FEJ9-*483r LOVELY furnished house for 4 195, at only $44.50. Pay only please return keys to my ma^ said hiseconomit advisers had C12 $5 down and $5 monthly. These box. C.T. Kissner. 112 S. Case, concluded after careful study no 1958 FORD. Ford-o-matic, V- gentlemen. Approved. Close to TImfloyment 8. customlined. 4 door, radio, NEEDED; 1 busboy immediate¬ campus. $38 each. Call ED 2- special offers good only to students at M.S.U. U price rise was warranted. Roger M. Blough, board chair¬ • FOR SALE heater, good condition. Best ly. Neon and evening meals. 2462. . 13 GERI FRAME AND BERNIE COMING man of U.S. Steel, informed the SOON. .FOR RENT offer. IV 2-6108 in PM. 12 Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. APARTMENTS HORSTMANSHOF come Jo the SINGER SEWING CENTER A better living at a cheaper rate. chance for President of his firm's planned . LOST & FOUND Call Dick at ED 2-6649. 12 State News, room 347, Student 309 S. Washington See next Monday's State News. 11 action in a 55-minute White House . PERSONAL 1954 PONTIAC, 4 door, fine BACHELOR APARTMENT. $10 Services for your free passes 487-3659 conference Tuesday, attendedal- . PEANUTS personal running condition, good transpor¬ WOMAN for general house¬ single. Private entrance, park¬ to the Crest Drive-In Theatre. 13 ^Wanted so by Secretary of Labor Arthur , REAL estate tation. IV 7-0006. 12 work. Four hours twice $1.25 per hour. ED 2-0085. weekly. ing, 3/4 mile from campus. Also 11 _ J. Goldberg 11 2 bedroom furnished house. $80. SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF WANTED: A set of golf irons The latter has beer, the main ; transportation STORY OLDSMOBILE, INC. Call IV 9-2389. 12 TRADING STAMPS! when you in exchange for tailoring and architect of the Administration's .wanted 3165 E. MICHIGAN AVE. RELIABLE GIRL, 21-40, for MODERN 2-BEDROOM apart¬ bring alteration services. Contact IV drive for wage-price stability. your cleaning to Wendrow's ^ DIAL IV 2-13U companion, Unfurnished except refri¬ Econowash and Dry Cleaners. 7-0730. 14 He has succeeded substantially nursing care, and ment. housekeeper for mother who has KATHY FARNAM Pants, skirts, holding labor in line. Unions DEADLINE: 1956 Chevrolet, four door, V- had polio. gerator and stove. Basement, sweaters and pressed, only 50*. "3006 Vine cleaned > likely to become balky n 8, automatic, radio, heater, white 7-9318. .5 1/2 day week. ED garage, backyard. Close to cam¬ 11 pus. Call ED 2-4939. 11 St. 1/2 block west of Sears' ^Transportation wall tires. Finished in 2 tone FOR Frandor Store. ' C RIDERS wanted Arbor CMU to Ann blue. STORY Sells For Less . . . For Sale 131 STODDARD. 2-Men fur¬ Leaving Friday morning at 9 a.m. $495. nished apartment. Living room, PHONE: MENS TUX. White coat, size bedroom, kitchen, and bath. Call SENIOR TREASURER WOMEN'S ALTERATIONS. Call 355-2506. 11 Prompt and reasonable. 500 (Continued from 1) 355-8255 or 8256 1954 Buick Special, four door, 44. Black pants, waist 38, length 31. 941 Lilac. ED 2-6887. ED 2-5374. 14 Charles, E. Lansing. ED2-4548. to this had sole page automatic, radio, heater, white power." RATES: $1.00 wall tires. Finished in 2 blue and white. STORY For Less .... $295. tone Sells CRAFTSMAN AUTO TOOLS, 12 ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms with tile bath unfurnished except refrig¬ erator andstove. Air conditioned, car STU'DENTS! Reliable adviceon insurance. Talk it over with LES STANTON. He can help you FREE DRY CLEANING! Wen¬ STEEL According to Brent D. Hogs¬ head, Birmingham freshman in general speech, the CMU student DAY complete set. $35. Marlln .22 close to campus and A8tP Store. drow's Econowash and (Continued from page 1) body expects to continue the dem¬ $2.00 plan your Insurance budget 1500 Dry DAYS 1956 Pontiac. Four door sedan, rifle. $20. Iron and desk iron¬ 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED Cleaners, 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block similar price onstrations until their goals are $3.00 ing board. $15. Call 337-0815 2-4886. t.f. E. Michigan. IV 2-0689. C12 west of Sears' Frandor Store is increase_being a turned, DAYS V-8. automatic, radio, heater, " between 7 and 10 PM. The ultimate goal is peace¬ white wall tires. STORY Sells =; o —live -- ui y and Jones & Laughlin Steel Com¬ The BEST in Twists and Bal¬ cleaning to each customer ful co-existance and understand- using panies. Some lesser producers . BOYS sport jackets, sizes 10 lads. The RAVELLES from De¬ its Speedqueen coin washers only followed suit. ing between the administration and 13, girls troit. Ron Heslop. 355-0671. 10 different and the student body," Hogshead wjll b. . 25* j spring coat, white blazer, formal dress, size 12. 12 times. Take ad¬ The stock market rose, indica¬ 1961 FIAT "600" series. With vantage M.S.U. C ting Wall Street figured the price Call ED 2-2663. 12 line had been breached. Alan Burgess, Lansing junior sunroof, 4 speed floor transmis¬ FLASH BULBS. G.E. no. 5 IN A HURRY? Wonch Grafic in English, said that it would sion. Extra clean throughout. or Sylvania 25. Regular $1.69. Nobody quarreled with U.S. LIKE NEW! Boys red sports Service has be hard to say whether I Automotive White wall tires. Locally owned jacket, size 18. Also, a gold sports 2 DOUBLE ROOMS, approved With this ad only 99f. Good un¬ now two shifts to Steel's authority to raise prices lence will occur during the de- any vio¬ since new. Perfect economical for men. Call Mrs. Hamilton til this Easter. Marek Rexall get your Job done faster. Take if it chose in a free economy: STRATI ON SPORTSCAR Jacket, size 18. Both excellent advantage now! Phone 484-7786. 1I Curry's Campus Court. 337- Prescription Center. N. 1 lippert car to shoot around at the argument was whether it campus with. condition. Phone ED 2-6101. "I think the demands expres- CENTER 2334. 12 Office hours 8-5, should have done so in view of You would not hesitate to drive Street at Frandor. IV 9-8595. Monday 1915 E. Michigan Ave. this one home on weekends. $595. Friday. C the Kennedy Administration' petitions are neither DIAL IV 4-4411 L MEN, double room, private urging ti . — steel industry unreasonable aid. justi- AQUARIUMS MSU NA*CP EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR 1954 FORD, 4 dr., hardtop. - 5 & 10 gallon entrance, parking and close to on that pri< should be kept down BurSess I59 FIAT "HOO" Se:'an. Red 8 cylinder, Ford-o-matic. power with pump, filters, reflectors, campus. ED 2-3151. tf all makes and models. All work to avoid inflation and promote If Fous t refuses t f.d blacV, white wilh. $650. steering and brakes. Radio, 2 tone paint, white tires. We have etc Call 355-0892 after 5. 12 APPROVED, supervised, larger GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING guaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 3022 trading competition abroad. Senate Democratic Leader tudents tration, at the Saturday demon- Burgess said that some comfortable rooms for men, One April 12, Union Bldg. Room #32 E. Michigan. Call IV 7 5558. C tudents plan to picket the capi- _58 VOLVO, $750. Black, radio, 2 to choose from. Both have their 19" RCA VICTOR CONSOLE T.V. Mike Mansfield of Montana said block from campus. Spartan Hall, al in Lansing (ttfllen: condition. rust problems. Neither have had with rabbit ears. $30. Call ED 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. tf. 8:00 PM. All Members TYPING, PRINTING, TYPE¬ he had been told the higher steel Saturday 3fter- any renewing. Either can be 7-1118. prices would raise Defense De¬ 13 SETTING and VARIFAX copying "Our Easter break is from jO FIAT wagon. Like new, white bought for only $245. partment outlays $600 million . light green. $995. C MAX (URTIS, INC 1957 Allstate Motorcycle. Good ] Try TRI DELTA for and interested persons j at E. Wonch Grafic Service, 1720 Michigan, Lansing. Only 10 * George Meany, AFL-CIO . condition. Priced for quick sale. minutes from campus on 5 r.DOH FALCON. A well- 2424 E. MICHIGAN SUMMER SCHOOL invited bus line. president speaking for organized low mileage auto¬ Windshield, buddy seat. Call 355- Housing open 10 weeks 11 Phone 484-7786. C labor, called U.S. Steel's action , IV 4-4491. EXT. 33 5428. mobile. Must see and drive. Call 15 634 MAC Ave. "a flagrant abuse of vast eco¬ Burgess said that students TROPICAL FISH, plants, sup- LEARN TO FLY at Sheren Avi¬ beir.g urged to write their |D j:e r 6 00. 12 SPANISH Electric Supro Guitar. ] MRS. JONES ED 2-0955 piles. Black Angel - $2.00. Trio' ation Club rates-no dues-nc nomic power." He said steel islators and home town p; Good condition. Like new, $200. j prices should have been cut be¬ |crrR0:N.champagne W60, »Q19. Good 1956 FORD Falrlane, hardtop, power steering, low mi¬ 2 door Call Mary 355-7081. 13 Hacthery, 1208 S. Holmes Street. membership fees. Davis Airport. cause there are no steel short¬ explaining their demands. ■[ Jition, 0-S-90 after 7 PM. whuc. Call 14 leage, no rust. Immaculate. Call TV TABLE ★ Lost and Found Open until 9 p.m. 12 N. Abbott Rd. 1" ages, but instead large inven¬ models. 21" Em¬ tories, idle steel mills, and de¬ SEARCH FOP 355-5351. 12 erson. New picture tube. 1 year PHYSICALLY FIT? Walk up¬ ALTERATIONS. HemmingTre¬ clining orders. SAILING RECO;?L guarantee $59.95. Also, 21" stairs to Bubolz for auto, home styling: formals, trousers, The steel industry had just LONDON (AP) - Vat . , 11950 FORD, 2 ,ioor hardtop. REG MG TF, 1954. $900. Call RCA. $54.95. Several other used and life insurance. ED 2-8671. skirls, etc. NEEDLE'N THREAD concluded what it conceded to be ord books of the old-tin- eerirq a-d brakes, white -n_ 2-1546 Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam- ...tiling or stop In at 1622 sets. Larry's TV. Call IV 9- Over Jacobson's. C its cheapest labor contract set¬ ew rubber. S10.5. Call pus Drug Store. ED 2-5584. 17 HoHy Ct.. Lansing. 12 1982. 15 tlement in many years .the forever, have been recovered The BEST in TVrist and Bal- FREE Steelworkers Union. At id cents :nts from forgotten library comers LIST OF over 40 or¬ 'LTHN-HLU.Y Sprite, 1?60. MCA 1960 ROADSTER. One LOST while hitching: one pair lards. The RAVELLES. Ron Hes¬ ganised musical groups 1 to 20 an hour in increased labor costs ists following a world-wide appeal by :aJ: and heater. 18,000 °*nef- Excellent condlt on Wire of black framed sunglasses. If lop. 355-0671. 12 the Administration figures no no Lloyd's Register of Shipping. s Leaving for military ser- IV 4-4241. 13 ^ Cal1 ,V 4-0280. JW^S,de $1750' P. X. DISCOUNTS discovered, please contact Jan. 355-7080. 11 pieces. Write or phone C.V. "Bud" Tooley, Secy. Lansing price boost was warranted. Meany pointed out in his state¬ ite- umes So far, 17 of the missing vol- have been found. In ilbrar- Federation of Musicians, 527,-S. ment that the MERCURY. Excellent i960 VOLKSWAGEN. Black se- the DISCOUNTERS LOST APRIL 1: Girl's glasses FRESHMEN Washington, Music is IV Best." 2-5314. "Live Cll was labor cost increase calculated at between 2 and 2 1/2 per cent ase 'PS and private collections. The ed volumes are copied by in blue case, in East Lansing whereas the price Lloyc . new tires, good body. ack to 1764. $950. Original owner. Phone IV Golf Tees 50 .38? design. Needed for study. Re¬ ward. Call 355-8764.' Elect EXPERT THESES, GENERAL dicted. He said it threatened to 5-6128. 11 Adler Athletic Sox 12 upset what might have become a White 69( TYPING. Electric typewriter. patter of moderate, non-infla¬ „ iMM1_ MERCEDES, conditioning! conditio... 31 miles 1953. near mint - disel fuel. G. I. finest T Shirts White 69< LOST: A WHITE GOLD Lady Elgin wristwatch in vicinity of JIM RUMPSA Experienced. Near BRODY. Re¬ production Service. 332-5545 C tionary wage increases. U.S. Steel stoutly defended its - model 1s fast be- 5950. Original owner. Phone IV Sweat Shirts - Color Bessey Hall. Reward. Cal 355- move—saying the higher prices Elector's item. This 5-6128. - " $1.49 up 7413. 13 Soph. WHILE YOU WAIT or one day are needed to counteract- and Tennis Racquets - service on passport and applica¬ only partially so—its increasing MG-TF, A TRUE CLASSIC, in Special $4.95 up LOST: Gray men's glasses, dark Vice-President tion pictures. Phone ED 2-6169C c* .'.\SDTOP. excellent condition. New engine olive green case. Phone 355- four-year period. Only 13,000 Tennis Balls Name brands. 8817. 13 and top. Call 355-0493. 13 Let him continue to work -STOTEET ' " Nicely equipped and in Can of 3 $2.49 SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE s : rd;tion. Save that first Wash and Wear Men's slax for you as he has on AUSG LOST PRESCRIPTION SUN 1958 FORD CONVERTIBLE. One ..$4.4 Union Board, and as dir¬ r:: depreciation. GLASSES. Black frames from Tune ups, all minor repair. All ector of Kaleidoscope. LOWEST PRICES owner, excellent condition. Low Military accesi work fully guaranteed. Special brasso, insigna, etc. Bayne Opticians. Leather case. REGULAR & STEREO LP: mileage. Cruise-a-matic. Call Call Jim Blackketter ED 2-2510. April 9-13. Wet wash 75*. SA 5-2357 after 5 p.m. 15 Badminton Sets - DIAMOND NEEDLES 13 210 STATE - MASON 2. for $1.99 Player Real Estate TAPE DIAL OR 7-9611 1951 BUICK sedan. Good motor, Golf Jackets LOST: Small green clutch purse. - OUR PRICES ARE OPEN MON.. WED.. FR1. fair tires, poor body. Any rea¬ rainproof...............$2.88 In E. E., Aud., or Kresge. Need EAST LANSING, New 3 bed¬ CHECKED DAILY TO NIGHTS 1 sonable offer considered. 355- Rain Shirts Long for Guys car keys and Identification. Call room ranch: family room, fire¬ TYPING IN SPARTAN Village ASSURE BIGGEST ELECT 8415 or ED 7-1020. 15 and Dolls $8.95 place, 2 car garage. Immediate Good condition, Chest Waders $12.99 Judy. 355-9441. 13 possession. Good financing. Call Apartment. Electric typewriter. Call 355-3012. tf SAVINGS JIM BANNAN trade for later Softballs and Baseballs to see today. Paul E. Titus, Build¬ FOUND: WATCH. Call Kevin IV 2-9655. 11 Junior Class HI IV 2-7122 after Baseball gloves....$4.99 up up Smith at 332-4558" and identify. Please pay ad for return. 13 er. TYPING done in my Y DISC SHOP VICE-PRESIDENT Hip Boots $9.99 5 UNIT motel and living quar¬ " 1959 BONNEVILLE conver¬ Knee Boots JM.99 ters. West of US 2-U.P. Over¬ tible, bucket seats. Gleaming FOUND: Gold glasses. Pick up Plastic Rain Coats looking beautiful Lake Michigan. at Cashier's Office in Ad. Bu¬ black finish: white top. Fullpow- $1.49 up 4 years old. Sandy Beach. Ideal EDIE STARR: Typist, theses, ilding. Returned for "«> RAMBLER Custom station Sleeping Bags, and camping equipment at Discount price of Summer Business for faculty. Write to: Lucia Rygiel, 15351 dissertations, term papers, gen eral typing. Experienced, IBM OPEN for 1961 CUTLASS. Sparkling Skymlst Prices. Braile St.. Detroit 23. I electric typewriter. OR 7 8232. C jagor,. overdrive. Standard transmission Blue. Also F-85 4 door with de¬ Charcoal 5 Lb. Personal Radio and heater. luxe equipment. Bricquets 39f LAKE LANSING LAKE FRONT. MEN: TERM PARTIES ARE ■«ry sharp throughout. Charcoal Grills....$2.49 up 1001 other Student and BURR-PATTERSON Fra¬ $14,000. $100 month. $4,000 down. 6 rooms. 52x300 lot. Cozy. Swim. HERE. Look you^ very best Summer School Residence ternity and Sorority Jewelry and Rent your Tux from Twichells. |J961 MONZA. 4 door, radio, Faculty BARGAINS related Items. Now available at Boat. FE 9-8390 after 6. 6119 ED 2-1812. 12 transmission, the CARD SHOP across from Cottage Drive on weekends. 13 s less than 8.000 SPARTAN MOTORS, INC. the Home Economics Bldg. ED Kappa Delta House 1 showroom condi- 3000 E. MICHIGAN IV 7-3715 C P. X. STORE 2-6753. C EAST LANSING. Quick posses¬ sion. 3 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, ANN Uith BROWN, typist and mult- offset printing. IBM. Gen 2-1/2 car attached garage, large eral typing, term papers, theses, I I960 FORD Fairlane ■ door 6 cylinder, "500". radio, heater, 1957 FORD convertible, 2 tone FRANDOR corner lot. L shaped living and dining room, plus eating space dissertations, 3 duplicating pro¬ cesses available; Multlllth (black ■utomatic transmission. This Is gray, automatic. 81 white, & color), Ozalid, Clear In kitchen. By owner, leaving Call AArs. FlemiriQ ?• rctn mm a z1 onc owner car. You will ^ For Rent state. $ 22,900. FHA available. Print. ED 2 8384. C 528 > appearance and perfor- 1961 FORD, Galaxie, 2 door, 6 cylinder, automatic. Low mlle- FOR RENT Phone ED 2-1303. 15 M.A.C.ED 2_5659 & KNIGHT STUDENTS: TV rentals for 3 BLOCKS east of campus. 3 SERVICE to your desire. AUTO SALES your home, apartment or dorm. bedrooms, 28' x 16', playroom You receive your own dia¬ '300 E, MICHIGAN AVE, Remainder of the spring quarter, on main floor. 1-1/2 baths, se- pers back each time. With j °*AL IV 2-6141 or IV 2-2070 rates from$4.50to$6.50a month. perate dining room, dishwasher; our service, You may in¬ 1931 CHEVY coupe. - Hurry! Dt Call 489-1684 or ED 2-8978 after room in attic; oil furnace; gar¬ clude your baby's under¬ LETTICH (k STENBERG »2 shirts and clothing which 2910 E. KALAMAZOO 6 PM. MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ age, fence. Will sell unfurnished ^no-shaugnessey 484-3229 f< HOUSES versity graAiation rlng?> will not fade. White. Blue or - , DIAL fV 9-2388 • m!( h,gan available at THE CARD Pink diape* palls fur¬ nished ONE BEDROOM house. 2 blocks SHOP. Includes degrea, from campus, unfurnished ex¬ seel, 3 engraved Initials. AMERICA N» LAUNDRY 1*2-P-,„'lnd,rd » LAN'?'R' 4 door, radio. shift- CI®*" « AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR cept for stove and ref. Call ED 2-4092. ' ' Choice of 10 stones. 111 E. WASHTENAW IV 2 9864 •cea to move. BUMPING and PAINTING o. speciality. All foreign cam.Kal¬ if A FLVf Children au. amazoo St. Body Shop. Wreck* r LIVED, SHE WOULD HAVE service and free I rimatea. l'al SDCHUKOfiEDANDTW&fTVfME E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. THOUSAND GRANDCHILDREN! C WE REBUILD and repair auto¬ t^^ADSTER. r^h Ih,,eiu,ionditl<>n-Wire Oneown- matic and standard transmis¬ sions at lowest prices. Martin's *uto Parts, 1887 Haslett Rd., East Lansing. ED 2-5319. 18 ^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April Thetas, Chi 0*s Elect Officers Warden to Discuss People Committee PLACEMENT GOP Proposes Tax A committee of Republican le- annually. . Program M Prl*r^tJ£? J°P rate, it w Two delegates of Beta Zeta Chapter attended the 1862 Ox in Prisons To Review Interviewing at the Placement Bureau Tuesday. Additional in- later, high school english. Hesperia Community Schools gislators today proposed a $97.6 Rounding out Repackage would- proAjce *g.7mllUon " ^ million tax program which would . be four taxes thatwere partof baaed on 1961 triiwh^ J* Bow Convention last weekend at formation in the Placement Bur- Industrial arts, science, vocat- tap Michigan beer drinkers to bail a $50 million packafB of «iu- distrfbut»d by county ^ 'ID' Case eau Bulletin for the week of April 16-20: l°n*l »griculture. elementary ed- ucation. women's physicaleduca- the state out of its money trou- bles. ance levies ch*t year. They Include a exp1^^ four "J"1* 10 «***•». township,*1 p»r villages. warden of the Sour*« „ ., . , ,. Camp Douglas Smith Summer tlon and music. The seven-man committee of cent use tax on telephone anfl Tta committee, which Workshops were held concern¬ Subjects In a false identifies- employment counselors, canoe- Kent City Community Schools house members submitted the telegraph service, worth $8 mil- signed by OOP house mei prlaon at Jackson, at the stu¬ tion probe, students TTieron P. ing fraternity problems in areas dent such as rush, scholarship, fin¬ chapter meeting of the Roblnson and Gerald F, Monk- j sailing, tripping Instructors elementary education, early eng- program to the COP caucus as lion; a penny-a-pack tax on cig- to work up alternate tax Veterinary Medical ances. student-facultv relations Americmn >®j-crin«ry man will appear before the Fac- _ 9 oJd _ a(JutUc director lish. Instrumental and vocal mu- a counter-proposal to Income tax arettes. worth $10- million, a grams, stressed that it« ' ^ 21 years old. and pledging. The MSL -rvZ. Association Thursday sic. plans submitted by Gov. Swain- four per cent liquor tax, whicn gram was a proposal ar • Theta Chi ulty Committee on Student Con- , 146 Glltner duct Thursday at 2:» p.m. Q,evroiet Transmission bag- Kentwood Public Schools El- son and Rep. Rollo G. Conlln, would yield $7 million; and a a recommendation, delegates were Don Dickson, John The „ pollc< administration, ementary deucation early Mater, chairman of the house taxation one mill corporate franchlsetax. -ft show, ^ the ^ - .. meeting is oc ^ ' public. each k "m"lltt'e subjects cases Mpa rarefy. mechanical and electrical engin- junior and senior high english. committee. worth $13.4 million. raise the revenue it needs - social sttidiesr math. feloiogyr More than half the new tax A* an aid to_local jpvero- out reaortiag to an inr^t U of M Band To Play j-srr,.®- iSSs ssfhlgh a>mn"rcui "nd— revenue from - $51 million - would a three-cent-a-bottle ments, the committee suggested a county tax on real estate title MidJ£e|>-Allison Green, R- st0n. GOP Floor leader complained *aif'the°«temJed transfers at a maximum rate of committee member At Sexton High School have of the attended of Business & Public Service. Lake t Orion Community School beer, a 900 per . Science Arts & Communlca- & Arts Elementary education K- District Elementary education K- the present tax. $10 per $1,000 of the selling 6, vocal music, junior highmath, I'he committee also proposed senior high englisn-math or eng¬ false Identification to a minor for Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. a five per cent amusement tax, symphony band will perform Fri¬ of Hartford. Connecticut all ma¬ lish-Journalism, math, home patterened after the federal day at Sexcon High School at 8 p.m. in' Lansing. The band is the purpose of obtaining alcoholic beverages. jors from the Colleges of Busi¬ & Public Service, Science economics, special education amusement levy. It would yield $7.8 million KAREN directed by Dr. William D. Re- Robinson denies any ring ness type "A". & Arts, and communicationArts. Newaygo Board of Education velli. Night Editor. Denis Gosselin; operation and says that he de¬ sires to remain In school. Monkman denies any conn ec- American-Standard Industrial Div. Mechanican Engineers. English majors. Okemos Public Schools Elem¬ Food M KRALOWETZ Arlington Heights Public entary Education k-6. Junior high Copy Editor, Jay Blissick; Copy wlth Robinson since he gave for Readers, Sarah Bacon, Bill Yan- Robinson 1 driver's li- five months ago. Monkman Schools, District 25 Elementary education k-5, women's physical education and vocal music, junior math, science, typing and english. U.S. Army Engineer District, At Kellogg also said he hopes to remain at the University. high language, arts, social stud- Detroit civil engineers. The nation's food engineers will have the consumer in mind JUNIOR Lake Consolidated when they meet for a conference men's physical education, in¬ Schools Elementary education k- 2 Theta Chis Attend dustrial arts, vocal music, home economics, an & vocal music 6, vocal music, english, biology- math, commercial, general at Kellogg Center April 17-18. The subject of accurate weights SECRETARY of packaged foods will be studied combination, special education Ox Bow Convention school nurse, social worker. science, industrial arts, home economics, special edu< by more than 100 engineers at the National Food Engineering Two sororities have announced Allen Park Public Schools All speech correctionist, mentally Conference. elementary education k-6, men- handicapped, emotionally distur- Sessions related to quantity Be a tally handicapped, visiting teach- bed. control, or ways of assuring the Alpha Theta as President. She er, vocal music, senior higheng- lish, math & science, french- white Cloud Public Schools consumer pays for. are he is getting what he planned. TWA will be assisted by 1st vicepres- english combination, Spanish- All elementary education k-6, Recent devices designed to Kathy ident Janet Van Conant, Imlay City junior; 2nd vice president english, combination. Bureau of Customs - Division elementary and secondary inst- rumental music, secondary vo- provide accurate wieght control of packages under high speed pro¬ HOSTESS Cathy Cool, Bloomfield Hills jun¬ of L.S. Treasury Police admin- cational home economics, math duction conditions will also be ior, secretary Kathy Harmon, istration. and junior high english. described. Cassopolis Junior; and ti Caledonia Community Schools Win Schiller's Inc. Hotel, res- Sponsoring the event are the Betty Dye, Detroit junior. All elementary education, in¬ Farnam dustrial arts, home economics, departments of food science and agricultural engineering. Apply Now for Chi Omega's officers arepres- chem-physics, english, frenchor ident, Patti Drewek, Detroit jun- ior; vice president. Karen alism. english-spanish, english-journ- Spring and Summer Classes i i n Drapper, Milllngton Junior Center Line Public Schools JaCKSOH ItPfpivrfK Visit world-famous cities ... meet Interests rcopic. Senior Pat Soarilon. Grand Elementary education early and wv,wv" "CVCIfCJ Dick Metzler treasurer, Blanc junior: and secretary Linda later, vocal music, junior high prominent personalities... enjoy a career that couples the wonderful world of flying with a unique Madsen, Solon, Ohio Junior. Junior and senior high AFROTC Solo Wings to complete your education with travel! opportunity physical Senior Three HSU Seniors senior high science, math and ior, Richard Jackson, Midland sen¬ receives his solo wings If you can or summer, qualify — You may enter classes this sprm* train «t company expense with pa/. M Treasurer President Win Engineer Awards Three seniors received awards East Ohio Gas Company Home Economics. Fremont Public Schools El- Tuesday as part of the Air Force ROTC flight Instruction program. Col. Thomas Barrett, profes¬ Jim Corey TWA Headquarters In Kansas City. Upon gradual you'll fly U. S. routes; later, with a minimum lanjtiM t qualification, you'll be eligible to fly internationally— at the American Institute of Elec¬ sor of air science, presented the ry education, vocal music for TWA flights cover 50,000 miles and four continent^. trical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers in Detroit. J"? t; junior Ugh special ed- award. Free TWA passes and reduced fares will be vou's for additional travel fun. Fred J. Ricci. Bronx, N.Y., tarded" math, women'^^hysical S«nlor of the week Information placed second out of four con¬ testants from Michigan schools education, english. latir.-english, ®hects ar* b«J"«urned Frl- Soph. President QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum age 20; Height—5 ? to 5^; Weight—100-138 lbs.; Vision—20/100 ar better for his technical paper entitled: spanish, industrial arts, com- d«y « the Lnlon Desk. mercial women's physical educa- corrected to 20/20; Attractive; Natural-color ha!r. De* "The Use of Non-linear Re¬ Good Used sistance, a Thyrit, as a Component tion. and junior high science. complexion; Unmarried; 2 years college or equivalent Friendly Ice Cream Corp. in business experience. of a Squaring Device." Hotel restaurant and institutional Contact this TWA Bruce G, Douglas, East Lans¬ Representative for an interview Auto Parts . . . management majors. No Phone Call*, Pleat* ing. and Harold D. Pawlowskl also of East Lansing, were named General Electric Credit Corp. France, in 1847. Since then,tools the All majors from the Colleges of so-called Chellean been collected over much of at ence & Arts & Communication Africa, Asia and southwestern Discount Prices Arts, Europe. A Chellean man's skull write ...or : Employment Office: TRANS WORLD The bald Crandville Public School- was discovered recently In East AIRLINES 10 Riehordi Rood, Kon.o. City 5, Mo eagle, adopted as an emblem of the United States In Early elementary education. Africa in an archeological project Equol opportunity employer Limco Auto Parts 1782, is waning. Fewer than 500 pairs survive south of Canada. For years they were hunted for Harbor Springs Public Schools Elementary education early & supported by the National Geo- graphic Society. IV 2-1303 1332 N. Larch, Lansing bounty. Now federal law protects their.. Almost Everyone Reads The DRY CLEAN FOLKWAYS New STATE NEWS RECORDS SKIRTS OR 'The best in folk music' at our lowest prices! SWEATERS OR 2 TOP COATS OR 3 SUITS fINBMIMIir Wmmmmmmm*mmmx ftSSSSSSSSm^ ' OR 9 DRESSES W+oggmmmmmm*/* - % #«»-..-• FOR $ooo . Pete Seeger . Memphis Slim ONLY . Lead Belly . Big Bill Broonzy . Woodie Guthrie . Many others 10" Reg. SUNSHINE CENTER 4.25 3" 5- 3" 213 Am Street Grinnell's 540 Frandor I East Imsiag, 1 Mkk. Phot*: IV. 5-7217 Halsfc