Weather K will be aunny with MICHIGAN Inside cloudy and wsrrner in the low SOV with UNIVERSITY STATK STATE NEWS Michigan night rate station-te¬ station telephone calls have been reduced. Sec Page 6. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 16, 1962 MSU Gets Giant Computor, First of Its Kind in Country Dormitory Machine Complex WiH Cost Advances 1,387,000 The south campus dormitory complex took a step closer to To reality Friday as the Board of Replace Mistic, Trustees accepted bids totaling Ready Next Year $4,419,028 for construction of ' The board of Trustees voted Dormitory No. 3". Friday to purchase an electronic Other parts of the comple are Case Hall, already complete, and computer which would put MSU in "a league by itself" and re¬ Wilson Hall, due to open in the fall. place the present MBTIC ma- An additional $356,409 In bids was Installation of the $1,387,800 accepted for landscaping and machine in March of 1963 would work on the engineering building. make State the first academic A Christman Co. bid of $261, THREE-YEAR-OLD, Stephen Sheridan died ing house was partially destroyed by the 400 was accepted in favor of in this house early Sunday morning due to a fire which began shortly before 8 o.m. Granger Co.'s $261,246 bid for such a facility, according to fire of undetermined origin. The Lolce Lans¬ State News Photo by Skip Mays. architectural trades work on the president John A. Hannah. The board decision climaxed new engineering building because three months of intensive study of a 70 day difference in promised of machines offered by Inter¬ Global McQuitty work completion dates. The total project including architectural fees, site develop¬ national Business Machine, Bur¬ roughs Corp. of Detroit andCon- trol E ment. furnishings and equipment, Assigned utilities, academic furnishings and equipment, bonds and contin¬ gencies will amoung to $5,800, The puter Board picked the from Control Data. The package deal which sell for $2,428,000 to private in¬ Glimpses New Post man Dr. Louis L. McQuitty, chair¬ of the department of psy¬ 000, according to the trustees. Successful bidders on mitory also included: The Robert Carter Corp.. $771,000 for me¬ the dor¬ dustry will include $50,000worth of tnterim equipment and 200 hours free time on Control Data's Minneapolis facility, valued at IB By the Associated Press chology, has been named the first chanical work; Hall Electic Co.. STATE POLICE found this cor dean of the new College of Social $348,878 and Detroit Elevator, destroyed sophomore, said he parked the car in the $400 a hour. by fire and partially immersed in the Red lot near East Shaw Hall Friday afternoon. MSL-s five-year-oldMBTIC is $106,650. Iranian Wants National Guard Units Kept Intact Science. Social science is one of the The board awarded $361,030 of Cedar River about one half mile from cam- He was unware that it had been stolen. presently operating 24 hours a pus near University Village Sunday after, day five days a week according three new colleges, being estab¬ the budgeted $400,000 on the en¬ OMAHA-Old Guardsman Harry Truman declared Sunday "There Owner Stephen Gillispie, Dearborn tc Milton Mueider, vice presi¬ lished through reorganization of gineering building. noon. State News Photo by Skip Mays. r,o reason in the world" for abolishing National Guard units. dent in charge of research. the College of Science and Arts. Besides Christman Co., other Mueider said, "we are now By doing it. he added, "They think they can make the regular The successful bidders on the project CMU Lets Dust Settle, ■ny bigger." reorganization and confronted with a tortuous selec¬ Truman made his comments to members of Creighton Univer- McQuitty's new assignment included Lome Plumbing and tion of which programs deserve are siry honor societies during an Informal question and answer effective July 1. Heating Co., $62,950; and Lansing to be ran on MET1C the most." Hia appointment was approved Electric Motors Co., $36,680. MBT1C originally cost $250. by the Board of Trustees at its Work will be financed by Na¬ 000 and was built by university id National Saturday thi former Democratic president told newsmen he written President Kennedy about plans to reduce his old brigade. Guard division, the 35th from Missouri and Kansas, meeting Friday. Still to be named head the other are deans to tional Science Foundation grants and partially by state appropria¬ tions, according to the board. Meets To Discuss Issues be dl scus sed wa s pa i personnel. Forty departments presently make use of MS TIC and.Muelder ing the demonstrations for rhe estimates 40 more would use the out to the audience. past week?" Also "have these Control Data faciliry. Britain To Exert Pressure for Summit Meeting 3-Year-Old Central Michigan University Moderator James opened ' the Ramsey dabate by asking, actions of the various leaders |,m recorded : r> their personal The 3600 ser:es machine, chosen on the basis of perform¬ students Saturday finally got the Has any punitive action been files r will they be re- Dies Sunday rec r taken or will punitive action be ance and speed, »ill LONDON - The probability is growing of a summit meeting convocation with the administrat¬ opera te twice taker, against the students lead- as fast as anything IBM offered next month to discuss Berlin and Germany, the Sunday Times ion they had demonstrated for all ^Continued on page 5) and had more overall potential reports last week. Both students and ad¬ The newspaper In Home Fire ministration said they felt some than the Burroughs machine, ievel meeting of • said this probably would be followed by a top- the 17-natlon Geneva Disarmament Committee discuss wider measures for reducing tension. A three-year old boy died degree of understanding had been reached after more than an hour Faculty Committee Acts Mueider said. The new facility will be paid early Sunday morning in a fire for by a $400 000 National Science "It can be more and more expected that the British government will exert pressure on the United States to bring this about," which destroyed a Lake Lans¬ and a half of discussion on con¬ troversial issues. On False ID Scheme foundation grant and other un¬ said the paper's ing house. Tbe convocation was attended used research funds. diplomatic correspondent. Theron P. Robinson, Saginaw " > ' grounds for such Stephen Sheridan, of 6142 Uke but this s already r< Mueider said the massive ma- pressure are that both President Kennedy Drive, Haslet', was found in his by over 500people. Many students sophomore, has been suspended a lot of news coverage, and Prime Minister Harold MaeMlllan have took notes and applauded student machine, used to solve complex already agreed, in bed by firemen shortly alter from the University and will not He said that the case was mathematical problems in min¬ their last exchanges with Premier Khrushchev last moderator, James Ramsey, sev¬ be permitted to return, Dean John February, 8 a.m. ferred ro the Faculty Comm.; utes, would probably be placed tha; i summit might be necessary in the event of disagreement Parents of the child, George eralties Fuzak said. on Student Conduct rather thai in the Electrical Engineering or deadlock, or to Ramsey said that last week's Robinson ratify progress made at Geneva." and Mary, both 24, and another pleaded guilty April Student Judiciary because oi building. He said he '.oped :: demonstrations were not spring 4 in l^ansing Township Justice child. Rodney, 4, escaped Injury seriousness of the offense, would he housed in a separate fever as many would like be- Court to a charge of supplying State Police, who invesugatea "Monkman had no idea building eventually. Guido Headed For More Pressures from Military the fire, said its cause is un¬ lieve but were "a fever lour wide and four years false identification to students. Robinson had any particu The Control Data machine re- determined. seasons Gerald F. Monkman. Lansing •• Ri : NOt A going. He had no real placing the out-dated MISTIC IRES-Military authorities have given President Jose The furnace of the one story long." sophomore, has been placed on Maria The convocation consisted of strict disciplinary probation, except should last six to eight Guido nine a for days to get congressional legislation to stamp five-room house is located in supplying Robinson with five before it is made obsolete by out Peronism and Communism in Argentina, military sources LEWIS L.McQUITTY room adlacent to the living panel of five students. Fuzak said. blank drivers' licenses." Fuzak a newer models according to Muel- said Sunday. the College of Natural Science room as there is no basement. Questions for the program Menkman earlier had admitted said. ier. were agreed upon in advance by supplying false drivers'licenses t The harassed successor to deposed President Arturo Frondizi and the College of Arts and A large hole in the roof over the students and administrators to students. He was fined in Lans- "Robinson was suspended and A percentage of the macnine's ut the chief political parties to map out action to Letters. the furnance indicates that mal¬ not expelled," he said, "becajse time will be'made available to -lowed. But at this to allow administrators time to ing Township Justice Court and stage Confess seems reluctant. The College of Social Science function of the furnace might have we hope that eventually he will industrial concerns, which should '• move r annul the March 18 elections in which Peronists under McQuitty will Include the caused the blaze. State Police prepare adequate answers placed < months probation have the opportunity to be ad- help to pay for the facility, 3aid s<" "c &ist victories said. Many questions concern¬ by the Court. mined to another school." Mueider. seemed heaaeo tor rough sailing in the Sen- departments of: geography; psy¬ ed State Board of Education pol Monkman admitted giving sev- and House of Deputies. The fire had chology (joint appointments a good start, that the administrators had eral drivers' licenses to male *( , T -rS °f the e,ectIon are scheduled to take up their posts where desirable with the College which would probably rule off the no control over. A mimeographed students. .- Li followers of former dictator Juan D. Peron has threatened of Natural Science); sociology possibility of the children playing sheet of "Wants and Ne*ds" Fuzak said that the Dean's possibly in the form of crippling strikes— if their and anthropology economics with matches as the cause, State drawn up suco sful candidates barred. by the Committee for Office normally does not release are (Jointly with the College of Bus¬ (Continued on page 5) Student Rights covering the a student's punishment for print iness and Public Service); polit¬ ical science; and the African Showdown Time Hears in Tunisia Language and Area Center. The latter will have joint ap¬ Ail Time Greats Recorded 71 N'S-The Algerian Nationalist rebels warned Sunday time pointments where dlslrable with ' • s running out for French authorities to break the right wing ITT'1"' resistance in Algeria. " Jgh it s official press service, the rebel government in the College of Arts and Letters. McQuitty joined the staff as professor-and head of psychology Rare Voice Record e >1' vere said in September 1956. Before this A major record collection, to the collection, the coming week will be decisive in the struggle to East Lansing came a specialist ir, re-record¬ be housed in the Unlver Jlty Lib¬ began immediately. a?a'n,t the Secret Army Organization. he was professor of psychology ings, working with the crude, Creiltir c,Tne ln.llm,Ue^ their open rush on Wednesday.. An opportunity to acquire other enttno, Joseph Jefferson, Ellen INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE DUKE—Lynn Cart ier. Grand ant professor of American Terry. Buffalo Bill. Helen Kel- Rapids junior,named VorsityClubQueen Friday evening, gets SiS*" *h* y Membership is open to any Thought and Language,' brought the unusual collection to voices for the collection came be¬ tween 1922 and 1928 when he work¬ Ier, the Mayo brothers, ^atma Q pjono #hoff cwf%9 ^ ^ ,,od#r Dgk, E||ingtoo. E|f! the attention at library officials ed as a recording engineer for A. ^ Lindbergh, Rudyardm Kipling ton'« Lan#i entertoined an estimated crowd of 1700 at the were p " Thomas A. Edison. Inc. He be¬ Cjy,c Stot. Ntw, Photo ^ jiS Qrtck**. Negotiations to brta« , last year. and Mark Twsifl. Michigan State News .EDITORIAL. East Lanalng, Michigan Monday, April Mji.J Having Th Letters: On Architecture, Shaw's Dance Policy, etc. dews for ill* benefit Americana To the Editor Ior such commissions; one, liar rigidity If often present cm discover the truths snd deer are hero-worshlp- competition, substituted for the son* deftts. Because of*., to exhibit the quality of Michigan the thought processes which bring sway the obvious distortions. K rh«y lr. _ era. They will atand outalde a ailing Texan and was extremely *An article in the Sunday Times architectural achievement In erroneous conclusion* on both action must be taken, let It be function we believe we k. "*■ movie atudlo for hour Juat to for April 8 on the late Hero general; two, to convert the cam- rypea of caaea. according to reason snd whst obligetlon to it. an well received by the audience. catch Sanrlnen's design for the John pua Into a kind of living museum Granted that war la a poa- we believe to be fact, honestly structure (he function * benefit them most. The *1 a glimpse of Elizabeth Tay¬ The lamentable thing, however, Foster Dulles International Air- 'u '■ People were Justifiably disap¬ tantes Intended to spend an even¬ forms of building. It Is, therefore, particularly Absolute Truth ican news media--accompanying of annihilation and new means of son* (student snd non-atJ^ll and enveloping the fscts— serve spying through spsce probes, from off csmpus we belle*.". 1 pointed. Augustln Anlevas, a ing of musical enjoyment, they frustrating that so significant a e Fdltor only to worsen matters snd ex¬ This Is supposed to Inspire trust? to be necesssry to limit i, t, JI would have found Anlevas Michigan artist was never called emplify guilt of the same sort Both sides must first demon- way the number of peop). V young though swiftly rising pian¬ as with which we charge Tass and strata that they are trustworth. on to provide an example of lng. If our facilities wer* , ist who, like Cllburn, has walked gratifying as his more famous work for our campu# So " far " to pravda Our slate Is far from roncerned, late make explicit a few points clean. off with awards In International counterpart. now, but there are other archl- may preclude further drawing of All that most of us know Is tlcts of International distinction erroneoua conclusions from the what we read in the newspapers, who make Michigan their home article In reference. Let those who know all the facts Silliness and Patriotism and who should be commissioned to design future MSIJ buildings There are at least four rea- Prejudice against racial or ethnic groups was not equated with "hating" Russia. A aim- tnd implications Involved come up th® with the best we answers Meanwhile, can do Is try to '""Obll*"*" The little town of Katonah, Russian as a sputnik. From what We sccusing no on< N. Y. (Pop. 3,000), is gripped by we've read, we're^ Inclined to ag¬ Ihimluritiii" On Tin* Willi and under the r are are defining no first and « civic crisis and anyone, know¬ class citizens: we a a ree they couldn't be, but not for Even Mr Swift seems to be In ing the facts, who might be In¬ reasons of patriotism. possession of the absolute, yea, the bitter truth (that the Soviet clined to dismiss the matter as What to do about the 900 copies Union to have amazing Inside ' a tempest In a teapot, simply that have been sold Is the prob¬ ittftn enahttne htm tn are- no*,nf "?ore Information enabling him to pre¬ We welcome suggestlr r Isn't up on Katonah. or certain lem dict the future. It s a simple, troubling the zealous burgh¬ we welcome the opportunity 3 open-shut case, according tohlrn discuss these programs w " Kafonahans, fo.r that matter. ers. The books, be It known, are "A" causes "B", and as long loose In as A exists, B Is Inevitable. surrounding Westchester If Mr, Swift can prove that Frank C. Cooklr.^aa It seems a history of Katonah Donald J, Mel In County, not exactly famed for Its die Russians and Chinese are President, East Sha* written al out to dominate the world and was recently, and 900 underprivileged citizens or Its Kenneth J. Made)c2 b) will surely do so If not strip¬ President, Wesr ',1 copies had been sold when some¬ wild-eyed liberalism, or neces- ped Immediately, then I will be more symapthetlc to his rallying body discovered a passage which arlly open to the blandishments of cry to prevent the Inveitablecat- unor't Not#_.-n,. Sute some Katonahans think makes pro -Russian propaganda. But »strophe received several other ! Even If li persuade their community appear pro- certain of Katonah's superpat- #J(K) clram me. It does not follow "" that I and should hate and fear all Rus«l subsequent Sha», Huasian. rlots feel their responsibility and decision. awl Chinese. Until I am p want to do something about it, suaded of their absolute Inten¬ In Chapter 20, there is the tions, I choose t statement that "we were trem¬ even recall the books and have commurlcstlon with them when¬ Housemothers the word changed. ever possible Through cultural To the Editor endously stirred by the Russian A exchange, student exchange re¬ great many Americans un¬ ciprocal travel and discussion sputnik ..." The objection is to of communica¬ I was very pi eased to nee: n doubtedly wish they would do some channels s De Long's letter puhlut the word, "stirred." Some vil¬ tions can be kept open. This Is the State News cone something, such as show a little what was meant by ' understand¬ lagers insist this Implies approv¬ evaluation Sheers. When 11c al or admiration; more balance and a little less ing' • keeping in mind thatthey are people and not monoliths-- ^th^'eT^dc ago!' i h< ' certainly, that ?■ It tendency to reduce patriotism to and that the majority do not nee- Is favorable to the Soviets. essar ly advocate the policies of an absurdity. There is no place f , undergr They want the passage to read on the U.S. scene for this brand the minority party members To understand is not neces- d£i(W ^ my pJch,,,, M "concerned," or, anyway, to weluMng. Upon speak In? • of activity In the name of loyalty sarlly to approve; appr- communication and extended but improved hoUMmol^r' housemother VbouY rhe-.c J about these > make certain that Katonah's dis¬ uatlon forms, 1 was assure and devotion to country. Not knowledge might, however, serve only the rhe residents assistants * approval of the sputnik Is clearly Is It a subversion of a noble i t qualified to evaluate chars sen¬ exist. Blind fear and hate, can and behavior. She also to Id recorded In the history. timent but It makes everyone feel only make them worse. The rigid, that the housemothers r In their view, no patriotic in¬ simplistic thinking which feeds reports and added such r.r, a little silly, no matter how sen¬ such emotionalism Is beautifully as they felt necessary. habitant of their town could pos¬ exemplified In Mr. Swift's letter, While I admit that the sibly and reasonably Inclined. for which I thank him. mothers have had many mil sibly be stirred by anything as Frances De Long years observe the behavisC srudenta, I also quest!" An Informal Gathering ability to Judge competently if the resident assists History classes at the 300 and lem in this department would be Parking Tickets who see the students in > natural environment--seer 400 levels have been swamped to hold capable of adequately evali Friday night discussion t Fdltor: rhelr peers, how can th? K with students this year. Packed groups open to anyone and with a< To receive a ticket for i _ mothers be any more comf when they observe stud«r like sardines these history stud¬ different history professor pre¬ proper parking does not i and specific sltuan one unique, but sadly, the train¬ U.S. ents 1 that are getting only half their Investigator money's worth from the classes. Because history Is mainly a' siding each time. Those partici¬ pating would be required to read a paperback book or a magazine May Be ing received by the campus police apparently does Please not that the ticket In question was an acknowledge mistake and so this • procedure Is called Tonl Armstn Gilchrist Wrong letter is not written in bltter- Horse "think and discuss" subject, a article on a topic of Interest to student cannot gain adequate the professor In charge. IJpon confronting the off lc er On Howard who Issued the summons with the knowledge on a period in history The session would be conduct¬ question of why it was issued To the Editor by going to a lecture three times when mypermlt allows metopark ed like a seminar,thus giving the by the Iranian Student Assocl- army will vanish overnight; the ly by the Persian people, 1 In the area in question, the res¬ thst i a week. corrupt elements of the truly Interested students a chance country are precisely those who ponse was "you must have Just pay dollar for our prlvilepj He must be given a chance to ward Iran today.) the put the permit on the car. I read the State News, ' to think profoundly about the topic younger officers v govern and are continuously and wasn't there when I the student could ask f ask his instructor questions and We of1 course, Mr. President, " wrote ou and then discuss it informally are particularly Interested con- nationalist i their regard (One hour earl. unbiased, unprejudiced paper J then discuss the material with with the professor. cernlng the trend of U.S. poli¬ lerj That, let me remind you. The idea of presenting views of any one candidate !< JJ cy In Persia. We are not aware have reported: the professor and other students. Mr. President, what your Am¬ the man's first reply My feel- AUSC elections, expecially* (1) That of the one billion dol¬ possibly exist In Persia so long , . . that candidateha« theconrecrtt The crux of the probiem Is It would bassador reports to you concern¬ lars U.S. aid and several hun tngs were not hurt fcy this give students an op¬ as they are at the helm. Juat as ment but my senslslbllltles with the Sute News that » ing the situation in our coumryt dred million dollars of oil re- well ask A1 Capone to give clean that history students at our Uni- portunity to voice their own opin¬ but should he be well Informed venue collected i the fall talnly were for It grieves r Howard hat, seems to us government to Chicago. think that these he Jias certainly informed you of Mansadeq Is nothing trained nothing but a bad reflector verslty^are becoming intellect¬ ions and ideas. This type of dis¬ show to llve.Jjy the yours ia' Integrity of both ihe newsp^* exdrpt several hundred Last snd not least your ually aware and stimulated to do cussion would be of great value (1) Never has corruption been million dollars in the private bassador in hia desire to be ob- die." 1 why, yours Is to do and the candidate, so rife. accouts of certain personalities have reported: or If the State News wants to further reading in various phases to students who are really inter¬ Jectlve — What makes our laws (2) Never In contemporary well known to the U.S. Govern- (1) That Dr. Mossadeq remains powerful about being a big daily ' of history. But they have no out¬ ested in history and who feel they Persian history has discontent ment In Swlas and always the national symbol of ia their ability to be bent where but when It starts polIrlcklngW been so unanimous in all classes banks and a number of necessary and still perpetrate a big dally let for this are being cheated In their over¬ sky- Persia, and that r ninety per- awareness. and shades of opinion regarding scrapers snd neon lights t of the population would v Justice. It is unfortunate that the AU9G elections are mlsrraMl A solution to the growing prob- sized classes. the present regime. training of some of its enforcer a enough without the State N- (3) Never has the economic alt- encourages precisely the oppos- our best tool of infor 'te characteristic. uatlon been so precarious inapite who after a visit to Teheran and election, campaigning for one cai Michigan State News of all the revenues obtained from oil and the United States. Tashkent wrote in the New York Times of 25th November. 1961. the (2) That for this very reason government does 1 Walter A. Watman Graduate Student, MaryMarzolf Carolyn Verly Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued (4) "Buratlng with new heavy class on Never have the foreign proclaim free elections and that Psychology days Monday through Friday, during the fall winter and spring and internal pollciea of the gov- dustry, and growing light indus- by delaying the election and ruling quarters. Issued twice weakly during the summer term. 9econd class ernment been so unpopular and try, Tashkent's factory - studded by decree It automatlcallyplaces postage paid at Greenville, Michigan. detested by the vast majority landscape bristles with new itself in an unconstitutional posi- Dorm Problem Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services building, of the Persian people. plants and mass housing pro- Stars—Bors ffies Michigan State University, East Lansing. Michigan. Your representative 8houid Jects. It contrasts sharply with Mall eubscrtptlona payable in advance for one term, $3; for two also infcrmed you: terms, 14: for three terms, $5. : Asian rival, flashy itself gives an example of 11- We, the representatives of the Wrtto Stars—Strip* I Member of the Associated Preaa, Inland DaUy Press Assoclstlon residents of Shaw Hall, wish to and the College press. la capital of the Uzbek Soviet means can conceivable revert dearly state the policy estab- ... Ben Bums Editorial Editor....Paul Schnltt (2) That the Peralan army Sociallat Republic.) Teheran .. other methods. lished concerning the Sha Bwr. wdan- giofT T.. Managing Editor Photo Editor Dave Jaehnlg though armed with U.S. armament nearly twice as large and has We have oudlned above cer- ces. This tCy now flies with old and commanded by generals de- invested almost as much money In features and characterlaUcs policy was formulated the Carolina scat* ■ ..Jim Wellington Spotlight Editor Sally Ward by the student representatives Spotltght Asst.... Jackie Korona corated to their bellies with- in the last aeven or eight years. of the present Persian situation of Shaw s residents in from the mast atop rt* out their In- capitol here. Asst. Sports Editor once having fought a bati" * .........Terry Wareham is only effective in arresting u. _ terJ^1 Hoisting the Confederal ri^„brieve ... .... Tom Huckle Religion Editor ted Nationalist leaders and villaa, skyscrapers, and have reported for the conaider- tlncUon between non-Shaw the dis- resi- waa ordered recently ^ f* students, and should the nation- lighting. Most of Tashkent* smon- lslature. ' ' n Mgr.. Bill Marahall Charlotte Helton ation of his government. It 1 Bill Cote Women'a Writer l'?!l?,ni,non^0rm danCM r<8ldent «>be Tbe US. flag is at tb» t..£ernadine Glelda are■*>or>- the palmetto state flag ,.J«y Bliaalck ed movement as the wred by the management of Shaw only means (2) That the so - called loud- of the United Statea should be. Hall and organized the Confodarata flag at by Shaw resi- tom. _ airhlttn 8t*f K«w« Eft Laming, Michigan ISenator Blasts Tax Bill bydw^row UN Delegations Triumph Over jAgBgrisn .t—Seek Applicants ~ ~ „ „»»-••»-* ^•rnrsrst: Michigan Sum students may Ceyton, Chad, Chile, Columbia, • fti «£52*K^±'Si«?r. r now apply for openings in Untied Congo Brazzaville, Costa Plea, Nations delegations for the com¬ Cyprus, Dahomey, Dominican ing Campus ON conference Republic. Ecuador, FI Salvador. The conference, scheduled for Ethiopia, Finland. Gabon. May 4 to May A, will hsve There Greece. then 300 students from around Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Ice¬ Being featured at Todd's the nation coming here to rep- land, Israel, j lBinterview. W*W« P*'*** **» ha wants to put it 'Business hates these exclae re ent over 100 countries. Italy, Indonesia, are Continental-Frontier- Libya, Luxembourg, Malagasy, ? an«in^iS^JJ SJ?* •,f **• ,mo ^• 'rt,crr,in«' ■ **» i According to Nlrmal Singh, Malaya. Maurlunia, Morocco, Slacks. Tne slacks are a *»* " i SZS&om* P^lsenrt* *" I *** h«u them .1 secreury-genera! oftheCampos Nepal, Netherlands, New Dlend of cotton-Oacron- fell*1*1, ,w3 higher income .. .*• t resently there are thre^ tax much •• an Income tax *' T.trtboff on I"« «fJS* ^*7™ **«• *« MMtr He u£ SHs^er cent of UN, the following nations have Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Raynn- Outer Mongotla. rr«». 4ni3<"? !• ^^*0" • profi im. Includ- ft* business taxes In Michigan Panama, Peru, Phlllpplnea. Turkey. Sweden, $4.98 $5.98 JMr "*■ *"• **■ P'M *» CCT* <>* Spain. theUW, »r/ White pTifl /Mntr^ttse April S Try in forclaf Swalnson'a by $52 3 million, .- ... . - Increase Although he apposes • state ir>- sia Students Interested In " UMI ^ W 5 come tax, Oeer lings said he would the openings filling millio» and Uteresse Individual information. n%ay call or con¬ aupport * one-per cent city in- *a kjr WW. 8 million for a tot- come ta*. tact Nirmal Singh, at the Campus Trie smart li#it weitfit todoy on campus UN office, 30*1 Student Services j y*sr« that a •' ta* Increase of $74 million A local ux would be cheaper Sport Coat is of Wool hi* been forced J?**" 2- The program by Rep. Rollo he said, since a atate Income ux Building ano Dacron ^Oonlln CRep J. Tipton, Includ- would .end the money propor- only W1 i« * Wi: *.Sl JiiTSbS IS JT C?Mncome a* ^e«y to .mall communities Lutheran Student Association --3:10 p.m., University Lutheran Taste Testers f eleaM »« »»« and a tone me $19.98 - r ; - . r-ry of people «" Mich- individual faxes by $200 7 million said he doesn't like Income ux speak on ' Humanism as a Phil¬ for a prepa red 12 winning recipes *X panel of Uste-testers Fri¬ ' "V" 4!Jp j~ I don't think Holland needs Set For Wednesday Income ux and I don't think It : ,'1 which discharged All Army ROTC !. frit I would never vote -o.rrr.lttee was half- have applied for the advanced for an ucome ux for any city \ >«!:: half-Democrat, and he expects their program and have not completed p^ivslcal examinations are unless referendum Is attached >it." ong themselves, urged to come to Demonstration Overlings said a ux increase said he traveled Hall Wednesday evening at 7p.m. ' ,;ar campaigning for a mobile Army hospital from (Continued on page 5} r state income Film wUl be set up for one - ,r - i favorable response former governor night only. All cadets who do not complete their examinations NHA Movie Program ::ilams out v tax came program In at gp that time will be required to to an Army hospital in De- To Feature 'Psycho' At Brody, Shaw, Case i re You Interested In Mmic? As pan of the MHA ed movie program, Alfred Hitch ¬ sponsor¬ cock's "Psycho" will be this PHI MU ALPHA week's feature shown at Shaw, and Case Halls. Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh and Vera Brody. Miles Professional Music Fraternity are co-sur* In this film. This term"North to Alaska". Invites You To Open The Tender Trap," and "please Don't Eat the Dasles" are some of the hits to be shown through RUSH the movie program. The first two nights they are Date: Mon., April 16 at 7.30 P.M. shown in Brody Hall, the third night in Shaw Hall, and the last Place: 403 Ann Street night In Case Hall. Costa in¬ volved are paid by the Resi¬ Call 332-2575 for Rides dence Halls and in the caje ■10 Music Majors and Non-Music Majors The (jnovles are shown at 7 Are Cordially Invited pjn. aM it 9.15 p.m. e h night In the respective halls. "Your pilot is Captain Smith - I'm your stewardess, Miss Kong ". INTER-CO-OP-COUNCIL 21 GREAT TOBACCOS MAKE 20 WONDERFUL SMOKES! AOED MILD. BLENDED MILD - NOT FILTERED M.'LD-THE/SATISFY ANNOUNCES St. Clair Named Chairman ME WHERE WILL YOU BE AT AGE 30? OPEN SMOKERS Department Will You Be of Dr. Charles R. St. Clair Jr.. the Research and Advanced Earning 515,000 A Year Or More? Development Division of Avco WHAT IS A CO-OP? Corporation has been named Will You Have A Capital Fund of $30,000 Or More ? professor and chairman of the mechanical engineering depart¬ ment at Michigan Sta.te Univer¬ These are realistic goals for you in the sity. * «re groups of men who have made the best of financial necessity by working together field of investment analysis if you have ' six hours a week) to achieve a total His appointment, effective living cost averaging less than 1160 per term. hrains and are willing to use them. *erve excellent food, and we feel no sense of sacrifice in this venture Rather we feel a April 16. was approved Friday v • ■■■' 7Mn in dally lives from the experience of cooperating with others toward | y,%" a common pur- by the Board of Trustees. INVESTMENT ANALYSIS mint fascmate any think¬ furthermore, we realize that our bouse offices, open to all members, offer slgnlfl- resignation m desired It is probable that of those who | " 'opportunities for leadership us St. Clair has been associated ing man Whatever happens in any part of the world « ■ Interested7 Then let's investigate some specific areas of related to the value of jecurrries are accepted most can and will jo ahead faster than [ life, with Avco In Wilmington, Mass., - a new upheaval in Africa, development of (he European Common Market since 1956. In the Research and Communist economic policies, milt»»ry aggression :n fn addrrion to the vafarv The company provides a " _ y*or' participate in All-University events such as Homecoming and The Junior 500. Advanced Development Division ' J'T each the Far East all have an influence upon the value of v* house participates as a unit in the ICC Independent League. Our sports in- he served as an experimental - profit tfiartng plan which, under the minimum salary bask**.", Softball, football, volleyball and bowling, Every one gets a chance to play group leader and later as sec¬ securities on the New York Stock Exchange and fhe schedu^ev should result in providmar a capital fund of the Over-fhe-Counter markets In other field of invest competition Sor the Men's Inter Co-op Council trophies Is spirited, but friendly tion chief in the thermodynamics no arrnrnd SJ5/*/) to $50,000 i as a long term capital jam > section. He was named assisunt (ration - not even journalism — can a man find such at fhe end of the twelfth year of employment. manager of the physics depart¬ quick identification with world-wide affairs as in the ment in 1959 and in I960 was In addition, the company provides, entirely at com¬ stock market. appointed associate manager. To small number of who about to eraduare pany expense, the following insurance benefits hospi- * about studies? The co-ops as . a men are falrzation, accident, major medical and life group have conajstently had a higher grade point from college and who have proved by their tcholastic ,.er!^' any other men's living groups This fine academic record illustrates the ero- He has been concerned with '*fs placed on studies In the co-ops. records that they are capable of doing hard, infer ize--i Cm::. applied research associated with the development of the Titan and work, the Value Line Investment Survey, one of 'be Minutemar, 1CBM nose cones. In world's foremost investment advisory services, offers particular, his work was related the following: the ""ueat kind of the simulation fellowship. These deuils, assigned according to the member's to of re-entry ! wr,rk and his class schedule, offer wonderful opportunities for him to develop his (I) a six-months course of training in security ana!;. performance of the nose cone, ac'" ,nd lnltl#,lve- Thl* process of personal growth cannot be described. It must be seen In the analysis of heat transfer taught by the head of the Value Line organization and its lop editor-analysts, durtng re-entry, and the eval¬ A security analyst with the Value Lme Survey ;s not uation of materials for nose cone f 21 the following minimum salary schedule* 'nr«"ested? Then pick up the phone and call one of the houses listed precluded from investing for his own account, provided tR* rr below. Just ask application. For three months during the tuition pencd from his investments are bought or sold in a manner that is "mberSh^) chairman. If he isn't already your friend, he soon will be. He was on the teaching suff of Purdue's School of Mechan¬ luly 15th to October 15th - i300.00 per monsh not an scribers conflict with the or its clients.. interests of the service s sub¬ | ical Engineering from 1943 to For the next three months - from October 15th 1952. Not only will the candidates receive careful instruc¬ o January 15th $400.00 per month And for T»«.. April 17 S=» p.m. Wed., Apnl 18 8-30 p.m. OVERSEAS DELIVERY ' - the first year following $6,000.0 tion. enjoy the opportunity to meet top corporate execu¬ the second year tives of the companies * hose securities (hey study. and TOO 7.000 00 have acce» to all current reports and newvantcies m fc36 1BdSS!Fr beal house SUNBEAM ALPINE the third year K.OOOOti our library, but they w® also have the benefit of p 6 abbott road ed 7-0185 208 beal street the fourth year the fifth year 9,000.00 10,000.00 exchanging ideas with experienced and stimulating the sixth year 12,000.00 analysts within the organization. hedrick house ed 2-5555 (he seventh year 13.000.00 Those students, men or women who feel that they 140 haslett street the eighth year 14,000.00 may be qualified for the posyions described above and ed 2-0844 elsworth house the ninth year 15.000 00 who are interested in careers in securities research, in¬ the tenth year - 16.000.00 711 w.grand river creasingly (he heart of (he whole investment business, (he eleven! h year 17,000.00 ed 2-3591 are requested to forward bnef»resurres of their college |3?, nd house The increases m pay are, ot course, accompanied hy records including marks, class standing, etc., and of p3 ann street ed 2-6521 motts house promotions in title and responsibility as well in perhaps any reveiarM work experience lo the address below 53? r* abbott a "l*ey house 413 hill^rest street road ed 2-2447 ed 2-1440 ARNOLD BERNHARD A CO. 5 EAST 44TH STREET, NEW YORK 17, N. Y. CALL FOR A RIDE Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April ^ J Chisox Manager'* Weatherman Prohibits Mother Succumb* SAVE SUMS TAMPA, Fla., (J-Mrs. Faus¬ MSU's Doubleheader header to play against each other tina Lopez, 87-year-old mother of Chicago White So* manager At Lap**, died Saturday. Mrs. Looea waa a native of Live at Z. T. A. Sorority Tuesday. . Spain and lived in Tampa 60 Tan Weeks $190 Kobs was disappointed by the games thla welack would not. be enough to avert a w!55 or 8256 and Lew cream. STORY Sella Por UMBRELLA TENT bathlnette UNDER INSURED? Over In¬ of quality built, beautifully main¬ June ups. all minor repair. 1960VOLKSWAGEN, 2 door. All Geerling3 said he doubted that D.rtc and tennis racket. Phone 355- sured? No returns? Don't know? tained 3 bedroom splitI«rv»il. Ki'- work fully guaranteed. metallic blue. Special » tax program could be agreed fcATES• Equipped with ra¬ dio, heater, and white wall tires 6062. 17 Advice without obligation or high chen has all "built Ins" and April 16-20. Wet was 75f. upon before the senate's sched¬ SI .00 $1 295. pressure. State Life of Indiana eating ^pace. Wonderful panr.eled uled April 20 adjournment. DAY MAN'S top coat and suit size 38. 355-5605. Service since 1894 study or family room with floor Corner Grand River ar.dSpartar.. DAYS S2.00 to celling bookshelves. Ideal lo¬ Phone 337 9034. lady's pastel suits, size 16-18, FIRE ALMIKULICH PONTlAC C S3.00 excellent condition. Call ED cation for University faculty folic. DAYS 2121 E. MICHIGAN Present AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 2-6324. owner bicycles to cam¬ ordt par odj ED 2-5014 pus each day. Carpeting, draper- LTD TRIM, GARAGE. ^Continued from page 1) COMPLEIh shrubbery n 25« standard transmission this a wonderful value at $27, first received the a- , tar*jet 1940 FORD. It runs. service. men t 7 58 Call Morris Auto 500.00. The location is 118 Loree mission, "body a.m. but did not h5r/!& 1958 RAMBLER. 4 door auto¬ E. Kalamazoo. IV4-5441. Parts, 814 C PIANO-Baldwin Acrosonic. Good Drive. Shown only by appoint¬ Grand River P later due to wrong dir- matic, 6 cylinder. One you"ll ment. Marguerite R.Moore, Bro¬ 1 condition. Mahogany. Contemp- ker. Phone IV 4-7488. 15 given them over the tele- enjoy. T.V. SERVICE. Special rau ^ Automotive DAN CSHAUGNESSEY WE REBUILD and repair auto¬ ory. Call IV 2-3744. Evenings. 14 for college housing. Servlcecalls matic and standard transmis¬ STATION SPORTSCAR 2501 E. MICHIGAN Service *4. Absolute honesty/ACMET.V. One neighbor of the Sherldar.s sions at lowest prices. Martin's CENTER DIAL IV 9-2388 C For Rent RIO Herbert. IV 9-5009. C 1915 t. Michigan Ave. .Auto Parts, 1887 Haslett Rd., burning house and then reenter. Ear,t Lansing. ED 2-5319. 18 SAVE CASH INSTEAD OP Other neighbors said they did DIAL IV 4-4411 MERCEDES, 1953, near mint con- MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ versity graduation rings TRADING STAMPS! when you m pFanuts not .ee the child leave the house dltlon. 31 miles dlsel fuel. BUMPING and PAINI1NC our bring your cleaning to WendroV s and - LOVELY furnished house for 4 available at THE CARD personals only saw the pa rent s and Rod¬ $950. Original owner. Phone IV speciality. All foreign cars.Kal¬ Econowash and Dry Cleaners. ney escape. 5-6128. gentlemen. Approved. Close to SHOP. Includes degree, u amazoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned The family's dog also died in service and free rstlmates.1411 campus. $38 each. Call ED 2- seal. 3 engraved initials. and pressed, only 50*. 3006 Vine 2462. 13 Choice of 10 stones. 2.00 1961 RENAULT. 4CV, Black with E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. ONE BEDROOM house. 2 blocks St. 1/2 block west of Sears* Frandor Store. white walls. Good condition. $600, C C from campus, unfurnished ex¬ FLASH ADOPTED : 355-6178. 14 BULBS. G.E. no. 5 •j* Employment cept for stove and ref. Call or Sylvania 25. Regular $169 WHILE YOU WAIT or one day CMU . THE VOLKSWAGEN Sedan or STENOGRAPHERS: If you type ED 2-4092. t.f. With this ad only 99f. Good un¬ service on passport and applica¬ INTER ESTE r;$T!N-HF.Al.Y Sprite, K60. Station Wagon is for the man and can take some shorthand, we til this Faster. Marek Rexall tion pictures. Limousine leaving A PARTMf Nf S , radio and heater. 18,000 who thinks for himself. have positions available immed¬ Prescription Center. N. < lippert dally at noon for Hicks Studio. is Leaving for military ser- Street at Frandor. IV 9-8595. Okernos. Return transportation iately in East Lansing Area. ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms with tile Phone IV 4-4241. 13 CONTINENTAL IMPORTS, INC. Salaries depend on ability. Call C. guaranteed. Refreshments. Call bath unfurnished except refrig¬ MARIE ELAINE BOL'VY s , 226. E. KALAMAZOO ED 2-6169 to ■ reservations. Por¬ He asked that the files Great Lakes F.mployment, Inc., erator andstove. Air conditioned, HARVEY PHILCO come to dueed for inspection as TTROf N, I960, IIJ19. Good DIAL IV 5-1743 cl3 616 Michigan National Tower. Real Estate traits, applications, passports.C State News close to campus and A&P Store. office, room 3 onstration of good faith. IV 2-1543. 17 41tlon, champagne white. Call ' 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED EAST LANSING. Quick posses¬ Studer.t Services Building f Students John ->0 after 7 PM. 14 PONTIAC 1955 ST ARCH IE F 2-4886. SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS. For Sale t.f. sion. 3 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, your free passes to th* Crest said that hardtop. Full power, new tires. 2-1/2 car attached garage, large Rent latest model Singer portable no^ Best offer. Phone ED 7-0971 or CRAFTSMAN AUTO TOOLS, 131 STODCKRD. 2-Men fur¬ corner lot. L shaped living and at only $5 monthly or $1.50 per *60 SPRITE. Top condition week. We deliver and 355-3414. 15 complete set. $35. Marlin .22 nished apartment. Living room, dining room, plus eating space pick up. Dear Students: Now mat Bob orts for the public .„w \ real gem Will rifle. $20. Iron and desk Iron¬ bedroom, kitchen, and bath. Call in kitchen. By owner, leaving Buy the brand new Spartan, model Howard made it, what will r.e do Main issues of the program ing board. $15. Call 337-0815 ED 2-5374. 14 state. $ 22,900. FHA available. 192, at only *44.50 pay orly now? Questionable', covered 1 1962 CORVAIR. 700. series 4- $5 down and $5 monthly. These were: censorship of between 7 agd 10 PM. 14 Phone ED 2-1303. student SPACIOUS 2 bedroom apt. 15 publications: 2, ' in loco r..Standard rjdoor sedan, stick 3hlft and ra¬ TV T A B LE" WW special offers good only to MSL instead o^ complaining parentis" policies; 3, academic ■> dio and heater. models. 21" Em- rent to responsible couple or students at M.S.U. about the Editorial content of the - freedom; 4, student organ- jverdrlve. Radioand 3 students. Inquire Crest Drive State News all "he time «rhydon't• izatj-.ns' 3 BLOCKS east of campus. 3 rights to select faculty -harp throughout. 1957 CHEVROLET 210 2-door In Theatre. U.S. 16, Lansing. 14 SINGER SEWING CENTER do something about If bedrooms, 28' x 16', playroom you it. advisors; 5. clearly written rules sedan. Hand picked and feather RCA. $54.95. Several other used 309 S. Washington on main floor, 1-1/2 baths, se- you can write stop up ar.c .e« and cMrtes on actions agair.sT dusted. 6-cylinder automatic with sets. Larry's TV. Call IV 9- GIRL to share large bedroom, perate dining room, dishwasher: 487-3659 us. SNF5 student; of a disciplinary nature: heat and music. 1982. 15 living room and kitchen. Reason¬ 13 room In attic: oil furnace; gar¬ - 6, protection of students against able. ED 2-5977. 15 Shaggy Thanks for keeping SPANISH Electric Supro Guitar. age, fence. Will sell unfurnished - arbitrary actions by the faculty FREE DRY CLEANING! Wer 1962 CORVETTE 340 h,p. 4- Good condition. Like new, $200. ROOMS ($15,500) or with go d appliances all 1 drow's Econowash and Dry Call Mary 355-7081. Stai speed. Posl-traction. Wonder 3 VACANCIES at 333AlbertStre- 13 Cleaners. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block •oopy Bar radio. White walls and many west of Sears' Frandor Store Is Fawn 1957 Allstate Motorcycle. Good et (for boys) right downtown. other extras. beige. giving absolutely free dry r : its i one owner car. appearance . This l! You will and perfor- ELMER STEELE condition. Priced for quick Windshield, buddy seat. Call 355- 5428. sale. 15 Private entrance, television, and kitchen facilities available. $32 per month, IV 4-7406 before 5, living EAST LANSING - Near, 3 bed¬ room and den ranch home. Large room with fireplace, dining cleaning to each customer uslrg its Speedqueen coin washers only 10 different times. Take ad¬ RAMBLER or 372-0330 evenings or week¬ L, kitchen with built ins, finished vantage M.S.U. C 2 Blocks East of Frandor ends. 16 recreation room with fireplace. :ECHEM & KNIGHT DIAL ED 7-9765 Carpeting and drapes. 2^:ar ga¬ IN A HURRY? Wonch Grafic AUTO SALES I MO E. MICHIGAN AVE. '58' P. X. DISCOUNTS ATTENTION MEN: Room and rage. Vacant and offered for Board. $15.50 per week. Open¬ $24,500. Call Bob Jackman IV Service now has two shifts to FORD, 4 door, stick. All ings a vailable for fall term. 4-7488, evenings. 372-0408. get your job done faster. Take )!AL IV 2-6141 or IV 2-2070 accessories. Very low mileage. Call 337-0185. 14 advantage now! Phone 484-7786-. standing would re- Everything new. price. Can finance. Below market IV 5-6924. the DISCOUNTERS APPROVED, supervised, larger Marguerite R. Moore, Broker. 15 Office hours 8 5, Monday Friday. C ■uderts andadmin- WO ROADSTER. One pus police are giving o 11J4 Glenn St., Lansing. 17 Cigarettes $1.99 carton any comfortable rooms for men, One Fxcellent ■ ondltlon. Wire brand with $2 other pur¬ block from campus. Spartan Hall, EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR on marry tickets? Drop me s white- ide walls. $1750. Are Your New . chases. 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. tf. all makes and models. All work Box 341 A Student Ser.-ices Brothers & Sisters 4-0280. FALCON. 1960, 4 door, two Golf Balls (Shag).$1.99 doz. guaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to tone, standard shift. Excellent Really GREEK? 8:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 302 2 condition. Call ED 2-5621. Golf Tees 50 38? t OKD 17 P. Michigan. Call rv 7 5558. C FLASH CLEANERS Frandor FLASH CLEANF CONVERTIBLE. One Adler Athletic Sox Try TRI DELTA for ! Not until r excellent condition. Low you've helped 1959 IMPALA, 2 door hardtop. White tut SUMMER SCHOOL ' Crulse-a-matlc. Call fm by visiting . . . f V-8. standard transmission. A G. I. finest T Shlru Housing open 10 weeks WOMEN'S ALTERATIONS, f ^ ?rer 5 p.m. 15 real White 69* 634 MAC Ave Prompt and reasonable. 500 > performance sports oar. Sweat Shirts - Color MRS. RSliF COUPE, 1357. me- $1695. JONES ED 2-0955 Charles, E. Lansing. FD2-4548 'S $1.49 up x THE 13 raly O.K. Abarth muffler* Tennis Racquets - price or traae tor gooo 1960 VALIANT, V-200. excellent Special $4.95 up 2-6354 "r CHIA. < all owner at compact, automatic. Artie blue. Tennis Balls Name brands. ★ Lost and Found TYPING. PRINTING, TYPE- ~ 14 Spartan special. $1295. Can of 3 $2.49 SETTING and VARIFAX copying ~ at Wcmch Grafic Service. 1720 FORD. Petractibletop, pow- steermg, radio, air condition- record player, new tires, Wash and Wear Men's slax Military accessories, $4 44 CARD SHOP E. Michigan, Lansing. Only 10 minutes from campus or,busline. Phone 484-7786. C stable. Call IV 9-3420 after SPARTAN MOTORS. INC. brasso, inslgna, etc. ^ 3000 F.. MICHIGAN Badminton Sets - 'oRORTTY «■ FRATERNITY ALTERATIONS. Hemming §. re- ~ IV 7-3715 Player..... 2 for $1.99 LOST: A WHITE GOLD Golf Lady styling: formals, trous er s " BUC K sedan. Cood motor. Jackets - , tl-"e,>. poor C rainproof $2.88 Elgin wrlatwatch In vicinity of ♦PADDLES skirts, etc. NEEDLF'N THRPAD ~ 'ble Offer considered. body. Any rea- Rain Shirts Long for Guys Bessey Hall. Reward. Cal 355- Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam- a 355- STORY OLD6MOBILE, INC. 7413. 13 ED 7-1020. and Dalls $8.95 pus Drug Store ED 2-5584. P ^ 15 3165 E. MICHIGAN DIAL IV 2-1311 Chest Waders $12.99 •MUGS LEARN TO FLY at Sheren Avi- Softballs and Baseballs LOST: Gray men's glasses, dark ^ , TRUE CLASSIC, in olive green case Phone 355- ation Club r a t es-no due 5-no — 99{ up p'ient Call condition. New engine 1957 OLD6MOB1LE convertible. Baseball gloves....$4.99 up 8817. 13 membership fees. Dsvls Airport. >. *5-0493. 13 Hydramatic, power steering, ♦JEWELRY N. Abbott Rd. 17 y, Hip Boots $9.99 LOST: April 11. near Audito¬ power brakes, radio heater, white ore'day ^ 1960~roa DSTER. One own-" wall tires. Finished in white Knee Boots J$4.99 rium. Ear ring mounted in white WHILE YOU WAPT or ^ t* eel lent condition. Wire with a blue top. STORY Sells Plastic Rain Coats gold, 3 pearls, 4 saphires. Re¬ service on passport and applica- ^ wis, white-side walls. 11 n $1750. For Less . $1095 $1.49 up ward. Ed 2-4622. 15 ♦FAVORS tlon pictures. Phone ED 2-6169 C £ 4-0208. |3 Sleeping Bags, and camping equipment at Discount FOUND: Gold glasses. Pick up "BlAPER SfcftViCE" Prices. at Cashier's Office In Ad. Bu¬ ♦PINS SERVICE WE BOUGHT Charcoal 5 Lb. Brlctpiets 39< ilding. Returned for price of to your desire. You receive your own dia¬ Charcoal Grllls....$2.49 up pers back each time. With ♦PROGRAMS OUR CAR 1001 other Student and Faculty BARGAINS FOUND: WATCH. Call Kevin Smith St 332-4558 and Identify. our service. You may in¬ clude your baby's under¬ shirts and clothing which Pleaise pay ad for return. 13 AT ♦RINGS will not fads. White. Blue or P. X. STORE Personal"" Pink diaper palls fur¬ nished NEW YORKERS please come Everything for the new AMERICAN LAUNDRY FRANDOR back. We can Insure your auto. Bubolz Insurance. Over Jacob- GREEK and his big brother k sister. ill E. WASHTENAW IV 2-0864 8011*8 ED 2-8671. ■ — STORY OLDSMOBHf JHECK OUR WANT-AD LISTINGS DAILY kponused cars v0u c*" depend FLASH CLEANERS Frandor FLASH CLEANE 6 Mloftlgan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. April in, Better Call Home- History Prof Chippewa Valley Schools El¬ ementary education early and later, 7th grade Core, Junior Varsity Drive In and senior high women's phy¬ It's Cheaper Now Advises State sical education, art. science, vo¬ cal and instrumental music, and CURB SERVICE - 7 OAYS 1227 E. GRAND RIVER endUh. To Advertise School District of the City . OPEN EVERY DAY 5M P.M. of Ferndale. Elementary educat¬ A call home to mom and dad American Teieph< • and Tele- ion K-6. general science, chem- DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. Dr. Madison Kuhn, professor now costs less -- if you live In graph Co. kleMMi fAl/l T'rtiiritf istrv tna m4th_ 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. Michigan. An of history, told a A Tourist fln/1and accounting study showed Reduced telephone rates on that some expenses charged to Resort Institute at Kellogg Cen¬ SUNDAY S:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. calls within the state went Into ter last week that Michigan should Intrastate service should be shlf- effect Sunday. Between 9 p.m. and 4 30 a.m. no statlon-to-statloucall berween ted to Interstate. As a result Michigan Bell Telephone Co.'s identify its attractions, land¬ marks and points of Interest. "We keep It all a deep, dark Mim intrastate revenue was Increased Michigan points will secret," Kuhn said. cost more 1.6 dollars and the difference than 50 cents for the first three He advised calling to tourists' CENTERS passed in the 'SUNSHINE on to customers attention such minutes. form of reduced rates. things as the white Tlie reduction does not and red pine which literally help¬ apply ^ , ed build Michigan, the unique zjrssrgs: s *• M T# *ddresi pine stump fences in Northern Michigan, the silk mills at Beld- 213 Ann Street i the c Lnight-i I*""* Women Volets tng and mint distiller! Lansing.— East [Mting, Mich. points. t calls between Michigan On Brazil Economics be He also suggested that signs placed outside Michigan towns, Sutton calls from East Lans- Dr. Leonard Rati, economics telling visitors a little about the town, the people, industries, his¬ ing to Detroit now cost 'JO cents, professor will address the con- torical sites and other attract- compared to.50 cents under (tie ventlon of the Lansing League old rate schedule. The of Women Voters Tuesday at Identifying a I gns could be There is an even greater re- 6:30 p m in Owen GraduateCen- . duction on station calls to more ter. His topic will \u ' Brazil: placed at bridges, rail road cros¬ distant points. A Developing Country". sings and in front of old build¬ tinder the new .system the cost ing which identify- a bygone age, ^a" served for four years in he said. of Home- a call from Fast Lansing to Brazil as Am'Tican chief of the "The entire community will Marquette has dropped from 85 Michigan State-Brazil project, a to 30 cents. program administered with the benefit," Kuhn said, "by attrac¬ The lower rates were part of Cetuilo Vargas Foundation in ting the passing motorist and a recent national agreement 1*- inviting him to spend some time Brazil to establish a new school DR. C.E. CUTTS," left, Chairman, Civil tween the f ede r a I Communica- of buslne In Sao Paulo, Engineering Depart* in the area," the Mqn Mileage Plaque to John Jansten, rep- maker's tlons Commission, the National ment, presents He has bern a member of this ~ Association of Railroad andUtil- advisory committee slncehisre- College, Cleveland, which sent 16 member ity Commissioners and the turn to Bast Lansing In 1958. Saturday. I he by longest distance traveled multiplied •-•"■ ng and Dr. Eugene Peter- by the by each par,, c.pat ing,on "" VfcWSSWT&Vefctffen Choice State News Photo by John Rummel. Sute Ptrk Commission. _ #£ PLACEMENT Interviewing at the Placement 1 qt. Oil With Bureau Thursday, April 19. Add- Cassdpolls Public Schools El- social studies, vocal and instru- ementary education early and la- mental music. Industrial arts, 7?Every Oil Change ltional Information in the Place- ment Bureau Bulletin for the ter, Junior high science, senior special education slow learners high general math, chemistry group and world history, fj? and Lube Job ^ week of April 16-20: Army Intelligence CivilianCa- & physics, vocational I omlcs. «/> Program all interested ville Community English, social studies, vocal gar dies. of major with emphasis Minutes Not Hours HIGDON'S Schools Elementary education music, math, biology and other >> on Police administration and po¬ early. Junior high English.Junior science, French, Junior high vo- litical science majors. and senior high band, senior cal music, Industrial arts and PURE OIL SERVICE Lansing Public Schools Elem¬ high English and speech and special education, Why spend FOUR hours (national I entary education majors all lev¬ els, community college math, speech correction. East China Young, Skutt & Breltenwischer average for a family of four) tu do I Under New Ma nagerm Township School Accounting majors. 1010 E. Grand R English and natural science ma Elementary education, early and The first nuclear the week's laundry? You can do the | high core, high reactor on job in LESS THAN ONE HOUR i> QZ McDonalds school art, vocal St Instrumental college campus was installed new Philco-Bendix coin-operahw I t>\ music, special education type t the North Carolina State ollege at Raleigh, in 1953. washers and dryers. Clothes are! jy "A", guidance, physlcs-chemls- Capac Public Schools all el- . try and home economics. washed to perfection and fluff dried | lentary education. Junior home Edwards burg Public Schools English and social Elementary education, early and GUARANTEED later, high school home econ¬ omics arid high school guidance. LOWEST PRICES Employers Mutuals of WaUsau IlEGI EAR L STEREO LP» all majors from the colieges of DIAMOND NEEDLES Quarters Do the Work of Dollars! ''tuck n Business " & Public Service, TAPE Ol R PRICKS ARE New coin operated Philco-Bendu Grand Blanc CHECKED DAILY TO Township Schools ASSURE BIGGEST dry cleaning equipment handles full PERSONALIZED Elementary education K-6, vocal music, physical education, SAVINGS or this EIGHT POUND LOAD at one fourth english.-Journalism, Eng¬ the usual cost. BULLETIN BOARD lish-French, Industrial arts, art, DISC SHOP visiting teacher, speech correct- ionlst and school nurse. Melntzen Public School District Elementary education K-6, junior high vocal music:, mathematics, senior high mat! Engl English, Counselor, special ed- u c a t i o n : mentally 'I ype "A", psychological handicapped diag- Inverness Club Summer Em¬ ployment Hotel, restaurant and institutional management - Jun¬ ior or senior preferred - others In truth, the men at Ford who will be considered if are engaged in experienced. driving comfort . . . many service-saving fea¬ Managers needed for swimming research and engineering have left their tures that make Ford-built cars last longer, Deeornlors pool, snackbar, registration desk marks in the outstanding quality you'll find Delight! and locker room. need less care and retain their value better. in every Ford-built car. Kearsley Community Schools for only$2.50 Elementary education K-6, Today, the pioneering work of ford Motor From their continuing research will come future Ford-built cars, for example, with auto¬ speech correction, Junior high English, social studies and in¬ Company scientists and engineers has already matic control systems for safer, faster dustrial arts, high school driving given us newer and better rustproofmg SPARTAN BOOKSTORE English, spe-ch, and guidance. Lake ementary Fenton School Ali El¬ education, science, methods for longer-lasting automobile bodies . . better sound insulation . . . paints that sources new new kinds of power plants and . . stronger steels and plastics aerodynamic design for greater vehicle energy . . . Corner of ANN & MAC business education, English, art, stay newer looking, longer smoother control. That's why Ford Motor general science, math, general . . . Company is science, vocational outdance tiding, more comfortable automobiles . . . gaming a position of leadership through scien¬ counselor, Spanish and home ec- better insulation materials for all-weather tific research and engineering. Little Figure-Maker: Marcellus Rural Agricultural Schools Elementary education Marja's Waist Cincher majors 2nd. grade, high school social studies with English minor and English with social studies MOTOR COMP, An absolute must to minor, Junior high English with achieve spring's tiny- fSnguage minor. waisted silhouette . . . Marshall Public Schools Elem¬ entary education early and later, our nylon lace cincher junior high English, government with leno panels, com¬ and economics, industrial arts, fortable boning that Strings and Instrumental music, home economics, women's slims the waist to hand- phys¬ ical education and debate & men¬ span size. Four de¬ tally handicapped. tachable garters. Northern-Utilization Research Sk Development Division - U.S. White, black, candle. Dept. of Agr. Organic chemistry, Petite, small, medium, physical chemistry and biochem¬ large sizes. istry majors. Oak Park School District El¬ 5.95 ementary education 1-6, vocal music, strings music, physical education, special education: mentally handicapped, perceptual development & speech therapy, Junior high arr, English-social studies, math, science. Vocal music, Spanish. Spanish-French senior high English, biology, Spanish-French, social studies, and business education. Reading Community Schools in dustrial arts, English and vocal music. Junior high math-s mental and vocal music, com- mericial, senior high social stud¬ ies, English, Latin, French, and Spanish. Standlsh Sterling Community Schools Flementary education K- 6, high school band, industrial arts, math, social studies, speech and elementary vocal music. Waukegan Township High School high school math,physics. „jp5>' •