Weather Inside MICHIGAN The high will I* from 80 to 55. UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. STATI l£ fATI NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 19, 1962 Price 10^ Picks Aetna Insurance No Tuition Better Hike Says Coverage Hannah Offered Program Starts Will Up Fee If State In Fall Appropriation Falls i increase unless the Univer¬ The new student health Insur¬ sity does not receive the neces¬ ance program sponsored by the sary money from the legislature. Aetna Life Insurance Company Governor John B.Swainson re¬ cently told Democrat* on boards will go into effect in September controlling Michigan colleges and Kathy Ryan, student Insurance universities to hold back on stu¬ committee chairman, said Wed¬ dent fee increases this year. nesday. Any MSU tuition increase is Miss Ryan said the Aetna pro¬ determined by the Board of Trus¬ gram will provide better cov¬ GLOBAL BUSINISS - >b«rt Roi FarquHn. left, watchct flat ahi ilaphere In hla Philadelphia globe- tees, not the Governor, Han¬ erage than the North American nah said. Company for Life, Accident and Yet, Swainson's order had ear¬ Health, which will be used by the students until September. lier defeated a sizeable fee in¬ crease at the U of M. The most important feature Housing Hannah also Wednesday ex¬ of the new program is the re¬ imbursement of actual room and pressed concern over the pos¬ board charges made during the Global sibility that the legislature might appropriate only $300,000 this first 70 days of hospital con- inquiry year for the new chemistry build¬ ing. 1 hope we get nore than rate equal to the average semi- private charge of the hospital. During the first 70 days, the Glimpses Made $300,000 because the plans are already drawn up," Hannah said. The $300,000 Senator Clarence initial $300 of miscellaneous hos¬ pital charges will be paid in The Faculty Committee on Stu¬ F. Graebner, a member of the dent Affairs met Wednesday to of tie next $5000 of such char¬ ap roprlations committee, sug¬ ■ By the Associated Press discuss changes in the housing ges. gested MSU might receive was In addition to regulations. However, the com¬ for in-patient cov¬ planning purposes. erage, Miss Ryan said, the same mittee formulated only tentative usband Asks For Excommunication plans and would release no de¬ miscellaneous fee allowance is W ORLEANS,-, Roman Catholic — husband of a wife ex- tails, Dean John Fuzak said. Fuzak said the committee will State Board j available to students and depen¬ dents who are treated in a hos¬ c :ed by their church in a wrangle over porochtT school DONALD J. MONTGOMERY HOWARD L. WOMOCHEL . get student opinion and President r, Y .. JOHNUSEEM pital's out-patient department Wednesday asked the same penalty. within 24 hours of an accident. n ' eg tior. - Gets Red China's Blessing Committee Chairman Bentle/s amendment to propo¬ Alvin M. Hart Calls For Howard L. Womechel, professor in metalurgical engineering. and children, $70 per year. Miss Rytn, who was chiefly responsible for the acquisition Gross joined the staff in Dec. I TOKYO,-Communist China threw its sup port Wednesday behind sal 47 added a clause that sti¬ Link To Science P41 as an instructor in education. of the new program, said that stro's recent purge of a leading Communist from the Four men in Armstrong Hall pulates the State Board of Ed¬ Born in Salem, Ore., Dec. 30, eight insurance companies bid lir£ re-olution ry organization in Cuba, are circulating petitions to re¬ ucation serve as the general 1911, Gross received the B.A. for the student contract on March Laymen ought to know what the obligation of the speak:it • Cuban embassy reception in Peiplng, Vice Premier move their president, GlennWil- planning-and coordinating body make such informa¬ and M.A. degrees from the Uni¬ 5. i Foreign Minister Chen Yl said "We fully sup iort Prime liamson, Parkridge, 111., soph¬ fnr ail niihlic education "includ- is going on in science and scien¬ o versity of Oregon, and the Ph.D. However, a week later the •nister Castro in the struggle to strengthen the unity of the omore from office three weeks tists should help them learn. tion readily available to the non- solution ,icain9t sectarianism." before this term is up. "In the new "constitution the Harold Hart said Wednesday night scientist iii an intelligible, ltelligible. sensi- djegree fro.n Ohio State Unlver- and dissolved the bidding to four | This the first Red Chinese official reaction to Castro s The c befo hoard would still consist of 8 in the Michigan State Univer- ble, logical, palatable, digested S"Y in companies. Eventually itvvas i'»rch * s 2* speech which denouned Communist Anibal Escalante as Armstrong Senate Thursday. men^rs who would be nomln ity Centennial Review lecture but not superficial form ' H« narrowed to two companies. ;rlan' and removed him from his high position in the Howard Levitt, Natick, Mass.. atedat oartv conventions and for 1962. Hart said that an unsung de- head of the department of.educa- "The basis of selection for the ed Re\olutionary Organizations, which" is Cuba's fore- freshman, WilliamScharffs, Sag¬ members who would be nomln- "There is a fascinating, poetic, velopment ranking with nuclear D,VlS and desired company was based on Elkins College, and " p rty conventions nd invisible molecular worldaround chemistry, qua ntum theoryand o formation of a single political party. inaw sophomore, Ron McHaney, professor and head a base plan which was origin¬ Dearborn sophomore, and Max elected at large. us," he observed. "We should relativity has taken place In the * of the de¬ ment of education at Augus- ally sent to all eight compan¬ The new board would differ not wander through it unaware." past 25 or 30 years. P lid Tune With New Verse Gordon, Colombia, S.C., soph¬ omore said they are behind the from the present one s the mem¬ The professor of chemistry gave the lecture .it a convo- He said this was the advent t( Colleee, Sioux Falls,S.D. •oss served on the commis- ies," Miss Ryan said. Another facto- that the c I Al'Gl'STA,-Police patrols were Increased Wednesday inthewake bership would rotate. Of the first on international education > consideration Scharffe said Wednesday that cation for presentations of the of "molecular architecture," the f befoi taking a final decision 1956-59. He was also on Jf 1 two-hour barrage of rock throwing that followed a hymn- linging demonstration to force the hiring of more Negro workers approximately 200 Armstrong annual distinguished faculty ability to measure precisely the « i the \ agents' exper- awards. distances and angles igles between the executive board of thephilos- . , , . handling this type of T retail stores. residents signed the petitign. "The educated person today, atoms in molecules. °f education society and student coverage." The group charged that Wil¬ |I Glass was sh ttered in a dozen or more automobiles, including police car, in liamson has failed to set up be he scientist or humanist," "Without this information, he chairman of the Miss Ryan explained that the an outburst that lasted from nightfall to "bout organized programs for Arm¬ the board members Hart said " is expected to know observed, one could not under- improvement of in! Aetna agent, Mrs. Steve V. New¬ |:30 Ind p.m Tuesday. A young white girl received cuts on her legs her strong Hail, that he has not Jill hold office for six ye rs. something of^art, of history, of stand the details of chemical man. has handled more than 200 mother became so 111 that an ambulance was called. [ Tuesd y's picketing was an intensification of hymn-singing de- attended Men's Hall Association 'tion'of kindergarten through high school meetings, and that he has been plans in Michigan. She also aided "i t begin Monday afternoon under NAACP sponsor- mployment op ortunlties for Negroes in stores. It "involved in Incidents which gen¬ posal 98 pertaining to state ed¬ is supposed af science. to know any X de a 1 envision and describemher pre- cisely the reactions between University Professors. Gross was president of the Michigan iStSifS ucational institutions. sn 50 and 75 young Negroes. erally have caused degradation , "I think that the social scien- molecules - for surely when Association for Student Teaching .X?® "The ? insurance plans. to the name of Armstrong." This proposal condenses se¬ n 1951-53. stability of the compan sections in the present con¬ rise and the humanist should know molecules react, they must con- Williamson has been president ven of the facts of modern tact one another, often with very Donald J. Montgomery, profes- WaS aJ,s° S?nslder~ |ennedy Encourages Campaign Fund Contributions some of stitution that define the state's - - >r of engineering research, jo- ed- Miss Rya" "The Aetna Armstrong for two years. science. specific and geometric (as well sor of engineering research, Jo- David Youst. head adviser at institutions of higher learning program with G-M as its under- into four. ' The fact that the three atoms as energetic) requirements for 'ned «*« s of 1 M1NCTON,-President Kennedy applauded Wednesday a bi¬ Armstrong, said Williamson was in a water molecule are not linear their collision." a" associate professor of phy- t's involved, along with 36 other Proposals 47 and 98 will i $3-1/2 billion." commission report recommending tax Incentives to en- The Aetna progrs-.i was also r-ge n ore people to contribute to political campaign funds. students, in Illegal use of cig¬ be included In the new const SiTrT an^™°,S^nrn^ne Among the largest and most Before coming to MSU. Mont- wil ing y> give Michigan State I Kennedy expressed ' * ' un-Timously proposed profound gratitude" to a nine-member group arette machines in the dorm. Youst also said Williamson had utions until after their third rea ing before the c ~ ~ y— swulm^es of ^s f^rt of nature complicated are modules, he said, gomery was a physicist for the the ON A structures, which Textile Research Institute at additional benefits which some of moves to take the "shoddy' label off The third reading of proposals should be h#» fnar m.irh a st aai much a part the other companies could not ■c-i civing and to reduce presidential campaign costs. It purchased a set of false identifi¬ control nnd direct heredity. They Princeton, N.J., from 1950-53. , • f ted these ran from $165 cation from Theron P. Kobmson, is scheduled to begin May 7. of «*• are composed of hundreds of From 1948-50 he was a physicist provlde, she said, million'to $175 million in 1960. Saginaw sophomore. Thursday the convention is dis- molecules intricately join- for Ballistics Research Labora- No legal action has been taken cussing proposals pertaining to « the knowledge that knowledne Shakes- other tha Shakes ^ er onal hellx.yA{ter. tories in Mtryl8nd. ' To Seled 10 New Astronauts against any of the students who purchased fake ID*s . Robinson the judtclnl br 'neh. Century France. pointed out, produce mutations. (Continued on page 2) Panel was suspended from the Univ¬ | TTie ersity. Series To Endorses Bring Youst said he had released this tency nnounced also plans to send Friendship 7—John information to students who asked tu, i. P*»iWtion tour of 'r * '3mous Mercury capsule of the triple orbit—on an him about it in connection with major cities around the world. J it will be returned In mid-August for display at the Century r ®*i--!tion at Seattle, Wash., and theri will be pl ced in the Smith impeachment proceedings. said the names of students in¬ volved have become common He Jerome Hines, the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Helen Then on Nov. 11, the Leningrad but used a variety of style. Philharmonic Orchestra in Rus- Then American Dances will y-ear will b tre {rom [ ormosa. it is a con o Using Thea- Center Institution. knowledge" among Armstrong Hayes and Maurice Evans in" As sia. Many of the traditional com- be presented Feb. 26. It repre- pany of 50 children who will a Friendship 7 is about to circle the earth again. This time it residents. We Like It". "The Sound of posers of Russia have written sents the first 50 years of dance and sing Chinese tales. The Ch. rr ke th 20 stops more n along the wry," the Nation-1 Aeronau- Music" and other great attrac- music especially for it. in the U.S. Ruth St. Denis will National government is commended to Provost Clifford a"d Space Administration said. The U.S. Information Agency The group also charged that setting up a debate between tions will be in store for The New YorkCltyOperaCom- be doing the dances she did 50 sending them to the World's Fair Erickson the forming of a leam- a prjjnd,e global exhibition of the capsule which will begin AUSG president candidates last ..JSC theatre goers next year in the pany will be here Nov 19. This years ago when she was one of Lecture Concert Series golden company puts on two operas here the best dancers in the U.S. thls summer and then they will tour> 7-^ company will be here lng resource center. The center would coordinate, The new Astronauts will be drawn from die ranks of experienced week, Williamson failed to no¬ st tify Blanchard. anniversary. every year since since 1950. Nov. 14. set down policies and help ta¬ nce Pilots--preferably those now engaged in flying high per- Election returns for the pri¬ in Series A, Mantovanl and his Dr. Wilson Paul director of Lec- She is now °ver '60 years structors a report to the Pro- aircraft. maries showed a majority for orchestra will appear Oct. 15ar-i ture -Concert Series, said that old. Also staring will be Melissa ^ New YorkCltyOperaCom- vost said. 16. One night will be off the MSU has the distinction of being Hayden, the most successfulbal- pany will do the ''Marriage of The center should provide in- Blanchard, and in the final race — Han Hakes I Through Will last Thursday, Howard got the series to make it available for the only place outside of their lerlna in the country at th s Norman Walker and his Figar0» on nov. 20. And on Jan formation about factors which majority of votes. students. own house that has continually " hi« 8. Jerome. Hines. bass, will per- promote learning, and coordina- J?-^LIN,-with a dend man's foot jammed hard on the accelera- Williamson said he did not The leading actress of the enjoyed their performances, company will do a modern dance {ois one 0f the most tion of facilities which are en- |WA Jeavy truck slammed through a gap in Berlin's Red Wall notify Blanchard, but did speak American stage, Helen Hayes, Paul also said that this com- routine. There will be ballroom popular Singers in the country, gaged in storage, retrieval and dancing In this program, too. - • I In th^ V !n * h U of c<"nmunist gunfire. and the leading actor of the P«ny has made perhaps the great- — to one of his campaign mana¬ Itwo th* loaded gravel truck with the dead m*n were gers about the debate. British stage, Maurice Evans, est contribution to American put on my Maria Karnilova and Germans escaping to the Weet, and both were b-dly will star together in "As We ballet. They will do "Rigoletto/' Donald Saddler. >r Jan. 20. Assistance with production of Answering other charaes, Wil¬ I AW ? * •- We* Berlin hospital. liamson said he has 7,had no Like It", a composite of Shake- Leontyne Price, soprano, will, Roudolf Serkln, the first pian- learning materials for technolo¬ Jfrom rb-l ^ lAter **"> W-ywr-old noncommissioned officers speare's greatest works. fulfill the engagement she can- gical media of instruction and cooperation from dorm mem¬ ^ P*™" anUelrcref* school near Potsdam tried to bers" in setting up projects. This will be the first time celled this year on Feb. 7. , p u 10 ' WiU h* present~ assistance in planning, executing valuatlng total systems c l One ^l fence* «t nether pert tt the wall, Ken Applegate, president of since 1944 that Miss Hayes and The Iglesias Spanish Ballet, Evans have acted together. The right fromSpain, will appear here The'last thing in Series P and evaluating instruction totalalso should sys«m. be pro¬ of ptrlin Do'ur»1LJ!?fe,2r J** hl* companion wa» shot down and West MHA. said Williamson has miss¬ i the Poznan male choir from vided, the panel aaid. i«M on^t, lhe h* wpskilled. Police sawhlm lying motion- r;«roed tracks for some time after be was shot and before ed the last three meetings. Scharffe said the people behl sfL'srs^jsi w^cs! j&zfrSsx; Erickson will meet with the their 0,1 i« uniform and (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 2) :i 1 ill M, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thuraday, April 19. iQp„ ft • Festival of Fine Arts. VMff In addition to composing. Rm4 Men To Colrabu ■ | VI3 ha* wrltten three music text- (Contm.,^ l\ books and magaxin. articles. In (Continuodfrom poo. 1) Four member* of th. educa¬ t™A*V W48-49. he was awardrt a Gug- tion faculty with int. rests In what actions will ™ 12 genhelm Fellowship to study and Kn.1 to decide taken on tba recommendations. spwial education will tak. part f for i lU,T °"iCV the Office of compose In MexicoT Due to th. expansion of the in th. 40th annual Council for Reed rKalv.d th. Compost's Bornjun. 11, 1917 in Cine in- University new resorces must be Exceptional Children next week, prMa Symphonic Award in 1949 pi r^,oh« degre. in 1939 rKT^ «nd *• Huntington Hartford used to maintain the quality of in Columbus, Ohio. lb of Cincinnati, and the Ph.a de- gr.. there in 1945. ; at th. University Foundatlon fcr,ntad hlm dent fellowship ,un#, 1960 R re8l. from April to learning, the panel said. Through proper use of learning resources the quality cannot only be main¬ Dr. James M. Crowner, as¬ sistant professor and chairman of the special education interest tained but improved. While teaching at State. here- Born ,n group, will take part a. founder Mo RmcJ Learning resources include , of die council for children with c!^,3 Sept. ,! ag°- H# " now opened Wed- A Sandv Me- « M*mb»»-ship in Phi Eta Sigma I s9 a y^ain, well educated, but i» nesday afternoon with a luncheon Industrial relations problems, ^ SlU cut a ,°?®n 411 freshm«" men with is frontier characterand Such questions as gigantic birthday cake which will jl °U ®onfvV* Iken .« « villain. He l» « «- unemployment, foreign competition, automaUon, provide refreshments for 1,000 people. SriVl Honorary tor Z L u^« men at Michigan the Kennedy administration Nat¬ ional Labor Relations Board, anti-trust laws and the public >nt Jrt "who holdB a Ph.a Interest will be discussed. U niversity of Nebraska, ha. The _cooference la sponsored j£g off fnT® from ^ .ndtyh- j tie University of Michigan- Wayne State University Institute infl of Labor and Industrial Woods — Irons -- Bags Shoes Relations, REUBEN FRODIN the labor relations law section Everything for the golfer . . . e C:;ra'professor at the Un- of the State Bar of Michigan and of Nebraska. He gave the Labor and Industrial Rela¬ Plastic Practice Balls 25C Frodin To Talk tions Center on campus. Practice Shag Balls IOC SPECIAL EASTER r^SSSfJS of the Michigan Factors On African US....... their Animals own raised apart from kind sometimes do not 214 N. Washington Across from Gladmer The E Open till 2 A.M. «as president ! delation of Little Theaters. Ftwcett, now 67, favoring and blocking creati0n of a "United States of is a native Mrlc&.. wll, te discussed knoi "hat species I„1 a Vienna i" they belong lo. 7.00. an orphaned hite peacock was 2avuf> GwikUw, Convenient Parking In Rear Open Easter Banquet Facilities IV 9-2578 for reservations nf Rochester, Minn. He is re- Aj^can #xpe- kept In membered for his part In Lana- dln> visiting ivic Players Guild, raw- American universities field staff, lu, - lIie rest of I life, the bird malnod un resDorm i v. r Q&odi 1 Block North of Mich. Ave. I Charles palyed the part of King Thursday at 7:30 in 32 Union, chirma of the prahons and West of Sears Phone IV 5-7465 Try A State News Want Ad !gof Samuel F'epys. the 17th persons jS sponsored by Icentury di'rist. composer and ■ Phl Epsllon, the national in ly ibout town. "\nd So to The_piay, en- professional fraternity for over¬ Red was ggag government service and ln- iged at West Junior auditor- cernational business. „ 25 ago. Before joinging AUFS last year the FINEST FOODS for glorious EASTER FEAST a for alternate terms of study and travel In Africa and speaking Smoked tours of such AUFS-affiliated schools as MSU, Frodin was a ■'Today on Ca_mpus_ member of the international com¬ mission Invited by the RPo Nigerian ive Board, Water Car- government to study development p.m. rt Room, Union, of that new nation's educational [" Lutheran Student Assn: Study policy. ' Sigma p 4:10 p.m. University Lu- n Church. Since leaving the University of Chicago, where he received Lambda Chi: 7:30 p.m. J.D. degree, in 1951 after the ten Ham - in, Union. years as a teacher and admln- , Luther Chapel: Bible istrator under Robert Maynard liscussion cbss, 9 p.m. Martin Hutchins, Frodin was executive 35 father Chapel. of th« four-year and pro- T WSSH: ":45 p m. Hamshack. fessional colleges of the State SocialWork Club: James Clau- University of New York, and Lr speaker, 4:15 p.m. Old Col- has lectured and taught at- the Sucher*s Rolled and tied lege Hall, Union. University of California and in [ Helta Phi Epsilon: Reuben Fro- Australia. BONELESS HAMS speaker on "Pan-African- . , 7:30 p.m. 32 Union. Hygrade's West Virginia HERE RATTLER, HERE HAM lb 89C Ryder Scholarship OK E EN E, Okla. (AP)-Th< Morrell biggest event of the year at this Fully Cooked brms Available little town Is the.annual rattle- E-Z CUT HAMS lb 69C ,.rr s for the 1962 Ed- snake hun which a Hygrade's West Virginia Smoked Lard and Ceorgia Ryder Schol- 50,000 pei CANNED HAM s-ibca 4.99 8_lb can 6.99 rship for study .ibroad are now _______ CANNED HAMS $4,99 Butt • ailable AQx Whole | Preference is given to under¬ age applicants who are na- MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Tenderay RIB ROAST lb 79C Full Rib Half or Rib end Loin Half 1 Portion Lb H7v Ham Lb 49* of Michigan following a Published by students ofMlch- PORK LOIN PORK LOINS ite program of study with igan State University. Issued on Southern Star an 6.99 l.igh scholastic achievement. Stu- class days Monday through Fri- ib 45< ib 55< t the British Universi- er Proa-am1 are Jlso day, during the fall, spring quarts. winter and Issued twice CANNED HAM ran 3.99 Beltsville Turkeys * 33' ■eligible to ip->ly. wetfkly durfdg the summer term* 1 Silver Mill Froze Applications must be rtiade to Second class postage paid at on the purchase of your Harrv H. Kirnber, professor Greenville, Michigan, Save 50( . Fourth 4-Plece Place Setting d head of humanities depart- Editorial and business offices ! 4 89* ;tn, 122 Pessey Hall, before at 341 Student Services building, of Melmac "Whispering Wheat." iv 1 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan; and 109 N. Armstrong (Contii 1 Lafayette St., Greenville, Mich- igan. Plus EXTRA TV STAMPS Plus EXTRA TV stamp: Berries P°he 'be THESES PRINTED With purchase of each 3-lb president for some time. Williamson as a DIAZO PROCESS Easter Potted Plant 100 WithZwan the purchase Canned Ham of TOWN SQUARE FROZEN 29 < " V:!ha:r,von should not be al- With 4th week coupon from ved to run again," he said, With 4th week coupon from nd he should not be allowed 2untidy Pninti Kroger Coupon Book Fruit Kroger. Coupon Book the Armstrong Senate, con- ! Don't forget the EXTRA BONUS COUPONS sting of eight members, ap- oves uses the petition, the in tie dorm will vote on eight (loftid §esuuce j 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA 1500 EXTRA impeachment question. I Top Value Stamps Capital City Blue Top Value Stamps ■ A majority (six) houses would Top Value Stamps e to With the purchase of With the purchase of any approve the impeachment 221 S. Grand Ave., Lans. " it to become effective. j pkg. of STANDARD PLUS With the purchase of one KROGER GRADE "A" LARGE [ 2 Pairs Nylons Vitamins Side of Beef Fresh ALL with the coupon on Eggs the LAST PAGE of coupon book COUNTRY CLUB VANILA An Answer to ICE CREAM the Pressures 39 Valuable coupon Kroger Grade "A" Large of Modern Living 29 FRESH EG6S HALF with dozen 39C Attend A Free Lecture.... 4th week With $5.00 or more purchas* GALLON Mailer Coupon good in our 64Christian Science: The Coupon Western Mich. Kroger store thru SAT. APRIL 21. 1962 Woy of Progress And Kroger Fresh Taste Valuable coupon Potectin" Tempting Easter treat RAISIN BREAD ,0.19' 50 Extra Top Value Stamps By (>eorgina Tennant, C.S.B. ASPARAGUS HALF and HALF 2p,s 45c With the purchase of a Kroger German Choc. Layer Cake of London, England Michigan this coupon is good in your Western Michigan GOLDEN YAMS 3-39' COTTAGE CHEESE ib27' Kroger store thru Saturday, April 21. 1962. LIMIT: n*mtpr °f Church one 19 lrst the Board °f Lectureship of the Mother Church, of Christ. Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Michigan Theater MAINE POTATOES 10~ 39< EASTER PLANTS Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 20, 1962 at 1.. 15 p.m. Azaleas M.79 Hyacinths 69',„ ««.» welcome WATERMELONS Small Children Will Be Cared For Hydrangeas Tulips s1.69 Oimiitv Emperor Golden Sweet Spanieh Red I At the Church 505 Seymour Street During GRAPES *29< CORN 6--39< PINEAPPLE E'cK 39* EASTER LILIES $1.98 ;i; a •— the Lecture Pri. and Sat. only - ThurxUy, April RTS_ East Lansing, M: lai^ Mets Lose Again Sizzling Bat Sparks Musial Closing In NEW YORK imThe unbeaten St. Pete Smith's Rating Louis Cardinals pounded out 18 hits, including four home runs, in handling the New York Mets their sixth straight defeat Wednesday 15-5. thev clash with Illinois, one of Kenny Boyer walloped two the team* rated as wp contend¬ home runs and Julian Javier and Kob» said. "His Nuv.n$has pick¬ ers to dethrone .)efend>.ngBi$ Ten Carl Warrick hit one apiece as Solid tutttft* fca* moved fete ed up and he's looking real food,** champion Michigan. every player in the St. Louis Smith ino the rota of";!* mac to Frank PeUvrin. assistant ••All the reports t read starting lineup hit safely. i*at" for an outfield pes.nor. aho«? Illinois picture them as It was the Cardinals' fifth oa State's baseball MB Smith's '.nttir4 a ragged tearo. to best,** Kohs straight victory. With the Cubs he'll he all right bevause he can said. beating Houston, the Mets be¬ do evertthiag else." The HImt. who finished fourth Sm«tN started the war m the «- year a$» wute -* a~ V-cecorvi. came the only winless team in the What Bargains ir-fiest, prvr.xrtty *r third M» have ntnr totwtmen bar* snolud- Star. Musical collected two hits * where he behind sewr,!trr\ over was snj st* regulars. and drove in two runs to give _^__../am*s Luuvasskx Purdue, or. the other hand, him at least one safety in every s second highest c PETE SMITH 1"he way dHngs stand right now _ must he rated as the ussJervfcg game he has played this season. USED BOOKS 3,000 when they arrive Friday. They plays, such as the infield cut-off Stan now has a lifetime total of Smith will he standing in also have niv» returning letter- of outfield throws," he said. 3,410 hits, only 20 shy of Honus the octfwki when the Spartans ope", > i wits £i$ Ter. season heir mer. hu: the finish¬ ed ir, if* cellar last year. not ttowever. be ir. one action outfielder will for the Spar- Wagner's all-time National Lea¬ gue record. Musical needs just OF VALUE... a *»$k *anw against t\a> joe Sesor- f'urviae coach, rat- two more total based to tie Babe dye {-nday a^i double heaver a ed'his biggest problem this spring He is Dan Cossello a left Ruth for second place in the all- .Jft Ul;r» "fbi ; as being the rebuilding of his infield out of a crop of tafcented handed swinging sophomore, who has been sidelined with a pulled time list, behind Ty Cobb. on sale from 1 sophomores. muscle. Kolas said that State should Co sue lie was one of eight other Richard Faison . 205- oa P**" John kobs Wedaes&y Smith so:, tha ha\< the advantage over the Beil- "If our pitching holds ap we outfielders Smith for position. a i a m pe 1111 n g with pound brother of regular ftvehasing All-American end Earl Faison. former will seek a spot with Michigan State's football team. Indiana SPARTAN Corner of Ann & MAC BOOKSTORE should be the fav-or:tes because If Smith nails down a start¬ ing role it won't he the first well" he said. he's held this year. Sailors Sixth one Smith said he thought the Spar¬ t of $ tan had a solid shot at having football players last fall operat¬ ing from the quarterback slot and helping the Spartans chalf At Ohio Meet Get Your EASTER BASKETS At up a successful 7-2 record. STATE o |SJ9 Only 79c 99c 58c Iga®. deem Tcotl 59c - 500 Tablets . . 89c $1.29 39c *140 74c s:.oo 99c Type ISO's . . . , $2.49 $2.38 $/> ring Practice • «T *».: * • ^^ " $1.87 Begins At I of M $1.35 68c - Portraits Painted «.oo 79c ^ $.1 -10 99c V Thedore J. Jones e*!tSar~ - < 555- * A_M. to 9 P.M. arurdav ■> KM. to h P.M. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ANOTHER CHAPTER IN THE NEW ENGLAND LIFE - MICHIGAN STATE SUCCESS STORY* Pitchers Still Opera very special savings! P Skimmer Flail ■- «... -Aa. *t>c ,-aerv.e«rs for icrr salaried a f rr-ur ttr.-aroe fit'.i or '•»>**.es awl . ^yperviser zi Traising Choice of *agfc or rnedttan heel aac Co<)«fe «?ei*ncc.s. «-.U ai!a or. "a . . Choice Red, White. Navy. Black Calf Soft flexible leathers rape red toe Saes to 10, narrow, medium widths. . . . Sixes w ». 3A. 2A. B wjd fcopae r**i ."-.•.erriewiTsg for administrative positions e :»Rs ana^rsc ra eves-tior t few receec assigi*- » Kti me -Biearr i , . irtagar Sose men have iweasae sates MOCS w ainBttS> keM -narafenner.: poss- t a*.persona: ctleani. At varaoes »e>r. WiHirt a fim fc*»aarx!ie m a ?-fe. F-swJ fWHttwft jsataec sir ( Cwnar* T*c ode; 1mr ImOkz. Drue IzAa^af, nisrr - ntlitatw. | 690 BaE Omsrt ansi ymS Sue-:, e . Ail the popular sr»les (Peser/s- Tennis Oxfords kaliaB-Frlafe Vampe) . Sqsaare toe or tapered tee • wlft popular tapered NEW ENGLAND LIFE . . Btec&.-OUie. Brow Brws. Tut Sties 4 wadtSa. to 10, narrtr*. medlasr. . . Nylot reinforced stitches Sturdy rubber bumper *f» £"-i.a««; »UTi!A± . Siaes 4-10. narrow, medium COW^AHT. FOUNDER Of MOTUAL Cl*£ wiu»ai»Cf H S^Ca »*«"««$. ALL ^0*wS Q* iMOlviOu*L AKO GROUf* tmS09*mC£. *«mU7t£S **»C ?£MS«OMS. G90'JP MfAtTH COMVERAGES. GARDES LEVEL GARDEN LEVEL 10 BIG DAYS! STARTING TODAY AT 9: 30 A.M.! KNAPP-S EAST LANSING Michigan State New East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 1#, 1962 «J Moss iHalts Green Senators, Denton; gfoytog • puzzling 5-2 'jr- Dm Mot*. «m- curve, halted Davis Cup Member swimmers In the ( Splash show "Musical Sellouts*' AMFN (CAN LEAGUE W L Pet- CB the Washington Senator* on five hits and A1 K aline Ratine bit ***** a provldsd the punch as the Detroit Tigers wrn- *«ta«sday. first inning horns Battles Eisner Friday The No 6 position i. tias an opportunity to warm up in the Adrian Intercollegiate Syn¬ ch ronlaad Swimming Meet last weekend at Adrian, nrobac Sftldhe nticioatesFri- Th* tour performers in the run and started the go to Bill Lau, Flint senior 3£»Yor* 3 1 730 1/1 St Louis run fourth with a 400-foot dou¬ Tigers' 4- Tom Wlerman, Kalamaxo day's meet with mixed emotions "March from Came lot • number San Francisco One of the nation's top-r.»nk- * 6 3 w, , . ble oft loser Joe McCIain I'm hoping for the best." he took first plsce. They sre Joan A-L<» Angeles 5 J .625 2 ' " ' * edKf tennis plovers. tennisp|,ivera, Marty Rieasen, Martv Rlessen. »«1*omore Mjd IenHoor, Grand Rapids sopho- A-Philadelphia veteran southp/ will Join his Northwestern team¬ 3 2- 600 2 >Jdd#d on,y on« unearned mates in a dual meet with Sun The meet will begin it 3:30 mor#- ***** Zavita. Lansing 2 1/7 run ini p m , weather perm In Ins sophomore. Betsy Fox. East Lan¬ recording his first vic¬ vtc- Drobac's Span a sing junior and Mrs. Karen Ea~ tory The only hit off Kim in the MSU courts first five innings was wind Mown "If local tennis fans want to but his partner hai Spartan netters will travel to kif\l Popup by Chuck Center that did see real good tmnn plyer, Detroit TuesJ iy to meet the Tit- silff competition was fur- ■ 'reach the pitcher's mound and - '* their chancy" Drobac- » been labeled wZi7 of the University of Detroit. ** ^f*?i:nlv*r*ty' th# A-Night fames fell for a double r*=—f i IS'^af {or I niversity of Michigan, Eastern said, refer WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS The Tigers drove McClsin out Rieasen. »on U-D"s B J. Tslly, he said he Michigan University, Bowling _ _____ Green University. Western Univ¬ In the fourth. Chic© 5, Washington 1 St. Louis 15, New Yortt 5 Fernanda* tj,. ki#w Yo,fc Tifona of th» tennis ersity. Adrian University and drove in two runs with a x Minnesota 2 Chicago 3, Houston 2 sing!* I"* *** Jof th* Rieasen. sophomore. Albion University. Am#r,"n Footkoll Leo9ue, , after Kalinc doubled aadMcClaln chosen for 1 -'y«* *' Baltimore* (N) hubm» .'i _ 6* Ssn ~T;. Franc iso , . "vu * fillied the bases with two walks tuned walks i'8n*d »"gnea „M'eh»gonwitcntoon State aiaie s _ eq^jad In doubles, he and Ramsey Oeduled ^ Los ata^^1"^ \neales at Angeles u°3i Ani»'«s at Cincinnati, (S) fN> Dick Brown's sacrifice fly scor- ed another runs ndm...,.' Moss la single , . Wayne c Pontes ... Fontes was a Wednesday. a_i defensive Earnhart of Cslifornia arer nk«d second or third nationally Good Food chased in the last Detroit TODAY'S SCHEDULE: tally holfbock on the Spartan arid Rlessen also pi ys basketb;>tl Cxmrenent Hours HENRY'S Mossi delivered two of the Tt- squod ond will perform siro- gers' seven hits. He did not walk at Northwestern St. Louis at New York jties for the Titans. He will face Brian Fisnar, Houston at Chicago * batter and struck out five. The Senators scored their run senior from Manitowoc, Wis, and it Us Angeles Sen Francisco at Milwaukee who is the seventh on Steve Boroa" holding down date's No. I jr IValtimore (N) Pittsburgh at Philadelphia (N) " Los Angeles at Cincinnati (N) »*veno» on Ste%* Boroa 1U Tasby singled and ed when Boros threw and WU" Lotqj scor¬ Thindads 1 singles spot for the third Eisner was conference year. runner-i$) In 1%0 and a semi-fin.-.list last Reasonable Prices wild on Bob Johnson's grounder Warm Up year rs Their match promises to be in Trade Your Gas and Frank Lary's injured leg will If practice performances sre citing one. according to t>o- The rest of the probable sin¬ Repair Bills For when they pl >y at Boston the MSL' thtncl.ids m-y be on Manager Bob Schefflng had their wav to fine season. gles lineup for State s Big Ten namet1 his ace righthander to lace opener Friday includes Dick Col¬ la an" in tr.*-squad meet on the Red Sox. figuring Lary'spul- by, Kalamazoo so^iomore, at No Tuesday, the 440 yd. relay team $1.87 a Day led ri*ht lag muscle would b« ran the event in 44.4 seconds, 2, Tom Jamieson, Lansing sopho¬ more at No. 3, Jack healed. Schefflng said Wednesday This was done in sweat suits since nsmson, Holland Junior, .it No 4, and Phil Regan would start instead the temperature did not warrsnt Ron L ickman, Warresi lunior at and Lary probably will st.»rtSat- the regular garb. urday's gar This 44 4 mark, however, was only $1.8? a day with a $144.79 downpay- Lar>- pulled lame In r n- five-tenths of a second faster Spartans Defend . ... s lo* price includes a Heater. Windshield Washers, ing out a triple last Friday, than the team's effort last year arc. l oam Cushions. Stop in today and sample the in competition ,-t the Ohio Relays. V mpg economy of the RAMBLER AMERICAN. Stauffer Is Hired It is .n these same rel.iys that Handball Title the Spartans will compete this To Assist Stevens The I'nited States Handball As¬ Elmer Steele Rambler NORMAN, Okla., I**- AtMetic ,n other ction, Don Castle sociations Intercollegiate hand¬ ball tournament will begin Thurs¬ director Bub Wilkinson of the won the mile run in 4:24 'ltd it of Brody on Michigan ED 7-9765 University of Oklahoma Wednes- Rodger Humbarger won the two day at tt* University of Cin- day announced tiiat Gordon C. mile race In 0:50. Best times Stauffer will be assistant bas- In th* 440 Y* d'ith were 52.3 The tournament is scheduled to be held from Thursday through ketbal coach under newly hired 52 6 by Oyars Balcers and head coach Bob Stevens Ron Hornurg respectively Saturday with the first matches TAKE ADVANTAGE of our special Stauffer for three years h.^s Johnson was clocked in at 5 pjn. Thursday. been assistant to Stevens at the >5 3 for the '.20 vd high hurdles Michigan State's team has high University of South Carolina. Ste- In field even.s, Jerry Dehenau hopes of retaining the coveted Weekend Service vens was announced l.'St week as the new coach at Oklahoma 13'6" the pole vault with a effort and Dave Manders !;red Miller Cup, which Is given to the champions of this event. Ben Brown, East Lansing sen¬ succeeding Doyle Parrack who P"t the shot 4^'3 . ior, Ed Schall, E. Lansing grad¬ 1153 E. Michigan I block West of Brody resigned xfter seven seasons. When all the time trials have uate student, and Teri*yBrenner. For four years, 1955-1959, been completed, competitors will Bring in : Stauffer was coach .n Roryer- chosen for the meet, Roanoke, Virginia sophomore are three returning members of ton high school in Nfuncle, Ind. Laundry 'til 1p.m. Friday He won the conference tide and Ifi'iinpfi/t/f] f /)/i/7i n the four man squad. Carl Valentino. Detroit Fresh¬ county championshipthreeyears. » . Ct„ff Dry Cleaning 'Til 10 a.m. Saturday He lettered In Basketb ll three JOltlS man, Is the fourth member of the team. ye rs at Michigan State t'niver- Get Back Saturday Afternoon Last year, Brown and Brenner sitv 1949-1^52 . Another Grudge? ' LAS VEGAS. Nev., 1^-Carlos , 9 the Bl" "eusner, swinuning coach at Minnesota will officially join ucatlon A Michigan State physical ed- staff next August I. graduate of Northwestern defeated a tough U. of Texas team to win 'he doubles ionship. Ed Schall placed third In the class 'X' singles and Ed champ¬ (opadding... Ortl*, sn intense young light- University, Heusner will hold the Abry won several matches to weight challenger, charged Wed^ position of ssslciate professor help the team win the tourna- nesday that champion Joe Brown of health, physical education and Shirt Landry kept him waiting too long for a recreation at State, ment Particlpating In this tourna¬ last year were teams from title shot. The veteran Borwn called him a loud mouth. They meet Saturday IM Schedule Purdue, Rice. Texas A&M, I', of Texas. Nebraska L., and Mich¬ Wheats! in the convention center in a match SOFTBALL igan State. scheduled for 15 rounds over 5:20 p.m. Many other teams are expect¬ Field ed to participate this year, in¬ S . V DENT SERVICES BULDLNC national television (ABC). Both appear lr. razor-sharp condition. 1 T.D. Chi-S. A.E cluding one from the U. of Mich- 2 P.K. Phi-A.S. Phi igan. 3 D.T.D.-A.G.R. The team will leav early 4 .T.O.-D.C. Thursday morning 5 matches in Cincinnati. Bryan 7-8 SUNSHINE CENTER" 6 ? Errors-Luther Colony-Club-St. Gerauds WHO WOULD WANT; 213 Ann Street TO SELL ! 6:30 p.m. INSURANCE? East Lansing, Mich. 7 Communicators-Tinkles Terrors Perhaps you would, if you knew th? facts! Income Reservations for tennis courts matching your ability may be made for one hour on . . . weekends, 10 a.m. through 6p.m. plus a chance to be your own boss these are The tennis courts will be super¬ . . . vised during this time among the many benefits of The LEAD IN WOMEN BOWLERS BUFFALO, N. Y. FOR THE NATURAL MAN -- washers and dryers. Clothes are is to take care of the details and jitt you Jot tht Jtm. We'll washed to perfection and fluff driod. even remind you to bring your camera! 39.95 to 59.50 Of course, we'll alao take care of your tickets, passports, permits—everything you need to make your trip a "bon voyage" from start to finish! Call us today—for prompt, personalized, fietfetiitnil travel service. Quarters Do the Work of Dollars ■•■Ill New coin operated Philco-Bendix dry cleaning equipment handles full EIGHT POUND LOAD at one fourth the usual cost. Ig lositchekiiros. College Travel Office 130 W. Grand River ED 2-8667 Michigan State News, Fast Lansing, Michigan Thur»fl»yt Engagements Pa trie la Flynn, Grand Rapids Faith Coddington. Traverse « ■□□3 C13SJQ SCO2 Satan To Htad African Course . n , Crossword Puzzle 1^3 gaga 6UM«lta „ Junior, to Charles A. Cutter, jr, City Junior and Oil Omega, to This Ust of 20 engagements in- Grand Rapids, Junior He is a H»vtd Steadman. East Lansing i sorority, fraternity and "hi P*" Helta Helta Theta: Theta: she ts a re- Junior she ts SAMFntosIr LOWEST nee received weeks. hill during announce menu the past lew ident of -t"*" North WiUiams "* v—k mB' Susan Tetrtni, Sharon, senior and Mary Lou Fish. 126 Orchard Pa., ^East Lansing, to James Mich- resident of North Wil- Offered On Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity an¬ "ttfetis&i l . Flkins, Royal Oak soph - Uams. to Dominic Muscelia, a ael Paddack of Datroit. Sue Manter, Toledo Junior, to The restless continent, of Af¬ rica will be the subject of an nounces ma Its officers for the com¬ year. The are preetd**: ~^8ren"«1 in - graduate of YU'aaova College Bill Newell, reeumseh Junior MSU telecourae beginning April ts Qavid from Wayne, Pa. Lynn Sher, Ironwood Junior and Grace L GrerneL Detroit sophomore, to Ben Burns, Mem- Mike Saltman, Flint sophomore: vice president: Bob Fabian, New Roche! e. N.Y., c»SS8& Jtne Green. Itsrrisvilleaenuw Alpha tpsiloc Phi, to Harry phis senior. Junior; treaaurer: and A«w Hell resident. to r*n Flagg, M.LT. graduate and Phi Linda Jane Markley, Saratoga Gary Clark, Detroit >ml«r: sad Bauer, Crosse Pointe graduate Gamma Delta, Hawaii. Springs, N.Y., sophomore to Da- Biser.her, Washington, \id P Hi son, Waterloo, N.Y. r»r" ""J®* mechanically NEW YESH1CA and REVERE ment. garage. Furnished uti¬ SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE higher all-college Join PHI ETA i700 vet~y Phone 8°od Snow ED 7-0534 tires. $150. i« cameras. Never 1095. Below wholesale price. leen used. Call ED 2- 17 lities. $42.50 per month. 1113 E. Kalamazoo. Call IV S-5P3 be¬ tween 5:30 and ".00 PM. Tune ups, all minor repair. All SIGMA, scholastic honorary fra¬ ternity. Open smoker on "Hiurs- Auto Parts 17 work fully guaranteed. Special ifty, April 10 In Parlor C of the Union at 7:00 p.m. Call 355-4612 at LOOKING FOR \ SPORTS OR? April 16-20. Wet was 75*. if you have any questions. Calf us for make, year, and T.V. CLEARANCE SALE! 21" W I A 16 _ , Discount Prices r 1*0 ROADSTER. One Excellent edition. Wire price range you had In mind. Muntz, $24.95. 21" G.E.. $29.05. + LOSt & FOUnd Try us! ED 7-7051 or Bob Hecht ED 21" RCA. $29.95. 21" WOULD the person who pick¬ Admiral. LOST: Scarab bracelet of ulti- f->de walls. 5P50 2-3581. 20 tt * pt'-ture tube. $39.95. Many 9^1982" >JS TV-CiJI w"~d- Call colored stones. Last week Re¬ 355-0412 17 VETS ALTO TRIM, GARAGE. ed up my MSU hardcover note¬ book in CSO's library last week, please at least return the con¬ Limco Auto Parts . 1 r LOST-Man's class ring-Gold Seat covers, convertible tops. tents Take it to the library, IV 2-1303 1332 N. Larch, Lansing General repai CSO office, or call me. IV 9- with blue stone. Initials are R.N, avertible, show car, stock PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Look for The Red House en¬ Reward. Call 355-6944. 18 3684. Very Important. excellent condition. White et.. gine & body, trophy winner. $700. 17 Must sell. IV 4-4779. 3723 W. broidery. Size 10 cocktail dress. - e. Call IN 9-6861. 17. LOST Pearl-like ring with DICK VOLKMAR AND MARI¬ Kalamazoo. l? WHILE YOU WAIT or one day LYN POTTER come to p| rfftal Pat Weaver. America's National Coll,-*.. Queen speciality. All foreign cars.Kll- you see Mutual Benefit Life. Karl Federation of Musicians. 527 S. ficers in Kansas City, Tuesday amazoo St Body Shop. Wrecker Bohnhoff. ED 7-0320 or ED 2- She and her court ..f K<-Ki..nal C..lleKe Q.irrn« . hose ten Washington, IV 2-5314. "Live through Friday. service and free Estimates. 1411 busy people 3581. lieautiful rinRs from Art.arved's award-winning de-ignv Best." C19 I960 E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. Lelsenring is a member of the Somewhere amon» ll.em. or among other Artrarved tradi¬ ROADSTER. One organization's office manage- pr. Excellent condition. Wire MENTALLY DEPRESSED be¬ EXPERIENCED TYPBT would tional ami modern designs, you will fmd the rinf of your f-side walls. Call cause of inability to get auto like WE REBUILD and repair auto¬ typing in my home. General Some 800 representatives heart's desire. matic and standard transmis¬ sions at lowest prices. Martin's WANTED ! insurance? Phone Bubolz. ED 2-8671. Over Jacobson's. C16 typing, term papers. TU 2-9861. 3182 Pmetree Rd. 17 ^ Alleges and expected to attend. The repre- Ask your Artrarved jeweler, listed Mow. to explain all the other reasons for choosing a l>eautiful Artrarved dia¬ >uto Parts.*-1887 Ha si en Rd.. sentatives of 600 colleges and * ED!E STARR: Typist, theses, mond its 100-year <|.ialit< reputation, snperl. color and Pir^TH. qflinder, with 4 door se- East Lansing. ED 2-5319. 18 Salesmen dfSsertatlons, term papers, gen- universities are expected to at- . utting. plus tlx- Artrarved Permanent Value Plan. standard tend The represenl1tives will •Wion, radio. This Is good eral typing. ExperIctced, IBM the world's strongest proof of guaranteed diamond value. SPECIAL: BRAKE RE LINING. examine adjustment problems of electric typewriter. OR 7 8232. C Learn why you'll he prouder with an Artrarved. ?• asportation at a forelgn students, student finan¬ Only $4.95 plus parts. We spe¬ f Only $495. cialize in powerglide and other Men and Women cial assistance programs and Also, DIAPER SERVICE" -A r tcarved* automatic transmissions. 2 door' Victoria, [■t0P. « cylinder, Ford-o- SERVICE « your des'.a. You receive your own dia¬ k 1 sh,rp ^ loae For Advertising anc whjte paint. A one pers back each time. With Jamboree on Ht. Olympus »'v :r?*T Clr wltfi low mi- MEL'S AUTO SERVICE Dept. - STATE NEWS our service. You may in¬ Ll!'* 1**n«te it. to drive this one $»$. 315 W. GRAND RIVER clude your baby's under¬ ATHENS, iJC - Gen. Daniel C. 332-3255 Call for MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ shirt* and clothing which Spry, head of the world Scout Two of the will not fad*. White, Blue or movement, expressed hope in MAX versity graduation rings 24U CU-RT1S, INC. available THE Pink diaper pails fur¬ a visit here the Greek govern¬ lovely'designs at CARD - MICHIGAN .Appointments nished ment will chosen " * approve a site near by America's EXT. 33 it Employment SHOP. Includes degree, AMERICA^ LAUNDRY ancient Marathon. 26 miles from saal. 3 engraved Initials. 111 E. WASHTENAW Athens, for the 11th World Boy College Queens. HOfcSEWIVES: Your time is 355-8255 Choice of 10 stones. Scout Jamboree Aug. 1-11, 1963. * From $100. IV 2-0864 SVG-TD, your own. Make it pay oft. Good * fe Invested $1200 earnings with Avon. For appoint¬ c mplatHy. Thee an ment in your home, please write A5K HIM (dHOS 60IN& TO UXN I *»i- ,luseti $200 damage. call: Mrs. AtanaHockins. 5664 THe NATIONAL LEAGUE'PENNANT h entryyour Get or C*» Schaal St.. Haalett, Mich. Tele¬ IN ational College Queen Contest phone FE 9-8483. 17 jij for yourself or your candidate at: » MG, 4 door Mtfen. Ex- WANTED: DEPENDABLE, HON- 1 « condition, new tine. $790. '-6586 and make offer, EST MEN TO FILL part-time MORGAN'S jo* ▼ecanclea with potential full- 17 Him summer worfc. Up to $10 TrvwZTTr 7 n<**-Ad« per erenint Car necessary CaH I2I S. Washington Lansing, Mich, IV 9-1318 6-f PM ealr «k. I 4 r ' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ThurxUy. April 19 TODAY, j KNAPP'S EAST LANSING IS ONE YEAR OLD! *'!' WuV WE'RE CELEBRATING WITH A TREMENDOUS Ready TODA . Come have apiece of our giant Birthday Cake ... So big, it Big Savings! GOVERNS Just one year ago. Knapp's, East Lansing opened will serve 1,000 people. Secretary its doors for Men's Cotton the first time. It was another evi¬ i ered the a Look for the balloons! Hun¬ dence of Knapp's faith and confidence in the future dreds of balloons will be even .-rig. S SLACKS of this re¬ great community . . . a desire to extend leased from the topof our East ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 Knapp's reputation for friendly service and depen¬ dability to the people of East Lansing and the sur¬ Lansing Store Thursday. They'll float everywhere. rounding community. Now it is our first birthday! 3.69 $ To our thousands of friends, we want you to come Many contain valuable gift to certificates. our celebration. It will be a real birthday party in ... a great big birthday cake (with one big candle), Shop all three floors, every For coolness and cornier, this spring and summc gav colored balloons galore, and exciting birthday department. Look for the Spe¬ values to cial Birthday Values repre¬ polished cotton slacks please every man, woman, and child. So Plain front. Sanforized ■ ■ ■ ■ i join us tomorrow . . and come again and again dur¬ senting most exceptional Suntan color only. ing this 10-day celebration. It's, our way of saying savings. Remember these thanks for your confidence and patronage during the Birthday Values are avail¬ able only in Knapp's East past year. Lansing store. 10 BIG DAYS AT KNAPP'S EAST ... LANSING, ONLY! Exceptional Savings! Misses' Stitched Down SKIRTS Girls Cotton POPLIN JACKETS Knapp's Wonder-Value 50* Am el: W SEAMLESS NYLONS cor on skirts Sues Basic jacket Front zipper ^^ flannel lining. 7-14. Cotton Q 0.07 ASSORTED MATERNITY Wear Children's Cotton Knit Shorts Shorts, Peddlepushers, Skirts. a ■ Knit Cotton outerwear shorts Blouses Sizes 6 to IS Sizes iLQJ> jJ 2-3-4 In Green and Cold. UTV Famous FORMFIT Cotton Bras Boys' Hooded SWEATSHIRTS Firs: quality, stitched under Value Value in seamles nylon cup. 1 10CME cotton Fleece lined. Assorted * . . . hose NEW White Sties 32 to 36. A-8-C. I.W colors. Size S-M-L. OO 1.00 in plain knit or micro-mesh. Proportioned in sizes 8 1/2 to U. Colors: Rosetone and Rumba Misses' Nylon Tricot BRIEFS Boys' Plaid WALKING SHORTS SPRING COATS Nylon tricot. elastic tritr.. White Sizes 5-6-7 brief Lace J 3 . *)<5 £VJ Assorted plaids 10CW shorts in sizes 6 to 12. fine cotton A aa /,77 Sale. $28 Seamprufe Nylon Tricot SLIPS Lovely nylon tricot slips. White r\ aa Assorted Children's TOYS Carries, Sewing Sets. Coloring. Sets. Sale! Children's Fa shirr. Sizes 32-40 Average lengths. / VQ Chinese Checkers, Others 77 A / f \ ccjts yx:'U lov» for travel . . . . v»- . cattcr.' Yoii sir plv ctr.'t beat therr fcx %-shie. Ladies' Imported SUN GLASSES SIZZLING STEAK PLATTERS SI EEP& Variety of styles and shapes. Black, 1 OQ Attractive platters. Bakelite holder 1 /A turcoise and wfcite frames. I.Of for serving I.OV Cummerbund & Kerchief Sets SILVERPLATED Bon-Bon Dishes 1.49 Ad>«s:able rr a dr ' s cumberbunds 1 / a Children love the soft, and triangle kerchief. As??, Chippendale Pattern by Newport plaids. I.OV division of Gorham. coolnes of these 90% cot¬ ton, 10<| dacron polyester LADIES' SPRING HANDBAGS Ladies Hair sleepers Safe in automa¬ Dryer Hoods tic if washers and dryers. MADRAS Assorted sachel styles tn patent. No visca straw and ^ aa Speeds hair-drying. Large enough ironing. Sizes 1 tapestry O.OO 1.00 4yrs Ladies' Ban-Lon Stretch GLOVES ELECTRIC HAIR DRYERS PLAID One size fcanlon Beige, c-r Black string glove White. -rr\ / « Special value. Kow's the chance to 3.99 Shirtdresses Men's Famous SPORT SHIRTS ATTRACTIVE CURLER BAGS Famous name. Short sleeve button Helps keep drawers Round SALE! Misses' Madras down collar Popular patterns neat OAx W. holder with 10.88 cover. 0*f£ PIAD JAMAICAS Men's Nylon Stretch SOCKS PLASTIC GARMENT BAGS Famous ha me 100$ stretch nylon ^ 3 ho-* frame. 5.69 rj Quilted top »nd front. Quick drying f Flu an / DfS. | Full-length zipper. IJ)V Men's Famous Name T-SHIRTS Docron Filled BED PILLOWS Summer loves these and »o Cotton assorted cotton will yoa» The* or nylon covered. Washable. AA plaid Jamaica* with hemp belts are Ideal for no n-allergenic. 2tor27" <5.50 ea play. Misses sizes. lt%-£