Blood Drive MICHIGAN Blood Today UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. 184 STATI STATE NEWS Drive Today Eact Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. April 25, 1961 Price 10$ freedom Train1 Crippled Rocket 1 (Scored in North I VFW .t to ORLEANS OP - A pro- send • "freedom orate" ®" * one-way ticket furnished by segregationists and obtain the May Strike Moon PASADENA, CALIF,, 'J* - The K lorth carrying 1,000 Nsgroes auccees which apparently crippled spacecraft Ranger4 tiny transmitter In the capsule .Le one-way ride away con* to the Lou la Boyd coasted Tuesday toward a crash that moon. was to be landed on the segregation In the South on the 'moon's backside, or to Trackers wOl follow its heep- cTies oi outrage and de- The original Citizens Council a possible near miss and a fiery beep to the moon's leading edge, " Tuesday. oM#r' ^rtlamg the "freedom end In the earth's — . bus" llated the add reuses and atmosphere, project its course behind the Calculations Indicate a colli- ■ Nortl*ni polltlc«l leadwe. W ^p^ne nurnberi o{ weUtrt sion at 8:50 a.m. EST moon, then train the' antenna to Iptional m Association for of atoredPeoiae, aeparxmenUi urbtn ktgue lnd Thursday, the point where It should nent NAACp oHlC€8 ,n ^ York I 36.9 hours after blastoff from Cape Canaveral, Monday. ■ucui tn?J/r2ST2L2 Equ®"^ (CORE) epoke Waihlngt0fl- Chicago. Pittsburgh, Detroit and jet propulsion laboratory hit. scientists who created and are ||tln|^l ^r?* MMzenaCouncll ^-Uiated by the Citizens Council Slngelmann said he felt ^ Louisiana Legislature would sure tracking the craft said, however. Panjasr 4 achieved 0« 24 500 m D.h afti that it could barely mis*. Nf*i l?hfMiT ID- ■PProPrU« *100.000 at its May In this but gravity has been R*p- F' Ej^ ««»»ior. to make additional runa around the moon's . 'V "7^ h°<* backside, steadily. Nine tenths L».) defended ' by the train possible, despite the turn toward earth and Incinerate gravity will [jjjd it was merely freedom rid- ,tao»'i financial plight with a Itself Sunday night like a giant take "ov r and speed it up aga:n r. impact speed of 6,000 1 George I. Slngelmann, director In New Orleans Tuesday, Miss Ranger 4 was launched beauti- ' 'r^' i,bo ( the Citizens Council, made Caatle displayed a letter report- folly Monday by an Atlas-Ajjena speed-distance reports 12 04 ry gave i idea public, announcing urv- edly signed by Slngelmann say- B booster combination. But two p.m. pjtf IU.79S miles 3,709 houra after launch scientists de- s train. He aald the aid Negroes who accept the offer termlned that a fn.p-h.; p.m. 125,W timer, supposed 3 ^59 m.p.h. 2 04 a.m. I 9 to provide the one- and find conditions In the north to CTtnmsponation for Negroes not what they expected. govern many of Its functions, mifes, 2,814 m.p.h. GRIM REAPER-Thiii spec- "hippy w«h segregation cua- Slngelmann denied the atate- tor wandered thrawiS corn- Orleans. ment, claiming the offer Is for f''- Faculty ■n less lta electpon:l!: brain. L'n- "one way only/' put as a port of the f 4ble ) pay tor one- w.,act on or respond tion of the ct ROTC , Vj Tickets taker north for Negroes wishing already haa drawn Louie Boyd, hia wife Liberties POSSIBLE C X P ANSION—Do ve Petersen, and Hector MocLeod, University site con¬ 5 the sun ilize Itself, It simply tumbled end over end and stab¬ out of control toward Reacts to blood drive. tire resulted in S 1 upswing eight children went to New ing addition new under consideration. for* by bus. The Citizens Coun- al Each paid the $263 fare and gave family member $5 for in- Watchdog struction superintendent, fight, take meo- I I I I ■ I I ■ I State News Photo by Ron Maco* " the moon. cause Disappointed scientists found for cheer In the guidance. $25 Fee in blood donatio Monday level. State New» Photo by George Reds Launch %tlfl (dentals. The Bo yds left New Proposed Hitting the moon with an un- gulded spacecraft is likened to Faculty reaction to the charg¬ ~ 'rle,nS i4,t ThUr*day' Two professors urged Wednes- Government establish a Joint fa- Global Third Sputnik hitting a bird on tte wing with a the rifle The moon once. Russians have hit The L'rrftedStates ing of with a $25 parking fee varies, some questioning if the park¬ ing problem is great enough to 730 Blood ity, N.J,. culty-student watchdog In Five Weeks has failed to achieve its goal war rent the fee, and others be¬ h«neful sople and wil * i m,tte€ on clvU liberties, com- MOSCOW. (T>-Tl>e Soviet in seven previous moon shots. The 730-pound sliver and geld lieving that the fee wa s inevitable. Clinton Burhans, Instructor of Donations Glimpses Charles P. Larrowe, professor tartless display of theatrlca- ^ ec and Robert RepaBf Union Tuesday orbited its third terplantary voyager had these English, said: Set Record . , „ "1 think the fee !s necessary. srTl' assistant progessor In the Labor Instrument-packed sputnik in five ?oaI® t0 radio back photos of If the University Is going to Clarence Laws, field secretary Industrial Relations Center, said weeks. At the same time it fully ^ moon's surface to measure build ramps, they have to get ,r the N'AACK termed the free- alleged civil rights violations ■ ■ By the Associated Press reported the com muni cations lunar radioactivity, to measure the money from some place, and im train idea a "cruel hoax", could be reported to thecommit- failure aboard the American 1« radar reflection properles I don't imagine they can get It moon rocket Ranger 4. » land instruments lr retha Castle, New Orleans of- cial of CORE, called it "a tee for Investigation, analysis and recommendations. Troops Unite in Algiers to Battle OAS The Soviet Ne-«s Agency Tass «c*>d baU that would rd from the legislature. I don't mind Nearly 7*30 pints of blood donated in the secorJ.-~ of the were OR AN-Troop reinforcements began to said the new sputnik. Cosmos III. moonquakes and meteo impacts, the fee." /pocntical gain cheap In a Bobletter to AL'SG President mass on the outskirts William Sweet land, associate ROTC blood drive, setting a re¬ iclty." elect Howard, the profes- of rebellious Oran Tuesday to break the resistance of the d®- represented Triother step in a Calculations Indicate that Pan- cord for one-day donations. program of outer space probes ^ moon's lead- professor of humanities, said: sors said they endorsed the re- European settlers. much as the L'nlver- The total for r»o days is 10S3, Ne# York Gov. Nelson Rock- commendation of the Student Con- ~ '* ~ Official sources indicated, however, that It may be sometime check and improve spaceship '"g edge at a height of 900 miles pints above the total for the 1 feller said the pl«n "violates - gretB student rights committee before Oran Commander Gen. Ralph Kate throws his men li slty is faced with financial prob- *** plr:TJ *Jve "'e *** r.try fundameniital concept that Apparently the Sputnik was un- hltMeT1 oacksieJe lems, they had to charge a fee calling for an end of photograph- »ctlon against the city's European quarter held by the terrc pay for parking facilities. I ln a*s * a people" and J?0^" ^ students in tng Students Ing In peaceful demon- lat_Seer«| Army Organization. manned. It could, if there were a tiny feel that there can be no Joat- dded it mi coilhtar to our Tees •aid preliminary data in- ln calculations curv- de¬ stratlons by the Department of error tflsble complaint against the fee. It looks like eVU ma*e die elief ln the dignity and worth Public Safety, * up gun position* dicated the satellite was tn an hind the moon without impacting Paul Axt, assistant professor goal," said Mr# Ida belle Borg- f the individual/' orbit close to Its calculated path Rep„ tnd Larrowe t mid, hqw- m rooftops. and that radio telemetric signals In£) hurtle back to burn out m of mathematics, said: men. Red Croat r~ " " the earth's atmosphere. But, Rep. Herbert slapped the "I am not at all convinced ! AACP for its "hypocritical cry tngulsh" and contended It was commltti Suze News <**- Literacy Baffle Delayed in Congress dead The craft's mam battery went Monday night because it that with the present restrictions -rr. Mood drive tr Force ROTC WASHINGTON-A prospective greet battle over literacy tests Tass carried detailed accounts was unable to tap solar power, on parking on the north side of with co-oper- e NAACP "which telped the reeponsible Journalism ln prlnt- for voters was delayed Tuesday when leaders were unable to of the communications breakdown jt jg tracked, by ti* jet campus that there wW be a great eedom rider pattern when It lnS th* as 11 d'd 8 series of aboard the Ranger 4, launched enough increase in the need for round up a quorum. •cleheartedly endorsed free- "ritlcles on student civil rights propulsion laboratory's giant an- It was a skirmish victory for Southerners who are organized Monday, ind emphasized what ft tgma at Goldstor*. Calif., via a faculty parking to tustlfv the fee. ndes from north to south, u« "Pr,n« ^ wlter Mary 'lied Western Donald Johnson, professor of for a flblbuster against the Kennedy Administration's proposal u dismay at loss of M milliwatt battery operating a ven though the southbound rid- Ba*ln8 to exempt anyone with a sixth grade education from having to with the VJS. Spaceship, psychology, said; rs caused widespread disorder They urged, instead, that AL'SG take a literacy test to qualify as a voter In a federal election. the first time the United "The parking situation is very flagrant disregard of law." f?0?1 a resolution commending States and Russia had launched LdlC bad, but I don't know of any te referred to whites and Ne- Mary Basing and the State News Proponenets of the bill contend many Negroes in the South are kept from voting by pronouncements from voting officials space vehicles Day Sldted other employer who charies his ( "for their part ln Improving employees for parking. This *5 t'.unng from north to south civil liberties on the campus by that the Negroes have failed a literacy test. A session of the Supreme Sov¬ . For Tuesday seems to be peculiar to univer- t L t year, testing segregstlon bringing these matters into the iet, Russia's parliament, recess- MSL will partidpase itoms. Hundreds were arrest- light." Cost of living Reaches New Peak ed early so that delegates could natlorrwxte celebration of the Lai David Hess, acting direct s s jrjbllcity staff, the "world's blood The two charged that with- honors college, said: WASHINGTON-Hlgher spring _ 1 Day UjS.A. next Tuesday. irrpion," winning the 'la ^ possible the NAACP has 8*li cfot^ he£ed p^'"the a III. also quoted her as saying: Begun tn 1958, Law Day U.S.A. J*71* ?"*** 1f#eJ?" lr in the ad- P«^ In March. ._„j "Data on the state of distant is celebrate! annual!/ toencour- ^ ,or >s are a-warded to living of colo„d ^ n«,« up the basis « « The Labor Department reported Tuesday its consumers price age a deeper respect for the rule rather have the grass.' s highes per- iebert asked in Wash....vw... dex rose two-tenths of one per cent to reach the record level space routes, the complex of of law upon which the Uni:ed centage of blood. Standings a Herbert Phillips, assistant ippens to the NAACP lltlcil actlvlt,e9 ,n »uch of 105.0 per cent of the 1957-59 average. •problems relating to the funct- States is fourxted awi to pro- p«iblishee da:h/ in theStateN'ews. Ions of a human organism during mote responsible citizenship, professor of sociology and an¬ A Red Cross spokesr-ar urged contributions: or are Coupled with a February increase, this meant a rise ln two iy to be used •Even if these are isolated months of 1/2 per cent. But Arnold Chase, the department's space flights—this is the sphere pauj L. Adams, Michigan Su- thropology, said: ctvilain students not to donate only to finance whlch information could be "The fundamental issue is not mag in peaceful southern com- Instances, as indeed they may consumer price expert, said he could see no sign of an Inflat¬ ex- pre me Court justice and fc blood durirj? ROTC drill periods be," they said, "such use of ionary uptrend. changed." Michigan attorney general, will co8^ parking lots, but reports scarcely Russian cosmonaut Gher- highlight tie day with a taLc rather if Urge parking lots are Wednesday's ROTC drill per¬ the first to accept placency. man Tltov will attend 'he space " 4 p.m. in Falrchild. necessary. After visiting three iods ere 9-9 a.m. and 12-4 p.m. sens Council offer. He Guido Yields, Cancels Election Results science symposium in Washing- Provost Clifford Erirrson will tadvej s recently, ( would say e parking Leaders in the drive are as ^uesday as a $100 par that t BUENOS AIRES-President April 30. along with UJS. introduce \dams. The public 1 Jose Maria Guido Tuesday null- comfortable. 1 Jersey red In the reports had asked that electlon result8 ln ^e last four months^nd ordered federal astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. irrvlted. Women's Dorms • J., medical electronics their names" not be Involved. appointees to uke control of Argentina's provinces. 1. West Mayo ie said he and his femilv Th* letter countered the stu- The president acted by executive decree, after resisting pres¬ 2. S Williams I couldn't bee 1 3. N. Carrpbell happier — anywhere dent committee's conclusion of sure from his military chiefs for more than three weeks, when 'orld. irresponsible Journalism in the generals ln three provinces forced his hand by taking control of — - . , * said it would be a "tra- State News series by saying whUe fr0^ clTlll4n governors. Men's Dorms stake for both sides In an issue are ideal- that Negroes to •»- ^ annuuing March 18 elections he erased the victories of 2. S.'CaseT ' they can go to New lyj>resented, • "*** afraid that If certainadminlstra Baaingjna who elected five governors and supported four more any other northern city successful candidates for governor. tors knew that such a series of articles was being written they Sororities 0 , mm t Detroit i, might prevent its publicstion.' Howard said Wednesday that SwOimOfl MOKe* s2,000 Grant Slated By 1. i.lpha Kappa 2. Sigma Kappa Alpha 3. Phi Mu Kansas City 0 Ingham Alumni Clib in Analogy student Fraternities Datroit defeated Kansas rights committee as soon Governor John B. Swalnson The Ingham County Alumni Ctty as its members sre named 1. Phi Kappa Tau 1 to 0, behind the likened ths people of Michigan Club will provide Michigan State 2. Zeta Beta Tau pitch- n r>On Mossl. to a football team Monday as he with $2000 in scholarship grants 3. Delta Upsllon gave a pep talk at a regional this year. Michigan Wees meeting at Kel- This is the largest single scho- Co-ops logs Center. larship grant fund to be pro- 1. Hedrlck Take Oath Turning » Clarence L. "Big- vided by any alumni club oi the 2. Martin Luther gl-j" Munn, athletic directo- and ® "L-niversiry according to club of- 3. Elsworth irnfr0^1 and RrowT1 w*re theDe- foit battery, Pflstar and Sullivan Forty-six representatives and Regional chairman for Michigan ifi.Li fir I ale. TV* ffrant monev is ad- "If'J't'tni'ir for the A'a. The the AU-University Student Gov- week, tlw Governor said: n]ln,^r*° win was flfth against four ernment president Bob Howard will be sworn in by Tom Mor- ing a great football team "The first thing to do in build- ai«7 b"*on student scnoiar- Hsdley lo Discuss • from member dues i at dances and smo¬ Servnal At ledwe Judiciary, at a Student Congress r \ Common meeting Wednesday. will do the rest. kers sponsored by the Club. feeerest in Sur-ival** >WA*M Larry Campbell, past prsai- <-1110 same thing applies to the Ject of the second dent of AUSG. will give the new people of a state. If we se* Provost Lecture ~3 be given by Congress a summary of the our eight million citizens on the Armstrong Voles Arthur T. Hadley. year's activities in student gov- greatness of their stats, they Hadley. author of "The Net- For let peed) men) Jon's Safer/ and Arms Control." Dr. EMon Nonrtamaker. AUSG ambassadors and let the rest of Eicht hou.,, tn Armstrong ikiU will speax Wednesday at 4 pan. adviser, and Dr. David C. Ralph, the world know how great we 8l_ . 0 om Monday ln in the Anthony Hell auditorium. associate aleo will professor of speech, sre." speak to the group. The Governor told the repre- ofimpeacWng impeaching XTTprs- Wiil discuss diacur* rules of nt sentatlves I huriin, r>m> |ldcn{ i«»ik, Qtenn Williamson, Parfc- I«nn William , . Miss Peters Here; ridge. 111., sophomore.One house Nominations for speaker, counties that Michigan Week af- abstained. Tickets On Sole n, secretary, and fords all people and communities Sixteen members of Armstrong committees will en opportunity to csrry forward Senate will vots at s meeting st the meeting, s profrem tor community and Thursday bafore the impeacb- tse congressional state beturmeex.' meat becomes officUL SOMETHING NEW IN OPTICS » Edwerd A. meet* offered by bis eeetpeey. Tbe opticol Student tickers will go oa sale are scheduled for next The weak will officially open Sojm house votea may be coet- 11 Leasing wtth eeremsetes oe aseted because of a large number Lerees, representetlve of the Amerlcon Op- exhibit wes set ep in Clltner Hell Teesdey. Tuesday at 9 a.m. ln tbe Uatoe Heal Ceeyewy, Intredeces Sesen Heesen, ticket office. Coupon three should the state cepttol steps at 12:30 of ebetentfoas in certain houses, Stete Mews Pbete by Merit Krestof. be used. pjn. 00 Suadsy, May JO. ef Clinic' PetbeUgy, to pete talon instre- Michigan State Newt EDITORIAL. East Lansing, Michigan CampUS Politics: JL Lettel-s: On Graduate Representation, Visiting, Etc. To die Editor: The recant letter to ttoetfltor are Invited to attend Shaw dances, back on campus, a new movement say, like Thwreau, you fofoths date rather than accentuat# * All registered guests of Shaw re- is in the cool aprli* air - woods not so much to laarns student maybe things would written by «ra TJ certain Individuals, although they Recently a friend of mine, who Last term, the State News re¬ haye absolutely n0 connection also lives In Precinct 9 East The culprit is nothing new. It With MSU at all, are quite free Shaw Hall, found In his mail- printed an article originally ap¬ to attend, and others duly enroll- is an emotional state that seems box a typewritten paper which, pearing in the New York Times ed full-time students of Michl- with tongue-in-cheek, gently and to be deeply imbedded into the gan State, can not. We are apeak- somewhat humorously criticized which reported the waning in¬ . , , . , ing of course of the Shaw dances, certain .facets of dorm life and Character of . terest in and position of student an overwhelming It Is a well-known fact that precinct government, number Of the ™"y glrlsenrolled lnthegreat«- I later politics on American campuses. students on this Lansing high schools regularly leaded that one was put in each mailbox of the precinct, The campus. It is apathy. attend the Shaw dances, even but very few ever reached the writer expounded upon two Tl. The response to the election ., „ „. „,. though these same girls hayen't people to whom they were ln- reasons for this development. the slightest connectionwhat-so- tended. Why? Because one of the two weeks ago was the culmina- ever w,tb Shaw, with any dorm officers, the Governor to bepre- In the first place, there has ,. tion Of f ., .. , council, or with any other part else, ordered.them removed. Now apathy on the part of po- of MSU. Still, they are encour- I realize that the University has been, on some campuses, a slow tential student leadership. AUSG aged*J^®Dd ^5" openly lnvltedt0 certain controls over the stu- but . attend these dances. dents, and the Governor certain steady clamping down by the ... positions and class offices Any off-campus male, how- powers and functions, but I was administration. Such actions have Couldn't even be eiven" awav y ' ever' be he ln a Eternity, a unaware that censorship and con- co-op housing unit, or his fiscatlon of the mall were among limited the scope of student po¬ Perhaps the time has come to parent's home; be he a four- them, litics to render it weak and in¬ evaluate evatuaie the ine whole wnoie situation hp- Situation oe- pointer, sldent> or star athelete, chibpre- I enjoyed reading that little sa- merely an ordinary tire. 1 just wish that 1 could have effectual. fore some AUSG President in the Ml tlme student of this Univer- received one, too . .. . . j, . . , . sity, is prevented from attend- Thomas R. Plesco Certainly these practices tend , not too distant future finds him- mg these same dances. ' to discourage many enthusiasts. self addressing an empty con- Ragardiess of what Shaw's stu- dent representatives would lea Rather than waste their time as gressional hall. ■ you to believe, they are showing unfair discrimination against off- Looking At U.S. To die Editor: Editors Resist Administration campus men. The students who may attend Shaw dances, as quoted from the letter by the two The spring vacation exodus of college students over. The last of the sun-burned, to Florida Is Shaw presidents und published sweat ahirted, "Casual" students Editors of the University of Michigan stu¬ on the editorial page. dent April 16 said: "All residents of have returned to these northern newspaper, The Michigan Daily, toe* a men's resident halls commendable step last weekend in an attempt "We (juniors) feel that the on campus halls of higher learning. But, Board's move to resist influence on the newspaper's editorial was an Infringement on our independence," policy by the university's administration. Olinick said. "We feel that the board should The senior editor staff announced its resig¬ nation in Saturday because the school's Board Control of Student Publications failed to follow completely the staff's recommendations let us seek our own level of the established framework." We agree with Olinick. Student editors should policy within According to a Baptist Minister in be allowed to control their own editorial po¬ appointing a succeeding staff. Philosophy of Liberalism Senior editor licies and the content of their editorial pages, .John Roberts said the Board just as the State News has had the right and "usually follows our recommendations to the privilege to do for several years. The newly appointed Junior staff members refused their new positions for the same rea¬ son. They agreed to operate the newspaper as The following article waa given tightly knit and the situation night editors until petitioning for positions Is Monumental Silliness in the form of a sermon delivered much too critical and maas action Isn't even a Democrat, the issue that he voted on A liberal, if he believes that today. ln his knowledgeand inhlsun by LXmcan IXmcan E. Littlefair, pastor called Into play much too quick- is callec A liberal .. Is —- -— there . are no absolutes —• — — standing. He will always be s« and no — He will always "I • What aroused the seniors and Juniors was Summer is generally regarded w .i,. u- «,ui iiwnvs as the silly , °f the Fountain Street Baptist ly for us to be so careless of believes in any one of these things . truths therefore cannot rest the new.leave r. He will a PJ the Board's appointment of two co-editorial Sen. Karl Mundt of South Dakota has Church ln Grand Rapids. The our thinking and of our descrip- though any liberal may believe hlmself ultimately himself • uitimatelv in in am, e must know what lies any given He will always be prepared M conviction or belief or vote. He editorial page chief and an assistant. proposal that the Mount Rushmore statues of the question. "What does a Con- behind the names and, far more discover that he has been w"-1 Michael Olinick, who refused the senior Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and servative believe?" than that, we must learn to dla- cannot stay forever, for instance, >nd ^t ^lch n, g00d e editor's Job, said he saw the Board's move Llncoln be wired for sound. tlnguiah not by name, for as I as an attempt to Influence the Daily's editorial There is something wildly# ridiculous about Aa children we had a couplet ^ said last week, apersoncan of people who believe ln all of stands for within himself ^JSy be ready to discover » ^ w the thought of these monumental as a policy without open censorship. figures, hewn that we used to throw bectTand any name and arry dress and be these things that 1 have men- The two persons appointed to run the edi¬ from the eternal rock, bellowing choice sen- forth at one another, "Sticks in any party, and the name and tioned (and a great deal more) leVli?K A liberal, i ^ . . that which Is good enough for torial page represent opposite political and timents about democracy .... and stones will break my bones the dress and the party is not and are not by any stretch of secondly, believes ln ta not good enough for his campus viewpoints, Olinick said. That way but names will never hurt me." " — - aufflclant distinction for - l0 be the imagination liberal. Board members hoped to reach medium a —THE BREESE (ILL.) JOURNAL k_C" be vesafely sald that names able us but aa we to identify hi must Liberalism Is a philosophy, it authority that you c grow know who he i'a and what he ia, Is an attitude. It never preo»- the final answers that _ _ hive b^en older learn that prince Michigan State News we lee can and we must know on the basis termtnes any given viewpoint. >Iw>va —' wno wouia pronouns. t . hurt, that be ex- names i of principles. What does he stand You cannot say, at anytime, what ., *! WT,, ltt> ^ .rional meeting will be held putts and that neither human The cent American Medical Associa- the "result of the ctest muscles . J at tion report which cited such cases at 7 p.m. In 2SUnlon. irwdom nor the human race It- _ __ "African Night," Friday, from being pulled back and forth 1 as being widespread. VfSSA la open to all those aolf can endun In a world com- 8-12 pjn. in the Union ballroom. The AMA rejtort said that the -- opposition — to each other, he said. . . Jetted in SPU activities whe- mined to militarism." (from Other highlights of the even- Twist ranks along with the Hula iHifor ° not they desire member- the SPU Statement of Purpose) lng, sponsored by the African Hoop as a potential source of HEAVY KAUL - Membership does not commit Students Association, Include Af- dislocated Joints, slipped discs, BUFFALO. N. Y. (AP)-Pa- The SPU is a national paclf- anyone to a precise statement art display and rolman John Brach had no trou¬ group sing- sacroiliac damage or back mus¬ .. organization comprised en- of poilqr. ing. cle strains. ble at all catching a burglary ', 'iv of studenta, with chapters Loral groups are autonomous, 11 him leaving In campuses throughout the coun- sensed b) 1 Honor Sophomores a closed restaurant In the middle including Wayne State Unl- privid^s 1 ltv TncT the 'University of speakers ■ request. The SPU ligaments caused by ar. individual Xhiwn. This chapter will be The average, .keeping his foptplanledaalgyra.-- „td "Brrch. who counted H,# first of its kind In die area, engages in demonstrations such c ve Is" a third ting ^om .aide to The spl em-ompasses widely *• - pwltlonlng. peace marches, caning 16 credits rig said, "There side.'^ Feu- $63^,8 In change from the mar ...,-reent ideas on approaches to "J*1 canvassing on local, region- fi coTd war problem and serves - • >*• national levels. Hls all-university average, ac¬ 8S a meeting ground for ideas cording n figures compiled by Roses say so much ind discussion. acting speaker Mike Barbour, It generally holds that 'war Try Want Ads ! is a little above a 3.1. so beautifully can longer be sucoessfuUy "Most of the new Congress¬ men are majoring in English or in social science," Barbour Varsity Drive In said, "although some have ma¬ jors as diverse as interior de¬ sign and mechanical engineer¬ 1227 E. GRAND RIVER 215 Ann St. OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. TIMBER'S MANY products day as came USES--Wood and wood under close scrutiny Tues- representatives of national firms amines one of the exhibits with C.L. Kalamazoo industrial engineer, (center),and Henry, ing." Barbour said the number of credots tje new representatives Barnes Floral DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. met at Kellogg Center. Here A.E. W.L. Giracco, Kalamazoo packaging en- are earring ranged from the Wylie, gineer. State News Photo by Mork Krastof minimum 12 to 22. 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. department ef Forest Products, left, ex- SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. OPEN CURB SERVICE - 7 DAYS Noted Ceramist Here Placement EVERY WEDNESDAY ED 2 6517 Bureau NIGHT UNTIL NINE To Lecture Wednesday Interviewing at. the Placement Glen C. Nelson, noted Bureau Monday, the crafts and craftsmen in these April 30. Ad¬ 1st from the ditional information in the Place¬ University of Min¬ nesota. will give an illustrated ment Bureau Bulletin for the Other artists who will visi: week of lecture on the crafts and ceram¬ April 30 to May 4. lie campus are John ics of the Scanda.iavia.i countries Walley, Anchor Bay School District the campus are John Wednesday at8p.m.lntheKresge Wal.;y, Elementary education early and Art Center gallery. Chicago designer, who will work with commerical, Industrial and He will be the first of a sei ies of visiting artists to spend a Interior design students, and Lee week In special sessions with Chesney, University of Illinois Au Gres - Sims School Dis¬ students at Kresge throughout prlntmaker, who will discuss and trict -- High school math, in¬ the spring term. demonstrate etching and litho¬ An accomplished ceramist, graphy with art majors. Nelson has exhibited widely and Chesney will visit April 30 to dustrial arts, band and vocal music, English and science ma- lors. SPRING wo.i many awards, be ides May 4, and Walley May 7-12. Green Giant Company —SUM¬ selling MER EMPLOYMENT freshmen, his own work. He has designed and bull: several ga3 kilns for Israeli Program sophomore, and juniors - all use In firing ceramic pieces. Se/eral trips to Scandinavia.! cour t ries in recent Features Lerner majors in the Colleges of Ag¬ riculture, Engineering, Account¬ ing and other majors interest- FASHION years have Israel's Independence acquainted him with the role of Day will be honored by an Mansifield Board of Education evening of Israeli songs at 8 pjn. -- Elementary education, rem¬ Sunday, May Morning Sing in the Union ballroom. The art¬ edial reading, and guidance ma- CLEARANCE WHAT EVER YOU NEED Set For Tuesday ists will be Ora Katz, Israeli music student, and Gene Blue- stein, professor of ATL. Abba Morrice Area Schools — grade majors, high school phy¬ 6th for your car Outstanding women from the Lerner, professor of economics, freshman and Junior classes will will be guesf speaker. sics, chemistry and general sci¬ ence, social science, band, home be honored at the annual May The program is sponsored by economics-English and womens' Mufflers -- Tall Pipes Exhaust Pipes Morning Sing, Tuesday, at 7 ajn., the Hillel Foundation and organ¬ -- in front of Beaumont Tower. ized physical education. BEGINNING WEDNESDAY AT NOON INSTALLED Members of Tower Guard, The by the Israeli student group. public is invited, admission sophomore women's honorary. free. Complete Shop Service HHB35 freshman, choosen On the bests of scholarship, lead¬ Naval Sderttist WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS ON ership end character, in a cer¬ To Discuss Space Rebuilt Motors and Transmissions emony accompanied by singing. THE FASHION FAVORITIES OF Mortar Board, national sen¬ Albert Dave, chief scientist INSTALLED ior women's honorary, will tap of the naval research, Chicago, about 25 juniors for member¬ 111., will give a talk on "Mam- Speed Equipment •• Accessories THE SEASON. STYLES YOU ship. alian Hibernation Research," DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY These women are selected Monday, at 4 p.m. in 140 Nat¬ after careful screening for high ural Science. The talk, organized Jointly with WEAR NOW AND WELL INTO scholarship, leadership and ex¬ KAMIN'S AUTO PARTS ceptional service to the univer¬ sity. the Naval Reserve Research Company refers to the widely discussed ideas among the space THE SUMMER MONTHS AHEAD. 526 N. LARCH The event is sponsored by Mortar Board and the Spartan specialists on the possible hi¬ Women's League. bernation of human beings during IV 4 4596 The tapping ceremonies are the century long space trips sponsored by Tower Guard and outside the solar system. Mortar Board. REJECTS PAROLE 4 High School Students You will Get GM Scholarships FLORENCE, Ariz. (AP)- Oonoclano Comancho, 74-year- old life-termer. Is permitted Dresses . . Coats live In a little house of his cr Four Michigan high school stu¬ enjoy the dents have won General Motors outside the walls of the Arlzo State Prison. Corporation scholarships rang¬ Suits Ensembles He putters around In a smi complete ing from $300 to $2000. garden and lakes care of his n . . They are William E. Bach- mann of East Lansing, Orville optical service Comancho, who already has C. Barr of Cheboygan, George served 31 years for the deprcs E, of Morrice and Terry slon-days murder of a bootleg¬ of Wallace's M. Weisenberger of Saginaw. ging partner, was offered a pa- branch office was The lone out-jf state winner role, but he turned It down. of the five annual scholarships "I have my garden In," he ex¬ Douglas Durasoff of South plained. "I must stay here aw Knit Dresses Ozone Park. N.Y. take care of It." Jewelry . . Handbags Sportswear Boys' Wear. Girls' . Fashions . . Children's Shoes . . Infants', W ALLACE'S FRANDOR BRANCH offers the same quajuy optical service that you have known for so long at our downtown office. You can atop in for «-'ye street examinations, lens grinding, contact lenses and iashion frames . . parking for added . and there's plenty convenience. of free off- Toddlers' Wear DR. W. C. JENSEN, registered optometrist WALLACE OPTICIANS 4 3040 Vine Street Offlc., Downtown o»197 C• (opposite 36ars In Frandor) IV 9-2774 J^naa and Dr.' J. N. Washington, phono IV 2-1175 R. Ninon, r0glst,„d optomotrlitil 21 GREAT TOBACCOS MAKE 20 WONDERFUL SMOKES! CET WITH THE GRANDPRIX . . . ENTER TODAY, ENTER INCESSANTLY! J I Michigan State News . SPORTS. East Lanalng, Michigan Baseball at Old College Field Alma College Here In Todayis Twin Bill Michigan State's baseball Unglen with Alrna Collage In will be shifted to shortstop outfielder Pete Smith will and be "We'll only substitute of It's » t doubleheader here today atlp.r i»fe," he Mtd. -lf gimea on Old College Field. Gary Ronberg, hard throw- h<, piann#c!j to play as many of . . " rt- . Ing righthander, first game for the Spartans. . players as possible In the J*hmr, P>tchers slated to see He will o games. sctton for the Sparuns besides Ronberg Include probably be opposed John Aquino, by Terry f hrtght, ttfar llneop btit we'll rwltch and Bill Knapp, Doug Miller, Dick top rated htirlers on the Alma Proebstle and possibly Jim j,)ve gom# 0f our players a chance to play as soon *• Jones, a senior who has been Malcolm Chiljean. regular possible," he said. plauged by a sore arm most of the spring. Kobs pointed out, however, hampered by a sore arm and Is even though he planned to Alma comes to town sporting s doubtful starter. a lot of substituting the Spar- a two-game winning streak.They Should Chiljean mlssthegamc, >ould still bt going all- defeated Ferris Institute In third baseman Jerry t.umlanskl double header last weekend. k. . i . ftie """on' tbe ARGONAUTS CATHER- Ed "Rocky" Ryon, left, eoptoln of than " ' they've°"won* Thry stand th# 1961 •'"* Michigan Stote vartity football teom talks about fu- —Ith hit new coach, Lou Agate, who signed Ryan Argonaut contract for fhit teuton. The two met Alma has five regular# back ot spring football practice. Agate wat an MSUattittont cooch £°7L*, LT •g0 r^° o.'Jnf bl,e f,0m 19" to 1959 wh'n '<> ,h* Canadian pro. X"r£^"Z". Wi® at-hats In a douhleheader against Stct, N.w. Phato by Shi, May; Sute last spring. This year the Scots have a rel¬ atively small, 13 man Over the years Alma has hat one of the better small collegi teams In the sute. d a 22-7 a^HI >s. Last year Sute swept a twin- Current holders of Michigan bill from the Scots, winning by State University faculty-em- saje 0f faculty-employee margins of 7-1 and 7-2, ployee athletic books will re- athletic books will open Monday, To warmupfortheAlmagames ceive their renewal application Apr-U 30. The price of the book* the Spartans scheduled Intra- and autho -,k- squad games Monday and Tues- week, It w day. Sute's batting, which was William B< strong last weekend, continued to look good. The pitching, however, was a books different story. Supposedly athletic ticket offi. Sute'* strongest department, the l~' c*"' hurling wasn't up to psr against Illinois, according to Kobs. "The pitchers were still com¬ mitting too many walks Monday," he said. Here Is State's surtlng lineup against Alma, including Big Ten batting averages. 2b ervoort's213 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING Ph. ED 2-2114 REPEAT! famous Wilson JACK KRAMER "IMPERIAL" Tennis Racket vlngsl Finest quality reinforced Strata- Bow Frame of 9-ply construction. Black leather grip, multi-ply nylon strung. 95 M.S.U. GRASSER Of tONO ISIAND ONIVMJITY - MOOKVIUI, ION© IJIAND, N V TWO 5-WEEK SUMMER SESSIONS • DAY & EVENING BLANKET June 25th to July 27th — July 30th to Augutt 3lit An anceptionol bland of moder tatting: thii it C. W. Pott Collage on the North Shore Big $2.00 savings! Solid green of Long Itland, one hour from midtown Manhattan. Nearby are'famout beachet, tailing dubt, Our i uM Maw's - blanket with whltechenllle"S". Measures 62" x 84", reg. 12.95. 10.95 tumrner ttock theotret, porkt, golf courtet have ACCELERATE YOUR DEGREE PROGRAM . . PING PONG SETS, reg. 6.95 WIGWAM SOCKS, pair . . . 3.49 79C UNDERGRADUATE COURSE offeringi include ttudiet in Liberal Artt and Sciencet, Pre-Profettional, Pre-Engi- arrive . BASKETBALLS, Western Sur . • SI.99 neering, Butinett and Education. GRADUATE COURSE offeringt include ttudiat in Biological Sciencet, Education, Englith, Guidance and Counseling, Yes, our muu-muu's have Hittory, Library Science, Mathemotici, Mutic Education arrived! We're ready and and Political Science waiting for Aloha Week, are you? Knapp's is DISTINGUISHED VISITING AND RESIDENT FACULTY eagerly OUTSTANDING LIBRARY FACILITIES awaiting the grand and glorious festivities in this, the greatest spectacular in years. Come BARGAIN TABLE APPLY NOW . . Admittion open to VISITING STUDENTS with us. We'll take join in the fun you to Hawaii with the most bril¬ ls 5 95 tra,n/L°f to COl°rS and 16.95. styles in these dresses. % Everything on the uble marked just Imported 1/2 prlcel Included are famous Jer- directly from Hawaii. Shop Knapp's East •ild sweaters, tennis shorts, sun Lansing, today' vlaors, athltlc sox. Look 'em over I price Shop today, from P.M. Shop tonight til 9 p.m. 0«T« A* *C« Michigan State Wewi .SPORTS. East Lansing, Michigan ■ ■jS? «neNl*. Art*. (A*)— PJ,? Prri fol/.rf CMlefltt- S5*»»' »•" ***'" Koufax Fans Eighteen ■ Mile tb« hlffc schoolers »"• I ^ .^iMtfoor-wmy match, Major League I■ their c0 ,fJrUg £ *•»• £7 ■ ^ He t«u pUytng with the g-hole- Record Tied I' three golf mentors. theses WW® fanning II hlcagoo batters 1 as the DIAZO PROCESS ^ . Cuba \0-2 ^>*»Dod»ir«£bto«ta\A Tt 7 ; VT6d] leaked for awhile like It might ta ^ ^ #ruJ ^ », mc«, Ov.sSmn snaiiS°trt. caittaT'rtitawli ,~l t,# Wlth another s°l° round Bellino Signs; MSU " earring things Bowle a a little too far, tripper ln Hchth urday. May 12. but it illustrates that this »' Team game • ♦ Tennis They will visit with press, ra- dlo and televtalon sports people la for keeps." CurrlTwaa an All-Amerlcan Amateur Ball! Big from Detroit to Gr.nd NORFOLK, va., f-Fnslgn Joe Ten Detroit Rapids center ln 1957 and la a line- A. W62WorT.ZJ° Whitewashes in a promotional effort for the grid battle between alumni stars backer for NFL champions Green ^ahtosYifo PhX5i£? Bellino, the former Navy Foot¬ ball All-American, signed Mor.- Bay Packers. w~hJ £! 1"?, U of and Spartan varsity. Not enough fans realize what the series slants all-even at £S3£/ a^not^S T.12* , State Union rmsl- iay to play baseball in the Nor- Amateur League. He'll play Mlchlgtn State's a great two victories each and one tie. SJoJS^adlo bowling team trave i to Ann Ar- ^ the outfield with rhC^.esapeake \th- - - tennis t game and spectacle this Old Timers' game la year after The Old Timers won last spring 14v8 in one of the greatest clash- the ann^inr^n^ annou^«rent. ^ ™ ~ ™ rea- bor this weekend partlcipate fall by 1 ^ letlc (iub. ln the Big Ten I Bowling 8arr,e roll-off. fiv. Bellsnc, who !s stationed Tueaday by the score of 9 to 0. y««r#" said Dorow, Spartan es of the series. Tournament. iflers In the number one singles • • * »-aboard the USS Norfolk, rejected All-Amerlcan quarterback jn " Tliey have completed their pre¬ team. They are match, Brian Eisner defeated 1950 «nd now the great quarter- , _ ^ WICHITA, Kan., ('*>-Southern liminary matches by winding up Rodney Pederse-;, Parma ( all Major Leagueatternptstoslga Roger Ober 6-4 and 6-0. •*<* of the New York Titans. Tickets for Michigan State's I14lino11 University may Join the with a 5-1 re^rd, losing only to freshman; Jerry Brlney, Bentor The other scores 'T°° many think thla is kind follows: are as of aixth annual Old Timers' Foot- M1"°ur* V«Ii«r Conference next Ce:i ral Michigan University. Harbor sophomore; RichardSlm- a glorified scrimmage, when ball Came on Saturday. May 12. month' T,!1 Hod*e- sports editor, rnor.s, Roy'.I Oak sophomore. Dick Colby d. Llghtbody 6-3,6-3. ««"•! fact it is one of the Robert Tom Jamleson d. Bodary6-1,6-1. at Spartan Stadium, have been It*or}"S ln Wichita Eagle The team defeated U of M Manor, Ferndals sopho¬ hardest hitting, thrilling football placed on sale. Tuesday. twics, Easr^rn twice and split more and Ht.-iry Orlef, 'Jetroit Ron Llckman d. B. J. Tally "Pectacles they'll ever see." They are priced at $1 each Officials of Southern Illinois the two tw games with CMU. 7-5,6-1. Currle echoed Dorow's sentl- for an unreserved seat sold ln statod °P«dy at die K.U. relays rhe w„. Tom Wlerman d. Kroener 6-1, m^nts about the garnet 6-3. "This Is advance of the contest. Tickets If8* ^5"'c,en the way. Thealumni team of the game will be priced at b??erJ:hanc® 01 MVC memher- ln which each individual bo*le: In the doubles action State's I1" Itsbu,,t * tradition and pride $1.50 each. The ducata can be , ,n f,' ,T M®TnPt,ls *>tate compels agalnsi Eisner and Jamleson teamed up play to match that of obtained by mall or purchased or ^djje wrote ln a doubles comp to down Ober and Llghtbody 6-0, Pity's varlsty. We v — over the counter at the MSU his signed column. o compete. Athletic Ticket Office. Jenlson Colby and Wlerman defeated flf SV'A»/>f/lI lf> Gymnasium. ner jdarv and Bodary and TaUv Tally 6-3. and O'Brien 6-1, 6-4. 6-4. 6-3, 6-4. Llckman and Lau downed Kroe¬ MlfA 'JLflCllWW The charge for Michigan State students and all others of school age will be $.50 for an unreser¬ Spartan Sailors Fifth This vlcotry gives the Spartans fjeld 1 Burma-Burgandy ved seat. At Ann Arbor Regatta 2 Burgess-Burnley Saimes and Lopes 3 Bryan 1-4 The Sailing Club finished fifth Irish. 4 Bryan 2-3 Out With Injuries In the University of Michigan's Skippering for the Spartans NOW OPEN WEEKENDS 5 Bailey 1-4 annual Carey-Price memorial were EdMulock, BloomfleldHills 6 Bailey 2-3 Senior regatta, last weekend. 7 Errors-Cossa's Raiders Gary Oade and sopho- senior and Dave Wetzel, Brook- Mich lgan sailors, who took field. Ml. sophomore. Among the nore Harry Ammon are running LAKE LANSING AMUSEMENT PARK 8 Sugardaddles-S Phi Delts 9 Burkhardts-Antiques it No. 1 »9lrlons in spring and No. 2 fullback drills this first place honors, were aided by top skipper, Spartan crew were Mar/ Shrank, Tlmmle Mt. Vernon, N.Y. senior: Anne Schneider. She Is last year's Krueger, Cass veek because Capt. George dry freshman and 6t30 p.m. national Raven class champion. Margie Bauman, Newark, N.J. iaimes and his top rellefman I Free: Admission-Picnic Area-Parking 1 Bailey 6-7 2 Unteachables-St. Gerauds ?oger Lopes are out of action vlth un Injuries. uiiuries Plagued by winds ranging from sophomore, to ^ mPh boats cap- Connie Mlcalle, who erewed 3 Ev. Scholars-Vets II COMING MAY 13th 4 Oade, from Eaton Baplds. has sl«d ^ d'd B dll'sl°" [3Ct? !?r Colony Club-Asher a - — fullback reserve - forth - During the first race the Spar- the Buckeyes, divided her lcryalty 5 Tommys Neurons-Lurkers tans capsized, righted their boat and crewed once for the Spar- Outboard motor Speedboat Races 6 Bailey 5-8 upted progress" this spring, and came ln third. tans. 7 Rozos-Twlsters lead coach Krueger, who had never raced Duffy Daugherty said. Sailing Michigan's sloop- 8 Luther-Colts Saimes* Injury Interrupted before, helped racing team cap¬ rigged Jet 14's, skippers were Open Fr.. Sat. and Sun. nights 7 pm-12 9 Bower- Elsworth Jaugherr/s search for a punter. forced to loosen their sails, sim- tain Dave Wetzel beat four boats Jalmes was tabbed the likely ply to avoid capsizing. Teams during the fourth B division race. Sat. & Sun. afternoon 1 pm- BOWLING choice to replace gradual- with the hi Final scores for the regatta alleys 8 p.m. were the following: for Univer¬ lng Bob Suci and his replace- advantage because they did not 1-2 D.S. Phi-Vet* II t Don Stewart, who also grad- sity of Michigan-115, for Woos- have to luff as often. The Jets 3-4 S.Phi Delt-Gutter TXisters S. ter-108, for Notre Dam»-90, for maintained a fairly high speed, 5-6 RCR's-Phl Mu Alpha Cfclo State-64, for Michigan State augherty is happy with even when slightly luffed. IHURRY! Last Day J 7-8 D. Chl-T. Chi Salmesr ar kicking — prognB33. ri— But ~ The race course, a trlangulai -62, for Wlsconsln-61, for Uni¬ versity of Detroit- 58, and for LUCON Is concerned with his failure to with an extra leg, which was Only tetinls shoes will kick for distance. used Saturday, was lengthened Wayne State-4?. Feature 1:00-305 be allowed for all Softball games This was the University of I "In the early stages. George by an additional leg Sunday, due 5:15-7 25-9:35 ln the future. The reasoning be- has shown us a lot of promise," to increased winds, Michigan's fourth annual C'ary- i PMQNI 10. 2*944 hind this Is that this will not give Daugherty said. "He's got Durlng" die"second B division P.rl^ re«attfln- lembers of their memOhlo Great Twin-Hit All Color Show ! place. Ellie Hill. East Lansing State University's All-America sophomore, crewed all seven A basketball star, J err-/ Lucas, is RODGERSs, HAMMERSTEIN'S division races commadore, John Zusl, who was for Notre Dame decided whether to play ^ basketball, he said Tuesday, recently made an honorary mem- But he is continuing to "talk BROADWAY'S ber of State's Sailing Club. and il9teri" with officials of the ' joyous Jim King, Michigan Cincinnati Royals of the Nat- MUSICAL cumulated the second high- lonal Basketball Association and est number of points In B dl- LOVE STORY! the Cleveland Pipers of the vision, while skippering for the American Basketball League. FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. - ADULTS 90* PAKttXS PATTER NOW SHOWING THRU THURSDAY , NANCY KWAN —"SUZIEWONG- M*- \ | JAMES SHI6ETA^ia MffDSHI UMEKI 2nd Glanl Hit! 12^ME HURSTS mot ecmptMhmf rommtfc dnmal SUSAN HAYWARD STARTING-FRIDAY"P<>WMim" JOHN GAVIN FIRST SHOW 7 P.M.\ Come Early "Back S Tcrtr a—,Mt th i t DICLE JOHN'S PANCAKE HOUSE £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. An^. I 36 Join aaaa aaasiaia Literary Club Tukey Rehmji Angel Flight Crossword Puzzle □□□an □□□hep □□□ aaaaa una aaanaa □asiaaa Banquet To Honor To Meet Friday Twenty-six coeds were pledg¬ Cella ed Into Angel Flight last Wed¬ nesday by Sue Klstler, Long Val¬ more; Grand Judith Rapids, sopho¬ Marshall. " - 5. Cut 34. Chum 35. Office of a □QEEJ ana auaa aaaua aacaaaaa □□a Eiaa Business Students floor Library !«««• " * P'"*; ley. N. J. Junior, commander of caster, Penn., sophomore. The fourth annual banquet The grotp will discuss Semuel D*"0"*1 A«rlcultur»iaJf the organization. Carole Mtlkay, Romeo, sopho- l2'J^ pastoral saawuna tisaaa atSQin juli aaaa honoring business graduate atudents will be held Friday, In buslness administration will be awarded the graduate tchool of Setg^-W.^ tor „-.MOC iff The are Jane Adams, Arling¬ more: Jo Ann Mlkolusky, Scott- ana aaana aoca May 4, at 6:90 p.m. in the Big business administration's Dis¬ THE MORE YOU TELL- •» u ton, Va., freshman: Llfida Als- dale, freshman: Joanne Miller, trom, Longmeadow, Mass., so¬ Trenton, sophomore: Phyllis Pa- ,3 Cor of ne agaaaa aaaaau uaaaao ji-jnau Ten Room at Kellogg Center. The outstanding student re- tinguished Student Citation. Guest speaker, Clarence C. THE QUICKER YOU SELL! 3 phomore: PatBermesderfer, quin, Detroit, sophomore: Car- 14. Mai □□□□aa aaaa READ THE WANT-ADS! Plalnfleld, N. J., freshman; Bar¬ olyn Perry, Detroit, freshman: look Walton, Is scheduled to discuss "Business and American Plura¬ ■£; I"™"*"" ■' bara Booth, Corunna, sophomore; Judy Price, New York, N. Y., 15 Pen Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle lism." Karen Espenmlller, Lombard, Junior; Kathleen Russell, Marlet- '7. Whi today on campus Walton, associate dean of the 111., sophomore: KathyGustafson, te, freshman: Penny Scott, Kal- J?us graduate school of business at Lake Zurich, 111., sophomore. amazoo, mers, sophomore; Janet So- Flushing, freshman. kmfelik Rifle Club « 6:30 p.m., Dem. Hall basement. Columbia University, is a well- known educator In business. He Offers Phyllis Harris, Rochester, N. 21 Ski Promenaders — 7-8:15 p.i is the co-author of the book T.i freshman: MarjorieHoffman, —Marlon Lpper, Lapeer, senior:—i.'i Awhi "Conceptual Foundations of Bu- CHALLENGING CAREERS Pam AVatland, Blue island, TIL, entry Evanston, 111., sophomore; Kay ''amu Watla"a't BIU« 's,Ifni ess meeting and closed dance, K o eh 1 e r. Birmingham, sopho- Wi 1111. Neckulepe 6 Decays 34 Women's LM. • SALES more; Karen Krymis, Quincy, Roscommon, freshman; Suyanne ^ 7. Crackle Spartan Women's League, — Rent a New sophomore: Penny Larson. Wei- VVllllams' Holland, sophomore. mou8ntains 8. Winged May Morning Sing meeting, 7 1 p.m., 35 Union. . Alpha Phi Omega — 7:30p.m., Olympia • ADVERTISING * jr~7 7 T-r~,o // U N lounge. . PRODUCTION PLANNING AIEE-IRE — 7 p.m., |n ' * 402 Electrical Engineering; "h • ACCOUNTING 15 m 7Y French Club — Talk by Mme. Abell on "Paysages de France," /« / '•* Pertongl Service" Service Whlto walla, automatic, power aedan. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 111 AIR CONDITIONER - $70; Ken- SCIENTIFIC ATHEIST KNOW- EXPERIENCED property If Wanted . more ........ portable washer - $12; . _______ LEDOB. Join in the development - r ft#erln8»i P«w«- - — brake*. , A real You 8« a COMPLETE GLASS Ironing board - *4; Circle chairs ^ encouragement of scientific, gers. Husband and wife, refer¬ WANTED: Ride to Jersey or honey priced to aril. Service at Morris Auto Parta - $2; 2 snowtirea, 800x14 - $15. non-religious philosophy! Intro- ences, now available for the com¬ N.Y.C. on Thursday, 26th. Re¬ 8" E. KaUtnazoo. IV 1958 VOLVa Radio, heater. 4-5441. ED 7-1876. 22 ductoiy material $1. Association ing year. 489-9280. 21 turn Sunday, 29th. Will pay gaa. C20 'or Scientific Philosophy. BX MEL'S AUTO SERVICE - 355-6354. Excellent condition. " 24192, L.A. 24, California. 315 W. CRAND RIVER ED1E STARR: $750. . 22 Typist, thesei,' .automotive VETS AUTO TRIM oar app CORVETTE faa t steering adap- 332-3255 dissertations, term papers, gen¬ V^AN-ie5~SC .employment 'for sale 1960 FIAT. Station mileage. Perfect condition. $995. wagon. Low «•« covers. Onersl rtpair, cJS«8?2g: automatic trans- S"ic.k s£ « eral typing. Experienced, IBM electric typewriter. OR 7 8232. C tour Europe on 10 weeks. Call Bob 355-5394. motorcycles for 21 . . » mission, body work, li STOATTON SPORTS CAR Crand Rlver.^V 9-2614. bring your cleaning to Wendrow>s EXPERT THESES, GENERA t. •lost & found A 'personal CENTER Y-Phalan X Fraternity Econowash and Dry Cleaners. TYPING. YPING. Electric typewriter. W • ranSpOrtOtlOn East Lansing Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned Experienced. Near BRODY. Re¬ peanuts personal #J!^.PINCi.?n.d pA!NTING out, prices first. Ge lie's Cycle Shop, Branch YMCA and pressed, production Service. 332-5545 C NEED RIDE to Columbus. Ohio speciality. All itreign cars.Kftl- IV 4-0362. only 50*. 3006 Vine Jreal estate C22 St. 1/2 block west of Sears' (O.S.U.) Friday, April 27, can pedy Stop. Wrecker , Frandor Store. c DIAPER SERVICE leave anytime. Call Lance 355- jranswrtation E.XffSTjii1 JBARTH ZAOATO FIAT. 750 Tim.: S.mrt.v, AprU 28 .wanted Quick sale. EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR SERVICE to your desire. THE WAY TO GET CASH FOR only—new sky diving assembly For: Community Service Pro tea all makes and models. All work on You receive your own dia¬ THOSE things that have been re¬ DEADLINE: class day 1954 pontiac convertible. Very sharp and very "At Employment complete. 355-3076. 22 Special: 3^ discount per gallon guaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to pers back each time. With our service, placed is with a fast acting Want- „e reasonable. ~ — TR All coo 1 KAimm 8:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 3022 you may in¬ Ad. Phone 355-8255. ubl leaf Ion BABYSITTER WANTED. Mon. of gas to all car wash customers. E. clude your baby's under¬ - Michigan. Call IV 7 5558. C shirts and clothing which 1961 FORD Galaxie, 2 door, ,, 6 cylinder, JJ1™ Fri- 8-5. Light housework. vy morii p homp will not fade. White, Blue 3H0NE: automatic. Low mil*. Call ED 7-1486 after 5:30 PM. 20 355-8255 or 8256 SSTfcSi toTSSj. marrleds. $1295. Call IV 2-7718. IE VOL need a ™„,ble baby. sitter, call Mrs. Taylor at 355- FREE DRY CLEANING! Wer.- drow*s Econowash and or Pink ished. diaper pails furn¬ _ Dry LETTICH.& STENBERC OFFICE POSITIONS. We have Cleaners, 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block -AMERICAN LAUNDRY 20 8190 Cherry apt3, 23 of Sears' Frandor Store is RATES: 2910 E. KALAMAZOO many positions available for sec- west 111 E. WASHTENAW 484-3229 retarles, stenographers, book- giving absolutely free -- dry IV 2-0864 day.- SI.00 Jr _ pn|. _ p#Jnt MAREK REX ALL PRESCRIP- cleaning to each customer using keepers, typists, and reception- ^ ror Ilr ° wern KenT TK)N CENTER by Frandor. Pre- days.. $2.00 its Speedqueen coin washers only days- $3.00 llew ^,a^ntlal view, call Miss Penny. V"16'" Great PARKING OPPOSITE CAMPUS ^ptl0nS' drcosmetics. 10 different times. Take ad¬ I sold it for only a few pen¬ ON Grand River Close to classed ^ needs at low everyday vantage M.S.U. C nies a day tnrougn tne Cam¬ Based on IS words per ad) 1957 CORVETTE - solid white h?k?S Empioyment, Inc- 616 and offices. Monthly rates Phor* Prices. This week's coupon spec- 25i ••rvlce with red accent, 230 with . ^ single * Michigan 1543. National Tower. IV 2- 22 332-2495. * 21 J'1 — $1-25 AnaCin tablets 66 ui*,„ TI.U^ . »„p f.,r hi.. a,„l j Beautiful 239 Elzin Court, Lansing. 2 ^turquoise paint, white 22 reservations taken now. $7 per blocks off E. Michigan. Padded dash and visors. 20 week. Two weeks free. Phone IV MAX CURTIS. INC. BABYSITTER WAITED. 2 days 4-7406, • after 5 and weekends WEEK-END SPECIAL. Friday "Jjeakinn of Hymn, SIipIIpv. and En'idii! |Xv.k w'pTrr. 372-0330. 23 Som.p s:,v tint .,f 2424 E. aweeJc, now and through summer. evening at 5:00 until 8 00 Mon¬ tlirre, wa> the most talent.Hl IV MiqnGAN . * CBr nBMed. day morning. $15 plus lOtf a mile. hie pits earlier than the others. While «till It i> truo that I... IKING FOR A for make, SpJST< spWTS c.S*? 4-4491, EXT* 33: May bringow«auid. RQflfrQ Gasoline furnished. 62 Chevro¬ le ts. HERTZ LICENSEE, 216 W. Sxvithin's he wrote his // / aw govr / epic line- a *ehooll*>v it St s year, and range you had in mind. TRIUMPH. Ideal 1958, Estate Wagon for small "" mCT^^e^^f^. Prhrart Ionia, IV-4-1445 . 22 jTt a" »,,)>!,, ■ 7051 Bob Hecht ED -- 'amily. One COFFEE COUNTER help needed or entrance, shower, parking. $8. o^*r" J®'000 mlles- $450- C*ll from 8 AM. to 4 PM. Must be IV 9-4355. ED 7-0704. 22 cheerful, dependable. Apply in 21 remarkable when you eonsirler'that I mention this faef onlv to show that lie waTonlv five'!«•('tail'' person at The Spudnut Shop. 225 . onD„, phv-ieal |,rol>lein- ,,ev er M.A.C. 22 APPROVED, supervised, larger SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE tin*. Myron, for example. »> iellev had a CORNER GRAND RIVER of lit< and SPARTAN For Sale 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. tf! |lr.FORD WAGON V-8 Radio. Good 9-pass- 1955 OLDS - 2 door, automatic. Phone 337-9034 C Nor did tliev nctfeet their jiersonal live-.. Hvron, a devil condition. HEATH KIT STEREO amplifier. with the ladies, was excelled from (»xfonl lor .fippinu, I 355-6156. Real goo* ,r«»poB«K». Onl, WOMFN cummer anc! fa)1 At>_ 20 Barrett's pigtails in an inkwell. He ^ condition. $50. V-M changer and „ Exrell NEED FORMAL attire for term tliereu,*.,, left KnKlai,.l fo fittlit m the fJreek war of Hide,.ehde.iee. IIefo„K|,r l>ra velv aii.1 22 party? Get it at SMALL'S MEN'S ■ FALCON station DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY base- Electro-voice stereo cart- SHOP. 211 S. Washington. IV 4- wagon, 2501 E. MICHIGAN $2°- lapeake blue.Standardtrans- DIAL IV 9-2388 C eo outfit. Call ED 7-0755. =2"^"ster" 21 -H * LOSt & FOUnd CHARLIE BROWN 4591. 22 Hmr xptmrlul il i» In light for thr (,'rrt lc. on. 13.500 miles. Call IV Hut / don't rnjnif it half ■„ much ,la,,ring rherh t„ rh.;k 14" RAYTHEON TABLE mo- ALTERATIONS. Hemming & re¬ 1960 OPEL Station Wagon - Gray del, small and nice. $39,95. 17" ward. Call IV 4-9792. styling: fo rm a 1 s trousers, where he is iWaine eourt |»«'t to the Duke of .\i"VllJ!n.»i«li 'Vlt green. Good Condition. $1000. [XiMont table-model. $39.95. Ex- , interesting to note 111 |*«ssinK that MaHI«.ro.iKh « e the origi¬ ^VOLKSWAGEN. tires. Light Blue, Call ED 2-2774. 22 cellent condition, guaranteed. gua ra nteed. ■ skirts, ets. NEEDLE'NTHREAD nal s,^||i„K of ( iwtrette- .,iii the maker- wew-mal.le Exceptionally ^ DC A Ml ITC Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam¬ to tret the entire word on the e to sell for Call Larry's T.V. IV 9-1982. LOST - On campus, a blue and pus Drug Store. ED 2-5584. 32 parkaKe. With ehameteristie in¬ only CAN YOU imagine driving a genuity they cleverlv lo[>|*>een a emekerjaek dire.-h.roi | MIKI LICH pontiac able. Hurry ta Union Ticket Of r PerSOnql office, room 341, Student Ser¬ 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C sales, but " he Iwean 2121 E. Michigan fif!: ll BURR-PATTERSON vices Building for Fra-» to the Crest you free passes eeame an artist. . He It did not work out to«. well. When Van (i. Drive-In Theatre. YOU WAIT or one day ED-2-5014. 20 1960 VOLICSWAfTON pnnH h.n/ SAILBOAT snipe. 15feet. $330. temlty and Sorority Jewelry and WHILE •arned what a great sueeess ( iuarettes black S2. SS: IxtlS v«7 good condition. Canva/ related itemsjviow available at DEAR FELLOW service on passport and applica¬ une m, of course, thev had to with sueh a Havorful «(tiiekiy fl'nv condition. Extra accessories in- wllf'. J?"11- No rePaJr»'* ?e ,9ARD „SHOP JUNIORS: Do tion pictures. Limousine leaving lelt F'AT Sports Convert. 4- a filterful filter, s„e'h a Hi^top l«.x. -ueh a -oft paek fa. bucket . w/w tires. seats, radio, Sharp! Call eluded in price. Best offer from $1250. Cell ED 7-1411. needed- 355-8551. the^Home" Economics' Bldg!' ED . parking ramp thar get to use. Write Box 341 J! vt ^* daily at noon for Hicks Studio, Okemos. Return transportation guaranteed. Refreshments. Call 1961 CORVAIR LakewoodWagon. State News. BROKE I ED 2-6169 for reservations. Por¬ CASH wm ^.jj che Radio, heater, white wall tires, e]ec[ric Norelco shaver sun traits, applications, passports.C 6,000 actual miles. STORY Sells j and radio. 337- Phone ED 2-6426 for information. DEAR »L» gjad , Km, walls ■white ME,rcury»and Monterey, 0397 Chuck. SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS ■neater battery. Ra- Rent latest model Singer portable Top condition. Will 1960 VALIANT Suburban Wagon- at only $5 monthly or $1.50 per Pee. ED 2-5537. ,IDC , . rn__UM, 23 R#di0' heater, white wall tires. STORY Sells For Less $1295. ^ and 9 p.m. Call 332-1184," between 7 QoJf€A>t QcUlA. LAURIE: Do you want to danfie, week. We deliver and Buy the brand new Spartan, model pick up. Ask for Bob Wag- 192, at only $44.50. Pay for you know it takes two to only ■FORDCONVERTIBLE.Good ™ New 1956 CHEVROLET - 210, 4 door. 6 cylinder automatic. STORY tango. Germ 20 $5 down and $5 monthly. These top. TWo new special offers good only to stu¬ '• Must sell 355-4361 Sells For Less... $495. TWO 800 x 15 used white walls. dents after at M.S.U. Good condition. Phone 355-0646 !• ^ 23 STORY OLDSMOBILE, INC. after 5:30. 20 ^ Real Estate SINGER SEWING CENTER J PLVMOLTH V-8 STICK. 3165 E. MICHIGAN 309 S. WASHINGTON ■ brakes transmission, tires; DIAL IV 2-1311^ c 4 tickets in "K" row for Sunday EAST LANSING — By owner. 487-3649 |nengine needs some work night to Streetcar Named Desire. Four bedroom Cape Cod. Full ie»'"gs. 1957 CHEVY Bel Air - 4 door 355-0090 or ED 2-6902. 20 basement. 5 1/2% land contract. 21 hardtop. V-8. radio, heater, au- —————— $1600 down on $16,0PO. Call ED 6 FORD, V-8, 2 door hard- tomatlc transmission. Like new 2-0433 after 5:30 PM. GRAPHIC ARTS—Specialties: Knidatid. Meanwhile Kej.ts wen racently overhauled, stan- turquoise and white finish with STROMBERG - Carlson P.A. 23 Graphs, charts, and illustrations. d<*s not rememU-r his wistful lyric: transmission. Excellent almost new white wall tires. This Amplifier Moded A-U-33. 35 1 is a one owner car in the very MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ Experienced. Call Mrs. Kiesler Although I aw only Jiir fri t high. throughout. Call 355- wan. Call Don after 3 PM. at EAST LANSING 613 STODDARD. ED 7-9684. Some tin,, I will look in an rlrphaiif* best of condition. ED 2-0866. 22 versity graduation rings 2-bedroom expandable. Full 2- available at THE CARD C21 Hut Keats did not grow His fneiuls, Shellev and Bvm.i, compartment basement. Double touched to the heart, rushe.1 to Rome to stwtch "liiin. This too 1960 SPRITE Very clean and SHOP. Includes degree, WE TRAVEL HOLLYWOOD double bed - $20; garage. Two lots. ED-7-0314. 22 anywhere -- any failed. Then Hvron, ever the ladies' man. took up with l.uen»*ia seal. 3 engraved Initials. 'RAMBLER, Classic — good looking. "Top mechanical 3 sMf] fence sections, 4'x3' - Choice of 10 stones. time. Quality catering for all lioryia, Catherine of AmK»u, and Annie (»aklev. Shellev. a more deluxe with condition. $5; 4 steel stakes - $2. Free occasions — to fit your budget. domestic type, stayed home with his wife Mary, and wrote Ins automatic, CAPE COD, 2 bedrooms, large •Michigan Catering Service. IS' ;cJ«ter. One owner. Real 1959 CHEVY Bel Air - 2 door, tiger kitten. Call ED 2-2796. £0 A DATE WITH DUKE lot, nice neighborhood, near Wil- 9-3343. C " I love to »laii how, with the iiiimu* und writ,, 6 cyllnder.standardtransmis- Color Photographs llamston. Owner leaving sate. WING CHAIR - $10; Chest $25; .1 mi hug tur antl kix* hrr anil giir hi r a Irile. K 'S2GEKLanc» 2 door Cell PL 5-2490. - radio and heater. * ~ - Distributed all day 21 TYPING IN SPARTAN Village ~ Mary Shelley ftiuilly got so tired of lieing bitten that she went X,i«?i°' ,heater' •"tomatlc F'sslon. Low 1960 FORD Thunderbird Fully T»«sday & Wednesday Jewlaen Try Want Ads Apartment. Electric typewriter. Call 355-3012. tf into another room and wrote Franleenttein Upon reading the mileage, - Lobby manuscript, Shelley and Hvn.n got so seared they immediately Itooked |»assage home to England. Keats tried to go too, hut t OTHER SPECIALS TO ln* *nd ***•' VOOfcE 5T01TKR0JW6 THE BALL he was so small that the clerk at the steamship office couldn't SO THAT WHEN THE OTHER TEAM /e»SS.Vt elmer BEECHEM & KNIGHT HITS IT, IT STIN6S 008 HANDS see him over the top of the counter and died of a broken heart. So Keats remained in Rome |LMER steele AUTO SALES C2o Hymn and Shelley cried this immortal epitaph: a lot and then together comjaml | Rambler V blocks West of ■ WAL ED Hrody Good old Keats, he wight hare been sh,trt. Rut he wru a great .4 meriean and a heck of a goo