Donate Blood MICHIGAN Donate Today UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. 185 STATI I NEWS Blood Today East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 26, 1962 Relaxed Rules For Housing in Sight US Begins A-Testing """ ~Stu"^en,s Over 21 Air Shot To Benefit Chemistry Hannah, Trustees Building Is First in Okay Needed Delayed 312 Years A major victory may be build¬ Door Held Open ing for MSU students as a re¬ -structionMay Ml«» sult of the tentative adoption of For Cut-off a new housing policy by the Facul¬ 1962 Deadline WASHINGTON — The Unit¬ ty Committee on Student Affairs. ed The committee which met Wed¬ State# reluctantly fired the first shot of its nuclear test nesday afternoon has suggested two alternative series in the Pacific Wednesday proposals. They jack Breslin, legislative agent with a device of middle-range 1. Men and women 21 and over or MSt' Tuesday aaid we'll be yield dropped from an airplane and in upper school may live In ery lucky If we can start con- near Christmas Island. Tructlon on the new chemistry The announcement of the start unsupervised and unapproved uilulng this year." of tests In the atmosphere came housing with parents' permis- The chemistry building is one out against a background of re¬ 2. Men and women 21 and over new buildings In the gret in this country and among rst group of MSU's five-year most of its allies, and of protests may live In unapproved and un¬ In other quarters. supervised housing with parents' -pita] outlay plan presented to te appropriations com- Even as the terse statement permission. The committee also has was released by the Atomic Ener¬ sug¬ gy Commission, U.S. officials gested that men and women un¬ •w construction In the der 21 and of sophomore and above were still holding the door open status live In approved arid rft group -is defined In the for a possible cut-off, saying the sup¬ ervised housing within the East 5 those buildings that series could be terminated any sen needed for a long time the Soviet Union would Lansing boundaries. sign a firm agreement to ban the tests The present housing policy re¬ Recently Senator Clarence F. with dependable Inspection pro¬ garding men urder 21 andof soph- raebner, a member of the sp¬ vision. oliations committee, explain- A u.s, spokesman said this that -hey - r live in approved that State might only receive and rJ housing. Women country started its nuclear tests ■•jr'.-r iS 00,000 this year to start plans with reluctance and regret, be¬ under 25 and ; we freshman r the $6 million chemistry cause It had to in defense of the status r jst live .n approved and Sliding. ON THE PODIUM-Dr. Hons Lompl, conductor of free world and because the So¬ supervised housing. the MSU viets won't sign a workable test SERGEANTS THREE'-Well, almost. Gen. relied their sleeves Tuesday in the ROTC "The committee hopes that »)aeni jonn n. Hannah later symphony, will be In o new setting Sunday afternoon at 4, whei, ban treaty. Pawlik, Additon, III. freshman, Frazier men and should be grant¬ Bloed Drive women IS^ hope that AeUnlver- j,. wivlds the baton over the 80-piece Lansing Civic Sym- In making this statement to Alexander, St. Louis, Mo. sophomore, and currently in progress. State News Photo by Mark Krastof. ed equal rights," Dean John BastsaMK tz;" w u Una Kai/» 1 rMdv hMn drawn ~'s t shortly after the United off its first ln-the-alr Tarry Edingtlon, Grand Ledge sophomore. Fuzak said. The committee has held two explosion In S 1/2 years. meetings within the past two South ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■! Case !■■■■■! | Until the taxation battle In the resolved, the appro- _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 State Department press officer Lincoln Lincoln White White also 1. The United Stat* also aa said: Sates win im¬ L weeks to discuss changes in the present housing policy. Fuzak said that the proposal latfons committee will have no Global : mediately will be submitted to a stop any series of group ) appropriate and con- MM of student leaders Blood Monday for if the Rue- Race - ently there can be no de- their okay. ilon on the MSU plans. Chairman of the vidlng for inspections against The proposals then will be appropriations cheating — an action which Mos- submitted to President John A. mmlttee, Senator Elmer R. Glimpses S^SaBeJ h"£ took ov«" the way towards the drive's 2,512 r has shown no sign „IBJ1 of taking. irter, commented Tuesday on , County Red Cross chapter pro- Hannah for his approval and til- e pending decision "Ask any The United States will not ead Wednesday from West Shaw goal. vides doctors, nurses and sup- Umately the "" plan will go - to the »n on the street. He will know halt its new testing Wln. solely on on Rrrrr hl«*i d0rm *"7" dlvlslon d|vlslon of Army ROTC is leading the Air , piles. The regional blood c Board of Trustees," Fuzak said. ROTC blood amv. dricontlnu- Force brrrr - - - - -.h, ROTC with , 49 percent - the basis of a Soviet declaration located in The faculty committee which much as I when the decision Lansing serve ■ total the AF's 47 ! be made." By the Associated Press ot willingness to sign percent, hospitals and there is no charge cts only as an advisory body . tlve tlve treaty. White said sale the West . 'ota,s Ior cfe arTve ren "The drive will haveto average for the blood that Is giv« a President Hannah studied r»- eight buildings in Saturn Rockel Completes 2nd Perfect Test ha s had too much experience with hyn"LL record-break- P,lnts. goal, said AFROTC Cadet 1 Capt. s patient, except for admlnis- ommendations made by the Stu- ent Congress welfare com- :i°nal rocket to the uninspected moratorium . Robert Johnson, a mftnber of Athletic Di ■ Clar . wSniS clan, flew its second perfect flight Wednesday in the publicity staff, The StudentCongress which Ru.,U br,k.u«SVm. S£fSSL*SSSH: dude a« "Biggie" Munn, vice chairman of corn- n building, i , a .OOOadmlnlstrat $4 million program preparing ^ a bai It to take Americans to the moon. research oiubiuib, »slc sideline, ii|nuu«.oi it produced what develop™., ber w,i»i missilemen with massive nuclear pints behind third-day totals for last spring. Overall drive total The spring term drive I s the county Red Cr< sponsored by Air Force ROTC directors, urged s board of mittee had suggested that men and women 21 years and over be al¬ * W.ilJi-j. as " "»»»<- im«iu«>« secretly prepared. . . ents to so far is $5,*00,000 ^rri communication arts «^r« wernher Von Braun called "probably the first synthetic thunder- 3. If the Soviets walk out of 1,473, slightly over half- and Army ROTC. The Ingham donate blood in ther ining run lo"»ed to live in unapproved and storm ever generated In space." the 17-natlon Geneva disarma- 'jnsupervised housing. 'ildlng. The soaring Saturn was blown up intentionally about 2 1/2 minu- ment Conference because of the *7-Blood is urgently needed,' Senate Approves Also Included In theflrst group tes after liftoff at an altitude of 65 miles, dumping its ballast of U.S. tests --as some reports he said, "and I feel sure MSU n addition to the Home Ec- +, nna?udln&® Physics and 95 tons of up water Into the upper atmosphere. The experiment, which produced a massive ice cloud and lightening-like effects, have indicated they would — the Reds would be perpetrating students will come through. It is refreshing to see the stu¬ Remedial Kulldlng, and the second unit called was "Project Highwater." "perhaps the most cynical act dent body's sDirit and drive. I ~gs engineering and classroom The firs engineering building Defense Department Lifts Overseas Ban .. A in fiistory." ^noted th*< the Ru„ians Income Tax Bill am proud of them." Munn said that the awarded to living units trophies Courses »■» Un. "ft, c,^(S5 .toiur. WASIINCTON-Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara gave J*?, the highest percentage of blood donating Combined <#***.«* ci,«r» explosions, . « Gilbert Bursley (R-Arm will be presented May 12 will be reunited with their families after months of separation. _ the Western powers stayed at tax today although the proposal lid House Republic Spring Football Game halftime. McNamara ordered an immediate end to a nearly seven-month the conference table. Subsequent has st least four major obsta- tiarv taking on "a mood of wait Madge Crouch, a member of of ban v* merged i t* fhe . on government-paid travel of military wives and children to and see" toward'the tax. the national Red Cross blood buildings In this first gron> negotlations -- while the Rus- cles to pass. next fall, according to Edward e part of the more than 25 Europe. Sian tests were continuing — re- The Michigan senate approved program staff In Washington, The A. Carl In, dean of the Univer¬ Army and Air Force said It will take about a month to suited in the East-West agree- member, Stanley Rozycki (D-De- D.C., was on hand to super* ) the fiv».yaar restart the flow of dependents across the Atlantic. a proposal to levy the sity College. ment producing the Geneva Con- _ — # vote of IS-15 after — troit) also predicted that there the drive Tuesday and Wed- "We have discovered that stu¬ ference now under way. stormy 15 hour debate Tuesday will be a tough battle in dents who have a weakness in >vyear "• plan, Breslln said. Winta'* Still Kicking In Maine PORTLAND-An unseasonable storm deposited up iu The State Department reported that Japan": spokes- and Wednesday. John B. Swain son. happy the state — Roryckl 9ald he feels i use "MSU's drive is well efficiently run and reading also have a weakness in writing," Carlln said, "and the <*ed he doesn't k.«m,w rni4,wi»'t.i t„-_ ,.i,k di- Crouch said. "I especially passage of the tax. representatives will be mor no- * the idea of the particular- five-year of snow In Maine Wednesday, creating a picturesque but unwelcome winter-like scene. ' ff L Ihreltemd 0 veto bill if it vided over the tax than ere ticed the wonderful student atti¬ combined to course strengthen the program." should serve his desk without other the debating tude." The U.S. Weather Bureau reported 7 inches in Rumford, 4 in once #®aln Sen. John P. Smeekens (R- Leaders in the third day of prove their reading may take UNITED NATIONS-Sovlet Cosmonaut Gherman Titov will get no would kill .the income tax. (Continued on 5) (Continued on page 5) courses offered in speed reading. 0 Decide On U.N. reception next Monday similar to that given U.S. General U Thant and India's Prime Minister Jawahar] Nehru. is not If one of the other 13 proposals approved the whole package page iscrimination John Glenn here March 2. Acting Secretary-General U Thant will introduce the spaceman to „ members of the U.N. Committee 1 Peaceful Uses Soviet White declared: "The United Sta #Unds and shares the regret would be dead because a rider amendment requiring that all bills must pass or the package Crowd Cheers %na Nu fraternity's hith Outer Space, members of the Security Council and secretariat that many governments and peo- would be nullified, ncll win meet in Atwuet to An enthusiastic audience pack¬ officials at an informal reception. pies feel about this — that the Democrats and Republicans ,e if all ed the Music Hall Auditorium discriminatory titov also will get a tour of the U.N. buildings conducted by world has not seen an end to predicted a tough battle for the S may be'stricken from Ae the new U.N. Under-Secretary for Political and Security Council the testing of nuclear weapons, Tuesday evening to hear a Jar* proposal in the House. concert sponsored by Phi Mu Al¬ r of Ppsilon Rho Affairs, Evgeny M. Kiselev, a fellow countryman. Mich inn "But these governments and The bill would place a three -1 chapter. ' Titov will be passing through New York on his way to Washing- peoples should never lose sight pha, music honorary. The high per cent tax on the income of council, chief govern- ton, DiC., where both he and Glenn will address a meeting of of the fact that the U.S, govern- individuals, a five per cent on The concert was divided into *, " body for Sigma Nu'snational COSPAR, the Committee on Space Research. ment has offered repeatedly not corporations' net income and se- two segments. The first part of te^ity win make thetr Aul » . ».• • n >. • a. ■» v a_ t0 tf the Soviet Union would ven per cent on net Income of the program featured comboe, "ot »* based on MSU's policy con- SOVMS BI«St US Mid BfltilU At Batt TalS co^lud* « effective treaty . banks and ot*r financial houaea. including two instrumental quin¬ 1 dap«r* °"servation " tets and a vocal quintet. ed by a nati^^ffi^II1 decision to resume atmospheric explosions vacation White House had said the people of Michigan. It has The second half of the program proof that the United States and Br tea in nevw wanted an agree- (Continued on pe«e 5) hard h*rd "*k and pa- tg to itmM SrtfiM* ment to ban nuclear weapons tests. - tie nee over consisted of jaw selections such many years. 1 want m» Nu ti«5L?TW Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian A. Zorin told the flftllDY f 10 congratulate the senators for as "Broadway," "Love for Sale," "Sonny Boy" and "Tlny'a larwood, grand trea- 17-natlon disarmament conference the two Western Pow"r, w**>t — in nmt their courage. win bTyttSSm EmL Insincere in insisting on effective International test ban consols. "I haw said before and I say Blues" played by the MSU Jazz *flyinMav ^ ^ The statement was made before government informants In Wa4*- again an income tax alone la band under the direction of Or. UPOT the basis at Harwoad'a tafw disclosed that the United States had fired its first shot of Morris F, Hall. the high council will vote question. Their decision lh* B*w nucle,r te#t ®eries in the atmo^here over the central P,clfic- not the eolution to our fiscal problems. Passap of this bill alone would encourage me to veto ^ * The Jazz band, which was rated the bill because each of the bills first in the nation In national » Hmkchn Comnission In Revise CmsHMmi in the package is dependent on music competition, was so well- the others being peseed." received that It was necessary The Income t to provide the audience with an said dedtlea, 9tt- principles of its foreign relations, Inciudhag peacsfal coeKletance. Kh a co "i „ u„lvrillv . ... .. SEX asked for the Inclusion 0# moreft^dom. for thep«>pl«, n Republicans and am Os- Bill He* end Gery Sieve were, up before the 5th annuel less Michigan bw theee mav turn out to be theories, ^ 1. Right after Sen..Haskell _ , H concert presented Tuesday night ky Phi Me Alpha. The dizsy A splr ited renditionef'Le- due to"SLr!If?iye** The Supreme Soviet without dissent thee adjourned a three day Thursday's forecast is pert- Nichols, (R-Jack eon) voted in Cillespie model trumpet wo* presented te Hart at the recent ver" was chosen for this pur- l designating him to continue running the country at the ly cloudy aad turning cooler wflh tax, t» movwd for College Jass Festival st Metre Da ma University. Hart wos pose and proved to be theperfect ■"y£oSSSSP5& and to bead a commisrton te write a Matured showere. The [ be IB the We. named best trumpter in the competition es the. MSU TV Orches- ending for the evening's r— tre wes named best bend. State News phete by Cardan StauHer. Michigan.State News, Eaat Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Asm <. , Line.. .The MSU Stereomen® ROTC Drum Sparkles On By DAVE jAtJTNtt; Army Regulation bugles. Indeed, Of the State Nerw* Staff not many years have elapsed since this description accurately Off the line ... This Is pro- summed up the national drum bably one of the better known corps picture, terms of the Drum and Bugle But a transformation has beer < orps. I he opening nurrJ>«r of imder way for more than a de- a Bugle Corps In competition, cade -- a transformation that the fanfare to an exciting after- was gradual at Its Inception, noon of music, precise execution but which has gained momentum of marching and undoubtedly one more recently, and has added a of the most beautiful pagents of new dimension to the make-up color to be seen on the drill of these military and semi-mll- fleld. ltary organizations. „ Military historians, brass band The offering one of the most afficfonados, students of percus- unique musical styllngs of any sion, and stereo enthusiasts, col- of today's Junior units of corps- lectors of lead soldiers, des- dom, plays each Tuesday after- cendants of Highland bagpipers, noon at the massed ROTC units' and people for whom such words parade. as grenadier, hussar and dragoor, ^ corp„. matterlng of the horn and drum has led to an in- of Drum and perform at the Big I Bugle Ten-Michigan Invitational Drill Meet for ROTC Drill Teams For them It brings be held Saturday at Jenlson ON THE MARCH, tf»o Stereomen reverse ronlts during Tue ling life a chapter of history neM House, that has long passed Into dust: ^ corp9 flelda „ unlt day afternoon practice on Intramural field. the days when men marched Into battle to the tune of martial "»«?• , , ,, , ,, ljp of 12 horns, and 12 drums, -n,e backbone of the corps are: Capt. Robert Moody, Corps Ad- Drill Meet Features Purdu< f®1^0 in rr'^t,on' visor; Cadet Sgt. David Cuttner; BUGLAR ON PARADE, Dennis Koury hit* a peak of indi¬ , , coupled with the flash and color Corp8 Commander; Gerald Pe- vidual ability and tone control on the valvelets B-flat bugle. Team Competes Drill Team will give an exhib¬ of the field i and the CMU teams; and terSi Drum Major; Robert Mil- dHKMfij ition Saturday afternoon. Pershing 5 spirit and showmanship of each i the line that has i^(" Drum" and' Wlil- • In Jenison Drill teams Included In the from the University of '*!< inspired .m Miller, Property Manager. sin and Bowling Greer • the MSU Army ROTC Drum and competition are: Capital Guards, and the Huron Army and Air Force ROTC Guard fr Bugle Corps' nickname; The TXiring the Civil War, bends Capital University; the March¬ ern at the Drill Teams will meet Saturday ing Matadors, Ball State Teach¬ Michigan will also • Stereomen. of various brass and percussion Individual infantry Stereomen move out on parade. If you are not a time-test- at Jenlson Field House In the ers College; the University of instruments began to appear at Annual Invitational Drill Meet. lation competition, ->- • ,< ed enthusiast of Drum and Bug- Detroit Drill Team: the Spartan significant public displays of Cherry Blossom Festival win¬ drill will take place San State News Photos le corps — if you have had no Guard, and Sabre Drill Team: Union troops and were sometimes contact with this ner, the Purdue University Drill MacArthur'a Engineers from Mi¬ morning, beginnir.e t '-y, fascinating, known to be attached to an lm- hi bit ion drill by Dave Jaehnlg hlghly competitive world of spec- portant division headquarters co- Team, will be one of the featured chigan Tech, and the AFROTC featurli^] units participating in the meet, Drill Team from Ohio tacle and pagenantry — then take mpany. The principal field music State. and Big Ten representatives, as The THE RHYTHMIC CODA of a look at this ROTC Drum and developed during the war and In University of Michigan itickwork of the drum corps Bugle well as smaller Michigan Corps, and let yourself the period following the peace he introduced to what Is prob- schools, will take part. seven snore drummers builds at Appommatox was for the bugle The Purdue team has partic¬ up in a crescendo roll in the ably the most unique and color- and the drum, ful form of entertainment. ipated In 38 drill meets since Stereomen't opening. The Cavalry units clung to thebug- its founding in 1948, taking first To the average person, the le while the infantry developed drummers ore, left to right, ton8, the gleaming models and and rolling of base and tenor place 32 times. It has won 6 or term drum and bugle corps" what is called the Field trum- Donald decorations. drums, the rhythmic coda of 8 National Championships at the DeMaria, Reg Ash* stimulates vaguemental pictures P«The development of Army Smashing across tho stereo stickwork on the drum rims and mun, Al Gladner, Calvin of knaki-clad World War I ve- Field trumpet calls and other Cherry Blossom Festival Nation¬ suge of Demonstration Hafl field, the final bang as the snare drum- al ROTC Drill Meets, since its Smith, Ted Hagen, Robert te.ans. replete In spats, chrome- functional trumpet music proce- the corps' drummers call forth rners roll off. founding. Miller and Dennis Smeage. plated helmets, and carrying U.S. tried withtotoal r the perfection .1— ^regard for and general every spectacular trick in the - - - drlllfleld drummer* An extended demonstration by In addition to the ROTC drill book, . the corps will take place during ___r_ teams, two Drum and Bugle of the more resourceful valve moving with procua*lve brll- Saturday's drill meet In Jenlson Corps, including State's Stereo¬ trumpet. The Stereomen's musical llance that entails the booming Field House. men will perform. Purdue's Girls IV- sounds designed piimarlly for the purpose of communications needed to be as simple and as effective as possible, particular¬ ly when confusion of signals might mean military disaster. This Is thepromary reason why all of the music heard played by the Stereomen Is limited to the buglers Individual prowess with the five-note bugle and field trumpet. The five basic tones of the valveless Instruments are pitch¬ ed In the key of B flat. The five sounding notes used are low B flat, F, Bflat, D and upper F. In spire of these comparatively limited tonal resources, the music has remarkable variety achieved by simple but effective rhymic variation within thetunes themselves, and by the ability of a good bugler who often can hit three complete octaves solely by lip control. Perspective and definition furnished by the pulse and Im¬ pact of the drums and colored by showers of sound from cym¬ bals complete the unique and compelling experience that Is the drum and bugle corps. On parade, the corps presents military tradition and pagenantry surpassed only by Britain. Each Tuesday the corps performs with combined Air Force and Army units and sets a musical back¬ ground for the bright flashing "L~ ' sabres, the sparkle CORPS ADVISOR, Copt. Robert Moody, left, and Corps Com¬ mander David Cuttner, center discus* Saturday's demonstra¬ Considering Every tion at the Invitational Drill Meet with Drum Peters. Major Gerald Alternative DRUM MAJOR Gerald Peters calls the corps to attention In I Suggest That You Attention Try Social Chaimwnft Students ALWARD HENRY'S LAKE RESORT Gliding in a ancient gondola palace s cathedrals m',JJ DRIVE IN nificent serenading gondolier is the spot be an unforgetral..e of your trip. for Early Spring New Enclosed Pavilion y°w*toPo- College Travel help you to choose the I Co1*®" Trawl la featuring the Ambassador Wl ' ■ for Picnics & Dances Ten tour «? V°U' rr?" ** l°" " ,950' Stop 1,1 tor '""her Information about YO^" ■| European trip. ^ 9 miles North on U.S. Henry's A Habifl 1111 " ■ » ■ "t . l!53.E-.rlch!r I block Weft of Bn Brody I mile West on Alward Road COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE For Mm 96214 130 W. Grand River fel. Michigan State News, ga,t Lanalng. Michigan . Thursday, April 2d, 1962 3 Feurig Urges Shots Student Burned By Party Prank GOir lO'JIPMFNT Against Old Killers ™ Am -- "***, rf* nL.,4. mi AC A, N.Y. or - Critical ourna Buffered by a Cornell Un- iverairy srjdent were the re null Woods irons - Bogs - Shots try me American Metrical a sen., retlgldea scruples, it probably of "one of those little f lj mostly puttlnir-it- " AmZ't^a nLa mostly puttlng-lt-off. Another "?f®ur"£|n* °)*.!~?*rlC* ***" toc«or he indicated wascomplac- prank* that turned out dlsas^ Everything for the golfer . . . trous" - match touched nmer A compulsory Immunization "klrt' P°,,c« ch** H»r- bert Van Oatrand »ald Wednes- Plastic Proct'ce Balls 2SC program 1s not feasible and would day. Practice Shag Balls IOC liti I tit Thr.aJvfTl arouae the sentiment of the people The chief said a guest at a uS^rf j* ^SXadtseedlMiN "">«*roachment upon our civil llbertlee aaAmericans,"heaald. fraternity oerrv touched the mat- ch to the grass skirt worn try J£«?Ae?M-eI? torn? £m J53£ He much H* much Pr«ferr, Pa. The guest, of Pitta- whom the Icwuf, GUAJuoh most effective especially when chief did not ,, There are CM* reported of »*tU: VanOs- 1962 Golf W'roSiTtadeed.""^h^^s because mam some people ~ too haven t been vaccinated Michigan Health Commissi- oner. Dr. Albert E. Heustls, has coSoT Wed«srd^'2r!hinci*rr nell lnfermary n* flre^r ■ Rule Book -- come out Of the many vaccines avail- for the five-year-old Salk dead-virus vaccine which red April 13« •» a Swai?,n^^ ■* - able, five are vital for (he gen ft administered by Injection aral Call 355-8255 for a CAMPUS WANT AO public welfare. Theee are "We win go along with this - dlpTheria, whooping cough, tetarv decision," said Feurig. "The new us (lockjaw), poliomyelitis am Sebin live-virus vaccine, llcens- smallpox. "Here at State we're ad with four of theee concern- diseases, ed last fall, is taken there is one no orally and guarantee for any Individual, that the desired Hawaiian Eyes excluding diptherla which is no amount of vaccine will reach the common to the college age bloodstream." OPENING NICHT -Dree* rehearsols are the over, end Joan Tenhoer, Grand Rapids soph¬ omore, left, and Kayda Zavitz, Lansing 3roadway hit "Po|amo Gome" paying audience Thursday State News Photo night to at 8:15. a group," said Dr. James S. Peur- ter- The Salk vaccine is lg, director of Oiln Heqlth Cen- a series of three shotsgiven in with a Are by Bob Decker. booster given approximately one tophomore will present their portrayal at The only one we've had on cam- year after the last one. The cost however, has been polio, he of the vaccine at Olln is Upon You pus Women's Swimming Honorary said. There have been four cases of poliomyelitis trotted st Olln 'n the last five years. 50 cents per shot, not much for the protection which —— only Presents "•M'uslcal 'Musical Sellouts' Sellouts" the color- These _ same two swim me _ rs'am „ ~ AUSG sponsored a polio ' c(nation program several years Rena Distributors, Inc. _.(1. „ ^ttyrrssg the' women's swimming honorary. Lansing junior and Mrs. Karen Thursday, Friday and Saturday Eaken, Barla, Ohio senior and J'P51- Saginaw junior directs rhls y un z®d' F Cleveland at Los Angeles (N) New York at State scored two more runs in hits. the second and three in the third * ®ut pinch hitter Jerry Sutton's Ronberg picked up the win while trlPk. Plus two-baggers by Lu- behind Jerry Walker, who pick¬ ed up his third victory without Today's Schedule Cincinnati (N) I to grab a 10-Q.lead before Alma mlanski, Porrevecchio and Jay defeat. Walker's wildness hurt AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL league could dent the scoreboard. Bach, andCalderone's single net¬ him in the sixth when Detroit Cleveland at Los Angeles St. Louis at Houston .home Leftfielder Joe Porrevecchio's run, his third of the re¬ Track Squad ted the Spartans bottom of the fourth eight runs in to wrap up scored four times and cut the Kansas City lead to 6-4. Minnesota at Baltimore (N) Kansas City at Detroit Los Angles at (M ChicaJJ ' the contest. gular season, was the big blow Danny McDewitt rescued Washington at Boston in the Spartan third inning. After the Scots had scored once Enters Six In Singles by Ketcham, fifth, and Lumianski and Sutton ln the Walker. The Athletics' margin of victory came ln the actual Only games scheduled in the the sixth produced State's eighth when Jerry Lumpe tripled fourth, State came roaring back for three more markers in the next two Drake Relays final two tallies'. Aqulne, who pitched the first JOE S SAFE-Joe Porrevecchio, Spartan outfielder, slides and scored on Paul Foytack's wild pitch. innings. four Innings, gained credit for safely into third base in the second inning of Wednesday's In the fifth, when MSL' scored Kansas City scored its first Michigan State trackmen head the win. Righthander Dick Pro- doubleheader with Alma on Old twice. Jeff Abrecht and Dennis vanced College Field. He was ad¬ six runs off rookie Doug Gal¬ Ketcham belted triples and Cal- for Des Moines this weekend ebstle rellefed him in •_ j . the fifth by Jay Bach on a fielder's choice. He later scored. lagher, who lost ln his major where they'll be entered " • Scots the rest league start. Alma hoped _ • relay events at the 53rd running of the way. . relief pitcher 0f the annual Drake Relays. Doug Miller for foi The Spartans will have quartets WOMEN top of the seventh but St. lowed with thi running ln the 440, 880, mile, distance medley, four-mile and shuttle hurdle relay races. Addi¬ Home Runs, One Hit Pi EVERY¬ WHERE BUT tionally, Coach Fran Dittrichhas LOST HIS several contestants dividual events. The 440 and 880 foursome of entered ln DominatelM So OWN TO CLEOPATRA Ron Watkins, Zack Ford, John Parker and Sherman Lewis looks Homers and East Shaw 5 accepted a forfeit RJCHARP _ onday night ln IM ™a"on like State's best bet for honors. The group (with Tom Peckham softball. . . The Quiet Village team of \Vest 17 only Terry Stygles pitched a one BURTON BLOOM URE 1 subbing for Watkins) won the hltter ln Ea9t Shaw 10's 11-0 Shaw 4 defeatri West Shaw 1 in PLUS SECOND BIG FEATURE 440 at the Ohio Relays ln :43.1 vlctory over £** Shaw 8< ^ 'fn|ngs I6"2- losers committed four errors Saturday and placed third in the 880 in 1:28.5. Looking At Bob Grossman Terry White, Clair Green and Herm Isenberg whJle lhe wlnner, tad none. Joel | HAYLEY MILLS | HDRST BUCHKOLZ Another strong combination for was the lo8lng pitc£m Mystery, all slammed home runs. Isen- MSL is its shuttle hurdle team, with Bill Cole, Bill Mann, Peck- ham and Herman Johnson run¬ SPORTS berg sand Grossman s came with ^ rhf* the hnsAci loaded bases InflHftd. nnuc Rriwli«v Doug Rowley J2_9. G Fmbassy scored nine n thlr/lnnlng « Bucg r, . . runs t0 ^ EMU f ln t wa" the fh* w,nn,ns D,tcher r'*°r" winning pitcher. George hits in a ning. This unit will be competing Upton started for the losers. winning " for the first time outdoors. The other four-man units line SPORTS by The Associated Press Bob Rasmussen pitched a one hitter to allow Radcliff to beat were hit by Gordy Archer and Jim Stun den. llQlKllflT AREA PREMIER 1 up this way: Mile -- Johnson, Randall 19-3. Bob Artley and Ramsey was 1 jd by Don Hand's NEW YORK, -Hector Ron Horning, L e w i s, Parker: Lopez , - „ , >"» homers to two iu aa 23-5 miiui|«i triumph Distance medley -- Horning, Don hammered a two-run line single £ Vanderploeg hit homers over Ravenna. Carl Traut also Castle, Roger Humbareer Humbarger, Ge- --mTle--Ca«lT rald Young; Four-mile--Castle,mue Castle, Ge¬ lu tenlBr in the ninth inning with the bases loaded' ^ New -SAYS DICK STUART starts TODAY j York Yankees a West Shaw 8 11-1 Jack Ring Hambarger, Young and either Bob the 7_6 yjctory Qver " two hltter for the wln- Arhouse Aristocrats. 8-5 Pittsburgh's Star Slugger hit 35 Fulcher or Morgan Ward. At Chicago White Sox before Empyrlam over Empowerment, ho™r* fW. But* feels he 22,497. ners. Ray Salati v the losing j3_§ could have gotten s lot more-if' I" A Great Twin-Hit All Color the Ohio Relays, State ran 10:15.7 Show : for the distance medley. Left-hander Juan Plzarro kept pitcher. West Shaw 5 West Shaw this week's Post, you'll meet the the Yankees Gordon Pledg pitched i HIT NO (1) SHOWN TODAY 1:00-5:20-9:35 cocky young Pirate. Learn how he got Chris Ktuter innings but an error by Luis Apa- — — opened the , East Shaw his reputation for bonehead plays,c" why he blames Forbes Field for 3rd in National gates for the New Yorkers, who V Ed Brown' led West Shaw 6 to hit pitching ,.,.5 lopsided Emporer Eminence, 3-2 spoiling his homemn record, (look RODGERS & HAMMERSTEINI (. Eaat Shaw 1 tled for the special baseball cover.) MARGRET thVn^h .trailing 6-3. J7_3 defegt o{ We8t Shaw <3,nw 0 13_J3 shaw 4 Th,Jmtmrdmy E, TOM SwimmingMeet NEW YORK, Robin Roberts, one-time pitching great with the Ed contributed by driving in six t i Rangoon over Rafferty, 9-3 EWELL Christine Kli Solon, Ohio Philadelphia Phillies of the Nat¬ hits and a walk : sophomore, wa! of the lead- ional League, * I given his out¬ was r *^E ing performers land Swim Club the Cleve- right release by the New York IM Schedule Two Matches for JKJ FREE EXHIBIT...IN LOBBY FAYE ed second in t] tlonal Championships at Sacra¬ which plac- Yankees of the American Wednesday. The former whiz kid, who League help- Women's Tennis I mento, Calif., last week. -"-v Phillies tr " *• 10:00 A.M.-6:30 P.M. Miss KIui Kluter took third MSU's 25 ft. ex-ict replic i of Michi¬ place lonal League pennant in 1950, c du. wo 100 yard backstroke with will gan's Mackinac Bridge. of 1:04:8. The was purchased from the National 2 Phi K.Sig-Phi "L1, Delt play two matches this Calvin week. winning League club for $25,000 la: College will be here I „ SOON ! 1:04. She later equal- ed this time on the first - - leg of - Oct. 16 and was signed to a calling for $29,000. Rob- con - 3 S.A.M.-A.E.P1 ^h!Ga,m"^]4.u for a match at 2 p.m. Thursday. Friday at 2 p.m. the team will THE HORIZONTAL the 400-yard medley event, but Michigan State graduate, f n^"?. 6 Beal-Motts r4t^Ctl1 take on Kalamazoo College here. Cleveland only managed a third won one and lost 10 last Both matches will be played LIEUTENANT ~* place, it was the best time Miss with the Phillies. He had' t 7 Bryan 5-8 the varsity tennis on Kluter ever recorded in her 8 Vistas-All-Stars pitched for the Yankees. DIAL 485-6485 For I 9 n specialty. Paperbacks-Highway Research I She also swam as a member PORT HURON, -Port Huron GLADMER of the "B" I finished fifth relay in team which the 400-yard Wednesday chise to was awarded a fran¬ operate a professional 1 B.T.P1-D.T.D. 6:30 p.m. freestyle relay. m Kv fVv» krta-j 2 L.C.A.-T.Chi LOWEST PRICES Now Last 2 Days! REGULAR 4 STEREO LP. governors of the International SHOWS A Hockey League. DIAMOND NEEDLES 5 A!s.Phi-A.G.R. TAPE 6 Hedrlck-Howland OUR PRICES ARE PITTSBURGH. -The WaltDisncyi?^ Mets, flushed with success fol¬ New York 7 Bryan 6-7 8 Dollar 65-AOCS II CHECKED DAILY TO lowing their first victory of the 9 ASSURE BIGGEST SPOw year, expect to announce a couple of minor trades Thursday. Botany-Communicators SAVINGS P5IPT1 President George Weiss of the Mets hinted the newcomers will improve the team's pitching and Mai Chiljean, sophomore shortstop on the Michigan State baseball team, won all-New York c®tic^ln8' which he rwo departments was with City honors in his senior year not satisfied, he at Jamaica High School, declared today. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 | EAST LANSING PHONE E □ r* 00 HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING —- FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 90c ENDS TO-NIGHT-MURDER SHE SAID STABTING FRIDAY Eloquent, po of the best Bergman'sof creations, a 'Wild Strawberries butsollder In substance. Michigan State New, East Lansing, Michigan UTOMOBILE SOLD QUICKLY! 1955 PLYMO/TH. 4I.6M Body rusted, mechanically miles.} <¥> Automotive Automotive ij- For Sole PerionaT Service"" * Service rur JfflSffisssr Bl##(l (Continued from page 1) the blood drive are: » for Scientific Philoannhv ry *klrt«, sweaters cleaned C21 Men's Dorms L S. Case DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY 2. W. Shaw 2501 E. MICHIGAN Ironing board - %4\ Circle chairs 1961 FORD ruiavf* 3. Butterfleld RlAfi IV 9.7MB , A - %2i ? snowtires, 800xH - $15. CAR WASH — S1.00 day morning. $15 plus 10* mile. 7 lyllTMr, auSailg; L?Aa! ^ 7'tn* "7 « Sponsored by Gasoline furnished. 62 Ctevro- lets. HERTZ LICENSE!?, 216 W. a Women's Dorms „ 'lost & FOUND CORVETTE faat steering adap¬ Y-Phalan X Ionia, IV-4-I445 i. W. Mayo 'personal LETTICH & STENBERG Fraternity Thesis Kits . 22 2. S. Williams 1961 CORVAIR Lakewood Wagon. 2910 E. KALAMAZOO ter. Reduces steering ratio for East Lansing -- Plastic Film .peanuts PERSONAL Radio, heater, white wall tires. quick handling. $25. Call 355- Branch YMCA Engineering & Drafting Supplies real estate 484-3299 6,000 actual miles. STORY Sells 8181 after 5:30 PM. 22 Fraternities •service For Less $1895. COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT 1. Phi Kappa Tau ^transportation LANSING'S ENGLISH BICYCLE Tlme: Saturday. April 28 , 2100 W. Main, .SERVICE Lansing. IV9-2652. SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE 2. Zeta Beta Tau .wanted I960 VALIANT Suburban Waeon 52?VETTES " 195?. 1959, 1961. HEADOUARTERS. Check our 10 AM to 6 PM CORNER CF AND RIVER 3. Delta Upsilon Radio, heater, white wall *!. 245'8' and 270'9- Excep- Pr,ces «™t. Gene's Cycle Shop. tires »ures. . For: Community Service Project |DEADLINE: " STORY Sells For Less $1295, ^lonally clean units. IV 4-0362. ~r and SPARTAN Phone 337-9034 C Sororities 1. Alpha Kappa Alpha 3 p.m. one c/o»» day ^ 1956 CHEVROLET iffor* publication 6 - 210 4door FALCON - 4 door deluxe, WING CHAIR - $10; Chest $25; - of gas wash customers, cieeners, 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block 2. Sigma Kappa cylinder *" " automatic.'STORY standard transmission. Pie crust - $15; Love seat - west of Seers' Frandor Store Is NEED FORMAL attire for term 3. Phi Mu Sells For Less.... IPHONE: *495 • ... 1*61 ___ CUTLASS - also F-83-4 Call ED 7-7103 after 5 PM. 2V 2T ,c IF vni i lr YOU need TLh ma a8 reliable . l.w., reuaDie baby- nany- giving, absolutely . • free -- dry party? Get it at SMALL'S MEN'S Co-ops 355-8255 or 8256 STORY OLD6MOBILE, INC. door- aitter. call Mrs. Taylor at 355- fr. t0 «.Ch ^ customer using SHOP. 211 S. Washington. IV 4- 1. Hedrlck 3165 E. MICHIGAN TICKETS FOR THE BROTHERS 8190 In Cherry Lane apts. 23 « washers only 459,< 22 2. Martin Luther s. Take [RATES: 11 DAY SI.00 DIAL IV 2-1311 nsff^rs-jisr sr-HSsss.-srs tibles. fice. 21 &^y"-"r*rs-" T10N CENTER by Frandor. Pre- ■ ■ ALTERATIONS. Hemming 8c re- 3. Elsworth 13 DAYS 15 DAYS $3.00 $3.00 1955 MG-TF - New top, side curtains, tires, rebuilt engine, radio. Immaculate I Phone Dave SPARTAN MOTORS 3000 E. MICWGAN IV 7-3715 INr A T,r%rpT<: ,n "K" rnw ,nr baby 4 TICKETS in "K" row for scrlptlons, l . *** needs . neec5s at drugs, cosmetics. at low «v*rwl,v Ulth low everyday Sunday night to Streetcar Named prices. This week's coupon spec- eral typing, term papers, theses. ANN BROWN, typist and mult- ,1,th offset printing. nrlnrlna IBM, iru ru.» Gen- skirts ®PV. 1 [° r® •*" -trousers, N mREAD 9lvi8l0",_tehlnd Cam- Income Tax (Continued from Field. ED 2-3568. Desire. 355-0090 ED 2-6902. lal ~ >1-25 Anacln tablets 66*. . p4ge 1) don 15 24 or 22 Limit — 1. Bring this ad to dlssenations. 3 duplicating pre- ^ g Store. ED 2-5584. 32 cesses available; Multilith(black Coldwater) supplied the bulk of 1961 RENAULT *— 301 N. - 4CV, 40 miles ZTTT Cllppert. " rhlte, & . color), - . . Ozalld, _ - . Clear — the oratory in the 15 hour de¬ to the AL MIKULICH PONTIAC must gallon. Growing family, sell. $600 or best offer. fi For Rent Print. ED 2-8384. q fT'S SPRfNG tune up time! bate on the original 42-page bill Lansing's and the 33-page substitute bill. Used Volkswagen Hdqr. 355-6178 after 6 p.i 23 MEL'S AUTO SERVICE He held the floor for four PARKING OPPOSITE CAMPUS ON Grand River. Close toclasses LES STANTON. He can help you Plan y°ur insurance budget. 1500 ™|^R17HESl;S. GENERAL 315 W. GRAND RIVER half hours, challenging 1 332-3255 L Automotive and offices. Monthly rates. Phone E» Michigan. IV 2-C 22 nearly every ««»• t"y cleaner e.r. from x bill. BEECHEM and KNIGHT Auto MY STATUS SYMBOL DOES'T ■ OLOS 98.4-door. power si . ' EXPERIENCED TYPIST.Gen- "ta chls btU you've got lies j and brakes. Original ov ier~. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN-Light blue, JlA Sm'PwT FIT — Genuine Baracuta Jacket. FREE LIST OF over 40 or- eral typing, term papei s, theses. the word «0'" ^ sald- 22 J25 value. Will sell cheap, Electric typewriter. William Ki- "This bill will be taxation p IV-2-6688. ~ w,inlWltbvrf°'207°- " C2_l ONE BEDROOM house. 2 blocks ganized musical groups 1 to 20 kendall xenoau - ED fcu 2-2521 z-2521. FXT EXT. without representation and all of — *om "°to"uhed **- 2^ the taxpayers are going to be and ref. Call under it 1957 VOLKSWAGEN - Sun roof. /UT0M0TIVE REPAIR EVERYDAY In everyway, our Federation of Musicians, 527 S. FOR FAST, Taxpayers will file their tax coral In color, white wall tires. insurance is better and better. X 2*5314- "L,ve ellte IBM, call 339-2139. statements and then the Depart¬ . 13.500 miles. Call IV Bubolz Auto Insurance. ™ Muslc !s Be9t- ment of Revenue will go over Exceptionally clean. Low, low price of only $995. J^-^S AITO TRIM, GARAGE. C21 the figures. Smeekens said. If the revenue department de¬ Led, 0 FIAT Sports bucket seats, radio, Convert. 4- AL MIKULICH PONTIAC 2121 E. MICHIGAN bodywork 1242 E "ICIU Ior oneor twopeopleacross QbAAA^ IdJiM/j/tte EDIE CTARR: Typist, theses,' dissertations, term papers, gen- eral typing. Experienced, IBM ★ Wanted ~~" cides any taxpayer has not pro¬ perly filed he will be notified what r ED 2-5014 conditioning. Available May 1. ^ DC AKIl ITC WANTED: Ride Jersey < addirlonal a it pay. h es. Sharp! Call Inquire Fabian Realty. ED 2- I 5 electric typewriter. OR 7 8232. C N.Y.C. Thursday, 26th. Re- BUMPING and PAINTING ouh 2006 Sunday, 29th. Will . 23 PERSONALS 355-6354. pay gas. If EXPERIENCED property r a taxpayer objects, it won't ft n WHICH Station Wagon has more ter," Smeekens said. TansLssSaUl&e8f«t b^^mlWgf^d lia E, Ktlimazoo St C.U IV fr« KEAL .parent for married IffittufS o»."S S^s.^Slibi.foMh.lS'm- W ANTED "SOS^EONE wishing The objection council can that hears render and decl- the transmission. Excellent hroughout. Call 355- . ^ 9-7507^ ——t ED 2-2902 or ED 2-8839. -g; 23 Services BuUdlng^for your free fog W.r. .89-9280. tour Europe on motorcycles for 10 weeks. Call Bob 355-5394. 21 ' sion they w- payer.s 0bJecUon Conceivable ^ »uid go In" a tax after 6 PM. passes to the Crest Drlve-ln SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS of the council and -fr Employment Theatre- 21 Rent latest model Singer portable NEEDED BADLY! Cooking facil- CONTINENTAL IMPORTS, INC. —— at only $5 226 E. KALAMAZOO monthly or $150 per itles near campus. Please con- The tax bill would also oe a 1*0 RAMBLER, Classic — DIAL IV 5-1743 OFFICE POSITIONS. We 1_ - o !!eek- we dellver and pick "p. tact Dick Glliberto at ED 2-3578 hinderence to business, he said. : deluxe with automatic, many positions available for sec¬ ! dance? But Buy the brand new Spartan, model The Department of Revenue heater. One owner. Real immediately. 23 , retaries, stenographers, book- ."1 only $44.50. Pay only could demand to see business Laur 21 $5 down and $5 monthly. TTiese records and tax statements and VFPrv B. . _ r For "a muucw* i-DuuRwivi akaki- : 1st* confirfinrj.1 special offers good only to sru- _ri_. "lcX.c.. —type r they could tell business that they f6! DODGE Lahcar 9880 ^ 3 ^ View, call Miss fX? ^ENT- Varnished except re- Wanted 300 pairs of ear plugs. at M.S.L preferred. 355-8181. ^fo^'re.^.re. 22 22 Gmt had to pay more tax money, he , radio, heater, -t- L.k'e, emx»« ae t?. "s" The. vy. The ^ wh, wh»v.^t„ said. ■nlsslon. Low mileage. Michigan National Tower IV 2- basement' backyard. Close to jn back of Landon at 5:: SINCER SEWING CENTER "Can you imagine how long IY OTHER SPECIALS TO ABARTH ZAGATO FIAT - 750 1543. ' 22 ^5^4- 534Sycamore Lane.Call should have to pay for them. 309 S. WASHINGTON 487-3649 ^ Transportation business would last under these GT aluminum body. Enthusiasts ~ 1 conditions?" Smeekens a/Ved. £eraf5b°lVt elmer 22 attractive 3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ^LMER STEELE Tabone after 3PM. i ED2-0866. bath erator unfurnished except andstove. Air conditioned. refrlg- MAR - BABY A Jesting „ RAMBLER 1960 FORD CONVERTIBLE - 8 ciose to campus and AjtP Store, JANE and JERRY. 'Continued from pog• ]) 12 blocks West of Brody cylinder, Crulse-o-matic trans- COFFEE COUNTER help needed 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED tion pictures. Limousine leaving FLY TO TOLEDO - Qualified DIAL ED 7-9765 dally at noon for Hicks Studio, pilot needs one passenger on mission, power steering and bra- from 8 AM. to 4 PM. Must be 2-4886. t.f. kes, radio, new white tires. Bea- cheerful, dependable. Apply In Okemos. Return transportation May 4 and returning May 6. ^ Real Estate .... . utiful turquoise paint, white top. person at The Spudnut Shop. 225 ONE VACANCY at 333 Albert guaranteed. Refreshments. Call Call 337-2186 ask for Cal. 23 generally summed up in s cr>i " 58, MERCURY, Monterey Padded dash and visors. $1795. M.A.C. 22 St. (for boys) downtown, private ments from Senate Democratic I white walls and battery. Ra- I heater. Top condition. Will l-iflr. ED 2-5537. i960 THUNDERBIRD - 2 door _________________ "rriruPDC F)_„. mir-d entrance, kitchen and television room. $8.75 per week. Summer EAST LANSINC Four bedroom Cape Cod. Full — By 0w,.o. WE TRAVEL Group To Celebrate Leader Mike Mansfield of Mon¬ tana and Sen. RichardB. Russell, ilflce. anywhere -- any hardtop, Cruise-o-matlc. power aT. jf.jlZL'r1.^7 reservations wken now. $7 per basement. 5 1/25? land contract." D-Ga., chairman of the Senate 23 steering and steering aide and brakes, brakes, radio, radio white white Seve?.th and EighthS Grades. ^Tomrmini^ c h weck> Two week8 free. Phone ,v SI600 down ' $16,0p0. r,n Fn -„ne. Quality catering for all Call ED occasions --to fit your budget. Israeli Independence Armed Services Committee. side 11 fi. walls. rr«m Cream mXnr 4-7406, after 5 and weekends color with 5:30 P*M. Mansfield said Kennedy had _ ura ' - ,-,^t „ 2-0433 after j fordconvERTIBLE. Good vTnvI" Pleasanl tLaAe- M»chlgan. 29 $72.0330. miles south of the campus toward Michigan Catering Service. IV 9-3343. C Israel's Ind^>endence Day will shown great forbearance in hold¬ New top. Two new ° 0WI1" be honored by an evening of ing up so long. Jackson on north Meridian Road, ROOMS Russell said he was reluctant : sell 355-4361 after Israeli songs at 8 p.m. Sunday, just off US-127. Modem 16-room . " to see the tests resumed but school in beautiful irauu in ueauiuui resort the Union ballroom, 10*7 rucvom r-r . scnooi ajea. ATTFisrrinw national security demands them. 2S ?!^5T " 21°-,;J . a ii j ■'riniw «u oi«wi-1™, w II C-r-.«^ -7 Am Please call STat.4-7400, sead iiatp nr. mmmA or jmu AI,C"' IU[N crtrnr-Krrc' ti CRAD- compartment basement. Double guaranteed. Open o ».m. io sts will be Ora Karz, A preliminary pulse-taking of ^I'LWOLTH V V-S STICK 2!*' .^7 ^"' PT O8 ' credentials to Superlntendant, L : JL ?!* r°°« garage. Two lots. ED-7-03I4. 22 8:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 3022 Israeli music student, and Gene public opinion abroad by the U.S. 'ission ' tires' raf•,1 ^Ite paint- side walls, 2-tore year GW warranty. $845. ^ j young. ^Trtlng saUry, " perrCooking fk: privileges ^,e " E. Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. C Bluesteln, ATI. professor. Abba Agency indicated i degree^ $4,500 annually. , riT, engine needs . per-man' Cook,n« Privileges and i. _r - - economics professor, understanding' of President »0464 evenings, 2j Parking available. 437 M. A. C. jot< luce ucignijoinoou, ne«r wil- im, SERVICE. Special Kennedy's view that because of Ave., East 1Lansing. rrr-1 ED 7-0415. . 25 uamston. Owner leaving state, for college housing. Service calls .. WOULD YOU Ilk. «, Call OL 5-2490. " * I5' OLDS '88' 4-door sedan. Peering and brakes, push button ? Joln Avon today. write APPKUVtu, supervised. lar^ m P* walls, autom.r^ transmission, radio, sharp blue ^ii. APPROVED suoervlaed automatic, power „ or call: Mrs. Alana xi.n, Huckins, comfortable r^ fw^«"'toe ^lar^r 0KEM0S 16th Century English The public is invited, admission atomic fall experimenting ,"g' tPriced P°wer brakes. to sell. A real Never priced ^ low. 5664 Schaal Stl Haslett, Mlch- block from campus. Sparun Hall ftyle ^^room 2 1/2 baths, DIAPER SERVICE so as not to behind the W)95- so Tdephone IV 2-6893. 21 2 5 Louis. Ph^ne lD 2-2574 lar^ ^'"8 room and dinln, SERVICE to _____________ Soviets. U.S.LA. said it fotind strong . j room, utility room off kitchen, your desire. Rad,°. h«ter, You r dia¬ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS support for the U.S. tests in e walls. Excellent condition. MAX CURTIS, INC. For Sale t Anr.p pi faqant fmn, 5° ft" p*l,° overlooking Red Ce- pers back each time. With n Latin America, the Philippines 2424 E. MICHIGAN sleeping room. Private ™ p.?",: Call der Rlyer- ED 2307 Hamilton Rd. our service, Published by students of Mich- and Thailand, allies of the Unit- 2.3304 for appoljltinent you may in¬ HEATH KIT STEREO amplifier, entrance, shower, parking. $8. Ke rge pLStat,0n' ^'ect condition. W8gon- Low $995. IV 4-4491, EXT. 33 C Dual channel controls. Excellent IV 9-4355. clude your baby's under¬ shirts and clothing which Igan State University. Issued on class days Monday through Fri- ^ States. ,n ^e vast nonaligned regions condition. $50. V-M changer and EAST LANSING. House and dou¬ will not fade. White, Blue day, during the fall, winter and reaching from Africa through 1959 LAMBRETTA with buddy base. Electro-voice stereo cart- >■ PATTON SPORTS CAR seat, windshield and spare tire. ble lot - $12,750. 614 N. Haga- or Pink diaper palls furn¬ spring quarters Issued twice *e Middle East to South Asia, llnir CENTER 80 - mpg. Contact David Peter¬ dorn Road. Phone 337-7574. 25 ished. weekly during the summer term U.S.LA. described opinion as op- outfit. CaU ED 7-0755. AMERICAN LAUNDRY Second class postage paid at |1915DIAL E. Michigan Ave. son. ED 2-3591. 23 posed to nuclear testing but IV 4-4411 Service 111 E. WASHTENAW Greenville, Michigan. reluctantly accepting the U.S. IV 2-0864 2 Editorial and business offices resumption as necessary, 1954 OLDSMOBILE 88 4-door. at 341 Student Services 958. Estate Wagon Lost & Found building, "^e level of criticism against "^onaUyclean and depen- ^^"tiblV^^d.' $39.95.' Ex- la Michigan State University, East America was termed far less se- 28.000 miles. $450. Call 489-&571. LOST: Black frame glasses In tan case. Left lens chipped. Re¬ Call 355-3012. fy Lansing. Michigan; and 109'N. Lafayette St., Greenville. Mich- vere than that directed against ^e SovteM when they first broke the 'gan. |3 1961. 1 owner. Excellent condition. Austin Healy Sprite. 1960. Too SAILBOAT snipe. 15feet. $330. ward. Call IV 4-9792. 11 PiyyesUa 0-mstjX>ng Must sell this week. >haP®. 16,000 miles. Phone Dino Very good condition. CanvasT ■ 3106 E. Grand River 5-7940. Make offer. 23 387-21M offers f# 21 sails, POPEL Station Wagon ^ wooden^ hull. No repairf L0ST. Black wallet. Contact Ja- cob Dick 355-1018. (opposite Holldey l««> - Gray THE MORE YOU TELL- " ' at fn- ^ Condition. $1000. THE QUICKER YOU SELLI CHALLENGING CAREERS LED 2-2774. READ THE WANT.ADS! NEED new CASH. Will sell cheap, electric Norelco shaver, sun ' PerSOfXII ■ ■■ jjeatuAtiiCf, =fr SALES • ^'c( SPAGHETTI - RAVIOLI SUBMARINE SANDWICHES QOLF CLUBS used. Complete the CARD SHOP across from MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ e ADVERTISING set. CaU 332-1184, between 7 the Home Economics Bldf. ED versity graduation rings PRODUCTION PLANNING and 9 p.m. Ask for Bob W«g- 2-6753. C available at THE CARD ^ake Out . SHOP. Includes degree, • ACCOUNTING BIKE FOR SALE. Girl's grew SAVE: Llveat ZETA TAU ALPHA seel, 3 engraved initials. PIZZA ■ SPAGHETTI English racer. To highest bid- darT CaU 355-8554. 25 ^ for Ww*k summer schooL ^ W 2-5318. 22 Choice of 10 stones. RAVIOLI • TRANSPORTATION HEV.OftlS.COMSUPMERE! • PURCHASING THERE IN CENTER Fi£lD...U)£ ji FEEL THE OOOL 0£EEZ£? ... DON'T 6ETANVe«£ZE AT ALL. • CREDIT v— For further information, write to at MAX i C.F. FLEMING Check our listrngt daily in (Armstrong Jhe want-od» for BlQ eavingt. LANCASTER, PA. 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Aprn 16 mm Repoif film on MSU Vying With Best ISODH ssnn naa nana AH A Students "PERCE STRINGS" H0naannt3 aucn s.Bn-theatrical pro- "this eternity." was not 1961 — it was posed of representatives from industry, education, medicine, than themselves. Kuhn started with the first graduating class Now Is The Season ! The 22 minute black and white As traditions, marks of pro- television and religion. .V „ . J*!?1 «nd »vwts ofthe yearun- The campus seems to take on in 1861, which had seven mem¬ bers, all of whom wire grad¬ Short sleeve or long th e Venice Film Fest- fold on the screen, the viewer a certain life as the real human 23 Tissue uated two weeks early to Join lval in June where it will pete two other university pro- com- can feel the pulse of the so often misunderstood acade-nlc city. side of Michigan' Sute flashes 24. Chemical salts the Union Army, and finished adult or small j. . •- on the screen. his sketch With sn MSJ phy¬ duced films In the non-theatri¬ * The campus comes alive and 23. Written The film concentrates on peo- sicist who became chairman of Sweatshirts sU-l ■*- cal events competition. " s able to see there agreement Produced by the Audio Visual pie: freshmen, graduating Franklin D. Roosevelt's first than Just impersonal iors and alumni. It also empha- Center under die auspices of the atom bomb committees. relationships MSJ. sizes places and events: the band Alumni Assn., the movie repre- "Our professors hope you will The film - c 'eys the thought shell being torn down to make be able to reach a little bit $1*L at Student _ _ information «y for^Bessey' Ilaui' the co^ farther than we have been able in *" people in that depart men TTte film depicts every aspect today on campus % tf wii _____ fusion of registration and the commencement excerclses at _ 1 to reach," Kuhn said. President Hannah agreed with Book of life and events on the campus 7...... which former President Truman Kuhn and then added: for the academic year 1960-61. - ~ ~ . ... r .. spoke. "One great tragedy of this TRY A STATE NEWS WANT AD Edward P. McCoyVhead of the , Executive Board, Water Car- The largest freshmen class University is that instead of ven¬ film production department and nlval * 7 PJ".. Art Roon% Lnlon. MSU history is shown regis¬ erating alumni and past profes¬ producer, director of "16mm and script n v^esleV Foundation - Council, tering. The photographers have sors who have distinguished writer R«port". did pSt pTectee Meeting fruitraflBRrdisgui captured the fruSttaBOnr«Usgust. themselves, there is almost no A . J U P L VSfsSXS? Packaffinff Wives wterv - faces of the students who are evidence here of those who have gone before." Club SpronVillw r^rdng «p«rt«c«. of Commnnicafion Ails ST'SLi'.'-Snf my 1 To Hold Faculty Heel foS. Th«. it fs a f Io int enterorise Gamma Alpha Chi Journalism ouuaing. Building. - 7:30 p.m.. P°" is both excellent quality- wise and Imaginatively done. The music fits each situation Familiar buildings, familiar events and familiar people are seen from all angles. Some not so-familiar alumni are shown as they return for homecoming after one, two, ten or thirty years. These alumni can be seen gre¬ Good Used eting old friends, exploring new areas of the campus and sear¬ "Placement DIAZO PROCESS ching for the old landmarks which have disappeared in the process Interviewing at the Placement Van Dyke Public Schools — 2ualU