Weather Fair and continual firm. The high today win bo tn the MirUI#! AM *nlV.niUAPI Inside tffu. TATE NEWS See page 2 for atory on joint STATB spacecraft United States and Britain. launching by the UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. 186 East Lansing, Michigan - Friday, April 27, 1962 Plans to Open Meetings to Public Under Consideration by Trustees Howard, To Follow Congress Precedent Sworn in Of U. of M. AUSG Adviser Calls Trustees Spilt In for Action Opinion r GERRY HINK the State New The Board of Trustees may public, following the lead of the University of Michigan's Board of Regents. The U of M board amendedby- laws last week to permit the pub¬ lic to' attend meetings for the first time in the University's 145-year history. J LAST DAY TODAY-The record breaking Here JoAnn Mikolusky, Scottville freshman, "We have never objected to I pQTC blood drive moves into its final dav has her blood pressure token attending our meetings," prior to giving anyone as cadets, coeds and "civilians' her boost to the drive. State News Photo President John A. Hannah said. by it to give blood ut Demonstration Hall. Robert Decker. "All that we asked was that !■■■■■ITT reporters be accredited by the Michigan Press Association, but lunn Editors we've never questioned anyone." He added that it would be up to the board to decide whether tsksMore Here For or not the meetings should be open to the "Personally, general public. I think we are this," he said. )onations coming >-o were "I didn'r know not open to the meetings the public," I Athletic Director Biggie Munn Jan B. \anderploeg, board mem¬ ber from North Muskegon, said. Isued an appeal Thursday for meet this weekend " "I don't see what difference it o get out and donate the second annual Michigan Col¬ he last day "It will take extra effort to of the Global legiate Press Association vention. The convention program in- would make is because the press allowed to attend, and they inform the public." dents you represent. You v—~ C. Allen Harlan, board member Glimpses record," Munn said, eludes discussion groups and lec- the students will do keep your constituents informed, from Detroit, said that he also tures to aid the editors In their inform the administration of the STATE BEAUTIES -- Co, i from MSU Honey Koczmarek, Boy City was under the impression that present work and to help pro- need for change, provide the meetings were open to the in, vice chairman of the pare them for future careers in vices for the students and c___ Lansing contest held Tuesday « itil after n Count)- Red Cross board , Wednesday evening' t pre Journalism. dinate other student activities." included Sue Scott, Okemos junior, left. Barb "I cannot imagine why the pub¬ ectors, said the board was 'im ies at the Jack Tar Hotel. Keynote speaker at the Friday Nonnamakersald education Koplus, Moplewood, H.J, senior, Stote Hews Photos by Bob Deckei lic would want to come.' he emely grateful" for the stu- center, ond len's participation in che drive. Antitrust Battle Ends -,_iit dinner will be Tom Rior dan, should be a chief goal of AUSG. said. "For the most part tte things we cover are highly tech¬ I Thursday's 500-pint total was pints ahead of last year's legalWA^INCT^' * ^ !S"year «M. Rlordan will speak on "My 12 Yaart Before tho Masthead. ^ aa CTncon*^1^*^^!^ 4?#) Q # J f t*/) |* JL QQd>WtQ nical. specialized and unemotion¬ rsday total. the government accqjted the for- Discussion groups Saturday here. ^ as with what you learn here." he said. M f fJ 1/LP 9 I AjWs lit I f SI S 9 " F 19 al, and they would be dry and dull to the public. | "It will take 550 pints Friday mula laid down by Federal Judge will be led by Norman Rumple Bob Howard. In abrief address "I feel it would be just he drive s 2,512 goal," Walter J. LaBuy for Du Pont to of the Midland Dally News. Rum- following his lnaguration, told like the situation with the state ; .e ROTC Cadet Tho- liquidate its General Motors pie will lead the discussion of Congress he was concerned with legislature. How many people ka; Mirer, operations chairman, stock. news coverage. Ted Sontag of "what we are going to do here — attend the sessions except when | Army ROTC continues to lead Atty. Gen. Robert F.Kennedy the Lansing State Journal will for the people who elected us." By MARY BASING Neither the USSR nor the U.S. rearm. The international police they are agitating for a special j 66 9 per- said the government would not chalr_the discussion on advertis- Howard called for quality. Of the State News Staff test their missiles by sending force advocated by some people outh Case :;ght men's dorm conn 141.3 percentage while yo is leading the w Lansing graduate checks ps with a 32.8 percentage, student, will discuss yearbook ivities in AUSG, and Dr. David "ArmiTcmrrnV ATnmmnn them, Hadley told 'd of built to insure civilian control "he Red Cross issued a appeal for students to de¬ spec- Criticize Cardinal production. C. Ralph, associate professor of ^er^Tn S^t" thTsT at 'S than 150. of the military," he said, wanted to attend. [*m sure he rate blood to an East Lan- Th«,S!a^iJeW8 vm nffiefai rl#»Wnr*« 18 thecon- m ®Peech, spoke procedure. pending parliamentary to the group about ond spring term Provost Lecture. "This is de facto trol, " Hadley said. "A s con- con- History shows that it may be too much to expect of humanity, would be welcome," he added. g high school teacher who re- NEW ORLEANS - An Wednesday. Board meetings were closed # but perhaps not too much to ask sral to all until 1953 when they were pints of blood municated New Orleans segre- dent may attend the Saturday uation in the world: the Soviet nations of the world to recog¬ b i. of a serious blood Mrs. Ellen Davis, gatlonist has voiced Implied criticism of Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston for the Ro- morning discussion sessions. They will begin at 9:30 a.m. on the third floor of the Union. Ranger IV Crashes Union and the U.S. have the a- billty to destroy each other. "The conventional nize their common survival, Hadley said. "The arms interest controller looks at in opened tests to the press due to pro- by the Michigan Press Association. The board reserved J246 Marlowe, the right to hold executive (pn- Detroit, will need 1; for four months. the final day of the man Catholic prelate's member- ship in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored end The two-day convention will Saturday with luncheon honoring the winners of an awards Moon's Dark Side the Increase in new power ai matically leads to increased curlty of the nation is no longer the totally disarmed world suspicion" and feels that control much more pract- vate)mee tings. e 8 a.m. 2 p.m. to in People. the MCPA yearbook and news- COLDSTONE. Calif., !JP) - Ranger launch when they learned that ical way •vork for increased ration Hall. Leander H. Perez Sr., excom- 1 and other confidential paper sntrol '3?es for living units muclcated with two others by fantastically complex space- failure of a timer had crippled stability in the world. :ers, Breslin said. These rather than disarmament. Hadley craft turned hurtling hulk the spacecraft's electronic brain. It is Important to realize that irs, he said, would be acted Archbishop Joseph Francis Rum- said that there is no guaran ' )°e „ ® K sure of the trustees to testify ■ dollvery of the ship be taken warming that after six failures _ five day week was established not civil defense progr: or report on some phase of their ^atemltv iwuvui pot- win k* r- .... . from the builder* the New York ■ .. v , ,,-rv „ .... i. . __.ii ine projriin 1$ ft sttiau one, .... nnm the United States had finally j said in an interview Wednesday. is a process of removing hostages 1 . I Representatives convmtion Satnrtliy. from nine <*div«ry S?;Jl*/l^ll uke Place at 1 p. " ^made upXpart for their q^rter making aPenison fun toadsaid. for from the enemy." Extra Performance Plchiga- chapters will meat at *• needy students," Finn! said. heartbreak some two hours, after tors are ready to begin work, office workers, "The re dayKl'vanls. r,m.p near Mason, for To be eligible to apply, a see a very pleasai.. w 'S»r««itir s activltle*. Tennessee Williams' 'Streetcar9 world," he said. Pulitzer 'maker, assistant- director of student must have a 2.6 or bet¬ ter grade average by the end of this year if he will be a sophd- A G "We will retain enough weap- ons to do grave damage. How- Prize winning drama "A Street- °ar Named Desifre," has will hoM a die- Tnm—.-j other chapters are threat to walk out of the die- Mfljl «««*>•"« on a form sup- ^ starter, but warmed up the end - i _ ^ die Men's dlv j , ,. played by Sondra, the younger slater of "Blanche" returned _ .hni.rAt, „tT\r. *-«• ... w» . a > cuaslori tnd organizational meet- ToSeScS .1. > wflfc the MSU . armajnent ' piled ny me scnotarsmp on ice. mMltr*s candidate in theater Is a tough one to portray, Ann of the first act and turned in desk at the Student Service build- ^ Sunday, et 2 p.m. la" 32 at the test series began. (Continued en page 6) from Esceneba, with Just the Cloffi, Allen Park senior did a fine performance. ing. Union. i, Michigan State New Friday, April .EDITORIAL. East Lansing, Michigan 27 ^ Twisting to Olin "As I Was Saying, We Must Hasten Slowly' so the editor saysiihiiiiiiiinw]^ The impact of the "twist" on American society many turn out cles being pulled back and forth in opposition to each other. Clip and ben bum to be far^greater than its found¬ We've been told that Man was Hart's * round-up of the Ideas Bob Howard, AUsc nr. ing father, Chubby Checker, could not intended to expressed In his campaign platform. pre*»d fly since he was It should prove convenient to clip and save for future have ever imagined. never given the means by his Student Government can work for the academic, ft„ Notonly is the "twist" sweep¬ Creator. Of course there were social welfare of each student. ing the country as the most popu¬ the few screwballs who It cannot be effective, however, without the coopers attempted student body—the foundation of any student government. 9 lar dance, but it is beginning to to defy the laws of Nature by My challenge to you, then. Is to help me insure effect , dent government by your support and conUnued rival football, boxing and car ac¬ climbing to the top of the Eiffel cooperwl'N cidents in slipping discs, dislo¬ the program outlined below. ***** U Tower and flying like our fea¬ If you are willing to accept this challenge, I will pledge I cating Joints, damaging sacroi- thered friends. But the only di¬ hearted efforts to enact this program—to Insure tint offor constructive and worthwhile opportunities for mv ALvI1 ** 1F~ ~ liacs and straining back muscle's." rection they went was down -- to t!C^«10"m-'';-'r-='::=:::~~r; r— ' ' These are some of the most importan programs Nor are the students of Michi¬ 'or*, I their tragic deaths. would work; "^1 gan State immune. Dr. James. S. Financial Help for MSU Students: Well, then, perhaps Man was -Establish a non-profit bookstore t > save students' Feurig, director of Olin Health never intended to "twist." buying and selling used texts. Centei>admits a number of cases. -Reorganize student discount service t 0 procure But because Man had the m student 4, never counts in local stores and on campus bus systems. "We have had several cases of human -Expand AUSG loan, mlneograph and thermofax serv1Ces instruments to fly did not -Work to reduce housing payments for students in tr knee injuries resulting from the keep him on the ground. We are Academic and Cultural Benefits; severe twisting of the knee liga¬ -Expand Provost's Lectures snd Academic Benefits all grateful to the pro&^ Wright Bro¬ -Increase efforts to Improve library facilities ^ ment caused by an individual thers. -Participate actively in National Student Association AUSG programs, to help campus organizations and t keeping his foot planted and And because Man was never student concern for national and international Issues. gyrating from side to side," intended to "twist" shouldn't -Distribute course-Instructor lists more widely. -Increase financial and moral suppott for the Feurig explained. Campus Urn, keep him off the dance floor. Nations and International Club. Also, many people suffer chest Maestro, "The Blue Personal and Social Benefits: Danube!" -Work to standardize women's dorm regulations a pains caused by the chest mus¬ Anyone care to waltz? late minute punishment from those rules not conceme -Increase pressure for relaxation of student housing reauiUS j 1.. ° 'Crawl' of Nickels mg. -Expand programs to foster foreign student involvi campus activities. Anthony Koo, an economics pro¬ fund now stands at $6.50. And it Internal Reforms In A USG to Facilitate These p fessor -Encourage communication between Congress represent proposed a March of is doing just that -- standing. their constituents to make Congeess more truly representaaj Nickels, last Friday, to pay for At the rate contributions -Give advance information through the State News are facing Congress to facilitate student communication with a plaque honoring the Putnam flowing in now we should have representatives. Mathematics team that placed another -Appoint mature, responsible people—regardless of affHtJ Rose Bowl team before or sex—to AUSG positions. first in national competition re¬ we erect a plaque commemora¬ -Appoint to the various student-faculty < who will follow student opinion more closely. cently. ting this year's Putnam math vic¬ -Reactivate the Executive Committee to Investigate AUSC j Koo felt .that the students and implement their findings. tory. faculty by supporting the proposal with their nickels, could show Contributors to date have been Letters: On "Parking Fees, MSU Architecture, Etc. that an academic accomplishment enthusiastic To the Editor: about the March of ment facing the perennial pro- r> / Congratulations to the Board blem of too few operating funds tOVCTtY viously there mustbefar-sighted was brought here for other J of this scope meant as much to Nickels program. of Trustees for making it clear and too many taxes, for Indeed, Oj UCSlgfl men at each level dedicated to the sons than just the ei the university community as a We think Professor Koo had to the employees and students just how many "fees" are cur- To the Editor: building of a finer university, of the student body. a what a "Parking Fee" is and what The campus' Is Judged on Its rently masquerading 1 quera ding under the In a recent letter to the editor _ ^ ^ ^ Here is a time for you tclJ Rose Bowl team or an Ail-Ameri¬ good idea. Whether the campus means. No longer will the s"? Professor Welslnger has rffectT good intentions, something, Mr. Green. The J above term become confused with with ima- dents of Michigan State taj can athlete. Another term seems also to Honed the poverty of design of community supports the proposal the terms "tax" and "dlspro- hav( 1 clarified. Parking the buildings on campus. It Is gii^tlon* and°talent needed to stand these motives so doVtl Nickels, dollars and portlonate tax. iessen the damage already7, done, fool them. And if you pennies is another question that will have flti/vna fnr MrmlffliMe rights traditional for employees r^rfalnlv certainly fn the the r)iarr#*f{r discredit of of and , . . . tr , . « ! ■ The successful employment of t0 . . provide for the future chance fool them, don't a _ rolled into the State News office at MSU now mean parking PRI» Michigan State University that " to remain unanswered for the the a new standard of design. New now clearly-defined term VILEGES, which are validated by distinguished architect, such as as you did in your letter c| over the Easter weekend and the "parking fee" may offer coherent concepts of development editor of this paper, present. a help¬ a $25 assessment. the late Eero Saarlnen, Yama- ful device "to a State Govem- and much forethought will be if blame for small 31 These are courageous answers sakl, or Alden B. Dow has been those who cry that higher necessary If there is to be any _ is to be placed, then b!a ^ ^ commissioned to^ designed hope'for the"South which selT " >r the South Campus which self or maybe other incii Conservatism education Is pricing itself right outstanding examples of archi- out of the market. tecture for this campus. now being built. events. Consider the c The problem Is an important In conclusion, I would say that It is clear that the architect seriously, also the even ie and an immediate one. the only progress we must fear of the existing buildings are not Many night may have held the a Is progress uncieariy aeiinea. unclearly defined, die ««= only ones at fault, nor are apc>.itert,ir- i,.,....., Larry Hafemeister «h«)'reaponslble for: the choaa the r eg sons I Individual, Re architecture. How long will Mi- small attendance, not only Si niannS forf chigan State University be known Green's programbutprojraJ is the second part of the principles and a certain phil- Steel Decision To the Editor: S 113 There on' are apparently no rela¬ Margaret Kelley xm41every If every time that a ~1 i given by Duncan E. Lit- The immediate threat of an tionship between structures, ei¬ Graduate Student zation had an event tl osophy. What that philosophy is tlefai , pastor of the Fountain not always clear and each per- rvatives will always oppose they will generally be supported increase in the price of steel ther visual or functional; the a smashing success theyclaiJ Stre campus as a whole seems to be «r , that prejudice was the reasatj Rapids.. ing it and I shall ui vaughan Concert " it, then left In we this wouldn't have J this nancrpaper fnr for niihtM way this morning. tnis sstsassrarK > I or have said what is a'liberal -vhat is liberalism, and now 1 Whether I speak for all of them or not is beside the point, ser led In this direction. If Is not -TE. Already» the student To the Editor: In regards to the letter Sub- foT upcoming events. 0^" crying and be happyi ceedingly good values; that these qU? !!!!, ,*' S has a 2 take the other side of the quest- I shall try my best to clarify invalid direction as must be walk between rnmed ^ Erneat Green, Publlc pleased the peoplethat didiai ion and I say who are the con- obvious to everyone here are just as good values as those *** classes Relations Director, for Michigan I was one- what It seems to me here this this principles ~ of" of "the servatlves'1 This is the great conservative is a what he be- true morning, the liberal; that * „ ^ WM f° thorough- u ^ w. " ^ Parking has n been ade- State's NA A CP Chapter, one thing Joe confusion of our time and of lieves. No one or could predict, Thirdly, atlve will each of these principles Is one J*."™had achieved quately provided for, Ithasswal- seems «> b« clear to me. Lansing, N our day in this country, for no equally as with the liberal, what believe responsibility. He will that an intelligent person could hold to whether he calls himself ?, ™n:1^"'0"ary^ wagL _ ~ lowed acres of land which other- A" during the time that the and the wise could have remained o know who the i- any c would decide in believe in the right of the in- llberal or conservative. And that Mr* KennedV u«d green Sarah Vaughan concert was being fro servatlves are. It is safe dividual to gain what he can itain because there has never been advertised, I was wondering whe- DTTlUlTl that not all those who call them- listingulsh his philosophy, and in his equal responsibility to lt ls t0 ouj. great advantage that aJrlng his comments was brutal separate budget for parking ther she was being brought to this the debate e between theseconser- ^ ^eri^sv^tTm :ives tive. conservative are conser- that, rather dimly, One, the conservative is one do what he can do. The - r.'lnciples and these lib- ^ # structures. scheme to Now there Is a build parking ramps; campus for the entertainment of the student body or for the promo- Launch SatflUtf eral principles proceed In the It would be perfectly Government safe to who believes in the uniqueness ive will therefore be led in was this will further chop up the plan Hon of the organization's purpose States and rJu ... public at ev'ery possible occasion thZT' wrong when . Great a3 » say th the ranks of ^ campus, interfere with n tj,e He believes direction of opposition to ln this very critical time of e o orice yi in- ui f/l 00 campus, that being the ad- United a in iointlv lauchec today (those who Ifareism on the basis that pedestrian traffic, and _ s every person is made Mn- crease was unjustlfied.'lt w unjustified. It is clearc add 1 of the colored people. ain iolnUy lauched the country's history. With name) there are radicals ivislble unit who ls completely this ls It is to me that business exists forthe ugliness of the view. Mr. Green's letter, lt satellite Thursday. tor more extreme than Important that conser- This feat, any lib- different from all others whoever eralism or any of the liberals have been made or born or lived. stockholders, employees and the L Parking structures should be seems quite evident to me what coupled with , publlc. If that ls so why Isn't buUt underground, where they the m of the past fifteen years. At He believes that each individual and Incompetent, steel entitled to a price increase? are ,oul sight or at least a advancement " ' " of the colored " peo¬ « Walloo?* Wallops Island, h '■ least the extreme radical nature (to use a symbolic, religious ple on the campus and not the of some of those who call them- He aIS0 ®PP°ses w " **■" " term) Is made In the image of the basis that all welfare advancing of the entertainment 3P?5e cooPeratlon; IS miS ^ut^it He*mwt ov^ " selves liberals. - And this is to God and is uniquely respected and ~ *" and ~"A Adecisions" c the * part creascs since 1958 and aresche- L'P unt11 now. trees and shrubs level campus.. The gold-plated satellite the dismay of some people who would like to be known as con- loved by God. So, on the basis of this com- to take away the Individual tendency —? IL,, ,Z. duled for another $.10 this sum- have served to hide buildings. Ms lett. ■ he states that Posted Into orbit by a servatlve and are afraid of being monly understood uniqueness in sponslblllty of the person to look r sr. this conclusions why J"*1*? ,™ctet the mo smeared with the taint of those ( w structure ls built; concert didn't receive the liable U.S. apace booster- America the conservative who after himself. in the 10 ** hoPed 0,41 parking ramps , scored its eighth consecui . . who are fellow travelers in the believes in it is apt to move in We must understand the valid price of pri« 0. steel attendance he would have liked, scored Its eighth Fourthly, a conservative will distinction between the two meth- Granted sd that productivity has wlU WU1 not rise In its Its place. place, First, being that "American* conservative party. I am the direction of intrigued that now in this believing that while everyone ' an aristocracy, belleve judicial In law and order, ln process and Inconstltut- ods of approaching man and his increased, it has not Increased There is no reason why If Mr. whole don't like jazz." ^Xam^flSals ~. problems, for b< proportionately as reflected In versity of this size, which boasts "Mr. Green Green knew this ahead ™ announced the 132-J country those who are cons individual ' J' then obviously not all ional government. He will believe groups are concerned the earnings of such ^ a Department of Urban Plan- of time why did his va'tive are experiencing som< of people are equal: for all these major steel "me group bring Payl°ad wa* waS lnorblt wheras* that this Uw that Is established same objectives, with the « corporations as U^. Steel, "Ing and Landscape architecture Miss M'" Vaughan to the campus? '"8 team team at at (CapeCa.weriJpJ] the problems that we liberals variations in"" the person make same Idea^ generall generally "l ',J — should not be changed, J ends" and'with" To promote the name of his perienced for so long. I for variations in skill, in un- should * should 1not be undercut, should No true llberal would fail torec- - - * the Jones and separate staff of- pus planners', shouldhavea Jungle ed "P signals from i f that die day is gone, Lau8"lln and «l*nd» for a campus. The c,ob 00 campus, or to entertain completed one two-hi quality of the People he says don't like Jazz? arE!®d *°«d- Dut we nave lived through the c™serv,ng **—'— In,the period 1958-61 these big design and plannlr^ls shameful; —■ • - - Secondly, he Infers that this 23-Inch cylinder, when those of us who we erals were automatically ident- self upon this one itTve basing him- ne principle mav established constitution and wlll permit, if Permit, if he he can, variations the Ml? SSfiS St hostility towards Jazz ls really a hostility towards the Negro Iln8 w,th soUr cell panels * may can. nono variations the need for change. need for change. shTre. Tte Pertn»« booms and antenni* If led as being pinks, socialists and communists and we had vir- be led Into the direction of a in lt and it on the no attempts to get around basis that the their earnings per the steel in- net the credit of tte This ls SSty If this was so I doubt that Miss Vaughan would be very" much se'nt aloft explore the m deeper devotion to those things new times ————• dustry has declined from 15.2%, of talent not simply a question the sphere and'cosmic radiia tually no defense; for the epi- in our society and those rules require new laws and new _ and ability, although success she ls Sir Harrfe Massie, chaii „ , diets TaUj about turning the tables, in 1955 to -6.4% in 1961. It is these are today were just hurled broad- and customs which will preserve stitutlons. essential. These, I feel, side. President Kennedy integrates the certainly quite evident that the designs suffer s The best are pretty poor of the British National Com Many people 'who*w'anted uniqueness and will allow theun- ' do no say that a conser- Supreme Supreme Court bv immeasurably excuses for a person who Is sup- tee for SP"1* Research, a to be known as liberal were be interested by namiM vwir» naming White industry ls 10 in • profit squeeze when altered to meet the approval ^ ^ usual abilities. This will not al- vatlve wil posed to be . "^nted htat "Tve always re* — afraid because they didn't want match Black. and one that - —* a publlc relations continue of the Administration or director, mainly because it shows ways be true but in something writing a new constitution but the ded the United States m . to have these fellow traveler that is apt to happen to the con- wlU be led in the direction indefinitely. claims of a narrow budget. Ob- quite clearly that Miss Vaughan names identified with them. Now Middletown Dally Record Washington believe Proficient technically *» servatlve on the basis of this of the preservation of the con- that they can dictate to business -"-n more convinced no*- * coneervadve people are exper- principle of uniqueness. stitutlon because he believes Agnostic: A fellow who's soft what prices will be but unfor- fencing the rightly so. same anguish, and Secondly the conservative will h^li!TvV believe in frZrfnm in freedom. M. im k! He will deeply deep,y and devotedly ln ,nd oareuslngthe dS«tion private^operty d!e au-ec«on of ©rprWare p^et^ and fnd belleve ^hf,nge " that „ ls )lberal- more , He wl" when thetQpeople wJU do „ of the world are of corporations. Supposedly our Fdltor much for the founding fathers made a dlstlnc- Ben Burns ******* crmmOMind 0^th^s[« rtlfSu !« tom t0 conserve whal has *>een cause of peace ae they do for tlon between economic freedom Managing Editor PwrciEd,tor-P,ul S<*nltt ^d^atitf^i leSted tha" t0 move dl- the eake of war. and poUtlcal Uberty. I find Jim Wellington Photo Editor Dave Jaehnic w My and to gee better acceptance to to £r^kiu«Ms the uniqueness of he lndlv- of rectlon of tested, so he will be new and the un- found gen- - Lake Mills Graphic seriousness of the action taken the Business Manager £!2rtfd,t0r ^ Ward tea otherwise they would get. against steel ^ idualjo be able to hold what is ^ • conservative?^ A his own and to tiaye claims for erally speaking In oppositi^ to bTXwlId toTxtend one which cannot to Xr Asst. Business Mgr Larry Pontius those who are quick and eager Seems like too many folks """Pf.',,q** " '.lB0 « phUoacphy and a principle, or dom **1° tM>* d^hTsachi^S has achieved. in his free- to change on the basis that the old is not good enough and that conducting their Uves on the cafe- are areas and including unions, bualress individual-property rights! Tom Httckle Circulation Mgr.. BUI Marshall «.ll81on'Et laraell aonga—» n«ii_ ««r be guestln luncheon the early 1900*s will lessening and meat prices are falling, he said. Program. * McDonalds i Sunday. May 6. Union Ball- speaker this There has been a decentrali¬ The social which I^Tl In h<>n0r Saturday 1Sr*'1 * ^ Associated at the second annual zation of the meat a program designed i SP«.c admisalo*1 free. D.y. public tovltrt 1*v'»Jon Press Radio and Te- Conference to be held , packing plants Parker said, and meat erican and foreign students, will Graduate Inter - Varsltj at Kellogg Center. Fred Siebert, dean of the Col¬ IS are their sources of gravitating toward supply. include lessons in American folk dances. George Bubolz, an alum¬ Will The Real YO Christian Fellowship — 8 pjn. lege of Communication Arts nus. will explain basic aujps in 649 GunSon, Dr. Charles Miller iF"""' also address the — group. will trend today Is toward smaller, single-story, more ef¬ ficient plants and the American dance. Miss Judy Witucki, entertain¬ Stand away from th* ment chairman of the Hawaiian large, expensive operations, he Hillel Foundation said. Luau, will present several Ha- waian dances as shifting of packing plants to part of the even¬ Friday, April 27, 7:30 p.m. the livestock producing areas ing's entertainment. Sabbath Services and Oneg Shabbat at Hillel has meant" a decrease in ship¬ Saturday, April 28, 10 a.m. HOME EC PROCLAMATION-Governor John B. Swain.on ping costs from producer to pa ck- ind packer to retailer, Parker Sabbath Services and Kiddush give, hit proclamation declaring April 29 to May 5 at Michigan READ THE WANT-ADS' Sunday, April 29, 6 p.m. Home Economics Week to Dr. Rosalin dean of the Collage of Home Economics and Mentzer, assistant to the Buffet Supper. Rabbi Zebach will lead discussion president of the on "The P.eGonstructionist Movement-in Judaism." Michigan Home Economics Attn, Social Following Roberta P ^ DISTINCTIVE DINING Here Monday DELICIOUS FOOD Roberta Peters, Metropolitan Ormandy and Philadelphia ^ DELIGHTFUL ATMOSHPERE Opera coloratura soprano, will Orchestra, appear Monday in University au- In June 1954 Miss Peters sang ditorium at 8:15 p.m. her third series of performances Accompanied by George Tro- of "Lucia di Lammermoor" at villo at the piano and Samuel the Cincinnati Opera, breaking Baron on the flute, she will sing all records for attendance in the the works of Handel, Bellini, 33-year history of the company Ravel, Debussy and others. and winning 20 curtain calls, the Miss Peters made her debut greatest ovation ever accorded in the Met as a substitute for a singer there, a famous star in 1950 at the In recognition of her achieve- age of 20. The opera was "Don ment, Cincinnati declared the Giovanni," and the role was that last weekof July"Roberta Peters of Zerlina which Nadine Connor Week"; the Opera staged two was scheduled to sing. performances of "L'Elisir d' 321 EAST MICHIGAN Born in New York, -- IV 5-7179 Roberta Amore" especially for her, and Peters attended public school Governor Lausche of Ohio crown- in the Bronx. After six years ed her "Queen of the Opera." of work and intensive study, she A highlight of 1960 was her was awarded an audition and brilliant reception in five major subsequently a contract with the cities of the Soviet Union, where Have a look into the real tha. isn't. . . RE vLLY Metropolitan Opera. she toured under the American at Water Carnival, May 18-19. Discount tickf.s on In the spring of 1952, the color- Cultural Exchange program, sale at Union. Paramount and atura soprano went to Campbell's until May Hollywood In September of 1961, she was where she starred ln "Tonight invitad to sing the world pre- We Sing." Also famous as a te- miere of Roy Harris's "St. Fran- leVljsigA guest artist, she appear- els of As6isl" which the corn¬ yarned Desire ed regularly on the Voice or Fire- poser wrote for and dedicated to stone, and has a record of more Miss Peters, than 30 performances with Ed Tickets for the Series A per- By Tennessee Williams Sulllvan. formance can be purchased at She starred in the ABC-TV the Union Building Ticket Office production of James Thurber's or the Paramount Newshop in SPECIAL DEMAND MATINEE "The Thirteen Clocks," and has Lansing. |> «• r* ADMISSION $1.50 also made guest appearances on TV" KOCIIO jfQlfeFS the Jack Benny show and the ALL EVENING PERFORMANCES SOLD OUT Telephone Hour. Tickets During the 1961 season, she Headina 1 for ,u« are available at Fairchlld Bo : Of:. =2 was featured in the special CBS- Monday through Friday f-J.. 12:30 to 5.00 P.M. TV Carnegie Hall Salute to Jack vOIUmDUS Phone 355-0148 Benny, with violinist IsaacStern, Three faculty members from pianist Van Cliburn and Eugene the department of television and 7 radio will leave Monday for Col- ' umbus, Ohio, to attend the an¬ THE COMFORT-SEEKING MAN nual institute for education by radio and television. Those going are; Leo Martin, head of television and radio, professor Walter Emery and as¬ sociate professor Arthur Weld. relaxes in carefree casuals like these ALOHA WEEK cool loungers... April 30-May The shirt: Ban-Ion® * Movie Night Night Tuesday May I Which di?imond a is a girl's 7 p.m. Union Ballroom textralized nylon knit be:st friend? pullover, Britannia blue, * Fashion Show Wednesday, May 2 •' But .s a dia chelseo green, black, 7 p.m. Union Ballroom The smart girl who ".7,1! (about l>eaii nd than meet Fashions by Knapp's of East Lansing under magnification, a nd re\eals it white, sandstone, red or * AQUA Show Friday, May 4 G>llege Queen* have among ■ friends" from the award-win. linjc df signs of the world-famous stone blue. Artcarved selection. S,M,L,XL. 5.98 7 :30 p.m. Women's I.M. , Everv Artcarved diarr lhan the beauty The bermuda shorts: of * All University Hula Twist Dance, Friday, May 4 beauty is al*n certified 1 that i« recog- dacron-cotton blend, with 9-12:30 Jenison Parking Lot or Parlors A & B of the y and value of Union in case of rain your diamond, «ee your ed lewefer. ,\ sk him to show you the Myles chosen h' icas Co liege beltless extension waist. Music by The Moana Surf Riders -- Direct from Honolulu's Moana Surf Rider Hotel Blue, grey, bronze or -Artcsurved* olive muted plaids. *0pen Canoeing Saturday, May 5 j 28 to 40 sizes. 3.98 * LUAU-Saturday, May 5 Two of the 4t 5 = 30-12 Jenison Field House ★ Royalty Parade -fc Dinner lovely designs chosen by America's College Queens. From $100. I ^It? 1/ ★ Variety Show Fireworks fjk* Get your National College Queen Contest MEN'S SHOP ttr entry for yourself or your candidate at: All Events Through May 4 210 Abbott Rood - East Lansing Free MORGAN'S Don't Miss Them! I I2I S, Washington Lansing, Mich. [ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April Michigan State Newa . SPORTS. East Lansing, Michigan 27.1^ "S' Is Conference's Tod ^gerRallyWi? ""L^^^?-^" ■ DETROIT, (UVTbtDetroitTi- Th* vlc'°*7 T*** isS5?;Jf«£,a'7-.^SL Detroit on an the mw Englo*- it nearlng addition to the n«wEngii>*» to peering cwmStaf61 compl« ssS-w^rJ ■ _ Krao nn^rUl _____ _ AjMUnn .dup,tM a. A ly tor toly. completJ^^J For Drake Relays Id- of build- ■Pi Bob Grim, third of four'Kansas . uHliiiee. b^c M« furniture will », sfursssffss -**•.*;. xafsrs. Athletics 11-7 in a home run mar- . * 0 ® " £• Sf^Laaalsitv and dltlon wiU ^ fln*ncl*d ** J°r Kanaaa City and aonf ^ UrgMt share of the ba** Pk®»*d for engin^?1 ^ until recently funds I~> Bobby Dal Greco oi*. Sam Jones slbly nine events they are sched- seven relay teams as well as tlan. SMU, and little Texas South- 'jrZ.'zr'.nT?" QimrU the Tlaars entered the to rioht as stsssts lucky aev- L»ry ln thj» *con iMt 0f five jn the contest. jc.^ a^d ^ wm"J3S tans will all be forced to work ence entry, in practice. eral varsity and freshmen track- Entered ln the 240 yd. Shut- They sent 11 batters up In the overtime In the eight or pos- State wl sters from State will compete big inning and seven hit" safely, tie hurdle relay la the teem at the Michigan AAU meet at of Bill Cole, Tom Peckham, Bill FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE Ann Arbor on Saturday. Rena DistributorsJnc. and Humbarger, and Jerry Young will Spartan Netters In will be interviewing • COMPLETE LINE OF AUTOMOBILE Part; form tihe of the distance core • AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP * medley and four mile relay "World's Largest teams. Clay Ward will round out • COMPLETE AUTO SPRING SHOP • AUTOMOTIVE MAINLINE the four mile quartet with Ron SHOP Minature Golf Course" Horning or John Parker as fourth man ln the distance ^rent. There is also a possibility Tell-tale Weekend By BOB CAMPBELL who summer Employment •MUFFLERS AND TAILPIPES discount| fj that Homing, Humbarger, Young, recently went three sets 5 Minutes East of MSU on U.S. 16 and Castle will run ln the two mile relay. Of the State News Staff with sen Northwestem's Marty Ries- before bowing. Nationally- ranked Rlessen defeated State's All At 40% In the field events, Sherman Lewis and John Parker are enter¬ Michigan State's chances for top man, Brian Eisner, Manlto- Kramer a strong finish In Big Ten ten- woe, Wis. senior, in last week's ed ln the broad Jump with Tom Peckham and Wllmer Johnson nis may be on the line this week- meet. Scholarship Plan end when Spartan netters go to State's singles lineup will ln- STATE slated for the high Jump. Iowa City to face Iowa, Wlscon- elude Eisner at No. 1, Dick Col- Top attraction at the two day Friday April 27 — 7:00 pan. sin and Minnesota. by, Kalamazoo sophomore, at No. gathering is the special pole "This could be a tell-tale 2, Tom Jamleson, Lansing soph- vault to be held Friday. John -v „ „ . weel^- said Spartan coach omore, at No. 3, Jack Damson, weekend", Room 34 Union Building *** wilder to Stan Crobac. 800 E. KALAMAZOO VITAMIN S COSMETIC DISTRIBUTOR HoUand junior, at No. 4, Ron 4 doors South of American Bank & Trust Sri U Spartans are to cap- Lickman. Warren Junior at No. ture second or third place, they 5, and Tom Wlerman, Kalama- 111 S. WASHINGTON L^iiv byrUsl?es' may need a clean sweep In thi zoo sophomore, at No. 6. Reg. Only 16 fMt wm f o ^ * against lowa meet- sute dropped its con- fa-e^e The doubles pairings will be opener to top ranked Eisner and Colby, Jamleson and Miss Clairol $1,50 79C LT °f Northwest^!, last Friday. Damson and Wi^rrin and Lick- Modess 40's $1.45 990 L«^nonrh "^ Iowa's "awkeyes wOl Jrobably man. Amone the iod schools enters Provlde to® toughest opposition The Spartan squad, which will Listerine arSv^,^ *ls weekend. Described as lea vy for lowa City at noon Thurs- g9C 58C I by Don Wilkinson, cording to Drobac. Crest, Colgate. Gleem Toothpaste 83c 59C . Alka-Seltzer VO-5 Shampoo />} around three veteran In- urday doubleheader against Iowa. and a host of The Sparuns left bv a char- sopho- LAST THREE DAYS ! Birthday Only three days to share in this First Birthday Celebration. You'll save substantially on needs for the family and home. Shopping at Knapp9s will prove to be a real pleasure ... friendly service and extra special Birth¬ day Values. Plan to join this celebration, today at Knapp9s ! • WOMEN'S FASHIONS • BOYS' WEAR • WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR • INFANTS' NEEDS + MEN'S WEAR • ACCESSORIES • GIRLS' WEAR • HOME NEEDS Open today from 9:30 to 5:30. Phone 3S2-8622 Michigan State News . SPORTS. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 27. 1962 5 Armstrong Jack Adams, GM, CHALLENGING CAREERS offers Grid Scrimmage Quits Red Wings DETROIT, (ft DANCING AT THE PALOHAR 6ARDENS next to Shopper's Fair on East Michigan I r- Jack Adams, builder of Only Varsity Clash one of the National • SALES Hockey League'« mo* powerful dynasties In the 1950a, retired Every Friday and Saturday Evening J Thursday after 35 years as gen¬ . ADVERTISING _ By BOB JENKINS schools In Quebec, CelifornU, en over J*r three guest coaches eral manager of the Detroit Red THEN DANCE Friday 8-11:30 I Of the State News Staff Oregon, Texas, and Florida/'aaid Wta^ * college trainer. Leo Str- 7T . PRODUCTION PLANNING Burt Smith, fresh mencoach. «*. coach of tl e Massilon, Ohio °D , I . ACCOUNTING Smith Is hi charge of the din- With the football practice Sat- lea' administrative duties, and eloven rated number one In the J2S?nhi | YOUNG ADULT dance Saturday 8:30-12:30 J urdav's only varsity event. nattoo. will speak conditioning. on off-season I^iTeSlnSd tahock^-s^n • PURCHASING tan Stadium ahould be Spar- «w that some 2300 schools were crowded informed of the session. HY B«*«> Ugt V* » Mlchi- ^FamHt^LS #t Toronto, ^ Pizzas, sandwiches & soft drinks with students and es. visiting coach- The clinic begins this morn- 8an Pr«P Coach of the Year" AOama retirement after 44 tag in the Mn'i IM, where the wbU* at Bay City Handy, will ywr> in die NHL came as a shock. . CREDIT The students will be watching Spartan coaches emphasised beropresentlng Saginaw Arthur thggrlddT«'rtit^ J'bl-lliie" offense and Hill as he-lectures on He 1/l in robust heekh, and he thepmvt- announced his retirement at a Admission 75< • TRANSPORTATION scrimmage. The cos eh es are "rover" defense. Thebi-line Is w most of the 500 high school a unique setup, allowing the quar- S*- £8 Dkk Higgs, coach at news conference with his typi- | , will comment This AD good for o coaches attending Duffy Dan- terback «, call plays off a bal- on offensive blocking. The train- cally booming statements. S■ — For further information, write to gherty s ninth annual clinic. to w-« anced line of one unbalanced to . _ . crf, ® Frank Kavanagh, of Cor* C^F. FLEMING The practice, beginning at 2 either side. p.m. will be run under full game- nef! "nlveraity. THE MUSIC FROM THE MOTION PICTURE Armstrong The rover on defense Is cap- Head coach Duffy Daugherty conditions, in honor of the visit- tain George Saimes. who roams revealed the reasons for holding ore. behind die line, as a mobile *"ch clinics: : • M mm LANCASTER. PA. 'The bulk of the coaches The same tech- CMAiSKFHDM/WS. from are linebacker. Saimes has been ok- an fought game, CSO Guzzlers 17, Saints 6 mer Marcia DeZwarte and Sue Lamb *lclt t0 win« J™1"* de_ Poultry Sci. 5, Mary's Boys 4 ^ Jll"iSchne^ff' Bryan 4-10, Bryan 1-0 downed Jenkins and Doezema 6-3, ^ a sensational hurling exhibi- Bailey 5-8, Dalley 3-0 6-1. ll<>n. struck out 13 In 5 Innings Unteachables 6, St. Geraud 0 . and received credit for the no Cossa's Raiders 20, Errors 14 Lacrosse Anyone ? hltter- Burnley U, Burgess 1 , , Results in other games are: Colts 9, Luther 8 JZ ® »' *" 8 lacrosse practice Bryan S-10, Bryan 2-6 S 4 building. AH O*"1 Grads u- Magaffers 5 Sugardaddles 10, S. Phi Delt 0 WANK you, MADAME, men interested In participating Wo- Ursa Majors 4, Hasbeens 2 Coleoptera's 10, ^— Burkhardts 11, Antiques 5 - ■ - In this sport are urged to attend. f CMS, / NOW HAVE ENOUGH TO GET £ W SUIT W CLEANED By AJOR LEAGUE standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. GB Pittsburgh 11 2 .846 St. Louis 7 3 . 700 2 1/2 . S.Francisco 10 5 .667 2 1/2 Los Angeles 10 6 .625 2 1/2 1/2 Houston 6 5 .545 4 1 Cinclnati 7 8 . 467 S 1 Philadelphia 5 7 .417 i 1/2 I Milwaukee 6 9 . 400 6 1 1/2 Chicago 4 11 .267 8 4 1/2 New York 1 11 .083 9 1/2 MD A NEW START ON UFE! THURSDAY'S RESULTS r clothes will have a life if you send Kansas City 7, Detroit 11 new start on Los Angeles 12, Chicago 5 i to us for Boston 8, Washington 7 thorough, gentle cleaning, meticulous Milwaukee 10, Philadelphia 4 ;sing and needed repairs. Bring them in today! m Cleveland at Los Angeles v.. (Inc.) St- Louls at Houston, (N) ^ Minnesota at Baltimore, (N) LEASERS Frandor FLASH CLEANERS Fra (Only games scheduled) Shepard's. . . New York at Washington (N) Baltimore at Kansas City (N) Los Angeles at Detroit (N) Today's Games Pittsburgh at Los Angeles (N) Chicago at San Francisco (N) Boston at Chicago (N) Minnesota at Cleveland (N) LIEBERMANN'S Jack Purcell Oxford with Time to choose MOTHERS DAY! So many wonderful gifts mother will love to own! Choose one now from some of the exciting new arrivals both in our University Shop and Down town Store. [■rst on the court and campus tool ^ $«op» and starts with anti-skid molded outsole We'll gladly PACK md SHIP t Exclusive Posture Foundation the gMs yon choose. rigid wedge. H*9**n cushion insole with extra-cushioned heel | Protective helmet-typo too cap [ Com'ortably ventilated only... 9 LANSING EAST LANSING 107 South Washington 209 E. Grand Riv< ^962 Additional Coral Gables Want-Ads ILFORNO The name that made pizza & Service WEEK-END SPECIAL. Friday Wonted famous In Lansing Open at 11:00 evening at 5:00 until 8:00 Mon¬ day morning. $15 plus lOf a mile. Serving snacks, luncheons - dlnnei Gasoline furnished. 62 Chevro- lets. HERTZ LICENSEE. 216 W. ti Ionia. IV-4-1445. 22 MALE ROOMMATE to share apartment rest of term. Rates Enjoyonr very reasonable. $7 a week. Call Friday Afternoon » fi,»doy Nigh, about 6 PM. ED 2-4703. Saturday Night SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE WANTED: Male roommate with Visit our RATHSKELLER CORNER GRAND RIVER "£ 5:00 and SPARTAN Phone ED 7-1511 for complete take o Phone 337-9034 C WOMEN Want Ads Call 355 EVERY¬ WHERE NEED FORMAL attire for arm it Transportation I BUT party? Get it at SMALL'S MEN'S LOST HIS SHOP, 211 S. Washington. IV 4- NEED RIDE to Columbus, Ohio OWN TO 4591. 22 (O.S.U.) Friday, April 27, can CLEOPATRA leave anytime. Call Lance 355- NOW! KAY HARRIS AND JOHN BARKHAM State News Photo by Cordon Stauffer ALTERATIONS. Hemming & re- styling, formals. trousers . skirts, ets. NEEDLE 'NTHREAD 8913. FLY TO TOLEDO - 22 Qualified LUCON Great Twin-Hit All Color Show Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam¬ pilot needs one passenger on Hit No. 1 Shown pus Drug Store. ED 2-5584. 32 Today 1:1S - 5:35 - iq qq May 4 and returning May 6. SECOND BIG FEATURE HAYLEY HILLS | HORST BUCHHOLZ Harris, B IT'S SPRING tune up timel Call 337-2186 ask for Cal. 23 &ei MEL'S AUTO SERVICE la tyvuyia'4' Active OnUS MYSTIRy 315 W. GRAND RIVER * Senior council has picked Kay publicity for the 1958 Spartacade 332-3255 pvpcpicMrFn typist £2 r.®n- PijyesUa a ROSS HUNTER production Harris. Detroit art education ma- and the 1959 Water Carnival. th^Sf hi TigerBAV AREA PREMIER AT 8:35 only! Jot, and John Barkham. Los Al- tos, California restaurant man- After graduation this spring, Kay plans to travel to San Fran- Electf,c t.m VP*™11*- winiom W1UUm if)' K1' 3106 E. Grand River P> JOSEPH FIELDS^ agement major to share the spot- cisco to work with a fashion kenda11 " ED 2-2521. EXT. 2IJ6, • light as this week's "Seniors of the Week." magazine as a photographer's artist or illustrator. — Kay would FOR FAST, accurate typing on BrtiWllillllilll Now 2nd MICHIGAN in Kay Harris has been active a variety of campus activi- like to make a career of fashion, elite type IBM, call 339-2139. and would enjoy doing period sets 23 ^ealuAiwj, ties. Greek organizations have SPAGHETTI ViMWEP and costumes for motion RAVIOLI Week T H CAT R claimed much of her time. A - E member of Gamma Phi Bete. pictures. T.V. SERVICE. Special rate SUBMARINE SANDWICHES John Barkham has combined for college housing. Service calls tVM She has been song chairman and high scholarship with service. $4. Absolute honesty .'ACME T.V. rush chairman, adviser to Junior John has been AUSG Director 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C Pichard R0(jgers rawest meW-es Pan-Hellenic Council, and public of Organizations, member of the 1 Vake Out SOW relations worker for 1960 Greek President's Cabinet, chairman EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR on Week. of the Student Organizations *11 makes and models. All work PIZZA • SPAGHETTI Kay has also been personnel Council, and a member of the guaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to director on the Union Board of Spartan Spirit Committee, and 8:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 3022 RAVIOLI Directors, Chairman of the 1960 the committee for the Lecture- E. Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. C Union Board Art Show, and mem- Concert Series. ' "" 1 ' ber of the Union Board Forum As a member of Honors Col- TYPING on Electri< DIAPER SERVICE committee. In recognition of her lege, John has received the Jo- ter by English major, achievements, Kay was cbosen seph Schlitz Scholarship, theAr- 2-8877. by Union Board to receive the thur Davis tnur uavis Memorial Award, ana Memorial Awnra, and 4 Outstanding Worker Award. membership in Sigma ~ ~ Pi Eta, yf Wanted In addition, Kay has worked honorary hotel management as- ■ soclatlon, of which he has been NEED: Bicycle. Thin type tire International Ball Set membership chairman. preferred. 355-8181. 23 John has also been active in * — ■ (Continued from page 1) For Gala Return Theta Chi, Les Gourmets, and the American Marketing Asso- The Ron English Continentals elation, In addition to being Bu- and the Bambushay Steel Band siness Manager for Emmons will perform in the Annual In- Emmons Hall . . .in¬ Students who alrt»» ternational Ball on Saturday at ^rd r-~«■ for the 1962 HRI dinner ^ "enable scholarships do not 9 p.m. In the Union. The Ball re-apply. Others who seek PUT BOONE BOBBY DARIN PAMELA TIFFIN ANN-MfiRCRET Uonal Club, Suppiah Slwiadurai from Ceylon, feels that it should ford UnlVersity or" getting a shlp degree in law at the University m c\; appuSuons fr^i^e^t K TOM EWELL JUUMUil be an annual event of the club ofMichigan. * * student. ,tud®nt" la I. «■ like the International Dinner and fifci the International Festival. 9:40 P.M. Dress requirements for the CinemaScoPE COLOR by DE LUXE evening will be either semi-for¬ mal or national dress. Great in¬ Plus "GRAND CANYON terest is being taken to see that m foreign students attend the ball with their national costumes. Re¬ freshments and decorations for the evening will also have an in¬ ternational flavor. Tickets for the ball a lar per person and can be ob¬ tained from the following: Union LIEUTENANT Ticket Office, U.N. Lounge, Mar- cia Klugman, Karen \V o 11 a m, yiMMTON WUtA PRENTiSS JACKCMfltR Mason Hall; Hileen Polakoff and Bonnie Kalmbach, Abbot Hall; 9.nemascope • METROCOLOR. Judith Frink, Gilchrist; Robins Rhuf, South Williams, Asha Ka- mdhekar, Owen Graduate HaU, and Mary C'llne, Sigma Kappa. PLACEMENT BUREAU Interviewing at the Placement Bureau Wednesday. May 2. Ad¬ ditional Information in the Place¬ ment Bureau Bulletin for the week of April 30 to May 4. Concord Community Schools — 1st and 5th grades, social stud¬ ies, band-vocal music, physics- chemistry. Parchment Public Schools — Elementary education early and later, scienceplus coaching. Jun¬ ior High Industrial arts, physi¬ cal education combination plus coaching, high school vocal mus- ic-u.s. history majors, guidance, physical science, later elemen¬ tary education mentally handi¬ capped type A. Rochester Community Schools -- Elementary vocal music and physical education, commercial. Junior high merclal, industrial arts, s high business arithmetic merclal co-op. program. John R. Thompson Co. — Ho¬ tel, restaurant, and institution¬ al management majors. United States Air Force — all majors - all colleges. Jack Edgett KLS IV 4-1421 "Gentle-C*re" Moving, Packing and Storage mtrhigan State New, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 27, 1962 [WANT-AD ALMOST PIE CRUST^taw~ Thanks again for the fine service." said this elated advertiser. lost Man'* class ring Gold with blue stone, initials R.N. Reward. CaU 355-0000. ai ^Automotive Automotive ^Employment +L For ReriT" ( AL MIKULICH PONTIAC 1955 FORD — 4 door, V-8, , ^ Real Estate PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 | automatic. Real Clean. New Mo¬ STOP! LOOK I INVESTIGATE APPROVED ROOMS for men. EAST LANSING ~ By owner. Used Volkswagen Hdqr. tor. Only $375. Avon's earning opportunity. For Locatedacross from Union Grill. Four bedroom Cape Cod. Full interview cell Mn». Uana Hu- ED 7-9951. basement. 5 1/2% land contract. 1960 VALIANT cklns, 5664 School St.. Haslett, 26 $1600 down on $16,000. CaU ED - 4 door, au¬ Mich. Telephone IV 2-6893. 2-0433 after 5:30 PM. tomatic, radio, heater. Drives 24 AVAILABLE SUMMER TERM 23 EAST LANSING PHONE ED.228I4 like a new one. " .automotive 1959 VOLKSWAGEN Light blue, 3f For Sol«~ wkh^ld EAST LANSJNC 613 STODDARD. NIGHTS & SUNDAY -ADULTS 90c SAT. MAT. 65c S,ha«'c^i„8n« - 'employment equipped with radio, heater, white wall tires. Very clean. Priced DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY 2501 E. MICHIGAN 14" RAYTHEON TABLE mo¬ 7-0630 ifter 5 PM. Ori™ ED 2-teta~°' "P"3'""- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT for sale DIAL IV 9-2388 STARTS 7 P.M. FEATURE AT 7:25 9:30. to sell for only $1295. c del, small and nice. $39.95. 17* - - 'for RENT * DuMont ttPie $39.95. cm- modeL 99*.vo. table moaet. Ex- — ^ „ found —~ tOST I -» 1956 DODGE ROYAL — Tuah- cellent 1957 VOLKSWAGEN - Sun condition. guaranteed. ATILKI'IOJTSUm M E R GR a r> •personal roof, button, 8 cylinder, very good C.11 Larry's T.V. IV 9-1982. 1ZT.' peanuts personal coral In color, white wall tires. condition. Reasonable. Call ED ^ UATE STUDENTS: Prlvite room ^ 2 and 1/2 b*th8' :real estate Exceptionally clean. Low, price of only $995. low 7-2779 or see it 1005 Albert St. anytime at Vt. - $8 per week: Double - $5 50 utility ft.'Patio room off kitchen, dining i ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! .service irlooking Red Ce- 'transportation 22 Very good condition. Canvaaf Ave., East Lansing. ED 7-0415. 'BEST FOREIGN FILM" £\jU ED 3304 for a^lntrJnr' AL MIKULICH PONTIAC .wanted 2121 E. MICHIGAN 1956 PLYMOUTH 2 door sails, wooden hull. No needed. 355-8551. repair* * 25 ED 22 33to or appolntme"t- ED 2-5014 - * 7S hardtop, automatic transmission. I DEADLINE: Red and white, radio, heater. Nice clots day BIKE FOR SALE. Girl's gr< Thoughtful, i parking. $8. dorn Road. Phone 3.17-7574. 25 {-Hit provocative. , hi/cat/on 1952 PLYMOUTH Heater, - g< English racer. To highest bid- IV 9-4355. running condition. $150. Call 3 >how I PHONE: 9880 after 3 p.m. 1960 RAMBLER American Sta¬ tion wagon — stick shift. A der. CaU 355-8554. 25 2i ^-Service" stimulating. engrossing i good car at the right price. and meaningful-richly I 355-8255 or 8256 ABARTH ZAGATO FIAT Lost & Found - 750 DEMONSTRATOR SALE 1 PM. « FOUND .Three men" s white Call 355-3012. colored, brilliantly written RATES: GT aluminum body. Enthusiasts SIX Demonstrators to choose 22 . only - new sky diving assembly from. AMERICANS, CLASSICS, shirts In Spartan Village, nea lfllln(1rv Call ISlTn SAVE CASH INSTEAD OP and superbly played. 1 DAY 51.00 complete. 355-3076. 22 and AMBASSADORS. CaU ^ ^ nm Big dis- AIR CONDITIONER - $70; Ken- TRADING STAMPS! when you A thrilling 3 5 DAYS DAYS JJ-JJ $3.00 1966 FORD CONVERTIBLE "unts. Buy nowl more portable washer - $12; Ironing board - $4; Circle chairs bring your cleaning to Wendrow's - 8 ELMER STEELE $2; 2 snowtlres, 800x14 - $15. LOST: Man's MSU graduation Econowash and Dry Cleaners, cylinder, Cruise-o-matic trans¬ - ring with initials M.P.W. inside. P\nts' ,nd skl"3' cleaned mission, power steering and bra¬ ED 7-1876. 22 Berkj pressed- only ' 3006 v'ne RAMBLER t lease can _ . ., Mn_v w„f . <• Sears' kes, radio, new white tires. Bea¬ 2 blocks West of Brody ED 2-8333. 22 utiful turquoise paint, white CORVETTE fast steering adap- top. DIAL ED 7-9765 ter. Reduces steering ratio for Padded dash and visors. $1795. Do»-crtrv-il quick handling. $25. Call 355- ^ rcr5pnal 1960 THUNDERBIRD 8181 after 5:30 PM. 22 BURR-P ATTERSON Fra-' - 2 door 1956 CHEVROLET — 9 pas¬ hardtop. Crulse-o-matlc, power senger station . ternlty and Sorority Jewelry and wagon, V-8, au¬ Automotive steering and brakes, radio, white tomatic, power steering, radio, LANSING'S ENGLISH BICYCLE related items. Now available at side walls. Cream color with HEADQUARTERS. Check our the CARD SHOP across , heater. Top condition. Will 1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air — production Service. 332-5545 C i 50, brand new. Only $30. ($10 trlflce. ED 2-5537. 4 door hardtop. V-8, radio, hea- Special: 34 discount per gallon below wholesale.) Call Al. 355- 9235. -{ 8 tQ ^ carwashcustomers. EDIE STARR: Typist, theses, 17 FORD CONVERTIBLE. Good raetuaMiif~ finish with almost new white wall 24 . 22 dissertations, term papers, gen- eral typing. Experienced, IBM BEIGE and Black Tweed Ny- jp jdition. New top. Two new tires. This Is a one owner car YOU need a reliable baby- electric typewriter. OR 7 8232. C es. Must sell 355-4361 after lon..E£!? *!El!!f: l.8' "LOVE IN A GOLDFISH BOWL1 In the very best of condition. sitter, call Mrs. Taylor at 355- SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS Cherry Lane apts. Rent latest model Singer port able 1960 SPRITE — Very clean Spartan and University Village MAREK REX ALL PRESCRIP- at Only $5 monthly or $150 per 957 OLDS '88' 4-doo. sedan. and good looking. Top mechani¬ week. Apartments with closet at right TION CENTER by Frandor. Pre- We deliver and pick up. walls, automatic, power cal condition. of entrance. Phone 355-8122. scriptions, drugs, cosmetics, Buy the brandnewSpartan, model ering, power brakes. A real 24 baby needs at low everyday 192, at only $44.50. Pay only ley priced to sell. LETTICH & STENBERG 4 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air door, 6 cylinder, standard tran¬ — prices. This week's coupon spec- $5 down and $5 monthly.- These |H/s name is WING CHAIR — $10; Chest ial — $1.25 Anacln tablets 66* special offers good only to si 2910 E. KALAMAZOO smission, radio, heater. dents at M.S.U. — $25; Pie crust table — $15; Limit 1. Bring this ad 484-3299 — Love seat — $15. Call ED 7- 301 N. Clippert. 1960 FORD THUNDERBIRD— 22 SINGER SEWING CENTER Fully equipped including power 23 STUDENTS! Reliable advise on 309 S. WASHINGTON „ , He was more than a boy. He was CORVETTES - 1957, 1959, 1961. steering and power brakes. car Insurance Talk it over with 487-3649 c-' 230's, 245's, and 270's. Excep¬ not yetaman.Dangerously in-be¬ BEECHEM & KNIGHT fTRATTON SPORTS CAR CENTER tionally clean units. AUTO SALES if.' l" 6. M^n. IV 2-0M9. C25 - WHILE VOU WAIT service on passport and appjica- tween...and between three girls! • 4 door deluxe. ______________________ tion pictures. Limousine leaving 1915 F. Michigan Ave. 2-5834. 24 DIAL IV 4-4411 MY STATLS SYMBOL DOES'T d«l'y at n00" for Hlcks Studio, ,Frr- Genuine Baracuta Jacket. Okemos. Return transportation 1961 CUTLASS also F-85-4 c22 HMt'H, 1958, Estate Wagon - For Rent $25 value Will sell cheap. «ua""t«d; Refreshments. Call Ideal for small family. One worn three times. 40 long. Steve —Por- RESTORED MG-TF. Will take her. 26,000 miles. $450. CaU Always a better selection In late best offer over $1000 In next WE TRAVEL anywhere 7-0704. 22 model « any sport cars and conver¬ 7 days. Dave Field. ED 2-3568. ONE BEDRCOM house, 2 blocks QUO VADIS?To Bubolzforauti time. Quality catering for all tibles. » 24 from campus, unfurnished ex- insurance. ED 2-8671 (over Ja -3 1961. Excellent condition. occasions --to fit your budget. ! owner. Must sell this week. SPARTAN MOTORS, INC. cept for stove and ref. Call cobson's) Michigan Catering Service. IV 3000 E. MICHIGAN 1956 DODGE 4-door. Automa¬ ED 2-4092. r ' 11 IV 5-7940. Make offer. 23 9-3343. C IV 7-3715 tic Transmission, seatbelts, pre¬ APARTMENTS 0 OPEL Station en. Good Condition. Wagon - Gray 1961 RENAULT - 4CV, 40 miles mium tires. Superb condition In every respect. Original owner. tfied £ckw>aneA $1000. to the gallon. Growing family, 1 ED 2-2774. 355-4497, Local 8, or ED2-5755. 22 must sell. $600 or best offer. 24 \ 355-6178 after 6 p.m. 23 61 COR\ AIR Lake wood Wagon, 1955 OLDS, 2 door, standard heater, white wall tires, actual miles. STORY SeUs transmission, radio, heater, $300 1960 FALCON — 4 door de¬ or best offer. ED 2-6846. 1535 $1895. luxe, two tone, automatic tran¬ ATTENTION all cool smission. $1250 or best offer. E. Spartan Village. 22 Call 355-3994. IDEAL apartment for married students! Rick Coleman 24 0 VALIANT Suburban Wagon- couple. 2 blocks from campus, today " * DMMSU 3io Furnished and utilities paid. Call R.C. Fan Club heater, white wall tires. 1956 FORD CONVERTIBLE -- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ ^ Sells F or Less ED 2-2902 or ED 2-8839. $1295. Power brakes, power steering, VET'S AUTO TRIM, GARAGE. versity graduation rings 6CHEVROLET automatic transmission, white Seat covers, convertible tops. MALE ROOMMATE approved un- NANCY OLSON AND RICHARD available at THE CARD - 210. 4door. walls, yiinder automatic. STORY new top. Black. Seen at General repair, automatic trans- supervised apartment. $35 per CONRAD come to the State New SHOP. Includes degree, ls For Less Clippert and Saginaw. $500. mlsslon% body work. 1242 E. month. Contact Bill Sprlngett, office, 1 347, Student Ser- seal, 3 engraved initials. $495. 315 Bingham Ln. 487-3907. 24 Grand River. IV 9-2614. 22 22 " Choice of 10 stones. tor* oldsmobile, inc. BUMPING and PAINTING out MODERN 2-BEDROOM APART¬ (Wont-Ads continued 3165 E. michigan mw. C MENT. Unfurnished except re¬ on page 6) DIAL IV 2-1311 dltlon. Phone OX 4-0236 speciality. All foreign cars.KIl- frigerator and stove. Garage, a ma zoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker basement, backyard. Close to service and free Estimates. 1411 SPARTAN INVITATIONAL •• campus. 534Sycamore Lane.Call MG-TF - New top. Side E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. ED 2-4939. 22 • "res, rebuilt engine, You get a COMPLETE GLASS ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms with tile READ THE WANT-ADS! Service at Morris Auto Parts, 814 E. Kalamazoo. IV 4-5441. bath unfurnished except refrig¬ erator and stove. Air conditioned, close to campus and A&P Store. DRILL MEET 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED it Employment 2-4886. t.f. Competition between 14 ROTC ONE VACANCY at 333 Albert OFFICE POSITIONS. We have many positions available for sec¬ S{. (for boys) downtown, private Drill Teams this Saturday in... entrance, kitchen and television retaries, stenographers, book-, room. $8 75 per week. Summer keepers, typists, and reception¬ reservations taken now. $7 per ists. For a confidential Inter-. view, call Miss Penny. Great week. Two weeks free. Phone IV 4-7406, after 5 and weekends JENISON FIELD HOUSE Lakes Employment, Inc., 616 372-0330. ' 23 Michigan National Tower. IV 2- Morning Session Infrantry 8> Platoon Only by looking 1543. 22 Drill ROOMS 8-11:30 through tho mask Afternoon Session Exhibition & Drill you livo tho terrors of 1 -S Puldue Girls Drill Boll State Drum & Bi 22 »rnnot Mffii pmwenok *m dhkision mi akmiwc solid ^ COFFEE COUNTER help needed awm wib-prim rimm juiiak rofnian * wtomn mm-mm w *m 8 Of MAX CURTIS FORD Check our fittings dally In from 8 AM. to 4 PM. Must be cheerful, dependable. Apply to ' _ ADMISSION FREE ADM. 75C THE MASK Shown 3 rd at 12:18 ONLY 4 MILES E. OF CAMPUS person et The Spudnut Shop. 225 proved. Close in. Call ED 2-2 _ the want-adi for BtC eavlnflt. Saturday April 28 Michigan State Friday, April 27. n>.. Reunion Hints Are University Lutheran Church and Student Center Unlvtrilty MettqJ .Church Stirring The Russians National Lutheran Council 1118 S. Division and Ann Street, E.L. Harrisons (2 blocks north oCBerkey Hall) 332-2559 WUsonM.Ter.ntnt,* Church Service j Tt» rumors of minion In the ported Time magazine recently, churches Pastor a: 9. VK k 11:15 , ' ecclesiastical air — Pope John's -As the Russlana see It. tt tlan W. Harb & C.T. "Cod's Tlmeuhle forthcoming Ecumenical Council, Church of England Is prepa would unite against Communism Donald 1Dd vJ Klinksick _ the Archbishop of Canterbury'! the Vaticanand and the RussianOrthodox Church, Sund»y recent and to taunt to the Middle East the Vatican -- seem to sounding out the EasternOrth- odox churches outside Russia to which has long managed to man- euver. a peaceful coexistence with Campus Worker: Tecla Sund OtaMr^followlng 11:15 have twanged Russian nerves, re- Join In the party. the Soviet sate. So the Russians put their own man on the road — Sunday Worship Services 9, 10:15, & 11:30 a.m. Nur«ery, ^ crib room services far Ja East Pastor Herb, preaching. Church School Lansing First Presbyterian Pa rtiarch Alexei of Moscow and loon, All Russia. Alexei's assignment: •ge< . Unity Center (Ottawa and Chestnut to remind the Orthodox churches 425 W. Grand River WESLEY Fa-NDAH^I Roxle C. Miller, Paster blood is thicke; SfWta L jofdgn 1 Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m. ical holy water. Director "Whom The Lord Loveth" Crlbbery and Nursery Pr< Last week His Beatitude Al¬ vided. Supper 6 P.m. Sunday School - 11:00 a.m. ex l, wound up a monthlong string Fon,m7#J Donald Circle - Soloist "THE EVERLASTING of formal visits to the Greek Helen « GOSPEL" Orthodox centers of Istanbul, L.S.A. "Christianity a! 5:30 p.m.-Supper Contemporar, S&y* 'tt f" Rev. Shoaf, preaching Jordanian Jerusalem andAthens. Most important was his Istan¬ 6:30 p.m.-Guest Speaker \r Wednesday evenings at 7:30 Dr. Charles Meyer, acting Affiliated with 6:30 -Calvin Club for bul meeting with Athenagoras I, Unity School Head of the Department of of Christianity. Lee-'s Sum¬ Archbishop of Constantinople. mit, Missouri. Single Young Adults. Moving through a grind of re¬ Artat, ceptions, banquets and patriarch- level talks, Alexei made it clear Edgewood Peoples St. Johns Student that the onty kind of unity he was Peoples Church Parish Interested in was Orthodox unity. "'Reunion is a wonderful Newest house of worship in Johannesburg, windows.Steeple is sot awav from the build 469 North Church Hagadom Road Christian Student! East trend," said his spokesman. Bis¬ South Africa, is this Methodist Church with ing which is completely prefabricated, Foundation Lansing cone-shaped front arch and lattice work (5 blocks north of Grand M8 W. Grand R|V( 327 \ hop Nikodim "But the 1,000 year River) Interdenominational rift has left many, many pro¬ Joseph A. Porter, Rev. Truman A. Morrison, M Sunday Masses blems that must be studied se¬ Theologian 200 W. Grand River 7:15-8:30-9:45 (High) 11:15- Minister. A church In the CAMPUS VESPERS riously. Coordination among Or¬ 12:30 thodox churches is needed for Protestant tradition common to the major demonlnations, (Babysitting at 8:30, <5:45 & such study. If reunion comes, 11:15 which seeks to minister to masses) Orthodoxy must be protected Daily Masses 6:45 a.m., from distortion. the searching, questing splr- "The Household of God" 12:10 p.m. t 5:00 p.m. intention whatever of ing in any kind of union with the Roman Catholic Church, un¬ participat¬ Tours United States Man is unable to know God the extent God sees fit; man can savage world wars, A SUNDAY SERVICES 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. complete church school and program at ( House. A drama "Where Is It?" \ presented by a less the Vatican renounces is ad¬ in any way or to approach Him only accept, with thanks: God Barth is often humorously aub- at both hours, crib room v vance, certain pretentions, such the least little bit, except as God is not "in us" but "for us." b*1 the man who brought ori- through Jr. High Dr. P. Marlon Simm Novena Services as the infallibility of the Pope." chooses to make himself known to "The theme of the Church," Slnal sln into fashion In D.C.F. & C.F.F. will man and to approach man. Hap- Dr. Barth said this week in a the seminaries. As he sees it, Tues 5:30 g, -;30 p.m. pily, God so chooses. University of Chicago lecture, chronically sinful man is him- Sunday, April 29 sponsor united pro¬ 9 Church School 30 a & 11 a Sunday Forum 7:30 p.m. Sunday Thls Is the heart of the mes- sage Barth, of Swiss Protestant Kprl widely considered the "must not be man's religions, man's morals, man's feelings, but God's encounter with man." self completely helpless spiri- tuaUy. He can t forge human con- tact with God. Sermon by grams during the re¬ mainder of sprin "Preparing for Marriage" • Such action is entirely God s I>. Robert T. Anderson Student most influential theologian of the It is this emphasis on God's Crib room through Compline Benediction century, now on his first visit action rather than man's insights option, and fortunately for man, high school Edge wood's Men Luncheon age Sunday 9.00 p.m. to the United States. and abilities that shattered mo- God exercises it. In his Qilcago Thurs. May 3. 12 to 1:30 p.m. 12:00 "Let God be God," he once dem Christianity's humanistic lecture series, I>. Barth put It Reception for Dr. Forums - Dr. J. David Singer. & Mrs. Simms anTs) C ery Frld,y nIght exhorted, hitting at the presump- tions of men that they can dis- tendencies to think men could find their divine destiny largely by this way: "Theology can ultimately only U. of M„ speaker 5:30 p.m. Christian Student 'Jfcnce every Saturday nlght- The Catholic Student Organi¬ cern God or seek out him or their own reasoning, ethics and take the position of one of those Foundation Campus \espers 9-12. children who have neither bread All Saints Phone ED 7-977S zation will see the film"This Happy Feeling", starring Deb¬ his way by their own intellect or endeavors. expanding knowledge. Such blithe confidence has wilt- nor fish, but doubtless a father First Church of Episcoj EAST LANSING bie Reynolds and John Saxon, To Barth, man can't manage ed under the impact of Barth and who has both and will give them Friday at 7:30. Saturdaya dance it; only God can dislose God, to kindred scholars, and a coupleof these when they ask them. ' Christ, Scientist Church FRIENDS MEETING It is this utter spiritual pover¬ Seventh - Day will be held from to 12 p.m. _ ty and dependence of man, coupled (Quakers; Adventist Church | Temporarily Speaking at the Sunday evening forum will be Dr. Joseph Lesh- ock. Dr. Leshock, an obstetri¬ Student Feature Art Talks with God's utter superiority and generosity to man — these dual 709 last t Granc Lansi River 600 Abbott Road- F.D: Rev. Robert Gardner meeting at cian, will discuss "A Doctor Two religious organizations Church, Division and Ann factors of deepest hopelessness Chur. h Serv | will feature speakers from the Streets, begins the evening with and highest hope-- that char- Looks at Marriage" at 7:30 In lay School 11 A.M. Chaplain to Married Smdi Meeting for Uorship the art department at their Fortims supper at 5:30 and the program acterize Earth's teaching. I SATURDAY SERVICES lounge of die Student Cen- Is at 6:30. 11:00 A.M. on April 29. His Influence spans all denomi¬ I 9 30 a.m. Sabbath School The Lutheran Student Associ¬ Rev. Gordon Jones, Recti The American Baptist Stu¬ Wesley Foundation, The Me¬ national lines, Protestant and Ro¬ College House of j 10 50 a.m. Worship Service dent Foundation willhavea spe¬ ation will be featuring Mr. thodist Student Movement, will man Catholic. Hundreds of stu¬ Peoples Church Charles Meyer, Acting Head of have as the speaker for the dies of his works have been SUNDAY> | ROGER W. COON - minister cial music program during its the Art Department, on the evening, Jim Crane, cartoonist, published by scholars in all sec¬ regular meeting Tuesday at 7:30 painter, sculpture, on the topic, tions of Christendom. Few semi¬ 8:00 a.m. Holy CommuniJ p.m. Several Instruments will topic, "Iconography." Meyer "PROBATION received his education from "Religion and Contemporary naries or pulpits have not heard be featured as well as group singing. Wayne State University and the " Art." Crane is now studying his voice. AFTER DEATH" 9:30 a.m. Morning prqj University of Michigan, Ha ha a si Michigan State an a Dan- Aakad about his recant criti¬ East Lansing Kimberly Downs The Christian Student Found¬ been a member of the art de¬ forth Teacher and Study Grant. cisms of Western materialism, ed. Evening Meeting8 p or Holy Communi ation will Join the Disciples Reading Room He has been a contributing pa In¬ Trinity Church Church of Christ Campus Fellowship for a pro¬ partment since 1959. The Lu¬ Student Association, lo¬ ter and cartoonist for several he said: "If people have been offended 134 W. Grand River Church School 11:00 aj theran . . . that's a pity. gram at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at cated at University Lutheran years to "motive" magazine. I'm a Western may myself. And 10" Kimberly Drive, Lansing the College House. Supper will Morning Pray< His talk coincides with the "mo¬ If I have to criticize I begin Mon. be followed by "Where Is It?", a drama dealing with man's Clubs Further tive" art display of contemp¬ orary religious art which will with myself. It's so easy to criticize the Russians. -u Sat. 9 ues, a.m.-5p.m. Thurs. & Fri. Communion search for the highest good, 7:00-9 £.m. performed by a student cast. This joint meeting is in antici¬ Interfaith be at Wesley Foundation, through April 29. Supper Is Does he feel the world is moving away from God?" "The All are welcome to attend Church School "Coming To The Father" served at 6:00, the program be¬ world has always moved away Church Services, and visit CANTERBURY CLlSl pation of the beginning of the United Campus Christian Fel¬ lowship, which officially com¬ Relationship gins at 7:00, Buses run for both from point. God. But The point is that God that' and use the Reading Room. Gerald O. Frm An attempt to improve Chris¬ '.s not mences June 1. moving away from man." Episcopal "In Newness of Life" tian-Jewish relations is being Barth first shook the theologi¬ The Lutheran Student Associ¬ made by Canterbury Club and cal world with his volume, "Epi¬ SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH ation will meet at the church SUNDAY SIRVICFS Hillel Foundation, according to stle to the Romans," revised into at 5:30 p.m. Sunday for supper High Mass Club President Gary Geerlings, the "Commentary on Romans," and an address by Charles Grand Rapids graduate student. 1518 S. WASHINGTON hip 11:00 a.m. Meyer, Acting Head of the De¬ shortly after World War I. As - LANSING 9:45 There Is much misunderstanding a.m. partment of Art at MSU. about die Jewish religion and of German Roman Catholic Theo¬ Your ilp 6:00 p.m. Trinity Collegiate Fellowship owship logian Karl Adam says: "Church-Away-From-Home" ening Bible will meet after the evening people, he said and added "I ftTnTin "It fell like a bombshell on :vening ChuSh n£t n/rCan- „ nu 7 30 p.m. think Christianity Is at fault". ' service at8:45fora a, the playground of the theolo¬ nlllf Ladies The text will be tstudy. Biblestudy. Phillipians, Canterbury Club has held Salnt8 Church as of C gians." 7 30 p.m. chapter 3, verses 7-14. with HUM SSL'S: In it, spurning naturalistic this year. Both were highly sa¬ Spartan Christian Fellowship trends In Christianity to put trust 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR will hold its term banquet Sat¬ tisfactory, Geerlings said and promoted "better understanding and learning, urday at 7:30 p.m. at Dunbar's ... _ 11:00 A.M. "LIFE'S GREATEST LES: restaurant. Special music will be provided by Dick f"d, irwiivt