Weather ch Partly cloudy todsy wtth •car¬ ter «d afternoon or evsnlag thun¬ MICHIGAN Inside E NEWS der.twwara. Hm hlghwdl bo In the high 70* •• STATK The outlook for Tuesday la clearing »nd coolar. UNIVERSITY %tDdY, Sundi, Vol 53. No. 187 East Lansing, Michigan ■■■■■■i Monday, April 30, 1962 Armstrong Impeaches Global MSU ROTC May Adopt Glimpses Vote 6-1 TO Remove Williamson J51P»*nt. CaennWiUlam- Moscow Armstrong Hall Senate expel- Continues To Hirl Threats ■ ■ By the Associated Press New Two Year Program S. Pirkridga, HI- sophomore, MOSCOW, -Pravda warned Sunday that If the United Sates Thursday- night. ""ler.ate voted fix to one arms wlU take its Atlantic allies with nuclear such measures as are deemed weapons the Soviet Union necessary." Plan Needs 3 stent ion In favor of Wil¬ The target of the article obviously was West Germany and Student removal from office. the meeting of the North Atlantic |t ion liamson's Kding with votes taken In last Monday. thla wnk. Treaty Organization in Athens Okay From each house voted to , . * _f .u. T1* Communist Party newspaper did not spell out what mea- ii^rpret the !r- Minist, impeachment* ^ln therr 'removal sures would be taken, but rotallate by distributing powers. it seemed unlikely Moscow would nuclear weapons to tte Warsaw Pact Congress and decided to fore- The Russians Could Implement SPERS have shown any disposition toward shar- lng them with their allies. By 1963 DlSClpli) that all the evidence ROTC at Michigan State would vship n presented when lm- Machine 6ons And Barbed Wire Divide Oran probably switch to a shortened ir a Supj peachme:' petitions were dts- OR AN, -Armor-backed French troops Infiltrated the heart two-year program by the 1963-64 i Colfe, cussej ■ Senate meeting April 0f the European section of Oran Sunday and cut it in two with academic year, if an Army 19. barbed wire enclosures and machine gun positions. recommendation to the Depart¬ Williamson agreed to the Sen- Halftracks and armored cars ment of Defense is approved, were parked at intersections said Col. James Skells, head of t interpretation. H®,sal° of the Rue Du General Leclerc, the city's principal thorough- the trial dra8 fare. the military science department. i any longer." *r" Steel helmeted french infantrymen set up loaded machine guns "The college population is ex¬ Some senators, " the Place Des Victolres, a rallying puuu panding so rapidly that there are .. . point oi of the me Secret Army rjed that their houses had voted Organization, which opposes Algerian independence, too many people to take into the impeach Williamson on the oran Commander Gen. Joseph Katz intends to Invest the en- program Skells said. Rather than isumption that a trial was to tlre clty progressively to stem the opposition of 200,000 Euro- spend money for four years, it :cur. is more practical to spend it on pean settlers who have been defying the government. The group seekingWilliam- a two-year program." m's removal, backed by 200 Skells emphasized that die ■sidents who signed impeach- Cracks Begin To Show In Castro s Cuba Army recommendation is still er.t petitions, claimed he had in the planning stage. ;led to set up organized pro- HAVANA, -Several persons were reported under a "This plan Is going to take dorm, thar he INTERNATIONAL day for staging the first antlgovernment demonstration in Ha¬ vana since last fall. national Club President, SWING-OUT--Suppioh Sinnudurol, Inter- of the boll in notional costumes, left, didn t let his Ceylonese no- to the tribal dress of Nigeria. Theranging from thote of Greece much more time to get into op¬ .*■ '63-'6 4 school year. State News Photo by Dove ich "brought degradation to In the leadership of the Integrated Revolutionary Organization, Jaehnig But the probabll ty is that, if it • name of Armstrong." Cuba's only political body. is passed at all, it will be ready iVilliamson admitted earlier Wilfredo Castro-- by fall of '64." E°°»«^'ar no relative of Prime Minister Fidel Castro 'Mr. Narcotics it he purchased a set of false — was fired as the The Army proposal, would organization's secretary-general In one of mtification from Theron Ro- Cuba's most populous districts. The Communist mean drastic changes in the newspaper Hoy ROTC academic curriculum and ison, Saginaw sophomore, who said Sunday he accused of making false arrests and using would also provide for increased s permanently suspended from the revolution for his personal benefit. He may face trial. Say* It 'Milk summer University recently. camp activity. The plans must pass Defense :ie was also among 36 other named in illegal use More Political Unrest In South Asia w-ri. ww I ill lYll m oTV r a man known to the under- Bureau of Narcotics, described Dept. authorities and the Bureau of the Budget before going to Con¬ cigarette machines In Arm- SAIGON, -Cambodia and South Viet Nam sters is about 45 billion dollars doll appeared world as Mr. Narcotics said of his exueriences chasine gress for legislative approval, brink of diplomatic rupture Sunday as. Cambodia officially dis¬ some yearly WASHINGTON. W - President the Mafia is a "more Immin- racketeers here and in Italy for 'There is n_ commercial ven- Under the new program, cadets claimed all responsibility for a r " Vietnamese border Kennedy and British Prime Mln- '— . . ent public enemy than 20 years. ture which has a big-money po- would qualify for the advanced village in which 54 were killed. Ister Macmlllan held the doer Communism" at a conference tenUal at which organized crime corps by attending a four week Viot Nam has aw for the April 20 formally charged Cambodia with responsibility raid, claiming it wm "premeditated" and lad a Jar . Sunday for j»l. « a summit meet- «— lng with Soviet Premier IChrush- *" »- of criminal - lo| Investigators Center Friday. at Ke Siragusa said that the term "Mafia" is synonomous with or- will stop." he said, "and there basic summer camp between Pr«| * • # are no such things as scruples their sophomore and Junior by Cambodian government guards. The village, Vinh Lac, is cljev but blamed Russia for fail¬ 'rles Slraguaa, assistant „ ?*nized. crtae and *at discussion or«an" with these gangsters." years. The presert six-week ad- less than a mile from the Cambodian border, 120 miles west ure to agree on a nuclear rest of Saigon. — the commissioner of the U.S. l2ed crIme Is the most import- Slragusa, who said that 90 per vanced summer camp wtuld fc.: part of crime investigation cent of his work is done under- hiked to eight weeks. In a note prepared for delivery to Vietnamese authorities, Their agreed positions were ln the United States.' banned Killingsworth through agents, in- The Pentagon announcement - made clear in a communique _ Cambodia called the Vietnamese charges slander. Sirgusa said he is "concerned formers and surveillance, said. which climaxed a weekend of that organized crime is domin- sed the point that law enforce- "The Army plan proposes two talks. A social White House lun¬ ated by Sicilian and Italian hood- Emperor Hirohito Celebrates Birthday On Board -- --- ' " matched the pro- years of on-campus instruction ™ l. a*™, cheon concluded the fifth session and said that the "ec- gress of organized during the junior and se.nloraca- ichigan Supreme between the two leaders, then milking by these •mer attorney general for th£ Courted TOKYO, -Emperor Hirohito obediently reported to his an- Macmlllan flew on to Canada. Charles C. Killingsworth, pro- gang- Organized crime, he said, has demic years. "Gone from the proposed cur¬ cestors that he was 61 years old Sunday and thfen three aims: the domination of ite of Michigan, will highlight greeted 95,000 0f his subjects, who shouted "banzai" (long commercial rackets, the dom¬ riculum for on-campus study in . -k nationwide observance of Law live). Informed sources said that the relations, was named by Presi- The Emperor's reverent tribute to his ancestors, in line with ination of as much of the coun¬ the two-year program will be i ISA here by delivering a European Common Market oc- dent Kennedy to an emergency Japanese tradition, was made by visiting three shlnto shrines cupied more time in the dls- ***rd In a dispute between the TTT* try's economic life as possible subjects as Army and ROTC >llc address Tuesday. and indivj in the imperial palace. gaining power through fronts Orgar He will discuss "A Government cussions than any other issue. Order of Railroad Telegraphers ff IfIS EeOTIOiS or corrupt public officials. imanship, Laws' 4 Many American and other foreign tourists pointing cameras But no final decisions were rea- and the Chicago and Northwestern . at p.m. in Falr- were in the crowd that streamed into the moat-surrounded The principal criminal activ¬ military history, map reading, palace ched as the leaders exchanged Railroad Co., Friday. The State News has gained ities in which these hoodlums and introduction to basic oper¬ to see the Emperor. "Law Day is not Just for law- Ideal on how to deal with this Tb* arbitrators will lnvestlg- recognition as an Ail-American ations and tactics. The palace gates are open to the public twice year—New are engaged are gambling, ex¬ but i a growing economic force which ate 01 e ,ssues and make recom- newspaper, the highest ranking These , day for all pat- Year's Day: and on the Emperor's birthday. tortion, white slavery, sports suLJects will be it ~lud- Macmlllan wants to Join and with mendations to President Kennedy _ _ c citizens," said " en M rV- U»nA- Dr. Hend- ^ . ... 1 : given by the Associated Colle- promotion, crooked rac icks ed in the four-week summer which Kennedy wants to cooper- • * w,thln next 30 ^y8- 71,8 glate Press (ACP). and gyp joints, he said. camp training along with such disputing parties then have 30 - Two MSU Persons closely. The State News was one of ■ They are also legitim ite busi- items as school of thrf tidier days under the act to attempt nine college daily newspapers, The communique declared also to reach a settlement. dealers, and physical training, out of 28 rated, which received that Kennedy and Macmlllan "re¬ Previously Killingsworth was the management consult; and pro- "Adoption of the Army's plan top ranking from the ACP fessional services, aid. One f°r a two-year ROTC program Elected To Board affirmed their willingness to con- slder meetings of heads of gov- _ed _by_ former to ^ Franklin D. Roosevelt President several in its 66th critical analysis of \Vest Coast gangster s a wast d°es not mean elimination->f all ernment whenever there Is an college newspapers. business on the side. four-year programs. For those war manpower board assign- it is the first All-; institutions which desire to con¬ Two MSU persons were elect¬ named best weekly at colleges Indication that such meetings ments during World War II. He feSON' ranking for the State News since duct a four-year course, the pre¬ ed to the board of directors of the Michigan Collegiate Press with under 1,500 enrollment; and the Delta College Collegiate, Bay would serve the interests of peace and understanding." was also chairman of the wage stabilization board during Presi- 1958-59. Marcia Van Ness, wh< Wisconsin DG's sent on-campus basic course will Association here Saturday. graduated, and Ben Burns, pre- continue to be authorized on a re- City, was named best bi-weekly. Kennedy told newsmen the two- FJ "Cod 4 George Hough, Instructor in Journalism, was elected as the The Western Michigan Univer¬ day session on outstanding inter¬ dent Harry F. Truman's admin- editor and managing editor of the rTODQTIOn quired or elective basis. "The advanced course in the sity yearbook, Brown and Gold, national Issues had been "a most faculty representative to the five- was named best yearbook. useful and productive visit." newspapers rated by G.D. Hiebert four-year program will be identi- for ACP. DES MOINES. Iowa, (M*)- cal with the program for junior man board and Jackie Korona, More than 50 staff members Macmlllan, noted this was his Frosh Soph Petitions I think your range of features A Beloit (Wis.) college social and senior years at institutions Farmingham, Mass., sophomore, from colleges newspapers and fifth get togemer I named student member-at- iurn together witn with F.ennecry Kennedy n T . .. , captures the mood " on campus, sorority has been placed on pro- conducting the two-year o yearbooks attended the confer¬ since the President took office, ff ||| 181(60 M0n08Y gives behind the and gen- bation by its national council Cadets successfully completing ^e president in Larry ence Friday and Saturday in the saw these frequent. frequent, Informal talks as marking a new era in informal — erally paints a good portrait of purportedly for pledging a negro the basic program in the four- Murphy of the Reflector at Gen¬ Frosh-Soph CouncUwiU accept campus life." Hiebert said. girl, the Des MoinesSundayReg- ill be excused from eral Motors Institute and Ver¬ U.S.-British Relationship as par- petitions for membership on the The Judge said he liked the ister Said, attendance at the four-week basic non Fahle of the Eastern Mich¬ Two Sfudents tners to freedom" in the world. "maintain order and council from freshmen academic year 1962-63, for the Monday local nature of your The treatment seems to have editorials. The newspaper, in a copyright- e of movements, gererol ef- awmrdSi and 10 will receive proficiency Hannah will close the confer¬ ma .Iota Eptilon, honorary man¬ was lodged * d" «Mek of ence by summarising unsolved agement fraternity, and Beta Ten and Michigan Drill Teams In Jenlsen Field House Satur- feet end originality ori by Marino Corps officials. See story p.6. The conference is sponsored problems la (ho area of sag- Gamma Sigma, honorary buai- day afternoon to win the Spartan Invitational Drill Meet. Ac- -State News Photo by Dave Jaehnig ' ^ a,e Debating League and the 'egrogatloB. cumulating a seers of 759 of tOO peaolhle points, the team department of speech. V Michigan State News .EDITORIAL. • East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 3 College Education: More Than Memorization Guest Editorial from the Kan¬ the classroom. Great Debate Must Go Oi Thla la the final article m the Street Baptist Church in Grand this la not a caw where one of one Is iotereaied in * . our number* who . sas State chraa-part series by Duncan B. Rapids. these (roups is Interested in man «nd kindness and generosity and of * public cauae.'wiu^ Collegian. A university student meets Llttlafair. pastor of tha Fountain The fact of tha matter Is that and tha other disinterested, or understanding and the other wn. vat. methods, eec^^w people — small people, big _ willing to dia- willing to open card the lower third of ourjpeo- examination examination and andin^**! th2^Sl Many scholars and writers people, generous people, selfish "Would You Waul Your Daughter pie and the Othar willing"to die- a free and open problem is Utua be afraidoi discus,^ have criticized the American people. He meets the Intellect and To Marry A Kii*sian?" card them. But the not that simple. Sj\ educational system for not mak¬ the intellectual boor. He meets It Is a matter of how many theee ends best be served. How ever cSSas^y^/r * ing full use of its potentialities. sick people, he meets wholesome do we best look after the under¬ t^!!o0«groups 01 For one reason or another they people. All of those whom he privileged and the weak and the incompetent? How do we best Let us be afraid of feel that the average college gra¬ meets have nv> knowledge and exper¬ serve the growing needs of our pie In ,K~ our country who duate of today is possibly a little ience offer day? How may we best move Into force to a listener. Some this chaotic future that seem» domestic ends. to achieve^" f half-baked at best holds in his only a reasohTng atid few foggy no¬ have more than others; us 7 How may we best find our TMs is a great born in freedom coumn, 1 strength today? How may we best was been a symbol to the and will tions about what life is all about. But the student is not stand todsy as people, a religious required a free and They may be right. to meet people Godly people? have grown open people ,*| -- he is not re¬ The debate must go on between freedom. And there are magnlficenthTj Writing for the October 1961 fc, J quired to learn from them. More¬ the liberals and conservatives. recognize its danger. ' It is an important debate and "Harpers," Christopher Jencks, over he is not required to asso¬ a valid one. We must be con¬ We have know the < associate editor of " The New Re¬ cerned now with what means our freedom and we ciate classroom knowledge with h< are we to use to produce what abour it from others bui public," says, "The failure of that learned out of the classroom. ends. What are the ends we stood on freedom and lived in it regardless of college students to gain a sense For some, then, a college ex¬ seek? This is open to confus¬ ion and therefore to discussion. ger. And we have a*3 of the develop* possibilities of life — to perience can be a long list of me¬ What are the means we wUl use? open people, a people wijTj" What are the best menas? And believed in fair play and go beyond the hackneyed alter¬ morized words, taken from many what means do the people of this common simple terms'sn, natives presented . b y our every¬ books and meaning little by them¬ country want to use? We as a msnship and playing by the iS people must know. We must not openly and not taking day culture -- is never precisely selves. Everything has been taken be led by marching bands ana we of weakness and not usingj» ior force where force recorded ..." for granted. Nothing has been left must not be driven by men with «, part of the game oi tt* While Jencks to chance, question or debate. whips. We must not be lured tive in which we criticizes the by slogans snd flags. We must educational system itself, know the principles. We are not afi ——A—college—education can be discussion and a fi So I say let each one of us cf originality and failure to ex¬ much little or -- depending on encourage this debate that is a free land. We \ periment, he fails to clearly point the student. It may not show on going on. It is a good one. But tolerate it we will welconal let each of us be afraid, deeply for in such open discus: out that much of that which is the records, but we see it in the tween the principles a who call themselves learned in a college or university conversation and actions of stu¬ afraid, of those within our ranks and are, and the princ. (whether they go by the name of those who call themsel\e must be sought after by the stu¬ dents. Of some we say, "He has liberal or conservative) who will dent. listened and weighed and develop¬ attempt to achieve their ends by all the growth we h the suppression of freedom, by On And in the exposure to the K-State campus a stu¬ ed his own ideas." the intimidation of our leaders discussion of these | through shame and the ascrip¬ dent, may qualify for graduation Of others we merely warn, tions of we will continue to gro guilt and the U9e of nasty dom and in stature a without once really using his an¬ "Don't give him anything to do favor of God and m Let be afraid of those of alytic reasoning facilities. He that requires much thought." i of our fellowmen. doesn't really need to think. It is assumed that he will, but if he Education is the responsibility Letters: On Mitchell's Speech, Academic Standards, eti doesn no one will object --or of the student. He can gain know¬ To the Editor: action by a few would-be "Me s- dismissal action of Mr, Monkman ment. 1 think it'merits >Ve, as MSU coeds MSU*s Labor and Industrial siahs" of economic system ledge without thinking, but with¬ Relations Center is to be high¬ our would have prevailed even if the attaining academic those money - grubbers who dis- courts had been more lenient, The announcement from the are enlightened. The ct. Auniversityoffers ..., as much out out thinking he can't become edu¬ ly commended for Its contrib¬ played their contempt and dis- Board of Trustees indicated that, ution toward the We felt that his ... industry is undoubtedly hei of the classroom it does in public enlight¬ dain for the public welfare. betrayal of publipublic trust, snd that since funds were not available as cated. enment with its presentation,"A The conclusion: it was most his employment with die elsewhere, those who use the flash, howeve Night of Absurdities and Reac¬ interesting to get idea of the heartens 3 tion with the Illogical James attitudes and an government carried with it parking facilities should pay enlightens philosophy which responsibility perhaps greater for them. Quite apart from the dormitory Extra-curricular Activities: Mitchell". Mitchell's appearance certain¬ ly impressed upon the audience this former public servantenter- tains. It was further rewarding in the realization of the fact than might be expected of a per- son employed in private Industry. Issue of the necessity for more parking" ------- space (1 personally -- have • a go of *' 20 a and 25 tor th#y have been o! the need for a sweeping away Joseph Corcoran „ , no difficulty parking), I wonder mous assistance in throw_, that Mr. Mitchell no longerholds No Dice With AT&T of the attitudes and philosophy which he espoused last Thurs¬ a position of public trust. Managing - — Director Department of State if payment by those who bene- fit directly 1s an appropriate operating principle for a univ- 10 the t0P of the housing sa tics Plle- #ve credit w day night (Apr. 20) in Kellogg Editor' " The news story dlt is due. A Center, and during his tenure c ersity. study recently undertaken of # vities did not forecast a distin¬ of April 10 mentions that Monk- As theprimary beneficiaries of as the Eisenhower Secretary of man was dismissed from his 10,000 executives of American guished business career," the Labor. Job. their use. may be next asked Mr. MltcheU was "chuck full" Correction i.( While this state- Telephone and Telegraph — as newspaper article said. of the usual platitudes, empty aded ss a reduct- reported in the National Obser¬ AT&T's recruitment of 3,000 as they were, with regard to To the Editor: In Wednesday's editorial Scholastic Rating io as absurdum, its absurdity the improvement of labor'secon- mey not be so apparent to the _ ver-- revealed cerning campus politics, you To the Editor: some interesting college seniors yearly has been stated that the "Deadline for MSU there have 18h0Uld not More on ConceM futher (eg. he During this suggested it. information and reached some aimed at those in the upper half provided no logic¬ petitions for junior class pres- has been Increased interest al, effective The opportunity to enunciate To the Editor: means by which ident had to be extended because in and an rareness of the ac- significant conclusions. of their graduating class. By co¬ the status of labor and employ¬ petitions were submitted by J *" **"' the principle Involved must have Last week a ademic standards of ' The ment might be improved.) of the major reasons ' c findings convinced the vering 10,000 company exe¬ the original deadline." This versity. It is generally conceeded He warned against too-much complete error, that this standard is a poor for imposing the parking fee. Collecting $25 from < the the State News, lr its naivete, this letter s vwj country's largest corporation cutives, the study surely must reliance upon the Federal Gov¬ If you check with Kent Car- In comparison with other large that a student's ernment as a means by which dell. AUSG elections commision- Universities. Both the Admlnls- total staff of theUnlversi'ty^ould Green complains c standing in his reveal a meaningful pattern. It to remedy our chronic unemploy¬ er, you will find that my cone- surely not provide enough funds diences tration and AUSG have recognized graduating class is the most im¬ has emphasized that grades are ment, under-employment, etc.. pleted petition for junior class this and have proposed various for anything more than a very small overhead parking ramp, Sa^a^T Vaugta.^T Sarah V«u*ni, ™ ac,nn saying that these problems must president was turned into him programs for improvement: The amp. number'nresent small number prese to portant indicator of " 1. .. _ success with the it would seem to me that th*t If most important indicator of be fought at the local and state and accepted by theorlglnal dead- two reasons. First, he a Great Issues course, attracting the Administration and die Board level of government. Sounds good line' that iazz is -not resne-i AT&T. success. And the business is re¬ —doesn't it? But then. Mr. At 4:30 p.m. on April 2 pe- „ ? "name" faculty, however, that the reel problems etc. I think of Trustees wlch to demonstrate This is a difficult stand »■ ivvf. wSsifcw f, cons'Jer- £1 fiscal responsibility they need not Using Salary as the standard cruiting accordingly. Apparently Mitchell went on to demonstrate titioning for that office was clos- of academics here will not be fend when that his proposition was an un¬ ed-thls was the do It on such a erand scale A . al of success, the company ranked in most cases, participation in tenable one, pointing to his home llnfc There was no original dead- extension of easily solved by these somewhat superficialmeens. little parking ramp behind 'the bSet°reriS^tel each executive's salaries in com¬ extra-curricular activities tend¬ state of New Jersey as an ex¬ petitioning for the off ice of junior Our academic atmosphere Is Administration building paid for visSLsXh ?f T parison with salaries of ample of state inability to cope by those who use It might be ^out audtencesinir cutives employed for the same exe¬ ed to lower grade point averages. Moreover, well-roundedness with Such problems. At this point Mr. Mitchell be¬ came entangled in his own po¬ Terry Burgon Junior Class President- SjX&'Z " ~ SWJ JS&Xvi length of time. Then each man's failed to balance litico-economic dllem ma (ie. Fe¬ out the lower deral Go ve rnme nt hands-off, Editor's note — The dead- call for, then forgetting the names and ideas as soon as possible „r W ^ Anthropology to refute this argument. comparative success was check¬ grades. state and local government in¬ line for petitions had to be ex- because they are taught indepen- rOnS EmphaSlS Tuesday night of tl ed against what he achieved as a ability to cope with problems tended for the offices of sopho- ~ * annual Phi Mu Alpha c Which all means that i f you dently of the general conceptual To the Editor: played to standing room < of such magnitude). For it is more class vice college student in president and schemes on which they fit. The critique of the St. Matthew the Music Auditorium htnfl grades and are an ambitious student aspiring self-evident to any semi-educa¬ senior class treasurer. Terry ted student of political-economic Foreign language at our sister Passion performance appearing campus. activities. to become chairman of the board Burgon ran unopposed for the school, the University of Mich- theory that the state and local presidency of the Junior class, In a recent edition of the State , w -d contend tha "Extra-curricular activities, igan. Is required for two years Jounal ended on a somewhat dis- olu^'r* of AT&T or a high company exe¬ governments simply do not have Our mistake. r,a» thnn for on. or no, ...II cordnnt note. Although t. tion of this sort long the refuge of those who the means (financial capacities as is done here. a critical appraisal of the ^n8*n cutive, the time has come to quit and capabilities) nor the admin¬ A liberal step-scale insures performance, it soon as developed ]uzPbufl] ' #nd t0 „ln^| claimed well-roundedness was your fraternity, resign from stu¬ istrative capabilities and pro¬ Monkman Case that the poor student will be Into an audio engineer's estimate . . -£M grams to improve the employ¬ svnonomous with "sin" ■ more valuable in business than dent government and/or retire ment and economic posture of To the Editor- kept kept here here ratherrather than being of than being of the the worth worth of of the Auditorium as the Auditorium as Z ?.vi'1OIII scholarship, proved much less from the State News. By In the course of reading the schools of . VI he l?ou)d 8 r.tmii.t,vi.,u.. deal of Its credence. doing so What then, would former-Sec. high academic stand- I submit that Edwin Wintermute ,.u.i_ „ . *ttve To „ accurate a forecaster of com¬ and devoting more time and ener¬ Mitchell have us do? He warns fnv^v^ ^ us of the Inherent evils which involved in and prosecuted for ln*s- Poor stents often enhance hissed the entire spirit of the an athletic atmosphere, but man- perfonnance. Hisundueempha- cordii« to ^ Gree" pany success," reported the Na¬ gy to the books, the law of pro¬ lurk in Federal assistance and . J7 £ was ill-attended becau** tional Observer. direction. He demonstrates, al¬ bability guarantees that you have Outside though seemingly oblivious to activities were a use¬ a better chance of the fact, the incapability and being a com¬ 'n the m.ta-Ial to ful gauge only for the few out¬ pany success than if you ineffectiveness on the part of gain maximum m.tcM china. I tor on. ... " *2 spend too local government to tackle such deeply moved by the performance , „ .. _rhl(tf j standing students holding high much time and energy becomirg problems^ The upshot of this, diariiar«• Associated Press, Inland role in the recent, concerted actions not only result in pro¬ Daily Pres. Association and steel price increase. Martin Kroth secution but can have a marked Editorial Editor ...Paul Schnitt Now, 1 ask you was this affect upon the future employabil- _ Jerry F. Jans Phoco Editor a demonstration on ity of Involved students after they Spotlight Editor Dave Jaehnig m e n t* s maasp- part with regard to nat¬ Principle Sally Ward Spotlight Asst.... Jackie Korona ional and public interest? 1 think Further mere, we would not like To the Editor: Statistics drugged. They •« Asst. not. Sports Editor body in general to The April 25 edition of the To the Editor: It was most eve that people work- State News included some £ac- hat your audience ai ' — Terry Wareham interesting to hear b a recent edition of tha State Religion Editor and see Mr. MitchalTs "m* nmttt are not sub- ulty reactions to the 25 dollar a sattsfactoi colors" when he criticized the _ Neyn there appeared a filler trv'ro be ®°f - Charlotte Delton Jacted to comparable standards perking fee to be assessed next wMch w*1: "Michigan State has Women's Writer spokesman of (he national asd b - "A delegation of authority to clrtn« thu Power, not aa a board- sword, but as a scalpel, mind- r 7.« 1 2? m n-w * a Diana* Rtckccta, Park Ridge the ful of the dangers Ma&SthS^Ch^l " Eiaenhowt and inherent' in ta previous our regional 01., freshman. waa ntmed Junior NLRB'a. Bible directorsmadepos- conducting relations by way of - i 500 quern at a banquet honoring "But v by the Landrum-Grlffln a- injunction," he said. Altar Guild Meeting. »re still obligated to mendments has freed usfromthe the now queen and har court at McCulloch urged the confer- Martin Luther werclse _ personal Judgement Chapel — 7:30 th« Lambda Chi Alpha House on tha facta and ' r necessity of reviewing every cotv- ence not to be "blinded" p.m.. Lutheran lecture series. * ie* of In- tested representation by Martin Luther Chapel — 8:30 Sunday afternoon. " '* dlvkfcjal caaes as election." the more controversial Labor Tha now quean and (our they „ ; to he said, "and we can now give Board decisions to the fact that p.m., Open discussion and 1 un for decision." Frank ec- Mc prompter attention to the unfair the major part of the ture on Culloch told an Induatrall Re- labor practice Board's engagement and mar- the 16th annual Junior lations ' rlage. Conference at supported broadly. scheduled for May 19. Kellogg "Changing production Miaa Center. • ques In agriculture have alao techni- In our 28 regional offices he "URwni«SocJ«r-- 7:30p.m.j Rockatta, a i said, hundreds of labor Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and We have modified issued by the decisions alerted uatocertain Jurisdiction- disputes , r®om- Unt1i°^_General meet- Froah-Soph Council. Is Eisenhower «1 problems," he said. majoring McCulloch Mid. "ji.Bt— "We have axtsndad-eur-Juria- The four members of her court Oeclslons of preceding admlnls- modified diction, for example, t« .,(»> oi "hips which sail in American Two-Bicycle Collision The number of new animal* I A B • • I • A discovered each year Is about 50 we nave made H revisions by "^erce. me handymen, to the theater .nd to porters, mainten- On Bridge Injures One mam ma la, 100 5,000 Insects. flah, 15 birds and which the Board can act , promptly on cases, he said. more employees and gardeners 0ne "^dent was injured and employed at the garden-type sub- Po»*,bly «nother in The average of 13,000 cases urban residential properties," filed annually with the -»« for the first 10 years after Taft- Board McCulloch said, Th« Board has also made afternoon. GUARANTEED Hartley has almost doubled in greater use of its injunctivepow- Douglas Parker, Detroit fresh¬ LOWEST PRICES the last five years to about 26,000 «" in situations of violence or man received laceration each year, McCulloch a REGULAR & STEREO LP. said. refusal of laboror between his eyes and abrasions managt.nent DIAMOND NEEDLES HOME EC AUTHORITIES-Hallonol P„. backlogs which often re- 10 bargain, he of the arm. Ronald Frogness, Sugar Grove, TAPE si den t of Omicron No, Dr. Dono CedorquUt, MSI/ Power OUR PRICES ARE fight, goat over the list of awards of the Home Economics Honors Banquet with ••Stote News Photo by Cordon Stauffer Supply Dwindles 111. freshman, experiencing* in his Jaw, want to Olin Hos¬ pital to have It X-rayed. pain CHECKED DAILY TO ASSURE BIGGEST As Buildings In SAVINGS [Home Economics Majors As the number of has t tclllte* buildings load c campus increases, MSU*s power supply Is becoming Inadequate 2p.m The power supply will be even DISC SHOP according to Theodore B. Simon, more inadequate for a brief I lonored Thirteen home economics stu- at Banquet textiles merchandising freshman superintendent of buildings and utilities. "The electrical load has in¬ creased to the point where we iod during the said when It will be to shut down one of summer, Simon per¬ necessary the 6.000 Varsity Drive In tritlon courses. DIANNE RICKETTS kilowatt genorators for 1227 E. GRAND RIVER eived awards Thursday She will spend two weeks at the are repairs. Judith Davidson, i Bellevue, .Miss Jr. 500. exceeding our capacity at To prevent renlng at annual college of youth camp. Janice Reld,a Berk- . . . . Simor overloading, bulbs OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. Mich, dietetics major, received are e Julie will probably have to be removed economics Beechl«r, Beechtar, Blrmln Birmingham >me o others we hoiwsbanqji« ley Mlch^ frwhman recognized as development and In child teaching, was another >70 as the Ellen E. Jud- son award to the sophomore with - sophomore. Yakeley Hall: Carol verslty --t - —— The power plant that the Uni- -jrsity now has can produce 12, lighting ' . many corridors so normal DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. Coates, Saline freshman freshman, " maintained in Alternates. named alternate. the highest standing in textiles —~ 1kilowatts of Kappa 000 power, he said, class roc 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. T joan Harris recipient of Alvlda Whitman, an East Lan- and Alpha Theta: Cindy Cuthbertson, The peak power used by the Uni- he clothing courses. East Lansing freshman. said, $300 Borden awardpresented sing teaching major, received Kappa verslty runs from 12.400 to 13, ' SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. . the student who, upon enter- $70 A Birmingham dress design KaPP« Gamma: and Tina Day, - 1:30 A.M. as theMarinthajudson award 400 kilowatts, .j the senior year, has the to the sophomore with the hlgh- student, Constance Gordon, the won Washington d. c. freshman, The additional power required Summer Courses Offerred CURB SERVICE - 7 DAYS [id-.est grade sverage in home standing in foods and nu- $100 Bayha award for the Kappa Alpha Theta. by the University is bought from :onomlcs In her class and has : Junior outstanding In the field The Junior 500 is a minature commercial sources, he said, but At University of Mexico ED 2 6517 of clothing. of the Indianapolis 500. Last the University ind nutrition. She is '* Dorm Movie Program The $100 Campbell award for yMr the stOdent with 4-H campus living units en- can kilowatts because of limitations only buy 4,800 ed in A meeting of students interest¬ attending summer session , ^ B.„U experience tered thelr Push carts lntherace imposed by existing cables. at the University of the State of who has the highest scholastic around West Circle Drive. he Snyder Cup for the soph- ^ p|anned standing at the close of the Jun- —————————— — Simon said that the peak ————————— power Mexico at Toluca will be held decline i n attendance a t Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. In 104 ire in home economics who Morrill hall. Brody movies !e the best scholarship re- J during the freshman year reason for a was considered re-evaluation and a a Mllford teaching major, Placement Bureau . There are several tuition scho¬ possible change In die present Susan Aitken received the Ell- larships available for summer Carolyn Klebler, East reta,l merchandising ^wlng" « KS zabeth »• French .wanfoMM study at the Toluca. Students who attended the 1961 summa- session |n MHA meeting Thursday » ^ In the are invited to attend. I Joyce Fndres of Marine City, .. , the duties of homemakinc .nd Placement Bureau Bulletin for Maxon Advertizing inc. — eceKed the William H. Dan- ^*5 showings at resoonslblliti^ Wn the week of APrU 30 t0 MaY 4- rth fellowship for her outstand- Brody l«ve resulted due to uiethe aecune in a decline in anenaance. deficit attendance. -« Jimior from ui««iuihu j—u™. Bloomfield nms Hills u John R.Thompson Co.-Hotel, SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Mar- ketlng and advertising majors, THESES PRIWED J work in home economics. Attendance at restaurant and "lnstlutlonal restaurant, lnstlutlonal luniora or seniors Zm* on to DIAZO PROCESS the movies and is majoring in child devel- man-i- Juniors or seniors going lue^tefor^sa^rdlsSaUy ^owell, junior teaching eachlng major major Tuesday ami Wednesday nights, opment and teaching. \'nltad sites Air Force grad school. Summer display win hai will have work for Detroit brewing co. - Quality PnuiU - r. Sault Ste. Marie. ther o_ afreet bearing on ^ TTie Helen Pratt-Shane award AllAmerican majors-all colleges. Must be 21 or over. [ L Another Danforth award, for take place, sa^VU^ said Marty Scholl, Srholl of ««> went to Georgene Kolka lean Agricultural Agricultural Chem- Chem- _ . . j-shop training scholarship, : Alison Lee Houvenor, a Charles, W. Va. clothing and Forest Hills, N.Y., j„ charge of the MHA gram. sophomore, moviepro- -hs3SS^S«irS? , . , . , „ scholar»hlp. Georgene ,unlar te"chintf ™i°r. Rapid £&uuce FLASH CLEANERS FXASH CLEANERS Fi®1 Capital City Blue nv»!or. r«:.lved a. Jull. P. Grant award of $200 presented ? i.ii,^ SrlkJ n . . „ .. ittted^fa-om a0DOToitrhS°^hotl cfl.l!?"_°/, °_f hu™nltles- ha^P' and who has a sincere Interest Service, science fc arts and com- cepted In munication arts. the teaching home economics. Jane University of Manitoba is a senior. Nankin Mills School District — Canada this sui^rrw. Elementary education and art. Manning will teach British hls- Kay Palmer and Barbara Sch- Travelers Insurance Co. — tory at the university, which is a midt received J. W. Knapp Co. all majors from the Colleges of state-supported institution locat- tuition scholarships, awarded to Business & Public Service, ed at Winnipeg. Juniors majoring in retail mer- science and arts and communi- He taught at another Canadian chandislng on the basis of sch- cation arts. university, Queens University, in olarshlp, leadership, interest in Whlteford Agricultural School Kingston, Ont., on a Canadian retailing as a career, and per- — High school science-math. Council Fellowship during the . sonality. Kay Is from Detroit English, English-Spanish, music, summer of 1960. and Barbara is from Monroe. Bellefaire Children's Home — Manning has published a book The banquet at the Union was SUMMER EMPLOYMENT social "Dickens on Kduoition", which is sponsored by Omicron Nu, home work, education, sociology, psy- a I9th century educational hls- economlcs honorary. chology or seniors or advanced tory of Britain. Are Studies Getting the chesterfield You Down ? classic is your first love in any Maybe We Can Help Outlines Available For Most Courses • College Outlines Guard •Schaum's Outlines Don't put your clothes Clothes *Littlefield Outlines away for the c summer without first having them I Dry Cleaned. ; ALSO VIS ED CARDS |Vfof/i dry cleanedProofing proofed 1> All clothe* moth And Many More Helps ■ t free of extra charge I | Bring your clothes into .. Get Your Outside Readings Now Aik About Our Free STUDENT Storage Book Store SASH CLEANKBS Located ' Conveniently Across From Berkey T.S » Michigan State News . SPORTS. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April an XS' Nine Splits With M | Thine lads Finish High A} Hawkeyes; 14-10, 7-5 Entries All am now being accepted for the team golf tournament. leagues are eligible to play. Green fees of $4.00 must ac¬ company each roster. The tournament Is an 18 hole Medal tourn¬ ament. and will be held Saturday, May 12 at Forest Alters Golf Relays—Receive 17 Meda die same time of 42*2 but it enough to qualify third and second and then both the Hawkeyes. Course. placed the Spa runs sixth. Dlt- The two fifth Dia(. scored when Iowa shortstop Ron But the Spartan pitching, sup- trlch ssld the time would have the four mile r " J posedly its strongest department Final deadline for this tournament is noon, Thursday, May 10. Michigan State's track team *>««, better but for three sloppy tance medley reu„ :ame back from the Drake Re- Five runs in irved with the golf course through passes with the baton. Castle, Roger " enabled Michigan State to over- A walk, a double, and i this time. Each member will be given a re¬ State's second plsce was gain- J*rry Young fornUn(. come an early Iowa lead and go by leftfielder Porrevecct ceipt which he Is to present to the course and will pay for the ed In the 240 yd. shuttle hurdle each event. ClavtmT a bled Iowa* The Spartans gathered one sec- on to, defeat the Hawkeyes. 7-5, 'he game. 5-5, _ Jack ^ Nutter started Golf Course green fees. _ r«uy. The quartet of BUI Cole, four mlla, and R«, u ond place, two thirds, and two in the second game of a Biit at the end of the sixth. mound for tt* visiting Spartans Starting times will be printed Friday, May 11. Tom Peckham. Bill Mann, and the dlltance medlev r * Ten double header Saturday. Art Massucci relieved fifths. Herman Johnson ran a credit* Haw- but was rocked for five hits and - the teams. Iowa scored five runs in both In the preliminaries on Friday, aWe 60 seconds to place right starter Carl Brunst, who five runs, including a three-run TENNIS SINGLES The four mile w. Us first and eighth innings to the foursome ofZach Ford, Sher- behind Nebraska. A 10:12.2 clocking heen lifted for a pinch hit- home run by Sherman, and was -Monday- outclub the Spartans In the first «r. in 'he seventh and was greet- knocked from the mound. man - - Lewis, Herman Johnson, and - - n,e Mmc fc •. hnu-^nx.. .* game. 14-10. ed by cnujean's second straight John Ellas relieved Nutter and Entries are 'iflr1 *■- the 440 and*-=*2 —-—— 880 also ran the mile WUmer Ming accepted for the IM tennis singles tourn- Johnsontien» hit, an infield single. " wlthh"«»!?3 yielded four runs in tl* next ament. The tournament will begin Monday, May 7. A $2.00 ball m* ne tournament The split with the Hawkeyes left the Spartans in sixth place Moments later Chiljean scored the winning run and Sutton, who *ix innings. ' accompany each ... entry. No entry will be accepted with- . ... . times of 42.2 , - . fir;*: *n league action with a 2-3 record, * singled to right, moved all the ed However, State's bats, spark two hits each by Elias. wr t this fee. mm™. s each participant of havi h*"s "wiVS^'i^ DJ's Lose Again —-islC. Trailing k>wi all night rata and the temper- " e Spartatvs way to third on right fielder Bob Porrevkcchio and Jeff Abrecht. -Friday- -p,, dl8c Jockcy, tnd of rallied for fivt She t4nan's error. ature below 50 degrees the quar- exploded for 10 runs between Deadline for entering the 1M tennis singles (individual) yypRg dropped a Softball game Inning of the nightcap i Following a line out by Por- the second and eighth truings tet ran a "lower time in the the lead. "lent is 5 p.m. t0 6 ^ , Kor9 of ^ finals of the 880. TTieir 1:26.6 Wes Klewicki, who shortstop, Ket- and the Spartans grabbed a 10-9 Cr#1 went for Ar Red can choose from patents, smooth lea*** i H.V. DEPT. A, POST&LS 333. ROTTER- • White grained leathers In these fashion heel BOOKSTORE WEST GUANO RIVER styles: High Heels, M** & EVERGREEN > Brown Thln Heel«. ""J Walking Heels. Shop n Michigan Stfcte New, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 30, 1962 5 APARTMENT RENTED! "I had more calls than I could NEW FURN6HED studio apart¬ handle | Thank you ment for one or two very much fi*om campus. Maid service, air people across for your fine aervico" said thla satisfied advertiser. conditioning. Available May I. In¬ quire Fabian Realty. EO 2-0000. Automotive ^Employment > " ^ For Rent •K Personal" Good STOPI Service ^ Real Estate L00IC| INVESTIGATE P"1"' sen MX SStSTSSSTSSt^ 23 cklns, 5664 School St., Haslett, APPROVED ROOMS for men. Located across from Union Grill. 8190 1,1 Cherry Lane apts. SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE CORNER GRAND RIVER and SPARTAN EAST LANSING. BY OWNER 2- bedroom Cape Cod tome, 1 1/2 car garaae. Low ir ROTC , , .. — Mich. Telephone IV 2-6893. ED 7-9951. _ Phone 337-9034 Will finance. $13,000. 814 Ann down'payment. iv^ntinuea from page IJ 1954 OLDSMOBILE current Air Force requirements 88 4-door. 26 * PEANUTS St. ED 2-3354. 26 acceptance into the advanced THE WEEK'S SPECIAL a,ndiVlP?n: J°B OPENING for both graduate PERSONALS AFROTC program. SSmt? ™y P 23 *nd undergraduate entering students interested in structual - AVAILABLE SUMMER TERM deluxe apartment. Mahogany LUBRICATION - 75* with i Like the Army plan, the Air CAROL SMALLBERC and Force proposal still fsces review 011 Campus UN • -nrr: properties of materials. Start- paneled. Also rooiM wit^ HIRSCH TONY Alao FREE - one TR-3 1961. Excellent condiUon. »ng immediately without cooking. 549 Grove ED come to the State News £oot rulers. C by the Defense Department, the this Dr. Strata. .355 or summer. Call — 355.5154. 7-0830 after 5 PM. office . room • ' 347 Student Muaent Ser-sir Bureau of the Budget, and Con- 'pblttONAL DuIIUihk for your free PEANUTS PERSONAL Call IV 5-7940. Make offer. , 23 BUS BOYS NEEDED for noon and the Crest Drive In WHILE YOU WAIT service on passport and or one applica¬ day Gets Four Up until fall of '64. i real estate I0« Mr TP KL.W mn dinner meals. One block west ATTENTION SUMMER GRAD¬ tion pictures. Limousine leaving MaJ. John Engebretsen, Air Force director of education, •service "transportation Jurf.n. tlL; riirilA. E° 2"MI°' UATE STUDENTS: Private room - $8 per week: Double DEAR "BL" Thanks daily at noon for Hicks Studio, Okemos. Return transportation Debate Topics cently returned from a re¬ meeting ImmjirulAtail Phni*» Hqve * forevery- where the new program was dis¬ Cooking privileges and thing. All the guys down at Jacks. .wanted 24 parking available. 437 M. A. C. cussed at length. "The Air Force has worked * For Sale Ave., East Lansing. ED 7-0415. p DEADLINE: 1956 CHEVROLET - 9 ^ Real EState alts, applications, passports.C . j , duled to be debated at its on this program for a long time," pas- TV 17" regional Fngebretsen said, sengor station wagon, V-8, au- - Motorola, blond, WE TRAVEL anywhere -- any conference this weekend, includ- on casters. Sewing machine APPROVED. supervised, larger EAST LANSING By owner, me. Quality catering for all ln8 "They have a committee set tomatic. power steering, — — proposal for disarmament radio, Heavy-duty comfortable room# for men. One up for It a heater, white wall tires. STORY portable White elec- trie. A-l condition. Blond block from campus. Spartan Hall, four bedroom Cape Cod. Full aslons -- to fit your budget, of "all the world." AFROTC headquarters at Max- PHONE: Sells For Less $795. iron legs. Blond table desk. 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. tf. b"«ment. 5 1/2% land contract. Michigan Catering Service. IV „ One , , delegation from New York well Air Force Base, Alabama, *1600 down . . . and on $16,000. Call ED ,9'3343- University, which 355-8255 or 8256 • 2-0433 after 5:30 PM. ^ India, will represent submitted the resolution, When the program becomes PRIVATE ROOMS for men. Two 23 EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR fully operational, scholarships RATES: blocks from Union Building, Pri- ,L.C the manufacturef ?r e^mlnat'on of will be completely competitive, BINOCULARS plus case, 10 OKEMOR 16th Centurv FnffTTST, Century^English ,U makes.*"d mMel ™ models. All of , national basic, making per- $1.00 x 50, brand new. Only $30. ($10 military training installations 1 DAY 3 DAYS S2.00 below wholesale.) Call Al. 355- u™ Urge t"l*dr00m living room2 and »/2 b"hs. dining f^ri omr V t!I« all nations of the world. ii the best physical < dttion, with the highest mental 1956 CHEVROLET room, Because the large number of 5 DAYS $3.00 - "210", utility room off kitchen. aptitude and the most potential, 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic. 50 ft. Patio resolutions presented at last overlooking Red Ce- being in the top competitive po~ STORY Sells For Less BEIGE and Black Tweed year's conference resulted in ai . . . lon Pile wall-to-wall Ny¬ rowded agenda, the $495. carpet. 18* 1 exe- 254 .arvie. x 11'9*\ 5 months old. Will fit $7 week. Phone a 25 skirts, ets. thls year de ever. In the beginning, 09 chorga If Story Oldsmobile. Inc. any lhmg room m Cherry Lane, NEEDLE'NTHREAD cl'id lu limit 1U the # number of when the scholarships are first t paid within - Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam- Spartan and University Village e and dou- pus Drug Store. ED 2-5584. proposals to offered, they will be primarily, Apartments with closet at right 32 • Another resolution proposed by and probably exclusively, offered . Phone 355-8122. Ghana, represented by Southern to those cadets who have been Methodist University, Texas, will DIAPER SERVICE programmed to enter the advan- f Automotive RESTORED MG-TF. Will take Service ask the Gereral Assembly to ced corps under the traditional TTTES - 1957, 1959, 1961. best offer over $1000 in next 7 days. Dave Field. ED 2-3568. — WING $25; Pie CHAIR crust — $10; Chest table •fc Personal" your desire, condemn the policies and actions of the government of the Re- four-year plan, "The academic requirements — $15; your own dia- 10's. 245's, and 270's. Excep- 24 Love seat — $15. Call ED 7- BURR- PATTERSON F^ pers back 1 ich time. With public Of South Africa. probably will be higher once the mtlly clean units. 7103 after 5 PM. ternity and Sorority Jewelry and c£jj Other items include colonial- program la in full swing." 355.3012. tf you may in¬ 1956 DODGE 4-door. Automa¬ ism and 23 clude your representation of China, the CARD SHOP across del sport cars and conver¬ plan your insurance budget. 1500 The conference Is hitch." anically excellent. $275. Hi-Fi E. Michigan. IV 2-0689. Frnndor Store. C opened to ts. Stereo. Automatic. Detachable C25 all MSU students, and member¬ Engebretsen said the Army and SAILBOAT snipe. 15feet.$330. EXPERIENCED TYPIST.Gen¬ SPARTAN MOTORS, INC. Air Force differ speakers. $35. Call 355-8136. 27 Very good condition. Canvas eral typing, term papers, theses. ship fee costs $3.00. widely in their 3000 E, MICHIGAN Electric typewriter. William Kl- Of the 105 member-nation; approach, but due to the differ en- sails, wooden hull. No repair* in ce in active IV 7-3718 1957 OTUS *88' 4-door sedan. the UN, 20 delegations s'.ill duty commitments the needed. 355-8551. kendall - ED 2-2521. EXT. are incentives need • be Identical. White walls, automatic, power 2^ not ?• steering, power brakes. A real 1956 FORD, V-8, 2 door hard- T.V. SERVICE. Special rate Nursing Profession honey priced to sell. BIKE FOR SALE. Girl's green ecently overhauled, stan- English racer. To highest bid¬ COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT for college housing. Service calls trarsrnisslon. Excellent 1958 VOLVO - Radio, heater, der. $4. Absolute honesty.-ACME T.V. Call 355-8554. SERVICE 3n throughout. Call 355- white walls. Excellent condition. 25, J610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C 2100 W. Main, Lansing. IV9-2652. $750. STRATTON SPORTS CAR CENTER BEAUTIFUL wedding moussellne Size ten. Reasonable. ED 2-4200 &own. de sole lace trim. FREE DRY CLEANING! Wer.- drow's Econowash and ellte type IBM* cal1 339"213£2 Opening to Men [958, MERCURY, Monterey, evenings. 27 Dry w white walls and 1915 E. Michigan Ave. MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ battery. Ra- ), heater. Top condition. Will DIAL IV 4-4411 C versity graduation rings TYPING on Electric typewrl- Your n In October, 1961, a man was available :rlfice. ED 2-5537. MOVING to wanner climate. All at THE CARD Klvinz °1 absolutely V7 free -- drv ' ar 2-8877. ^ English major. Call El The profession, is becoming elected president of the Mich¬ winter clothes must go: Fur coat, SHOP. Includes degree, , cleaning to each v 2- rnnr* anH and mnr. Invltlns igan State Nurses Association 1957 more Inviting 1 for the first time. CHEVROLET - "210", 4 fur cape, wool skirts, sweaters seal, 3 engraved initials. its Speedqueen coin washers only One sign of the change Is that door, 8 cylinder, power glide, Choice of 10 stones. 10 different times. Take ad¬ Charles Walsh, director of Jl«60 FIAT Sports Convert. 4- and dresses. Call ED 2-5632. 25 la the University's office of nurs¬ |ced, bucket , seats, radio, w/w tires, Sharp! Call radio, white side walls, 2-tone paint. 1 year GW warranty. $845. MAGNAVOX PORTABLE STER¬ vantage M.S.U. C fyosufia'4> ing is looking for two young men who qualify for $2,000 scholar¬ nursing at Oakwood General Hos¬ pital in Dearborn, believes there are four main ....... ANN BROWN, typist and muli- ships to prepare them for careers reasons for the Plf^eMa rl™, MAX CURTIS, INC. EO record player. Excellent con¬ dition. Original cost-$100. Call entrance, shower, IV 9-4355. parking. $8. Ulth °{{set printing. IBM. Gen- in nursing. First, men are 2424 E. MICHIGAN eral typing, term papers, theses, The nursing office must give Just beginning Linda - 355-0416. 25 to learn about career IV 4-4491, EXT. 33 C 2i dissertations. 3 duplicating prc- 3106 E. Grand River the two scholarships out by June possibil¬ : cesses available; Multllith (black 15 it ities in nursing, the field trad¬ . or will lose the money, ( Holiday Inn) itionally associated with women. TRAILERS FOR SALE yhite, & color), Ozalld, Clear according to Oliver Osborne, as¬ 1958 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE jjim PavUiJi Print. ED 2-8384. sistant registered nurse. professor of nursing and Secondly, nursing associations are doing more recruiting at the jfeatusU+tcj, convertible - automatic, radio, 1961 HURON 50*xl0* on lot |°v rORD CONVERTIBLE — heater. Specially priced at $675. near - campus, no equity. Just EXPERT THESES, GENERAL We are looking for men who high school level—and men are ■ brakes, power TYPING. Electric typewriter. a better bet, so to steering, take want something a bit different speak, be- atic over payments. Call ED ONE CENT SALE Experienced. Near BRODY. Re¬ transmission, white 1955 FORD - 4 door, V-8, auto¬ SPAGHETTI - RAVIOLI in a profession and who have the i the new top. Black. Seen at matic. Real production Service. 332-5545 C motivation to finish the four- clean. New moi Jrt and Saginaw. 5500. Only $375. SUBMARINE SANDWICHES year courje, Osborne said. Thirdly, men are attracted to nursing because of the security 24_ ^ For Rent Osborrfe noted the recent trend toward men In the field of nurs¬ It offers in terms ofyear-around DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY J ™C11Ppe^rt Street Fran- at FREE eral 1 ISFTTA — 2 passenger my car. 45 mpg. Good con- 2501 E. MICHIGAN DIAL IV 9-2388 dor. This ad good for one ORCHID with any purcha typ^g. .._f Fjcperlenced, IBM _7.!L no 1 r Vake Qui ing. Between 1950 and 1960, only 15 men Mr Michigan became reg- employment. Fourthly, the opportunities for Phone OX 4-0236. ONE BEDROOM house, 2 Mocks advancement In SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS PIZZA isteredyiurses. nursing are great from campus, unfurnished ex¬ - SPAGHETTI and the pay is good. One male ii. Rent latest model Singer Last, year alone, however, 35 _ ALWAYS BUY cleaner cars from cept for stove and ref. Call PETITIONS portable RAVIOLI nurse said, "Beginning salaries |1'heRFNAUl gallon. T - 4CV, 40 miles BEECHEM and KNIGHT Auto ED 2-4092. t.f. Council FOR and 62-63 Junior J-Hop General at only $5 monthly or $1.50 per week. We deliver and pick up. men enrolled in professional are a deterrent but opportunities Growing family, Sales, 1300 E. Michigan Avenue. nursing programs in the state. are great." t sell. 5600 or best offer, Chairmen. Available at Union Buy the brandnewSpartan, model Dial IV 2-6141 or IV 2-2970. c24 LUXURIOUS HOME desk and 317 Student Services. 27 after 6 p.m. - furnished, 192, at only $44.50. Pay only T 23 wantJd5>l ' Mortar Board, WHICH Station Wagon can easily subdivision near campus. Avail¬ able June - August. Newly mar¬ ried DEPAR TMENT STORE of insur¬ $5 down and $5 monthly. These re ad the Toivpr Guard |AL MIKI1 LICH PONTIAC couple or a single grad¬ ■fr Wanted carry a Little League Team plus uate student only. Nominal rent ance tor sate, young, oia, prot>- anslng's Volkswagen Hdqr. luggage, yet handle easily for a lady driver? The Volkswagen for Phone caretaking responsibility. ED 2-6265. 27 lem driver. Bubolz Insurance, (over Jacobson's) ED 2-8671. c23 SINGER SEWING CENTER 309 S. WASHINGTON other Tap Outstanding Superior Coeds freshmen and Jun- Mortar Board will tap between is 3 to 4 feet shorter. . girls*. „ CONTINENTAL IMPORTS, INC. 487-3649 u Call after 5:30. IV 5-3197. lor women were honored Sunday 15 and 25 junior women who 2 Bedroom House-sublet 266 E. KALAMAZOO June 9- 25 night as Tower Guard and Mor- will be active members during Sept 1. Everything furnished in¬ tar Board members serenaded their senior year. They are se- DIAL IV 5-1743 c23 > cluding washer-dryer. T.V. Near HONORS STUDENT, for intellect- their new members. The newly lected the same basis, VOLKSWAGEN - Light blue, M.S.U. $100 per month. ED7-1031. ual advantage. Is seeking lodging on ipped with radio, heater, white chosen members will be announc- The tapping ceremony will be |1 tires. Very clean. Priced 1958 PLYMOUTH "FURY" 2D- 1 Faculty during summer ed at the May Morning Sing Tue- held at 7 a.m. at Beaumont Tow- . Carole. 355-7300. 25 sday. er. The program will include the only $1295. Hardtop, power steering, auto- " Each dormitory and sorority matlc, new whitewalls. Top con- NEEDED BADLY! Cooking facll- Men's Glee Club under the dir- APARTMENTS where a new Mortar Board or ection of Gordon Flood and Wen- _ \01.KSWAGEN Sun roof, - dition. Call 355-6918. " near campus. Please con- Tower Guard lives was seren- dell Wescott who will play the ^ ! in color, white wall tires. IDEAL apartment for married Dick Giliberto at ED 2-3578 aded. Tower Guard, an honorary tower carillon. Armon Yanders, »eptiorally ■f e clean. Low, low couple. 2 blocks from campus. immediately. 23 for sophomore women, will tap of Furnished and utilities paid. Call associate professor of zoology, only 5995. EXCEPTIONALLY NICE I960 ED 2-2902 or ED 2-8839. 23 ^ 35 outstanding freshmen Tuesday will be master of c Chevy Bifccayne 6 cylinders, e during their soph- Excallber members, the senior I'1 MIKL'LICH PONTIAC - standard shift, radio, heater, new year. The coeds were men's honorary, will be present 2121 E. MICHIGAN __ _ NEW FURNISHED studio apart¬ ED 2-5014 w/w tires - $1395 for Immediate, ment for one or two people across ,* Call 'john Ffankiin chosen on the basis of scholar- to honor the women. sale. President John A. Hannah will -icpm campus. Maid"servlce, air hold a breakfast for the old and conditioning. Available May I. new Mortar Board members after LETTTCH & STENBERG fM VMOUTH - 2 door • 2628 E. KALAMAZOO Inquire Fabian Realty. ED 2- 2006. 23 Indian Film Anuradha' the tapping ceremony. Spartan t °P; 3l«omatic transmission, 484-3299 ^ C Women's League will be host white, radio, heater. Nice 3 share for the Tower Guard breakfast. ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms with tile . Rates To Be Shown Friday bath unfurnished except refrig¬ very reasonable. $7 a week. Call AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR I*0 RAN1BLER American Sta- erator andstove. Air conditioned, about 6 PM. ED 2-4703. "Anuradha," awarded the best picture of the an Indian movie Wisconsin , waS°" — stick shift. A BUMPING and PAINTING out close to campus and A4P Store. car at the right prloe. speciality. All foreign cars.Kil- 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED year award by die President (Continued from poge 1) Transportation ' of India, will be shown Friday, from Madison, Wis., last month. 2-4886. t-f. an *zoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker (DEMONSTRATOR SALE service and free Estimates. 1411 , A complete Line of 1 at 8 p.m., at the Wesley Foun- datlon on Harrison road, north The probation action came within the last two weeks, trte ,v^0rT5trat0rs t0 choose E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. ONE VACANCY at 333 Albert Route 66 for 0f Spartan Village in East Lan- newspaper added. k n CLASSICS, C St. (for boys) downtown, private Burr -Patterson Mrs. Robert W. Preston of hs BuJ noAr?°RS* Blg diS~ entrance, kitchen and television Roslyn Heights, Long Island, You get a COMPLETE GLASS room. $8.75 per week. Summer reservations taken now. $7 per Sorority & Fraternity Jewelry N.Y., national president of Delta ELMER STEELE Service at Morris Auto Parts, week,' Two weeks free. Phone IV now available at' FLY TO TOLEDO pilot needs one passenger on - Qualified lval will also be shown This . Gamma, said : had r 814 E. Kalamazoo. IV 4r5441. film on MSU life is produced * RAMBLER 4-7406, after 5 and weekends THE CARD SHOP " May 4 and * and returning May 6. by the Audio Visual Center and 372-0390. 23 (across from the Home Econ. Bldg ) C.11 337-2186 ask for Cal. , nrivflt, orffani- I 2 blocks West of Comp 23 depicts life and events on the zaJ ^ ^8ton s7«ted. 1 tt AL ED Brody ete automotive GLASS campus. 7-9765 SERVICE at Morris Auto Parts. REALLY?AND I SUPPOSE ITS Tickets for the show are $1 The national council announce- 814 E. Kfflamazoo. IV 4-5441. c23 ent of probation said, accord- T£APtriONAL TO GIVE 61ftIS and are available from Student Bookstore located across from g to the Register: T'V. Trouble? PRESENTS ALL L0N6 / Berkey Hall or from Box 22, "Council has voted unanimous¬ cneck the East Lansing, Michigan by send¬ ly to place the chapter on fra- ing a self addressed stamped ei ternity probation Immediately 'ANT-ADS 1306 MICH. ED 7-2012 v el ope. The campus south entrence of the Union at tws will lea and has instituted the necessary to follow as provided procedures tor service Complete auto repair. in article *1 L of the fraternity _ Gold Bell stamps on all repairs. 7:25 p.m. or corner of Shaw and constitution before council can # Farm lanes at 7:30p.m. for Wes- determine whether or not to a ley Foundation. pend the chapter's charter." Purdue Drill Team Takes |Tiy"9miy'i fYOUl Once | m First Place at Spartan Meet \WJLL\ The Purdu# Purdue tbitvflrt«f«» University A>itl drill ■ m team won its 33rd first place trophy Saturday at the Sbartan Invitational ison Field Houm. Drib Meet tajen- ltf P»c#* ta . . - - »ft*n»on r i - - Individual regulation < hlb,tlor DriU competition and fantry regulation drill and < turned in an almost flawless hlbttion drill. performance. First and second place* In the Student All of the 14 teams competing were required to stay in the drill indlvldittl competition were won by drill team members from Awards area for at least eight minutes, but were given ten minutes in the University of Detroit. Third place was captured by a Univ- Presented whlch to clear the floor. Several of the teams had difficulty stay- ersity of Michigan ■competitor, pj,. ' f„ _ Hotel, restaurant, and instltu- ing within the prescribed ten ., M. 1 tlonal management's third annual minute time limit and their ro c-n* Honors Night will be held Mon- KOF9lS were lowered accord- tr>1 Mlchl**n day, at Kellogg Center with more tngiy. _ than 250 students, HR1 aluml and g^ch of the four Marine Corps members of industry expected. Judges, all stationed In Lansing, Executives of firms participa- Purdue has a final score of ting in the school's scholarship 750 from ^ goo possible, ONE HUNDRED PERCEMT--Gteek men Hall on the thoulders of his follow homo program will preeent company The teams were judged on the awards directly to those students basis of from Sigma Chi kit the top in blood dona¬ brother*. McNeal's prtttnc* at the Blood precision, difficulty of who have combined academic ex- movements, tion* Friday with a littlefriendlv coaxing. Drivo brought Sigma Chi donation* to 100 general effect, tran- cellence with contributions to the altlon from movement to move- Tied with stiff rope, Dan McNeol, Stephen- percent. -State Now* Photo by Skip May* school. ment, originality and general ap- Compenies presenting awards p« ranee, this year are: Brunswick Cor- Capturing second place, only 3 poration. Continental Coffee, points behind Purdue, were the College of Education CXmcan Hines, Horwath & Hot- Capital Guards from wath. Pick Hotels Corporation, verslty. Prophet Company, Schlitr Brew- The' University Capital Uni- of Michigan Attempts New Program The colleee of education ts at- Willi*m Hicks, professor of operatively by selected Michigan ing Company, and Fred Simon- sen. Also ecutives to team finished In third place their silent drill routine. be honored are ex- commands from the feeding and team ws were with No given while the tempting a break with tradition educator. community junior colleges, pub- on the ^ noor in s new experimental program Student teachers Experimental lie school systems, and Michigan housing industry who snorted Competition in the meet was the extabllshment of Eppley Cen¬ for elementary school teachers Prosram is a five year under- State. $1.5 million that was initiate? last fall, said graduate proerarr conducted co- Hicks saW that the student may ter. was given by 1inrrhn] J Wfirflvfl the Eugene C. Eppluy Foundation mUFLIUU iiW UTUfU ing period except for three s of Omaha, Neb. for the construe- Vlilhriflht GrOIlt re the u Iverslty tion of the building for graduate M U 7^ Quitting six: " :v.r- a You! study In the school of hotel, .res- Joseph H. Marchal has been taurant, and institutional ma- granted a Fulbright award for of $T,(XX) while he is going to school. • nagement. study next year at the Unlver- Alumni Association awards sity of Oslo, Norway. Marchal will be presented to H. William is now working on a master's The first two years of this Business Klare, pioneer hotel man. and to cagree in philosophy. program are to be completed Fred Simonsen, President of die at Awarded under the internat- a community college In Mi¬ chigan that is working with Mi¬ Top Hat drive In chain for more lonal educational exchange pro- than 20 years of distinguished gram of the Department of State chigan State. servic e. the Fulbright grants are financed Time is running out He said this is followed by a summer session at State. The The School will also present by foreign currencies or credit third and fourth and fifth year distinguished service awards, owed to or owned by the treasury The recipients of these awards of the United States, NEW 10W PRICES are to be completed at a com- muniry collepe and ir., the local puMic schools where the student are Fred Eckert, Elton C. Louks, i ioyd n. pnnce. and r.j. Reif- . . . International Kelafvons n . Schneider. WHILE YOU (Cotton Shirtwaist) Dresses will He get actual experience and said that the salary will be two thirds and three fourths The MSI Hotel Association will also present the hotel senior of the year award and the Presl- dent's Plaque. LesGourmets will [ecfyre J() jfe PreSCf!tC