Weather Inside Gradually clearing and oookr MICHIGAN Jly and the low In lbs low Picture features, page 2. TATE NEWS withtbe high in the high Crossword Puzxle, page 6. To¬ 2fs. Forecast tor Wednesday STATE day on Campus, Bureau, page 6. Place¬ ment page 3. Educat¬ is partly cloudy and cool. UNIVERSITY ing the War babies, page 4. Vol 53. No. 188 East Laaalng. Michigan M • ? occupied the wall during two rival May Day celebrations Tuesday. i„ rh» Iintnn Rait room Wed- shrhev have received them in liberation of the African peoples of the five events of Greek Week, The cloud passed over without n the 1961-62 school In Red-ruled East Berlin, tanks and guns of the East German nesdav from 7 to 8 p m the past. and their solidarity In the Strug- hasi beeni expanded this year to touching down. Oswego, Kan., w WU1_|UJI# „ army will rumble through Mant-Engels Plate. The Communist press has promised circus elephants and horses as an added The movies are the first spe- The Communist party here has gle against colonialism." incl'SLa' vSl^sHorneT deluged with 3.20 inches of rain, /■iai »v»nr nr^sonted bv the Luau never droppedPicassopolitically Dobi is a former premier of the Blind, St. Vincents Home, severe weather forecasts were 'TittleTmore than a mile away, thousands of West Berliners Committee tee in conjunction j with although he would starve to death if he waited for theCentralCom- Hungary who now is president of and the Community Chest Build- the Parliamentary Presidium. He tag. lssued for parts of Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. ALOHA Week. will mass near the Reds' cement and wire barrier to hear spe«he» lovers of "socialist was cited as a statesman. Faiz Greek Week, labeled G'y"'" The vicious storms, whichend- As an added attraction, sev¬ under a huge signboard reading "Freedom Knows No Walls. eral members of the Hawaiian realism" to buy his His was called "a poet and public 'games his works. His after the early' paid represented by rhe Greek fH ed dry sprlng weather in parts ; Kelly. Birmingham peace dovepalnting, however, has figure" and the Chilean as a games^ represented^ by 0f the midwest, were triggered will be 3~c president of South present JO w any y The prize money is awarded events in addition to Community frorn the north wkh warm m is Hai! :r nc vas unopposed, as other nominations, elected treasurer. Wilson Sign rMirw mission Is free. 13, initiates the combination of flowing up from the Gulf.- ■** president, Chandler, Sorority Sing and IFC Sing. Thir¬ Tornado Begins Thi ty-one groups will participate in a resident advisor £ -ase Hall; during the 1960- the eliminations April 29. The «->wl year he served as Emmons Hall and Students who will be first term He said all men in Butterfleld best will present a program on May 13. Forecast .-ar he was director of and Rather, regardless of class, Dick Winters, junior class sophomores next fall may sign i-^sjpus Chest in AUSG. * his election, Chandler up this week to live in Wilson will be eligible to live in Wilson next year. president, will present Outstand¬ ing Junior Awards during the In¬ For Area cen»in objectives he Hall. termission. The U.S. weather bureau re- Freshman men in Butter-field Students may sign up according ' Lke :o accomplish In his and Rather, which will be wo¬ to the following schedule: Tues¬ Tapping for Green Helmet, leased a forecast of a tornado for the Lansing area Aat was ' office. First, he said sophomore men's-honorary, will men's dorms next year, signed day. W. Landon library, from 6 be another important featuredur- extended until 8 p.m. Monday, j ne direct and effective last week. to 9 pjn.; Wednesday, W. Shaw ^unication should be brought up About 200 vacancies are left living room, from 6 to 9 p.m.: tag intermission. At noon Monday the disaster MHA ,nd the al- .„ . , warning siren was sounded fol- - for men In other dorms, James Thursday. Brody multi-purpose 1FC and PanHel awards for lowlng the tornado alert forecast, ^presens' ^ or£,lniziKlon Andrews, manager of Wilson, room A, from 6 to 9 pjn., and Friday, Case north conference outstanding be awarded. scholarship will al- ^ attracted calls t0 area said Monday. so law enforcement agencies from ta^,irder to fac'ht«e thlscom- room, from 6 to 8 pjn. Beta Theta Pi will hold the dlstant points but was intended ^,L?at!0r promote a Ch»ndler said he Ail dorms will not be visited "Session by the Cectar one- lnfonn students and faculty tapr MHA newslet- :ng relations with the Crosses Burned for the so sign-up. Andrews said, students interested in living half hour after event was mobbed ty Jazz- members of the possible danger, A tornado is characterized by Wilson should go to the sign-up Id Minnesota in .1?,Vler9,„la!f y8Sr ™ ; winds at speeds around 200 mph tO^deL?1 :CtenCe ***** W*» *1»0 center nearest their present Mike Wood, says that the ev«it rotatlng ln a counter-clockwise C tsl. by Chan- ST. PAUL, MINN.-(«•)- dorm. under the direction o. Buddy dlrectlon which creates the fam- ies ^ ly since dormitor- Crosses made of wood and wrap¬ Spaces for 300 women who will Spangler will feature 30 top — iliar funnel and a strong v £s.llk£->-ase Hall and next war be first term sophomores are tertalners this year. within the funnel which causes the ped with kerosene soaked rags available. Andrews said If mors were burned on the lawns of The fourth event of the Olym- majority of the damage. A tor- war e,ch Other. president O. Meredith Wilson. than the quota of 200 men sign All plad, faculty dinner, will be Tues¬ (Continued on page 4) University of Minnesota and a up, Wilson residents will be se¬ day, May 15. Each house will lected st random from the list. "icidty member early Monday. play host to two faculty mem¬ SfS!4^JS?MHA Police said the Inetdants ap- pal mil aura connected with the . DURi ■ i.j 1 bers plus ten representatives from ten different fraternities U.S.I.A. Director To Tit and sororities. The object is to . (CenHweed en pn«e 4) To Be Honored Saadir Include as many new faculty On Role of I ... Council Mfcas Veb Te IM Brim members as possible and famll- The Role of Broadcasting In larlze the students with all the the Fleld 0f international Re¬ '*bie tat Moifc, The Veteran's Assn will hold v .. be honored by an evening of Ia- mU at « pjn. Sunday. In houses. lations" will be the title of a ^titlons for Greek Pi at the Sigma the en election lor new officers Men- ^ ballroom, speech given by Henry Loom!*. 'HnansW '~T house this year, will ell- director of broadcasting services day at 8:90 pjn. In 32 Union. xj* artists will be Ore Kan, THS PATIO BUILDERS-44e«kers of Delta Wercn weetker, end o lock of relaxation area Nu brought about the endeavor, according to Joint Com- of united S The postcfcma open are: pre- braeU masic student, awl Gene Upsiten fraternity, 1504 E. Grand River, have worked out a time sklent, vice-president, tree- Bl«e»tein, ATL profeaeor. Abbe laying mlttees Agency, Tuesday. Mey 8, * • surer, secretary end e eesen- L#rB#r, economics professor, •State News Photo by Mork Krastof. (Continued on poge 3) pjn. In 33 Union. ekyerd patio. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, M>y , , | Pets Kias Steal Snow HHewv" — ■ of stored raus JILL HARGRAVE and Peppy, Class A winners, listen earn- estly to Judge James Shelt- row, after winning an award for grooming and handling. WHEN CHILDREN AND PETS from E. There were 50 entrees ranging from Lansing and the surrounding aroa gathered Beagles and Terriers to cats and horses. in the final session of a pet clinic Satur¬ Winners in the eight classifications were: Class A—Jill Hargrove and her dog, day afternoon at the Judging Pavillion, names like Bertha, Amy Lou, Princess, Peppy. Class B-John Downing ond his Dusty, Peppy and Jud turned up in the win¬ dog, Bertha. Class C—Jennifer Coie and ners' column her West Highland White Terrier. Class D DAVID SANDERS and Lassie are awarded o ribbon for . 3 -Steve Hecker and his Beagle, Jud. „ and handling by Judge James Skeltraw. The Student Wives Veterinary Club spon¬ Class E--C°nn'* McQuode and her dog, sored the show as a port of the clinic for Amy Lou. Class P--Eldo Schandelmeier young pet owners interested in learning and her cat. Princess. Class H—Corol what good pet careentqiled- Wright and her horse, Dusty. State News Photos by Mark Krastof Pistol Qualifications He PATROLMAN Dayid S»rm„. Department of Public Sofety, «$ mm of 21 officers firing the pistol qualification course Hold Monday •* tfco department range. Tbo officers oro re¬ quired to qualify each year to insure tf»e public of o well- troiood proficient police TV^jgan State New. Baft Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 1. 1968 « r^^nt 'Et>ening fa Dr. Jean B. Burnett Bureau International To Speak At Harvard I 2siistfi«a ■ Dr. Jean B. Bum en, research several honorary and scientific *** JL tfcePUcemenl in scientist in the department of societies including Sigma Chi 1 rMic sch°oit Is Grand biochemistry, will leave Tuesday Gamma, Tau Sigma, Kappa Del- to take an invitational position as visiting professor at Harvard ta Pi. Pi Kappa Delta, Pi Mu Epsilon, Sigma, Kappa Helta Pi, It University. Pi Kappa Delta, Pi Mu Epsllon. I hjJ High Mentally^. commented *a» a grand success", —rspunaui cu SuppUh Slnnudural, International Club drew many uy me l>. Burnett received her B.S. Sigma Delta Fpsllon, Sigma XI, I% Teacher and Ceylon graduate student and Pre¬ people Including faculty folks. degree In chemistry, M.S., and American Chemical Society and II Schools — Second- sident of International Hub after the International Ball Saturchy At the same Brother and Sister time, American spring social Ph.D degrees in the fields of the American Institute of Bio¬ chemistry and mathematics at logical Sciences. Michigan State. she has numbrous publications < II Studies. ^cUltetng evening. illy hed wait on across the hall from African program with the She will do research on the appearing in leading scientific [fee FieW of Orlentttlon and a good time" foreign problem of dealing with the gene- journals to her credit. She has alio presented her work at i I *crV..h Literature, Grades 9 - the remarks heard last George Bubolz of the NtSU Pro- involved in the formation of me¬ veral national and International II H Men»Ur Retarded Junior High General weekend dominated by Interna¬ tional Programs on campus. menaders. The group sang American folk lanin, a dark skin pigment. A fundamental concern will be the conferences. "Evening In Africa," present¬ songs with Ros Prophet and Ken II -.lajnttry P«v Public Schools- Fducatlon 2nd 6 5Ui ed by the African students on Phillips of the Students Off Cam¬ pus. Judy Wltucki. chairman of purification and characterization of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is responsible for the catalytic Tuesday May 1 Takty Presents Piper the entertainment committee for oxidation of the amino acid tyro¬ Sale of Original the Hawalln Luau led foreign sine and its role in theformation At Recent Symposium students In Jula dances. Prints by: \ fellowship of melanin. At the International Ball [>. H. B. Tukey, heed of the half of nearly The research is important be- thepersons attending-were department of Horticulture, has American. a relationship with PICASSO I HoldsBanque recently returned from the fourth International Symposium on Ag¬ dances and ricultural Chemistry, held at the African students presented folk songs dressed in their SON GOES OTHER DIRECTION BRAQUE CEZANNE 1 "Some Enchanted Evening" University of Pisa and at the They gave a masquerader's SAN DIEGO. Calif. ■ , "ME TOO" SWIMWEAR ■■■I 40% OFF! ,/ , HHHH :>/ i\ / «--■ - > \ Infant's Shop V- - , ' Lower Level - 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing^ Michigan TYPEWRITER SOLD2nd DAY! ' "I had many .call« and sold my wrltar the second day my ad ran n> New*" Mid this happy advertiser. the saw mlnton'rackea:^'^! AU_good^Phone r.p 2-uff| If Automotive For Sale "•fc For Rant" ^P«anut'» Pertonalt * Service GOING TO EUROPE? Bring back BINOCULARS plus case. 10 PRIVATE ROOMS for men. Two WHILE YOU WAIT or one day 1958 PLYMOUTH "FUI*Y" 2D- service on passport and aR>li- Hardtop, power steering, auto¬ a Volkswagen! It will acu con¬ x 50. brand new. Only $30. ($10 blocks from Union Building. 13ri- (Continued from oofl, cation pictures. Limousine leav- matic, new whitewalls. Top con¬ venience and save you money. below wholesale.) Call Al. 355- vate entrance. Available now and is formed dition. Call 355-6918. 25 Please allow 90 days or more 9235, 24 for summer. Call ED 2-1441 af ing dally at noon for Hicks Stu- ferent pressure front, for deliveries In Germany. A Jaw ter 6 PM. 25 dio, Okemos. Return transports- 0ne forced up above more deliveries for June and BEIGE and Black Tweed Ny- , tlon guaranteed. Refreshments. Just before a tornado^ July are available in Belgium. CANOElSTSt Tour the Red Cedar Call ED 2-6169 for reservations, the air is quie: anc I960 MGA '1600' Excellent con¬ Portraits, applications, pass- stillness settles arou » AUTOMOTIVE England and France. C24 beneath the scenic slingshot of dition. All new tires. A steal at - EMPLOYMENT Tom a! ED 2 3060, any living room In Cherry Una. available Delta Chi. 2± ports. ^ " An ominous cloud ; Spartan ana university vuiage tig birth place i «*0R SAL€ 1955 CHEVROLET - 6 cylinder, 332-2315. it pushes Its ^ ,FX>R RENT automatic, excellent running con¬ toward the grour.,:, destructive^ FLY TO TOLEDO - Qualified pi¬ ' .LOST & FOUNDk* dition - $295. lot needs one passenger on May Many times a .PERSONAL 1956 WHITE FORD Convertible 4 and returning May 6. Call 337- Thesis Kits — Plastic Film storm prece6ds the bu-tt .PEANUTS PERSONAL Good mechanical condition. Ra¬ MAGNAVOX PORTABLE STER- 2186. Ask for Cal. 26 tornado. 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. tjf. REAL ESTATE dio and heater, power steering, • EO record player. Excellent con¬ Engineering & Drafting Supplies The weather bureau's fc, •SERVICE dition. Original cost-$100. Call * Is not a tornado -a 19^7 OLDSMOBILE '88' - 4 door Linda - 355-0416. COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT it can • TRANSPORTATION sea.'n. White walls, 25 WOMEN - Summer and fall. Ap- TRI-DELTS: Traffic snarl at end readily .range". automatic, of M.A.C. is gone, so are your SERVICE The forecast in a;;e .WANTED 1954 OLDSMOBILE 88. 2-door power steering, power brakes. bathing suits. 2100 W.Main, Lansing. IV9-2652. could have been exten Hardtop. Body excellent. Reup-d A real honey priced to sell. TV — 17" Motorola, blond. ditions had DEADLINE: Courtesy of Spring Pledge s. remained . Hardtop. Body excellent. Reup- on casters. Sewing machine At 6 pjn. Heavy-duty portable White elec- — — Monday ^ J holstered custom Ulterior. Must STRATTON SPORTS CAR Per SOTO I sell. $225. Call 355-2568. 26 CENTER trie. A-l condition. Blond desk. ' — 1915 E. Michigan Ave. iron legs. Blond table and STUDENTS! Reliable advise on BILL: 1 enjoy exquisite Indian ports. Trees w DIAL IV 4-4411 benches. ED 2-4422. 24 insurance Talk It over with dances, hear enchanting music. Call 355-3012. tJ. PHONE: C car along Grand Rii 1954 FORD, cheap transporta¬ __ LES STANTON. He can help you Please take me to award win¬ 355-8255 or 8256 SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS. tion. Good gas rr.lleage, not BIKE FOR SALE. Girl's green plan your insurance budget. 1500 ning movie, Anuradha, Friday at WWII Model Singer portable at only rusted out. Evenings call ED 1959 CHEVROLET BelAir - 4 English racer. To highest bid- E. Michigan. IV 2-0689. C25 Wesley Foundation. RATES: 2-04*8. 26 door sedan. 6 cylinder, auto¬ der. Call 355-8554. Love, Judy. $5 monthly or $1.50 per week. 24 We deliver and pick up. Buy matic. STORY Sells For Less 1 DAY 3 DAYS 5 DAYS SI. 00 $2.00 $3.00 $1395. FOR matching SALE. After 6 tuxedo and white dinner jacket. jjim PaAAUk ^ Real Estate the brand new Spartan, model 192, at only $44.50. Pay only $5 down and $5 monthly. These Orphans al Size 37. 14-1/2-33 shirt with s-naeded. i?Q5, Call 455- special offers good only to stu¬ studs. Worn only 3 times. $45. ONE CENT SALE OKEMOS 16th Century English Peak Here - dents at M.S.U. Call ED 2-0054 after 5 p.m style 4-bedroom 2 1/2 baths, 26 — Sale in progress at MAREK large living room and dining SINGER SEWING CENTER REXALL PRESCRIPTION CEN- room, utility room off kitchen. 309 S. WASHINGTON Seventeen years after ^ 195" CHEVY BELA1RE. 2-door, 1956 CHEVROLET - "210", 4 50 ft. Patio overlooking Red Ce¬ SAILBOAT SNIPE, 15 feet. $330. TER -- Cllppert Street at Fran- bloodshed of World \su V-S, standard transmission. Ra¬ door. 6 cylinder automatic, de r River. 2307 Hamilton Rd. 487-3649 t.f. dio, heater. Excellent condition. Very good condition . Canvas don "Hiis ad good for one FREE of the war's spread;^ < STORY Sells For Less .... Call ED 2-3304 for appointment the education of its 5925. Call IV 9-720". 26 $495. orp>» reaching a peak a: Vichga, Automotive ANN BROWN, typist and multi- State was one of the -m STORY OLD6MOBILE. INC. 14" BAYTHEON TABLE model, PETITIONS FOR 62-63 Junior EAST LANSING. House and dou¬ 1957 AUSTIN HEALEY 100-6 ble lot - $12,750. 614 N. Haga- lith offset printing. IBM. General leges right after the i960 FALCON 4 door de¬ 3165 E. Michigan small and nice. $39.95. 17" Du- Council and J-Hop General typing, term papers, theses, dis¬ found itself deluged by — Wire Wheels, new tires, new DIAL IV 2-1311 C dorn Road. Phone 337-7574. 25 :« luxe, two tone, automatic tran¬ Mont table model. $39.95. Excel¬ Chairmen. Available at Union sertations. 3 duplicating proces¬ veterans top. electric overdrive. $1150. eager for gov® smission. S1250 or best offer. lent condition, guaranteed. Call desk and 317 Student Services. 27 ses available; Multilith (black & Call IV 5-5033. 27 sponsored higher educaft Call 355-3994 24 1960 FIAT SPORTS CONVERT. Larry's T.V. IV 9-1982. t.f. EAST LANSING, BY OWNER 2- white. & color). Ozalld. Clear The veterans put a J " 4 speed, bucket seats, radio, bedroom Cape Cod home, 1 1/2 Print. ED 2-8384. C 1957 FORD. Country Sedan. 9- stamp on the whole y.-p 1956 FORD CONVERTIBLE -- heater, w/w tires. Sharp! Call car garage. Low down "payment. acres of Power brakes, power steering, passenger, Fordomauc. power 484-1524. 28 BE IN STYLE - Hawaiian Shirts Will finance. $13,000. 814 Ann "temporary" for LUAU. $2.50 each. Size Med. SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF TRAD¬ and classrooms were a automatic n-ar.smission, white steering, radio, heater, excep¬ St. ED 2-3354 26 26 to accomodate them a . tionally clean. Call Ron 355- Call 355-9853 after 4. ING STAMPS! When you bring walls, new top. Black. Seer, at families. (Many of the! CIippert and Saginaw. $500. 9035. 28 1953 PLYMOLTH 2 door Hard¬ your cleaning to Wendrow's Ec- Service onowash and Dry Cleaners. Ing are still being to top. Standard Transmission. Low MIRROR: 32" x 44" Plate glass this Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned week.) FORD 1955 mileage. Clean inside and out. mounted. Perfect over mantle. ALTER ATIONS. Hemming & re¬ and pressed, only 50<. 3006 V A second wave of 1958 SSETTA — 2 passenger - Economy 6, stand¬ Call 355-5311. 26 ard shift. One owner, phone IV $15. Call ED 7-1164. 26 styling: formals, trousers, St.. 1/2 block hit the campus after economy car. 45 Good con¬ skirts, ets. NEEDLE*NTHREAD rean War when govera dition Phone OX 4-0236. 5-2550 after 2 p.m. 24 Frandor Store. C 1957 BU1CK SUPER - 4 door Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam¬ " again was offered for MEN'S Bicycle for sale. Good pus Drug Store. ED 2-5594. 32 EXPERIENCED TYPIST.Gen¬ education. AL MIKULICH PONT!AC harltop. dynaflow, power steer¬ condition. Call ED 7-0544 after eral typing, term papers, theses- About 125 State st 1953 MERCURY - 1955 PLY¬ ing, power brakes, low mileage, 4 MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ MOUTH Hardtops. Sinclair star¬ p.m. 26 SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE Electric typewriter. William Ki- receive assistance usde Used Volkswagen Hdqr. excellent condition - $1095. versity graduation rings 's opposite East Lansing Grey- available at THE CARD CORNE R CR AND RIVE R kendall - ED 2-2521. EXT. 286, Orphans G.I. Bill. PJ TRAILERS FOR SALE and SPARTAN 634, James F. Morse, 1959 RAMBLER AMERICAN - 2 SHOP. Includes degree, 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Red. low Phone 337-9034 the University Vetera:, - door, standard transmission, ra¬ seal, 3 engraved initials. mileage. Like new. $1595. dio, heater. Attractive 2 tone 1961 HURON - SO'xlO' on lot THE WEEK'S SPECIAL ★ Wanted istration guidance cer.ti "We blue finish. Real economy at near campus, no equity. Just 1959 VOLKSWAGEN Light blue, 5895. Wanted number of studes - :a« over payments. Call ED LUBRICATION - Working girl to share equipped with radio, beater, white 2-3347. 17 EUREKA! Students find Bubolz - 75< with an an apartment with three other 634," Morse said. "You wall tires. Very clean. Priced oil change. Also FREE one the large number of Wq 1957 FORD - Attractive red and - girls. C«ll «fter 5:30. IV 5-3197. tc sell for only $1205. foot rulers. C II children entering white station wagon. Power steering, power brakes, auto¬ for Rent C24 More than 800 studs 195" VOLKSWAGEN - Sun roof, I960 AUSTIN HEALY SPRITE. matic transmission or Ford-o- TYPING on Electric HONORS STUDENT, for intellect¬ receive benefits from HOUSES typewri¬ coral In color, white <*all tires. 15,000 miles- Radio 4 heater matic - which ever you prefer. BURR-PATTERSON Frater¬ ter by English major. Call ED ual advantage, is seeking lodging phans bill and from P( Exceptionally clear. Low, low- white walls. £j«reller.- condition Real Nice! $895. nity and Sorority Jewelry and re¬ 2-8877. 24 with Faculty durine summer 550, which pro> price of only $995. $1050. IV 4-4241. 2< CUXURIOLS HOME - furnisnea. lated items. Now available at term. Carole. 355-7300. to Korean War 25 subdivision near campus. Avail¬ the CARD SHOP across from others who were in the DEMONSTRATOR SALE AL MIKULICH PONTIAC SLX Demonstrators to choose able June - August. Newly mar¬ the Home Economics Bldg. ED DIAPER SERVICE before Jan. 31, 1955, 1956 PLYMOUTH 4 door, auto- ried couple or a single grad¬ Some 700 covered 2121 E, MICHIGAN - from. AMERICANS, CLASSICS, 2-6753. C SERVICE to your desire. are by! uate student only. Nominal rent ED 2-5014 and AMBASSADORS. Big dis¬ You receive your own dia¬ m. Call John Franklin Single students well-$175. ' counts. Buy now! for care taking responsibility-. DIANE: Glad Mike finally gave per 3 back each time. With 355-8762. 24 receive $110 a rr Phone ED 2-6265 . 27 a month If they ) you that RING. He bought It In our service, you -may in¬ ■ 1959 FORD convertible aui MALE ROOMMATE to share Morse said the ass!sa RESTORED MG-TF. Will ake - ELMER STEELE 1958. Congratulations■ Your SIS¬ clude your baby's under¬ matic. power steering and po« 2 Bedroom House-sublet June 9- TERS. 24 shirts and clothing which apartment rest of term. Rates directly to the < •est offer .over S1000 in next brakes. Robins egg blue t RAMBLER very rersonable. $7 a week. Call ' Sept 1. Everything furnished In¬ will not fade. White, Blue use it as they s days. Dave Field. ED 2-3568. white. Ready tc pr cluding washer-dryer, T.V. Near about 6 PM. ED 2-4703. PL 634 pays $110 j 24 will e go at a MJS.U. $100permonth.ED7-1031. " Got a Swinging ashtray hang¬ or Pink diaper pails furn¬ 24 education aid raj ished. ing In your pad?" Write today: AMERICAN LAUNDRY WANTED: Girls bike. 20" or veteran killed i P5* DODGE 4-door. Automa¬ I960 CHEVROLET BelAir - California Shoppers. 424 E. Mo- of any war in which to . 111 E. WASHTENAW 24". Preferrably with tic Transmission, seatbelts, pre¬ door. 6 cylinder with gas sav¬ oney, Monterey Park, Callfor- training ONE BEDROOM house, 2 blocks IV 2-0864 wheels. Good condition. Fair mium tires. Superb condition in ing standard shift. Real low mi AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR from campus, unfurnished except price. ED 9-8332. Morse said the-eafcc every respect ' OrUlruI owner. 28 you for stove and ref. Call ED 2- in 550 came during N 355-449", Local 8. or EDi-5"5S. will be VARSITY CLUB MEETING. Wed¬ FREE DRY CLEANING! Wend¬ prcud to own. BUMPING and PAINTING our when approxin 4092. tJ. row's Econowash and soecialry .Ml foreign cars. Kal¬ . nesday nite, 7:30 P.M. in the Dry WANTED INSTRUCTOR FOR 3,000 students 1958 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE St. Body Shop, Wrecker Club Room. 24 Cleaners, 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block 1955 MG-TF - New top. convertible - automatic, radio, amazoo service and free estimates. 1411 APARTMENTS west of Sears' Frandor Store is RECORDER. til 5 or Call 355-7725 un¬ ED 2-5572 after 6 p.m. World War II C.L record high nurr.ber of BilJ heater. Specially priced at $675. E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507 giving absolutely free-dry clean¬ under the prograrr tr. 1 ENTlkE - Second - Floor. Ex¬ w PEANUTS ing to each customer using its Field. ED 2-3568. The presentnur-terofi 1955 FORD - 4 door. V-S auto- cellent studying. Staff member Speedqueen coin washers only in the country benfit' . mane. Real clear.. New motor. or Lutheran Student preferred. PERSONALS 10 different times. Take advan¬ <¥• Lost & Found tage MLS.U. is 15,000. Morse est 1956 S1MC A. 3-9.000miles.Mech¬ Only $375. $10. 321 Kedzie. ED 2-2788. 28 ■ Morse said the st JUDIE MEIRE and MARTIN CO¬ C TEN DOLLAR REWARD. anically excellent. $275. Hi-Fi DAN O'SH AUCNESS E Y Joyce's these bills are just IJteii Sterec. Automatic.Detachable 1306 MICH. ED 7-2012 HEN come to the State News "ULYSSES", valuable marginal T.V. SERVICE. Special rate for students In chocs;-£ 2501 E, MICHIGAN SIMMER and/or FALL office, room 347, Student Ser¬ notes. No questions asked. 355- speakers. $35. Call 355-8136. 27 ap¬ college housing. Service calls fields of study. DIAL IV 9-2388 proved. supervised housing for vices Bldg. for your free 1799 days: 355-1179 nights. passes $4. Absolute honesty. ACME 26 "I don't see ther $«< 4 men. 1145 .Abbott Rd. Call in to the Crest Drive-In Theater. T.V., 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C one field ove. 1957 CHEVROLET - "210". 4 person 6:00-7.30 PM Mon-Fn 24 represents!! door. S cylinder. po**r glide FIAT. I9S8. 1100 Series - 4 door. and Sat afternoon. 37 GRAPHIC ARTS Specialties: E.W. Weidner "They are the major fields of swd» J radio, white side walls. 2-tcre Gcod condition. $325. Call TU it Employment DIANE: My congratulations also. - Graphs, charts, and illustrations. The MSU V.A. pi"1" paint. 1 year GW warranty. $845. 2-0054 after 5 30 p.m. 26 ATTRACTIVE. 3 rooms with tile Hope the State URINAL goes easy on us. CHIC. 24 Experienced. Call Mrs. Ktester. Named ter is one of tfc."« MAX CURTIS, INC. JOB OPENING for both graduate bath unfurnished except refrig¬ ED 7-9684 . 26 the state. Other certerJj 2424 E. MICHIGAN 1961 CHEVROLET IMPALA con¬ and undergraduate engineering students interested In structual erator and stove. Air conditioned, close to campus and AfkP Store. excellent t.v. REPAIR or Vice Chancellor cated in Detroit a plds. TV 4-4491. EXT. 33 C vertible - light blue, white top. Dr. Edward W. Weidner, visit¬ one owner low mileage car. properties of materials. Start¬ 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED all makes and models. All work "My office council!" ing immediately or summer.Call 2-4886. quaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to 8:3c ing senior scholar on leave from phans and disabled tJ. EXCEPTTONALLY NICE I960 Dr. Serata. 355-5154. 25 Michigan State, has been named Morse said. "This mo pjn. T.v, Technicians, 3022 E, Chevy Bucayne - 6 cylinders, Michigan. Call iv 7-5558. c vice-chancellor of the Institute required." standard shift, radio, heater, new BISBOYS NEEDED for noon and FURNISHED: shower, phone, of Advanced Projects at the East- w/w tires - $1395 for immediate dinner meals. One block west near Williams Dorm. Share with West Center in Honolulu. LETT1CH i STENBERG of Union. Call ED 2-6310. Ask for Driz. senior j(nu!e)^^prh« Term. $8 Call ED 7-7021. EDIE STARR Typist, dissertadons. term papers, gen¬ theses, Considered to be one of the leading auchorities in the UJS. on public administration, he has Crosses 2629 E. KALAMAZOO eral typing. Experienced IBM had extensive (Continued from STOP! LOOK! INVESTIGATE ROOMS electric typewriter. OR 7-8232.C overseas exper¬ scheduled appea 484-3299 ience and is Avon's earning opportunity. For •— highly regarded in .Always a better selection in late model spon interview call Mrs. Alana Hu- APPROVED ROOMS for men. South and Southeast Asia. ot Communist on the Minnesota P«nj»s»J campWL cars and conver¬ V.oidner has had published tibles. 9 from Union Grtll. WE TRAVEL anywhere any eapolls Wednesday ALWAYS BUY cleaner cars from important time. Quality catering for all - "T.e World Rote of Universit¬ ies." and as a political science Invited by the ctud«t M BE EC HEM and KNIGHT Auto SPARTAN MOTORS. INC. occasions - to fit your budget. club. jM consultant has served with the Sales, 1300 E. Michigan Avenue. 3000 E. MICHIGAN — AVAILABLE SUMMER TERM meeting Michigan Catering Service. IV L.S. Department of State and dir¬ Wilson, who 9-3343. Dial IV 2-6141 or IV 2-2970. c24 5' 7-3715 c For Sate deluxe apartment. Mahogany C ector of the MSL' contract today, issued a staW^l 1 — AT ject with the International Co¬ pro¬ week ujtftoldlni the rJFjT paneled. Also rooms with and authorized orrariaO»J BEAUTIFUL wedding gown, wtttoow cooking. 549 Grov, ED 8:30 p.m. EXPERT THESES. GENERAL operation .Agency in Vietnam. His current research, some University to invitesrj mousse line de sole lace trim. 7-0S30 after 5 PM. TYPING. Electric typewriter. of It chose. Wilson Size Reasonable. ED 2-4200 TONIGHT which have developed public ad¬ **"^1 ten. . i4 Experienced. Near BROOY. Re¬ ministration with areas which as university policy WHEN YOU evenings. production Service. 332-5545. C endorsement of m ~ Room 32, Union ave not. He said he ideas. Elections & Social hopes to assume his The crosses wert ■ MOVING to warmer climate. All $8 per week: Double - $5 position by fall if his BUY at - TYPING General and Tlesls. commit.nents current about the same time- winter clothes must go: Fur coat, per men. Cooking privileges and Scoop. Everyone Experienced. Reasonable rates. can be discharged. During the remainder of his gram lawn of the preside*" fur cape, wool skirts, sweawrs parking available. 437 M. A. C. Call ED 7-0138 for quick ser- the boundary b DAN and dresses Call ED 2-5632 25 Ave., East Lanstag. ED 7-0415. try to make it. as a visiting senior scholar at Mar . •spoils snd St. P*w . the Center, he will serve as a consultant on future on the back lawn of M*1 of the development Police said th«y O'SHAUGNESSEY (30 BUT 6VESV HOU ANDJtt&A MY KIND NEVER SETS Institute. IT BOTHeftS ME... T^1* Institute of Advanced Por- demonstrators pUcs^l J . TO EAT OFF FINE CHiNA! Jects is one ot three major Cen- cross on the ^ ter doer the hot?* USED CARS "SS programs. It brings scholars to together from Asia, the Pacific Q. Sibley, feasor and faculty pol^'1; «<" ?!* y£- for Joint research and conference. Socialist Club listings dally in the ■ Low cost, large readership, Want-Ads for bargains galore « ilk CD- quick sell ing power-Campus Want-Ads. omtor, jay ere: Bill Yancey. 5"* Tom Winter. * Michigan State News SPORTS. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May I, 1962 '5' Missing Pitching-- Four No IM Sche Seeks Answer at N.D. Games Hitters and hurlers had a field feat r.. ,-4. rlllllw DORMITORY TENNE All those scheduled for first round Office for their court reservation and at 5 pjn. Teams should be play should report to the EM pick up their tennis balls ready to begin play at 5:30 on the courts. day , By MIKE SKINNER but he said he couldn't understand Thursday as Botany romped lowed only one hit to the losers. Pf1?"*3 South Singles Pairings State News Staff what has caused it. to beat us. m i™??? ?? 10"° ^ A-G-R- by a tough Case-Bailey Brymn-Rather Of TV "Lack of control Is the rea- "But that's what they did. And Ek ££Lk Ff?ne,k* Fr°- A-S- Phi aarn t0 win ^ a fourth Butte rfleld-Emmons Emmons-Butte rfield Hitting homers 4for ln 'lve Innings. Rather-Bryan inning three South Case-West Shaw on our home field, too!" run rally. 4-2. Jerry vtchigan State's baseball team son," Kobs said, "but why the Ktfbs sized State's problem Botany were Larson Kit a homer tor tli wt£ West Shaw-East Shaw Bailey-East Shaw ,.vs Notre Dame at South Bend pitchers are having so much trou- up in a nutshell. o?.. i?T I Tom Lamtners. and ners. Armstrong-Bye Armstrong-Bye Siv and perhaps the Irish can ble getting the ball over the plate "What we need is a good Tr. I*0 thelr ^m- ^ flv* innings of errorless solution to the missing 1 don't know." liana Pitcher Dick Donovan Righthanders lief pitcher who can get hia raUii^,™.! , Whe" they bal1' the Paperbacks rolled past Field SOFTBALL Ray Fox hurledi*'no hit 5:20 p.m. Jack Nutter, Vw pUS" high ^ stuff the he . credit as the win- ball to ning pitcher with eight hit pit- 1 No Stars-Paperbacks and.J.ohn,E1?a'- Against Notre Da me Kob give Farmhouse a 11-0 decision ching. BiU-Zaehraje 2 Dollar 65-AOCS II S. Chi. Jim Becker hom¬ was the and a strong defense, pitchers under discussion. hurler. " losing pitcher. ered for one of Xhernisslng link? Pellerin pointed out that the Ronberg, who was expected to en hits. Farmhouses sev¬ Chuck Cebe's no hitter for the wh°l® *<"7 wasn't gained Just They added seven to their Z.B.T.'s pitching pitching has gone by looking at the number of base me," Frank Pel- on balls the pitchers had be one of the better in camp, has been hit hard chuckers in Don Coleman first inning score for tteir vic¬ tory. was saved by Chuck Lichtsten's play on a hard hit 6:30 p.rr 1 Big D's-Cossa's Raiders his last two outings. grounder in the third. Z.B.T/i '."assistant coach, said. Supposedly the Spartans pitch- itted. For in this respect the Spar¬ But Kobs expressed faith in his Returning for " Jack Moffet hurled for Phi Delt. a no hlt- They ran rouo+i went on to hand S.A.E. a 7-i rs-Colts 3 AOCS I-Luther Junior righthander. tter —" 4 Kodgers-Vets I ine core was stocked with four tans S-knotch starters, at least Pel- aren't hurting too badly. -The whole trouble is that "Gary is a good pitcher," he Football Game Phi K. Sig Tho™* s^ftbSfl F^a^A^'p °"g l«i JlTiieliters said- "He's had some tough luck fending 6 Xr thought °f hi'8p1iwt0° m*ny !ftely..but Perhaps the greatest lineman U could ch«nge at any i„ the history of Michigan State " " " contributed ceive credit for 4 two homers RBHs. to re- champions. 7 Twisters-AOCS II 8 Burkhardts-Dollar 65 ' Th«iy g0 t0 2-0, i-1 counts lwheandJ^nKobs,hMd f,d„Ah,en...hlVe,.t^CTe Ronberg pitched well on State's ,lJUfUtd..T- Chi on ~v- m games: 9 Suggardaddies-Kamikaze FORD coach, Sparteines. en hits, 11-1. Bill Clark turned AUDITORIUM pitch. When that l(n.nwri1^. In : understand what s hap- a happens •nn«na ln 13 Innings and posted n nB. f0Ur « a fine pitching performance. Bryan 6 :r Bryan 7, 17-10 BOWLING Friday, May 4 - Coleman, Who Will allowing only one hit. Jack Stack ^ Stars rerevi/ i ^ g« tagged." pectable 2.77 earned- run aver- State May 12 for the annual Old- smashed of the two homers Vistas, 13-8 Kobs admitted^ he taw ■urlers were having jwhy difficulty PeUerin's statement is backed age, and State's batters are hop- Time "s Vme ww ^ key to tor L.C.A. D.TJ5. tic .T. Pi. 3-3 Alleys 6 pjn. 8 :30 P.M. up by facts. ing he returns to his early sea- the undefeated 1951 Bryan 5 over i"2 Gutter Dusters-Phi Mu Mpha Ellas has pitched 12 and 2/3 State team. T ^ — Bryan t 17-16 3-4 G.DL-A.F.C. Ticket Sales: innings in the Big Ten and has S°i»if he does, the Irish could be ... was Coleman's spectacular Phi Gamma Delta ovei • Phi K. 5-6 T. Chi-A.K. Psl Ford Auditorium GUARANTEED struck out 11 batters. However, In trouble for the blocking which opened the way Spartans'bat- tor backs like Don McAuliffe, rge Rogers coupled his hurling with a homer - Tau. 12-2 7-8 D. Chi-Jokers Grinnell's Marwil-Nonhlam he also has given up II hits. Ung attack has been blistering Big D.S. Phi over D.l'„ 15-2 lowest prices * * * Innings Nutter has been Ten pitching for m n LeRoy Bolden, Billy WeUs and " supply powei Howland over Hedrick, 17-11 8.30 p.m. S4M-31S . ___ average of Dick Panin to gallop Into the head- Harvey Philko received REGULAR & STEREO LPs nicked for 14 hits despite the seven runs and 10 hits per c A.0.C3. II over Dollar 65. 15-10 1-2 RCR*s -Colony Club " game, iirwc dit for the win in DIAMOND NEEDLES fn fact »V( that Via 1 f he knhas t*. n fanned five L.k bat¬ rk I Ct .1 * S.A.M.'s Beal over Motts, forfeit. 3-4 Asher-Vets II 2»-ps — a . His i s explosive s ' TAPE ters. 1 ■ ■ ■ —-— 5-6 Dollar 65-Motts Wes Klewickl is the only pit- v.—ulBl 1Ilorc than compensated for 7-8 Ev. Sch.-Buzzards OUR PRICES ARE {°y wTe«J^ChI° (,4I2)« Jeff CHECKED DAILY TO ASSURE 3IGGEST cher to date that has consistent¬ ly turned i Kobs said. / ' his men ss 60 *" e 'Going My Way" has I A T R E DISC SHOP cher," Kobs said. Klewickl has w< -BigTen -r v the^third uJ i®8"®8 0rJy P,tchlnS — piece of the puzzle— man When it was came to honors Cole- one lineman who was Kalamazoo College left a little 6-3; Taty Belasis took her op- RARE there been such ENTERTAINMENTI z. ' '"" ' " games and has picked up two other be filled in. tired and wiser after Friday's THESES PRWTED victories ,, . in non-league w affairs. , ' erhaps the Irish help ....r the not forgotten. He made body's nu-nmErikw B .Ml-American icwuin every- 1951 team in 17^1 competition with MSLinwomen's tennis and ponent, Ade Hartl, 6-1,6-3. Kathy Valenta downed Jo Dip- WlllttMDOUKN CUFIDNWEBB archery. ple; 6-0,6-1; Jackie Lowe beat DIAZO PROCESS "TheThe Ri„ o. Big T« Ten .« is def«ted- sPartans to this missing link, and was called by then line Coach Lacking only one doubles match . a tough lea- Margie Connables, 6-1,6-1 and M - OI . ^. r . Duffy Daugherty "the and any pitcher who can win greatest ln tennis of making it an ab- gue $kl lluo joitis blocker I've ever seen." solute victory, the women's ten- Sue Lamb topped Gretchen Van- 2ualUf PninU t doing a good ate owns a , 2-3 ,, job," Kobs Snilintr Chlh At oauing f^lUU .11 A two-way player early In his career, he moved to exclusive nis and fine form in archery teams showed defeating Kalamazoo derlinde, 6-2, 6-2. In doubles, Carol Lum and Taty Belasis defeated the Kalamazoo SLEEPS leaperecord f\tifrnU Rgitrnttn offensive duty in his senior year. Ha^fud c>e/uuce , but pitching from there big four iolid mark could have been better. « their Uelr°lt Now a Junior high 7he Ski Club has been invited coach in his hometown of Flint, teache^d College. Singles tennis players staved Kalamazoo in the first two sets team of Dee Clair and Sue pie, 6-2.6-3. In the second po- sition, the State players were Dtp- to join the Capital City Blue Three times in the last two Sailing Club at De- Coleman is expected to see most- in all matches. Carole Lum de- handed their only defeat, as Sue PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 troit Yacht Club's annual Inter- ly offensive duty against the Spar- feated Sue Diller ln the number | weekends, twice against first- collegiate regatta, this weekend, tan varsity in the Old Timers' position, 6-2, 6-1; Maureen Lamb and Marcia DeZwart were place Illinois and once again dowrasd 12-14and 3-6 by Jo Dil- I Iowa, the Spartans have held?St according to Sailing Club ado re, com- clash- Strait v —r Dee Clair. 6-1, ier and Ade Hartl. Coming back three run advantage In the late m „,^.TlJlc Dave Wetzel, lja¥(. WBI B r f'ild, ui. ^Jhomo! for the final match were Carol ~1 i »Wi' nev»t0should have"]olt rhnsi. ! ^ member of th« Ski Club interested in going should attend 1 Tennis Tea Rapson and Diane Wick with 6-0, 4-6, 7-5 victory over Mar¬ a EAST LANSING PHONE E0.2-38I4 . gie Connable and Gretchen MICHIGAN r.2,1:? redes ago." Pellerin piUSi*T/ •>« Cluh meeting, lues- Vanderlinde. HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS Change said, fo 7:30 p.m. In the Union. EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING | "We had them down where The invitation was extended According to a statistical re¬ they had to score four runs In port in the boating tndi the last couple of „ part of aan exchange program Now.,.651 to 5--30 holding us Innings while scoreless ln order between the mo clubs. This will be their fourth lolnt activity. Us When the Micmigan State Ten- been paired with Eisner at No. 1 squad Wavne State on the MSLi At No. 3 doubles will be Tom some 35,875,000persons partlcl pated In recreational, boating t ACADEMY AWARD WINNER'. P-m. Tuesday, Jamieson and Bill Lau. Jam- LAST 2 DAYS "BEST FOREIGN FILM" RODGERS AND LUCON Twin-Hit All Color Show Shown 7:25 and 9:30 P.M. wmmrsm \1 H 3:23 and 7:45 Joining Brian Eisner, Spartan \ V\ "T TT captain, at No. 1 singles, will be Drobac has announced no Jack Damson. Tom Wierman, a changes ln the singles lineup, Thoughtful. provocative. sophomore who was undefeated After Tuesday's meet with ln three singles matches last Wayne State, the Spartans travel stimulating, engrossing weekend, moves up from No. 3 to South Bend, Ind, to battle the to No. 2 doubles. Also at No.2 Irish of Notre Dame on Wed- and meaningful-rlchlv wlll be Dick Colby, who has nesday. coloredbrilliantly written and superbly played, NANCY KWAN-JAMES SHIGETA A thrilling \ UMnWU. :.«nd MIYOSHI UMEKI VERA MILES . dramaand ■Starts one of the fn.! STARTS THURSDAY /««*4 year's finest liM UiiTrnM : Another 6reat Twin Hit Show! NATIONAL LEAGUE fllmsl" / , m funnier W L Pet. GB than S.Francisco 15 5 .750 New York 10 5 .667 'The latest film by Sweden's ever! Pittsburgh 13 5 .722 1 Chicago , U 7 .611 greot Ingmar Bergman, is one of JACK -■a Cleveland DETROIT 9 8 6 6 .600 .571 1 1/2 St. Louis L.Angeles. II 12 4 8 .733 .600 his most powerful! Harriet Ander 'm Baltimore 9 7 . 562 1 1/2 Houston 7 8 .467 n is spellbinding! Jl Minnesota Kansas C. Boston L.Angeles 9 9 7 7 9 9 10 9 . 500 .474 .438 .438 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 3 1/2 Milwaukee Philadelphia Cincinnati Chicago 8 4 8 7 10 9 11 15 .444 .438 .421 .211 NEXT ATTRACTION-IAN CARMIC Washington 2 13 .133 8 New York 3 13 j gg HORIZONTAL MONDAY'S RESULTS Carol Mills suggests: LIEUTENANT No games scheduled. S. Francisco 4, Pittsburgh 1 Chicago at Los Angeles, (N) Milwaukee at Philadelphia, •••"■cope • metrocolou, Only games scheduled. (N) WHY NOT! TODAY'S GAMES SIC FLICS New York at Chicago (N) Cincinnati Milwaukee at at New York (N) Philadelphia (N) A new hair style for Houston at St. Louis (N) 1 Los Angeles at Cleveland (NJ Chicago at Los Angeles (N) Boston at Washington (N) Pittsburgh at S. Francisco (S) spring, summer, or A LUAU SNACK OR MEAL... A ORDER OUT SOUNDS EXCITING ♦>V But—It should be done by rli* a stylist with experience and training in hair styling. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT "We're not leaving till we find him Qfl$A 'NOty Mon ODPM OPEN Sat 11 am * University Bea - Zait M&U Modern Salcut afld his overdue library books!" Sunday 4 pm 211 MJV.C. AVENUE EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN We Recommend Gobrleleen Permanent Waves PHONE ED 7-1668 20 WONDERFUL SMOKES! East Laa»Unf» QM—t PUmrtk Free Parking ED 2-1116 2 Doors East of Lucon FILTERED MILO -THEY SATISFY ^ M Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May l, ^ I. I7R In UB T-JL To Talk On ' Banquet Talk Young Democrats Today Chi Campi Frqe Ent^T Dr. Nicholas Nyaradi. director public with no admi... To Hear Hayworih of school of International studies, Nyaradi wag Crissy ^ "The leader and a follower Lauds and »ocUl perceptlveness, said leadership, the leader should al- L Dr. Donald Hayworth, pro¬ fessor of speech and former 91 Union. AWS Activities — AH commit¬ Bradley public University wlH five a ance of the Rspub?e * lecture on ''Free Enter- until 1948. He iiZl 01H«t», prise or Dl»«sr" on Thurso tittxeo. He ha, have much In common. The good Crissy, but It Is the exceptional ways apply a final test to his Democratic congressman, will tee chairman 7 p.m. un 328 Student Saivlces Bldg. •t S p.m. in 9! Union- The lecture, sponsored by t napzlne articl£^ijw My Ringside ** leader is a good follower, but leader who knows when to make ability, concluded Crissy. "Con- speak at the Young Democrats Seat w the good follower is not necess- leadership obvious. ducting one's self In a manner meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday In Gamma Delta — Martin Lu¬ Conservative Club, Is opsn toth ^ ther Chapel 7:90 p.m. pledge arlly a good leader," said Wil- To lead from the background that would cause the group, after the Tower Room of the Union. 1# », llam J. Crissy, professor of business administration. In a a**5 In only when It Is ab- careful consideration, to choose . Young Democrats may sign Mlutety necessary, emphasized us above all others, becomes the up at the meeting for the State speech at the annual Union Board Crissy, Is one of the most lm- acid test of leadership." Convention, scheduled Friday and meeting. - Christian Science Organization 7 p.m. in 34-95 Union. Varsity Drive In Awards Banquet. portant qualities of leadership. . _ Saturday In Detroit. Allen Cut- Poultry Club — 7:30 p.m. In 1227 E. GRAND RIVER C239 Anthony. Speaking before a group of 40 "When the environment UamMAM cher. Port Huron senior and OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M award winners at the banquet, threatens, the group needs a rivUUvU member of the MSU club, Is a Agricultural Mechanics Club Guest speaker from John DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT — Crissy stressed that the term strong, firm, self-confident lead- candidate for state president. Deere. 7:90 p.m. in 218 Ag. "leadershlp" Is often mlsunder- stood. "To properly Interpret what Is er." "In contrast, when the en- vtronment is favorable, the group needs an able administrator and For Detroit Last year he was the unsuccess- 6:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. 1 Nine home management and SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. meant by leadership, we must look, (on the one hand,) at the housekeeper who is permissive, child development faculty mem¬ 2 Films Set traits or qualities of the leader democratic, and self-abnega¬ bers will participate in the con¬ 'Godot1 Opens CURB SERVICE - 7 DAYS and, on the other hand, at the ting." Paralleling leadership In other ference of Nursery Education and Child Care, Thursday to Satur¬ For Brazil Meet ED 2 6517 attributes the or characteristics of group," Crissy said. areas and, to that of the campus especially, Union Board, day in Detroit, Development of young children Monday at 8 Arena HI. a student produced Two films will be presented at the last Brazilian Club meet¬ Just as there Is differentiation Crissy stated that leadership in a between leaders and followers, there Is differentiation among democratic society is elective in many of the institutions. This is and ways to provide adequate and directed version of Samuel leadership in the field of nur¬ Beckett's two-act tragicomedy, SPRING PAINTING-Diree- ing of the year at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in parlor A, Union. One film will describe Brazi¬ Why Not Co Electric sery education is the theme of "Waiting For Godot." will be leaders themselves, he explain¬ not always true," however, par¬ tion for students, foeulty and lian art. and the second, scenes ed. Any leader will possess drive. the conference co-sponsored by presented by the University The¬ visitors appears sack spring WITH THE NEW ticularly in business. the Nursery Education Assn. of from Vananal Island, one of the atre Monday through Saturday at Judgment, emotional maturity, Regardless of the type of Ontario and the Midwestern Assn. as cross-walks ore relinea In world's largest Internal islands. 8 p.m. in the Arena Theatre in for Nursery Education. an effort to keep pedestrians In addition. El Salvador and the basement of the Auditorium. «j:i■□□□□ aaaa □□□ Crossword Puzzle Other participants form MSU besides Miss Garlick, who is vice-president of MANE and a Tickets are available at the Fairchlld box office by season from ploying in the traffic. Walkers are protected within Bahla, Brazil, will be topics at the meeting. Several students from Salvador will talk about SMiTH-CORONA the cross-walks, but are le¬ 34 35. Spre loosfel Sly li Hnoaaaa^aaa1130 aaoaa aanaaaa teacher in the Spartan nursery school, are: William Marshall, extension specialist in parent coupon only. No telephone reser¬ vations will be accepted. "Waiting For Godot" is a por¬ gally at the mercy of the motorist when they joy-wolk. their country and show slides. Adviser Donald Stewart invit¬ ed. students considering studying COMPACT ... goa aaa fjfcjzj education and child development, trayal of the rise and fall of State News Photo by Skip man's spirit in the face of little Portuguese language next year to □aanmaoi aaaan pa -elist for a discussion called Mays. attend. ntaa □□□oaa hope. "Consider the Nursery School i a Program; Miss Marlella Aikman, Director Leaves For Office Spartan nursery school teacher: exhibits chairman: and Dr. Ber- For Toledo Talk and nice Borgman, associate profes¬ Dr. Clair Taylor, director of the Personal sor, publicity chairman. evening college, will speak Miss Dorothy Russell, Instruc¬ Friday, May 11, at the regional Use tor resource consultant: Miss conference of the Assn. of Univ¬ Vera Borosage, instructor, dis¬ ersity Evening Colleges at the cussion leader; Miss Sue Tor- University of Toledo. rey, nursery school teacher, and Dr. Taylor is a director-at- Mrs. Diane Hanson. Instructor large of the AUEC and will dis¬ 2t5 On t! exhibit committee nembers, and cuss "Ways and Means for the Price* Storting of Miss Joanne Huddleston, Spar¬ AUEC." Representatives from 27 Eteri tan nursery teacher, hostess, will also take part. the 15 member institutions in reg¬ ion 6 will attend. M39» A full duty, electric office typewriter—wide selection of I - f - type styles. Don't buy any typewriter, electric p. \J^ • [• until you have seen the new Smith-Corona compact electr^l 0" • i! •H tvh Why not---go electric? r J ! V "1 pp* 1 W,y4 OLVERINE - ! i -1 1 ' m r , , ms: 8! Nothing rasher for your hair than grease. Let Vitalis with V-7 keep your hair neet all day without grease. Naturally V 7 is the grcaseiess grooming discovery Vitalis* with ■ V 7® tights embarrassing dandruff, prevents dryness, keeps your V»«jh _Tr — W TYPEWRITER CD jT|rr ' Mlli L hair neat »H day without irease. Try Vitalis today. You'll like it! 117 E. Kalamazoo St. Phone IV 2-< ANNUAL RECORD Long Playing Stereo 1000 Albums 99< each CAMPUS BOOK STORE ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING