Weather It will fc* «a*aHy fair ond MICHIGAN Inside STATE MEWS warmer tajby. Tke ••*»** »i» See Page 4 for story on b. in !•» ™ •• STATE M.S.U. U. of M. bi9 week¬ end baseball series. See UNIVERSITY page 3 for Campus UN ference schedule. con- Vol 53. No. 191 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 4, 1962 Session Nasser Foreign Shot by Consuls Assassin? To Advise LONDON, Friday, May 4, (If} Assembly Meets In The Dally Telegraph reported today that according to reports Kiva Tonight circulating In the Middle East President Carnal AMel Nasser Students from a round the coun¬ of the United Arab Republic has try are making their way towards been shot by an assassin and campus to take their seats in the first general assembly session badly wounded. The Telegraph of the Campus United Nations described the reports as conference. "strong." The reported assailant, the The session will be In the Ed¬ ucation Building Kiva at 7:30 Telegraph said, was All Amer, brother of Field Marshal Abdel p.TT. tDTltglTtY Hakim Also on the way is Iraq's am¬ Amer, commander-in chief of U.A.R. armed forces. bassador to the United Nations, "The Dr. Adnan Al-Pachachl, who will reports say President Nasser Is In hospital In a ser¬ ious condition," the newspaper Saturday banquet. said. "There has been no offi¬ The consuls Israel, France, cial statement, but several cir¬ Netherlands, and Canada will al¬ cumstances appear to bear out so arrive sometime today in pPACE AGE TEACHERS' AID-Thi* $400, ing the museum, the new teaching facility the reports. order to act as advisors to dele¬ ^00 planetarium will bo under construction will be in operation by next spring, and will "One is the sudden postpone¬ gations during the conference. ment of the first meeting of the n eompus in the immodiote future. Adjoin- seat some 280 persons under Its interior dome. Among the 22 colleges send¬ National Congress of Popular ing delegations are Southern Forces, the day after (he offic¬ Space Age Plane Vethodist University, Cfcio State ially controlled Cairo press had .University, New York University, reported that President Nasser Oberlin College, and Purdue Un¬ himself would open the proceed¬ iversity. ings." ro Be Operational The postponement was cree by a de¬ signed by the president, and the only explanation advanced so Most of Michigan's major col¬ leges will have delegate here for the conference. Altogether there advanced and versa¬ will be over 300 delegates. M.S.U, ector, and Victor H, Hogg, cur- tlflc presentations of a popular far was In A1 Ahram, which said will have 300 students m the con¬ le planetarium Instrument ever nature for public viewing. These more time was necessary to draw ference. i 5400,000 teaching fac- The first responsibility, they may Include simulation of many ig> a national charter. A1 Ahram ISLAND . FASHIONS-Evelyn Hu, Honolulu pullover, were three The visiting delegates will re¬ y for the space age, Is being emphasize. Is use of the plan¬ current space developments, Is edited by Mohammad Meyrel, Mistructed for Michigan State etarium as a teaching facility such as moon shots. senior, in her Tiki cover-up, left, Judy Hoff¬ els in Wednesday *< gister between 1 and 5 p.m. to¬ a close friend of Nasser. Ld is expected to be In oper¬ for the University. Various cloud formations, the "The reports state that Cairo man, Royal Oak sophomore, in her Patriotic, Show. day in the UN lounge of the Union. red, white and blue swim suit, ond Phoebe -State News Photoi MSU delegates will register there ator, by next spring. It will be utilized for such building up of a storm and the Is hoping he will recover, when in the morning between 9 and University officials announced courses as physics and astron¬ projection of the entire horizon the assassination attempt may Matsurra, Kona, Hawaii junior, in her Tiki 11:30. tt the Spitz Laboratories, .Inc., omy, introductory science of the moon are but a few of either be completely concealed This year'—spon¬ f Yorklyn, Del., have been a- conrract to build the courses lee e, In the navigation, University Col- engineering, military science projects, and the dramatic effects which can be created in the planetarium. The equipment Includes 16 or dealt with from the best prop¬ aganda viewpoint. "Israel Radio or Monday quot¬ Latest Summer sored by the Campus United Na¬ tions and the Collegiate Council for the United Nations — is being | T-e program is being financed programs for the science and slide projectors and a multichan¬ ed strong reports of an assass¬ held this year because of the suc- alum: versify and friends of the through contributions tve v? Development Fund. mathematics teaching center. A second use will be the sched¬ ers. uled shows for school children nel sound system of eight speak¬ There will be little or no ination attempt, following this with strong reports that Presi¬ At Aloha Week day s s of la st year" s striking three- dent Nasser had succumbed. Requests from last year's de¬ and Vrs.' Talbert Abrams of the area. Special programs time lost £Ven a "97 poynd >ound weakling" moderated by Miss MSU, Sandy dress, with tiny lady , during programs due Thar* baa boon no denial by looks eood In stvllshtwlm trunks. McNeal, Bay Village, Cfclosopho- polka-dotted four-leaf clovers it. legates resulted bited inin the decision \ Lansing made a $250,000 gift will be keyed to certain age to malfunctions. A special Cairo of the larval raport. mag- observed moderator Bob An- mor* and Mr. MSU, Bob An- pattern and thes pattern a * rufned, rrwlti- to hold the conference conferer again this groups. Also, there will be sclen- (Continued on "At least one other Arab state page 7) has received the same account, drlnga, Wayland junior when drlnga, Wayland Junior, luau party ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■■■■■■■■■■ with the additional detail of All RoeerLopes San Francisco Models appeared In eight dif- a #oph0more appeared at the Luau 'erent settings, wearing cloth. suitable i i ding for clas Their clothes, intermediate Space Tran- Global Summer School." Week fashion show, The Aloha featured a ™*ly ®Ports color from muted blu< ""fed :netarium here represents v concept in planetarium AUSG lively collection of clothes rang¬ ing from bathing suits to strap- multi-colored floral pattern; ■anged from til parry, j'jtfit, featuring tapered stacks for coeds offset t! ts and will have many uni- less evening gowns Wednesday airport to a Glimpses To Study in the Union. ^ atjres, the Spitz Labora- modeled by male the^ dlerce'a' SSK? "Te <* the more unusual o,t- «,,n,mJKLv or nd one, it will not be earth- as are conventional op¬ ■ By the Associated Press Grad Bill A bill giving graduate students t> f was f,ts included a Scoop^e:ke< The six n>a>or problems fac¬ Adlai Sends ing the general assembly are: 'Waiting for Godot' tions. It will be possible to c-srrare the appearance of French Gov't Promises Crackdown membership In AUSG has been given back by the Faculty Com¬ disarmament, entry of Red China hea'-ens, the UN, financing of the UN, not only as they mittee on Student Affairs to an s from, earth, but also as ALGIERS,-In the wake of the Secret Army's worst terror executive committee In AUSG to Best Wishes colonialism, racial problems In Receives Applause wave, the French government Thursday night promised a stem appear from the moon, South Africa, and die entry of the crackdown on European extremists seeking to block Algerian be reconsidered. operator has only topress UN in the German crisis. | button -narked earth or moon Independence through bloody chaos. The committee will meet day to study the bill. The bill Fri¬ To UN Here Among die problems the « tue appropriate view. One special committees will debate se things a visitor on the would see ts the earth, Congress Passes Communication Bill was voted on and passed by i— dergraduate and graduate st Adlai E. Stevenson sent an official of the Campus United tell Didl about : are the Cuban situation, birth control, aid to underdeveloped WASHINGTON -The House Thursday ovswhelmlngly passed Nations his best wishes for a • dents during spring term i "Waiting for Godot", if ve had i play -lations, peaceful use of atomic good sight and bill to establish a private corporation to run a world wide before successful UN conference follow- i were no clouds, he might a However, jjy Samuel""Beckett,"wt er ergy and the army of the United communications network using space satellites as relay stations. It could become legal, the Fac- lng the lead of President Kenredy opening night, Wednesday, in ify the continents. He would see the phases of the Just before the 355-9 roll call, word came through that the ulty Committee on Student Af- whose message was received message was received Arena Theater, thanks to a bril- There will also be "Bloc" earth. ;1":s *111 be done automat¬ Air Force successfully transmitted a television signal from falrs had to approve It. rller. earlier. llant cast of four meetings. Here, students inter¬ Jack ' coast to coast by bouncing it off the Echo I balloon satellite. Since the bill was Introduced Stevenson's letter said that he ested tn various areas (Asia, ic in the e planetarium, Republicans Demand Estes Scandal Investigation In Congress as an amendment to and others working in the United 11 was_present< by th< Europe, Latin America, theVid- range of material that the uie AUSGj coiiHiHiuw, constitution. « chwiuh"1 by the were encouraged Nations "c.«. ersity Theater department of , . that revulsed t East, etc,) will gather to infor W1' * covered is vastly lncreas- ■ ... , e type of equipment that Republicans Demand Estes Investigation have the student body approval as well as the Faculty Committee fact that the delegates were also ®pe«* befo.e a full house, apparently dedicated to the with only a stick tree, a red ilson displa; nd forcefvllness which the part East, etc,) will gather to inform¬ r!1' installed In the plan- WASHINGTON -The Senate-House Republican leadership—with ally d i s c u s s the pressing pro¬ on Student Affairs approval. "cause of a decent and tolerant light, and a box for stage props, eS il travel" through President Visits with Russian Cosmonaut Barnes Elected Congress Speaker stay Visitors may attend conference IWith Fuzak continued. At times these activities if they wish, according zoom projection, which Jim Barnes, Flint Junior, was of Issues and t< to Nirmal Singh, secretary gen¬ L:,? he v'e able *dded later, viewers WASHINGTON -A visiting tourist named Gherman S. Tito* elected Speaker of Student Con- effective mean {roups may not agree as to die rui means of accomplishing this. eral of the Campus UN. to get an astro- saw Ae sight of Washington Thursday, but It wasn't e^ihe a typ- greas Wednesday night by a slim solving them. more. "We may not agree but of aPPr°*ches to the three vote margin. Pat Qulnlan, Dearborn sopho- Ethel Stocker, Royal Oak -- ¥"oor ar-d returns to earth. Veiy few tourists arrive at the Capitol Building by driving tg> Barnes captured 26 votes while more, was elected Speaker Pro- ^phomore, was *e must act in good faith " appointed clerk kUn^.8?0"8 arrangement In the on the sidewalk in a long bUck Cadillac, for instance. And not his opponent Bob Hencken, Hunt- tem, unopposed. In his Intro- ^ Barnes with appro- Fuzak warned that the results Horticulturists Resume Pjanetarium will also be unique. many wind up at die WhlteHousefora chat with President Kennedy. lngton Woods sophomore, re- (factory remarks he said it was val froiT) Congress, of not acting in -good faith, and - of the usual seating in ceived 23. the duty of the Speaker Pro- Dean of Students John Fuzak r"'" '* Home Garden Show Wc circles, the audiences Carpenter Prepares To Join 6lenn In an Introductory speech prior "to encourage the self-ex- addressed Congress and remind- lr. urging Congress to proceed' Donald P. Watson, profes I 1C.eif the vth* Wme fraction, CAP. CANAVERAL -While John Glenn and Gherman Tltov to his election Barnes sought 80 vtUl t0 * J" members of their duties rJionafiv VUs^r^atio^ in charge of ornamental horti- viewers are facing to define the role of Speaker, g responsibilities in seeking na want to look at the compared space notes In Washington Thursday, astronaut Scott _ ... investigation of the various Issues culture and his associate. Bob Carpenter was preparing here to Join their axe luslve orbit ebb Ha noted that the IndlviAial serv- "f1" JhSlTdaESL?,0 promote we,f*Ie ®f the which confront it. Fuzak observ- Worall are back again this spring ftrm, £ wwd. * n« " ing la this capacity must act ^ carRPu" community which they comrom .. u« ^ three central Michigan stat- fr®Jncl to them, The sky will USi52i£Tt7-yaar-oM Navy lieutenant commander, to going as a apokaatnan for the «ta;e |jj £££represent. A in8titutiw ^ m>t ions with their popular home gar- lean er of c«laetial sphere through A* oame rigid paces — -— * that Glenn dld before he bacam* u« earth last Fab. 20. orbit the mediary between Congress and The following representatives Fuzak explained that the great move with the rapidity of a streak denlng show, "Plai*a Are For I i me nrst American io o orva. ware elected members of the Bl" *'• Institution necess- 0f lightning: It ukes a good deal People." '"tes the delegatt >n of respon- of time to accomplish worthwhile WMSB, University station, will Nakra Cmrfims IU|i Trifc* Activitiai ^ t- Committee on Committees whose da,- it wlu be to issue-a list slblllty among three distinct ends. be the originating station aach >- of committee appointments for groups: administration, faculty Fuzak charged Congress to Saturday morning -^ams lectur** •«} other NEW DELHI -Prima Minister Nohrn said Th*r»day 19 Naga tribesmen have fought their way Into Earn Pakistan t . sattaoliam" tad a "lack of in- congressional approval by the «nd student body. serve as a 'channel for a great In addition to WKB, WZO vMttgattoo In certain areas", There are many other groups many changes that will Improve In Kflamazoo^ WJRT tn pint K1ifn^nCt,rlum ^ tav* * meet their laadar. A.Z. Phlzo, but be was reported not thora Ndhro confirmed In Parliament that a band at Naga a has crow b« urgad his colleagues to con- next regular meeting- Julie Bock, Baltimore, Md., concerned with the development, this institution and make i " ad a 30-mfla corridor of India from Nagabind to Pakistan. sldor a more caraTul evaluation sophomore: Leslie Price, Great growth and improvement of MSU, ■;,k- . Last spring term, the Michigan it seems, has made a positive State campus was the scene of effort to iron out these errors in its first annual United Nations preparation for this weekend's Conference. Delegates from col¬ engagement. leges and universities across the The number of resolutions has nation represented nearly every been established in advance. country in the world in the model There will be five issues tHs— UN. It was an ambitious project. The planning and subsequent im¬ plementation took a great deal of time and effort on the part of many devoted students. The chances of receiving just rewards in the form of self-satisfaction, bol¬ stering the University image and actually accomplishing some¬ thing within the framework of the UN's political structure were good. The weekend conference was inaugurated on an auspicious note with an inspiring address to the delegates by Provost Paul Mil¬ ler. From there, however, the project deteriorated. For the large gallery and most of the member-delegates jammed into the Kiva for the first im¬ portant session of the General Assembly Saturday afternoon, the episode proved to be very dis¬ couraging indeed. Those who anxiously awaited Letters to The Editor debate and discussion on the is¬ sues portion were of the disillusioned. time was A good wasted On Legislators, Inconsistent Policies, Etc the status of private entree on l he trivial matter of pro¬ neur by the necessity of c cedure. tal Investment, ought then charge direct fees for its Twenty-three resolutions were introduced to the General As¬ that such absurdities m»j taken seriously in some sembly for discussion. Only five ters.) It is instructive (and depr?' -- the admission of Red China, ing) to observe how the I'll Algeria, South Africa, disarma¬ slty plays both sides of thes on a closely related issue, ment and the Congo -- were dis¬ the state legislature pro- cussed. that through Increased tvT Visiting delegates were "those wbo get the instruct unprepared, lacking sufficient should pay lor it" (to paraptm information on the issues. Many the trustees' parking preport the University leaps to the I found themselves converging buttal with splendid statemN about the duty of a public 4 upon the library for hasty, last- verslty to provide opportunity! minute research. And Michigan the talented but economically!! fortunate. All the while. 4 State's library has not been noted cavalier disregard for con* for its conduciveness to hasty-, tency, it requires these studs* by means of very restriaM last-minute research. housing regulations, to buy U the University the donmtorl Taking advantage of hindsight, in which they live, as a cm* the local UN group looked back tion of enrolling here. And completing the upon last spring's conference, shameful picture, one sees ■ whdj recognized its weak points and, the arguments used to exfl* and support such absurd prttfl pies and such hopeless incoo# tency are all variations otM "end -Justifies-the-meiifl theme from which asonewil It Is time to look at Thailand. war history. The United States has found that now suspect If he did not alia* narrow anticommunlsm is not enough for Jts On the surface that country Is a bastion know, mote can be infer red of anticommunlsm in Southeast Asia. Under friends and allies. A concern for the whole the user than about the Ml thi> surfnee It is one of those failures In Ameri¬ people, for broadening the base of unpopular Paul Axt, Assistant and coercive regimes, for helping governments can It foreign policy that urgently need correction. will to give their citizens something worth defend¬ Department of MathenSlij probably not explode but It Is slowly Anting up toward a boll. This Is the stage ing and working for — these are the milestones when correction can still be made, before of the new foreign policy. This does not mean arbitrary toppling of Crossword Puzzle The problem Is similar to those In Laos, governments by Washington, It does mean giv¬ Viet Nam, (ambodla and ing American aid only for projects that help many countries In other areas. United States aid has been used a people, not for projects that benefit a few. And It means not using American arms to by the regime in power to foritfy Itself against defend the political ins and shoot up the outs. political opposition. The net effect of Ameri¬ A new direction for American can aid Is to block rather than to facilitate policy toward Thailand has been slow In coming. The delay political and economic progress. It would be easy to say this is not a is becoming perilous. pro¬ The Christian Sclertce Monitor blem of American creating. The State De¬ partment, one Could argue. Is not responsible 15 Tending i for Asian dictatorship, corruption, and the like. "We have to work with what we find there," it is often said. repression Physical Twistness: Since the I960 Olympics many prominent Americans have thrown verbal brickbats at Winning The Cold War Solution of Yesterds to the What happened was that the British tried move war against and to militarism at the end of encourage an earlier trend the youth of America. It has been said that Americans are soft and are not physically Without Firing A Shot 3. Call to mini 4. toward popular government. The United States fit. Tropical By J.M. Roberts ternational community without a closer look, and finding many black bird dissented and was Instrumental in However, this charge can no longer be made helping sold¬ with Associated Press news analyst necessarily trying to rule tt. A- holes. Some are expressing doubt 5. Tear in iers who had collaborated with the Japanese impunity. American youth has answered the mong these interests he cites the that, under a top-heavy bureau¬ back Into power. Since then It has charges with actions which are far more placed vast George C. McGhee. Undersec¬ need to avoid the spread of nu¬ cracy, Russia can ever catch up 6. Bom by x resources of aid in local military hands and convincing that mere words. Who dares charge a man or woman with retary of State for Political Af¬ clear weapons, reduce the risk with the United States, much less 7. At praised successive physical Ineptitude when no time military regimes which that same person Is engaged In dancing the twist? fairs, says that a corollary of of shooting by miscalculation, es¬ with the combined and growing steadily became more repressive. 8 Dutch the maintenance of a military cape arms race costs, and co¬ resources of the Western En¬ This Is one of the turning points —THE C'OLLEGIO, KANSAS STATE COLLEGE geographer In post- deterrent may be the possibility operate in the fields of space, tente. PITTSBURGH, KAN. of enticing the communists with 9. Stylish public health and cultural act¬ A group of Georgia prospects that they can share ivities. farmers, 10. Eucharist after a 3,000 mile tour through In world progress by dropping Michigan State News aggressive tactics. He calls It a "win" strategy. Somehow, the accomplishment of all of the se things still would seem to fall short of any real Poland and Russia, say Commun¬ ist agriculture is 30 to 50 years 11. Watches behind the times. Kremlin agit¬ 2U£n.? of Mlchl««n Slate University. Issued on cUss McGhee Is one of those Wash¬ peace, or any real enticement felLi- f^y. during the fall, winter and spring quartera. ington officials who speaks with of the communists away from ation over this problem Is well SSJ3* Michigan" ^~ S~0nd a" Prerequisite!' y SE Das t!* Deutsche (Each fee indue** proncterrt in German. Jahr Fn: $2.12$ tuition, field study. n Record Sale Stereo & Monaural LP's n voyage from New York) European Studies. Hundreds of fop Albums just Arrived C**®* O VIENNA O MIHt CAMPUS BOOK STORE ACROSS FROM THE UNION MEN'S SHOP - 210 ABBOTT ROAD - EAST LANSING Frtd»y, May Michigan State Newt . SPORTS. Bast Lansing. Michigan U.M., Spartans Clash . 5!?TESS"", '"itl CM, . In Do By MIKE SKINNFR or Die Series wins to stay in the running for t»By. Eleworth hold, MemI Place with 2-1 ft* «o ths lack of * plsylng on Its own field Is suppos¬ -.u, the league tRle. Anything lesa ed to have an advantage. h Of The State News Staff will chase it* championship hopes The chips are squarely on the down the drain, Since the Wolverines will be 55r7«.J? •n* toMowlngdorm|tof7 sre th/Z? »ow table this weekend when Mich- playing two of the three games *S of The Wolverines are the de- Igan State and Michigan play a fending champs. They currently In Ann Arbor the Spartans must Alpant Wednesday, Mayf**1 not lose sight of its advantage aadArchaeopterm^a three-game home-and-home are tied for first with Illinois, series. each with 5-1 record. cords. Arhouse la the I wM The first game is scheduled a State is two and a half games The big question mark still remains whether the Spartans' Mock n with a 1-0 tally les-Jj 1 here at Old C ollege Held at back with a 2-3 mark. 0 P-hi. rriaay. spattah r^ach John Kob* will pitching can come up to early season expectations. If it falls JSS? Softball JS? with ^d82-0. Baiiev k*k 1 1 Then the teams move over to go with his best hurler, Wes Ann Arbor for a doubleheader Klewicki, in Friday's game In again State wltl be In trouble. top* In block II. ler "We'll be ready--if we get Th» Bryan I block 1, Saturday. hopes of gaining a quick one game good pitching," Kobs said. Brirtn 4, 2-0. Block t*> The Spartans need at least two advantage. "Michigan gets lots of runs Bryan S on top, 1-0. ** - .1 It !s especially Important that and they take full advantage of Bflrnley controls the p,^| MSI) S Strength state turns In a good showing on its home field since the team their opponent's errors," he filed black with 2-0. said. OFFENSF.: Strong "We've got to have ACTION GALORE—Here ca n orn t*vn l»mi VI im »»»•"»"» pitching." - Have b««n ,v«r.ging a.v,n run. Michigan's Strength Klewickii will try tosolveKob's will prevail Saturday In the Green and White pome. This act- team. Emmons with cords. Ident^V^J per game against Big Ten op- problem. Emporer remain, J* OFFENSE; Good t0 ho,<1 position. Have (Mm hatting nv- Looking Golfers Risk In Mock IL f>«t* Drobac Op Radcliff and ono tad tying one, are Rangoon,, ti Ketcham (.314), 7 Match th«_top position on Ratherli At L Random with 2-0 c< ' nomc ruils „lul Jean (.323) and Jeff Abrecht (.381) rulle and Dick Honig, shortstop. also pack lot: * for good powi ^ok both have 17 RBl's. Honig lead- .338. Other top hlt- For Net M Win Sireak number two block. East Shaw block <. controUjj ... ^t deciding Its first and , Jerry Sutton. er's Spalla (.309) Two Big Ten tennis squads a re include Denni« Pate (.299) and Harvey Chap- scheduled to Invade East Lansing State romped over Illinois a Michigan State's golf team puts positions with precinct 2,*2 year ago, 8-1. Drobac said that SPORTS ion nan (.295). this weekend and Spartan tennis despite Illinois' Inexperience, Its seven match winning strosk P1"*10" ,.wln. ,n? 1 5., 1-°: «nd Block preciRQ, 1 fh» line when the tine Wisconsin In- when Wisconsin In- coach Sun Drobac Is quite op¬ Saturday's meet should be a good timistic about it. „d-F.r«Ak-.&HC«rM DEFENSE: Strong It begins at 10:00 a.m. s-match »■ hoping i The Spartan squad has made West Shaw block i j By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS One of best keystone combina¬ both," Drobac said about Fri¬ considerable progress since the West Shaw 5 with \ in the league. Honlg and day's match with Indiana and Iowa meet a week ago, Drobac Bud Badger is still holding s ) Is tied » ' tions down the No. 1 spot for the 1 bet»eer; » second baseman Joe Jones have Saturday's contest with Illinois. commented. At that meet, State Drobac is especially pleased defeated Wise on sin 6-3 and Minn¬ WASHINGTON, - Dick Radatz came in to abruptly end a Wash- 9p«rtans, but he Is being hard 1 >-0 for b, 30 do uble with his doubles situation. While ington threat in the ninth inning Thursday as the Red Sox anapped pret,«d by sophomore, Dan ^ pi Ays. esota 9-0, but lost to Iowa, 5-4. PITCHING: Adequi he concedes that they need more "I've never seen a group work a 5-game losing streak by beating the Senators, 7-4. BUI Monbouquette breezed through eight Innings with a 6- Townsend. '^ 86»f« hi PITCHING Good work, he feels he has found the harder than theseguyshavesince T®*nssnd TUAO.tMatra bleA ll wlft l!o r^rJ1"1 Supposed to be [ still right combinations. The doubles the Iowa meet", Drobac added. hitter, and struck out th. first batter to-4he ninth. But Cottier singled, Harry Bright hit a pinch home run, and Jim PlersaU "7^9 «N«re b1^ " k has to prove it. wes a ncQTii o( 2.4 lineup for the weekend will In¬ A double victory this weekend doubled, bringing In Radaa an ex-MSU lne hLe^ U cord. t i If i7 gtriKo .ut. ' ra, fritz Fisher Is rated as a tough clude Brian Flsner, captain, and would give State a 9-4 season King on an Infield pop and Bob Johnson on a grounder. playe^He retired Jim hurler t0 beat. In 44 innings he Jack Damson at No. 1, Dick record. sio n l;l1«(11-2). jaekNu 3.05 EH A is best on :squ.u . let's h#j sfnjck 0(Jt „ battars. Two the others are undefeatcd. John Kerr Colby and Tom WlermanatNo. 2, and Tom Jamleson and Bill Lau starter Gary Konberg i •U- >tani1s 4.0 and ' Wayne Slusher is at No. 3. Indiana beat State In their dual Amu From Nigeria ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS, - The Minnesota TWlna ripped three '* ln 2-0. Otlier starter, John Roe¬ 65 holds buck, is 4-1. meet last year, 5-4 , but the home runs, one a bases-loaded blast by first baseman Don Mlncher. fourth P»«- «««; «'holds « , Spartans finished ahead of the off Bsltimore's Milt Pappas and belted the Orioles, 8-4, Thurs- Tom Early's two under par to Hoosiers at the conference meet. at U of M last day. 69 at South Bend strengthened weekend, is from Right-hander Jack Krsllck shook off the effects of three un- but B^?c*^r1?e' «■ ***[ DON'T READ Indiana beat Notre Damethisyear hlg hold m ^ flfth Nigeria, not South Africa, as earned Oriole runs In the second Inning and Cue Triandos tre- 7-2, but State made a clean stated in the State News Wednes¬ mendou, 415-foot homer to dead center ln the seventh to record place is up for grabs. nf!*fy I sweep at Notre Dame last Wed¬ day, May 2. Gary Psnks played the sixth "' ° E la topped by J nesday, 9-0. The Indiana match his first victory of the year. He needed ded help ln in the ninth from tp0t J, a,e spartane Spartans last nuitch .. ,E.?"F1!ch±rsJn flrft,a'd^ . _ . reliever Rsy Moore. The Twins scored all their runs in four-run THIS ! is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Fri- BROTHER CALLED TURN NEW YORK (AP)-Juat before ■ clusters ln the first and third. ' ' ^ h# ttlgh man and coach JJna John Brotzmann hi. TnVn nr-AmrmA m » «nd 12 1/2 point has ordered seven man play-off for the last a •ecc,nd > respects Y01 of the eeaeon etarted, St. Louis position. a weekend ENGINEERING COUNCIL Inexpensively spent oolest place to fiend Cardinal third baseman Ken SAN FRANCISCO, - Nstlonal League-leading San Francisco CHIP SHOTS—Playing off for Start early Friday, Jol Royer had thin to aay aboutClete roared to Its ninth straight victory, an 8-4 conquest of Pitts- the sixth spot is nothing new for INVITES YOU TO HEAR Boyer, hla younger brother who This is a sure way to end any misting burgh Thursday, despite a rash of faulty base running that broke Panks. He and Tom Gorman wtre Several [hen playa third base for the Yankees: up three Giant rallies. Involved in a sudden death play- Ing up st Forest Akers. ThevJ enjoy the lunches, dinners and dancing "I think he's Juat now getting to . On Friday and Saturday nights for off before the Spa runs last Club's Duffer's Tourney or, romancing the atage In hla career where he But this weekend of yours doe" "" >t end on of college relations for match. On ths first hole Panks 13 and the Evans Scholars'at Sunday will hit pretty good. He is getting Because Norm uuny Collins Radio Co. on "The blasted out of a trap to within University Golf Day o se rvorm Duffy anu nis piano are there on Monday to know the pitchers better. He CLEVELAND, - The Cleveland Indians Thursdsy bought out¬ so we will be looking forward to seeing you there .... Engineer Industry" miaeed two yeara by sitting on the fielder Willie Tssby from the Washington Senators In exchange But you still ask that impossible question, WHERE??? bench because of his bonus." for southpsw pitchers Don Rudolph and Steve Hamilton. MONDAY MAY 7 In Clete Boyer's first nine Tasby, a 29-year-old right-handed hitter, batted .251 in 141 7:30 PM 31 UNION game* with the Yankees he led games with the Senators in 1961. knocking In 63 runs and hitting the.champlona with s .448batting 17 homers He played previously with Bsltimore and Boston. Coral Gables — This weekend. average on 13 hits. . GREEN BAY, Wis., - The Green Bay Packers, champions of the National Football League, said Thursday thst net earnings in 1961 were $175,075 -- highest ln the club's 42-yesr history. AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE The packers reported that the net profit — more thsn 50 per cent above 1960 — brought the team's W L Pet. GB surplus to $573,141, also s New York 12 5 706 new high. Cleveland 9 7 . .562 — 2 1/2 S. Francisco 18 W L Pet. 2| 5 .783 Chicago U 9 . 550 2 1/2 St. Louis 13 4 .765 Detroit 9 8 .529 3 Pittsburgh 13 8 .619 NEW YORK, A Baltimore 10 9 .526 3 L. Angeles 14 9 .609 - Chicago hotel man said Thursdsy he hss Minnesota rslsed a million dollar guarantee to stage the Floyd Patterson- n jo .524 8 Phlladelphis 8 9 471 Kansas C. jj jj .500 31/2 Cincinnati. 9 11 Sonny Llston fight In Chicsgo snd hopes have It nailed down soon. Msnny Sksr said he "met with some people close to Psttarson, L.Angeles 8 9 .471 4 11 .421 II Boston today, and "they w s 10 . 444 4 1/2 7 ID .412 I I Friday and hope i Washington Chicsgo 5 17 .227 by the weekend." Wsafhlngton 3 14 .176 9 New York 3 14 .176 THURSDAY'S RESULTS Boston 7, Washington 4 S. Francisco 8, Pittsburgh I MONTREAL, Ksnsss City 6, Detroit 4 • - Bobby Rousseau, 21-year-old right wing for the Milwaukee at Philadelphia, Hp Montreal Canadians, Thursday was named the winner of the Csld- Minnesota 8, Baltimore 4 New York at Chicago, (N) Houston at St. Louis, fN) er Memorial Trophy as the outstanding rookie In the National Only Games Scheduled Hockey League. Only Games Scheduled Today's Games American League Nstlonal Lasgue Detroit at Minnesota New York at Philadelphia 5* I Chicago at Boston (N) San Francisco at Chicago ■ Cleveland at Kansas City (N) Los Angelas at Pittsburg "! Baltimore at Los Angeles (N) St. Louis at Cincinnati (N) Only games scheduled Houston at Milwaukee 'N) Summer School Tour Have Fun and Study at the... University . . .this Summer June 24 to August 5 The University of Hawaii is fully accredited. All credits earned in the summer session sre trans¬ ferable to other Institutions. Inclusive Cost s895 Plus 33.59 Tax A- From Chicago and Rcton • mufflers and tailpipes ir Accommodiiiom d HiwaSa King Hotel in Wiftfti (Optional Outer Islsnd Tours Available) Shop it Kramer's lor the Maiiboio STOP In Today For One of Our Now Catalog! and Complete Information Largest Discoaofs ia Town the filter cigarette with the unflltered taste. You get a lot to like. p||'. College Travel Office »30 W.Grand River. ED 2-4667 Kramer? MO E. KALAMAZOO IV *-$ ♦ J Michigan 9t,ate JfMt L*n»*ng. Michigan Friday, May 4, 1962 5 Spartan Sports This Weekend Kentucky Derby Entries Closed "THE SHARK AND ■ .i*ll MicMfa* 3(30 •» 0M Celle«« Field uS*. IX-TEW *'*' « cowrt. days before Wast off, with thoroughbreds named for the Mth THE SARDINES" m Illinois, IOm.m. •» StedMwn tee* Is courts Kentucky Derby at Churchill IT Vl.rtMta, •••»■• F#r..» Alters Downs. There tions and were a few varia¬ fif—.WU» »cfl—>e«o. SMfHw Sto4lu». 2 p.. complications in the star-studded cast headed by Ma¬ By Juan Jose A revalo jestic Gaylord and the imposing former President of Guatemala KSU's Thinclads Rldan. Only 17, and perhaps 16 hor¬ ses were expected to face the started at approximately 4 30 :|y to Penn State p.m. Saturday, depending on the "This book has been read and reread by millions vagaries oi mrr of people in f .sttw America, ft ts one of the most Doc Jocoy, who won the Cal¬ popular books ever to be published south of our ifornia Derby at Tanforan and Bv JAY J. LEW bin# for the mile, the San Felipe at Santa Anita, border and one of arker and Ron Horning in the sibly lierm Johnson will compete Hal! miters for State are Don in the broad Jump. Assistant track coach Jim Glb- 228 ABBOTT RD. IVant-Ads E. LANSING I Castle and Bill Stewart. Castle, bard rates the meet as about I .Jong A'ith Bob Fulcher and Clay even. He said: "Penn State has Ed Bogdoi I Wire!will go in the mile. I x, return match shapes up In the weight events but we are the edge In distance and I the two mile run between Sute's better In the sprints, hurdles, ALOHA WEEK AQUA SHOW I Wry Young and the Lions'Gerry and Jumps. If things are close, I Norman. Young finished right be- the mile relay could decide the hind Norman last year and will winner." Chadnois, ALL UNIVERSITY HULA TWIST DANCE and be out for revenge. Be .; Almeida cutd the tue tree some BiU Cole and Tom Peckham will of Herm Johnson, angular and one dual meet again- st no losses. reers at right halfback and Michigan State In 1949 tabllshed himself as one es- of the Is presented annually by the Foot¬ ball Writers* Association. Macuta ftideAA — 13 years ago and their great "60-mlnute men" in col- I run. Penn's Bob Grantham, who So far this spring, the thln- -- names are deeply etched in Bagdon was named to seven Spar- lege football. In anera whenfoot- I took both events last year, will clads have done well in tan football tradition. ball was becoming more and more AH-American went on to a teams lr. 1949 and professional career FRIDAY NIGHT ! They will be the "oldsters" specialized, Chandnols refused to with the Chicago Cardinals. of the Old Timer squad which inly relay of the meet. Chandnols today is a manufac¬ Men's IM Pool 7:30 . . . AQUA SHOW i Navy last week SP*' ■slty May In his four-year turer's representative and Bag- Jenison Parking Lot 9:00 DANCE , 12 but both figure to make their the Spartans, Chandnols gained cion I business in Detroit. , . . . presence felt. They have played more than a mile of enemy ser- brilliantly in past Old Timers' ritory, averaging well over six Jack Edgett ADMISSION FREE Green-White games. yards per carry. A rugged 5-11. 205-pound The lanky 6-2, 195-pounder guard. Bagdon ripped holes In went on to a pro career with the the opposition line and pulled out Pittsburgh Steelers. retiring in HAWAIIAN ROYALTY PARADE to lead Chandnols on some of the mid-1950s, I Clash Next the most sparkling "runs in MSI DOWN THE RED CEDAR RIVER - 8:30 Bagdon gained fame as the only history. Spartan player ever to win rt* FIRE BATTON EXHIBITION Chandnols made seven first Outland Award as the top college WIN 4 LUAU DINNER TICKETS If By BOB JENKINS Of The State News Staff and will have free substitution. Tigers Lose to KC, 6-4 KANSAS you can do the "Hula Twist" CITY, ('1^ -A foul see-saw game. Rocky stumbled I fesU if a disparaging term and in basebs.ll ia almost always as he caught the ball and might; possibly have thrown out Dei Entertainment tickets $1.50 II Green and Whits game ThurS- fenses, mlxad in with State's a futile thing, but a long fly Greco except for his misfortune, day. This week was also devoted plays, outside the line today won a The A's scored again In the on sale at the Union Ticket Office o preparing for next fall's first Thursday's session also fea- game for the Kansas^ City Ath- eighth off relief hurler Hank t, Stanford. tured punting practice. Fli letics over the Detroit Tigers, Better Hurry Though! • Agufrre but the run proved e first and second units ran string fullback George Saimes 6-4. be only protection for the vlc- regular offensesfor awhile, handled the kicking duties with ^ A>, tnd Tigers were tied tory that went to Diego Segui, and then Joined all the other teama end Matt Snorton taking a turn. ^ one out tn the seventh inn- a righthanded fireball reliefer The Injury has been list re- after in practicing defense against night of the ing when Norm Slebem hit a foul who came on after starter Ed some of the Stanford offenses, I The California team plays a wide- duced, with the return of full- back Roger Lopes and end Bill fly off the leA field line. Bobby Rakow went out for a pinch hit— creco was on third base ter In the seventh inning. a I oyer garr.e with several different Holland. Lopes' sprained ankle a WAi)c and a single by In the ninth inning, Vic Wertz offensive patterns, and Duffy kept him from practicing for two tumpe. Rocky Colavlto, came to bat with a chance to J paugherty wants his gridders to weeks, while Holland suffered a ~ ,},e Detroit leftfielder, caughtthe break the American League re- imfliar with this brand of bruised shoulder in last Satur- ball and Bobby scampered home cord for consecutive pinch hits hall. day's scrimmage. ahead of Rocky's throw with the but Segui struck him out with The defenses appeared to have All of the week's sessions, and n that proved the clincher in the Dick McAullffe — * solved ! " . ( playe -squad contest will for the spring highlight—the 6th exhibit the opposing systems for annual Old Timers' game. May 12. for this game, Duffy will Commenting on the upcoming :loose only 22 players for the contest, Duffy said "Irs shap- •^eer. team, radical a change ing into the best one we've had .-om the usual "even sides" of and there will be a lot of big pas; years. 7"he Greens will play names added to the styjad for the Nfo-wa> both offense and de- next few days." for each eleven men. The coach's words were pro¬ 's White squad will be made pberic. as four more alumni were I ^ of the rest of the varsity, added to the growing squad. The y«yever! * willforplay separate teams most ever to participate, 53 men, offense and defense, are now listed. Is Water Car Mature Adu On Dry Cleaning Stop in at McDonalds as much as 75% pj dry cleaning Refresh yourself with... on your our new coiri-operated i that are just as easy to use as jtj r\. our automatic washers! Clean 33 8 lbs. in 40 minutes! i Dry Clean All These For Only 2°° Hamburgers French Fries Any combination: 3 or 4 regular-we suits! 8 to 12 dresses! 10 to 14 swt 6 drapery panels! Even 175 neckties! Shakes Cheeseburgers REMEMBER! Same Day Service Everyday Soft Drinks Coffee Including Saturday Open Plan to come in today McDonalds the drive-in with Friday Saturday till 1 and Coto-Op Dry Ctaning £ ANERS Fran dor FLASH CLEANERS Fran dor 1* 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday»_May j. Award Winners A-Bomb Available Monday ii I1 Named Exploded f!l lr ; Awtrds nesday night were presented Wed- limake, junior hotel, managen at the hotel, res- from Criskany, N.Y. and Fred taurant, and Institutional man- Slmonsen's $350 scholarship to In 1908 ? freahmen and gradu,,. Petitions the Union desk may ft?* 4 WASHINGTON tfl - A Soviet agement*s third annual Honor's Mary E. Parks, junior, hotel scholar has advanced the start¬ night, honoring students and in- management from Comwallville dustrles who have made signi- N.Y. ling theory that the world's first ficant contributions to the school. nuclear explosion < occured lnt The B.B.A.— H. R. 1 scholar- 1908 — 37 years before the in¬ Guest speaker Leslie W.Scott, the Brunswick Foundation to Ter- vention of the atomic bomb. Conference $1^ I presldent of the Fred Harvey Co. In Chicago And ry Baransy ($1,500). David D. F. Yu. Zigel*, a Moscow lec- recently named Loge ($1.500). Gcargt MarinQS rer on scientific .subjects, says Food Service Operator of the ($500). and Richard Mendham there is no other logical explan¬ Year, spoke on "The Future of ($1,000) ~~J e Eppley "Foun- About ation for the mighty blast that 100 the Food Service Industry o Arthur D.Baldwin ($500) faculty ^ devastated the Tunguska swamp Changing Society." George Conrade ($1,500), T In Siberia on June 30. 1908. An saws iS area larger than New York were presented by the Alumi.. Association to H. William Klare, 11yvo pioneer hotelman. and Fred Si- Baldwin, receiving scholarships the men- Doron and City and its suburbs was oblit¬ erated by an explosion seen and zjzesrixiss ketl* Teachers ConW U-12 monsen, president to the Top *«>«> the Eppley Foundation ex- heard for 400 miles around. The event has long been a mys¬ at Marketing Kellogg Cent?* Hat Drive-In chain: and by the pected only $500 environm* tery to scientists, but most au¬ practices in the varW* school of hotel, restaurant, and ""they wished the remainder to be thorities have assumed that txlea of Europe, Commune ' a institutional management to El- 8,ven 10 other graduate students tione, Central and SotT? ton C. Loucks. chairmen of the in greater financial need. very large meterorlte or a comet was responsible. Some Soviet ex¬ lea, the Near East Eppley Foundation, and Fred The NSU Hotel Association aw- w111 •!«> he and a* Eckert, member of the board of ard for the hotel senior of the perts who recently explored the discuauZ directors of the Eppley Founda- Tunguska region are still hold¬ • Alfred Seelye, d«n ye81" was presented to Walter TT— ing with the comet theory. College of Business Z l Follow, Rejecting these established Memie Fox, Morton Grove, Service which Is spong^T ed < »rds e Witt views, Zigel' concludes that the 111. soph., enjoys a chat with conference, will relate blast was nuclear in nature and the boys over Brody Radio from lngs in die field to presa. Sigma Pi Eta presented its Jl. _ orglnated either from a space 9;S0 to 10:00 p.m. every Thurs- verelty curriculums school's scholarshlp'program Honorary Faculty Membership ship from another planet — men¬ day. «nd research. ' ^ presented company scholarship awards to dr. Hendrick Zwar- Doodling students have been In which to leave their mark, tioned only as a remote pos¬ to the students. ensteyn and professor of business arving their names and Initials One of the traditional Berkey Measures Taken To sibility — or from "Some very Scholarships presented were services and Dr. Joseph Thom- B runswtck Corporation's$500 psorv professor of hotel mana* scholarship to Douglas H.Bruce, gement and the Arthur Davis ii tables throughout Berkey Hall tablet ops will be hung In the "Old Dr sometime. College Hall", a room located Stop Luau Thefts extraordinary, still unfamiliar but natural heavenly body." Profs at African Mee ' *- hotel management Memorial Award to Ercument in theUnlon reserved for seniors, Zigel' detailed some of the Three members of the African tween from Yorktown Heights, N.Y.; through the efforts of The room was built from Steps are being taken to avoid most recent Soviet attempts to Anthropology and Hi> the theft of decorations from the unravel the Tunguska puzzle in language and area center will in African Resean Continental Coffee Company's Les Gourmets oresented the 08,16 r,ark' G«ce ViUwoch and terlais used in the original "Old Hawaiian luau by souvenir hun¬ an article attend the annual meeting of the published last Decem¬ $800 scholarships to Allan Sher- Larry Magmer Award to Dan- ^ ?°Uegf Hall", believed to be the ters according to Errol Levy, ber in the Moscow magazine Central States Anthropological Serving as a discussant win, junior, institutional mana lei Held, freshman, University ' JSLlL. ,1m il first classroom building on cam- Chicago senior and luau secur¬ "Knowledge is Strength." An En¬ Society in St. Louis, Mo. be¬ the seven participants wh, gement from Findley, Ohio; Heights. Ohio and the Fred SI- 62 will have a special tabletop pu9, ities and traffic control corn- tween Thursday and Saturday and present papers will be Dr fa Other scholarships we re monsen Award to LeonardSasso. - glish translation was published can Hine's $200 Dur today by the the Commerce De¬ rticipate in a symposium on W. Wescott, assistant participate scholarship I senior Melrose, Mass. first place "The Future of Anthropology in of music, who the Levy said that the theft of de¬ Cuban Refugees March G. Ha Idle, sophomore, ho partment's Office of Technical previa s Moutsatsen, senior. Mid- Africa." will talk on tie management from Franfort; l®nt, and Kenneth Applegate corations from the J-Hop and Services. "Ethnology a* other university functions is Much of the Dr. John C. Messenger, assis¬ thropology" in the ple^ Horwath &Horwath's $250 lor Englishtown. New Jersey and Zigel' article was alon. Dr. Marvin D. completely uncalled for. He said based on explorations In Tun¬ tant professor of sociology and Sok* scholarship to Robert M. Abru- Donald Bell, senior, Chicago, H- the luau decorations are very anthropology, will deliver a paper associate professor of m zzi, senior, restaurant manage- guska in 1959-61 by a team led inois, tied for third place, entitled " The Impact of African science, will also give Settle in Ohio ment from Warren Ohio: Pick costly and most have either been by geophysicist A.V. Zolotov. «• rented or loaned to the luau ex¬ Nationalism on Research and in the symposium, the Zigel wrote that "an unusually ^ Hotels Corporation's $500 scho ecutive committee. bright and surprisingly colorful Publication," and Dr. James R. of which is "The Fut«« larship Junior, to Harije Markdivicc restaurant managerner Riley Heads Levy added that persons caught night air glow was observed Hooker, assistant professor of lationshlp Between Anthrw from East Lansing; Prophet Co throughour Central Europe and History, will discus ne subject and Education In African By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS interview after interview, never of "The Future Rel'.ilonshlp Be- search." mpany*s $1,000 scholarship t Lansing Group Despite language difficulties seeming discouraged by turn- in two some regions of Siberia" for Nelson W. Baines, junior, horei (jow Finally after days after the e/plosipn. management from Houston, 'lex- William F. Riley Jr. , of setbacks in obtaining i s. rork t two weeks, Egg Marketing Day He also reported that the phen¬ as. the department of surgery and employmei refugees at0I omenon coincided with "a sharp Manager The Schlitz Brewing Com- medicine, College of Veterinary pany*s $650 scholarship was giv- Medicine, was recently named moved from Miami ment in other parts of the nation The Church eventually found him a $75-a-month flat and tht Scheduled For May 14 and sudden change in the geo¬ magnetic field, which was recor¬ M.S.U. FOLKLORE Announc en to Warren Barnes, freshman, seem generally to be thriving congregation helped him and his More than 100 producers and ded in Greenwich as well as in president of the Lansing chapter and happy. marketers of eggs will be on restaurant management from De- of the Reserve Officers Associat- family get settled. Irkutsk." In Cleveland, John Izquierdo fiance, Ohio, their $600 scholar- ship to Norman Robertson, fresh- ion of the United States, Riley, a veteran of World Wa kissed his fingertips and ex¬ claimed in halting English: "My home your home," he said with tears streaming down campus May 11 to celebrate the 14th annual Egg Marketing Day. the Zigel' concluded that neither glow nor the magnetic chan¬ SOCIETY [leered i new it off II, I his cheeks. Highlight of the day will be ges could have been caused by "Those peoplel Ibey are wonder- a discussion on "Market Orders from ing L'nl One who had more difficulty full" was Procopio Delgado, 58. He and the Egg industry" by Ed¬ Developing his nuclear ex¬ r^Sauh His reference was to members of the Church of the Good She¬ and his wife and seven children ward Karpoff, secretary of the plosion theory, he said that scien¬ National Egg Advisory Com- tists have calculated that the blast 1st. Meeting have been occupying a three- iolulu". Hi pherd, one of a number of Cleve¬ Seniors Graduates Juniors land area churches which adopted Cuban room apartment. He wants to but It Is not easy to find The event is sponsored by the tens of had a temperature of "several millions pf degrees." refugee families to help Invest Protect start them in a new The slender, life. balding Izquierdo, a landlord who will a children. However, he got Michigan Egg Grading Associat¬ ion and the department of agri¬ cultural economics and the de¬ Trees in the Tunguska region grew at an unusually rapid rate after Tonight 7.-00 PM his wife Julia 1908. He kaid the feairrte and their 6-year- partment of poultry science. Your Education Juan were among 25 groundskeeper for a phenomenon has been pbserved factory hiS ' "" ' families flown from Miami1 Feb, land. MORE FIT BEFORE of the a slncd the dawn Union Music Room LOW Get A Better Job 27 and placed under care of the Cleveland Cuban Kefugee Reset- group of 87 Cubans reached THE PROGRAM c age in 1945. REGULAI tlernent Committee. ChTca^Tpril0 25^aTd"t£ TEMPE, Ariz. (AP)-Tempe Police SHOULD HAVE SQUAWKED DIAM0I settlement in the Northerr Capt. Frank Adams re¬ Permanent -- Summer I he Cleveland project did not of ulinols was sponsored b Me. ported to work with a cast on his BUFFALO, N. Y. (AP)-Ifs OUR P MICHIGAN get off to an auspicious start, thodlsl churches7 y right arm. He explained to fellow officers hard to imagine how the thief who broke into Silverstein's CHECKI Circulate Your Availability Umew t " 'mpr0Ved 88 . "I have been amazed about how that he cracked a small bone In l'oultry Market during the night ASSUR Write For Brochore S-6 Even before the refugee-laden a^temlTn "'"sal'cT^fhe0'^^ t0]nhn' the arm during the first session escaped without arousing some¬ plane took off from Miami, Cleve- Hager. superintendent of the Me- of a police physical fitness pro- body In the neighborhood. The T H E A T R E May°r Anthony J.Celebrez- thodlst home misslon society gram. Employment Counselors, Inc. ze expressed opposition to the the reglon. ^ sald ^ -tmtmnr 482-7311 information ^ 482-3905 CIS available a f 'ki jobs ,sr should »! ,Ll go that first 8ny all the workers are employed, Nearly all those seeking work 33 W. 42nd St. New York 36, N.Y. to Cit-ru unemployed residents of the i a «< found ,t wlthln a week Offers of Jobs, household goods 0\ tWQ< Starts SUPER BARGIN KID ( LANSINCi i a i u . month ™ r Zq S Al°C \u!" with Mr. and Mrs. Nel- and other ,tems have poured into the 0ffice of the TODAY DAY PROGRAM WW Gripp. members of the Episcopal Church Diocese, which is sponsoring the All Church Good Shepherd, resettlement. DRIVE IN TH( ATRI k. Day Prevue of These Two Features an Episcopal chui n suburban Lyndhurst. Member; gregation sought a job for him. dr,?>Pto by EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN wii | 2 TREMENDOUS HITST] gathered furnishings, cloth- °Ver °,ne~ Tonlte (Friday) through Mon. ifi he hi|0nous Sg^ HOI h,f . and ,oVS lor gj- Hit No (1) Shown At 8 PM - Late Hit No. 1 Shown 2:25 - 6:25 - 10:25 of the bravest soidi'e1 who ever fought a war. SA1 NEV SLEI D tn ] 2nd Great Hitl 12:30 - 4 30 - 8:30 | A LOVE STORY LIKE NQj l«pr~M' fi'! WILLIAM N0LDEN ■ KIM NOVAK. Ms raBcscsBcg HETTY fitLO • SUSAN STftASBCtfG CirF BOOIKTSON MSjyjflMD °.TT7fct? in.-MffWTfflfRIP* RUSSELL • ,|Ea,t L«n»*n<> Michigan Friday, May 4, 1962 7 I New Moratorium I Asked On Test Series HAVE... WASHINGTON A controversy - Some of the President's ad- '« reported blowing up within vls#rs »« reported to believe I the Kennedy administration over that the Juture of testing I what steps the United States ** determined by results ofmay the MOTHER'S DAY I should take about trying to halt exPerl'nents now underway. I nuclear weapons testing when the fbese policy-makers argue | current series of pacific tests 1» completed. that the results may show that testing reaches "a point of no DINNER Some officials that the are advocating return." They simply mean that I new United States enter a the destructive power available with the moratorium on atmospheric I tests, which would mean a t0 the Un,ted States -- or Rus- re- ,U "" l* 30 great and the var- I Ler.sai °f present I.S. 001lcv- nth"-* security requires ** of„w'*po"s _9_Q_ thor?.ughlv **ptore<5 «>« further significant ■ » complete test ban under a developments may be found to j strong international inspection ®* lrnP°S8ible. system to prevent sneak tests /he momerit neither the or secret preparation for tests. President nor his advisors has The final decision may hinge an^ definitive idea of what the at least partly on a results obtained study of 18813 wlU sh°w. rent during the cur¬ tests. festival Some State White House officials with Department and familiar Planetarium ' BIG BAND JAZZ-The MSU Televlalon orchestra swings 01 at Notre DamO last month. the developing dispute are (Continued from page 1) j jfl the jaxi medium before the baton of conductor Or. Morr ••State News Photo by Gordon Stauffer becoming worried that It may azlne «automatically replaces impair the U.S. bargaining posi- Hall. The orchestra took top honors at the colloglate jatx i • . burned 321 EAST MICHIGAN-IV5-7179 - the lights and If an amp- i 17-l Disarma- llfler should fall, the lecturer ment Conference Geneva. As need only turn a switch to Orchestra In Its Third Year bring Jazz a result, a reass of Pres- a ident spatre amplifier Into play. Kennedy's basic policy' Timely exhibits related to the »ce effort and other special arrangements and displays |"Placement' positions written by Its own mem- - Polish Rim will be located in the lobby and also in the ambulatory around the 'HIGH GEAR HUMOR- BUREAU coronet moans saftly over _Fr?m it8 begjnni*«theorches- c- r~—i auditorium. The ambulatory will "bUck WHOLESALE FUN! HILARIOUS!" a lilting clarinet, drumsticks beat 0-8 has received enthusiastic lnsrv wi>iwie'vlngo a__ • Placement out a slippery rat-a-tat-tat and suPPort from professional musl- To Be Shown |burm'Wednesday. May 9. Ad- a mood sax beckons as of the strains clan8- d'tional information in the Place- __ Jazz drift out over the spring ^ Stani Kenton h«s made avail¬ r i end — to — nuclear test- . a. Carlin, "will greatly augment able A delightful Polish ment Bureau Bulletin for the #ir. s than 100 of his — comedy ing.Authorities ~ • the studies in natural sciences," weeks of May 7 and 14: rangements "and there"ha's"b^ "fve Wants to Sleep, here are sens Central Intelligence Agency — music might have come "a very favorable reaction" from "Every student will be exposed w111 te shown at F«lrchild Thea- world-wide demands of this U1I. tremendous ■ All majors from all colleges, from a New Orleans cafe or a other musicians, such as nenry tre under the auspices of the kind. Thus officials say that ef- lo facility before comoletimr I Associated Press -- Juniors beatnik refuge, but its actually Manclni. Qulncy Jones, Buddy foreign — film series. It will ap- forts to improve and perfect de- courses " land Seniors Journalism and the sound coming from the music Morrow and Sam Donahue, Hall Pea' Monday and Tuesday, tection equipment for all kinds ■Radio-TV. practice building every afternoon said. 7 and 9 p.m. of tests, including those in the I Llbby McNeil and Libby -- as the MSU Television Orchestra ■a!1 majors from the College of Plays Jazz. Most members of the group are muBic education majors. —ire on Eve Wants to Sleep" Is a "™sPtere, will continue. Wilier, Demos Combine bureaucracy in an im- The theory is that tte tests (Agriculture. The orchestra, which last have their eyes break- aginary country where Polish would establish gres'er equill- In Recital Friday at 8=15 e_u Muskegon Heights Public Sch- month t^'"ti"'ho^rV at tf,"e In« Into the professional -*•" ranks. „ spoken. A young girl, arriv- . brium between the 'wo powers highA"ikro.hex ■ - - the provinces to study, and that this plus the enormous school Spanish, En- a™."!;!""v"" N<*r* '!c.u,ty J" Candace Wilier, pianist and , ilish-French and English, relative newcomer f'nd,n8 enough day early and comes cost of weapons develop Peter J. Demos, clarinetist, will to the music department. Morris slc4an'. Hall said. But last fall, Up against the heartless indlf- would work to n East- be heard In a Joint recital on j United States Air Force - « SO manv wanf*rl r C of the Michigan association. Senator Hart and Mrs. Smith Right in your the fate of Mr theatre seat, you decide .^Sardonicus will appear Friday afternoon on a panel considering "Crucial Is¬ during the t-eature at sues Facing Home Economists." ""Punishment WILLIAM ! CLIFTON 1:40-4:15 6:55-9:30 Rosalind Mentzer, assistant to the dean of the college of home Poll"! Iolden Webb economics, will preside at the Friday night banquet and officiate at the evening "President's Re¬ ception." 'Engineer In Industry' ScUtffomCMt Topic Of Nuss's Talk HOMOLKA LEWIS DALTON ROLFE., "The Engineer In Industry" Hit No (3) Fri . Sat. Late Show will be the title of a talk given by Larry R. Nuss, manager of Collins Radio Co.. Cedar Ra¬ pids, Iowa, to engineering stu¬ dents on Monday at 7:30 pjn. in 31 Union. Nuss, a 1942 graduate of MSU, will emphasize the basis for | career selections of engineers. The meeting is sponsored by the Engineering Council. rock all nights 'H-imSM-mum Saidiy Thro Thurs 2 Hits shake, rattle and ROcK Academy Award Winner Sophia Loren "Two Women" - Also - Troy Donahue - Connie Stevens "Susan Slade" dragstr Gregory Peck Robt. Mltehum "RIOT - Shaken Ratde and Redt 9*0 WHt Arewrf Tl» World MOV Pregwrtp Riot Last *25" "Cope Fear' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan "I have received phone calls from 6:30 a.m. 2 TICKETS FOR LIMITS Luau Ticket Sale Ties Up Phone 45 Min. to 11:00 p.m. I tad to call 45 mlmKM to gat my own number which wes busy" aald this plaaaad advertiser. aad entertainment. v, /T at Ala ad. IV " 9-79* Automotive Automotive For Sale Homing for Rent ft Personal ^Service" 4- WanteT 1955 CHEVROLET, 4 door, V-8 1962 FALCON - 4 door. Like GIRL'S ENGLEH BIKE, Colum- JIM: Let's forget about last Sat¬ WANT TO commute ,nd 4 barrel. Call ED 7-9678 new throughout. 3,000 mllaa. An bla, 3 speed, new tires. Excel- APPROVED ROOM for mala stu¬ urday night fc go to Luau to¬ SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE r».,. dent. University YMCA. 314 CORNER GRAND RIVER after 6 PM. 29 white with red vinyl Interior, lent condition. ED 7-1703. gether. Betty. 332, Snyder Hall. $2295. 28 Evergreen. Cooking privileges, and SPARTAN M ^ irking. $7.50 weekly. ED 2- 337-9034 . parkin Phone 3839. 1954 JAGUAR ROADSTER. Good 1957 OLDS '88* - 4 door, hv- BIG — LITTLE HOUSE. 4 bed- k peanuts THB'WEEK^ SPECIAL WANTED INSTRUCTOR^ condition. Call ED 7-7116 after 5 and weekends. 31 dramatic, radio, heater, white walls. Light blue finish, only rooma. 2 batha. Red Cedar school area. Telephone ED 7-0631. SJNGLE ROOM. Near Frandor PERSONALS RECORDER. CaU til 5 or ED 2-5572 355-^2■ $895. 30 and college bus. Parking. Gentle¬ LUBRICATION - 75< with an 1958 IMPALA HARDTOP — Ex¬ men. CaU IV 2-3454 after 6:30 TAMI SHAD, would you please oil Changs. Also FREE - one 1961 RAMBLER SUPER 4 door, PM. and weekend. 28 return the $5 to us which we toot rulers. ceptionally clean. 20,000 actual - 16 mm 0OLEX MOVIE CAMERA. By June 15 for „ne mile car. Fully equipped. None " »1 gave you five months ago. 27 , large house, furnished. rymmm lh;*125, 8 "TIL13*11 * Howell Movie •ATTENTION sunuuei mafarOra» «dty famlty. Call f>D J .PERSONAL duate students: Private room, TICKETS FOR the Brothers service on passport and appli¬ .PEANUTS PERSONAL 1958 MG-A -- White with black $8 per week. Double, $5 per man. Four, May 9. are still avail¬ cation pictures. Limousine Wav¬ • REAL ESTATE top. black leather interior. Ex¬ DEMONSTRATOR SALE TONE MASTER HAWAIIANelec¬ Cooking privileges and parking able. Hurry to the Union Tic¬ ing daily at noon for Hicks Stu¬ WATn-ED: Detroit couplTTl •SERVICE cellent radio. sport car equipped with tric guitar with amplifier. Like AMERICANS, CLASSICS and AM¬ new. $150. CaU NA 7-5834 after available. 437 M.A.C. Ave., E. Lansing. ED 7-0415. ket Office. 21 dio, Okemos. Return transporta¬ willing to exchange tion guaranteed. Refreshments. summer. Spartan Viiw. ap5 J" .TRANSPORTATION » BASSADORS. Big discounts! Hur¬ 6 PM. 30 NEED extra" cool date for Ha¬ Call ED 2-6169 for reservations. 2947. age> J .WANTED 1957 ROADMASTER ~ _ — Complete ry - only 3 leftl waiian Luau. Call Tom D, at Portraits, applications, pass- power equipment Including fac¬ ROOM FOR RENT — 8 min¬ my office ports. C DEADLINE: tory air conditioning. One owner car. A real gem. ELMER STEELE RAMBLER utes from campus. Cooking fa¬ cilities. Call 489-6357. BETTY: Don't the Luau with yfeu dare Jim. I'm go to ANN BROWN, typist and multl- Pcmuh 11th offset printing. IBM. General WANTED: slderlng. Lelf. PHONE: 2 PIECE LIVINGROOM Suit. 2 MEN approved, unsupervised. typing, term papers, theses, dis¬ ENTERTAINMENT tlr. livlngroom lamps, 2 step tables, sertations. 3 duplicating proces¬ Luau. Need 355-8255 or 8256 1 coffee table. Modem style. Cooking available, now and sum¬ ses available; MultUlth (black & desperately) p SPARTAN MOTORS. INC. mer. Call 337-2402 after 5 p.m. CONGRATULATIONS to Diane Josn at DE 7-7372 Phone IV 4-3118. 27 Voilmer and Ronald P. Keller white, & colort, Oza""" """ " 3000 E. MICHIGAN RATES: 1955 CHEVROLET - 6 cylinder, on their soon to be announced Print. ED 2-8384. IV 7-3715 C 1 DAY , $1.00 automatic, excellent running con¬ dition. $295. BABY BUtLER complete. Has «¥■ Lost & Found engagement. 27 TransportatgT 3 DAYS $2.00 1953 SUNBEAM TALBOT Con¬ playpen, table, chairs, stroller, LOST: Ladles Wlttnaur watch ANNOUNCING: 1st meeting Union EXPERT THESES. GENERAL RIDE NEEDED for two~to! 5 DAYS $3.00 vertible — new paint, good tires, 1957 OLDSMOBILE '88' - 4 door bathlnet and food warmer. New, on Grand River May 1. Reward. TYPING. Electric typewriter. Angeles area right after {^9 battery and brakes. This sedan. White walls, automatic, never been used. Phone IV 4- Music Room. MSU Friends of Experienced. Near BRODY. Re- Call Lance at 355-8913. ^ Bat id on 15 words p.r ad) Nancy Brubaker ED 2-5002. Folklore. May 4. 7 p.m. All are production Service. 332-5545. C power steering, power brakes. A _________ real honey priced to sell. welcome. 27 Schedule] LOST: Slide rule and leather JUDY: Sorry but 1 got your call STRATTON SPORTS CAR STERIO TAPE RECORDER with case. Name imprinted on both. too late. I already have a date EDIE STARR: Typist, theses, 1955 CHEVROLETConvertlble -- CENTER 2 external speakers, seperate Sentimental value. Reward. IV for the Luau. dissertations, term papers, gen¬ 6 cylinder, radio, heater. Best 1915 E. Michigan Ave. turn table, plays all record sizes. Better luck next of Events! 5-3382. Mr. Pappas. eral typing. Experienced, IBM offer. Phone 355-8123. 8 - 11 AM DIAL IV 4-4411 Phone IV 4-3118. 27 electric typewriter. OR 7-8232.C Friday 1956 SIMCA, 38,000miles. Mech¬ T.V. 1961 MODEL. 19" portable, BEAVER 2's - company, 3's WE TRAVEL anywhere - any anically excellent. $275. Hi-Fi 1957 AUSTIN excellent condition, all tubes a crowd. H. 27 u Stereo. Automatic. Detachable HEALEY 100-6 Wire Wheels, new tires, new guaranteed. Call 355-7862. 29 time. Quality catering for all occasion. - » II. your W»,. i speakers. $35. Call 355-8136. 27 SIGMA NU pledge claws- pre¬ top, electric overdrive. $1150. 1957 CHEVROLET - "210". 4 Call IV 5-5033. 27 GERMAN framus electric gultsi*. PICKETT room 118 slide rule. Lost In pare to meet Physics Math Bldg. Gammas. defeat. The Delta 27 "'Sir CuKU*SmM- wc &£» (UN., ui. Sj delegates (U.N. Lounge, u. Will sell for beat offer about CaU Mary Ellen. 355-4923. Re¬ — 7:30-9 p.m. General Ass«j door, 8 cylinder, power glide, 1954 $70. Call 355-0537. 29 ward. OLDSMOBILE 88. 2-doof 28 BILL: I enjoy exquisite Indian TYPING IN SPARTAN VILLAGE Opening session (Klvi radio, white side walls, 2-tone hardtop. Body excellent. Re-up- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR dances, hearing enchanting mu¬ Apartment. Electric typewriter. ation Building) paint. 1 year GW warranty. $845. holsrered custom interior. Must Call 355-3012. t.f. 9 p.m. sic. Please take to award Bloc meetings MAX CURTIS, INC. sell. S?>5. Call 355-2568. 28 BUMPING and PAINTING TRAILERS FOR SALE 4L Personal me winning movie, Anuradha. Fri¬ — —~ (Rooms 31, 32, 33, 34 | 2424 E. MICHIGAN specialty. All foreign cars. Kal¬ 1961 HURON - SOW on lot ONE CENT SALE day at Wesley Foundation. Love, FREE DRY CLEANING! Wend- of Union Building) amazoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker Judy 28 row's Econowash and Dry IV 4-4491, EXT. 33 C near campus, no equity. Just 1956 DESOTO Sport man hardtop. service and free estimates. 1411 take over payments. Call ED Sale In progress at MAREK CUZZY: I'd love Cleaners, 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block Saturday Excellent condition, full power, E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV9-7507. 2-3347. to go to the west of Sears' Frandor Store Is 27 REXALL PRESCRIPTION CEN¬ : 1953 MERCURY - 1955 PLY¬ leather seats. ED 2-1176. Bob. Luau with you, but you better giving absolutely free-dry clean- 8 a.m.-12 Committee M Violin. R.C.A. Stereo HI-FI, pho- TER — Cllppert Street at Fran- get some tickets. MOUTH Hardtops. Sinclair stat¬ ing to each customer using its Union, second floor. 1st pi ion opposite fast Lansing Grey¬ ft For Rent dor. Thla ad good for one FREE ORCHID with any purchase. C Sue from Case Hall 27 Speedqueen coin washers only tlcal Committee Parlor | 2nd Political Committee: ?i hound Station. Best offer 10 different times. Take advan¬ 28 ft Real Estate tage M.S.U. lor C, Special Affairs Ci mlttee: Room 21, FORD 1960 Galaxie, 4-door Se¬ 1306 MICH. ED 7-2012 2 Bedroom House-sublet PETITION FOR 62-63 Junior HASLETT: 3 bedroom, ranch Educanq 1957 FORD, Country Sedan, 9- June 9- stone, garage, breezeway, base¬ Sociological, and Cult dan, Automatic transmission, ra¬ Council and J-Hop General passenger, Fordomatlc, power Sept 1. Everything furnished In¬ T.V. SERVICE. Spocial rate for Committee: Room 22. Chairmen. Available at Union ment, beautiful fenced yard. dio, heater, Black w w/w tires. cluding washer-dryer, T.V. Near college housing. Service calls. 1-5 p.m. General > steering, radio, heater, excep¬ An desk and 317 Student Services. 27 $16,000. FE 9-2237 after 5 PM. exceptional car as It has M.S.U. $100 per month. ED 7-1031. $4. Absolute honesty. ACME second session (Union Si tionally clean. Call Ron 355- 24,000 actual miles. You will 9035. 28 T.V., 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C never drive It see one at cleaner. See and LAY & MATTHEWS, Complete Automotive GLASS GAMMA PHI BETA House open OKEMOS: I6th Century English 6-30-8:io p.m. Banquet 1956 PONTIAC STARCH1EF - 2 SERVICE at Morris Auto Parts, JULY, 1, 1962 - JULY 1, 1963. for 10 week summer school. For bassador of Iraq t 1322 E. Michigan. t Style. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. door hardtop. Good condition. 814 E. Kalamazoo. IV 4-5441. C2t Furnished, 4 bedroom, new split- information, call ED 2-6426. speak (Parlors ! level. 11/2 baths, dishwasher. Overlooking Red Cedar River. Call 332-8743. 27 CHEVROLET: I960 Impala con¬ Employment ANNOUNCING: 1st meeting ED 2-3304 for appointment. 30 onowash and ^*SSSSS> Dry ClWfttW * -m feStertainment &wallrt show ai 1960 FIAT SPORTS CONVERT. vertible, V-8, power steering, Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned MATURE WOMEN. Age is no Union Music Room. MSU Friends and pressed, 4 speed, bucket seats, radio, power brakes, former owner of Folklore. May 4. 7 PM. All 10 MINUTES FROM campus, east, only 50f. 3006 Vine heater, w/w tires, Sharpl CaU married man of 50 years of age. handicap. You can have better sale by owner. 3 bedroom, op<»n St., 1/2 block west of Sears' than average earnings if you are are welcome. 27 Sunday Get the best from LAY & MAT¬ beam ranch, aluminum siding, Frandor Store. C an Avon THEWS, 1322 E. Michigan. Representative. Write ONE BEDRfOM house, 2 blocks C or call Mrs. Alana Hucklns.5664 from campus, unfurnished except 1 1/2 baths, paneled study, large 10 a.m.-12 Committee Vta SELL-SWAP landscaped lot, close to schools, Schaal St., Haslett, Mich. Tele¬ for stove and ref. Call ED 2- DIAPER SERVICE (Same rooms as atove) 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air phone IV 2-6893. 27 4092. or TRADE it FHA financing. FE 9-8170. 27 1:30-4:30 p.m. General Am - tj. SERVICE to 4 door sedan. 6 cylinder, auto¬ OLDSMOBILE 1960 Convertible. tnrougn the your desire. You receive your own dia¬ bly: Last session (Unioolj matic. STORY Sells For Less... PART TIME APARTMENTS : $1395. One Owner. Very clean and In I am hiring part- WANT-ADS WALK TO CAMPUS' $800 down pers back each time. With time people for training for fuU- to F.H.A. commitment. $17,200. excellent mechanical condition tlme SUMMER and/or FALL ap¬ STATE NEWS our service, you may in¬ 1952 CHEVROLET-4 door sedan, 6 See and drive at LAY & MAT¬ THEWS, 1322 E. Michigan. C necessary. work this summer. Call IV 9-1318 6-9 Car proved. supervised housing for WANT ADS Modern 2 bedroom Cape Cod. Deslreable qualities galore. 828 clude your baby's under¬ shirts and clothing which State Singers | cylinder, standard shift. STORY PM. only. 27 4 men. U45 Abbott Rd, CaU in Huntington Road. ED 7-9552. 29 wiU not fade. White. Blue Sells For Less...$195. CALL 1956 OLDSMOBILE 1958 98 Conver¬ QUANSFT CORPORATIVE Nur¬ person 6:00-7:30 PM Mon-Fri and Sat afternoon. 37 355-8255 FOR SALE: Cape Cod, full base¬ or Pink ished. diaper pails furn¬ To Present CHEVROLET - "210", 4 sery School. Need teacher for door, 6 cylinder automatic, STORY Sells For Less...$495. tible 44,000 miles. ped. As nice find. Backed a '58 Fully equip¬ as you can by our famous 90 next school year. Wellington. IV 2-8143. Apply to Mr. 29 ATTRACTIVE. 3 rooms with tile bath unfurnished except refrig¬ PETITIONS DUE today by 4:30 for 62-63 Junior Council and ment, attached garage, fireplace, bullt-lns, large lot, from MSU, Red Cedar 3 blocks AMERICAN LAUNDRY IU E.WASHTENAW Spring Conce erator and stove. Air conditioned, area. $17, IV 2-0864 «• The annual spring c close to campus and A&P Store. J-Hop General Chairman - 317 800. CaU ED 7-1422. Story Oldsmoblle, Inc.see ^lay*&matthews, 1322 Studertt Services. 27 31 the State Singers Will bed 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED sented at the People's EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR r Miruiriu E- Mlch,*«n' C 2-4886. U. on at BEAUTIFUL wedding (own, SAVE Jj- Service aU makes and models. All work -rvJ rM,jSrr nndei under t mousseline de sole lace trim. 10056 and buy no Insurance quaranteed. Open 8 ajn. to 8:30 FIAT, 1958, 1100 Series - 4 door. Size ten. Reasonable. ED 2-4200 GRAQ, STUDENT to or share attractive 4 room working girl at aU or save 15 % on home ALTERATIONS. Hemming & re- p.m. T.V. Technicians, 3022 E. ection of Richard E. wUl include musical interprtl KWj Good condition. $325. Call TU apt. owners insurance. Bubolz Insur¬ Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. C 1960 SPYDER FIAT Sports car. evenings. 27 Close to campus. Call ED 2- Styling: fo rmals, trouse rs, tlon by both the singers s<| 2-0054 after 5:30 PM. 27 ance (over Jacobson's) ED 2- skirts, etc. NEEDLE'NTHREAD Quick, clean, economical. 1200 2561. 29 0871. 20 piece orchestra. cc. 4 speed. Sharpl Call IV 4- C27 Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam¬ OPEN INVITATION Special effects will be i» 1524. 28 ■SAILBOAT SNIPE. 15 feet. $330. pus Drug Store. ED 2-5584. with percussion instrumet PLAN YOUR OWN tour M Eu¬ Very good condition. Canvas BIG - LITTLE HOUSE. 4 bed- 32 TO choral speaking, harps and* AL MIKULICH PONTIAC rope In a new Volkswagen. Get sails, wooden hull. No repairs rooms, 2 baths. Red Cedar ENGINEERING COUNCIL details from your Authorized De- school Invites you to hear ists in the program, whidif Lansing's needed. 355-8551. 27 area. Telephone ED 7-0631. 30 RUMMAGE SALE — May 4 & MJS.U. STUDENTS ' include a variety of select! Used Volkswagen Hdqr. 5. Friday 7-9, Saturday 8-5. from religious music tc * HAWAIIAN LUAU entertainment Larry R. Nuss, Manager of CONTINENTAL IMPORTS . college relations for Collins Sponsored by Capital Grange at The Hawaiian Luau songs. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN tickets. Don't miss thlsl Get Hall on Trowbridge Road off - Light blue, 226 E. KALAMAZOO APARTMENT SUMMER ONLY, Choral speaking will be ■■ yours now at the Union. - Radio Co. on Harrison. equipped with radio, heater, white 27 tured in Edith Sitwell's wall tires. Very clean. Priced to DIAL IV 5-1743 Furnished, air-conditioned, one Mock from Union. "THE ENGINEER IN Entertainers would fare and Hornpipe." whicb* 'fj Approved and — •-11 for only $1295. INDUSTRY" SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS unsupervised. 337-0577. been put to music by 1957 VOLKSWAGEN - Sun roof, 1961 TEMPEST - 4 door, ra¬ tJ. Mon. May 7, 7:30 pm. 31 Union Model Singer portable at' only like to meet you. Walton. This number elude the orchestra pir" willjj coral In color, white wall tires. dio, heater, standard transmis¬ iysl Lansing Radio k T.V. FV 2.3 R00M ApTS> $5 monthly or $1.5Q per week. flute, clarinet, trumpet, v Exceptionally clean. Low, low sion. Very low mileage. Show "WZI ^ cJean We deliver and pick up. Buy room condition. (one furnished.) 415 Grove, E. AT price of only $995. the brand new Spartan, model Lansing. CaU after 5 PM. ED 192, at only $44.50. Pay only AL MIKULICH PONTIAC 2121 E. MICHIGAN 1956 OLDS SUPER '88' Conver- tible - fully equipped including power steering and power brakes. ] $5 down and $5 monthly. These special offers good only to stu¬ K+tOfl d'» TRY WANT ADS DIAL IV 2-6164 or IV 2-2070 29 2100 W. Main, Lansing. iate sale. IV 9-2652. C Cj7 VESPA 1960 Motor Scooter, wind- < LETTICH & STENBERG 1960 RAMBLER - 4 door, r.-" f lng In your WE JUST 2628 E. KALAMAZOO WOMEN - Summer and fall, . dlo, heater. Red and white. Like Manvextras. Fin* emotion, California Shoppers. 424 E. Mo- CHILD CARE: In my home, 1230 404-3229 < new. Priced to move. ED,7-9,2niy6eXtr"-Flnee°ndltiW Close In. CaU ED 2- oney, Monterey Park, Callfor- Burcham Dr., off Abbott. FuU BOUGHT OUR or part time. ED 2-6859. 29 CORVETT 1958, 230, 3-speed, 1956 CADILLAC, 4 door with CARAT - new top and interior. Low mile- power extras. Sharp and ready ags, excellent condition, private for the road. owner. CaU IV 5-9340. Inexpensive sta- TR-3 1961. White, radio, sad 1955 FORD matic. - 4 door. V-8, Real clean. New motor, auto¬ ^portion only $375. twtor, soft tap. Excellent ceo- Check their listings dfetau Most MIL $1,895. Can DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY poBect. fit. Johns. CA 4-3593. 2501 E. MICHIGAN for values galore in the DIAL IV 9-2368 £ want-ads daily. mnrhlgan State Newt, East Lansing, Michigan 1962 Friday, May 4. 1962 9 *jew Voice Library Police Warn About •niivens History Future 'Grassers' , tew short moments his- oi their studies," George Robert By MIK F SMITH mined to the proper University 'ItllTve «g>tn •» hl«torl«w Vincent, the man who devoted Of the State News Staff dept. for action, such as In a m the actual voices of tl» almost a life time to this col- Grassers are dangerous fun fraternity caae, to men's dlvig- Ihnrrade history, preserved lection, said of his recordings, Ion. It Is then forwarded usual- C -*^W voice library. Vincent started his collection according to Kenneth Preadmore, ly tothe student governing body, nnce history needn't be ** • boy and has been adding Ingham County Sherlfr. "Minors said Mr. Hibbard, IFC advisor, >rJno recorded on the yel- to It ever since. It now consists ornet>»"8 are taking serious chances with In the caseoffraternltlesltwould gf old ^kg. stu- of more than 8.000 records. their future careers," Pread- be the IFC Executive Council, professore will hear "So much was going on. I felt more said. Usually a house formally w voices aaying the «» though I would like to stop Any minors caught with llqoor charged wlrti an unregistered, In their possession can that made history as if »me to prevent these great hap- lice record, Preadmore said, and get a po- unchaperoned social event Is put *e're being spoken today, penings from passing away." on social prohttion for a period l l York Times said Vincent said in a letter to UCLA. the people who supply minors with of a term or more, said Bob ' '^>ice library that will which was bidding for the col- liquor get fines and possible Andrlnga, IFC president. at the disposal of the lection at one time. Jail sentences. in order to get off probation °°i w its K'ng Edward's abdication, But he was disappointed to economics retailirtz major, and John Hirsch. Toledo, Ohio so- of the home economics re club, senior council, and retailing ' ' ^cordmTtn according to Preadmore.lnvo,ve<1' groups, Miss not enforce policy, said Petersen, Pan Hel adviser, of Hitler and Mussolini, find that Washington was ln- clal science d,visional student leuowgnip, tlan stuuem fellowship. as weu adviser's aim is to help Teaching Opportunities r. „ major, r , aridhi's fast and the beginnings terested only in the American Grace Villwock has been es- as corresponding secretary secrei and In^arr students in these groups to learn another war. personalities in his collection, peclally active in women's af- social chairman of campus 4-H — • ■ - Counry or Michigan State police, the socially acceptable, adult way very department of a Smithsonian Institution said it fairs. She has been historian of Club, treasurer of 1960activities gave credence to the rumors to act In society, could be served and had no room or facilities to play Women's Inter Dorm Council carnival, treasurer and acting about la w officers being "plant- in East Africa records. Vale then requested >unge,b !ed in its curriculum through s of such a source of in- collection for its library, where the member of house council, trea- surer and vice president of North president of circle honorary, and a member of the queen's court »£2! 5SK s'9ma Chl To Choose . " , :;::A ZM with the subjects the records were temporarily Campbell Hall, and registration wam?hellco' Sweetheart Friday contacts of the 1961 Harvest Ball. Teachers ' But the advent of World War irman of the 1961 Big Ten Grace believes that college The usual case, College, Columbia ildence Hall Conference at according t (Klva, E4 i Car Wash System II brarian changed things. Vale's li¬ left and his successor prepares you for life, and that a balance between academic pur¬ Preadmore, Is that a complali or tip will be sent in by "The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" will be chosen at the fraternity's University, is recruiting '62 & suits and extra-curricular acti¬ 33, 34. J ifaes High Pressure never seemed about the project. very enthusiastic Manley Irwin vities When In college is essential. asked what she would about an unusual or sus dinner dance at the Poplars Inn Motel Friday night. Candidates are: Wally Gregory, Sigma college graduates for second¬ ary school teaching in Tan¬ t high pressure car wash- Consequently, Vincent set out like change about MSL', Grace may find " a* mixed group, general¬ Wins Award to Kappa: Stevie Hollls, Sigma Kap¬ system is in operation at to find a new home for his col¬ promptly replied, "The wea¬ ly college students from dorms, pa: Mary Jan Walker, Chi Ome¬ ganyika, Kenya, Uganda, •'s Mobil Service Station. Has- lection. UCLA expressed an In- ther." She fraternities and sororities also felt that there ga; Joan Hatch, Pi Beta Phi: and Zanzibar. ar.d Grand River. the collection, but ne- The Ford Foundation awarded together, ranging In size from should be more communication ar.d Sally Green, Delta Gamma. several couples to 400 people. pressure spray system, gotiations dragged o n Indefini J *e Meettj ■c fellowship to Manley R. Irwin, between foreign and American •or. 1st Pi first of Its kind in the Lan- • , aoctoral candidate in economics, students. " order is estab- They will join 150 Americans already The prairie provinces of Ca- : Parlor area, enables the operator Tv! y?iCeJ - ' was brought a.ryMSU. A letter The fellowship Is to emble Irwin After graduation this spring. ,lshed- M,Tie8 are taken and serving in East Africa. lean under the fenders, back to complete his PH.D. dlsserta- Grace plans to become a fash- search for the suppliers imlttet: ?i « moulding, and in the grill Vincent in which tlon on the economics of porters of Ilquor are sought, Vffairs Gi V. The spray system 0 ' also MSL expressed itself eager to communication. space ^on consultant. John Hirsch has been an ac- " mln°rs a present or ifprop- Openings exist in Physics, Chemistry, ^ Educatn I the collection t< Biology, Mothemotics, Engtish, Kt. ' :o clean the engine, Its e violated. General- Cultui — „— library. He first became involved in tlve Greek scholar. He has been erty rights few arrests "he complete installation'also And 30 the negotiations started the study of space satellites under both president and vice-president are made tory, and Geography. Upon com¬ ■i which finally resulted jn this . udes rinsing and drying an internship program sponsored of Sigma Alpha Mu and member "We are Just trying to enforce EXAMS & CLASSES pletion of training, candidates will —HI tpment. addition to the MSU li- by Walter Adams of the depart- of chief IFC executive council and the law," Preadmore said. GOT YOU DOWN? receive 2-year appointments as sala¬ justice of IFC. The group Is not usually turn- Under this program, Irwin John's scholarship has * for prosecution, ried education officers. served as assistant staff econo- htm many awards.i Including Prosecution, nor are LOOSEN UP WITH mist to the U.S. Senate subcom- membership in Phi Eta Sigma individual* unless they have been A CANOE TRIP *':• f? mittee on monopoly In Wash- and Blue Key. He was also cho- .:or..^imU?5 r~!^T18 ]n ■ the past. Complete v Partial Outfittinf For further lngton. Dtmi MAKE THE a Rirl a College Queen? Beauty and brain*, in sl„. |,mk an'y "n^ value. Smart f„r in , diamond engagement ring? girls! WANT - ADS Th7 1961 College Queens, twelve o>. "-m from all A DAILY HABIT .1' ^ r"un,ry- ,oun hands Jn. w"m'heir hearts) among Artcarved's award winning rM>w* ~ Thrv value. t»>o. Every Artcarved diamond * '.irri^-s a written guarantee of quality and value that f">Knized'T>y fine jewelers from coast-to-coast. vonT.'l.find on .. extra measure of beauty and value that 4 jjamonj rjng a( your ^rtc#rvttj jeweler. Mow. Ask him to show you the designs chosen by I Arm The College Queens. Michigan State News 341 Student Services Bldg. E. Lansing, Michigan We' II charge itl -A^rtca.rved* CALL 355-8255 Please Start my ad o Two of fhe lovely designs Whatever happened to the elderly gen¬ tleman? He's vanished in the cloud of | chosen by America* surrounding our youthful, College Queen*. | softly tailored natural shoulder suit*. From $100. f;« your National College Qneen Contest T for yourself or yoor candidate at: 'S. MORGAN'S COLLEGE HALL $49.50 ositchekiros. Washing**, Lansing, Mich. jiggled IglAil £ WtfJ 113 N. Washington gllfV !sr4"',rv^j-S> W 10 Michigan State News .RELIGION. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 4 , Luther Chapel Planning ~Edgewood Peoples Greek Orthodox Church Christian Stud^l 469 North Hagadom Road To Build New Student Center Good (5 blocks north of Grand Foundation Friday 148 W. Crand R|ver River) By JUDY PORTER •ouri Synod have authorized ed by the architect, Charles Joseph a. Porter, Of the State News Staff Rev. Truman A. Morrison, yw the Mission Board to proceed Edward Sude, of Park Ridge, Minister. A church in the Campus A new chapel and student with the planning and construc¬ 111. Plans call for completion Protestsnt tradition common vespers tion of a campus chapel and of the drawings in nine months. center • are part of the future to the major demonlnatlons, student center. The ground breaking ceremony plans for the Martin Luther which seeks to minister to 5:30 p.m. Supper g, The new chapel will have a will be in the spring of 1963. ^ i Chapel at 444 Abbott. the searching, questing splr- Topic of discussion. The District Board of Dir¬ seating capacity of 300 in the Mr. Sude, of Sude, Dolan pewa with overflow facilities and Anderson, Architects, who "FAITH, SEX, and t J ectors of the English District SUNDAY SERVICES lev. Walter If ' ,. 'J ^ of the Lutheran Church Mis- for 200 more. is also building a new college The building will have two 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. church in Anr. Arbor, designed levels. On the first level a and built the Valparaiso Chapel A complete church school recreation center is planned in Valparaiso, Indiana. at both hours, cribroom Seventh - Day which will seat S26 in chairs The present chapel, which through Jr. High or 350 at tables. Also Included occupies one-third of a city Adventist Church on the firtt level are offices, " a blocks from-6 sacristy, vestry, meeting and the house »t 435 Park Lane rooms, nursery, Sunday School will be torn down. The house rooms, and dining area. The is owned by the Martin Luther Saturday services church and the lounge will be Chapel. >> 30 a.m. Sabbath School on the second level. Further financing will be Rev. Truman A. Morrison 10 50 a.m. Worship Ser\ice The cost of the chapel and sought from benefiting students student center will be $300,000 and their families as well as ROGER W, COON minister Jr. High Fellowship 4:30 pjn. WFL(0ME| - plus $50,000 for equipment. the Churches of the English EVERYONE Construction can go forward -Districts across the United Sr. High Fellowship 7.00 p.m. a3 soon as necessary detailed Sutes. A campalgnfor this sup¬ working drawings are complet¬ port is to be organized by a committee of Fastors Theodore What Then Are We To Do? East Lansing Kimberly Downs Bundenthal, Enno Woldt, Ralph This question is asked Young, A. Karl Boehmke and every Sunday in the worship Trinity Church Church of Christ Authur Yoss. The District Of¬ service of Central Methodist Church. Lansing. In fact, 1007 Kimberly Drive. Lansing fice resources will also be en¬ listed in the program. ■ What Then Are We to dor Presbyterian Chu Lutheran students will be Sheets are prepared for (2 blocks W. of Frandor responsible for raising $150,000 every sermon, i ne minister of the necessary costs through offers fiveor six suggestions Shopping Center on W. "A Study of Extremes" Grand River) loaned investments at interest for study and application rates of 3 1/2 to 5 per cent. during the week. Approxi¬ IV 9-7130 Churches and Individuals who mately half the congregation want to help should invest in takes a sheet home. 541 Wslbrldge Drive, the Church Extension Fund. 'Estimated Time c Gerald O. Fruzla, Sr. If you wish to worship where persons desire to Study Phone: Apply Christianity." we in¬ SUNDAY PR0CRAH I SLNDAY SERVICES Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday vite you to worship with us next Sunday. Services at 9:45 and II a.m. 9:30 with a.m. Nursery, study, students Chj * Bible ! -ening Study 9:45 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening Bible Student "Why Share" Dr. Large, Preaching Study 7:30 p.m. Thursday e\ening Ladies Bible Class 7: 30 p.m. Forums In accordance with surrounding Christ's Kneeling near the Tomb are Central Methodist toms, churches of Eastern Ortho¬ crucifixion and inability to de¬ Tom Kouklakis, Cosu Kouklakis, Church The Canterbury Club will doxy observed Good Friday and termine and sub-deacon Philemon Kara- precisely when the Pass- Across from the Capitol For transportation call meet at 6 p.m. Sunday for even¬ Easter last week. manos holding the Gospel. BUI 9:15 each Sunday -- WILS STUDENTS FE 9-8190 ing prayer and supper followed Churches of other Christian Pictured above, the Rev. Fr. Sunzos is behind the tomb. ' WFLC0ME1 by an address by the Rev. communions observed this high Cosus Kouklakis of Holy Trinity More than $200 worth of red Religion in the News" Call ED 2-6624 f r FD 2 1960 or ED 2-2434 Gordon Jones on "The Episco¬ point of the church year one Greek Orthodox Church In Lans¬ and white carnations covered the portatlon. pal Churches a Reformed week earlier than Orthodoxy. ing, places the Image of Christ's tomb. The flowers were contribu¬ Church". Discrepancies between the two body into the tomb after removing All Saints ted by the Greek Woman's Philo- Olivet Baptist Church Greek Archdiot First Church of Episcopal The Catholic Student Organi¬ dares arose due to the vagueness pthohos Society. 2215 E. Michigan zation will have an informal Rev. William Hartman. Pastor Orthodox Churfi open dance at the student cen¬ Christ, Scientist SUNDAY "HOLY TRINITY" All Saints Mormon „ . Church ter from 9 to 12 p.m. Satur¬ Sunday School 9:45 a.m. 1100 S. Washington a: EL- I day. They will meet at 2 p.m. Morning Worship 9:00 and Rev. Fr. C. Kouklak " Sunday for a picnic and at 6 Matins - 9:30 a.m. oC0 Abbott Road- ED 2-1313 11 00a.m. p.m. for an ox roast. Scheduled Lectures Youth Groups 5:30 p.m. Subject: "Sts. George it Rev. Robert Gardner to speak during the 7:30 p.m. forum is Dr. Joseph Leshock, who will discuss "A Doctor New Rect Continue Evening Service MID-WEFK SERVICE 7:00 p.m. the great Martyre," Sunday School 10:00 3.1 Chaplain to Married Students Wednesday, 7.00 p.m. D. Liturgy of S:. Joh Looks at Marriage". The vestry of All Saints Harvard University and Rad- Transportation leaving Inter¬ Chrysostom - 10:30 a r Christian Student Foundation Church has announced the ap¬ cliffe College. Rev. Gordon Jones, Rector will meet for supper and Cam¬ The second of a series of seven national House at 9:30 a.m. Subject: "Thomas 4 jofcJ pointment of the Rev. Edward Roth is married and has three lectures on Mormonlsm will be Apostles." I pus Vespers at the College Arnold Roth as rector. Sunday or call IV 2-8419. "Blessed are those wholl LNDAY SI RViCr S presented Sunday, May 6 at 7:30 House at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Dr. David Dickson, senior He is a trustee of the Pro¬ (Closest Baptist Church to & yet believed, I p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ not seen *:00 i.m. Leading a discussion on "Fatih, warden of the vestry, made the Foundation for Inter¬ Campus) Holy Commun: Sex and Love" will be Rev. testant of Utter-Day Saints. 149 High¬ John 20:19-31. " national Students, secretary of land in East Walter Kania, Disciples Cam¬ Lansing. 9:30 a.m. Morning prayei the Committee of Support, Ep¬ "Our Purpose for Existence" pus pastor. iscopal Chaplaincy to the Med¬ will be discussed East Lansing First Presbyters The Luthe ran Student Associ¬ by Sterling G. or Holy Communion. Sermon & ical Community and a member ation weekend plans include the of the National Commission on Ellsworth, of the Counseling Cen¬ ter. Ellsworth spent two years Unity Center Ottawa and ChestaS Church School. 11:00 usual Sunday evening meeting 425 W. Grand River a.m. College Work. as a missionary for the chuich Roxle G. Miller, Pastor at 5:30 followed by discussion Gardner was graduated from in France. Morning Prayer or Holy groups at 6:30. fufts University in Boston in Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m. He received his masters de¬ Spartan Christian Fellowship 1942. "Life Calls To Courage" Communion Sermon & will go to Yankee Springs for gree from Brigham Young Uni¬ He served in the Air Force Elizabeth Todd-Organist its annual spring conference versity and is presently working Church'School. Friday evening through Sunday during World War II and tended Episcopal Theological at¬ on his doctorate. Ellsworth's speech will touch Guest speaker - Wed. 8 p.m. "THE FAMIL Y r >'| C \NTERBLRY CLL'B afternoon. Rev. John Wilson of Grand Rapids Semi¬ School following his discharge on the questions of ' Wilma Powell from Unity Dr. Morrow, freacMajl from service. School ts. is nary will be the principal speak¬ He joined the staff of All there a purpose, how Affiliated "with Unity School 6:30 p.m. Calvin Cluki er as the group discusses "The Saints in 1959. discover that purpose and what of Christianity. Lee's Sum¬ Student God Uses." Gardner is married and has can he do about it. mit, Missouri. Single Young '.dulrs I University Lutheran A married couples Bohemian A discussion will be held after Church University Methodist dinner is scheduled for 6:30 Roth will the Rev. the lecture. and Student Center p.m. Friday at the Martin Luth¬ Gordon M. Jones, jr.. rector St. Johns Stude Church er Chapel. Sunday's program, of All Saints for the past twelve Peoples Church Parish National Lutheran Council beginning at 9 a.m. with Ma¬ years, who leaves to accept Division and Ann Street, E.L. (2 blocks north of Berkey Hall) tins, Holy Communion " at 10 a.m., and the morning service a call be become rector of St. Andrews in Ann Arbor. Debate Views East Lansing Fr. R. Kavanautf Fr. T. McDevltr 1 f 332-2559 at 11:15, will center around the 327 M.A.C. Pastors: Church Services. 9.10 8.11:15 theme "Wonderfully Differ- SEES HOPE FOR UNITY U.S. Testing Interdenominational 200 W. Crand River Sunday Masse 7:15-8:30-9:45 (High) E Members of Wesley Founda¬ THE REV. EDWARD ROTH AKRON, Ohio (AP) —"Wemuat An informal debate will 12:30 tion will attend the annual spring bring sit with Rome first and work out together two of the top state exe¬ (Babysitting 1 conference of the Michigan Me¬ 11:15 masses) Campus Worker: Tecla Sund our little differences," says Hla cutives of the Michigan Baptist thodist Student Movement at Nursery, crib room for all Eminence Metropolitan Arch¬ Convention to discuss. "Is the Daily Masse Sunday Worship Services Central Michigan University at 12:10 p.m. & 5:0r p.m. 9, 10:15, & 11:30 a.m. services. bishop Antony Raahlr, spiritual United Sates Morally Justified Mt. Pleasant. The conference, Church School 10:00 a.m. all Roth will leader of some 110,000 Syrian in Resuming Nuclear Testing?" "The Living Christ For Living from Friday evening through ages Antlochian Orthodox faithful in Dr. Arthur Farrell, executive Saturchy Masse Christians" Sunday afternoon, will deal with a.m. Confessions daily® summer. He is pre sently Ep¬ the United States. secretary of the convention will Pastor Kllnksick, preaching WESLEY F0UNDA HON "Radical Christianity for To¬ "The Companion Christ" 12:10 i> 5:00 pjn. SimT" iscopal chaplain to the Univ¬ argue for the affirmative. He will day." Speaking here at a dinner in be 4-5:30 & 7: 30-9fJ George I. Jordan, Minister The Sunday evening forum, ersity of Michigan. opposed by The Rev. John Ho¬ honor of his 25th year as national Director In other action, the Rev. Ro¬ well, excutlve director of the Dr. Wallace Robertson Novena Services which will follow supper at bert C. Gardner, chaplai leader, the archbishop said of Lansing Council of Churches. Supper 6 p.m. Forum 7 p.m. 6:00, will feature a summary -ried : ude n coming merger talks with the The meeting will be held in Tues 5:30 h ":30p.B.| of the conference. Speakers for cepted a call by the vestry Roman Catholic Church: "I think the Baptist Student Center, 336 Sunday Picnic - 2 p.m. F M.M.S.M. is holding its annual the forum will be the Rev.Mal¬ Sunday Supper 6- to become Episcopal chaplain to Pope John XXIII was brought Oakhlll, Tuesday 7:30 p.m. spring conference at Central colm Boyd, Episcopal chaplain L.S.A.: Supper at 5:30. Michigan University this week¬ at Wayne State University, and the university beginning fall term of 1962. forth by God to bring unity to Christians." GIRLS LIKE UNIFORMS Sunday Forum 7:30 p.* J end. news analyst Charles Wells, Crib room A Doctor Looks A scussion groups at 6:30 p r Roth is a graduate of Trin¬ NEW YORK (AP)-Girls in through author of "Between the Lines". ity College andFpiscopalTheo- When that Is achieved, the Roman Catholic high schools high school age Compline Benedict!# I Trinity Collegiate Fellowship archbishop said he thinks It will Sunday 9:00 p.- will meet for supper and sing¬ logical Seminary. He was or¬ be pcjsible to meet with Protes¬ overwhelmingly favor the wear¬ 12:00 - Reception for Dr, dained into the priesthood Jan. ing of school uniforms, Sister & Mrs. Slmms Movie every Friday <1 ing at 8:45 p.m. Sunday. Three tants. He said he hopes mergers Marie William writes in the at 8:30 students will comprise a panel 8, 1955. will unify the churches in prin¬ Catholic Educator. Her 5:30 p.m. Christian discussing "Problematic Pas¬ During the years 1954 to 1955 findings Student Ddnce every Siturtfcy «K ciples, but that the traditions and were based on studies in seven Foundation Campus Vespers. 9-12 sages in the Scriptures." he was associate chaplain to rites of each will be preserved. _ communities. Lansing Central Okemos Church First Christian First Church Free Methodist SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH of the Nazarene Reformed Church of the Nazarene Church 1906 Hamilton Rd. 828 N. Washington, Lansing 240 Marshall St. Lansing Genesee at Butler Morning Worship 11 a.m. 1518 S. WASHINGTON - LANSING C. A. Bruch, pastor Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor "Who is Your Dlcutor?" Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Service 9^)0 & Your "Church- A way-From-Home" Church School 9:45 a.n - Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. 11:15 Morning Worship - 11:00 a.n Young Peoples Service Youth Groups - 6:00 Youth Fellowship 4:00 p.m. Sunday School 10:15 p.n 6:15 p.m. Evening Service 7K>0 p.m. Evening Service 7 p.mJ Evangelistic Hour - 7:00 p.n Family Service Wed. Evening Service 7:00 p.m. rhose in need of transportatlot 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR Mid-week Prayer Wed. Evening 7;30 rail the campus Religious Ad¬ Nursery Provided 7:30 p.m. 11:00 A.M. "| DIE ! - BUT GOD" Rev F. W. Van Valin visor, Mr. Cornelius Korhort For Transportation Call ED 7-9207 for free Harry T. Stanley, Mlnlsu Call IV it 489-5852 or Mr. Henry Boscl .2-9857 transportation. Continuing series 0 Df EP 2-2K3. of OmimIs. _ 7:00 P.M. "GOD TAKES OUR MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL & STUDENT CENTER FIRST WESLEYAN WORRlESj METHODIST CHURCH Second in a series a 444 Abbott Road, East Lansing North Magnolia Ave, at Michigan and your Life Today 332-0778 Theodore K. Bundenthal, Rev. R. Steven Nicholso^. Jr. 8:30 P.M. ADULT YOUTH Campus Pastor . fecial morning and evening .Discussion and Refreshments SUNDAY SERVICES services 11:00 a.m. I> 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - Marlns 6:00 p.m, - Student Supper 10:00 Holy f ucharlst J a.m. p.m. - Buainess Meet FREL BLS TRANSPORTATION 11:15 a.m. MORNING AND r Gerald Wyman, The minister, "The choice World Worship Service war or World Law" Discussion fotlowlng, Sunday, Unita¬ 8:15 p.m. Vespers rian - Universalis! Church. Ila.m., Holmes and Prospect Theme: "Wonderfully Different" Text: John 17:14-15 St*., Lansing. Rev. Dundentha! Roger Rounds - Evangelist Call IV 2-9382 for Information i a.ailablefor counseling at ail times.