Weather MICHIGAN Inside STATE NEWS Occesieoel showor • and thunder sh*were «r* fwttait Pago 6 offers tips oi.i* gettingw for t*day. The sl»*w*rs will STATK and making the most of that end tonight, temperatures will summer job. Soo pago 3 for tho UNIVERSITY latest on pinnings and en¬ Atilft."*"1"1' gagements. Vol 53. No. 193 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. May 8, 1962 Student Presidents Bunche Veto Discrimination Says UN Seven Big Tan student body presldents pa a tad resolutions special topic# was held sidelight to the main conference. • ar universities reported less In- terest In student government than At Peak outlawing racial and religious Jim 8 11 ling a. newly-appointed those from smaller schools, Bil- discrimination in student organ- election* commissioner, attend- |ing» aald. Blasts Lunatic Fringe Izatlons and affirming confidence In the National Student i ed from MSU. m ^ Interest in student govern- Groups Ion at a conference at ATLANTIC CITY OP - Under University of Michigan last weekend. Instance, had only 10^ of the Secretary Ralph Bunche of the Bob Howard, Student Government president, said the presidents agreed to All-Unlverslty try Broadway student body voting," he said. Ohio State's representative re¬ ported that by emphasizing cam¬ United Nations said Monday U.N. popularity is at an all-time peak despite mounting criticism from to end racial and religious dis¬ crimination In all student or¬ Hit Wins pus issues more than national Issues throughout die and during the campaigns what he called " rightist detrac¬ tors groups." and other lunatic fringe ganizations or groins on BlgTen year, more in¬ campuses "unless such discrim¬ ination is consistent with the goals of the University or or¬ Pulitzer terest In student government generated. Billings said. wa s Bunche saidCommunistcritics envy t ) lack c "admire and with which our home grown ganization." Howard said the NSA resol- utlon seated that Big Ten pres- Business Without Ing." Monday won Really Try- the 1962 Pull- Math right wingers do violence to the ldaits would work for more pub- Among such groups he listed in Plaque tier Prize for drama. Theaward an address to the United Auto llclty of NSA service functions for fiction went to Edwin O'Con- Workers convention were "those and less emphasis on the ex- nor for "The Edge of Sadnesa," muddled and addle-pated ladles" presslon of national student o- the story of an Irish-American of the Daughters of the American pinion through the organization, priest in a rundown Boston The presidents also discussed parish, A Reality Revolution along the "the John Blrchers, (William) Buckley and out-of-state tuition rates, but "How To Succeed," a musical his National Review Issued no resolutions on the topic, H* March of Nickels (and) Sold¬ starring Robert Morse __ iers of the Cross." A "satellite conference" on aggressive young businessman, P*lgn has Plled "p p"r" Mathe- "The U.N.'s opponents," Bun¬ io Speak Jack Welnstock and Willie Gil- bert, with a score by Frank Loes- Miuhen am the which took first National Putnam che said, "are vigorous in seek- of them offers i t dow >n Voice Global ser. In the field of Journalism, the t«y- , l<~a WfJs MSI' suggestion it. as a substitute for and I think this is so be¬ cause there is none. gold plaque for meritorious pub- Anthony koo of t t < "'Ihe United Nations is strong¬ )f America lie service by a newspaper went the Panama City, Fla., News- omlcsKoo department. proposed in a letter to er and more active today than it r been, but it's still far Glimpses Herald for Its three-year cam¬ the State News that the students, I \rthur W. Hummel, Jr., depu- paign against corruption In Pana¬ faculty and staff honor the math¬ ISRAELI INDEPENDENCE DAY--Anticipoting -onge >ugh." :or of die Voice of Amer- ematicians on the same scale that Wednesday'* said the U.N. has been „j spent 20 years In the ma City. celebration of Israel'* independence from Great Britain 14 an euecuve instrument in we would honor an All-American jup- Walter Llppmann, New York fir East, will address students By the Associated Press Herald Tribune syndicate writer, football team. years ago, folksongs rang through the Union Ballroom Sunday pressing quarrels between na- faculty Tuesday at 8 p.m. He said it would be night. Gene Bluestein, ATL instructor with hi* guitor, bonjo became a two-time winner, be¬ a more Rolph Bunche, Under Sec¬ y, 35 Union. personal honor if members of and flute, joined voice* ond talent* with Ora Katx, Itroel -iummel substitutes for Henry e Voice of Machine Guns, Riots Highlight Algeirs 1 ing cited for wise and responsi¬ ble International reporting. The the university community sup- •■State New* retary for special Political Affair* of the United Nation* ooras, director of the iii%_ J rr erica, who was forced tocan- ALGIERS - A Moslem mob surged out of the Casbah 72-year-old columnist spe- ported the effort with thrlr nic- will speak in the University clal Pulitzer citation In 1958. auditorium ■I the speaking engagement be- downtown uowmown AlgiersAlgiers Monday Killing killing one European before riot police Thursday at 8:15 Ihe State News Plckec State International ln . Pulitzer Prize rate- brought them under control. Police opened fire with submachine Singe n < m- eorv f 2encrai non-fiction the idea and supported it i Hi* experience in world of- :an guns and an unknown number of Moslems were wounded. Several persons were believed to have been injured iniured bv Jff!™ h * orlals and columns. fairtwillbe incorporated into Student and facultv r, square. Place Du Gouver- by the the v^lte for --ph, {uk[ng . of . ^ the March faculty r response enthusiastic. speech entitled, "The World Presldent 1960/. an .Tcount of to was a ■ S. Flemmlng award the last presidential campaign. "I Just feel good that a Jour¬ nalistic book has been recognized Congratulatory letters, including a variety of coins and dollar bills, flowed Into the State Nev "JJJ*" ' lar In Final The U.N. and Africa." In recent year* Bunche ho* been e*pecially interested in Iri fK* dtuttf^e M QIIJVC • The Michigan State Singers # o.'the vear's toptenyoung MOSCOW - East German Communist leader Walter Ulbrlcht in the awards," White oaM said. Departments, living units and. under the direction of Richard spring break, rhe tour Included developing a program of peace, -ment officers. The 1962 prize for news pho¬ performances in Indianapolis* fut use ond control of atomic Monday dashed cold water on hopes for an early Berlin settle- dormitory precincts heeded the Klausll, assistant professor of Milwaukee, Detroit, andOiicago. er serving in World War ment. He said ln a Pravda Interview that East Germany never tography went to Paul Vathls of call and made collections. energy. . the Harrlsburg, Pa., bureau of ;ave their final concert The concert Sunday began with Hit work for the UN hoi •c'ir.ed the everseas lnfor- will accept international control of the access routes to Com- aken the Associated Press, for a plc- The most distant contribution 0j the' £ ason before a capacity the "Tcce Sacerdos Magnus" by n program in 1950 when the munlst-surrounded West Berlin. >1 Nye. of the him to the Congo to dirt of President Kennedy and crowd.a Peoples Church Sunday Anton Bruckner. In this number Jrograrr. was a part of the De- Establishment pf such control is a key featu n reports of ture 01 »'>"esiaent Kennedy an< (Continued on page 4) e/enfng. the orchestral arrangement used operations during the it of State, and his first current U.S. -Soviet contacts on the future of divided city former president Dwight a El¬ The Singers are 7 was by Joseph Barber, assistant crisis. He *ai also ii s senhower, heads bowed, backs assignment was as pub- 110 miles inside East Germany. the students from variou graduate student and member of during confer¬ :rs officer at Hong Kong. to ence camera at camp David. a Tickets on the university. This year they havi the State Singers. "Cantate Domino" *reoel and the Arab *ta Senate Talkfesl Brings Petition The 46th annual Pulitzer by Hans ent was as public affairs Prizes were a warded by the trus¬ tees of Columbia University on Sale For for groups on campus Channel 6 television, Leo Hassler was an number, performed by the group acappella Earlier Thur*day from o 5 p.m. Bunche will be ir e American embassy, WASHINGTON WASHINGTON - - Senate Senate leaders leaders filed filed a petition Monday led c with control and freshness. "A- la-soon, Burma, from 195? k'". He attended the National to off the two-week-old talkfest on the literacy test bill - - and they recommendation of the advisory board on Pulitzer Prizes. They 'Brigadoon' larm Bells" was also presented Inion Green Room for ai ormaI coffee hour. Intere tWl College in ' Va'shln«on'Tn sa'd the showdown on Wednesday could result In a tougher rule sgalnst filibusters ln 1963. Senate ' democratic leader Mike Mansfield of Montana said " administered by thegradu; °MJ, „7fhi In anticipation of TV a Scottish wl"r£jr t0 th® Howard the vocal arrangement written by Wallace DePue, graduate as¬ sistant in the music department. 'orld, : thirds » series of votes Wednesday may show that a majority the bill even though it is not possible to obtain the two- majority needed to stop debate and bring the measure P Jo^\P"1'"er|n J " P the ,ournflllsm ^1 MM magic of last year's "Kismet," peop,e 1?a,ve bec? ^erlng tick- «8 this year's aU-universlty Chooses The Singers aptly presented "Fanfare and Hornpipe" by Wil¬ liam Walton, with words by Edith which could have started a world war. He said the also has gone pretty muc un for a upiora vntm ote. category carry a prize of $1,000 each for Individuals cited, except where two share a ^ musical Brlgadoon forthelast weeks whlch pre_ Cabinet Sltwell. The number was accompanied by flutes, cla: way the United States has \ ed, particularly in the cu ladio-TV Majors Confusion Reigns in Laos single prize sented in the auditorium on May between them. The winning news- 24, 25 and 26. Curtain time Bob Howard, All-University Student Government president, mpet, and drums. The words 16th Assembly. paper receives a gold plaque. is 8 p.m. speaking vo The Negro diplomat mentioned nere Eligible for " J *' °l" Monday announced 14 appoint¬ Mall orders are still being ac- ments to his cablnent. by the group Just as Edith Slt¬ for the first time In a public well presented them In her orig¬ speech rumors that he may be WASHINGTON - The United States sought an International cepted. Starting Monday and con- ! Scholarships Control Commission investigation Monday of what it termed a violation of the cease-fire by red rebels in Laos. tlnulng through the performance junl dates, the box office ln the Aud- ' ■ Barbara Rail, East Lansing was nameldadr inal performance ln London. contender for the U.S. Senate scholarship pri At the same time. U.S. officials said they have no evidence Freedom Rider Talks seat now held by Sen. Jacob e of the to support Lao government charge s that Chinese Communists to 3 p.m., Monday through Frl- Thant Urges Javits, R-N.Y. Bunch said he where television and s will be chosen as At SOC Meeting day. The telephone number for appolnted executlve vice presi- dent doubted whether there was abet¬ r \arious study pro- a reservations is 355-0148. Admission to "Brlgadoon is Jg MaSSolif Reese junjor, treasurer: Jamie Blanchard, Revision ter his way to serve humanity and country than in his present U.N. post. last a the Students Off ^ season coupon or $2.00 for Ferndale sophomore, Is head of I IM U/irtAr At a news conference later, hp.par;. *'ill sponsor sor two scho- France Confirms Nuclear Tests Campus meeting, Tuesday at 7:30 ^jCQ^ r' J public public relations: and Junior, Jim BUI-is WIN V.nUlTef however, Bunche brushed aside -■r eligible applicants p. m. 32 Union. Smith rode through lngs. Fast Lansing STOCKHOLM,. f-U Thant, L'N she has the South last summer as a free- elections commissioner. as too hypothetical a direct ques- between PARIS France reluctantly confirmed Monday lat their Junior between - conducted her fifth nuclear test In efforts to build i independent dom rider where he was several Sieffert to be Honored Jim Corey, . Grand Rapids acting Secretary-General, urged today a revision of the UN char- Senate rhether he would accept a He said nobody had and times arrested and convicted for Fred S. Slebert. dean of the freshman, is ln charge of in- graduate school. atomic striking force, _ ter to increase the strength of the talked I T>* >plicant selected will re- T** underground eexplosion of a nuclear device took place May 1 The . •* disturbing the peace. College of Communication Arts ternal operations, and Ken organlzatio Turning to race problems in be cited for distinguished - will Beachler, Greenville junior, is - ransportation allowance in the Algerian Sahara, presumably —proving ground Also at the meeting Miss Rider "The Ur » only his own country, Bunche said from the women's IM program service at the 1962 University head of academic benefits. pen ard board, and a scho- Reggane. of Wisconsin Journalism Institute as strong is Its "The black ghettos found in all *"-r of *400. He will uncter- Confirmation came after authoritative ! ln Washington will present the first place wo- National Student Association member st 1 be>' American cities are a const a s.x veek program, starting reported France had detonated a nuclear last week. The men's basketball trophy to Rose Friday. coordinator is Larry Lack, Balti- Thant told i conference. amj shameful reminder of h * 25 and in its detection Prophet, SOC Girls Sports Dl- The Burmese diplomat sugges- ending August 3, United States presumably picked up the far ; from finished In the briar,g non-technical phases' equipment, building of American democracy broadcasting at one the five abide by UN resolu- land." i first step to streng- The 2,800 UAW convention de- ^reeman Admits'We May Have Dragged' then the world body. He said the United Nations today Is pol- iegates thereupon approved i animously a broad i L7^ second program is the WASHINGTON - Secretary of Agriculture Orvllle L. Freeman Itlcally weak. resolution. It called on congre: ■elevssion Producti on Asked if he wanted abolished said Monday his department may have "dragged a bit" ln its for a law to require every U. the veto rights of the big powers Scholarship. The appll- handling of the Btllle Sol Estes case, but he denied any favoritism (Continued on paga 4) wsen for this ln the security council, Thant scholarship had been shown the Texas financier. declined to answer directly. But ■t'vv\-eJ 6 0n J0** lr,1,dn8 "The government hasn't lost a dime — not a single dime to he stressed that the veto will MSU Cheese Tetevlslon atudlot.-n* Estes." Freeman said, adding, "this cannot be said for some of be one of the most controversial Tr_T s - crination will en- the big finance companies which apparently have lost millions issues if a revision of the UN Soon on Market " Jare,s in practical to Estes." charter is made. production. "The department could have come out much worse. Freeman •> students Thant predicted the Soviet _ •urther interested may told nearly 100 reporters crammed into his office for a long Union will renew its nuclear information and turbulent news conference, ket. and pre-market tests show iPP from Roderick . » because of the < give ortier varieties a "ightmin St™*,,»■«. Pacific series. run for their money. fc-ar*radio' Journalism predicts Long Bedin Struggle Thant said he had chosen Swed- the first member i Called Dagano, It Is a Swiss¬ like cheese with a pleasing, nutty BERLIN - Chancellor Konrad Adenauer said Monday East- visit outside New York pri- flavor. | /w ^ . tffcst exchanges over Berlin could go on fruitlessly for pay tribute to his According to T.LHedrlck,food remain united. Ultiers Compete In thm )«arsandtheWestmustbe>«i7fare^ A bright and chipper 86. tte West German leader flew to Ber¬ too Contest lin in a U.S. Air Force plane with a warning against any steps in current American-Soviet contacts that could lead i diplo- on Hammarskjold's grave Up- plans to produce and sell the new cheese. ^|chig,n State is matic recognition of Communist East Germany. Thant told the press the UN Dagano is a familiar Item to K/- 35 coll«Ses Md^unl^ super-state to be students and faculty, where It Is ir. 'ef ^1,<* ltlon have submitted MM Mm* 6is SMs found oa WeWi Coat able promote peace and pre- - - - vent world conflicts from develo¬ one of the leading sellers at the campus dairy store, even ,n Work for the LONDON - - — (!JP)-The War Office announced -* — Sunday night that »**at Ml Mo the ping Into open warfare. •hough no attempts have been "1 feel It absolutely neces¬ made to promote It. I the Glamorgan First nrst pn« ^ . wm ouring World War II tests, have washed up sary that member states surren¬ Dagano may cost loos than ? fte dln J^00' don*wd coest of Wales l» the past two we^s. two-mil* stretch of FOWL, FRESHMEN AND FAIR WEATHER- the water. Anne Paxson, Gro**e Pointe der part of their sovereignty to some other cheeses, Hedrlck re- . ►tori, h v ewmnen- Some of th» shells were leaking and > the United Nations," he asserted. ported. On* reason Is th* high kej(n,J J J^ ennorn. win be coast nits cordoned off. Tit* poetic consciousness of spring appar¬ freshman, and Jim Morrow, Royal Oak fresh¬ If the United Nations Is to yield from a given amount of n 4^fr2 lch0fll The area has been an army testing range (totag the war. Many ently Isn't limited to mon alone. These two man are the two students, but lord and lady have a future It must have the "heUs had fcnen lnto the wa» wtthout ^lodlng. jrotntf couple* gathered at the library pool dock refused to give their names. right, the power and die means Swmloy evening to en(oy the dork moods of -•State News Photo by Ron Macomber. to keep peace". Tuf d*y« May 8, 1962 Noted Artist To Ledum Placement BridgeClub Lilt* Seaman TvTtwjI Bureau Monthly Winnen Wednesday At Ait Center Wallay, noted Chicago and commercial design student# interviewing at the Placement artist and designer will give In the art department concerned Bureau Friday, May 11. Addl- depertment, were East-Wee* 1fS, a public lecture on the ethical with the creative * artist's and ' tlonal information In the Place- winners of section A <* the mottW The lector. .. ■ and aoctal reaulta of deelgntng deelgner'a role In Bureau Bulletin for the ly master bridge point game last ■«•«««re, W.^J for waate product* rather then tural change through effective weeks of May 7 and 14: false obsolescence Wednesday, use of his particular powers. Board of Education Mt. Cle- the Kreage Art Cen- WaUey's career has Included m#ns „ All elmentsry educa- eight tables in A and nine la B. 7* ™ M W37"58 1 work work asas political cartoonist, pup- ter gallery. tlon> speech tion, tp««ch correctlonlst. Junior Junk¬ Wayne Frederick, of the hlgh- peteer and exhibit designer for hlgh Unguage-arts-soclal stu- way research laboratory, and Walley will give a second lec- General Motors, artist for the dies comb., science-math comb. William Barnett were second In re on the useful application of Department of Interior In Alaska, Decatur Public Schools — all the East-West group of Section e creative artist's character!*- free lance designer of furniture elementary education. English- A. tics for change to shorten the structures and exhibits, teacher — - — "■ —• dramatics ' Alumni John and Ann Leonard ^MnT — ing problems of ubenlsation easel painter, sculptor, visitli« ijementary education, high and Robert Bacon and Elwyn Thursday at 8 p.m. pronator In Norway and cur- ,chool vocational home econo- Banghart were second. He will be here Monday through rently he teeches at the Chicago S+totiuSvrtl ******** - . ... rnlcs, French or French-Spanish, Professor emeritus C. E. ,meth and English, guidance. Rusaell of horticulture, playing Wl Folks Find Hell high business education, math. English majors. North-South winners of section E. Mike " Bray and ^ Sanford Sulks*, of the 1'nlverslty College, were Now That It's second. rn&j£rm?r&>vcr&j HELL. MICH. (JT - Now that Hell post marks Army Cadets Polish Up A.R. Drury of surgery and medicine and CO. Harris, En¬ "People from every Hell is on the map, finding it an people are attractive place to many foreign countr •„£ For Federal Inspection gineering. were the East-West stopped here since the highway f J # __ Vhe ^ result? A business boom department put Hell on the map," looking extra sharp Tuesday st horstat, whose husbands are in Hell. s#ld Mr9- Beulah l>wey. who the weekly ROTC parade. They the physics-math department. Hell soon Will have its first thinks Hell is a pretty nice place ,re slated to be reviewed by were second. Jordan Levin of motel. 10 live. a visiting inspection team head- ag engineering was third. Hell's chamber of commerce Mrs. Dawey. with her husband, .d by Col. A. Mullen of theArmy " University »*" Explicate INTERNATIONAL DANCE PARTY-With El Sherif, Egypt, graduate student, right, and already is m business. — - o«_«. as _ROTC deuchmentat .. . " Notre ~Darned Bridge Club holds a game every 'Trode v/ind»' in the offing this Saturday, Tom Rosso, Southfield senior, members of pert of the Army's annual Wednesday evening at 7:15 In the Tom Castre, India, graduate student, teochet Federal Inspection. *basement' of the "Ear b Lan*lnf the planning board of the International Festi- There's awful lot than 15,000 letters from going stamp The team will arrive on camp- Savings and Loan Building. Any-, KoreaJfeLallanv Columbui, Ohio, sophomore, collectors dean lug tlw Hell Pusi- . vol leek on, chamber of mark the first 2-1/2 months it ua~Monday Ynd wiU spend the day one is welcome to play. |"BTue Mure— At St. T the steps to a notive donee that somehow re¬ ••State News Photo by Bob Decker. commerce scrutinizing the offices, class- sembles current American footwork. Helmv is new. And its president, Mel *»as 'n business. Mrs. Dewey r00ms and officers of the de- Reinhart, is giving the devil its tachment. due. He credits much of the But the people who live In jn the afternoon, the inspect- School Dropouts, Labor's business boom to the Michigan State about Highway Department. It re- cently put Hell, a community of 300 Hell do have one complaint. There ing team will review the cadet aren't enough road signs, they corps at the annual Dean's Day ®«y. telling people how to go to Parade, to which all the deans near Detroit, on the Hell. of MSU have been Invited, official state map. Many people drive around for ■ Most Tragic Problem went were A little later the post office up. And visitors to Hell able to send post cards hours before they find us." said Reinhart. "They don't realize how hard it is to get to Hell." An estimated 2 million tyix-s >f animals have been classified since the 18th Century, friends with authentic jr. According tc estimates, he ad¬ join ered die keynote ad- I'efore a personnel and ded. there were 6,300 school Dinner on Green dropouts lr Petrolt In 1961 and :e v inference at a morn- nearly 6,000 ir. 1<*S0. Serves Roast Ox islor, in the Kiva. " dat.i," hesaid, "drama- Roast ox will be served by sre is every indication that tlcallv point out the job pro- the Agricultural Council at their r ent problems of youth blems be', ng experienced by "Dinner on the Green" May 12. voire rore pronounced," school dropouts cemparedtohtgh The dinner will be served on school graduates. the ROTC drill field behind fstimated, he noted. "Dropouts suffer greater un- "Sparry" from 5:30 to 7 p.i ^ of the nation's employment, take longer to find f ollowing the dinner, there drop out of school etins senior high jobs, get less desirable Jobs, and earn less money. Feing un- will be* a student-faculty soft- ball game. A square dance in TJlM BUTTON-WUIA PRENTiSS Sigma lambda Chis trained and w ithout a high school diploma, or its equivalent, they demonstration hall from 8 to 12 p.m. will round off the even- JACK CARTER Award 10 at Banquet are often under-employed: their ing. C,nemaSCOpe • METROCOLOR, prospects for better jobs are Tickets may be obtained in the ______ slight. In addition, some will re- Lnion, 121 Agricultural Hall, or B atcr Safety main chronically unemployed. Kruger noted the significant relationship between education from any Ag Council member. The cost is $1.50 for adults and 50rf for children under 10. HORCoNTU lieutenant Course "JUDGMENT at NUREMBERG Offerred and unemployment — the more with ACADEMY AWARD WINNER - Kirk Douglas Kim Novak years of formal education the 11 v Red Cross workers have, the less the rate MAXIMILIAN SCHELL plus a Creat Cast, (Continued on page 4) the Red Cross water Grad To Study Walrus On May 24-26, AUTOMATIC LANGUAGE TRANSLATION course that will he gi%- di\ through M.5.U. Auditorium, --10 p-r.. in Thursday Womens In- On Bering Sea Island ai Fuilding Pool, Stuart Marks, graduate student e are SO students who la jo ring in fistwries and wild- ife, has arrived in Alaska 3na & the second partofapro- ill be flown from the mainland ac- to Diomede Island in the Bering l"hese ude nt h«v* Sea, where he will conduct a Tickets: Pan census and other population stu¬ SI,50 For Balcony dies on the w-elrus. Pt*- $2,00 For Main Floor later. Varks will return to ;s ir. the mainland and do research ■ruct on the Alaskan brewn bear, the four polar bear and the caribou. Varks has visited the Congo and Puerto Rico. The Alaskan D«pt of lych Smith To Address expedition will afford him addi¬ tional knowledge of the world's Michigan Stat. Univart East Looting, Mlchigor wildlife. Conservative Club rrp.. will give iki- On completion of the Alaskan t0 rarrv out research on oflHoro nojia aroflA Six of one, on "Our em" on Thurs- animals for the Fisheries Wildlife Departm From the same field the berry N0W^ half a dozen Drolett To Head 133335 * rvat-.e Clut public with nc Vets Association Cost bonnetblanc of the wiuiamHOUKN CUFI0NWEB8 It is hat white and white VII hat other afvo:r.raer.t to his pre- 1^39, Smith wras :otf dwNr* vor* Stock business trends ami Starts : both the Cleveland and the Americas b>- SAT! banking. rtOGKAM IXFOMfATION CALL CD »-*17 .Gene V^oore, ^osao in/'Vd=a EAST LAN5INC PHONE ED.7-2814 "M6N SCAR HUMOR— HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING H computers process data in mathematical terms, how WHOLESALE FUN! HIURMMIS!" can they be instructed to handle information and of translation—the translation of an idea into a working ap system. For people with this FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS SOe ability, who liKe to travel plications that are not essentially arithmetic? IBM, in beyond the boundaries of their cooperation with the U.S. Air Force, is finding some specialized areas. IBM offers unusual opportunity. If you're interested in doubled^ w!]j ^ answers through research in translation systems. automatic language any of the fields in which IBM is making important advances Mschinetranslation of idioms, for example, is - semiconductors, microwaves, magneti s.- teaching superconductivity - and your major is in engineering us a great deal about information processing. An idio * or one of the sciences, you are invited to talk with the matic phrase may have a meaning quite different from IBM representative. the sum of its individual words, and a He will be interviewing on your system that mere campus this year. Your ly matches these words won't come close to translating placement office can make an appointment. All qualified it. One solution is an "expanded electronit applicants will receive con¬ dictionary" sideration for that contains idioms and grammatical instructions as employment without regard to race, creed, color or national lanOrmchaej well as single words. Work is now under origin. Write, outlining your way to clarify background and meaning further by automatic syntactical analysis. interests, to: Mfr. of Tedmical Em- Sidney James j Systems research such as this requires its own kind Jte5rmwrt' °** 898 Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. IBM Corporation, 590 Madison M STARTING FRIDA TONITE: TUBS. - MAY 8 - 7 t 9 pan. ALAIN RESNAI'S FAWCHILD THEATRE Adrrussjor. SOf 'USI YEtt AT MWBBMI' IBM MtrhlgaP State New, East Lansing, Michigan hpF?" Psychiatrist Says Twist DELTA UPSILON bara Pinnings Kerr. Hillsdale College. Tom ManuaL Angola. John Olsen, Staien laland. N. N.Y., to PHI DELTA THETA Not All Sex Cathy McDaniels, Garden City Bob Thompson, Y. Junior, to Bonnie Bohan, Bir¬ Birmingham mingham freshman. Junior, to Laurie Llnder, Bir¬ Dr. Edw*rd C. Gsl* chief Clifford Soechtlg, E. WUliam- mingham sophomore and Alpha eton, N Y. psychiatrist of Olin Heslth Cen¬ Phi. sophomore, to Judy Dean Carpenter, Petoskey, to Applequlst, Orchard Lake fresh- ter, Mid he felt that (bars Is too much analysis on the twist. Jaanette Lange, Detroit and East Rick Carr. Lansing Junior, to Ha is in disagreement with Dr. Yakely Hall. Stuart Barnett, Huntington Jane McKlnley, Birmingham Woods Martin Grotjahn, s prominent sophomore, to Lanle Rob¬ Ray Serpa, Grand Rapids, to sophomore and Alpha Phi. inson, California psychiatrist, who said University of Wisconsin that tha twist is a se* aubsti- Sherry Wonders, Dearborn and sophomore. Kappa Delta. /ETA BETA TAU tuta for intimacy. Mike Pasternak. Melrose DELTA CHI "I would question very much Bob McBaln, East Grand Ra- Lee Bowen, Baldwin, Long Is¬ Psrk, 111, sophomore. whether the Twit l« any leas Diehl, Dearborn Junior. land. - £ , - . intimate than (ha Charleston, Stomp. Chicken or any of tha DELTA SIMCA PHI bob Rompf, E. Lansing senior, more^' UrUU ,opho" Dick \qhfr HOtKP many former dance crates," ha Overkamp. Muskegon, to to Marva Primo. Jackson Junior said. . Mary Austin, N. Muskegon and and Alpha Gamma Delta. In„ t ! J ' £foswell Jun- "To say that lack of intimacy North Campbell Hall. is associated with our way of John Simons, Midland senior, the'cnU^'statea'M?rh living is limb," Dale said. ' going way out on a da Mark Know led. Adrian, to Lin¬ Baodin, Ferris Institute. p-Ss. Rmm-Joh""ow"• tssr I think it is correct to think Jim Drake, Reading, to Bar- of the Twist as a means of ex¬ pressing feeling and not neces¬ Engagements sarily sexual feeling. I would certainly like to look at it as Newport Jan Festival Bob DELTA L'PSILON Scranton, Grandville, to DELTA DELTA DELTA ■ pEMALES INVADE THE RACING FIELD-* troinlng range. But even her curious admirer Just another form of recreation Judy Nickels, University of Mi- Judith G. Dow, Winnetka, 111, ■LlltltCindy Cerdon>«9ht«of Mr. and Mrs. |L,.I Gordon of Unlvers ty Village, donned right, .tending by the Electrical Engineers'' kart, reacted favorably to the imallmiss'a along the same line as tennis or other vigorous activities in¬ Drama Study Performen Announced chigan. SNYDER HALL senior, to Vernon C. Long, Glen- view. 111. ■racing helmet and goggles Saturday after- infringement on male rights. volving both sexes," he asid. Dele said thst too many people Is Parisian's NEWPORT, R.L, ((lyGeorge Iris S. Bienstock. Southfield Sandra Bozung, Lowell senior, |Mo«'^wfi"9,h•«®•Kar, *'*•«♦» ®" »"• driver -Stote News Photo by George Junne. have been overconcarned with • m • . Weln, producer of die 1962 Jazz SkAkie, 111. Leonard Z. Fppel. to J.J. senior. Haggal, Grand Rapids. the Twist. A/lQin Interest Fe,,lvl1 ln Newport, has an- Research Projects Seek DFLTA SIGMA PHI "We can become so preoc¬ elr Subjecting ^ wl the theater to scien¬ nounced his list of performers. Ken Larson. Park ALPHA OM1CRON PI Ridget Margaret Hargrave, Eaton Ra- cupied with a situation that we tific scrutiny Is the special In- can create more problems than terest of a Parisian teacher here They Include Louis Armstrong, Duke ST- 10 Sue 0"n*r. Grand Ha- pids jlinlor," Cook. Alma Junior! Jacob Eugene we couldposslbly solve," he said. Ellington. Cerry Mulligan, thU spring. Better Futu re Count baiie, Dave BrubecJc, "If adults hadn't taken up the ^ Jacques Scherer is on leave „ Twist when it was on its way from the University of Paris Dinah Washington, Carman Mc- C,ro1 r van8» Blrmineham SOUTH CASE It Rae, Coleman Hawkins, und Pee soPhom°re [o Warren Risk, soph- Terry Durfee, Kalamazoo out might have already dla- (the Sorbonne) to serve as a Wee Russell. omore at Wayne State Unlver- sophomore, to William Wood, Will men of the future be able Egon A. Hiedemann, concern- A substance Isolated from the appeared from the scene." distinguished visiting professor slty. Niles Junior. to live relatively free of sickness with high frequency sound giant puffball by the late E.H. , in the department of foreign lan- f~' ——————————— i disease through the use of advances In medicine? clally applied to defense, Industry Lucas has been found to inhibit CfHWlMIlI $CietlCe guages. At the Sorbonne he Is profes¬ Shipboard idem service , animals and Is T r< IT* SJas* machines snri giant sad medicine, is now conduct- ^ t0 be i,^(Ts«-S,sly! cesshtts ToDIC sor of the history and technique -censor, revolutionise the of the French theater. ■of industry during the next WJ jjjt few of the wwld ,. two main human patlenl8. Hls flnd has R#l h w. of Ev^on. The theater, says Scherer, is Iwr5' „ of is b2X c«rrT^ arTSrR ,r Emulated additional research thrapeutic properties of the on Illinois, will speak Thursday evening at 8 p!m. on "Christla?, "a system of relations that you South-Sea Island ■ what will be the role of Is out ■sciences such as geophysics, ul- j>«^ wrW wtat the Rus* Slan Academy of Setae*- puffball and other mushrooms. "MSU and other universities." Science; The Way to Understand- can study." He thinks It is sible, for instance, to collect 1 pos¬ mg. Happiness, and Healing" in Irasonics and biochemistry In a A new cyclotron which Is rn - - .. .. • - rr - _ - scientific data on how plays are Kodern economy? be In the five million electr. written, how directors direct and n e sixteen hundred re- jects now In progress seeking to supplv volt class has been designed for state ry Morton M. Cordon of the physics »nd science ind technology ,he n(tlon 8S has a new book, "The Principal Themes of the Classic Theater Service e tuberculosis, headed by surgery. He has beenparticular- •r L. M.illwarn, professor Kennedy said Massachusetts ly successful In developing new 'has always opened her heart To Appear at MSU In France." in preparation. 203 M.A.C. ED 2-0863 ci obiolopy, and fundamental methods for storing and grafting o displaced members of minority h exploring the Thomas Walsh, staff special¬ betw groups," in a statement issued ist of eer btologlcalprocess- at the close of the meeting. Thompson Ramo-Woold- ! and magnetism, being conduct- rldge Inc., Cleveland. Ohio, will • jfessor of Donald J. Montgomery, physics, Johnson, Olson give a talk on Fuel Cells Wed¬ nesday at 4 p.m. In 107 Olds forking cn ■nesting of apples, Bill Stout the mechanical The campus fire department To Head Groups Hall. The relation phenomena agricultural engineering and made two runs within nine min- B1» Johnson, Okemos Junior, Van Allen belt will be the topic r„ **s elected president of Sigma *•'— of the horticulture utes Saturday. dlscussed by Carl G. Ulllequist, •e developing a me- At 3:40 they were summoned Alpha Epsilon on April 23. staff member of the High Al¬ ?f shaking the trees andlet- to the Cherry Lane laundromat Other officers elected were: tlrude observatory at Boulder, pples float down to a after an attendent spotted a fire vice president. John Winter, Hoi- Colo#> Frtday at 11 a.m. in 140 on a stream of air. in t he mechanical room. The land Junior: secretary. Jack Bui- natural science, small blaze was quickly extin- kley. Long Beach, New York I Rep. Powell gulshed. Some clothes had started to Junior: treasurer, Dick Grow, Crosse Pointe sophomore; cor- Correction burn in a dryer. They were taken responding ■®cf«t«r_y. MOce ■Admits Pays out a by an att paper bag. d out in placed Nash, Grosse Pointe sopnomore. Ray Olson. Detroit sophomore. in the mechanical was elected president of Alpha « /he Great Lakes collegiate ■Wife $12,500 r I , on ton ton V r united Nations conference here of a bag of rock salt. over the weekend was inaccurat¬ Aparently the clothes were still ternity. ely described. smoldering and started both bags Other officers elected were; Larry Langley of Oberlin Col- on fire. Marlin Shopbell, Reading fresh- lege, a U.S.S.R. delegate, was *ife Some spare parts were burned man: secretary, Ken GacWer, Caledonia Junior: treasurer. Paui Is on his office !1 at about $12,500 a year given. 01 coSt W8S Riven Peking up a U.S. nameplate. The cmUm mM Tmr Kfe&i itly Is "earning her r the fire depart-* Salisbury, Phelps. New Y Rapids Junior, was picking up pab'v Puerto Rico. ment ws; .ailed to the Student freshman. esnnuin Services Building by maintenance Major Morris Tague of the Air Sov<« nameplate frown which he had on A. (to* In a j.t - it Puerto Rico, Powell rage. a Dallas Jakway we reporter, because her is there and she's ex sme lied smoke. ected as chairman of the ad- " """"""" ~ The .U.S. delegatjon tossed Its Authorities said the smoke vl9Qrs- nameplate to the Soviets which fctlrg a baby and wants to be — would give the Soviets the power "der the care of came from a burned out flus- her UNNERVING SIGN to vote for the U.S. by proxy. in Puerto Rico. physi- rescent ballast in the hallway outside room 143. SYDNEY, Australia (AP)- The Soviet delegation did not PoweH -aid the 31-year-old Th'ere'sV Sydney bus route w'lth storm out of the session, __ __ ■rmer Yvette Marjorie Flores t?n tri nt>i>rst trIVP& this sign at the bus doorway: reported. They were following the — married in December. ljllguiecio rr "South Head Cemetery. Pay as UJS. delegation to get a signature ! handling much of his To Di*cu*» India P ndence while visiting Rico. "Impressions of s Visit to 1 h»ve more thin 100,000 Modern India" will be the theme ni'j-speaking i he w ?ald,r"ind it' people ln my7 1 get a of a talk by Mrs. John Ryder following the final business meet- /USY-. Tom Sar, Winter. Bill jerr>'Vareham. Assistant sports editor. AN Cottons All Dacrons * GUARANTSD cSS£to Also Blends Trememdout Savings at Marlboro the filter cigarette with the iAV!H0$ Bobette Shop unfiltered taste. You Next to Campus Book Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May i Want-ads art fast and Econo¬ mical tool STEREO RECORD PLAYER MACNAVOX PORTABLE ST^r* EC rocord player. Bxcallentcon- Automotive * Automotive Lost & Found Service" » Wanted If For sq|t School Droi 1956 CADILLAC 62 i «>55 DODGE - Cuatom Royal. USED REFRIGERATORS and gaa LOST Woman's Tlssot, black EDDS STARR: Typist, theses, V-8 automatic Radio, or electric ranjss. $25 up. faced watch. Reward. Call 355- dlaaertations. term papers, gen- power. Many trouble f I J,™' door f".1- 3888. 30 eral typing. Experienced, IBM sSrT ^v,Kk"»5: "»| left in this car. Round trip to rtJS. HAGBR FOX electric typewriter.OR 7-8232.C 1. Florida last month, added 1 quart 1115 S. PENNSYLVANIA LOST - Men'aCrotonwrlat watch. oil. Best '56 in the area. Call DIAL 182-5501 Initialed V.H.N. Reward. CaU 355-9023. 31 WE TRAVEL anywhere D, Jim. 15 tor on. y..r, . SjEUf'S f E. Lansing Realty Co. ED 2- _ _ 3534. Evenings, ED 2-3145. Mr. time. Quality catering for all family. Call ED 7-9267. ^ •"lve 'He -7 Perionqf occasions - to fit your budget. 1 30 ™°** wl"ing. able for sale TABLE MODELS. 17" Philco, « .for rent 1961 FAIR LANE 500 , 1953 Mercury & 19S5 Plymouth new picture tub®. 1 yr. guaran- DEPT. STORE of Insurance for C WANTED; luuiu Kioninii Woman mm for m- hiM general H.i» i *J^0,000 sftrii«il ported, there were uTSS »n diamond blue. Fu" .lost & found week. ED 2-0439. finished | low mileage o .personal 355-4801. . peanuts personal 33 T.V. IV 9-1982. t.f. >n's), ED 2-8671. C29 Burcham Dr., off Abbott. Full - _____ , •real estate or part time. ED 2-6859. 29 GARAGE for boat storage for elementary school. n beautiful Hon¬ He stresaed that •service thei®, •transportation ing of the Com- 1961 F ALCON Stat ionwagon. Stan- ORCHARD HOUSE ANTIQUES, fofl^^summer school °For ^EE LET OF lzed musical groups. 1 40 organ- Cb1| 355.9853 after ment problems of sch-71 .wanted dard transmission, delux trim Must sell immediately. Call IV 5574 Round Lake Rd. 11-4.30 information, call ED 2-6426. pieces. Write * out» will not be 21 Daily. Evenings & Mondays by larger — » Plaque tible v1u "Rnd" BudM Too lei increase - 2-6642. 32 appointment. ED 2-8350. Tooley, Secy. Lansing economic ■ FREE FILM Federation of Musicians. 527 S. growth, (or " DEADLINE: From LANSING: U.S. 27 to E. Vlgnlf Jo.m.omda.1^ ige'j FnRn h ,r!8ht 0n t0 Round One roll given free with each Washington. IV 2-5314. "Live Music l (ContinM.d ^ 1) In the number of job. ,1* belos* publicQfio* gue st the problem woulJ pers Jl j 1°5S - 1961 VOLKSWAGENS^- Al- standard shift. Really' ,n good Frem E. LANSING. Straight Nor- b&Wb^127?S^K"!h£ Indiana University irsiry of the young people ..1 young neoni. t0 qualify for the PHONE: c^^*d Lake Rd. Turn only " Ft*e KODACOLOR Spartan Nursery Rummage Sale; ts term. 355-8255 or 8256 1956 CHEVROLET - 4 door, auto- " "" right 2 miles. May 21 at South LansingCom- •• *1 . DCTS The mathematics team mem- '" Robert Greene, Knox- ploymr ' Much needs to] matte, radio, heater. Real good munity Hall. Any contributors .ille, Ienn., sophomore; Fred- for those potential 4, running car. Extra good call ED 7-1213 for pick 1 RATES: 1955 CUSHMAN EAGl^fineme- M k Kexall prescription Cen- erlck J. Gilman. East Lansing fore they leave school' portation. chanlcal condition. $100. Call rummage. 1 day 3 days 5 days white, & color), Ozalld, Clear Print. ED 2-8384. C division of mathematics. was named head of a committee to "The classroom most Important (eichrfl resiy-viJ GERMAN frames electric guitar. Will sell for best offer about PERSONALS SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS purchase the plaque. decreasing the niimb» J $70. CaU 355-0537. 29 Other members of the com- outs," according to 0\ u mittee include Koo; IxJUisBer- He explained that thead Automotive £^RleI2-MiI"'th *" w« MoJeI Sin^r portable at only man, editorial consultant of the can make an effort to J tor you Know what. Lit 1306 MK:H. ED 7-2012 Lr v u klw Xat Lisa. 29 ^ *5 monchly w# deliV(.r or $1.50 per week. and plck up< Buy State News; and Richard Chapln, stand the particular a W54 JAGUAR ROADS IT-R. Good ..... and^ pick up. Buy director of libraries. adolescence, hut he id 1°5S White FORD Convertible - buysl Lansing Radio & T.V. IV ■ rv-» 4 „ ... . „ the brand new Spartan, model Chapln suggested the plaque be teachers also are limjt«|3 it h.'JS 4-0921 looks 192C Power steering, brakes, seats, 29 at only $44.50. Pay only i women on campus h, but , c- . t, ,v. - r placed In the Libr ary lobby, they can do. windows. New tires, automatic. lUt® toey found 28 more. Con- 55 ff3 55 Ihet where more students and vis- He reported there $800. Call 337-7034. 33 ^ Pnr For Rent Kent ^ t^the wlnter term plerfge special offers good only to stt itors would have an opportunity million workers • unem( BUMPING and PAINTING our APARTMENTS > ffotnff aofiv» OO aents 81 to view it. the U.S. In February fi| 8 0(1 special^'. .Ml foreign cars. Kal¬ The committee members plan of these, 751,000 m i960 \ \LlANT Suburban Wagon amazoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker SINGER SEWING CENTER FURNISHED^ 4 man, 5 room. CHCK, Did you know that May to purchase the plague within workers between the service and free estimates. 1411 for sum me r, 309 S. WASHINGTON the next few weeks and present and 19. t LAV «. MATTHEWS, 1?: parking, 2 sun Hop tickets are on sale at the 487-3624 E. Kalamajroo St. Call IV9-7507. porches, near campus. 332-5432. Union? Sue. 32 It before the end of the term. In the last several ju STORY Sells Fm- I ess $1295. 31: said, the unemploymajl . ;°5~ cx.rssMOBiLf *88' Holiday ★ Employment WANTED: 2 male students, 21, T.J. Llnenkugel and Tom Wll- liams come to the State News of- u'wit r , vm> u/nr ' , ..... . / White House amon« two andyouinworke«i| three times fcfl v o.;pe - Hydrc matte, full powr- share sharpe furnished HOUSEWIVES and MOTHERS: A --- Summer t apart- IV4-S06J. fice. room 347, Student Services „t^, Garden Has fTTORY Sells For I es few hours each day selling Avon . B11dl«,_tor the Crest )»« (r Drive-In Theatre. Products can settle your bud¬ ^ dio, Okemos. Return transpona New L955 P0NTLAC tutcmatic, tires STORY - radio, he 2 get problems. Write or phone -s. Alatva Huckina. 5664 Schaal Mich. Telephone IV SPECIAL DEAL: Reduced for summer term from Berkey. Cooking prlvl- rent only. Across My Dear Mr. Youngblood. guaranteed. Refreshments. Call ED 2-6169 for Portraits, applications, pass¬ reservations. WASHINGTON. UP! - - The work- Face . When you recover from your 30 ledges. $7 or $8 a week. Junior Drunken stupor you will find ports. c gome sri:™.1?. ««L"- —1 —. Phone 355-4442. your fan club has found a new pansies are blooming in the White Story Oldsmobile. Inc. You: ask for Steve for \r details. 3J House's newly refurbished rose 3165 E, MICHIGAN Need EXTRA Income _____________________ DIAL IV 2-1311 Would like a FREE skin analysis President Kennedy stepped out BASEMENT APT, Sublet for sum- Thesis Kits Plastic Film En- Need BE AUTY COUNSELOR pro- -- of his office in the bright mor mer term. Unfurnished except for OL rSMOBIL E, 1«56 - stove and refrlserator. Near 32 •fr Real Estate COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT time since it has been Nobility BRICK RANCH house built In replanted APARTMENT - SIMMER ONLY. Fumllbed, alr-condltioned. one 1954. 3 bedrooms plus a 3 room SERVICE ami He redesigned. greeted Civil Air Patrol Become HELP block from Union. Approved and studio apt. now occupied by a faculty member. Designed for one 2100 W, Main, Lansing. IV 9-2652. C cadets, who stood on the freshly unsupervised. 337-0577. U. family or Income. Furniture available. ED 7-7676. 32 ALTERATIONS. Hemming Butler, Mo swath. ' LONDON U»— UdyPtM WANTED r SUMMER and,' 1145 Abbott UhJ-n, Rd. Call R SALE:O2-«ory. from C»™PU'- Paneled Recre- FZ2 block. Shop .!"n?EDLe''n™read 108 Division, behind Cam- garden now features a yel- revealed today that her ler ts the Hon. Henry a The person 6:00-7:30 PM Mon-Fn in atlon room. flrqJlace, fenced P"s Drug Store. ED 2-5584. w rose from Texas -- the Valerian Francis WelleslqL Michigan Sase News 32 Speaker Sam Rose, a variety with of the late Lord Cowley. Am Want-Ad Department is and Sat afternoon. 37 screened porch, automa- • pink edging named after the late lesle/s wife is Lady Pittap tic gas heat. Priced to sell. —————— FORD, 1954 - 8 cylinder, 4 door. asking its readers to help SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE Speaker of the House Sam Ray- housekeeper, burn of Texas. And there's CORNE R GR AND RIVE R "They wen and SP.ART.AN another yellow variety, the Peace for the Job," explained U When you answer a Want- .Airconditioned, FOR SALE: 3-bedroom, 1 floor, Rose. Both reportedly are fa- close to campus and A&P Store. Lot 126' x 181', $12,750. 614 N. Phone 337-9034 kington Ad in xbe State News dur- President. thaPs why we picked i transportation. $?9! 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED Hagadorn Rd. Call 337-7574. 31 I Ir.g the next week PLE ASE THB'WEEK'S SPECIAL Eventually, there will be moss SirLady Pllklngton's husH J let the a suu shasta daisies and columbir* are ditary system, the eldest father'- titledj ST.ART LOOKING NOW FOR 256*' t0 C4mpu>' CiI1 03 ^ Moctem 2 bedroom Cape Cod. T.V. SERVICE. Special rate for planted. And there's Dusty Mil¬ ler, a greenish gray foliage often nearly all of YOUR summer employment. We • — Df»i««bk qualities Huntington Road. ED 7-9552. 29 galore. 828 college housing. Service calls. that grows 6 to 8 inches plant upon the death 0KTTNENTA1 a\« openings t high. 22* E. K AL A jjOL^ES, $4. Absolute honesty. ACME His half brother T.V., 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009 C Starting in mid-March, theen- Cowley, was the he: DIAL IV verting jo full time after grad- ATTRaCTIY'E EAST LANSING BIG - LITTLE HOUSE. 4 garden - covering an ksley apparently * a s i | :. Company also sponsoring home. 3 bedrooms completely rooms. 2 baths. Red Cedar school FREE DRY' CLEANING! — scholarship program for both furnished. "'asher 8. PTyer area. Telephone ED 7-0631. 30 Wend- 90 by 125 feet, came to enough to set himself if] mer. and _ row's Econowash nd Dry for a general upheaval. White they trainer in Irelar: women. Interview for Available Sept I, *62 - >«ot.'i! 3006 1 Vine St., 1/2 block digging up and redesigning lher has homes in ! rf 34 of Union Bldg. held tn h00™ *63'- *150> • month. Call evenings Service west of Sears' Frandor Store Is Tahoe, Ne' at 7:30 pjn. ED 2-2893. 33 ~ giving absolutely free-dry clean- communications oppor- 'My only Job sharp May 9. 30 Arts * "ich customer using —— . Spe northwest training horses." said asr>lard SUMMER TERM. Furnished four Graphs, charts, and illustrations. Speedqueen coin washers only of nobte blood, trarsr-:s WANTED pan time office help 1957 OLDS -U- - 4 door, hv- -" - ..... bedroom house for 4 or 5. Only Experienced. Call Mrs. Kiesler. - - T_0*.9J 10 different times. Take advan- everything thert the State News. Must have 1-1/2 blocks from Union. Call ED 7-9684. . „ cri «l M... VI C I tage M.S.U. Hiey finished only drsjMtic, radsc, heater, White e office experience and must a few days scope for anything 337-2232, 0. From now on. waDi igfc: bJi* finish emir > type. Come 11 be a constant thoughr it Wellestey began servi ms EXPERIENCED TYPIST. Gen- project for Pilklngtons last *eek. -r, 29 6 miles from campus. Available •— - nwnth. eral typlngi term papers, theses. E^CBLLENT T.V. REPAIR - _ ... > National park Service Ito He passed his bigtes 1*61 RAVSL ER SUPER - 4 door. Elec ' typewriter. William a11 tn«es and models. All work Keep the flowers of the season day — serving PL YVKXTH. 4-dow, white. — June 1. TU 2-8073 after 4. 32 KflceJ* tn *> i€i» r-. net Qliaranteed. Onen ft C»m m R-VI bloom ^iDg outsIde the » _ r-* . .... 2 tone Mue Snlah. fs&ndsrdtrar:- •. radjo. w fitter »'» Ql ONSET CORPORATIVE Nur- President's Yorkshire pudding for smsssas: *-«h ■cvtriri\t. Radio. t»ter a»d Vhire wills. 3^45 — V>95. Call ser> School. Need teacher for fLLLY FLRNEHED Colonial, 3 Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. school year. Apply to Mr. Ur®* be<^ooms, 3 baths, study, Buncfie I T£RM papppc TYPED Fxrv«- Dev»OVST? ».TOR SALE AMERKAVS, CLASSCSand fM- n inpon. IV 2-8143/ NEED a babysitter. Mondav thru 29 grct, cloy 15 - Sepeember 1. $175permonth. 0,11 ED 2_4069' June DIAPER SERVICE ^ 33 — SAVE -ASH INSTEAD OF TRAD- INC STAMPS! When you bring ,r ,. Howard _ , w T. B.ASSaDPS'5>. Big iS^sc!XMts, Hur¬ Friday. -;45 am to 5 pm. C«0 your cleaning to WendrWs Ec- d white. Mer¬ TRY WANT ADS 6412. 31 Simpson. East Lansing health aid cury Iflark 5S er.pne. Tilt trail¬ sophomore, publicity. er. Priced »o *11 for only $1295. 1*1 FALCON, dc 1 axe model. AL MKULfCH PONTlAC «»• » ro si Mwt *11 before May 25. $1750. 2121 E. MKHICAN "" jaw Allen. JSS-6690. f-5. 30 ed :-»n ———r c'u£ ^Lo«taround' Lowcos^ Ixge readersmpT 1W CORY ETTE - 4 speed trar j MENS FaU Suits. Olive 42-34. case. N nds«tor.. Good w*j,e wall tires. 40^33." J"*"* n Coats 2 sine Sentimental sater. Call e-/ening». vafoe. Reward. |V Baracuda (ixa 5-3*2. Mr. darfone 543-lOlt. 3». CaU Pappaa. 337-2391. ■ Michigan SUf News, E*«t Laming. Michigan Tuesday, May 8, 1982 S' A Look At MSU IM Sched Golfers Win Again | Weekend Sports field 5:20 p.m. Bv pn if cm ar Of the State News Staff Michigan State's golf vwL!/2 *°T te"th stra,gM flred afternoon 75 for pltal at 5:45 a.m. Saturday. The team a hoIe toUl °' 146, 5 Badger's have one other child, 6:30 pan. . acked up Its longest winning . Badger started the Spar- points and match medal honors, a gt'l Kelly, streak In 1 2 Cossa's Raiders-Colts CSO-Luthir tw o years by trimming Northwestern 221/2 Monday 71",^ wlmlM^u" Are!Tw>lntf S^te--s N°* 2 man, Dan Town- The Spartans actually used «™«d six points with a eight men Monday. Two vasity 3 Errors-AOCS I 1 _i from Northwestern s Ed Menke. 75 72 as his opponent J^-kNevin golfers. Tom Early and John Hun- 4 Ev. Sch.-St. Gerauds couldn t break 80 ter, caddied for their teammates. Old Timers' Coach «i un ?[^anT;, ,iman4? 7," r!ril i i, nW a r-ary Panks Is still leading the Sparuns in penalty strokes. nl*.«« Jfl!1 a"n. W8S Panks hit Wr0n« b*U out of Sugardaddies-7 Sevens —OS. Phi-Phi Belt Predicts A Rout " h r J» rtlLu.1i !^fLy k ' v,"ory " ° the rough on the thirteenth hole 1)1 hla mornlng round >nd '» can Mm two strokes. BOWLING Michigan State's fifth and final back Dick * Gordon injured Rl<,x^hfvV°Jd0bWteratthe -rhe P^'fy 8«ve him an 84 wnt'mr. i -•""•"w . ., j—<■ , ' instead of an 82 and caused Z, LT""!? Pr,ctlc« . climaxed by the sixth will be shoulder in Saturday's scrim- „ bo«om three men for the him to lose all three points to alleys 6 p.m. Timer s annual Old mage. Ron Bentley and Ken Bige- Spartans picked up only six of his opponent. He came back with 1-2 game Saturday. 1™ also were banged up in the Elsworth-Buzzards "The Old Timer's « possible 18 points. a 77 in the afternoon eoodenomrh 3-4 Bower-Trailers favored by n " should be least three touch- wo^ou«- T^e Wildcats, fresh from a fo win two"0^ ? ^ 5-6 T. Chl-G.D.I. Daugherty continued to be 22*14 triumph over Michigan at Spartan Scores downs." 7-8 Jokers-A.K.Psl appraised Duffy 1 Pleased w'th the great play of Ann Arbor Saturday, got their Badger 71 75—146 5 1/2 Daugherty. ''We'll be doing our rinmln n-r. c*Ptaln George Saimes • • has best Pe^format — —t #i#.i - Townsend .75 - - - 72—147 p«rt if \ye show j Dick Staats. He fired 8:30 p.m. ine ! s Barrett 77 72—149 5 series stands 1-2 Spllt-Phl Mu Alpha at deadlocked sPring. Dewey Lincoln. Tom and w°n four points fro Neumann 77- 72-154 2 3-4 Howland-Ev. Sch. 2-2-lgoingintoSaturdayafter- [. Old Krz«nilenski. and Bill Cordon JonQyergard. Overgard 75 81—156 2 5-6 Asher-Dollar 65 Timer assis¬ * praised for their ef- The Spart face their tough- Panks 84 tant coach Dan Currle 77—161 2 feels his 55-inan frankly forts' "l '"i of the season Saturday Today9s Games squad will easily. "It should be at 1< R'"inning with Saimes and Lin- coin in the first team backfield wherl they face Purdue, defending NCAA champion: Ohio State. Big Sail Club Plans American League 44-14," he said. are Earl Lattirner at tailback Ten champs and traditional rival Boston at New York (N) Detroit at Los Angeles (N) and Chuck Mlgyanka. i he number Michigan at Ann Arbor, Pleasure Outing one line included Ernie Clark CHIP SHOTS- Bud Badger was lite Sailing Club plans to take Cleveland at Minnesota (N) hing m Kansas City at Baltimore (N) for tan depth among the current Spar¬ and Matt Snortop. ends. Bobbitt up all night Friday waiting for advantage of the warm weather eleven. His •wd Ed Budde, tackles; Chicago at Washington (N) top two Charley a girl. Badger's wife Carol gave with a sailing outing Tuesday at NO MORE FAST BALLS barely eked out a 16-6 v "—u " 1. guards, birth to a six pound eight ounce 7 30 p.m. at Lake Lansing. FOR THIS FELLA- Saturday over the Be*™., t center, girl, Mil Ann, National League reserve- at Sparrow Hos- Members will have the oppor¬ scoring Its final eight points San Francisco at St. Louis 1 tunity to polish up their sailing (N) the last Los Angeles at Houston Philadelphia at (N) Cincinnati Drobac Seeks Initial Net skills under the direction of the club's experienced skippers. (N) "There's still quite a drop A regular business meeting New York at Chicago -State News Photo by Skip Mays Pittsburgh at Milwaukee (N) off between our first and second lines," he pointed out, "but the Win Over 'M' in Road Clash will be held at 6:30 p.m. in Room 31 of the Union before backfield is looking the club adjourns to the lake. stronger." The Michigan State tennis Regular left tackle Jim Bob- squad will be shooting for Its bitt was hospitalized with the first win over the University of flu Monday, but is expected to Michigan since Stan Drobac be- ready for Tuesday's prartir» cam*, much. Dave Herman replaced tackle for Monday's drills. Dan Underwood is also slated to see According Drobac feels he Is about due to defeat Michigan. In their first meet with Michigan under Dro- / Outstanding freshman quarter- bac's direction in 1958, the Spar¬ tans were shut out, 9-0. Since then, State has gained one notch a year, ACE OF A FAMILY losing by 8-1 and 7-2 ENID, Okla. (AP) scores in 1959 and 1960. Last — In a period of slightly more than 10 year, MSI' "got ahead years - family dule" losing by the slim margin ontlw- -i» the third hole of the Oakwood Coun¬ We have high hopes", Dro¬ try Club course. bac said. "It's going to be 99 Louie E. McClellan did it first per cent mental attitude", he on Feb. 20. 1952. He used a 5- added. Iron on the par 3. He is counting heavf y on dou- 145-yard hole. On March 6. this year, hlB 15- hopeful they will year old son. Scotty, did It with produce, because of a 4-lron. On Mirch 25 Mrs. effectiveness. Spartan duos have- McClellan made the ace with a n>t lost ln the last three meets, six-wood. Michigan is defending Big Ten chamnion and brings a perfect Varsity Drive In 1227 E. GRAND RIVER OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. Are you a one pat or a two pat man? Vitalis with V-7 keeps your hair neat all day without grease. SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. Naturally. ,-7® is the greaseless grooming discovery Vitalis® CURB SERVICE - 7 DAYS with V-7 fights embarrassing dandruff, prevents dryness, keeps WHAT A LIFE-H.r. ore three ED 2 6517 jyour hair neat all day without grease Try Vitalis with V-7 today! of the seven sailors who rep¬ resented Michigan State at the |M0N AND VOLLEY WITH ME-Brlon Eisner, MSU's No. 1 eighth annual Detroit Yacht Club Intercollegiate Invita¬ " s ployer volleys with Tom Bootmon of Indiana. Eisner f Stote Nev n behind in the first set to win the match 11*9, 0 by Ro>i Macomber. 3-6, tional Regatta They are, last weekend. left to right, Ed ALMOST Everyone Reads The New Mulock; Bob Baum and Ellie |S' Out to Spoil Hill. The Spartans finished fifth, 14 points behind Wayne State, who claimed the Com¬ STATE NEWS modore J.A. Summerlee Mem¬ l-D Win Streak John Kobs said he thought his orial Trophy. The collegiates raced the yacht club's sloop- rigged Flying Scots on the De¬ troit River. Scoring results squad would be ready for the Titans. were Wayne-101, lndiana-95, "We've got a better ball club Notre Dame-95, Michigon-89, llctiicar st1te will attempt role of spoilers in wi ! that plays .500 ball," Michigan State-87. he Jsseball rr.e against the Um- "we're hoping for the best fwty Detroit on the Titans' Wednesday." Frank Pellerln, Tatars 5t at the lost their chance coach, said he felt State should Big Ten title snap out 0f its slump, A LOVELY... e^i but they still have put the sklda on "We're out of the Big Ten running now." he said, "so I LARGER DIAMOND L', e ; ' . 5-^winningstreak; the Titans wlllbefar hope the fellows can settle down, c --t touch. relax, and play some good base- They belted ball." Kj. leader Michigan, 5-1, The Titans are not going to ...rlr, ' „ make It easy for the Spartans iri ^ate s favor is to break out of their five game '■ec. its starting nine play- ioslng slump, for Detroit plans j : lttinS -300 °r better, to stfrt its ace righthander, Pete tl e Spartans' assault Craig, on the mound, f of S0Phomores, Joe Crslg Is a giant 240 pounder r^i0. a"d P6""18 K«ch" hlo leads the team with a buzzing fast baU. Three others play an impor¬ ts (41) and in rbi's ant part of the Titans offense, j;--*., , . They are Paul Blbesu, BUI Bart- J" a battln« *v«-age ling and Glen Goode. K r» Jk ® has chlPP€d ln of is own. Blbeau was the National Col- leg lat* betting champion last ATALOW tU .T L! f.f1"slerous wek- »Pring when he betted .483. He hgr8'2" M'ihl«,n P threestraight. wh«n MSU Spartan Coach was also second in die nation ta bese stealing with 2S. LOW PRICE Engagement Ring $200.00 up Wedding Ring 19.75 THOMPSON'S llfliitlM JEWELRY 223 M.A.C. BAIT LAW»NC 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuaaday, May s. Government To Aid nrmii'ii'ii'lfm aaa a^cinn aaa □nana Haaaotiu naaa nann Cheese Package Shape Key EVERY uonraacia □□□□□ To Future Cheese Markets Summer Job Program □□ noma uass □aa □naa naaaa □□□ aaaaa an The future .hapeofthe cheese COLLEGE Federal ct*tl ►PrTle* officials nnafia 0naaaaa Booa nann Tha^ithe conclusion of Robert Tht STUDENT i E^biS. CAN BENEpj hire two »ummer Job program* Mvan dlf- □□aaaas aaaaa M. WlllUm. and T.t. Hedrlck. designed to help coUege »tudent« take a clow loo* at government nan nonna □□□ University food scientists. f«J* ^^5 •♦nice and »ee whether they Hke tt and it Mkea them. Frequently □□a aaaaa aaa In recent tests, consumers in- sauaage. The block snd dlcated a preference for block lhipa ranked highest In pref- and bar-shaped cuts of cheese btjr by this leads to a career In pwbltc apparently because they In transparent reclosable peck- couW be easily rewrapped, did ages. They also liked convenience ^ tUow rapid drying, and were small variety more convenient to use. •~h cubes, and this ]MSt popular shape was And --they ' rw;l„qit, wanted cheeses displayed on var- Rnj half-moon aha pes were rank- — —' book lous store shelf levels Instead of ^ The U. 8. Employment Semee, on|y slightly higher. — WUltams *— An understanding „i just one long shelf. tml Hedrlck conclude that these contained in s working throujfr local office*, Williams and Hedrlck selected lrrtgu|ar cuts are less conven- Health with Ko also helps out. In some cities, rfpresentatlve panels of 70 con- lent> especially to slice for use with the help of local groups it sumers with a range of Income, • ^ brnd and crackers. Hires by Maty H.tL, has set up a special yvxjth em¬ remove ihe pir^m ployment aernce to process Jot* Commor Sense Advertising ---------- ccrns today's upon whom tin, Civil Sarvics programs Clrtl wmcehas twoprogi You're Talking munch arc In m,. academic exccUcin designed to help college stwde The Cream-of-the-Crop Free to You for 30 Science and Hi. read, borrowed. q, program, federal agenc Larry Pontius-- for S3 at am CI11, . aid Reading Room 1 scientific, professional and Dear Advertiser: technical personnel. They ire As you read through these lines you wouldn't try reach every- copy will be 11 limited to 130 working days w-ith¬ and In the future. I hope paid. After .SO d,lv is a calendar year. body, ... Lansing with the same «d. keep the book h\ n you find a little extra information an(j yoU ^d to be selective These Jobs generally arearatl- concerning advertising. No start- at M.S.U. tool Pinpoint the kind V-""" 11 0f student you Jmn, Ro°m >» »hc 111 Waitresses Get ling discoveries or hunches. Just common sense talk, the way you and taik m htm «... or ^ « r»mrh provided. 8?>ffee mIght talk 0VBr * CUP °f ac!K'ertls,nK* y°u Information .1 Diplomatic Tips Name Cutcher Woman Sets Up Fund This week let's get •av from tlw nuts and bolts of advertising and discuss your primary mar¬ slid! rul^' :tiy W en«ineerln« "Sri. and Hcaltli ma taincil on campii Christian Sad Head of Stale For Education of Sons ket. the student market. TT*y think about, talk about, and What do you know about the do things that appeal r Of Deceased Instructor students at M.S.U.? Fact No, should t™S9e PfopIe arc If you want the students t_ — you and your store, you have to Organizatu\ ich she lores. She Young Dems intelligent! They*: iv r* of-the-crop, the top ten pei rh» "»«m- 11^ them and the things they like, arid let them know it| Michigan Stole Umv worked with Alan D. Cutcher. Port Huron dted -MrU 26th, at Lincoln Ne- of the L'»Si You shouldn't try to college girls from This new weekly column will North Dakota. Minnesota and ser.lcr, was elected chairman of braska. where he was a member fool them, or talk down to them. 8 p.m. Thursday deal with the troubles and joys 11 red together In the Young Democratic Hubs of of the University of Nebraska They won't like it or buy itl of advertising. If you have any Moy, 10 Michigan Saturday afternoon In staff. , ., Fact No. 2: the university is M—ting P'oc_ Detroit. It is the intention o f Mrs. itself. It is made special ideas or points you would d see discussed, please feel Union Boll Room Cutcher, 22, Is the youngest Charles Schuller of the audio up ..»w w of different types of people. free t0 drop ^ , line< Young Democratic state chair- vlsutl »lds itZ W iflS the association's promotion, ad¬ of Unlofw plan- vertising and legislative activ¬ ities. He is a former field rep- Ronald M. Horwitx. EastLans- resentative for the Michigan Farm Bur.eau and director of inc rraduate srjdent, was re- _ centlv awarded the htoroldStonier. memher relations and merchan- lr, Banking by the ?or the Michigan branch American Bankers Association. of . the American Dairy As- The fellowship carries • S2.400 Campbell's Suburban Shop Campbell's Suburban Shop Campl e!! «i stipend plus tuition and fees. It is granted to assist qualified graduate students preparing for careers lr. banking or university teaching In the field of finance The Car Coats Are Here j and to encourage research to banking and credit. actively engaged in suit mobility. Our lightweight I cotton poplin top-alls whisk through a busy daily schedule j in smart good fashion serve appropriately as casual chilly- eve cover-ups too. Left, lanky j coat with custom-look welt j detailing. Turquoise or beige 10-16 sizes, 16.98 Right: Belted car coo' with ^ tab detail. Tan, blue, arey 8-16 sizes 12.98 COME IN-OR-ORDER ^)UT Sportsweo * 9^ A DANCE Here A the wildest bargain unce the purchase of Alasiu smash selccuom b> the biggest names in the business ail for a mere 99*' It's your chance to pick up 11 hit numbers for 9c each' Esch is the btggest hit from 1 i great albums by tbese tremendous stars Including the sensational new Latin s» ingtrs The Brothers Castro Ho* come such a fantastic bargain'' Simple It's a nefarious scheme 00 our part Once your hear one number from each of these exciting new albums, CflSA NOty youll want to get them all' While you re at your record dealer grabbing this bargain, tantalize yourself with these gems nancv wilson /cannonball adocaly CLast-ur-The Kingston Trio...ONCt urow a PIZZA PIE time -The Leoermen . staas is our eves—The Four Fresh¬ men lisoea a while with vic immone. GIANT MEAT BALLS GIANT HAM But don t just sit there Rush out and get "Who's News!" GIANT HOT SAUSAC€ ai that 99e* GIANT SUPBl SAIOWCM price! After jjl, how can you go wrong for a lousy 99