Weather Cloudy end cool today with MICHIGAN Inside fATE NEWS temperatures in ftie low to Dormee middle 50't. Chance of scat, Housing System torod skewers tonight. STATE P- 7. Met* boat Cubs, p.4. UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. 194 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 9, 1962 PRICE 10$ I Bunche Finale Global Checks on Wages, Prices | Of Series . 1 j* 'S? roLert aons STW and j-sr&ffSSE end the season World, the 19M-6J Lecture- with an address in the University Aud- United Na- Africa." His talk wUl Railway Merger Over First Hurdle .G!iTI!! Pledged by Kennedy another hurdle p?n5,!v«?ta Ribicoff: Will Use Tuesday ■A2± *Zd°J -"ccessful unlOB before MDs Try Voluntary Ii gz&T»i3£oSZ& "STS'SSico^o/TlT^ . i-cn «tvT tfce Cimnui "^r± *.«■' *w«s bss, clearly lay ahead. DL,Lm„;| sisrssssr"*-* to Bunche 'eight against blackmail Means WASHINGTON. (jP-Secretaryof ATI.ANTIC CITY T - Presi¬ Bunche was born in Detroit in I Welfare Abraham Ribicoff Tues- dent Kennedy pledged a wildly jaw He earned the A.B. degree v.™ .v.— „ cheering Auto Workers Union Ind L« a1S5S«S 2?m3? Ph. a degrees, (majoring ""A "rges Australia lo Adjust to Change wHo say they won't tree* patients under Social Security Health In- convention today a continuing drive to keep wages and prices in check but by voluntary feU^or^at1 Harvard*Unl'v™- dayAurjr^T\usfru«ra>la rel ' urged Australians to Secretary of State Dean Ruak Tues- - adjust to the situation if Britain Joins fessional oath. He called their attitude shocking and attempted means rather than controls. The President indicated that % famirv o* became a member of the Howard University In £ SK™ ""*«•• have' **« "Th#* infm . ... <* us" - inciting to make some adjustments, blackmail of Congress andtheA- merlcan people. whether some in business and labor like it or not he ls re¬ Washington D.C. found historic ,2, Western Europe Is a development of pro- Dr. J. Bruce Henrlksen. who sponsible as chief executive for significance, •■yiiuanci he added, and would "in our view initiated the doctors' stand, pro¬ maintaining wageprice stability, of the strengthen the whole Free World." and Intends to do so. | science an- taught there until Rusk ls here {o mptly denounced Ribicoffs re- lde#s ( "I believe it ls the business w ... increasingly acute strategy marks as a threat to withhold of the President of the United nurl-e l Photo by Mark Krastof. American public. "It ls the responsibility Oniy Monday, Adenauer had cautioned against taking any step hOBDUala*Uwow2d havl HHLiZZi President," Kennedy said, "no* of the $572 24 * m Smts ^o ^Td^ in the talks on Berlin that might moan recognition of Communist " ' > compel, but to seeV Romney Urges East Germany. construction and purchase of be tho equipment. part jvolved . JFK Predicts Medicare Approval continued. ATLANTIC CITY - President Kennedy predicted Tuesday that the Administration's medical care bill will pass, and that all "Some doctors on the staffs of these two hospitals now say they will not treat elderly pat- As Main National do less and I inten ients in these hospitals if the rny responsibilities." doctors *'111 treat patients covered by Its provisions. bills of such patients would be By STEVE COLE Romney advocated the univer- Of the State News Staff sal adoption of education as a Kennedy spoke in t In an ,'p->arent allusion to die action of more than 200 New paid through health insurance city's giant-sized conv Jersey do; tors who have announced they will boycott the proposed financed under Social Security, "The purpose before a crowd of 1 program c,f medical care for the aged, Kennedy told the con- of this nation "We're faced with an unpre- "But apparently they have no is to help all peoples every- cendented world wide struggle 10,000 including LAW ventlon of the United Automobile Workers: objection to practicing in hos- e general public. where to free themselves from for survival in the idealogocal, "I am confident that the great majority, in fact all doctors, pitals that have received outright Atlsr all forms of bondage," indus- scientific, military, economic, City i will threat those who may be covered by this national program." grants of federal funds -eleased from their . . . trialist GeorgeRommeytoldMSU technological, cultural, propa- The Pres'de.n made no direct reference to the threatened s for Men's Club members Tuesday, ganda and political fields," tie boycott, whici has been condemned by Gov. Richard J. Hughes "The doctors who signed the pos- resolution not to treat old people Speaking at the Club's weekly said, — and the state assembly. "L AW all the way with JFK," luncheon meeting Romney said "We need to do more doing _ . . . Ralph Bunche whose bills would be paid through ? "s lts and "we have a good President, UN Under social security as an that Americans should take their and less talking." char- Secretary. . . earned right we need a better congress." 1 °' ln* Brazil Seeks To Break Nuclear Deadlock in these new facilities or using n do 11 dividual intellect alenr, Kennedy remarked that In talk- I United Nations vices on requested his setr- loan from the State De- equipment provided by the tax¬ stitution, i through education said, jng t0 tbe cs Chamber meeting and to American Medical As- GENEVA - Brazil took the initiative Tuesday for a new move payers. possible for people accept 'lt only sociation officials recently hehad partmer.t and he subsequently re- itisfied witl I break the deadlock in the 17-nation disarmament conference. everywhere to achieve the heights thing " played begun to wonder how he signed from the State Dapart- blackmail the of democracy which prevails Romney proposed si got mportarit role lan ed- elected. t to ir. accept a permanent post t nlted Nations Secretariat, r Brazllaln delegate Alfonso Arlno de Mella Franco proposed that All nuclear weapons be outlawed in the Initial «age of a world congress'and the ica n the United States, whereby educatio jrld. ty- "Now I remember," he said, people by refusing older "Education is ourmost impor- e expressed c said. First, he said, is the adoption yerthe in a bow to his thunderous re- 1 controlled limitation of nuclear vehicles li Hippocra of education as a national goal. f h ceptlon from the UAW delegates. and awards, among them the the first stage while Russia makes the limitation conditional upon before they began the practice Second, continued experimenta¬ ? Kennedy flew here from Wash- an a ington and back by helicopter. ^>obel Peace Price In 1950, Four 'bolltlon of foreign bases. of medicine. INO V-haileriQe tion in educational methods. s. shortage of thei He said it was "an extremely I ^"'WdoniS Award in 1951, Peace UAnrilraan infArmAH at Da4nt Third, a breakaway from he Henrlksen, informed to the low pay hazardous" ' d of the Third Order of St. Pleasant of Ribicoff s old ideas with increased us 01 flight and would go Spartan Village that profession. I Key Award of 1962. els in 1954 and the Golden said: "This thing hai On East City Budget Lansing's public hearing new methods. Fourth, he said, American: He termed the lo* s ti« root problem of ed- into history books as the longest by whlrlybird plane that any Pre- 'dent ^had evei taken before. must recognize the need for ed- like Monday night on the proposed The President salo the two Grade School Set around to make a '°rld struggle for equalling middle echelon Pupil Transfer bunch of stinkers, not going to tak< we of old are city budget didn't last long, Despite the fact that the pro- survival. Fifth, ^ u } desperately need great tasks of the nation's ec¬ onomy are to create demands for goods and to avoid inflation. Spartan Elementary School on At present the University is people, but that i Our posed budget would mean higher wll prevail in Amerlcs jNot Answer, i for the East Lansing re- In pursuing the latter goal, the west side of Spartan Village paying 80 per cent of the oper- fight ls against the Klng-Ander- et^ tonal purpose, he said. he said he didn't need is scheduled for completion Aug. ating costs of the Red Cedar son bill bill (Medicare (Medicare program) and arJ sldents, nobody challenged the ' to tell [Hannah Says record $1,512,900 budget designed (Continued 1, said C. E. MacDonald, sup- School which now serves the the socialization of medicine, of the need for an expression on page 3) e'rintendent of East Lansing pub- Spartan Village area, Philip May, meet expenditures for 1962- Hannah to Keynote of both citizenship and education Scho°l segregation 63. not being lie schools. University treasurer, said, age." Poly Sa'ence v J' .. t b«t' only eased by big- .... th, child™ from a tag^crm t.> is bew Space Available 't' Feed Convention a™vl»^c'CbeK Wilson Haii keynote speech 'We have, ,st take a good positioi advantage of it." Joins College in Feed Manufactur- Amer Hannah said The department of political Friday in Wash- school district, he said. sf*akln8 as the chairman * science will be part of the new ventlon Friday in Chicago. then the L-S. Commission of Civil rooms and an activity room he Tbe University's share of op- when it opens fall t®™. City Manager John M. Patrla- College of Social Science when I Right saidTwhere kindergarten and first Hannah recently returned from through erating costs is based on the Anycoedwho rche attributed the record budget it is formed on July 1, Sidney o satisfactory ar.^ rt»s«« wilfbe held out-district tuition formulawhii t»rm sophomore by fall term is ptrtia'lly to payments the city Washington,t the where civilhe served as ^"n :r Ulmer, acting head of the de¬ e said, a to school iSdlM iSlSSni con- capital out-lay is bas«l on th. eligible to apply in 112 Brody Hall mu8t make on the new city II- chair— -• rights h« partment said Tuesday. I fcsegregat in these areas. stt^tione^SLnt^SngU. acmal use of seats in the schools, within the next two weeks. brary and on sewage bond debts, mgs. Ulmer said that no decisions I I *** 3.000 pupils this City has transferred clllties and landscaping will cost TJ* for course changes or require¬ I 0! predominantly Kl--1- year out $100,000. he said, of which the ~ for ^ the students living In mar- Red Cedar Helps Visiting Professors ments been made yet. in the department have -«n schools " Uaivtr.lIY t,s paying 75 per cent. 1 ——— cent. ""Ln, U.U., Speak He said that organization of the . carr,', nent program. i '"^"tion. They acros»dutrtct ,nd should be dee- Office of Education. ffWInQtf 10 jpOW of the Red Cedar. According to way to avoid poison Ivy is to In contact with the plant ls to professor at the University of Texas and was president of the ment, along with changes in the ^ated. H# wUI attend a series of . , . Dr. jimn ur. Feurig, uirw;ior James rcurig, director ui of be suspicious uw •uqiu.iuui ui three loaves, particularly those *»•<» with of any vine wash thoroughly with soap and ,,.r __j --- r- Association for Study " c*"and departments of sociology, psy- >«|iuuii of Ger- chology, charjsd Southern com- meetings dealing with education Q|| BOflO 01 UeatiOfl 01 in Memorial Health Center, geogra- water as soon as possible. This I I K^1<* d#segnegating .11 *t a snail's pace, if at for the underprIvlleged in Wash- Ington on May 21, 22 and 23. ^ WVHU ** W5WW n trees. Isined that poison ivy will get rid of excess poison: Language and Literature. He will speak on "Germanic - the , — - _ . . — I it l ^ #uU Mgregaied areas These will deal with arrant re- of English and editor of the Can- bably arise. Wll ,, . vine and as a however it will not guarantee a- «ainst th* ^"tation. and Some Other 340 Languages," _ _ Morrill Hall, a He said that the committee In- I m.*P)ears that no start will be | *<* until the conclusion of Ions search on the problem of educa- tsnnial Review, will deliver the Foiaon ivy is dan- buah. He said the climbing var- eludes two members from each For those that are especially Michigan State's distinguished *^7^ . ^relwlon of long tlnz young people ting youns from economic people from economic weekly weakly Provost Lecture Wednee- gerous In the s mon on cam- . * o-u 0f the departments which will *"ly litigation.- Htlgaaon.** end Wctallydeprlved and socially deprived families, day. the Inc - . is along the susceptable, there ls both a pill lsltlng professor, Jacques Sch- liege, along with buieau ___ The fourth In the spring serlee, Injection method of rer, will commenoratethe250th the director of the of I »m«U 81P1*" tot-deeegregatlon Material will Material wUl be presented presented bewith by by walks in the woods and other river. ¥ „ lr, m m small against poison Ivy. anniversary of the French writer cities, Hannah aetd. the pro- Welslnger s lecture will be pre- spring activities it la natural The who don't know what munlzatlon political and social research, the _ is . j* Princeton plan developed In Men of adolescent subcultures sented In the Kiwsat 4 p.m. far more cases to occur. poison ivy looks like, may aee Or. Feurig pointed out that Joan Jacque Rousseau with a lec- director of the African Center, Zvt0n' N- J-Multiplications for educational <* — —^ - — " neigher method ls effective. 100 per cent rare at 7:30 p.m. In Parlor A of the Union. and the director of the division of social science. IP Michigan State News .EDITORIAL. East Lansing, Michigan "For Service# RWnleml* A COLUMN .7^ The Graduate Bill MSU Quiz Bowl (CoMil WW T Goes Back to AUSG d* Why tflsd wage The Faculty Committee on Stu¬ for the action -- sloppy hand¬ Not? ............................PAUL auire then P*"i< other < price incr dent Affairs should be commend¬ ling of the election procedure SCHNin (i contra t ed for its decision to refer the hill As long as the Stat® News I signaled as the "Camm wrest »» during registration. scholarly crusade collect- Bowl," the daily studem ^ dtniands* giving graduate students mem¬ ing nickels to purchase a plaque provided large news cow1** There was an opportunity to honoring the Putnam Matt*- and editorial encoura^m,.. * Spellln* bership in AUSG back to student stuff the ballot boxes. And possi¬ mattes team. 1st*s keep the aca- Thirty-two teams renr-I ys adrnlnl government for further study. In demlc campaign going as long as dormitories, fraternities ^ j»lJ- bly some enthusiastic interest possible before the usual resc- rltles and different off light of election and post-elec¬ uon to anything new sets in. living units entered the oui^ groups did cheat. But it is highly It will be many a day before petition. The field tion developments it was the most tribute a _ national move possihle. __ unlikely that dishonesty was a ^ reposing o u r^y*-^ td^ The re a r e sever-al—r-e-a sons significant determining facto those hanging in Jen!son Field- house. But at least the math larshlps and Well, then, troph<— wh -i ,c^" which warrant this action. Nevertheless, there does exist plaque is a start. Quia Bowl? a distinct Now for another proposal: It would require There is the inconclusiveness disparity between what Those who watch television » to plan and orgaiu?- the elections indicated and what , of the bill -- and who isn't drawn to the haps Union Board, student^' Tht P«i as indicated by ques¬ the informal surveys one-eyed monster? — are fami- eminent or Blue Kev pJ^ d»ng« in tions which were raised after the brought out. And liar with the College Bowl weekly sors In literature * priors nil n it was the handling of the ' a th< vUr election. For program which iss broadcast broi late science, mathematic example, as Dean election which Sunday afternoon as i rate c? ousi made the results Fuzak pointed out, are students c*nt respite between p que stio u thumbs vulnerable to sharp protest and adult westerns and i Judges j tnescapjMy working on a doctoral degree eli¬ cries of cops and robbers adventures, clals can be recrutu fraud. gible for ATSG; and should a Surprisingly enough, College faculty ranks. gra¬ It seems that the Bowl has been able to sustain Fairchlld Theater mist* duate student be full-time stu¬ only thing for . a itself for several years In an as ideal location where AUSG to do now is tfc dent or strengthen the ival of the dlence could match part-time to be eligible? fittest" is dominant bill to answer the questions that contestants. Also, there is theinconclusive¬ ideology. Surely there «• enough have been raised after the elect¬ The program is so popular, ed students ness of the election itself. The . .. in fact, that several of the na- would Jump at the oppor;® fact that ion, call for a new vote and hope tion's universities have set up ^ only S75 favored mem¬ compete with their Spanir1 that the conclusions will their own model college bowls thren In such a manner, { bership is indicative of the lack strongly with competition among living celve a litUe more reo'oc confirm the results of the first of any real enthusiasm for join¬ units. and to infuse an intelw4rfr,j election. At Indiana, it has been a »«•* ■ ing. Or perhaps the graduate stu¬ table success. For the rei lege atmosphere. Hoosier version, whlcb they dents were never properly en¬ However influential the elect¬ lightened as to what their vote ions procedure was as a factor would mean. Many students claim leading the Faculty Committee Letters: On Parking Facilities, Thailand, etc. they d : d not reali re t hat they of Student Affairs to refer the To the Ed,wr-* To conclude, it would seem that 1) Not even on the surface is shoot political the pre- lean i . „ would be assessed S.25 each term . , At the risk of triteneta, I —— attending Michigan State Thailand a "bastion of antl-com- that any alternative s - o graduate bill back the Student would like to express accedence * n effect purchasing the pri- ■ - • sent regime would have to be are facile falsehoods. the views of'Professors Axt munism in Southeast Asia." As "" *' for ioining AVSG. Somewhere congress, we hope that the in- and Faunce on the question of vil^re ofTlg^r^edJcaUon" v*ry ritemxiy "as six"m"ont"hs' agcC dra*Ti from a leadership clique They appeal few have either the desire of along the line there was a com- alidation of this election will Thailand's Prime Minister. Field "im*,*nd ^ "*l oversimpltfi f^To'lnvestTn waking gar" Marshal S*rlt Thanarat, indi- be essentially no different from ■ * parking garages and parking feea. a as if ,n Asian military cated that Thailand would begin of the regime now in power. must, by deflnaUon. be moJtm Hify the two referendums t •«.tar th.fniv^g. to seek closer ties with the Com- Nvlth the ^ception of the re- 0n the stereotype of the r for amending judiciary proce¬ volved, it seems that the nec¬ essity for the garage itself should munlst world. This Is complete- °f Prldi Pl«nomy«ig (w*o war-lord. dure. One only has to consider be considered. K- consonant with the principle was exiled for his alleged com- In Thailand, this is the The concensus seems to be Oversi mplifying that has governed Thai foreign Pacify In the murder of King not the case. The pres decisiveness of the voting relations for 300 years- to sur- Anada in 1946) all Thai politl- Utlcal leadership of th. that no more of the landscape vive in a hostile world, lrres- cal leadership since the esub- try Is profoundly (8636-405 and $131-902) to see should be defaced for the ground level parking. Is a parking gar¬ of the ideological re- Hsbment of the nation how unfair any such action would reaso-«L is je atrance r«wn*is Jevot- « yond that it proposes inci poliUcal behavior, hit simply has always been expressed in ^ SL "J!? ,!8"!. nrestiM " ' "* of rh« t Mo Monitor Is i summer camp activity where ca- on-.ores se«K1»tobe popular¬ could s should be noted: ity hase'd on sanction or strange misreading of history. i parties; dets would qualify for the ad¬ The British had two practical aims: to punish the regime which vanced corps by attending a four „ . , . , . had declared war on Britain, and Sociology and An , week basic summer camp be¬ to obtain gratis thousands of tons J D-l' of Thai rice. The British were Letter rOllCS tween their sophomore and jun¬ ior years. And it urges that the To The Producers of 'Picnic' quite candid In these alms Letters which ate "sen twice. The section of your film which present six-week advanced The following article was sul>- the Picl sum¬ fully awi of the showed the actual picnic (some- purging Thailand of ratted by Or. Donald Vases, as- 4rKi ards » ' to be taken >m the thing that the original play did leadership Is nothing more lore than inan length. Many letters which «| mer camp be hiked to eight weeks. t is ran: professor of Spanish. It a figment of the editortal writ¬ have received and printed fel viewing. I am am iaiso aware not portray) is unquestionably • as originally er's imagination. exceeded 350 words, ilereitel to be ascribed some of the greatest footage of the spring of 1»S6. of the d^rejoss^ lo watches the Americana filmed. In fact, all Thai, regardless It is ever In it increasingly evident that shortly after "Picnic" w walks out with was the spirit, somehow the es¬ of political persuasion or soph- leased. The movie is now Michigan State has been reflect¬ ing a: the Lucon Theater, sence, of our people and to reach iscatfon. are forever thankful — lutset. we are the heart of this feeling it seemed to the L'.S. for denying the Brit- ing the views of the Army in re¬ , rewarde-d with one of the great- proper and appropriate for you house of Of] I AM WRITING this to ,sh their demands. See where one gard to ROTC in the past few est thrills la film history -- to have filmed "Picnic" as you The assertions 4) "r*" for several reasons, the c " thatthepre- gress has voted t >*hen the curtains part and from did -- at the exact geographic of which, and most noble, is »ent regime, because it is com¬ postal rate. If that keeps up, *1 years. Thus, the two-year plan is —" ■- complete center of the country. prised of military men. is In- be Just as cheap to mam 1 would like to do what 1 can .. T. the Honk- There - geared especially for MSU and another. tjje neetjs of the as write her every day. partmer.* of De- to \»ous ^crrevt ar. apparent and gre- injustice, lo get to the Honk-Honk-Hoooonk of an in- universal mood captured within populace, using American aid of the we should the limits of the picnic scenes, au Budget adopt the recommenda¬ Oiesel locomotive which to line its n pockets and Amer- the blue print tion for two reasons. First, with suddenly appears, bearing ll w»« the theme of the last straight two the camera and of summer, for this was State's expanding enrollment the then off to the left, whining and the Labor Day Picnic. And it ROTC program will be offered to ever made And 1 mean " Amer" clattering as it decelerates and was the theme of dying, too. can" on both levels of meaning* P11^5 ;o a stoP l" freshmen sPf«tion of the peo- on a voluntary basis The injustice aow I ieel is town trainyards. P»e could be sensed, of the peo- that scarceJv anvooe is aware essence'of the powerful pie who felt: "summer is nearly this fall. By adopting the program of what yoi; have accomplished. of the movie - the gone, - switching t"1 the ne» plan. MSU will keep in step with the I was able to keep my unques- rugged, strong locomotive (which will die again soon." It was the _ ncoabiy passionate feelings surely '* is Hal Carter) -- is cap- passionate, reckless mood of this changes of the time. Secondly, this sublet more or less to r tuned and preserved in the tick- small dying society that youcap- and self for the past several wee a-tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-rick of tured. .And it set the stage so "> c - s'.. 'hi -Vrr;:> rerorsmenda- perhaps of greater impor¬ the idling motors as Hal hops perfectly for Hal and Mad^s, who single sentence has tance, the advanced course at is thxiwoe and has produced off the freight and stalks down scarcely hours before, to find themselves universities is letter as the result. t0 the river bank to wash off caught up in conducting the two- Beswec Cerf, a book publisher dl" of the trip. the whirl of desperate emotion which set the motion of the junior and senior academic years. year plan will be identical with critic whose Judgments in TWs subtle tempo is plc- literary miners I have always ^ ' ro m that initial It also proposes to eliminate the_present operating four-year leii informed aadpercep- ^ "r^1 _ through the program. O^.'is "the mtor of y from its curriculum for on-cam¬ cesdiary sentence in question, moment, impelling the whirlwind te his Trade Winds column to action of the pus study such subjects as Army This would save time for the the May 5 "Saturday Review". and ROTC Organization, indivi¬ more essential aspects Of a col- ber Of recent movies which he dual weapons and markmanship. lege education. had especially enjoyed. And at Michigan State News qpfp Michigan State Nowa, East Lapsing. Mlchi Wednesday, May 9, 1962 Wafts, Prices in Check Five injured in Accident 2 Coeds Fined (Continual «>• ahouM not be. bound by the ^ UAW memb*« thal "»)u*- <*W until waf. Income rWche. •J, ,*«. demanda which re- *£«"£• healthy balance" with On Lake Lansing Road . ._ Two coeds petty pleaded guilty to larceny charges Tuesday Five women were injured Sun- Ewing, 14.«• •*» »n< Miss Bernetu «iira Pric* muHM — and pwftt Income. and were fined $50 plus costs 2L ether demand# and then od*r day when their car went out of ~ "T-e Incr««m - »rt equally • Rauther put out a pre*. re- 1mm last night declaring hit control wi wmroi Lake liniu| on LMmm Lansing no,, Rd. St LaJLr*11 die, Lansing. °' 1720 W,nd,or ^I Jlmtincr George J. Mutter of Lansing TnumeKin Township Justice r> the Court. . craahed through a fence and « All five were i«entaken to Sparrow . fontr»ry to the national to- agreement with Kennedy'« wag*. truck a tree. >par Judith S. Roff. 20. Maple wood «. Jtoapital. Bernetta Ewing was l'L * a, ar# unjuatifled profit price policies - without, how- Mildred M. Ryder, $2. of 1714 Hated in fair condition with a N.J.. sophomore, and Mary M. nd? which require price in- ever, taking back Ma Rand that Stevens, 20. Royal Oak sopho- *L,e«." Windsor lndsor St.. Lanainc. said that fractured pelvis and Linda Ewing «i« ahould rite fatter than SS& '32, "idling out the principles of , productivity. The President took aha ie headed eaat was beaded east on Lafat Lansing Road at 35 in.p.h. when Lake WMwu •!*<> to m fjir condition with internal injuk«». sell books '.SnSn they had stolen WJ* avtTvtnl»rr«t»c«»*» pollclee, he ~ disagreement. note of the another car rounded a curve and The other three war from *»vvhflc Individual adjuatmenta ther a* " - Referring to Reu- distinguished labor forced her off the road. Eaat Lansing police aald her for cuts and bruises women*s^dormitories at lunch leased, The pair admitted going have to be made to fit the leader, Kennedy aald: car went 312 feet on the shoulder Mrs. Ryder admitted to drlnk- !rth iou« patterns in. Individual "He and t do not always agree. through South Campbell. Landon. TOUNC DEMS he la happy to aay, and I'm not P. CwtcKer, P art of the road, veered back on the g a beer at home Sunday and ffitHes. in general, a wage Heren. aan. pavement and skidded 111 fact — half of one at Mrs. Fwing's Yakeley and Mayo dormitories Campus—authn rltle g ttowirtW rest. Her c*r left the If * the fruit* of technology In- a proposal his suggestions are tha -tafTWl eiect«4 It reet and * street want 134 ieet. ' through '• before i1——" , 0f the pickets of the con- not negative. If they are not et Y®vn9 Damocrot. Ctub She was c fence, bounced off a tree and less driving. ts the one basic approach accepted, then he moves on, be- Michigan in Detroit Satur¬ rest In the yard of cause he recognizes the necessity day. —- w ,t an !l«lP ,very of Joseph Wilkinson. 429 W. Lake economy." ®"d the responsibility of good Lansing Road. Biggie Receives a- Th- pre/ident stressed again will prevailing. And he recog- The four passengers were Mrs. NOW OPEN WEEKENDS in *•»«• Profita »wl nlxM ttuit 1 meet my re- Gene vie ve Ewing, 38. Miss ",^s «li must come from with- £ yt cms of productivity, or ' output per man hour. It sponslbility as he does bis Noting that the UAW Is now engaged in important labor con- Boy Scout Award Beverly Ewing, 12. Miss Linda LAKE LANSING AMUSEMENT PARK Clarence "Biggie" Munn, di¬ 15 u-.t>. ;' ssurement, he aald, that tract negotUtlons with aircraft- rector of athletics ^received one irescap-iMy sets "the outer limit missile manufacturers, Kennedy of the highest awards In tt our Raithe:- economic progress. had created a stir said both sides share a respon- slbility to achieve a nonlnflat- the Silver the scouting, Antelope Award, at FrPC! Admission-Picnic Area-Parking :v.e convention by Bay- Boy Scouts of America Region lonary settlement without 7 meeting in Chicago Saturday- m tha: -A.iges Increases should strikes. night. 1 COMING MAY 13th ict ^ confined to the general The President devoted a sub- For his irof.c:r*t#» *s Ken" stantial portion of his remarks distinguished service Outboard motor Speedboat Races to boyhood. Munn received the i.l oo.ues, but at a faster to praise of the HAW decision award from Region 7. one of s:t. The t A\v chief contended t0 spend over S3 million dur- ~ the largest regions In the United — />L ing the next two years to help- States, comprising Michigan, Open Fr. Sat. and Sun. nights 7 pm-12 Doerner LMOSPn mw w ing organize labor unions abroad to obtain higher wages. Kennedy Wisconsin, Indiana and Illinois. ° Sat. &• Sun. afternoon 1 pm- RllJi' her ti€€lu said this would help combat Com- -'ously Munn. who is active •—L $7" ItPF HMIttfl ived the Silver ' ira w*»,l,n -tx junior and senior numltm and v;v: .u v :*» s*.ir y, elected officers during the first t0 *** th#,r n products. nwo» from S.'piXTS 3 ™nths rent applie» council m Ann Arbor. :w: :.c a:ter the May 1 initiat- against purchase • o: U ne>» numbers. Honors Banquet Munn is a National Council resentative of the Chief Okemos rep- The WebsttrGroves. Pili ?oemor. .ur.ior -> as elected president; Future Journalists scouters are More than 25 HaSSelbrlflfl attending the re¬ Co. Je:- •v-e Vachler. Greenville Junior -ires-.^Rt Dave Fester Kan- The fourth annual Honors , Ban- gional conference in Chicago. PHONt I Govt, inspected tv.v Mo. Junior recording * J°"rnallsm Aw4nJs liS Whole Completely Cleaned ecretan. 11.. tumor irvVd Don Baer. Glencoe. corresponding .Voixe Chesley, Ken- secre- L™*™™ at Dines restaurant Thursday evening awarded Jon Roo«"raad. Sexton High School Varsity Drive In RYERS 25 ;-«r. * Conn, junior J treasurer. 4 Journalism scholarship 1227 E. GRAND RIVER to Michigan State. In addition, awards of excel¬ OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. Hiss Paolucci To Deliver lence and honorable mention were presented to central Michigan DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. tame Management Talk area high school students and 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. publications. vfessor ot home management Louis Cassels. United Press SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. \i cr;Sd development, will speak - 1:30 A.M. International religion writer, was i .versity of Manitoba's the featured speaker at the ban- CURB SERVICE - 7 DAYS r-uai tor Home Econo- ;cs ia>. Alumnae ! nday and Sat- quet. He said that newspapers wiU need intelligent and sharp writers in the future. ED 2 6517 Pork Loin Sale "Dec:>; on Making In Fam- Members of Rib End the Journalism es" :-e;. ; ;s «r topic Friday. This open to the Winnipeg ; l;o a> «eli as to the alumnae, department acted the awards. Fred S.Slebert,dean of the as Judges for college of communication The Door With Loin End Center Cut >a:-r-a\ "aolucci will part lei- ■e . v exrerts in and philosophy, agricultural arts, ElwlnE.McCrav. professor of Journalism, and Kenneth R. West, managing editor of the The Store Roast Roast Chops ;r. a panel discussion State Joutxal made the present- re ""-ilc'Sophy and \alues ^ 1 Making In atlons. ^ - 29< - 39< ib. 69c Vews' Writer Organist In Recital DeCamp9s 203 East Grand River Super Right [loins Army Staff Jeanette Sprik, organist, will LEGO-IAMB -59C Skinless State appear in a Senior Recital Friday r staff writer, has been as- at 8:*5 P*m> • ln the Peoples Te." as a sraf: Caducean \rmy T riplerGen- Hospital newspaper. Journalist for ^urch. tlons Miss Sprik will play composir by Gabrieli, Frescobaldi, FRANKS - -(1 Clerambault, Couperin followed I lb 53< - specialist with the b* the FuP* A ll'l;,' of the hos- Minor by Bach. 11* Chorale No. pkg. Fresh fraduated in 1961 with a 3 in A Minor by Cesar Franck in journalism. will represent the Romantic era. MUSHROOMS 49C Contemporary compositions by Pelaquin and Messiaen and the 25 extra Plaid Stamps Prelude and Fugue in G Minor by with each pound purchased Marcel Dupre will conclude the program. Artist to Discuss Cultural Lag youthful application of the Grapefmit The creative artist characteristic for change to shorten the cultural lag in solving our pressing pro¬ blems of urbanization will be the Yellow Onions TOMATOES VT'BEN CASEY": WHY HE'S Jitter about success topic of a lecture given by ar¬ tist John Walley. Wednesday at 3 lb 8 Ib bag 69c 49< 39iib - " *ce Edwards has hit the 8 p.m. in the Kresge Art Cen¬ _ . t the 'ola of B " ter gallery. bag 50 extra Plaid Stamps I»'l deal." he snarls] Walley, who has been a j -TP-year with each bag purchased ovem.ght sensation'" itcal cartoonist, puppeteer and •s week s Post, you'll team why exhibit designer for General Mo¬ tors, currently teaches at the * »;* is sore at struggled for Hollywood. How Chicago branch of the University Marvel A&P Ann Page years as a chorus boy and a of Illinois. icer And why he says: "In this Thursday at 3 p.m., at the gal¬ Engineering Council Cream Style Beans they don't want actors.'" lery, Walley will discuss the ethi¬ Presents ICE CREAM cal and social results of shift¬ ing production from false obsel- CORN ence to production of waste pro- 1/2 gal Engineering Weekend P*3- 59< 4 sr 49( 59< Remember A&P Frozen Food Features May 12,1962 Send Her I Peas 10 oz. pkg. Banquet Chicken Cut Flowers MICRO-MIDGET RACE 10 a.m. Corn 10 oz- Pk9* 7« $1 Meat Pies Turkey Beef 6 *«. $1 DRIVER EDUCATION COURSE ADMISSION FREE Jane Parker ibakery Features RHUBARB PIE - 39<.. Date Filled Coffee Cake .. 33c MAY HOP 25 extra Plaid Stamps with each Coffee Cake purchased Buttermilk Bread 2 i^i" 39' English Muffins „19c Thought Be Sure and CHEERI-AID Place Your Order ALL-UNIVERSITY SEMI-FORMAL Makes 2 Qt». Asst Flavors 6 19^ UNION BALLROOM 9:00-12:00 p.m. Early! Corner of Hagadorn and Ea»t Grand River I norm Markets. kisil 4USIC BY Gentlemen East Lansing Store Hour* 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. •Chorused 109 E. Cr. River TICKETS QN SALE AT UNION TICKET OFFICE Florist Across From Monday thru Saturday W»dn««tlay, May Michigan State News SPORTS. East Lanaing. Michigan IM Sched MJ Farmhouse Star SOFTBALL Looking Mets Whip Cubs, Moving and FIELD 5:20 p.m. 1 Bower-Huwland Has IM No Hitter 2 Ag. Council At rfr Escape Cellar 3 Poultry So. -Lurkers 4 Hasbeena-Marys Boys SAE 16-h. Sigma Nu'» nave 5 Colony Club-Vets 11 r Ust Thui Schult* hit the game's only 6 Su$ardaddies-t>*en Crads k*d win his over »imrai#j Lambda Chi The Farmhouse squad to • KVO Alpha. Fred Wyen's tourhagjfper and 7 S « Rotos-AOCSU Dollar 65-Antiques Saints-No Stars SPORTS CHICAGO W Mets — The New York emerged from the National a drag bunt, stole second, third on a wild pitch and scored on Williams' sacrifice fly. took rapped Jim Held*? (our-hu pitching led League basement for the first out U hit*, including two doubles Phi Kappa Sigma to a de¬ time Tuesday, being supplanted The only extra base Wow yield¬ by Fox. cision over DL . 6:30 pan. DETROIT. -TheDetroit li^rs out the combined attendances of ed by Hook was s waste double Chuck Gate of sm also hurl¬ \lpha Gamma Rho hung on to 1 Hedrick-Motts by Ken Hubbs In the fifth. will go to Japan in October tor the two new teams, the Houston ' ed a 2 Fieal-Elsworth The Mets collected seven hits $p*riling game as i* oar- an early Wad and beat I KPlu a post-seasor.tourandplayteams Colts and hfcw Vork Mets. the hit triangle in another W-0 con¬ 0-5. Pill Clifford hit a r und- 3 t'oms Neurons-1 rsa Maj, The former Northwestern Uni¬ off four pitcher* pinning Ander¬ from the two Japanese profess- gain was still 1? per cent, test. I t* game was leatured by ■I Inteachables As her son was his fourth loss without tripper tor AGR. tonal leagues, it was learned * • • versity twlrler. obtained by the errorless play on both The No Stars wallopped High- 5 Magaftors-Kamika*« MttI il 1 W25.000 premium victory. 7 Seven*-S. i'hi-C **y Research U>-5. Clara Higby Phi by a score of 1-0. IT* *i and V«rr. Fessler homered for Burithardte- Tw ii oinons said Fuesday hi is bidding stops ui Hawaii and Hong Kong, ners' Charles Schrmer struck.out the Stars. Dick Hanr.a belted one \ans-Ftorrendifters tor the heavyweight title match a reliable source told the Asso- et&ht men in the three inning for the loser*. kg Council b * t w e e n Floyd Patterson and $*me. Sonny Uston. Dollar Cv5 smashed four home runs la a 51-U trouncin*of \OCS Pistol Tealleys BOWL INC BALTIMORE, -The Baltimore Solomons said he has his offer to Cus. cabled D'.kmato. Pat¬ 11. Jim Halstea,! hit two. and Tom Barntsm hit the lot* Homer tor 5th in N Colts of the National Football League announced Monday they terson's manager-adviser, and hoped to promote the fight at against the Cubs' 6-. ft w*s only the third time the 7 U tiOCSu Figures recently released by ivvn- >n.< t< had signed end R. C. Owens, a London's huge Wembley Stadium. Mets had pried a full-game hur¬ Ray Champ struc*. out 13 as Beta Fheta Pi te«c Alpr-a Sigma the National Rifle Association place the Michigan State pistol r-S - D, Chi-A.F.C, u-ee agent since failing to coine I'he deadline tor all golf rosters t.0 renewal terms last Tuesday Sept. 11. ling Job out of their staff. The young righthander struck out $>cotck f%i 5-*, Ken Hoajson pitched teem fifth in the nation in lr£ Dormitorv. t ratenuty, and In- Wlth the San Francisco 4"9»rs. 3 and walked 2. LONDON.-Terry Downes. weli m a losing cause. Cossa's Raiders flattened ;!* Big l*s 1«-\Raider Miners were tercolle$s.-«te pistol team com¬ petition. Paced bv Ed Curtis. Fast Laas- d^>erdeot Is 12 noon Thursday. Creen fees ot S-i.OO musteccom- panv each roster. Keseoatiotis • • • CHICAGO. Frank Une.onthe hoping tor another crack at the world middleweight boxing title, Two New York runs were un¬ earned as the Cubs opened the hettle-of-the cellar series before r;.$io%on signed today for i fight against h;t S Jim Stodcla. Ralph Fog*. vjerr\ Summenf-.avs and frank ing Junior: the VSR team scored » total of L0S2 points out of a must N> made, bv the Intramural sidelines for nearly a year after Office ^or starting times with being tired by the Raivsas t ity the champion's brother. LW fans here of the -- smallest turnout season. Aeui Zncfla«i Bam. pa: HttM to .>tw tor possible 1.200 in the national the golf course: therefore, no A's. got back into .svrts Mon- » Pig P Bill ' 1 the : ccmpettUon to take fifth place behind demy. the l.S, Military team champions. aca¬ entries can N< accepted after da\ as general manager '' icage F s National l>asketball Association. of ti Charlie Migyanka, Michigan The Mets scored in the sixth inning when Felix Mantilla walk¬ ed, Qiarlle Neal singled and CountAq State soph quarterback prospect tan' tear:-' oc-sistj^of the follow - The &6-year old grandfather signed with Packers President from Fast Conemaygh. Pa., left fielder ped Hilly Williams drop¬ Frank Thomas' short fly jbteMeA State's "CXitstand- Da\e I rager for one year at an comes from the same school ir>g: \'ike PeKtmg. Fast l ansing for a two-base error. former Spartan greet Tom f<2f 9-/6 as undisclosed sum. His Job. as it They- went ahead with a pair t baseball. of runs in the seventh. Bob An¬ sen senior, Jerry Vedler, Lans¬ r from Lancaster, olde ing sophomore, and \rt Welding. t click i derson. who replaced starter Don fight times ;; y High School told I Cardwell in the sixth, walked ittf* to overvs Hook and Jim Hickman in su¬ rt ^ ^ f. 4 wrny Bill Knapp. Michigan State sen¬ "" Sigma Na s ccession with two out. Mantilla 'MT" ■'*#exclusive NEW YORK. National League ior right-handed pitcher from singled to right and George Al- baseball fans, bracing cold. ram. South Haven, w«s valedictorian trtun let the bull skip through sleet and heat, are turning out ir. his high school graduating his legs The two-bise bobble Detroit Cuts in while larger numbers this season helping the circuit regain opened the scoring door for Hook and Hickman. ^ limtHf its record-breaking pace of 1W. Michigan State soccer goalie 2 From Roster Ihtvugh Sunday's games. Nat¬ Ted Saurtders from Kingston. Ja¬ The Cubs' only ran was tallied ional league attendance was maica. allowed just IS goals in in the first inning by lead-off IS games he tended the nets man Lou Brock. He beet out ! over a two-year period. Charge Lay Michigan State soph tennis per¬ former Tom Jamieson-ssa bro¬ ther of Spartan swim veteran Dan PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL FD 2-58P Jamteson. Both graduated from 'S9 Finishes IR7Ti Lansing Eastern High School. ENDS TONIGHT EA5T LAN5INC PHONE E0.228I4 Michigan sailor Paul O'Reilly presented the biggest challenge to Kuschnerus. skippering his team to tie with Wayne State at the beginning of the last race. FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. - ADULTS 90« Michigan dropped to fourth place NOW SHOWING THRU THURSDAY when he lost a protest decision f last race. e:g*>:h annua! Detroit Yacht Club Former Detroit skipper, Kevin STARTING FRIDAY AT 7PM O'Reilly, brother of the Michigan Intercollegiate Regatta last Big Ten Standings ♦eecend. H pckr-ts ahea^. of fifth j-ttEnSTATHKLY « kA ch^rraan of the regatta. He was place VticMgar. State. He accept¬ winner of the National Fly¬ 7enw FIJIWV.. ed rtieComr-adcreJ. A.Suir.mer- UP UP AKt) 0VER..W«$t Shaw's Lorry Reeves picked up ing Scot championship competit¬ 3ee M^-#lal TVophy or be»al' ion in 1961. I STRIP TCASC IS a *fc*?e fe# first place in tfte jump in lest week's IM of Ms teammates, after the final The coUegiates raced in the Fisels will be held tonight at 5 30 p.m. scores were totaled on Sun- v CarweJuel • Janettt Scott Detroit Yacht Club's sloojwd- . ngjed (two sails) Flying Scots, Nlichigar State finished Sarur- the largest bsats used for Mid¬ "BEST PICTURE MX" VENICE FIUI FtSTTVll- west Collegiate Sailing Associat¬ :an racing seam captain. EdMid- ion regattas. The Flying Scots, -vk. F'.oomfieW Hills senior at- approximately 20 feet long, sailed with teams ot three In mary jood approaches to the STARTS TOMMpRROW course and several good starts. Wind conditions, which, ranged rK. Mcst C>an9«o«s Sin to 30 m.p.h. at one time during the regatta, are considered a good "cricket" speed for the Flying Sailing for the Spartans were former Sailing "Club commadpre Bob Baum; Ed Mulock. Bloom- field Hills senior. Dave Wetzel. Brookfleld, Hi. sophomore; Peter. Van V:a >fcrthville. Junior EMie Kill. East Lansing sophomore Nancy Bus hong. Lewiston. N.Y. sophomore and Marg» Bauman. Neward. NJ. so^wmore. T*n<*** e#,lB 11 T,i ",,T W* tW ^ ^ 1t|mll_ .... - T . tAcw*ti 4—tpmdi for viator tome i» .« . tk. 7: Then «v cot umI ■■ • ' •mltoewcarpemtiM Pm>a» — _JM (Tf !^TI! we. J Michigan SUt» H*wh, E»«t L«n«ing, Michigan Vvedcetday. May 9. 1962 3 jjysial Zeroes (n 'HPR to Spread-- Munn )n NL Records Physical education wiu oere- quired In all universities, be- of the lack ot physical . Colonial John Glenn demon- tion." Munn added. "It is Inv- *tr*ted th#t wha' he had to do possible to operate machlneeand xrtKK rs»n Mutiai U WOOih hit at home, However, cause fitness ln the Inlted States, required fine physical coodi- not be fit. ^.writing (N) *•««> lh* occ«»ton arose three year, dieted Biggie Munn, former pre- 1 r=e" *![, h» » forfit a* in • road game at Chicago member of the Physical Fitness 1 .!1 V5 with • pen- wh»*» Stan was needed as a Council to ex-President Eisen¬ » MtU^„. club. Plnch hitter. One swing and there hower. L will be " wM--hit no. 3.000. National rw t*« t*® „ #ald "I was M when 1 got the 3.000." Physical Fitness Week Is being observedthis week. ^ Cardinal" outfielder J* "^/'Wagner's recordseem- Munn has been concerned about from St, Louis. • lot* way ott. I didn't know the high rate of failure of Ameri¬ * ihe Giants three ** * wou^ around that long. cans to achieve a high level of 1 JVtart.tvi lueaday night *'*•« V™ «* « y,ars old. 430 health. ,** h»« *™ a lot." When Paul rXjdlev White who was we turn right WI*n MusialMusial won won his first his f isenhower's .he same clubs &•«*«« «**■ t«I»43. Wagner physician, points m lUa hu,IIB t0wrt to take part i the a banquet honoring Stan. ' I al- quired by all persons not only for the maintainence of good way* appreciated that." " health Kit also for a favorable told rr- >- >■- function as an anticote to ner¬ vous tension. base- able to match him. In. This lack of fitness is pointed y,ti brought h . out In the military statistic that oinnatl that will fd he up there close i 43 per cent of the draftees fall rack one of these. cords." the physical exam given resented his teat Musial already has broken two by ttie ;ben beating the National League records itus military services. ""Someone should wake 14? to :,-il"LttgM record for most season, most games pla\«d and WALT KOWALCZKY this appalling figure," said Munn. runa 9Cored> The total hit record He said that the root during the next Jew is next. military aca¬ demies are attempting to solve 1956 Heroes Return Musial will bring home Here is a rundown on Stan's this problem by requiring all s^l'ill that will rase 1063 record chases of their cadets take part tn some ,„.;4 ins home. U will National League competetive sport after classes *1; 3.430th base hit. Old record Musial isf-nue record set by Most Games Rarely in Michigan State foot¬ are excused. This however is * ball history have two sophomores Player1 * in the game. that possessed both speed .Homis'Wagner. 2.785 (Wagner) 2,787 Doth Kaiser and Kowalczyk mobility. wwl only scratching the surface of perfornied so brilliantly as did the situation. , number is five for Most Hits - .. "ill return May 12 when the Old wm Walt won Ail-American "1 think that sometime in the v v,r ti* record, in the 3.430 (Wagner) 3,425 i$er,o^ o'ltKr"1", Timers' face the Spartan varsity. AU_Blg T#fl recofnitlon ln future there may be a program |vs ;>•*,( was two night's Most RBl*s CJ* ,n ,h, l» ta Although K.,„ 1. ™., r- '««•;y.r of 1957. in all universities requiring all Va .. :night take slight- 1,860 (Mel Ott) 1.829 S.l.» .iKLKs.»-»layk .Imo.i for hn dl.«lc ~ students to take Physical Edu- « I'm not worked up 1,859 (Ott) 1.871 single-handedly led the Spartans P«rHi P«?« " n ,L v i Thls will evolve out of NOW Thru THURSDAY! :r.uvh as when 1 was Most at Bats to a 17-14 ictory over UCLA. receiver. victory He led ln National Ival," Munn MICHIGAN v000 hits." said 10.427 (Wagner) passes caught in his sophomore an< * Battle ''— n""'~ Creek. > Duffy Expects Aerial "JlM HUTroN' PAULA PRBNTiSS I Major League Leaders ;AN LEAGUE , NATIONAL IFAGLE Game from Old Timers KCARTER CAJ/, ! ABR H Pet. Player and Club f .. Cymoscope • MtTROCOLOR/ jS?*? 64 10 25 97 11 37 60 19 22 . .391 381 .367 Kuenn, S. Fran. Musial, St. Lou. Gonzalez, Phil. 1 Pct- 60 16 23 P4 13 24 .375 64 14 24 .375 .383 Coach Duffy Daugherty emphasis on pass defense TUes- day in preparation for the ex- put the Tackle Jim Bobbin still was bedded down with the Flu. so Dave Herman continued to oper- ingaisfln HORIZoNTU LIEUTENANT 92 15 32 .348 W. Davis, L. Ang. pected aerial onslaught of six ate at left tackle backed up by , Tickets: 81 14 29 .358 Old TiroerquarterbacksSaturday J'm Kanicki. 102 18 35 76 18 26 82 18 28 .343 .342 Flood, St. Lou. Oalrymple, Phil 94 18 33 351 60 U 21 350 . . afternoon. The Job of stopping the pro- The Old Timers were expected » hold their first practice ses- j | SI.50 For Bo I cony $2.00 For Main Floe starting FRIDAY! .341 106 10 36 .340 F. Alou, S, Fran. T. Davis, L. Ang. 105 17 36 343 99 16 33 333' . fessional passing game will fall slon today. Head Coach A1 Dor- j Aoadomy A ward Winner f °4 13 32 .340 . to a defensive back-field composed row expected his offensive line to i 65 13 22 .338 Post, Cin. Pinson, Cin. 75 14 25 .33- «?7 24 32 .330 of safety Lonnie Sanders, half- backs Dewey Lincoln and Earl average 245 pounds and his de- University Th«i KSTACTMlf i 1 tic .ti 1 Home Runs Lattimer, and linebackers George Saimes. Charley Brown fenslve around 275forSaturday*s sixth annual game. A battle was shaping up for ' D*pt of Michigan Stat* Judgment ' ^ - Runs Batted In. Mays, S, Fran. 10 Runs Batted In and Herb Patera. I *1.00. so*. the wingback and tailback posi- j Robinson, Chic. Siebern. Kan. City 27 24 Pinson, Cin. Cepeda, S. Fran. 9 8 Cepeda, S. Fran. Pln*on. Cin. Lincoln ran in the tailback position in the offensivebackfield tions on the second unit among four freshmen. Bob Moreland. Nuremberg ! ClmoH. Kan. Cltv 23 Thomas, N. Y. g T. Davis, L. Ang. Rollins, Minn. 21 Tuesday. Sander s replaced the considered to be the fastest man Exclusive Special Engagement t Bailey, S. Fran. ? Boyer, St. Louis Hamtramack speedster at wing- Kallne, Pet. MejUs, Hous. 7 Mays, S. Fran. on th® squad, and John Tinnick NO RESEHVE0 SEATS! S PERFORMANCES DAILY! back with Saimes at fullback »t tailback, and Doug Roberts and and quarterback Chuck Migyanka. Dick Gordon at wingback. fyftbaH Feat lively Beth Hofstetter.Ohio State *64 fomers and SENIORS! .-xers ar.d rainw*re with a homer to start Ares on M Softball Monday the way to their 4-3 squeaker ig .is East Shaw ter. topped =ha\» s;\, 5-0. Playing er- past Archduke. Ares put it away with a run in the bottom of PICK UP YOUR s precinct s;x scored the fifth with a single run. x< c~ c-tly two hits. Terry Bailey, seven outscored Bailey rled for East Shaw ten. five in the fourth by one to con¬ quer. 7-6. Winning pitcher Jim only one hii and strik- elght i Williams held Bailey five to four hits. CAP AND GOWN • squeezed past' Bob Laurie homered in the a single fifth inning fourth for Bailey six and sparked ■ Hing pitched a one the four runs scored to give _ \17er.: hut walked 12. n* trounced them a 6-4 victory over Bailey Bryan eight. Dave McCord pitched for UNION BOOK STORE I Bl) se\ ■ J lnnlnj, Larrv In other games, the Aristocrats Jm itntshed 3 erand slam won by the forfeit of the Ar- gona ughts and A r ho use r ■ ^odfj0"' Puan,Rsmacked a forfeit from Arsenal. Games an early «3-o lead. Bai- that started at 6:30 p.n ilted a second Inning rained out. in most cases after HURRY! ■ ;> Pailey three to win, only two innings of play. I liurler. 'ienierlong was the Last Day "" HollanJ hurled for Bai- 2:20 6:10 10:00 12:30 4:15 - - - - 8:05 ^I.-?. rolled by Bai- ;n three s "--e run Innings. diflcit in the , Luyc^3r fwiUIAM KIM , I-™ (v r»o rallied, putting :n the second and two T led off 1 1 Sj™ lives it cp with this lively One frovi fori) 62: the lively NewThcnderbird Sports Roadster! Lively Beth Hofstetter enjoys steak, ice cream, and the 40 hp of Thunderbird thunder packed into the new rousing Thunderbird Sports Roadster. This uphoistered Sports V-8 engine . . . it's a stirring propulsion unitl bullet features slip-stream headrests, wire wheels, per¬ See the impressive Sports Roadster, and all APRooucrof . sonal console, and contour-carved bucket seats. You the Lively Ones at your Ford Dealer's ... the also get intercontinental ballistic muscle from an extra liveliest place in .town! motobcoS«ny Y *6 m0 Michigan Wivnipn State News, w1 o > East umig.nR> Michigan istwi Lansing, llth offset printing. IBM,General *ant» £#:3TKi?Low muSage. , DIAL IV 5-1743 Products can settle your bod- from ~ typing, term papers, theses,dl«- f^W..C,.a"*' han. Verv clean and good looking. Al- get problems. Write or phone ledges. J' Bgk.y. Mg or $8la £»£ week.J"™* STUDENTSI Reliable advice on — sertatlons. 3 duplicating proees- MS avmliabl«; Multillth (black & Marlln Leffler 19W Rambler Sedan 6 new tires Top mechanical Mrs. Alsna Huckins, 5604 Schaal and senior men. f hone35^-4442, - cylin¬ C(|r Talk ln9urance. der, standard transmission. A UIaK taunkmw iv d el IAC CfAUtft fftT dmails. M 31 » 17 C A NTT AM Mm white, & colorL Osalld, Cleer By Juns 15 for LES CT"STANTON, He can help you . ^*1 go ioSUT . little rust but a real hargln plan your insurance budget. 15tw " • AUTOMOTIVE for the man who wants to save BASEMENT APT. Sublet for sum¬ F. Michigan. IV 2-0689. CSS SINCER STUDENT SPECIALS mer term. Unfurnished except for .EMPLOYMENT money. \s is • priced at $475. ve and refrigerator. Near m FOR SALE C.t.f. . FOR RENT >PEANUTS Need BE AUTY COI NSE LOR pro- 'acan k .LOST & FOUND I«i» PLYMOUTH, 4-door, white, PERSONALS We deliver and pick up. Buy \ US" FORD FA1RLANE '500' - ducts brand new Spartan, model .PERSONAL -8, radio, heater, w/w. Good Call ^ 355-3123. 2 the _..r, V-8, standard t: l-urnisnea, n^conu«™»M, condition. $^95. Call 355-1168. only $44.50. Pay only Injections . .PEANUTS PERSONAL iy^, at omy ston with overdrive. \ real beau¬ . block from Union. Approved and DICK, REAL ESTATE «1* at the 55 down and J5 monthly. The! ™ • ty in excellent mechanical con- unsupervised. 337-0577. op tickets are on sale at the ^ oftly w #n • SERVICE tj. Union? Sue. •TRANSPORTATION .WANTED BEECHEM & KNIGHT HELP S&IMER anJL'or proved, supervised housing for FALL ap- BONNIE KRUGER AND ELMER SPENCER come to the State News dents at M.S.L'. SINGER SEWING CENTER KANSAS CITYr |,# be possible to tig!-.-. y, main types of 1300 E. MICHIGAN AVE. polio * 4 metis- 1145 Abbott Rd. Call in office, room347, Student Ser- 309 S. WASHINGTON swallow of a vaenne WANTED DIAL. IV 2-6141 or IV 2-2070 in, DEADLINE: , W60 Jet Mack v - person 6:00-7 30 PM Mon-Frl vices Bldg. for your free passes 487-3624 three separate treatmiTl ia 11 tires, 4 speed tra and Sat afternoon. 37 to the Crest I>rlve-ln Theatre. t.f. scientist said Tuesday. J »<*. c/«»« doy T 30 Dr. Herald R. Cox, Nfe, b»for* publication i. Competition engine. ATTRACTIVE. 3 r with tile __ J FORDS: We have many, do yo The Michigan State New WHILE YOU WAIT or bath unfurnished except refrlg- u., - . . ■- PHONE: Want-Ad Department i an ugly Greek, have one- 1054 - 1*1. All i good condition and ready to gc asking its readers to hel| erator and stove. .\lr conditioned. close to campus and A&P Score. # ^ «y fr«k. service on passport andappli- cation pictures. Limousine leav- XjSid acLr^, .s 355-8255 or 8256 for one week. ' hides :k ■ his face, immunization » ^ ing daily at noon for Hicks Stu- Poat - WoO Span LFTT1CH «. STENBERG 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED fraternity disgrace. dlo, £ a>al8« RATES: 2628 E. KALAMAZOO a War 2-4886. t.f. Ofcemos^eturn transporta- £ tlon guaranteed. Refreshments. • • 1 DAY.... 454-3229 < s News dur¬ ed to sell for only $12* ing the next week PLEASE WANTED; 2 male students, 21, ?—-n.rhtickets got your Call ED 2-6169 for reservations. Portraits, applications, pass- 3 DAYS.. to share sharp furnished apart¬ V) whll* Dr. Cox told 1950 RAMBLER - 4 door, wagon. let the advertiser know-by While q 5 DAYS.. MIKL1 ICH PONTIAC ment. Summer term. IV 4-5062. — * aoout the new ty;* 0f word of mouth or by show- Super, standard transmission, 2 33 Dear Interested, w 2121 F. MICHIGAN ing him l the American ~ rn 2-soi'i tone blue finish. Excellent con¬ ' I'm awake. Now what? Society fc. dition. $1305. 2 BEDROOMS, front room kit- ' Sleepy. appearing In chen and garage. Furnished, $80. ■■ ~ 105$ FORD FAlRLANE '500' - I 1616 Coleman. IV Q-5QQ5. Thesis Kits — Plastic Film En- vaccine 34 WANTED: Need date desperately types 9erJri*iyJ 4 door sedan, V-8 automatic, goring & Drafting Supplies. at Lawrence, Kajj. v- attractive blue finish. 1^5. HOUSFS " r^'"" ^ ' ^kank you ATTRACTIVE EAST LANSING . 30 COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT alms at lmmuni/;: 000 of the 40,000 r _ SERVICE Douglas County Ka if Automotive home. 3 bedrooms completely Real cState six months to 60 years , State News Want-Ad 2100 W. Main. Lansing. j NS4 JAGL AK KOV1S V ELMER STEELE furnish^. Washer fc^yer. BRJCK raNCH houSt. built In IV 9-2652. 2 M«yor Ted Kennedy- ai Dept. £r ^V) ifmonth cJu'e^lMS 1Q54- 3 b«drooms Plus 3 room a - rence. his wife and son RAMBLER ED .-2803. 1 studio apt. now occupied by a ALTERA! ION'S. Hemming Si re- styling: forma 1 s. trousers, started the program cai of vaccine against 2 blocks West of Brodv .TART LOOKING NOW FOR faculty member. Designed for one Type skins, etc. NEEDLE *N THREAD virus to be followed DIAL fP 7-Q>5 SUMMER TERM. Furnished four r, sj YOUR summer employment. We Shop. 108 Division, behind Cam- with a sip against Iyp* have openings in sales star""" 1056 CHEVY "150" 4 door, sticl pus Drug Store. ED 2-5584. next fall a swallow agaia now a part tune basis. C on 32 6, radio Good body and 30 FOR SALE: 2-story. 2 blocks 2. which causes the smalle ertlng to full time after grad- from Campus. — ber of cases. Call ED 2-0340 after 6. 31 i. Company also sponsoring Paneled Recre- SMALL HOUSE. $50 SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE Dr. Cox " flreplace, fenced explained scholarship program for both <> miles from campus. Available yard, screened porch, CORNER GR AND RIVER a sugary teaspoon'u! OL ET IMPALAS. Mn and Interview for . ? cylinder. 4 door ard convertible, women. June 1. TU 2-8073 after 4. 32 tic gas heet. Priced to sell. and SPARTAN ened virus, builds up these Jobs will be held In room 1 Phone 337-0034 Call ED 2-3S80. 31 antibodies in the food tt 1 swer glide, power u 0f Bldg. Lnlon at 7 30 p.m. FULLY FLKNISHED Colonial. 3 brakes * ■■■ 1 are transmitted to "8Y0BIL F WK r sharp Ma> 9. JO THB*WEEK*S Urge bedrooms, 3 baths, study. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom, 1 floor. SPECIAL said the oral vac. ; 1055 CHFVROt FT Bel Air - 4 porct campus. June Lot * 181*. $12,750. 614 N. against food ti WANTED: WATER SAFETY IN- LUBRICATION 75i dvx-.r 1055 FORD - 6 stick. 1053 15 - September 1. tlT^narmnnth. $175permonth. u J Hagadorn Rd. ni 11-r Call 337-7574. 11 31 - f of v STRUC FOR certificate holder. 21 Call ED 2-40oO.. 30 oil change. Also FREE or older, for a canoe Unit Lead- OKEMOS: toot rulers. Widow — —— 16th Century English er m a Ctrl Scout Camp. Sea- LAKE LANSING - 3 bedrooms, Style. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. DAN O'SNAUGNESSEY June 17th through Au- partly furnished, I year lease EXP ERT THESES. GENERAL 1*1 CORY AIR - 4 door, auto- Finished ir, beautiful Hon- Maroon. Kirsg of the Com- •- — 32 30 TYPING. Electric typewriter. Experienced. Near BRODY. Re- Named * production Service. 332 5545. C - For Sale '62 MothJ 3 BEDROOMS, full basement, a - FOR SALE: Cape Cod, full base- DEPENDABILITY ment. attached garage, "replace. SPARTAN MOTORS INC. bullt-lns, T-V< SERVICE. Special rate for -u antenna, large lot, unfurnished. -— ---• large lot, .3 blocks ron#(n. housing. Service calls. IS IMPORTANT 3000 E. MICHIGAN INC. , ~ college housing. Service calls. \cross from campus. $85a month l\ 7-3715 — 3l Inquire Credit Union. 355-0293. ^ E0 "U22- 8°°" C«» area 31 $4. Absolute honesty. ACME T.\ 1«Q Herbert. IV 9-5009. C NEW YORK, f-Mrs. II Celesta Weatherly. — MEM? Fall Suits. Olive 42-34. 30 " ■ mother fltf three. Tues|M 1*1 FALCON FITURA Coupe - Black. 40-33. Spon Coats. 2 BIG LITTLE HOUSE. 4 bed¬ heater, white wall t 40. 1 size 38. Baracuda ROOMS - FREE DRY CLEANING! Wend- "*med American Mother 2 baths. Red Cedar school ''sTORYSelTs Fords Call 337-2391. rooms, area. Telephone ED 7-063!. Econowash and Dry of WoridJ $1"05. ATTENTION summer male Gra¬ 30 Cleaners, 3006 VlneSt., l/2block was made made tis - giving absolutely free-drycl« Cooking privileges and parking stone, garage, breezewny, hase- Fort Payne, Ala., anc vas special auxUliary wall NU-r mg to each customer using Its condition. ED " 9216. available. 43" M.A.C. Ave.. E. ment, beautiful fenced yard. $16, great-great-greJ >.eater that runs about 000. FE 9-2237 after 5 PM. Speedqueer, coin washers onlv Lansing. ED 7-0415. 32 10 different times. Take advanl George Washington, ikrfl r-e '.r from Ingham " TABLE MODELS. 17*' Philco. 30 tage M.S.U. married chlldfen is -'-al Shelter... .M205. 5 CI DSMOBILE '?5' - 2 door new picture tube. 1 yr. guaran- Service adopted son. $44.95. Also 1"" DuMont APPROVED, supervised, larger Active in a wide KSWAGON Station Bus, in, >ydr?n-atic, radio, heater, ~ comfortable rooms for men. One Graflc Arts - Specialties: Guaranteed," $34.05. Call Lam's EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR community work. Mrs.** :e tall tires. STORY Sells ' block from campus.Spartan Hall. Graphs, charts, and illustrations. IV 0ul«g2. . t.f. all makes and models. AU work pioneered night cl. 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. r.f. Experienced. Call Mrs. Kiesler. illiterates ED 7-*84. quaranteed. Open 8 i 31 pjn. T.V. Technicians. 3022 E. c taking a teachers' kCON r-.-ei je- Story Oldsmobile. Inc. ORCHARD HOLSE ANT^LES. ENTIRE - Second - Floor. Ex- : vr,rD,_.,(.rr. _ VD !C_ Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. C herself for the tasl » —es c irfcside F 5574 Round Lake Rd. U-4 30 cellent studying. Staff member EXPFRIENCED TJYTM ST. Gen- class consisted c: eral typing, term papers, theses. >rs* f^lVmiu • wt-.tch cost $305. c .... appoint ED ^ 2-8350. Lutheran ^udent preferred. $10. 321 Kedzle. ED 2-2788 31 . Electric typewriter William ~~————years SAVE CASH INSTE.\DOFTR.\D- ING STAMPS! When you end of age. i f of\m From LANSING U.S. 2" to E. ■ — Klkendall - ED 2-2521. Ext. 286. -> bring charged with the t 1*1 Caravelle - 2 tops, radio, ^ 1 your cleaning to Wendrow*s Ec¬ c- tVwir turn right on to Round ATTENTION MENt Room Si fourth grade education. •>,000 r-iiles. Perfect condition. onowash and Dry Cleaners. L eavteg for Europe. $1850. Call LakeRd. 5 miles. ^d, week. Openings $14 a Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned One of Mrs. Weatl* --<>-?35C. From E. LKNSLNG Straight Nor- available for summer sons. Walter, ass 32 and pressed, only Call ED 2-6521. 30 50^. 3006 Vine in a Fort Payne b St.. 1/2 block west of Sears' was elected president sf4i (060 FALCON - White, 2 door, EDIE STARR Frandor Store. if Lost & Found Typist, theses, C bama Junior Chamber sta-dari. 20,000 r-lles. 22 mpg dissertauons. term papers, gen- "\»-.«r buying 1^2 Falcon. TV eral 1955 CUS1S.1 AN F AGLE, fine me¬ typing. Experienced. IBM CU STOM Tl'NE-UPS for all In electric typewriter.OR.7-8232.C No specials. Just good work explaining the unpre chanical condition. $1(30. Call both. award to Mrs. Glerr, tS reasonable prices. ED 2-8316. 355-2775 evenings, 30 Sentimental value. Reward. IN ican Mothers Commit! Eel Air, V-8 stick 5-3382. Mr. Pappas, "This;. t. Radio WE TRAVEL other 30 anywhere - any -v accessories Call CX. \L GL ASS P ACK World Mother is not sys- 5-1003. for Corvalr. Used, good con- cause John H. Glerr. jr REWARD for return o'f man s ditto*. $15. Call ED 2-5316. 30 Bulova watch picked up in Hor- l\- Call ED come our first Amen: AUTOMOTIVE REPABi 7-Q138. ■ ticulture astronaut. It is a trih Bldg. Fri., April 27. LANSING'S ENGLISH BICYCLE Call 355-5205. Mr. Burnharr. Dean » Harris, n HEADQUARTERS, Ch FREE LIST OF 40 organ¬ over guidance and love ra\« prices first. Gene's Cycle Shop. ized musical hero-son a symbc. ^ i groups. I to 20 TV 4-0362. C32 LOST Woman's Tissot, black itual security. faced watch. Reward. Call 3S5- P^ces,- Bud" ^'ri» or_ phone C.V. manliness for all mart ■ Tooley, Secy. Lansing 1300 MICH. ED 7-2012 PIANO, 57" up-right, tuned and mire and emulate ." 3988. 30 ' Federation of Musicians, 527 S. reconditioned. $65. Also Martin Washington. IV 2-5314. "Live Mrs. Glenn. ' Classical Guitar awl case. IV LOST - Men'sCroton wrist watch. Music is Best." C32 65, said of the a-.vir; Gold fell stamps or. al! repair 5-9327, evenings. 32 . "I feel a good bit " orbit right 1 BUMPING- and PAINTING sp.n»,N«-r,R«nm.(.s.i.; ★ Trgnsportotion in to be for the re : specialty . All foreign cars. Kal- amazoc St. Body Shop. 53" 32 - 2% call ED 7-1213 for E.EnED ^ '-0 L-" ^ '■ pick up of ^ajj LafK c 1411 VAN PELT racing b>_. - AU Call l\'9-7507. and „ . Mercury Hurricane engine, information, cell ED 2-6426. NEEDED - Ride to U. of M. C also Marathon tanks. Hot and out what I've kne ?t ready for competition. Call Jerry TYPING IN SPARTAN VILLAGE on May llth. Call Carol at 355- 6412. -She's a very - i complete automotive TRANS- FREE FILM Apartment. Electric typewriter. 31 .fTSSION SERVICE at Morris Tarcheu ED 2-6649. 32 Cell 355-3012. The Mother of \* tJ. tuto Parts, 114 E. Kalamazoo. One roll given free with each NEW YORK - is made annual; " TRAILERS roll brought in for processing. JERSEY. Grey- 1MU1 Mothers Con hound Charter BftW 620 - 127. Special DIAPER SERVICE exams leaving MSL' after among nominees fr?. _ Inquire now save. Art FOR SALE:Customhousetratier, ad only - Free KOOACOLOR SERVICE your desire. to Lipton. ED 7-9216. - 47 ^ District of Co!tan"*J if Employment 1056, 42' x 10'. 2 bedrooms. FILM given with each roll left You receive your own dia¬ Puerto Rico. Going overseas, must sell. Call for processing, pers hedt each time. With WANTED pert fcr the Stiw S>«s. Nhist ha' office help MI 1-6607. Lot 44, Park Lake. Mare* Rexall Prescription Cen¬ our service, you may in¬ clude your baby's under¬ Belgium Marb| some office experience and ter shirts and clothing which For Rent be able tc type. Come to t 341 Student Services Building APARTMENTS 301 N. Cllppert (by Frandor) C will or Pink not fade. White. Bit* diaper pails furn¬ W ANTED: \ Ride to Columbus-Mt. World War 1 ernon, Ohio area this i i . MAN about the world - Bubolz ished. Friday. .^ 0 FURNISHED; 4 men, 5 room, will insure you for travel ac- May 11. Charlotte. ED 2-3382. Bruwels, (f-AB NEED babvsltter Monday thru a AMERICAN LAUNDRY er, parking. 2 sun ctdents by the day, month, or 90 traffic, was hal:e r' J Friday. ":45 am te 5 pm. Call porct.«, ir campus. 332-5432. yeer. ED 2-8671 - ©»tr Jacob- 111 E. WASHTENAW IV 2-0864 ■ SsSroughout BelP^ evenings ED "*-75§l. « ^ Wanted » «■«* 3: immH GARAGE for boat summer storefa 1 in mi. r.n Call Eist Lansing an 355-9853 after 4. ^ «5unci halted. I M WANTED: Approved housing with sidewalks stood cooking facilities for 3 ntmt rM. ni.att and offi<*s Cars siten^J3 r 1 '' m BEECHEM & KNIGHT I. »monstrati«« * The War.:- \ds WANTED: Woman for B dady house a cleaning, one or week. ED 2-0439. ( Mirhlgan State Newt, Eft Lansing. Mlchlg Wednesday, May 9, 1962 7 Accept Applications The Univenity commu For Biophysicists to A FREE LECTU Tho best my to Mric trmf- ^ "U>f„ T 2? f mma for nr*ny dUmw U to firm understand bow the normal J"*®!"* 1 J"' * '1 " km! hT" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE WAY TO coll function*, explained Or. Lo- J***1 r",cdofl ^lch kUls ttl€ Sr1- UNDERSTANDING, HAPPINESS, HEAUNG /irr;ih,3oVr- THURSDAY EVENING, MiV 10 * &s^j£3r££;»«"ss^ SSSnS 3jf52WSIS Jessies: *uw««„ did u^nr-a- UNION SALEROOM 8:00 P.M. HSMl! ffS. . ■. «» Chicago, where he majored »( Given By The Christian Science nho two menare presently con- fifi®*"* f°£,u??d( hU t?r™\ In Organization aidering applications from pro- JJJ*cal®l th« 1 nlverslty of At Michigan State University spectlve candidates working to- "1'no,»- h« rJecel^d •» ward a Ph. D. d«eree in bio- VLA* ln Pty8*" and a Ph. D. physic*. A maximum of four fo,i work ln Physico-chemi- TRY MICHIGAN STATE WANT-ADS! graduate studanu will be accept- w.MolOty. ad for September. H,a experiences 1 n c I u d e re- The*e students will work with •••"* work at the Berkhaven them to understand how these en- National Laboratories, ln Long zymes are formed and how they '"land. New York with the At- omic Energy Commission ln & napp t are put together ln the cell, Taking cancer as an example. Washington. D. C. he emphasized how Important it He was appointed scientific is to know how and why the cells co-ordlnator for the World's become Infected. f*ir- t0 J* h«Jd In Seattle. Wash- Another research puzzle he He P)ans J® 80 cited was how a low level of ffiffay before the end CAPITOL Join our straw party— see decor straws by the stack topped with fanciful AVENUE or stripped almost hare: hppls rnrkori LANSING'S DOWNTOWN [ormER QUEENS-.Wenwn In the So»tk |ampb*ll dormar include (clock-wlae) Nor- k0, Br.ndo Kothy Holland. to suntime heights, carved in wood or leather. L Clark, Penny Cianconelli, Marion Boi- [ommunal Living, Fun; lo * Privacy in 'Dormer' PENNY ClANCANELLI Its six residents have braved the that what she enjoyed most was Anyone e of a "joys" of communal living for winning a bet from Penny and three terms. They feel Marlon that she couldn't get up quipped with eight they have met the unique problems that this at 7:00 a.m. s much furniture, inhablt- k three times a s many people, arrangement creates. Marlon Boiko, non-pref from Tbe residents of this dormer Garfield, New Jersey, leaned for with ninety times the this is a MSI*" T* is arrangement of- nething different ln dorm feel that its blggejt asset as well as Its biggest detraction. Is its size. Because of this and back and said with mock ser¬ iousness, "What a Darfl No, not really, its been a lot of fun, Tenn its location ln a small hall. It but expensive after losing that for Williams, Campbell & At |jon Halls. •is a perfect party room. Thus, 10< to Liz." Knapp's Capitol Avenue You'll find tennis It retains an impersonal •\r-er is supplied with atmo¬ Not'ma Clark, Detroit social ets of bunk beds, eight sphere and is viewed as "the work major remarked equipment from such famous makers as dormer" rather than "our room" shyly "It's , six Jesks and dressers been great. I Just love all my general, more privacy by its occupants. roomiest Of course what else MacGregor. Bancroft. Pennsylvania, Tre- sotul belongings. On the The dormer Is more than Jiist can I say with all of them around!'' and, there is less personal a difficult living situation to these torn, Slazinger, Dunlop, Converse. You'll see And with an elfish gleam, ,, -ore racket, more con- girls. They said that one of the Brenda Greenstone, Liverpool, the largest selection of tennis needs in all of more dirt, more mess advantages of such a unit Is the Irrepressible fun they have. England Political Science major drawled, "They didn't have dor¬ Central Michigan. Water fights, tubbings — ln mers ln Fngland. In fact they shower stall — tennis lessons didn't have England ln England." In the corrldor,mass twist prac¬ • Shorts tice, group singing, gab sessions The girls' final comment, and 24 hours of Camelot . . . "What we all love best about • Dresses all combine to create a chao¬ the dormer I • that - tt makes tic and carefree conftislon. A con¬ money for die University . . . • Racquet fusion of fun. for bigger and better signs!" • Covers All the girls living ln South Campbell's dormer are fresh¬ men. They come from all over die country and represent a var¬ ious backgrounds. Having en¬ dured such living for three terms, lOR-OlE FOR NIXON: they express a variety of op¬ inions on this arrangement. Kathy Holland, Mulllkan Nur¬ ervoort's 213 E. GRAND RIVER I HE WIN IN CALIFORNIA? sing major, said, "The dormer * is a good way to learn to live is staking his career on the with people but a lousy way to EAST LANSING _ atonal race Can he win? the state in '60. but time (He live." We'll Re String ■political factors have changed.) A big complaint Is that they weren't informed about rooming •s week's Post, you'll learn how ■ tail 3ga"rst a right-wing Re ln a dormer. The unfairness of uniform room changes for all Your Tennis •can faction How he's Chandler Harper coping students is especially felt in ■ h'S Oe-wcratic opponent P«t And why he thinks he went I to defeat in IP" this room. Liz Leuthold, Fenton language Open Stock Racquet With major said laughingly, "I used to Just dislike people . . . now I hate "em." Perfect Tension In a serious vein, Liz remarked GOLF Another Knapp's Capitol Avenue Why Not Co Electric service . . . Now you can have your WITH THE NEW CLUBS tennis rackets restrung by a new precision hydraulic stringer at add to your set as your game progresses Knapp's on the Juneman awl string¬ 'MITHCORONA ing machine. A boon to expert play¬ COMPACT ... •RONS 3!® ers because now we can racket the exact tension you want, give your C98 with no soft spots. Your choice of WOODS each nylon or gut strings. A re-string job at Knapp's will reduce string SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! replacements to a minimum. So inexpensive. Bring your racket I BEACH WEIGHT for expert now workmanship, BAGS SETS start at 3.95. 110 lb. set, colorful plaids, vinyl lined. special low price 1 duty, electric office COMPLETE LINE typewri»r*--< ff.1*': OF SPORTING - I ** My typewriter. electric or manual, 2.98 19.95 EQUIPMENT FOR RitiK,1 'f$gg pn"gr • Baseball • Softball • Golfing • Skin-Diving w LM^ZcZZi.M B.V.D. T-S • Boating • Archery iffST" 3 OLVERINE w TYKMIil M. OPEN TONIGHT TILL ^•Calorwaao ». Phon* IV 2-4413 SPORTING GOODS - KNAPP'S CAPITOL AVENUE S Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan mJSm^SSS^J^y 9 JTcNta^w_Campus ATTENTION ! —! _ Martin Luther Choir Kehersal _ Marples Honored • *• Prepare Properly For Your Test. Monarch Review Notes and . ^ At Business Fete 7 fsm„ Martin Luther Chapel Promenadsrs The Fastest Growl* Hum to Review Outlines a* -- open d*nee. Now Available In The Following Sublets. 7-8:15 j»jn. closed danoe 8 15- Is there the unique partnership f* 10 a.m., W.L nidg. The Master of Business Ad- of business and scholarship. The These Outlines AreOeawdTto The Material Cover* m j ministration award was given Spartan Women's Leslie - In Your Textbooks, check Below To See HowMon.r,h 7-8 p.m., S3 Urn on. discussion to Gary A. Msrpla. Dm Molnea, challenge of the partnership may Review Notes Can Aid You In Studying For Your be taken of Who's Who and What's What. low* graduate. Friday night at up arrogantly, Ignoran- Home Ec Club -- 7 p.m.. lei the fourth annual banket honor¬ tly or humbly. Much of our economic theory WiU Notes in OOKTBMPORARY ClVILl7ATtoN Hv E> ing business graduate student*. maritinc the book - WTOOOUCTION TOCOMt& Sno-Caps -- 7 p.m.. 1 Merrill Before W) graduate student!, is obsolete, he said, disagreeing with the thought that one de*er- ClVIUZATlON IN THE WIST (Vols. I and 2) • Review Notes in ECONOMICS keyed to hMP0R" Sno-Caps - 7 p.m., 1 Morrill faculty, and their wivee, Milton SAMUI.son Hall, . Dren to disc F. Muelder, vice president In t Review Notes in WORLD HBTORY keye^i t0 course, and destiny of the people. in* tests. l*eta Alpha i'si. the school of graAiate develop¬ ment. presented Marple with the He then stressed the concept • Review Notes ifi SOCIOLOGY — with sample exam k answers ajj!* Acvounting & of equality: Finance Club - 7 p.m.. parlor distinguished student citation. • Revisw Notes in PSYCHOLOGY - with C. Union. Dr. Greer will speak The citation Is given to the MBA "Only In America does earned ttmpl( on the Great Issues course. student with the highest grade status count so much. Michigan State University would not even •Rsvtew*NoSmToH&IOLOGY - with sample exam Ptdfjim s k «j • n i n point average. Marple hasa 5.93. be here unless there were equal¬ Log Cabin. He has also received the Sloan • Review Notes in CHEMBTRY — with solved pro(, K i t ie Club, <\30 Teaching Internshtp in the School ity." • Review Notes In POLITICAL SCIENCE (Amer.o«n cw Hall Basement. of Industrial Management at the ment) Massachusetts Institute of Tech- HANDWRITING ON THE WALL • Review Notes In MUSIC HBTORY BALTIMORE (AP) - Demo¬ • Rsview Notes in AMERICAN HBTORY SINCE 1S&5 n°Provost Clifford F„ Erlckson lition of a building for urban Introduced Pr. Clarence C. Wal¬ renewal revealed a hand-lettered CATHERINE BENSON BOOKS Rifle Squad ton. associate dean at the grad¬ uate school of business at Col¬ message beneath a false celling regarding the presidential cam¬ 406 1/2 Main St. Rochet.- umbia University. Wilt on spoke paign— thr campaign of 1868, Wins Awards on "Business and American Make it special... It i "Vote for Ulysi sS. Pluralism". MSC's Army ROTC rifle tea He satd that only In America captured si* awards in a touri Friday at the Cniverst it's -for ament of Michigan. Shooters from 11 colleges a: WHAT EVER YOU NEED Michigan area gathered for the LITTLE SISTER -Ron«< for your car eludes the freshman, right, is Initiated seesonsleaguecompe- Mufflers Sisters of Mtnervo, on hono< rory organixa- president. -- Tall Pipes -- Exhaust Pipes The Armv teatr, the first ♦ ton of Sigma Alpha Eptilon, >y Carol Krwts, ••State News Photo by George Junne. won INSTALLED place trophy for the highest ag- >:reg*te points ullted during the season. Their winning average was 140" from 1500 possiM# '"'PLACEMENT BUREAU Budding Leaves Complete Shop Service stop In and gat your place Interviewing at the Placement Bureau Monday, Mav U Proclaim Spring One of the signs that Rebuilt Motors and Transmissions Motk&l'6 ^bOifr Addit¬ surest \ sctI- Uyer is formed when loss score. ional mfornation In the Place¬ Sprit* has sprung Is the budd- the lavers are dried out. The INSTALLED in CXit of 150 the Leagi 10 were from ment Bureau Bulletin for the ing of the trees after the long, hard winter has left us. AU of us welcome the leaves. unborn leaf lives In this little pocket. Speed Equipment -• Accessories DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY CARDS and GIFTj Along In February, the layers in Placing fir but. like most obvious things, we tlmp for us to begin to 3well, and the progres- take the leaves for granted and givelv weather never trouble ourselves to think about what causes die leaves to more warmer causes swelling. Finally, the leaf KAHIN'S AUTO PARTS Wrap and Mail popg out. appear. It s a complicated process, but The chemicals in the cell c l<*f to grow rapidly. When 526 N. URCH them home few fundamental pro- s area which all trees undergo the leaf reaches maturity, the IV 4-4596 SPARTAN SSI chemical process slows down. Setting leave®. Jf jnsect <«is the leaf, T>e \»hole process actually the chemical process is repeated arts trs the fall. The tree stores until a new loaf is formed, CORNER OF ANN & MAC ugars or energy in a layer of Leaves are more than just injtle tissue between the stem of decoration. They are "manufac- he leaf and the twig. These OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT turing plants" which help the UNTIL NINE its own food. SPECIAL! NYLON TRICOT lingIKIe from a well-known maker for Mother's Day giving Va to off Truly a tremendous buy! A trecsunl of loce and net-iced lingerie for I yourself, or gift-giving, of pricei I unheard of for such beauty and fl« I detail. Half-slips: sizes S,AU-1 Junior slips: sizes 9-17. Miss« I slips: sizes 32-40, short or average I Negligee sets: sizes 32-38 White 1 and a summer bouquet of rich colon! I Half-slip, reg. 4.00. 2.99 I Half-slip, reg. 6.00. . . 3.99 I Junior slip, reg. 6.00.. 2.99 I Misses slip, reg. 10.95 6.99 I Negligee, reg. 28.00 14.99 I Negligee, reg. 32.00 17.99 |