(L~l Weather M»»tiy fktffo colder, with MICHIGAN Inside fATE NEWS high In low sixties, scattered Spartan Nine Beat* U.D. See •howers ending at night. STATI page 4 UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. 195 Eaat Lansing, Michigan All-Amotico Award winner ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Thursday, May 10, 1962 PRICE 10$ Global U.S. Lifts Secrecyon Launching ■The Chinese Hwn« .f:!,'!"£!!! Of Flashing Beacon Satellite flood Too 6reit 1 I c,» uoNi": ot KONG -CommunJet Chine iney be aiding the human refugees pouring across ite borders into Hong Kong in US World Politics Invites ■", #((0u to short food embarrass the West end to ease the strain on its stocks. World Ideas Change vn jv flood ol Chinese seeking to escape their Communist home- mi nci h .s prompted Hong Kong police and British troops in ra¬ days to round up and aend back thousands who slipped ac- To Help the border or arrived in smugglers' Junks. This crown "Since World War II. the whole persons involved In overseas Ama To Map Earth ojor.v no longer can handle the tide of fugitives. concept of United States inter¬ public relations program*. national policies and "Our major responsibilities For Missile Precision especially , of the foreign Information CAPE CANAVERAL. FLA. (*• pro- members of the United States ISlock Mailtet Falls to lowest as 1962 level — ed The Defense a Department lift¬ secrecy lid Wednesday and announced that It will attempt I vfw utvK -The stock market tall to the lowest level of ^re«or of the Voice of America', to attempt to explain our actions * P'* ' ' Wednesday. It began the decUne early in the session, f ,n lnformal lecture and ques- and policies, and to expose the tlon period Tuesday evenlmr. to launch a flashing beacon satel¬ lite Thursday to help map the . the ,..1 sank i«.._ lower n ,w_ the tlon P*rlod Tuesday evening. hostile claims of our opponents, Substituting for Henry Loomls, earth more precisely. notably the Communists,' saia director of the Voice of America, the foreign service officer. Officials said the unusual move ftrokers said that while there i nothing specific c uu *mvii .. . . . was made to allow the world's slump, they considered the Securities and Exchange Hummel spoke before an" audience A major problem In overseas of communication arts al^5»0n<;0 o blame the — — - scientific community to partici¬ fcommission investigations and """* the "* administration's " continued students communication, according to pate in die experiment. All for¬ , noninflationary economy as discouraging. «»dFour f»cultV In the Union. Hummel, is that of making the main factors exist today reception of ideas profitable to eign nations, including Russia, which were unknown twenty years are invited to help observe the the people. The influx of tran- I Employment Hits New High ago, said Hummel. The closed slstor radios In Africa, for ex- satellite's flashes and share their The blinking lights will not be . rT"°rd foreign affairs, the need to side- nation. triggered Initially until trackers step political services In the u "Such a development i have had three days to make of Utor' A?th2£ J! Gildberg, announcing the gains of communications and advanced ^'tor radio l«sashadmotorized as gr «t exact determination of the satel¬ lite'sTpath. ,. . , technological developments have effect on African The announcement :»:r •not more than 4 per cent unemployment by mid-1963. SLSff! "It puts Africa, for the Hummel- first was a tory for a group of I'.S. scientists who argued before Congress last vic¬ time, in touch with the people uuvm prophesy that this will happen," he told a news and developments of other coun¬ month that the Defense Depart¬ r.ce, "but i hope the recovery will step up its pace." ment should remove tries." security Emphasizing that U. S. wraps from the satellite pro¬ Agriculture Department Fines Estes communications are competition with those of the USSR, the United Arab Republic, in constant ject, which is named Anna, an acronym for Army, Navy, NASA and Air Force. iHING'ON -The Washington Evening Star reported Wed- Defense planners said world¬ and even the Chinese Commu¬ \ :he \griculture Department has Imposed a penalty of nists, Hummel explained the wide dissemination of Anna's date :> .11- half a million dollars for alleged cotton planting basic U.S. philosophy employed might permit Russia to aim its Billle Sol Estes. Texas financier missiles more accurately atU.S. :o:is on now under fraud by the Voice of America. "We are broadcasting as a targets. It also could help this ;re was no lmmedlafie confirmation from the department matter of nation's military strategists education," he stated. more effectively plot targets in "Thus, we take'a long run view Star, without naming Its sources, Russia. « said Estes had failed of the potential of informational *et .5 I uesday deadline set by the Scientists like Dr. James Van department to submit services. We realize that we are WE WIN, DEAN-Harvest Ball Queen, Sharon game after the Ox Roas Allen of the University of Iowa '.is transactions were legal. The paper said the talking pen- not only to the people, Ries, Tecumseh senior, tops Dean Thomas Hall Field. -State New and Dr. Fred Whipple, director :;«reup->n was imposed, but added the exact amount was but to the governments when we •closed. Cowden, College of Agriculture as the two Pajot. of tho Smithsonian Astrophyslcal explain our foreign policy." choose (or Observatory, Continuing his explanation of teams Saturday's student-faculty said the precise „ location and distance to targets kussia Gives New Demand; France Must Join Voice of America tactics, Hum¬ in America already fsknown with Sports mel stressed the advantage of Cars UA 5MpO sufficient accuracy for the large long run programs over com¬ I GENEVA -Pie Soviet Union told the 17-natlon disarmament President Kennedy monly-used short run, "hot payloads of long-range missiles. They contended that in order to ence today it will never agree to a nuclear test ban treaty shot, tactics. obtain maximum geodetic data JFK Offers f.wan!k°F France accepts It too. categoric assertion, complicating negotiations that have ;mited to the Russians, British and Americans, was "The long-range system al¬ lows us to show foreign popu¬ Greek Week from the satellite, observations uld be made from hundreds by So-let Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian A. Zorin. i-.r.g of the French underground blast May 1 in the Sahara, pre- Goldberg's Aid lations that we are, rather than Just what we want them to think weare," Hummel said. , _ , ,,, v Greek Week will kick off Fri- day afternoon with a sports car „ r < address the Greeks there about the types of services they per¬ University of stations lany < ! of France's fre is another series, Zorln said: power now testing nuclear weapons. This In News Strike The diversity of American soclety and the failures of the parade followed by an East Lan- sing community project Saturday form for the community through- "Michigan State has done excellent an ed on grot "Many of the projects go un¬ job in gullding the de- distributed to foreign S refusing to take part in the negotiations and has never Communist nations are two morning and the annual 'Sing1 velopment of the University of groups. would adhere to a nuclear test ban noticed simply because they come treaty. p , strengths on which the U.S. in- Sunday at 2 P-m• in the Audl" during the holiday season, when Ryukuyus In Okinawa," William By giving scientists unles banning nuclear tary of* Labor Arthur J. Gold- formatlonal programs capitalize, torium. people are too busy to notice Middlebrook, member of an ad- point in space to be pi; •aph- berg would be glad to serve in 't is impossible to hide our At Valley Co"n rally ng them," lie explains. vlsory team to Okinawa, said ed against a hackgrounc any helpful way to helpendnews- diversity," Hummel explained, The nine areas in the East Tuesday. it will allow them"to make be paper strikes in Detroit and Min- because the wire services carry wl11div^ "I think they have the start measurements of distances [U S Explodes 7th Nuclear Shot neapolis. Asked at his news conference *ich information out of the d,v^fs*Fy rePr«sents the choices P™*01 &°"PS- ^ndwort andpTntIng.' ,Th7 wi" Pei' Lansing vicinity in the project are the Lansing General Hos- pital, Urbandale, Mount Hope ^ b good university, but they tween far apart points on stm f,ave safd •■Good" iys to go," he earth's surface. Distances In Mid-Pacific Test Series whether the shutdowns presented a problem of national concern, uiiv>iu available to the_ people of the arable William Sweetiand. professor of will Cemetery,"YWCA, YMCA, Ing- County Medical Hospital, built ln a decade." not tween cities on ocean-separ: Kennedy said they did r jV'entVli ftree world- *e U.S. Mldd,ebrook was on campus to within an , icy of about ^ A5HINGT0N =tes exploded the seventh if - The United The test took place about 1 "national emergency o • legls- " from * appearing St, Vlncei School foi La,nSl"i Tuesday to report on his three- 500 feet, whi pjn. EDT nearChristmas Island, nu- " fln r ear device of its latlon," but declared: simple dissentlon. month stay in Okinawa. He was Island positior e off by a current test small animals in the mid-Pacific Wed- Four of the previous tests have also been sir drops and appar- "Any newspaper strike li Dissentlon, economic failure, and doctrinal failure In theCom- UN and Africa The purpose of this segment at the University of Ryukuyus mile or more. from January through March Officials say Anna could re- . s-• ently only one of the in- fortunate because it affects 1,1 munist nations constitute the of Greek Week, according to . serving as an advisor in busi- duce the errors to within 50 uesday*s sixth Apartment and Atomic Commission said It was shot, the volved a trial of a.finished wea pon. This was the explosion of only the people Involved oi paper, but tl]® second affects the whole American Informational strength by pro- Topic of Talk Marilyn McClintoch of Alpha Chi Omej?a and Lee Bowen of Delta ness administration for budget, feet. accounting, personnel and pur-' Unless an observation station a nuclear warhead Sunday laun- community, distribution of grams may capitalize, Hummel T'fFf' *c" ;lie an airplane, ex- atmosphere and was t- ched by a nuclear-powered Pol- s submarine, news and business.' series'of said. "Our workers can and do make By Bunche Chi, is to show the people of, chasing. He Is retired vice pre- knows the timing of the flashes, East Lansing that fi mitiesand 5 a unified sident of business at the it would have a difficult time "'-e-mediate range in disputes, 28 days Under-Secretary of the United sororities can work University of Minnesota. locating them. They would appear power. old, has stopped presses of the use of die basic difficulties in- >mmunity. it had •r. ruLsaay-s exptosicm flvnincinr was re- Nations Ralph J. Bunche will group ' "The United States establish- as a very faint star 600 miles r» explo- . ^ ^ Detroit News and Detroit Free volved in controlling the varied speak on "The World, the Unit- Fraternity and sorority sings ed the university on Okinawa, of between 20,000 and J»"ed to be high. Tracking stations are Press. A strike by three unions Communist societies, the econ- ed Nations, and Africa" in the will be combined into one Greek the first in the Ryukuyus Is- equipped with special earners ■ns of TNT. evaluation test. which has closed the Mlnneapo- omlc failures of Red agriculture Auditorium Thursday at 8:15p.m. Sing this year to be held Sunday lands, 10 or 11 years ago," he and telescopic gear to w.'.rd lis Star and Tribune entered its programs, and the unfit doctrines Bunche will talk informally at 2 p.m. in the auditorium, said. MSU was called in at the the blinks. 27th day Wednesday. of Communism," said Hummel, with students earlier In the day Sponsored by IFC, f beginning to serve in an advisory The 355-pound spheric al satel- "Employing this greater at a coffee hour In the Union the outstanding juniors and the —ipacity. Hte is equipped with four high dy said federal med- awareness of the Communist Green Room from 3:30 to 5 Pan-Hel scholarship will be pre¬ The University i .. intensity xenon gas lights, a pair attempted to help world and the manner in which •pally at both the sented then. Members for Green in undergraduate school with di- ' top and bottom. The settle the dlsput n both cities it is cracking around the edges. pair facing the earth at the re¬ Bunche has been a member of ivimer will also tie tnimed and /lsions of arts and science, edu- and expressed personal nol hnrv» fnr r*r? rhA f hope for the ffCYA US1A and r» the United Qtatoa States tho the Qtot* State rtonoptmunt Department and anH hno has .... . . quired time will be ordered to !r0phies will be first three fraternities and : chanical, civil and electrical en- On each command the selected ed, "these responsibilities n foreign areas In the future.' (Continued on page 10) number, I*- " be borne by the parties" c testing each other. ^"Tliw-e'^rrrmMidons There Duhlic Is tremendous public WM I'mlt th®"numlwf on „ . of flash _ . „ "These aren't matters which interest ln education which is .®!^uences t0 20 or Iess per can be settled by government almost overwhelming ln the edict, or what should be." Ken¬ nedy said, while observing that countries," he said. "To thi education means everything." International "The instructors are all Okl- Goldberg would be happy to assist, as would the federal med¬ nawans" he said. "The majority have been trained in Japanese Fete Includes iators already on the scene. institutions. Recently a number Kennedy emphasized his view that primary responsibility be¬ have been trained In the' United Stage Show Ihe 18th annual International longs to the disputants rather The general organization Is Festival representing Asia, Af- than the government when asked similar to MSU's In admlnls- rica, USSR, Europe, Latin Amer- also about a controversy in the tratlon and course structure, ica, Caribbean and the USA will northern California building in¬ They are financed bygovernment take place Saturday at the Unl- dustry and negotiations resulting approprlatlons and tuition, he verslty auditorium, from an emergency boartf s rec¬ said. Exhibits including paintings, ommendation of a pay raise for The difference in culture handicrafts, and various articles trick Pilson non-operating railroadem- brings some problems to light, of clothing from 22 different nat- ...assistant city editor.. " I remember talking to a group ions will be on display from .9 :abricant Gets Kennedy called for non-Inflat¬ of Oklnawans about what might a.m. to 10 p.m. Bn>r* e Post - —- ionary settlements government would and said the be willing to be done to Improve approprla- tions when one said, 'We can- not tell the people how good Highlights of the stage show, which will be held from 2 to enc M. Fu™. Ml. PtoiMnt P"vld. •"» " 8 p.m.. includes singing by Ore we are because ln our culture Katz representing the Israel tinted state nIL. Junior, was named assistant city technlcaUsilstance.^ He said, however, that the gov¬ we have to say how poor our Club. Callpso dancing by tho Car- N»cing Bui ££*.22[^r"-r' «**r- h" worted " .ni«ht ernment cannot go from one university is,' ibbean Club, folk dances, arnlth- labor-management dispute to an- Middlebrook said, "When we oloKical dance by the Indian Club £«bncam has worked on Stale' ' other without getting into wage suggest a change the reply often and the USA Club doing the 'fnT.?* Snn staff for a year and a helf. -««.prtc. setting. TW._K.nn3y Is, M doubt If It will fit in with cylture.' We only make sug- Charleston, Dean John Fuzak will make the five Wrlltr' our ^tOr «or for Bi«bt on CHIM US, MlSTEft-Loave it terms. A iouraa- replaces Filson as to tk* hmot: Ingcondoctodky Evon Thompson, Rod Cross gustlons and It Is up to them welcoming address at the 2 pun. . to bo proficient in liffMving. Rod Cress fieldreprosontotivo, at tho Women's IM pool to decide If they will work for sliow and President Hannah will editor. He is majoring in " " ' "" advanced classes in llkiovinj are now bo- -•State Nows Photo by Gordon Stauffer. them or not." speak at 8 pan. art*. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thureday, May 10 ipea He Lives on Campus SALT LAI -n of M< Dell Bennett is Familiar Figure Mr. BailAett lives inoTwo-ttory from* house at Bennett Rood and Hogadorn. The rood wo* named ofter the Bennett family. The farm wat acquired by Michigan Stat* Univer¬ sity a numb«t of year* 090 at part of its expantion program with the proviso that Mr. Bennettcould continue to live in the family homo during'Hi» lifetime. State News Photos Gold*)) twirl, THE NEW SCULPTURED LOOK BY "ORANGE BLOSSOM" For that very special someone, "feci frc>n our exclusive array of lovaly "Orange Blos-o diamond rings in exquisite IRK gold mount " Mc, intlud* fed. «•>. Hit wood-burning stove sup- Elies for eat stove his for warmth hisAbove food. it his rock home ond the collection, Wright Kay each ttone neatly stacked Wondw«rd. i 70S I K«rtli#v«t, Gro»>* Point# «"d Nr- In it* proper position. WO 2 0S00. EXTENDED ACCOUNTS AV^ILAIU. Downtown Oo>» open Monday »v*ning» til • 10. Mr. 3ennett looks over a pile of logs to judge where the cen¬ ter it. It is at this point that ice from the winter will not have belted, thus forming a hord base for the day's wood splitting. PIPER SLACKS For s partme A Bucket Seat Convertible Mr. Bennett twingt hit ancient maul with the eate of For A Student's Budget agar, while splitting wood for the next week* t warmth. RAMBLER "400 Convertible $2344 equipped Bucket Sect Convertible ctn be you" Pick Your Favorite for $2488 Sl Elmer Steele Rambler. Then — Order Out Despite It's low price, this pluah convert! He cents LUAU to you with full Bucket setts. Heater, Overdrive. Wrf- Somiir ProffMS mum shield Washers and Whllewalto. This sharp convert* GMHTNEAT BALLS is also equipped with Gt ANT NAM padded dash k visors, p'*cir* Peung. wheel GIANT HOT SAUSAGE covers end an AUTOMATIC POWER TOP. ©ANT SUrai SANDWICH StoP in and Test N Drtve the Rambler **400" ComertW Union Ticket Office today. 25c EAST GRAND RIVER €D 2-3537 HMER STEELE RAMBl# uiehifM Stat* N«wt, Cast Lanain*, Michigan ——| — — 5 — Thursday. May 10, 1962 Capital PunishmentQuestion Stirs Utah Winter Clothing deRoitAnnotated anoD To Ch.irles F. Reed waa appoint- " d*«* ^T^HvV" Ul1' '!L"° unr. lie flrM ...cvUOM k. Ifc. «wf to light .In™ ih. irl.l -. ... .. „ Ea«t Lansing church woman to use the clothes until the-' «d taaoclate professor and " """ * . cernlng the effects of «1J«. «,«, „«d k.„ "" ?'«»»• fttM. — ' ao tallr.f and faculty wives are asking srn- ** Jistant dean of extension and , mi«« * ^ Two Indian*. Longhair and Auto- !<**• were hanged for fclll.ac two pep pUI. that Rlvrnburgh allrg,-,!- »T waa taking prior to the prlmm dents to donate winter clothing to a "loan bank". Imvi the United States. Several Items -- including co.tInulng education by Willi* Um condemned man haa not * dim* *»•*VetarlnaryMedlclnoMon- f execution in clvl- inatantly. Another argument revolves ?stablished to help foreign stu¬ collected through area churches. d:,y fjougfc in a modeo. world. Oarcla and Rlvenburgh, like .11 T 1996. the legislature decided to keep both methods. Attempta to growul , mmn convU.,rd of dents who come to Michigan un¬ Students who have clothes in rmah ' « "» ^ ,UU l,Uh Mtnute^, the same crime, Leonard Warner prepared for cold weather. good vvw ^ condition to donate may R,*cl "«* s<;rv®J ** assoctate o execute by flrtag aquad; 1M1. w*r* given a choice be Mrs. John Marston, director take them to the People's Church Pressor o' veterlniry preven- S of only seven aUtea that C Vi w »weenAwlA Im the III. firing aquad and hang - of the clothing collection for offlce, 200 W. Grnnd River Ave.. tlve meHclne at Oliio State I'nl- a kg. And. like .11 ft nil but • . .r alx of the People's Church, said about "5 heart-shaped cloth, trimmed In from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. dally. ere he received his red. la pinned over hia Efforta to aaveQarciaand Rlv- feel that If one man got life, all students used the service last r» :or of heart. Mostly men's clothing Is need¬ Veterinary Medicine „,ethoda of execution. U*»y choae the firing aquad. • he five riflemen take aim. enburgh go on. Garcla'a attorney ahould. winter. ed. Mrs. Marston said. decree In 1951 and his Master ui Garcia of Salt to dl# be fort- « At a given and othera argue that Oarlea. who "Many foreign students from of Science dejjree in atgn«t\ uaually the , veterinary . I« wtwn km Wl grto» aquad waa Jamea w. „.mm wM imprlaoned at 15for raplnga r^ci™'™-d stropical countries who come Mtim^vaHable "rgvenUve me.llclne in 1956, [rlrti. iVk ted and aentoncedto ***"9 Oft March 31. IfXio. for dTn.fu, finger. tui .tfW.tW small girl and acouaed ofatomp- M-year-old |v»rrHl to MSI! don't realize the wea¬ hia part In a brutal 19M "»»«« » uranium miner In aouth- g0r* And It 1. .W In^anothrr child tadefclh wllh his Puut»,rn- or T»rov» Utah hat ther here Is so cold," she said. Petitions for Senior Council Before Joining ^ Now hM feet, could not teH the_dlfference been conv Icted' of the He rajl And when the temperarure positions will be available faculty, the Ohio State he engaged in private J^^a flvt stays of axocutioo. bod * laat request. Hodgers moua prison statistician carvca between right and wrong. ■laying of a 10-ye«r-otd Amerl starts dropping, they find It's through Friday at the Union >.1esk —actlce ,n Cleveland, Ohio, Reed finoth^r mans^encedtodeoth piled, "I loW you warden. . .a tiny notch in thechalrJuaUnba'ck Xhev cU)m he cime ^ Fork- "Uh. babyiTtter. Hr too late to send home for clothes, or on the third floor of student seiwed In the U.S. Army "Some of the students buy e;^wJ?ajS3SX. Ktlib. ca«n.- within ni*1® °* J"™ Prefer IM„ta mo.t bullets to the rope cumulation. and oWer prisoners which While 'all-purpose' coats, thinking they will last through any Michigan Services. Chairmen arc needed for the MSU Development Fund, service, P-M-46 and on active duty as an officer in the I VS. Air Force L ' fy-fori' « firing aquad. Gov. because "it's fast and easy.' reduced hie will to reelatpertlcl- court*, opponents of the flrlnc from 1951-S3 Ihe first firing squadvxecutlon season," said Mrs. Marston. social activities, public rela- flJL d. Clyde granted a re- Since 1912 there has been onlv conducted by paling In the 1958 killing of a fel- squad, and of capital punishment "But 'all purpose' coats for us tions. senior of the the Territory of low prisoner. Joseph LeRoy week, sen- In his new position effective FTfVe, also his fifth, following a one hanging In the state. Utah was in 1861. No one Is sure Verner. itaelf. have a little-more time to are usually light raincoats, not lor swlngout, Hannah's recep- Jmc I, ifeed will develop and Ct-chance review by the State "Which one coats the most?" why the method was used but Its try and effect so e changes b warm enough to use In che win- Hons, commencement, and home- ad lister recently expanded E«rd oi I'srdons. aaked Barton Kay Klrkham, 31. origin la probably with the mill- lltvenburgh'a attorney cpn- tends that new informatfan haa fore more notchr coming. Petitions for members- programs in veterinary extension I Before (he Garcia trial In 1959, who waa condemned to death for the battered wooden chair Foreign students are allowed it-large a J also available. Jtid continuing education. iflprts to change —"" the methods of killing a grocery clerk in ; holdup. The state conceded that hang lng was the more expensive and had to erect a special M -foot high scaffold and borrow a hang¬ man from the state of Washington. Klrkham was hanged on June 7^ 1958. Open a Ch&T/je Acmwt ★ TERMS TO FIT TOUR OWN BUDGET ★ UP TO ONE FULL TEAR TO MY e l«'i- the Abolishment of ,1 punishment, nhers ot ihe l.tfe for Garcia nitre have l>cen partlcu- ,t, :,vc. Ihey have picketed air r.tpilol. held nighttime . in ihe rtt> sparks anden- ln a spirited letter-writing The onde strapped In a battered wooden I'lsh I rague for the chair 23 feet away from, and fac¬ hm. n! of Capital l*unlah- ing. a firing squad of five men. i.i* slightly different alms, The state doesn't say how [mute Roal Is to abolish they arc picked, only that they receive :t! punishment altogether. $75 for their services. « president, attorney Phil One of the five .30-.30 caliber nscn. said it will ask the Tuck-In and overblouse rifles Is loaded with a blank, but styles.Schlf- ;.!,i!'- legislature Just to fli embroideries, gingham checks, no one knows who has It. The novelty collars. Newest Summer colors. Sizes 32 to 38. ^ of the leading criminal law- f st;ilc consideia the 11 d barbaric. "Some l t vh«H>t straight" Our Present Slate Laws" • \ lot cuvssuffer." .!< n John W Turner of NEW YORK (AP) - Debate over capital punishment has !, Explosion Damage raged in virtually every state In the country. lor JCascIine fumes and At SAM House combined ;cn and fire at the to ahotwa.er cause an As laws now stand, life imprisonment is the maxi¬ mum penalty nine states — for crime in Alaska. Dela¬ KILTIES SlgtnA ware, Hawaii, Maine, Mich¬ Mil '•ouse, 50" GrandRlver, igan. Minnesota. Dakota. Rhode Island and North THE SKIRT |Gasoline that had been used to Wisconsin. n pamt brushes was poured The forty-one states pro¬ WITH THE i a basement sink. The pipes viding for capital punish¬ |s?ed at- o;-«n drain in the room ment use these methods: fume? came the hot water heater Electric chair—Alabama, Arkansas. Connecticut, New Poncho Scotch Air! up into the room ■vere ignited by the heater Florida. Georgia, Illinois. )t hght. Ihdlana, Kentucky, ix>ulsl- Comp. at 3.99 [There - was shot an explosion and out under the door off some rags, ana, Massachusetts. braska. New Jersev. New York. Ohio, Oklahoma. Ne¬ SWEAT SHIRT a Pleated plaid cotton in full range of colors. Textured Cotton ember9 of the frater- Pennsylvania. South Caro¬ Sizes 8 to 14. . jerry |^re, and Marc <]^, Detroit soph- 'J8«d Bressler, N.J. fire extln- lina, South Dakota, Tennes¬ see, Texas. Vermont, Vlr- Men's cotton, Italian col¬ lar style. Choice Sizes S,M,L. of colors. SURFER PANTS & F? er ard had the blare under a CAMPUS CASUAL I w-hen the East Lan9lng fornia. Colorado. Mary¬ % 58 JAMAICA SHORTS je ir.utes Ir» department r!ie ;al1 the after arrived. thej- returned Lansing land. Mississippi, Missouri. Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina. Oregon and Wyoming. Ivy Cotton PUMPS ^ Compare at 3.99 r V '■'Tsnment received a sec- H ang 1 ng — Idaho, Compare at 4.99 Iowa, F'S.ons t0 theSlgma A,ph« PANTS Kansas. Montana. New Self belts on loop w Flat heel casual pump of soft checks and stripes trer-er i-.vestlgatedandfound Hampshire and Washington. ; Utah gives Its condemned white grained leather. Sizes 5 mer colors. Sizes 8 to H water on keater had been and some of the a choice between being to 10. ' on the floor had turned hanged or shot. Comp. at 3.50 Ivy or adjustable side elas¬ tic beltless style. P re- cuffed. Assorted colors. Sizes 28 to 38. HAZEL BISHOP HAIR SPRAY Compare at 97< . Q.T. QUICK TANNING LOTION by Coppertone, 4 oz. Comp. at 2.39. ARPEGE SPRAY COLOGNE by Lavtn, Comp. at 3.00 . RED LILAC COLOGNE by Lentheric, Comp. at 2.00 . OPEN IO.m.OIO jj««f»lly. V-7fe „!»• "ftttt-fcM4lfetViteliswKfeV-7.lt ,r feair _ (Mat aR fey wttfc—t itmm. «?*««««• k JT 77\**1 MONOA Y OPfN SUNDAY THROUGH SATURDAY NOONIOJP.M 3301 E. MICHIGAN r Mt m Michigan State News . SPORTS. ITS. East Lansing, Michigan ThitfxU]N May in SpartansBreakUD's Looking Spartan Netters .si n„ nntt rtuom i I CttMWV Defeated ttlned * 4-1. 6-3 COft- «£*-?•«*>. , At eu-'- MGameWinStreak powerful University of The Michigan tennis #»am rolled on One of Michigan State's most coward its fourth consecutive Big valiant efforts was turned in at J-3. fr-J; Osrry Ten title by downing Michigan No. I doubles, when Brian Els- To«» Jamtoson cne ting at the jdase remains tmpres- something worthwhile, like honing money- winning race. .•her L*s Mser** vtaed a .-•flieratgs tr.pto to left. sue. four-bagpe started itallwitha towering The Professional Golfers As¬ sociation saivi Tuesday Palmer have to lop off another player to stay within the 25-man limit. up on plays. To which White replied: "You |1962 golf take care of the football. I'll has won $52,30$. In second place on the PGVs weekly list of ttp care of the books/ (Rule Book 10 wage earners IS Bill Casper SAN ANTONIO, 1 FX. - U.S. Jr. with SSLQ0&. Naval Reserve Officer Robert % to tort. he rode hone or Beck of Philadelphia won the *s tmpto tc left. international pentathlon compe¬ NEW YORK The New York tition Billy Martin Wednesday despite finish¬ — Yankees cat their squad down ing 13th ir. the 4,000-meter itton beat mk mentor to the 2S-player limit x Tuesday Is Undecided the fir?! baseman edited Math a siagto. ind v»as by optioning relief pitcher Tex. Oevenger to Richmond of the State's fteldtttg, was Us: International I eague on 24-hour WFYMOITH, MASS. - Frank picked up. Kobs said, recalL A. (Puster) Btsrrell, g5, the old¬ lamiasaki Clever^er, a 2<*-year-old est living former major league especially .V.dfvi right-hander, had seen no ser¬ baseball player according to the satusnAlly on a cfupie of oc- vice for Che Yanks this season. Baseball Hall of Fame at Co- .-a«:rrs." the Spartan Coach said. \fter ore year wtth the Bos¬ operstown, N.Y., died Tuesday ton Red Sox and five with the at a nursing home. well. He began his baseball career Washington Senators, Clevenyer sper.: last season with the Los in the old New Fngland l eague Angeles \ngels and the Ya".ks, and later played with the New Illinois Sophomore Hurler who obtained him in May a Ion? York Giants and the Brooklyn '■r.t?- outfielder Pofr Cerv for Dodgers. Has Pro Scouts Drooling CKAMPAX3V, ILL.. Monbo's No Hitter 0.A5 Ruined By Tresh ■eraoe c i .M! ; i ?•> Ye- seiser mar* *i YORK, -r - Bill Mon- A Ctw! of 6.05* saw Whitey Vuq-jene's streak of 6-13 hit- Fonj for Wss innisgs «s hrotoec b>-rook- pitch for te Tom Tnesh s pucf. wilh the Red Sox rlght- hcrt'ssngie Wevt- hinder sfter allowing singles to •itSag e.\r*v" - - «ft- nesday and the Nfw York Yankees peW Runr*!s ^ Eddte B re s- folKswwci K wtth four runs in the ^ud.. the flnf. ^ who 5 the Si:.-- WW. 1$ of tfceir 23 sevens- ibr a 4-1 v,ctory o**r him. The ne« Red Sox to i-*s. T>e> s-Sare secood piaoe she Soston Red So*. a hit wa< Y • > ismsamskt who trotwsptoce^ ^ Tass MoabeuQuette rtused the tt«r dnahVec to toft a.-.? raoe wwfe O«uo State a: *-2! U Yaaks to fate hsm before he * «nd>. '.to toVxi:=$ cftatn^ne Msch- wal*ed Vogi Berra tn the fifth. With two out to t* fffntfc. Ford ca.- toads wtth 5-L Tbec V madfe Elstw. Howard hit fost his shutout. Jim f^agliarom's iato a Jeubie play . infafki pop (ly back of t(* mound Over the aeasce. Ftotcher's The Yanks had nc more tvase- fell w for a hase hit and Frank runner* until Tresh fcunsaed a little : "iA*.- K iitowed 55 Malxoae's double scored =«agha- 0> N0I LEAGUE- J>wr Nkxtboutjuerte's head row. After Getger beat out a for the first base hit wltts one husu single. Ford struck out Gary Oesger Hard> "" * ** or. "a 3-2 pitch to end the ltwr~" - - - - 1153 E. Michigan 1 block West of Br< 1- standings -Jd * - - - , —, sr. t*e sates last o«t Mickey Mantle for the defoat. third straigfe: tteae but walked Yastnemskt turned j Bern «a four patches, filling the lsant backhanded catch of Fonfs DRY CLEAN fly bail along the toft field foul Howard came through with the line with two out ir the sixth, btow tfeat mean: ti« ball game Berra contributed a fme catch i Ajubto over ^«s bead of Carl on Carroll Hardy's deep liwr in v *" toft field, scortag ~ ti>e eighth. Tresis, Mans Berra. Bali It was the fastest game of the Sfcffwrse foltowed i single year at Yankee Stadium. fc*ing f- toft, driving ;r Howard wit* completed oae hour and 41 the fotart- nsr. [10 SKIRTS OR SWEATERS OR 2 TOP COATS P0R*MOMf fc*e»ber Hotter on tier day OR 3 SUITS «ii a CARD ami 6fT fromtirne STUDENT BOOK STORE 9 DRESSES FOR MSU Glassware $ooo * «r& go? sitLsrasiMas 'f«m Mwchwr, Conn., and a 1-1 tie. AOCS 1 and the Errors played bagger for the Sainti. Skip Kulik and Mart Hartley hurled tor the winners. » - In the other scheduled game. y won by forfait from rtrum u » » P**>^ITt^ varsltytaam. r LJJli ajumnl .hmm aoc- nc- Thalr ***** . speed and . ,nd »superior "parlor Erich Srnader from Chlca«o. another tie, 2-2. Bert Gaffin of AOCS allowed one hit. while TO$ i.nStHwitMaon. TOnc"li0Wn«m»y«»• ®UlRffact- ha presence of all these form- his opponent gave up two. -r 1 S ^r itd: or' W«'~ «>u»ttas on and current aura on om In a third tie game Ag Bcon rallied to match the Coleopteras Dormitory. f^r?*2SL^i k^^W» of JJ»1Id' Saturday ahould bring back 11-11. tn its brief six year ex- Hill Reed of Vets I irslls for iriU» fcr t» '^.^ v*«ttr«nd*ttl for fans to v»w » onaoui 008 th« alumni certain- »»»«<*. State's soccer seven to lead his squad to a w ;tst ^*"cf won 1 *" l«.klng Saturday is 10-0 decision over the Consul¬ th> alumni established the winnings*! trad- Ul"'TIrFHch StSlr! Lao "thusl.*™. Sevral of the pf.y- -" tants. Reed was supported by errorless ball. CSO*s Jim Snyder turned in Soccer was voted Into MSL's one of the nighrs best mound varsity program in 1956. upon performances as he struck out the urging of athletic director 15 in his team's 11-0 conquest Biggie Munn, as an outgrowth of Luther. Snyder allowed only of the old Spertan Soccer Club. "two hits. Leon Cook homered for Gene Kenney, then aaslstant CSO. wrestling coach, waa appointed Delta Sigma Phi socked the to Phi Dolt's 10-7. Rock Tjmilian pilot the team on short notice, belted a homer for the winners. and, not without difficulty, he lined up a six game schedule Ruis Buxton hit a round trip¬ for fall, 1*56. per for the Kellogg Flakies as they beat the Communicators. , H* Kodgers edged Hong Kong 9 by an 11-10 score. Judson Har¬ fvon Slenec and Tommy Yewelc, low led the Kodfltrs bv pitching famed 'Pony Backs'. 'Pony Back' Duo Michigan Stale News game of the Bad luck, combined with an To Face Varsity inexperienced defense and weak Two Two of of Michigan State's famed Slonac had a reserves, finally took its toll. "Pony Backs" will gallop again m,rk of 5-4 yards per sprtng quarters. Issued twice as the Spartans lost their first May 12 on the familiar turf of «nd connected on 55 of 63 varsity gam© to the St. Louis point attempts. Second class postage paid Spertan Stadium. Evan Slonac .... vYewcic and Tommy Yew- rated as a bril- Greenville, Michigan, who romped through the *u" field general in Fdltorial and business offices The i at quarterback at W Student Services building, current six year varsity for the Spartans. i,« Michigan State University, East After spending his sophomore Lansing, Michigan; and 109 N. as/r/sttsrss rentage. campaign at halfback, the 5-11. Lafayette St., Greenville, Mlch- Slonac 180-pounder completed 41 of 95 'P"1- Because of great depth and tipped the scales i !&¥- talent. Coach Kenny said he feels that he may have his finest mere Big 170 pounds, small for Ten halfback let alone passes for 941 yards to lead the National champs. squad '*n Also a fine punter. Yewcic evor —.— in 1962. Saturday's test . against the former Spartan stars [""^ as But.he the Spartans won 27 of 28 complied a career average of nearly 40 yards per kick. tySn should provide much opportunity games, the National Champlon- Yewcic tried a baseball career KEN GRAHAM-.AIwmwl soccer AH-Ametlcoe. for making a comparison. ship and scored a 28-20 Rose with the Detroit Tigers after Bowl victory over UCLA. ■ Mim until the fall. Spartan graduation, but spent last fall ,vsr coach Gene Kenney Is Despite his size. Slonac _ was with the Boston Patriots of the exp osive runner, able to blast Terry's •s pleased over prospects tor American Football League. Slo- Une ; squad. ,n! ™ halfback in open field. nac is now a teacher and coach ": N* varsity has been look- >. Wis. : r*a! jood ir drills and scrim- said. 'Tve been ^fr:mennng with :rr. men. moving around to different po- \s :t looks now. instead Talkin' :>* usual 11 starters plus re- By TERRY WAREHAM irouio nave a io man Assistant Sports Editor One thing Duffy Dsugherty's varsity football squad is going noted that depth is to have to remedy if they expect to have a ghost of a chance team has always against the Old Timers this weekend Is their Inability to acor* from their opponent's 10 ' yard lino. That Is, of course. rt alumni team first as- rMe: - 1^1. when it played **T i I-l deadlock with the MSU said. ■« n thro»-touchdown favorite, so the varsity boys i .: Jl Club team. They ?: will have to pull together tr% to urln.M win. 11 te skippered by Dave This last statement could turn be quite an understate- r:st« i jraduating varsity ment. out » j The varsity's main hopes will probably lie on Dewey Lincoln said he expects - ^::e and George Salmes. Lincoln will be putting his shiftiness and IM a e a:rl\ good depth wlthhis '"he three former Schedu ^>eed against the Old Timers' defensive line which will average close he has to 275 pounds per man. Just how far Lincoln can passed this line will be the deciding factor in the Spar- tans' offense. Salmes will have his amazing balance and broken field go after /^HAMBURGERS SOFTBALL running ability on his side when he gets past that gruesome brick wall. 5:20 p.m. Remember Notre Dame? I r.K.rhi-CXT.n. \ Sis. B.T.P1-A.G.R, Fp.-S, Chi This year's alumni squad looks Ilka 1 think I would rather wait until after an All-star pro taam. the Old Timer's game before I say what this spring's varsity looks like. Altar seeing BUILD YOUR [ S. Nu-T.n. Chi f Trianglo-S.A.E. "r rcwerment- Fmporer them last Saturday, all I can say Is, they can use some bnprove- ment. I think the baseball team and track taam will be able to give the adequate Improvement for next fall. RECORD COLLECTION :-bers After seeing Tom Krzemienskl play end for the White ~ aquad «Ta!j-embassy last Saturday all I could think of was R.C. Owens jumping high nlnence-Empyriam Into the air In the end zone and grabbing die football away from the defender on the "Alley-oop" play. ' 1 u ^:30 p.m. Gam-A.E.PI Council k Sig-Phl Delt San Francisco had used It quite affectively against the Detroit Lions the past few years. Krzemienskl almost pulled the aame trick against Lincoln Popular SALE V.?.0.-Fhi Stg. K. lar weekend. Lincoln, who stands 5'8", was almost no match for the ull end. Krzemienskl, who caught quite a few passes Albums ;5r—ouse-T. Chi right up the middle, would have been out of die end zone even | vidcliff-Rafferty If he had caught It, but it was still a beautiful play to see. vi-coon-Randall ; 'v*nhill-Ramsey ■ a The high Jumping end scored the White's only touchdown on a six yard paas from quarterback Bill Gordon. MEN'S SHOES e-na-Random FXrffy wasted no time with his answer when he was asked if the Green and White game showed his team >e indiv idual tennis tourna- dwn he had anticipated.. His answer was a quick "t begins tonight at 6 p.m. All _-.ee 5s should report at 5:30 p.m. for to the IM their res- 00 ,90 rfl ion cards and then to the F*!y "rnament Cage for tennis balls. wUl start at 6 p.m. ^°n tennis courts. Pair- Jazz Reg. 8.98 - 12.98 Reg. 12.98 - 18.98 I" A«**r-PhU Slmrod ^ '? 1 Bach-John Grost joknson-KenLeedy -cone-Steve Bean Groups OUTSTANDING SAVINGS ON FAMOUS- [> -v f,ar,y*D,ve Cessford Vw, rds"H"nrSr Cole f*r. >cyl«s-Chuck Bento MAKER CASUAL AND DRESS SHOES Shelton- Warren Lapp in L,',rrr,ltCTy ,nd fraternity ten- FOR MEN! f" ^nals held at 5-30 p m/ b AnJwJea?ue «oU rooters doe at Show "^OvTUNBELIllVAiU ■ RaNCHO SANTA Tunes t Select from 2-eyelet ties, oxfords and slip-on styles in PC, Calif. smooth or grained leathers, brushed pigskins. You'll want m1, - four years after he shot 'l< -in-one on the several pair at these low prlcesl Rancho Santa Fc * Matiincr of L» Jolla 7th hole at goU course, All Albumns Stereo & Mono now only . . . guaranteed iSS» Still a large selection at. . . OUR PRICES AtC I&KP &*«■* TO CAMPUS BOOK MEN'S SHOP STORE 210 ABBOTT ROAD EAST LANSING disc: ACROSS FROM THE UNION > Anchigan Slate Now*. I'asi Landing, Michigan Sebert Wins National Study Conducted Ryder to Testify Journalism [ On Students' Ideal Occupation Before What occupation wwuld you e&- The fifteen provisions tn- Committee j,U Rytor, rnu few day# as part of a nation-. ws, distribution, the Land Grant Cottage Asso¬ „, Institute* hei-^ he*,! KrMev *rv1 wtde study designed to deter¬ ciation Committee on Federal SatwvVv \Uv U-U». mine students' perveptton of var¬ l eyi station. The presentation «■.!! he nwtd* ious .KCtpatton*. —- at a Friday «i$*th«t>$Ket at which random sample of over "W ;>ten ^lehert «iH *lso S* ^e male ai*.i tern ale students featured speaker. eluded tn the study which Health, Education, and Welfare. Nationally. 5.000 students are participating. ned*. a* The schools inwslvtd will ikm wtecwsi lie identU»e*l when the result.* at* published next >war. accord¬ ing to Or. t>*\ id l>oai\ie rejxis tetl that l astern aivl Mid\w»stei-n'colleges will Iw compared to .Vwrwue SOTC 8RASS-»at«h.«i the ft**** r«r«de Stefe. Tkey rev.ewed the ROTC units o» fs».» the '*'.»«.«« **i>4 «te Col. * J. M»i- part 0» e ♦wJeful .nspect.en, pivtessional fUl* df.fttv from •« Ud,o; in. or the Ivy a emale students are t*mi; ask THEEAGLE tess tons would Sppval u Vocational School Delinquents Really Want men recommend it to other men • traijwed to rth a a police Jfcver-.le Jiv- Disripline Miss Smitfi Head r :^v» A juveraH delinquei cfcild adxUt fcosf Mayo Elect? IQ Validity t«odel. persoaahty a strong ai^' to jfuidw h saent. accordir^ to Dr. Ernest Attacked By Sheliey. director of treatment tor the Michigan 'V;vtr:rrv« o:Ocr- Sociologist Fromwdders To Give Squ3fF Dance I^Ltrne A* UUlian-s. HcUaad sop^o- woces, sc:-rr«d up »•« feelt-g>= ,\f tscst ate -r-jL>ors Ja :Nf pre- enttc- a V. concral of ^etln^u- • . V,mMmmd ..... /.' ,) .1 ^ « V:: sbSSSSJ^ . WK Annual Wwishop Set ThorsdaY 7 PM HAWAII Summer School Tour /h/w />t w// TROPICAL SL" -49 I nirersitx of • Siits June 24 to August 5 S3T5 to SI25 • Sport Coab Wto s75 todoshre Cost SS95 =fe» Wsi-» 7u e Slacks * Fm CMcifo htm *5* to MO ★ kcMrttaSHrai • Rw & SI«k Coab K«9 HM ■ Waiftj "Taroyton's Oual FiHw in duos partes divisa est!" s«v» turf kin# Virfilius St* H'A^ii Phnmrrh s! to 75 'Jgosaai, Owe r Tmn e> Apps«n W«> to fine lotmrrx, rjKte- DiaS Filter TWeytons. t>K- «y* Bt$ H hr+t "Fmm the Alps m the Aqtwduct. we smoke »he« mm ctim STOP in Today For One of Our New Try Tamvton. one filter ncifKfe ttut re»lh de&vers de fusnbos!" Catalogs and Complete Information HOLDEN DUAL FILTER P*m*br Shopping Center College Travel Office I *30 W. Grand River. EO 2-3667 [ Mtchya StaU »•*». B«st Lanting, Michigan Thursday. May 10, 1962 I Thailand's Home Brew Is a Juice Called 'Op' •y MARTHA Young Glenns Unaffected by Fame COL I A Missive PreM#*n and frteads of ion, .landIn* who of Mr*. Qlmn. ther to Yorktown high school, "You know, kids art pretty un- uittnctl**im«ll built Ihrtr hou»e» each — Stttcl th* prvWntt^" AMthToteM .. havlr* Kiuk.1I. jwunette, fc... t t w hu foundherself „ seen " ' """" her •bout four yun where he 1* In the tenth grade, wonderful." Mm. Brown Mid. neighbor:. "It . .^ury who *r <* when ah* (O,, Sometime* they «U w __ their classmates and frtenda "They don't make a fuse over nevter ceases to aniaae me — parents «*r twtoe a mk. She u * girl ch M ^ time the »wnen and children - net tfarther In the treat them as )u*t one of the !*»■' treat them ho*-normal those children tnm "** Netioaei Aeronautics •J°°f ,m* clapped for her at • gang. like anybody else." have n*vr staved »♦ Siayea. *nd tyace Administration (NASA) ««•*«» wives luncheon. But the Glenn*, the who help* Mr*. Glenn with the »»« * prominent guest at Miller* t, "**" talking aU*ut John sUcit* at letter* coming *0 the *"• fencheon Mrs. Lyndon B. and the Browns are getting re¬ Mother never forgets Dsv d Glenr,. l«, »nd Carolyn (called I vnJ Glenn. hcaise front personal friends and Johnaon. wife of the vice presi- aligned In June and will scatter Remember her with U. son and acquaintance*. Mm. Glenn took* «*»*. »*'* recently for the Km to different pari* of the country, daughter of America'* space the Qle hero. John H. Glenn Jr. at each of these letters and «ee* press of Iran, flowers from . . . The youngster* to their anawsr*. However. Mr*. Glenn has made Houston. Tex., with th< wenlalang»tth Bui Glenn and NASA official* " • P°Ucy ^ to *0 to bi« group *»t™aut* and plan ™'r mother and father lor all the il their honor* *till haven't been able to decide hinchoon*. home here. America poured v»n their about the trrr The John Glenn °rhtt fhto «i»*e* the olh famlty Is" i ose-knlt family, andhlstory Fab. 30. letter*, and they're still coming ' some without everybody They had a ride with President going t .... says. But with Glenn away ao in. olher*. she would feel she wa* oflen, Kennedy, a joint aeaalon of Ccw- Even the children have been hurling someone'* keeping the home flrea feelings." rvNGKOK lAP)- greaa, a ticker tape parade la New York ami a sowscomlngin New Concord, sentiments! aaked to make appearance* at varloua (Unctions and achool*. Reporters want to Interview KefTss Klotscha Mrs. Glenn sitlt get* together txirnlng ha* fallen upon hla wife -"the real rock In Glenn called her. our family," Barnes Floral them. But the parents have aatd over of Cast Lsnsiitf And after II waa all morning coffee wtth hei Williamsburg Junior High School over, when "NO." Glenn has tried to keep aa neighbors, Mrs.M Miller and Mr*, aenjas the atreet fromherhome availability of straws. """ relumed to their sub- much privacy aa he can for hi* Brown, They .. . rk ED 20871 215 Ann St. A . ..... urb*n here near Washlns- nl ^ a lightly more complicated Ion. D.C.. Dave and Lynchanted It'* u « of dry rtoe V*-*- Jjf* £rom rtc* l* oeUsd to starts clothes and went out to ,Jve£ «35rS X 38^322 "TIE! ■h,«* «*•*»*» ,f femienutlonprooesA 1 nurture la put away Unaffected Kids A CUSTOM GIFT . .11 so much to Again for two or three day a. «- "They're *o much place, all ow nallv the Uc»n. Kvperta caution lution that those w who children. "They're Just aatd plain. of the your Mother's Day gift. It cost so little, and tmrft "lao rong" amelte bad a_» - ... it shows that you care, t ft rat drink. M'H*r. The *" " ' i only difference ahe them after all the that "they probably to give the very prettiest store the mixture and Leaa rugged drinker* front the *>*r their gift. Mother's Day is this Sunday, May 13th! n iJ4u*g sater whenever called for. It packs a City _»ay soaking bananas U "lao I? "* ■n the fifth round. sweet one the county folk disdain auch Glenn f -turing community weakling tactics. parent* while lauding the children, "1 think they've done a mirac- uk>u* Job Cnssworti Puzzle a table," Mrs. keeping those kids Brown aatd. "The children have been taught to look at tht# thing as this la )uat what their Daddy does —this la their datkly 'a Job, period, and that's all." Life attll Isn't exactly normal In the attractive brick rambler home beneath the tree* where Annie Glenn ami her children waited for their astronaut to of But things have quieted down ■< Veaterday's Pwazle a Utile. Annie Glenn Is a careful houae- «. Fingerte>s keeper with a maid only once a T. Malt thing* get hurry-scurry. Dave beverage * Hue and chores Lyn have their assigned For the very latest — carrying out the gar- !> So may it be bage, tending the yard, keeping 10 Contended their rooms In order. 11 Blunders 19 Timber tree in fashionable leg flattery, Capt. Bligh's 23 Own Story Long k 14 3ti Magic ■ Urges tain An extremely rare book, Cap¬ Bligh's own account of the mutiny of the Bounty, can " Give her seen at the library. The Doll s The book, yellow with age, w House" 2# Stem 31 Dillseeri published In l ondon In |-"90. It Is called "A Narrative of the Seamless Nylons U Punish Mutiny on Board His Majesty's « Constellu- Ship Bounty". Included are long Journey, originally under¬ details taken to Introduce the breadfruit of the 1.35- ?.65 tree Into the West Indies. Bligh found the breadfruit tree at Ctahelte, which Is now Tahiti. colors will compliment Mother's ward¬ In 1787 he and his crew sailed robe, give beauty to her legs. Eliminate I Self for the West Indies with the this problem of poor fit. There is the nylon stretch at 1.65: Micro Mesh rein¬ metal A " mutiny broke out i forced heel and toe at 1.50 the'Business Espouse Bounty near the Friendly Islands Sheer* at 1.35 and the Demi-Toe priced 0 ,« to protest Bllgh'styrannicalcr~ at 1.65. You will be deJlghted with the Wesley Foundation transportation available u p " duct as captain. variety of colors and styles. Mother today on campus campu. Bllgh and 18 of his men were ~"XXr»VZ,Zi2£ voyage In STREET LEVEL the open boat, Bllgh and companions finally landed Chi -- ? 30 pjn- Night Staff Timor, which Is 400 miles north¬ B- —,. Bui1lS§ pjn LWon Night Editor, w west of Australia. A draft with the specifications - 7:45 pjn. — 35 yat£ for this launch Is Included f cey, Tom Winter. Bligh's narrative. KNAPP'S EASt LANSING Two Fabulous Because she loves nice Spray Colognes things, give her Van Raalte to give Mother! Lingerie Feminine Chanel No. 5 $ | Little-Waist Costume Delicately e J $3 8.95 Arpege SA $39.95 » If Mother loves soft yet smooth lingerie with lots moves Give her one of our treasured fragrances gracefully in the new . -•■ecTioa of of-femininity, here is the perfect gift for her. created for the woman to adore. Mother looking more feminine for Beautiful Sauvette Nylon Tricot slip with mini¬ In coaon-aadkeJlk ottoman . . will love this fabulous gift and will ap¬ ature embroidered eyelet fans on hem and bodice: • *kes shape preciate your remembering her is such oe aa elegaot not of con- Trimmed with Trianon Rose lace; Short snd aver¬ ;*sl - "'*ck ■ • ***#» top with black buttons . . age lengths in sizes 32-40; White, Pink, Sand, a special way. stort-sfeeiw dress with a wide 8.95. Matching half slip lnS-M-L, 5.95. Match¬ Wide black compiaialy ing briefs - Sizes 5-6-7, $3. patent tebmates 'mle *«w* a ciacht GARDEN LEVEL STREET LEVEL KNAPP'S EAST LANSING - OPEN TODAY FROM 9:30 TO 5:30 PHONE 332-8622 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 10, 1962 PEARL RING FOUND RETURNED! 1953 Mercury & 1955 Plymouth Hardtcps. Excellent condition in Thla Ad Will Entitle You hvdrorT£tt c. transmission Need EXTRA Income free film To A FREE TANK Of CAS ^th power FURNISHED, 4 man, 5 room. & out. Best offer. IV 2-5358 Until Sunday May 13 When steering and brakes. Would like a FREE skin analysis for summer, perking. 2 sun One roll given free with each or 355-4801. 33 2-tone paint. Good transports- N^d BEAUTY COUNSELOR pro- porches, near campua. 332-5432. roll brought in for proeewlng. You Buy Your Cer ot tion. $395. RfcW 620 - 127. Special with thl* 1961 FALCON Stationwagon. Stan¬ ENGLAND COOK CHEVROLET FORD, 1961 - Galaxle, 2 ,,,, SPECIAL DEAL: Reduced - rent ""-ST- FILM given KODACOU* with each roll ten mate^lv': .AUTOMOTIVE dard transmission, delux trim. "OK" L5ED CAR LOT #3 hardtop, 8 cylinder with Cruise- for summer term only. Across See Jack Newsom for processing. o-matlc transmission. Power from Berkey. Cooking prlvi- .EMPLOYMENT Must sell immediately. Call IV 2-6642. or Jim Veresh steering, radio, white tires. 1 edges. $7 or " ^ .FOR SALE 32 • Marek Rexall prescription Cen- senior rn< .LOST & FOUND ONT TP Aft G.VV. WARRANIT Shar^one owner a'-nial *",l»'^r for 301 N. Ciippert (by Frandor) C —: ■ time. wZ I *7* "4rvlce- you may 2I WANTED 1953 FORD. 6 cylinder. 4 door, 1962 CHEVROLET — Monxa de¬ .PERSONAL standard shift. Really in good MAX CURTIS. INC. ATTRACTIVE. 3 rooms withtile .dude your baby's und.T I monstrator 4-door. Loaded with .PEANUTS PERSONAL condition for us age. extras. Has bucket seats, au¬ 2921 E. MICHIGAN bath unfurnished except refrig¬ • REAL ESTATE IV 4-4491 EXT 33 erator and stove. Air conditioned, tomatic transmission, EZI wind¬ •SERVICE 1956 CHEVROLET The Michigan State News close to campus and AiP Store. - 4 door, auto¬ shield, deluxe radio, heater, Want-Ad Department is •TRANSPORTATION matic. radio, heater. Real good , 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED whitewall tires, padded dash, • V. LAY AND MATTHEWS, 1322 E. asking its readers to help 2-4886. STUDENTSI Reliable advice on AMERICAN .WANTED running car. Extra good trans¬ many more. Rich Rich Nassau Nassau blue V, for one week. car Insurance. Talk it over with LAUNDRY portation. color with "v-Now Michigan. IV 5-2243. Do you want ill e. Washtenaw matching Interior. Now w se„ ^ c,r? see us. We WANTED: 2 male students, 21. LES STANTON. He can help you iv 2-0864 DEADLINE: 523V5. ^ or down. Buy any make When you answer a Want- to share sharp furnished apart¬ plan your Insurance budget. 1500 3 p.m. om clou < DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY • •••• or model. c.t.f. Ad in the State News dur¬ ment. Summer term. IV 4-5062. E. Michigan. IV 2-0689. C35 TYPING IN SPARTAN $61 CHEVROLET - lmpala dem- V1LL ing the next week PLEASE Apartment. Electric onstrator 4-door hardtop. Has let the advertiser know-by Cell 355-3012. ^ WILL i H E New Yorker who plans PHONE: small V-8 engine, automatic word of mouth or by show¬ SUMMER approved, supervised pORDS: We have many, do you to bring back a car for summer transmission, power steering, ing him the actual ad-that housing for 4 men. 1145 Abbott ^ 355-8255 or 8256 have one? 1954 - 1961. All In term see Bubolz for auto insur¬ ALTERATIONS. Hemming i J EZ-Eye windshield, delux radio. good condition and ready to go. have answered his ad¬ Rd. Call in person 6:00 - 7:30 ED 2-8671. C31 styling: formats trout.J DEPENDABILITY heater, many other extras. Fin¬ you PM. Mon.- Frl. and Sat. after- ance. , vertisement appearing in skirts, etc. NEEDLE 'N RATES: IS IMPORTANT ished in rich almond beige with l960 cH EVROLET CONVER- the Stats News. thrJ Shop, 108 Division, SENIORS - Petitioning open for pus Drug Store. ED behindQJ fawn interior. Showroom condit- 1 DAY xjblE - Black with a black top. SI .00 : ion throughout. Only 7,000 miles, 2-5584. j standard transmission. One own- '62 Club until Friday, May 11. 3 DAYS S2.00 ) Save approwmaoaly . . . .$900. «•. tike new. SUMMER ONLY 2 bedrooms, Petitions available in Union. 31 5 DAYS S3.00 1961 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4- you front room, kitchen and garage. LETT1CH & STENBERG Furnished. $80. 1616 Coleman. SPARTAN TEXACO i 15 > 1J60" ^GLKSWAGFK Panel De¬ dooF. Hi Thrift Six Cylinder en¬ SERVO. State News Want-Ad IV 9-5905. 34 CORNER GR AND R livery, grev, good tires, Curb- gine, powerglide transmission, 2628 E. KALAMAZOO 484-3229 w PEANUTS * PERSONALS and SPARTAN IYER! side and Roadside doors, this radio, heater, whitewall tires. Phone 337-9034 unit also has special auxilliary An automobile you can be proud Dept. gasoline heater that runs about finished in thbTweek's SPECIAL $150. Came in from Ingham twilight Blue Blue with with hi harmonizing , _ WOULD YOU like a station wa- gon wJth -8 ground clearance like LIGHT HOUSEWORK and care of 5 year old - mornings. Pleasant ^.V^rd^o^ DICK, Did,you know that May Hop tickets are on sale at the | County Animal Shelter $1295. r. c—..., Special OrtOS. $2095. » Model "a, room for 9 adults, - - - vJririna Union? Sue. 32 LUBRICATION 75< with J Ave. oinrnhii* r*iin Columbus, C»iio. - Automotive • •••• working rendition. conditions. Must Must have have oil change. Also FREE 1961 PONTIAC Hardtop 2-fcoor. better traction, M to 25 miles transportation. Call ED 2-2920. foot rulers. • J per gtji„n 0f gas ind real quail- 35 KAREN PORTER AND JOHN 1954 JAGUAR ROADSTER. Good A real sharp one with power _ construction? Get a Volks- HOUSES KEMP please come to the State power brakes, £uto- condition, Call ED 7-7116 after 5 and weekends. 31 • steering, matic transmission, deluxe heat¬ wagen! For Sale" ATTRACTIVE EAST LANSING News office, room 347, Student ANN BROWN, typis: and a er. radio, Services Building for your free 11th offset printing. IBM.Gt 1959 VOLKSWAGON Panel de¬ rear seat speaker, CONTINENTAL IMPORTS, INC. KIRBY vaccum cleaner with all home. 3 bedrooms completely padded dash, vhitewall ' ' passes to the Crest Drive-ln typing, term papers, theses,d livery, red, new tires, curbslde 22tr E. KALAMAZOO attachments, 2 yearis old. Call furnished. Washer & Dryer. Theatre. 31 sertations. 3 5. Roadside doors, this unit has ». Finished in Beaut¬ DIAL IV 5-1743 C31 ED 2-6668. 31 Available Sept. 1, '62 - Sept. 1. duplicating pr iful Coronado Red with White ses available; Multilith (S a new engine which cost $305. MENS Fall Suits. Olive 42-34, '63'. $150. a month. Call evenings white, 8t color), Oza ": top. Only $2595. $1,095 Black 40-33. Sport Coats: 2 en 2 2893 Print. ED 2-8384. 1956 C.tolLLAC - 62 series 1959 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent Cl" M.J. & K. WHITFIELD Missed 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2- 40, 1 size 38. Baracuda you at Luau. Not forgetting. Best 4 door, excellent repair. All Dean & Harris, inc door. A real eye catcher with SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF power. Many trouble free miles get an umbrella. Twins. 31 T!L Hi-thrift six-cylinder engine, ING STAMPS! When left in this car. Rour.c trip to __________________ — you utomatic transmission. Radio, LEICA F3.5 wide angle lens, June 1. TU 2-8073 after 4 32 your cleaning to WendiWiH Florida last month, added 1 quart . ^57 FORD - Economy and whitewall tires, * • with vlewfinder and accessories. onowash and Dry Cleiuil e oil. Best *56 in the area. Call dard shift. Accept reasonable en-—1* Llke new Make an offer. 355. E. Lansing Realty Co. ED 2- offer. 355-1004. 33 6U6 LAKE LANS1NG - 3 bedrooms. Pants, skirts, sweaters -jj 31 and pressed, only 50f. 30061 3534. Evenings, ED 2-3145. Mr. ^rtly fumi.hed, 1 year lease ENGLISH FORD Angelia Squire ' required, will accept responsi¬ St.. 1/2 block w m 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-door ble students. Frandor Store. stationwagon, 1960. Like new. ED 7-0606. 32 Equipped with snappy \ -8 engine, ln coior. SUITABLE FOR use where s Powerglide transmission. Radio, Powergli Economy plus. d_ts ,lve. heater and whitewall price . $695. LAYandMAT- i?" "! The Three Stooges. FREE LET OF c lzed musical groups. 1 1959 RAMBLER - 4 door, wagon. inal Suntan Copper finish with j Super, standard transmission, 2 243" pieces. Write or phone Ci 1958 VOLVO - Real : Beige top. Now only «••»«« "Bud" Too ley. Secy, tone blue finish. Excellent con- 1960 FORD FALCON 2-do door 700 Kitchen odds and ends Tool W per week. Double. $5 per man. Federation of Musicians ?T* series, power glide, radio, heat- plrvate ^ C.U jy Cooking privilegeand parking Grand Rapids Freshman co-ed Washington. IV 2-5314. ;TK MTON SHORTS Gleaming Black and White finish. ***. 7.0790 for date Friday night to enjoy Music 135S FORD FAIRLANE '500' - delux trim, whitewall tires, er. white wall tires. We trade. ' »'"■ is Best." CENTER LAY and a good movie. Call Larry 355- 4 door sedan, V-S automatic, radio, MATTHEWS. 1322 E, 1915 E. MICHlCV. ' 5459. 31 attractive blue finish. $995. Mlchigan< jV 5-2243. C DIAL iv saving standard $44.95. ion. tee. Also 17" DtoMont APPROVED, supervised, larger Spartan Nursery Rummage^ Tip Top through- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Guaranteed. $34.95. Call Larry's Delta Tau Delta: BEWARE I ut. Special $1195. . T.V. IV 9-1982. t.f. comfortable rooms for men. One Carolyn T. is on the warpath! on May 21 at South munity Hall. Any cc UnsisgC^ block from campus. Spartan Hall. G.L. & B.H. 31 call ED 7-1213 for p 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. U. ELMER STEELE rummage. ORCHARD HOUSE ANTIQUES. ENTIRE - Second - Floor. Ex- Real Estate RAMBLER 5574 Round Lake Rd. 11-4:30 cell en t studying. Staff member 1306 mkth. ed 7-2012 Daily. Evenings k Mondays by or Lutheran Student preferred, BRICK RANCH house built In EXCELLENT T.V. REPASi ory finish with contrasting in- appointment. ED 2-8350. $10. 321 Kedzie. ED 2-2788. 31 1954. 3 bedrooms plus a 3 room all makes and models. srior. A truly fine used car From LANSING: U.S. 27 to E. A1!«J CONTINENTAL I\tPORTS, INC. ith 36,000 actual miles. studio apt. now occupied by a quaranteed. Open 8 Just Dewitt. turn right on to Round faculty member. Designed for one pjn. T.V. Technicia „ , 226 E. KALAMAZOO 1956 CHEVY "iso" 4 door, stick .<695. Gold B«11 Lake Rd. 5 mites. Lost & Found DIAL 1\ 5-1743 6, radio. Good body and motor. family or Income. Furniture Michigan. Call IV 7- 5558. From E. LANSING: Straight Nor- available. ED 7-7676. Call ED 2-0340 after t. 31 1957 STLDEBAKER SCOTSMAN. LOST: Slide rule and leather 32 i^SS Rambler Sedan - 6 cylin- 4-door. If you want a real thrif¬ BUMPING and PAINTING ^ on Abbott Rd. 8 miles uRound case_ unprinted on both. ' FREE DRY CLEANING! * HEVROLET IMP ALAS, ty dependable car at a steal. specialry. All foreign cars. Kal-[. Uke Rd. Turn right 2 miles. 32 — Sentimental value. Reward. IV FOR SALE: 2-story. 2 blocks row's Econowash lirtle rust but a real bargi" sedan and convertible, Be sure to drive this one. Six St Bodv ShoD. Wrecker LANSING'S ENGLISH BICYCLE 5-3382. Mr. Pappas, from Campus. Paneled Recre¬ for the man who wants to save with and free estimates. 1411 HEADQUARTERS. Check ation room, fireplace, fencer Cleaners, 3006 Vine St., l£Nj power glide, power our of Sears' ' .-andir money. As is - priced at $475. steering, power brakes. yard, screened porch, automa¬ west giving absolutely free-Jrydd S«flj C IV 4-0362. tic gas heat. Priced to sell. P55 CHEVRCI.FT Bel Air - 4 1956 CHEVROLET - Call ED 2-3889. lng to each customer 'isiaflB 2-door, 210 * Employment PIANO, 57" up-right, tuned and 31 Spee^queen coin washers * 0 PLYMOUTH, 4-door. white, door. 1955 FORD - 6 stick. 1953 deluxe equipped with Chevrolet's ; reconditioned. $65. Also Martin uc^e"*Bldg!"fVi.. *Aprll'27. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom. 1 floor. 10 different times. Takei*- v, radio, heated, w/w. Good OLDS. 1952 CHEVROLET, 1950 snappy V-8 engine, powerglide NEED a babysitter. Monday thru Classical Guitar and case. IV 355.5205. Mr. Biirnham. Lot 126' x 181', $12,750. 614 N. tage M.S.U. * ditior. $905. Call 355-1165. PLYMOUTH. Priced from $79 transmission. Good body and Friday. 7:45 am to 5 pm. Call 5-9327, evenings. 32 32 tires. Finished in eye-catching evenings. ED 7-7581. 33 —————————————————— Hagadorn Rd, Call 337-7574. 31 Turquoise. Only LOST - Men's Croton wrist watch. $395. ;——— ENGLISH BIKE In good condit- \OL\0 1°60, 2 1961 CORVAIR 4 door, auto¬ NO MONEY FOR VACATION? Initialed V.H.N. Reward. Call • - ion. Priced 1 sell. Call 355- ATTENTION COLLEGE person¬ matic. Finished in beautiful Hon¬ Start now and earn that need- 355-9023. nel and professional men! For 5371 355-61S6. duras Maroon. King of the Com- ed money by being suburban living at Its best, see heater, power presentative. Write or phone VAN PELT - AU racing boat LOST: Black fountain pen near this 1 1/2 acre estate ln Herron Thesis Kits — Plastic Fite&j brakes other extras. Motor re- Mrs. Alana Huckins, 5664 School and Mercury Hurricane engine, Bessey, name engraved, and Acres. Excellent 8 room brick gi nee ring & Drafting S SPARTAN MOTORS INC. centlv overhauled. Finished in Street, Haslett. Mich. Telephone 3000 E. MICHIGAN INC. Marathon tanks. Hot and keepsake golden bracelet near ranch. Has 4 bedrooms and den, IV 7-3715 C tutone Turquoise and Ivory. Weekervd special .... $295. IV 2-6893. 33 ready for competition.Call Jer Tarcheta. ED 2-6649. 17 - - » " —— 2 1/2 baths, 2 fireplaces, and COMMERCIAL BLUEPRtf | many modern features. You will SERVICE TRAILERS like the convenience of this lo¬ 2100 W. Main. Lansing. 195S VOLKSWAGEN - superla¬ ENGL AND-COOK cation. Minutes from campus. tive condition. Forest Green 2 or older, for a canoe-Unit Lead- IV 9-2652. FOR door, properly serviced accord- CHEVROLET er in a Girl Scout Camp. Sea- SALE:Customhousetraller, Open house Sunday, 3-7. For Boat - 1960 Spar. - American - USED CAR LOT NO. 3 son starts 1958f 42- x io', 2 bedrooms, THE MORE YOU TELL- Information, call Lee Gllck. IV ing to factory standards. New- tires and radio. Dial 337-2331. gust June 17th through Au- 20th. For further details call Going overseas, must sell. Call . THE QUICKER YOU SELL! 4-4404. T.V. SERVICE. Special Evenings. IV 5-7584. college housing. Se rasej Mj [.6607. Lot 44, Park Lake. READ THE WANT-ADS' Obrechd C 2515 E. MICHIGAN IV 2-1635 weekdays. 31 Reslty. 31 $4- Abeolute hone- . _ 32 T.V., 1610 Herbert. IV 9-50RJ AL MIKULICH PONTIAC 2121 E. MICHIGAN 1061 FALCON FLTURA radio, heater, white wall tires Bucket seats ' STOR Y Sells Fords Coupe - [Open until 9 M-W-F DIAL I\ 5-2857 , i : 440 Highland Avenue FOR IMMEDIATE S-A-L-E FOR SALE - Cod. Red Cedar School. ideal for student rentaL 4 bedroom Cape Upstairs EXPERT THESES, CEJ® ED 2-5011 For Less $1795. Always buy cleaner cars from I East Lansing Leaving TYPING. Electric BEECHEM and KNIGHT Auto I have just returned from soon, must sell. $1600 equity. type«^ Sales, 1300, E. Michigan Avenue. Madison, Wise, to dispose Willing to deal. ED 2-0433 after Experienced. Near BR00Y." P59 CORVETTE - 4 speedtrans- 1958 VOLKSWAGEN Sunroof. ) 5:30. 33 production Service. 332-55«J - missior.. Good white wall tires, 2 door, radio, heater, white wall Dial IV 2-6141 or IV 2-2070. 1 of this property at once. radio, heater. Call evenings. tires. STORY Sells Imports For C31 I Any and all offers will be carefully considered. FOR SALE: Cape Cod, full base¬ Charlotte 543-101'v. Less $895. !*S5 MERCURY heater, white walls-and automa- - 4 door, radio, j 1 3 Bedrooms. ment, attached garage, fireplace, WHILE YOU WAIT t» -- TR-3 1961 White, radio and 1/ OL' BEETHOVEN STOFF { s EDIE STARR r Typist, theses, *5 down and $5 monthly- dissertations, term papers, gstt- jeclal offers good only - erel typing. Experienced. IBM electric typewriter.OR rata at M5.U. ENGLAND-COOK CHEVROLET 7-8232.C .i#r- '•£& •OK" USED CAR LOT NO. 3 WE TRAVEL anywhere dwefc OT BlthP In dw Want-Ads today time. occasions Quality catering tor all - aay SINGER SEWING 309 S. WASHINGTO" CEN^ j - to fit your budget. Michigan Catering Service. IV Michigan State New», East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 10, 1962 additional want ads Drunk Parrot Ends 3-Night Investigation Shows Lusitania ^Transportation 4 Wanted r" c kjeEDED for two » u«« i,D .^»re» right sft«r finals. GARAGE for boat storan for Fling on Town May Have Carried Munitions LONDuw OB - A young Am- ln8 from upturned side of bered hearing three explosions, t 355-8^13. 3] C«u"r5-W531"ii^''*'"t "*?: "" SOUTHAMPTON. England. <>« on the town for thrva (#1 erican skin diver 300 feet to the wreck of the who plunged the Lusitania. He found the The log of the German submarine bridge has two holes roughly U20 states that It fired only one nights, a Lusitania has uncovered In- driven into it and what looks torpedo and that Jhe detonation hard-drinking parrot named the Colonel was dicatlona the Germans may have back home been right In llk® • mooring wire shackled in. was followed by a larger. In- today dead drunk and sleeping saying the liner one other expedition — ternal explosion, ; SSL'S*™' F*" it off. What happened was this: The Colonel, a K * carried munitions when her 47 years ago. The famous British they sank " far »• Js known — has ever Whether it was caused by am- been down to the wreck. This munition In the ship's cargo has 2-yearold passenger was » private venture in 1935. never been firmly established, HOUSE: wanted to rant green Amazon parrot, shop went to the bottom of the lt dtd not use mooring wire such But Light's Investigation in- rTrFNEED ride to Los An- 15. Three bedroom by June escaped house in Red from the Unicom Inn Atlantic on May 7, 1915, 20 mln- as found ^ Llght. dicates it may have been, alter finals. Call Ed at ED Cedar area for Sunday utes after j faculty night. The following morning his being struck by a There is no dls "* " family. the Colonel ~ people on board, 1,198 died. i^g.sn German torpedo. Of fh» 1,0.V1 »hip was designed to car g^lp *a9 The British claim, however, t< nM^uns* Engineers to Vote at the top - of BABY SITTER wanted - Satur- tree whlstling his favorite a tune Among the drowned were near- was unarmed torpedoed. For Hop Queen days, May 12 to June 9, 9:30 to "c°l°nel Bogey." ly 200 Americans and the sink- found n° ;un on the fore- All engineering students can 5.-00. 1304 I lng, as much as any other single deck as shown li the ship's plans. vote 'or the engineering queen University Village. M"J' S00" manages the Uni- event Said BBC television producer on Thursday and Friday. — 33 -corn Inn. Unsuccessfully •u- , set the mood for U.S. C*''< Larry pubkeeper trier* — — entry two years later into world Maurice Harvey, who worked with Helnig. Spring Port senior, said ^FDoh,far0eaCt!»rFrtciy; '• 01,10 " Charlotte. ed 2-3382 m ED 2-33W. WANTED: Woman houa« .keening, one for Colonel No luck. out The following of the War 1. Later the Germans cUlmed Light on the project: Wednesday. " l'he evidence seems to in- ^ Heinlg, vice-president of the a week>" ed^-0439."* day Ma J. Scott they were Justified in treating the d*"1® the wreck has been tam- Knights of St. Patrick, an en- tried again. The colonel wouldn't Lusitania as a ship of war be- Pered with. Light believes Bri- gineering honorary, said that vot- make Fhe~ 'be tempted by kind words. I'Finally, the major played his she was carrying munitions tlsh Admiralty dive and may have been armed. _ have been ln8 booths are locatedon the first d0*" t0 remove the ship's guns. noor of olds _ and the 8<>- I 1 attempt to clear up the "Personally, Believe tne ev- cond floor of Electrical En- WANT ADS ^ m - Soaking a pot full of sunflower I ,seed in Scotch whisky, he placed mystery, 2£y«*r-Vd" JohnTlght ldeiice for this is sketchy and gineering. ' of Elmhurst, N.Y. (89-20 55th none of the survivors we have students can vote between 10 riewed has a daily habit I the1 potent pot at the foot of the Avenue) led a team of divers to inlervi.ewed h.as recalled seeing a.m. and 3 p.rr Late yesterday the colonel ....estigate the wreck 10 miles off the south coast of Ireland S^board." There Is more evidence that The queen will be chosen from five finalists and will be crowned t«me down the tree and fell into Underwater shots of his ex- ** Lusltania was carrying am- during the midget auto race, Sa- the alcoholic ambush. He con¬ TONS OF FUN-Ted Begemon tokes pedition were shown on British munltlon- 71,6 shlP's manifest, turday, Helnig said. She will reign sumed the c television last night. 83id Harvey, showed the cargo at the May Hop Saturday night, charged sunflower seed and drunkenly staggered •ghts Light's findings led him to be- ln^udel_?,0?() I Of ! 11 and will represent the college around the foot of the tree. is National Physicol Fitness Week. neve the wreck of the Lusitania " " " of engineering at University func- Photo by Mark Krottof. Capture was easy. "A double scotch is too stiff j*» f steel deck appears to have " ^ !— tions throughout the year. CONTINUOUS FROM 1:00 P, for him," said Scott in an in¬ terview, "but we had to make Voice Library Van to Arrive the donator, and several been cut away with torches. Light also photographed HOW sure of his recapture. The co¬ A moving van carrying the ™ faculty a heavy steel door bent like lonel is now library's new voice members cardboard, sheared from Its sleeping it off. He's still pickled, but other¬ arrive here library will Wednesdayor Thurs- One of the problems they face fastening. SHOWING t wise he's fine." is whether to allow the tapes to be checked out of the "Everything suggests an ex¬ iOEIESES:, All the tapes must library. plosion on the side away from recorded on standard size If they are taken out, they might the torpedo," said BBC commen¬ Wiiii am hoiden Cufton Webb Policemen Gather, ment because many of them are equip- i' decreasing their rarity. duplicated, thus tator Patrick Troughton. The American diver also lo¬ SATAN fragile and In poor condition. They must also decide whether cated "flying bridge" project- Study Key Issues Others a are on old cylinders and In odd sizes that make for In¬ to make two tapes, so that one NEVER convenient handling. can be kept as a permanent re¬ Parents Dislike SLEEPS In Crime Control them "Instructors couldn't take to their classes to cord in case a tape is acci¬ dentally broken or erased. No Shirttail Rule FRANCE NUYEN play The voice library will be because special equipment is re¬ Critical issues in modem law enforcement will be studied by quired to play them back," Dr. Richard Chapln, director of li¬ housed on the fourth the library. floor of FAYETTEVILLE, IN D. < I# Two dozen schoolboys joined in - STARTS SATURDAY j _ 150 policemen and leaders from across the nation community at the eighth annual National In¬ braries, said. How to use the voice will be decided after library a.meeting AWS Elects Chairmen a flapping shirttail romp Mon¬ day while Principal Howard Pace parents he has SUPER BARGAIN DAY ALL DAY PREVIEW OF 2 FEATURES I |< stitute on Police and Community between George Robert Vincent, right t the shirts tuck- Relations May 20-25 at Kellogg Of 62 Activities Board ed ii The conference will provide police, public and private Students AWS has petitioned and elect- The shirt tail agen¬ cies, and individuals within the community with an opportunity Invited to tivitles Board: last with Friday, dotted the playground flapping shirts while parents came to protest. Activities carnival chairman to recognize the needs, as well as the opportunities, to work UN Meet Uinda Holiday, Hemlock N.Y, "If you want to prescribe what clothes my boy wears to school. :t winter's blood drive together, according to George „ , __ D1 you buy the clothes," said Mrs. Eastman, director of the event at~ Robert Maihls. St. ..id *r son from the school of police ad¬ tend a dale, 111. Sophomore; Big and veek-long institute sched- Little Sister p Bruce, a fifth grader, wanted j Inclosed is my check or money order (payable to MSU) | ministration and public safety. be held at the United to tuck in his shirt but let it tickets to Brigadoon Keynote speaker of the con¬ veld, Kalamazoo Soph at $2.00 each for main orTl.50 each for balcony. For performance on j ference will be Chief Edwa.-d Nations headquarters and Sarah Who's Who and What's What Linda May i Lawrence College at Bronxville Allen of the Santa Ana, Cali¬ oisen, Klngsley Junior and Mar- , 25 26 I (Indicate onfer of preference.) I N.Y. on June 16-23. nle Peters. Aurora. 111., fresh- """ 1 fornia, Polipe Department. Students attending the Institute ) romp on the playground. 3UV«d . Lil . TO ! Topics to be discussed by will attend special man; lantern ni#vt Lynne Fisher. IHIVERSITY THEATRE briefings with Aurora. 111., Junior; committee groups include the changing na¬ UN delegates and Seer eta r ia t on educational, social and cul- |EPT. OF SPEECH M ture of social control in the members, and will participate in tural affairs Nancy Gokenback, Phi Delta Kappa Dinner piCH. STATE UNIV. community, the changing atti¬ tudes toward crime, and the various^ discussions and work- St. Claire sophomore; publicity, LANSING, MICH. shops during their v k-long. Carol Cook, Owosso Sophomore. To Hear Elam Speak . changing character of crime. Other sessions will deal with police and communitypressures, one The institute is the seventeenth to be held. It is Korean Movies Dr. Stanley Elam will be the sponsor¬ speaker at a Phi Delta Kappa teamwork in the administration ed by the collegiate council for of Justice, and the police in an the United Nations, a To Be Presented banquet May 10 non-profit, ,,,, duate Center. emergency. non-political national student or¬ Masterpieces Discussions will be led ElarT1 ls the editor of a well by ganization which supports the Un¬ of Korean •t anc. Korean Inspector William Brown of the ited Nations ' each about twenty know71 education magazine, the than 350 Perspective ..phi Kappan". He is for- New York City Police Depart¬ college affilij around the nat- minutes lonS. 1will be shown to- _ mer editor of "Education To- ment, Chief Jesse Curry of the night at the Union. day". Dallas, Texas, Police Depart¬ Applicants for the workshop Tbe Korean c,ub and the In" Phi Delta Kappa is a profes- ment, President JohnHannah, and must be undergraduates. The cost ternational Club are cosponsor- Sional fraternity dedicated to Milton Rector, director of the of attending the Institute is $75. ,n& *he showing at 8:00 p.m. in National Council Crime and The fee promote research, service, and on covers registration and Room 22. leadership ' * Delinquency. and board. The public is invited. The Institute is sponsored by MICHIGAN THEATRE giving her starting TOMORROW Features Fri. & Sat. 2:15, Academy Award 5:45, 9:15 P.M.. - Sundays 1:20, 4:50, 8:35 P.M. winning performance "Judgment at Nuremberg" Academy Award Winner! in the ail-time Best Actor!ut.im.fn **.// Beat Screenplay t m.n 0^ comedy hit! NO RESERVED SEATS! THREE PERFORMANCES DAILY! STANtrf KRAMER pen* Judy William BAovfouck Swr Tracy Burt Lancaster-RiclHrd Wldmark .y; KOUIDAY HOLDEN CRAWFORM Martene Dietrich jgy garland MaMtan SM M B Milooierv Clili """"""" Yester ^ sorw . Hit No. 2 Shown 2:20 - 6:10 - 10:00 'FRIDAY ONLY 7:00 to 9:30 P.M. IN OUR LOBBY Meet the 10 Beautiful Final Contes¬ tants in the "Miss Lansing Pageant Cinemascope & Color rsmith-helen gallagher Thursday, May 10, 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan i9fi;> Journalist DOCTORS IN FRANCE TRY FIRST AID BY TV Will Speak By M. SERVANT caw, if necceeaiy. That's the way a new highway victim's injuries. The police find the apparatus aid. The first triala were laat April ^troohtal — . .r - . MARSEILLE. F»««e (AP)-A flrgt M ln guy to handle. An all-iraaels~ near Avignon. A demonstration is fDoqpfesrte eeedlUoee. Dr.' WU1 !*, At Luncheon French police ambulance rusnes 4 as accident and out jumps a ~ Bevep#l locations in France, brings fast medical aid to the tori ted camera box slxe and a is only cracker- couple of feet long, planned before the French Acad- emy of Medldlne in Paris. officer with an unusual-looking 0M of Indiana's best news¬ injured. including the lens. Even at night the camera works paperwomen will speak to local apparatus —a small television From the first demonstrations The Idea was first tried by Or. well on only the light.supplied by student and professional journal¬ ists Saturday at the annual Theta and live runn, the doctors say they get a clear view enabling Marcel Arnaud, chief surgeon of the Marseille Hospital, who be- strong police flashlights, . "tJ°" ""—"J" J**"- choir airSr * Sigma Phi Matrix Luncheon. pretty well judge the ex- came familiar with closed- Mrs. Hortense Myers, guest a surgeon watching I seriousness of a crash circuit television maud believes each trans- °f 4 set Inahospltal some miles away. as a teaching speaker from United Press In¬ "Give me a close-up of the ternational bureau In Indiana- face," aays the physician by polls. has named her talk "Never radio, and the policeman does Leave Home." The student chapter of Theta just that. Ten Staden! Composers » elimination. Theta Chi Sigma Phi, professional journal¬ "Roll him to the left and show J' ism fraternity for women, is me his neck" aays the doctor. Officers turn the victim slowly To Present Recital sponsoring the luncheon sched¬ and the camera is adjusted for a A recltal wUl be glvan in the uled for 12:15 p.m. in the Red apecuveiy. Cedar Room of Kellogg Center. new angle. Music AuditorlumMonday eve- - The program also includes init¬ iation of officers and an award Barfley Wins Makes Diagnosis ntng May 14, presenting the works of ten student corrposers. phoevSEN1by Nam^ to an outstanding alumnae. Thus the doctor makes a diag¬ Compositions by theory and Phoenix "rea'i^V' Mrs. Myers is a veteran re¬ porter for UP I and has covered Sigma Xi nosis and gives the proper in¬ structions for first aid and han¬ compositions majors will be citizens comm!?. apwi#«i played and also some works by „e students majoring in applied Jack stories ranging from inaugura¬ Senior Award dling. He can also alert the oppr- music and school music. Sherry Bre**j tions to prison riots. Her out¬ atlng room for a certain kind of standing coverage of the Indiana The 1962 Senior Award of the . " presented to S. Howard Bart- yeShe*has covered such personal- ^ Keffi ities as Harry TnimaT Dwight * The award is the highest honor ENTER 0% com tish Prime Minister Harold Mac- . kvw • UUUn .nd Franklin a R0..- *£££ She is also the co-author of „ B^ey who received the Dis- the book. "Carl Ben Eielson, Anguished Faculty Award to 1%0. n Pilot." has achieved an international r< Tickets are still available by P^11™ JjJf the \pet 35 years. starting Shart i-Cofldy. lunch- st°" His eon chairman, at 355-1662. work has concerned neuro- physiology, visual perception, and theory of fatigue and stress. Brody Board To Give His acceptance address Wed¬ nesday evening concerned a "Long Look into Vision." Casual Dance Saturday Bartley is the author of about 150 scientific articles including Brody Board is sponsoring tf>e section of vision in the En- a casual dance Saturday night cyclopedia Brltaimica. He has from 8 to 12 p.m. in Multi- also written four books, the most Come in and ge purpose rooms A and B of Brody recent is "Principles ofPercep- Hall. tlon." published ln 1958. The purpose of the dance is He began his research career to acquaL-.t womer. who will be as a graduate student and an ' living in Butterfield and Rather instructor in psychology at the next year with the facilities of University of Kansas ln 1926. GREAT STORES residences in the Brody group. He continued his work at Wash¬ ington University Medical School, 1931-42, and at Dartmouth Eye HSU Profs Association Institute of Dartmouth Collie Medical School before coming To Meet With Trustees to Michigan State in 1947. The MSU chapter of Bartley received the B.S. de¬ gree at Greenville College In _ GREAT CONTESTS! ^ erican Association of University $23 J i"nd the A.M. andTh.5". Professors will i- degrees at the University of Kan- bers of the Board of Trustees 1928 and 1931. Thursday May 17, at 8 p.m. in 35 Union. The meeting, rescheduled from April 20, is open to all inter¬ ested persons. Don't GREAT PRIZES PLUS 51 WEEKLY expanding growing . ! see for yourself the many changes chat have taken place < « you. See the new depart- ments, the greatly expanded departments, i aervices and the wider se- lections ... so many constant improvements to incre ! your shopping pleasure at Knapp's. More than ever before, we believe, you will war d shop Knapp's first. While touring the store, Join our "Treasure Tour" Contest. Ask any salesperson for a free entry blank . . . just jot down your name and address . . . you may win one of the grand prizes. No purchases necessary. Enter as often as you like! 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You With wonderful you «*£ be sure you will find a "Trea -i— to tet and excursions to let y°" Ski SsstM. $1.35 .99* can sure Tour" ©f Knapp's Down¬ the most of every v •) fourteen of the mosi memor«- Q.T. SntM.— .w town a delightful experience. . ■ ..„J5 There are days of a lifetime. IS, so many new depart¬ »5biMpoo f. 1.19 ments, new services, new lines Thrift Cf»w GtvStf&u'•To'T^WtS^eur^f f.i "'<2SB^.C|?SUI of finest merchandise . . . that This European vacation . . *2.00 1.35 you will recognize that now, even I* mzo m i osur cohtbtj at tni i «ut ing ln to 0»t acquainted 1 ji more than in the kma„ „Ma psst, Knapp's .. *1.00 .79 is "The store where you are most o*AND pnizc AT ORCAT NKW INt DYNAMIC •• KNAM'f CAST LANSING «to«« Downtown UMlnS^ "V"rtef* | HOURS: likely to find exactly what you OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Mswrfoy Thrwafc Fridey 9 A.M. «• 9 P.M.; 17 — $10 OH CMKmN AmiA, mm Mtk wmIi tfcre««k Aag*u J|_ — al«o Seterdeys 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Center. j