Weather C)eWy end were* with o MICHIGAN Intide high in tfte 80* s, winds »ovth MEWS to iMthwMt nt 10 te 20 mph. Ralph Bonche tads MSU STATI oudience that UN is key to world peace. Fred Tvesdny, cloody ami worm. Siebart, UNIVERSITY acting director of the school of journalism, said newspa¬ per trend is away from com¬ ics. Both stories on Vol 63. No. page 3. 197H East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 14, 1962 I'1 gp tmmmmmkmmkmu Con Con Votes To Donate Furnishings of Hall to MSU The Constitutional Convention toted 92 to _ should have." the bulk of Its Constitution Hall ^ ^ The delegates gave Hannah a Global that f^tt/tuti^" chairs, podium structure, petlng. spectator chairs and the Hannahi,ald divider railing berveen the con- praised the three vice presi¬ standing ovation at the end of Delegates will return to Lans¬ oTe ' Glimpses By the Associated Press recreated In buildings within •»« six rr.onths to fl), JS.'KSS; inA *» sp€Ctators' ' •nlverstrv <■ m dents, Tom Downs (D- Detroit), Edward Hutchinson (R-Fermville) and George P.omrey ^R-Bloom- "* "J * field Hills) and all the members ing Aug. 1 for a one day formal sojournment session which will begin F inal a adjustments and correc¬ i a ■ a ■ a ■ I ft ■ ■ of the convention staff. tions In phrasing recommended Hall, he added, wUI be used as troit had also University In De- asked for the He called the convention "a by the style and drafting com- Tais Nay Resume a classroom or meeting hall S^s! great demonstraMonofdem- "ill be up for approval. Also on the closing day's agenda ■ '.'.*'■1' CENEVA—Th« crisis iztt-Wfl " Hannah delivered the (tie valedlc- close of stitutlon. : 'written t. good modern constitution, con- will be the acceptance of a-for¬ mal "Address to the People" raised the possibility Sunday that Included In the donation f constitution CREEK WEEK KICK-OFF-fpom cart and got together with the civic leaders of Lans¬ Britain and the Soviet Union may Michigan presenting the convention's of¬ ficial explanation of the new doc- member* of the Greek houses gathered eor- ing area Saturday morning in on annual clean¬ take the initiative to reconvene I y Friday afternoon to pa rod* through East the dormant 14-natlon Laos up campaign. Lansing a« the annual Greek Week began. -•State News Photo by Skip Mays. The fraternity »orority m«mUn also Vietnam Reds Bombed 'Business SAlGON--Two Vietnamese Air Force fighters bombed and strafed a Communist-he Id area 40 miles northeast of her* Sun¬ Ignores day after an outpost supplied by U.S. helicopter teams presum¬ Education' ably fell under attack. Results of the air strike was not known. CHICAGO, ILL, — Russia has learned the secret of American success and is using It while Carpenter 'To Go' American business takes it for NEW YORK - Malcolm Scott granted or ignores Its impor¬ tance, President John A. Hannah Carpenter, slated to be the sec¬ id Friday in Chicago. ond U.S. space man to orbit the earth, says as a youth he was a ingr drifter and "sort of a no-good" but that some hard thinking after anufactures \ ssoclatton, !'• an auto wreck put him on the right track. Carpenter's flight from Cape Canaveral Is scheduled for next Saturday. Algiers Exodus Starts ALGIERS--The father kissed his grown son goodby on both OLD TIMER AWARD WINNERS--The action left, were voted the was fast in Saturday's Old Timers football - valuable - ploye-s. Saimes Then he turned away to hide game which tho varsity won, 31-6, and three nd Migyanka tossed a touch¬ three players carried most of tha action: Bob down pass. Between the varsity players is The handsome blond youth took fault is w Rlccuci, laft, who scored the Old Timers Jim Arbury, president of the his pretty wife by the arm and Varsity Club, to explain touchdown, was voted the most valuable Old who presented Saimes and Migynoka their hurried to the airliner. In his the best interests of America, and Timer; Charles Migyanka, right, and George trophy.--State Mews Photo by Dennis Pajot. why a strong system of higher pockai: two one-way tickets to education is »r. absolute aaeertn: - Theta Chi, Kappa Gams to the continued prosperity and Laos tension Mounts WASHINGTON— While a TAWLEH ZAHER,ANYONE- power-packed naval force moved As a part of the impressive International Festival Satur¬ Into standby position inSoutheast Asian Waters, President Kennedy- summoned his top advisers,to Take First in IFC Sing day, Fouad Kanbour, Bagh¬ another conference <-n the critical Theta Chi fraternity repeated Gamma Delta also took 3 dad, Iroq, graduate student, situation in Communist-beset this year as winner of LF.C. award, for most scholastic left, and Adnon Badran, de¬ Sing Sunday afternoon with a Improved fraternity. monstrated the popular dice Officials were close-mouthed brilliant performance. Kappa Farmhouse fraternity won - ghes'pledge table game from the Middle but the Washington Star reported Kappa Gamma took first place in LF.C/aw ard forhighest scfcc! that Informed sources said ;ong fi East. --State News Photo by sing with a novel Dave Jaehnig. "President Kennedy has decided number. that a line along the Mekong "ft is :r thiS field, the field River In Laos by all military must he defended Including sung "Adoramus two Oil's.-First ways in Te Chrlste" was by the Theta Gregorian Chant Chinese Dance Wins right rjr selves^ excel2, tha~t the use of American rrfMMw.' troops, 4raj second In four part harmony, and thereby gain control of Reds Cheer Pianist they showed how a song will change over a period of 1,000 1st Place at Festival •a.-rah cited e said song director Karl MOSCOW- American pianist Bohnhoff. 1 Byron Janis played three and a n "Old Shoe Boots and Leggins" great -erica r. productivity are lar; • half concertos at the Moscow ly hie to greater efficiency Inning song for the brought about by higher levels Conservatory Sunday night and brought cheering Russian music cheer ins Russian ^*f cne KaPP?S' UiS Dahiman di .'""f J'' A Chinese court dance, a med¬ of education for more people. brought ley of Czechoslovakian folk ■ojects than any other univer- lovers into the aisles. Kappas in this spiritual, a dances and a Korean monk dance Hannah said that She founding unique number for the sorority. fathers of the land-grant system Janis, who scored a hit Dr. Maurice Crane of the Hu¬ captured first, second and third •*w» ir< seeking," esaid, "to in 1960, opened his Soviet could not have seer, all the con¬ manities places respectively in the talent enable friends abroad to dept. was the master of sequences of their work, but they competition at the International jtilize the resources thatare n from pro- Festival Saturday. did see, and clearly, at least Phi Gamma Delta, singing 'Trade Winds", the 18th In¬ three things 'which we see less "Mam'selle " placed second in ternational Festi-/aI, featured ex¬ Hannah speculated that: clearly today, and take for grant¬ fraternities and Delta Chi placed France Celebrates "Little Innocent hibits from 22 nations throughout ed if we think abot^t them at all. PAKE - France celebrated Lamb.' £e*day\>n the Auditorium's lower The three things, he said, aret level and two stage shows "That .it was not enough to Sunday a double fete of national "Married I Can Always Get*' 2 p.m. and 9 p, educate a small, elite group liberation—the feast day of Pat- captured a second place fo r Kappa "other acts include alor ron Saint Joan of Arc and the :ation. Delta sorority and "Michigan Charleston, a popular American "That the newly developing anniversary of the end of World Morn" was sung by third-place dance during the'20's t^eVoraj sciences and their application I "OOSTER-Wt# children hod o chance to maat War 11 in Europe. Neither actually falls on May Alpha Xi Delta. The Judges had a difficult time national dance and the MSU Teams could open up great new opor- » of Saturday's small animal doy held at the var- rendering of familiar Calypso tunities and change people'3 lives on 13, but the government several selecting finalists from campus. Tha kids along with mony parents were tunes by the Caribbean Club. tremendously for tfte better." I 9* ting their first opportunity to see boby lambs, pigs, chick- and other years ago decided to lump these holidays Sunday. 0— the ternitles. and five fra- "South Winds Blow Home", the Successful — "That to share the wonders of education should j bamyord animals. finale, started with a selection by 1 By coincidence, this year theday The ThetaChi also took another —State New Photo by Work Krastof. PATTY JOHNSON also is the fourth anniversary, award for the scholastic ally best a Venezuelan Combo which.was joined by the entire cast. Over Weekend be widespread and vper. to ail who cold benefit from advance ....Engineering Quean.. of the .Algiers settlers' uprising pledge class, for fraternities. Phi which Top prize te the exhibition l! ws ; successful weekend study-' brought President Charles ——-——————— category was wor. by the Lithi _ Harmah asked his audience to for Michigan State athletic squads entry. Pakistan and Japan ^ the busiest rwo days or the consider: "Where *nUd your were first and second local sports scene of it •43 respectively. BUENOS AIRES- One of Ar¬ Racer Honors Tom Castro, general chairman ft? f4wa1,^«i^ect: f» Iff PJ« Duffy Da ugherty's varsity fo< gentina's major political parties, _ . ^ PsttY Johnson, Grand Rapids -f the International Club, an- Butterfield the in a People's Radicals tumultuous national decufcd con- freshman, was crowned En- nounced the three best entries in Tlmmrm Timers squad. Fallback Saimes and quarterback F JiWir George C Charles . « DfOpS , • ventlon today to support victories Queen Saturday at the the talent and exhibition com- Migyanka starred for the var- Out Ot V.OITMVCII of Peronists tort* March 18 Engineering CouncU sponsored petition sity and shared the most val- go-cart races. President Hannah presented General CouncU of But- uable player award. oerfield hall voted unanimousiy Triangle captured top honors the winners with trophies and In the race winning both 15 lap congratulated them The track team beat University to withdraw from Waaer Carn- acting through the government of h.. V Presiden? Jo« Maria Guido, heat". Sigma PW Deft, led the I^enof Students John A. Fuzak of Michigan for the first since ival. the 'State News' learaed rha Dannlll ulrtnwi^m most of the first hast delivered a welcorring address to 1949 in sweeping a triangular Sunday, until they were forced out of the the afternoon audience. He cited meet from the Wolverines and AL5C representative Marvai race by a broken axle. the critical need for greatW on- Ohio State. L. Berer.son, Mollis Hills. N.Y.. Electrical Engineering pUced derstanding among nations and A nifry four-hitter by Gary junior, said that the dorm en- Students Join second in both heats with Chen- praised the International Clti> as Ronberg helped Michigan State's countered excessive 11 Ical^ Engineering pUclng^thlrd being one means of achieving this beS«bai] team salvage , from ' Water CamivaTs continuity Peace Corps understanding. or est lee In the Biz Ten as the " —"" Two former Universiry stu- Fuzak expressed his apprecia- tion to the International Hub for Spartans swept a double-header ^ forits fleat okaywd denta wwre included in the Peace 4.3 and 7-4, over Indiana Sat- . ,S4id ^ .Tf^« won the trophy for -——- — — —— , „ - their extensive labor in preparing Ohio State edged MSL', <*rawai *?uid ■U"t " Corpa group which left Houston. «h« designed go-cart. Rog< the program. 6-3, in extra trmings Friday. rhe ,ne«• •!*>. for the type of association to be extended to University. Issued on class ttoys Mondsy through Friday, during the fall, winter and it any spring quarters. hospital. 1 know ing Outer Seven Free s personally, can Trade at^reenvlHe. "Ummer term- Second cl"» postage paid - - - ;7ZSS JST *" wh,n group, end to the neutrals of Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services building Michigan by the reader as to the ethical y .. _ .. .... Europe. There is considerable State University, East Lansing, Michigan; and 109 N. Lafayette Street. conduct of yourself, Mr. Jacob- Mr*' y,^g. w „ Creenvitle, Michigan. Mall tubecrtytlons payable in advance for one term. S3* for two termi tsrasrsajw this subject will be kept $4; I'M" three terms, $5. ' on an ifJ . . Letters to the editor are al- of the Associated Press. Inland intelligent level. A U'A ffWriCClfl ways welcome. However we must the Dally Press Association and In response to Mr. Jacobson*s know the writer of every letter College press. comments on the Editorial Editor ...Paul Schnitt immorality in- To the Editor: before It cat) be printed. No Editor Ben Burns volved in coeds Photo Editor Dave Jaehnig hitchhiking, we Firtt, I would like to offer my letter will be run unless the Involve "only that which one hearty congratulaUons to the writer's name is printed and ..Jim Wallington Spotlight Editor Sally Ward wants to project into lt." For Sw® News and its staff upon its accompanied by address and %»tllght Asst.... Jackie Korona precisely this reason we were receiving of the " All-American" phone number. Letters should not Asst. Sports Editor careful not to use the term im- Larry Pontius award. MSU can be Justly proud exceed 380 words In length, Aait. Business Mgr • Terry Wareham moral in our letter. However, of 118 tlm newspaper. We will withhold a nemo in Tom Huekle Religion Editor the term would be Charlotte Da lton entirely op- Second, J would like to see exceptional cases but" we print Circulation Mgr.. 801 Marshall propria!* if it were interpreted • Picture supplement in the News 00 letters which come to us un- Classified Adv, Manager being in two-conformity with ctty editor Bruce Fabricant Fred Levine as the accepted following the Luau which will signed. and wrong behavior. principles of right *•«*»•** » documentary and sou- We reserve the right to edit venir. of that amoitious c™— Michigan . E»«t Lanilng, Michigan UN Is Still Key Weekend Comics, Features Education Grat To Worid Peace Mishaps On Way Out: Siebert The newspaper of the future Wint Theta SigAtot rd Injure 3 which have Sylvia Ciernick. specialist In will have fewer syndicated fea¬ already taker place. Radio has made -he newspaper education and 1948 graduate of ard Nixos, British I tures and comics and no fiction, extra obsolete and advertising MSU, received the outstanding later Harold McMillan. famd Fred S. Siebert, 4ean of the I nuclear war cm fat svoidsd •vUably ^ all-out nocW.r war." "The Con*>,» ha said. "has JT. -curepe*cacanbeachiev- Bunche sharply criticized given rhe UN its most Hvirt has de-emphasized street sales alumnae award at the annual walker Barbers Moon and sev¬ Ralph J. Bunche, Under- f1®**,**)® c'alm th* UN la dom- teat, both politically and finatv- College of Communication Arts, with their flaming banners and Theta Sigma Phi Matrix lunch¬ eral munJhr cases. £r~3s**» UHlted Nations, lnated by the Soviet bloc and clally" ^ y ^ said Friday. "These will si! go pepped-up headlines. eon here Saturday. . , campus audience Thurs- *I*°,tho9# who charge that the " There waa an incredible lack 12-JOa.l the way of the poem anrf liter¬ Siebert, who based his pre¬ The student chapter of Theta 'riffht 1ft the auditorium. ^ ,l> « g»»t financial burden - „ — of J preparation tor independence ixxfenendenc* Joseph Engmart Jr. told East ary es«y," he said. dictions on almost 50 years of Sigma Phi, professional journal¬ nounced at the luncheon. They Americans. Many of thoae in the Congo," Dr. Bunche said Addressing Lansing Police be m traveling a University of observation of American Jour¬ ism fraternity for women, honor¬ are Ruthann Rosza, president as Dam- who would defend our liberties," east on Linden and failed to Me Wisconsin Journalism Institutes ed Miss Ciernick for her work Janet WelJman. pointing out the contrast* between nalism and the society in which vice president «ui h. «d. «ni,r5i mi., &~CS^^S.7 a car driven by Dan Larry Me- session, at which hewasawarrled It functions, said? tn school public relations. She is Sara Bacon, secretary; Judy ln a distinguished denouncing the can nations which received in¬ Neal, Stephenson service citation, " "Either the public will be now working on a doctorate in Price, treasurer; and Carol he reached the ' Siebert said the entartalnrr.ert educational administration and Johnson, keeper of ■ dependence peacefully. brought into the discussion and the archives. if the world la to sur- Out of a McNeal' function of newspapers In the par has --> population of 14 million, solution of our basic problem! previously served as director ba# been overemphasized. Two fc>F 0»e . sf the fututpw or triese problem & Nlghts stressed that the UN has rhe Soviet Union nor the US. <1 o c t o r s, lawyers, demists en- newspaper's *111 be delegated for Dearborn school system and MONDAYS solution to __ vented small wars from en- He »lso noted that even the AX- glneera or profeasora in the important product, he stressed, president of the National School FRIDAYS ISLdmtc world conflict. "UN rlcan and Aalan countries split Congo and only 17 men had anv freshman, were treated at Otin pointing out that'there Is no other bureaucrats0 m ec 1 m e' ca,!ed Public Relations Assoc. |rfe3 " he said, "prevented the on many issues. university training. He said there Hopital for cuts. Miss Sparks aleo medium that can compete with It "The determination of which Mrs. HortenseMyers, repor¬ Ffkt Migno* tt 7|E 9,19 Toneo'jrom becoming another The regular1 budget for the was complete lack of admlnls- suffered a bruise on her forehead. on this basis in Its local com¬ will happen will depend primar¬ ter at the United Press Interna¬ for Z lL'JL ■ This would have led in- uN this year, he reported, is tration and political exnerienc® Both were passengers In Mc¬ munity.' ily en whether the newspapers of tional bureau in Indianapolis, (hick** or M AC *82 million, the highest ever, Neal's car. Some American universities have and there was no national unity. Radical changes In the con¬ this ' otin try accept this concept spoke to the group on her journ¬ Shrimp fer i 3rde Honorary budgets higher, than this, he said, much Bunche believes there has been Leslie Gorton, a passenger bi Engmark's car, refused treat¬ cept of news are forthcoming In the next 50 years, Siebert pre¬ . of news and function accord¬ alism experiences in her home state of Indiana. Special Menu for Children It costs some $10 million misunderstanding and"de- ingly." Diee Wfth The Dines hooses Officers month to maintain the VN lores per liberate distortion" of fact con- ment for a cut knee. dicted. Looking to the economic future During her 28 years of In¬ Erjgmark pis ticketed for ex¬ He Mid the DINES „ cemlng the position of UN forces prlmarynews of newspapers , Siebert said diana wire service reporting, I riiltt 1 Dombrowskl, Wyan- Conga-, said Bunche. He in the Congo. cessive speed and failure to stop function of a newspaper will be she has A junior, was elected presl- "dded that for the past 5 1/2 "The UN for In assured clear distance. to give readers an newspapers will become less covered Presidents til F. Michigan Ave. as are in th*r«n- competitive with other news¬ Harry Truman Dwight Elsen- Phone IV S-7I7J 1t of Circle Honorary, women's years. UNemergsncy forces have at the request oHhe aove^I In another weekend mishap, balanced picture of , e honorary Tuesday night, manned the neutralized frontier Ruth Karslake was ticketed for papers. He explained that this ' between Egypt and Israel at a ment " o^" community which It serves. means officers Luce, elected were Bronson Junior, cost of $19 million per year. ^ ta* is «a« an Improper turn when she turned Into the path of a car driven "This does not mean elimin¬ more r.ergers and con¬ solidations, an inevitability due flKht onl^dT . and order. Thev by ating the Interesting and un¬ to the high cost of resident: Peggy Anderson, On a per capita basis, he 'hey fight only de- Donald Bristol, Fenton Junior, on usual," he emphasized. "!t producing Have You sophomore, secretary; «", the LTV* s regular budget Asked abour the lone-standing N. Shaw Lane Friday afternoon. means Increased emphasis on the a marketable product. Bought Inn Gordon, Waterford Junior, e®£h American 25 cents, question of seating Red China Department of Public Safety of¬ significant, the meaningful, the As for advertising, Siebert lea surer and Arlene Kaplan, n*??*3"?11" 1" the UN, Bunche said that the ficers said Miss Karslake said Important and the balanced pic¬ sees split more advertising dollars Your Copy of... frooklyn, New Vork sophomore 75 per caplu VJi' P°3ition had surprisingly she did not see Bristol's vehicle ture. He noted that the more ways. which was traveling along side problems of He explained thar local comm unit lies, state and lo¬ magazines, I Circle Honorary memberssr. TAROT radio and television *111 cal governments arebecominz so harder to get a fight complex 'that the old types of larger share of the advertising dollar for they adershlp, within citizenship andserv- ttedorms.Theorganl- chleved independence since ^orld War II. The UN efforts Bunche reponed the US. someday will have to face a tough Placement Information service will er be adequate.' no long¬ appear to be more dependent on *t advertising ftn behalf of these Bureau He pointed to some revenue than do Afl Ufinrersffy Literary Magazine - newly lndepen- problem concerning Red China. changes newspapers. nd understanding dent nations are among the great- He explained that the U.S. hopes achievements of the UN, he for a disarmament plan residence halls. which 2 'ould include international pollc- Interviewing at the Placement Bureau Thursday, I SECOND ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Fiction fallout Effects Ing. May 17. Add¬ Poetry 40t itional Information In the Place¬ i Fish Studied Beauty Hopeful "It would be fatal to the rest of the world," he said, "if the Chinese mainland and Its 650,000. ment weeks of Bureau Bulletin for the May 7 and May 14: I FREE Articles | Some of the trout you catch e radioactive. Featured on TV 000 people were left out and not all Or and Haven Public Schools — elementary education, el¬ 6 PAK of Hi-Klas Art I Dangerous ? So. Radioactive Contestants for the MlssLans- ementary and junior high type (With Tank of Gas) safer than the radium "A", Junior high women's phys¬ Offer Good May 15, 16, 17 Oy SALE in lng contest will appear on Channel 6, WJIM television's Copper Ket- Physicist To lecfare ical education, Federal art and math. Berkey Hall, t are radioactive, from the West tie ~ Monday and each — Bureau of Narcotics all majors, all Lathrop Pure Oil Union Building and all s following Monday colleges with : Sturgeon River. Two contestants a day will be On Crystal Elasticity emphasis on police administra¬ tion. E. Lansing Book Stores T e department of fisheries at the Jack Tar Hotel greeting distinguished Indian phys- est in the U. S. not ^although job placement is guaranteed). What Makes Lucky Strike the favorite regular cigarette of eottego smokers? Fine-tobacco taste. Tke taste of a Lucky is great to start with, and it spoils you for other cigarettes. That's why Lucky smokers stay Lucky smokers. So, get the taste jouJI want to stay with. Sot Lucky today. •ilfoa-J3 I - 7T Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday COED FINDS RIDE TO LANSING THR0D6HWANTJDS 3+- Service £\| ^7! Automotive CORVETTES, 1957 - 1959 - 245, 270, 3 and 4 speeds. "Personal- ^ Automotive J0HWES SPEEDWAY MARATHON SERVICE * For Sole SJ1TABLE FOR use , where sru- dent, live: bed with springs and For Rent MAI p crt nENT ROOM In zood MALE STLDENT ROOM In good ^ Service SPECIALIZED LUBRICATION >REE DRY CLBAN1NGI Wend- service - Do not waste money on Inferior oil and lubrication. row's Fconowash Cleaners, 3006 VlneSC, and Drv MS l/2bloc£ ^nd-gram C0U*eatfl j 'COB,inu#«l from VVJ J ly selected for you." 1306 MICH. ED 7-2012 mattress. wooden chairs. Straight and folding Simplex Ironer. £»« omy' 1V 1 ^ Summ£ Let us keep your car In top condition with quality TEXACO w£ £ Seers' Frando^ Store I. JJ* «J«train5 giving absolutely free-dry clean- research Speed Queen and Easy washers, products and our expert service. • each inter using Its °on*' °r l?55 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 Complete auto repair. Moor. 1955 FORD - 6 stick. - 1953 Gold Bell stamps all repairs, Kitchen odds and ends. Tool prlVate home. Call IV Lost & Found Speedqueen coin washers only 10 different timet. Take advan- ^ ha' y< t0 youi AUTOMOTIVE OLDS, 1952 CHEVROLET. 1950 • PLYMOUTH. P r 1 c e d I from $79 L2 7-P790. 25 LOST: A pair of women's glasses tage M.S.U. "bu',"*S8m^ 1 "ur, .EMPLOYMENT in a beige case. Lost 1 1/2 c r*.!r »»**£§ *FOR SALE weeks ago. Call 355-1022. nuence could h£>i -RORRENT SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE admitted to a hav.7 .LOST & FOUND CORNER GRAND RIVER CORNER GRAND RIVER colieetT .PERSONAL 1960 PLYMOUTH Suburban Sta- Adams. 355-6642. LOST: Black fountain pen near and SPARTAN and SPARTAN . «ity in mostoftheoU tlonwagon. 9 passenger. Fully Phone 337-9034 .PEANUTS PERSONAL power equipped including rear 1960 RENAULT DAULPHINE - MOTORCYCLE - 350 cc. Royal Bessey, name engraved, and Phone 337-9034 C REAL ESTATE window lift. keepsake golden bracelet near • Black, 4 door sedan white side Enfield. New paint and engine, St. John's. Reward. Trudie Van THB"WEEK'S SPECIAL •SERVICE wall tires. Excellent condition. 80 mpg - 80 mph. Phone IV 4- •TRANSPORTATION 1959 VOLKSWAGEN - Sparkling 5595, 1524. 36 Elmpt ED 2-1126. 33 TYPING: General and thesis. Ex¬ perienced. Reasonable rates. LUBRICATION - 75* with an Newlin Winj| .WANTEP Call ED 7-0138. 33 oil change. Also FREE - one- DEADLINE: I960 rambler AMERICAN - 4 MASCOT for $25. Shetland sheep¬ dog (Sheltle) real man's dog. Housebroken. Irldln Kennel. Call Personal" fecial faculty rates for board- foot rulers. ~WHILE YOU WAIT C Literary Pri« Vr PSYUDONYM FOR Bubolz is or one day LffoTi pCb/^c'o" n0/ SPARTAN MOTORS, OL 5-1623. _ wlth u9 "JP1"1™11™5-1623.'37 servl'e on passport and appli- "Philosophy and 1960 FALCON - 4 door sedan, dents auto insurance agent - 119 irfdin Kennel Call OL Colonial America " INC. white finish, attractive blue in¬ E. Grand River-over Jacobsons. — — . . for Hicks~"Y S~u- Claude M. Newlin] Ei TABLE MODELS. 17" Phllco, PHONE: terior. $1295. £33 EDIE STARR. ' new picture tube. 1 yr. guaran- dlo, Okemos. Return transporta- fessor Emeritus rjl _ 355-8255 or 8256 $44.95. Also DuMont P ~ ™tlon guaranteed. guaranteed. Refreshments. Refreshments, 1961 Philosophical! ivJH ELMER STEELE tee. $44.75. 17" uuMont i tO I Guaranteed. $34.95. Call Larry's Obio(t in philosophy Ca,LD**i RATES: 1961 AUSTIN - HEALY Sprite - RAMBLER T.V. IV 9-1982. t.f. Portraits, applications, pass- Newlin spent ti„ 4 speed transmission, 2 tops. 2 BLOCKS West of 1 DAY $1.00 STORY Sells For Less $1395. Brody GRADUATION ANNOUNCE - WE TRAVEL anywhere - any pons. C . . DIAL ED 7-9765 C 3 DAYS $2.00 ME NTS with your name, double time. Quality catering for all SamBaskett, rnelV-2 occasions r - to ... w fit your budget. ««*y»SAVE CASH IN5TEADOFTRAD- . mw- head. ^ 6cyllii- ^ 1961 FALCON FUTURA Coupe - 5 DAYS $3.00 i960 RAMBLER - 2door, tissues. 2 day service. Mlchigan Catering Service. IV ING STAMPS*! When you bring - -elopes, ' " . - , N«wlln Joined radio, heater, white wall tires. der> standard shift. Clean as new. member of the Carabeneri band Myers Printing Service. 1421 E. 9-3343. C your cleaning to Wendrow*s Ec- 1000 and ^'m 75 « in 1929 an/4 . i « Bucket seats. STORY Sells Fords 15,000. Actual miles. Priced to of Rome. 355-5654. Michigan Ave. IV 22-55-4. 47 For Less $1795. m0vel DIAPER SERVICE and Dry Cleaners, Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned man of the English" from 1926 to 1940 and pressed, only 50*. 3006 Vine 1958 VOLKSWAGEN - Sunroof, 1961 VALIANT - 4 door, radio, soles, table'models. Excellent gratulations. A re you planning ^|}^a SERVICE to your desire. In 1956 he receive* J 2 door, radio, heater, white heater. Like new. Low mileage, buysl Lansing Radio & T.T" different transportation to leave You receive your own dia¬ wall tires. STORY Sells Imports a car you will be proud to own. IV 4-0921. town? If so, please drop in and pers back each time. With For Less . . .$895." talk it over with us now. With our service, you may in¬ Automotive DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY TRAILERS clude your baby's under¬ I'.V. SERVICE. Special 1 this ad, special consideration 1958 simca stationwagon- Story Oldsmobile, Inc. C 1956 NEW MOON 46' by 10' com- will be shown. shirts and clothing which will not fade. White, Blue college housing. Service calls. $4. Absolute honesty. ACME Attend Sympi pletely furnished, 5 rooms, steel or Pink diaper pails furn¬ T.V., 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C Mint condition. $650. 3165 E. MICHIGAN _ MAX CURTIS, INC. ished. Two members DIAL IV 2-1311 C kitchen, lovely landscape. Phone 2921 E. MICHIGAN — DEPENDABILITY evenings IV 9-2174. 37 IS IMPORTANT IV 4-4491 EXT 33 C AMERICAN LAUNDRY 111 E. WASHTENAW EXP ERT T H E S E S. GENERAL TYPING. Electric typewriter. Jik^nd^ampS theoretlcal IV 2-0864 mathenudl Not only in the truck you buy - For Rent Experienced. Near BRODY. Re- vlted to partlclpate ^ STRATTON SPORTS CAR but also in the dealer you buy production Service. 332-5545. C symposium on Abeliai CENTER APARTMENTS Theory to be held - brought a 1915 E. MICHIGAN AVE. DIAL IV 4-4411 1960 "VOLKSWAGEN Panel De- SUMMER approved, supervised roll in for processing. of' eraertenced 'college SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS The symposiui livery, grey, good tires, Curb- housing for 4 men. 1145 Abbott B&W 620 - 127. Special with this ^u^cians ^sTre work nelr SRJDENT SPECIALS June 4-8 at New SfeJ n side and Roadside doors, this Rd. Call I n per son 6:00 - 7:30 «jf only - Free KODACOLOR FILM given with each roll left campus. 3 hour dance - $58. Model Singer portable at only University University underunder aa graal gra* ->55 DODGE - Custom Royal. 0 sell for only $2295. unit also has special auxllllary gasoline heater that runs about PM. Mon.- Fri. and Sat. after- 37 for processing. p^one 355-3212. 36 $5 monthly or $1.50 per week'. National Science ' ouiidrf 4 door, V-8, automatic. Radio, $150. Came In from Ingham noon. "* We deliver and pick up. Buy Main purpose of ; « heater, power steering. Excel¬ 1960 PONT LAC CATALINA Con- _____________________ THESES PRINTED the brand new Spartan, model ls t0 brlng toge'b County Animal Shelter . . $1295. Marek Rexall Prescription Cen- only $44.50. Pay only 8™UP theorists for 1:^ lent condition, good tfr« j. Priced vertlble - Dark blue with white SUMMER ONLY 2 bedrooms, to go. Call 355-5322. top. Radio, heater, automatic 1957 VOLKSWAGEN Station Bus, front room, kitchen and garage. 301 N. Clippert (by Frandor) C Rapid Service $5 down and $5 monthly. These °* ide?s transmission. Sharp condition. Green & White, full seats. Priced Furnished. $80. 1616 Coleman. special offers good only to stu- the subject. 1957 FORD cylin-" Priced to sell at only $2195. Diazo Process - Quality Prints dents at M.S.U. - 2 door, 8 to 1960 sell at INTERNATIONAL $795. Model IV 9-5905. " . M STU'DENTSI Reliable advice on Construction 6ep| CAPITAL CITY BLUE P insurance. Talk it over with car SINGER SEWING CENTER \ ery clean and good looking. Al- Convertible - Power steering, "«v- 'snisasss-yzn . . .. f Wanted: 2 or 3 bedroom apt. STANTON. He can help you 221 S. Grand Ave. 309 S. WASHINGTON On Carnival Floats | most new tires. Top mechanical Power brakes, radio, heater, au- ralk rv,n. PH? 'ai in Vans. Price $1095. or house 10 reht for «rad- p,an your lnsurance bud8«- 1500 Lansing. IV 2-5431 487-3624 Construction ofWati condition. tomatic transmission. Can .... dem ftmlly ^ June s^d detaUa e. Michigan. IV 2-0689. C35 47 floats will begin Mond be yours for only $1995. Dean a Harris, inc. EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR on rinue until Thursday at '60 VALIANT - 4 door. '200' AL MIKULICH PONTIAC Omr 4% yrmrt with Ford Grand River at Cedar 35 all makes and models. All work if Transportation Jerry Blanke, generaltJ eries, radio, heater standard announced Sunday. •ansmission, beautiful Robin egg 2121 E. MICHIGAN Laaainf, Michigan quaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to 8:30 ED 2-5011 pjn. T.V. Technicians, 3022 E. NEW YORK - JERSEY. Grey- _ Tickets for Pseudc.tfai lue with matching Interior. ATTRACTIVE. 3 rooms with tile hound Charter leaving MSU after Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. " rw►—t— water carnival, bath unfurnished except refrig¬ exams. Inquire now - save. Art fast according t 1957 FORD FAIRLANE '500' * erator and stove. Air conditioned, - ANN BROWN, typist and multi- Lipton. ED 7-9216. 47 tickets are left forth 4 door, V-8, standard transmis- 1957 OLDS. White 4-door hard- close to campus and A&P Store. —— night show and c lith offset printing. IBM. General Sion with overdrive. A real beau- top. Hydramatlc, radio and heat- 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED THREE NEED ride to Los An- at the Union ticket jJ ty in excellent mechanical con- er. 1-owner, good shape. Quick 2-4886. t.f. typing, term papers, theses, dis¬ AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR sertations. 3 duplicating proces¬ geles after finals. Call Sd at ED Campbell's Suburban a $750. 418 Division. 332-5432. 36 2-4750. ses available; Multilith (black & 34 Tickets are " BEECHEM & KNIGHT A complete automotive TRANS- WANTED: 2 male students, 21. white, & color). Ozalld. Clear Friday night. mg-TD 1952 White Convertable. Rebuilt engine but other repairs MISSION SERVICE at Morris to share sharp furnished apart- Print. ED 2-8384. C Wanted Water Carnival pr»| Auto Parts, 814 E. Kalamazoo, ment. Summer term. IV 4-5062. MICHIGAN STATE Uni- ——— which Include 3 schedule needed. Will take best reason- DIAL IV 2-6141 or IV 2-2070 able offer. Call 355-6151. IV 4-5441. C33 33 versity graduation rings WANTED: Full or part loads HOUSE: wanted to rent by June for ^>ring Weekend ni]il| available at THE CARD going west in June. Call Bekins 15. Three bedroom house in Red chased at local drugitr'" SHOP. Includes degree, Van Lines, world's largest Cedar area for faculty family Blanke said that thi CONTINENTAL IMPORTS. INC. seal, 3 engraved initials. household goods moving and stor- Call 355-9903. 3! are on display at the ool 1959 PLYMOUTH, 4-door, white, 226 E. KALAMAZOO age company. Care for a ments of merchants A St. Body Shop. Wrecker Choice of 10 stones. free ^ 1 — ■ V-8, radio, heater, w/w. Good DIAL IV 5-1743 home. 3 bedrooms completely estimate? IV 5-2241. tributed them. service and free estimates. 1411 furnished. Washer & Dryer. condition. $995. Call 355-1168. 21 1958 RAMBLER. 6 cylinder, E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. Available Sept. I, *62 - Sept. 1. PEANUTS 355-8762. Today On Cm 1957 FORD - Economy 6, stan¬ standard transmission. Deluxe ^ '63'. $150. a month. Call evenings dard shift. Accept reasonable sedan. Turquoise. Has some rust "A —— — ED 2-2893. 33 "PERSONALS offer. 355-1004. 33 but runs fine. Make an offer. ★Employment — Thesis Kits — Plastic Film En- . - ~»- ^ , Dtv Spartan Women- continental imports, inc. COTTAGE. A beautiful little is- "WHATr ME WORRY? Yesl gineering & Drafting Supplies. W'LL PAY cash for good used 338 Student SerioetJ OLDSMOBILE, 1956 - 4 door, 226 E. KALAMAZOO NEED a babysitter. Monday thru land on Tomiko Lake in Ontario, Droopy's too much competition!" ,,, IV 9-6336. mea and cas?; meeting. DIAL IV 5-1743 German Folk Dane '88', hydromatic transmission C.T.F. Friday. 7:45 am to 5 pm. Call modern 5 room cottage, peaceful signed Alfred E. Neuman. 33 COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT with power steering and brakes. evenings. ED 7-7581. SERVICE p.m., 22 Union. 2-'one paint. Good transporta¬ 36 PATRICIA McGUIRE & EDWARD 2100 W. Main, Lansing. HELPI Electrical Engineer grai- Humanist Society-- 30?^ T-Blrd- '55-stick. overdrive, HECHT come to the State News IV 9-2652. Union. tion. $395. NO MONEY FOR VACATION? student wants work. FCC new interior, body and paint ex¬ Everzreen W: 1 that need- UVE RENT FREE " House for Office, room 347. Student Ser- cellent or write rubber. Mel Call IV 9-4816 Gingway 109 N. ecf money IaTbei^'an'Avo^Re- rent* Oownstalrs apartment. Ap- vices building foryourfree TYPING IN SPARTAN VILLAGE home of Mrs. Lee j) Clemens, Lansing, Mich. 37 presentative. Write or phone Proved roomsJor five students passes to the Crest Drive-In ^Pf,rt™nt,*„EJlectrlc Call 355-3012. typewriter. transmission. Power Mrs. Alana Hucklns. 5664 School near campus. Complete furnish- Theatre. steering, io, white tires, Street, Haslett, Mich. Telephone in?s 'or sale. Faculty couple Low cost, large readefship, a to r actual mllecar. IV 2-6893. 33 moving. Available term end. ED Dear Moody, quick selling power-Campus $219?.°nC 1958 ISETTA. Motor completely 2-3465. 36 Glad to see } ou are still inter- ,ound ' rebuilt, perfect transportation you really? Want-Ads. £~i', MAX for campus or town. Call IV SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS: CURTIS, INC. ROOMS The Ice Man. 2921 E. MICHIGAN 2-3054 after 6 PM. 35 Men earn up to 9 hours graduate IV 4-4491 EXT 33 P?L°",8„h'fr:... *61 mptrop or it an; iL'rET.RT.9it!TA^:.?11.95-.!n- ciiqs tn t° ** ^e,dPur8- to UniOT,"YH"Ever'gr(^.'"Cook- 1 h°pe you ~got what you were LAY AND Rahl's Shell Service May,17^,frorn 1 I 5.P-m. tag parking, recrMtlon room, looking for. Trouble MAKE THE MATTHEWS, 1322 E. Michigan, IV 5-2243. Doyouwant of Saginaw at Clippert Tuition plus ^lar^^Or"^"!: CaU 332"2i95> Dear Engaged, to sell your car? See us. We trade up < down. Buy any make in Lansing. 1959 OLDSMOEHLE- 4 door hard- — 37 Camp Oakland Summer Camp, 930 E. Drahner, Oxford, Mich. Men" Women: Summer rooms at ' It was a pleasure while It last¬ ed, but stop and think. WANT - ADS 1 Als registered or liscensed Spartan Hall, singles $8.00 per Almost Interested. : V' top. Dynamic *88". Power steer- avaUableT week« doubles $5.50 per week. A DAILY HABIT J practice nurse position ing, power brakes, radio, heater, 3^ Large cool rooms with sink in is fT TRUE? That Geri' FORDS: We have many, do you hydromatic. Arralnicecarguar- each room. Comfortable lobby gaged, I mean. ed for 90 days. Lay with TV and phones, laundry and have one? 1954 - 1961. All In 1322 E. Michigan. IV LIGHT HOUSEWORK and care of parking facilities. One Mock trom THANKS TO the A.T.L Depart- good condition and ready to go. 5-2243. 5 year old - mornings. Pleasant campus 215 Louis. Phone ED 2- ment for helping out Pat & Dunk, 1960 Ct working conditions. Must have 2574- Special wing for women. 33 T1BLE - transportation. Call ED 2-2920. Standard transmission. Oneo Always buy cleaner cars from C.S. -Honker BEECHEM and KNIGHT Auto er. Like new. —3 Sales. 1300 E. Michigan Avenue. For Sale APPROVED, supervised double ^<^0^ l° g° " The Michigan State News 341 Student Services LETTICH & STENBERG IV 2-2070. c34 ——• — room for summer. Cookingpriv- Sunday? 33 Bldg. E. Lansing, I We'll choi«I 2628 E. KALAMAZOO 484-3229 Si32-k2V°SetOCam?U3#7 H-R-K- You'll find it's better dig gold than people when you to CALil Volkswagen deluxe 1958 s DIMMER EAST LANSING. Sub- 8row «P- j Address__ 35542»| Hardtops. Excellent condition offer. 355-4481. ,,!h sni.fc/r. Fidelity, V Electro-Vole. lr°l jSTSSMi: ment completely furnished utll- ^ pM| p5tnt» { Please Start my ad 0 4 Best w , out. offer. IV 2-5358 Reql EStqtC , or 355-4801. 33 IF YOU foPn $90, Af,L^l\^U^^Cn0^le Collaro changer $25 Bogen 6? 'tles P*,d" Ca» ED 2-6754 after r fly to Germany 1. 2. ;r'^ . "y 10 ZTfWnew Volksv wltn Amphifler $80' ED 2-1176. 35 ._ 3. 4. 5. 1960 FALCON White, 2 door Lufthansa, your your new Volkswagen ctvn r E iiunj u . FOR SALE - 4 bedroom Cape standard, 20,000 mile*, 22 mpg. Uting at the Airport. TWIN SIZ£ g£D ™ doub^ forstu" Cod. Red Cedar School. Upsuirs Owner buying 1962 Falcon. TU In eludes private ,nd Df*1 ye?r- itel for student rental. Leaving t- private 'mu^s^l^Tl^OO^i'r^ . 2-0919. 34 CONTINENTAL IMPORTS 226 E. kalamazoo h«^arJ ™".. box ^)ring and mat- cludw jpjrror. phone, bath, entrance and kitchen, perking, tele- Parking, tele- mu« Mn t1600 willing to deal. ED 2-0433 after 6. 7. 8. 10. 9. 1958 White FORD Convertible OlAl DIAL IV rv 5-1743 V-1741 walnut finish. 6 months old. Ex- AH utilitiespeld.Seeat 526 Ever 5:30. 33 Power steering, brakes, seats, - _c33 cellent condition. 355-0781. 34 green. East Lansing. " windows. New tires, automatic. $800. Call 332-2216 after 7. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Ca Michigan State News SPORTS. Eaat Lansing, Michigan luffy Warns Fans Sunday's Results American League Cleveland 6-8, New York 4 Bv gainst Optimism terry war eham ■T?*1*" « P«* Smith about Mlfyanka heard Baltimore 3, Washington 2 Detroit 6, Boston 5 Minnesqta 10. Kansas-City Chlcato 15, Los Angeles 6 A^uU sport. Editor Mid regoski. Fast Lansing sophomor^ wl„ uke over th| No. 3 doubles position. This will PRIZES: be the first varsity action this year for both. At No. 1 doubles will be Dick Colby and Tom Wierman, both 1st PRIZE: For Fraternities and So¬ Kalamazoo sophomores, who have been at No. 2. The Bill rorities Tvjo Philco 19" portable brief¬ Lau-Tom Jamieson duo, usually case television sets. One for a frater¬ at the No. 3 spot, will be at No. nity and one for a sorority. 2 for the Western match. 2nd PRIZE: For Individuals Two Philco Drobac has announced no pocket size transistor radios. One for changes in the singles lineup. the gals and one for the guys. , RULES: v SHOELESS RUNNER TUCSON, Arts. (AP)-Univer¬ 1. Contest &gins Friday April 13, sity of Arlsona distance man 1962. 2. Contest open to ail students. Larry Main dldnt blame his •hoes when be failed to wta the Take your pick of 34 models during CHEVY'S GOLDEN SALES JUBILEE 3. Each empty package submitted on '•ttbhalfm Marlboro, Parliament or Alpine will two-mile race against the Uni¬ versity of New Mexico. No look-alikes here! You've got three decidedly different Lots of liveliness, too, for such a low, low price. ■ Got h?v* • value of 5 points. Each empty Main has wide, flat feat and pt(,lup submitted on Philip Morris kind* of cars to choose from—each with its own size and a sporty gleam in your eye? Step right up to our Corvair ftada barefoot running more Regular or Commander will have a sizzle. The Jet-smooth Chevrolet's specialty is luxury— for rear-engine scamper and steering that's doggone near value of 10 points. 4. Closing data Friday May 18 at 5:00 just about everything you'd expect from an expensive car, effortless. ■ Conclusion: See your Chevrolet dealer now pjn. T*rn empty packs into Tim Hester except the expense. ■ If you're thinking a bit thriftier, for the most versatile choice going and a A 222 Bailey Hall. Tel 355-5570. 5. Entries will not be there's the Chevy II with practicality to do you proud. beauty of a buy on your favorite. accepw^after fee tallest starter closing time, Empty on any of the final fear teams ta the 1962 NCAA basketball Beautiful Buying Days are here at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's Michigan State News . SPORTS. East Lansing. Michigan Thindads Beat Uof M* \j\jm*c» ucui SFwww MatchGoStreak four bits the Detroit Tlprswere ^ VvHvltf fers at U-M Ml Ends W lf| For 1I tnbteth^TU^S^hy .Ts First Time •jw P£ "r^* atop a Michigan Sute's golf team's *« |M M W WP& victory over the Boston Red Sox. ten match winning streak ended 27Jboles uA 0*0 ranimomi for ^ I|1 I M ■ Hljr\ Brown drilled two home runs Saturday as defehdinK NC A A Wnds of treble on his Ustnina. to 0» Big Ten TounZ III I ^BIB I I and a singleandMcAuliffiscrash- Champion Purdue won all the He went nine over pa ur«w ' Frlw ed a three-run double after Galen marbles In a quadrangular meet M« nine and card.« the afternoon after alter a Win one over urday. ^ 23* 10" and lohn Parker was two mile run as Jerry Young »w« of Michigan won the discus throw Cisco loaded the bases pn walks, Kama am lueii/ci or „ am«« Ann Arbor. " ~ <** afternoon Spartan Scot,, third with 21'6 for State. and Clayton Ward crossed the with an effort of 156*6 1/4" PW1 R*8an staggered to tl» __ The Spertans topped Big Ten par 73 In the morning. 100 yd. dash, Lewis finish line hand in hand. Their In the only event State did not The Michigan State track squad in what head coach Iran Dittrich finished first in 9.8, Zach Ford was second in 9.9 and Ron Wat- time was an identical 9:27.3. "ss's&Tir'.ift firf&ttsaiss |.r„„ called. "A five team effort," did kins was fourth, also in 9.9. In the 120 yd. high hurdles, M.CU*. ivuciugan SUB state dominated dominate a Ihe C.? tne <-■»•» Michigan's Bennle McCrae beat high Jump, placing four men. Wil- ling and Gary Geiger. Gelger's - —— -— States "JL - reguUr season record , Purduet... TnlSLi Saturday what no State team had Ford came out on top in the Michigan downed MSUand Ohio Neumann been Herman Johnson by about three mer Johnson tied Steve Williams s°i° homer in the eighth made st*"da able to do for the past 220 with Lewis second and Par- yards. McCrae led all the way of Michigan for first as they 11 6-5 and brought on reliever No. 3 twelve years. No. 3 man Gary Barrett turn- ker third in the Spartans only and his time was 14.4. Johnson, both cleared 6*5" and Bill Berry Hank Aguirre to save Regan s ed the In the best performance of They defeated the University sweep of the day. Their times Tom l^ckhi and B1U "Mann, tood second with 6*4". Tied - - for- decision. day for the Spartans of Michigan. T' "— 22.0, 22.2.' and 22.5 re- Cisco issued seven walks and shot a two under par 70 in the Varsity Drive~jn| all from MSU, took second, third third at 6'2" were Dave Cox tory came in tneir only home ap¬ pectively. and founh in 14.6, 14.7, and and Tom Peckham also of State., only two hits in five innings and morning and^ 78 In the after- pearance of the outdoor season 440 Parker pulled away 15.1 respectively. of Michigan and the Tigers made the mosfof It. noon for a 36 hole total of 148. He a triangular meet with the tra- and coasted home with a ten yard OSU*s Bill White. Brown homered for a 2-0 De- the only Spartan to break 1227 E. GRAND RIVER dltlonal rival Wolverines and both rounds. lead in 48.5. ^ The final event of the meet, trolt lead In the* second after 80 < Ohio State. The 880 the mile relay, found State need- Cisco walked Rocky Colavlto. Barrett took all six points OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P M Although their opponents man- lead Big Ten Chatfip Ergas Leps ing at least a second place to win. The Sox tied It with a run from Bob Rosko of Ohio State, aged to set tljree new field of Michigan almost to the wire After the last handoff, Sute's 1» the third and Yastrzemskl's beat Purdue's Mike Martin 3 1/2 DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT records, State finished with 751/4 2 1/2 but ran into the hottest before Leps put on his finishing 8:30 P.M. 1:30 A.M. - John Parker found himself in Inside the park homer in the - points to Michigan's 65 1/2 and kick to edge him out. Leps fin- second place. With a great show fourth, man on the course in Michigan's 31 1/4 for the Buckeyes. The very first running event ished in 1:55Jto Castle's 1:55.6. Paul irfield of Ohio State of speed, he pulled away from ... With "" u two out in the fifth, Cisco Tom Pendlebury. SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. Leps also won the mile run match medal- of the afternoon established a new ron in 24.6 and Tom Peckham Michigan's anchor Ergas loaded the bases on walks, and Pendleburry v is field as well as meet record. It in 4:16.1. Right behind him in ras third with a 25.5 clocking. Leps and split the tape McAuliffe's long double cleared lsl wlth 71-75 for 146 total and CURB SERVICE - 7 DAYS Jerry Young of MSI'. Ohio State's John Weldyputthe ten yards ahead of him. His the bases. Brown's second beat Barrett 4-2, was the first time the 660 yard Teammate Don Castle shot 51'10 1/4" for first place was a fast 47.2 and the relay homer,—the eventual winner— ED 2 6517 run had ever been contested and in 4:18.0. and State's Dave Mutchler took time was 3:17.2 to 3:19.0 for greeted reliever Mike Fomieles winner Charles Aquino of Mich- State scored A Bucket Seat Convertible] . one-tv : the fourth with 46'9".RogerSchmiitt Michigan. In the sixth after Schilling's two- igan automatically set a record "■ 'n the top of the inning. with a 1:21.1 effort. Ron Horning of Michigan State finished third For A Student's Budget in 1:22.4 Both of the other records set in field events. Ron Denhart pole vaulted 15' wqre Michigan's MSU 9 Tops Indiana to break tie B&J Moving and Twice, Loses existing field record by Mike Kleinhaus of Michigan State by eight inches. Jerry Dehenau. State's only entry, cleared 14' for second lowed four hits in the opener, to Ohio of the same frame, however, State hits, two doubles and a single. place. Nutter yielded eight hits but sent eight men to the plate and and Klewickl was relieved by In the broad Jump. OhloState's s IV 4-1421 fanned five in the second game. scored three times. Nutter. Paul Wartield's leap of 24*6 1/2" "If we can get out hitting "Gentle-Care" Even more important both went Dan Prickett put the Hooslers Nutter allowed a single, which Moving, eclipsed a 15 year old and pitching working together the distance. 24' V* back in the game when he clouted netted the third run of the inning, Packing and Storage hv we'll be all right," Michigan Sutton's homer, his second in a two run home run in the fourth, then retired the next two batters. State baseball Coach John Kobs two days, sailed over the Red State grabbed a one run lead, Carper, who did not allow a hit said last Thursday. Cedar River and bolted MSU 4-3, 1 n the fifth when Porrevec- over the final three and 1/3 that's what the Spartans did into a three run lead in the first chio lined a sacrifice fly to the IM Sched Saturday as they beat Indiana inning of the opener. A ^ and 7-4. And they centerfielder which scored Jeff Innings, slammed the door on the Spartans in the bottom of the However, State was handcuffed Abrecht from third. 11th. SOFTBALL it Friday against Ohio by Bob Bradley, Indiana's start- Pinch hitter Terry Ryser kept field 1 5:20 p.m. Cassopolis-Cachet State's Buckeyes but „_nlly Iost er in 11 innings, 6-3, during the next five frames. De Hooslers, who had man- Indiana's hopes alive when he opened the seventh with a single. Career was credited with the vlctorT whUe Klewickl suffered RAMBLER 2 Cambridge-Carav^le State travels to Mt. Plea; hJg fl'rgt loss 0f season. 3 aged only two safeties off Ron- After a bunt had moved him Cabanas-Carlton 4 Carthage-Casino Monday for a non-league g; with Central Michigan. berg in tie first five innings, came to life in the sixth when second, Ryser ran home with the Convertible $2488 6 5 Cavalier-Cameron Cache-Caribbean Rain delayed Saturday's rw State's defense suddenly became tying run when Eddie LaDuke slammed a single to center, WANTED A fully equipped Bucket Seat Convertible 7 Vlstas-Pseudebios generous. That offered Azar the chance contests being limited to seven for $2488 at Elmer Steele Rambler. 8 Saints-Paperbacks Shortstop Pete Smith wentdeep he was waiting for. He waited inning affairs. But its a good into tie hole to field Bill Elyea's In tie dugout while two Spartans Despite it's low price, this plush 9 Kellogg Flakies • Graduate and Under-graduate students of Michigan State convertible a thing for George .Azar and Co. grounder and then threw the ball got on tie base that the earres were played. paths, then University, both men and women for permanent part- over Sutton's head. Elyea held stepped to the plate, flexed his 6:30 p.m. time and full-time employment. Set your own time and to you with full Bucket seats, Heater, Overdr Azar, a 200-pound block¬ at first. muscles, and the ball game was 1 West Shaw 1-5 buster who hours. Pay above average. swings the bat like Ronberg retired the next bat- over, shield Washers and Whltewalls. This 2 West Shaw 2-4 it was a toothpick, broke up a ter but then gave up a hit and a sharp c 3 West Shaw 6-10 4-4 tie in the seventh Ohio State kept MSU fromhav- inning of walk to load the sacks. ing a perfect weekend Friday 4 West Shaw 7-9 the nightcap with a three run Luke George, who had fanned when they came up with three Interviews is also equipped with padded dash & visors, piiec^ 5 Coleoptera's-Communlcators twice, lifted a fly to left for what • 6 Ag. Econ- Tinkles Terrors Jerry Sutton whalloped a three should have been the third out. runs 6-3. In the 11th. frame to win, Tues. May 15 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3 an AUTOMATIC POWER I 7 Bailey 1-4 run four-bagger of his own in tie But leftfielder Joe Porrevecchio Trailing 3-1, Porrevecchio the Rambler "400" Converfi 8 Bryan 2-4 (resume) first game. 9 misjudged the ball and It dropped shoved the game into a dead- Bryan 5-7 Second baseman l>ennis Ketch- for a double am von the first game for the and scoring three runs lock in the last of the eighth typing the game. when he slammed his fifth four- A«k for Mr. c Donneii ELMER STEELE RAMB VOLLEYBALL Spartans when he singled to right Ronberg ripped a single to bagger of the year with Abrecht - Stanley Home Products Court 1, Gym 1 in the seventh and chased pitcher center to open the bottom of the aboard. Dollar 65- Flsworth Gary Ronberg i the plate seventh and then scored the Wes Klewicki, who worked 10 GIBSON S BOOKSTORE Iranian Club-Ev. Sch. with the -- CORNER E. GRAND RIVER & EVERGREEN GIBSON'S Bf winning winning run whenKetcham parked and 1/3 innings, banked the Buck- "" Most encouraging of all for his ingle ft right after r the ninth and tenth but Entries are now being accepted Kobs was the pitching turned in out, State was also held in check by for the Intramural Individual golf a pair of juniors, Ronberg Indiana I took tie lead in the Ohio State's Hugh Carper, tournament. Deadline for entries and Jack Nutter, nightcap when they scored a run With one out In tie 11th. the is Wednesday, May 16, at 5 p.m, Ronberg struck crowd and out nine and al- in the second. In the bottom half Bucks collected three straight join the hurry down to gibson used book sale . . new titles are added daily to the large selection on display now...' ONLY 3 MORE WEEKS TO GO THIS TERM. KEEP US IN MIND WHEN YOU SELL YOUR BOOKS get more Its whats up front that counts ((ash for >J is yours in Winston and only Winston. Up front you get rich golden tobaccos specially selected your books. and specially processed for filter smoking. Smoke Winston. WINSTON TASTES GOOD a cigarette shouldj o GIBSON'S BOOKSTORE - CORNER E. GRAND RIVER