Inside Literacy test bill he* towel* going in >«nate, page 3. ROTC cadet* receive awards, page Tuesday, May 15, 1962 PRICE 10$ hiang for Aid Pledges Global Water Carnival time is a po¬ Fight for Glimpses Freedom tential dangerous time for fires, •aid East Lansing Fire Marshal Phil Patriarche. Fraternities, sororities, and ■ ■ Boun Oum Flies to independent groups create ha¬ By the Associated Press zards in their own houses and Formosa for Help Jeopardize their lives by the careless use of own paints and clean¬ Stock Market Still 'Acting Up Taipei, Formosa, F-Premier ing fluids he stated. Prince Boun Oum of Laos An example of this is last weeks NEW YORK - Feverish trading on the ap- stock market r pealed to Chinese Nationalist explosion and fire at the Sigma lhe busiest pace since 1933 today as prices tumbled, then rallied. President Chiang Kai-Shek Mon¬ Alpha Mu house. The market was mixed in late afternoon. day for moral and material sup¬ their'danss Buying and selling caused the quotation tape to run 34 minutes port against Communist attempts ^SSSSS^SS£ tehln« transactions, the same lag develop " to conquer his country. 323?whe" "** Chiang's response was not dis¬ closed. They had a half-hour paint brushes. When they left they poured the gasoline down conf,dence- meAing which took place at the basement sink. a By 1 p.m. today, r president's home in suburban hands. The pipes from the sink Taipei shortly after Pour. Oum pass¬ arrived from Laos, ed an open drain in the room The premier was containing the hot water heater. accompanied Fumes from the gasoline came by Gen. Phourni Nosavan, deputy up through the drain and were ignited by the heater's pilot light. PWSppiiie Visit Postponed premier. Boun Oum presented a silver cup to Chiang in what he called bec euse'the basementa J »MANILA - A snarl in UjS. -Philippine relations ked President a token of respect for the Na¬ and oidck Diosado Macapagal tonight to put off indefinitely a 12-day state tionalist leader's "determined «*£* a pusher by two members of the e"1?- visit to the United States next month, leadership in the struggle against fraternity prevented the fire from Communism.'' The issue was rejection by the U.S. House of Representatives In spreading. an airport statement on his |„st Wednesday of a bill to appropriate $73 million for payment arrival, Boun Oum declared his Patriarche commended the of claims lodged by 86,000 Filipinos for damages from U^. government will "continue group for their prompt action operations in these islands in World War II. to fight for the once the fire started but had indepen-J< our strong words about their care¬ country." Announcing his decision In a radio-television broadcast, Ma¬ welcomed by Vice lessness that allowed it to start. capagal said: "It is with deep regret that I am constrained to President Chen Cheng, who said About 75 per cent of fires at ' ■* the fighting in Laos would . . until such time as the cir- tffecr this time are due to sloppy house¬ the security of all non-Con.- PAROT" iS0UT..THee4vi- Ithe ir and editors of "TAROT" SU literary magazine, were keeping fthe Fire Marshal said. Paper, paint, rags and solvents should be removed from the house as soon as possible. It's these leader of Black Mufim Gets Ovation Out-State Student Ratio munist nations in Asia. guests of honor at a re» things left lying around that add iption Friday. Top to bottom It; Virgil Scott, Tarot advi- Robert Elliot, poetry ed- fuel to a fire once it starts. Patriarche recomends that non-flamable solvents be used LOS ANGELES - About 1,200 lutions urging Investigations of Los Angeles and gave a Negroes today passed reso¬ charges of police brutality in Not Out of Line: Breslin or; Walter Lockwood, fictien standing ovation to a Black Muslim Michigan State has made no cutting down o for cleaning paint brushes. Even leader. cut down on the pro- •ditor; Jim Cash, fiction edi¬ turpentine is better than gaso¬ Charles O, Carroll, King County Prosecutor, said a :-of-state students, Romano said the'Unlversltv of Michigan Universities, tor. State News Photo by Den- line. Turpentine vaporizes at 110 would be the only way Beck could remain rehearing P017^0" ' __ ■is Pajof. degrees above zero wheras gaso¬ doubt if the Supreme Court would (trant one." of prison "and 1 Breslin, r*" 8«^etar-y« said % Michigan and the Michigan Col- J Last year Romano and Green line vaporizes at 40 below. today. Legislative leaders claim- lege ol Mining and Technology at sponsored an amendment to the ed last week that the University Carroll recommended at the time of Beck's conviction that Houghton have made similar University's appropriation which One tea ciq> of gasoline, had"a greed "to 2,000 Hear perly vaporized, has the eiqrio sive power of seven sticks pro¬ the minimum term for the ex-labor leader be three imums Are 9et by the Washington State Board of Prison Terms years. Min- cut-down, Michigan State'9 out-of-state agreements. id the agreements were would have limited out-of-state enrollment to 15 per cent, j^g R), m "" ^ ms "I think that there could be specific figure. Romano said that the educat¬ ion of out-of-state students at the law limiting out-o May JON FITZGERALD three institutions costs the state NEW I YORK State the State News Staff - Supreme Court Justice J. Vincent Keogh, frat^therTmay finest jazz musicians in 3r-i—!ii-- raermnes kodocci IV.LL.J protesting his innocence^ mm onl trial i to fix a trial today Federal Court criminal t^ay on chargBS^of^lot- case. Defendants be g 1Jm,t p,aced on the number best to cooperate with the Judiciary Algerians il Mic! gan wailed More than $60 In cash and of students admitted from New long in being tried with him are a former federal prosecutor! universities instead of having personal belongings and student ^^rid"labcTr'rackett^r. Hearings « night in York." if Beta Theta e happy atmosphere Identification cards were taken an open conflict between these Pi's third annual Th# maconem 0f the 56-year-old Keogh last Dec. 7 threat- Breslin said that he had been institutions and the Legislature." lessior. by the Cedar from wallets at Lambda Chi Al- told that "Michigan State was I "ft definitely was the best Iroup of musicians from our Sunday. pha, Theta Chi, and Phi Kappe Pel fraternities last Friday night. ened t0 Mow the lld off the worst judicial scandal In New York slnce the ^ Federal Appeals Judge Martin T. Manton went t0 prison In 1940 for selling out his office r pr^ity ..^e much have inline." t0 keep the Retaliate Roamno said. Romano admitted that the Uni¬ versity might not be bound to allow open hearings if students request it will be studied by the judiciary Irea fve ratio at about 20 ALGIERS, (P-Algertan Faculty seer, marked drummer Buddy Spang- together," re¬ pw °cfmt7" BresUn"said, "'and ™"dos suddenly dropped their follow a state law limiting en- ^'lment. Committee at fts next on meeting. Student Affairs jr. "1>.is was the best of the 425 Participate for the last 20 to 25 years it self restraint under goading of Secret Ihe bill which was passed by has remained fairly Army terrorism today and nee Sessions I've worked A? In Greek 'year "it" is"7b«it'"STpw raced through Algiers in the first the student body during a spring Approximately 2,000 people Project cent while last vear it was about major anti-European rampage t IJlPPn hminr« JUUIOTS term been registration election has ari the An estimated 425 fraternity 21.7 per -'nee the March 18 cease-fire. briefly discussed by the twenty-five musicians and soror'.ty members partici¬ French authorities said Mos- faculty committee. 'V sounds of the greats pated in the Greek Week com¬ Thirty-one per cent oftheUni- lem m mflrhln# roivt> 4WflTfis WW tW "However, we want to discuss a* r sever, contemporary Jazz world munity project last Saturday. ersity of Michigan's student speeding cars kiUed 18 or more it with Dean John Trultt and consecutive hours. In- The Outstanding Junior Awards Dean Frances Jdet! in the repertoire were se- According to BobMcBaln,pub- b- environment," he said. They are concerned with the t0 change in major, academic LJnnnnli Craatc proved by President John Hannah and the Board of Trustees. te rests, and critical thinking pro- difficulties or probational dlffi- nOnnan VjrtSCia The off-campus housing outside world only when it will ens for Season culties?" he asked. lations recommended by the Fac¬ regu¬ through the four years of affect them directly such as mak- jf certain student "personal- Retiring Staff I?* Men's IM outdoor pool collegs, he daid. A battery of tests was given men. lng the draft more likely for the ities" are found more adaptive to certain Instructional methods, he Presldent John A. Hannah ulty Committee on Student Af- fairs have been referred fT*" ■ 11:30 a.m. Tueeday. to freshmen who entered in 1958 The greatest change occurs said, it may be possible to sec- Kreeted 32 retlrlne faculty'and President John Hannah for his w „ are 11:90 a.m. to et the beginning and again at the ofaff staff members and their wives at»roval. Dean John approval, tohn Fuzak Fuzak said, ■ «cept sometime during the freshman tjon them to the type of instruc- said, Sundays, when the end of the year, he said. These year, he said, wtych is not sur- outside the Big Ten room In Th* recommendations will be f^ie is 1-6 p.m. tests were teadministered in the prising because it Is the time tlon that best suits them, student, for example, who Is Kellogg Center where the retirees turned over by Hannah to the |iU ^dents may use the pool Students' sophomore and Junior when the major breaks with the a were homored at a noon luncheon Board of Trustees for final ap¬ i!L ^frds must be presented entrance, years along with Interviews, old environment take place. rigid and authoritarian does not like discussion groups'and per- proval at the May 25 meeting. the lest retesting was admin- Many of the students reported fers lectures, he explained. If The'32 i 9 d nS® we*th.*r **• any hotter that dormitory living had a great sectioning were used this student toiT of s^ y^rs Tl^ict ll*nyPooU atudente seem to be The new questioning the stu- effect on their attitudes because would receive most of his ln- - University^ Provost Lecture we may extend the Francis to 7 or I develop, to said might of association with people of structlon through lectures. Blttner.ofthecoopera¬ w***, p.m." Bob **imming coach, tw0?*n. the SSSVSSf' M>r mentioned too' frequently; tive extension service, and Agnes on Wednesday In McCann' "> the The fifth Provost's lecture In ON student might challenge tte B^oderiis4ndmust ftrnMi their IT Dally contact and bull sessions with different people oeoDle lead lead stu- stu- causing change he said, but for some the lecture-concert series Jng for the University 45 years 5* the Rev. i?rlngrC.T. Vivian of Chat- caps. A towel ren- however that most dents to a deeper understanding played an important role in de- ag°' ■ tanooga, Tenn., on Wednesday at M*^ice is available, Mew- pars Ms would welcome this U.1. new of each other. m. President Hannah presided at 4:00 p.m. in the Klva. It is spon- MMUontag?' hs said. If it can be proven that the Testing •- th. luncheon ,»d Pr.vo® Cllf. - ' Sored by ttie Honor's College. Stufents tend to develop a re- dormitory life has a positive with part of the ■h» 14M class of 1964 ford Erickson presented certifi¬ MiM^i egd scientific way of look- effect on student*, Lehmann said, here and at two other Michigan cates to die academic retirees. "The Basis Of The Present J-Monday ^ threat n proems end of arriving It might be that the system such universities to provide Drive For Freedom." He was Pm.SatBrtfcyt . Michigan State News, East Lanaing, Michigan nn0ire Faculty Willingness Lauded m w m Gather Ben Beds Tom — tatum Rique^ I Junes Shaffer, director I I by Campus Film Head , t ' For Meeting To Top Post mmm*** Siifl L. i I "Thsre it • rcmftrktbU wil- lingnesR among the faculty of MSU for velopmont, and application of new after he obtained • position the Penn State film production unit as a writer-director. lie also taught and supervised on "ld- The university will groat ends to encourage Indentation in this field/' The University go to exper- wants to add sulbatos from all ovsr the United States have gathered hsrs at Kellogg Center for a conference that began Monday and will con- 5SCTtS Tom Castro, naaday night in tU grsduaia atudsta J??*!??.. •••fi.ii.~- concepts, explained Edward Mc¬ tlnue through May 25. He defeated his closest op- TObmw questionnaire, production crews abroad with the to the media by exploring its The primary purposes ofthe ponent, Shrlkumar Poddar, sen- fyrnad. the mor brought up the" question of Start of Work its, small group confer en- competition between the club and films while majoring in English environment is the healthiest for the industry and to further ra- the film arts because of its «««rch for new approaches. In On Llterature at Penn State Univer- sity, desire to further the film as a general, universities must gen- from MSU faculty, will be util¬ He said that the committee, Highway As an undergraduate he worked teaching technique. erate the enthusiasm so well 9n an instructional films re- The university feels the need deserved in the field, ized In the conduct of the cor with a sizable subsidy n «- . AbUt*»Umrner"fC9nStnia search program subsidized by The university feels the need *ar as l ^ Crowd Small MSU Debater as an educational technique, even though It may prove unsuccessful, "Pops' Style "" "" porao. cl InarsS Cold rainy whether brought a Places 10th is both at accepted and encouraged MSU, he said. some good hot weather, and you The MSU Activity Band'sSpring new foreign students and Concert Tuesday at 8 p.m. in them to American life. bfUt at -nH_ one time in Mic^ "" disappointing-small crowd to the the Union Ballroom will mark Higbee saidsaia that tius was the tnat this ^2 miles 'nllef'sIs "Dinner on the Green" Saturday. In Competition The research in the the group's final on-campus ^ per- Hlgbee first year that the International tne ^ , Pf" f° tra.fic bj(w Grounds, Maintenance Dept. w. ^ £s 300 Despite the cold weather, about Helen Altmtn, Birmingham p type, McCoy explained. The pos- ,— club active tnd that JtA, ^ f ^ people, mostly families sophomore, placid tenth in Wes- sibilitles design and appllca- _ „ the competition between it and dLrive seemed to enjoy eating thetrdin- tern Conference ^1.^ Begins Annual Grass War Debating League tion both educational and infor- . the committee is good. ners on Demonstration Hall field competition at Kellogg Center re- mational are endless. There is — slstant director of bands, will - Plana to honorMrs. Vanmeter, at the annual ox-roast sponi «» , by the Agriculture! Council. centlv. Thtrtv-one student deba- a constant drive toward attaining The grounds maintenance de- equipment is devoted to the main- perform a program of light sel- secretary to the foreign student fro tn Big Ten schools and greater uses of the media. partment has begun Its annual tenance of the golf course, Ferris actions In a relaxed pops oon- advisor, were made for Samr- Thela Alpha Plii I ^ Youngsters, smeared with ice ^Vnlv«"ity Sue Ann Baker, Indiana were- The grass mowing operation, opiate the mowing equipment theThe program will begin with faculty baseball game following inlversity: tied for second place; which began May l, costs nearly 08ch V®®1"- rousing "Coat of Arms." by ital plays ■, $20,000 for labor ' " George Kenny and will be fol¬ sored by the Department' of pinner The faculty, victors for the past Gar>- Werskey.Northwesternl'nl- versity, Ron Schwiesow, Purdue """K q{ ^ ywir; Ferrls mu, An ad_ ditlonal $1,500 to $2,000 is spent Nonnamaker lowed by the exotic "Tamer¬ lane," composed by Frank E rick- ech, T'hsta Alpha Phi, Sa MSU playars will be pa„ w - crushing l niversity and DennisO'Connell. xtTilltIPtTWtltS lO for maintenance of equipment, Addresses son. Miss Bentley, alto saxophone in room 49 of the defect U- turned out , to an what almost be the second old L nlvarsity of Wisconsin. m . . during the mowing season, soloist, will be accompanied by Professor To Address Thursday st 7:30 p.m. Audited Flfth pUce, Lynn Holmes, Uni- terminate To cover the large areas of the bank as she performs the timer s rout of the day. versity of Illinois: sixth place, G, Loang w,„ ^ grass on campus, the univer- WIC Meet S5"S i:*.^ local . . _ . Economics Club <•» i The low budget plays a i5MrS3«K?s»2 nw'wlng equipment. Ferris said WIC held its annual last Thursday workshop Reed. After the well known "Bsl- evening in the et Egyptian," Gustav Hoist's dents^ expsrlence"^ ™^ * Neil Ort!;, Seaton. 111. freshman, Swsvre. Cnivarsitv at MieMmn- on25, ... p Lerner m-ofeggor 0f acting, and other tteatn^ gaim er baMliifta: dropped the ball after h th« pBg- or'Tr°stS'a"i:t«r™«*Ji- ^nJ oper.ted nrawti, uaeJ far sEi'hiss.™"1* "• wm b* Normsn Ober stein. lniversit> of Referee Thomas Cowden, Dean ^ ^ lenjer.s powers that cost near- ^on"iPictu« <,TaP Roots'" ^ ^'meeting Is^entoalleco- "The Lady of loan report is actually re- ■ • He said "I eaders serve is mod- Fran,< pinner, will highlight the nomics majors and other students * one-act play from lew* didn't cooperate for i yi by the VcMrui, Admlnto. ti prior to the termination of the borrower's eligibility, ..tSSSSS campus. The remainder of the SZ'S leadership meant assuming depict life on a Southern ^jons. Maids" by Jean Genet, ' and 'It the s^nTib'iHtyCHe urged t?^ .. end of the gam the faculty rally, th< cording to R.M. FltzCerald, of- P,amation during the civil war. An organizational meettng will There Be Farce",ItyNolaWiM Admission to the' Museum fleers consider who Selections from Leonard Bern- preceed Lerner's address. A were pleased with their lnvt Driving Charge n of the Detroit. V.A.'s regional of- • to OpenM as to they were they led others. The girls stein's brilliant "West Side • Is the author of many books free" tw. tv I'! ti „ then separated into then Into groups to dis- Story" and Glenn Osser's latest on economics, some of which are BAGHDAD - The Sovi. This holds true, k. ^ he explained A square dance in Demonstra- A MSI freshman pleaded CJCrUOltlOn HqU cuss the individual offices. Re- composition, "Tango for Band" used for college courses, and Is has agreed to buy 200 n Hall rounded off the evening, guilty Monday to a charge driving under the influence £5 w"?5S«>n a new hall of MM. .111 »a-. ..rvadattarthe willthepro.14, n program. «kt high point •„>«».,totally ln the field of economics. ta«n «*«t ton, trade of Iraqi tob.cro agreement r Gvil Service Offers alcohol. home and may have applied to soon ** OP®1 ln the museum. m n^' t Richird the lender for a GI loan before N,ow under construction, the New Examinations lively Jan Rnsv, Cormill TM- the entitlement expired.«tiun {re ed tn campus policy Sunday night Be advised veterans to The Civil Ser%-ice Commis- shortyh after he hit two parked plete their loan negotiations well w"' be i^,ed to show the dlffe- on has announced new examina- cais in parking lot V. Police ln advance of the date their en- rent regions of North America. ttons for filling positions as a said that Patterson admitted titlement comes to an end. lt will contain many Indian ex- quarantine inspector trainee, drinking two cans of beer. 1 hibitlons in addition to speech pathologist, audiologist, Patterson and an unidentified OSLO -- The North Atlantic Lakes relief, which is r and audio-speech pathologist. passenger receired minor bumps Organization's new Bal- ing made, Announcements and applies tion and bruises from the collision, tic command headquarters at Ka- The items to be exhibited were forms may be obtained from. Jack The damage to one ofthe parked ruP Jutland, Denmark, will be donated to the museum last: cars was est.rr.ated at $400. activate July 1, officials an- mer. building. Lansing or from the Patterson's trial was set for Pattei nounced. Lt. Gen. Tage Andersen ' The hall will be located o. US " Civil Service Commission, J1-** 21 Lansing Township of Denmark will head the com- bottom floor and to the right of ashington 25. P.C. *" lives it up with this lively One fft)M loro'62: the New faleon Sports futima! J** «P""k» Futur. has an optional 4-ap«d stick sW j snappy personalcompact and foam-rubber console,sports a bucket jwats'handy stylish new roofiine to please Sa.S^>o» See ell the lively Ones at vour Ford Dealer's { ^hunderbifd-watcti«r (»lnyt covered. w ilk,). fi ^ ® ..^5 ;'iff#;'ISI mtSL ^iteracy Test Bill! Michigan auto M«w« S East Lansing, yichlfan Tuesday, May 15, 1062 „ Debate Cede Jazz Continue In Senate (Continued from pege 1) would happen If the Thais singing the notes while j T to study Mr:—;; dlocuoo Int^aSIuSifrSliS Invoked the Southeast Asia D»- fenoe Treaty or an agreement the flute. Of the five featured groups r Iff1* legislature end oerve «heee rJit1** Mond*'r * «•<*•»•«*- much changed ft from last Wedneo- between the United States and gan Stat* Jazz orcheatra *ete groupa wffl be formed. motlon stltute for the Admtal^rotloo'o day's 53-43 test. 2* ouintet from Battle Creek, featured during tho concert which fe'rSon.1 education affrlrs co- A seminar, echeduled for next Actatal2L?£'? "***** «•* MP tee Both roll calls «« «£ <*ortn c°* the two-thirds ..... .. Thailand, the sources indicated. A 1,000-man army infantry b«t- Michigan, that opened vlties came the farthest to the festl- play is pert of Greek Week activities, Ruskln and Han on trumpet and majorlty required for invoking tie group wes poised to move at the Session. Included in the Wett Sidner on alto sax. Sidner * : ^ "ffjf*'. , , . t MP to an area In northeast Thal- group were Lee Gettling. alto la a transfer student from the >his MUer that oceance alive ? tor lMder« a k«P< the second issue land and a marine battalion land- sax. jack Hill, trombone, Eddie University of Indiana. try after Ing teem of perhaps 1,000 man waa Hollta, piano. Ron Esposlto, bass, Credit should also be given Presldsot turndown by expected to come ashore and Bob Pritchard, drums. to Paul Pfeiffer ami Eric Pe- Playing with Spangler*s local terson of Beta Theta Pi who __ |SRp~uu,«n imnuster, sack* , tests have been U»ed In some Cinnla f .,|^M' roposa 1 for PS i. "" to i" Charge will the NSA regional Ob- of pub- v*elty 0f Michigan national afl f«»r« vice chairman. f^Ta^on't^n^or^ ILIJXJtLJL* Mike "1 demanded Southern areas to prevent Ne- ™Uwl** _ s from voting. It on debate. lrnposlt^a time »clae operation helping native :esm,_drawn from the Third Ma- berson completing his sextet. ufiienas jmQW iniire B1U Han, winner of the Dlz- newsletter sent to all *aa__^a_ j I . ocratlc li ~ ~ Case's Mansfield " effort "" to substitute " • i opponents blocked Divlslon on Okinawa, has its r»eM pate in a Memorial Day picnic today On campus designed to give them sozne in- e thing the organization sight into American recreation. finitely Is for is the free en- Faculties for Aztierlcan games "Pnse system. Ag Mechanics—7:30 p.m., 218 such fls soft-ball, baseball and we it our life's blood." Ag Engineering. swimming and other sports will Christian Science Organization be available at Kensington Park "• near Detroit. ipp,r„Uy -£3^2*17! Interested Foreign and Amer¬ ' P..ErSRSTbS that this also ican students may sign up in the U.N, Lounge in the Union, J politics, "ad- cither in person or by phone JHow have so many Journ to Lake Lansing. ' 5-3490, Monday through Friday ! Block andRridi.ri.ih_ f«™.i between 10 ajn. and 10:30 pjn.: women—managed r companies a«aRtheir° mHv " ' lnltation> 1962 hors« show pic- °" 6 10 1,2:3° PV M^chopw of Ao ^ quarters. Ismzed twice Eighty- eightt P« cent of the glneers. members r v 1 t0 college: Other officers Include vice- Greenville. Michigan. tK fS?" ^,r,C* EdttorUl .IK) tualnw. o«lc« L I.."'-"?"" ■»*«■<« y~nr. John S--VK- buUdms. » ™rrl^ MUM. Alvta Vl.wr., All-n^ «Prlng convention, oonlor. ^ "i" w wcaiise of Jn,ver®'*y «#Prool- The next meeting of the group its educational lo Thursday at 7 p.m. In 33, ® co'Vl'r^81* for w,v*a Untoo- Jo"Ph J- Oa^s, Jr., as- CIIMUCP C||T ss well si sunt manager of the Aoooclat- JUnrltK MAI lW™sh,nd«- ion vf, ^ hmyy CcP'cs 00 Londlng will speak on "Con- l>8anl*atloool Ef- atructlon Safety and Safety Leg- SPECIAL! •. ftTv , and "Management »»!•"«« " Docron Blend ! «ie way ta membtrt Reg 134.95 ONLY $2495 Varsity <4^ Michigan State News, Bast Lansing, Michigan TUMdiy, May i5( GIRL'S ENGLISH BIKE SOLD! if Automotive if Automotive if Automotive For Sal« J* Lou A Found Service 1060 FALCON ^PEANUTS I960 MG-A 1600 Roadster Good - condition. Fhone Nl 6-5271 after - Whit*. 2 door. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR DIVING EQUIPMENT - Volt » fathom regulator, US Divers tank LOST FRIDAY Packer Pen - - Black and white SOl.Beeeey or ^PERSONALS BOlE STARR TW 6 PM. * Owner fcuylnj 1*62 Falcon. JOHNNIES SPEEDW AY and K valve. Custom case. IV vicinity of S, Campus Grin. Sen¬ DOROTHY SCOTT AND BRIAN ditwmtlon, >3' 2-0919. MARATHON SERVICE 5-7*1" after 5;». $75. 56 timental value - Reward. Call HYMES1 com* to the Sum Naw* electric Exp,r22 typewriSr.Q^?* 1*54 DODGE Stationvnagoa - 2 1306 MICH. BO >3012 Office, room S47, Student Ser¬ EXPERT transmission service on *11 makes end models door, 8 cylinder, automatic MEN'S BICYCLE. 3speed. Light¬ vices Building tot four freepaa- Wb travel" Also transmission, idee! (tor camping LOST: A pair of women's glasses ses to the Crest Drlv*»hi The¬ .EMPLOYMENT FOR SALE - Foremen ear repairs. MEL'S AUTO SERVICE $150. Cell ED MML » Complete auto repair Gold Bell stamps on all report. weight, good condition, bought last fall. $25. Call MS-2"®73 after Id a beige case, lost 1 1/2 atre. weeks ago. Call 355-1022, 34 Dwr Plnned-NOW you p«UM ^ =^.5a! FOR KENT i*?s8 ford convertible -r«i maturity or something. Dia- _ LOST & FOUND and white T-Blrd engine. Power Employment 4C Pergonal allusloned. - ^ REC-OCt'T TIRNTABLE with .PERSONAL steer trt, eacell acellent condition. base. Heath Kit Pre-amp, trans- For ftm and good earnings, sell .PEANUTS PERSONAL • REAL ESTATE •SERVICE 1*55 IS ETTA. Motor Call IV 9-W». AVON COSMETICS, Openings for Ladles in Fa* Lansing. «nte crtpUon tooearm. 325 1,^2 Jones. Ask for Karl. 36 fjim PawiUk completely Mrs. Alana Hucktns, 5C04 School .TRANSPORTATION rebuilt, perfect transportation St. Haslett, Mich, for GET YOUR order in an appoint¬ .WANTED for campus or town. Call N eertv fo ment, 5^ 1-3054 after 6 PM. oversea* delivery o« me I«56 NEW MOON 4T1;^J RATES: top* Dynamic 'SS'. Power steer- l-w CHEVROLET - Flack :>J keting program. You can earn swfrn j-PFITROOM afart- MENT. I'nfurnishevi except re¬ green a. 3 spacious bedrooms, printing, tgu typing, term pav*rs. £ ing» power V»V«, radio, heater, next veers full school costs and Kav, : door. Power Pac. V -5. large living room with fireplace, sertations. 3 I OAY . . hvdromatfc A reel nice car gusr- standard shift, 5 good white rrvre Vpplv: Gasollair Equip. frigerator and stove. Garage, din tng room, kitchen, full base¬ sec duphcauJJ available. Multillft 2_ 3 DAYS.. • si teed for *0 day*. Liv & Co. r.a Bo* >Sv New Haven, basement, backyard. Close to walls Radio, heater. Ul leather ment. automatic heat, 2 car gar- white, k colors, Otiw 5 DAYS. Matthews, 1X22 F, Michigan. H Conn. 36 car.•pus. 534 Sycamore Lane. Call a S-2245. C interior and headliner. New car¬ ED 2-4*3*. MEETING TONIGHT age. Bailey echool district- Prim. ED 2-*&4. ® peting. 50,000 acroal miles. J60T Walking distance of part* rarla.edor reKiilt in last ArTV.ACTIVE. 3 u,..., \l«*vs tw clatter « iS,t\V -t iles CareftiUv main¬ veer old - mornings. Pleasant hath unfomished except refrig¬ FEFCHFM and KSli tained N jr a dusting married erator and stove. A;r cooditiotwd. ROOM 32 working conditions, Nhist have UW '£ Vichig*.- SRk!«-.t Price - SfSO. Oall 35S transportation. Call EH 2-2"sXI. close to campus and A&P Store. UNION BLDG. LAST LANSING near. 40 JIC" after 6 PM. weekends. with income other than forming. FREE LIST OF c or 125 Kenbern Dr. Adults. ED COME ON ALONG! 2-4SS6. tJ. Part of large barn "fixed" for musical groups i ■SL'MV.EK C <\rr C0LNSEI.ORS? 1000 laying hens. Big home with Wrtte or phone C,\\ "t if. Automotive \ olkswegen deluxe Men earn up to * hours graduate Wanted: 2 or 3 bedroom apt. Alpha XI Delta House open for 10 weeks summer school. For apartment: also 6 room house, ley. Secy. Lansi-^ f«j 1«5« OLDS - Suxr 'SS' Coo- or undergraduate credits from wagor.. Aaa «sv£ tap, i or house to ram for about 15 acres for organic farm- Musicians, 52" \ w, "DFFEND^ABTLTTY \ert.Me. h>dromat;c. fttU power, MS. Interview to be held Thurs¬ dent grad. stu¬ information call Mrs. Jones TTT Certified eondEtkr. . family in June. Send details ins, woods with maple bush. Call IV 2-5514. "Live day, May 17, from 1 - 5 p.m. to Hal 2-465$ S* IS IMPORTANT offer 555-4451. radio, heater, white wall tires. Peters, 181 F, Northwood IV 5-6'28, Joanna I. Sargeent, STORY >^ll* For Less .$1J«5. Room SM, Education Fxdldirsg. Ave. B-oker. 54 Columbus, Ohio. Tuition plus salary. Or write: 35 EXPERIENCED T\TS7.tJ jojvJ ENGLISH FORC An^lsa 2 Camp Oakland Siirnmar Camp, KODACOLOR FILM given with *» SerVtCC typing, term papers, ft. dK»r. '■esater, .defroster, *h ite -W F. Drahner, Ostfc«-d, Mich. each roll of Kodacolor fUm for ectric typewriter, w«B tires Finished in solid red. Also roistered or liscer.sed SUMMER approved, supervised vz processing (6 20-127) Spec ial w Ith FREE DRY CLEANINC1 Wend- endall - ED 2-153. « ?TCR> sells For I ess . .$"«5. practice nurse position available. housing for 4 men. 1145 Abbott this ad only. row's Econowsash and Dry Rd. Call ia person 6KJ0 - ~:S0 36 Cleaners, 3006 Vine St., 1/3 block I«.V FONT!AC STARCHTEFcon- PM. Mew - Fri. and Sat. after- MAREK REXALL west of Sears' Frandor Store is vertifcle - Vatocvattc, power PRESCRIPTION CENTER SPECIALI7.FP IIFR3CI steerir$, radio, beater, white 7^ For Sale 301 N. Clippert (by Frandor) giving absolutely free-dry clean¬ ing to each customer using its SERVICE - Do n wall tires. STORY l EXT S3 c special offers good only to stu¬ CtATvisrd traasrr.issSor- v>* o*~- LartVs T.V. J\ <»-l<^. COTTAGE A beautiful little is¬ dents at M.S.U. 3a? land or Torn ike Lake in Ontario, «r I ike new. BEAUTIFUL, Brand New K> modem 5 room cottage, peaceful STUDENTS? Reliable advice on transistor AM i F\i radio. Call car tasurance. Talk tt over witf> LETT KM 4 STQ® ERG and quiet, good fishing. For more J^ormos. ET 2-054L LES STANTON, He can help information, call ED 2-8858. 56 you >?:« E, KAL-v\t\7lX> plan voor insurance budget. 1500 4M-5224 C E. Michigan. l\ 2-0689. C35 SL TTA8LE FOR use where stu¬ LIVE RENT FREE - House for EXPERT THESES.Gl dents live- Nid with springs and rent. Dowr.stairs apartment. Ap¬ TYPING, Electr ;«»* Chevrolet maroon coupe. mattress. Straight a»d proved rooms for five students WANTED: Full folding FACULTY HOMEOWNER save or part load* Experienced. Near RadM, Hester, * goodttree. Waat «\v\Str chairs. near campus. Complete furr.ish- going west In June. Call Beklns production Service Simplex !rc«*r. 15% or. Dubois Package Insur¬ pood csTfer. "all 533-145" * Spee.1 Queen aod tngs for sale. Faculty' Van Lines, world's largest Easy washers. ttWBijt ance policies - compare by phon¬ K i t-che - odds a ad eais. Tool mioviag. Available term end. ED ic ED 2-8671. household goods moving and stor¬ CS4 CRFVROLET seda— $JOO. 2-5465. h=55 PL^»OtTH sedar. - f?5a beach., private borne. Call IV ^ 36 age company, Care for a free estimate? IV S-2241. 42 ^ Tnnnsportotior | Good rasaiag coofiRkn. R. Adasns. 5S5-f«4: free film WHILE YOU WAIT or or* WANTED RIDF To ? 3* day City area. First o LARGE DcuMe approved room One roll given service on passport and free with each appli¬ In June. Will share e W? RFTCMLT DM.UPHKE - For 2 male students Summer rcU cation pictures. Limousine keav- brought in for processing. Call IV 4-836°. SPARTAN MOTORS Hack. 4 door Swear white stde and Fan Privileges FD 2-6622 8kW «00 - 127. Special with, this ing daily at noon for Hicks Stu¬ Wmn feres* ooadstioa after 6 p.m. 35 ac enh Free KODACOLOR dio, Okemcs. Return . - transporta¬ INC. S5»5. High Fidelity, Electro-Voice FILM pven with each roll left tion guaranteed. Refreshments. NEW YORK - JERSEY. 0 hound Charter !sa^ Speakers in' vvjJts* enclosure SUMMER - 2 rooms for women. for processing. Call ED 2-6169 for reservations. f WC R.AVSL ER AMERICAN - 4 «0, Collaro changer 525 Boger Graduates preferred. Home Portraits, applications, exams. Inquire ncv pass¬ Lipton. ED 7-021* doer seda.% wh.aewa.ll feree, coa- Arrphtfler IV ET 2-U>. 35 Privileges. Near Kellogg Cer.ter Ma re a Rexall Prescription Oen- ports. C srereal tit fl^S Call ED 2-02"4 36 THREE NEED MINOLTA AITOCORP -2 1/4, 301 N. Clippert (by Frandor) C ridesLf] FALCON - 4 Axr *e»iar, rr.mer vacancy - mer. ooeblock gdes after finals. . w»-ir* s<^ camera- Hiela-vi F-twamlc ; 2-47S0. fKist» attractive bhse ttv aerobe: Fred. ED 2-35C". i Unions. 534 Evergreen. Cock- GRADUATION ANNOUNCE 34 - tenrr SINS. . ME NTS with your name. Axitle ELMER STEELE envelopes, tissues. 2 day service. .ALTERATIONS. Hemmli* & re¬ ~W Wanted MOTORCYCLE - 550 cc. Royal Myers Printing Service. 1421 E. styling : formal s, trousers, RAMBLER Fafjeld. New parts a-sd engice. Michigan Ave. IV 22-55-4. 47 skirts, etc. NEE0LE*N THREAD HOUSE: wanted re rert Xl SINGLE AND double for mens: SO mpg - 80 mgfc. Pbeoe !N 4- Shop, 106 Division, behind Cam- 15. Three bedrw~ lw*m DAN O'SHALiGNESSEY 15J4. Its eludes private pus Drug Store. ED 2-5%4. 4" Cedar area for faadtrw 36 parking, tele¬ phone, bath, entrance and kitchen. * peanuts THESIS REPRODUCTION Can 355-0903. All utlteiespatd. Seeat 526 Ever¬ personals SERVICE WANTED TO RENT: !S«( green, East Lansing.' 42 Thesis Kits — Plastic Film En¬ imfornisheci horr.^ Con^ratutatlona, Group 555, AF- gineering i Drafting Supplies. 1210 Moulton, v APPROVED^ «*>ervis«d double ROTC Cadets. You need not room for rummer. attend parade today. Cooklagpriv- COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT BORGAN1 CLaRKFT lleges, parking, dose to campus CHARON - faU That* 532-2495. 57 SERVICE Beelw, c«rsed artg'saally bp Sue: rn 2100 W. Main. -.eerbar af She Caraberserl bead see you at the Activ¬ Lansing. ity Band's "Fops Concert" to¬ IV 9-2652. of Rom* 555-5654. SS Spartan HaO. singles $8.00 night at 8:00 fo the Union Ball- per week, doubles $5.30 per week. diaper service Large cool roeens with, sink in APARTMENT FOR SERVICE tc your desire. You receive wour tng fall esnr.. Call J Roste: You'll find gold comes owm dia¬ 355-8762. from the ground NCH" pockets pers back eari- time. With our If you grow op. RJ.T. service, you may in- 34 clude your 4 OOOOR KH TUB EL ESS w&»e 2S74. baby's taxfor- wall tsres ""3D a 14. Cmsd Special for ^ «turts and stoape., will clothing wfctch 2 for 115 er 4 for $2SL ED code picnic last not fade. White. Blue TRIUMPH T*—Jk IAMIIES» i c*«2nflw. 1»S7 Tuesday, let's or Plait FORD CON% kSTHsLt, 1 **■ 54 do It aga to tonight. Geceral meet- diaper pails furn¬ MALE STLDEVT ROOM Ir lag 6:» ished. SS,8K rdies. frwii'iaa grwer mtn good - adjparr. to lake 7:30.54 kacattec not for frwr ra red aflaiwir i for vtear rrpua. AMERIC AN LAUNDRY Oalat beene. Parttiag. Sterner fj I» Jose 1. CtSL WiSimc - IS E. WASHTENAW VMsfas* t~r3^ - £»€. GaBwerv ' P. 2-0864 t-f. CFi,%"R€t.ET COPCiEST^ i t ea»r" 5. TRY WANT AOS 3ELF- v-4. 4 leec cendttioe.. -Call ED 2-3099. Dear h^r^caugunaer. TRAILERS wort Dtase. keep and op the good daa't let R get the Mv.SIC BY aewly organized 9u*rae: of experienced college heat ef you. Fr. ahways thtrir- musicians. Desire work near tag e< yww. Bra. 34 c*mPtts 3 hour daace - $58. Phoae 355-3212. 56 SUWTNC ufi PAiNTWG msr «9Boairt. AH foreags atr%. «ai- msuat&i Sc. B®i* S^ap. #«w*er HARMONY FLAT TJf GUITAR. If fou ore riajKMWK St. Cali fV^-TWT. mmt aerap. CaE >ohE. ED 2-« planning draonnal. Jack LlnaM,- , *qU'P^ J cated. In park use. In 10 veor a we could rtet, Jtmts Baldwin Infer. refri^ration unit, Wli public ad- I" Jr • Senate speech, declaring aanateui«u—*speech, declaring Figures, Flgurei she explained, would expect more than 40 million users «. Oonpe — »- »d a synchronized woman, Miss Mary Klmbough seem 9«n to Indicate that present to a year — provided we offer re- or. W011M nmd—system—tc—nothing—facilities *—11 ftcWUM 16 *atiafy other than f, Douglas Dgwn, -im in¬ r. different areas rdUslng to than raising to cooper- lng the next decade. f>ut, she Aedemam!. * kier. Gsrald Oark; Security* covering up corngnlon" stressed, this would be unreal- . 1Q~ . ln that *2,ocv- l» Enforcement. Tom McJUa- agancy. istlc for Istlc for there are other there are other factors factors *" "w 1960 «h*re l""« were 42.266 mplng parties and 42.2H uti Person*! Services. tf* PrUnary n *n Investigation to be considered, such as die c,mPln* Parties and 215,536 215,536 (I Siur. Group Conunatsfe ^gned w ,r*^er. The display ^y Atty- Robert for the audience and ** ^e Senator charged, "hai income shortening of F. Kennedy anticipated rise In dlapos&ble c,rnpers turned twty from filled r _ „ wo k C,mp ground«* ™ *• tum- sways totaled 36,736 camping l j«v* Nawton. Robert Dau >* a prime Umb Ilv* lamb carcass fiapUyed an ^ng lack appalling lack of of week, week, and "the and the tremendous tr^nid^ ex- ,w?ys tottl*d parties and 187,354 campers camping mU Stephen. Fontxt Glhso counterpart to ,ln ^e whole Estes case. pected growth In population m Charon and Mike Ma< nr,t0 pn5duc,rs wt«t W'aa Jones waa uken to Dls- Michigan is the biggest P* the m decrease may represent only Initial reaction to the t £ ^5! *nUT,,J "twuld »'ct General Ho^plul AprU 25 cation attraction in »Pl*y wr house- I or ir. Lee- K. ch?country fee for park uae, she aald. levying' jfussia May Rlllii*f4J*r»J,,",#f i , i Commond*' Stephen son hat been named Brigade Commander for y ,i'_an' Pri°*meatcutamay rru««. Budwna:n. ch!lef of chief of the the health health far outstripped by other The park system wenowhave the Air Force ROTC. pe shown compared to fat or u division of the Agriculture De- in rau-iinj>T« . used to __ bony cuts. Information uu r capacity arid plcnic- veOrbited preparation and food value •lso supplied. py'Satellite Senator Hits the ation bjLS*™ educational effort, Michigan Livestock Associ¬ bought the trailer. MSU*s SKSH ,£ of N, Battle Jonta haJ secretary ■ LAST 2 DAYS S, Hales, a department IfSICHTON, R ■« ENGLAND W - Jrferw experts suggested *»c« conference hara to- ° hava put 'Blatant Sex' the Science and Animal Hus¬ bandry departments run It. and Michigan Department of Ag- ^culture finances employe who has asserted that *«s favoritism given Estes, Texas financier with big to |B»comm«ndcd for [ft ADULT AUDIENCES ITUDENTS-i. 75j dealings "* may operating ex- In cotton, grain-storing £tt" 0Ab^rr WtUch * characur WW v™r i» - ijtowf 3 Bfo Aiimfer penses. and fertiliser. able stress on sex and vtoLn!£ T.i? a chtln and ask*d m,rket rebounded dramatically Kw spucufcs launched this seems ™ "be "increases',Do .nciStai o!TiS! "hin J°u y°u think lhink that kind Monday from a* skid which had klnd Mond'yfrom w-' wp a , n _ ' «t t GLCUlt\ (J it (I StllrfpiltS Plflt*0 o ■r S Sov iet Union oa- levlslon programs and accused SouSSr^1 t0 ^ * by f0"* Jaiuly»u ttlkln« worried- ^ _ , Efch for research in the i*. ricnosrh«r«- TT1* Russians the nstworts^of delHwT.tJw"^: tering the trend ®oth s»n«>n and Kintner sc- ly and brought trading activity to its highest pitch in 29 years. fn "V i^Y%^aa ""U ^UU^fU9 T«... MlUCC starring JEAN CABIN- 02 7.-00 10:25 stjfttoiajis ^fiwounced fa«^^ data Us about This brought categorical de Lv?«T«»*K.g/ perhaps te- The market closed higher, end- j '1% Of QIC KjflCSS 1 OllTtlClFtl&Tlt MARINA VLADY |*1. Shown at SOMETHINC SPECIAL (liter: wtellltles. $; sa.wiuiCT. nials from the IUM rrwn tht htdd5 heads of of all idl threethnLl for ®?°* in heavily , in« * string of six successive w«, ^ , 7:10-10:35 •BUSTERAMA" +S ^ draw western adv -—----- - »i a for experts asserted the tnejor redio-TV networks r (av, n.v.r foriMUr major •,» «dio-n networics thit that terv nmmme t* ** - the title of youngest player to A2LULf-NTEKTAINMENT 8:55 only , :e U.S. siry spy SA to U.Wl boost viewer phaais on blatant sex and ratings by „„ort „ ^VSZlS^SmSS *-«-- i 1962 win a game. Competition will conclude next j MAllf riaaii»uA |now showing ! « «PP«iri iv vm raw — by the violence. This clash of views came at which tend to be tlw ones most i**vlly lok- tev?J °/4631-51' 5.99 Trading « M SJyMCa Lan#" aatsissassik Sunday afternoon at the YMCaI MICHIGAN *«»"«'* totaled " '»»» 9.yy million * — ■ Juvenile k"0*' ^ reported that in the - ■ - a hearing of the Senate muuon In ,»,n"".1rT1, ^ the experts , , , division, . :T H I A r » s Delinquency Investigatinir Prim® hours between 7 pjn. and ' 3, V*s " c«used the quotation n-Sj? Don division, Don Sociology Settdary I flTC Subcommittee which is is trv,"!trvlna 11 trying 11 P'm- P'm' * - ^ 1959 1959 CBS CEScuoledhad T had tlckar ackarP°^ 37 one n w™ ™~ ** M^minutes minutes late latei^ at at gJJJjj , La7,ng ,en,or and a^ Aoadenty A (Jit COMES to determine what part. lfTSf percent of its time occupied bv °!* P?l,m then,Feacest greatest U* SS Lansing to S champion, pUced wsrWinrsrf Iuailnquency Investigatinir prim* nours betvwen 7 pjn. and ' »" ™s,nu causea tne quota ion Nan .~ r~T7 «"» »«», uon by " TV plays In leadltjy^uth S such «*«"les. Last week, he M«> 27, 1935 when New £ J0fM^ ,of Comnib mkm • a » crime and lmmoralirt ported, it was down to 29 P*r ner 06,1 uk€«uivi brought aa tXT measures arougni buying llji ^ V. Michigan faculty kstutom iven Awards a-i™»J^S5:.y. Dodd t> ^ Com., m the midst of a sharp C.,,' C . ^ ^ Volume lion re«wd*?n spree in renewed confidence. * compared with 4.5 mil- jn z*.•tjh* M<- Which drew (j,e arnateur tournament. 42 entries from in Mapr department the p, Watzel, j secretary of sociology I Wk.PRICES. . Frldsy and was the highest and anthropology took her own ! Day Mats. fetstanvlir.; performance A- exchange with CBS president J®«"OT bWlflGOUt since last Nov. 8. when 6.09 throughout the state, John life Sunday morning by placing • SI.00. 50< is will be presented to 14 «nd Air Fwce ax a: a ^nquet In D«ro»- Detroit chief Frank Stanton over an eolsode ["^'fRout8 66>" cadets tn "Re"- ** " —-• * cad«s ' told~ the network ... PrO^TQIII nuyiuin ™ RtViiod KOVISOa million shares chan®»d hands. Q0WTlt9i msL' Junior from East The early decline Lansing and Lor en Monroe of was attribo- Detroit were undefeated at the a and with plastic bag oner her tying it around her head neck lllREKISSStG ] $ 1.25* 50* to conditions in Laos *nd half a silk stocking. - A-nual iffiir, ..y<)U ask#d ^ w cl#tn ^ Senior Swlngout. scheduled for . . . . for the championship. business news suggesting reces- victim was found In her tv5 scTC cadets from sev« the «* Industry *•" Sund#y- M,y l9th- at 2:15 P-™* m mamtmnTs?S^lmx^% Dm! last year but it looks Leading In Class A was John «ion recovery may be Beges t-i universlUe* to the ^ dw it^looas been revised completely In 0ut. Brokers watched leveling Kelly, asslstsnt professor of ' Grand River apartment at ^S-err: Michigan area, wltt t- ,, • " an attempt to have the entire stu- selllnganx- m,th ems tic s at "vmT.T MSU: Lynn "* about 10 "-m- i0Usly and many appeared •is ir.ituted by DetroR testimonv dent body witness the event. prised when the BattlVCr^ek sur- Armour, Battle Creek champ^ r*Ln£d ln^thu™ 8UCh SU^lde champion "FOLLOW ;-es$e» , ^ . T Aubt_v On Sunday afternoon at 2:15 upturn came. and Edward C. Henclr of Grand There was general agreement o.nH !!P^,ln H11? area acc°rdlng Dorwin Hoffmeyer, Ingham THAT DREAM' "e receive the awards, cadets nresident of the CBS TV ,U SrtduaUn« 9®Rto,re •«>/belr the wide seUlng should Rapida. Each had three points, ft S*.*™I* friends will gather on the lawns prpare having won three of the four county coroner. i. F< in the i^per quarter w^T^.™^f^id surrounding Beaumont Tower, the wide seUlng should prepare for a continued advance, but dls- games played. *elr K0TC class «ni The MJ5.U Marching Band will tead *** precession to the Aud- agreement whether this would cuss B Lansing area players In the MSU loan Program ■ E« v section Included Carl t-auxeriln the upper class third of ?/f,? *t.broads, Vbosoms VLi ltorium where President John be a longter reversal of the Cooper, professor of chemical and year's downtrend or merely a W Demonstrate an eutsttndlng A> Hannah will present his speech abort-lived engineering and Tomas Ramos Meres Shortages aptitude and potential ^r,nr„„ Allhmv hav. ^ and swards to outstanding grad- rally. Most categories shared in the instructor In foreign languages, j}uates. Parents, friends, and the advance, many Issues wiping out Paul Foote, and George Tessa ro, hi Engineering Field e -■-* awards are:ar« - „ . - - - Ju —■ mSZSSES? «ntlre student body will be in- deep losses infavorof good gains. both of whom are also strong vlted to attend. The close came at the day's high contMKlers for the junior title, MSU is helping to relieve a St Presidents Cigi, Larry E. ,^rt E' Klnl "Say's high V.E. Vandenburg, president of growing shortage of engineering ■\ey INsroit News Award,^ Ed- of NBC and L*0" point for many stocks the Michigan Chess Association teachers through a forgivable ■A ». v. Ulls: Ulls Air Force Assoda- AlrForceAssocte' President of the abi. join- -»"• u,° oi aen- topped >pped the Class C division. . loan program sponsored by the V'edal, Fsul {. Burbege Hh 8,3 ln ^"Ving studied stress on ,or Swlngout should contact Pete Mr«. Eldene Shafer of Battle Ford Foundation, reports Dr. ii Motor Co. !edal Steehon ** lnd violence. Secchia. program coordinator, Night Staff Creek and Mrs. DonaldThackrey Rsfcteson: Michigan Wiatlon Gold*nson acknowledged that by calling ED 2-0416. John D. Ryder, Dean of Engine- of Ann Arbor were ahead of erlng. cdiao) ktion Award Award, Thomas A. or* frequently criticised 1961 -^r- Detroit FreeFressAwerd, 5P sf^ in the Night edltorT Isabel Racki, the 1961 women's amateur champ- A recent $50,000 grant from H T. Behae: and the Kelsey- f01* was obJ®^tionable but li>- sho*- "Bus Placement tire editor. Bill Yancey; Copy 'on. Miss Barbara Brown, a com- the Foundation Is being used by bs Co. Award Perrin H. J iltor. Jay Bllssick: editor. Bllssick; Codv Copy read- mu- ercial artist mercial at MSU. the CollegeColleee of Fj«rlneerincr Engineering m to typical of network lnf1_t»n,ce was not policy. Bureau ers: Sara Bacon, Tom Winter. Eleven-year-old Duane Shafer aid doctoral candidates preparing -is are: 00(1111 sPoke of ■ "Route 66" ind 14-year-old Miss Janle to teach teach engineering. Five students have already K Arnold T , , . . . Interviewing at the Placement been granted loans and two or echnical Journal Bureau Tuesday. p»>- v. s'«" A**rd. Kerner Army As- I Trade American Institute of Foreign .^.1 .I.aiuine oi roreign three more will be granted, Dean Ryder said. The loans cannot (■ interviewing Juniors and R- Sorsoskl: yas; editrAseir aC Tr,a' seniors, all majors. h"'"" exceed $10,000 each over a three- year period. Michigan „ „ „ . Enchanting Homes Inc. inter¬ After the students graduate, the % viewing residential building majors and others with building 2 loens will be forgiven at the r— of 20 per cent of the total „ rSar!?^ uRlcha£d Knight:" Two experience. Profeuon professorsof micro- $1,000 per year, whichever is bloiogy and public health are General Foods of Battle Creek greater, If the students teach *- ' ' "c'Jer- authors of an article appearing Interviewing electrical, mechan- engineering at a college or univ¬ tn the current issue of Water & leal, and chemical engineering ersity in the United States or Sewage Works, technical Jour- majors and packaging and pro- Canada. Otherwise loans must flADMERH 1 A T * I nel for sanitary engineers. WJU Mailman and Frank R. Ovid Public Schools intervlew- lng French and English, chemis- be repaid at a minimum of $1,000 per year. Peabody discuss what they feel try and physics and councling, rue HhJJ. degree istneaesjrea is a better method of determin- history and coaching, and hlsh minimum qualification for teach¬ ing the number of bacteria to be school English with any of tte ing engineering but only about found in heavily polluted waters above majors, one-third of the 10,000 engine¬ and sewage. U.S. Treasury Dept., Internal ering teachers in the United The name of the article Is Revenue Service Interviewing ac- States have attained It. "ColifOrms Determined by Sur- counting majors for summer em- By 1969, It is estimated, the face Plating Technique." ployment ln Detroit. nation will need at least 1,500 new engineering teachers per year. The present trend Indicates only 500 per year will be avail- aide. Don't feel like going out [ I AST LANSING PHONE ED. 2 2814 j WjWJHttW nwtwc ur mc DCs I IN rUKcIGN FILMS Stepping Down-Jamie Blonchard steps sown from Fosh-Soph for dinner? ttWUJWRttf EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING presidency and turns the gavel of leadership ever te Bruce 0s. Ml HUB- ALAIN RESNAIS FIRST SHOW 7 PJ*. - ADULTS 90* : State News Photo by Dove Joehing. Enjoy Dinner in the %r Trviy ixtraoriflflanff BepnparMlftrai Have You Bought Comfort Your of MSfts •xperiiicc skN m fw bsvt nw kai ••• Your Copy of... Room. For a snack or a complete meal full sf beauty Yn sMiflM TAROT order from... tf University Lfcrvy Magazine FEATURE-7;30-9;40 Fiction THE PIT 40C Added-" ATONIC Whenever AND ROBARIO" Poetry needs with hunger a strikes satisfy your pizza or submarine from Artides THE PIT. Just call for speedy delivery service. ON SALE in Berkey Hall, Union Building and all Open 11 A.M. Daily & Laming Book Store$ Air-conditioned for your comfort HHP FBI.-tto Lena for Johnnf 203 MAC ED 2-0863 Wif: Michigan State News. Fast Lansing, Michigan TttOdty, Mav 15 , lis Netters Ready For Spartan Sailing Club 3rd in Midwest ~ Big 10 Championship By MARGIE OAUMAN amson df. Ben ,w.«. m*n*nfIfy°T^df"Hy,kem* «nd Wollfis 6-4, 6-3. ThljJImportant ragatta. hosted «ught up with ftrtt pUce MSU competition held t« Mmnaapjla begin¬ dmo Stat*, dttermliml die oy the time the boats had r ning 1 hur sda'y .and continuing two midwest teams that will cotn- through Saturday. Eisner and Lau Bow ^fnIntheCalifornia, national collegiate IAJ0R LEAGUE Last year's Spartan netters finished second behind rival la beginning Michigan.' State scored 55 points June 18. to Michigan's "2. Monday's watch with Western From Tennis Scene Skipper a from M.S.U. and Michigan presented evidence and Michigan pave the Spartan's ar. 11-5 all ►co rc! for Michigan j nnls at* tennis k at one fans had of State's players in recent Bill I for "Bi i of Flint. has done a us", said tartan coech Sun great Job arguments to the race commit¬ tee for declaion over an was hour before the made to give standings captain Brian l isner, Orohac. ' He's one hundred per Michigan second place. when the Spartans downed West- cent tennis player. By that 1 First place honors went to AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL I. EAGUt 1 em Michigan 8-1 Monday. m«*n he gives one hundred per Notre Dame's skippers. They placed first In five of the 1ft Cleveland 1? 10 W L Pet. 6B .630 — S. Francisco 24 w L pa - ,J 5 Another senior who wrapped up cent every time he plays." races, totaling 134 points. New York 16 10 .615 1/2 L.Angeles 20 his collegiate career Monday is As a sophomore, Eisner. -Ma¬ nitowoc, Wis. education major Notre Dame juniors Tom Fox Minnesota 17 13 .567 1 1/2 St. Louis 17 li was runner-n> ft"* conference and John Zusl skippered for the Chicago 17 14 .548 2 Cincinnati 16 13 51 singles honors and reached the Fighting Irish. Fox was high point Baltimore 14 13 .519 3 Pittsburgh 14 u semi-finals last year. Heteamed skipper for the regatta. DETROIT 13 13 .500 3 1/2 Philadelphia 13 U I with Dick Hall to take second place in Big Ten doubles com¬ Michigan sailors, pessimistic because they had a heavy weather L.Angeles 13 Boston u 13 14 . 500 .462 3 1/2 4 1/2 Milwaukee Houston U U 16 ijj I 18 In five m.p.h. winds, came petition last year. Kansas C. 13 18 .419 * Chicago " '' u This year Brian won four of 231 10 1/2 New York 7 18 BOB RICUCCI (43), Old Timers' Most Valuable Player in Sot- five matches during the Southern gular dual goo I post by State's Ed Budde. Ricucci tallied the It his losses Old Timer touchdown as the Spartan came from nationally varsity romped to a 31-6 No games scheduled. -ranked players. the third place trophy because "He's a good leader", Dro¬ State's team finished ahead of Today'• Games: hac said. "He certainly earned respect of the members of East Shaw, Wooster in the majority of the Washington at Chicago (N) Chicago at New Vjrk (N) j ; V the team." Clnci:innati at Pbiladel m Teemed with EBrian this year IM Track-Field .lyvroiiijt uib t Dave Da vies, Pontiac sen- kanaaa rirv . R mukee at Pi '£ at No 1 doubles has been Jack r and John Fchsenfeld, C And ( ' \ Damson, Holland Junior. Damson »»». Lwiiawt Fast Shaw Hall took first place Lance Olson of Sigma Nu Junior. Ed Mulo ( New York at Boston (N) •;-v> > echoed Drobac' appraisal of in Dormitory Track and Field the shot put and the high jump Bloomfield Hills senior crewed and Dan Pearee "gave Brian's leadership when he said: ^ held Wednesday at Ralph — —- » for Davies and —* Jerry u,-,v~Walker, "His general character and ^0luy Field. Tom Young contrt- Psi U. wins in the " —L 100 yard Lancaster, N.Y., senior crewei I personalltv have been sort of an buted ro the win with firsts in dash and the 60 yardlowhuiirdles. for FAsenteia. 1 inspiration t6 all of us. On the the mil* 4nd the 880. help- Barrie Armstrong aided the Other race results in order court, he's a fine tennis player mg East Shaw to its total of strong I3elta Tau Delta finish with of the scoring were Wisconsin .nd a fin. forty points. twin firsts in the mile and the 114, Ohio State 105, Ohio Wes- Drobac said he expects "a lot Emmons Hall plaoed second 880. " ' leyw 94, Wayne State 77, and I Top Pitching And • of good tennis" from Brian during Bob Welch the shot put the Big Ten meet. He added that, event for the single Emmons due to Brian's competitive spirit, he would hesitate to count him first. Larry Reeves* tie for first SECOND ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Hitting in Softball in the high jump helped West State's only other senior re- gidar, Bill Lau, transferred to Shaw take third, while South Case finished fourth despite three first FREE 6 PAK of Hi-Klas -- field in a 15-4 M**- last year from Flint Jun- by Glenn Haas . oftball wectnesdav 3 and Ker. Belch- ior RlU was Michigan 100 and the 220. and one as Lynn >- Junior College singles champion Bender tied in the high jump, (With Tank of Gas) ^s hit orefor in Klso t*ld Wednesday at Ralph Offer Good May 15, 16, 17 Concerning Lau'sperformance Young Field was the frater- nicked up sever "BUI did a good nity meet, highlighted by fine four in the fif*h ^ *or us ^ast >"ear at No. 6 individual performances by three Burkhardts 1:1 singles He has had a little athletes. Latkrop Pure Oil tribute to i achables . Dar, r led for the Twist- t°ugh luck this year but still is ATO rook the meet, followed in working just as hard." order by DTD, Sigma Nu, Psi Fob Klenkossk* Varied « one s «s H rolled Bill has teamed with Tom Upsilon, and phi Sigma by the Colonv Kappa. hitter to aid the lopsided 1S-0 Ctufc. 8-4 getting, seven hits and Jamieson, Lansing sophomore, at but three men combined to take reioi i \-ictor*' of the Rozos over AOCS collecting four er ors. Pick 7a- No. 3 doubles. six first places between them. T3. With only four players, VCV'S bor.ick pitched h •Iding Colony Women Netters (iirl Watcher's Guide played errorless ball but of¬ Quh tc 3-ree hits. fered an 51 hft parte for the Ro- iTiarles McFi^ started off with, a in the first for The Antiques fatr«d a com¬ Poultry Science, but they went down befcre the Lurkers, 5-2. Meet Aquinas fortable 8-0 lead ;r She first. it four tc three and playing Presented by Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes Dollar 65. 9-0. One hit pitch.iT^ errorless ball, the Lurkers were b\ ,'err\ A->der*ac boosted the aided by the four errors of Poul¬ Miss Bartkowitz who at the try Science. . courts, after age of 13 is a nationally ranked f dcv.tfl ! Ks.rr.i- Withe eight tallies ir. the first, ee .>*'er Gr'ads managed to de- play Aquinas tennis player, recently returned 2 p.m. from a South American tour with a *-0 shut the coach of the Hamtramack To~ O'Conner s!uRfe»i a horter nd two team, Mrs. Jean hoxie. and a triple, to bring In four runs for the Grads looking No member of the Hamtra- ch with mack team is over the age of Art Vhimmett held Howiand s 13. so only one hit, hat Bower lost home On the brighter side, the S&te arvwsy, 6-5. Howiand bad all six team defeated Alma tallies ir. the first. College and Carole Lum. the number Eastern University in the next is anxious for two matches, <>-0. IM Sched Peaches Bart- The final march of the season ited Miss Lum, will find State at Kalamazoo SOFTBALL May fieJd 5:2(1 p.-. 1 N: Stars-Paperbacks r3->-e; the Sainca, 11-2 2 C o3 ecotera a- Botany "!^-e^ 5 '• isras-High.wav ^wearrh Has Power Top. irsfs of errorless ball. 6^30 p.rr., i AOC? }-Cos*a"s Raiders "f hitter of Gary Ritfh.ruff. Her 5 K odcers- C orsttants 4 v ana-Hong Kong ? 5 Fr.rrendifiK-s-\ e< I t Bower-Hedridt B4Bai frc'imre^- ESrwpnh despits th>e borr/ery of Bot Eh- linger and Bofc Meirres of Fls- 15-f * 0 Soios-DorUr 65 ■ Burkhardfca- AOCS 11 ftOWUNC Will Havel allej-s 6-30 p.m, 1-2 c'CI::'s-Ph.i Alp^a ON CAMPUS FOR LUNCH OR DINNER? Don't watch while dm VISIT — DS° A few*don^s* Ncm that wc have learned the how of girl watching, let's while CA consider a few safety precautions. drilling teeth (dental students only). 3. Don t *atch They an: presenied. while removing tonsils (medical students only) * Oon't not as strict rules (since some experts with highly de¬ watch while mixing chemicals in the lab. 5. Don't watch veloped eyeball control enjoy watching while running girls who are engaged to the captain of the football the high hurdles, for example), but merely as friendly Our final suggestion is a Jo, not a don't. Taste Pall Ma" suggcMiom 1 Don't watch while driving. 2 Don't watch -so smooth, so satisfying, so (costs tess than manual top Jobs!) downright smokeabk **"*•: ftamWer American "4O0" Convent We. Power-operated top Price: Lowest of any U. S. convertible Travel restrictions: None (has 125 Pall Mail's HP overhead-vatve engine plus five transmis¬ sion choices. Bucket seats, optional) Honors: natural mildness Economics (has won both major 1962 economy is so good runs—beating ail other compacts entered). In¬ On Menu*** terviews: At your Ram We' dealer's. to your taste! Chicken Dinner So smooth, SO satisfying. Baked Lmagnti RAMBLER SO downright smokcable! Tk" M "tw en ai