Weather Meetly fair end with a warm •Hah* chance of lata May MICHIGAN Inside FATE NEWS «Hantaan ihewets. Continued Prof** tor take* g stand fair audi warai Thursday. STATE P»u«do, p7; student loan en pro¬ gram, p8. UNIVKRSITY Vol 53. No. 199 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 16, 1962 PRICE 10$ US Marines Sent to Tl Russia Global Calls for Glimpses Cease-Fire Hopes Rise for Easing By the Associated Press Of Laos Crisis WASHINGTON !*" - President Once Again Cal Oat He Haines Kennedy ordered 1,800 U.S. mar¬ ines into Thailand at dawn Thurs¬ NEW YORK (H - Once again the cry has been sounded day in a 5,000 - troop buildup n -- "call of U.S. out the Marinesl" military strength there That's the way it has been, from 1804 to aimed at preventing the Commun¬ 1962, from Tripoli ists from swallowing up neigh¬ to Laos, when Uncle Sam runs up against a situation anywhere boring Laos. —requiring a bit of muscle flexing. Since T ripoli In 1804. the hot spots have been Algiers in 1815, Shortly after Kennedy acted, Korea In 1871, Cuba in 1898. China for with the statement that the Red the Boxer Rebellion In . . . 1900, Beirut in 1903. Vera Cruz in 1914, "threat to Thailand is of grove SantodomingD In 1924, concern to the United States," Nicaragua the Far East. in 1927-33, Haiti in 1934, Beirut again in 1958 and now Soviet Premier Khrushchev sent Of word that Russia agrees on the good account of them- iDELINQUENTS-TKree coeds lend each other a hand as they necessity for a cease fire and ■ diimantle the farms on the steps of Morrill Hall. Carolyn Tee- a peaceful political settlement In Laos. immon sophomore, Suzanne Branch, Battle Creek and Marian Sienkiewics, Detroit, sophomore all M Reaffirms US Friendship The U.S. - Soviet accord was reached at an afternoon meeting ■admitted that they had no malicious intent. between Secretary of State Dean 1 —State News Photo by George Junne. WASHINGTON President Rusk 3nd Soviet Ambassador An- - Kennedy reaffirmed today U.S. friendship for the Philippines and said the country looks forward [Swedish Envoy to "will an early visit by Philippine President Dlosdado Macapagal. Kennedy also expressed hope In a statement that failure of C ongress to not be pass the $73 million Philippine war damage bill allowed Laos crisis solution, that is on the way to the big )iscusses alter the harmonious relations between to powers I Neutrality can be successfully Neutrality tire world. and our profound and lasting friendship." will not ly In be drawn more airecr- to the conflict, and that of congressional leaders of both Maintained Setret Army the U.S, 7th fleet stood by out- led by only if it is accomp- a strong defense system, He pointed our that Sweden has declared a willingness todiscuss Campaign Continues out entering L.ios or firing a ,j Swedish Ambassador to the association with the common Iniced States told a University ALGIERS Secret But some potentially trouble¬ market so long as it does not - Army terrorists struck back in bloody udiencc Monday night. Involve political integration. reprisal at Moslems in this tortured some gaps in the U.S. - Soviet city today, killing 43 and I Ambassador Gunnar Jarring When questioned about SwedenSwedish woundlng H- Four Europeans also died In the blast of Secret accord remained. Both sides \id Sweden keeps its defense socialized medicine, the Ambas- guns. 'PSEUDO' GOING UP—Light* late at were unclear as to whether a Vstem as modern as possible night facades. The annual water festival cease-fire, allowing the rival sador smiled and said, "I was Secret Army apparently was bent on vengeance for the tn# R#d Cedar or# a common light thU Laotian factions to negotiate for b that 'It is capable of forcing treated, and recovered." Algerian Nationalist commando attacks Monday. Goaded by earlier week as Water Carnival builds op#nt Friday evening. f. pressor to think twice be- barges and -•State News Photo by Ron Macomber. ■a nationwide government, meant Ire attacking.' "We feel it works very well Secret Army att,cks on Moslems. The Nationalists slew 17 withdrawal of Red rebel forces in our country," he said. Europeans and wounded 78. to the lines they held before e.-king in the Kiva auditorium he education building, the ■nuassador gave what he termed Asked if he thought It would work in the United States he involked the "first rule of dip- 0n® of the Sec™1 Army tn its campagln to block Algerian independence Is to provoke the Moslem population into reprisals thal ml«ht ""I*"1* the cease-fire between France and the Al¬ Miller Joins Expedition starting on their northwest Laos offensive last week.The United States had sought a withdrawal. ga qujet^ rev iew" of what guides lomacy," which, he said, is never *erlan nationalists. Dobrynin said after a 35-min¬ In Everest Climb Attempt ute meeting with Rusk that "It li Sal New Way Te World Peace last necessary to put Into effect" June's Kennedy-Khrushchev agreement in Vienna on the im¬ By CHRIS THOMPSON Himalaya region," he said. "Tills portance of a cease-fire and WASHINGTON - Dr. Jonas Salk suggested expeditions '1 today that recent Of The State News Staff is one of die most challenging forming a neutral Independent advances In biology may some day lead to biological explanations One of the first Americans fundamental problems in physical Laos government. State depart¬ of human thought processes and behavior — and _ At MSU he teaches c perhaps pave t0 an assault on Mount geology. ment press officer Lincoln White the way to world peace. Cemorphology. Glaciology, Glac- said "Both sides emphasized the Everest will be Maynard M. Mil- The expedition will be com- ial Geology and Photoerammetry. Salk is the University of Pittsburgh researcher and Nobel !«-, 0f the Department of Geo- posed of six different groups: necessity for the maintenance of Prizewinnlng scientist who developed the world's first widely The first expedition to suc- >-flre." used polio vaccina. jogy. the assault party, which will be cessfully scale Mount Everest Miller will be the head geo- observed by the scientists, the was the British team led by Sir Washington optimism stemmed o from reports that the Red* loglst in the first United States glaciological party: sociologists; John Hunt. On May 29, 1953. Indonesia Would Fight The Netherlands Expedition to attempt climbing psychologists; a team of logis- Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa have ceased fighting In Laos and that the feuding chiefs at I*«t the world's highest mountain in tics and equipment men: and a JAKARTA, INDONBIA, (JPI - Foreign Minister Subandrio Tenzing Norkay became the first are on their way to the ^ the soring of 1963. group of motion picture men. nego¬ 'We feel"''""jarring said, ""thai declaredNetherlands to Tuesday that Indonesia is ready to go to war with the He will lead glacio-physical A„ members of the expedl- tiating table. have reached the staee ."V. in Netherlands to gain control over West New Guinea -- "At the investigations festigatlons on the Khumbu These developments highlight¬ «--- Sweden where we can provide - latest by bv the the end end of 1962." of 1962." ~ ■ tion are veteran mountain ed a day of feverish Glacier and Chomolongma Mas- climbers. Miller, for Instance, activity an education for It was the strongest war talk by iblnet minister in weeks, everyone, re¬ sif, Nepalese Himalaya. jed a Harvard University party (Continued on page 7) gardless of his financial back¬ Subandrio recently returned from a ms-buying trip to Mos- The National Geographic Soc- 0n the first ascent of Mt. St. ground." He told letv has made a grant of $57, EnaSf 18,008-foot peak In Alas- Parent's Weekend; a meeting of the International Students' Union 000 through its Committee of he Dutch want to settle the In 1946, and has served dispute by war "Then we are ldy Research and Exploration to sup¬ as safety committee chairman or a physical showdown with an arrogant colonial power." port Mlller'sgeologicalandglac- iologlcal studies. of the American Alpine Club Housing Scarce for several years. Kennedy Wolverine Price This glaciological Investiga¬ tion has been limited due to The 41-year-old scientist does notplan to actually scale the to Parents of students planning visit the campus this week¬ end for Parent's Weekend will dangerous terrain and harsh wea¬ Asks Funds have a difficulttlmefinding motel To Rise Next Fall ther conditions. There have been working and hotel accomodations in the a few expeditions in this area, feet. Gunnar but the information gathered is East Lansing area If they haven't Jarring Miller graduated from Harvard '• Lrv° world wt»rs and against For Aged The price of "Wolverine" will be raised $1 to $8 fall term. yearbook is $11, Holmes said, Incomplete. There is ample scope In 1943 with a B.S. degree in A check with eight area motels background of 145 years of Kinney, 26. -General », *v, -r -r Communl- tor for new research and some of geology (magna cum laude). He , Washington - President Ken- the Board of Student Publlca- and Kellogg Center Indicated that r.n-rrr.Li—1 , " cations Arts major, writing car- the g,ps *\!.® gaps £could be filled by the wa8 elected to Phi Beta Kappa VVT Pte- peace in Sweden, nedy asked Congress to author- tions announced Tuesday. eer began in the U.S. Navy where 1963 ^edition. , almost all accomodations are fn ? 08 ize a five-year, $50-million pro- The Board also appointed Low- . . and Sigma XI. He received _ taken. Albert Pick Motor Hotel rT , ves• do w Embassador Jarring gram of Federal grants to Im- he was a reporter photographer , We will conduct a regional m.A. degree from Columbia and has been filled since ell D. Kinney, Iron River senior, and sports writer for the Great sStudy pf the glaciers in adjoin- February. a Ph. D. degree from Cambridge - not feel isolated, * prove services for the aged, editor of the 1963 yearbook and Lakes Bulletin, a member of the "lng valleys in order to compare Amity Hall, Holiday inn, Curry' explained that his country The grants would be used to University in England. Gerald E. Holmes, Howell Junior, public information staff on the movements of ice masses in re- since 1940 he has led or Campus Court, the Populars Inn par¬ s' , ? number of forms help tr.ain personnel for work in sales manager of the 1963 Wol- USS Saratoga and a staff photo- cmt centuries with thoseofglac- ticlpated in 32 different expedl- and Spartan Terrace have been ti°nflcooperatlori'both * Uited Nations the field of aging and to provide verlne. grapher for the Military Sea iers In other high moutain regions tlons ln 54 different countries. filled for several weeks. Wins- and federal aid for low's Motel reported some rooms X -t its own foreign aid pro- community plan- Holmes Is editor of the 1961 Transportation Service in Wash- of the world, Miller said. For the past 17 years he has ning projects and demonstration yearbook, which will be distrl- lngton. "• explained that this_ would — still left. The Poplars Inn still I UfJ' been senior scientist of the Jun- MILLER , and research projects. buted starting next week. This year Kenney is Associate help clarify die world wide pat- eau Icefield Research Program . has some rooms left for Friday lo' tnL y.' ** sald' "ls The funds would be adminlst- Ben Burns, Memphis senior, Editor in charge of photography * in Alaska. reach the top. Since then night. h-^f°JltSelvf.sbe..dr,wnlnto ered the Secretary of Health, and Jim Wallington, Port Huron for the Wolverine • Summer term He has also participated ln pro- a Swiss has also been sue- Kellogg Center has been filled I He iic po*er "oc- Education and Welfare. senior, were reappointed editor 1961 he was^polioe reporter and Jects connected with the Office cessful. |c m that Sweden Non-profit Institutions and or- and managing editor, respective- city editor for The State News. of Naval Research, The National The Chinese Commynlsts t In Lansing, the , ... Capital Park „ of The State News for fall Kenney is married and the Conoe Stolen u'~ c Geographic Society, The Arctic claim they climbed the peak ln i960 and left Motor Hotel reports statue of Mao - datlons. The Riverside Manor i, by the Publications Board, father of a two-year-old girl. _ A canoe valued at $250 dol- Institute of North America, Co- Tse Tung on L This claim has r .ji operating deficit of $2,000 Holmes, 22, is the first sales iars was stolen from Delta Motel has a few rooms avail- „ .„w \ ' policy of , Money also would be available last year led to the price in- manager of the Wolverine ap- aiion ]ate Up- lumbla University, and the De- been questioned. The American able Friday night. The Jack Tar : s. °° hav* e'~ 60 universities and other organ- crease, a Board member said, pointed by the Board, which ap- Saturday morning. J 1 u Friday night or early partments of the Army, Navy, ^ ^ . J * •'- expedition should shed some light Hotel, however, has accomoda- East Lansing and Air Force, its validity. tic SUuatlon Jn the whole lzatlons to step up their train- The price will Jump another $2 proved the merging of business Police said. He also directs the Geology i tions. «■ ilu In European and Asian count- T» lng programs for professional t0 t— —1 —T" ———* - Ambassador also touched and technical _es, mountainclimbing is a mat- Car Fire Hails Traffic . personnel needed cjass _ fices into one unit. Previously, ts possible the theft was a Rnur? "hi prank gleal Institute in Alaska, a camp ter of pride, prestige andnatlon- position con- to provide services requited by the Board appointed a business but they were certain none of for field scientists. "^ Proposed common older people. The production cost of each manager. their pledger had taken it. He has participated in 30 dlf- al Interest. Both private and gov- ernmental organizations provide T raffle was held up for about omir ?treM*d th* In a letter to Vice President funds t inV eloPn*nt* taking Lyndon B. Johnson and Speaker finance expeditions. 15 minutes at the corner of Has- meonLr. *? ot Most American ventures in lett and 0rand Rlver ^"t » Hannah Keynotes Swingout John W. McCormack. D-Mas>., Ilvidu»L-».™ °^y to ** ln~ Kennedy said the life expectancy " the past have ended in failure P-m,' Tuesday when a car owned by Lawrence Schwartz, Long 1s- of the population ls steadily in¬ (Continued poge -i\ on non. i) Und City Jimior caugbt flre. creasing and estimated that by A 1970 about 20 million persons large crowd gathered while President John A. Hannah will president, He has been awarded honorary was appointed to this post by will be J>naitis\na fhnowt In Schwartz and an unidentified speak before the student body and Prom 1949 to 1950Hannah serv degrees from many institutions. President Elsenhower ln 1954. 1 WMWWW Jrt companion beat out the falmes. Kennedy, by executive order, present awards to outstanding ed i president of the American Including Michigan State and the - ■ *- ~ "xmm " "■— u, In December 1957 President , The fire began when the car- sat up the President's Council Mniors, at Senior Swingout. Sun- Association of Land-Grant Col- Universities of Michigan. Florida Elsenhower appointed Hannah as AlJdlr TJGf burator backfired and the ig- on Aging to make a continuing day, in the Auditorium. leges and State Universities. and Rhode Island. i-i.^ " chairman chairman of of "the rha Civil civil Rights Rierhrs JUOlCiary " . nition wiring caught fire. accord- study of the over-all responsi- Hannah has been president of During the following two Commission. He was re-appoint- Five positions on the All-Unl- mg to the East Lansing fire '«nke said this . ... blllty of the federal government Michigan State since 1941, when he was chairman of the execut- with respect to problems of aging became urn 12th presioeiK years Und.r -th. Eiwnhoworad- v^GHSTjSSi^1^ - W,«J respew w prooiema oi ■ginn he ne oecaane the win president oi of ive ive committeeoitnis committee of this association, association. tant secretary of defense Kennnedy ln 1961. ®P«n. according tr Chief Justice * ta five ve.« ILVL^L?"* and to make recommendations to the university from which ha was He ls still active on several In June 1961 he received the Ha_™»y Elllon. Three third term freshmen and Twias 4; ligas 2 manpower and personnel. He " ***> sold out^e23?!£ °" *nd graduated in 1923. of its committees. ceived the Medal of Freedom Free< Veterans of Foreign Wars gold ^at u i, * „f "S W.CHho «« aaaocladen with the unl- He has a record of service »»r this wort. cltlzenshlp standing contributions to educat- for hl9 out_ two graduate students are needed Minnesota Twins defei for thf positions. Petitions are Detroit Tigers 4 to 2 Tuesday , ft* will serve as chairman, and the ^relty wa> aHwyd affer grad- ^h wveralmatorcommlttaesof As chairrasn of the United ion and civil rights. This was available until Monday at the night behind the pitching of Kre- rv«Cr^2LUck*B'4k000' Secretartes of Agriculture. Com- ^ ***» the American CjwncUl on Bdt^ States section of the Permanent the second time ln history that i Thenr.rmerce, Ubor and ths Treasury, " " agricultural eatwnefen cation, including those on re- Joint Board on Defense, Canada- such an award had been made Union desk or in Men's Division, lick, former Michigan State star. 6 Fr*• «2- U.S., ha heads • five- man by the Michigan VFW. 16?^tudefl Services. Home runs by Power with one id. Tickets' Bfau,k* V(M rMnmiaatnn the adminia- ad sacsrettry of the Board with the federal ,W|hBr •ducMlon government, ln- In the fall of 1961 he was u eleven-member court on and by Klllibrew ware the handles student Infractions of : tracer ef fm winning margin. Lary. Nlechwtts Campbal?*il " * 1 Housing and Home eiected as a delegate to the slblllty of coordinating* the Michigan Constitutional Convent- university regulations and deter- and Brown were the Detroit bat- $2.80. ysiSir-iSs;: defense of tt» two countries. Hs ion- mlnesthe constitutionality of acts paaeed by Student Congress. eery; Krallck, Moore, Battey worked for the iNrina., Straps sad, Wednesday, May 16.19t, Michigan State New> .EDITORIAL. East Lansing, Michigan If Theah'u Anvlliin^ Alt Like, It's A (i Woiiy ssnssaesssassnn Public Institutions 'Pachy-Derby' Face Future Problems ■■■■■■■■■■■■■•(■■■■•By Jim Woii^ West Co*ft college *tud*nts have start*! a A recent survey of faculty sal¬ salaried instructors teach in the giant ait* tad. It'a not talkathons or goldfish aries at 588 colleges and uni¬ required courses of a student's •wallowing. It's elephant racing) versities conducted by the Amer¬ freshman and sophomore years. Orange County Stata Collage In California hale! the first Intercollegiate elephant race In tha ican Association of University Quality is depressed at this world last weekend. Over 10,000persona watched Professors indicates that public time, particularly when better- 15 pachyderms apeed(7) acroas an athletic field. Like moat unique events started in one col- and state universities, which had such aa bed racing and Volkswagen stuf¬ prepared high-school students been doing so well in the past, fing. this could apread like wild fire to other are more demanding. college c are slipping. „ : 4mA wife another extra-curricular activity and n Comparing faculty salaries Thishas become a crucial pro¬ outdone by others, could quickly snap if) this 'W during the 1961-62 academic year blem now that public institutions another money-making (or losing) project. I can Just see It now... the Froab-Scph Council sr.on*«~ I to those of the year before, the already enroll more than 60 per elephant race on Circle Drive on the same day and survey, however, found the over¬ cent of all students. According Junior 500 la being run off. Of courts*, the elephant* and rv. ^ wouldn't race each other. The elephants would all salary picture better by 6.5 to some simply a * predictions, these same poslte direction of the carta. per cent than a year ago. But the institutions may eventually edu¬ Thus, a new game would be created—aquaah. It would be a gala weekend. United Alrllnea would academic cate 80 per cent. Yet faculty re¬ n* l» plight still remains elephants for the race. Pictures of elephants and airnUn*.^ with the state and public institu¬ be on the admission ticket*. cruiting will become much tough¬ Hanging from lenlson Fieldhouae rafters would be tions. er. elephant. Heck, why not go all the way and hah* an elephanl fhLVl rafters! the race*, the elephants wouldn't be Whereas five private independ¬ As the gap between private and be sent down to the Red Cedar to help Water Carnival. through. The^ ent universities were in the sur¬ Somi», public universities becomes ever pull floats along the river past the stand*. Others could >W»?L trunks and spout water for a colorful spray effect for the vey's highest category, no state wider, the trend toward academic floats. p*r>23 university reached the very top The pechyderms could be brought in early and be excellence which marked public the Old Timers football game. However, players on recruit J ; level. institutions in recent years will would protest because open field running could become si i»-!j both»9 Trouble does not cease there. reverse itself. This would mean hazardous. The Associated Press said elephant racing has The fact several,!* tages aa a college crate: "more sedate than panty r:iidins,ta of all public universities are in the rising costs of private insti¬ palatable .than goldfish swallowing and less cramped thanpfc booth stuffing. category D on a scale that ranges tutions would be relegated to an "And contrary to some college athletes, you never have about elephants losing their *~"' —I—they're happy from AA to F. Only three per education of lower quality than tsaj for peanuts." cent of the independent institu¬ their rich contemporaries. tions range as low. This would be a serious blow Point of View Many state universities face to that equality of opportunity Iraqi Student Hits the problems of rapid growth and which a combination of scholar¬ huge enrollments. Thus, the ser¬ ship aid in private colleges and vices of low-salaried instructors, free musi be relied upon to cope with"" high-quality or low-cost education in public college, h«» ___ Zionists in Israel Letters lo Tha EdKor The following article was sub- Tanganyika in Africa, fey Primarily the low- offered in the past. mined by lmac' V-»-*duri, a fresh- less, the Zionists chose man from Bagi.. owned by Arab inhabitua Bein9 Champs, Luqu, etc. .raq. A Cabinet Appointment not "Point of View'" opinions do killed and dispersed them necessarily represent the the religious justification, viewpoint of die State News. We turning to our Promised To the Editor: choosing Its floats" continuity and well die in future, welcome foreign students to sub- V i ,de . Bob Howard, He relations director of MSG. ft indicates that Howard has pick- very Tha Zionists accept :!* Congratulations to each and design? We challenge Water Carnival nival to to mlt articles dealing with the ment in the Balfour Dedaii recent^ announced o, is cabinet .or the appoint- Blanche rd ably demonstrated ed the best qualified person for every Michigan Stace blood donor 6. Couldn't more interest be a success, and after talking political situation in and per- of 1917 by virtue of wrfuch tbecomir^ his ability along these lines dur- each cabinet position without eon- for your participation in making Initiated by offering more pos- Jerry we hope for his sake tainlng to their country. fcomp.etely Ignore'... . Howard©A»eed4 a ratio.-* 1 lng the recent presidential cam- sidote AfSC. p*i*r. A part of his platform ejection/ mens* dorms, womens' dorms, be one. However we feel some By Imad Khadduri rtiaU be done which i the civil and appointments as included better rations arw i approach of this sort will One* again, you've prove*! the religk_. . for petitioning to fill formation betweer. Al^SC and the fraternity, sorority and in- adjustments must be made. The Zionists celebrated their exIstlnS »>n-Jewish :?tr enable 'student Spartans aije the Wo rl the workings of stuient government, poor patron- Hall to benefit Water Carnival in ^ ampus iaa(} f.ji-d due to their cor runted the defenseless Arab ^-zm age of specul activities and events, and die •V in droves from Water Cnrnit'nl hrture- w* cUd not withdraw organizations, including branch- -DV_rn_ent, v in which 300 innocentol. anvtfciag for lack of funds, If any doubt es of student government. How- ^ ^ influence *omen were br-itallv r or a facsimile thereof. To the Editor: may be present In the readers' ever, Pm afraid this generallza- xnd Dressure of Jewish caoital- by Zionists ano mass 1 that there may be another After reading the article In the mh)d: for Butterfleld Hall will Hon cannot be applied to the Luau t5ts on many governments esp- « well. This massacre, pliaaj side to the teory »e State News about Butterfl eld not house men next year thereby committees. •dally dk American, recognized others are found in tl «smiss me eirorts of fte student bodv. the lack of them, Halls'wlthdrawl from partlctoa- creating a surplus of dormitory * * - ^ 1 myself and approximately thls stofcn ,ece o( Iand , of the * Red Cross andftet^ or * other snadents. was a mem- ,i'..* — - as ion in the W2 Water CamlvaL ftu>da fo use at our disposal, state. Ureal was created. Pales l>. Why didn't the 7ionistsfai apathetic withoutconslderingposslble"whysand c Food , - Services Com- _ we feel that more Information We withdraw because of tlne wa5 demolished. Financial Elchmarai Jfor klllln^frelrpe wherefores" ir. tf-e sftuador. Seme of the mittee who: answers rfrould be presented to answer the of any personal grudge against - aid' during 1948-1958 from the World War II? **" " They u may lie in the complexity of college life, -ivm . ... _ questions that might arise con- Jerry Blanke or Gary Blowers ■ i wuiws which surdly asking the Arabs to earning this act. or any other person In particular, amounted i sr.>5em for abajvloning his w t to $3,321,300,000 and c»n«ant wemy. jt is true that we have been For this has been a continual working "" "" on student a* » The «Justification of the« v .. Vf -Klrrnn ifr-onj *X#lXl the VHc UJS. v«ij« which "Tilt. 11 amounted ™ mOUTlIEG i campus" aspirations a continually frjstrated In our at- frustration year after year. This i be™ at^ Michigan State and in j_ , , be finds out tpressures of evenly will ht lfltmrm high school, I have nlCn SCnOOi, t MVC VttVCT SCCH ^ 5490,000,000 helped Israel to fe*rs «r« sinple and vial temptsc to or« refute. as ordered 1 a vital finally offered an idea for con- Their first major argument resolutions, part of their educational iskftuttan. structloo which the Water Car- concerns their so-called "his- Israeli's »*cus The Vucleus nival committee on continuity felt a3as aaaaQia torlcal rights" to a land from 'winning*' theme. Having Crossword Puzzle □anna aaaama which the Jews have been International law no room for the refuge*J alternative because of the loss aafflnaa aaiiaaa "exiled" for the past 2,000 years. Mr. Ben Gurlon "ec,ar?!*!°4 the ^ttmT Arrested Tevekpoe^ r . Wor^?r If* ktww what they are us for in ^ ^ were forced to accent ACmoss aL3S f:1DDHC Eaa To accept such an argument February, 195* that T*tl 23AOs whea they this "winning suggestion." 1 Fabulous □aae can aaaa observe a civil raanunan aaraca means accepting the argument » txist, th* power toown CfcMou*ly owe can understand b,lrd Decatur bow these continual rejections * «*** □aa ana or a universal besis—that Alaska for, ®iS!™21a (HI.) Herald belongs to die Russians, New sttt* of '""f1 ,le lfl wwdd delete our possible re- □aaaa York to the Indians, and so on " of help in construction □□□□ ass aana immigration, ls c^ , ,4-1 i of VjsAjgir 5t*te UkMtfto. Issued ■ysMwder ferwegh Frbfcy. — rhjrthjn tor nearly 2.000 years. rose steadily from lnOrtJ ~ aartug a»e <»n,_ 10 New the nb« The Zionists* second *4$ *1,485,380 ^eereed spring a argument class postage peid a *4- Six players and steady immigratK* Jap. measure ■reu tat Tamtams offltres at Mi Scadewt Serrtce* buOdhw 25. Lubricate Micfeigar 26 Esec Larasafc. *e»cfcataT. a*f 1W K. flap Lafayette Street. 26- Sweet- amellinR ter«, IS; tar two term*. * Asw>rt*?ed Pre*, h&mi Daily Prm* Jjeve Jaetau ▼wyr tffltier SeOr S*Qv Ward 9podi|!ltt Asst. Jackie K Sports Edttor Terry War Wednesday, May 16, 1962 3» ent Wiant Leaves For Vienna; &***»" To Attend Atom s Confab H PUcement Dennis E. Wiant, professor of 'The radiation technique This is one of those rare the agricultural may engineering de- eventually be a way of control- dresses in which you ■ of Foreign oartment, wUl leave for Vieore, alway* ling infect damage, Wiant said: feel serenely, Junior* and Auetrin, Wednesday to take pert confidently right. A VILLAGER cl«**lc. _ Mvlng a Urge share of the $300 &**/**• «_ , tn Atom" tor Peace confer- million loss of grain in theUnited full skirted, collarles* _— m ««*>•• Inc. Inter- «nce. Stttea annu,ny. reminiscent of the nicest viewing residential building Wiant said that the major pur- shirts. major* and other* with building P<>«« of the conference la to dis- m _ *tt*ri*nc«- 'it: cu»» G«i*ral Food* of Battle Creek possibilities of lncor- porating radiation equipment m Three DoriTIS Vie Interdewing electrical, mocha n- A train handling faculties for the a 10*1. and chemical engineering purpose of dlsinfestation. E|ft—* UAnAM ror r,oaT nOnOrS major* and packaging and pro- Wiant did pioneer work with —Ovid PuMlc Schools interview Armstrong hall challenged c.A'j1ftl<*n and radiation of Bailey and Bryan halls for the Ing French and English, chemla- other fo<*3s ,n experiments on water Carnival float, ac- try and physic* *nd councling, A on* million volt elec- cording to Charles K. ureedel. Malory *nd coaching, and hish i4 8«n«-ator was in- Roslyn. N. Y.. freshman, publlc chool English with any of the mUed ln Agriculture F.ngln- relations chairman for Arms- Greebel said that the Judging "''Trr Thc Appalachian Trail rnrrmittee of the Water Carni¬ was SwStmarkP'1 pioyment in owroit. * *olunt^r naturalists 25 httors and val will decide the winrer. said that a token He years aeo. trophy will Dencker Lecture be given to the winning team. exclusive at the On Germany Norman Dencker, Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Varsity Drive1227 E. GRAND klVER In #C0trfj Detroit, will lecture ln English on "The Universities in Divided Germany" Thursday ln the library lounge. Dencker will compare univer¬ at 4 p.m. OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. WottB 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. sity life in West and East Ger¬ many and explain th* present SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. status of academic affairs in view of the wall which the two parts of Germany. The talk is open to the separates CURB SERVICE ED 2 6517 - 7 DAYS Use Want Ads public. MMin 6 Coeds is CoHon Six MSU coeds were involved Super Right Choice Beef ln a two car collision at the Intersection nf Hag^™ and Haslett St. Tuesday. Steak-Sale 7% Ann Marie Huber, 18, Grosse Point freshman, driver of the car ln which the girls were riding, was ticketed by East Lan¬ sing police for failure to yield the ture token by the 1955 International Hima¬ right of wav and also for having layan Expedition which did not reach the no operators license in peak. ession. poss¬ Everest Phone Billing Army Assigns Grad on Miss Huber Hagadorn Road was headed south when her car (Continued from page 1) The billing of students for long- distance telephone calls will be To k/MSttl OfflCC r Ha„M p r.„,no collided with a pick-up truck headed east on Haslett. The truck was driven by LeRoy T. Gillette, \Sirloin Steak Porter House Steak ' t to ilv lack of financial support, or.e of the world's 13 bigh¬ j&rwrtw: p„^ i—.— ^1" chemistry from Mich- tss&sisr*-*" ts! peaks was scaled first by «ldP"is,02S feet high. the''Voi^tv^offw^ht h/w«^in r»,^ hU1£tn tlon sch001- Fort EusUs' Collins, a native of Va* ft— — Smithfleld, Knowledge of this relatively N-C- 1 bnknowr. part of the world is pfSo^fSTiires. wo. Te "•a 85 ^ Army ln 1954. J Boston Style Young Tender considerable current interest UDiversity has been billed by Super Right Skinless \ jPork Roast :ca;:se of the recent invasion the company. The University CALVES LIVER ' Chinese Communist troops on then Identified the bill and sent f ie A Himalayan border, unique factor of the expe- It to the students who paid the University. ln turn B&J Moving and Lofoli UitverslYy FRANKS ! Ktlor is that it may also ln- The billing is being taken over rluJe assaults on Fverest's two Romn Center ®Sforogo Inc. by Michigan Bell because It has fclster peaks, Lhotse and N'upt- 35<- not been posslblefor the 79£»> company 3110 Tum.r Study product* and vndorgrod '• $uch a triple effort never to remburse the University for s been attempted before. the costs of handling the IV 4-1421 billing, [ Duringclitneers ' **-* the expedition, studies Rumpsa said. "Gentle-Care" Moving, will be made The company will reemburse Ranking and Storage Sociologists. am of pathologists and The high altitude the University for the costs to date, he added. NORTH AMERICAN J Crisp California Pncrnl j Tocio-psychlogical responses A payment envelope for Mi¬ ' -*n subject to extreme al- chigan Bell will be sent with the VAN LINES r, 11,300. for compM, : CARROTS T md weather conditions will bills sent out on June 1. Stu¬ TjT^ Celery >e observed. dents will pay this bill and nay [ Studies 7 LOYOLA UNIVERSITY |,29< of this hever been attempted on such a nature have ' lir« scale This unusual chance CWcogo, IRnoh/WH 4-0000 lor a study of man under real *25< life conditions could be ° parti¬ | 25 extra plaid ' • cularly useful to America's space stamps ■ with each purchase program. j| New Texas ^ar|) Rtific Instruments will also tested. -ir> DA DC FIG BARS Professor Norman G. Dyhren- ■th, Head of the Motion Picture vision at U.C.L.A. and leader | ONIONS Pinconning Cheess 2 the SERO | r>»»»39{ expedition, originated the * plans lr. of for this attempt on Everest, to make a documentary »■» 49< 50 extra plaid stamps cq ^ the,climb. lb ^ President with each purchase T " ^ wishes to Kennedy has sent OF NEW HAVEN Dyhrenfurth. ^ary 'sof the Interior Stew- Case in point: Sero's Aiplne collar, ;A&P APPLESAUCE of the | one expedl- 6 79er Daugherry. "He will also be quite day night. * a help in tt* («U In the defensive of Michigan State'* live week Ray Fox, the star no-hltter sprite football practice and re back7*M.M pitcher, led their 16-0 onslaught ceiveJ the Coaches Award at Sender* broke into the start over T. Chi. Farmhouee receiv¬ tht annual varsity banquet Vhure- in* backlleW the final week of ed a big boost from the 11 tail lea practice whan Ron Rack's frac¬ in the fifth. Xmmclimaxed an outstand¬ ture jaw forced Daugtwru to 0. Rangoon defeated Randall, 10- on the one hit hurling of Hank ing spring performance Saturday JusxU h»« backtieM alignment. by being oasned co-winner of the Lincoln and Earl Latumer «w Deyoung. Rangoon picked upetght by Tony Hitter, who most valuable varsity player tn shifts w> taUbevk, giving; the hits in a one inning relty, to pitcher, and a three run homer the Old T uner fame with quar¬ wtngjback «Kji to Sander*. take and hold the lead. Pat Mur¬ by Willy Deweert proved to be 42? E.GRAND Rn T he r»T> freshman awards want too much for the Phi Delta In terback Chuck Migvartka. The ray caught for the winners. Canton, Ohio, settlor scored to end Tom Krrmienakl. most No hit ball by Ray Champ of the three inning contest. I PHONE ED 2 rv seven touchdowns Atrin* !f# Dick Garden. most improved A.&R.. 3-0, in three innings. four inning game. Homers were delivered by Ctotge Aoki vinio Dave Behrman aaci back, tackle Jim Bobbin shared the 1T» varsity added the f by easily wtup ung Browns Sign and mussen Garyhurled Oisdala tor as Bob Rae- the win. COED nwst improved tsneman **ar\i the Old Timer? Sl-6, fivingthem Got den Ploey held Ravenna to Speedster l^vwj Linclon. oper¬ ating at both the wtngNick and a S J-l edge in th» series. Ninowski two hits, as Random slid past, 5-1. Stu Deutah gave Rahdotg two tailback posltvso. «ai honored as MOST U4PJ10VED LINEMAN--Jim Bobbin and Dave Behrmon. CLEVELAND, -Hard-throwing runs on one double and walk SPECIAL'* ' one the most improved back. Jim Ninowaki signed hit con¬ The Loyalrv Award.which g«s U-M's Minko Wednesday to play quarter- In two trips to the plate. Looking tract to the plaver sJtowmg desirable Phi Gam received four runs beck for the Cleveland Brown# on five hits to defeat A^. Pi traits in an athlete was pre sea¬ in the coming National Football Wins Trophy y* in four innings, 5-2. Dean Mote- DAYS ted to Lar.rae Sanders. l eague season. "Lor.nie made the shift from house hurled for Phi Gam. As usual, no salary figures Breaking the tie with four tal¬ end to win£bacfc quite success- ANN \RBOK. - - John Mtnko of ConnellsviUe. Pa. a letter- At were mentioned, but the guesses ranged upward from $20,000. lies la the fourth. Phi K. came back from a <-lflrst Sig. inning Bryo,n Win n*.«n j;u*r.i on ti* diversity Michigan football squat, was The former Michigan State star, indicated he doesn't share deficit to win over A,D.Phl, 8-5. o: turned rev-;pier,: SCMVMQ *i Cw Petrie Hurted for Phi K. Sig EVERY Golf Tourney- the distaste for having the Embers smashed E.M.U. on Meyer W. Morton Trephv as the ' player tn spring SPORTS offensive plays sent in by Coech Paul Brown. ' 15 hits , 14-10, In a five inning battle. Wil Blackford received The AjsociQted Press PCM^S succeed* Dave Ra.mey ON MON Dtytoa. O. right Nalfrack a;v ot 06I ROH the l rank Urv. *. Detroit Tigers' staff, MONTREAL - Jacques Plante*: brilliant >-.>;rvebacS was dlmUSear Welcome your patents with scheduled to make h»s first sta Monday when he was named win¬ of the lie it Memorial Trophy TUESDAY, and flowers for this weekend ner since April 20 Wednesday aga:t as the National Hockey League's moat valuable 1*61 M season. player for the * PERMANENT TOKYO - The Chunichi Dre ced the"slg«hg of P*ul Hwigug. gons cf the Japan Central League ★ HAIRCUT trying to ' »Tp~RoNn KobarU, foot center from the Uni- recently teteased by the New versity of Cincinnati and the York Yankees. » was tepemd ★ STYLE Knicks' no. 1 draft choice. Tuesday. inly MO S.M Pat N».Ci* X; f^datn had «Tw Ker AJOR LEAGUE \V'hv Be A Paleface? Use Our Suntan Room \'ark Votiqgbloed 55 4 r^ajjv cwtnJHmor. '■ Place your orders early Palmer Hearing standings for this weekend!!! We Recommend Gabricleen Permonent Wov*» -«s lew for r.S»T. Wtth Sv. Own Honey Marie / AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. GB National leacj.*e W L Pet. GB UNIVERSITY r-A7 •<*« v'harles Ptafi hittirg OfXEOIN, n*. Palmer Appears to be well „vr OeveUn^ I? 10 .630 - New York W- r-AnwKi v.ianesota 10 .615 1/3 1? IS .56" 111 S.Francisco 24 L .Alleles St. Lotus Cincinnati 20 1? S 12 11 13 ."30 .625 .60? .552 — 4 5 Barnes Floral BEAUTYSAL0)] Ouoago I? H .5*5 2 16 6 1/2 his way to serfs a sew record for Baltimore 14 IS .5t* 3 Pittsburgh 14 14 .500 S of East Lansing (EAST LANSING S MOST MODERN SALOU e*rr;^f» or, professtonal OFTROrr 15 IS .500 j51/2 PMladelpMa 15 14 .4*1 8 1/2 Talker's uctvsrc vrt &e play- L.Angeles IS Postan 12 U 14 .5A"1 .46: 31/2 41 '2 Milwaukee Houston 14 11 16 18 ,46" « 3?9 U1/7 -_^p We telagraph flowers world-wide 2 Doors East of Lucon ED 2-!l^ off *: r^e Ccicrul National In¬ Kansas C. 15 IS .410 6 Chicago 9 21 .500 14 215 Ann St. ED 2-0871 FREE PARKING IN LUCON LOT vitational in Tesas Monday bocst- «d *>* eerniT^s for fre «sar WasfclTSTor ? 20 251 10 1/2 «■ 99UM Today's K&nsas Cit% at Cleveland (Vt TUr he sec » er KJII vOW;S £^-f record *lr- $TS>X2 in Los Aaceles at Ba.ltl^re (X) .vusmH at Los Angeles^ New York at (N) CMcagOAt N ew York bfftcsal waoey. Cindnnan '.Vising:.?- at Chicago (\) a t Philadelphia (Nl NOW THE HTOiftS Minnesoa at Detroit MADEMOISELLE 8A»8€o up on mm cash rtarerf is Pdl SKOND ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL the focal point of good summer fashion Cass t Sw rge' $ *a« W2.30S Gee* . U ~*4 N'I Jit tc «•-«»» ^ $25,654 PU1 fWNn. He $« pr/jae •j'p: w hee» It »eH. $ ftfc WC.S64 ar>i FREE These ore the shoes on vie * / wis- avt». • •sst, wast ts«et Che AL 6 PAK of Hi-Klas asStteg CftaMgk W ^eir* summer long, punctuating 9* as-Sdars psS hns t (With Tank of Gas^ yoc test issS Spr«g Offer Good May 15, 16, 17 T%* S« A. Red patent square-throaf ope. we extend a cordial invitation pump with pinpoint toe. 17.98 to the B. White patent spectator, studded with block nailheads. 19.98 PARENTS & FRIENDS C. Nipped-toe classic white coif of MSU students spectator with brown trim. 19.98 to stop in for a visit at the SPARTAN BOOK STORE Open We would like very much to hare Every Wednesday y««r parents' and families see Night Until the store where their young men Nine asd vomest purchase their books For Your Ke Shopping aad supplies. Convenience P« We wovid also like to hare you wil browse aroasd amoaf oar big Wll find *| ^•llace- passes . collection of fined giw, Look over lR plain i« • BOOKS • PAPERBACKS •SOUVENIRS WAU ttms 3040 VINE ST fCARDS I Dew ■ c. m Mlchlf»» Htwi, Eaat Lansing, Michigan Deal Hits 2 Colts Sign Wednesday, May 16, 1962 Pipers Lucas To I "S" pY MIKE skinner Homers Goodman (ocSfl^lMiO^SnjMS NEW YORK. OH-firry Lucas, TuUSir nuhlh# Investment portfolio worth $40,-" day uIking about education. He In cr«Uiln« hid"Jon«°tliM tar'JSri'U! I 1 rifti* Soil* New* Staff \p hi» _ ___ second win of the season. _ S* the sacks left field barrier. Smith parked his i <* *• Y~r over the ^^.arstJSTiiSs^ S&&SJBSS&: , Cleveland Pipers SSssr^'*"* n#-* . _ change his had selected OSt' over ISO other h-tl uowared Mtehl* *<** ov« «*>• » 1**- « of th„e mind. Lucas ssid: schools, , — CeiKral scored Its final erlcan Basketball ■ faTEl Kraigfci out. with 40. runs In the bottom of the seven- two * Goodman recently wai League. "The Pipers had carefully »tu- diet* my objections to "He said the ABL schedule If"J?» *rter*!Monday iSatas* HeJknnnd lSofCemrar.battera. A when they combined • hit and w » and were battered earl- reletsed by the Chicago Mtfte ^ diacloaure carae In s copy- profes- had been cut to about TOcamea-- I^PulSSSSK. ■"" ler in the *7 MleWgan. So* after having bean with the slontl basket ball. They came « his nggeetloiv-and would not Ctntrtl " P*rk tor twowalka-by Ellas. **lght«d story undsr Lucas' by- Ji!„ A#S*Mrtin«cU«h \v«me**_y »• *»™na c«« lingers u the right Twos Ingles, by Demils Ketch- t%a Spartan* worktf U probably Baltlmor " 3— r three Inn- Red So*. MM" * "* * prepared with answe-s. Mr. Steinbrenner began open until December. Therefore tiM f9nct 1( - SJ0 fM( am and xine. at once that I could finish school. home pUte. In addition * Sutton, sod a two-bagger strong r?„STr*V*cchk> MMWl breexe w*s blowing toward right PUchers mat likely to work are r«nw.»»wv«\ens-Owran Grads rh: relt-Kamikaute (wiA the purchase of \iultn Scl.-L'rsa Stars-Cui;7lers Majors Reg. $6.95 two 20oz loaves Kroger While Bread and coupon below) I OTHCN VALUASLC MlZtS: ,.-.ts-High Research N1W POLY-WRAPPED Only $4.95 isfflr mVnJSiXJn Leo Kositch KROGER WHITE __ _ — _ ^ MM I Varsity Shop tsreacfl I Pea!-I rtland | jcliables-Colony Club E\. Scholars-As her Si. Gerauds-Vets 11 East 9«8 Abbott Rd. Lansing, Michigan 4m Tommys Neurons-Hasheens | Urkers-Marjs Boys Rent a New |I Purma-Purnley Beltsville 4 I Purjess-Burgandy (resume) EajtShaw 15 Olympia I 50 Extra TV Staisps I KROGER CUT to 8 lb (resume) lo«**j Kroft 20-oz. I _ Fresh Turkeys »»49< baseball? Whits Bread Hygrado Old favorito CHUCK Hamilton, f scored n. y. (ap) - by a Colgate The I I c Sliced Bacon >b49 i 39 Coupon good In your Wat tarn Mich. Hverslty haselxjll team came Kroo«r tior* thru Sol., Moy 19, IW2. victory over Bucknell MorroII Pr.d. I I960. Colgate's worst defeat j^LIMIT: on* coupon por cu»tomor/J "•3. at the hands of Holy Sliced Bacon ib 69/ ROAST n 1939. J7W per month Kroger Top Qualify A WINNING RECORD IAMILTON, N. Y. (AP)-ln75 3 months rent applies 10D Extra TV Stamps Lb. Ground Beef ib 49/ "s nf baseball, Cotgai* v'nl- against purchase King Size Skinless Poschko lt> teams have won 662 HygrMk Wholo lost 459 and tied 14. Tbe The Franks 2»'t pb> S1.C8 frsltv has had |1 coaches only 14 base- ln th.»t span, the last Hasselbrlng West Virginia Ham BONELESS ROLLED SHOULDER CUT BONELESS Boston £? JIC N CSANO AVtNUt ( 'n Coupon >d in your Western Chuek serving » 42-year period. phonl iv j 1219 *"'• K thru Sot., Moy Mich. I 19, I9«2.. coupon por customer. | - 59/ 69/ Steaks 53/ Chuck Roast 69/ I mmmmmmmmmmm i SWIFT'S ALL PURPOSE „*4 Shortening 59 SOUP 50 Extra IV with the Staaips'I purchase of one Campbell's >f Celery. Bean & SALE! Hy grade Half . Wast Virginia Han Coupon eood in your Western Mich. Kroger «fore thru Sat., May 19, 1942. I BANQUET FROZEN COMPLETE 7-»1 Chicken Vegetable. B« LIMIT: one coupon f*er customer. ^ LIMIT: one cc I ^ eel Noodle. Chtcken I Chicken Gumbo. Chicl Dinners 39 B-'l Noodle. Mushroom. =■ Vegetable Beef. Cream j 100 Extra TV Stasia'I with the purchaio. ol one Pinconning Style Chicken Hygrade Canned . POTTED MEAT 2 5V4-OX. cans 39/ MILD CHEESE Kroger Fresh Sliced it 49/ Wast Virginia Ham ! Hotdog o with 8rt> week coupon from Kroger purchase of Coupon Booklet on Hamburg Buns SAVE 50/ /our next one 4-piece place setting ^WhispenngWhW- Q|NNERWARE Pkg. c 125 Extra TV with the purchase ol o Staaqn j Plus ■■ EXTRA TV STAMPS with Booklet Coupon and any $2. or more EXTRA TV STAMPS with Booklet Coupon and the pt of 8 SfcU purchase | one Nb. pkg Butterfly Rolls • Fretl Frvlts & Vegetables Pescbke's U»cheon Meats KROGER EVAPORATED Coupon food in your Western Mich. I Kroger store thru Set., May 19. \962. I EMBASSY Keep out the *un, I x Canned Milk put on the glamour I ___ | SALAD 8-'l , 125 { Wll find the » with Wallace best ln sunglasses sight tor outdoor living | ■ Extra TV with the purchase o# Jelly er Leawn Rell Staaips one KrOfsr DRESSING i ot coupon from Kroger MeJmac Coupon Bo< Cans ■ tfallaoo'el Look your best In smart sun- 1, ■ see better, too, with properly ;^f,d fww that tame the sun. yet let you see. °.Vtr the o«W"»<«ng fashion collection Kroger store thru Sat.. Mar 19, 1942. UM»1: oeo coepoa «er ««leenr. I CALIFORNIA VALENCIA FRESHLIKE )r . plain lenses or ground to your . prescription! . . j "Show«r ol V«g*tabl«s" Oranges » "Ominot/04, ky Dr. W.C. If JENSEN, ,opfontetr/tf Doz. Garden Peas, Whole Kernel or Cream Style Corn, Cut or French Stylo Greon WAUACE OPTICIANS I SBIXtnlf leef „ ^wcWn'-crtep Beans, Peas & Carrots **° VINE STREET (opposite Frandor) Ph. IV 9 2774 IJ Tempting Loituco t W |«|rojo b-*1»/ 4 ml0"''** ■ R- «* tf7 l«. *reshfne»on,pho«« IV 2-1173 ^ JONES ««d OK. Jr. R. NIXOH Keg. Optometrists eLS£—S*3J Brace lead J'' "■ ■ ^ i Endive sreSwiiwHES ■* 19/ Lettuce 3 -s»/ TOMATOES Cans 69* > Michigan SUte News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May is, j RIDE HOME TO LA. FOUND THROUGH WANT-ADS THREE NEED rMe g^arc-"«« to Los An. ^ Automotive ^ Automotive ♦ For Sol* For Rent g8, hydrormtlc transmlaalon I960 MG-A 1600 Roadster - Good T.V/a. 20" AAniral table modsi. ~ ! Fiefomtty Crested graduation DRY CLR^T 25,000 mllee. red upholstery for $L~TO Mt»st with pow steering end brakea. condition. Phone NI6-3271 after ft PM. 36 21" Cornado table modU. 2r RCA Console. $40 and up. Cell V mm AVaILABLE SUMMER or fall. ^JLch^nSU»Unlv.r- aifts ana Micnigan owe ■" c««»d graduation gifts - by Juno I. 2-tone peint. Good transport*- 4*7-0585. „ Fun,|d Furnished 66 room house and room house and .^llM tho'uld ^ orAred ^ ordered now for June Juno go C^l^MkBand - $305. 35 bath. Near campus and Chris- tlan Science Church. Call after d^^ry at the CardShop. Across Volkswagen deluxe 1958 station- — 4:30. ED 2-2841. {rom the ^ma Economics Bulld- FORD, 1961 - Gelaxie, 2 door 3/ wagon. Sun roof top, many extras. mioVA 23 laweL self-wind- 45 T t111 * cob hardtop, S Cylinder with Cruise- Certified condition. $1150 - — n-m.ttr transmission. Power offer. 355-4481. or best 37 r^~~tcK tend, sweep COTTAGE: A beautiful U«le Is- ,«cond hand, hlaek dial. Excel- land on Tomitas Lake In Ontario, AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR — \4-4.50. " 310" after 6 PM. or weekends 1-359 RAMBLER AMERICAN - 301 N. Cllppert (by Frendor) C fty* 38 2 door, black finish, attractive MASCOT for $25. Shetland sheep- special offers inthly,^ '0 ' DEADLINE: __ red and black interior. Low ml- A complete dog (Sheltie) real man's dog. LIVE RENT FREE - House for SPARTAN SPIRITED us because dents at MjS.C. ^ ci«»* Housebroken. Irldin Kennel. Call rent. Downstairs apartment. Ap- on* leage. $895. " MBSION SERVICE OL 5-1623. we go extra mile to write stu- be for* publication 1959 OLDS - S**r '88' Con- 35 proved rooms for five students SINGER SEWING ^rtible, hydromatic. full power. 195? CHEVROLET 4 door Stat- ^uto Pans. 814 E. Kalamazoo near campus. Corrplete furnish- dents auto insurance. Bubolz.ED 309 S. CHNTRI PHONE: radio, heater, white wall tires, - I\ 4-5441. C35 lngs for sale. Faculty couple 2-8671. W.\SHINcntlN ™ ton wag on. V-8, radio Si heater. 487-3624 1 STORY Sells For Less .$18«5. $895. BUMPING ....... . ... .... moving. Available term end. ED 8256' — 355-8255 or specialty. All foreign cars. r*}5 sg°» Collaro changer^ S25 B°geri 2-3465. 3« Kal- ENGLISH FORD Anglia 2 I960 QLD5MOBILE - 4 door Stat- amaioo St. Body Shop. Wrecker Amphlfter $so* ED 2-1176. 35 WANTED: Full RATES: door, hester, defroster, white - ion wagon. Ml power, air con- aerv-.ce and free estimates. 1411 _ - going west in June. C4n n! BORGivi \ DAY $1.00 wall tires. Finished in solid red. STORY Sells For Less .$"95. ditionins. real Enjoy the summer in e, Kalamaioo St. Call IV9-7507. luxury. $2595. D()- REGISTERED NURSE, part time excellent condition, «cith cape MALE SHTUDENT ROOM In good MEETING Call ED 2-6169 for re* ^ Automotive work, pediatricians office. East . Call John. ED 2-6 location not far from campus, Portraits, applications DIAL ED 7-9765 Lansins. References. Call ED M<) 3^ Quiet home. Parking. Summer Wed. May 16 1956 CHE\"ROLET CON\ ERT- only. IV 2-8304. 2^6848. Days only. 3" — 37 Rm. 34 Union IBLE. \-8, 4 barrel CArburator, j05- F0RD duals, one owner. 48,000 mUes. For fast new top, excellent condition.«. all C«U if v Men- Women: Summer 7:30 p.m. ..vv,- ..s -4, >.000 actual I 1GHT HOUSEWORK and care of rooms at type. IBM; Call 339-21* caic * * Regular Business . v ' miles, go . go mph. Phone IV Spartan Hall, singles $8.00 per 5 ye*r old - mornings. Pleasant 1534. week, doubles $5.50 per week. ALTERATIONS. I960■ C HE V R O LE 1 CONVEK- working conditions. Must have Large cool rooms with sink in Meeting styling HerRmlM^M T1BL F - Black with a black top. I960 CHEVROLET CORY AIR - transportation. CaU ED 2-2920. ___________ each room. Comfortable lobby : fornvsls, tr* 4 door, automatic transmission. skirts, etc. NEEDLE'N n_ ** SLTTABLE FOR use where " with TV and phones, laundry and Vers clear, and good lookms. - PEANUTS Shop, 108 Division, bAiaji • Sl VLMER CAMP vA.viwo.unj. COUNSELORS: dents live: bed with springs and Peking facilities deblock from pus Drug Store. LETTICH f. STENBERG Like new tines. Men earn ip to 9 hours graduate ______ c^.itrSr and foldinc campus 215 Louis. Phone ED 2- En2-^Hg 2574. Special wing for 1961 \OUCSWAGEN - perfect 2^28 E. KALAMAZOO 1961 TEMPEST - 4 door, radio. , v. undergraduate credits from- ..v^ wooden chairs.chair.. Simplex Simnlex Ironer. ^ condition. Private ow^er, all tr>- 484-3229 standard transmission. S(a- Jnt^.View to be heldThurs- Speed Queen and Easy washers. 41 — Todd: Let's get eff route 66 this spectior.s, blue seda-i, sid< mileage. This cat ^ ,-f from : . 5 p m> Kitchen odds and ends. Tool summer and spend 2 weeks in . Call ED 2-6273. Room 502, Education Building. hench- the Bahamas with Beach comber 38 !->« AL5TIN HE ALY SPRITE - SIWW room condition. Tuition plus salary. Or write: 7-0790. ... 15.000 miles, radio, heaaer a«5 all<. Excellent ccndit-.or. Camp —. Oakland Summer Camp, 19J9 CHEVROLET sedan- $100. $1050. CaU IV BEECHEM & KNIGHT *30 F. Cfrahner. Oxford, Mich. —_ COMMERCIAL BLlSf qaveNPORT - Sectional - Port- Phone ' 3" 595* PLYXKX TH sedar - $:5T. Good running condition. R. Z AUTO SALES * registered or liscensed practice nurse position available. ^ able T.V. Excellent condition. * platnium blonde at the Party Saturday, May 19, 1962. Debutante SERVICE 1300 F. MICHIGAN AYE. ^ ^ 5 p.m 2100 W. Main. La^ I Adams. 355-664:. 3" FOR 5 V.LE - 1950 Chevrolet wa- DIAL IV 2-6141 2070 C Bryan and Gilchrist. 37 IV 9-2652. 4 door, fewer g' good DIVING EQUIPMENT - Volt 50 ing parking, recreation . . , ,c c-n knation. Call 355-9~50.37 fvnv^^rr^; Li fathom regSaror, US Divers tank Cell 332-2195. NANCY MEDLER AND JOSEPH DIAPER SERVia door, good con- ZIMMER come to the State News and K valve. Custom case. IV SERVICE to your Office, room 347, Student Ser¬ You receive j-our ov PL.AV YOUR own twir of Europe Call Tony vices Building for your free pass¬ in a new Volkswagen. Get iu Coral wit* crlpdon tonearm. 325 1,^ Jones. SINGLE AND double for rr shape. $525. 355-4308. AA for Karl. able. affable and dynamic actives . $1025 - 1417 1. Spar- dents. Summer and next year. who came back down and helped MUSK BY newly DEPENDABILITY vears full school costs and ~tr\h_ers In eludes private parking, tele¬ make Friday e\ening such a sue- quartet of experienced a orjiraJ more. Apply: GasoiUlr Equip. — phone, bath, entrance and kitchen. cess. Spring pledge class. IS IMPORTANT Co. P.O. Box ?68, New Haven. All utilities pa id. See at 526 Ever¬ 1956 NEW MOON 46' by 10' C>iEV15CLET. 1961 Com-eniMe - Conn. 36 com¬ green, East Lansing. 42 There's nc doufcc in our minds. in the mick you buy- —j pletely furnished, 5 rooms, steel SENIOR - MSU Marching Band 19«0 PL>"MCUTH Sarb«rb»n m the dealer you buy kitchen, lovely landscape. Phone TV racest one available cs any ppr Sole TRAILERS will lead procession from Beau- Sfcattomegen. 9 passesrsger. Palh- lot ;r Lansing. Maroon & white evenings IV 9-2174. 37 11 THESES PRINTED pewer eqaiped tacbxSaf reir 1956 Sportsman QeSoto excep¬ mont to Auditorium. Sunday 2:15 | i960 VOLKSW AGEN panel Deli¬ make reservations EVERYONE WELCOME. 35 tionally good condition full pa* - Rapid Sen er steering 1 brakes. Les very, gre\, good tires Curb- er. leather interior. R. C. A 'K For Rent L'-HAUL TRAILER, Diazo Process : *000 miles:. You ah»«vs ge side and Roadside doors, this Hi-Fi, Violin. ED 2-U76 - Qi unit also has special auxiliary APARTMENTS best irorr. Lay & Matthews Bob. gasoline hester that runs about share: Wanted 1 or 2 Real Estate C-\PITAL CITY BUI I EAST SIDE GULF SERVICE $150 . Came in from Ingham T.V. CLEARANCE SALE. 17" share 2 bedroom apt. 221 S. Grand « 2763 E. GRAND RIVER SPARTAN MOTORS. 1963 CARAVELUE, '000 miles, County Animal Shelter $1295. Muncs $14.95. 14" Raytheon $29. Close * campus - Dia» ED (Across from the Poplars) BIG - LITTLE HOUSE. 4 bed¬ rooms, 2 baths. Red Cedar school Lansmg. IV 2-5 95. IT" Philco. new picture tube. 2-0261. radio. 2 tops, perfect concfcnon. J05~ VOLKSW AGEN Station Bus. DIAL ED 7-9806 $34.95. Guaranteed. Call Larry's area. Telephone ED 7-0631. 35 INC. 'weaving for Euixspe- 51S50-. Call 355-8350. 3? green & white, full tc sell at .$"*95. T.V. IV 9-1982 . 38 , ■1 ■ 111 ■ ' EXCELLENT T.V. makes and models. REP.tfJ AS . . . APPROVED APTS. Single and j SCOO E. NOCHKT.aN LOSt & FOUnd East double rooms, with cooking. Lansing, Large fenced cor- Pf!": .T'Y' VechrJcu "a- , rtc-r- ^ *"» lot with many mature ever- 80. Metro-Mite V an. 3 parking. Available and L0CT FRID.W Blac* and white - A^n"iv "-SSSf. DODGE *se from. 200 cubic foot sister AM & FM radio. Call fall term. ED 7-7547. 37 Parker Pen - 301,Bessey greens, 3 spacious bedrooms, Michl8an • 011 Saficerwagor. - 2 ^ormoz. ED 2-0541. 36 vicinity of S. Campus Grill. Sen¬ large living room with, fireplace. Soar, t CTlisier, aamMtlc a Vans. Prtce .$1095. dining room, kitchen, full base- TVPlNr ^ cP»rtaN \1 . . . — .. ■■ timental value - Reward. Call tranemisnor. ideal for camping FOR SLMMER mert, automatic heet, 2 car Fksctric p- $150. Call ED 2-8378. DEAN » Hxaats. - 3 blocks from 355-9745. gar- S8 i?«c 17" RCA Portable TV. $139.95. Berkey, 4 rooms, 2 baths, kit- age. Bailey school district- Call 355-3012. This week only to MSI' students ehen. Completely furnished. Call I9« P LYMOLTH Sport Fury Con¬ camPu» EDIE STARR and employees. DAVID TV. 1025 LOST 1 week ago. Slre*t- Typist. « vert - ftdl power low mileage 3S2-S432. 37 - Prescrip¬ 1958 FOR D OONYERTTBL E - re N. Pennsylvania. IV 7-5049. 39 tion dissertations, ter-r: all vwvl •.Tsemor. She's rarin' :—— sunglasses in beige case. 38 aad wMte T-Btrd eqgsne. Pews Need desperately. Reward 355- eral typiog. Fxperieiwrti tteerittg. erceJHsst cessditioe NEAR CAMPUS. 3 electric typew: ^ C*a fv 9-OSSS. 3J small family, or married bedrooms,at¬ 1959 CHEVY COMER TIE LE couple apartment, completely-furnished, '^ tached garage, fenced WE TRAVEL and 3 srudems. Cell forenoons •" yard, AucosMCk power steering f. utilities paid. Call ED 2-6754 ^ PCrSOnCII screened porch, time. Quality :stena| brakes. All white wit- Mue :n- or Saturdays 717 W. Grand Htver. after 6. 37 paneled recrea¬ ■ tion room. Reasonable. ED 2- . occasions - to fit your *ncr. Lots of fan for the stsn- GRADUATKW ANNOUNCE - 3889. J958 ISETTA. Motor — MODERN 2-BEDROOM APART- v» Michigan Catering Ser»« completetv MATERNITY' ME NTS with your name, double 9-3343. " rebuilt, perfect transportation CLOTHES. Sum- MENT, Unfurnished _._TIiKJCTvv, for campus or town. mer & winaer Shorts, skirts, except re- envelopes, tissues. 2 day service. E AST LANSING Near elemen- - _ , 1955 FORD - 2 door. \ -6. auto¬ Call IV frigera tor and stove. Garage, Myers Printing Service. 1421 E. tary school. Owner leaving SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF :«60IMFAJ_A CCTfVERTTfiLES 2-3054 after 6 PM. tops & pedal pushers sue 14- city, T»o » c> ec se Jrocr: OneCOF matic, radio. Neaaer. Real good 35 16. basement, backyerd. Close to Michigan Ave. *. IV 22-55-4. 47 4/ Offers easy »to live ing STAMPS! ED '-226. with 4 bed- PER. RED. Two sfrtarpesc caaditjor.. $275. 35^ cartas. 534 SycmoreLane. Cell room ? K.,h your ^ cleaning one AJ MMkh priced J95" FORD .. LANSING'S ENGLISH BICYCLE ED 2-49 J0. 37 OOO^ FH^ 000. FHA applied for. Custom 520' o^wwh"^ On Cle.aj swearer^ w - 2 door, automatic p,ntB, skIrts. mSl fur ,1^ «•*»* $2295. te . I Rtms good - , needs LrtJe hsdN * RiM S Shell Service HEADQUARTERS. Check our ATTR*CTTVF A riKAC lTVt. 3 panning Call ED /-0969 for ~ . prices first. Gene's Cycle Shop. . 3 with ale different tranaporutlon appointment, !«60 POKTTAC CATAL1KA COO- .1 reftrtg- town? If so, ^ jt.. 1/2 block *«st c: Sfl and stove. Air conditioned, please drop In and — — Frendor Store. vortftle - Derk t#ue wtft wfejte talk it over with us now. With mp. Radio, beater, asaomeUc DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY lay ANT MATTHEWS, 1322 E. and AAP Stone. «, ireneedseiac;. -Priced awrp ca»dirfc»t. 25D1 F SSchigaa, IV S-2243. Doycwwant ^^SdyTyMrs w-t condition Call omTEX^I- **• Adu,t"- ^ ijecial consideration 10 bedroom MINUTES TO CAMPUS. 3 WILL TYPE term f a *C K oafr $21«5. DIAL l\ tc sell ywur 355-6238. 37 tJ- ranch stone, garage, 9-23S«> trade up or down. Buy any make SALE OF FURNITURE used in MAX CURTIS, INC. breezeway. basement, fenced 149CLISSM06S.E SUPER "JC SUMMER approved, sig>ervised 2921 E. MICHIGAN yard, terms $15,500. or model Kiel c.t.f furnished apartments. 2 air-con- 37 FREE LIST OF over <0«1 1952 Mercary, radio. ^0*^, for 4 m• CHECKED DAILY TO s Inferior oil and lubrication. the ever popular American Col¬ society filled with op¬ this advice to his soft Laenes: . ,u ke«p you*" l* l0P lage Dictionary the term' Pseudo' portunity for upward mobility 'This above all to thine own Lt wWi Wlty TEXAC6 may be defied as'awordelement and and one when symbols beomce self "be follow and our «tpart aarvica. meaning false or pretend," Gott¬ the night the day. rhou canst lieb says. ^ the badge of success the pseudo approach becomes a way of life. DISC SHOP The assumption here that there is some valid or em¬ being Being pseudo is better than playing half-safe--it is a way of pirical base from which playing It cool and staying loose. r determine that which It is the technique by which t which is false travel NOW OPEN WEEKENDS 1 qHRTAN TEXACO SERVICE many avenues CORNER GRAND RIVER ' Without being too abstract or and SPARTAN Fhone 337-9034 philosophical it seems safe to say that we are, at least in our gsn- Livestock Team LAKE UNSING AMUSEMENT PARK aratlon, unable with any degree JatPERT T• P"lflc. • there are many ways to go about Judging of swine, with lleller fv ire* First or second week TacUcal unit# from the Pa- the business of shaking your own placing sixth, Elsenbeiser plac- rjune. In 'will IV 4-8369. share expanses. 38 £f,c JJr Fo™ C0V*r , «wan!a committee 962 Water Carnival of the Frederick Williams of the history identity and taking n. head basketball coach. Friday, the team placed s irea Leaving June 11th. "1 have ordered additional el- funds to provide a scholarship. _ . , . . . _ who nkB by self admission thl Is cond. EEEEEBEEOE . y 485-4937. ements of the U.S» military . 3W-2T02. Roy The schdjarship wlU be given ^t'^iy 339 27U'* 35 forcea, both ground and air, to arl Pro ouite Afferent ™ clearly This proceed to Thailand and to re- to an entering freshman in the fall of 1962 ®rlc^on^lSfc(rt tary Jack Breslln, John Dietrich. how dlf n®w a»»<-ult culT it, see for the MSU A catf emy A ward ► Wanted main there untU further orders. These forces are to help Trophies are on display at the ""Vk 'n and John c- M-'kie. State High- mI*' r^'Snik' who r H,v,1Utl01nal meet , io'iWmo'suYs'r'"' f Blast Winner/f k^F: wanted to rent by June Jnfcrirv en- rtf sponsors business #ure the terrltorUl Integrity of nators are Union Barber Shop. way nators ar» t ininn places. Do- rvarhor- way Commissioner. ward appearances ih different and„,°"£ fourth place. **• 3 nmtMmis twin fl5S' Actor! | Three bedroom house In Red this peaceful country. Ray Leffler Custom Shop, Camp- There are still a | Best jg"c Screenplay! Jk few tickets t| I I* . lias v M ism SiiftL- ^ .-SS'm.ifr'rr ^-v Shop: J,y stow.T OtotfS luHr ,«S."ftey Ugl'est Greek Honor Revived fecrpK t> [ctep TO 8EOT: abloom oS? JS,"^ TA.T Upse ^"?issst"K 36 rr-- of Communist wssrysamilitary units to- asjaasj?1 Jerry Blanke.generalchalr- Mo-' of the Greek Week ~ s Greek being rei jum tlvitles. ■ wa, the border of Thalalnd. man announced that Judges for I JUDOMBMT ni . r, Ir-EDTO RENT1 Cr'ncllne A threat topailwdu of Water Carnlvalhavebeenchosen. rill Ltd Sigma, 0. Contestants are ,u>uin w Ulr 1: lenj-tl., to wear under wed- grave concern to the United States Friday night Judges will be: ° 29 houses that are part of the ** W ® outslaildln? house for nurtlrfnAHrm In r.rm*Ar WmmV Greek system. However, all stu- .. Call 355-7710 or * Archie Tarpoff. owner ofTar- Initintva O/l dents are elglble to vote for the P®"}cJPotl°n In Week 38 "There is no change in our poff's Restaurant P°ff#S R#stau™ in Lansing, * Lansing. lnUlaie* ™ finalists In the contest. J" Gref *n ^active cease-fire and It cmhMilllli fnOTillfinil Wnlon Tuesday evening. the Union Building. the Faculty Dinner. prompt negotiations for a -jov- « uwiYcnnon Students may SH'M ernm«1t <>f national union." phl Eta Slgma lBanhonormry «Ugll ^ Tha President termed this * The Promenaders. a campus tor freshmen man who have at- pennies In a container under the square dance club, has been ae- talned an all college average picture of the candidate of their S'Tf NSt>rh.*r«1 Square' Dance Convention, to Charles "The money collect- ervoort's R. Baugh, Crystal t for faculty family. Have ken for three days, beginning June of the honorary, with David J. Lfp9jlon 38 ligations" under the South* Uimr„,tm . . . Roscommon elecred vice Xhe ftve fl^Ilsta wlll be an_ 213 E. GRAND RIVER PIM,dent: 087,(1 J* MJ- nounced Wednesday. The eventual Treaty Organization Defense Pact Tl Parker, Clemens,Detroit,treasurer; secretary; Douglas R. winner wU, be ,;iected EAST LANSING for that will compose one of the three at the area. and Greek F t s-n.rrtav younger groups that are part of the convention program. jack M. Armlstead, EastLans- wlI, b. Ph. ED 2-2114 Lady Protests of^^1^^ ^ Robert f),'teln- *Zk- KYX ing. Membership chairman. chosm In a i^n^TslmUar t^ *e Miss America pageant," said Soviet Speaker Promenaders The^i's aj- recelved the 8cholarsh'P award* McBaln. "Each finalist will draw tlvitles extend to folk dances, round dances and THE MINOR KEY some come¬ Conservative Club President Karl Lady Tuesday protested the dy numbers. The demonstration team has scheduled appearance on campus given many performances |S Marines of Robert G. Thompson, member 11541 DEXTER near BURLINGAME of the Communist party. throughout the state during the last two terms, Thompson, sponsored by the including an ex¬ hibition on WJR-TV in Detroit. DETROIT, MICH ntinued from Young Socialists, Is — *" The last performance prior po9e 1) aCHICO HAMILTON - to the Miami trip wlll be Sun- K'ULrvatlve Club be- \ a,y> „ , i the i 'fressional lraders of both Uev,es that the quest for -truth campuses does not begin Intramural QUINTET GOP iM^>r rfc.-i.. » by listening to Communist mas- * SZLmlXof White House "there »iuonw«v a statement broadcast "ld over a ,n Bunche Decision WE 59330 "imitments asked and none Lansing radio station Tuesday. it the closed session All-University Student Gov¬ 'In-eversibie' "tltck Kennedy told of the ernment President Bob Howard, NEW YORK — Ralph Bunche, Your old baseball glove "1 of American forcaa said that he considers Thompson on U.S. Undersecretary for Special ! assignment in Asia for _ "Just another speaker" and that Political Affairs, who spoke at InrK "me since the Korean " "to worth $4.00 in trade keep this whole Michigan State last week, thlng in proportion.''lATtlnn " Npw New York Democrats this York Democrats this week outl'ned his orders "If - you /— want to hear what the that his decision not to run for l uv." I «mte House statement la- - * man has to say, go. If —then — " U.S. Senator from New York Judy Holllday in Kim Novak In on new Wilson V noon as Marines from I Wil iam Holden Kirk Douglas ■ don't go," he said. state was "Irreversible." ■'-•S. th fleet stoodby out- Bont Yesterday ^Bangkok "larat « and Premier Sa- announced hfscoun- tavited American forces PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 12:35 - 4:20 - 8:10 stmjb® WHHI Wt Mttl TED WILLIAMS _j*cause of of the Red threat. 2:20 - 6:10 - 10:00 FIELDERS' Glove F !rtUnlra Defense Robert Sat<1 the 1.000- ' O I I E= * STARTS TOMORROW! reg $12.95 g 95 Mnny battle grwf) now in I AST LANSING PHONE ED.2-2814 Hit No. 1 Shown 2:45 - 6:10 - 10:00 with trade-in *rCtd ally. will be by these units under 'Tand of Gen. Paul Dt Har- ACADEMY AWARD FREE! FREE! Can of 3 pressure - packed "Tournament" TENNIS BALLS Reg. $1.50 value — Free with Purchase at SECO 95 TENNIS RACKET OFFICIAL SEAMLESS HAND BALL Model 555, reg 8S* 65C 3 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan M»y '6. I9y Students Hurry Moss Exodus in Dallas WARS SCH0U|i To Pay Loans little Egypt Abandoned * — 601F DAY College students with National DALLAS, Tex., UVThe reel- the new modern!** church Oat Defenae loana unexpectedly pay¬ dm of Little Egypt. • tiny will replace It in ibe cedar crMt 97-y tar-old Negro community action of South DlllM. m°Y 26th ing bade (he money eight time* nestled in a North CWlas am Most Little E^ypt rMldwta of well-to-do homes, made their have bought homes In die 1m- exodus from their tumble-down mediate vicinity ofthe new church Student! ahacka Tueaday to modern homes alt* with the money and a new life. they receiv- and tlona that die program initiated ed from their land and houaea. in 1959 wouldn't work. The man move which Involv- • . cllmaied Wormltl'B" Some educators complained that the nation's colleges, who administrate the program, would ed nearly MO pereona Faculty become dunning agencies, " $1.00 Men scrambling after students htfd in ' th» tiny—! P+1* n^prtt—rtaton, bring $2■ 7S»- the ten years they had to Church Monday night. On nand Senior dljmr ir Jim's tn Laia- the loans. Michigan State has only J delinquent of the $1,074,000 has outstanding, Philip May, University treasurer, said. "It Is still too early "to tell If collection problems will arise," he said. "The program Biter Knapp's East Lansing's is only four years old and the students are not required to be- ' gin payments until a year after THE JAZZ MAN-.Bob Ruskln, Detroit junior, let' a |oaa group were a I ort of the 25 must- Treasure Tour Contest.., they leave school." squeals on trumpet, while accompanied by clans taking part in the third annual jazz con- The national figures show that 3uddy Spongier, Southgote senior, on drums cert sponsored by Beta Theta Pi. of the 238,092 students who bor- ond Jim Kaye, New York sophomore on base --State News Photo by George Junne. Thsre's nothing to*« easy to wlnl just rowed between 1959 and June at the'Session on the Cedar1 Sunday. Spong- stop at Knapp^s East Lansing and ask for an entry 1961, a total of 12,785 have re- blank. You may be the grand winner of a dynamic paid $1.95 million — eight times Olds "88" or one of the weekly prizes. Also enter more than was due. Accelerated repayment is optional under the 1912 Class the "Treasure Tour" Contests at Knapp's Capitol Avenue Store and Knapp's Downtown. Recall Life at MAC Patriarch's day--a day set a- an eleven o'clock curfew for Ing, and we had a terrible snow side each year to honor alumni coods. And one of those parties storm. The trollies between who received diplomas from had to be of a literary or cultur- Lansing and East Lansing Michigan State more than SO *1 nature and the other could be couldn't run. And my date and "There was only one course on campus for women," Mrs. McKibbin related, "and that was home economics." ing into the Wolverine for that Full-time students may borrow Even the J-Hop did not get College. year, the definition of "the cam- 155 to $1,000 an academic year off to a good start, according pus" is "Cupid's drill ground." and to 55,000 During that year, according up during their to Lee Benner df die class of to Mrs. Pratt. Things haven't changed so much college careers "The dance was held in Lans- after all. 1912, an association was formed Michigan Stare has received the maximum amount, $250,000, on campus to change the school's each year from the government name to Michigan State College. for loans. May said. To this the University must add 1/9 of the "The engineers were particu¬ larly disturbed by the word 'Ag- Our easy-care ricultural' in the name," said federal contribution. Benner, "so they organized this BoniHa to Discuss association.' In 19J2, the alumni bulletin re¬ ports, ' Engineering students who go - everywhere were building & wireless tele¬ Latin America graph station at the engineering building reported that they had SUMMER PRINTS Latin America's role in already succeeded in contract¬ cur- r