MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. 200 STATI East TATE MEWS Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 17, 1962 American Forces I Into Thailand for Combat Build 'Australia, 1—=—"— — Up ■ Others To Marines, Send Aid Jets Hit British, French Help Unlikely Country SEATO Units Expected WASHINGTON MVUJS. officials To Join U.S. reported Wednesday night they expect Australia and New Zealand BANGKOK, Tha Hand (P - and perhaps other Pacific allies American Leathernecks begin - to send some military forces landing from warships In the Gulf to Thailand. of Slam at dawn Tuesday to help This word reached defend this friendly nation's Jun¬ Washington following a Southeast Asia Treaty gle border against Communist Organization meeting held In Infiltration. Bangkok as the U.S. troop build¬ The first of 1.800 Marines to up began in Thailand. land at the Thai Naval Base of The United States has been Sataheep, south of here, will be prodding its allies to Join in the airlifted almost Immediately to U.S. action which President Ken¬ Thailand's sensitive north¬ nedy took to bolster the defenses east border with Communist- of Thailand and Increase menaced Laos. pressure against a Communist Already Thailand has moved takeover in neighboring Laos. crack Thai units with U.S. mili¬ T riU,. UJS. authorities said all the SE A TO members—which include Britain, France, Australia, New tary advisers to the border. There they and the Marines may be joined before long by at least I Newly Appointed--Gerold Holmes, Howell Junior and Lowell Zealand, the Philippines and Pak¬ token units from other South¬ •y. East Lansing Junior, recently appointed Business istan plus the United States and east \sla Treaty Organization Editor of the 1963 WOLVERINE Thailand—had responded favor¬ THESE MAPS, drawn to (he (SEATO) members, whose offi¬ _ respectively, hove al> same scale, rompare the western I nited St cials are in consultation on the [ready begun preparations for next year's yearbook. ably to Kennedy's action. They said Australia and New [ZmTl nte ,s ®PrMdin* through Laos and where the United States crisis in Laos. --State Hews Photo by Skip i Thailar . Mays. Zealand have Indicated they too The first of about 45 U.S. Air Force jet fighter-bomber and to Thailand illand provided the _ proper East Lansingites Work for Rule Change . attack planes streaked to a land¬ request is "received from that ing at Bangkok's airport Tues¬ Global country. The size and day, only a fewhours after Presi¬ dent Kennedy and the Pentagon 'Dry' Town May Gel 'Wef type of such forces announced plans to build was not disclosed, but up a presumably would be less than 5,000 - man Southeast Asian the 5,000 U.S. combat combat command on Laos' bor¬ troops and der. air support assigned to Thai¬ Glimpses land by Kennedy. The Philippines were St»!r J?*SCUS8lng the I""3140" °f reported — Some e East Lansing residents working to eliminate die anti- liquor laws which make their city l®8«Uy the dryest in Michigan, we are There dry," he said. has been a broken door latches, apparently rash due to their use as bottle openers, of eating liquors, or any mixed liquors or beverages, any part of which intoxicating, or keep a saloon^ any other place where ^ guest an alcoholic drink your home in East Lansing, "If the drinker signed plaint, r 1 guess we'd have _ a co , . F The first arrivals 100 ing four 20mm cannon and ca- pable of carrying heavy pack- were Super sabres, each pack- 12 ■ ■ follow through. In my experience aEes of conventional or nuclea By the Associated Press ^bBthtr to whU» * change In die city*.i drinking workmen at Kellogg said. The .... any such liquors are manufac- bombs at 1,000 mile-per-hour Pakistan was not r-rO-ticms will not here, we've never had such yet known here. chanfjrhe noma don't have openers tured, aold. Stored for sale, given case,, however." speeds. They flew from the 13th ■Russia Prepares for More Nuclear Tests It was not expected likely that University's rules, James Dfenf- son, assistant to the president, screwed Into the do other hotels. Jams as away or furnished in the said - Ray - , Campbell,- - city attorney, Alr F°rce squadron basest Clark Britain and France would send said. . said that he felt it would be Field In the Philippines, -Premier Nikita Khrushchev said The Ear Lansing Chamber of k Wednesday the Soviet forces. However, London did pub- "Regardless of what die legal under state law to offer Asquadron of slower but |l'nion is preparing a new series of nuclear tests in answer to licly express Its backing of the does," he said, "it would city Commerce has not yet taken any "We are throwing away a lot a friend a drink. mighty A4D Skyhawks, which cm American shots In the atmosphere. be formal action on the anti-liquor of business," one downtown recent U.S. action East Lansing's liquor carry up to three tons of bombs, The Soviet leader made the statement to Western corres- Wednesday and up to the board of trustees to France, U.S. otllcials said, has continue or discontinue the laws, President RussellRanquist execute said. "We've got as gulatlon, which has been r eta in ed re- J,so '^s Included in the buildup, ■ pondents covering his state visit to Bulgaria. said, but there has been some many liquor bottles in our rubbish been helpful in the diplomatic drinking regulations here." since 1907, Is aimed at the sale TheV also i,re capable of carry- Asked whether he had said earlier in the day that the Soviet discussion of the matter. collection as any other town of of push for a resumption of negoti- Robert Emerson, manager of liquor by the glass, he said, ingnuclear weapons. blasts, Khrushchev replied: The Issue will be considered t}lis s,ze "" "wybe more. People "The state of Michigan says "Yes 1 said s atom _ atlons by rival Laotian^ factions Kellogg Center, said that he didn't __ again at the C. of C. board of Just a much, lai ^ brines reinforce a 1,000 It. We are forced to tests because, for a * nationwide, neutral govern- think Tiquor t * Kellogg would do m . It is all right to drink or offer ™n Arn]y combaf SrouP that !_»_ t directors' meeting this week, he """ despite our appeals, the Americans did not refrain from - ment. much for its clientele. else a drink in your own remanlned in T - - ' 1 said. ~ "It's foolish Just like home. he said. "This takes SEATO maneu- newing theirs." At the same time U.S. diplo- "We get many school teachers . . . Several years ago East Lansing the old prohibition days. Bars prec< mats kept the way open for a and church groups here, and some local ago._Addltlonal residences voted to keep their and liquor stores in Lansing and nnHtnn ■Secret Army lemxists Vary Murder Plans tactical backdown on cease-fire .. — i—« of them come, 1 guess, because city "dry." The charter pro- the surrounding townships do a ordinance, I believe. "The liquor control com vj9lon retajnecj states: land office business when Ef The « » for the ■ ALGIERS -Secret Army terrorists varied their mission, as a policy matter, won r slaughter of ® s""®s "It shall be unlawful for any Lansing residents go out on Frl- issue a beer and wine takeoi __mmand of Lt. Gen. ■ Voslems Wednesday bv lobbine about 10 [Moslems Wednesday by iancient Casbah, where Arabs and Berbers live lobbing mortar shells"Into about 10 mortar shells into the packed In tiny the tne Laos crlsls"crisis. State department press officer Campus U.N. person, himself directly or indirectly, or by his clerk, agent day night to lay in their supply license to any East Lansin of booze." business place because of ou James I Richardson, a 52-year-old expet in jungle and guerilla warfar< [concrete and stucco cubicles. Five Moslems were killed and 15 Lincoln White was the principal W-a. or employe, to manufacture, sell Charles F. Pegg, chief of dry provisions in the charter.' He will act under the over-a: We in the Legislature Avoids For Wom Beaumont Is Term firsf Stop pretty blonde wife Rene ■ Scheduler; round-the-worldnearby, , - orbit riae oroit intensified preparations for his Saturday! ride on saturaay. pui?ose: n^'itt To defend that U.S. ally Union Ballroom /our offIcers wU1 at 7:30 p.m. setect" Taxation Subject Fall I As the launching drew )nrrMa. ; near. Project Mercury officials kept * edl Women students will be living For Seniors |«n anxious eye on a weather problem in the Atlantic ocean east takeover in neighbor- . Running for the position of Legislative machinery shifted two to a room next fall, but If where Carpenter's Aurora 7 space- lng icretary-general are I.C. Shah, lnt0 neutral Wednesday in its the enrollment of men Increases, s» Ingout, the Senior Class H, . - ... ■ ° ^ commanded down after separation from the Atlas booster did not achieve a proper orbit and had The The Southeast Southeast Asia Treaty TreatyOr- Or- Shrlkinnsr Shrikumar Poddar, and Kaluf Al- drive to get a state tax program a majority of men will be tripling Con1 ocatlon, will take place Sun- ■rocket. r ganlzation D.ir.U - the United States, rolling, the Associated Press the income tax-based package. "P.*, For at 2:30 p.m. In the audi- Britain, f?r A France, Australia, ,J- New Alan McKnight, Ben Taylor, the first time, we have ported. Illness forced him to miss the Zealand, Thailand and Pakistan end Machio Amunga will be run- "j guess we're mostly playing ■e dormitory spaces for wo- held caucus and a brief meeting of Seniors are expected to meet — a council meeting in nlng for the organization's pres- a waiting game," said Rep. Alii- the house than for men," Lyle Thorn- Beaumont Tower by 2:15 p.m., > Me Changes lie al Waldorf Bangkok to discuss further moves to aid Thailand. The United States idential slot. George Boughton, Thaddeus gon Green. Rakingston. House We would "Wj* u"," have liked to talk t0"' director director of of residence halls, where the Michigan State march¬ Y0RK majority leader. A Republican Conlin," Green said, "to reach yj ing band will lead them i "The stately Waldorf-Astoria, of the world's asked several of the countries to Lau, Henning Kreke, Dave . . . —° — !L, one caucus after this afternoon's me sort of agreement on the A thlrd new dormitory in the auditorium. All other students, °;els' „ went on picnic rations in its grand ballroom Wed- consider some assistance siml- Stewart have been nominated for session skirted the subject' of o proposals." The GOP leader Case-Wilson complex is planned I - J , of a wildcat strike of service help, ... w that given by America, the first vice-presidency, Jan taxes, Greensaid. " said earlier the Republican- fall of 1963, a 1 though con- dlcr ' f quests at a $20 a plate luncheon for an Organizat- White told newsmen on-the- Garret, and John Wlngat* for the The House Is faced with two favored package could not move j^acts have not yet been signed, ■]._'°r Blind were supposed to get a four-course meal. record that "we would certainly second vice-presidency. packages-- ore of so-called until Democrats had a chance Thornton said. X',.4 4 ■' ate cheese, tuna fish and egg salad sandwiches, welcome" such moves by other Delegates may reopen, nomin- ''nuisance" taxes, tte other 10 vot» on the Income tax pro- The new dorm will be the same I pineaPPl* juice, orange Juice or coffee. allies. atlons at the meeting. based on personal and corporate gram. size as Wilson. No decisions on L , °- waiters, the guests were served by youthful clerical 'hether it will be coed have been Jj. m awry aid f, ®rs""the m«> In shirtsleeves but some of the girls bedecked made yet, he said. flowery hats. L ' ^ :,er)cal help took the place of striking kitchen workers Bon p. epare the austere repast. Aiinougn . Although mere there was no rnuiiu refund 'Crash' Program Now Underway Traffic v«lat« Ir-ar i eerried 0 631' lhe took the culinary letdown in stride, and Intrigued by the novelty of the occasion. For •/ Cyclotron Construction Aid Loan Fund 1 Ministos Qy| De Geale's Cebinel ma J. Araette are department r0ss said that movable shield- the cyclotron, which will draw Every time you park in the wrong place, or violate any stu- th< members directly concerned with and half million volts lag is going to be used so no one one dent vehicle regulation, you're —F,'.Ve. Catholic popular republican ministers quit Presi- the cyclotron's design. area will be tied down to one of electricity, there will be many helping put some student through |to g noiirt * cabtn®t Wednesday because of his firm opposition A "crash" program is under The building is designed to give specific use. This is particular- small, focusing magnets used to school — If you're caught, I * f "y d®Parture removed one of the Europe. way at MSU to build a cyclo- maximum protection from nu- ly important in a building of this direct the rays from the cyclo- Fines for these violations, meager political under- tron on campus, Donald Ross, clear radiation. There will be type because rapid developments tron into any experimental area, JRS °f the amounting to $21,000 last year, cabinet, leaving it more than ever a team supervising architect said Wed- seven feet of shielding around in science make it difficult to A wide variety of "targets" all go into the student loan fund, ^»rtV technicians. . nesday the sides of the cyclotron and predict what uses the building can be bombarded with this abll- Several hundred students use the ■lashed''?klng ■ P®1"1 cam* at a conference Monday when De Gaulle ' at those who PUnnlng beg™ on the building ^^ fUtU™' ity to direct the rays to any part fund annually to help finance seek a supra-national. Integrated Europe. of the area. President John Honnoh their educations, Merrill Pier- Manv d-UvT^fca« iJZ, LuZZd """al area^ wiU be from three In addition to the experimental' The building is designed so lt son, assistant treasurer of the faculty members, parents and 1 tab Wosl tetarn Town ^theSuai^ul^tL^T^ » thlck wJth ^ *"'• ther?HWl" ®n will look like an ordinary aca- demic building from the outside. University, said Wednesday. quest should be seated by 2:90 £• Thi-Vill^y^r^ This was felt to be necessary, Fines for violations of state motor vehicle code according to p.m. so that the program may begin promptly, P'^ ^ Wl^^i next „w months, Jffi ^ns tenth that received from requlred for many experiments. said Ross, becauae the area east of the Agricultural Engineering Bldg. will be ths site of huge state law go to the county lib- rary fund. Fines for violations of Unlv- Highlighting the swli^out will be a speech delivered by Presi- Tie a-J, A!«*cy reported. ti» .m » financed by a grant from the which will be three stories high. _ wrlro.„u ter —»*x"rto""s- s c le nee complex in the near a erslty traffic ordinances, similar doit John A. Hannah. He will present awards to outstanding agency said Quintan Pholsena, Information minister for Atomic Energy Commission. Is will be a 40 ton overtead There will also be a reference future. to the state codes but separate seniors at the auditorium. cram, library, shop areas, and utility The proposed science complex fer^.°!nm®1,t rebel facton, made the statement at a news being designed by members of used for moving 30 to 40 ton areas. The utility areas will Is still in the planning stags, from student vehicle regulations, Seniors should pick up their - Kl>snt Key. the Physics and AetromonyDs- blocks of a Molding, said Ross, also go to the county library caps and gowns at the Union .quot*5 •» house the pumpe which will sup- it is planned that this area will fund. Mytag the Pathet Lao wlU m* sgree to partment In co-operation With This will enable people working building for the swingout, said ply the large amounts of water r * from fI0m Premier Prince Boun Oum that the United States outside consulting (inns. Dr. in the area to have maximum needed to cool the hugs electro- contain buildings for chemistry. physics, and biochemistry. There the fines The University could collect Bob Cantrell, senior claespreSe- pr-•remerely s smokeecreen to help *r*«™- Henry Bloseer, Dr. Morton M. protection and stlU be able to on theee violations, dent, Wednesday afternoon, magnet which which Is the 7'heart" is ths ''heart" of will also be a "life sciences" but hasn't rebels ^ mUtalry forces and to launch attacks against Gordon. Dr. Mania Relssr, Dr. reerrangs the interior to suit the cyclotron. to date, according to In case of rains William Johnson, sad Dr. Thel- a wide variety of uses. in addition to the magnet in partment of Public Safety. he said. ^ Michigan State News, Kast Lansing, Michigan Police Cooperation Gets Robbery Case Mobilizes Four Units nearly en hour In the mud, dis¬ A small boy. blooding about the covered no track*. head, staggered into a local fra¬ Sheriffs deputies and univer¬ ternity house recently and told sity cars found nothing in tha a story that eet off an Area- outlying areas. wide police mobilization that in¬ A university car near tha seem volved Michigan State Police nf the crime pi dad up 0 Ingham County Sheriff patrols, «ubj«<3 which fit the boy's description, the majority of the East and turned the subject over to police department, and a . the East Lansing department. of officers from the Department Tha subject, already the pos¬ of Public Safety. sessor of s criminal record from According to the boy, he had sometime back, was Identified by been hit on the head and his the boy through a one-way glass, newspaper route collections were but denied any knowledge of the stolen by a-tall. stocky man with crime. long hair, wearing dark clothes. A check of the subject's where¬ The reported strong-armed abouts at the time of the crime robbery took place with)n the Jur¬ cleared him of any connection isdiction of the East Lansing with the boy. police, close to University pro¬ Why had the boy identified the perty. so the East Lansing de¬ subject? Was tha boy mistaken? partment, working under the dir¬ Lieutenant Naert not only found .ip.kik ection of Lieutenant Stephen Na- that the boy was mistaken. After PLANNING IS THE KEY to efficient patrol Lt. Charles Wibert, head of »K. uniform di- ert was in charge of the case. extended questioning with the boy the call to the Eost police. l 0.^ ■ U"u' I'nder the lieutenant's direc¬ ol the of the reported robbery. E. Lon- and his parents, it was found area vision, ond Corporal Donald He»ion bundling tion, University, Sheriff and State that they boy was lying. He had sing police took charge of tbe cose, with the starch of the area. Police moved into the area of lost his newspaper money, and before the rain ruined the alleged robbery to search for the^i for a subject that fitted the being afraid, had inflicted the cut "jocko." University £1 boy's on his head with his pocket knife. Lansing and Sheriff-: -ll.T1! description. He hadn't expected to cause so moved swiftly to «e:. University police, in cars and much trouble. to block the area. on foot, scoured the wooded lie hadn't caused much trouble. on the campus in hopes of Nearly a dozen urn ing up the suspect. Trooper Abbott came from Holt State News Article and Photos State Police called In Trooper high speeds to get to the scene (Continued on pog* 3) Abbott with "Jocko", a filmed tracker with all the capabilities SPECIAL DANCE DEMONSTRATION By Dave Jaehnig and Skip Mays of a bloodhound. Sheriff's deputies drew shot¬ For Parents and Students guns from tlw racks, and set out to cover the outlying areas surrounding the .scene of the By The MSU PROMENADERS alledged robbery. Tramping through mud that was often over their boot ersity police covered the banks tops, Univ¬ Sunday-May 20-2 P.M. of the Red Cedar and found noth- Hen's Intermural Building Admission Free STATE POLICE COMMUNICATIONS coord,noted the police units operating on different frequencies. Weaver calls in trooper Abbott with "Jocko" Corporal ftussell to assist In the LIEBERMANN'S For GRADUATION For FOREIGN TRAVEL TAKING NO CHaNCES with a possibly dangerous criminal, members of the tnghom County Sherrif s D*portment pick up their shotguns on the way to their cars. TOF Tf?ACKEH tfce Mithigan Stete Police's "Jocko", locded in the pol.ee station wagon the dog* % trainer. by Trooper Sichcrd Abbott, Why Not Go Electric WITH THE NEW SM/TH-CORONA STATE VITAMIN & COSMETIC DISHf»liIOR COMPACT ... nf Exclmittl)! Ours 4 doors South of American Bank & Trust For Office "Tlw CaWornion HI S. Washington Persona! Lightweight luggage that's And American so good looking! at a Special P/jceJ Tourister's modern molded body AQUA Is built to take years of punishment. The Reg. 75c covering is so tough you can scrub it with a wire brush. Rugged cam-action locks can't snap open. See it in Golden White. American NET Blue, Princess TVeeed. Silver Dusk or Cavalier Brown. Choose a complete set...or A 14.98 value! Smart traveling single companion In new stonecutter pieces for later matching. fabric with the look of seersucker A full dtey. electric affile* typewriter—wife eel*, Pleated type styles. Don't bwy any typewriter, electric c FOR LADIES or sheath sHrt. Grey, blue unci you ha we seer tSte ~ ~ " beige Also available in grey of Reg. $1.00 Hat Box $18.95 Attache $24.95 blue boby corduroy. Siiet 8 to 16 Remember) Vanity 21.95 Courier 5 models to choose from 24.95 Karru* *s low as $139. 50 . . Weekend 24.95 ptas tue*. Weekend 29.95 Pullman 29.95 One Suiter 40.95 Wby «e electric? Pullman 39.95 Two Suiter 42.95 Wardrobe 39.95 Three Suiter 44.95 30" Overseas 49.95 Overseas 49.95 (plus tax) OLVERIWE TVHWMIfck GO. 5i1 lite Niw», Ea»t Lto»ing, Michigan Thursday, May 17, 106a 3 < ALL-TIME CAMPUS FAVORITES LADIES 2-Piece JAMAICA SHORT SETS 2.22 COMPARE AT 3.99 Cotton Tweed Jamaicas with matching Jester Top; Arnel & Cotton Plaid Jamaicas with matching Crop Top. White and green plaids, pastel rweeds. Sizes I ON PATROL IN THE AREA, Officers James Safety check of the area of the reported robbery. I Au**n and Ron Mahaffy of the Dept. of Public _ (Continued from page 2) dent protection, and traffic en¬ OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT sulted in lost I East Lansing officers had to ' forcement because most of the man power ctoanodof departments, lowered protection ■ mud ,e uniform trousers anil slime from the river banks o : e searching the river outlying districts. the communities and danger **- '*** " NO MONEY DOWN - CHARGE m is bac I bank. Shoes and boots were mud¬ The Sheriffs dy and wet. department was high ! short of men because of the the high < Ibe city of Est Lansing was concentration in the East Lan¬ I undermanned in t!>e night hours Thus during this National Pol¬ ecause most of the men on duty sing area. ice Week, the State News sal¬ nd called-in to duty wore Cooperation and mobilization utes the men and departments MENS CAMPUS earthing for a phantom robber, of the departments was typical that carry on the constant, often live university had only one car of the police dangerous protection of our lives cooperation in tte \ailable for hospital runs, atu- area, but a and "whopper" had re¬ our property. CAMP - MOC MENS MUTTED PLAID SPORT CUTS COMPARE AT 3.99 8.97 COMPARE Special tanx,ed heavy AT 11.99 rubber sole and rawhi lace. Sizes 6 1/2 to 12. GILLETTE SUPER YELLO-BOLE BLUE BLADES 10 s AIROGRATE PIPE MEMS UKM- ACETATE COMPARE AT 3.50 2 59 Mmm + ^0 M DRESS PANTS VO-5 HAIR DRESSING ARRID CREAM COMPARE II OFFICER, Lt. Allen Andrews, head of the AT 4.99 & CONDITIONER DEODORANT J °*pt- Public Safety's unl I form division, left goes over I Plans to search the woodod COMPARE Jk | orw* with officers Auten, AT 1.00 J SWINGOUT cet». ond COMPARE Mohaffy. I 'Wrt To Jois wwi WW! RECORD PRICES JI Education Commission TEENSVILLE Glen L. laggart. dean of bi- ■ * national ■ «Ppointe_ to Programs, has been serve three-year IMnch HI-FI 12 HITS BY 7 YOUNG JOHNNY MATH IS VIC DAMONE RECORDING STARS |5rms ■ Education on the and Commission on Portrait Of Johnny The Game Of Love International Af- SARAH VAUGHAN LAWRENCE WELK I tirs 0! the -^erican Council on The Stars Visit 99< The Divine II ritlon- and on t!* Committee FOUR ACES JOEY DEE I ir, ,u5a!lon#1 Interchangs Pol- Hits From Broadway The Peppermint Twisters I COMPARE Educart^RInSUtU,eof tncernatlonal DINAH WASHINGTON JAMBOREE ■ The Queen Country Music AT 3.98 COMPARE AT 3.98 . BOBBY VEE . JOHNNY BURNETTE SPECIAL! • THE FLEETWOODS D«fon Bland •THE VENTURES Reg $34.« ONLY $24.95 Class Convocation Sunday May 20 3301 E. MICHIGAN 2:30 pJW. Aud. Thursday. May 17, i962 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 3 Stale Pitchers Looking MSU Crew Advisor At Seeks Varsity Status w Topple Irish, 4-0 SPORTS la a common device with Eastern schools. It is a held simulated eh. 11 stationary while a nrtft home with the first run of the the Spartan third saeker came up current flows past. ItvervnearW Gary Ronterfu Jack Jac* Nutter inning. Th< and lining. N*utterand Then I umlanski vtrllled with It and ftred to catch* Gaor*e I#te By The Associated Prett Insufficient funds and lack of duplicates actual rowing, he Mid, Wes Rlewicki pitched Michigan Ms second hit, a triple practice have forced th* Rowing it* great advantage la that it State to a 4-0 victory over Notre ter, and he followed Costello John Counsel ended the frame Club to cancel plans to compete enables a crew to practice year- r%me here Wednesday. home when center fielder Pill when he bounced a grounder to f^VV YORK. -The entry of LOS ANGELES.-The "Miracle In thrse regattas this spring, said Rcriberg started and worked Brutvan threw; the hall over the third and this time l.umwnrti Dr. Maynard M. Miller In an Michigan State. West Virginia Mile," annual feature of the The rowing tank would be avail¬ four innings allowing four hits, third baseman s head. threw to ketcham at second fOr interview Tuesday. tnd lona Wednesday raised to Memorial Coliseum Relays, sud- able to the Intramural program, contact him within the S* In picking up the wtn. his third. Notre Da me threa tened In the the force. The <*wirtans were outhit in the 45 the number of schools in the denly assumed that image Wed- The club was scheduled to row Millar said He added that he weak*. Experience he dW not walk a tatter and he first inning when they hunched g6th K4 A championships at VII- nesdav with word that Peter Swill at Purdue this weekend but has would llketo see sach men's dorm neeeeaary, he *aid. •tr,** n..r fn.n- teck-to-Nick singles to place contest, 9-6, Kk six errors by lanoVa, May 25-Tft. of New Zealand J and Dyrol Burle- drop out of the race be- with a shell of its own tn organized t three runners on first and second one Jftejrlsh helped the_hostjea ms statw led Jay JooL- innings and also allowed four down, halfback Sherman Lewis and night. compete, he said. Tentative plans The Intramural sports staff has hits. Klewlcki finished up in the Ronber?. who is not unscored State s most productive hatters Snell is the world's greatest call for a regatta at Wayne State i. L umlanski. with a single • Hgm, Johnson, has a 15-man helpful to A* Rowing vary hi final two frames. H»n m M» ™tlnf ?• The Spartans, who won record pending at later this term. Club, Millar •aid. He had special octal MOler aald that It was the Spartans fifth ^re down and retired the side and a triple, and Sutton, entry the KT4A in 1949, are the only and has 3:54.4. a Miller, the faculty advisor to about e^ £ straight non-conference victory *lTh * P*tr of 5trik.e <***• pair of one-base blows, other hits were picked non-Fastem school In the meet. Purle^on Is rated best in the the club, csllsd tpon the athletic __ of the staff. Beeman Is also crews are lined up for There la more than the%^ without a loss. The Irish came closest to scor- Host Villanova. winner of four United States and holds the Amer- department to recognise crew strong supporter of a varsity material her e to s)ve ok,,-. Mar. Cooper pitched the dis- in* the fourth. Ronbers's last ^ w Costello and Ronberg. Ron- the last five titles, is favored lean record of 3:57.6. - _ ____ as a varsity sport at MSI'. crew, according to Millar. topflight tanetforftXlrtAandwascharg- '»tng. Shortstop Rich Conrti terg crew, he said uJ third 2rfn5S.2S.iS* *sa,n' Varsity status would help the Despite the facts there has been there seems to be ed the loss. ed with the loss. started thet trouble with s. single with a triple to deep r^ght- „ . • • new YORK, -San Francisco club In three ways, according to no competition yet, and crew arnplei^ among students and fa„T State scored once In the second left. Following Brutvan' BUDAPEST, *The Hungarian will make another attempt to slip Miller. First the crew would be brings them little recognition, the catcher. infield Miller said. Given :ho«T5 to take an early lead and then Communist party newspaper through the small crack in the able to modernize its equipment, Miller said that he was highly put the game away with three enabled John Mathews to Smith and P Nepszabadsag reported Hun- door left by the National Basket- some of which Is quite old. pleased with his oarsmen. factor*, ha 1. com become inc£ J more runs in the fourth. reach first base gary'a I960 Olympic flyweight hall Association, at the off-and- Second, funds would be provided Co-captains David Eakln and crew can one 0'^ The Spartans run in the sec¬ Then Walt Osgood singled to The rlctory was the .OTh in , j^xlRg champion CiyulaTorokhas on annual meeting of the league to the team to travel to races Dan Reid along with manager Bob strongest sports at M<*\ ^ ond was unearned. TVrxls Ket¬ left Kit fast fielding by Joe Por- at other schools. Third, practice un from The Spartans hit the road this cham reached first on an in¬ [l{e lustead o would be run more efficiently. s the Irish had the weekend for a singlegameagainst 'Since he won the gold medal. swd a proposal by Eddie Gott- It is often a haphazard affair now, tern Costello's bounce out, and scored when Jerry Lumlanski Wisconsin Friday and a double- header with Northwest.-m Sat¬ glory has gone to his head and he hay abused his popularity again owner of the Philadelphia Warriors, to sell to a group that he said. An excellent stretch of water FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE laced a single urday. These games will close and again." the paper said. would move his team to the Call - on the Grand River near Moore's out State's Big Ten season. Professional Equipment "He seems not to have heed- fornia city will he discussed River tVlvo is available to the ed the repeated warnings and his club for practicing Miller said. again, For Sale t Ketehan bunt down th U of M's Elliott lack of discipline was tmfortun- atelv condoned because of his * The city of Lansing has even offered free land on which to "to advance Mr former merits. *'His latest scandalous act was INDIANAPOLB. -A bird eras h- ad int0 the goggles of rookie build a boat house, Kit die club has no funds to pay for the "World'slargest Pleased by QB's the last straw. Last Saturday night he brawled at 4 ajn. in Ed Kostenuk Wednesday ending Ms hope of being the first Canad- , building, he said. "Our boats are now stored on Minature Golf Course" ANN ARBOR — Heartened N i,**, luce the best bet. a Budapest suburb and even at- lan th® 500-mile Memorial the lawn and the good will of Senfcowski Picked the work of his Michigan quarter- backs, plus the eagerness »nd of |t was no secret at drills that Mkhiganhad tacked an official person. "We do not need a sportsman D*y «"«> race since World War "• a gentleman in East Lansing." Miller said. 5 Minutes East of MSU on U.S. KI hard-hittir* ;hadow on his honest 33-year-old Victoria, B. The shells now in use by the assayed by new - qu»rt«rfc«cks and the spring game To Battle Kessen comers, Loach Purnp Flliott proved it. CItnka andTlmNsrtake ^.m *" C„ driver definitely is out of the said Dr. Thomas A.Manna, club have seen better days, he SENIORS! termed this yesrs spring Torek has been warned for race, said, but the club is negotiating engineered the Whites to vtctorv s the best since he with, sharp passing and running, drunken brawling before. Speedway medical directors with a Wyandotte high school for In Big 10 Tennis 9 STS at Michigan In Frosty Fvashevski and Bot Dr. Hanna said the plastic gjg- the purchase of three of its But niiott . -r Chandler made it an ever contest ST. LCH.B. -St. Louis Card- g*e w»s smashed against shells Two of the shells are MTWEAPOt IS r - Two prime tempered K several problems until late in the same. inal outfielder Minnie Minoso Kostenuk's left eye, scratching lightweights. Miller said that the l.N nivls csndldat** *re — chiefly in the line. Center club Is particularly interested in expected ?c bsttle for the staples chjmpionsh^ In the Big Ten Tea- progress was definite with emer- fence of Jim Greer, 210-pound Mets Nip Cubs his doctor Dr. LC. reported Wednesday Middleman said t!* o had a buying them so that it may set up a 150 lb. crew and give more PICK UP YOUR n:s Toumamen: vere Thursdiy, Trentor, boy, as chief candidate. men a chance to participate. Friday md Saturday. Sue! newcomers as P%ve Px.tlet, JS-year-old Cuban should he in INDIANAPOLB, -The AAU "One of our greatest needs — They are Rav Serkowski of the 220, from rVcrolt, andOlckHahn, loaded in the Hth inningWednes- the lineup in six weeks. and It would acted Tuesday as if it would bring a good Indoor l'nt*«rsJty of Vichtgan. the de- Barhertor, O.. pointed tp the fendteg singles champ, and Marry R lesser of X-orthirestem. a 1^1 guard situation behind veterans John Minko. John Marcum and dav five the New Yori Mets a 6-5 victory «r the Chicago Cubs, fhe defeat shc^d the Cubs S AN D1FGO, CALIF., - The general manager of the like pensions trackmen to smooth of to over U Indiana avoid open the sus¬ college sport to the campus — Is a rowing tank," he said. Miller explained that the tank CAP AND GOWN \3!eriran rnvts American Football League's, San hcstil- Cipper ->vr Kurtr .ieeper into the National League >an lty ir a jurisdiction Serkowski, Kamtrsmck fur.ior Diegc Chargers expressed dis- dis- dispute with Captain • BoJ- Brown stood out cellar with ttetr second straight it-vru [he Jamieson Leads termer l.S. Lawn Ten-Is with a»ss grabbtr^ Ln the spring telie: Wednesda> at reports that inc extra inning loss to New York. t^e man 'was reinstated by the vswociatSe® ben-'s tsllsc, is et- p«et«d te gee h is stiffest challenge tat. despite the fact that his Blues lost 23-19 to the whites The tngs Mets won TUts-*y tught. 6-5 tn 13 it»- his ace halfback. Paul Lowe; had signed a contract to plav with ^ to. Wf "atlve Kentucky. .\nd Baseball Throw UNION BOOK STORE from Sless«R, sen of North- piloted S quarterbacks Dave A walk to John OsMertt. asin- the Detroit Lions of the National -AAL headquarters in westwra coach CUre Rles«P.and Qtnka and sophomore Bob Tim- cle b% pitcher lav Hook. Jim Football lea«!u: tn 1963. ,New 'oric sa,d il planned no Tom Jamieson East Lansing a sephcmcre Both are t3 years beriake. Jim CorJev. a wussgend Hictarisn's s*cr(fk« and an in- The reports were published Penalties for "contamination" of sophomore is presently leading old. fror- Spring-dale, Pa., showed Rntionai walk to Elio Chacor. in the San Diego LMion and the etUet^ho the competition in the baseball throw es?«r ;s urhoater. in IS eel- »ei: with such \-ets as John Vans preceded Mantilla's single off Evening Tribune today, both pa- SUapei>3eg TOn- with 21 out of 25 possible points. ite s.rrcles marches this sea- and Bili Tagesw.. pers sa>-ing they had the infor¬ Top end pros- Glen Hott-W. Over 142 have participated In and ra-ks as th* favcrlte. pec: John Herdersor, mation or. good authority. FRISCH WAS THERE nawoc,a. the tournament through Tuesday. He is betas hailed is the Bi.# missed the final game with a r«rt*s tends player since s&eulder tftturr. So did Doug Irish Outfielder N1AQAKA FALLS, N. Y. (AP) The tournament is held from Ceoree Lot: of Chxsic in the Buckles, pUce-kiddng emd. re- IM Schedule — Frank Frtsch's definition of baseball spring training camps: 12 to 1 p.m. and. S to 5 p.m. -rsd-FfXTs. garded as i starrer next fall. Is Put Out Twice Monday through Friday through Lately to draw the third seed Left tackles Jobs Boucmais and "courtry clubs without dues." Now's the is ten Ceher cf 'At.sccsr.stn.. Toe-. Keattsg diaplay«d irrecgth. In Some Inning field 5:20 p.m Serskowsk: edgeif CoMe *-5, "-5 here bet r^h: tackle wit! "seed ta last r«n's finenxr-dand tfcer screngtheUcc Shifting of Joe I Vistas-Paperbacks time to hreeared tc she ssmtles crown at OTterssaii. *nwn.- rjar4 sew i shcrtstoc threw to secorxi for the farce or. Hanson, but the 2 East' Shaw 7-0 (resume) look 3 Eiy Shaw 2-4 (resume1 relay to first was wild. Hansoc. 4 Radcllff-Rangoon meanwhile, not realizing he had Enjoy the soptiisticaiwn... be«- called out went on to third, 5 Eminence-Fmpyrtam UNO€tGt.AOOATt STVOCmS the cool collegiate comfort ol where fee was unnoticed by the a Haspel suit. It puts you G sabre, aad approval Our Haspels include hone, but was tagged out b>- the -ol1 •iiv1r"'ons a wide variety of weaves, patterns and colors . all wash and wear $33 95 a(Kl ^ ENRY'S HAS... A Wide Variety of Delicious Quick Service Food; And The Price is Right! I !SH For Your Complete Sporting Needs HOLDEN Fran dor R1 Shopping Ceater "Famous Brands for Dsd ft Lad." SPARTAN SPORES S HOBBIES Michigan State New East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. May 17, 1961 Spartans W flgen Lose, But CoJavito Another Record Falls to Musial HHs Homer i Ford. and Ron Watklns director, he had fond hopes his the century In 9.6, allowed diem only one game In Exhibition Game: Carol Lum all individual scorers. • . respectively. FordTs their 7-0 win. tn the Central meet. All the team members won and &ie Lamb df. and Maureen Strait. Taty Balasls offspring could duplicate the var¬ ied athletic talents of sake, Doug Mills. his name¬ ROCKY COLOVI TO laAAy Cushion :00 yard dash the sv* tour good per- L-<. John Parker split the their sets 6-0, 6-0, with the exception of Taty Balasls. Bala sis eased up in the sec¬ Cards Try for Mtnan Dsve MutctOer is State's only representative in the shot put realised. and has shown His hopes have been more than Young Doug Mills Is making eer plate. The Tiger power hitter belted 45 roundtrlppers, his car¬ 1962 Golf SposUi+uj, Qoodi Ope-n Mon.-Fri. Nite Till 9 00 ' Mt. Pleasant but ond set of her 6-0, 6-1 win to Cardinals, badly In need of out¬ promise in high. last season and hit 163 3020 \ .ne St. West of Sears practice meets. HJs best sports history at Illinois. at slight wind present allow Aquinas's Rette Tarte to field help because of sn Injury in He'll be the first since the past-four years. [Rule Boole 1 Block North of Mich. Ave. to Minnie Minoso, have made an andpractice has been over 50 feet Haller to win letters tn Tom Power drove in three runs as v rnulU^tng the \arstty record pick up the only game against offer to the Chicago OAs for in the he. too, set a career best three the Twins put on two-run ral¬ I,;.:.- have set the MSL! women. Geor® Altman, their Central meet with a heave major sports tn one school year, lies in the third and fifth tn is Hs run it in 21.2. Wei¬ The team will meet Hamtra- hard-hitting of 47*11 1/2". provided everything well. taking a 4-2 lead. He outfielder. He's already won his goes singled ll 21.3 and Ford in 21.6. it \«ar> gathering Ford's mek here on May 23. SINGLES: Carol Lumdf. Rose- It is believed the have offered right-handed Cardinals ball and basketball first foot¬ both times and monograms in the scoreless added a single Cool Off — -is'rvx'. enousth for second marie Hanks 6-0, 6-0. Taty Bal¬ Ernie Broglio, a 20-game winner pitcher and this spring should earn his esota scored three eighth. Minn¬ ;e :;0 and a °.S placed him asls df. Bette Tarte Assistant Coach Jim Glbbard third in baseball. more runs In in the WO- Maureen Strait df. 6-0, 6-1. for the Cardinals two Terry Travis and outfielder CTiarlle Jamessgo. years said Wednesday, "The team could If time permits, young Mills the sixth, driving out loser Jim Come In i's test tet in the 4-tO yd. 6-0. Jackie Lowe dt. for do very well/' If warm up per¬ likely could earn a fourth In golf. Bunnlng. The Twins' s ptrker. one-time holder freshman NCAA record. Kel}y6 df. Call en Drlnan 6-0, ? -0. Nancy the left-handed hitting Altman. formances are 6-0r 6-0~ Kadi Valenta Last year Altman hit .303 any indication of with future things, it could get He has a four handicap. was featured sixth-Inning rally by doubles bv Bob 27 home runs and 96 hot for some mighty Allison and Bernle Allen and time was 46.7 clock- runs bet¬ ted in. He also ledthe Badgers and singles by Ear! Battey and Pas- : Tuesday he did the anchor league In Wolverines at Purdue this week¬ cual. triples with 12. end. the best in the world. Pasucal's second single drove in a run In the ninth. u eather Aids Softball downed Itong Kong 9.9-0. \rr»ld and Don Shirley two homers and one triple in three trips. In addition, he hurl¬ fore Ag. Econ, 11-1, on the three i the Vets. Chris ed one hit ball for the win. The hit pitching of ArW Waldo. Kurt Good Used Lard stemmed a homer for Ag. i threw i one hitter for Prnn n.» Pr+. rh« nitrh*r Coleoptera s. Both teams played pitching battle, Auto Parts i Larry The Coleopcera's trounced the i of the Consultants lost Communicators. 11-1, on Bob 13-3, on only one error. The difiers, 6-1, In four innings of ■ok! Judson .of Kodgers Fazger's and Welt Dover's no Cabanas were allowed two hits errorless ball. Harry White and it K) to Judsons 12, hit pitching. Dever. in addition at \ed credit forCon- by pitcher Ron Humphrey. Frank Stonad smashed homers to hurling, clouted a homer for Bailey four defeated Bailey for the Vers. Bill Reed was the Discount Prices i win, A i Miller g»\e the one run sacrifice fly the Coleopteras. Quiet Village rolled past West one. fair. 16-3, in A a five inning af- homer by Carl Perin winning pitcher, 'Italian American Food- the Consultnats in Shaw two. B-5. owing part of and three hit ball by Tom Mc- p>t Dougherty's grand OPEN Limeo Aut Jttem of the fifth. its victory to the one hit slam pitch¬ Quire put the game away for homer put the game in the wmer in the third ing of Dan Jack. JohnOlford hom¬ bag Mon-Sat II a.m. Bailey four. Lance Proctor turn- tor Cambridge, as they defeated * Wampler ga\e the Vistas ered for precinct two in the ed in a homer for Bailey one. CaravelJe, 14-11. Dale Anderson Sunday 4 p.m. over Highway Re- third, but they the failed to muster Three homers gave Carthage homered in the first to let cara- o IV 2- 130J 10A0 1332 Larch, Lansing 211 MAC ED 7-1668 | strength to defeat the strong a 13-6 victory over Casino. Allen wile briefly take the lead, 7-4. for The Red House S 1. playing with only five West Shaw four 'Village' team. Smith in the first, Chuck Couture J1™ Bilitski held CaravelJe to ^cnqueredCossa's Raiders, Dean Tarry hurled no hit ball in the second, and Dick Camp- four hits, as Cambridge moved ! in the second, they to prompt Bryan seven's win bell in the fourth put Carthage ahead to win. over Bryan five, 7-2. Don will on the way to victory. Dave Cameron had to settle for a ro :ake the lead and oger Griffith homered for I w the first Ralph Fogg homered while Jim Hennenger homered in the second to • and boost Bryan seven to a lead, Livingston gained credit as the Competition is gsttinghot; (ie> 10-10, after In the first. Pete Wade a 9-5 deficit homered finally, the game. teams showed great improvement for Cavalier. p Raiders. Cachet played errorless ball Tuesday evening. Also helping Four hit ball by Frank Fro nek _ - ■ Windal slammed a homer its. 4-4, the No Paperback. 5-1. as they powered past Casopolis, 15-4. Dave DeShane received credit as the winning the teams get hot were the tra warm temperature. Carl Eberhardt struck out four ex- of Botany failed to help them as they lost, 3-1 to the Kellogg Tareyton delivers' .faM'f filter l«*o base p ^me to Stars. Clint Burhans club- lead the attack ter as West Shaw five snuck pitcher. Alan Schafer hurled a one hit¬ as the Rozos galloped by Dollar 65, 8-0. Dick Stain contributed Flakies. Botany scored the run single in the bottom of the fifth. the flavor... doesiti by Ray Hollody also allowed only run for the West Shaw one, 3-1, in four inn¬ Paper- a homer in the third for the four hits for the Flakies. ings of play. win. by Ken Kroguleck, A1 Bryan four easily conquered John Rasmussen, aided by Ross Bynbrant led off in the Bryan two. 10-2, in five innings, _ > fourth inning 12 Klemco. hurled a one hitter as first with a homer for run Chuck Allen received credit for liV.nBower SnUCk N*1- West Shaw seven came out of a Coleoptera's, starting them on -the win. l^'10- Bob Clnyarad hurled 5-5 tie to score ten runs for a 15-5 victory over West Shaw nine. ivtduals headed tM Softball West Shaw ten halted a fifth as the k Paperbacks Inning rally, to slide past West over the i Saints, 19-0. Shaw six. 5-4. Jack King hurled Calderwood turtwd in a one hit ball for the *ruiir victors. performance, hitting Tinkle's Terrors toppled be- ""tecation-Planning Headquarters Te nolie the most of every ^Inioersifjj^oW" Varsity Overshirt $4.00 Pre-requisite for the, "at-eaee" look this Spring... our "simply greet" over- "Tareyton's Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est!" shirt tn lOO'/t cotton! Ifs cool, com- says Publius {Boom-Boom) Aurelius, Coliseum crowd- forUbie, casual... with Varsity collar, pleaser. raxlan half-sleeves, button pocket and Says Boom-Boom, "Tareyton. is one filter cigarette that the aurpriae of contrast stitching! really delivers de gustibus. Legions of smokers are switching. University low tailored with contour eut for trim, neat St. Our collection Try a couple of packa of Tareytons. They're the packa makes the honor roll with "flying cohwafl Romana!" m Allege Travel Office DUAL FILTER l^GrondRiv*.. ED 2-8667 Tareyton Thuf day. May I? 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan TtOYALE DELUX1 TYPEWRITER SOLD AFTER 1ST CALL "TTutoinon^ A5om5ivs ^Fo^cHs Rut" *LO»«> Found l-fc 1 I! Automotive ^ 4t For R»a|| > 1961 CARAVELLE, 7000 mlks. 195? FORD CONVERTIBLE, CORVETTES 1957 - 1959 - 245. 3 bedroom homa, suitable for MODERN "F^lDR(>CW APART- LOST -J agoON TI& R,d Cjt, 3^V7tJ£ •'iraonally c£?; apaclou. brick Sf'N , radio, 2 top*, perfect condition, yellow and white. ..automatic.**- 3 •"» 4 **••« arnall family. or married couple MENT. Unfurnished except re- Hon aungla.ee. Need desperately. Reward 555- — — • Md 3 stultI>u c,u for,™™ _ La ay tng for Europe. $1850. Call callattt c<^Idon.^ MLOT SELL. Mbcted foryou. frtg^tor and .cove. Garage, s 3? C>U Larry ED 2-1393. or Saturdays 717 W. Grand River, ®7 basement, backyard. Qose to 3W7 haa. phone !\ COMET F-22 Sports Coupe. 1961 campus. 534I Sycamore SycamoretLane. m*. Call n ■■■ Serfs Saroant. Bmi..' ant. Broke, '• ED 2-4939. 37 LOST FRIDAY - Blae* and white - 1961 VALIANT , . -- h . I960 AUSTIN HEALY SPRITE - " Bucket seats, automatic. HARLE Y-DAVSSON HUMMER, Parker Pen iti« s..^T l*°°° ***">. heater and standing performance car. top, automatic, 8.000 actual miles. Showroom radio, heater. white walls. Excellent condition. Holmes. now nH?Llw,N'o Lansing. Phone IV 2-9 ATTRACTIVE. 3 rooms With tile vlclnityof S. Campua GrlU. Sen- from Camp^.ThT?, condition. Sa\« the first years $1050. Call IV 4-4241. 37 STATlCMWAOObE - , unfurnished Wf* refrlg- tlmental value - Reward. Call ^ hot* El __________________________ I960 - 1959, 6 s and 8's, auto- erator and stove. Air conditioned, 355-9745. matic. and standard shift. Out¬ close to campus and A&P Store. FOR S ALE - standing family on. ... . 125 Keobarry Dr. Adults. F.I") "tL ' *T~ .PERSONAL 1961 PLYMOUTHSport Fury (Jon 4 ^ ^ UiiUA uif«» - suma*i> tHMfc tJ. « HSI*«Onal fen',? .PEANUTS PERSONAL Ml pmr. to. »lWj<- SL^HZJcM^Sr^S ?, CHEVROLET*. IWS on wide ancle tans, with view- ft* «•*- ' screened porch, pai*ifc(«^ tlon room, P°^h' B- R PWelejJ eREAL ESTATE cssonable, $1 eSERVICE .TRANSPORTATION LAY AND MATTHEWS, 1322 E. Priced from $295. condition. $70. 355-6146. housing for 4 Rd. Call in men. 1145 Abbott person 6:00 - 7:30 fyied SCJuvom&i 3M9. 1959 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE BAST .WANTED ' Automatic. power steering Michigan, IV 5-2243. Do you want SPARTAN MOTORS, A DOR AB LE CHOCOLATE and PM. Mon.- Frl. and Sat. after- LANSING-Ne,rtll to sell your car? See us. We Seal Point Siamese. Sire Impor¬ 37 GAMMA PHI BETA house open school. Owner Wiy* trade up or down. Buy any make INC — summer term. 5 week session Offiers easy to llve ^ DEADLINE: or model. c.t.f. ted. Can be registered. Reason¬ only. CaU ED 2-6426. 40 room. 2 bath, home.L^l 3000 B. MICHIGAN able. Call ED 7-7476. " 38 UPASES J®' tHApre* aPPlled for. a" — bw'ore pvtfl IV 7-3715 C built for m ^ 7 ROOM FURNEHED house, ap- j 1955 FORD - 2 door, V -8. < DEPENDABILITY M ATE RNIT Y CLOTHES.Sum- proved. For 4-fr students, for Graduating class of 1962. con- Call ED 7 09^ fc PHONE: 1957 OUD6MOB1LE mar & winter. Shorts, skirts, summer and fall. Phone ED 2- gratulatlotu. Are you planning IS IMPORTANT - _ 355-8255 or 8256 black, ne* exhaust, and brakes. $695. n 16. ED 7-2236. «-^ j±rs rssry£s RATES: fork. $,<25. from 1958 SIMCA ST ATIONW AGON ... r. . - - WAOT1!D-'"f^™" (approved house 38 SS UlT^Sf SnSt«2l will be shown. EXCELLENT , 1 DAY $1.00 white, good etudne. 55mpg, BY OWNER - 3 bedroom. 2 Call evenings. IN 2-0565, bath, gas heat, ranch home, fire- 3 DAYS $5.00 DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY 1960 Volkswagen p»i»io»h- $650. place, large arbo red lot, close — MAX CURTIS, 5 DAYS $3.00 very< grey- 80041 tints- Curb" son- uk'Hh" tK' STR AT TON SPORTS CAR 10 bus *nd 2 blocks from NEAR CAMPUS, Cape Cod. INC. So 1*0 IS .W« 04, n DIALfr' KIN 9-2588 C Slde An* Roadside doors, this - CENTER shopping center. Ideal for small furnished, basement, autorr 2921 E. MICHIGAN on c*. mi 4lso hjls sptcial auxllIUry gasoline heater that runs about 1915 E. MICHIGAN AVE. family or couple. Can adapt for heat. Jisposi. garage.526 Allen. IV 4-4491 EXT 33 TKere .<11 b* 41 25f aerviee DIAL IV 4-4411 C tnc°me. $18,500. Call TL' 2-86 Couple preferred.Call IV 5-0336. ,, _ $150 . Came In from Ingham .76. 40 1>>56 CHEVROLET Black Del trie. Theses, ma: «h,t <« »o< po.'d Jirhin - Y-S, County Vnimal Shelter $1295. Always buy cleaner < ^ Automotive d headlines-. New ci to sell at ,$795. arc"£S£srr srsr^szrzaa nue. Dial IV 2-6141 or IV 2-2 Call ED 2-6306 after 5 p.m. bath. Near campus and Chris- S=J™=.sj: 8671. FREE DRY CLKaMNqJ . . . P«ing 50,003 acrual miles,, $600 38 tlan Science Church. Call after ■' 11 ' 1 4 30. row'# Econo^as)' of parts replaced or rebuilt in last l>>fO ED 2-2841. 37 GRADUATION ANNOUNCE j-/ T-Ftrd- '55-ttlck. overdriv INTERNATIONAL Model - Cleaners, 3006 VineSi LL MENTS with your name, double we«t of Sears' wr rntertor, bodhr stvI paint e v.,™ envelopes, tissues. 2 day sen Ice. Frindoifi cdlesit ^.*11 IN 0-4i giving absolutely free-j^ Myers Printing Service, 1421 E. or write Mel Ci^w*y 10* . lng to each customer i Fngland or France duiing June s.?8i7 after'5:30. $75. L modern 5 room cottage, peaceful h M'ch,«*n „ ^ 22-55-4. and quiet, *^e\M Dran « Harris, inc. & July. Overseas deliveries are — good fishing. For more easily arranged. Information, call ED 2-8858. 36 1°5C OLDSMOBIl 4 door hard- 1050 tM.DS - Bear laminated bow plus sccee- FREE FILM CONTINENTAL IMPORTS. INC. sories also tape recorder. Call LIVE RENT FREE - House for 226 E. KALAMA7O0 DIAL IN 5-1743 C36 355-0666 36 rent. Downstairs apartment. Ap- KODACOLOR FILM given with DIAPER SERvil rgxiar- STORY Sells proved rooms for five students «ach ro°l Kodacolor film pro- SERVICE to > ZKN'ITH T.V.'s, new & usedcon- negr campus. Conf»lete ftirnlsh- cesslng (620-127) Special with AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR soles, table* models. Excellent »««• {or —— Faculty couple lhts ad onJy- \vallable term end. ED - - door. d amazoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker will not fade, nv ONTlAC STARCHIEFcon- S ALE OF FURNnURE used in red and black interior. Low mi service and free estimates. 1411 SUMMER - 3 well furnished or Pink diaper pails \ertlble - Automatic, power furnished apartments. 2 air-con¬ .... Y, . leage. $8*5. E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. # • _ . _r,.j Alpha XJ Delta Hou$9 ^ open for ished. • c5< rcrcr Sr^tlorwagc steering, radio, hearer, wlilte wall tires. ^TORY Sells For N5~ CHFNTOLET 4 door Stat- ditioners, beds, couches, pets, pans, T.V.'s. lamps, desks, etc. 2r£LtfLE£ZZZ ,0 Information~ school. For call Mrs. Jones ED AMERIC AN L.MN0RT I do- the , Ladies In East Lansing. Write sity Crested g r reel luxury. $2595. Nfrs. Alana Hucklns, 5664 School 1 should be orired now for June FREE LIST OF steer-.ne. exceilS" ^ c St. u , 4fi v , Haslett, Mich, for an appoint- .iARMONY FLAT TOP GUITAR, eIclIIm condition, with cape ROOMS FOR sum cook- —. deU^ at theardShop..Across . mu,lc,j groups j. t0 ......v., o Call n 1952 Merv-^ ^hn. , gj radio, heater, Several RAMBLER deroonstrat- ment. 36 white waUs, good condition. Call arv5 gtr,p. Call FD 2-6 in* and Parking facilities, 1 block from the Home Economics Build- Write or phone C.< ors Including convertibles. Fjc- ley, Secy. Lanshg Fed* Jim Arixtry ED. 2-2501 3" cel lent prices available. See SIMMER WORK. Start training Musicians. 52* S. Wj 2®51 FORD these before you buy! - 2 dc^r good oon- now. Car necessary. Call IV IV 2-5314. "Live Muitcltl CHENUOLFT, 1961 BIik, 4 9-1318 6-9 PM. only. 37 doer. Be I Air. N-S stici. Radio. Call OL 5-1003. Pn Owner ELMER STEELE RAMBLER lent condition.'Call 355-6238. 37 SUMMER ONLY - Juniors and Seniors. Cooking and parking PERSONALS Todd: Let's get EXPERIENCED TYFST.Sfl off — 66 this typing, term papers, tm SL'MMER HELP WANTED, Male facilities. CaU ED 2-1114. summer and spend 2 weeks In ectrlc typewriter. Willi Students for Introductory mar¬ BL'LOVA - 23 jewel, self-wind-' " the Bahamas with Beach comber endall - ED 2-2521; DM keting program. Yo lng watch, expansion band, sweep _N" Ga so Hair Fqulp. Co. P.a Bo* 768, New Haven. condition. Call ED 2-5039. Q"1* home- Parking. Summer roof. $1025 - 141- L Spar - - 36 only. IV 2-8304. 37 carnival tickets for SINCER STUJEKT e looking for Conn. Saturday night. CaU 355-6425. Model Singer SINGL E AND double for peanut's PERSONAL $525. *55-430$. Babj-sltter Married female to CHESS SET - hand carved bone tr $5 monthly or $1.50 ptrfl CHEVROLET, :^61 Cor^eruble - l*fO CHENROLET CONVERTI¬ - c„mm_ T'here's nc deubt in our tntnds. BLE - Black wltJs a black top. babysit parttime during day. Must jmPortec! from Meatlco. Carry- , " c^es private nark Ins We deliver and pick || The nicest one available on am have owr rransnonation CaU lnS <"**« and playing board In- ciuom private perking, tele- tele- BARBARA HANSEN AND DALE the brand new Spartan ^ loo I960. O-erdr: Standard transmission. One own¬ LVa. 3S2-WW. transportation, tau 37 c'"v3g"- 355^036' JO- 36 Phone. ba^. entrance and kitchen. COOPER only $44.50. PiyJ :5,XC -vie? lot ir Lansing. Maroon i wt.sae er. Like new. All All utilitiesn.M utilities paid. Seeat 526 Eva come to the State News « ^Ti, \\ ■nonthly. 1 rec Roister LANSING'S ENGLISH BICYCLE gregn< Fa" ' »n,fa*- 4 Office, vices room 347. Student Ser- *5 ^ 8nd 1 Building for your free ^ - r.C. Callow? power sseer-.rvg 1 brW.es. Less LETTTCH & STENBERC REGISTERED NURSE, pan time HEADQUARTERS. Check Summer vacancy passes to the Crest Drive-In than rr.-.ies. You always ge: 262S E. KAl_^MA200 work, pediatricians office. East prices first. Gene's Cycle SI - men one block to L'nlon, 334 Fvergreen. Cook¬ 36, 484-3229 c Lansing. References. Call ED ^ *-0362 C3? ing parking, recreation room. SINGER SEWING G rsse CHEN-ROLTT CONN FRT- 2-6848. Deys only. 37 CaU 332-2195. 36 309 S. WASHING^!■ JBLF. V-#s 4 barrel CirKirator. sTI DE NTS Let parents see the REC-OCUT TURNTABLE with - 487-3624 ^Jtls, »-« rw-er. «,DC0 miles, ST.WDARD VOLkSW\GEN great MSI Marching Band Sun- one owner '5 000 actual miles, 'SUMMER < 2:15. Procession: E3eauniont v„ w«m«- s™«' Tower —————— xceJler: cost&tlon. $■»«. ^bone IMP ALA CONVERTIBLES ^ up2° hour5 frraduate °ruT&rgr*3utte credits Ask for KarL ^ J ^ Spartan Hall, singles $8.00 per t Auditorium. 36 WANTED: Full - from ^ week, doubles $5';50 per week going * l®60 CoriveiJe 1 wps, * 1*(10 ford - Priced for ;mme. ^fr PER VSpr®^ RED Two sharpest v°neCOp- «T. May ^17 from 1 -5 jMu TRAILERS * L>r*« rooms with sink in CARn| y.. Van" Lines, worWll .ase sale S'SO exceile-: cot one m each room. Comfortable lobby ^ARd-YN J: Sorry you missed household goods roMajal SM«-.. S5S-436- » diaon CaU Jerrj. 355-544". • isswar—--- w^sa-d»r—s ausrr, 19S0 PONT I AC C AT ALJN A Con¬ Camp Oakland Summer Camp, P'«*ly furnished. 5 rooms, steel 215 L^!s rhon^VnT *61 METROPOLITAN- H19*- Jn- vertible - Dark blue with white A!so registered or Hscensed Need weed two two waner carnival, tickets EDIE STARR Typist. I top. Radio, heater, automatic practice nurse position available. dlswrtation^ term papem_ tfatrt at RaM's ^eil Service e( Saginaw at CJ^jpert Contact Ben 355-8780 DESPERATE | er.7 typing. camor ta Lansing. Priced to seU at only $2195. ^ For Rent 36 electric typewriter.OS'"' N olkrmtfer. deluxe l«5$ srtation- For Sole CHFN"ROL FT sedas- SKC. AL MBCLUCH PONT1AC J®55 PL\-V!O.TH *«dar. - *2SD. wagOR. Sen roof top, marr extras. 2121 E. MICHIGAN '1956 Sponsman DeSote exoep- " to , »ui carrion time. Qualm Good rarmi«g condition. S. Cert:f:esJ caadWot.. SUSP or best ED 2-5011 of ox TheS Chi. The.a rL Vulture occasions - to fit yowj Adam*. JS5-«64:. 5- offer 355-44J1. 3* SUMMER - 2 r 36 Mtchigan Ctterlr.g Sert*1 1«0 MG-A IWO R«OesTotet maroor. cocpe. 1956 FORD wer CONVERTIBLE. Po- brakes, pc^er ED 2-1176 ED^'ie'S'^'r Graduates preferred. Gr»dM> Home SOCUI irwrc , . 9-3343. ctodit?on. PhoneM 6-J2r| aft* .-JUdSe^ Heeter, 4 goodtares. «a« H. W^. W«S.W New tires nc Party Saturday, May 19, 1962. ING STAMI'S! 11 * FV- "V F«>d oftr. CaU 3S2-I45* V nSr. CaU ED 1-3568. Tom. 36 7.*V* XI,JU -O^ Muwat CLVE^?A:V?_ Sj^* A7!' UM RivrtwiR tM. EAST LANSING - Bryan and Gllrfirlst. 37 your cleaning t $14.95. 14" Raytheon $29. - APPROVED, - - ■ apartment. Available June supervised double | and Dry Cltm Now H'. laT ^>lloo ."g^ ^ J70- Utilities paid. Perk- room for lummr. Cookingpriv^ 4 Open Daily - $34.95. Guarameed. CaU Larry's T.V. IV 9-1982. ^ 15 * {y 5.9818 after 5 30 "M. U«*e«. parking, close tocampu. 3g Phone 332-2495. ~ Real Fstntu b Stgte Pants, skirts. swe^nS and pressed, only c» 1n hiock "1 Pedroorn ranch stone^ga^'g,3 ALWARD LAKE RESORT BE ALT1FL L, braaJ new sistor AM & FM radio. CaU Hormoz. ED 2-0541. 36 Close 2-0261. ~ Diane ED 39 Sure for your U-HAUL to make reservations oreeieway, basement, y»rd. terms $15,500. CaU FE 9- fenced 37 WHILE YOl ' service on cation pictures Pas5P®"2 Lim< TRAILER, Swim, Picnic & Study Truck or Moving Equipment 2 IT' RCA Portable TV. $139.95. This week ocly teMSL students APPROVED double rooms, APIS. with Single and * EAST SIDE GULF SERVICE w"l^"2* L»rg« tacrt cor- ,th ™ny mature ever- gua^nteed. Cell ED 2-616° for tt» Re^ cooking, — • Spring Fed Lake 1 1 parking. Available faU term. ED 7-7547. sum: 2763 E. GRAND RIVER (Across from (he Poplars) large Uvmg ,p*clou' room with h^lrooma, fireplace. Portimits appiic«t»*fl dining room, kitchen, full bee£ ^ i • Sandy Beach FREE aes. - Black and whlae klt- House broken, ideal for TT* ^ 2 ««• «w- For fast accurate W,ftlrw Jley 9ch°oI district- distance to campus type. IBM; Call ■ ctildrea. Please phoae ED 7 • Snack Bar ED M47867 Fry* Str®*' 0,11 «EAD THE WANT-ADS' ALTERATIONS. IT NCJT 0NLV COOUSWOFf. IT BftJSHTENS SWR OUTLOOK 9 miles North of Lansing city limit on U. S. 27- one j p, |L /M , mile west CP*WEN W&l-ittrti 7, J 1 pip thufday, May j Gihner Has !:( itiJimuMJii Human Musk i~. W>■*»* ~ r-yfr.rr ii® Mtoss ttlatvrh* I FtHAHU »*<- 1 0>-erwh*«*»>- ■** tiroxo With lis Moo's V 9otH>ki Students passing Gilnor Hall -rar-^sr" ' i«« »n>vHi»t j.i ■. • • Hindu itmllentai, •*' Kwr*w»<*» > aiound noon often hoar strains of music amid harking Ajgs and ,» M*or 1 *<»•*■ r««*0«Yto • ■• i: cvtuw f*iM 11 OW*nti!"« K u The tnusfc Is from the 14- t to p«- sssersifcsri SKA TO nations « •* "* *cW? twrt •**' it IVvKPM»>* member veterinary medicine RF 101 ractmmtMMK* plan* move® *» « glee club wfcieh nractkot rwKo from Okinawa mm! Japan, andbttt trtn*. >w\H"v! Sot«t'C» ft Sji«»trOa>'» »u*it<► a week during die noon brook. KB 50 t«*.rs m2 coramunica- ^rtm nister Keith Hotyonk* Otftcr> V ' Tl*e group, wfcoeo o«Uy re- J -V Hun* i\* »i<>« a'xin ^uirotroiu ta a deoii e to sing, planes are of New Zeeland announce that hia btiM iat- Mhimt waaetudvineDlsiiStoaanc' M£*5U*« 1u K ^oSrrt IHta\ 10 Tt** trunk hos performed at vorious vet or- among tho air fere* being act^ «IM was ttudytof pU«»»••*! %Lcl ™*-^ «■ i KutttwerTii.',r i( Svrwxvi h« Imrv medicine functions- They •;' •i-* ^ »* *S1 \{"2i j1 *Ci»w»b^n< Na*e sung at convocation the annual Honors htaqueC the Slate Tk. mvoM «f A. Wl*» m« Mh«r H». SEATO nlloot Mllt'.'P Si S*«Kl ,«(f\ K>r Nfokfical Technologist's confer- .yjgss ^«-■■■••■• ffiNa>^«?.. vniff.y," enca. awdtnemw-vai-sJuafau-- - its 1 Knl > «\i » krv ference for Veterinary MedUclne, Bangkok. rt** «im *ui Western nations foor on of- fenaive by Prince Souphanou- vong's pro-Communtit Pathet Loo, which has swept over north- LAKE UNSIN6 Amusement pJ ituols And old f*> woatom Looo In tho Uot rwo OPBI DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY by the group. Some of the ar- wook*. bodos 111 for ThuUand. raigeireti:? wer-e writtonbv Bar- T>o tmton^nt «old tho Amor- ry Torino* * former mod «x>- Week Day» 7 P.M. vfwt who organtrol the grvxg» five-yoats 4|o. Presently a J from Ohio S»«o'« d«p»rtmont of ww *ssi IMck SpdiA bass. o«womolofy sooleijy, will bo W etter Show The group receuos an annual -w — - ;— Not efroid of mi ce-Pkt lienor* D>w«*o«4, Junior from Brock** the «5 allotment end AjnaOons for us i^tvMt-uiK-o*. I JIM spring th« Villo Ofcio eppeor* to Hove no foor of tKo smell wKito on I wo! rt «( a toir.ltur to bo tho daportroont of o«>- SPONSORED BY MSU SAILING gleeelut- purchased* pianofrom ,H« wi* in Kor eaperiieent* pomininj to yifoiei j_" tomdocy Frfchy. Tho ilvnlnar wUl bo 4 p.m. In ClUA •amtag*. ficioncy. Stot* Ne»* Plioto by Motk Ki _ tho Natural Scionco buiWlnf. Po¬ ltroon wUl #P«*k on "Rocont Sunday May 20—2 p.m. Biochemists Study Stvidloo In NUturo Intocu". T"y """f Vitamin Deficiency S» i* an appltcatuv of re*o*s-ch t thwnun«-fro« dlot, thorooctlon Outstate Tuition * *5 ^nv.VP it tho c*t»- -K oar. not t*k« k_, _ , _ " \ 'rooJbiodt 1? pUcod lr Called 'Unfair' ^ V BrocksvUlo Ohio juxksr. *i N tho NxN in or.kr w N- altar- path*ov of thr Wolofical how tho 'ro*J- joovi tt carah«s for vxriotw Nock- „ sho c«cJ *s 'lyfr: PVoV: *> jva ivxK ftaxtuw*. sho U t«sti^ in e„VA;.Ti« a rooction in which w-o*or ucarun ArfWio«x-i« cat- \ „ cor.vorto^ to P J* vtotocto^i through Mo^ ^ UJW ^ ■^•.p £5 ck« C4t_ _*:»» Mt#s Oummond U w^kinjc Ira v, .'rnr^i^ nis undor tho Na tfxo di«." lf ^ thu^tno m sho »ul, "and c«»s- «too cw M«wv. Foundation fjriorjTaJuato soqfLMRthr »o TTF tn tho Meoi narck Frofram v: prooont *ho « ImoRtcattaK ana.t>-«U of &o Uovxi should show 4 ,rM(al i tor artxount of compound 4,.v i rotations^ botwoor. tho A J^n « «dd havt boon If a-o . U>.-o*nor.t an-ouRt of thiamin* >ifca^,li! Fl, ta tho aiot and tfco amouat of rolito! oriryr-o shuamino- t^jy - rooction had prwoodod t» vu» Drum mood has So«rs There's Nothing 'Pseudo' About Good Food| Bbrons jatvoai TjosJft*. NS*y fiteamutioa taihoTlaoo- -.roe* Furoav. Bullet it for tho p*rvvh«MFftat» iTFH which is 4o Ueoi - *« said Th..Urr.L-o doAciooey tchur-jir.s ,v>HLins u-dor pr^. R.G. lianson. ^ ^ bivvhomisnr iopart- •M* N. Washington Across from Gladmor The Eagle Rt. on tho projoct ^r a y«*r. ConwJont Pariinjf in Roai wyok at Mar U chr^-^fh S\»r is kwaww as bari-bors. sho said, Has It . Knate Schools -- n«r.«v a-td Km* of rofloa acticn is coo arv oAx-auop oarhr. aociai K> af its SMTiptVJtroS. -i o5 a^i * ph>r*ioal oi^va - "F^ the lo-so of the etfos "*^1 - . . action occur* ooJty after tho t&U- S *>«. t"-—5Su"». -- 3- s.sc. nsojors- ;a^s*a® Pvfcoe Scikools — ol< t m..; .. Eroaoot Dmfcp b CoMTopic Trustees To Attend Educational Meet T-o vaort. i ^*o : tz