Weather Friday: OMtfauad warm .possible MICHIGAN Inside UNIVERSITY Vol 53. isro. 201 STATI rATE NEWS East ------ Lanatng. Michigan - ■« ■ - Friday, May 18, nmay. is. 1962 PRICE 10$ ing Week End Sounds Welcome Colorful U.S. Action in Laos Praised Carnival Workers Planned Troops Thousands of Alumni, Strike on V Not on Parents Expected Thousands of alumni, parents and guests will be welcomed to Campus Offensive the campus Friday, Saturday and Sunday for a gala Spring Week- Ion— Peaceful Solution Junior 500, Water Carnival, Of MSU Buildings Sought by JFK and the Senior Swingout will high¬ WASHINGTON iIs As Presi¬ light weekend events. waters and re-enforcing - dent Kennedy told a n Carnival, present¬ ^ „ working on WtUon ing a colorful display of floats . ference Thursday he seeks a ■ j" k\' ■'* rngmeerlng Build¬ on the Red Cedar River, will be er, s:r.Ung tor higherwages peaceful, solution to the Laos crisis so L\S. staged at 8:30 p.m. Friday and iJ v;'e: working conditions, troops won't have to fight in Southeast Asia, the Saturday. This year's theme de- in-,. v\-.-.rad. spokesman for Thai secretary-gene ral of picks the "Pseudo" the real ^ "str.ur. vio.. sajd Thursday. that Isn't.... really. Vt*"» enforcingsteelworkers SEATO. Pote Saras in praised the American landing. Registration for alumni this ;r.sfi>usars^ h*v* been out of weekend will He called it a "good thing" begin at 10 a.m. »• •-< M*> 1 *>d the ,4 save May 10. because it showed determination Friday and Saturday in the Union and the Painting to resist aggression, and said building. the The Patriarchs' Luncheon, .... corating Contractors Philippine Vice President honoring the golden anniversary Utoc. bave tK* reached an Emmanuel Pelaer. had given as¬ surances of aid if called class of 1912, will be held at noon iireettvent, Ken Orouin, union But a spokesman for Pakistan, upon. Friday in the Union. The class N >; rept* sensitive, said. will have a social hour at 5:30 joesn't look good." he eighth member of the SEATO alliance, said it would be diffi¬ p.m. and the Golden Anniver¬ ai. "We have a meeting Thurs- .U 'hs I don't think any- cult to spare men for Thailand. sary dinner at 6:30 p.m. On the heels of the Marines, There will also be reunion f s ml0CiJ Lt. Gen. James L. Richardson luncheons at noon Saturday in the Union for the classes of 1922, - , • cut o: Detroit. A contract Jr.. commander of the new UJS. s;c.*d with the Associ- combat forxe in Thailand, flew in 1927, and 1937. The Class of from Honolulu to assume 1947 will have a 5 t ? General Contractor* in De- charge p.m. social of operations. hour and a 6:30 p.m. dinner in wit iwfore any out state final The veteran Nebraska- bo rn the Union on Saturday. »;tkrner.t can to made. Other Saturday activities are jdbus te r* s strike has expert in guerrilla and Jungle warfare stopped en route in Sai¬ the Junior 500 race at 1 p.m. ^rc^tt *0ri to a stop or the. and a :** gon for a talk with Gen. Paul SWINGOUT SUNDAY .. Senior, ore campus walking tour at ix::..- EngtneertngBrnld- D. Harktns, the man who has picking up their cop* 2:30 p.m. which leaves from •iJ said, lis explained ond gown* ot the Union in over-all charge of the combat preparation lor Senior Swingout the Union building. «as DOt completed far where Senior* anJ their The command in Thailand and his own parents will meet ot Beaumont Junior 500 race, spon¬ allow other workers WATER CARNIVAL OPiNS FRIDAY NIGHT- Tower ot 2:15 p.m. Sunday I Here Jim sored completes some ol the paeer-maiche work military assistance command in Motteson. fittinq spec¬ by Lambda Chi Alpha fra¬ e Job. "P»t»ede" fleets will tail the Red Cedar •n Communist beleaguered South ialist, checks mortar baord site with Jonice Miller, yfj|. ternity, will take place on a building although it has cntinuing inside the Friday night before crowd. Dave Bel ley. en expected cepeelty Pontine sophomore one^ef the float* with the assistance of Viet Nam. Gen. Harkins tol d newsmen liamston senior. -Stote Hews Photo by Robert Decker course around West Circle Drive and will end at the women's in¬ leer slowed down by tto Iteto Newt Photo by Boh Docker. Public Invited Sunday paint- the tramural building. rs* strike, he.said. " newly landed force here is )■■■■■■■■■■ not on an offensive mission and Immediately following the race "There is i gesjd e sate. " that the move-in possibility, date Warrant 'Pseudo' whether it went into combat "de¬ pends on the people on the other there will be Greek Feast Sigma Nu fraternity house. Bar¬ at the cieduled tor the end of this vr.tb. will no: be met." Charges side" — in Laos. "Troops To Attend Swingout becued chicken will be served. Parents, faculty and visitors Entirely ' are going Into Thai¬ the 'Vork is still to University will have an continuing ot land because of the situation ids.T. ;ia!l despite the strikes," Senior Swingout class convo¬ opportunity to hear the spring in Laos," he said, but "they are crxar. y. otter, assistant direc- Student not going in to invade." cation will be open to the for the first time Sunday public main open Saturday until 3 p.m address by President John A. Hannah at 2:30 p.m. New Idea Sunday In :r housing, said. "We are The first reaction in Moscow after- for those seniors who have no the auditorium. For the first completion date T** Ingham County prosecu- and Petping, backers of the Laos picked up their caps and gowns time the traditional Senior VJJ. I will be net. tor's office authorized the is¬ rebels, to the American landing Parents, rri-Bn friends andguests are parents and alumni may vibi Swing- suance of a warrant charging The banks of the Red Cedar wae was Mnrnmmlrt.l noncommittal. Reports here K--T lnv1tL lnMte" t0' t0 m£t meel the. North the bookstore at this time also, out will be open to the public. Herman Johnson. Plainfield, N.J. River behind Shaw Hall have said Peiping broadcasts and the j1""!" Senior Class President Bob Tow< Halt Bill according to Prosecutor Lee J. Global . — . — ,vfTof SluwtoHMs ... 1 01 tne Marines prawsion w(fh with f(,. the MSU wiiMeave K.„, rnarf.h,r,v ?S p.m' Legislature marching band hn,,j OK's gow i for - their caps a t and t S3S.HS& t^STZ TKriLv $6 Million for MSU semble at Beaumont o Quit 2:15 p.m. Led by the The complainant, Michael A. Water Carnival seniors, parents friends Michigan show Friday and green-blue uniforms filed off the dSl«e^« Glimpses ' srclassmen. State Marching Band, the seniors Calahan. Hamilton Junior, charg¬ Saturday nights. LST Point Defiance and the at¬ The State Legislature £ will parade to the auditorium to ed that Johnson pushed and trip- tack transport Participants who do not meet NSA Navarro at Bang- finai approval Thursday to a hear President Hannah's address "Pseudo, the real that to^s Beaumont Tower should go Cd htm on May 10 fracturing his ft wrist. By the Associated Press eally", the theme for Water 400 IHong Tcwy docks. About landed at Don Muang Air- the mam auditorium which sets aside $6 million the construction a new dormi- and to bewelcomedasnewalumni by Starr Keesler, director Calahan was treated at OUn Carnival, will carry out an en- rill begin of Health Center immediately fol¬ —- - tirely new idea for the annual - uial port from the helicopter carrier V.llav Foro. Valley Forge, which anchored J* at 2:30 p.m. Designated sections ~ tory. Legislatoi approved the Alumni Relations. lowing the injury and was re¬ Marines Set Camps -vent, Jerry Blanke, general in the Gulf of Siam. for seniors to sit in will be basis, Lt on a self-liquidating Immediately following the used the chairman >1 ~ • -«n^r rK.t M«ri Am, u» following day. >«iu iouowuiK u«y. said BANGKOK - U.Sw Marines set The men, looking as fresh as • J,mes Fur1*' medical director if rhev had ! from boot camp, The feature of the class con- blll, previously approved formal coffee hour reception Na..onalLt tonal Student Associ- thelr flrgt camps Thursday jLa»d , ^ Blanke called this year's theme the Union parlors A. B. at which o( ^ ^4lth c^r. J* bv a horn ' will be President John i** * js tabled at Student Con- ■ViTesday night. However. on May 14 at 5 pjn. R!ver along Thailand's Mekong educational and thought provok- r!rn j,, a strong position lng. He said the vague concept wenJrested by about 250 (Continued on poge 7) impas- Hannah's Tddress " entitled,' Our Debt to the Past." flnal go-ahead by Senate con- ^i111 have a,n opportunity Calahan was readmitted to the currence. 7!* bill urged the t0 prevent any communist at- of pseudo has forced the living drop-out —— Feung said, because he lempt t0 #el2e southem Laos, units to V* *■ grounds that the student Trustees lacks interest received a friendly wel- Bar The Women's Glee Club will the expense, an estimated 'me from the *rhai p*op,e Blanke said that the carnival present Its annual spring con¬ per voar. Is not justi- cert in the music auditorium at " ot benefits to Although Calahan is presently The force of 1800 Leather- idee of Water Carnival has been Th# Board of Trustees ruled campus as the Young riding at Olin his status is necks moved easily in Bangkok's replaced• by die concept of a Republl- n exponent of c »vho 4 P-"1- Sunday. jn an tmpromtu meeting Thurs- cans, the Young Democrats, the bound by any obligation that of a boarder. Feurlg said, turgid heat as they unloaded tons theatrical production on water rd, All-University nlght that Michigan State Conservative Club, and nearly to tell the truth/' fjJer: ^ mlLy fcave to go to classes of equipment from helicopters at night." Co ernment facilities would not be used for 200 other student president, j^t Sigma Nu ' - and warships. organizations. One of the items reported to ** bill was "the whim of winter term Water Carnival a speech by a member of the All are formally recognized by night" " The first units of the task force committee members conducted the Trustees Thursday was Bristol, rnfmh#r" Calahan is employed in *" flown immediately from f^unlst finA President John A. Hannah said, the AU-Uni^rsltyStudent Cov- T^mpSo, lminal record. He i representative were from *«h,t count Ir. in and within ithin* University 1949 of a vlo- Hosts Feast . House Document Rooms ns at the * an attempt ^ to find ' 7„ wi.J ernment, ""IT was convicted Bangkok's Don Muang Airport In view sT -4^wngc'1lI,tI2?,C??theBuild 7 llle- Fletcher Monmngh, downtown b,g U.S. Q30 Hercules trans- out how attend both many persons would of ^didld 9Mech of Ro- rT policy, all may hold m and invite outside speakei tings lation of the Smith Act, sen- performances of the tenced to serve three years in bert G. Thompson, ^v-ronvicr i ■C r_ ^ 'ior-4- »tended Itteisded the the r»r«*iT recent ingress, to state the NK NSA X ports ^ and long-time member and form- an ex-convict Was In December. I960, some 1960, when whe there question about known snown federal prison, became a fugi- tive from Justice and the object After Jr. 500 * 4?i-"5t cor.nnuin*naember- Graduation Tickets Blanke said the person who er official of the Communist Communists speaking on other other of a nationwide F.B.I, Greek Feast, held at the Sig¬ .. „ ^ f guetsee" tfce cloeeet number will party. Michlga.i campuses on scientific as re-arrested n 1953. ma Nu house»__will serve barbe¬ Medtcwe Deam 5een receive a $25 gift certificate. He was to appear Wednesday cued chicken to fraternity and ttterxied the conference. » Ready Monday riv«nvMV second place guesser wUl receive a $15 certificate and the night under the auspices of the subJectS( the msu Trustees ap- proVed a policy guidance The full 1960 Ti as follows: sorority members, their par¬ Young Socialist club, which had statement for the University ad- To be true to itself, a univ- ents, and guests at 4:30«p.m. $10 requested permission to use the mlnistrators. In it, the Trustees ersity icourage rigorous Saturday Immediately following Student Union ballroom for the the Junior 500 Race. •' Only fivo delegates the elections and the ™tefl oHic*" 253 »nidem a-sawK: —^ h emphasized the university obli- examination of all points " the administration's ^caf'care gation "to defend academic free- Eldon Norma maker, assistant rSSS „. . *pa»ia| of the resolutions." rtingMonaay. starting Monday Members of the stute legisla- " ' * stld hM ^ Sprir — the aKed bill would die tat director dean of students, will ture introduced resolutions obligation jjolnted x'to insure out the equal that ad- ularity or unpopularity. The night," said chairman, Dave t0 appearance tenets of academic freedom Molltz of Sigma Alpha Mu. ^P^aeni stu- . _ - - vantage is not taken of that free- P••emment or the student u*ttn? Thompson. dom for the purposes of propa- quire that these points of vi< A variety of entertainment and y e vs \. up two tickets < W Monday, or Miiwun Rep. Thomii B. Curtle at ^ State Sen. John Smeekens, R- be advanced only from a posture awards for the Greek Feast has . \ ^ Mlgwurl swiu Mld 15 members of VlAu 1 tax an/I Dam C ffanda " awaras ior ^ a £ .«. , Lnivoreity*. NSA of prof e s s 10n a 1 competence competence, "ec" arrangeu. ; 5:00 pan. tickets will also be the committee - jf, not said vol i»w been wruiiSi* - distributed during the noon hour. ^ |( 9 Mi favor. for the Friday 'iday show shov Joint resolutions which said the toading scientist "• speak at Michigan State 1 " complete candor, and absence of concealed bias. Rg^v^b^annoimcal^n^tro^ ' *rwild ^ T«fi«rit tafttoTiSr^^esday after Tuesday will Cmis told Curtis ttrfd a news _ o at die Union and Campbell's, appearance of a Communist at 1 phies will be presented by the s>newj^ .. ,, tune to arop out. Ms scientific specialty, and" be distributed Wednesday on a foHowlng hisi^drees to Ike a»- Blanke Mid. Price for the tick- an university "does not advance s Jtid momT tor the flrs»-come-flrat-served basis nual dteny oi; the 1New YortSttte U W.25. larch for truth" and is "again- be disqualified solely by r " 0f his political adherence." But defend academic freedom. It Is obligated equally to insure that ^ll'wfvw pud S aPProPrt««ed but 0~ n«r student. If any are left Medical Society that chances «>r st public policy of the state of it relnterated the University's advantage taken of that 60 per cent of the after all have bed an opportunity passage of the Medicare Mil Michigan.' opposition to allowing anyone "to freedom freedom for purposes of pro- '"ill spend on kf. , to receive a third ticket, the were very poor, Balloons Contain The trustees did not hold a use his rights in hls his "field field of paganda. Publications Plan smaepiocedure will be followed formal meeting, but five of the professional specialization ation to to ad- ad- These obligations of a univer- s to the ►r Congress,'* Estes Gets The Woits Carnival Prizes slx members were their polled on vance his pe 1 political sity are shared by its faculty, Annual Dinner Elcft must pick up his reaction to the request. trustees, administrators, stu- The annual Publications Ban- balloon, vot. M Trustee Allan Harlan, Detroit, «. — Lack, eewly-ap- «, u ' £ WASHINCTOH - Senate ItwenlftloBhm otaarea P.ll.f.l. .«« * out of the state. "Students need to be taught and to learn about communism," the dents, alumni, and the general responsible for quet will to held Monday at 6:30 Senateltnre« disqualified solely by r— are available at die offices of .point in providing a platform for (Continued on pa90 7) Michigan State Newa Friday, May .EDITORIAL. East Lansing. Michigan Old Timers Performance "It's All The Work Of The (.oiiiniuimta - SO THE EDITOR SAYSUhlllllllllliuiii^ Don't Kxist tinder Our Kegfime*" The State News is In the poor performance put on disappointed by the night had a before seemed to have great effect on the playing Hairy thedaaxling array of All-Ameri¬ ability of the players. There were lllllillllNlllllllllllllltlliltlllllll ben burns cans and active professional foot¬ reports that the Friday night pre- With the advent of wermer attractive than ni„ ball players at the Old Timers game party lasted until5 Saturday weather mar oI th# male popu¬ anyway, and if *e h,"" ^ lace of the unlveritty has beauty In mind, perhwjw9* football game last weekend. morning, Jusi hours before game hlossomed out in Bermuda to ban men's Bermmk, ^ shorts. Hairy legs »r» every¬ Several solution, We feel that the fans who paid time. There were other reports where. problem are available $.50 to that beer consumed in the A few brave females have The logical $1.50 were cheated be¬ was aUern»tK. _ be to liberalise the cause they were deprived of see¬ locker room before the game. Joined the throng and worn their Bermudas to class, but on the ruluj ^ whole the girls h»ve stuck to ing the "so-called name players" Football coach Duffy Paugherty the rather antiquated ruling that at their best. We admit it is off- short• are taboo In th# realised that his team's 31-6 tri- library, Another Is to have classes and administrative of- * shave thetr lata and of a TTulfe. "The flcee. thujrjjj false barometer," 1 have nothing against the campus of the ever, the men b41rv,^ mighc «£ game was a "hatry legs" wearing Bermudas. regular season. For others, it was probably the first time he said. The weather Is hot and It makes concentration on studies a little kindly to example of their •hearlni'Sj, *■» they A third would !* had a football uniform Let the alumni have their fun. cester when a person Is not n»le populace of the t0 O*; on since sweltering. from wearing uniwli! the last Old Timers clash last but not the expense However. It would seem that the Beri;ukV ',v at of thou¬ This is unfeailhle. ^' girls should be allows! the same sands .of paying customers who' privileges. They should be per¬ tn-cheek Admittedly, this i, , mitted to w*ar Bermudas to class approach l0, rver. pre-game festivities want to see a well-played game. and the library 1*« the men. problem. Some girls tW.T I There are a number of reasons ruling and take the ^ ^ why the women should he given h*"* M Senior Swingout equal rights In the line of clothing regulations. through classes to l*sve room. Others suffer an.' .,Voil 7 J? I I Senior The Immediate rationale how¬ library, but wear ",4»| Swingout. one of MSU's mind. This is the reason for hold¬ ever. la that when you dress a ever permlsable. . finest traditions takes place Sat¬ In pants she Immediately Actually modem skirt lew*. | ing it on Parent's Weekend--when women urday afternoon at 2:15. The sen¬ loses her self respect and her are not a great deal longeriL I more persons whose children are pride In womanhood. Bermuda lengths, but thev I iors will If the average a great deal warmer gather at Beaumont graduating can hear the Presi- we assume Let's do away with the ~r« college woman has a normal Tower and walk to the Auditorium dent. amount of Intelligence. I'm sure shorts system and nwkeU:m behind the marching band. they wouldn't abuse the privilege Bermudas legal in ch.< ■ BobCantrell, the active senior of wearing Bermudas. library. The system has changed from class Housing rules have 1 president, is responsible I agree that some girls go to far In their Interpretation of dated and are due to b past years when seniors gathered for the changes and updating of shorts, Nit Bermudas are not fled. 1 hope it doesn't at their respective colleges the out of line with rules of prop- faculty - student comr program. He shows thought, around change the rules s Circle Drive and then an awareness of attendance prob¬ Joined the group they marched lems and a realistic attempt at bv. solutions. The students and other mem¬ DeGaulle's Delusion 11 par- bers of the University community students, facult; mW»rs should support the Swingout by Lefters To The Editor Of French Power This will give many per- attending. It ts an excellent tradi¬ quired or desirable. n ?nt opportunity to hear John A. Hannah speak, tion and much work has year's program. The Swingout is gone into On I.O. Tests, 'Pseudo', Etc. Charles Oe Gualle In that he is support*! considerable nonoffici*! in Britain and the I 'nitevi s ^ but not In the White >•>.:« •rogram has been designed worthwhile and should be pre- To the Fdltor: bis rhellion against the Anglo- 1 find myselt wojvlenng about the 10 Downing St. [V. Brookovar, that those of us connected with American monopoly of control ie parents and students in as reported Where De Gaulle gou a in the May 10 Newt, presents meaning of a negative cvrrelation the show havea tremendous pride over the" nuclear defenses of between most questionable groin.! with clarity and force a straw high "l.Q. scores" In the results of our efforts. Europe and against any thought i (somewhat unstable over time) though that. If France can Academic Competition man which he then proceeds to There Is no other explanation for of changing the Allied position .lerrwlish with great skill and aivl "creaUv ity" (an unknown this than that you have beer in Berlin. an Independent nuclei v >*. I quality use It pert-aps a constel¬ successful In coordinating the The French President staged rent, she will become once rn relish. While ! have an inherent lation of sub-qualities). Suraly efforts of the variegated groins what automatically, a great ?c*e respect for his persor*! views, appears to have been a emphasis." And that is the real 5 submit that l>. Brookover has he utxVrstands the folly of fall¬ that you have had to work with, carefully arranged press con¬ First, one requiredJ» heen less than ing to define precisely .eaperi and above all in Imparting to us ference Tuesday, with pat ans¬ academically hott¬ discouraging part about it. est In presently a distorted mental variables. your own dedication to Water wers prepared for a set of ques¬ I agree with Dr. Brookover Carnival tions following a brief pre't-n- does not have an<* ha The process leads to a situa¬ picture of the function of an "I. that » is indefensible to seg - not only financially but tnary statement. You have to many years. A. score" on the college level. artistically as well. tion where exceptionally talented 1 submit the following: rebate Negroes and Whites. 1 search beneath the surface for Today De Gaulle is fprctisj agree that social scientists ought of water Carnival among the much that Is new, and even then maintain the appears students are forced to conform. 1. Collqfe entrance exams are NOT "U Q, tests and that these to study conditions favorable for student body, we have had the you find little. strong France and a strong p* I " These young people secure an exams should more accurately learning. I alsc agree that there opportunity to hear Innumerable Unfortunately for the aging Oe emment by what are, for Trot ts merit In a line of argument comments about the fine way In or any democracy, mostextre he called test of academic abil¬ Gaulle, his voice could barely admirable training in the techni¬ that igtvres a reliable body of which the show is being handled be heard against the beating of police measures. ity. There doe®, however, ap¬ factual material ro establish Despite withdrawals ques of the correct answer. They pear to a moierately high cor¬ this year . . in essence, the torn toms In Southeast Asia. He France has frmrt| relation between such exams and jRints that are misleading and real feeling of quality about still seems to be relying upon per la, not part! learn to remember; to be ac¬ ir.approiate. rSFVne. Ph2. This be pated with her allies in the the fereraS mental ability as can con¬ misconceptions about French While the college testing pro- strued in no other way than as fense buildup In Germany. curate. neat and cautious. But relfected in the "I. Qk score," power and what It might produce. gram doubtless results in a a personal compliment to you. To oversimplify, he now There Is also a susptcias I. The Increase pressure number of "false positives'* as they are rarely called on to use for more college trained per- You can take reel pride In the classes the dissolution of the some quarters that despite well as "false nefatives." it results of the past twelve months, knowhow of atomic vwajva sonel. French empire as a "disengage¬ their- ability autonomously or coupled with the reluct¬ stttl appears to be more use¬ France lacks the people, i'B ance of our society to pay the and we would like to take this ment" sothatFrnace can concen¬ ful than no testing at all. spece and the Industrial speculatively, to deal with situa¬ cost of such fciuratior, dements opportunity to express our ap¬ trate on development of her own either for eetaNisb.rr.r-:af»S| I some attempt on the pert of the preciation to you for your leader¬ gth, particularly nuclear tions in which the answers are not nuclear force or its use isi ship and incentive. You have for a return to great known but must be discovered." ixrs arsi 'or potential failures so created what will be not only power status. separate deterrent. And you can bet one as to best utilise available fa¬ the most successful, not only the He publicly confesses the right Nor does the instructor escape cilities. Gratitude biggest, but undoubtedly the very of the United States, a French nuclear power vtE * potnt on from the clutches of the system. With such finest W ater Carnival that Nftchl- which President Kennedy seems contribute to «tren£tf-er.i:g 11 demand, we can To the Editor: lll-aflfarc! a high Arep-out or gan State Has ever seen to be adamant, to conduct ex¬ Franco-German Fntertt fit I or "process c: subversion" He has thrust upon This Letter, addressed to which De Gaulle and v.1era*l as he him an uncon¬ fl\«k-*o« rate, and surelv Dr. Sincerely, ploratory negotiations with the calls Srookover wo«ild not care to Jerry Blanke, expresses the The Executive Committee Communists over Berlin, but re¬ depend so heavily i- their r* I;ng manifested in many genial role. His function as a lecture to a class of 500 stu¬ gratitude that we of the Water of Water Carnival affirms his dons with Britain and the Vi2* V entente with West w*ys. The competitive teacher becomes dents, as a result of tndlscrtnv- Carnival Executive Committee States. It will produce VJ~* I race be- subsidiary to feel should be given to one who Germany against giving these early jr. high school, wh- not the curve. No who are ignorant of any infor¬ other way around. tmxs by the higher admission matter how hard •The mation about Wafer Carnival. If die editor has such they work, or young people who brood ssaadards of The big difference which is strong objections to professtonally-or- hew able they are. one-half of the in their rooms, who sr. lo forget to his p aooceaMe te Water Carnival this ganteed activities (muchless class wit! fail below the average. to year is a real esprit de corps professionally assisted ones), come down to the dining hall, 1st. Ks I feel it ts carryi!*g aqaali- Fruit tartaaism to aa etrreme to among all of those working on he'd betti up with ob- Each student, therefore, finds and who burst out in fits of ir¬ hope the show: tha: Yale win offer an B. A. te Each and we ywe of us feels series and (he World Travel, himself involved in a struggle rationality are not WotOe Homes in the fature. worrying 4. Since no oee bas ewer man¬ that not only have our efforts which are organized by the pro¬ with Itss neighbor, whose success about who will win the game or become part of (be 1962 Water fessional people Involved. Other¬ aged a defaaaoe of "creatrvity** Carnival, bet above all PSETDO wise. he owes the Lmu com¬ will drag htm d?ws. who will come to the dance or be acceptable so a majority oi pay mittee an ciwtogtsts. educators or artists. apology. Grades are important. Conse- tapped for the fraternity. Joe Col¬ Richard L. Goertin qseatiy. students are forced to lege is dead. His successors are *s* tactics. They "tiptoe gingerly immersed in their books and lab¬ Michigan Stale News Retwd ALL-AMERICAN Newspaper by through th* Currict&Jusa. weighing oratories, and their concern is ACPA Pttfeiasfced b» the scj&rxs of ail the angles." Students attend far the grade..." Mjcii^an State Utafwersiiy bawd oe class days Meedey cfcragh Frtday dtna* a* fall. «i«er a»d spring qwarvrs saaas&er school because instruc¬ Professor Handlin should come rt* swamer atrm. Second class postage paid tors are out of his crimson Harvard shell iaeli^ed to be more pl;- Edttortai ami has vatts aSkxs at 341 Student Services bBchuous able when the temperature rises. **A»d oaly the reckless will dare on For the banks of the Charles River, S2JSTSm K Sa«t. Joe College is not dead in aot 4p know the right answers as the t to advance tor una, |3; for Midwest; students still flock aa* two arms. Ike grader expects thecn. or ai- to the stadium Saturday and hold r their think- pep rallies Friday night; enthu¬ I directions.'* siasts still hope to wear that fra¬ Tli« tremendous emphasis ternity pin; and the weekend twist Vkiok o«r educational system sessions are more popular than plMtt on grades Is a "distorted ever. MlChUttt >UU N»w., E».t L.n.m, Mlchl... Pole Vault Record DookHos Friday, May 18. 1962 IM Golf Tourney Is Sure To Fall Mowed PARENTS WEEKEND At Big Ten Meet Starts Saturday StMa'e John Parker In the 220 lowed with the year*. Starting rimaa for tho indi¬ vidual golf tournament are Donald Hargrave and Bob Mlt SPECIAL! and 440, (20.6 and listed chell. 46.6), Wle- He alao says hie love for base below. The tournament coortn'B Q*it Higginbottom AMERICAN LEAGUE held will be (46. W L bell la that of a rookie and he Saturday on tho Forest Akers 8;40 ajn. — Dick P render- I). Michigan • Mac Ihmter, (20. Pet. GB . Golf Course. gast, Dan Floberg and rj'ai Hftgssa 3 end 9.S). 18 II .621 - Alden York IS 11 .621 « 8 ajn. -- Richard Michalak. Johnson. . 1:50.2 half and teammate ,0*» M» 19 13 .594 John Buchheister. Boh Doyle and 1/2 8:48 ajn. You and your parent's will be A one-time firebrand. Snider Jim ;; T^dkar with a 4:11.2 mile will Jim IraScharaga. Fred Staranowiu and Bedford, all the fine qualities of able to enjoy [4rd in <*«**•1® D«» L«'* H- challenge Laps. lot of and 8.08 aan. -- Gary Thompson, Sjoberg. David and soft lights at DINES. good food, fine music, Sr-old p& vault rmrk of 14* Michigan State's Herman John- a lot of Bill Davis and Jim Carlton. I7-. Stoc. eon has the beet mark in the Dodgers. I did have mors fun Petrie and Pat 8:56 aan. — James Barnard. 220 yd. low hurdlee. a 25.3 Skip Schwartzenberc. • -- h*rt this yaw, «*• cr2?fti5Si2 * "•* *w»r<» coul# Iowa • relay teem cracked off mark. when Brooklyn. the club wee playing in 8 24 ajn. — Ira Keonshin. «Hly b« • 3:12.7 mile and their two mile Henry Benjamin and Pat Malloy. "But a lot of thoee players and 8 32 ajn. Gerald Flynn. Oflly ikum man has done 9:23.3. — I were together e long time, and titles is Wolvwto* —»— - Indoor conference TODAY'S GAMES champs of the same aft. The fellows on IJ ' won both the half-mile and Wisconsin Is rated the favorite t'Wtrott at Cleveland (N) the club now are younftr." mile run >t the outdoor moot and with tough competition expected Mlnneeou at New York from Michigan and (N) The Duke, who is approaching „*pt both again In tho Indoor Michigan Kansas City at Washington (N) 36. wants to m*« «t Until* laat March. State. Los Angeles at Boston play "as long (N) am able to do the ' Michlf»n'« other »• Baltimore at Chicago (N) • win," .r«ck hurdler Bonnlo McRaa. - Me will behardprawai, however, Bowling Green THURSDAY'S RESULTS New York 2, Boston 1 'ould he be interested coaching and later managing a in » r«wat in tho Hlfha thla year fitve h» will t* f»cta| Wiscon¬ Players Bribed Los Angelee et Baltimore, (N) major lesgue team? "Yes.0 ssys the Dook emphatically. sin's tarry Howard tho man Only games schedule*!. wto took away both hl» Indoor In MSU Game crows last March, New York -- District NATIONAL LEAGUE In tho broad Jump. alllnK Frank Hogan disclosed Attornsy Thurs W L Pet. GB Pervck Taylor of IMlnols who day that former Columbia bas¬ Ur with » 1*P <* M'il 1/2" ketball star Jack Mollruss was -tnclaco 26 9 743 — . 22 12 .647 31/2 U« year, may not bo able to under arrest for but at least four 24' plus heading a Cincinnati 18 13 .581 6 •ring" that corrupted collegiate St. Louis 18 13 .581 6 nan will be there. basketball. The sprints are headlined Pittsburgh 16 14 .53371/2 by Molinas was Indicted on five Philadelphia counts, er threeforbriberyof form¬ a Bowling Green University II 20 . 355 13 pUyer Bill Reed. Hogan said that 9 18 .333 13 in addition to the ttii! Ten Tourney- involving Reed, bribery one counts of the oven 9 23 .281151/2 •cts alledged payments of $500 TODAY'S GAMES Attracts Golfers to Jentano Reed and teammate Tom Fa- to dump a game with St. Louis Cincinnati at S. Francisco at Philadelphia (N) ichijcan State's golf team tr»- t, Champaign 111.. Friday E££ min E"st uwin* °n Milwaukee Houston at at Pitsburgh (N) Los Angeles (N) The deal was for Saturday to take part in ttw to lose bv eight or more Bowling Green Only games scheduled. Pig Ter, tournament. _ The final score was points. The Spartans go into the moot Michigan THURSDAY'S RESULTS State 96. St. Louis 1, S. Francisco 0 a 11-: season record behind in all, the Bowling Green 67. All at-Ai a revised line-up. alledged Cincinnati at Philadelphia, ■a ch involved 22 players conspiracy at 12 col- Milwaukee at Pittsburgh, (N) (N) John Bnotxmann sub¬ let Lew McDaniel in place i attempt to fix 25 Houston at Los Angeles. (N) jm Gorman after the Spar- Only games scheduled. poor shewing at Ann Arbor k end. ^ inserted McDaniel ;p. the line-up and then ordered i plsw'.r between Gorman and Tom Parly for the last team po¬ sition which Early won with a Bud Padger is still the No. 1 for State followed by sopho¬ more Dan Townsand in tho sec¬ CRAM COURSE NO. 5: ond spot. SHAKESPEARE Can Barren is next with Jim Continuing .„tr serk*> of Neumann in the fourth prr-final exam eram «>unK*. U»day we position take >i;i the works of William foliowed by McDaniol and Shake»|iean> (or "The lAanl of Early. \\tt he is 5ro«mann said that thelosws jocularly failed). to Purdue and First let us examine the persistent Michigan might be theory that Shakespeare t Messing is disguise for tor Tin* IVnrl of the Antilles" a.« he the is affectionately referred to) U not the real author of his liad plays. Advocates of this theory won 10 going Into last insist that the pln>-s are full of classical allusions and learned weeks Tieet and the danger of reference* tliat they couldn't overooru'idsnco was possibly have lieen written by high. tl»e son of nn illiterate country butcher. To whirl) I reply. "Faugh!*' Was not the great Spinoaa's father h huniWe woodcutterT Was not Hit* 10 Tennis Newton's father a simple second baseman? the immortal Isaac (The elder Xewton, MINNE APOUS, UP - Defending incidentally, is one of history's truly pathetic figures. He was. champion and top-seeded Ray l»v all accounts, the treatest second baseman of his time, but Senkowski of Michigan scored lwsel»nll, alas, had not yet been invented.) It used to break prelimmiry and first-round vlc- younir Isaac's heart to see his father get up even- in No-1 morning, [Hit singles as the on uniform, spikes, glove, and cap, and stand alertly behind Pig Ten Tennis tournament open- second l>ase, bent forward, ev here eyes narrowed, waiting, waiting, Thursday. waiting. That's all waiting, isaac loyally sat in the bleachers Senkowskl wrhipped Tom Boat- and veiled, "Good show, Dad!" and stuff like nan o: Illinois 8-6. 7-5 and Gary that, but one else in town used to Baxter of Indiana, 6-1,7-5. snigger and pelt the Newtons with No 2 seeded Marty Riessen of overripe fruit figs for the elder Newton, apples for the younger Northwestern, a member of the Thus, as we ajl know, the famous occasion came about when Wi L^. Davis Cup team, won Isaac Newton, struck in the head with an ^s first -round apple, leapt to his match over Brian feet, shouted. "Europo!" and. announced the third law of Eisner. Michigan State. 6-2,6-1. motion: "For every action there is an opposite and equal | No Round Robin (How profoundly true these simple words are! example, Marllnmi Cigarettes. Light one. That's the action Now what is the reaction* Pleasure, Take, for delight, contentment, cheer, For Big 10 Football and romfort! Ami why such a happy reaction* Because you have LAFAYETE, lnd„ If - Of- .'•ci.vl ipproval by both leagues of t!* "oper. end" pact, similar to :he one which etxpired in 1960 iwr*Teer. thee Big Ten and the Jefunct Pacific Coaet Confer- • erce, was regarded as • mere formality Thursday. The pact would begin with the Year's Day game and would jfKluded »r a a no-repeat stipulation Big Ten representative. Receipt of the contract was wsclosed by Big Ten Commis¬ i sioner Bill Reed :riS session of the conference's at the open- fV' bssthtflffo. Wmtwf fan pttofitl Sff,:ng •cuetic leaders n**nn«. In which the formally drop- started with a happy cigarette- a felicitous blend of jolly to- P^- the Big Ten's proposed round Iwecos, a good-natured filter, a rollicking flip-top box, a njerry fotm football schedule, tabbed to soft pack. As Xewton often said. "You l>egin with better in 1969. . . makin's, you end with better smokin's." Small wonder they -.^,result of 'helving the no¬ -called him "The Swedish Nightingale!"). nprogressive grid schedule. But I digress. Back to Shakes (ware (or "Tlie (Jem of the coherence — after the 1964 **sor -- will have a fixed mln- Ocean" as he was riltaldly appelated). wwTi of seven conference games Shakespeare's most important play is, of course, Hamlrl (or 3 i0"gwa, o^araUframe- \larbrih, as it if sometimes called). This play tells in living color the story of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, who one night a Hi Elg Ten currently plays sees a ghost upon the battlements. (Possibly it is a Qmt he w p^o-game over til schedule sees: I have a first folio edition that is frankly not too legible.) Anyhow, Hamlet is so up»et by seeing the ghn Ophelia refuses her food until Laertes shouts, "(let thee to a lieanery!" Ophelia is so miffed that she chases her little dog out of the room, crying, "Out, out di.ntned golf day Spot!" She is fined fifty shillings h»r swearing, but Portia, in an eloquent plea, get* the sentence commuted to life im|Hriaon- ment. Thereupon Kin* I ear and (Jueen Mab proclaim a festi- M«y 26th val—coui|ilete with amateur theatricals, kissing ipunes, and a pie-eating contest. Every<»ne has a perfectly splendid time till lianquo's gh<» Suburban Shop The Jr. 500 Trophies Lansing Merchants For Their will be on display in Campbell's bus During the race Assistance And Contributions In Helping to Present.. . # » , Three sets of prljea will be iVptr (M Fad •warded In poetry, Action and New Brunewlck. N.J., (iVCol- eaaay. Student# may enter man- lege glrla ate going in for the uacripta in one two or three manly ait of pip* amoking. says categories, however, no students the proprietor of a smoke shop, may win more than one first Sam Watklna says to has sold Pri*®- 100 pipaa to women In the past .^*"ufcriP« mined in «re triplicate to be tub- three years, "mostly Douglass to the En*- rniu«. m«li. 1 think" _&3 THE MINOR KEY to remind you of your Sill Myers and Undo Dickson 11541 DEXTER near BURLINGAME reeks Seniors: Jickson, Myers Dickson. Kalama*oo art ir.d» or Xr.,' BUI Myar«, Hastings •\W major, have been .I x senior Council to be rv} ^ t(,# week. tmfc Dickson has us*d her editor of the State News, "Choose one or two activities and do a really good job, rather than doing a poor job In too many," was Bill's advice toMSU students, "Don't get so en- DETROIT, MICH CHICO HAMILTON Lost 3 QUINTET Days and tve have to show niaay your fine friends Abilities In a variety grossed in activities that you j *,«k rjct;Trtl#s i{v ^ u.iter vhe has done pub- -forget about grade?,heaaded. Carnival. Ha- After graduation this spring, ! WEL 59330 M.S.U. Playing Cards souven iir. I uau. the Wolverine and Bill plans to spend the surn- cr ' mer working in a clinic for dls- ■ art |t chairman U ha» also served as Block aad publicity chairman, for the J-Hop,pro- towards his master's degree In turbed children. Next fall he will return to MSL' to work with the university seal, s chairman for Greek Week, psychology fcorations chairman of Union _ , [,-< f-Pan JispUy chairman of Hel Big lOt, and mem- Home CCOnOmiStS . , . in a set of two matching decks... [ a-lercber the "Chaff art staff. Attend Conference of Sigma Kappa, Dorothy Arata, associate pro- Jd has been social chair- lessor in the department of foods » sorority, member of and nutrition in the College of of her Icsf--Soph Council, Junior Home Economics. Is attending a noil *nd Union Board, and conference at Purdue University bttr active In "Tarot and in Lafayette. Ind. May 16th M.S.U. rarrural sports, through the 18th. Ttne.ttRS on her expe: i - The conference will consist of sere, Linda said, "1 ex- lectures and discussions pertain- Ktevi college to teach me, but ing to gas chromatography in the All styles, Tiarsad that you get out of col- mornings. * only vrhat you put Into It." Arata is investigating the value |wd» or feels that the re^xrns!- of these analytical not the professor, and . learning rests with the food research tools for MSI'. nutrition and use at 1153 Michigan — only $2.97) ■t the student- can be taught " lly I'-er as much as he Is willing graduation this spring, sweet dreams' Stuffed Animals plans tc enter the graphic Drinking Glasses f-.elJ ind hopes to do work maMen itntaercial 1 '•hers has combined artandtypog- form* with the M.S.U seal clarsMr *elta Tau Delta's sleeping bra your family ... J2T! other activities have ln- i*lrtg Mce-P resident of Wanda Hancock f*- 1 .'-~:or Class, member of Choose from t- Council, tartan Spirit Sri it directors, Union Board, [ >viter Carnival, and Block our fine selections of Irffiv'On Campus HALLMARK ■ wise. 6 pjn. buffet supper and Graduation Cards fvjes Clufc - 7 30 DJn. room Clufc - % pjn. tn 1 wUfSe bunge of library, ftir. Luther Stop in and " Chapel and «Ker - - ? p.m. lectures; y ? !5 pjn\. International " Vespers. r~a Delta - Sunday, 6pjm. ff'-5 s'jpper at Martin Luther = room 313 Student Services say hello at ! Asastanl Who B*®*s Moody, graduate as- T •" :he Apartment of his- , I Schotanhip ?\East Lansing's L ®s **«" awarded a Ful- f:[ Scfaolarahip for the 1962- F**n,:e ye»r. IT ***"- die year to Loo- ^irlri*h the r?sesrch «« hls- science. Moody Department Store development of systematic botany. f00k-y. from Rockford, HI— for students^ * u * Ph.H < * 3110 Turner tv 4*1421 AMERICA* only Across from the Union Building ^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan JfHi k I; THE STATE NEWS WANT-ADS P'!l §1 Br: ^ Automotive CORVETTES, 1957 - 1959 - 245. 3 and 4 speeds. "Personally Automotive 1961 CARAVELLE. 7000 miles, radio, 2 tops, perfect condition. - if. Automotive 1959 STANDARD VOLKSW AGEN one owner, 75,000 actual miles. ♦ SmI For So" D°* *® LE CHOOQLATB a»d 4t For R«nt Apt. to share: Wanted 1 or 2 * For Rut Summer vacancy - man on« Mock •k p«rtoj^r free film selected for you." girls to share 2 bedroom rat. to Union, 334 Evergreen. Cock- Leaving for Europe. $1850. Call excellent condition. $950. Phone **• Close to campus - Diane ED COMET F-22 Sports Coupe. 355-8350. 37 ED 7 0739^ 38 ahto* ^ 130 7"7476* « 58 2-0261. 39 KODACOLOR FILM each roll of , 1961 - Bucket seats, automatic, out¬ cess Ins KodacoloKSjl (620-0"°*ll standing performance car. HARLE Y-DAVISON hummer. 1961 VALIANT - 2 door hard¬ i96i AUSTIN HEALY SPRITE - good condition, $100. 106 N. APPROVED APTS. Single and • AUTOMOTIVE SUMMER ONLY - Juniors and PLYMOUTH STATIONW AGON5 top, automatic, radio, heater. tops, finished in light blue. Holmes, Lansing. Phone IV 2-9 double rooms, with cooking. # EMPLOYMENT - 8,000 actual miles. Showroom STORY Sells For Less. .$1395. Seniors. Cooking aud parking 1960 1959, 6's and 8*s. . 422. 40 *FOR SALE Srfclng. Available summer and - auto- facilities. Call ED 2-1114. condition. Save the first year* 1 40 ReXau 1 matic and standard shift. Out¬ term. ED 7-7547. 37 .FOR RENT depreciation. 1959 ENGLISH FORD Anglia - , ^"WpupnoNSJ standing family cars. 301 N. CUppen _ LOST & FOUND 2 door, heater, defroster, while LE1CA LENS - F3.5 Sum mar- FOR SUMMER - 3 blocks from (by pj^l .PERSONAL FORDS and CHEVROLETS, 1955 1961 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury Con¬ wall tires. Finished In solid red. on wide angle lens, with view- .PEANUTS PERSONAL Berkey. 4 rooms, 2 baths, kit¬ 1957, 2 door hard tops, se¬ vert - full power, low mileage, STORY Sells For Less. .$795; nnder and accessories. Perfect chen. Completely furnished. Call An^T^i . Italian Food - • REAL ESTATE dans. all vinyl interior. She's rarin* condition. $70. 355-6146. sticks, and automatics. 38 332-5432. 37 •SERVICE Priced from $295. 1956 PONT1AC STAR CHIEF con¬ Casa Novq ♦ TRANSPORTATION 1959 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE - vertible - Automatic, power SUMMER approved, supervised lounge AND .WANTED SPARTAN MOTORS, SALE OF FURNITURE used in Automatic, power steering &< furnished bousing for 4 men. 1145 Abbott pizzas brakes. All white with blue in¬ For apartments. 2 air-con¬ Rd. Call In person 6:00 - 7:30 Be Sure to make reservations 1830 S. Logan at Mt. n DEADLINE: INC. terior. Lots of fun for the - Less. . .$695. ditioners, beds, couches, pots, PM. Mon.- Fri. and Sat. after- for your U-HAUL TRAILER, IN' 9 -1449 pans, T.V/s, lamps, desks. etc. Truck 3 p. m. one clats day Sat. morning from K>-2 pan. or Moving Equipment 2 btfort publication Story OMsmobile, Inc. 129 E. Grand River across from weeks ahead if possible. 1955 FORD - 2 door. V-8. auto¬ Student Union. Apts. 6, 8. 4 qpUSES EAST SIDE GULF SERVICE w peanuts PHONE: matic. radio, heater. Real good 3165 E. MICHIGAN 10. For further information, call 355-8255 or 8256 1952 Mercury, radio, heater, white walls, good condition. Call condition. $275. DIAL IV 2-1311 IV. 2-8420. 37 SUMMER AND FALL - 7 room furnished house, approved, for 2763 E. GRAND RIVER (Across from the Poplars) ^personals Jim Arbury ED. 2-2501 1957 FORD - 2 door, automatic 4-6 students. Phone ED 2-0303. DIAL ED 7-9806 37 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR RATES: 6. Runs good - needs little body • T.V. CLEARANCE SALE. 17" 38 work. $325. Bl-MPING and PAINTING our Muntz $14.95. 14" Raytheon $29. 1 DAY State News 0(f« SI. 00 CHEVROLET. 1961 - Blue, 4 95.17" Philco. new picture tube, WANTED - 1 to 3 girls to share Lost & Found specialty. .Ml foreign cars. Kal- Student Services 3 DAYS $2.00 door. BelAir. V-8 stick. Radio. $34.95. Guaranteed. Call Larry's unapproved house for sun Bu,;^ DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY 5 DAYS S3.00 Call OL 5-1003. $1795.00 By Owner 2501 E. MICHIGAN ^ ^"£2 SSllTfin T.V. IV 9-1982. 38 Call evenings. IV 2-0565. LOST - 1 week ago. Prescrip¬ . 32 E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. tion sunglasses in ^ige case. DIAL IV 9-2388 C C NEAR CAMPUS, Cape Cod. un¬ Need desperately. Reward 355- 1957 FORD CONVERTIBLE, ZENITH T.V.'s, new fctisedcon- 3857 37 furnished, basement, automatic DESPERATELY NEEDS*! yellow and white, automatic, ex¬ 1959 oldsmobile- 4 door hard- soles, table models. Excellent cellent condition. MUST SELL. yf Employment buysf Lansing Radio & T.V. heat, disposal, garage.526 Allen. Carnival tickets ior top. Dynamic '88'. Power steer- Couple preferred. Call IV 5-0336. LOST: Marxman pipe, on Phillips night. CaU CaU Larry ED 2-1393. 37 ing. power brakes, radio, heater, IV 4-0921. 37 355-6425," BABYSITTER. Married female 40 Hall lawn 1 week ago. For re¬ hydromatic. A real nice car guar- ward caU 5-1372 3, 1»««hoM«^^€.ST etoctrtc^p»wrHer.OR7-8232.C isnsfssstis audlencs. A trophy will be presented This philosophy has special validity la the case of commu- *** W CoUndl SerVlCO V From the building firm he worked for he stole 12,000bricks, Car Dealers to the house receiving the Wchls „ ™ . p^ucu £"2 eLn^°t1?*!v'5^4i.for * *2? jf Transportation number of points for higher partlcipa- „ ' p^n., 110 ' Dinner Scheduled 21 rolls of rubber 8AS! tlon in the Greek Week activl- roofing. 250 wish to ties following the a£ed ,y; public health, so- tiles, 2 radiators, 8 blocks of WANTED: Rids » Boston or iwrii. presentation cor^nir«™ i\minc cialogy. social work, psychology, pitch, 20 units of metal deck- - living room with fireplace, . ^ Model Singer portable Northern New England Vicinity _ Entertainment will be by the . . . ination ^ ^to^gjwhe overthroi subversion bT vlXvL Tf sciencecon»n^« lng_ and 70 insulation boards. Nation a » Invited to attend the Then he n Welcome dining room, kitchen, fullbase- at only - Any time final week, Jim ED Statesmen, a vocal trio patterned mant, automatic heat. 2 car £ or 11.50 per week. 2-6801. 38 efter the Kingston Trio style of existiM «,v»rmnents "ur »<™»riaiiv especially •nnual meeting of the The bungalow was nearly roof- gar- *e Oliver and pick up. Buy own. Community Services Council, a- ~ Bailey school district- H?? '**nd_ne.w Spartan, mod Students need to he ranger cording -mdieUui- the Parents to campus "RUSEES"WANTED ietnl about iS dnwn anH $44.507pay w on,y cc t y, site and recognized the firm's — l^e* Street"Call ii.' only alty of Arizona, . . 118,500. U67 K. " The ,. monthly. rJse . meeting will be held at IabeLs 15 **vi^°r ^ ED 7-2478 and $5 Steve Willis, freshmen, rtf' should get their facts from on of the materlals. M ®P«cial offers good only to stu- 9* C*U *55-0604. guitar and banjo; and Mike Wil¬ faculty members who are compe- ^ field, and who re¬ lis, a brother who is a senior aY»Mid. ,-'3s7b',°"M*»18- ST."pl5lr rtfi. EAST LANSING with income other than near 40 acres WANTED: Ride to Guadalajava. the University of Michigan. the tenor guitar. the _ obligation to tell fuU trulh. tv- ' i-1— University „ the IS1,'?/ Part of large barn farming. SINGER SEWING CENTER Mexico. Arrival June 20-30. IV on wm knowlnjly The program U1 include . s the "« f.rm would like '-™ t< Michigan State 1000 (fixed for laying hens.) Big home 309 S. WASHINGTON 5-419C. 38 This is the group's first yeer Invite a nist communist to to preach i, saying: with together. However. Willis and his' sllde £Um> ..jya u YoUr Busi apt. Also 6 room house. Woods 487-3624 CXmn have worked together be¬ on our campus, for "This man was a prisoner it ness." She said that with maple bush. Call IV 5-6128. fore writing ve see no point in providing a group dis- Japanese hands during the Students Joanne Sargant, Broker. 37 EXPEDITION TO COLOMBIA - die Brothers Four. arrangements for platfo cushions will be held on flu- and scrounging was necessary PANAMA Share adventure, du¬ exponent of orldation, urban renewal, hus- to life then. His son has a heart Another local group, will OPEN SUNDAY 2-5, Brick DIAPER SERVICE des, expense, free literature, sent some Jazz selections. pre¬ En¬ SERVICE to airmail: Yacht Fairwinds, Box glish style. 4 bedroom 2-1/2 your desire. Greek Feast will conclude the _ Under the lax filial author- ter and 1288WL St. Thomas. Virgin Is- a medical social beths. Overlooking Red Cedar You receive your own dia¬ lands- 38 l9f2 CredTwUkOty^tad. &- ity to decide may use the vice department at St. Lawrence Warton said Stevenson would I parents Weekend River. 2307 Hamilton Rd. Okemos. ED 2-3304. 37 pers back each time. With our service, you may in¬ clude your baby's under¬ tra tickets are available at the IFC office in Student Services University's facilities with Hospital in Lansine. be allowed to finish his dream NEW YORK shirts and clothing which - JERSEY. Grey- !^h ?JrT,?~5 P'm' Pr,Ce °f While You're STORY and~%fcalf house. full Garage, will not fade. White, Blue or Pink diaper pails furn¬ hound Charter leaving MSU after exams. Inquire now - save. Art *e t,ckets 18 HOLE-IN-ONE Here, Stop In basement, built-ins,fins- place. lot 66'xl65\ Red Cedar area. $17,800. F.H.A. Call ED ished. AMERICAN LAUNDRY Lipton. ED 7-9216. Wanted" 47 Laos 7-1422. HAS LETT, 5619 Buckingham 39 111 E. WASHTENAW IV 2-0864 t.f. (Continued from sive Thai, page i) mostly dockworkers, TOURNAMENT Road. Brick, 3 ALTERATIONS. Hemming & re- ««» «•*» off the ships. But bedrooms, base- *-rr--—• —r— AT . - . "tyllng : formals, trousers, vised. Jim ED 2-6801 after 6 TO 0iV11, he streets cheered large lot beautifully land- skirts NEEDLE'N THREAD PM- the Marines Mannes rode in Thai arid See Our til Qftl ru. __ , 48 thB army trucks through the town The popular reaction to the Special ^ Service"" TYPING SERVICE tval of foreign soldiers had PRIZES GALORE Bargain S Xolu»Tonert S^CAafcera^lflsr W1LL TYpE term papers. Ex- TO RENT - Furnished apt. for Asian'countries they alone ha- y ACME Per,enc«»- CaU ED 2-4597. 38 summer by 3 grad. students. Mver ^ under colonlaI rule Used Cars T.V.. 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C EXCELLENT T.V, REPAIR L.^ST MINUTE: General typing. 0411 35^4080 after 6 P m- 37 in all modern The Marines history seemingly were NO i not bothered at all by the humid quaranteed. Open 8 pjn. T.V. Technicians, 3022 E. sing. TU 2-9861. 41 $7.00. Call TU 2-6820 after 2 heat. Some seemed to take their sudden visit to this land of en-tiered temples as r lark. gold¬ St if 3 y.r m OBLIGATION Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. 18EECHEM & KNIGHT EXPERT THESES, GENERAL Others looked grim and serious. All the political news from AUTO SALES SPECIALIZED LUBRICATION TYPING. Electric typewriter. Laos pointed to a ^Little Lot-Big Bargains" SERVICE - Do not waste money * inferior oil and lubrication, Experienced. Near BRODY. Re- production Service. 332-5545. C RANTED: 2 tickets to Saturday )5r"tei' Carnlval. Call Roland at faction government pledged to resumption of negotiations to create a three- NOTHING »« keep your car in top 1 - ED 2"350'- keep the country neutral. product# and our expert service. 1 WATER CARNIVAL Uck«l for VVe^rn^wers.^^So^tUnion TO BUY typing, term papers, theses, dis- Seturd-V. 355.{ e.«ht. On„c. Dor,,, ,nd Red Chin. .11 h.v. agreed serrations. 3 duplicating the Geneva Conference proces¬ (NTINENTAL ses available; Multilith (black St policy of a neutral Laos under IMPORTS, _ a neutralist premier. Prince Sou- p2*' Print. ED 2-8384. C1CrC WANTED TO RENT! Crinoline vanna Phouma. length> t0 wear wed_ Neutralists, the Pathet Lao SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE I Authorized Volkswagen CORNER GRAND RIVER _____- dfog dress. Call 355-7710 or 555-7868. and the conservative government THESES PRINTED 38 of Premier Prince BounOumand Dealer and SPARTAN ■ his defense ministe Phone 337-9034 C Rapid Service HOUSE: unfurnished In Red Cedar Phoumi Nosavan. all have District for faculty family. Have hedged with conditions, their willingness one school age child. Call ED to negotiate. 211 EAST GRAND RIVER Special faculty rates for board- Diazo Process OPEN WED. max curtis inc. minimum 30 days. - Quality Prints 7-2639 Evenings Iridln Kennel CaU OL 5-1623. 37 CAPITAL CITY BLUE S.B.S $21 S. Grand Ave. Lansing. IV 2-5431 BUYERS says are watching the 47 Want-Ads for business and office <*quipraent you'd like to sell. IV 4-4491 Ext 33 JSJTS Je?i^fne ra" D For f"1 8CCUr»te ^ <>" QI" Dial 355-8256 to place an ad P^rskim.^ea^s cfeaLd type. IBM; Call 339-2139. 38 pEAN 4 HARRIS, INC. and St.. pressed, only 50f. 3006 Vine 1/2 Frandor Store. block west of Sears' C Welcome Parents SPECIAL! years with Ford WE time. TRAVEL Anywhere - any Quality catering for all fit your budget. Thesia KitS."" P1!®tlC Raring & Drafting Supplies. Ban Ion Mb to ... Michigan Catering Service. IV COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT p E. Grand River at Cedar >-3343. C SERVICE $6.95 2100 W. Main, Lansing. WHILE YOU WAIT or one day IV 9-2652. on|v $4.95 service on passport and appli- |TTICH end stenberg TYPING SERVICE speedily and Leo Kotitch Come in and ^ - "y " accurately done on Elite elec- Quality Used Cars tlon guaranteed. Refreshments, trie. Theses, manuscripts or len¬ Varsity Shop Call ED 2-6169 for reservations. gthy term papers preferred. Call Portraits, applications, pass¬ ports. C IV 9-4220 after 6 p.m. your pride and FREE DRY CLEANING! Wend- MSU PARENTS - visit the 1 Econowash Cleaners, 3006 VlneSt., 1/2block west of and Sears' Frandor Store Is Dry Capital Park * Books *Shidenf Supplies PONTIAC giving absolutely free-dry clean- each c mer using Its washers only Dining Room 2121 E. Michigan t times. Take advan- for Excellent Food * Paperbacks *Arf& Engineering Supplies Par-More Dancing In the International Room Jan o'shaugnessey »l E. Golf Course 501 Townsend IV 5-0120 * MSU Souveniers >MSU Sweatshirts Michigan Welcome your parents wHh 1000 yds. long •All Sizes, AN Colors, Long or Driving Range flowers for Ihb weekend JARTan motors inc. Corner Park Lake Road Short Sleeve One for every "Personally Selected and East M-78 • tomb 2i< & up member of the family. Kiddie $1.79 up, Adult $2.59 (11/2 ml. E. of White Hills) up Phone Ed 2-3432 tsedCar# 1 fresh center piece of flowers. 0 PoWerY Ashtrays, mugs el Aits E, Michigan la tyojufia,'* MOTHER will long remember Piggy banks (gold engraved) Kiddie 97{ up Adult $1.25 up Itory her weekend at MJS.U. if you e Glassware New line oldsmobile, present her with a corsage. •NC. e Kiddie Gye or Pliy Swb 3106 E. Greed River .m, "World'a Largest (op*oair« Holiday I"") Place your orders early I OWtmobilc Dealer" for this weekend!!! fjeatuwuj' The Book Store Designed Mind.. With SPAGHETTI. RAVIOLI *TRATTON tTS CAR CENTER SUBMARINE SANDWICHES Barnes Floral PIZZA <7aJke0«i - SPAGHETTI RAVIOLI We *»*"* of last laming telegraph flowers world-wide e°3-°ct STUDENT BOOK STORE Located Across from Berkey Hall pv^'- W; frtdiy, t Jfr Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Provost's Lectu . :V„ **■ ;;.;- Talks on Freedo only for aggregation, but struggle is against tbe "evil system" in the South. for the freedom of other r Dear Parents: for freedom on a moral and "We have pitted ourselves spiritual basis, Rav. C.T. Vivian against the power, structure in •aid Wednesday afternoon In the the South." provoafa lecture at tfaa Kiva. The South has to make a de¬ Placement Vivian*» topic waa "The Basis cision between Christianity and of the Present Drive for Free¬ culture, he said, because they Bureau dom". He is a Negro pastor at have turned their churches into the Cosmopolitan Community social clubs. Church In Chattanooga. Tenn.. "We are forcing action so dig¬ Interviewing Bureau Wednesday, May 23. Ad¬ and Is known for his work in tfaa non-viftlent integration move- nity can come. No man can act ditional information In the Place¬ any way that degrades him ment Bureau Bulletin for the We're Worrie the South. weeks of May 14 through May 25. 'Our efforts are to bring about Dearborn Township School moral basis for the drive in Bill*We've Sent J0| The issue is not desegregatl They sntary.v music. Junior high typing and or even integration, but an"ulti- children. women's physical education. mate community of love" where He went on to state that while there are many Southern Negroes Mortice Area Schools -- Ele¬ people can live as brothers re¬ gardless of race, he continued. not psychologically ready for mentary education kindergarten, The freedom drive in the South freedom, that freedom is an in¬ special education type "C* . home side condition and must be economics and women's physical OH, IT'S NOT THE can't be successful unless the Negroes keep the main issue in "gained not given." education combination. Senior MONEY. and in mind. "The truly free high social studies. Actually, we never give a second thought when jt "At the center of our move¬ dents buy from us. We gladly slip the bill into a„ ment is the Christian concept envelope, address It to you. and forget it. weh». of love," he said. He explained that it was a kind of love that can't be des¬ Student and confidence In your child's excellent choice 0f rc. I clothing, and your prompt payment. 1 Faculty Special troyed, but is actually a desire to absorb hate by placing per¬ sonalities in the picket lines HEY MR. UGLY and the ballot boxes. •• Being chosen ugliest kneeling right, and Rick Green of the Fiji man on campus can be quite an honor as far Vivian said the whole Negro house were selected by their house mem¬ as these competitors are concerned. Lou bers as the men most likely to be chosen Cuts Heart Ills HOWEVER, we've been sending bills t< Levin, SAM candidate, standing left; Gary Saturday night. Horton, POT, right; annual DU candidate 1, 2, 3, even 4 years. 1 » "Droopy," center; Lou Potter, Sigma Chi, -State News Photo by T. S. Crockett NEW YORK. - inary study ol 883 men on a A prelim¬ as if we know you. many, we^| diet low in saturated fats shows they have far fewer heart at¬ 65 Living Units Compete in Junior 500 tacks than persons not on prescribed diet, it this week. was any reported It was based on the first four Sixty-five living units will com¬ men's speed, women!sspeed,and initiated on campus In 1948, years of a 10-year study the pete for trophies in the 15th mixed humorous. several other Lambda Chi chap- ON THE OTHER HAND, annual Lambda Chi Alpha Junior department is making of men A humorous float parade will ters have started similar events 40 to 59 who volunteered to 500 pushcart races Saturday. also be part of the event. on campuses across the country, remain on a "prudent diet" low Runners will begin racing Since the race was first Straffon said. in saturated fats. around West Circle drive at 1:30 p.m. The starting point is near the Women's IM. An Elmer Steele special, custom tailored for the Each entry is allowed one race graduating senior or faculty member who needs a new for his new Job or summer travel. so,. cart which must be built to cer¬ car tain specifications. One driver The Rambler Classic Sedan is not a small car. It and five pushers will compete is the happy combination of trim exterior deimensions from each living unit. Each run¬ and Interior space for SIX 6-footers. ner pushes the cart for a quar- Included In the price are: heater, foam cushions, oil filter, windshield washers, self adjusting brakes A special pace car will be used and a 33,000 mile lubrication system. to start each heat and relay the Stop In at Elmer Steele Rambler today, and select progress of each contestant back your new car from 25 on display. Open tonite to the starting point. Junior 500 Queen, Diane Picketts and her court will lead parade of convertibles to the st-rting line, followed by queens r : resenting each participating ELMER STEELE Rambler 2 Blks. from Brody on Michigan thePSU at M.A.C. at 12:15 p. Ray Straffon, Junior 500 chair¬ Try Stale News Want-Ad man, said chairmen from each living unit are to meet at the track pilon at 12:30 to sign extend race we a cordial invitation the POWER OF POLITICS WESTERNPORT, Md. (AP)- PohtlcUrvs campaigning in West- to primary election accidentally wound up in Keyset, W. Vj., UK- other day, instead of inWestern- PARENTS & FRIENDS -Tl of MSU Students BELLE - SHARMEER EXAMS & CLASSES GOT YOU DOWN? to stop in for a visit at the NYLON STOCKINGS LOOSEN UP WITH A CANOI Compiet# or Ctnot Tfipt m TRIP Outfitting Algonquin Flawless fitting Full Fashion and Seamless SPARTAN Pwk. Ontario. 2100 Likes m Substantial savings on every box of these sheer, sleek-fit stockings I Choose BOOKSTORE es our from ten of the season's newest wardrobe complimenting colors for the ulti¬ mate In leg flattery. uitonguc likt. Ontario SEAMLESS corner of Ann & Mac Dress sheer with derni toe, reg dna 1.65 I.4I..3.?™:. 4.20 English Magi-lace; run-resistant mesh, reg... 1.50 Please come in leather 1.28..3.80 Reinforced heel and toe, reg 1.50 l.28..3.Pr.*:.. 3.80 16,000 Titles Fine business sheers, reg 1.50 in Magi-stretch stockings, reg.. 15-denier sheer, cotton sole, reg 1.65 1.50 1.41..J.T."... 4.20 1.28.APT*:,. 3.80 Paperbacks FULL FASHIONED Daytime sheer, 20 denier, reg Everything for your 1.65 1.41..?.^!.. 4 20 Support sheer, with ventilated Summer Reading foot, reg 4.95. 3.95 a pair at prices so Sizes proportioned-to-fit smoothly and securely! BREV (purple edge) slender to 111/2. ~ DUCHESS 8 10 10 MODJTE (green edge) average curves; sizes 8 1/2 nominal you'll (red edge) long, amply curved; sizes 9 1/2 to 12. be amoMed Michigan State Newa, East Lansing. Michigan Methodist Church What Then Are We To Do? This question is asked Eostminster ,Starts By Construction **Tto$i.S million structurewill ^COntrlbultlons fromMethodiitt every Sunday in the worship service of Central Methodist Church. Lansing. In fact, ' What Then Are We to do/ Sheets are prepared for Presbyterian Church i-J-Essfijas zr&tzxtzxssz Earl Confer of Detroit every sermon. I he minister offers fiveor six for study and suggestions application 1315 Abbott Rd., East Lans- Is the during the week. A pprox 1- mately half the congregation takes a sheet home. If you wish to 54! Walbridge Drive, E.L. rsg nfw sanctuary, tower reach ins 121 w®re alto responsible for the cte- worship 2Ur ■"* "•»• -m ^rinohm^. g"F^rrc,ta8°"hew~- where persons desire to ' Apply Christianity," we in¬ Study Phone: ED 7-0183 SUNDAY PROGRAM the church organ. ach of the three vite 'you to worship with 9 30 regular us next a-m. Church School, The Rev. Wilson M. . . _ Sunday. minister of University Tennant. Methodist ^ground breaking Tennent cer»- Services at 9 45 and II ajn. with Nursery, and Adult study, students Included. Church since its organization monies. Participating inthe "Our Part-Time Religion" 10:30 ajn. Worship, with Hemingway: five years ago, said that the sanctuary is being erected as a tribute to Bishop Marshall R. new ceremonies were: Rev. Warren Brown of Mt. Hope; „ . Stephen Ren- Dr. Large. Preaching continuing Church School for Kindergarten and younger. Reed. the Methodist Bishop from !] J,Lay Leader of the Metho- r91 Ch.urch: Roy Kramer, Presi- Central Methodist Michlgan. ^®lt of the Board of Trustees; Rev, Tennant said that plans Church ^ie®^ore Hedrlcks, Chairman of 1 for completion are scheduled for Building Committee; Across from the Capitol andalso 9:15 each Sunday --JNILS - "Religion in the News" Dr. Large EAST LANSING slty Methodist Church, organized April 28, 1957, came from all FRIENDS MEETING St. Johns Student over die state of Michigan on Peoples Church (Quakers) April 29 for the fifth anniversary Parish celebration. Discussion Group The dinner was held after the East Lansing Fr. R. Kavanaugh third church service for Fr. T. McDevitt 10:15 A.M. all those a man V iv Construction is underway on the new $1.5 rison Rood. The Interdenominational 327 M.A.C. Meeting for Worship ",H|~ structure is scheduled for * Chord, on Har- completion eorly next yeor. 200 W. Grand River Sunday Masses 11:00 A.M. members received slncetheflrst ".•15-8:30-9:45 (High) 11:15- of the year. 12:30 Revolt College House Peoples Church of ~~ iversary dinner, which (Babysitting at 8:30, 9:45 & Campus i held 1 11:15 masses) Asbury Hall In the ndatlon, was built 6:45 i around die church history and Lir guest speaker the Rev. activities. John Fouts over the dinner. presided Saturday Masses 8 00 49:00 ter E. Kellison of Farm- j Always a ..arm welcome at a.m. Confessions Seeks Charter The Wesley Foundation "Unfinished Symphonies" dally at on, Michigan, this Sunday. was 12:10 & Seventh - Day organized on Jan . 31, 1957 at ' "" * 5 0O p.m. Saturday MSU. The Rev. 30-9 00 Ad vent I st Church George Jordan quet Sat. Rev. Roy J, Schramm Services ■Unitarian Universafist Temporarily meeting at By ALLEN ROGERS In an Interview.last week. Handball, basketball, and fish- Tues 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. University Lutheran Church Of The State News Staff Peterson guides the activities tag are leisure time activities Church School Sunday Picnic Sunday Di'- isior. and Ann St. 2 p.m. Campus Crusade for Christ, of the organization which meets enjoyed by Peterson. He pre- - SATURDAY SERVICES a Christian group which has as 9 30 i 11a.m. at h,s home, 541 Abbot Rd., at sents an open challenge to all a m. Sunday Forum 7:30 p.m. 9 30 its purpose to a.m. Sabbath School encourage students 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. for friendly handball competi- Crib A following. Church 10:50 to be intellectually honest In con- "Seeing the problems young room through demonstration of the mass. a.m. Worship Service tion. i nursey facilities, i Prospects Sts.. ROGER W. COON - minister Student sidering Christ, hopes to be people struggle with In dating, chartered as a recognized cam- finding reality, pus organization by A.U.S.G. be- choosing voca- Comparing various unlver- slties with which he Is familiar, high school age Compline Benediction Sunday 9:00 p.m. tions and military obligations," Peterson said of MSU that "the For information or transpor- Fourms fore the end of the month. said Peterson, "I came to rea- facilities of theuniversityandthe 5:30 p.m. Christian Student Mwie^ every Friday night Don Peterson, energetlcdl- 11" that as Dr. Howard Pusey beauty of the campus are over- Foundation Campus Dance every Saturday nlght- „t,pvllp„ rector of Campus Crusade, (lis- of Harvard has said, 'Youngpeo- whelming." Vespers. 9-12. East Lansing First Presbyterian r , u i T ^ cussed the objectives of the group Pie today want a creed to believe Campus Crusade was estab- Phone ED 7-977S Unity Center Ottawa and Chestnut per for^evening^prayer andsup- Sunday evening at 6:00. A 1 2=—^ and a sonz to sing.' I have felt Ushed in 1951 by a business man. that Christianity 425 W. Grand River Roxie G. Miller, Pastor ndav Worship - llrOO a.m. forum will Dr. Georg _ d follow during which jrg Borgstrom of MSU'i Science Department will ; Crusade provides thepo- William Bright, a U.C.L.A. At tentlal for a workable solution." Peterson attended Bethel Col- the present time there are over 5° chapters on the major cam- University Lutheran University Methodist Church 1'Tne Omrupresent Christ" rabeth Todd-Organist discuss "Overpopulation - A Problem?" Mr. Harold McKlnney, Jr., Di¬ Sets Life lege in St. Paul, Minn., and later transferred Teachers to St. Cloud State pu3es across the countr^. Rafer Johnson, Olympic de- College where he cathalon star. Bob Davenport, and and Student Center National Lutheran Council Church "A Deeper Understanding Jcrald Circle - Weekend rector of General Operations, earned his 1118 S. Harrison Rd. Soloist degree In sociology Don Moomaw, former All-Amer- Division and Ann Street, E.L. of Michigan Council of Churches and physical education. lean football players, were active (2 blocks north of Berkey Hall) Wilson M. Tennant, Minister y Classes Monday Si Prayer" will be Bob He met his pretty wife, Carol, Rev. Shoaf, preaching guest speaker at the Davenport, former A11- In Campus Crusade during their 332-2559 -esday evenings at 7:30 Tuesday evening meeting of Bap- American and Rose Bowl at St. Cloud State. She com- college days, Church Services, 9,10 & 11:15 iated with Unity School 6:30 p.m. Calvin Club for tlst Student Foundation. Mr, Mc and John Flack, national repre- pleted work for her degree In Currently Joe Romig, Colorado "hristlanity. Lee's Sum- Klnney Is also secretary of Clt- English at the Donald Herb & C.T. Single sentative of Campus Crusade forwusa University of State University guard and Chris "The Lie We Live" Missouri. Young Adults. izens for Michigan. His topic Christ, llT'te "the *"featured Minnesota. The Petersons have Appel, University of Southern KUnkslck | for the^M meettoig is* Chris- s^rs duri^ Colle^ Xife two children, Pam. 4, andLance, Campus Worker: Tecla Sund Rev. George Jordan | livet Baptist Church tianity and the Coming World Weekend, a student conference 1- student leaders at theirr respec- respec- Greek Archdiocese Decislon". conducted by Campus Crusade After two years of service in *lye schools, Nursery, crib' rooir for all ! :2!5 P. Michigan the Army stationed in The Catholic Student Organ- Germany, Peterson saidthathewouldllke Orthodox Church foi^Chrtst\1ay25 and "J" 26. . William Hartman, Pastor SUNDAY "HOLY TRINITY" ization will have an Informal r\*m "b^en^rt'."UCLA uavenport," *" ' graduate ana graauare and the 'Petersons —— , , settled down — to — to see as many ^ students as pos- Church School I0 mgnesi nonor p«iu w a A ine8 (the complete church school Sunday at Martin Luther Chapel Catholic student by the parish, ^ert Pearson in the Church of ( reason the Aztecs thought g. at both hours, cribroom Meet at College House for Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. In conjunction with Parents* Krause also received the John Jesus Christ of Utter-day Saints Cortez Bible Study through Jr. High transportation to Francis 9:45 a.m. Weekend. At 6:00 p.m. a cost- Henry Newman Honor Society Mormorr the fourth century AD the people Park In f vening Worship 6:00 p.m. plus supper will be served for became corrupt and lost the au¬ Lansing. Award, highest award given by The Deseret Club college or- Outdoor recreation, supper, Wednesdfy evening Bible Gamma Delta members. The the National Newman Club. ganization of the L.D.S. Church, thority to act for God the same Sunday, May 20 and worship. Study 7 30 p.m. Gamma Delta meeting will in- Winners of Distinguished is sponsoring the series held at as in the Old World, which ful¬ International students are in¬ ■r-.pi.; Thursday evening Ladies elude an explanation of the in- Service Awards are: ^ghland filled the Old Testament Scrip¬ Sermon Wea- »sda} e v e n- Bible Class 7: 30 p.m. ternational project. Vespers will Pio Angillnl, Danvers, Mass. Aye., East Lansing, •ne Book of Mormon, which tures. The people Columbus found by vited to attend as special Rev. Truman A. Morrison guests. ar.d Bible be held at 8-15 p.m. on this land and called Indians Study. graduate student; Joseph Bary- relates the history of This program sponsored by were the offspring of the Book Special Music by the United Campus Christian Church office, bath services and Klddush Sat- Briganti of East Lansing: Edward grated to the The Edgewood Choir 'or information Evidence Fellowship at MSU. ' e urday at 10*a.m. Greenberg, Guatemala City, BC, is tl* stick Joseph manites. proving tl Jr. High Fellowship-4.30 p.m. campus bus A buffet supper truthfulness of the Book EVERYONE WELCOME will be served Guat. graduate student and Mary and the Bible is the stick of Sr. High Fellowship 7:30 p.m. ED 2-1960 or ED 2-2434 m. a A.ftriff informal Fllen Green. East Mormon will be the of tl an Lanslnz- soph- Judah as referred to in Ezek. core discussion Sunday. P'fst Church of All Saints Episcopal First Church Lansing Central Free Methodist Okemos Church First Christian SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH of the Nazarene Christ, Scientist of the Nazarene Church 1906 Hamilton Rd. Reformed Church 828 N. 240 Marshall St. Washington. Lansing Lansing 1518 S. WASHINGTON - LANSING Morning Worship 11 a.m. C. A. Bmch. pastor Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor 800 Abbott Road--ED 2-1313 "Christian Dtlclplines" Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Service & Your "Church- \way- From-Home" Church School - 9:45 a.m Morning Worship IMJ0 a.m. " Rev. Robert Gardner - 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship - 1100 a.m Youth Young Peoples Service Sunday School Youth Groups - 6:00 Fellowship 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 10:15 a.m. Chaplain to Married Students p.m Evening Service Evening Service 7:00 p.m. 7 p.m 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR !a Vhooi for I'niverstrv Evangelistic Hour - 7:00 p.m Evening Se r v | c e 7.00 p. m. rhose in need of transportatlor Family Service Wed. Mid-week Prayer Wed. Students 9 30 a m. Rev. Gordon Jones, Rector Evening 7:30 :all the campus Religious Ad- Nursery Provided 7:30 p.m. or, Mr. Cornelius Korhorr 11:00 A.M/'GOD-PAINTER of PORTRAITS" Call ED 7-9207 for free SUNDAY SI RV1CI S Harry T. Stanley, Mlniste 489-5852 or Mr. Henry I Continuing series on the Book Object transportation. bt EP 2-2223, of Genesis. "MORTALS,ad 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 7:00 P.M."GOD KNOWS OUR TOMORROW" •MMORALS" MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL FIRST WESLEYAN 9:30 a.m. Mornlr* prayer enin? & STUDENT CENTER METHODIST CHURCH Continuing a series on "God Meetings p.m. or Holy Communion. Sermon & 444 Abbott Road, East Lansing and yonr Life Today." Room 332-0778 * v Grand Rtver Church School. 11:00 a.m. 8:30 P.M. ADULT YOUTH Theodore K. Bunder,thai. Campus Pastor Discussion and Refreshments Morning Prayer or Holy SUNFJAY SERVICES 9:00 a.m. Matins 6:00 p.m. - Student Supper Morning Service - 11:00AM 10:00 Holy Eucharist 1 KEE BLS TRANS PORTA! ION MORNING AND EVENING a m '00p.m.- Film on India "Right - Hand Man" 11:15 a.m. Worship Service 8:15 p.m. Church School. Vespers ^re welcome to attend 1 Evening Service - 7O0 PM >rvice», and visit CANTERBURY CLUB Theme: "A Tale of T#o Cities" Text: II Corinthians 5:21, Call IV 2-9382 lor Information lthe Coding Room. Rev. Rundeniha! i- available for counseling at all time«-. CHILDREN'S MISSIONARY PROGR AM lQMlchlgan State Newa. East Lansing, Michigan Parents of MSU Students East Lansing Welcomes You To PARENTS WEEKEND We want you to know that Michigan State University and Michigan State Students, your sons and daughters are very important to us and we value them highly.. East Lansing is a pleasant residential community with fine homes, fine people,and an extraordinary Shopping District. We invite you to drive through City, visit our our shops, and come back as often as you can... LANSING CHAMBER OF COMMERCI