Weather ft will W fair and cooler to. MICHIGAN Inside 4my, with Hwyirtwti in the STATE NEWS blfk W%. MSU phone system to ba dup¬ H will W portly cloudy and STATE licated, p. 6; Fulbrights for e little werster Tuetady, with graduates ovoi labia in 40 UNIVERSITY countries, p. 6; students in- juried at Jr. 500, p. 3. Vol 53. No. 202 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 21, 1962 PRICE 10$ -fiS/T Weekend A rtivities Draw Thousands to MSU Hannah Alumni Refutes V Kick-off Charges Cites Faculty Gap Events Greeks Place First As Misleading At Water Carnival The University campus was In a festive mood last weekend as thousands of parents and alumni President John A. Hannah has converged here for the combined refuted faculty members charges Parents and Spring Weekend that the University is spending activities. money on "brick and mortar* Alumni met for lunch at noon and creating a "proliferation" in the Union on Saturday to kick- of new administrative cleans while off Alumni Day activities. An hour ignoring the faculty. later, about 7,000 people crowd¬ The charges were leveled ed around the West Circle Drive Thursday at the spring meet¬ area to watch the Junior 500 ing of the MSU chapter of the American Association of Univer¬ Saturday night, about 6,000 sity Professors. The meeting was people watched the second per¬ attended by three members of formance of "Pseudo," the 1962 the University's Board of Trust- Water spectacle. First plate winners in the Walter Adams, professor of float competition were Alpha economics, told the trustees he ("r.crcr. Pi sorority and Pi Kap¬ was tired of "the Shopworn cli¬ pa Phi fraternity with the theme ches about the University being 'Retrogressive Progression." no better than its The Greeks ended a busy week faculty.*' with the Greek Feast at the Adams said it wu his obser¬ Sigma vation that when there was Nu house. money to spend it went for "brick and On Sunday, President John mortar" and a "proliferation" Hannah addressed the class of JUNIOR '500' VICTORS—Congratulations re¬ of positions in the 1962 at Senior Swlngout in the the finish lin win the Lambda Chi University bounded across the packed bleachers in front Alpha RETROGRESSIVE PROGRESSION--The first n contemporary art took the modern pa Auditorium. Junior '500'. "hierarchy", which he clarified I of the Women's IM Building late as meaning new deans and assis¬ place winner at Water Carnival was the AOP o task for what they call art. Outstanding Seniors Rosemary Saturday -State Ne' Photo by Mark Krastof, tant deans positions. float based on pseudo painting. The spoof State News Photo by Mark K Kuhn of East Lansing and noon as Delta Taw Delta burst across Larry Adams asked why this was Osterink of Grand Rapids were ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I being done when there is a named before a crowd of 2,000 AKA, Delts "shortage of teaching and re¬ search faculty." A O Pi, Pi Phi Float Places at of the swlngout. Marilyn Cicero, Illinois and Hruby Larry Global Hannah statement as challenged Adam's misleading. Campbell of Marshall *ere named Outstanding Seniors for Win Firsts "No building are being con- First in Water Carnival their campus activities. The Men's Glee Club also gave a concert Sunday afternoon on the banks of the Red Cedar. ither Glimp ses At Jr. 500 By SALLY DERRICKSON "They purpose," he said. are built with funds gressive Progres- float constructed by night's Water Carnival. As the float came down the with placed a on the money ly . the emphasis making as- Many University ftml,£r ^ campu, , t., guests y- ? saw •, a fat paper rnache — liable Of the State News Staff first pect of college football. and to be repaid with student i place at Saturday dabbing paint on a ca As the float passed the jud¬ Saturday and Sunday. Bv the Associated Press People perched the pine tuition. These people know that." as tne Police and ambulance trees and crowded four ,1—, announcers explaine; ges stand a __r replica of the new crews deep - Hannah also replied to an philosophy of"Maynard were kept busy during the week¬ I Thursday Set As 'Go' Day For Carpenter fences near the pylon to see ■ charges that the University is Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Tau "administration-dominated" faculty and #» S6elCS PlOCG Blurd." When the lights went out a signs in ffront of University build- jngs was raised. It read: "Foot- ball Player--Built with funds ap- end campus. because of the crowds There were two on faint- Delta win the Umbda Chi -Alpha that CAPE CANAVERAL-Rocket experts overcame a suspected weak¬ Junior 500 races Saturday. faculty members are not , ^ lUVC platform on the float rotated propriated by the State fegis- ings at the. Junior 500 and two minor injuries accidents occured Sunday in the anti-freeze system aboard the huge Atlas mis- consulted in major policvde- |0 Pre^Pnt ness sle assigned to launch Malcolm Scott Alpha Kappa Alpha raced cisions. IC3CIII IVCU PatI showing another fat paper mac he man painting numbered spaces larure, being repaid from opera when push carts brushed against Carpenter into orbit. around West Circle drive in the tir.g revenue." onlookers during the race. They re-ittached to the mlssle the heater device that had been The criticism grew out of the 77,4 president of the MSU or, a half completed Mona Lisa. 7eta Tau flown to San shortest time—3:02.4—but didn't .Alpha and Triangle's Diego, Calif., for Inspection and adjustment. recen. transfer of the economics Socialist Club says his organ- Announcers "Chet Gruntly and float suggested the replacing of Check out of the new installation was break the record time of 3:01.4 department from expected to be completed Monday. Or, that basis, the project Mercury schedule was readjus¬ they set in 1961. Delta Tau Delta's time Business the College of and Public Service to Nation still is looking for off-campus facility In which an Davey Brinksley" asked "Leon- ardo Da Voncho" his philosophy Beaumont To-ver with Delta Gamma and Phi Kappa Psi a silo and Excalibur Picks ted for a was the possible flight attempt next Thursday. Before discovery of newly-created College of " presents Communist ~ speak- of art, to which he replied "I suggested "The R> u scheduled for r difficulties made Friday night, tbe launching had been n 3:05.2. Sigma .Alpha Epsilon and Social Science, and the division Alpha Tau Omega came In sec- of the College ofSclenceandArts The Board of Trustees Thurs- don't got i foller de Fredrick Williams ond and third in the men's speed into three new colleges, day directed President John A. Many spectators commented on boy Bunny, Jack Paar, andC! Dutch Indonesian Skirmish Continues division with a split-second 3:09 to 3:09.2 difference. "You can't hope to run a uni- Hannah to inform the club it could not use the Union for a tne detail on the float, partic- ularly the excellent reproduction les Van Doren. As Top Faculty versity with a faculty of a couple Friday's Water Carnival Shoi The ten new members of Ex¬ Delta Zeta and Kappa Delta Mona Lisa. thousand and not expect some to meeting during which Robert on the - ran smoothly f were second and third in women's be unhatxrv with decisions " Itan- Thompson, identified as a mem¬ calibur were tapped at a cere¬ [ nOLLANDJA-The New Guinea Indonesians dropped more paratroopers on West speed division with times of 313 Mh saiil ber of the Communist party, was Second place went to Delta Zeta and Delta Sigma Phi for their of about 3,000. Saturday's show brought mony during intermission at hih„» Saturday and Dutch troops immediately attacked them, and 3 21. respectively. "Decisions are made through to appear. Water Camlval. They are: Presl- —■ -J -* **-J- float "A Label Fable." estimated 5.500 to6,000perso: wounding three, the Dutch announced Monday. ■ ------ 6* - An estimated crowd of 7,000 Club dert- Ker' Beachler, Greenville ; Jakarta, the Indonesian news agency Antara said 18 Dutch the regular students, many with their parents that purpose. However, we'know channels", se president president Jan jan Garrett, (Jarrett, Third place was won by Alpha Bleachers --- -• immed beyond junior, . 0 . Andrln_ marines were killed in a clash last Tuesday near Fakfak, West New broke out umbrellas and rain bon- that no decision we know Gainesville, Fla. freshman, the club , . „ said --- Epsilon Phi and Alpha Fpsilon capacity and hundreds of people , »0D B Andrlnza. Wavland BurnsVtarmM, Guinea. In the is solne to be "definitely" Is going Pf for "The Mlssspiided Mis- -»ned the banks of the river. S Defense Hague, Gen. W. J. Van Dyk, head of the Netherlands nets twice during the afternoon, unanimous." ahead with plans for the Thomp- - - „ Towards the end of Saturday's Jim Cha^ ^ Arb^ Ministry's Information department, denied the Jakarta when showers briefly dampened Hannah said the channels in- «on'» aPP ear a nee Wednesday. afWrf™ ?mlor' EalillIwL Doerner, Webster sory. saying that'so far there had been no losses on the Dutch the scene. Cambda Chi .Alpha and Chi show, a power failure affecting nnhnn-., Slde-) Elswonb House elude an Academic Senate and placed first steering committee made 7?e club had one off-campus Omega's float "Ski Pseudorama" the .sound system caused a 20 F]rr^'_ 7. T,; in the humorous entries up of s,te reser^ he Mld- brought laughs with risque con- minute delay. HoS Cor with Diversity faculty and faulty canceUed over tinuity. Apparently, a water ■ carnival Howell Walld Sidelined. Hb Face Wasn'l H* college on the campus. "ch ting students v dropped embassy did not request that the strip, by Walt KeUy, be A ^ from Coral G.btes f c, T_ r„ J Acitivity a _ , ... _ r The decision to skip the series until the current sequence played twist music between heats. acques went to LarryCampbell '*ith which to support this Uni- associate professor of history, made because of the newspaper's policy not to use ^ I 0OITIS CllQ of Marshall and Marilyn Hruby of versity from which you will soon outstanding faculty member of car: arures of heads of state "If Sixty-five living units were John A. Hannah at the traditional Cicero, 111. graduate. Now it is up to you to they are in bad taste, Shlba entered in the races. A total of 1962-63 and tapped 10 new rrtem- asserted. 13 heats were run before the 5<)-50 SeOSOFI "Senlor Swlngout" Sunday after- noon at the auditorium. In his address, Hannah remind- ed the students of his talk to them live up to your share of the bers at Water Carnival Saturday it thaTmade very clear," he added. "We would not remove final competition, in which five A crowd of approximately bargain by playing the parts of evening. anything just because the Soviet Embassy said so." MSU finished third, third, fifth, 2000 as entering freshmen, that their educated men and women, by units with the fastest times students, parents and guests Williams, a Civil War speclal- and seventh in track, tennis, matriculation constituted a con- being good clti " ■ ... around the track competed. using 1st. heads the Michigan . Civil War _ baseball and golf ies«U|¥eiy respectively u, heard the keynote address and the tract with the University which your education n it for your sel- (Continued Maulle's T* 6eb Bigger track The one and one-tenth mile lvi>u divided into flu. five equal the Bie - Ten mason th.t .wM- ■ announcement of the University's mri crr-arfn-fM rh+ ®l«-tlon of didn't cease with graduation but fish good alone, but for thebene- on page 3) LIMOGES-President sections with 10 yart change-off over the weekend. t? graduates, deselection ^of expanded into their If | ( citi- fit of all of your fellow w>t in Charles De Gaulle said Sunday France is points. Runners took turns, re- ^ the Big Ten track champion- students the/62 C1^' presentation of awards to out- Previous to Hannah's address, the tow of another state" but has her own great international lay fashion, pushing the carts, ships, held In Lafayette Ind the Spartan squad finished be- itandlng seniors. of .wards He told them: Starr H. Keesler, Director of Auto Crackup P'ay m the pretent threatening world situation. "If Michigan State has enabled Apace car followed eachgroup The annual Board of Trustees Alumni Relations, and adviser Addressing massed thousands In the porcelain manufacturing city hind Michigan and Wisconsin, recognize the necessity urr.oges at the wind-up of his four-day grassroots tour through around the track, radioing re- State scored 34 2/5 points to iwards of $200 each, presented resented of acCeptlng your responsibilities '"J1." 1 Council and Water a "a "a Hurts 2 Students ^Provinces the 71-year-old President declared: black-and-white checkered pylon the Michigan's 48 3/4 and Wiscon- graduate as educated men Hd women, if Two Michigan State students t0'«a ?nre has * International role to play, a great duty n»*r the Women's IM. sin's 41. MSlfs onlv wim*r was wlth ** h,«hest Srade P°int has motivated you t sre injured in an auto crash 4r- all * Jerry Young, who erage, iml and Rfi.*m.rv Rosemary Kuhn. Kuhn. iwith 1-96 near Odessa men. From til time, it has been ever so. your obligations and on early Sun- John Harrington, entries mile'event ofVl^i. chairman of the race, ice. said Set- wltha time er^', accepted by Fred- them, then your years have been 1 He asked the students pay day evening. Congress urda/s crowd was the the history of Junior 500. thjWttss*!!! r 5 by Another third place was State's tennis squad iaken In Minn- GUm"« ** «n all-A, or well 1 ? * Vf.,r'*?5 well spent. And the Investments In your educations will pay rich particular attention to i structions which will be enclosed in. James Edwards, Highland Jun- er of the car, and Susan AIRES-The military-directed government of President eapolls, Minn, as they finished — KuhlV wlt!l • 3 92 «verage. Both dividends - - divi to you and to the so- with their diplomas, and Williams, Delmar N.Y. sopho- behind Michigan and North- «r® from East Lansing. clety In which you wiU pUy your Maria Guldo declared a especially to the reply card which more- passenger In the car long recess for the Argentine Con- Sunday and put all political parties temporarily on the side- Tjrlref. Avoilahla western. MSLTs No. 2 doubles Trustee awards of $100 each destined roles. will enable them to receive the werf taken ' t Olin Health Cen- bV ordering them ,,CRW5 MVOWODI® team of Dick Colby and Tom Wlerman was defeated in the were presented to the senior "The receipt of your diploma Alumni magazine for one year. ter for n n,s reorganized. Eat GraCIUClt6S man andwoman with second hjgh- will confirm a continuing com- Bob Cantrell, southfield, e up behind a s means Guldo will rule by decree for at least a year. government announcement said recessing of Congress and rW WUUUMiw Spring and summer graduatee, Tenney of Michigan, 9-7 and^-6. were Richard Freeman, Jr., of legiance in return for having tcspt doctoral candidates grad- Tom Jamleeon lost to Michigan's spoke during the program. 36« of Whitehall, striking him MkHaiM. with a 3.99 average and received largely at public ex- directly in the rear. State Police uatlng summer term, may pick up Gerry Guble In the No. 3 singles . "financial crisis of the n Joan L Harris, of Battle Creek, pense, paid for by taxpayers of Class alumni officers, elected said. two commencement tickets fer finals, 6-1, £-2. with a 3. M average. all klmfs— rich snd poor alike— at the convocation, were Larry The Edwards car skidded down Jenlson fleldshouse In the Alumni In baseball, MSU downed Winners Gilman and Freeman the advantage of an education. Campbell, president, John For- fa, 6aiti Records Office. 253 Student Ser- Northwestern 12-4 and vices Building Monday. S a.m. Mr 20-3 af- recently awarded a first This subsidy to yot* has amounted sythe of Lansing, vice president, roadway sideways, ending ig> ln the right lane of the divided Bangkok, THAILAND (fum* United States sped more men to 5 p.m. losing to Wisconsin 4-0 to Ptace ««nding ln the annual Put- to at least $1,000 per yeer for Cathy Vlckerman of highway. . wind up in 5th place ln the final Mathematical competition, each of you for the years you secretary and Myke Roberts oi m*, juneman toward Thsllsnd car continued today as Red Chinese and Sovi* news- Any tickets left over will bit Big Ten standings. Named "Senior of the Year," have been enrolled here. Alma, treasurer. down the road, charged the UA action increased the perU of war In distributed da a flrst-come-flrst In the Big Ten golf champion- coming to rest ®®st Asia. -serve basis, one per 1 todent* "»•«>■ division was Larry "Just as you expect to bene- This year was the first time on the shoulder. Gen Paul Pam XX fx HarWns, toe U.S. mattery commander In south- ship held in Champaign Ql Osterink of Grand Rapids. Miss fit personally by your educat- the Swlngout was open to par- Edwards was treated for la- Wednesday. The seme proce- die MSU contingent took seventh Kuhn received the award In the Ion, so your partners in this com- ams snd guests of the senior a,u- completed Inspection of die 3,000 U.S. ceratlons at Cttin Health Center, here and said soMlnriland durs will be followed Thursday place after entering with an U-2 wemsn's division. Each received pect sre entitled to benefit, too. class, ln addition to the gen- where Miss William* Is u 'Mkny have the situation well in hand. if (here ere say attW tickets, record. . a $50 bond. * *— — -- Monday, May 21 , Michigan State News FDITOR1AI EaSt Lanstng* Mlchl«an A Column An Insult *Kh? What Join AS.fc.CA.UC. II To The Students I happened to be lying on top of the Wva Building LET THE WORD CO FOKTM day afternoon nbaortoinga* rays (lest become ostraciJ; from the colle®» community tor not charcoaling my Skin . • F«ie^4i> amp roe know, we all have that toner urp "to bekwit. ..•*). > Anyway, It waa about 6 pun. and 1 lifted my head in alike, that the torch to compare my akin with the bronze roof. I blended. Thus w the State News looks with a duct of a free society. It is neither HAS seed PASSEP It) A a sign of relief and a feeling of satisfaction. accomplish:, I great deal of disappointment at afraid of freedom, nor can it NEW Geplng up the water. _ freedom if only those with whom student on this campus. To as¬ sume that students will be duped we agree are allowed a hearing. "Hey. ye drips," I shouted from atop the Kiva, "Why a, That kind of emasculated freedom not wearing thy uniform according to the 36-R547 manual? T>Z I by the irrational arguments of one exists in Russia. We require art a disgrace to thy land and people." ou I man implies a lack of confidence I kind of chuckled a little lying there prostrate on my stomich I more in America. In the young men and women who as rock, hats, canoes and mallard ducks rlchocheted off 11 "There are those who fear Ben roof and sailed above my head. I soon will become the leaders in Davis will have field day, mak¬ What happened to the good-old American sense 0f humor ft a 1 asked myself as an oar smashed against the side of my bronzed I their communities. ing captive the minds of our stu¬ face which, incidentally, soon turned black and blue. ^I Fearing the unpopular ideas of Honestly, that parade Tuesday was cruel. It must have bee> I dents" (or "mislead and confuse 100 degrees in the sun. Those cadets were dropping like a 1 one man because he dissents too of flies after a spray of Raid. the unwary" as MSU's Board of It's bad enough gplrig through the drills in that kind of weatfer 1 much and arbitrarily designating Trustees warned). but when, in the name of patrioUsm and esprit de corp. you hint agents to teach the "truth" stand to stand there in those woolen outfits and listen to someone lectin I "Nothing could be farther from on the history of Michigan State University and land grantlal incongruous with the cherished the truth," continued Wilson. from the Civil War to the Cold War, then 1 think it's time af principles underlying o u r soci¬ desert or go A.W.O.L. in the name of sanity. "I "We are proudof the way our stu¬ I'm a humanist at heart; however, I also have sympathies fori ety. sophomore and freshman cadets. Well, the cadet officers too F dents have proved their ability to Within, the past three months, The time has come to organize a campus A.S.P.C.A.UrJ_ officials challenge effectively those whose American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of the Universities of doctrines are not well founded, University Cadets. Oregon, Minnesota and Wisconsin Everyone could contribute a nickel to pay for a ptaq.* honor!*! and we have great confidence in those who had fallen on the MSU battlefield. Perhaps the a, allowed Communist speakers to scription can read: the maturity with which they will "This plaque is dedicated to the Spartan cadets vhojocoth appear on their campuses. There respond on this occasion." rage.ously went beyond the call of duty on Tuesday, May 15,1962... was controversy and hot debate. Amen." ' But the Communists spoke. The Just because the U.S. Marines are fighting and dying to 4.1 Had Robert Thompson been al¬ fend th<5 pro-Western, freedom loving, liberal thinking. ; three schools are stronger for communist democratic bastions of Southeast Asia against lowed to speak at the Young So- godless aggressors, doesn't mean college students must si their stand. behind the lines. They came back from the parade wuh en ialist Club, he would have per¬ Oregon's student newspaper, energy to crawl into bed. haps called the House Committee Is it really necessary to wear the Jackets? the Daily Emerald gave its rea¬ Next week's column: The Bataan Death March. on Un-American Activities witch son why Gus Hall, general secre¬ hunters. Perhaps he would have Letters: On Israeli Article, ROTC Parade, Etc tary of the American Communist blasted the McCarran Act as a Party, should be allowed to speak law which is marching this coun¬ on campus: try down the road toward Fas- To the Editor: rorists and the Egyptian govern- remote chance of something like to register deep concern over to the action. One wonders, u "Democracy, in theory, is ment-supported fayadin groups, this happening, continue to have the impending expansion of sequently, if the confusion b funded on a belief that the people cism. Perhaps he would have con- demned capitalism as a system of te.K„V».."LMm.y Nex t let us look at the Arab faith in that college? I doubt it. —lother parade will Lebanon (population density 387/ mile as compared with tween capitalist and commusKj be a a national ested to know that Israel': area refugee problem. One asks, who On May 22, oer sq. may not - be held. I ask only that we, Israel's 259) into neighboring Mr. Khadduri's - wisn enough to r'isi over the brutal exploitation which, carried It is to be hoped that th ill reply that as sensible individuals, consider countries: ruth in a given issue. Perhaps ty routed them the well-being of our fellow man. ticles which will undoubtedly !ol-l to its logical conclusion, ulti- of their homes. But t^evover and try to arrive at a sensible low will contain document: this is a sentimental view, even mately must lead to war. Per- a population density of" 8o£6 loci"AeT«flet and rVdio broad- about parades in and that Mr. Khadduri's k will be unaffected by the et foolhardy. Yet it is no more dan¬ heard any casts by the Weizman government weather such as this. Libya haps he .vould have viewed wit expressed by pleading with Palestiniai Arabs Martin Feldman Morocco tional excesses which led to gerous than the idea that a man apprehension the military-indus- the govern* be coerced by either Jew- 380 East Shaw Hall Syria inconsistencies and exaggerfrH should be stopped from speaking ir Arab terrorists groups Wilmington, Delaware Saudi Arabia tlons so unfortunately prevalesB trial complex which controls the of^the^'ss of course, is not from leaving suchcliiesas Haffa, Sudan in this last essay. because he says unpopular, even population density, and Haifa, The Israeli govem- Irving Ce.'SrB Pentagon and prevents any chance expansion. < Tunisia dangerous, things. en promised Hagannah >n to those Arabs that f/firfy U©V American Egypt "The real danger is not that with their neighbors, L.J. Fein would stay in 1948. Today the Israeli Arabs wh< To the Editor: Sincerely, Too Much $ $ Hall will MSU's venerable International Robert W. Becker speak, but that he will Thompson might have spoken remained are neaping the bene- To the Editor Festival was carried < Dept. of Political Science not speak." fits. While many outside Arab any of these issues. And Mich- Other Side on taste, color, and spirit but to for Butte rfield'sdrop-H peasants are still poor and un- one Who attended the Saturday Hall spoke. educated, Israeli Arabs ping c ut of the Water CirnivaH igan State students would have To the Editor: .4 forjhe ln night performance it was marred member of the GenenlJ Illogical - O. Meredith Wilson, President ,. 4 , . ... ... As a non-lsraell, but an Amerl- first time one respect. listened to and challenged these can jew, it was with deep sadness Council who was present The performance of the Master of the University of Minnesota i-Israeli healthy people. meeting, the reason presents obvious distortions and { of Ceremonies (who should have To the Editor: in the State News v many facts Indeed, the one million lost remained an apprentice) provid- * J eloquently defended Communist oversimplified opinions. ttu = iviiuv<. twisted and turned until the truth resembles .a nr»i-»i. At us heirin souls of the Arabworld have been ed 'rhtmorlesTcoi^dro'f teresi ana amusement, ine «r- — _ Ben Davis' right to speak on the pretzel. ILet us begin —iK. cruelly used by pre sent Arabgov- sent Arabgoi conslsting 0f spineless ad-libs, tide by Imad Khadduri in the ^ article made by observing that the land of fear and hos- garbled announcements. and mis- State News for May 16. Unlike « Butterfield wanted Minneapolis campus: But the students were Israel has always contained Jews. tlllty. Instead of resettling the those of Walid Khadduri In pre- none at This Vv. ^ __ placed cues. "We believe it would be a dis¬ dealt a disservice • Th'pv will nnf have continued to live in refugees in the hundreds of thou- This, I kindly suggest, _ due, vious editions, Wednesday's ar- the truth. At the meeting, Jerusalem and S a fed, forcxarrm** * not to any inherent" flaws ln the tide lacks even that minimum of service to our students and an in¬ ;iven a chance to prove their since ?o c.e. after the they are kept huddled by the Gaza abilities of the M.C., but to his objectivity which sult to nation's maturity if we our ability to challenge - & the Commu- expulsion of most by Rome after by Bar kochba s abortive rev- striprad-oand fed hate and propaganda Csiru instead of food ;otal lack of preparation or know- American public expects from hav® t0 £J (70 Into buildinj were to deny Davis an opportunity ni ct TVio\' nist. They have been U q Tro V\oon rri won o xtaIo nlntiAn k h i iedge ledge ® of the background, ® pronun- an expert (self-syled or other- another $7( fl/tat nH given a vote oiution. a t called ^.oat and we would hav< \ thei t; a r l'a_ o political .» it ■■ by .i elation oi nar and i en the wise). Even if we allow that Mr. f modern Israel friends. to speak. , ... .. ide with this note. order of the of the Khaddurl was car-lad away by Israel's Inde- Pj6*®"™ of of W-50 per. person. Alsoj 11 program. "The University is the pro¬ have committed University policy. The M.C.'s M faux pas were ln pendence Day and consequently was pointed out that thes i embarrassing contrast to the wrote more from the heart thrn Carnival Ittand has beenoH dominated for a long ™ ^ Two Paths to 'Truth' farms (Kib- tlnue, Innocent people will con- butzim). The Land (or barren tlnue to be killed. rocks and desert) they tilled was Let the nations of the Middle * poise and patience of the foreign from the head, we can hardly bom performers and officals, showing him to be a beautiful leal inconsistencies. be expected to overlook his log- ^ is "1^ J° W *5 ta;'ng wj ^ for a erslty lmc . "Students need to be taught "Whatever be tne nmi- first bought back from the Arab East unite In brotherhood. Let example of the Ugly American. In almost the same breath and to learn about communism; owners at exorbitant prioes. So Arab and Jew live peacefully to- However, such a slip in the («nd the article Is a long one), out professional entertiW tutions which trammel inquiry the charge of Israeli, or Jewish gether planning (as it must have been) Mr. Khadduri notes with alarm or ■ a 18 i they ( but they should get their facts elsewhere, we believe that the r Zionist usurption of land be- Middle ages the golden t is easily righted: either by hav- "the influence and pressure of comes ridiculous when viewed of Arab culture and learning when ing a straight-forward readingof Jewish capitalists...'' on the UN. • riubDance* from faculty members who are the program, or by an Injection and anticipates with trepidation ?) The Varsity Club W great State University of Wis¬ historically rather thanemotion- the spark of knowledge was kept _ competent in the field, and who consin should ever encourage ally. while Europe slept in ignorance. from the Speech Department.. "communist infiltration into the EUlngton $4 It wasn't until 1947-8 when Jerry Cohen so that the impression left may Middle East" by way of Isreal. 3) J1* ern; respect the obligation to tell the that continual and fearless sift- n Arab n 230 West Shaw be a more harmonious one. Ir should not be necessary to with food and entertainme full truth. The University never Mary Price P°int out 10 Mr. Khadduri that (>2«ch) ing and winnowing by which alone East Lansing the terms capltallsh and com- 4) Brother^ Four has and never will knowingly in^ the truth can be found." tor ofc? Palestine Palestine that that Israel gained cained munlst are quite incompatible, »s low as >1.50 more land. To the Editor: r „ even when applied to Jews. All of these examples had I vite a communist to preach his To compare either directly or Have you ever stood amongst Less Heat To ask 118 10 believe that even fessional emertai treason on our campus, for we see ... plaque on Bascom Hail by sly implications to that the a group of people and seen one, r ' cu- E ltor: "Jewish capitalists" hadenough and are equal to Israelis are like the Nazis is then another, and then another money to buy the votes of two- than the Water Ca: Universitv of Wisconsin The occasional articles on In- no point in providing a platform sad perversion of the 11 apse under a tremendous thirds of the nations of the UN 11 »«ms t0 ^ k rim< for an exponent of communism who has no obligation to tell the Gus Hall, the general i secre¬ ssjarjassss shaH '.v«r the shu™. exclude Arabs Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on class Gurion Governmenteminent tn I ask that the in 1948. the student who wrote It In just that way—of the many. t0 ^ i"C^ * d,sire to bring the whole runPunl«! * days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and spring quarters. many cadets who were affected tions o{ ' area int0 a conflict that would . . ls printed ^ Issued twice weekly during the summer term. Second class postage paid at Greenville, Michigan. this inflaming count the depredations against b, die hew, the «c, „umb«r — never having been disclosed. fuse the uninfWr^.^ »*»" ,ZZ yunu tms readers lmmatrlnatlon, «»"'ZC,2 « . . WterssW" defensless women, children, and Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services building Michigan Heat prostration, as any I hone futureTcontributionc «t any rate. Mr. Khadduri neg- phoo*number. L State University, East Lansing, Michigan and 109 N. Lafayette Street termH«sC°mmitted ^ the Anl> 7**™ ^C^b°°LW0UJl? S8y- this series will be Ws^h^r ^cts .w nwntlon that It was wSold a «•« Greenville. Michigan. 1930*s. the Grand Muffti, Nazi- sttTBKi-asss 'which cometo^ advance for a causing, and I quote, "severe mented pact with Moscow " in die mid- i one term, $3: for two terms. supported Arab political leader, strain tf>on the heart". organized one of the most savajt Tha question I pose ls--what a .. ^ r trve the right» of the Aeeoclated Press, Inland Daily Press Association and attacks . - on the little town ofSafed would happen to the prestige that -rets. outside Jerusalem. Old men, Political research hundreds of people have tried confusion of capitalists and com- Ben Burns Photo Editor Dave Jaehnlg scholars and rabbis, were mercl- to establish for Michigan State munlsts. The Allies in World Mixed Blessing Jim Walllngton Spotlight Editor .Sally Ward lessly butchered. One need not if one, and only one. cadet was EV rt . War II included both capitalists Larry Pontius Spotlight Atst Jackie Korona mention the early riots and to become severely injured or ML/Osl i*OCt& ntdthey ir. .Tom Huckle Asst. Sports Ed. . . .Terry Wareham . . . .BUI Marshall Rellg. Editor. .Charlotte Dalton attacks in the sacred city it- even die from an ordeal such as T« rh« c Khadduri's Iraq declared wee oft Federal «9' m setf. Indeed even untU recently them ln 1941 What they didnt « . . this? Would the parents of pro- .. (although it joined .Bruce Pebricant Class. Adv. Mgr. . . .Fred Levlne _j, ... .Paul Schnltt hundreds of Israeli farmers, wo- spective students want to Send , id|l them later in 1945). The UN vote they also made ] *r. . . men. and children have been attacked and killed by Syrian ter- their son to • school like that? If fiL' V ' ^ on the Near East. As ,nd on partition also Included botii P*T- Would they, even mn if there was a result of my capitalist and comrauniatne- findings I wish tions, and Mr. Khadduri objects Esst Lansing, Mlchlgi Monday, May 21, 1961 'Shoppers Excalibur (Continued from Williams Picks Purchase page 1) people grow, financial stability, . Centennial Commission. from ** to ** Pro" Williams came to MSU in 1952 ductlon Pres8rure». • chance to from Wayne State University Symbols' Shopper# don't buy"pn>duct«" la also a member of the ion Historical Commission, the Mississippi He Mich- C0"*e ,on on a course of act,on- '» ?f »ctMrV. and time for•"J*!* reflect¬ at the eton anymore-- they buy Vadl^Historica1 So- 5. *ty*. and Phl Alpha Theta, He ttought wma & ^ fni*- Dflckittfl And ivmKnt* eAAAMl tratlons of teaching are: a lack history honor society. of cornrnunIcatlon between the William Sweetland, associate faculty and staff, discouragement professor of humanities keynoted with the student who does not ful- the Initiation banquet Wednesday fill promises, a lack of awareness in the Union. 0f the He said, "Michigan State pro- importance of higher ed- by other factors, fessors don't need to take their ucatlon to. students and the public, Capitman, president of the Center and a lack of awareness by the for Research In *«•«» a°y Institution in the students of the Marketing, Peek- stature of the staff world. By any standards this is skiil. N.Y. 8 be¬ and administration at MSU. I have found thmt coming greater— „ fcnot sell a He said" that we must build a pro- he said, "nor can low if™1** tha*Jed * feeling of pride in MSU. *e .War of Hc"ry 01 prices—exoept to the point where Sweetland listed wfcat he the manufacturer is cutting his thought were some of the r«f- ' {?e.?^>tu£e own throat." wards of teaching. He said Capitman told a National Flexi¬ they are: an ble opportunity to see young Packaging Association Seminar last week at Center that Kellogg "packaging is the difference between product success and failure." In the few seconds in the fourth dimension: TIME which • shopper decides among many still a mysterious concept to similar products, the science. Time is only an idea. package ^ "reach out and communl- ^_g^raction___jn_^^ . must ——— speculation—and surprise. cste." he said. " "It must have a visual which will catch the impact *** shopper's MAYBE SOMEDAY-These two Pott.. lie MAN WAS CREATED AFTER 11:59. if all time since the 0 v* r th"' of equipment from all branches of the service competing boys were port of the several thousand spec- earth s creation were condensed were displayed iri addition to jliqht-line into a 24-hour day, the to^-oVTof "s tator. who participated in Armed Force. Day performances by the AFROTC Sober Drill "Age of Man' wouldn't start till 2 seconds before and U must communicate £%£ ,vlllt> ot >h* midnight! City A'rt>0rt- M#n ond Team and Lansing area high school bands. Even the dinosaurs wouldn't appear until if p.m. Despite many studies, the sym- bollsni of packaging still remains somewhat obscure, Capitman Hannah (Continued from page 1) Campus UN Hits said. The problem is to determine P°*d shift. The department had the symbolism product by the largest of the sought In a given buying public. voted unanimously to stay where segment u wa«' ^ said, but the shift was made Trustees' Decision anyway. w In the decision Involving the •ge saying: division of the Friday condemned a rec "I think it is everybody's con¬ |EAT DROPS DRIVER-Sergeont Donald Cleeves, Dept. of Lbiic Sofety, was kept busy Saturday afternoon at the Jun- Engineers Building ence and said the first College of Sci- Arts, faculty members knowledge they had 0f Trustees' decision communist speaker from appear- cern volved." since human rights are in¬ ing i campus by ( ; of— 23 _„j, ,00' os the cosulty list mounted. Heat prostration, in- ond minor scrapes made six hospital runs necessary Near Completion of the split was the announce- which appeared in local to 2 . ioluUon which the body . . . In other Assembly elected matters the general new officers. department. Here Sergeant Cleeves revives one of the The They are: Walid Khadduri. East ft the 1 ♦ passed out from heat College of Engineering will newsPaPers- passed said the Trustees' decis¬ ion was a violation of the United ' Lansing junior, secretary gen- exhaustion. 1: Machlo Amunga. - -State News Photo by Mark Krastof. May and June. Top F Nations' Declaration of Human Rights. . it requested that tn a f: Alan sophomore, president McKnlght. Ho-Ho-Kus. Nev Kenya, Imbulance Stops Race A 100-foot extension c.. southeast corner is under c Board of Trustees review it Jersey graduate student, first , ^ u. . judging by the applause given 1 possible. ^-president r and _ Henning Kreke, Cologi*, Germany fresh- [wo Students Injured All engineering will be housed In this Olds Hall will be converted in- departments building. on to the other side of the river continue the show. There was r whether the communist Flight Schedules Set >-president. \t Junior 500 Races the psychology building and only one speaker for the remaind- But they were concerned about For UB European Trip i students—one hit by a clerk said, ing will be used for computer activities. ^ The T.V. Orchestra, under . the munlst Robert C. Thompson be cause Flizht schedules for the Union irt and a runner suffering Cherster Guilmet, Birming- they felt it a denial of BoJoard-sponsored European ham sophomore, t exhaustion—were admitted lOUn Hospital for injuries in- more, a runner in the race, wa admitted for heat ex- ^ ^SS^SS^ *£%£ 'ff^gate flights were announced Thurs¬ day by Miss Etoyle White, Union lred at the Junior 500 races haustion. laboratory and played throu^out the show and asking j the Assembly - . ^ . accept Acltvltles Director. y, Lt. Allen Andrews, Department greater space for n^Kf ^ ^ ne resolution said: Members of the 4-week tour ling .. ox'lmately ten others, suf- of Publlc Safety said there were rr.lnor abrasions, lacera- tnore casualities this year than ution bacterlology and transpor- ^^n^'were several o "Obviously, students get Information about political are not will leave Detroit's Metropoli¬ tan Airport at 5:45 p.m., June s and heat exhaustion, were *ver b«fore. "We had to hold —itedanJ released. 016 races t*10* to n**® *»v up JKCKTIST^2 ffSKSsfsisaa; room lor niklt lor *"ls k" WW delejras: 19. at They will arrive in London 8:10 a.m.,. June 20. Returning, l/obn H. Shaw, Flint freshman, fo th® ambulfcnc*," he said. itudy ul n- they will depart from London 7s struck in the heel by a push- Jrt. He underway surgery at Olln Youth Camp SMrs.Ssi'js; Five students sang three songs ~ " • The trustees are cerned about the truth when there is a chance the legislature might at " 5 p.m., Detroit at July 18, and arrive 8:55 p.m., July 18. ■turday night to repair severe lblllty in future use of the bulld- Jim Cherry. Impose economic sanctions on the Participants In the 10-week 'on of the right Achilles' tour will leave New York's Idls- , George Beck, hospital Job Picture The office of the Dean will During the Intermission 10 men were tapped for Excaliber . senior University." A delegate from Panama said wild Airport at 7 p.m., June 22. the resolution should be defeated They will arrive In London about oil Specialist Favorable 2pi0rS."nVno,ru.555 and mechanical engineering will sound system, general chair- June 23. Returning, they will leave Amsterdan >ts Citation able Job opportunities for students are favor- this summer ...... offices of metallurgy, mechanics ;ne Gerry Blanke said he thought 'how came off well and that and agitate "I have seen the student this going on in body. Q^m.^Sept fak'l'ne aJr'VC S}lannon . two Taking off from f Shannon ; uthcamDS and materials science, and . countries," he said. My fel 11 p.m., Sept. 2, they will ai low delegate from Guatemala can |istini ssoilivnarfmont a conservation recelv- ocrt of the „ HPR R , department. Completing the "Psuedo" i verify this. It happened the rive In New York at 7 a.m. «f A/r±i Sept. 3. Final meeting for the ton members will be held at 7 p.m. Allowing May 23, in 31 Union. |cmgan, Friday. r "" a sub-critical reactor and other " skills. Daubert sald. said Pf| m Mnmt AwHfH pus, he said, tends to disrupt wooers in Xthe'United rh. iicn a* J 5200 —1^' "The average pay ranges from r.n„,frnm to $400 for an eight week nuclear laboratories, nuclear laboratories. Bids were submitted Friday for » KI,,,V WOmS. n AW9m university life. He then commented: "When e'iwirS session, plus room and board, extending roads on three sides tjoes 10 nesier people really want a change in Ernest L. Hester, Jr., Garden the way they are living this is was cited " for iperative "creating '" ^pending upon the employee's of the building. City, N.Y. senior, has won a okay. But lt Is not okay for relationships be- Hii ' sald* snail agencies doing conser- The_se organizations, _ camps._ by youth Extension Association Philip Morris Merchandising small group which says it is Award In recognition of his out- acting for the people -- to make k in Michigan ami Vfor dlvlduals - d)v8fdtiaIs flnd and institutions, will standing performance under the changes." Wauons in . in conservation or- Michigan and the from one to eight weeks. Picks Neville President Philip Morris Work Scholarship The assembly spent much time Students interested in employ- Program. discussing whether the Campus Howard R. Neville, assistant As a recipient of a Work UN body had the authority to pass ment in camps should check with the Placement Bureau and see { ^ dlrector 'of lhe Scholarship, Hester served as decision on the Trustees action, i To Speak Daubert In 228 Jenison for de¬ K. _ tinuing education _. service, has uaHon between the campus and Several delegates said it was tails of the camp been chosen 1963 president-elect t)ia Philip Morris offices in New an "internal matter" and not I Ewt Lansing High and location. of the National University Ex- tension Association. city. In addition, he work- under the Jurdiscidtion of the ed on campus promotional pro- United Nations. Miss Phillips To Lead Neville was elected at the 47th New Z e a 1 a n d* s delegate a annual meeting of the NUE A at the Pnfrry Schools will be Green Splash In Fall University of Nebraska this Pfnent P'ng High " >n speaker School's Juns ceremonies. at East 14 Judy Phillips, clwreographer »—» »--- *or the Green Splash swimming - . month. He will succeed Paul Sheats, — dean of University Extension at ATTENTION! w. Anderson, of profes- _ production. "Musical Sellouts,' r the rh« I inlversltv of California. University Evans Scholar AlhUniversity Golf Day education at "the" Urilver" ^as recently elected president The NUE A is an association I^Michigan, " of Green Splash for the coming 0f 92 colleges and universities will speak graduates HIT the i y®ar- Judy 13 a Sa«lnaw physical m the United Sutes interested education major. Hay 26 Three sophomore physical education majors were ) the other three offices: elected Joan ely populated New Forrest Akers Golf Course Tenhoor. Kalamazoo, vicepresl- Zealand has only 2,500,000 in¬ I k Held in Kellogg dent; Sandra Sweet. Utica, tary, and Sheryl Luneke. Grand secre- habitants. Its about the size of Colorado. two lslandr OPEN TO STUDENTS & FACULTY Rapids, treasurer, ^ Theoutstand-. p*—mmmmi Handicap System of Scoring k.U.l.«?rnn" !■'«?" £di5i« GUARANTEED F*PJn c«n®r Monday Eakin. E,chreceivedtnengraved •Uv.rdl.h, LOWEST PRICES Team Trophies For Men's and Women's REGULAR & STEREO LPs UB Announces DIAMOND NEEDLES Living Units r"* * awards w for service. TAPE Fall Deadline OUR PRICES ARE Faculty Trophy and Prizes 'To Head CHECKED DAILY TO Prizes for Individual Winners in sweet dreamers, these Deadline for listing events on ASSURE BIGGEST . 'MmOmega the Fall Term Union Board Ac- tivites Calendar Is Tuesday. SAVINGS Puff-ligHt cotton batiste _ * ewer!!!' elected president Detrolt "ophomore. Events may be registered by Following Categories: bray sleepwear promise President of Alpha nt ai^k. DISC SHOP a ifw signing up-at the second floor cool summer sleeping, . national servicefra- Low Net light- Union Board office In die union. P"y' 'or 1962-63. Low Gross hearted morning cover-up via Hole in one Contest J?""* vlce pre«ldenu THE MINOR KEY Longest Drive Blind Bogey Hole (Booby Prize) the brunch coat. Shift gown has batiste eyelet and chambray >»r , ia' v'<* president. 11541 DEXTER n«ar BURLINGAME J^s.SouthH.^f«7X trim. S.M.I sizes. 3.98 ipt, vi<*«*,»idwit. ' Thr** °*kt JULIAN "CannonbaH" ADDERLEY Admission: Chambray coat with eyelet trimmed r and hit SEXTET Men $1.00 (18 Holes) butterfly ?leeves. S,M,L. 5.98 ofHcej.® etec(#d r, Ci8uS?c?t,ry- Km Geck- Women $.75 (9 Holes) Not shown: matching baby doll *C~k>nU i g secretary. TomWoJew* cotre- -$T\ NAT ADDERLE Tickets On Sale Now pajamas and knee-tickler pajamas. $"»\yvsseslatebs WE 59330 For Further Information Call Ed 7-9703-4-5 All in blue or pink with white. Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday. May 21 , AUSTIN HEALY SPRrrc 1 AUSTIN HEALY SOLD 2nd DAY I 11,000 miles, radii, heat* white walla. Excellent * I dan. <1050. Call IV O-oooo ' if Automotive Automotive Automotive For Rent For Sale ft Real Estate ~>Re7 CHEVROLET. 1961 - Blue, 4 CORVFTTE. 4 door, BelAir. V-8 stick. Radio. new top ^ tlr#s 2L000 TRUE unapproved how tor su Call OL 5-1003. By Owner miles, Immaculate. Call John. CalTevenings. IV 2-0565. *1795.00 . 32 ED 2-3368 or ED 2-3145. 42 NEAR ——— CAMPUS. Cape Cod. »»• «■B£:a,r!£a $?95. Calf S ySfare^km^for 1959 RAMBLER AMERICAN - AUSTIN HEALY, 1960 - wire TYPING SEK\ ice • good used car. 2 door black finish.,attractive wheels. overdrive, tonne.u • lot with many mature e red and black interior. Low ml- COVer. Excellent condition. ED 1960 CHE VROLE T CONVER- le*Se- >»95. 2-5977. 40 T1BLE - Black with a black top. ROOMS -493Z-CHFVH0L FT „ 4 door -Stat- radio & heater. sr. Like new. , 1954 FORD - 8 cylinder, Male students jerus wanted warned to 10 share snare 17" RCA PorMble TV* Btlity School district- .PEANUTS PERSONAL >a'v;'' drive transmission. Mainline . a i 7 ^ wamou ™ TT This week only to MSU students vv.ikinff distance to cimoui thesis re • REAL ESTATE LET TIC H & STENBERG 1960 OLDSMOBILE - 4 door Stat- door with only 21,000 actual prodici • SERVICE 2628 E. KALAMAZOO ionwagon. full power, air con- owner miles. We sold this service .TRANSPORTATION 484-3229 dirioninfi Eniov the sunntf In new and it still drives like tivw. Thesis Kits .. .WANTED real luxury. $2595. You must drive end see to ap- APPROVEDi-very close to Cam- CLARINET, fair^condl- ^WinZ" EAST LANSING -Near elemen- glneering DEADLINE: Several RAMBLER demonstrat¬ pus, facilities, 525 Al- DUS. parking facilities. 35V8M-T 40 tary school. Owner leaving city. commercial k'-W - Sun roof, excellent ors including convertibles. Ex- 1956 PLYMOUTH - 2 door, bert Ave. ED 2-1384. 42 Offers easy to live with 4 bed¬ room. 2 bath. home. Under >20. eutpj ion. Priced to sell. Call eel lent prices available. See SERVICE I Maln;u,J 000. FHA applied for. Cust&n 2100 W. t 355-1795 or TL 2-2136.39 these before you SPI MICROSCOPE - New,po*~. -- buy! — 50-900 Two mirrors fine ad- P**9®01 n 1957. PHONE: MEN: both single and double Ju8tme;t. Cafe. slide kit. C*- ^ ED 7 0969 for 355-8255 or 8256 MC.A Coupe - 1959. r ELMER STEELE RAMBLER STcSS ffSS Sn ED 2-3151. Anally $80. 355-8544. 40 EXPERT TYPING. THESES Elec-u'tL r Experienced. Near erop RATES: 0^9. 2 BLOCKS West of Brody steering and brakes, radio, 2 HAGER FOX WAREHOUSE Ex- STORY and a half house.Garage, production Sen. :ce. 3 1 DAY $1.00 tone paint. White tires. Bought pension Sale - Big discounts full basement, bullt-ins,fire- 1 wo, single rooms, cooking prl- the following: Ranges... place, lot 66'xl65'. Red Cedar ...'*£00 new by a professor. Good trans¬ w 3 DAYS. 5 DAYS 1962 \ portation. $595. vileges, and parking available to women graduate students or $17,800. F.H.A. Cell ED f,DIE STARK term dissertations, Tvp„t J ...$3.00 i960 Cora veile 2 tops, 4 speed Refrigerators! . . . NewandUsed 7-1422. eral typipg. ; Wa_ 'trans.. staff. ED 7-0978, after 7 P.M. incll£r,tor( xper£™ c-, ?J ; p,, orf i 1960 : 40 M.P.G., low mileage, royal blue finish, excellent con- MAX CURTIS, *2 Washers and Dryers. 10 MINUTES TO CAMPUS . 3 ^ fill CO! TKer* »«»l b« « 2S« INC. bedroom ranch stone, garage, ®na bocUMo HAGER FOX breezeway. basement, fenced £*PING: General i_ 1957 OLDSMOBILE Single rooms for men, two blocks ^5 5. PENNSYLVANIA waak.' black from Union, parking. June 10 to DL\L 482-5501 yard, A terms - $15,500. Call FE l?C?«rienced- Call Pn - nm R «sonahkl Sept. 1, $60. Call ED 2-3634. g AM t0 9 pM datiy. Automotive TRATTON SPOR TS C vOMET F-22 Sports Coupe. 1961 ALTOMOTIVE REPAIR ROOMS FOR summer term, MOTORSCOOTERS: "Bespa, 1959 STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN CENTER cooking and parking facilities. America's Finest." New low - one owner. "5,000 actual miles, 1915 E. MICHIGAN standing performance car. BUMPING and PAIN TING our 1 block from campus. $8 per prices for summer. 125 model excellent condition. S»S0. Phore DIAL I\ 4-4411 week. Call ED 2-4546 after 6 regular $389 now $349.88. 150 EC :-0739. 38 rLn»™STATBNWAOO» - or ED 2-5507. 38 model regular $429 now $388.50. 1)00 - l«5«. 6'. nl 8 s. . ma- Out- Ei Kalamazoo St. Call IV9-7507. uu "Buy now and Save." t.f. If Service EAL^ SPRITE - standing family c SJNGL E .AND double for m en stu- ALTERATIONS. Hemming & re¬ THESES PRIME FOR OS dents. Summer and next year. -fr Personal styling : formats, trousers, Rapid Sen;* In eludes private parking, tele- A complete automoti skirts, etc. NEEDLE'N THREAD TRaNS- phone, bath, entrance and kitchen. MISSION SERVICE Morris All utilities paid. Seeat 526 Ever- Priced from $295. Auto Parts, 814 E. Kala mazoo. green. East Lansing. 42 KODACOLOR FILM given with CAPITAL CITY EU3 IV 4-5441. C40 each roll of Kodacolor film pro¬ WE TRAVEL anywhere - any 521 S. Gra.xi SPARTAN MOTORS, time. Quality catering for all „ cessing (620-127) Special with Lansing. I\ INC. ★ Employment occasions - to fit your budget. Michigan Catering Serv ce. IV 3000 E. MICHIGAN 9-3345. C -ANN BROWN, IV 7-3715 each room. Comfortable lobby typiii __ C time. Excellent opportunity. Sa¬ MAREK REXALL lith offset printing. lEyJ lary and commission. Write W.C. PRESCRIPTION CENTER DIAPER SERVICE typing, term p« Ell, Box 269, Charlotte, Mich., parking facilities. One block firom ^ n c1i •ertauons. 3 WOULD YOU like (b^ Frandor) c SERVICE to your desire. .iuphcatajJ a pleasam campus 215 Louis. Phone ED 2- giving resume. 42 2574. Special wing for women. - You receive your own dia- ses available; v 'i white. & color). Story Oldsmobile. Inc. crazy looking Volkswagen ___ 41 peis back each time. With Print. ED 2-83S4. CzitiM SHORT OF FUNDS? Add to the sTINENTAL IMPORTS, INC. elude your baby's under- 226 E. KALAMAZOO DIAL IV VI743 famllyjncome by seUitj^ AVON ROOMS FOR MEN. Available „• Call iv 2-6893 for « «« . immediately and for sun^mer. ftuft Pa/i/iUk shi.ts and clothing which will not fade. White, Blu® Transportation! or Pink diaper pails furn¬ WANTED: Ride : ished. Northern New Engksiij sxcellent Uaasirf area, wanted for Ml time APPROVED, SUPERVISED, AMERICAN LAUNDRY - Any time final ) condition. Call 355-9870. 40 Married 111 E. WASHTENAW wanted for route sales work ser- IV 2-0864 t.f. 1956 BUICK vicing established customers, RIDERS WANTED - hardtop, power tc steering and brakes, radio heat¬ lependable < WANTED: Full or part loads Alaska, leaving or. :■ going west in June. Call Dekins er, :-owner, good tires. Cood P^one. Neat For Mr. LARGE Double approved room. Van Lines, world's largest 9. Call 355-0^i. shape. $425. 355-4308. For 2 male students. Summer ,, Glazier, Howell 2749 or write household goods moving and stor- plymouth savoy - 4 515 S. Center, Howell, Michigan. and Fall. Privileges. ED2-6622 ^ant-ed. . tree after 6 p.m. 38 Mexico. Arrival ? r, S cylinders, automatic 40 5-4194. ••smission. 29,000 actual ^ For Rent Summer vacancy to - men one block Union, 334 Evergreen. Cook¬ MICHIGAN STATE Uni- WHILE YOU WAIT or one day service on passport and ! rs i t y graduation rings ?ppli- EXPEDITION DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY 1!*° Chevrolet corvair ing parking, recreation room. - apartments Call "332-2195. 36 available at THE CARD cation pictures. Limousine leav- PANAMA S h a s SHOP. Includes ing daily at noon for Hicks S> ties, expense, degree, and^good . Very clean looking. SUMMER TERM ONLY Un- seaj< 3 engraved initials. dio, Okemos. Return transporta- airmail: Yacht Fail Like new tires. supervised apt., rooms. With tion guaranteed. Refreshments. Choice of 10 stones. 1288W1, St. Tho-ras without cooking. Summer r, SUMMER ONLY Call ED 2-6169 for reservations, lands. - Juniors and 1959 MERCEDES 180 - under TEMPEST 4 door, radio, ED 7-0630 after 5 30. 38 Seniors. Cooking and parking portraits- applications, - GRADUATION ANNOUNCE - p 22,000 miles, hlac* *-ith white facilities. Call ED 2-1114. 40 wall ures, perfect condition. Cell io» mileage. This car . MENTS with your name, double P0"55' — NEW YORK 355--Si" EAST envelopes, tissues. 2 day service. ————. - „ _ . ED "-0432 afar LANSING • one or two TRAILERS Myers Printing Service, 1421 E. hound Charter leaving.VS mar. apartment. I ■ ailabie June ~~ SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS Michigan Ave. IV 22-55-4. exams. Inquire no 15 $70. Utilitie paid. Park-"" Be Sure tc0 BEECHEM & KNIGHT - make reservations Model Singer portable at only Lipton. ED 7-921 ing. IV 5-98IS after 5:30 PM. for yc U-HAUL TRAILER, $5 monthly or $1.50 per week, AUTO SALES 38 Truck or Moving Equipment 2 LUAU PICTURES We deliver and —j — weeks ahe d if possible. pick up. Buy W Wanted E- 4 door hard- the brand new Spartan, model share. Wanted 1 or 2 may be picked up 192, at only $44.50. Pay only ?^»!er brakes girls Close « share 2 bedroom apt. E\ST SIDE GULF SERVICE 2763 E. GRAND RIVER Monday & Tuesday 3-5 $5 down and $5 monthly. These for u'lWTrrLi fc«.| viUJ jlm o campus - Diane ED S°°d onl> t0 2-0261. (Across from the Poplars) DIAL ED 7-9806 344 Student Services Bldg. dents at M.S.U. PM. FD 2-6K1 f DEPENDABILITY IS IMPORTANT APT- F0R 4 with 4 rooms GAMMA PHI BETA house open SINGER SEWING CENTER 309 S. WASHINGTON HOUSE; unfurnished in only in the truck you buy- ^°wer' "tchen ties, large recreation facU^ * For Sale room with summer term, 5 week session 487-3624 District for faculty i the dealer you buy — — only. Call ED 2-6426. 40 one school ag PRICE Priced to' sell at 7-2639 only $21 ED 2-1873. 41 and I960 VOLKSWAGEN Panel Deli- Holmes. Lansing. Phone IV 2-9 Frt«nilty Crested graduation T-v« SERVICE. Special rate for Mi MKUUCH POSTl.KC very, grey, good tires, Curb- ~ ... l. 422, 40 8Jfls Michigan State Unlver- jollegs housing. Service calls 2121 E. MICHIGAN side end ' Roadside doors, this SUMMER Ei Lansine Sub leav »lty Crested gradu a t io n gifts *A Absolute honesty. ACME Experienced Sax. QUALITY ED 2-5011 C also has special auxiliary artracuve « bedroom aoart- should be ordered now for Jure T-v- l6'0 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C nl«ht stand ! rlday M,y^ gasoline heater that runs about rr4"T" etelv *urnished, LEJCA LENS - F3^ Summar- ^llvery CardShop. Across ^TT~ Hub 355-058^ GO PF.E-> O WN E D TRIUMPH S.'50. Came lr from Ingham utilities paid. Call 355-2798 after on wide angle lens, with view- ^rom the Home Economics Build- PREE DRY CLPAN'INGI Wend- I960. Overdrive, tonneau < -4- Cccjjvn- Animal Sheirer . . .$1295. 5 30. 39 finder and accessories. Perfect 8' 45 Low 9 -conowash and Dry 25,000 miles. Spartan grem with oonditlon. $70, 355-6146. 38 r Cleaners, 3006 ^ Vine St., 1/2 block / ' Hand in Hand i95" VOLKSWAGEN Station red upho'.sten/ f->r 51, ""00. Must go by Jane 2. Call Midland - «ree-: i w*ite. full seetsr Priced Bus. FOR SUMMER SCHOOL: 2apart- ments, both, sii^le and double 1959 ALMA '«L£ IV wtoj summer scnooi. ror i~, . ' — 7 Melrose '-23«* - F„C. Gallowav to sril at . . . . $795. rooms, private erterance, park- - 45'xJO*, bed- information call Mrs. Tones ED 2U? customer using its Here bet*eer, S and 5. ing, close campus. Call ED room, excellent condition.t. ED 2-4659 38 coln ««»hers only 43 7-0762 after 5 30 PM. 10 ^^went times. Take advan- Memorial Da? I """ INTERNATIONAL Model 2-3151 4] at M«S#L>0 ' *.V - $0. Metro-Mite Van. _ " 1 to choose from. 200 cubic foot DAVENPORT Sectional - Port- LET*S 00 RIDING - Shady T Ails C j - Brother$i*t*T . 1956 walk in Vans. Price .$1095. BLTCIC - hardtop, pc^r . . SUMMER - 2 i irt- able T.V. Excellent condition. !.948 V**? UnSlng road* FOR BETTER SERVICE * BUD KOUTS steering anc brakes, radio, heat¬ u£am * Harris, inc. r<- Call ED 2-6306 after 5 pJn. jg ^ssons. Phone ken, y0ur car on the that will ^o" - er. 3-owner. good tires. Good shape. $525. 355-4304. 39 40 " In «t Spartan Texaco Ser- Picnic Still I COLUMBIA STERIO SAVE S —— YtS We believe 0 -nil. - 7 weeks 100?. and buy no fnsur. cttre!' comPlete a nee. or iwj inventory pother* LAY AND MATTHr1322 E. Summer - 2 man apartment . ?£, original COR $170. save 15^ and buy Bu- ,km«l American a-d [<*** lots, to we completly Michigan. IV 5-2245. Do you want $75. Available June 12. Utilit- bargln. Bob. 337-2206. 39 can still sign up condition oof OK! ! » sell your car"' See us. We ies jald. Parking. IV 5-9818. Sister picnic sc^edil®*: trade ap or dow- Buv erry make orte! Ctey H newod cor* 'mechenic_ ... * BY OWNER - 3 bedroom. 2 PEANUTS The picnic M *5 ly & appearance) then ond IjpUSES bath, gas heat, ranch home, fire- ^ acne/m » . Kensington Psrt. •aly tfcen we price place, large arbored k>t. dnw ''tKdUNALS c food and tranjporo«*| to beat ell competition '<00. sunroof, excel- ' Ford-o-matlc. power steer- FOR RENT: Cabin on Traverse 10 M5L. bus and 2 blocks from 6ar6aRA MOSS and CHACNT V or cotnporcble cart. We* 13 ED 2- radio, heater. Good condi- Bay by week or month, fire- '-'"oppiag center. Ideal tor small FITSYOU come to the State Vew. ^^RTAN TEXACO SERVICE Students may ■•J -wold like to irvrte 36 Mor ■See at Karl's Sunoco. N. pUce. electric stove, refriger- or couple. Car, adapt for Office, room 347, Student W. CORNER GRAND RIVER picnic in the UN L t _ Grand River. Call IV 9-8672. ator. Phone ED 7-7794 after Jacott*. $18,500. Call TU 2-86 vices Bldg. fw your free oaa- _^nd SPARTAN exceptionolly good dec I Phone 337-9034 4m* 1956 CHEVROLET - Black Del tag 90 cents ore being mode now Cm yew after* lees' Ray. 2 door. Power Pac, \-S. stand&rd shift. 5 good white 5EA60W6 i hesdliner. New car¬ UTHAXiT£ 5NA66a> KITE &AG660 on THE PtBSfflPE OF A 5UBMAR1NE? WG STAMPS. When your cleaning to you br^ ^.nered Grty^l WendiWa E«- will leave the Ub**1 ON as PERfSCOPE HOW IT60T Bud Kouts Dr> Clesners. <** . peting 50,000 actual miles. $600 t*E%- and will return tc erf parts replaced or rebuilt in last A MVrrRV.' 15,000 miles. Carefully mein- CHEVROLFT OQ. Oliw; by grt daaUng married ^ M0 E. MICH. AVE. ]Si ££ — " .aw- 3»i^ Michigan State News . SPORTS. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 21, 1962 [hindads Take 3rd in msdMe Spartan [ LAST 3 DAYS ! Til 5:30 (fr Ef.9P aJ^paST^ SST Golfers lig 10 Championship ~ field 5;20 p.m. thU ww8k th« t*seball throw 1 West Shaw 1-3 2 3 4 Wen Shaw 2-5 West Sh»w 6-8 West Shew 7-10 Seventh LUCON JAY J. LEVY «i»ThYconte«T^R|SiH (co"te*t ^ continue dally through By 5 Friday Indiana won Us first East Shaw 1-3 Big Ten i P.TS5 Hit No. 1 2:45-6:1 £-0:40 I Of the State N«W* SUff U ~ * r 8n^ from 3 p.m. 10 o D.rn M«"IM B"™"* <™» golf title at Champaign, 111., Sat- • track souad. —— ta 8 East Shaw 7-10 caSrilL dniN? T°l;R*AMENT scheduled for this week has been ished seventh. ** t j ACADEMY AWARDS! | thtiame misfortune 3-ss &.fencing tou™rnent The Boosters had a t below full "fj**"''"SS tama'S 'C,"h*8-C,V,"B' FrSTy tES^'m LADDER ">um.m'ent will end 4 p.m. ,s 72 hole total of 1,50?, five strokes j ta«arsLiffi .t ahead of defending N C A A cham¬ pion Purdue. The Spartans total ®EMSiWtC"* """• TsTrf "Sis? rrker, last January. ; office mln w SfS : 3-2 victory the second provided the f°rnS'8-Nu,s Shaw two, IS-2 Pitched by Marty on one hit hall Cohen. East Townsend Early 73 76 77 77— 303 74 80 75 81-310 RQ#T&MW*R JS** drecord was set «J*»*•'t"mP*°n Erg* Looking back on the meet. Nu played ovet Z.B.T. Sigma Shaw four played errorless ball Barrett 79 '8 78 82--317 A fan WE ■fidiigjnJ Denhart lnthe J-epi1 of Mich]•?*, assistant coach Jim Gibbard said, Z.B.T.'s winning streak {fs*ba» c°on compared with two for East Shaw Neumann 76 77 78 78— 319 only cleared 15' 3/4" to ., 8&&nciri.1 *mPl»n ^«orge Kerr s «£ f°r" ',State definitely have be® w ... , . N,9ht •,» Cn-rtTUf „i„„ « .v. tourt] the rwo mile Of the SUI« News S,aff a In dout,,. pUy. s«,e made stronger showing. Eisner and JSSiSf rhe w £zerlns. He ^ run in 9:12 with row'li Michigan State captured third Jack Damson lasted until the «-<-«. ,«,><„ c-,...- . managed place in th e Big Ten tennis semi-finals when they lost to tournament Saturday at Minn- Michigan's Senkowski-Fauquier Nine Finishes eapolls, finishing behind first duo, 7-5, 6-1. place Michigan and runner-up Northwestern. Dick Colby and Tom Wlerman teamed at No. 2 doubles and won disappointed In that the first time In four e ft at e^N ^Sta ff ews bSlt% built up a narrow lead. .h*d nnI»hed. str°ng with eight 10 in Michigan accumulated 66 1/2 three matches before losing in Points in uklng its fourth straight the finals. __ didn't come up with a champioVrDrobac'add^. However, three singles . . ^ and a Unritl supplied Unskl ^ l^ a two-run gS' punchI "tie, but Northwestern's Marty In general, Drobac Riessen stole the sootlizht with uHrh th. was pleased all," great Drobac said, Vorthwestern Sat- ^'P1* sparked a three rally in the seventh when he clouted n» «h.m t,« ^^r,_ first place honors ln both No.l I and 20-3, and ended ln the fourth and Wisconsin went a four-bagger. singles and doubles. (|Ter season in fifth place ahead by the final 4-0 count" L"mla^®kl *«» tbe he most pro- The long-awaited clash be¬ record. State . , lts closest toscor- . Active Spartan as banged tween Riessen and defending Kjsin defeated the Spar- !ng In the second and third Qiree hits good for eight total utllst Ray Senkowski of Michigan , tfternoon game FN- tags when they produced two base, arnrmj , .... — bases, scored a run, and knock- hits in each frame. However, ®d In five. However, ln the field wa„ surprisingly lopsided. 8urprisingiy 10pSluCo. a3 the league crown Riessen downed Senkowski, 6-1, won on each occasion Mel Krohn, senior third sacker commit- a mark of 12-2 when 6-4. they Badger pitcher, struck out the te<5 three of his ' four stan Drobac. Spartan tennis sed the law Hawkeyes twice next batter to end the inning, errors. c coach said, "Riessenisachamp- |iay, 5-: and 1-0. John Aquino relieved Klewic- . _ Sophomore Bach, who , was an ion. He doesn't give you a thing. id entered the week- ki in the seventfi and held W'ls- r returned This fivorite to capture consin scoreless during the final guy's a klUer. a class above ratght title but the two innings. ! jpset by Wis- State got its hitting shoes back s surprising Badgers, 4-3 Saturday and chased North- 1-5. sstern's WUdcats with a 32 fPT " P i., ^ *aUc" «clting matches the Michl- credit m barage in two games. The WUdcats greeted Spar- and smashing hits good for four total bases. three gan-Northwesterr contest. restern No. 1 doubles "A fantastic match," Drobac no sun m :higan. He limited He scored four runs. : four hits in the the tan a run starter In Gary Ronberg with the first Inning" when Ronberg was creditcd with wt^^h he'needed"rellef' w from the ^M^p'iaV" ed. "Best Big Ten .a VfeWCE Tickets are available at The Northwestern duo, Riessen and J lm Erlckson, downed Michi¬ [UNION TICKET OFFICE AND AUDITORIUM gan's Senkowski and Harry Fait- J_ —EXTRA— Monday ami~ Sj f^eZ Friday-, 12:30 - 5:30 P.M. PELLEGRIN 7:00-10:20 , ■ —- victories quler ln the finals, 4-6, 15-13, /I"" Special featurette - j 11-9. Ron Llckman, at No. 5 singles, chigan State. in the second when Dennis Ketch- beat Tom Beach of Mlchigar J KWicki started on the Then with two and nobody ar State Ln am singled ln Jay Bach and then after losing to htm earlier at Friday's affair, in the third State took the lead t ln the second, Sutton lashed ' Ann Arbor, |'JP .ajr earr.e'i runs ln six on Jeyyr Lumlanskl's triple that i drive over the rlghtfleld fence Brian Eisner, MSU's captain i ind suffered his second three run circuit clout chased Joe Porrevecchio home and No- 1 singles ~ fte spring to • with the second run. up the count to 8-0. J• turned into a pitch- State opened up with single runs Porrevecchio garnered State's | during the first four in the fourth and fifth and then ninth run In the third when his sacrifice fly scored Jeff Abrect and then IAI0R LEAGUE he started a two-run rally ln the fifth by leading off with his seventh homer of the State's biggest inning was the seventh when thy sent 12 men to the plate and scored eight times. Lumlanskl and Sutton, each with a pair of singles, collected the NATIONAL LEAGUE only hits in the inning, W L Pet. GB only hits in die inning. 20 13 .606 S. Francisco — ' 20 13 .606 — St. Louis Righthander Jack Nutter picked the win by yielding 21 15 . 583 1/2 Los Angeles only two 18 15 earned runs ln six frames. Ellas .545 2 Cincinnati 20 17 worked the final inning in re- . 541 2 Pittsburgh 18 16 .529 21/2 Philadelphia 15 17 469 41/2 . Milwaukee 16 21 .432 6 N®w York 12 19 387 12 . 13 20 ,394 7 Houston 13 23 .361 131/2 9 23 .281101/2 Chicago 12 24 .333141/2 SUNDAY'S RESULTS ti'afciV h-3-4 New York 7-9, Milwaukee 6-6 1 - rL *rrolt 6-8 Lngt0n °~7 Chicago 6-11, Philadelphia 4-2 Houston 6-4, S. Frandtco 5-7 l t les «L ■ ^eles 5-1, B0St0n 3-3 . 3-0 „ Pittsburgh 8, Cincinnati 2 St. Louis 4, Los Angeles 3 TODAY'S GAMES Philadelphia New York at Houston (N) Cincinnati at Milwaukee (N) r^yCames Scheduled Chicago at Pittsburgh (N) ■to1 SAT. MAT.! MKiHGAN [* dramatic week lygixpi Momy Award CTMf - Salem refreshes your taste —air-softens'every puff ^ A Salem cigarette brings you the taste of Springtime... so soft and refreshing. Puff after puff... pack after pack... "ADULT ENTERTAINMENT' Salem smokes fresh and flavorful every time. Smoke refreshed... smoke Salem! STARTS FRIDAY • menthol fresh rich tobacco taste modern filter too ®b • • aw. "LOVERS MUST LEARN" . Domestic Title M Star Battel Cexrted ky ». J HtywMt T»bl ^LL^-elvis PREaLSY'FoHow That Pream' "ROME ADVENTURF" "»IACKTIGHTS" MoxUy. ai. , East Lansing, Michigan Siadent Airestod for 6oH Robber* Michigan Progresses David P. Zagaroli, Orwd fet to had ^ Rapids scphomor* arreMd Mdmoaay. In Youth Rehabilitation Michigan la making real grass In rehabilitating its youth- d Michigan b*®1 training Unit ...» 10 **»««« wu^rMttr reeding, drtf- d SJsa-rafMSsSl"# Country Club. . fia offender a. according to F LV munity-offender inderatandtag. tint, food aervicee,i, grounds* Eastt'Lansing I PoUe« aald thsy stale Police7s fti( SSF2*^Z3£ "The unit ia designed to brkfcs .^machine ahop. received * call «t 1:91 from ed outside th, Laeeliwme °ltv llrr>tn far Si MkTJin°Trl, Grand River r*ei *»• *»P b«w««n »" °P^ facQiry Moat Michigan high achooU ar Ionia with minmum- custody provial- accept at full value credits from ul«i ■ yw n» «• SZTgfi>« .a*.?* ataie rouct are h«u Since' It. inception in 1958. M>riv i 000«ru."N<' through the training unit, earning situation, such as the; Michigan «»d ^!i£^i^annr^ch tooths '"^liee^aaw'zaaaroli had Stol- MEMPHIS «S0 hiah achool dtolomas Reformatory at Ionia,' he said. of psychological approach-to the Police Mid Zagaroli had atol* t (ai>. ' In addition! ' h • sakL "about He said that the unit la dealgned problem. Invlovad and of the in- «, the cradtt card, ™ •** ' » tor n,» unto 25 *. d. «!»««. *t lh. belong in an open camp situation meeting the basic nwrfs of theee from thia institution have within mnnthfl arvril 1 sM fnr "or their personalcharacteristic, dU9 tO thf MtUT# Of thtlf 0ff©tl8© yOUf\£ ItlUli Shelly Hld| "We are convincsd that this STaSb!""1 East Lansing Police located **,u n" math„ SDaatdrtfl to a meeting of the >nd have an Interest in a approach will help reetore to a Zagaroli at - a service station at J"*1 and Grand Rlv» about •*.«« advisory council of Jixiges of the high-level academic and voca- society youiig men of h*h po- Natlonal CouncU on Crime and tional program. tentlal who otherwise would have Delinquency at Kellogg Center The unit now offer, accommo- never been able to contribute mstructively." mltted Thursday. Shelley said that the <*>tlona for 360 young men, he their talents. . Fulbrights in 40 Countries Varsity DriveTn 1227 E. GRAND RIVER Available for Grads in '63 language proficiency sufflclsnt OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT Three types of Fulbri^ht-Hays fellowships are available for U.S. — other govern- to carry out the proposed study 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. nt urovidea a travel «nd to communctate with the THE PSEUDO FAIRY GOD MOTHER-Delto graduate atudenta in l%3-64 t U.S. government people of the host country; good Zeto s Wafer Carnivol floot took second study in more than 40 nationa. .. . health. SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. piece Sotvrday evening A full U.S. Government Grant in conjunction with foreign gov- of the judging of the provides round-trip transporta- grants which provide Application forma for 196S- CURB SERVICE - 7 DAYS ion. maintenance, tuition and ind full or partial main- 64 may be obtained from Allan H) 16517 Mt aiivj hook* ThM.. award* are avail tenance. These Joint awards are Tucker, assistant dean of the able for study In Argentina, Aus- av^lab'e. fo,r SUKty.ln 17 n8tion»; graduate school, who is the Ml- MSU Phone System tralia, Austria, Belgium-l.ixem- bourg. Braill, Burma, Ceylon, f?/o^ah^n Chile, China {Republic of), Den- ™€ thlrd «'"® J' ' of award, travel chigan State Fulbrlght advisor. " M I wd,^®nJ' NOIIWinWW 10 l6dCfl T« T.^L \Try Henry's Once \ mark. Ecuador, Finland, France. government^ university _ . .. . \Y°m To Be Duplicated Germany (Fe.ieral Republic of), Greece, Iceland, India, Iran, Ire- land, Italy, and Japan. or Prlvate ^onor- Trave1 only "OTr1ds are available for study JP Austria- remark, France, Student leadership training, a WILL RETUE the difficulty in meeting the com- So, naturally, they're all in- The Government Grant is also ' ly and the formal 2 credit course in the munication needs of the rapidly terested in the Michigan State provided for Korea, Netherlands, etneriands. collegs of education will be of- expatiding University, i'repai system," Shaw said. New Zealand. Norway, Pakistan, °®n®r 81 eligibility require- fered fall term. The course de- ation *ivi installation of the equip- Similar installations for im- Peru, Philllppines, Portugal, ?, Ior . , tVPes of g*"a"ts signed to prepare students for ment took about a year. proved telephone service are Spain. Sweden, Turkey, United are; U.S. citizenship at time of positions of leadership and ra- Coaxial cable for closed-c it-- being planned at many institu- Arab Republic, and the United application; a Bachdor s degree sponsibillty will be taught by fictals of the Michigan Beli Co cuit television was installed coin- tions, Shaw said. Some of those Kingdom Including < or * ** "*"* ' ~ " ' are still quste proud of their cidentally with the telephone lie listed were Ohio State, Uni- year-old project at Michigar Ba'rtz said. Faculty phone versify of Washington, New York dent Affairs. «*• "he addition service through ttie system was University, Northern Michigan, Socialist Club Seeks Place F.nrollment in the course is whi employee, explained that the Can- r for Michigar Bell, said the the sole they point " trex system combines the ad- "u,ccess of the Michigan State remark vantages of a central switch- Ce ntrex program had drawn in- year board, direct dialing into campus rer'est from all over the nation. rather keep my and the ability ro trans- . • and college mate than wait for a new number calls from c unit ! ha> problems. the phone directory." 2 Extension Service Crossword Puzzle BIG BOOK SALE Administrators Picked To Teach Graduates Gibson's has cut prices 50°/d Robert C. Kramer assistant director for marketing, will teach a graduate course ir "Marketing and Utilization of Agricultural Products" at the Unlversin of Wisconsin. Madison. Mav 2f to the Book Sale is at June 15. Russell C. Mawby director for 4-H Club work. « assistant, Off of Sale Price teach "Extension Youth Pi gramming" at the Cornell U versity graduate school. Juh to 27 at Ithaca. N.Y. Here are Three Processors To Speak in Forum Three MSI professors will speak Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the first annua! Clara 3. Ford Garden Forum in Creen- fitld Village. H. 'John Care*, new chairman af the department of horticulture. Don't Put Your Specials aril] speak Friday or **A Vege¬ ^ Novels - $1.00 per dozen table Cardfcn for People of Good Tas«e»*. Richard F.Snnson as- sociaxe prolessc r of hcrticulture. Will talk on -Gardrr Flowers' Clothes Away! | for the ^ Pocket Books $1.00 . "Plants are for People"' will be the topic of Donald P. Watson, Don't put your summer without first having clothes away — per dozen them J2 Dry Cleaned, and Moth Proofed. > * x Note-.We're buying Books back for In 1959 Michigar State Univer¬ sity contained *122 million of All dry deaned dothes cash right worth of construction alone. p now... moth proofed free of extra charge n I&J Ho*iig and at Flash. £ GIBSON'S BOOKSTORE CORNER EVERGREEN & W. GRAND RIVER