Mostly cloudy and cool with a chance of showers. The high MICHIGAN STATE iN c V/S ,7„«. STATE , 1 ^ M See page 2 for President Han- UNIVERSITY | Vol 53. No. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 22, 1962 PRICE 10C m Gl°'»| Professional Journalists Rate UviilAU 'S' News One of Country's Tod 5 DBV. Closed Door Seuions Underway in Estes E#Ia« IN Case Z _ m ' WASHINGTON-An agriculture department employee who claims Hannah ihe agency gave the equivalent of favored treatment to Indicted financier Bill'* Sol Estes went before Senate Investigators Mon¬ Second day to 'el' his story behind closed doors. L Backs Ban [l£,Uo,,5 John L, McClellsn, D-Ark., chairman of the Senate Subcommittee, said he called the employee, N. Inves- Award Hales, into his offioe^for questioning by himself and members of Battle On Red thy^K°.rl F. Mundt, R-S. D., senior Republican member, was al- President Johi fended the Boai . Hannah de- This Term S°McCelIaii said the interrogation would help him decide whether decision to ban Communist Ro¬ Broad Coverage to question Hales under oath in a closed hearing. bert Thompson from speaking Cited on campus at the annual pub¬ by Judges lications banquet Monday night Battle lines Form on Medicare Issue In ^paper- Kellogg Center. en have selected the State News one of the five best Hannah said he talked to i college of the trustees before the wspapers in the country. NEW YORK-Kepresentatives of the American Medical Association - The State News was informed claion was made and, wltl I " asserted Monday that President Kennedy's medical care planwould Monday that it received the exception, they agreed that be "a cruel hoax and a delusion" for the aged. "ANPA Pacemaker" award for It would cover millions who don't need it, Ignore millions general excellence from the of others who do, lower the general quality of medicine and American Newspaper Publishers pave the way for government medicine for all Americans, the medical Association (ANPA) and the As¬ group | leaders said. sociated Collegiate Press (ACP). J The\ aired iheir reply to Kennedy in a paid nationwide teles is The trustees, he said, knew State News staff members will ion I broadcast, filmed in a curiously ironic setting. that a great many other fac¬ accept the award at the Associat¬ I It was in Madison Square Garden, the same place where Kennedy tors were Involved, and they ed Collegiate Press annual con¬ I Sunday addressed a cheering crowd in a plea for support for his made their decision after tak- vention Oct. 25 - 27 In Detroit. 1 Administration'^, proposals to provide medical care for the ing them into account. I aged through Social Security. Man Out' Rule for Alabama They have obllgatlor generations of students and to the people of this state In whose MONTGOMERY-Pity the lot of the Alabama congressman. When name they manage the affairs he votes for himself, he of this must vote for seven opponents as well. University. It's all because of the low-man-out elimination contest devised "It was not an I by the State Legislature to decide-which of the nine incumbents easy decision and was not jives up his Job when Alabama loses a seat in the House next lightly taken. They year. do not distrust our students or The eight Democratic nominees will be chosen in a statewide their Judgment or lack confidence I runoff primary May 29 climaxing one of the most unusual congres- in them. They ilonal campaigns ever seen only wish others anywhere. were as stable and as under¬ standing." | friendship 7 Exhibited in Belgrade Hannah's message preceded the presentation of awards four campus publications, the by the State News, Wolverine, belgrade-The capsule in which John H. Glenn Jr. orbited Spartan the globe arrived here Monday for ita first show in a Communist Engineer and the Michigan State country. I: svlll he exhibited Tuesday and the next two Veterinarian. The four other college news¬ days at the papers which won the " Pacemak¬ Belgrade l air of Technic! and then be sent on to Madrid. It William Mcllrath, director of er" awards were the BVJ aroused great interest as it was hauled through Belgrade streets, student publications, News, presented Boston University, Boston Mass. where people lined up to look at it. EVERYBODY SWINGS-OUT-Seniors, awards to four seniors for their par- ident John A. Hannah. The sound of the The Brown and White, Lehigh ents, and children all joined ranks behind contributions to the State News. brought students from the dormt to viev Marcia Van Ness, past editor- ♦he MSU Marching Bond Sunday afternoon and moved from Beaumont Tower to the Aud> long procession, and even tots in stro in-chief: Bill Cote, past city Athlete Appears In The Flying Bicycle Makes Its Debut itorium where they were addressed joined in the afternoon affair. editor; Sharon Coady, former by Pres¬ managing editor and page editor: and Jay editorial Bllssick, Lansing Court Counseling tONDON-A flying bicycle built for 1061-62 news editor. MSU nveiled athlete,Hen-man Johnson C he British Air Monday a d Monday that ii Ministry. Jerry Holi editor of this appeared before Judge George A man-powered Hutter of the I denr newspaper helicopter named "TheCyclopter," it is operated year's Wolverine, p ansing Township y " so men pumping furiously on two sets of pedals which turn President Hannah with Justice Court on a charge of mbership in the To 20- foot, two-bladed Best performance so far: A; the overhead rotor. One inch off the ground. point, to date, the pedalers have run out of Aid All S for country. service to the U Iverslty and the aggravated assulr and demanded Judge Hutter setjoh "sensor Spencer Bailey, a warrant officer in the Royal assigned a counselor. at $1,500. His examina s confident the Several days Ben Burns, editor-in-chief of for 9.-30 a.m., June 14. contraption will fly higher with mo later, he goes the State News, announced that This is the first in a five- the Counseling Center the State News was one of five A friend paid his Johnson released. nd Senior Reception part series on the MSU Counsel- located j the second floor of back again for a final appointmei was lol on DeGaulle's life Uncovered ing Center. the Student Services building, the following week when the college newspapers In the country receive the "Pacemaker" Michael Calahan, Hamilton Set by Hannah John Freshman, majoring In After waiting in a large room sul*s of the tests ai explained junior, signedacomplaintagainst engineering, is having grave filled with soft leather chairs. t0 awarcj for j9isi_ the highest Johnson, Plalnfleld N.J., sopho¬ Receptions r of all s ents PARIS-The French news doubts whether he has chosen the more. He alleged that Johnson graduating spring ana agency said Monday a Secret Army plot John is taken to see his coun- Jjjj™ „. , ® s«fi»nce major cognition given by the •pmst the life of President Charles DeGaulle was foiled Sunday right major. After talking with selor. within New spa p" Publishers pushed him, causing him to break jmmer quarters will be held by resident and Mrs. J.A. Hannah his fiiends in the dorm, he d is- sociation his left wrist. lnlLhrM Tne terrorls" were arrested. cover's others have had similar The counselor listens to John's eye toward law school. He Calahan was treated at Olln i Wednesday, and Thursday, agency said the three were picked up early problem and then he explanins fhan«es hls major, his grades Rurns aiso >» central France and added it Sunday in a town concerns and received help at the That the Center offers variety improve, , - . - , , — „ lounced that the Memorial Health Center on Mav 30-9:30 p m. in Cowles House. visited that probably was Limoges. DeGaulle and he feels that finally state News recently became the 10, the day of the incident. Counseling Center. of vocational and guida college education will I* .... Students receiving degrees in porcelain-making city Sunday at the end of a four-day .... iesis. ftrs, college newspaper i gain 'peaking tour of south-central France. John stops in at the Center, John decides to take sc of the' worthwhile- discharged from the health the Colleges of Agriculture, Fn- makes an appointment, membership In the Mic hlgan center some time last weekend quoting a usually well-informed source, the French and he is tests. (Continued on page 2) Press Association. gineerlng. Science and Arts, and the three m»n men were understood n«Urcr» according to authorities there. Veterinary Medicine have been to be undergoing Interrogation When contacted byaStateNews invited Wednesday. DeGaulle's Nationale Headquarters, just around the N— offio In the Elysee Palace. comer f om 'Brigadoon' reporter had i Calahan said that 1 make and Phe degree recipients in the Colleges of Business and Public Scholars, Not Legislatures, Prepares For Service, Communication Arts, Education and Home Economics scheduled for Thursday. Should Change Education Production All seniors who have not re¬ • PORTLAND, Ore., pressure and state (0 - Pub- leglsla- sold," but that like teaching r chines, it can have a tremendous r „ ^ AUSG ceived invitations because their addresses are unavailable are 1,8 must not be duction of "Brigadoon" to be pre- welcome to attend. Spouses of Studies allowed to Impact on education. sented Thursday, Friday, and Urwlse chan8»* ln public. He said, howeve pr°Prams. Dean L James ful if either televi °f Stanford University ing machines can oc Deans of the Colleges and other Decision u=w« w musit « • Monday. duce the the number of teachers staff members will be VUUen told the touches c present ™ o. National Con- needed or to save money in in- ical score. to greet the seniors. PiPBm8 and Teacher's struction. It must be remem- A resolution Nine settings for the show, declaring All- L.^n'"S national fere that leadership bered that the personal relation- comparable in scale to last year's University Student Government's change must come ship between the child and the well received "Kismet" scenery opposition to the Board of Trus-. >olars in the academic 5 ha\e brought such new teacher is the learning process." center of the have been created by Edward A. Andreasen, assistant professor tees' decision outlawing the ap¬ pearance on campus of Commu¬ Goldberg Invites mattem ',ments as tl* "new" He told the 2,000 delegates to nist Robert G. Stieber frame Ks' ancl revised pro- the national convention of the 0f speech and designer for the come Thompson will before Student Congress to Confab University theater, bicin. i scienc*> English and PTA that there has been tre- a series of raked platform* Wednesday night. Oum a8es" mendous progress ln recent Jack Stieber, director of the and real objects in combination Political .Affairs committee Labor and Industrial Relations «f aJT Said t'1*t Quality years ln public education. with projected scenery will be passed the resolu Center, is participating ln the fte on sunny r educatl»n of depends on "The school day is being USed to suggest remoteness ln ly. Chairman Bob Kerr, Washing- President's White HouseConfer- the teacher, and lengthened ln some school dls- time and space and the mists ton. N.J., sophomore, said the etice on National Economic Is- ■id country needs more tricts," he said, "the number of Scotland. resolution emphasizes the "issue sues being held Monday and Tues- teachers than ever of periods is being increased, of academic freedom rather than Costumes will be proveded by schools are being used before day in Washington. University Theater ' *»cher "°y to "tract good and after school hours and on jack A. Byers and student assist¬ being allowed to speak.' A special invitation was ed i« mt0 the Pr°ksBion, he Saturday, the summer session ants. More than 120 costumes Kerr said he felt the resolu¬ extended to Stieber by Labor ft* hiset standards, is becoming more widely accept- will be used. tion would pass in Congress. Secretary Arthur J. Goldberg and -V r the "andante, he said, and there is considerable ex- Mary K. Babcock and Joan Commerce Secretary Luther r, gt*r tf* quality of teach- perlmentation with non-graded Brede will be choreographers qu1„. schools." for the production, men .rt that hy 1970, most Earlier today, delegates to the Hans Lempl of the department %po"cy- *tuw ..T* » ^°.un8sters full will bi fin- convention were given a three- of music has been drilling the "Student opinion seems to be )««,. They pointed out that the con¬ ye»r action program to Improve orchestra for most of this running against the Board's de¬ ference is Intended to facilitate Jl, i!** graduate from the lot of the nation's mlillons Some of the songs from tne BenjR. cision," Barnes said. the broadest possible under- "P&radin?Th's• means, he S«ia, B Unora,4. ne said, of Uisauvima^u disadvantaged children. Mrs. uutu.c... Lerner and Loewe musical they The resolution states in part: long,hig of i r»f standards ... aU ntui j kt u.ktRe Clifford N. Jenkins, nMa(/Unr tvill , nliv im- ''Almost "We (AUSG) oppose the standing of current economic president wlU play 'Almost UkA are: "Almost Like selling problems rather than to seek MlT"- ")uiii.» ,,ne* " sald of the national congress, urged ing in Love," Love, Pll Oo "ril < Hwne — beliefs and freedoms ln to" ere agreement. "tlU delegates to embark on a wide- With Bonnie Jean", and "Bri- fchool ,'.v 'mall, inefficient ranging list of projects from pre- gadoon'. The conference will include " .'!,rlcts ^aplte die re- school nursery programs to General Director of the pn>- versity which is afraid to defend off-the-r rd roundtabla toward coneolldation the basic rights of the American special programs for unemployed duction Is Frank D. Rutledge, DUBIOUS HONOR-Gary I Rial 'Droopy' left, Saturday to win the keg- s on collectlve •^io'!is .th4tsome 011 to educational *- youth who have dropped out of cast director of last year's "Km- - TKetoeendldote for UglleelMonOnCempe., aword presented each y«ar during Greek fes¬ people does not deserve to be bargaining, economic growth, extent aver, school. met". , „ topped oil other entries, Including the peren- supported by the taxes of those wa8e and price policies, auto¬ tivities.-State Hews Photo by Mark Krastot. mation and foreign trade. Michigan State News, Kast Lansing. Michigan Tuesday. May 22, i962 Coed Fun At IM Building REFRESHING--Jcyc« Kordenbroa end R«> «tng dip in the I M. Poof. COED REC--Fridoy night i« o night to remem¬ Robefts toke time chat out to during thei ber at the Men'* I.M. Building. M.S.U. men ore allowed to bring their dates and u»e the State News Photos By Mark Krastof Football Players Trustees' Action Civil Rights Ideal Not aid Grummon. the prv-• Son Drotcns in Pond Saturday To Be Discussed Leaders of political groups on Counselors (Continued from 1) tor, was appointed he»: When the Student Ser • campus will hold-a discussion poge ding was complete-: " ' The Counseling Center, a de¬ 1956. the Counsel -' '?'*■ Tuesday in the Union hall room Fully housed in the scut1 *:"i Realized: H star M> •••••*.«£ pueve- al>oui: the Board of Trustees' partment under the Dean of Stu¬ dec.s:c- barring Communist Ro¬ dents' Office, is a service second floor. Crerr." 1,35 or- Km bert G. "bompsoc from gar4zation for undergraduate and signed to the Peace it -ouro Iir: speak- graduate students. Ject in Nigeria an.: :e -~ '• *" over as acting dire. He «■ M - v- , - open daily from 8 Jail,** he Mid. cies tr. the complex area of civil The Counseling Cer.:e •_ ictJerr.:; Benefi Georgt^ Ouerrr He a&r.:rtei that no o* bsn rights should not be hepec for •w many .nnpovenstied drier.- but the " thing is tc studers: the goverronent, discussion. nanged Acting director. heads rwrson. sore summer counsel:"? ^••-*1 for freshman. Acadetr.;- Beachlei a staff of 15 full-time inti are pr? aerated every year mate. progress all of the time he alsc contacted counselors terest tests are gi'.e" an: •reuse they ;.sb*i faculty mem¬ ar.d 15 part-time preted bv the course!" affordcompe- bers and legislators but graduate srudems in _ land." ttey psychology However, a- were unable to artend. about the Center !rr:r. Members of the Young Demo- ^ West Mayo Places crats, Young Socialists, and . - - person ai tne classmen, their acs*r: sors or by readme atvut Young Republicans will speak in reception desk. MSL catalogue. Third in 500 Races the discussion, which begins at Durii^ the 1960-1961 school "Many sophomore 3"- - pjc. year 5,790 students brought aca¬ Tbe meeting demic problems to their are unaware cf t*e L, j. west Mayo was third piece is open to stu¬ counsel¬ SateUkte \ctwork dents and faculty members. ors such as career Pierson said, "Tv«> ^ .^J Nensna! bisr-f- Ti* tKT. um laBtT 135 Ja8ior ^ Saturday » get better grades, planning, how lize that Its ser.:« Scientist* achieve. rwkor tSl«!3 KsPP» Delta. Professors Attend and how Topic CetnrrMot- ersmomicaPy potr he sa»d stec the remainder of P0^*5 Monday's »** at re- to work to were their capacity. Others counseled on personal and available to any Next Tests and n Foresters Meet *"— s*- aerr of racial r&iaortries is- a»- the community is under equal _^rwi Mayo s time around the w lems prob¬ psychology usee : suck as TCI three mt-wtes, 21 Five professors from the for¬ finances, dating ■ull —.hT .jt ot»*r practice wfeici raa*« tfses- obiigaoos tc lean, about, to and making friends. MarketSemi""' " ., "E"lm . '-jam ahvu: aquaLri o: tl* understand, and tz suppon what estry department attended the The Center offers a number it the. »-)desi»ad belief thai rhe police are seeking tc do. annual of spring meeting of the vocational and interest >oti cas't send t mffltor dollars Manual! Mid that sadder mi ra¬ Spanish Poetry Lower Michigan Chapter of the add!ton to academic tests. In inventory To Hear Prop Society of American Foresters tests, which reflect the Reading Contest at Crystal Mountain Friday and Ittes and dislikes as student's Domld J. Bo""o> '1^.1■ Morston Writes Guest Ecfitorid Saturday. cwn compared ward W. Smykay of t« Paltt!rns of interests mart at marketing and TerrUJ D. Steven*. Lester E. anc those of Marstom, awietant dear, icas press ir other srudems. of fidfffta* Its daty agonal Spanish poetry Bell. Jonathan W. Wright, Linton Tbe Counseling Cen»r was tatlon admlnistratior College of Commisaeetisn of presence* readers w» a bel- «'«*«»^Ill*fc«MToes- A. Carter, and Keitl Hudson set up in the '.-*-r-*» tiai wrfrter. the guest edta- fall of 1946 ihvW eared picture of the world to 01 7-® lc the Art Room of attended and participated tn the the direction of Paul Dressel orial *ppe*ring it the nrrent ~ this program oerserlsg around the with offices in :*sue of The Qufll. a mortfMy i wfll deliver Demonstration Th« semtear Sleeping Bear Dunes coatro- H*1L to 1948. the mefarine published by Sigma edta I le SpaeiSh that they have Center's 10 trlbution manager-^- > vv. De9u Chi. professional Pricei counselors moved their journal!- weC as tip Is vital t® the trudfc will be The controversy is head- session at Saramc Lare^ s» society. turning tbe South Campus. otf the mental images wfcict de- i of pro- dunes late a national recreation i Bowersox. chairrra ^ Miretor'r edBtoriaJ fflscissees pendent readers farm o# dtv- , Intonatios ttvJef- ares. Bell, seminar, will «P«* extension forester the egecayenees of the Atner- erse rttuatiena. Michigan State, is currently Michigan 3Ut< Newt, East Lansing, Michigan t Indian Official Common Market Tuesday, May 22, 1962 3 To Lecture To B« Discussed OHIO-SOO FRElWAY Composers Jr liWl Get Postmaster Got Mad; Uh'i Minister *CWljMWlty American intere*. «nd the »OHN ■■■■ UNDO CONfTI. To New Vol Med Awords Give Now Has 7 Clocks, Six Flags I V im will «* • aKts=a»-..s b» discussed Saturday »JiM Music Award* and acholar.htpa were Houston, Tex.. (* - An Eaat to a regional .upervlaor. Ha not LaS'i^tur,r^r#fromMon" fi at K*\lu CttiT ■ C preeentad at the Veterinary Me- Texas postmaster who dlclite Honors Convocation ban- with the Federal Government got tough only demanded a clock, he lower- ed the boom on A of New Music will Suet Thurnday evenly in the over a requisition for one wall post office red aSSScSu!? , t be performed 11 at 8 p.m. Friday Union Ballroom. clock now has seven clocks and tape. He Foundation. John E. Secord, Foetoria Jun- *1* American wrote that lie had asked %vr^' Tb» composer a will their own works, tional instruments m perform conven¬ lor. received the $600 American Cancer Society Award for hla to remain flags. The postmaster, who asked anonymous, told tl* for before, a United States never flag year a received one. and interest and ability tn finally bought one for the post I m Abr«h«f" l.tooola. ill* act of economics; Henryk tional waya. A unconven¬ medical Houaton Chronicle his office himself, I 2wKd Zwaran- viriaty of aounda technology. troubles *• Ui*5-gr.nt »y*- steyn. profewor^ will be produced, both started when 11 g h t n 1 n II ^Limied electronic g struck «f vo"8#*- ,m' Days later the mall brought mtp J0*1" 0'ft>nn«U, ...oclate pro and natural, not for novelty ef¬ on his post office wall, .nother clock on Minister Dey • feasor of fect a, but aa an ote -- and another •ccountlng»n• U.S. Department of were performed ln Ann Arbor x vet med student, small Announcement C7 ,tlve of Eaat Bengal. Min- Sta«* •» acheculed toapeekat in 1961-1962 to give a of tfie member- #ard Hecht, F.sst Meadow, N, Y. the hearing UiMlt r*y attended Shlvtur En- to aome of the daring and thorny mater, Ann Arbor alxth year ahlP Iist of tte *62 Club, the John Hirsch. Toledo, Ohio, Mar- vet med student, large animal nucleus of atudents responsible plecea of ilyn Hruhy, Cloero. 111., Sharon Iff^'rSiSKS? *«* new music. The forth¬ *?«*« coming concert will be an annual event. award: and Albert S. Eaat Lanalng alxth year vet med Rlcker, tor lh# cl"» activities of the Senior Swingoi f-'—- Ovid, Peter Jackson, " Toledo, Ohio, Karen Kraus, Kakela, Admlaaion student, general clinic award. program Sunday afternoon In the P is free, but a col¬ Lansing, Rosemary Kuhn. East lection will be taken. The concert auditorium. lt jutfior of numeroua booka Others honored were Mien S. Lansing. Judy Lapelle. Midland, % Admitted to Nestle, Fjiat Lanalng sixth year Jim Anderson.membership*ere. la open to the public. Imd'trtlcles Including "Commu- Wlvea of graduating seniors Sparta, Kenneth Mary Jo Lindsey, Detroit. Lin¬ da Iri» Development Through Sa- vet med Lotrldge, Owosso. Bill Myers, Ikihn Sam*I" "Community veterinary medicine will re- celve their Ph.T. (flushingHubby Blodc and Bridle atudent, tpjohn animal award: Rlcker, large Applegate. F.ngllshtown. N.Y., Upjohn James Arbury. Detroit, Bruce Hastings, Jerry Myers, Flint, and Irlv»l^1>.rough Panchayatl Through) degree Thursday at a To Hold amall animal award: Gayle Ja- Bancroft. Plymouth, Ind.. Kath Larry Oaterlnk of Grand Rapids. tea given In their honor In the Roundup Block and Br Idle Club will hold goo. East Lansing Junior, Medl- ieen Bar ten. South Haven, Judith Judith Parsons, Elmhurst. QL. Wayne Parsons, Lansing, Sharon kt Minuter will conclude hie lounge of the Memorial Chapel, cal Technology Alumni Award: Bitting, I hrec Rivers, and err¬ Rtes, Tecumseh, Myke Roberts, tav with members of the MSI? Dean W.W. Armlstead, of the and Frederick J. Born, Eaat aid Dlanke of iJetroit. ■fcufeit vs^vlstSon. May 31. College of Veterinary Medicine, Lanalng alxth Alma, Robert Rorlch, Battle year vet med atu- Jay Blisslck. Grass ■ wU1 Mr. Forrest Smith, Uke. Creek, Edward Ryan. Chicago. preaent the dem-®*. dent, Women'a Auxllary of A VMA Alice - inant agriculturalist in Bonomo, Vandalia, Larry Kathleen Ryan, St. Clair Shores. a »nu. - the |»illT«ft Presidentrnl,Vtr,ityA h# numbmarest. N. women muat have Kalamazoo, Karen Bakln. Bere, i, factor of continuing ed- tended at- Lm-o*ram Barbara L. VanVleck, Char- J., Patricia Slurtum. Webster , Jjcitior, ind ^^1" AdrUn^dlr- educational meeting, ln- tlack To v^ll b«tn at 7:30. Ohio, and George Bickwort < if Groves, Mo., Nancy Simmons, " tended to aid them wherTtheto Speak lotte senior. Miss VanVleck, also received theLloyd B, Sholl Me- Lynbreek, N. Y. North. Tonawanda, N. Y.. Lynn hu^nds begin their practices. At Pamela Fife. Houston, lex., Stutzman, Horscheads, N. Y„ of The tat, will be hosted by wives veterinary medicine students Cnmpwf House morlal Award. Also receiving award, were John Forsyth, Lansing, Patricia Graff, Flint, Susan Gllllland, Al- ,, Marguerite Todt, Paradise, Mar cla Van Ness, - John Flack, national represen¬ Jackson, Catherine : lo Be Shown from the freshman, sophomor* tative of Campus Crusadea, will Arthur W. Bunton, Lincoln Park 5th year vet med student, Cath- pens, Frank Glrardin, Crosse Pointe. Ernest Green, Little Vickerman. Dowaglac, Grace be the guest speaker at the \ illwock. Niles. Cru¬ erlne Patton Memorial Award: Rock. Ark., Jennifer Green, f ast Larry Walker, J Festival Rim Grand Rivet Gets sade house at 541 Abbott Rd. Louise A. Brockleas, Saginaw Lansing, Penelope Green. Fast Hollywood, Ela., Dale Warner. Raton Rapids. Lloytl Wexler, New Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. senior, Alpha DeltaTheta Award: Lansing, and Judy Haack of Es I CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION He will discuss such York City, Ji The motion plctjire 16 MM, Face Lifting of Michignn'a of the flnnl gap aa: "la Christianity relevant to¬ questions H u r v 11 /, Veterinary Faculty canaba. Lansing, -ansing, and Mary "Biz" Woods A^-t will b* shown at a Stu- A road conatructlon crew la longest superhighway—the 386-mile Ohio-Soo Freewny-haye been awarded. State day? What about Christ—fact or Award; John A. Blair, East Lans- ing sixth year vet med student. Kenneth Hance, Okemos, Ed- of Battle ln the midst of a John C. Mackie report.. More than Highway Cowaiaaiooer fiction?" now city pro¬ 270 ailea of the route ject of surface-repair to Grand is open nnd another Flack, who was on campus la at River Avenue. 75 miles will be open to traffic this year, was guest professor at Aasoclatlon Award. |n«-t In campus life at MSU. year. Final 8.5 mile section Mo#t 01 the work will be done near Sault Ste. Marie will be lbs beer selected for showing on the Grand River— Fast Lans- completed within two yeara. The $500 Dr. GaU Hawley \ lenna Film Festival this tog business stretch of the av- Scholarship waa given to Sher¬ Theater Groups Combine for Us high technical and enue. burne M. Chlckering, East Lana¬ _ .it values. A major construction project, lng fifth year vet med student. \ special presentation will be Richard D. Benedict, Floss- complete resurfacing of M-78 tJe ;o Lincoln [>attit retiring moor, 111. sixth year vet med jOCtth from ^'.S. 16 to Alton Street. To Present Fry student was preaented the $300 Comedy ^r. la aleo ln proceaa. Borden Veterinary Medicine Award. He also received the University Theatre and the Clr- Crossword Puzzle cle Players have Joined forces The men ln the audience rolled up their shlrtaleves, the ladles hum*n and ,n l" a,.man ,ln V>v^'.r }2ln(! J)e «d Veterinary Public Health Award. ■□□nan aaaa an ln what may be the most sue- leaned forward, and all stayed „ The students switched roles □nn □□□□ Baia ceasful alliance made In recent to discover troubles ahead of him but wiU- to give the Outstanding Teacher whether nan anaa naan years by Lansing Community lady burned. or not the ^ l0Jtc< * em with the lady, Award to James H. Stewart, sur¬ □a QE3BU 3C1LI Tlieatar. The lady tn quenion. played Another.speechdepartmentra- cruU fortheCirclePlayer.,Mol- gery and medicine. The Veterinary Student Glee unaaucj saa^aa Comblnlng talents in acting, with professional emo- He Felth, gave a aweetly innocent Club provided die entertainment □aa aaaa na costuming, and directing, therwo tion by graduate student Dianede performance as the young girl at the annual banquet sponsored Baaa aaau ana groups are now In the midst of Laubenfels, may wen have bum- sitraI«f' fr)om tfl®.cfnv®J.t« w^° by the Ken-L-Ration Division of □□a naarr □□□ presenting the Christopher Fry ed beneath the beautiful, but heavy *ie Quaker Oats Company. □o aaaa aaaao comedy. "The Lady's Not For looking 15th century costuems □aama aaaamoo Burning," « at the Circle Clrcl. Players PUyo-. pro»Mrt 6y ft. OT^a^^*h'P^Wsnedue Bouaaa □□□ oaa theater On Sheridan St. u». oui.n JannetUnl»^.l^e.- C|SS PU^R^ Jourdemayne, j»iinnjuuiunii.,iK, hln,nn > lSrli iS- havtner r»1«v«rt m.rh GUARANTEE? game, PhD. candidate in speech calm and as cool as anyr quiet .. LOWEST PRICES an(J here,#has moulded times frivolously this some- risque, soma- young women lng . c^^ with b^ witch, condemned Mlrf/mn. Jn . Cateline, Inc., Los Angeles, Celif.. Another Fine Kayser Roth Product. A Tuesday, May 22, 1962 Michigan State New, Eaat Lansing, Michigan PEANUTS HELPS MONEY & TICKETS CHANGE HANDS! watch the action fi ftitexasr » mon. Dud M.r,,, I M Lott A Found ^Automotive Automotive Employment SUMMER WORK. Can Use several ROOMS H&n ... I960 CORVETTE, 4 speed, 270, 1954 MERCURY 4 awl Urea, 21,000TRUE heater, power - l1ooJ* r*f^t collsae atudenta. $440/month —~ combination radio and phono (3V irking lot. caU new top miles, immaculate. 0-all John, tlrea. Quick aala. IV 4-4241. 43 guaranteed, b« earned. alao 100 to 1000 APPROVER v«ry c\oa« w Ca»; r.m 45). Small enough to carry. ED 2-0541. ™ Ft) 2-3568 or ED 2-8143. can Apply pua, parking 525 A* 42 Alwaya buy clean* car. from B EECH EM and KNIGHT Auto ^om^. ™ **» Union Building. W«£.. Kert Ave. !o 2-1384. 42 LOST: Black framed glaaaea In c-i— iw c. Michtnn Avenue. M*y 2-00 irW sharp. ^ 1 , , ■ blue caae on campui. Call T.V. SERVICE. Sn,c,,i FORMALS ranging from 7 CHEVROLET.Ml C—■ In our minds. *gm&fSV $s£ Five to 12. Worn once - excellent 355.9395. 0 41 colleai $4. Absolute houaing. £JLB hone?, ,, ■ ^39 Part time help, cashier andm< men- both single and double condition. Call ED 2-6779 after rooma and apartmenta for four 5 p.m. *l LOST: Saturday at AKD picnic T.V., 1610 Herbert, IV 7.'J 1956 THUNDERBIRD ,t prancts Par*. Styrofoem Ice men. Close _ to campua. Call ED — — che>t. Pleaaeretum. 355-3133.41 power, beautiful condition. A real 3630 S. Cedar. Apply In per eon. 43 ' # 2-3l51. pQR BETFER s Item. -x ' •> " ' 4i For Rent i960 floor mo3el Mamavox W Rafli rctatO REAL ESTATE 1058 FORD VICTORIA HARDTOP APARTMENTS Two. ..*1. TO**., cookta, pH- narkinc available Sjjrw. <*•**»' Pf!" ,e" * R"" sasjkswse?-,,rt .i,ft • •SERVICE - New engine, new staff F.D 7-0978, after 7 P.M. r",0""my —— ^s^»"ssrr."i •TRANSPORTATION Dceeptlonally aharp furnlahed 2 1 bedroom ranch In the Marble *2 ^WANTED _ man apt. unapproved, un super- for SALE - Single bed, box - St. Thomaa area. Large kit- " 1954 FORD door, automatic, vls««l. Private entrance. Park- deadline: STORY Sells For Less ing. UtUltleepald. Call IV. 5-0932 finished baaement, outdoor liv¬ 1957^ORD CONVERTIBLE - gingJe room9 for men> two blocks from Union, parking. June 10 tr 55515890. ing area with grill, attached gar* 1959 ENGLISH FORD Anglla - Make us an offer on this good age. FHA available. Call 2-8926. b»1or* publication 2 door, heater, defroster, white Sept. I, $60. Call ED 2-3634. wall tires. Finished In solid red. 519 N. Homer, furnlahed apt. ROYAL DELUXE typewriter- 3 phone: * STORY Sella For Less. .$795. . L ETTICH 8. STENBERC. 3 rooma and bath, 1 block from rrg2-8218. old, Aakexcellent condition.41 GRAND St1 ART AMRIVQ, I I 355-8255 or 8256 Frandor, IV 9-9666. 43 Men- Women: Summer rooma at for Mel. EAST LANSING, Large fenced 2628 E. KALAMAZOO lot with many mature 1956 PONTIAC STARCH! FF con- Spartan Hall, alnglea $8.00 per corner rates: 484-3339 eck, doublea $5.50 per week, evergreena, 3 spacious bed¬ -JAILERS APPROVED, Well Large cool rooma with sink in rooms, large living room with SINGER STUDFNI 1 DAY $1.00 near campua. furnished, cool apt. for 3 or 4 each r'nm( lohhv j fireplace, dining room, kitchen, SPECIALS " ■ I 3 DAYS.. .M.00 CORVETTES, 1957 - •«— ».mm» Also studio with TV and, I nhonea laundrv and 1956 CENERA'- " "j® x 8 , good fuJ1 basement, automatic heat, Model Singer portable 43 v„ « J 5 DAYS 3 and 4 apeeda. "Pe apt. for 2. ED 2-1746. parking facilities. .One block from $3.00 lected for you." campus 215 Louis. Phone ED 2- dent8 ED 2-47: " st i.ssz Story Oldsrnobile, Inc. 2574. Special wing for women. pus. $18,500, 1167 Frye St. CaU the brand new Span ABOVE AVERAGE - llchthouse- EDI 7-2478. *3 192, at only $44.50. | COMET F-22 Sports Coupe, 1961, ^eping apt. for girls, foreign - 15 dnwnahrt r; mont,,.. n, I », «»«t« automatic students welcome. $7 per week. special offers good IM I ' ED 2-5977. 41 ' Time Female Summer Help lng. Call ED 7-0016. Kipling Blv. 635- Duplex, 6 rooms dents at M.S.U. onlv'hj ^ With The State News, See Fred or each side, $125 rent or sell 10S9 OLDSMOBIl E- 4 door hard¬ Frank in room 341, Student S«r- 't. 7~ top. Dynamic *88'. Power steer¬ M PerSOna I with small down payment. Phone FOR SUMMER SCHOOL: 2 apart¬ vices Building. No Phone Calls. -c- — IV 5-6128, Joanna Sargeant, brok- ^ Automotive ing. power brakes, radio, heater, PLYMtXTH STATIONWAGONS 1960 ments. both single and double SINGER SEWING CFN7F( I hydroniatic. Arealnicecarguar- - 1959, 6's and 8' LET*S GO riding-Shady Tftills 309 S. WASHINGTON 1 "dfpendability matic and standard shift. Out¬ ^ rooms, private entrance, park¬ APPROVED, SUPERVISED, Stables. 1948 Lake Lansing road, 487-3624 standing family cars. ing, close ' campus. Call ED close in, summer and fall, cook- 2-1351. Specializing in lessons. Phone is important 47 ing. For men. Call ED 7-9566. FE 9-2693. Not onlv in the truck you bu> spartan motors hut also In the dealer you bu TWO MANapartment. $75. Avail¬ inc. luau pictures from. able June 12. Utilities pa id. Park¬ For Sale AUST1N HEALY, l°60 - 3000 E. MICHIGAN LAST MINUTE. General ing. IV 5-0818. 40 tj I960 VOLKSWAGEN Panel Deli- wheels, overdrive, to IV 7-3715 C may be picked up thesis, or themes done li HAGER FOX WAREHOUSE Excellent conditlor home. 3182 Pine T vtrv, gre\-, good tires. Curb- Expansion Sale - Big Discounts Monday & Tuesday 3-5 EAST LANSING - Near elemen¬ sing. TU 2-9861. side and "Roadside doors, this SUMMER - 2 or 3 man apart¬ the unit also has special auxiliary dollar savers ment. Available June 12. on following: 344 Student Services tary school. Owner leaving city. Parlt Ranges . . . Electric and Gas Bldg. Offers easy to live with 4 bed- gasoline heater that runs about at ing. IV 5-9818. 40 Refrigerators m, 2 bath. home. Under $20. $350 Came in from Ingham Used ANN BROWN, al mikulich 000 FHA applied for. Custom HTh off«t typist and County Animal Shelter . .$12*5. Inci free film p pontiac Summer - 2 man apartment. Washers and Dryers typing, term papers, $75. Available June 12. Utilit¬ aertatlons. 3 ies duplicating paid. Parking. IV 5-9818. ses available; MultUlth (hlaSM HAGER FOX white, & color), Ozalw. left for developing and q 8 cylinder, over- 115 S. PENNSYLVANIA printing. STORY and a hall house. Garage. Prlnt- ED 2-838,1 i960 INTERNATIONAL Model Special with this ad only. $1.50 full hasement, bullt-lns,fire- issiorv. Mainline 4 Apt. to share: Wanted 1 or 2 DIAL 482-5501 AV - V. Metro-Mite Van. 3 to choose from. 200 cubic foot • with only 21,000 actual one girls to share 2 bedroom apt. open 8 AM to 9 PM dally. place, lot 66*xl65'. Red Cedar EXPERIENCED "nTIST, C walk in Vans. Price er miles.* We sold this car Ciose to campus Diane ED area. $17,800. F.H.A. Call ED eral typing, term papers.Uta . . $1005. - and it still drives like new. 2-0261. 39 7-1422. 39 Electric typewriter. Wffl MAREK REXALL D&an » Harris, inc. must drive and see to ap- MOTOR SCOOT ERS:"Bespa, —.— Klkendall. ED 2-2521. EXTj PRESCRIPTION CENTER ^ SUMMER East Lansing, Sublease 301N. Cllppert(by Frandor) C 1«.V one bedroom apart- apart J^es'fw Lmm^.' 125^Jdd 3 BEDROOM, very modem con¬ temporary, all built-in kitchen, PLYMOLTH - 2 door, 6 ment, completely furnished, reguUr $389 now $540.88. 150 model regular $429 now $388.50. large lot, close to campus. $22. cylinder Savoy statlonwagon. utilities paid. Call355-2798aftei 000. Call Runs real good. Has fair body Oean Interior. $2«5. 1958 '88' - OLDSMOBtLE 4 door seilan, radio, heat¬ Dynamic ^ 3< "Buy now and save." Gene's Cycle Siop. IV 4-0362. t.f. Gqaa, 8238. 355-9582 or ED 2- 41 er, automatic transmission. IjCVSES. 1958 PLYMOLTH Belvedere - 4 door hardtop, V-8 with purfi $005. GAMMA PHI BETA house open + Service " CHEVROLET. I9M - Blue, button transmission. Power PI summer term. 5 week session FREE LJST OF over 40 or- dc-cr. BelAir. \ -8 stick. Radi< 4 door sedan. $995. only. Call ED 2-6426. 40 steering and brakes, radio, 2 gantied musical groups 1 to 20 CaU OL S-10P5 Ev Owrte Write tone paint. White tires. Bought or phone C.V. new K a professor Good trans¬ 1959 RAMBLER - 2 door, 3 PM. 42 "Bud" Tooley, Secy. Lansing ROYAL PORTABLE TYPE- Thesis Kits -- Plast stick, $6°5. portation. $5®5. ROOMS = WRITER 1958 ONE OWNER. EX- Federation of Musicians, 532 N. gineering & Drafting S al mikulich C E L L E N T CONDITION! Com- Washington, IV 2-5314. "* * ' excellent Music Is Best." max curtis, pontiac plete with magic margin, tab- sell. Call MAL'E STUDENTS rooms for ulatora, touch control, and case, L" 2-2136.39 SERVICE inc. 2121 e. michigan summer term. Kitchen * park- Call 355-1062 after 6 P.M. 39 SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF TRAD¬ 2100 W. Main, Lansinj. I 2«21 E. MICHIGAN ed 2-5011 lng facilities. Reasonable. Call L ING STAMPSI When you bring IV 9-2652. TV 4-44«l EXT 33 ED 2-6788 after 5:30. 4" your cleaning to Wendrow's Ec- 195" JAGUAR - XK-140 M.C., to play the g onowash and Dry Cleape convert. All extras. Dark blue. Male students wanted to share model, like Pants, skirts, sweaters clea house in Okemos. Cooking and Sell. Call 355-4251. and pressed, Phone Tl 2-5454. 39 only 50tf. 3006 Vine Call ED 2-0570. \OLKSWAGEN, 1962 - Sun roof parking facilities available. Call St., 1/2 block west of Sears' coral white, it's perfect' $1650. ED 2-4897. 42 Frandor Store. - I- Crested graduation gifts . - w.. passport and appll- should be ordered . 40 Call ED 2-0205 after 5:30 or now for June cation pictures. Limousine leav- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR — weekends. 443 Grove St. 41 SPI MICROSCOPE - New, powers delivery at the CardShop. Across lng daily at noon for Hicks Sm- TYPING. General and anfl from the Home Economics Build- dlo. Okemos. Return transports- 50-900. Two mirrors, fine ad- STRATTONSPORTS C ATTRACTIVE ROOMS for men. lng. ,9 1*54 OLDS 2 door A complete Automotive GLASS justment. Case. Slide kit. Or- CENTER - hardtop- SERVICE at Morris Auto Parts, slngle or double, private finally $80. 355-8544. 1915 E. MICHIG AN DIAL IV 4-44Z; 814 F. Kalamazoo. IV 4-5441. entrance, tile bath, 513 Sunset GRADUATION ANNOUNCE - •PPUcations, pa Lane. ED 2-1746. MENTS with your name, double ^ THESES PRINTED < 17" RCA Portable TV. $139.95. envelopes, tissues. 2 day sendee. BUMPING and PAINTING our This week only to NBU students Printing Service, 1421 E. Rapid Servica and emnlovees. DAVID TV. 1025 EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR specialty. All Michigan Ave. I\' 22-55-4. 47 foreign 2 SINGLE ROOMS for sum all makes makec and models. All w work Dtaro Process - Quality amaxoo St. Body :w. dan o'shaugnessey scr^'soc Sho^ Wrecker free cstlHiitit8« 1411 male, quaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to g:30 pjn. T.V. Technicians. 3022 E. „lt CAPITAL CITY C .,rrv Rii| I B j go by" June I. Call Midland - E. Kalamaroo St. Call IV 9-7507. ^ oa©'? ED 2'm2' 125 Ferfl S1' oc r*-« c» ,PEANUTS Morose 6-23fi6 - E.C. 250TE, MICHIGAN Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. C 521 S. Grand ' Galloway r>l AL TV «-238f C C - ■ PERSONALS Lansing. IV 2"5451 bera«er. 8 and S. 4.- ( MALE STl'DENT ROOM, good location, not far from Campus. place," large arbored lot, close TRIANGLE ACTIVES: Gentle- DIAPER SERVICE S9S" Old's correrrMe bUck w:tt. VFSCFDES BEN? - P0 D.S. Employment Quiet home. Summer and fall. to MSli, bus and 2 blocks from men! Are you missing something? SERVICE . White tap, full pew®-, estceOent J053. classic to your desire. design, excellent Parking. IV 28304. -39 shopping center. Ideal for small The Pledges. 39 ««ffltton. Call 55-V»8Tr 40 You receive your own dia¬ family or angle. $18,500. Car Call adapt TL 2-86 for tMane Ricketts: Do you know who pers back each time. With NEW YORK - -'FRSELf won ^ Lambda Chi Junior 5007 our service, you may in¬ hound Charter leaving w* 40 I and brakes., radio vest- Car. 1 The people at ONONDAGA DRAG- clude your baby's under¬ exams. Inquire now - t ED 2-8635. -owner, food tires Good and 1 43 H AR LE Y-DAVBON' HUMMER. WAY In Onondaga, Michigan are shirts and clothing which Llpton. ED 7-Q2l6.^ S425 355-430$. 39 ■ bit confused. 39 will not faefc. White. Blue . _ good condition, $100. 106 N. " Holmes. Lansing. Phone IV 2-9 or Pink diaper palls furn¬ Appreciate information ROOMS FOR MEN. AvaUablelm- *e mediately and for summer. Walk- 422• 40 Alakaboola Michacaboola. Blb- bid)- bobbedy bird. Put 'em to- ished. Ing anyone driving to t» wnrlr week da v s Ba^jL nextWl j and braises, radio, heat-* - P?»er AMERICAN LAUNDRY tag distance. Call ED 2-1937 _j gether and what have you got* . ■wrier, good tires. Good wlndcrws.Nor Ill E. WASHTENAW S52S. 3SS-43W 39 D 4-4241, % after 6 pm. 41 1959 ALMA - 45'xW, two bed¬ IV 2-0864 room. excellent condition. ED SINGL E AND double for men stu- 7-0762 after 5.30 PM. 41 Lanslng area, wanred for full time Sum™*r ,nd "f" T**r- — TRAVELING BAG? And if you do, insure an Inst transportation ac- PREf CLK^JS,'ING1 w«x»" Experienced Sax. »» ^ summer work. Married man te chides private parking, tele- *!®w • __ and Dry night stand F - - - * Friday. CIGARETTES any brand $1.99 wanted for route sales work ser- P^on*'*th' cidents and stolerUggage with Cleaner,. »06 Vine St.. 1/2 Mock" Hub 355-0586. evdty0ne! All utilities paid. Seeat 526 l^#n* carton with purchase. Golf Balls, warn of Sears' Frandor Store '• vicing established customers. Ever- Bubolz. ED 2-8671. ~ wtmt is - WU»on. Spauldlng. etc. Repaints giving absolutely free-dry clean- Mas: have dependable car and Sr*eD- Lansing. 42 ^ M M ^ LAURA L >», » «ch WANTED- Used L!kule,*-5T1 phone. Neat appearance. For it la I interview phone Mr. con- n Fl'sh oox omum, Bats, Fish Gear, Sleep Bags, Camp- cm i». Gloves, ^ STASS0U ALLEN AND PETE come to the State News , coin washers only . ft, — C.US»*| tag Etjulpment, Fquipment, Surplus all at Office, room 347, Student Ser- mn99- TakeT,k* ,dv,n- advan- Glazler, Howell 2749 or write SUMMER ONLY - Juniors and 515 S. Center. HoweU. Michigan. Seniors. Cooking and parking Bargain prices. FOX HOLE P.X. - FRANDOR. Open mrj nitetlll vices Building for your free past to the Crest Drive-in M.S.U. 5)||( 40 facilities. CaU ED 2-1114. 40 9 p.m. f 39 The Published by »n*!*0W( m .ru ss-bse V.. LI.,* world', UrfMt <*>■ * ■ lv « ssmts-s WE- TRAVEL Editorial and^tf^m— &^■ earring us MichiganStud«« tun*. Quality anywhere - any ft 341 occasions - to fit your butNw, tor lansinj, Mich Staw^. ^ g| Michigan Ca earing Service. IV Slugging Sutton Ralph Young Named Peps Bat Attack Pf by mke skinner rhe State New# Stiff against Fort Lee. ugl?ed • hom* r«n dlana he want two-for-two, In¬ To Hall of Fame Former Michigan State Ath- letic Director Ralph Young was Five #"d one other dead, men, were four living selected to mon ««>*red In the University of Michigan backfleld Just prior to cluding^ „ four-b«gg»r, and hi posthumously named to the Mich- «*»• Hall with Young. World War II. r«e smith and out- igan Sports r *!5LbIik* knocke* 1 urd«y- Hall of Fame Sat- the Bryon (Whlzzer) White, one of Induction ceremonies will take greatest running hacks In Place In Detroit Wednesday under 55 With nobody out ta. *•«*ond out on the In the Mr. Young persons to was one of the ever coach few Detroit I.ion history, sports- the direction of W. Nick Kerbs wy, .lr?SanA% Saturday to set 5S .« the ^ Lotkly tock Da" to that ™ "J" pointP01™ In In won. Sutton nightcap, which MSUalao was hitless in on* the on both caster Tom Harmon, golfer A1 University of Michigan and Watrous, and former Detroit chairman of the Hall of Fame, The living Inductees will receive ••T^rn. Mld: «*«np*. but he walked twice and Michigan State football staffs. Tig*1" pitchers Hal After serving as an Newhouser plaques at the ceremonies, along assistant and George Mullln were also ,csi£a,ithen he has collected nl to Fielding Yost at the U-M, named. with survivors of Young and Mul- r;ii'SKsSss _pl4UU_Hia__b±3 hits in his laat 19 loung came to Michigan State head coach. He then White, an Ail-American half- Hon. moved back at Colorado and the newest of Justice iti the United States im, the other posthumous selec- A permanent Michigan Sports Sup- Hall of Fame shrine will be ssssass 1 "VII.» " 1 progr#,g Court, Is probably the best located in a special room In That's the story on tl rlae of time finally May 8th e against He- runs anJohn Koba mo« Chicago at Pittsburgh (N) .inffffers once in ln threethree triea, u«i, scored a run the next two years. Cincinnati at Milwaukee (N) %llA Kobs said. 8:30 P.M. 1:30 A.M. Jl runs-batted-In# Sutton haa anJ?J?*,"dh^1me four circuit clout. Old College F ield is tailored Philadelphia at St. Louis (N) - 21 "°n had P»ssed his first for. (layer with Sutton's New York at Houston (N) SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. slug l:30 A.M. li.*'liken ov er ,l,c the team leader- J*st* N®xt |;ame 0,lio State's high ging ability, The rightfield fence San Francisco at Los Angeles (N) - . — u.irt, . .390 J^"18 Dul';k*>l*s- be seen if Sutton ,lcould remained hit to is 6* high but in the corner the CURB SERVICE - 7 DAYS c dlgtance from home plate is also contributed sistently. 301 feet. only Chicken Fry Set ED 2 6517 wu> triples fo „ Sutton soon proved he could, Sutton has already cleared the PLUGGING SENSATION-Jerry Sutton, The of 40 total bases. A*8""" '»* Bucks in < Michigan State Varsity game k. he i«.i lashed . a 1 home a Friday fence twice, once the ball landed °9°- currently lead* the Sporton bateboll Club will hold a chicken fry at Now Thru SAT. HAT.! MICHIGAN . r #nd ln the R#d 6 p.m. a double li *°ur bi-dsis. #nd the other lonity f|rit baseman from Lansing Sexton Tuesday In Jenlson Fleld- time, against Indiana, the horse- o sharp .390 Then or Saturday against In- batting average, four home r 2nd DRAMATIC WEEK THEATRE hjde^ll on the far bank ot Xhfc_4od4*^Ca««K John Kobrnn n bright future I Mifn eported for duty this Sutton was ranked behind alJerone at first. Sutton's Academy A wrrii Winner I Duffy Dubious OverDeptH ttsitcm! ability has always been „;ed hit C alder one had mads Pi* Tan's third third' before, KST turn of Jerry Lumlanski ifter a year's absence, Editor's Note-Sti degree of all spring and sent Calderone across nd United Press Interna- It again this Bowl. managed punch over only one spring, prlslngly elusive runner. With .nJ to first. ional writer, Jon end is solid with Matt However, I think this lid Sutton fit Into the sked to give his cri- Fitzgerald, touchdow In four inter squad Snorton who Duffy expects shifty Dewey Lincoln capable of 1 UA M0 RESERVED «..i-'U,ive SPeci8' Engagement! Ing and limited games. "big playing either wingback or tail- SEATS! 3 PERFORMANCES DAILY! tiqui the Spartan's foot- (3) What was supposed to be In the fall." Dan Under- back and Herman Johnson, the Although the Old Timer; n looked like his best bet lendous defensive fleet track hurdler do much else, ball team. Hen an equal division of personnel backing San- tliey mana Saturday May 2ft-On Stage 9:00 t" M on next fall's resulted in the first and fourth player converted end midway ders, wingback appears riddle the Spartans second 286 yards and a vn south Sutton hatred on State's annual .278. But he tended every squad. He at¬ spring practice. units drubbing the second and third teams 33-0. through last season, ranks be- than solid. Add hind Snorton; however, Under- Improved freshman back Dick the game. new rec< Perhaps the add 'MISS LANSING PAGEANT causing Daugh- wood is questionable as screen: 7 p.m.-ELvis biding his time. Once he erty to unhappily an of- Gordon and Doug Roberts, Johnson will bolster the del preslfy'FoIlow That Dream' By |ON FITZGERALD fens Ive receiver. v indication of what was to Of the State News Staff divided the Sherman Lewis is almost a backfleld, but it is hard tc club al- Big Ernie Clark holds forth certainty at wingback. If the Sanders, Salme evenly# the :ore was strongly at the left end position, speedster reeds any relief it shifty ','le A ring ulncoin- hddleball round cinfr staff in Duffy of optimism should tfrt.. in lieu of the Dougherty and ..j sur- his W#,^ ° n!!f' b DacKtieia,Jd • beyond the the but the man with the big hands wlH 1* given by Lincoln. Ron Ru- ls seeing his first real action blck. Earl Lattimer or fresh- flv tournament paratively easy 31-6 the Old I lmers. win over ing group of lineman, there few mules to clear holes are for on offense. Always a standout men John Tinnick and BobMore- on defense. Clark says he likes l®nd. Stadium for the third game of the season. This should Inds Friday the The victory was achieved J ~—'— by the fleet backfleld. Michigan State's starting line offense better anyway. Stringbean Ed Lothamer and the outstand- as well as he did in If George Saimes plays half spring be crucial test for Michigan State. If Daugherty can develop an adequate second mended throughout the f ■ ■vs ive only fo spring practice lacked ends; Jim Bobbitt and Ed TomKrzernlen! fP5.'5 repeat at '.L'S the most valuable Michigan Sta could to ■ddleball doubles settle positions on 1 ladder toi BuddJ.""tickles; Herb Patera port Clark. No one canquestlonBehn player. Roger Lopes offers solid ! from being a top o 'f 'b's was a s relief, if Saimes needs any.Gary e Big Ten title. Big Ten game ability at the pivot positim i- Oade and Joe Begeny will fight my first unit would have to play at least fifty minutes," he re- ■v»a 226 pounds) and i. Is entering Its tenters in the Old Timers game- r0 for the third string position less Lattimer is shifted back un- to Ed Ryan Will Play (Topping the ' \' ladder the marked. third year of varsity competition. everybody's head on a fullback. f r of Bob Hoyle and Claude runner Thus, the basic question still remains-are the Spartans as ffloitiyMi unu. f,eW ^ tI^an/the other 80 Ihe Spartans need a punter hlg|j u forced George Saimes to »nd extra point man. Lattimer For East All Stars up spot Outside of the guard position, and Ron powerful as they demonstrated ...if" hurry his punt). He is backed up is a fine kickoff booter. Henry. |tt!r t iIk V"d Don"Blacks!ee jP " 01^ T,n*rs 'lrrvy-c ff.rrw. 8"™ i111116 :tle depth Is behind the start- Ing line. Mike Currle and Pa- by gutty Tom Jordan, half Beh- Saimes and Prrx;bstle are ade- 'tv ^rt Daugherty's contention that tera are rman's size and ability, but never quate as punters, but will inf r e Howell fill has only a first unit Justified? practically interchange- outhustled and a keen competitor, quently get off the able at left guard. With the fcond position, Having witnessed all twenty re- With tie emergence of Chuck can get your club out of trouble, at Buffalo, June 2^. the number one practice sessions this turn of 1961 regular George A- position spring. Migyanka at quarterback the one Daugherty ran for his extra Also added to the East squad Daugherty will have an abun- ' ladder are ■S'Si; Dennis Whll I .ould h.,« to ' dance of talent "* the left guard questionable position in the back- points as much as he kicked them was Bill Miller, All- Amerlcan .nd Uoody Thompson. Jeff fy's evaluation. field appears solidified. Pete during spring practice, probably nd I'or slot and only junior Mike Cro> end from the University of Miami reckham maintain Why? Smith was No. 1 man at the because of the absenc to back up Charley Brown P on the runner up bracket, (1) The Old Timers obviously Signal calling slot last year, but Brandstatter, who graduated. He were not in the the right side. ims In the first or second frame of mind Migyanka, on his spring perfor- alternated Lincoln and Lattimer to play a good football game, mance, could push him to the through four weeks of practice, T«"warSm;t FSSiS^H °nly other game in the hilt. Jim Bobbitt kicked extra points ILM, Off m game i s lop- tackle posl Migyanka's main advantage is in the Old I'i sided (1959. Vars^y 34. Old ifble" rpiayl'^Tackle"and *is al"»»y 10 utlJlze ,he P°ck^ indlc; Imnastics Exhibition Timers not 7) and that squad did contain the caliber of have to out of sheer nece«'~ may for for pass Pass protection Protection ito a much .... Dili na and Northwest- T tvrnacries show, sponsored play- Dave Herman operated greater degree than Smith. Mig¬ engaged in a dog- I the H.P.R, 338 class, will ers present on the 1961 Old Time- starter at the position for yanka also gets rid of tlie ball fight for : Big Ten cellar. ers present on the 1961 Old early portion of last season,I out brn m the maker* >f MaHlx>rr». 2 Big D* s-Luther Tliey sat t 3 CSO-Cosm's Raiders 4 Kodgers-Vets I their handsome i.row* knit in fully on the Marlboro* in their t « ing thouieht- 5 Horrendlflers-Horsg Kong : length they 9 spoke. "Yes," thev said simplv. 6 Phi Tau-A. E. Hi I never doubted they would say 7 Twister8-AOCS II ye*. People who make a cigarette (jixxl as Marlltoro must themselves l*> »f**l. People 8 Burkhardts-Dollar 65 who lavish such cure e, now reading- w makes no attempt to lie funnv, but is instead a vou and au revoir. simple thank 3ring In Your Tliank you and au revoir, makers of Marlboro. The m of our eight years together will remain ever fresh memory jU in my heart, Plaques For and I would like to state for all the world to hear that if you ProfvssiMial want me back again next year, I shall expect a substantial LKL Engraving Thank you and au revoir, college students of America. May 'Lovers MustLearn" good luek attend all your ventures. Stay well. IcMf GudutHt PMMLWE Domestic Title Stay happy. Sporting Goods PETER FINCH -INH M iMfl "ROME ADVENTURE" Small Max han mid it til. We, the n rettet, ean only add a heartfelt «e 3030 Vina St. gumma "BLACK TIGHTS" Stag happy. Stan loot*. TuOiday, May 2: Michigan State News, Fast Lansing, Michigan The postulate you have selected required that you us • a single letter for each gene, hut gave n«> % »£ information concerning the number of genes per trait that •a* h individual would have C'htiosc another answer on page MB oU\Uk,^.4 ■ « officers oi ergantxations. ' ,A Correct. So far you have written one large "A" fot each of these individuals Harold Rut mall that one 33M •ducaUon. 0 „ letter does not represent a genotype. Examine the offspring of Individuals II I and 115 Note that these htr ot the boar' 1111 CONSTANT EXPERIMENTATION.-Notvroi Scitnt* profo**<«»* or* trying Oot * new *y*tow* of rooding and relet* the .eadet »« on wiwti on o different poflo of tke tout •f of N««^l America l ! ^ *tud>m$ th:* yeot Wok, the»eb> moktnj it neco*»ory for tke *tudont* to follow i«- ou- which Ho* boon incoiporotod into o portion ©• the Noturof Sr W«J «nj7T GrsiK-n M . ;;0 trait, page S5C *ed *uceo»*hil occot- <»**or of nUK ,: TOUCH OF EUROPE-TI»o . _ eJ e»Kuu\r «S Cene* occur in pairs in all the cells except the gametes of idont* wHo Hovo olto .<■ coon homo* tidowolk cofo* ond owtdoor dinj to Swttetfiold Michigan Cov.-,^- each individual «n and on the bolcow ™,ket» -oro combined o» Srody Dining Moll tried * looping on the io» 5 formation paired genes segregate, prcxlucing During gamete at t*»e men of Suttorfield »o»«i ootdoor* to j#* «< the IJrody Croyp. prrgrsm v THg»*do* ovooing. TWo oapon •S»«to Now* Photo by Cordon Stowffot.^ ttonal Rolnl- gametes with but one of the pair page 4?F 4 If two genes of a pair differ vw of the two getves may be dominant to the other page ?9C 'Permit To Reg ISwded Summer 34C In ussrtjj a " to irKinate that the vxher gene cannot be determined, sou are substituting a "?" Km StvK3«us in l nl\*« >lt>- olio** will tnitiato .my ohat\«« the I v'Ovin»olr^ Oontor n%ay Jo w Scrambled Book IV to t>ofvn-« the fiftV Mow*>*r, be » of the teem. the changes *tll not effect»vf until nftor the bejjftw- of the fifth wr>ei, Students Straight I ei**nrttt£ erpUinevI that the to make It posaiwe tor kit caris to be In the the Colldgoa, !V- rtrtionts, and \«M»er* at an rtfer viate each term. an»{ t«an V<^Jr Twro to sHoo« tno t,i. 10.00 Bra and cincher duo . Q AMT HOT SAUSAGC QAHT SUPO SANDMtCH 1650