MICHIGAN Inside UNIVERSITY STATI S'rATI NEWS o» Or. heat MSU Peurig *o»t p 8 comment* p. 3, «ur»bothmg on East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday. May 23. 19R2 Scores aILA'c Barred Communist to Give Address Delta Sigma Phi Yard Tonight revert add U. , rederfcc* J. Oilman, k V .V from East Lansing. . vu, *ubur«-halr*dphyslo» ^« first time In Mlchl- Mit Carpenter Orderly Kr-veer/M*tnry. He £. r, V; weired .U Vs to each end vears «t h«» taken A»Hn« XtSL. Includ- Scheduled Meeting L, Whet's To Orbit education. 5^ »r -f < taken an impressive of fradunte court** and Assured It?; quarter graduate Weather Odds Improve Signs, Posters to be "j^J^-edecewor an this <- 60 - -40 For Flight Prohibited I « -sU of the academic The Communist speaker bar¬ ! .v:;: *<< Ved Petrie of Lant- Cape Canaveral. Fla.. yp red from appearing on campus, „ (•>, ;ilw» a member Of project Mercury Director Wal¬ will talk In the backyard of the ter C. Williams Tuesday enter¬ **'• «-*H* ma than* tie* team ed a Delta Sigma Phi fraternity, 1211* start on the countdown IL Cran.1 Hlver. » A «v~ cvyiaplcvwus tuc- ^ eilneaday at— " for Malcolm Scott . •it-o-il contention, tht* Carpenter's ?:30. orbiul flight after a favorable L»r r*r.Vtrvi fir* In the nation. weather forecast and a Robert Thompson will speak report on "The Communist Party, Its that all elements were In "go" Philosophy, Alms, and Tactics '■ V;.;-! ,■t 11V Gllmm, like In the Cnlted States." plain smart He The man-In-space chief told The fraternity decided to let dr.'"* secret formulas out- engineers and technicians to pro¬ the Young Socialists Hub use ceed with launch #.M ■ tf-e r#r sonal Idiosyncrasy preparations and Its back yard. James PRgert, y N wV -j every half hour or to pick up the first part of the president, said because it felt k of stuA fw « chat. a snack rwo-day split countdown begln- that Its permission would sup¬ Ing early Wednesday. port freedom of expression while < •. -possible to study for Carpenter's four-times delay¬ not conflicting with the Board ed flight into orbit is set for of Trustees' between * ajn. and rullnR on the issue. 12 30 p.m. President John \. Hannah said (FS r) Thursday. that the • i#«lst*nt director ""■' -,u - Vhe weather odds were fraternity had calledhlm .-"v.;- r*psrtm«nt of .. JUST ONE MORE WEEK- pegged Monday night to check If their The 1962 Wolverine hot hit the at about PO 40 and Space Agency .! -J vtrs. Oilman, "15 preises and i* arriving on officials reported no technical having the speaker would violate campus by the trwcUood. Wolverine • the board's ".>st t ansing. t ft# editors Jerr* Holme*, (e»t. and Lowell Kinney have announced problems. distribution ot the yearbook* Smoke beginning early next week. The from swamp fires In yearbook* will be given out at the the Fverglades. 200 miles t\> the and in the fraternity sorority house* living unit*. ot well a* in the Student Service* South, posed the only major pro¬ Building lobby. blem, But officials appeared con¬ - State Hew* PKoto by Mark Krastof. of Local Flood Relation* Branch ot the Ten¬ fident it would ducted • ■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■ dissipate enough Tuatday. The *eminar wo* otter for tracking cameras to do their nessee Valley Authority, left, ond Aelred by government personnel, faculty and i Cray, TV A Community Planner, relaxed in member*, ond student*. The forecast for Thursday tha library lecture room Global called and light for varying degree? of cloudiness, gentle to fresh winds to moderate seas. prior to the teminar -State New* Photo by Mark Kra Space I'he National Aeronautics and Administration said the Says Democracy in India Glimpses weather forecast read favorable cooperation of all attending the for the launch area and for each lecture to conduct themselves I • • • of three sectors in the Atlantic hiri the 37-year-eld Navy Lieutenant Commander's Aurora Vital to Survi °f U.S. a manner appropriate for telllgcnt American citizens. Hie Young Socialist Club In B> the Associated Press India's struggle to attain a ? capsuit U pUnmd to drop, people In democratic principles tailing precautionary democratic wvSrtment and lt« was . Breaks Up Over Germany dependlhg on whother hsv-om- problems at educating explained by*.*. r>ey, India's million mini eter of community ,.nfir_nJ7„, to Insure an oi ' No people carry! " EBERSBRRG, GERM ANY - A four-en«tne l'.S. Navy Constella¬ pletes one. two or "*■ three develop rnmiiw i ment and cooperation, Tuesd-iy pr* will be allow of the world. tion broke up in flight liiesday and crashed in flames near this Pi Psi, Phillips Hey. who is one of several jn rtdtlirion pm,„lrtr|0n wS soush Bavarian town, killing all 26 aboard. The recovery area, if Car¬ scholars brought to the l'.S. to ■f ; '■ tvt. :*•« other mem- '< " ftts mr'i mattt The plane carried 22 Navy officers and men and four Army penter should make only one Win Philco TVs observe the 100th anniversary of , ,|tu : -e m Warn, personnel: authorities said. ^0-mlnute orbit, would be some the signing of the Morrill Act "danger-mi* --rite or. an Alumni ' Phi Kappa psi fraternit and which tXfScials at first reported ;hat the WY 2 Lockheed Constellation - 500 miles south of Bermuda. A cr y-"i- -.shed Scholarship which apparently exploded In the cloudless sky - was on a »ull three-orbit Journey would Phillips Hall were aw,- liecl colleges, seci*t mission. Later, a spokesman for U.S. Atlantic Fleet bring Carpenter's Aurora 7 Philco |v inch portable telev sets Monday for winning the hmrheon. \t«: -e'u Air Force headquarters at Norfolk, \a.. said the secret mls- spacecraft down about 800 miles graduate southeast of Marlboro contest. a ion report resultevl from a i iu sunders Cape-Canaveral. ■ thccrattctl physics at tandtng. Phi i>y ,„K1 that democracy v*t.« o- j National Science The spokesman said thai the Navy ilepartment In Washington Weather conditions elsewhere Kappa Psi had high score 0f importance to Americans on the track fellowship. confirmed 26 persons had I een aboard although the flight manl- low were rated as Carpenter will fol¬ derived from O.V* collecting 15,800 because of I'.S. Interest In demo- -J :* -• fesro Indicated the plane was satisfactory. 1Cy if democracy failed In academics, he likes Some of the recovery ships 7 -n.pe IS'rtlrttoL-.. - ;, mostly, ami began Atlantic ,L ~ if w°rl^ population, A 5 DeGautle Assassination Plotters Caught ports Tuesday. Others will had j °°nteat. Phillips reperc.s- 9i0ns would be felt throughout the off 48,775 points from 9.655 PARK - Five captured Secret *rmy terrorists were charged Wednesday, vrorld packs to win first place in the Fall Enrollment Tuesday with plotting to assassinate President Charles t> Gaulle ami a manhunt spread across France for a sixth member of the women's contest. tf,e Democracy, (>v said, indivisible feature of all must be 4 ■ate that within regarded the allsts said they action of the To Jump over gang. MoM UN lo Hold Ten points were given each Philip Morris pack and five points m,,*,^ tf „ „ t0 s„rvive. irs It Is hoped will have been Trustees as deeply harmful to Indu m independence In 104" the spirit of I'he fugitive, a Polish former paratroop captain named Sle for each Marlboro. democracy and sup- bodia who was known to the others as "Slim", escaped a police Reception lor Dey Parliament pack. Hester said. Alpine, or „fter a 50 yMr srrUggle under iooI, If only for ported the dissenting Trustee. 1000: Sabine net that bagged the five. His picture was sent to all police dis¬ trict stations and border posts. more. Dennis Jason, Okemos sopho and Sandra McCaster, the leadership of Mahatma ' chundl. Immediately many pro- Don Stevens, In saying that we must meet the Communists in the bletT19 aro„ whlch the new market place of Ideas. Ntewspafwrs reported that all tiv« captured memhers of the Hon for S.K. Dey, minister for Benton Harbor sophomore were The Lansing branch of the gang, including the leader Jean-Loup Blanchy. confessed to the government had to meet, community development of India, the Individual winners with 1,305 0f the biggest problems American Civil Liberties Union plot to kill t> Gaulle. Wednesday at 3:15 p.m. In the and 755 points, respectively. ^ said Saturday they were Few details of their plans have leaked through a police wall C.reen Room of the Union. Each was given a Philco tran- was deciding what type of govern- strongly of secrecy. But authorities apparently got ftrst wind of the plot AS minister for community ment to establish Ghandl disappointed in the Board of sister radio. stressed democracy and there- Trustees' action. last week and tracked the participants when they moved into development. Dey has flrsthsnd This is the second time Phi France from fore the new leaders were anxious Algeria. knowledge of India's policies and Kappa Pst has won a Marlboro Documents seized by police indicated that the gang^ to develop this form of control, | • and trsnsfer student decided on the plan and ' be used In the desperi current plans, such as the Five Year Plan projects. contest. stereo record Previously they player. won a However, the people weren't interested In the government, Hey Melby To Close lad { om * greater Provost Lectures • o: srudon" remain- Counselor Answers '« "cre ise In students re- Kennedy Says AHA Misinformed The final lecture In the series of Provost's lectures will spring "-"i WASHINGTON - President Kennedy was A - school is related to Place be presented by Ernest O. Melby, ; •*v-T*.»s:ngty * s high quality of *--«r»ding the Lnlversi- More Congressional leaders Tuesday that Americ doctors fighting his Medicare plan are trying to confuse the people and are not properly informed. in the professor of education, Wed¬ nesday at 4 p.m. in the Kiva. are motiva- He will discuss By LINDA LOTRIDGE week and take some vocational "Perceiving. ^ straight through Sen. Hubert H. Hmmphrey of Minnesota, assistant Senate iitmo- Of the State News Staff interest and personality develop- the sald Behaving, Becoming." f master's degree." cratic leader, relayed this word to reporters after a Whice House ment tests." emphasis is'on letting the Melby was one of six national | ..^S :; :2 '00 students were breakfast conference of the top Democrats and the president. .... . . student talk about himself, Pier- educational leaders to receive a 1st . 1* • firsl-{*me f esh- He said Kennedy repeated a previous charge that the doctors, Not,: p-r, two of a flv.-p.rt . ..TlVgf »» ««• " "ttl-.l. distinguished service award from "^Ument « was 4,917. who contend the provisions for financing health insurance for the series on the Counseling Center. rour,~iin» Center His aDoroach hiCounseling Center. His approach counseIor can tel1 the studenl e^hman enrollment for elderly through social security taxes means socialised medicine, , about hls problem. School Administrators in Atlant her ■Ha ^ ;hat large and have not studied the administration measure. .problem. mpsychology is »Tha t^rapy „ a learnlng City. N.J. ier-attack last ^ '-"le larger." he said. The AM A mounted a nationwide, televised looking man of about 30. process." Plerson said. "Hie A former dean of Northwestern Ea- ■' 5 of York fnesh- night against pro-Medicare rallies^teld overama*™t "My high school had 800 stu- Formulated counselor's goal Is to help the University, Melby also Is a re¬ dents, but 1 had few friends.' by Carl Rogers, 1 student become a more lnslght- tired dean of New York University I * the f4il *»"be millions" psychologlst at the University of , Kt, l*»r. hesaid. -cruel hoax" which would "heartlessly >gn m""nM need¬n*«^- she said. "My parents nevei ^ gnd ,elf.dlrecllng perS0n." school of education, and former I Chicago, the client-centered ^nt .-4J ^0rk ratio of students l ig coverage. understand why 1 was so therapy assumes that the indl- saJd who chancellor of higher education In I -V 0vK.of proportion with and why I read books all thsu™ viauai nas tne comes ^ ^ ^ capacity ro unuer- 15T«, ^':fnAl rate for out-ot- Found: 25 Roman Graves in Good Condition d of going out with the stand those aspects of himself ex^ctatlon that anourelde In recent years he has crusaded I * !£>^fe,*S If 20 P»r cent of - gang." and his life which a causing ls ls ^olng t0 solve hls prob^m^ to upgrade U.S. education and ■ ifcc - cerrolln,e«- ho said. ATHENS - Twenty-fire Roman graves of the second century She spoke softly and a him dissatisfaction. usuany disappointed. has warned repeatedly that we I **£ ' - s enTOHrttent, he we're unearthed in the center of Athens Tuesday. incoherently, pausing slightlyaf- In this method of clinical ther- Vocational and interest tests are In danger of losing the Ideo¬ I ^ m*cC ^rrs4round «« figure The graves, in almost perfect condition, were discovered by are given as a supplement to the therapy. These tests measure a logical battle with Russia. workers digging a new building foundation off one of Athens l»arte--J«4r' To Present I ** ,4ki' tt* total ^Tbe man behind the desk to the green 0f the person. However, in t student's interests,academic abilities, personality character¬ Paper c'-' i5 l?"} wlth 23 P*r graves contained skeletons of men and women, coins, trees outside the window and process, the counselor acts rr istics Two University faculty mem¬ ■ "-sa» T.iesl*naB c^ass out- spindle-shaped oil vases, combs and metal mirrors^Four^aU back again to the freshly paint¬ 1 sounding board tl or special abilities. bers will present a paper at the I** «o- ' ^nt*' ^ percent- columns bearing the date of that period were ed blue office. "The tests are only a part annual meeting of the Tissue 15 e-r -JS 5*n ewsriag In the tor Ar heologlcal experts believe the area was a burial grounds because of the perfect form of the male skeletons. The man behind the desk peer- ed out from behind his glasses The client-centered theory of it<= counseling," iven't Pierson surveyed yet said, to Culture Association in Washing¬ suggests that the counselor does lf these tests ton D.C., May 31. xe 3 did ' occasionally to ask her why or - w Marvls Richardson, associate l^nt M tall har fn continue. professor, and Jane N. Holt, To minutes, the coed the end of her story tries to comiy his understand- ing of the problem to the person th# Center are the nne frequemly ^ed senior technician In the depart¬ ment of [^•Peating Ftldav she left"1*11 by_slmply listening. IrfTL demic Interest Inventory, rjngpry Acs- Inventory,theKu- INDIAN ECOHOMIST-S.K.- the Ku- n.« Minister of Community microbiology and Pub¬ lic Health, will report on"Para- (ter VocaltolM| test and the Strong D#y Minister of Community im e4.^ Director of the _ _ r«.,„«,iinff sitism In Vitro of Bovine Lymph- * Counseling 1 I do." she senter. Dr. Donald Grummon. 1 o'.iooment Bevelopment fo, tor India, ina , dis¬ old Cells by Brucella Abortus." aided Rogers in his research c.. The Tissue Culture Aaaoc., xrt t0 ^nicag0 w ^ SCorea. was silent a moment the client-oenBered therapy. , 1 International These tests include variety ment Policies in Indio society, fosters sharply tapping his pen- "The client-centered therapy edgs of the mahogany of questlons revolving around gives the student greater under- actlVities and ihterests a stu- MSU Men'- 1Luncheon Tues- doy. standing of his problems." Dr. next Roland Pierson. acting director rr , (Continued on page 4J 4) ..Stote News Photo by Mork use of cells and tissues in vitro. Wednesday. May 23. 1962 Michigan State News .EDITORIAL. Fast Lansing, Michigan Wally Sex On More Disappointment Everything B*J'm Walling If! Over The Decision Comment* by the Managing Editor about ths varloua contro¬ and subjects absorbing I versies student interest on campus to- race, could'he u^d for*'"1 Disappointment over the de¬ Howard acquiesed to their de¬ raid*. Men could <*,Tn ^ I On Red speaker ban -- What phant's heads to reach\u el* cision to bar a Communist speak- mands and the Young Socialist team plays an ojyonent without dew* and if the coeds j *"*- er from campus results from first having a scouting report. P®1*1' •lephants could representative withdrew the . Shouldn't this apply to our "bat¬ down the dorms' w«ns "*** more than the action of the Board tle" against the Communist*? On Luau statement about the Communist On Conservative Club -- It's -- What 'school I of Trustees. speaker not coming. Lady talks Just like a woman who The actions of AtTSG president doesn't want to give anyone else feast 7 Howard decided he did not want a chance to talk. On the ! Bob Howard were also a disap- Congressional rh. I to take the "rap" for banning the More on Red speaker -- Poor there Is more sex on TV I L,pa>ntm»n<. — timing by the sponsoring group. ,9.u,£*<-M* what show* ^ I speaker from campus. Perhaps the Boar3 oT Trustees On railroad tram- . o I When it was first learned that wouln i have made the ban If Village residents wonder £ 18 I He missed an opportunity to the Young Socialist Club planned make student government the legislature had made appro¬ priations and adjourned two train* blot* Harrison they are always in a rush rejg I! tc to sponsor a Communist speaker, weeks ago like they were sup¬ to class. w a strong voiceof the students. He posed to. On presidential members of the administration inth*nc* i should have declared either for On the few or so big-headed comes from a religion pointed out the following student or glamour sport athletes who think a parson. I against the speaker and stuck the university revolves around On the ever-exnarviirv I congress ordinance: I ■ to his decision. them It revolves despite them. - Even the old -- On girl pipe smoking fad « need pres mVy! "The constitutional purpose A strong stand might have af¬ It hinders women's attempts to a ™*n map to get arounj I ' couple t*lng and the activities and practices seem more feminine. pelled from St. John's i p,' fected the Board's subsequent po¬ On Old Timers game — Sure slty for marrying of the (chartered) organization m , sition and at the very least would they (Old Timers players) pay ceremony — Let's c.lrn must be in harmony with the con¬ their own way expenses, but so ration of church and state have shown where student gov¬ do the fans who buy tickets to step, to separation of chir '-* stitutions of the United States of education. * ernment stands with the Board get Into the game. America, the State of On MSLfs emphasis on foot¬ On sun bums Michigan, of Trustees. ball -- Resides the 17 active pro to become a "well-re,r it's one ' the Incorporation Charter of football players, we also have si* On corny editorial stai srudear. I His failure to take an inde¬ colu^ State active ma lor leacue baseball You didn't have f — •1 University, and pendent stand weakened student players and rwo pro basketball laws of these bodies. government. J program with They must not be in poor social Point of View Michigan legislators, parents subversive, anti-American Cartoonist James Crane it ■aduate student from River Falls, Wisconsin. therwise obi nable to and showed the a Board of Trustees lack of understanding. also Letters to The Editor Communism In Flesh By SHARON COARY If we are to combat corns* Legislators and parents went Howard urse was agreed that his only to lift the Young So¬ re- into that a state of hysteria and showed they had no comprehension On Barring A Speaker The University's refusal to give facilities to Communist speaker Robert Thompson has we are tinue to fighting, u e wage the cold fectively when two-thirds c! w cannot wjr ;*! of basic American values. population thinks that"i'i il: st charter if the speaker ap- TO THE Editor must prevent other points brought a barrage of criticism communists of may r are bogey -er» from many quarters and on many ared. On this basis a member Many famous exponents of lib¬ The Board of Trustees deci- view from being expressed? The vancen lines. Students and faculty have merely misdirected .Wis sion barring the appearance of. Cold War has hardened all would leave the fold erty. equality, justice and free¬ us gmnda. tmrrerflsnfr the Club came to the State News speaker on cam- and has reduced our level of This conclusion is valid only argued that this violates free if someone took 20 mimitw s dom could be quoted to support blow that reasoning to that of idiots. when looking at part of the ques- speech, that it reduces the dig¬ tell them the facts of life rce and stated that the Commu- shattered nity of the University and actually the my faith in freedom I am a strong anti-Communist Hon. One of my most valuable a- stand that the Communist In A denies the traditional idea of a it sneaker would not be coming perlences was the oprorf-n a should be allowed to speak. The No longer can Itel! my country- this better epitomi7es the ex- reached when considering the ef- university as a forum for die cover a top-rankint: men, friends ami relatives in citement of and idealism of youth, open discussion of ideas. official at the United Narag. fective means of combating the s t>\.» simple fact remains that if stu¬ India that 1 was educated at a But worse than being a youth, spread of communism. How can \Wille each of these arguments In spite of living through Kcrts. dents are old University where freedom of I am a human helng--a dis- or* defend against something of are valid, the University com¬ Berlin, Laos, Vietnam and H®. enough to be sent speech jxisted in practice and figured human being. Andes such, which he had no knowledge? munity seems to be overlooking gary, I was more frightened i ose to Ho ad- Laos and fight for American an atmosphere of free enquiry my conscience does not permit one point which perhaps is most MSU Board of Trustees mem- communism after a t\«s hce iinst involvement in ideals are discr pre\ailed. I cannot imagine the me to remain passive In the ber Don Stevens stated the cor- significant of all. discussion with that Jiplocat. ating irreparable harm done to the face of such an awful injustice rect view at Thursday's AAUP I The Board of Trustees acted For the first time, I i threatened to stir enough not to be swayed bv the prestige of this IMlverslty When to myself, to the student body, out of a conviction of Its own meeting we were fighting moreth I think what the people abroad and to democratic principles. and shared by millions of Mich¬ f he "If we are to effectively wa« guerrillas and blus pressured the ravings of an extremist, be it a will say when they hear about Lesie Eve Price the continuing battle against igan tax payers that no one needs Khmshehevs. We are uj this, especially when MSI i right-winger or leftist. Communism actual contact with a communist. a way of life which is devourtfr I gaged in international programs Why should we allow him to Free meeting in tl supported by each parn r er.be. f around the world, including r .in India. Society Ideas'. What of a responsibility for keeping preach his pus, treason on our cam¬ they ask. This seems the This fanatical, almost rti- ltlous devotion to communism li How could I explain to the peo¬ To the Editor: the market open that does a uni- epttome of arrogant stupidity. what we do not understand is! ple in India that socialism and Bravo for -your rwo excellent We are assuming that we know wh»t can never underja* communism have different mean- editorials protesting the barring T all the issues of communism, Uhril we | :ng here than in India where both of the Communist speaker from hope rhat the Legislature considers its re¬ that we can learn no more about we meet and talk * Give NSA A Chance are perfectly acceptable? Can vou imagine what the 67b our campusl The action of the Board of ' re responsibllty be- passing this resolution. University students have tl* It. communists. twist fit Until every fact of his their ends, until we he we 'e Most of us haven't read Marx, foreign students on this campus Trustees, {and any person in- tear apart dfcmoeracv in er 15 years of deliberation representing *>1 countries will volverf \r. that action), o " ability to discern fallacious pro- Lenin, Mao Tse-Tung, a good errs, we believe, in ingly-logical terms, we failing to home another self- inflicted wound upon history of American communism. confidence in the.values and ideas We can't explain the dialectic. comprehend the magntmr give NSA a chance to prove itself. the free society which we pro- ™nf,dv lacks in- representatives to accompany the ion. Do i Kir civil rights stop kvist - to mam- people a truer sources? Should we skip reading communists to combat cc~r» I so mam* words that big business nism. Pious munermjs atas I ne right of free speech ? Plato and only read some 16th NSA and tha: expense, three appointed representatives revolutionary Bolshevik than the ran the Luau. That is a bunch price nave we struck barred Mr. Thompson, for the of hogwash! century historian's analysis of dignifying a communist t? | per year,is to the national convention in Aug¬ ' What shall w* do with latter undoubtedly has been him? Should we ban Das (Capital lending him Unlverslr.' facilioa I -ry.iK is only a shield for o ' ~* and only read a DAR able rnis of bene - ust has been poor. nal appropriation if bathed in the roie-water of acti^irv Ae tion of It? interpreta¬ stupidity. Petitioning for the positions atmosphere an advisory nature plus United opened and closed more than three weeks ago a week later. Only Ck„. bhnkumar Poddar nwnists 332-0 16 peatrfv presentation challenged by student- / wa s rev Air Lines also flew the enter- talners, etc.. over here from Hawaii. K the Luau committee An Open Letter members of the audiesce. That had to pay for the tbree Student Congress consideration possible reform measures to Congress petitions and were the submitted* executive PpJ 171 ixea \inrt\r an ST T*®. dents far experiencefor more democratic and the stu- transportation, jt would have cost them about >500 per person. To Mr. Thompson branch of AUSG T_ c .. r educational than the faculty " wet- rr.ee: IlielriftB Stale** problems must arouse in¬ creditor: nursing" which unfortunateh-ap- The Royal Hawaiian Hotel also Mr. Thompson: Americans, with the could only terest in the NSA by ia^jsnce has beer. pe.r? to be the pollcv proposed had one or two of their top 1 am one of those who think - ■ informing ^ commined FBI. the HUAC and the rac* I serve a good purpose. against the student . chefs flown here to superviiethe you should have been allowed to the student body. 7"here gro*^ which right, have attached a mys:^ I body about an organ¬ is trying tc prevent us from A fundamental assumption of ^ ^ cooking of the food, student and appear here at MSL, and I dis¬ to A me rican communism. $ I -- - ' th"., *""" "* _ any authoritarian is - programs, U uowshi ps, ization in which each student is a .,, c — MSL employees doing agree with the stand taken by the warning- - from, sedctag the truth, t: eigr. students people must be treated like child- the actual cooking. Board of Trustees. I feel an ob¬ forcing you ■Bdsrgrounc'.*e>j* I seminars and ligation. however. t» make clear prevented ourselves f °rr. I litis studec: leaders rom other for reopen pe.i.tomng TuS £2£?2SSVT Motorola also had five portable radios here, which were student the reasons for my stand. standing you and therefore I delegates to the summer con- the>' forbid us to hear better to treat people as adults. you more dangerous ands, irterna::ona! c< svent:ons. Tberrpsor. speak How dare they How fares democracy — operated. When asked to sipply 1 am vention. opposed. Mr. Thompson, dictate to us what we — •—■ - ■ - the radios. Motorola made abao- to The Board of Trustees os» I exchange programs and aid to This is your political and social ideo¬ a challenge to the ^!<*r ***•- — logies. I favored your appearance sibly made their dec;s'fJ'L I otlier nations are valuable pro¬ newly-elected -Congress, and !<•" ' im 'so^ate Professor here because I am convinced that intersst of the people o. I advertl8lngf howtfVer> b«ca u 8 e to allow you public gan. 1 feel that most of the £ I jects sponsored by NSA that MSL* presidennrf AI SC. Their action . they felt Motorola deserved it. the best exposure is pie of Michigan suffer from ® I This provided us with an ex¬ way to beat you. can learn much from. same lack of understanding.» 1 on'this Tssue may determine their cellent system of communi¬ The representative •* r.- -.r.tro- cations, without which the Luau of freeloaders. that to prevent your fn WT>?. do tees11 I success in off.ee and the future , c duced the bill for Withdrawal The Michigan * Senate and House "i*#" ***** flopped. M ' might also 'esteemed and remind your Of NSA. the lioe. Second of all, if there of R^p/eeemaaves have gracious" editor To use an analogy. I believe that if there was is any inefficiency place in whlct <***£ bo^» rI one expert- concurrent resolutions aHy speaking, right when it is used by com- As for many ot the the *Luau - -nittees people on Post Mortem" Is In my opinion turn, asaympadiy-i^v0^ t^| 1 should hate to being to- an article that a mr .Jta Ktlba&x Jeopardize this n««lsts whose avowed purpose high ichool StLy Atrl oBoca new^aper editor would have had Mcr Urrj Pwem* %wn»T aai- reputation and have is the destruction of our way .. . . .j*cwe Komat Yet J Mgr. .Ter. Haacie A»*- apons Ed. laughing stock of of life and form of government enough not to write. s. - . - . . .-Tarry, wante cm cSwr. Ms c* .... JSOEManU E&tor. . . X^arlow Daboc S.'w.Sr-SSS-Ei strengthen America. EMtrsU having to such wey. Do we lack so much con- Therefore ""SJI fidence in democracy that we concludes, taxpeyers* Its operations? ^ Aii-Uni ^^1 Leon Joseph Herriman Student Gov*^! Milclf'wrw^TCiTtiiwm*?11111*- MW«" degree heat logical is played $4.98. resentment for ftOTC 0116 of -cceptance. on a majestic organ with violins, trumpets and bass. ind lasted well over an hour, could c#U9e Only $1.98 M-1054. Bach: HARPSICHORD MUSIC. e ftlntl„ about 25 Army and fainting. "h "It is Is to be expected whenever Rolf Relnhardt cond. Chamber Orch. Pub. at $4.98. Magnificent "If the Individual is M-1157. MLSIC FROM LONDON AT purity of tone marks these five master works as cadets fainted. flehrlntr # l#r8® number of people MIDNIGHT. it. he will tense up, thus Only $1.98 Skitch Henderson, his among the greatest of Fiarh's solo pieces. Notable Feurig, medical causing assembled together in w a musical piano and orchestra present performance by Helma Flsner of Toccata and Fu¬ a restricted flow of blood and M-1037. Copland: APPALACHIAN image of London. A irector at Olln Health Canter, SPRING. Based on Foggy Day. Limehouse gue. 4 others. Pub. at $4.98. folk themes of the American Blues. 11 others. Only $1.98. wsubsequent faint. being taken t Frontier. Walter Sus- ^.uned why this happens. "!" a fainting situation, you '^VpeoDle"f"* who can sweat will against fainting, however, by both sklnd also conducts the L.ondon Symphony In Morton Pub, at $3.98 Only $1.98 M-1307. Grofe: GRAND CANYON . the Army and Air Force, he Gould's Spirituals for Orchestra. SUITE. Grofe con¬ m t attribute it all tothe heat, idets faint in November, too. ffig* p^'/ So d'T swJ Mld" %^ Pub. at $4.98. Only $1.98 M- 1048. Stephen Foster: A COMMEMORATION SYM¬ ducts his great harmonic. Also premiere masterpiece with Rochester Phil¬ wf,0 are PHONY. William Steinberg leads the recording of his PlanoCon- Feurig said the basic cause of going to have trouble " Col. James Skalls, "We h«ve«n»nvbulanceonhand M-1371. Villa-Lobos: THE LITTLE Symphony in this world premiere recording great Pittsburg certo with Sanroma as soloist. Pub, at $4.98. Armv or'o- "l Parade 10 tmk« c»r* of TRAIN OF THE based Only $1.98 lervoustension fessor of on Foster's military science CAIPIRA. Joyous musical picture of a little great melodies. Also A Symphonic h an inability to re- pUlned ^ raaona tor ex anyone seriously 111.' Both services In the Brazilian forest. engine Story ANAMFR- allow cadets to Also Ginastera: Estancla. wool uniforms. march without Sir Eugene Goosena cond. London snducts the has coats in drill labs. Symph. Pub. at Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and Sanroma Is piano >erature nothing "a parade is a They also recommend that cadets H98. " he said. formal Only $1.98 M-1051. Bach soloist in these beautiful " -- ■ • - CONCERTOS "FOR HARP1SCHORD performances of melodic r , /> II* it demands formal keep 88 their knees loose much as and reUx S-1364. Berlioz: SYMPHONIE AND STRING ORCHESTRA. Two of the best known American masterworks. Pub. at $4.98. Only $1.98 East German Universities possible circulation going during paradea. to keep FANTASTIQUE. Fas¬ cinating sound patterns In a great romantic score. and most popular of Bach's Relnhardt leads the Pro Muscla keyboard concern. Rolf M-1303. Tchaikovsky: MANFRED. Little-known Sir Eugene Goosens cond. Orch. of Stuttgart. Ma]. John Engebretsen, Air London Symph. Orch. phonic poem with wonderful Fettered, Consul Declares Force director of education, ex- plslned Air Force policy on Stereo. Pub, at >S.9». Only $1.98 Helma Eisner soloist. Pub. at $4.98. Only $1.98 melody cond. Eugene Goosens and London Symph. Pub. at by Sir $4.98. Dencker, consul of Dencker said the student M-1156. BLUES ON THE Only $1.9ft n parades. RIVER. Real Rlverboat M-872. SCOTS 1 nust then take several "I think the logic behind them blues played by the DRINKING SONGS. The ribaldry of Republic of Germany requi great Lawson-Haggart Jazz Band. M-1230. Handel: ORGAN CONCERTOS St. Louis Blues, Basin Street NOS. 13 & I st German uni- : regardless of his fie! h the same as having Blues, 10 others. academic free- of study. These courses include Pub, at $3.98. classes in 90 degree weather. Only $1.98 Lassie's Plaidie Av Marxism, Leninism and Russian 'The basic purpose of all pa¬ Pub. $4.98 Relnhat Speaking M-1238. Schumann: CELLO CONCERTO. The most Only $1.98 in the library loungs language, rades is to teach self control and famous of the romantic cello concertos explained t The students are not free to discipline. We don't purposely M-1077. Chopin: BALLADES AND played with M-973. Barok: CONCERTO FOR uficulty East Germ discuss world issues, he said. schedule parades on the hottest sensitivity by Gasper Cassado. Also Schubert Cello ORCHERTRA. Uni¬ The beauty of Orazio Frugonf's playing makes thes< que composition which gives each ting admitted to universities. The West Germans have tried or coldest days of the year, how- Concerto. Bamberg Symph. Pub. at $4.98. group of instru¬ familiar pieces shine with The student must be the son or Only $1.98 ments a chance to shine. Inspired performance by new vitality. Many pop¬ to promote better understanding ular songs have been M-8I9. Vivaldi: 4 BASSOON Stokowskl and the Houston Symphony. adapted from their lush melo- daughter of manual laborers or between the students of East and CONCERTOS. Vivaldi's Pub, at $4.98 dles. Pub, at $4.98. PMsaius. West "Part of the growing up bassoon concertos Only $1.98 Only $1.9* Germany by bringing them J"" " pro- are probably among his least- together for informal talks, he f knownwork, yet each one of them is M-151. Vivaldi: THF FOUR ^d" lnc>udes adaptability, he of musical perfection. a masterpiece Virginlo Blanchl. faggottist, M-1349. RADIO CITY MLSIC HALL FAVORITES. Raymond Paige and the Radio City Music Hall Orch. SEASONS. admitted and must be Air Force personnel have to and the Gil Academic! dl Milano birds In the Spring th< are conducted ap¬ be adaptable because of the Air Plerl Santi. Pub, at $4.98. by in string favorites Fiddle Faddle, Holiday forStrings, the Summer ed by one of several corn¬ West Germany. comes to 1 in these F , Only $1.98 magnificent con- et West German schools have a worid-wide ^ operations, certos for violin and sti g orchestra featuring the organizations.. He then . he said. Pub, at $3.98. : fulfill his great deal of academic f eedom m-I069. Chopin: PIANO CONCERTO NO. 1. Gulomar Only $1.98 famous violinist Rana Piffoll. Pub. at $4.98. military obligs- "They have to operate Just as Novaes gives a lumious performance of this effer- well. since the students are allowed M-1057. Schumann: Only $1.98 efficiently in the Lyblan desert va scent concerto. CARNIVAL, SCENES OF CHILD¬ ■ student is admitted, to take any course they want Jonel Per lea leads the Bamberg HOOD. PAPILLONS. The most famous of Schumann's as In the Arctic circle." Symphony Orch. Pub, at $4.98. 'r said, he then has no to take, he said. Only $1.98 any piano works are brought to of courses. If Entrance into German uni¬ sparkling life in the Com- a Gulomar definitive performances. ' s *«1 M-960. RICHQRDSTRAUSS:Tlll Eulenspiegel's Merry there is a need for tary tough, Dencker Only $1.98 "ists, the student Is told explained. The student must pass a lengthy exam after B&J Moving and Pranks, suous, Don Juan, Dance of the Seven Veils. Sen¬ swash-buckling, lilting music by the master , M-1308. Sibelius: VIOLIN CONCERTO. Splvakovsky completing M-1090. Adult Mother Goose SUGAR & of orchestral harmonies. World famous SPICE. Exci¬ plays the only violin concerto the great Sibelius e student wishes to high school in order to be eligi¬ Leopold ting Joya Sherrlll gives new adult twists to Little area for which there is study ble for college. Storage Inc Stokowskl leads the Stadium at $4.98. Symphony of N.Y, Pub. Only $1.98 Bo Peep, Mary Had A Little she puts her own Lamb, 10 others as ever composed Hannlkanen cond. London Symph. Pub. at $3.98. ~ * Only $1.98 'or more people, the Upon admittance he works for 3110 Turner grown-up lyrics to the rocking either a doctorate or prepares background of Luther Henderson and his Orch. M-1118. Society Party: MYF.R DAVIS INVITES YOUTO M-869. THE BALLAD RECORD, 20 to take a state examination in a IV 4-1421 outstanding British PUb. at $3.98. and American ballads sung and played by noted folk- Only $1.98 DANCE. The easy rhythms of society's favorite band particular field "0«ntle-Care" Moving, that has appeared Price's Forest nee such"as~"£ngl- Paoklng and Storag* singer, Ed McCurdy. Includes Sir Patrick Spens, M-1065. Bach: TWO AND THREE PART many times at the White House. ring. There are no degrees John Henry, 18 more. Pub, at $4.98. INVENTIONS. Shall We Dance, I'm In The Mood For Love. 23 more. below the doctorate. Only $1.98 These piano pieces typify the baroque achievement in Pub. at $3.98. Only $1.98 Memorial M-157. WALTZES OF JOHANN STRAUSS, Eduard solo music. Alexander and vigor. Borovsky plays with warmth M-1117. HARMONICA Strauss, the great nephew of the famous "Waltz Hl-LITES. Alan Black, har¬ A memorial will be dedicated Night Staff King" brings us back to colorful Old Vienna as he Pub, at $4.98. Only $1.98 monica virtuoso, Pub. at $3.98. plays Nola, Poor Butterfly, 10others. bursday to a forest given to the brilliantly conducts his ancestor's beloved Blue Dan¬ S-1346. OUVERTURES FRANCAEES. Paul Only $1.98 " Richard 0 F . men Jr. of llidlend (3 .99 a WOULD YOU VOTE FOR A oge», (Dr. NoneeM F«e. MORMON FOR PRESIDENT? •cfc Gtlmee i«. eve^ge) A George Roiwev a a hoi prot Ke»e«a«y KuHn (3.92 a' o«e) both of Ca»« La«» peel hx the 64 . But in tfus week's Post. yo«"r< 3o*rd of Trustees awards 11 it tttllw whv h»s Moonon religw S?00 eoch -ere rrensnte, »s Swch » What h« chances »* .if getting ejected 6oveo*v of litciugaA. the"i Ptewdent *hv oh t*bo< % Mi** Hani* endw tead»' MV$ if George had hts wn he'd eel au« thavaf r*e SmtmrW«> KWnIsi iHwr For your wedding. Flowers mean so much ajjtkX But cost so little. . Spend all your time going. . . \ JS in Ix>slie Fay 's light and airy y Barnes Floral FORTREL AND COTTON FRESH - AIR PRINTS m# 19.95 pre;;**: tr. Leslie Vav's light Iresh-au polyfswr-and-owton dt*ss«s 5ha; wash, drlp drv ami pack print* of forte 1 wvnderfrll). Le:';, Mi* or beige rep. blue cr brown: ami rtght. btvwr. cr blue. Pet'.t* misses* $>?<•< 10-18. K\xrr-< r«r55RTS KnBt ^aftstng, Michigan Wednesday, May 23, 1962 5 \Titan Nine Seeking In State's Uct nine games MSI batters have b«]t«d !3homf runs. Leading l>Krolt Uni thUH^mei parade have will be seekln revecchlo ami Jerry S pUy Mtcliljim 'Wgawhtftqf wUh thr## action at Old < Jeff Abrecht and Wade Deal oll«v eld Wed- hav« contributed two, and needay at 3:30 p m. George The Titan* Aoar, Pete Smith and Jerry I. um- on May a Spartan fames. W rMi,-u7ntffirr— t huil> BOUGH. TOUGH COr.D»<.l.acro»te hos been considered on*11 •found , . ... a couple of hold- Abrecht, .331, and Lut ~i , Ll overs from last year, Hill Hart- sports »lnce the time of the Indian., but the 3U are the oth« e left the sport to the coed*. prefemng not to tUmb°. L. oll.ullii" "'l.'LV '•»«* U"* »"d »'«'l !»«-«•«. Hartllng in the top four, r«,r> *P which the molt* hove alio Ingored. whacked five home runt to lead Injurlea will probably k lege competition. On the other hand, the coed* -State New* Photo*. "»* c'ulj l«»t spring and Hiheau Sute player* out of aetloi |/i/ Schedu In 1967- 68 'hh® N*tl0"?1 { X'SL^K' missed Monday'* practlci *i« «•'«■«■"»'•»»,< '""K"?OFTnALL . ,m still r«cuD#ratim? <» U-M Hosts Gridders 5 :20 p.m Hv BRIAN Rap.** „ spread its allottment over •ifavelle lame sports and several »•«•* "port*. The Interruption end U. of M. home of the MSU minor athletics as well, he main- 1967 and 1068 will be football series in 1067 and and home w,rt#kl- 196" when the two teams 1968 Munn t,,at ,h*r» Southern California-!* Ann Arbor will play In falr s*'PPort t0 Plan. and h* Wisconsin-here each year, was an- 88ld tl,iU a committee had been Michigan-there pounced at ( onference. the recent nip Ten ,orm*d t0 survey the possibilities of adoption. Minnesota-there Notre Dame-there The U. of M. will he cele- Son,e o{ ,he non-conferance Ohio State-here bratlng its sesquicentennlal in 196:, and they showed ftTev<^,*VB,}[e|in0,l?®tfriminfJ' India n Tuesday told Mlchl- Ohio State-there s of: .losday's games. 1 meets next winter Including, 8*n Boxing Commissioner Dave Indiana here \'n '* Results Fencing, March 2 and Gymna*- ^ l,,at * P'^posed title Purdue-here , , ■« tlc9« • *"d 0. fPP-'X-s o4t. Northwestern-there The Big Ten decided to iche, 11-10 back «s Gud*lskV Cus n-Amr- saying In a telepti >~* Shaw ?, the feder»Oons of the NCAA i"arlton. 15-12 s, r °-2 West Shaw I, MSI Introduced a new rule that J/SO.OOO." ^s*zrro>,"M' the count n - would establish a certain number In view of that, and a Mdls- champ _... Caribbean, 16-4 recruiting tenders for each West Shaw appointing" counter otfer' P1* l25-Pt>«n .e MMe lnhlgf,ri University U* pair as «-prora»»r», ot a lft,» Tinkles J"® sante number, regardless of the number of proposed match between Patter- IJf0 01' varsity sports son and ch.llonjjer Sonny Listen. Shaw 8, Offered by a university. mm nij:sle Munn, MSI athleticDlr- Cm m ^ _ IC Shaw 3, cctor, feels that it Isn't fair for - C VQn S wOll UflV slt>- who only has nine fL " " . ^J \tsu has for its 13 sports. : Features Prizes Student and faculty golfers will *>• composed of These schools can take ad- compete for prizes in the annual of competing tean vantage of the present system Evans Scholars Golf nay Satur- by using their scholarships for Interested pers a few major sports while MSt' day. serv Publicity Chairman Bill Daniel J'30 said prizes will be awarded in three classifications;men's living units, women's living units, and faculty. Golf equipment will be given to the top Individuals, and teams will compete for the trophies now held by Psi Upsil- on and Gamma Phi Reta. Scores will be computed on the basis of low gross and low NATIONAI LEAGl'E net. and leaders In each will W L Pet. GB 21 13 .618 — be awarded prizes, he said. San Francisco 28 12 .700 — 20 13 .606 Prizes also will be awarded 1/2 St. Louis 22 13 .629 31/2 22 15 .595 1/2 for the longest drive and for I,.os Angeles 24 15 .615 31/2 any holes-in-one. 1* 15 545 20 18 .526 3 21/2 Cincinnati 19 15 .559 6 Play will be In foursomes, Pittsburg 18 16 .529 7 1? 1" 514 Milwaukee Daniel said. Each foui 31/2 16 21 .432101/2 1* 1" .485 Philadelphia 15 20 41/2 . 429101/2 18 21 .462 Houston 14 23 .378121/2 51/2 13 22 .371 New York 12 20 .375 12 " 81/2 .273 111/2 Chicago 12 25 .324141/2 TUESDAY'S RESULTS: • Poston 1 Chicago at it New Pittsburgh (Inc) York (N) Cincinnati at Milwaukee (inc) ashlngton(N) lev eland Philadelphia at St. Louis (inc) (N) New York at Houston (Inc) -eduled San Francisco at Los Angeles (inc) ? Today's oames: h1«LE^E NATIONAL LEAGL'E l"»s (.in- ' .t nJ v «. ..-Philadelphia at S. Francisco (N) We!e« at » „T ^2 Cincinnati at Houston (N) "» (N,n« *«t .t Los Angele, (N) o™£m? * (N) Chlctgo at Mllwauk« (N) Pittsburgh at St. Louis (N) WHAT EVER YOU NEED for your Mu"lers - Toil Pipes .. Exhaust Pipes INSTALLED Complete Shop Rebuilt Motors and Transmissions INSTALLED Equipment -- Accessories DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AMD FACULTY KAMI*' S AUTO PARTS 52f N.U8CH IV 4-4596 Wednesday. May 23, 1962 fa Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan "I am very happy with the excellent r». i 1 always j6-2 814 F. Kalamazoo. IV 4-5441. c vised. wae A' XTttliltle.pa«d. Call IV. 5-0932 a 44 JggP Reirigerst , - New engine, new t' " . AUTOMOTIVE New Carl .EMPLOYMENT BUMPING and PAINTING Marek rexali 1954 FORD - 8 cylinder, over- -.FOR SALE Sp,claity. All foreign cars.i. Kal- Kal- 519 51 N. Homer, furnished apt. Bartholomew a PRESCRIPTION cpvrt» drive transmission. Mainline 4 aJ^azoo <;t. Body Shop. Wrecker .FGR RENT --LO 1954 FORD - ' with only 21,000 actual— " * ,A" .1411 3 and bath, 1 block from Frandor. IV 9-9666. c 43_ HAGER FOX 115 S. P ENNSYLVANIA— WN.ci,pp„-,|s/rga .PERSONAL DIAL, 482-5501 LUAU .PEANUTS PERSONAL open 8 AM to 9 PM dally. PICTURES .REAL ESTATE •SERVICE Employment may be pick 1*56 PLYMOUTH 2 door. 6 Monday & Tuesday 3.5 .TRANSPORTATION I ETT1CH & STENB F.RG - ,f c#n deal wlth apt. .WANTCD 2628 E. KALAMAZOO 484-322* 1 cylinder Savoy stationwagon. "* **"*' g pubhc ,nd need extra spend- SUMMER HOUSING. Farmhouse Fraternity. Excellent food and gC£a ' modef, like 344 Student Services fiu. It tU, mm* com. sen Call 35.5-4251. Clean interior. $295. .nrtvp JVVFRAGE llehthouse- location. For details, contact DEADLINE: the State News for a Job. job. We \\< keeplng apt; - for girls, foreign GAMMA PHI BETA 1*58 PLYMOUTH Belvedere have many advertising sales po¬ Dick Ross at ED 2-8635. 43 — hou* DEPENDABILITY - $? Per 4 door hardtop, V-8 with push sitions open now. Room 341 Stu¬ dent Services Building. See Fred En 2-5 ' WCe5, ATTRACTIVE ROOMS for men, FOR SALE - Single bed, box only. Call En 2-6426. IS IMPORTANT button transmission. Power or Frank. *2 — sinKle or double, private springs, Inner spring mattress, PHONE: Not only In the truck you buy- steering and brakes, radio, 2 entrance, tile bath, 513 Sunset head board. 6 mo. old. Call > painl White tires. Bought 355-8255 or 8256 but also In the dealer you buy ... FOR SUMMER SCHOOL:2apart- Lane. ED 2-1746. 43 355-5890. t.f. from. professor. Goal trans- SUMMER WORK. Can use sev¬ both single and double $595. eral college students. $440/ rooms, private entrance, park¬ RATES: month ing, close to campus. Call ED ROYAL DELUXE typewriter- 3 i960 YOLK SWAG FN Panel Deli¬ guaranteed. Also 100 nwn 1000 2-1351. 47 i na, 1 DAY si.00 very, grey, good tires, Curb- MAX CURTIS, scholarship can T 2 SINGLE ROOMS for summer, years old, excellent condition. 355.2878. 3 DAY5 S2.00 side and Roadside doors, this Apply Placement Bur< graduate students, male. Call IV 2-8218. Ask for Mel. 41 unit also has special auxiliary INC. May 23. 2:00 sharp. ED 2-2682, 125 Fern St. 41 5 DAYS S3.00 gasoline heater that runs about $150. Came in from Ingham AVAILABLE JUNE 9, 3 _LOST MONDAY sign, - ~Mu fraternity pin. County Animal Shelter ..$12*5. furnished, privatebath, entrance, Q*-'t iMiNULtr n0 Th»r« will b. o 25« aarvie. Sentimental vaiiip i:nir College Men— SSd Call ED 2-0205 after 5:30 < 355-9496 or 355-1452. -TKTTTT^ 1th small child. ED 2- weekends. 443 Grove St. WHY ARE Volkswagen drivers Earn $2000 This — LOST: Black framed so enthusiastic about their car? gfam 1960 INTERNATIONAL Model Summer!! 1956 GENERAL - 30' x 8', good ^ Automotive am - SO. Metro-Mite \an. 3 condition, oil heat, ideal for stu¬ to choose from. 200 cubic foot CONTINENTAL IMPORTS, INC. dents. ED 2-4738 ifter 9. "53 Mercury, hardtop $115. '55 226 E. KALAMAZOO Largest company of its kind walk in Vans. Trice .51095. Lansing, for summer . . Plymouth hardtop $140. Good con¬ DIAL IV 5-1743 C39 has several interesting job Write 101 F. Birch . dition in and out Call I\ 2- Dean * Harris, inc opportunities for person¬ waukee 17, Wis. 5355 or 355-4501. 40 able college men in fol¬ 1*61 AUSTIN MEALY SPRITE - lowing areas: 2 tops, finished in light blue. 1. Detroit STORY Sells For Less. . .$1395. 2. Saginaw EAST LANSINcC summer term, 8000 miles. Pes 3. Toledo furnished, 1 bedroom home, 2 blocks from Campus. Phone ED For Sale ^ Personal 'PERSONALS 1*5* ENGLISH FORD Anglia - 4. Michigan resort areas 2 door, heater, defroster, white 2-1392. 44 WANTED: SOMEONT to ck 5. Several summer Eu¬ 42 Fraternity Crested graduation 59# turtle name, wall tires. Finished in solid red. ropean assignments STORY Sells For Less. . $7*5. FOR RENT: Cabin gifts and Michigan State Unlver- summer. Needs n Bay by week or month, fire- sity Crested graduation gifts Smti FqR gALE - 1961 Spalding golf should be ordbred 1956 FONTIAC STARCHIEF con¬ place, vertible - Automatic, power J^ectrk^jstove.^tfrlger- Phone ED 7-7794 Iffter clubSj 9 ironS( 3 woods and bag. delivery' ' Call 355-°S"0. 40 steering, radio, heater, white 3 PM. 42 E^el'lent'shape. Call ED2-3873. from the Hot Economics Build- TIM DELANEY: The V ,42 mg. 45 wall tires. STORY Sells For ONONDAGA DRAC\V\1 CORVETTE, 1*5" - outstanding CHEVROLET, 1961 Convertible - l ess . $6*5. laughing. Try first s ." ■ ir.ical speciman. Phone There's no doubt in our minds. time. Sohnhoff. ED "-0320 or Particlapation in our Sum¬ STORY OLDSMOBILE CjeA/uf, Wivufdie . one available on any MALE STL'DENTS 1 I'D 2-3581. 42 jot ^ mer Earning Program will Lansing. Maroon w white provide weekly paychecks summer term. Kitchen & park¬ —- top. maroon and white interior. INC. over $100 and also entitle ing facilities. Reasonable. Call you to ED 2-6788 after 5:30. 43 FORD - x :oor Rarfltop, compete for automatic, radio. Needs r steerlng & brakes. L following awards: than MOO miles. You always !. $2000 cash scholar¬ 5 STRING BANJO, like new. $50. booh- work. <200 Call 355-4332. ROOMS FOR rent for summer at the ^st inm u> & Matthe ships to school of your 140 Orchard, E. Lansing. Call For sale or trade. Phil Rice ED Real Estate 1322 E. Mich. Ave. SPRING CLEARANCE S.\LF. 2-6521 after 11 PM. 44 ED 7-2758 after 6 PM". 42 EAST LANSING - Trs-.sf owner has priced to 9 1*58 ALFA ROMEA: 1900 C„G.T. 1*54 MERCURY - 4 door, ra 3. To * 62 bedroom ranch in the Coupe, aluminum body by Tour- MO-Ped, baskets. Lease, heater, power seats. Excel - St. Thomas area. Lit sell for $150. Available June - ing. ? speed box. chrome wire tires. Quick sale. IV 4-4241. AROUND THE WORLD chen with built-ins, wheels, 120 MPH plus. Return tf trips by rs) an'dparklngTED^T-"l'l83 9. Ron, 355-0360 after 4:30. 42 finished basement, c 11,1 school forces sale. Make me a: 42 CLIPPER! . Ing area with grill, 31 of'er at ED "-"634. after 5. 4- io« Vfmrt-RY CONVERTIBLE 1<,5« F0RD COUNTRY SEDAN ~ ~~ age. FHA available c - F ^ door statlonwagon, V-8 auto 4. To win one of several ! TT FOR SALE - dining and living LOVELY apt. available June 15 windows. No r :, radio, heater, white walls. rQom furnlture> washer, dryer, $1095 Now $895. AUSTIN HEALEY sports to Sept. or longer. Completely - furnished. Utilities paid. Parking lroneri apt. size stove and dishes, Fur c,utch cape also< Call ED 195" RAMBLER - 2 door sedan, (Also small furnished house.) EAST LANSING, i 2-5632. 42 1*60 CORVETTE, FOR DETAILS PHONE CaU ED 2-2462. 44 speed, 2~0, greer, and white finish, standard \ -eu :.-o and tires. 21,000 TRUE iission, radio, heater. Was IMMEDIATELY: ZETA TAU ALPHA open for 5 miles, immaculate. CaU John. j ENTIRE 2nd floor. 2 Lutherans Sale price 5595. 0ETH0IT-W0. 24346 RSHER . 6Q0 (A>M>.F#Me and 10 week summer school. preferred. Available , ED 2-3568 or ED 2-3145 42 now Quiet Call IV 7-0325. celver and steroo Ask for College Personnel ! amplifier) full basement, .uti ELMER STEELE ■5m®^5fe ,R' 321 Ke^" Garrard changer, Jensen/Argas 2car garage, Bailev' speakers, opho trlct. RAMBLER stereo and 10 mono, albums. Year THE ROADSIDE FARM MARKET Walklnp dista old. Reasonable offer. ED 2- on U.S. 16 at Okemos Road will pus. $18,500, 11^* ! rye % l BLOCKS West of Brody inted: Salesman to sell radio EU 7-2478. 2180. 42 open Friday, May 25 for Sea¬ KcSrSK' lary and and commission. E.R., Box 269, commls8lon- Write W.< W.C. Campus. Room tf )0k|ng $? Call ED 2.0844. p - son. We will have fresh fruits and vegetables dally at lowest Charlotte, Mich., Blv. 635- duplex,6n 1961 OLDS SUPER '88' conver¬ giving resume. 42 21" CONSOLE T.V., maternity Posslble Prlces- We appreciate Kipling ££h"side, 5125 n dresses, size 9-10, man's grey ^ Patronage in past and will wlth sman down payi tible - 12,000 miles-actual, Ivory ■ 38. 355-8138. 42 the future. Thanking finish with red top and red leather SLIMMER APPROVED, super¬ you 1V 5-6128. Joannr, Sarca vised. completely furnished, again Mr. and Mrs. William 4,.'((in SHORT OF FUNDS? Add to the Deering. 42 ' by selling AVON rooms, bath, parking. 2 me 11 IV 2-6893 for or married couple. Call IV 2- STR ATTON SPORTS CAR BY OWNER - 3 bedroom, 2 — " CENTER EAST LANSING - bath, gas heat, ranch home, fire- SHEPPARD AND JOHN 1915 E. MICHIGAN rush for living accotnod* place, large arbored lot, close CUFFE the State News DIAL IV 4-4411 -j MSU, bus and 2 blocks from Office, con^ Jo ^the State News 347, Student Here's one just ^ mileage Exceptionally clean Lansing summer area, wanted for full time work. shopping center. Ideal for small vices Building for your ^Ser- t f 2 bedroom buncalow^cl throughout. Married man wanted for route sales work ser¬ family or couple. Can adapt for passes to the Crest Drive-In Very liberal ten VOLKS^ '.GEN, 1962 - Sun roof ex-students who 195' vicing established customers. income. $18,500. Call TU 2 " Th" coral - ■ -.te, it's perfect' $1650. FORD, V-8, Fatrlane - 4 Must have dependable car and 76. 40 Call John Bean, Office 5-2226, Station 54: door, standard transmission with Co. ED 2-6595 0 TT' 2-524*. 41 overdrive, radio, heater, power phone. Neat appearance. For con- fid e n 11 a 1 Interview BRAND NEW, portable transistor STL'DENTS'. Reliable advice on HAVE YOU3 car pay—erts failed steering. Edeal economy car. phone Mr. Glazier, Howell 2749 or write combination radio and phono(33- w ,.,au. . Talk lalfL it over with to kee? up trtth iepreciatio"." 515 S. Center, Howell, For faLL Term' 45). Small enough l£s *CT/tNTON, He^c-., help you n Eliminate This high cos: wi:w a rr-'DCE - 2 door hardtop BEECHEM & KNIGHT Michigan. MEN: both single and double 0 2-0541. to carry. ED pian y0ur insurance budget. 1500 20 minutes t 40 41 rooms and apartments for four e. Michigan. IV 2-C" °"n ruW Rr AUTO SALES men. Close to campus. Call ED CONTINENTAL IVPORTS, INC Part time 2-3151. help, cashier and meat 47 226 E. KALAMAZOO wrapper. Experienced. DEN- MOTORSCOOTERS:"Bespa, EVEN DIANE can get auto in- DIAL n s-l'43 C40 STAEDTS SHOP-RrTE MARKET. Amerlca's Finest." New low sura nee with Bubolz. Over Jac- 3630 S. Cedar. Apply in Two, single rooms, cooking pri¬ prices for summer. 125 model obson's ED 2-8671. person. 43 - C40 regular $389 now $349.88. 150 1*5* OLDSMOBILE- 4 door hard¬ DOLLAR SAVERS vileges, and parking available model regular $429 now $388.50. Jto women graduate students or GRADUATION' ANNOUNCE - top. Djmamlc *W. Po*-er yteesr- AT For Rent staff. ED 7-0978, after 7 P.M. "Buy now and save." Gene's MENTS with your name, double ing. power brakes, radio, heEter, Cycle Shop. IV 4-0362. t.f. envelopes, tissues. 2 day service. hydromatic A reel r.icecar raar- AL MIKULICH APARTMENTS Myers Printing Service, 1421 E, anteed for 90 davs Lay k 1«54 PONT1AC 4 door Michigan Ave. IV 22-55-4. - 47 Landscape). ;'3-000'1 Single rooms for men, two blocks The INK POT. bargain ... U9n _ Matth^rs, 1322 E. Michigan. TV FURNISHED APT. 306 Grove St. , . ... 5-2243. PONTI AC typewriters. Condition excellent. evenings. C Rooms. 1 block from campus, from Union, parking. June 10 to center E. Lansing. Call ED 2- Sept. 1. $60. CaU ED 2-3634. 4^ DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY PONmc ^ationwagon 3363. t.f. AUSTIN 2501 E. MICHIGAN Ven' *htrT' e FORMALS ranging from 7 HEALY. I960 DIAL IV 9-2385! Men- Women: Summer rooms at wheels, overdrive, r SUMMER and/or FALL TERM. n,n cir«>t»o (V) rsfr «> £• w«™n condition. Call one. - «c«U««t ED 2-6779 after com". a-»rr. Excel!en: condltic t^weS* 5 p.m. 41 —"t- pletely furnished. Phone 2313 after 6. ED 2- 44 e,ch room. Comfortable lobby 3 BEDROOM, veD temporary, camous ^STh^"EOT 215 Louis. Phone ED 2- SlerTO' >e!1 very 0rl«,nal Prtc $160. Will WINGED SPARTANS Approved, unsupervised apt. for reasonably 355_2892. 8238. ONNFV1LLE CONNER- 1958 OLDSMOBILE - Dynamic summer. Nice neighborhood, MERCEDES BENZ - 170 D.S. «Me - J< blark fmisl. white - * door sedan, radio, heat- close to campus. 1 or 2 persons. 1953. classic de*lgr, e*celler,t wp. bucl MEETING H AR LE Y-DAV1SON edition. 31 M.P.G.. me*- V*I"« HUMMER good condition, $100. 106 pahstve. D»e«l h*i. carefully N. Wed. May 23 vri.„tw., SUMMER - 2 or 3 man apart- In eludes private parking, teles- Holmes, Lansing. Phone TV 2-9 toy «rt»inal owner. $950. mem. Available June 12. Cms be Mb 215 N. 6th St. W«J. Parlt phor>«, bath, entrance and kitchen, and Thura Phone TV 5-61 Sfc. 41 tag. IV 5-9818. 40 All utilitiespeid. Seeat 526 Ever- Rm. 34 Union __ !W VALIANT 20C Drtiwe 4 1959 RAMBLER 2 1 green. East Lansing. 42 - door. 6 BUNDY c, ^eater a'-ick, $695. CLARINET, fair condi- 7:30 Business PUB- OWNED triumph tf?-s, AL MIKULICH Summer - 2 man apartment. $75. Available June 12. Utllit- Male students "Wanted to share "on. good case, fine beginning WO. tkjm miles Stems greer. with wan over, SPARTAN MOTORS ies paid. Parking. IV 5-9818. house in Okemos. Cooking and ,nstrum®nt' 40 Meeting PONTI AC parking fiacilitles available. CaB iO00. Mur. INC. 40 ED 2-4897. 42 L MMmod gp] MICROSCOPE New, powers 8:00 Speaker- ' 2121 E. MICHIGAN TWO MAN'apartment. $75. - Chief Metre** 6-2»6 - e.c. 111 T I tad 1 GeUo«y 43 able June 12.Utilitiesp«id.Park- Avail- SUMMER ONLY - Juniors end ^^^JT^aTde IT S" control tower WILL CARE for 1 ^ ED 2-5011 Seniors. Cookl^ and parking operator-Cepitol pllned child c inf. IV 5-9818. 40 facilities. Call ED 2-1114, 40 V*«y W. 355-8544. «« ^40 City Airport. weekday morning' o Public Invited. 1840. Michigan SUte N>w, Eait Lansing. Michigan information. Wednesday. May 23. 1962 ^ Additional *oday Arnold Air on campus Society 7:301 Elliott: Should Teach Want-Ads p.m.. Art room Union. Porshlng Riflee Winged Spartane ~ roqu^ed"*11' **>rds' «"*nd«»c« I 7:30 p.m.. | I Arts Of Writing, Criticism Contemporary writing should like a book reviewed he said, •c"™ that to publish In them — 7:30 p.m., I be taught In courses In the arts business Elliot went on to say that he r«*uces prestige rather than ►Service Service meeting. 8 p.m. speaker, chief control towirl - icism, rather than In survey op- cr«*se8 "• posing such a course was the " a teacher spends a greet on'passport and anpll- TYPING SERVICE 34 Union,' publlc™iiwlted." "ur??fnG~,;g* or of P. Elliott, auth- difficulty In compiling a reading Parktllden —ji Village," Village, said list. net. * ' " deal, °f tlm* talking about a Particular particular Hlcka S*u- at the Literature Conference at contemporary poet the Oltemos. LAST MINUTE: General " themea done typing. in my 7^*^?,S£H marrUge. and family rmV a *# Elliott, professor at theUnl- . "Nowadays," he said, "all English teachers know who the ? .poel„ls may begin to believe when he may unrinoeed. Refreshments. home. 3182 Pine Tree Rd., Latv- lectur"' ^-Mt romantic poets were not be' E11,ott sa,d- ^.\1U0rnlal 1JL,Cn0TIn . D 2-6169 for reservations. 8lng. TU 2-9861. 41 Luther Chapel and Stu- but suppose this were 1824 . . . "Usually and unavoidably, an iti. .pplic««on». past-- " 7 P-m.. Choir | - ™hL,1 theDan88 ' then who would the great poets undergraduate writing course is _____ ssra: sjsar'si ' K _ ANN BROWN. typlsL and mulu- Illh oiimt printing. IBM. General bMter position , I*?*.'. v,c rERATIONS- Hwnmteg «£»• «••. typing, term papera. theses dls- Elliot Is also acclaimed as today, Elliott said. Crated writer. "I have no difficulty in lm- Under such conditions ob¬ K H°J!.r!|ltli/FeV(r 4nd, ChlI1S ' •glnlng that one of the jectivity becomes Impossible, he S°SLX zszrs] fiM^of -1^ pr°" thre* bea: poets allve maV he Mid. Jf£: totSi^ cu*cr « f* -> M-.C.I | I Elliot said. "The «w,'P®Wrt?fCTSe sort °f of rnttm* * cr,n* llvlnS In Wellington, New "Let us wait until a writer has Zealand, who Is unable to get gone forty or fifty years into hl' published in either Ae past before bin *«k- ' P0®"18 S/ Own .H w?^a^n toTS MJn.ro p.Electric ^"RmNCED TYPIST. ci f'1 Wing, term paper., theeea. -*»P"TK&"*" AIEE-IRE ~ 7:30 p c<£2T \ e.mt°T"ry works 80 ' . r 7 England tatlons unions »re or America (where repu- lng to students made) e are m«ae) except in a few authority which we with ,the kind of a survey course * typewriter. William EE- - f th* teacher begins to sound Utile magazines so ratty and oh- encourages and 7™SM , < C EXT. 2W. Sato _____ 41 \P Edgrta, A„»cUtto ?W 2?2 Fduc»tlon Bulld- — Installation of officers, fun * CASH INSTEAD OF TRAD- EXPERT THESP<{ rrniroii ®ntertainment. HHB STAMPS' ailing to TYPING. Experienced. Electric't^SIrl^r Near U.^l^ I;30fnP'm- F'RST PUBLICATIONS AWARD-Master of Ceremonies of BRODY. Re- contest oNmII F ? annual publications banquet, Jerry Holmes, presented ikjS i sweaters cleaned produalon Service. 332-5545. C students of French SOMnd'lO^ Pr"id*n] be made JLohnlA- HoJ""oh wi,h th* Publication. o pjfsseJ. only 50tf. 3006 Vine by the students. Theaward was given lathe Pi 1*2 hlock wst ot ident following his address at the banquet Monday ndcr Store. ~ c Bell Gamma Sigma -State Hews Photo by Jim Schi eve _ Thesis Kits — Plastic Film b„ "WC£: Booqnef To Be Held McClellan Says Congress iint-Ads. uiai355-8234now. COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT The annual Beta Gamma Sig¬ SERVICE 2100 W. Main, Lansing. ma In the spring banquet will be held Big Ten Room of Kel¬ Should Use Power To Arrest, IV 9-2652. logg Center at 6:30 p.m. on May Hie speaker who is an honor¬ iL. McClellan. D-Ark., J Sen" j0!ll! Senate Investigations Subcom- proposed .s back each time. With mlttee now in vest ig r service, you may in- ary member of Beta GammaSlg Call ED 2-0570. ma will be W.D. jde \xiur baby's under- Mclntyre, irts and clothing which II not facte. White. Blue Pink pails furn- rstturs: the c sira ath? he m- ' auld decide that only If the McClellan. In a statement, said, *d. the Supreme Court decision Mon¬ WERIC.VN LAUNDRY The method, he said, would be t day reversing contempt of to summon the balky W.^SHTENAW •" ' III E. !ss indictments against 2-0864 tX before either the House or Sen¬ IV n who had been baDcy witnesses ate and have thepresldlng officer Snpwh nn Oil 4 frirn !'.cfore the House Committee on order the person involved to an- : DRY CLEANING! Wend- fijriLw Jn-Amerlcan activities made questions. this clear. d Dry R. 'P® NAACP will present James "The acUon of the Supreme Experienced. Reasonable Hooker, assistant orofessor cf Sears' Trandor Store is Can ED 7_Qj,g rates! 01 n'story^ in a talk Court. .seems to make it crys- . on "Chang- tal clear that the Congress can- absolutely free-dryclean- ing Attiuacs between American not rely upon the courts to o each customer using its punisn Negroes and Aft leans" Wednes- contumacious witnesses who teeen coin washers only ap- day at 8 p.m. in Old College pear before its committees," the fferent times. Take advan- THESES PRINTED Hall of the Union. Senator said. M.S.U. Rapid Service Hooker specializes in African "Thus, it appears that in these studies and teaches Afi ican his- o Process circumstances the only - Quatity Prints tory in the Af. ican Area and left to Congress, if it is to have FED: Full or part loads C/PITALCITY Rl in? Language Center here. any protection at all. is for it n June. Call Deklns n A . He w111 dlscuss the recipro- to exercise the Inherent power i, world's largest . f G!'*nr .A^' Lans.ng. l\ 2-5431 cal changes in the thinking of of each house to uphold its own hold goods moving and stor- American and African Negroes prerogatives and to piinlsh dir- fERS ANONYMOUS' :ompsr,v. Care for a free _ee 4' «bout each other, and the evi- ectly contempt or contumacy of NEW HOPE FOR ADOICTS 1 IV S-2241. 47 -Z? TranSDOrtation dence of.thls consciousness in witnesses appearing before it." "I was earning $20,000 a recent political and literary de- Congress has power to arrest RIDERS velopments. e mpn a s iz I ng the year," says a member of Gam¬ TRAVEL an;lywhere WANTFTl c««i. and detain witnesses for the dura- blers Anonymous. "But my - any notacs enrout. v.nf !-i, emer«ence of the Af. ican tlon of a Congress session. .tering for all gjff J""*"*• McClellan said that the court wife and daughter lived like a it your ig Senice. budget. IV ^37,^ s-2!?2 0r 48?Z „ decision, If It were consistently family on relief." In this week's Post, you'll (earn how C HcMKintl To Hptlfl an(j M. If MMt'Ull oh®erved' wou,d "further undo G.A. helps compulsive gam¬ NEW YORK unnecessarily burden the blers. And why most of them - JERSEY. Grey- Pw,-,-,.-J™ /-> processes of criminal law en- iERVICE. Special hound Charter leaving MSI-' after ' '"iilCTlfKlPVS xrVOUDtorcemem, really want to lose. ■ aside from being an housing. Senice calls, •vama exams. Inquire «««• - »-» invitation to witnesses to flout 'lute honesty. ACME 77k• Saturday Evening Llpton. ED 7-9216. Denny Harjiann, Milwaukee, the authority and Jurisdiction of 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C Appreciate Information c Wis., fifth year veterinary stu- dent, was Installed as president the Congress." McClellan is chairman of the POST WTTES SFRIITE thai «m ^ .^..dr'vln'gToBl'rt.Cr^ were pur car th. "go" . " '*"• R»" Tim W„hburn, p.w Paw ,oph- Now Thru Sal. Mai..' w at Spartan Texaco Ser- ' ttJFHTGAN THE VALUE-WISE MAN omore, vice president: Ken Wim- Feature at 1:25, 4:55. > complete - mer, Howell Junior, secretary: 8:15 P.M. *ash jobs. . Quality RIDERS WANTED for Phoenix, Raiph Hcxie, Birmingham soph- products and skilled Arizona. Taking Route 66. Leav- omore, treasurer: Sue Orr, Salt lng about June 11. Call 355- Lake City, Utah, freshman, 11- 9195. Academy A ward Winner! 44 brarlan: Mary Hoexter, Marshall knows the importance sophomore, publicity: and Pat Wanted Gullday, Canonsburg, Pa., Junior Sat of the dacron worsted program chairman. Boskett President tropical suit in his Colony Club Of English Group summer wardrobe Installs Officers . . . the conventional or president of the Michigan College pick up. Buy The Colony Club of Phi Sigma English Assoc. for the coming Miss Lansing natural shoulder suit Delta held its annual installation year at the association's recent Spartan, model t onjy $44.50. cn Pay only of officers Initiated u Monday night. n.e president «j««- were Mar- convention In Flint, Baskett also acted as chair- Pageant that may be plaid, solid afr JS monthly. These tin Mikelberg. White Plains, New York, Junior: vice president, Hurry! mmmi tlon which held Flint David Mendelow, Rockville Cen- Junior College, at ' tone or check . . . but is tre, New York, Junior; treasurer Norman Usem, New York, and recording Junior, Last Day always cool, comfortable Wagner. New York, junior. secretary Steven GLADMER li'T lANiINO • PHONE ID -r-« » * ♦ * i; Marlon Brando in Hilarious Comedy! and wrinkle-resistant ROCR AM INFORMATION CALL F.D 2-5817 •ON THE How To Murder hour after hour, WATERFRONT" A Rich Uncle day or 2:45-6:10-9:40 ; 1:25-4:50-8:15 ' O I M I E= * THE STARTS THURS. faul Newman evening. And, being 1A5T LAN5ING PHONE ED.2-7814 CHILDREN'S 2 Big Hits! wise in the ways of H?^OfcTHE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS HOUR "CLUSIVE LANSING the fashion dollar, this AREA SHOWING F|RST SHOW 7 P.M. - ADULTS 90* is his choice. 55.00 NOW SHOWING THRU THURSDAY Hat shown, one from a U?.LTHUE 'e|y YlEAR's FINEST BRITISH ob,orbing., it i> FILMS! collection of fine honest, realistic and l®00*' y wr'tten and *^ow,ond a distinguished one- acted*'' straws beginning at 5.00 ***•* L UVIM PRESENTS A RANK ORGANIZATION MWOOCTKJN PETER FINCH MEN'S SHOP 210 Abbott Road East Lansing SFWPAYI "BLACK TIGHTS;' 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May an The Magnificent Art of Sunbathing Article and Photo* «ald leurlg.. txotiom out with theee n*n**j By MARK KKASTOF , i. cau#h« without 101m They ««*« on tha uce. cauw .^riVToti of vision. 1f .il. *711 l« c» S--SSS S&S*8**- fcCBrgr fefeSw Spring ■n'tt be h* far I hem and aumrrter behind. At Michi¬ Stan Spring Wrm bring* % "-V^TS- 35r;::r.: parson does not take t gan « «.«»»•"»" ££ •5UdS^5** r~ a sunny day they ane out In tha • j4„ ^hu ana itrmer* wno.^.'^, —■ bright sun aoaklng up Ua raya. A.urnm^tiy* ^ 'wm haip to hours plowing in the field. Col- gUaeea or aorae I"he thing that many students , ^ Mkl v lege students, however, don't measure. he aaid. Whether you don't know is that sunbathing is s*,n ,,s' ™ u i<« bum la extensive you have have to... worn about It. tor the have contact knees or not, U leave your eye* unprotected Progreaslve sun exposure Is should torn.* of a see a doctor. TT>e syntp- serious bum are tha to la not sun they amount ofenough are ******1 to cauea cancer, ]I a long period of time you the art that Dr. James S. F>*urig, bound to have some trouble. director of Olln, suggests stu¬ stlnslijg skin, headache, some he said nausea and feverish chills," dent* follow. Feui i>- said. Quite a problem exists for the fair skinned since they tend to burn easily. However, there is "l here is about burned. reeling nethlng you can once you ha\e been Vhe skin tissue that has do Varsity Drive In something relatively new on the been destroyed will flake off and 1227 E. GRAND RIVER market known as "aun tan pills". The be*t thing to do if you are new sMn will take Its place. No OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. msttvr what amount of oil you fair skinned Is to take these put on, you are not going to DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. pills. About the sin of an aspi¬ stop the Dealing, for it is oart rin, they protect ptvtect those who L" 'burn o{ «kine if she wishes. that students mix themselves ■ cause the trouble, said Feurlg. I jres have been known res and prevent | the . skin ftom breathing. This pro- J cess oould very well l*ad to death. | Others may just cause irritation. | he $a>d ■ Iodine and baby oil are another I pular blend, hut also very | langerous, said Feurlg. The dan- ■ ger Iws In the feet that many • people are what is known as | Iodine sensitive. This mixture I could cause serious trouble for S sensitive people, for the content I of iodine is such to cause burn. I he said. | Another is popular tanning pro¬ cess splashing oneself with salt water. TTus process U sup¬ posed to toughen the skin, and to present burn, he said. "T>.ls method is based on a false premise, and the only re- it dries o Super Right Park and the World mroed a plan and Fair, sub- | Smoked-Ham Lemons report on for a design and lay-out of Mtchi- * Shank gas which was State IY.1 versify on Wife, and put into use plan of quadrangles. adopted by the Boarvi except for their | | Z I portion 39< lb Free Ice bucket Butt Portion 49< with each doz. purchase Your Choice Golden Ripe {Cucumbers | Green Peppers i Radishescciio bag 3-35C BANANAS 22 I Fresh whc*c m tms arei E*fc spring thousands of «•(!- hetfe-d kxls cut loose in Bet- mai» !r tfcis week's Pos». ; Sweet Corn Tomatoes Avocadoj yetr'll find oat what really gt*s on at these be«c*-*cws« boncev And ster one young¬ "Yow'r* supposed to i 5~"39< 39 * Yam pay aoftijsj East EAST LANSING HIGH SCHOOL. charges la the fail. » aid oajy the usual cleaning Lansing Store Hours 509 BUR CHAM DRIVE COLLEGE CLEANERS 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Care wiU he prsviiimi 1or scrsaii chiifire * ^r.:■> jec-r^re. 620 » . MICHIGAN EtU Monday thru Saturday