, Weather Parti* cloudy, eeolet, pec ted Kl|l» near 70. MICHIGAN Inside UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. 5TATI 205 Eaat fATE NEWS Titan* beat Spartan 9 page 6. tee : Lansing, „ Michigan Thursday. May 24. 1962 Price 10$ 2000 Hear Commmiist Speaker Says U.S. Cause of Carpenter Orbit World Ills Set 10'30 HBNH Heckles WILS Radio Report Thompson, amidst tha jeor heckles of students, Wednesday night declared that the two most Deadline Erroneous pressing problems facing the world *r» the prevention and peaceful coexistence. of war For Shot Com muni s t Robert Thomp¬ The former chairman of the Aim For 3 Orbits Or son's message to more than 2. New York Stato Communist Party 000 people Wednesday night was "No Go" aaid that parties must be Judged C APR interrupted constantly by the boos CANAVER AL heckling by blems their awareness to these pro¬ Everything looks good for launch¬ - > I (une of and by the solutions they e w ing Astronaut MalcolmScott Car 1959 Freedom Fighter. put forwsrd. tie asserted that his DALE 3. STAFFORD STANLEY V. GUNN genter Into orbit some time after The crowd, composed of almost CRATTON F. DRESSEL social beliefs of Marx and Len¬ ■ a.m., EST,, today, space flight entirely of students, sat and stood directors reported today. on the banks of the Red Cedar in" has the answers because It And, In a change of plans, 5 Alumni takes not a "unilateral approach but one which is the universal goal of mankind." they disclosed they have declifcd to shoot for nothing less than behind the Delta Sigma Phi fra¬ ternity house. The group may have" even been larger if it three orbits. This means that if Receive had not been for an erroneous This newly developed attitude the great atlas rocket in the struggle for peace, he said, bearing the report by Bob Runyon on his Auror a 7 capsule does not 6 p.m. new program over WILS get University has become fundamental and de¬ ERNEST 0. MEL3Y off by about 10.30 a.m.. the *" Awards * food cisive in our world. Thompson charged that the technologist, a chemical policies carried out by the United the adventure will tie for another day, at least. EST, postponed 'Wanted' would Die not appear as scheduled. fraternity had voted un¬ company executive, a nuclear States and Great Dritian have kept propulsion scientist, a steel re- world In a "competitive*' Budget Previously, nounced that the blast-off could It had been an¬ animously earlier Wednesday to allow Thompson to speak in its search administrator Michigan newspaper edttor- pub- Usher *111 be and a aituation. This has "main premise pursued byevery presented with administration. Re public snor been the Hampered occur as late as 12 30 EST, but In that case the mission would have been cut to two orbits p.m., Feeling backyard after the local Delta Sigma Phi alumni chapter asked that Thompson not be allowed to Distinguished Alumni Awards at Democrat, since World War II." spring commencement exercises h® »«ld. _ proving appropriations for high- . or even one, to allow daylight to fish Carpenter's capsule from the Atlantic. plenty of Needed speak on fraternity property. The fraternity offered the use of Its backyard after the Unlver- Sunday, June 10. The Communist Party Thomo- •r education lias The feeling of being wanted, handicapped the At a news conference today, of Boardof Trustees ruledthat Selected aa outstanding alumni aon said, does r agree with this University, Merrill Plerson, as- being respected. Is the most" Lt. Col. John A. (Shorty) Powers Tho could for 19fl2 by the MSU Alumni policy and Is powerful factor In the develop- offering solutions slatant treasurer, said Tuesday, astronauts' spok« reveaiea Advisory Council are: which benefit the "working mas- men, 0j tj,e individual. Earnest The budget for next year, he that project me ana gets Helmut C. Diehl, Colorado ses." The Communist solutions, said. cannot lie figured until it q, Melby said at the final spring had decided tha Springs, Colo., class of 1919, he said, are the "banning of y '•ould Provost lecture Wednesday in the ls known how much money there not fire the rocket in time .m» f,>„ for managing director of Trans nuclear weapons and their test- >*111 be to work with. Klv# American a rrlple journey, they would "try RefrigeratedServlcea, lng... and changing cold-warpol- 0SCAS.T. MARZKE HELMUT C. DIEHL Lt£ "We are expecting more stu- another day." appear to'he rufl Grayton - r, F. Dreaael, Midland. ^ ictos into coexistence policies." dents next "It ls a year which normally Powers explained that since ling, told report laiiiMIIIIIII problem of changing means a larger staff," he said. Marine Lt. Col. lohn H Glenn Mich., class of 1924, president present tense world situations "We are handicapped now by Jr., already had Ionised 4-1/2 the professor of edu- and director of Ethyl-Dow into one which has ned his audience in a peace as its knowing whether or not we hours of exnerlence in snace h more hostile than were Chemical Co. baaia. •' wit! have will Kav* ts* the mnn*u u<. _Ti. speech entktled"Perceivlng. Be- Global m money to acquire his three-ofbit .v _ ... vovaw last r>h „ r. at New York University. Stanley V. Gunn, Canoga noga Park, Obviously alluding to th* Unti*d the additional ataff.'' Calif., class of 1947, chief ch of States, Thompson said an "1m- "if the Information had been 20, it was felt that no Use T>"fc jlem that exists 1 last spoke. nuclear propulsion, Rocketdyne '■} orbital rtme should be aimed for ^Jn S a regarding I te- practical" eoltirfstn tUs* solution io the pro- ,rt 4vAilahl«* available Ku by t-h* A the middle of April, Y it ... ~ now, if at all possible 11 wnm l Warner 3 OO Division of North American blems ls "nuclear tes'lng in tl» we would have no complaints r students. Aviation, Inc. Pacific" and "resolving the dif- Carpenter and everything else "V t let their about time." was "go" here Wednesday night I" Oscar T. Marzke, Pittsburgh, fenences between socialism and ents feel they a Glimp Studies are being made now except for the possibility of ses Pa., class of 1929, vice-presl- capitalism by nuclear war." dent, fundamental research, to determine what is to receive smoke obscuring th e skies so but do not realize how otv sly they "say lt" with their . in Prlor|ty the budget, he said, badly that the launch could not he said. United States Steel t>ale B. Corp. j if P™nt,,#°meone *" Staff members and certain sup- lake place. The smoke was r ins, e really .effective teacher By the Associated Press Stafford, Greenville, Mich., class of 1930, editor and *eBXB- * " * ft Completely skirting the ^ .IT it!' " plles have t0 ** Included first, coming f om forest fires .'Omiles can 1 about the snidents, he said, equipment needs west of here, and big swamp iFterce Winds Down Jet liner He, try to learn the student's MOW ILLE A Continental Airlines jet came gftUtor of the Greenville Daily rSn^haT^StS'irst8^". ' r inadequate ap- fires in the Everglades 200 miles south. pert ■ icher Diehl, food technologist, author iS - r-'-lved skies apart In Carpenter's fe; will be 1 a co-worker, he added. Tuesday night, posstbly under hammering of and executive, established the prob,errlK^' on* of aMeS8,n« ^ ^'S' lnd voj-s 10 earth tn P'*ces. All 45 persons aboard Japanese-bom engineer survived the crash and seven U.S. Frozen Pack Laboratory, rh, n» Varg Slated ~ buttons to push, will keep h He cited a bered while case that he teaching in Grand Rapids a few years ago, when remem¬ busy In the 4-3/4 hours of Jipn'.-? hour# In the wreckage, hit died In a hospital about if H. served »«^s socU t0 U^J triple orbit. an art supervisor, visiting a pub¬ r.inutes »fter he < » rescued enrly today wheft the full scope as economic and political structure. 10 "000 ^CHOOI fle wu] ca a c>merl lic school, caught a small Negro c' tragedy became known. Authorities said there was a s«rc?rFouStlOTW44 ST b^I °"e °f the fundamental ,ea" The Michigan State News A' un- enough film for 600 pictures c girl drawing pictures behind a geography book propped up on ciallsr d Co possibility the $5-1/2 million pune us literally torn to pieces by tornadlc winds. post 80,n f\{r 0 professor of history, Z'rt will be (Continued ""Ipage on I.-II3)h. . her desk. Noticing her unusual talent the art supervisor ques¬ Author nf mom, colonialism. New nations are recommended to be the first Fourteen Fast Lansing police¬ bulletins t^hlir^ ^^ emerging and achieving "actual dean of the new College of tioned the teacher about lt, but [flie Road to called men were bull«lns and Arts on by the Young f-nvc KONG Hong Kong'Closed technleal^reports, ®X ' ''dence «.onom|C #nd political indepen- to do their own choosing," and Letters at the Board Trustees meeting Friday. of B Repeat ExO ITIS _ the teacher's only comment con¬ cerned her bad behavior. Socialists Club, which sponsored the Thompson speech, to assure - Reports from the frontier said Red China After class the supervisor went t""''1r:is lare Wednesday began to curb the flow of refugees MidwMt RMMrph ln«imr« 11- he asserted. Varg was born In Worchester, DeClcJIine NeOTS an orderly meeting. ■ ■ 1' Kon8- Britain has asked Pelping to intervene because EL ^ Chsng*« he 9ald- h" 'P- Mass.,S and received a bachelor L/eaaiine l>lear5 to the girl and explained that she Just before the policemen e . foiory has been swamped by the flow of fugitives. Trade /vTaorl.tion of n-L^T^ plication in the United States or arts degree from Clark Unl- Friday ls the deadline forper- liked to draw. Her magic corted the Communist speaker f,V}" VaMey, the tLiSrfFlIS _ A" ^r-er area where the South ,s be,n« verslty In 1935. "hording to Melby, were away from the crowd, he was residents said Communist guards first shouted v Institute of Food "would you like to come and paint cr,tIzed/' w- He received his ons for challenged to a debate by the r University College Iwi.T I th3t. Tro^" and then fired siting to cross should return to their home Technologists and the Frozen "My party feels this can be gree t lversity In < with me," This gave the girl Hungarian freedom fighter. warning shots at those who still attempted achieved" even In the existing enough of an emotional boost to 1937. In 1947 Varg received may be obtained Thompson left, but about 500 framework of the Start her on the road to where 'A 5s no confirmation from Hong Kong authorities. A capitalist sys- Ph.D degree from the Unlver- people remained to listen to the er: (Continued on page 2 tem," he said. slty of Chicago. University College. she ls today, an art student at pair from Hungary. spokesman said die government would not comment the University of Chicago. aright have happened on the Communist side of the Agriculture The a pa l I lng educational 2 Banned ■ .1.. l^^r.ier ^ports said Communist group of about 1,000 this afternoon. guards took the clampdown action refugees made a mass escape across To Salute Advisers Wary scrapheap of our country ls being brought to the public view, he said. With automation, more and At Wavne adviser for the past year more of the uneducated are hope¬ DETROIT, 'fUPresldent Clar- fully Joining the ranks of the un¬ ence B. Hllberry of Wayne State I Was Murder! Hannah in the College of Science and sending students to the Center hKomplete Autopsy Shows Arts said that he would rattier help the student himself than since he said. "No we all have some quirks," employed, as well of delinquents and c the ranks ilnals. University Tuesday banned scheduled on-campus talks by »or , " A Texas grand jury ordered a subpoena today President John A. Hannah will . one can really be He looked back cited for contempt of send him to the Center. Classed as normal." i '■ ^ 16 " culture -e Department official as they began looking for be saluted for his contributions . ^ "1 am very Interested in stu- The Dean of Students said he when he was a boy and recall- congress by the House committee mysterious death bQve statement ls taxer half. claimed that the counselors did financier BiUle Sol Estes. Estes ' — t om "A Report to the Presi¬ Other advisers do not refer not seem interested in them. fraud charge*. To Ban Reds from Campuses n dent of MSU from the Commit- the Center because "I suggest the Center to my ; ^ bp Mm Tension Again has a sympathetic understanding of the people in agriculture and e on the Future of the Uni- irsity," published in 1959. they claim they have m across a student with advisees," » tes." he said, "because better equipped to handle The State legislature may vote Thursday on a Republican pro- dent meeting sponsored by the Democratic Socialist Club, - Soviet forces held up a w :-bound U.S. Army thair problems." This report states that the problem. academic and personal problems nearly six hours , than I am. po8ai to get all state supported State rep. Frederic Marshall, «se off for today after letting this divided city's Land-grant education the Counseling Center of the Uni- An adviser in the English de- colleges and universities on rec- R-Allen, tried to get the quick two months. United States is observing its partment said that he has never An adviser in the department ord opposing "providing a plat- action Wednesday in the House theaca- sent a student to the Center of advertising said that he sends form for Communist speakers." which would put the legislature Mlchixan State University at a*mlc aaviser. since his advisees never bring his advisees to the Center when The vote was delayed from on record "declaring that the ^ ,Rus*l»n» in dropped their harassing tactics 1 the air ct,at time Michigan Agricultural ''Advisers and the Center's' their personal problems to him. theneed arises. Wednesday despite urging that appearances of Communists at March. It also was the ' delay on the autobahn Collew was the first instltu- s members are expected to 1 have heard Of the Center He said that many of the stu- immediate action halt the speech state taxed-supported colleges "*ie city in August. tion established aa a land grant maintain a close liaison," the buy I know nothing abour how lt dents he has sent have been dls- by Robert G. Thompson, Com- and universities ls contrary to I:v . —J to be trying again w make their point collen report states. "Close working operates, he said. a ppo in ted and complained that munlst, at Michigan State. die public policy of Michigan." rlght to be given advance notice of the Officials here credit one man relationships between academic An adviser tor the past 15 they received very little or no n The 1962 legislative furor over m,litary convoys along the 110-mile highway with much of the vigorous growth advisers and special services years said he rarely coes across help. alleged Communist speaking on Hls attempt for an early vote Germany to v^rmany. of this University as a well- should make possible early Id- ■dvl°* with a personal pro- He and another faculty mem- # , college campuses in Michigan was turned down but the resolut¬ known educational institution, entificatlon of student problems blem. He said he has preferred ber from his department got started three weeks ago when the ion will come up for a vote Bsdgsl far Spm fond By Hons* John A. Hannah. Presidsnt Hannah received his and help reduce academic casualties." only a tow students to the Cen- together with some of the coun- at toW Thompson speech was announced Thursday. If passed by both houses, the resolution would re¬ by die Young Socialist Club. quire "all taxed supported col- S,"0,'SOr""<" may the l,f« of ,n Awrry- a. )oi«J probtom*. «>I n*ni this way.%we vimmm were'able ^ed' awiyfronT sch^red^ th®11" complaints to the legls- _ leges and universities to report .."V enough « hS, help the counselora coordinate p^rance when President Clar- I*™*- any person- the |*ts fl^iljo. ^•Senttea 'P*** pretor to band* ence B. Hllberry said facilities ta,*tp#a<"1 «wttag Jrftt bffl to authorize the National Aeronautics He bscame secretary of the ^*"t 10 •Pand *3.67 billion dollars during th* Agency's budget for the present atat* board that time the of agriculture, at governing board of ^ mstitutioo, and In 1941 he about the C*nt»r and probla~ «»• * - they send •btotmpresi "rsaid that h* has a favor- ision of the Center ments plaint said that his was that aftar an advise main c be available for them, " Michigan and Michigan Stat*, Wayn* Stat* Michigan have independent " », . subject ie actual tbmeb* to a separate appropriation _ „ Us . . Wednesday , night the i .— — legislators questioned /wh*th*r only when but he toUs ^ assumed the presidency of ft* the their advisMS there there ls an over- sends a student to the Center, men. Prank Wilkinson and Carl the resolution could apply to thes* eraphalsl oa on psychology today. (Continued on page 2) Bradon. w*r* to speak to a stu- institutions. Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan ThMr""y- Uj... T t * 'Nobody Loves Tester,' Sorrows 6 Running To Rll Seats • lion for the Advancement of Wanted Head of Evaluation Services SelflK*. ats DuM H. Krunr, Is an assocl¬ professor of industrial r sta¬ on Cast Lansing's *cbool board Mr " Ideally, on a teat there should tions hero. Ho Is vice-chairman be some problema all would get tn an election achodulad lor Juno 11. docted members will aorve of the Lansing Projoct on the Jr..?0? settled down h'V fhe University College * • m- right and wme nobody would get Aging, s projoct he has worked Nobody loves a • four-yoar term, ending June 30, sS.S'^TI on for three years. be w« should only hope to be im. curnti grading berometer, War- Krugsr, whoso speciality is Ignored Thi manpower development and utili¬ Wo are unclesr 1 That's what Wtllard Warring- Ing school board Is responsible # , sation, said ho hopes to see too. head of the department of who write tumi of the for carrying out policies of the East Lansing students receive •valuation services. wyt «» the lev*! of school district of East Lansing. difficulty each , These Intereet tests can only Preparation to allow them to think it learn 1^' spectre of finals draws closer. addition, student performance* The candidates: be used to differentiate In cer- the ever-changing labor •ington admits that, during finals week, he gets the feeling from past term* else affect af- feet grrflhg patterns. tain broad classification a. and James i\ Shaffer, professor of agricultural economica, la past ,'ectlvety. "fc smphasltec! the they do have one glaring week- He also would like to faclli- programs that n that he ' isn't really well-'lked" The department of evalueation ness. president of the Red Coder area wi PTA and of the East Lansing tato communication b by the student body. doesn't just plug taper- 'Teople tend to be lntwestwJ The department of evaluation PTA council. school system and the public, inf. They a.. „„„ centages in grading any given tn things they are familiar with." t0 ci rakea up the flnalr four children at- and between teachers and the cards, to get PetewaUty tewing is often iw all the I'nlverslty College i s giving ass»s- "If, everybody suddenly stop- p*j »t\»dvlng. the level of grades fluenoed tust as much by social pressures as by the subject hlm- tendtng school In the city. Shaffer said that he would like Ho ssId communlcstlon aald* other de- s needed to msko the public more n wwuld go down. Students couldn't self. he said, to see greater experimentation part merit* of the University, expect to ride a lowered curve with self-teaching methods in 'Teople wtll react the wav they the city's school system. Warrington explained. and wind up at the same grade." think someone else would want Warrington, who ha* headed the Warrington pointed out. them to react.' Edgar R. Kirk, assoclats pro¬ Roy A. P—. _ . department at Michigan State for fessor of music. Is president non, as assistant Hold director tempts to become ,il University College final Mam- It's easy for students to fake of the state tax commission and ment permits hip,, 10 veers, ha* seen a big increase manors are made 14) bv evsJ- of the Red Cedar area PTA. in these tests. Studies have been tn the use of objective tests here nation services Kirk has one child attending East a member of the school board, ho said. examiners and done where students were asked He predicts that if the current an examination committee made Lansing Junior High, and another, For several years Paff was If we organic n aw to fake patterns and they do it growth of the university continues of instructors. "They work to- at the Red Cedar school. a member of the Marble School way we do educate Jm!? * verv well he said. more and more objective t jteeher in a co-operative venture. Because of these unfavorable Kirk would like to see the sal¬ board, and was Its prssldent. cancer would so to ' will be used. Final authority is in the hand* ary schedule for teachers rais¬ PatTs position on the state pltals, while the factors, Warrington thinks Intera¬ "Almost half af the depart- ed. He said he feel better-paying tax commission, ho feels, has would bo put in of the t cts era," Warrlnston view* *re better Indicators, the . ■aid. rapport established t positions would attract the better given him a knowledge of school pltals, where tht sltv, the University of Maryland education honorary; member of Kappa, an to contribute the merchant's point dents it's gcxni and Washington Slate College he gets feedback fsom the the national Science Fair Coun¬ °* ***. counselor no as to the student's :Vessel, who be**n hi* career with !>w in N:«, is president cil, director of the visiting n r""r ■ progress. and director of science program for the Michigan Ethyl-S^ow It thus appears that m&r.y aca¬ demic ed\is*w are either un¬ Chemical, vice president and di¬ Academy of Science Arts and l etters, and vice-chairman for ROWE RIDING RANCH rector, Cliffs- Dew Chemical, *r*i informed Aivut the Center or the co-operative commission on manager of inorganic Chemical ^ ROBIN HOOD -George Rogers, Monterey Calf. Freshman i rejwrts , Saddle Horses « -■ ■'" *"*■ * Production of Dew Chetrtcal. He __ loft tHe 30 pound turtle He sKot with bow and arrow. teaching of science and mathe¬ helped develop processes for matics of the American Assocl- 1 the suspicion* of frightened coeds, Rogers added up I •ring bromine from lying that either and Is credited with several (hot the turtle off csmpu*. Scottish For Rent parents or. bromine processes and State News Photo by George Junne. gas separation techniques. He Is a member of a number af scientific and professional or- Radiation Increase in Milk To Dance 4 miles S.W. of Lanslnj; on M-%} " g.'oUtatleas and did advances! study at the California Institute of Technology. Repotted by Health Service Brigadoon' Eighteenth, century Scottish Call IV 5-4527 for Reservation or Pickup! Cunn. an engineer, taught at and dancers will be dressedlncolor- May IS ware listed by the Sww ' •due Lv niversitv" w" health : ful tartans contrasted with ... —» yv - • , - ». ' . rvenic*. >er,vj<.e rspomM Meoies- Americans In modem clothes In V ' •• 's„ ' s; mJC ; cesved Master of the Master of Science and dav that that increased amounts of curl*s of iodine-131 p*r liter of Avtor of rmmapbi datrew. radtaecttve MtoaMnrflia pasteurised milk as follows: the opening performance of x '■ '.'-V Ht )ota«l Vorth ,Vm*taw urek mpaste^rlied milk samples Little Rock, Ar,., 30 micro- "Brigadoon". the University er-er -<•«•« —" *■!*^&a- ■>s oea- - •• " .V - • ".J-•«net^.»»uir> ' a-»nd'» ~-W '-nl.- tneet- ^ 1°53 as smlor res«atvh »iwv*4 rh« j^otr. several states - mostlv nicrocuries Denver, Colo., 45: Theatre's final production of the s«!son Thursday at 8 p.m. and worked «« c trw. Chicago *0: Des Moines 300 In itial dev-eJopment of Redstone and the auditorium. stressed that there Is Wichita, Kan,, 660. Minneapolis Ml as liquid rocket engines. in for undue concern if ^"'O; Kansas Cit>', Mo., 600: St. Dancers will bring the stage His increasing responsibilities ut that the Increases Louis SO: Syracuse, N.Y. 40, alive with whirling kilts as they included manager of the Kover — — — wert of a temporary necire, as w, . Cincinnati 50: Chattanooga, go through solemn and Joyous 1 Frc^ranv. tnlttally established by the experts believe Is the case. Tenn,. 30: and Charleston. W. dances. Three thousand ticket , Energy Commission Dr. Lester Machta. chief of v" Jlrt holders are expected to attend. nvesttgat* the feasibility a Prior s Aerial settings will suggest meteorological Re eipt of these pre- the depths of a forest, a village square, die ruins of a church of die Nuclear Pro- ouslv conclude this rise mpllng network had beer, and a New York bar during an be¬ pulsion Committee. American from our own" current low 20 micromicrociiries per unexpected excursion Into a Span¬ Rocket Society tests in fte air in the Pacific, liter ish village. onths, dative Marrke becac his with Machta emphasised, however, career back to November or !>i-ember A limited number of tickets t.S, Steel ir. N.M. flrsc as an that there is not sufficient the service said, remain for the assistant director of American Thursday and weather data available on utile! Saturday performances. Tickets Steel and ware's research lab- to turn a trajectory of the remain for the oratorv and later as assistant treat of clouds from n Schoolboy Seeks urday Thursday and Sat¬ performances. Tickets district metallurgist and works comity of the Christmas Island may be bought at the Union ticket Camera Lost Here metallurgist in various plants. He jol-ed the t«t site to try part of the In 1 ted v-urn*;f u W5I nere office and at the auditorium box N'a\-»1 Re- ^tes to prove the repposition. Ar. eleven veer-old schoolboy office. search Laboratory in N46 where The order to evaluate the situ- wrote a letter to the State he administered projects Ln ation more completely milk News asking for help, *£? -OCv electr^tcs, x.er ..el..» rnclsar 0. physics and from science and an sampling h*s been a normal increased r>^r Cartwrigh.t. son of Mr. r««*rvh; pt-agram, weskty schedule and Mrs. Nolan Cartwrtght, 35C« to a twice-weekh- basis ir. the which Mill Street, Hartland, lost his Included t *res s parent's camera and flash, attach- ( Atomic Fner-gy Com- ment wher. he was here on a that both it and safety patrol for U.S. Steel £s H5" and holds field trip Saturday, the Defense >epartmer.t fore- " Doctor af Science Degree \Uy U. ~ caa 25 that "some He thinks that the camera may testirjt. ' .ine-Ll *as etpected to be have beer, found in the basement Technology. 'ectable during or shortly after of the auditorium, Stafford. Jcwrasllst. publisher t! series and Don decided that the best wav civic leader, besan his ' ^ !r ets "horded in journalistic career as a sports to get his parer.ts' camera back s -pies taker, between \tav 14 editor of the f anstni CapitcC tgjtn wuld ^ t0 wl:e , leITer Wright Hay News While at Michigan State, I he was the lYdversitv's first ! athlecc publicity director w«s a police He Staying For Summer School? reporter, photo¬ grapher and sports editor of " i jeOac rkily Press and a writer for the Asooctatod | ALPHA 1 ts 'Dstroit He Icteed the I DKro.it Free Press, ssaff ts r»41 *s i TAU OMEGA sports editor and progressed OPENS TONIGHT to -xrejir^ editor, " * tfce post he held Sfichicir ! "'5 Evergreen East Lansing Editorial as- S6.50 per week Telephone ED 2-0846 Assoc it tror asd the hOa-ii Press Assecu~or. He Is a trustee jf Step Out with Qraai '• lUey State CoCere and Greeaville Uaited Memorial HospRal Study Break "Hit Yasser" Our crisply stated WKtoqm Slate Hews pB«:shei by scixtents ef \Bcfc- Tonight Call Up shirtmolrer with the look and feel of a ifan State UstvcrsKv. Isseed sr. cUw i*rs Vfeoday thnx*h Fri- qA SA'Mmr dsy. Ajris* fte Wl. wtewr and chombroy-denim blend. ^prisg Taartsrs. Issued twice Sooted for Decoration weekfr hLrts^ the su.' j.iet term.. *«class pescape paid at Doy fwn in grey, blue, CreenvJle,. Wichita. E4»cr>ai and business o«Voes r°*e ond pastel Travis*. Sr_i3ees Services buadiw. ^«ate Of 'SMbrester" pop»«s is Its sei|W ketes m coot its «ffl taitsrmg says tm IItvm fasi»w m washstwttj 6UAMMTEB) saves jroa tree sad ShosStfa't fMf wirm weather monty wre-ot* mcMt our roo^ e- lowest wices regular & stereo lpj ta<« Senbreaker poct.n' We tkMk rt nates goad se«e diamond meeoles tape Italian American Food our prices are By Coapea To«s checked dailt to GIANT NEAT BALLS assure biggest GIANT HAM Tldoits are available at Mills savings GIANT HOT SAUSAGE OPES GIANT SUPER SANDNfOI I Tiacrr OFFICE AND AUDITORIUM Men - Set 11 i Monday - FrMay. 12:30 - 5:30 P.M. DISC SHOP S«dsy 4 pen 20 S- ^shtajte, *17 E. Grand River Thursday, May 24, 1962 3 Communism Courses Should Be Taught, Tm>) MSU protestors support professors Say£ Political pressure f. om the com - I aching of Communism tn Uv v-IL.v. *! a>^Un'!fn n"®n • N* »chool and col- !n munitv mun"y would mate "I" mak. it difficult rfiffu-..if "* «*!»•*• this criticism it nec¬ essarily valid. tor fh> w.cher to take high- We are always in danger ot "7*2. M presentation Is thorough sndfsc- >y "c««ntific and unattached view." underestimating the capabilities «uu- Uoon h,hlnd o»c«p- "Communism should not only Meyer ssld he believes and "potential enthusiasms" of P*?VplMUc even a "heavily colored" high school students, Mayer said. be taught because it is there, but . ,w,tch far flare a find in would do no more hat The ability demonstrated by high because it is a legitimate factor .Au«ri'«. »«** >twly behavior of In world "reinforce present students in mathematics and set- l!l*n11 also He ?' gn#*n-tln»d Wlltr. history today," said Aif.ed G. Mayer. professor of Communism ... i* cofS est, drink, pwr at ||* *l make weather obaerva- political science snd author of several books dealing with Corn- aw ley emphasized that teaching them at the moment. ftl°rn*„(ins «the..Cl0UClS' ™r Hies. ,tKl ,0<* in Communism must Mawley concurs. "We hsve the brightest bunch He m«y also e than present the fsc become the ftrst of high school ynnngnf r« tmity m«" to orbit .. ... A upside down for . •ny great length of time. Stand ss thoroughly as possible, Iw exclaimed. amta the fundamental His flight concepts. plan for the journey ,S °"" of th,m-" Ha wley also said that education c«Us for him to William D. Hswley. acting dean age maa try must help He student flight for about 20 minutes -- of the Collegs of Education, agre- arrue at a conclusion. I"he ability levelsofeachsucoes- possibly near the end of his sec e» with Meyer. "w« could not ond orbit. 11* very well have sive class of incoming M.S.U. batter look at the |de« is to Mt a "leaching about Communism a goal to distort the truth ' tie freshmen has been rising in the JSS5-"=S5SS earth and the or social order, it it is done weather pattern over the ,sa!d. "Hut this does not deny last three years. For example, Inked Mate5. southern objectively and with the purpose the responsibility of the indiv- where 50% of the new freshmen of teaming and understanding (dual to point out. to cotnp.ire in 1<»61 exceeded a given level, Carpenter probably will change psopie in the world and their with the idea that tie fiom normal to ideas we only 33% of the class of 1959 inwrtad position problems, is the only way we can hold for humanity went at this level. while crossing over lexaa. He have sny intelligence to deal with have :l« most desirable pattern for will accomplish this first by these problems," Haw lev said, .u-hieving the goals of humanity." turning in yaw attitude -- that is to one side A growing national movement A charge leveled fluently by Night Staff - for 180 degrees, seems underway for public ed- »nd then those opposed to teaching Com- Night Editor, Denis Cotse- rolling 180 degrees so ucation in the United States to munisrn in high schools is that that the small end or nose of offer courses lin; Copy readers, Soro Bocon, in Communism. students arc* to<; naive and Bill Florida recently passed a law unaware. Neither Yencey, Tom Winter, Because of weight le Carpenter ssTess STI^**'*h*,,a C. RwtleJje, Graduate student from requirelng that a course In Meyer or Haw - ird Shopir arpenter should not 'eel he Is upside down. that Columbus, Ohio makes final adjustment* »k. "Americanism VersusCommun- Instead, ex¬ by Farley Richmond, Liberal, tsm" be taught starting tills fall perts satd. he will have the im¬ .jndidate. in all its public schools. pression that the earth is above Photo by Skip Moys. Several national organizations, him. including the American Bar As¬ . Looking outs window just above his eye level, he should get a French Tribunal Sentences sociation sociation and the National As¬ of Attorneys General, 1,000 Or More Refugees better look at the at the cloud horizon, and pattern from Texas Salan to Life Imprisonment have recommended the "factual and objective" teaching of Com¬ lay Be Admitted in U.S. iflJTVimVC l\.TV» on east, than the other orbital voyagers, John H. Glenn, Cher- PARIS t'AKB iff military - A t rench special , . 1 Wednesday three hours ol deliberation. ;ame alter almost munism in the natlons's schools and colleges. high III WASHINGTON f-The United - man Tltov «" and Yuri »u« Gargarin. uargarln. „ "'"K* convicted e^gen.Raoul night Here in Michigan the Slate ;« may temporarily waive . ^ tluu£l,rtur,i ii r«f He will look for SaUn- we..ring his dark Board of Education has immigration Uws/ and admit settlement tn other countries, weather" and will take pictures "Interesting Salan of treason and sentenced 8t-ey pinstriped s ed a study committee to examine appoint¬ X1 to several thousand of the Mm to life imprisonment. Ivx flanked by four sty refugees now pouring out --shipment supplies to of emergency food tl om this angle, officials Hong Kong. of the The court found there were armed guards — to hear the the issue. National .Aeronautics and The argument for teaching \tc! China into the British Space extenuating circumstances that verdict. "I be courtroom, despite jotiv of Hon$ Kong. ":A8S"i#nce eptlng refugees. tp countr,« ac- Administration said. moved the judges to spare htm the late hour, was packed and Communism has long been sup¬ lie may remal n in inverted fr°m the death penalty ported in academic circles.Most Officials, reporting today that Mate and justice department position until shortly before he The tribt ' When the ribunal's colleges and universities, Includ¬ administration is considering officials explained that the need Salan. presiding annual reaches the African west coast once the na st decorated judge read out the verdict, ing MSU, offer course material lergency action, said immigration quota of 105persons of this nature. Kennedy is deeply con- of Chinese fn third orbit. Then he'll officer, for his role in the short - Salan's support tandlng in the origin can beclrcum- squirt" his small control jets But the push for refugees' plight vented if A lived Generals'Putsch in Algiers back of the cot jv,u»v lu in high schools seems now teaching It try. Gen. Robert F. tncl ®®t back into normal flight, last year and for his leadership a vibrant chorus of La Marse¬ to Kennedy, the President's broth- Carpenter will try also to of the Secret Army terrorist illaise, the French national be centered at the local level er, admits them under wive re He can do this In "parole." l* Study the mysterious Gegen- organization that seeks to retain anthemn. community groups are ex an emer- scheln phenomenon — the tail French rule in Algeria, I he prosecution had erting pressure on school boards. —1 other possibilities gency situation when it is deem- o{ particles that moves with the demanded .. The special nine-man tribunal death tor Salan Meyer has some reservations study by the President the national Interest. • Some **rth in orbu around the sun. about the degree ol is advisors Include: 32,000 Hungarians began trying Salan last week, objectivity wereadmitted 0ne theory suggests that the— Information which could he attained at the in this manner ut these — • high within six months *re dust particles in a• trouj. school level. trough y/Q\er Carnival Employment after the Hungarian revolution. or w,lte l*hind the earth.. Nationalist China hasannounc- TIQier V.QM today on campu« 2* Flnd 40(1 analyze two misty M-i. Vonfab Set 'roblerns of ed It will take on its island some refugees n«tural satellites of the earth. of Formosa, pro- ^®y are called lunar clouds— vlding the United States will help thet* ls on® on each side of the *^®»5 rrOTIT Ticket returns from Water Angel Flight Pledge Class — 6:30 p.m., 36 Union. munism would be little more than propaganda because the pressure Frank talk about your hair: Vitalis with V-7 unemployment, Carnival netted a profit thissea- MSU Packaging Wives being applied by community keeps your hair neat all day without grease. toing and retraining that are with relief facilities Society and trans- e,nh "" they are believed 8on for the ftrst time in groups is a "panic measure" :r.g the national economy portacion. Canada too has said comP°sed of dust particles. three - 8 p.m., 1447 D Spartan Vll- resulting from fear and alarm. Naturally V 7 isthegreaseless grooming discovery Vitalis'* years, according —'*Ke> to Jerry Dlanke "Tupper-Ware" Party. with V 7s fights embarrassing |t;Ut* >vjvhec at an Employment / "The subject is fi aught with dandruff, prevents dry v "xecutives Conference and n plans^to send relief sopites Economics Professoi Detroit senior and chairman of the 1961-62 Water Carnival. Casual dress. Bring a friend, great deal of passion." tie said. ness, keeps your hair neat all day without grease Try it1 .'-June I at Kellogg Cen- s«u^Hub»t Humphrey of Minn- ni>vii«hij| ••»sl«ant Senate qsrno- Attending Hotel Moot "have ^ ^0 AddrtSS uiminn- ,of« * « «o( I-> iivici rivci smalning after all costs remaining i Tnkn t> John P. Henderson, associate been determined will /111 be used by jour opinions against L'M's^CampwiMon cratic leader, told newsmin : ■ .~V.;r,gto!i D. q.. and Rico will participate in in lo °}lnk' "ome consideration newsmen ne he inwninr an also Mar professor of pear on would be given to direct sales Chicago to discuss the "Present1 on m a a economics, will njan#»f wm ap- !' the panel Thtir*a.-4ao Thursday in in me senior cia th» nnlvmrcirv the University. class for i gift Philatelic Society Bonnie Stewart, professor of Poll*22 or ~7hort^;Trm~"l,^r'riJS~nlca?° t0 alscu#s tne "Pr««t • Tentative i»ntat«e pla ' plans for the senior ■ short-term loans of foorf - m •- n-.u,.- • - - - - matlematics and local stampcol- |.v IP the Pub,,c Lod«ln8 Brazil - | >. Dinlel -v. H. ..kruger, associ- China grojef toincIude f""ds to O Should . T.1*" lector, will address the Central >f the sponsoring [J*toMld .. conference# are being Industry." For the past several years, tlon of a lelp finance the educa Brazilian student Michiaan Philatelic Societv maintain we part lal Relations held determine if Latin Ameri- Henderson has been writing a at Thursday at 8 c • - MSU. Journal Luiure. in the att er'.ploymer.t security sys- the federal- £*n nations will take r«ftigees. mere is also a ,s "I'o a book on the economics of the Possibility of hotel-motel Industry posi—,„.7 rhe exact amount of the funds n<. WJjj discuss the disolavimr nuclear arms ract t." ser-.es js the major operat- operat- direct famine relief to Com- United States, and recently uu• J In the ^ not be known until all of the costs and expenses have been hltition. •: ;-strurr,emality -..ty in the fielc. field munist China through the Inter- served as consultant tooecently the ad¬ ad- determined, Blanke said. A dealer exchange will development it and "agonal Red Cross, he um said, at— minlstrator of the wage and hour a]so ^ There have been demands on ,4fv<«irkr> r* con division, U.S. Department of ; "^solution of these man- Capitol Hill that w«i theuic United unura States acaies Labor, on a study of \wages in uaoor, LIEBERMANN'S . problems, he said, pre- use lts !niZe supplies of surplus :he hotel-motel F":s industry. opportunities for food to help the Chinese. A Senate The later study was M United States to demonstrate Judiciary subcommittee prepared It efficacy of the > of I plans to for Congress in Ideals and °P«> 1" inquiry next week on the of, the need for a law for hotel employees. —*—' GOOD GIFT for i GRADUATE I L. C ONE-STOP) travel service of American Motors and Irving Bluestone, ad- ilRteittve assistant to the rws^e-t. United Automobile forkers, AFL-C1Q wiU speak T e S0ClaI responsibilities of J»Mgereent and labor, respec- f .e interaction technology, international of population 0 What would convince economic ■« responsibilities of policies, College Travel Office you to switch to a education ■UJ* discussed at the 10-day different cigarette? Triumph Over Tan Faster in TODD'S |$wim Suits I smart swim f attract the F!P with girl to that suntan 16- f°se .hard ^ specially to reach with More from EM |aces; The swim suits Good start for any career— a smart, efficient business case. Choose from a complete selection HERE'S HOW MEN in our extensive brief case stock. L&M gives you AND WOMEN AT I Green MORE BODY 56 COLLEGES VOTED: | Black 1 Orange and White A. Attache Case s8'5 in the blend, %SI" "%SI sjsajuoQ %01 %LZ SPY O %S9""%8S spu»Mi B. Leather Brief Bag $89S j White I and See these and many others. plus ta %*£-■%« IW, W9\ jo uia, »m«1 a %SI -%2I I Plaid %W %I9 u», »v.\ i.uoq w I price only j£etfeto7umn*. %8I'"%£I °N A %Z9""%19 $3.98-$4.98 N3N0M KM grand river OPEN Wad. Evening \ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan CAMERAS SOLD IMMEDIATELY! * Automo"V8 *■ Automotive ★ Employment Rent » For Ram PRE- 0 W N E D TRIUMPH TR-3, 1955 DODGE - 2 door hardtop. Wanted: Salesman to aeU radio APARTMENTS ROOMS i960. Overdrive, tonnaau cover. Runs good. $125. time. Excellent opportunity. Sa- . ■ ' ■ ■ J5.°°0 red m}1**- S^rttn pwi with lary and commission. WHteW.C. Exceptionally sharpfUrnlshed 2 R00MS FOR rmt for gumm*. ,t »*)holstery for $1,700. Must 1955 FORD - V-S. automaUc. E.R., Box 269, Charlotte, Mich., man apt. unapproved, un super- oli 1r«? 140 Orchard, e. Lansing, can q^j, go by June 1. CaU Midland - ; rw?. ^5 -*-* Clean car. $245. giving resume. 42 12 vised. vised, private entrance. Park- Private entrance, wan¬ Melrose 6-2386 - E.C. Galloway ing. Utilities paid. Call IV. 5-0933 5-09*2 ED 7-2758 tft*r 6 PM" 42 between 8 and 5. 4§ 2 door hardtop "" CIGARETTES - any brand. $1.99 AUTOMOTIVE _____ DOUBLE ROOMS for men fall carton with purchaaa, Golf balls, .EMPLOYMENT , FOR SALE N61 Caravelle - two tops, radio, term on Bogue St. Contact John Wilson. Spaulding, *c. Repaints 1936 GENERai v., 8000 miles. Perfect condition. Bartholomew st ED 2-8635. 43 $1.88 *1.09 oox. dos. balls. mjus, oats, Gloves, Bats. uioves. condition, oil w", * * Fish gear. Sleep bags,bags. Camp- dents. Et> 2-4738 tag equipment. Surplus all alt at tPERSONAL FOR MEN. Available irn- baryta prices. Fox Hole P.X. .PEANUTS PERSONAL mediately and for summer. Walk- - Frandor. Open every night un- GREAT LAKES «v REAL ESTATE DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY I • 195? FORD CONVERTBLE, good 2501 E. MICHIGAN or Frank. 42 — "« distance. tag custsnc Call ED 2-1937 til 9 PM. 42 bedrooms, parked rV*! •SERVICE motor, body and top. $-50. Call FURNISHED APT. 306 Grove St. * aft-r after 6 nm 6 pm ai tag. Call ED DIAL IV 9-2388 C _ •TRANSPORTATION Larry . ED 2-1393. 42 Rooms. 1 block from campus, ' SPE European Flight Tickets - two " ~ .WANTED IA,|- TOR- Full time, Sept. 1. Work .D,REC: center F. Lansing. Call ED 2- 336?. MEN: Comfortable summer round trip - $265 each to M.S.U. 1959 ALMA ... 54 Chevrolet hard top. power iv.w CORVETTE, 1957 with children and adults in small rooms in new home ceramic Student, faculty, employee. 337- room, excelled a DEADLINE: - outstanding glide, radio and heater. Call groups. College graduate. Fxper- ,ir"— showers, and parking. ED. 2-1183 , 45 7-0762 mechanical speciimn. P h I,,\,ED 2_U38 or ED '«»• 1" »°clal work and educa- SUMMER and/or FALL TERM, 2581. after 5 Vp^ pTbUcV'o^ - '-9'41' « "on. IV 5-7201. 45 4 apt., approved, st*er- ^ room vised, housing for 4 r i. Com- ATTRACTIVE ROOMS for man, Clariant Clariant Selmar. Selmar. Wood Wood $80. Ex- — LOSt $80. Ex- j^Po^j PHONE: pletelv furnished. Phone'ED 5 2- single or double, private ceUant condition. Piano Bendi P56 FORD 2 door hardtop, DEPENDABILITY ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIR- 2313 after 6. 44 $6. *• Moving Wovln« mu* 9«u- C»" EDr -t 7.^1' 355-8255 or 8256 - entrance, tile bath. 513 Sunset Suns* i V-S, automatic, radio. Needs IS IMPORTANT ECTOR, Full time, experience Lane. ED 2-1746. 43 2-4275. Francis i'ark/wl RATES: body work. $200 Call 355-4332. 42 Not only in the truck you to in group wrk work or per od) •Me and Roadside doors, this HELP wheels, 120 MPH plus. Return to EDUCATION PROGRAM APPROVED, near campus. Well FOUND; school forces sale. Make me an KB, TH«r« will b« a 25« aarviea »unrh«tSL-S^KC!al auxUUry full wllne heater gasoline DIRECTOR. Col lege graduate, furnished, cool apt, for 3 offer at ED -->34, after 5. 44 heat«- that runs about time September jnimm«^Also 81*52 clras in Ele, ;r " Jl». t- ame in from Ingham Coim- runs^about ^^^^^^eptenvb^ September 1. physical fitness, supervision 1. Pool, Tool, L ! ooj, all •* - mm men for men apt. - * f«r for for 2. - summer. i_!7a* ED 2-1746 ai*,, Ala . smdlo LOVELY apt. available June 15 43 after 5 P.M. r 5 P.M. 43 t> Ao.ma! Shelter $1095. t0 Sept. or longer. Completely ages. IV 5-7201. 4S furnished. IUIIUSUOU. Utilities 1956 uimun paid.J«iu. Parking rarsinf: BUICK - hardtop, power I960 VOLKSWACEN Station Bus. steering and brakes, radio, heat¬ ABOVE AVERAGE Avr.KA, „ Ilnhthouse- OiU ED 2-2462. "AGER FOX WAREHOUSE Automotive - 44 LOST- Brown er. l-owner, good tires. Good 5 5- SC*tS> Prlced 0LT OF WORK? There are no keeping n apt.' a"r fn" for girls Sji '— — Expansion -4-n. Sale - Big Discounts n,rdll R o et*<*» shape $425. 355-4306 . 42 fJCC^3fu} AVON «ud«t» welcome. $7 per we^. ENTIRE 2nd floor. 2 Lutherans on °n the following: 1 . R.°°ni of ^ li DOLLAR SAVERS Ranges . . . Electric snd Gas 3"55_9«-»oaVe ^'our 3* Refrigerators ... New and ao°-'B7S' AT 1*53 MERCURY - 4 door, heater M M«ro-Mlte Van. Hucklns. 566 School S^IWsIett! zie. ED 2-2788. 44 lMd and $110. radio, good transportation. ED 2-44S3. 42 alk m vtnr°P%??9of10 f0Ot M,Ch" TeUPh°ne IV 2-6893. 43 FOR SUMMER ments, both SCHOOL: 2apart¬ Incinerators Washers and Dryers LOST MONDAY ^Tj AL MIKULICH single and double Mu "i I SUMMER SUMMER HCA'SIN- HOUSING ... for fraternity pin. 1 Pan time help, cashier and meat ing. close to Stetlmental value RmJI campus. Call ED Hedrick House - one block from PONTIAC TRIUMPH, TR3, 1950, wrapper. Experienced. DEN- 355-9496 or 355-1431 white 47 HAGER FOX walls, radio, heater, tonneau STAEDTS SHOP-RITE MARKET. Campus. Room $6 per week, with — 115 S. PENNSYLVANIA I960 PONTIAC STATIONWAGON cover Sharp. Leaving for 3630 S. Cedar. Apply In cooking $7. CaU ED 2-0844. 47 person. 43 HOLSES DIAL 482-5501 Power equipped, verv sharp. Europe. ED "-H58. LOST WED. MORNING j - 44 open 8 AM to 9 PM dally. $2105. sun glasses. FURNISHED 3 bedroom Medical^ ranch SUMMER APPROVED^ super- Sylvia. 355-4895. 3-961 pontiac $45 a month per person. Avail- vlsed- completely furnished, 3 racket. ■ - 2 door hardtop N55 ashntan' eacj.e - Fine College Men able for 1-4 male grad. stu- rooms. bath, parking. 2 men M0T°RSCOOTERS:"Bespa, stick shift. \'erv s^rrt < m«^hanlcal condition. $09. Also t 1«51 chevrolet convertible, dents. June 10. Day 3551-6578 * couple. Call IV 2- America's Finest." New low verv reasonable. Tom. ed 2- I960 Fvenlngs 337-0181. 43 1824. 42 Pric?a for_«ummer. 125 model LOST: ONE pais l«50 ,• VaUXHaLL - Red. 4 door 2~20 CORVETTE. 4 speed. 270. regular $389 now $349.88. 150 in front sedan, J305. new too and tires, 21,000 TRUE —- model regular $429 now $388.50. miles, immaculate. Call John Summer!! Pie* ED 2-3568 or ED 2-3145. NEAR CAMPUS, attractive Cape APPROVED, male students, very "Buy now and save." Gene's 1958 OLDSNfOBILE Cod, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, dis- clo,e t0 campus, parking Cycle Shop. IV 4-0362. - Dynamic VOLKSWAGEN, 1058 - Coralwith Largest company of its kind ?> - 4 door sedan, radio, heat- white sur. roof. Excellent condi- posal. basement, garage. 526 \1- facilities. 525 Albert Ave. ED automatic transmission. 1957 FORD ANGLIS - Stick has several interesting job len. Call IV 5-0336. 42 2-1384 42 _____ 4t Personol shift, opportunities for person¬ ivory, 29,000 miles. $175. 355- able college Five FORMALS ranging from 7 men in fol¬ or ED 7-U57. lowing areas: FOR RENT- Cabin on Tr.vw.. SUMNfER HOUSING, Farmhouse mw-'SUVC, Farmhouse to 12. 10 12- Worn Worn once °"ce - excellent - excellent ^ andj 10 - week ,ALPH-!sum condition. Call ED 2-6779 after VOLKSWAGEN. 1962 - Sun roof coral - white, it's perfect! $1650. 195' CHEVROl.ET Bel Air Coupe - 6, amomatlc, radio, 5^)ort 1. Detroit 2. Saginaw B.V twsy « or VUce, electric stove, refriger- nj.J'SS* montn, tire- Fraternity. Excellent food and Sro, ,t Bi?S« 5 p.r ~ Call IV 7-0328 RAMBLER - 2 door, 6 Office IV 5-2226, Station 54- heater, white wall tires. STOR\ 3. Toledo ■4. ator. Phone ED 7-7794 after Ulc* Ro" at ED 2-8635. „ Sells For Less Michigan resort areas THE ROADSIDE: FARMy.«l_ Evenings TV 2-5240.. $005. Male students wanted to share AL MIKULICH 41 5. Several summer Eu¬ house in Okemos. Cooklna and ^ uoor model & Magnavoxm USl ' 0,1 16 at Okemos Half ropean assignments 1°61 VALIANT - 200, 2 door >. Original price $160. Will °Pen Friday, May 25 fet J PONTIAC harAop. finished in brilliant red erv reasonably. 355-2892. so"- w* wl"- w^ill have ><•«.»»* uobi J ■KCURY - 4 door, radio, and white. STORY Sells Fori ess No garage and telephone Suitable 43 an app uick sale. IV 4-4241. 4S you must be neat ap¬ APPROVED, SUPERVISED. pearing and enjoy meeting your patronage in p^st u l«56 CHEVROLET 57S2' also in the future. Thanf ED 2-5011 StaUonwagon poople. No car necessary. « ing. For meh. C.U ED ?-(«« F,SHE" and " 600 (A-M.-F.M. r«. .*"» - 6 cylinder, standard sion. STORY Sells For I ess.. transmis¬ ceiver c elver stereo amplifier) •&aln «gain Mr M1 ! Mrs. PS 1954 FORD - 8 cylinder, over¬ Garrard changer, Jensen/Argas f'eering. BONNEVILLE OONVER- . drive transmission. Mainline 4 $405. Particiapetion in our Sum¬ fUrnl>hed Men- Women: Summer speakers, stereophones, f cMe - Jet black finish,, wh.ite mer rooms at - Earning Program will tap, h:cket faars, outstanding door with or.lv 21,000 actual one provide weekly paychecks r.nlrtll f Lansing. E. spartan Hall, singles $8 00 Der stereo and and 10 mono, albums. 10 mono, albums. Yes Year cwr.er miles. We sold this car STORY OLDSMOBILE "v—- $100 and also entitle !XV" S°, ".Ci nS; per °"er' ED 2" new and it sti'l drives like You must drive and «ee to new »p- INC. to waukee 17. Wis. 44 ^ ro_oms Comfortable ,3tnk RoIteAi Cm following awards lobby —————— ./1th TV and phones, !. $2000 cash scholar¬ laundry and .... rnwcrtl _ , ships Parking facilities. One block from Z..,5,. ^E_TAV" maternity MARGARET KLINCER AJ r»*c valiant sjc - Deluxe 4 PLYMOLTH - 2 door, 6 choice. to school of your term* 21C5Ufo"s??h^E02™ campus 215 Louis. Phone Pn 9- dresses, sl2e drMses- size 9-10,"mT9-10, man s grey an STEVENS c 1950 FOf*D - 2 dbor, "300", 2. Several scholarships. $1000 cash S^S>mC,SSrp&ED 2574" 38" 42 News Office, Services Building f tone 3. To win one of passes to the Cr SPARTAN MOTORS * green, Cmise-o-matic, several 1958 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 225 hp. Gary. IN" 2-5108 after AROUND THE WORLD For FALL Term: £il££Lt0 (Tinner, fiV Pj'y $e 7-" wu guitar, be- Th! INC. 4 door hardtop, V-8 with push - 5:00 PM. 4S trips by MEN: both single rooms and and apartments for four double »U°wLj£l *" 355-425l Mu„ « SIGHTSEEING bus sinks» CLIPPER! MALE STL'DENTS rooms for . men. Close to campus. Call ED - Geneva? With travel Always buy cleaner summer term. Kitchen & park¬ 2-3151. cars from 47 p. BRAND NEW, portable . sura nee from Buboh vccriJ B E ECH EM and KNIGHT Auto ing facilities. Reasonable. Call transistor will honor you. FD .'-Wul A.USTIK HEALEY ED 2-6788 after 5:30. combination radio and sports 1 — Sales, 1300 E. Michigan Ave. 43 phono(33- Dial TV 2-6141 or IV 2-2070. " Tw°. single rooms, cooking pri- !"'Snu11 enough to carry. ED SPAClOUS, SINC2.E, ftimished 2~0541' FOR DETAILS PHONE sieges, and parking available 41 FREE FILM MAX CURTIS, room. Cooking king privileges, 2 10 "^en women graduate students or \ IMMEDIATELY: blocks from Union. Only grad- staff- 00 7-0978, after 7 P.M. KODACOLOR Ftt M size SI INC. CaU 335-0309 or " DETR0IT.K0. 24346 42 FOR SALE - Slniele bed. hn* 127. Free roll,with «d 2**3.5. Ask for !>. Sawant. ~ ' — springs, inner spring mattress, ,eft for developing indprS A^k for College Person:*! Cl . # Single rooms for men, two blocks 35S-5890. board, 6 mo. old. Call Special with this ad onl; " »T mlm from Union, parking. LAY AND MATTHEWS, :$22 E June 10 to ___________ PLEASANT ROOM for male stu- ^ L J«0. CaU ED 2-3634. Vtchlgar. IV 5-2?43. Dcyou-ant MAREK REX.Ul to., Graduate preferred. dent. » sell your car"* See us. We 1956 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE * r°r Quiet, ... tf. ROYAL DELUXE typewriter- 3 PRESCRIPTION CEWS PRESCRIPTION CENTER J trade up or down. But any make - Power steering, teats, brakes, 1)1 *?£ Rot far from 2"8304- campus. — exceUent condition. 301N. Cllppert(ty Frawte)! windows No rust. Priced to sell. DIAL rv 5-1-43 C41 APARTMENTS 45 iv TRAILERS 2-8218. Ask for H-* " ■ IV 4-4241. • ate 4VM EORD 4 1 0r 33MAN MAN APARTMENT. Avail- AvtU- Qt,^T SINGLE rooms for male FOR RENT OR SALE - Travel Kl«« Coronet Real eood GRADUATION ANN N59 OLDSNfOeil E- 4 door hard¬ - door, goodtrans- able June 12. Parking. I\ 5-9818 l8 students. Graduate — -—•- preferred, trailers 13* to 17* models Hon CaU Fn t nsL ME NTS with >our n-—. top. Dynamic '8S\ Power steer- pomtion. Was $250 - now $195. after 5 30. C.ll 43 Call ED 2-0205 Fn ,-0205 after 5:30 aft. or «" CaWVtL n.f Ranger Tent Campers. Ken 011- ' 42 envelopes, tissues. 2 diy» power brakes, radio, hearer, 1956 THUNDER BIRD -eekends. 443 Grove St. 41 ver Sales, 1046 HaslettRd. Phone Myers Printing !5. •*S de«s. Summer and neat l»58 FORD 1 year, - VICTORIA Hardtop 42 car taaurance. Talk it 0*1 - chides private OCVROLET I^6i Cofflvemfc^ >ew engine, new tires New N- Homer, furm^«rf utrnisnec apt. ^!uuZJ'r,Y,re phone, bath enn-a^j. a^r..-11_ parking, P*mn«. tele- teio~ f7 P* June I - Oct. 1 — LES STANTON. Her"1-"" Thane's 00 Axjfcc ^ ©ur miTis - J95S FORD COUNTRY SEDAN - *. l fatodffr^; !T SchooL ^ Mlchi- =vnoot. wear Mlchl- plan your Insurance plan 1 twdj* ?%66 Nock ^ AU "^ltles'paid.Seeat Citshmam _ *Bd "arrlson. Phone ED 7- The aas; oae avaiUMe 02 ar-v iet ar Laassng. Ma roc c i •4 ioor stattonaagoo, V-S aut>- matic, radio, ha*, white wan s. Fnmdor rrandor, l\ o.%66. 43 green. East Lansing. 526 Ever gn^and Harrison. Phone ED 7-41 ^ ^«^^1rnot°T?coot®r- wndltlon. Priced Ex- E. Michigan. A 2-0680. *11 $KNJ - vow KW5 v^li ^Lr0tLf*i -— " 337-1314.I^°"tJ,ct How|e or Jlmmle "" v-« wtrfc mmamatic ••-*ner nransm:ss w- RAMBLER - 2 door sedar, LETT1CH & STENBERG WFor Sole" 44 Fraternity Crested gifts and Michigan Si .. „ „raui„, _ 251 •ity Crested graduati'1! "n.w«w.uc^ao' S3LS'Strir^»'!'I 6000 mites. Yw ahrav, greer and wfefca fiat*, srar>dteri 2628 E. KALAMA200 »- "• - 484-3229 !roa> Oli E. Mici. L"r 4 S"95 A«t. q - Sale price S5*5. recorder Sr,^1trade' PhU Rice ED silvery at theCardShop-J ALTOMCTrVE REPAIR CoaxHJ speaker Coaxial ^,,^r i^afai^in cabinet. B^Best 2^521 U PM. 44 ^ ^ Home EconomidK t*12 VOLVO DEMONSTR ATOR «. or CU rv - ELMER STEELE Big tmrtags. Me* car guarartae. RAMBLER B IMPING «na" PAINTING our 1962 MO-Pad. baskets Lea.* APARTMENT hunting » specialty. All foreign car*. Kal¬ or MU for $150. Av.UahtejS2 brt*f" whe" y°.u. »60 S AAfi ArfcowbrxKu S»95. - CT - 750 Baaat- 2 BLOCKS West of Brody amazoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker room furniture, - dining and livfaw 9- R^3^0360 aftar4:30Jttg DIAL ED 7-97*65 servsce cod free estimates. 1411 washer, drv«° E. Kalamazoo Si. Call IV 9-7507. Uiew, ape size stove and dlahea English Fori - 1958. 2 ioor, Ft^lutch cape alao. CaU ED Headquarters For Famou Mack, heater, defroster. $475. CaU 33'-251: between 6 and 7. [DOWT OMMUOIUBSI HE SMS THIS <0fA CAME A80UT Diamond ■RMMMn weeing ] SAV57Mf5 tS A BECAUSE 0EO$tO6 READtf16 2 Joor' automatic evk ? aa«f. LAMPS USUALLV GHE Rings Rings Aift. 25,000 miles, one owner \ mUFROeiT tlUMWiATON CaU 355-6165. J V^i: "WAG EN - Sedan. sidewaUa, 34, 000 mXlea. $1300. CaU TU 2-8 Thursday, May 24, 1962 additional 4-a.rvlc Want-Ads ~ Doctors Explain X-Ray Use of J?®?.1** CLSANINCT Wand- »S.rvlc« TYPING For Diagnosis, and Treatment ■ ■ JP®W ® Econowish and D "** fc^sTEO: SOMEONE to c*re foe 3006 VlneSt., By JOHN BARBOUR the **«<>* Sears Frtndor l/2blocl: mother's womb during the i turtle named Dinain for EXPERT THESES, GENERAL Associated Press Science Writer first three months of pregnancy Needs much affection. Store !a TYplNC. Electric typewriter. «b»olutely free-dry cl«n- E*P*rienced. Ne»r BKODY. Re- NEW Smltty and Peanut, jgt: to each customer using it* production Service. 332-5545. C and YORKLT fluoroscope - Once machines X-ray were S^JTatTriT^, aoTsoo^»di im^ ^ of the rartoooa In their so common that younesters .. de,,r*ml to *" Illustrated lecture outline shows ^informed: J1*™ 1i, . tageM^u! T"k# ,(W TYPING SERVICE: Typing shopping their feet for shoes could slip into a cabinet, peer Jn^te^%^t<.TuftvC,kU"e M temporary sterility. 5 d°Ct°r e"caPln* drenched South Sea to • •«"* msnu.crjpfs, . Island-but S»r»nc» between Socialism tad r C Call P«P^^EDthesis 2-0570. through a viewer and see their Y" P*t,ent* 1*1"* treated cautiously carrying a lead ,nimunism. " ___________ toe bones wiggling inside. for c*BC*r can tolerate doses of umbrella to protect htmaelffrom SINGER STUDENT Not any more. SPECIALS 2.000 to 6,000 rada to local 0,6 coemlc rays from the sun — Radiation-wary scientist* and areas - although the patient has an°th'r omnipresent kind of doctors teach that radiation la ,e State I rinal this Friday. &£*SssjsXi^ss- We deliver and pick Eng,"h ^.^-^77.. x 1 not a toy. Kit doctors who know Ita Irreplaceable medical uaea to be went watchedtobesurethelreat- doesn't produce changes In rad,*tton. 31111 another points out that the the up. Buv * subsequent years. radiation delivered In one fluoro- brand new aay It ahould not be mistaken for Spartan, model In certain procedures, small wope picture of the chest is equal 192, at only $44.50. an atomic bomb either. 5 likF the So $5 down and *5 Pay only amounts of body tissue can re- to amount of radiation the monthly. These Properly used It Is a valuable celve a dose of up to 50,000 rads Person would receive in cosmic Thesis Kits tool for diagnosis and - Plastic Film En¬ treatment, which will cause Urge scale de- '""y8 ,rom the sun on a month's »To help Its members show gineering & Drafting Supplies. how, structlon In the Immediate area, v*^»Hon akllng in the Poconos. SINGER SEWING CENTER 309 S. W ASHINGTON COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT SERVICE J olofy the American College of Radl- but which produces little tfppar- is selling kits of pictoral slides which car. be used for lec¬ ent general harm, the tures to doctors and "Keller Alexander has been ETlaNSING - Transferring 487-3624 2100 W. Main, Lansing. laymen. „ f*1 r*c«,,T«'d 48 ,l"te having trouble with his respon- ■ ' y,aJ priced fo sell a 4 IV 9-2652. Reasoning that no one wants U 20<> ra,i-over your whole eit through s dull recitation body, sive reading down at our church. ranch in the Marble ■" of you could be ibled. If radiation facts, the your lie's usually back in the still K Thomas area. Large klt- College de- entire body receii radn or waters, pitted ^lUUg'e^-S In^u/home dF^ elded when the ... to let Its doctor members rest of the I with bullt-lna, 1 more In a dose, you d prob- ^hasrment, outdoor llv- £ mornings o^ FdT STARR TVPist' thesea. MICHIGAN GEOCRAPHY-Prof. W.8. Bru< tell their own of the Dept. only an outline and cartoon story. It provided ably die. wo congregation has already reached the green h grill. attached^gar- ,84() « ™Y- tu ' eral «"*• *«" pa^rs. gen- of Geology and slides These are grim les: pastures." — Charlie typing. Experienced. IBM Geography at Western Michigan University for illustration, Crawford. Lawrenceburg (Tenn.) f-allable. Call 2-8926. 42 electric typewriter.OR not so 7-8232.C spoke on "Geographical Research ond the State of grim as the factN Democrat-Union. at a Michigi " to Still 80,1 it's not a story * easy gathering In the Nat. Sci. Building Tuesday afternoon tell. The yardstick of radiation WANTED: Full or part loads State News Photo by George Ju isn't marked in inches. It's - going SUM.* west inHi June. June. Call Beklns cauueKlns TYPING: * " '"v- Term > erm papers and gen- marked in roentgens. A ■ST LANSING. Large fenced Van tines, world's largest . , « = ;—; -x roentgen eral tyP^g- Call FD II is ■* jot with many manure household goods moving and ttor- 2-8426. 47 S AlYTIV IIWIIHIItJ GrOtin F^IIliy TrflininCI V7I UUp an arbitrary unit — the amount of radlatton It takes to strike " ■ asunder so many molecules In a s, dining room, kitchen, automatic heat, ':VFf«55=l5r - In IMond Lode, Ammo WASHINGTON - The Army certain amount of air. If you turn X-rays loose on a , T SERVICE. Special battle group In human being, Thailand does not they produce a cer- Er Pailey school dls- housing. Service rate far callsr ^ Riders wanted, leave after The fact that the group doe: amount of ncw have ammunition for Its absorbed dose weaP°ns- ^ * defense ^art" not.have V: Walking distance to cam- $4. Absolute honesty. ACME ^ ammunition, eJtams. Louisville, Nashville. depart- depart- spokesman said, "is for the spokesman the X-ray energy "in his" body. This | 515.500. 116 Frye St. Call 43 T.V.. 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C Orleans. Call ED 2-4703 m spokesman said today toaay a son son that it rea- re a- Is measured In rads. One roent- • is not about 6 n.m 42 tremendous *niount can be ,p nut < up against 0 gen of exposure g«n exposi would produce into the hands of the — or in contact — with an enemy at one rad of absorbed dose In the TYPING SERVICE troops time.* — mediately If needed. aoft tissue of your Blv.635- Duplex, 6rooms ' In a body. Ample ammunition of all types living Vrn'ong friendly ..l RIDERS WANTED for Phoenix country and [lllnr ' ,J- rfnt "r se" wA9 I mu'L 1 L VXll® 18I Arliona, Taking Route 66. Leav- is available In ammunition trains The Vh^i^s0"'''0,^ Since the average medical X- vyPlIlK, fV goto** Involves ©nly 1/1 Oth ■ r-< » lner « «*>«■■» ™ *"* group Is encamped nfy Jg."»« J™ »■ C.n » i.~- j near MM. »t and a denots , »L- the ■WBJ, Joanna ^rgeant, brok- a„ * or ten., don. near Q».AIIH eroun. the • • ITni-ar r to l/25th m Lan- 355- spokesman said, »* «""">• ,h* 200 i> ■ tissue receives of a roentgen — the miles f only a fractto ' , The 1,000-man unit went into rn . get er^ises with other Southeast As- northeast Thailand of fallout and radiation, have THESES PRINTED J. P,US and oil. for gas ian Treaty Organizations within 40 miles of the Laos fused to allow themseh r border. 'This group Rapid Service (SEATO) forces, in such maneu- * ' presumably X-rayed out of fear, radtologtsti live "Ive"ammunition ^ InhaWd. ®«y. Vet the danger of radlatloi Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m7Mon. Thru. Fri.. Sat Till 6 p.m. Diazo Process NEW YORK JERSEY. Grey- i reply to questions about ,8 a variable thing. fay. - Quality Prints - ,ssued- BErKOOM, 6 year old house. CAPITAL CtTY BLUE Thialand under the defense ** spokesman 1 |1 03k Road, 1 mile west of 5 E. Lansing. 3255 521 S. Grand Ave. Lansing. IV 2-5431 Vrt 47 m assistance program ordered by President Kennedy. 5?®°|^ons Ihalland for aa,T firing range. said that "nder waV wlth receives redlatlon and how the dose Is. It only takes 25 rads delivered to the embryo within stron* Men's Summer ,.sprin9 Suits **w'1 ^ i miles north of Grand Appreciate information concern¬ ing anyone driving to Battle Creek ■ Only $"250 - terms, open ann BROWN, typist and multi- to work Dacron - Worsted South Lyon. Uth offset printing. IBM. General weekdays next fall. Ron 355-504P. modtern con- typing, term papers, theses, dis¬ sertations. 3 duplicating ses 4vatlable: MultUlth (black & proces- If Wanted TROPICAL fcporin-. all s built-in kitchen, lot, dose to campus. $22, Print. ED 2-83f Iry Waltham . Call 355-9582 or ED 2- EXPERIENCED TYPIST. ,Gen- eraj typing, term papers, fljejqs. "SSTtaVc." Swahili, Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo To Be Offered This Summer BACK DOOR SALE Swahili, Hausa, Yoruba and Language and Area Center: c41 Ibo. These African languages will Charles Kraft, Hartford, Conn., be taught at the S^R\'ICE that wlll summer In the University this Seminary Foundation: and Wel- crTT.„„ your car on the largest and most mers' wife, Beatrice Welmers, «at "go" - intensive African language pro- also of UCLA. Spartan Texaco Ser- gram ever offered by an Ameri- There will also be a seminar tsatterles, tires, complete can cation, wash jobs. university. on the geography of Africa taught Quality The eight-wee* program, June ua ce" products and skilled • 20 to Aug. 15, is being sented by the African by Harm de BliJ and one on pre- political developments in Africa Language taught by William J. Hanna. Both Thursday May 24th at 7-10 PM and Area Center and the U.S. Office of Education. are MSU faculty menbers. Assisting in the presentation of Shop now For Summer! Entrance Thru back door only William Welmers, professor of an Introductory course on the African languages at the Unlver- peoples and cultures of Africa slty of California at Los Angel- will be Albert Imohiosen, from I CORNER GRAND RIVER TEXACO SERVICE and SPARTAN es, will be the academic director of the special program at MSU. There are only about 10 Afri- Cornell University, Students in the MSU African languages program this summer Summer Dresses Phone 337-9034 I can language Instructors in the will Include 26 holders of fellow- Comparable to $14.98 Values l'nited States and half of them will ships from the U.S. Office of teach in the MSU program this Education-20 at the predoctoral GRAB IAPER SFP\/Iwever. State put ar ralks, sacrifice fly. inoUc arvi a OOOvW tinlS hed scoring by lashing a three-run the Titan led the ettack as CJS.O. glided past Cossa's Raiders, 10-0. Dave oil .°* ^1 by Jerry After five full innings State home run off Aquino. Liesplte giving up 12 hits and Steedy hit two singles and a Min [i.. e z.js,;u socked two, shot State r 11 runs, Craig pitched the dis¬ triple in three trips for C.S.O. t looked like a comior- Klewicki relieved Ronberg in Making It easy. Harris Newell tance for the win. Elias was comfort- *** suah and worked the next gave Kamikaze one hit ball as charged worth# less; ~ rt» Sugan3a-0. able 9-4, lead as the "game moved tvro innings without giving up a The game was called after four into the eighth. l hen the roof fell in on State' innings. pitchers. t>»ro>t sent 16 betters to the plate, collected s and sco ted 12 runs to w rap up •Porrevecchio Homers in the second Luther I om a to a 13-1 win over the Big E/s. brought 1-1 tie in the first Dennis Clave hurled a one hit¬ Wes Klewu ki wason the mound when the trouble started. The Leads Big 10 P—Blilii —,—-_ ter and matched the homer of Paul Bergdolt for the win. The Horrendlfiers clobbered —'QARIMEFI' Spartan hurler retired one man . „ . Ed "Rocky." Ryon wl»K the Conference Medal of Honor. THe CHICAGO— Jo* Porrevecchio. scored but a single by CUenGoode chased slugging sophomore for MSl*s set the pace by blasting , „ a£ r d t. Hong Kong, 11-3, despite a horn ur Cheng for Hon) ss THE \ baseball squad, was one of twu triples. greetestproficiency in scholarship end athletics. Ryan played departed for the showers. That brought John Elias (ram players to lead the Big Ten in Sensational Illinois southpaw, linebacker for last year's Spartan football team. The eward wos Ko„g in the fifth. er was •" •» Bob 1kuenne. Winning pitch-• CHILDREN'S v the bullpen. Elias faced three two batting departments this : he r, completely do¬ presented to him at the Varsity Club's annuol chicken fry Tues¬ The Burkhardts defeated Dol¬ HOUR V minated conference pitching stat¬ batters. ga\e up a double, walk day evening. lar 65. 6-3. with a three run Porrevecchio belted five h istics. Fletcher allowed only two and one hitter reached base by runs and knocked in IS earned runs in 45 innings for an rally in the fifth. Tom Finch hur¬ run led for the Burkhardts. way of an error, and that was all for the senior lefthander. Righthander John Aquino was MSI' pitcher. Aquino capture giamo 1 he third two of the major three r batting title untoltevahle 0.396 earned run average, breaking the conference record of 0.42 set by Minnesota's Ryan Presented A homer by Fred Kitchens contributed to the Colts 10-4 win over AOCS 1. Max Dejongs re¬ J for t > walk: but I > vioubte. batting average, Indiana LaDuke with second was clinched by baseman Eddie p>ul Clel ln 1<)s2- Fletcher also struck out 42 With Big 10 Award ceived credit for the win. George Gilbert smashed a homer for a .431 mark. Por- bn-lost Ed ' Rocky" Ryan and Steve Blg Ten champlonehtp awards In the other two games Tues- bsMnd teanimate Jeff Abrecht. record which tied him with team- Johnson were nam«j recipients were presented to MSU athletes rhe Spartan outfielA»rs batted m«"» ' "*•— '* day, the leisters accepted a Lx,u« MiUs for the Bi« two highest awards for who won Individual titles " • Big forfeit from AOCSII. and Phi .3*6 and .400 combined scholarship and ath- Ten respectively. Ohio r«n competition. These awards Tau won over A. E. Pi by for¬ TECHNICOLOR* from WARNER niinois, which won its 18th letic prowness at the Varsity were wrist watches with a BRQsl conference baseball champion- Club's annual Chicken Fry held *5' ^ the face of each one. green feit ship, led the league in pitch- at Jenieon practice field Tuee- TRY A STATE NEWS WANT AD nth the Spartan bench fielder and football end, w ing and fielding. Ohio State set day night. lowing- were presented to the fol- "S' *T rf"" i Boot , cat-called ^the borne partments. Kiel w the„rc* a .312 mark.I" J?.T, ""c1» wxXb Michigan State was Ryan* the 1961 l°^lu ^ln> was presented with the Con- ^ Browsh- DaleCooper. Jim LOOKl TlQ iXirkee and Johnson allfor sevm- Looki GOOlI w a respectable third in this de- ference Medal of Honor, given isuallymind-i :he Buckeye's John NUchado partment with a .263 average and naatlcs Sherman Lewis for ,n an «*-player's opinion, the for annually at each of the Big Ton :he lead in doubles with six. they tied for first with Illinois institutions "to the student Row tnd RQl Wood for to be headed toward a good year, plavers led the league demonstrating the greetest pro- gwimmlng and Bob Brooks for Dave Christie, former MSU First Run Showing ! Adm. 90s in runs and State finished in a t triples. Joe Jones ith flciency in scholarship and ath- Indiana for fifth place I ' fanclng forward, feels the latest edition * jlin* for the Spartar.s IM Schedule standings. A late enabled the Spartans season spurt Johnson, the BigTenandNCAA ^ Sorvice awards t0 were present- Lym#n Frlmodlg, Cecil the team has • fln« bench lined up for the coming season. tramP° '"* a :lurrv Tgiunst Titai thu conference cellar. to escape F awarded the Chester L. Brewer ' N,cW^ Forest Akers xWmon George After coaching the alumni squad to a 2-2 tie against the I CLUES PUIS VIOLENT MUM All averages are for Big Ten competition only. Iowa and Min- uating senior for distinguished given "to Forest Akars. Ken varsity seemed to control die 3 I'm compieced their performance in athletics and Earlev, John Fu»k V^ve Con- 1 walk and conference schedules, but neither mid-field play, but felt the scholarship, and for posses sing a llebf has any players ln a position to Kenney. Jim Ruttman goalie, Ted Saunders, did Poultry Sci.-iiasteens high degree of character, leader- AIKj \vy„n Schuler • fine Job while the alumni de- threaten the top performers as ship and personality which fore- Bower- Motts 7 fense jammed the nets, listed. cast a successful career." \kt • So*o~ .Antiques Elsw, ; Howl Warriors Go _ George Sepetys, Spartan cap- In In 195", scored one alumni i-Pseudeblos (1 on a penalty shot, while To 'Frisco jonn ueimisi aaciea ttie other. 1 \ ans-Consultants NEW YORK -The Philadelphia 2 St. Cerauds-Asher Warriors, starring WUt Cham- i ^ 3 Ev. Sch.-Colonv Club berlain, finally moved to San ^>?inted for th< 8°*la- 4 Francisco Wednesday. lonnys Neurons-Mar\s 5 .A«T.O.-D.L'. (resume) Bovs After a month-long series of Yanks Down K.C., 13 7 s Beal-liedrtck AMERICAN LEAGUE meetings the National Basketball NEW YORK, JVThe New York - NATIONAL LEAGUE Association's Board of Gover¬ Ag. Econ.-Communicators W L Pet. GB W L Pet. CB Yankees exploded for nine runs S Cavalier-Casmo New York 22 13 nors approved the sale of the the IIURITtl • kCIKS MMttKll • AN ALLIED ARTISTS Pimc I (resume) — - .629 -- -- S. Francisco 28 13 .643 ... eighth Inning Wednesday — franchise for $850,000 and the ** San Francisco although including a record-tying "Twenty Plus Two" Shown First at 8:371 home runs ln one Inning oy rook¬ asss a 3?} w&is-s j ie Joe Pep 1 tone, to bury the Btliixnore 19 CWcago 20 17 18 JJ8 .526 3 3 L"2 1/2 Plttrturgh Milwaukee 19 16 17 22 .51, 7 .421 10 1/2 - p. vo,ed Kansas City Athletics 13-7. THE HOLLYWOOD Detroit lo i; .485 5 Philadelphia 15 21 .41? 10 lA TARLITE YOU'VE NEVER Kansas C.18 22 .450 6 1/2 Houston 15 23 .395 11 \n Boston 13 22 .371 9 New York 12 21 .364 12 Washington 9 25 .265 12 1/2 Chicago 13 25 .342 13 i/2 WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS: New York 13, Cleveland at Chicago, Los Angeles at Kansei (N) City 7 Philadelphia at S. Francisco (N) Cincinnati Houston (N) EXCLUSIVE SHOWiWat KNOWN...THE WAV Washington. (N) New York at Los Vngeles (X) STARTS Detroit at Baltimore, Minnesota at Boston, (N) (N) Chicago at Milwaukee (N) Pittsburgh at St. Louis (N) (Tomorrow) FRI. A MOVIE STAR Kansas City at New York Today's Games: In Person Minnesota at Boston Philadelphia at S. Francisco Chicago at Milwaukee (S) 'Geo. LIVED IT Montgomery' Detroit at Baltimore (N) Pittsburgh at St. Louis (N) Los Angeles i Wtshington (N) Cincinnati at Houston (N) ' New York at Los Angeles (N) Star of "Samar" Will Be At The ANDNOW Community Circle Players Between 8 PM and 10 PM Sat "STARLITE" Presents Christopher Fry's Comedy 26TH. TELLS Free Get his autograph at this time. Dm Lady's Not For Burning Directed by D. Michael Blas'ingame IT! \ May 24-25 & Tickets Available At. Paramount 26 Newsbop or Call IV 5-8040 after ? P.M. Circle Playhouse 1120 S»*ridan St. Lansing Curtain 8:30 P.M. Students With LP. slop JUL BESU KEQREI (LN FILMS. THEY DARE THE SEVEN UNHOLY TERRORS! T H—E—A—TR—E 6EDR6E MONTGOMERY • GILBERT ROUNO • ZM 332-2814 mJSSS.rwN » 332-3817- eonAHH JOW OWIBt-KO MMMW^fEROE GROfE,.GtOW MONTGOMERY 2SS GE0R6E MONTGOMERY _USTi6HI "ItoUwfofJokniMe' Plus Co-Feature-First Run. JAYNE MANSFIELD' BARRIE CHASE SA18/ STARTING-FR1-AT7PM Adults9Q^ SECRETS OF THE CELLS! SHAME OF INMATES! BABIES BORN IN FRANK GOOIN ■ MARGO MOORE i A Gay Colorful French Ballet JAILS! INNOCENTS THROWN IN With Four Great Dancers. WITH FEMALE BULLY-BOYS!!! PM^JUyEIDNOONn _ ■ - ROBERT STRAUSS HERSCHEL BERNARD1 JOE 0ES »^««»»«EM SCWMlfi mcm». JOSEPH M HEWHAX "The George Raft Story*' Shown jnq*J — 3rd Gut* Feature - BLKK 'HSBTS A't sAee-- m»gKt elp Idvin r laifbgys1 IN TECHNICOLOR AND TECHNWAMA ^ From WARM "The ten Story" Shown 3rd»?J£-