Weather Mettly little wind. sunny Hipti /rMejr with temperature MICHIGAN in the low Inside STATE NEWS 70rs, with wind wnt to northwest 10 to mi lot on hour. 20 STATE MSU coed to be chosen Miss Lansing, 7; part four of UNIVERSITY p. Counseling Center series by Linda Lo?ridge, p. 3; Feurig raps shoe styles, p. 9. Vol 53. no. 206 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 25. 1962 Senate CarpenteM)riMts^laftlt 4 Times Defeats Congress Raps Lands Censure 200 Miles The \cademlc Senate turned Action on Red wi it resolution requesting the fMrJ of Trustees to reverse decision barring Com- By SALLY DF.RRICKSON Of the State News Staff spiracy speakers as presented by these is not the one which is Off Target " ,sts from speaking on campus Student Congress universally held. Pilot Sighted after I K » vote of 156 to 93 Wednesday. Wednesday "Furthermore, one of the I Usn Crimes, professor of po- night passed a resolution ex~ reasons for the action of the 35 Minute Scare pressing severe disapproval of Board of Trustees appears to be l uacal science, said before he the Board of Trustees' decision CAPE CANAVERAL (JVAstro- 1Itotroducfd he the resolution that felt the University should to bar Communist Robert G. a fear that the Thompson would endanger the appearance of naut Malcolm Scott Carpenter whizzed three times around the Zm liberal policy Thompson from speaking < ' --- of - • world today, then « more campus. adequate serenely took concerning speakers on campus, Congress voted 23 t (Continued o to a life raft In the Atlantic the resolution stated: 15, with Ocean as his spaceship overshot 2 abstentions, to accept the reso¬ "We request the Board of lution, after a four hour debate. Its target area by 200 miles. i t-uJtees to reconsider the policy A roll call vote was America's secohd man In orbit I I of Michigan State University In 1 rtsar. to the policy concerning "jokers on campus. The board an voting was amendment to Include the taken, but list with the resolution defeated. Co-op chatted amiably with three medi¬ cal parachutists dropped by a Navy patrol bomber to his aid I * requested to endorse a Unlv- I I versity polic>' which would be Copies of the resolution will be sent to the Board ofTrustees, Scores while he awaited a pickup. For utes a heart stopping 35 min¬ it was feared that the 37- conducive to the free interchange President 1 John Hannah, all year-old Navy Lieutenant Com¬ e ate campus as befitting university." confirmed three faculty of the members and members legislature. 3 Point mander and his Aurora 7 craft had been lost. space¬ Several Congress members ents to the Athletic Then came the opposing the resolution—prima¬ Elsworth House with a grade cheering news | Council made by President John rily the wording--attempted to point average of 3.027 for Winter shortly after 1:20 p.m. (F.ST) that a Navy patrol bomber had *. Hannah. became the second vinder- ANXIOUS MOMENTS-Astro Milosh Muntysn, professor of Scott Carpenter's sighted Carpenter floating on a i defeatedbya substantial family, I tducation. will replace Madison majority each time. Others op¬ i three point. life raft a thousand miles south¬ 1 Kuhn, professor of history. Re- posing it attempted to refer it Records elating back to 1957 ties his srpenter and NASA authori- east of here instead of the plan¬ I ippetnteii for a second term were back to Political Affairs show that Kappa Alpha Theta had on londing. ned 800 miles. I Com¬ The Coast Guard at the Vir¬ Donald Come, professor of social mittee, but a 3.12 for fall term, were defeated. 1959, and right, Robyn Jay, 8; Kri gin Islands said he came down e, and Robert Kramer, as- a 3.046 for Representatives from AWS, fall, 1958. Marck Scott off Anegada Island, 19 t director of cooperative IFC and Parr-Hel, The sororities topped all (rear) 12. degrees non-voting and 29 minutes north members of Congress, also classifications with an latitude op- average - and 64 degrees and posed the resolution. 0f 2. The co-ops scored a 1/2 minute 'Brigadoon9 west longitude. lAUSG OK's AUSG President Bob Howard said Thursday that he was In favor of "fully close second with a 2.58. The winter all-university g.p.a. for rose to a 2.42 bet- Why the capsule overshot the planned Impact area had yet to Congress taking a [Revisions stand disagreeing with the action terlng Fan rm's mark of 2.37. be explained officially but it set Haunting off a fantastic of the Board of Every en's dormitory on flurry of grim Trustees." activity in which ships were or- t •Congress passed a "But 1 don't feel that this campus improved its g.p.a. over Fall term. t flank speed and | resolution recommending sev- resolution is written in the con¬ West Shaw and East Shaw re¬ indicc il changes ir. theproposed plan sidered and constructive manner " tained their first and second ato hundred years. r off-campus housing rules that it should be," he said. It What follows --as appeared thai I Wednesday night. The full text of the resolution standings respectively If you love The r follows: a mow "ie the men's dorms with someone deeply, wedding., and an accld1 "'JUG IN ■ anything Is is possible, matlcally as scheduled may have *FF1GY-.Swlnai«g six stories above the ground "Academic Freedom at MSU" spectively. of 2.57 and 2.47, re¬ authors Alan philosophize enjoyable production. :ompara- Jay Lerner and theater performer . - - been responsible for the distant °' Communist Robert Thompson "Fact: The catalog of Michigan ' the Board , go to w , * . u, Frederick Loewe inmeiaura™- noting of the landing tar- hung wednes- state Bennle Middaugh. .- In the In the haunting- K 1 _ s Friday for day night following the moss ottendan. of Thompson* s speechi. hold University states: 'We still Brody poup Butterfield , Lansing review, ..Jlntainerf its lead ly fantastic tale of "Brigadoon. graduate student, plays the recommendations Members of 'The Block Legion* fast to what should be the by achieving the part rge tint students under 21 who anti-Communist group on fundamental * University Theatre musical of Tommy, the young American purpose of every p comedy production being whos bored with New . East Landon replaced West . * pre- York and »ve completed residence halls ersity—to seek the truth. semed ln the Audltonum jve completed resident hall Photo by George Junne. toach the truth« and t0 preserve Landon as leader among the wo- through h!s «"ds Brigadoon and 1 dorms with; Saturday 3 serious love. Apparently the rocket equirerr.ents be allowed to live the truth. We believe the nre I ■ ■ ■ I whole The story of love ln As the man who discovers that s promise of knowledge is a pro¬ pared to West's 2.57. an en- supervised housing within East Delta Scottish » Carp en I Gamma lead the so¬ Jlinslng ciry limits. per area of the attention of a rorities with village whic up everything, Middaugh FIT acts and gyr°s ~1 a 2.93 and Farm university.' Congress resolution sug- that approved jig not be limited to East supervised Global "On May 17, 1962, the State University Board Michigan of House topped the fraternities with only one day every hundred "Brigadoon" combines deep thought; Scothch-flavored years, some ings wth artistic grace. "Almost Like Being in Love," is not too loud, not too soft, but down and the r is similar to that of Broadway !t also suggests that definite [Criteria be established for Robert G. Thompson, a City Council Votes I just the right star John Raitt. Ired manually by Carpen- ex- widely And as the sweet lass in love Glimpses known member of the Communist , _. , adlng any boundaries which m I OX inCfGQSG with Tommy, yet aware that she may party. Mr. Thompson's speech wo attempts was about 15 becomes apparent the lights dim a cannot leave Brigadoon to be with ' sec- was being The East Lansing1 city coun¬ thlrty- mds. Scientists have estimated charged within the sponsored by the Young i orchestra under the dir- enior Corr:ne Socialist Club. cil adopted a record $1,512,900 that each second of Increasing, n of Hans Lampl of the delay ln Asnumber of students demand- ■ budget this week, putting city department accompanies a firing the rockets would result By the Associated Press has ^ privileged y^Tth's "mPf residents" c r t Like^ Being in ln 30me flve mljeg of override to have avail- dden chorus of lads'i >(^ SS Negotiations Should Be Directed to Dutch The new tax rate will be $19.50 sies's voices to softly inviting all Hill," the highlands of Scotland. I Mis full of ( Navy hurricane hunter planes avail- per thousand of assessed valua- hurtled off the runways at An¬ The curtains open on two lost l°ng'ng- and c JARKATA, INDONESIA, - Foreign Minister Subandrio said These tigua in the British West Indies. Thursday U.N. acting Secretary-General U Thaw's appeal for warned speakers have constantly American travelers named Tom- Scotch accent, over last year's rate. Soon after resumption of negotiations on west New Guinea should be di- communism. against the menace of my and Jeff. In complete contrast to Miss sighting the Astro¬ The 1962-63 budget figure Slanted rocks, a dim forest, naut in the water, a rected to the Dutch. However, the de- Bowra s character role is the Navy Nep- scription of the Communist presents a $163,000 and s patrol bomber swung over- Meanwhile, a high ranking military officer said he con- over this year's faraway misty waters be- Pan played by Sault St. Marie was elated , budget. the map fade head ^! parachuted the thr« : the Guinea's i lush jungles John M. Patriarche, city mana- to show a blue cloudy atmosphere ^medical men into the water. Their and declared 5 just the b ger, said part of the Increase was when Tommy tasks were to help Carpenter and due to payments the and Jeff go off to city must find some people, to affix a rubber tube to the Thant, attempting to avert a full-scale war for the jungle ter- Go to Trustees make on library and sewage find some people. Once again (Continued on page 3) keep it from sink- ritory, yesterday urged debts. President^ Sukarno and Dutch The Board of Trustees Included ln the coming year's Brigadoon awakens f om its ing. hundred years' sleep, jet helicopters from the of the proposals and changes li regulations ing Friday. t capital improvement program are plans for street construction The townsfolk sing a jaunty number, and all busily and h'ap- City Eyes the ier scene Intrepid also hastened to to hoist Carpenter Abbot Road, particularly ln JFK Dedicates Senate Office Building Dean of Students John Fuzak the area of " " the : library: plly set about their daily busl- ness. Student nd lafety. the parachutists aboard to will submit WASHINGTON, - President Kennedy dug intc bucket with a that were recommended thehousingproposals plans for street lighting -J in this Then the Americans stumble with the Aurora by the silver trowel Thursday, slapped block, and helped dedicate *$70-mlllion house ■ble AUSG Committee on Student same area and payments to the state for the city's share of the into a the village, creating quite stir,-for the people of Briga- Renters had few 1 the a The President's masoni. masonry didn't office^building. " Rights and Welfare. cost of road work on M-78. doon have had no visitors for ovei Attempts will be made by the phere from orbital flight about however, and after he had gone the bloi city of East Lansing to devise 12:35 p.m. and until another Navy men did the job over again. regulations for MSU students bomber picked up an automatic New Housing The block-long, foyr-story building across the ! a the renting_homes in the area. electronic homing beacon from capitol has-been named, after the late Sam Rayburn. and Kennedy According to Jack M. Patri¬ the space ship. Propos devoted hlsl)rief remarks to a tribute to the man who was Speaker arche. city manager, students Air~tndications are that the of the House longer than anyone else. who live in 7 and off-campus houses Aurora Carpenter landed Up houses have become a problem Students: Rayburn's "great skiU and lasting contribution. • at 12:41 p.m. Shutty to > President, was his ability t i achieve residents of East Lansing. The Senate interrupted a debate 1 W°ter Wonderland... "u" harmony between congress and the executive branch, nl II on the farm bill to ius making the system of checks applaud the and balances that is the h t of the American form of govern- Adoption of the newly propos- that tl Jaron Shutty his faith in the workability of plications. F ment work. ed housing regulations will place „ew off-campus housing tudents was safe, program. ' believe the hosen Queen jt ,s possible this policy women are for this change,-he said. In ready many living in houses supervision and tend are tc t under •come a Until the Aurora overshot the intended impact area, the whole Mystery Still Clouds Jet Crash Cause students John Fuzak ir living units," Fuzak said. "Yet responsibility than been orbital flight had been a superb display of precision space flight KANSAS CITY - ''Continental eleven, do you read... Contin- If they maintain the '• order land" in ' policy, drawn up by and objectives principles, complaining s students display of precision space flight. Detroit ental eleven, do you read." upon which they founded, I don't think it „,oni^ rh.t the ln^rwse^n : the °f Mlchig»n Faculty Committee on Stu- were Carpenter left this earth atop But there was no reply, thus ending the last radio converse- Week ce- dent 5 To^inl t control over their actions. flaming 360,000 pound thrust L&lflsZJZ Affairs, would make it pos- should." number of *"dents moving cc a Residents say that the students atlas missile at 7:45 a.m. are (EST). noisy, that they don't take Despite the difficulties en- ! '-ke Mk*»w« between the crew of t JSSXS-SK of their property, and that they tend to have\asitorsthrough the flight, landing and during the nation 1 airliner awl _ mo-s iay night Miss a ground control 1 , Waverly. Iowa shed no ' Fuzak said he expects the stu- all hours of the day and night, at a Shutty was light on the reason for the accident. Nor did the give any dents to meet this ^ ~ triaLFii-' "In the first place, the Lansing he explained. party by the indication of any trouble. Mk said. There is a calculated area does not provide He said: ponslbllity thereby eliminating rl8k/lnvolved ^ students cesslve" supply of housing.'' he "If the University is going to «•"«' recognition to Oak Wile House Conference on S.E. Asian Crisis blems 5,"£inip dealing with social It«"d- thsn half of those presently qua- ^ "** to relax its regulations, we're going to have to tighten up ours Tigers Win in I lih: gulations. "I have faith ln the n WASHINGTON - President Kennedy met tor an hour today "If students 1 If led for unapproved and un- ln order to correct the problem." Kaline Hits 13th atiL0" 18 "tonally •tor known as with Secretary of State Dean Rusk and key advisers dom mts want more free- people will rise to the occas- houslng take advan- At the moment the city has no rwirler. She ls ern problems: The White House described it they have ave to show by action ion, Fuzak said, and "I think . idea what strictly <" a routine regulations will be im¬ The Detroit Tigers I e girl of Que. —. - vluc, maga- -ession. th«y want it," lirve our It," he said. "I be- students the students will in this case." 8 it.. posed, he said. altlmore Orioles won Thursday a 5 ^ ts.Michtoin'«M«fcn^(le Michigan's ,™ Ma torme „ 1 Press Secretary Pierre Salinger said that W. Avereli Her- press enough for this change," are "We hope, howeve " he said, night on a wild pitch by Hoyt - IUB ^ which he wniv„ Im will Wli, later present ^ lhe Tigers. A1 Kaline, Rocky Maxwell D. Taylor, Kennedy's military adviser. decided upon by the Board of Fuzak emphasized this policy will cause any com- Trustees. the City Council for considera- Colavito and Bill Bruton all hit tlon. circuit clouts. p Michigan State News .EDITORIAL. East Lansing. Michigan Friday, Mayjs i.f. j Letters to The Editor A Successf Bob Cantrell Spring W On Jefferson, Thompson and Trustees m tolerated where reason ls left is laiaeez-faire typ and the senior activities activities which Which student Student leaders leader. To The Editor: more about the opinions of leg- fy iu action. {( ^ extremely unlikely that islators and right wing pressure Their main, and incidentally to combat It." Communism is jctiooary, he would t. 'n class proved that careful planning and administrators wisely sched- would have heard Robert groups than of students and fac- weakest, point is the one upon contrary to your opinion acd for professing radic«i s.,® I H can lead to success. „,pH uled for the OQr>,a same ,.•««ir weekend. 1 nH ThP The Thompson speak on campus or ulty. Such kow-towing to exped- whlch j hope to concentrate, mine and If tolerated any mora students; if the head of « Last year^ senior president off However. 1 deeply iency aborts the true purpose of Namely, that any dissemination of in this country may control our partment knows that theL ^ success Of all the programs resent the invasion of my right a university, to provide a free political viewpoints should be reason to combat it. Any ex- Trustees is vehement^« * Cantrell began laying groundwork to learn .which the denial m> market place for the discussion carried out in the sterile and presslon or support of com- to departmental revamp* speaks well for Spring Weedend for Sunday's Senior Swingout. in which Parents' Weekend, Thompson of a place to speak oHdeas. ^ ^ ^ ctmtm objective 1 atmosphere of the munism^asks more than the right wouldbe a fool f0r represents. I should like t Congratulations n to the State f* c]aMroorn. ' " * fed that the stu- to speak but weks to destroy with the status "* " *w "* ~ c Cantrell was worried about the Water Carnival and Junior 500 Three *points"ln defense of News lor Its forthright editorMal dmts' Tave a 'right"to dermoid the v7ry iials and beliefs many Board of TrostelT'bn?* my position. •itinn. sand on — this Issue," and to Don uniform UIIUUI UI «ppHcation of this prin- young college Americans died public opinion would be success of the affair, which tra¬ included. . _ . were A man. perhaps forgotten by Stevens for remembering that cJ jhm »u students hearing, listed ditionally features a keynote ad¬ the Trustees, a man who was one — ,,w" laughing, they dress by President John Hannah. This success leads the State of the greatest defenders of civil Professor of Chemistry News to rights of all time, a man who Representative cracy. You should be ashamed, speak. Last year less than 200 persons congratulate all those in- was once our President, a man Marshall and Senator Smeekens little one^.1 wait far the day Ton? Fetn volved and urge named Thomas Jefferson said whose authoritarian ouUook is when young Americans, led by heard Hannah speak. continuance of that "Error of opinion may be Spring Weekend. tolerated where reason is left To the Editor: should also avoid tainting our so-called freedom of destruction. Coordination of publicity, com¬ w combat it." As reported In denying the use of Univer- pure institution. Obviously this I will not defend with my life To the Editor: mittees and a few alterations in in the May 18 State News, it sity facilities to a spwker who policy Is not only infeaslble but your right to say what this coun- We the undersigned areanv. the program combined with just Perhaps other programs could it "long-standing University openly admits his membership contrary to our whole basis of try stands against. "Common to express our gratitude iT? be policy" to "not knowingly invite in the Communist Party of the American ideals of free speech, sense is not so common," said Board of Trustees and p, plain hard work led to attendance brought into the one weekend a Communist to'preach his trea- United States the majority of «-—• «—u- dtnt * of over 2 ,000. - next year, such as an athletic e- son on our campus." - the Trustees and the President _ _ _ [(j "Since error of opinion is not of this University have demon- forthrlghtly that they are afraid tain college students when he and the potection thereby J True, Swingout a 11 e n d a n c e vent and the International Pro¬ tolerated, then reason is not left strated a shocking contempt for ^ jj,e state legislature. Thus said it. You as editor of a great ed our ideology from benefited from Spring Weekend free to combat it. From the same academic freedom and the ra- gram. ^ises the hard fact that the newspaper must be responsible; of a single communist an* Trustees said in 1960 tional capacity of the students A —i * price of a truly liberal education you must show good Judgement demonstrates the eternal*! that a "university is obligated — t< and faculty. Their —ts must be Increased cost to the must lead with ideals that ance defend academic freedom.' operating to shieldtheii doubts also on their Delta Sigma ■- Phi student due to decreased appro- help support this country and logy of the MSU studentf there fore either academic f:ee- age and intelligence. dom is completely independent If the crude rationalization of- priatlons. Who's to blame? Leg- you must not generalize. Show evil, sin, and corruption islature or Trustees? No mat- your intelligence by using good Now we sleqp soundly of reason or there has indeed fered for their action is indi- Communist Robert Thompson ter~ what the answer, one thing judgement, "judgement the Administration fraternity. been an invasion of academic cative of anything, it Is that the i, clear- the students pay tor more Important than I.Q. sorting the desirable" fre^S the protests of given are has come and gone. Michigan State Amidst all the ranting, pres¬ reasons a shoddy au this through decreased educa- Ron Grow *91177 undesirable. " rustees notwithstanding. sen to cover their main rea- tional opportunities. I personally 430 Rosewood We further is still intact. We've heard of no suring and subsequent acquies¬ I sincerely hope that academic s--that the ban was imposed feel that a university which is suggest the J East Lansing. Michigan structlon of a brick and » .» u. auu.c way noi because of any principle, but sudden conversions to the Marx¬ cing, Delta Sigma Phi volun- d with reason. This rather because of a selfish sac- a political pawn Is in a dubious tar wall surrounding our a, position to dispense education a commune to keep outth.ewivt, ist-Leninist cause. teered their facilities — not to leaves the conclusion conclusion that that there there riflce of principle to finan rlfice financial opposed to -— indoctrination in To the Editor: hobgoblins and othe- < been an invasion of academic and prestige condsideratlons. It was an incident colored by Dlea«?e pieast a a Communist communist but DUt to to realize t'ZLZanfPrestl8e freedom. It has beenn shown that considerations. •'Americanism" as ••Americanism" as preached by If a student knows that his deemed genuine thre They seem to fear that the Michigan's anti-libertarian leg- instructor is closeminded and thing or another the result of emotionalism and immaturity on principle being compromised , °nnding — political Neanderthals who In- J*? islature. lslature' vengeful, he would be a real CharittCrJ ,, , _ - o University habit the state legislature will Kent Bristol JadtK.cfl . the and rationalized away by other in- fool for arguing a point just part of those to which the policy." But the "University is wreak financial revenge If a Com- obligated to defend academic I essay exam is to be Thomas E. community looks for responsible terest groups, munist, one of Satan's messen- JnmnetitiiHnnnl'/> anded- if an instructs knows Phillip P. £□ And when thev, too, were sub- freedom." Thus it may be seen Kers, is allowed to speak here. 17nCOnSlUUtWnai, graded, t if an ofinstruct, the head knows his department Dan KeuJ leadership and sedate action -•? that the policies of this Univ« The University's fuzzy fiction To The Editor- ■ i , . sity are such that it c a policy statement published its educators, politicians and jected to that inevitable pressure , caU the attention of the Board nu its controllers of the mass media. --in this case by the alumni con¬ it is the obligations. Following the statement that university's obligation «! Fr^y s State News lsdlrect- against "subversives" and 0f Trustees case It Is lt ls not to the following. In not recognized, reco(nll7ei, it lr is ls AAUP Opposes The episode clearly shows just trol board which threatened to to defendacademic fieedom. lt "propaganda." But by their de- flnltion practlcaUy the whole fa- Article n S^ctio^?^?**e con! o'f how deep a truly lamentable as¬ withdraw their charter — the ^ stated that It "is equally obligated to insure that advantage culty would be guilty of sub- version and propaganda if we stitution »Eve£ t£r£yfreXm«k the state of Michigan- write, and publish his sentiments Trustees' Decision pect of the cold war irrevocably fraternity brothers did not ac¬ is not taken of that freedom for are to take their definition of on all subiects beinzresoonsihle has engrained minds of too many Americans. itself into the quiesce. Unanimously they voted to through with the : obvious students at implication this Univer the jrf. -TO, rl*» » M. field of professional speclallza- tion to advance his personal Doll- no JS.'rtlSrSSfSS Uw shall be passed to re- - professor of English and Presi- beliefs. On the contrary, wjsJ 1 program. not straln or abridge the liberty of dent of the Michigan Chapter of lieve that exposure to opp« competent to recognize th tlcal views, as subversion and Delta Sigma Phi deserves the an avowed Communist coming to speech or of the press." the American Association of Unl- ideologies of the left i-d ± propaganda, However, one of the few bright respect and praise of the stu- speak on the subject of Com- All shades of opinion on cam- I wish to ask this question: versity Professors. He submitted right alike by that very m Can the Board of Trustees, or one copy in the form of a 1« strengthen spots in the darkness which dents. The State _ N£ws will back ... . , munism might speak in favor of pus from Dr. Moore and the Con- any other body, even the legis- in their values, for the* tcr t0 President Hannah and a . Communism (propaganda - any servatlves, leftward, would come lature, be within the limits of other to the State News. have met and passed the blanketed the area as a result of them through whatever difficulty organized group, effort or move- under such a definition, of public scrutiny. the tltutlo the issue the Delta The Michigan State University For some, Mr. Thorrpsal was Sigma Phi they will encounter. person from speaking his senti¬ Webster's ments, not only on the MSU chapter of the American Associa¬ criminal record has bea m New Collegiate Die- false dichotomy between reason campus, but anywhere In the tion of University Professors is of decision. But fc tionary there is Implicit in One of The Sadder Aspects and politics that is naive - In con- state of Michigan? well aware of the problems and fairness, it should be p< this action of the Trustees the ceptlon and absurd If carried to Daniel L. Berry pressures confronting theTrust- that Mr. Thompson's cri conception that Communism is its logical conclusion. What sub- i Administration of the the only system to use political 436 Evergreen political Ject in the University does Of Michigan Week propaganda. We of the - f;ee world send have at least some political Im- plications? Such a view seems not Phone 337-9676 Student No. 188606 appearance Thompson on Robert G, the campus. It which in effect makes Ship In the Communist jcty i men n additional 30. appear in a likely territory, the those behind the Iron Curtain a,. calculated to sanction littlel , . _ parUcularly aware that If any crime; this ls not quite is r, , Professor of/r. L Fisheries - , f tried to get co- male singing, the female atren- message through the Voice of than a politics of moss-back- ]nDpft>nrt> punitive action is taken against as theft or conspiracy to sistant operation from grounds depart- tive. By watching the area America and Radio Free Europe, ed unreconstructed reaction from a/c^crilc the University it is die faculty if democracy' t personnel, it is a rare oc- whar those who rake and closely, It has been often pos- The Communist party prevents faculty and students. To the Editor. and students who will have to battle for the minds s ,lble flnd ^ 1# missHj " them from hearing. Now. the So how can a man who openly I read that you denounced Mich- bear the brunt of reduced ap- the : ' bird ] mow the campus, bring in a dead and then t0 recover either oneor Communist party has sent us a advertises hta Communist mem- State University's Board by force; to front again proclaiming Michigan animal. It is much easier to proprlatlons. But it is most of that ls what we whip bodies. message through Robert Thomp- bership, who clearly states the of Trustees because they voted "all aware of the principle that Week. \ chesty robin redbreast, them up into a pile of feathers itarlans of doing and tb To try t0 convlnce those that son. a message perhaps less topic of his talk to be a dis- not to allow a Communist to if freedom of thought, expression, bursting with song, is used as a under a mower, or haul them off we oppose them. To impcsei front man for the Water Wonder¬ in a pile of trash. say tbu 30rt 0f t- ————————certainly absurd to conceive of serve and K^ilism. ro^)lr! has 110 significance what- ours — both in intent and fly. Both were tremb- Practicalismpropagate without idetasm is 'oever. People may not like to execution), leading us rapidly into many blind ** confronted with a bird which No. die disloyal are none of and disastrous alleys, DDT in the brain to kill them. trying sing. i sadder song w many cold is off- Many children are diese — rather, they are In this It has been amply demonstrated and unrewarding relationships. Plowing up nowadays who never 5 _ the Trustees and President It ls high time we that IDT is a persistent and dea d- Equally bring respect se* 8 robin, never hear its song, dtis University who would for life back to the campus and and know nothing of its inspir- sacrifice principle to political some leaves cease worshipping horticultural ation. The birdie with the yellow and financial expediency: who shipped as an all-purpose in- Each y< ashi»r ipm rn perfection, the power of chem- bul 00 longer hops upon their would trample on the constituted sectlcide by those who arefraught campus • !«,.-> .1... f i istry. and the efficiency of the ^"dowsill, wither because of rights of a student organization with problems of Insect and voice can *e heardm#chln«- The world is acommu- or for ™»iy other rea- *o get out from under the pres- disease control. I sympathize with these people, but my main the buildli " days thrasher is broueht in -"end. and I nitV of llvln« things and not Just 1 pedestal for Man. *e hypocrisy of a people that am repulsed by *** of irate reactionaries who fear even listening to a Com- concern Is for life in general and not Just troubled individuals. S'Xi WKTS5! This or «public , «. spring, time «nd again I have found 15 birds, and Dr. I hav< pair o. robins discover that the image of the }*» I am remimted of a by Kenneth Burke, inhisRhetoric ing the precious academic free- are the ones wtio are'deitro^ of Motives, who said it ls only doms of inquiry and free dls- Michigan State News a short step from treating an- cussion of ideas diey are sup- imals as thiags to treating people posed to cherish, as things. I do *x>t think that Rated ALL-AMERICAN Newspaper Ray Pran by ACPA pUce of higher liaming should Published by the students of 1217 1/2 E. Mlin Michigan State University. Isst*d on class days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and • programsShlch destroy spring quarters. life of all kinds on its Its a^GreeavtUB MMtijp dUrln* the s«mmer term. Second class postage paid port to such programs through¬ ess lend its sup¬ Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services building Michigan out the rest of the state. It Stat* University, East Lansing, To the Editor- Michigan and 109 N. Lafayette Street. Greenville, Michigan. SVJZ2SS' ' wss looking forward Mad subscriptions payable in advance for one term. S3 for two terms R' for three terms, $5. of ** A*socl,ted Inland "7^ m nature. -•« «" " ©f a;our expii^. campus T^3»r^; moral watchdogs Daily Press Association and tte CoUe«e press. in tfits diis ^iv»e?i!7 diversity, let it become tag me conWrue a " mak' "pinko", although in Editor .Ben Burns Photo Editor £*ve Jaehnig evident through intensive inves- their omniscient way some Man. Editor Jim Wellington Spotlight Editor. .... .Sally Ward un- ^•rtOB ^t^rff«SOf,"Pr'r- ' Mgr Larrjr Pontius Spotlight Asst Jackie Korona ^oubtedly m. Mgr. . . . .Tmi» Huckle Asst. Spons Ed. . . .Terry Wareham ^ 0,1 'lfe tts campus Let it become evi- eco,°«y of defend the American Ideal of free expression of all idea a, and Mgr .Bill Marshall Relig. Editor. . . .Charlotte Dalton dent through support for, and fa, the process explode some of Editor .Bruce Pabricant Class. Adv. Mgr. .Fred Levirw . .Paid Schnitt . . not crlrtcism of, those Indlv- idkials who have attempted to the insine^cl ^emetyridic^ lous rationalizations which the bring »cts into the open. Board of Trustees used to Juetl- Friday, May 25, 1962 3 2 Convicted Junior Awarded Of Larceny Two found Carpenter (Continued from $100 Scholarship men were guilty in page 1) Circuit Court Earl Wednesday of Iar- Heller, Chelsea junior. cency Involving copper take, from the University salvage yard: m™o$ ^a^t^ifSlS ™ U0°. M«l«y Louis A. Tremont, 34, 726 N. throughout, he was not cool.At Scholarship at the Tuesday one point the temperature In- Bridle Pine, and Vernon A. Farr, 31, side his alumlnumized 117 1/2 W. space suit Maple, pled not climbed to 100 degrees Fahren- The Merit Trophy Award was guilty to a larceny charge be¬ heit. to Mitchell Cleaalar Lake fore Circuit Court Judge Louis senior as the outstanding grad- E. Coash. Midway through his «»•- — — • The offense took place Feb¬ bit, it appeared that _ . ruary 14. of fuel for his In-flight controls University police might develop and force him tion wagon saw a stopping at the sal¬ sta¬ down before the end of the Coed Splash Class plan¬ vage yard. Two men got out. ned three orbits. Wher. the men got hack In the Despite these difficulties in Begins Next Term flight, all correctable, the voy- °ed thnd 11,8 P°*,Ce 9top~ »ge a scientific success. Farr,~ T¥fitioftt, ahd a third matching tfiaf of Marine ^<>nm|ng i Lt. Col. man who was driving were re¬ John H. Glenn Jr., on Feb. 20. rich. moved from the car, During his four hour and 56 searched, nounced. ~ and taken to the minute flight in which he reached Department of Both beginners and Public Safety. a maximum altitude of 164 rr.iles advanced classes will be held in the ow- The back of the station wagon and a speed of 17,532 miles door pool this summer. was filled with capper wire. the A Tremont signed a statement. Alvin A. Neller, defense attor¬ Concluded that-the mysterious particles encountered in space Marshall Injured ney, said the statement was not by Glenn and called "fireflies' In Car admissable in court because Tre¬ looked like snowflakes. Mishap mont had been intoxicated Became the first Astronaut to when he signed it. discover that he could change Corporal Dan E. Hanklns, Uni¬ the orbital posture of his space injured over the weekend versity policemen, said that Tre¬ craft simply by moving his head auto accident. mont had been md a drinking, but that His car left the road and rolled he was Discover that his special bite- definitely not intoxicated. over near Eaton Rapids. Marshall The Department of Public sized apple pie and high pro¬ received bruises and a Safe¬ badly ty sent the copper to Friedland tein sandwiches crumbled in Iron and Metal Co. where it was space like cookies. weighed and valued February 15. The copper weighed693 pounds and was valued at $160. UKE LANSING AMUSEMENT PARK Commencement Tickets Available OPEN DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY Commencement tickets are still available, but last day for seniors to today is the Week Days 7 P.M. pick up their tickets at the Union ticket desk. Week-Ends and Holidays I P.M. The tickets are for seats in Jenison Field House in case rain makes it impossible to hold the FIREWORKS DISPL4 Y, MA Y 30 event in Spartan Stadium as planned. COMMUNIST SPEAKS OUT—Amidst boot and heckles, Robert Outboard Speedboat Races, Thompson ad- of the problem of the Soutk TUmnmn Sun., June 10. i,.,,*..., 2000 I W.d...d.y „l,k, nity house. Condemning the United States for its nuclear testing and hitting *. Delta Si,™ Pki F„,„. lid XiTi.«lj5 hL^o". 95? "I don't know why everybody's Free: freedom fighters .n 1?S6. critizing our foreign policy. We're still getting along with Student Bermuda." -- BobOrben, Baker- Opini 'Brigadoon' (Continued fro sfield (Calif.) Weekly Blatt. STUDENT Book Store Admission • Picnic Area • Parking 1) \0n Counseling speaks each line 1 throaty voice. pa^e the orchestra seems —~ — Toddy Of! — CdfTipUS — Your Book Store to drown out her words but the ering dropping out of school. She went to the Center and they recommended she drop out. ^*7 usually can't send students [a, to other people because they don't ~ know that many specialists. " 0. 4H presents Rural Life Service — Sunday Alumni Memorial Chapel 10 a.m.. May 27-Sermon, We have anticipated "1 did not drop out and now "Counselors ideally must Bob Winters, Columbus, Ohio dare you," by Eleonor Fore- I am very happy that I didn't," counsel and try to help students," graduate student, appears per- man - offering sent to CROPA. she said. "I do not recommend the Center to the girls on my floor." A she said. "They are great for fectly cast as the second Amer- glye anything back." in a secluded cabin International Club and Pakis- sounding boards but they don't ican traveler. His straight-faced tanian Club joint term party — 8:00 p.m., U.N. Lounge-i man-chaser will make tainment, refreshments, a: YOUR Needs! v.. . - junior majoring in economics Students interviewed about the We know that —a .. said . he a,. the n even most serious on-looker dancing-open to all. you will be needing CERTAIN class f Sbay ®fld went to Center »„ to Center tended to agree that the me S . v.y who have gone there to S tended to agree thatthe supplies from now . . , ^ knowingly. Gamma Delta Term Party -- through iinals - So we have take any H™i0r nge majors and take the in- stocked find the counselors tests. "0t seemed to feelI that the> acuta* Choreography of "Brigadoon" 8:00 pJn.. Mural Room of Home up ,n " your needs. »•»- We have > a- dQne b ^ Kay Babcock of Dairy Co. I ful. h-p. •&£ rSK-umJ'S ■ - help from the counselor. fcene. ^hen three V01"1*~ in Commission for College are University Work -- Saturday Large Selection of Sword Dance. May 12, 10.15 a.m., Martin Luther Costumes by Jack Byers, say they were Ill-advised as to i proper major. Students with do* * Job\ or ' radio-television Next time: Counseling seung The future of the Center center at MSU and anu authentic Scotch cjans> tamns cause of a the chlIi Chapel and Student Center Literary Club — 8 p.m. College Lounge, Main Library- * Term Covers personal problems have found :o the Center what other universities are doing a" * . 10 f0 run every spine upon discussion topic: 100 poems by counselors disinterestedandcool years ago. in counseling and guidance. maJor their introduction just before the e.e. cumrnings. They recommended after 1 "We believe in letting a stu- sit do the took the a tests that I should be doctor or an engineer," he * Thesis talking," RolandPler- said. "The results of the tests m, acting director of the center, were not their fault, but mine, ild. "The counselor Is there listen and to be talked to." Often a student can "Iron out" They generally do a good Job." Another student, a sophomore In Journalism, also took the vo- Typing* Paper s problems bv simply telling catlonal and interests tests, erythlng to an objective party, "The tests confirmed what I I iersor. said. The counselors can it really give solutions. They only lister, and then gently ad- already knew and made things clearer for me," he said. "It * And Everything Else was satisfying to find out for sure what major I should be in." ker of students were in- A senior majoring in biologl- eal sciences said he was ad- (Except Finals) _ about the Center. The vised by his academic advisor I following rf—j- ' their reactions: All Priced . not to take academic problems sop..omore in education said I she went to the Center after to the Counseling Center, A freshman majoring in micro- Right to Fit Your Budget .emplating suicide. biology said she went to the ... be H ever so small. ' was torn aDart inside al- Center to discuss other possible Jv and ■e they n££ Se all the of ^ confused," she said 1 was advlsed about several '-e said . the counselor made Mhf ma^ors and ® counselor -ldk tTt°hntSe outsideT the After Theatre Snacks At. 1 received no help! ^ Center in these fields." she said. w .feh :JP hating my parents very insecure," she are She said that most counselors not informed on everything 214 N. Washington Across From Gladmer The Eagle Banquet Facilities Open Till 2 A. M, hilt put a*' theresponsi- that goes on in the various de- Convenient Parking in Rear IV 9-2578 for fiySc me Instead of partments around campus and 00-0-00 0000000-0000-0-00 0-0 0-000000000000000 000-0000000000000000 000-000000000-CH>000«00 00000000 . n F-ngllsh, also con- I tmplatmg suicide, I ,£slellnS Center for help. went to the ALSO we are paying I '' e counselor couldn't I derstand or help because he Top Cash For Books1 --me personally ln- | wrested m the problem," she ' did all the i no advice." talking and ii,_ r'ior now majoring in I history went to the Centerlast -ange his nwjor. ted hours to I «PP0intr get It was like an as- I line," he said. li C enter needs a better I itjhJ communication with the |£de-: body, he said, lt costs erslty a lot of money . 5 ■" b'Jt ^ew students really I services. ' adv»ntage of Its I Alpha Omega '"Hiote Pledges Whenever you leave town, carry money only you can spend: Bank of America Travelers Stop in today I r^'3. v1 1national ser- 1* f rat#rn»ty. will fcoM Cheques. Loss-proof, theft-proof, cashed only by Slarb naI inIt»«tton Of M* your signature. Sold at leading banks everywhere. STUDENT Book Store I A,umiU Chapel Suo- I cJJ"/en!n« "l 7:30 P.m. The I candle foUow> • f°rmalrttual 1 "W lighting. O^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^frOOO^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Michigan State News SPORTS. East Lansing, Michigan 'Few 'S' Athletes Girls Tennis Team Try A State News Want Ad Injured/ Feurig Tops MSU Coeds The fact that relatively a collegiate sport, it had lost Fighting rain, wind, and a one found Lum and Bala »ls agalrv- strong Hamtramck tennis squad, st Bartkowice and Dykes, e during the year by Spartan ath¬ 8uff< its finesse and developed into a head hunting dual." the MSU Women's tennis team Although State reached the net TWO FOR fffi first and smashed beck Ham- ... went down to defeat by a score letes, la a tribute to their splen¬ Just as this caused the down¬ tramck's lobs, Bartkowitz sad did conditioning and reflexes, ac¬ cording to Dr. James S. Feurig, fall of college boxing, it has also threatened to have the samed ef¬ of 9-2. This was the second time the Dykes put on e great show re- You get two dinners for the price of cON two teams met and once again, turning' the smashes time and team physician for MSU's 13 fect on college hockey, he said. the Hamtramck girls, none of again. Each team won a set Every Friday and Monday varsity sports. As an example of this, he cited whom are above the Junior high 6-4 but the third set was all "The n athletic in- the first MSU-Michigan game level, put on a great exhibition Hamtramck as they won 6-1. Fillet for Two $5.75 Juries we get during the year which turned in winning. are sprained ligaments and torn bloody melee and caused much Once again In the second muscles," he saij. "Bone frac- concern on the part of both unl- j».E5,r?ss;s£ Chicken or Shrimp $3.95 might be expected in hard fought played with the Big Ten competition, and the ma¬ jority of these occur in the small Lifters Off terminedness. going to Hamtramck 6-0. In the final match Wick and Take Her Out Tonight! bones of the hands, feet and nose You can Rapson dropped two sets by an There have been no For Md. Meet with good placement defeat and Wroblewski. directly attributed tc varsi- Prospects of a win look good Carole Lum 6-3, 8-6. Fine Atmosphere and Excellent Food ty competition since he e to as the MSL" weightlifting team The Women's tennis tei In the number two spot. State's MSL in 1953, he said, and one travels to the University of Mary- finish the season with a that he knows of prior to his land to compete in the National Taty Balasis gained one of the two team victories as she de- rangular meet tenure here. Collegiate Weightlifting Champ¬ feated Janus Josille in three Saturday, "A real problem for collegiati ionships Saturday. sets, 7-5, 0-6, and 6-4, athletics is that the professional Last year MSL took three first Marcia DeZwarte won the only -image existed long before the places and a second. *A fellow i Minneapolis has match for State other otner oiaic beating amateur," Feurig said. "Part Tedd Begeman, River Rouge way to beat the the reason why boxing was drop- junior, placed second in the 1962 ,-nior, Darline Pendrake 6-1 and 6-2. ^ parking problem. He buys cheap Other singles results were ped from the MSL varsity pro- .Mid-States **" Meet. He lifted 705 cars and deserts them." -- Dale Fran Gruda over Kathy Valenta gram around 1958, was that, as pounds in the 148 pound class. Holdridge, Langford (S.D) Bugle. 6-2, 6-4; Melody Kiertonis over Jerry Thayer, Jackson junior, Maureen Strait 6-0, 3-6, 6-0; in the 165 lb. class also totaled Scholars 705 to become the 1962 Mid- Susan Dykes over Jackie Lowe 6-1, 6-4; Cathy Wroblewski over Triumph Over to state Champion. Sponsor Bob Hendrick, Muskegon junior, lifted a total of 785 pounds J * Diane Wick Nowitsky a score 6-3, 6-0 and Gloria over Carol Rapson by of 7-5. 6-4. Saturday on to become the Senior Michigan —• ■ Hamtramck took all three doubles matches, two of them MSL students and faculty mem¬ bers will compete for prizes in Golf gomg into three .sets. Number Gordon Rueh, a Lansing Senior, the annual Golf day sponsored by "PEACHES" AND CREAM--"Peoches" 3ortkowitz, Homtram- totaled 815 in the 198 lb. class, the Evans Scholars, Saturday, at Begeman and Thayer will ack's young tennis whix, shows here the lorm that has helped her win a myriad of national titles. "Peaches" added another George Elected Forest Akers Golf Course, start- travel to Detroit to compete in Jerry Goerge, New Orleans ing from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. There will be threeclassifica- the Senior National Champion- ships on Ji/ne 2. win to her many Wednesday when she defeated State's Carole Lum for the second time this season. The score-6-3, 8-6. sophomore has been elected cap¬ tain of the 1963 gymnastics team. KEEP tions, Men's living units, wo¬ George enjoyed a fine first year men's living units and faculty. Grandelius CALM, Looking with the Spartan gymnasts last Golf Equipment will be given to the top Individuals and trophies winter, placing fourth in Big Ten side horse and still rings and wtil be awarded to winning New Eagle Coach seventh in the parallel bars and teams. Publicity Chairman, Bill Daniel said. Psi Lpsilon and Gamma Phi Former Michigan State foot- ball star, Everett "Sonny" Gran- At all-around events. In addition, he finished eighth in side horse COOL Beta won last years team honors. competition at the NCAA cham¬ deltus, signed May 17 with the Scores are determined on a low gross and low net basis, Philadelphia Eagles as offensive backfield coach, pionships. in and the leaders in each will IM Schedule receive awards. The player with the longest Grandelius was recently drop- ped from the head coaching po- sition at the Lniversity of Co- SPORTS COTTON drive and any holes-in-one will lorado following a recruiting dls- _By The Associated Press SOFTBALL This sweatshirt is made also receive recognition. pute. field 5:20 p.m. of 100% cotton and the All play will he in foursomes BALTIMORE - Gus Triandos, Baltimore Oriole catcher was In three years. Grandelius'Co- 1 Burma-Burgandy colors , . le disabled list Thursday which means he'll be out are guaranteed composed of rwo players from lorado teams won 20 and lost P, least a month. He was replaced on the active roster 2 Bryan 6-7 not to fade. So get into opposing teams, Daniel explain- nine. Last New Year's Day they 3 Bailey 2-7 by Darrell Johnson, who was signed as a coach on April 20 the beat of summer sun ed. lost to Louisiana State in the 4 after being released by the Cincinnati Reds. Bailey 4-6 bathing with this color¬ The Evans Scholars were set Orange Bowl in Miami, 5 Embassy-Emporer up by Chick Evans a famous ama- He has had professional ex¬ 6 Emerald-Eminence ful sweatshirt and match¬ SAN FRANCISCO - Manager Alvln Dark benched Willie Mays tern- golfer in 1930, the first perience as a halfback for the 7 Radcliff-Random ing swim suit. and Jimmy Davenport Wednesday as the San Francisco Giants year a member went to school. New York Giants. Grandelius was 8 Ramsey-Rangoon The Evans Scholar receives a assistant coach at MSL be- sought to break a slump at the expense of the Philadelphis Phil¬ an lies. 9 Archaropteryz-Arhouse A large variety of colors scholarship that covers tuitlor, fore going to Colorado, to choose from—the price and housing. The renewable' MIL WALK EE - Milwaukee southpaw ' wonder Warren Spahn 6.30 p.m. S3.98-S4.98 KoSo.' average in excess of To qualify, a boy must caddie c,ass B PreP Track posted his fifth victory of the season and no. 314 of his career Wednesday night as the Braves snapped a four-game losing 1 2 3 Arpent-Aristocrats East Shaw 5-7 211 EAST streak by defeating the Chicago Cubs 4-2 with the help of a East Shaw with distinction at a WGA mem¬ Heel Here Saturday pair of unearned runs. 4 West Shaw 4-10 4-10 GRAND RIVER ber club at least two years, must 5 West Shaw Spahn stopped the Cubs on five hits, struck our five and walked 2-5 graduate in the upper 25 per Michigan State Lniversity will three while moving within three victories of Mike Welch, base¬ 6 Cabanas-Cachet OPEN Wed. Evening y j cent of his high school class. ^e ^ost t0 Michigan class B ball's no. 10 all-time winning pitcher. and must need financial help in school track and field order to attend college. championships Saturday. DETROIT - Pitcher Frank Lary, the Detroit Tigers' "Yankee The preliminaries are An Evans chapter is different from a social fraternity in that no meals are served in the house, scheduled for 10:30 a.m. and the finals for 1:30. The meet, which Killer,' may miss the four-game series with the New York Yankees starting Friday night in New York. No matter what Lary was kept home for treatment of a sore shoulder Wed¬ the boys must work for their encompasses the biggest of the nesday as the Tigers were in Baltimore for a series prior to dining four high school classes, has o food, The usually in campus Evans Foundation is the 500 entrants Among those competing from 125 schools. are their New York visit. MODESTO, Calif. - Pole vaulters John Uelses and Dave Tork, your means of largest scholarjhip program in Fcorse, River Rouge, Dowaglac the only men to have cleared 16 feet, resume their rivalry here the world financed by individual an(* Clio. contributors. There were 4,200 contributors to the foundation jn 1961. °r Admission for either morning afternoon session is 50 f°r students and $1 for adults. cents Saturday night In the California Relays. OAK MONT,PA. -"She's a mom transportation is coming to friendly grips with h s 57 Evans Scholars The meet will take place at Ralph t MSL. Young field behind the Men's IM. The Oakmont Country Club. This piece of realestate nestling It the western Pennsylvania hills is the site of the 62nd National Qpen Championship June remember.... 14-16. Palmer, the game's greatest player, drove the 42 miles IAJ0R LEAGUE , from his home in Latrobe, Pa., to play the course for tihe first time in four years. NEW YORK - The National Football League adopted a player standings pension plan Thursday by which players with a minimum of five year's service, dating from 1959, would receive benefits at the age of 65. NEW YORK - If you've been AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGLE wondering, or even worrying, where the Floyd Patterson-Sonny Liston heavyweight title fight will be held, you can relax now, New York W 23 L 13 Pet. .639 GB - •ancisco W 29 L Pet. 14 .674 GB - Sept. 17 or Chicago is the spot, on either 24. Ninety-nine per cent sure says Tom Bolan, presi¬ When it's time for a dent of Championship Sports Inc., appointed Cleveland 22 14 .611 1 igeles 26 15 .634 2 promoters by the Minnesota ouis 23 .622 champion himself, Floyd Patterson. refreshing 14 3 Baltimore L.Angeles 18 17 .514 41/2 Pittsburgh 20 19 16 17 .556 .528 51/2 61/2 stop, Chicago 20 19 .513 41/2 Milwaukee 17 22 .436 10 McDonald's. .WHAT A Detroit 16 17 .485 51/2 Phlladelphi 16 22 .421 101/2 Kansas C. 18 23 .439 71/2 Houston 16 23' .410 11 Boston New York 12 22 .353 121/2 .286 121/2 Chicago Fries, Shake, Washington 25 13 26 10 .333 14 & New York 9. Kansas Boston 7, Minnesota 5 THURSDAY'S RESLLTS: City S. Francisco Chicago at Milwaukee (N) 7, Philadelphia 4 We've, got r>r outing a success. Detroit at Baltimore (N) iburgh at St. Louis (N) (N) Cin< V Los Angeles at Washington innati at Houston (N) Only games scheduled. New Yprk at Los Angeles (N) Don't wait too TODAY'S GAMES Detroit at New York (N) Milwaukee at St. Loujs (N) long for a street car. Baltimore at Boston (N) Chicago at Cincinnati (N) Los Angeles at Kansas City (N) Pittsburgh at Houston (N) 'THE LARGEST DISCOUNTS IN TOWN E Lansing removed Minnesota at Chicago (N) New York at Los Angeles (N) Cleveland at Washington (N) Philadelphia at S. Francisco (N) the tracks several • COMPLETE LINE OF AUT0M03ILE PARTS THE MINOR KEY • AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP years ago. • COMPLETE AUTO SPRING SHOP • AUTOMOTIVE MAINLINE SHOP LAST 3 DAYS • MUFFLERS AND TAILPIPES Open JUUAN "Cannonball" ADDERLEY McDonakft Friday Kramer and his SEXTET the drive-in with Saturday NAT ADDERLEY till 1 & location YUSSES LATEES AUTO PARTS 1 DEXTER near BURLINGAME WE 59330 800 E. KALAMAZOO IV 4-1335 *wa» E*st Lansing. Michigan Friday, May 25, 1962 Enter Knapp's Great T AT KNAPP'S EAST LANSING YOU CAN WIN A DYNAMIC 88 OLDSMOBILE (ONOHD - Sop. BAN-LON DRESSES \o-Hitter State '9' for a cool summer IIM Seeks Win sluggers, and fan- Softb pitching of Norm Birr. Cabanas Over Irish plays were all a part of coupled er sizzled a no hitter on j0hn Williams homered in the i Shaw three permitting a first for the Cabanas. Michigan State will try t Ka„. _ . . . - , - > slaughter, 11-0. Hurling one hit ball Terrv * f the wltuune track 0,15 Beaudrie banged out a homer Stygles prompted the 10-0 defeat narinWh^' pUy - victors. of East Shaw nine by East Shaw " bouth Bend: J , I a one hitter by |rchaeop»r>'x hitter *ryx gave gave by M A1 Black them them Black of the 18-0 the of 18-0 ten. East Shaw ten. East Shaw played errorless ball, permitting one hit. raL ",!? wa^d^ur^ ra ^ ^ i1* sP»rtan E-j.i.-i. over Ares. Ares »>r Ares had had n/-.-. cu.... criP ""0 ,< Irishland Iri earlier West Shaw ten bagged 10 runs . :ne season. jrrors, one hit as opposed on nIne Wts to outscore West error and eight hits for What State's morale will be shaw nine, 10-0. Bill Sherwood .—.-opteryx. homered for West Shaw in the aeainst'wh?,n theJ take field Quiet Ullage couldn t lose as {irst to start the team moving. ah?j " s question- "J^UC!,llon- defeat De- ,y pulled off two last minute Jack King hurled a one hit game * ® handed ^ of the . _ de£eat De' _ is and a double play to squeeze for the winners, them Wednesday. It will be y West Shaw five, 3-2. Terry especially hard for t bagged the ball, stepped Jim Zelenak hurled a one hitter State's pitchers to forget the for Cavalier's 14-4 trounce over' 55 minute eighth Jn second, and flipped it to John Cache. Titans scored twelve inning when the Kquhart for the West Shaw four Wayne Gertz smacked ahomer win the game, times to puble play. Winning pitcher was in the first as lead off man foug ■ Rowley. for the Cavaliers. During that rally roughed up two of the Spartans- Detroit Jim Rutherford and Ted Steal Bob Cumberworth battled Dave Tobbered homers to lead the East regular moundsmen Wes \i* three team to a 19-2 vic- _ _ Hinz on the mound allowing two Klewicki and John Ellas, and East Shaw • 'o. Dale hits to Hinz's one to allow Arch- als0 fireman John Aquino, Ladder hurled thre hit ball Trthe win. dukes a close victory, 8-5, over . DurLnS one-half of the State Coach John Kobs Arpent. Archduk ■ H* Cabanas downed Cam- befuddled by his pitching staff. enors, having five Etfge, 13-3, on the one hit three. Seniors Ellas and Klewicki and juniors Jack Nutter and Gary Ronberg all had plenty of ex¬ perience and Kobs was expect¬ JC4A Track Meet ing,good results. However, mainly due to lack of control, all but Klewicki ran IS' Heads For into a dry spell and the Spartans sunk Into the lower depths of the Biff Teh standings. Among the other outstanding All this while State's batting competitors is Boston Univer- a"ack continued to rap the ball sity's John Thomas, one time 'or a seven runs per g j contingent from world's record holder in the average. Ichlgan 1 State track squad will high jump and last year's winner , suddenly the Spartan In the outdoor IC4A with a 7'i 1/2" inch mark. hurlers untracked themselves A third world record holder and started buzzing strikes. TJe is the sensational shot putting resu*t was ? quick e fo'j] ; of Sherman sophomore from NYU, Gary Cub- standings to fifth place. State won seven of nine , Zach Ford, Don Castle, . World's indoor recordhold- games i Johnson will be this surge. Included in this #Full-Fashion Over Ki t 64'11", he hit 64'11" last of the as a shutout over Notre Dame, _ . ! r week only to finish second behind »n s top performers including Dallas Long's 65'10 1/2" inch 0. here May 16. ^ holder Frank Budd. wis and effort, a new world's outdoor record. Kobs was.elatedover the switch form in his pitchers and said: Once-a-Year Sale Ford will both go knew they had the po- e ;00 and 220 Castle will be facing Penn f ™ encouraging yard dashes, State's Howie Deardorf ihn urfe n«r» u fl t,tIe ,n ei«ht years. J* *ith CAtS 46 Won last Year's imer-up Harvtrd points J'm Elliot has the to 29 and coach 1/2 Lloyd Brown Norm Duffy & his piand in men & his famous band in *ho won five titles and g U of the 46 points. "The Old Crcm" Tues. Wed. Thur*. FH. THE RATHSKELLER 2.50 to 5.95 IF YOU UKE FUN — YOU'LL LOVI SAUCATUCK A* "Sportie Shortie" pantie Cool and porous as mesh...Stay There • Is the lively brief; stretch knit that's perfect for active sports, active no garters. White, livesl So lightly priced, you'll want a wardrobe...the brief for sports and swimsuits, an all-occasion leg pantie, and the extra-long-leg style under slim pants and sheaths. Wear the matching Stay There • bra for B. Light-control leg pantie. total comfort. • no-chafe inner leg. White, Registered Trademark. S-M-L, 5.95. Whirlpool Gu CORAL GABLES bra, 2.50. lla. 1 Nwtfc «{ Mlcti. Av». HOTEL SWeHTUCK FOUNDATIONS - GARDEN LEVEL Michigan State News, Eaflt Lansing, Michigan FrliUy. Mav » „ . MAKE THE 321 Horticulturist Feurig WANT - ADS How To B Discusses A DAILY HABIT The things to watch for when buying rose bushes are a healthy Watson poor poor said the signs of a any time of the year, plant is weak and spindly The recommended varieti - — Blindness LEUHjl root system and general sturdi- growth. Poor plants are fre- for tea roses which are best Many people who are 40 *nd iwss. says Donald P. Watson, quently detected when there are for cutting are: orange—Tanya, MSU horticulturist. over, are becoming blind with¬ a number of soft, long, thin, Merry Heart*, yellow -- Cold out realizing it, according to Dr. There Is little difference in greenish-white shoots instead of Glow, Golden Specter, Eclipse; James S. Feurig, director of the rose bush in a bundle, potted buds. pink — Confidence, Hawaii. Ann Olln Health Center. or packaged, especially in early Watson said that buying a cheap Letts, Queen Elizabeth; white -- spring. plant usually sacrifices quality White Knight: and bi-colors "What does matter is whether and doesn't pay. The chance of ir ■ Peace, Gay Debutante, Dresden, sturdy bush with a healthy success with the rose bush Is Garden Party. can rob you of your sight with¬ vsrem" h#> root system he said. Th» bush said. The bush limited by the plant's quality at The Floribunda rosesareoften out creating any noticeable side ■hould have three to five ste of purchase. effects. each at least one-half inch diameter. Bare root used for budding. They have small plants are better flowers, grow In clusters, and buys early in the season. Potted bloom from June until the end Directing his comments at MSU FIRST SHOW 7 PM ADUlTS fy roses should be purchased ui of the season, faculty members, he said: late spring or summer when In "A person who has the disease Folldore Friends flower. Since the roots are grow- Floribunda varieties include: red — World's Fair. Wildfire, may not even know It until it s The outstanding dance film of the In Its advanced stages. The symp¬ aea_„ lng, they can be transplanted at Red Plnocchio; orange -- Sara- a great french ballet, In four dance Meet Sunday toms of glocoma are vague. You It's gay and colorful. senLV. ' bande: salmon -- Oberon; coral gmem' may just feel tension behind the MSU Friends of Folklore are Street Stomp rose -- Spartan; yellow -- All eyeballs. This Is caused by In¬ ,, , Gold, Moonsprite; and white -- creased pressure as the eyeballs sponsoring an outdoor folk sing 5et SatUrdOV Dagmar Spaath. expand. The first symptoms OYD OMAKISSC, MOMA SMAWttt « Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. near Climber roses are ideal for Beaumont Tower. manifest themselves In the form zirt jiAmmAWt, holaho rcrnr Spartan Street Stomp, sponsor- trellis, fence, or ground cover. The Friends of Folklore ia «sd of hazy vision, spots In front of mA UKMI OMCVAUKM a annually by MHA and WIC, Recommended varieties are: , newly organized club for students will be held Saturday May 26, the eyes and double vision. red -- Don Juan and pink — Interested in folk music. Joe 8-12 p.- "" J en 18 on ts.-n— '— Parking "A major Coral Dawn. problem in glocoma Flneman, Detroit freshman said Lot. "Remember that these are only detection Is that its symtoms anyone interested in joining the The Electra's, whohaveplayed . . le of the varieties that are are all Indicative of several other club is cordially invited to attend In the Detroit area,i, will furnish * recommended" said Watson. related eye disorders," he said. the Sunday session. the music for the outdooi "You can't go wrong with any Gene Bluest, ATL professor The Stomp is free and open of these, provided you insist upon Feurig recommends frequent and folk singer is the advisor, all. In case of rain, th< eye examinations once a person a quality bush when you purchase reaches the 40 and over age will be moved to Brody. DO IT YOURSELF WITH ROSES-Hol Pumphrey, manager of Community Circle Players fiom To assure a nursery or good quality, buy garden store Barnes Floral, goes through the many roses at his establish- refer the^hec^-LpS that has can patients to local eye a good reputation. ment, choosing the excellent blooms for special arrangements, specialists, he said. "Plants are more likely to be Distingusihing a good rose is an art known only to potessren- Christopher Fry's Comedy He noted that in the past per¬ properly labeled, well stored and il such as MSU prof. Donald * Pum- iodic clinics have been s well-packed," Watson advised, The Lady's Mot For Burning hrey. -•State News Photo by George Junne . the area on a voluntary basis. Directed by D. Michael Blasingame FIRST SHOW SAT AND SUN-ALSO May 24-25 & 26 Julia Kiene Fellowship SPECIAL SHOW WED MAY 30 AT Tickets Available At: Paramount Newshop or Call IV 5-8040 after 7 P.M. Awarded Miss Chapel IPm| Circle Playhouse 1120 Sheridan St. Lansing 1 Curtain 8:30 P.M. Students With I.O. Sl.00 The $1,000 Julia Kiene Fellow- ship for 1962-63 has been awarded Mrs. Chapel has been with the Cooperative Extension Ser- to Mildred Chapel, extension a- vice since 1951. Prior to that gent in home economics In time, she taught home economics Livingston County. 10 years at Manton and Clio, Established in 1956 to promote Mich, electrical living, the fellowship She is currently on a study is presented annually by the leave f om the Extension service Electrical Women's Round Table, and will use her fellowship at Inc. in honor of Julia Kiene, the University for further work NOW! EXCLUSIVE SHOWING! former manager of the home ?sf*cts of <"lor- dfsl«" economics department of W e-s t- ^ lighting as they apply to lnehouse Electric Corp. The home planning. 4 DAYS FRI SAT SUN HON Round Table is ai orga^ation «» "j""* Make Henry's A Habit of women representingelectrical businesses sinesses and Industries. ° in" .g^f *S* degree at Susan In Person 1153 Michigan — one Block West of Brody. lish Center Hayward f 'Geo. Montgomery' Congress (Cr>r\ * J ruit>A from (Continued frrtm nattm page 1) fers Course I * Mun* I appropriations from the State The American Language and Film Star of "Samar" MSU FOREIGN FILM SERIES Legislature. Educational Center will offer an Sat, May 26th 8 PM "Principle: The principle of se during theaum- autograph during the abov academic freedom must not be sesslon. The course will be presents compromised. We believe that _ sn weeks duration beginning any group which wfcTto pr£ registration on June 18 and vent the presentation of an un- » continuing until August popular viewpoint, is not qual- 30• The course will follow the Tchaikowsky's Immortal Opera Ifled t< We wonder for what State University 'JTJSSS& price Michi- SrafSSSS*!SETS HBSiMwiw«*«i 6».. ....... sells classroom contact for full-time "EUGENE ONEGIN" w....... vnj belief in free speech and toler- stents. Students may elect work In the '•We Insulted to find that (Russian) the are administration of this Uni- Profr,®m1 eltll®" °n" Part-""1* with the soloists, chorus and CORPS de BALLET ...n..£jyf-, j„._ i__11__,. . dents now enrolled In trie unl" of the BOLSHOl and LENINGRAD OPERAS GALINA VISHNEVSK AYA singing "Tatiana" AeTf interested In ^^c^ills^d'enS taking summer work "We find it intolerable that £ ^*h CmMr" tor SL\0Sf,uLTerauS?oV.«™e ^ "SinZSnon that of they will suppress the rights conS'^; J» ® Mori., Tues., - May 27, 28 - 7 & 9 P.M. ™ guaranteed in the first amend- ^ Fairchild Theatre - Admission: 50C ment stitutlon. of the United States Con- f®" intensive basis during the 9 L sum- "We believe that no person wo"ld can make a reasonable decision ^ on any issue if he is allowed ) 9:30 p.m. The course would adults only I to hear only one side of an also run ten weeks and tuition ! ADMISSION $1.00 Box Office argu¬ STUDENTS ment. We further believe that would be $104.00. Whether the Opens 6:45 (With ID) person has the right j de-' course materializes depends student response. cide v t others shall be allowed 3 EXCITING SHOWS 3 "Declaration: State The University All-University Michigan TODAY and SATURDAY MATIN TONIGHT AT 7:00 10:20 - Student Government blatant disrespect which the opposes this Ml C HIG AN" Wlnne Acad iTS A wgh A touching tale of male and female ..told in Board of Trustees has for their students, their shown Today at 2:15, 5:45, 9:15PM Sat. 2:15 P.M. Only. the tittifating art princi¬ GEORGE MONTGOMERY GILBERT ROLAND ZIVA RODANN supper! of slapstick! ples, and the rights of the Ameri¬ can people. We pledge ourselves towards building a better univer¬ sity; one which will allow the JOAN O'BRIEN NICO MINAROOS • FERDE GROFE jr ..GEORGE freedom of expression to all MONTGOMERY • GEORGE MONTGOMERY ^ "We oppose the beliefs and freedoms in selling of our exchange for appropriations from the Hit No. (2) Co-feature at 10:10 pm leg- 1 s 1 a t u r e. A SECRETS OF THE CELLS! SHAME university that is afraid to defend the basic OF INMATES! BABIES BORN IN rights of the American people does not JAILS! INNOCENTS THROWN IN WITH FEMALE BULLY-BOYS!! Clair* BRENNEN deserve to be_supported taxes of those peopje." "Mandate: "Hie President of the by the SATURDAY 9 OS »| ON STAGE! . John DENNIS . Billy HOLMS • 8r»d LOGAN PLEASE JUST All-University Student Govern¬ * PIP Pictures Presentation ment and the ADULTS I Speaker of Student Congress are mandated to com¬ municate this resolution to the THE WICKEDEST CITY IN EUROPE Board of Trustees, thePresident of this University, all members DARINGLY REVEALED FOR THE FIRST TIME! of the faculty, and all members of the Legislature of the State of Michigan." Port w EVANS SCHOLAR Desire GOLF DAY May 26th pwsuv ...Will Be Compete ^] Students % rauow The Crown of The Hit No. (3) "AN HXQUISITE FILM^* "EXTRAORDINARY.' and MISS, LANSING 'en Late Guest Feature Faculty innocence $1.00 Men PAGEAl Starring Anita Ekberg In .75 Women Sponsored By SPR amschoomnIf, SALON OF HAIR 0 Michigan SUtfr Hew*. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 25, 1962 7 jne MSU Coed Police Band's Last Show Sunday NOW! FRI and SAT lure of Crown Image The Conceit Its last concert Ba«l will perform of the y«sr Sun- day at 4 p.m. on Lui&m field, The concert will he presented to the University auditorium in CMe of Inclement weather. CRESTS '.mi.gniii'Ti"d THE.ATRF EXCLUSIVE SH0WM6 n MSL' coed wfl] be Mined r•tailing; Laneing Mayor Wil- Needed by Leonard Falcone, director Hedrick House . .. ADM. 90C This Engagement P't^e Mlchlg«n TheeterAir- Craig A«hur Brandstatter. chairman of banda and dean of the Big BUVS Adjacent ( the lntermiMton of EM» dent, Prank GhlMUi- Martha ? school of police admin- Ten bandmasters, will open with w's new film FollowThat Dixon, woman'* editor at WJIM* ®tr4tlon public safety, has Wings of Victory March by Ventre HOUSe Qfld Lot with *e title goes a Roger Buafield, public relatione *dvocafe<1 sweeping changes In and the dramatic II Cuarany _ • the Michigan Hosoltai ^ enforcement to combat crime Overture by Carlos Gomez. Ji wardrobe and the oppocnm- Association; and past Judge Mrs ^ proJect a and pos- ■HOLLYWOOD'S adiacent at 146 Haslett St., competefor tfie Mlaa Michi- Jean Matthewa of Lansing. ' ' ^nage ®f tYf, P°1Ice ^ ^ Jay |imtr -^wri In Muskegon Ju,y- Trophiea will be awarded to . ^C,n P^1^- Van Hoosen To Hold Johnson, president of the house announced Thursday. Of the MlM Michigan the winner, two runners-un and ■ scandals, an Increase The property was purchased Hyj 3 chance at the Mi«» to the coed Judged moat con- i*? 0r*anl2ed crime, and the ln- title. genial. 1 * " CWW dlctment police by official Annual Party Saturday on a land contract arranged through Premier Student Housing j 10 of the finalist® in the Ai of ^ has resulted In a steady A life size mermaid will be Corporation, the holding comoanv -day competition are MSL pearance schedule, thecoedsare J ° '""P*01 for the law en- the mala feature of VanHooaen'a uat lywtia j, according to Robert Romal. handing out Michigan Week but- ». .... u . Men are still being recruit- JAM MANSFIELD-BARRIE CHASE-BARBARA NICHOLS an was far from the sta¬ sS frl fvLTf!, ed for P°llce service whose ed- y falr ex~ ler, the story was Iia Sigma Phi fraternity read." hlblt IflrmiAiina . . ucational qualifications are lim- ited to the high school diploma. MARGO MOORt • BRAD DEX1ER • NtVlLlE BRAND&. LONDON ■.niWthe.lumnlonlsr made the ]«-elry ,'?clmce ••8^d"i5S itl BtPNARDi iOt Dt SANTIS ■ Tl,T?, OTWWrconU&l Wch ^ol- m iv, , elimination of certain barriers which dlscoura^ capable people "The George johhons K. rhar rh» Raft Story" Shown 2nd ot 10:47 I i ^nnr!inn»m»m copp«- acetate, potassium ferTocyanide, from going into police work such cyanide, sodium ferrocya potassium ferri- n 1 d e, as pre-employment residential 2nd Run First requirements, lack of opportunity .ig the speech. nickel ammonium sulfate andpo- for advancement, and lack of e only thing about Thomp- tasslum dlchromate. |c the 6 p.m. news was the Jacqueline said she had to y;ng he shouldn't be speak and commend- handle the red, green, orange, and y llow crystals with tweezers His final "frontier" was tte UNCLE JOHN'S PANCAKE HOUSE ■ ' ™stees, ,or barrin,f while fashioning them Into neck- formation of an organization ex- Two blocks East of Frandor or M78 unnersity property, laces, pins and crosses. cluslvely for American murilci- Her greatest fear, she said in pai policemen, composed of those "as same editorial r^Jorting the theft to police, is "who represent communities l« ak'm" a'in' and ^at some child may get hold of where the highest standards of I " same daY. 1,6 tbe jewelry and place ot in his ethics and service are obser- mouth. ved." s express the opinion __ I radio station and not that pyon only, Baum said, al- LAST 4 DAYS! f1 funyon writes the edit- TODAY & SAT-- Feature To^y l:00-3:05-5:l0-?:15-9:20 cleared with the Giant Twin-HH Show i I4if lAnSltO . 'HONI fmer,:, he said. WtLLMM MTVUERx Hit No. I Shown hlO 4:50 8:30 THE AUDREY HEP! DAVID JANSSEN StriCkaleed - - baton CHILDREN'S 8HIRUEY MaoLAfNE I Local GARY COOPER dEBORRN KERR HOUR '.\DULT ENTERTAINMENT" JEANNE CHAIN - DINA MERRILL a1"' °n tf,e addition to the WILLIAM DEMAREST • BRAD DEXTER • ACNES MOORENEAO • AN ALUED ART.'STS PICTURE K5eriri£ Building has been TOMORROW i standstill due to "Twenty Plus Two'* Shown 1st at 8:37 SUPER BARGAIN DAY Jeral called ar.d state ln to mediators All Day Preview of These 2 Features help settle Pi" involving workers on "•peering Building and WU- His name is Paolo. He has no job. He waits, handsome, sleek, 3rd Guest Feature 'H. Wesley Jeldema, ex- charming, for the American widows to come to Rome 'f^secretary oftheAssocia- f ^ereral ( ontractors, said Of this boy and one American widow named Karen Stone, of fftuclents! Ifyoiiwant the glittering decadence of modern Rome. TENNESSEE WILLIAMS enforcing steel '/ • 3 local union out of wrote his only novel. w wve been on strike since ■J; i^e strike covers the It is now a powerful and provocative motion picture. J ^'ichigan. "^?rted that s made at the no pro- meeting VIVIEN LEIGH in to 0p to college |^_ I:«dI the .pert to -""l Tuesday night. first time the meet with »"■ Hit No. 2 Shown 2:50 - 6:30 - 10:10 pAUL JOANNE SIDNEY "THE ROMAN SPRING OF MRS STONE" STARRING WARREN BDVTIY datx&ietyoar ° NEWMANWOODWARDPOmER parents See ( ||9ht p u. Auditorium, - 8:00 P.M. Irtyudgga lickets; 1 Balcony only JOSHUfl [PGAtf's PROMCM* of tfcat sopor saucy stage smasfi/ I Si.50 feach available at Union anthony Perkins Jane -fenda I Le 355-oiTrS JILL ST. JOHN c "Tall Story" Shown last at 12:30 navwwnwcawra* TgCHNtcocow* »rom WAI Feeture Time* Saturday— WED: 2-BIG FEATURES "Roman Soring of Mrs. Stone" "The Happy Thieves" Plus - "War Hunt" ■ 4 HIUES E. OF CAMPUS Box Office Open 6.30 PM 1:20-5:15-9:10 "Childrens Hour" 3:00-7.00- & Later Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May s 1 had many calif •** rmtai Summer Apartment Rented Fast! my apartmant. Thank yen tar your fin# servloe. if Automotive if Automotive if Automotive j* Employment it For Rent OWNFDTRIUMPH TR-S, DEPENDABILITY ,957 CHEVROLET Bat Air Sport SP ECIAL PROGRAM DIREC- H0U5ES IS IMPORTANT 250»^llaa"^TOR- 25,000 miles. Spartan h«ter white weU tires. STORY with children vFu« t,m* S«pt. 1. Work and a fnilcrr-«Hiiaf» I.W. on,y m . trrmtnm groupa. Collage graduate. Exper- . . m. I K.m.l furnished. Utllltlee paid. Parking n. btlt alfln In r fh# «r yoo r vaii h»n/ ?. . 7 . J , „ .. * "**clal work and educa- ttoj. pUce, electric stove, refrlger- Phone FX) 7.7794 after (Alao amall fumiahed house.) *1% 1961 VALIANT - 200, 2 door 45 3 PM. 12 Call ED 2-2462. 44 • AUTOMOTIVE hardtop, rinlahad in brilliant red — mericaS I960 VOLKSWAGEN Pane) De- — and white. STORY Sella For Leaa .EMPLOYMENT livery, grey. good tires, Curb- 196, c.rsvelle *1695' EXFCUTIVF DIR FURNBHED 3 bedroom ranch, PKT,RE 2nd fl<^ 2 Luth^ans prices for aum^r #FOR SALE aide and Roadalde doora, this n/*v\ mnM - two topa, radio, ill HI H m^axDer time, 1 ence experience . W5 a month per .... »• per.on. Avail- r . _ Preferred. home AvaUaMa$8.n«m atmoaphere. 321 Quiet Ked- model regdarregular $3*g novvWpq r,>* .F0R RENT unit also haa special auxiliary t «V|ng for Europe $1750 Phone 105ft CHEVROLET Statlonwagon in group rk or education. Col- work or education. Col- S«te "D,e Ior hmi1 s male graa.uru lie. ED 2-2788. * '^'nowii s mLOST & FOUND gasoline heater that runs about 3^T fi350 42 « " *> cylinder, standard transmla- lege graduate over 30 years of .Jun* J** 355-6578. Cydb Shop. "I" "0V ^.ecialtles: • - .PERSONAL STORY Sella For Leaa tge. public affair a. 337-0181. 43 -JL. .PEANUTS PERSONAL SUMMER HOUSING for man ■ REAL ESTATE • • SERVICE I960 VOLKSWAGEN Station Bus, 1957 FORD CONVERTIBLE, good STORY OLDSMOBILE NEAR CAMPUS, attractive Cape Hedrick House -one block from CLARINET !>elmer.T^i green & white, full seats. Priced motor, body and top. $750. Call Cod, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, die- rampus. Room ^ par weak, with Excellent condiUon J0*! .TRANSPORTATION to sell at $795. Larry. ED 2-1393. 42 INC. HELP EDUCATION PROGRAM posal, basement, garage. 526 Al- cooking $7. CaU ED 2-0844. 47 $6. Moving mus .WANTED DIRECTOR. College graduate, I en. Call IV 5-0336. 42 *-«Z75. DEADLINE: iw° I^F?1NAT,<^M AM - 80. Metro-Mite Van. ,.M8deJ3 CORVETTE, 1957 -out, full time September 1. Pool, SUMMER APPROVED^ super- machln, caj to choose from, 200 cubic fodt walk in Vans. Price $995. - • « ■ . specimen, - — S^'CUf5-7MI."UP bath, parking. 2 ..... j—Q- .y garage and telephone Suitable or married couple. CaU IV 2- 42 L9ft0 f> Original St*eo. for 2 men over 24 or married ,824- pr PHONE: Dean * Harris. 11 OUT OF WORK? There are no a ell v«ry 1956 FORD - 2 door hardtop, 7-9741. 45 lay-offa for successful AVON couple with amall child. ED 2- reasonably" J 355-8255 or 8256 V-8, automatic, radio. Needs Representatives. For informa¬ body work. $200 Call 35V4332. ' tion call or write: Mra. Alana RATES: Hucklns, 566 School St. Haslett, 1 DAY $1.00 1959 FORD - 2 door, 2 tone green, Cruise-o-matic, "300", Mich. ~rtxsxsxn -=>HriiXr - - ' . Lansing, " »*«• - 225 hp. Gary. IV 2-5108 after Garrard chai 3 DAYS $2.00 LAY AND MATTHEWS, 1322 E. 5;00 pM< 45 Lansing, for summer or ye 5 DAYS $3.00 Write 101 F,. Birch Ave., Mil- speakers, Michigan, IV 5-2243. Do you want Wanted: Salesman to sell radio SUMMER HOUSING, Farmhouse stereo and 10 mom waiikee 17 Wis 44 to sell your car? See us. We time. Excellent opportunity. Sa- ' Fraternity. Excellent food and old. Reasonable trade up or down. Buy any make i960 -k location. For details, contact 2180. 1959 CHEVROLET . CORVETTE, speedy 270,. lary- and commission. Write W.C. , „ _ Dick Ross at ED 2-8635. 43 stationwagon. 6cyllnder. or model. c.t.f. new t00 an(j tires, 21,000 TRUE E.R., Box 269, Charlotte, Mich., EAST lansinu uasi LANSING, summer 1 term standard shift. Blue and white Call John, giving resume. 42 furnlBhed. I bedroom home, 2 w , color. It's a real clean car priced 196I OLDS SUPER '88' conver- ED 2-3568 or ED • ED 2-3145. 2-3145. 42 blocks from Campus. Phone ED Male studentB *""tod _ share 21" CONSOI.F T.V. at $1095. LAV and MATTHEWS, tible 2-4092. house in Okemos. Cooking and dresses, size - 12,000 miles - actual, I ^ 1322 E. Michigan Ave., IV 5- )Vory finish with red top and red AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COEDS: If 1 deal with parking facllltiea available. Call suit, size 1ft 'I you 2243. ED 2-4897. 42 I if Automotive j! BUMPING and PAINTING our Sn OKEM06 June or later to Jan. 17" DOUBLE ROOMS for Ml ilth mm Kanaby Grand, spa- term on Bogue St. ContactJohn recorder almos, altions open now. Room 341 Stu¬ grounds. $65 a month to Bartholomew at ED 2-8635. 43 Coaxial speaker lr E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV9-7507. 1961 DODGE LANCER - Ore dent Services Building. See Fred lright family or students. Phone 2 offer takes one 0 1 mileage. Exceptionally clean or Frank. -<•» 42 ED 7"7243' 9-6923. throughout. A complete AUTOMOTIVE 1955 olds club coupe - 2 1957 GLASS SERVICE at Morris Auto For Rent 1958 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN - 1oor '98'. door '98' Recently overhsuled ford v-8 FAIR LANE - entrance, tile bath, 513 Sunset FOR SALE - dlniiw^J 4 door, standard transmission P«fts. 814 E. Kalamazoo. Lane. ED 2-1746. 43 room furniture, wajts9X 4 door statlonwagon. V-8 auto¬ engine. Good transmission. 5 real with overdrive, C42 APARTMENTS radio, heater, 4-5441. ironer, apt. size stove matic, radio, hearer, white walls. good white walls. Need some body power steering. Ideal economy AVAILABLE JUNE 15 until fall Fur clutch cape also d Was $1095 - Now $895. . All power except steering. ★ Employment term, 1 bedroom, hi-fi, TV, com¬ - 2-5632. ^ $350. Call 355 3101 after 5 p.m. ing facilities. Reasonable. Call ROOMS FOR ren. 1957 Rambler - 2 door sednn, or weekends. pletely furnished. 355-3191. Rea¬ ED 2-6788 after 5:30. 43 140 Orchard, E. Lansing. Call ———— sonable. 46 green and white finish, standard BEECHEM & KNIGHT p»rt "me help, cashier andrr ED 7-2758 after 6 PM. 42 Freezer: Chest transmission, radio, hearer. Was wrapper. Experienced. DEN- MALE STVDENTS - double room. $795 - Sale price $595. 1957 TRIUMPH - TR-3, spoke AUTO SALES STAF.DTS SHOP-RITE MARKET. Available for summer term, also 3630 S. Cedar. LUXURY APARTMENT - 2 0 Apply In person. 43 K,. _ available for fall. Parking and snack privileges. ED 2-5184. 44 ELMER STEELE Call ED 7-2018 or ED 7-0898. 44 FOR RENT OR SALE - Travel RAMBLER trailers 13' to 17* models. Also 2!?.^ ..F'7"A ford 1959, I door sedan, 1959 RAMBLER REBEL - 4 door College Men Ranger .v»i.6bi Tent 1CTH VCampers. BinperB. Ken iven Oil- un— f .„ English bike. Ctfll = randard shift. All black 131 STODDARD - 1 bedroom. SUMMER VACANCIES - 334 yer Sales, 1046 Haslett Rd. Phone ""er 5 with white walls. Good condition. Evergreen. Cooking, . A Decoration Day special. $1095. block to Union. English Ford - 1958, LAV and MATTHEWS, 1322 E. Sal" *332-2*195^ Mich. Ave. IV 5-2243. C black, heater, defroster 1956 CHEVROLET - V-8, 2 MAN BUNGALOW. For Sole Call 33--2 581 between 6 Approved, unsupervised, for summer term .. SPACIOUS, SINGLE, furnished II!0r..~ ; - •% Largest company of its kind . „ 1^5? has several only. Call ED 2-2292. 14 room. Cooking privileges 2 L^AGE: Atlantic, night,black awning. #75 Life f>FJe,| Imp-Ala, ?2 doc VW and niy interesting Job _ blocks from Union. Quiet student wh!w ™eed. 2 pieces. Ideal 6726 S. Washington I 1961 VOLKSWAGEN -Powder opportunities for person¬ able college men in fol¬ SUMMER TERM ONLY preferred. Call 355-0309 or ED «°lnS "broad- ™ 7"58°6 1 blue finish, radio, heater and - 4 n 2-6375. Ask for Dr. Sawant. 45 e- 44 BUDDY • lowing areas: apt., approved, supervised I960 V O L. K S W A GEN- CONTINENTAL IMPORTS. INC. white walls. 10.000 actual miles. 1. Detroit dition. Sedan, ing for 4 men. Completely fur- black with white sidewalls, 34, 226 E. KALAMAZOO Only $1645. 2. Saginaw nished. Phone ED 2-2313 after SINGLE AND double for 000 miles, $1300. Call TV 2-8 DIAL R- 5-1743 C42 3. Toledo dents. Summer and next year, 073 ill if i, ELMER STEELE 4. Michigan eludes private parking, tele- 42 resort areas 5. Several RAMBLER summer Eu¬ phone, bath, entrance and kitchen. FOR SALE - 1961 Spalding golf 195^ GENERAt - 30' x FALCON I960 - 2 door with ropean assignments 1 or 2 man FURNISHED APART Ml utilities pa id. OCKS West of Brod Seeat 526 Ever- clubs,^ 9 irons, 3 woods andbag, condltion. oil h Deluxe trim, radio, white wall MENT for the summer. Excellent shape. Call ED2-3873. DIAL ED 7-9765 Very g*een. East Lansing. 4 2 dentg rd 2-4""3*'afte tires. Extra clean inside and No Parking. IV 5-0649.44 out. One owner, actual miles. experience necessary but you must be neat Up to 31 MPG on these very ap¬ successful compacts. pearing and enjoy meeting FURNISHED APT. 306 Grove St. PLEASANT ROOM for male stu- _!nj CUSHMAN w.„ „ GREAT LAKES - 50'JI $1295. motor scooter. Ex- DOLLAR SAVERS people. No car necessary. 1. 1 block from campus, "* * bedroom. park E. Lansing. Call ED 2- running condition. Priced ln„ c ,, p., ■ to sell. Contact Howie Jlmmle AT or 1956 Particiapatlon in our Sum¬ at 337-1314. THUNDERBIRD - Full power, beautiful condition. A real AL MIKULICH mer Earning Program will Lost & Foundl For FALL Term: collector's, item. provide weekly paychecks PONTI AC over $100 and also entitle !w. $50. LOST: Brown r and apartments for four For „ie 0r trade. PhU Rice ED 1958 FORD VICTORIA you to compete for tely. $40 per month. Call IV lurds Room of Unit Hardtop - I960 PONTIAC STATIONWAGON men no-» campus. Call ED 2-6521 after 11 PM, New engine, new tires New power equlppeo, very sharp. following awards: 4-2511, EXT. 52 before 5 PM. 2-3151 44 noon. I have yours! FW - 47 MAX CURTIS, 1. $2000 cash scholar¬ 45 355-2878, ships to school of your INC. choice. 1962 MO-Ped, baskets. Lease, .■ lansing's ford center 2. Several $1000 cash PnR SUMMER FOR taiMiuPD cr-u/v-w o SCHOOL: 2apart- Tw°. single rooms, cooking prl- or sell for $150. Available June FOUND: MSI Keys_«*J vilefres and Darkln? available 3003 e. michigan scholarships. ments, both single and double . 'l'' arn^arf j„e 9. Ron, 355-0360 after 4:30. 42 c,rds ln Flect 3. To win ?-°978' .f^Tp LTTTICH & STENBERG 9t,ff- ED fwTR 1\ 4-4491 ext. 33 one of several rooms, private entrance, park- m 2628 E. KALAMAZOO AROUND THE WORLD ing, close to camoua. C.n Pn afrer 7 P-M- 484-3229 2-1351. 47 HAGER FOX WAREHOUSE trips by PANAM JET SS,^ MWJwj — CLIPPERI Single for men, two block, 1958 OLDSMOBILE - Dynamic room, LOST WED. 46 1956 BUICK - hardtop, power '88' - 4 door sedan, radio, heat¬ 4. To win one of several 2 or 3 MAN APARTMENT. Avail- '""om Union, parking. June 10 to Ranges . . . Electric and Gas gla8,t« steering and brakes, radio, heat- good er, automatic transmission. AUSTIN HEALEY sports able June 12. Parking. IV 5-9818 after 5:30. 43 Sept- 1. $60. Call ED 2-3634. Refrigerators New aSd racket. Syly,a" 355-4W. Al»J cars I _ t.;. Used 1954 FORD - radio, heater . good shape. $425 355-4308. transportation. 7-0391. Call Jim FOR DETAILS PHONE WANTED: Roommate for mer. Four men. sum- cooking, apt. APPROVED. close in, summer SUPERVISED, and fall, cook- Washers and Drvers PersonaT 1953 MERCURY- IMMEDIATELY: c v CtU ED 7_9566 and radio, good I •ansportatlon. 1059 RAMBLER 2 DETROIT-WO. 24346 HAGER FOX Fraternity Crested i FORD FAIR LANE. 1959 2 $110. ED 2-4483. - door, 6 gifts and Michigan StaaU< - 42 stick. $695. 115 S. PENNSYLVANIA Ask for blue and v.hite. very'clean. 25.000 College Personnel sity Crested graduitloil AL MIKULICH DIAL 482-5501 should be ordered *T 3 rooms and bath. 1 block from rPoms 1" new hofT,e . ceramic no* radio, backing lights. TRIUMPH, TR3, 1959, white PONTIAC Frartdor, IV 9-9666. 43 'how*rB- a"dparking. ED. 2-1183 it theCardSho^fl Leaving city, must sell Phone walls, radio, heater, tonneau ED 7-1818. tf cover. Sharp. Leaving for 2121 E. MICHIGAN Europe. ED 7-1158. 44 w Deas, ED 2-5011 mattresses, like new „ ^ 1957 FORD ANGLIA Stick shift ivory. 29.000 miles. $175. 355- 1955 CUSHMAN EAGLE " - Fine is. Av«",b"' >*" w-4W ED 7-1157. 45 mechanical condition. $99. Also 1955 DODGE - 2 door hardtop. 1951 CHEVROLET convertible, ~ very reasonable. Tom. ED 2- CIGARETTES - any brand. $1.99 TELL DAD'S agw< » 1958 ALFA ROMEO: 1900 C.G.T. 2729 . 42 carton with purchase, Golf balls, favor. Bubolz «u Coupe, aluminum body by T Wilson, Spauldlng, etc. Repaints car without 1 $1.88 doi. balls, Bats, Gloves, 2-8671. ing. 5 speed box. chrome Fish gear, Sleep bags, Camp- wheels, 120 MPH plus. Re — ing equipment. Surplus all at uvvr ^ bargain prices. Fok Hole P.X. DOROTHY HYNE SAYLES c 42 Office, room Building the Crest European Flight Tickets - two E?sses_ Theat round trip - $265 each to M.S.U. Student, faculty, employee. 337- .nnOUI 45 GRADUATION MENTS with your ANN0t| n«*| envelopes, tissues. Myers PrintingSenl*J ^ Michigan Ave. iv " STUDENTS'. Insurance. T«™ B I9S4 MERCURY - 4 door, radio, - Power steering, seats, brakes, . . seats. Excellent windows. No rust. Priced to sell flm. Qmck sale. IV 4-4241. 43 IV 4-4241. Michigan flUte Newt, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 25, 1M2 ^ Additional JFK Phones K',*Ll®lit? Kennedy radio-telephoned Mai- colm Scott Congratulations 1' on w l-»rpemer- to an honor best owed America's three other pioneer Carpenter his per- explorers of space Carpenter from the pressed Atlantic, Kennedy ear- the nation's gratitude for Want-Ads Carpenter's safe return, hie sfter the portly globe-circl'ng Astro- The ant 37-year-old Navy Lieuten- Commander had courage and the Mercury team reached the that worked with him. m h" suwesrful mlaslon today. f*rrler its which was on America's pride In this second way to Grand Turk Island T>«PrMld«t.lM authorized in the Bahamas, when tr£le orbit by U.S. astronaut wae I Personal )f Service" Nitional A«-ona.itlcs and talked to him. Kennedy Kennedy had made echoed plause on by an outburst at ap¬ the Senate floor when i. -fi awlr,) similar congratulatory calls af- it free film SSFEL .ful! >« was . its distinguished service medal ter snnounced that Carpen¬ Carpenter had been plucked ter wa a Ucolor pn.M.,„»2o„ few, c?:,: safe. Free roll with'e,cJl J"°U household goods moving and ator- marek REXALL SINGER SITJDENT SPECIALS I—-— LeROAIWIDE FARM MARKET ""UA 16 st Okemos Ro.dwill «r . We will have fresh fruits dents at MJS.IJ. vegetables dslly st ,tn Mr. and Mrs. Beerlng- " prices. We Lur patronage In past and will ln the future. Thanking you ldwest appreciate William — *2 " SSEr ,nd ,92. at only* $5 down and ,5 Friday. May 23 tor Sea- special offera g00d only - plck up> Buv monthly. SING2R SEWING CENTER WHILE 309 S. WASHINGTON service on 487-3624 YOU WAIT or OS?1 /&„ toa" one day * CASH FOR passport and appli¬ ,PEANUTS cation pictures. Limousine leav¬ ^ PERSONALS ing dally at noon for Hicks Su- alo, Okemos. ~.v. Return transporta- w*,mloo. netum transnorta ®AT*AN BEACH PARTY-CHe. of'Bansai' of \h* F,l» house topped date* far their on- tlon guaranteed. Kefreshmems ,ught e0#d* ,0 ,h«'' i" London Hall nua' Fiji Island Party to be held this we>k- ANTED: Someone to care Call ED 2-6169 4UIfor reservations! dini"9 ,oom v'*dne.doy evening members •"«* -•S,0,• M#w* Pho,° bX George Junne. BOOKS _ w ^ es izrzzfsz'szi ■fectlon. Smitty and Peanut 355- JL. x™"*' ' Service" TYPING ^-Wanted WKAR Airs SretK ff.KW.aS5i SsSrSrJS Buff 42 9'3343, C W"!. term papers, theses, dl.- .pim^nts PteaVW?i^e™ iln IflVf. .* r, — "nations. 3 duplicating proces- Hankus 8081 16-1/2 Mile Roa<7 keep your car on the ' ln celebration of Michigan ,mus THEY had the Com- stop ln at Spartan Texaco SerI Pr,nt' ED 2_838<- STATE EMPLOYEE desires un¬ Week. WKAR Radio will present but what makes you think vice. Batteries, tires, furnished 2 bedroom house or dally, special 15-mlnute pro complete is presenting their side7* lubrication, wash }obs. Quality ' lower apartment ln. or near. E. grams Monday through Friday. ______ TEXACO products and skilled THESES PRINTED Lansing. Garage, basement. Nice Monday's program entitled service. yard for 1 child. Call IV 2- "Wolverine Words", was about Rapid Service 3480 after 5:30. 44 the naming of various foodies of water In tiie state. Quality Prints 'ROOMMATE FOR summer term Tuesday will feature an inter¬ view with Dr James T. Wilson CAPIT ALCn Y BLUE 221 S. Grand Ave. to share air conditioned apart¬ ment. Call ED 5-5687. & concerning „.«s role of tfoe In¬ stitute of Science and Techno WE BUY All BOOKS AI TIME SPAP.TAN TEXACO SERVICE Lansing. IV 2-5431 logy on the University of Mi¬ 1ST iner LANSING - Transferring has priced to sell a 4 CORNER GRAND RIVER mid SPARTAN mmtiu chigan Campus. ''Red Man ln Michigan", the Phone 337-9034 C (froorr. !. Thomas ranch in the Marble area. Large klt- - ^ Transportation LOWEST PRICES REGULAR & STEREO LPs SS3 / Michigan Indians, will be heard . DIAMOND NEEDLES on Wednesday. TAPE ires with erlll attached ear- makes and models. All work 2 Riders wanted, leave after OUR PRICES ARE An interview with professor ifflAawiUble IFHA available. Call Call2-8926 2-8926 <'uar4nteed- 8 a.m. to {1:30 e*«nis. Louisville, Nashville, William Housel about the high¬ GIBSON'S t-r- pjn T v> Technicians, 3022 E. New Orleans. Call ED 2-4703 CHECKED DAILY TO ways of Michigan ar.d the Uni¬ Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. C *bout & p.m. 42 ASSURE BIGGEST versity of Michigan Highway La- SAVINGS boratory will be presented Thursday. Ride wanted FROM Lps Angeles 1ST LANSING, Large fenced TYPING SERVICE "To Make Men Free' . an epi¬ ne ergretns, lot with many mature 3 spacious bed- ———————— PROFESSIONAL TYPIST 1th to Detroit around graduation time. June 9. Call Jan. 355- DISC SHOP sode about the Civil War telling of the Battle of Antietam Creek, tis, largediningliving lace, room, room with college kitcheiv, rencea. degree, excellent Thesis, term refer- papers.ED ' Ml Matin aad ; involving the 7th Michigan In¬ fantry, will b« (he final program ( fcisement, automatic heet, ?-5546. 46 ————— —————— k ?«rage. Bailey school dis- RIDERS WANTED for Phoenix, s~T\ Storage Inc on Friday. Bradcast time for each program is 3 p.m. BOOKSTORE ;fwVrF^s.cjTu ps■as; 47 3110 Tum.r "It has Jurist that been all suggested by a cars foe taken IV 4-1421 "Oentla-Care" Moving, from careless drivers. Wouldn't NEW YORK pM'Jfi s, - 4 bedrooms, balcony, large liv ing room, 2-1/2 - JERSEY. Grey¬ hound Charter leaving MSU after Packing end Slorag* it seem strange with our streets almost deserted7"- Kenny Ben¬ CORKER WEST GRIND RIVER AND EVER6REFN ■ng. utility room off kitchen, exams. Inquire now - save. Art nett, Greencastle (Ind.) Graphic. ■rlooklng Red Cedar River, Thesis Kits -- Plastic Film En¬ Llpton. ED 7-9216. 47 ■er $30,000. ED 2-3304. 46 gineering ft Drafting Supplies. ' yyan^ecJ IedROOM, 6 year old house, COMMERCIAL BLUEPRINT I foot lot, Ideal country living, GIRL TO share apt. for summer. SERVICE ■minutes to F Lansing. 3255 . Close to campus. Call 355-0341, 2100 W, Main, Unsing. Hi Oak Road, 1 mile west of after 5 P.M. ED 2-6086. IV 9-2652. 43 r, < miles north of Grand ■er. Only $7250 - terms, open P*y or phone South Lyon. EXPERT TH ESES, GENERAL For your wedding. TYPING. Electric typewriter. Rower* mean so much [ Experienced. Near BRODY. Re- . JfiNlTES to campua - 3 bed- production Service. 332-5545. C But cost so little. ^.r.r.nrr,^ S15.500. Cill FE pervice EDIE STARR: Typist, theses, dlssertationa, term papers, gen¬ Barnes Floral eral typing. Experienced, IBM ef Eeet Leasts* liCh'y^E««e°2.i V WeI1 discil •tattric'typewrttir.OR 7-8232.C hornings nn.0Ur only. homt Eo tl >1 E' sP*cUl rate for «e housing. Service calls, • 16W /L0nesty- Herbert. ACME IV 9-5009. C |E ■ ■ DRY CLKANING1 Wend- E:.conowaBi and Dry !n*T'' MM Vine a., 1/2 block 'of Sears' Frandor Store Is ^absolutely w each customer free-dry clean- using Its coin washers only ®«;ent times. Take advan- tjv«afc?ssa ■ ST*Unc 0F TRAD- Ircfc^. W«Mnlng When y®"brln* to Wend row's Ec- »ki*rS 0,7 "Tareyton's Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est!" ■presw ' !weater» Varied ACTTVATH) CHAACOAl Wvi^ ^ 3006 Vin» says turf king Virgilius (Big Wheei) Plutarch. "Try the |V2 P°r Store. block west of Sears' Appaan Way to fine tobacco taste - Dual Filter Tereytons," c You Suffer From Dorm Claustrophobia says Big Wheel. "From the Alps to the Aqueduct, we smoke them summo cum gaud 10. Try Tareyton, one filter cigarette SERVICE P«V1CE to your desire." T ^^ceive your own dla- Miss Mac Lar! I Suggest You Go that really delivers de gustibu»!" r Mck each time. With ^service, your you may in- baby's undsr- Out And Try HENRY'S Drive In! DUAL FILTER Kf1' ^ clothing which MAKE HENRY'S A HABIT 1153 E. Michigan Tareyton P&gar' 1 2-0864 . td. I block West of Brody I w Michigan State Ncwi, Hani Lansing, Michigan I9«2| AID FUNO UPPID OINRVA, twitserUmJ (Al')~ ruiKto totalling ir. •outfit ( series of rliaclonlona In prep- rjpe*ker« for the conference will bo drawn from hoth com- program will feature a student- S^rJ^SrSJ. tht U.S» Supreme court, f- mn*th+r 17 nr cant. .1 occMWMlty acted, atudent-directarf drama. 7 39 p.m. i Joint nation*! con¬ ference Aug. 25 to Sept. I. The two groupa Tn'MllIp Quanhetk, luther- Sunday plan# for (he Canter¬ Special Musical Concert will lead a dlaouaslon of the bury Cluh include an all-day 'olved I* whether It la legal for Union Wadneeday a historical andtheologicalaspecta picnic at Gun Lake, Members children In» achoola school* at Nrw New Hyde M^IJg#CWrlaBM Invocation, Inquire Into (he practice* ami of the churches. 0f local Other Services will leave the church at 9rfX) Park. N.Y.. to recite this h- The Rev William Clebsch and a.m. A to minimize 9-43 a.m. Sunday School morning aervice will The Rev, (have Mc Crack en. l>« conducted at the lake. conflict on the iaaue. Classes for University Episcopalians, will speak on the "Almighty Cod. we acknow¬ *n estimated 10 to 15 per ledge our dependence upon thee, of rhe achoola and we beg Dry blessings upon ln^ba atate. $-45 p.m. Trinity Collegiate parent's, ~ * *" " Fellowship. - 10:00 p.m. The Sunday mtpper City school system, use the Buffet aupper | spiritual prayer. Children may be excused C ocktail Party" by T.S. Eliot win be read opening night I* scheduled for 5:30 p.m. fol¬ lower! by a special program di¬ rTE17r-?,'xd s be cornpl®wly noivnictiriifti i# ruled unlawful. It could open the T*«t cftic ,;uni >iPV,i— inspiration 7:00 p.m. Wednesday evening to stimulate discussion of man'» rected by Prank Peters and C arol fc f Supporting conatltu-^ Prayer and Bible Study. place In the world, A movie Jorgensen A Memorial Day out¬ Way ,nr eliminating »iiinin*tin« all prayeroravsr w^r>^ I ., .. Phone the Church office, will also be ahown. ing la planned, with die group 377-7966 for Information con¬ Under the guidance of chap¬ going to Fort Dearborn for a have far-reaching con sequence a cerning the campus bus sche¬ >n of auchpractlres, lains Samuel White and llenry picnic. An Ascension Eve Ves¬ It across the nation. dule. la the first time the high Horn, worship aervira* In the pers aervice will lie held Wad- , - (he National Aaaociation of .— uwlertafcan a njllng Lutheran and Anglican tradition* Rv#ngii|C,ifl declared the cor>- , rhe question. A decision s will be held dully. st)tutlonal principle of church- stltutlonal More than 800 students and Wesley Foundation will toe** cpected before tl# tr~ First Church of All Saints Epi^ atate separation wai Sunday for aupper at A:00 p.m. >nth. campus workers are expected to The forum Is to exclude such practices aa planned for 7:00 Christ, Scientist participate In the conference. the Anyone Interested In Joining discussions or attending the p.m. and will include "Modern Music and Worship". Interpre¬ tive dance and modern Jazz Pastor school prayer and Bible reading, and that to assume It doe* plays "into the handa of Irrellglon and Church conference may obtain further- atheism," *00 Abbott Po»4- Information by contacting I nl- verlsty Lutheran Church or All will be related to worahlp, 7Tie Married Couple* Club of Teaches However, executive Rabbi Philip Hiat, secretary of the Syna¬ Rev Robert 0*.^ I Saint* Episcopal Church. Martin Luther Chapel will meet gogue Council of America, said for dinner at 6:30 followed by a dlacuaaion of "En- gagement, Marriage and the p.m. Friday Eichman there "la no such thing as a non-sectarian prayer" and that It cheapen a prayer to try to make Cbaplair Family" at 7:30, The building committee will meet Saturday "ft sounds like at 10:10 a.m. The Martin Luther more a boy Twice each week armed guards »cout oath." I* said. "It's * Subject Chapel Assembly officers will escort Pastor William Love II downgrading of prayer." be e 1 ec t ed Sunday morning fol¬ Hull of Jerusalem's non- Generally, Roman Catholics "SOUL AND BODY" lowing each aervice. denominational /ion Christian and Protestants have favored die Mission into the maximum sec- prayeri and Bible reading, while The Gamma Delta urlty cellhlock of Israel's Ramla Wed. I venlng Meeting Sp.n Fellowship Jewish groups hr - opposed - " trr will be at 6:00 Sunday prison. although there are many excep- Heading Room Ing, Worship will follow at With the approval oft!* Israeli In fact, some Jewish par 134 W. Grand River 30. Evening vespers will be at government and the wary cooper¬ re among thote supporting ation 0! the prisoner, pastor Hull »w Hyde Park practice. Is trying to bring Adolf Elchmann hack to the Christian faith he Trinity Collegiate Fellowship will triert after the evening ser¬ left in 1937. »-9 p.m vice program at 8:45 for supper. Tlie will consist of fl dis¬ Hull ha# teen Elchmann'* spiritual adviser since his con¬ May Crowning cussion of the 15th chapter of viction. He and his wife, who The Wth . he fading Ro< John, verses 11-21. serves as German-English inter¬ and buffet uppef preter, are (he only strangers / St. Elchmann I* allowed to see. and John's student par Sunday night will be "Recog- they hope to convert him before The occasslon to honor Mary Edgewood Peoples bltlon Night" at rhe Coij^e tlie Israel Supreme Court rules, Church Christian House, sportaored by the United probably next month, on hia includes a processional In the church where the May crowning Studert| c:» m p j s Christian Fellowship. appeal of his death sentence, 4C,9 North Hagadorn Road A dinner will be ■ served at will rak* place, preceded by the Foundation Elchmann so far seerns to have recitation of the'Mlvlng" rosary, (5 Mocks north of Grand ft p.m. The purpose, projected 148 w. Grind accepted the idea that he has a Actual crowning of a statue of River) plana and personel of UCCP for soul that will I* Judged by God, 1062 63 will be Introduced. Board M#ry will be by a recent first Rev. Trumar Joseph a. F'orn and that this soul can be aaved communicant from St. Thomas Minister. A church In the rnerrtl>ers, student officers and before death. local pastors will be guests of But tic Insists that a* a help- Aquinas school. Protestant tradition common The Rev. Eugene Sears of to the major demonlnatlons, >1 of Adolf Hitler he was Resurrection par; whl"h seeks to minister to Die Cadiollc Student Organiz¬ fully responsible for his will be the principal speaker, the searching, questing spir¬ es. does not yet agree with wm on ,he jpncral tt ation has planned adanceforSat¬ it. urday from 9 to 12 p.m. at the n Christ Is 11* >aks of a o{ the Mother of God. SUNDAY SERVICES $tt John's choir-will perform Student Center. After the 9:45 Mass Sunday mc-ning, the new n'feeFs HO direction of Gilbert 9:30 tnd 11:00 a.m. officers of CSO will be instal- God of lo'vi Sunday, May 27 6pm-"R*cognitiMi '■& ij Sermon by, eluding a dinner and pn~ led, followed by a breakfast for with old and new officers. May Crown¬ not talking MORE NAZARENE Rev. Truman A. Morrison student officers, aiiout the same God," Hull members and local psta says. MISSIONARIES ing will be at 6 p.m. Sunday. Hull spend;, a I .out two hours KANSAS CITY (A P)-The Ice Cresm Social honored guests Eugene Sears will speak. a week with Eichman preaching Church of the Nasarene has The purpose . Die usual Sunday evening forum is and reading Biblical passa) * missionaries to he Sunday 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. projected plan: scheduled for 8:30 p.m. i him. Hon. William abroad within the next aix 1962-ft3, will he presea A. Ryan, state Thursday, May 31 staff personnel It*, increasing to 525 the legislature from Detroit will dis- fir of full-time Nazarene Men's Luncheon Please call 1,Cltlzens for Fducational lonaries serving In 40wor!d 12 - 1:30 p.m. dinner reserva tedom." "U.S. Policy Toward China" Dr. Paul Varg Dr. Anthony Koo Revived East Unity Center Lansing First Presbyter^ Ottawa and Ch«i mcnt of the Christian 425 W. Grand River Church, Ing with oil, because of Its sup¬ He never intends his 1 spiritual healing was done by the posed medicinal powers, came Roxle G. Miller. Pastor 9:30 \ 11:00 a r to be a substitute for medical Apostles prior to preaching In into popular use along with lay¬ Sunday WorshlD - 11:00 a.m. order that the people attention, and Indeed, refuses to 'Our Heritage Through Christ' might be ing on of hands and prayer. see persons who have not more receptive to the Word. sought Elizabeth Although spiritual healing medical aid before coming to Todd-Organist 'Die Gospels contain abundant never died out evidence that Christ commis¬ completely -- him. Donald Circle - Soloist Roman Catholic shrines were sioned his followers to heal the Holmes set forth the philo¬ noted for miracles of healing -- sophy of healing In a leaflet used Study C1 a s s e s Monday !■ ) them its use diminished greatly. at Cavendish Chapel In Man- Wednesday evenings at 7:30 Chester England to which he min¬ Affiliated with Unity School 6:30 p.m. The service used by Holmes "And He ed 12 that istered for several years before of Christianity. Lee's Sum¬ they consisted of prayers read from Single should be v accepting a call to All-Peoples mit, Missouri. the services of HolyCommunion, might send them forth to UniteJ Church in SaultSte. Marie, and to have power to healpreach sick¬ Morning Prayer and Visitation Canada. of the Sick contained In rhe Book ness and to cast out devils." of Common Prayer. "God has created law and order Olivet Baptist Church Greek Archdi- I lay hands on the sick and MID-WEFK SERVICE they shall recover." (Mk. Evldance indicates that the 16:17) the agent of some more specta¬ cular cures -- a three-year-old Commenting Roberts on the Oral variety of spiritual heal¬ Wednesday, 7100 p.m. Sermon in Engli* | child In England received sight ing, Holmes said that Roberts Transportation leaving Inter¬ "Cod is Spirit" ministry of healing continued as a national House at 9:30 a.m. vital part oT the early Church If healingtakesplace, however, makes his mistake in pronouncing Sunday or call IV 2-5419. John 4:5 - 42 for the following 300 to 400 people cured. Holy Communion Holmes said that ft was more I never do that," Holmes said. (Closest baptist Church to years. During this time anolnt- likely to occur slowly. "That is for doctors to do." Campus) Memorial deceased AHFPA service^ frog Lansing Central Oken^os Church First Christian Free Methodist SOUTH of the Nazarene Reformed Church BAPTIST CHURCH Church 1906 Hamilton Rd. 828 N. Washington. Lanslnf 240 Marshall St. Lansing Morning Worship 11 a.rr C. A. Bruch, pastor Rev. 1518 S. WASHINGTON LANSING John M. Hofman, Paator - "His Workmanship" Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Service 9:00 & Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Your "Church- A way- From- Home Sunday School 10 a.n 11:15 a.m. C.Y.C. Council Young Peoples Service 6:00 p.n Sunday School 10:15 a.m. 6:15 p.m. Evening Service 7:00 p.rr Evening Service ' 7p'.m Evening Service 700 p.m. Mid-week Prayer Wed. rhose In need of transportatlor 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR :all the campus 7:30 p.m. Religious Ad- 'lsor, Mr. Cornelius Korhorr it » 489-5852 or Mr, Henry Bosch FP 2-222:*. 11:00 A.M/'GOD-PAINTER of Continuing P0rTR^ ««",es of Genesis MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL FIRST WESLEYAN 7:00 P.M. "GOD KNOWS OUR & STUDENT CENTER METHODIST CHURCH ClRCUM^ Road, East Lansing STANCES" Continuing » 332-0778 and your Llfe~o<»y K. Bundenthat. Campus Pastor 8:30 P.M. ADULT YOUTH SUN WAY SERVICES Discussion and Refreshment Matins 6:00 p.m. Student Supper Morning Service 11:00 AM - Holy r ucharlst ~:00 p.m. - Business Meeting "UNANSWERED QUESTION" Worship Service- Srl5 p.m. Vespers FREE BLS TRANSPORTATION MORMNG AND 1A Evening Service - 7:00 PM "THE CHRISTIAN AND GOALS" Call IV 2-9382 for Informal