Weather MICHIGAN Inside UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. STATI 207 East STATE NEWS See p. 8 for tor' nist tons American * views Party; on a former sena¬ U.S. Commu¬ p. 4 for er-Spor- opposing each other in League. Langlng. Michigan Monday. May 28. 1962 OK New Housing Policy MSU Losing Profs Increase Of Fees Show Faith Due to pU. Money Lack N^univ^jlK*? ^ 5C d cTH ?"*? ane|"'ro^,o«y. *0 to t Put Off In Students !«?;«« In suchh placet at as Alabama. Alabama, "ler!,.tX "M**?* for 4 V'4 . raite. to RichardRudner, professor philosophy, . U of M Votes to Up Cite 'Admirable Conducf As to WathingtonUnl- "• Cause of Housing 01 "The Tuition Next Fall retlgnatlon list repre- '^ ■7rjitees Prioay, ifeta-a , Mid Michigan repetitive position la tentj) « danger out erosion of tc*tUmlc position " our lncr«i,e: Frank Pyerson, atsls- Bnt pr Mentor in business t«r- Action on whether or not to they i Changethe 'jpper ■rapidly deteriorating because of The BoardacMdoulcklytohead !iC"' /° college* '<™v«ratty of Ala- ralte student fees will be taker CI let L'l J Wpir. U-M f'(•'.^hlpn B money. off the loat of another faculty State 1» now ^ ^,0 ^ ^ JgJJ facult? 7*' for, '1 lr-cr«a*«- tt the June Board of Truatee't srelfy Reiner, professor In meeting after the Legislature de¬ 'tsrzszs»w _ ,«v, *» fight off offer* from i • »<*•*** /erslties which K>m*- $3,000 boOR by the University of voteda fi'ftOO ?Altic*1 •*«*«. » Ea* *«« (.ent®f' Hawaii, at vice- cides on M!7."t appropriation. President John A. Hannah tald lrn,vS 65 ,,ve unepprowed jn- Jcrr.t prvrJie pay lncreaaea of ralta for the aconomlct Drol chanc*n<>r. with substantial sal- Prlday ■ liberalize fjpervised housing order the old regulations. ■«//•/• •/,TOO to MSU person- feaaor ary Increase; Vargil Read pre- The Leglstar.vre has postponed 'egulatlon* ' ** ' taking action on appropriations The Change equalizes Sous! •d to k-te food people lt T''w*^ admlnlttratIon." / only," heaaUl^Tban located tn attractive L out.taring p«£l.K2" * P or ta 11 o n ** R«0 to GEMPRAL H.B. P0W6LL for the stare colleges and uni¬ versities until after -hey have emulations for ~er. and wot. Article on Varg reached an agreement on a new ^ * It wat alao announced that Cadets _ ■ Among retlgnatlont submitted . to the Board were Richard Ada.-nt, profeaaor of toclology ciarenn professor i a Winder, psychology planning to move Hamuli had said last month that there would be no tuition increas¬ Reds Gets UCLA. To Head to To Hear es unless the receive the necessary University does not money Comments Planetarium Site from the Legislature. proved uns».,perv!sed?-c'.!S Powell Governor John B. Swainson parents' permission. By TNGRfD WkCNEP hat asked the Democrats College A second part of the which retires sr^erts Shifted lcle about Cem- Shaw hold The MSU planetarium will he to mand, be the Herbert B. Powell, will speaker aa Army and Air Force ROTC cade back this on student fee Increases year. To Take Office This Summer » infiltrate col- tr the xAsr?-] ir.e those used next to the fire sta- Tuition for Michigan residents constructed on a site commissions Tuesday. at MSI.: was not increased last opposite tion on Shaw Lar*, will be con- Shaw Hall instead of In his present post at Fort Mon- Ifrlohal adjacent structed on Harrison Road be- year, but some out-of-state fees The Board of Trustees mmed to the Museum, the Board of r-.vjt.etr.i thj;!*-re tween the CiO and Grand ^r-nu Trunk ,™» l0*'/'- r;OTeral 45 Arts and Lettert Friday, [Glimpses training strip. to Warrer. H df of f400,000 structure, ds* to he r>je#tlon of whether to finance *ort<4 and 13 ila/i resPr'RSlbl« for $750 wat changed to tet a rate of He will hea-f ore o? th.e thr»- moutJ. also erpresserf concern Ply- completed next spring, was the $160,000 project through. Utv- ™lntalnln« ** combat-ready $750 for all cut-of- state undent t. colleges formed ir. fte reor?ar.- changed to "make available more t/er the avaiUbflity of > I'.soctatcd Prett favorable facilities for auto park- iverslty funds or through income Scr*te&c Anny Crops. Tuition increases expected to Jzatlon of the College of wtrhln the new lirrs -..*07 ? om married ^io!jsing rental* public is tr /lted to the bring in an additional $2 million ,w5 Art*. The appolntmew be¬ '*an of s,e_idents I ■ • ■ I ing, be adjacent to the new tci- wa# to be decided at a later crjlorful commissioning cere- were approved Thursday by the -omes effective July I. John f ait said the committee woald cor,- ence center, and get away from meeting /rlS P-™- <"> Old University of Michigan Boerd of ■Medicare Gets Boost too great a congestion that would Construction contracts went to . ,u Pe^^t3, . Varg. 50. came to the • rtT/er- ttty lr. 195« to teach, history of ttrrm to watch the taw Lan- " ' sing sttaattor. an ' * *«T ^jor make a ■reference on Social new recommendation. I'.velfin cl,Uy' whlch mechanJlc" work, and Hatzel-Buahler. Inc.. L ^^ ^ feseor at the Utrtvarstty Ore- TVe rwrsUttor.s ■rtTl caste Lt'lSli£fS^ «IIV' . .. tHowi ' viewers" w'wat'rt"^ UMing!~$i2,M67o7XctS ^ M*rching Band and the Army scale ejilch It to go ) affect gon. about 40 .trtafentt to seekh htf *ha* w*-a- octnsr ^ .. .ant Kennedy t plan heavens from the earth and the work. drjm ,nd corps. for the fall semester. He 'was an associate professor otitmg „„ 5; -fare,for ™ Al" moon, will he constructed by the A low bid of $52,275 by Hanel- commissiont Out-of-state frethmen and of history at Ohio State Univer¬ 'T,- Spitz Laboratories, Inc., of YOrk- Vance Construction Co..Unsing. ^ " Army sophomores tuttlon will be In- sity for 12 years. ^,.1.. V! ? lyn. 1« being fiananced was accepted for modification of Air Force cadets. Com- cretsed from $750 to $90f) per In 1955-5* he lectarsi ?* the a!7, , Aork ''chlgan alto School through contributions to the MSU R«ther arid Butterfleld Hall< for ™ls#ions ® ^ ofher cadets will year while Michigan resident Untversity of Stockholm vmder a urged rievelopment Fund which re- become eftecti-e rjpon com.pie freehmen and sophomores fees Fulbright grant. ■«^e,mg nf the Social Se- «uedT$250000 eifTfrom Mr (Cont.eo.d on page 3) t!on of reqUireirM;n^ during the will retrain at $2W. |t.Ti'y program by |M tr.:Ilicn workers including rtie excluded and Mrs, Ta^^AbrtmsoTLan _ summer quarter. Otter Increa tet per year A A native of Worcester, Matt.. "3?e and now by increasing sln» GCA DeDOrtment General Powell, a native of amount to $30 for Michigan res- he i benefit! The Board ac-eoted accepted aa gift zift to¬ to- i. , Monmouth, Ore., *as commis- idem Junior and seniors, and $110 and I taling $5,227 f-om the Class of Nam© Chanaed y*5" sioned in the Army as a second for out-of-ttate juniors sn- Clark ' 1912 for the Planetarium. lieutenaot in 1926, following lor». Graduate school Ill Fires 14th Of Series Trustees approved several __ The Department of General Communication Arts is no-# the graduation f o Oregon He „ , $70 f esidents and $250 for c ■ Mich I- of Chicago. Varg was stationed i H INCTON-The United f!.' J!*J ?Ll°.T De^rTI^m »f Communication. LjS. Army Co^nma"rilandGe«ra1 of-state students irgton while serving tn past several /ears, he old reflations aHo exploded another nuclear ./ physl" E«ar,i Trustees ^>- suff College and the National Gr adua te-profess lota I stu¬ from 1943-4*. in the itomosphere near "LP , L(i the icceP*- proved the renaming of the de- War Coll*»s. dents in the schools of dentistry, taught f , -S. .' .•per 'ised hoostng .'or Island testing area , ? the construe- partment at its meeting Friday. , „ medicine, public health and law r/, the >mic F.nergyCom- and shop d marrle<1 bousing office Dean Fred Sieberr, head of the Honors to General Powell. will pay an additional $50 to He is the jthor of rwo books. announced. building. College of Communication Am, rated a l^de ln ?ee*" f * the '*s*--the 14th announced "'acific teriet began- - The buildings, replacing requested the change. combat infarrtryma! the Distinguished Ser^if Fees for music students were "rpen r»or Diplomat; Life of William Wood/ille Pockh01" and Library Understaffed the intermediate yield the Legion of Merit ^ reduced by $1-W for freshm fissioruaries, r.hlnese andLtp- e or the equivalent of be- Leaf Cluster, the Bn St*r andt sophomores and seniors. and$130for Jun- lomats." He has J«st completed 60,000 Books Oak Leaf Clusters, the s third book. "The r. 20.000 and 1 million tons Foreign Pol- die Air Medal, the Army Commenda¬ icy of the Fo»jr>dlng Fathers." elght i [ 1946 a He hat been member of the tion Medal and the Purple Heart. a {Communists On Move He has also been decorated by KfE*!4' of Korea #nd the 1962 Wolverine Woodrew Wllsor. Fello-wsf-.;p re¬ gional committee for' the past Uncatalogued I \ N E — Pro-Com- United Nations. ' broke the lull on Assisting General Powell 0)jf qD He is also a member of the ■ostern front Sunday, in presenting the commissions Tuesday,' American Historical Associa- Iernmant outpottt will be Col. James F. Skells, Distribution of the 1962 Wal- oI_ tion, the Mittlttipci Valley Hit- tor leal Association, e of our lack of professor and head of military /erine will begin Tuesday, ac- American profe*- science at the University and Atsociatior. of University profes¬ r.-.nal catalogers, - For the talent shtrw, s^e did stead of pr of essiona 1 Ubrar- education major won over 10 with '"Sanaar" which opened at iry the rest-It of beta* wider- otter MSU coeds participating the ■ o Starlightumi Friday. dramatization of the Robert lans," Henry Koch, associate staff ed" I'or may clear the wey " " in tte competition. Ro^rtTof^l^Jneral " bert Ro " chair- JfTSSd''wa«t mrf director of libraries, saxL a RJmm,l aP Include Lucille man of^A* Mits Greater Lan- whlch shc and .Tjother had Students who answered a State (Cewtiawed o« peye 3i J. rTf a" IJE1" | ',lr«? »lnce hi* for her portrayal N**s about theU- Yoeker*. N.Y., junior was honor- tion and binds the contestants with mSL.?"*™" "" See fetid* Friday Con«|,nl*1Uy " The f!naIlsts cho»* ^terthe anxious to help but simply didn't I know where to find books them- The Spotlight edido Mis* Scott received the crown Tte girls first competed tn first judging included Mist Scon, selves. State News, normally di from •HER ROYAL MAJESTY' -See Scett, "»U*.o* jueier, 1* the -r,^- -r-wr- — another MBU coed. Gretchen Ann formals,^talent demonstrations. -jB.jgiian and Miss, Bishop. Miss Cable, and —- m Bruce Smitht prompan*()r\ An Open Lattar to tha Michigan Scared Jamea E. Meeks out how their representative Stat* Legislature: To tha Editor: David A. Mllko voted and to question thalr pur- To Th* Editor —Wall, g*nttomen, tha speak- It la my belief that the Board Robert H. Hoes pose, whether or not you agr*e It la curious t0 r)b-rw with thalr etand. tha guardians of pubi. * * ar appeared, and tha avanta which of Truatees i« acting Ilka a tranaplred there made a mockery Beared old lady- She doesn t think 1ftpaA John Chldaatar doxy have a habit Z., of your pompoua dlatruat of tha that tha country Jail Is strong South Caaa Congreaa R*p. fr*adom of axprS.„Ion who* view, University. Tha dreaded com- enough to bold the bandlta. so -j0 ^ weharrnkw?^ •—t^with all AfaJM ... Whtc i, the poerd 0f Trustee* heckled throughout hia talk, wat tha door* locked. And handed the moat embaraaaing and her pets ~ certain of the merits ot ammo- rha,cradto ♦♦■fv. »r-M> " , her backvard aorta of questions poaalble, and reason. And ~J In is her husband's grave, and the cricy that they feel anyone hear- , J dl*ffl2l« ,, bwi" waa finally laughed off hla soap¬ box. The crowd, which probably gravea of her dead pat a. They ,ng of -noth#r fonn of govern- mew will turn agalnat It? for««m plS S.lfi?'nTndlvf tripled through your publicity, Whan I waa TtmVmv oarents tor •*>*>!"«• freedom of ap**ch. or In tha party „ , then heard two Hungarian Still . Alive •* ~ InE.Snaw "7 saia moklnlw5 b?dTaSZIId iid smoking w»» waa wu. Deo. iaccepiea "at* mouflt (h#|r the fringe speakers can th* Inalienable righ, sotphoMl9 and ha- party member »~i...."..**1 speakers deliver ic.promptu and tneir 0pjnj0n ^tu (he)r opinion until iI waa maiuiw mature _ ~ " Iowa from inn. undeniably -• - - speeches. The second was given Rpf[ *PrfifpWOr enougli to experience smoking and ranpja any^rson who will llatan a dramatic standing ovation aa "/JCTWr rely aoi he left tha wh.V platform. The point would vAitar- To the Idltor. bid! llowever! l^T^T w" ^ , MSUci there ia a little which can be set discussion . . jnust be < s l« Is. that that what you feared vnu feared would "ganusd ,j begin as a dark sesaion of Com- f°amVr aside for the nuts. If thla were done, there would be no need prevent it leading * an Insignificant Minority j munlatic indoctrination ended as over the Party wpenker, i rhls Issue and c for all the emotional sweat which ' poae their will upon an unequivocal reaffirmation of prevents In principle the Young conclusions, m democracy which would have Socialist Clul». the A.C.L.U., or 1 am an engineering is generated every time some of the party, or ». warmed th* heart of any patriot, any other organization f-om sub- and my onlychanCe to *tu^nt beper- evangelist feels the urge to un- form factional groupings < »i I would admonish you, aS leg- ml,t,n8 a reTu«»t to the Admln- burden Wf 90U| anc) 0OtM th# break the unity lalatora, to use more forethought istratlon for a professor of a iTfttL Issues la through University w,y ,0 Ut°Pu- A1) that would be neceaaary .a a two-lln*fiotlc* *tt cause pi,-, may sha'-- — piUi' ; * and responsible Judgement In tha U.S.S.R. Party School to fill the sponaored future. Your lecture^ democracy about the U I cannot ,n ^ ^wiu Nut r.,eW 7:0q p m , t a b 111 question are m[aJn ,ssu•, " ,M> t system. on your lack of faith In the Wednesday." educated public of Michigan, a faith that should have been re- ■ «.B" t n I 1 nly, the n v fl^t, z:;'z"Z7,i /-rl larlnr. nf WfieTC OIW, WUl, II IB a «- - " In this way the occasion would It d«- Only compliance conditions can <,,>(<■ nf firmed for you We d ne s day "academic fieedom" allows it are parents and ourselves spending good money to have ^rve^alid'fn serves and freedom of speech party against abuse evening in spite of your own and. surely tho "student intelli- would b* preserved. After all, party democracy y ideas blocked by fear. intellectual myopia. gpnee should not be Insulted" once you have denied the right *l*m*nts, only they. Donald A. E rick son Sincerely, by a denial of such a request to talk to any Individual or grot^p, C"> give th* assure;. ■. William R. fJoerner Assuming such an invitation was then the sliding scale enters and P,rty democracy possible, what then prei knows where it stops tidal and not i* Hypocrisy no one sliding. detriment of the (Commendation %t ™ 7 To the Editor: Bruce Stewart working class." It seems to me that by for¬ Assistant Professor MSU Board of : Dec 60: * bidding Thompson's appearance, MSU Is taking a step in the An direction of ostracizing those Mature A unlvers"y '• Experience who disagree with popular or , ' defend academic fraafanjfl action In thwarting « majority doctrines. ^>riy "by being acquaint Other Decisions IMS tempt on the part of Communist ICLth0 E"lfor: Let the Communists speak. Let party and sympathetic free- Reading documents is c decide for ourselves whether m^ke ^ny1 Judgment s! jJjS?. f0r thinkers to undermine the beliefs means of learnlni;, listening us their dogma Is We feel that,K" we matur* of» of our students and to make them ' Let's 1 e totalitarian methods obligation be supplemented by enough to listen to a Communist By The Trustees the dupes arid witless puppets of slty at* share-! I to lubverslve attack on the Ameri- more ana more background and protect democracy. without rashly absorbing all that _umini5. iri system interpretation, so must lectures Harvey L. Acherman he says, or without being swayed gtudents alumni arv 1 Graduate Aa#lstant by any forms of propaganda that Thank you, ge n 11 e m e n. You ^ ranched snd evaluated. To public Xll are f- Economic*Dept. h* may unit and keeps them in a ive prevented the subversive fort from reaching fruition. As deprive lnt*r*st*d and curious opinions acroaa. ^utilize In getting his Mf ™...„ *rd, afnat botV Wl(. #Md^ n*. trated area. These students It la the task of those who ar* curtail it anri your guidanc rh, Resolution , educated to lead the way for ncik. should be able to find housing in others who are not "as stable ,buse u „ alic and confuse the u In the and as understanding" so that Recouping fr i city because the new rules now f, it stands. Such in the United States of America • Cotnn nist Robert allow many to seek accommodn- Ul University Student Government obstruct out pursuit for ®n «*P®""'ence should lead to crit- passed a resolution which G, Thompson from campus pro¬ tions in areas before restricted bjectlve "whole-truths." leal discussion of the communist effect chastises the MSU Board SO THE EDITOR SAYS lllllll 111111111 IIMIIIIHI perty, the Trustees mndetwo to them. ".lark McPhail fytem.^ and our own; it seems of T rustees for not allowingRob- s this Is the tie a 1 Thompson to use University , commendable meeting Friday. They wore approval of the In thoir Back to the Planetarium. The Trustees eliminated a certain bottle-neck before It actually de¬ veloped by approving the re-lo¬ Free Cook Ingham ' Shaw facilities to speak. The vote was 23 for. 15 against and two ab- stenrlona. I am writing In an attempt to explain the 15 persons the vote of who were opposed Ostrich-Eye llllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllll BEN View) BURhT liberalized housing regulntlons which allow 21-year-andolders to cation of the Planetarium, which Speech to this resolution. These votes may be divided The appearance of a Communiat about a number of intereatlng reactlona Including lrr.v:-Y, apeaker last *eek bi To the Editor; into two groups, those who are tlonallam from legislator*, parenta and other aiults, •«ho! rent housing In Lansing nnd the was supposed to be built adjacent While Mr. Thompson Is; in favor of some type of reso¬ know bener. decision to construct the Plane¬ to the Museum. (rullible Communist dedicated to th lution but not this one and those WILS, a local radio atatlon, broadcaat an editorial of thu nat^ throw of our government v opposed to any type of The editorial stated In part: "Th* Young mer. mdthc tarium on south campus across At the original site there would To the Editor not be afraid to hear tre resolution opposition to the women who make up the atudent body of our university, i be How gullible have all been It Is spoken, for to deny board's decision. from Shnw Hall. a minimum of parking space, university, come from a widely varied degree of backer believe we were defending the right of free gpeec The former group agreed that educational ayaterna and family Uvea. They have a greatly congested traffic area AUSG should take some stand, The Trustees reaffirmed thrlr nerlcan rights of freedom when country that makes fi been well prepared for university life, but now but they should 1* more con- nnd the beauty of the location vehemently lashed at MSU Bd. a founding principle 1 have they as a body received the kind of education faith In the maturity of the MSU 9" ~ Trui " preventing a to deny that right to and objective ln this . . Bsoiunon. I maintain, andltf' - „ , ' that th4t would make them prepared to spot the mlstrut would hnve been lessened. Communist to appear on the students by passing the now hous¬ premlsesl I an ashamed of my- History has slw State limits civil rights tyranny I mekLTfer rt!!1 ^ - and ,,M that the camPus newspaper would want ing rules. Dropping the age to 21 But across from Shaw Hall selfl will soon follow. AUSG ahowed the same kind ^.S m,n°e:y; the C"fllectlc# of a Another quote Includea: trained Communist propapa** F Do you all realize that > There blatant disrespect' that they "We as citizens of the of those permitted to live in un- there will be ample parking fac¬ tyranny. Communism Is are many.paths to but state of Michigan rrow Inermid ilities for the many high school is one tte toa^ha^ 0sea7nC?hi^ weary of the cr,es o{ atudents and civU liberties huffotM* approved housing shows thnt the with Communists like Thompson? so hypocrisy. Therefore let ,lon cry loudly that their rights of complete freedom are being ah1*-1 only a cold war Is sapping us remember Jefferson's words Listen to a few basic fa as. Trustees no longer think of stu¬ busses and private cars which and realize a The second ir energies and taxes which society cannot be group, of which I "The University of Ea«t truly free unless all r may I* the only member, feels Lansing la paid for and dents as children. 11 carry thousands of interest- could °,herwl8e directed at the rights that others t the Board of Trustees made by the cltlzena of Michigan, not the students. Thel'nW many Important needs such " heads are hired and paid The inclusion of women in the ed persons to the $400,000 plane- the right decision and therefore by the citizens of Michigan, tttm this university - and all schools for to preserv* students. The citizens of Michigan demand to be and rule that states students over 21 tnrinm " ^ut 8 blood and bullets war Eric. Doane was opposed to this and any sponsible for everything on the MSU campus. Is taking the lives of Americans 513 Sunset Sunsi Lane can live in unapproved housing The facility, due to be com- and freedom seekers of many East Lansing ?r^rMrV°Jutl™ 'hold that he of thl" nftuJT' people of this "w* don't one disagreeing with th* Communists. We don't want them around.U opinion of the eupporters of our wf ^ with parent's permission is real¬ Pie ted next spring, will also be the communists. r . . JV*r W the people, as an simply car,,t 0individual Sttnd A1» invasion of the v.. u invir^ right of free m istic and ends the student status of second class logically located in the proposed kll,ed ln supporting Knowing Enemy uniformed to make administrative decisions." MSU. women at Science Center area along tnunlsts which an directed'by To the Editor: Experience is still the to govern the affairs of this On the whole the editorial speaks for itself. The phrase requiring parental other buildings housing science jf an Inter- most University. If I had a choice, I I Imagine the WILS national movement effective teacher and getting personnel felt that freedon of ex nent to take over certainly would not allow my and thefact that students are okay is the only drawback to that facilities. s. things second hand will never re¬ enemy to speak against me on not Michigan citizens were mh worthy of consideration. I also suppose they honestly" section of the new rules. But in See, the Trustees aren't Don't you r alize the value of Plact flrst-handencounters.See property. It Is the so bad your liberties? What our demo- ing a "real-live" Communist and th#." f the best way to get rid of Communists la to hide your htadfcj time that too will probably be after all. cracy works toward? What you bearing his propaganda direct Their representatives, acting in Trie students don t like greater under- Communists either, but we feel ywW scratched. Let's not bite off struggle? good faith to the people, could to know what you are or will we suddenly wall standing of Communism. —'— not allow fighting ln order to fight it Intell**1 university facilities to Perhaps this Is Irrational buffoonery, but we don t « ^ expect tob much at a time. Alert, Aware Americans? day to find ourselves ln chains If the future leaders and tl- be used by a person whose credo »■ tragic that and wonder how It all happened? of Is the overthrow of the govern- WILS an attitude as hysterical as that shown ^3 The pbrtion of the new rules editorial Is prevalent in The Milwaukee Journal reports that a national Carolyn Wardell the philosophy and tactic ol ment of this Michigan citizens. It U» country by force- tlon on our way of life and our society. which keeps students under 21 promotion to encourage lay citizens to express Student 173620 their sentiments by wire on business before 334 Evergreen. E, L. within East Lansing city limits the C ongress Is running Into difficulty. The shoal upon which the promotion Is mired Guest Editorial Cartoon and in approved housing is also Is the discovery that 56 per cent of Americans Undemocratic realistio, from the administra¬ are unable to name even one of the two sena¬ To the Editor: tors from their home states and fewer know tion's point of view. This seems most undemocratic who their congressman Is. This has caused promoters to get together a complete roster considering that the right to free It eases their duties by putting speech and assembly are sup¬ to supply this Information. all students in the one classifica- An alert, aware American? posedly to be guaranteed by the first amendment to the Consti¬ tion under — The Sacramento (Calif.) Bee a single governmental tution. Therefore by handing down this edict the Board of Trustees has violated and superceded the Michigan State News PACEMAKER and ALL-AMERICAN "Law of the Land". Andy Dunn NEWSPAPER Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on class days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and spring quarters. Not Afraid a^nwS, Editorial and rcS.;"1"8 ^ SUm™r term" ^ C,8SS ^ To the Editor The youth of America are ada¬ business offices at 341 Student Services State building Michigan mant about their rights. They University, Eaat Lansing, Michigan; and 109 N. Lafayette Street will hear what Communism has Cr**nvlu*, Michigan. to offer them whether or not we In advance for provide the facilities to house one term, $3: for two terma, the meetings; why should we add more fuel to the fire by tolly Press Association, the refusing. The only way our youth will learn Is to be allowed to evalu¬ . . .Dave Jaehnlg ate the Issues at hand. How can Editor. .Sally Ward they do this If . .... men are not . .Jackie Korona allowed to their Ed." .' . .Terry Wareham opinions? express .Charlotte Oalton Our campuses .Fred Levlm house the . . leaders of tomorrow. Our City Ed. Fjrlc Fllson hope . . . for the future lies In them. Are we so *f aid of Communism that mmm* m ?MMX *KU ^Michigan State Newa, Ea«it Langlng, Michigan Monday. May 28. 2962 3 (Cantlnead 'Miss Lan Young Dems To Hold Dedication Song I ffllwW|* Mnh« nitl. , PiIifYj? ? Atlantic City tor , sue as women's resident halls. The same firm was J *f l-iudgad. w.. Rooul explained, asked what she *»uld 6,460 and the road repair at MSlfs Hidden Gardens in the Jrlah Hills lake Drive In ""J® soeaker^f VflcM^n 2v» Marketing Aaeoclaflon Ai*r * 0ne" of Al«C congress, tlon A# »acond floor. Many Russel Miller, Clinton, for by $17,- 1227 E. GRAND RIVER were mutilated at 10 a.m. in Kellogg 290,01. OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. IT'.T H* ^ on th. Trustees also authorized the I Center. _ — narketmg association w H H-®« StahllnST? ium« .*J round «ed on floor that had been to»- the shelves. University to proceed with al¬ DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. Many had the terations in Berkey Hall to pro¬ 8:30 P.M. tSSSXS K£X" lommodltles In dealing with pro- =«■ npp- -.*p.*.. vide offices for the new of Social Science and Arts Collets - 1:30 A.M. ljW,or9 Vrl Sili^rt,^ir.h4,r" ^ wa» Fn*1,#h grammar Letters and to go ahead with re¬ and SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. Kdudlng on marketing matters terms of trade. prom.1', ---' fiSlfK-Hl was purchased In 1839. Other pair work on several roadways on CURB SERVICE - 7 DAYS pictures showed old Atlases that campus which were damaged by *er e Richard Arnold and Sharon Joekton ED 2 651/ SUMMER JOBS ripped and scattered about on the floor. When faculty members were . . .Seniors of the Week. --State News Photo . . asked to by Gordon StouHer. FOR MA feeling of apathy. Ten prominent a* a in ■ AffrinJturp a hSfmtel e SENSATIONAL STUDENTS siS'Cs'S'SH Week s Seniors Applications now being accepted for lummer Jobs with mijor ,>r 'over national corporation. Young men 18 years of age wanted to work In marketing, sales promotion Eugene Onegin Arnold, Jackson RECORD SALE! and brand Identification positions during summer. Will Sharon Jackson, Ovid home show Is "Rural N'ewsreel." Rich- work with high level executive management. At Fairchild economics major, and Richard ard has traveled all over Mich- Arnold, agricultural economics igan gathering movie film and I SCHOLARSHIPS: I6-$I,000 Scholarships "Eugene Onegin", Tchalkov- major, were chosen by Senior sky's Immortal opera, will be tie Council as senior* of die week. stories for the show, Richard was president of the e Classical • Folk I6-S500 Scholarships Lecture Concert Seriea'featured Sharon has done most of her Agricultural Council in 1961 and film presentation Monday and w?>rlf wlrtl *-H clubs and home 1962 and anagcouncil represent- Iuesday evenings at Fairchild economics organizations. P,e- Theater. aides keeping herself bujry with stive In 060 and 196!. He was also a member of the Agrlcul- e Jazz • Children's The two showings each even- marry activities she has man- tural Economics Hub. lng at 7 and 9 p.m. will be the *2*^ t0 maintain a 3.13 aver- He was chosen for the out- [SEE BRITAIN: i all-expense paid holiday Ir first In the The cast Lansing area. Includes soloists, 5,16 been president of the standing senior award for the Ag Economics Club. He was also e Spoken • Stereo chorus, corps de Ballet and or- Home Economics Council aawell presented the top activities chestra of the U.S.SJR. Boishoi as recruitment chairman for the ,ward from the College of Ag- » students who qualify may c Iheatre and the Leningrad Ac- council. Linda was also senior ademlc Theatre of Opera and vice-president of the Home Ec- rlculture for 1962. He -was also member of Alpha Zeta. • Major Labels • Mood Music Ballet. onomlcs Teaching Club and A..- acting Richard lives with - - • ■ hla wife and The opera is based 0 president. For Interview Call College Director pnl Onegin". written by# Alex- ander . Pushkin . and considered Council representative for the daughters at the High School She was also A gr Icultur a 1 House near the Peoplea Church. He and his wife have been resl- 12"Hi Fidelity! Top Artists! by many literary critics to be campua 4-H C'lid). She has also dent advisors for the Senior High a masterpiece of world liter- been a member of a county and Youth Fellowship for two and a a tuns. state 4-H Service Club and Mich- half years. _ |LA:-H CLEANERS Frandor _ _____ FLASH CLEANE ' "Yevgenl Onegin", which has Igan 4-H Key Clii>. been called an encyclopedia of While working on ag couficlL l9th Century Russia because of Sharon was chairman of the dec- After graduation at the end of the summer Richard will dopub- lie realtions work in agriculture Were $4.98 & $5.98 lrs portrayal of the period, took oration committee for the 1960 He ha a started an office In East _ Pushkin 10 years to complete. Harvest Ball and chairman of the Lansing. L The film depicts the philosophy 19A0 Ox Roaat program commlt- Now $1.98 ■73 and morals of Russian lociery in tee- Sfcaron has also been on the X the first quarter of the 19th cen- «»dent organization council and B&j Moving and _ tury and the beauty of the Rus- dorm council, for which 2 slan countryside. elected chairman. Only £" It is In color and has She was also chosen for Kap¬ Storage Inc £ nlng time of 106 minutes. pa Delta PI education honorary, 3110 Tum.f and Omlcron Nu home economics NAACP To Feature honorary. After graduation Linda plans to "Qentte-Care" Moving, IV 4-1421 Many More Titles Available work for the Co-operative Ex¬ Packing and Storage Hooker in Final Meet tension Services agent In Lenawee as 4-H Club Many Collectors Items! County. 2 The NAACP will feature James Richard Arnold Is managing to § Hooker, assistant professor of bring up three daughters, age history, as It guest speaker at 6, 4, and 1, with his wife Carol CAMPUS BOOK STORE a O a meeting Monday at 8 p.m. in as well as produce a weekly half Old College Hall, Union. hour tevellson show for WXYZ- **1 Hooker, specializing In Afrl- TV In Detroit, r can studies, will speak: on "The Richard has also kept busy ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING > Changing Attitudes between with campua activities. CC American Negroes and Afrl- "If I had to do It over again, ® cans." He will discuss these 1 wouldn't devote as much time O changes as they are indicated in to the television show," Rlch- [-« recent developments in literature ard admits, CASH pj' and politics. Every minute has been filled, - but 1 i bed as It sounds, he said. Try Want Ads ! The tu of the jnited for your Textbooks Artists and Paperbacks Most Summer Term Book We Can Lists Are In . . . Help You! SELL NOW! for Your Winter Clothes need to be protected from Mll- e*' Odor-causing Bacteria and Moth Damage. Celebrates the month of June aa ™ e will summer ^ular Dry properly clean and ttore your FREE of CHARGE. All you pfcy 1 clothes o A TRIBUTE TO your best price Cleaning charge. TWxx^ftKdicickeA. THE FABULOUS 0U0 PIANISTS AND THE IP ORCHESTRA CONDUCTEO BV Stop in today at East Lansing's > Bring your NICK PERITO Internationally acclaimed aa the outstanding instrumental performera on recordings, in concert, and on radio and television, FERRANTE * TEICHER have achieved un¬ Department Store for Students qualified acceptance f »m a world-wide audience of music lovers. In recognition of their tremendous contributions to the music field, UNITED ARTISTS RE CORK is pleased to pay tribute to da world's premier piano duo. FERRANTE * TEICHER. DISC SHOP 323 E. Grand River CAMPUS BOOKSTORE ACROSS FROM THE UNION Michigan Monday, May 28, Michigan State New Villanova Wins Diamond Clash IC4A Track Meet Washed Out 4:12. The winning time in the mito was 4 06.4 a new meet record By MIKE Of The SUM SKINNER N«w» Staff **Kob!i. who la chairman of thla Hn.t villanova ran awavfrom ■*< Harvard's Mark Mulllns. committee, said Saturday night J°hn of tak® SP{" field of 44 other achoola in ,h* taP® ln 1 49'3 t0 ',0*J* a SOUTH BEND, lnd.-Therewas doubtful whether we'll die 86th annual IC4A Outdoor ,he no luck of thelrlah her# Saturday. . t rack and Field Championships t.. w D|Ay Western Michigan. • Instead there *M rain. j u when the play-offs 2SS*icfitb b™5n 'and o» d Smith played on that same Sherman lewis, who took the John Delitza both pole vaulted The Cant collection of • 15*6" gridiron two seasons sgo for Sprints! IC4A indoor broad jump title. summer could break tlte tic. State at quarterback. ' ihlnlngs is took second ln the qualifying wr Michigan State who paced MlchlganState In 1959. ind Jack Krallck. signed off the we!|* round with a leap of 23' 3 1/2''. In the finals he could do no bet¬ " r world record holder jmas of Boston Univer- baseball players, one supposedly lost his first game in relief In on tlte decline ami tlte other his 17th appearance this season, campus in 1954 as a fifstenan. is a Minnesota I wins pitcher, Gary Ronberg, Spartan pitcher. W discerning tastesof i tlte high jump with a ley, Pete. Is that the { emerging, opposed each Radati allowed two runs and two In the National League Is vet- ter than this and he had to set tie for third place. The winning gf 3 just other in Baltimore Orioles' 4 2 hits In his five-Inning relief stint, eran Hoble Landrlth. who was where you fell down frying t pass the ball7" s 23* 7 3/4" win over rite Boston Red Sox Starting pitcher for Baltimore signed when a freshman in iwi. Smith >wuwl aHllM1 scoffed and „11V1 said s of every Gam Shin Although lewis also qualified tlte game was Robin Roberts, 7^ New York Mets catcher is thJ >b<)Ut (he weath#r fit, show-three viral";, in both the 100 and 220. Zach ' MSU baseball plav- most famous of the ex-Spar batting over .300. He has played Ford, State's second man In the 1 is, who was relieved after 7 for Cincinnati, New York Giants out »ame WU1 not that make all the a man (Hlferentt^l 220, became the only oth«}rSpar- ■£! Pitcher Dick Radaiz, a rookie 2/3 innings and did not figure In and the St. Louis Cardinals since ^ rescheduled and consequently m#v ^ave missed Its last wears a Cant Shin TI tan of the day to score. Ford, the declait vlng Michigan State. • Kaline's Absence chance to play one more game who had qualified Friday by win¬ It was Roberts* first start for against outside competition lie- ning his heat fourth In Hie In 21.5. finished finals In 21.3. the Orioles who signed him last week after tlte New York Yankees Harfst Named fore the season ends. Two games remain on mtk,1! It shows above Hurts the Tigers released him. The Yankees ob¬ tained Roberts fiom the Phlls- Sports Editor the schedule against Western Michigan but these contests may collar. The/re the way the faStidlou,'Z| body of the ,7 delphia Phillies where he com¬ Dave Harfst and Terry Ware- not be played since Westernqual- drapes and folds. All must "L piled several dazzling 20-victory ham were appointed State News ale see" to •• sports editor and assistant, re- lfied for the NCAA District four achieve ,Ulr.^| play-offs. lngredi^nr which p*| . , , Laat Wednesday tlte recrod of spett)veiy, for fall term '62. Ben If tlte former Spartans was more il- jjunts, f.liioi In-chief announced Western will play-offs open this week lustrlous. Radatz saved Boston's undoubtedly cancel 6-1 win over the Minnesota IVlns Monclay. Its two game home-and-home . Cant shirts loolt .*■ Harfs't Essexvllle junior, was do, why we carry tl*m, inings of scorlessball. ft part time sports reporter for series with the Kobs Spartans. left early you deeerve Gant. lftd2| "■ A1 Luplo^ was signed The Sunday for a Day c„y Times (or two . In the spring of 1959, cracttea NCAA committee meeting In Fort a ninth inning pinch-home run years. He will work The Wayne, Ind., where the dates and the other three teams will for the Cleveland Indians, the team which signed him, to dead¬ Houghton Lake be selected for the district lock the Indian-Chicago White sophomore, was assistant editor Sox game, 4-4. Chuck Esseglan spring term and was a special followed with a game-winning ipondent for the Bay City Two for One Nights 11 probably field than at nat. tie's while In high school, appointment marks the time since winter term Mon Si Fri GampJfeU'l ; been Ron Peranoskf, voted of an inspiration to the oth . the State News will be op- Filet Mlgnon He's tlte leader of the club. er most outstanding MSU pitch In 1958 In a reliefer's role ating with a sports editor and ^ fujj staff, Chicken 'or the Los Angles Dodge 1 or & O f* C Harfst said has compiled, a 3 0 won-losi ml„_WTW he would set plans and organize his ml up Shrimp for 2 ^O, 7 3 •nri^nUriv i mark ior mar* for thetrie season wim with ■a L29 • stnff for fall term -before - school Special Menu for Children IL11 better defensive ball Earned Run Average, the lo> adjourns. He added that all stu- |n (hp Natlonai league, than Mays. Willie power. may r * sout|tp«w hurier aided the *7"" plannlng r 4 1 1 i .l. , sports VnTfT'faH on working on in the fall should contact DINES rxtdgers Sunday in winning their h}^ ■ tsed a| the Sute ^ seventh straight decision. He Harfst adds that anyone who came on ln tl» ninth and retired pinch hitter Don Demeter to save hfl, m( workcd for ^ State previously but Is inter- I he y i'0ryJ„, „ ested ln joining ftie sports de- lefty was tlie Dodger s partment ShoUid contact him al- rookle of the ""nr «"«>'> to the Spartan Coach Softball Results Angeles (N) J0^0^ ing for the Washington Senators Results of Softball games play- Frl£y arellst- CASH ^ and ed below. Standings AMERICAN LEAGl All future contests scheduled will be In the play¬ offs. Teams Involved should con- W L Pet. GB the Intramural Office dally Cleveland 24 New York 24 15 .615 — 16 .600 1/2 for games. Information their 1 way ... Minnesota 26 18 .591 Unteachablea, I0-Vets II, I 20 18 .526 31/2 Hedrlck, I3-Beal, 2 L.. Baltimore Angeles 21 21 19 19 .525 .525 31/2 Vans, 6-Consultants, 1 Ursa Majors, 12-Lurkers, 1 join the ever growing 31/2 Chicago 21 22 Rozos, 7-Antlques, I KansasC. 20 25 .488 .444 5 7 Communicators, 5-Ag. Fcon, 1 Spartan cro wd for a real Boston 16 24 .400 81/2 St. Gerauds, 17-Asher, 8 Washington 11 28 .282 13 Cavalier, 18-Casino, 16 7 Sevens, 8-Magaffers, 6 satisfaction in selling textbooks. SUNDAY'S RESULTS New York 4-1, Detroit 1-5 A.T.O., 10-D.U., 7 Cleveland 5, Washington 3 Ev. Scholars, II-Colony Club, 3 Baltimore 4. Boston 2 Hasbeens, 11-Poultry Scl., 6 Minnesota 5-8, Chicago 4-6 Bower, wln-Motts, forfeit BOOK SPARTAN Kansa s C'lry 3-3, Los Angeles 2-6 Howland, win-Elsworth, forfeit NATIONAL LEAGUE Bailey 2, 11-Balley 7, 10 East Shaw 4, 6-East Shaw 10, 2 Arpent, 12-Arlstocrats, 10 STORE Bailey 4, 4-Bailey 6, 1 West Shaw 10, 6-West Shaw 4, 5 16 51/2 Radcllff, 7-Random, 3 6 gives the cash 17 Vans. 4-Vets, 2 Pittsburgh Milwaukee 22 19 18 24 71/2 12 Cachet, 13-Cabanas, 3 Emerald, 4- Eminence, 0 you you Houston 17 26 14 Philadelphia Chicago New York 16 14 25 29 15 17 Arhouse, 11-Archaeopteryx, 10 East Shaw 7, 12-East Shaw 5, 2 Bryan 6, 12-Bryan 7, 11 need for that vacation. 12 27 171/2 Emporer, 9-Embassy, 8 Sunday's Results: West Shaw 5. 4-West Shaw 2, 1 Francisco 7-6. New York 1-5 West Shaw 7. 8-West Shaw 6,5 1 (2nd game inc.) Angeles 5, Philadelphia Cincinnati 10, Chicago 0 2 Burma, wtn-Burgandy, forfeit Casino, win-Carthage, forfeit SELL YOUR TEXTBOOKS Rangoon, win-Ramsey, forfeit Corner of Ann & M.A.C. Pittsburgh 7, Houston 2 Milwaukee 4, St. Louis 3 Pacing the parking triangle Today's Games: St. Louis at Pittsburgh (N) FREE STORAGE Houston at Cincinnati (N) Milwaukee at Chicago Only Games Scheduled HURRY! of your ENTIRE Wardrobe (Except Furs)* LAST DAY Giant Twin - Hit Show MSU FOREIGN FILM SERIES 1:10 - 4:50 - 8:30 2:50 - 6:30 10:10 presents Don't- and then hack t^oge teavy clothes home dsm — NEWMAN again in the FalL WOODWARD POmER Tchaikowsky's Immortal Opera DO- Let us store them FREE For The Summer --Here Is what we do-- "EUGENE ONEGIN" ★ Give You An Itemized receipt . Hang All Garments on Hangers In Our STARTS TOMORROW ! Refrigerated Vaults. Twin Hit Action and Adventure Show with the soloists, chorus and CORPS de BALLET of the BOLSHOl and LENINGRAD OPERAS GALINA * I Additional Insurance Available) in the tall fre.hiy VISHNEVSKAYA singing "Tatiana" * cleaned, unitized, and Pres.*!- Jeffrey Hunter You Pay Only The Usual David Janaaen Patricia Owen* m Van Johnson Vera Miles in Cleaning Charges! "HE& TO "WEB OF Mon., Tues., - May 27, 28 - 7 & 9 P.M. College Cleaners ETERNITY" EVIDENCE" Falrchild Theatre Admission: 50C - 620 W. Michigan East Lanelng *crot« from BRODVl Michigan Nm, Eiat Laming, Michigan * * Carlin Lauds Progress High Schooler* Study Here LashIoc area fettft teboot tto- bHr Msdsa (rim " Monday, May 28, 1962 js^snsss^i rates, sulm ••.im UKE LANSING AMUSEMENT PARK Of University of Nigeria MW—1 Foreign UafU«>» Hooort Institute here this summer. Joseph Therrlenand Madeleine Blee of the department of fore- ^ceriMilwaukee, ' ticketed Jamej TeSelle, for driving on OPEN DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY „ """ »*»-?—* f^Vf * }•» languages French and Spanish training, will will helpK teach the ^ brides behind the lfbrsry institute. at 1.30 ajm. <* *>« new nation also feature studies Of (to cul- Sunday. 7 . lUe' durlnf th« Wff ymr ha* **•" remarkable consider- CartWS*™"1* mayU^" Tl"f* ,fl P1*"' for a tural, political, and evAiWrfUic TeSelle told officers he was Week Days 7 P.M. *" *mmdlng'. according to ln« rtl* NO WAST1 not a student. He offered no .■ nwny different tribal com,nu,n* «ducation canter and Edwiro."« rd a. Carfln, dean of (he •n^cu,tur"1 j„ the country, Carlin which live !1 •^,^ltur'1 Week-Ends and Holidays I P.M. aald. Thev In tl,# ne,r future." Twenty students «aeb will Nebraska Men's' Lrfvarslty ^ mm two h*v# 'voided Internal conflicts # College of General Studlea participate In tto Jwnch nSSSLSLX TeS«,te P« "P >20 bond and .*/! the Institution In Nsuk- « • time «*ien other African "*• Spanish programs. Tto and earing from students me., , VteXJEEZ!! was release. FIREWORKS DISP aald.Utdvarrttjr Col- Two "tudents playing ^vlnz «» an advisor to fac- ««om were having remendous They alroadf nominaced by t be 1 r high day. catch In pound? couDl^ofhtlT th* v ooneumptlon by floor ha^ of Rather the CollM* of Gweral P™M«n» have developed courses in social school languaps taachera on the dred a ' d there and participating ""»• Vn,v#r*,iy 01 N1**r,a has fr°m 260 to nearly 1.000 Jfi"**' t*tur.l science and Eng- basts of past accomplishment, Clarence Keller *' «■"'» B wing .ccldently rrip^d Outboard Speedboat Races, Sun., June 10. 3«-#mre on the Social «rown n,h' p^mwans. * t,r* »^rm at 146 p.m. s£- r0 students In the pan alze of the year and the ,A program is being career motivation, and future The Institute is the Inmate. .reLTf£Vla style •nd may take.. rouch food Ur*y< Department of Public Free: faculty has trloled Panned In the Humanities course. only one Safety — ^ w«s reallv pleased to on Buildings M'-tady constructed wlM contain elements of both campus Include a library. w*f«"n >n6 N Holmes, Lansing. Phone IV ol if Automotive If Automotive ^Employment * for Rent" 'Ik- For Sal* ■fr Per«ongT~ EXCELLENT 1959 BONNEVILLE CONVER- H^L>m5f» mnZTFT' Exper,#nC*d ™le room H0USES '•11 makes and t ri tlble - Jet black finish, white AM-FM ra^ 17,000 miles. Ex- help wanted for Boyne Mountain later to Jan. guaranteed. C? top. bucket seats, outstanding Cr2?. n"h ?lo^e. ^nuct^Car 1 Baber A.43 OKEMOS _ - June 1. Fa An house, Old World en- 3125. "r.v. tX 1 vironment, Kanaby Grand, spa- Boy's 24" Bike. Good Condition, Michigan. Can I cious grounds. $65 a month to $15 - ED 2-6383. 1958 CHEVROLET - 4 door, students. Phone right family r " ' — stationwagon, 6 cylinder, stand- 46 .AUTOMOTIVE College Men ED 7-7243. 1961 Huron 500., 50* by 10*. Near 1960 VALIANT 200 - Deluxe 4 *rd aht ft. Blue and whcolor; campus. No equity Just take over .EMPLOYMENT real clean car priced at ^FOR SALE door, automatic, radio, heater. i EARN $2000 THIS payments. ED 2-3347. •- 47 $1095. LAY and Matthews, 1322 FURNISHED 3 bedroom ranch, - .FX)R RENT SPARTAN MOTORS E. Mich. Ave., IV 5-2243. C $45 a month per person. Avail- Men's apparel, used. Suits, coata, _ LOST & FOUND Summer!! able for 1-4 male grad. stu- TuXt Size 29 to 42. Sweaters, "personal INC. — dents. June 10. Day 355-6578. sHrti and slacks. Summer .PEANUTS PERSONAL BEECHEM and KNIGHT Auto Largest company of its kind Evenings 337-0181. 43 wlnter> Going into the Army. s r s 11 y graduation rings .REAL ESTATE Sales, 1?00 E. Michigan Ave. has several 339-2702. 4! available at THE CARD Dial IV 2-6141 or IV 2-2070. C44 interesting Job •SERVICE opportunities for person¬ SHOP. Includes degree, .TRANSPORTATION able college men in fol¬ 4 BEDROOM HOME, furnished Motor Scooter 1958 Lambretta. seal, 3 engraved initials. .WANTED 1956 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE- lowing areas: or unfurnished, Lansing, E. New tire, top condition for low Choice of 10 stones. price. 1 MUST SELLI Call 355- _ 35516165. ' 1. Detroit Lansing, for summer or year, Call 43 automatic, full power, radio, DEADLINE: t heater, white wall tires. STORY 2. Saginaw Write 101 E. Birch Ave., Mil- 4387. 43 j)imPa/iAlik 3. Toledo waukee 17, Wis. 44 - 1960 VOL K SWA GEN - Sedan, Sells For Less $595. clude your black with white sldewalls, 34, 4. Michigan resort areas Shirts and bab/3 ' 000 miles, $1300. Call TU 2-8 ANGLIA 2 door, radio, 5. Several summer Eu¬ clothin** - ROOMS Will nor * "I 073 after 4. ££ heater, white wall tires. STORY ropean assignments .PHONE: Sells For Less $595. ?,d° 'ron?" it r.n en sell. Call Ea 2-4275. Fraternity Crested graduation 355-8255 or 8256 English Ford - 1958, 2 door, No MALE STUDENTS rooms for it ^ ^ $£ate Univer¬ black, heater, defroster, $475. 1958 CHEVROLET lmpala Sport experience necessary term. Kitchen & park¬ summer sity Crested graduation gifts One boys English bike and RATES: Call 337-2581 between 6 and 7. Coupe - V-8, automatic, radio, ing facilities. Reasonable. Call should be ordbred now for June gr-n„-- 43 heater, white wall tires. STORY ED 2-6788 after 5:30. 43 girls English bike. Call 355- delivery at the CardShop. Across 1 DAY... ,..$1.00 Sells For Less $995. 8152 after 5 P.M. 43 fr0m the Home Economics Bulld- 3 DAYS.. ..*2.00 SINGER STUDENT 5 DAYS.. ..$3.00 1954 DODGE WAGON transportation, a real buy. Call - good STORY OLDSMOBILE _ Participation In our Sum¬ SPEQJ ED 2-8328. 46 mer Earning Program will furnished. Utilities paid. Parking CUSHMAN motor scooter. Ex- Model Singer ponabu FREE FILM K „■ provide weekly paychecks $100 and also entitle (Also small furnished house.) cellent running condition. Priced monthly or jil50 " over Call ED 2-2462. 44 " to sell. ~ " Contact ...... Howie or Jimmie KODACOLOR FILM size 620 or We delivi 1954 FORD radio, heater, to -compete' for- *r 337-1314. 44 - transportation. Call Jim t you following awards. 127. Free roll with each roll }{* brand new Spar^1 7-0391. 1. $2000 cash scholar¬ left for developing and printing. '"• at onty $<4.50, Cnorlal Ufith this ad finlv. SI.50 ** "Own ships to school of your home atmosphere. $8. 321 Ked- 5 STRING BANJO, like new. $50. choice. ED 2-2788. 44 For sale or trade. Phil Rice ED if Automotive FORD FAIR LANE. 1959 - 2door, 2. Several $1000 cash 2-6521 after II PM. 44 MAREK REXALL blue and white, very clean, 25,000 1958 CHEVROLET 2 door, 6 scholarships. PRESCRIPTION CENTER DEPENDABILITY miles, no rust, automatic trans- - automatic, 2 tone finish, like 3. To win one of several SUMMER HOUSING for men - 301 N. Clippert (by Frandor) si ;\c 'jryJ C 309 S. WASHINGTQla mission, radio, backing lights, new in and out. $875. Hedrick House - one block from LUGGAGE: Atlantic, flight, black AROUND THE WORLD 487-3624 " IS IMPORTANT Leaving city, must sell. Phone Campus. Room $6 per week, with and white tweed. 2 pieces. Ideal ED 7-1818. tf DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY trips by PANAM JET Not only in the truck you buy- cooking $7. Call ED 2-0844. 47 for going abroad. IV 7-5806. but also in the dealer you buy CLIPPER! FINALS? from. 4. To win one of several FREE DRY row's Econowash CLEAMSqJ AUSTIN HEALEY sports DOUBLE ROOMS for i &1G STUDY DESK, metal, black DON'T PANIC! nil 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Panel De¬ LAY AND MATTHEWS, 1322 E. , iw„„ c r„„, t k Cleaners, 3006 livery, grey, good tires. Curb- to sell Michigan, IV 5-2243. Do you want Bartholomew Bartholomew at at p'n o2-8635, ED 43 composition top, typewriter stand STUDY GUIDES FOR west of Sears' Frandor S QW ,n ^ shape side and Roadside doors, this your car? See us. We CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE giving absolutely free . - FOR DETAILS PHONE ED 2-1172. 44 unit also has special auxiliary Buy any make 1956, ALL THREE TERMS ing to each custoir.# new top, power pack and IMMEDIATELY: gasoline heater that runs about or mode brakes, padded dash. $495. Call ATTRACTIVE ROOMS for men. .^eedquee- coin $150. Came in from Ingham Cour,- IV 5-4665 after 6. 45 DETROIT-WO. 24346 ingle or double, private MOTORSCOOTERS: "Vespa, A- OF BASICS ty Animal Shelter $1095. 1957 OLDS CONVERTIBLE - entrance, tile bath, 513 Sunset merica's Finest." New low 1960 Chevrolet convertible. V-8 . ED 2-1746. 43 NOW AVAILABLE Black with white top. full power, standard transmls,ion, white prices for summer. 125 model 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Station Bus. excellent condition. Call 3s5- wlth bUck top- CaI1 Bob Hof_ regular $389 now $349.88. 150 WE TRAVEL greer S, white, full seats. Priced 987°- 44 model regular $429 now $388.50. ; to sell at $795. fman ED. 7-9130. tlmd. Quality < APPROVED, male students, very "Buy now and save." Gene's DOWNSTAIRS 196 0 INTERNATIONAL Model 1962 ^ For Rent close to campus, parking facili¬ Cycle Shop. IV 4-0362. tf occasions - to Michigan Caterir: *rvd ties. 525 Albert Ave. ED 2-1384. ^ AM to - 80. Metro-Mite Van. 3 choose from. 200 cubic foot '98*. Recently overhauled INK POT 9-3343. engine. Good transmission. 5 real FURNISHED APT. for married CLARINET Selmer. Wood $80. good white walls. Need some body Excellent condition. Piano Bench ALTERATIONS. HmmhJ SAAB-GT 750 Beautiful C0UPle ln University Village for SUMMER term ,roo $6. Moving must sell. Call ED 307 GRAND RIVER styling : formalj, trgf work. All power except steering, summer school. Call 355—5818 condition. $1095. $125 ED 2-5555 Dean & Harris, inc. $350. Call 355-3101 after 5 pjn. skirts, etc. NEEDLE'NTi Won - Sat. 10-5 p.m. Shop, 108 Division, behtall. STRATTON SPORTS CAR SPACES OPEN FOR fall teri pus Drug Store. ED 2-55SiB ROOMERS: For summer term CENTER Room and board. $155. Be 1915 E. MICHIGAN apt. with 3 single beds - cook¬ House. ED 2-5555. 1957 TRIUMPH ing and parking facilities - $8 DIAL IV 4-4411 a week. Call ED 2-5776. 45 3 LARGE, at „ Student, faculty, employee. 337- envelopes, tissues.2dayservice. — . AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR rooms, close to campus, park¬ ~US* 2581 • 45 Myers Printing Service, 1421 E. PROFESSIONAL TYPE! 4 FURNISHED APT. - Available ing available. ED 2-1363. Grad. 47 college degree, excelleaal 3. Thesis,; 1959 R.AMBLER REBEL 4 door pORD - 1959 4 door sedan BUMPING and PAINTING tiro One bedroom. Mar- GRADUATING ln June. Must sell -8. standard shift. All black specialty. All forejp cars. Kal- i960 floor model Magnavox r PEANUTS ring. Real wlth white walls. Good condition. " St. Body Shop. Wrecker wlmC76UPle preferred" Pho"* SINGLE AND double for students. Summer and next year. men Stereo. Original price $160. Will ^PERSONALS 1 liecoration Day special. $1095. ^ and free estimates. 1411 • sell very reasonably, 355-2892. LAY and MATTFffiVl'S,"*i32*2" E! E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV9-7507. 2 or 3 MAN APARTMENT. Avail- Includes private parking, tele- LATE MINUTES cost time, mon¬ 1956 CHEVROLET - V-8, Mich. Ave. IV 5-2243. C £ phone, bath, entrance and kit- ey. inconvenience. Inquire NOW, _ able June 12. Parking. IV 5-9818 chen. All utilities paid. See 17" R.C.A, portable T.V. — n.y. AUTOMOTIVE after 5:30. 43 526 Evergreen, E. Lansing. 47 - N.J. Greyhound TERM PAPERS quicklyd with stand. Telectro stereo tape- Charter. ED* 7-9216*. Board and recorder almost new. Hi-Fi 12" J curately typed by e m- r n approved hous- s Building for your free'pas- ANN BROWN, typ:st AVAILABLE now for rent. Entire Crest Drive-in llth offset printing. IP" ™ ELMER STEELE j and bath, 1 block from 2nd floor. 2 Lutherans preferred. 43 typing, term papers. sertations. 3 "" 43 Quiet home atmosphere. $8. 321 duplicating RAMBLER 1954 MERCURY - 4 door, radio, vice, Kedzie. ED 2-2788. 44 1958 EBERLINER, 40' by 8*. 2 — ses available: MultilitfeH heater, power seats. Excellent bedroom, excellent condition. Lot •* Real Estate white. & color), OmIHI tires. Quick sale. IV 4-4241. 43 LUXURY APARTMEN1 - 2 or 1,_ Trailer Haven. Phone ED 7- Print. ED 2-83' fellows. Nice area. For summer Call ED 7-2018 or ED 7-0898. 4 _47 owner EAST LANSINGhas - Transferring priced '54 ivailable for fall. Parking and PALACE, 8'x45', 2 bedroom FALCON 1960 - 2 door with Chevrolet hard top. power snack privileges. ED 2-5184. 44 knotty pine kitchen. Aluminum bedroom ranch in the Marble • THESES PRINTED | glide, radio and heater. Call St. Thomas area. Large klt- Deluxe trim, radio, white wall Ron. ED 2-1433 or Sally ED awning. f7f> Llfe-O-Riley Park, ■ Rapid Servio SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE 6726 S. chen with bullt-L... 11/2 baths, 7-9741. 45 CORNER GRAND RIVER Washington Road. 44 finished basement, out. One actual miles. owner, and SPARTAN unsupervls«d. Call E02-5374.46 SUMMER Diazo Process - Qu»M Up to 31 MPG on these very Phone 337-9034 C VACANC|ES . J34 successful compacts. $1295. 1959 FORD - 2 door, "300", 2 MAN BUNGALOW. Evergreen. Cooking, recreation room. Just one block to Union, '956 GENERAL - 30' x 8', good condition, oil heat, ideal for stu- t.f. CAPITAL CITY 221 S. BL!^ CADILLAC - 1956, Series 62. Employment Approved, Call 332-2195. 46 dents. ED 2-4738 after 9. 43 2 door hardtop. Light rose in unsupervised, for summer term EAST s:nc- only. Call ED 2-2292. 44 LANSING. Large fenced 45 SPECIAL PROGRAM DIREC- color, with white top and tires, corner lot with many mature TOR. Full time, Sept. 1. Work SUMMER HOUSING, Farmhouse GREAT LAKES - 50' x 10', two evergreens, 3 spacious bed- 1956 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE with children and adults ln small Fraternity. Excellent food and SUMMER TERM ONLY - 4 roon bedrooms, parked in East Lans- large living room with - - Power steering, seats, brakes, groups. Collegegraduate. Exper- location. For details, contact windows. No rust. Priced to sell, apt., approved, supervised hous¬ ing. Call ED 7-0016. 46 fireplace, dining room,1, kitchen. xitcnen, . \ ,r prOD ience in social work and educa- Dick Ross at ED 2-8635. 43 MI basement, automatic heat. Experienced, -ear IV 4-4241. 43 tlon. IV 5-7201. 45 ing for 4 men. Completely fur¬ 2car garage, "rr'7nfo^'-' - FOR RENT OR SALE- Travel fFACULTY BOATING PARTY E. Lansing. 3255 SERVICE «,«<' ^ac 355"1795 or tlon call or Write: Mrs. Alana • trailers 13' to 17* models. Also 'ns^f,e "8ft and motor with BeiroiiT R^tl'I'mii'.l BuboIz ' ED 2-8671. C43 M-47, 4 Zu*' —■ "* VA™ALL 4 in " ZWI3< Ranger Tent Campers. Ken ' - riAK,»T , i—T- I5 Mich. W SCW1_S,..H;.I«4 AVAILABLE JUNE Telephone IV 2-6893. 43 furnished, private ». bath, . room, ^ entrance^ Oliver Sales, 1846 Haslett Rd. Phone ED 2-6861. River. Only $7250^Mr^.^22 1 . DON'T LET high J 1958 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic atlon. operation c □epreci- - Part time — :—— help, cashier and meat girige and r^)ffr>hnn. telephone sSe n ED 2'686L -11 ^^TS'. Reliable advice on Talk it over with G«"®va « Pj«ne South Lyon. + TranSpO^ 7-9391. 77^|U»1 - for 2 men STEER yourself to the better flL - over 24 nr maPrw 44 '88' - 4 door sedan, radio, heat- obsolesence "bug" you. Get a wrapper. Experienced. DEN- VildrnT er, automatic transmission. VWI STAEDTS SHOP-RITE MARKET. couple with small Ud' ED 2- ir buys ln "Autos for Sale" ^an helP -J _ : ' Ride wanted FR0M d3 $995. 3630 S. Cedar. Apply in person. 43 5762 there toda/s Want-Ad section. Turn n E. Michigan. IV 2-0689* ^ * Service , : to Detroit around 9. Call gr J Y CONTINENTAL IMPORTS. INC SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF TRAD- 1663• I960 PLYMOUTH VALLIANT - 22* E. KALAMAZOO ING STAMPS! When Silver, 4 door sedan. $995. DIAL IV 5-1743 C43 V /GOOD6£l£F! \ you bring your cleaning to Wandrow*s Ec- BinFK5 . Stick. $6 s/l) ANDfAThq?IJ o no wash P-nta. skirts, and Dry Cleaners. skaters Taking •nd pressed, cleaned JurTe B- AL MIKULICH only 50*. 3006 Vine Several FORDS 1956 T-Blrd. s... 1/2 block W5. PONTIAC - Frandor Store. c - "" 2121 E. MICHIGAN LETT1CH & STENBERG i i 11 "* fjpw YORK - Li 2628 F, KALAMAZOO SERVJCE. Special rets for bound Charter 1« ED 2-5011 c Service calls, coims. Inquire ® -484=3229. i4: honesty. ACME 1 mtmi ED 7-wl6' Michigan St at^Kews^gj^t L an »tng # Michigan Monday, May 28, 1962 Hannah Honored Monday Store Hours - 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. By Ag Groups GpS dSTSf K ST'cmi " i^»v cSS5»rtSI Mnn? ,pr.f1" »*" <*">•trom W,ghingam D.C. frSuta 01* to PctlM Hanmh's efforts for Ban «irr-1/-,.iW government. He also read tel®~ Y tUght " K™ meseage. from President 71®" SK"' . , Kennedy, former President ^JmJB&SSSS SI "J?1 Mr*' Har,n#h *■" two ^ , She received a bouquet of rose* ?L . 5We **M t0 hlm- and a plaque for being the en- pa^toant?of aT cour»fl«8 <* John Hannah • registered Polled iEETC"! Hereford and uq; ^e gracious first lady of 7 heifer. The blue ribbon heifer was £ ' r • m . discretely hidden at the back of 060^ fofe? RCCClVCS Kellogg s Big Ten roorrf until & , T*IJ f L I L* h-r presentation to Hannah. ROOf -Tildefl SCIK)larShiP Recognizing that Hannah'sser- Ooree H Folev Lansing SPECTACULAR SPLASH limited to "ot,been senior, has'received an Elihu *21 w^ihff,e^?fJagrlCUltUre' Root-Samuel J. Tilden Scholar- 5^"® a<*3ltlon. e*Pr"- Ship for three years of study of colors, patterns and styles ?government. rom educatlon« at the New York University School 0f Law valued at $8,340. in our collection of sun-loving rii» !'nuT 7®rdi^I chancellor of Fotey will begin his law studies !T J* and a " NYU in September. of?r™V; d,®in of agriculture, told his first MSU college ex- He majored in political science swimsuits . . . some young and perky, and mlnnne wlth «n attention- cision showed "a sheer lack of w1h. a !'; i; %2S£i£!S*^£ Js' trust and confidence In our In¬ telligence and our ovu point of ""ci..- East Lansing to ad- "fft.xajml.orlroupol.x- JJS KSfS,"180"41"" .STJSSf tS?"™"" "«"«n.U.MJl.tac«IW- view by suggesting that we can¬ and poorly w7itti^ In *«—r «""» "KtlW ft. by not stand up to an opposing Ide- comnL^ ^ J I dress a logg Center. police r°nV"nMon AtKml- they would deny freedoms tooth- »«** wereMucatrfandlnformed Board of Trustees." " «- that they themselves take J** ». H.W. Wein . . Appointed speak on the campus of state financed universities, he said: va^ln0f"£L|ty 01 WW oaths l^ov^r- ls over decided of about supporting the idea building shelters or actually "My confidence In the good building them," he said. "They Harol H. Wein, professor of Judgment and common srns* of "The overwhelming majority feel that there ls no compelling management In the graduate American college students is of Americans are loyal and pa- build one, and they re- reason to school of business admlnlstra- such that they ought to be per- triotic citizens," he said, "and ject doing what the government tlon, was recently appointed chief mitted and encouraged to listen the ones that are not would not thinks best." economist and director of the new to all opinions and points of view hesitate to lie if their loyalty a third group studied about Office of Economics of the Fed- whether popular or unpopular, were questioned." shelters was extremely anti- eral Power Commission in Wash- "It is outrageous to assume - r . w.r ,, shelter although they were un- lngton, D.C. that an American knows so Ut- (n ^ ™ Jiv^decora- informed about shelters and ra- Wein. who ls the first econ- tle about his own country or its background that he would be con- ^Africa f?T ™ dtaUon- omlst appointed to serve on the The typical attitude of this Federal Power Commission, has taminated Just by hearing a Com- munist." JJJPJ^art^tet^j tbtabttn m wrv# their countrv accordlng tQ Maclean> lB ukm a year-s leave 0f absence don't want the only shelter to serve as economic consultant It ls American weakness. an he said, that we too often fear ^Good y" J In the neighborhood. I couldn't on problems relating to the gas citizenship is expressed face keeping others out." and electric Communism and sedom under- in Industry. many ways, he said. It yj,e findings In Lansing were ——————■ stand what it really is and how consists not only of bearing arms mm)iar More than 7,000 MSU students Moko Henry's A FOriMciT SENATE!? HA."?.?Y P. CAW ineffectual are its proponents, for one* V. country, but also of t0 those found in the other seven cities Maclean stud- $2,000,000.00 each year Habit" "loo many Americans believe bearing truth ith for it." for it, . through work on campus. communism is something they . . .Distinguished MSU Visitor. . . just do not like. No people can successfully fight an Ideology ••State Mews Photo fiy Sob Decker. they mistrust if they don't un¬ Ford HOW BOUT THAT derstand it," Cain said. "You can't stamp out an Idea, Koo Receives tie said. "It is necessary that oi ideology compete with others, . To Study Formosa the world's market place of He said that the government Economics professor. Anthony country," he said. would do itself a great disserv- Koo will travel to Formosa to Koo will leave for Formosa at J ■ ice if it delved ii 4 thought con- study the impact the country's the end of October and will stay GraEcon 5-year land reform program has .here for . year. :s economic developi he will spend two Koo will be in Formosa under month; Regarding American iwail along with other unism, Cain said: a Ford Foundation grant. econor studying the effects "We have created a reputa- "I will interview some of the of Hav people responsible for the reform the sta rnnnm'v ^ stri'ces on tion for the American Communist and will be traveling about the The group of Party which Is out of proportion, island in an attempt to find out attempt solution to ItS 10131 membershlP is less than reform progr; ■Haw; shipping strike pro- ••1 Russian leaders, however, Mos- the Union I Co«',U„ Thermo-Fax Copies in 4 Seconds Coin-Op Copy Machine Themes Notes etc. Make your own copies Union Book Store 2+2*2 -FUN • 2 People per alley • 2 hours to Bowl • 2 Dollars each The "Buddy Bowling Plan" Enjoy 2 full hours THE UNION BOOK STORE of fun for only 2,00 (air-conditioned, Has The Union Bowling Alley Right Style Right Size Right Price For'Bout Anybody Th • Gifts for the Grad YOU'U BE • MSU Sportswear SORRY If you don't ordet* • Paperbacks that are out your cap & gown Announcements of this world Thi> •Supplies and Books for Week Summer term last I So take us there In The Union "Shorty on Building Campus UNION BOOK STORI