Weather It will W mostly cloudy and MICHIGAN Inside NEWS today with a chance 3usinessman book¬ warmer of scattered thunders ho wers. STATE worm soys typo student* aro back in stylo, page 3. Old MSU The hi"h will bo in the 70'.. UNIVERSITY laws may give you a chuckle, soo page 6. Vol 53, No. 208 Tuesday, May 29, 1962 I Kimber To Assume Global Students by The Thousands To Fill Highways for Harry H. Kimber will assume Imv duties as associtedeanofthe ■University ■ C ollege July1. ■ ■ By the Associated Press Stock Dip Holiday ■humanities Will also be professor of and religion and JFK To 6ef Medical | tctir,g head of the department of Report on Smoking Pleasant ■ humanities. The appointment was ■Trustees , WASHINGTON E^ced Friday'by the Board of with possible relationship bitten ^okmg,lnd""unrcan^ear1'if A summary oi current medical data dealing be unprepared for President Kennedy. , IJWUitaj UHlil Sharpest Weather u ... be In char2e of « ™vf«iSt!iI!,mary,a1?0 Wi^ suggest what should te *>*• including Since '29 Predicted IjSEm which **8 ft, The official said the "" summary was X'A'Z&t. '"""" Blue Chips Battered as ,4, Detroit-Bound Routes being prepared at the re- Investors Unload SSSSffSSSS. ~ I, jound foundation of general ed- 2SX fi'1?--1?-?4"™"1 which the service is — Welfare, of l"*®"°rs New York, May ""T" 28 (jP - The To Be Crowded Juation. He was a member of the by the White House. Thousand of Michigan State ■committee that was the parent of President Kennedy told a questioner at his news conference !«Vh*rpest 1098 9lnce ^ 28' students are expected to be among ■the general education program, last week that he might be able to answer a question about the 1929. millions of motorists on Michi¬ Blue gan roadways for Memorial Day _ "Increasing enrollments, rh» , » the Monday there3 will 1f,^rnotnews confen"ice- The White House announced be a news conference this week stocks chips and "growth" were bettered unmerci¬ as the University observes the 1 dormitory teaching program, the fully as investors unloaded stocks holiday. ■ continuing need to recruit n«w from coast to coast. Students will head for homes, Diplomats Fear War Could Spread in Laos An estimated $19.5 billion dol¬ lars was shorn from the quoted beaches, picnic areas, dances and fishing streams in holiday w colleges recently value of stocks listed what the weather bureau predicts I established here are theprinclpal VIENTIANE. LAOS - Diplomats expressed fear Monday that will be fair and pleasant day. I areas that will concern Kimber. a pro-Communist drive again threatening Houel Sai in New York Stock Exchange, based State Police said traffic will Isaid EwardA. Carlin, deanofthe Laos may prompt Thailand to demand northwest £n Associated increase starting at noon Tues¬ direct intervention in the r^B I University College. Laotian civil war. The Dow j. Jones Industrial Aver day and will remain heavy until On the political front, the late Wednesday. absence of Premier Prince Boun ?ge smasheS " cent of the esscr and head of the depart- Ln*ted States at this critical holiday traffic will be on highways i o? history of civilization, military and political affairs, moment in the little kingdom's ^? Oct. 28, ?ooQ oB 1929, date^ Ll £ within an 80-mile radius of De¬ r of the division of social average lost 38.3 on volume of troit, which Includes the Lansing 9,212,800 shares. area. There were no predictions sf humanities and region. Soviets Admit American Space Advance Monday's volume heavier — was even 9.35 million shares, of the number of deaths resulting from tafflc mishaps over the 30- the largest since hour holiday. However, 10 were A native of Indianapolis, her©- July 21, 1933, when 9,572,000 "shares were killed on Michigan Hignways in Iceived undergraduate and gradu- MOSCOW - Premier Khrushchev conceded Monday that the traded. late degrees at the Unverslty of L'mted States won a share In space with the Soviet Union through 1956, the last 30-hour holiday. the orbital night of Lt. Cmdr. Malcolm Scott The ticker tape was one hour Last year 34 persons lost their jMichlean. 3efore coming pichlgan State, he^wasan _ th* orh"fl* fiiirhr • "Now we are not<• alone in the cosmos." Carpenter. „ he said. "Now the and nine minutes late at the lives in Memorial Day traffic in University of ^ Am»r-tran» mw. Americans (like the Russians) have put .v.. o....... » „ . „ close, <■«»=> the longest longest lag tag in in the roe a 102 hour period. :hlgar. In 1926 and 1927 and an , Khrushchev told a crowd at the entrance to an Italian trade TlMlSSd. Interstate 96 between Detroit :istan: professor at Bradley 1927 to ^ which opened Monday that Carpenter displayed "great courage and fortitude" when tickers ^ af a stowCT Dace aid and Kensington Park east of ! ersitv from 1931. The Soviet leader's everything seemed to be going wrong. appearance at the fair coincided with an w^flate ^J J' ®5 for hoi^s Brighton will be the busiest high¬ way in the state with 40,000 cars . I Kirier is a member of Phi ann°""«ment by the Soviet news agency TASS that the Russians fte L. linf 5 ana trucits expected to use this have shot another unmanned saulliK h h I stretch of highway during Mem¬ .a, the Science. Michigan Aca- Arts and 5> fifth ln a series started March 16. It into orbit. This was was Cosmos reported circling rated S8ue9 P t.i«u g CSt THEY'LL SOON 3E 30UND--V/OLVERINE ?on Sotsford ch«ck over several orial Day. .,nU1- power manned flights to the moon, was : full power Saturday — and for the chases i margin of* only " 25 per l,v l t' The inspector at the check- ' ' J'' cent desk not question the full time period it would be used in flight. AT&T was the most heavlh iiejc or 10 days, according to and 2:30. At least six persons volumes, according to the latest paul Rumpsa, troller at the ■ness office. assistant University busl- comp¬ Constitutional Vote carried books out of the Library that were not carefully checked. University summer catalog. The 1 turnstiles installed last A Lebanon, Pa., graduate st\j- year have undoubtedly reduced L_RumPSa pn "« still M"""e of the said bills and money coming In, and thaj no be made until profits or losses Hearing Postponed By The Associated Press the motion to dismiss, scheduled dent said he is usually told that these "missing" books are either at the bindery, unshelved or lost. some joes „„„ theft, Chapin said, but he stolen c many a give books they a n Judge Sam Street Hughes of for Friday, was disposed of. The convention Is disputing an We questioned several other stu- similar complaints. Be for' stalled, Henry Koch, associate Ingham County Circuit Court to- Attorney ""General's ruling that director, estimated that $40,000 > n over postponed a hearing on a it would have-had to have fin- worth of books were'stolen an- J™*" the luau Petition for an order forcing an ished its work before April 1 h. .. . l SG* According mriy vote on Michigan's pro- to get the proposed new constl- volume of Editor and Publisher. n"aUy- moneY was Several students who were un¬ * posed new constitution. tution on the November ballot. able to find the volume \ I Howard mmi" 1uV Proflt9, Attorney Theodore Swift, rep- The Attorney General's office went booir.f^- P V?,r a "1!" resenting the Constitutional Con- contends that since the conven- that it was missing. Campus Leaders Bttncelled L vention and Solicitor General Eu- non has not yet reached a final After two weeks, and much Rn the a 1 ~e lack 9f funds ^ I treasury. gene Krasicky agreed to a Friday adjournment, no final constitution' searching the part oWrite Trustees hearing mm on the rriwvamHrm'R Convention's mo- mo- exists on which the n*nnU An people miaot must students, the book w I legislators Back tion and on a state motion to Vote. It also disputes the Juris- ed on a shelving n"ethe About Resolution dlsmiss the case. diction of Ingham County Circuit Social Science div office. letter urging the Board of Swift, anxious for an early Students are confronted ■Trustees on Red settlement, had petitioned the Court, tees to consider the ple behind Student Congress' res- princi¬ institute of Counseling. Guidance Court for a heerinjg on its pe- "tate legislature believes tltlon Monday. Krasicky objected Qey $eminarS Banning Hurts 3 hitler,- olution condemning the Board's • and Testing. \ A native of Lexington, Miss., Crail„u„1„Rrt„ ■ - Timapc Ta»» An/ilar he received both his BjS. and 6 could not be heard until C 1 Thompson from campus has been - Cancellation of t > scheduled liters I op UnOK), J I written by leaders of six non¬ M.Ed, degrees fiom Mississippi voting groups on Congress. Wolvervine Out Detroit, May , - 28 if-Jim Bun- ... nu aiA groups represented, in- — — - ning, accused of slicing the ball cludlng ,FCj pan-Hel, W1C, AWS f om Michigan State, This Thursday director of Msjj's Institute for with his belt buckle ln his last outing against Baltimore, throt- Actjvities wjc President's MHAf were against After serving from 1940 to 1945 ln 'he armed forces, he was foot- I Friday Senate an<1 the House last The 1962 Wolverine will be available Thursday, Friday, and c— tied the Orioles Moniday in a 5-1 victory by the on three hits passage 0f the resolution at the ball and track coach at Laurel MtriseirDev'a last Wednesday because (Miss.) High School until 1948. ■ r/!vS°lut,on* *1" ^ lgin*1" semb?rs Detroit Tigers. of the wording. IW. he '"t'otions, I lave tile ,k Sum* aMu, does • visit here said the Rocky Colavito cracked a two- The ^ter said in part: |W^me I troi,^?1!^. "P ^ boards of con- - com ing from the Jg-tol^orWedne*ky Tjpdg , homer and a homer and a .'.'we Atak tha't thephVaseology State and served untU 1951. bindery at the rate of 350 per W,U 801 double and Chico Fernand« Truitt is a member of I LWlsl«"orL^oS'iSSIS5»fofc SV *nd*rWti1 Dey, 'indla's Mlnlnster of Com- ' cracked a two-run homer for all of the resolution is disrespectful and m|Scanstrues the Intent upon * Personnel and Guid- the I^• CommTrnT-"* °f r Friday In the dormitories. Fri^ylnthe^mltorlea. Off-campus students may ^ r ^opment tndCoopm- y Development and Cooper- DAIRY BEAUTY- BEAUTY-Michiqon Dairy Princess Gail Priddy i the Detroit runs. Bunnlng lost his shutout ln the which it was based. We urge the Board of Trust- Association, AmericanCol- lege and Personnel Association, »nd "^TiberhT* cUlm their books in 20 Student has ^ been a distinguished presented with the queen's bouquet by Mafforie Muei ler, last ninth when Russ Snyder hit to consider the National Association of Studott at rL Thur^dTv' Vlnor on th* C,mPU< M«y year's Mickifan Dairy Princess. The festivities took ploce home run. behind Id the resolution and to dis- principle Personnel Administrators and Saturday evening as port of the Royal Evening with Dairy Prin- Burning walked only on uri- ^ tactless way in which cesses «f Michigon. Stote News Pheto by Ron Macomber. ole and struck out four. ,t ws re.0lved and presented." MlchH«!> State New.. l.b»im. Tuesday, May 29, 1962 3 Board Approves 17 Stock (Continued from Page One) Brothei- Shier Picnic Goers Meet d Union Third was General Telephone & S.'uS " The Michigan State Board of Trustees gave Appointments University and visits approval C. Howard to other universities: Church, professor, 28, 1962 to W 27 .0^. „ Electronics, st off $1.75 a share $19.25 on 108.800 shares. Monday's drop, culminating series irls, assistant Biebesheimer. everything in sight from tor. Tai Sin is one of the settle- professor, associate professor, physics and Wayne County extension cluding big Investors such as lotion to books. Banded intanning tricity. No money is banked but mathematics and engineering re- astronomy, Sept. 1. 1962 to Aue effective Aug. 1, 1962, director, mutual funds and aunt areas British officials have by skimping the family ran of search, Sept. 1; Charles Camp- 31, 1963. employed must be picking pension funds, black patent, ours has a rope constructed to nouse more than ford a new "item of study at Stanford: Mar- hy MSU since 1928; Casper Blu- up stock at to¬ drawstring handle. Black, DeuHughes, associate professor, tin Fox, day's cheap prices. refugees from Red one of the children clothing for sociology and anthropology, and tiatics, asslstantprofessor. sta- mer, Alcona County extension gold, persimmon. 3.00 plus fax ; china who have crowded into this months. every few director, African Language and 31. 1963. Sept. 1. 1962 to Aug. director, effective July 1. 1962, Crown colony in recent years. Area Center, Fulbrlght grant at Tel- employed by MSU since 1928: Ng said recent refugees fron Sept. 1; Edward Aviv University: Robert For thousands who in past Red China D. Graham, E. Harvey E. Kapphahn, assistant reported that Com- Jr., instructor,hum- Brown, professor, o Hong Kong, munis tt officials cut the anities, Sept, 1; Edwin W. Wat- 1, 1962 to history, Sept. professor, agricultural en- s been an almost rice ration to 21 monthly £ina kins, managing editor, MSU search and Aug. 31, 1963, re- gineering, effective Nov. I. 1962, unbelievable break with a past per pounds writing In United employed by MSU since 1947; Press, June 1; Mary Karl, lib- States; H. Patricia of starvation and repression. person a month in tung province. Somewhat Kwang^ rarian, library, Lipscomb, Earl Weaver, professor of dairy And for the thousands who tried proud- June I; Barbar- Instructor, philosophy, Sept. 1, effective July 1. 1963, ly, Ng said he eats twice that a W. Skerry, librarian, library 1962 to Aug. employed to flee this month into over- much. 31. 1963 study ,by MSU since 1937. crowded Hong Kong only to be caughT and sent back to Red is to have enough to live Chini, Won Tai Sin was a dream, "All I want as a human being ed for: John C. andeat," director. Post, extension 1 io62 I9M* iss-rE;: follows: William 4:H Club C'ub agent,a8®nt' Kent County, he said. director, Arenac Counl to Auc 31 It meant three meals a day. Ng Hing Fin. 40. who escaped *ant t0 Inundated by Chinese who just 17, 1962 to March 16, gg. 1963, study at MSU: James E. Lln- of Michigan; John T. Gullahorn. ft June 15; Linda A. Vescelius, £ agent, Oceana County, May 11; Mary E. Holmes. his native Swatow in South dvina Kon« 8°' ^Hong ,lnCd "* coin, 4-H Club agent/ Genessee County. Sept. 24. 1962 to March Ka^SilS ^toT^t. agricultural m 1957, smiled if hi is better here. wryly when asked ce® t0, the breaking point, 1961, $56 million 18. 1963, study at MSU: eScatlon SPl f962 M,/ gnomics, April 30; Milton S. "Of course this Is better," he cent of the colony's — 30 per budget — V. Nelson, pr ofessor, farm Leyton Simr'teS'al^lnfvJ^i^n; Goldberg, assistant professor, :replied. "There is a food short- wa« spent to care for refugees, crops, March 1, 1963 to >.31. California-Edward yallfornla' Edward O Moe m-n O. Moe, pro- accounting and financial admin- Aug. 31. , lstration and continuing educa- 11>e government began ambi¬ 1963. study and travel in England age back there." tious building and Europe; Robert F. les®°J". • Aug. 31; Frank F. Ryer- associate professor,hortlcul- f00'0^ an? a™hropology, Aug. 1 Ng, w ing only trousers and programs that turn Carlson, assistant professor, busi- Balers' —u._ edpart of Kowloon peninsula into A ! ,June s. y tiny table ture, April 1, 1963 to - forest of apartment L" ,Hn!!frSity ,of tJtahj Robert D. Reed, professor, marketing » * buildings. Sept. 30, f1 '55^Sr"K35",SSre ' " wright professor. American and " " ~ * " " cupies with his wife and four scheduled on the second floor of •■en story steel and concrete for the next five to be built years. Still half a million annually ,1 France; . professor, economics. Sept. 1. ™ 1962 to Anthony , Koo, .anf L ''H' Fulfright ner, professor, political , transportation administra: Uon- Au8- 31' Edward W. Weid- science, SALE! August 31. 1963 for fa" f°f study n Sweden; James _'in. iranent building in Wong Tai More than 2 2.000 persons live in shacks on hillsides persons study and research in Taiwan; u" a^iTl' ^t.S Aug. 31; John V Walker, cUte Professor. speech, asso- Aug. SWEATERS •e ;r g As a the building. babble of voices rose, harborT About 250,000 five substandard tenements and tens expiated that by working six 0/ thousands In ^ 1962 and to Aug. 31. 1963, for study «.>* . K,. Adrian,pro- A Aug. 31; John J. Paterson, in- and SKIRTS a).- a .teek he and his wife sleep in harbor writing at universities of Kansas and Illinois: Allen |®ssor' PoUtica* sc^nce?? structor, education, June 30 sampans t^Aua 1^" 3*1962'teachin^ar^Mary In doorways on roof- K. a.iage t earn the equivalent Philbrlck. professor, geography. K" Babcock- instructor, tops. f 8 Unlver- health, physical education and "u""'Z,rS'r. MEMORIAL WEEK burne. assistant d«n." Univer- ^Signati0" 5 ®P" cal i.a, Aug. 31; Anna R. Ganung. slty College, and professor, e^slon r^cto? EVERYONE GOES TO "«JrrT* ?,f. fn1: deslg- Wa^ structor health, physical edu, American thought and d1 March 15. 1963 to language, p ® ®1 tlon and recreation' AuS- 31 Sept. 15, County, e»ective Aug. , w. Murray Jones, associate pro- • The 'OLD CROW' 1963^ study and travel In England »• *■ Cr*m Featuring LLOYD BROWN & James S. Karslake his famous Twist Band 1. 1962 at to Ai^'%l7^63^3t™fy Stanford and the ^ from^AnrU^^I^SO R'char':i ^ Ad4^s' professor, Tues. Wed Fri Sat of California; C.C. Morrill, pro- University ^esi JatTn A sociology and anthropology, - - - fessor and chairman, ^ ",5J/„ , ^fgIe Aug. 31; Harold O. Bahlke, as- CORAL GABLES pathology, June 16, 1962 to Sept. veterinary anthroMli^^or r^ the minfh month slstam Pro(essor' human- - HOTEL SAUGATUOC s'tudy . lties Aug. 31; William R. Over- 15. 1962,, ments In United States of other depaTt- ®frtK, *SJ,n®f. J('/ W; lease, instructor, natural ada; Horace C. King, assistant and Can- , " *J fH,m science- Au8- 31 •' Dennis J- Pal" Varsity 1227 E. GRAND RIVER Drive In to dean, International Programs. May 15. 1962 to Aug. 14r 1962, JfuB f complete Ph.D. at MSU- Fred sooolopandanthropology of to Al.^ Richard J. rrilho Richa^ I Coelho. fSln? from assistant umbo. Instructor, social science, Aug" 31; E" Brown, as- slstant professor, anatomy. June 3g. j# Thomas Bell, associate Outstanding cardigan savings! sweaters in bulkles, fur blends: classics a Crew neck and collared vast varity of slipon and styles...wool shetlands, K. Hoehler, Jr., professor and novelties. OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. bor and Industrial Relations La- ^^SS°r 0 er ^" bought professor, anatomy, Aug. 31; Sara flared and A-line mix or match Slim, pleated, wool skirts in solid colors, DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. ter. July 1, 1962 to Dec. 31 Cen- cMtinX^du'c^fl^^n .c°"tlnul"S *d"cati°n ln ^the William E. Anschel, librarian, June 30: T.Middlebrook,adviser, plaids or tweeds. You'll want several of these pastel tone casuals foryour now-Into-fall medium and 1962, study In Washington aC.; wardrobe...a wonder¬ 8:30 P.M. H ttr mK Ryukyus project, April 7 Louise ful selection from our finest makers. Skirts, sizes 8 to 18. - 1:30 A.M. 1?T962?o cLSofhStLand Sweaters, sizes 36 to 40. SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. a .^IS IZ- S0Clate dean of University Col- - 1:30 A.M. pt n 1,5,' 963-|stuc}y lege, effective July 1; assign- CURB SERVICE 7 DAYS 5 C g P° ft/"lv!rs,Dry of at ment of John Us4em, professor - othyrR- R°ss» and head of sociology and an- ED 2 6517 cir^ £ ?*T<*,T,?lng thr°pology to International Pro- 30, 1963, sudy V_ w 1 East L i , J,une 2rams from may 21 to Aug. 20: Lansing assignment of Robert F. Lan- zillotti, professor and head of economics, to the Nigeria pro¬ gram from May 19 to June 3; assignment of Edward A. Car- Jambson's NEED CASH? lln, dean of University College, to the Nigeria Program from May 5 to May 20: assignment of John P. Henderson, associ¬ ate professor of economics to the Nigeria program from lune Win Awards Three MSU students won a- SALE! SELLYOUR wards in the Industrial Market¬ ing Essay competition sponsored by the industrial Marketers of Detroit. Pechglo Peter Burrows, Dowaglac Jun¬ ior, won $10 and a plaque for his Panties and Briefs essay, "Effective Business Pa¬ per Advertising." Harry W. Bowes, Detroit by TEXTBOOKS senior, won an Honors Award for his essay, "The Industrial Advertising." Budget ln Vanity Fair John D. Barkham, Los Altos senior, won a special Honors To The GUARANTEE? LOWEST PRICES REGULAR & STEREO LPs LIMITED TIME ONLY! Whit® to the skin! nylon tricot, cool as a fluff of powdor SPARTAN BOOKSTORE "Your Supermarket For Education" DIAMOND NEEDLES OUR PRICES ARE CHECKED DAILY TO TAPE ASSURE BIGGEST SAVINGS Irief with letting edged leg Psntie with tiered Siie» s to 7 tea Hop leg Sim & to 7 3 lor 3.25 _ _ 3 for 425 CORNER ANN & M.A.C. Pantie with flared scallop leg DISC SHOP Sizes • te t ^ 3 for 5.15 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 29 i„. m - IDEM" apertm^ lor *J Apartment Rented First Day! ma callel I had « * block. so st many publication! fr0m £**1 if1 FALCON Automotive 1960 - 2 door with Deluae trim, radio, whit* wall »Automotive VOLKSWAGEN, 1958 white sun roof. Excellent condi- tton, custom radio. 141? I Spartan - Coral with ^Employment College Men * For OKEMOS - June or later to Jan. » WINCHESTER pea ting For Sol* rifle, .22 caliber. Vir¬ tually "T* new. •$29' or beet offer. Bolt action 4t PsrtotwT" Fraternity Crested graduation gifts and Michigan State Univer¬ sity Created should be ordired now for June eraduatlon gifts ^ Service^ SERVICE. tires. Extra clean lnslda and Village. 355-0916. 44 1. Farmhouse, Old World en- Call 35VS972. TtV.,l$1295. wlth whlB cop, full power. exactly In seconds! Contact prln- ing. « excellent condition. Call 355- rlght family or students. Phone cer 14*724" with timer. Cheap! automotive Summer!! ED 7-7243. 46 £D 7-9704. Par re 11. 46 • CADILLAC - 1956, Series 62, 0870. 44 FREE FILM .employment 2door hardtop. Light rose in PROFESSORS, 3 bedroom home, 5 STRING BANJO, Ilk* new. $50. *for sale 1055 OLDS CLUB COUPE - 2 KODACOLOR FILM aise 620 or color, with white top and tires. Largest company of its kind during summer term. 3 blocks For sale or trade. Phil Rice ED .for rent Recently overhauled has several interesting 127. Free roll with each roll power steering and brakes. Has job from campus. Call ED 2-8139. 2-6521 after 11 PM. 44 .lost & found had very goo--* preventative main- englne. Good transmission. 5 real opportunities for person¬ " left for developingand printing. whlw walls. Need some body •personal tenance. able college men in fol¬ Special with this ad only. $1.30 work. All power except steering. SIMMER, completely furnished, CIGARETTES ANY BRAND, .peanuts personal $350. Call 355-3101 after 5 pan. lowing areas: modern. 2 tedroom. brick ranch. $1.99 carton with purchase, Golf • real estate A{ax Cuxti\, One. or weekends. 1. Detroit 2. Saginaw Family only. Children welcome. Balls, wu?^sP*td42 ropean assignments rnale students. Lake Lansing, DEADLINE: Frandor. open every night till FINALS? before 5 PM. IV 5.1615 nights. 4~ FE 9-2184. 46 9 46 '^XICAN UUT*, 3 p-n*. on* c/••* day before publication DEPENDABILITY 1«59 FORD - J door, "300", No experience necessary ROOMS CUSHMAN motor scooter. Ex¬ DON'T PANIC! iue. wkints IV I-OBft. 2 tone green, Cruise-o-matic, but you must be neat cellent running cotjdltlon. Priced IS IMPORTANT 225 hp. Gary. ap¬ PHONE: ^ 5<10 PM. IV 2-5108 after 45 pearing and enjoy meeting MEN; Available now, fall. Park¬ to sell. Contact Howie or Jimmle STUDY GUIDES FOR Not only In the truck you buy people. No car necessary. ing. Cooking. Automatic dish¬ at 357-1314. 44 all makes and 355-8255 or 8256 but also In the dealer you bir washer. Friendly studious at- ALL THREE TERMS models, att^j guaranteed. Open 5 Always buy cleaner cars from mospsher. 039 Burcham. 337- ECONOMICAL MO-PED-motor- pjn. T.V. ajr ^Tj RATES: BEECH EM and KNIGHT Auto Particlapation In our Sum¬ 0881 1 ED 2-2788. 47 cycle, 1962, excellent condition OF BASICS Michigan. Call Technkltns"fcM mer Earning Program will — l\ 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Tanel t Sales, 1300 E. Michigan Ave. Lease for i 1 DAY provide weekly paychecks SI .00 liven-, grey, good tires. Curb- Ptol " ^ $100 and also entitle NOW AVAILABLE SINGER STUDFN 1 3 DAYS *3.00 side and ana Kosdslv" Noaflsise doors, this — «,mu tr< SPEQ^yB toso you fo 5 DAYS also has special auxiliary npet, r S3.00 Model Singer portable a gasoline heater that runt shout walls, radl0* 1h*iter- 1t w*Us- radio, following awards $5 menthly or $1.50 Sharp. 1. $2000 cash scholar¬ SUMMER HOUSING DOWNSTAIRS $ 150. Came in from Ingham Coun¬ Europe. ED %11S8. ships to school of your , Farmhouse £>r 8°^ abroad. I\ , -5806. We deliver per and pick JJ ty- Animal Shelter. $10«5. Fraternity. Excellent food and Reasonable. 44 the brtnd ne* location. F Sparar » LAY AND MATTHEWS, 1322 E. 2. Several $1000 cash Dick Ross or at details, ED 2-8635. con 47 MEN'S APPAREL, used. Suits, " INKPOT 192, at only $44.50. p,yJ $5 down and $5 Michigan. IV 5-2243. Do you want scholarships. — toats. Tux. §ize 39 to 42. Sweat- monthly n 3. To win of several FOR SUMMER SCHOOL: 2 apart* ers. Shirts special offers pood to sell your car? See us. We one amj slacks. Summer 307 GRAND RIVER dents at M^.L'. rade up or down. Buy any make ments, both .single and double and winter. Going into the Army, around the world ^ Automotive i960 INTERNATIONAL Model trips by panamjet rooms, kl„£. private entrance.par- *39-2702. clo»»cmpm.C,UED J- > Mon - Sat. 10-5 p.m. SINGER SEWING 309 S. CEKTBI clipper! 31S1- wJ1 ,0"r W.^HINCTtJS 487-3624 4. To win one of several itself $60. Call 332-3828. Ask Ron, ED 2-1438 Pran e Harris. austin healey sports REMEMBER! WHILE YOl WAIT cr 1 ED 2-2788. ** merlca s Finest. :w.«. New low eervlce on passpon cation pictures. u 1*60 Cushman Eagle motor sc< He. Umousa1 oter Motor just overhauled. Pa FOR DETAILS PHONE prices for 1 125 model A HOLD CARD AT ing daily at noon " feet condition. Best offer ov< IMMEDIATELY: rrtm. f DOLBLE rooms ROOMS far for men fall "reSular moJe] now ^349-88- 150 dlo, Okemos. Ren $200. 355-5490. i >n Bogue St. Contact John regular $429 now $388.50. tion guaranteed. detroit-wo. 24346 Bartholomew ..Buy n0* ^ s4ve» Cierie.s REGISTRATION MAY Call ED 2-6169 fr at ED 2-8635. 47 Cycle Shop. IV 4-0362. tf Portraits, applic MEAN A DELAY. block from I960 Remington Several FORDS - 1956 T-Blrd. ; n«r,™ Campus. Room $6 nuu„ week, with - per Ra^ fwrtable SAVE CASH 9 RAMBLER REBEL * C*11 33 -9Qgl. ,\sk INSTEADOrUU STUDENTS - ion. clean, LETTICH & STENBERG cooking $7. Call ED 2-0844. 47 ING STAMPS! -6186 or s« 2628 E. KALAMAZOO ^ For Rent 'MALE STLTJENTS - double room. t3IG STUDY DESK, metal, black your cleaning to When Wenina1! J 484-322^ C APARTMENTS , - Available for summer term, algo composition top, typewriter onowash and Dr^ Cits: MUST PAY THEIR , FLICK ROADMASTER i9 60 LARK Convertible. 1- Beautifully furnished four room available tor fall. Parking and stancj. old. in good shape. $15. Pants, skirts, sweaters i_ - 2 snack privileges. ED 2-5184. 44 and pressed, • hardtop, roll pewer. Ferrer cwner Looks like new, quiet, apt. sub-let June 16 til Sept 15. EP 2-1172. only 50(. 300(13 averace S3<>5. LAY and Must sell, will sacrifice! Call $«0 a month. Call 4S9-0«38 47 —_____________________ SINGLE .AND DOUBLE rooms Book WANT AD BILLS BY St.. 1/2 block '* 1 made . - case, custom 10 r Frandor Store. ED "-0245. " 44 Summer unapproved 3 rooms fur- m-'EWS, 1322 E. VTlchlgan for men. Summer, air condition- Spartan Village $15. Two dres- 7ot« 1 54 Chevrolet-l«tjier ujmois- nished apt. to share. Near cam- MONDAY ing, separate entrance and bath, sers and twin baby butler, best FREE DRY CLEANING! * Call 12-1 and 5:30-6:30P.M. 222 Beal St. ED 7-9$10 after KSWAGEN -Pcwder offer, 6 year crib and mattress, row's Econow&sh PONTIAC BONNEVILLE June 11, 1962 - ih, radio, heater and for Jar. Ue^r, berween 6:15 S. B S exoe.l«»t qu,IIt> 535. ED7-116^ Cleaners, 3006 Vine St, I,Wl white walls. 10.000 actual miles. Summer term private furnished SIMMER VACANCIES - 334 west of Sears' Frandor W "rOO PM or call later IV. 7-0775. Only $1645. 2 bedroom apt. Two or four men. giving absolutely free-irjefc ELMER STEELE " "" campus. Parking. Phone Evergreen. Cooking, recreation 1061 Huron 500., 50*.by 10". Near room. Just one block to Union, campus. No equity just take 0 fcbkent COAA ing to each custoir^ M.G.A. - 1^60 white convertible. ED *-148 . 47 Call 332-2195. 46 payments. ED 2-3347. Speed queer, coin v Radio heater. Only 14.000 miles. 10 different times, RAMBLER Neva allable June 15 Single rooms for men. two blocks B-flat Normandy Clarinet. Good tage M.S.U. .. fuml^ed. longS- Coriletely from I'nion. parking. June lO to coudmon. Phone 355,4242 or g ^.PERSONALS Utilities paid Park- Sepc 1. $60. Call ED 2-3634 '"O™. 47 \ ESP A motorscooter. $100. Tc^ l«8- (Also small furnished house.) Boy's 24" Bike. Good Condition. Important Sailing Club meeting TYPING SERVICE !»56 PONTIAC CONV ERTIBLE running condition. New spare Call ED 2-2462. 44 MEN-APPROVED $15 - ED 2-6383. 45 7:30 toninght - -vote on consti¬ tire: luggage rack, windshield, TYPING Service, WANTED: Roommate forsum- and fall terms. Private home. tution-pick up sweatshirts-see radio, 355-,V»> or 555-II" 3 minutes to Union. ED 2-1317. 2 reserved tickets for the Indiafl- new Lushwell Award-Adjourn to papers, thesis, rianuKrip^J TORY mer. Four men. cooking, apt. Call ED 2-05T1. Sells For L ess....f^ AtTOMOTTV'E REPAIR Three blocks from Bericey. Call 47 'Pol's C*11 337-2326. 44 Saugatuck. 44 332-8468. ^ PLEASANT ROOM for male stu- Clyde - Please have your mas¬ W59 AWGL1A 2 BUMPING ami PAINTING — dent. Graduate preferred. Quiet, - ter pick up his sportcoat and specialty. All foreign cars. Kal- LUXURY APARTMENT ■ 3 clean and not far from campus, watch. No Interest or leashes amaroo St. Body Shop.1 fellows. Ni< r*. \2LOOO Sells For Lei IV 2-8304. 45 attached. :ree estimates. 1411 Call ED 7-2018 Charley St; Call IV THESES PRINTED 1555 CHEVROLET IMP AL«. Sport FURNISHED APT. for married WOMEN STUDENT summer beverage -WANTED: The first —^ couple in t'niverslrv Village term. Approved rooms and apt. GREAT LAKES 50- x 10', two container to go dry at Sailing - htem-, ire »Vu tires.' 5TOR Y >t SPARTAN TEXACO summer school. Call 355-5818 close to campus. Cool bedrooms, parked in East Lans- 4 Club Picnic Friday night. Dave. Sells For Less....$5. for regular CAR CARE. after 6. fortable. Ed .2-5677, 46 ing. Call ED 7-0016. £7 , 46 FURNISHED APT. - LATE MINUTES cost time, mon¬ CAPITAL CITY BUI | STORY OLDSMOBILE for sublease - June 12 »» w ey, Inconvenience. Inquire NOW, 221 S. Grand A*. tire rummer One bedroom. Mar- „ W' , r— save on N.Y. - Lansing. IV 2-5451 INC. ried couple preferred. Phone 3f] 6726 #?« Life-O-RJley Park, N.J. Greyhound Charter. ED 7-9216. S. Washington Road. 332-0176. 17 SINGLE ANN BROWN, typisi AND double for 1958 ROOMERS: For rummer term students. Summer and next year, FBERLINER, 40' by 8'. 2 Real E State 11th offset printing. IBM. apt with 3 single beds - cook- includes private parking, tele- bedroom, excellent condition. Lot typing, term paper? ing and parking facilities - $8 L Trailer Haven. Phone ED 7- MSL near-31 acres-6 room house serrations. 3 duplicating I960 J96L phone, bath, entrance and klt- 0592. MultilitkW - - a week. Cell ED 2-5776. 45 cher.. All utilities paid. See at 47 small basement, barn. Nice for ses available: ' white, & color), Oxalid. 0 ~ SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE STOOD.ARD 1 V Evergreen. E. Lansing. riding academy. $16,500. IV 5- bedroom, CORNER GRAND RIVER furnished - .Approved, apartment. Board and 1 ^ Lost & Found 6128 Joanna Sargeant. broker. Print. ED 2-8^84. Corvfiir, 1961, Moraa Sport Coi^»e Adobe :vor\- finish and SPARTAN Pbcme 33"'-9034 C CUED;-537,..6 term miKlSmm^ ^st Sund?V moderl5 } East 44_ Lensing-Nesr Elementary EDIE STARR Typist. I leather all r.rf rec or summer. Call IV. interior Floor shift, radio, heat- 2 MAN BUNGALOW. Approved. middle. Sentimental value 355- school. Owner leaving dissertations, term p»pen>B 2-8494. 47 city "fc Employment unsupervised, for summer term , , .RrF sinele 7064. 46 Offers easy to live with 4 bed¬ eral typing. ExperieM^J only. Call ED 2-2292 44 l( room, 2 bath home. Under $20, electric typewriter.Of -P" campus', . LADIES! If you rooms, close to part- Brown rimmed glas: 000. Have F.H.A. commottmert. Fc*r 1950 COUNTRY SOLTRE - full time, AVON Cos- ••liable. ED 2-1363. Grad. ,! tenJUS court. Referee passenger mode! ir. top SUMMER TERM WLY - 4 room Custom built for present owner EXPERT THESES,( offers opportunity^, apt., approved, supervised hous- g? its preferred. 45 s?1Jxi evening. Reward in 1957. Call ED 7-0960 for TYPING. Electric" neec. Write or phone Mrs. Alana ing for 4 men. Completely fur- SPACES , phone 377-0279, Huckins, 5(S64 School St.. Has- nished. Phone ED 2-2 FpRJiU 1 appointment. 47 Experienced. V»r BR001;| PV SPARTAN MOTORS FOUND: 1961 high school class production Senic OLDS. Super * left, Mich, Telephone IV 2-6893. " EAST LANSING, ranch stone," ring with and F on crest. Initials 3 bedroom ranch radio, hearer. INC. £ 1 or 2 man FURNISHED APART¬ APPROVED, male students, very IXD, Call 699-2363. 44 style, 83'xlll' TERM PAPFRS quif»? Hear, lot, fireplace, built-in kitchen, $340. CaD 355-45—o! ? " F C ; ». L PROGRAM MENT for the summer. Very close to campus, parting facili¬ cur a t el y t>>ped hv QIR E C- room, many extras. TOR. Full time, Sept. 1. Wort s. Parting. IV 5-0649.44 ties 525 Albert Ave. ED 2-1384. -fr Personal $17,500. 1656 Linden. ED 2-4073. thesis typist, tion. Call ED with children and adults in small C lfSf COLLEGE 1 in ANOEISTS. River trips inMan- Ex^lish Ford Anglit, good MANOR hatchelor S17MMER term to condition, sacrlfict $?05. Fa COMPL ETE croups College graduate. Exper¬ ience in social work and educa- apartment art liableimmedla- $125. ED 2-5555. n and board. istee National Forest. Rental ca- EAST LANSING Transferring - THESIS REPSODLCTff | noes. Manistee Canoe Cruises, owner has priced to sell a 4 SERVICE after 5 P.M. 4* tlor.. ry« S--201, 45 te4v. $40 per month Call |V FOREIGN CAR ■■ 811 Cherry, Manistee, PArtvlev bedroom ranch in the Marble 4-2511, EXT. 52 before 5 PM. TRAILERS St. Thomas aree. Thesis Kits -- Plastic 3-7345. 46 - Large kit¬ J9Sf TR1L-MPH, .TR-3, good ror- SERVICE ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DtR- chen with FOP RENT OR SALE- Travel built-ins, 1 1/2 gineerlng & Drafting dirjor. »« bOA hard and soft Renaults - Volkswagens - Vol- ECTOR. Full time, experience APARTMENTS 'ailablejunel2. trailers 13' to 17" models. Also MARY DELANY -AND J1M W ALL- finished basement, outdoorbaths, liv¬ Can ED 2-35*1. INGTON come to the State News tops 46 in croup wort or education. Col- $75-112. Utilities Included. Part- Ranger Tent C Xen office, room 347, Student Ser- ing area with grill, attached gar¬ COMMERCIAL BLL€P« lege graduate ever 3C years of tag rv ^-9818 after 6:30. 46 Oliver Sales. 1846 Haslett Rd. age. FHA available. Call 2-8926. SERVICE Cuetorr ineulled ROLL BARS age Specialties: public affairs, vice* Building for your free 1954 DODGE WAGON - good Phone ED 2-6861. " "" ■"* 2100 W. Mam. tranBportatior, a real buy. Call $35 for most any sports car. piiilic relations, M-id affairs. FURNISHED APARTMENT - 47 _ passes to the Crest Drive-rln Lf^ IV 9-2652. Chromed - 515 more. TV 5-73Q1. 45 available for summer, 1 bedroom., Theatre. 44 OKEMOS 4 ED 2-8321.. 46 For Sfll® bedrooms, 2-1/2 - baths, balcony, STRATTON HF3P —all utilities. Married couple pre- —' EDLCATION PftOGRAM ferred. Call 355-8103 afer 6. 46 EUROPEAN FLICKTjnCKCTS- — 1DENTLY knows BuboU has EVERYBODY dining, an auto in- utility large room off living room, kitchen. PROFESSIONAL TVPBT college degree, e**1**,"; j nc rn-i-ic r „n. * r» 1 Two round trip - $265 each to 1 SPORTS CAR ^ September 1. rooi, ,3 ^OOM APAR™FKT tc fuU time Septemoer PoS" M.S.L. student, faculty, employ- surance price to match your °^loo'ci"8 Red Under $30,000. Cedar River. rences. Thesis, Jet aummer Completely fur- driving record. ED 2-8671. C44 ED 2-3304 . 46 2-5546. wpervision all ee_ 337-2581 45 1 CENTER ages, n 5-"201. Phtme ' 46. ,Xm 3.5^^ GRADUATION ANNOUNCE — 2 BECROOM. 6 ■TYPING: Term pap£- * vopp^,j» ■■ APPROVIT 105" Eberltoer, » by W$2650. ments with your name, double - 147 foot lot, ideal year old house, eral typing. C No down payment, Havanna Trail- country living, PORD FAlkLANL, 1»5« 2 door, envelopes, tissues. 2 day service. » minutes to E. Bell Oak Road, 1 Lansing. 3255 - blue and wh«e very clear,. APARTMENT ial tummer rates. 25,000 hunting . mile west of miles no rust automatic rrans- 9, 3 room, AVAILABLE June ■ Bike, 24 inch. Good Michigan Ave. IV 22-55-4. . 47 M-47, 4 miles north of Grand radio, I9S CHETV'ROL.ET BrtAlr way-bv reading " Apartments for f""d«bed. private bath, entrance, R!v«\ Only $7250 muKsiar.. hacking ligtm. term#, open 4 FROM^*, - - Ride wanted Leaving city mts: eell Phone iter, radic, heater, standard Ren-" ir, tie Wan:-Ads. Try it Pr*fe ,nc! telephone. SuiuMe tires. $18. ED 2-6579. Sunday phone South or Lyon. ED 7-lWfc. tf sfr.tft f L o» white fimsl- L ik e mileage. Greer; and ne» throughout. 47 Geneva 7-9991. 44 , ^^TciVl 1663. E. mbbb Michigan. IV 2-0689. ' C47 Service ?— U NEW YORK - CHEVROLET COKfTCRTIBLE - '960 RAMBL Er - 2 door, 6 ryiin- "va»cl anywnere - a JVSfc. new top. power pact ana breket. padded daeh. UK. Call der, ettndari »hlf-„ 15,000 acti-al miles Really aave or fihi* one! * tlnid. Quality caaeiing tor 1 occasions - to fit (hound Charter Inquire 1 *^ exams. 1 your bud« TV 5-4665 after 6. 45 LlPtoe. ED 7-92'^ ^ "gar c,*rM' .. RIDERS WANTED DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY PREE LIST OF over 40 organ¬ — . Taking j ized musical groups 1 to 20 wrtte or phone C.V. Bud" Too ley. Secy. Laasb* Federation of Washington. Musicians. 527 S. IV 2-5314. "U» «A--'-rtd^SU — OA 6 Michigan State Kcwa. East Lansing, Michigan Designer Soy* — Admen Not "Hidden Persuaders', Floral For Big Fiona art Progrm* stands « Art U» ttues- will he held tv, P^J Survey of College Men Reports Th?^ hold of its greaasst Transportation - advaoceajw* that of F«ee term, according **»« as b, a WANT T1D FLY hor-« hu can't w MM. Banx. h*ad of the Ban Kr^ y? i because your cat ww't let v*u The 650 University own parti- largest enrollmants us School of Floral Oaalgn In Hous- Brituh hif t H you live m N«r York and "Net* to Vance Packard Mich- a.-*i director of marketing and The Initial survey, executed tn of any ton. 1'exa*. else.** h ,Nie F thtt t wr proMcm ctl! JY 2- ic*r, colW mer. jus: don't du research, D. P. Brother adver- January, was followed by an «x- ctpaung in the study rased adver- verttsing curriculum , rhe trend la now toward neat- Later tr^U;3 advemstnt people as "tud*.n ns;^ agency. Detroit. pertmeetal aUmulue consisting ot using fourth in a fMld of 1? school in the nation, expression of one's sou and lag pUys of t{- 5"%^ Alter careers, with 46 per cent stating er cr ^ <* _ persuaders," said Kenward L. John Crawford and Kenward twelve inkrmatK^ advemse- B1 . . . individuality.M Ben* told a Fec^p-season, to be IF Wanted Atkin, advertising instructor, ^tkin cf the department *1 ad- iwnts placed tn the Staaa News SaTiSiir.i.liS; Honors Assembly ated Garden Clubs of Michigan will also '.*• Cp^J ho helped conduct a suney ot vertising . «isaed in designing and the Alma Almaoian ^ Tepist. wwn. part-time for Michigan Colkge the -studv t« "ell as directing if student amtuks can be modi- cent, psychology SI per cent, and the Set For Thursday men. easement STAR ir. the U.S. Coast "Results from a sn»dy of fresh :he MSL potion of the sur.ey. fwd. ceaching 50 per cent were C^*ard Reserve L*nit la Lansing. mer and iiauor males atMK-hig*r. The study was m*it man second survey was corn- top choices. May be enlisted Th* tRnu41 Convoca- LAKE UNSIN6 At the bottom of the list atterr^t to measure the oollec- pteced m early May. Final results AMUSEMENT^I ap to the sixth State. MicMgam \Ima and Ubior. were pa> jtrade depending igx» easper- r*\*al that met* than r»v out of live student attitude toward ad- of the. study will be ailabJe selling 30 per cent. accounting *• «"•« communications ience. C\x-of-scare college stu- three took favorably upor. adver- vertiagjeamong younger people this fall. and Journalism 29 per cent.poll- * *• * Communication 3«#a may transfer to their local using." Atkw s*id "■ tics 21 per cent, and retailing £rt* will U held Thursday at OPfN DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY . irit Asrinc the sur-.mer. Ape "Over all. the college n* 24 pic cent. P»ro. In tht Mvi, Usui except veterans » to 50. ^ - MSt men agreed very closely The Advertising department tha: advertising plays No dependents For Aether de- with the men the othe r schools present Aves Vearis tails write to - dynamic and .mportart role in Week Day* 7 P.M. ~ CoMirmttni Of- *"** — - our economy, fossers product I iry area. The lar- ouiswnvsmg senior arc ire w»- demand. and jobs.® gest difference found concerned standing copywriter and announce • creates Week-Endt and Holidays I p.j^ SINCLK M vholo- ^ Co- *wld's largest adver- gist is characterised as honest. will speak on others. tness Really l ike?* The advertising executive Veterans Hay Sign tive. and "h*> League." Atkir. noted that, contrary Now for Checks the "Ivy League* image held by War veterans may sign up fat ^ mam students it is the big their May and Jime checks"now state universities of the Mid- uvder policy FL 6M and Ft. west that produce the largest 550. number of advertising-oriented Veterans should fellow this ★ Wanted students today, not the Fastern schedule; I to t' TWsdav, Q to BFr^CVTV H0MF. schools. VCSl has of the 2 now one Thursday MIDDEN PE!?SUA0CR"U»iw« the services of a tape recorder, Vc* c-vvi <■„ advertising :«strvcto» Kenward AHiin continees his survey of re'tr-tX. ,Mt:' H»e odver^si«i *»ed!o. State Sews Photo by Ron Hacor-ber. KIGDON'S Stop. IV OF Lamp Lighters; PURE OIL SERVICE I'ader New Management 1010 E. Grand Siver It's Illegal on This Campus . . . N r:?: r^vs. FIRST SHOW Next to McDonald's schediiSed is ar. old c 7 P.M. enacted is 1S"6 to ptever.t stu- - STATE T H € A T RE - " FEATURE 7:15-9:35 Jerts ; csn Sei-. ing school early to hel^ with de banes:. Health services were difSsrent Student Discount or The Top Rips ADULTS 90c. f ott. what thev are today. Hospi¬ Automatically] - tals «ere erected only to isolate srjde-ts so Keep contagious CTO CHAKfSSC. mat* SHCAt-ct a ir c: URix* diseases from spreading. MSI t er ?ad sc-nje serious epidemics of Top Value Stamps (and so will you) mi JtA*m*;rt diphtheria and scarlet fever. v student may he re-admitted — «M.aa*o j"crrr , to the University ^per. serving Used Tires Charcoal You'll keep out of th« rain without stm -? m*tf»tce cmrvAur* two years ir. the services »- handsome Rambler convertible. The tec ' r< ■he grotaad scratMt > «- :aaed Sits law •' sa>d. pardjiess :^me of of bis grades since tie tie Spanish-American including >0-15 Lighter Fluid or down automatically—yet the Rambler A-?-: '■< at t*« w»r. winbune sa>d. "400" is the lowest priced U. S. converge £v Major or Minor —*. request •>residteae Haeaaah bees ccc.- lower pneed than manual top jobs BucKe! ses 'Executive*. Book optional. Your Rambler is so stingy wtn gas r*e f -al^tg Repair Work won't believe it's such a tiger for perfenra-a By Market Prof. until you try it... at your Rambler dea e* s Special_ a„ -a _ To Be Published "The Exec-Jtive" S- Fiapere E. Brake Adjustment 75£ ,'^s, processor of market- rrsg. wilt be p-Jbiisbed this •urn- fllth 52.OP gas purchase and OH chaise rambler HtAmerican Motors Means More for Americ la bis Sx*. jeraaj^s s«ys that pcafelesr. of business exe- Satisfaction Guaranteed cvtt ve is not **-«ber the a-jto- ' crgtic. ^ee^rr^tjc. cr derrv>- rracc view is best, bet what te~ preeerts fro- eeot of the three will rrute a- effective erecactve style, Earti executive wtU f«nd the eoetteaatsoe of the three that 5ts the -eeAs of his persws- ilsrv and his orpa-iaaaoet. .'etr.rags ■.$ s!sc the aahor of CASH "The \narcnn,- of L«ders^.tp." tkiswwbMldet ^T1 for your Textbooks and Paperbound and you may spend the rest (rf Books yoor life \ Most summer term book / \ lists are in—Sell Now! FMMg sr*e \ for your best price. / DAGWOOD SASDWICH 2 Hasbargwr Patties *iti Cbee*e i Tlooitad Island Stop in today at... Dressia^ CAMPUS Oz Toistec Buz Air-Conditicnec for your comfort „ Kzzo A Delivery Service Open 11 A.M. BOOK STORE ACROSS FROM THE UNION now ED 2-0663 203 MAC jM-r*