Weather ATI MEWS It will be partly cloudy Thursday with the high temp- •rature in the high 70 *. Fair with little temperature change Friday. , East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 31. 1962 Price 10£ Board Fines Delt Sigs Sabbatical For Allowing Leave Reds' Speech President Policy By BRUCE FABRIC ANT C Ity Fdltor A cloudy and often mlsinter- Clarified The origin*! statements left faculty members confused and uncertain about the stipulations, Requested To Resign preted faculty sabbatical leave conditions and eligibility re~ •Some Action Had To pohcy was cleared i$> when the quirements granted them under Board of Trustees approved a the policy, said Provost Cllf- Be Taken* recommendatlon authorizing a ford E. Erlckson after die meet- rewording of the policy's major ing. Ten members of Delta Sigma Drcviairtna. provisions. *• Phi's executive board have been fined a total of $500 by their gp* _ | the old policy were a long time," Erlckson said. "In Lansing alumni control board V IV fact, a steering committee from for allowing Communist Robert the Academic Senate and mem¬ G. Thompson to speak at the Market bers from the Education Policies Committee worked on change* for a year and 1/2." fraternity house. order The Delt Sigs disobeyed an from their alumni board for this foil's footbaM Picks Up The first change accepted by the Board cleared 14) eligibility in allowing Thompson to address about 2,000 indents In. their a new green face. The NEW YORK If* - Weary Wall requirements. Rephrased the backyard. ike several Street clerical workers strug- statement now reads: Jim Eggert, Medina, N. Y„ weeks, will cover the en- Junior and fraternity president, e» the sidelines. gled Wednesday to clear away "Appropriate applications for the mountain of paper work left a full year of leave with reduced resigned from his post upon re¬ State News Photo by Mork Krastof. quest of the alumni. He had an¬ by two days of frenzied stock W ®hall have precedence over market activity in preparation other term to serve as president. shorter term leaves with full for another Harold Balbach, president of busy day Thursday. pay.' the alumni group, sa ;d Eggert and Although, stock exchanges were "The University lately has Global closed Wednesday for the Me- mortal Day holiday, brokerage offices were busy matching or- been getting more and more re- quests for sabbatical leaves," Erickson said, "and in order to nine other members of the frat¬ ernity who make up its executive board were fined $50 each far Jers, checklnsr unexplained dis- show priority to the faculty mem- disobeying the order, crepa- cies and straightening out "Our reasons for refusing to bers entitled to the leaves, el- the myriad technical operations allow Thompson to speak on fra¬ tgibility requirements were Glimpses piled up by surging market vol- ume Monday and Tuesday. clearly explained." A second changed approved by ternity property were essentially the same as those of the Board of Trustees," Balbach said. "We have nothing against 'ree ■ ■ Bj the Associated Press speech, but we don't feel a social fraternity should be involved tn this kind of thing." DisripSw in Red China Waning Balbach said the Eggerr was Chines* refugees crowded into this little Por- asked to resign because as pres¬ "a traditional summer rally,' However, faculty members are hf.ei* c;ircy say Communist discipline is deteriorating rapidly crept hack into Wall Street's permitted to receive money AitKivirio UIIj.NI I AitlfcS..University Pre*- Colonel V/oll*, rear, arrive at Old College ident of the chapter he was re¬ 1- parts 3* burger-ridden south China. ■ ident John A. Hannah and Commanding Gen¬ Field prior to the traditional HOTC commit- sponsible for Its action. vocabulary. It had been missing "provided that the total remun- eral of the U.S. Continenal ] \'i-y refugees, some of whom mm the mile of water between in the market's long decline from eratlon from all sources docs not Army Command, siontng ceremonies. Fggert said the fraternity voted Ojbi i-d Macao, say evert Communist officials are openly mid-March. exceed that received from this Herbert S. Powell, accompanied by hi* aide State Hew* Photo by George Junne. to permit Thompson to speak tut iis satisfaction with Petping's rule. there because It supported free¬ Tuesday's whopping volume of University." The sabbatical dom of expression. Ward 9n«n 'Em Ho* 14.35 million shares (second ,e*ve m*Y n°c »» u9ed » accept He said he did not approve of highest on record) on top of f*«d ; . employment during the per- ... iod of the leave. m mm m —■ ■— ■ ■ — — - " ^ - — - — — - the alumni board and that he still NSAXAPOLK — Rodger Ward gave the kids another driving Monday's 9.S5 million (sixth ** Erlckson thinks the fraternity wasforhlm. i won Ms second Indianapolis 500- mile auto race victory highest) indicate weekly volume explained that the "If they had asked me to leave sees3*y te record time. for only four trading days Is like¬ primary function of theprovlslon f I *% the fraternity J think the rest of rtaWJag second srer. J was Ward's equally steady teammate, Len 36, " crtUnd, Ore., driving another Leader Card Special Kilt h- a. J. Watson. Eddie Sachs of Coopersburg, Pa., was third. pace which set records late in the race, after earlier ly to be the highest since 42,- 329,633 shares changed hands in the week of July 22. 1933. !?nsr:r.r,^: of absence will be used for ap- propriate purposes. Of Compulsory Compulsory ROTC g ?ert "We have nothing against Ex¬ personally or the chapter/' because of minor crackups, Ward and Sutton outlasted khices early speeds by ^aroelll Jones, Torrance, Calif., and A. ' Brass Plaque In this case, appropriatepur- poses snould assist memters of the faculty to improve their com- The year's final parade and sities of Oregon, commissioning ceremonies of and Washington State decided to Oregon State, sity is instituting an elective freshman ROT' program this Balbach said. "Put they stepped out of line in disobeying r'e -Tt Jr., Houston, the 1.961 winner. members of the \eserve Offic- convert the urogram to a volun- alumni board's orJer and some Honors MSU petenceas scholars by providing a period for concentrated schol- ers Training Corps here Tues- teer basis, ' aimed at students fall and praised the vigorous sup- port ,;Ktn to the program by MT .i -tion had to be taken." day was more of a .lemobiliza- planning military careers. \ member of the executive rishthev Asks U.N. Trade Organization and President John A. Hannah. MOSCO'A — Premier Khrushchev today unveiled a plan for Math Team arly work, since^a sabbatical leave is Intended for the mutual tion than a review. The compulsory program for the This nation-wide pattern has approval of the Defense IV- "In view of the University's splendid accomplishments in the board said the alumni group's order cart e too late to cancel 1 A brass plate, financed by con¬ benefit or the Lniversicy and the \-spensored trade organization "to resist the international freshmen and sophomores on the partment, which seeks commis- past," he said, *'I have no do.ubt the speech. He also said the Csce of capitalist monopolies" such as the European Common tributions from students, faculty person granted the leave. campus will be disbanded this sioned officers through the ROTC that the transition to the elective alumni group didn't really under- and staff, will honor the Uni¬ The Board made clear that a fan foy the Board of Trustees, program. .V* <* n*t , .. ROTC will be smooth and will stand the situation. s Soviet Union," the Premier said, "considers that the versity's Putnam mathematics Highlighting the traditional not weaken the present efficient "WJ knew what we were do- c Nations cannot stand aloof from this. It must call an Inter¬ team, which placed first in a field ceremonies at Tuesday's parade program. ln£." he said, "and we expected local conference which would discuss the formation of an inter- 125 American and Canadian in considerable detail the Earlier this year, the t'niver- was a speech by the Command- of "We still rely on enlightened the alumni would take some ac- would deal with the trade of all regions universities. tivity proposed and all leaves ing General of the U. S. Contin- and patriotic supporters among tlon against us for disobeying must have the approval of the of no discrimination." The plate wUl be installed in ental Army Command Herbert faculty and students to point out the order." To Give Laos'Morri Support' the lobby of the University Li¬ brary Thursday at 10 ajn. President John A. Hannah will appropriate officers and of the Board of Trustees. Within 30 days after return¬ Bulletin to each and every the absolutely essential nature of the ROTC program." Balbach said he felt the fra¬ ternity could get abadnamefrom associating with a Communist. ing from a leave written reports ANKARA* Tl R K F Y P- Tur¬ Laotian Premier Prince Boun Oum said Wednesday join faculty and students in rec¬ must be submitted to the Presi¬ key's restive coalition govern¬ United States Potential The military looks to ROTC iipplnes has expressed a desire to give Laos "moral tn its power." and strongman. Gen. Photimi Nosavan, was ognizing team E. Greene members Robert Knoxville, Tenn. sophomore. Frederick J. Gilman dent. In addition to salary granted _ ___ ment collapsed Wednesday night. Premier Ismet Inonu submitted Congressman Cites for some ! 4,000 graduates each year but in recent years the num¬ ber commissioned has averaged Summer this »ve not meant the Philippines will send troops to yet discussed the matter," he said. "But we Bas" Lansing senior, and R ich- ard D. Freeman, Jr. Midland sen- under the policy, special arrange ments can be made for grants his • resignation to President Gemal Gursel in a dispute be- PE\RL HARBOR, Hawaii. P- L;nltecj states could destroy some 2,000 short of this figure, Powel! said. He added that some Courses raybe we will come to an agreement on such a mat- lor. and their coach, Leroy M. to defray travel and similar co- tween die 78-year-oldPremler's ^lf of Russia's population and 1,000 of these graduates receive Kelly, professor of mathematics, A "March of Nickels," to pay incidental expenses. These ar- rangements must be approved People's Republican party and three-quarters of Its industrial the Justice party. The two parties potential in 24 hours, Rep. Olin regular commissions. This is more than twice the number or Varied for a plaque to commemorace the in advance as part of the leave have governed the country in an E- Teague, D-Tex., told a me- r Goodman first Big Ten victory in a Putnam application. uneasy coalition cat inet since the moriai day gathering. annual West Point graduates, Powell told the newly commis- his hand gave Moscow its competition. was initiated by An- The policy also provides that indecisive general election of last Teague, chairman of theHouse sioned officers and participants periences for those who brave . sellout audience of Com- thony Koo, professor of econom- funds administered by the Uni- fall. Veterans Affairs Committee, in the ceremony that the military the hot weather to come to-* The Soviet Premier didn't lcs. Koo wrote a letter to the versity may not be used for sim- The main controversy has been at the dedication of the is not an alien society. It is gov- campus. peared to like his female State News and sent along a con- liar travel expenses of any per- the issue of amnesty for 500 USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl erned by the same rules of con- The second five-week session tribution. Other nickels, dimes, son other than the recipient of imprisoned officials from thore- Harbor. duct, the same moral principles has been dropped this year. Sta- paid special attention to J crya SherrllL who was and quarters swelled the fund at the grant unless an assignment glme of former Premier Adnan Standing atop the white me- and ethical practices that one tistics show that the largest num- strapless white gown, as she sang a medley of the State News office. abroad is at least equal to the Menderes, who wis ousted in morlai platform above the hulk finds operative in daily life. ber of student who attend summer s that Included "Fascinatin' Rhythm" and "Sum- Faculty members serving on duration of an academic year. May, 1960, and executed. of the battleship sunk by the Japa- He added that the military school stay for thefull ten weeks, th? committee with Koo were A recipient of a sabbatical The Issue has plagued thegov- nege> Teague said the United service is not an inconvenient Kermit Smith, registrar, said. itermission, but sent Goodman Charles P. Wells, head of the l«ve is obligated to return to eminent since the formation of states' potential is farmorecon- interruption of a young man's "We hope to provide a more< the Negro vocalist: mathematics department, Rich- the University for the following the coalition. Inonu is committed soling "than the quite inaccurate normal progress to a home tn balanced course of study by em- you. You conducted yourself in such ard E. Chapin, director of 11- year. to a gradual and limited amnesty. Jdea that we could not compete the suburbs and S18.000 a year, phasizing the ten week session or *ner, as though It ware a delight to braries. and Louis Berman. ad- Under the eligibility require- The Justice Party insists on with world Communism in a but rather part and parcel of full term," he said. (Continued on poge 6) quicker action. (Continued on pogc 2) "We realize that undergrad¬ uates are limited by the courses offered in the five week session. Leaders To Be Honored The majority of courses offered are on the graduate level for statistics show that most people attending this session are work¬ ing on their advanced degrees." The full-term session runs from June 18 to August 31 while the half-term is scheduled from June 18 to July 25. Mason Hall will be open for undergraduate women and Abbott for the men. Van Hoosen will also be open for women. Graduate men and women will be housed in Owen, Snyder and Phillips. The Third Annual Fine Arts Festival will be held July 16-20. The Festival sponsored by the Lecture-Concert Series will fea¬ ture Robert Shaw, eminent choral director, and many other promi¬ nent artists in the fields of art, music, dance, theatre and land¬ scape architecture. The University will host for the second consecutive year the American federation of Mu- (Continued on page 2) Thursday, KUy 31, i9fi0 Agricultural Dictionary, 12 Year Project, Released 51&Sfii »ffi»R£ars. Ml led Dirminotogy," John N. Wlnburm, was released J* J5S2T^!Lfhy»lcs. «rw*7 meoicii*. m»tj by MSU. The rtlcttooary contains *?*«« area pert 0( S3,000 »rma in Us 90S pt#*s. of Winbume, assistant dean of University College, Mid that the Idea foi the agricultural diction- Jjgg"™ *ld At <*»Rnlfy' ft, ^ ery ts a result of his attempts to urJSZ V*"1*™ will ?>*' It it » find such a volume without sue- buyth,^* cess. The only similar volume "?• »" » '* primely io{ q was a small dictionary publish- g® of ed in London in 1SS3. Everything from farm jargon to bo^®f '" *^lcvul!ur" volunw im,,. i, lht highly scientific terms ere in- S acnmple*i clited in the volume. S?,J' decided to overdo, rather C0P*s hi* r^rdn trivia," WInhume !^Ppfvi lQ w plained. the Un>i-grarx colleges said. " The book should be help- 1™Mil have grow from agrtcultural- trtechanical institutes fUl to anyone who is Involved in T ***na- In"la i'akist^T to become vast corners of research end any^jjhaw of the agrlcultrual Orders have scholarship with intemationl Runal sociologists helped the ^unty*,^ reputations. He uslJ«ri>Cx%reJ the oontrlbu- editorial staff by adding words used by farmers and country of AeriJ^ht of Agrtculture. ' ; vP«n- ^ made through ROTC pro¬ people, he said. grams a;x1 that the land- Outstanding retired faculty f. » g\ ~'l grant ideal Is more revelant and members in agriculture served J ©fifly f til ( HtHfluM nwre crucial to our national wel¬ on the editorial board, including — fare than at any other such famous men as the late ...- k„ltrU. "*■ Clark U Bredy and the late „ „Actc1^ Tbe commissioning Dean Emeritus Ernst A. Bessey. "" '• ' ' ie* were interrupted by a sud¬ Also serving on the editorial Angel Flight den thunderstorm but second board were 11 current and for- College Hall, I r lieutenant commissions mer faculty members, and awarded to 55 Army and 1 dozen other advisors, some Phi Gamma ROTC cadets, 34 Union, flu: foreign countries. sions te 36 others will become "IT* difficulty In creating casual dress. effective upon completion of re¬ dictionary of this nature ts that Campus Chest Alloc,tt quirements during the agriculture is not • science with- . T*e ceremonies also included in Itself as it entails so many services. Meeting t rding of the President's NEW PLANETARIUM SITE-The Boord of S400.000 structure was scheduled to be con- different disciplines," Winbume donations Cup* rc the outstanding cadets in to charities ,-vI4" Trustees decision to change the site of the strvcted adjecent to the Museum. #4id* sideratlon. Students the Army and Air Force units. i MSU planetarium resetted in the choice of Stote News Photo by Skip Moys. Library Too Small Recipients this vaar are cadet Arnold F» Oieal, Lansing: junior and Air Force cadet Larry Army this new location opposite Show Hall. The Great Contributions Made STATE E. Harvey, Fass Lansing senior. By 1963, Chapin Says Oeal is to be commissioned newt Summer To Society by MSU Grads VITAMIN 4 COSMETIC DISTRIBUTOR \«si?Y Library has Most of MSI" s alumni have verti sing Company, ft has coined (Continued from 1) the vice president of Sears, Roe- page contributed te their chosen field, such words for the advertisng 4 cloors Sooth of American Bank & TrunJ i. Chip™ s»i4 "In sicians' Fourth String. Congress buck and Company: Coy Fckland, Bat some have giver, more than world "Sunklst." 1939, the vice president in charge r^e federation offers lOGall-ex- as III S. Washington others Rich as notedhorticulrar- Ernest Hart, a 1014 graduate, of agencies for Equitable Life Mte. is the retired executive the chairman of the board of vice presides* of General Motors Valuable Painting ' life during the ' directors Corporation. Adorn Spray *n- ' tng clinics. A 1^02 graduate, F>r. William member of the class of 1915, Received Br MSUO 1 - Eleven three-day clinics wUl June 10-22 F. t>L J the chairman of the r.e Charles T. Maine f Boston. He is also Raymond F. Giffels, is ln a partner Giffels and Rosettt Arch.i- Cover GiH Make Up** « 'ii t| tecniraj Firm in Detroit, A painting valued at $2,600has Aug 2"-30. uing one a »-eek through partner of I"hi, Hall Two members of the class of beer, donated to Michigan State Hodexs 3 Boxs .... and Rich Consulting Firm. J-320 distinguished themselves in University Oakland's new Activities incl-jde taking orien- art gal¬ *stior. tests, meerit^s and inter¬ views with our severs, meenngs The class of l°l4 has three out standi?^ members. Frederick the business world. Burderte W. Bellinger is the executive vice lery. The painting. "Black Rock." Aspmn - ioofS *1th faculty members in the stu- H. Vueller became the secre- tan of commerce in the Fiser- president of the Tennessee Cor- ^ the ork of Jimmy Ernst. Crest •••••••••••»••«•••••*•• iart's fiejds of interest and pre- juration. Clarence H. Shaver is conside A one of America's best " earollmfcnt. ho*-era*—-' — classmate, Don W. Fran- the • • chairman of the board of the young artists, Rjje "The courreiing clinics an United Stares Gypsum Company. The gift wst arranged by the was named vice president Later MSI graduates include Grace Borgerdcht gallery of New HOURS: Monday Through srsm's r all t J. Halter Thompson Ad- Friday 9 A.M. ortentatSoE program and a' vrthur K. Walton, class of 1930, York City Saturday* 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. the purpose of introducing incom¬ ing freshmen to college life and '-•t: * v«Jpng them. -*ke ar easier ad¬ justment at the l^Riversity," Rowland Piercer* acttt^ director You Get More at Student Book-^ af counseling sernces, said. The men •HI he housed in Ca r-pbel: and the wemer. tr. Lan¬ der.. U.S. Debt. CMimihwifts Hear 125 TriKon Specii: sessions will also he v-e3^ th.roaghout the summer with th-e ftrst June 11 and the lasr ending S-ar 21. Included m these sesslrr are the Seventh. temporal-;- dance workshop, !vsi- ness la» workshop, inncrucdonal ' mcStsSec tr. ^ t materials workshop and kinder- Cirrer edurano- workshop. Take your Books Out of THIS WAY! \ to the Spartan J Storage and put Money IN your "treasure chest" CASH At SBS you get MORE way . . . join fhe ever growing Money for your Books Spartan crowd for a real (The More You Se!l--The More You Make) satisfaction in STUDENT Book buys back all selling textbooks. Textbooks whether used at MSU or Podunk U. BOOK SPARTAN STORE gives you the cash you need for that vacation. SELL YOUR TEXTBOOKS SUidemt St** Corner Of Ann & M.A.C. Facing the parting triangle fee Hkm. Too Across From Berkey Han Michigan Stfcto New», East Lmlng, Michia Thursday, May 31. 1962 ENTER OUR THRILLING TREASURE TOUR CONTEST! Nothing to buy, just come Kin and write your name, address and phone number. At Knapp's East Lansing you may win a Dynamic or one of many weekly A fabulous jewelry (tneve as response year after year)! Th important... 2 fine jewelry h exquisite sample lines at really Shop early! Salesman's Sample SALE Fabulous collection of brand new JEWELRY Regular $2 to $10 Values! NECKLACES | 5AUTOIR5 PINS I OFF the reg. price BRACELETS EARRINGS The cool, fresh approach, An outstanding array of lovely jewelry to choose from the event you've been waiting for. Accessories are so important for all your summer costumes, Summer Prints by Leslie and now you are able to make tremendous savings. Tailored gold and stiver, Fay beads and an unusually large selection of stone set Jewelry will be available. Shop early. Be first to take advantage of this wonderful saving! 22.95 $25 'This Is a KN'APP CERTIFIED VALUE menaing that the and the value is certified regular. to bring quality is Knapp quality you unusual prices for below Wethere you're on a vacation these dresses will never tire. sight-seeing, or simply traveling about town, They will wash and dry beautifully and by-pass the Ironing. A. 100% Arnel Triacetate in blue or beige, $25. B. 100% Arnel Triacetate, black/white and brown/white, 22.95. C. Ban-Lon wrap-knit, charcoal or green on white, $25. All in misses' sizes by Leslie Fay. KNAPP'S DRESSES - STREET LEVEL Popular Madras Plaid Cummer Bund and Kerchief Set $2 The coed's favorite belt, the madras cumberbund now has a triangle scarf to match. Cumberbund adjust from size 22 to 28. Assorted madras plaids. KNAPP'S STREET LEVEL KNAPP'S EAST LANSING. . . THURSDAY STORE HOURS ARE 9;30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M.. . . ORDER BY PHONE, 332-8622 ^ Michigan State News. East Lansing, Thundty. May ]i n„ Jr Michigan if IM Schedule Lewis and Castle Tigers Split With Sox The White So* snapped a >-2 John was the loser field 2 1 SOFTBALL S;20 p.m. Bryan 6-Bailey 7 Track Captains DETROIT ijf . Rookie Joe Fmbeaey-Bryan 4 tie tn the fifth Horlto's clutch pitch ir* halted listing at the in the opener. Wood touched him 3 Rangoon-Ea* Shaw 4 Sherman Lewis, Louisville, Cibnd wen, flv nightcap, They scored twice for a home run leading off in Kentucky sophomore and junior «•«»♦ Bill Cole. c«r,^v li the Detroit Tigers' surge In the 4 Burgesa-Weet Shaw 3 on singles by Flwd Roblneoa, the first. Cash and colavito 5 Don Castle from Utica were Zaefewy Ford, CUvioi^ nightcap of* doufclehe*,3er Wed¬ Hob Farley* and Bob Sadowskl hit their homers oft reliever Casino-Bryan 3 nesday as the Chicago White 6 Fast Shaw 10-West Shaw 7 Sex named a split with a 6-3 atfcla sacrifice The Tigers' fly. l.arry Osborne FJdle Hsher. Cash's homer was good for two runs as the " Eminence-Bryan 7 23 17 S. Francisco rr 2srsLr.r,5£ l>»BSBL~?5ju.a -- triumph. The Tigers crocked 23 17 Loa Angelee tihrae homers in the first game was son s caught at home on Robto- strong throw in the fifth Tigers moved-tc a '-Headwith • three-run rally tn the sixth, 6:30 p.m. 26 21 — 11/2 Clnclroan 8S for a "-3 victory, their «inth In 10 fnv.tes. before Horler. worked out of the 4*~ the seventh. The Tigers The Tigers used five pitchers 1 * Se\en*-l'nteachahles 2 Koros-Has Beers ITntrolt 23 22 19 20 2 3 Pittsburgh St. Louis 25 24 1S 20 7 8 1/2 Castle the MJ^ Knappen Award in, • to* 'effort and team value.** P l»aCK MefQ . u ^ 1 Bui with the Tiger? seeking in the nightcap and the loss went 3 Barmhoute-S. Nu Loa Angeles Milwaukee Heed Coach Fran Dittrich and O i made It 4-3 Chlco Fernan- to starter Sam Jones. Baltimore 22 22 4 21 26 13 . to tie the pennant race into a dea single and V|c Wert*' (Fraternity Championship) 23 23 4 Houston 18 27 -15 . assistant coach Jim Gihbard ** R®COrdS Fq|| Nt knot, before 3", fans, 4 Radcliff-West Shaw 10 Chicago praised the squad for being the Three state pinch-double, Kit with a runner Philadelphia 16 28 16 1/2 , Horler came throws* master¬ fully. He hurled a six-hitcer in scoring position, Horler struck out pinch-hitter Btfcha Spartans Sponsor •s b "* ^rchaeoptsryx-Ballsy 2 Coleoptera's-No Stars Kansas Boston City 22 26 18 24 7 6 Chicago New York 15 12 31 29 1 19 first to go MSU track unit in 13 years undefeated in dual and tri- 1*« Saturday school track in th» and " rl5 *"*1 |, B for hi# fifth victory and erased Washington 13 30 12 1/2 Ri Judo Tournament Kellogg Blakles-Taperhacks at NSorton and Billy Bruton and got angular meets. a rhrn&t ir, the seventh when !>» to the lateness of the sea- ^Vo<>1 on a groutvier. the Tigers scored once and had the potential tvinf run in scxv- HSi^s liegeman S£5S®3. aSiSw'*"" 6-3 Rodger Ward Wins *j» ow three second.,. ■ J 4b?i_b5! i?jg position with nor* out. ,11 t. Ml on «. 0UM floor jenisoa Gvtmasium Friday, " I.os Angelee 13-6, New York ord s, Ws-te»wn»te» ^eR-gevehim heading lifter i Memorial Day Race In the book.< w - some bresfting room v»uv rw-o June la The Intramural Rulldii* will be v** '' V, *0" 1 • 1-W.l 1:56.1 clocT^g cl ^ runs io the eighth and the rookie T"V MSI Welgh;lifttns Team There will be no admission open the !>• regularly ^heA^ rly,Boston Nor* -t Mlnne«v» (n^) at los Angeles (2) N INDIANAPOLIS (JP - Old pro Charlotte's ' Mu? Vi"**0*! K' " ' Mlrt« easily handled the Titers placed second ir. the National *10 yd. run. * ollegiato Championships at the .earns ■ .k that will» iu be competing hours during exam week. Summer schedule will start Sunday Milwaukee 4-3, Cincinnati 3-4 Rodger Ward displayed cool con- Th* The third r r;\ersity of Maryland Saturday. ate the Detroit Judo Club, Mt. 10. ■ v-ames trol of blazing speed Wednesday ahot ntl. ar?d Nor- C. ' hey placed first in the Con Clemer.s YMC \ little CieeK San Francisco at Philadelphia 4nd younger favorites for Ctsak L 1, Ku«K f of s! Phil Regar. • aI IV.ired States. Catholic YMCA, Lansing YMC A, Pontiac Michigan athletes have vVashington at Kansas City (N) (N) " " * — Ms second victory In the Indian- -polls 500-mile auto mca. He bn?k'V th, 'W to theSr first Vr.i rsit\ of Puerto Rico, w;n- YMCA and the MSI Judo Club, wen 66 NCAA titles rtV"" • - Los Angeles at New York - (N) Kefir hell : c: North American Trophies are being donated for years to rank seventh tfc? Chicago at Detroit St. Louis at Pittsburgh (N) averaged a record speed of 140.2 one foot- .'pionships placed first each class by Spartan Sports and nation ir. number of inc , Only games scheduled. Houston at Chicago mllM pa- hour. ■xi 5/6 of the MSL Team. iiobtoies shop. championships. Cincinnati at Milwaukei second. .;>uertc Rican Team took Individual IM ■ for a total of 40 team --the MSI squad took one Contest Over VISIT THE NEW FRANDOR KROGEI two seconds, and one third total of 3' ■: Maryland j thirc Fedd Begemar,. Can st ,r. the light- a 685 lb. total. ' Jerry Thayer. Jackson Junior. l£:R« *5 * middleweight, tctaleo LOW PRICES plus TOP VALUE STAMPS . Lawi e tn the mfci- KRAFT'S tegon Jurdor, .^cNclirshSp, ar>d <5: -ieal c: ccrnpe- MIRACLE ^:he near-.. fc foSTll WHIP MSU Basketball Squad STEAK Faces Tough Schedule SALE Quart Round, Swiss, Jar Rib, Sirloin Round, Swiss, Lawndale care FREE Cheese foooj-t« 5$ tpr-ro lONE BOX GLADIOUS Packer's Fine Quality I BULBS WHEN YOU I PURCHASE ONE BOX Catsup6^« Mv 99i Lb. (AT REGULAR PRICE Avondele 303 Kroger Tef>d#-»y Sfeakt Tomatoes 6 "«99i Sirloin or Cube '*> 89< KROGER CRACKED Krog.r Tendaray Sieakj Porterhouse 't 99/ WHEAT BREAD •' OLD FARM STRAWBERRY, ... Top Valse Stsnps r* "T*6* "jliJ~ 100 Extra Top Valse Stamps Mw p^Sim of Cann*d Myflrad. 1 RED RASPBERRY. BLACKBERRY Preserves on* West Virginia Han 4 lb jar Couoor jootf m vo„- ,| ■ I West Virginia Couoo* 900a id row WeiN*» Han t ■ I Xrt. 2 1941 1 I I mmmm trogm Itor, iWv S^urtlay, >uo. 2. t0«2 t ■ aaa aj LHB IJ Applesauce 0 09/ MM mmm HI 15-oz jars ^ 50 Extra in— - — -1 1— 4BBB3SSS9- — -i AVONDALE "*"** Top Valne Stanps 50 Extra Top Valne Stamps ! Sweet Peas t>vrliei» o» | cm* Wvj-kJ. I fS* pu^cHm* of on* 1* p*0 Hrfl'»d*'l I 8 303 cans 99? West Virginia Han ( i Old Favorite Bacon i Krogv i»or. thru Saturday, Jun* 2. 1*62 COUNTRY CLUB VANILLA Tableware 29 y: fhe purchase of Half- ICE WACT ^ m 7 w i*Ud fork Gallon 50 EXTIA TV STAMPS u(cn mm uk twewf sun tw tun cut oaa 5-fc CREAM (will) coupon from Krognr coupon EATMORE TENDER FRESH MARGARINE! new_fresh„exciting! Large You are bokm# your ^ ^ always sure of Sweet Corn Ear Wallace eyewear WALLACE OPTICIANS rs unrs Top iMw Sti 0 vmE STREET f«ppo«ie fmrntOar) PI. rv ». 277* Sunkist LeBows^49^ J" 25 Extra Tip Mm Stanp*"! • C. . JDBIKS mnd CR. J. R» KIXOK, Re<, Opceeaetrlsis I r *r*g$r CMktot I *»• les«r*y. l«e 2,1W2 ^ J Michigan State Newa, East Lansing, Mlehi»nn Thursday, May 31, 1962 |M Softballers In Playoff Action lntr.rr.ur.1 ^ 8 * Bryan 4.4 hit. .. C4v.Hr held'to on, ^ffWF ldlv U " Shaw 4, IS - Fj,« Sh.w 10, hit In in errorless gsme. "^1 .S rrun rally in thfc third Ro*os. 3 - Vans, 0 ^ Homers by Tom Cemertcue In Fmarild to • 144) trounce RadcllfT, 7 - F«t Shaw ? S ,econd *nd Bob Peltier In the i!e *rpent, In IM MNaUMon- West Shaw 5, 6 West Shaw - ) 3 " ,nd thlrd «*m* 04 ^ »1* tav I*n Harrltoe hurled om Rangoon, 7 Bailey 4,3 "wlrmlng margin over Burgandy, m. ball and Jim Chef** homered Casino, 6 - Cabanas. 3 'h6, Ball«y nuid« " M 12 hlU ^ herald. Bundey, 10- Fmporer, and three —— error*. Dave McCord - - gained credit for the win. - - -"21? pjc ont Emerald got five. TUESDAY'S GAMES CAM! Bryan four swept past Burma. by Eerl Threed- Farnhouse• trouncM trounc* A.T.G, 15-5, In two Innings. Don Har- 1I_1 'n • "0,,d four lnnlng con- <^5ryg- the Bryan three li.uriiter of wryan wren,,11-1. |*« Tuesday night. They '"7* totaled ""iw grave held Burma to three hlta -» Rryan made nine and collected Summertime £« ^ree scorsd the winning of five, one, three, and one error. FredPaneter hit three Jim on two hits and two errors. 'or th* 11 runs on 10 for three, homering In the second Wutnam caught for the win- h'U *nlthree «*or.. A.T.O. re- '<*" Bryan. ^ O on«run on two hits. West Shaw ten pulied a close <4rVnf. out 12 In five innings, ^fV Fox, Pitcher for Farmhoifoe, victory from Cachet, scoring mille C.iffner allowed only two •"owed the effects oftwo straight three In the bottom of the fifth . ... .« ^e l nteachablea swept m*h'» of pitching, as his per- for a 10-9 win. They were behind ~«tthe - olts, 11-3. Tom Oeen- tormance was below the usual 5-7 in the first, 8-7 in the second, jV ,ian;med a circuit clout for U program Industries Association and of doctoral candidate from Monipoy, Ceylon, left, and Nirmol Providence Hospital in Oe troll. Hideo Mori, director of the doctoral candidate from India, ore tHe International He was awarded the Legion of Ntorioka branch o#the Horticult- Club's outstanding foreign students of the year, Honor by the French government TODAY & FRIDAY these books ural research station in Japan, - State News Photo by George' Juni in 1958. is on campus this week Schultz will be honored as an 2-BIG FEATURES and Study Michigan Sta culture program. - Top Foreign economist, educator, national and HAYW0RTH _ International publfc servant. He Besides >eing interested in the I has been professor of economics _ ell I will alsc " study the Sort;cultural industry of Michtgan. He intend.* Students Honored at 1943, the University of Chicago since was head of the .tepartment '"How to start and faultd a ful Business" by Lasser Tax In¬ Success, outstanding foreign student f om 1952 to 1961; and, beginning to take hack tc Japan the resists v:..U:e from Manipay. Ceylon, he year by the Internationa 1952, stitute RRIS0N in was named Charles S. no Nirmal Singh, doctoral cands - 5 findings. Hutchinson Distinguished Service Sinnadurai came to NtSU on a Professor. "How to Profit from Formula Plans LAST TIMES TONIGHT Pulb right Gran! In the spring ife was president of the Ameri re WO &nd enrolled as a In the Stock Market" by D. Jenkins junior can in Farm Crops. He graduated I960, and in 1961 was economic Association in PPT THIEVES named a "How to Build ■mms with honors ir. September of 1^61 director of the with a Ntclxf lor of science degree. ternational Sinnadurai is now completing his requirements for a Ph.D in Center for In¬ Fconomlc Growth. Schultz has served as an ad¬ Capital and Income in Mutual Funds" by D. Jenkins "Effective Speaking for All Occa¬ , It's sheer magic! Potany. sions" by F. Borden "Accounting for Everyday Profit" by J.K. Lasser Tax Institute "Estate & Gift Tax Planning that Builds Family Fortunes" by Lasser "Smoking & Health" by Royal Col¬ lege of Physicians "The Yoga System of Health & Re¬ lief from Tension" by Yogi Vithaldas "Beginner's Guide to Attracting Birds" by Leon A. Hausman "How to Watch Birds" by Roger Bar. ton "How to care for your Cat" by Dr. Deutsch and McCoy "How to play Better Tennis" by Ril- den "Five Lessons The Modern Funda¬ mentals of Golf" by Ben Hogan "How to Raise a Dog In the city & in the Suburbs" by Kinney & Honey cutt "How to hit a Golf Ball from any sort of Lie" by Sam Snead "The Nine Bad Shots of Golf and What to Do About Them" by Dante & others "This is our Michigan" by W i I lard Baird "Michigan Soldiers In the Civil War" by Frederick Williams "Conservation of Michigan's Nat¬ ural Resources" by E. Petersen "Michigan's White Pine Era 1840- 1900 by R. May bee "Sooper Mad Libs" by Roger Price "It's A Dog's Life Charlie Brown" by C. M. Schultz "Peanuts Every Sunday" by C. M. Schultz "Parties for Children" by Kohl and Young "Party Book-Betty Crocker*s" "Dinner For Two Cook book-Betty Crocker's" "Outdoor Cookbook-Betty Crocker's" "Outdoor Calendar-Betty Crocker's" "Cookbook for Boys & Girls-Betty Crocker's" SPECIAL GIFTS '•a friendissomeone who likes you" by Anglund $1.75 "For You With Love" by Anglund & Unter- "»eyer $1.00 , lund $1.75 0 *P*cial Way of Feeling" by Ang¬ o'THe Prophet" Pocket Ed $3.50 by Gibron Regular $3.00 ^Tbe Art of Living by Wilfred A. Peter.w SPARTAN BOOKSTORE nS YOUR SUPER MARKET FOR EDUCATE CORNER ANN & MAC Thursday, May 31, 19«2 7 Plan Art Show Af Union for Says Life's Joys Few for Aged, Ailing .J1* j®y® of ,,fe «te few for Troubled by disease and the local health and welfaraapncles. T? Ch™nlc»"y U*. infirmities of age. andoftenfeel- the consultants work to MSU Artists peciaily those living out their mg rejected by society, nursing upgrade nursing home services and stand¬ Undergraduate Ki?' miss "J""81"* bomes, Charlotte says home .patients are fietful and ards. *rU«u will be able and Graduate Smith, nutrition hard to please. Miss Smith said The aim of their program, to enter their work in a Lnion Board sponsored V0"? ^cently in Kellogg Center. Miss Smith said, is to help make the nursing home a better and art show m All entries, November. Public Health Service Employed by state, federal and happier place in which to live. Baer. Glencoe. according to Don Ill.. junior and U£,0?_Bo;rd wOl be Judged ^al chairman, by faculty mem¬ bers on originality, handling of media and arrival at a solution. A student may enter as many objects as he wishes W.r.rcoiors. prlnts, sketches, and collages must be matted. Oils need not he f amed if ar¬ rangements for hanging are made by the artist. An explanation of Iso dependents. For further de- theme or utilization should also ulls write to: Commanding Of¬ accompany each entry. ficer, ORTt'AG 00-223,KS20 Fast ,«°li C.hos*n bY "'he-judges I arising. 4< will be , - displayed m the main lounge of the Union for one week. \olKs«ag«n Mlcrobus, A notice of price may accom¬ tr \v*g°n» or other com- pany each entry, t station wagon. Call 355- pany each entry, if the student „ ii wishes ro .*11 his work. fS?R00M HOME, furnished 'Food of Future' m'urr.ished, Lansing. E.Un- VOICE LIBRARY SET FOR Write Jjl for summer or year. c, pnvh Ave.. Milwaukee bert Vincent, FALL-C. Ro- Assistant to the Director of ovel library of which Vincent it Developed Here Libraries makes preparation for the III moke voice A food of the future grand topes available to student*. used as ti'SF ■*- OR apartment for 4 male. opening of the voice library in the fall. The State News Photo by Mark Krastof. a snack, appetizer, confection, stiKlents. June '62 to dessert, or on salads, Freshmen Is the new¬ or Sept. *62 to June est milk product from the Overwhelmingly food ne >55-3834. 46 science department. Developed by Theodore 1. Hed- CT rfl ,,v -ouple wants to rent protect) comfortable Endorse "Go to Case." Life in That Is the Coed Dorm rick, dairy fruit mix Is made from milk protein and milk con-. * available. At the end of the term c«llrfttear—fvult. man, vanfflaT" on of nine out of ten , . stu- only 25 per cent expressed that received a tremendous endorse- kV * : ~er" to'March dents> >n in u* the new nan, hall, according " Abda Lerner, to the results of ai point (wiw of ui view. vkw, —---■ v»nt» a r : or call 355- naIre announced by Leroy Olson and expected t^t ^ °he vaf ^"-m 1L of the department of evaluation Olson. a great deal," said an°. ^ said they liked the coed °f the wwnen nror»in r.™?1 dining , share apartment ^ervices. Most of those questioned said n t £ Z Kblocks fror.canpuf for sum- The questionnaire, given to afrtang»rnent. Less than one-half ... " P®T ce"1* they thought the amount of study- of 0I* Percent of the men dls- Mary at 355-7053. If600* o{ the good old days of 1 The students were also asked left: Pleated dress in white or yeUow journalism. The pink. 8-16 sizes. to state some of their likes and Dairy Store Is qulres j8 - — dislikes aisnxes arout about trie the coed coea hall slt- Right-. Shirt-styled stripe in blue or green. 10-18 sires Experimental Each, 17.98 IEFFR ABLY Selling i< Peo- and WOMAN grad. Ple. * ""burden themselves hon- r students between . hon_ One of the dislikes working girl to share classes has been m apt. near only one of for this realistic drama I* three 5aSe c'oned by women was the demands SSnTUS ^womet""" " J",able. ED 2-6421.campus, the sen,ces provided by the MSU made on appearance by the coed Dairy Store since it was opened ... All c situation. This, reflected the inI956- Summer Circle , ^Personal Located at the end of the are open to anyone interested castings polnr that the women couldn't Plant behind Dairy Anthony Hall, the studenrfacultv ' ^ •people, run around in added. haircurlers. Olson jjm PovtiiU Dairy Store provides an outlet for the products produced in the plant, as well as acting as an T Night Will Be experimental station for new types of dairy foods. J Sunday A customer in the Night can make selections from Dairy Store a wide —and annual Lan- assortment of cheeses, eggs, t Night will be held Sunday at MSL' creamery butter and milk, 6 P~. in front of Cowles co"«ge cheese and all flavors f, thehomeofPresidentand of lce cream, in either cones Hannah. The oc- or bulk packages. *111 honor 50 women. outstanding items sold are se- lected, processed and packaged h'V*' >v'ortsr Board and Tower a* MSU. - sponsorers of the event Consumer acceptance studies [ serenade tfe women Thurs- have h*®" made to determine at their n will living units, market reactions to certain dairy leave the Union P^13 "nd varloUs package I; •» P.m. and put tiny lanterns designs. and sorority Several t types of cheese, outstanding sen- such " a low-fat cheese, cheese containing pieces of fruit, Dagano «ldent Hannah e the names of will an- cheese, and-fresh frozen whipped the honored cream recently developed by the ii Sunday at the traditional D^'ry Pl«nt have been tried out J^fes. r\osle K'uhn, Mortar successfully, t preslde"t and mistress of The store is also utilized by pontes, " win present each students of dairy plant managing recognition note. ,nd merchandizing as part of will also give ouh their practical experience in management. KaPPa Kappa Gam- ^ w,nn«-s of lng. will perform there. Ikai Price Peace ? " |8e Varg' i Topic b^Tliyrs. Fri, Sitcj workable settlement for EXCLUSIVE^ |jftt1C0'*lstenc* Possible In Drive l> Showing I |»ny kind * or towards of U. S. uniUteral disarmament WlLTMm foolhardy today? i f toSome of the lv.niz«i, rubber vul- .nS n" M^xed.ealtl*. MIpe^ie hypnotized. But I J!*"******'- | *** News - Palladium 8 Michigan State News, Kast Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May ai 1^ BIKES SOLD FIRST DAY 1 had mere than » ntd thla pleated advertiser." ^ > Automotive if Automotive j* Employment "ft For Rent T For Sole |955 BUCK ROAOMASTKR - 2 106! RAMKl FR AMERIC AN con- ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIR- B-flat Normandy Clarinet. Ooo 2-ftSgS. free film _ VOLVO - 2 door, 4 apeevl W CWFVROLET Bel Air - 4 h 5-TQ1. 48 FALL TERM Approved aupar- ECONOMICAL MO-PEO-motor¬ transmission, clean, mw« sell door, v-*, atandard ahlfl At- risad roonvn lor man. Spartan cycle. IWJ. excellent condition KODACOLOR FILM alt* 620 or $1150. SS5-MM or see at ISIS C» llall. 21? Lot»ls. One block from Leaaa for aummer for $S0. Koo. 127. Fraa roll wlO» aech roil tractive yellow finish. I Ike m*1 M fQf Rent »5-0S«0 after 4;30. rmv-M-utv \ uu«*. 46 Onhr $*>5. — campus. EO 2-2^4. ■*? left for davoloplrg and A"t" VF NtToN MEN, room 'ptVnrOCOPY MAPITINT - COfVH# MLOST & FOUND APARTMENTS available June 12. boanl. $14 per w*ak. roonv onlv. exactly in seconds) Contact p« in¬ * PERSONAL $*5-$il2. I till tie* included. 15 per we»k, »>pan»n(pa available ter 14 /24" with timer. Cheapl MAREK REXAIX Only $10*5. - 1» Call Parking. l\ 5 9818 after 6 SO. 46 EO ?-»T04. Darnall. 46 PRFSC^RIPTKIN CENTER .PEANUTS PERSONAL t»5S TRIUMPH, TR-\ good con¬ • REAL ESTATE ELMER STEELE 301 N, tTlppart (by Frandor) C dition. with Ivth herd and son MO l\)RSCOt) IERS "Vespa. A- •SERVICE t.y*. volt ir 2-E581, RAMBLER 3 ROOM APARTMENT to aub- Q UIK V CvlMFOR r ABLE SIM mar tea's Etna at." New low ♦TRANSPORTATION let for summtr. Completely fur¬ MER ROOMS for men. $ . *o. nrlcos for simiuier. 125 nnnlel Fraternity Creswd gra«luauon 195$ V01 K<\V A GEN Nadu r*d - nished Phong S5VK>^. « and $5 singles. >4 and S3 each i»^ulat $3$^ now $34^.SS. 150 gifts and Michigan State Unlver- .WANTED . upholarerv Radio ao\t heater, as doubles. whltewells, clean. Esc all ant A*rl'KO\ w|*arvta*l *pt ^or mv>del regular $42* nv^w $SS#.50. aity Created graduation glfta slwuld be orvliretl now for June DEADLINE: $$*V W-2'5" ^ U VOMOVIX I- KFPMK S-S n»an. Showar, parking, a^ec- Close to campus. Meal for »er "Buy now- ami »a\»." One s m.1 gtiminer r«»fa IV V0SM 4^ Cycle Shop, IV 4-0SftJ. tf delivery at tha Card Shop. Acroaa ;o.V ViKvlK\ aVWt'KTimV PUMPINv- ani PAINTING out iou* students. ^ cw,>king, from the Ibma Economics Build¬ f,*' ' Fewer steer ing, aeata, brake*, smctaltv. Ml foreign cava. Kal- rknisiun apartment parking furnished, but rentable l*Jft0 Remington Kand j>>rtA{vle ing. w tndows XV mat. Prtca! to sell amasoc St. Body Sbop*W racket avfttUNa for aummar, I badroom. close by. Phone 3S2-22W *N*"* typewriter. Excellent condition. -PHONE: : *11 utillttaa. NterrleJ ovH^lapro- ings, weekends, or visit 4.S Call 33?-»H>l. Aak for Rad. 46 ferro>J. v *11 SS.VRWS #fte«- 6- 46 Ciwa Street evenings. Venw**ks 355-8255 or 8256 stvKlents only. -Approved. Private FINALS? . ( Summ «r v;;«»pt\rov«vi S i\w.« fur - EUROPEAN FLIGHT TICKFTS- ntaharf apt, to sh*i-e Ne*r c*m- r*v> routvl trip - $265 each to RATES: M.S.1'. student, faculty, en^loy- DON'T PANIC! cvwdmon $U>V. FP ?_Sh^. P*»» v *11 12 1 *nd 5:30-6:S0F.M. MALE s n ni-N VS 1 DAY < complete lub- hi> ~-»14 approvvd ee. SS".;W1. St.00 "*Tn ; 46 STUDY a n.)FS FOR « v>Mlit> T F \ - 4 l"\«rgoaen. Kit- 3 DAYS iJ 00 Skimwar term prtv»ta ftirrvlahavl Boya Junior Bike, 24 inch. C-ood 5 DAYS. S3 00 Ve^ ' Httle t vi*. clear,, SKV skilled ser- I bedroom apt Two c« f»tth 3 single b^ls - oook- sevs and twin bal^y butler, best asvl parkli^ facllltlea - $S ofter. t year crib and mattross, all EP» 2-5- Rv*>OM A\ All ABIE during sum¬ excellent quality $35. BPT-1161. ,ar\1 wos-i. ,\YvNER GRVNl"> Rl\ FS OOLl.EGE MANOR hltchelor References required. EP2-S"*4S. Automotive and S'KRTAN VESJ'A. $ltV, See " Mrtomitive" apsnment av a llabl elmmedla- F\w .V>--A\*4 C telv $40 per rxwth. Call P heading. SIMMER ROOMS, unapproved. SINGER SIT Sv< VPtR Si-vtv outg%v«- *-2511, PVT. 52 before 5 PM. MEN'S APPAREL, used. Suits, — toats, Fux. $ia* X* to 42. Sw*at Model 307 GR AND RBER SlngPi V ars, shirts amj slacks. Sumr.ter $5 monthU ■'}: vV'J ANTEp Kooj and winter. Going into the Army. tr, ED 2 5214. Mon - Sat. 10 - 5 p.rn Wa delivTi ''" 33*-2702. > 45 the brand !*» Swrn- J DEPENDABILITY CRB ATE RvWMF for men. IVo 1*2, at oitlv S44..V " " " bkvks from Union Building. Prl- CIGARETTES AM BRAND, $1.^ IS IMPORTANT $1.00 carton with purchase, Coif $5 down and S vai-e entrance. Call ED 2-1441 special offers af*r 6 pan. or on Saturday. 4~ Palls, Wilson, Spauldlng etc. Re¬ paints- Si.55 dear balls, bats, REMEMBER! dents t M.S.1 SJNOl V AND dotsble for men gloves, fish gear, sleep baga, STRATTON camping equipment, surplus all A HOLD CARD AT students. Summer and next y«*r at bargain prices. FoxHoleP.X,- SPORTS CAR includes private parking, tele- F ran dor. (Y^ry een, F, F. 1i snslng, 4" BCNK PFDS, maple, with stres¬ DIAL l\ rashed. $o5 a month, summer MEAN A DELAY, cation picture s. approved. ED 2-5"55, John Board »nd room approvedhous- ses, S30. Man's 26" bicycle, new or ★ Employment tns, nule or fenvale^ for Summer tires. $'.50. Phone S55-->QQS. 4" lag daily at noos dio, Okemos. Kc -,w.vBEDRCOM IJNFtKNKHED term or all summer. Call IV. 2-S4<>4 4J LAWN MOWER, electric. Sear's STUDENTS tion guarai-ipf... Call ED 2-616^ »uv fenced yard. Ml baswmeat Craftsman, used onlv 6 weeks 3 L.ARGE, attractive. alngW w;t>, rentable room, ft** utilt last summer. 550 ED ~-*36o. Portraits, applicatioa*. | rooma, close to campus, panc- MUST PAY THEIR ties. fr«e gar-tge, rwv bkvks ports. ing available. ED 2-IS6S. Grad. atxKteits preferred 45 1^5" ALLSTATE MOTORSCOOT- WANT AD BILLS BY SAVE CASH INSTF C>fH| Si'ACFS OP FN FC-K fall term FR. Good condition. ■>*- bouateg upstairs, prlvaa Si00. Call Gary. 3.5VS44". ING STAMI'S I i Room and board $155. Beal 47 raaca. Mar. vacuums upper FP 2-VVV5, 4' MONDAY your cleaning to Wealrw'iB , . ideal for ecu pie with close to campus, psrlting ftacill- Call JoaL 355,1455 4" and pressed. : :v SV EARN $2000 THIS idror s«e«k;ng spaoe. nice re- riea 525 Albert Av*. ED 2-ISS4. St., 12 block Summer:: "J or lc«*r. Should be »x> ^PEANUTS Frandor Store * asi pietsen: with rosjraers. ■PERSONALS TYPING SER\ 1CI ir«<: x c! LATE MINUTES cost time, mon¬ s. See i-v a-pcirtment, TYPING Service, phon- ey, inconvenience. Inquire NOW, SS2-22l^ evening, weekend, papera, thesis, - ; SIMMER HOISINC Farmhouse 1061 Bl"RON !W. 50' x 10'. Near save on N.Y. - N.J. Greyhound or twv kase. Avail Call ED 2-05T. . vwar Fraternity. Excellent food and Charter. ED 7-0216. 4? A^. or Sept. 2. 4* location. F or details, contact V APARTMENT, summer Dick Ross at ED 2-8635, 47 CHARLIE: The game's off. We're bv Post Offu-e. Call ED 10 S«a going to wash cars Saturday at FBERLINER 50" x 10*. . *fr. 1 man for fall. Approved PLEASANT ROOM for male stu¬ dent. Graduate preferred. SS65P. No down pavm,erst. Hava- tartan Texaco by the A & P, " EXPERIENCi Quiet, P : clean and nna Trailer Ccurt. Lot not far from campus, 11, 4S4- typing, term pap« rv 2-SSCM S6~?. 45 47 ectrlc typewriter. \MUiisuj da 11. ED 2-252i. WCVFN STL p.r N r summer Real Estate term. Appro vex' rooms and apt. East Lansing Near close to campus. Cool and com- school. Owner Elementary fenabia. Ed :-56". 40 N58 EBERL1NER, 40' by 2 leaving city. Of¬ fers easy to live with 4* bed¬ ^ \rS-c bedrooms, parked tn East Lans¬ appointment. 47 SERNK7E rCl'BL E for fall *rm rrer, ing. CaU ED "-0016 46 EAST 2100 W, Ma:r.. Urja$ I on Bogue St. Contact John IANSING, ranch stone, B ^-2652. : V*.N PIMGALCW. Approved, Bant-clomew a: "P 2-?Xn?.' 3 bedroom ranch style, 83'xlU" usape—.-.sed, for suenmar term SiNCU; ^ Lost & Found lot, fireplace, built-in kitchen, •ANN BROWN, tvpistoi^ orJy. Can EI" 7-22*:. 47 :\XPLE rooms recreation 11 th offset for Lost Sunday night modem room, nuny extras. print inc. IEM.Qr men. Summer, air condition¬ pin. $r.500. 1656 L inden: ED 2-4073. '•« ANTET ROOMMATES rc s^.ire ing, separare en:ra.->ce and bath. silver and geld with peari in — typing, term pajerj. s»oderr. artrarme 222 Beal S:. ED "-^10 after middle. Sentimental value 355- Mrtattoos. 3 duplicaatfl apt . 'nicely "*064. FAST LANSING ses available. MultiliAp furr^s-he; SSO. 46 - Transferring carpeting. f:rep!*ce. 45 patw cal. smittv. s3--«s4. «~ owner has priced to sell a 4 white, 4 oolor)., Oxaiii, CI SUMMER \ AC WCIES - .C"4 Found set of 3 keys, near Hor¬ bedroom ranch in the Marble Print. ED 2-33*4. Evergreen. Cooking, recrwnor. ticultural Building bikerack. Max- - St. Thomas area room. Ju.'t one fcJcsck to LYjoc. have for price of ad. Call 355- with built-ins, 1 1/2 Large klt- PROFESSION U~ " *. Car: 5.»:-::q5. 3544. nnlsned basement, outdoor baths, college degree. exceiW* :MCS 45 liv¬ - June or laser to Jaa. rences. Thesis *rr. " v>li World er- ing area with grill, attached Ssnfle rooms for men, two Mocks LOST - Petge color eti Bam cuds gar¬ 2-5546. anew. Raaabv Grand, spa- age. FHA available. CaU 2-8926. from Cnioo, ^a/king, JuBe 10 to Jacket with glasses in pocket. . Sept. 1. S6a Call ED 2-*34. Need glasses for exams. Lost in t.f-. rrjdents. Phone ■ ' t-f. football stadium locker room. OKEMOS 4 Reward Call Tom Wlerman. ED - bedrooms, 2-1./2 MEN-APPROVED for summer baths, balcony, large taxi fall arms. Prfva» home. 7-1611. livingroom. STREET - 2 bed- 47 dmiag. utility room off kitchan, - house. S college 3 mmotes ro Union. £D 2-131?. overlooking Red Cedar River. THESE? PRINTED j mofflK Lease arc •fr Personal Under $30,000. ED 2-3304. 46 Rapid Sen if KL. Viae yard.Call JLDITH RUBENSTEIN AM) F AST LANSING. NE AR - 3 bed- Diazo Prooe«5 - RONALD J. MALLER come to rxwn ranch, carport with storage wr ci-.niPDL r the State News Office, room 54<>, unit, carpeting, tile bath with capital cm TRMLERS Student Serv ices : . i V i U r DP# EC- Building for vamty. gas heat, tiled basement, 521 S. —•= Fal! etna, 5eft. i *ort „ FOR RENT OR SALE- Travel you free passes to the Crest paved streets and sidewalks in ^ Jr.,e-Ir. : ports - ' dtdterm t-sd a&8t* tr *maZ tracers IS" te 1~ mcdels. Alsc "."beat.-ie. 4? lovely Hillbrook Park. Large, SIMMER, crsr.pieieh itrauM. . crxp* r:C:arep-»tort F*r*r- Raafer Tew Campers. Kesi beautifully landscaped lot. Sefc- xsnce ix sncsa. wr,r» and eda>ra- modern, 2 tofirswe* Mctnad C*tver Sale*. ISa* Haslert Ri WE'RE but not politically neutral sifcie at $16,950 with $850 down EXPERT THESES,< S3ART AN MOTORS FamJy ealy. O^drest. weJcoesae. F*hase ED 2-A86L our auto insurance for fac¬ on FHA terms. 5735 TYP&JG. Ele:r;C'' Ogfc J: 4.5 Sndkre. ET 2-14JS. <~ 47 ulty and students is. Buhobt. ED Bayotme. Call FE 9-2417. fNC. 2-8671. 45 By owner. 17 carma grve fee time, A% C».' Cm- V ?L1E. For Sole BR IOC 3 bedrotai MOT £. VPCHJG»> .. T! home, 4 years atArtfte^craatpR "T ^,b'2-4 WINCHESTER B<^action revest:- GRADUATION ANNOUNCE - old. 12 minutes from campus in TERM PAPER? «rttfr^Vra Ab»t Late Lansajg. MENTS with your name, double Hillbrook Park. Owner transfier- Smat £E». Hucfclra.. SMms St, Ha»- FE +-22^4. fag rifle, .22 caliber. V'lrruallv envelopes. tissue s. 2 day service. red. ctarately typ^ ^' || EP C«vg®J $75 or best offer Can thesis typir leei, Mart. Tedtesbeme 7. ne». SSS-9>~2. 46 Myers Pracing Service, 1421 E. $£,5°°. $1,700 dc-wo. Can Mortgage 4-1/4. FE 9-836S. 47 tten. CaU ichigar; Ave. ' IV 22-55-4. 47 lfi PLy.AND STREET HEL" EDUCATION PROGRW ECS: SWWE? SCHOOL.- 2^an« SIMMONS H1DE-A-BET^ freer STUDENTS*. Reliabie acMce or, h«ne. furnished Gas - 2 tSb EDIE STARR TRH7T0R, College graSaate, netti, hot ..etncle rx! tosMe d«tr, chair sa«. hrtdra, garde- Heat, across dissertations f om LES f^trance. Talk it srver with fiC rtme Sgeei'.ifti I. racA. roonsa, prsKtae tools and hoea. large vooden f^F campus. To settle estate. eral typing- -^'(*7^ eisraece.par- STANTON. He cm help typewriter SIS* DCCK2 pHve-teal fjsnesta, «Bem»8t a13 cinf., dose jc :.icrps».CaIlEDl- yoe Ages>cy. Inc. IV 4- electric - - S--7S;. « sasr ^ P^s ywsr insurance budget. 1500 .70°2- 47, E. Nficfctgan. IV 2-0689. C47 l|g W ^ Service CWCAOOt V* THAVEL anywhere - say Q«llty c^ertnTfcrlS tmrt MTV HerritfJ^ ^ °fc*al«*a - to fit your taflpt. 9-3343, Catering Service. IV YORK - c Charter I® s is una g EXCELLENT T.V. RE PAR on an maces and models. AH ww* (tide wanted Open 8 a an. so 8:30 pjn. T.V. Ted«lclaas, 3022 8. Michigan. Can IV 7-$a». C Michigan SUUNcwa, East Lanalng. Micht*., Thursday. May 31. 1962 9 Cmon! Lefs Go On The Rides Parks, Fun Highlight Memorial Day Break •Do t Gotta Go? . "But I Don't Like Roller-coasters "Can't We Go On The Merry-Go-Round?" SUMMER JOBS FOR M ILE STUDENTS miner jobs, with ..>!es promotion SCHOLARSHIPS: I6-SI.000 Scholarships 16-5500 Scholarships SALARY: j SEE BRITAIN: i"lldayln • And You Call This A Holiday?' For Interview Call College Director Cap and cotch House Gown Proud Portrait Present State News Photos By Mark Krastof Special No Appointment Necessary CASH Pal Mitchell's for your studio 107 1/2 E. Michigan-Lansing Textbooks There's 110 need to and Peter Paw J I Swimwear deigned by Amerca's lug your Typewriter Paperbound fmt great I desipi talent home! Books You can have it stored Most summer term book Free lists for are your in—Sell Now! best price. at the Campus Book Store Stop in today at we can also clean and overhaul the department store your typewriter while you're away. for students Another Student Service of the fElusive Department Store for Students CAMPUS at the kotrfy Campus Book Store IBOOK STORE across from the Union ACROSS FROM THE UNION 10 Michigan State News, .East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, m,v , if- < Noisy, Brooding Locust Seen Student Invents department. and half Unit Me He he# tie v., ... Sinior dots student ia not too difficult," *dvertbmg Only Once Every w*u,u*7,l '"iict-j.vAuf -so Metnlete, Plceeeo. Klempner eekl. "01 court* my om reason ^ ^ ' The newly-elected Senior ^L,tJ^u£ as * Sen end Florence Nifhtlngeto - to ife buuft; Men—" me vine* *" ! M^ncy two~ y«4r, .^Wl , M h i I' I «he n n ccige studies interfere with your a»« officer® fordie 1962-63 school year »nnounc*1 Hje new L |#c0 ,d men while »t tending appeal. „ a doctoral candl- itr during the summer. Tlempwr October but we'll remedy that soon. 1 believe she has an ap- found thai weeesaful a,t vimuiif date in getwral communication thought of a an-advertising man. po intment for sometime next studied the 1 _ .*'! [ plans ^ swimming? \re you tsuci when 1*^ weather ruins it* Pick Metiler, Trenton since he likes advertising no week . . .* Which, whiW ^ Junior John Klempner. 24, isomploy- mors than his MWy^whichls .veekenJ? Well i' «o, take a look ami president oftheSenlor l lass. .jaJ™ ^ u>3'r"and GoVsags.*a at-all. Theafancy practically not "•— Kletnpner's background is in r?_w - v small* but famous a»sncy. per- accepts only thoee clients who . -»« math and phyalcs and psychology. j»f »upport»j Z !( >»tS onl\ Gerry Blowers, N\e«tfcur>. New lwal kltown for tW Irish h«ve Intenesting product* ami York, in charge of putellc rela- .^iskev campaign and Us Intro- interesting marketing situations, tlons; Ident Hannah; Petaie Hughes, Spring Cllt>. Pa.. receptionist for l'r^ h Doug t ronkright, ™*on0f [hi Beethoven sweat- "We would never take on the ^ whlch co-tnvxmted. agency has ten employees Underarm People," Me mpne r said, referring to makers of WHAT EVER YOU I ixetroit. In charge of Commence- ment: Steve c ole, (>and Rapids. ^ Us lhree pr#8|dants. vice dsoderant, patent medicine, and similar enterprises. for your car Yeor of tb» Locu«f--A n ciada *ej»tendeiim vison, service, metl3eius~SHtKl*mp»r ^petHts Mufflsri - Toll Plpet about one week in si* at; the the cigarette account, - Exhaust PiPei| .... m time to time. They a i Pill Carnett, Past Lansing, "home office". them that wed i arious itepth.v ustWp . Iievrfopment Pumi; Lynn Plsh- .ww *v ...... INSTALLED 1 er, Xurora, QL, In charge of Klempner writes New Yorker the sandwich spread, or phono- •' Senior of the Week; Gerald copy for all W&G*s clients. In- graph record or real estate busl- Holmes, Howell, homecoming: cluing Pagle Shlrtmakers. Paid the da- Hut son said. Then, in late May an Nftke Terry. Pontlac, social ami Mas son Winery, Pina Gasoline (the "Pink Air' campaign), and ness. As a matter of fact m were ami we did and we are. When Klempner finishes his Complete Shop Servi(e onUng io Hut son. f> V- June, the nymphs Kirr members-at-large, Clark Simp¬ Rainier Rebuilt Motor« and son ami Patti McMahon. of W, "It was Ale. for Rainier that we doctoral work In communication this quarter, lie will return to Transmission !ha: John iha IVapS; aivi emerge after dusk Hartford, Conn. developed the 3-B Sweatshirts." the agency to direct a major INSTALLED i;icmaSi in the Bible Vetstler said that Senioi- Coun¬ scramble up the twat*! cil would probably meet this term Klempner said. "They were new venture a company to pro- Speed Equipment •• Accettorl*, and shed their wywpk** i Kit a time has not vet been set sponsoring a classical music duce toys, books, games, DISCOUHTS TO STUDENTS AND fachi fic»r the meeting. program on San Francisco FM records, and magazines for T> radio ami I was writing the com- bright and girted children, menials. VVe could only milk "Working full-time for one Mediators our previous "Repeal the l*>th company, half-time at the com- KAMIN' S AUTO PARlfl Strike Vmendment" gimmick so far, munlcations research center, Fail in ami something new was needed." quarter time (or the education S26 N. UftCH A meeting with federal and On impulse, it was decided - tIn flies. al- le of dfcsing so. state mediators Tuesday failed to Keethoven Sweatshirt. IV 4-4596 ar wings, tw settle the re-enforcing steel- T** <*m morning, there wwkers strike which affects both K**1 orders In the mailbox ami > rngtneerlnc Building and ^ tad, written up by ^ Mon.-Frl. Saturday ade at a meet- J oj^the c:ca.,a, lnf M)iy 22 ^ Wrkej-s have I CHUCK ROAST -39 lp : .* \*ar *—cn strike since Nfay 1. group, also apsv. in Michlgar Another meeting Is scheduled | a th the union for the first of J vt week, Jeldema said. | Locked Latch Halts Welch, Mey Rehim Ffwn Cohr9do Study I Fun Ride in Elevator Welch, assistant proflsssor of natural science and | ! should ;urr, ro oper. he A>or. H.P. TUkey, head of the hoiti- I rbe ter worked, little culture ilepartment returned a | affer 1:30 a.m , N' > \(a||« fnMr' * —— meetinc of biological - Super Right er-erg*.t tPom the eh 'oulum study at tf* I'm1 of Colorado. Arm Cut The Committee of Semi Boneless Biological Turkeys L B. Johnson the button oOer. .loesr.'t wo: lemifs is working' on revision Mology textbooks am.1 lab books Beef Roast Ham r high school students. Introduces Miss MsBmcsom c)dm to I ;r.c the night ;r. theele>aroi "i\ikev and Welch are on the Profs' Book Fi-5E i *nphiftfiratrrt Summer i t Till ^ p.n nm fort 57 C 391 ♦ l our Choice HAiPIL' Cucumbers Florida SIR PERiOR* Radishes 3 Pascal Celery Green Peppers 25 extra plaid stamps Green Onions with each purchase California Aeir Bananas Jane Parker i POTATOES ANGEL Food CaU 69< A - Real Value 2 290 25 extra plaid stamps with each purchase ■ /Q ' ■ A & P Frozen Frankenmuth ORANGE JUICE ICE CREAM CHEESE 6 r, 990 1/2 gal 59<. Sharp Cheddar 5% BANQUET FROZEN DINNEIS| JKIGDON'S Jane Parker Chicken, Beef, Ham 39C, 11 oz I PURE OIL SERVICE Turkey, Salisburg Steak P*9 I i I maer Wannpertierr Nert tso McDo-ha;c"s 2 961 pe; you f«s»d> for Summer. & the famous Hasoe Sir j/t& tor soohisttcrted gentlemen Wasr< - POTATOE CHIPS Jane Parker Hamburg CHERRY Pit | r c* course but. more important, ryled m the Hasp* tr»c!rt*on pkg ! Student Discount 1 Z 59C or Cigarettes 25c i j The Sir Per** Cewrt \ this Hot and Dog Rolls of 8 230 8 In 39< j Top Value Stamps with Purchase ! a new t»c«eo type fmith Tones—67% Oecror (poiy esser), $3% CcCtcr t- s^?«, vieer Wend and Ann Page Ann Page Used Tires Charcoal The S»f Peoor Zephfr—€5% Decnon fpolyester) 35^ Afiscc* Rayon k- ertrer>e«y lifhtweagfit ta&r.c — «wt* Ketchup can PORK-BEAN'S 251 i-| troewca worsted took eccluswe lighter Fluid •39.95 Major or Minor 4 ~ 89( ■ iP Repair Work Your A & P ill IK Ar"- Brake Adjustment 751 I SliOLDEN® RE1D Corner of Hogadorn and East Grand East Lansing Super Market River All in prices In this Ad Effective thru Saturday. Williams ton Store end ell five Lansing A " Wfc S2.9C #a« pmrrtMf ate Otl • FRAKDOR SHOPPIN6 CENTER 1 Store Hours ctuiige •Famous Brands for Dad & Lad" 9 ajm. to 9 p.m. Satisfaction Guaranteed Monday thru Saturday