Stayinf for «h« summer farm? You can subscribe ft tha Paco» maker and All Ametkan State MICHIGAN Staying for the summer You can subscribe to the Paca- term? TATE NEWS Mews-tan waaks, two Issues maker ondAII American State p^f week-far JttSt $1.50. STATI Mews-ten weeks, two issues per week-for just $1,50 UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. Etst 210 Lansing, Michigan —jOj|—" ~-T in,""""" Friday, June 1, 1962 Price 10? Appropriations Bill Bars Me . t.26 Hits at Labor Housing Center Deadline Hannah Hopeful Bans Won't Stand Students Must Be 21 I3y the Associated (Mobal Press By This Date An appropriations bill Oy F. Malcolm Fllson for hlRher education reported out ICIim the A**oc ses Pits* Assistant City Editor »y < this fall, Sept. 26, will determine In the Senate today forbids Michi¬ gan State University to use any of the money to operate its Labor and Industrial Relations Center the eligibility of a student to ■ ■■aim live In unapproved, unsupervised or plan for a medical school. 1he measure, listing funds for housing. j tusk Concerned state supported colleges and uni¬ A student must be 21 on or versities. was one of a group re¬ J bofore this day or he will have \\\s|t!N(TTON - Secretary of ported out for debate by Sen. to live in university approved- I stcr arivJ would contribute to The schools are being given This latter Informs parents of lump sums and told „,_lr permanent security. ,,v. T_u TU._ , to figure the A 'CM THAT FINGER, ED .-Even dogs Ed Foster's _ responsibilities and circum- finger 1 out their own budgets within the I Jan With New Slant stances of living in off-campus unapproved-unsupervised hous- get physicals, and It appears they dislike them just as much as humans. That dog'* Zip who comporet with 01 in Health Center. Giltnei totals, Michigan State University is ,n£'It ... states that die ... . view of fifth year veterenarian student State Hews Photo by Michele Powers. given $30,928,402 under the bill, University - : up ficm the $29,667,219 h • the |«1tV I'erny Goodman's laz* can assume no the inspection, responsibility for current fiscal year. Of this, $e,2 MSU ■ raure in I mtngrad June 20 to approval, or mlllior Is or : -ked lor t « Russians a new slant on I George Gershwin's Rhapsody Pbe The arrangement was an- nouncec! Thursday. supervision matter to Your son or of this housing. where he or daughter, she chooses live, is bound by civil laws no Regulations Agriculture Ext.- and Experiment Station. The bill also on Services states that If Alcoholism R Michigan State violau-j the intent , The Gershwin tune has been Just as all citizens are: in add¬ of the legislature by trying to Iknc*- in Russia for a long time, ition he or she Is also bound establish a Medical school, then ■ hit generally has been rendered by five^ University1 ofregulations . Stringent _ drinking _ regulations Ame rlc an Medical Association HHH. ...i checking s the legislature "no longerdeems .~ ~.... ■ W the usual classical orchestra passed by the Board ofTrustees. and Trustees, and the fact that East Fast Lansing is la bulletin which said that about l dent l.D. credentials and proof Michigan State University prl> liasec! mainly on strings. Good- The violation of any one of the a dry town are the primary rea- out o( every 15 teenagers ts like- | rmr.'t five following rules could result sons for the low percentage of tard ha a no strings at all ly to become an alcoholic. a problem may be created when laed agriculture college i I ::rjes< in disciplinary action by theUnl- alcoholism among MStJ students, you -t an electric gul- Feurig said that the campus Fast Lansing abolishes its dry legislature shall be for ed to | tar -- ar.J a base viol which is The rules ."y® the letl*'. are: A student ^ shall ( saidofDr. JamesS. Feuritf. direct- Olln liealth Center drinking problem does not nearly laws, as it is planning to do. conclude that agriculture is r Btucksd or Thur approach the one faced by / confident that the city longer the basic course of study not possess or coneumealcohollc day. city like Detroit. would impose rigorous lie Speaks Out / .'"Z beverages. Including beer, any Michigan State I 'nlverslty on He was commenting on i "The rule which pre\ consumption the ■ manager controls upon fast Lansing liquor at the University and approp- riatlons for the Uni.vers/ty's . or possession agricultural activities shall be IcFTTYSBrRG Former Pres- . property or at his place of resi¬ alcoholic beverage in any type Tigers Top adjusted accordingly in the future - 'THIS COULD HAPPEN TO feert rtwlght a : isenhower con- YOU'-One...two...three...jump dence. of student living unit, tends to appropriations." te-deJ Thursday It wouldbe"de- is what this unwise swimmar did when he want to ona of the Members of the opposite sex keep drinking to a minimum, facrsMe public policy" for the nearby gravel pits for a awim. After kicking off his tennis shall not be permitted to enter ' Sen. Lynn O. Francis (R-Mld- Bedersl government to adopt a Tfsrm program limiting what a shoes, foreground, he dove into the water without checking die living quarters of a student. Chisox, 13-5 -less makes it taboo," w^me 'actuated to drinMng 'ancf)- upon questioning, declared the water depth. State News Photo by Mork Krastof. Each student is required to re¬ ncnjAir iPu. inW> Wood and "I realize drinking takes place i to drug addiction. he Persufld<^ ,!° ^,t.e [hr^er ,-ould grow on his own port his or her correct address „ .'A.,. , , off and on," said, "but ihe 1 olerance to alcohol i in the provision forbidding funds the I abor and Industrial Re¬ ■bra for Ms own use. at the time of registration. Bll,V B™on ^ k" inhibitions created by these rules able with the individual,' to Elsenhower's office issued it from the former Pres- ■idert «*er be was asked to com¬ a Gravel Pits May Be All group social functions must runs t0^y wl,h an be properly registered and chap- bombardment as the Detroit T gers routed tlie Chicago White Sox have curtailed it to a large de¬ gree." • said. "If it a person rapidly he will feel the ef¬ < absorb lations Center. The bill further specifies that Feurig complimented the local fects more readily, f xcesslve no money shall go toward plan¬ 13-5 in what started as a pitch¬ mit about an article written by All students enrolled for seven drinking establishments for their drinking, over a period of time ning a medical school at the uni¬ Impure, Says Feurig ers' duel. • .$. Rqp. Cather Ine May, R- or more credits must register can shorten an individual's life Wood whacked a three-run versity. ■Wiih. any motor vehicle which they . homer and a two-run double for Set for Delt Sigs span and cause general prog res¬. MSU President John A. Hannah operate with the Department of body deterioration." iNslidav Deaths 200 ■ CHICAGO Two hundred Me- Gravel pit swimming may look inviting to the eye, but there are esse contracted while swimming in these pits. "Swallowing some Public Safety. Dutch also announced that u five runs batted in. Bruton also , ind a three-run homer plus two doubles and a single, driving in Fund Campaign Over - Indulgence can add inches to the waist line too, lie sa)d edicts he was hopeful that the against spending money on the Labor Center and the medi¬ - two factors that the swimmer water Is enough to cause Jwrial Day accident deaths dergraduate women will be al- four runs as the Tigers picked caid, because alcoholic bever- cal school would be stricken from should consider before going. trouble," said Feurig. ■throughout the nation set a record There are many types of dis¬ "The excreatlon from animals (Continued on page 7) up their 10th victory in 12 games. ages have a fairly high caloric the bill by the'l eglslature. ■for a ore-day observance of the count. Beer, for example, has '"The Labor and Industrial eases that can be contracted in contaminates these waters. It I he heavy attack came after phi pay their fines will be field Hboitdsy .J1" Aspoclated Press counted these gravel pits, said Dr. James is possible to pick up any kind these gravel pits," Fuzak Taken neither club could get ahead In the first three innings off winner Paul on the first floor of Herkey 105 calories in he said. an 8 ounce glass, Labor Center was created by the Legislature," Hannah observed, ■ S. Feurig, medical director of of disease In Friday ■ traffic Jeaths, only threefew- ■ er than the record 109 estab- CMin. Paratyphoid is one disease that he said. The reason for contamination, To Sparrow Foytack and loser Dom Zannl. But neither starter was around Ten members of Delta Sigma phi's executive board up, ma fined "A senous disease known as "Similar cirrhosis of the liver is caused centers are In operation at wayne and Michigan." ■ l^'ej when alcohol J ..'ring the 1956 Memor¬ ial Hsv period when it also was can be contracted while swim¬ Feurig said, is that the pits them¬ John A. Fuzak, dean of stu- the end of the slugfest fea- a total of $500 by their Lansing whe" a,coho1 damages the causing scar ti.saoe to form," liver, the liver, The medical school plan ha» ming In these gravel pits. This selves are not purified, and there denta, was taken unexpectedly tuned by 19 hits, 10 for extra alumni control board for allow- f a"s,n* s<-ar ta form the approval of both Wa'^e an* tie said. A person who drinks too [' we-day holiday. disease infects the Intestinal re¬ is no one to make sure that these to Sparrow Hospital Wednesday bases. ing Communist Robert G. Ihomp- Michigan, Hannah said, J The .... much is just"picklinghis liver. pre\-ious over-all fatality gion of the body, he said. Dys¬ waters will be safe for swim¬ afternoon After failing to hit the ball out son to speak at the fraternity "Strictly speaking," he said,- ■ record for accidents also was set Feurig agreed with the A.M. A. ..,t ls not a medical school. "Our ■ to the l<»5f observance when 174 entery Is another common dis- ming. Fuzak is now undergoing tests of the infield in the first three that there has been a trend in our Other reasons that he men¬ for a kidneystone ailment. No innings, the Tigers bunched all The ad hoc committee is con¬ pi,nning fS f0r an institute of culture i he last several years ■Persona «ere killed. blologlcai sciences." Israel Hangs tioned were the stagnation of the results are expected until the water, certain algae that cause early part of next week. 13 runs Into the next four, . Foytack. lightly regarded in the ducting the campaign because it feels that the Delt Sig*s defending the rights of all tlan of Student Pereon- not to blame for the horrors of said Feurig. Indiana State Even if you know the depth of |*«leEe. Hitler's death camps and torture and temporarily suspend on time despite the re-enforcing the pit. he explained, you may I "1* resignation followad an come back the very next day and son's moral values. steelworkers' strike. •wouncamant "The primary responsibility Work has completely stopped by Indiana find out that it has changed. for education about alcohol rests on the Engineering addition, CjJty he W0ul(J J°ta thalr "The tragedy of it all is the Injury that can be Inflicted to in the home," Feurig said. Adam Hullnek, plan engineer said will ba made a full the neck and to the spinal cord Thursday, -but It could still be essor of t ■ finished by mid-November as counseling and guld- and nerves," he said. "The . a; Indiana Sute and wlU nerves that can be damaged do Foreign Students scheduled. h ' slx y«r graduate course not heal like skin since they don't t j-, a • » "We exPect ^e contractor to Jp^-e. counseling and stu- Go American meet the completion date of Aug. . Personnel regenerate themselves. 1, on Wilson Hall," Norman Pot- » administration. Feurig suggested that students , , . . . . . program Is offered in con- ler. mana8er of resi- JTOor with use'the campus facilities. 33 Americans mo- from nm Michigan dent Indiana University, housing, said. State celebrated Memorial Day lgan Suta U agraatunl- The strike has slowed down but thera cornea a time Sigma Ni Picks Up the "American way" Wednesday. _ The International C - ,, . - work on the center section which t« f, °W>ortunlty pra- committee of the All-University option lncIude9 the facuJty offlce8, pub. ■ * I"« Mid he 'tself,' he said. All Sports Trophy Student Government sponsored a „c areas and M ^ ^forcing steelworkers facilities. was laavlng Mlchl- picnic for the group at Kenslng- 'ndUne State Sigma Nu made two runs on roclcbu8ter8 had finlshed work ®ge win offer two hits to score a decisive ton Metropolitan park near ^ rocms Mor. a bottor op- for victory over Farmhouse In the Brighton. afrit® furthorlng his pro- fraternity playoff for the All IC. Shah of India director have ^ fn-l experlanca and «LUpay of the committee, said eight of on Siports Trophy. ^ _ In an earlier game; Sigma the American group were faculty strUte slnc* May L ar* Nu defeated Lamda Chi Alpha members. chambers, died on tha fallows 'MARCH OF NICKELS' PLAQUE-Com- Sixteen foreign countries were and last night wrapped i*> Its Thursday naming. President John A. Hannah in Aviv, Ramleh prison outside Tal Trophy championship with a 2-0 memorating the firs* Big Ten victory in Pat- right, joined Dr. Anthony Koo, initiator of represented. Shah said. All foreign students who made the Weather victory over Farmhouse, Sigma nan mathematics competition, this plaque tha plaqwa idaa, center, and Dr. Leroy M. He was tha first parson ex- Nu won tha trophy by a bora trip came to the campus within It will be partly cloudy with - ecutod hy this domlnantly Jewish (cantor) honoring Robert E. Greene, second Kelly,the mathematics team coc:h in recog¬ the past year. tha high temperature in the - nation In its 14-year history. from right, Richard D. Freeman, not shown, The outing was part of the nizing the team members. mid-70s Friday. Saturday's Oaath tor the S*-year-oid and Fradrick J. Gillmon, second from loft, Stata News Photo by Mork Krastof. American Brother-Sister pro¬ t gram. outlook is fair and coaler. was installed in tha University library lobby r 2 Michigan Stat® News .EDITORIAL. Kaft Lansing, Michigan _Frtd*y, June Letters: On Breaking Records, Mice, etc. To the Editor: College level ROTC program* th*V-*inocT^T Thailand, l aoa. and VW Nam? student mikM? ! h*v* thOMght he I'ongr* rulatton* Alpha Kappa proWle the bulk of the shavetail MlCF like YOU» ebo cell thorn- should hope onto, it I* tha duty of yowif *"*£" belief*. tMt*--ln t* not! people to ho educated, There- tagt ua "" ovor Communist «••»■«* We've been told that by allowing a political subvert winnInn the "Junior lieutenant*; the future leader* of selves men? IndJvtAmU who can Th# I «f audience W»» luwroCT we* veegeful. rnyiwra, TWO, II tt It unfair n» is unrnir to WW the qiul- *« fipeet, " l*JJ? , —# no pood in ROTC progrsm* raucous, and uncouth. On the mod smdent who wishee to be U*fr«rat«y. *» well w »* Ch*r» on the hallowed ground ol a atata-supportevi umT ** rl* high tuition. On the other of the nation, that such men Well, Michigan Stat# haabetrayed nobody up n ifR! reported M#y 2t in the State *U1 bo required to lead enlisted u*rv, Nro Jime, Cuam. andOied- were more Interested in makln* hand, the creation of «n ac«- preaching eucha contra*tln« Wo ve been told that had the Board of Trusts, ciZz* \ew*. wen through the rigors of basic acenal G.I.S who have already «ach other laugh ovor pointless domic elite l« not desirable for Ideology to our own ahouldcreate light to the Red orator. Michigan State could exp*, ,,* On Nov 1st, W5C. the National training. then possibly *11 out given their lives once. so In- wit, then In hearing what Mr. « democratic country. conft»«lon and discontent where- million to be sliced from tt« annual wvwrtaUons. Mm of the I", s. (Jenkins, Spur- if they csn*t take the heat dUktaal* who attend thl» uni- Thompson had to say. Thua, those i sincerely eiv hope you will kindly nor* vouwui suwtv ever they appear. 1 waa ashamed \v«4U everything la A-Ofcay. MSU, tnc. ha« in#mi _ i ter, Courtney, fones) set the wool uniforms on, bor " * " — ' —* it the—"phll- ' position aa not in " * favor of the actions which took place with the legislature. But lletwl I aympathire «.«(, lh * Ntl worKf s record for the mile re- lay. Their time was three mln- future leaders fUJlire defender* Of OUT COMntry " ' democratic society" ..v ** " — >— ■ ainvu u«« i Kt^iSt^onW. iv . airwrniwuiiiTi among the audience of the lecture . I empathise ,lrt_ with Pre^dent Hannah.J in.tM.1 rti# itrsdicament the* fir*d. can •pprecu?JJ-«*| ■ a^in. nmww «i*y dwhuvt I i p^i imnnm, itvni —— ---. - take fre "heat in bask training __ . ',} seconds have the stamina, prUH lo>«e mob.....* mob In action. But listen some morel I also aympathi*^ will ftill field oqutpmerit on their MV a Michigan communities should *IU be remedied In the future, . ... \lpha kappa root's junior for the democratic ideals of this ,\nd they alee heani prejudiced Kim Strickland Hatcher and the Board of Regenta at the Unlvw-Mtv r,"% • have the tame privileges and S» hacks? if vwi think nishtMon relay Mtm nan 1/10 of « country and not hot. hlistertTH; «»> om the Mich- some "comical" pupils, w^o at- Allowing one Communlat to apeak on PaiU F, Cblen campus i, j Or»it\itig at Igan State rniverslty ' battle- v»nd this university. ofaclals had to decide a ■ - - • v - - 1 as Fort Hood. Te»c- Fort I e«>Rar\i Wood, Mo.; or field." After alt, Mr. Thompson wes InSCiplltiV Resolution Lst's face It, permtmufi a PAIR 0. , c>orge Janves \gas invited to apeak, by the students. ' sully the virgin Wolverine territory Is worse than'-,- Fort Penning, i>orgta it is pier- To the Editor: « B1M Pvitterfleld Hall And therefore, it was the obli- To the bdltor: thia latter H a un-un-American-American! - ty hot at tfros* ,-ountry club*, M5-145S ^tion of the silence to haw I found it heartening to read r„ ^LT-iSi ThJ M m* of our- Knd >*« ^ I*** not ,n " backyat 1 N:, Poya or ahould we a*v lV*bie«* number of the \(Sl .fffjtU ntV? «not*h poise and sophistication to in the May 25 issue that selves, ami we feel a Sf significant , slRnirican «>cllltlea -- xMth chairs, a podium, a roof. etc. ^ ^ f<>r {h# .bolitlon of the House Com flint because they listen to what this man had to say, the Army policy is gentlemanly and ladytlke c«ptanc* (to fainttng dwlng par- American ActlvlUes (which Juat goes to siiow t\,; ,n _ * ( not physically i"«-vp«rav1 m to the Editor _nd for Naif an Kw in th« awn, If r. ades)." It's gocul to know that ^ rdo no, feel thst ^ R«olu- i>e niajvv ity 7n m> estimation the Board of . If they had braved behaved in this our military mllitsrv isn't forblvMiixg It, tlori 3,sT^ AU-Unlveralty , AlT-Unlveralty Snnlent JSJ2S? ofjbe male stu- TYustaea has Just scored a vie- nxvi*. they probably would h*v* awl that it remely: en- ... r^m«t ^TZpr^s^ c^vemment was n a m# wlll'call for the abolition of Ae the University of Mu V«ikjoJ i which we would like • callW| Af the niteti States « es* Arh°- r another. U^en that phraseology speak the atudents were complete speech, they would have on hand to take car \\Hi be able \ i** apparently defending the Pill of disreapectfiil atnl misconstrues known better the basic premises seriously 111." the intent tipon which it was ~ it because your Select!1 "* K tghrs- - more apectfically, . ^ _ • - - the *-* of Mr. Thompson'* «aixi and '— *-— *- Further on, one r«ad« based. S«rlou«ly, it will be interesting to see what v right of free apeecb. But, did *- have been better (qualified ROTC boys have to i We leaders In Lansing take In regard to Michigan's the student* allow Ntr. rhomp- question and debate with tor urge the Hoard of Trustees •a! hundred thousand dollars from n part of the "growing ip pro- son to speak* 1 sKsdJ think not Thompson calmly and Infellec- cess" (whatever that is,) Tut w ccm#K1er th« principle behind R ' C,T From the banning of the Kesolution S, and to disregard nially- - and not on a purely etrto- nx. VMvat If not, Michigan State ha* one alternative. Hut speech, the students heckled and tiona) basts, aj^ntradictlon-put ^ tacUess way In which it move the campus as far away as possible fro: mocked Mr, Thompson r«»lved ami presentevl How"e>f nothing that will more Gwendolyn Greeny iVeel. i pile the whole » table*" violence directed at Ntr. Tliomp- quickly toughen tip—end tmke Board Are rhese the remarks which son «f>cw Mvt^Sy Justification for them immune to the petty sad- ^ Nancy J ellnek. President, Wom¬ the New Frontier. informed and mature college the Poard's decision. For, it v* en's Inter-residence Council Perhaps we could leave the Labor and Industrial isms of little men playing God. ter here to divert Senator Franci* and seems to me, many MSI stu- Barbara Boyer, Chairman W1C keep him »- The whole episode points ip wherever we decide to settle. dents are not prepared to tol- the ludicrous nature of edi\rat- Fresident'* Council Control doctrine* different from ing young people to think for peaking of rrudt, have you noticed the conflict erat* Bo their cwt, if, and It seems highly themselves ir. the ctaserootna .rrlikelv, they e\en know wbat at Perkey, and sending them next Pertinent? To the Editor; figures cited for Thompson s speech? The State \ 2,000: the ! Detroit F-'ree Free* guessed approxtms! State Jotu nal said that a l>elta Slgnw Phi their own philosophies are, hour to the drill field to be Regarding Communist Party pledge . On Frater Anne smith . .VW6 turned "Into people n anp .4 (rerstlemoo '•lace where human values are to combat It** - Jefferson. Personally and categorically I counted a few score anks from the students of this supposed to be stressed, but »e "1 will disapprove of what 1,~4Q children, IS members of the Conservative < Jul i , > Tbe Fdltor can d)»card these statements as you say, but I will defend to *ho came by the A route, about a do*en reprc ersify. . . \Osen la the army, there was distortion of the truth. We all the death right to say it" the Ministry of Stat) "ecurity, three Fr thing funnier than "W know that our University exists ^oitaine, doves and a partridge ley realited that punitive ac- ^ a day wwnder (Pm sure that all to please our legislature 4 P.S.r WTiat a farce! would be taken because of \ «s know what "X5 day wonder outdated. F,P,S,: And the a strong, military America decision, • but went ahead the product of ROtC. I am sure Whoever heard of beating the _ . . . r that Martlr, Feldman, if he should Russians with books and Idea*" POlHt O* VlOW become an officer will continue More Comsymp propaganda' It Tt took real co viction andcovir- this fine tradition. 1* obvious that we can only beat age speaker to allow to us. he the Communist fraternity's K.\ officer is a leader of men. He ss Reposed to set example, He is a gentleman. 1 car, see the Keds by performing tight maneuvers on die drill field, complete with regulation-weight What About Freedom? where N?r Fridman is a gentle- <\IVs brightly shined boots, aivi Editor: Hannah made thli clear in hi* meters (on r man. He is »c gerstle that a Bttle clear, fingernails. Ttvls I Paihaeh reqviest that the following remarks to the Ac said he felt the fra- attention'' position in a "100 clpllne ia good because letter be printed in the Mich- u$t week. rnity could -iagree heat" makes th1 luthorlties tdl; tgan State News of Fr .lay, June get a bad name leader **♦<««: Momrrrv. Thompson's civil right* were meters (on short Donald Re^TsoWs l, or Monday. June 4. You will NOy violated!! He om thr deeision of But don't get me wrong. was allowed T give these fit; the alumni 1 w1 "shN-chology graduate st\K?ept print my letter if you really tc speak, only not on our cam- v j the b«#t of success and Itxk to truth, ^_ rv arc!. Now , *> > * mean to have democratic news students might pUS ^ where he belongs, (ft a All these staf.rr, be Mr. FsMmsn m bis pUn* to be- Ken l**Cture coverage, and inclusion of al- hack-yard. Oir campus l* where * message" to A-e *" ,0 »"» ternati\e points of view a* your *"<•? »««» respectable people speak anil not America. So vv, ?i up much of their freedom of The purpose of this letter predecessor claimed last term, where liars and masters of de- it is not lu*t'Thotroso-S«i boring, if it had not been for tfce Y.-hi shcut about democracy, but celt hold forth. Communiat Par: Choice. of professional clown*, «f.c attended the lecturi let us see you print this point of l et me ask you the question yo«« fsaay-feced second lieu- Mew for your raaders to evalu- these six stations; bv the Communist visitot which your reporter omitted when the number of st-i H.^nrAr tv.« ^<^ci«ion .. .v n of oi thf tne tenants, here srama. arain«i in- RCTv pro- recently. 1 am sure the therr.< marking on my comments after gary that are use at Michigan d '^*!r univ*rsftles and col- rnar.y-fold among those letter: - did of r Can you e. To make a com t\ have last fall ti can only cire vestige F rk- Rik ! den-w £ equal space ti there are appro? cemfng the lecture. it of ihg World War 11. wihen a Nazi our age. Klfrough i am not yet a sttxier: (with whom we ware at war) was States, at the above -V> Fear of the rniversity, the xsrlous invited to an American univer- I, one would expect iC, SQO nJ write-your paper gave con¬ sity campus " stations telling : cerning the lecture on May 25 This letter is not written by If you can answer in the af- The Board of e of wr, Communism nspired me to attend, hoping that regular contributors firmative. 1 will apologize pub- -vxMr^g to fear concerning any ill Voice of A merle the" would not di^lici these columns. However! call Ucly to you. If you cannot, you Furope station 5 • effects resulting from "" of the ■ne chsgustir^ emotional aner.tion. and t.^t of your should apologize to the Foard No, we neec TSsrrpswe^s presence or speec sr>es displayed in "Operation readers, to the end-of-the-year 0f Trustees," and members of munist liars and because it ■mpsor's arguments Abolition" or the like, h was _ psychological tactics which y the Academic Senate who have indicative of Street insult to the rniversitv again practicing. groups and organ- sujy-orted the !V>ard, for ytx" ttiey those proffer*! by the a tlhat the students attending (for -as; year one of your report- are ip to ; from a concrete co.,*. rexe rrRrl*t r4r^> ve to r— «e hew the vast T-ia}ority w*re snjder:tsv, wrote a very extensive series baye insulted these fine people, burying us. The . cow be c«mtn(« war with the Com- >-ou pervert it In the stwuld. rather than lister, at¬ srjdert civil rights. You do fcr academic freedom.More •lidJty of communism. tentively to a speaker capable . . . mur.ists. They" i».wy are sheeting our right*, but a moral His const*r,: axwidance of sf d di- erf giving the audience so: t(Ll0W ^ ^ We should not talk or ini .gainst our < •..~re students will take the ict qecstfDQS was ... ... r*' - — i0,«. 'bintng about ciMl rights ieve! of moraUty is r ' " ssr. a de^-er: facslm.53e of a de- themselves to participants in gain this year a con- mic freedom, but I don't -se .n? ccmmual*«c ideclog- almost gladly lister. jesting contest, esch's little us- issue is reserved for erm\ tc R -c wdd it have beer the ab- the end of the year to get inrclred because it jally derogatory, witticism r^de- gain the Not vour story on "Coreres* great Jy interrupting fre speaker great impact of last impressions. Vct!on on endanger my future." discrepancy hec pre* *" 'eel:ng that the - fe^sei ideology of communism attitude such as this wil3 a». tr* aggravating action the audience jractkel appHcattm* could have taker, against !>. ake America truth, to teach the truth, and to a better place Roger Plair Tborrpsw was ore of incSffer- "* Charles Vflp-»i*a Jr. eve, organired indifference, that Actually man probably glowed inside each , - 7 — — -d moral to be laboring u *1 of laughter drowned The New Dean his words. He was creating con- «?5eiSSm°S,Xr y o. *» the edtof. Thompscr. statement to is to participate m a Sl^w'• (2} that ' Candidate fusieei. His agttative techndques In your day issues ywu g^!L Wednesday- contradiction. Thompson was for him or News Invited hi- r: " were paying off big Sirtftois. polish c F omly « few feet from me, ters for Thompson, the Com¬ r!T pwjcb; have free .tying. He said Russians speech. Ha! . He has not bo&erti » th the munist liar, and only that the State New* r trg.rr.r faculty are all two grown me«v possible prcw one, F^en non-\-isitors of Russia r helping r fessor*. almost only ONE letter in defense oi relegated to the > *-hich should ccntri- n see that this is a lie. Only speech before s m et* 3ear- • to his success in the ff the audience woold have lis- party^e^ists jn ^Ruraia and portant campus grcu i*»wes favor- stated 'that ? am personally tened! atteaOvaly oned but attentively and wordlessly against th* increase of student irK*r throqpbcren the ■ * ® vnonl !SSU« «w«ence because he lied!!! VhouUnY rig*J And yet, the byj po-Mic saycrted mi- we- Or. Thompson have t-^'-ed ir. controversy- The groins had workef appointment *as may the ftVdmorui issue rest* Un«n»" mnA die' mustees memhat of a bio* to the stu- r Vickigar. i column. ^ ^ t0 ^^trcr the State atior, got entlrelv :-t ■nts. Those who hare taken his af sensales* radenes* . ~ _ 51." U. You transmitted imn.1 rf..r rt r^ei h f the nr-se ree-term coarse in Amierican i« g w»>e benefited whg-e we by a J* "•^JhwwpaBe'scM!rights —* "« ^ted President !i« In letter^la^Fr^r^^ W 7***. re:gr. relations and listened to may reject letters which, actually on SSSS a^reLff£e^W tell the truth. 20 Pratt questions die cour- who might other* cwa^e- When Ire- the American *-eig-hit5g fcear-jjy oti h d**c r : ready asking the question: Who U replace Dr. 3T rhompson i d ^ ^ Communist debate with me. his speech under our tM* k4»dl 3# f«mlty sapper:. Dr. Varg? |t will »ot Is of infinitely rrcre WCf Vjtrg kt< tbt enthBS'ifisTr:; fsppor: et«y to fill his shoes. SS^'*5 °* t-'= *fx*9or said "no", yet the aud- >«". to the well-beir.f of Edtorta^ ma ojff«*» a: U. Stjaten: Sen ias bulMing Mjchigaa Also ehen my rame was drawn racy tha n the drorJiJ ®f las •aSfeaff&e-s ii the deptrt- two misguided * ' Dr. Ysrg has expressed a. de- MLafawtte SaSC question bo* and the small groups dut ^ lit»f Eaglirt, Art 7* '_*** 10 '« me ask they're worth listertng »• sire t - continue lecturing bat, of V«3ona, Communist Thomr- F'&reifx Z.*ags*ge*. Music asd snscr^tens pavaHe is term. $3; for - i U ter three *wrma, JS.. twe term*. ignored me. Did be show coarse, Afsiettn Litaf^asgfr Area Cent¬ on a rery limited scale. Memfeer of ft* AandMaf Press. ^^pom^ment r t There is a distinct possibility Otfly Press Association, the We do not sugge Callepe Press and Wjefcigar Press truth" in what he er. **v punishment for g>- £L •1 *' that fee will be unable to. Edttsr. Editor w»« ( . .Diwe Jaehoig His fser*o®Jkl asd fe>a?r:ir ^jal- We feel Dr. Varg will make i Mm*. E4tor Bmmtsi Mgr .Jm Editor. Asss S*U\ Ward ^sge in free lITl dkfc,t Inquiry tnd a- S?E,b2Klc,S^ b«. Ma«*-face>: Lar ' ittmm.mcbBl&rsbip, tat*rest in ue- JacJtie Korona cussjon which Mr. Pran cher- excellent . fftr t«* administrator, but are Asst. &m. Mgr. . - ~ Sports Ed. . , .Terrk Warefeam i«4es*> Jast make them >f*. # dcifrtdaate edtacs&sa, ability tc sorry to lose so fine Cir. Mgr — Xharfane Daltor. A,»Mr.OWiHler««te ows Idiotic reccr^ , an instruct¬ tawlle adtntfii strati re duties and or. C*y £&»r Edraema: Edstsr. . J ►. iwr. C*y ** mgr. - . . .Fred Levins Eric FSsos Kta Jto.listen to - "SSSTLS Radio Ihngsry, * over stations at Ian MtoMjm SUM N«W., E«.t L.n.lnt, MIoM... Friday, June 1. 1962 3 Enter Engagements Knapp's Thrilling Treas Announced north case hall Catherine Moor*. To- I uk iM>lo eophomore, to Joel £5ird Heath. Haf«r«tt>wn. tad. I )ttn,0r PHI MU ALPHA R ,ld Fackter, KalamMO© I Jnlor » Patricia Loomla, , Judith G. Ft«wrnwv (W«M I fi" ^uirtiirlmni lirT D,»a, l.anelng Junior, to fcrryl App». Brighton Junior and 1 ^Tv«uams.*U. I ^re. s>, >i:i« tunlor. Froit, Dearborn eopho- to Tom Kamlay, N«*H«v- SIGMA KAPPA Summer Fashions IlfiJ* H*we*. Lansing junior, I '|(m I Inton, Lanalng eenlor. « i ' owr May*. Canemkgua, n.y. I kbIvM", 50 Carvel Tefft E, .«« «entor and "Pal Upellon. mtha EPSILON PI 10.95 17.95 john ;\ir*ndo, Brooklyn, n.y, I Mr.lor, to Kathv Buckley, I ong breeze in these chic dresses with a | Island. N. V alpha x! delta e Meinhaufh, Pontlac junior, I tc !oe Faaseen, Purdue Unlver- ittv Junior. Becky Farr, Birmingham I Kfihomore, to Hal Ooodell, Mich- tor State graduate and Alpha C<-inn Rho. ALPHA PHI Carol Carr, Grand Ma van lun¬ ar, to I arry Morrla, Midland knapp'S DRESSES - STREET LEVEL *rtwr and Oelta Tau Delta. Kathy Jerissens, Saginaw Jun¬ ior, to '.V* !\>ugherty, Mlch- I^r. ^tate I nlverelry graduate IivThl Gamma Delta. Vt.PHA fpsilon PI [ John tXirando, Brooklyn, n.y. •anlor, to Cathy Buckley, Roslvn, phiilips hall rtelphirte Marie R a bias, De- Btrelt, cc Edward L. Brockman Wftoa&, m. OWEN GR aduate hall Pitience R. Bailey, Mancelona rtda»t« student, to Jerry l. Mir-*, Crandvitte graduate »m- BETA THETA PI %Fri6indship Week J ■ X.Y. Tsui BuoiuccortL New York, sophomore, to Gerl SelbeL ■Lincoln UooJs, HI. sophomore ■r\! Alpha Eplslon Phi. Fret! ior, to Patricia TRIANGLE, Femdale Jun¬ Slsko, Ludlng- HOSIERY SALE ®r. junior and Zeu Tau '. xojer Henry, Midland, On- Alpha. Impressive value! ■ tsr..- 'unlor, to Barbara Butter- ■'e!i Franklin Junior and Zeta 3 prs. 3.15 Ta .; Lvr. \lpha . W'FST LANDON HALL ■•ephorore, to Jon Eshleman, Saunders, Grand Haven Cotton JAMAICAS ONE PAIR, 1.09 1 ■-7;s institute Junior and Delta |Sipna Phi: , , ALPHA TAU OMEGA .ack Swift, Farmlngton sopho- At such a tiny price! THREE PAIRS, 2.60 |^or«, to Nancy Myers, Blrm- ONE PAIR, 89C 4~ freshman. Al PHA EPSILON PI Summer loves these and so will you! The living _ 'Vagner, Forest Hills, Is easy with these 100^ cotton Jamaieas that wash 'Mot. to Cherry Remer, and iron with ease and keep their shape and color ■Losing Junior. after repeated l«underings. Solid Jamaieas in white ZFTA BETA TAU with rope belt. Junior Sizes. Assorted plaids with Here's the once-a-year hosiery sale A111 i a m. you've been waiting fori Quality Sable, H u n 11 n gton self-belt, misses sizes. Seamless and Full-Fashioned Claussner ■ i\vs hosiery at LOW, LOW PRICES. scphomore, to Wendy Replenish your hosiery wardrobe with those extra styles and colors. J «r-s- er-ore. ' niverslty of Michigan Don't miss this finest hosiery sale of the year. i delta zeta KNAPP'S SPORTSWEAR - STREET LEVEL I v~sa- reerJeaf, Birmingham an, to Edward Lystra, t>' of Michigan fresh- r-lr* tv.eta xi. , „ DELTA chi I'TT!r!fir.Che"1«y. Kensington, t . to Ann Hogle, De- »nd Delta Zeta. SpeciaWelsh TRIANGLE Milutiri'i» ■ c t- ' /euv^ko> T#u Temdale Jim- Ludlngton Jun- Alpha. Sleeper- BeJi L,Menpy' ' t0 Butter- Mnlor and 7ea On- Stroller Algomac aen- !o Lynn Smith. Baldwin jun- Fully Collapsible ■ £.VphaJ0m,crtin Pl- h!u<^!* Lfckwrl*w sen- W* to [ ^ Linda DougUst, H"hft»- 12.88 I W, r'?MA Coleman, KAPPA Steel chassis. Plated Bayslde Hills, tubular pusher and bag w'.j-f'hmsn, to WOlUm frame. Heavy plastic ^Gettysburg CoUege and coated fabric on body, padded seat and back. I W rlSl L'PSILON Available in Hegaland lit\n ,*?• Whit* plaid. Matching can- »»cw. 80phomor# i w°a ^ alpha |r Port Huron i m° * I S'GMA PHI IrSj t1 D«rott 9-*«•. M: and ^J JM Due to Tournaments. Exams Sutton wes thi mm a leading m. hitter with a .8*7 sver«|e »»«»■ Learned Game Bv tS KtVF.L TUCKJ *«ak backhands weak strokes. or in Hawaii fOXir or fi\% hours Indoors, said Have Cancelled ry Henry'* Once | ^ Of v St*» News Staff *»lr only concern was experience, and wording out a getting Dstley. , »tt hist go* to show, Carole _ peeled for possible talent that YOVi ■!i t>e country ctuh next tennis courts doorhad and naturally 'he strawy." pointed out, "that when you've Carole feels her coach hc£e. had s coach from the very first Of the State Newt Staff The Michigan State-Western the Broncos defeated teem ment. — —, Thsy !w\uee*ed past Mich¬ *■ — left in the tourna¬ might help MSU in the future. r—mw , Though State wound up in fifth I WILL _ R neighborhood kids came around \j. * racket—you Michigan baseball here Satur¬ igan. 6-5, Tuesday jesday and *■* and then then wtp- place In the Big Ten have one of the most they did I produc- h,St can't lose." - to hit a couple of balls now and ej her a lot. •ped Illinois, 10-J, Memorial nay. then. "She knows the game very Coach DaiWy considers Carole ate y has been called off. It will "We plan to work things dif¬ tive batting line-ij)S in the lea- not be rescheduled. Years later, one of iNt neigh- w»U, and she can ?»ee your mis- the j^st player she's had since ferently neat year." Kobs said borhood kids - Carole turn- takes." nationally-ranked Joyce Pniew- Spartan Coach John Kohs went after returning. ' Mshtr and I State tied for the home run to KalamatooWedneedsy to watch third had made good. Vmong the ma«y "The weakest part of my ghi of ilamtramck played for the the NCAA District 4 play-offs, will try to schedule our games crown with 10 and were championships she had won wet* game," Carole continued, "is team * few years a^. while there he talked to West¬ earlier next spring to avoid con¬ highest in team batting with a the National Chinese women's, my serve. VVhen 1 was home, Carole, she said, has a good ern Coach Charles Msber and flict with the play-offs." .263 average. t?>e Hawaii state women's, the Ha everyone made suggestions as all-around game, ami her only This week Kobs has been hold¬ On the season MSI' clouted 23 Metier decided to call the Spar¬ wati state Junior*, and the junior h^!Fwi. to .« match their total girls and mt*d,doubles Public remained .1 problem. I came up t,as teen improving. - '•«««" i» 1-h* 1-aaaon 'a that Western is the freshman the rresnman aana nd va rsltvIV1- vrwy. r»i- of a year ot a ywii ago. The most homers Pailts tournaments, her*. and immediately she told "She's a vers good « very i runner, Caiwle wrong. Since then, s «ell. h.i< going «mt red hot in the will l>e play-offs day will mar* the last Involved in games practice. ST a State team in 1051. and Lum. Hawast state senior, had it has improved a lot." throuch Friday. Kobs planned on using Thurs- The Spartans finished with a Itnle difficulty in leading MSI** women's team to Miss turn's opponents have commented that she's a pretty game "She very good doubles oStdP «MSwt It's exam week day afternoon for wetrhlng high IVo won-lost 17-13 record, season develop- of the biggest Make Ntnry't X rtabit Strom tetory this year. hard hitter. player bee J > .she has such a atvi some of Western's players school action In Lansing's base- IVo Kobs* camp this spring 1153 Michi|sn — one Block West of Hi q.k v |* Honolulu bsauj, "1 like to hit hard. 1 can't game." Oatlev said. have tests slated SaUirday. ball for Saturday, lated for tournament, Tht ball ^totgnament.^ rhe Sa^r^f hartan menti in Kohs camp mis spring ty 1 « per: who kits s hard bdy- stand to toby the ball, and 1 ~ Carole is pretty- anxious to see Moving o Thurday's *lay ' • action coacn plans on~ Vkeeping Ms coach pians «*» eyes was m* ^5 play turned the piay iuin®u in »•» by a pair • ended her rollepiare seawfu-v always try to" play an offensive Spring term end. Shortly after WE'VE GOT MONEY FOR Y00! heater,. game. I especially like to play finals. Carole will travel to For¬ Carole Jsas been pi mosa to try out for^he Chinese which will rep re Though she* firs; p!. Nationalist China in the when she was six games at Jakarta in Au- on tSe courts nev: door to home, her family moved v she was snll quite young and plaved little until she «*s years. old. CaPole's .»... self-taught. It . last yrsr in high schc< received professions! i Show Them Where You're From MSU SWEAT SHIRTS Get your Paper Backs NOW all colors all styles $1.95 for Summer Reading Pleasure RELAX, you won't look wrinkled (complete selection-conveniently arranged) in our Gleneagles coat o^Dacron' polyester and cotton 32.50 the book STUDENT in mind store designed with the ^ SBS Buys Back "Surrey" ::«t aii-**i^r*r c^a: &> Gieaagles wttt spiit-sfioulder »? ALL TEXTBOOKS „ whether Used at KNAPP'S EAST L 4NSING - Open today from 9:30 to 5:30 Book Store Free Parking In large lot at rear Across From Berkey Hall Michigan St|t» Kew», East ^ai|g'n, Lansing, Michigan ■ wicnigan Friday. June I, 1962 5 [State Runners Send 3 No-Hitters in IM Games Ismail Squad to Meet •a they made seven hits and col¬ 7 Seven*, 5-0. The t'nteachables seven H-0 on (he no-hitter of lected one error for the victory. , gained their victory on nine hit* Jerry Dyke, Eminence collected The Roitos scored 12 rims on and four errors. Hal Beatty the win on eight hlti and four 8 hits to gain a 12-2 victory over smashed two singles In three errors. Gill Heih bagged four the Has-Beens. Bob Nemhosky times at hat. I ^ig.n State m«k!i M ab- Winter Johnson and Tom Peck-' gWSa'sajJMs uTt^ JlO aa he homered with the baaes loaded in the third. Bryan seven had nine up and nine down as pined credit for the win. Terry Eren homered in the second for the hoeos first hit, and led them Arhouse barely managed to fcrkffsaiMt Cleveland 23 l7 595 squee*e past Bailey seven, 10-9. S5K suwyas — __ they made it through the batting to the victory. 1 1/2 £** York 25 18 -581 1/2 order once in the three-inning West 9i«w five squeezed Banging out 1.1 hits and colectlrtf past four errors. Bailey seven scored Minnesota JN^rSS 27 21 5 1/2 5M j flnAl ;3S,rr' {J chamDior^ K in th# m,ny threats 'o favorite 7 * 1/2 ■ ? P*tr^U , 24 19 -558 I 1/2 An*#,«s 24 20 22 2? .545 2 game. Terry Stygles hurled one-hit bell as East Shaw ten swept past Burgess, 5 3. in a five inning on 10 hits and no errors. Dick thriller. Alan Shaffer hurled a Lyons was the winning pitcher, two-hit game for Weet Shaw five. Darrell Borath the loser. Norm IBly ■ L4 Myen *artM« wilJbe the trip to South Bend, who will be ha going after their aeventh atraight Mill*. Mills, the defending champ a done 4ft }• H«k«r haa 13 1/2 14 l/2~h,C**° 23 24 .500 .481 4 West Shaw seven in three innings, 4 1/2 10-0. The game ended In the top of the fifth, as Burgess failed to Gary Engle led off for Fast IK* ''*ch frordand Sherman Central CTmwr' JUch meet chanS. ;■ a^7' <•Colleglat e meet champ- *I! (mo champ- timed timed JTwn« w./; MAR«r n*B DM in 46.6 in Z? Philadelphia 4ft.< and Covey in 47.8. 16 28 .364 16 l/j K*«*»s City 2 26 .458 6 Shaw ten with a homer In the •core. rLu are entered in the WO and ionehlp. Mill* #w MJlli aet t, the CCC record of Chicago 13 32 .319 19 . £»•»" 1» 26 .409 8 first* setting- the pace foe-the^ —Ron-Walker hit three f&r fhrte RadcTIfT pulled out'of Washington - New York tight KrUrtl dashes with Lewia aim Individual standouts include 46.6 Ian yeei 12 29 .293 19 13 so .102 t2 1/7 game. to sid Archaeopteryx's H- ft win a game, 3-1, over West Shaw 10 In Lottie broad 220 champ Nate The haft half milehas m seven entries Rangoon matched a ftve run over Bailey rwo. A1 Black allow¬ rive Innings, despite a ho here bettered 1:31 Ihdudln# —• THURSDAY'S RESULTS first with five run second and ed six hits to homer-by " AAU Champion Jim IXipree from Bailey; Vern Hol¬ John Upthegrove in the first. Boo A? Cincinnati 7, Milwaukee 4 third Innings to defeat Fast Shaw land gave four to Archaeoptery*. Rasmussen hurled the Detroit 13. one hitter Southern Illinois whose winning Chicago 5 four, 15-4. Hank DeYoung held Willie Gaffner struck out JS for Radcliff, - term-end sale time was 1:48.8. The field in the mile tncludes Tom O'Tlara, Loyola of Chicago, s?nUL^a,m£5^i!rU(N)(N) St. Louis at 1 lttsburgh (N) Los Angeles at New York Only games scheduled. Shaw to four hits with two errors in five Innlntts to shut out the the process. striking out ten In" 4:02.3, Kansas* Rill rtotson, (N) IP-STEREO RECORDS, ale. 4:02.9 and Bill Cornell of South¬ ern Illinois, 4:02.7. Today's Games Cincinnati at Chicago Chlcaao at Baltimore (N) Standouts in the field events are San Francisco at New York Fred Hansen of Rice, j,°9 5tere0 iany columbia (INCLUDING ALL NEW RELEASES) CLASSICAL ITEMS NEED CASH? MAKE HENRY'S Out And A HABIT Try HENRY'S Drive In! 1153 E. Michigan I block West of Broly ■ any rca victor '4ny angel 4.09 stereo (INCLUDING NEW RELEASES) DIAMOND NEEDLES mono SELLYOUR isingle tip mono (double tip mono [single tip stereo i double tip stereo $0 QQ mm .ww TEXTBOOKS reqularly 3 >5 In The IVOX BOX CLASSICS $595 3-record sets r£GULARLY 8.95 SPARTAN BOOKSTORE"Your Supermarket For Education" COMMAND STEREO corner ann & m.a.c. HAWAIIAN LPs I ON C APITOL RECORtS Off list. Shepard's You Must Brin To Obtain A World's Greatest Music RECORD HOLDERS TONE ARM BRUSHES H" POLY SLEEVES CHILDREN'S RECORDS 12" HI-FI POLY SEALED <5 RPM ADAPTERS RECORD SPRAY CHECK OUR CLOSE OUT BIN VALUES TO >5.98 99c PRICES EFFECTIV E THROUGH JUNE 9 [OPEN TONIGHT Evary Night) UNTIL 9:00 1 Michigan Stat.- Nows, Fast Lansing, Michigan mm - Change-over Start Summer f To Be Smooth i I'he ch*rvg* of tl* Colter of SS-E35SS i' •«td rhurvk>. P,v|MW t!w «.u*m I* carry- Ttw Colfogws of Arts atxi Let- m«. < with Money in stm;asjkss ?S£ your pocket. Mc^umy, formerly :* GET CASH yi-hotcsydepM-mwM.i rjj. |>r>ee«.»r of history. ; i!* to h#«^ ;:■* vTcllepfS ot Art* Photographers Hold Confab •nf^wtnnf .-.W: Crossword Puzzle for your TEXTBOOKS pMa|n|*in i M • • • S r-r-c- Gtltegt of SctMtt < paiy.c^v** f\ ^ '. v , ,'.>Cfo!Sc^yeix \ris X< Summer school tv>> ...-.Atw put*.-.:.- book list are now in and we Counterfeiters need books for at all courses. Large! SELL NOW ! ! for TOP PRICES LIEBERMANN'S So high in FASHION! Bring your Used So light in WEI6HT! Textbooks and Paperbounds to Campus Book for top money. STOP IN TODAY eriturn at E. Lansing's The luggage that BOUNCES department store for Students ... HENS CASES.. LADIES CASES.. !34"H4r5 s24Mto «'s CAMPUS BOOKSTORE ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING Michigan State New*. East Lanali Friday, June 1, 19627 JjSDifioiiSr Inter-racial Dating WKAR Gets $5,865 Grant The Department of Health, Ed- of what It commonly celled air WANT ADS ! Gets Varied Reaction ucatlon, and Welfare has awarded pollution. Michigan State's WKAR radio station a $5,865 research grant careful The programs will present a analysis of the health to produce a aeries of programs effect a, economic, and social ef- on air pollution In the United f«cts-~ every phase of the with It, myaelf, but I think moat Another told me: problem from community con- 1^-,-ssg of us are too tied to our par¬ The grant, made under the "It certainly Would makea dif¬ trol to Industrial responsibility ents to do anything like that." Public Health Service Act, will Ron and 1 started dating a ference." to legislative'activity. A number "I'd do It. but I can't. nuke possible the production of of noted guests are to be in- month ago In an experiment to Society "Why," I asked. I .^ri 24, W>2 to Msrch see if we would be avoided or Just doesn't allow it." "Weil, we Just wouldn't have thlrteen half hour programs d»- eluded In the programs, ranging KfWwr|w <)>u \-rxt accepted, to determine whether Many were concerned with It." * signed to awaken the public In- from doctors to scientist* to jS*or^ °r 0111 "£ ffex SIT EK" ivtiUlOt. lot public opinion had changed in the last few year a. marriage and children. "&»tlng but I wouldn't is all right, I guess, We found that an inter-raclal coiple can buy or rent a house terest% essential to the solution legislators. The progren i will of any social and economic prob- be distributed nationally. Ron 1* a Negro. want you to marry with little difficulty, that they i m-ier. Attending lO-n#»ek We made mire that we were can buy anything in any store, The series, titled "Hold Your today on campus seen together on campus and In "Why .not?" Breath", will be produced by Pat that they can eat in nearly any • to stay m return for East Lansing. Ron came to Sun¬ "People ittntip I pl'Ofri hill yi wdUi W rtsliing Rlgles — glg- " y0U fn[3 ■ raurjnt. I"h4 university, the who "first submitted the Idea for _ neuvers, May 29 p.m.. May 30 premises In day dinner at my dorm on Par- erabte and then there are al- housemother, counselors - - none the series. Ford will be assisted a.m. Meet at C)em hall 1915 ents' Weekend. We window-shop¬ waye the children." of these offer much opposition. hours in class C uniforms ped on Grand River, sat on die "They're not accepted by But the hostilities of friends by Albert F.. Heustis, state health commissioner, who will act as Gamma Delta - cost plus sup¬ steps of the library, attended either side. What If o'ne were and acquaintances are sufficient black and the one were white? advisor and Interviewer for the per. Sunday 6 p.m. at Martin various campus events. to make the couple consider care¬ Luther Chapel program to begin iSlTO I ,r sh«rt 1»»*» t0[ *um" lornwr. 12 block from Out East Lansing with its col¬ lege atmosphere we snot adequate Don't you sec how miserable It would be for them?" fully their decision dating. to continue series. The purpose of the grant is not to assist technical research at 7 p.m. Martin Luther Chapel — Sun¬ I SL! IS? •n oi.r-fri.n01y for a realistic appraisal of at¬ Waitresses and clerks seem¬ but to aid in the general under¬ day. 8 15 p.m. Vespers and pre- IS «»* t!unks 116 °"nf cf titudes, we felt, so we went to ingly patd slitrht attention. We FALL TERM: A series — Negro standing of the causesandeffects exam Communion. * ICT «nd * m«Udtu»«wJ «*nd- Lansing. We Involved ourselves In situations which would confront weie served and waited on and white views of inter-racial promptly. We found some land¬ dating and marriage. < * a Inter-raclal couple dat¬ ^ wAxirntTElsie, Mich- young lords ami owners willing io rent T j**«. \.or ,0- c*y V" .*5-t>?»3k ing. or marriage. We looked perhaps contemplating for an apartment and or sell willing. to us. Others wens not so Average Lansing SUMMER JOBS "It doesn't make any differ¬ ■SKraRU WOMAN grad. called landlords on the telephone Income Below IndK.: ^ working girl to share to determine their willingness to ence to me." one woman said. "You're buying property. Pmnot FOR M libi^om *pt. near campus. rent to an lnter-raclal couple. buying the color of anybody's Michigan Level We shopped for a wedding rttin. 1 T^n-0 KlM-Two or thm* wUm home in good surround- dress, for household furniture, for Infants' wear. We went to I he median income of families In the Lansing area is well below STUDENTS [ST preferribly Otamos. for JUST FOR SUN—Whtn if cornea to *un-wor»hipper restaurants, filling stations, shoppplng centers, attended Receives the state figures, said David Ver- way, technical assistant of the Applications being accepted for summer Jobs with ur : ve-'rs. Furnished or un- these bureau of business and economic now Phillips Hall coedt are juat about as enterprising os y church together and visited a major national o>rpor-' «immer ant- ^all» across the rood near the Alumni Chapel on their journey to the Their opinions were far leeslm- The MSU library has acquired Bureau of Census the median in¬ I6-$I,000 Scholarships li uming. *5. * month. CaU banka of the Red Cedar. presslve than those of our presentation copies of a John come of families In the standard SCHOLARSHIPS: Burroughs work and microfilm |&2i— - - »«. ***.■. P...,., copy of Emily Dickinson's poems. metropolitan area of Lansing is l6-$500 Scholarships $6.1??. But the median income of ■TO RENT S«r»g* from June until The examination of the micro¬ families in Michigan is $6,256. Can earn in excess of $150 per ■ft]] arm. Must be able to be a government physician an offi- mine In the dormitory, film copies shows the informality SALARY: Eichmann However. Verway did point out week Guaranteed $98 per week ■tela' weurdv and must be dry. cer of the Tel Aviv district ad- Reaction was not difficult to of Miss Dickinson's working con¬ that between RSO and 1960, the ■CtU SSS-W: ** ministration, two police officers " w® no1 hear Judg- ditions by the variety of paper median Income of families in (Continued from 1) who were present in court when menti directly from their sour- OCMVATF FOR summer, fan. page the death sentence was pro- ce9> theV eventually reached us she wrote on. Michigan jumped from $3,588 tot modern air conditioned apt; I ywr. oj 21 Some of the poems are on note¬ ichm., c.m. ^35™ identify Eichmann as «nd were recorded, book paper, on bits of wrapping to $6,256. This is 74 per cent SEE BRITAIN: £.#53 before U AM. increase. mm ui Argentina anti smuggled ,„ «■„„ ^ conde,™*d We found that some acqualnt- paper, envelopes, on the margin him to Israel by air. ending a l|^. * c*"gytnan of the ances avoided us, that others of a magazine page and the blank Housing world-wide s e a rch by Jewish agents that began in the smolder- Protojstaw huh. Two represent- were more friendly, that people °nt^f r tW° stareJ and g«**« at us, that side of an advertising flyer. Mrs. Glayds Olds Anderson Confab Set Here (Continued From page 1) in£ ruins of the Nan empire at ™^ w! ' ,T.n ° . 0ne Rn Mends defended us and that they gave the library tiie Orlando For Dietitians to live in Oven Graduate the end of World War 11. press were also present. often questioned our sanity. Kouland collection of John Bur- For Interview Call College Director r next fill due to an ex- Eichmann was taken to his Some worried about theopin- rough's works. Included was an death less than an hour after 1891 draft of Burrough's e-* ay How to provide finer food ser¬ I shortage In off-campus BuftPrfipId Holl vice at lower costs in Michigan ?r women. At present President fchav Ben-Zvl reject- ed the final possible appeal for OW'«e«neia nail "Analogy". The library has a display on hospitals, schools, and Institu¬ women are living In C-L- J,,|„ D^HI« tions will be the designed for mercy and sealed his doom. ^CneCIUleS Kaftle the second floor entitled the topic of a dietary sr occupants. rooms A government statement issued Youth Work Shop "History of Michigan State Uni¬ r anagement ronference at ter the hanging said: versity Michigan State June 6-8. with the opening of But- . About 40 food service 1, Rafter, and part of Wll- • Vs e^CUt' Sunday to sell equipment belong- Set June 16-17 A book by Robert C. Kedzle, agers, dietitians, and adminis¬ man¬ Hlls and some off-campus A work shop to assist youth trators from Institutions around to wmen overcrowed the state are expected to attend. leaders in communicating more book. "Shadows from the Wall of ulrtK-s are expected to con- by the Jerusalem district court Tne event Is betrc sponsored on Dec. IS, 1961, the appeal effectively with the Death" describes his research In ,n of Sftsdents John bv thi'su Since Butterfield will be a gro soil testing on land which is now by the college of Home Eco¬ Manager of Owen, . v.- 7a women's dorm next year with a hel the Morrill Hall parking lot. nomics and will beheld at Kellogr, krdv Veils, have decided to The library has subscribed Center. i several floors of under- and the Minister of Justice hav- ^7 Co°S wm ™Se sn hit h i t , mlcrocard project which len In Owen. ing certified that t»i President TvL, Js ! h , ***" ^ ^ school and col- to a will reproduce copies of all has decided not to exercise cle»- „studentl representing^the F rench Revolutionary pamphlets The Honors College at Michi¬ Ia«£i saiJ this will be part In this countryl Five hundred gan State University has 625 If 4e *,«* policy ro allow under¬ V«e body was examined by a wI1, j^Tnated members, representing every rate wcrren ever 21 to live i Lansing ane expected to attend the n titles for 1961 have Just been re¬ government physician who pro- -hflrtrv college in the university. ceived. jfcere they choose. Rates for nounced him dead, at 2356 hours B'raews Sr. Over are $168 for <11 58 P.M. 4.58 EST Thursday). tr.i anvl $126 for a "The execution was witnessed by the superintendent of prisons. STARLITE V#fOUOW W SI JOE ' Triumph Over Two nils. Southivfvt of Lan^nc en M-78 T>dd'« ?r Toitilt Tbra Wed Jam 7Hi" FINALS SALE 2 BIG HITS TOGETHER Wing COiORRri.! OPEN SAT. 3 P.M. 3 A.M. " TTnppif Father's Daf/" best. EVERYTHING GOES AT CRAZY PRICES The Education of A Golfer by Sam Snead his flaming sword Invitation To Sailing by Alan Brown flashed across the SI9.98-S29.95 • fiery sands fought and loVed his '*~k~ «he way S'?,S:™. m»- Men's All Weather Coats. NUW MZ.W Fore! Golf Cartoons from the Wall Street Journal hack to h s S9.95-S55. $3.98-$4.98 uaui $700 Anybody Who Owns His Own Home rightful Men's Dress Shirts NUW L.rf Men's Suits. .HOW s35. kingdom Deserves It by Alan King $4.98-$6.98 uaui S24.95-S35 $7QQ How to Study and Take Exams by Lincoln Men's Khaiki's. NUW H.ri Men's Sport Coats. . . HOW s16.99 , 1. (C■*> Pettit — $9.98-$l4,98 Jiao S3.98-S5.98 Men's Sweaters. ...... "v" ™ Men's Sport Shirts. HOW !2.99 The Modern Family Guide to Education by $9.98-$l9.98 $9.98-$l6.98 Benjamin Fine, Ph. D. HAW ^00 Men's Dress Slacks. NUW Men's Jacket's nVW *0.77 . . . "The Golden Guide to Guns" •OUR SALES POLICY Everything goes as the Student goes!!! NO holds "Photography" a golden Guide bar, everything in the store must be cleaned out except for the strickly sum¬ mer merchandise. This Is it, our once-a-year clearance during these 12 "Modern ideas in the Chess open¬ ings" by Horowitz grand and glorious hours; 3 p.m. TO 3 a.m. SPARTAN mhmwht spkmu free coefee & dohijts BOOKSTORE CORDUROY sun *12.00 from midnight on Corner of ANN & MAC 211 east grand river open wed. everkg 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June { IWANTED RIDE TO NY FOUND ON FIRST CALL! ride To nZ"?'"*! Icity .r... plrstor5^H * Automotive Automotive For Rent * For Rent For Sni. •* P«r«onal ^-Service DEPENDABILITY 1958 TRIUMPH, TR-3, good coo- i and bath. Clean. ROOMS Boys 'aJT Junior Bike. 24 inch. Cood a % I GRADUATION iirMTQ wirh ANNOUNCE nAITM. double - SINCER s^Ehrfsp^ ||M|_ . condition, wnoiuw. baakat. --- Naadaa - «««. new ME NTS with vnur your Mine, double ^ IS ■ IMPORTANT * i""-vn » • 'holstery. Radio and heater, a( doubles. s„mn yUlaga $15. Two _ . Twodras- drss- " ~ ™ nrand new SMrt.„ ^l»waUi. clean. Excellent mechanically. SS"?. 55-2.5.. 46 two-BEDROC*I UNFURNISHED Mrs and twin baby JSr.^yo^crtfind matiresl! 192. at only $44 <0 „ ■ wlth REMEMBER! „ I960 VOLKSWAGEN Panel De¬ ytnj> fuu basement Close to campus. Ideal for ser- #JK{Bji#nt quaiuy $35. ED7-1161. NS6 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE with rentable room, free utlli- lous students. No cooking. No livery, grey, good Urea. Curb- Power steering, seats, brakes, ties, free garage, blocks parking at M.S.U. 10 d side and Roadside doors, this BUNK BEDS, windows. No rust. Priced to sell, from campus and maple, with matrea- A HOLD CARD AT SINGER SEWING unit also has special auxiliary aatoHna heater that rang nNv "[2 for couple as real . .JkC, ST «*«» 3MS-V5^;n c Tpersonal TfSO; Csmelnffoming^^CoiJuv-ir—rrtvrxe wag- {»*»«*« bow housing Upstairs, private Grove Street evenings. Ten weeks nree. W-3«4 ty Animal Shelter $1095. ' whlte ^!cw n60 CHEVROLET two year lease. Avail- 3839. WANT AD BILLS BY Hon guaranteed. trar^J PHONE: - BiScayne. able, Aug. or Sept. 1. 47 SUMMER ROOMS for 17" RCA VICTOR Console TV. Call ED 2-6169 for 355-8255 or 8256 $1275. Come dm I < this < MEN. APARTMENT, mQii, .-\raa i i, 9uiuuiei, *"—"" -r- Louis _ Walnut ■■ cabinet, rabbltt MONDAY Ponralts. application r?servr3 cook, by Post Office. Call ED One block from campus. ED 2- Several FORDS - 1056 T-Blrd. ~ ? June 11. 1962 porta. RATES: 956ft. 1 man for fall. Approved 257' 47 One Boys S. One Girls English LETTICH S. STENBERC 47 room .AVAILABLE Bikes, 26"— 4.10-22 SAVE CASH 1 DAY.... $1.00 2628 E. KALAMAZOO during i under. 355-5883. gun over 47 1NG STAMPSI When IhBTFAPOF^J 3 DAYS.. s?.oo 4S4r3220 r OKEMQ6, furnished apt.. 3 rner in exchange for yard work. 4 sJ - - * - ' your cleaning to Wc 5 DAYS.. S3.00 onowash and 1-356 FONTIAC COPA'ERTIPL! - Dry Cl.,„3 automatic, full power,-radio, Pants, skirts, sweaters BosW or> 15 ~o^« per od<- heater, white wall tires. STORY •I 7^^'ROC* (or men. TVro gj™- ^ and pressed, only 50<. 3006 v2 be 25i «.r>ic. Sells For Less....$505. ith Mack top. "Call Boh Hof- W.ANT GIRL to share bedroom „ blocks fromfrotn L>nio"Union Building. Pri- ®ul!^ng: 1 ^ PERSONAL5 S a fman Ea 7-0130. 11 ED 2-1-M1 olTbookk 47 after 6 pjn. Saturday. 47 4, CIGARETTES anybrantx $1.00 r.rton ^th ctrton with purchase, nurchase. Golf Golf Balls, L A' p viIMHTS MUSL ^ c c , no- Mid within AtTQMOTIVE REPAIR inconvenience Inoulre NOW TYPING SERVICE COMPLETE 3 ROOMS, downstairs,furnished. utilities, garage. Men or women, SINGLE AND double for men students. Summer and next year. _ gg balls, bats, gloves, Lu"rsrtKpS^S3 Charter. ED 7-9216. 47 TYPING Service, FOREIGN CAR gear, sleep bags, camping naoers. thes's 1.'. $75 a month for summer. IV 4- Includes private parking, tele- ^ Automotive SERVICE 47 phone, hath, entrance and kit- cq^cnt, surplus all bargain 0f Hamtramck c«» ED 2-0570. MG*s Jaguars 2 1 1 chen. All utilities paid. See at J, Fox Hole P.X. - Fran- everv nleht 'till 9 PM. , * hmibles^int humble servant For F((St Accurate _. - N'olkswagens - MAN< BL"NGALOW. .Approved. 526 Evergreen. E. Lansing. 47 " ^ 4^ congratulates you on your new tvphi^l raised, for summer term unsupervised, ri»ig ~ * — appointment. typewriter call Custom instalted ROLL BARS. May you have no 1 " ^ only. Call ED 2-2292. w,n approvedhous- FARM FRESH eggs.freshstra Interferences r STORY OLDSMOBILE $35 for most any sports car. e or female, for Summer berries dally, also other fresh s anc reaiqualin all Call IV. fruits and vegetables at reason- Parties responsible for jNC Chromed-$15 mors. summer. 47 able prices. Roadside Farm Mar- oval of our entrance signboard re- Ished. 3165 F. M1CH1C\N STRATTON carpeting, fireplace. k«: 2 mlles east of E^anslng P1*®98 return it promptly. Dept. Thesis Kits.- PUstic Film Ea DIAL IV 2-1311 i US 16 at Okemos Road. 47a c SPORTS CAR I gl nee ring & Drafting SuppiM MEN: TWo large, cool, attrac- House. ED 2-5555. CHARLIE: The game's off. We're '0^0 i-T4tr\UOl rr Pel\ir - 4 CENTER ; 9,^ APPROVED, male students, very TRAILERS going to wash cars Saturday at COMMERCIAL BLIIPRKT| to campus. Parking. ED 2.-1363. ciose t0 campus, parking faclll- Spartan Texaco by the A & P. SERVICE 1961 HURON 500. 50' x 10'. Near ojLUunsetJ ties. 525 Albert Ave. ED 2-1384. Lucy. 2100 W. Mam, •e'f.r.ish Lllcertartfvrp coNon -NDrriONED a I campus. No equity, Just take over Lansing. 47 . red rc sell. through July. Couple c . payments. ED 2-3347. 47 BLMPING and PAINTING ED 2-8518. specialt\-. All foreign cars. Kal- 10'. ^ Real Estate !9!fO RAN»S 15,000 actual -v{,n. j St. Body Shop. Wrecker ^ APT. to sub-let for Sft-SK VT30: KaA S2650. N'o down payment. Hava- nna Trailer Court. Lot 11, 484- East Unsing-Near Elementary typing. L . , trues. .■%«=»»> — — s and free estimates. 1411 mont is. Will sacrifice. Phot* school. Owner leaving city. Of- sertations. 3 duplicating 3678. - c. Kalamazoo St. Call IN"9-7507. ED : -2275. 47 , SIMMER HOLS INC . Farmhouse , ~ *7 fers eaSy to live with 4 bed- Ses available: Multilith I • : \ ' 2 bath nome. Under oatn home. unaer $20. _ DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY ,. OA. .r«r ]oto «• . in* um,l room. 1 »^u, white, wnite, &s color), < Ozalid. :J Summer,* ,Fr#terT,lt£ForExcellent details, food and PALACE-19M, 35 x 10, wash- ~ . IDE A PT. for c location. er. Call ED 2-528. 47 ^ ^ commiument. Prlnt. ED T501 E. MICHIGAN complete AUTOMOTIVE vd bath. contact r b ,. f a Utilities Dick Ross uresent owner ™VL ^ o-23«< TK.ANSMBSION Morris Auto Parts. 314 E. Kal¬ SER \ ICE at at ED 2-8635. 47 —_ .. „ fnUSj$£. r#11 ^ 7-09f0 for •—s PROFESSION. amazoo. IV +-5441. C47 T^Tl7^rc^- washer & dryer. Campus _ WOMEN wnn. STUDENT=T g^SjSSjcSdiSn Approv-ed rooms and apt. ^ TraI,^. Hav< Phone ED - 7- L« - appointment. 47 college ^gre close to EAST L ^NSING, ranch stone, 2-5546. ,T campus.^Cool and com- O5o2. 47 fort able. Ed 2-5677. 46 ,33 bedroom ranch style. 83'xlll' ' ^ - lot,b^(r001? fireplace, ?nt.r?n,Ht3cW built-in kitchen, . "TYPING: Tern- pare r/,/ , 16,000 miles. Bat tires, complete lub- let for summer Completely fur- SLIMMER HOLfSING for men - PJVl i f J1' recreation room, recreation room, many extras. eral W1"8" Cal1 r.. . to cor . Ince yourse . . Orlpnal •ash }«M. Quality TEX- nished. Phone 355-1099. . 4fc Hedrlck House - one block from feSr°2n}?« Lan!l $17,500. 1656 Linden. ED 2-4073. rwTyr. ED :~57S5. +£ Census. Room $6 per week, with lng" Cal1 ^ -0016 46 47 RCLET BeiUr - "APPROVE^ supervised apt. for cooking $7. CaU ED 2-0844. 47 w , 0 BRICK 3 bedroom home, 4 years THESES PRINTED r^xip! Royale, good notor. good kosirj. Reasonable. Call 1. Shower, parking, spec- " or*^K TTT ^ Lost Oi ^ & Found r uuno old< 12 mlnute8 from campus in Ul summer rates. IV 5-0364. 46 dolble ROOVG for men fall f Rapid Sen afar ? E:~ Sundgy night mcdem pin, HHlbrook Park. Owner drans- "t^Bogue St._Contact hO .-.^^5. John 4 silver and gold with pearl in ferred. $15,500. Mortgage41/4%, Diazo ProceiS FLAT 1=5- - blue 1200 Spsder middle. Sentimental value 355- $1,700 down. CaU FE 9-8365. 47 CAPnALti ^supervised. Call ED2-5374.46 MEN-APPROVED fo: 7064. 46 conitsec. $1045. Albser M;cr. 221 S. Gra _ :—•- and fall terms. Pri\ P*OM 9-4100 4" FL-RNISHED APARTMENT - BROWN RIMMED glasses left 1 Lansing. I\ SPARTAN TEX ACO SERVICE 3 mtnules ih^n 1 . available for summer. I bedroom, MSU tennis court, Referee stand bedroom ranch In the Marble ELMER STEELE CORNER GRAND RIVER all utilities. Married couplepre- " last Tuesday evening. Reward. and SPARTAN . _ - St. Thomas area. Large kit- EXPERT THESES, GEX ferred. Call 355-3103 after 6. 46 and board. phone 377-0279. RAMBLER Phone 337-9034 C chen with built-ins, 1 1/2 baths, TYPING. Electr finished basement, outaooi : BLOCK? 'Aest cf Brody DL'PLEX, OKEMOS Road, fur¬ : LOST Experienced. Near ~ - - Beige coloraJ Baracuda area with grill, attached gar- ★ Employment nished. $65 a month, summer jingle rooms for men, two blocks jacket with glasses in pocket, production Service. 332-;?&l appros-ed. ED 2-8758. John or from Union, parking. June 10 to s>«j glasses for exams. Lost age. FHA available. Call 2-8926. —M in t.f. TERM PAPERS quickly tU DOOGE WAGON - wod AMBITKXS. RESPONSIBLE Howe. Sept. I, $60. Call ED 2-3634. football stadium locker room. -arspcrrat**.. a real buy. CaU t-'- r lgT , > \ curately typed by < ^m^ha^a^n^ime or N,l: 4c C LKS'-V \GEN5 : unapproved: Reward. Call Tom German. ED EAST ' NEAR - 3 bed- thesl> ,8t Conven ^T^eMvIrT!! $1.m S: SUMMER . VACANCIES 334 7-1611. " 47 room r«.nch, ~arport w;th storage ni«had apt. to share. 5:30-6:30F.M. Evergreen. Cooking, rect ir^etir.g, tile bath tlon. Call ED 2-604* vanity, gas heat, tiled baset EDIE STARR Typist. 1960-196;. sjorJ STjiKWT M,Kk ,0 un"'« P«<-»onal paved streets and sidewalks r — _ dissertations, term papers ! SUMMEK lovely Hillbrook Park. Large, eral typing. Experienced I 2 door. I96C. 4 speed or. clear., west sell KOOMS. unapproved. ~ °,r win wi^ insur* w "^^Ti ^•ve] be«"^ly landscaped lot. Sen- sible at $16,950 with $850 down electric type' JUM cr see a: 1313 C. tics offers the opportunity y*Ki Lake Means, Mich. Also trader. r'inT-=■ accidents bv the day, month, or on FHA terms. 5735i Village. 46 si. WYite or phone Mrs. Alana 5664 School St.. Has- Call P- 4-6"00 evenings. 47 cooking, private bath, private entrance. Cool nrtvate w&r V«r- 2-8671 - over Jacob- CaU FE 9-2417. By Bayonne^. ^ Transportation^ r°5.5 English Ford Ab^Ili, cooi len, ' Telephone IV 2-6893. SUMMEK: Furnished, utill- 2-5214- 47 . _ condition, sacrifice 1395. ED. C ties paid, 2 bedroom, older type MARGARET MEEHAN AND OR- ho™, furnished Gas Heat, across --062? after 5 F..M. 46 MEN comfortable single and LONDO SALAS come to the State HAWAII . rouse a: reasonable raw for f om campus. To settle double rooms in new home. Show- News Office, room 347, Sutdent !«53 PONTlAC - ExceUer.t Get first hatxi ^and and true icforma- responsible couple. Near Fran- Ph°t* Hahn Agency, Inc. cor<- ini &T. Telephone 484-0625. 47 ers, Parking. ED 2-1183. 47 Services Building for your free ^002. NEW YORK - JERSEY < ditlon 332-*"43 4" uofs about; passes to the Crest Drive-In ~ hound Charter leaving VCl^ OPEN Wed Evenings 46 ^ Service" exams. Inquire n SPARTAN MOTORS doer hardtop '* erv good coodi- ^ tier. Phone 332-8743. 4" -*5 CANADA, STUDENTS'. Reliable advice EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR on INC. wt.tte "Cost of Sault Ste. largecottage) Marte. CaU North ED. of 2- Lakge COOL double room car Insurance. Talk it over with all makes and models. All work housing, etc. Sumrner ttrm. .^pprov^dfor, LES STANTON. He can quaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to g:30 eater, For one dollar, we will send you $^ per week. 332-2315. help you plan your Insurance budget. 1500 pjn. T.V. Technicians, 3022 E. .Call the Sunday classified section ' E. Michigan. IV 2-0689. Michigan. CaU IV 7-5558. C m TWO of Hawaii's leading CTTROGEN a?, 19 - 1959. si- La-Mor of ceUer.t coadJtior, Repainted body. J** Ltd.. P.O. Box #437. 47 FOR RENT OR SALE- Travel CANOEBTS. River trips in Man- - ^ time. ™AV^L - any Quality • - - trailers 13" to IT models. Also National Forest. Rental catering for all - Call ED ■-*000. 4" Honolulu 1. Hawaii, occasions Manistee Canoe Cruises, .- to fit your budget. WANTED: RIDE to Chicago.- Ranger Tent Campi OKEMOS - Jui later Haslet Michigan Catering Service. IV side. Sat. June 0 anytto*! aBVtin* *55 DCOGE, \-S, automatic, ra- BABY-SITTER r Jan. Oliver Sales. 1846 Rd. MamSte*' PArtvie* 9-3343. mainly ^ rt-ste waUs. Leaving \ WANTED.Spartar. 1. Farmhouse. Old World Phone ED 2-686L ^ q little luggage " iliage sunsaer :erm. 2 chll- vironmen;. t seU. 355-8030. Kanaby Grand, spa¬ DIAPER SERVICE 8 A_M. -1954 -5, automatic. • 1 PM. 355-1071. - cious right family grounds. $65 a month to - students. Phone » For Sate FREE FILM SERVICE to your desire. ED -2-0851. ioor. 925C. CaU Johr- ED 3- ED 7-7243. 40 WINCHESTER Bolt action repeat- Yqu receive your own dia¬ NEED RIDERS going taP + fQr Rent 314 DETROIT STREET - 2 bed- ing rifle, .22 caliber. Virtually KODaCOLOR FILM size 620 or pers back each time. With after exams. Contact new. $23 or best offer. Call l27- Free ro11 °*ch ro11 our service, you may in¬ 2-7615. APARTMENTS rootr. funushed house. 3 r OFFER takes college 355-S972. 46 ^ fof developing and printing. clude your baby's under¬ Pea'hr. SLMME5 ONLY, approved com- «« SIMMONS HIDE-A-BED, green Special with this ad only. $L50 Excelier* eoadtaor.. ED2- shirts and clothing which - pie«ly furrasfteC. 3 rooms bath ^ *I»sit nwiuired. Nice Lea* yard.CaU ^ wiU not fade. White, Blue 'ojc One. parking. 2 n*r.. snar-ned c A ct-lr_ chain saw. bricks, garden or Pink diaper pails furn¬ 1954 Ore*rolet-leather jpfccU- r. 2-1824 tools and hoes, large wooden MAR EX REXALL iZ ished. tery, dependable. E^celler: 2 apes., furnished, m, SUMMER, completely furnished, desk and chair, magazine modern, 2 bedroom, bnck ranch. ED 2-5685. r*ck; 47 PRESCRIPTION CENTER 301 N. Clippert (by AMERICAN LAUNDRY IF Wanted orassportatler-. ED 2-5031 , Frandor) C is i super vj sed for male students. Family only. Children welcome. B-{lst Normandy Clarinet. Ul E. WASHTENAW Good _ - ;ai:* later P» . 7-0775. ?*jOOC 7-1561 4" 565 Stoddard. ED 2-1429. 47 condition. Phone 355-4242 or IV IV 2-0864 t.f. z_ LOVELY Ape. available June 15 FURNISHED. 2 bedroom, to rem 2-0916.- «7 FINALS? FREE LIST OF over 40 organ- for M.O.*. - 19« .%iie convertible. Sept. or longer. Comjpiettly _.u „ . t 'liable Uke for 2-4 ECONOMICAL MO-PED-motor- DON'T PANIC! RaAokeater. Oely 14.000 trJles. furaished. Utilities paid. L««««g- Sever -acer* FE cycle. 1962, excellent condiuon Call r- 9-9591 Parking. (Also small furnished *6 after hiCf. «er IMC. Top 4" house.) CaU EC 2-2462. FURNISHED APT. for married 47 rrr— Lease for summer for $50. Ron. 355-0360 after 4:30. 46 STUDY GUIDES FOR Washington, IV 2-5314. "Uve Music wrBr; J?1 B -- r^uuag Ne. apire ^hoo- W VOUge " FOR S'MMER SCHOOL: 2apart- both .single and tlouble- PffoTOCOPY MACHINE - copies ALL THREE TERMS ,s ^est," ALTERATIONS. Hemming 81 re- I9K POKTIAC ST AS CHIEF tsrtr lug^ire racit. wxndsfc;eld. ^ mems, pnvaae entrance,par- ®r 14 /24" OF BASICS •tyllng • formal., trou^^ blocks fromc8rnPu^«j.ji witb timer. Cheap! Cheapl ^"Sact M^at^ mnm< nnvii. js5-u>. or 345-11^. APARTMENTS available Juj s 12. king, close tc campus. CaU ED 2- 7-9704. DerreU. 46 skirts, etc. NEEDLFN THREAD m*r' 3151. NOW AVAILABLE _ _ AUSTIN HEALY JdX 47 MOTORSCOOTERS. "Vespa, A- - 4 aearer, $75-$U2. Utilities uvcluded. " AM-FM radic, F.OOC r-.iies Ex- -arkmg. T. 5-9«l8 after 6:30. 46 merles*s Finest.** New low celici t tccdttion. S210C1. Will FALL TERM Approved super- 125 model graduate student- J # j* ^ Summer term . — . private furnished ■ * ■ nus^c fA. viaed rooms for men. Spartan ,,i ■, c - —_ FREE DRY CLEANING! Wend- regular $389 BEECHEM KNIGHT I s ££ Al 2 bedroom apt. Two or four men. Near campus. Parking. Phone campus. ED 2-2574. nt», sl£?"Hall 215 Louis. One block from 47 mm model regular $429 now $388.50. $349^8. ISO i AUTO SALES "Buy . LAY AND MATTHEWS, 1322 E. Ep 7't48?- ^ ATTENTION MEN. room and now tmS save."* Gew's Cycle Shop. IV 4-OJ62. tf INK POT west of S*rs* Fr^^'i. Mlcfclfan, IV 5-2243. Do you went giving absolutely free-dry clean- MEN 5 rooms. Bath Clean. Fur- board. $14 per w*ek. room only. tafto each customer using lit !* J?1 JL J Ne« ' 307 GRAND RIVER problem 0 ^psadquaai coin washers only W different timet. 6 Take advan- ^ ' n ' tag* M.sju* ^cwrtinwed es P»«* " V Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June I. 1962 OTA wards StagecT At Jack TarHotet MSU Sports FRIDAY zrsrJz:* ± r«r^c,3 ol Third ^J^rdTfUnquet Annual Unlver«lty F™nk 7\*s- treasurer. Frtnklinfr»«hn«n. 2?*'® Alpha Phi officers for Singing Prof 3N U.S.I6 Exclusive Drive-In Showing Saturday by Theta Alpha Phi. »«-« are Kenneth Peck. Bay Cil dramatics honorary, and ' presl<1®nt: Bay City • teacher of Intellectual history Parting nothing I 3 Swell Hilj Reg. Ad*. 75« ^. rlavert, the purpose of J"n4f r- P*"® s Ident Barbara and a folk alnger. ingt," he said. Myites was to recognize M*s»lng. Brooklyn. N.V.. junior. He became Interested In folk During World War II he saw 2-2rson» wh0 h*ve maae and unique contrl- CaUB^?C^!nnitMMam Calumet City IU.. secretary: Br0We-and •tnging when he heard Burle Ives sing In New York In 1046. 4Ctlve dury France and Cer- wlrh the 3rd Army, 05 dl- Walt Disney's versityTheatre, p*n Krlnsky. Ne - Hlt roommate Uugbt him to play vislon. In combat he was a for- I 1 Spth durinl S r un>graduate tenure. I9""1-62 and during lor' treasurer. four acting awanls were J:€n»d to the following per- p!T v.-tress to Mrs. Anne Pinnings the guitar In their Greenwich three cords and 100 songs. ^rd observer for 81 millimeter Village apartment and he learned mornrs and was wounded in house t0 hous« combat lp 1045. MOON PILOT •Moon Pilot" Shown TW,r. ir » TT 1-4- = singing has declined In recent lng emotionally committed t ust Lansing ewrfor. (Continued page 3) years with the current fad for that Democratic party. Hewasa block I ft'rOe. f*rformance " Stella Tom Hext. Alma senior, to type of music. leader for Stevenson In 1952. DORIS AND JACK A DOUBLE DELIGHT! s:,wtcar Named Desire . Wally Gregory. Mt. Clemens "When the people took up folk *ot ^eryone out to vote.1 Ihs: actor to * 1-- Michael sophomore and Sigma Kappa music It was time for me to get he M,d- "T*ey voted for injame. Fast Lanilnf graduate joe Watkins, Detroit j. ni out." he said. Elsenhower and I quit vigorous .\r. Vii« enactment of tv\ \ i-,... ' Ostrander teaches Intellectual _ P®rty anticipation, jffii roie of "Dr. Faustus' actress to Ear- ford, Mass. and Chi Omega jlrn Dellagattl. Pittsburgh, Pa. history. His courses are a grad- Ostrander is a member of the supporting ) „ uate seminar and an undergrad- American Historical Assn. and ^ FJtes.SaultSt. Marie sopho- sophomore to Louis Schr"o^er. uate series, 423. 424 and 425. He Is the Mississippi Valley Historical more. ^r rt-mtenM Of M.g Milwaukee, Wise, freshman. teaching 224 American his- *SSI1- a ..priga.toon and best sup- Lynn Gill, Suttons Bay senior. tory, a survey course, this term. Hc ls a hachelor and lives at u:or l0,MJrC^-St?' Pat Berry. Ostrander also works with 1316 N'- Hagadorn, Fast Lansing. portrayd el_the multl 10 chuck Cold water junior! prtir-g L Handy. Benton Harbor graduate students In speech doing —'— rk roles m the Medieval Plays, sophomore, to Laura Crick, Ben- research and writing theses on CLARK BURIED Mrs. Cio'ii also received the ton Harbor sophomore historical figures who wet e also 'N LOUISVILLE LOUISVILUS, Ky. (AP)-The n*:J W-» P,M v. hartos fUZXEZF Lauterbach, i0r,™ckto *«"«. , Constantlne jun- orators. Writing has always been his r*""181"" of explorer Gjjorgp Rog- ,, i :• , Nancy Baker, Western w'.« CMo. graduate student, Michigan bobby. He once started a hlstor- ers Clark, who dletl in lSl*. are t'nlverslty Jmlor GILMAN M. OSTRANOER STEVE FORREST j,s warded the lT*ta Ham John Leaver, Sarnla, Ontario ical novel but became so en- ln Cavp H,,l Cemetery at Louis- Award '.o- :tie best acting per- junior, to Becky Falk, Port Hu- ...History Professor and Folk Singer... grossed In the historical re- Twinkle .A .Shine Shown 2nd I State News Photo search at 10:45 fermance offstage. ron Junior. by George Junne that the story was for- Clark originally was buried at I L°°U8t Grove near Louisville, john E. Pietrlch, chairman nan McNeil, Stephenson sen- gotten. Since that time he has —3rd Feature-- Michigan University sophomore, tasy, I c. -.he .iep.irtmeAt of speech pre- ior. to Carol Hlgglns, Royal Oak DELTA UPSILON concentrated on scholarly his- ctttEI>ns tnoved his remains A MOHTMARE ;ei : departmental Awards to senior and Alpha Phi Wade Pier He has also written a coll< fnriral wrtrtng I 51^CAra after htu ,ie;tth. Thoy fa'' their particular entitled, His Have Joseph, Film senior, to _ , m •» j»j Howe. Chicago, 111. Junior, and *— — - — - — —r , most recent book, "The ^cnod a,wl dosed nine graves • :- butions to University Sue Dody, Alpha XI Delta "Imagination and Phantasy." Rights of Man In America 1606 hofore locating that of the colo- . .a::r Vr.neCioffi, Linda Smith. ALPHA TAU OMEg'a Alpha XI Delta. He has written detective stor- to 1861" was published In I960. neI' Went,,y was made from mil- EVANS SCHOLARS les and is a member of a branch It examines the political, social, IIw-^Ushbrook. Lols^rtln^^ar- student. Patricia Rfch Wllso, Bayonne. N. N. J. Marv Rossnaeel. Warren of the Sherlock Holmes society buttons and the fact that I| Rid*. VI., literary and religious forces remains had only one leg. rw ton "senior and Judy ii^ham y rm" freshman to Phyllis Collins, called the Greek interpreters of which gave democracy ■ renton semor. ana juay Ingham meaning ,.„rk, East Lansing senior, styhomoreandAlpha Phi. Warren freshman. East Unslng. ln America. _ " William Sweedand, professor LSWORTH HOUSE ]ohn Bolt' G . ALPHA EPSILON PI The society is dedicated to the He ls now writing two books, a B&J Moving and ■ received the Play- ,or> t0 M Ethan Wagner, New Garden study and norlficatlon of Sher- textbook and a monograph on Nev- j Gowdy Un- |er<* ■ siatait*-: -•cognition Award for his lon Pier senior. -upi,on of the Uni- . FARMHOUSE HlU, N. j. junior, Remey, Lansing junior. to Sherry loclc Holmes. Each branch sumes the name of one of Holmes' as- The textbook, to be completed s~7\ Storage Inc. by Aug. 15. Is to be a 400 page '''^wiincin SfMSi; Play- g},WaynV°P^ornore' ,lou 0f otter, SIGMA CHI East Lansing sen- lares is aiso a memner oi tne survey of American history. ' IV 4-1421 „ were introduced- Michael 0 Mary F,len N'oran«lry. Wayne, lor, • tva Gunnerfeldt Lulea, Mystery Writers of America, "The Rc:ten Borough" Is a "Gentle-Care" Moving, president: Hermlnoh Ham- Fred Schmidt, Monroe sopho- Sweden. whose slogan ls "Crime does not stydy of economic determinism Packing and Storage Shown 3i^d __ ■ ■:,?iihomore. vice :rore' to Mary Ann Hall, Eastern enough." in Nevada. pay DWE • « - OUT! ONLY 4 Miles E. US 16 yf He came to MSU in 1957 after "This book has been difficult I Ul V S having taught three years, 1953 to write because much research NOTE: Held over Sun. Mon. Tue. & Wed. ■■a a to 1957, at the University of and digging are involved as there THE MINOR KEY I §•/*■ m «k| 4 ^ a Michigan. He received his Bach- is a scarcity of wrltirg on the I I U II Jl Q | 0 \ dor's, master's and doctorate subject from which to collect degrees there. ja A ret ontino »» ■ _ • w I 11 I I I w He has worked as a book re- viewer for the Detroit Times. Information," he said. Ostrander was born In 1923 In Try State News Want Ads NOW APPEARING San Francisco. His family has Donald .A. Yates, assistant been in California since the lessor of pro- n°w rev'ews I0*1** fllms 1870's. foreign languages has "f drama for tf>e State Jour" nal. He earned his bachelor CAL TJADER SEXTET ibllshed byrinths". a book entitled The book is an English Two of his plays have been from Columbia degree University and translation of the works of produced. A three act play. "The a master's ln 1948 and a doc¬ Jorge Louis Borges, an Argentine writ- Bay is Green" was presented torate in 1953 from the Univer¬ i er* by a players group ln Farmington sity of California, Berkley. In 1959. Channel 6 T V He taugftt at Reed Of Borges Yates says, "He ls produced College, the remarkable because he has pub- halfhourplay/'MurderPlays 1953 to 1954, Ohio State, 1954 to JAZZ TIL DAWN j 11 shed relatively little and the Game." 1957 and the University of Mis¬ yet is 9 p.m. - 5 a.m. , being considered for a Nobel souri, 1957 to 1959, before com* , Prize. Night Staff lng to Michigan State ln 1959. CASH Yates has been granted a Ful- While ln graduate school he Ful- Nlght editor nni rv-.r^^ II541 DEXTER near Burllngame rw. took two years out, 1947 to 1949, to''do're^rchPin°B«Mst0Aire3 readers- S*"h B*COrt. Howard to become a general assignment WE - 59330 on %££u£££5 phan- ^PiTO' ^ m Wl"ter' 84,1 Y<,n- reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle. He describes this ex¬ perience as the most boring time of his life. "I was glad to return to grad Outdoor enthusiast all agree. . . . FOR When its time to call it BOOKS a day the place Those who have to stop is a choice, choose VESPA . . styled for fun. designed for easy McDonald's going. Talk about economy and comfort. Ves- pa's got it' Live it up on a lively Vespa—come in to¬ day and try one. for free' Have you tried WE BUY ALL BOOKS AT ANY TIME All— American NEW LOW Hamburg Fries PRICES FOR SPRING/ still a favorite. 125 Model Reg. 5389 GIBSON'S tnjAft Now . 150 Model [McDonalds ■ in with the Reg. $429 Nam- Lansing's Scooter & English $10050 JOP BOOKSTORE Bicycle Center 6HE'S CYCLE SHOP CORNER WEST GRAND RIVER AND EVERGREEN 702 W. Barnes IV 4-0362 ' Friday, June l 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan St. Johns UCM Sets Fall Plans Sunday Ptopics Church Parish**" Fr. R. k„ StudeJTl to A school of theology designed draw seminar lens from — Eatabllahment of « Protes- »nt chaplaincy at Olln Health The United Campus Ministry u the result of merger conver- Student East Lansing Interdenominational Fr. T. r, *27 M 'IcDevttt AX" Sunday Masse, throughout the Midwest to the Center Involving the religious nUont held among various de- campus is one of many plans groups participating In UCM. under consideration by the United --Graduate level programs de- nominations during thepast year, A second outcome of these Forums 200 W. at Grand River Michigan 7:15.8:30*9^ 12:30 (Babysitting ,t a.- (High) u;IJ Campus Ministry (UCM) for the signed for students interested negotiations was formation of a The Lutheran Student Associ¬ 11:15 masses coming year. to ««*ytng problems In depth. UnUad Campus Christian Fel- ation *111 have its Friday evening Dally Masses Proposed for February of 1963. -Marriage seminars utilizing lowship, (UCCF). social hour at 10.00 p.m. A bar- 12:10 p.m. i 5r0n the school would provide an op- religious and soclolog- UCCF represents a physical lcal-Ecumenical beque Is planned for Sunday at portunity for students as well as | de- wmerger ^merger oi uic of the staff and »"»■> «ud«it 5:30 p.m. at the John Hoffman Saturday Masses faculty members of the overtures %jron>8, equipment, facilities,ai residence. aan. Confessuipc >1P]ed 10 "ring aboutt greatergreater ^gets budgets of the Disciples, Congre- Congr "FEAR AND FAITH" slty to study and discuss prob- lems cf theology. understanding and cooperation g»tl0nal, Evangelical and Re- Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 12 10 * 5 00 S^ Other proposed plans are: between faiths. formed. Evangelical United 4-5:30 & 7:P£*,J Brethren, and Presbyterian Dr. Wallace Robertson. Novena churches. Service, Tues 5:30 j, The staff offices of UCCF and student activities will originate Church School from College House of Peoples 9 30 a m.&lla-m. Church. the Martin Luther Chapel Nationally UCCF was organ¬ Crib room through Gamma Delta will have a cost- ized in i960. It got its start In supper at 6:00 p.m. followed high school age Study hartJ! Michigan one year later. Churches of UCCF in conjunc¬ discussion at 7:00 and Ves¬ .. and tion with the Lutherans. Episco¬ pers at 8:15. Holy Communion May you rest inr*f palians, and Methodists earlier this veer formed the nucleus of the United Campus Ministry. The He*. Donald Herb of University Lutheran Church. Walter Kanla. sraff coordina¬ tor for UCM characterized the Woman Ends organization as an experiment to make the campus ministry more effective. Herb Resig 118-Year-Old East Trinity Church Lansing Kimberly Down$l "Sunday evening meetings serve a purpose," he said. "But Tradition Interdenominational Church of Christ! not to pus the whole university. We want broadzn the thrust of the cam¬ ministry.' Local Pas COLUMBUS, Ohio If - For 120 ,e\. ! spartan Vvenue i ugene Williams (2 blocks The Rev. Donald Herb, pastor Prior to coming to Fast Lan¬ the first time in 118 years, a woman--Mrs. Robert T. Stock¬ tl:00a!in. Shopping sing in 19*57, Herb was pastor v . of University Lutheran Church ton of suburban Bexley -- has Grand Rn, for five years, has announced his to students in the Greater New This Sunday, 11 a.m., Gerald Aspects Of resignation, He will leave July 15, for Chap¬ York City Herb's new duties will consist been elected to the vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. * 30 p.m. of supervision and promotion of K. Wyman, the minister. Discussion and coffee follow¬ ing. Church and nursery school. Unitarian Universa¬ Mormonism el Hill, N.C. to become regional secretary for the south-east re¬ the Lutheran campus ministry in Church officials say her elec¬ "Portraits By (Holy Communion Service) Paul" lis! Church of Lansing, Holmes & Prospect Sts. gion of the Division of College a territory extending from Vir¬ tion is typical of a trend break¬ Discussed and University Work of the Na¬ tional Lutheran Council. ginia and West Virginia to Flor¬ ida. ing down the historic hold men have enjoyed on the communion's Other Services East Lansing First Presbyterian Herb attended Gettysburg Col¬ He announced his resignation governing body. And her fellow- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School "Psycho-Social Development Classes for University Unity Center Ottawa and Chestnut ir. ReLition to Basic Principles lege and was graduated from Mt. to the congregation of University vestrymen are not liable to find Lutheran Church on May 20, it themselves unable to get a word Students 425 W. Grand River of Church Organization," will Airy Seminary in Philadelphia In 9:30 t4 11:00 a.m. 1945. will become effective July 15. in. She vows she'll talk only 8:45 p.m. Trinity Collegiate voxie G. Miller. Pastor be the subject of the fifth in the 1 e served as chaplain in the when she has something import- Fellowship. •day Worship - 11:00 a.m. series of lectures on Mormon¬ Naval Reserve during WW 11. Buffet supper & spiritual Study aw Long Are We Young" ism sponsored by the Deseret Thursdav "V. Mavdene Williamson Club of Michigan State. Inspiration 7.00 p.m. Wednesda- evening Bible Clas cv. H. W. Sundwall, associate professor of educational psychol¬ ogy, will discuss the organization of the Mormon Church as reflect¬ Evangelist Billy Graham Prayer and Bible Sr.Jy. Phone the Church office, 377-7966 for information con¬ FE 9-8190 ing the concepts of intelligence, Begins Chicago Crusade cerning the campus bus sche¬ free agency, and love, and the dule. ED 2 -1960 o effects of this organization upon the psycho- social developr.en. Billy Graham began the most stream down the aisles in re¬ associates reside in the Chicago of the Individual members. Greek Archdiocese The lecture will be held at ~:30 important crusade of his career sponse to Graham's nightly ap¬ area and they are intensifying All Saints Episc Wednesday evening at McCor- peal to "decide for Christ." their efforts to make this, the First Church of Orthodox Church p.m., Sunday May 27. at the East mick Place, the huge exposition The series of meetings, prop¬ home crusade, the best yet. Lansing Chapel of the Mormon hall located The crusade will be broadcast "HOLY TRINITY" Church, 149 Highland Street. on the shore of Lake erly termed an evangelistic cru¬ Christ, Scientist 1000 S. Washington at Elm Michigan in Chicago. sade, not a revival, began Me¬ over radio nightly and during the Church Matins & Sundav School 10:30 quit-council, proposals Indoor seats for 34,500 and morial Day and will climax June course of the meetings five, na¬ "acres of free parking" were 17 with an outdoor rally at nearby I '' to II A.M. *lNSTON-SAL£M. N. C. (AP) advertised in last Sunday's edi¬ Soldier's Field. A crowd of over tionwide, hour-long telecasts will extend the ministry of Graham C. Liturgy of St. John the — Al least three petitions asking ! Chrysostom 10 30 am. tion of Chicago's newspapers as IOC,000 Is anticipated. to millions. crowd-gathering Incentives. Graham is a graduate of Wheat- Graham, who a short time ago Coming from all over the Mid¬ en College, located 30 miles west conducted a lecture series at the Chaplain to west. a total of over one million of Chicago. He was pastor of a University of Chicago, has indi¬ people is expected to attend the small church in Western Springs, cated that two years from now Rev. Gor.1. Sunday or call IV 2-$41*5 lay School programs for the meetings to hear Graham preach. 111., a Chicago suburb, before he will begin holding college About 12,000 counselors have gaining nation-wide fame as an campus crusades on a more ln- Tsfjytertea In South Car beer, enrolled and trained to deal evangelist. Subject filed such proposals. with the many Inquirers who will Most of the other Graham team e "Ancient and Modem Necro¬ i EAST LANSING mancy, alias Mesmerism and ! Hypnotism, Denounced" FRIENDS MEETING Seventh - Day Wed. ! \emng Meeting8 p.: Liturgical Worshi Adventi st Church Heading Room 1& W. Grand River Liturgy — the work of the drals of gochic architecture have ly, and in sot a weekly the danger of becoming more people ir. divine service--since given way to bold modernistic mechanics and ornamentation. the turn of the century has beer, structures. Abstract and sur¬ The Lutheran Church Is also In some cases liturgical sym¬ undergoing a revival in many realist painting adorns many feeling serges of revival. In sev¬ bols are easily adapted from one 'Christian churches. churches and sculptured work eral large congregations cele¬ theological concept to another. ! the Reading Room. The present liturgical revival from crucifixes to stames reflect bration of the Eucharist has be¬ Many clergymen who have no has concerned itself partially the new artistic freedom from come die central service. Kneel¬ use for liturgical colors, are with a recovery of earlier prac¬ the Middle Ages. ing benches are coming back into planning sermons around thepar- tices and parttally with if'ectirg use and private confession isbe- tlcular season of the church year What Then Are We To Do? University Lutheran a dynamic and contemporary rit¬ Another Instance of such adapt¬ This question is asked Church [University Methodist ual which expresses the "work Time Magazine recently re¬ ability is the vigil light. ery Sunday in the worship Eastminster | of the people". ported that the pastor of a large In and Student Center Episcopal and some Luth¬ thodlst Church congregation In Boston dresses eran churches the vigil light Paul Marx, writing in Litur¬ In fall ma is vestments for cele¬ Is a candle which burns con¬ n i Are We to dor fact. > . Presbyterian Cu gical Arts Quarterly said: When bration. Candles as well as a tinuously when reserve sacra¬ "In regard to culture the preaching of the word replaced the Sacrifice of the cross are carried in procession ment is on hand to signify the Church is truly catholic- as the and about half of his congrega¬ Mass, thepulpit or choir replaced presence of Christ. offers fiveorsix suggestions services. »,l0i 11:15 heir and mother of universal cul¬ the tion genuflect. Churches caught up in the re¬ for study and altar as the focal point of application ture, she despises no good of church architecture. The Episcopal Church--most' vival which reject the real pres¬ during the week. A pp ro * i- earth or body and welcomes all liturgical of non-Roman andnor.- in the sacrament have sub¬ Resplendent mass vestments ence mately half the congregation true human progress: -.othing is Orthodox Churches—is undergo¬ stituted the vigil candle for a gave way to a black robe or suit, foreign to her. candles were taken off altars ing a revival, particularly in the light above the altar indicative If you wish to worship 54! Walbridge " Precisely because the Church and crucifixes were replaced by "low" churches. of the all-pervading presence of is a living organism overflowing where persons desire to Study Phcre: : Bishop Pike of California has God. Apply Christianity." we in¬ with the life and spirit of Christ, suggested to his priests thatthey SUNDO PRi The new emphasis vite you to she gathers into herself and as¬ on sacra¬ don F'jcharlstlc vestments for Liturgical symbolism is not worship with 9 30 a.m Ch-' ments has beer, responsible for us ne*t Sunday. similates whatever she finds of celebration of the sacrament in infinetly adaptable. Forthepres- With Nurser*. a reevaluatton by many of the ent, however, churches at all Service* at 9 45 and 11 value. a.m. place of die usual cassack and clergy and laity of the liturgical losses incurred since the Re¬ surplice. theological slants are coming to a new awareness of the "Respect for Roots" S'arr "Just as liturgy is a snythesis It remains to be seen whether beauty formation. and spiritual value of such de¬ of all theology and scripture, so the liturgical revival Is fad or Dr. Dwight S. Large Kinderrar- ^ Among the evangelical denom¬ votional aids. it is the integrating or synthesis inations the increasing fact. preaching of all the arts in the worship of frequency One of the Commenting on the liturgies of sacramental worship is one biggest obstacles to of his church, one minister said: Central Methodist God: arch itecture. sculpture. of the biggest indications of a a complete revival lies in the "We are not ashamed to use Church All- Foundation Picnic nature of liturgy Itself. Liturgy liturgical revival. material symbols to express our is both the work of the people Across from the The Methodist Church, for ex¬ faith. After all, Christ chose the Capitol "A farewell to the s< Fvid< of the present lit¬ and an expression of the faith 9:15 each sees ample, provided for commem- most common of elements - Sunday -- W1LS - STunrv> 5:30 p.m. urgical revival has found expres¬ of the church. Religion In- the News" - Barbeque Picnic oratios-aLrhe l.vr-i"s Supper five bread and wine—to convey one Call FD 2-f* sion la the rvpes of churches be- Dr times a year." Many congrega¬ Liturgical symbols which are of the greatest mysteries of Large portatlor tng constructed. Scoring cathe- tions have now instituted month- Christendom.." a not grounded in this faith carry Edgewood Peoples Okernos Church Fir St Church Lansing Central First Christian SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Church Christian Student Free Methodist of the Nazarene of the Nazarene Reformed Church Foundation Church 1906 Hamilton Rd. 82J9 N. Washington. Lansing 240 Marshall St. Lansing Genesee it Butler Morning Worship 11 a.m. 1518 S. WASHINGTON - LAV v~ C. A. Bruch. pastor Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor Rev. Dale A. Woods, speaker Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Your Church School Morning Service 930 & "Church-Away-From-Hf- - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10 Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. a.m. Young Peoples S e r v | c e C ^ , 11:15a.m. Protestart tradition c Y£- 8:30 a.m- 11:00 p.m. Worship «>rvice 8:15 p.m. Vespers Evening Service - 7:00 PM EVERYONE WELCOME leme: "out of a Spiritual Rut" T«r PfcilUptans 4:13 "CHRISTIAN DISCIPLINES** Call rv 2-9382 tor Informal Rev. Pundertral ; a.ailable for counseling at all times. . Ifc.. •.