MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Vol. 53. No. 215 STATE East fATE N Lansing, Michigan V July 3, 1962 Price 10< MSU Labor Center Still Operating Tensions Trustees High In Hold Its Theatre "Five Finger Future Exercise," a By JIM WALLINGTON brilliant first play by the British State News Managing Editor author Peter Shaffer, will be the The Labor Industrial Relations second presentation by the Center is still in existence to¬ - University Theatre's Summer day despite a legislative order Circle. The show will run to suspend its operations. Wednesday through Saturday in . Board Secretary Jack Breslin l)em. Hail, beginning at 8:30p.m. ■aid the fate of the MSU operated "Five Finger Exercise," center will not be known until winner of the New York and the July 16 meeting of the Board London Critic's Awards, is a of Trustees. s An order to kill the URC was sensitive and perceptively writ¬ written into the University's ten drama about the misunder¬ appropriations bill which was ap¬ standings which can develop proved by the legislature last among the members of a family week. The bill took effect Mon¬ when love is not freely given and day meaning that the center received. should have been suspended. The family in question here Breslin said the operations of is the Harringtons, an upper- the agency could not be termi¬ middle class English group com¬ nated without an order from the posed of a well-meaning but vain and self-consciously "cultured" mother, to be played by East tt. Lansing graduate student Carol "1 think the Trustees will ask Ford, her hard-workingbut for a ruling from the c r a 6 81 y commercial business¬ Attorney General" on the constitutionality man of a husband, interpreted of the section of the appropria¬ by Lansing resident Richard tions bill which orders an end Holiday; a hyper-sensitlve, self¬ to the center," Hrealln satd Fri¬ ish and somewhat confused son, day. as done by Joel Gerughty, also "The Trustees have' taken no of Lansing; and the romantic official position so far." he said. teenage daughter, to be portrayed / # Printed reports have said by Tonnie Kissee, of Okemos. ALL-AMERICAN HOLIDAY Into this group of individuals, -Sparklers, fire¬ works and parades ore symbolic of Indepen¬ early start on the holiday Monday night, when Democratic members of the he talked dad into starting the festivities Hoard are prepared to dence Day to all Americans. fight for each of which goes his own way Five-year-old early. --State News Photo. it and President Hannah would and each of which demands love Ray Hussein, 807 G. Cherry Lane, got an like the center integrated with from the other members without the academic program. being willing or able to return the love, is introduced the young man who is to bring their prob¬ Two Canoe There was concern in the State Capitol last week about the-legai- Ity of the kill order, which was By BEN BURNS Bob and Carol lem into clear focus for the Manthy, who put perimental type of food called written'by Sen. Lynn Francis, Editor-in-Chief their 70-pound aluminum canoe Harringtons. Freeze-Dry on the trip. R-Midi and, a declared foe of the in the Red Cedar He is a young German tutor, An MSU just below the The principle of it Is to freeze center. couple left this morn¬ t embittered by his Na/i-orlented campus dam, will paddle and the food in a vacuum so the water ing on a ^00-mile canoe trip to Rep. Robert Waldron, R- youth, but now happy at being a the Great portage to Grand River, out to does not crystallze and break Grosse Pointe, offered Lakes Forestry Kx- an amend¬ Lake Michigan, 100 miles (Continued 7) positton in Mio. up the which he on page coast to Manistee, then (Continued on page 12) ment said was con¬ up the stitutional in place of Francis' Big Manistee River to Grayling amendment, whfch Waldron and No Dean for a Day and down Manthy the Au Sable to Mio. expects average about Directory other representatives declared was not constitutional. 30 miles a day. On the first Michigan Stale was without Dean of Men in charge for a the Men's Division, said Dean ot Students John Fuzak. he said they would day probably only Now On Sale They said it interfered with the operation of a a make 25 miles and will constitutionally in¬ period of 24 hours (luring the camp The registrars office announc¬ dependent Hekhuis, 33, who has worked institution, Michigan somewhere east of Portland. The ed that a telephone directory of weekend. parttime in the men's division, State University. Waldron's I'he trip will take about a month. students for summer term has amendment was a suggestion that oddity occurred when John received both his bachelor and A graduate student in forest been published In limited quanti¬ MSU kill the controversial center K. Truitt, resigned Dean of Men, master's at Michigan State. He economics, Manthy and his wife ties and is available in 106 Ad¬ if it wanted to stay in the departed Friday for his new post was president of student govern¬ have been graces at Indiana State College where ment in 1950 when it was called toughening their mus¬ ministration building for 50 of the legislature at cles by stints on the Red Cedar. money ap¬ he is Dean of Student Person¬ Student Council. cents. propriating time. Last week they canoed fromWtl- nel. The directory is available to "The tentative His appointment includes the liamston to budget for the lildon R. Nonnamaker's ap¬ position of instructor in the Col¬ campus in about four departments in 14 Administra¬ fiscal year includes the hours. LIRC," tion building. Breslin said," but it has not pointment as successor to Truitt lege of (education. He tatight This will be the first trip of was not effective until July I, school in the Grand Haven sys¬ Lyle Leisenring, assistant been approved by the Trustees which was Sunday, leaving Sat¬ tem. any length for Carol, an Fast registrar said several interest¬ yet. They will act on the bud¬ Lansing school teacher, but tier ing statistics came to light when urday as the day there was no Adams, 2f>, a graduate of Iowa get this month." husband expects her to pull her^ the* directory was compiled. I Jean of Men. state resetters College, moves Daniel Kruger, associate di¬ share of the load. Bob l as however, the vai uum did not been ['here are approximately 9,000 rector of the into his new Job alter a year center, said he taking canoe trips in the Su- entries the cause a crises or stir. The shift as head resident adviser in t ase in new directory. Of and other personnel are pre¬ perior-Quantico wilderness on these 4,""56 undergraduates of Dean of Men did create a hall. He replaces Wayne Tinkle are paring programs for fall des¬ the Minnesota-( anadian border and 4,247 are graduate students. shuffling in assistant posts in the who leaves July 15 for Marquette pite the uncertainty whether It since he was eight. Dean of Students office. For the dating set, there are will be in existence or not. University, Milwaukee, where he Manthy said that canoeing is five men for every three women Louis Hekhuis was named to is the new dean of men. not really work, but tost a mat¬ on campus this summer. replace Nonnamaker as Assistant Nonriamaker announced that ter of rhythmic motion. He added The summer term enrollment Director of Student Affairs in George Hibbard will become a that there will he no muscular figures reached another new high' the Men's division and Donald full time assistant in the Dean strain at all after the first few with a total of 11,711 students Adams was appointed Assistant of Students office after working days. Director of Student Affairs in half-time last year. enrolled, according to Registrar O The Manthy's will eat an ex¬ Kermit Smith. \ (•oldwiitrr Is New State Valuable Better Than Old Document? This is the first of port series in sociate Press newsmen -- which two As¬ a nine- with the comment that it "constructive improvement over the present Constitution." was a Objective Gene Schroeder and A.F. Mo¬ han proposed -- sis* new up Michigan's Constitution Forty-two of the conventions 4" Democratic delegates voted against the Constitution. They were Joined by two Republicans. Analysis MR. CONSERVATIVE: BARKY and compare it with the pre¬ GOLDWATER. By Jack Bell. The Democrats said: Duubledav. $4.50. sent document drawn up in "The majority of the voters Biographical in the sense that \908. of Michigan hopefully supported it incorporates the subject's per¬ the calling of a Constitutional sonal htsUity. Uiis book is much Is the new Constitution pro¬ Convention in the belief that this more. It is an analytical study of posed (or Michigan better than convention would improve Mich- Goldwater's beliefs, his positions the present 190S document on public questions ami his On the answer to that question s governmental structure methods. hinges the fate of the product NUnV cl,Uens whc suP^rteo The author has been scrupu¬ turned out by the State's first the callinS of the Convention felt lously objective, and that is on* Constitutional Conventionin that Michigan had an opportunity of the principal values ofthevol- to obtain a fairly apportioned une. Bell is chief political writer more than half a century. Democratic party leaders an¬ Legislature and a sensible, hon¬ for The Associated Press. and bis est and fair tax structure. quarter of a century of experience swer "no." "Hope was also high for a has given him an ingrained sense Republican party leaders say of balance in reporting pro strenghtened executive branch, and "yes." con. and a self-executing home-rule The AFL-CIO is vityally cer¬ provision. Consequently, no matter what tain to oppose its adaption. The reader's "Most citizens had hoped the own political feel¬ NAACP also opposes it. ings. he will find here a cool and The Michigan Farm Bureau and through this means that our long unirapasstoned job of reporting. the League of Women Voters history of conflict and deadlock Bell has provided illuminated In¬ between the malapportioned Sen¬ formation. without leaning toward already have endorsed it. ate and the executive could be either praise or criticism. More than two million dollars, "But what Is Freedom? restored. Goldwater Is presented first as RightJy understood, A universal seven months of hearings and de¬ "The convention failed to a business man «ho got into poli¬ to be good." —Hartley Coleridge. bate, and several million words tics by way of the U. S. Senate, "Freedom is that (acuity which enlarges the useful nes of all of achieve any one of these ob¬ prvos and cons were poured lie is shown in his early relation¬ other faculties." —Immanuel Kant. into the Convention hopper. jectives." Despite their opposition, most ships with such Republican fig¬ "The greatest glory of a free-born people is to transrfiit that Out came a lt\000-word docu¬ ures as Taft. Dirksen and Mc freedom to their children." --William Havard. of the Democrats indicated they ment which probably pleased none found about two-thirds of the pro¬ Carthy. His attitudes In such "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom muSt, of the 144 delegates !00 percent. fields as labor unions and the like men. undergo the fatigue of supporting it." —Thomas Paine, But when the final roll call posed Constitution acceptable. John Birch Society are carefully- "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not foi them- vote was announced. 99 of the They co-sponsored a substitute explored. selves." --Abraham Lincoln. document which differed from the Then comes the period of delegates had decided that-des- "Freedom has a thousand charms to show — that laves, convention's version in ap¬ Elsenhower and Nixon, with spe¬ pite some features they didn't however contented, never know." —William Cow per proximately one-third of its pro¬ cial attention to Goldwater's feel¬ like—the new Constitiaion was "Every man has freedom to do all that be wills, prov Ided he worth supporting. visions. It was defeated 100-43. ings about the Piixon-Kennwdv infringes not the equal freedom of any other mar.." — As it stands now, Governor campaign, followed by the sena¬ Forty-five felt otherwise, in¬ tor's relationships with Presi¬ Herbert Spe»cer. Swain son and other prominent cluding one Republican farmer dent Kennedy. "Let us remember that revolutions do not always tablish who sustained because he thought Democrats have given every in¬ And finally there is a wide- freedom,"—Millard Fillmore. the proposed basic law would re¬ dication that their party officially sweeping survey of the whole po¬ "The freedom of a government does not depend upon the quality sult in "a Socialized will oppose the new Constitution. litical scene and where three fig¬ welfare of its laws, but 14XM1 the power that has the right to create them." state". The result may be that adopt¬ ures fit Into it — Goldwater. Nixon -Thaddeus Stevens. But Shanehan's views ion or rejection of the document and Rockefeller. .Bell's text Is are at "None can love freedom heartily, but good men: tbe r< st love variance with the stand taken will be an extremely close vote. followed by an essay written by by not freedom, but licence." --John Milton. the Opinions of delegates on the Goldwater himself, titled "A Michigan Farm Burear dir Conservative's Creed." "The history of the world is none other than the prog ress of ectors. who put their stamp merits of the new Constitution the consciousness of Freedom — r~ 2. •» f u lvu u:.k Bell's objectivity does not pre¬ Ge«rg Wilhelm Frielrich - approval of the new document (Continued on page 3) vent him from making reasoned measurements and judgments "Human freedom is an achievement by man, an i, as it about Goldwater and his activi¬ was gained by vigilance and struggle, it can be lost by indif^ Crossword Puzzle ties. He uses copious quotations and suptneness." — Harry F. Byrd. from his subject, and where he "For what avail the plough or sail, or land or life, tf freedom feels balance is needed, he inter¬ ACROSS 34. You and I fail?" —Ralph Waldo Emerson. polates other views. The book is 1.Irresolute 35. Smartly a thorough analysis of a "1 remember a proverb said of old: Who loseth his freedom, in major 3 ship FELLOWSHIP I H ALL-AMERICAN ACPA Rating t+ 31. Counte¬ American nance Baptist Member Associated Press. United Press International. 32. Gaelic: Inland Duly Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press it ii Student Foundation abbr. Association. Michigan Press Association. 37 Afr. worm Discussion 7:30 W 20 ** at Every T Published by issued on Class the students of Michigan State University, days Mondav through Friday during the is24 3S. Use a loom Tuesday evening the summer quarter. through fill, winter and spring quarters; twice weekly during the ■xi 40 Oven 43. Celebes summer term: special Welcome Issue in September 3> J3 3* ox Jeiy 3: THE CONCEPT Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. OF 44 Sour THE NATURE OF Editorial 241 Student Services and business offices at Building, Michigan State University. East Lansing. Michi¬ ?S N jj7 -V* fglpf " 45. Bone 46. Eccentric MAN AS CHRISTIAN IT AFFECTS EVANGEL¬ gan. Mail subscriptions payable m advance: 1 term. $3; 39 ISM P \ 2 terms. $4; 3 terms. $5; full year, $6. ■m Trfir 1 ; 8 4, Atner. Editor Managing Editor. .be:. Burns James Walltngton 47 te 48 Oriental At 332 Baptist Student Center, Oakhill. E. Lansing . . TT Photo Editor. . .' \ Dave jaefaiug Hf" abode 50. Thor¬ Rev. James W. Didier, Baptist Chaplain Advertising Manager Circulation Manager Fred Levine Henry Tlnkham W$r S' ppl5* oughfare Phone ED 2-3472 Con Con (Continued from page ranged from enthusiastic support 2) skepticism !i. camp- Some lelt that every :• ihe IVmocratic SPECTACULAR to outright rejection. time Rom¬ "The proposals add up to a ney made a speech on the floor moderate document." comment¬ he was building his public ed John U. Martin, R-GrandRap¬ ids. GOP national Committe¬ eman. "There is a better govern¬ imaj;e— and in effect, campaign¬ ing. Even if the voters have to wait SUMMER mental structure but no radical until next April to make their revision." decision on the proposed Con¬ CLEA RANCE There was general bi-par¬ stitution (as the Attorney Gen¬ tisan support for a number of eral has ruled), the document is provisions. These included: certain to play a role in this Elimination of spring elections fall's campaign. at an estimated savings to the state of about a million dollars Republican's will be accused of trying to cram down the public every other year. throat a Constitution with a built- Increasing the length of terms in BEGINNING TODAY AT 9:30 A.M. guarantee that the GOP will for Governor and other top of¬ retain control of the State Sen¬ fices from two years to four. ate, while Democrats will he Establishment of Constitution¬ labeled obstructionists and Stand¬ al status for all Colleges And universities. Additional co-ordinating pow¬ ers for an expanded State Roard patters Jn the way to Democratic delegates of progress provisions in 10 of the 12 ar¬ objected Important Savings ticles proposed for the new Con- of Education. sltution. They claimed that in¬ Most of the differences cen¬ tolerable aspects of some pro¬ ter around versial issues as such highly-contro¬ posals tftore than outwight the legislative >p- good. DRESSES - COATS - SUITS portlontnent, taxation, and re¬ organization of the executive Whatever the voters will feel branch where selective offices would be made appointive. that backward the Constitution or is forward remains to a step BLOUSES - SWEATERS - SKIRTS "It's a document short of per¬ be seen. ; fection but still a greatly Im¬ Every delegate—Republican proved Constitution for our State," contends George Rom- and Dem(>crate the answr alike—professes should be based on ENSEMBLES - CARCOATS - RAINCOATS ney, probable Republican nom¬ knowledge rather than emotion. inee for governor. And the inly way the voters can ed "It's less than what we dream¬ of, but superior to what we act Intelligently they say, is to find out what's In the new con¬ KNIT DRESSES - ROBES - CORSETS could realistically hope for." stitution *nd compare it with the He says he is still convinced old. that the adoption of a new and better Constitution is "more im¬ LINGERIE - HANDBAGS - GLOVES Paradise Made portant to the future of Mich¬ igan than who is elected to any More Available political office m this Romnev's observation about State." You can't go to Hell on a JEWELRY - BELTS - UMBRELLAS politics bears on a touchy issue state highway, but you'ilbeahle that flared up frequently during to drive t« Paradise. floor debate and echoed through¬ out Constitutional Hail and ap¬ Neither of Michigan's munities named after two com¬ widely GIRLS WEAR - BOYS WEAR pears certain to come up again separated places in the next in (he forthcoming campaign. world--Hell and Paradise—Is on the state's 400-mlle state Should Romany and others who announced as political candidates highway system. CHILDREN'S SHOES have resigned as delegates 1 Hell, near Ann Arbor in Liv¬ Many observers, new all Dem¬ ingston County, and Paradise, west of Ssult Ste. Mane m ocrats. felt that the bi-partisan Chippewa County, are both on harmony with which the Con¬ county roads. vention opened might have con¬ tinued in effect much longer if State Highway Commissioner Romney had not let his intentions to run for Governor be known un¬ til after adjournment. John C. Mackie reports, how¬ ever, that the Highway Depart¬ ment will take over county roads (HllhsilllS that lead to Paradise and the President Stephen Nlsbet. R~ famed 1 ahquamerton t ails.: Fremont, commented more than once that lie believed the con¬ Mackie said tourist traffic in the area has increased to the vention had undoubtedly felt the point whei'e the Highway De- of Romnev's announce¬ SHOE CLEARANCE effect partment feels M-123 and M- ment. 11 ? should lie extended to 1 ah- Some Democrats felt Rom- quamepon Falls over exli tlng nev was Irving to tmild a plat¬ county roads. The entire r >ute form on which to campaign, while will he known as M-12S. Republican leaders made it plain they did not appreciate some Recruiting Problems JOYCE - CAPEZIO pointed barbs thrown Romeny': v One college football coach re¬ way by the Democrats. Romney'■ announcement that ported that things were so t High he would not campaign for office last season dents on the foam. he had to use stu¬ FREDELLE - OLD MAINE TROTTERS as long as the convention was tn session evoked considerable -Hutsonvllle (HI.) Hejrald Want a Head Start 7.90 anjd 9.90 on Orig. 10.98 to 16.98 Summer Fun? styling, shaping, shampoo, and set Summer dress and casual footwear ir luding sandals and sport shoos, Supple calfskin in navy, red black. wown, white and postal shades . $4.50 Patrician Hair Fashions TUESDAY STORE HOURS ' :30 A.M. To 5:30 P.M. • Bai bet Shop ED 7-1114 For Appointment Job Hunters Change Tune better pupil? faUi.l :.iko home technical fields remained the usually had several job oflers and by DAVID SMOTHERS $000 or thereabouts after his Such could not be said of the golc en boys of the college job the recruitment rush was de¬ {United Press international) first month on the job. University of California at mar Set, however. The students scribed as "a traffic jam." Frank As in recent years, the students Berkeley or of Stanford univer¬ who didn't have to worry about Endicott, placement director of This year, the Job-hunting col¬ who had specialized in chemical sity. Yet Robert Calvert, Jr., getting on a payroll most often Northwestern, estimated demand lege graduate might do himself or electrical engineering were off manager of the student and alumni had degrees in electrical and for engineers and technical ex¬ a favor by shifting President Ken¬ to flying starts on their new ca- placement center at Berkeley, chemical engineering mathemat¬ perts was up 25 percent. nedy's words around a little and reers. Graduates with training in 'and R. Dudley Boyce, Stanford's ics, aerospace, applied science, Business administration grad¬ telling himself: uates rated second in popularity, "Think not what die company accounting were considered in- director of university placement biolc gy and chemistry. creasingly hot prospects. services, agreed that this year's At Georgia Tech, where all 1,- teachers were in increasing de¬ car do for you but what you can Most universities reported that graduate needs something extra 179 mand. and liberal arts graduates do for the company." graduates had technical train¬ industry representatives were going for him. ing, Neil Derosa, placement di¬ had the toughest time after grad¬ The chances are good that the more enthusiastic than ever in rector, saidr "graduates have uation. graduate who steps out into the Advanced training is becoming market where At St. Louis university, college world in this frame of mind will going aft9r the brighter boys. But increasingly important, thev neve * come into a a few college of iicials noted a dif- salcj. More students in both uni- their services were bid for at officials urged their liberal arts wind up with a better job, better pay, and a better future. ference this year. Business,they versities are going after mas- such a competitive pace. Our graduates to take a graduate In the month before gradua¬ reported was getting a little ter's and doctor's degrees and boys-and that means every one of course in business to make them¬ tion, U. P. 1. reporters Inter¬ picky. And the more alert grad- more employers are hunting for therr — have been sewed up and selves more attractive to the tal¬ uates knew it. sold out for at least ent hunters. viewed university and college i the students who get those de- three Charles J. Marino.;director of grees. mom hs." The southern borderland of placement directors throughout the country. placement and personnel at St. Calvert boiled it down to sta- At the University of Portland, Nepal is a steamy, malarial The findings were almost uni¬ Louis university, wap the most engn eering school graduates jungle which abounds with tigers tistics. In 1940, he said, 3 million versally optimistic. Starting sal¬ emphatic. persons had college bachelor's aries for qualified college grad¬ "The number of companies that degrees. Now he said, 8.0 million uates were generally up r~ from visited the campus this year was persons have them. The conclu- 2 to ?percent- Talent scouts from increased over last year," he ?ion, Calvert said, is that a mere Industry and government had been said. "However, they were ex- thick as flies on the campusa»> Some schools said they would be surprised if one of their 5«»tionally selective in the type of graduate they were looking tor." bachelor's degree is of less value on the job market, The college placement direc¬ tor s noted other new trends in *p(e%al It used to be, Marino said, that thi6 year's Job recruiting. They of East Lansing 1MSI-I-WEM the typical college graduate was most interested In what a pros- included: —The emergency of big gov- DACRON BLEND pective employer could promise ernment as a bidder for college Flowers from Barnes Floral in the way of retirement and other talent. SUITS fringe benefits. This year. The University of Portland said Marino said: "1 the government had been offering Says so much so beautifully We think I've noticed a great deal of jobs in the engineering and sci- telegraph flowers world-wide Reg. *39.95 Value seriousness on a graduate's part, ence fields. At the University of Only They are very, very serious as California at Los Angeles, the 215 Ann St. ED 2-0871 to how they can progress in indus- federal government was able to $29.99 BUY AND SAVE AT try. "The ' offer the few overseas "Glamor" graduate asks himself jobs going. 'What can 1 do for the company?' --Competition by middle-sized SH CLEANEES Frandor FLASH CLEANI He aks "If 1 do this what will be businesses for top college grad- Len Kositchek's the result'?" uates. "Industry likes this attitude," W. H. Cato, placement director Varsity Shop Marino said. at Virginia Polytechnic institute. By comparative standards, St. credited most of a 25 percent Louis is a small university and jump in recruiters to "more mid- 228 Abbott Rd. East Lansing. Mich. perhaps its experience is not typ- die sizes companies getting fur- ical of the nation's big education- ther from home in recruiting, a field once left mainly to the larger companies." Donald La- Legs Sore? Tired boskey, placement director at U. C. L. A., said "recruiting is at an all-time high and this year See us for the is being extended into medium and finest and best buys in small industries who are now at¬ tempting to get their share of English Bicycles graduates." —A heightened search for graduates with training in ac¬ counting. Hercules 3- speeds V. P. l.'s Cato called the de¬ mand for qualified accountants regular $60.00 now ONLY $46.77 "critical." Fifteer schools in the New York metropolitan area listed accounting as one of the • clean as new Gene's Cycle Shop major fields in high demand and ^Northwestern university said it 'English Bicycle Headquarters' didn't have enough good account¬ • starched to order 702 W, Barnes Lansing ants to meet industry demands. Graduates in the sciences and meticulously ironed S4me day service on wiish pants and shirts. Dine Out Tonight! One-hour dry cleaning and shirt laundering at no extra charge --everyday including Saturday: I Open You'll never get an argument from the fair sex when you suggest dining here! It's just about the si Man Thru Fri >est way to express your Appreciation of your p till 9 pm lady's taste. ^ ISaturday ^ ; till 7pm N. Washington and T Coih-Op Dry Cleaning ^ Across from GLAD.MER convenient Parking in Rear FRANDOR Shopping Center Open Till 2 a.m. FLASH CLEANERS Frandor FLASH CLEAN* wmm la son Officer Shoots the Bull Catching a bull by the Alter searching In vain horns is not recommended for two hours, two officers for amateurs, but catching found the creature in the a bull turned Into a diffi¬ logical place: a cow pas¬ cult task last week for the ture. Department of Public Safety Twenty men. 10 vehicles, three horses, a chief of Nine hundred pounds of ' police and two plalnclothes- experimental beef from the men closed in. University farms got loose Kun Stoltz, Mason chief from its handlers about a of police, blazed away with mile south of the campus, the tranquilizer gun and hit tore down several fences the bull's eye with four Vol¬ and departed. leys. Police officers and agri¬ culture department employ¬ The drug took effect and ees. armed with shotguns the posse led the beast back and tranquilizer-laden air to the bams. Peace mending guns, gave chase. is still in process. TUESDAY NIGHT IS PANCAKE NIGHT served 4 to 8 pm Buttermilk Pancakes Gobs of Butter 90 A LOT OF BULL—A near bovine jail break posse of 20 police officers and animal hand* took place last week when this wayward bull lers cornered the animal and Kim Stolti set¬ escaped from handlers at the experimental tled the animal down with tranquilizer pel¬ 2 beef barn on Bennett Raad on South campus. lets. -State News Photo. Eggs (Any Style) The 900 pound bull was recaptured after a or Rath Society Pork Sausage The northern portions of North America and Furope abound with Pancake Syrup Children 65C 1912 1962 Coffee or Tea glacial lakes Scandinavia, 50th Anniversary Special Ontario. are Maine among areas and Minnesota thickly set with HOMADE FOOD SHOP the lakes. SAVE *50°° X on the Beautiful Mall Court (Frandor) FULIY AUTOM West tormtny The prettiest TENAX SEAMLESS for Those who have never taken pictures before get splendid results with this remarkable 35mm camera. Its built in exposure meter the prettiest legs sets the right combination of shutter speed and lens opening automatically. Focusing is of utmost simplicity- you simply set lens at symbol for a Portrait, Group or Landscape. Has fast Zeiss Tsssar 1/2.8 lens-world famous for its picture taking qualities. Always the mastermaker, Hones colors will compliment your ward¬ Come in for a demonstration robe, give beauty to your legs. a?EERA $0040 'Micro Mesh' reinforced heel and toe at 1.50, the 'Business Sheer' FLASH. S132.40 M 1.35 and 'Demi-Toe' LENS SHADE §m ot 1.65. All priced at in delightful color tones. NO MONEY DOWN HOSIERY STREET LEVEL * STOCK UP NOW WITH FILM & FLASH BULBS FOR COLLEGE OUTINGS. ^ 9j CAMERA itlTlli SHOPS Lansing Emt Lansing Ftandor Center Across from the Across from in the Heart KNAPP'S E>*ST LANSING - Open till 5:30 Michigan Theater the Union of Frandor /Vs. Hannah Museum Exhibits Earlier Fair Local Artists Worfc DETROIT- - The Mic higa nSta re Fair will open earlier rhan usual Vacationing . Miss Ha i Do ale! this year advancing the dead¬ President John A. Hannah left line for agriculture and livestock campus Wednesday for a two Wilkenmg. are having their works exhibited at the Museum of C on- entries up to Monday. July 30. week fishing trip to the Mani- Lakes north of Inter¬ temporary Crafts in New York Walter A- Goodman, general tou area national Falls, Ont., Canada. City. manager, explains that the Michi¬ gan State Fair, which has opened The exhibit will last through He was accompanied by two for years on Labor Day week¬ of his sons, Tom and David and September 2 and is in connection end will close on Labor Day tfcls with a competition for artists- will return to his office July 12. year and cautions all exhibitors craftsmen under 30-years-old. to be aware of the new 1962 entry Prau.mm Information »V S-MBS SPECIAL LANSING ENGAGEMENT deadline and the State Fair dates, Seats Arc Not Reserved August 24 through September 3. r i liB il jT.I Adults-Evenings, Sundays & L*f TiTijlTlritiililllH Holidays $1.25. Weekday Mat University Tbeotre . . p_ ' $1.00 Children All limes 50 fireworks display that will begin at 9 p.m. Hext Week: "YOU NEVER CAN TELL" Luce Calls HUAC Useful COOL wtmKkmj:. iviitriiGAH NEW YORK—Clife Boo the Luce warned today that abolition of the "useful" j.House Un- American Activities Committee might aid |he caiisfe of anti- similar iety," to the John Birch Soc¬ Mrs. Luce declared in the July issue of McCall's mag¬ azine. She noted that the committee STARLITE fOUQW W. ST. JOE ' » Information •¥ 2-JtOS Communist extremists. serves as "a rallying point for Tonite & Wed (3) Hits : HAW Feature at 1:00- "1 am inclined to believe that those who have vital information If the House Un-American Activ¬ about .Communist or Nazi activ¬ Both Nights ities Committee did not exist, America would today be full of ities and as a source of help for those who desire reliable in¬ FIREWORKS After 1st Show Shown Once at 8:45 The Yecfa »0*V.. misguided extremist anti-Com¬ munist groups and organizations formation, in order to combat such activities." Adm MYSTERY and TERROR/on a Summer School Special TREASURE ISLAND! FREE COUPON lECRET ewft'M This ad good for one Fres Admis¬ sion when presented with one paid admission on the "World's Largest Miniature Golf Course" or Driving MoimCRisto Range at FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE THE BRUSKHREINCIOENT (U.S. 16) 5 Min. East of M.S.U. E. Grand River ^ 9 THAI SHOCKED GOOD UNTIL JULY 8 SOUTHEAST ASIA and the world! . M.S.U. FOREIGN FILM SERIES BRU5HFIRE!t JOHN IRELAND EVERtTl SLOANf 10 MORROW CARi ESMONO | HU*4«jaiw mmrp'iuw mRM»ou*i «ttus£ presents I A WONDERFUL Touch of i 'JOURNEY BEYOND THREE SEAS' HEART SINGING STORY' | (Russian & Hindustan) Eascirtatipg Blend of history and legend YruH$<*£ jWide Screen - In Color : Heorit tie TOUNC • HHU lARRYMOKt Starts Fri (7) Big Days ; GIG YOUNG Fri., Sat. - July 6 & 7 - 7:30 p.m jAUDREY MEADOWS • • BETTER THAN FAIRCHILD THEATRE • • "PILLOW TALK" and '■ "LOVER COME BACK" Admission: 50C I Next! 'Advise & Consent' -r isS&m'M- i—if w/iiwpilii1, 1 issc: Placement Bureau Fwc Fuwjei (Continued from page 1) This perspicuous and palnlul Elementary ami Secondary 1 du¬ part of what he believes Is a study of family tangles will be ration - all fields except Speech, wonderfully contented and well directed by Robert L. Smith, a Social Studies, Biology, Physical adjusted family. The tutor, to new director with the University Education (Men). Guidance and be played by CaWln Vander lheatre. It is the second of a Administration. VVoude, a teacher from Hartley, series of five plays which will Interviewing- on July 11th - Iowa, quickly discovers that all include, In coming weeks. Shaw's Waterford Township School - is not as well as it might be "You Never CanTell," Ugo Kindergarten through 6thgrades, within his "new famil." Bettl's "The Queen and The Elementary Mentally Retarded, The drama then revolves Rebels," and Thornton Wilder's Speech Correction, School Diag¬ around the at-first helpful, then "Our Town." nostician: Junior High Typing, disruptive, and finally healing Tickets for all of the Summer Science, Instrumental Music, and effect the tutor has upon the Circle productions are available Industrial Arts; Senior High Harringtons — individually and at the box office in front of Library, Home Economics and collectively; and the near tragedy Dem. Hall 2-6 pan., Monday Business (include business ' in his own life that brings them through Saturday. The number machines. measure of peace and family a for phone reservations is 355- Interviewing on July 13 - Le¬ unity. 0148. high Portland Cement Co. - Busi¬ ness & Public Service, Colleges of Science & Arts and Communi¬ CHICKEN D. INN cation Arts. 3030 E. MICHIGAN (across from Frandor) Box Office Open 6:45 BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE--Heading north on Chandler road in LAST 2 DAYS! Clinton County this weekend, Michael Valo struck a post will be open July 4th went into a ditch, spun the car around, and continued travel ing, this time to the south. The battered car was spotted by "RIFIFI" Officer Jim Auten, of the University police, who noticed the for your convenience. the flat tire and erratic driving of Valo. Valo was taken to at 7:00 - 10:30 Sparrow Hospital with head injuries. Heavy holiday traffic is expected to cause numerous accidents over the 4th. Special with this AD: -State News Photo. CHICKEN DINNER *1.00 at 8:50 only Flatters State News OR The State News is flattered. paper for resale at their stores Calls from East Lansing resi¬ to the customers who want it. A Malt and a CHARBURGER THURSDAY for Then they would profit by ' the dents copies of the State EVe News have been so insistent that sale, the State News would profit ''4 lb hamburger, sesame bun, several business places have by the sale, and the custodiers taken to helping themselves in would profit by being able tp get each issue just as soon- as it is lettuce and tomato wholesale lots from the stacks off the press. of newspapers left in various 63< buildings on campus. Probably they do not realize Speech Prof Receives offer good for July 4th only. that these newspapers have been Scholarship to Maine paid for by students and are left Milton J. Wiksell. associate Regular hours where they are so that they will professor of speech in labor and be convenient for the students industrial relations and continu¬ 9AM-U:30AM Mon.-THURS. to pick up. ing education, has been awarded 9AM-IAM FRl. & SAT. Like some gals who regard a scholarship to the National as a compli¬ Training Laboratories summer 11 AM-I1.-30 PM SUNDAY a discreet pinch session in August at Gould Acad¬ ment, the State News regards emy, Bethel. Me. an occasional "pinch" as a com¬ The laboratory methods have pliment, too. been developed in 15 years of But in the interests of complete collaborative work by behavioral 'ONLY THE morality, it would be better if scientists seeking "to build brid¬ these businessmen would buy the ges between science and practi¬ FRENCH CAN' cal affairs." fcootto it mhio»«mio»Q THE BtSIJNIOREIGN FILMS. TUES. WED (3) HITS7~~f ■AST UNtlHO » fMONt 10 *»»«« FIDFWADIfC rilvLIf l/Klw Both Ni9hts NOW! ALL HEW After 1st Show LAUGH PACKED HIT! A Great Holiday Show! _HIT NO(l> At 8:45 [ HIT NO(2j> At 10:30 ~[ 1:30-3; 40-5:45-7.-50-10:00 / * Prehistoric Monstt "Please don't ask the thea¬ tre manager why, if the CAPTURED ALIVE! picture is about going to the moon, they ell it the FIRST SHOW 7 PM ADULTS 90' ROAD TO HONG KONG. 2- Of The Greatest Comedies He will say 'it beats me." it's the most Ever Made- Both In Color! picture you ever saw! Tony Hancock-A comedian's comedian! BING CROSBY Milton Berle sez: BOB HOPE ' Hooray for Hancock .. - he's a great JOAN COLLINS comedian. Now there are two of us! THt Second PANAMA FRANKS Itotd. flbt Rosa G»e Tory Hancock f timeARqund TCVE FORREST-ANDY GRIFFITH CaltMe ueen and the Gary M. Williams and will spend Rebels" at 8:30 p.m. in Demon¬ her honeymoon on an 65-day African safari. your headquarters Coral Gables' for summer fun! ILFORNO The Name that Made Pizza Famous in Lansing NOW OPEN AT 11:00 A.M. Swim suits Serving Snack* - Sandwich** Also - Luncheons - Dinner* Catering to Nylon Racing Suits . . . The Private Partie* - Banquet* • Meeting* Choice of Olympic Champions Visit Our Rathskeller Open 5 p.m. Daily Ladies Vhone ED 7-1331 Complete Take-Out Service Mens $^95 "Central Michigan'* Favorite Playground" LAKE LA Beach bags AMUSEMENT With room for al! your beach gear In bright plaids on|y $298 Sunglasses JULY 4th Imported from France plus free Mens & Lodies . . . *|49 & M89'^ • Admission • Parking • Picnic Area Air mattresses Open Week Days Weekends & 2-5 p.m. Holidays 7-12 p.m. I-beam construction except Monday l£noon_- 12 midnight [special For All Picnic REDuFed"prke7 ^2^' Group* • Full size only •Call FE 9 8221 for Open Saturdays thru July August 9-1 water safety Avoid Shallow Diving Places And Swim With Buddy System (This is the first of three slones on water safety). By EDWARD S KITCH CHICAGO (AP) - Sum¬ mertime i s swimming time and safety first should be the rulf among swim¬ mers. ' The National Safety Council and all organizations Interested in water safety recommend that swimmers use the buddy system. The council swimming alone. Swimmers advises should against know their WHAT EVER YOU NEED limitations. They should avoid water when tired, overheated or for your car chilled. Cold water is more exhausting than warm water, so distance swimmers and non-swimmers or 50 yards before leaving shal¬ Mufflers-Tail Pipes-Exhaust Pipes should stay with shallow water. low water. swimming should not be done in the cold. Get used to water temperature One should be able to swim 25 NEXT Skin Divingi INSTALLED gradually. Plunging immediately into cold water numbs the body IM Complete Shop and makes breathing difficult. Never dive known waters. or leap Into Explore the depth to make un¬ sure Softball Beg Paperbacks battles Invertibles Rebuilt Motors and Transmissions week league, also, Gowans said. the water is deep enough and that there are no rocks or sub¬ and Izods will play Kellogg Flak- ies to start off the Men's IM Rozos, champion of the second INSTALLED five week merged 6tumps before diving. Eight feet of water is consid¬ Open Softball Summer league at 6 p.m. today. league last year, begins its season Thursday against new Speed Equipment -Accessories ered the minimum for all-round entry, Lushwell A.C., on diamond DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY Nineteen teams entered the diving safety from floats) or low No. 4 at 6 p.m., the starting platforms. Nine feet is recom¬ summer competition and were time for all IM games. mended if springboards are used. broken into four blocks, three as a One should never yell for help ioke. If in trouble, a swimmer should of five teams and one of four, said Gowans. summer director Robert In the second game. rates' and Conglome¬ Biology Institute pair off at Diamond No. 2. Today's KAMIN'S AUTO PARTS try to conserve his strength as much as possible by resting on Each block will have a single- round-robin schedule with block Paperbacks-Invertlbles game is at No. 2 and die 526 N. LARCH his back ana floating with a min¬ Izoda-Kellogg imum amount of motion. champions to play off at the end Flakies at No. 4 Bathing beaches should be> se- of the first five week session. The Men's IM office is taking IV 4-4596 lected with care. Inexperienced There will be a second five- entries for the stiident-facuity best ball golf tournament to be Mon. - Fri. Saturday Sunday tM]E3[x]EZ![U] held July 14 and 15 at Forest Akers, Gowans say said. 8 - 6 8 - 5 9 - ! Family Swimming Club For a Family of Four DAILY PLAN WEEKEND PLAN $6.50 $22.50 Donna Pettit includes private rooir includes, private room Suggests: 10:00 A.M. to 4 P.M. 10:00 A.M. to 4 P.Ul. $un Take advantage of OUR for reservations & information call ED 7-1621 SPECIAL MONEY SAVING Coed Special Days. Quick Service At Ho Extra Cost Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and avoid the week end rush... BRING IT IN BY CD TAKE IT HOME COED SPECIAL DAYS MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY BY B ★ PERMANENT WE RECOMMEND ★ HAIRCUT GABRIELEEN PERMANENT WAVES only $10 ★ STYLE University Beau Cleaner and "F AST LANSING'S MOST MODERN SALON" i DOORS i AS 1 OF LUC ON ED 2-1116 Shirt Laundry free Parking in Lueon Lot - IS ■ i s| I | » . Sleeping Bags - 50 Socalls! Id ill for iJO. J3N ^Automotive For Rent ^ For Rent Real Estate 1959 Plymouth, 4 door, Auto- APARTMENTS T. V. RENTALS — For your room Cape Cod, garage, full base¬ matic, radio, heater. TU 2-5809. or apartment. From $5 - $7 a ment, bullt-lns. fireplace. Lot 6 Coeda - 3 room furnished apart¬ month. ALL SETS GUARAN¬ 66 x 165. 3 blocks from MSU, _ 1961 VESPA MOTOR SCOOTFR ments. Cooking, private bath. TEED. Phone NEJAC T. V. Red Cedar area. $17,800. FHA. parking, all utilities paid, private RENTALS ED 28978 or 489- Call owner. ED 7-1422. 5 at Srratton Sports Car Center, entrance. Campus - Kalamazoo 1684. C 1915 E. Michigan, Dial IV 4-4411 bus on corner. Call 355-8255 MSU NEAR - 3-bedroom ranch, AUTOMOTIVE C before 4 and IV 2-5769 after 5 utility room, screened porch, • For Sale patio, garage. Carpeted through¬ CORVA1RS - 1961 1962 MONZAS, p.m. t ,f. .EMPLOYMENT - FARM FRFSH eggs, fresh straw¬ out, drapes. Gas heat, lantern. *POft SALE TOO*s. Sticks, automatics. Seven Clean, for 2 adults, private en¬ berries daily, also other fresh Colonial fench circles large "WIMMT to choose from. trance and bath, all utilities. $75 month. IV 5-1627. 4 fruits and vegetables at reason¬ beautifully landscapped lot. Many I LOST • PERSONAL & FOUND VOLKSWAGEN 1957 - 2-door - a ■f able prices. Roadside Farm Mar¬ extras. $20,500, by owner. ED Reduced Rent. Couple to occupy ket. 2 miles east of E, Lansing 7-0127. 5 Green, radio, whltewalls. A 1957 .PEANUTS PERSONAL in 1961 condition! A 4th of July furnished 3 room apartment with on US 16 at Okemos Road. 4"s • REAL ESTATE bath and act as supervisor. Utili¬ EAST LANSING - near Wardcllff Special. Small Smith Corona portable. school. Owner leaving city offers •SERVICE ties furnished. Close in. Phone Call ED 2-2841. 4 4 bedroom, 2 bath home plus •TRANSPORTATION FORDS - 1957. 2-door hardtop*. ED 2-2495. 7 .WANTED Red and white, gray and white. 19ft2 Sear's De Luxe garage. $18,300 FHA mortgage OKEMOS. Well furnished, un¬ Moped Motor available. Custom built for pres¬ Both automatic. This week only- Bike. Excellent condition. 110 supervised apartment for 3-4 ent owner in 1957. Call 80 7- DEADLINE: SPECIAL at $495. Both college male students. Private entrance, MPG. Convenient and inexpen¬ 0969 (or appointment. 5 owned car si parking. Phone ED 7-1561. 5 sive transportation. $lo0. 355- 9:JO e.m. one cfosa do 1211. Large custom built brick home, before publico'ion 2 6 Home of Lansing's Personally rooms, everything furnished. 7 rooms plus balcony and util¬ Parking and cooking. Close to Stereo turntable tonearm - ity room. 4 bed-rooms, 2 1/2 PHONE: Selected Used Cars. campus. 355-1610 or 332-3112. 'cartridge combination. Acces¬ baths. 1 acre lot over-looking 355.6255 or 8256 ■i sories included. Professional Red Cedar River. Under $30,000 SPARTAN MOTORS Singles and doubles. Spartan Hall, Quality. 923-CCherry Lane. 355- - ED 2-3304. h RATES: 215 Louis, 1 black from campus. 802n after 12:00. 4 INC. 1 oar. si .00 Parking and taundry facilities. ED 2-2 5 74. 8 Man's racing bicycle, good con¬ 7^ Service 3000 E. MICHIGAN dition. $35. Call 355-8061. 3 OATS S2.00 6 WHILE YOU WAIT or one day IV 7-3715 5 blocks from campus, 3 rooms S DAYS S3.00 Furnishing an apartment ' Used service on passport and applica¬ and bath, completely furnished furniture tion pictures. Limousine 0e*eW on >S pmt o4> for married couple, graduate or at good prices. We buy leaving AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR and sell. WILLIAM'S FURNI¬ dally at noon for Hicks Studio, oldsr student. Parking. Call FD Okemos. Tke»e wilt k* • 2S< aervlce TURE, IV 4-9244. 8 Return transportation i •>'*41. r< •nd beekkoeptat chef«e ll guaranteed. Refreshments. Call ^COMPLETE this ad I* net pmH wl FOREIGN CAR HOUSES Zenith 6 transister radio and ED 2-6169 for reservations. Por¬ SERVICE carrying case. Call Jim week- traits. applications, passports. C 5 room modern house in l ast day evenings at 484-lTfto. o Child care in mv home. Full MG's - Volkswagens - Jaguars Lansing vicinity. $h5 a month. or 1 child — no drinking. Call Bell East Lansing part time. 1230 Rurcham Drive - Contemporary ^ Automotive Oak 408-3354 after 5. Refer - ranch, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, oft Abbott. ED 2-0859. p Custom Installed ROLL BARS. ences. standing fireplace, patio, FHA. ALTERATItlNS. Hemming & re¬ 19S5 Oldsmobtle Sedan wry good Committment. Should see to ap¬ $35 for most any sports car. House furnished for 4 students. styling: formals. trousers condition; $350 or beat offer. preciate. 1140 Rowena Road. Chromed - $15 more. Close to campus off East Kal¬ 7 skirts, etc. NEEDLE N THREAD BP Mitt ¥*• 4:3°- I amazoo. Call IV 4-2821 or stop RRICK 3-Br. Ranch $15,500 bal- Shop. 108 Division, behind Cam- 1961 FIAT 1200 Roadster. Char¬ Drug Store. ED 2-5584. cot! with red and black interior. STRATTON at MO Allen. 5 ance, on 5 \/4% mortgage. Pay¬ pus C ments $l!ri. Make offer on tny 3 Pirelli tires, radio, SPORTS CAR SMALL HOUSE. Furnished. Ideal equity. 58.12 Bayonne. EE 9-8365. DIAPER SERVICE belts, Abarth exhaust sys- for couple or single person. $100 CENTER 5 rack.Call 355-5910,. monthly. Call ED 2-2048. t.f. SERVICE to your desire. 1915 E. M1CHICAN 1961 Mercury, 4 DIAL IV 4-4411 1-2 girls to share attractive, PEANUTS You receive your own di¬ furnished house near Frandor - apers back each time. With 12,000 natural mil**. Full ml C3 $35 a month. Call IV 5-98M. 4 PERSONALS our service, you may in¬ After 5 phone . FAST, THOROUGH SERVICE for clude your baby's under¬ C ANAOA, I. V.: Love la grand Remind your car. Drive in'get acquaint¬ large cottage North o( . shirts and clothing which Sault Ste. Marie. Call ED 2- me to tell you about It. G. 2 FIAT - 1959 - Blue Spider con¬ ed with will not fade. White, Blue dependable TEXACO pro¬ 4051. 5 . vertible. Completely rebuilt. 34 ducts. Expert lubrication and JUDl: I HEARD a rumor that or Pink diaper palls fur¬ M.P.Gal. Make an offer. 355- Attractive, furnished house near" you actually worked a full day! nished. service. We c 1 e a n your wind¬ Frandor. 2-3 bedrooms. Accom¬ Is it the truth' ARTY 1 shield, check your oil, tires and . AMERICAN LAUNDRY MG - While convertible", odates 4 at $35 each. Call 355- DEAR SHORTY: HOW about ill E. WASHTENAW battery. Drive in soon! 1245. some black top. 29.000 milea. Call 5 creamed corn and fruit cocktail. IV 2-0864 C Jim Blackburn 489-5670 after 5. 5 ROOMS THE BOYS FROM EAST MAIN. I960 BEL AIR — 6 cylinder. 4 SINGLE & DOUBLE rooms, also THfcStS TYPING & PRINTING doer, standard shift. Call IV 5- apartments for summer & fall. EREDOY AND I are very hungry. 0907 after 5:30 p.m. 5 Please send some more cookies. at Wonch Grafic Service Curry's Campus Court, t,">kemos. puts • 1956 Plymouth Hardtop, V-8 au- SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE Call 332-251". 8 CORNER GRAND RIVER you at the top in your oralsl tomatic, radio, heater. Runs and SPARTAN Single room for men. Approved. Personal rd.P.M.1295. Call 355-6006 after4 Phone 337-9034 C Call ED 2-4502 or 355-4601. S44 JANET FISHBECK AND KEITH Good transportation. 1953 Ply¬ Attractive guest room. No smok¬ KRUCK come to the State News mouth - $60. Call ED 7-0724. Employment" ing. Lady or gentleman. $8 a Office, room 341, for your free Female week with breakfast Saturday and passes to the Crest Drtve-ln 1959 OLDS MOBILE I 88! Power Program IMrector for adult work Theatre. C4 — Club* and Classes. Sunday mornings. Garage. Call steering and brakes. Beautiful blue t white .....$1295. College graduate in I-duration or Mrs. F. A, Gee at FP 7.9357. 5 1H1 SYNONYM lor Bubolr is Social Work, over 25 years of students auto Insurance agent Double room, cooking facilities - age. Call the YWCA, IV 3-7201 220 Albert St., next to Spud- 1960 CHEVROLET - 6cyl.. stsnd- from 9.5. 5 available. Parking. ED 2-2901 ard transmission $1243. evenings. 5 nut Ship, upstairs. ED 2-8671. C4 MEN Si WOMFN: Sell party - 1958 OLDS MOBILE *9T Conver¬ tible. Absolutely full power. plan quality toys, full time. No or part 3 singles, large, closet space, parking, telephone. ED 7-20*4. 0 ALL BABY MILK~~ investment, no Junk. Heat financial arrangement of¬ I Of, discount by the case. LETT1CH k STENBERG Single and one double room. Sum¬ fered. H. «i B. Toy Sales IV mer quartet . $50. ami $80. re¬ 2628 E. KALAMAZOO Marek Kexall 7-085tf 8 spectively. 2 blocks from Union, 484-3229 C Prescription Center Shaded. Newly painted. Parking. Toy Party Demonstrators. No El> 2 3634 or 428 Evergreen. 5 .101 N. CUppert (by Frandor) C Trlumph 1959 TR-3. Electric overdrive. All white tops. Ex¬ experience neceeeary. We dell* er and collect. Top earning*, 333 Albert Street, Rooms for Student Insurance office closed cellent condition. Must sell. Call hoys, kitchen and TV facilities vol's IN IOYS, IV s '824. 8 for the summer. For claim forms IV 5-5966. 4 available, $6.00 weekly for 5- *nd information write: H.N.W. SHORI OF FUN OS/ Add to the week terms, $5-00 weekly for 10- 1957 FORD Convertible. V-8 «. R.. r? W. Jackson l»NU.. week terms, summer school. automatic, black and white, while family income by selling AVON Chicago 4, 111. 6 cosmetics. Cell IV 2 Phone IV 4-7406. Evenings and for an top. Better than average. Guar¬ -vv No wonder Mai v s hu *b h anteed 90 days. We trade) LAY ft appointment, or write: Mrs. A Una doesn't approve of toy parties. Hucklna, 5ftf>4 School St., urn wo.mi N. Large, single MATTHEWS, 1322 E. Michigan bath, phone, laundry - - He doesn't have to do their shop Haslett, Mich. i 4 i ooiiv, IV 5-2243. C ping. ItH'S IN TOYS, IV S- $8 50. I D 2 3880. *01 Highland 1959 FORD Convertible - V-8, Fo* R«nt ' Ave. •8j4. h Phono 4847786 or vlop q| Standard shift, light blue with APAKIMENTS LtK' All tlie right truck lor 1/20 East Michigan white top. Guaranteed 90 days. Single or double i ooms fot men. Av»nuo. Furnisher) torsummei term, Approved housing. Private en your pat icular fob qiiKklv in LAY l> MATTHEWS, 1322 I. t (Hiking and parking. Call I O trance and parking. ID ' 01*9. today' Want Ail Automotive I Lousing, H Michigan Avenue. IV 5-2243. t 2-2313 after 6, 4 tttlgs S'". ' ADDITIONAL WANT ADS 1 South Talks a Co\orfu\ Tongue * Service : *-Wanted ^-Wanted FT*) i 9*' I XCBLLENT r. V. REPAIR on Part time women over 21 all makes and models. All work years of age for telephone guaranteed. DISCOUNTS TO ALL advertising work from our offices. Hours COLLEGE HOUSING. Open 8 6 P.M. to 9:30 Pji Monday A.M. to 8:30 PJW. T. V, Tech¬ nicians. 3022 E. Michigan. Call through Friday. $1. to $2. pei hour. Call IV 9-7591 after 3 IV 7-5556 c P.M. Ask forMr. Emerick. Arth¬ Domestic and Imported ur Murray School of Dancing. 3 yarns and patterns. 10% DISCOUNT on Responsible graduate couple and domestic yarns to M.S.U. stu¬ child want to rent dents. apt. or house, Alteration work on knit 2 bedrooms plus quiet space for garments: regauging of patterns. study. Under $90. ED 7-1305 WALKING IN H/6W DRINKING WHITE after 5:30. 4 COTTON LIGHTNING. MARION'S YARN SHOP LOO 1 or 2 men to share furnished 3223 Mall Court By J MICHAEL ROUSE blockade, white lightning or than the words apartment. In vicinity of Pen¬ moonshine. Giggle soup and cove they replaced. (Irandor) J STONKV 1'OINT, N. C. (API- Evening low, for Instance, nsylvania and Saginaw. Ample Bill and Bob feathered into each Juice are other words for liquor. means the House painting by 2 students. Ex¬ parking and reasonable rent. Call On the farm, brag cotton is melancholy close of other because Bob gave Bill too good day. Everly means always. A perienced. Reasonable rates. IV 5-86268. 4 much back jaw. cotton, worth bragging about. To black story Is a bad lie. Offish Call ED 2-6336 or ED 7-7837. 5 walk In WISH TO DO That, translated from Old high cotton Is toprosper. means unsociable. babysitting in my Carolinian by Stoney A dumtfetchet ts a new-fangled T.V. SERVICE. Special rate for home daily, experienced. Can Poinlj Post¬ And there are contractions master J. H. Norton, means Bob implement. — college housing. Service calls, furnish references. Call ED 2- ami Bill To dough the chickens Is to dant for don't want and want $4. Absolute honesty. ACME TV., were fighting. These are for 3347. 6 two of the colloquialisms that feed them. To lay by a crop means wasn't. 1 10 Herbert. IV p'-SOCR i to give it the final Death and health also give the English language a col¬ plowing. And played WE TRAVEL anywhere - any ★★★ orful tint in this part of the South. to take out a horse Is to un¬ their part In the creatlea of harness htm. words. time. Quality catering for all oc¬ APARTMENT hunting is a Although some are becoming these ' In these parts. If you've done casions - to fit your budget. breeze when you do it the rare days, there's still a To Jump the buckeye log means easy and done Michigan Catering Service. IV way-by reading " Apartments for heap of Southemisms in the vo¬ something, you haven't to die. To done It twice. It means jlne off Is to go to bed cabularies of the country-folk 9^3343. C Rent" in the Want-Ads. Try it you've stck. He she n up means gain hereabouts. already aone It. And when you're weight. The sll-orera Is TYPING SERVICE Some, such as yall for the near ahout finished, you're al¬ nervousness. plural of you, are familiar even most through. EDIE STARR: Typist, theses, to the Yankees. Others, like When you're flxtn' to do some¬ And If you ask someone how he dissertations, term papers, gen¬ peckerwood, meaning a person of thing or you're Ju6t before doing feels, you're likely to get such eral typing . Experienced. IBM low social standing, are seldom It, you're going to do It shortly. answers as: electric typewriter.OR7-8232.C heard outside this area. Other Southern Ann Brown, colloquialisms typist and multilith seem to have come Into Brief and ally; fair: middling; Many of the colloquialisms are use be¬ offset printing (black & white, & traced back ta Elizabethan Eng¬ cause they were more descriptive pert; right spry. color). IBM.General typing, term lish. Some are shortened-down papers, theses.dissertations.ED versions of other words. Some i&L £ just seemed to make sense, so For Fast Accurate typing on elite they were put Into use. IBM typewriter call 339-2139. There is, for instance, a phrase to desert be almost every, child tn TYPING: General and Thesis. a family. An arm baby' ts the Experienced. Reasonable Rates. youngest child. The knee baby Is Call ED 7-0138. 6 Improve Your the next to youngest. Number 3 T ransportation It's likely that many other ^ Transportation Want a rider to Florida to share anl< YOl thinks you smoke too much. "resulted down the structure of the food. in advertising appeal The society's 74-member The food is packed In nitrogen- board of directors voted unani¬ to the vety age gruu^ v h'ch the WILL RETURN society is most anxious to pre¬ 2^ filled bags and will keep indef¬ mously Friday in Chicago for a from vent being subject to the initely, said Mrs. Manthy. proposal condemning "the appar¬ persuasion to smoke.' "We'll start out with one- ently intenaifled promotional In a letter it intended to send third of pur food and pick up campaign in colleges to increase to the Federal Trade Com¬ one-third at Grand Haven and the sales of cigarettes to mission, the cancer society college would students." ask the the final third at Manistee'," she government agency If it said. The board then ordered its staff approved of Campus promotion of "It looks like an awful lot of to write letters to the presidents cigarettes and whether It had any food." of 100 leading colleges on the jurisdiction in the matter. "They gave us enough for matter. » President Hannah's The letters to the school offi¬ two months and we'll begone less office said Tuesday It had not cials urged them to reconsider than one. "We'll be living high." "the propriety of support i ng received such a letter. The couple will portage around athletic events in colleges by such seven dams between The proposal backed by the means" in light "of the delete- Lansing and Grand Rapids. They will portage Society's board said the spon¬ rious affects of smoking on Make Henry's A Habit two miles around Grand soring of televised college athle- health." 1153 Michigan Block West of Brody. Rapids. — one The Conservation Department said that it would take the Man¬ thy canoe 10 days to reach Lake Michigan, but Bob is confident they they can shave three days from that figure and make it in A Lg seven. When they reach Lake Michigan $ they will travel north about 200 feet off shore. One lake expert suggested they travel at night when the wind dies down and the lake waters are calmer. ^ The Manthy's are carrying a complete set of county maps and ON plan to camp in county parks and, in some cases, rely on the cooperation of farmers. ODDS & ENDS & CLOSE OUTS When the cot*>le reaches the Manistee River, they will at¬ tach a three horse power outboard motor to the canoe to aid them as rent. they travel against the A truck will carry them and their equipment the five miles cur¬ ARTIST SUPPLIES from the Manistee to the head¬ waters of the Au Sable. They will camp in Mio Sports¬ man'a Park for the three days CRAFTINT OIL TUBES: Reg 30c NOW ONLY 15< of che Exposition and then will As«t. Colors return to East Lansing where Bob will resume work on his doctoral thesis. PRANG TEXTILE PAINTS: Reg 40< NOW ONLY 20< Rudmon to Study 3/4 oz. Asst. Colors Russian Schools PRANG TEMPERAS: Reg s1.05 NOW ONLY 50< Administration of Schools in Russia will be studied this sum¬ White & Red Only mer by an associate professor of education at Michigan State University. PRANG POWDER TEMPERAS: Reg s1.25 NOW ONLY Dr. Herbert C. Rudman has received a grant from the U.S. 60* Office of Education to investigate the decision-making process In Soviet education. He will leave SPECIAL LOT for Russia In August and return in October. He will also attend a Sym¬ WHITE M.S.U. SWEAT SHIRTS posium on Higher Scientific and Technological Education, Sept. 9-12, as an offlcal observer of NOW ONLY the Of lice of Education. Dr. Rudman, who toured Rus¬ sian schools in the summer of 1958, has been MSU staff since 1956. a member of the $1.50 Born in New York in 1923, but raised and educated in Illi¬ nois, Dr. Rudman received the B.S. degree at Bradley Univer¬ sity in 1947 and the M.S. and Ed.D. degrees at the University of Illinois In 1950 and 1954. Just A Few of Over 100 Items SHORT SLEEVE on Special Sale SPORT - SHIRT At 50% to 75% DISCOUNT SALE GIBSON'S BOOKSTORE Regular $3.95 to $4.95 NOW ONLY $2.99 aT Len Kositchek's 'EAST IANSING' S PERSONALIZED BOOKSTORE' Varsity Shop 228 ABBOTT RD. At CORNER W. GRAND RIVER and EVERGREEN E. LANSING