MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Vol. 53. No. 217 STATE state July 10, 1962 Hews Frice 10$ Prepare Lure of Money Strings Concert Calls Graduates Br SUSAN JACOBY Teacher Suppl f Shorter In Science Fields Of The State News Staff just how bad is the teacher Around 1900, 70 to 80 per cent A musical blend of string shortage at Michigan St. te? went into college and wuver- Are huge classes, msiic xictionai sities. But by 1930 this figure instruments brews steadily in Williams Hall the TV, and impersonal education had shrunk to 65 per cent and as Congress the fates awaiting thepr<■fsent and 1958 to 60 per of Strings rehearses for cent, next generation of coll ige stu- These figures become more its second concert in Fairchild Theatre'8 p.m. Thursday. . dtfnts in Michigan? impressive when the doctoral AJlan Tucker, assista: t dean of recipients are broken down into .John Barnett. director of the the Graduate School, ha an in-, their respective fields. National Orchestral Association, teresting booklet that sh< d:Is light It is perhaps unfortunate, but New York City, is conducting the on these questions. '.evertheless true, that physicists group of 100 young musicians. Calied "The System of Ad- are more in demand than phiios- Barnett has conducted symphonic ministration of Graduate Studies ophers; orchestras in New York. Brook¬ biologists than artists. at Vf>L," the booklet sh >ws that of all the men and women who lyn, Phoenix, San Diego. San more doctorates Francisco and University of were granted receive the Ph. D. in the physi- throughout the U.S. dur mg the cal sciences during 1958, 47 per Stanford. He has also headed past decade than in ali of the cent went into industry. Reason'' the Los Angeles and Japanese- years up to that time. Just filain oie money, and lots American philharmonic orches¬ Now - where do these Ph.D.'s of it. tras. The noted conductor said that go? How do they make their F orty-one per cent remained to hving? teach and do research in the the Congress of Strings is a schools and the remaining 12 per concentrated effort by the Ameri¬ can Federation of Musicians to ON THE WAY UP--Francis Miss Michigan cent departed to government jobs and other activities. develop string players for sym¬ Quilian,| graduate of the Michigan phony orchestras. School for the Blind, right, plans to become a radio salesman. To Study Here Now take a look at the humani¬ Taking port in tho current Communications Art Institute, Qui lion ties. The picture changes. "Very few young people have Michigan State's rk about the Grapd River, runnerup. cents, Cole said, Bob and Carol Man thy left toned the couple about their Colleges Miss Heyer. Spartan Village busses to 4 Lansing Tuesday and reached lences. « residence is whose am pus West ^ ake y hall, downtown Lansing startedrun- Grand Rapids Saturday. couple wiil spend the three is a soloist with it* MSU r.ing through campus .Monday and of the Forestry E:xposition Hike Tuition will A three-horse be attached power to the motor canoe o Sportsman's Park. symphony orchestra. Shi earned wili do so every half hour begin- They first place in the talent livision rung at 6:30 a.m., he said. The to aid the coigtle in paddling len return to East Lansing, While Michigan State students Thursday, night. Spartan Village run goes to Kala- and their parents sit waiting for against the tough Manistee cur¬ Manthy w»ii resume work MSU senior Susan Jea i Scott, mazoo street and University Vii- rent. Upon reaching Crayling, s doctoral thesis in forest the inevitable tuition hike, tuition Miss Lansing, placed 9t» among lage on both the downtown and re¬ increases were announced for they will journey down the Au mics. thf finalists. turn trip. Sable river to Mio. four other Michigan schools last week. Manthy, a 6-2, 170 pound grad¬ uate in forest economics, and MSU Trustees are expected to his 5-2, 100 pound wife have announce the hikes at their meet¬ found large dams a troublesome ing next Monday. The most recent Increases problefn during their trip. The two have been paddling were for Central Michigan, East¬ ern Michigan and Western Michi¬ from "8 to 10 hours a day." The couple faced another prob¬ gan universities and Northern lem in the form of helpful boat¬ Michigan C ollejM. The state ers. "We had to dodge giant board of education said the four boat waves along most of the schools were given a 535 hike in resident tuition to $250 and way. And. most of these were caused by boaters who saw us — $55 increase for out-of-state and tried to help by slowing residents to $500. down. This caused even bigger Previous hikes approved were for the University of Michigan. Wayne State and Michigan Col¬ 4-H Club Week lege of Mining and Technology by their governing boards. Held at Shaw Gov. John Swainson and Lynn M. Hariett, superintendent of Michigan 4-H club week began here Monday at 5haw Hall. public instruction, blamed made- A four point program is being qujte, apFroPr'at'ons *or the fee followed by the 1,000 top mem¬ jumps. bers from "By failing to make adequate, throughout the lower peninsula. Volunter adult direc¬ appropriations, the legislature is pricing many competent, fuliy tors accompanied the group. International affairs, Ameri¬ SUNBAKED, BUT EAGER.-Robert Manthy, I'ortegiag around the rapids in. the capable and well qualified Michi¬ MSU student, and his blue-eyed school teach¬ gan youth out of the college mar¬ canism, career opportunities and River, the hardy couple continued er wife, Carol, arrived in Grand ver to Lake ket," Bartlett said. dating will be the programs of Ropids Sat¬ Michigan. Swainson called the hikes' re¬ study. The 4-H groups will meet urday, completing the first leg of their 600- • Photo by Grand Rapids Press. twice daily in the auditorium. mile trip from Lansing through Western Mich- grettable.' This Man Faulkner Focus On StudentFines By BOB ROSS Steff District Should Of Tk* Stst* N«w» Or. July 2, JV^J hrnealiteming* iW)2 way died. On Juiy 6. Change Ri Students are violating campus parking reg¬ America was shocked to leant of a»e death of William Faulkner; ulations more and more. In May of this year Editors note No port of a death within weeks of the publi¬ •• tickets were issued to students -- 224 cation of what may well be onn Michigan' % proposed new of ilia beet novels: The Reivers. attracted more than in May, 1961. constitution as To aay that this country is Most of the citations are lor illegal parking much attention as that given now lacking in masters of the the section on reapportion- in faculty lots or on north campus at hours art of fiction would be an under¬ statement: we are famished. mentofthe State Legislature. when student vehciles are not allowed. That both of tfcaae men were In this, the third of a nine For these offenses students a r e fined $2. winners of the Nobel prize for port series, two veteran AP literature. Hemingway in 1VS4 The same amount is chsrged if person re- and Faulkner in 1949, is Indica¬ newsmen — Cane Schroeder and A,F. (Pete) Mohan peats a second, third or even fourth time. — tive that what Americans have to say matters to the entire discuss the reapportionment Apparently the $2 fine has not been expen¬ world. which they coll the kay is¬ sive enough to deter most studei ts from vio¬ Tbey followed in, and overtook, sue . the footaiep« of Sinclair Lewis lating the rules. Larger fines might be an and Pearl Buck. WILLIAM FAULKNER LANSING J* - |f any one issue answer to the problem of keeping the parking it holds the key to whether the pro¬ is only the great writer . . .Noted Writer Dies. ■ . William Shakespeare posed new constitution will stand spaces reserved for faculty an^l staff clear. of whom is the greatest, that can take eigri and violent to tins Northern or fall before the voters it prob¬ A larger fine might cause a person to think and Western reader, it is be¬ ably is legislative apportionment. local situation and transform it cause we are accustomed to the While die subject may not have twice before he attempts to park in an illegal into a matter of universal irapor-j tance. 'lonely crowd' wliers the caldron been the most important one faced area in hopes of not getting a ticket. William Faulkner created Yok-1 of human passion is kept under by the constitutional convention's wraps. 144 delegates, it certainly was - napatewpna county. Into this Faulkner's novels are so 'Waste Land* of desolation h4 arid sull is - the most politically Michigan State parking problems have been powerful and confused because explosive. of the most rneroorabl* increasing proportionately with jthe growth of put donit characters of literature. in worlds thern are die outer tightly mi&ed. and inner Republicans are high in their praise of the provisions under the school. That is why something must be To think thattjuentlnCompsonj The sage of Yoanapatawhp* which the State Senate and House done. And that is why we have decided to sup¬ Temple Dr ake, Popsye. Joe county has been considered an Christmas, Bayard Sertoris a/4 will be appointed in die future agrarian naturalist in the manner < Constitution adopted. port the proposal to increase the amount of fUem Snopes are characters of of fcrskine Caldwell but this is If die is IJemucrates attack the plan bit the fines with each parking offense. the present and particular is like to limit a master to die company considering Hamlet ai> individual terly, contending it merely per of sensationalists. petuates GOP control of the sen The faculty-student committee on motor Danish prince. These people of Faulkner is more pr©found, ate and tails to put event}** House vehicle regulations has sent to Pres. Hannah Faulkner's are 'man' not 'men.' more meaningful, and mor e art: - on a straight population basis. One <4 the most rekaown critic* au-. ally competent than any of a proposal requesting that second time of¬ of Ote present day, J.Ii. Priestly, die American rostral 1st*. Michigan State University pre¬ fenders be fined $4, third offenders $6 and all sident John A. Hannah, K~l:ast has said of F auikner: 'Hie problem*! encountered in "He has genius because I* is (.arising, who served as chairman the way up to $25 for the sixth parking offense Ws writing, especially in "The of rise committee which tackied able, as few writers are, to bear" and "Absalom, Absalom 1" and thereafter. force the barrier between tt>e problem, said tie will give are well -nigh rnetaphysi' al. the constitution his full- consciousness and ti«« uocottscj new Most intelligent students would be willing to Yes, diere is also violence In fiedged support. con£.clousness and the unconf his work; Faulkner's violence pay 10 cents in student reserved lots on south serous, and so release into his From die opening day of the is botii twisted and melancholy; convention die apportionment campus or 25 cents in East Lansing parking narrated dream, die contents of hut his mood is reminiscent of , the unconscious." issue was cited repeatedly as die lots rattier than risk picking up a $6. $8, $10 Foe or Baudelaire. lids is one factor which affected decis¬ Faulkner's novels are prim¬ violence with meaning. 9r even $25 fine, which would be a big dent in arily psychological. They probe ions on other t natters ui die con As for style, Faulkner has die inner workings of die human SUtution, ranging from Senate any one's pocket or budget. i proved d>ai Joyce is not die only confirmation of executive ap¬ mind, albeit many times, t}>« master of the stream-o f- Dick Bermitt, director of canpus police, sick mind. pointments to legislative power s 11 Ida characters seemed for - (Continued on Poge 9) over local government. has pleaded tor stiffer fines. |n die closing days of the con "We need some deterrent to prevent the vetition's deliber ations, dec is Crossword Puzzle a ion i/y the I tilted States Supreme high number of violations," he s>&id. (-ourt also affected dele-gate V. >m The committee has come up vith a strong thinking, Z7 14. 'Hie High ( ouri vacated sStau deterrent. We hope the unlver iity finds a 29 >«(ad Supreme t ourt decision throwing method to use it. Indications are that machin- '/ut a suit by August St nolle, ery is not set up for the plan. Even if it takes Michigan AFI. (j) president, seeking to force i eOislr 1«■ting of a year to establish proper machinery, we urge tiie state senate. the university to take time to se it up. The state tribunal was ordered » to reconsider die « »a»r because And if it does take a year to institute the 14 V.. «, it JS N«ir wns wrong in saying V holla's Solution of Yesterday's plan, we also recommend that th c alternative c* tiati M tftu action dealt wtrh * poll* leal'joes 'l'/ti oot&i(le !(,e court's Juris¬ proposal of $4 fines for each vio Lation be pv»t 37 K-i /' 1« Pro.- diction. in operation in the meantime. ; e r h a p a $4 abbt Srltolie announced weeks age that lie would i aitii/aigi. agalt>ai might prove to be the deter re t police are t1« new constitution if die f'c looking for. We don't think so. "he threat of public at; major iiy (Hashed rhr ough a $25 fine appears to be th<| only real Ms igrpor tionment {>l4ii. I he !. ut'V deterrent. (Continued on puga 41 BAPTIST STUDENT start STATE NEWS ALL* AMEBICAN *CPA Roting FELLOWSHIP Associated Press, '.niied Press International. Inland Daily Presa Association, Associated Collegiate Press Association, Michigan Press Association- Published by the students of Michigan Stat# University. Issued on class 4; 3 terms, $5; full year, Editor . • .Ben Burr* Oakl.lll, I . | uriAi Managing Editor, . arnes W»li(rgtoi '. J hi l it-' r> W, !«<}), Photo Editor . . . , . ,i>»*e Jaeltnig Advertising Manager , , .f r«sfi l^ecine Phone I |> / >•: t »lt f At Institute ir Wtrlnf whtcfc twjp* to prr**r\r in rh#- MSI '■ Krtur.atlivn ItuUrfing' furturt," «t»oden**i J Fer^ea, ^ to 11:45 a.m. Mr*. I stelle Wal /, Mr*. Atnxher temitwr 1'ostwar incomes Marr^»-f Anting with *r'. the person, was reached i94S, In Sherwood, and FrederickOfcatcha Duame Ullery, head the «W sufcjen hlrth pro- in planned for rate rises, Uit per capita 1959 the average American was are spending summer 'juar»er at ijerr. said that its graduate students, faculty and milk consumption declines sndis expected to do so. drinking only 38 gallfjns of rntfk the Detroit Merrill-Palmer In¬ "to acfipuatnt deans, heads and lab directed staff members Sept. 21-22. per year -- a IS pei' cent > of human growth and "We have had several i milk 'develop¬ )THC«MT4IS drinkers, ha* increased l>y increase very litrU- Ixftween r,ow ment, family life, and community little more than 6 per cent since and 1970," says Herrmann. organization. 1944. He estimated that without tf.l* Increase rnilk consumption "Without the off setting effects of this group. 'he l.'.S.j may ex- Selected undergraduates in so¬ THO SANDS OF ciology and related fields spend 'ould PAPIER BACKS have been ft gallons per perimce more serious drops in a quarter or semester sturllng at person lower in 1959 than it milk consumption pert person the Institute and receive full actually was. during the next few ye^rs." credit at their own universities. A recent study conducted try Michigan State University agri¬ SALE cultural economists proved that BULOVA WATCHES the rising postwar Incomes have had milk some favorable effect on 17 JEWft WATERPROOFS 3* fpr 25< drinking. The all time high for milk consumption, 42.5 gallons per Prices Start At Low As $24.75 LIBERAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE •Mystery Doctors * Adventure At Food THOMPSON'S SPARTA BOOKSTORE "Doctors " who specialize in 223 M.A.C. AVE. disease of man's food crops will CORNE R ANN & MAC check Michigan "patients" and examine current research at a conference of the American Phy- topathological Society this week at Kellogg ( enter. About 100 plant pathologists from schools and agricultural chemical industries in the 13 states of the north central di¬ vision are expected to partici¬ pate. Axel L. Anderson of the spon¬ soring MSU Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, president I of the north central division, I points out that each year plant blights, viruses, fungus, rust and other plant afflictions cost far¬ CLEARANCE! mers many millions of dollars. As one example of the pathol¬ ogists' work , he cites the de¬ SUMMER JONATHAN LOGAN velopment at MSU of disease- resistant bean, which is esti¬ Sportswear mated to have saved Michigan bean farmers about $5 million 2.88 since Lloyd its introduction In 1959. M. Turk, director of JUNIORS.. the MSU Agriculture Experiment Station, will speak on "A-Look TO Ahead in Agricultural Research" at a banquet in Kellogg Center. 10.88 For now Voice Recital Hundreds of pieces of fa¬ mous sportswear from Mary Ruth Crown, soprano Mci'herson. Kansas, will duced to save you are.re¬ dollars. into fall present a graduate voice recital Get ready for vacationing, tonight at 8:15 p.m. in the MSU traveling or just having Music Auditorium. fun in the sun. The col¬ Another graduate recital wiil lection is brood, but some be given of by pianist Marion Gordon Potsdam, New York, Sunday pieces are limited. Shop 1495 at 4 pjn. early! Toke advantage of the wonderful values! Placement STREET LEVEL Bureau Dresses to wear in cam-, General Motors Corporation JULY SALE! fort oil be in luntnief and still, fashion for fall. will be interviewing, July 11. all majors, from all colleges of Famous-Make Those classics will sehra your what-to-woor prob¬ engineering. Many openings exist Foundations in departments with Chevrolet lems for the summer. Trim Engineering - Automotive Test¬ Save now on foundations tailored slim sheath in ing; Frigidaire: Delco-Morraine: atKnapp's East Lansing. half Docron* polyester, Delco-Products; Guide Lamp Di¬ half for You' II find a wonderful cotton., minimum vision of GM. in Michigan. Ohio and Indiana. collection of famous care. Beige, Black, sixes Interviewing on July 13 - brand names 7 to 13. Dark plaid 65% presenting Lehigh Portland < ement Co. - styles that wilt slim and docron, 35 % cotton. Colleges of Business L Puolic trim. Knapp's expert fit¬ Brown, Groan, sixes 5 to Service. Science Arts and C om¬ ters will assure you of 13. munication Arts. Interviewing on July I • - Lily- the proper foundation. 'Registered DwPont T redeem# k Tulip Cup Corporation - college Shop now for exceptional of Business & Pu^'c Service. values. Science & Arts and Communi¬ GARDEN LEVEL cation Arts. Interviewing on July i "> - De¬ troit Public Schools -All can¬ didate? interested in leaching in KNAPP'S EAST LANS NG - Open today til 5:30; Wednesday, 12 the Detroit Public Schools. noon to 9 jsusateM'* 'J.'- . (Continued from ir.g enrirJetl to -me mem- three ways wonderful pog» 2) ler the representative brought about one /quick change i.~ areas were allocated their the appornonmer: proposals of seats , costume Jacket and shell the new document. the remaining lawmakers would be electee on the basis of pop¬ Delegates adopted a provision Cosmopolitan iiftle cotton ulation -| following the "equal under which redisricting of the formula used in Senate could be undertaken Im¬ pique tops that transform an the l^S. Congress. mediately if the state court up¬ Although the provision elimin¬ holds Scbolie's contention that outfit into a many-faceted ates the | present .5 per cent "moiety" figure, Democrates week-end ensemble. The say never theiess that the .7 per jacket Under the orginal plan, an cent factojr is a modified moiety and sleeveless shell as eight - member bi-partisan com¬ favoring farm areas at the ex- mission would not reapportion the perse of 1 i cities, Senate until the 1970 census fi¬ partners, the shell alone or They skid the result would gures became available and every merely cik from 10 to five seats 10 years thereafter. the jacket soloing over a bias fIivoring rural Repubii- If the commission cannot agree cans" whie treas there should not then proposed plans would be sub- be ever, one seat allocated in dress. Prints, stripes and to the State Supreme this mattdr. solids in assorted colors. Democrates are vehement in GOP spokesmen counter that since bota parties have indie a- their displeasure ove r the con¬ ted Sizes S-M-L. The set, 6.50 they iavor sticking to coun¬ vention's system for establishing ty lines drawing up districts. sew Senate districts. It 13 based the proposed plan is about as on a formula giving 80 per cent close to population equality as weight to population and 20 per possible. cent weight to area. Anothe • major change in the Outnumbered better than two- iegislath e branch article would to-one in the Senate now. Dem¬ establish legislative audlto: ocrates argue that theGOP-spon- sored plan would merely per¬ petuate "legislation without fair general, lawmakers to be for appointed by the an eight - year (imlisiins term. Th Ls provision would elim- representation" for some high the present elective audi- papulation areas such as Detroit. i. The major reason for the call¬ ing of the convent!or. was gen¬ eral public dissatisfaction with the present method of legisla¬ tive apportionment," the Dem¬ ocrats said. MEN'S "The proposed document per¬ petuates legislation without fair summer representation, because the ap¬ sportswear and furnishings portionment problem has not beer solved. not "Senate districts which would be reapportioned until after CLEARANCE 1970 could vary in population by more than four to one, the larg¬ est being approximately 365. 660 and the smallest being £6,430, based on population projections Substantial Reductions for 1970." To overcome some of the ob¬ on Men's Casual jections, the convention approved for immediate effect — a plan whereby the Senate would be ex¬ Wear and Furnishings! panded from its present 34 to 36, with the four additional seats go¬ ing to Wayne, Genes se, Macomb SUMMER DRESS SHIRTS and Oakland Counties. The 80-20 formula would give Reg. 25 short and icing sleeve cotton shirts. Button- down pr regular collar styles. 3.00 each county a factor computed by multiplying by four ita percentage WALK SHORTS of the state's population. Added to this would be the Reg. i.96 to 10.00 pleated or pleatlesscotton, dacror.- county' s per¬ cottoi s; belted or with belt loops. Batiks, plaids, centage of the state's total area. "The bias against the metro¬ madr is, stripes, solids. 4.00 to 6.00 politan voter is made the basis SWIM TRUNKS of a monstrous formula equa¬ Reg. 5.00 to 6.96 boxer and brief ting people with square miles models; solid color f and plaids. 3.00 to 6.00 . .. (it is) an expression of contempt for people to equate STR HATS them with dirt." But with one eye on the Su¬ Reg. 5.00 to 6.50 milans and coconut straws in tele- preme Court, GOP delegates de¬ sccfx and pinch front models. fend the Senate plan as based on PAJ kMAS principle. "The important consideration Reg. 4.25 to 10.96 dacron-cottons and cottons ir, coat or is that an impartial, unbiased, middy styles with regular length or short objective formula lias been estab¬ pant i 3.00 to 7.00 lished for the determination of BEACH JACKETS Senate seats - instead of an ar¬ Reg. .00 to 10.96cottons, dscron-cottons, bitrary judgment lacking in sup¬ and terries. 3.00 i b 7.00 porting principle." For the House, the convention CAB1NA SETS decided to continue the present 110 seats, with Reg. fiO.OO to 15.96 plaid, stripe, i i print sets with only a county or terry lined jackets. 6.00 to 12.00 group of counties having .7 ot one per cent of the state's pop- SPOfT SHIRTS Reg. 1.00 to 12.96 short sleeve cottons and dacro;;- Seaman Beefed cottoi (6. Regular or button-down collars; pullover ar.\ Icirnbsuns William Seaman, professor coat j tiodels in solid or patterns. 3.00 »r, to 7.00 foreign languages, was re-elect¬ KWH SHIRTS ed director of tie Service bureau tor Classical Teachers of die Reg. |.00 to 10.96 short sleeve fcanlor.s. orior.s, cot¬ American Classical League at tons «nd cotton blends. 3.00 \u 7.00 at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. MEN'S SHOP Save regularly when you shop the Want*Ads 210 1! daily. COLOGNES and L'HEURE BLEUE Size sQ°o \ r*rr • In make I a tare »1i»c«>»er» — the • iwciil rnajoc of the (treas fragrance- •»( Cueriaui. Aad at ! hi- >|xt-tal ln« tou'il oanl l<» In hoik >ha!mar «««r«h ..«• ..f I hem «ill I* your faxtrite ! '»» Iicutx-nunr with C~*rt*p*jK #i>>» \vy. Karl . (Sain. KuV.tiuan. ••k.,vh\, So* Isle.." t Jan. l«v>; I UtturcAKanwn, I rum AiiJmt lu Amu- " I angler to Istanbul" (l ab, 62- '63 L-C Season (' *1. !,<>; l>«maUS s I. aw. tienr Wtnncko, "Myntrlei ofthi • kctucky" (i k.i. 20); Stan Midg- Balkan World" (Feb. \6V. Alfred ley, "Advenyue in the North- M. Halley, "Ecuador's Equator- Dates for the 1962-t>3 Michigan New York theater this I he company west" (Nov, 10); Curtis City (jpera company in area. Nagel, »al Isles" (Mar.2); Ed Lark, State tJniversity Lecture-Con¬ tn Verdi's "Kigoletto" (Nov. 19); of over 50 children Was special¬ "Portrait of Brazil" (Nov. 17); "Swodon Year 'Round" (Mar. 16); cert and World Travel aeries Leontyne* Price, soprano, (Feb. ly trained, under the sponsorship John D. Craig. "Islands in the Kenneth Rtchter, "Germany tn announced by Dr. Wilson 7) and on Feb. 13 the lglesias of the Chinese Sun" (Nov. 24); Thayer Soule, the Sixties" (April were government for IS) and J. B, Paul, series director. Spanish Pallet, an unusually var¬ the Seattle World's Fair. "Byways in Britain" (Dec. 8); Cerald Hooper, "Yougoslavia, Mantovani and his orchestra ied program of Spanish dances, This program la entirely dif¬ Don Cooper, "Aleutians and the Gem of open the season with a Series "American Dances," starring ferent from anything previously A concert on Oct. 15. Other Ruth St. Denis and Melissa Hay- presented by the I ecture-C on- •Series A attractions are: "As den (March 11), is a 50-year cert Series, said Dr. Paul. We I .ike It," Shakespeare per- review of ballet, modern and ball¬ Other Series B presentations tunned by Maurice Ivans am! room dancing. This program, an are: New York City Opera com¬ Meier! Hayes (Nov. 6); Leningrad outgrowth of the 1961 Boston Art pany In Mozart's "The Mar¬ Philharmonic orchestra (Nov. 11); Festival, is also the golden an¬ riage of Figaro^" {Nov. 20)} niversary of Miss St. Denis's Jerome Hines, bass (Jan. 13 or University Thaotre c areer. 20); Rudolf Serkin, pianist (Feb. Series A will be concluded on IB) and Poznan Choir, from Po¬ March 31 with a performance by land (April 2). UMMER the Detroit Symphony orchestra, Two lectures have been defini¬ I homas Schlppera conducting. tely scheduled. Pulitzer Prize IRCLE Series I; opens (Jet. 30 with winner Harrison Salisbury, of "Sound of Music" followed by The New York l imes, will speak "You Never David Oisuakh, violinist (Nov. Jan. 22 on " The ( oming Conflict 5)- between Russia anil China."Nor¬ Con Tell" On Nov. 14, the "Poo Using man ( ousins will speak April Theatre," from! aiwan, will pre¬ 29 on "Education and Our For¬ OPENS WEDNESDAY sent the first example of Chinese eign Policy." A t THF ARENA THEATRE IN D1MONSIRA1 ION HALL July 11 -14 Discount M.S.U. FOREIGN FILM SERIES ADMISSION Wednesday & Tf'iursdayJI .50 Friday & Saturday Bo* Offica Hours $1.75 • Climb return Ass ZURICH, Switzerland—"Dis¬ on capital, Dr. Harnet 2-6 P.M., Mondoy-So'uraoy said. count houses are ati assured of Pho„» 355-0148 growth today as the railroads It is not enough for (he dis¬ tn the list (Us," says Edward CURTAIN - 8:30 were count house manager to know - M. Bar net, MSU professor of his profit on each item after kmmmi nmm HEXTWEEK marketmg, who w&s one of the variable costs. He must include featured speakers Monday at the fixed for each item. SONG costs He The Outtn And The Rebels lltli International Conference of must also know how many of the Green Me allows Foundation, each item he sells in a given held near Zurich, Switzerland. Ihe foundation was established period of time »o that lie * an wnwwr determine profit In relation by the late Gottlieb Dutrweiler, founder of Switzerland's time. to END -1- first Labor costs and fixed | osis chain of supermarkets. then lie divided can by the same "Discount houses have Intro¬ factor and by tlte area or volume TODAY ud WED.! duced the significance of space and time to merchandising," said of the store's selling space so that the manager knows foi Continuous fiarnet. "It Is a concept ap¬ roin 7:00 I'M. propriate to the 6pace age.' example, how much each square foot of space costs for each DIRK BOGARDE OTBWf I lie main element of novelty week, said Harnet. hi**umttf# atKiiti»**! tuujKuiu shown «t 7:40 & 9:45 P.M. in the discount house is that die attention of management is Assigning these fixed costs iivai Ulii Wf) otifitl vipii '»■■« l/ul'IIlli iHC f£AR J FUNNIEST IMPORT fixed on the net return on capi¬ to each product, on the basis 'simsfew i color of die store space oci up led by a^LflUMLltUOIJ' Fri., Sat. tal invested, he said. traditional thinking, by mass the product, makes it possible — July 13.14 — 7:30 p.m. lo compute the space that might distribuwrs such as the food Foirchlld Thoatro chains, lias focused on gross 'reasonably lie assigned to a given Admission: 50C Item, he said, five Cay m a r g I n as a percentage of volume, said Barbel, Un¬ Since the depression (I) ihe believably, there has been almost no discussion of net profit or of population has lot i cased, (2) the distribution of ituome is more TAKLITt mm net earnings as a return on nearly £<)usl, expanding the middle ill. ome group" and (3) capital. the rin ome |iei person has more Indei the pi essui e to i ut« o»is (haii JtAN SfcBfcHQ and in< . ease profits there must tripled, Ihese ihri efa< lot s JgAH^PItBllg CASSCL tx- a . onsc ious consider atlori of have produced a ti emetufous In¬ fixed and variable costs ui attain crease in 1 elall sales. THURSDAY ONLY! M-C-M Presents 11ms Gl eat Musi' al I he i ' jpeitn.i lie An I-vet. Great*! S< i een Mus' lai In ' inemas. ope And < oloi! in MARIE ^ ANN B1Y1H 4 HOWARD Kill *fWNANOO IAWAS ■ ,:;d C'S fi - rear? [flss- pti You fty BOB ROSS Help Pollution Create solar evaporators to separate Of Tfco Stat* Now* Staff salt from sea water. Fir* <*2 Part Series But technology stood there for Do you use a dishwasher, a nearly 2,000 years. ashing machine,* a garbage dis¬ Apparently, the only solution to posal, or « swimming pool? the nation's, and indeed the Do you work for a company world's, need is convert the salty that manufactures a product 3ea water into fresh wter. The U. S. Government first expressed an interest in this in 1952. Immediately therewere ■newer to any one of some "Ingenious" Inventors who estlons is "yes" then thought they had the solution. helping to create a One biologist was quick to point the shortage out that certain living organisms crave salt to such an extreme Don't think this is a problem degree that they extract it from sea water and store It up in their body fluids. supply and demand would break Thus, we would have merely eves has been shortened to 1970 to turn untold numbers of these organisms loose on the sea, wait A staff report of the House of until they were full to the gills, Representatives Comiftittee on then return them to shore some¬ Silence and Astronautics has re¬ how and have at the sea water. leased data shewing that the total One engineer, not wanting to do dependable supply of water in THIS DROP OF WATER will odd to the experts, economists and city-fathers across with anything so technical as 1960 was 315 billion gallons daily. world's water pollution problems. With im- the nation ore battling a serious problem. organisms, hit upon the idea of The daily water used in i960 kecoming a menace even with the —State News Photo. lassoing icebergs in the Artie was 323 billion gallons. anti-pollution devices, pollution seas, then towing them south to The government estimates that points In more temperate zones. has the distinction of running the city will have to provide the dependahte supply of natural of die nation's cities. Los Ange¬ Melt and serve. les. Chicago, Oklahoma City and through the nation's capital but water for 37,150 residents. Ulti¬ However, when it came time it is also widely known by area mately this figure will rise to a expect to capture and others anticipate heavy drains for finding money for this project, residents as providing one of 50,360. use by 1980 is about 515 billion on their water supplies in the the iceberg cowboys had a tough the foulest stenches in the nation. In the past year, the consump¬ &• gallons a day. near future. time convincing many Congress¬ The federal government has tion rate was 100 gallons per per¬ Bfe'"' This figure may seem im¬ Industries have always been a men. pressive but three factors have problem. Today the concern is' stepped into rectify this situation. son per day. The study shows * * * Industries along the banks of the that when the gallons per person Part II' of this series will darkened the picture. not only their heavy use, which Potomac have had to look else¬ per day reaches 250, the city deal with the several First, die population explosion is 40 per cent of all the water where for dumping grounds for will have to curtail usage. methods of saline conver¬ is no joke even though some consumed in the country, but refuse. East Lansing can consider it¬ sion, which is converting would like to minimize the prob¬ also their pollution of surround¬ T ake a look now at the problem self fortunate though. Over 1,000 into fresh usable lem. ing rivers and streams. sea water Next the increasing from a local level. EastLansing of the nations' smunicipalities for private homes and is size The Potomac river not only water provides a picture of what lies faced a water shortage in 1957. industry. ahead for the nation's cities. Fifteen of every M«mo to Faculty Members! A report for 1962 by Hubbell, were out 100 cities forced to cut supply. Dallas, These processes already being used in certain are Roth and Clark, Inc., consulting Tex., had to sell its water for parts of the world, including ... Combine Business and Pleasure Here! engineers from Birmingham, much as fifty cents a gallon. as America. Even conserva¬ shows that for the year prece¬ If It's any comfort, the water Use one of the spacious function room* at tively speaking, saline con¬ ding, there were 30,198 resi¬ problem is not new. In 49 B.C. version will have much to do tke POPLARS MOTEL for your next meet¬ dents in the city limits. Of Julius Caesar found his troops with the future survival of ing . . . after the meeting relax and enjoy these, 14,480 people were served very dry during the seige of the race. a swim in oar beautiful outdoor pool. by the city's eight water wells.. Alexandria. He produced some Fresh water is running Michigan State provides its fresh water by using primitive I Phone ED 7-1621 for Reservations 1 own water. By 1982 the firm predicts that EXPERT - REPAIRING Browi Ingham Counsel Thomas Lec Brown, 1957 Mich¬ JOHN'S SHOE REPAIR igan State graduate, was appoint¬ US-U (Just East of East Lansing) ed assistant prosecuting attorney for Ingham County, 416 FRANDOR AVE which in- • eludes the University, Prosecut- I lng Attorney Leo A. Farhat said I DOWNSTAIRS CONCOURSE Want a Spot Removed? today. After graduating from Mich- I FRANDOR CENTER igan State, Brown went on to | attend the University of Detroit Law School. I He was admitted | I LANSING, MICHIGAN to practice in January this year. | j Button Missing? Join us for dinner or a snack after the show, or just Seam Unsewn? stop in for coffee while shopping. You'll always enjoy the Repairs - Quick Service meals our courteous waitresses serve--our chefs.are a- No Extra Charge mong the best in the business. Give us a try this week. Once you do, you'll be dining here week after week. J&ul- East Grand River Across From Student Cleaner and Shirt Laundry Services Building 214 N. Washington Across from GLADMER convenient Open Till 2 a.m. Parking in Rear The Eagle >£■ Good Service \ -iSSSij, sennami Rip*-/ m Vrtlbrik Synwoh ' Games Tonlghi »t ft lzods va. Cherry l-ane, Field 2 NVethodist Church Cowboys Creating Wakes , Paperbacks vs. Kellogg. Field 4 Wednesday Games at tt p.m. Biology Inst. vs. Lushwell, Field The been Rev. Royal Synwolt has appointed pastor oi the Mt. Hope Methodist Church. He will /rk Most Good Thursday Games at ) p.m. Field 2 replace the Rev. Warren Brown who was pastor of Mt, Hope for Skiers should not try to land All-Stars vs. Stipends 11 1/2 years. directly into shore. If approach- Errors vs. Hlway Research, Brown will move to Travis *ng shore too fast, stt down oa Field 4. City to become pastor af the Central Methodist Church there. Don't wrap part of the body. the r>pe around any Sunday Broadcasting Synwolt comes to the East La ruing church from seven years A special flag (white back¬ ground with red diagonal bar) For WKAR Statin service in the Portage Township MSU radio station WKAR re¬ area around Kalamazoo. should warn other craft to stay awav from a boat trailing a tow- sumed Sunday broadcasting July He graduated from the Uni¬ line up to 75 feet in length. I. versity of Illinois with a degree The station was forced to can¬ in commerce and then studied at Faulkner cel Sunday operations last year as a result of budget restrictions the Garrett Theological in Evans ton. 111. Seminary (Continued from Pago 2) consciousness. by the legislature. WKAR direc- Synwolt is married and has three small children, two boys Where FlJkner criticism will tor Lawrence Frym.re disclosed that the station has derived ad- and a girl. go from here is not easily deter- mined; but the appraisal will have lncome from engineering I told it for only o few pmnnimt to begin with the hugh heaving and recording projects for other o day through tho Campus *on»- mass of regional life discovered departments. Adt. in the novels, as if one writhing (This i- the last oj three be done in less than five feet of stories ortwawr sufety). water, a novice swimmer should coil after another of a serpent- like being revealed. By EDWARD S KITCH Improve his swimming before saga were trying on skis. A flotation device Yes. The force and fertility CHICAGO (AP) — Water worn by all knowing skiers is no are there. skiing can be enioved bv for swimming ability. America's literary might has , i Water skiers take plenty of considerably weakened now. To any good swimmer. spills and water isn't very soft lose two such men as Hemingway Numbtr 2 or4 Thr sport Is easy to learn and when It is hit at high speed. and Faulkner in slightly over a r."' r»*'|i11 r«' n grRit amount Special equipment has been de¬ of sure athletic ability, but certain rules should be observed to in utmost safety for himself signed, for protection. The National Safety Council recommends wearing a vest or year is staggering. Who will fill the gap? Do not think, it factitious or GIANT Hot Sandwich and others. A Loaf of our special Italian Bread, filled with life jacket. This will help keep overstated that American stu¬ Occasionally a skier, through the skier's head out of water If dents bear Moat Balls or Sausageand Casa Neva's Spaghetti a great responsibility. Ignorance or inexperience, will an Impact leaves him breathless. Sauce, do things which irritate others in the waters. These Such Jackets, meeting Coast Martinez Appointed Casa-Nova same "cow¬ Guard specifications, may be ob¬ CHICAGO — Ray Martinez, boys" cut clos«» to swimmers and tained and used as boat equipment fishermen, crrating heavy wakes as well as for water skiing. who gained his master's degree that curtail the fun of novice There should be an extra from MSU in 1960, was appoint¬ OPEN 11A.M. AIR CONDITIONED swimmers and fishermen In person in the boat to act as an ed consultant to the school trans- sonail boats. observer. Skier, observer and Safety Council, council officials 211 MAC ED 7-1666 Such disregard of ordinary operator should know all the said common sense and courtesy is natural signals to start, adjust condemned by most good water speed, change direction and stop, plus the "I am OK" sign follow¬ SPECIAL MID-SUMMER skiers. They believe that most •Vowhovs" csn If etired by en¬ ing » fall. Hands clasped over the rolling In water ski clubs where head after a fall Is a signal that they can learn the finer points of "all l« well." the sport. A fallen skier should be ap¬ Because skiing should never proached from the pilot's side. Mary Says: US' Wf> HA' ^ ON ^ for that Shower, ODDS & ENDS & CLOSE OUTS Wedding, Big date, or whatever the occasion may be. CRAFTINT OIL TUBES Reg 30' NOW 15$ Mary E. Lumbrezer PRANG TEXTILE PAINTS Reg # NOW 20* Sounds Exciting! PRANG TEMPERAS Reg *1.05NOW 50< And Reasonable Too! COED SPECIAL DAYS "spe-alTo" i 1 MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY i WHITE M.S.U. SWEATSHIRTS ' NOW ONLY ) i 'Permanent 'Haircut Only $ 10 j_ $1.50 | *Style STATIONARY, PENS, PENCILS and other ASSORTED ITEMS on SALE AT UNIVERSITY At 50% to 75% DISCOUNT BEAUTY SALON (EAST LANSING'S MOST MODERN SALON) 2 Doors East of Lucon ED 2 -1116 GIBSON'S BOOKSTORE FREE PARKING IN LUCON LOT CORNER W. GRAND RIVER and EVERGREEN f% l|f " Suitor Sold I Automotive For Rent 1958 Impala 2 door hardtop. Solid 4 For Sale PersonaI APARTMENTS Furnishing aparlment? Used FRI r black with contrasting color. V-8 an 69* TFK TOOTHBRUSH furniture at good prices. We buy with 83 bed¬ week or pay total $29.80. iv 9- rooms, recreation room, screen Red Cedar River. Under $30,000 There will h» SPORTS CAR 3011. 7 o 25* Mfvtci porch, dishwasher, freezer, etc. - W 2-3304. 6 •n4 ah«rg« if CENTER Ideal for faculty couple. Call Fun on the Red Cedar. 10 foot East tKis a4 is not paid within 1915 E. MICHIGAN 355-7725 ED 2-8498. inflatable life raft. Very used. Lansing. New very nicetri- or 8 level home. Close to school. Call DIAL IV 4-4411 Call 355-5984 after 6 p.m. 8 Attractive, furnished house near Builder, OX 4-1397. 7 C3 Frandor. 2-3 bedrooms. Accom¬ used man's bicycle. FAST, THOROUGH SERVICE for Okemos, brick ranch containing modates 4 at $35 each. Call 355- wheels, balloon TIRES $20. rental apartment. <¥ Automotive your car. Drive in" get acquaint¬ ed with 1245. 10 CALL 355-6217. h sion. Convenient to Quiet subdivi¬ depend able TEXACO pro¬ University. FIAT - 1959 - Blue Spider con? ducts. Expert lubrication and ROOMS Men's Left-handed golf clubs— Ideal for family wishing added in- wrtible. Completely rebuilt. 34 Irons and Woods. Also golf bag. service. We clean your wind¬ 3 singles, large, closet space, come. Phone hi; 7-7676. t.;. M.P.Gal. Make an offer. 355- Good condition. Call 355-1035. shield, check your oil, tires and parking, telephone. ED 7-2094 6 Okemos Secluded Estate. Con¬ Al£: t . 1959 Plymouth. 4 door, Auto¬ battery. Drive in soon! temporary home of redwood, SINGLE & DOUBLE rooms, also FURNITURE. Moving, must sell glass and brick. 3 bedrooms, matic, radio, heater. TU 2-5809. apartments for summer & fall, everything immediately. R.C.A. 2 baths. 2 6 Curry's Campus Court, Okemos. color fireplaces, solarium, __ TV, swing set, VM stereo. screened patio, recreation 1957 Ford - 2 door, automatic Call 332-2517. 8 FE 9-2622. 8 room. $30,000 bracket. C all I.D2-5096. shift, excellent condition. $700. 333 Albert Street, Rooms for GIRLS bike, 26". Good condi¬ Ptiooe ED 7-0067. 6 SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE tion. A real boys, kitchen and TV facilities buy for only $25. 3 bedroom, modern, older VW-1958. Sunroof, excellent con- CORNER GRAND RIVER available, $6.00 weekly for 5- Call IV 7-0591. home. 6 dition, call Jack TU 2-2136 or and SPARTAN Gas heat, recreation room. week terms, $5.00 weekly for 10- Fenc¬ Phone 337-9034 C VanDyke 1959 10' x 40' 2 bed¬ ed yard. FHA approved. IV 9- £2dL22, S. week terms, summer school. Phone IV 4-7406. room $2300. Phone ED 2-6170. 2005 or IV 5-9950. Exeptionally Clean! FORD Fair- Evenings and 6 lane *500'. Automatic, power ste¬ Employment Sundays, 372-0330. 7 FOR SALE: Cottage. Cinder ering, power brakes. 2-door MEN & WOMEN: Sell party- One Man. Front Room. Semi- ^ Lost & Found block, Harrison, Furnished. Sle¬ hardtop. plan quality toys, full or part private bath and entrance. Cross eps 6, electricity, inside well, LOST: Typewritten manuscript time. No investment, no junk. ventilation. steel windows, 1957 Parking. ED 2-5374. oj) subject of money. Vicinity yearly taxes $7. BUICK 2-door hardtop. Best financial Muskegon River, splendid Deer arrangement of¬ Beautiful condition. _ ; 8 of MAC & Ann July 5. A.G. fered. H. & B. Toy Sales - IV Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority has a few Etter. 355-7498, ED 2-8214 or hunting, not crowded. Leaving 7-0851. 8 State. Make offer. 485-6069 vacancies available second 5- 103 Conservation Dr. 1959 PLYMOUTH 4-door. Call Bldg. $5 re¬ Hart. on this one! Also 1958 IMPALA NEED EXTRA MONEY? No in¬ weeks. Call Mrs. Grill. ED 2- ward. io j vestments, collections or deliv¬ 5318. & KAbT LANSING and three Convertibles! eries. Work full or part time. ranch, 3 — Contemporary Single rooms for men. Summer DEANUTS bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, LETT1CH & STENBERG TU 2-1567 or NA 7- 5161. 6 quarter. $40. 2 blocks from standing fireplace, patio, FHA. 2628 E. KALAMAZOO Union. Parking. Call ED 2-3634, PERSONALS C ommittment. should see to Toy Party Demonstrators. No ap¬ 484-3229 C 428 Evergreen. preciate. 1!40 Howtna Rt.-, •. experience necessary. We deliv¬ 10 SAILING ft CLUB will meet 6:30 •1956 FORD half-ton Pickup. 6 er and collect. Top earnings. For Sale 1957 tonight at Lake Lansing, NOT 3-bedroom ranch. cylinder, automatic shift - $695. TOPS IN TOYS, IV 5-7824. 8 -♦(For Rent UNION. Picnic and sailing after¬ Near with MSU. Large living room LAY 8. MATTHEWS, 1322 E. wards. <} dining L, built-in-kitchen, MICHIGAN AVENUE. IV 5-2243. For Rent T. V. RENTALS—For your room 4 piece bath, basement, large or apartment. From $5 - $7 a Lover, lot. Call ED 2-4158. L APARTMENTS month. ALL SETS GUARAN¬ u. That little TR 3 is just too cool. 1956 Pontiac, 4-door chleftan, .Coeds - 3 room furnished apart¬ TEED. Phone NEJAC T. V. original owner, radio, heater, ments. Cooking, private bath, RENTALS ED 28978 or 489- Even though my hair is-a wreck Service 1684. when I ride in it, I wouldn't hydromatic, very clean inside. C parking, all utilities paid, private WHILE YOU WAIT or one 2-5446. 7 give you up for the world. day Call ED entrance. Campus - Kalamazoo service on passport and applica¬ Your Lover bus on corner. Call 355-8255 For Sale tion pictures. Limousine leaving Plymouth 1958 2-door 6. Good before 4 and IV 2-5769 after 5 Wanted: One or two air condi¬ tires. New seat-covers, no rust. 1962 Sear's De Luxe Moped Motor daily at noon for Hicks Studio, p.m. t.f. tioners, cheap. The office is Okemos. Return Motor overhauled. Sacrifice Bike. Excellent condition. 110 transportation Reduced Rent. Coiple to occupy more like an oven than a world¬ $395. Call 339-2564. 8 MPG. Convenient and inexpen¬ guaranteed. Refreshments. furnished 3 room apartment with Call sive ly wise establishment. Call 872- ED 2-6169 for bath and acj as supervisor. Utili¬ transportation. $160. 355- reservations. Por¬ 1956 CHEVROLET 4-door, V-8. 1211. 4321, Area Code 617. traits, applications, ties furnished. Close in. Phone ^ passports. C automatic. $395. We Trade! LAY ED 2-2495. 7 Fresh i & MATTHEWS, 1322 E. Michi- v n e-r.ipened tomatoes Jimbo, Singles and doubles. Spartan Hafl, daily. Farm fresh eggs. Also Don't you miss those editors DIAPER SERVICE gan. IV 5-2243. C at 215 Louis, 1 block from campus. will have red raspberries, sweet the desk by the window? There's SERVlCb 1960 SAAB's - Brand new con¬ cherries. Other fruits and vege- to your desire. Parking and laundry facilities. no one to tease you now, except »ou dition. One $895, One $995. tables at reasonable prices. receive your own di¬ ED 2-2574. a the classifieds. apers back each tune. With Roadside Farm Market. 2 miles Guess Who 5 blocks from campus, 3 rooms our STRATTON east of E. Lansing on US 16 at service, you may ln- clude your and bath, completely furnished baby's under¬ Okemos Road. tf SPORTS CAR for married couple, graduate or ^ Personal shirts and will not fade. clothing which older student. Parking. Call ED Zenith 6 transister radio and White, Blue Student insurance office closed or Pink diaper pails CENTER 2-4941. o carrying case. Call Jim week- for the summer. For claim forms nished. fur¬ 2 rooms, everything furnished. day evenings at 484-1766. 1915 E. Michigan and information write: H.N.W. AMfcRlC VN LMJNDRY Parking and cooking. Close to Man's racing bicycle, good con¬ Ik hi e. Dial IV 4-4411 R., 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Washtenaw campus. 355-1610 or 332-3112. dition. $35. Call 355-8061. 6 JL . Chicago 4, 111. 6 IV 2-0864 r KV:' ADDITIONAL ti-MSU Statu?1 U1UNBI College Head tawrtMt WANT ADS ! John w. It ende r son, MSU alumnua and former atali mem¬ MMtilQ ber hua been.selected president Service . TONIGHT 6:30 pum. of Iowa Wealeyan College. Mount Child in Pleasant, low*. care my home. Fuji or Henderson received his M.A. part time. 1230 Burcharn Drive off and Ed.D. degrees at MSU Id Abbott. t..[J 2-6859. J J 950 and 1958. He served st AL/JEKA HONS. Hemming & re¬ MSU aa an assistant placement styling: lorinnlr, trousers, officer during 19S1 end f#$2. skirts. eir. NEBOLE'N THREAD Simp. 108 Division, behind Cam¬ Returning toMSUfrom Provost pus Drug store, ED 2-S584. Marshall Gajieral School, C Augusts, Ga., in 19,55, Henderson BXCEiXEKI T. v. RhpAIH on worked a* an education and evalu¬ all makes an<: modrla. Ail work ation consultant. He served as guarunUrwJ. DISCOUNTS TO ALL Assistant Dean of Students from COLLEGE HOUSING. Open 8 1956-1959. when he accepted a AM. to 8:30 P.M. T. V. Tech¬ nic Uuia, 3022 I-:. Michigan. Call position at Western Illinois Uni- At Lok« Lancing IV 7-555# versity, Macomb, C Henderson remained aa Dean MMEHIN6 7, V. SERVICK. Special raw for of Student Personnel at Western college housing. Service calls, Illinois until his appointment aa ATHMUMON 5*. Absolute honesty. ACME TV., president of lows Wealaysn this IMP Herbert. IV 9~50t». ^ Call 358-6177 WE TRAVEL anywhere - any time. <^u*ilty catering tor all oc¬ casions ■ 1"A j. to fit your- budget. Michigan Catering Service. IV £ W. SMITH GREIG WHATEVER YOU NEED Domestic and Imported yarns antfl pattern*. 10% Dlst 'OIJNT on do¬ . . .Ag Economics Onion Specialist. . for your car Onions - Tearful mestic yarns to .Vteli students. Alteration work on knit garments; MuMm-Til Pipas-EdwHi Pipes regauging oi patterns. mSTAUfD MAMK^N'S YAKN SHOP 3223 Mall Court But So Useful I VI'INC (Frandor) M I'VK I Hie tears to one vegetable that brings die eyes of nearly every¬ Csiifornla avei age and Texaa with yield of m>2 fifty-^pound an Complete Sho £Dt£ 11 AKfc. I ypist, "h'-sib. one is the onion. IItit (his "teat - baga per acre for the past five Motors md Ifinssiteioitt dissc-t tatlOfio, term papers, gen jerker" is almost universally years. liven though Michigan ei al typing • Fxperienced, I11M «te< ti n type-write!,Oft 7-8232.C used as a vegetable, seasoning or ingredient in numerous food acreage has dci teased slightly during the last dei ade, produi iion INSTALLED , AntTT)Town^ typist arulmuTtlljth prepar ations. offset pi luting (black % wtiite, t> W. Smith Greig, Michigan State has been quite stable with a alight upward trend. Speed Equipment -Ac&mwrm color). IBM,General typing, term University agt!■ uitursl econ¬ Oretg points to comuieicial DISCOUNTS TO STUDINTI AMD FACULTY papers, thesis, dissertations, lit) omist, points out that oniony are processing aa s means to i>m* Increase conaumet demand, if, pju one of the prim ipal seasoning* f or Fast Accurate typing oriel it* in other catsup, chili sauce, meats, ISM iypi *iiu-i i all TV 21 W. mayonnaise, pickles and many cummeri tally pi epat ed, for pusmple, fro/en French fried onion market rings could capture s equal to 10 per cent that KAMIN S AUTO PARTS of fro/en French fried potatoes, I *pert thesis and term paper typing, lilectrif typewriter, Near commonly used food items. While die average homemakct tier i. apna consumption of onions 526 N. LARCH Hrodv, ED 2-5545. -,L h*s historically used fresh might met ease as much as !S per TYPING: General and Thesis. Experienced, Reasonable Hates, onions, tiiey can now buy them cent. Many forma o< pro« eased IV 4-4596 canned, frozen, dehydrated and (all FD 7-0138. • even aa onion jui i ion behind New York, Ketnonabte Prices Wanted WISH TO (JO babysitting in my home daily, e«peil«nftxt. Can furnish references, < alt l[) 2 1347, £ Senior desires single apt. with bath itn<1 kitchen near catnpua tor IV'J 63 school yew . Write 'itdVMi ( ole, 10/4 l(lanch»ilS,W„ Or mini Rapids. f- SHORT SLEEVE SPOft! - SHIRT SALE i'egulst % »,¥*> J).« NOW ONLY $2.99 A J Photic 4ii4 /7&/,» o» stop of l.rii hoHtlcliek'n 1/20 I oit Miilityon Avenue, Vanity Shop ZZB ABBOTT RD. Loming E. LANSING 1 block Wait of 11 S3 E. Michigan Ph. D.'s Head ^P"'Central Michigan's Favorite Playground'^ LAKE LANSING AMUSEMENT PARK For An Enjoyable Evening and • Admission FREE • Parking • Picnic Area SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES for" All Picnic Groups Call FE 9-8221 for reservations Weekends & Holidays Open Week Days J 2 noon - 12 midnight 2-5 pm 7-12 prn except Monday 213 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING Ph. ED 2-2114 SAVE! Explorer Regulator He'll "rise end New Portable Tank Blocks n sparkling Nothing like a fresh shirt laundered to per¬ fection (by us) to start a man's day right! total M01.45 One-hour dry cleaning and shirt laundering at no extra charge —everyday including Saturday! Special at ; open : u MonThruFri JHtJL§ 5 till 9 pm f_TT ° w Saturday f JUfimm *• o till 7pm £ s: and Coih-Op Dry Cleaning > OPEN TOMORROW cc £ J FRANDOR Shopping Center NIGHT TIL 9 FLASH CLEANERS Frandor FLASH CLEAN)