MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE East fATE f IE r/S Vol. 53. No. 218 Lansing, Michigan Jul y 12,1962 Frlce 10£ Third Fine Aits Festival To Open They Hold The Line Singers, On Football Tickets Dancers, By JOE CUROSH Of The Stat* Hews Stoff Although everyone can't sit on Perform the firy-yard line. Bill Beards- By SUSAH JACOBY ley, MSU's Ticket Manager for Of The State Haws Staff Intercollegiate Athletics, and The third annual Fine Arts Dune Lectka, Assistant Ticket Festival which opens Monday In Manager, do their best to satisfy the MSU Auditorium will attract everyone with the best seats outstanding cultural personal¬ available. ities from every part of the From their office in Jenison United States. Field House, these men handle The nationally acclaimed pro¬ in excess of one and one-half gram was originated by Clair million dollars worth of tickets. Taylor, former MSU Summer The major part of this revenue Session director, and WO son Paul comes from football and basket¬ head of the Lecture-Concert ball, which is a very distant sec¬ Saries. ond. These two sports ironically According to Paul, the festival support the entire intercollegiate was designed wtth a three-fold and intramural program at State. purpose In miod. "We wanted Since they have every season to coordinate all the creative ticket holder's seat charted, the arts on campus," ha explained. WILLIAM BEARDSLEY next year they either try to give "More important, we wanted to . . .Ticket Manager. . . him either a better seat or his make a cultural impact is same seat back. Some season summer comparable to that of ticket holders go back as far as our Lecture-Concert Series m Criticizes having seats for thirty consecu¬ tive years. ROBERT SHAW •inter." Noted ballet andcoocert impresario Sol Htrefc has called , A vast number of the fans MSU's Lecture-Concert Scries .Festival Chorus ond Orchestra Conductor. Doctors . . are season ticket holders. Con¬ "the best ol its kind in the world." —State Hams Photo sequently athletics, both inter¬ "The festival's third pur¬ Dr. James Feurig, director collegiate and intramural, owe pose," said Paul. "Is to brtng of the MSU health center said their life blood to the season MSU Awaits Robert Shaw famous performing artists to the ticket holders. MSI.' campus. These performers striking doctors of the Saskat¬ chewan province of Canada have As ticket manager Bear !sley By SUSAH JACOBY Shaw's musical careier began In not only afford MSU students and a right to express their feelings, has other duties also. He travels Of The State Hews Staff 1938, when he attracted the at¬ the people of Michigan an unpar¬ with the team on road trips. tention of choral contactor Fred alleled opportunity to see the but not to stop work. amed choral and orchestra "They have a duty to the peo¬ Frequently he acts as a public iductor Robert Shaw arrives Waring. The IH-vear-ild college beat in the arts, but they come relations man and speaks and student began conducting War¬ to observe our activities n the ple and they are letting them down Fast Lansing Monday morning by closing the hospitals. Skeleton shows films at banquets or other ing's Glee Clubs that year, a cultural area. It's a two-way participate in MSU's third staffs can not cope with the gatherings. annual Fine Arts Festival. position he would ho d through program." Beardsley sees to it that the 1945. Artists who will participate babies being born, illness and he 43-year-oldShaw willcon- ushers, ticket sellers, police, and The young conductor burst into tn the festival include choral necessary surgical operations," durt the A.F, of M. Congress of others, are on the job at home musical prominence in 1941. when and orchestra director Robert Feurtg said. Strings r.ext week in conjunction games. he presented his Collegiate Cho¬ Shaw, pianist Bruce Simonds, "1 don't think the doctors in with the festival. Both Beardsley and Lectka rale in New York CI y's Town artist Angeto lppoltto, modern the U.S. could get away with a have long athletic backgrounds. Hall. The Chorale wcr. critical dancer (Catherine Litz, and similar strike for 10 minutes. What's more 1 have in my enough faith profession that ! don't Beardsley played fullback and lettered at MSU in his sopho¬ String Concert acclaim from throughout America. musi c experts Japanese art expert Ansei Uchima. beiieve a course." they would consider such more on year defense in 1942. He sparkled In the big upset of Set Tonight Shaw was named American Conductor o Outstanding the Year WJIM radio Lansing recently devoted an entire program to Feurig said the medical as¬ Great Lakes. John Barnett, director of the in 1943 by the National Associa¬ the cultural opportunities offered Great Lakes was football power National Orchestral Association, tion of Composers am Conduc¬ by these artists at MSU's summer sociations in the United States, during the war years, due to the Ntw York City, will conduct the tors. [desiring proflcleicy In or¬ festival. such as the Jackson group, that fact that a number of ex-colie- Ccjngress of Strings in its second chestral as well as cl oral con¬ Opening ceremonies Monday supported the Canadian doctors, support their opposition, but not giate and pro stars, who had public concert tonight at 8:15 ducting. he de.oted tie entire at 4 p.m. in the Auditorium will the method the Saskatchawan doc¬ joined the service, played for injFairchild Theatre. following year to mus cal study be presided over by President tors used. them. Sponsored by the American under a Guggenheim Fellowship. John A. Hannah. Great Lakes anticipated an Federation of Musicians, the iOO- The famed Shaw Chsrale and The A.F. of M. Congress of Socialized medicine was some¬ easy victory over the .Spartans, member Congress extends from Orchestra was organ!a d In 1948. Strings will present an original thing we would have to expect in the American picture as long as but to their surprise and thanks to July 17 through August 11. Rar- The Chorale has mad* over 100 composition, "Trlgon." by we have the problems of popu¬ Beardsley's fine defensive play, ne^t has been conducting the group recordings for RCA \ictor and James Nlblock of the MSU Music sirjee July 2. has performed in 20 Near East¬ Department. Michel Piastro. lation, economically destitute and they were upset 14-0. Bill was illiterate persons, he said- described as a hard hitter, fast, jonight's program will open ern and European couni ries. The former concert master of the a fine open-field runner, and a winh "Suite from the fairy ^roup toured Soviet I tussia in New York Philharmonic Orches¬ There are several examples of socialization in medicine which good tackier. iBtuj-en" by F'urceil Reed. Follow¬ 1962 as part of the US-USSR tra and radio conductor of L.eng¬ This was the only year Beards¬ ines Symphonette, will conduct are in operation in this country. ing) will be Paul Creston's "Greg- Cultural Exchange Pro| ram. ley played for MSI. f^ecause the orfw h a at for String Or¬ The Lecture-Conceit Series the Congress. The outstanding one to the col¬ An address by President Mason lege students is the university next year he Joined the ^rer.ice chestra," Mozart's "Symphony sponsored a performai ce of the where he served :n the Pacific. in ID Major," William Mayor's Shaw Chorale at MSU in I960. W. Gross of Rutgers university health services across the coun¬ Hill received his degree from "Atlante for Strings" and Henry Shaw was awarded an honorary will highlight the opening cere¬ try. All of these ire operated MSU 1948. monies. "Gross was selected in f swell's "Hymn and Fugumg degree here at Comm* ncement, by one form of socialized medi¬ f uae No. 5." for this address because of his cine or another, ac; .rding to Beardsley, i native -1 Beaver- June, 1960. Feurig. t :. Michigan, previously 'ischerzo for Strings," by Har¬ A chorus and orchei tra con¬ (Continued on page 3) tie Branch manager for the Seal- ry | Somers, will open the 2nd cert under Shaw's dif action in Some railroad companies :iave test Ice Cream Firm in Kal¬ half of the program, followed cooperation with the Co igress of started socialized hospitals in amazoo: Beardsley is married \ "C avatma," from V aughn Wil¬ Strings will climax the :lne Arts depressed areas and the CIO has ■ and has four children. His wife, liams "Symphony No. 8 in D, Festival. The program »U1 begin medical facilities for miners. Jean, is also a graduate of State. Minor." next Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in Another example Feurig cited i crtka scouted (or the He- "Serenade for StringOrches- the University A uditorU m. was the Veterans Administration ar.d their work with World 'Aar troit Timers f >r four summers rra, Op. II," by Dag Wiren, will Wilson Paul, Lecture-Concert 'Cont.nued 12) conclude the concert. (Continued 1 veterans. on page on pag< 4) tian which TJm Ml«t>ia« I* a letter to tko it at* Jovrna I in roply cares. fifty 5-ta?<- iit-fjt !**r.-t,w; a: We should Id rhat rhere !•: r*, tr. other organi/atlons. Tht- fusions liary should rt-acf Kilurigswori thick (fpM'W in <)oncernjf!g rh« excrcibe of their significant ditt the Micbigar. AH.-CIO underwrote Jack St rhich was titutional authority atnd obll- policies and of the about 50 percent of the original Last Lansing f«ynd»cW i« Hse M^ri , »«yr.e - Mjc ;ar, institute and cost; the remainder of the money main distinction came from income derived by the Editor, The State journal: t* is the great- center from programs for for etgr W» request as opportunity i© reply to foar ienpfcv editorial scholarly center which re- labor teams trough- lothis coun¬ try by the I. S. state depart¬ STATE NEWS of My I c—leruH* the MSL faculty on Join? ment. No state-appropriated j n ALL'AWERICAH ACPA RotinS funds Wre used and a large part Member Associated Press, Gnlted Frees IntemationaJ. partmests by cen- of the cost has already been Inland Liaiiy Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press ter «af! inciude some recovered by sales of the film. Association, Michigan Press Association. priiw director of the cen- wt more than fifty This film was in circulation for Published by the students of Michigan State University. •e wra* as individuals and articles many months before it came to Issued or. class days Monday through Friday during the on almps* every aspect of industrial the attention of Sen. Francis. fail, winter and spring quarters; twice weekly during the Yoer editorial represents a relations. In that time, hundreds of teach¬ summer term; special Welcome issue in September. Your crmcisfc of "Imbalance" s effort to reach rea- Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. between labor |aad management ers, university representatives, a con- businessmen and others saw the Editorial and business oflices at 541 Student Services programs haa aj degree of merit. l*e question. It film. Not a single person detec¬ Building. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michi¬ It is markedly Is eaceedlngly unfortunate, juofair, however, ted in it the "class warfare" gan. Mail subscriptions payable In advance: 1 term, $3; there lore, that some of the mair. to ignore the fa^t that the present which Sen. Francis claims is so 2 terms, $4; 3 terms, $5; full year, $6. controversy arose directly out of points of (he editorial are baaed Editor. Ber. Burns the center's to remedy Now, of course, nobody . whst it r« as the ina.de- to Michigan views the film wit}, Managing Editor James Wellington Pfrwo Editor Uave Jaehnl? quale quantity quality of its •" gP*r! mlnd- Jact, moet of Advertising Manager ferv& Levii* Ms organization and its operation. That those criticizing it have not even management pr< . was Circulation Manager Regrettably, much of the mi air,- Henry Tinkham formation haa previously appear¬ the reason for | reassignment ***"1?- _ , , of Chsrles A. s the man Sen' Fr,ncli charges against ed in your aew columns. The editorial la in error when in charge of management ** centt C »CA^cS $1.00 EACH TRAVEL GUIDES 1962-1963 - HAS HE ACHIEVED no. he eoa^ US LIKE DON a kres: L ISortheoHlern Slab* 2. Soulhwent mui South (Antral Area g'l ^ Jbj 3. Middle AUtuUie Slate* 4. ISorthweM & C,real Plain* Stalem 5. (treat Lahx Area Break* 6. California ami the Wext Pizza | kalian Food E. Landing'# Oldest PliKerta Air -Coadltlo&ad SPARTAN BOOKSTORE 211 M.A.C. ED 7-1 CORNER ANN A MAC ' i M ' <-,»vr»rrt." a HI *.<- iltng «i-r, »U| | 'Continued from page onaj r-T:f»-r Wtil 'ftHa-rr iSfjjr ■■■■ r-.ty .trrl 14. It wti tX.'.-ut conjunction «it .ui«:rarnliri^ U iriershlp in'levei m -jpen house. the pri/e-winning Japanese flln fplng {trie arts at Huifcsrrij," said Robert Hal! of Alameda State "Children Who Draw." series director Paul. Monday's opening ceremonies college will present "Art a diseuMfejn Both movie programs will be Michigan's Favorite on in Non- Theatrical will be the only formal convo¬ Cinema" at 10 held at 7:30 p.m. t» Fairchild a.m. Wednesday cation of the festival for summer school students. in Fairchild Theatre. Hall is Theatre. The MSU Summer Circle will KE LANSING a former director of the Univer¬ A piano concert by HruceSlm- ands of the Yale School of Music at 8:15 p.m. in Fairchild sity of Southern California Cin¬ ema Department. present "The Queen asrt the Reb¬ els," by Lge Bettl. July 18-21 SEMENT PARK in Demonstration Hall. A 1 ec t ure-deroonstratioc an Theatre will conclude activities. Monday's Simonda directs the Japanese print making by Ansei The Fine Art* Festival is spon¬ F» k EijcydMi Emiif nd Uchima of SarahLawrerscecol¬ MSL Summer Piano sored by the Lecture-Concert Workshop. lege will be held at 4 p.m. The program will Include In Series Its cooperation with the A roe's "Sonata In A the Klva of the Education departments of art, landscape • Admission Major," Building. Chopin's "Sonata architecture, music, speech, "Three Mazurka a." by Szy- in B Minor," will Nina Dcva. soprano-guitarist, television -radio, the audio¬ :E • Parking manowski, ind Ravel's "Caspard highlight !Aednesday'3 ac¬ visual center, and the dance sec¬ de la Null." tivities with a concert of folk tion of the department of health, • Picnic Aroa songs at 8:15 p.m. in the Klva. physical education, and recrea¬ Angelo Ippoilto of the Uni¬ Lauded here and abroad. Miss tion. versity of California. Berkeley, Dcva has starred on radio and will lead a discussion on television and has AH events are open to the appeared ip contemporary art at 10 a.m. New York City's Town Hail. public. Admission is charged for Miss Dova's concert, the Weekends Si Holidays Open Week Dsys Tuesday in Kresge Art Center. Thursday's activities wilj "" noon - 12 midnight 2-5 A lecture-dance recital, Shaw concert, foreign films and pen 7-12 pen begin at 10 a.m. in the Kresge "Peopling a Broad Canvas," will Summer Circle performances. except Monday Art Center with art films. be presented by modern dancer Tickets may be purchased at the The Congress of Strings faculty Katherine Lltz at 4:00 p.m. in Union Ticket Office. will present a concert of chamber Fairchild Theatre.'. "The success of the Fine Arts music at 4 p.m. in the Music Festival has exceeded our expec¬ MiSS Auditorium. The Congress Litz, who has appeared tations each faculty is largely affiliated with year," said Paul. in Broadway shows such as "Oklahoma" and "Carousel," is symphony orchestras and seldom one of America's most important appears in concerts of this type. The climax of the Fine Arts contemporary dancers. John Martin of the New York Times Festival will be a choral and orchestra concert under the- says that "she has made It mani¬ direction of Robert Shaw at 4:15 fest that we have anew 'school' contend with, and p.m. In the Auditorium. The to probably the concert will be presented in co¬ most challenging and vital one in operation with the Congress of a generation." Tuesday's program will tinue with a MSL summer band con¬ Strings. The English film "Song With¬ In order to serve you better. •>|g That's what's going on at concert conducted by Leonard out End," which tells the Falcone, Professor of Music. romantic life story of composer The concert will be held on the Franz Liszt, will be shown LIBERMAN'S Campus Book Store. Luggage that's light... You probably can't tall by looking, tough But our remodeling and expansion and ject is about half finished. talented! H you'ye missal the iW and still wo*t the oppor¬ tunity to see whet the bocks of ovr shelve* look like yov had bettor hwrry . We'll tooo bo finished. AMERICAN TOURISTER "Tri-Taper" by American Tourister nas astonish¬ ing lightness...with the strength and scuff re¬ sistance to withstand :he hardest travel. And it's so smart to be seer, with! Sizes for men and women for every need. from $18.95 East Lansing's Department Store for Students ^de/imcvn/nA. CAMPUS BOOK STORE LANSING EAST LANSING 107 South Washington 209 E. Grand River Across from the Union Building free Afh/efes GOOD OLD FASHIONED During l»« tewn■ Term Sprin BARGAIN DAYS • o««*ru>*..' y. yv-i*jT, pimyer, ««ct wjo, */ »ii-A r«M -3. / i« Oi*»» fa**J dw UA «l Mk*0«c8 *>utw- part, ;» u)M»«r»Uy Thors - Fri July 12-13 vmrwHty «Oiirur» «*>o c**irpa*ri crt*n* pmrUrwtmu* ts 0* Scrfcty Officials im ma Lev S*l*mvm, B*Wt, SMkfir* Cause Wis., MflKDtMr*, «nrO*imccrf dunpwv *«kfy vtSiCHi* «♦ CONVERSE A'». D*we C«*, UiX*trifKir>t Ut4m Low Cut Tennit Shoe )ueivr j» ifat *4 • t*r« Jmk f>«w irjr n&ic* dfc (Mrturmrr wufc ifa* perfect bm* «t*y« frcs* r«W kw*# 2.88 •ct«r» " At f's,*OG «wrt*. 'jf The irw- u annexe • owr; Ivr Wjl»we H»Ji nmmismt ot varwty teas* ***> Pr. m«d* Tfc* d*#®"* Um Sor tctdt&tic *tmtoy-tour «tt*r Mode in U.5.A. OuW. t*nmm iwtp.-t J»r« ii«cf *«r»«y ssa«> atuiMv: inert^tt g* t*» Otstrrji r- of fc or (/ffxiti* *»& ©** 36 f't&»rU*T m*yx* in *iv*r(ii>~ U IU«CI ► cw«rr«C wlS> »*«4 *C~ mMMruu*', %iA O.* t» crm}ix t in »«! {Ms? *iC*i #Cl- Sin GOLF BALIS SNORKLES 88C 1.7 «r« u-«ekixi»r. »* lSi« SALOM Wliicff: M**«. In**** K»y, fm&oc, urfa»* ' *»y c-e&if* CstMtArn *vi-. I Kt W}3i i« WUr - KauadMf u* a* 4**!;'* U*f ** M *f* i**Mto«ii«rft j«* P«r- rr*d.w, Cfek**'. «-, 0t» b**/**, %>a r W/; iuMt. hrumux, ', v t tr«lf«; L«r*» t>4tci.#rl Hirt- tKjpt&fs; fcf t* : GET REAL QUALITY AT w»i r*5;-., »*< Met fit&wy yjm%, , i'jfw. totwwmm**, mwkm l~% <„ai vjk# . mA vaMW/n*tx<* tdmu&mt »• I_J>* »ii ) Art® Cwe; faMk«$fc<*i; fJiryrr Art trtWi, Q* Mi '. It 325 South »«fWi, fc*W»IRW!., Ill- It'tVf. tv 8«t yjkiSf. ■ ' K /.r" t «i »»>/»'*•-- PHONE IMit. !««-*< Ait) * • «C »i>«r Washington IV 5-5729 N. U«Uw 7 »«; '■ PS LACK SAlEl SPECIAL MID-SUMMER I fttlUMIlU) Ww«l0.9S2t»*X I IcIMifll »Jf »0W 18.9$ 2 l«|r Ml I l«.f M»A» 7JS mm *6.95 2 far 912.00 J fry ♦ i or Pleated Model* • S*«* to 42 i g ftatioaatfy Ad*«1iwd IbfK'r Hkrk* i 2* AW^t J* ilan KtslkM'f Varsity Shop i. fjUMWK ■ ■■■. ODDS & ENDS & CLOSE OUTS Dining Out? CWFTHT Oil TUBES Reg 30' NOW 15< PRANG TEXTILE PAINTS Reg 40' NOW Why not try THE PIT 20< for Chopped Steak & OnU n liinft*, PRANG TEMPERAS Reg M.05 NOW 50< A complete meal retuonab priced. { rZTT-rrz, SPECIAL LOT 1 WHITE M.5.U. SWEATSHIRTS Serving coopfale «ei(s NOW ONLV Md feahrmg ptzia in $1.50 < retattg Sontfc Set STATIONARY, PENS, PENCILS and o»h«r bM AwsiAere. ASSORTED ITEMS on SALE A1 At 50% to 75% OISCOUNI THE PIT Delivery on Party Qrder» Air Conditioned GIBSON'S BOOKSTORE 203 MAC j£D 2^0&63 CORNER W GRAND RIVER and EVERGREEN HIGDON'S HAV1 Lose To PURE OIL f PURE* YOI Robot SB?VICE If irt# t,tt* iMt't tfy, tlttlcull te> ) m*jr r.r,mpt*trr rr>»cr>Ut* ttyir^r - '•«*? to M.r(x/r.*l/f * IEARI to jw/lwr, "People are all rijghr. hut they're swftilly sltrw, arrtttuty Parking All of the make uxt m*«y mierafeea," STUDENT & FACULTY II Available.. releases can They might kefw^lventhecoTv- ".esrer.sirm fTi* fallible human Reasonable found at the •""•Ml** aiwf with hie *r»fcer awl »p',l'^r!o*. fnesifcirlftg Ms pr DISCOUNT \( lQwtth u%" DISC SHOP, If for some reason wa, f>y rnlrturos »nrf hosri a/vj don't have yOur favorite record 4*y*. The lordly macfeiM* whip we can spec al order It for you. through rheir w/rk in rr»lcrr,~ with * margin nf error SPECIAL- With the F attest Delivery In t^rnewfca? less than assured. sawltii «f or.* per- cent. "Tiret on sate at my cost, and !lacked iyy rhese spsr Ulcere- I'll prove It." Hear the latdst hits first at... Jeritiala of sp«er! anrf accuracy, machine* are shoulder *r>g fheir why??? way ifKO l!r;p<,rtaftf p'.eifi'.r.s in DISC SHOP " American fcusiriets. ".Vt»chtfte-*«wriacMrie conver¬ I WAHT YOUR BUSHESS" sation may be the ^re^V/mi riant business c ornmuntration in the lOPEN EVENINGS future," aaul A. f.haray, rettre»i former bend erf faciUMe* Satisfaction Guaranteed,.. 3 East Grand River for Beli of Pennsylvania, "In a few year#, there may he mar# business convertareirm* Msrween machines man between people. "Of caurm, we wouldn't want people talking directly to the 'da- fapb/vnes," he said. "People make mistakes." Chamy, who also headed the Beli f.njcineerin* School, Phil¬ adelphia, Pa., ;* aervin? on the staff of a Telephone Empnwlm Conference as M5L' now to July 20. Illustrating the way in which machine# are already serving. Chanty gave an example of an executive et to needing an airline tick¬ another city. EADY! KNAPP'S SEMI-ANNUAL The daraphone is given the in¬ formation and connected to the airline's scans machine. The airline dataphone takes the request, the schedules, finds an open seat, makes a reservation and sends the Information back. CLEARANCE The printed ticket is delivered to the executive in seconds. The same sort of procedure c an OF READY - TO - WEAR be used for locating parts for manufacturing. Charwy said, with CLEARANCE! CLEARANCE! machines "talking" hack and forth, placing an order, taking the order, transmitting it to the BETTER SUMMER DRESSES SUMMER DAYTIME DRESSES stockroom and making up the order automatically, ready for shipping. $12 $18 $28 $3 $$$7 Skirting close to science fic¬ A wonderful ^roup of better dressy iuebecbs, sWirtwa.tr, sleeveless end tion. Charny said that machines and casual ...mmwr dresses reduced arbor summer ttyle dresses of cet- can actually be made to talk. If powattbebeigfct of tiie seesee. Pret- tion, a met jar soy and drip dry decree needed, reporting their infor¬ ♦ypettels in ceel fabrics. 6eft» misses 4*4 cotton. Liflbt end dark tones in mation in English. tnd junior sises. Misses and beif sises. "One such machine has been completed," he said. "But the voice was not pleasant. It had an CLEARANCE! CLEARANCE! unearthly quality, like a voice from the grave." "They can do repetitious 'idiot BUDGET SUMMER DRESSES SUMMER SUITS work' brilliantly and at great speed," he said, "but they are also very stupid. They can do $5 $7 $9 $12 $18 $27 only what man programs them to do and tells rhem to do. They Outstanding value in 2-pc.cord twits, Summer suits reduced for ctewMtee. nave no spontaneous thoughts." <{otton shirtwaist, cotton prints and Ligfctweigkt summer fabrict in boifo, But he set no limit for what Assorted summer fabrics. Ail are re white. It. grey with contrasting pip- Summer colors in misses, junior* ond In*. Bo*. demi-fit end cbeeel jackets. they might be made to do in the future. half sixes. Misses omI junit "The mathematics for these machines were developed iOO years ago." he stated. Engineers CLEARANCE! CLEARANCE! are still 100 years behind the mathematicians. If the engineers SUMMER MATERNITIES RAIN Or SHINE COATS ever catch up, there truly may be miracles." some "■Southwest Teacher's Agency $3 $5 $10 $12 $18 1303 Central N.E.-Albuquer¬ Tremendous raluet that will save Ail-purpose and retawoer item in you que, New Mexico — Serving many dollars on your meternity wMr tockle twill, i ami noted toots, in « Southwest, entire west and Pi BINQ CROSBY BOB HOPE TODAY IS JOAN COLLINS •i o&tH BARGAIN DAY... fRMWS iAsi iAM&iNo»»Homid. W44 SEE 2 BIG HITS' DOROTHY jowo«ow- OF TMS TEAR'S 10 BEST!' —*1. M*ff* «4mm "Lavish with incident and anecdote-rich in humor, wit, comedy and solid drama - CU( MA&MIM THt FUN STARTS IN TMi KITCMIN, IMMM! bUICIOUS [NTfKT4INMtNT! Gaelic Fun Hit! CHARM AND LAUGHTER PREVAILING ALL AROUND!' FUN CALORE Delightfully daft Columbia Rctures presents A f?&j fahlmaf- R(cfi3rd Qutne BoduCt<*l and dtft — ^ ^ylri$h ^ A captivating com«dy'"—< M.r Oaat Htw 5 m kiM NovAk tockleyiMON "fecD/VsTAiRE _ Barru FiTzSiJfciD •; ^ & Molt HONG KONG" 'J\ ~AflfcyPtyEft?. 1:00-4:30-8:15 jorja «• u Bun MUM i "NO! OR IOCS Jeffries LANDLADY" Feature Shown at (5:3 P.M. tbTfc at Only \2:30-6;IG-$;50 \aJinIa/000 Grad Wins COOL A* AM 1NFOHMKT Fellowship I 6S« to 5.30 P M. I. Hanson. DeKalt 111.. . | SHbWS A1 1:00-3:40- graduaie student, has won the | H. B. Earhart Fellowship Award. | FEATURE AT 1:20-4::00'-6:4S-9?30 Hanson will use the a war * of t —— $2,800 given by the Relm Founda¬ Dateline: Washington, D.C.j tion, Ann Arbor, to finance the the record-is on the screen!! completion of his doctoral dis¬ sertation in accounting at Michi¬ gan State. James D. Edwards, chairman f of the MSU department of /^HAMBURGERS accounting, rnd Professor I Emeritus Willi., m A. Paton of I the University of M i c h i g a n re- commended Hanson for the j award. Hanson has prviously Graduate School of Business Ad- won the j | ministration Scholarship Award | and National Defense Fellow- a j ship. E. Shaw Head Leaves State at Keith McDonald, head advisor East Shaw Hall, ' has been J | appointed Assistant Dean of Men This Space at Northern Illinois university, | | KeKalb, 111. He will also serve | as an assistant professor of edu¬ I SCKUrur IT MMCU MMU. tAKO ON TNC NOttl If UU MUTT. MUSK «Y KMt rtOMMC Reserved cation. | omkcim j or moroaurm mm u*mrr. mdouctnm oowmb n mi wuu* fMAVISlOA#, A COLHMtlA riCTUtCS MlUU. PtOMCI* t WMCTtO kotoommco ■ The young advisor received his IT OTTO MWMH6M ! .— B.A. in 1951 at Ripon college, yiti"wi»mf| Rlpon PROGRAM for 1958 , at Wis. and his M.A. Marquette university, in INFORMATION Milwaukee, Wis. He earned his IV 3-64#5 Ph.D. at MSU in 1962. Downtown Art McDonald worked studies instructor and as a social guidance GtABiviER Theatre counselor from 1953-60 in Mills- boro, Wisconsin, Dells, and STARTING SATUROAYr NO INCREASE IN ADMISSION PRICES! Menomonie school districts, Wisconsin. He has been head o°°?:Va/ advisor at East Shaw since 1960. 65# to 5:30 P.M. C0QL> mm *444 MMU Ngg MigMjlji •UMTWMIVU puva HURRY LAST DAY! Feature at 1:00, 2:55. 5:15. 7:25, 9:45 LANSING OPIVt IN THEATRE At!u 11 Sophisticated Comedy! 'UHI iMU ADMISSION STARTS exclusive rni FIRST 90* CHILDREN Here M FRI. run UNDER U LREE come those HIT NO (I) SHOWN AT 8:40-LATE NOW...THE ADVEHTURE OF THE AGES IS HERE FOR AUTO SEE! fun-loving Americans tow Small™ , , CW WUVC ■AUDREY MEADOWS on a romantic, FrI.—"ADVISE Jaclt hilarious e. CONSENT" University Theatre tour de-luxe! thetiiant FAHTAWE Killer UMMER RCLB Waft Disney TECHWCOIOR •—-»■-«» "You Never jllll Np"(2*) (FIRST RUN) ONf'l AT 10:10 j Can Tell" Thru SATURDAY Bwmaasej »ndt)w DIG top AT THE ARENA THEA/TRE FRED JANE ORAMA! IN I >l Mi )NSTR ATION HAL I the * Sc* July II - 14 MACMURRW ■ IWNIAN ADMISSION MlCHAlL mm CLOWN ;n Wednesday & 1 nurstisytl .50 Friday Si Saturday $1.75 nmi and the KID Box OMic. Hour a J4PM, Monday-Saturday Phon* 355-0148 -T IOM* Wf'ION MUM MtUiUVl* . n* O 00N KCirtR CURTAIN - 8:30 H viJfs-J! NEXTWEEK ami mm ly mm l i All Hi U('i) "SUSAN SI ADI." The Queen And The Rebel* IANWS KIRK CORCORAN 1EGMNC0UR' * Ji I* <, ,v- to first *11 * Inn. »\ t* M/hmmles, r«*. MIW '-M l , ' <*i fjfjftfj ntt*, 4 \',Mt Automotive For Rent For Sale Lo«t & Found I9W I'urn lolling apartment7 U**d Itnpala Convertible - "Red - APARTMENTS »r> I /HI • Ty(>ewrltfen manuscript •tick V-8. Contact Sharon furniture »t gorxl prices. We buy subject >,i rwmey, Vicinity Coeds - 3 room furnished apart¬ ED 2-3131. Evenings, or EI 7- and well, WILLIAM'S FURNt- -A MA( K Ann July 5, A/1. 1SB7. ments. Cooking, private bath, 9 TURK, IV 4-9244. 8 Filer. 355-7498, f.D 2-8214 or parking, all utilities paid, private 103 C onservation fildg. 15 re- entrance. Csmpus - Kalamazoo You see toy* In action at TOPS Greenbrier Stationwagona 1961- bus on corner. Call 355-8255 ward. 10 IN TOYS par,ties. IV 5-7824. C7 1962, Automatic ami Standard before 4 and JV 2-5769 after 5 • AUTOMOTIV8 Shift. The tie lux* way to go p.m. M. 3 Jungle Hammocks: Full *ize, PEANUTS .«#PLOYMiHT camping or vacationing. mosquito • and rain proof. New >011 SALE OKEMOS: supervised Wei! furnish**!, «pa tment for 3-4 un¬ cords, $8 each. ED 2-0612. ? PERSONALS iron rent Volkswagens 1957-1961 - 2 _ Dear Pen-Mate: .LOST I FOUND doors, and sunroofs. You'll do male students, -rivate entrance, '■lat 1959—lilue Spider Koadstert Like 34 It it, once again Thursday. » PERSONAL better at Spartanl psrklng. Phor • ED 7-1561. 10 new. m/p/tcallons. Make an offer, 355-4105. 11 The 5 Day Lover. ; PEANUTS PERSONAL GIRLS In a muddle need room¬ • real estate I960 Itnpala Convertible — com¬ mate on the double. 4 rooms 15 foot fiberglass Canoe $135. Dear Syl: •service pletely equipped. One owner car here, c impus is near. Call ED Call 355-4146 evenings. 10 Tlse Bird is running dry. fiea&e •transportation with 20,000 miles. Finished in 2-2561 and be our third Muskete¬ HELP! 1058 /undapp Super Sabre motor .wanted brlllant silver mist. er. Dear jack: cycle. Excellent condition. Has So peaceful but boring. See windshield and other DEADLINE: SPARTAN MOTORS Available now. 3 rooms fur¬ Phone CA 4-7451. extras. 'i ya soon. nished. Private bath, entrance, 9rJU c/•«* doy ' e.m. on* jimbo btfont publication INC. garage and telephone. Suitable Disc Jockey record table. Altec 3000 E. M1CHICAN for 2 men, 2 girls or married Lansing amplifier 2-12 l.nch Clyde, PHONE: couple. ED 2-5762. 8 You're a little stinker. First, IV 7-3715 electro voice speaker*!, player, cost $526, fiest you don't deliver try message. 355.8255 or 8256 3 1/2 rooms furnished, sub¬ portable cabinet, Then, you leave the house, never offer takes. Csll Frank. Days, AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR let August and September. A- to return again. What are you RATES: IV 2-1333. Nights. 485-8673. '? cross from /Union. 33 2-0274, trying to prove7 SPEClAL-Valve grind - 6 cylin¬ i &Ar.......> si .oo der overhead valve. $18.00 plus afternoons arid evenings. 9 Typewriter—portable, Smith Your independence? Corona Skywriter and-csse. Rx- 3 DAYS. s2.00 parts. "WSfcS ChaWl cellent Condition. $25.00 Phone 5 OATS s3.00 Mel's Auto Service SMALL HOUSE, Furnished. Ideal 355-1064 evenings. Nancy, 315 W. Grand River 7_ for couple or single person. $100 You're a fickle Utile blond, 15 worcft p*' od/ VACUUM CLEANERS. $5 and 332-3B55 7 monthly. Call ED 2-2048. t.f. but It's- fun, isn't it? Especial¬ up. Repair all makes. CAPITAL Tlm* will k* • JSf »*r*ic« Furnished 2 story 4 bed.oorn ly when it's for sure tie won't VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR, and cher«al» COMPLETE house, sunporch, garage. Near find out. this «a la net *ei* within IV 9-263'.. 8 FOREIGN CAR shopping, park, and river. 30 J ackie SERVICE Automobile 1924 Model T Ford minutes from campus. Phone- Eaton Coupe. New top, tires, uphois- Dear Jackie, Rapids 5732. >' MG's - Volkswagens - Jaguars tery, and paint. After 4:30— HELP! We will need all the fash¬ 7 furnished house. Men <¥> Automotive room women students for summer or and 4247 Watson. Holt.Mlch. 9 ion ideas and materials you can lay your hands on. Installed ROLL BARS. ZIG ZAG equlped Singer sewing Congratula¬ VW-1958. Sunroof, excellent con- Custom fall. Call ED 2-3792. if tions on machine in wood cabinet. This your new hob, S.N. dltion. call Jack TU 2-2136 or $35 for most any sports car. 3 Bedroom Brick Ranch House Promotions Editor. 355-1795. 8 Chromed - $15 more. one does decorative stitchesplus in Haslett Lake View Hieghts. all straight sewing. $1.25 per F. & F. Exceptionally Clean! FORD Fair- STRATTON Full basement. Oil heat and week or pay total $29.80. IV 9- lane '500*. Automatic, power ste¬ SPORTS CAR garage. Call 33 9-2192 . 7 3011. 7 Personal ering, power brakes. 2-door You get ideas at a TOPS hardtop. CENTER Kenmore Automatic Washer and INTOYS Furnished House from Aug, 15 Dryer and Sllvertone 19-inch parry IV 5-7124 r 1957 BUtck 2-door hardtop. 1915 E. MICHIGAN or Sept. 1 thru June '63. 2 bed¬ Portable T.V. Call 33 9-2192. 7 FREE 69C Beautiful condition. DIAL IV 4-4411 rooms, recreation room, screen Fun on the Red Cedar. 10 foot c. porch, dishwasher, freezer, etc. inflatable life raft. TEK TOOTHBRUSH Ideal for Very used. 1959 PLYMOUTH 4-door. Call faculty couple. Call FAST, THOROUGH SERVICE for Call 355-5984 after 6 p.m. h on this one I Also 1958 IMPALA 355-7725 or ED 2-8498. 8 your car. Drive in' get acquaint¬ with 83f CREST toothpaste. Limit and three Convertibles! E X C I I 1NG SINGER /.IC-/AC ed with dependable TEXACO pro¬ Attractive, furnished house near one - with this ad only. ducts. Expert lubrication and Frandor. 2-3 bedrooms. Accom¬ swing sewing machine. Must sell Marex Rexall LETT1CH & STENBERG for $67.30 on new account, or service. We clean your wind¬ modates 4 at $35 each. Call 355- Prescription Center 2628 E. KALAMAZOO will accept payment of $6.73 shield, check your oil, tires and 1245. 10 301 N. Cllppert > after 6 pan. 9 Want-Ad*. $5 payments. IV 5-1705. 7 3175. I ■IH-WIIW; ■■ w—I" u>w twinV I0MAL WANT ADS » 1 >4- *»«rvl<.» 71™'1" " ^T' *** li. _ _ tvliiR All _ __ , - ... .. TV. ,. » **'»•» ' *»» * utv, ttlM V*M VttM»wVt«>tK.VW w. M» »•» vl« hmw
  • » -ft Rool E *tatc 4 Sorvlco ■ i < 11 • M I ( yi>i» : . (I*ii lil«U> Mil CM p«M. « :«U l\» \ W pmfcsA -WW- r« IHII > in iMI «jf al iyj>l'iji »W MfiH. U.K. <7 K Mw»Kl t.ak« Huad «i • 'i«»i tein »•' *«1 Mull km -U;::>i«a 'lay N*ar Vr.l . I .at Yf living i 'lair '/I i;al/y I y««r ai»i u».«l»i fit. III. lyprdf IUm .« li' / H/»/. ui 4'auipua. Iluuta H until *n1i dining Uiil,t-ln-kttctatii, in U<«"na«<1 bwnp. tail IV 4 Ann Hi./wii. typlnt mxl tiiultllit) mi, *Want«d *7,.,.A . (.1 i xt. ftft. » 4 pl«t«r IsMi), ha&etimtil. 'r*i ■//- 0»V>. uttewl in luting (lila> k 4 wlilu?. fc S»ni«l l«, III1 .ai MH'l V aiuglr apt. with If . <.•!) I-1J 2-4IV.. <5 ai'-TITK A i HJNH. ^rT <.oU>r). paprrs, tlickltt, dimifii latluiin. 1,1 J at lyptng, lenn iiiiiiuBgcihaMaaMM J*.**' IjtMitm. N«* irv«?l lurtitt-, Clmm ui tntux.>i,( »H *»ry »tc«trl~ Miyllng; foi main. ttouMia, 2fik Pot M.S.U. FOREIGN FILM SiRIIS »fclrl», NI'.KUM'.'N I HHI.AH !'•«( AiAUrnl# typinison«Iil» \}*Al Hiding p*t(n«r to l rlf> IAHUIOUSI HAN/ guai ajitee^, !>1V .O'lHih 70ALI. Co, I^«vp July 26. I'iKiite 332> ■ K0 7*7676. ».f, COl.hl'.«>?nvsii( aiwj iin(i./i t«] yai na utv1 ik /; 2 fiteplw.ft#, s»«ila» lutn, «&« * cgtusfj # p*lt4rMm. iiicai(< Iff,? J' END f'tUutU* *Jt> 1hrm»}ulhm»lH0 U Itjly, jhZi'U; null, 322.1 Mall ( Miit kl.Ktrl wltv)//Wtt, ft ml/ l*««e I / (frtmliit) «r-» M'tHixig'yf- '' < >«■', spUni'lfl. IM ' : . hunting, i»vt 1 iwW. heaving yL M«>« i/tlet WVOW I^Ti WI If. A VI I anywlMti < any, Improve Your Mai". 1 • iific 'vuaiity < a(4:i ing f<. ;^3. • +jMux /JuxLU, One. ciimui mm-m km wstir mmhu hum iuu mm i alatojlng fir «rfl*>' *, p»ii'-, PttA. i A'.aif.'j a rtiHti < miiiin »«.». vum mnimhi utmui) vttkw |c£ t.V, I , fjp« lal »»«» f'y» { VflimlH|f;t,*fi" -vwi'j I'.- ap '■WUWCflft 1M||"«K MlM «gii«gt i,r>uatng "vet vii,c < alia, 3W3 t. MX Itl'.AN 1.40 I'.' t lai* t4 jftniwi honwiy af'mf iv., IV 4 44VI I XI . 33 Frl., 5ot. .. July 13,14 -- 7:30 p.m. lfs«rvir,c 11*.i Iv v ;?/' L. iiinr.111 inlii iiti h'iIiii r ill <—««, Falrchlld Thoatro -- Adml»»lon: 50C iiia>i* «*»/. Ma'i fJt'ti'Z 'i- I' t i « • /^>«» iei^'!i> ti/II »*i iiiaft* Coral Gables' • Wm». ' all >** '<>>', V ILFORNO I TARLITE /.'MilJ VX. A/i; 'a ./lit 4#/ Mrryl> * v«. pacaj/vM aifl a '.•/I |/>«i'/fc# I .,'nf^iatii* leaving M) I I 0 W W U I0t -;»)ly »• u'i'iii I'll Hub's 'itA>J(',, |iu> Naiiio Itia' Mwte l aitluuB In I anaiiig < fn ttui». I- trtiMii l> n/ia^vr i#tlJ>li g^aia",««6'1 I'piieal;fiit>ii.» t *Ji NOW OPEN AT 11:00 A.M. > }y '/ ',}'// f'/i r ewii yatp/ifb >'/ yj» . a«/ vi< * , yw may ?*#«»♦ % ' '.^U 1 y'fii) huify';* i t!i)Ma an/1 « WO'lfi! #tii'i; WiJI !"/' f»'V . Wl.li/, Hl'iw •*}«(*' pwllo *'>' «>«W? AMI »>V At< I. hi Ml Ait Friday Saturday H i f. WAJUflt'XAW JV 2 OW/4 > 3 Hits Fri. 4 Sat. HK NO. I & fkiNiiNc, WALT DISNEY'S t/l Wwrh QIOIK *>«♦ *c«i |wH y;u tff Hit? t'/ji in groUt GREY FRIARS BOBBY Stwwn | l»a< a! ft;3/ Hit No, 2 MAGNIFICENT 7 Yual firyniw fc II Wulla&tt Vim) #1 Ml 4/ ""No-J FOR THE FIRST TIME THE PRIVATE I !,*» «D wti.i UFE OF I ««M «HI, < Hitter >li.»Wli >«•< -<(/»• 4lh Hll UI NI0H1I Pti Nursery care Is provided st Of Christ, C ongregational sll services. Christian, Evangelical and I t snsput taliun provided All ate welcome to attend Church School, BD 2 077# L. S. A. Reformed 'hutch Services, and visit Rev. Hundenthsl is available SUNDAY SUPPER SESSION AT and use tlit- Reading Room. WEI X OME for counseling at CHURCH, CANTERBURY CLUB all times. What Then Are We To Dot Eastminster St. Johns Student this question Is asked Kimberly Downs University Methodist Presbytorian Church parish every set vice Sunday In Hie worship of Central Methodist Church of Christ Church I ll> $. Harrison Rd. Fr. R. Kavaneugh Chur ch, I .arising. Irt fact, 1315 A bbot t Rd., 1 a at Lansing 100/ Kitubet ly Mlnlaters: Wilson M. I'ennant Fr. r. MrDevjti ''What Then Are. We to so?'5 Drive, Eanslng Kev Roheit ) Motel and, Sheets Glerui M. Prye pi epai ed for evei y . si b Minister 32) M.A.r sermon. The minister oflet a (2 blocks W. of Frsndor SIMMON five or sin suggestions for Shopping Center on K. study aod application during Grand Rivet) My til Walbi ldge Drive, 1 . L, Sunday Manses Rev. Wilson M, Tenwant the week Approximately half (tie « '.rigf egatloo takes a Sheet •,,lpjy phone: I'D / -0IS3 /:1V 8;30- 9:45-1 l:l"< IV 9-7130 Nureei y, crib r oom for sll home. services, (Babysitting at 8:30 b Vs) Dally Maasea 6:45 a.til, t hutch School 9|45 s.m. all If you wish to worship y;MMI l< PROfiRAM 7:20 a.m. & n (X) a.m. aid < I. I nula, 'o ages. Sstui lay Masses «»(*) «, 9(00 where pet sons dealt e to'"Ap¬ ply r hnsiiaritty," we invite WliSlbY FOUNDATION a.in. Confessions dally and I0:*XI a.m. • hot < h School for during 8:00 a in MaaS and you to wot ship with us neat SUNDAY SERVICED Sunday f»roge I. Joi dsn, Minister M1, gr &de & undet . Sat nr.iay 4 V 10 & I 'M) 9 I'.M. Director lU:0t) a.Hi. Wot ship Services at lOtOO A.M. Mot ning Wot ship ltb33 a.m. ■ Novens S«t vices Mlltle Study SMitper & p.m. -m Holy < "ominuiilott 9}?>S a,in, lues. 7:10 p.iii "I he Allocat ion of Priorities" Evening Worship AtOO p.m. Fefum ? p,m. lltJRkDAY /lOO P.M. We.lnea.tny evening Bible MM I (NO fc Oil N HOUSJ' Study risop.m, Devld S. Volt, pi etching 9i*l a.m. 4stuni«y UrIran Dele i Of Mloai'tt" I Thursday evening I e<*|** Sulujny I'utllfl) 9 A.M. Project Meet At Weeley HeUae prayer service HlMe CUss ?S»p m. 7tW P.M. I'oi Saturday Dance Central Methodist Fat it aeepttf latlon «ail ttpereiei sroued I » •ilapott.il I - Ffc 9 *190 cswpue fer all services, I II 7 -0290 9 1/ P.M. Church A» ED <1900 ED I UH i ues fi om die I spltol t*f WWCoWK ■ ■'*- , -V&l Tickets (Contlnumd from Typist To Ex SOMETHING pagr on#} How i.i If pns»lhlr\ for a |»pr- front I from 1954 "nlversify, lie !•• to 1958. son to type HO words prr mlr.ii a memh«r ■ .f r>cifa Pi l.ectka used tocoach Tecumseh t«? Kpsllon; a national graduate business edu¬ Michigan High Schooi. He couch¬ Franklin H. Dye will demon¬ cation fraternity. He lias ed football and basketball. taught strate that he? can Monday in the busines courses for high school," NICE FOR In I960 h# headed a summer Kiva 1:30 p.m. He is a speed at business college, Junior college, aryout camp for the Detroit Ti¬ typing expert and business edu¬ community college and teacher gers covering the entire state cator. training. , of Michigan. He will show the correct tech¬ Lectka it married and has rwo Attend Church niques for operation manual and daughters. One of his daughters, This Week EVERYONE electric typewriters. These will Mery, will be a freshman this include correct reading habits, felt at MSU. posture, paper handling, rfrythm. key stroking, space bar and shift key operation and electric typing controls. •Text Books Dye, a native of Hawaii, began working as an insurance clerk- typist when 14. Paper backs He has a Masters of Education Jat tours to Europe, Latin PAR-MORE Anrc.ka, Hawaii, and Around th« WoKld. See u> for iwift Gifts travel vacationlandt every¬ Sportswear to • GOLF COURSE where. We jell ticket* for all major airlinei at official rates. Regulation 9 Holes Par 3-9 holes 1000 yd. A Art Supplies driving range Comer Park Lake Road . DUNCAN LECTKA .Asst. Ticket Head. and East M-78 Phone ED 2-3432 College Travel Office Jewelry . . 130 W. Grand River ED.28667 Firdayl.. SatunfryriW 6^. m Engineering Open 9 e. in. to 9 p. m. thru ~ | Supplies HOLDtN-RBD Books for Leisure reading^ Storewide Clearance Sale! • Sweatshirts SAVE UP TO 20% and MORE Big Choice of Famous Brands in Men's and Boy's Summer, Year-Round Clothing! •and many others , MEN'S at the Summer and Year-Round SUITS Regular $50.00 to $75.00 Values! Now «39 95 '49 95 59 95 Other Suits Regular $80.00 to $125.00 Now $69.95 to $105.95 Sizes 34 to 54 Free Alterations Regular — Shorts — Longs — Extra Longs -- Stouts (•Except Palm Beach and Haspei) Special - Tools Men's SLACKS Regular $10.95 to $22.95 for Teachers Now i?", !14 * to s19 " Ivy — Pleated — Plain — Regular — Shorts — Longs ' Men's SPORTS COATS a large Regular $30 to $95 Values Selection Now s24 95, s32 95 to s79 95 at one low Plus Many Sportswear and Furnishings Priice Your Choice 25c HOLDEN In the Union FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Building