ATI NEWS Volume 5^ numbers 1-7 not published. Vol. 54 No. 8 Ea«t Lansing, Michigan July 17, 1T62 Frlco 10$ Finalize Chemistry Plan Fall 1963 Target Date For Building Chemistry students will be studying in a new building by fall of 1963 if present plans are not disrupted, said campus plan¬ ner Harold Lautner. Detroit architect Ralph Calder was told to proceed with final plans for the $6 million building after the legislature gave the uni¬ versity $750,000 far initial plan¬ ning last month. Construction of die new build¬ ing east of the Agricultural En¬ gineering Building on an exten¬ sion of Shaw Lane will allow the chemistry department to va¬ cate Kedzie Chemistry building, potentially one of the most dan¬ gerous buildings on campus safety wise, because of the nature of materials used in the building. Lautner expects the plans to be completed for bidding during fall term. Gty Library Political Play Will Grow University officials have been urging the new building since an By UTE AULD Illinois freshman; explosion rocked the 35-year old Allan Kepke, | The part-of the Engineer will Construction is ur iderway for a Kedzie Oct. 29, 1959, injuring Of The Stat* News Staff Fairview, Ohio graduate student: be played by Eddie Jones, Benton new library in EastL ansing which five graduatechemistry students, and Alden Smith. The darkness of a country (Continued on page 3) officials said is needed to handle one fatally. caught in the horrors of revo¬ a greater amount of students and At that time. President Hannah lution for The provides the background Ugo Betti's "The Queen and Rebels." the fourth produc- Concert Well Received townspeople expectejd to use the facilities by 1975. j Library officials Si ope to be in said Kedzie was obsolete because there was only one door for each ^ seCQnd concert ^ the It was received enthusias- laboratory instead of the safety- Uon of the University Theatre American Federation o£ Musi- anHionra ^ new b^ng. beifigconstruc- recommended two. The five stu¬ Summer Circle. ticaliy by a capacity r-iru audience ^ u Abbott roajd between cians Congress of Strings was wjhich registered its approval by Centerlawn dents injured in the explosion "The Queen and The Rebels" andfforthlawn which presented July 12 in Fairchild vigorous and prolonged applause. streets, caused $15,000 damage is one of the last plays by Betti, theatre. by early 1963. would have been trapped The conductor on this occasion if the who is now recognized as Italy's The new building will be 12,000 wjas John Barnett, who led the explosion happened near the exit. greatest dramatist in the gen- ^ 111 C foot square with modifications to Officials said the Kedzie build¬ eration following Pirandello. ^-;>Ch0ClUl6 J>©t giroup with assurance and a high degree of musical sensitivity. expand to 20,000 quare feet in ing would be remodeled for nat- Betti's first play to be ~ it is # . The program consisted of a the future. 2) widely performed in the United States. pQf" r6StlVQl tasteful blend of old and new, providing an evening of delight¬ The plot of the play concerns Two major events in the Fine ful contrasts. the search by a group of revo- Arts Festival are scheduled for lutionaries for a woman known Thursday. the Festival Commit- | The musical fare ranged from tee has announced. the delicate Suite from the Fairy as the Queen, who was a person Queen by the 17th century of great political power prior Eight members of the faculty to the revolution but has now °* ^le F. of M. Congress of composer Henry Purcell to the lilting Serenade for String been stripped of her following. Strings will perform two major Orchestra by the modern Danish If the true facts of the Queen's from literature of state were to be known, it wouic1 chamber music at 4 pjn. in the composer Dag Wiren. Music auditorium. While lacking in the brilliance cause those opposing the revo¬ Scheduled for of the first concert, the program lution to lose heart. To prevent performance are such a catastrophe, a prostitute T vorak's "String Quartet in E prjovicied opportunity for the . lat Major" and Brahm's young musicians to reveal the poses as the Queen and conse¬ refinement and polish which is "Quintet for Piano and Strings quently suffers a martyr's fate. in F Minor." developing rapidly under the tute¬ Taking the role of the prosti¬ tute will be Mariam Alexanian Among the members perform¬ lage of their excellent instruc¬ tors. The progress of the group Duckwall. a member of the Speech ing in this concert will be Paul was evident in the beautiful department staff, while the part Oberig. head of the Music Depart¬ balance between sections, the ed the Queen will be played by ment at the University of Minne- delicate phrasing, and the neatly- Barbara Rut ledge, wife of sota and dean of the Congress of bowed passage work. director Frank C. Rutledge. Strings. He is a concert pianist. The concerts provided by this The revolutionaries will be At 8:15 P-"1- Robert Shaw Wil1 group and those by the faculty Leeds Bird. Bay City graduate conduct the 300-member Con- of the String Congress give a gress orchestra. student; Larry Rose. Evanstan. The orchestra will accompany real bonus of enjoyment to music the 140-member Festival chorus enthusiasts of Michigan State •Vw • in performing Bach's "Magnifi¬ university and this community. Th* enthusiasm with which their cat," Schubert's "Mass in G Minor," and Stravinsky's "Sym¬ efforts have been received indi- CHANGE lif MANAGEMENT-Formerly the Lucon Theatre on phony of the Psalms." catps a growing appreciation of Grand f^iver Avenue, the Campus Theatre has chanaed its mmr- FAI V Tickets may be purchased at the Union ticket office. e.\c|ellenc anc|e, in musical perform- qwjs jjgn> onj i$ now 0p#r0tjng unj#f n#w -Stote News Photo. Strange S Con-ConMeasures Michigan LA.VMNC— Defended Jfcrieo Ge '- r 11 By (The farfisnrwg edaan^ if re~ f* J Midsjja-'* secw" 1«rsiF^ swer il* Mditer >v app'!-at a Oerrjocfatic Governor or He**.) perity of Hw—jw*« td Midr igar »yjil eiisS *i-e "inccwiaiaswtcy ' s> Keptifolic Coverw/r wvid-i fcaae crues and v;l :*g*s rise ar.i fa.' aetiJwag ae"*er*iCt«frv*M"t.:i®< la- aa vtttcixi to «ne essecu- t- select sppr^it^ees on die f/asis fmiMin I Hart aed McXatneri sues sa tfee l -wssf-talicffiai C*«b- i£S saccess. '*he« pro¬ of c yd ins ability by the tnoat Imp* prw*sJ they are tntfy '*U. »«:&« a»ere»ere'jurrat§erfcrie« depart aaet.fl '•feoae J'jfc it is vides ose ieaefc of trie imcotne t ■ - Ker 'aUwe >e« v Mock of f<*pu- w i«s s wacefedoc fcr S* Legis- 5, Hunri" — set MiciifSK of Mjcfcsgar farw.f- Lwii Wssfc- f rvw *?■*• De.w r at«• Mk. ;: 4, rayex Siais <« use basis ■piimmrr — b^ Cw-.r support fv> K-vna*?-. iJ*5y Rs- iature .^er ti* perfrjrmaiit* «nj?ris»ioo in t?- hfecfeigas »»d La**.?€ profess wmeataaw n prwitwjr,. satle siso ca»rt it tor L*mo- Micfctf* = Omssxx** sJ' a*'-iOirif a ataicfltntt «s a apprefeenssys: © a e r Micniga*' t mticrai cratic criticism. •4«ii>erat:»e owe?. firmer* a&t ecoocswy. Taej doe'i *d ta*a«ot». . > wacaet: <« The argwsaess for 2e larrr. • ed i» she rie* doewnemt* tiyr, of K.fbts proposal, T'r* t® Jfre fsrtser i» the k®3*iau»-e «pporuc«4Be(rs fciii «il that iS WCKsd cut #Up5*S3~T Democrat % «rx«aed die COP naa- aes. They eawcucave Waact af (ennunea. "H* ad >'sse and cotiaef' pvwer and turafr cor*. *V> 1# !v oS C.e Scute — t>y wtact. Ge»- yjsv.y of to i»eet<- nw5 kff the fsrmer fc» Kimt »eile-v« a e«***ded becaua« &6 caodidacy f'.r ar*2 OtoabeBia, Mar- ts^e State's fes#(e»5 'Ahcn, Ram¬ er-ort' appc-iatroeitta ca» i* up the package sad eusfoarrasft a* uMrtii ass: fe&ait&es to them. tw «rrf C* Dsfcotss. sey'* vte»* tfee prwwsj&w-s of wrucd — » ^ was i prime ffiilk te ieed gr ai&s- '"Ae refused the sacrifices of The racvd t»'i r»w dul- ateics^piayed a majw tie eatacuei ve artit it drr» ti* tarfr* of tfce UtasKJur*txi uvr- s^osSigb! oi MHtiur . rage ag,»i®at S«t*t£«t)»e ar- ytc principles wtd ) jb" s tout' lesjged. Here K we part it- JiafcFjf tee Sins Amk r of sacciiat jfj," cwjrnewerf Tor Agatt esd «®*i® and »j»2 - Here is ti®« be s>u3r»rr«e e*m.iJ5S tee- cjpie as t»*sic la Aaartcas ducted referenda^* rejected the af^-sEics-v megxmty is cjricat s •jetij-e^ thecijwge, tiie x&aKTf, &c* trasaderrtd ia the State is ds*^ei sr*d respvs- £«w»eer tfee siaree jAr»r«f.i*s of tayoog tJyrt since ?i»o« centmit bat-gats whicfc g*e she gyver?- ««re pc;;tScaily wJiii€axi»j sjors ai 1 considered part of t-'»e saerat coBtrvi v*er their prwfcc- Souther?, mteiet. bus* aifcsJiry iwarred *itpjr% t&e G««f- liKeruje"*. H'/we»tr, fc>ey agj e- e»etative far asct.' of i/nerimtrf uee is mars f5 t« r««|idre a JTi*>yrjry vxe Wbc&tas aner-iteri cd C«a«re»i t?^«t w^*re fiey beite>? It. of price supports, or "roctos' accept tfer- elected State Adwdaiatrscive <-A tt* Senate wittji:'jCiegia>at'.»»- w»« the Cx», St;.«/!. or Osnsntv!'t 19- . duir TS*jur\." icr an gre«nfig *air«e «54*»*5i«5 aw-diy fos^rd, ar«S a briar-pact stare days reject a sftwst at *13- wiil i* *cc«pied sy Mfcdtifan t&ac 320 wax :t a«d ttwarsia- poteesiissats. Amd thai »*i as rigged «<«- lamer* te a* aoerapned p*t- saatss.** Lfider the presets Couatitation Police Ad Prof bans. The federal fpsensmesa i«t) of a flaariw* tt, *t»ct Ifctsr F»'jmr»ey pefcsted 5js< &aa its st« tt* appoUats.*f? s are uot oiiiciaJ iowJ cut ami cm aos tv «:i;t aod Used are s»-5api«fi arid riets v.* striate «?>- Publishes Article allottee*:*. ther- &aqaaUfied •wfc*£fe ditry 'i«»Bsasjt(* by feature'* Lieseesasa Go*erac?r are electee" proves thes¬ f rank D, ?>ry. MS3U profeasot frws: vytjsg all *fce* i*rn>er* 1**- as a tea.rr«. ratr** tfeas separately, is ttieir prtpaad a-jf/a'JiiPe of police adWiitisfraUw atid to- wfcS1. siivesaests c< irtt thas 15 a»d wSS'l ser we isBr-yasar tarts.s Coa«i&tiOK, L»r?w*ratic deie- sndaer oJ the yyJk "L'jtroduttior Is the regweai *c£ixMH»d fc»» W •«*' instead <4 , 7'tus would perrrs* ti* 2e»«.'^p- sasee and eas«.i«i.vr. «# aiiacri #e gates that »♦. !*fieaa wr ve it: * tv^Mtcnsess appvisr..rrjef. woul'I ausud1 rajassadi fey a tw«3airds •v Law totorutMH," has tr-iSASed a*., aj'tk.5* to of dsa %tates "7 he l»U cor— prsfran-* witfewr itserripuorts ayte of i>yct tie House at«C O* sura! aciessce classes «fekt t/ff/a artv.le, "Suite Lew Ls— Here it HKt-n- part 9? e* «, i.arr^«aijp!i tor rat^KSKt, r-v'-- 'aer.a*e ».sur. «© Cayt lorcetreaat," covtr s *he >jlst«ry, a« pose a aadesfy fturesst tv v* "KttA this »oul' fa»*e to I* recar-d r»ary Mirtrt^ar n*cj*r asnKtarev aey said. vrgnfelzasi'/t at/i fyfcc«Jt»r~ yy a l*ir ly-s^p'/t-tio»ed Hvuse wta'e law «4sircmM ce-s -if Mtcfajfax's crsp 1* soft wasl a£*d Se?.a'-e. vmt said, !k«f snsatiif, mil &a>* r»K, iarfe crattx delafasas particulariy sfes>se of tfet at- «*~ &oasw Vtimrttrf aaper^it-;^ *r- "Tie Me of the Males" is a DcBaecraut w Coesraas -vsec cfcr«n. Lavar awrjes aswi fttnad fese feey psrued nrjiKX&y wi'i fyrutfeiJity." i-i«3tifitsl W'^i! •/ »-Jr> affai/e to naadnrt the Mjcu^ fvs*- «re eiact- H* accna»m recsrd » 4a~c'- general cteru-Ksy ia»s aec; tlats r*e or s?spvur,»* T&e Jtent— Crossward Puzzle rsxwris a^rg actt. 'Jtr{Ai.*c detnn- iafiy i«d;c.-» to tfae case crats *.a?Jt ?.v ke^p S- elactiae. o&iCes Kri iafee Syr asaiytjc*;' {ts'i *UKO««y Sia«wftiOs«ract and ^ cs«a*ascr> »,iii ^>e Oascribtag a* pr.'jp'/ae-: A-J *e«&er daia.*f^rt C* J*/» w1**" Vjs, C tet^ tt a "r/watrvt;"y," t« t;* ffcird 5«r crop dsere. JAad i « s^«i t'^r fetore *»ji *saiyi^.ti ts*> aaaarwid; as 1*3Je aa fl a »«st«e- « tsie '**1 fee prop&sad d<»i u tt e»t c«&.atr7 ia£« are ej^acted t« Tfr |T teed tcr 5S«e &e t« t>* iaurtx Jlvwr araa. vr» •twr^t tfee *2tm£uscrsrlv* arts) aes trap, farjaera «ts-«iaapor- j*k/. Ciieitaatry iat-» «e ^>e td#. of tie j,v»eri.t*jeir *»ay tng it dross a tisy ar*s is Or— Isatrjciyr vif a*> c* r#s of a* pr-^ie ei«" tar>> .« aswe ttat I: a iwa * a Ireae.itrer, A«d>t'^r *x»r+"» |yi:- '..ut rsKWSBS ara.tM at* tax frssiecise aenCaaAiOaer gradaaee ssuSe-ir. ' &*« wm Mp < -Ae lor vfdtter» wv,..d -j» pneed l£»d a* e* grocery ti-juvrs Is* fcis vrjj^-*. reaear<*' r*pi.ict4rt t.»)- » VftMPX.-. ti>at '*«*e cxmuer. TSwy are &ey a.'* ok «•* Sptry dry.i< daaddW tS* respewKi^i'y 'tv »■* p» v- «pie •»« 3k&« cusaaes. iar*Si#¥ *v p.*, * ft v- f«t <>/*et *.v. &s» tfc>e racsri «* yf ©■» top r»v »wwdt g;»e* a#d a*, wesfcer: and t w^eaJ* atwars !»rrer t »*:« asjtMialiy i^r S** AKier Ka; ^-ry .*eapvt«aii',..ty tS»at s.-, ac aact i*ip- icjeace Aaaeciauta- ■/» • •» ' S STATE iMtny, t.v »»•*•", KtetV-*?. *.-v IS j H ALUAAtfftlCAH NEWS ACPA Rafi®, e»ery '/tie a" • aac .*<■ • i #d t»«t r*» pnp/a«:t t; ;•»• v v' "., - Mtssarr As.a6s.jaed freas, LsuveC Pre** ka*rx*wsi*. r/*t -/ t »t feiar»d iMVf Press KmoatOmf . Aas«cialerf C^.^itte Ptea* Am^xIUh. Jrticii^pa: press AasftCiaOMt. Uftdtr 't« ' PMttkmi by o* as^aott o< ^saat** teste : Jsa»*r«*> OW, «he •/ **.*% '£ W i leaded m claaa daya Maedr; fSttrv^ Friday 4w«i«« t>'*e anf > ".or t*y imi. water and apf^« ^varsert; wiea fit* reruaii: vnK*i »•. ancaser' Seres; special *'«s.-,«ae Ja«* » itjrerr-arf 7'fc* Vase 7 team*** W.nei claaa pvatagge paid et r *«* J-aa«ifje, Witss^a; - jed vy t-<» Gv»«n c^tavia, vd »e^e»i t£jOi a- Mi S«k«5aoce-. 3 ier», IS; > S39-f>air?SsiBt Hi^'Wt^f ' 2 acrae, $4; J serr.*. Kc Js«j year, K suasityt *t«d# spp^«* * Sues# .' 4ms to«nte Highway Cirasw ?"**• f»ard . .petes IHti.MgfMr «f YAsg.*ixje. wovaf ^fin>e J—feWg '.d P »t,";, * . . Saper 'tr-esdiesr rted :>r.tte *#.»<* t*t* i-»,< t«t . , -Hesart" TUttha/n wvJ.' appfj'f a- Anf-y K£,i •'—J. * FT. < OUJ»,COtO. .ftwor- tudents Caller political -- demonacro- «; r. poetically -is*were»ted, "<■< in, A fid tfe* :»ee*w.vsfae» for . h'"; <\'.il*jre .aver;*' VJtetirfle or> Intellectual and f.OO* 19 /ery small, he arrtes, apathetic, ARrt r.or.sersnv* — >j«* imtt# is are pr*«iseiy tsose '' stiged from s "silert" ro an For the >da«t«>fJcal ?r'*»*... parr, stufencs re - a*' they isert found in rfte "iCs -*ir< rau^ic of tut peer cai- "One does «se» hear "♦"Cry" generation In the past >ry » C«rwfl research- team. tare- be frtetwBy. - vjperarsve, mtcfe te- tefiecnKl dlscassloa on the >■»*, * k-adiisg Sewsdor-f Uni¬ Afcsorhisg the T-sJtare created *jpre«afcl«. tf/ieraat. aptsmtmit. versity educ»rw contends. "There .* no- evidence of a«y widespread change tr> *turierre at- U.I. Play by their eisasmate* is the major moral. educational espervence of truvte "Sot ail atadeata, of coarse, far tfc re fa 1* C8 (Continued from poge one* coiltgse students, Ssnford mals- accede the pT€-/aOtrf *tudetif cal- noes, of course, there ».s «otinie •iturfes a.-vi value* since the talNS. He describes the pre vail- ewre, and ^.tkers jro-w away from far :nteiiectual matters: tte Prof, S'ewift Stawford Harbor senior; and Chrts Smith, isg values in tfteae terms: it in tfvetr senior year. write* in a backgr'j«nd paper fsvr son «sf Mr. and Mr*. Robert L. faculty aad 1 "Twirt each oeser, sw^wsc* *-^r ip»en time a majortry a prudent conference Smith. will portray the hale boy. of fr* taken jp wti sponsored faaar be friendly, c'imperative, studies?* are The travellers, peasant*, and p-artie'^ttisf rrasre sj*J schaiarhy tepee taint*. by 'he National Commissi/*-. on pleasant; rr/maert me faculty, or. ,«t fully in tfesa cyftiare." "Times will ssdoebtedly T eacher F duration and F'rofes- soldier* wiil he played &y Robert polite, dun?ut. impersonal. "Sllnm a college *tad«tsr look* liow) Standards, meeting here L. Sdiitt,, Anthony Collins, cisaage, sad near ideas will ap¬ "0 ,tiege work i s ti» be taken a? tfce *asr trrperaouxl process#* thl* week. tiea«Jy, fcoger I-o«r, Ix/tt Cat*:, pear, cut for ttee time tetng we Fran* seriouaiy, ht* not try, MrtaaMy. of «wr society tad ask* Wsere he are tos *k« rr Jraral and istef- The number of ',turlent* takttHt ftutiedsje, and jack Her r. "The Oueer, and The Peiels" Frt/oSity s iiscsora^id. f^ar- cars fit he is m* necessarily l«c9ail dolat Te:s4| cottfomaar. pgrnsfm jor svurce of suxienc ietbarfy. J: Vj *r»*ed. -'it sppia; respcAdtsfiy. tr.ere is relative terially grarifyin«[ — l:fe z-y tu- ed tar her this yea-. . - /J j 'Mt>2 ; J' 11 ^ T~7E - » « ■ f L. . SUMMER CLEARANCE OF READY-TO-WEAR CLEARANCE! CLEARANCE! BETTER SUMMER DRESSES SUMMER DAYTIME DRESSES $12 to $28 $3 $5 $7 A wo*4erfui growp ok bettet dressy Sut>becks, shirtwaist, sleeveless end and casual summer dresses reduced other summer itylr dresses of cet- now at tHe Kaight of rh* season. Pret¬ toe, omei jersey and drip dry decree ty pastels in coel fabrics. Both misses and cotton. Light end derfc tones in and junior sizes. misses and half sizes. CLEARANCE! CLEARANCE! DISEASED TREE--H»t by BUDGET SUMMER DRESSES SUMMER SUITS Outch Elm disease, the scourge campus giant of loco! tree*, this wos removed $5 to $9 $12 to $22 last week by ground crews. -State Hews Photo. Outstanding value in 2-pc.cord suits, Summer suits redeced for clearance. cotton shirtwaist, cotton pemts end L tghtweight traaer fabrics in beige, assorted summer fabrics. Ail ore in white. It. grey with contrasting pip¬ IM News summer colors in misses, juniors Keif sizes. and ing. Baa, dems-fit end chenei jockets. Misses end junior sizes. The deadline '.or entries in »e student - facility best-oail CLEARANCE! JUST RECEIVED golf tournament :s 5 p„-n. .V'ednesdav. The tournament will be -eld July 21- Entries are PROPORTIONED SKIRTS PLAID JAMAJCAS accepted at the Men's LM office. White proportioned skirts "hotever your course or Kellogg battles Cherry Lane in short, overage and tali at Field 2 and lnverticles goes your favorite sport, yau'll lengths ore comfortably find /ovrsetf comfortable against Uods. Field 4. in Open cool for the hot summer Softball league games 6 p.m. tnepoir of jomeices from days. Easy care 65ns da- our* collection Misses O QQ Tuesday. Wednesday'* games at 6 are cron* polyester, 35% cot¬ ton. 5.88 and junior sizes. O V. kings vs. Ag Ecor., »2; STEP Registered Trademark .s. Tonys' Boys. -3; Congiom- erates vs. LAC. =4; ar.d Biology SHOP TUESDAY, 9:30 TO 5:30UWEDNESDAY TILL 9 Inst. vs. Rozos. St. AD. atcr *\y n r-trtprf Br BOB ROSS Of The State N«*» Staff f(_A "W itrr, water everywhere. nary a drop to tJrinr," aaid ks » decree*, I * platers of J5 U>e poe? and today Americars belt enters the plant from an degrees. Ihere ut a base or scientist* are engaging in one of intake pipe laid in tiie ocean pit under the glass with a water 0»e most intensive campaigns tn floor. Once the plant ine water levei or sever; to 12 inches above history to prove him wron^. flows tfir< pipes heated toy a/ the bottom of the basin. from the otear border* of oil-fired "Thermal insulation ts used on S«r Diego to the Perftar, Golf, vessels whei it encounters sui>- the walls of die pit to store up net; end machine* are busily atmospheric "essures and lower the sun's energy during the day converting sea water to fresh temper aiur< This causes the and keep the water evaporating water is an attempt to bead off sea water tofi -or valorize- during the nlg£t. the most mensemg. and least and the re long vapor steam Solar energy passes through regarded, problem erf the earth. falls on cod! condenser tubes the glain cover and ts absorbed In the first article of this where it condenses mtowater that by the wster in ttie bssir there¬ series the shortage of fresh water Is nearly free of impurities. by heating the wster. The flasbiirg operation is Wster vapor from the warm was pointed out. How the major methods of water conversion will repeated thrt ugh 36 successive water rises and condersee or. be discussed. They are five in stages. the underside 'if the glass. 'This "1 he most r< knowned plant uti¬ then runs down the glass and is These methods have a common ll/la? this process » or collected In troughs which carry street: the 35,000 parts per Persian Gulf at Ku»ait on the fche wster to one end of the million of salt in ocear water. Arabian Pens neula. I he Gulf still for storage. This one of c4 world's saltiest "There arc- three such stills figure must be reduced to under 1.000 parts per million r 4 containing at the Daytona sigh? and they before this watei is fit for human 44,000 parts turn out 500 gallon# of !res- tr million of salt water every day. This isn't much com sumption. or 25. per more than the Four of these metbodsuke Atlantic and P :tfk oceans. for a city but a farmer could water from salt; the last method the total pr itiOTi in Kuwait get » lot of fresh water for his takes salt from water. IS 4.700.000 tr day. family with Just one of these The oldest ti eihod of obtaining outfits. Loog tube vertical distillation, flash distillation, solar heat con¬ fresh from imwre water is ti>e An Army base couf-! have version and freezing are the one Caesar tiled in 49 b. C. enough of them spread around to titles of the first four methods. He utilized the heat from the sun relieve the nearby city of sup¬ The salt-from-wtter process to ©bum fresh water for troops, plying the base with water. is called electrodiaiysis. The last water-from salt pro¬ Dsyuwia bes :h, F la., is a long ■, Long-tube vertical distillation way from Alex rndria, F-gypt. but cess Is called simply 'freezing'. ENJOYS THE WATER, and hardly givei , At Harbor Island, N.C., a plant of it a fancy title for simply boiling the fundaments principal re- us ore the some. But becowsi water, ther. letting the steam mains tr.e sarnr. In 1V5% solar operates or. the principle that such inland running out or hopelessly pol- condense back into water. The conversion in when ice forms In crystals, no ore developing o new source of drinkable ««■ idea is that the salt wit! remain was underway (Continued on page 5) —Stole News Photo. In the bottom of the kettle. This method is the most widely used and most important for large-scale water purification in use Navy today on land and sea. Hie uses it or. surface ships and submarines. Locks out When an LTV evaporator ope¬ rates is on salUe water, the 'feed' passed through vertical tubes runs... 35 feet high where It Is raised to boiling temperature. The heat comes from steam aimed at the outbreak of the tube. The feed then proceeds to a devise where the vapor is separ¬ ated from the impure salt resi¬ due called brine. Condensation then takes place and the fresh water product la obtained. The process must be repeated over and over again and this is where money rears its ugly lead. To be economically feasible, die steam lest must be reusable. Thus, scientists have devised the beautv! 'multi-stage' effect. The Incoming sea water i* pre¬ heated by the outgoing steam. This way you don't have to use fresh steam for each batch of the new BAN-RUN sheer seamless sea water. Otherwise you get a pound of fresh wster for each pound of •team used. Net profit: zero. Flash distillation is the second method. This is the one that may keep San Diego on the face of the map should the courts dec ide th at the Colorado river belongs to BAPTIST STUDENT fEtlOWSHIP American Baptist Student Foundation The lacy locked stitch design in Discussion «t 7:30 Every Tuesday evening through these amazing new seamless stockings the summer cjuarter protects you against unsightly runs Methodology of At last — the wonderful combination Per*onal of practicality and sheer beauty Evangelism At Baptist Student Center. you've been waiting for 332 Oskhlll, E. Lansing Rev. James W. Didier. Baptist Chaplain !.£»!> the pair Jcii (ilisdiis races s '«y li* -->?»*« >s0.*y fi- present :r> Is Changed will n* plan* tor nMir./MMcrtor call begin zeeepti* fjfis tor 'he for three Midges .H million IM Be pr oject iraerefcan** with 1-96 about two Here rhe outside 'A -1 cry«- form ot ri^gatlvejy arid posltl Not the building, just the name. wViich will link Lanj sing and East rrules southeast of 1 .arming. tal. This Is easily rli charged ions. j On Wednesday, July 11, the r»e©n Lansing with I ste~96. The route will be a with some the fre»:. water. Salt is made freeway new , siucyin^ 1 '' VX< i, w*** oollagss and univet altle*. Five African fcundred persons to attend. ar» cpe' ted Program Thirty-eight modern*, the S*r- cussion pendence" sai-'J the *"> topi' will he "Algerian Inde¬ of dis¬ *«H s* the cultural f**t frortp ever sssemhie-i ir development of the A rah world. this country for » regular *}>- Ot:»er events for the conven¬ »*r*try program to Airicvt lan¬ tion will itf iudf an speniflg and guage*, i» undergoing >m«R«iv« closing t/aorjuet. an Arab movie, work (hit »ww»«r at Michigan an art exhibit and a plcnif, 0u- Stac* Uaiwsity. tuh said, Among the language* ir. the MSL program .* Hsusa, the first African* in t;g»<»d* and 7ari such cwm at an A.-txt ic an ur,i- ipK/i/lka rnafe* a taaty porrldg* out of NM bananas. versity, Hauaa i* tt«e Eaf.^ajfr aorrjr fe mil lioe peopie ir. North¬ ern Niger,a ar*i * M*mber of LAST 2 DAYSI c our trie* in l*t« Afx»c». The etght~we*fc pr&gram ex - twsue* throw# Aog, '3 ar4 is 60< to 5:30 betng presented by M5»,.'s Africa* Languag? *rS Area Center acHei* • Ltf» I o »ii fellow ship 1 n c *et uil ve of at »t .or. WMS I: ~ f V. MM ' n te',»• ompaiiy turn annoumed, vision station. K. I>. Mortis, Jr.. joined the development. At 2H, he will he the youngest station manager tn the network of National f.ducation Television. The new 75 station network Is underwritten fr/the f ord f ouwta- tion. Mr. Rehtnan hsfc worked for WMKI: for six year a. fie gradu ated arid received his fj.A. de¬ gree from Michigan State Uni¬ versity, Program Infe. IV 7^}90f iCHiSAS NOW ..0 p«n 12:45 P. M OATCUNt: •ACHINGTON. D.C. Today- JHE BIST IN JOHElfiNiJWS •HAT IAS orr THt RtCORD¬ Thru WED! :CzTrAlTjE: IS ON THt SCREEN! Moth awsrda were for |Hllillrs- tiona •ail N!#» »f ptn|«c(i, on«= (Involving (te¬ H» *##'»" al gn and [»r odor Hon of lh» Uni¬ ft*, tmt*at versity genera) catalog, and the IUIy» 0*«4 « (rfher t.r)t*1 Uiiivet alty pnhllt a Oaaitatta Hon* editorial program, •ail Otmttr lit. |,ail*rt«»1tl ffTH !tfWt||nntT Memo to Faculty M*mb«r*l (.'ontbinc Untitle** and 1'lenmif !trtt! , . . rHURS The 2nd of OUR OPERETTA IJl» rm* >A the apituiua fimditm tiHitrii *1 ONLY fit* POP1.AR5 MOTTX tnr y#Ma weal manl- »>J . . aflar the meeting rail* anil FILM CLASSICS Leber's Clerleua Mualtwl ftemenee Betemea Twr I • iwiiti in >rur kaauliful oiild'M* Big, New If reert Thrllll mmms PK&WTG Htm FONOA CHAWJmiON DON MURRAY WAITER PIOGE0N PCTEPLAWFOfiO G£M€TI€»WEY FRAMCHGTT TONE IEWWRE* BURGESS MCttOUH EI>0t£ WOOOES PAULFORD r urn mm LAKE LANSING mziwm AMUSEMENT PARK for An Enjoyable bening and ujnwi-:, nMaawnr Michigan 'a trachei « of vo. »- Wives Income riunal agrii-uirurr will hold ti.ctr annual > onference lic:e July nlty relations. EDITOR'NOTE—Here Is the 23 to July 27, the Michigan Edu¬ first of two stories coming from Walter L. Bomell. president cation association has announced. Michigan State University of the group, will preside at the Topic for the Kellogg Center research on the job expenditures conference. conference will be "Vocational of working wives. Agriculture Education—Builder of Men." Charles H. Hilt of the Pet Nearly half of an employed mother's income may be gobbled Major discussions will center Milk company will be one of the around problems in educational speakers to address the group. up by Job-neceaaiuted expendi¬ tures. Jean Schlater and Mrs. Barbara Ferrar of (he Dapart- ment of Home Management and Child Development have Just completed a study of the expendl- turea of SO employed wives of MSU students. They found that an average of 45 per cent of a wife's earnings covered Job-necessitated enpeneea— those costs a wife has to pay Just because she Is employ¬ ed. That left only 55 per cent available tor die family budget. Only women who had children under the age of five were inter¬ viewed to that child care costs would be considered. The researchers had the wives account for all expenses they hid to pay "because of the Job." These included Income tax, social security, other occupational ex¬ pense* (compulsory insurance and retirement), food, clothing, transportation, child care, other paid help (such as laundry services pr clothing alterations), professions! beauty care, personal grooming supplies and miecellaneous expenses (such as LOOKING FOR A BABY $ITTER--Dod takes time out from his time and labor-saving appli¬ work end studies to look for a baby sitter on the bulletin board ances). in the village laundries, so that mom can «et out and work. Average age of the women in¬ Forty-five per cent of what mom earns will ao to pay that baby¬ terviewed was 24 years. The av¬ sitter, and for other expenses incurred while working. -Stato News Photo erage work week was 37.7 hours, and the average annual income 13,476.95. They averaged OPEN ALL DAY. was 12 J years of formal education. . . Thirty per cent were college graduates and 38 per cent were holding professional or mana¬ gerial positions. EVERY DAY. . When if's time for a coffee They suggest that research of break, snack, or pizxo, this kind might answer such ques¬ think first of Caso Nova. tions as: is the woman who works half time financially wiser than Open throughout the the one who works full time? afternoon & evening to How is the remaining 55 per you. cent of income used by the famityt OPEN II A.M. How do the Job-necessitated ex¬ with the ex- penses compare penaes of the non-employed who gets involved in community wife CASA NOVA E. Lansing's Oldest Pizzeria v services? What might be the Air -Conditioned best use of a wife's time—paid employment or community serv- 211 M.A.C. ED 7-1668 vice? ervoort's 213 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING Ph. ED 2-2114 The first step in body yf ADD building. . . GEK^hops E 110 lb. Barbell Set to your summer swimming with a Todd*s Skin Tight swim suit. For o change Sleek modern equipment . . . in your summer swim style this four-way stretch bathing suit is the thing for you. There ore many styles to choose Engineered for lasting efficiency. , from, and for those cool beach days there is a shirt to go with the suit. Specially low priced . . . Swim Suit 'DETROIT 28 pieces complete Northland Center an^ each at S3.98 $19.95 Sport Shirt only 5000 Schaefer 1216 Randolph b;. [; 211 EAST GRAND RIVER OPEN Wed. Eveni, OPEN TOMORROW NIGHT TILL. 9:00 m I Phytic* Prof TcAkt tr> Franc* acemrmf Sel.s Record *>' IBttU j. m* phy«Hc» ■wt I'aria. i- »hip «>t th» VJnlvaratty of V*V-t »» a cot rt.ti *r,lt itum Hlait also plana to attend lh« international Conference on the bt-en cluing In the area ot "Trans¬ Physics ot Semiconductors to be Summer employment pro¬ placement, student employment, port Properties In Dilute Al¬ held at the University of Exeter, and alumni placement," Jack grams were also greatly increas¬ loys." England, July 16-20. Hia travel ed liy industrial organizations for Klnnery, placement director, said. The paper Is being given be¬ is made possible by research the recruiting top flight college lite Placement Bureau was Bentley Speaks trained personal in the future. fore the Conference on the Struc¬ grants from the National Sci¬ Foundation and the Air visited by more employers who ture of Metallic Solid Solutions, ence A toal of 2,119 alumni of MSU set up more Interviews during the At Breakfast whlclnjMin^Jh^ Force. 1961-62 year than ever before. registered with the bureau dur¬ Alvin Bentley, Republican can¬ ing the 1961-62 year. Of that There was also an increase In didate for Congress at-largewlll number 883 alumni obtained new the number of Job listings from prospective employers over last year. address the Midway Optimist July 19. club or better assistance positions through direct of theplacement serv¬ WHATEVER YOU NEED Bentley. will speak st the ice. Engineering graduates were In high demand and science Howard outline Johnson restaurant, to the Republican platform A substantial increase in the for your car number of part time Jobs IIsteel as many companies fell far too for the Novembet elei tlon. by employers both on and off Mufflers -Tail Pipes -Exhaust Pipes short of their quotas as June Harold A. Shnlder, l ast Lan¬ the campus, and an increase in approached. sing optometrist, is program the- number of Johtfj filled by State The average starting salaries chair Mian. students was nut (veil during the INSTALLED rose for graduates sharply in all 1961-62 year. 1'here was also an Canada'a answer U> IManeyland Shop fields with business arid liberal arts majors showing the biggest increase over last la "Hanta'a Village" near Hrace bridge, t>nt.. wherr yow which opens Monday, Mon. - Frl. Saturday August 6. he said. 8 - 8-5 the i'aul hord-l'aul trio will Join otltcr su> h notahlrs of the ciitti talntnent wot Id an Minnie Connie Maiers suggests: f'tarl. Warren (Covington and his ordhestra, • lown <-arl Marx, and Make the world's only high 'diving mule a for the 47th annual I' tee Henry'# A Habit Just For Fun... 1'sii, Williams said. Have the color FINEST IN CHILDREN'S of your hair BOOKS changed CALDECOn WINNER I mag Ins the reaction "ONCE A'MOUSE" of your friends If you were to by Marcia Brown become a Silver Blond. $2.95 NEWBERRY WINNER SOUNDS "TIIE But...It should be done by a sty 11 st with experience and training in coloring and Silver Blonding "EAST LANSING'S by Eliza both Sloore -COED SPECIAL DAYS~i $3.25 Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday SURERMARKET PERMANENT Take a Moment •HAIRCUT FOR And Browse ♦ STYLE $10 EDUCATION" Through Our Complete Selection Of University Children's Books beau ty salon UAMNW* most MODKttN SALON) 2 Doors East of Campus Theater ED 2-1116 SPARTAN BOOKSTORE Free Parking In Campus Theater Lot CORNFR ANN 4 MAC Mr Hr\*mmr»4 < n(nirlt+n Peimnntnt Hme* House Rented 2 Hours After Publication! [ 11 i f* » -**001. if Automotive * For Rent For Sale -fc Personal LAY AND MATTHEWS!: 1322 E. APARTMENTS 1958 Zurwiapp Super Sabre motor See the new toy*. Attend »t !e»«t Michigan, IV 5-2243. Do you cycle, Excellent condition. Has one TOPS IN .'OYS parry this Coeds - 3 room furnished apart¬ want to sell your car? Sec us. windshield and other extras. year. IV S-7S24. C8 trade up ments. Cooking. . private bath, . We or down. Buy any 10 parking, all utilities paid, private ^,ww C A 4-7451. make or model. C (J. entrance. Campus -Kalamazoo Port,ble "Brother" Sewing Ma- Real Estate 1954 Chevrolet - Good trans¬ bus on corner. Call J55-8255 . J951 4-bedroom, fining room, portation. $75* 332-6111. 10 before and IV 2-5769 after 5 . " New' ? \ new Kitchen, recreation room, • automotive p.m. t.f. 5-6128. study, fenced yard. Near M.S.! . # fMWbOYMBNT LETT1CH & STENBERC 1950 Cuthman Mot or-scooter. ED 2-6268. -for sale East La«smg, Ctrl wanted to Ij Good Condition. $70. Golf clubs— 2628 E. KALAMAZOO Indian zwt r1mt share nicely furnished apart- 2 woods, 5 irons. $15. I D 2- Hills—3 bedroom Cape 484-3229 !lost * & found ment. $7 per week. Call ED 2- 4538. after 6 p.m. 10 Cod, 1 1/2 baths, large shady personal 5977. 12 lot. Close to schools. ED2-0267. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Automobile 1924 Model T Ford .peanuts personal OKEMOS: Well furnished, un¬ 11 • real estate COMPLETE Coupe. New top. tires, uphols¬ hast Lansing, Large 6-year old •service supervised apahment for 3-4 tery. and paint. After 4:30— house, 3-bedrooms, big study, FOREIGN CAR male students. Private entrance, •transportation 4247 Watson. Holt,Mich. 9 recreation room, 2-full baths, SERVICE parking. Phone ED 7-1561. 10 .wanted Double desk $15; Single Bed» screened porch, complete kit¬ MINOR TUNE-UP- $9.80 On 3 1/2 rooms furnished, sub¬ Mattress and Spring $15. Bike chen equipment built In, red¬ DEADLINE: all 4-cyUnder foreign cars. let August and September. A- 410, Gun, over and under SAV wood paneled living room and 9: JU a.m. on• clot• Brake work, transmission work, cross from Union. 33 2-0274, AGE—$25. 332-2048. t.f. dining room, 2-Flreplaces, wo¬ day oded lot, near campus. $24,900. befer* publication engine rebuilding on all foreign afternoons and evenings. VACUUM CLEANERS. $5 and cars. ED 2-1785. jo 2-bedroom furnished apartment up. Repair all makes. CAPITAL PHONE; • for 4 students on S. Cedar. $120 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR. Glencarln. 3 bedroom borne, patio 355-8255 or 8256 STRATTON per month, including utilities. IV 9-2636. 8 opening out on large wooded lot. Call IV 4-7796. 10 Modern kitchen, I 1/2 baths, fire¬ RATES:' SPORTS CAR 28 foot Llcar 1951 House Trail¬ place. Owner leaving state. 324 er. Good condition—ideal for stu¬ CENTER HWSSS dents. Mobile Manor Homes— Wildwood. $23,500. ED 2-3175. 8 1 day. si 00 SMALL HOUSE, Furnished. Ideal 1915 E. MICHIGAN 2756 E. Grand River—lot B-9. 20 room duplex used as one unit. 3 dats s2.00 for couple or single person. $100 DIAL IV 4-4411 Near Michigan and Pennsylvania 5 days s3.00 monthly. Call ED <2-2048. t.f. See Monday-Thursday 4:30 p.m. v to 7 p.m. $775.00. 10 Avenues. Phone IV 5-6128. Mrs. ' 1 Furnished 2 story 4 bedroom Bo»»« en 15 "ort« P*' od; Sargear.t. FAST, THOROUGH SERVICE for house, sunporch. garage. Near FURNITURE. Moving, must sell TK«r« will a 25« »«rvic» your car. Drive in'get acquaint- shopping, park, and river. 30 everything Immediately. R.C.A. swampy land i 100-toot frontage and bookkMping ^hor9« if ed with dependableTEXACOpro-x minutes from on Laxe Drive, Lake Lansing. campus. Phone- co,or Tv- swin8 ^ VM stereo, •kit ad i» noi' paid within ducts. Expert lubrication and Eaton Raplds 5732. $6,000. Easy terms. Call IV 3- 9 FE 9-2622. . 8 ona waak. service. We c I e a n your wind- • ~ ~T ~ 6128. Jo Anna Sargeant, Broker. shield, check your * 3 oil, tires and 7 room furnished house. Men or f lat 1959—Blue Spider Roadster. ! (Vi> nouy 1'A m/n/zrolUne i battery. Dr*ve in soon! women students for summer and Like new. 34 m/p/gallons. Mane Fine for Student Center. Spa¬ fall. Call ED 2-3792. an offer. 355-4105. 11 if Automotive —- tf cious brick trl-level on the Red : " ~ Van Dyke 1959 10*,x 40" 2 bed- Cedar. Phone IV 5^6128. Jo Anna English Ford. Anglia 1959. Good Furnished House from Aug 15 condition. All leather upholstery. room traller $2300 PhoRe FD Sargeant. Broker. -> or Sept. 1 thru June 63. 2 bed- 2-6170. 9 White sldrwalls. Price$450.Call Okemos, brick ranch containing rooms, recreation room, screen ■ rental apartment. Quiet subdivi¬ 355-7911. 9 porch, dishwasher, freezer, etc. Furnishing an apartment? Used sion. Convenient Ideal for faculty couple. Call furniture at good prices. We buy to University. 1956 Plymouth V-8 Automatic. SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE Ideal for 355-7725 or ED 2-8498. 8 and sel1- WILLIAM'S FURNI- family wishing added in¬ Good condition. Leaving state CORNER GRAND RIVER come. Phone ED 7-7676. * t.f. TURE, IV 4-9244. 8 must sell. Only $155. 355-6006 and SPARTAN Attractive, furnished house near , Phone 337-9034 C For Sale 1957 3-bedroom ranch. after 6 pun. 9 Frandor. 2-3 bedrooms. Accom- Fresh vine-ripened tomatoes Near MSU. Large modates 4 at $35 each. Call 355- daily. Farm fresh eggs. Also living room VW-1958. Sunroof, excellent con- ,JL. with Employment dining L, built-in-kitchen, dition. call Jack TU 2-2136 or ^ tmpiuymem 1245. 10 will have red raspberries, sweet cherries. Other fruits and 4 piece bad. basement. large ....... o „ ,, vege- lot. MEN & WOMEN: Sell party- Furnished house for rent July . . Call ED 2-4158. g ., Plymouth 'lymouth 1958 2-door 6. Good ... ' , r,, . . ^ ' tables , . ,, at reasonable prices. . prices, plan quality toys, full or part 26-August 26. 4 students. $8 Roadside Farm Market. 2 miles tires. New Mat-covers, no rust. FOR SALE: Cottage. Cinder time. No investment, no junk, per week. Utilities included. ED Motor overhauled. Sacrifice east of E. Lansing on US 16 at block, H arrison, F umished. Best financial arrangement of- 2-6466. 10 , Okemos Road. tf Sleeps 6, electricity, inside well, $395. Call 339-2564. 8 fered. H. & B. Toy Sales - IV ROOMS steel windows, yearly taxes $7. 1960 Impals Convertible - Red - 7-0851. —— por Giris> double & single room if Lost & Found Muskegon River, splendid Deer stick shift, V-8. Contact Sharon REPRESENT the World's Lar- available now or for Fall. Close LOST: Typewritten manuscript hunting, not crowded. Leaving ED 2-3151, Evenings, or ED 7- gest Cosmetic Company. AVON State. Make offer. 485-6069 Dr. 1587. 9 ^ campus. ED 2-5621. 9 on subject of money. Vicinity guaranteed products. For ap- _ — of MAC k Ann July 5. A.G. Hart. g 1928 Model "A" Ford multiple pointment in your home, please Zeta Tau A1Pha Sorority has a Etter. 355-7498, ED 2-8214 or EAST LANSING - call or write: Mrs. Alana Huck- few vacancies available second 103 Conservation Contemporary disk clutch and transmission, Bldg. $5 re¬ ranch, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, "A" Carbs., complete brakes. ins, 5664 School St., Hislett, 5-weeks. Call Mrs. Grill. ED 2- ward. 10 standing fireplace, patio, FHA. Manifold heaters for old Chevs., Michlgan. IV 2-6893. C8 5318- Committment. Should see to ap¬ Plymouths, Fords. SELL or Full-time woman grocery cash- Sin£le rooms for men. Summer PEANUTS preciate. 1140 Rowena Road. 8 TRADE. IV 5-7668. ier. Must be neat and pleasant, quarter. $40. 2 blocks from PERSONALS Service 1958 English Ford Stationwagon— Call in person. Prince Brothers' Union. Parking- Call ED 2-3634, Gail Experienced Mother desires day. 50 428 Evergreen. Red good gas mileage—$325. If you don't do my typing, you care of Baby 1 year and under One Man. Front Room. Semi- won't get the charm. Full or part-time. Male or fe— . . , ir. licensed home. Call IV 4- 1953 Plymouth 2-door. Specially male .. .. private bath and entrance. Cross 0356. to call on restaurants m y ^ Arty . ;q ventilation. Parking. ED 2-a3/4. priced at $1001 . . _ — . Lansing and East Lansing area. 6 g Unengaged, Math made easy7expeTiencedtu- DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY > How about a ride in the Alfa? toring in Freshman math mission only. Average $50 per Summer »e Inter atate lilsprway system. styliof?: iorrnti s, trousers, As t}*' back more thsn pus Store, hh 2- SbH4. ' _ a centory. T.V. SERVICE. bpax/isJ rat* fur coi large housing. Service calls. $-4. Absolu&e honesty. >' S® TV., if iO HerU-rt. IV V-ViW. C to 'Hie state e/pcr imem In dM waa one of Ote first witi>plank roads. J'54'i's. Mis liigan had 121 vorripanies chartered for dw STORE WE TRAVEL anywhere any purpose of building toil roads time. casi»^6 Quality cater»o£ for alloc- to If J your bud?,*'. oot of wood. For We. these roads were A Nice Ptoce Michigan Catering Servk.«. IV acuiaJiy weii 'fceisy»edan/T'"i'» IOALE 'Hi* railroads brought an end Browse in COLLI 01 HOUSING. Doer, f t/> th«- platik roa/J bootri ai»l many AJ4. «r *r'#> I'M. T. V. Tech- «.tr iafiS W2-2 > , Michigan. Caii <-ot«panie& never huilt 0.» rowls dieif chsriers ' aJi«sd for. air condition JV 7-5S5& C In ontrsa' witii t!.t- acandsl~ comfort . It&rie&lx. and l»«purt«dyarris and freJnr«c-£ # sewer re^aogJtig of patter f.». «/'..aya(ion tiesr Iter# rcenUy UNION BUILDING MAPRJh" VAS'N hi*ft' Ur^.ov«red a i'J'i-yfa' oW liiich- 322 '5 S MiS CfJUfl way a< andai. on campus Mdor) *Ibe wori-ers c«r>e #< r oss old togs, ai* f#s* .l/ej«w Uus pr*aent Ei 1 n '•/ I A K P rut * MUidgan Historical Comrnlssivn. Tbe commission fiari no tr»>ul;(» deter mlnlmc O^a' 0»* Jojjs *»i# lunik*£{MIM ART PRIN 'r ,c !/prat itKi. '/i< 1 ■ . Ckaaa* from «W end 'fits.n liTvw^" typ)«« part of a plank road i/efw«eti »wj mulfiUOi madarw maater*, Ian4aca|»*a, Lsns>r?_ ()/>&> k i. whlijz, '/A'jt'j. WM,0»t*rf al 'yj/tnj;. Utrti'i sway. a*drtit«, ORU Records w»»/w Kf>« road was s, si*, diaaertatiWi#. 1.1/ iapanaaa panels 2BUL L built in 1«5^. l-'^r i'«s( Kr>'i)t tt'/ ryytn? m Hsu »tie hisnyr iwis also had little llJM lwr*iiU:r -all 39V-2J3H. (rvyi't* determining 0>at d^?' >/ri- f. urw on d-i» early h)j[>(wsy ci»eat#'J «>fi ftpa< ifb atPma. Tran»portation W!«r»i fj»e Iegjsia'yre iha'fSwJ fj I'Mir^ finr'nrt rit~ ■ wipan/ !• was wir; 'M u!d )# vae«' to i';Z-- r>.«-aajijj», ' j(»> fx- <, <■. '«!/&• ■/) fjrfii ») A -)u *• MrnoMl «« h«»»/ iw«« ivgs w«wr«<) fry u«a M»» llw wwf «< flnhiMin as >»* f"r» 'wita.'® 2* JWy. W'/f irf!«** *rte */f • ' b'/tl t<».»».« *44HUwm In Mty Iwm m aMtw, wHl sdd s er fMse. iaif «» d» •nalbtf 7 African ■<i» !#Mi t)snsb. hay* iff atiulartes of >•/ I'vjjIda ^ fiNOiN «n*au> oauouin *a--j>d Pida. f- •!•>. • 'A if V aJw»rd f.sfca i'owi (Continental Imports ' »r < trl t1 [/<., *.- Lansing's t.',»'jj/» s-isicn:- l's*U$ t'Jf a Vfj&swaoen #(..«!!, CjM-t'."?, <*»r Dealer ! Kaiart • «r- i7^ |Al*l TWtMHCM WIO» NAFWMAt *0(10 OAK MAMM TO fit IM Mrvt»* I* fill, (Skat •«!» • *S#SM»t i r. , ; v. i... t, ,)« I4f If! . M I... I, ,l,. M w t mtMui»«t*a #4t #t» ** t«4t ♦)>» B4f M•*i IM4» *(M >M Natural ftamSss 0Mt|« tram** ttflttfll llMANI fwHl Ma *»***• |4| CV TD Attention fine Arts festival! rnrril a *Uf9« WK"««l KiS* wC '/T a-ifV-M aj.i- f >«*■>•' r/t tw #♦«** ' »»C' t» • Imf>ruve Your T rontfK^ridtion I5PECIAL Musk Books an4 Musk fivj; //? r/wer f.'uxlU, On* Scores marked down f HI Hi; rnjimt* Save trom 1/ 3 to 3/4 , «H»I«'J • rowi/ » IHI ' > fr/>l *f i i ' VfjZ f Mk ki U > alii ? c-V. |v 4 «4«i »' * f ■*» *eople Paul P. Chien.Republican candidate,for state s en at or; CD Pout Governor Prof John Swainson has Bomb tentatively accepted a teaching appointed a professor of govern¬ S The candidate is in a four- Job at Wisconsin State College ment and business administra¬ way race for the nomination with and Institute of Technology. tion to the state civil defense By SAM MART1NO incumbent Paul C. Younger of Would be a target within the Chien is a candidate in the advisory council. A national opinion poll of 2,000 next 10 to 20 years. This Lansing, Theodore W. Swift of per¬ Aug. 7 primary from Ingham- East The executive office announced centage climbed to 36 per cent Lansing and Lawrence V. pcraons on civil defense shows Livingston counties. Munroe of Fenton. that Leon H. Weaver will serve that 51 per cent believe fallout in the lower Income "If the grotg). people in the district for a term 'expiring at the •belters will protect them frojn Berto noted that should nominate me for the office, Chien is an exonerated more people suspect pleasure of the government.' The in the south central United States I would feel that service in the in the Mason bank fraud of one appointment requires senate con¬ Developed by Michigan State fear nuclear attack than in the legislature would be more year ago. firmation. University under a defense de¬ North. SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE partment contract and carried The poll also showed that more $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$S SAVE $$$ SAVE ^ out by national pollster Elmor Negroes are prone to believe in Roper, the poll's results were the liklihood of nuclear publicized at the annual gover¬ nors* conference in Hershey, than members of other attack races. It's Here . . . Better Than Everi New England's traditional Penn. ^ David Berlo, chairman of skepticism is borne out by the pj MSU's Communications Arts De¬ partment, recently analyzed the survey. Berlo heads the U.S. de¬ fense department project of as- survey, as fewer newEnglanders fear imminent nuclear attack than people of any other area.. ^ ^ ** SHEPARD'S. . . sessing public opinion relating to civil defense. NoVClist trill mwr* 23rd Semi-Annual Clearance Nearly 77 per cent favored a fallout shelter program by the l^dufe Tonight ~ federal government,to aid Shirley Jackson, the American SALE ! schools, colleges, and hospitals novelist, will read her short in providing shelter areas. story "The Lottery" and discuss Berlo said that 33 per cent of its genesis and reception at the > professional and white collar Physics - Math building con- < workers favored shelters as a ference room Tuesday at 8 p.m. means of protection. Only lOper ► Miss Jackson.s latest novel cent of farmers polled revealed ..We Have Always Lived In The Similar views. Castle" will appear in Septem- "People who favor shelters know quite a bit about them," bgr t She is also the authoress Of famous name shoes for. . . 0f sjx other novels < fedded Berlo. ~ including "Life Among The Savages." M In regard to the possibility of a nuclear attack, 15 per cent of those classified in upper income Her husband Stanley E. Hyman MEN WOMEN CHILDREN teaches literature at Bennington levels said that the United States college. FLASH CLEANERS Frandor MOTE.. ML SHOES TAKEN FROM OUR REGULAR FLASH CLEAN) No "Special Purchases" STOCK or "Manufacturer's Close-outs". (Shoes taken right off our shelves and at prices All you won't believe. 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CHILDREN'S f PLAY, DRESS, AND RUGGED SCHOOL SHOES CO cc Open In 3 Special £ w z < Mon Thru Fri till 9 pm Close-out $4.88 - $5.88 - $6.88 Groups w J Saturday o till 7pm as CO < J fa FRANDOR FLASH CLEANERS Frandor Shopping Center FLASH CLEAN! L ANS IMG Vnepard; SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE hcdes H(p E iepari LANSING $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE