Inside MICHIGAN Weather STATK UNIVERSITY No. 31 lousing At Premium lannah Refutes irk Charges \ John A. Hannah retorted to ao- i\ade by National Kevtew column- |RMW|1 Ktrk In an August 28 article. h'n remarks were made In a letter to • :uvk. University of Michigan Dully •v- wolverine editors said they plan¬ um Kirk's column and wanted to hear r cMo of the question. | lowering of academic standards at s . member of the faculty for about rs and about 19 months of that time mi leave of absence In Scotland, ■ts surrounding his resignation are n.i conhised, but the records show- submitted his resignation after the Trustees turned down a request for we of absence, * used his column with the National r the past several years to attack s too as about 11.M0 stu¬ dents filled up accomodations • I the administration of Michigan built to house 9,soo. Every men's dorm and about 500 rooms in 'THAT'S MY HOMEI'-Comlng home doy in living room *of women's dorms are housing three lunch turned out to be quite an experie text of Kirk's column and Tresl- CALLING LONG ment, bringing E. Loosing lire DISTANCE'-Dormltory residents con no students. Owen graduate center lor Ronald Wei .man, 1618 H Spartan (See story on page 5) -State itHannah's reply are carried on page 2 of longer moke long distance phone call* from roomt. Due to Is also filled to capacity with lage. Fire broke out around noon Wedn< controversy with Michigan Sell official* (tee story), stu¬ some undergraduate women in dents like Beth Snyder, Flint freshman, are addition to graduate students. constantly forld Hews seeking coins to make long awaited coll home. Tom Dutch, director of Uni¬ versity housing said the crowd¬ Ole Miss Bars Meredith AJTjk -State News Photo by 3ela Feher. ed conditions were expected but that he had hoped the new hous¬ OXFORD, MISS., (AP)-F.mbat- In Jackson, ihe Nation ota Glante Long Distance ing regulations pertaining to stu¬ dents 21 years of age or oldet would make more housing avail- tied gest Mississippi--waging ltsblg- fight against the federal government since the Civil War— soclatlon for the Advance! Colored People said It hi ed President Kennedy roops in Mississlp- able off campus In Past Lansing. barred Negro James H. Meredith troops if nrn-essary to • From AP and UPI Wires Congress officially proclaimed Wednesday •miration to use troops If necessary to bait the Service Ends He - explained that students seeking off campus housing would difficulty if the University of Mlsslsslp- P1 for the tl 1 le Lie of Wednesday, unan Meredith. The request w; Mined In a telegram whit I l ong distance calls from your real ?ral took > hlghwi olme ( ii $uW. n University." tlmated $°00 > pre: ed. Mcshane. "You are senseless In sue \>. N.Y. - Prime Minister K. J. Holyoake The campus centrex system, AUSG loan* I the luau commit Part of the problem st« trying to show off In front of (|ie ared Wednesday .hat Soviet actions in Cuba the largest 5 digit Intercom sys- ee $2,500 t help pay for the he fact that a large number of television cai for the rest ,s >oMet protestations for peace sound "like so party, which at- tien did not sign up for a dorm of the nation i." the Mis- the For Swainson, the Meredith vamped to prevent long distance tracted some 10,000 students at (Continued on page 5) stssippi executive said. fer case marks the second time lie N. General .Assembly immediately after a speech "I'm not showing off," replied calls from originating on room $5 a couple for the feast and q0, has become personally involved V-* Moh ammad Ayub Khar., who called for urgent phones, including those with the $1.50 apiece for tJie imported Mcshane, "but doing my Job as act In a battle to end segregation treaty to outlaw further spread of nuclear weap- charges reversed. entertainment. at a southern University. In 1V51, Dorm residents. Foster said, will still be able to dial all num- The luau bills are all paid, but not enough money was left Group -ned sure the Air Force when Swainson was an under¬ graduate at the University of " bers In the toll-free Lansing to repay AUSG. edlth, looking all of his 29year.< am four-square behli North Carolina, he successfully ■-P- we Internal Revenue Service Is making an un- to ,seiee the $3.8 million promotion proceeds area and receive all incoming calls, including prepaid toll calls. "I've been getting 30 to 40 $100 For At the airport. Meredith support his actions. fought to gain Negro admission boai "I told him I didn' to that school. More than 100 pay phones are phone calls a day from people f Avvweight championship fight. ed the government plan flew »pped Hens on the 260 major theaters across being installed in dormitories so asking about the bookstore," Bob Delt Sigs - him from New Orleans. the heavyweight title fight by closed circuit students may place long dista Howard, AUSG president, said. _ About this time, Gov. Ross ''•SO moved in Chicago t© tie up gate receipts company s jkesmen. w . ,u telephone "We'd counted on getting the luau mon,iy back 580 ^ C0Dld set "P One hundred dolla. Spring for 9 Delta Barnett--the adamant chief ex- befoi Committee To Have Sonny Llston. nor defeated champion Floyd "The' University has already the bookstore on a cash basis." Sigma Phi fraternity members to_face meetings—turned down '•> involved In the proceedings, but the seizure foun^e fcentrexT ™m more Howard said StUN (Student who were f,ned $500 by the Lan- Meredith and hi? battery of law- payment of their purses. costlv than It was led to believe Texts L'sed and New) may be sing alumni control board for it would be, and is in no position reorganized on a non-cash bas- to spend »»• The student bookstore allowing Communist Robert speak at the fra- yers_-drove rapidly north toward Oxford, Gov. Barnett went into seclu¬ Veto The Unlverslr on Speakers anada's 25th parliament convenes roved a Inter-residence Council. Presi- today against sion at Alumni House the Ole ir,"""'0"' "TSTriSsrsin»- on ;al crisis and mounting political recommendation Thursday dent of men's Hall Association, turmoil that **»«* c.,. that would put In the hands of president ofInterfraternity 'Michigan ow prune minister John Diefenbaker's minor- Rell Telephone Co. luau^plan. isn't here this term. .1^.^fr°m ^en«^^: first denied Meredity "Roy had a poor outlook on ulty. according ' , enrollment committee the power Council, and the president of Pan now takes the position thi P*'1*. last week. whether ide speaker be Hellenic Council. no-confidence in his regime Is expected University is the custome I finances," said Gordon Suber, Phi President John Pantllla. The Jackson, everyon n the s permitted to speak on campus. therefore responsible" to who was Tokujo's assistant in additional $400 was furnished by delivery boys—were being turned The administration of this reg- Approved to be immediately ef- ^ planning the luau. "More money the 10 fined members. away from Barnett's office. One ^Li.,^ calls." ulation for the school year Sept. could have been saved." The 10 $50 fines were incurred source said this mlttees is being asked to nomi¬ - Red China reported continued fighring Wed- Collecting tolls for 1 1962, through August 31, 1963, by the fraternity executive board sign j0hnson, a ponsibility to offer a compre¬ be appointed by President John change. Suber said Tokujo lost a schol- situation recurred the fraternity newcomer to "the grave struggle. A. Hannah hensive, objective program of Speaking of the discontinued arship given him by United Air- would probably take the same Rumors which could not be con- from a list of ten public discussions of critical * SourcM is Washington said late Wednesday toll call service, Thorburn said, lines because of poor grades both stand aa it took last May. submitted to him by the Com¬ social Issues. It Is recognized, (irml(d kept popping up that UA "This is the first time I ve winter and spring term. |«r » *g--e«d in principle to Mil short-range ground- company reject such a "This may be one reason, Thompson was originally spon- troops were moving into the mittee on Committees. however, that certain conditions |i J^s*Uesis » Israel. The reversal c< the long-standing . , . . ♦ large source of potential bual- b«Jide« the fact that he could ' sored by » the YoungSociallstClub. ~ struggle, out itrugjjiCf but in in Washington v? asningion at The student members of the being made because the Soviet bloc has given However, the Board of Trustees mid-morning Justice Department sure t0 b® th« presl- "Sponsorship must be by i llr"« to ua. Wo n»it the resoonsihilirv n tk.t AlArt't rnmm »—ki_ «->!.(>• H*nr nf All_t Infv»r-olrv SniH»nr Iraq and possibly to Syria "and the United — «t dent of All-University Student recognized and authorized organ- . . ... troopshad been (Continued on poge 5) &k' :A*mj Michigan State News, E*»t Lansing, Michigai THs started > * , U of M Editor's Letter to Hannah Reprint from Joyed one triumph receo^ Wu. N ««in« the rtudenU Con^ '^ Dmt PreaidaM The *ugu«t iS issue of TV Natten*l Review coHtau*. »* you matourion. indeed w«h yc*n ac¬ ts* tt I w *t*S «*MMTOWt» *» prtM- UtBC. *e thought wrfmewbitltiR iPrc>vr\ tlte dub on ttw campus. One.of uhy HKwaon baa mlgn^ A. club> mroW*, h„ th* •• «k> ta»ow. sc «nd« tejr Mr. KiiWetr kfrk u» wtijcb mitry «ouM fce wore haUagtd awij of greater value to our reader* if «hed under cooaUnt as*, ,'. ^ sr.vag vr-.tKtsms oi Mlc*ug*»- yv?u Allow us to publish U RISK the State .*few«, rhe State l amenity are nade. cann,v^ „ your mpty. 9ac*u» 9i tf*e great tt«»re#t \VWfc\l it be..(<«*«iMv fur yvu "»«r"^ •» « MS pre«ai- tv send us ww react ioe H the The Mind «mi thr Htnni at VSl denta but »cWly~nkv (MM Mil bacattfe *» tfW article ut 4 khmsnm of atXNt things at MSU—is directs " IRKti 3NR-. WHfr*a«0i*"'Wr "i^ST• »dmtat»tratto« ^ulTdii^ o« ts » moat ;-e«pv«*t&J* or care¬ Wt wuuU ilk* to have sue' just pussthty Keve *Aaerv*a, t*>w »nd Ovil Rights *>HW»*Mk>n~ untjkr both Mr. Hannah and company ^ ful msnaer. *tth |(«Mw 9* «(«tn I oest *n eye tow«ni ^lkhi«»n Eisenhower srni Kennedy (Doubt¬ favw of complete freedom sartou* # conaa»«»l«e* tor *sg*»ec scateflwnt iy Septnwfter J4. 5>aak you very much. Stete University. K»*t L*ttstn« 1 less it will pleas* Dr GriswwW and sio»—for people who agrvr ^ " ewhKAUon. *e are fanning to nrc.^i. Sincerely yvsws. know something of the place, bein* Dr. Hutching to learn that their ob¬ re$r4»« it te The 0ai5y. «n fttunnu> ud hnvinu resigned from jections to the sort of doctorates con¬ S»ce \fc\ fcu* cuacarr Nfcctwet Oiuuck the Michi1•n ferred at MSU were motivated by their detestation of civil rights.) As a Hoods-up Sckttlmrship Sute faculty : v,,' outtural college, s*rentty 'he desires to be known as will find therein sym>ps.s -A." wsth swtne com- a champion of the rights of colored brand-new doctoral dissert >: ,-:.s meiHi«bW ftssoci- peopJe well and food Rut how many completed beside the campus ia« *»d1 aote that of MSP. which has the bigge*t under- One is by a acholar named faculty 8M«b»r« and others Is to Joh0 "vietarysJUp Ot tho OiVec- _SK®iS M. th« meaning er «iy» to the higher Veartuwg in An\erica o graduale cwlkfe in the nation* Just Prancis Alexander, upon w!w f \m VwV^r IWTthas _ M^r ndicsive oJt the work Sack o< the the emptre-budduvj university |ves one a very able professor of English. conferred a doctorate in I960 is parttc«<%rftr impressed TV p«Mis?ied title* of the doctor*! dent, beat upon quantity *nd p«.v< - Dr David Dickson Dr Dickson, a subject of his learned research..-s •sv ts i jrv«p»Kt',v* sw- l>. Mettry J, Moatoye. tivelj' boetiJe to quality It is the pe- graduate of Bowdoin. has been a fac¬ this- A% Si>«taarknt of r>-■....., • to Sr i«J*i left Michigan State I*tu•<*',' *iry fest type of the phenomenon that h •. ulty member at MSI' for more than S^nds of Poofhwll Htb'w.s to Nrvvrue Pvofeescr . become known as "the w»i*t-hish a decade, and everyone agrees that Sjw of Ceetara fmpac; V,.... ot :-"•<> stcsi EJUk-st'.w wnJIAiper- % f%*nts-ait EJuc tttOi- Vt umveosity " he is very good indeed Why has You can buy this invaluaHr > view »t t?>e l>ivefs«J o( Ntvf>- President Hannah never appointed Xerox, for $AfO "The helmrts « ,. ■ ^jn. w l«eO the f»culty /Vfsuirnt's snot her scholar of color * Does he ranked according to the lower vil i»r«itsr £w »ss of :t>e» ffeeses Pr*fr#ss ooe want only a pri#e exhibit* for each evaluating measure at c^.h >.'v! w*3 or. :N» fsvmty v-vre rrUrtee The energumen at MSU is a Sentle- Abo, Mr Hannah has contrived to velocity and position Graphs man who once was desk-clerk in the himself into hot >jet water by his the mean responses v>f »cv-r'f-a: v- student union, married the president'* arbitrary discharge of Mr Charles deceleration. and rate of aivckrj!:.-. daughter, wms ap|xunted secretary to Rogers, formerly of the Labor and for all velocities and position*.' W the colleges board of trustees, and in Industrial Relations Center of MSU. come. Dr. Alexander, to the c.--—. .tpy due course was invested with the because Mr Rogers ventured to sug¬ of the Schoolmen' hereditary majesty of the MSI* presi¬ gest that something might be said in A worthy colleague of his < w dency Mr John Hannah. Recently favor of management The senate of Richard Carroll Nelson, also cc. .>t;- Mr Hannah and hts empire have been the State of Michigan has censured to educatkunal studies in football Ho camMty ortticued by aU sorts of peo- Mr Hannah for this arrogance, was awarded his MSU d%\tcrar«> f0- ^e, from leaders in the Michigan through a special committee: and the a curiously similar contribution t> legislature to President GrawoM of Michigan legislature has cut off the the higher learning: Aa Uvtsng** - Yale and Dr Robert M Hutchms. appropriation for the propagandizing of Various Measures Used in F.vrK:: Soene have joce so fur as to compare Labor and Industrial Relations Cen¬ H«f(*et (vaiMtiM. 'Thirty -ruru* foot • the Hannah adii'.irustraUon with the ter (The director of that Center, a ball helmets were impactixi by j no* -dissolved regime of the un- Mr Jack Stieber. a CIO realot. pcitdulum striker at four velocities." lamented "Cttriy'* Bvrd at the Uni¬ wanted no less than two million dol¬ Why. Dr. Nelson even went versity of Maryland. lars for the Center for the period as to photograph the impacts with i Apparently somewhat uneasy at IWl-lWS') Polaroid camera. Make way. Thomas such lis* fwjest*. not long agvi Mr What with these and other instances Aquinas and Henry Adams Hannah i. whose (ioctorate ia honorary of high-handedness, the Micb%»n Ob. there*! something for rverv cnly> decla««i that these criticisms press has grown less and less friend¬ head at MSlf-feo long as one frets of his regime waeurred only becnuse ly toward Mr Hannah. But he has en- Only about thie pkystoai impact ^xA Eost Lansing s most mcxlern Fashion Center. . started Wednesday and will continue through Saturday. Cashmere Coats..Actual Tags $119 4 Day Opening Special... $89 Fall Suits...Were up to $59 4 Day Opening Special .$29 Dresses...Dressy and Casual...Were up to $39.98 4 Day Opening Special $17 SPARTAN WIVES SPECIAL Maternity Slacks. Skirts, Pedal Pushers & Tops Were t*> to $8.98 4 Day Opening Special .$3.98 Maternity Dresses & Dressy Tops...Were Up to $14.98 4 Day Opening Special .$7.98 3a. a# Loveiy Alba MyUe Hose Free With Each Coot or $«* fWbased U .4 re e Giving A way Free Prizes. Register As Often You Want. •QjETTY ROSE Suit .. NELLY DON Dress .. MINX MODES Dress LOFTIES Sweeter & Skirt Ensemble .. .. LOFTIES Knit Dress .. CHURCHIL Skirt .. BLAIR MOOR Sweater .. CAMPUS GIRL Duster .. SUZETTE Slip .. WARNER Bros and Girdles .. AMERICAN ASTRAL Stretch Gloves .. ALBA FINE Nylon Hose 1 Set of Costume .. Jewelry. You Do Not Have To Be Present For The Drawing Saturday The Store. gill «ft State Lansing. Michigan i i ri.-jr-" \'ij" w Thursday. September, 27, 19$t 3 p of Summer News MM. r COKVKWEKCE OHM «< AUGUST Ifr-Playfe* mag- J? *?'< Un#tp« *ilf * P«* on TONIGHT atlne tabbed Michigan State's «w?ctty cous- .•»*« of tfce Col- WE'LL , was announced. Spartsns to finish first among all football iNini la the nation this cU 'atJ' |i rrrr: WU Co«:h Duffy Daugherty „td m - . v *r#b «»»»** «•■«* « wa, , -humor *Wls" VlE^' f^^SSs- fc*v.c< ^Krilywr. AUGUST 3l~D«k Fetter, ?!.„*• T* ^ W Ml : ^at»d other per- •Uwnioa swtmmtng coach >. coach Kimball High School. ,. R0V**««■ oh campus stat- sho* and r%<,.- indwMweceed- .>** rentage*, u-r-.-t' \u>!rt it tri? : '"' ev N&* 1,1 Nwtl*- paddleddOWT* DRY CLEANERS :.• Ors*! Ml»«, «•. 100 miles to AND \t»;iiste* RiW wtiCheAuSsM* SHIRT LAUNDRY5? . v tuition hike of :, tfvtleflt* *ix! $40 dents parldn# •0 s the FosM of < v the three 9PM s to $324 for > and J*70far «**» w'tpfvsmA • < . . n«« .Vnt «ystem parking CLEANER & SHIRT LAUNDRY tu.len» could located across from t tJw parking Student Services BIdg. >-*kers were FREE PARKING IN REAR •r ■d t ; ft action • by the koep the Relations urtthln thene* Saturday Till 5:30 Too Science Rtch- •\i -ned Dean of of Natural ' Jor m Itory itt to Case Hall *:f ««iw#n«c« :.. Abw. M f ~Mrj&L i ie*» L«nnnf Mich NCAA toia 1st 1/2 block from the t'nior. across from the State Theater tourn- Home Economics WELCOME Night Staff .•:^t editor; editor: Tom Students! , .y\ Rer copy COEDS BE M-'RTLY COIF, Pick up your Discount BACK Cards lor your Sewing FLORENCE requirements. Its our ANOERSON way of welcoming you back to School New Self Service Art and — Engineering Supply Department Kositchek's | has all that's new 1 New — Engineering and Physical Science m fashions with I a natural'" point of view I Department - convenient, exclusive |^MSU Engraved Stationery 88< ^tSU toBlanket easy - 60% Acrilan wash Just right for — k ^silcheWros. your bunks and sports events TKf CLASSIC sharkskin suit i BACK, vested naturally z-, - - ve' ■ ^ -v.- nual pressing. "5 ^ ap us7 Not quite. But now it is enjoy- ^ "en«wal of interest. And in the clever -e Varsity-Town taiiorv supple sharV- into a suit that will be your pride densely woven fabric "slips" wear, itrinjic neatness and crispness with- Styled the Madisonaire The UNION 1' * k ;" e straight upswxf-down-look, fore and s, a ; "^es ^^'der exaggeration. Just unadorned becoming to men of all ages. BOOK STORE $65.00 Right on Campus in the UNION BIdg. a Department of Michigan State University ^tichlgan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thur9<*fty> September IT. i96a New School Primary school inwdevl the sections oi klndwrfardw *«d tw» Sp*rt*tf Campus with *e aexrly of first trade according to Mrs. cw.tpleted Spartan VlUage Susan Cochran, teaching prtoci- scHwjU ?oca»ed In Spartan vtllage. pel. Ti» FlaCMmt Bu:*au hashed when it enivUed l** students The school enrolled only kln- arotfcer ecwf year. Snpt. 10, derfarvien awl flrjst grade stu- More empowers v writes'. tf* ITsf school starteil with three det*ts hrom J^wnan Village to Sureau iod set up mw* inter- eliminate the children's cro«s- x ieermj scNsJules .luring the ing of the Cheaapeaktr * Ohio sefcool vear than i» any previous jear. reports Place¬ ate J o 4tee provisional tv- Theater SeRs an,', the Crarvi Trui* Western Chlldran. after completing ment Director Jac1* fcrney. s today shewed 1,106persoes first grade, will go to the Red ">>e<-g VSMSS » t!W ure.e l.Mj erry\»yer Jr, traffic accklent* » 'A-^ ]'ue« Mtcht- Coupon Books Cedar school iiwaity—Theatnr—coupon—aocooo the railway-H-*ak«. located north the t»elJC * SftfMNNl to Hm t.U5 book purchasers can **« 15 dra- !*• highways tn the parevi *ith Kuones k3 of iWi. nwitic e*ten«» rta coupon this year. fvoJts for the Frask Soph Coaitcil repo* t*tervi« Wl»r» ai*.* tt booths cm located he purchased aU Begins Petitioning over the Petitions and slf»ture sheets ■■■.■ ■■:::':lJa *'•» Ti*• *!£: opeeed """v v' l"W'MS t>« m<« include four for ineinberahlp on Frosh-$oph major c ouncil sill be available Monday At. «;. u «« *n- yarned Chairman ptay»~\os*i *«*«, she ■ e*. mo*\. through Oct 5. Stoops to Conquer, aifciKatfiincho, Both articles may N* v>ht*ln«v' ■-*■* P. $»*«*«' *as nurward P, Yarn*,-. Chance*- the musical «.VTheel Sinf. plus expected :o" represent Michigan at residence hall Arsks, -M^Stu- lw olNtkhti*,«>t***t'tUv«rsrty,S A.Ni ;V«n:e; jN«* P. R-shirt* three arena pn^AjemowO, aw) .lent Services, or at the wen's 10% Cfcklswi Pr aoch*as named 1W s»v*« Silwt classics. division prodtiouons. return the Information to 31? and -pfMlntrrxnt ior an irtei vie* h\: togethee i ;Se executive bound of Frosh- Scph Council *her. they return the petitions. 41 Beutley Presents s35,000to Scholars Alvw M. Pet:tle> !vepvi Wives Club Hosfs Mixer in Chape! welcome stupjnts facuIty OF MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY TO WELCOME YOU IN THE NEW TERM JUST BEGINNING, SPARTAN BELL RINGERS MUSIC DEPT. M.S.U. SPECIAL BONUS TO OFFER YOU . . . . WE HAVE A ANNOUNCE OPENINGS A14 E LTATNO OF NB .xo PAGE ABILITY TO READ MUSIC REQUIRED Call )lr. If esintit For ApfXHnlment - 11 FREE KETCHUP •li VALUABLE COUPON Series Premier CUP THIS COUPON GOOD FOR cur f en tn res I ustri a THIS THIS Thar.'fn.-Sat. Onfy coipoy FREE lifts KETCHUP coiroy Covered AM) REDEEMABLE THROUGH SATURDAY AM) BRIDGE MIX Oct. 6th, 1962. SAVE! Limit One Coupon Per sa Family - Adults Only Super Right Smoked Shank Portion Butt Portions 49< lb. YOUR ADLK ANNOUNCING PORK Loin SALE 7-rib portion 39* HEADOUARTKS DISC SHOPS All Good Bacon 49< EXCLUSIVE FROZEN Mix or Match DIAMOND NEEDLE IVY 'KNEE HIGH Banquet Meat Pies Beef, Chicken Heinz Soups j Sd; Guarantees or Turkey (KNEE HIGH) Two Brands. Cm Ouaiit> The Best Meat Varieties Vegetable and B#* Two Prices. Two Gwcrortees. AH Types Brand i. •Guaranteed One Year S?.fl6 5-1.00 6 ^ $1.00 8k$l^[ $3.95 FREE KERCHIEF JANE PARKER a & p Brand 2. •Gyeyorteed Forever $5.95 Lemon Pie I gainst Defects And Wear: ^ 491 Tomato iaice 2 - ^1 DISC SHOP US Cft.A»Q RfVEP. sute N«w, Eft L*nHng, Mlchiyin Thursday, September, 27, 1962 Veto on Speakers Vaccine Shots Urged ^ ff la I WKAR Plans Election Series The The miKH^ la InviMw) tts arf*rw4 lit? public Michael 0*Nara Is invited to attend Is: Michael 0*Hara and Louis Staff Members an no abn< the sessions of the University McCreggor, Supreme Court Jus- ■ * ***? "The ipeeker , muit SltlT l"» r^wd . warning In.r.M. ta £ The Stata New* will hold a radio station WKAR as it records a new series at tice. 3 pjn.. October 4, ball- meeting at ?:30 In the first floor program*pre- room; Otis Smith and Paul , a* «** *"V~2 VOC,t* * •*»* •"*•» which war* of this ruim™ , - , Wednesday about ?,250 lounge of the Student Services senting statewide candidates for Adams. Supreme Court Justice, * lrf P"*1**** * Ultgal mOmr On May jf iwo X the November 6 election. 3 pjn. October 11. ballroom. iSSXSL **«r from ^ ^ '**' , TV pdUc M* «rtc. h,. ft. tr- tZ'Z .1 A panel of J,m" Slm.Socl^ist-Labor.Gov- Skii ■*" 11111,111 """ "™' U "•'•"."Af- r,url« "J**" «•' l,r9i.».v.K,'.,n, expert* will question candidates for governor, con- ernor< 3 p.m.. October 18. ball- 2 room; Ceor8® Romney R» Cov- - «s(e of zszzsz photography or advertising de¬ partments. gressman-at-large. and preme court justice. state su- ernor' hour t0 ^ *«• ^ J9> Mlchlgaaby violence Mall has ao Mbo*«f. Is specifically prohibit- student •r*^«ri^ lho** w also persons oi Th« Michigan Department of Editors from all divisions of ballroom. Wilson nottfl#d ?u *!*Jf * •** •«•• chronic card- Health recommends that person* the newspaper will be there to Tl*e series. "Campaign (Jul/." Governor John B. Swainson <*>*<•> for *«"*• •*.*»« «» responsibility of the to comply with i, £r KU lovaa^. pulmooary. renal, or tn the chronically U1 group *ml talk to interested student*. Cof¬ will be taped and offered free declined to participate In the , ,^-flo* Jf m»le *fu^^ student organisation to Worm grams. pr<>~ nwulwUc diseases. andprefnant pregnant women see* the advice all the radio stations in the Sl»ri because time would not twi-im »r» Mft| pre^ectlva apeaksn vr wtmi—ZT ~ *o*mu -of their personal physician In fee .JUKI.. during the meeting. „ Arwstrom Hall untU prohibitions." fjfp I)(im ftJTpJt According to a-. James Few- regard to lnfluenia vaccination. All recording sessions will be n>e panel quiilng the candl- students courso Sponsoring organisations mux rig at Olln Health Center flu held in the Union jl short Foe Initial immunisation, two the *o*e you tell- Building. dates includes representatives \ OckvNw 12. complete a form indicating the in/irfmfl«» *>ldemlcs usually come |ln four doses should be given about tw< THE QUICKER YOU SEl REAP THE WANTED.' ¥' The schedule to date, according of labor, business and citizen subject to be discussed.' the yeer cycle*, the last had flu months apart, starting to candidate and office sought, group*. 22. l^h *4ld* Mmes of aU speakers, and the w„( *ld*mlc was In 1957 which as possible. Persons who re t e exited to drop time and place of the meeting, prtaa waitmtTT caused health authoritiea to pre- ceived influe^w v-ccine last year trvrt course »tu- This term Is to be certified by v the th. appropriate office of returned tohia St»rt,n vm-I mct ® «P»demk: last year. Olln need only a single booster shot th. M*m0cU' H«"h C^r ^ thla fall. , «IH organisation and the faculty trucks and firemJ *boW 550 C,,H of nu Since the influeiwa vaccine is w jw't arop out before adviser. nlna asklns "WhJ U* whtch y considered produced from chick embryos, u *n unanswered Until this form has been cn looking for ,r:-»r. mLr pZ,,™ ^ ml«hl h«v* «»rted from a th«dle- " PHOTO SPECIAUST-Loeklng for photo ,-evl running ads Edu,atton. carded cigarette. IHjlllti to Hit epoetins en State Hews |M L,r4ins State jMTMl «m It appears The sOfa, steff, Pkete loiter Deve Jeehnig heads throughout the " w shade, the carpet, books and a twelve men deportment. Advertising and Ur f-ses .-sinete campus !» !lKk- 0d*r* several / 1^#dW s_ banning a'Com- P-,lnfln« fire. There was destroyed by the also smoke and editorial photo* are beth responsibility of :: person but found t Thompson w*ter damage to the apartment, deportment. Freshmen and upperclassmen indent said he went lecturing on campus last Andrews said. experienced in photeyrophy and interested • Mrs. Weisman was at home in employment are invited te meet tonight the news stands Thompson spoke at a near- at the time fo the fire. The call et 7 P-m. in State News Office, third floor, u students were ®y fraternity house. reporting the fire came at 12:08 Stvdent Services Building. phoning from 01(1 rul® approved by the p.m. front a neighboring apart- Acuity In September. Instated: ■ building in hopes mem. i before it was ^ P^osram of a student or- Sanitation tor the general stu- ent body which Involves hrtng- frxls the off campus ing m outside speakers must be AT CAMPUS BOOK STORE YOU CAN ss better than approved by the administration .tuse this year there authorities before the program frictions, may be arranged. V fewer restrlo For jo years until the fall ■e:-* a person may of 1956 this control was cxcer- ? hut use of the clsed througti the dean of stu- remaln un- dents office. It was then shifted to omit the Provost's office. How- otnpUined that ever, this regulation has not been or ds didn't allow _ «. . .. . -ws. 2 U eek Meeting ris s: d others who Set for Bosses Materials managers, directors Be assured \ tc married stu- of purchasing, purchasing agents i. t\i that landlords r.uch trouble with and buyers from leading corpora- tions throughout the United States and other countries are expected of the fastest giving good care for this seventh annual executive . ' e if said the reason not up to date landlords fall seminar in jterials management, purchasing and The executives will hear lead- ma- ^ check out ;C.\ce when their ers In professional development u tment has been from business and education dis¬ cuss a wide variety d topics. BERMANN'S system fTHOROBRED"... I top-favored accessories Save time I in California saddle cowhide saving money. m - Shop the largest selection ff SELL YOUR in paper - bounds. In a X jjggp gQOKS new enlarged departments for llvE GREEN - i sierra Or ^»«sor,e _ tan • . . and so handy. Princess Canter « spec:»| way wld> thla rick leather chat grows upstairs in the front of ■ CASH beautiful withtwe. Clutch Purse 6.95 C>9arat Cose 3.95 vBllHold 6.95 Kay Cosa 2.95 the store. Eyeglass Case 8.95 Llgrtw 2.95 madras bedspreads East Lansing's Departmen g,^! $4W CAMPUS BOOK STORE ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING ' TWi. O Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thurtday, September, 27, ] 'Monday Deadline For Homemakers Know any good homeroakers? It may be your wife, your neigh¬ The contest will emphasize Selective Service 'PERCE STRINGS" by STUDENT BoJ homemaking ability, but will in¬ bor, yourself. Requires Registration or even clude judging on community serv¬ If so. enter her in die Mrs. ice, appearance and personality. Horn em a* er contest for 1963. She Applicants must answer the ques¬ may win a mink stole, diamond tion "1 enjoy my role as a home- "Many young men believe that n*iled to him. The information ™" ' ring of an all-expense paid va¬ cation for two. maker because:" and persoosap- they he* *3 entire iSth year for selective *111 be mfgm "»«d by his ?«•<«; Local Board The Junior Chamber of Com¬ merce is sponsoring the annual contest in conjunction with its plying for someone else are to answer the question "I feel that my friend is a good homemaker Service; this is not the case, they muet realsrer within five days of their 18th birthday " said to determine Jus Uw P"vides th« 411 men must meet their military service S.B.S. home and decorator "Showcase for 'W." which will , show. Preliminary judging will be Wednesday with 10 semifinalIsts Colonel Charles B. Pearson, Chief of the Operations Division ^ligation unlets tbeboard de- termlnes that deferment is es- & be held Oct. 17-21 sing Civic Center. in the Lan¬ to be selected by Friday. Jaycee of the Michigan State Head- »f«i.l * .« members and wives will be the The Mrs. Hcmemaker contest System recently. .nrrtftf wqpau judges. The final judges, civic leader s.and. experts in the home- Every male is required his draft liability to age If you want MORE BOOKS over IB wno is living .with her making arts, are being selected registered at * Selective Service 18th birthday or of Classification, he has ten days family. Students and student's this week. Board' on his in which he may ask for a per¬ MONfeY and the wives ire elgitie. within five The deadline for applying is The winner will be crowned by Mrs. Edmund (Pat) Haganof East dayi after that date. Registration Is required even sonal appearance before his FOR YOUR Local Board to discuss his case. Monday. Applications are avail¬ Lansing, last year's winner.Two though he is enlisted in a Reserve able at the J. W. Krsapp Co. or National Guard Unit. Men on Or he may file an appeal for runners-up will chosen. further review of Bis case by and Liebermann's in East Lan¬ military duty who have EASIEST SHOPPING IN TOWnI Kenneth A. Otto is contest chair- active a Board of Appeal. sing, not previously registered must A man must inform his Local register within 30 days following their Board on any changes which may Music Prof Offers Recital separation from the affect his classification. Any STOP ' SHOP • and Gean Greenwell, associate selections from Verdi's "Don However, a man could register changes of address, physical con¬ dition. occupational, marital, de¬ SAVE professor of music, will open the Carlo." He will be accompanied at any Selective Service Board pendency or military status must re- by Henry Harris, who is also in any county in which he happen¬ be reported. cital, Sunday, at -I p.m., in the Music auditorium. the an associate professor of mu- ed to be at the time of his birth¬ day and the residence address Qualified men will be selected in sequence of age and ordered STUDENT Book Store) Gree;r*e'i( a ter. year member Greenwell has followed up which he gives at the time of for induction into the Armed his '..AND CONDUCTED BY LOREN JONES'-Men*. Glee of the faculty with professional professional background by sing¬ registration will determine the Forces for two years of active across from BERKEY background ir. New York, will Club member* gather around new conductor, J. Loren Jones, Local Board which will always duty at about 22 to 23 years of ing bass parts in concerts and at they prepare for upcoming joint concert with University have jurisdiction over him. age. Normally induction calls will 421-23 E. Grand River of Michigan Men's Glee Club on October 13. Following registration, he will be filled first by volunteers, -State News Photo receive a Registration Certifi- followed by non-fathers under cate in the mall which he must age 26 selected in age sequence, FREE PARKING ED 7-2112 Sargent Awarded College To Receive Applications have in times. He may his possession apply for at all the oldest first. certificate (SSS Form No.2) at Research Grant ALLENDALE, MICH.. (UP1)— of English, three years of math- his local Draft Board if his H. Weldon Frase. admissions ematics. science, or a combina- lost or destroyed. officer of Grand Valley College tion of both, and three years of Some time after a man's 2< Marie's Fashions, is celebrating said today the state's newest social studies, birthday a questionnaire will be its move into the new Shoesmith institution of higher learning is building cr, M»A.C. Ave. with a ready to begin accepting student four day opening observance that applications after receiving its first catalogues and admissions B'NAI BRITH HILLEL began Wednesday. The shop operated formerly for 15 years in the South Cedar application blanks. Frase said he plans to meet FOUNDATION Street business district by owner with principals and guidance (319 H1LLCREST AND GRAND RIVER) HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES Mrs. Marie Smith. Mrs. Smith also aerated similar stores pre¬ counsellors in 92 high schools id the eight-county western Mich¬ igan area GVSC is designed to ROSH HASHONA ROYAL NAVY viously in Eaton Rapids and Ma sen. FRL SEPT 28 $.00 P.M. MUSIC BLD. AUD. The school will enroll Its first SAT. SEPT. 29 9. JO A.M. ALUMNI MEMORIAL CHAPEL freshmen a year from this Sep- SUN. SEPT. 30 9:30 AAI. ALUMNI MEMORIAL CHAPEL winter blues Admissior. requirements for YOM KIPPUR regular entrance to the college SUN. OCT. 7 7:30 P.M. MUSIC BLD. AUD. on parade are completion of an approved MGN. OCT. 8 9:30 AM. ALUMNI MEMORLU. CHAPEL program of studies at an accred¬ ited high school and the recom¬ mendation of the high school principal. The high school pro¬ Opening Supper & Mixer gram should include three years CATHOl!C STUDENTS Sunday Sept. 30 7:00 p.m. Mr»in the school year with the At the Hillel House EVERYONE WELCOME MASS OF THE hairdo's nGllf SPiRil hairdoodles Thursday 4:45 p.m. St. Johns Student Parish ...If 327 M.A.C Ave. your I'll tell you what ay friends about it ; three liked it, four didn't, thought hair and the rest thought I ought to have CLIP my head examined. refuses and to Ch, him! He never notices AUYTHING DRY —let alone this ! say CLEAN nice things about *• This Coupon is Worth THURSDAY - F REDAY-SATURD A V * at FLASH Esptres Saturday. \llC You won't believe this but bring f GOOD FOR 50c WITH A DRY CLEAN now he tells Be he always lilted • INC ORDER OF 52.00 OR MORE it your the other way—LOHG ! j Also good for 50* vjtfe a regular 3 lb. load of COIN-CP DRY CLEANING. Regular $2J» I with At* coupon omty it.50. Must bring coupon clothes. Good ooiy iurtsg attended nours I couldn't nandle it I problems ai":Majn. m»wr. SattoTsjt. i wnh pwti shim. One-hour dry cleoning some day shirt laundering at no extra charge — every day INCLUDING SATURDAY OPEN Mod Thru Fr i Till 9 pm WINKELMAN'S It didn't hold. ■JIIMIH , East Lansing, Michigan V Thursday. September 27. lg<2 FAIR LIST SHOPPER'S rAlR PRICE INTRODUCES REQUIRED .35 PRICE .28 PAPER BACK TEXT AND SUPPLEMENT .40 .50 .33 .41 .60 .51 READINGS AT .75 .59 DISCOUNT PRICES .95 1.25 1.50 .78 .99 1,23 HOW! ENJOY THE MODERN CONVENIENCE OF BUYING NOW PAYING LATER- WITH OUR - DISCOUNT CREDIT PLAN! OPiH A SHOPPER'S f AIR fli A REVOLVING CHARGE ACCOUNT OFFERS MONTHLY STATEMENT You get a statement each^month. It shows you the amount to be paid that month. This chart shows you how the amount of your monthly payment varies with different balances. CREMT »»*• 11 te •1 te 121 te #*er LIMIT •so »90 •120 •150 •150 MMTMLY PAYMENTS 5" 7" )Qoo 12" 15" MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE The service charge is only 1 Vtf per dollar on your unpaid balance ... and only applies to the amount you owe at the time you're billed. Therefore, if you moke larger payments than are due, you'll pay less aarvic* cfcarge. You may, if you wish, pay the fuif balance at any time. 3PEN iOAM toIOhm Monday through Saturday SUNDAY MOON to*7 P.M. 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan •,'i r'.f Thur»d«y. 8>pte mber, 27, Thinking of Future? Frosh Join Largest BI'4 Corny Has Answers Class In MSU's History Gordon A. Sabine, vice pre*- speaking at a leadership sem- Want to know which courses Fitzpatrick said Career Car¬ ident of Special projects, told lMr workshop at Case Hall.Sab- lo take for a career with a 500 student readers at a banquet large nival started in 1W9 when a lne sajd that nearly four-fifths automotive manufacturer or the senior student realizing the need last week that thefreshmanclaas the freshmen ranked In the Job possibilities of an accountant for such an event approached the of *66 is file largest In thehistory top one-quarter of their high with a chemical corT^any? Want Placement Bureau with the idea, of the state and that lttmembers school graduating classes, to know the opportunities for a represent every county In Mich- Berkei The number of companies have ^ M>LT> sociology major with a paper igan and every Mate 1 n the _ ' ^lr.A—c more than doubled since the first company? You can get the answers to Career Carnival, Fitzpatrick these said, and the MSU carnival has questions and others Oc¬ become model for other uni¬ high schools than are attending Si. a tober 8-9 when representatives from 71 corporations will be on versities. He said Career Car¬ held university. - nivals are at only seven —. campus for the 14th annual The University Theater *111 Career Carnival. universities in the United States hold casting try<«i Thursday Sabine also explained that the and that MSU's is the largest. from 7 to 10 p.m. In Falrchlld 0{ winners of top fresh- Career Carnival, sponsored by f Theater for all stjidents ft*er- mjm scholarships has jumped to¬ the Placement Bureau, brings representatives from all phases Behavioral SCieflflSt asted in Theater. «be highest level in University Final auditions will be held of business and industry to talk hisrory. Twenty-four f r e s hman for the casting of the The a- informally with students about curriculum preparation, Distinguished Visitor ter's two major performances Nttlonaj Merit Scholarship win¬ ners h#ve ^.olied at the Unl- job re¬ of the quarter and the FalJArena quirements and opportunities. Louis Gunman, the behavioral verslty a8 comp*red to five scientist will be Production. / S freshman winners la Sty ear, and a It is open only to students, an a distinguished Casts for Angel Street, a sus- t0(aj of nine winners In all four any student regardless of his visiting professor at the unl- jrsiry fall quarter. penseful melodrama, a J.B„ a classes Uat year. , class standing may attend. No modern version of the story of Originator of a method of studying attitudes, Guttman will Job, will be selected. The Arena Sabine told the student leaders be on campus under the joint Production cast will chosen for that the freshman class numbers the American Dream, an Amerl- more than 5,000, making this one Placement Bureau later In the i of the departments of psychology and sociology and an- csn avant garde drama. °* die three or four largest year if they desire LOUIS GUTTMAN Students interested In the entering freshman classes In the: Each company s ls_ thropology. His work is of in- United States. It Is twice as large . technical aspects of the Fall play booth on the second floor terest 10 sociologists, psycholo- quarter productions should at- »» the University of Michigan'" of the Union with samples of their «ists' mathematicians and statis- Berlin Worst Crisis Sine* Korea freshman class. product. lite bout the ticlans- An alumnus of the FRANKFURT, Germany - Defense Secretary McNamara paused company, and interesting exhib- University of Minnesota, where he received in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday on a two day tour of U.S. Welcome Back the Ph.D. degree in forces on the front Ifnes of Europe. He said the present time is sociology, he has served tne "most serious crisis since Korea," adding that his tour is Last year, for example, IBM on the faculty at Cornell to "check on combat readiness of both conventional and tactical University and was a special consultant to the De¬ The booths *111 be open October partment of the Army during 8 from 6:30 to 10 p.m.and Oct¬ ober 9 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.. 1:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. World War II. Since 1948, he has spent most of his time in Israel, where he WKAR's CAMPAIGN M.S.U. Students is scientific director of the Israel Institute of Applied Social Re- QUIZ ring and a professor Hebrew HARRY HALL Vice President of Shirt Service at illy crowded. Last -nI -sity. the Michiqan Chamber of Commerce * year s Career Carnival C a r n i v< drew : 0.000 students and this year* ,n Gu WILLIAM MARSHALL Vice Pres¬ more are expected to attend ident Michiqan A.F.L. - C.I.O. cording to Edwin Fitzpatrick, distant director of the placer.; >f lectures, as with graduate well stu- MRS. GEO. THORNTON ing the League of Women Voters Represent¬ * Dry Cleaning WILL QUESTION at VAfcslTY DRIVE IN Pick up Daily on Campus ALVIN BENTLEY PIZZA Republican Candidate for Congressman-at-Large ROB DOWNEY, MODERATOR and married Housing ADEil5 P M-t0 2 A M- Vr CIl Fri. and Sat. to 3 A.M. UNION BALLROOM SAVANT Delivery Service 8:30 P-M-t0 1 A-M- Thursday, September 4:15 p.m. Everyone is invited to watch die recording of this Sundays 5 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. program in the "Campaign Quiz" series being broadcast by WKAR on Sundays at 2 p.m. and Tues¬ Ed 2-6517 days at 7:30 pjn. AUTHORIZED NEW and USED TEXT BOOKS FAST SERVICE — REFERANCE BOOKS SPECIAL ORDERS — PAPERBACK ROOM Our Used Books SAVE YOU $1 oo OUT OF $ °°l1 li 81 You'll Find Fair Prices ill ; AT ■ 'if i: J ' it I I f§ BOOK STORE CORNER WEST GRAND RIVER.. 4 , EVERGREEN Thursday, September ii7, 1962 'SU Participating In Pa JUNIORS & SENIORS LANSING PHOTOCR APKERS association has been formed The government of Pakistan, underwrite expansion of the pro¬ to offer you portraits at discount prices, e Ford Foundation and theUni- gram over the next five years Other aspects of the program Jverslty are co-operating In the to an expected 240 village co¬ Included experimental and dem¬ 5 X 7 B & White $1.00 ed ■development of a pilot program operatives. onstration work in education, 8 X 10 B & White $2.50 ea ■of agricultural and rural develop¬ The grant will be used to women's work, rural public 4 Different Poses to chpose frorS ment which is setting new pat- Import agricultural machinery works In water control, andwor* FREE GIFT — Group portrait of the whole s for Southeast Asia. including tractors, pumps, trucks with the Thana Council, a unit The and other necessary equipment. of the evolving local government family W be taken before DEC. 15th with an order of experimental project is 12 part of the comprehensive pro¬ ► Most of the money will be pictures. paid organization known In Pakistan as out of the REMEMBF.R — You don't have to order EXTRA gram in rural development In a earnings of the co¬ "Basic Democracies." " 100 square mile area selected by operatives. organized as the Co- pictures from your school photographer. the Pakistan government. milla Cooperative Farmers Focal point for the program 313 N. Washington A.e. SAW Association and registered under is the East Pakistan After a successful experlment- Academy the cooperative laws of Pakistan. for Rural Development at Com- Bal demonstration with 2S vol- COLUMBIA STUDIOS I untary cooperatives which de- The refunded 111a. money will be This offer ls good from September thru January only utilized by the government of East eloped,over- the similar Ford Foundation recently develop¬ ments in other rural areas. , made a grant of (400,000 to Thursday, Friday . the W teacher oodwind Death Claims and Saturday from the Seven Profs rncs : Stusic, where Only. . . member of the Seven persons, important to the philharmonic Orches¬ University as faculty members, trion er teaching SALE! ■ " former faculty members or bene¬ scheduled a I c; - Try- factors, died this summer. A- Shoe Salon professional engage¬ mong them were a professor PROGRESS IN PAKISTAN—Indicative of Comilli emeritus of English. Anders s' of Meyer Davis, well- rernment of Pakistan is cor- Or- look in cooperative agricultural and beck. new rying « tprehensive experimental pro¬ rural development in Pakistan it "Farm- Orbeck, who was 71. died June gram in rural development with advisers 30 in Henry Ford Hospital at ers Day* * display of tractors at East Pak¬ from Michigan State and assistance from Detroit following a ITALIAN-STYLED istan Academy for Rural Development at Ford Foundation. lengthy ill¬ ness. He had retired from MSU in 1956. She taught in . Other deaths included that of AND TASSEL x School and has certs and oper. : AUSG Replacement Edward C. Prophet, 60, fessor of geography, on pro¬ June 15. He had been at MSU since CALF LOAFERS 1930, and besides teaching duties, Set For October conducted a twice program, weekly radio "Georgraphy in the All In order News," over WKAR. University Student Govern¬ to qualify for election graduate must live in the district ment replacement elections for to Student Congress, an-under- he will represent: he must have of the Harry J. Eustace, former head students living off-campus will — a 2.37 all department of horticulture, university grade aver- died £>e held Oct. 11 from 8 Aug. 26 at Oakland. Calif, to 6:30 p.m. Elections for a.m. stu¬ J-Hop Petitioning after a three month illness. He was 85, and had headed dents In residence halls will First the de¬ freshmen eli¬ Begins Today term are be form 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. partment from 1908 to 1919. gible for election if they are Eustace Hall is Since some men's living units named after him. Petitioning for J-Hop commit¬ taking 12 or more credits. Murrell Leonard will house women fKls fall, and Bailey, tee chairmanships will begin Concerning the qualifications asslstant professor of agricul- temporary appointments to Stu¬ dent Congress were cancelled, Thursday and continue through of students running for office. tural en2ineering died Aug. 23 Monday. The annual event will representatives will be electee! be held on Saturday, February spegkpr of the student Congress J" Lhis home at East Lansing, n time for back-to campus for the following categories: 9th- .lm Rarnes sai(j: He had ^en wtth the depart- wardrobe planning* Long-fa>ored For "The success of Congress will since 1945. 'heir sleek, tapered, clean-cut ">et Butterfield, Mason, W. Mayo, be directly related to the quality , F- Eversole, 87, re- and Rather, two; Williams. North and MikT PaaeraX and maturity of the elected rep- from the department of fortable fit, these are the handsrwr. loafer* Mel- resentatives. Ideally, Congress you'll Park junior. There will be members are upperclassmen C wear endlessly through the school y ir with openings for committee chairmen with experience in other gover¬ your casuals ond sport>weor as follows: executive Italian-inspired lo-fer. in secretary, ning groups. This should not be black brown colt housing, four; Lansing, two; and or Tassel-vamp loafer, in brown co f. decoratlo!1S| publicity, public re- taken to the freshmen A r«ired member of the staff E. Lansing, mean lations, and Miss MSU. become effective mem- at the Lake Clty experimental Candidates may pick up peti¬ Other committees Include pro- Margaret Hilbert, also tions in 314 Student Services, the but tt ls indeed difficult ® . , men's division or the student for them to comprehend the scope died Aug. 23, aged 74. She joined government offices on the third of the University, much less t^JJnlve"lty ln 1929- and re" MEN'S floor of Student Services. suggest changes in its policy." tlred in 1952• Petitions must be returned to Petitions may be obtained the Student Union desk and Duties of Mrs. Grace S. Wonders, wife Congress members of Wallace Wonders, lat'iibsitns SHOP the office of the elections chair¬ 317 Student Services from 3 Include attendance at meetings sity benefactor for Jim many years, man Billings, 314 Student 5 p.m. The completed petitions each Wednesday evening, unless diwl July 25 at Detroit. A new Services, on Monday. Copies of must be turned in by Tuesday to otherwise designated, andmem- dormitory being built in the Case- campaign rules may also be 317 Student Services between 3 bership on at least one com- Wilson group is to be named for SPECIAL PURCHASE! picked up in 314 Student Services. and 5 p.m. mittee. Mr. and Mrs. Wonders, LAMBSWOOL-NYLON HOSIERY FOR MEN 99c 6 pr. tot ; V, RAVO! Stock up now ot g eat savings' 75lambswool for soft comfort, ITALIAN HAND KNIT 25% nylon for durability . anklet or half-hose length, 6*3 rib BULKY SWEATERS ARE HERE styles with reinforced heel and foe. Of the finest, fluffiest Charcoal, black, olive, novy, char brown. Sizes 10' 2 to 13. wool in the world .. . Jacobson's Men's Shop - 210 Abbott Rd bellissimo cable-knit V-neck pullovers and cardigans specially imported with your fall skirts and pants in mindl A brilliant color selection too! Red, camel, white, brown, and blue. 34 to 40 sizes, 14.98 each. SLIDE 1 rule s Sportswear thanks to the k DECI-L0N Clip on the inner side of our j other fine costume-accenting belts the ^ slide ... rules ^ your clip that holds skirts and slacks neatly in place all the time! A. Block or brown lamb. 6.00 B. Black-brown cowhide. 5.00 C Antique brown cowhide. 4.00 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. September 97 1962- "We rented aN 43 apartments Abbey Ap««m«ms. "T 43 Nicely Apartments 1962 CHEVROLET IMP ALA 1957 FORD - HIDEAWAYHARD- POSITIONS FOR SECRETARIES, Rented with only one ad" APARTMENT o™^ FURNISHED for OFF CAMPuTh^^ CONCORD TRAILER, 10* wide. 1956 WESTWOOD TRAILER 8' HARDTOP, 350 h.p.. 4-speed, TOP. All white. Many exfras. typists, bookkeepers, and recep^ 50' long, 2 bedrooms. Brand new. x 46' unfurnished. Call Ml 1- 2 men. Cooking facilities! 1 block men In house just fa ^ sparkling silver-blue finish. Phone 332-6833. 5 tionlsts. Great Lake a Bmptwy. The little bride f hanged her mind. 6353. 5 from campus. Parking. ED 2- Chen privileges R«. rmen-l 1958-1961 VOLKSWAGENS. Sun- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR meru, 616 Michigan National tow- '' roofs and 2-doors. Deluxe sti ACCIDENT PR AS LEW? I'allka- «r-lv --1543. ED 2-8487. 3 MOTORCYCLE 1957 ZUNDAP. 0742. 3 IV 2-8257. eas0flablt.| tiorrwagon. You'll do better at lams zoo Street Body Shop. Smail ^ C5 T^XT BOOKS: ME316: CE342, 373, 422; Phy. 364. Sofa-bed Excellent running condition. In¬ 3 ROOM FURNISHED APART- NICE QUIFT ROOMrffiJ SPARTAN. dents to large wrecks. American ** rvM ^ e-i* $15. Tables, lamp. 332-0716, 5-7 expensive transportation. Call MENT with private entrance and ^.te_preferr, 4 ROOMS FOR MEN. Graduate •FOR SALE LETTTCH t STENBERG We Keep STIWSiJ -Hi •FOR RENT •LOST & FOUND •PERSONAL AUTOMOTIVE 2628 E. Kalamazoo 484-3229 C Cars HEALTHY •Expert Lubrication . cc. T.W over p.ymm., Washington TO Cooper Ave. Phone IV 9-5043. 3 Ro«l^ fl^gnwc EgjpMEOT uft&- For Rent GARACE: AVAILABLE NOW at preferred. 15 mln. East of cam¬ pus. Call IV 5-6128. 1 ATTENTION BOOKS FOR SALE ^ •PEANUTS PERSONAL •Quality Texaco Gas 2 Instrument sets; 2 slide •REAL ESTATE 1960-1961 Corvets. CCXXX.I1I •Oil Changes RECORD CABINETS, DESKS and 2 drawing , (kawinginstrument sets;2slide rules. 5" and 10"; etc. TU 2- 139 Kedzle Drive. Call ED 2- 5112 after 4 pm. ROOMS FOR RENT; 5 minutes •SERVICE 3- SPEED: CCXLV, 4-speed •Radiator Service BOOK CASES built to your dl men- 1136 or 5 TU 10 : rtC- W 2" ^2-8416.. 3 from campus. 501 MAC Avenue. 3 fuej - injection. Superior type sons at reasonable prices. BIKE FOR RENT. $3 a week or •TRANSPORTATION •Wash and Polish ROOMS FOR MEN. Call after sports cars. Woodland Products, 3203 N. East 1953 CHEVY, $100. Call 355- $25 a term. 335-8811. Room •WANTED •Battery Service Street, Lansing. 487-3426. 3 2429. 1 142 E. Shaw. George Taylor. 3 _• MALE GRAUDATE PREFERED. Drive in for smiling e 11 CUBIC FOOT REFRIGERA- VIOLIN. Very fine old Paolo DOUBLE GARACE for DEADLINE: TOR, deluxe range. Excellent Giovanni Magglni valued in 1942 block from Berkey Hall. Single sleeping room with parking $7 a SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE condition. Make offer. ED 2- at $3,500. Will sell for $1,000 month or $20 a term. Call 332- space. Near Frandor. College OLDSMOBILE - Supper '88' bus. IV 2-3454. i CORNER GRAND RIVER 3387* 5 cash or will trade for late model 5507. ____3 SPARTAN MOTORS and SPARTAN ALL STATE VESPA SCOOTER. «r of same value. Box 341A PARKING SPACE for rent. 123 ATTRACTIVE DOUBLE ROOM - PHONE: 3000 E. MICHIGAN Phone 337-9034 C Good condition. Good buy oneco- Student Services. Albert. Monthly for men. Private entrance, bath, rate. Daytime, telephone. Approved. ED 2- 355-8255 or 8256 IV 7-3715 bPORTS CAR gBRMSE -Md. nomical transportation. Phone STUDIO COUCH, grey tweed, $6. Nights, $4. Day & night, 1746. 7 Jaguar, TR3. We do major 337-2613. 3 makes into double or 2 single — - 1954 FORD. STICK-SHIFT, over- 337-2613. $9. 332-0716, 5-7 pm. 5 412 Haze. Lansing. • >W: hauls, transmission work, and CORNET - Conn. Excellent con- beds. Call FE 9-8907. MALE STUDENT SHARE mobile 1957 FORD. Brand new white home. Expenses very reasonable. 1 DAY . . . . . . SI.00 wall tires. Recent Contact Jerry Bur rill. Lot K2. 3 DAYS S2.00 complete mo- STRATTON'S SPORTS CAR BICYCLE, GIRL'S 3-speed Eng- brand new. Phone 355-1949. 3 Trailer Haven, E. Lansing. Phone . . . . . 5 DAYS S3.00 tar overhaul. A-l condition. ED CENTER . . . . . lish bike. Excellent condition. USED TB. Engineer recondition- '337-0037. 5 2-8487. 3 1915 E. Michigan COMING OCTOBER 5, The all new Rambler for 1963. Style, $25. Phone 337-9605 after6pm.3 ed table model. $35. Call 337- TV bpntai c ... 1.... .IJ lllll.fc. J » Q697. 1 Fnr apartment. From $5 - $7 a THE 1963 economy, quality. See Employment dio $9.95, Desk Lamp $4.95, GE UPHOLSTERY, SLIP-COVER, month. ALL SETS GUARAN¬ Electric Alarm Clock $3.98, used CURTAIN and mer Steele Rambler, on Michi- CASHIERS AND STOCK BOYS drapery fabrics. TEED. Phone NEJAC TV REN¬ gan 2 blocks east of Frandor. OLDS 1957, ««.. 4 dr. sedan. 5 for full time and part Peri#BC*d needed- APP^ TV set $29.95. Rentals available Vynals. Ready made or custom TALS, ED 2-8978 or 489-1684. C radios. TV sets, washers, made curtains and draperies. WOLVERINE ^ Automotive Under 37.000 miu< -vo-ii™. Monday at Big Value. 521 East driers'and vi B' " cleaners. East Savings up to 50$. 372-0450. i - - APARTMENTS ..." _ Cn I,,, V, W.w Sl Y Jag OF roadster, THE YF.AR. new top, excel¬ XK 120 condition Gran^ Rlve^ J positions tor am- 3 ^ J, gD E,ectrlc Co" 136 W• OLIVETTIForeign 9rand Rlvgr Av?lii : WRITER. PORTABLE TYPE- language key- WANTED - 2 college girls to share apartment, $8 $10 week. lent tires, mechanically A-l, sacrifice, $600 will finance, no ulty sonal owner^^rlficin^ToTDer" reasons $850 CaH ED bltious men and women- J1-85 1960 RCA Whirlpool WMher.Ml board for French, Spanish, a" hour' Cal1 Tom DeWitt* automatlc- $125-Phone355-3224. , Cal, 355.1609, ^ ■Mrs. Pemn, or IV 2-9615. 1 NEEDS YOUR HELP 2101 Roberts Lane, Lansing. 2 n' M6T5R dealers please. OR 7-3911, after 5:30 OR 1961 TW 7-0509 after 6. 1953 BUICK. Good transportation 3 ^^|Vl5lfe^A?ER-Locaf magazine has position for ex- FURNISHING AN APARTMENT? Used furniture at good prices. - ^JOTEr!"ISFIZ'^1^4. 4071 bedroom apartment, garage, fenced yard. $70 plus utilities. ! 355-44 buy. $90. Call ED 2-5234. 3 perienced advertising * buy and sell. WILLIAM'S APPLES BY THF "J ED 2-5374. 5 FURNITURE. IV 4-9244. 5 J"* P°Und' ^ The Official MSU yearbook is CONVERTIBLE 1959 white Ford. CHE\'ROLET, 1962, V8 Impala major. Contact Tom Dewitt, IV 11 1 ■ or bushels. Fresh pure sweet Honestly in perfect condition. sport coupe, fully equiroed. show 7-5118 after 6 p.m. Sewing machine - SINGER ZIG- cider. Farm fresh eggs, squash. holding an open house tonight and Must sell immediately. Phone room condition. Twilight Blue, wanted^ »0VS. EP M714. ZAG In beautiful cabinet. Like pie pumpkins, also will have tomorrow evening from 7-9 in the Iff --err. Private owner. 3 Save $650. Phone IV 5-3198. 1 . Makes designs, 1 Halloween pumpkins, and other START RIGHT! ^ Wolverine office, 344 Student FORD. 1953. New tires, battery. 3 Dus b°ys at s,8m<» Phi Epsi- buttons and button holes without fruits and vegeti ^795. Ask for Howie Good transportation. Standard - lon; ED 2~0356- ^ ^ SeU ^ sonab,e Prices. Roadside Farm Study Guides For Services. $65. 355-8022. 3 1 MtKh\. ARE OPPORTUNITIES « $6.12 or tUce wi payments Market, 3 miles east of E.Lans- All students interested in per month, |Y g lng on L-. S. 16 at Okemos Road. photo¬ Take on payments $5.00 per ,, ALL THREE TERMS graphy, writing, sales, and general SINGER CONSOLE sew- HOTEL Slfl'ftLWS: k'ew, com- -s .s. $100 5100. ED tu 2- ^ p Clean. cLE. One careful owner. while Excellent condition. Phone ln collegCi u JL, , month on office work ED 2-4152 5 a ~ freshman, freshman- transf.r Cransfer student , ing machine with zig-zaz. Only plete cook's uniform and outfit. OF BASICS are encouraged to have been around for few Total balance $52.- Size 42, half price. Phone 355- TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS - a terms attend. 20 cars to choose from. Priced 1957 CHEVROLET 210, 2 door and would like to work with 18. IV 9-3011. 5 6146. 1 plus G.C.A. six, stick shift. Very clean In- to sell. $100 to $250. side and out. Phone IV 2-5736 professional student attend newspaper' BABY CRIB WITH LEICA CAMERA, 1960 model Heft Smitt's Auto Sales, 2"25 a news staff meeting n i.$15. Ill g, with < 355-4801 between 5 and 7 7:3q pj~ E. Grand River, E. Lansing or pm. —• tonight ■ - in ... the 1st floor - Pjay pen. $10 Call ED 2-3824. 3 Perfect condition. Must sell. 3 (across Poplar's Motel). lounge ;e of: the Student Services vou wiil rind the largest sel- Call 355-6146. 1960 SI MCA. 2-door hardtop, r e<_uon of Dress Fabrics, Sewlpg "T?3 itor* -w OLKSWAGE dio & heater, white sidewall tire Notions and Patterns, -X2& Free coffee and doughnuts. ... Cliai Street. Call 337-9246. 5 Tc.o6o"mi Private own« • PART-TIME WORK. Average 3 Marshall Music 'OMET, 1960. Automatic trans- 355-0961. SEW 'N' SAVE FABRIC SHOP 307 Grand River oe ^ 3 dflys Per week to April 1. Stu- Frandor Shopping Center Mon-Fri 10-5p.m. min e?. is,.^- ■402. ^5 gasDKU GERMAN) 1957, Excellent dent preferred. E. Lansing IV 4-0732 Open Mon., Thurs., mileage, good condition. Call 'lrm. Must have mimeograph and 1953 CHEVY. Motor and radia- IV 2-2293 Fri. evenings until 9:00.5 after 5:30. . 5 addressing machine experience. tor complete $40. tire tubes and Send resume to Box 341 A Stu- wheels So each. IV 2-1988. 3 PORSCHE 1600 Coupe. 1958, re- dent Services. ' «; Perfect time savers! CK. Good runner. $100. ^ng $1800. 4S4-0680. MuSt STUDENT WIFE to care for in- FREE Your own name and ad- BAY GtS Lansing. fant in my home. No housework. Laundry privileges. Small child welcome. IV 2-6340 dress printed on med paper. gum¬ Use them on FOR A WIDE SEIECTION 3 letters, books, checks, WANTED Women. Pandora ect. In handy pad form. OF - Jewels. High commission. No Given away 5 times daily An unusual value at this low over Radio W.MRT price. Write for free bro- investment, collecting or dellv- 1010 on your dial. Register today at FALtjLT'Y WIFE desires student any Bay Station. Markey Sales, 2780 E.Gr. Riv. Ave., help at least from 11:00 a.m. PHOTOGRAPHERS to with work 1:00 pm. Would prefer light ironing and light house¬ until 2:00 or 3:00 help pm. USED & NEW M.S.U. Call Mrs. Clifford Hildreth at ED 2-3818 after 5:30. The 1963 Wolverine needs perienced photographers for part- ex¬ NEED EXTRA INCOME? Choose your own hours with beauty coun¬ selors. No experience necessary. TEXTBOOKS time paying positions on the year¬ MALE - Young Assistant-Grad¬ book staff. uate in counseling or social work. Part-time position with social Male and female photographers work agency. 24 years and are Invited to attend the open house tonight or Friday evening, Phone IV 5-7201. FEMALE -Adult program Dir- ector. Graduate ln Social Work up. 3 SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS 7-9 P.M. 344 Student Services. or Education. Part-time with so¬ cial work agency. 24 years and up. Phone IV 5-7201. 3 FEMALE Work or Education. Special Programs Director. Graduate ln Social Part-time Rent your Diapers from us. We specialize ART SUPPLIES in Diaper full-time with social work laundering. You may include i ^eimrai or agency. 24 years and up. Phone IV 5-7201. up to 2 pounds of non-fading baby clothes 3 with each load. We also furnish j^jainiODBiMQfisssssaBn CUSTOMERS WANT YOU to call white or | ENDS TONIGHT*(2)" BIG HITS | with a successful AVON Products and Gifts. No experience necessary to start selling career. We colored diaper pails. American NOTE BOOKS train you. For appointment in RM MIL LAND — FRANK1E AVALON your home call evenings. Mrs. Diaper Service Alana Huckins. FE 9-8483. Cl 111 E. Washtenaw 'PANIC IN THE YEAR ZERO" IV 2-0664 - IV 5-4126 ALSO ''HOUSE OF FRIGHT"_LNCOLOR NOTE BOOK PAPER I STARTS FRIDAY (7) DAYS] EXCLUSIVE FIRST SHOWING HARMED STUDENTS! 5103 South Cedar 2nd LIEUTENANTS 2 D! Jolly Road One lvedere exploratory tour thru our travels, Roycraft. Be¬ VISIT THE or Active Mobile Homes will convince Phone TU 2-2446 you. For as little as $473.00 down and $68M a month oromo.lL promotions io» you how to save Li L, and better beaucopy $ , y0Ur °Wn- Job opportunities We also have Used 8' and 10' wlde's from you CM convert will as you advance your career. »*ow necessitate that rem receipts into a for 5 years after frequent move L« a beautiful graduation us SPARTAN BOOKSTORE $950.00 up. "rS'" L"*« *»»«<*• MoM. Homes, South Ccdcr CORNER Arm & MAC AVE at EAST LANSING, MICHK3AN We're Eo»y To Find) E Royal Jes- 2-8384. »"• C- L/"^LSE tM ft* cheek. whenyou^t£~r R«» Fafrntai E>t0tg~ _ AhhrtfT Rd.,- Davis Airport, . ,tcra". 4 piece -combo. Ttam-- advanced »ttident6. (Near E. .Sfa r BABY SITTFR S miming, , Phone ED 2-0224. ' purchases here. V * SAVE REAL ESTATE FEE. Buy printing. Wonch Graphic Service. Lansing High School.) Call ED Loc ated between c ampus and c ap- 2-0908. 10 j GULLIVER'S STATE DRUG ^ '"SsSSC itol on 1720 East Michigan. Phone I 1 " WANT something FREE? After 8ara8e. near Schools. ED 2- a£ R0° Punn. 1V4I ten trlps 10 Wet^rows Econo- Centlemer. Phone P6R SALE OR RENT. 2 ^ wash & Dry Cleaners, 3006 Vine _r_.. r^-c STl'DENTS. i runner- St' dor 1/2 bIock ofSear8' Fran- ment house. 214 Smith Ave.rCall Store, you'll get ED 2-6804 one abso- viu«- ~ LAKE LADING. Close to uiy-cicamng. we hi college 'StofSTcS 1 jfter 5:30 pm. ^ f32._toP-,oadIn« Speed24Queen coin washers, hour a ser- and Will sell to bus. or Cute 2 bedroom. exchange for house , _ flee, plenty of parking space, l nearer Lansing. OX 9-2866 •6160. Westrln Rp«l STUDENTS: CET REUABLE ad- vice LEAV1Nr ,T.Tp — on car Insurance from Les ? STATE» Must sacrifice - 7 . FURNISHED CABIN at Stanton. Budget Financing avail- , .3 bedro°m home in Holt. ing for I or 2 male completely furnished, pftfig. able. 1500 E Mlchlgan> ,v 2_ 1 1/2 baths. 2 firepl- pud. $14 weekly. ED KITTENS T0 GIV£ AW EJLfiEi -2- quire at 404 W. Michigan. E. II. E. Lansing. Need Lansing (across from Williams STORY HOUSE. Lar] share house with.3 X>orroW 1 fvjl "lci nuy~or sorority. ED par ate bedrooms. WITHOUT YOU YOU. I'm dead! 39^3. . • ■■ — — ^ «ek. Available October J™0! George Bubolz, t A ™^ dead' ATTRACTIVE DUTCH COLON- «^l ED 2-867!. 220 Alb.r., CI l»2-s2Sl. 3_ BICYCLE & MISCELLANEOUS HE STUDENTS: 3 bed- ^st»ale: Thursday, Sept. 27, EAST LANSING. 220 Loree Dr. •shed home. IV 9-1236 1962- ^ Pm- at Salvage Yard, Just listed by owner, 1 year old. or IV 2-0131 after 7p.m. F«rm Lane. Michigan State Uni- custom-built, 4 level split with 5 versity Campus. Bicycles, rings, large basement. 4 bedrooms, 2 - -watches, one-1955 Studebaker floor to celling irsonal automobile will be sold fireplaces, mah- at Auc- ogany paneled family DANCE CLASS-Week- ltems may be seen at or 2 piece bath on 3 levels, K class fcr high school £*SU Sfva8e Yard Wednesday, Fruitwood kitchen with build-i « studerts. Phone ED Sept* 2f '-J962 , 8:00 301 t0 4:30 dishwasher, 2 eating areas, 1 „ 5 pm. and Thursday. Sept. 27.1962 ing room and family room ovbl- plav bridge Prl°r l° AuctIon* Terms: Cash. look patio and wooded area.Near ^av evening, through- WANTED: CAMPUS REPS new football spectator to sell llTsZl mng Savings a apparel ED 2- load, come price 55. your commission $1. _ , aT St0 £emIn.S9^Proveasfre^r •omptly at information call c. • . ^ Stamford. Connecticut. landsca^ sloPln« lot affords ground level entrance to knotty cedar basement apartment now rented for $100 per ~ . ED 2-3011, 3002 Vir.e St. West of your opportunity is at hand. A evenings, Mr. Funk, ED2-3437.4 Opposite round trip ticket aboard a Boeing ng. Oper. S-5:30, Tues., TO7 Jet costs you only $215.00. Jfr Service Ca|[j " interested in details, c^l 332- 3 PROFS WIFE NEAR BaliySchool interested in caring for child half days. Call ED 2-8139. FRANDOR HOURS 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. MON. thru FRI. — SAT. 'til 6 P.M. Great MEN'S & BOYS' STORES in LANSING FRANDOR CENTER & 106 S. WASHINGTON li® ■tuits give you a interest in the suit h a vest for Fall.., tiusethhis the tiwitic look of the Btful young man of <*y-Ph.D. spells ce« for you in our 'tion of several The Book S ,n8 fabrics. Designed Come tose new suits at Wi $69.95 The Student, *25 00 foes 34 to 54 Shortt, Long*, Extra Longs } ' . \^r/ 'her MEN'S SUITS AND TOPCOATS F,,m '5995 to $155°° FREE ALTERATIONS "FAMOUS BRANDS FOR LAD & DAD' Book Free Parking Located Conveniently Across HOLDEN REID 421-23 E. Grand River Ave m Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. 8», WELCOME . . to Michigan Lansing. the friendlines You'll enjoy a Knapp\ Open today and Friday from I\\f CHICAGO (UPI) - Sonny Liston won the world's heavyweight title In the richest fight ever held Tuesday. Liston scored a knockout over Floyd Patterson at two minutes and six seconds of the first round at Comiskey Park. He connected with < left hook that sent the former champion to canvas for good. It was the third fastest knockout In ring history. -■ NEW YrjHK-fl-.'t'l> - I N*w Vankeeis clinched another American l eague pennant Tuesday. The Yanks put it iw.iy when Whitcy Ford and Mickey Mantle collaborated in an ft-3 victory over the Washington Senators. It was New York's 12th pennant in the last 14 years and the second successive pennant in as many tries for manager Ralph Houk. CINCINNATI, (UPI) -- Ohio Any. Gen. Mark McElroy began taking depositions. W«dfte8day aimed ;it bringing the sale of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team to general manager William O. De Witt before the courr. KNAPP'S EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ON. . PHILADEL PHIA. (UP!) — The Philadelphia Eagles have placed halfback his It ft l ed Dear, on the Injured reserve list. Dean injured in the Runncr-l'p Mow! game against the Detroit SALE COLORFUL Finest Quality PERCALE SHEETS I ions it Miami, Ma., last January' and it has not completely INDIA MADRAS Spreads by CANNON or SPRINGMAID 1ST 4 .9 8 PL EX -0-MA IIC FlTTj The campus fovoritel The spread that's Twin 2.34 Fun 2.i hand-woven on primitive looms by fam¬ Dreamy percales with • •••p-smooth Cannon's white Flex-O-Motic sheets freshnss ilies of native weavers. Deliberate im¬ perfections give texture and interest. Pre- »|lp on JT9oA« ly, effortlessly, quickly. Both ends and oil shrunk, washable. Stripes of gold to brown, i aqua to dark blue, light green to blue art ore completely stretchoble. 94';. up|and Q _ green. 72*108. pima cotton. At Knapp's everyday low prices. Match ing Pillow C BEDSPREADS - SECOND LEVEL 'SAVE MONEY-ORDER NOW!! SPRINGMAID FLAT OR SPRING-ON FIT' Twin 2.34 Full 2.64 cs:::r°l:hr; corners mode make "i* bed-mqkmg a cinch. All •'»«. corn.rt with launder-lostic that's guaranteed -ts shape and strength. Km fine to h,|d cotton pe,catt p ,L°' DOMESTICS - SECOND LEVHL SALE! DACRON* polyester SPECIAL! CORDUROY FILLED BED PILLOWS PILLOW COVERS Extra plump pillows filled Make decorator pillows out with Dacron polyester. of your bed pillows with Non-AIIergenic. Corded these washable edges. Candy stripe or corduroy SALE! FIELDCREST floral coverings. covers. Zippered ends. Smart decorator colors. NOTIONS - SECOND LEV Acrylic BLANKETS 72 x 90" -7 AO size /.OO Such a, modest price for such blanket. Lightweight, yet warm. a quality Acrylic with 100°; nylon binding. Machine washable, moth-proof. V/hite, blue, spice, yellow, burgandy, olive. BLANKETS SECOND LEVEI^/^n - QQt multiple skirt hanger a a* OO holds 12 garments neatly Ojj SALE! SALE! Sturdy Wrought Iron Space Savers BOOK by MARVEL TABLE SALE! WOODEN A0&A4KIRT, use multiple 2 for 88{ 2.88 t for compu» li^| and 88{ book ♦ end table i» ^rl with any modem * 1 temporary *' ■ Lightweight, blockw-f Easy to clean. ■ KNAPP'S NO"1"**15