Spotlight MICHIGAN On Football I UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS ISpartans Fly to California I The t to Spartan football team has squad this year. don a game uniform, ex- With one game under Its belt, won the national championship. That is physically and statistic¬ and agile holes. and able to locate the backfleld Is the other halfback slot. This year, Sherman Lewis, ,t for picture session*, and die Indians are owners of a ally at least. Saimes, on his performance as who was named to the second iy ire rated No. 6 In the nation. 6-3 victory over a little but Quarterbacklng the team will a Junior last year, was named All-Big Ten squad as a sopho¬ start for a team spirited Tulane team. This one be Pete Smith of Ecorse. Smith, as captain of the squad and also i bad more in '61, ts taller but lighter till two days away from Ita games is a definite asset to a who is a senior, is equal In had been toted as an All-Amer¬ than LeRoy Bolden. team, especially for the younger stature to Tom Yewcic, signal- ican candidate. Bolder stood only 5-7 1/2, but At halfback will be Dewey | k'j hard:eilt nowhere the MSU members. caller of the '52 champions. one weighed 163, while Lewis is all ev«i wtll end after the 38- The Green and White dad Both Smith and Yewcic stretch Lincoln. Only two pounds and one of 5-9 and 154. 5-11. while the presets inch in height separate Lincoln b traveling squad fly a to Palo Spartans will send one of the out to Coach Daugherty's main con¬ from Billy Wells. Wells toted n, Calif.. for its Saturday clash largest teams onto the gridiron quarterback is two pounds heav¬ cern as «q>ressed earlier in the h Stanford. I. ast year. MSU ran in the schools history. Only one ier at 182. the pigskin for a 5.4 average week is his second line. The fullback, George Saimes, in his varsity career, while Lin¬ x the Indians In Spartan Scedl- thing. Stanford will send an equal¬ Behind the probably starters: B. 31-3. ly large team unto the field. Stands 5-9 and tips the scales coln had a fine start as a soph¬ ends Ernie Clark and Matt Snor- I However, rhe serious This year's bsckfield of Coach at 186. while the '52 fullback, omore last season with a 5.1 griddera, ton, tackles Ed Budde and Jim Evan Slonac was 5-8 and 170. ' s *111 ?et on the plane for the Duffy Daugherty's Spartans is average. The only spot that leaves little Bobbin, guards Steve Melllnger Neither man is the hard-hitting ws country flight this morning being compared to the "pony and Charlie Brown - and Center it of the 1952 team that line plunger, but both rather quick to compere physically in the pony point toward a much Dave Behrman there is little experience. Already guard George Azar and RobbitK have suffered in¬ juries. Azar surprised everyone st practice session when he show¬ ed up with the cast removed from his foot. Bobbin suffered torn knee lig¬ aments, but proved to be a fast healer, and should see some of¬ fensive action against the Indians. He was being groomed for the place kicking chores, bur the in¬ jury will definitely prohibit him from doing them in the opening tilt. Behrman, like Saimes, has had a share of accolades piled upon his helmet. In addition to the well-earned honors of All-Amer¬ ican. the Dowagic center is also the largest Spartan ever to put on a gridiron suit. He tips the scales at 263. Missing the flight to sunny California wtll be No. I punter. Dick Proebstle. Replacing him will be sophomore back Lou Bob- Ich. Following Saturday's game, the Spartans will return to their team headquarters st Rickey's Studio Inn Hotel before returning listens M-HnJ Ceiling tftepley Is \f Pee thirty stents dene te fard by ,. to Lansing by plane Sunday morn- v SeheJey's apoesc et Stew- string »ertsfbeck a-cfc Mfryenfce (25). -SMetfcws tag. iGndCoo 33 play- Hall of Fame Debut At Purdue Coach Gene Keime/a fine Onopa, who !'!•• ' liott could aay about hit 1962 era, and he said "We Intend to Former Michigan State head I Michigan football team waa that use three teams, becauae we're trainer Jack Hepp4n*tall Is one Spartan booters make their '62 back laat seasor . a dI It "potential." of 26 charter members elected soccer debut Saturday when they be made much • - waa using numbera to get freahneaa ' I The Club will be strong, at the and eagerneas. I think it'a the into the newly-Instituted Helms Journey to Lafayette, Ind. to en¬ the return of ""■ i ii<| opening of the aeason. In a very beat way to get klda ready. We're Athletic Tralnera Hall of fame. counter Purdue. Relnler "Dutch" ' i. Se 1 few positions. but sophomores not doing it because we have a Heppinstall served at MSU Word from Lafayette aaaerta Spartans' def'- He'a. TV» I who la< k experience have the po¬ great depth. from 19|4 to 1959, attending the that the Boilermakera under the Spartan* 1 r e ■ M tential to be very good, and El¬ "There are areaa where we achea and brulaaa of mora than rein of first year mentor Harold fense will ' liott hoped they'd reach that peak lack experience tremendously. Heffelfinger have shown marked mented he the V cradt I sometime this aeaaon. But in due time, 1 think some improvement over laat season soph, Dennia (1 •< "Our aucceaa la going to have of these boys will be football and cannot be taken lightly. The bootei * punr.fc it I expected to I* experience," he [ - be through "«*ii to players. Whether they'll get up Coach Kenney has guided his aaid, "We're going to makemla- taken, a lot of them. I hope we off the floor to do It., 1 don't team to the top of the Eastern (feet and head: division of the Midweatem cir¬ of returning . r' '»*)[ know." learn from them. The greatest thing we have la enthusiasm and The Michigan schedule, he cuit for the past aeveral years Ventura, Jean I . Try Hera J ssld, waa "terrible" for develop¬ only to be thwarted by the West¬ and Ruben* i i apirlt." ment of a young team. ern division champ, St. Louis, In Kenny's squv s to be to 1 Most of the current Wolverine the ehampionahlp playoff each top physic d1 r ■ s, < '■"■t v/A I "Nebraska la going to have ita strength la concentrated In the best team in 10 years," he aald, time. Kenny has sprinkled anex- speed and exci backfleld. Elliott deacrlbed right celle ledge during ;>■ "And I think they pick them for half Dave Ralmey aa a "Real cell ant array of aophomorea with aecond In the Big Eight. Army fine football player, who can be hia talented group of letter- Sherman Lew will be batter with added enthusi¬ a great halfback. He'a our great winnera and ahould once again State's versar: offenaive threat, and where the asm, and then we have to play turn out an exceptional aquad. track star re ¬ other a are good or adequate, Michigan State, Purdue and Min¬ nesota. If we've stlfl got Although graduation nabbed placed third in Dave la the guy who haa to break players atar goalie Ted Saunders, Coach In the 220 arid '.■ < after that, we'll know whether JACK Hf PPIHSTALL it up for you." Kenney haa come tg> with a cap¬ Jump at the Quarterback Dave Glinka, he they can play," 10,000 Spartan athletes in that able replacement in Junior Bill Ten track meet. said, "Doea a fine Job," and be- — period. # ^ # A native of hind him comes sophomore Bob / ffO England, Heppin- atall Timber lake, "Potentially a good quarterback," Froety and Sonhomore Evashevakl. "We don't Leads NFL y/*n an outstanding soccer player and track man. He gained his first experience aa a trainer SAILING CLUB in England, before coming to the have all the talent In the world Listings at quarterback," Elliott said, "But we're adequate." on Halfback Jack Stroble will be NEW YORK, Yale Lary and the left side, he said, claa- the Detroit Lions were among (UP!)—Milt Plum. Terry Barr of United States In 1913. In 1948 Heppinstall served as a trainer with the VS. team. Olympic He is a past president TONIGHT! slfying him as a "fighter who la National Football League leader a of the National Athletic Trainers Association and for a 7:30 UNION BALLROOM tough and wanta to play," and In aeveral individual categories. long time Plum, obtained from the Cleve¬ haa been one of the most MOVIE: probably sophomore Mel Anthony re¬ at halfback. land Browns earlier in the year, spected men In his field. Problema abound In the line. led the league In paaalng after He still realdea in East "TOE AMERICA'S CUP RACES. 1958 Three of the right enda were two gamea. Hia average of 71.2 Lansing. lost since spring practice, so per cent on 97 completiona in Elliott haa one letterman with 32 attempts gave him a slight experience, another without, and inexperience behind them. edge over little Eddie LeBaron of the Dailaa Cowboys, who had Welcome to East Lansing aid M.5.U At tackle, he haa John Hout- a 70.8 per cent completion rec- man, a atarter laat year, and recortl. Plum held the lead In the number of touchdown passes, REESE'S BARBER SHOP Joe 0*DotmeU, a former guard, who never played tackle. Behind seven, and In average yards them, though are sophomorea gained per paaa play, 10,06. He also Jerry Mader and Arnle Slmkus, Joined Bill Wade of Chicago 311 East Grand River another "Potentially good tack¬ aa the only player without an le," at center, Elliott said, "I'd interception against htm. Plum'a just as soon pass it up. because pasaing yardage total of 523 waa It's, very Jumbled up." third best. Guards could be one of Mich¬ Barr led the pass receivers YOU'LL igan's best positions with starter with 12 reception® for 185 yarda John Mlnko on the left side and and two touchdowns. Lary was FINC rookie Rich tied with eight other league Hahn, "One of the THE5E better prospects," In reserve. playera for the moat Intercep- Sophomore John Marcum looks tlona, two , and led the league GENTLEMEN like the best on the other side, in punting with a 50.6 yard sv- NEXT with two letterman behind him. erage on five kicks. TO THE immtiiMnMi CARD SHOP Rettaunat VARSITY BARBER SHOP 208 MAC (BELOW THE STYLE SHOP) Sefvjfia wW* * ■wtjp coflukte wni|rfVfV meals liivwM wVPP and fciMaf pizza in i tetarisg South Sea bind rinosphtm. WHY SUBMARINE SCRATCH ? WE lettuce, mayonnaise USE tomatoes, pickles, HAIR caplcola, provalone cheese, VACS! & onions on Vienna loaf. ptember 27, 1962 MSU Football Schedule HOME AWAY Oct. 6--N. Carolina Sept. 29--Stanford By BIGGIE MUNN (Bond Day) Oct. 20--Notre Dame MBU Athlettc Director Oct. 13--Mich!gan Oct. 27--lndiana >'s entrance Into the Big Ten was certainly a Nov. 3--Minnesota Nov. 17-North- ' Asrd aft far as the school was concerned. My (Homecoming) western Michigan State waa 1947 at which time we had • TV- stadium at that time seated 2A,000 and In Nov. 10-Purdue Nov. 24—Illinois capacity was raised to 51,000. In 1956 there was • •{5 to bring our present capacity to 76,000. This - wr. the tremendous growth and Interest in Spartan 1> firs* regional television broadcast of s Spartan game D «e of e most thrilling I have ever seen was when Michigan later id« BK v.r frotr Notre Dame 36-33 with the game being played i Wf: Rend. The first national TV game took place in 1951 Ut. State won 35-0 over Notre Dame and the coverage r titii ?»:-* anil holds the record as the game was not only on REDWOOD Cm. CALIF., gut.xl !"!"v si'jf) bur all national radio networks had it for that (UP!)—The Dallas Texan* will if This * .ndecd record coverage. utilize a closed circuit television system during their American 952 the football team was undefeated winning the Football League game with the mpirmshlp in 1952 and in 1953 they tied Illinois Buffalo Bills at Dallas on Sun¬ < tit!' and went on to win the Rose Bowl 28-20. In day. Michigan State again went to the Rose Bowl winning The circuit, developed by ';ave Kaiser kicking a field goown and admitted that those young men who •otne to our University first for an education hut ere they Should have every opportunity to take ' - «r» curricular activity they so desire so tfcanks : wing the Spsrtans. Get behind your team and in the back-to-scfiool field! lorriers Key Sa »r ALL Physical Education ies in v;: Depth - the key to Mich¬ on Needs el State's 1962 cross country Films of the 195* America's ich Fran Dlttrtch Complete Line Of ; ' Cap Races between the United first * me in many years States and England will hlgh- • individual runner, light the Ssllmg Club's first " - *i ii open the sea- meeting of the fall term, Thtirs- SCUBA Equipment ! r" - tgular meet Oct. day, at 7:30 pjn., fn the Union «ga;rs- • - state and Ohio ballroom. nws.r7 1 rhens, Ohio. The Sailing Clt4>, whose main • ' ^Spartanswonthe goals are to promote an irterest < j?'ftnl8hed ""d *ec~ In pleasure and competitive sail- tied for ing, also plans to conduct a pro- N' ~ AA. SI* lettarr- gram whereby novices will learn this team giving to sail the club's fleet erf Pen- BADMINTON ARCHERY hww v' ? from which gutn dinghies. This program will p,"' ' rJuh- Include a shore school and tn- M • '*rurr"",; co-cap- ^tractive periods on Lake Lans- H-imbargercfOodwIn tng, with the club's racing akip- p.! 4Wi >,r' l ' aw,« h " , ^ Utl- pers. ansing Junior; More Information on the Sall- Pjrt ^ ing Club's fall schedule In both !fa.. aml "on Us instructive and racing pro- vy' ,'' grams, will be available at the v, '«>* along first meeting, which Is open to M ' Jan Bowen, At— all students and faculty of Mich- 4,. . ; >r ayton Plains; igaa State and residents of the : Thorn- Lansing area. Sets . Individual arrows • gloves Ur;:.' ^-N.Y^andOr- , „ Rackets Birdies . arm guards • bows Bfct ,V ''".hsve the best Michigan State Athletic 'i?* the ' top seven Director Biggie Munn served as *. t;e number of runners track coach at Minnesota during _ - ■ Tpkmtto meets, the 1934 and 1935 seasons. PADDLE BALL HANDBALL HEADQUARTERS CENTER SPARTAN SPORTS Page Four Thursday, September 27, m Iowa A Luplow on Rookie TeanT New Off A1 Luplow, former MSU grid the New York Yankees and diamond standout now with Tresh, a former IOWA CITY — Coach Jerry die Cleveland Indiana, wis one fc1SebJ player at Centra! Michigan L'nt. of two former Michigan sand- Burns, who found It rough coach¬ Wsity, was chosen as the shot 1 otters named to the 1962 Toppa ing In the shadows of the phe¬ stop. nomenal Forest Evashevski, has Major League All-Star Rookie turned to the spectacular in an team. Michigan State Athletic Direc. The Zllwaukee product was Biggie Munn has received ( attempt to lift his team to past named to fill one of the out¬ "Sliver Antelope ' award fa heights. Burns has adopted a five man backfleld to exploit the field posts. The other Michigan the Boy Scouts of America ti pin¬ raised star is Tom Tresh of distinguished service tc boyhoa point passing of potential All- American Matt Szykowny and to open up more Larry Ferguson. The holes for flashy new man Coral Gables' will be used as flanker. Their is no doubt here that Bums, has probably the best back- field '.n the Big Ten, maybe in the nation, but a questionable line ILFORNO The Name that Made Pizza Famous In -fcanstng darkens Iowa future for Big Ten title and national acclaim. Thla NOW OPEN AT 11:00 A.M. was proven by last weeks 39-35 Serving Snacks - Sandwiches - Luncheons ■ Dinners defeat by Oregon State. Also Catering to With AU-Amerlcan candidates Private Parties - Banquets - Meetings like Szykowny. Ferguson, and dazzling end Cloyd Webb, plus probably the Big Ten's best soph, Visit Our Rathskeller fullback Willie Ray Smith, the Qpen 5 p.m. Daily Haw key es could go all the way. Phone ED 7-1331 The Iowa-Ohio State could mean the Roses for one or another. Complete Take-Out Service Thur. Fri. Sat. EXCLUSIVE! ADM. $1.00 65i to 5:30-90f after children 30i all times THIS PROGRAM TODAY and FRIDAY I feature at 1:05-3:13 PATTY CAKE, PATTY CAKE. . -End Ernie Clark's large hand 5:21-7:25-9:40 pjn. holds that of bock Ren Rubick. An end for two years, Clark's hands are big enough to wrap around the pigskin. While Clark's hands are the largest an the football ^fquod, Rubick's are the smallest. * State News Photo. "WORLD IN MY POCKET' FIRST at 7 22 NOW SHOWING* —— 0^''' starts SATURDAY! \'BEST J, WhmfotlO PICTURE! |M ,■ ..I Bens and Dogs 4; Academy Award*! 1HJO "wesTside story- JHfcflmnm] GOlbGErHER! NATALIE WOOD RtCHARO BEYMER BUSS TAMBLYN Disney's happiest motion picture « €> KfTA MOWSo GEORGE CHAKIftIS ■ ■flit* "ff 2-B1C FEATURES SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT CONTINUOUS SHOW 1PM. TO-DAY ONLY-ADULTS »1jOO CHILDREN XX . tig IThursday, September 27, 1962 Page Five [Indiana 11 Minnesota Gophers Shy of Must Hustle The Hoosiers versity of Indiana Uni¬ *111 once again be forced Seasoned Reserve Material to rely on hustle and determina¬ MINNEAPOLIS. -CoachMur¬ to fill the gaps left by the de¬ facing a schedule such as ours? tion, instead of talent andmuscle- ray Warmath finds himself con¬ parture of 17 lettermen. Includ¬ It's probably the toughest ever power, as they fight for their fronted with an exceptionally per¬ lives in the Big Ten. Coach ing the starting ends, center, played by a Minnesota football plexing one as he prepares his quarterback, left halfback, and tea® in the nation that has a Phil Dickens team can't be ex¬ 1962 Minnesota football squad for fullback. schedule as demanding as ours." pected to do any better than dup¬ its opener against Missouri In This is licate last years 2-7 mark, which a problem enough in Memorial Stadium on Sept. 29. itself for the Minnesota coaching Included an winleas (0-6) con¬ At The opener pits Minnesota no time during Warmath's staff, but the dilemma stems from ference record. nine against a Missouri team admit¬ years at the Minnesota this situation: the sophomores Dickens only consolation la tedly improved over the one that ar. all ietterman backfleld con¬ coaching helm has he been as are green. shy of seasoned reserve material "We think we have shut out the Gophers, 6-0, in a poten¬ sisting quarterback Woody as this year. the 1961 curtain-raiser. The Ti¬ Moore, wmgback and captain Nate tially fine group of interior line¬ "Take last year, for instance," men, especially," says Warmath gers are favored to win the Big Ramsey, - alfbackMarv Woodson, Eight title. says Murray. "We could replace^ but all of them as well as the ind fullback Jim Bailey. Promis¬ DICK BUTKUS our front-line men with one and* top newcomers at other positions ing soph Tom Nowatzke, a hard¬ . . . Illinois center % two lettermen at each position. . probably a year away from Next up is a team that is said . are hitting fullback, futher brightens ———————————— jn most positions this year we being valuable varsity players. to be the United States Naval the picture after Saturday's 21-0 Michigan State's first football don't even have one." Each is badly In need of lots win over Dsnsas State. Academy's (Navy) best in 10 victory in history was a 10-0 The consequences are obvious, of game experience. years. And Navy was plenty tough The line was riddled by grad¬ decision over Lansing High The Gopher uation with sophomores are "How are you going to get last year when it humbled Army only guard Ken Ellis School In 1896. and center going to have to come on fast these boys this game experience 13-7. Jack Holder return¬ ing. Dan Croftcheck, 6-2, 210 sophomc: ? guard is a name to witch in the future. All in all the future looms again gloomly for Phil Dickens ind his squad, despite its initial tictcry. UNIVERSITY M7-0271 1982- 63 Season Angel Street October 24-28 By Patrick Hamilton Feature Sbw "A masterpiece of suspense."—New Yorker 1KXJ-3:10-5:25-7; J■ B. November 28-December 3 By Archibald Meclebh. "In every respect, J. B. ■ theater en its highest leva! "—Breaks Atkinson Kanjlncho Morci. 6-10 By Nemiki Gohei, III A classical Japanese Kubuki drama She Stoops to Conquer AM 24-28 By Oliver Goldsmith British eighteenth eentary comedy at its hmniest Of Thee I Sing m., 23-25 By the Gershwins, Kaufman end Unkind - The Pulitzer Priie musical comedy Individual Admissions $2-00 3 ARENA PRODUCTIONS PLUS 2 FAMOUS FILMS 15 EVENTS FOR ONLY - $5.00 SEASON COUPON IOOKS AVAIlAILi WHILE THEY LAST - ORDER TODAY UNIVERSITY 'TXE STlSjasi;! Thursday, September 2 Boilermakers WELCOME FRESHMEN In Initial Tie to Michigan State University and different women's A new intramural program starts this With Huskies fall under the direction of Carol Harding, newly appointed direct¬ LAFAYETTE. has been tabbed Ind.--Purdue by so-called foot¬ Our Motto.. or of women's lntramurals. ball experts as one of three teams Its a kT3i gram The women's Intramural pro¬ will be similar to the mens, with "good" chances of going to the Rose Bowl, that is if "SERVICE and CONVENIENCE for lerback pi Lo differer with three leagues in competi¬ Ohio State or Michigan State don't make it. | Parse# tion: independent, residencehall, pear as h and sororities. Four teams will However, Purdue's first game kite collet each have one team represent last Saturday against Washington fejurterl them in competition. on the coast indicated that the wildcats' We offer We have the CONVENIENCE of Equipment may be checked out Eoilemakers might not be as SERVICES, such as hair 8 South Car any time the building is open. strong as many people believe. cuts by appointment, in order to being located downstairs in the Saturday. The building is available for Washington, another Rose Bowl general use on Monday through hopeful, tied Purdue 7-7 in the fit efficiently into your busy sched- BOTDGTS Union Building; it's no bother to [ Myers, bkio, met Friday, 3 to 9 p.m., and Sat¬ game, but outplayed the visitors dule. feass attei from the Big Ten. Purdue earned just drop in. urday from 10 un. to 4 p.m. ft record The pool hours are: Monday only 9 first downs to Wash¬ Graham ai through Friday, 6:30 to 9 pjn., ington's 19 and gained a little [" Myers and Saturday 11:30 to 3 p.m. over 100 yards compared to the ■i'tWiiif Planned for thts swimming and volleyball with term are Huskies' 234. Purdue would have lost if UNION BARBER SHOP [Ten title Inong the field hockey on a varsity level. Washington hadn't fumbled the pArenci Sports chairmen and officials will meet the first full week of class¬ ball away three times in crit¬ ical spots. Your ON CAMPUS Barber Shop I The 18- ■ touchdc es, the dates to be announced The task ahead for head Coach ■0 the set latei;. Jack Mollenkopf is to strengthen LA. Whipple, Manager 355- ran for f. Any coed is eligible to par¬ his forward wall which was k 275 y; ticipate with the women's field wracked with the departure five felly one ; hockey team, which will meet Thursday at 4 p.m. in room 137 top-notch regulars, including the team's most valuable player# [Myers ittsterr a of the Women's LM Building. The guard Tom Krysinki. meeting will be followed by a The Boilermakers were happy an I ^ervoorts short practice. Anyone Interested with their backfield. But it didn't Nortbwc in participating, but not able to sparkle in the Washington dead¬ 'as bo! st attend the first meeting should lock. Purdue wasn't able to get Wrnee ! contact Miss Dorothy Mc Knight, a substantial drive going. Blback advisor to the team. As a matter of fact, it was Igair. he Seven games are planned for the season. Barbara Lockhart, a V*ashington fumble line that gave on the three Purdue its only SPORT SHOP Georg State's Al manager of the team, car be con¬ legitimate spring opportunity. tacted for further information Fullback Tom Yakubowski took i%2 capt at ED 2-5502. it in from the two. 213 E. Grand River ED 2-2114 'omatand jirag foe The men's intramural program The Indoor Pool is open 11:30 will hold competition in the three a.m. to 3 p.m. and 6:30 to 9 leagues, plus individual compe¬ p.m. Monday through Friday; tition in sports skills this term. 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sat¬ Fraternities will compete in urday; and 1 to 6 p.m. on Sun¬ bowling, and all leagues in touch day. football, paddleball, badminton, The Jension Pool is open from table tennis, and the turkey trot. 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Fri¬ Individual events will be: hand¬ day and the Outdoor Pool Is open, ball doubles, fencing gymnas¬ weather permitting, the same tics, wrestling, archery, football hours as the indoor pool. pass'and football kick. All competition is subject to The weight lifting room is open from noon to 8 p.m. eligibility rules. Monday, Hours for the Men's IM Build¬ Wednesday and Friday; noon to 1 p.m. and 5 to 8 p.m. ing are: Monday through Friday, Tuesday 8 to 9 p.m. Saturday 10 and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 6 a.m. p.m. a.m. to 6 p.m.' and Sunday, 1 Saturday, and from 1 to 6 p.m. on to 6 p.m. Sunday. ONLY THE LOCATION IS THE SAME You are invited to come In and choose from our new expanded menue in a brand new atmosphere. "For pizza Bake call99 CASA NOVA #2 For phyelcal Mfcjccftion coursae o recreational ' -'■■■■:■ v:fc'S. ' 1 interests VAN DERVOO*T"S hoe . OPEN TIL 1:30 A.M. ng equipment to suit ovary rtudenc. Authorized * tor the fa- FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY mous noma* In Martina oooda. <2H M.A.C. ED-71 Thursday, September 27, 1962 Page Seven loach Unveils QB After 23 Years of Serving MSU Students [At Northwestern We Know Best How to Please carries to demonstrate he would evanston, L*ian, the ,>onnw«mwnpi«i» n. pick up where he left off from his impressive sophomore year. Its a kT3ck Of solving hi* quar- back proJjJems. This year ia He scored a pair of touchdowns. All Types of Barber Service different. Contrasting Northwest em's J jo Parseghla:. beg inning his sixth great offensive show was a com¬ (including razor hair cutting) near as head coach at this prl- paratively poor display by the Irite college, unveiled sophomore defense, which was left with a nuarterbacit 1 am Myer* in the (Wildcats' 37-20 trouncing of gaping hole by the departure of Larry Onestl, one o< the Big APPOINTMENTS IF DESIRED inch Carolina in their opener Ten's outstanding linebackers last year. (Saturday. The Wildcat line also lost SHOE SHINES BY "LE ROY" Myers a ci -footer from Troy, Ohio, merely completed 20 of 24 starting tackles Fate Echols and pass attempts In the win to tie Bud Melvln. So the 277 yards i record set [Graham against Michigan. I Myers performance in 1942 by Otto zooms given up to South Carolina's rush¬ ers is understandable. Parseghian will have to tighten MSU feonhwestern's stock In the Big Hen title chase and moves It the line if he hopes to move up in the race and beat Michigan Barber Shop Among the top darkhorses In the State in the Nov. 17 game here. 209 MAC ED 2-1819 Inference. 1 The 18-year old threw a pair B touchdown passes on his way fc fte school passing mark and frsi for ? a third TD. He picked 275 yards with his tosses, Welcome to HAMBURGER HEAVEN ply one aerial was intercepted. Where you expect 1 Myers direction of the North- ■este.-r Ktack, which picked variety and you get it! T first downs, another school ecord, was flawless. I Northwestern's JMs bolstered by performance a starring of VARIETY MENU Jaurnee Tittack from Swingle, the Junior Grand Haven. '-"e-J 75 yards in 18 HH's Famous Steak Hamburger - 15C [George Saimes, Michigan Steak Hamburger DeLuxe 25C fcte's All-Big Ten fullback and ■1962 captain, was selected the Hunger-Quenching Big H (Triple Decker) 490 Twtitandlng player" of MSU*a Popular Fish Fillet Sandwich 33C football drills. Grilled Cheese 2SC J burr.Patterson Sorority 4 Cheeseburger . .200 Fraternity Jewelry now available at Triple-Thick Shakes 20C Thirst-Quenching Root Beer 10C-15C ^ GoacL &lu*p. Vernor's Ginger Ale I0C-15C ED 2-6753 Full-Flavor Orange Drink 10C-15C Steaming Hot Coffee 10C-15C Refreshing White Milk 12C Cold Chocolate Milk T 5C Golden Brewn, Crisp French Fries 12C Our Own Homemade Doughnuts 5C-6C /"*>"\| |n/*MU REDEEM BEFORE REDEEM BE COUPON OCT. 5, 1962 This Coupon is good for one Free STEAK HAMBURGER DELUXE Value 25{ Always room on our spacious parking lot! EAST LANSING'S FINEST rage Eight Thursday. September 27. i9jj Illinois (Continued from p«fle 1) great potential, he said, while other rookies who might be stand¬ outs this year included guards . and fid "Washington, center Bruce Capel, Caltaghan, Schumacher, Jackson and tackle Brian Duniec. "Our line is probably as In¬ experienced as it can get," he said, "But we believe it has more -potential than In the past. There's no question they have capa¬ bilities. 1 know we're going to get hurt by mistakes, but they're our besv football players and we've got to go with them. "1 don't know of anybody with a rougher schedule," he said. "We'll probably be the under¬ dog in every game, and I'd have to say that would be correct. FOUR B'S-TW last names ef aL^ - - - latnatfia IINI TOW InTWHJf Itia*aMji CMM tifcA IIIIVIIMil aw TVfV Mkfiigon Slate football team all b*fia wilfi lite letter B. They are (top-down) cantor Dave Bahr» GEORGE-Sports* fMn George Soi am (loft) anrf George Am show lint Mm haw* captain and fwilbock, and Aior, high grade point mwofts. a ALL FRESHMEN otfclotos MNt fait* Mm out lor the books, oven Start* Hews *Wo soaring foattoll unHorww. Both Solum, PARTY TIME for a successful. No Wiscorshi OB No Stopping & To Pass To Rkkter Thrilling occasion MADISON, Wise.—Pat Richter, Ohio State 11 an opportunity to Wisconsin .Ml-American end and LIVE MUSIC Woody Hayes, Ohio State foot¬ F re* list of over the nations second best receiver ball, Big Ten titles and All- work with theM.S.U. (47 receptions, 817 yards, and Americans—every year it's the #0 organized groups. 8 TDS) is a man without a quarter¬ same Ore he-str* s-C crmbo s back. C r ad nation took quarter¬ it Story and you can look for again this year. footbpllteamasa Trios-Duos back Ron Miller and their isn't With an endless flow of st^e- Write or Phone another tested passer on the rior talent, Hayes has all the squad. Put a pass thrown near LANSING Richter is a completion. ingrediants for the nations best eJeven. Hayes primary concern FEDERATION OF to Mentor Milt Bruhn has little talk about besides Richter. is to find a first-rate replace¬ FOOTBALL MUSICIANS Other proficient players are cen¬ ment for the graduated Bob Fer¬ guson. The best bet Is understudy C.V. Tooley. Sec. IV2S314 S32 N. Washington-Lansing ter Ken Coleroer and end Ron Carlson. Dave Katterhenrich, a bruising MANAGER Sophomores will have runner. He will team with half- "Live Music is Best" to carry the brunt of Coach bocks Paul Warfieid, a speed Bruhn grid load. merchant with good deception, cad and Bob Klein. Alternating at GET WITH IT! quarterback will be Joe Sparma and Bill Mrukowski. The line will be anchored by 355-164/ little Billy Armstron, center, for the best tackle Bob Vogel and his coun¬ terpart Dnryl Sanders. ★ HAMBURGERS ★ HOT DOGS Mkki«ans largo* * FRENCH FRIES Students Retailer in Pius Many More Tasty Items MAGAZINES. KWSPAPERSari Paperback Book! This Mo"''" Sports Illustrated ! Now on Sale | Don Johnson s PARAMOUNT NEWS CENTtt ■ of M *" & WashingW floors (r.30».i». » Midnight Calf lvH*'L