Weather Portly cloudy end cooler. High in (he low 60't. .54 East Lansing. Michigan Friday, September 28, 1962 dy to Visit Michigan Stump for Swainson Meredith Tentative 4th Try Visit Set Cancelled October 6 WASHINGTON (UP!)—The Jus¬ tice Department cancelled plans Thursday to make a fourth try the first Negro student i all-white University ofMlss- tsalppl. . ; The Department said it had ordered Meredith and his escort of U.S. marshals to return to Memphis when it was learned the force might not be strong buy- colored notebooks, guaranteed to brighten enough to get through a cordon ians call for visits to •♦toot* student'* day, were among of Mississippi State partolmen huge school Detroit, Flint and Muskegon dur¬ Many supply displays. -State News Photo "without major violence and ing the hurried "drop-in" visit. bloodshed." Meredith and the Vina 11 said the President will marshals had left Memphis swing into Michigan "sometime >okstores are Besieged earlier by car for the 80-mile ride to Oxford, the site of the university. between 10 A.M. and noon from Saturday. There'll motorcade a through Wayne county week be a The statement said in part— and then depending upon the f\\h Seasonal Woes "ThU action was taken at 6:35 amount of time he'll either fly p.m. after receipt of infor¬ or motorcade to Flint. It's still mation from Oxford that a large dependent upon the amount of time crowd had gathered and that the but the more llkelv eventuality force accompanying Mr. Mere¬ Is that he'll fly to Flint. dith might not be sufficient to CLOSE QUARTERS- -Posting cor registro- as she complies with University vehicle mittee said accomplish its mission without tion sticker in Kennedy will start rear window is tight squeeze regulations. (See Story.) out on the four major violence and bloodshed day campaign tour for the citizens of Mississippi." for Sally Cowoll, Sault Ste. Marie senior. -Stote News Photo by Mark Krastof'.' of the Midwest Oct. 5. Bailey The department added that sev¬ said the Chief Executive will fly to Covington, eral hundred additional U.S. mar¬ Kentucky, motor to !K employees had turned 8 shals were proceeding to Mem¬ phis to augment the small force New Parking, Driving Cincinnati and hit cities in Min¬ nesota in addition to Michigan. Swainson. locked ln a hard fight students paid'*for 11,8 Senate passed a bill Thursday which includes a one- that had been stationed there since last week. in the gubernatorial race with six! picked up the cent lDcre*M ln pootsl ratoa end a one-bllllon-dollar pay hike Regulations Announced George Romney, said "We are and walked out with for federal Workers. Governor Ross Barnett had delighted to learn that the Presi¬ ses Thev were back e vote was 72 to 3 and the measure now goes to the house, ringed the campus with 500club- dent will be coming here. This ilf an hour to get * * * * * wleldlng police officers and By Gerry Hinkley golden opportunity may be missed of Pubnc Safety emphasized "is President Kennedy signed with signal satisfaction Thurs. his placed a number of police dogs Of the State News Staff or a pocket may be emptied, that much-buffeted farm bill and expressed confidence it "will help at their disposal. every student driving on social science us sustain prosperity, reduce burdens of surpluses and main- It Times change and So do camp- ' major change in this campus must register his car was the second time today been selling for tain stable food prices." us driving and parking regula- years regulations, Lieutenant regardless of the number of crea¬ that Meredith turned back from tions. Students take note or a Allen Andrews of the Department its the student Is carrying." been sold for The new law Is far from what Kennedy originally requested, his attempt to enroll. A student carrying I ;rds of the books but it does give him Just about the kind of wheat control program In New Orleans, Jack Green- credits may register ■fore the depart- he asked. seven Mis berg. Meredith's spokesman, Out-Of-State Student free, Andrews added, while car le for dlstrlbut- * e * # « said he had been told ln ad¬ the student with seven of more President Kennedy's adviser on international security said vance of the second attempt of credits must pay a $6 fee. Thurs. the West is braced for possible new Soviet threats to the day that Meredith would have The regulation covers all Berlin this winter. McGeorge Bundy told the Atlantic Treaty Association "West Berlin is bound to us all by a thousand ties of feeling" and de- adequate backing to get past the state officers who set up a hu¬ man barricade. Enrollment Rises idents of University housing even though they may not be carrying Hodges ; credits at the time, he pointed Secret o purchased Twenty out of every 100 stu- Although in the minority, the j_ prfv,31 clared. at Michigan State almost 1 socu! 9r-iwice 1)00,19 ents out of state students who have "We must and shall keep it as it is, until the day when good During the day. Attorney Gen¬ ever go home for a weekend, » proo. they bought the enrolled at the University make eral Robert Kennedy discussed Jte store senae may outweigh greed in the Soviet Union." The same 20 put air mail their presence felt in scholas- they are de- the Mississippi crisis with Pres¬ refund from. * * * * * tamps on their letters. The tics, campus activities, and ath- ident Kennedy and later with Icenses on their cars look letics. sizable increase in British foreign secretary Lord Home urged the U.N. general ma Jor general Crelghton Ab- ^-population, most of the assembly to day to put pressure on the Soviet Union to halt ten- rams, director of operations ln second s commented the co- 1 change in tl sions on the Berlin wall. He called the wall "An almost intolr ^ office of the Deputy Chief vehicle regulations involves a trey have had from the erable provocation to civilized people." — .4~— j^nts, growing in number each Blrmlngha Joke ! of Staff for military operations. step process in parking fines. "We Just work a little year. Last fall's official enroll- dents. He expressed hope the assembly would make clear to the A Justice Department spokes- ' turn them out a little _ Soviet Union it must stop "artificially creating crises" ln the man said the conference had been students attending Michigan 1st = " e of the man- divided city, and negotiate a settlement with the West "which held but would not comment on state, nearly 1,000 more than In ferent story. pays due regard to the rights and Interests of all parties." (Continued on pogo 3) 1958. (Continued on Poge 11) "Beginning with the first day * ■ of registration for fall quarter rtuderts knew thecourse each year, $2 fine for the first r.™*™ », fd. This infor- THEY'LL STAY PUT FOR A WHILE violation; $4 fine for the second Committee > violation: .$6 fine for the third on book lists, violation; $8 fine for the fourth Student On t regi Speakers Building, i and Mo l«f the bookston by violation; $10 fine for the fifth ' violation; $25 fine for each sub- Snores have tried to sequent violation. Towing overcrowed situation rr 35 to 100 extra only eligible officers d draw up the legal charges will be in addition to the 'A Surprise' * dun-; -he first week s involved, would be ► school term. Last year the parking fines 21, according to Paul were $2 for each violation. *e:e concerned each other's plans for moving. Decker, general secretary of the The third change adds an hour Such was the problem that board of trustees of the Asher and a half to the time students steal books fr°nted the Asher Student Foun- student Foundation, may drive on north campus ley work or Nation, 'be men of Bower House; [n order for the new nsiw (north campus is part of campus r of students ,nd A1Pha °*lta Pi sorority this house to be ready for next fall north of the Red Cedar), Andrews 1 turned over "ununer. term, the group had to know the said. This year the regulation sir number those At |b* present time, the Asher eXact amount of ground they had states that no student may drive clear their Studwlt -Foundation t0 work with two weeks before north campus between 7:30 on committee 1 . eventually send- drawings °* ll* new h school began. a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through he added. "We did not know about r*** ; the bookstores. bul11 00 Abbott Road. In contrast, The additional lot would have Friday except for the six Uni¬ it until we read it In the paper." provided grounds versity holidays. In last year's "I consider it additional un¬ and of Bower House will regulation the time was 6 a.m. necessary red tape thrown in the the surroundings and layout to 6 p.m. path of student organizations. It Oy 700 stay where they are. slightly, according to Decker. Students may park between 6 ft The original plan was for the The men of Bower House, lack- a.m. and 6 p.m. only in author¬ brance to student freedom of Asher Student Foundstion to buy ing the necessary finances to buy * if ized student parking lots, at mar¬ enrollment St Bower House and for Bewer the A D Pi house, decided not to ' ried housing and in the designated The committee consisting fall will reach House to buy the sorority house, move at all. This left the A D Pi' perimeter lots around Brody, of five faculty members, five _■ Registrar Ker- With those transactions com- with their now two-year-old Andrews said. students, and chairman Eldon dot* ,nc'uncedTh®'*^sjr the (rioted, the A D Pl'« would have problem of a house which must be Parking for students at Cass Nonnamaker will have the power regular reg- boon able to begin building a sold before •" built. the new one is *-"* and Wilson halls is restricted to judge whether an outside laisT; larger house on a vacant lot, to the lot south of Wilson road speaker be permitted to speak on "titut * • ' fl*ur« serosa the street from their w The A D Pi's still plan to build which will be paved in a week ' *r cew history. |t || Hsrrison RoaZ s colonial style house, which will or two he added. Student parking campus. above last" ' Those plans came to a halt house 45-55 girls. Their prei is prohibited in front of the UK i toul. on when the Asher Student Foun- ' aauOQ otcioio «xt w buy" to ouy doww house can only accommodate 3i —• — " * - "' dorms except for loading and Anybody Know a ^ unloading. ^ canW thto Hoom. becaua*ategalagrccm** white awaiting Us Under the traffic ordinance, Good Cartoonist? Of 12 (J* 400 fr°m 1961's could not bo reached between the Just compl«edremodeling an eld which la different from the traf¬ . £5 : two groups before the third week house, « 343 Park Lane. whouse fic regulations, certain lots are Editorial cartoonists are staff.' • port of reel estate negotiations needed on the State News restricted to visitors and em¬ n House and Asher House, bet ended Anyone with a background lu art ployee* with permits. Such a lot or cartooning IS encouraged to lOHMier still in hands of ADPl's. (See exists at Brody and another will apply. Rates are $3 for each .) -State Mews Photo be designated at Wilson. accepted cartoon. Michigan State Newt, East Lansing, Michigan Stiff W*LLV ^zii'r.r:^-' Parking Fines Go North, Students' Fault l)ef*r OI«I Wliiii Dux , S<*IhhiI Days Mob Kule \\w*V Young Man Jim Beginning this fall term, stu¬ their cars in spots reserved for Woflln, dent parking offenders are pay¬ Ye#, Bruce there la a north campus. the faculty, staff and visitors. On that part of campus which you .,WVf. ing stiffer fines with each suc¬ You should think twice about accidentally Artv* through, there are all v ceeding violation. The Board of (you should see them In the fall with »\\ thn, picking up a parking ticket. Al¬ are stately. old building* reeking *ith traditu-" Trustees, with the backing of the though the first one costs just $2. a couple of ihem were built before the beginning , State News, approved this parking the second fine would coat $4. the Bruce, ycu have a real tret it you vim;■ law this summer. -feriK*. third$6. then'$9. $10 and n whop¬ However, 1 understand if you don't get across thr j The reason we backed the Board not your fault that you live In the next courry , \ ping $25 for the sixth and sub¬ have three classes in your dorm or Case Hal: was the student traffic violator sequent fines. If a student receives Engineering* was getting out of hand. Parking six parking tickets this year, he All of Bruce's clastes are south of Sh*» t, over a year ago there were only two conditions on north campus were would pay as much as $43 for«the building , south of Shaw Lane. "impossible.'* Even today tt is bundle. But today probably hundreds of. students ;lv difficult to find parking space on Wilson dormitoriet have all their claases Now. doesn't it seem smarter is, south of Red Cedar. It may be a couple north Campus. years before they get north of the rive; , to park where you are supposed The students brought the se¬ of University looks like and meet their fellow to. Some of the snidents are living so far awn vere action upon themselves. Fre¬ old campus, that It might be logical to call the , \\ quently students would rather park The new parking fine system is MSL'-Sha*, Just like our Rochester bratvt- the first is named MSU-Oakland. in a restricted spot and pay a $2 step toward solving the Seriously, I'm concerned about the very p, s? ; fine than park farther away in a campus parking problems. It is by relations created by the now widespread camp».>. w no means the final solution. happen to school spirit? We're going to legal parking lot. although It would strangers. It appears each area of campus cost them less to do so. The University has'a long way munity. The Official* at Coed housing say thev ruling is aimed directly at to go. We will campaign for posl- their students around campus in attempts t. ai r a • "frequent v«.oiators--to dis- tire steps by this school's admin¬ But will their attempts be bold enough? courage them and the r.ot so fre¬ istration to end the campus Individual students will have to take it park¬ roam over to north campus to discover the j;.-: ujv quent saw breakers from placing ing and traffic headaches. don't you Case and Wilson residents visit t\ library? lt'a a good visiting place. There's a Union Building there, too. You rr and hamburgers, play table tennis, Election Time Approaching But come to think of It. you can do all those lounge . v , : C'mon oxer anyhow and see how the other hat! !• Register Before October 8 PRESS CUTTINGS. For suggestion, perhaps the The Ideal Coed- one Young Dem» and Young Republi¬ cans could carry their campaign Letters To The Editor On November 6th right out to the married housing To UpperclassMEN units where most of th<> eligible On Helping Romney, Africa, etc. tribes of East major European countries. Aft¬ To the freshman coed who wishes she wasr't: er his country had beer. Invaded Advice pours into the ears of every r,e« Where'd You Go, " , Teodro? was and his army destroyed, .V com- State regarding what to do, what not to d.-, utterly insane". He was the mined suicide. The only abnorm- to act and how to war makeup. Mr. Tokujo t ' StwSeotS are ne£i?- ast the1.- vote on Nk». first of a series ai tury emperv>rs who became in- J^th cesv- al thing he did was trust two great European powers. This is a fool- Sett-styled authorities on glamour and go. pointers, physical education Instructors emph volved ir. the painful process of |$h act, but Watted: One traveling hardly one to be Kennedy-type fitness, and house-mothers try v luau- srodents who live ir. material modernization, lie was described as "utterly insane." new multitudes feel at home. planr.e r. And about $1,000 to set or East Lansing also the first emperor to try to But the best advice to the fledgling coeds is aster at the East Law- develop a civli service andte es- T. R, Kr.tpp them by the male students of the University. a. before Oct, 5- \o;- diplomatic relations with English Language Center Vpper-cluatmen have watched severs! brooid The traveling Boy Tokujo. who tnake the same mistakes elecnor. day ..have lived in Mich¬ yearly, and those w> helped plan luaus in his home Still haven't learned the hows and whys • igan. for six swewths and Jatve two, three and sometimes four years. state of Haw ail and at the Univer¬ 5;v*s ir. tVir precinct for 30 day*. sity of Southern California when he was a student there, threw a Other «u5erts should make an effort to register ir, -their home row® ax- sgpl> for absentee Champs Miscellaneous a Why^ Mayhe you nearly missed thepoint when I said " few lines back. Those mixed-ig>, still unsettled coeds that v dilly of a part> here last spring ...» in a puffing contest Sftate College *st so loyally looting ;g? to, have been i t George Romney candidate for . . a held in Flint, Mich., kept his ecord -of fourteen hoys of the L'niversity. g c verrcr, «ill brt«§ effective pipe going for one hour, four Once In a while, you will meet Junior or se * • It w as nice leadership- bad ro \I..Ug*r. and •-eight fe« m ar. minutes and seventeen seconds a p&rYy. Huls ga!s. tried to fit the "Tnirersity boys' mold." F.' Hawaiian food, orchid leis. en¬ we are speaking of that average upper-clsss c door or Just down the hall. tertainment flowr. in from the What do the men of the University look for » . is lands -- the works. freshman coed? Only three things' Naturalness, wholesomeness, and social grace During his career as a Fed- kujo could afford to give. His era. agent, Charlie Felts of North Three abstract terms, you say? 1 don't thirk ? W'.'.keshoro, h. C„, confiscated Some young What the University men are seeking is b grades dropped, and he decided folk ir. Brighter. a phrase that dates from gramma's day . . gallons of illegal whisky. Er^land. claimed a record when not to come back this year. girl." etghreer, cf Aesr. managed ro Gordon Saber. Tokujo's assist¬ Disputing History Vegetable records; b perch simultareously on the top of a garbage can. By naturalness, the college look, no overngjply of gooey make-up, : men me3n .rev- ant organizations man. said To- arid-a-te If-pound mushroom; in behavior, no sturk-up, "look-at-me" att.tu.-< Cape?o>=-.. Sous* Africa, athirty- friendly. e»sy-to-talk-to, interesting and alw=\ Honors for t»t>-stop poetry no< the sophtstocated sr.ofc. in hiau plars at MSI pownd turnip; in Whitinrviile, . Mass. a cabbage weighing reading went to a freshman of By wholesomeness, believe it or not, me me Just Oreger. State College for a So did All-University Student wader tweety-rw© old standby* of purity, modesty and virgi-.-.ry pouisds-. hoarse-voiced sessior. lasting Goremmen: picked-or., and picked-over female is not for c:.. who loaned the luau Just ever forty hours. Frestart' at Aaeghetry Col¬ By social grace, the men mean the *b crew $2,500 — money that was to with ease in older company, the ability ro cr lege s» FVrwsrl vatsi® mamged to be A Net Zealander sheared 606 about something more serious than the spent for a bookstore where get - fifty-eight roe® and a Su Bernard dog lambs — about one every fifty ix* mean that In order to have soci*l r iaro a closet r.we students could bj\ .;sed and new- seconds — during a working day. parties, be able to drink the males under th« Tuistal (sudors textbooks at lower prices. able tc dc the twist. All that the college men are looking for i ' And when A CSC .oses SI .000. 3ocro-iarr.irang: At Ken; State friendly and feline. They don't w*m the coer t L'Ttiversiry is OWo 141 students that jneans the student commw. University boy mold. body, managed rc ge< into a dormi¬ which finances tory roasr. Ixdh for three. Biggest advice in one sentence from the coS p -- AV>G through a student tax. loses the money too. Ever. Tokujo lost on this one . . . Iin State New, Keet Lansing, Michigan Friday. September 28, 1961 3 Men Hurt Ingham County In Explosion Parkinq Rules Couple Honored 7000 No WHATEVER YOU NEED I it**"- (Continued from pag* ]) Sh*w Un« «nd the campus police Survive „ tpvolwl ««"* AO •xplodoa ripped the b«»- stulenu find it nccecsary to drive d ptoyee of the Central Electric in the contest sponsored by the Xt Co. was taken to Sp^rrtwr Ho«- l'he committee meets only once sl*n* ^ rlfht W1>* Michigan Milk Producers Complete As so. n«nhower P<**« he is hem* held for a week, he emphasise. «0 plans should he made well in advance- °" * **> Mrmt' BicVcl,,,J prohibitfrom Each of these students before Sho tlV v'"-ch>r»** ""J; pas- Workrng Women entering the LM. building this week attendeJa pre-registration ' Kcoum noiofs ana I ravtsmissions mer- 4nd R «*plecial right turn A,! 5tud,nt* are required to Sen. Basil Brown, D-Detroit; >t vecttgating the cause. • and easy as possible. llc<"ng** for their blk** Mrs. Esther Peterson, assistant KAMIN'S AUTO PARTS ager exist. No estimate of Isne has beet, c^structed damage has been to The student guide committee, -venatorSpes- made *vonlinjt to police, permit right turns without stot>- for a ^ c<>n' ®**' Y***',h*' Secretary of Labor ami director i i.irida became r • " _ ping for the light. Andrews add- **nvpus pol,ce w1U ^ ub,*» of the Women's Puresu. U.S. working with the administration, .'Hciai to say Teachers Convene evi that the motorist making the ireas for bike regis- Depanment of Labor, are among runs and organizes the pre- right turn must stay on the right ration. The schedule Is from those addressing the conference. registration meetings. This year 526 N. LARCH ' .'.r op the color Here Saturday side of the yellow line until kM a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday at This meetings were held In tKeeduca- "I think the It ends and then merge li ,rod* ,ci,>by)i^ue*J1<'y»14st year's confer ^on building with the aid of closed MlcH&an's commission on m»u me IV 4-4596 ,h» bikes the L.S. Department of Labor, television tape they were given a n Saturday, ' Michigan Department of! "TKe *e"*r*1 'lome tra pur- pose of the wwksliop will deal * loiat.on. t.ass"r- rLZT^lr lr».rcas».i on^ un- c|B|!Twri for j,,,, mwths. and an explanation of with the selection and reci \ masters promising young people Ice Into the teaching pro- vit Members n. Special discussion speaking, are planned for local oh. those stoning and committee chairmen, advisors of TiangTes, bangles, bangles! ■c the alms of the student programs and college officials interested wbothselec- golden slippers bracelets by Monet Some 200 educators will par¬ ticipate in the workshop to which Fashion this year calls \ts helped E. Dale KennevJv, ME A executive ^tair, bet- secretary, will bring 'oii00s Is now *nvi wbich will be presided over for a lovely armfull of ; -umber of by Freil Vescolani, Lniverslrv ■■ -.t'olK. chairman of MCTt PS. polished gold and silver Ktth circlet bangle bracelets! M«§halman We show two from a vasl collection at 3 00 oach. ■anothfr yfar, another dollar ninth > >r the .-.I Mm •- \%*i will agtw. U :i l<>ng time \n fact. V ■, wla» a glffuit-e itiKJertakil.g that «as' you'll lova Jarolisiiii's rk vvi«ilil have tfunc iiuare r.ipntl^ lutd the to w«ar for pampered •i .it that tii'ne, W. a» we all kintw, the :,tol until PW'i »»v Walter It Shovel of at-home lounging. iV'. rv Mr. Shovel". .tiMx.verv in 1'Ulv all A. Scuff with wedge With -mtar tottr- a t»H>th«*l umnH^liotviWv STORE HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. »t .tw would eall rapid Thetv wen-, natu- heel and gold sock - M ule t>>«|K*eilupdintingIwfotv Mr. Shovel's lining, 5.98 ■t:i)*!y an attempt in 1012 l>y the immortal B. Gold moir^ harem .- >n to dig with the phonograph, hut the onlv ■ «as that he got hi- horn full of sand. Tin- slipper with quilted M i:.U« that he fell into a fit of melaneh<4y satin lining, 4.00 t rmenp*until two i year* later when his C. Calfskin-grained W n!-worth. tlw eminent nature cheered .luek for four ami a half h. Mello-vin® soft boot r*. 1 s I hav It this in ■W <»f Martb. , nil for gold, beige, - ;*«yinu me money. V.»u ate -hoekexl V-m black, 4.00 •Aho lu»s tasted MaHU n.'s unparalleled ■v.M MaHUm.V filter, wl o Iws revrlle^l in ■ixl white )wek or l»>x *!» ttld » »»..wi a few Knes.' of Hev. Hex, e peunie* on the milnwd tmeks. ' and he N<>. thanks. 1 letter stay here in ease ! wurmed." I all-purpose >c mean tlwre is iwt one thing < si ean that Rex likes letter than ' f^t -o. name Hex always -end- a hill for wonn- pile-lined stormcoat e in hi* nt«lom he knows that to do .itlier- ady for whatever ieml. |««—ihlv tnejwRthly, tlie fabric of the weatherman predicts*. Tailored dacron/cotton balmacaan has rain-shedding finish, zip-out orlon pile lining for wtsjdvitmf cozy ami MarlU»n. Ciictrrtto*. I think r< warmth. liferent* the pitnmr le of ♦lie tol«aeeonistV filter retirement* the pitituiele of the ' think MariUipi's Beige. |«tck and l«ox represent h,rlu,*erVart. I think MaHI*»ro is a |Joas- 10-18 sizes, ri anil I fairiv l*uist with |trk)e that I have < "k (»r MarfW. ,ki your eam,«is. All the 25.00 Also in rifmey every w»-ek. And the makers of morning and ' i this full well. Tliey don't like it. twit t»M>y chesterfield style, evening news: ■ »hirfo follow tbi- 25.00 ojiening iiistaHinent, I will '' liirfit of tnitli on tlie prewing |>rol»lems of boudoir boots, Lingerie "'any ami varied ditenimu- which l*wet the 'niitw <|iie-ttoii> like "Klwrnld Chnueer cltuw- robes to match parkin* (turnres*'' and "K»>oukl proet/irs I*!,.,, ; and "SIhhiW foreign exehange stuflents Strictly for full-time ►1 - ' '^utiinn, icrapjilmg with tlie trises that fashionables . .. cozy knee-length loungers and their very own boots. Iwi..- . ■ '"'"nR'- 1 will nmke oceuwooal brief meotkm nf If I do not, the makers will not give me A. Cotton print zip-front robe in jungle green or gold, color-matched ^, * ♦ » boots. 8.98 B. Sherpa fleece and cotton suedec'oth robe and boots mm thU uncenmred, "in tkmm§htut ike ^' w«< far the v'ttV to begin TODAY: ReeppoTntei for' tntlKtr fluoridating its water. yeo' qi State Newt Photo * * * 2-4 p.m.-Preview Editor, Dave Joehnig, left. Midland graduate student, O W O S S O-Glty Water Com- of Formal & Semi Formal Dresses. head* mlsaioner Ray Gellatly told the odvertiiing and City Commission this week editorial photo *tafl. Bill Owosso may have to launch $5 SATURDAY Doetnej, above, new* copy million project to stem a crit¬ Miss Jean Myers, former fashion OUT wot Wolvi ical fresh water shortage In the last year. Formerly editor of Charm Magazine will pre¬ (Utu-c. with the Midland Daily sent an informal fashion showing New* at photographer, and LANSING The Water - of Minx Modes fashions. Radio-TV editor. Jaehnig sources Commission Is expected al»<< write* regularly for to consider a citation against editorial page. Ooerner wot the Village of Bangor today for Don't forget to Register for Free a State New* night editor pollution of the Black River and before hi* Wolverine ap¬ Maple Creek — In Van Ouren Prizes. Register as often as you pointment. — State New* county. want. Drawing Saturday at 5 p.m. Photos by T. S.,Crockett. JACKSON- The City Commis¬ sion will meet with local fire¬ The season's Dutch Denies Fall MS I Weather Service men Tuesday to hear the fire¬ men's request for a shorter work great classic Guards Farmer's Crops beauty bv Term Housing Pinch City Manager Josepn Warren has objected to a shorter work week for firemen on the grounds Although the farmer can't con¬ that they should discuss the mat¬ trol the weather either, he Is ter with him before taking the able to obtain a Issue to the commission. pretty good i.'ea of "'hit!' days will be Ideal - for harvesting his crfcps. This FLINT- Members of Tern- , can easily mean the difference stedt Local 326 of the United '."etween a profit or loss or Auto Workers Wednesday invited many Republican gubernatorial candi¬ 200 observation date George Romney to speak before members Oct. 14. e United States. The More \han 400 members sign¬ weathei bureau also receives in¬ ed a petition asking Romney to formation from address their number. points in Canada. Mexico, ships at sea and from airplanes. Rockets and satellites HOUGH! ON—Bids will be arc now als-o being used to col- opened here Wednesday on a V'i million highway bypass at Mar¬ quette which will consist of 1.7 1 r.e!ed b\ miles of four-lane, limited ac¬ teletype "P* htghw ay along ' cesses the " j" ytis center located at SuhUnd. M A C. At tg ^f.%ice for Western. r>rw *eather Md. Tbe Information maps are qujvu\ trar.smired from the anal¬ southern edge of the city. I LINCOLN PARK — Lincoln « se.\ive ysis center toother offices where forecasters mAke weather pre- Park High School faces a ban on Albert ■me: :rtany sleepir«s • dictions fo r a particular area. night football games following an ! v*ah alsc mean higbe. smng a .nop. The «*«*» m»P*. outbreak of rowdyism at last weekend's game against Trenton. 332-35051 atior. link brines up- recedes daily and hourly Ten youths were arrested Mid y,.r c forecasts and ,rM weather reports. This helps another SO were sent home by farmers through ,>'m making a more detailed - the police after rock-throwing r . . :>-e **»d precise forecast fo: their and fighting btoVe out. area. Var. Oer. Brink pointed Out. School officials say they have lr.x -Aid chat coo- scheduled tonight's game as an Rut regardless of what people • sn;.-; stmcspherlc afternoon contest and think about weathermen, thev still sty they make forecasting dlf- are studying the matter further. ,^m re piace a lot of confi- vreatben conditions *e "When the chips are down and r t r o■. temperatures, important decision is to be w-.nd or pre*m! hV t«K man* .ietm4want im mcshi tat'.a ai»«hed* . . CIMr? ok . • I"-*-rvtmd timt. Old Sfwre SndtflMdoas) *?•.•** y' Nt y^ ShmMm Cmridge P« for i«i? imiAmtn. ' SHEAFFEJt'S »ACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIAL n*w cartrM** pmmHkUi vwrtit * QM&uce ' ST,CK DEODORANT Tw . " * ««h«-wkkm rpcora. it t *3.93 VALUE FOR $2.95 8°t the 5sysa?ta-'a,'caa:; i..n SUfr Newt. E««t Lanalng, Mlchlj.n Changes May Study Hurt Income Research has eliminated the Safe for Guyer said leas thsn one out College Students, Diversification of Michigan's danger of residues from cor- of every 2,000 Insectlcidea In¬ economy may prove tobesmixed blesslng. Roger L. Bowlby of the bureau of business and economic reaearch Mid Thuredsy. rectly appl led pesticides, «c- cording to Cordon E. Ciryer, chairman of Michigan State's en- tomology department. vestigated ever reaches the mar¬ ket. Each Is first tested on the basis of Its effectiveness and is given detailed tests for safety NOTICE! Looking for a bargin? Stop In and be convinced "About that we have the best buys on English Bikes, two million dollar a Is and toxicity to man and other new Moat Michigan residents are spent screening each msterlal to animals. This is followed by accustomed to thinking of Mich- make sure It's safe, trials of the material 26" Men's and Ladies' igan as a relatively high income Guyer "Every • refully by stale, federal state. Powlby said in an srticle evaluated for toxicity Genuine English HERCULES safety. Finally, the pesticide goes only In the September issue ._nf the, 'Ifap -groveis "BtKES _ .. . • j- , "• specific aresetri br-nned only Michigan Economic Record produce excellent, high quality for specific problems. For ex- There hlstorlcsl ' was sound agrlcultui products free of in- ample a material may be sent • Genuine Sturmry- resson for such s belief hut a4ct con rmful to Archer 3 Speed indications are that the belief Michigan to help control a pesticide residues.' Gears (easy pedal, msy no longer be justified. ing) • All Steel (no pot Wages and salaries in manu¬ melal) facturing accounted for 32 per cent of sll personal Income in • Parts and Service • 50-Year Guarantee Michigan in I9ftl, more than in • Higher Resale Value any other state. REG. M000 ; COLLEGIANS-AH classrooms er, and an under supervision of Mrs. Su- "Average wages are higher Gene t Cycle Shop Prict , n0« for coll*fO*Uvel student*. son Cochra (not shown), in manufacturing than In non- regular teacher. ,tt Uf n«w Spartan Village school manufacturing, and they are r ENGLISH MODELS Mil. Jeon Stonef, student teach¬ -State News Photo higher in auto manufacturing than In nme quality feature^ , *41M manufacturing generally," Howlby ssid. ONLY A FEW LEFT! .«.««.« LAST YEARS MODELS, $32®8 jlitorial Samples Take Swipes Japanese Course To Be Offered [ Barnett's Die-Hard Stand this Japanese 201 will be offered fill, the Dept. of Foreign sampling of however, i t is r languages reported Thursday. - - • entirely possible Federal officers snd state police. The course hsd previously been |4«] opinion ,on<.et that dispatching a large force Such » spectacle can hardly be cancelled. Students who are in- jf Negro Jan of marshals would only bring on contemplated w 11 h o u t deep ap- terested in taking the course this a free-for-all brawl between the prehenslon...but the necessity... ■ rede term may contact thedeoaAmrn? 2 — — is as elemental as a rule thai at 301 Morrill Hall. Time t which has result- Experiment's YieldI preserved." 1.'N,"°"?.Gov,r"m*n' >» n«» «< ci... «n b. and .r- Gene's Cycle Shop "...The fed- ranged later. On Display Here i this m tin if Th» Viators will be able to sec i«U«impl> how long such ** ^ v. •f liable 3S cover- — and flt the sUe Minimum T^dy.0^, of ,aat sprlnR Tillage Field Day Yleld 8amP^s hav* «■»»" s State already on HAVE YOU BROWSED THE NEW bcen from Vi"'™8 tillage PAPERBODND BEPARTMENT fervently hope, the ;,ir be settled without , . ,. ,rpatnjent areas In the 40-acre corn field, says Robert White, agricultural engineer at MSU. York Herald Tribune: The ^-acre field was planted o\c-'or Parnett wants wit^' mflny different tillage pra- • |Ail, well anil good. ,lc?f on 10, rcpulshe necessity is The *«« * f U.S u-tny to put And if east the field located at the Mueller Brothers farm two miles and two miles south of Britton In Lenawee C program, requiring about one ounty. The at CAMPUS BOOK STORE hour, will continue until dark. Five AUSG Posts of opportunity, it Reported Vacant Some A.U.S.G. vacancies were Now upstairs to send troops. omitted from Thursday's Stare t en tt oops front of th News article. South Case. Em- ». There Is other rnons> £#st and We9t shaw and East Wilson also have vacancies. is Gazette, Little Rock: Petitions must be turned in to 314 Student Services with the abandon an issue which needed signatures by 4:3a Oct. erf or. the battlefield 1. For further information please ago...ln Mississippi, call 5-4504. Open only to students of {lichigan State University Viceroy |Football Contest #1 (Closes October lOth) First Prize...*100^2 Second Prize...$25— 13rd Prizes...$10™c„ I '» WINNUS on THIS CAMPUS IN I ACM CONTIST. I °ur contests in all N'ew contest every two Parking . . . I sfor the students on this I nfrP ,S ^ou " complete rules printed on I filial Football Contest Entry Blanks. anks are located ah lot at *'USB00K STORE CAMPUS DRUG • ♦torn Union 501 E. Grand River REESE'S BARBER SHOP : fcBI™!.RSHOr 311 E. Grand River ALEXANDER DRUG ♦ (D... SPARTAN BOOKSTORE ANN & MAC AVE. 114 *• Grand River East Lansing's Department ENTER NOW CAMPUS BOOK STORE ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING is. Friday. septe^er|a8^|196a / Board of Trustees Soccer p»EOHwaE_ Michigan State's soccer team lege Presktenta. swings into action this Saturdiy New assignments,designation* at Purdue and coach One Ken- I «< t» S * - Ht After *nd changes in status were CHILDREN XH ALL TIMES ap¬ ney's starting lineup includes proved by the trustees as fol¬ three and possibly four ticw- low*- o. l!«l Blank was trans¬ ferred from district extension HURRY...UST DAY! direcotr to associate professor OennU Checkett. St. Louts, Mo. AT of lopfwmort will -et Art right continuing education; Erling fallback. Louie Eckhanit, Port P. Prauner was appointed chair¬ Chester N.Y., soph is to man of the art department; r\une pi'y right halfback, aiivi Another L. Gibson was disignatcc! as as- s60 am? i^l. Other changes Were; trans¬ fer of Richard Estell from the up inckxies P 11 classified list to a board ap¬ keeper; ^tan Stet pointment as acting manager of fullback; "Dutch* Radio Prosdcasting; ami center halfback: promo¬ tion of Allan left halftrack; Jer Tucker from as¬ sociate side right; Jean professor to professor. Assignment included; Rurton Friedman, assistant professor of education, to the Guatemala Pro¬ ject; Karl T. Hereford, associate professor of education and con¬ tinuing education, to the Guate¬ BIG mala Project #s chief of >oyU'. .isstvui^ party; rftsrr- marann assocute director of SHOE TECHNICOLOR1' )Ject; and C arter M. ON economics agent, to complete professor of farm Ph. a at the University ofMich^ the Taiwan Project. WMPLJS tgan; Jean E. Schuhel, home econ¬ omic? agent, m complete jaMX Rlchat I O. Nlehoff was i here; Daniel M, Slate, assistant ■TgnecTa dTttonal duties as as Unt deai for professor of marketing and International Pr transportation, to accept a posi¬ the College of Ec1 tion at the University of Hawaii, ami Thomas DarAuiry, instructor, social science, for research In Sardinia, Italy. l eaves were also approved for: ICE SKATING Jerome H. Hemmye, Instructor, mechanical engineering, to com¬ Student Special Rates plete Ph. D. at the University of Michigan; Herbert P. Phillips, Evenings, Tues, Thus, Sot, 8:00-10:00 assistant professor, sociology Sat. Morning «n d 10:00-12:00 anthropology, for study; Frederick P. Walsanen, assist¬ Sat. 5, Sun. Afternoons 3:00-5:00 ant professor, sociology and an¬ STAPLER thropology and communication, REGISTER NOW FOR GROUP LESSONS to accept a position In San Jose, Costa Rica. I linton A. Snyder, Instructor, Skate Rentals Available social science, to work with Air- born TV' at Purdue and T. Harry McKinney. University, assist¬ Michigan State University 7ANGELS ant! to the president, to work with Michigan Council of State Col- |CE ARENA Tastes great Angel Street October. 24-28 By Patrick Hamilton because "A masterpiece of suspense."—New Yotker J. B. November 28-December 3 By Archibald Macleish. "In every respect J. B theater on its highest level."—Brooks Atkinson Kanjincho March 6-10 By Nomiki Gohei, III A classical Japanese Kubuki drama She Stoops to Conquer April 24-28 By Oliver Goldsmith British eighteenth century comedy at its funniest By the Gershwins, Kaufmon and Ryskind The Pulitzer Prize musical comedy 3 ARENA PRODUCTIONS PLUS 2 FAMOUS FILMS 15 EVENTS FOR ONLY — $5.00 SEASON COUPON BOOKS AVAILABLE WHILE THEY LAST UNIVERSITY THEATER Deportment of Speech Michigan State University Celt Lamias, Michigan Michigan State News, Kaal Lanaing, Michigan U»h.. ALL ROOMS RENTED FIRST DAY! •way *nd I h*v» had i iw- j double idiiiLfwnssHr NBSO A HAIRCUT? Tom'. Bar- OKRMOS - Horn* and Income. ffiffi" RiKiin^ tor complete $40. tire tub** and ector. Oreduete in Social Work twd cova^a, card tab)*, pressure .tent, Graduate preferred. Quiet bershop, 5002 vine St. West of 5 rooma main floor tor owner. R«pw servu-e, ^ ■ wheels W. each. IV 5 orEducation. Part-time with so- cooker. 3 amall lamoe, amokini home. Parktnt. 1910 Jerome. Seara' Frandor Store. O»o«lte Beautiful landecaped sloping let JWinta, Also bh» nrl„,.i !95f>iVV'krunner. }uV>. cUl »«* ***<*'?• 24 year-, and ,ttind> dr^aa; price cheap, 1415 'v2tfHL i iii i r1 M,r*k <*>•« 8-5:50, Tues., tf»Wd« round laval entrance to CAPITAL ei 4U Ha». Lwwln*. « VRi JW ** *-7^1, Coeper Ave, W»no IV M0«, 5 lWT sn*. Thur.. > Sat. 5 barbers. Call knotty <*d*rbaaementapartment 221 S.c iwtorix stick-shift. $RLX Brand new whit* wall tire*. Recent complete inc¬ aaettcv agemy. 24 i4 wars yews and n social and v» up. l^bone worn mone . ■ RAFTING EQUIPMENT USED- mini in sszsesez -— -— Nea with kitchen *nd modern bath Stanton. - — — --• Bud*et Flnancin* avail- - "*jv»o ««rasuv» pl*ts.NNtkMpma. "*ium* 4 l/a* °nly sy. !*?," ■ •lost a found TYPEWRITER: PORTABLE quire at 404 W. Michigan, E. droaaea nUi, ( >* RpOM RJRNBH5D CABIN at Lanaing (acroaa from Wtlliama 1?, ^ c•n♦u•, ^1 Load in «t \T JHI ;w-sn. .Tuality. See !«' •personal It at El- , Smith-Corona with ca... ,VImoat caae. Aim •peanuts personal Stee'.e Rambler, on Miohj- ; Nook* eam of Frandor. »V IV » 2-15*5.MUhifanNational to*^ ww. Phone 38»>|O0»t 555-j*49. 5 Ukt* Lanaing for 1 or 2 male Dorm). 5 Tt' a"454ft- -block wetn o( Sfa - W \ul™n pa^jT^wS'^ED i£5^m •real estate •service UPMlX^STERY, SLIP-COVER, l ',al a" travel HAVE abtH>ad? Y0U EVFR w«nWd w ^ StrvlCt )f nner^tK. v\!RTAIN and drapery fabrica. travel aoToao/ Now la the time. now latnetime, j' 1 ■■1 »■» j ■ ■■■ PATTERNS. Am«.„ •transportation ; ^*n» For Sole ^ Vynala, Ready made or cuatom ■» iaka i ^ \ — r*~f"your opportunity la at hand. A PROFSW1FE NEAR Baily School ported yarn*. u>r nivnuTl . liSFJl I V. Engineer r i>»v!ttlon- •wanted table motlel. 555. •" ma>le curtatna and drapertea. t orn#l,« E- Lanalng. Ne«d 2 «irl" t0 sh*r* wlth 3 round trip ticket aboard a Boeing lnt*r**r#d ln caring for child on domemu \a. , \k, ^I Savtwtn tr to 5Qt. 572-0450. 70? Jet coata you only $215.00, Mil rtlVI. r>U,Bp , J dent*. Altera,^. ' " ' $5.V. Call H> »ft-mnpra^-ass™' •— MARION'S \ si PHONE; FP "i?u'w 355-8255 or 8256 ««««. tB7l ; ■> f'kw u 2«t i wprnr LP 2-5S18 5;50. 3 ■ p PRIVvIt "R'/VM "aTW 'Vn>,lc*t»on •«<> Paaaport pic- Ab^? ^TE|bn^Z RATES RENNOLOS TKPMPET. I >-ear LEICA CAMERA, I«fr0 m^Vl HI J. *«h c*ae, evceaaorlea. . . , axvhaMe for tur*" now l>elnR ,4ken at IflCKS phat* ED 3-0224. 10 *dvatK^.tu,V,t- - old. excellent corxlttl-w. Contact Faul Sbaw>er. FP :-0*4l, 125 Perfect condition, Muat aell. ^ * mother's helper. STUD,C- wh,,« V0" *•»< or <*•>• TV SERVICE, Special rata for *i5S Hl«h Sch.v I DAY $1.00 m» n»irw«i»ation iV 4-2212 5 ^ "•rv,c*« F.D 2-616« for ap- college houaing. Service calU. Marittt. . . .1I. . - .an tti-Cltt. . 2 .?*>4r«'»Tir ^mfenaatlon. ciirr\i-vn>c. « k-1 ' 1 C. U. Ah^ut. heieatv. ACME TV ' • W6 SELL ANnl vrm ts. v^tlte . pur« -itSZr,; r « S < vV unU,,AHt. U. L.^U4. U- nimpklntt laytime or IV 2-0151 after -p.n SAVE REAL ESTATE FEE, Puy cenMv] home I block weat of direct from owner. New home Hagadorn near Marble School, at>1 vegetable* « -eaaon- ^RTTORCYCUE |95* 7UNDAP. r r located at Franklin Street, Haa- M , day pt,. child. Cpenlnga price*. Koadjii.le Farm F*cel»«« running condition. In- ft P«rtOnOj i«t. 10 min. drive to WBU. Bl- for 1 chlidt4n. Phone BD2-1448. - k«. , muea ea*« of E.Lan,- «***«*• tran«p,>rtation. Call FOR INFORMATION CONCERN- lev.1, 9 rooms, 2 batha, 2 car ^ ^ - Automotive wvj'tsoics. : MF5IS; EE551, r-r*j ,ng -4ll Mr„ pl p«* pm Crouae.Club, atxl Alumni ED garage, near School*. ED 2- ALTERATIONS. Hemming 4 JL styling: formal« .trouaer chrome prepaid ptv- 5405 CFS4J. 3*5. 422; l^y. ,V>4. ?^43 ' I'SMf 5R WW. 1 apart- 1- tkirn. etc.NEEDLE •NTHREAJ kilera - >ota-oe, oeo-complete- A>* off. Save ment houae. 214 Smith Ave. Call SHOP, 105 Dlviaion.boblndCam- Ji«>. 555-0504. 2 $15. Tables, lamp. 552-0-lN 5-7 \CX"NG At* LT pVNCE YWTA. ed 2-ft804. A5 m.. Dme Store. F.D 1.3584. Store. ED 2-3M4. X LL rS SOCI. .«BSO, S:S0w":»P.Kt j*1 dreaa. v -»vata and tie. * jtj|t9|llJi5. H to college ?'!> aTITNTION DANCE COMMIT- College edite^l on Pajv-, campus, fc For Rent Will sell ' bua. Cute 2 bedroom. exchange for hovi k"" TEES: Appointments open fbr perlence. Mr*. Al>;. .VVMifl IN C ASE OF an elephant or auditions. Hear "The Royal Je»- ^ nearer Lansing. OX 9-28bb I piece combo. Trans- EDIE starr ' ns. Neo English . ^'faculty members, bettei Pubol? Honteowners 5-MK>. Wcstrln Real Katate.—1 portation furnished. Call 550. dlaertation* , Spes ial BIKE FOR RENT. 55 * week 0 CckvI elej^-.snts remember Bubolz 1 EAV1NG STATE. Muat aacriflce gSjlj., > 3. $4i.« Mkes in fN*>1 con- 525 a term. Room 142 E. Sha* pay? dividends tool 332-8671. C2 !oN*'y 5 Nevlroom home in Holt. EXCELLENT TV REPAIR on all 510.5(1 up. Several ''-e^rge Taylot 555-5511. i 1/2 batha, 2 fireplaces, rec. makes and models. AU work .•:om\«* ne«. Regular $42.05 GARAGE: AVAILABLE NOW FREE room, aluminum e«erlor, much guaranteed, DISCOUNTS TO ALL Ann Brown, typist snrf nc« $5:.55. Oerte's Cycle Shop, [jo Ked?le Drive. Call FD more. FHA available. $15,800. COLLEGE HOUSING. Open 8 a.m. black and white offset printing (bl».k m ». Bamee. 1 anslng. Call Sll2 after 4 pm. enlargement. $i.0QQ down. OX 9-2465. 3 to 8:30 p.m. TV Technician*, » end color). MM, Cener l\ 4-056;. b •*- — frtn* negative and this 5 STORN HOUSE. Lsrge lot good *122 E. Mlchtgwi. Call IV 7-5558. term BIKE FOR RENT. $5 a week or ad too paper*, those,. SCRIP! VT TY' PEWRfTER for portable, elite, 1 condition. y Pbone i ** E. Sba«. 555-8511. Room George Tavlor. 5 Mai ek Rexall Call 355-8255 r np" Continued 0 - , IXX-BLF GARAGE for ret*. 1 Prescription __ Center ATTRACTIVE DirrCH COLON- For A Want-Ad 1. Cl^ppert (by" Frandor) 'AL 2 b^00m -block from Berke> Hall. $? a by owner. home for *** Basement, garage, ex¬ month or $20 a term. Call 352- Limit one to a family C cellent "Tht ploc* to Go" condition, low taxes. 15 •• 5507. minutes from campus. IV 4-2479. for flowers and gifts Like MAI.K STIIOENT SH.WK moMl, NTWn 0,StY1,;,NrS Contact Jerry IHirrlll, Lot #2 Trailer Haven, E. Lansing. Phone EAST LANSING, 220 Loree Dr. Juet listed by owner, l year old, Barnes custom-built, 4 level split with w-wx _ "■ l«r*e basement. 4 bedrooms, 2 of V RENTALS -- For your "r^-sn 1™?*™ tc N Kt|* flo°r to celling fireplaces, mah- or apartmfw. From $5 - $' a * Weine*5ay ewnlng through- oganv paneled family room, full Eatt Lemtlng month. ALL SETS GL'ARAN- ^ yr*r tt,f basement of 0r 2 piece bath on 3 levels. W« telegraph flowers world-wide V FED. PNsne NE.JAC TV REN- * ^ ^ * ,L o,n Frultwood kitchen with build-ins. . T VLS ED 2-8978 or 489-1684. C on Aht>0R Come dishwasher. 2 eating areas, liv- 2I5 Aim ED 2-08TI I VAFIXTTS DESKS an »1th or mitbout a partner. Game lng ,-oom and family room over- PCASES Null: rows- .Mir*- A PART ME NTS ^«"s promptly at M5, Afft- look patio and wooded area. Neer at reas.-vr aMe prve*. «.w^aad rr.-vt.vts. ,W> N, F at VV vNTFr - MVN ro ?hare un- i n^vsIlC For 'nformatio«call school* and MSP. Price below ★ Emplo>n>eT apprc\-ec! with 2 furnished other*. Close apartment to cam- WELCOME STUDENTS ■ cost. Sho*»-n any time by EP :-80$Q. EAST t-ANSW3 LANS - ■ Near app. campus. a IFREE^BAY^ :(bay) IGM Some " • — • LOVELV MODERN Fl"RNTSHEP 2 bedroom apartment. Close to v' get acquainted. New 3 bedroom ranch on We'll Lane. 1 1/2 baths, large Daisy rec- Gi\*n away 5 time® dally Thin cash your checks when make reation room, attached garage, ' you over Radio WMRT 1010 on m. Nis line tend campus. Accommo- « . SCOOTER, dares 4. CAI; 555-1245. « purchases here. bullt-ins. Reasonably priced. your dial. Register today at w. Good Iw or eco- 9>own any time. CallKosoBulld- tny Bay Station. ; GWLS -po SHARE 4 girl apart- Gl LLIVER'S STATE drixh ers. ed 7-2573. r sporra:tor„ Phor>e Attractive. Reasonable. t, •l Near 1/2 blocks east of campus) ———— Sparrvm Hospital. Call IV 5- £^TA\ koOTCSS RUMM VCE SALE, OketnosCom¬ k~ Call e^-esitngs munity Church. Tuesday, October TV 2, 9:50 a.m. to 8-00 p.m. Wed¬ ... ri produce PICYCLE. CIRL'S 5-speed Eng- fenced yard. $"'0 plu< nesday . October 3. 9:30 aon, to . r**- roa® for etts Maybe became thwrc ai Onh and fur- IV S-2^4 evealn«. 4 brilliant ink colon siigtely usee. Toi*: balasncelS;.- RCK^MS FOR RENT. 5 auw.. :> traa caeqpat. SO; ,t. - MACjV^g^j basy CAE' «TTh marcresa.SlS. ROCMS FOR MEN. Call rfter f .rvne:. S. L Cnl. OP 2-5824. ? I Ca P^ BJfc } zht larpesc s«y- ATTHaCTIVE nr>i»» r urrmj _ aDress Fabrics, Semrtag wWyhnwe.. Approved. ED 3- " SF» *N" SAVE FABRIC SHOP OFT CAMPUS H0L5WC. iyt F ranter Shopping C n 4-0TS2 oper. Mol. Fri. ewenmjf unci ejOCi-5 i\ jLayg?." CONCmr TRAILER, iUp. STntec SaaTrlow. Ri-A TV. Tetde teodei. $30. ED " 3 we BgaracaBg P^'efea. IOi&ur I HaSMlbrlng Company )I« « €««k0 avt«vr e * Ptone n V720I. 1 4 pm. IV 9-I23&. -SKSTSV V,irhjttftn SUtf News, Bj>»t LanalM, Michigan Friday. September 28. 1962 nsnTi^S f •M»rihr(3 *M*r« d«Ml I'V S0<; 3 i0M». ju*t bl v,n* St. |J Mr', pr„q jTH CAMPUS SHOPPING-Bwllt to ••»»» Eott L«n»in, residents living ne »«»er «i clot* at downtown ; Rood, n*w shopping center U located at Trowbridge and Hor- it thoppinj) dittricft. Center * Mo>tfouling, Bredy grewp «joJ Lonslng TowntMp retidentt will find by now Lansing hy-patt, immediately *outh, and will b« in future. (So* Story.) : OmpUfed lew Shopping Center To Serve Students '.tpping ftnttr when the first unita of the center :> f Cherry Lane are completed In mid-November. : nr apartments Tlx? first phase of the Spa run married housing Shopping Center will Include a supermarket, barber shop and DMA I VnHI. b*auty s,lol>- L^ghtv thousand square feet of parking idlinc 'he space will ADS be provided at the center initi- Applications located plat, theses, DIAPER SERVICE SERVICE tracks Ready For ■ . pipers, gen- I rived. IBM OK "-MM." to your desire. You receive your own di¬ apers buck each time. With Security Test our service, you may in¬ clude your baby's under¬ . ' INC. and shirts and clothing which phic Service, will not fade. Whit®, Blue pes and cap- or Pink diaper pails fUr hlgan. Phone nlshed. American laundry iRIl t RS to HIE. WASHTENAW \pertenced IV 2-0864 r.teed work. C The w»,1e variety of NSA duties r>pl»t, thettti and the changing needs for pro¬ > p«per*. m jects require specialists who are et tenced. !9 Transportation not only well trained but who r. OR "43| also possess a high ilegrce of flexibility and ingenuity. Wonted Perfect time savers! Your own name and ad- .<1 at least a bachelor's degree I by dress printed on June, 1S>63, is eligible to take the gum¬ med paper. Use them on professional qualification test. letters, books, checks, Interested students should complete the application contain¬ THE CLEAN W ect. In handy pad form. ed in the professional An unusual value at this low qualifi¬ cation test bulletin of informa¬ price. Write for free bro¬ chure. tion, which is available from the Mat-key Sales. 2790 E.Cr, placement director or the chair¬ they Ktv, Ave.. men of the following departments: Communication skills, eco¬ nomics, English, foreign lan¬ guage. economics studies, geog¬ STUDENTS & FACULTY*^ raphy* history, philosophy, litical po¬ We are glad you choose M.S.U. science, Fnglish social sciences and sociology. \ and are looking forward to serv¬ The deadline for receipt of ing you. applications Is Nov. 23. Fine Stores Everywhere \ Lathrop Pure Oil U Tune-Ups & Repairs Corner Michigan & Grand River SOME THINGS HAVE CHANGED OVER THE SUMMER . . . We soon will have E. Lansing loc the students One thing has no The price o with all your school supplies Student Book Store has those • paperbacks • outside readings and • stray textbooks that we all need "Bless those wonderful people!" Shop atyour one stop shop today... STUDENT Book Store Located conveniently across from Bereky Hall (Built with you, the student, In mind) Free Parking In Rear 3 locations in the Lansing Area 4700 & i Block Cedar St. East of Campus Sute N«?ws, K«s| Lansing, Michigan Friday. UCCF Organized Groups Plan Gamma Delta - 6 p.m.. Martin ■ Luther Chapel, dinner followed by After Five Years ■ meeting at 7:13 p.m. I Lutheran Student Association - United Campus ChrUtian ecumenical movement in the I I 4:30 p.m. Sunday, meet at Unl- Fellow *hlp was .-wKummiMd in church, especially through the I I verstty Lutheran Church. August, 1^60, «t Stephens National ient christian Fed- " I St. John* Student Parish - College. Columbia. Missouri, eration and the World ! ■ get acquainted picnic, 2-5 p.m., after f'.vc vears of MfttilHW. Chrisun Federation; to further onmn,,, V Sunday Forum at ?!.V» p.m. Here at Michigan Stat*, UCCF conversations with fellow campus 1 I Wesley Foundation - terian Church. the cfturvh within the campus C.S.V r community ro deeper, the Christ- faith of the memJeri of the Open House tan FELLOWSHIP HOUSE- Mewly er^nited Kete, United Comp- W v^hannmg-Murray Fellow-- u» CK*i»tion Fellow»hi> w«» founded to deepen CK'isiton Sh^r <\>iUarian) will hold an open faith of ocademic house in the Art Room of the community in college* ocro*» country. WKl HISTOMC CWUtCM U UV»? Donation* -Stote Hews Photo are pewr- Cnion, Sunday at " 00 p.m. Oof- ;*»g in from a'- cvk in <** ivwvf V (k r. M '• m4 CttlM will be j» se $1w!,mc by Oct 5 *e save rnrtd n«*ore **>• !>?->♦*»-- K, Wytnan, rriig- okj $* !V*r i to kow CNjtc* <> TecuffleA at #r hiatark KWhHjncee that e .♦ ;» *V i*»Vi ckies? c+s-v* in use n Hisghe* of Audio Visual fcv* ^c\* 'ace* <*»—. « -v»» r^-ake way for a new St. rdor Cunningham of Foi^ First Church of St. Johns fV*e s oetewWy ,"x3er ocntKcNxi ">»e oonvxwMtv'i stiviiy tt a;V understanding of ' staff and Christ Scientist StudeSl The Tecv-ruefc He-aki, s't^o tfw ,V ;*ejfv>r.s ;>■ Uties of dteO.rlst- Parish program* for the year will be 700 E. Crane River i*r .w-.r.A within the ariver- »-* sou©F* "*e-e4*«s3 <-;:v arv4.' ,v 'eijp the university decided upon by the members, Fast l ansinf TSese c*n be sen? hs TSe HeraVst become more tatty itself; tc in¬ 0.anning Murray seeks to crease ,«e" serv* alt sti>,Vnts interested in ;; .vjty t» and under* PlWOUTH congregational church sta.vd-.-.* -•* .he re«(pow»ibila> to «v»ch C-vV . «...«■ members of the academ., -v." .rwr.fty in the po» Fellowship Sets Informal university Get Together christian church s. Hicfctofr. R«:. Ay S;.f:"er. Mir.iste. 7r;?.,T> Collegiate Fellowship We,' Evening Meeting S P.M. Reading Room forrra, fe: tojfethe.- following the KM W. Grand River Rev. John S. Ouley. newly evfr.;r;>. worship service at East I *•-.•>. 1 ir.ifv Cv^rch. The pro¬ appeintevl university pastor ser¬ MARTIN luther chapel ving the CMted Campus Christian gram .-iv'.odi.-ig * :-jffe< dStmer ^ he fcolds i student center ar.' groap will begin «t a Bachelor of Science Fellowship denominations is a g:4!C degrnf in LaNvr and Industrial native of Ohio. Me received his Relations from Ohio Stare Uw- Vise or the afenda for this B.S. degree from Ohio Statel'ni- :e ~. versvtv. are a fc:-».-^i«nted party sc^eAi'eci for October 5. a hay- Fol cwing graduation, ir. June ide or tVrobe. 1^. and a mass of 1054, v.e servei free years of active dun m the l*SAF as elor of air?- other ChtisV S. rta^e* B*nai B'rith logical Seminary Christian University. There, he of Texas For the next six years he served SOUTH BAPTilST CHURCH as the Presbyterian t haplain to JT ill Mark received his Bachelor ofDtvlnity Pennsvlvar.ia State University i5is s. washington Your "Church- Aw - lansiv an.^ was ordained. His nevt v-ear sity. In l°5o, he received ay-From-! lorr.r'' C1RST WESLEYAN university \ew \ear was ir. the spe-: on the faculty of T.C.U. iEvVrgrs,iuete department Fducational Fellowship Grant re srjdv abroad for a year. He was V^ETHODtST CHURCH life of religion. giver, a leave of absence ytd l^ter in his career, he held . 10:00 A.M. •' »»o •en: to Furcpe and snk'.ied at program pasr-orates at Forest Grove and Cambridge University, Cam¬ Crarv.1 Saline, Texas, and served bridge, England. 1 »:00 VM. "CLASH OF empire" umbus Group, is icorrespo-.^e- Alttioygfc serving present Jv w as for Chr istian quarterly p.d> i ttniversity pastor, Kaei* is also jx#ttcr Frontier 7:00 P.M. ■•GOO HANDS out r! 1 complrting the requirements for 0. ^ F^esbv^em'Cour, * Ph. D. in counsel^ng at Mich- cU Mrui Sfttoa Committee or Na« tga- State University. uonal Mission J"/1 versify ^ Jt^ercri holy trinity Edgewood Peoples All Saints Episcopal WHAT THEN ARF \VT TO IX T>us question is asked e\ Our& greek orthodox Ourch Church er\ Sunday in the worship cr>c Sfjde*>t Ce^er church MP »bbott Road - ED 2-lSlS service of Central Methodist FREE BUS TR ANSPORT ATION MORMN W.' Church,, Lansing. In fact. "What T^en Are We Te Do?" Call IV 2-9382 for Informs:.. Nf<. Soben Gardner, Episcopal Sheets are prepared for every Cvapla-. to rhe Unn-ersin Re>. Edward R«t. Rector five or six suggestions for FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Re«. Georce Tuma. Curari study anc »ppUcation during {DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) the week. Approximately half Dili Booher, the congregation takes a sheet Mlnist(,;" home. 1300 Eureka 9:45 a.m.- ■ SUNDAY SERVICES 1 b*. S. of Sparrow Hospital 6r00 persons 3es;re to "Apply a.m. - HoJv Conrmsiior Christianity." we invite you First Church to worship with us next Sun¬ Lonsina ♦:» a.m. - Prayer day. Of the Nazarene pree Methodist P or Holy Commumor.. Sermon ServK i Church School. Genesee at Butler Church "Around This Tible" Church School - 9:45 a.m. Central Methodist Vfoming Worship- 11:00 a.m. ■: wi-rt. ISafjed Charrt Church Youth Groups- p.m. "St, CfiwgrefaffijonaJ- Beginning Oct. "V Central Evangelistic Hour- "rOO p.m. Church will broadcast for 30 Missis*1' ar„ Evsj^eancai *nc Family - minutes starang at 10:15 a.m., CANTERBURY CLl^F Nursery Prtvided Rev. 5:30 P-a. Sundry directly from the ssnctuary For or. radio s:at>er WJIM. Harry T. Stanley, Minister E gsfn?ngtfcr K'^nberiy Dotms v+~t!%tyt£riar ChurcTt East Lansing First Christian EAST Li CVr 0^ Orist WELCOME Unity Center Reformed Church FRIENDS > STUDENTS: 425 W. Grsad River 240 Marshall St. Lansing Ro»e G. Miller. Pastor Rev. John M. Hofman. Pastor Sunday Worship- 11-00 ajn. Morning Service 9:00 & £ vol ere loc*n$ txir a trtcn±i BibU "T>ie Whole Spirit" 11:15 a.m. "asacrilng Cmr-ct. yst wiij «■» to TTiw.t Leona Julias - Sunday School 10:15 a.m. INTER-CITY Etecald Circle - Soloist Evening Service ~ p.m. Prayer Group - 7:0© pun. Those in need of transpor- Study Classes Wednesday atistxill: 5LML>*. evening at ~ 30. Affiliated with Mr. Henry Bosch at ED 2-2223, lust— Crv«-t:i imon Unity School of Christianity. Mr. A. Dlekema at IV 5-5041, *•;■■ Lee't Sumaut, Missouri. •D CrfESKr- anr -soar ::.ew» Rev Hotroar. sa IV 5-36S0 . J§ «? autr.. *rar«m;. win 43tmm actum, cmaamait First Presbyterian Olivet Baptist Church Wterz Lrwae ma vovngtr Ottawa and Chestnut 221S E. Michigan Rev. Wilham Hartman, Pastor *30 i 15:00 a.m. SUNDAY Sunday School 9:45 ajn. p *-mtr unr" Morning Wor ship 9« INTER-CITY BIBLE CHURCH Yo«h 11.-00 2ST Groups 5:30 pjn. E.*itrit§m Evtsntiw Service 7.-00 MID-WEEK SERVICE juk 4 ttasKf wesr'af BraSbt Duron. 7.-00 pjn. For traaapwrtjinoT :.•£ TU 2~*~*tC srr T* 2-Mli. L.Ktgfln SUf g*«t Lansing, Mlohtgwn Gas Topic Friday, September 28. 19ea 11 t-Of-Sta te* f Pet# 1) lop out "to umwrwt* For moit person*, the of 1* affirmative. Take theee exsmples: answer At Confab Adult Coloring Books Become Fad r.»Tfatl with 1»SM '• 0t 180 «*klents atic The practical aspects of gas New York, —One of the The hook .now haa sold - »1tt> 73^ «UO made perfsst 4.0 averages winter chromatography are being stud¬ hottest items in the about ta a corporation composed of Pocket Him A a haa brtmgnt out !*• " w** wtth 311 quarter. close to hslf were from ied by ov«r 300 scientists from publishing 300,000 coplea end attll la going Jackie K'.won. a proteaalonal hla left wing. Now ha la an All- business these days le the color- 'The John Birch Coloring Rot*." * fir/w 4 «*«»•• J. of M'chi<»n. Many campus clubs and •cross the nation In ter Wad n e s d a KelloggCen- Ing hook - for adultn. They aren't A rash of almtlar liooks wasn't comedian, acd Alexander Roman, who run a a pr. «lng firm. Kannon another $3.98 Item which lam¬ Amerlcan eaxle. Rut he only flies In cirolea." y through Friday. expected to color it, however; long In hitting the stands. There poons the controversial ultrs- One page la blank. At the bot¬ Much of their program will eattmatea aales t nearly .'<00.000 ■ students agree organlwtlons .re headed by out Ju*i buy, look and laugh. were coloring booka for aerrw- since publlrstlon .n Mav conservstlve organUatton. tom la printed: "How many Com be illative to the , b(g of stste students. accuracy and tartee, corporailoata. VlPa, In¬ Two of the authors, Martlr. A. it find It a pic¬ Pf'1,*n w^ully m the ^ Athletic team# draw heavily precision of gas chromatography, Presumably they havs bees ventors, houaewivea and juat A similar book wss published Cohen and Itennia M. Altman. ture? I can find 11. It taken I ;! -^cv.iwd ■ r-* ' V u top® 011 tslent from other states. 11ltMv9Mv«n a laboratory process for eenara. looking and laughing, becauee about anybody you could name. in April, st $1.35, by Joe 11. were In the trio which hit pay practice." j U|_ A# itiA tin ting t complex mixture of gases they certainly have beee buying The aecond to make a Nation an aircraft research en¬ dirt with the Drat of the Pocket Books doesn't know cally » for analysts. the hooks. resound¬ gineer in Texas. It Is called "The coloring ing aplaah waa called the "J KK books. The third In this csso la whether to expect a At prions ranging* from $1 to New Frontier blasting from Coloring Hook." In Coloring Book.' Robert K. Natkln. Birch Society members. Said a lest "President "A drswlng of spoat'smsn two football captains, Ed Kennedy s rocking chair lor the distributors: Pretty of Michigan. F Ryan and George Salmea. sis time from years, to hours, is used in the days or ark after oel* eight months. "ministration, and sells for $2. ta cavtiooed: "Thla ta ihr symbol The book's owning page has S "It's loo esrly and difficult tc tfmlt they enjoy were analysis of The spree of coloring books — of the New Frontier. It drawing of an American eajtle, from lllinoia ami Ohio, given s say. However, some persons wh> citrus flavors and The tax* with one wing clipped. Says the >« sooat pr««tl|» respect¬ aromas, es¬ lone la ths style long popular wtth feeling of motion without Retting have seen it, arid who arc ter¬ mtr-nl Mtchlgan ively. sential oils of flowers for children -got off to a test start us anywhere." ribly conaervatlve, have taken syn¬ "This Is tt Pennsylvania wtth 2M. Indiana thetic perfumes, late last December and lie origin our liagle. We out off cigarettes, bev¬ wtth 220 and Wisconsin with IftO erages and other consumer was about as much of s gag ss „ (tint is *hv enrollment prod¬ the only other states sending anything else. I stat* stents has In- «ere more than 100 students. ucts. in law enforcement, ical and other fields. med¬ Us authors were three Chicago L the '*w nv* Ingham County sent 5 TO more Vhe conference Is advertlalng people, Martin A. Qffis sponsored Cohen, Deonia M. Altman and students to Michigan State last oy The American fall than Society for Marcln Hang, L ^sieM* the top seven out of Testing >and Materials aixi the They put up $300 each to bring state contributors combined. MSI* College of ■ countri** Engineering. out what was called "The execu¬ Oakland County sent l,W stu¬ tive |r^;men!. Coloring Book," to sell for i of 20,360 dent* to East Lansing, less than $2.98 s copy. It waa designed as erroli ,050 were the top two out of state arras Senlort May Register a apoof of advertising executives. combined. MSU-Oakland took up For Inatan'ce, a drawing repre¬ ,rxt 4.V from foreign For Yearbook Shott much of the slack here. senting an executive carrlea thta Seniors and candidates who will line below: "This is my suit. Michigan State draws out of Color It grey or I will lose mv Ba «« o( state enrollment state student* from all 50 states. receive a degree within 12 months Job." \,.*4 »nd foreign to Arizona and Alaska are last may register for their senior By Christmas, all 1,600 coplea ir.Mime.-! w*s2*,4(»S. among the out-of-state areas. pictures at 43 Union building. of the original printing were gone called b> Donald Each contributed two students Appointments may also >•- and there waa a clamor for more. . made . • " The authors TSfBljd 6ver dlatri - of stste en- Enrollment from foreign n the t button to Pocket Hooka Inc. of i lobby of the Union. m |«M to 4.219 New York. or i.Tfign stiKlents mntrlea has also risen 200 in the last five years, by nearly JOIN THE LIVELY ONES r«»I enrollment Canada sent 128 students to Open record Michigan State last fall, more 9A.M. IT'S GREAT IN A NEW ALL i: .' * there were en- students than 25 per cent of the - WOOL ,*u rimes. .ey went critical r*c* «it'- live t produce a 5.-e said the AS-y*a>-old king, Imam ested wives of faculty and stu¬ « i*.ning clas$ Will he evpected to produce electricity awarded the time honored Brwn for Northern Michigan homos (r, Moammad M-Padr, was slain dents should call Mrs. Edward last night. Tbe Cairo radio Cross at ED T-OCMS for more Jug Airing half-time of ttie North early November. Information. Sophs End STUDENT BOOK Compulsory ROTC Era IViimpnaders 3 p.m., he- Irnamtiral N> members of a vantshtngbrent; they will he the last class to anend the required Basic ROTC rh Hashotis Services. sophomore ROTC mar, register for Military Sct- ttf TTT-. SvM*ftCe 210 To; rem this year, MS 220 will Staff Personnel le or«e vo«r of leadership WARS Prody radio will au¬ atory per wee&witti anelec- dition for announcers and staff personnel this weekend. In¬ ps t .'ve acaviemic course terested students should contact for Pcrperbocfcs or Text required chosen in substitution Tim O'Brien at .W-OSol for Nobody's really suggesting romance will hp your.; t readings try o STUDENT Book Store r - of Military Science audition appointments. The au- U S. Keds.But it 1$ true that Keds 1st. The store desiorted with you the following general e a v. Effective Oomrnt- aca- ditsons will be heJd in tbe WBRS studios In Brody Hall. A man needs Jockey support are the besIM! :v tvisj student in mind. comfortable, good looking and long wearing fabr'rcrCoinpi-oher.aion, Jockey is for wi»n. Made from 1.1 scpurste pi«*s n ; ;\»vcholagy. Political Grad Student to jriNip the support and protection every m*n needs can buy Because Keds are made with costlirr.•< wss and Political h>~ w-!ti| Plans Recital A man needs a sjwhW kind of *up|x>rt STOP * SHOP -* and SAVE . Many of tbe courses tbe University College A piano racial will be pre¬ for true male comfort And only H exclusive shockproofed arch cushion and cu Knld* a brief from 13 aepa ■ In short, with all those "extras" that make the:", rate, tailored pieoes to gi\t> that Sunday At 4 p.m. ir the Music sup- 1 auditorium. port - ithis comfort. No other brief has 1 in the long run. Head for your nearest Keds df.iV' •;?: such a firm. Ions la*tinf waistband to w-.ll be offered for an\ jsapho- m program will consist of hold tbe brief up for «»n»tant support. J Keds look, that Keds fit.. GET THAT GREAT KEDS FEEll jj/k STUDENT Book Store selections from tropin, Berg and Lisst. Miss WruMe, Beethoven, and no otber brief bas tbe dot-kev as originally from Trovel Series Kalamaroo, is ,i graduate of the ocross from BERKEY Julliard School of Music, and Opens Saturday ons in -23 E 7>r tte Fast. Ir. 1 . Grand R iver firs presentation of fte she World Trave. Series, "Austria, as the winner of a sclwiar- \ Fsir\ian.i," will be pre«em«cS *tp t««n the Commor^ealth of at # p.m. em Saturday uerto Rk-ivarki was presentexi FREE PARKING nvg^t tn- STead of ; a recital at the Pan Amer- Friday ntgtt ss an- rvvncec ;r ~!>ursday? State N«"-<. ar. IJnton In Washington. D.C, for the Reflections of Telstar 'MSU's Award-Winning Yearbook' »c?* '•■strat'i* arKJ ooerations a-vc »re br.nging its Nsoehts as to your living room, people, through their talented wphtmf se-vif* stili better : usetu! OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT -rA\ Bell 7-9 p.m. 344 Student Services Telephone Companies for All Students interested in working on the 1963 Edition, Opportunities for Extra-Curricular Activity for Mole Female Students include: COPYWRITERS SALES PERSONNEL PHOTOGRAPHERS DORM & GREEK TYPISTS REPRESENTATIVES ARTISTS FILE CLERKS ADVERTISING RECPTIONISTS PUBLICITY