MICHIGAN Weather fATE NEWS Lion* *••• '• STATE High in mid • »l*tl**, cloudy and mild with • cen¬ tered theweft oft* moon UNIVERSITY or evening. Tu*»day out¬ look cloudy, littU cooler. ' " 1 East Lansing, Michigan — " ~ """ Monday, October 1. 1962 prlce l0^ ennedy Urges Respect For Law Americans May Disagree *We Are Overpowered/ But Not Disobey, He Says Gov. Barnett Concedes W ASHINGTON,; ft- President carried out. Mr. James Mer¬ Kennedy said Ust night he of the United States. JACKSON, Miss., f - Gov. edith is in residence on the Ross R. hop*s to »vold use of national Kennedy said the nation is Barnett, who had sworn camput of the University of founded in th* principle that to go to jail rather than see a Ne¬ guardsmen end federal troop* Mississippi." observance of the law safe¬ gro at the University of Missis¬ ^ ' In the Mississippi University Me said this had been ac¬ guards liberty, and defiance sippi, Indirectly admitted defeat Integration crisis. complished thus far without' is the road to tyranny. ...Jiit-nighl-tn-xhe-battle to block H* told the the use of troops, - court orders are adding that He said the law Includes beginning to he hoped the faculty and stu¬ be carried out. court rulings as well as leg¬ dents at 01 e Miss could now ders Kennedy "are s a i d the court beginning or¬ to be return to their regular pur¬ suits with respect for the laws islative enactments. Americans are -free agree with the law, he said, to dis¬ 'Ole Miss' Editor but not to disobey it. No man under a govern¬ ment titled If of laws, h* said, is en¬ to defy a court of law. the country reaches the Defends Students Last football season Michigan State' as embroiled in battle point where men could long a ov» defy the courts or constitu¬ No. I ratings in the Associated Press F otbellpoll with Mlsslssipp tion "then no law would stand This year Mississippi is seemingly ntangled In » battlr with th From AP and UPI Wire free from doubt. . .ami no federal government In allowing the f Negro Jam« Meredith to that school. WASHINGTON-Secretary of State Dean Rusk ,-uled out Sun¬ citizen would be safe from his day night any possibility of a U.S.-Sovlet ileal to end Russian neighbors," Kennedy said. Not all Mississippi students appear as violent a»;n|n! Intervention In Cuba for Western concessions on Berlin or on No Judge, said Kennedy, antTKls ami otfier Negros admittance to Southern white school < American bases abroad. could be sure of his writ, Indicated In the following letter which was written last yr "You cannot support freedom in one or a citizen sure of his neigh Jlmmle Robertson, editor of THE M1SSISS1PPIAN, the place by surrendering freedom In another," Rusk said In a bor If laws wfere not obeyed. per. sent this column toMlchlgan State. It was composed pre-recorded television interview (ABC-News and Comment). to a column In the State News TAGS'IFC open Kennedy traced the history comparing the spirit and football abil¬ "In any event, we have special commitments here in this hem¬ PRESIDENT KENNEDY ity of the two schools. !i tonight In all of Meredith's attempts to get isphere under our hemisphere charters, and we cannot con¬ Here is that letter; into the university through a n% Wfxford.) on Cuba are mainly propaganda and that the Soviets will make clear that enforcement of this vide that the President may use " result of our geographical location, many teams havt re¬ tic, all men no move until after November elections in the U.S. The feeling armed forces when hedeemsthat fused to play us In Oxford. One such tenm is lennessor, whom w<- ordet* is necessary. err,! freshman is th« U.S. will not be able to unlawful obstructions or rebel- Play «ch Y«r. alternating between Knoxvllle and Memphis, it', negotiate the Berlin and German "My obligation as President to rush and questions until after the votes have been counted, was Inescapable," he said. "1 lion make It Impracticable toen- Pretty rough when you have to play a team like Tennessee In their bouses requires 2,0 ***** accepted." force federal laws by ordinary own state year after year. Another such team is Louisiana State. r-sge. although BERLIN - The official East German Communist newspaper Judicial processes. Three years ago we signed a contract with them extending ihe I .St - with Kennedy said the object is n a dema the U.S. begin "effective negotiations" on Berlin after achieve the Here are some of the use of M'*9 series through 1965. Only one ofthose games, that played to registration of Jfrne or be! ovember elections. Neues Deutschland said Russia recessed Meredith without violence. troops In U.S. history: last year, was scheduled for Oxford. The rest are In Baton Rouge. tf needed by "',1. on Berlin out of consideration for the U.S. elections. It He then listed the various Whiskey Rebellion—In 1794, * provided by the UiK9 farmers in western Pennsylvania The second of these problems deals with the general steps taken, including the fed¬ |Cwiting*d on poge 4) eralizing of the Mississippi refused to pay a revenue tax on taken by the athletic directors of other schools in the Sou Conference toward scheduling Ole Miss. There Is an old sayi National Guard. whisky; they attacked and cap¬ tured federal agents around the SEC that the best way to cause an athletic director "1 deeply regret the steps trying to en¬ have a heart attack is to announce that Ole Miss has an open di force court orders. President "B"r " "c"»v that were taken, but all other schedule their team. A great deal of truth exi.< W a s h 1 n gton. after negotiations methods, Including concil¬ Earlier this year THE MISSISSIPPI AN tool with the Pennsylvania govern- iation, had been tried," he troops. They survey of the athletic- directors of prominent football powe said. South as to the possibility of scheduling a game wl If Mississippi had accepted no opposition, and the rebellion throu8hout » future. We found that most of the teams in our ar the situation the way other ended. °'e Mlss '' „ southern universities have, he Washington had acted without w^o are of Top Ten caliber exactly rendered Joyous said, "a sensible, peaceable specific legislative authority, and the ,hou8ht of scaling Mlss' (Continued on poge 9) solution would have been pos¬ the next year asked for legislation The th,n1 problern lr " very touchy end of the 1958-59 basketball season, one: The race issue. At the to cope with domestic violence. Mississippi State (number sible." Kennedy expressed the Congress passed such a law. Government lawyers say that, three team in the nation and SEX" champs) was not allowed to com¬ pete in the NCAA tournament because they would probably play Miller Band thanks of the nation to south¬ who have accepted in¬ with revisions In 1807, 1875 and against Negroes. The same thing happened to their basketball team erners tegration at their universities. 1856, it remains the basic statute in 1960-61. It both 1959 and 1960 the Ole Miss baseball team suf¬ To Open LC. He said he recognizes the fered the same fate. Informed sources say that Ole Miss could have state of transition Is a trou¬ i South had a Rose Bowl bid last year Just for the asking had it not been blesome one. CarM£" 1 ' am which will face the The playoff Is the fourth InNa- designating , national champions. We have won 21 games. The ITInlav Kinley. will open the 1962-6S niwn th«« 1962-oS Lecture-Concert Serlesprograffl ork Yankees In baseball's - • tional League history, stretching back to 1876. Oddly, the Dodgers AssoclBted Student Body Schooi'splrit s felt that this would on Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 8:15p.m. new gimmick which might arouse school spirit, especially as In the Auditorium. Th* Dodgers lost to St. Louis have been Involved in all of them. we attempt to build up momentum for our big game with LSU 0 and San Francisco beat Ther« has been one playoff in the Saturday. The situation which Paul Schnltt described in his column Replacing the scheduled per¬ Houston 2-1 In the final regularly- American League, formance of Mantovani, who wUT is similar to Ole Miss two years ago when we first became chal- scheduled games of the s 1 League not appear at MSU this year b lengers for Number One in the nation. 1 feel that the "hanging" '" ~ *l"~ cause of illness, theGlennMllI was an excellent idea, and one which has produced the desired Orchestra concert will marfc^J I torles and 61 losses. Brooklyn, and St. Louis in 1946 In conclusion, I hope that my three pages of rambllngs have spot in the Lecturione of C A three game playoff begins and th* Giants, then playing r is rm» clnr.r.ot wiot, ,h„r SCrlBS. 1 tUS Will DC C first In Sw Francisco Monday, with of New York In 1951, | performances of s under I -fc lt_ '*"'•* scimkM* • •** fcr p*Wlc«tl«i. the fir* team winning two games th« Dodgers—who had then moved derstanding of the problems which face Ole Miss In the scheduling group on campus, sponsorship of the Unlv«t wlmwrswer* mi s*»fy *i»d pictiw* W10. becoming the champion. The s«c- of top notch football games. Mu'Mgtn State Xew», Ka»t tanaittg, Michigan - Momlay , Ov>tv>h.' r Paint ofVfow Speaking of Honoring Others For Change It U Overpopulation that the lead MftKt, a R«fe IWI<« i« « JfwuxH &nmh HtimHiM. OU*fM^eriiit ¥ «**- t!\« (*«i Kv, mt» *«tu THU *»«<•-, !."*A queat an apartment thai would K tee • \ 'v pass the con¬ *W t*v*» Wm.K* ottfee State N>*> had to bring AAd demned building inspector. news. Phe article headlined On-camj>us housing is differ- --Housing—Vcemlum" U. in- ">*|t The Vn-rrr:MtY continue* to deed. unhappy y e», Important new s. build more And more iormlK»r« .• artiout arty to those unfortunate le*. Within the Utt three ye*r«» *** student? who atill have not found Owe** Graduate Center. Case Hrnplwi >- »RU*Uo^ a yh.'f to lire. Hy now to any are Hall And Wilson HaU «wWv j'v sprung up «* «cH«Ur probably ^utte where trees andgrass once grew. ItW* *« »*» «*• »♦»( *fi tVi Vn;crlcan educator* have aI~ Xow v* vWvturtUw NW\ '■ wonder* IVrwttory I# tin¬ tv •WIV* tv. \Mhvr\ xv--e»K>utth At th*» shortage der construction. toQVntV+v',. o;.-iss:vow)s And t««tnw^rt te l>. rtw l«fcty « «N* K'MMUuxlj •>- ." continue to bo n\A,K>r . a conditions. One student bitterly >s( ««* \fck'*tn*Hc»Cv>w« «k!u i<„w » wb*em to. overcome, Oon't ytxj rememN?r? Today * Monday. i>HKw* www m f commented? klw« »na spring term It'« George'i turn to use the detk! W'Ni! **♦»!»« W» &* H*y*tt£fc «>?n« «k« 4> •^O O^ghttOCOTOe to MlcMf*n «e were promised that our re- *6^» *vj iwewnw- »^.o jty « served room would n^rer hA^e A ]?i.nvpfck**, pk'^r v*n.ex would sec 11.5*0 'JtAre a deslfc of mv own " JitWWXi * n» tfc# Njfcro#' *t th» fho roAutts of ti*o s• -.ulcnts Floyd r*t- tngoua»t\>mer»? Thousends of fane mwtl «NH b«w into living SUit*_ ter^Mt-^Vnnx I >tvn* Menv\'W «• v n t o a g o ' » t omlskey rstrl: v^AmptonAhlp ftjtht e*\>Ke^ ;r \ plunked down at least $50; many. <\t oj»otton#v One must marve : At $UH>; sv>me. $150. V* . (V> VrW ^ «rt>t CVWXtC- ohAmptv^n t\> eleep At 3:06 of the their seats when the referee be- > tHwMJf*'. ? v.v .> M (%VK<»>Vil Xw^^ck'W 'V^ H « * t. \ o.: first round - • .v.v .u-conu'!1,.^,.■; r~t—^ ;n v. untin^OUt tite fallen oh amp- *Moh ehooked n^Arly aU t>oxt .*!<*• «twl vt V >*»!••* *l«l» Hw f>» «t: • One hundred dollars for two >>* ■'«« I**« tat t«v*m*meNtth«t b^. to?.; minutes of action! *»»i lowwwlai u»ry *iU PerhAps one should fee! sor Can h*<» as^^V' you Imagine paving $T.500 l,iwt h«r i* tt ««;• tu*e for the beAten pAtterson. \nd > :o see a World Series game pi ay - jXiMKtt», XtxS *f» * t« ■it Wttl* *N> ■*- his seven ttjr.ire PA* oheoK .• < «V «v« rtswii** <* (>•-* v.- :m in the aver Age time of two and • to he of some Sv^SAoe, y(«; t>>- rtw vte* n > ^ne-haU hours? Why. Yogi l^erra **> :SNj^.t eww* u» ' **<-* J1 s'" , - i cliii • Hi Im|i»I • • Mtf>j|iii 5*«t shouldn't the reAl syn would be the richest man In the *>v t^y «««• rtwmr^. - v s 'i>\ w*w Romw»\ N* lh»y »i|^5 T>1* pAtSiy N> extended to aU those p.-* •Vs^ «"* tv* •■ "*>.ree -r fv^r Sv«f^:K*8|«rry. i-* !«r^#t eater*** Point r>*\ <*m ** s: ' :% r- .*U?A#5 of View ;^W, tv* tf*** pltttttvw ti#- r-*i>p: » ;:• • :5te lotted *as* «uo« >H R,- • M* U" pw««u*l Fr«» George Romney At .W# 4 *w»»-ste tn*4Sttu*K <■< I^Vtm . :k» UW rtU#' ^ «4r» . ; V*»r ytNc~s * N^WJiO«w *4LTf*. Pv* cwi^! is :h« ** *♦ •'' • wvtoU >»v tSTixm jMc, Wi^vu: .<>■ • iacv Jtr*- Aft iMMtOMWOSr m* ■ • >*J rtv «g(|x«a «( M# trvw \J . \ .• ■ Pttm. <«»'> C»*»ptvr W# , ie*t St #ur« ot Mtftir t*N?; < -<■ •W; Sarvk**. (.V* .-«(** MS;!t ^ -"** fertKt (kUm*Vr? c«rt:*r ttUs »tarir^ tx. n- *_>.i: : Used Book Headquarters *:tTi3£ rr* r,i: ?rs. — tw &«&£»! ? irr-*rr$ 5*r. aasc-e.. rrr-sx TfSMTSS'®! Abe Ofce X:*i i%- wi£s ;«i:f teat* ^©s:£sisa x* Shipments ctenfo and us Paperbacks- Exccltnt stlKtion of paperbacks displayed by tubjtct. STUDENT Book Store More Boole* For To«r Localmd Cowvomofitty Across From Borkoy HoKf SAVE More Books For Tow Money SAVE More Books For Ybmr Money LwUt, Michigan ,JMond«2^0c^obe^ 'Damn Yankees' Opens Film Series Yanke*«," >\{ the • «4or tttm Broadway wu»«*l- r«N»ity OU*. ^V *>U W shown 0* uv* Ptftee* 0? «» it mmtmt 0i\ts *t ? «nd ts>* MTtttMU Ne* Yort ««m re- * p*m, vVwiix^Ux *n»1 Frl- cr«*t* tfwir n*l*e to the ftlm. l-**y I* fairthUd Theatre* t«fc Mywer who po«rtr«y* the 11*e KVWTT rtwiw aroumi « vvm*H w*«» «• ttve v>«ty prtncl- tttKhUr-afeO N&titM«*mar> who iv*l wtvo w«« ntx vn Uvv N»w» York «*fcea a Am I with t?\« sVtvU' pr\X**.-M<«u * nr«t cl*»* Na«*- fctf! pUjw, HsOjunf the Jew) Uep him to lioe g « «u»wf. Socialist Club Spartan Wlv«s Hold Meets Wednesday >tvn t*n Op«n IV ftr« o>? «>r House Wjvwji, fte«n«UMtkNi DEADLINE: OCTOBER 15 Swells* CM> wtft he held *>d- You«# tw student wt\«ft, will HeW m >H**o Iwmw Txwuilftj *t * pjn. -»e#day at S p.m. in ?4 I'mon. f»' tn «He Pugene I. Howard, a termn pub¬ lAu\»rWQ Vh« will «tf*r lic *cW4 te*c?hw»» in ftr*t *ki. exp^tnw hi* plan ot evolutionary portal- mother*, knltttn*. *ew(n«. brnls* Applications A available & payment accepted *!>J Swedish |\m»Mttc». Vhe ptttivv** *ix< v\rt*nui»(to«t- Kuithe* inbi'mation about are •1 method of the viub at the Student Insurance wttl aUo %*» t*tt \Viv«« n*ay be obtaitwd Nr e learned « Kw f K\ I i-ij-tt - *0«d Sea*eth»*f 4W*» twash botomity ttNtti lec«l fall cleontnj *eeiiay. met-fin* on bv oMKa>.-(t»« tt* rr«#uW»*t. Mn. f,.»-U>a K*U»t» at iA7->4^ Representative's Office at 337 Student Services ■v«W|«» S*«de> wemina, fev» pickings. , , «CC«^iil»f t« Building. "Sf»t H«»> PW* enteen Courses Given Hours: 3:15-5:30 p.m. M-W-F jNight College Program .. for all Phys. Ed. Needs 3:45-5:30 p.m. T & Th including: • SCUBA EQUIPMENT % ;.<•.<** Grabo Writes camptate line on v. ■■ -..y, #er« • BADMINTON v SS Colonial Minister set*, individual r.-*«te4 i« Norman S» Ov*K\ raqwet.t. Hrdies prvleMwr «l F«$5i$b hi* recent- surt tiwp lY wrmroaneAteaaiw • ARCHERY *4* If Kvh»«ni Taylor'? NOTE If you have already enrolled through Oc*N\ hit cntteal *tu.hr d tf-r Vttter~ Pwttan $v*»t having Nrrrt pub- ^HANDBALL the mail your identification card and • r*U- UHwK* fe* T>*«y«* Ut» U*t jlovea. balla y**r. -N^pwd B .?«*sv: fayler, *U»t wi««*t*r Cortft-vfAttoAo Ma*. receipt will be ready for you after -V- the v'lai **C>USe*t«. rww lb~t t*» «<«*»der*i Vmertca's SPARTAN SPORTS October 15 in 337 Student Services Building isr*tk* ft**** !t is not generally and HOBBIES *iR»eet among ttr nvjr#t of their ;; *«y ItlftJ i* the perkxi. CORNER OF ANN & MAC. AVE. This Calendar Tells You What's Happening OCTOBER Card Shop Calendar For Cool Collegians and When 1962 1 2 3 4 5 Frl. 6 Monday Oct 1 •• Make' Wed. Oct 3rd- Check 5-B.B. coming ture to fet in the half which Lit I asked this w*ek-»nd--Hide of the class that uses out fvf o Gobies date; Towels. Crest Taylor, -Arden, -or Queen. 10 11 12 13 Tuesday 9th- Stock- Thurs, 11th- Phone up on Bodges and La¬ Armstrong Jonas va liers at the Card when will LD. pic¬ Shop. Pretty fresh¬ tures be ready? men this year!! 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 , Mon. 15-- Rent local Wed. 17- Call Kappa Fri .19-- Girls kid to play witl, house- see if I can shrunken heads for get date for Fabian. term party-plan sa¬ fari to the Card Shop. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27, Mon. Get combo. Van Tues 23rd- Guitar Wed. 24-Write Jhun Frot. House Fri. 26--Tell Fabian Ct Joscha - Lennie left from party-check -Tell her moybe, if needs cleoning-buy I om still trying, conducting -* drums? whose* Sandburg or sHa'f lucky. Fuller Brush Com- Presley. pony. 28 29 30 31 32 Mon. 29-- This week Wed. 31- Tlwnk you Oct 32- Buy cords we've got to get or- note to J. Edgar for at Cord Shop to-pay ganised, see the finding cuff link*. for this stupid od. Cord Shop. \i The Card Shop - Across from the Home^Ec Building ■■■■I Michigan State N»w». East Lansing, Michigan ; Oot„,,„. . University Announces 'Only The First Gome...' Fall Extension Courses A full slate of t^U evteesion at Benro« Harbor, Boctuwan Students Rationalize 1st Gridiron Defeat *<*4 administrative leadership pay- Cotirees, inchhitng « »n thrice Nile*. beginning it» last Ltwis Meltser, FortU«.N.J.. two cholcfical measurement an J hy Rw Yogmati mpeatevi, almost mtchanically. loes will ' as their beholders slowly emerg¬ freshman said he felt terrible rudttt first test loterpretati. ix *duc tHofl, on our r«v, , v *1^ hy the wool of October. There ed from their shock. upon learning of the lose,'But. Ceureea foundation* of arithmetic. was no hiding the dls- Stuart M. Cox. Grayslake. III.. he a.vplained. 1 still have high "Duffv w||> ... A and their locations iwrmal and delinquent behavior. ,jpolatment\»i this campus «< «»«,M h»a,v. " a u+al »t credit ami In- >r*,' Puchanan — u'troductien to PieaUPIVWe pMkf "upeattlnf" grid-Iron sophottwre. said he thought we hopes fcr State. formal Republican Club] Benton H* blamed defeat on "a com* ierent courees jttvt^y tn many dif- «r*a* >*tU. bo Harhor—mnwymffli programming ao.? control, f*tn~ measurement *>+i evaluation In «,« diwww, rorraorr-Th. PETKOrT--Th» i«L* ly jpu, <* -ui ql **•" " tke kanda of. ■*«*■«* ^ lnvUns ,6.15. lost because of the following: ••It was our first game of the bination of everything". Including election trends hy the Datroit ■■f!rr.- -»">•» "'*»«• Continuity problems In business atfminis- "Mlan L "miMr *• 554WTJIS ftKTiKS strong Stanford team on their home grounds, thesis', and the poaathtliry of lurking overconflAmc* brought Mlchig,, Tuesday7 . S\hjc«tUtt> Service. Gcm»r **■■■• *• llcansw trat>cn» supervision xrf Student n*t, audio-vi»u*l material* tn iff Imnmiu tely rationalixatlun "HqWever. there is no doubt in by the tremendous publicity Inf of,h>,.. --*77r-Tr^rtFTT-BF vmsved n »K-~*"-*fo«-eng- Roma* luvl* Wl the defeat wa* not such a severe back ui cur eiKounter with North Jane F. Handy. Detroit soph¬ »«lhe I'nio WKAR Needs Announcers ***** '• with about cent over r SwImoo. Tt» (wil >» setback alter all. Carolina ne*t week." v omore, reasoned, "Tbej're Thegrcur for the , there AA»ha c«» ->r oMatn rhrases such as "first same "Being fairly sure of victory. (the team) gonna feel they let us » broadcasts, fsrra and re- b4##d w ^ ^.^too tf the •- of the clu! mote avVtUKHia! mformatioR w theae l#cUon of the ie<*SvV\ "c«n-c\>«ferrnce I was vei^ disappointed in the down." programs, interviews and heivi tttHv—who said Johanna Foster. Miss •erved. a»j other cv>urs»s by cuMacttng fae". and "aliw eery outcome Handy brushed aside her *,JUW ywt vote for. Hatvl^ K. Hillsdale freehman. initial disappointment, remem¬ Craj, recicxtal direv- WKAR, wtth 5,ClX> wetts pow¬ «t the "However, I fael that the team bering that the defeat came at the Sign Fo- er . wvj. !«»rtjr 1H> pw c»«t \lx>population, plus portww# M l«di«* and Ohio, Cecter Harbor .>c Cv^itKUmj f .Juva«or Pipeswwa, Pernor Uval »cS'0l oftt- PHM--Thlrty South American jtudeats from Brasil wttl visit Fraternity (Contineed ♦»««• poge 1) wilt even of the be on guard and wtll work hatxler for the remainder season to defeat sus-h tra¬ hards of a non-conference foe. James W. NtcKenri*. Schenec¬ tady, N.V., freshman, said. ^«n up f sored brtdvo fvctteth ditional foes as the Wolverines "Most of the ttudents were hop- tions wil! !v fratectutj houses. B> calling any \ program Is s«wiv»red by vartow Theta Sigma Phi mt>. ^ain v UWs h» front Aitt» Arbor." l»4 far 4 Hose Bowl bid; this Friday, at t ^amaauoM a:*} U calW ^ 5^^ :hw. oper^oe Amtgo. The youngsters Meets Tuesday wilt live in the homw of atu- Tro^ortatlon is provuled „ '."heta Sigma Phi. w Js.'urrwUsro honorary, *i 4 Uuer-fraternit)- Council sug- Tuesday. OHIROIT—Employer* the The agenda eludes -U.«- Detroit arxwi have received the jpi#t$ that dress for the first rush Extends an invitation for men fi"" p*ntw ,hou.Ui be a sport coat, of the publicity clinic, first city ' cuss too "~*e tav forms re- ;iv. tnj .»r«»s slacks. Regs°es«rta;ives from radio. f.V, remit the money interested in f»s services *t th« Cti'Sv. "itw*W *** ^Br tmplorw. l«*i- with fraternl- Fraternity Living. ;iuarterly payment is ties until rush convocations, wti: n- t^» «V^ted tw total Seo»»m five wWch «tu ^ ^vl u>. November, f convifatioc *** *** muike tellers, Spoken K»r further informal ion call w of spring **y th* entire \ear's w rhw^dav. col'ectione could rur as hi^h as old Wolvor- million dollars. OPEN FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. - 9:30 P.M. I'nhersity of Michigan will & SATURDAY 8 3Q A.M. - 9:30 P.M. ieave Arcs Arbor Wedneeday for a four-month etqpeditign tw the Be Sure to Register for free !9<63 I Vatartic. The party is xrder the today on campus supervision est Doctor Wialtber Thurxlerbird Hofinane of Munich. Germany, It uaclaJes wro otlwr Cenr.aM, MAX CURTIS two members from Fngiaad, aod one member fi-om the Itated State*. for words... 3003 E. Mtchijjcr! IV 44491 LANRIML*—Michigan Atmnwy 9m Ihe l»nr#st most up to dahf General Frank Kelty say* his patNKbidk dKl«oninf jvjtlaMs office ♦state is fotng to check any real deals made to Michigan 0*».* V XV snt?w$ Ifllltflww- w fOvr pockit Visit us October 1, 3 at our House residents from outside the' stMe. »#> SOcilthe Kelle* says his staff wtll to- '•est kg ate a.-.y questionable effce :hat is made to a teekstwr *hA* yeu'f* tNr» p*tk 121 Whitehills Dr. MtcMgm rest- up the Ptttnr vlect. The staff wiU also check the legal status of the rea» es¬ For a ride call us tate ?r.>n;ottoc company through ifte corporation »rd se^-urtties commissioft. ED 7-9734 ^ t'-wm on campus: th« rugged masculine look, this fall COORCMNATiD BARNSTORMERS IN HEFTY COMPOUND COLORINGS Crown royoi, wtnhir brown or cHofxoal green thick knit wool jwneoterj wHb coswc! furnishings to match ... big male fashion news on every campcs, coast to coast. A. Si*-buttor> cardigan w'th pctch pockets. SM,I XL. 16.98 6. V-neck puJIover. S.MXXL. 14.98 Mcff^e- 4.00 To<^e cap. 3.00 leatHer-pafm gloves. S.M.I. 4.00 l» IIt« IIV tHxh" in the hlfiul in< nt' flawr * in tlie smoke ' '' ntoiv tiiste through the filter Li\f« Aiiw mWw thprtc* m*j«r aahitfm} npineit^ %a»- 1 tike Vhrarie — Tip. — e^ eeor ksw r like Co rm++i* r.»jg»n SUlt Newt. East Lanatng. Michigan- □□□ «□□ M°nday( October X, lMt Baauuau T*ii*TSlrl Hanaoora uciSn p "dBf- uaa uurjuni ygaaa affinal The UNION BOOK STORE ■>„■$»! *1* ^ >:v,w □□cm ima Bap m-v - a* JT S<* «ul> auui nam ti3a3 p .<.< v •• mUc agag3 h§S8B .Still Has A Good Supply Itx*p* f#rt» »t>br. S UK 4© P««* *fHl qqqaa aoa .. NEW-Self Service Art and Engineering Supply Department NEW-Engineering and Physical Science men See New Department-Convenient ... Grade System and exclusive. Newiand is now experimenting with "center-cut" slUje in hopes cattle can be market ted without Av.kittKm.it shelled Reorders of Sold Out Titles Arriving Daily Complete Selection of PAPER BACKS Available Mrs' eseArch l> Day Wednesday •finding > Receives •MSU Sportswear Scholarship Sj «»t tttftart it *f SwioftiM st|K SWINGLINE STAPLER on Dancers Tuesday The Style Ori Complete Selection of Michigan State • Jackets *Blankets "Sweatshirts We Are Always Ready To Help You At The. Cotl Grand River UNION Book Store Conveniently Located ON CAMPUS In the UNION Bldg.- Department of MSU Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Stanford 11 Stuns Spartans A taw $rodents. *nsi *i»« players and! girl «f Th* plat* «rn nearly an tour lat*. and when it arrival Mfooc- FIr*« ol!tt>*charterdpiat*wa» ottth*ch*rt*rdpUn*ww Co*ch EMtty Daughtrty. wfco | . from niinimnin Manistique. At Ha-ltMT n ManUKtqpe h* talltwvt iM puwa bta •■nlor __ s mingled around Capital \irpcut SsjrJjiN ctjjh: *- ball nu player* pja>*rs. t»lu« coaches aal pn» and " *••*»»«**** Spartapa unrti ummufmr Wore b*to*wtd»fcedifw*y Um«a tfc* (r«« and wfcit* clad year—second tdgheat total in S th* arrival th* Spartan Michigan prap hiatury. other persow»*l filed >.>« t*e by a pair «fawauiR*St«* Folic*- n tor Jus television piv^s-am. otfeoM it»v*d within the IVyard In 14 carries Saturday, he j preset-1. strip* ai tit* Indians. racked up M yards for an aver- OOWlar., vT » Thoe* who folkwed th« ceecti off i Ttey Uad drtv*s halted on th* t|« of 4.13 yards p*r carry. His •«*d in oft,clltL 5.31 Harriers Relying the airliner were m* bappy, u the) were being rettumted of th*ir stunning loss to Stanford. seven, 13. teur and 10 yard line*. Stat* scersd tirtt on a fir at aiart play in th* final p*ri«d set up th* final Spartan score. W»*n j I * at •wating ":30 p.m. Fraternity V' 41' Sunny California with its usual quarterback P*te Smith went bee* period drive climaxed by George. football, pass on th* mtdfteld strip* h* j On Co-captains glamour was ar.ytiUa* Njt bright Saimes. who plunged over from An alert RubKk calmly picked ar* due More i »atn«d tr01 tM up th* pigskin and Ur*d It to Jefl j atter \ ouiig in itx* cenler«t»c4 State's Abrecht. who was stopped o ^calling chas* highly r«gard«d Una p*rt«d score with a TO *ar should aid both : for 2 for th* aft big and as toug*. In addition, they Llniskog. •s t^ury each *eek a third His urteosjv* total for th* day i letter had quarterback Steve Tburiow Sopho«xMr* John Pay* seem- was III yards, second only t J U ad calimg th* plays and pitching th* tegly b.-uke th* fcicto <1 th* ^ ptcke.1 iWyard. last spring. ^2*" yards In th* third period » put W o« the ground aiv! through the air. Castltf picked yp a third th* Indians in front. 16-?. Ttw sne erule run at th* Pig Ten Stanford dofons* contained th* The Statistics championship rueet last spring. Spartans, and also saw them miss First Downs 10 13 on a lat* field goal attempt by Ron Yards Rushing 113 ir? Watkins. Yards rtsslng 143 97 Earlier Amr had mlsaaki on a Passes attempted re attempt. bM*istara*Watktn* 21 14 F.»ms completed 8 5 had a chance from th* It. In his Fumbles Ust 1 3 Juste, he Mcked th* ball slightly Yards penalised M IS Nat N*REOL> p+ss ^ s^raaka had the ball i> kayai arsity wrestlers and In- PKOVOCATr: enciy stopped a Nebraska drtv* « Michigan's 2$. ft ^ f**4 a tour Msrcl* Jones. Oklahoma City, i freshmao are to report C.vSHlE!: deep into Michigan terrttory. On plays Okla. junior ^ i Naac> p^e S of the Men's IM build- to make the score 19 to . STARLITE DRIVEN fourth Ajwr. with four to go. with Niles junior, a organizing i s Wednesday at 4 p.m. Claridge joing over from the ThEAT"g Nebraska iictevi but a Michigan ts.*ard I me. Canoeing. Club a • as jffstde the play was The Wolverines marched 63 S«at* campus. In an effort to it called back, the S'->eo a first Ccmftiakers yards la 13 olavs to J!wws. and tfeev fvjyrth period, with Tom Rlivl- -jp*n the troAice the sport as an intet collegiate acti^ ity in th*Mldwe$ ICE SKATING SPARTAN BELL RINGERS scoced a couple very NeCrasfca showed of plays later. like State's famous mulrtpie an attack going over from th* 4 f^re. rc make the score l« yard t'3~ th* Marcia. who was attracted 1 sport by an article in cf June, l^, addition of Student Special Rates "Sport MUSIC DEPT. M.S.U. Clustrated." went on to nlace ; Evenings, Tues, Thus, Sot. 8.00-10:00 ANNOUNCE OPENINGS ;2°-^L~rr Baseball Playoff national competition ta 1^1. five weeks after she Sat. Morning bought her own 10:00-12.00 TV first h«t£ *B*L»TY TO READ MUS»C REQUIRED was scoreless, (Coe^inoed from peje 1) Sot. & Sun. Afternoons Ltfc WicMgan moving th* ball Vs oce gf th* top three ta each 3:00-5:00 Lcs \ag*les -and Mihr aukee of the everts of th* National midtlekJ, but bogging Canoe ( all Ifr. If ss/nX! For k? dhev pased sudReu REGISTER NOW FOR GROUP LES50N5 d p^wl Nebraska rs* pi f* ^erjoef ^ against qualifies ;or ^t,-»™pio-nships. N0rtx vrcericxr -K- ^ Y a WjrU s IpfHHntment - /1 ..v- vard toe and marched M on their cwn X T^sursviav - — e house Champiorii>ip.s There competition from in Nova Scotia, Skate Rentals Available yards ^ ot -he Nat • tationai Leagu* Canada ;a »v*r. play*. Dennis Stwtwe. t'J?. opponents, MON. TUE. WED. who * e r was 1a e S» a thorn Side in all tfee Wol- afternoon champtor ^ w- -p- , Aft*c taking first and second Michigan State University Oily 3 Days left spr.ii!ted *2 yarfs. •or - After a 15 u. roe. .v. a ctoryoverHous. home run by C«* Regatta, where sfce took a second. ICE ARENA - e only run in -he Los SfrwNu l. ADM. Oaty 75' more tacked the for the extra score. peart. Jtm BaiSco ^tsies^st. Louis strangetv. same, each it the cod- UNIVERSIT¥| tenders .ad lost more gam.es than ALL THE YOUNG LOVES FROM THEATRE - 'ards Plav, to Cv Ctctka ais ^SMbthfew " season. I>e Dodgers. *ho THESEKSATIOMAL BESTSELLER! beretired bv on the a^ai-fouic'S Comaker,. «d"LT ^ J»m*s. sec Francisco t*** *"* ** S' eon ^sctyi 1962-63 Sea son at iXs h Angel Street Octob*' 24-3 •A nestaipiKS erf wp#«s "—>*«* J. B. Nwwlwr 28-Oec«»r»b eepeecm4.m»4 4mmm4 ..U €»•*• ^? ] ~n "THE FIREFLY" THEATER Rmmsmmi MM cnpM feMla @ $5-K •ocfc-wl al^e iau» irmm jmmum ^••MauGHry marietta •• "B*?*GaDOOW FliI-"DANGEROilS | LOVE AFFAIRS" "MAYTIME" • * Monday. October 1, 1963 Lions Win Judo Group Dr. Margaret With Plum State Gathering Set Mead writes ot CaFAYETTE, tad. Coach BUI Onop«. who BALTIMORE, Md.-TS« Detroit - played bril¬ SeU-defense and technique will Lions viefrateii the Baltimore Cewr Kenney** Spartan booter* liantly tn the nets, lost his sut- be out bid In the fourth demonstrated a? the Judo Celts, 21-20, atxl remawed tn •truck for three qfulck r*U Sat¬ period when I • tie for a tlrst place ln the National Football League's West¬ urday. then had to struggle to fight off a <h major another lightning fast bsllhatKiler turned tn th» running also play of the appointed in the squads shooting, Detroit Wins, 3-1; clubs. Is open to coeds. THE HEW vesteniay. He became the wmnlngtm lefty tn afternoon before a especially since he fiekM nearly Fans who attended the Ohio MORALITY . , .. capacity crowd L'^rr ' " •< v PUnfc's S2t place after the first week in July, *:ter, to afrt^plac^ This was McGaha:s XifJKC pilot. rooched Lao Wtx -V Programs RECORD CABINETS. DESKS and Director. Graduate In Social BOOK CASES built to your dimen- SEW *N* SAVE FABRIC SHOP Frwdor popping t^nt^bU^k-^ktt ana. »td>. Call u •FOR RENT ' COMING OCTOBER 5. The all Motel). S 5 w&rk ^ EducKion_ Part.time sons at reasonable prices. IV 4-0732 Open Mon..C^r Thurs.. Harmon Kardon amplifier. •LOST i FOUND AUTOMOTIVE e\enin*s until 9;0Q»5 Dttstte cabin* speaker. UNSUPERvis^o>ir new Rambler for 1963. Style. ftfPAW ^ S5S,mSt. T •PERSONA] ww"" ryeTrT*M~up7T •PEANUTS PERSONAL ..ecoaomyT--^lmftrrri4«T5-tt~rrx- mer Steele Rambler, on Mlchl- Cars IV 5-7201. 11 CUBIC FOOT REFRIGERA¬ I STUDIO COUCH, grey tweed. MOTORcVtLE. lMft VklUMPtC .Zt.Tr?" * «. •REAL ESTATE gan 2 blocks east of Frandor. 5 HEALTHY TOR, deluxe range. Excellent POSITIONS FOR SECRETARIES, •SERVICE OLDS 1957. 88 4 dr. sedan. •Expert Lubrication typists, bookkeepers, and recep- „ndm^ offer. ED 2- ^ ^ pE »_8907, es. Prj DRAFTING EQUIPMENT USED . •TRANSPORTATION 5 ED ® ^ Under 37.000 •Quality Texaco Gas don Road. •WANTED condition miles, excellent •Oil Changes tionlsts. Great Lakes ment. Employ¬ 616 Michigan National tow- _______________ ALL STATE VESPA SCOOTER, 2 drawinginatrument set5.2slide SCOOTER. Perfect condition P^e^r power brakes, hydramatic. Woman steering •Radiator Service rules. 5" and 10"; etc. TU 2- 5125. Good campus transporta- lamcn. fac¬ IV 2-1543. C5 Good condition. Good buy on eco- PARKING •Wiwh and Polish j or TU 2-8410. 5 tlon. Graduating, must sell. Pete. DEADLINE: ulty owner. Sacrificing for per¬ BE ALTV m rHRb'TM.^. Oe- 5=r nrtmir*i nomlcal "sport.tion. Phone sonal reasons. J850. Call ED •Battery Service come AVON Representative 23Z^6»3, 2 dqL'BLE BEDROOM SUITES. SR AAti ■ $1.50 an 3 bed covers, card table, pressure MAPLE BEDROOM FURN- $2.00.'" . ?-9569 after ft. and sell quality gifts in your own Night. 1 S CONCORD TR AILER. 10' wide, CONCOR- iclusive territory. >io ex- 50* cooker. 3 small jamps. smoking „ 'TURE.Glris preteen 12 cloth¬ long. 2 bedrooms.Brandtww. Hr«po«.- price cheap. 1415 *"8- 313 Kenberry. El>2-8493. 5 PHONE: perlence necessary. For appoint- The little bride changed her mind. Cooper Ave. Phone IV 9-5043. 3 ^ Danl (Continued ment In your home call evenings ED 2-8487. ,n 3 po?. 9) 355-8255 or 8256 FORD, 1953. New Mrs. Alana Huckins -FE 9-8483. vioUN. Very fine old P>aolo OLIVETTI PORt'abi F TYPF ^ Good transportatu Drive in for WOMEN. APPROVED. Close in. I smiling service* T, $65. 355-9022. SP ART AN TEXACO SERVICE ,,... _ .g Giovanni Maggim valued in 1942 ^ One vacancy. ED 2-2155. 6 LUCOH I Heater „v .vnin.. « *3-5°°- *U1 **11 for ,1'(XX? Ian. Call S55-1609. Dr. Fox. 5 BIKE FOR RENT. $3 1 DAY SI .00 CORNER GRAND RIVER ^ gift> to workings c"h or w111 ,rad" f°r "°ff SCOOTER.Wl LaWBRSTT^ jSWBR $25 a term. Room 142 E. Shaw, Changes Nar 3 DAYS and SPARTAN S2.00 for their or.nlon on anew oroduct. S*r. ®ame vtlu*- B°X 150 Call "i 5 DAYS S3.00 Phone 337-9034 SdSS!? »8 A^rt Street , ^ ^ c.c. 484- H George Taylor 355-88U » ■....JTTZ The Luc, 3OJ«o o- 75 ■>o'ai o4> •» Employment pi.q~ m-'-m-j. s «•»; Perfect conditlon. Must sell. t- your own hours with beauty coun- kaculi*Y WIFE desires student made curtains and TTir purchased early 1: draoecJes. "" DOUBLE G.ARAGE for 3^0450. . Savings up to 50f. 2 block from by the W.S. Butter » (GERNLAN:. 195", Excellent Berkey Hall. $7 a Inc., of Detroit. gas mileage, good c oodldon. Call PART-TIME BABYSITTER in my with light Ft-RVtfHlNT KK AP excellent condition. Contact new. Makes design, sews 00 expensive gP 2-4753. transportation. Call ; 2 SINGLES, and. for four, kit- Etsl L,nsln^' TOP. .*11 white. VIfanv extras. pre-schooler and, or baby. Laun- paul shawver, ED 2-0841. 128 chen prlvlleges. ^ Evergreen. Phone 3.J2-6&33. "y?? 5 dry privUeges. Call I\ 4-6543. Haslen, 4 wtehou? I960 RCA ^lUrlpool Washer, full" IV 4-152. H llSOJl 1*5? CHEVROLET .. mu.... .:—■■, * APPLES. Fresh pu;~e sweet attachments. Will sell for total tutomMlc. $i25. Phone 355-3224. 7 Au'nrd CASHIER^ ^ND STOt K of $61J2 or take on payments BOYS s"«J »Td Pt' e IV 2-5*36 •" t.tm< 4Iv! P"15*1 ame- Ex" Cid«r. Farm fresh eggs, squash. pie pumpkins - also will have $6.12 per month. IV 5-170S. 5* Hn mont^ ALL SETS GUAR AN- r V or 355-430 i fcerwei Monday Big Value, J 3 at P|«y pen. $10. Call Pnr^;. r —, C#I1 ^55-3458 be- TEED- Ph°ne NEJAC TV REN^ year V. Call EC 2-81 pjr. ? • TALS. ED 2-8978 or «»-,M4.c S£«Ti?''1 1 "■ A CONVERTIBLE. ~ED AUTOMATA ^ W ■ ^ i^A3JC*2~« jSTjjjr- 'AT HaU extras. Graduating, 'a;: Pete. ED 2-0416. bitious hour. rr.en 50 positions Call and women. $LS5 M.rk«.Jml,„e„to(E,LM. «*•"»«. o.ll APARTNCENTS National Fel!.-wsv:t- i for 1963-64 an Tom DeWitt, sik* nt. * Faculty ■ 1,600 miles, •- - MoKifY' - me ^day, and Frld^,-,- BICYCLE HE ADQUARTERS w, ex- 2101 Roberts Lane. Lansing. 2 :«» corvettes,5 magazine &mi.Wi!5li has position "SP? of and """ October 31 : 0 v 4 ... - - for ex- new usev.. We re only 5 y.rd. 170 plus uiillaw. STRATTON $55. Pfcone afteVs. AMERICAN MADE BICYCLE. In ^ „„ v ED 2-5374. F^datVon's - tike re% perienced man m or advertising aover-ising ..■>«*« from campus. CaU 5 ,,5_5ja6 r SPORTS CAR major. Contact :t Tom Dewitt. IV for easy directions. New English , po— M^E5'feikE. uF.V.'j53^37^Perfect 3- LOVELY MODERN FURNISHED [ CENTER '-5113 after 6 p.m. 3 Hercules finest quality . Special $41.83. Used bikes in good ^ ^DAPP ondltion. Perfect- for campus. Excellent rumUn« condition. Call after 5. 2 bedroom apartment. Close to mediately ift'er dition. $19.50 and up. Several $275. 355-2633. 7 W 2-643L 5 •us boys closeouts new. Regular $42.95 at Sigma Ptu Epsi- now $32.88, Gene's Cyxle Shop. 702 W. Barnes. Lansing. Call TIME WORK. Average S \\ 4-03t. steUu week to April I. Stu- lust What You've Needed for Your BLET CL,\R1NET Wood in- Books!! '60 Impala. den: wife preferred. - OR ~-J9:s, jifter '61 Gaiixie *61 E.Lansing umenr in excellent condition Super SS. a»i firm. Must hi e ore mimeograph and Contact Alyce Beckmever, 244 E. unusually clear. *59 Ford iddressing nn chine experience. retractable Hardtop, Landon. 355-8o63. 3 Send resume J Box 341 A. 3tu- dent Serv ice - 19^' g?A. 3% Take over payments. SPARTAN MOTORS MALE - Young Assistant- Grad- 2-0247, 6533 S. Washington Road, uate in counselirgor social work. —— —— Part-time position with social C0R5t i 3000 Ev V8CH1GAN work agency. 24 years Phone IV 5-7201. Design it yourself... To Fit Your Space and Needs So easy... So economical! You don't havo to be an engineering major to Countless Units design and assemble your own bookcases, room- dividers. or TV and Hi-Fi units with Erecta-Shelf. can be designed with It's fun . .simple . .. practical and inexpensive! Ktms Irotr. these 4 PANEL SIZES By combining just 4 panel sizes in satin black or gleaming brass wrought iron, there's'no limit to 01" EVER , the number of arrangements you can des»gn to fit WMATT DS UP FHORHT? your space and needs. Note that be used straight panels can ► ack« abean horizontally or panels may be attached at any desired vertically .. and horizontal jjSS) W in details. height on the Up front, ahead of a modern filter, only Winston has vertical panels. v. {; -^$21 Filter-Blend., >vTTti rich, golden tobacco® specially selected for full flavor in filter and specially processed EASY TO A00 TO OR TAKE APART Anytime you wish to make your unit taller, :: P®* smoking. It's what's up front that counts! longer or deeper simply a^d more Erecta-Shelf panels NATION C< ... or change the arrangement completely. It's a ^ Phi Alui cinch to disassemble for • Ed»»re Cr moving 100. Plan your unit (we'll help you if you wish) and come in «' - »11H •if*"' fo»* your Erecta-Shelf panels and free detailed brochure. ERECTA SHELF PRICE LIST i Cftaoiiag trass 20" Para! 1.99 eo. 2.99 eo. 24-Pa^i 2.39 eo. FILTER -BLEND i 30-fawi 2.89 eo. 2.39 eo. Cww Pa.*! <24 3.89 eo. • 3.99 eo. 5.99 eo. Wood Base-. Winston tastes good like a cigarette should! GIBSON'S r S (| WEST GRAND RIVER A EVERGREEN l .-.n State New*. Et»t Lansing, Michigan * ~ — Zbe, ' —- ' J. 1962 the trip la totally unnecessary. Overpowered •ays UJS. marshal# art sharing the Nero's apartment at "Cle £m SAR6CW& eft mm! Mlsa" and added tut ft* apart¬ jpiwiir CtMrlt* sad Lee, .. ment baa, aa it p« it "asperate No you don't bavo to go to Florida (Continued fro* pa 90 1) bath facilities." 3 10 hold on office, just come out •■tvrettv . In Jackson. Mississippi. Gov¬ to the Pi Kip house. 121 White- JOTL ' ,ooks " Ross Bsmett announced I MEN. Call ^ Pi Phi 3 T*ToE£, 0 belonging t< newapa- ernor from the rrunaion that he was told doubles for M Reel Estate smashed. n ■ o us windows M»S*yth "was placed on the campus ... by means ofgovern- B. LANSING - by owner. Spa- Highway patrol cars screeched "*nt helicopter." Barnett urged — „ his a 2 vouna ciooa 3 bedroom ranch, attached "P t0 the campus, sirens blaring. •*«7 «ite offlci 30,000 people rioted to prevent S HOMING. * 7°""* garage, nice full basement, qual- A jeering crowd of students command to avoid violence. the Integration crisis ha* a Kennedy his shipment South. Federal „ jUst for men. £ - I(y neighborhood, near all scho- hea v«ly damaged a photogra- ^ Governor made no move long history of valor in bat¬ troops were called out and Bums j^.ReAfsonawe.^au q]s bus> |14(000> Quick pos- pher's c*r- A newsman with a » block the fifth attempt ol the was put on a southbound tle, and its men were decor¬ Call ED 2-2339. ltp* r«corder was mobbed bythe ship. session. 3 29-year-old Negro to enter the Reconstruction Period- In the (Continued from page 1) ated in World War U aodKor- ATTRACTIVE DUTCH demonstrators, but he managed c*nr*>us, despite his C to escape years after the Civil War r history of Mississippi, its w safely hcMnH It wouia ney- Amcrlcans, he told a nation- _ marshals ringtngtheadministra- Bamett blocked four earlU by owt ►r. basement, garage, ex- tlon rule, and federal troops were the guard unit federalized in lor building. Another group of snempts to enroll Meredith at used ience, are free to disagree ma'esi^ eellent condition, low taxes. 15 students thriw llghted"c^m^ the 114-year-old university. Two to put down disturbances, -"irtST ^-"4-2479. on the canvas' top T- Srived continuing until 1876. 1 11 T^rrcS? B0 J ..7T - SNew ,LANSING 1 '!■«" 3 hedroom ranch on 1 - Near campus. Daisy L loaded with marshals. The fire was extinguished. The University hours before the Negro ,{ the Oxford campus a flve- truck convoy of U.S. marshals Labor Strikes of 1877—These brought widespread disorders, particularly along the route of Kayaks (Continued from page 6) Kennedy closed with an ap¬ peal to the students of the uni¬ versity. He said they had a of Mississippi occupied the grounds and took up great tradition to uphold, one ' 'V4* Lane. 1 1/2 baths, large r the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad News Service of honor the field of says school offl- fuard post around the edminis- and in this instance U.S. on cour¬ nation room, attached garage, cials and the State'CoTlweBwd building. troops age and the gridiron, as well V*1d^ou- were used at the >•nvfS ^ ^ ^ '^•asonably priced, Shown any time. Call Koso Build- have dnh declined to register Mere- Since officials declined to reg¬ request of the states, rather than over their as the campus. He said the -Kviernbath ister Meredith on the Sabbath it most effective means of up- ers> BD 7.2573. 6 — opposition. Out In St. Louis the indicated the Negro will be en¬ d $10 « — * SAVE REAL ESTATE FEE. soldiers were used to enforce Buy 3t: rolled at the all-white school a court order. direct from owner. New home SERvJcfT™ noes, respectively. Although His located at Franklin Street, Has- You Coxey's Army of 1894—Jn this not rece yet accepted as an Olympic Troop Use lett. 10 mln. drive to MSU. Bl- boat, the K-4 is producing out¬ tpVRNlSHED CABIN at apers back r 2 male 9 rooms, 2 baths. 2 car our servic standing competition in the U.S. PA-ri-telv furnished, garage, near Schools. ED 2- your baby-s and Europe and there is definite mmUv. sekly. ED ED foV'.i.u FOR SALE Au . ,» OR RENT. 2 apart- 1 clothing - (Continued from poge 1) because railroads which were in action directed toward including i White, Blue 0 President Andrew Jsckson this craft in future competition. mem house. 214 Smith Ave. Call the hands of court-appointed re¬ furnished. strengthened federal forces and ceivers became . E. Lansing; Need ED 2-6804. J. involved. Most with 3 proclaimed that federal law would jftjre house LAKE LAPSING. CI ose to college AM ERIC be enforced. He also, however. notable incident was near Butte. where followers of "Ccn- Managers Needed and to bus. Cute 2 bedroom. k. Available October SEi eral" Jacob Coxey stole Will sell or exchange for house 111 E. W unfair, thus raising prospects from the Northern Pacific near nearer Lansing. OX 9-2866 or IV tv of changes in the law. South Tfemale ROOM- 5-61b0. Westrin Real Estate. Butte, Mont., and routed U.S. Carolina rescinded its nullifica¬ hedro< marshals who tried to regain it. tion statute. f > : able. Near LEAVING STATE. Must sacrifice TYPl\r cprucc President Grove.- Cleveland I r \TF ROcSl^and 3 lovely 3 bedroom home 1 1/2 baths, 2 fireplaces, rec. In Hoi.. "ir ^ T STARR; Typist, theses Fugitive Slave Act Riots—In 1854, Anthony Burns, a Negro, sent in regulars who subdued the mob and recovered the train --rested —' ex "hangs for room, aluminum exterior, much dictations, term papers, gen- was arrest*d as a fugitive slai without bloodshed. e:'5 helper, mare. FHA available. 515,800. etrd ^'"8- Experienced. IBM n Boston by U.S. marshals. Some on. 1\ .2232.5 >1.000 (town. OX 9-2465. a electric typewriter. OR 7-8232. EAST LANSING, 220 Loree Dr. Just listed by owner. 1 year old Ann Brown- Wist and multlllth custom-built. 4 level split with large basement. 4 bedrooms, 2 floor to ceiling fireplaces, mah- oftset Prtntln« and co'or)- term & white, General typing, theses, disserta- Campus Crowd ogany paneled family room, full U2aSa_?P_i^Si r or 2 piece bath on 3 levels, For *»st accurate typing on Fruitwood kitchen with buUd-ins, e,lte !BM typewriter call 339- IVED RCX^NiS. dishwasher, 2 eating areas, liv- ^122 i!;8 and family TYPD^J - Fast, accurate. Call look patio and wooded area. Near Kay Stachnik. ED 2-4152. 5 schools and MSU. Price below EXPERIENCED* HP1ST: Term- cost. Shown any time by app. papers, thesis, in my home. EP 2-3050. 3 Phone 432-1895. 12 3 STORY HOUSE. Large lot good W ANTED TYPEWRITERS to for fraternity or BOORS LOVE "EM... sorority. ED clean or repair by experienced 2-3963. 3 repair man. Guaranteed work. AND MOST IMPORTANT, frye TL' 2 FREE THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY T>TlNG, TYPESETTING and GRATIS. AND, PICK UP ON p.^s:: Frandor) rr Uterisground "27!s'0'""8l.v.l «,«c, ,o BOOK m OUR CAMPUS CROWD PLEASING ALBUMS. Mch,g», Phone xtmc m COVERS' GRATIS, THEY'RE NOT. GRATIFYING, THEY Ml! fe 2-3011, ... ^ mcks Brother, . , ed- evenings. Mr. Funk, ED2-3437.4 — $700 down. «ILLS S5°.2n K1t«H " 1. to 3 bedroom ranch, ®^I_S nation's TOP ib the first tl country *?, t 179j lot. 1 Mock from U anVed TO RENT: A orchestral a 1 backing is) 1 :nv \-\TS or. H*Jb^ ^H01!:*!12'000' Rd" E' 6i4 N' ah,e Prlced «ar»g«- Phone ED' Ke students and 337-7574. Llnsln«-Phon! 2-3094. your iav- B.\BY SITTER 5 mornings a 3*1-0716.5-7 Service week in my apartment for 3 child- . Call 355-8032. 923 I Cherry —- PIANIST, JUILLIARD GRAD- - VWCA. UATE, now accepting beginners, :30 P.M. advanced students. (NearE.Lan- - tie. 5 sing High School.) Call ED 2- n'a Bar. £2 L2 -« M. West of WE SELL AND service black and ore. white and color TV's. RCA Vic¬ Opposite i-t. C^e- S-5:?0,Tues., tor factory authorized service Perfect time saversl jjJ barbers. Call Your own name and ad- ::a.i.,-s'hair.C MOBILE TV dress primed on gum¬ 1301 W. Mount Hope med paper. Use them on [ IV 9-530T 25 letters, books, checks, EXCELLENT TV REPAIR on all ect. In handy pad form. makes and models. All work An unusual value at this low ;.T^G.f°R.CE SHEARING the uninhibited barbara guaranteed. DISCOUNTS TO ALL price. Write for free bro- dane belts some lusty. COLLEGE HOUSING. Open 8 a.m. custy blues. (s)t-175s - to 8:30 p.m. TV Technicians, Markey Sales, 2780 E.Gr. t HICKS 3022 E. Riv. Ave., Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. I*. ED 2-6169 for FREE BAY G*5 HORSES BOARDED. New barn. 3 miles from MSU campus. Reasonable rates. Best of care. Given away 5 times dai 01.^EVER wanted to fin Fn 7.7-rci i over Radio YVMRT 1010 c '"Mtcrnm ■V'7W *s the time, LEARN TO FLY your dial. Register today i at Sheren Avi¬ is at hand. A ation. Low rates. 3 miles north any Bay Station. ,tci pHYSlCS and §gt» ^^ Would vou WAIT? Appointment* are Downstairs Veyour academy at Campus Barber Shop. HER LATEST SENSATION SINCE Professional life J LbMv Wl"*" easy paymc r, ^ dew every dollar toMiuamt-K..,— f0*1®*' See for yourself. Full Price in¬ cluding All Taxes. License and Title only. We always have a good selection o< clean '« i omy cars priced below $500.00. 1 'RUN, CHICK, RUN'-Chickens got th. jump orv under- classmen Saturday afternoon, but not for long. Considered V|GIL--Tree-sitting is annual trysl rfcoresentoti ves. Jamie Blanchf tryst between underclass Blonehird, left, sophomore repre- Foster & Paul AUTHORIZED FIAT SERVICE a necessary port of freshman training, chick-chasing was and Bruce Osterinl Inlc, freshman, " ' continued c part of annual frosh-soph doys. perch through cofd night. (See StOry) 2800 E. GRAND RIVER I... I John^pJncaktH^ lu„ State News ON A BUDGET? Photos By Keep an itemized record of your penses with ex¬ Daze Spells Frolic George Junne men recommend.it to other nu n Lorin Browning STUDENT TAB "THE COLLEGIATE BUDGET BOOK" * Simple to maintain * Each book represents a whole year * One page represents expenses from Monday to Sunday *Only 59< A A vailable exclusively at SPARTAN BOOKSTORE TALLY MO - Strongest row race Cbol, clean Old Spice After Shave lotion always gave coeas gets you off to a fast, smooth start. Feels coeds in America attend chance male noses just as to put good between shaves as it does after shaving. AFTER SHAV CORNER ANN & M.A.C. State according to spec- out in front, or into Rates A-OK with dates. 1.25 and 2.00 totors at frosh-soph day ground. plus tax. LOTION competitions. Wheelbor- TONIGHT < wt Elected Id B. Society I president J Tuk< horticultu Society for OPEN *RUSH FOR sts. He is thi •w to clutlon. «y is he»d an In scientist wl ALL HOUSES WEST ! hortlcxi y July i. OF ABBOTT ROAD 7-10 P.M. Alpha Phi Alpha Pi Kappa Psi (Union) Phi Gamma Delta Alpha Sigma Phi Psi Upsilon Alpha Gamma Rho A midwestern college audience recently heard this answer w Phi Kappa Sigma talk by A.T.& T. Board Alpha Tau Omega a Chairman, Frederick R. KupP^ j Sigma PhiEpsilon "To us this is an important question because we hire who practice 'diplomaship'- the belief ttial a. ' ' ^ Kappa Sigma nearly 3000 college graduates yearly! To get an answer we went to our own files and examined the records of automatically leads to job success. Such t «j ^ | „ " not make telephone sen-ice what we know 1 Theta Chi nearly 17,000 people. We checked e§ch man's compara¬ Phi Delta Theta tive success against what he achieved in college. "The men we want are men with, those other attributes that give you the f«'. I 1 will ji "As a group, the scholars won handily. Of the men that they will make things move and Zeta BetaTau who stood among the top third in siary for their level mow^ want to excel and are determined to w;>rk a » lP«roirr,w frQ of experience, more than half were also in the top third of J ^Mect your their college class. Only a quarter were in the bottom third. "Nothing short of excellence will do. f^rty Phi Kappa Phi "And contrary to age-old beliefs, extracurricular activi¬ Frederick R. Kappel, Chairman of I *ory • of thej their ties proved a lesser indicator unless the individual had an American Telephone and Telegraph Camp* i> *1 outstanding achievement. Mere joining' was not •Only 2nd Term Freshmen And'Above Are Eligible "The study indicates, at least as far*s the enough. Bell System goes, that there's little opportunity for college stodents BELL TELEPHONE