Weather TATE MEWS World reaction ••Oxford Indent, Tuesday, October 2, 1962 Price 10£ Former Gen. Arrested Wa On Charge 38 Sorry of Army Hours at Units Roll Ole Miss In Oxford By The Associated Press These developmentsinthe Oxford, Miss. (AP)-Thousands James H. Meredith desegregation of helmeted troops poured into controversy at the University of this embattled college town Mon¬ Mississippi led to rioting and the day night, hours after James H. of federal troops onto Meredith, a Negro, smashed the the campus to restore order: University of Mississippi's seg¬ 10:02 p.m. (CST) Saturday - regation barrier. President Determined t o prevent further Kennedy proclaimed an emergency and placed rioting that took two lives Sun¬ day night, soldiers arrested 38 under Federal control. persons. Most of them were At the time, regular Army youths caught at roadblocks set troops swarmed into Millington up around the campus. e Negro Naval Air Station at Memphis For the most part, quiet settled ote in Mississippi and marshals Joined them for the over Oxford as night fell. The i the University darkness ended a day highlighted big push to register Meredith, Isissippi. The people here a Negro, in all-white Ole Miss. by the arrest of former Gen. ; :cei of the possible re- 2:15 a.m. Sunday - Adetach- Edwin A. Walker and marred by of Army engineers pulled a downtown demonstration which - there can be and has out of Memphis in a truck was rolled by rifle fire in die ! these people." convoy headed for Oxford air and by tear gas. A. Fi:zak, dean of stu- to set up a tent city to house and feed the Walker, who last night led a . Barrett, I think, hoped marshals. While the convoy was charge of students against federal en*route, mobilization of the marshals on the Ole Miss cam¬ i p::! t i c a 1 martyr. 1 • 1 :?e: to be put in Jail, Mississippi National Guard and pus, was arrested on four counts r; w'-'c'- -a snot happened Air Guard was announced . including insurrection against the At Jackson, the state capital IT'S WHO'S UP FRONT THAT COUNTS--Students didn't United Stares. rurjteiy he hasn't been He was flown to the Federal for then he would have When a 31-inch thick several hundred men. women and spend much time in football ticket line at Jenison Field sewer gets plugged Anthes, university plumbers, above, children encircled thegover-' House Monday after stunning Stanford win Saturday Mrs. Medical Center at Springfield, h;s goal. You hear the on campus, plumbing crews hove smelly cleared stoppage with bucket Mo., when he failed to post i of Mississippi talking problems. Serving most of north and east drog lines, nor's mansion to shleldGov. Nancy Fisher, port-time ticket office employee, handles act¬ before water level in steam vault Barnett from possible arrest. 5100,000 bond- The hospital has :?.jt::n of their constl- campus, sewer plugged up near Demon¬ damaged ivity book ticket pickup at south end of Jenison arena. Jun- facilities for the systematic rights while really it is heating pipes. 4:30 p.m.— The marshals can get football tickets today, sophomores Wednesday, stration Hall, and sewage backed up into psychiatric care of prisoners. other side. Every time steam vault. Joy Johnson and Howard --State Mews Photo by Mark Krastof. Federal Marshals left Memphis freshmen Thursday. "State News Photo. Walker also was present dur¬ such talk I see a little by plane for Oxford. Highway Patrolmen took ing skirmishing at the courthouse up stations at square Monday in Oxford. The Student-Faculty Committee r't think that President Old Miss' five campus gates, controversial Texan, who led the I hid any other alternative refusing passage to all but stu- troops in the Little Rock school u( a firm, positive stand, 5:30 p.m.-- Themarshals desegregation crisis in Little tpVid the court's de- ' Rock in 1957 and said later he landed at the Oxford Airport Betters Old ir.f thebsslc Policy-Fuzak ideastowhlch was or the wrong side then, was and rode away. They turned off taken into custody Monday noon at onto the campus- apparently with no resistance from the Highway At the capital in Jackson, Gov. Patrolmen. that every institution in Negative reaction by students 0f student's office, Nonnamaker, the committee CAPE CANAVERAL A irnett, who once vowed to towards the new committee on Minutes later. 288 marshals - tropica! storm named Daisyw ted States must abide i! rather than seeOleMiss by They will decide If an out- of a tie. stood shoulder to shoulder around of whirling winds today gave Astronaut Walter M. Sc r- of the land, which is speakers surprised Dean of stu¬ sider can speak on campus, mar- "Students have a stake in who a 50-50 chance of being launched Wednesday on his dents John A. Fuzak. the Administration Building, ly clear. I think that Ken- king a change in a 20-year policy, speaks on campus and this com- six-orbit flight around the globe. He said he thought students the registrar's office is action was well taken, From 1936 until 1956 this de- mittee will give them— and the This was the official word from a National Aerons would prefer located. Students iate, agd I think that he a student-faculty it committee decision «v.r . cis,on waB mde ^ Ae dean of faculty a v<>lce" Fuzak Fuzak said. said- when they heard about it—the Space Administration spokesman. In prepared for very well." Dissatisfaction seen anting years the Provost approved "" >«"» » »"» from a feeling amomg some stu- «.rt ofth. cr«.d ,h« : Monda outside persons to speak enjpt int0 rioting, Elected Head vetoed proposed camp dents that there should not be an 7 p.m.-Meredith ■rived by TOKYO- Red China declared Monday "we stand for the banning of nuclear in a statement we; night, Barnett said the n fired tear gas point blank at State speakers. approval board k speak- 'The facility and students ought piane. Escorted by 50 marshals, iple." Highway Patrolmen who he said Society to cision have a voice In these de¬ Approved by the University last ers, he said. Thursday, the ad hoc committee But the committee, he said, has drove to the campus and student apartment A Peiping broadcast heard here quoted foreign r d B. by the Provost on allowing will consist of the presidents of nothing to do with the question fi as declaring "we would support an agreement b; Tukey, retired in a dormitory. cision," he said. "This Is much lowers to destroy all existing atomic weapons." tossed a pop bottle. Themarshals horticulture, has been better than having the Provost all university student govern- whether there should be 7:30 p.m.—Gov. Barnett issued president of opened up, Barnett said, adding the Inter- • ke the dec inter-residence ®PP' >val' board, J Fuzak " ' continued. "* a statement saying in effect he that five patrolmen wereireated ii ctvm Yi month ago claimed Chinese scientists Society for Horticultural council, men's Hall Association, That question would 1 had given up physical resistance. a for effects of the gas. H< is the first Amer- The committee is an attempt the faculty senate tha great prog-ress toward developing the nuclear bomb bu Inter-fraternity council pan taken University officials announced to head the 100 year to involve the students and Hellenic Council and five faculty s University's speaker: that Meredith had been assigned lndicttion then_ or in the statemnt broadcast today ■ j "This was the direct cause of violence on the campus," Ke IffiUation. faculty." members. policy in 1936. They would have Chlna has the 1 apartment, but had not been charged? it. make any changes in the policy internationally Fuzak referred t President John A. Hannah will registered, Earlier, Barnett, under an scientist who retired mittee of five students and five at they originated. WASHINGTON-The Supreme Court ' as appoint the faculty members from 7.50 p.m,_-Xhe crowd of stu- 11 a.m. (CST) Tuesday deadline the horticulture term Monday with the swearing in of Arthui The committee takes the deaprt- faculty members to be headed by * ,l8t of tCT nominees chosen by new dents, Jeering at the marshals, to purge himself of contempt of July I. v Eldon Nonnamaker, of the dean Committee on Committees. (Continued 7) (Continued on poge on page 7) Goldberg, the former secretary of labor, replac court charges, called for an end Felix Frankfurter, to violence. Law and order must who retired this summer health. prevail, he said ln a broadcast, "even though our state has been "ampus Is No Crime-Free Utopia' Parents of University students, and the students themselves, have the of TOKYO-Communist China obsei with "sober its in the Red bloc. More than half recognition" that it hungry population and a million a d its 13th ip at anniversary Monday still unable to meet the needs "modern revisionists" people marched through the Square 0 Invaded by federal forces." All day long, caravans of mili¬ tary vehicles roared into Oxford. They carried c rac k units of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divi¬ idea that this University is a crimefree utopio, says Lt. Allen'Andrews, sions. Fresh troops of the 1st Heavenly Peace in traditional and colorful ceremonies. The Sovie Uniformed Officer Head of the Department of Public Safety. Union Airborne Battle Group of the was conspicous by its absence. "This mistaken conception, that a virtual city such as we have here 328th Infantry landed at Columbus at Michigan State, is without a criminal element, and the idea that the HOLLAND1A, NEW GUINEA-SudJarwo TJondronegoro, Indonesia from Ft. Campbell, Ky.. to aug¬ University campus is surrounded by some type of invisible shield that Deputy Foreign Minister, arrived Monday at the head of a part ment the Mississippi contingent. words off criminal types creates o gigantic problem," he "y*- of 80 technicians to spearhead the drive to turn this stone-ag Wearing battle fatigues and The students become too trusting and do not even take the ordinary island into a shining example of modern development. equipped with bayonets and gas precautions to~ protect their property or themselves. masks, the soldiers sealed off the Tjondronegoro, Indonesia's diplomatic expert on WestNewGuinea landed only a few hours after a rain-soaked ceremony ending tin campus and courthouse square. Looking into this problem, and taking a hard look at the University Netherlands' 134-year rule as a prelude to an Indonesian takeove Jeeps patrolled the streets. police, as well, Stote Hews staff editor Dave Jaehnig has spent nearly Federal forces arrested 176 600 hours riding next May 1. regular patrol with campus and E. Lansing police over persons, about one-third stu¬ the past few months. dents. Edwin Guthman, a Justice During this time, he took part in the regular police duties of both oe- NEW YORK-Two members of the Soviet Union's United Nation Department spokesman, said all delegation, alleged to have bought American defense document: but about 25 of those in from a U.S. Sailor, are scheduled to leave the United State: custody were released. The government Monday night. Federal Aithoritles announced. , has the best evidence against They are Ivan Y. Vyrodov, 31, and Evgenl M. Prokhorov, 38, them and charges were being pre- whose recall was asked by the United States. cry brtre- in c1 ufj> " uM jarful and M«e," Mid proved by a roll call vote of 63 to 8. The bill now goes to a House- of Congress said the Justice ^•ninenT. other po- "imiL ^ Senate committee for final revision. t Department and the marshals klmen * taU * their campus police. !± * NO PLAY-PftUCE HERE--Shekie,j^e»|^.» »«?«♦»' Genera1 Maxwell Taylor has taken tKe oath as chairman of .ignited the mob violence, k of uM,r„ The survey showed tharthe student end otherwise, is regeler pert m University police the Joint Chiefs of Staff--a group he once said should be abolished. In addition >0 the two killed ln ^•rrandb, of *e defies. Petrelmon Charles Ehrke hnndceffs stedont arrested He Immediately denied any plans to press for the controversial the night-long campus rioting. 20 1 five police (Continued to pege I) en enmpws for grand theft.' -Stote News Photo. changes he had proposed for the U.S. defense control. (Continued on page 7) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan - Tu««n offered to account f r • have appeared to be a return 'Boorqwazee' Hel and MHA offered? fact. Some say that seniors know less or Middle Class? ground of why AUSG loaned the Luau committee the money. This statement was printed in the to the students of matters which will affect them by their pres¬ It should be obvious that un¬ der the facade of liberalization, Engli-I • all seniors major in French. Thi- is riot tr... than 94 percent of seniors major in French !i ■> ence or absence. It Is typical the Administration will now Prof. Josef Fox collected more at the results. Luau program. other six percent? of an administrative proposal have the power to effect a veto The fact that Mr. Tokujo did Well sir, of the other six than 80 different th#t k ,a percent, half or t! p-< misspellings of It is not the fault of the students lot return to campus this fall Just {he opposlte> That .\,„ibureau¬ on even less controversial a tatke physics, and it is not hard to undrr-t. :>1 !■.-.?! the committee is another the world "bourgeoisie" from have delighted those who phenomenon that last spring, souls grow rusty who took the tests. They probably cratic encumbrance is obvious: in English when all they ever v. were against the Luau idea (When Communist speaker R.G. MC squared." examining papers in his humani¬ are victims of those new ways of however, this is not the most Thompson was barred from the begin with. For two terms Is Of the remaining three jiercent, two-thirds r tw p ties class at the State Important aspect of this decision. College of spelling which have taken the year variCus forces attempted if the committee were made campus.) The President and major in whaling, and their English too gri.w- el the Trustees need Iowa. Fox was annoyed, justifi¬ destroy the Luau. They could only nod to disuse. Whalers, as we all know, do not spe:ik t all place of pure phonics. then, so now they ^ sgy ^ faculty chosen by the already conservative com¬ shout, "Thar she blows!" maybe twice a year. ably. because three-fourths of the class had not learned to spell the happy to stab Roy Tokujo back because the f" g mittee members, and they, not the Administration, will take the they Of the one jiercent remaining, it cannot U- -;it>! tkilj Any good fonic speller would l°S0Phlcal clubs or of those with are |xx>r writers. The fact is, we don't k' ■ > »■1 t! kindrfj and his replies have * to be an¬ rap for the further curtailment writers they are. Why not? Because word correctly after weeks of ex¬ know in international character and they never write 1 a moment that "bour¬ swered from 5.000 miles away. of our liberties. don't they ever write? Because this remain:!.^ ■ :*wc«dB posure to it, on-voting coordinator; if it Let the orally and in print. geoisie" is spelled either "boor- If the State News questions responsibility be left American college students are enrolled at • ' • -r-ity d! the character of Roy Tokujo, where It is due. It is time for Alaska, and never take their mittens off. What fascinates is the nature gwuzy," or maybe "boorgwazee," perhaps they should write to appeals in ci where the students to stop betraying stu¬ us William A. Patterson, president Administration vetoes a pro¬ dents. I call on all the'committee (Incidentally, I received quite a surprw . f;af of the depending on where you put the posed controversial speaker (we Alaska two years ago when I was invited to : misspellings. In earlier United Airlines, for personal members to resign. the Queen of the Annual Date Palm Festival. Krmk'y It* aksent. The proper way to spell r^er! recognize that this distasteful times, the comical misspellings He srfw fit to give "boorzhwazee' of the ignorant were often quite obvious from Roy and MSU $14.000 worth of service with no strings attach¬ Ed welcome*fts creation!1 But the sounds for anyone who h it this. accurate phonetic ed. Or perhaps the transcriptions studied foniks. ~ president th< Motel chain of the way they talked. Not so these ingenious modern misspel- would serve as a second source of reference for the "all-know- Crossword Puzzle The more we try to spell the ing" State News.-This lers, who went in for such mon¬ corpora- o rd the surer we are of one tlon varlous staf* members strosities as "bouregouies " —" — money " thing. It is not proper American msu had a successful Luau. "bourgeosise." and "burogioes." southed usage and no one should be trying to spell it. It is Mr> TokuJ° '» 2? hcted to find a surly and morose popui < lists even the worst attempts were to encourage revolutions. £** HfSST through life with lated to your mittens on all the tin.' make you merry as a cricket. N'ot oni curiously apt. The students McGuffey's Readers never recog- could nized revolutions y°ur paper look into this fac- J7'f*7,ng:Fl but you miss out on all kinds of other fun t recognize fhe word without fail, after the 1776 "rPIJ tlll1nk Perhaps they notl w they would have had, been mCib^ry 18. Palm lily cart! monte, making shadow pictures on the 1 ing. However, to my astonishment, I disc and they could produce a set one. - — - of l>e a hale and gregarious group, mittens no'' letters which was I soon found out why: because mittens notw unmistakably Therefore the korrekt way to 21. Neck band 25. Cohere could still smoke Marlboro intended to represent* the word. . , Ciparettes still spell "bourgeoisie" is "middle former 'X Boat front mellow flavor, that fine, dean Sulsctrate f ' Fox had no trouble knowing what speaker pro temlfor Stu- Mou soft pack, that truly flip-top flip-top friend". class.^V That way it sounds won- dent Congress, I will make anybody they meant, though he shuddered derful. - Des Moines instances of loss of students* happy, inittens notwifL- Register. tax Alaskans are the happiest people I have ever money which 1 am sure would United States—except, of course, for the A interest the student body. 1 I would estimate that our Marlboro Cigarettes, who have not been paid MICHIGAN has been $1,000 indeed, never -because how can anybody die „ .-■< .ins to P»T 1 spent to publish the STAT1 UNIVHSITY In STATE ALL-AMERICAN MEWS ACPA RATING 'history of AUSG in some form. So far, that publication lies in¬ for cigarettes when he is wearing mittens' But I digress. What are we going to do condition where college students, having compete" ' ,t this depl'« m .. complete In the archives at AU¬ ] . 4 Member Associated Press. United Press the if" scriptions oavable in SG for its new speaker to read English, become steadily less proficient in tN " ffk- 1 International, Inland Daily Press Associa- 1 terms after each election. gunge' The answer is simple. We tfill oiak' thei $4. 3 uto I tlon, Associated Collegiate Press Assoc¬ man English all iation, Michigan Press Association. I wonder how much fun the through college. In fact, we ' - Editor Ben Burns handful of NSA (National Student anything else! This solution, besides produrirnt ^ Published by the students of .... Michigan State Managing Editor Association) representatives had graceful writers, will also solve another " jlm Wellington where to park on campus. If everybodv t«k« nothing w1 . University. Issued on class days Monday . . . City Editor Bruce Fabrlcant at the last conference on the through Friday during the fall, winter and Freshman English, we can tear down all Sports Editor Dave Harfst poor students' money?IftheState spring quarters, twice weekly during the Photo Editor . . . News would do a little research summer term; . . Dave Jaehnlg special Welcome Issue in before they publish, they • September. Advertising manager , . Fred Levlne might Circulation manager Bill Marshall obtain more facts. Second class postage paid at East . Lansing, Copy editor Bill Doerner When the administration lost Michigan. Asst. hundreds of dollars on the stu¬ Editorial and business offices City Editor Eric Filson at 341 Stu¬ Editorial Editors dent-nm organizations In the Tlw mmkert of Mmriboro, who ipontor dent Services Building. Michigan State Uni¬ Sally Derrickson and j Paul Schnitt past, t.e., Water Carnival and luiUt to bein, among tho* lht,m versity, -East Lansing, Michigan. Mall sub- _ Feature Editor Jackie Korona J-Hop. did AUSG holler? What is not mil It might bm. HotMMt. ** Uke to tto* ^ j right does any legislative body tobacconist we know m thing or two. Won t- you •*0 If gou mgromt Michigan State Newt, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 3 Stand Given Praise 2. 188a fK Suspect Kills Cash, lock wood Self To Avoid Cop Mac Honors Foreign Newspapers Holdup Trial Virgil Scott, associate profes¬ sor of English, announced that INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., (UPI)— James Cash, Grand Rapid. Junior A prisoner grabbed a deputy'3 gun and Walter Lockwood, Grand in smS^jkss 55.crE.sM2 a courtroom Monday, escaped Rapids senior have placed second In a gun battle which wounded an and" 22nd respectively In "Story ^.vh ,r.s abroad. T™ ®rltljh uXr.r.N'or^s: «*■- Ing In the south of hi. Texan aged woman, and shot himself to death when officers surrounded Magazine's" annual national con¬ test for college undergraduate.. newspaper said the Whole papers applauded the strong line* running mate" this Is a dlffl- him in a field. The contest k of ."^Unltedthe I. States-, taken by Kennedy on behalf of Phillip King, 24, Indianapolis, wa. held last spring with 85 manuscript, sub- % society fired . bullet from the r~.i said it » est of the The Times said the President's deputy's ™ltted' The results wcre m#de grew deil to Jgplce.weapon into his headwhen- - ynow" —ln* P"" ot haps the most dangerous, clash about to be captured. the summer. between the Federal government He ;; widespread praise and any southern state since the was being moved into a -rodent Kennedy and almost iockup behind the Judge's bench t«I denunciation of Gov. US Press Supreme Court ruled against regation eight years ago." seg¬ in Marion Criminal Court before his trial was scheduled shortly Romney Rally On lap fcT-nett and other Mississ- Norway's second largest news¬ start when he broke to The Ingham County Romney ■offlcials for attempting to away. Volunteers will hold a Romey fctop British politician. Har¬ Censures paper, The Liberal Dagbladet, praised Kennedy and said his action "serves to convince the The trial was scheduled before Judge Thomas J. Faulconer on rally at the Ingham County fair¬ grounds in Mason on Wednesday. bor, chairman of the Labor rest oi the world that the Presi¬ charges of a $3,700 holdup of a George Romney, Michigan's Re¬ called the attempt to bar Bornett dent has the will and the to fight against racial ability fanaticism.' TELEPHONE LINES SLOW PROGRESS-. 000 Clearing telephone, pelice, fire and om- by squore ycrd. of peo, ore sand being reploced for roadbed before $100,000 wi- supermarket last April. publican candidate for governor, will speak at the rally. After Monday's successful e balance line* from Abbott Rood construe- T#«« """* """""j " en- The Mississippi case drew top dening of roadway can be completed, . Soviet news agency •« rolUng of j,me8 Meredith in the P'ay in Paris newspapers. tion area slawedwark crews Monday. 26,- fiti the^r'-ersiryoiN iss- University of Mississippi, news- .-StateMaw, Photo. France-Solr, a politicalmod- ,s a "stronghold 01 Dig- papera around the World com. erate, carried a headline racism andchargeatl* reading: Excavation mented on the "Oxford incident." "Blood Runs In Mississippi." • with 14kerS' ins ga ng „ Several United States had this to say: newspapers The procommunlst said "The crowds cry Nve'll Liberation Sit ■spiers in segregation: si NEWARK STA R-Ledger- take death rather than living with |Af:;a sp • a shed ar amatic lily. commenting Some Mississippi official, hapS are Proud of nations's mo^'^rlous per- PerPetratlng state's The Independent Le Monde said there has been a lot of talk about In^aUo^fn^'unltrf States Many Have Vou been t0 ^ A"30" °f Sided ^ sP°res and poller hidden under the road bed and E $55,000 Ghana press and radio, critical of United States rights crisis since the Civil War ,,but mostly 'Hence about many Rd' excavation site yet? If not. Inside the chunks of peat. He's for fill material and the actual But their stand certainly will f.ii schools where the law has been >ou 4re """tag an education, even ta*en samples home for road, generally reported the lt special prominence shame inspire anything more than mone Americans who respected without the least trouble." E^neers are rebuUdlngthe road for a third of a mile from «udy. For engineering students in The Job should be a completed few months, with the new 46- i,SSJje' B^Ut Burcham Dr. M-78 because there are, the problems caused - to have long since discarded a ' color foot roadway in'place and ready :he Independent Ashantl and creed gs standards for the authority nf rh« i gffg Peat bed has caused the road to by the peat in the first place, for judg. for use. Meanwhile, the excava- arced the J11"#6 government should be seriously sink* Jaess" of some white Jng "coUegg material." J^ls road project will cost tion site is providing an easy op¬ - ine \>w« challenged today by the state of Where does the education come *100,000. ($45,000 for excavating portunity for a painless education s and added: "We are Nelther the President's MIsslssippi...what we lack is a For history majors, the ex- that the nt's plea Dlea nor the statute books plainly cavation reveals many previous ^^^OOO^^c^icjfa^s^^Eat from lr. mar.> fields studied at State. Administration is doing the belated appeal of Gov. Barnett setting forth the educational roads dating back to the original ng practicable to remove C0Ul liant pitching effort by Billy Pierce and a barrage of home homers to take the MajorLeague ieatj jn that department. Orlando over three Insurance runs In the «*7 C*T* hom* ' Smith - . «. ™ a. —IT nation (6). Ortega (8). Perrenoski burled «m. _.plaT«te bottom of the eighth. DETROIT 15 74 J2I l«Vj run a powered the San Franclaco The Una score: JY Roeeboro. Mond,v i-v **- $t Low» K 71 JW 17 .7^'' . Cepeda and Jim Davenport also Phil Ortega went in Pierce end aervlcea topltchfor Dodgers 000 000 000 .. Chcieoe V 77 .525 11 Clanta to an 8-0 victory over the — 0 3 I CUv.Urd M M ,4M 1* Philadelphia II M m 1fV> homered aa the Glanta clobbered the Dodgers, following KoUfax, Giants HRs—Mays v^1"' p9H(y« ni\8—wiy# (4«th, 49th) *'•«/ The form Loa Angeles Dodgers 210 002 030 » 10 0 Houtton 44 t4 .400 34 Monday. , half-do»m pitcher a for lOMta. Ed Roebuck, Larrv Sherry and - DlvwV>rf (I*h), Dav«n»rt a4th), (35th)l ed' footb.u"^11^^ Cepeda (35th). ed footbaU 77 U .«7S 1» The tr lump a put theGlanta one- Chicago » 101 .J44 « , 74 U .47$ 1» Nrw Y*rk 40 110 .250 40 starter Sandy Koufa* waa tagged Jack Smith to the hill. The San up over on their old rlvala In the with the loaa. Fraaclaco nine wasted little time - behind. W«th.n3ton .17) M"> beat-of-three playoff aeries for 40 101 •M»«t in a best-oMhree pUyoH to getting to Ortega. In Owoaso. the 1962 National eUctd, the league chomfJon. League pennant. P>*rce •« •< h,» He Maya led off with a walk and The Glanta need only a win at allowed only two runner a to reach stole second with one out. Then Following the 19|rJ!n_,a •"•on. Loa Angeles today to become the second »>•«• walked only one. and Davenport walked and forced the Brltton. Mr E«lby, '**4 New York Yankees World Series was sel«™, lv*4 s£uck <** four " he «• Dodgers to bring In Ron Perran- Women To Plan IM Program tnta on Thursday. ^..gjfJgk-. pwakl tor Grtaga^Helmmedi- FT —;— rce, the onetime American ately loaded the bases bywalklng ing the League ace, allowed only three A crowd of 32,000 watched Ed Bailey. This set up Joae PA- 's IM pro hits and extended the Dodgers' the game at sunny and humid talned from the LM office. doublc, and when ting Tue&d.i) scoreless Innings to 30. Willie Candlestick Park. the throw from the outfield hit ICE SKATING SPECIAL RATES FOR STUDENTS Evenings Tues. thru. Sat. 8:00-10:00 Sat. Morning 10:00-12:00 Sat. & Sun. Afternoons.. 3:00- 5:00 REGISTER NOW FOR GROUP LESSONS CHILDRENS CLASSES - Sat. 9:00-10:00 1:00-3:00 ADULT CLASSES Thurs.8:00-9:00 SKATE RENTALS AVAILABLE Michigan State University ICE ARENA Michigan State University FOREIGN FILM SERIES i WHAT LO LOLA WANTS GET WED. 3^ OCT. J "The Student Prince" Looking For Work? Get Beh WED. OCT. 10 "BITTERSWEET" WCD. Experienced photographers and photojournalists Interested In professional ii III OCT. 17 "THE FIRE-FLY" employment ore needed by the State News Photography Department. Married WID. "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" !!U!!nt!L®r1^uot® blade and white students, and upperclassmen with extensive training in ii OCT. M photography In newspaper and free-lance fields can contact Dave Jaehnlg, photo editor at the State News w«o. Qualified underclassmen are also Office, or by calling 355-8254. OCT. 31 "BRIGADOON" asked to apply. iu.i; FMRCHILD THEATRE mm WEO. W.J. «.F,i..Qc. 3 L 5 NOV. 7 "MAYTIME" 7 & 9P.M. Admission 50< Lb*." w "«»»■ E»" Laming, Michigan tea< Tuesday/October S, 196S 5 jr lU Prep RJv*. atrector, Joined th« to- Saturday's Gri Linemen mentioned proqp> lnentiy Included: ends—Dave Robinson, Pm Stat* High Campbell. Washington State: Hal Bedsole. Southern California; f'l96l with « ********* worjla Tech has .cored 43 debut against Oregon State with atrumental tn setting up vtctorlee '^Otf-Tst. Mary Mfh nd ^ ,b- Rellly, Iowa; centers blatters For .nnrW ^ ... ^ * 2S-8 triumph. of Auborn and Willie Slier of Jimmy Vermillion, Missouri; Tunior and senior In av.™,r,^ everything* scoring * J109*efforts do" Leeson' P,tt^ bard-charging fullback, led the Panthers to Washington, Pete Quaxrochi. Kansas. baseball and football, against Florida last Saturday, m Bay City a 24-14 victory over Baylor with "70jie«e ln armed services r*" Lothrldge was selected for the second straight time the United Press today in one touchdown, a 26-yard field goal and three conversion kicks Early or Late .. .Food is Great bis marrtaga. International while Nebraska's highly touted OPEN 5 P.M. 2 A.M. ■,** After backfleld -of„the- week. Thornton bashed Michigan for a - Weekdays State aadreceivedhla rrphysical education tr Sg^3*SSBL L«e«on of 9<.lflWL Rick . of_iouch£Sii*na-despite 5P.M. - 3 A.M. Weekends Pittsburgh and BUI Injury that kept him out of Thornton of Nebraska round action until Curb Service M was appointed to hit the week's out his services were big four for super- retired, Courteous Delivery Service Lnojltion. heheldacoach- " latlve performances on - c at Flint St. Agnes, college Other major standouts Includ- grtdlrons last weekend. i in Edfootball. baseball, basket- Lothrldge, a 20-year-old ed Cammy Lewis of Nelson Army, Bill of Southern California, VARSITY DRIVE-IN bis duties aa Junior from Gainesville, Ga., battering Ray Poage of Texas, t0 pitched a 31-yard touchdown ED 2-6517 1227 E. Grand River is mar age r and individual pass Pete Liske of Perm State and •gainst Florida, plunged from the tor the men's intramural for another p Rivet will complete thia retirements for a a score, booted 17-yard field goal and kicked two conversion Peggy »ays: 'i physlca1 points ln a 17-0 Start the school year out decision. The week before he ^passed for three, ran for one and right with kicked two conversions as EUcHtrk^0n°TfuAfhL J SEA"H.. Lighted fields will be ovolloMe in nee, downed Clems or, 26-9. Tech an eye. catching hair style from lights lights on on IM field held behind Men Men't . IM RV*mT° Budding. *uJur* *t«dents interested in nighttime Nation. .Jtolt New. Photo. HPR GALS University Beauty Salon Hockey Meeting All player8 terested ln lo Join Club man hockey teams should The Health, Physical Educa¬ a meeting tonight at 7 p.m. Rm. 223 of the Jenison tion, and Recreation Club will hold its first fall meeting Thurs¬ COED SPECIAL" house. day If unable to attend, contact coach Amo Bessone in Rm. 226 the woman at 7 p.m. in Rm. 127 of Women's IM building. Any student DAYS majoring or Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Jenison minor!ng in HPR may attend and join the club. STUDENT SPECIAL! Goals of the HPR Club are •Permanent DETROIT (UPI) - The Detroit Tigers will have a little extra to aid in professional spending money when they tour the Orient this fall—about worth for every man on the team. $600 the women, departmental to promote growth of inter¬ relationships, •Haircut oniy ^ 10 They picked up the cash by copping fourth place ln the Ameri¬ can League final standings. service and social activities, and to provide opportunities for •Style The Tigers ended the season. 10 1/2 games behind the league leadership among its members. leading Yankees. The ball club will leave soon on a five week If e recommend (rabrieleen Permanent tour o? Japan. ares Thursday's meetlngwll! climax the orientation of new WINDSOR, Ont. (UPI)-The Detroit Red Wings made it seven women students enterir.g the i a row Sunday for their pre-season tour by edging the Pitts¬ physical education department. burgh Hornets 3-2. Under a "Big and Little Sister" The game played at the Windsor arena in Ontario had UNIVERSITY BEAUTY SALON 18 pena¬ program, each entering student lties and a fight berween Hornet goalie Hank Eassen and is Detroit's given an upperclassHPR major Howie Glover. or minor as her "Big Sister" Baasen had a busy day with 32 saves while Wing goalie Terry to help acquaint her with de¬ Sawshuk kicked out 16 shots. partmental activities. farm club tonight in a Miss McKnijht, women's phys¬ East Lansing's most modern salon | Sue!- Superb Quality In An All ical education instructor la the torlzed Tape Record- . . Check These in- faculty sponsor. Maggie Snavely, Warren senior. Ispreaident of the I ::M Features: I treed* 5 It 3 4 A In. Reels eBatteryOp- • 2 speeds SPARTAN BELL RINGERS club. Barbara Lockhart, Ridge, 111. junior. Is vice-presi¬ Park ED 2-1116 2 doors East of Lucon $99. l 7/8 lps • Up to i. recording time • Start 95 MUSIC DEPT. M.S.U. dent. Marti Robertson, East Lansing sophomore, secretary, Dp switch on Microphone and Nancy Dash, Evanston, 11!. special student Free Parking In Lucon Lot R Forward. 6Transistor ANNOUNCE OPENINGS sophomore, treasurer. trttes on standard Flash- "ells price ABILITY TO READ MUSIC REQUIRED e Fully Guaranteed. lPE RECORDING INDUSTRIES! Call Mr. Westcott For |l E.GRAND RIVER ED 2-0J Appointment - IV -9-0663 Dave Brubeck Ray Connlff ^ Miles Davis P The Brothers Four^ Andre Previa Duke Ellington i mp' ■ \ | ... Carmen McRaa I Roy Hamilton Swingin' Gerry Mulligan , The Hi-Lo's!^ Lambert, Hendri£ Buddy Greco Great new record offer (*3.98 value)...just *1.00 when you buy Sheaffer's back-to-school special! "Tarayton't Dual Filter in duos partes diviso •»tlH Romulus (Alley-Oop) Antonius, agile acrobatic ace of the amphitheater, while an joying a Tkreyton. sure does fly when you smoke Tareyton," says I buy your Sheaffer Cartridge Pm for ' Alley -Oop. "Marcus my words, one Tkrey ton's worth all •caeoi, you get you 98* worth of Strip cartridges FREE...a SHEAFFER'S BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIAL 1 ,n Rome. Because Dueyton brings you de gusti , i ISJt value for just *2 95. Look for Sheaffer's back-to- ■ °U n*l'"r thought you'd get from any filter cigarette." (J school aMdal acm at Moras everywhere. On the back of Owl Filter mm ice* the the package, there's a bonus for you for a IMC value Columbia Hmited-edition record. It's ... a coupon good *3.93 VALUE FOR *2.95 "SalBfla' Sound", twelve top artista playing top hiu for D^Fju^Tawyton the int tnae «air L.P. This deubU-voiut back-to- school 0«ar food only while they last! So hurry, chooae - - - •• — from five smart colors... and record coupon today. SHEAFFER'S & Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday. Octow , 1 Typewriter Sold First Day! (TYPEWRITER: PORTABLEI •q had many calls and aold my typewriter rt|J>t away" said thla femttb-Coroiu with caae. pleased advertiser. Ibr-d na». Phona ED Almost - CHEW, 1952. standard 6. good SCRIPT FACE TYPEWRITER for 1962 EDITION ENCYCLOPEDIA HORSES BOARDED. New barn. tires, good transportation. Day¬ sale. Facit portable, elita. 1 year BRITANNICA and bookcase, per¬ Personal ment house. 214 Smith Ave. Call 3 miles from M5U campus. ' wits. time call 355-8502, after 5 pm. old. Perfect condition. Phone fect condition. $285. ED 2-8109. ED 2-6804. _ 2. Reasonable rates. Best of care. Size «. c IV 4-7237. 355-39S5. 4 6 . OKEMOS - Home and income. nr a 1955 OLDSMOBILE *88'. 4 door, BICYCLE - Boy's 24 inch. Good DAVENPORT, light brown tapes¬ 5 x7black and white enlargement. 5 rooms main floor for owner. LEARN TO FLY at Sheren Avi¬ condition. $18. 355-7678, 4 try r $20. ' 2 study chairs, 50< Bring negative and this Beautiful ation. Low rates. 3 miles north hydromatlc, new tires, rust your landscaped sloping lot each. Sheet music cabinent, $10. affords ground level entrance to Abbott Rd., Davis Airport. free, excellent running condition. BIKE MoPed. $80. on 1 MOTOR - 'v Call IV 5-3820. 4 ED 2-2 * knotty cedar basement apartment Phone ED 2-0224. 10 1-5.00 per SINGER CONSOLE sew¬ attractive terms. ED 2-8277. 6 ?£?* 220 *«»• - «>"*)• re^Gen"" AMERICAN DIAPER of this week. MAN TO SHARE CA. ^ typing, term papers, theses, dls- SERVICE ps, pw, automatic transmission, approved fur¬ ED 2-8384. 0 ing machine with zi?-zaz. Onlv nished apartment with 3 others. 111 E. WASHTENAW shiny black finish. slightly used. Total balance $52.- Application and Passport pic¬ 1 block from campus. 332-0950. tures now being taken at IV 2-0864 13. IV 9-3011. 5 HICKS SEWING MACHINE SERVICE. $3 h LETTICH St STENBERG — STUDIO, while you wait or one daY or evenln8 on Kenmore or L Tou wHTTlnd the largest sel- MAN TO SHARE unapproved fur¬ day service. ED 2-6169 for TYPING SERVICE AUTOMOTIVE ection of Dress Fabrics, Sewing nished apt. ap- make- Cal1 Mac* with 2 others. Close g9lntmmi. 5976. 2628 E. Kalamazoo Notions and Patterns. ED1E STARR: . . . to campus. ED 2-8386. 6 MODERN DANCE CLASS Typist, theses, - Week- _ SERVICE ON ALL makes of J dlsertatlons, term papers, gen¬ 484-3229 SEW 'N* SAVE FABRIC SHOP FOR FAMILY ONLY. 2 bedroom ly evenlng^cl'ass^ for'hlgh school ln« machines. $3.00 clean, oil. eral typing. Experienced, IBM ALTO,MOTIVE REPAIR Frandor Shopping Center fully furnished apartment, park¬ and college students. Phone ED and -djust. Will make evening electric typewriter. OR 7-8232. calls. TU 2-5976. IV 4-0732 Open Mon., Thurs., ing, I block from campus, $85 _5 c Fri. evenings until 9:00.5 plus utilities. 215 Louis. ED FOR INFORMATION CONCERN- TYPING, TYPESETTING and 2-2574 WAIT7 Appointments are 1NG Pi Beta Phi Alumni Club, printing. Wonch Graphic Service. DRAFTING EQUIPMENT USED- avallable at campus Barber Shop, call Mrs. Edward Crouse. ED Located betwen campus and Cap¬ 2 drawing Instrument sets; 2 slide dJrectly acrosg from Snjdents 7-QQ43i itol on 1720East Michigan. Phone rules. 5" and 10"; etc. TU 2- —- Service Bldg. Call ED 7-9881. •Oil 484-7786. C Changes 113ft or TU 2-8416. 5 - Peanuts Personal •Radiator Service OLIVETTI PORTABLE TYPE¬ - £ For fast accurate typing on ♦Wash and Polish WRITER. Foreign language key¬ PLEASANT CLEAN SLEEPING ENGINEERS. PHYSICS and ATTENTION DANCE COMMIT- elite IBM typewriter call 339- First Meeti ng, Oct. 2 of 1 CHEMISTRY majors: Would you TEES: 2139 •Battery Service board for French, Appointments open for r Spanish, Ital- room for male students on east like to improve your academic, auditions. Hear "The Royal Jes- TYPING - Fast, ian. Call 355-1609. Dr. accurate. Call 7:30 pm. i n the UNION! Fox. 5 side. Call IV 5-8557. 4_ social, and professional life at ters". 4 piece combo. Trans- Kay Stachnlk. 1956 WESTWOOD TRAILER x 46" 8* UNSUPERVISED, pleasant, fur- MSU? This opportunity Is offered you by attending the Open Rush portation furnished. Call 339- ED^2-4^,52. 5 BALLROOM All S2>0°- 332-0716' 5"' her - 72 Kellogg Center 8:00 C •■s. ED 2-0416. for $70 cash. Call 355-3458 be- ■ Zi ★ Employment fore 6 pm. Evenings call FEMALE - PRIVATE ROOM and ^'ednesda\ LOST. Smoky brown frame glass- ATTENTION! THE MEN of the OAKS 15*:, 196: IV 4-7181. 5 rartej-uijy H»vs.EB'-r"i4. bath plus board in exchange foi es In brown tapestry case on 230 245 360. 1960 MO-PED BIKE. Perfect 20 hours as mother's Fuel injection i: ■ new running condition. Call after 5. Some compensation. IV 4-2232.5 helper, campus. 355-4928. 4 Here Now - All of 1962. pART-TlME WORK.-Average 3 Iv 2-6431. 5 Basics and GCA days per week to April 1. Stu- Furnished Rooms with Cooking ' * Real Estate ; SWAG ENS. dent wife preferred. E. Lansing SKIRTS, SWEATERS with Saxs" PrlV!!(-'8es 2-0131 3fter7pm. •rs. Deluxe firm. Must have mimeograph and Fifth Ave. labels.Call ED2-5031. 2 man room 3 ATTRACTIVE DUTCH COLON¬ Expected Soon- ECON THETA DELTA CHI do better addressing machine experience. {.-am a - ?. 1 vacant. STEDMAN IAL 2 bedroom home for sale 200,201,202 HOUSE 333 Albert St. Right Send resume to Box 341 A. Stu- 1955 PONTIAC. 4-door 8, good . by owner. Basement, garage, ex¬ PSYCH 151 downtown. Private entrance TV cellent condition, low taxes. 15 running condtion, whitewalls. POSITIONS FOR SECRETARIES, Ca.d'Q- 355-1491. 7 and iv 4-7406 kltchert facllltles ava„able minutes from campus. IV4-2479. invite all rushees to an or 372-0330 evenings Downstairs . STEREO PHONOGRAPH. Thor- ite '60 Impala, bookkeepers. or weekends. *6:- Super 88, and . 616 Great Lakes, Employ- Michigan National tow- ens turntable, Rek-o-1 Harmon Kardon amplifl «... WOMEN, APPROVED ROOMS. 3 East Lansing - Near New 3 bedroom ranch on campus. Marshall Music Open Smoker er. r, 2-1543.. Jensen Duette cabinet speaker. Close in. 1 vacancy. ED2-2155. h Daisy DO \OU LIKE GIRLS'" $60 - C5 :all 353-0154. MOTORCYCLE, 1962 TRIUMPH, chen privileges. 642 7 2 SINGLESi gnd for fourf ku_ Lane. 1 1/2 baths, reation room, attached large rec¬ garage, 307 Grand River Tues., Oct. 2,1962 per week, full time or evenings, built-lns. Evergreen. Reasonably SPARTAN MOTORS to deliver gifts- to working girls for opinion on a new product. 200 cc Tiger Cub, 4 cycla, 100 IV 4-1524. jy 4-7152. 7 SHARE Shown any time. Call Koso Build¬ priced. MON-FR1. 10-5 P.M. 7-10 PM HALF DOUBLE with ers. ED 7-2573. 6 Address: 528 Albert Street 1956 LAMi!jKt;n A MO I UK grad. Cooking, private entrance, Phone 332-6372. 5 SCOOTER. Perfect condition Berkey 1 block, prefer foreign $125. Good campus transporta- student. ED 7-2540. 501 M.A.C. V' ANTED-college student i tion. Graduating, must sell. Pete, *T* "T" ". 5 Hear OLDSMOBILE, I960, Super 88, 6 days 4 door. Ltkenew! Call 372-0450. a week from 7 to 10:30 2-0416 .v 5 ®DARD AND ROOM, Single for 0. , " for ride or information 5 pm. <1.10 an hour. To !i' MAPLE BEDROOM FURN- male" Week,y " *,,s-50- 81 ? 1958 METROPOLIT AN. Heater, area o{ Holf or South Lansing. ITURE. Girl's preteen 12 rloth- Main. IV 5-0894. E; Don Hayworth Cal! ED 2-2563 rsdio, low mileage. Excellent E.dru RoUer gating Arena, Holt. 21? double approved room for ED 2-8905. 5 Phone OX 9-2438. i960 CUSHMAN EAGLE SCOOT- men. 2 blocks from Union. ED TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 20 - NEEDED AT ONCE ER. Perfect condition. Asking 2-3634. 8 Discuss cars to choose from. Priced An Avon to Herb sell. $100 to $250. Smith's vicinity Representative in the of East Lansing and c!f'«»-«"». "<»« FOR RENT. Quiet home. Car necessary. For E. L.»,lng. MEDICARE ATTENTION ALL ^uto Sales, 2725 Campus. Customers are — • E. Grand Riv^p, E. waiting er, woman grad student or staff. Lansing for service. For appointment in 6 Call .. ED 7-0978 after 7 Motel). 5 y0ur home call evenings: Mrs. MINIATURE am, Tonight 6:15 SCHNAUZERS, 11- WOMENS SUPERVISED HOUS- SENIOR ! ^52 FORI), io, heater. $75. Alana f FE 9-8483. C4 wcks 355-5667. old. AKC Registered, ears INC. 2 vacancies, near campus, docked, shots. Call ED 7-1208 refrigerator and phone included. Channel 6 WJIM HELP! Need money! Mi For Sale 1959 Ford convertible, R VISED white, REYNOLDS TRUMPET. 1 year MOLTON JACKET , size 13. $35. RrX)MS for FURNISHED perfect condition. New tires. R.. old, excellent condition. Contact men. adjacent to cam- The Democratic Candidate for 2 dressesr- size H., P.S., WW, ect. Make offer. Paul Shawver. ED 2-0841. 128 12. 484-7644. pus, kitchen privileges and park- Congress, Professor In the ED 2-0717; 1957 1 in roof. Good c°ndl- 6 Haslett, ..PPLES. Fresh pure sweet DI.AL-A-DESICN SINGFR. Auto- MEN matic zig zag In _j ififc-EQ 7-2,H1?. APPROVED, SUPER- College of Communication Arts, -• STUDENT NURSES clder Farm (resh eggS| squash> lovely console, VISED, available now. 1 fulldou- will present the leading Issue pie pumpkins - also will have slightly used. This sewing ma- ble room and 1/2 double room, Halloween pumpkijjs. and other chine blind hens, sews on but- Spartan Hall, 215 Louis. In the Sixth District Congressional tons, designs, etc. $57.90 ED 2- fruits and vegetables at reason¬ cash 2574. 1931 FORD (A). See at 611 Lath- a campaign. rop after 5. IV 4-0198. VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE < able prices. Roadside Farm Market, 3 miles east of E. Lans- $5.25 per month after small payment. IV 9-3011. LINDVAL. Singles, doubles for 8- men: Co-op r 1 for e • STUDENT TEACHERS | ine or. US 16 at Okemos Road. 25 LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUP-and fun. IV 1956, fine condition, low mile¬ 5-2774 evenings. 4 BICYCLE HEADQUARTERS PIES, ideal family pets, and all OFF $675. 337-0196. CAMPUS HOUSING. 2 age. extras. English bikes. Largest selection of new and used. We're purpose hunter, permanent shots. Wallace Reese, 1569 Hatch Road, men ln house Just for meru young Kit_ Coral Gables' MERCEDES BENZ-170 SV.2new only 5 chen privileges. Reasonable.Call minutes from campus. Call us Okemos. LP 7-7213. 8 iv 2-8257. tires, 12,000 miles on new en¬ TRAINEES ILFORNO FIELD ATTENTION SORORITIES and gine, classic car in good condi¬ for easy directions. New English • Hercules finest quality. Special fraternities. Large Baby Grand APPROVED & tion. 332-1740. 8 SUPERVISED $41.88. Used bikes in piano for sale it $250. 535 W. £0°ms for women. Close good con- Grand River, 1 1961 SAAB-96, $1395. l960Saab. dl,lon- *19.50 and up. Several Lansing. ED Pus' ED 2-°439» The Name that Made Pizza Famous ln Lansing green. 93, $895. I960 Saab, blue, 2-1639- closeouts new. Regular $42.95 6 "1^ $895. 1960 Saab, grey, NOW OPEN AT 11:00 A.M. gine, $695. TR3, radio, Tano 702 $32.88. Gene's Cycle Shop. W. Barnes, Lansing. Call Your senior portrait* for the 6 cover, perfect running condition, stitches, plus button holes with Serving Snack* • Sandwiches • Landman* • Dinners WOLVERINE can be taken Sat- *995. Km^-Conn. excellent con! S{ut}snri6. _ "8 or °r male FASHION DISKS. Take on new SSSS' B.,75?* fuf"l8hed- Al*e Catering la between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., ' , otherwise scheduled. N° tm«nti STRATTON P.rTof $1.10 p«r wwkrftw smal. down payment or pay total ■■ , Wk"" __i E? ild|ng« necessary. Room 43, Union Buil^ ■' —: of $29.85. (Like SPORTS CAR new.) IV 5-1705 LOSt & FOUnd CENTER 30 FOOT SPARTAN AIRCRAFT Visit Our Rathskeller TRAILER. All aluminum. Will Collies. AKC REGISTERED, very NEED MUSYCKE? 1915 E. Michigan •ell for $995 or lease for term. lovely, intelligent puppies, im- call ED 7-2174 munized. Phone N1 6-5721. ev- 1VH1H ii£^F^U^756^^Cjrar)dj|^lver^^4 ■ enlncs- » "THE KNIGHT OWLS" |.-„.higan State Ne*8, E»»t Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 2, Hours ROTC 100 Replaces MS, AS 1962 from p »n I tension ■o violence. lncreieased, and then For Freshmen Until October 15 .president Kennedy ad- will also attend the first 100 will have t a chance to enroll 3 order. Rioting rolled on Freshmen enrolled for ROTC meetings in the Auditorium. In Army Air Force ROTC . Newly redecorated I'the Nation, pleading for i orientation course, do or President John A. natman ;tepped-up pace. Two men t have to attend the Individual . wt, Hannah will win at en<* °* t®ie orientation Newly expanded sections of that courae until the #ddreM the e term . menu National Guard Unit week of Oct. 15th. win uik (bout the value of ROTC Stud«nt8 can complete the term f£ed wo action, and then Men to the students. On Oct. 11th, .Only the name's the same enrolled In ROTC 100 wlll attend Major General Ralph A. Palla- ..Monday Military Meetings ln the Aud- dlno wm apeak about ^ role ltorlum at 7 p.m. on of — Thursday 1* inarched on the campus. , tune later the com- of the federal troop*. Oct. 4th and Oct. 11th instead "* of the first r o meetings of their ROTC ,n naIlona, eral Palladlno is on the Executive of the Reserve Forces Cen_ Military Approximately 700 freshman have enrolled In ROTC. The mll- NOVA 11at^ dePartments hsve txPres- Pollcy Board, deoartment \ i the Chiles Military BWg-J. Police to -wwwrwmhlhgtor; B.C. of sed "tisfaction with the turnout and expetl me ftpfft to climb i 120 and Air Science 110 steps MCMWtfT Freshmen enrolled 211 M.A.C. ■whatever L-ore order. Bayonets fixed k In ROTC i Z tug ^ ^ comPletlon of £9Uf8i , ■ -,s swept acrossthecam- f The committee will attempt been made for students fleeing Committee the to an approval group spell out a procedure to make , after next tiem. speaker-approval more spring, .-BllUiigslea said, I and clear," he said. orderly a state-wide policy may be ;ltre this area secure. decision tratlon 's out hands the and admlnls- gives the responslbHlty to the students and proval^on the provision for clear." "Last year University ap- speakers was'not set" up by state a committee of the council of State College Presidents this year, establlsh- Gung - Ho? faculty, Fuzak explained. Now organizations should ing a uniform policy on speakers Whether you're Poor know for all state institutions Fusak "gung-ho" for fra timing resulted ln that thc!>- advisors must send , ired of being another number at negative reaction by students, he request for a said, |o student at tne u i suggested. Because the admlnls- approval of a speaker Fuzak called new com- o yourself to see Greek life. to the committee he A fra med. ^.m^ Meredlth emerged tratlon wanted to set early up the com- The chairman will then call mittee proach" a "good temporary for carrying ap¬ out the as an mdUvlduai; .vhere you make your own rules , from the building. - students were — , as possible, the — —- group together. - „ -o-v— and friends. \ fraternity is where 'es 1 iter rioting again e- "ere not consulted. Asked hn« how rh. University's policy on speaker classroom trainlr.g by you add to your the student "But this committee Is better approval. gaining experience in making K j-jfede' il troops occupied I than a members were chosen Fuzak ex- The idea to establish decisions that will help you after graduation. -square. Troops n board," he added, a student- plained: A fraternity is for fur.. Weekends are for parties it was not a desirable way to Studi faculty committee came from and we have lots of-them. ' 'fRZ&'SC CHEMICALS CAUSE FLAVOR.. M.d.,„ ck.mi„l MchM make decisions on speakers." position, not :hosen by selection. This by Provost Erlckson this past sum- the proposal impersonal "1-don't But thc-y aren't the -know-anybody-here-do-yo u?" cold, along with Erick- •.Steva _ Information••••••■ • ••••• method insures student repre- sentation and that there could It's be the today on campus n0 accusations of icklng the Fuzak said that the Uni¬ advantages of frat , and L.J. Mir ••••••••••••••••••••• deck" with adm versity's banning of Communist : conspiringr graduate student. Gamma Delta 7:30 p.m., speaker Robert Thompson from is; to decide if you w tharged - controlled students. lor. -section. He had Tuesday, Martin Luther Chapel lecturing on campus last May to Join. students in wild ;st U.S. marshals Research in Foods and Student Center. Students Off Campus - 7:30 "^e committee sPe^er approval for will handle this school brought to a head the fact that few students knew that speakers Slgs So why not are take having from 7 until 10. Give a open look at us a fraternities. The Delt rush tonight and rail Wednesday must be approved at ED2-S065 and we'll Vear- No deflnate by the May Bring Changes t's rioting. p.m., Tuesday, Union Parlors plans have pick you Lip or ;. ; .e out to 1218 East Grand A. B.C. University. (across from the Varsity River Spartan Pistol Club Drive-in), This week, - 7:00 experience fraternity living. )le Miss Louis Pasteur started a slow revolution Is food processing projects rled as basic as tnose car p.m. , Dem. hall. Tuesday, Rifle range in The Colony Club when he learned that microbes out by Pasteur says Ber |ontirwed from nard S. Schweigert', Phi Gamma Nu - 7:00 p.m., page 1) cause foods to spoil but i food : Tuesday, Rm. 36 in Union. of iurt. The Justice killed by heat. slty. MSU Mens Club - 12 noon, -,-rd no one had His research 100 years ago "Recent innovations Tuesday, Union Parlors A.B.C. jrt "rem gunfire has made pasteurization and Phi Sigma Delta - dehydrated and precooked foods Club - 7:30 p.m., of federal Other modern techniques for are only Indicators of the fu¬ Tuesday, Third floor Jenlson. guarding against food spoilage ture," Schweigert said. "We Baptist Student Fellowship - are ment brought commonplace today. Just getting started." 7:30, Tuesday, Baptist Student Miss. Many stu- Now another revolution in More and more food scientists ..lying with food processing may be result¬ Poultry Club-7:30p.m.,Tues- ing from hundreds of research ** *—*»«" Invites All Rushees to its the fundamental facts of food. Henry's Once These scientists, he explained, MSU Chorus to Give OPEN RUSH SMOKER YOU 2 Concerts This Year r ILL RETURN structure drates of proteins, carbohy- and fats — factors that The University Chorus will Tues. Oct. 2 present two concerts this year, cause flavor. The Christmas Concert, on Dec. & The result, he thinks, could 2, will present Honneger's ultimately be uniform control of "Christmas Cantata" and Wed. Oct. 3 appearance, flavor, nutrition and Buxtehude's "The Infant Jesus" spoilage. "We might someday be able to under the direction of Miss Rita at Parlor C, Union produce a number of different Fuszek. The second concert will DELTA SIGMA PHI types of ham, for example, all "Missa For Ride & Information Call 332-0692 Cambrensis" by 1218 E. GRAND tailored to specific tastes, or we Llywelyn Corner on April 12, light be able to make noodles that Good 'J Friday, under the di of Corner L. Jones. OPEN RUSH TONIGHT FOR ALL HOUSES EAST OF ABBOTT ROAD 7-10 P.M. Alpha Epsilon Pi Phi Kappa Tau Beta Theta Pi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Delta Chi Delta Sigma Phi Sigma Alpha Mu Delta Tau Delta Sigma Chi Delta Upsilon Sigma Nu Farmhouse Triangle e tobacco» Lambda Chi Alpha Phi Sigma Kappa grown, agod, and Umhd ■ made to taal **9* length of «STEL. ONLY 2nd TERM FRESHMEN & ABOVE ARE ELIGIBLE 'il Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan £ Tuesday, < Police (Continued from pose of the university—the stu¬ page essential to the educational pur¬ dents must be free to move about 1) Stage Set for Gridiron Clash at hour*their studies High School Bands any re¬ quire." is A no corporal said, "Our different from that of any job Block 'S' Section WE SPECIALIZE IN. other police department. To Play En Mass • Skirt-and pant repair Our and Jot is to protect the life property of the people whom More than 2,800 high school bandsmen will take the field To Be 12,00 Strong and at Sp£- r.ti Stadium Saturday for Michigan State's eighth annual National TV coverage of the Michigan game, and regional alterations of It *as this Job of protection University property thpt led Band Day. The .-young musicians will represent 36 high school banc's and will be Joined by MSlJ's famous marching band. At telecasts of the Purdue game and Homecoming with Minnesota • Reweaving the f.-otball, it will be Michigan State vs. North Carolina. will feature Block "S", the MSU card section at all home foot- state legislature in 1905 to p >ss an act empowering the State T5i. 'ay's musical program is blnd has appeared jn 46 count- Spot Removal Board of Agriculture to make sc'isduled to begin at 11:30 a.m., The Men's Housing Association ries on five continents, concert- ^ ^ ^ ordinances and to enforce them. wl.^r Individual high school bands is again sponsoring the Block ^ ^ already been lzlng before 20 million people. this year. Backed by legislative acts in through Spartan . ' —' in his honor, the massed bands Approximately 1,200 b 1 ock at iwu-uiiiiuic inici veils, p(ay U.S. Air. Force tickets will be availableflieTues¬ 1 lowed ■nd by the MSU marching March" as one of their numbers, day preceeding each home game CLEANER an(| department's right to making its first appearance L'niversity, county en- and the season with the pre-game Souja»s "Washingtons Post and may be obtained from your SHIRT LAUNDRY March" and the Michigan State residence hall president. si ow. The public is invited to come perfo, "Fi#it Song" will complete the This year's chairmen, Jim letters while competing in other ACROSS FROM STUDENT SERVICES m- massed-band program. COL.HOWARD Sonke, San Jose. Calif, senior sports last year. department developed -time, all 37 bands will in 1925 from a fewwatch- field for a mass per- ho had powers of police complete with forma- iment, to a police force ar's guest conductor will East Lansing Chief be Col. George Sallade Howard, r. 2 03——the distinguished commander- mductor of the L'nited States ir Force Bandandchiefofbands is separated entirely id music for the Air Force. ^ East Lansing Jepart- Howard, who has been player, r: airman of the School •mposer, conductor and music 'jcr.tor, is credited with being -st tj conceive the idea that usical organizations could pro- o:e international good will. His NEWS' BRIEI From UPI Wir# CHEBOYGAN - The city of ; ChebovRar, said Monday it was gaming support to be retained as the homeport for the US Coast guard cutter Mackinaw. Miss Betty Jane Minsky, sec¬ retary-treasurer of the Cheboy¬ gan Chamber Of Commerce, said Algoma, Wis., is the latest city t. urge retention of the Mackinaw at Cheboygan. Gladstone tad South Haver., Mich., according to Chamber Of Commerce officials, already have indicated their support. The Mackinaw has been based STATE MEWS rr taione . : . early i*40*s but U.S. Rep. James G. O'Jara, (D-Mich.), began pushing for re¬ location at Port Huron, in his district, arguing that pattern DISPLAY & studies of rescue and ice-break- INDEPEPENDENT SURVEYS :rg operations clearly pointed to Por: Huron'is the most efficient by the American Association of CLASSIFIED ADS... HOLGHTON Dr. Advertising Agencies * - Roy Drier, Calumet, Mich., emiritus pro¬ fessor of the of Michigan College Mining and Technology, has PROVED een named to recieve the Albert E : s t ; : \V hue Distinguished that the State News Teachers Award for 1962. isthe ONLY medi um Tomorrow Police and the Student : <*e «r : ir. New York which reaches 98% Km Smuchie, e American Society for 5 Oct. 30. of the 25,000 Students Fraternities Provide Rides For Rushees on Michigan State's Campus The Fast Action STATE NEWS (plus the 3,000 instructors and 3,500 staff members) Classified Ad. It's Time We every class day. This is a $35,000,000 Market. Got Acquainted. Our sales people will be happy to help you work out a careful, economical program of advertising with which to reach this huge market. Just dial 35 5-8255 mm J®!® ERASE WITHOUT A TRACE Just Dial ON EATON'S CORRASABLE BOND Typtnp errors never show on Cortisable TV «peciaj sur- * 355-8255 or 355-8256 face of this paper male* it possible to eras* without a trace—with just an ordinary pencil eraser. Results: clean- looking, perfectly type') papers. Next time you sit down at the keyboard, make no mistake - type on Corrisable! Your choice of Corras*Me light, medium, heavy weights and Onion Skin. In handy 100 sheet packets and 500-sheet boxes. Only Eaton makes MICHIGAN A Berkshire Typewriter Paper KATON f4ftl CORPORATION (jg) r IFIELD. MASS. STATE UNIVERSITY STATE NEWS