Inside MICHIGAN Weather ,ts~ P.,. 3. 54 No- 25 UNIVERSITY STATE East TATE NEWS Lansing, Michigan Cloudy '60's, . tomorrow temperature change. Chance of a few scattered showers. High today . in with httle the middle Wednesday October 3, 1962 Price 10£ chirra Orbit Shot All 'Go' le Miss9 is Ju Telstar May Send Reds Box Seat View Old Selfi Cuts CAPE CANAVERAL—Astronaut Walter M. through his flight plans for What hehoped was the last time Tuesday, ScMrra, Jr., ran preparing for today's launch on a rocket flight six times around the University of Mississippi world. >g c James Meredith at- If all goes well, the launching may be watched on television Tues<1j% appeared to be in <*!; of - former self. Europe, possibly even in Russia and eight other Iron Curtain coun¬ tries. i( - guarded each Even though tropical storm , entered. Army Daisy continued to kick up five to eight foot waves in the second orbit recovery area, project Trn'ade periodic sweeps of operations director Walter Williams ordered technicians to continue Mercury ;till littered with ? and debris from preparations for the launching between ? a.m. and 10 a.m. (EST). As for the possibility that the entire launch phase might be wit¬ nessed behind the Iron Curtain, Paul Haney, a spokesman for the space agency, said: "They are interested enough to be asking questions and one of the eld w» *•- questions is: If there is a disaster will you show It?" Oxford yesterday, Haney said the Soviet bloc television representatives had been orients and townsfolk alike told the answer was "YES." If the launching ^iien and openly sarcastic occurs between 7;51 a.m. and 8:17 a.m., the Telstar communications satellite will be within frictions placed on their range so that live _s-• c since the riotinjr. coverage of the event could be transmitted instantly to TV viewers in 17 countries of the Eurovision network. COHDEMHED MAH' S MEAL-Spartan coach, * attended classes today. plaining Stanford lo^ o University faculty 9st professors merely call- In explaining his decision to proceed with launch plans despite Duffy Dougherty prepares to chow down ot and staff. - State News Photo. roll and dismissed the the weather, Williams said: Men's Club luncheon Tuesdoy prior to ex- of students who showed "This is about as close as we will ever come to suitable weather around the entire track." said the ences The National Aeronautics and are Space Administration said confer¬ also under way in Paris leading to possible hookup with Pessimist Duffy Med School die nine Soviet bloc countries of Europe's Intervislon network. This, in effect, would give watchers on both sides of Set for 1964 Federal >ar.s has Appeals Court delayed tak- jn against Mississippi Iron Curtain for the first time a ringside seat at an Astronaut launching much like that enjoyed by millions of Americans on previous U.S. manned space shots. Europe's Has High Hopes Michigan Statel'ni ver sity's nor carrett in connection "If you don't learn from a de¬ plans for a two-year medical Soviet Russia has televised its own He said the big push for team school are proceeding s to block inte¬ Cosmonauts while in orbit but feat there's no point losing." smoothly 'drive will be at the Minnesota, with the opening date set for fall,. rne r si ty of Miss¬ ouri today dropped progress1Ven Citizens 4 viewofan actual launching while it is in The laughter. ' audience roared with Notre Dame. Purdue, and Michi¬ 1964, President John A. Hannah, The U.S. plan calls for gan games. said Tm. :EDT) deadline It had PERPLEXING EXHIBIT-Color in Fiber is current exhibition an eight-minute Telstar transmission to The . Europe. If the launch comes place was the luncheon Last year's game against the ■tt to purge himself jn Kresge Art Center. during that period, NASA hopes to be Ing Outstanding fabric artists are repre- able to show Europe the last two to four meeting of the MSU Men's Club University of Michigan was ..etr-p. minutes of pre-launch ac¬ won Michigan Medical Society's reso¬ Tuesday. The speaker was head Strictly by "hustling" and ^ case in Center's Gallery until October 21. tivity and the four-minute climb until the launching rocket is out of football coach Duffy Daugherty becuase of better playing. not lution favoring Grand Rapids for ;2. -State Hews Photo. sight. a new "med" school. who was Introduced as a history "When players don't pound The resolution was adopted professor who was doing re¬ each other on the back after a by the society's policy-making the Kresge Art Center is showing handmade fabrics of five The exhibitors are: David B. Van Dommelen, now Trustees To Act search on early American In¬ dians Alto." - "The ambush at Palo game we haven't done what we set out do do," he said. body Tuesday a 5 plans o psy^.iatrlc tests at 'Tve been a so-called pessi¬ artists from Sept. 24 to Oct. 21. teaching at the University of isting facilities in Grand Rapid; Daugherty discussedl Sat¬ rospital in Sprlng- On Loan al ast mist, but I have hopes of having jourl, ; from 2:30 doctors program at the next meeting." This guarantee is in the new to 4 p.m. as the first speaker ,-air.e. rank and serial Under this plan, for every proposal. May said, making it The lecture will take place in - as any American dollar the University deposits In more acceptable to the Uni¬ the large seminar room in the 1 -o aptured by a participating bank, a student versity. basement of Owen GraduateCen- may borrow $10. The student would make the From AP and UPI Wires loan with the bank and not the Lansing how CAPE CANAVERAL !JP!-An Explorer satellite soared into orbit Tuesday night it affects to measure conditions radiation streaming from the on earth sun, and the threat it poses to university, May emphasized.The State Authority, he added, guar¬ antees the bank 80 per cent of Bad Public Image Hu space explorers. the loan If It Is not paid back. ted for The Explorer 14 payload shot aloft from here at 5:11 p.m. (EST) aboard a towering Thor Delta rocket. The program was established Anti>police attitude is high among by the legislature In 1960, but groundinghis study ofcrime and police on the campus in Tues¬ University students. Back- no operating funds were appro- WASHINGTON—The Atomic Energy Commission has announced lated. The authority is now seek¬ day' s State Hews, staff editor Dave Jaehnig today examines fetyr A. Olman, district that U.S. nuclear testing was resumed in the Pacific Tuesday. An "intermediate yield" device dropped from an airplane was ing to obtain the money from the universities and colleges, May said. the problems faced by University police due to administrative policies, some unthinking faculty, and misunderstanding stu¬ " di- exploded in the atmosphere over Johnston Island. dents. : National Safety "1 have no idea what amount 'resented thecity of East WASHINGTON—President Kennedy Tuesday told 19 Latin the University will deposit If they Part Two of a Series Because of this technique, the tw° silver American foreign ministers that the United States and other Ameri¬ do approve the Lansing State Journal police re- plaques program," May "And then the dirty guy gave porters virtually ignore all work . llr;or -5: >ts can republics must block what he called "expansion of Communism" commented. traffic safe- me a ticket." from done by the department. Cuba. He said they must take steps which utimately will The University of Michigan 5e" "--cation In 1962 With this final comment, the University president John A. meeting Mon- grant freedom to the Cuban people. deposited $50,000 with the au¬ short dark-haired driver slam- Hannah explained the need for thority Sept. 26, providing their med shut the door of his red HAVANA—The Castro government says it restriction of news as a tech- _ar :s were given for East smashed an armed convertlble. He smoothed his nique necessary to help the Uni- -ontrol of anti-government movement with the killing of three guerrillas and capture of seven others. The announcement coincided with a hair, glanced at his coed com- versity save the students from *"*;c : anc! their a*'ety education pro- Castro speech saying Cuba had nothing to fear from the U.S. AUSG Maps panion for an approving comment, adverse publicity. i make • ■ *"•? pr.trary schools. - " deaths in 1961. " SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA—Members of the Machinists Union have gone on strike against the Aerojet General Corporation at Plans For the of boys, and ladies girls that attend this Uni o "ased Its fire the 5 Sacramento and say the walkout will spread to other installations j roadway versity. eapsMJities, in f 's safety program, con- of die rocket maker. However, union officials say the machinists ♦ill not post pickets at -Gape Canaveral until after Coming Year "We feel that many times we can straighten out a student.who 1*5 e the J0*1" Bean scheduled flight by astronaut Walter Schlrra. Programs which may come makes a mistake. If we. "u'W£ Newsboy] you wei Jlm Paperboy? newsj_ Waiiin, The committee includes stu¬ colleges, That's right. The managing editor of the dents from the five major govern¬ before they "lay down the law" StJ!e s newspapers. That's really service A-l. But thriv< on speaker ing bodies on campus, plus five policy. The editor of this sheet—the bij h.y-:the Though few clubs were aware Bringing _ doorstep each morning--that is. if you I :oJ of It until furor arose here last live in Zone 11 of Spartan Ity committee on commit- Village, i deliver to the lucky folks in so at least the students will spring when a Communist was This Is probably the first Zone 11, „ have :some voice. barred from speaking on problems writing letter instance of the editor or"i:" anvor° ^ for that matter. Why doesn't a to ' A committee of any kind is no campus, the Administration at someone' * editor for a change? I'm sick and better-- or worse--than the MSU has always had the power the mail. tired 0f the e to approve or dismiss a people on it. Valuable, additions proposed to the" group could include rep¬ speaker. This resentatives from campus po¬ power wa§ formerly In Such as the time 1 came to the a door and saw litical hands of the dean of stu¬ orgainzations. and from the name of inhabitants living therein. It , the dents' and the provost's offices. I thought, "That's nothing. I.M. Walllngtor,." Campus I'nited Nations. The first morning around the Now it has been circuit tw, Granted, the ideal situation put in the hands the door of one of the apartments. One salJ « would be of a student-faculty committee, a campus where any "It's only the newsboy." which should at least give stu¬ speaker could expound on his A smaller voice piped In: dents some say In the situation, "That's not a boy, It's a man." philosophies, and anyone who where Finally, someone thinks I'm a man. wished to listen could they had no voice at all be¬ I don't understand your gather problem; we've found adequate housing." 'round the fore. There was another little, frltndly lad. He w soapbox. the first human I'd seen that morning, thai Unfortunately, the fortunes of And things could be worse. At Letters to the Editor paper. Public relations, you know. Howe\e; . a state university Wayne' State University, the I probably lost a friend, because his are tied to a parent . took the paper from a state legislature. And the state s p e a k e r sists screening group con¬ of the dean of students and On Liquor in East Lansing if anyone gets heck for steallnii neighbor's door legislature is against "un-Amer¬ f wanna-explain now to my customers t! >• ; ican" speakers.and anything else the chairman of the They slam themselves. And often it's their political sci¬ } the Editor: won't be needed. But students can strong, beer and wlr morning paper from his door who does the sl .i::, Instead of paying so much which might to their way of think¬ ence department. A third member repel this invasion of revulsion. n0 t0 keeP Amel tentJon to Oxford, Miss.. MSL I've also is to be chosen. Students Every decent thinking student Deer wlne wel complied a list of the Items i\e ing . "corrupt our youth." are not students oufftt to pay closer at- ranges from A to Z. At least two chaise lour, MSI is not the only university represented at all. wnl!on 10 home- for s a Christian ought t reg- October 8 is the last day to clothes rack, one and a half grill, two bikes, confronted wtth a grave situation '«er here in order to vot< eglster (If you are 21) in order far) and a huge pile of cardboard boxes in the lt>'- Michigan experiencing trau- Our policy is this: We don't orI the campus. this proposition. Ye that you may cast your ballot Village. mas over this A money-be smirched scheme speaker situation. know if this committee will work keep America free, beer and wine against creating dens of sin here, And a final note to the milkman who complai afoot to corrupt the students ■Vdnvlnistrations of state univer¬ corrupt. Vote no to keep.'America Richard Johnson up the State News at each door—isn't the e\e out--but it might. It deserves a tnd (Jr*nch th« people of e*« sale? all Lansing in over Michigan foul, evil business: Attention, all witty, urbane college students: are ?hance. a Drink, Yes, they have succeeded in Administration's 'Arm'? putting this proposal on the ballot Get Lucky! in East Lansing. If this passes, do you know what it means? It means that stores may sell We Say It Isn't So! beer taverns the or wine. will It means smelly be confined within city. onservative Do we warn to make this group to claim that they campus MAKE*25(:e~! are being and this town like Ann Arbor, have la- ill-treated by this newspaper. Mt. Pleasant, Ypsllanti.Madieon, Wise., or Urban*, If you have M.'ObviousJy a complaint write the answer is no. Let them keep us a letter and if you feel your their stench there where it . because the belongs. We want a nice clean side of an issue is not being pre¬ the arm that sented fairly come and visit us-- ENTER LUCKY STRIKES' ZANY NEW toe when the we'll straighten it out. _ As Gen. Walker has said in i exas, crisis is at hand. Per¬ Crazy Questioxif Contest a rf thought the haps pup tents, flags and skillets r> ; r -• 1 nver the 50 CASH AWARDS A MONTH. ENTER NOW. HERE'S HOW: . Each success- First, think of an answer. Any answer- Then come up with '.chful lest some a nutty surprising question for it, and you've done a reedcrr. be taken "Crazy Question.' It's the easy new way for students to make toot. Study the examples below, then do your own. Send them, with your name, address, college and class, to GET LUCKY. Box 64F. Mt Vernon 10. N. Y. entries will be awarded $25.00 Winning Winning entries sub¬ mitted on the inside of a Lucky Strike wrapper will get a themselves. $25.00 bonus. Enter as often as you like Start right now! e attempt to present the facts [~THE ANSWER: THE ANSWER: urstelv ce a on our news fair analysis of material pages and j THE ANSWER: 1 ->ur very editorial pages. orf satiation ti entitled (MONKEY WRENCH (7^ Td) ' One Hamburger, j fair from the State News !7~ | ml* U |« U51 J Qj | One Frankfurter j we have never attacked anv - L u — 1 I erou r ered person i-r-n ,-r_ Lr 1 1 * 11 1 just jtafUOUi 3SOO) iZAXMAOL I | I x e ua^Si) o; f ' j »sn noX p,no« jsmm :NOIiS3nd 3H1 M&dONWWlHdaOOV euieu no* s»pis»q sja^ai :NOliS3O0 3H1 1 at (Rudentx We encourage sxvaeSii arJ fac¬ ofMi^mgax. itm* Managist EflMr IjnwerjBB?. issue? sot das* &gyi Manas \ ....... Jas> Waliiapor ulty members tc cnnctaa, C«y Editor Brace fabricate mrougt Frid»\ wrm; sped*. the 1*L. «Uc; mac W'eieorae Issue is ' <*»ru Editor Photo iiteor . Dave Harfst praise. m£ expound tnelr vteara tr the letters toUm& The c«t- wii; be as big as the read¬ Miaslt M shri taste to stay wtth AShfemsing manager .... F red Levine ear. ers mst. to make it. The question is: WHAT CIGARETTE SLOGAN fcecaad cieas pestle pmt sr. Las: manager . . BU) MarafaaOi HAS THE INITIALS GL tttsw We ask that nc lener be Lansa^. •fla*'' over . . . an Edtoar Vic Rauct Enc FUeoe 2511? <^5lfbOUt°f This taste is the best reason to start with a Lucky spo,ls you for other cigarettes. ouriutLi vBiatt mUi fk»~ Luckies.. .the bit reason Luckv amoters .. .iait7 DerrjdcsBB and MylucJqrsmok^s. Thottste n«h« Ludu« the fioM^ge students. Tiy a pack today. Get Lucky. 4& ^iiiiaai. X/Hm |Ml^<«rAn sute New, Eft Lansing. Michigan Wednesday October 3, 1962 3 Spartan Engineers—7:00 p.m., Students' Feelings Mixed Wednesday, Rm. 346, Student Services. Young Socialists—8:00 p.m., Finds Chaffs Laughs |0ver Kennedy's Action Wednesday. Rm. 34, Union. Pershing Rifles— 7:30 pjn.. Wednesday, Rm. 11, Dem Hall. Slightly Lukewarm . by Diane Costa _ the lamp.' " While a few jokes preSldent Kennedy stmt thing happened 100 yeara are truly funny, most are tired Spartan Engineer--holds its of the State News Staff „ hehlsprcsldentlaJob- ago and It was a little costly. Ken- Largent, organization meeting tonight at and worn out like the latter. A (n aiding the integration nedy couldn't let It go...but what "H* 8 c>uaed • »« of 7 p.m. room 346 Student Serv- parody on the State News, igs» drew a variety of kind of a reception ia a Negro *£? f#e,ln*8 down there and Chaff, the college student's Su,« News- 19 J"" what the title r Tim MSU student a when going to get down there?" mipit start another civil war. I The *«Ction to be reword«d> answer to Mad Magazine, is pub- lmPUes. . .stale news. A column riTby rl<^ a State New. re- "He did the only thing he should have," said Gilbert Hill, Lansing 1, thD,n\..,lt *lU b« and Student Center. " . ... llshed seven times a year for on what *ould happen if an ad- e 00,5 th« w"'be passed J"".""'.'"r*. '■ ir.w.ciub-^aop.^.w.d- A Cleaner Wish the total subscription price of mlnlstratlve shake up took place I' ranged from com- Junior. "Had I been in his °!!r ^ ! col*le of month»- Ken" >3. Whether Chaff is worth S3 t>etwe«n the top athletic coach and F -rent that (or his action. Kennedy hadvio- Bamett would have been in tail now. for Inciting a riot. Had he net £ y rlght t0 enforc* ^ ^°n"|tU^°n,Lbut t0 try and force Pr;n,b.u,pT£S,«;: •SS'SSSSSSW Confers. subversive. anti-American, or otherwise obj^tlonable to so- MW]ay, Room 22 Union VOflTereilCe All?!: Ain. for seven else again. Issues is something the detn °' th® Honors College showed promise until the story xiuiUon. — *one-dewn-to the school and re- * * * Varsity Club--7:30 p^.Wed- _ , To be sure. Chaff is Hne got so involved the main Improved laundry operations definitely _ was forced to do fused the admittance there may nesday. Varsity Club room of for point was lost, Michigan hospttnls, schools not an intellectually stimulating If Mississippi "reaction to not have been a riot." claimed Nancy Wise. Lansing sopho- Gordon Wells, Lansing junior, The bill's qransors Said the ' and other Institutions is the aim magazine, however neither does However rh„ff ..!? dfeS hav* U" ... ,r0 New York senior, more, agreed with her. "1 think ore. freed with Largent. "I don't measure It a precautionary step Student Education AssOcla- of an institutional Lauvlry Con- it abound with unusually wittv btrlght„»Pot8> sterSl Gentlemen Song- _ ,e reports. It iooks like he is doing about all he c_., _ . believe he had the right." said taken to eliminate a repltitlon t,0nTl:" pMi- w®d"eaday. Ed- ference Oct. 4. 1tH or original „ ,. r- humor. For example, cent a story from the re- Issue, drives home its point without the tanks. This she said. "He has the right as Wells." It's a case of state rights. of the repercussions felt by AUSG * K'vt* Featured will be a tour of the one Joke from the latest edition on tolerance well "Soring I don't want to see another civil last year with the appearance Young Republlcans--7:30pjn., modern MS'J laundry, exhibiting went like this; "You look broken FSver " another story In the . ■".u-ugh the soldiers were the head of the government to en- war. It's of Communist speaker Robert Tower Room Union, the latest procedures and equ'.p- up. What's the matter?' 'I wrote force rules and keep order." mess had just too bad the whole Thomp3on. Hotel Association—7:30 pjn., mev in loading, storage, extract- same issue, while having no mor- L doing -i go045 thin8-" t "He had the right but the to happen." Wednesday. Rm. 73, Kellogg. tng, washing and folding. home> lamp. 'orSo? money for a study So they sent me al to it, provides a few chills *. ■ v Ward, Albany,N.Y. method he used wasn't so good," in a "Twilight Zone" sort of way. K^'The most important ®ald Mike MacNaughton. fort lie's doing Is using the Worth, Texas senior. "He should National Guardsmen have picket a better bunch of ''"7T'.C people want to fight, troops, not a bunch who would 11 be fighting against their start shooting right off." iople." "He had the rlRht to, but 1 fTrrc'jy uiJ"'1 have any don't think he should have " ackied Carl Perin, Bait- ' — &2S3KS5 ,ier *: government? The *- . t wi Gra Listed For jAdded to Hou KiuiiiSOns if Faculty The all-university grade point . average for last spring term y faculty members have c#mt 0ut t0 5>52 accumula- Uve »^OTe~or2.47 for the Greek according » sl09. the women ^ • ,r; Owens Hall, with 3.06 and the Heigh-ho lor jr; Helen A. Howell, arts men of Elsworth House, with Western Bunkmatesl ifts: Joseph Kuszai, arts 2.87. every girl's favorite shoe— re. find graphics; Mable Evans Scholars, Van Hoosen Brass-buttoned cotton : wo! certification for Hall and Kappa Alpha Theta so- flannel shift gown and c.Stacy Proffltt, rorlty achieved averages of the penny loafer -c -v ? design; Frank approximately 2.8 for their ef- its saucy red sleep- , 'rawing and design; fortSt t 'A allace, design; and van Hoosen Hall, led the under- kerchief are ready for by Oldmaine Trotters 1 . graduate women's dorms, with the last snack round-up rotev., T''tJPri0r Eldon Van Here Ea»t Landon, East Mayo and South Williams close behind. and a long, warm night's c with us this year Elsworth House Lively little moccasin scampers to class with skirts and sweaters Hedrlck sleepl Blue/red kerchief. , " t: of art • hl*c°7* ' eption of Noah House. Evans Scholars and Mar- e ev tln Luther House were top 5.98 Matching long pj, . . . jumps for joy at football games . . . clicks its heels most all the Edwards and undergraduate men'slivingunlts. are tempor- 6.98 S-M-L sizes. time. Hand with leather sole. Black brown calf. 10.98 Kappa Alpha ^eta. Delta sewn or Gamma, Delta Zeta and Kappa s help relieve Kappa Gammll had the °f In- lty averages, while -ac- Delta Tau tjilra. Alpha Gamma Rho and Phi Kappa Sigma took shop Jacobson's Wednesday the similar honors among the noon to nine SALE! COTTON SHIRTS jed from page 1) ir. si?e, fabrics, color Save dollars on campus- it Wolock Elliot of San Mrs. Elliot sent a bound man-tailored shirts mall tapestries along with number of applique .wall yoke back detail, fine her most outstanding mploys tiny swatches of stitching. Perfect partners for some no larger than a your fall skirts and pants in «!Fischer, associate either tommy or convertible ~ sr: at the Unlver- V:r:irr.ati. Many of Miss collar styles with roll-up s tapestries are suitable *"■ dividers, appearing sleeves. You'll want one in A- from both sides and every color at these ja-siucent. !'om the Her work elegantly dec- marvelous savings. '"e emotionally pro¬ ject« usually associat- 8-18 sizes. f Painting, ar,d Alice Griswold of I '-sing. Mich. The Grls- isional weavers . - jn °t the exhibit fetVrf mainly ot sample Sportswear b • :;rmj?sioned fabr,c». pieces of the savers art are in- ^ 01 note is a "tour de I JraPery executed [recently acquired, but of £power loom, Oth- L „ 01 [heir w°rk include actt w 051 everY use. kP OUa 10. uRoblnson Miss of • Robinson, due cornmittments. could I J*,**0 P'eces. - ecent works of a Pettl's classic separates with a n«LWOrks rs. of art byfac- including Leonard new twist! Novelty Crochet Trim Thomas Wallace, 11 n,» . J^mes Mc- plus young, vibrant styling turn these BEIGE wonderful wool co-ordinates into popular BLUE pacesetters . . . wanted and worn by the college crowdl A. Pullover jacket, 12.98 I Error Noted GREEN joins a crochet-belted slim skirt, 9.98 liinihsons 8. Active partners the cardigan jacket, r mBd*ln Tu*»- ... conc*nUng . 14.98 and gathered skirt, 12.98 Beige BLACK East Lansing with brown or olive with turquoise. 7 to t5 sizes. ^ Michigan State News, Ea&t Lansing, Michigan t. Ka»t '— # l.l wu>fJ ij^ NLrV VORIC, f-.r« (t'Pf) - - The weetly l*Ml>it«d Press International PR*jor celiac ratings (with firs*-place votes and vcw-ioat record In p a- LA Battles Back to Even ICS OSC4 LES (tiPt) Los Angeles Voiftrs mw! the civ©** The «u manager Walt Alston *t **Ik followed bf a sacrifice fly Duke Snfcter and Master Dark Series and he sum a ttf to Willie May*. «0ffWf| Blotlt r«Mh<*WiK and he J»« dbto't have P«* tfce Giants nAwwdad tn and it was all «e« afatn at scaled for Gaylord Parry to \ TEAM f\XVTS playoff for th,e NaM»aI Le*f«* « today* His mound rival - Will* tatfed up and acerel And TS» im,. J ttse eighth. , pennant with an Jack Stanford was rolling alog 7-7. relieve Lemay. Spencer aacrl- that «%* It. The nertea now goes u ohto St. <20 ti-fc over S* Sar. Fraacieco CUnt*. Jim Davenport and WlU.c tB « wiid ninth inning the flced and ^Uls «Adnd up on third, hat •rr.r? 2. AMwrn <2-4* 2*~ wvth * corofortaNe warg*.n when the limit. foreljn-Ail—* * \law Mi^lad to »at the stage, the X Te*as 0) (>-<* TV .VcidiRg game hi the best- the roof cave*J ?. us the sixth' Ed BaUrj hams^ for iv Dodgers puKwd over one nm Mika McCormick then came on , . » . neatme"'"7ricsn ^41at' iS5 jfc, c5«t-r ^ ^ CHncher. Maury Wills to r«plnc« Perry and (he National . 4. OHK ST. (2-& KB of-three Los senes *ill be played at Before tfc* w*s .«,» — — But c^yaoed mth a walk. Dick Lemay League's ftltltdCKIS mW " North ^ cw^00 Carol ira !ot w* e» V 5. Georgia T. (1) (1-C* Argeles this afters***. ever three otker pitchers top better -- Tommy Amron# iniinaiarl 5S5 ------ in Voinm» 6. Swashers :. ULssM-swi. ■£-&■— KH 4S**«Kier Jwar. Marichal PJSSSi»»--MWU4*r_.Al is ?oi?o*^ Sa*for>- ro the mound NK Ml Ul*»4 tfc*~»*4ger* hed ^e ^a;-epun^!y walked ^ "^ity tr^k . Should hrtoging their TSarfc s cKntce ty* -s»T;»y.m. frcyy rt.^t i. Washington < i-jft-1> pack today's chalked up seven hs£ rans on the. N third and dec idt«{ 9. Army (2~& f * rr e» W M*r?cha» it 18-11 for the season, KUUiar..Fla> {2-fr » nhsle h»s Los Angeles opponent Secaad SO Jew*. Si; — Arkansas W; Notre D»~*. £h PurAiew S5; L«KSiai&* State mil be either or johnny FVvJres relief pitcher l.-arry Ford Will Fa Sherry (*~Sv 2S; Nebraska, IS; (T^ \».s- ccttttn and .Vcftfwsst'.T, 21;. Owcf.l fl) IS; (Tit:) XtlSSKVTX Tuesday's thrt'Atr Giants rook contest right frv«m the .« ««t start. The 5-0 le*' and looked a Victor in Series and Vf.wsessnt i 14 each. like they mere Nvr* free. IVr. NFW \ORK. (UPD—Siara^r Ford his full tjuwa of neat M barren Spahn and the tfll- Ra^ Houk has yet » make it apparently means that Terry will Braves. He shut out the official. fc« it looks idee u will be put back to the second or e>*n pirtstiurgh Pirates twice in the he ace left-handter Whitey Ford, third farr>e. Varsity Drive-ln 1^60 series and pitched 14 shut- pitchmg for the New York Van- ForiJ h>d fc ^lu^y modest out innings in two winning games kees Thursday wSen the World r g record this season ooo- against the Cincinnati Reds last Series starts ie me home pari * ^ to Mf J5.4 mArk ^ jofti \ear. His 32 corsecaixe score- , PIZZA of the *inner. National l-*ag»e pennent ^ ^ ^ less innings in series ,:ompe- 5 P.M. to 2 A.M. ForxTs selection would >ardS> ^ m WorW Series history ««<* S Frl. and Sat. to 3 A.M. c««e as a ^ t ^ ^ # nlU. iwvmgs set by Babe Rush as a h*l. world su^r^e m^a bwe- altftough Houk hased ^ of 35 con- Red Sox pitcher. , _ v««»w hTTt Vi. v..tJ»1L.» secutive scoreless innings ^. TV . Yankees _ flew to , Lee Delivery Semite g:3o p.m. to i a.m. B —!».*«• K**" ^ aer Ralph Terr> in the opansc. ^ v ** Ed 2-6517 Sundays 5 p.M. to 1:30 *.m. Tlie lealmntos that tbe delayed •rid Series competition since will wort to Los Angeles to- T^URYWiLLS start at me eertes 1*5$ whet he lost a .VO decision • wyl^ Semi-doneiess iuper Kignr HAMS 59? S^>er R ight Ribbed Commuter Ground Leg-0 Sausage Graff's double breasted delight o< a jacket in wonder-weave nylon and acetate ta- inated for weightless warmth and corfc-t Beef Lamb Ribbed fo< that air of fashion flair. only $25 49< 39< i, 69< = M.A.C. At LET TTTMJS* SHP TOW NAKIKIT 111 MY WTTHWT fiVUSE! *#fp Ike oi h the £« hi your Iwr, cse «rfth V7* the Albert groommt dtswwfy Rfhts fmberrassjng dawSrvff, prewen yvwss -k«$s yaw hiw aeit »R gay withoat 332-3505 California ToKay GRAPES ltf lb. FRATERNITIES ) our Choice of Michigan Yellow Pascal Celery Onions MCMGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Carrots celio boc 3-lb bag 9<« 19< Invite You To Their Orange Juice sr 99" Strawberries 3 M-ng.i $1.00 OPEN RUSHES SO extrg pte;d stomps Alpha Sigma Phi Sigma Phi Alpha Gamma Rho Alpha Eptilo Tomatoes * 4 Angel Food Cake Alpha Tau Omega TONIGHT Beta Theta SkMbno ° 4^ 39l Delta Kappa Sigma Delta Sigma Corn CHERRY PIE - 3fc Phi Delta Theta Delta Tau Delta ^ » 4 -4? Vienna Bread 2 39c Pi Kappa Psi Delta DptUon 7-N|ui — Phi Gamma Delia Lambda Chi Alpha T ypham SI icec Zeta Beta Tau Phi Kappa Tau PINEAPPLE 4^9* PEACHES PuVpmlam Sigma Alpha Ep*"0* j Phi Kappa Phi Sigata Alpha Wu All Houses VHKmppaSigma Sigma Chi Both Sides of Sigma Nu Theta Chi Abbott Rd. TriamgU Phi Sigma Kapp" Farmhouse *' - . SUte Nm. Eut Lanalni. Mlehi»a„ Wodnaaday Oetob., ltM 5 mNERS ■ritfe-ti rka Slat* -r». ^ «»»•«■«»« i ttet, SaM***** are brlgt for *B?d M tt ?ga* paruetpaSrSl el<£* co*:h## »**> *« the Big Ten. IC4A, a£ ncJ Cl0^y « •ophomorj^rhb **>*« MgkttgKt rf fcufcrtf* *«-« **>e*«r «*r Seal* will the season a *J« mMi. This yMr the NCAA 5? ?* ?* P«emieJ to become ^ featured tort*t M » p.m. „ TV fcarrtart riar R** cp#w oountry champtoaahtp will 0hJ° *t*i* be held at Forest Akera i*® , «■*■*» runnera. They are tn fh* tWon Ballroom with cn <* and Mike narration " * " Knapp's East Lansing is I soft Ohio IWversiry ^ Cvwm> th. Sputum horn. JS" * Dr#>w« CKKr n*tnber **"* ^ "*ay break into ft* ««**• Okt». „ „l MS team's chan- Fran Din rich said fhoold cour mn Individually the Spartans 1*rtunt i'w? >tt Jack Ami# Ttil* kickofl review will mark ^ Krong> Su ^ « FUm. and Orlte Larson of the first of five ahowings to nipht till 91 Doors open at , the »«m to be a* turning letter men addconatd- ,or'- follow eecl> af the way .M g^^gglggi qpnauim. \ ai^iiffi Tenermer.. A! Duncan, I)pul(>n !/#>#»/ ' — harriers had a fine was ejected to return, but hi. t-, c fm ,nt four of five hlrle» /-«. . Sch' Dick Cyde. Haxel Park; and Pat ^°U"n« frort experience who t»*~« ^*"-»>:onsh>P< ltlSt „nj »,]; »,e played , Hit fKVWtnt- soccer field south of tt _ *, • to Coach Sp*nan Stadium. iir,g problems, Earlham, who compiled er Kenwltnf. the S-2-3 mark last season to pla. ick center halfback, ae^ond behind the Spartan'# i S-.o!. h\ a bad leg the Eastern Division of the Mid- s also expected to western circuit, have anunHem- ~~ ———— [she# record going into Satur- y Team dAy's i*K}c- Ca*h ^fe Frandor) IV 9-2774 "^*107*. Washington, Phone IV 2-1 ITS d Dr» J. K Nixon, registered optometrists and Coin - Op Dry Cleaning PLASH CLEANER8 Frandor FLASH CLEAN1 6 Michigan State Newa, East Lansing, Michigan Trailer Rented Immediately! *-«"« RrnUhed Mohl, "'""H OLDSMORitp IMA I»w UHfcVKOLfci iMfALA w ain i'FD-colleg» Student to work BIKF. FOR SALE. Schwlim racer, 4 > < Mana Hucklns - FE 9-8483. C4 siNOI K SEWING MACHINE with GOOD WORKING P" Console ———■ •PERSONAL turi.iBg to college. Must Mil. •PEANUTS PERSONAL va.KSWAGEN, 1955 -$450; All Por Sale your fancy Munt* TV. GE tsnk vacuum clean- FEMALE • PRIVATE ROOM and »V 2-825-:. •REAL ESTATE 1957 VW, sun roof. Good condi¬ state MoPed - $150. 1011 Dakin, stitches, plus button holes with Baby's Butler playtable, al- *>«th plus board in exchange for $625. PPLES. Fresh pure sweet FASHION DISKS, fake it new, and basinet. OX9. 20 hours as mother's helper. APPROVED < j •SERVICE tion Phone 355-1003 bet- Lansing, 4S2-~89l. 7 Some compensation. iv 4-2232.5 5 cider. Farm fresh eggs, squash, psyments 0! $1.10 per week after \ ^ 7 room s for women. r • !...RV'I •TRANSPORTATION een and 7 pm. pie pumpkins - also will have small down payment or pay total Al OMATirrORTAHI l. sewing •WANTED 195. MGA, red, WW', completely fur'mshed Uooms with Cooking 'U<3- TvP.v!^^. r h*«er. $"*5, unditior Halloween pumpkins, and other of $29.85. (L ike new.) IV 5-1705 machine, $5 per month, will fruita and vegetables st reason- «g£ ■ ■ , & hwK?'e ,hl8 able prices. Roadside Farm Collies. AKC REGISTERED, very stedman lost. ;moky HELP; Need money! Must sell! *-l3*0. HOUSE Market, 3 miles east of E. Lan*- lovely, Intelligent puppies, Im- . 333 Albert St. Right glasses 195* Fonl convertible, wtitte, 1962 PONTIAC, Ronnevtlle con¬ lng on US 16 at Okemos Road, 25 munlzed. Phone NT 6-5721, ev- Smith-Corona or Remington, both downtown. Private entrance. TV on camnn-t - perfect >-onditlon. New tires. R.. H,, P,S», ww, ect. Make offer. vertible. Elmer Steele Rambjer. BICYCLE HEADQUARTERS * ' Wlingfc S-In excellent condition; needto and kitchen facilities available "™"a sm PHONE: ED 2-0717. 6 English bikes. Larjest selection EDITION ENCYCLOPEDIA «» Bargain. Call 355-6069 IV 4-weekends. 406 372-0330 evenings wstcl • »• ■ • - PRITANN1CA and bookcase, per- after 6 pm. 8 F. I 355-8255 or 8256 feet condition. $285. ED 2-8109. STUDENT Sl'rl IAL.S I am. minutes for easy from campus. Call ua directions. New English o ^ *n0« - .WOMEN, APPROVED ROOMS. j*h,nd J»cohs, 195c Ford. 4-door, ti — —— DAVENPORT, light brown tapes- v . 1 vacnnoy. ED2-2155. 20- 2 study chairs, 50< Used TV set $29.95. Rentals 2 SINGLES, and. for four, kit- condition, lo* mile- $VflL . chen privileges. 642 Evergreen. .... sheet music cablnent, available on radio., TV sets, . . . . $2.00 <. $675, 337-0196, 1953 mi-rci:ry driers, and \ MERCEDES BENZ-1?0 SV.2 condition. iW $100. 332-827 $32 88 Gene'T'cxvle'shop *. .1 NICK HAZELBORN COMBO, cleaners. East Lansing Electric SHARl KEVIN KA\i m'KAl'IAlM} 702 w. Barnes.^ muoi^ Lansing. Call Good music, matched Jackets, PA ~ r»a Ct1.. Co., t136 u River 1^oozing, private finest. Call tires, 12,000 miles on new hardtop, re>1 and white, perfect c5 i Berkey I block, prefer foreign 2519 gtne. classic car in good condi- con fcgatk or NA --6035. HI-FI, PERFECT CONDfrlON. (s JIV t.Mm . P.hy\ ,,2 s 7 TO SHARE sharpunapprov- = IFC-Pan Hel Boll tlble CHEVY, 1954, green. 6 cylln- pilot amplifier. Garrard 3-speed p.m. 332-0 16,5-7 ed.^mwyervlsed apartment with OTesh I\ . der. sta-dard shift, $1"5. 1631 H. Spartan Village. FD 2-5981. 7 turntable 355-5S86. - $55. Phone after 5. USED A L 1 ('^ M A T' 1C Ken more" COOL Committee Rush - Fx washing machine, $30. Goodcc AUTOMOTIVE REP auk dltion. t all 332-5567 after 5p-m. condition. Perfect for c«11 332-2821. Call after 4 .issm, Mon. DIAI.-A-DFSIGN thru Friday, Mincer, Auto- ?1 G,RL INTERESTED IN sharing Thursday October , 4 7-10 pro I SKIRTS, SWEATEf HEAL1^ matic rig rag in lovely console 8n aPsrfment. Near campus. Ol slightly used. This sewing ma- !"5^93 after 7. Old College Hall •Expert Lubrication 1955 chine bind seams, sews on but- FOR FAMILY ONI Y. 2 •Quality Texaco Gas PONTIAC. 4-door 8. good bedroom designs, etc. $57.90 cash fully furnished apartment, park- •Oil Changes running condtlon, whitewalls, radio. • $5.25 per month after small ing, i block fi_... campus. Union Building 35^149. 7 >wn payment. IV 9-3011. $85 AS .v v'EVS. STFREO PHONOGRAPH. Thor- £ plus utilities. 215 L ED ers rurntable, Rek-o-kut arm. VIOLIN FOR SALE. Made 2-2574. >ors. neluve by ! do berer Harmon Kardon Oscar Glaesel. $100. Phnnp w. Rea. amplifier, ; 2101 Roberts Lane. Lansing. 2 food condition. Cont#.*; Jensen Duette cabinet speaker. 6996. John, 3S2-6333, bedroom apartment, 6 Call 353-0154. garage, ; fenced yard. $70 plus utilities. FOR". Good concfitj MOTORCYCLE, 1-562 TRIUMPH. 200 cc Tiger Cub. 4 cycle. 100 JYPEW"RITER, $-9. Galaxy, like now, Dri- smiling service galion. IV 4-1524. Tape SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE TSsfc L v.M^.kU'1 $3°. ANTI-U Suitcases, $8, $7, dining SCOOTER. Perfect table. S5. 332-0716. 5-7 9 : terms. ED 2-S2". ^ CORNER GR AND RIVER pm. $125. Good 1,1 black and SP ART AN campus hockey MAN TO SHARE approved fur- Phone 337-9034 r tion- Graduating, mu SPARTAN MOTORS ED 2-04It excellent ;-0409 after con- nished apartment with 3 others. 5:30 1 block from campus. 332-0950. ★ Employment ;PL? t-EPROOM Fl'RS- wa^-Ul'i HWIEBM*! ^_ ITURE. Girl's preteen 12 cloth- MAN TO SHARE Winter Tune Ups unapproved fur¬ J£PJ-4i9i.-5 nished apt. with 2 others. Close _ 5 1 °60 C I'SHM AN E AGL E SCOOT- tc campus. ED 2-83R6. PART-TIME WORK. Average 3 ER- Perfect ccr>dition. Asking days per *etk to April 1. Stu- over $160 or trade, The $2.50 plus parts Colony Club der: wife preferred. E. Lansing firm. Must have mimeograph and > a!- i^. ft \«maTL-RE SCHNAL*ZER«5 ' 1- addressing machine experience, weeks old. lKC of Send resur>e to Bo* 341 A. Sru- Recistered^ears dockei, >ts. Cai: ED 7-12». Phone 489-7911 dew Services. 5 I OUARiUHEED 1 fill PfBMAHENII PHI SIGMA DELTA POSITIONS FOR SECRETARIES, typists, bookkeepers, and recep¬ tionists. Great Lakes Employ- Seniors MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ versity graduation rings LATHROP PURE OIL INVITES ALL RUSHEES TO ITS mew, 616 Michigar National to»- available at THE CARD er. 1\ 2-1543.. C5 Moke your appointment for your STOP. Includes degree, OF-EN 7 A.M. - 10 P.M. — 7 D.MS ^ •eal. 3 engraved initials. Wolverine Portrait Today Choice of 10 stones. CORNER OF MICHIGAN & GRAND RIVERl OPEN RUSH SMOKER tc deliver gifts to working girls Only 3 Open Dates Left WED. OCT. 3 for their opsr.ior or, a new product. Address: 52S Albert Street Phone 332-63*7. 5 PI KAPPA PHI Oft STOP AT Union Board Desk in Union AVON CALLING. LAMES - Do Lobby Extends an invitation for men Parlor C, Union you have i NEED to EARN money? Become an AVON REPRESENT¬ interested in Fraternity Living' FOR RIDE INFORMATION & CALL ATIVE near your owr home. pleasant and profitable work. For appointment in your home call l!*» WHATEVER YOU NEED 322-0692 evea-iings: Mrs. Alans Hockir.s - FE 9-&4S3. C5 for your car THE MEN of the OAKS IN STOCK Mrffcu-Tri Pipes-Exhaust Pipes of BEST SELECTION MSIAUB) THETA DELTA CHI OF 45'S Complete Sho IN TOWN invite all rushees to on DISC SHOP KM1HI Open Smoker OPEN EVENINGS Speed Equipment -Accessories PISCOUWTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY Wherever you go. Wed, Oct. 3,1962 , KAMIN'S AUTO PARTS Visit US TONIGHT at our House 7-10 pm 50? MAC GO 526 N. LARCH 121 i far fide or information OCT. 4th IV 4-4596 Whitehills Dr. Al MIKUUCH Col ED 2-2563 Mon. - Frl. Saturday Sunday Forarideccrilus PONTIAC 8-5 9- 1 ED 7-9734 I|r|.irn State New»t Etit Lansing, Michigan ENGINEERS, PHYSICS and LANSING JoT~~ Wednesday October 3. 1962 FREE CHEMISTRY majors: Would to improve your academic, you New 3 bedroom L«ne. l 1/2 baths iar»» rOZt r~? THESES PRINTED Rapid service, quality DUro WHY WAIT? Appointments available at Campus Barber are CHILD CARE. E. Shop, censed home Lansing, li¬ 1 block west of typing. Typesetting and d(«i>S,wh,t*> t-, g*m«nt thJj •oclal, and professional life at reatlon room, attached taraire" prints. Also blue printing. directly across from Students Hagadorn near Marble School. printing. Wonch Graphic Service. Located betwen campus and cap- Slgnifl ~ Delta Ckl 1^. negative and thla MSU? Thl. ^rtunlty l. offered built-in.. SJ2£? E3f Service Rldg. Call ed 7-9881. $3 • day per child. Openings - I . Rpx4n R S^oki"STtIS ^. Triangle 2* ?*" Ru*h Sh0Wn tlme- CaU Ko»° Build-' Fraternity «n. ED 7-2573. 6 CAPITAL CITY BLUE 221 S. Grand ___^ Attention dance commit¬ C for 3 children. Phone ED2-1488. SERVICE. Special rate for y^7206""PBonr' if _W Lansing - IV 2-5431 C7 tees: Appointments open for college housing. Service calls, WaCTTED TO RENT: A reason- JOUrn>1Ut,C 90Cle,>' wlU m,?et « Clippett (by Frandor) arjd,. t r)^< °I _ h»" «»• «cr« ««« iot, il block mock irom from auditions. Hear "The Royal Jes¬ $4. Absolute honesty. ACME TV, able ,n „ fnftiily C iiimih ' Marble School. $12,000. 614 n. ters". 4 piece combo. Trans¬ i 610 Herbert IV 9-.vot9. r price,! garage. Phone ED 4 p'm' Thursd«y ln 5 Journalism "Y building. . ■11' * CONGRATULATIONS Spaa ,nd Hagadorn Hagadorn RR<1'. E. Lansing, Phone NICK AZELBORN COMBO. Good portation , 2-3094. t — OkemosCom- CnrrT Cherl furnished. Call 339- SAur. OkemoiCom- . Cherl ... for ... for finding the true 337~7574. 337-7574. 7 music, matched Jackets, PA sys¬ 8530. TYPING SERVICE LIKE NEW MEN'S sport., coats f*lec}ion of candidates to the 5 ■ '• •• " ^ °L 7^ t0gWher' j ""TRTTs11!1. '} *part- , spart- tem. 335-1003. Ask about campus rates. 18 horses BOARDED. New __ barn. EDIE STARR: Typist, theses, ind suits. Size 40. Call ED 7- fl7-- » ntUo^ convention will be dls- cussed and plans will be formu- 1 ,.m. to 8 (50 ATTENTION RESTAURANT mem hou»«-- 2H Smith Ave. Call 3 miles from VftU dlsertatlons, term papers, gen¬ campus. eral 1 lated for the coming year. Lmo'liJl 0:30 to STUDENTS. j, - Meet An«el at i^ea. Lea Reasonable rates. Best of care. typing. Experienced, IBM 4 GIRLS DESPERATELY WANT —— —», 1 Gourmet Meeting. 8:00 toniaht. tonight. tLEAVING r uiwr c 72 Kellogg Center. STATE, must sacri¬ 5 fice LEARN TO FLY at lovely 3 bedroom homr in SherenAvfr. Junior swimmers Mike Wood WHATS NEW} blfcobWs Holt, l 1/2 bath, 2 ation. Low rates. 3 ——- 0f m fireplaces, Colege Papers. Typed and/ or miles north jackson and Jeff Matt son of magaiines, college students and rise, room, aluminum exterior, edited on campus. 15 on Abbott Rd„ Davis WANTED TO RENT garage in or Olympla, Wash., were elected years ex¬ Airport. faculty. Subscribe to your fav¬ much more. S.H.A., $15,800; perience. Mrs. Alden. 355-8182. Phone ED 2-0224. near E. Lansing area. Call ED as co-captains of the 1963 Spat orite magazines. 332-0716. 5.7 11,000 down. OX 9-2465. 2-1360. 9 tan tan* squad. p.m. 7 I A.1, I I. A NUNC, H-MWooni Pianist, icrm t-ftbrr^r^r .LIARD GRAD- when why pay morf; elsewhere? fcNOBANON1'■■hL»n ranch, garage, basement, good l/'ATE, now accepting beginners, you can get pr ofessional needed: u ni K'cl.rinet, piano, drums. c n T banjv-». C all H*I Smith, t s ^ Real Estate ATTRACTIVE DUTCH COLON- neighborhood, schools. $14,000. advanced students. (NearE.Lan¬ Call owner, ED 2-2339. dry cleaning at Wendrow's Econ- owash and Dry Cleaners for less. sing High School.) Call ED 2- Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned The Men of AlPHA TAU r 1avS, 1\'2-3013 nights. IAL 2 bedroom home for sale SCfViCG QQQS. ur: SI I k AND service black and ; .10 and pressed, only'50<; suits, cordially invite you to by owner. Basement, garage, ex- ——— dresses, plain coats, Just $1. cellent condition, low taxes. 15 HORSES BOARDED. New barn. minutes from campus. IV 4-2479. 3 miles from MSU campus. white and color TV's. RCA Vic¬ Load ln at tor factory authorized service block west 3006 Vine St. of Sear's 1/2 OPEN RUSH* Frandor Reasonable rates. Best of care. Station. C5. Oct. 3 7-10 p.m. NEW COTTAGE - And wooded Call ED 7-2791. 9 MOBILE TV lot. Full price $1,395, with $140 A I1 fc'Tt 'B: i^eauVKul Mil? 1301 W. Mount Hope YOUR FRATERNITY CHECK LIST down and $25 per month. Pri¬ Siamese male. Proven sire. Call IV 9-5307 25 DIAPER SERVICE In deciding which fraternity you would like f to Join, here are vate sand beach on XCELLENT T"V REPAIR all important factors I ! VWC A. large lake. evenings, ED 7-7476. 7 on to consider. We believe that Alpha Tau Omega makes and models. All work SERVICE to your desire. You offers them ln greater W - 11:30 P.M. Fishing and boating. Deer and CHILD CARE. Pick up an,! abundance than you will find elsewhere. guaranteed. DISCOUNTS TO ALL receive your own diapers back IjrfSS' arK* *'*• patridge hunting. Take new free- > service, dlaperi COLL each time . With our service. Members Friendly help ln campus lunch Included; all op¬ to 8:30 p.m. TV Technicians, fl*A and imrtencs, by older j Springwood Lakes office on bus¬ you may include up to two pounds you enjoy — who "wear well" — tional 355-3206. who iness US-27 on north side of 7 3022 E. Mlchlgan.Call IV 7-5558. of your baby's undershirts and who take a personal Interest in men are already partlclpat-i city two blocks north of Wilson , NEED MUSYCKE? clothing which will not fade. you and your future. Ing, often as leaders. State Park. Open 7 days a week. White, Blue or Pink diaper pails An enjoyable but not over-1 call ED 7-2174 SEWING MACHINE SERVICE. $3 Surroundings that offer (Member Chamber of Com- "THE KNIGHT OWLS" furnished. every opportunity for scholastic emphasized social life,withint! day or evening on Kenmore or e.) any make. Call Mac, TU 2- excellence, with men who put standards of good taste and Christian living. $200 DOWN. NEAR I . ANN bRQWN, typist and mnltu '■lib. education first. 415 Evergreen KANDOR, Imi offset printing (black and" ALTERATIONS. Hemming & re¬ Financial requirements Finally, an international- 918 N. Homer, 6 room house, white, and color) IBM. General AMERICAN DIAPER comparable to dormitories and fraternity with a great heritage Call for Rides fireplace, garage, Make offer or styling: formals trousers, private homes, yet yeldlng far of leadership, character and , typing, term papers, theses, dis- skirts, etc.NEEDLE SERVICE will trade. Call IV 5-5574 7 sertatlon. ED 'NTHREAD 111 E. WASHTENAW scholarship, who members stand 2-8384. greater -eturns. o SHOP. 108 Division,behlndCam- IV 2-0864 together long after campus days ED 2-084$ gus.Drug Store. ED 2-5584. £ NOW - 2nd Week MICHiGAI* 2 Shows Daily 2:00 & 8:00' , ! \SS- Week- stuaaERRE ■ M r»u Xuikm JZ1 SAT & SUN 3-Shows 2:00-6:40-9:25 high school •is. Phone ED [. its Personal sharp nti.-l REALLY rushtM can't «et- v'u tonight at 7. ED 2-3577. 5 I I BEST PICTURE! Winner of Academy AwardsI NATALIE WOOD 10 ^UNION BookStore lLADMER: RICHARD BEYMER mud I- RUSS TAMBLYN I RITA MORENO QEQRQS CHANRIfi Weekday Matinees $1.00 Eves, Suns.. Hoi. $1.25 Children Under 12 .50< Has Them Next; Suian Hayward "I THANK A FOOL' r Disney's & motion picture Michigan State University FOREIGN FILM SERIES what LOLA IOLA WANTS ! : Ii-i; gets/ J^" \NC-Fi.S" ; 2 SHOWN ' 30-5:40-8:5Cp.m, • \TTR ACTION f ' Kt HITS' [ARZAN GOES I to INDIA" FAIRCHILD THEATRE W.J » UNIVERSITY tmeatre 1982 - 63 Season 4500 Total Books Available 4300 Total Books Sold 200 Total Books Remaining last Day of Coupon Book Sales : * UNION Book Store Right On Campus In The Union Building A Department of Michigan State University OPEN: Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 3 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan W«dB«»d.T Qcln(, Not allowsng the police to-speak Yankee's Med. School Police in their o*r. befcalf permitted stu- -ieocs to fet their entire picture Hlehwtf* Fairy Tale of the police from contacts with (Continoed from pejt 1) individual officers, and from (C«nHnwe4 from f*t* \) «~«T. «r«-» SSS*' •chooHtn e*celhWH press relations wHhtho other «ud«*i and faculty. don't know what they are pi an- scte^Vw at Fairchild " Spparentlv the f»c-u!t> t skill- nta|." 'muM U« of M. tn,\ Wxj .. $ us." satd one of the s^per- He addwi that on the surface ICC department is only Tfce «*or and frustration of It s a? pwi-'«f relations," appeared as if It might work "Some faculty members think non-Yankee fan* watching hoJp- in with our plans for a two- of the sacervis.^ ce*- to head the pro- t>,» becauM they are faculty they leSaly as the hated Bronx Bomb¬ yeor medical school. 5f_ , \\k puMtC relation*, M9J WJ, r the persona! puNie aren't sutjevt to t^niversKy or* ers won pennant after pennant The two-year program here ram. A committee on medical edu- ^ f d I n a n c e s and regulationa, has been five a fairy **!« *l«* would provide the training which le^iina to*, ./ ' oi the officers, and a at ion of the Michigan whether it's parking. traffic or In the musical "Damn Yankee" to be shown Wednesday and Fri¬ has been the bottleneck in M.Q. or an M.a ^ 'ft. they original Broadway play. CLUB Students will be admitted to regalattons*** (Restaurant Management) 100% cotton sports An *nu~pouoe philosophy or the part of the studeot se«r.s either oi these showings for SO cents with their identification cards at Fairchild theater. Cleh and dress shirts %'i Ner< difficult for the police force to TONIGHT right »'!th the individual stu¬ dent." said a patrolman from che hus> day shift. "But as a Fiagerliag salmon live on in - 8 p.m. Rm. 72 Kellogg s2f#-s3fs |ati buy'L YANKEES IN FAIRCHILD- Beseboll e«ite«»a*t is eecta to the at reus where they ; £:v*jp. studeots seesn fo Mve at- Ki«fc horn •re hatohed Mttl an encanny U- Center IvAF anti-police attitude. Cast coast to West, bet Fairchild Aeditoriww Wet only female tenaal mechanlssa wrgM »*** to Sport Shirts in both "In a city we w ouldn't worry Guest Speaker bright colored pattern* w baseball star In Gwen Verdon, »ith Tab Hunter, playing in begin »If ret lag down ond tobs. rv«ra for a ".ifetisne." Sarhevi comments from the students also hother the officers. Sene rc serve andprew dSing the students," admitted * learned our lesson." IVa'ing with 22,0ft) students supervisor. "We hope we've each day. the officers stii: make not;c«Me mistakes. Flairs of SPARTAN BELL RINGERS The fabrics have been created for easiest care. Students presor* MOSICDEPT. M.S.U. cder,t and his prop- Parcel Sail ihish d t an officer. ""Put rhat prohJem which is ne« ■ear th« «•« are e*» ,-smpus paeretowmsrho' ANNOUNCE OPENINGS here for the stare po' To Pick Workers ABILITY TO READ MUSIC REQUIRED •0ETR0ITeN0RTHLANri».",F' » BIRMINGHAM* ANN ARB0.;e ir fhe jb:?c rtinOmr thnftt disturbances, h offervSerf *rv' minor ipiMHntmmt - IV -9-066:1 -,-rr; p^»T"s- C«perstios> between the st»- - -:e«e'< for :^e Je.n,' Sxh *rvi the officers rou3c! he ve • -• Ve- rVse Kormcss. 1>- scesd. c«mpi.s pohce «*>- p« i- -- nomrfty, a.-r.Tjdes lack of co- oper atjof froer. she K-jdfexs wbc - -ec -• !CE SKATING SPECIAL RATES FOR STUDENTS £ve*^ -%c$ T^es. thru. Sat. 8^>0-10^X3 Sat. WORLD FAMOUS Morning 10:00-12:00 Sat. & Sur. Anerrxx^s.. 3:00- 5^0 xEG'STER c^- ^drens classes for group lessons - sat. ^00-10^)0 THE GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA 1:00-3-00 ADULT classes ...TS/rg,8-00-9-00 skate rentals available under the direction of Michigan State University CE ARENA RAY Mc KINLEY STUDENTS 5AVE5CX Prices $1.50. $1.00 with Activity Book Coupon A door with Student Tickets MSU LECTURE CONCERT SERIES SPECIAL UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM J Tuesday, October 16 8:15 PM Reserved Seats $2.00—$1.50 To perr up a coeC's wof-oroe* P«Cti motories s moo acne sHrt to s «*rte jac*tx tr m v i mi erif*: t»rass-hu«f ycr*. taut s Stein&J0C Jactet S!5^C - Tickets Sale .. on Thursday, Oct 4