R e c o r d H e a t M e lts M id te r m W ill P o w e r record low for the date, a sub-freezing 25 registered in in E ast Lansing that sent Wednesday's tem perature soaring • Spring term already? six degrees higher that the Phoenix, A riz., reading and on'y 1925. The Weather Bureau said that the Lansing heat wave is one short of Miami’ s 85? Not quite, but the weatherman continued his fall attack Wei!, they're either forgetting their books to enjoy some on students attempting to dig in for midterms Wednesday part of a Midwestern unseasonably warm trend that has fall term weather that will probably take more than a few with another June-in-O ctober day and a record high Lansing been setting record highs from Wisconsin to western New years to return to campus, or doggedly sweating out classes area tem perature for the date. York. and m idterm s. The warm, sunny weather will continue in the Lansing And how about the clothes situation? *A lot of good that Official tem perature at 3 p.m . Wednesday was an un- closet full of winter gear is doing the 99.9 per cent of MSU Octoberlsh 84 d egrees, topping by three degrees the p re­ area today, with another high in the low 80’s predicted, Friday will be continued warm, with a chance of showers students who left summer duds home, expecting a Michigan vious Oct. 23 high set 'way back In 1920, according to the fall m ore in line with last y e a r’s Oct. 23 high-low readings U.S. Weather Bureau at the Capital City Airport. late in the day. Just how a re MSU students combatting the October summer of 48 and a freezing 32. Last night’ s balmy low of around 60 was far shy of the MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE TATI FW S Carol Smith Enjoys Heat Wave East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 24, 1963 V o l. 55; No. 41 R a th e r B re a k s W it h A U SG B r y a n L e a d e r D ie m R e g im e | y 0 fa | p a y m e n t R e q u ir e d S u p p o r ts M o v e F e a r - S t r ie k e n I p o r E a r ly R e g is t r a t io n BY OYARS BALCERS The present regim e of South shows through the organization of the army, Chuong said. State News S taff Writer Viet Nam is paralyzed by fear and suspicion and cannot be r e ­ " I t is a n a t i o n s 1 arm y com ­ Rather Hall general council has voted to withdraw its rep re­ formed, Than Van Choung told posed of legions without gen­ and the longer range need of sentation from AUSG, All-University Student Government follow­ some 650 student's Tuesday. erals, and generals without com ­ activities a re contingent on pay­ "T h e questionnaire is part of By CHARLES C . WELLS a series of investigations and MSU to give better service to an ing the resignation of its reprsentative to student con gress. Chuong lashed at the regim e of mands.” ment of fees. State News Staff Writer expanding student enrollment.” Bob K e rr, AUSG president, said the action by Rather Hall President Ngo Dinh Diem as a He said there a re 17 trained Payment of fees gives the r e ­ experiments in relation to reg­ Some of the questions asked has not accelerated his campaign prom ise to seek the abolition "police state without the effic­ generals without command be­ g is tra r’ s office a good indication istration we have been conducting Seniors and graduate students include, how long it took to go of AUSG if he can’t make it effective. iency of a police sta te ,” in a cause of the fear of a military that the student will be present for the past several m onths," going through early registration through the Intramural Building, Sharon R les, Rather representative, resigned because she felt Kiva lecture sponsored by AUSG. power grab, yet there are 7 for the next term . King said. he said. "T h e se investigations must pay all fees at that time, fall into the short-run situation where the student was kept the AUSG was not serving Its function as a representative of the divisions coinmanded~bycolonels T here must be a high degree R eg istrar H orace C. King said we are confronting term by term longest tim e, if he had any trou­ students. Diem’ s fear of a coup by any or lieutenant colonels, he said. of accu racy in these are a s so Wednesday. ble getting required or elective K err said that Miss R ies’ resignation did not mention any military or government official The purpose of the army is we know how to allot classroom E arly registration will be for cou rses, and if the student had in a position of power has com ­ to win the war against the Com­ space, faculty personnel and n ec- specific areas of discontent. pelled him to concentrate all munist Viet Cong, he said, but it seniors and graduate students ce ssa ry funds. Study Rooms any schedule conflicts after r e ­ “ Her letter was very vague and authority in a group too small to govern efficiently, Chuong cannot be done without the union of all the anti-Communist ele­ Nov. 20 and 21 on the second floor of the Union. "R egistration is essentially a student making his reservations gistering. The investigation attempts to Chest D rive generalized,’ ’ he said. " I be­ said. ments in Viet Nam. King indicated that payment cannot be delayed until regular for cla sse s in the coming te rm ,” Rescheduled compare fall term 1962 with this fall’s registration. Tops 70% lieve s t u d e n t government is working constructively and the The p aralysis of s u s p i c i o n "B u t the present government he said. "E xp erien ces at another registration, Ja n . 6 - 8 , because D i f f i c u l t i e s in study room The student is also asked if letter is therefore somewhat un­ is a great divisive fo rce ,” Chuong Michigan college which did not most other early registration scheduling at Erickson Hall have he had any trouble getting class University Community Chest warranted in my opinion. said, "th e re fo re I don’t see any collect fees proved to be very caused anew schedule to be made, card s at the department tables campaign pledges topped 70 per "T he statements Miss Ries possibility of victory under any unsatisfactory.” made were the result of misin­ H orace C. King, re g istra r, said and If the choice of instructor, 3rd Day Total such re g im e .” To discover problems arising Wednesday.. cent Wednesday as the drive formation or probably no in­ Chuong praised Michigan State University for training police of­ Anti-Trust from the present registration p ractice, the re g is tra r’ s office Students wanting to study dur­ ing the hours given in the State time and building makes any difference. reached the halfway mark. S tarr K eesler, U n i v e r s i t y formation. I can defend and jus­ tify any situation that has arisen Hits 787 Pints ficials in the school of police is now sending out 1,000 ques­ News listing Tuesday should con­ We also want suggestions on how the student thinks reg is­ Community Chest chairm an, r e ­ in C ongress.” Bower House became the se c ­ ond living unit to reach the 100 administration during th e l9 5 0 ’s. He said that the Diem government has neglected to train men be­ Steel Probe tionnaires to various students. “ We are taking a random sam ­ ple to find out the student’s view­ sult the new schedule in 134 Erickson, he said. tration can be im proved," King said. ported that $66.046 has already been pledged. The University has been asked to ra ise $83,589 to­ Miss Ries said that most mem­ bers attend Congress on Wednes­ day evenings to argue. per cent mark as Alpha Phi Omega’s blood drive ended its cause of suspicion. Even if the Communists suffer m ilitary d e f e a t , according to Launched point of the centralized reg is­ tration system at MSU,” he said. "T h e answers will be used as “ Signs will be posted on cla s s ­ room s designated for day-tim e study sometime next week,” he He added that the question­ naire probably will not solve all his registration problems, but ward the goal of $1,434,583 set for the G reater Lansing area. Four departments have already “ Most of them have spur of the moment ideas that never get third day Wednesday afternoon. NEW YORKl/PI-A federal grand anywhere because of insufficient said. "T h e signs will list the that it will be an effective tool gone over their quotas. They are A total of 309 pints was co l­ Chuong, their cause may not jury Wednesday launched an anti­ a guide to help In improving research beforehand," she said. hours and days the room s are in understanding the effective­ secretary oftice division, 153 per lected during the day to run the be finished in South Viet.Nam . trust investigation of the nation’ s the registration system in the ness of the present system . cent; business office, 139 per " I ’m not saying that we should drive total to 787, a pace that The Imperial City of Hue, scene steel industry, with emphasis future.” open for study." cent; university serv ices. 111 per abolish AUSG, because we need will result in a total short of the of the bloody repression of a Bud­ on pricing p ractices. it, but right now it’ s not going goal of 2000 pints. dhist demonstration l a s t May, Executives in many fields eyed cent, and special division, 105 anywhere.” per cent. Leaders in the competition for living unit plaques are Bailey and Arm strong, each with 10 per cent to lead men’ s dorms; North Was a, peaceful city, he said. The guerilla w arfare with the Viet Cong had not touched it. " E v e n 'if victory against the the probe, hopeful that it would turn out to be routine and not of a nature that might prove harassing to business in gen­ Home Renounces Title Almost every person in the G reater Lansing area is bene­ fited directly or indirectly by Nancy Forsythe, Rather p res­ ident, said the dorm’ s withdrawal was a form of "p assive re s is ­ ta n ce ." » Case with 8 per cent leads in women's dorm s, and Alpha Omi- cron Phi leads with 50 per cent Communists com es tomorrow, the inefficient and oppressive r e ­ gime may drive the people into e ra l. The subpoenaing of 10 big steel producers apparently took the industry by surprise. To Be Prim e Minister the special election for Kinross stood out strongly, so far in the Community Chest. L ast year 83,798 individuals (continued on page 5) "W e do not want to create (continued on page 3) in soro rities. the arm s of the Communists,” On Wall S treet, steels appeared LONDON, (#)— B ritain’ s Prim e and West P erth. Barring one of vain, against the delayed reopen­ Phi Sigma Delta has already Chuong said. to have w e a t h e r e d Tuesday’ s M inister shed his long string of the biggest political upsets in ing of Parliam ent. reached 100 per cent for the Chuong would not discuss the s c a re selling when news of the fraternity championship. Second possible moves to be made by grand jury inquiry sent stock is Farm house with 80 per cent. the U.S. government or Viet­ p rices tumbling in heavy selling. noble titles Wednesday, renoun­ cing 500 y ears of proud family B ritish history, Home shouldwin the seat with room to spare. However, government and op­ position leaders agreed to a full W orld New s history, and became a commoner But when Parliam ent reassem ­ debate in the Commons today on Hours for the drive today are namese opposition groups. 2 p.m . to 8 p.m. He did say that in Cambodia, Industry stocks rebounded unan­ imously W e d n e s d a y although in order to govern this island kingdom. bles today, for the first time since e a r l y August, Douglas- the decision to postpone the re ­ opening of Parliam ent. at a Glance F ra n ce , and perhaps within Viet some gains later were trimmed. Tuesday’ s initial slump was The 14th E a rl of Home, Lord Home won’t be able to attend. Normally, only a handful of Nam t h e r e a re organizations Dunglass, Baron Home and Lord legislators attend the formality C astro Requests Economic Blockade L ife L if t GOAL eager to move in. taken to indicate Wall Street’ s D i s s a t i s f a c t i o n runs high concern lest the grand jury probe Douglas, by a simple stroke of of closing out the old session. WASHINGTON (UPI)— The State Department has said "n o ” signal a new outbreak of hos­ the pen, became Sir Alec Fred ­ among civil servants, denied pro­ to P rem ier C astro ’s request that the U.S. lift its economic tility between business and gov­ erick Douglas-Home. He rates Douglas-Home continued with motion while one minister heads blockade on Cuba. C astro had asked that the economic block­ being called " S ir Alec” because the formation of his new gov­ 1,600 19 bureaus, and among members ernment. ade be lifted to help Cuba get back on its feet after the b atter­ In the spring of 1962, P r e s ­ he is a knight of the Thistle—- ernment, announcing the appoint­ of the foreign serv ice, whose ing it took from Hurricane Flora. ident Kennedy's Dem ocratic Ad­ not a P eerag e. ments of Niall Macpherson as authority has been superceded by minister of state at the board ministration forced a rollback of Thus he cleared away the big­ Ngo Dinh Nhu and his wife, a c­ of trade, Lord Derwent as min­ NASA Postpones Mooncraft Launching a planned general increase in gest hurdle blocking his entry cording to Chuong, form er am­ iste r of state at the home office steel p rices. This p ressu re from into the House of Commons, a WASHINGTON IIP)—The Space Agency Wednesday postponed a bassador to the United States. and A l a n G r e e n as financial Washington was blamed in part right previously denied him by launching of the Ranger VI Mooncraft until next year. for a sharp stock market break his noble heritage. secretary to the treasury. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said de­ Now he must win a seat in 7 0 Drivers that followed. The 16 men and seven women the Commons in a special elec­ He also fixed his first speak- fects had been found in a number of small tran sistor diodes. The launch planned from Cape Canaveral, F la ., for the lattter on the steel jury panel were tion set for Nov. 7. ing engagement in his Scottish part of this year has been rescheduled to the first quarter of Ticketed sworn in by Federal Judge John F . X. McGohey, who told them Douglas-Home’ s historic act left him in a kind of political election campaign for Saturday morning in the Perth livestock 1964. The 730-pound spacecraft is designed to crash into the moon. More than 70 drivers were they would be dealing with "m a t­ vacuum; he was no longer a market. ticketed Monday for driving on te rs having to do with the p ro ­ member of the House of Lords, It is a very good thing to be,” north campus, campus police r e ­ duction of s te e l.” nor yet a member of the House East Germans Free American Student he said. ported. In charge of the Inquiry was of Commons. It was the first BERLIN (U PI)—Communist E ast Germany hai; freed a 2 0 - All two-wheeled, motor-driven John J . Galgay, of the Ju stice time in B ritish history a prime The P rim e M inister confessed . year-old American student, Robert Mann, after 21 months of vehicles fall under the jurisdic­ Department’ s antitrust division. m inister had been in such a spot. to feeling no different now that imprisonment. Mann was arrested in January of 1962, report­ tion of the Michigan State Motor Steel producers subpoenaed by His signature on a document he is a comm oner. edly for helping E ast Berlin students escape to the West. Vehicle code, and must be operat­ the grand jury include U.S. Steel, formally disclaiming his p eer­ EX-LORD HOME ed in the sam e manner as an Republic, Bethlehem, National, ages for all time was all Sir L ice nse Granted For Wheat To Hungary automobile. Jones & Laughlin, W h e e l i n g , Alec needed to do to cast off his erm ine robe and coronet. The session is a formality to WASHINGTON (UPI)—The C om m erce Department has grant­ M otorcycles, motor scooters Youngstown Sheet and Tube, Kai­ Freed of the burdens of titled close out the old Parliament. ed an export license for the shipment of $1.2 million bushels of and motor bikes cannot be driven se r, Armco and Inland Steel. blue blood, Douglas-Home’ s next The new session, originally sch - yellow corn to Hungary. The department placed the value at o r parkqd on n o r t h campus - Glowing profit reports co v e r- Oct'., 29. ha^. b eei^ 8 4.fh .*6 p.m . ireSStSuy«, except int the "first nine montfisor trie *Vi.y2Y*minlon.'‘ m e hSMne "al'O tcr extw#‘«er'"'l|E v v Z ...t# p s s M B t, delayed until Nov. 12 to give was not revealed. The announcement was made as a Soviet dele­ for designated routes, including y ear already have com e from ma­ Bogue S treet, Auditorium Road, jo r steel producers, with indi­ sonal election campaign moving. This weekend he is expected Douglas-Home time to win the SUNNY gation was meeting with top U.S. officials on the possible sale F a rm Lane, Haslett entrance and cations pointing toward the best to travel to Scotland to fight in election. of wheat to R ussia. Labor and Liberal leaders have Beal entrance. earnings since 1957. T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 4 , 1963 2 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Point of View - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - College Papers Lose Kingsize Ads Many co l l e g e new spaper sta ff m e m b e r s throughout the down on the s i z e of it s p a p e r . O th e r c o l l e g e p a p e r s have Nixon Again felt the p ro fit s sq u e ez e enough nation a r e thinking that th ei r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _By Brenda Greestone S u » to w r e s p e c t i v e publications should to c u r t a i l t h e i r publishing s c h ­ be c l a s s if i e d as d i s a s t e r a r e a s . e d u le s , while s o m e s m a l l p a p e r s Pundits, p o llsters, and Rep­ in some c ir c le s that simply be­ ublican " i n s ” a re beginning to cause the effort to move Card­ College publications have are seriously considering c e a s ­ make a realistic appraisal of inals Spellman and Cushing into lost a good portion of th e ir a d ­ ing publication e n t i r e l y . the contest for the 1964 GOP the West Wing of the WhiteHouse presidential nomination. A s c ru - resulted in failure, does not in­ v e r t i s i n g re v e nu es b e c a u s e of What is the State News staff tinization of the cu rren t - ’ dicate that attempts to bring doing to r e c o u p a $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 r e ­ clim ate of the United States has Ben Gurion, Eshkol andCompany a r e c e n t public r e l a t i o n s move venue l o s s due to the halting of caused many pool takers to p re­ to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will by c i g a r e t t e m a n u f a c t u r e r s to dict another " v ic to ry " for Rich­ also be thwarted. Secondly, those stop co ll eg e c i g a r e t t e a d v e r ­ cigarette advertising? ard Milhous Nixon. of various other ethnic groups The a d v e r t is in g s a l e s staff The form er V i c e - P r e s i d e n t want equal time now that a son tising. and animal lover is said to be the of E ire lives in the White House. The halting of c i g a r e t t e ad­ ha s all but made up the l o s s most logical candidate because And since the Jew s are one of with the acq uisition of five GOP leaders know that: (1) “ you the sm aller ethnic groiqis, they v e r ti s i n g was done in an attempt can’ t keep a good man down." can Jolly well wait their turn. to put the m a n u f a c t u r e r s in a s u p e r m a r k e t a d v e r t i s e r s and (2) Nixon is the most informed By virtue of his ethnic back­ additional r e t a i l s t o r e s . and objective contender in the ground, Goldwater is far too b e t t e r light in the e y e s o f ra ce - that Nixon sees all sides advanced for his tim es to ever stat e ag en ci e s who a r e e n c o u r ­ As to the plight of o t h e r of every issue and then takes be considered presidential tim ­ aging educational p r o g r a m s co l le g e n e w s p a p e r s in cutting each one, (3) Nixon’ s relation­ bre. ship with the p ress is more A vigorous attempt to capture aimed at curb in g smoking. back pag es and i s s u e s , we firmly established than that of the Republican nomination is also Such n ew sp ap er s as the Ma­ feel that it is a r e f l e c t io n on any of his opponents, (4) the being made by New York’ s Gov­ GOP needs a nominee accustomed ern or Nelson Rockefeller. While roon at the Un iv er sit y of C h i ­ c o l l e g e ad v e r ti si n g staf fs to the rig o rs and defeats of Republicans regard Rockefeller cag o have been f o r c e d to e l e m - throughout the nation i n s o f a r election campaigns, and (5) that as being wise in the ways of by next summer the other three women and a rt, they see him as inate one is s u e per week, while as selling ad v e r t is i n g is c o n ­ leading contenders for the nom­ also being retarded in the ways the Square J o u r n a l at New Yo r k c e r n e d . A co l l e g e n e w sp a p e r ination, Goldwater, Rockefeller, of history and politics. is a training ground and if its and Romney, will have crushed U n iv e r si ty can now afford only one another's c a n d i d a c i e s Third on the ro s te r of p o- tential-nominees is Michigan's two i s s u e s pe r week instead of staf f cannot se ll a d v e r ti s in g through unofficial "Stop Gold­ Governor George Romney. Since than it is not fulfilling one of w ater,” "Im peach R ockefeller,” t h r e e . The H a r v a r d C r i m s o n he is not " a c tiv e ly " campaigning and "G o Pogo,” movements. a la Rockefeller and Goldwater, staff also has been told to cut its m o s t i m p o rt a n t functions. The fifth reason for Nixon's it is felt that Romney stands the potential strength is by far the best chance of gaining the nom­ most important. The need to ination. But Romney campaigns K orean C itiz e n s M ove A head ra ce hard and fast will cause the three m ajor contenders to via his program to build a new Michigan. Since half of the new slaughter one another before they Michigan was to be housed within We a r e divided betwqen d i s a ­ ag ain st Chinese C o m m u n i s m , even reach San F ran cisco . a new Olympic Stadium, the gov­ ppointment that m i l i t a r y g o v e r n ­ and t r a n s f e r r e d its a l l e g i a n c e Senator B a rry Goldwater is ern or must now place all of ment has won a r e p r i e v e in South to m o r e popular f o r m s of g o v ­ said to have the lead among his campaign activities in his the Big T h ree. T his lead will new tax-refo rm p rogram —with K o r e a , and adm ir at ion for the ernment. narrow once Goldwater’s oppon­ . its emphasis on " t a x ju stice.” civilian l e a d e r s and the e l e c ­ K o r e a is where this t re nd ‘You Must Be The New G irl" ents point out that the senator’ s If Romney fails to sell his paternal grandfather changed his program to the right interests, t o r a t e . The Ko re a n vote is began, under S e c r e t a r y of State he will not get a Just return name from Goldvasser to Gold­ likely to be a way station b e ­ C h r i s t i a n H e r t e r . It was too water. Even the g r a n d s o n ’ s on his investment next summer. much to e x p e c t , proba bly, that prom ises to take Econ. 200 will So, wise to the draft pronounce­ tween m i l i t a r y d i c t a t o r s h ip and MICHIGAN ments of the p acifist, Governor not placate those who believe the y e a r s in which Syngman a r e t u r n to civilian rule. F o r Rhee s y s t e m a t i c a l l y s u p p r e s s e d UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEW that the nation is not ready for Scranton, Nixon can sit back, a Jewish P resid en t, be he O r­ confident, knowing that his party the moment G e n e r a l T a r k is a still will think well enough of thodox, Reformed, T u rn -coat, or m i l i t a r y but constitutional p r e s ­ all po li ti cal opposition could m er term ; special Welcome Issue in Septem­ whatever. him to allow him to run against Member Associated P re s s , United P re ss be followed at once by m o r e ber. There- is sound reasoning be­ President Kennedy one m o r e ident. International, Inland Daily P re s s Association, Associated C o l l e g i a t e P re ss Association, Second cla s s postage paid at E a st Lansing, hind this opposition. It is felt tim e. In the l a r g e r co nt e xt of Asia d e m o c r a t i c f o r m s . The po lit- Michigan. Michigan P re s s Association. this ele ction was a la nd m ar k. t a r y took o v e r ; and it took Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Published by the students of Michigan State Services Building, Michigan State University, It was r e m a r k a b l y f r e e , much longer for civ il ia n f o r c e s to East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions University. I s s u e d on class days Monday m o r e so than might have been rally them selves. through Friday during the fall, winter and payable in advance: term , $3; 2 term s, $4; spring q uarters, twice weekly during the sum- 3 term s, $5; full y ear, $6. anticipated. They have done v e r y well this week. And t h e r e r e m a i n This pe ri od of h i s t o r y in A sst. Adv. M grs....................... Frank Senger J r . , e l e c t i o n s for the national p a r ­ E ditor.................................................. B ru ce Fabricant Arthur Langer Asia will go down as the period Circulation M anager......................... B ill Marshall li a m e n t on N o v e m b e r 2 6 . We Advertising M anager...........................Fred Levine when the United S t a t e s , w a tc h ­ Managing E d itor..................................... Dave Harfst Campus Coordinator...........................Dave Jaehnig c o n g r a t u l a t e the people of South Women’ s Housing..................................... Liz Hyman ing Peking p r o c l a i m i t s e l f the Campus E d ito r....................................G erry Hinkley K o r e a and wish them i n c r e a s ­ Sports E d ito r.........................................J e r r y Capian Assistant Campus Editor.. . . John Van Gleson i n h e r i t o r of rev olu tion, s w i t c h ­ Photo Chief............................................George Junne Men’ s Housing.....................................O yars B alcers ed fr o m using u l t r a - c o n s e r v a ­ ingly good and r e p r e s e n t a t i v e Editorial E ditors. . . Jack Shea, Dave Stewart Night E d ito r....................................Richard Schwartz tive d i c t a t o r s h i p s as a bulwark g o v e r n m e n t , --th e C h ristian S c ie n c e Monitor Letters To The Editor From The R ed C edar The Board of Trustees is considering to do away with letting :he student body have c a rs on the campus. If this goes through at least everyone will be on equal footing. R e s p o n s ib ility S u ffe rs To the Editor: among assistant and associate Michigan, by concentrating our tigation of this booth and its Since I have been at this Uni­ deans. But, I am sure that with expansionist energies toward the violation of ordinances involving versity I have been mislead. their great knowledge and ex­ protection and enhancement of fund-raising on this campus. MSU Men’ s Glee Club has adopted a new theme song: Every time 1 said a harsh word perience that they would find a our academ ic atmosphere? If the student newspaper would ;g in the R ain." about the administration I was job matching their talents. Say take m ore time to investigate sharply rebuked. I was told that in the arm ed fo rces. issues before they use emotional' the University had rules about Webster Buell Jeff Adams and detrimental, term s in report­ * * ¥ housing, drinking and hours for ing them, the image of ail the women for one purpose only. various b r a n c h e s of student rvation on Saturday’s game: Neither rain nor snow, wind S iz e v s Q u a lity These great sages told me that government at t h i s University t will stay the Bud Kouts plane from its appointed rounds. E d it D e p th the administration really didn't would prosper and also the stu­ mean what they said, they kept To the Editor: dent body would be better s e r ­ By Jim DeForest To the Editor: these rules to satisfy the legis­ The tremendous increases in ved by their newspaper. The student body and the stu­ lature and the general public. college applicants p r e d i c t e d B ru ce Marquand cTÖTw P P ^ A J R dent newspaper would both be Nuts, I was mistaken in my near within the next several years AUSG representative better «off if the rep orters on à 1 b Ì° J m 1 M i acceptance of t h i s rationali­ poses a cru cial problem for the E ast Shaw Hall the news staff would spend m ore N E. V E. zation. colleges and universities of the time investigating and reporting ACROSS 24 Foolish After reading the story about various states and their legis­ actions of student government 1. Sign of the fancy P E N S 1 , . the housing " c r a c k down" I have latures. Obviously it is the feel­ and quit attempting to influence zodiac 28 Ritual e Id M o Ir ' become m ore convinced than ever ing of your editorial staff and M a n t o v a h i the student body and AUSG with 7 Triangular 29. Plant cutter that this view of the adminis­ the administration that in thecase their inaccurate and superficial To the Editor: sa il 30. Filled with tration was in co rrect. The ad­ of this p articular University the news sto ries. We would like to express our 0. Agent interstices ministration will chase students only answer to the problem is Monday’ s editorial is a good enjoyment of the perform ance by 1. Of the ear 32 Dragon V O L A to the four co rn ers of their "unlim ited growth.” star example of the m isrepresentation Mantovani and his o rch estra and 3. Before long e Il Io C] • U|T NX N abode to enforce this Mid-Vic­ That it is an established prin­ 4. Spawn of 34 Bone of cu rren t con troversies. to a s s e rt that we feel justified ■ o |t |e N Y torian code. I have come to be­ ciple and, indeed, a duty for the fish 35. Near F ir s t was the decision by the in having applauded. lieve that the University does land-grant institution to provide 5. Scarlett s 36 Soapstone SOLUTION OF YESTERDAY’S PUZZLE not really ascrib e to all this the opportunity for all citizens advisors of McDonel Hall not home 38. Uncooked to hold elections even through Apparently, some people have gobbledy-gook about building a to realize their intellectual ca­ b. M arry 41. Sea bird DOWN 7. Trifling AUSG offered to run these elec­ the misconception that "s c h o l­ Shaggy m oh air and wool responsible citizenry so ably ex­ pacities is certainly not at ques­ 7. Small 44. Prevaricate 1. Shave amount tions. The students in McDonel a r s ” ought to enjoy only "good” emplified by the "land grant tion h ere. The problem and the island 45. Have debts 2 Frosted 8. Eskim o philosophy." The administration controversy lies in the type of w ere a s well prepared to vote m usic. But who is to define c a r d i g a n a br u sh ed wool and 9 Syllable of 46. Great Lake 3. Assent 9. Cardinal's for their representatives as most "good’ ’ m usic? Can’t "good” hat has little if any sound program education and the atmosphere of the other groups on campus music be light and frivolous? m o h a i r 6 button c a r d i g a n 2 lo w er hesitation 47. Uplift 4. Cherry red for building responsibility. I can in which it is presented. 20. Has being 49. Scatter 5. Eve s 10. Not many w ere as 1) they have a lower P art of education is to develop p o c k e ts in a wide a s s o r t m e n t of say this in light of the principle Can a "U niversity” with twelve 21. Ambas- 50. Cubic grandson 12. Profession percentage of new students than an open mind, and we feel that 18. College well known to parents, that'to story dorm s, a vast corp of wanted c o l o r s . J u s t one of the ador meters 6. Excellent other dorms which felt them­ the concert was an integral part degree: abbr build responsibility you must part professional adm inistrators and many c a m p u s c o r r e c t s w e a t e r s selves capable of holding elec­ of our education. 1 z 20. Caliph with your own power over their lecture classes provide the stim­ We a re sure that there were if 3 4 5 << 1 i 7 8 9 22. Fr. artist lives own. and let them out on their ulus and the conditions velop the individual? I don’t think to de­ tions, and 2) the advisory staff, many of which w ere student lea­ many scholars in the audience f r o m o ur c o l le c t i o n of i m p o r t e d and d o m e s t i c wool s w e a t e r s in 10 if II IZ 23. Afflict % %%i f d ers last y e a r, w ere capable of who enjoyed the music as much 24. Fashion 1 would say that the University so. 13 assisting election proceedings. as the "pum pkin-heads.” Should o u r new R ac qu et Shop. $19.95 / 4 15 25. Milliners can best build responsible citi­ The proposal of this newspaper Beyond this the head advisor they be placed on strict d isci­ I 7 y y 17 26. One of zens by letting go of the power the powers that be in this should not have unilaterally de­ plinary probation? Perhaps they ÛV/% % 14 18 19 David's it now has over students lives. and o t h e r s f r o m $13.95 to $ 4 7 . 5 0 / / University is a short sighted one. cided not to hold elections. He should even be expelled. This 20 21 Z2 2 3 rulers A nice step forward would be to We have reached the size where should have com e to AUSG with is one solution to the problem / / s 27. Order of abolish all housing regulations the academic community and its his request and have the delay of over-expansion of the Univ­ 2 4 z s 2 \ g if 3Í *3 7 7 / 44 37 F d 58 '*3 39 40 38. Garment 39. Shoemak- " ., , 40. Tiny , cX Good Gnus—poem on page NhU* S I | as they interpret lA.aWt* is- ' them. f ^ c+V l utxs' VbTt— taken upon itself the responsi­ 1 feel that our 27,000 enrol- bility for stirrin g a major con- cession to the necessity posed booth at the activities carnival. L e tte r P o lic y The State News welcomes all 4Í 47 48 42. Sp. river one of Wednesday’s issue by the increased number of ap­ Had the paper not blown this letters to the editor whether tw o o lo v o n s . W ash in g to n m ic h ig a n th o ato r b ld 'g % i % 43. Unused was W alter H. Hodgson, plicants. Might we not better situation up out of proportion they be from student, faculty, 49 % 50 48. Word of choice p rofessor of m usic. serve our obligations to our fu­ the student congress would have ture students and the people of conducted a quiet orderly inves- staff, or non-University subscri­ ber. T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 4 , 1963 3 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Loan Provision Elim inated AUSG (continued from page 1 ) a big u proar,’ ’ she said, "but B ill C o u ld G iv e M S U F u n d s we do want to point out the gen­ If house approval is made on position in the House ' to the Under the National Defense cut, die out completely, or be eral lack of enthusiasm for AUSG the amended $1.9 billion college 1962 com prom ise bill, has been Education Act of 1958, a ce il­ extended, Dykema said. and the present discontent.’’ contruction aid bill, Michigan eliminated. ing of $250,000 was put o.i stu­ "If it does die out, and the Bob K e rr, AUSG president, re ­ State University would be in a This provision could be harm ­ dent allocations. With the growth United States fails to have a fed­ futed the jurisdiction of the house position to gain building funds, ful to large universities, Henry in enrollment, this is less than eral loan program , some students council by pointing out that the according to Phillip J . May, vice Dykema, d irector of financial $10 per student at Michigan State. will be hurt and might have to AUSG representative is a mem­ president in charge of business aid said. Between 700 and 800 State stu­ drop out of sch ool." ber from ti.e whole dorm and not and finance. dents now benefit from the bill. He feels that the ceiling should » The defense education bill is be raised to $500,000 to accom ­ the house council. due to expire in 1964 at which odate the growing e n r o l l m e n t "T h e representative may sit in on house meetings, as many May said that federal funds would be allocated to authori­ IBM Picks time allocations could either be throughout the United States. good ideas originate th ere,’ ’ he said, "but these ideas were never ties in the 50 states. Univer­ sities will have to apply to these Hunters a mandate to the representative.*’ authorities for grants. An IBM computer clicked out1 Andy Rogin, Bryan president, It is not known how much has indicated his support of Ra­ the government would give the 150,000 winners of perm its to ( I Mile East hunt antlerless deer in 34 areas , th er’ s move. state of Michigan under such of the state Wednesday. Of MSU " I , m yself, have a very small grants, he said. The automated p rocess was ex­ idea of AUSG government,” he expected to be completed W ed-' said, "and I am supposed to be The bill calls for funds for new nesday and will save 1,000 man 4 a student lead er. "B u t I don’t consider this my fault. We definitely need better IT MIGHT BE S P E LT Y/RONG—B u t th is sign gets its message across. Students donating classroom s in public and p ri­ hours of labor. L ast y ear the vate four year colleges, com ­ drawing took a day and a half munity and junior colleges, tech­ and this year it should take Il Forno Restaurant communications between AUSG C ongress and the students. The blood, or w alking in the v ic in ity of Demonstration H all pass th is m ispelled sign every day. nical institutes and g r a d u a t e schools. Funds cold be used only eight hours, officials said. A record 261,000 applications' **TKe government seem s lackadaisical. for building i n t e n d e d for in­ reached the department this year , T heir intent is good but they’ re struction or research in natural and permit hopefuls will learn En o w o p e n d a i l y h e a m - 2 :a m I not letting the average student know that AUSG is representing th em ." B lizzard Snafus Miller and physical sciences and en­ how they did by Now. 8, a c­ gineering and for libraries. cording to the department. Lunches Dinners Sandwiches Pizza Rogin criticized AUSG for not "Michigan State would not be NSA Names Due RATHSKELLER looking into the reasons for stu­ dent apathy. "Why a re not minutes of con­ Group During A laska Trip in a position to receive grants for the science complex build­ ings under c o n s t r u c t i o n , " he All applications for the Nation­ al Student Association Southeast FINE FOOD OPEN DAILY 5 P.M. ENTERTAINMENT g ress meetings and the AUSG said. Two MSU m e m b e r s of the 8, six m iles away, was faintly buildings which were anchored Asia student delegation trip must* budget circulated to the re s i­ Juneau Icefield R esearch P ro ­ heard. to rock with steel cab les. As Backers of the bill in Congress be in by 5 p.m. tonight. T h e y dences?” he asked. "Why are the meetings and agenda never gram lost nine days’ research By 1 a.m . the wind of an a precaution, the men fastened said they saw favorable factors must first be signed by R ob ert, time in a glacial blizzard due to early season storm was whip­ another steel cable over a new for its passage. A provision pro­ K err, AUSG president, 333 Stu­ publicized?" K err said that he hopes to painstaking investigations. ping their tent. By morning, two building. Rocks piled on the cable viding for loans to college stu­ dent Services, and then brought PHONE E D iT -13 1 1 FO R TA K E OUT Although most of the students feet of snow had fallen. ends, began to veer slightly in dents, which caused much op­ to 403 Berkey Hall. call a meeting of student gov­ and faculty of the 1963 Sum­ Returning to Camp 8 was the the wind. erning body heads to define the m er Glaciological Institute had logical course of action, but the A helicopter managed to take lines of jurisdiction in student b l i z z a r d continued piling up Richards out two days later dur­ Union Boo k S t o r e Union Book S t o r e Union Bo ok S t o r e Union Book S t o r e \j| government. evacuated the main camp on the Juneau Icefield September 13, snow for two day, making any ing a lull in the storm . No n Maynard M. M iller, professor attmepts at headway futile. There sooner h a d t h e y disappeared, C D C D C D Music Prof of geology, and Christopher Egan, instructor of geology for the in­ stitute, decided to conduct ad­ was nothing to do but talk, snack, catch up on note, and knock the snow off the tent walls to keep however, then the wind, snow and fog closed in again. The blizzard abated in the n them from collapsing. Tours State ditional re se a rch . Their objective was the col­ lection of g lacier samples for the It was not until Sept. 19, that the snowbound r e s e a r c h e r s , morning hours of Sept 23. Tak­ ing advantage of this, the r e ­ sea rch ers immediately set out Sem i A n n u a l Henry H arris, associate pro­ National Aeronautics and Space aboard over-snow vehicles, w ere for the main camp, twenty miles fesso r of piano in the Univer­ sity’ s music department, will Administration. To do so, they had to descend vast c re v a sse s, able to begin plowing through the powdery snow towards Camp 8. With compass in hand, they made down the glacier. Caution was imperative on the C la ssical Record Sale B present a series o f recitals carefully m easure and plot each lower g l a c i e r , where drifting their way over the featureless, throughout the state in the coming months. y e a r's snow accumulation, and chop hundreds of pounds of ice obscured terrain . snow had hidden the fissu res. In addition, a dense fog hung SELECT FROM HUNDREDS OF TITLES AT HII6E SAVINGS H arris will perform 'O ct. 27 from the frozen walls. These After nine hours of wandering low, cutting visibility to 50 feet at the invitation of the Inter- speciman’ s w ere to be melted over a route, which would nor­ and making it extrem ely difficult lochen A rts Academy, Nov. 5 and transported to a NASA lab­ mally have taken minutes, they to maintain a straight com pass 98 at Central Michigan University, Nov. 15 for the Saginaw Music Club, and will solo in the Schu­ oratory. , Egan, accompanied by B arry P rath er, mechanic and r a d i o ­ joined M iller and Richards in the aluminum-sheathed huts of Camp 8. The siege continued on Camp cou rse. Just before dark, the team pulled into Camp 10 in the teeth of a new wave of clouds I ZD WESTMINSTERS 4 1 EA. mann Piano Concerto with the Battle Creek Symphony in Dec­ man, and Jam es Anderson, Uni­ versity of Washington botany stu­ 8 . High winds, estimated between and snow threatening from the south. [ b r il l ia n t w orks o f yo u r f a v o r it e c o m p o s e r s ] ember. dent, headed for Camp 8, a clus­ 40 and 80 m iles per hour, rattled Bad weather plagued them for He will also perform his an­ te r of heavily weather-proofed two days m ore. Then, on Sept. O ffer R a d io VOX-KAPP ~ $2M nual piano recita l in the music buildings, 7,000 feet up the gla­ 25, a helicopter sneaked in under auditorium on Nov. 12, for the c ie r . In a few days. M iller and a low celling between storm s, EA. public and all interested students David Richards of Juneau would and plucked the group from their (2 for $5.) and faculty. H a rris’ program includes a join them there. While waiting for M iller and Ham's Course glacial home. Bad w e a t h e r had prevented group of four pieces by Rameau, Richards, Egan, P rath er and An­ The Amateur Radio Club is completion of the final swing of I ARTISTS AND CONDUCTORS OF WORLD RENOWN a French contemporary of Bach; derson elected to make a brief offering a course in ham radio glacial-m ovem ent m a r k e r s so Beethoven’ s "Sonata in A Major, excursion to a survey station operation. The first meeting is painstakingly set out a cro ss the n O p . 1 0 1 ; ” "B a rc a ro lle an d (Camp 18) on the Vaughn-Lewis at 7 p.m. tonight in 283 Engin­ ice seven weeks before. Under­ "S ch erzo in B minor ”byChopin’ G lacier. This was September 16. eering.Building. standably disappointed, still the B M O N I T O R SCHWANN J j J î . and the "T h ird Sonata” by the There they checked the stakes This course will enable stu­ team w a s philosophical a b o u t contemporary German compo­ marking the g lacier’ s flow and dents to obtain a novice class their adventures. "A t that late s e r, Paul Hindemith. set up seism ic instruments. They license from the Federal Com­ date,” states .M iller, "th e pro­ H arris said that his program , returned to their tent that after­ munications Commission. • blem of retreat was forem ost." | FACTORY FRESH LPS OF THE HIGHE5T QUALITY including pieces from early tim es noon in a dense fog. The dron­ through modern, is balanced to ing of a helicopter bringing in appeal to the knowledgeable mu­ M iller and Richards to Camp sic lover. ATTENTION CAR OWNERS VOX STEREO EA. H arris studied at the Juilliard Graduate School under O 'gaSam - S la w s k y T o G iv e complete front end repair and alignment (2 for $5 .) aroff, wife of Stokowski. «brakes «suspension O u te r S p a c e T a lk jThree 12” LP Sets Beautifully Boxed Including Libretto | 3 Elected To NSA The p ro g ra m w ill be held in «wheel balancing «steering corrections the E n g in e e rin g A uditorium . It Three Michigan State students i s one of a s e r i e s of m ech an i­ « motor tune ups VOX BOXES $5” have been elected officers of the $9.96 Michgan Regional Conference of c a l en g in eerin g s e m in a rs fe a t­ SCHWANN LIST the United States National Stu­ uring a u th o ritie s on p ro b lem s o f o u te r sp a ce . LISKEY'S AUTO SAFETY CENTER dent Association (USNSA). IV 4-7346 A m e c h a n i c a l engineering 124 SOUTH LARCH At a regional meeting in Ann Arbor last week, Jolynne Cappo, sem inar on "B eh avior of Gases s p e c ia liz e on foreign cars) Mason senior, was named v ice- at High Tem perature— Relaxa­ chairman .for international af­ tion Phenomena” will b epresent- fairs; Ben T aylor, L a n s i n g s e - ed Monday at 4 p .m ., by Zaks nior, representative to the Con­ I. Slawsky, head of the Physics g ress Steering Committee; and R esearch Department of the U.S. Naval Ordinance L a b o r a t o r y , Nancy Cowen, from MSU’ s Oak­ land branch, vice-chairm an of White Oak, Silver Spring, Mary­ organizations affairs land. SERVING 11 A.M. T ILT A.M. DANCING NIGHTLY u TAM ARACK n ROOM P a r t i e s up to 240 p e o p le - c a n be e a s i l y s e r v e d in e l ­ egance. Shop early fo r these fine records EASY TERMS (The »am« O rie n ta l m ysti­ LUNCHEONS SERVED DAILY cism« th « same in c re d i­ b le d e p th a n d fire , the w h ile selection is com plete same fa s c in a tin g b e a u ty NOW OPEN as th e n a t u r a l s to n e s th a t e n d e a rs star sap­ p hire s to the w ea re r fo r A t Your R E LA X IN C A R E FR E E ATMOSPHERE e ver! See them ! U N IO N B O O K STORE g td to ih o w d fio il o f tho GAY N IN E TIE S Wm. H. Thom pson ç M M ' ê c u lo & a - - J e w e le r * [ o r . C c m f s u s in-the.Unip«?. Building - A Departntent of MSU L Mall Court Frandor IV 5-7179 sample value from our surplus stock sole 321 E. M ichigan CLOSEO Sunday T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 4 , 1963 4 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan B a t t l e 0/ P u n t e r s Coach Litwhiler Pleased ; Fall Baseball Practice Ends Is Lou's 4 2 G ood E nough? Countering for the Spartans with an average yield of 114 Ten. Northwestern has averaged and Iowa will be at Lafayette, New h e a d baseball coach, Danny Litw hiler, expressed plea­ sure with the resu lts of this Northwestern has an outstand­ 202 yards per game in league Ind. facing Purdue. y e a r's fall p ractice which ended ing passing attack and Michigan will be Lou Bobich who has yards in two league gam es. MSU contests against Indiana, Illin­ Illinois will be playing on the last weekend. State has a stout defense. But kicked MSU out of danger 23 defenders have given up an av er­ west coast Friday night against ois, and Minnesota. The former Florida State Uni­ Saturday's grid contest between tim es this season. His 4 2 .3 aver­ age of 56.5 yards on the ground Ohio State leads the Big Ten UCLA, and Indiana, winless in versity coach said that veter­ the schools could be decided by age in Big Ten play places him and 57.5 through the a ir. in rushing with a 171-yard aver­ four starts, will be meeting Cin­ ans and promising sophomores second in the punting department Northw estern's forward wall a foot. age.*- MSU is sixth in total of­ cinnati. alike should figure prominently behind Norenberg. has held opponents to 57 points Three Big Ten team s are cur­ The squads will have the top fense with Northwestern rating in their plans for next spring. kickers in the Big Ten at their Bobich is a double-duty man in five gam es, as well as pro­ rently in the AP and UPI Top third. Many lettermen are returning for the Spartans, handling p lace- viding adequate protection foi* disposal when they clash at Evan­ While the Spartans a re play­ Ten. The Wildcats hold down and experience should be very kick chores as well as punting. quarterback Tom M yers. The ston. ing the Wildcats, th ree other ninth p l a c e . Homecoming foe helpful in forming a solid ball The Wildcats will place their The Wildcats r e l y on Pete Wildcats a re third in team de­ iVisconsin is ranked second n a- club. Big Ten contests will be under­ punting hopes on the shoulders Stamison for their extra points fense after t h r e e conference ionally and Nov. 23 State oppon­ way. Undefeated Wisconsin will During the four weeks of p rac­ and field goals. He has blossom­ gam es. ent, Illinois, is rated fourth. tice coach Litwhiler was able to of Merlin Norenberg who has be playing host to Ohio State, M yers has made the Wildcats averaged an amazing 53.4 yards ed into the leading kicker in the Michigan will be at Minnesota, become acquainted with the team Big Ten. Stamison leads con­ the top passing team in the Big per kick in three conference and see its capabilities. Sixteen ference kickers in scoring with games intrasquad games were held to six field goals and eight extra points for 26 points. Last week he booted three field goals in the Wildcats’ 3 7 -6 w in over Japinga Back A t Practice; see how the men could do with good competition. About thirty men cam e out for fall p ractice, and Litwhiler is May Miss Rest Of Season Miami, of Ohio to set a school hoping that injuries and grades record for one game. won’t prevent them from p ar­ Bobich currently is tied for ticipating in the spring. fill fifth in scoring among Big Ten During the next couple weeks Don Japinga is back at foot­ sta rs in western Michigan but booters with 14 points in four freshmen will be practicing, as a KSiPHI I games. ball p ractice, but his playing may seemed to lack the size neces­ be over for this season. sary for Big Ten competition. screening p ro ce ss, for freshman IT # The kickers will share the baseball next year. Japinga, who suffered a con­ * V limelight with the defenses of the Wildcat and Spartan squads, cussion during the M i c h i g a n Japinga quenched all doubts j® ¡ I „ V >■ g a m e , is going t h r o u g h light with sparkling perform ances in ¡g? i V \ 9 V ^ The Spartans rate as the top workouts under careful medical MSU’ s first two gam es. defensive team in the Big Ten scrutiny. Against North Carolina, the Famous Bobich Foot If he responds favorably and 5 - 8, 160-pound sophomore was shows no ill effects of his bump assigned to watch Bob Lacey, We specialize / on the head, he could be back a 6 -3 end who was seventh among before the season is over. If the nation's re ce iv e rs last y ear. not, the 19-year-old still has He responded by holding the 2 10- in Italian *Jl 1 two y e a rs of college football pound flanker to the fewest yards ahead of him. in his collegiate c a re e r . cuisine— Japinga’s solid defensive play prior to his injury was one of When the Spartans traveled to head football coach Duffy Daugh­ Los Angeles to play Southern erty ’ s most pleasant su rp rises California, Japinga drew the un­ this fall. enviable task of stopping A ll- Spaghetti - Ravioli A 1961 a ll-sta te halfback at American end Hal Bedsole and Wayland High School, Japinga was turned in another stout p erfor­ DON JAPINGA one of the- outstanding prep grid mance. B a k ed Lasagna - Pizza Whether he returns this year ï -/i*. *i;. or next, Japinga has shown the Quick Pick-up Service I n t r a m u r a l N ew s hustle and potential that tabs him as an excellent prospect for Two new devices Baseball Coach Litw h ile r used to sharpen Spartan hitting and fielding were the large c a tc h e r's m itt and the crooked bat pictured above. MEN’S 9:00 — Sigma Epsilon-A.G.R. the future. also Time Football Schedule Field 1 9:45 Phi Sigma Delta-A.T.O . Field 3 Delivery 6:00 — B etaT hetaPi-P h iG am m a Delta 6:45 — Psi Upsilon-D.T.D. 6:00 — Phi D elts-P i Kappa Phi 6 : 4 5 — T riangle-Theta Delta Chi 7:30 — Delta U psilon-Z.B .T . Unbeaten Irish Pose H arrier Hurdle Service 7:30 — Phi Sigma Kappa-A.E.Pi 8:15 — Sigma Nu-Phi Kappa Psi 8:15 — Red Trojans-Phingues 9 :0 0 — Farmhouse-Kappa Sigma By LAR R Y MOGG Since Coach F ran Dittrichtook final meet opponents on their five of the first ten positions 'For Pizza Sake C a ll” 9 :0 0 — Uncle Tom’ s-B eal 9 :0 0 — B.T.S.-Owen Owls Field 4 6:00 — E cker D evils-Packers ^ State News Sports W riter over the h a rrie rs ’ helm in 1958, m arch to either a Big Ten,IC4A , the Spartans have used their o r NCAA title. The Irish have to top a field of six team s last weekend. [CASA N O V A # 2 Field 2 6:00 - - Phi Kappa Tau-S.A.M . 6:45 — Sigma Chi-PhI Kappa 6:45 — Brody O ders-Lion Soccer Schedule State’ s c ro s s country outfit may find Notre Dame, tbeic final dual meet hurdle of the season, if ii^ l. dual m eet foe as a step­ been Victims in three of these ping stone to championship sU<5-" 1"Wilt s f fffclutflng last year. ce s s .’ However, it could be a different Despite an im pressive list of topflight runners, the trigger be­ hind Notre Dame’ s sudden rise Saturday Call 337-1668 Sigma 10 a.m . — Me Donel-Brody B a stumbling block in disguise. Under Dittrich the h a r r i e r s story this time around. The word is the running antics of veterans The meet is set for Friday from South Bend is "loaded .” Frank C arv er and Bill C lark. 7:30 — Delta C hi-L.C .A . 11 a.m . — Bryan-Shaw have flattened five consecutive afternoon at South Bend. The Irish a re undefeated and This Irish duo, who finished one- 12 nnon — Brody A - Snyder f / M E B will be sharper than a two- two in last y e a r’ s dual meet loss Frondor Store Hours Monday thru Friday 9 to 9— Sat. 'til 6 P. M. Sunday || edged sword f o l l o w i n g last to State, haven't let up this sea­ 2 p.m. — Brody A-Shaw week’ s romp of their own invita­ fli 3 p.m . — Snyder- Brody B 4 p.m. — McDonel-Bryan | S e h w a r z T ie s M a r k tional m eet foes. They captured son. C arv er took first place in the FRANDOR’S Irish Invitational with an amaz­ Oct. 25 DEADLINE-Team B a d m i n t o n A s B o o t e r s W in ing timing of 19:13. Clark was ii l R osters (All Leagues). Entries v MUNC1E, Indiana— Bill Schwarz, whose reputation in ath- Hoopsters less than 20 seconds behind his team -m ate on the flat I r i s h 9th A N N IV E R S A R Y SALE must be in the Men’ s IM of­ fice no later than 12 noon. letics previously stemmed from basketball perform an ces, cou rse. Starts Thursday, October 24th Club Notes Acrobats Club — Third floor, demonstrated his so cce r prowess Wednesday by scoring six ¡¡¡goals, to trig g er a 10-1 rout of Ball State and tie the MSU scoring reco rd for a single game. Scrim m age Adding to Dittrich’ s w orries is the fact that there isn’t any definite dropoff after C arver and MEN’ S SUITS & TOPCOATS (1 & 2 PANTS) Jenison at 7 p.m. (Co-Ed) Judo Club— Fourth floor, Jenison at 7 p.m. (Co-Ed) ;i; Schwarz joins ranks with C ecil Heron and M arbrico Ven- ¡Xtura, both of whom established the standing mark in 1960. The Spartan left forward, following a fruitless showing O ld M ates C lark. T hree other runners were under the 20 minute mark in last w e e k ’ s tournament win. Basketball Coach Forrdy An­ L a cro sse Club — Behind foot­ ¡¡¡jin the firs t half, clicked for all six of his sco re s in the final These w ere junior Bill Welch Regular $60.00 to $90.00 Values derson is having his cag ers work ball p ractice field 3:30-5 p.m. vttwo periods. and sophomores Mike Coffey and on the fast break in preparation NOW $49.95, $59.95 to $69.95 Sailing Club — Union building at ¡¡¡S In addition to Schwarz, Van Dimtriou tallied two goals and Ed Dean. All prom ise to give for two scrim m ages this week. 7:30 p.m. (Co-Ed) ¡’.¡•Payton Fu ller and Karl Thiele each scored one. the Irish quite a scoring wallop. " 1 am em phazingthefastbreak 1 Weightlifting Club — Weightlift­ $: The half-tim e sco re of 2-1 in favor of the Spartans prompted In their dual meet with In­ Others $95.00 to $175.00 Values this week, because 1 have a great ing Room, Men’ s IM buildii g ¡¡¡Coach Gene Kenney to call the game "v e r y sloppy, very diana the Irish ran up a p er­ d esire to get it back into our NOW $79.95, $89.95 to $149.95 1 p .m .-4 p.m. ¿•bad s o c c e r.’’ fect 15 point sco re , taking the gam es,” explains Anderson. "W e Folk Dance Club — Room 34 of ¡¡¡: “ It would seem the team cam e here with the idea of winning top eight p laces, with the Hoos- : have got the personnel and I am the Women’ s IM Building at 7:00 ¡¡¡■10-0,” said Kenney. ’’The men w ere much too overconfident.” ie rs getting 50 points. : sure it can be used su ccessfu lly." p.m . (Co-Ed) ¡¡¡J "W e started to move the ball in the second half and cam e i The team had another in tra- Contemporary D a n c e Club — ¡$ 14) with some good p lay,’’ said Kenney. • squad scrim m age Wednesday at 17 For 25 Dance Studio, Women’ s IM at the Jenison Field House p ractice 6:30 p.m. gym, and will pk.y a team of Gives Judy Title ex-Spartan basketball sta rs on Judy Vallender of Butterfield Friday. The squad will include Dorm was the winner of the first such form er MSU players as annual Women’ s All-University Ted W illiams, Tom Rand and Basketball F re e Throw Contest. Lance Olsen and should be a Miss Vallender made 17 of 25 „r/ real test for the varsity. possible baskets. Beautifully Sheer HosieryI SEAMLESS 2 PAIR NYLONS I k \ j 3 Days PACKAGE 770 ( ^ Only! 1st q u a l i t y , I V l e n i e r n y l o n s in i h o u r ut V in to n e and Mi st ione Su e : 9 to 1 1 . W HY PAY MORE? • REGULAR SHORTS • LONGS • STOUTS EXTRA LONG > SIZES 34 TO 54 NOW AT K R ESG E’S A LL NAME R E C O R D IN G A R TIS TS Zip Topcoat - Rain Coat 30 - 60 - 90 DAY CHARGE ACCOUNTS $35.00 Value - NOW. $ 2 4 . 9 8 * ON LONG P L A Y IN G -R E C O R D S H O LD E N R E ID $ 2 V isit "Famous Brands For Dad and Lad" 1 EXCELLEN T Our I S electio n Boy’s ,*&.«>íJ¿ ■ — -, „ FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 1I of Sportswear Y O U R ADLER HOSE H EA D Q U A R TER S r ‘ * mg 135 EAST EAST Logan C e n ts r 106 S. W ash in gton ST. JOHNS GRAND RIVER SS. KRESEE CO. LANSING T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 4 , 1963 5 Michigan State Ne ws, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan I ■- ■........ ......... .... ' '— $ m s im * s & * m & C o n tr ib u le 8 O ffic e E n c y c lo p e d ia S a y U .S . A r m y A i d i n g Pauling {Grad Thanks State Newsl G u a t e m a l a T roop s Hits Moon A form er State News em ­ ploye has donated $250 to the paper to add to its li­ NEW YORK, (jR— The New York World-Telegram and Sun said Those men in Guatemala belong to the same outfit that’ s helping m Spending Wednesday that troops of the the Vietnamese against the Com­ -IrA brary. WASHINGTON, (AP)— N o b e l U.S. Army’ s special forces, an munists. They were spooks, all Mark B a t t a g l i a , a 1950 P rize winning scientist Linus elite corp of guerrilla fighters, right-Green berets and all.” graduate, said he believed the Pauling ripped into the nation’s are on a secret mission in Guat­ "Spook” is a term applied to State News ought to have re­ man on the moon space program emala. special forces commandos on a ference materials at hand to se cre t mission. The Army calls Wednesday, calling it a "pitiful aid student reporters. G u a t e m a l a was a training ground for the ill-fated 1961 them "T heG reen B erets” —1»from demonstration.” The money was used to their distinctive caps. Dr. Pauling, winner of this purchase a set of the En­ Bay of Pigs lnvastion of Cuba, y ear’ s N o b e l P e a c e P rize, cyclopedia Americana. the newspaper noted. Battaglia said he learned of It said indications were that the troops either are "training Communist infiltration in Gua­ tem ala has been a problem ever x A “ SURE A N ' BEGORRA” - News is bound to break when launched his attack at the end of a technical lecture during the the need for referen ce m a te r-; since a 1954 revolt ousted the 100th anniversary convention of ials at a luncheon with Louis Cuban exiles for another strik e pro-Communist government of four irishm en get together. F r. Kavanaugh, pastor of S t.. the National Academy of Sci­ Berm an, State News advisor, at Fidel C astro’ s island fo rtre ss Jacobo Arbenz G u z m a n , the John's Student P a rish , introduces F r. Donahue o.p. o f New ences. ' and Bob T oll, alumni devel­ or instructing the Guatemalan newspaper said, and added, “ The York C ity to two parishioners; Pot Smith, d irector of Peru Finishing his film -sllde lec­ opment fund d irecto r. arm ed fo rces In anti-guerilla possibility that the ’Spooks’ a re Project, and Mary O 'N e il. ture Pauling strode to the cen­ " I owe everything to MSU,” ta ctics against Red te r r o r is ts .’ training the Guatemalan m ilitary ter of the State Department Audi­ he said. "T h is school gave me an excellent background in advertising and 1 am extrem e­ The report noted that both the Pentagon a n d th e Guatemalan Embassy In Washington deny that to combat Red guerillas fits into reports of stepped-up banditry throughout the country.” 3 -D a y Retreat Ends torium and said scientists now have the knowledge to understand and combat diseases "th at make ly grateful.” U.S. special forces a re in Guat­ St. J o h n ’ s Catholic Student F r . Donahue stood out in m ore their onslaught against us.” Battaglia now owns Capital em ala. The United Nations say The story quoted one returned Center closed a three-day re ­ than one way during his visit. "W e gave the knowledge,” he Advertising Agency in Lan­ they have seen the U.S. troops traveler as saying he had seen treat Wednesday evening with In addition to preaching seven said. "T h r only thing we lack sing. both in the capital, Guatemala the troops hear the P acific port a 7:30 p.m. conference and Ben­ general conferences, his flowing is money.’’ ‘‘I rem em ber the time we City, and near a se cre t base of Champerico and near M aza- ediction. white garb, stood in marked con­ Then Pauling said of the P ro­ decided to make the State where the U.S. Central Intelli­ tenango, both in the vicinity of The retreat which opened Sun­ trast to the darkening fall colors. ject Apollo program , designed to News an E astL an sin g p ap er,” gence Agency trained Cuban ex­ Retalhuleu w h e r e anti-C astro day offered four days of spir­ put an American on the moon by he said. "B u t we only pub­ iles for the 1961 venture. exiles were trained in 1961. itual activity for Michigan State’s Attendance at the retreat was 1970, ” 1 believe that it is a piti­ lished one issue before a com ­ An unnamed American, w h o m ore than 5,000 catholic stu­ small and F r . Kavanaugh reports ful demonstration. Something is peting paper had our wire was said to have become fam iliar Another c l a i m e d seeing a that he is currently studying a machines cut off and that was Mark Battaglia Scans Back Issues with U.S. special fo rces while "jeepload of them in b a t t l e dents. F r . J . M. Donahue, o. p., of new approach to College re tre a ts, wrong with our system of values when we plan to spend billions the end of that.” in South Viet Nam, was quoted, d re ss” r o l l i n g through Guat­ New York City was the re tre a t- that he hopes will increase atten­ of dollars for national p restige.” .h e re was no mistaking them. em ala City late one night. m aster. dance. Chest S ab in e H olds S p ecial (continued from pago 1 ) R oundtable A t CWW SPARTAN were served by 55 agencies. This y e a r’s campaign will sup­ Gordon A. Sabine, vice p resi­ cussed at the recent Spartan port 57 agencies whose budget dent in ch arge of special pro­ roundtable as well as any other requests have b e e n carefully jects, will hold a Spartan round­ questions students have. screened by community leaders. table-type program for residents This follow up program , known Lowell T re a s te r , d irector of as "W hat’ s Bothering You at SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER of the C a se -W ilso n -W o n d e rs promotions for the Lansing Com­ complex today at 7 p.m. in Won­ M SU," is a Junior C lass Coun­ 940 TROWBRIDGE RD. munity C hest, said that a large d ers Kiva. c il experim ent. If succesful, it percentage of the contributions Sabine will answer questions may be tried on a larg er scale \ LT ’V T 1i ' i t ‘V <' i V i ' ' are for rese a rch and se rv ice s. from the audience on topics d is- in other com plexes. "In many ways we’ re using HOURS 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. M0N-FRI. our dollars to purchase insurance With This Coupon and the 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. SATURDAY that these agencies will be avail­ P u rchase of E ach able when and if we need th em ," FAST... 10 L B . BAG O F IDAHO T re a s te r said. Contributions may be made by check, cash , or payroll deduc­ POTATOES 6 9 ’ Coupon E x p ., Oct. 26,1963 tions or a lump-sum in February or 12 equal payments beginning Film Developing Service Valm 1/20« In January. gwt txttM: The campaign will continue through Nov. 5. Now Available H IL L 'S BROS. SHEDD’ S LA D Y B E T T Y BREAST O’ CHICKEN With This Coupon and the S trike H olds P u rch ase of E a ch i , G al. of Heatherwood’s Figu re 8 PRUNE JUICE TUNA COFFEE D etroit News SKIMMED MILK Coupon E x p ., Oct. 26,1963 DETROIT (UPI) - The Detroit News did not publish any edi­ of Detroit . . . 32-OZ. tions Wednesday in spite of an BOTTLE apparent earlier order by of­ MAILED ANYWHERE ficials of the Pressm en’ s Union for their workers to return to C AN D Y .K ia t With This Coupon and the their jobs. The work stoppage began at C gaA 50 P u rchase of E ach Lb. Pkg. of Sw ift’s Prem ium SPMIM FMZEN SOUASH| AUSWEET MUKMM noon Monday. Wednesday, the Detroit News­ Sliced Bacon And S5.00 P u rchase— 10-oz. I lb. paper Publishers Association is­ sued a brief statement following A*wi&x, Spartan Center Lim it 1 P e r Fam ily Coupon E x p ., Oct. 26,1963 Pkg. Pkgs. 4 $1.00 a meeting with union officials. It said, "Union officials went from the meeting to the Detroit “Only a hop, skip and a jump from News p r e s s r o o m to tell the Case & Wilson Dorms”____ pressm en to return to work and to submit their grievances to the grievance com m ittee as provided in the contract between the De­ SHOPRITE FEATURES SWIFT’SFINE MEATS troit Newspaper Publisher Asso­ ciation and the Detroit Newspaper DON'T Printing P ressm en 's Union Lo­ S S ww iift’s f t ' s Prem P r e m iium u m Tender l e n a e r Grown * cal 13.” However, nearly two hours after the statement was issued, FORGET! - 2 21/2 Lb. Avg. the pressm en had not returned WHOLE FR YER S to their jobs. Clip these coupons LB. NAACP and save on your S W IF T ’S P R E M IU M ^ » S W IF T ’S P R E M IU M R esets Meet cleaning & laundry. Sw ift’s P rem iu m — O ld Fash ion ed FRYER PARTS 4-Legged F ry e rs 3 9 lb The second meeting of the VALUABLE COt PO K DRIED BEEF *£ Breasts Ribon Lb. W NAACP has been rescheduled from Oct. 21 to Oct. 28 at 8 Sw ift’s P rem ium — Brisket o r R ound Lags. Lb. 4 ! C U T -U P p.m . in 31 Union. CORNED DEEF Wings Lb. 2 ) Ufa The change cam e because the Fresh Rock Fowl president and members of his executive body a re attending a Sw ift’s P rem iu m Backs&Hecks Lb. j CHUNK BOLOGNA u. Baking, Stewing, C asserole, 4.6 LB. conference on the "Michigan Col­ lege Workshop on Human Re­ Sw ift’s P rem ium Livers Lb. F ric a sse e . - ■ AVG. I l l lb lations,’’ in Battle C reek, Mich­ igan. SKINLESS FRANKS A •£““ Hearts Fresh Rock FowlWH0LE u u There will also be an NAACP dance Nov. 1, 9-12, in Union S W IF T ’S P R E M IU M — 1 0 -1 2 L b . A v g . M W m P a rlo rs B and C . Admission VALUABLE is 50tf and d ress is casual. C O t/ " O N No. 1 M ichigan A ll-P urp ose C o rtla n d ButterbaH Hen Turkeys 4 l lb TROUSERS Cleaned & Pressed 4 lb bag C h e c k , P le a s e regularly 75$ «ach s a v« 51$ with coupon 2 lO i* APPLES BROMLEY CROST, England, to be valid this coupon must be presented when No. 1 Y e llo w (/P) invention of a device to end clothes are brought in for cleaning. Expires Sat the p r o b l e m of daydreaming 3 lb bag w aiters was announced Wednes­ Nov. 2 , 1963 ONIONS day- by a L ancashire electron ics company. Sweet C a lifo rn ia Each table in a restaurant or sal'oon will have a dial connec­ doz. ted with the kitchen and b a r. The custom er will dial his ORANGES Prices In This Ad-Are Good At All Shop Rite Markets — -«ht.. a numbered code lis­ % ppO M E LVfV 9 7 2 3 , rrvSR K«Q>r«a * V' V* ’ isu i ; s iiti •>. Ltoemft* ' ' j J09 £ GRAnu ferver* ted on the menu. The order will be tapped out LOGAN A T JO L L Y ROAD ^T^JOSEPH 555 E. GRAND RIVER immediately on a teletype m a -( chine in the bar o r kitchen. frandor SHOPPING C EN TER PEANUTS 3 lbs T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 4 , 1963 ^ Michigan State Ne w s, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan A F C a d ets 1 I n t e r n a t io n a l P r o g r a m A w arded N e w L a t in A m e r ic a n C e n te r W in g s • I tablished “ to bring together the as other a re a s in the physical The University|ls now actively Six senior cadets have beer R esearch, cou rse work and engaged in various technical a s­ various re so u rce s of the Univ­ and natural scie n ce s. awarded C a d e t P i l o t Wings international projects in Latin Wood expects the cen ter to sistance and re se a rch p rojects e rsity in order to further the through the AFROTC Flight in­ American a f f a i r s have been in Mexico, G u a t e m a l a , Costa brought together in a new Latin University’ s academ ic and pro­ bring distinguished scholars and struction P rogram . gram interest in Latin A m e rica ." guests to the campus for lec­ R ica, B razil and Columbia. They The wings a re awarded when American .Studies Center here. a re financed largely through p ri­ The center is the latest addi­ Latin Am erican s t u d y pro­ tu res and sem in ars. Special in­ the cadet successfully completes gram s to be administered bv me stitutes dealing with research vate foundation gran ts and gov­ his first solo airplane flight. tion to M^l - s rn ster of inter­ ernment aid co n tracts. national program activities. It center will include work in the and teaching problems a re also The six a re : Jam es E .B a rn e s , fields of agriculture, economics, being planned. P olicies and activities of the Plainwell; T h e o d o r e J . Lidz, will be directed by Garland P. While the cen ter itself will Latin American Studies C enter business, sociology, history, pol­ Yonkers, N .Y .; William H. S tro- Wood, p rofessor of agricultural are being guided by a faculty itical scien ce, communications, not offer co u rses or d egrees, he ven, Frem ont; Cal W. T ax, Lido economics. advisory com m ittee representing literature and education, as well said it will serve as coordinat­ B each, N .Y .; John L . Reed, B urr Wood said the center was e s- ing office and information center the following departments and Oak; and Ron J . Szat, Niles. for Michigan S tate's Latin Am er­ colleges: The flight instruction program HURRY! LAST DAY ican oriented activities on cam ­ Erwin P . Bettinghaus, com ­ is designed to encourage men C Ä liP ilS : D»on M A R T IN # G«roldin« PAGE pus and in the field. The Latin Am erican Studies munications; Stanley Hecker, ed­ ucation; Leo Nothstine, civil and to join AFROTC, motivate them toward a flying c a re e r , and aid Y v a t t a M im i» u x in Center is also expected to: sanitary engineering; C h a r l e s in the selection of cadets who —••»t-coti .¿SBSC&,» m - i l — — Prom ote scholarly research Cumberland, h i s t o r y ; Leonard a re capable of becoming A ir "TOYS IN THE ATTIC” in Latin American studies. Rail, econom ics; C harles Adrian, F o rc e pilots. 1:20 - 3:30 • 5:35 . 7:40 • 9 :45 — Enrich the content of campus political s c i e n c e ; C arlos M. The c a d e t s receive twenty academic program s related to T eran , foreign languages; Paul L A T IN AM ERICAN EX PE R TS—Carlos M a lfe rra ri, Sao P aulo, B ra z il, discusses h is country hours of dual and sixteen and one Latin A m erica. C . M orrison, g e o g r a p h y , and and its problems w ith Garland P . Wood, head o f the new L a tin Am erican Study C enter here. half hours of solo flight instruc­ Feature Presented at 1:25 ■ 4:05 ■ 6:50 • 9j30 — Provide an interdisciplinary Claude McMillan, business man­ tion in light planes from a local focus for the faculty. agement. —State News Photo By George Junne flying school. They are furnished Irma The — Improve the effectiveness of Wood, d irecto r of the cen ter, flying suits and jackets by the Sweet puts has been on the MSU faculty since MSU’ s technical assistance and Air F o rc e . iS» spice in Men’s lives . until Jack the research p r o g r a m s in Latin American countries. —Help those countries in de­ 1957. He was assigned as leader of the U niversity’s C o l o m b i a P roject in 1960, and was named New 'G reat Issues’ To Be The cadets must pass a written Fed eral Aeronautics Agency test and a check-flight with an FAA veloping their own education in­ d irecto r of the Latin Am erican instructor to receive a private Gendarme Part Of Discussion Course stitutions and a c a d e m i c p ro - Studies C enter in July, 1963. pilot license from the FAA. A r r e s ts her gram s. activities! M IC H I G A N : TODAY at 1:00 - 4:30 - 8:15 The G reat issu es cou rse will of science, the social impact of uing series of different problems M e a t Team H ila rio u s WK.DAY CHILD EVE'S & SUN. feature a new set of four m a­ technology, individuality in mod­ in order to tap the various fac­ A d u lt E n tartain m an t . 4M-7SII JS S m * dfci-atON— Mats. $1.00 .504 $1.25 jor issues Winter term , Donald ern society, and maintenance of ulty resou rces on cam pus,” Come Places 3rd R. Come, co u rse chairm an said. responsive government. said. 651 to 5:30 The MSU m eats judging team With the change in issu es, a E ve. & Sun, D E C T■ ■ J IE n S P P li f MMj P MT I Ui lP Sm mt F ■ Shi The issu res a re the impact “ T here should be a contin- new faculty teaching team has placed third in the American Royal contest held in Kansas been selected. City. Faculty m em bers who will p ar­ MIRISCH COMPANY...EDWARD L. ALPERSON, n H JP ■ F Tm H m m Mm F Yü F M m m nm H A R Ii F o r G r e e k s O n ly ticipate in the cou rse winter and C arl Mensing, Somerville, N .J, junior, was the sixth place in­ spring term s a re Leroy Augen- WINNER OF # The first of the “ Tom orrow the W orld" employment le c - stein, biophysics d e p a r t m e n t dividual among all contestants < ja e K 8H 1R LBT TACADEMY :$ ture series will be held tonight at 7 in the Kiva. •:i: John D. Shingleton, d irector of the Placem ent Bureau, chairman; Floyd V. Monaghan, c o m p e t i n g for top o ver-all honors. He also placed first in M a c L B llM E I AWARDS1 associate p rofessor of natural LEM M O N •:j: will speak on "How To Get a Jo b .” I The program is co-sponsored by Triangle fraternity and science; C hester Lawson, Uni­ versity College rese a rch profes­ beef grading. Thomas Smith, Auborn, Ind, :*:• the Placem ent Bureau in the in terest of providing seniors junior, was the seventh high arid B IL L Y W IL D E R ’S s o r; W erner Bohnstedt, profes­ iR M a ^ D o u e c with information about interviewing and Job opportunities in general, said Keith Hess, Niles senior, program chairm an. sor of h u m a n i t i e s ; John C. Howell, associate p rofessor of Lew is B a r r , Lake Hiawatha,N.J., junior, was the 12th high indi­ T E C H N IC O L O R * P A N A V IS IO N * The lectu res a re open to m em bers of fratern ities and vidual in the over-all contest. sociology and anthropology; Jo ­ Coming Nov.lst "Fantasia" £: so ro rities only. S “ We had to limit the program to the Greek community,” seph Schlesinger, professor of Coach of the team Is Robert M erkel, asso ciate professor of political science; and Come. Hess said, "b ecau se we a re not able to handle a program animal h u s b a n d r y and food “ Great Issues appeals to a e it j m q m im of this kind on a campus-wide scale. science. broad spectrum of students,” TODAY. ;j: “ Also, 1 feel it is up to the G reeks to provide exclusive serv ices for th eir m em bers if they a re to compete with Come said. "W e ’ ve had many UN D ay ONE DAY ONLY! Inquiries about the cou rse from the vast dorm itory com plexes where alm ost everything is both on and off-cam p u s." F irs t Show 7:00 P.M. Second In Our Golden — UMIII »¿SSSiaa> — v brought to the students," he added. Local te a ch e rs’ groups and a Luncheon Set Columbia Pictures presents Flint TV station have been among Film Series Of H its ! THE SAM SPIEGEL DAViDLEAN Production of those interested. A future series A "United Nations Day Lun- ' ‘ K rem lin olog ists’ T opic of Great Issues télévision pro­ cheon” will m ark the birthday lAWHEVCE O f A dam s S p eech T onight gram s for general public use may of that organization, today at be passible,-C erae said. - 12:15 p.m . in the Centennial Room T exts being^jjonsidered for this of.Kellogg C enter. OFARABIA y e a r’ s coutrA taFe W alter Lipp- Foods from around the world foreign trade and is open to all m an's "T b ê'P ü blic Philosophy," deck the menu for the event Arthur E . Adams, p rofessor the 1963 Civil Rights Commis­ sponsored by the campus United ALEC GUINNESS ANTHONY OUINN•JACK HAWKINS JOSE FERRER of history, w i l l discuss the interested faculty and students. A N TH O N Y Q U AYLE C L A U D E R A IN S A R T H U R K E N N E D Y O M A R S H A R IF 'ALT Adams is a specialist in the sion rep ort, and “ Automation and Nations. “ K rem linologists” today at 7:30 Technical C hange," edited by Abraham Adidere, s e c re ta ry - PETER O'TOOLE 'LAWRENCE* ROBERT BOIT' SAM SPIEGEL DAVID LEAN p.m . in the Art Room, Union. history of the S o v i e t Union. general, has arranged a mock « TECHNICOLOR* — . . . SUPER PANAVISION 70* Among his publications a re "T h e J . T. Dunlop. The talk is sponsored by Delta About 240 students took the security council after the m eal. Phi Epsilon, professional fra te r­ Russian Revolution and Bolshe­ It will debate the "South African SO O N J D E B B I E R E Y N O L D S , B A R R Y N E L S O N " M A R Y , M A R Y ’ vik V ictory: Why and How?” and cou rse last spring term . nity for international affairs and R ace P rob lem s.” JOHN GIELGUD M i > * n v v > v v > v i D i H n M H v i > * i * i “ The S o v i e t Citizen and the N y e T o S p e a k D r. Gordon Thom as, mayor NKVD.” of East Lansing, will preside LOUIS CALHERN F o rm erly a research analyst J » | A t a ilit p with th e Central Intelligence Russell B. Nye, p rofessor of over the event. Tickets for the EDMOND O'BRIEN Si «im——■»Wb— Agency, Adams -received a Ph.D. English, will speak to the His­ luncheon cost $2.10. No charge is made for the program that tory Club tonight at 7:30, in 32 GREER GARSON TOMORROW) at Cornell University and has done research work at both Stan­ Union. follows. DEBORAH KERR 1963 (2) BIG HITS ford and Harvard universities. An open rush coffee hour will The lectu re, entitled “ Am eri­ can’ s Sense of M ission,” is open EXC LU SIVE be held following the discussion to the public. A coffee hour will Improve Lights JU L IU S D R IV E -IN SHOWING! for all interested students. follow. The E ast Lansing City Coun­ C A ES A R vtt/ NOW! NOW! cil Monday night approved a re ­ quest from the University to Ji 1 Directed byJOSEPH L MANKIEWICZ Exclusive install 14 stre e t lights on Har­ rison Road. shown at iiMHiia. Produee(l b* J0HN HOUSEMAN„ „ m i l 7:00 • 9: 15 P.M. '■ C r r r i ( A I T L A NSIN A v oh im « ADULTS *1.00 The lights which will be lo­ cated south of the Kalamazoo Street intersection will be in­ DANCE- 5PLAY6IRLSm e e t th e d e v il In th e fle s h ! stalled, operated and maintained »starts TOMORROW I F eatu rin g An unusual story at the University’ s expense. of unnatural love t /CLAUDE THORNHILL, ? and d esire...so THE PICTURE bold, so shocking - i t must ... h is Piano 401S0SI »*c THAT SHOOK and his be shown to 75< to 5:30 -1 .0 0 AFTER EUROPE ¡ADULTS ONLY! HURRY.. .LAST 2 DAYS ORCHESTRA FEATURE At 1 :0 0-3:05 LIKE AN * * * * * * AIRISCHCOMPANY... 5 :1 0 -7 :1 5 -9 :2 0 P.M. EARTHQUAKE! JANET VAN SHELLEY MARTHA FORMAL PR ESEN TATIO N OF THE EDWARD L. ALPERSON " ir te Federico iiIGH-IOHNSON-W INTERS-HTER F e ll in i' s HOMECOMING QUEEN m , 8H 1R L£i • w c•nvoe s ' ‘P ro v e d It D e s e rv e d LA and HER COURT M M ON M acLBlN E HUE L iv e r s A ll T he H u rrah s a n d Im p re s siv e D O LC E AWARDING OF TROPHIES ILLY WILDER'S THIS IR M 8 ARichard GordonRrndntSl'On She knew... when the felt hit lipt on her, Starts SATURDAY! the CHILL of a H onors It H as R eceived* * • N. V. T im es V I!» TO WINNING FRATERNITIES, I PICTURE 1 IS FOR I ADULTS I ONLY DODGE APsMsrs Films Rslssss ALL NEW! Shown T w ice 7:07 & 11:00 that there wat no other man for her... LIFETIME! An Alt«- RtiMM SORORITIES, AND HOUSING (TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION 1 RCUAKOTMUU.ITtDMTISTS 2nd A d u lt Guest C o-Feature F r i . 8:45 P.M . only UNITS FOR HOMECOMING |H IT (2) FIRST R U N l| MIRISCHPICTURES &ROBERTWISE PRESENT DISPLAYS.. . * * * * * * T h e F u n n ie s t S e x R o m p In Y e a rs ! RDBEr E . SHIRLEY R O G E R V A D IM 'S SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2rd MilCWM MSlAiNE u n cu t m a s te rp ie c e th a t 8-12 PM in The AUDITORIUM e x p lo r e s ju s t h o w “F r e n c h " th e s c re e n c a n g e t! w* * r a t a W SI * », Ü ífc te ToR TH E '" D A fs iG E R G L îS * ’’ i f c k e r v o n ja ffe a t w i f i u # f i « « ? v i i t C # . lo v e affam as *4.00 PER COUPLE SEESAW F r i. 7 & L a te r (Let Liaisons D 2nd a t 8:47 T h u r s d a y , O ct o b e r 2 4 , 1963 / Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan C olonel R o d n ey N oted D o r o t h y P itts C a r r i e s 'M e d e a 1 T o S u c c e ss F ro m P a n c h o V illa T o M S U com e a cro ss many men who are ' pleasant, but the officers were that the unmarried man does not Medea has unleashed upon C or­ During the past 30 years many By DOUGLAS LACKEY looking for a way to avoid the Very uncooperative." have. However, I do believe that inth. things have changed, but one thing State News Reviewer The women of the city deal serv ice. Many men even try to The colonel was sent to East the accent on the 18-19 year Old has remained the sam e. That is in the finite, the reasonable, but the attitude of MSU males towards fake a disability, but if that is Lansing by the War Department youth is a m istake. 1 do not On the side of Apollo’ s temple discovered they are in if they where in 1943 he organized and believe that he has the fortitude Medea deals only in absolutes , - the draft. at Delphi was carved a maxim “ can walk a cro ss the room .’’ administered the school of Busi­ and sense of responsibility that and nothing, not even the flesh “ They still don’t like to be known to all classical G reece, Colonel Rodney, 83, was a ness and Public Service at MSU. the elder man p ossesses. A man of her children, can stand be­ drafted,’’ stated C o l . Dorsey “ Nothing too much.” Playing the member of the West Point class Colonel Rodney is in favor 25-35 has m ore endurance. An­ fore h e r. She has freed her­ Rodney, coordinator of MSU’ s 1 lead in the University Theatre of 1903. He participated in the of compulsory m ilitary training, xiety and lack of sleep wear a self even from the most basic A rm y-A ir F o rce units and draft production of Robinson Jeffers year long ch ase of the Mexican but he feels that this is not man out during w ar. A man 2 5 - demands of love, and with this consultant. adaptation of "M ed ea," Dorothy bandit, Pancho Villa, who staged p ractical, because under univer­ 15 can go without sleep.” terrib le l i b e r t y destroys all “ The prospective recru its of P itts Tuesday night showed a a raid on Columbus, N.M. on sal m ilitary training the arm ed around h er. There was no ques­ today are more fortunate than woman wanting everything too March 16, 1916. That episode forces would probably have more tion in the mind of the audience those of the past, because as long O D K H o n o r a r y much, smashing through all the alm ost led to w ar between the men than they could successfully who was the victor at plays end; a s one is a part time student, lim its of natural conduct to force U.S. and Mexico. handle. the only person with the fo rce he is deferred, but in the old E le c ts O ffic e r s her unnatural, passionate re­ “ My last duty during World The Colonel, who believes that to combat M iss P itt’ s interpre­ days a male had to be a full­ venge. W ar I found me in charge of all boys ought to have 4 years tation of Medea would be Medea tim e student to be exempt,” he Joel Heath, Hagerstown, Ind., "T o me Medea represents a repatriating all of the German of physical training, does not herself. said. senior was elected president ol demonaic constant throughout the p riso n ers,’’ he said. “ The G er­ completely agree with President During his experience as a Omicron D e l t a Kappa honor play,” said Frank C . Rutledge, man enlisted men were very Kennedy’s new draft law. " E v i­ draft consultant the colonel has society recently. Fran M arxer, production d irecto r. Miss P itt’ s Because of difficulties inherent dently we don’t need so many men Saginaw senior was elected vice perform ance was equal to the with a University production, the in the service, and the married president. d irecto r’ s concept, demonaic and show as a whole could not live man does have responsibilities ODK is beginning its first year up to M iss P itt’s perform ance. willful from the sta rt, strong and ' sure as she walked out under Younger a ctre s se s had to cope P h ilo s o p h e r s P o n d e r Chemical Society as a newly chartered junior- senior m e r’ s and faculty honor­ “ the weakness despising s ta r s ” with the roles of much older ary . The new c irc le is currently women; Medea’ s nurse, for ex­ at the clo se. * U nrestricted by reason or by ample, l o o k e d younger than P e a c e O r P o litic s ? Elects Officers helping to centralize the various campus tutoring services. nature, Medea, cru el and fre e , Medea h erself, and the voices Chemical Engineers Society Only junior and senior men with completely dominates this inter­ and movements of the women of "Don’t you A m ericans want to "When they asked if no Am er­ recently elected new officers. at least a 3.0 average who have pretation of t h e play. Creon Corinth, while delightfully light talk about p eace?’ ’ asked the icans were interested in talking The new officers are p res­ made some m ajor contribution to (William Livingston) appears not and graceful, lacked the weight Russian philosopher. about peace, o t h e r Am erican, ident, Harold Brenner, Benton the University t h r o u g h leader­ as the expected strong person­ necessary to be fully convincing That’ s what we are here to philosophers cam e up with lots Harbor senior; vice-president, ship, scholarship, athletics or ality but as a half-senile old as "w om en.” discuss. Why must you ask ques­ of questions. They didn’t want the A1 Vannice, Halsey, Neb., senior; other areas are eligible for con­ man; Jaso n ,F red deSantis»pleads But Medea is the play, and as tions about politics, q u e s t i o n s Russians to go away with the idea secretary , Tim Greening, Royal sideration. rather than demands, collapsing M iss Pitt succeeded, so did the that could take a year to answer? that we weren’ t willing to talk The group also selects out­ before Medea’ s onslaght alm ost show. Medea (Dorothy Pitts), Jason (Fred deSantis) So the American who had ask­ peace.’ ’ Oak senior: and tre a su re r, Dick Leonard, Lansing senior. standing faculty and administra­ without a struggle. ed a political question yielded Despite the Russians’ reluc­ tive officers of the University for John Ogren, R o s c o m m o n , Designed by E d w a r d Andre- the floor to other Am ericans with tance to discuss politics, the membership. T h e r e are cu r­ junior, was also elected as al­ ason, the temple setting, with G u a te m a la n R e c to r H e r e questions about peace. session was well worth while, rently eight faculty members in ternate to the Engineering Coun­ its prim itive l i n e s and im­ This episode marked what an Hawkins said. the circle . balanced cu rves, seem s also to cil. ___________________________ reflect the u n n a t u r a l fo rces Hails Devoted US Students to c a re for their families and tween requiring five to six y ears MSU p rofessor considers th e basic idea behind a closed ses­ sion between Russian and Amer­ ican philosophers held late this “ At least the two groups had a chance to get together and talk. That’ s something that Rus­ sians and A m ericans never used WANTED Fraternity leagues Textile Group Students at MSU are m ore devoted to their studies than stu­ soon forget about the u niversity," of study. he s a id . " B u t we need to m ake a r e - summer in Mexico City, Mexico. C arroll Hawkins, a s s i s t a n t to do.” Sorority leagues dents in Latin A m erica, accord ­ A l t h o u g h m o r e people a r e v is io n ,” he sa id . “ M o re m odern p rofessor of political science, Dormitory leagues At K ello g g ing to a university re cto r from Guatemala City. le a rn in g to read and w r ite , the and e ffic ie n t stu d ies a re n eed - population grow th is k e e p in g p a c e e d .” attended the 13th annual Inter­ national C ongress of Philoso­ Pretty Soon Mixed couple leagues This W eek Jorge A rias, re cto r of the University of San C arlos, ■the by producing m ore illiterate peo- pie, he said. Students at the University of San C arlos pay $60 a year tu - phers, and was included in the Russian-A m e r ic a n conference No Baths A BIG A LL -C A M PU S G O LF TOURNAMENT is being planned and individuals a r e urged to e sta b lish handicaps to be e lig ib le . largest in Central A m erica, is “ This is our main p rob lem ," ition, and m ost live off ca m - set up so that the two groups The 19th Conference of College at MSU to review the policies of he said. "T h e illiteracy rate is pus. could e x c h a n g e philosophical T eachers of T extiles and Clothing a research program in secon­ m ore o r le ss fixed at about 65 “ Out of approximately 6,600 ideas on peace. NEW YORK OP)— 'The City cal­ will be held in Kellogg Center dary and higher education. A per c e n t." students, no m ore than 70 live “ I asked a question dealing led Wednesday on its citizens today through Saturday. The key­ re cto r is the equivalent of a This causes a big difference on cam p u s," he said. Most are with political philosophy, but the to flush toilets only when nec­ note speaker will be Dorothy L ee university president. between students here and stu- from Guatemala City, Russians only wanted to talk e ssa ry , stop cooling baby bot­ from the College of Home Econ­ “ Most students in Latin Am er­ dents in Latin A m erica, he said. T here is a lack of university about the philosophy of peace. tles under running w ater, and om ics, Iowa State University. ica a re only p art-tim e students,” "B e ca u se there is m ore il- facilities and faculty m em bers get cool drinking water from Other speakers are M argaret Warning, Iowa State University; he said. M a n y do not finish literacy , L a t i n American stu­ in Central A m erica, he said. Marketing Mixer the refrig erato r— not by run­ (home of the real, live college. dents participate m ore actively “ Due to a lack of funds, there ning the w ater until It’ s cold. Justina Singh, guest professor at Howard University from India; “ They don’t earn enough money in civic affairs including poli­ have not been enough full-tim e te a c h e rs ," he said. “ Especially Tonight At Union These w ere among the mea­ Indoors golf in the mid-west) t i c s ." sures called for by the the De­ Gregory Stone, sociologist from T here is not much activity of in the basic scie n ce s." partment of W ater Supply, Gas 3511 EAST MICHIGAN the University of Minnesota; M rs. Communist groups, he said. They The University of San C arlos Interested in developing your and E lectricity in a program George Axinn, home economist; J and Gordon Sabine, vice p re si­ Science Prof a re there in small numbers. serv es as the center of the MSU “ T here are no bachelor o r R esearch P r o g r a m in Latin marketing mindpower? Start this today at 8 p.m . In which it hopes will cut the city’ s w ater consumption by 25 per Please call for information dent for special p ro je cts. the Union Tower Room. Talk The program titled "T e x tile s Writes Lab Guide m asters degrees in Latin Am er­ A m erica. Honduras, N icaragua, ic a ,” A rias said. “ Instead we Costa R ica, and El Salvador a re with faculty and students at the cent. Among other things. New York­ 3 3 2-656 5 and Clothing in T heir Cultural give a degree somewhere in be- also in the program . first Marketing Club m ixer of the e rs are being asked to fix leak­ Settings and Changing W orld,” C harles H. Cunningham, pro­ y ear. ing faucets and other fixtures; E v e r y o n e w e lc o m e is open to all clothing and tex­ tiles staff m em bers. fe sso r of microbiology and pub­ lic health, is the author of “ A OK Dorm Com plex S eries An informal panel discussion by marketing faculty, headed by use a pan o r sink stopper in­ stead of a running faucet for open d a ily 10 am * 1 1 pm S a t ., S u n ., and H o lid a y s 9 a .m . to 11 p .m . Laboratory Guide In Virology.’ Thomas A. Staudt, chairman of washing dishes, and stop run­ The fifth edition was recently T he U n iv e rsity C o m m ittee on I T h e U n i v e r s i t y T h e a te r , the department, will highlight the ning w ater continuously while 3411 EAST MICHIGAN published by B urgess Publishing the P e r fo rm in g A rts and the m u sic , and a r t d ep artm en ts a r e m ixer, said William J .E . C rissy, shaving. Students Eligible Co. of Minneapolis. C a s e W ilso n , W onders r e s id e n c e w orking to g e th e r on the s e r ie s advisor to the club. h a lls ' a r e b r i n g i n g c u ltu ra l and w ill be p re se n tin g som e of The m ixer is designed to ac­ For Library Group The new edition has been re ­ e v en ts in the W onders kiva d u r- th e ir prod u ction s in the W onders quaint students with the M ar­ vised to i n c l u d e new ch arts, tables and a section covering Vacancies are now open on the quantitative methods. S t u d e n t L ib rary C o m m i t t e e ing the c o u rs e of the y e a r . J a z z kiv a. c o n c e r ts , the M en’ s G le e C lu b , keting Club and faculty, and to Students liv in g within th e c o m - create m ore marketing mind­ dance d ra m a s , and p lay s a r e p lex w ill b e helping with the power on the part of the students, RECENT ARRIVALS The text has been in use here am ong som e o f the ev en ts p r e - p re se n ta tio n of the prod uction s said Michael Hinton, vice p res­ a c c o r d i n g to Don Erickson, since the firs t edition in 1948. a s u s h e rs and tic k e t ta k e r s . ident of the MSU club. R iverdale, Illinois, junior, acting It is required for microbiology sen ted . chairm an. and public health 463. r The com m ittee meets once a c ìfU l L A R G E S T S T O C K O F month with Dr. Richard C. Cha­ pin, d irector of lib raries, to dis­ Hunters Join cuss library problems and future Q U A L IT Y P A P E R B A C K S library expansion. Students from Feather Contest all of the living units a re desired for the com m ittee. The F ish e rie s and Wildlife club C r i t i c ’s C h o ic e IN T O W N Interested students m a y con­ is sponsoring a contest for phea­ tact Erickson at ED 2-2 6 5 6 . sant hunting enthusiasts. Phea­ sant tail feathers may be sub­ mitted and the longest pheasant 4B l o c k 9 P e r m i t s tail will win. Anyone desiring blocks for the Dates for submitting entries Homecoming game must pick up a re during the pheasant hunting a perm it from Bob H arvis, Spar­ season, between Oct. 21 and Nov. tan Spirit D irector, 326 Student 10. F eath ers a re to be turned in Services from 3 -5 p.m . by Mon­ at the s e cre ta ry ’ s office, Con­ day, October 28. servation Building. a THF AFFLUENT SOCIETY t»V JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH Meet the perfect college a THE ASPIRIN AGE 1919-1941 combination. Good for snacks, The g reat, the comic and the tragic events of Am erican life in the chaotic y ears between the two study breaks, Sunday meals, anytime. And the “All-American” LO R D I E F F World W ars. is so easy on your pocketbook. Neat link stitch, tissue-y 1 0 0 % wool keep this If b y s o m . c h a n c e w e d o n o t h a v . t h . book you w ont on hand Try one today. coat sweater fashionably slim. But the details are lavish; w . c a n g . t It f o r y o u in a f . w d a y * . double-ribbed cuffs and bottom, and a nice dash of contrast piping. In the season’s sportiest colors. L a n s in g — *21.95 SPARTAN Bookstore . a t t L a r o itn a — * * 4 { jf a fr» artrjIW 1 Blk. E a st of Computi 4L 1- -*» F8& CORNER ANN & M.A.C. ETA ST L Ä ftfS lN ö 4700 S. Cedar 2120 N. Larch 2 Blks. Watt of Union | T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 4 , 1963 8 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan l95l BUlCK, Super, 4d o o r,sta n - dard shift, 50,000 miles. Body and mechanically in perfect con­ dition, tire s good. Must be seen W ANT TO DRIVE A B A R G A IN ? READ THE W ANT-ADS to appreciate. $250._____________ ■jç Automotive Employment ★ For Sale Personol TOWN AND COUNTRY FOOD CARPET SAMPLE SALE: over WHAT HAVE THE MEN at State Placement Lo d g e D u e FINAL FA LL COMPANY needs men. M arried 1000 samples to choose from. got that other college men don't? Bureau CLEARANCE SALE Ideal for throw rugs, patch work We hope insurance from Bubolz, VOLKSWAGENS 19 6 2 - 1 9 6 0 - 8 p erferred with time on their hands to work at exceptional carp ets, c a r m ats, door m ats, dog m ats. Can be seen at 4382 F ire , Auto, L ife, Homeowners. Upstairs next to Spudnut. C21 To R e p o rt selling job. F o r appointment call different models to choose from . 484-4317. C Oakwood Dr. F o r e s t Hills, HORSES BOARDED-New barn. Tuesday m ajors of theCollege of Business In assorted co lo rs. The ideal WASHINGTON (ffl-U.S. Ambas­ * AUTOMOTIVE DELIVERY MAN. Hours: 2 to Okemos. After 4 p.m . and all Three miles from campus. Box Air Reduction C o., Inc.: elec­ with emphasis on accounting, e c ­ college student c a r . Economy sador Henry Cabot Lodge will •EMPLOYMENT 7 in afternoon. Call Dave, IV day Saturday. 22 stalls, $35 per month. Call ED trica l (B) engineers, physical onomics, sta tistics, o r indust­ plus. Fully reconditioned and return from his post in South •FOR RENT guaranteed. Our specialty. 2-0 9 4 4 .________________________ 21 HART-SCHAFFNER ____ an d _____ M arx 7-2791. ___________ science (M), chem ical engineers rial engineering (B , M, D). Tuxedo, size 40 -4 2 , worn four I pASTRAMI S A M u W I L H E S at combustion engineering, physical Marketing Division, Burroughs Viet Nam Nov. 3 for an a c ro s s - •FOR SALE HOWARD JOHNSON at Frandor the-board review of U.S. plans • FORD, 1960. station wagon, 6 is adding to its staff. G irls in­ tim es, phone 337-9413. 22 Uncle * Fud s. rOne mile E -‘" “ mile E ast ast 0 chem istry, engineering (B , M), Corporation: College of Business, •LOST & FOUND Fo r d e l i v e r y . Call physics (M, D), m etallurgical (B) with minimum of 6 hours in' and p r o g r a m s with President cylinder, standard transm ission. terested in working with the pub­ MOBIL HOME l9$5 Schultz, e x - Campus. c Kennedy and top state and defense •PERSONAL cellent condition, living room , 332-5689. engineers, (B ), and MBA’s with accounting, December and March Full sized c a r plus economy. lic should apply f o r w aitress department officials. •PEANUTS PERSONAL £ositions_Jm m ediatehj^^____24 kitchen, double study, bathroom, BS in engineering or science. grads only, e le ctrica l, mechani­ Lodge arrived in Saigon Aug. •REAL ESTATE FALCON, 1960, station wagon. BABYSITTER-MONDAY through ideal for m arried graduate stu­ S P A R TA N American H o s p i t a l Supply cal, (B , NLD) engineers, physics, 23, two days after the government Standard shift. Light green. P e r­ dents, call 332-4763, evenings. C orp .: All m ajors, all colleges, mathem atics. •SERVICE Friday. 7:30 a .m .-5 :3 0 p .m . Four Burroughs Wellcome and C o., of President Ngo Dinh D i e m •TRANSPORTATION fect, economical wagon. Spar­ girls-tw o in school. $20 weekly. _______________________________ 25 F L IG H T S December and March grads only. cracked down hard on Buddhist Continental Can C o.: mechan­ U .S.A ., Inc.: All m ajors of the tan’ s finest. 22 UNPAINTED BIRCH furniture, •WANTED Call 8 8 2-7334. metal cabinets, carpet,linoleum , D E A D L IN E ical, electrical (B) e n g i n e e r s , College of B usiness, n a t u r a l pagodas in a se rie s of raids. Monks and nuns who had been DEADLINE: C O R V A I R - M o n z a , 1962, black HELP W A N T E D appliances and T .V . Save on new TUES. OCT. 29 business, a rts and letters, munication a rts (B ), accounting com­ science, arts and letters, com ­ munication arts, and s o c i a l demonstrating against govern­ 1 p.m. one c la s s day be­ with r e d in te r io r . A utom atic and used at Storage Furniture FOR ment policies w ere arrested . 3 AKERS (B ), chem istry, packaging tech­ science (B ), December and March fore publication. tra n sm issio n . L o ca l lady owned Sales, 2.4 m iles North of Grand THANKSGIVING In announcing Lodge’ s impend- ■ AND nology (B ), chem ical, electrical, grads only. C o n c ilia t io n s * 12 noon one c a r . New c a r condition. R iver Ave. on North U.S. 27, RESERVATIONS ing return State Department of­ and mechanical (B) engineers. C hrysler Corporation— Manu­ c l a s s d a y before p u b l¡c a tio n COUNTER GIRLS phone IV 7 -0 1 7 3 . C21 TO ficials denied any new emergency Cornell Aeronautical Labora­ facturing Group: m e c h a n i c a l SPARTAN MOTORS INC. APPLY PHONE: IN PERSON 80 GUITARS NEWYORK tory, Inc.: e le ctrica l, mechani­ e lectrical, m etallurgical, an d had arisen. But the unhappiness of U.S. STARTING AT $18.95, $24.50 cal (B, M, D) engineers, physics, chemical (B) engineers. 355-8255 3000 E. Michigan 8 a.m .-5 p.m. and $30. Some cla s s ic s , any style RESERVATIONS NOW applied m athem atics, and engin­ C hrysler Corporation— Insti­ officials following Diem’ s cra ck ­ IV 7-3715 down has brought a number of RATES: C22 THE N E W guitar you d esire. Also electric BEING ACCEPTED FOR eering research (B , M, D). tute of Engineering: mechanical, changes ip* U.S. policy that w ere 1 DAY S I.25 guitars andam plifers.Trum pets, CHRISTMAS FLIGHT. Detroit Civil Service Commis­ electrical, m etallurgical, m etal­ PONTIAC 1957, 4-door. Black D A W N corin ets, band instrum ents, drum sion: chem istry (B, M), veterin­ lurgical mechanics and m aterials not foreseen when Lodge left 3 DAYS.. . . $2.50 and white hardtop. Radio and D O U G H N U TS sets. Everything for the musi­ R O U N D T R IP ary medicine (D), engineering science, civil. here in mid-August. 5 DAYS.. . . $3.75 power brakes. Nice looking. Call 1135 E . Gd. River cian, beginner to professional. (B , M), urban planning (B , M), C hrysler Corporation—Comp­ State Department officials said (Based on 15 words per ad) IV 4-4772. 23 DO YOU enjoy talking on the We take trad e-in s. Easy term s, $49 and landscape arch itectu re, (B), tro lle r's Staff: accounting and the review here would include CORVAIR, 77953 9 6 3 c o u p e , solid layaways. Wilcox 2nd Hand Store CALL 485-4576 M -F 1 1 -3 PM men and women, physical educa­ finance administration, business a close look at the U.S.-support­ There will be a 25c service telephone. We are looking for ed strategic h a m l e t program and bookkeeping charge if white finish, red interior, white 507, 9 and 11. E . Michigan. tion (B , M) business, a rts and and other economics (B) m ajors. a young lady to work M- W- F SPARTAN VILLAGE is building which has become the heart of this ad is not paid within wall tire s, rad io,h eater, 4-speed Hours daily 8 a.m . to 5:30 p.m. letters, communication a rts , so­ C hrysler Corporation— Auto­ from 9- 12. Opportunity for ad­ one week. stick shift. Only $1785. Al Ed­ phone IV 5 -4 3 9 1 . 22 a Homecoming display this year cial science (B , M), home econ­ motive Sales: m a r k e t i n g and^ the effort to beat off the Viet vancement, excellent salary to sponsored by the Card Shop an­ wards C o . Lincoln, M ercury, qualified individual. Apply in p e r­ POODLE S-pupp ies, 12 weeks old. om ics, (B) nursing (B) and so­ other m ajors of the College of A Cong g u errillas. nex. Anyone w i s h i n g to help More than 7,000 of these fort­ ★ Automotive Comet Dealer. 3125 East Sagi­ naw. C22 son, 345 Student Services Bldg. Fem ale, $100; Male, $60. Call please call 355-1155 or 355-1160 ciology (B , M), December and Business, A rts and L e t t e r s , Communication Ar t s and Social ified villages have been construc­ Today between 2 and 4:30 p.m . IV 2-2549. ______ 24 March grads only, TRIUMPH, T .R .-4 . Very sharp, C H E V R O L E T 1957, 2-door, after 6 p.m. 22 ted in m ost of Viet Nam’ s 42 DAVENPORT - g r e e n mohair, Indiana and Michigan E lectric Science (B ), December and March only. 21 has everything, owner destitute. hardtop, V- 8, stick. Must sell, good condition, $50. 1155 Abbott FOR REAL SAVINGS contact this Co. (American E le ctric Power grads only. provinces. Sell dirt cheap. Call ED 7-2463. $500. Phone OX 9-2356. ’ 24 Road. Call ED 2-3 8 3 5 . 22 State F arm agent about financing System) e lectrical engineering Ethicon, Inc. (Subsidiary of "W e have had indications for 24 U LL a n d P A R T T IM E HIDE-AWAY sofa bed like new, your next c a r through the State (B ). Johnson and Johnson): business, some time that the strategic C ORVE T l t 196TTNew tires, ma­ CORVAIR MONZA, 1961,4-d o o r, F arm C ar Finance Plan— Ask for Maihofer, More and DeLpng: marketing (B ), December and hamlet program may have been call after 6 p .m ., 332-1950. 22 jor tune up. 230 h.p. 3-speed. 4-speed, excellent condition, call E m p lo y m e n t GEORGE TOBIN or ED KAR­ DEER HUNTER SPECIAL-16 ft. MANN, IV 5 -7 2 6 7 , In Frandor. accounting (B , M). March grads only. somewhat overextended in the Must sell. Call IV 9-5410 or IV mornings, 655-2427. 25 The Mitre C orp.: electrical Federal C o m m u n i c a t i o n s delta area south of Saigon’’ State housetrailer, sleeps 4, reason - C21 engineering (B , M, D), math (B, Corrimission: e lectrical (B , M) Department spokesman Robert 4-1651._______________ 22 1958 FORD Fairlane, 6-cylinder^ CHEVY 1955, automatic, radio_ F e m a le able, phone IV 7-5148.______ 24 engineers, physics (B). McCloskey said. and heater. E xtra clean, will ENGAGEMENT AND w e d d i n g AFTER THE M .S.U.-N .U. game M, D), physics (M, D) and stat­ standard shift, one owner. Good INTERVIEWING DAILY stop at the Detour for free sand­ istics (D). The General T ire and Rubber "W e understand that wherever sacrifice. Best offer. Call L a rry , ring set, $275 value, will haggle, condition, $295. Phone IV 9-1895, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. wiches, 2959 W. Irving Park, Seidman and Seidman: account­ Company: All m ajors of the col­ necessary co rre ctiv e m easures 355-9429. 21 RICE, ED 2-6521. 24 412 Haze, Lansing. 24 401 E. GRAND RIVER lege of business (B ), industrial are being taken,” he added. TUXEDO 40 long, like new, $40, Chicago. 2 1 , ing (B, M). / 1^61 K A R M A N N GHI A- 26, 600 195Ô B U I C K , cheap transp or- E . LANSING Standard Oil Co. (N ew jersey): administration (B ), mechanical The United States has funnel- 100% cashm ere top coat, new miles. Like new. Only $1395. Call tation excellent running con­ NASSAU-Relax in the sun-you accounting, financial administra­ (B) and chem ical (B, M) engin­ ed m ore than $25 million into $150, now $45. 372-1613, even­ owe it to yourself. Call Main 882-6855 or see it at 2909 S. dition, best offer, call 332-5054. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. tion (M, D), marketing, indust­ e e rs , chem istry (B , M, D). the construction program . It also 23 AT ings.’ 22 T ravel Bureau, IV 4-4442. 21 has been a pet project of Ngo Logan. 21 rial administration and transpor­ National Bank of Detroit: Ac­ 3425 E. SAGINAW jUDSON SUPERCHARGER, $llk), Dinh Nhu, President D i e m ’ s 1959 RENAULT, $395. See after MOTORCYCLE tation (M, D). counting or finance adm inistra­ Thomas 2 b arrel induction kit, MUST TRADE two row D seats powerful brother who has been 6 p.m. at Park Lake T ra ile r NEAR Gd. RIVER Standard Oil Division (A m eri­ tion (B , M), banking, business, 1962 HONDA 50 c .c . C l 10. 3000 $50. F or a 1960-1963 C orvair. for Frid ay s’ "M edea” for two credited with e n g i n e e r i n g the econom ics, (B ), p re-law (B ), men Court, 6335 Park Lake Road. miles $200 or best offer. Call Mon. Through F r i. Call a f t e r 5 p.m . 851-4698, Saturday night seats. Phone 355- can Oil C o/): marketing, econ­ raids and a rr e s ts of Buddhists Lot 51, Bath, Michigan. 22 om ics and business (B, M), Dec­ and women: se cre ta ria l science 355-9338._____________________ 22 Phelts.________________________22 2892 after 6 p.m . 21 and students. (B), personnel (B) or industrial CHRYSLER 300D convertible, F o r The OPENING SKIRTS, size 11, red taffeta dress, CRISP COLORFUL autumn is ember and March grads only. wire wheels. NEW engine and 50 c .c . DUCATI, one year old, The Uuylite C orp.: chemistry psychology (B , M). The hamlet program until now size llj shoes, size 6 1/2 N; perfect for horseback riding and transm ission. Must Sell, $675. over 200 mpg. paid $250, will Of The (B, M, D), chem ical (B) engin­ . Owens-Corning F i b e r g l a s s has been considered eminently formals size 11. 482-6709. 22 great hayrides. Call White Birch Phone IV 4-1524. 21 take any reasonable offer. 332- e e rs, mechanical and electrical C orp .: mechanical and chemical successful in denying the Com­ FABULOUS NEW FORM AL-Em erald g r e e n . b r o - Riding Stable. OR 7 -3 0 0 7 . 21 (B) engineers, industrial admin­ munist gu errillas food supplies 1957 PONTIAC Starchief conver- 8843. 21 (B) engineers. cade, size 9, worn once for istration (B , M), general busi­ and a manpower pool for re ­ tible. Hydromatic. New tires and Tuesday and Wednesday top, radio, heater, good condi­ tion. Call 332-4230._________ 22 1962 M O - P E D , excellent con­ dition, low mileage, new wind­ B IG B O Y 7 hours. Call IV 2-9168. GIRL’S WINTER co at-size / . o r - 21 Service 'Navy Department: civil, elect­ ness (B , M), chem istry (B ). rical and mechanical (B , M) en-’ "Surface Combustion Diviseon- cruitment. Consequently, the recognition shield over 100 m.p.g- Call 484- iginally $40 will sell for $18. THESIS 1955 CHEVROLET, 4-door, au- 6103 after 5 p.m. 22 RESTAURANT In excellent condition. Call F E PRINTED gineers, men and women: busi­ Midland-Ross C orp .: mechani­ by State Department that the fort­ tom atic, radio and heater, good Gd. River At Saginaw 9 - 8 8 8 9 .___________________ ?3 Rapid serv ice, D i a z o prints, ness (B, M) accounting (B, M), cal (B) engineers. ified v i l l a g e s are "somewhat MOPED-1962, windshield r e a r ­ personnel administration (B, M) Wednesday and Thursday overextended” seemed to be of condition, call after 4 p.m . 337- drafting s u p p l i e s , also xerox view m irro r, like new, $120, cost REGISTERED NURSES, 11-7 o r ENGLISH BIKES 3-speed. $39.95. economics (B , M) and all others, International P aper Company: unusual significance. 0553. 21 copies. . / $230. 1109 Mitchell. Phone IV 3-11 shift. Full o r part time. ACE HARDWARE a cro ss from December and March grads only. all m ajors, all colleges (B ), m ar­ Officials said L o d g e made CAPITAL CITY 1958 OPEL wagon. German en- 9 -6347. 24 Good Salary an d differential. Union building. ED 2-3212. Also BLUEPRINT Swift and Co. R esearch and keting (B , M), packaging tech­ cle a r when he accepted the job gineered, 25 m .p.g. New white Meal furnished. Phone ED 2 - bike baskets and parts. c 1963 B.S.A. 3,000 m iles, clean, 221 S. Grand Development C enter: chem istry nology (B ), Decem ber and March of am bassador that he would re­ wall tire s, radio. Good condition. 0802. 38 HUNTING BOOTS-Insulated size ^ turn home for consultations m ore $100 and take over payments. Lansing (organic), bio-chem istry, f o o d grads only, $395, ED 7-1 8 4 0 . CORVAIR 1961 coupe, big engine, 21 Phone 3 3 2-6982. 23 ■jc For Rent 9; clothing size 38; top coat, IV 2-5431 science (D), chem ical (B , M) The T ran e Company: Mechan­ frequently than diplomats assign­ 1962 VESPA 150 , 6,000 m iles, sport coat, tro u sers, etc. Young c22 engineers, mechanical (B, M, D) ical (BM) engineers, agricultural ed to other countries that do not 4 -speed, $949. Call IV 9-7202 GARAGE FOR RENT; one and one ladies clothing sizes 9- 12. All engineers, veterinarian medicine (BM) engineers, chem ical (BM) have such an a rra y of critica l after 5 22 runs e x c e l l e n t l y , completely half c a r . 1033 Snyder Road. Call like new. ED 2 -4 6 4 5 . T .V . RENTALS for students. E c ­ 23 onomical ra te s by the term and (D) and chem istry (B ). engineers, civil (B) engineers. problems. equipped, $215. Call 337-0417. 1957 CHEVROLET convertible, ED 7-9 5 4 0 .__________________ 23 A P P L E S-S e v e r a 1 varieties. 23 month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT- Wednesday floor shift, V -8. Excellent con­ APARTMENTS F re sh sweet cid er daily. Hallo­ A L S -355-6026. Call after 5. c dition. Call Tom 355-9289. 21 Employment ween and pie pumpkins. Home Burroughs Corporation: A 11 Jo h n so n Says N eed ONE MALE -2 1 - to share fur­ 1954 FORD, radio, heater, runs. SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST, nished apartment. $48. Call after grown tom atoes. F a rm fresh eggs STUDENT TV R E N T A L S . New Service $50. Phone 482-7269 after 5p.m . e x p e r i e n c e d . Transportation also other fruits and vegetables 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” 22 n ecessary. Call 337-1318. Ask 6 p .m ., 337-0027.____________ 21 O K E M O S : Two u n f u r n i s h e d at reasonable p rice s. Roadside table models, $8 p er month. All sets guaranteed, no service 'or TYPING SERVICE P ressu re F o r P ea ce CHEVROLET 195$, 2-door, V-S, for M r. J e r re ll. __________ 25 apartm ents. One and two bed­ F arm Market, 3 m iles east of delivery ch arg es. Call Nejac, IV TYPING IN my h o m efast,accu r­ automatic. Radio, must sell, IV DELTA CHI would like busboys» room s. P rivate baths, stove and E ast Lansing on Grand River. ate, dependable service, y ears WASHINGTON, (fl— Vice P r e s ­ The Vice President made his 2_nA94 r 4-9619. 22 Call Dick, ED 2-0866. 23 re frig e ra to r. Utilities furnished, Old U.S. 16 at Okemos Road. C ACCIDENT PROBLEM? C a l l of experience, reasonable ra te s. ident Lyndon B. Johnson said rem arks in a speech prepared for 1955, 14’ run-about 25 h.p. John- Kalamzaoo Street Body Shop. Call 882-5382. 23 Wednesday night the Kennedy ad­ the Association of th e United CHEVROLET 1957, 210, 4-door, AVON starts CHRISTMAS IN $80 and $90 per month. Call OCTOBER - Start a profitable ED 2 -0 9 9 3 . 23 son m otor. Call IV 7-0623 or see Small dents to l a r g e w recks. ministration will take advantage States Army’ s annual dinner hon­ hardtop. V- 8, powerglide. Phone TERM PAPERS, general typing, oring the late Gen. George C. at 1015 W. Washtenaw 21 American and f o r e i g n c a r s . 489-4973. See at 521 Valley Road. selling c a re e r by showing and FURNISHED APARTMENT. U til- thesis. Reasonable ra te s, fast of any “ realisitc opportunities” 24 demonstrating their quality pro­ V E IL -FU L L length, chapel train, Guaranteed work. 489-7507., 1411 serv ice. Experienced typist. Call that arise to relax world ten­ Marshall. ities paid, laundry, incinerator, *‘Today we have reached a point 1958 IMPALA hardtop, V-8, stan- ducts. We train You. F o r appoint­ parking facilities, 1/2 block from taffeta wedding gown, size 7 -8 E ast Kalamazoo.______________ c 3 55-0785. 25 sions. ment in your home write or call reasonable. Phone 482-8413. 21 Johnson said "th e most telling of new responsibility and new dard. New tire s , excellent con­ bus. 332-4287 after 7:30 p.m. INTERNATIONAL S T U D E N T S opportunity,’’ Johnson said. “ We dition. J .B .’ s Used C ars. TU evenings, M rs. Alana Huckins, 21 RCA STEREO HI FI, model SHP- interested in translating English EDIE STARR, TYPIST, Theses, p ressu re we can exert upon the cannot know fully the forces r e ­ 2-1478, 2801 S. Cedar, Lansing. 5664 School St., Haslett, Mich­ publications to native language, d issertations, term papers, gen­ Communist system will be a F U R N I S H E D TWO bedroom 12, blond finish, three years old. eral typing. Experienced, IBM continuing p ressu re for p eace.” sponsible for the evidences ol C21 igan, telephone F E 9-8483. C21 apartments for 3 -4 -5 o r 6 stu­ Phone 332-2985, 5 -8 p.m. 21 phone 484-7786. C23 E le ctric. OR 7 -8 2 3 2 . c change within the system of Com­ dents. Available now. Call Glenn DIAPER SERVICE to your de- munism. EXERCYCLE-D eluxe model, like s ir e . You receiv e your own dia­ ANN BROWN typist and m ulti- D. H arris, IV 5-2261 o r even­ i n g s , IV 2-1 0 0 9 Edward G. new. Will sacrifice for $150 for p ers back each tim e. With pur lith offset printing (black &white C a ir n « l a r o f "W e realize the objective of STORY Hacker. FRANDOR N EA R -(N ew er build- 23 quick sale. Phone ED 2-3441. serv ice, you may include up to & co lo r). IBM. General typing, 23 two pounds of your baby's under­ term papers, th eses, d isserta­ sh irts and clothing which will not tions. ED 2 -8 3 8 4 . C C o m in g K v r n t * that system for world domination has not changed— and will not change. We do not realistically expect the ch a ra cte r of Com­ S E L L S F O R L E S S ings). Nicely furnished, 3 room s, ceram ic bath, closets galore, fade. White, blue o r pink dia­ XEROX COPIES anything; even Ecology Discussion Group— 12 munism to be negotiated away $125 p l u s e le ctric. Call IV EVERGREEN ARM S p er pails furnished. pages in a bound book. Aldin- noon, 450 Nat. Sci. by the representatives of Com­ '57 oidsmobile 88 Station Wagon, power steering, power 4 -9 7 9 1 . 23 ger Direct Mail, 533 N. Clip- B i o c h e m i s t r y Seminar— 4 munism who com e to the con?- AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE brakes, radio, heater, Hydramatic, two tone, whitewalls. 341 EVERGREEN 914 E . G ier Street p ert. IV 5 -2 2 1 3 ._______________ C p.m ., 114 B essey Hall. ference table Story priced to sell $595 H O U S E ____________________ 1 Block from Campus THESIS TYPING and printing, P s y c h o l o g y Colloquium— 4 “ But we must and we shall Lansing, Mich. OKEMOS-7 robm"~$l»6, vacant, Wonch G rafic, 1720 E ast Mich­ p .m ., I l l Olds Hall. hold steadfastly to the c h a ra c­ ’ 59 Chevrolet Impala 2-door hardtop, power steering, power lease with option. Phone ED 2 - Phone 332-1011 IV 2 -0 8 6 4 C Engineering Faculty Meeting— te r and objectives of our won igan Ave. L a n s i n g , Phone brakes, radio, heater, automatic, whitewalls. Story sells for FOR MUSIC designed with your 7:30 p .m ., 100 Engineering. 8266. 21 484-7786. c22 so ciety ," J o h n s o n said. "W e $1095 taste in mind, call on the L a rry less H A S L E ÏT /A P A R T M E N T S Devin O rchestra. IV 2-1240 or D i s c u s s i o n s in Arts a n d shall not reject realistic oppor­ ROOMS_____________________ __ IV 2-9 8 0 0 . C Wanted L e tte rs — 8 p .m ., Physics-M ath., tunities that a ris e to relax ten­ '58 Rambler American, 2-d oor, radio, heater, stick shift, SINGLE ROOM for girl available T \ ^ 5 T n iT E ^ < ^ iJ a r T ,7un5Tsnecl Conference Rm. sions an d promote honorable white walls. Story’ s low, low p rice $395 immediately with cooking priv­ YOU REA LLY ought to talk to apartm ent, w i n t e r term , two Sigma Chi E ta— 7 p .m ., 72 p eace.” ileges. Two blocks from campus. 1/2 Block from Campus Kem Schneider. Standard Life blocks f r o m campus. $40 mon­ Kellogg C enter. *61 Corvair Monza Coupe, 4-speed transm ission, heater, Phone ED 2-5621. 22 332-8412 College Division. 919 EastGrand thly. 332-1991. 23 R u s s i a n Club— 7 p .m ., 33 whitewalls. Story sells for less $1395 ROOM 1/2 double, clean, quiet, R iver. 337-1 6 6 3. C21 TWO LARGE packing trunks fn Union. Sorority Hears ’ 58 Oidsmobile 88 Holiday Coupe, power brakes, power $10 weekly, parking, 532 Ann St. 2 blocks to Berkey. 24 A V A IL A B L E TYPING SERVICE good condition. Call ED 2 -6 1 2 5 . porch. 6 21 Hillel— 7:30 p .m ., Union Sun- Talk On Youth steering, two tone, Hydramatic, radio, h eater, white wall Student N o n-Violent Coordi­ tires. Action priced at Story $695 •jç For Sale NCW EXPERIENCED T Y P I S T - Im - mediate serv ice. E lectric type­ ONE MALE 21. Share house with nating Committee— 8 p .m ., 42 three upper classm en arid grad­ Union. Fath er Robert Kavanaugh of w riter, general typing, thesis, St. John's student parish spoke ’ 62 Oidsmobile 98 Holiday Sedan, power steering, power STODDARDS LECTURE books, F o r T h e B e s t In e tc ., phone 355-1246 after 5:30 uate student. P rivate bedroom, Marketing Club— 8 p .m .. Union on "C hangeless Youth in Our brakes, power windows, radio, heater, Hydramatic, white- nicely bound, fine condition. Wal­ p.m. 22 reasonable IV 7-0 7 1 6 . 23 Tower Room, Student-Faculty $2495 Changing T im es,” to Alpha Omi- walls. Story sells for less nut book ca s e , occasional ch air. S tu d e n t A p a r tm e n ts COLLEGE P A P E R S TYPED. UR-fjENTLY N E E D E D . W e l l M ixer. cron Pi sorority Monday night. Call IV 5 -8 6 9 4 . 22 Royal E le ctric P ica. Phone M rs. written lecture and cla ss notes G e r m a n C lu b — 7:30 p .m ., Oidsmobile Cut’ ar s Coupe, power steering, power brakes, His speech was sponsored by '62 BICYCLES-Rentals, Sales, and H arris, 355-8178. c22 to copy from Soc. Sci. 231, #56, Coral Room, Music Aud. EDWAKD G. HACKER CO. the sorority scholarship com m it­ radio, heater Hydramatic, console, whitewalls. Story priced Service- Also used. East Lans­ F R E E PICKUP and delivery. No N.S. 181, #926 Comm. 100, #3: Triangle F r a t. & Placem ent tee which selects lectures every 3 $1995 REALTORS Phone 355-5895 after 5 p.m . 21 B u r e a u : " T o m o r r o w , the to sell ing C ycle, 1215 EastGrand River, order too large or too small. two weeks. IV 5- 2261 World” — 7 p .m ., Kiva. 3 blocks E ast of campus. Phone General typing $ .4 0 / page. Same TRADE-NEW moon tra ile r-th re e F ath er Kavanaugh discussed ’ 59 Oidsmobile, 88 2-door, power steering. Hydramatic. 3 3 2 -8 3 0 3 . . C day serv ice. Phone 694-8111. 21 bedrooms, 10’ X 55’ , large e x - Pre-M edical and P re-D ental the problems young people face heater, two tone, white wall tire s . Story sells for less *995 ACCORDIAN 5-shiff, 120 bass, Personal pandal, trade equity for sm aller Society— 7:30 p .m ., 34-35 Union. in suppressing their feelings, TYPING in my home. Shirley tra ile r. TU 2 -1 8 7 0 . 22 P a r k Management C 1 u b— 7 intermediate, incerriicui ^ ^ excellent ^ ^ condition CASE-Wilsftn-W m-----a o n de r.g-W atch D ecker, , failure to interpret meanings m rT Fopest A,ve. Lansing,. , war ------------------- «"7 «w»-. F o re stry Cabin- _ ill iiX^licaiiy, ^(nxurc- rerigiOdi U L I/ J IW P IT L L , " r-“ 0467 late evenings. -* * •- 23 o u t'for SKTFUI * * " 21 iPhone IV 2-7200.* |nw " GENERAL TYPING-all ‘ " c college RilDE WANT EUtoanarromddW ri- town Lansing, M onday-Friday. M Room> Union. ^ i t a Phi E psilon ~ 7:3< 5 p .m .. education on campus, and the KENMORE AUTOMATIC w a s h e r __________________ __ _ erroneous* idea that education W O R LD S L A R G E S T O L D S M O B IL E DE A L E R in good condition, $40. Call 372- COULD YOU write A Letter to papers. I m m e d i a t e service. Work hours 8:15 a.m . to 5 p .m . ch in ese C lu b -7 :3 0 p .m ., 32 25 Nancy? 21 Phone 355-1237. 23 Call 355-8092. 23 Jnion, F r i ., Election of O fficers. will solve all problems. 3165 E. MICHIGAN a t Frandor 1399 « Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan T h u r s d a y , O cto be r 2 4 , 1963 9 Michigan Editor Says Couple Studies I t ’s B arry All The Way Group Behavior ‘ ‘ Let George do it” may be in Two Government Agencies,’ ’ ‘ ‘ B arry Goldwater will not only win the simply an old bromide to some, envisages human behavior as a he concluded, “ and the liberalism of today Presidential nomination but will c a rr y Michigan but to John and Jeanne Gulla- function of its payoff. An in­ is nothing but totalitarianism : the taking by and be elected President next y e a r ," Oakley horii it’ s a qualification essen­ dividual's responses depend on force of the product of the labors of one man, R. Bramble said Wednesday night. tial to their current project. the amount and quality of reward to give to another.” George is the main ch aract­ and punishment his actions e l- Speaking before the Michigan State C onser­ He said that all forms of totalitarianism are e r in the Gullahorns’ attempt licit. vative Club, the co-ed itor and publisher of the identical ‘ ‘except in the very important m atter to stimulate elem entary social In Homunculus, George r e ­ monthly, “ The Michigan Independent" and found­ of who is to be dictator. The only difference e r of the Conservative Federation of Michigan behavior on a computer. And ceives requests for help from between W alter Reuther and Khrushchev is that it is the reaction s of the hypo­ Ted, a co-w ork er. In contem­ attributed his prediction to what he termed Khrushchev sits on the throne that Reuther thetical George which they~chart plating his d e c i s i o n , George a “ snow-balling" sentiment for conservatism wants.” in trying to establish the p re­ checks a memory list to de­ "founded at the g ra ss ro o ts.” “ No political The function of the law, Bramble said, is mise of Homunculus. termine whether he has received personality has attracted quite the same appeal to “ protect and encourage” the "divine rights Homunculus is a project based previous requests from Ted and, since Franklin R oosevelt,“ he said. to life, liberty, and p ro p erty ," and not to co ­ on the hypothesis of George C. if so, estim ates the frequency Bramble proposed that the attraction toward e rc e and re s tr ic t. It is this coercion which Homans, as stated in his book, and degree of reward gained. conservatism is in its rejection of the “ col­ makes socialism , communism, and fascism “ un­ “ Social Behavior: Its Etem en- Moreover, George considers lectivism ” of communism, socialism , and fas­ m oral” and "c rim in a l,” he said. tary F o rm s.” At the present his current need of such antici­ cism , and its resp ect for the “ maximizing of The editor encouraged his audience to par­ time Homunculus is attempting pated reward and ranks his pos­ freedom of the individual." In this belief, ticipate in politics to effect education in Con­ to simulate the behavior of per­ sible responses in respect to conservatism “ is the only true lib eralism ,” servative principles. “ Conservatism cannot be sons in small groups, r the various gains expected from legislated,” he said. “ It can be advanced The goal is to have the persons each. George then makes his only by the long p rocess of education; education Rocky Counters D enial can be implemented by political action. Pol­ New Alpha Delta Pi House Goes Up. in the computer behave in such a way that their actions cannot decision. Ma n y interaction sequences itics is therefore as necessary a social form be discriminated from typical take place. One is issued de­ SAN FRANCISCO IIP)--Gov. Nelson A. Rocke­ as any other; it is an advanced profession for behavior of livingpersons as they viously, eliciting anger or ag- feller Wednesday countered B arry Goldwater's denial that he has favored United States with­ those who will make it a profession.” In a question period following the address, A Chi O, AD Pi B uilding go about their daily interactions with others. igression. A n o t h e r results in guik from excessive reward. A drawal from the U.N. by citing Goldwater defeat was predicted for Gov. Romney’s tax. John T . Gullahorn, associate third involves two groups of three statements urging that course. The New York governor cited Goldwater’ s answer in a March 12, 1963 interview which reform s. “ No party can survive enactment or an income ta x ,” he said in speculation of the political repercussions to a part of the Gov­ Sororities Get New Homes professor of sociology and an­ thropology, began work on the model for Homunculus in 1961. persons each, the first unaquain- ted, the second friends. The for­ m er resu lts in a 2-1 breakdown, asked, "Would you as President favor getting ern o r’ s package. Bramble called all sim ilar With Fall term sorority act­ while their new houses are con­ street from the old one on Har­ He was joined by his wife, Jean ­ while the latter maintains a trio out of the United Nations?” tax reform s "phoney” because they "assu m e ivities in full swing, members structed. rison, will be c o m p l e t e d by ne Gullahorn, Ph.D candidate in effect. Rockefeller said the Arizona Senator replied, that money grows on tr e e s .” of Alpha Chi Omega and Alpha Alpha Chi Omega president Winter term . It will hold 49 psychology and Natural Science While actual simulation runs " I would. H a v i n g seen what the United Nations The editor’ s talk was the first of this y e a r’s Delta Pi so ro rities must take Sharon Connors, Chicago, 111., m em bers. T r i a n g l e fraternity Foundation fellow. preclude final conclusions, the cannot do, I would have to suggest it.” lectures sponsored by the Conservative Club. a back seat for the present, senior, is living in Van Hoosen bought the old house. Homans’ model, an interaction dullahorns have cited probable Both sorority presidents agree sequence from P eter Blau’ s "T he behavior patterns in some so ci­ with the nucleus of the sorority that lack of a house won’t be Dynamics of B ureaucracy, A eties, on the basis of the Hom­ officers. detrimental to the fall sorority Study of Interpersonal Relations unculus model. Other members living in Van teas. Hoosen are rooming together in "W e will be able to show a nearby apartm ent, she said. pictures of the new house which Seven Chi Omega sisters are will be ready by the time any GREEKS in the Landon dorm er and seven prospective r u s h e e pledges,” in Phillips, with a scattering of Miss Connors said. women in the other dorm s. Quite Meetings for both houses are TODAY, OCTOBER 24 a few members are living off held weekly in theUnion. Sorority campus in apartments. Alpha Chi O m e g a ' s house­ teas will be held there, too. “ The only problem that seems The first PRESENTATION of mother is staying in Lansing anc to have arisen, Miss Connors acting as a s u b s t i t u t e house­ said, is a communications prob­ mother for other sororities. lem. It’s difficult getting every­ TOMORROW. THE WORLD The new house on Burcham one together.” Drive isn’t expected to be ready Miss Dacey agrees the situa­ before Spring term . Miss Con­ tion is an inconvenience now, Sponsored By nors said. The foundation will but will be worth it when the be dug this week. house is completed. The house will be brick col­ onial in a “ U” shape. The old TRIANGLE FRATERNITY Alpha Chi Omega house on MAC Avenue, is now the Montie House Pakaging Wives In COOPERATION WithThe Architects Drawing Of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority House co-op. The Packaging Wlyes Society Pat Dacey, president of Alpha Delta Pi and Huntington Woods, held its first fall business m eet­ Oriented To College life Club To See junior, said that most members ing last week at the home of were living in dorm s. She and M rs. Mary Lou Hopp, president. The next meeting is set for MSU PLACEMENT BUREAU Color Films another soro rity sister are liv­ Religion Gets New Look O n Russia ing off campus in a rented room. Wednesday, Oct. 30, and a tour The new house, across the of packaging labs is planned. S P E A K E R J o h n S h in g le to n 'Offering c o l l e g e men and b ers who a re oriented to college p ractical a s p e c t s of C hristi­ a n ity ," says Peterson. wamen an intellectual approach ways of thinking. to understanding t h e m s e l v e s An emphasis is on student p ar­ Campus Crusade’ s m em bers The Russian Club is showing two recent color films on Russia PRESENTING MICHIGAN’ S TIME 7PM PLACE: KIVA better through Christianity is the ticipation at the Tuesday evening include many outstanding college tonight at 7 in room 33, Union. main object of "College Life” functions. athletes and student body p res­ “ The program s include a var­ idents. Two political lead ers, "R u ssia” gives a general pic­ TASTIEST SANDWICH TOPIC: "HOW TO GET A JOB” , functions. ture of education, economy, ag­ iety of speakers showing the Oregon Governor Mark Hatfield riculture, religion, and scientific MSU’ s chapter of the Campus and Congressman Walter H. Judd, development in the Soviet Repub­ Crusade for C hrist is one of serve on the executive national lic. The film stre sse s the pea­ LIEBERMANN’S the newest AUSG chartered o r­ S c h o o l F i n a n c e ganizations on campus. Estab­ lished over six y ears ago, it has P a r l e y S e t H e r e board. Copies of The Collegiate Chal­ lenge, the group’ s official mag­ sant’ s resistan ce to forced col­ lectivization. “ Iron Curtain Lands (P o st- MIGHTY MO Stadium and car robes, been under the direction of Don and Carol Peteron since Jan­ azine which has a circulation of M ore than 150 educators will over one million copies monthly, Stalin Period)” depicts urban and ru ral life, transportation, so­ introduction Special 500 beautifully patterned and uary, 1961. attend a school finance and salary are sent to the Greek houses, cial work, freedoms and controls Although r e g u l a r "C ollege clinic, sponsored by the Michigan college a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , and Life” sessions are held at 6:45 Education Association, in th e 38,000 u n i v e r s i t y p rofessors in communication, education, re ­ Effective to Nov.1 wonderfully warm creation, a rt, and religion. p.m . each Tuesday, the doors to Union Friday and Saturday: a cro ss the country. It challenges The films have a combined the Crusade House at 541 Abbott Speakers will include E. Dale students to disregard stereotyped Rd. are always open. Either the Kennedy, MEA executive s e cre ­ i m p r e s s i o n s an d re-exam in e running time of 45 minutes. Song sheets will be available for the • Mighty Mo Petersons o r some of the other1 tary; Erwin L . Coons, National Christianity in the light of facts. singsong. However, those who #Golden Brown French Fries four full-tim e staff m em bers are Education Association s a l a r y Carol said, "Many students available for counseling and dis­ consultant; and Kai Erickson, have found a reality in the C h ris­ cam e to the last meeting are #Choice of any 10C drink asked to bring theirs tonight. cussions every day. MEA salary consultant. tian life as a result of seeing The meeting is open to the Many students have found it Committees will study prob­ the logical and p ractical pre­ 500 public. easy to discuss their opinions lems peculiar to each size school sentation.” ___________________ on religion with the staff m em - district. NEJAC IV RENTALS S o r o r i t i e s A n n o u n c e Portables and Table Models N e w A c t i v e M e m b e r s HAMBURGER HEAVEN Seven pledges of Alpha Epsilon received their sorority pins. Phi sorority went active this New actives include: Nancy week-end, after a week of pledge Anderson, Glenview, 111., senior; activities known as “ Help Week," Julie Dahlberg, E ast Lansing, *7-9 per month C lip p e rt St. -- Opposite Frandor New actives are Abby Abram­ junior; Jacqueline Barnum, B ir­ Sets on d isp lay at Campus Book Store son, Island P ark, N .Y., sopho­ mingham, s o p h o m o r e ; Sandy more; Carolyn Baum, Royal Oak, Hunt, Detroit, sophomore» and sophomore; Roberta Dodge, Flint Elizabeth M arco, Detroit, soph­ Free Service and D elivery RUGBY Y o u ’ ll love t h e i r soft w a r m t h . . . sophomore; M.'rna S c h i l l e r , omore. t h e i r co l o rf u l p a t t e r n s . C hoose one Chicago s o p h o m o r e ; Sandra Also, Gail Startzman, Glen­ Ralph, Royal Oak sophomore; view, 111., s o p h o m o r e ; Susan NEJAC IV 2-0624 SPORT for y o u r s e l f o r f o r a s p e c i a l gift. B arbara Rappaport, B r o o k l y n , Tiedeman, Birmingham, sopho­ HURMER TARTANS N.Y. sophomore, and Roberta more; Nancy W ächter, Glenview, 70% Wool, 30% Acrilan $095 Friedm an, Brooklyn, N .Y..soph­ 111., sophomore; Marsha Wilt­ omore. sh ire, Park Ridge, 111., junior; CLOTHES MAKE THE SHIRT 6 0 “ X 50” , with case ® * * # Linda Winslow, Pittsfield, M ass., PENDLETON HIGHLAND Eleven Delta Delta Delta pled­ sophomore, and J u d y P otter, ges went active Friday night and Springfield, Ohio, junior. MAN-LOUIS MAKES Reg. $4.98 100% Wool, 52 X 70, $ < li9 5 with case 1*1 THE CLOTHES! “STATE” ROBE CtNlkAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 85<£ Wool, 15% Nylon NOW We can’t dress you, but we do the An Agency Representative will interview undergraduate Sen­ iors and graduate students who term inate their studies in June, August o r September 1964 on Campus on the dates of October next best thing. We keep your clothes at their laundered best. Ju st bring it to Louis. Remember . . . clean­ ing and shirts in by 10 are out by 51 s2.99 28th through 31st, 1963, for employment for a diversity of positions including a speciaTdntelligence Training P rogram . T o d d ’s JL t.? P lease consult .the Placement Bureau, Student Services' Build­ ing, for information concerning these c a re e r opportunities, and *«£. .i. .- v y g~~~~~~~ Cleaner and B ig g e s t th in g in r«*-* * H t ' %r on file in the Lib rary of the Placement Bureau is an essen­ Shirt Laundry co lle g e s LANSING — 107 S. W aihw flto« 623 E . Grand River ED 2-3537 211 EAST LANSING — 209 E. Grand Rr tial requisite p rior to scheduling an interview. A cro ss F ro m Student S ervices miilMlg East Grand River T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 4 , 1963 10 Mi chigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M ic h i g a n a~¡untilirnttiíT'ir~ ~ . Î Coeds Can Join W r ig le y AFROTC—Almost Beauty is not just in the eye ades. The clim ax of their term of the beholder, the Arnold Air in office is the Commissioning Society believes. Day Dinner Dance held by the Following this philosophy, the AFROTC in June. Air F o rce honorary will hold "T h e girls must have an In­ an open rush to select the hon­ terest ir the AFROTC unit,” orary AFROTC commanders for said John L . Reed, B urr Oak 1963-04. All women are invited senior and society commander. to attend Oct. 30 in the SOC "T h ey must also be willing tc room on the fourth floor of the attend the many activities at m W T w e o u m * Union at ":30 p.m. which they will be expected be­ The seven honorary command­ cause of their special statu s." e rs receive the blue capes that The seven Commanders will symbolize their office at the be chosen for poise, personality, annual Coronation Ball, Nov. 16. appearance, and interest in AF During the year they attend award ROTC. and commissioning cerem onies, and sit on the reviewing stand Their honorary titles will be: Wing Commander, Arnold Air G e t Y o u r C h r is tm a s G if ts at the spring term ROTC p ar- Society Commander, Group 381 W eekly Editor Commander, Group 382 Com­ mander, Group 383 Commander, To G ive Talk Sabre Drill Team Commander, and Air Police Commander. F R E S H Interested coeds must have The editor-publisher of the a 2 .0 University grade average. East Lansing Towne C ourier, F irs t-te rm freshmen or tran s­ Harry Stapler, will speak to­ fer students who have not yet night at an open meeting of Mich­ earned an MSU grade average igan State's chapter of Sigma are not eligible. Delta Chi, a professional jour­ nalistic society. Stapler’s talk. “ So You Want E x e c u t i v e s to Start A Weekly,” will begin at 8 p.m. in the Oak Room (second floor) of the Union. H o l d M e e t He is a veteran reporter who started East Lansing’ s weekly What are the implications of newspaper one year ago. After electronic data processing for graduating from the College of top management? Wooster in Ohio in 1950, Stapler What should our schools be loin \b. U.S. Gov't. was a member of the Detroit teaching to prepare children for END staff of The Associated P re s s . the work world? Stapler was also AP Michigan What are the employment im­ Inspected sports e d i t o r , Detorit News plications of today’ s changing in­ sports w riter (covering MSU dustrial and agricultural scene? football), editor of the Fostoria These are some of the ques­ P O R K CHORS Tender. . . WHOLE lb. (Ohio) Review Times and bus- tions which executives of em­ iness-industry reporter for The ployment security agencies in Lansing State Journal. 13 states are considering in their third annual conference in " E x ­ C e n te r lb . F r e s h ly G r o u n d ecutive Leadership Management C u t« I n t e r n a tio n a l 3 -lb *, in Employment Security” at Kel­ or More C lu b E le c ts logg Center this week. "T h e f e d e r a 1-state employ­ HAM BURGER 1b. 1 9 6 3 - 6 4 O ff ic e r s Syed Hassan, Multan, W. Pak­ istan, graduate student, was elec­ ment security system is a major instrument in manpower devel­ opment and utilization and in­ come maintenance duringperiods SPAR« P e sch k e — S u gar C u red — H ick ory S m ok ed ted president of the International of unemployment, training and Club. retrain in g," Dan H. Kruger, a s­ C oun try S ty le lb. S L IC E D B A C O N lb Other officers elected are Sur- sociate professor of labor and esh Mehra, New Delhi, India, industrial relations, said. senior, vice president; Phyllis "T h is conference is designed H o l t z , R ochester, sophomore, to broaden the executive's un­ corresponding secretary ; Karen derstanding of changes in today’ s Woil am, Columbus, Ohio, junior, world, to develop insights on Food Club - Regular or Drip VALUABLE WRIGLEY COUPON recording secreta ry ; and Kaaren which to base administrative de­ Mackson, Stambaugh, s e n i o r , cisions and to exchange ideas Save 2-Lb. S p e c ia l L a b e l treasu rer. and experiences on the conduct 20c Can CO FFEE At next week’ s meeting the of the state unemployment in­ C R IS C O s" movie, "R aisin in the Sun” will surance program and state em­ 3-L b . A A c Sava C ap 26c be shown. The movie will be ployment se rv ice s” Kruger said.,’ Limit One With TRit Coupon and «.00 shown in the ABC P arlo r of the The conference is sponsored Purchato or Mora excluding Otar, Wlno Union at 8 p.m. on Friday. by the College of Social Science. or Tobacco. C o u p o n Ixplroa SN T u t i d a y , October Jlnd, 1W3. enemas Special Label - Pure Vegetable Shortening Limit Ono Coupon Par Customar. L ib r a r y T o R e c e iv e Save 3-lb. 26c Can C R IS C VALUABLE WRIGLEY COUPON F re e M e d M a te r ia ls or Spry S d d lto t t An agreement to take over du­ portation costs must be paid by 0 H A L F A H A L F the University. He said the Uni­ L im it O n e W it h C oup on a t R igh t. plicate copies of medical p er­ iodicals a n d -se ria ls from the versity of Kentucky gave the Sea Itest Qt. C tn . 39c Sdv# 10c University of Kentucky library medical data to MSU because Limit Ono With This Coupon and *5.0# Purchat. or More Excluding Soar, Wlno will save MSU thousands of dol­ "we need the space and they need the m aterial.’’ Save Qt. or Tobacco. C o u p o n Bxpires ™ la rs, reports Mladen Kabalin, T u e s d a y . October Und, INI. a y L a 70c Carton HALF & HALF MSU currently has a medical Limit One Coupon Par Cuitomar. divisional librarian. Kabalin traveled to Lexington, c o l l e c t i o n of approximately Kentucky, last week to close 40,000 volumes In other medical the deal, by which only tran s- program s such as veterinary medicine, Kabalin reports. L im it O no W ith C o u p o n a t R ig h t. VALUABLE WRIGLEY COUPON Several other Institutions are S p e c ia l L a b e l A E P h i S o r o r it y willing to help furnish library Special Label m aterials in this fashion, to aid R IN S O o r S U R F T o C e le b r a te in the establishment of a two- G ia n t 3 9 iC S a v e year medical school here. Kab­ Save Giant S lx e 30c RIHSO - SURF F o u n d e rs ’ D a y alin has meet with librarians Limit One With Thli Coupon and fS.M some of these institution. 3 0 ‘ S '“ Purchase or More Excluding Beer, Wlno or Tobacco. C o u p o n expires Cm Members of Alpha Epsilon Phi T u a •d a y, October Und, IMS. —2^— Kabalin’ s trip to Kentucky was Limit One Coupon Par Customer. orority will sponsor a desert a r r a ed b Dr< william H. Kni- sorority att 6:15 p.m. today, for patron- q{ ^ lnstltute L im it O no W ith C o u p o n a t R ig h t. >sses and alumni esses alumni, to celebrate q{ Biology and MedjClnei whHe : oun Founders Day o t e irst c ap he wa s with the University of Ken- VALUABLE WRIGLEY COUPON ter. A short program will follow . H 6 , , ____ tucky’ s medical program . Kab- ,,,, aim says, He came here with , .. V E L V E E T A P O T P K S K r a ft P la in o r P im e n to the desert at the house at 223 a lot of experience that should M O R T O N IS t Delta St. K r a f t V R L V I I T A be very helpful.” P lain o r P im e n to C h ic k e n , B oot o r T u rk e y a ¿,6V Limit One With This Coupon ond *5.00 L im it O n # W ith C o u p o n Purchase or Moro Excluding Boor, Wine or Tobacco, C o u p o n Ixplroa SN BREAD SALE ! T u e a day, October Und, IMS. m m tm Limit One Coupon Per Customer. , MEL-O-CRUST WITH THia COUPON # Sliced White 31 • Whole Wheat ¿j. AND PURCHAM OP Hunt o Cracked Wheat 3L • Bavarian Rye o«. 5 0 A n d 5 . 0 0 o r m oro PORK & ’" beams Save o Plain Raisin ol EXTRA CO LD BELL S TAMP S e x c e p t B oor, W in « or T ob acco. Coupon expiree Oct. U. Limit One Coupon SN Y o u r C h o ic e 5 0 c on Loaves _ - —.i.. — Bevo »e on 4 Prices a ffe ctive throogh October 26 T o m o *0 S o u p - . . - a c . » * gtama-Sava ay ^ We reserve the rig h t to lim it q u a n titie s . R o v ir M u .W ro o m * « * To The College Inn - Naturally! s t o t t .t r _ ^ iac on * — F lo r id a , S e e d le s s , N e w C r o p Spartan Snecial - ?*o«. B V e rn o n G in g o r o U « B ln . h a d - ses 1/4 lb. of Ground Round Steak on toasted sesam e seed bun— crisp cole slaw— French fried potatoes tU d r tB Y Alex - M * " ' nejuUt coffee, tea or large coke C U a itB c r •t, « *I* '** - ¿a iUr r vmr vwy w FA' T o m a t o * » IC R T H E C O L L E G E IN N (Below College Drug) G E T F IN E R G IF T S F A S T E R W IT H G O L D B E L L G IF T S T A M P S