T r u s te e s A p p r o v e E D P , H ir e D a u g h e r ty T h r o u g h 1 9 6 8 Inside MICHIGAN W eather M ostly sunny and continued Union G rill Series Begins, p. \ New Vet Med B u ild ­ STATE cool today. High in the tow to m iddle 6 0 's. Freezing ing, p. 7; Soccer Team Wins, p. 4. UNIVERSITY temperatures to nig ht. Monday, October 28, 1963 P rice 10< East L an sin g, M ichigan V o l. 55; No. 43 L e w i s L e a d s S p a r t a n s I n U p s e t W i n Win Has Spartans Passed By Board A lg e r ia G e ts InF irst Place Tie EDP Gets Final OK Form ation of a special group which has been working since full-tim e sustained effort. The new group will consist proposal. "Enrollm ents will rise and financial sources will be S o v ie t T a n k s By JON VAN GIESON State News Staff Writer EVAN STO N, 111.— S h e r m a n L e w i s wig­ to blueprint future program s for last spring on the University’ s gled, danced and r a n to two touchdowns h e r e MSU U n i v e r s i t y was approved Educational Development P ro ­ of a d irecto r, in the Office of lim ited ." ALGIERS UP)— Western diplomats said Sunday Soviet tanks Sa tur day to lead Michigan State to an ups et in principle Friday by the MSU gram . T h e Academic Council the P resident, and three a s­ Complicating the i s s u e , it added, a re needs for expanding and planes have arrived in Algeria aboard a Cuban ship Board of T ru stees. recommended the proposals to sistant d irecto rs with staffs r e ­ win o v e r N o r t h w e s t e r n that e a r n e d the S p a r ­ sponsible for the academ ic, co - scholarly and research endea­ and that shiploads of Egyptian troops and arm s are en The objective is to perm it the the T ru stees. route to help Algeria in its Sahara D esert border conflict University to educate an "in ­ The new group, scheduled to c u r r i c u l a r and nonacademic vors and rapid expansion of new tans a s h a r e of f i r s t p l a c e in the Big Ten. knowledge. with M orocco. The diplomats said they were concerned creasing number of increasingly be started in M arch, 1964, will a re a s. that a m ajor world c r is is may erupt. L e w i s m ade one touchdown on a fa n t as t ic able students” with improve­ be solely involved in research "T h e gross outlines of the "T h e prim ary objective of the ment in quality and little o r no and development on the Educa­ problem a r e remarkably sim - An authoritative source said U.S. Ambassador William c a t c h of a Steve Juday p a s s and r a m b l e d 87 Dle," the comm ittee stated in its (C ontinued on page 7) J . P orter saw President Ahmed Ben Bella Saturday and in crease in cost per student. tional Development Program . personally expressed concern about the possibility that y a r d s for a not her a s the S p a rt a n s ruined the The plan also calls for con­ It is to do the work "n e c ­ the undeclared border war may blossom into a conflict W il dca ts h o m e c o m i n g with a 1 5 - 7 t r iu m ph . tinued study and action in this essary to c re a te a blueprint for involving other nations The win, com bin ed area by faculty com m ittees and the future operation of the Uni­ the academ ic administration. v e rs ity ," the com m ittee repor­ orld New s In Morocco, m ilitary spokesmen reported Moroccan planes and troops had pushed back a stream of Algerian rein ­ ★★★ with Ohio S t a t e ’ s up- The proposals were drafted by ted. forcements trying to reach forward outposts under seige. s e t o f W i s c o n s i n , left the educational p o l i c i e s com ­ Solution of the problems in­ m ittee, a faculty-elected body, volved, it explained, requires a at a Glance Despite Moroccan claim s that Algerian casualties were S t at e , the B u c k e y e s heavy and Moroccan losses light, three planeloads of wounded Moroccan troops landed at the m ilitary air base in M ar­ D u f f y G e ts and Illinois tied for rakech, M orocco. Newsmen there counted 70 ca s e s — only 7th Buddhist Monk Commits Suicide the c o n f e r e n c e lead. S o p h R e c a lls ’ 5 6 SAIGON, Viet Nam UP)--A Buddhist monk hopped off the back a few of them on stretch ers. Plans were being pushed for a summit peace conference F iv e - Y e a r All three teams sport 2 -0 -1 re ­ of a m otorcycle in front of a Roman Catholic Cathedral Sunday, scheduled for Tuesday in Bamako, Mali, with Ben Bella, cords in Big Ten play. H u n g a r ia n R e v o lt doused himself with gasoline and set himself ablaze. This, the seventh Buddhist suicide by fire singe June, apparently was King Hassan II of M orocco, Em peror Haile Selassie of Ethiopia and President Mobido Keita of Mali sitting in. C o n tra c t Lewis got his first touchdown on a 29-yard pass from Juday carried out to point up to a U.N. team here Buddhist charges Although the conference has been called, it is still with time running out in the Seven y e a rs ago victory seem ­ seemed as if the Russians w ere uncertain whether the four powers can achieve a ce a s e ­ Head Football Coach Hugh first half. He sprinted downfield of persecution by the government. ed in sight for the Hungarian getting beat,” he said. The U.N. team at the time was on the other side of the city fire and a settlement of the border dispute. Algeria and "D uffy" Daugherty h a s been for the Northwestern end zone freedom fighters when the So­ " F o r four days it seemed we Morocco have been far apart even on the agenda for a given a five-year contract effec­ and as he reached the goal line visiting a Quang Pagoda and talking to Buddhists who have voiced viet Union agreed to begin an im­ had won. People began speaking summit meeting. Juday’ s p ass, Lewis and two support for the government of President Ngo Dinh Diem, a Roman tive after this season. of plans for establishing a new mediate withdrawal of Russian Catholic. They are fighting over an area recently found to possess The contract was approved by Wildcat defenders cam e together. troops from r e v o l t - t o r n Bud­ government and of rebuilding the mineral reso u rces along the ill-defined border between The ball bounced high into the A U.N. spokesman here said the team is breaking off its gov­ apest. city a s if the war was o v e r." southeastern M orocco and southwestern Algeria. a ir away from the three players ernm ent-arranged schedule and would make its own decisions However, the Russian troops Heder, who was in grade school The diplomatic sources here said a Cuban ship arrived and Sherm, who was knocked on whom to talk to about ch arges of persecution. Presum ably, withdrew from Budapest only to at the tim e, rem em bers the joy in the Algerian port of Oran Friday with modern Soviet down, scram bled after it on hands the mission will seek out Buddhists who oppoSe Diem. be reorganized. By Nov. 1, 1956, he and his friends felt when they tanks and crated jet fighters, which these informants said and knees and hauled it in with the entire city was surronded by burned their Russian books in were part of a major arm s shipment ordered from the one hand just before it hit the Soviet tanks. bonfire fashion. A lgeria Launches B iggest O ffen sive Of War Soviet Union long before the outbreak of theSahara conflict. ground. F o r those few short days jub­ The Hungarian people’ s joy was The touchdown cam e with 2:58 • ALGIERS (UP1)— Algeria rep orts it has launched the biggest ilation took hold in the home of short lived as the Russians re ­ left in the half and pulled the offensive in its border war with M orocco. Tom Heder and thousands of turned with tanks and jets. Spartans to within a point, 7 -6 . The fighting increased despite announcements the two nations other Hungarian fam ilies. "B e fo re the return, Hungar­ V Jsjj The try for a two-point con­ would meet in a four-nation summit conference to settle the . ian sniper action was met with Heder, a New Rochelle, N .Y ., sophomore, lived through the re ­ small arm s fire by the Russians, but now they used tanks to des­ dispute. Algiers radio says the Algerian offensive is gaining strength I L u n a r P la n s S a m e A Jm m version failed when Chuck Logan and Bill Swingle nailed p asser volution about 20 m iles from Bud­ and Algeria is scattering Moroccan troops. The report gives Dave M cCormick. troy buildings where snippers apest. "When the Hungarian revolu­ h id ." Heder said. "T h e re still was strong fight­ no details, but Algerian sou rces report the fighting is in the Tinfouchi area. D e s p ite R e d S ta n d Lew is, who sparkled on de­ fense also, intercepted a Tom tionists got control of several Myers pass and ran it six yards radio stations and demanded that ing in Hungary for two or three to Michigan State’ s 13-yard line WASHINGTON UP)— L eaders of viet Union is "n o t at present free elections be guaranteed, that days following the return of the Rusk Appeals For Stronger A tla n tic A llia n c e to set up his third quarter s c o r­ the US space program said Sun­ in a ra ce to be first to the freedom of the p ress be estab­ Russians— but then only different ing burst. FRANKFURT, Germany, (f!— S ecretary of Stata^D ean Rusk day that the reported Soviet pull­ moon would strengthen the stand lished, that Soviet fo rces with­ and Chancellor Ludwig E rh ard joined in an appeal Sunday for back on lunar-landing efforts will of those opposing heavy space On the next play Juday handed draw immediately, and the se­ a stronger Atlantic Alliance to maintain defense of the West. not and should not affect Am er­ spending. to Lewis who followed a wave curity police be disbanded it (continued on page 3) of blockers inside right end and E rhard called on West Europeans to rem em ber U.S. postwar ican moon research p rojects. Jam es E . Webb, National Aero­ help when asked to bear their share of the defense burden. T h ere were indications, how­ nautics and Space Administration D U FFY DAUGHERTY broke loose in the Northwestern At the sam e tim e, Rusk and Erhard cautioned against Contin­ ev er, that the declaration by head, said the US has put to - . secondary. He sprinted 87 yards the Board of T ru stees Friday. down the sideline without a Wild­ ental leadership struggles that would loosen ties with the United P rem ier Khrushchev that theSo- gether a program calculated to In an unprecedented move, the cat coming close to him. States. These rem ark s appeared to be aimed at President Charles cost $35 billion over 10 y ears. Board’ s approval squelched all The run was a Big Ten game De Gaulle of F ra n ce . NASA’ s position is that this pro­ rum ors of Daugherty’ s leaving His speech brought prompt reaction from Moscow. The offi­ gram cannot be turned on and (continued on page 5 ) cial Soviet News Agency, T a s s , said Rusk’ s speech "c o n tra ­ Plans O K’d off without serious losses in Michigan State. Previous rum ors had th e personable Daugherty dicted greatly the spirit of the beginning relaxation of inter­ time and money. * national ten sion ." It referred to rem ark s by Rusk that the West For Cooling Webb toldthe Associated P re ss leaving for Notre Dame at the end of the 1963 season. must not relax its guard because of some limited agreem ents that Khrushchev’s statement was W *-> *s»*- In the nine y ears Daugherty with the Soviet Union. Plans to air condition the L i­ "th e most sin cere compliment has been head coach at Michigan b rary were approved by theBoard to our space program that has State, his Spartans have com ­ of T ru stees Friday. been made.” piled a 56 won, 28 lost, and 6000 Chinese Stage A nti-Indonesian Demonstration "C o n tracto rs will make every Dr. George E . Mueller, d irect­ three tied record . KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (UPI)—Thousands of Chinese in effort to have the $376,330p roject or of NASA’s manned space flight M id u jjta S tju e N e w s Kuala Lumpur, have staged their biggest anti-Indonesian demon­ completed by next summer and program , said the US lunar pro­ Ulti stration since the government of President Sukarno first announced its opposition to the new Southeast Asia Federation of form er possibly by spring,” said Adam Hulinek, physical plant planning gram is a well-conceived one that should continue independently of Drive Sets I ™ " " Top British colonies. An estimated 6 ,0 0 0 Chinese swarmed through any action the Russians might central part of the city shouting defiance while burning a 15-foot engineer. The physical plant department recommended to the trustees that take. Mueller said no program of this New R ec o rd tall effigy of Sukarno. Setting a new record for fall an e le ctric static filter system be magnitude c o u l d base its ad­ term blood d rives, 1,602 pints Plan To Kidnap Emperor H iro h ito ’ s Daughter F o ils used instead of a replacable fil­ vancement on such a relatively of blood were collected during te r system . This would be more unknown factor as that of So­ the Alpha Phi Omega Drive which TOKYO(UPI)— Japanese detectives report a plot to kidnap the efficient in controlling humidity, viet policy. ended Friday. youngest daughter of Em peror Hirohito fell through when one tem perature and air cleanliness. This total topped the 1960 high of the three planners got cold feet. According to detectives, a The tru stees followed the de­ Rep. George P. M iller, D- of 1,529 pints. re a l-e sta te man with financial troubles planned the kidnaping about partm ent’ s recommendations. C alif., chairman of the House Nine living units will receive three weeks ago. The form er p rin cess, now M rs. Takako Shimazu, An underground room will be Science and Astronautics Com­ the awards for 100 per cent was to be taken from her home and held for 140,000 dollars built outside the L ibrary to house m ittee, said the Russian state­ participation in the drive during ransom. The real estate man allegedly contacted an ex-convict two 500-ton chilling units, Huli­ ment should have no etiect what­ half-tim e of the Wisconsin game. who brought a friend in on the plot. It was the Oriend who lost his nek said. ever on the US program^ Beal C o-operative was the only nerve and exposed the plot. Plans call for a cooling tower co-op to receive a plaque this to be built on the library roof. y ear. * Warm a ir is cooled by pouring Six fratern ities, Alpha Epsilon | Khrushchev’ s Threat No Surprise To Washington a steady stream of cooling water Pi, Delta Sigma P i, Farm house, I over air silts in the tower. Phi Kqppa E si. PJii Sigma Del- )NA5H!NOTOM ix? -S«vyi*"t £ rep lier Khrushchev’ s public^threat T h e a ir ^positioning system c r ft^ tr fiii^ P h i Kappa, » '• » to by-pass the United States in his whe; *cna wil 1 operate through p r e s e n t 100 per cent participation. surprise to the administration— officially. heating ducts, Hulinek said. Alpha Omicron Pi and Sigma But one official fam iliar with the negotiations so far conceded “ We are building a concrete FREEDOM FIG H TER LOOKS BACK -- Exam ining back is ­ sues o f the State News, Tom Heder re c a lls the week of Oct- "th e issue is snarled up m ore than anticipated" in the wake of roof so it can be used as a patio SUNNY Kappa were the only two s o r- SHERMAN LEWIS Khrushchev's Saturday statement that any "d iscrim in ato ry condi­ by students until the Library Is ( continued on pago 7) tober 26, 1956.. State News Photo By P a tti P rout. tions" would block Soviet purchase of U.S. wheat. en larg ed ," he added. 2 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Monday, O c t o b e r 2 8 , 1963 Politics vìi r u i Ii iu a andivi rPoker« w c r AUSG-Winter Of Discontent? Conservatives Losej£^ In the wake of R a t h e r Ha ll ’ s withdrawal f ro m the A l l - U n i ­ it was a m il ita n t group de d i­ c a t e d to the h a r a s s m e n t of the In Western State ' " . v e r s i t y Student G o v e rn m e n t, s t a t u s - q u o , c a ll e d the B y z a n ­ by Jack Shea an a p p ra i s a l should be f o rt h ­ tine A n a r c h i s t T a r t y . In l a s t Can B a rry Goldwater beat President Kennedy in November c o m i n g fro m P r e s i d e n t Bob s p r i n g ’ s AUSG e l e c t i o n they ’ 64? According to various weekly news magazines he can. They K e r r ; but appa ren tly this is not f o r m e d a p a r t n e r s h i p with point to his strength in the W estern and Plains states. K e r r and in t h e i r v i c t o r y a p p a r ­ But an election la s t’ week in traditionally conservative North to be the c a s e . Dakota doesn’t exactly agree. The p r e s e n t a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ’ s ently took o v e r the r e i n s of A conservative Republican running on an independent ticket r e a c t i o n to R a t h e r ’ s pull-out AUSG. could m uster only five per cent of the votes. He supported Gold­ water on the issues— test-ban and w heat-sale and lost. is sim pl e and s t r a i g h t to the The p a r t y was r e n a m e d the According to the New York T im es, Independent John W. bcott point, and th at ’ s the p r o b l e m . B a s i c Action P a r t y and this "produced an energetic, well financed campaign, with help from y e a r its l e a d e r s a s s u r e us that the outside.” But if there was help from the “ outside” it wasn’ t It’ s too sim ple and to the wrong from Goldwater. As loyal as Scott was to the S enator's stands, it has purged i t s e l f of any he didn’t get the Arizonian's support. point. If they think that the t i e s to the p a r e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n . That went to another Republican, form er national comm ittee­ r e p l a c e m e n t of one r e p r e s e n ­ man Mark Andrews. Andrews ran his campaign along orthodox What it has failed to do, how­ tative is going to solve their party l i n e s and he beat the Dem ocratic candidate 45,581 to e v e r , is co nv in ce a n u m b e r of 40,884 votes. d i l e m m a , they u n d e r e s t i m a t e He called for m ore local responsibility and less federal spending C o n g r e s s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s that the disc onte nt that b r e w s in a in the areas of foreign-aid and education. This is the standard they can r e a l l y be a p a r t of Republican line. But as an orthodox Republican he was also in numb er of t h e i r c o n g r e s s m e n . AUSG without being a m e m b e r favor of the nuclear test-ban and other cold war thaws like It has been aptly sum m ed up wheat sales to Russia. of the B . A . F . Goldwater has voiced undeniable dissent in these areas of by the P r e s i d e n t of B r y a n increased communication with Russia, but he supported the orthodox Hall: “ . . .students a r e d i s ­ The B . A . P . ’ s ch ie f goal candidate and not the Goldwater conservative because his lieu­ s a t i sf ie d and c o n c e r n e d enough s e e m s to be dedication to e x ­ tenants told him the latter would not be a winner. Goldwater used to tour the country stirring up the conservative to want a r e o r g a n i z a t i o n o f posing alleged c o r r u p t and un­ dander, inside and outside the Republican party, now he doesn't K e r r ’ s and the B . A . P . ’ s p r i ­ just p r a c t i c e s by e v e r y o n e ; want to have anything to do with a valiant effort to spread the vate o rga n iz ati o n of AUSG.” This s a m e se nt im en t is e x ­ with th ei r attention usually c e n t e r e d on the U n i v e r s i t y ad­ ‘■'Sk'V* conservative story in North Dakota. Why? Because he no longer tours as conservative Senator Goldwater, but as accommodating Candidate Goldwater. Republicans in North Dakota say the election indicates that p r e s s e d by the r e p r e s e n t a t i v e ministration. fro m Ra the r Hall who r e si g ne d M K their effort to put a damper on any right-wing infiltration of the party was successful. In private, they expressed relief at the poor Bob K e r r needs to co nd uct conservative showing, saying it showed the right-wing movement l a s t week. She c h a r g e s that to be mostly noise and not much real strength. C o n g r e s s s e s s i o n s w er e being an int er nal r é é v a lu a t i o n of his Granted Goldwater is a popular political figure in the West. a d m i n is tr a t io n . The c a l l at But this should serve as an excellent indicator that the g ra ss­ dominated by “ puppets” of roots conservative movement in the West is something less than K e r r and Speaker Bob Hen- this time is not for the aban­ what it has been pictured as by such air-w ave heroes as Fulton cken; that the goa ls pursued by donment of AUSG, as ev id en ced Lewis and typewriter mongul as William Buckley. AUSG a r e not much m o r e than by l e t t e r s fr o m the p r e s i d e n t s “ Imagine That Farmer Letting Us Wait In a sum ma tion of the g o a l s of of R a t h e r and B r y a n H al ls . His Pumpkin Patch For The “Great Pumpkin“ the old B . A . F . She s a y s o th e r m e m b e r s feel the s a m e way. But un les s w ell -intentioned r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s can be m ade to { From Other Campuses f The B . A . P . is a political feel that student g o v e r n m e n t Letters To The Editor is m o r e than just a B . A . P . Packed Stacks Crowd V irg in ia L ib ra ry o rga n iza tio n with a r a t h e r c a u c u s club, AUSG might well A bond issue is soon to be considered for a library addition at clouded h i s t o r y . It f i r s t c a m e into e x i s t e n c e two y e a r s ago in E m m o n s Hall. At that time e x p e r i e n c e its own v e r s i o n of ‘ the winter of our d i s c o n t e n t . ” C u b a n U n io n s R e d the University of Virginia. Conditions are so crowded at present that many of the University’s 1,500,000 volumes are stacked in the aisles and co rrid o rs of the library and some are even stored in attics of dorm itories. To the Editor: Martinez Schancez, M inister of will appear in bold type on the A Canadian member of the Labor has had the power to fire front page of the State News! British Colombia provincial p ar­ any worker for counter revolu­ Well, now we've read everything. Ohio Education Majors Face New Standards liament was recently reported in tionary activity. At the same It was exactly one month ago University Backs Duffy the State News as saying "th e time all w orkers were required today that the staffs of East and West McDonel set muddied feet The College of Education at Ohio State University may up its revolution in Cuba is making to become p art of a national present standards. A recent proposal now receiving serious consid­ p rogress especially in the trade registration list with no worker in this, the newest residendehall on campus. It was far from fin­ eration would require students to have obtained at least a 2.25 unions.’’ Whatever else onemay allowed to change jobs without The B o a r d of T r u s t e e s s t r a t e s the a p p r e c i a t i o n of the say about the Cuban revolution perm ission. T h erefore, a dis­ ished then, and it is still unfin­ grade point by the beginning of the junior year. Spokesmen for th ere is little evidence to sup­ ished. Yet during the past thirty the college say that the great shortage of teachers is no excuse approved an un pr ece den te d T r u s t e e s and the U n i v e r s i t y charged worker virtually faces for low standards. port this statem ent. starvation without any right of days our advisory staff has spent move F r i d a y by giving Hugh fo r D a u g h e r t y ’ s s e r v i c e t o Cuban unions have had a diff­ trade union appeal. countless hours attempting to organize a living unit which will “ Duffy” D a u g h e r t y , head foot­ Michigan S t a t e , which inc lu des icult and unhappy history. Under The anti-Communist leader­ * \ the B atista dictatorship an a c c - ship of the E le ctrica l W orkers enhance the educational experi­ ball c o a c h , a f i v e - y e a r c o n ­ m o r e than nine y e a r s as head omrniodation has been worked out Union was forcibily removed in ence of its residents and become ANADDADTITNITV OPPORTUNITYTA TOfPAU/GROW \ with the government whereby December of 1960 for its c r i ti­ a credit to this university. t r a c t ef fec ti ve a f te r this s e a ­ football c o a c h . Since taking son. o v e r as head c o a c h f r o m Munn unions w ere allowed to function provided they were not active cism of the C astro government. Two months later, three mem­ Here in E ast McDonel It would have been impossible to hold an INTHE HIGHESTPROFESSIONAL The m o v e, initiated by P r e s ­ in 1 9 5 4 , D a u g h e r t y - c o a c h e d politically against the regime. bers of the union, William Lex The union leadership responsible Sante, Julie C asielles Amigo and election anyway— there were no candidates. This is not a c r i t ­ WORKINGENVIRONMENT ident John A. Hannah and join­ t e a m s have won 5 6 , l o s t 28 for this pact, who in some in­ O rlirio Mendez, who had opposed icism of our head advisor or our dorm participation: it is a c r i t ­ ed by Athletic D i r e c t o r C l a r ­ and tied t h r e e , including S a t ­ stances were Communists, were" the Communist takeover of their swept out of office by the fol­ organization w ere executed. icism of AUSG. The All-Uni­ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS e n c e “ B i g g i e ” Munn and Ath­ u r d a y ’ s v i c t o r y , f o r an e x c e l ­ lowers of the July 26 movement versity Student Government has l e t i c Council C h a i r m a n John lent p e r c e n t a g e of . 6 6 1 . This by the time C astro entered the Bob Repas lost the resp ect of its ‘ ‘constit­ uents’ ’ so that it is difficult to PHYSICISTS gates of Havana. A ssistant P rofessor F u z a k , s e r v e s as a vote of m a r k inc ludes a v i c t o r y in the find someone willing to petition confidence to Da ugherty for R o s e Bowl o v e r U C L A . Daugh­ This new and pro-dem ocratic leadership has now in most cases School of Labor and Industrial relations for membership. It is the feel­ M ATH EM ATIC IAN S been replaced by Communists. ing in McDonel that we would his m o r e than 16 y e a r s of de d­ e r t y also has been named rath er wait until we can have a Technical representatives Cuban trade unions have followed “ C o a c h of the Y e a r . ” i c a t e d s e r v i c e to MSU. the cla ssica l pattern where the Communist P arty is supreme. meaningful election with qualified candidates than abide by the reg­ of the MITRE Corporation B u t equally as i m p o r t a n t , The mo ve to the f i v e - y e a r W h o s e F a u lt? will be conducting interviews Cuban unions no longer protect ulations and make a farce out of the f i v e - y e a r c o n t r a c t , which p a c t f r o m the o n e - y e a r c o n ­ the in terests of their member­ ship but instead have become To the E ditor: the dem ocratic p ro cess. Collectively yours, on campus is su bj ect to r ev ie w at the c o n ­ t r a c t is another ste p f o r w a r d So the speaker of AUSG clus ion of the 196 8 s e a s o n , f o r MSU in the field of ath­ an agency of the state with no can now c riticiz e the head adv­ freedom to c riticiz e . McQueen Clan 4-N , E ast McDonel October 29,1963 iso rs of a residence hall and it puts an end to all r u m o r s o f l e t i c s . The c o n t r a c t and vote Since March 12,1960, Auguste M IT R E designs and develops system s that enable our mili­ PEA N U TS ta ry commanders to detect a tta ck and retaliate instantly. D a u g h e r t y ’ s leaving h e r e - - e s - of co nfidence also shows the ' don 't TELL ME N T ypical system s include Nuclear Detonation Detection and pe ci a ll y those of his heading f o r s i g h t and i n t e r e s t taken in W R £ SITTING Reporting System , N orth Am erican Air Defense Com bat here wmting for O p e ra tio n s C e n te r , an d B a c k -U p I n te r c e p to r C e n te r. f o r Notre Da m e at the end of the U n i v e r s i t y by o u r l e a d e r s . THE “6REAT ACROSS 31. Political M I T R E is also experimenting with techniques for future air the c u r r e n t s e a s o n . The affable We a r e in full a g r e e m e n t and PUMPKIN"A6A(N?^, 1. K ing of platform traffic control systems. Tyre 32. Bungle c o a c h has shown his dedication sup po rt of the c o n t r a c t award 6 . Elude For the young system s engineer there is no more rewarding 33. Cutdefish 11. Kettle work. Y ou associate with the top men in your field. Y ou to the U n iv e r si ty by r e j e c t i n g and the m a n n e r in which it was drum 35. Poisonous work in an atm osphere th at allows you to extend your snake all o f fe r s and “ sounding o u t s ” initiated and c a r r i e d out. 13. Place of 37. Couch capabilities professionally and academ ically. trial A t M IT R E , men trained in single disciplines are encour­ by o th e r s c h o o l s . He has also C o n g ra t u l a t i o n s C o a c h Dau­ 14. Public 38. U nhappy 41. Prongs aged to grow beyond their original fields of interest. System s a s s u r e d the P r e s i d e n t that he g he rt y f o r 16 y e a r s of undivided how can vou Believe in esteem 43. H. H. Ja c k designers learn to work from an increasingly broad base. SOMETHING THAT JUST ISN'T 15. Embellish has no i n t e r e s t of going e l s e ­ s e r v i c e and b e s t w ish es f o r 16. Entangle son heroine Y o u m ay work in such diverse -areas as information TRUE? HE'S NEVER 60IN6 TO 45. Dlllseed 3 . Spell­ 9 . Heartwood where as long as his s e r v i c e s continued s u c c e s s as head SHOWUP!HE DOESN'T EXIST! 17. Peacock 46. Kind of bound 10. Twilight: theory, com puter design, display techniques, propagation, butterflies type or human engineering. Y ou m ay analyze. Y ou m ay syn ­ are acceptable here. football c o a c h , bu ild er of men 19. Church 4. Sum erian poet. thesize. Y ou m ay deal with system s or individual com po­ 47. M agazine deity 12. M an's The c o n t r a c t and s p e c i a l and a m b a s s a d o r of good will vessel 48. Rom. 5 . Afternoon name nents. A t the highest levels, you m ay have to consider 2 0. Rescind official political, economic and social factors . . . as well as the re co g ni ti on publicly d e m o n ­ at Michigan State. 2 2 . Fr. friend shows 18. Quantity 6 . Girl's name 2 0 . High in available and predictable technology. 2 4 . Extensive DOWN 7. Hindu music 2 7 . Office 1. Injure Requirem ents, B .S., M .S., or P h.D . in these disciplines — sacred book 2 1 . K ill by machine 2. Willow electronics, physics, and m athem atics. M IT R E is located in M IC H IG A N 8 . Genus o f stoning 2 9 . Overlaid genus p le a s a n t, s u b u rb a n B o sto n an d a lso h as fa c ilit ie s in WHEN V OUSTOP 8EUEVIN6 IN STATE U N IV E R S IT Y STATE H E W S THAT FELLOWWITHTHEREDSVlT / 2 3 4 5 t 7 beedes 8 3 10 2 3 . Annoy 2 4 . K ing W ashington, D .C . and Colorado Springs. If an interview will be inconvenient, inquiries m ay be directed in confidence Member Associated P re s s , United P re ss m er term ; special Welcome Issue in Septem­ ANDWHITEBEARD WHO60ES "HOHOho; I'LL STOPBELIEVIN6 II %It 1 13 topper 2 5 . Collected to Vice President — Technical Operations, The M IT R E Corporation, Box 208, D ep t.C N 8, Bedford, Mass. INTHE "6REAT PUMPKIN") glacial debris International, Inland Daily P re ss Association, ber. Second c la s s postage paid at E ast Lansing, 14 i IS 2 6 . Heart's- Associated C o l l e g i a t e P re ss Association, Michigan P re ss Association. Michigan. /~ T T C It 17 % 13 19 eye 2 8 . Labor ARRANGE FOR AN IN TERV IEW THROUGH TH E PLACEM ENT O FFIC E. Published by the students of filichigan State Editorial and business offices at 341 Student S ervices Building, Michigan State University, 2» f 21 , i U nion THE % % % 22 29 3 0 . Young University. I s s u e d on cla s s -d a y s Monday through Friday during the fall, winter and spring quarters, twice weekly during the sum - East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions payable in advance: term , $3; 2 te rm s, $4; 3 term s, $5; full y e a r, $6. WE ARE 061/1OUSLVSEPARATED 24 23 29 » %30 ¿7 31 28 socialite: abbr. 34. Persian M IT R E BVDENOMINATIONAL DIFFERENCES! 32 VS3 } 34 % fairy 3 6. M exican C O R P O R A T I O N E d itor....................................... Bruce Fabricant A sst. Adv. M grs......................... Frank Senger J r . , Arthur Lan« er 35 M 37 38 %f dollar 3 9 . 43 3 8. Arias %rid frtv tia 9 n g mM a m g e r. . . -. -F r e d Levkte - . .. Dave Harfst Campus ".„M au v es* *. • Coordinator. . . .B ill Marshall . Daye Jaehnlg N *- 'id 42 43 N44 » «1 ’**> » '39. I i t d i g o d j V p only tffe'U nited-StaieS Gov^him ent. TKe irfttependefif ntm- Managing Editor................... Campus E ditor....................................G erry Hinkley Women’ s Housing................ . . . .L iz Hyman John Van Gieson 41 ; i 41 4 0. Fresh-water fish £ profit firm is technical advisor and system engineer for the € A ir Force Electronic System s Division and also serves the p Assistant Campus Editor. Sports E ditor....................................... J e r r y Caplan Photo Chief.......................................... George Junne Men’ s Housing.....................................Oyars B alcers 45 i i 4 1. Youngster 4 2. Established < Federal Aviation A gency and the D epartm ent of Defense. S Editorial E ditors. . . Jack Shea, Dave Stewart Night E d ito r..................................... L eslie Goldstone 47 %%4» 4 4 . Distracted •l 1 ^ I Monday. O c t o b e r 2 8 , 1 9 6 3 3 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Warm Weather, Dryness A tm o s p h e r e O f H o m e Increase Fire Possibilities M a k e s G r ill P o p u la r Unseasonably warm weather living where they can flip a cig­ "Y ou can throw a bucket of and the continued dry spell has arette down anywhere and be water at a piece of wood, but Increased the fire danger said sa fe .” most of it won’t even hit Eire T his is the fir s t in a three- One coed observed that "you or find friends, not to hit the Linton A. C a rte r, professor of The moisture content of fuels wood," he said. "B ut you can can say whatever you please books. part series on the Union One co e d said, "1 always know fo restry. is the biggest factor in whether take the same piece of wood and and nobody, besides whom you sit they will burn, C arter said. Fuel G rill. with, pays any attention.’ ’ w h e r e to find my husband!" ••The present danger is the make it water-logged by drop­ w orst that we have had in some is any m aterial that will burn. ping a glass of water on it, Most students enjoy the "co o l” O n e who r e g u l a r l y visits the By L IN D A M ILL E R At the end of a sum m er, such drop by drop.” atmosphere and the music pour­ G r i l l ca n n o t help but n o t i c e the tim e,’ ’ he said. State News Staff Writer as now, most plants have com­ ing from the jukebox. s e a t i n g a r r a n g e m e n t . Although C arter said the danger of fire' If a fire gets started. C arter pleted their cy cles and are quite s o m e st u d e n t s s it in a different really lies with human beings. said, a wind could spread the dry, C a rte r said. Ice m elts inside a paper cup Studying is ofte n a t te m p t e d in a r e a e v e r y t i m e they go in, the Thp only natural cause of fire leaves f a s t e r than they would Added to this is the long dry as light glows from the head the G rill, but m o s t st u d e n t s do m a j o r i t y identify themselves with is lightning. burn. He said he has seen fires spell, Moisture in deed plants of a cig arette. A cash reg ister not recommend it. "I g u e s s you on e of f o u r s e c t i o n s . •‘We probably have at most comes f r o m precipitation, he spread two m iles before he could can study in here if you put your rings in time to a popular tune l he e a s t end, which originally 2 or 3 per cent of our fires said. When there is none, dry run 100 yards. mind to i t ," one coed said. "But blaring from the juke box. Pages constituted the entire Grill, is started by lightning," he said. leaves, e t c . are combustible I know I can’t .” of the State News rustle a cro ss "In my memory of 4,000 fires fuels. A long rain is needed. where many Negro students and table tops as laughter pours from in the south, only two were known She also remarked that study­ those termed "beatniks" tend to 480 seats. to have started from lightning." There are two types of wild Physics Prof This atmosphere has made the ing is used as an excuse to join the social gatherings. " E v e n sit. The Commuter’ s Room, at the opposite west end, is usually fire s, C a rte r said. Ground fires Union Grill a daily habit for if they talk for hours, they can filled with Greeks and what one skim along, catching shrubs and Produces Film close to 4,000 State students. say afterw ard, 'Well, 1 did go coed c a l l e d the "intellectual tall g ra ss. C r o w n fires leap a cro ss the tops of tre e s, burning high in the air. I Whose I Liquid Helium II is friction- Although some students visit the popular hang-out only a few times each term , the majority that give over to study.’ " General opinion reveals that elite.” The north and largest section takes in largely inde­ pendents and off-campus s t u ­ P in n in g s less and can not be cooled fur­ its cash reg ister 3,500 to 3.80C the Grill should be used to meet dents. VlSU has developed a sand- th er. Liquid Helium II has fric­ sales per day a re regular cus­ ca ste r fire fighting m a c h i n e . Eileen E m erick, Pittsburgh, tion and can be cooled. tom ers. Working on the same principle as the Snow-Biows used around P a., sophomore, to D, T e rry Stephens, Lake View senior, T r i­ These c o n t r a d i c t i o n s and others were demonstrated in a Sandy Johnson Tries To Study Why has the grill become the HOT PIZZA DELIVERY campus in the winter, it throws angle. hub of leisure campus life? The film produced by Alfred L e it- reasons are many and varied. dirt and sand 25 to 40 feet. Leon Castigllone, E a s t e r n ner of the physics department M i c h a e l Dmochowski, U n i o n The machine is ideal for Mich­ igan’ s 19 million a cre s o fforest, •Michigan University senior, Del­ ta Zata, to Jack Hotchkiss, Mon­ which is being d i s t r i b u t e d nationally. Kidnapped G irl Safe; manager, rep orts that the Union but may not be usable in other Grill is the most popular gather­ states, C arter said. roe senior, Phi Kappa Tau. Cheryl Jean Lawton, Farm ing­ Liquie Helium 11 is the colder of helium’ s two liquid phases Police Seek Abductor ing place on any college campus. "It offers the excitement of If a fire gets out of hand, ton sophomore, to T e rry Mayer, and occurs at 2. 17 degrees Kel­ The Lansing Police department glasses and dirty clothes. the negligent person may be pun­ a gathering place for so many New York, N .Y ., junior, Phi Kap­ vin (-4 5 6 F ). is working around the clock in He said the man had a hammer ished by a 5100 fine or 90 days different people,” he said. “ If The film, "Liquid Helium II, the search for the abductor of hanging from his belt. He pointed pa Tau. , you want to find or meet some­ in jail. But once convicted, he is t h e Superfluid,” demonstrates Michelle Moran, 5 year-old East out a 1963 Chevrolet as being like Pamela P a lm e r, Bay City one, the Grill is always a pos­ subject to all damage suits re ­ the contradicting properties of Lansing girl, who wa staken from the man's c a r . The c a r , Frank sulting from the fire. sophomore, Delta Z eta, to E ric her mother’ s c a r in th n rran d o r said, was a brown hardtop or sibility. the two components which make "T h ere a re so many things "T h e man who is working with Pierson, Bay City sophomore, Shopping C enter, J|0day night. convertible. up this substance. on campus that students have to fires must know the fire law s," Triangle. M ichelle, (daughter of M rs. Two components seems to be Michelle was taken to Sparrow* do. But they come to the Grill C arter warned. Engagements the only answer to a liquid which Donna L ee Moran, 32 of 1251 Hospital. An examination indic­ because they want to. This is "1 don’t w o r r y about the exhibits one set of properties W. Grand R iver, was found about Karen Colby, Kalamazoo sen­ ated that she had been molested. one of the features of the whole sp ortsm en," he said. " I t ’ s the while exhibiting an opposite set 7:10 Saturday morning, cold and sp orts, who a re used to the city ior, Alpha Epsilon Phi, to Je r r y This was the first kidnaping of Union Building." simultaneously, yet being totally wet, in weeds along M -78 near Dmochowski visits the Grill are started. They're used to Weiner, Grand Rapids senior. Liquid Helium 11. Martin Auto P arts by two truck a child in this area since the at least once a day during cof­ NEW RADIO-DISPATCHED UNIT Classroom demonstrations of d riv ers, Walter Eaton abduction June 23, M ich elle's 8 y e a r-o ld brother fee breaks. He often sits witl PIZZA MOBILE the superfluid were, until now, 1949. His slain body was found F r a n k , who w a s in th e c a r at students and talks to them. almost prohibitive because of the in a weed-covered lot in the th e tim e M ic h e lle w as taken, said Hungarian Revolt complexity of equipment an d 400 block of E ast Michigan Ave. Most students com etoth eG rill t h a t sh e was kidnapped t e a w h ite to " r e la x and blow off steam .” techniques involved. D elivers Your P izza S izzlin g hot m an in h i s m i d - 2 0 ’ i V m ed iu m The film was photographed and directed by G. William Hughes h e ig h t, d a rk h a i r , ’' .nil d a r k c o m ­ Alpha ChiOmega The conveniences of h o m e-rest- room s, food, m agazines, news­ (one or fifty ) (continued from page 1 ) of the MSU Audiovisual Center. p lexion , w earing dark rim m e d Alpha Chi Omega sorority asks papers and cig a re tte s-a re all s e g m e n t s of the p e o p l e took is m arried and a graduate stu­ :hat all Alpha Chi Omega tra n s- nearby. p art.” dent a t Harvard majoring in arch ­ ;er students attend the sorority veekly meeting today at 7 p .m ., S t u d e n t s frequent the G rill l a r g e l y f o r a s o c i a l hour. The PIT RESTAURANT "Throughout the fighting we itecture. w ere convinced that aid would A younger sis te r, Alexa, 16, .n the Union art room. "T h e re ’ s usua'ly someone you 203 M .A.C . Ave. C A L L : ED 2-0863 come from the United States and attends a private school in V er­ S c ie n c e F o u n d a t i o n F o r further information call 5haron Connors, 355-0459. cussion topics include birth con­ the West. Radio F re e Europe mont. Tom’ s father works in trol, religion and sex. repeatedly told us that action the Bank of A m erica in New was being decided upon and it York City and his mother works for a com m ercial a rt firm . T o A w a r d G ra n ts was only a m atter of time. ■ “ On November 4, the UN Gen­ G r a d u a t e and postdoctoral plus allowances for travel and eral Assembly condemned the So­ viet action in Hungary and o r­ S p e a k e r s I n c l u d e fellowships will be awarded in many areas of mathematical and fees. Application deadline is Decem­ E N G IN E E R S - S C IE N T !S T S H EAR dered that the Soviet forces with­ physical sciences and the human­ ber 16 for graduate and January THE draw from the country and that ities by the N a t i o n a l Science 3 for postdoctoral fellowships. G o v e r n o r ’s W ife the Hungarian government allow Information an d applications Foundation. a UN investigation group to enter a re available from the Fellow­ the contry, but we were still Michigan’s F ir s t Ladv, MSU’ s Applicants for the awards are ship Office, National Academy disappointed in the United States president and the Detroit F re e required to take the Graduate of Sciences-National R esearch for not taking action..” P re s s women’ s editor a re among Record Examination adminis­ Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., While Soviet tanks crushed the the speakers who will address tered by the Educational Testing N.W., Washington, D.C. backbone of the revolution, the 450 professional extension work­ resistan ce group continued its e rs at the Annual Conference liberation struggle during the of Michigan Cooperative Exten­ Service January 18, 1964. Winners w i l l be announced March 15. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ! HIS PIANO! I DYNAMICS 5 ASTRONAUTICS rem ainder of the y ear. sion Service Tuesday toThurs,T Stipends vary according to the The Heder family was part day in Kellogg Center. level of education of the winner, HIS ORCHESTRA! ■ ■ ■ of the great exodus from Hun­ M rs. George R o m n e y will with a maximum of $5,500 per ■ C LA U D E T H O R N H IL L ■ gary as 100,000 Hungarins fled speak on " B u i l d i n g Stronger y ear for postdoctoral winners, to Austria and later many found F a m ilie s" at a luncheon Thurs­ asylum in the United States. "W e remained at home until day. President John A. Hannah is STORY the morning of December 6 when scheduled to address a group we stopped in Budapest and then Wednesdy morning. His talk is m o v e d on to the A u s t r i a n "T h e Factual and the F ic tic i­ b order.” ous.’’ Polly says, BEFO RE YOU Travelling in a train’ s boxcar M rs. Dorothy Jurney, Detroit D E C ID E ON with 120 other Hungarians, the F re e P re s s women’ s editor, will Heder family finally reached the discuss "Responsibility of the border. Home Econom ist to the P r e s s ." A C AR EER What has become of the Heder The conference program is family after arriving in the Uni­ designed to aid extension work­ ted States? e rs and continuing education p e r­ Forget A S S O C IA T IO N Tom’ s older brother Louis, 23, sonnel throughout Michigan. Listen to the voices of three men who have PATRICIAN'S Sorority played key roles in forging Astronautics into a complex of technical and management skills that has become a national resource. PINK It’s all on a 3 3 -1 /3 r.p.m . recording and it ’s yours fo r the asking. See your placement office fo r a copy, ROOM Rush or visit our representatives who w ill be on campus soon. If you miss us, w rite to Mr. R. M. Smith, Chief of Professional Placement and Personnel, Dept. 130-90, General Dynamics Astronautics, 5871 WISHES SPARTAN WIVES SUCCESS Convocations Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, California 92112. for their Fashion Show VOGUE VITALS for the KA REL J . BO SSART T ech n ica l D irector YOUNG AT HEART INN AM ERICA - 8:30 P.M. O ct. 29 Tonight In The THE PINK ROOM is Proud to say that they will Fashion the models’ hair for the Show. Union Ballroom T IC K E TS A V A IL A B L E AT 6:30 - 7:30 Mason Hall 7:45 - 8:45 Brody Dorms G I) PATRICIAN'S- PINK ROOM Phillips Hail West Circle'Dorms G E N E R A L -D Y N A M IC S - A S T R O N A U T IC S An E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r S P A R T A N S H O P P IN G C E N T E R Abbott Hall S O U T H H A R R IS O N R D . E D 2-4522 G irls Off Campus Monday, O c t o b e r 2 8 , 1963 4 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Soccermen Take Division Title; Harriers Lose I n d ia n a S h a rk e y ¿ rim B ecom es P re v e n ts 7 t h V ic t im \\ A -Ih I By RICHARD SCHWARTZ State News Sports Writer km S h u to u t SOUTH BEND, lnd— A b arrage of lightning-quick Notre Dame Michigan State's seventh soc­ runners tore up the landscape "\ c e r match of the season brought a 6 -0 shut-out, the elimination m i here Friday on their way to manhandling State’ s c ro s s coun­ of an undefeated opponent, and try crew , 19-40, in the season s I V State’ s fourth consecutive divi­ sional championship. dual m e e t wind-up f o r both S . squads. The Spartans beat a squad of Rubbed into the turf by the booters from Indiana University Irish was the form er m astery Saturday afternoon b e f o r e a that the Spartans held over No­ throng of East Lansing onlookers. tre Dame. The loss was State's first setback to an Irish squad , In another sport, a champion­ in their last eight meetings. ship would call for a lo ck er- Seldom, if ever, has a Spartan room celebration, but for Michi­ h a rrie r team com e out so badly. gan State, a first place in the Only a second place finish by Eastern section of the Midwest State’ s Dick Sharkey prevented Collegiate Soccer C o n f e r e n c e the fired-up Irish from stalking -Jg L m means nothing m ore that a crack off with a flawless 15 points. lÆ k të & Ê » * 9L*sa> at the Western section champion, ÇgËBT * £ )*** ■ which is invariably St. Louis, current NCAA champions. Notre Dame snared seven of the top ten p laces including five of Ml the first six to further humiliate State coach Gene Kenney says, w ■ ........ the Spartans. "W e want the big crown.” In going down to their second defeat in four outings the tourn­ Payton F u l l e r , with three Pili», ament status of the Spartarts was goals, Bill Schwarz with two, Spartans And Hoosier Booters Tangle fe ffía and George Janes and John M c- somewhat deflated. The Irish kept their season’ s Lane with one each accounted for the Spartan scoring in the win penalty with ten minutes gone for A quick fake to the right gave Lions W in unbeaten record intact an d de­ Sii his goal. Schwarz an open shot. monstrated that they will be a over the H oosiers. F ro m that point on, it was W ith M o rra ll power to reckon with in the opening p ace,” explained Coach Schwarz, after a s c o r e l e s s Fu ller who did the scoring for DETROIT (UP1)—Quarterback EXOTIC AFRICA IS Indiana Goalie Dives For Ball first period, started a second At 19:45, John M cLane, on an a ssist from Schwarz, s c o r e d the Spartans. E arl M orrall finally jelled the Fran Dittrich in commenting on the poor showing,” consequently quarter rally with a 10-yard shot from th ree yards in front of At 7:20 of the third period, sputtering Detroit Lions offense M IB IA M they fell behind early and couldn't which pierced the nets at 2:56. the net to cap the Spartan b ar­ the MSU cen ter forward took a Sunday, blending his passing with make up the deficit in the final rage for the first half. pass cro ss-field f r o m L a rrv the running of Nick Pietrosante Schwarz had three days e a rl­ m ile.” and Tommy Watkins, to lead WESTMINSTER ie r tied the MSU record of six goals in a single game. Christoff and dodged his way to In the third quarter, Fu ller the goal. the Lions to a 28-10 victory over Notre Dam e's Frank C arv er overtook Sharkey in the last half the Minnesota Vikings. Classical Record Sale Jan es, State’ s forward on the threaded a pass through a wait­ ing Indiana defense to Schwarz. At 9:48, F u ller, leaped for a M orrall, w ho had completed mile to nab the top position with inside right, capitalized on a a 19:31.6. Sharkey, who had the pass from McLane on his left only 30 of 81 p asses in his lead from the sta rt, posted a and headed it over the Hoosier first six gam es, went all the way good runner-up time of 19.41. goalie. for the first tim e this year and VARSITY DRIVE IN However, S h a r k e y didn’t r e ­ The defeat from the Spartans hit on 12 of 15 p asses, including ONE MONO & ceive the team support that C a r­ left Indiana 4 -1 - 3 in the record three for touchdowns. PRICE STEREO ver did. Four Irish runners flash­ books. He threw 35 and 37 yards open every n ig h t ed past the finish line after State faces Ohio University touchdown p asses to T e rry B a rr Sharkey' to sew up the win. The 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. in Athens next Saturday and wraps and also flipped an 8-yard s c o r­ other half of Notre Dame’ s one- weekends ' t i l 3 o.m. up the season with St. Louis ing pass to Gail Cogdill. two duo, Bill C lark, cam e in the following week on its home Pietrosante and Watkins kept third in 19:52. DISC SHOP DELIVERY SERVICE field. the Vikings off balance with their running and Pietrosante scored BUY 5 - GET ONE FREE 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. SEE THE QUEEN J the other Lion touchdown. weekends * til 3 a.m. AND HER COURT J NFL-Pro Howe Ties Phone ED 26517 a t the HOMECOMING DANCE ■ ■ Scoreboard Record our pizzas are lip smacking good ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a Giants 33, Browns 6 r- T l (DETROIT)— Detroit’ s Gordie Red Skins 7, Cardinals 21 Howe scored his 544th lifetime Colts 20, P ack ers 34 goal Sunday night to tie Mau­ Cowboys 21, S teelers 27 rice Richard’ s National Hoc­ Lions 28, Vikings 10 key reco rd . Howe’ s goal cam e B ears 16, Eagles 7 in the third period in the game against the Montreal Cana­ diens and narrowed the Can­ 7Z adien* s lead to 5 -4 . After the goal was scored play was halted as a crowd of over Now that I ’m a senior I have I ’ve lined up a terrific job. STARTS THURSDAY! RECOMMENDEDWITHOUTRESERVATION 14,000 in D etroit's Olympia went wild and littered the to start thinking about my There’s a choice of training programs, good starting salary, AS HARD-HITTING CINEMATIC ART!" ice with Debris. future. W ill you marry me? challenging work, and the chancel W ill \ou be able to give me all the things I crave —like to move up. T h at’s Equitable. It Hie F * r l i e f e ' v e I seen th is headline balconu ni/.tfa pie and chow mein? I agree —but what’s the | Aef orc department — | company’s name? 1CM’WIIKl M'umiline IK MUSI (■ no« to tiANOi ion uri S \ ■ IIS IN45 SECONOS!!! SI ■ r w •vQ1 I U—-------------- s J I a® 1 A rriv e a t p lan et E a rth a t the | m'^ ?' l^ e rìn ìc re u ¡2 2 | ■ end of a 45 sacond free fa ll 2 through our atm osphere* ■ | COMEDY SPIKEDWITH FARCE'.’. ■ Why bother when it is so much ■ —N. Y. Timms ■ more fun to (a ll in love w ith 5 ■ the m usic o f J K IR S B iB S i u 1 "tho Battto tho Sons' i CLAUDETHORNHILL | J his Piano j I and his Orchestra I 4. W e’re not communicating 1 kee PI J.HE BEST I¡LFO.RtJiCLJLf.UMS. I I ¡table —it’s Equitable. | HOMECOMING DANCE | telling vou it’s Equitable —and | S aturday, N ovum bur 2 | It certainly is. It’s also you keep asking what’s the nai ■ A u d ito riu m B rair, square, and just. T H I A t Hut I would still like to know I keep agreeing your jol* ..— »12114 mrSaMATMN► SMS-MBIT ^^Consu/f your physicist today the nanie of the company. AND sounds good. But you stubbornly refuse to tell n TODAY THRU WED.! who you’re going to work fo j ONE C O M P LE T E P E R ­ F O R M A N C E S T A R T IN G 7 P .M CAM PUS 3 E Œ IB E E B F TITLES ADDED DAILY M LA — 3 3 7 -0 2 7 1 'jfâÔ àsS m P ’ e*e-ee«4 H U R R YI LA Ç T 4 DAYS D O LC E 6 5 « to 5 :3 0 E v e 90« 1 : 2 5 - 4 : 1 0 - 6 : 5 0 - 9 :3 0 _ Ti y ArnAltor f / itk ]\ nRolooNv BIltY W H IM 'S Jpm g 7 :0 0 P .M . O N L Y / -mi? ■ C O - F E A T U R E !* do uce Can it be you never listen to my 6. I ’d hate to lose you, but at least a t 10 :0 0 P .M . O N L Y words? Is it possible that what I ’ll still have my job w'ith •D A N G ER O U S I thought was a real relationship E q u itab le—The E quitable Life L O V E A F F A IR S ” was but a romantic fantasy? Assurance Society of the United Statesi •x • Is it conceivable that what G I B S O N ’ S T H U R S . . -O N E D A Y O N L Y TH IS I took to be a solid foundation Oh, The Equitable. L A U R E N C E O L IV IE R PICTU RE , IS FOR was just a house of cards? W hy didn’t you say so? ADULTS ONLY T hat what I thought was a W e’ll have a June wedding. T E C H N IC O L O R * P A N A V IS IO N * BOOKSTORE '■ W illia m S h a k e s p e a re ’ s bright flame was merely an Starting Friday emotional flicker? "H A M LE T ” An exciting 12 song safari by the ,W ALT DISNEY’S com pelling, fascinating voice of At -’or inform ation about c a re e r opportu nities at E q u ita b le , see your rica "D u b u la." "Little B oy," more. ’lacement Officer,or write to W illiam E . Blevins, Employment Manager. CORNER W. GRAND RIVER & EVERGREEN s ta r tin g F R I . I S A T Y A J IT R A Y ’ S The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society o f the United States " T W O D A U G H T E R S ’* TKHMOOLOr <_ RCA VIC TO R # Q t h im o s i i x i s u o n a m i IS V H S I) Home Office 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York 19, N. Y. C 1963 . S nbiwi» Monday, O c to be r 28 , 1963 Ju d ay , Lattimer Help 'S7 G ain Victory (continued from pago 1 ) while his blocking formed, then Juday passed 12 tim es and in his own end zone and was State a safe eight-point lead. pass and the Louisville, Ky., a 28-yard pass from Juday to record for a M ichiganStateplay- completed seven, for 137 yard s blitzed by Buddy Towens Just as L attim er’ s field goal, his first senior, sprinted 18 yards to the Ed Lotham er the key play, but streaked down the sideline to his and a touchdown. M yers com ­ he threw the ball. M yers fell into in college competition, was,only MSU 41. On the next play juday the Wildcat line stiffened and e r . Gary Ballman held the old left. Lewis broke cle a r within pleted nine of 26 for 120 y ard s. the goal post and was shaken up, two yards short of the Big Ten startled Northwestern with a bit threw Juday for a 14-yard loss. reco rd of 74 y ard s, also against But M yers was harassed all but the Northwestern sta r later record 49-yard boot made by of razzle-d azzle good for 30 Lou Bobich missed a fourth down Northwestern, in 1960. 20 yards but ran out of steam afternoon by a tremendous State returned to the game. Ohio State’ s Dick Van Raaphorst yards. 47-yard field goal attempt. E a r­ and was finally caught from be­ defensive rush. He lost a total And while bouquets a re being a few weeks ago. Juday pitched a lateral to Lin­ lier in the game he m issed a Again the try for a two-point hind on the Northwestern 16. All of 61 yards trying to pass as passed around, how about one Northwestern started the game coln who handed back to Juday near-im possible 62-y ard er. conversion failed as McCormick told he ran 84 yards. he w a s t r a p p e d on different for guard E arl L attim er. He strong and at first it looked as who then passed to Tom K rzem - passed incomplete to Detyey Lin­ Northwestern’ s stunned f a n s occasions by Dan Underwood, played another outstanding game though the Spartans could be in ienski. He bobbled the ball but Northwestern took over on its coln in the end zone. could only shake their heads in Bill Benson, Charlie Migyankz, In the line and with 1:59 left for a long afternoon. Neither hung on to it and advanced it 20, but after a couple of excel­ disbelief at the great play of Rahn Bentley and Charlie Brown. in the third period calm ly kicked team scored in the first period to the W ildcat's 29. lent gains Lewis ruined the drive Midway through the fourth p er­ i 47-yard ^ifld goal to give Lewis m a d e his sensational the Spartan halfback. On another play M yers faded deep but Northwestern’ s a g g r e s i v e with his interception. iod the 150-pound Lewis almost line gave them the edge. grab in the end zone on the did it again. This tim e he field­ In the s e c o n d period Mike next play. That c l o s e d t he Sherm ran for a total of 104 With 2:28 left in the game ed a Northwestern punt near his Buckner intercepted a Juday pass scoring in the first half. yards on eight c a r r ie s , returned Myers began to hit his receivers EARL LATTIM ER own goal line, dodged tack lers and weaved around inside his 10 four punts 103 y ard s, caught four p asses for 74 yard s, intercep­ Big Ten Standings on his own 30. Myers passed eight yards to Logan at the 38. State’ s coaching staff went tc and Northwestern started rolling on short sideline passes. But the ted a pass to kill a Wildcat MICHIGAN STATE 2 0 l He faked to fullback Swingle on work at halftime and changed Wildcats found themselves on drive and scored two touchdowns. Illinois blocking assignments in the in­ the next play and rifled a pass State’s 37 with only 10 seconds Ohio State terio r line. The improvement left in the game. to end G a r y Crum who was In tra m u ra l But, good as he was, Lewis was hardly the whole story for Purdue Wisconsin alone in the Spartan secondary. Crum ran 39 yards to State’ s was obvious as the Spartans’ offense looked c o n s i d e r a b l y The victory continued a string Northwstn stronger in the second half. Soccer R esults the Spartans. Sophomore quar­ 23 before he was pulled down of five straight wins over North­ F oo tb all Schedule Iowa by Lew is. western for Coach Duffv Daugh­ Tim e Field 1 Snyder 5, Brody A 0; Shaw terback Juday had his finest day Minnesota A drive carried State from its erty. He has never coached a S w i n g l e burst through the 6 :0 0 — E.Shaw 6 -1 0 3, Bryan 0; McDonel 1, Brody in a grgen and white uniform as Michigan own 12 to Northwestern’ s 15 team that lost to the Wildcats. he o u t p l a y e d A ll-A m erican middle of the Spartan line for 6 :4 5 — E.Shaw 1-5 B 0 (Forfeit). Indiana early in the third period with Tem peratures in E v a n s t o n M yers. 11 to the 12-yard line and State 7:30— W.Shaw 9 -7 was penalized half the distance soared into the m id-80’ s and set Oct. 28 8:15— W.Shaw 6 -1 0 9 :0 0 — W.Shaw 4-2 9 :4 5 — W.Shaw 1-5 Field 2 The Football Placekick Con­ test will begin today. The con­ test will be held Monday thru 4Interesting Season Ahead, to the goal for unsportsmanlike conduct. On the next play Willie Stinson skirted left end for a Wisconsin at M I C H I G A N a new record for the day. Next on the schedule for State 6-y ard touchdown at 11:05 of ST A T E is the homecoming game with Friday 12 noon-1 p.m . and 3-5 6 :0 0 — E.Shaw 4-2 6 :4 5 — E.Shaw 9 -7 7:30— Rinky Dinks-Spooners 8:15— Shieks-B litzers and will continue thru Nov. 8 E ntries are now being acceptet for the Michigan State Intram ura, Lewis D oing T ango9-Duffy the second period. Pete Stamsion added the extra point to make the score 7 -0 . Iowa at Ohio State Purdue at Illinois Northwestern at Michigan powerful Wisconsin, which should be aroused after its weekend loss to Ohio State. Handball Doubles Tournament. State stalled on its next s e r­ Indiana at Minnesota 9 :0 0 — McKinnon-McFadden chance to try for his successful Daiigherty’ s secret on how to ies and held Northwestern for The Handball Tournament will be Coach Duffy Daugherty thought 9 :4 5 — Mclnnes-McCoy Field 3 played in Men’ s IM. it was a great game played by 47-yard f i e l d goal, only be­ beat Northwestern and stop the a series before the Spartans got cause Lou Bobich “ wasn't getting passing of Tommy M yers— "ru sh the ball again on a fair catch Swimmers 6 :0 0 — M cRae-M cT avish 6:45— McDuff-McGregor Entries are also being accepted two fine team s—p r o b a b ’ y an for the Archery Tournament. understatement. his foot into the b a ll." “ I alm ost in on th em ." And that the Spar­ of a punt by Lewis on the MSU 13. State made a first down' H ockeyettes Stay Dry Oct. 29 In the lockeroom following the sent Bobich in again, but ¡ch an g­ tans did. Sometimes with eight 7:30— M cBeth-M cLean 8:15—T urks-T rojan s 9 :0 0 — Em bassy-Em erald The F ratern ity Team Badmin­ Spartans’ u p s e t victory over ton Tournament will be held to­ Northwestern, Daugherty g a v e ed my m ind," said Daugherty. men and som etim es with less, hut all the time they cam e and p res­ but lost momentum and faced a third and 12 situation on its Even R eco rd All dressed up, but with no night. n o t i c e that if Michigan State The coach attributed a half- sured Myers into missing his 23. N an cy D a s h s c o r e d a g o al with one to swim against was the 9 :4 5 — Windsor-Wight tim e switch to gap blocking as mark. Juday hit Lewis with a short doesn't win the Big Ten title, l e s s than t h r e e m in u t e s r e m a i n ­ situation Ann Chadwick, coach of Field 4 WOMEN’ S at least the Green and White the key to the Spartans’ second ing in the g a m e to g iv e M i c h i ­ Michigan State’s women swim­ 6 :0 0 — Brandy-Brinkeley A ll-U Swim R esults half ground game su ccess. ming team, faced Saturday when will have something to say about gan S t a t e ’ s w o m e n ' s field h o c k e y 6 :4 5 - - Branniean-B roueham 7 :3 0 — NO GAME 1. West Yakeley 61 2. Kappa Kappa Gamma 56 who does. “ It’ s going to be an inter­ Daugherty said he let quarter­ C a g e r s S to p A lu m n i; team a c o m e -fr o m -b e h in d , 3 -2 , v i c t o r y S a t u r d a y m o rn in g o v e r the team ’ s scheduled opponent cancelled the meet at the last 8 :1 5 — Wisdom-Wilding 3. Abbott Hall 49 esting season from here on in ," back Steve Juday call all the V a l p a r a i s o U n i v e r s i t y at V a l p a ­ minute. 9 :0 0 — Wimbledon-Wivern 9 : 45— Wicliff-W ildcats 4. Delta Gamma 44 5. Students Of -Campus 39 said Daugherty, “ and we’re going to have a big say about who wins plays, except the two-point con­ version try that faljted. “ 1 c a l­ C o a c h C ite s T h o m a n n r a i s o , Ind. An e x t r e m e l y c l o s e c o n t e s t , Northern Illinois called Wed­ F oo tb all R esults the title .” led that one,” Daugherty said th e m o r n i n g b a t t l e , t ie d 1 - 1 at nesday and told Gptzch Chad­ Phi Gamma Delta 35, Beta Theta Residence H a ll V o lle y b a ll reluctantly. / The basketball alumni of Mich­ Thomann on his overall fine play. the h a lf, s e e - s a w e d b a c k and fo rth wick that they couldn't get a team Pi 7; D.T.D. 28, P si Upsilon Time Court 1 The team unanimously gave the igan State got a rude home- The 6 -9 senior grabbed off sev­ b e f o r e M i s s D a s h ’ s c l i n c h e r . Kay together because of an extended 0; Phi Sigma Kappa 13, A .E .P i 7 :0 0 —The V-W’ sBoyd’s Bloop­ game ball to co-captaln Sherman The Green and White defense coming Friday a f t e r n o o n , as eral rebounds, looked sharp with S t o n e y w a s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r the weekend a t th e school, and 6; Owen Owls 7, B .T .S. 6; S.A.M. e rs Lewis. Lewis, whose m o t h e r played things j u s t right, a c ­ Coach Forrd y Anderson's var­ his passing and turned in a good f i r s t half S p a rta n s c o r e . wouldn’t be able to swim against 20, Phi Kappa Tau 6: Sigma 7 :3 0 — West Landon-East Yakeley viewed the game, gave Daugherty cording to the coach. “ The s e c­ sity downed a team of form er defensive game. T h e H o c k e y e t t e s t r a i l e d 2-1 the Spartans. Chi 31, Phi Kappa Sigma 0; 8 :0 0 — Wonders 1-Off-Campus and the fans some exciting mo­ ondary played where they should. MSU basketball p layers, 9 7 -7 5 , In a second scrim m age, the with ten m i n u t e s le ft to play " I tried to get an alternate L.C .A . 34, Delta Chi 6; A.G.R. 8:3 0 — Phillips-S. Campbell ments. You can’t / s t a y too deep or the players who didn’t see action when f r e s h m a n M a r c i a M e r r i c k opponent," explained Miss Chad­ 12, Sigma Phi Epsilon O' A.T.O. Court 2 “ We don’t like to see him re ce iv e rs' will pick up momen­ in the Jenison Field House p rac­ against the alumni edged MSU's t a l l i e d to t i e th e s c o r e and s e t wick, "but it was too late in 29, Phi Sigma Delta 0: PhffJelts 7:0 0 —N.Campb61I 2-W est Yake­ bobble the ball like that,“ com­ tum and go right past you, "h e tice gym. Freshm an team 71-65. Anderson the s t a g e f o r M S U ’ s s e c o n d v i c ­ the week to get any." 35, Pi Kappa Phi 2; Z .B .T . 12, ley mented t h e coach on Lew is’ said. would not comment on the game. t o r y of the s e a s o n a g a in st two Delta Upsilon 7; Farm house 19, 7 :3 0 — Wonders 3-W est Maycf touchdown catch . “ He looked like "O ur fast break looked pretty d efeats. he was doing the tango out there good” , said Anderson, “ andwe’ re Anderson p l a n s to continue Kappa Sigma 12. 8:00— W ilson-Rather 1 Starting at linebacker was Ron T h e t e a m w ill p la y t h e i r f i r s t Dave Wlllauer apfJ Doug La 8 :3 0 —S.W illiam s-The Wonder­ on t h o s e runs, didn’t he?“ , In better shape than they w ere, work on the fast break this week Goovert. “ He’ s shown lots of h o m e g a m e ne xt S a t u r d a y when Grande with two t o u c h d o w n s apiece paced Sigma Nu- to a fuls Court 3 Daugherty a d d e d , “ but there wasn’t much tang— itw a s a llg o .” prom ise and he played a good so the fast break worked real well against them” and has scheduled an intra-squad scrim m age for Thursday and an­ they p l a y an a lu m n i squad at 1963 g ame, ’’ Daugherty said. Goovert Old C o l l e g e F i e l d . C o a c h D o rth y 31-6 victory over Phi Kappa 7 :0 0 — Wonders 2-W est Mayo 2 Daugherty a l s o had special other one with the alumni on Sat­ HOME­ was the only change in the s ta r t­ M c K n ig h t i n v i t e s all stu d ents to P si. Theta Delta Chi downed the 7:30— E ast M ayo-Rather 2 words of p raise for ex-fullback ing lineup. Anderson singled o u t Fred urday. atte nd. Triangle 13-7 as Mike T aylor 8:0 0 — Van H o o s e n - J a n ’ s Won­ E a rl L attim er. "T h e re aren ’t scored the deciding touchdown ders any finer guards in the confer - on a 60 yard pass Interception. The other three games were one man affairs. Jeff Boucher led 8:30— N.Campbell 1 - M c D o n e l ■ e n ce ,’ ’ Daugherty said. He also L assies admitted that he gave Lattim er a A s s ig n m e n t: COMING DANCE SAE to a 4 5 -0 triumph over Del­ g e a r u p fo r m o r e ta Sigma Phi. Boucher passed for 3 touchdown's and ran for two m ore. Uncle Tom s, ledby the offensive thrust of F red Challa, I g o ln lo w ! Featuring defeated B e a l4 4 - 2 .Challapassed R e su lt: A ll 3 -speed m anual for 3 T .D .’ s and ran for another. CLAUDE HPER Club tra n s m is s io n s in Meets Tonight F o rd -b u ilt cars w ith V - 8 ’s THORNHILL The men’ s Health, Physical now a re fu lly syn ch ro n ize d his Piano Education and Recreation m ajors club will sponsor a square dance, in each fo rw a rd gear and his tonight from 8-12 in the Log Cabin ORCHESTRA near the south campus grill. To get more " g o " in low, Ford engineers Formal Presentation N O V .2 were asked to upgrade the conventional Of The 3-speed tra n s m is s io n to give d riv e rs Homecoming Dance more control in all three forw ard gears— Homecoming Queen to make "lo w " a driving gear—and they and her Court tackled the problem im aginatively. Their achievement, another Ford First, is the only U .S . 3-speed manual trans­ mission with all three forw ard gears Awarding Of Trophies fully synchronized! No need now to come to a com plete stop when you shift into To low —and no clashing gears! It lets you Winning Fraternity keep more torque on tap for negotiating sharp turns and steep grades. It makes Sorority and driving more flexible, more pleasurable. No d rip p in g , no s p illin g ! Covers co m p le te ly! Housing Units A n o th e r a s s ig n m e n t c o m p le te d and Old Spice P ro-E lectric p ro te cts sensitive skin areas from razor pull, burn. Sets up another example of how engineering tomecoming Displays leadership at Ford provides fresh ideas your beard fo r the cleanest, closest, j fo r the Am erican Road. ★★★ most com fortable shave ever! 1.00 Saturday, Nov. 2 8H2 P.M. in the MOTOR COMPANY T h e A m e r i c a n R o a d . D e a r b o r n , M ic h i g a n Auditorium W H IR C ENGINEERING LEAD ER SHIP BR IN G S YOU BE T TE R -B U ILT CARS ★ ★ ★ t 'iC K e r t ^ o r V & r ie fart Union Ticket Office Shou n: 1961, Ford Galaxie 50 0/X L tiro-door hardtop $4.00 Per Couple 6 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Monday, O c t o b e r 2 8 , 1963 SPACIOUS ROOM in f a c u l t y WANT-AD RENTS ROOM “ We r e c e i v e d several calls, and rented the room almost immediately“ said this pleased advertiser. home, private bath. 8 minutes by c a r from campus. it Automotive jf Employment jf - For Rent it For Sale ‘/ W o u ld L ik e 1958 PONTIAC Bonneville sports TOWN AND COUNTRY FOOD LARGE F R O N T - bedroom and SEWING MACHINE W lo w ■’ • coupe, power steering, brakes, excellent condition. $850. Call 3“2 -2 3 9 3 after 5 p.m . 2? COMPANY needs men. M arried p erferred with time on their hands to work at exceptional small back bedroom. Nocooking, Call ED 2 -4 6 1 3 . 24 SERVICE & REPAIR F o r expert serv ice, clean, oil and adjust or for major rep air. Placement T o A b o u t S a y T h is T h a t . . ’ W For Sale W ANT AD «AUTOMOTIVE 1963 CHEVY 11, super sports convertible. A u t o m a t i c . 11,000 miles. Pay off balance. Phone selling job. F o r appointment .call 4 8 4 -4 3 1 7 . REGISTERED NURSES, 11-7 or C G EM -Travel tra ile r, 19 ft. Bath, electric refrig erato r, 4-burner Just PHONE OL 5-2054. S I N G E R SEWING MACHINE IN MODERN wood cabinet. Eq­ c25 Bureau WARSAW, P o l a ndi.F)-Soviet space girl Valentina Tereshkova ♦EMPLOYMENT 3-11 shift. Full or part tim e. F E 9-8313. 25 stove, s t e e p s 4. P h o n e IV uipped to zig-zag. Will accept said Sunday night future Soviet •FOR RENT Good Salary an d differential. 9 -3 6 1 9 . 26 $5 per month. This machine is cal (B,M) and mechanical (B) space ships will have m i x e d SPARTAN MOTOR'S INC. Students must re g iste r at engineers; chem istry (analytical, •FOR SALE Meal furnished. Phone ED 2 - 5NE MAN’S grey tweed top c o a t, being sold for an unpaid rep air c r e w s of m e n and women— •LOST & FOUND SALE 0802. 38 bill of $34.50. Will accept any lea st two days prior to in« biological, o r g a n i c , physical) "otherw ise the men would get zip out lining, size 42, $12. One Home of personally selected used GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT man’ s raincoat, zip out lining, type of trade of value. F o r infor­ te rv ie w , b ored ." •PERSONAL c a rs. for permanent positions in office, size 38, $10. One g irl’ s tan wool mation CALL OL 5-2 0 5 4 . c25 (B,M,D); microbiology (B,M,D); M ore girl cosmonauts a re in •PEANUTS PERSONAL sales, technical. Call IV 2-1543. Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp: medical technology (B); pack­ training right now in Russia "and, coat, p re-teen 12, $10. All like MOBIL HOME 1955 Schultz, e x - •REAL ESTATE CORVAIR, 1962, *700,’ 2-door. c25 new. Phone ED 7-7088, 520 N. cellent condition, living room , business (B); m e t a l l u r g i c a l aging (B,M ); pharmacology (B); if I may say so, thev are beau­ •SERVICE Black with red interior. Standard H arrison. 24 kitchen, double study, bathroom, (B,M ,D), m echanical, electrical, iplant pathology (B ); veterinary; tiful g ir ls ,” M iss Tereshkova shift. 14,000 actual m iles. Like and chemical engineers (B). told a televised news conference •TRANSPORTATION new. F U L L a n d P A R T T IM E BICYCLES-Rentals/ Sales, and ideal for m arried graduate stu­ Bethlehem Steel C o.: engin­ and p a t h o l o g y ; business (M); of Polish Jou rn alists. •WANTED Service. Also used. East L ans­ dents, call 332-4763, evenings. marketing (M). eering (B) and business (B). “ Of cou rse other women will DEADLINE: FALCON, I960, station wagon, E m p lo y m e n t ing C ycle, 1215 East Grand R iver, ■___________________________ 25 C a rrie r R e s e a r c h and De­ go up into space. The female 3 blocks E ast of campus. Phone SKIN DIVERS r e g u l a r , U.S. R a y t h e o n C o.: e l e c t r i c a l 1 p.m. one class day be­ standard shift. Like new inevery velopment C o.: e le ctrica l, me­ body withstands the hazards just diver, 2-stage regulator, $25. (B , m |d ), mechanical (B,M) engi­ fore p u b lica tio n . way. Perfect economy wagon. F e m a le 3 3 2 -8 3 0 3 .________________ C Phone IV 4-9621. 25 chanical, chem ical, and physical neers; and physics (B,M,D). as well as the man’ s ,” she a s ­ ACCORD1AN 5-sh ift, 120 b ass, Concel lotions • 12 noon one engineers; ch em istry and phy­ serted. INTERVIEWING DAILY interm ediate, excellent condition CORNET "M artin Im p erial," e x - cla ss day before publ¡cation F -8 5 , 1962, 4-door sedan, beige sics (M,D). 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. made by Gus Zoppi. Call cellent condition, $75, call after with matching v i n a l interior. Diamond Alkali C o.: chem ical PHONE: 7,000 actual m iles. Finest '62 401 E. GRAND RIVER 0467 late evenings. 5:30 p .m ., 337-7366._________26 (B,M) and mechanical (B) engi­ E . LANSING KENMORE AUTOMATIC washer 3 5 5 -8 2 5 5 RATES: 1 DAY S I.25 model anywhere. P erfect. CHEVROLET, 1960, Impala, 2 - door hardtop, white with red 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. AT in good condition, $40. Call 3 7 2 - 1399. Personal 25 DEAR LINUS, I’ ll be arriving at AFGHAN PUPPIES-A11 co lo rs, 501 M.A.C. Thursday night. The program . neers; chem istry (B); accounting (B); agriculture (B ); all m ajors, all colleges (B) for sales training Halloween Witch 3 DAYS.. . . $2.50 5 DAYS. . . . S3.75 (Based on 15 words per ad) interior, automatic. Truly a fine ca r. 3425 E. SAGINAW NEAR Gd. RIVER Mon. Through F r i. male and fem ale, good racing and Great Pumpkin. show 0296. stock. A.K.C. Call 6 9 4 - PASTRAMI S A N D W I C H E S 23 Em ployers M u tu a 1 s of Wau- at saw; art and le tte rs, communi­ 26 Uncle Fud’ s. One mile E ast of cation a rts , social science, bus­ Discards Broom FANTASTIC SAL.E-You name it, Campus. F o r d e l i v e r y . Call iness, econom ics, police admin­ BURLEY, England (A P )~ M rs. hair and adjusted her glasses There w ill be a 25< service LARK, 1960, 2-door, standard F o r The OPENING we got it! Furniture, housewares, 332-5689. c istration, a n d insurance (B); Sybil Leek— a re a l live witch and and said; and bookkeeping charge if shift. Sale priced $495. No money curtains, h o s p i t a l uniforms, ACAPULCO HOLIDAY-Package marketing (B); and accounting proud of it—has everything ready " I ’m very optim istic, I be­ this ad is not paid within down. Of The clothes. Phone 485-5811. 27 arranged to fit your budget. Call (B), for Hal oween, including her big lieve the old religion will be­ one week. FABULOUS NEW VERY FINE GIBSON acou stic- Main T ravel Bureau, IV 4-4442. Ford Motor C o.: f i n a n c e ' , black cauldron. com e the new. It's so simple, All c a r s fully reconditioned and " B u t I’m n o t riding a n y really. electric guitar with plush ca s e . 23 econom ics, marketing, indus­ ★ Automotive guaranteed. Personally selected TRIUMPH, T .R .-4 . Very sharp, for you. BIG BOY Cost $300, must sacrifice also FOR LOW RATES on auto in­ professional guitar lessons. 355- surance it’ s State F a r m Mutual, trial administration, statistics, b r o o m , ” she explained, " I ’m production, g e n e r a l business walking on halloween.” "Happy Halloween.” 3000 E. Michigan " I ’m t a k i n g the cauldron has everything, owner destitute. IV 7-3715 RESTAURANT 8159, evenings. 26 World’ s largest auto Insurer. (B,M). Sell dirt cheap. Call ED 7-2463. __________ 24 1957 FORD, stick shift, 4-door c25 Gd. River At Saginaw A P P L E S-S e v e r a 1 v arieties. Call or see your State Farm F resh sweet cid er daily. Hallo­ agent today. Ask for ED KAR- neering and R esearch ! mechan­ F o r d M o t o r C o . — Engi­ along— as 1 always do— because it gets draned cold up there in L a k e H o ld s ical, electrical, m etallurgical, the fo re s t." 1958 FORD Fairlane, 6-cylinder, sedan, radio and heater. $200. HOWARD JOHNSON at Frandor ween and pie pumpkins. Home MANN or GEORGE TOBIN, IV standard shift, one owner. Good Phone 337-7213. 27 is adding to its staff. G irls in­ grown tom atoes. F arm fresh eggs 5-7267 In Fran d or._________ c23 condition, $295. Phone IV 9-1895, FORD 1963, Galaxie, '5 0 0 ,’ X- L, terested in working with the pub­ also other fruits and vegetables WHEN THE Allfarm agents say, chem ical (B,M,D) e n g i n e e r s ; agricultural (B,M) e n g i n e e r s ; The witch and the other 12 members of her coven will build M y s te r y a fire under the cauldron and 412 Haze, Lansine. 24 convertible. 390 engine. White lic should apply f o r waitress at reasonable p rice s. Roadside ours is the best, they mean, c h e m i s t r y (M,D); p h y s i c s (B,M,D); and m athem atics (M,D). brew some soup from herbs to PONTIAC %1^5*^ 4-door. Black with black top and interior. Power p o sitio n ^ ^ m m e d ia te l^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H and white hardtop. Radio and bucket •seats, brakes, windows Farm M arket, 3 m iles east of this is all we have to offer. E ast Lansing on Grand R iver, Shop Bubolz Insurance and choose F o r d M o t o r C o.— Finance keep them warm on Halloween. O f N a z is power brakes. Nice looking. Cali and steering. Seat belts, auto­ it For Rent Old U.S. 16 at Okemos Road. C from 13 companies. ED 2-8671. and Accounting; accounting, fi­ nance, econom ics, industrial ad­ Asked what time the coven would meet, she replied: LAKE TO PLITZ, Austria (APO) IV 4-4772. 23 matic transm ission, e x c e l l e n t GARAGE FOR RENT: one and one GIRL’S WINTER co at-size 7 , o r - c23 ministration (B,M ); b u s i n e s s "A t midnight, of co u rse . What Skin divers equipped with under- C h e v ro le t 1957 , 2 -d oor, condition, low mileage, $2775. half c a r . 1033 Snyder Road. Call iginally $40 will sell for $18. YOU REA LLY ought to talk to (B,M ); statistics (B,M); mathe­ other hour? and We’ ll be up wate r radar are getting ready to hardtop, V- 8, stick. Must sell, Phone ED 2-5317. 27 ED 7-9 5 4 0 .___________________ 23 In excellent condition. Call F E Mel Stebbins. Standard Life C ol­ 9 - 8 8 8 9 . _____________________23 lege Division. 919 E . Grand River m atics (B,M); and engineering there until about dawn." try to solve the mystery of this $500. Phone OX 9-2356. 24 Reclining seats In 196(5 Ramb- M rs. Leek lives in the heart APARTMENTS (B,M). scenic Austrian mountain lake, ler Deluxe. Offered by original GARRARD STEREO turntable- 337-1663. c23 CORVAIR MONZA, 1961, 4- door, owner, 4-door, stick shift. Good F U R N I S H E D TWO bedroom V.M. hi-fi. Console and matching F o r d M o t o r C o.—M a n u ­ of the new forest, a spooky stretch believed to hold legendary Nazi 4-speed, excellent condition, call rubber, very clean, no rust, en­ apartments for 3 -4 -5 or 6 stu­ VM stereo tape reco rd er console. Service facturing: chem ical, electrical, of dense woods in the county of treasu res an d documents — and mornings, 655-2427. 25 gine completely reconditioned. dents. Available now. Call Glenn 332-1920 after 6 p.m. 24 agricultural, m etallurgical (B,M) Hampshire, a b o u t 100 miles the bodies of men who died in STUDENT TV R E N T A L S . New engineers, industrial adminis­ southwest of London. attempts to reco v er them. ■ D. H arris, IV 5-2261 or even­ PORTABLE TYPEW RITER -O ly- 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” 1950 B l'lC K T 'ch e a p transp or- $675. ED 7 - 7 2 1 3 . _______ 27 ' M rs. Leek ’ s coven includes Austrian authorities placed the i n g s , IV 2 -1 0 0 9 Edward G. mpia p recision. Buy the finest. tration (B,M ); a a d chem istry tation excellent running con­ MOTORCYCLE Hacker._______________________ 23 T erm s a v a i l a b l e . Hasselbring table models, $8 p er month. All (B.M). both men and women. A coven lake off lim its and took exten­ dition, best offer, call 332-5054. 1963 B.S.A. 3,000 m iles, clean, sets guaranteed, no serv ice or Ford Motor C o.— Marketing: is 13 witches or warlocks gath­ sive security precautions fol­ 23 O K E M O S : Two u n f u r n i s h e d Co. 310 N. Grand, IV 2-1219. delivery ch arg es. Call N ejac, IV $100 and take over payments. apartm ents. One and two bed­ c25 marketing, finance, economics, ered in a witchcraft session. A lowing the disappearance of a AUSTIN - HEALEY s p r i t e - Phone 332-6982. 2 -0 6 2 4 . C room s. P rivate baths, stove and statistics (B,M); industrial ad­ warlock is a male witch. West German skin diver who 1961-two tops, tonneau, radio, 1962 VESPA 150, 6,000 m iles, re frig e ra to r. Utilities furnished, ENGLISH BIKES 3-speed. $39.95. ACCIDENT PROBLEM? C a l l ministration (B,M ); b u s i n e s s " I ’ m a w itch ," she went on, apparently drowned in a secret rebuilt engine. Good Condition. runs e x c e l l e n t l y , completely $80 and $90 per month. Call ACE HARDWARE a cro ss from Kalamzaoo Street Body Shop. (B,M ); engineering (B,M). "and I p ractice witchcraft be­ diving expedition earlier in Oct­ Call 337-0656 after 5 p.m. 26 equipped, $215. Call 337-0417. Union building. ED 2-3212. Also Small dents to l a r g e w recks. ED 2 -0 9 9 3 . 23 General Dynamics Corp: e le c­ cause witchcraft is the only true ober. CHEVROLET 1957, ¿10, 4-door, ______________________________ U bike baskets and p arts. c American and f o r e i g n c a r s . trica l, mechanical, (B,M,D) en­ religion. And please don’t get The icy, 300-ft.-d eep lake is hardtop. V -8, powerglide. Phone 489-4973. See at 521 Valley Road. Employment EVERGREEN ARM S BRITTANY PU PS-4 months old Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 g i n e e r s , applied m e c h a n i c s any notion that we’ re a lot of said to hold millions of dollars registered . North on U.S. 27. E ast Kalamazoo. c (M,D); m athem atics, p h y s i c s c ra n k s." worth of Nazi loot from World 24 HAVING TROUBLE fitting a part 3 /4 mile east on Alward Road. DIAPER SERVICE to your de­ (M,D); and m etallurgical (M,D) She said witchraft is a great War II, as well as codes to 1957 CHEVY, V- 8, floor shift, time job into your schedule? 341 EVERGREEN Phone 6 6 9 -6152, Dewitt. 26 s ir e . You receive your own dia­ engineers. deal older than Christianity. secret Nazi bank accounts in B el-A ir, 2-d o or, hardtop. New Earn $300 demonstrating R.C.A. 1 Block fromCampus BEDROOM OR living room groupL p ers back each tim e. With our S.H. Leggitt C o.: Business. " I t seem s to me that the time Switzerland. The treasu res and whitewall tire , sacrifice, $550. stereo equipment. Demonstration Phone 332-1011 9 piece. $129. LOOK before you se rv ice , you may include up to State Life Insurance Com: All is ripe for the old religion—and . documents were said to have been that’s what w itchcraft is— to r e ­ Phone 355-0766. 26 can be arranged to fit into the buy. Storage Furniture Sales. two pounds of your baby’ s under­ m ajors, all colleges. dumped into the waters by SS 1955 C H E V R O L E T - R e b u i l t 1956 most arduous s c h e d u l e s . F o r 4601 North U.S. 27, Phone, IV sh irts and clothing which will not Tapco D i v i s i o n —Thompson establish itself. And from what (elite guard) commandos shortly ‘ Vette engine. Recently painted. personal i n t e r v i e w telephone H A iE T T apar tm bn ts 7-0173. c23 fade. White, blue or pink dia­ Ramo Woolridge Inc.: mechan­ I know, th ere’ ll be no lack of before the war ended. Material Sharp! See, make offer. 355- 8 82-9305. 25 GET MORE for your money than per pails furnished. ical, and chem ical (B,M,D) engi­ "Riding a broom and all that recovered two y e a rs ago, how­ 6947. 24 DELT A CHI would like busboys. re n t-re ceip ts. 1962 10 X 50 M ar- AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE neers; applied mechanics (M,D) business is foolish,” said the ever, turned out to be counter­ Call Dick, ED 2 -0 8 6 6 . 23 witch. feit money printed in concen­ M .G .t.D . red, 1952. All new 1/2 Block fromCampus lette, only $400 down. 489-0625. 914 E . Gier Street and metallurgy (B,M,D). top, side curtains, carp et, new AVON s t a r t s CHRISTMAS IN 27 Lansing, Mich. The Timken R oller Bearing "B u t don’t you have a black tration cam ps to finance German front tire s. Power train, excel­ OCTOBER—Start a p r o f i t a b l e 332-8412 BICYCLE SA LE: W e d n e s d a y , IV 2 -0 8 6 4 C C o .: mechanical (B , M ), ag ri­ c a t? " she was asked. espionage and sabotage activi­ lent, $800, IV 9-4713. 26 selling c a re e r by showing and Oct. 30, 1963, 1:30 p.m. at sal­ T.V . RENTALS for students. E c - cultural (B,M) m e t a l l u r g i c a l "N o, but 1 have a jackdaw, and ties. J .R .’S demonstrating their quality pro­ ducts. We train You. F o r appoint­ AVAILABLE vage yard, F arm Lane, Michigan onomical rates by the term and (B,M ), electrical (B,M) chemical he’ s very black.’ (B,M) and civil (B,M) engineers; T h e Austrian government in­ She went and got him and he tervened amid persistent rum ors State University campus. Various month. UNIVERSITY TV REN T- USED CARS ment in your home write or call 1957 Y -8 s t a n d a r d shift. All evenings, M rs. Alana Huckins, NCW makes and conditions. All items A L S -355-6026. Call after 5. c may be seen at salvage yard, INTERNATIONAL S T U D E N T S and accounting (B,M ). sat on her shoulder pecking at that form er Nazi leaders were a pendant errin g. planning to reco v er the alleged Green, two-door. Excellent con­ 5664 School St., Haslett, Michi­ M rs. Leek’ s husband, Brian, treasu res and papers with the Oct. 29 from 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 interested in translating English dition. 2801 S. Cedar, TU 2-1478. gan, telephone, F E 9-8483. F o r T h e B e s t In p.m. and Oct. 30, 8:30 a.m . publications to native language, Monday & Tuesday, Nov. 4*5 helps her with her sideline to > help of secret agents. ______________c23 c23 witchcraft--running an antique to 1 p.m. T e rm s: Cash 24 phone 484-7786. C23 1959 CHEVY 2-door, red B is - S tu d e n t A p a r tm e n ts Columbia Gas System Service shop in the new forest. Asked H u n d r e d s of detectives and cayne, 5 cylinder, stick, real COMMANDER THOMAS Keane T.V .'S-N ew and used. “ Uncle FOR MUSIC designed with your Corp. : chem ical, e 1 e c t r i c a 1, how he felt about his wife b e- 1 arm ed gendarmes screened off clean, $790. Call B e r t Lee, U.S.N. Ret. Interviewing 10 a .m .- EDWARD G. HACKER CO. B ill” says you’ re m i s s i n g a taste in mind, call on the L a rry mechanical (B) engineers. ing a witch, M r. Leek said: the area recently while police 485-2538. 2 . 4 p.m . for men interested in " s u r e thing" if you don't check Devin O rchestra. IV 2-1 2 4 0 or C aterp illar T ra cto r C o.: A c­ “ Let'^ put it this way— I’d rad ar team s operating from rub­ REALTORS us for the best T .V . deal in IV 2-9 8 0 0 . $100 DOWN and $14 week. Much executive direction of a dynamic C counting and finance (B,M); agri­ rath er have her on my side than ber rafts mapped the muddy bot­ more for much less, 1964 Ramb­ youth p r o g r a m . Call M.S.U. IV 5-2261 town! A lso -serv ice all makes. ALTERATIONS-Hems, zippers, cultural (B,M) and civil (B,M) tom of the lake. against m e.” ler. Chuck or Jack , ED 7-9765. Placement Bureau for employ­ T .V .’ s and H i-F i’ s. G e n e r a l and button holes. By form er sew­ engineers; e le ctrica l, mechani­ Radar echoes obtained so far "Halloween com es from the old 25 ment. 355-9511. 26 ONE-TWO girls to live in E v e r­ Radio &T. V. , 2727 E. Kalamazoo. ing in stru ctor. Call 332-2949. cal (BM ,), and m e t a 1 lu r g ica l days,” M rs. Leek said. "T he appear to indicate, the shapes of green apartm ents. Call Charlotte Phone IV 5-5 9 7 2 . Open 9 a .m .- 26 (B,M) engineers; mathem atics. light of the day was fading and two human bodies wedged between or Jean at 337-7093 after 5 p.m. 8 p.m . Saturdays 9 a.m . to 1 24 p.m . SHORTENING COATS - sk i r t s, Eli Lilly and Co: account­ winter was coming on. Origin­ rocks deep in the water. One of 37 zipper rep air. New co llars and ing, f i n a n c e (B,M ); c h e m i - the bodies might be that of 19- ally, Halloween was celebrated to W IN T E R T E R M WASHER-WRINGER type, Speed cuffs for men’ s sh irts. IV 4-1 9 4 6 . keep the light of the world going year-old Alfred Egner, the lat­ STO RY . C Queen, excellent condition, $75; 302 S. L a rch . ________ 24 it Wanted on." est victim of the lake, a police the riv e r's edge refrig erato r, a u t o m a t i c de­ M ULTILITH-T H E S E S, C ards, She ran h er hand through her spokesman said. S E L L S F O R L E S S fro ster, Coldspot, good condition, p apers. No p r in tin g job too sm all. MARRIED MAN-Needs part time apartments on the cedar 5 8 Rambler, 2-door, radio, heater, stick shift, white wall $60; studio couch, ivory, plastic Call TU 2-9610._____________ 27 work, evenings, chauffeur’ s lic­ riv er st. tires. Story’s low, low price $395. ED 2-4432 foam cushions, $80. Telephone 655-2563. 25 TYPING SERVICE úense, station wagon, phone 485- 2734. 24 LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS 5 7 oldsmobile 88, 2-door, radio, heater, Hydramatic, Story CLEAN TWO room apartment. I JUDSON SUPERCHARGER $100, BABYSITTER to c a re for child F R E E PICKUP an d delivery. Private bath and entrance. Utili­ Thomas 2 b arrel induction kit, afternoons, can study. Live close priced to sell for only $495. General typing $ .4 0 / page. Same ties paid. Call IV 5-3558 or IV $50. F o r a ‘ 6 0 - ‘63 C orvair. Call to campus. Call 332-1992. 23 day serv ice. Phone 694-8111. ’63T 6m p est Convertible, radio, heater, stick shift, white-wall 5-43 4 8. 27 after 5 p.m . S t o c k b r i d g e , C) _______________________________ 31 EAST LANSlNG-one male, 21, to tires. Like new $1995. HOUSE 1851-4698, Phelts. 23 TYPING IN my h o m efast.accu r- share modern house with 4 stu­ 1959 NORGE upright freezer, ex- HOUSE LOCATED 126 J o n e s , ate, dependable service, y ears dents, Phone 332-0340, evenings. 6 0 oldsmobile 88 Convertible, power steering, power brakes, cellent c o n d i t i o n . Phone IV 27 half-way b e t w e e n college and of experience, reasonable ra te s. radio, heater, Hydramatic, white wall tires. Story sells for 5-7 4 8 5 . 27 capitol. T hree bedrooms, gas Call 882-5382. 23 RIDE WANTED to and from down­ SKIRTS, SIZE 11, red t a f f e t a less $1395. heat. 3 -6 students. IV 2-6477 town Lansing, M onday-Friday. d ress, size 11; shoes s i z e 61/ 2 N; TERM PAPERS, general typing, or TU 2-0771. 27 Form als, size 11. 482-6709. 23 thesis. Reasonable rates, fast Work hours 8:15 a.m . to 5 p.m. V i ’ 6 0 Ford, 2-door, radio, heater, stick shift, six cylinder, white ROOMS serv ice. Experienced typist. Call Call 355-8092. 23 wall tires. Story sell£ Fords for less $795. DEER HUNTER SPECIAL-16 ft. MEN: one single room. Unap­ housetrailer, sleeps 4, reason­ 355-0785._____________________ 25 A SITTER for infant in my home, proved. Two m iles from campus able, phone IV 7-5148. 24 EDIE STARR, TYPIST, Theses, hours 9 -5 :3 0 , Monday, Tuesday, AIR CONpiTlONING, power in O k e m o s . Call ED 2-4590. ENGAGEMENT AND w e d d i n g d issertation s, term papers, gen­ Thursday, Friday. Call 355-0947. ’ 5 9 Chevrolet, station w a g o n Gerda. 27 ring set, $275 value, will haggle, eral typing. Experienced, IBM 24 brakes, power steering, radio, h eater, actom atlc, white wail tire s, two tone. Story sells Chevrolets for less $995. ROOMS FOR-1 or 2 persons. R e- RICE, ED 2-6521. 24 E le ctric. OR 7 -8 2 3 2 . c ÏRONINGS-w a n t e d . Quality or cently redecorated, clean, quiet. TUXEDO 40 long, like new, $40", TYPING in my home. Shirley quantity done. $1.25 per hour. 5 9 Oldsmobile 88, 2-door, Hydramatic, heater, power steering, Close to c a r line and parking. 100% cash m ere top coat, new D ecker, F o rest Ave. Lansing. 484-6760. 26 power brakes, two tone, white wall tire s. Action priced at IV 4-2289. 27 $150, now $45. 372-1613, even­ Phone IV 2 -7 2 0 8 . c CHILD CARE-Also hot lunches Story $995. BACHELOR HOUSE-single and ings. 22 GENERAL TYPlNG-all zollege for pupils. Near Walnut, Willow double ro o m s,” furnished. F o r POODLES-puppiey, 12 weeks old. papers. I m m e d i a t e service. Schools. Excellent referen ces. ’ 5 9 Oldsmobile 88, Holiday Sedan, power steering, power brakes, men over 21. F re e parking. IV Fem ale, $100; Male, $60, Call Phone 355-1237. 23 Phone IV 4 -3 4 4 8 . 26 radio, heater, Hydramatic, white wall tire s , two tone. Story 2-6477 or TU 2-0771. 27 IV 2-2 549. 24 ANN BROWN typist and multi- TWO GIRLS to share furnished sells for less $1095. ROOM 1/2 double, clean, quiet, FIVE DAYS left to buy new Em er­ lith offset printing (black & white apartm ent, w i n t e r term , two [5 1 son T .V .’ s and radios at cost. & color). IBM. General typing, blocks f r o m campus. $40 mon- $!0 weekly, parking, 532 Ann St. .grKW 333.I6R1 " 13 SiORY’OLDSMOBilE WORLDS L A R G E S T OLDSMOBILE D E A LE R "Z" nr ocies- ter ncriScfy. SINGLE ROOM-private entrance with off street parking. Avail­ ‘ ce c r e tir d Evergreen, 332-6283. ' í r j í t r ' e . i * & u t t- FA N -T ravel tra ile r, 25 ft. 1663 . . . 24 tions. ED 2 -8 3 8 4 . XEROX COPIES anything; even pages in a bound book. Aldin- C ONE MALE 2 l . Share house with three upper classm en and grad­ wWf; able now $8 p er week. 1060 model. Like new, price is right. ger D irect Mail, 533 N. Clip- uate student. P rivate bedroom, X UNPE^TANP voue C LA 6 6 STA£T£P P\S&ZCT¡ÑQ CATS 3165 E. MICHIGAN a t Frandor N. C edar. 26 Phone 882-0033 or 487-3357. 26 p ert. IV 5- 2213. C reasonable IV 7-0 7 1 6 . 23 OVER IN LAE5 TD'OAY. * Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Monday, O c t o b e r 2%. l'jfj'i B oard Board Of Trusteés Action A ccepts Includes 16 Appointm ents G rants Gifts and g r a n t s t o t a l i n g The Board of T ru stees gave lowing assignm ents: Russell G. geria program ; and Eldon R. Non- approval Friday to 16 appoint­ ments, 5 leaves, 11 m iscellan­ Mawby, professor (extension) and namaker, associate dean of stu­ assistant director (4-H club pro­ dents and associate professor of eous assignm ents, changes and gram ), to the Nigeria Program ; education, to the Nigeria P ro ­ $2,783,605.76 w e re accepted F r i - tran sfers, 7 resignations an d H. John Carew , professor and gram . day by the Board of T ru stees. terminations and one retirem ent. chairm an, horticulture, to the A dua l assignment was ap­ L argest s i n g l e g r a n t was In line with a reorganization Nigeria P r o g r a m ; Walter F . proved for J . Sutherland Fr a me , $2,104,000 from the U.S. \gency of the College of Education into Johnson, p rofessor of education p r o f e s s o r m athem atics, to for International Development. sfx departments the Board ap­ and director of graduate student (continued on page 8 ) Under the direction of Glen L. pointed the following departmen­ affairs in education, to the Ni- T aggart, dean of international tal chairm en: I program s, the grant will provide for continued MSU assistance to W. V. Hicks, elementary and special education; C. H. G ross, Specialists the University of Nigeria. Elizabeth H. Rusk, professor secondary education and cu rri­ culum; M aurice F . Seay, admin­ In Vacation of English and education, re ­ ceived $86,584 from the U.S. B id s L e t O n N e w V et C lin ic istration and higher education; Raymond Hatch, guidance and Travel . . . Office of Education for a th ree- personnel serv ices; and W. B. year project to design a new be made available to the whole square feet will provide a con­ Brookover, foundations of edu­ EUROPE Bids for construction of the hospital and teaching laboratory siderably larger area for re ­ cation. C larence L . Munn con­ A 11 expenses in­ writing course for future high science comDlex. $4.7 million V eterinary Clinic for the entire College of Veter­ cluded, $1752.00 school E n g l i s h teach ers. The on large anim als. The building search , particularly for research tinues as chairman of the depart­ Building here were approved F r i ­ inary M ed icin e.. i n c l u s i v e from project will involve the depart­ The main part contains offices, consists of a central 170-by-118- Harley, Ellington, Cowin and ment of health, physical.education day by the Board of T ru ste e s. foot structure and three wings. > Stirton, Inc. of Detroit is the and recreation . Lansing. ment of English, the College of The building will be a part.qf, laboratories an d a reception Education, and the department of Other appointments were ap­ the science complex being con­ a re a . The wing to the re a r is The present verterin ary clinic arch itect. Granger B roth ers, Inc. LAS VEGAS American thought and language. is located in the portion of Gilt— of Lansing is the general con­ p r o v e d as follows: S o p h i a E v e r y t h i n g in- A study of the brain’ s con­ structed on the southeast part for large animals and m easures Blaydes, in structor, American ner Hall built in 1913 and is tra cto r. The new facility is ex­ cluded, hotel, of the campus. It will house the 240 by 192 feet. The wing to trol of the pituitary gland, d ir­ crowded and outmoded. pected to be completed in the thought and language; Elizabeth meals, entertain­ ected by Joseph M eites, pro­ department of surgery andm edi- the right is a 5 0 0 -se a t audit- N. M cPherson, 4-H agent, Len­ The new clinic, with its 170,000 summer of 1965. ment, $224.85 in­ fessor of physiology and phar­ cine and >serve as an animal orium, 58 by 82 feet, which will awee County; Keith R. M iller, clusive from Lan­ macology, will be continued with Thread O f Self Necessary EDP 4-H agent, Calhoun County, Rob­ sing. the aid of a $45,860 grant from the National Institutes of Health. H elps HEW ert E. Poppy, 4-H agent, Presque Isle County; Maurice F . Seay, WORLD CRUISE The National Aeronautics and Joseph Dzenowagis, professor For Life, Says Professor ( c o n t in u e d fro m p a g e 1) p rofessor and chairm an, admin­ See Countries of Space Administration has gran­ of health, physical education and Tim e saving techniques and Educational Development P ro ­ istration and higher education; E urope, Asia, Af­ A pattern for re-introducing ted $43,941 to David T . Clark, recreation, has been appointed technology have reduced out* sat­ gram ,” the comm ittee said, " i s Fred erick H. Horne, assistant rica , their people ’’the bright thread of self” into assistant p rofessor of m icorbi- a field reader for the Cooperative is factions, she said. "T h e abil­ to construct a program which will p rofessor, chem istry; R u s s e l 1 an d c u s t o m s . the fabric of life was woven for ology and public health. He will Research Branch of the Health, ity to see, think, and com e to permit MSU to educate a rapidly Allen, associate p rofessor, labor $2475.80 i n c l u ­ Midwestern college teach ers of use the grant to design an ex­ Education and W elfare Depart­ conclusions has been lost to the increasing number of in creas­ an d industrial relations; Jam es sive from Lansing clothing and textiles at their periment for testing the effects ment’ s Cur ruculum Improvement individual.” ingly able graduate and under­ L . LeGrande, instructor, police 19th annual conference at Kel­ of weightlessness on resistan ce to disease. Program . Dzenowagis will serv e with a logg Center Thursday. D r. L ee urged teachers to in­ graduate students with (a) sig­ administration and public safety; John Anthony Centra, in structor, WALDO TRAVEL MiMBiR Richard J . Reid, associate pro­ team of national experts invited "W e have lost our identity,” troduce to their students skills nificant improvement in the qual­ which can help them grow as ity of education provided, and (b) institutional research ; and Mar AGENCY 130 W. G ra n d R iv e r E a s t L a n s in g Dorothy L e e , visiting professor Phone ED 2 - 8 6 6 7 fesso r of electrical engineering, to evaluate research proposals individuals. jorie E . M eyer, librarian, L i­ 115 W. A lle g a n , IV 5-4341 at the University of Iowa, said. little or no significant in crease received a $38,170 grant from in the fields of health, safety "W e who teach ,” she contin­ in the d o l l a r support per stu­ b rary. "W e a re teaching a group of R IC H TER T R A V E L IN SAGINAW International Business Machines and physical education. ued, "m u st fight the increasing d en t....” Sabbatical leaves were granted students who don’t realize that T R A V E L SYSTEM O F MICHIGAN Corporation. He will expand on p ressu re f o r de-humanization for: Olive K. Sain, home econo­ their lives a re empty because "W e believe that it is the investigations of computer pro­ m ics agent , Marquette County; gram s to include analysis of all types of system s and circu its. F i r e H it s they do not know what it is to have lives full of meaning. and our culture’ s many ways of de-personalization.” obligation of a state university, Bernetta Kahabka, asso cia te p ro - expecially a land-grant institu­ f e s s o r ( e x t e n s i o n ) , textiles, She explained that different M. W a y n e Adams, associate C o l g a t e U. “ We a re living in a world where meaning has been separated from kinds of d ress reinforce a p er­ tion, to provide higher educa­ clothing and realted a rts ; Wil­ with IRSpOiiCanps tional opportunities for every liam H. Pipes, associate profes­ professor of crop science, r e ­ son’ s identity and help them re­ the a ct. It does not occur to us deserving individual. Whatever so r, American thought and lang­ ceived a $30,000 grant from the HAMILTON, N.Y. (A P )~ F ire that we should be a part of late to th eir culture and world. other institutions may do, it is uage; Orville F . Walker, d istrict M axShuJm an Michigan Crop Improvement As­ She urged the teachers to find the firm resolve of the Board of destroyed Colgate University’ s everything we do — the bright marketing agent, Gaylord County; {Author of Rally Round the Flay, Bo sociation to continue studies in their own identity and to help T ru stees, of the President, and bean breeding. 90-year-old a d m i n i s t r a t i o n thread of self running through all and B arbara Deskins, instruc­ and Barefoot Bou With ( hak' building early Sunday causing existen ce.” their studetns to develop th eirs. of the faculty that the Univer­ to r, foods and nutrition. The National S c i e n c e Foun­ dation granted $25,200 to support damage estimated at approxi­ sity will accept its full share The T ru stees approved the fol- an undergraduate science edu­ cation program in physics and mately $1 million. A school spokesman said the P la n J o b s of qualified students.” HAPPINESS CAN’T BUY MONEY astronomy. It will be directed by Sherwood K. Haynes, ch air­ f l a m e s ruined m o s t of the school’ s cu rren t reco rd s and that E a r ly , S a y s B lo o d W ith tuition costs steadily on the rise, more and more under­ it would be "d a y s, weeks and (continued from page 1) graduates are looking into the student loan plan. It you are man of the physics and astron ­ maybe even y e a rs ’ ’ before the one such, you would do well to consider the case of Leonid omy department. NSF also granted $19,600 for record s could be re -cre a te d . He said some of the reco rd s that S h in g le t o n orities to m erit the Red C ross award this fall. Sigafoos. Leonid, the son of an unemployed bean gleaner in Straight­ an undergraduate science p ro - Armstrong men’s dormitory *’ gram in m athem atics, directed by w ere stored in vaults might have Senior students should plan job ened Circumstances. M ontana, had his heart set on going to been preserved. placements early in their last won this y e a r’ s award for the college, but his father, alas, could not a f f o r d to send him. Charles P . W ells, chairman of highest participation level among the m athem atics department. The fiv e-sto ry , brick building y ear, said John D. Shingleton, Leonid applied for a Regents Scholarship, hut his reading director of t h e Placement Bu­ the dorm s. It also set a new speed, alas, was not very rapid — three words an hour — and housed the offices of the p resi­ reco rd , with 45 per cent atten­ John C. Speck J r . , associate dent, tre a su re r, admissions di­ reau. before be could finish the first page of bis exam, the Regents professor of biochem istry, r e ­ Shingleton addressed about 30 dance at the drive. bad closed their briefcases crossly and gone home. Leonid then re cto r, alumni corporation, dean South C ase and Bailey ran ceived an $18,340 NIH grant for of students, re g is tra r, and pub­ students Thursday night at the applied for an athletic scholarship, hut he had, alas, only a single Kiva in the firs t of a seriesi second and third place with athletic skill —picking up beebees with his toes—and this. alas, an investigation of mechanisms lic relations staff. 21 per cent and 20 per cent of action of carbohydrates. Over a thousand p e r s o n s of employment lectu res, "T o ­ aroused only fleeting enthusiasm among the coaches. participation respectively. watched firemen from several morrow the W orld," co-spon­ And then—happy day! -Leonid learned oi the student loan Scholarship f u n d s t o t a l i n g North Case will receive the nearby communities battle the sored by the Placem ent Bureau plan: he could borrow money lor his tuition and repay rt in $82,645 for MSU and $27,746 award for the women’ s living f i r e , w h i c h was discovered and Triangle fraternity. easy installments after he left school! for Oakland University were also units with 14 per cent partici­ shortly after 3 a.m . Graduates with bachelor’ s de­ Happily Ix'onid enrolled in the Southeastern Montana Col- accepted by the Board. pation. There were no injuries. No g rees should expect starting sa l- VVes’t Mayo and West Yakeley one was in the building, which aire s of $ 5 -7 ,0 0 0 , with technical were tied for second place. normally closed from noon Sat­ m ajors at the top and liberal B lo c k , B rid le urday through Monday morning. arts m ajors lower in the wage The cause of the fire was not scale, Shingleton said. Only first place winners among the dorm itories will receiv ep la- ques. All 100 per cent units and determined immediately. In the question period Shingle­ Grills Steaks School officials said that temp­ ton stressed the importance of letting the interviewer knowyour the dorm winners are asked to have one representative to r e ­ More than 130 students and animal husbandry faculty mem­ orary adm inistrative o f f i c e s would be set up in other buildings good points. ceive the plaque for their unit at half time of the homecoming LONG, LEAN AND LANGUID... around the campus of the Chen­ "B u t the decision of which job bers ate steak, listened to a lo­ game. ‘ •*“* T h a t’ s th e Oshkosh Casual look! Form -fashioned fo r casual ango Valley school. to take should be taken very s e ri­ cal f o l k- s i ng i ng quartet, and The spokeman said the most ou sly," he said. c o m fo rt and taper ta ilo re d to put som e action in to your learned about the Block and B ri­ dle Club at its Student-Faculty oressing problem would be to The next lectu rer in the se rie s re-establish the record of the will be John Wardewell of Dow S N O V .2 : slack-tim e wardrobe. If you aspire a fte r sharp a ttire, then get in to Oshkosh Casuals Night Tuesday. 1,400 students cu rren tly attending Chemical on Nov. 21. :he all-m ale, private liberal a rts "W e intend to change the for­ * 8-12 p.m. p and join the action faction, O s h k o sh *J ‘ New Block and Bridle members are to be present, wearing old university. mat to the form of a 'mock' ■ C L A U D E T H O R N H ILL ■ C A S U A L S M t k y , M .o n liJtitö k d h letic A d i Most reco rd s p rio r to 1950 interview,” F red Crowley, pub­ clothes, at the informal initia­ were stored in other buildings licity chairm an f o r Triangle, tion at 7:30 Tuesday. said. lege of Lanolin and Restoration Drama and happily began a around the campus, he said. college career that grew happier year by year. Indeed, it be­ came altogether ecstatic in his senior year because Leonid met a coed named Anna Livia Plurabelle with hair like beaten gold E n g in e e r s & S c ie n tis ts w , and eyes like two sockets full of Lake Louise. Love gripped them in its big moist palm, and they were betrothed on St. Crispin's Day. Happily they made plans to bo married immediately alter commencement—plans, alas, th a t were never to come to fruition because Leonid; alas, learned that Anna Livia, like himself, D is c u s s C u r r e n t O p e n in g s was in college on a student loan, which meant th at lie not only had to repay his own loan after graduation but also Anna Livia’s and the job, alas, th at was waiting tor Leonid at the w ith R A Y T H E O N B utte O tter Works simply did not pay enough, alas, to cover both loans, plus rent and food and clothing and television repairs. Heavy hearted, Ieonid and Anna Livia sat down and lit Marlboro Cigarettes and1tried to find an answer to their prob­ lem—and, sure enough, they did! 1 do not know whether or C A M P U S IN T E R V IE W S not Marlboro Cigarettes helped them find an answer: all 1 know November 4, 5 is that Marl boros taste good and look good and filter good, and when the clouds gather and the world is black as the pit from pole to |x>le, it is a heap of comfort and satisfaction to be sure See y o u r p la ce m e n t d ire c to r n o w to that Marllxiros will always provide the same easy pleasure, arra ng e an in te rv ie w w ith the R a yth e o n representative. the same unstinting tobacco flavor, in all times and climes and conditions. T h a t’s all I know. Leonid and Anna Livia, I say, did find an answer—a very simple one. If their student loans did not come due until they R ayth eon offers challenging assignm ents for B S and M S candidates in left school, why then they ju st wouldn’t leave school! So after E E , M E , M ath em atics and Physics. Openings are in the areas o f: receiving their bachelor's degrees, they re-enrolled and took master’s degrees.'After that they took doctor’s degrees—loads RADAR, INFRARED, MISSILE & SPACE SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATIONS & DATA PROCESSING, and loads of them —until today Leonid and Anna Livia, both aged 87, both still in school, hold doctorates in Philosophy, SOLID STATE, SONAR, ELECTRON TUBE & COMPONENTS TECHNOLOGY, Humane Letters, Jurisprudence, \eterinury Medicine, L ivil MICROWAVE ELECTRONICS, MANUFACTURING & FIELD SERVICE ENGINEERING Engineering, Optometry, Woodpulp, and Dewey Decimals. T h e ir stu d en t loans, a t the end of the last- fiscal year, amounted to a combined total of nineteen million dollars a Facilities are located in New England, C a lifo rn ia sum which they probably would have found some difficulty in and Tennessee. I f an interview is not convenient on repaying had not the Department of the Interior recently de­ clared them a. Rational Park. I 9«3 M u S K u l m u *- *» I * Manager o f College Relations, Raytheon Company, * * * Lexington 73, Massachusetts. Y ou d o n 't need a s tu d e n t lo a n —ju s t a l i t t l e loose cha ng e An Equal Opportunity Employer t o g ra b a p a c k o f s m o k in g p le a s u re : M a rlb o ro s , sold in a ll f if t y s ta te s in f a m ilia r s o ft p a c k a n d F lip - T o p box.__________ \ Monday, O c t o b e r 2 8 , 1963 8 Mi chi ga n State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan H om ey U n io n G rill B o a r d A p p o in t s (continued from page 3) (continued from page 7 ) S e a y N a m e d mathematics and engineering re ­ batical leave changed from Jan. 1 Old College Hall has retained In 1950, the U-M custom of carving initials in old oak tables search . to June 30, 1964. Its tradition of seniors and grads Changes in status from temp­ only, most students believe. As passed on to MSU. Seniors have Resignations and terminations orary to regular appointments T o N e w P o s t the first public classroom on campus, it was f i r s t located engraved their initials in table tops, which hang on walls of w ere approved for: Huling E . U s s e r y , assistant p rofessor, were approved as follows: Don­ ald J . Gemmel, educational ex­ where Beaumont T o w e r now Old College Hall. Each senior change coordinator, international man of thè, Am erican Council on English, and Robert B. Engle, A nationally-known educator p rogram s; C . Dean Allen, a ssis­ Education’ s Com mittee of South­ stands. Tim ber salvaged from its cla ss purchases its own table top. Instructor, metallurgy, mechan­ and social scientist, Maurice F . Robert Troub, grill manager, tant professor (extension), 4-H ern R e g i o n a l studies and Edu­ collapse is in the G rill’ s Col­ ics and m aterials science. Seay, has been appointed ch a ir­ said that the rush to carve ini­ clubs; Lois M. Erdman, 4-H cation, and training division d ir­ lege Hall. Other changes in status ap­ man of the newly-created depart­ tials will com e toward the end agent, Kent County; Mildred M. ecto r of the Tennessee Valley proved w ere: Bennett T . Sande- ment of administration and higher of spring term . Omlor, home economics agent, Authority. fur, professor of geology, to pro­ education in the College of Edu­ Newaygo County; V. M arjorie He has also been assistant d ir­ fesso r of geology and coordin­ cation. ecto r of the U. S. National Hous­ Cleland, home economics agent, Appointment of Seay, current E n g in e e r s 9 G ro u p C a lv e s T o B e S o ld ator of continuing education, Col­ ing Agency and consultant to the lege of Natural Science, and Wil­ St. Joseph County; Roy E. Hol- education division director for If you see some strange cattle lady, assistant professor, police Methodist N a t i o n a l Board of lard G. W arrington, p rofessor, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation in T o M eet T o d a y roaming the campus Saturday, administration and public safety; Higher Education. from d irector of evaluation s e r ­ Battle Creek, was approved F r i ­ don’t be alarm ed. and Mary K a r l , librarian, li­ Seay is a life member of the vices to assistant dean of Uni­ day by the Board of T ru stees. They'll probably be some of b rary. National Education Association, versity College and d irector of He will assume his new duties the 75 breeding and feeder calves and a member of the American T h e Southeastern Michigan evaluation serv ices. The Board of T rustees ap­ Jan. 1. to be sold at auction Saturday Academy of Political Scienc^, Section of the Institute of E lec­ A tran sfer and change in leave proved the retirem ent of E. El­ His appointment is part of the afternoon at the Michigan Short­ American Association of School-, trical and E lectron ics Engineers dates w ere approved f o r Law­ eanor Densmore, county exten­ College of Education's re o r­ horn B re e d e rs’ Sale at the live­ Administrators, American Edu­ Power Technical Group will hold rence H. B attistlni, p rofessor of sion agent, home economics, Kent ganization plan designed to bring stock pavilion. cational Research Association, its first meeting of the y ear at social scien ce: to political s c i­ County. Miss Densmore has been research on human learning to A consignors banquet for cattle Phi Delta Kappa, and Kappa Del­ 7:30 p.m. today in the Engineer­ ence from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, employed by the University since the center of educational p ra c­ producers will be held in the tice , according to John E. Ivey, ta P L Antics Are A Part Of Union G rill Life ing Building. Union tonight at 6:30. 1963; and term inal date of sab - 1935. J r . , dean of the college. * A Seay, who has held key admin­ istrative positions with several E ducation 13 Ä . colleges and universities, joined the Kellogg Foundation in 1954. From 1944-50 he was a member R eorg a n iz ed lit RECORD CLEANING ALL WEATHER COATS of the foundation's advisory com ­ CLOTH . in WITH ZIP0UT LINERS mittee. Organizational c h a n g e s de­ He holds B.A. and M.A, de­ signed to help the College of grees from Transylvania Col­ Education focus its efforts on re­ in 50% o ff Reg. price 29.95 NowONLY 19.95 lege, Lexington, Ky., and the search in human learning were S1.00 VALUE FOR 50, approved Friday by the Board of COUPON Good Till Sat, Nov. 2 T ru stees. m L E N K O S IT C H E K S The Board approved consoli­ dation of the college’ s 14 inter­ TAPE RECORDING IND. bl V A R S IT Y S h o p est groups into six departments. 101 E. GRAND RIVER 228 A B B O T T RD, E ast La n sin g The six new departments within ED 2-0897 __________________ ____ the college include the depart­ ments of elem entary and special e d u c a t i o n : administration and higher education; secondary edu­ cation and curriculum ; guidance and personnel serv ices; founda­ t.dt!S^A /GTSPsshA tions of education; and health, HYTONE FILLER PAPER mFirst of the week RED HOT SPECIALS physical education and r e c r e a - B A S E M E N T SALE "58 Sheets ■ Reinforced Holes m MICH. BEET W ives Give TABLE BOOKS College Ruled - 3 Hole Only ill X <1 its 9)1 15% OFF Reg. 39* >4 S U G A R Style Show o The Spartan Wives will present H is t., P sych ., Edu., E con., L it . , Soc., Sci. , M ath., and L ig h t reading. Mon. - T ue., - Wed. c- i 19< with this coupon - BOOK n 39< w ith $5.00 P urchase a fashion show "Vogue Vitals MSHAHEENS BIG VALUE MAURICE SEAY for the Young at Heart’’ Tues­ day, 8:30 p.m . in the University [n SPARTAN Bookstore S t u d e n t i sto r e a c ro s s G. R iv e r From B e rk e y H a ll HT T h is coupon good Mon., 28»Tue., 29 Wed., 30 Ph.D. degree from the Univer­ CORNER ANN & M .A .C . EAST LANSING A cross From Berkey H a ll Room, Inn A m erica. sity of Chicago. C u r r e n t styles in clothing ~F' r*- v w f Sf3r r - * * S rC 5 H ® 3 H 5 i Cv- He began his c a re e r in 1924 ranging from sleepwear to cock­ as a school superintendent in tail d resses will be modeled Crab Orchard, Ky. by fifteen adults and six child­ Seay became a school prin­ ren. Various a re a m e r c h a n t s cipal in 1926 In Danville, Ky., have donated the fashions and a post he held for three y ears door p rizes. B U Y S (N B a r g a in s m before he was named Dean of Tickets will be available at m MONDAY COUPON SPECIAL $ Spiral N otebooks Union College in Barbourville, Ky. The college awarded him an the door. Refreshments will be 12” Pizza with Pepperoni Reg. 29* & 30* ul served. honorary d octor's degree in 1943. Seay joined the staff of theUni- in t h e This Week Only versicy of Kentucky in 1937 as bureau of school se rv ice s, d ir­ C a le n d a r o f * plus tax9and6 i charge delivery U W 4 for$1.00 ecto r and department of edu­ with coupon m cational administration head. In C o m in g E v e n ts [(¡Delivery Hours: 4 PM - 2 AM W M .S .U . C o m m u n it y ¿j UNION BOOK STORE yj 1946 he became dean and re g ­ is tra r at the university. (fi P iz z a By P rice Good only With Coupon m He left Kentucky in 1950 to become professor of education T o w e r G u a r d — 8:30 p .m ., RICARDO 482*1554 yj iff Right on Campus - A Dept. Of MSU and education department ch air­ Beaumont Tower. *— wvmt&i*’ mstsiws - year 'g. y y . ' Y S B S tTiS B i* ■I ' "A W eekly State N ew s Feature” man at the University of Chi­ Alpha Chi Omega— 7 p .m ., Art cago, an appointment he held until Room, Union. joining the Kellogg Foundation in 1954. In addition to his teaching and ,3S fc»S Ä . administrative duties, Seay has ÏSAT. N O V 2 ! served as d irector of the Sloan Lifts RECORD SALEH Experiment in A p p l i e d Econ­ • 8-12 P.M. ï (I Uncle Johns Pancake House |y omics in Kentucky, Alabama Edu­ cational Survey d irecto r ch a ir- Ï DON’ T MISS IT U ! ! Regular or D o w e l Begins Tuesday two orders of b u tte rm ilk pancakes for the price of one w ith th is Value Save up to 50% coupon • good Monday & Tuesday. Watch tomorrow’s State News for 2820 East Grand River the complete list of records &prices. at Frandor Waverly at CAMPUS BOOK STORE g .PHONE IV 7-3761 Saginaw Road S T A D I U M ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG. ■!vxun-/ >+>wpv - wtatbty»\mMo/ * succor shûèLl^ ' NMPsy jSfty**'j 'À t a » * 1a +!m'* ß--a.11*1* * An Insurance Company Career? »iS Bb&.ISSSt.'t S X tn S ' S l.t.£ 3 : r S®. BOOK SALEH ¡1 /2 HOUR FREE RENTALS PETER, Paul, MARY If] Talk it o v e r w i t h an E .M . in te rv ie w e r Begins Tuesday Q t 9 "IN THE WIND” Save up to 50% G O L F -O -T R O N j One of the m ajor industrial insurance companies in the B Watch tomorrow’s State News for $ 1 .9 8 monolp United States, Em ployers Mutuals of Wausau offers in­ the complete list of records & prices. Between 12 noon and 5 P.M. £ teresting, rewarding c a re e r s to hundreds of college men and women. void after Nov. 1,1963 : TODAY ONLY [if CAMPUS BOOK STORE jt) only one coupon honored at a time ; Some who joined us majored in insurance, but most were unaware until they talked with our interviewers that their ACROSS FROM TH E UNION BU ILD IN G 3411 East Michigan 332-6565 I ’ <9 D IS C S H O P VÊSCf ^ ySBMS'^ education could be applied and their aims realized in an insurance company. Talk with our representative about the opportunities we can offer at our home office and in m ore than 100 cities large and small throughout the country. "H e will be on the campus Monday, November 4 to interview . js s n i M e n ’s Rubber Heels senior men for positions as claim adjusters, underw riters, auditors, actuarial trainees, and sales correspondents, and M $20.00 thisvalue for $10.00 includes 3 ’A & Full O n ly senior women for positions (as audit review ers. Information $1.49 Value... Permanent Styling Haircut on appointments can be obtained from the placement office.’ Student & Student wives only 99i with this coupon^ GoodMon. Tue. % Wed. Only. Y A N K E E E m p lo y e rs M u tu a ls o f W a u s a u HOME OFFICE: WAUSAU, WISCONSIN