W eather Inside MICHIGAN EW S Sunny in the morning, cloudy Grill Packs ’ Em In, p. 3; Womens Lo t, Mexican Ballet, STATE in the afternoon and possible showers. Expected high in the p. 4; Duffy On Football, p. 5; Hunt For Musical Jugs, p. 6. UNIVERSITY upper 50s. Price 10< Tuesday, October 29, 1963 P la n t O .K . E x p e c te d z ö V ** **’ •n P a r t ia l A g r e e m e n t R e a c h e d In A W eek Legislative passage of MSU’ s power plant bill is expected early n e ' week, according to S ecre­ O n C o m p r o m is e R ig h t s B ill tary Jack B reslin. "T h e power plant resolution was introduced Wednesday and should p assth eH ou seth isw eek ," ; ** R e p u b lic a n he said. "T h e Senate will prob­ ably act on the m e a s u r e next week." B u s in e s s C o lle g e C u ts S u p p ort The House concurrent resolu­ tion will make $800,000 available for MSU to start work on a new power plant two-thirds of a mile N eeded south of Spartan Stadium. Total cost will be known when plans G r a d u a tio n C r e d its From Our Wire Services WASHINGTON— Partial agree­ and bids are submitted. electives and yet they must offer King estimated that the reduc­ ment was reported Monday as the The College of Business is the Reps. Charles Davis, R-Onon- sufficient cou rses in the m ajor tion will save some 243,000 Uni­ latest college to change gradua­ Kennedy administration battled a daga, and William Copeland, D- a re a .” versity credit hours. This will tion requirements to 180 cred its deadline only hours away in an Wyandotte, sponsored the bill, There will be a good deal of save money, the instructor’ s time plus the required physical edu­ attempt to win support for a com ­ Breslin said. Since it is a money com prom ise in getting the proper and classroom space in the face cation cred its. prom ise civil rights bill. bill, it must be passed by both balance between l i b e r a l arts of increasing enrollments. Behind the scenes maneuver­ The college announced the ac­ houses. cou rses and course work in the "T h e ^reduction will keep MSU ing was intensified over efforts tion Friday. Three other colleges m ajor a re a , he indicated. He in line with other colleges and to find the formula for a"bill' have reduced graduation require­ "T h e money will be available said the colleges that have acted universities operating on the se­ that would attract bipartisan sup­ ments to keep in step with re­ when the University requests it, " may make adjustments next term . m ester system ,” he added. port of Congressional leaders as quirements of other land-grant he said. “ Work will begin just institutions, s a i d Herman L . well as from their impatient as soon as arch itect's plans and junior colleagues. King, assistant provost. construction bids are approved The negotiating w a s between Students, Don’t B o t h A rts and L etters and by the Board of T rustees in key House Republicans an d ad­ Social Science have reduced re ­ two or three m onths." quired loads to 180 credits plus ministration representatives. The south power plant, located " I t ’ s not signed, sealed and the required physical education near the stadium, will continue delivered, but I’m hopeful,” said cou rse work. The College of Eng­ power production, but the north plant, near Agriculture Hall, will gradually be phased out when the new plant is completed. Two I lle g a l ineering reduced cred its to 206 for students entering fall term 1962 o r la te r. Sell Grid Ticket ! A student ticket holder is ad­ Rep. Emanuel C eller, D -N .Y., chairm an of the House Judiciary Committee. University Ticket Manager Bill The comm ittee is to meet at "V arious departments within high p ressu re boilers and two 12,500 kilowatt electrical gen­ P a r k in g the colleges are now studying Beardsley warned students Mon­ mitted to the game only upon p re­ day not to sell their tickets for sentation of his ticket and his 10:30 this morning for a decisive vote on an omnibus rights bill curricula and will arriv e at a erato rs are on tap for the new the MSU-Wisconsin f o o t b a l l v a l i d a t e d identification card . which neither the administration college-wide agreement within plant. ^ Physical Plant Department of­ T ic k e t e d the next few m onths," he said. "T h e Academic Council set the game. "Students don’ t seem to realize "S everal people w ere refused t h a t their tickets admit only nor Congressional leaders be­ lieve can be passed. ficials have expressed concern requirement at 180 cred its, but admittance to the Indiana game them ,” Beardsley added. C eller was busy late Monday that present heat and power fac­ Students should check the sign two weeks ago because they had talking with comm ittee Demo­ the individual colleges wereleft HOMECOMING Q U EEN DONNA B EU K EM A ilities will be inadequate to handle before entering a parking lot to student tickets, but no student Beardsley said he expected a cra ts following the reported Rep­ to decide when the change would sellout crowd of over 70,000 for the new buildings opening on see if it’s reserved , said Lt. identification,” he said. ublican agreem ent. Several of take p lace.” campus each y ear. Benjamin, Allen Andrews, of the department the homecoming game, barring ■w-'v TT% 1 W the Dem ocrats said they refused Graduation requirements used Student tickets, obtained by Woodhouse and Guenther, Inc., arch itects and engineers from of public safety. Officers have been ticketing to be 192, including 6 cred its of physical education and 6 cred its activity book coupon redemption, do not have stubs on them. b^ eather T here a re still seats avail- nD o n n a B e u k e m a Is to change their stand until they see the Republican agreement in Detroit, explored MSU’ s needs vehicles illegally parked in r e ­ able, but they’ re going fa st,” he # of m ilitary science, he said. "R egularly purchased tickets writing. last year and presented its find­ served lots. have two stubs on them,” B eards­ said. He assured students that f - f I f l i X f / II P P M It was reported that one price Then it was changed to 192 credits ings to the Legislature. "P ark in g Lot V a cro ss from there would be tickets for th e m -» -» *■ of Republican agreement would and three cred its physical edu­ ley commented, " a n d student Several legislators argued that Eppley Center is giving us the on their regular coupon rede.mp be removal from the strong mea­ cation with the same number of tickets do not.” the survey was biased and ad­ most troub le," Andrews said. tion days. sure of a provision giving the At- cred its for m ilitary science. Donna Beukema. a b l o n d e , lon bel1 and the marching band, vocated that an independent study' "T h is is reserved for teachers, "Adjacent seats can be pur­ blue-eyed Holland junior, will It will end in a pep rally and M ilitary science was made op­ tonœy General broad powers to be made by A.M. Kinney, Inc. faculty m em bers, visitors with chased on Friday, and only on reign as queen over the 1963 bonfire at the IM field. of Cincinnati, Ohio. The Kinney report, released last week, was perm its and residents of Shaw tional two y ears ago and finally total required credits were re ­ Campus Chest F rid ay,” Beardsley said. "T ick ­ MSU Homecoming this weekend. ets will be available at Booth 2, Members of the Homecoming intervene in civil rights ca se s. The dispute began when a ju­ H all." duced to 180 plus three cred its The 20-year-old coed was s e - court a re Caro1 Schildhammer, diciary subcommittee approved even more favorable than the on the northeast corner of the lected from a field of lOfinalists. G rosse Pointe sophomore; Anne report MSU had presented to Shaw had its lot taken away physical education. for the construction of the new The colleges and departments Nears Goal stadium, Saturday morning, but The nine runners-up will com - Murray, West Springfield, Mass I strongly suggest that students p rise her cou rt. A member of senior; Katheryn Beesrng, Musk- the civil rights program proposed in mid-sum m er by President the legislature. parking ramp to be put in use have been holding meetings for Campus Community Chest has g e t their t i c k e t s during the Kennedy, but added m ajor items early next y e a r. the past month, he said, but much reached 88 per cent of its $93,589 week,” he said. Alpha Xi Delta sorority, Miss egon sophomore; LynneGmeiner, not asked by him. "Only 250 Shaw Hall residents time is being spent in arriving Beukema is a social science Appleton, W is., sophomore. goal. Seniors and graduate students The subcommittee tacked a have perm its to park in Lot at a satisfactory conclusion. Dottie E llis, Birmingham jun­ G rou p V ,” Andrews s a i d . "T h is is "T h e college has the choice of At a meeting held in the Civic w ere in line as early as 5:30 a.m . Center Monday, divisions report­ Monday at Jenison Field House in secondary education. major who plans to specialize ior; Pat Morrow, Detroit senior; Judith Lafnparter, Detroit jun­ fair employment p ractices pro­ posal onto the omnibus bill and rougHly one haii of the c a rs offering fewer electives or fewer ed the amount taken in so far ticket booths. The queen and her court will expanded the proposal banning make their first official appear­ ior; Hanh Phung, Saigon, Viet P robes registered at Shaw Hall.” required cou rses to the student,” he said. is $82,080. S tarr K eesler, Chairman of Juniors can redeem their a c ­ ance of the weekend at a pep Nam, junior, and Paula Altman, Hinsdale, 111., sophomore. racial discrimination in public accommodations to include any "In s o m e ca se s they have Campus Chest, said the group tivity coupons for seats today, rally Friday night. They will ¡rii business licensed by a state or lead a parade scheduled to be­ The queen and court will also chosen to reduce both electives expects to reach the goal. The while sophomores a re eligible city. AU SG and required courses proportion­ ally. campaign will continue until Nov. Wednesday an d freshmen on gin at 6 p.m . at the P hysics- Thursday. The ticket booths in Math Building. be presented to fans at the MSU- Wisconsin game Saturday and 5 "I t is a hard decision for the Money received from Campus the outer areas a re open until The parade, new feature of at intermission at the home­ A com m ittee is being formed to investigate whether AUSG is FAIR colleges to make because they do not want to completely eliminate Chest money will help support 4:30 p .m ., including the lunch Homecoming this year, will in­ coming dance that night in the 57 Lansing area agencies. hour. clude nine mobile floats built Auditorium. P hone adequately reflecting the voice New m em bers for Excalibur, of the students. According to Andy Rogin, B ry­ by so ro rities, to r c h -c a r r y in g runners from all MSU frater- senior men’ s honorary, will also B ooks an Hall president, AUSG is not nities, Sparty, the Delta U psi- be taPPed at tbe dance. informing students adequately. " I t is our intent to construc­ Ben Bella A ide Charges Profs Comment O n Conflict -- R eady tively criticiz e AUSG in hopes that it will pull itself out of W orld New s M ore than 12,000 student dir­ ecto ries will be distributed free the hole it has created ,” he said. "B ob K e rr, AUSG president, should welcome this com m ittee,” 6U S B e in g D r a g g e d In to ’ at a Glance to all students in residence halls and m arried housing by the end of t h i s week, said R egistrar he said, "b ecau se on April 8, ______________________________________ Ru RO By RfiGFR Lt DDI G ER LtD D INNGTON G TO N Horace C. King. K err said that vital areas of stu­ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (A P)- other equipment, and Moroccan soldiers wearing U.S. uniforms. State News Staff Writer Army Coup Seizes Control Of Dahomey D irectories will be available dent interest have suffered be­ An Algerian special envoy said to off-campus students for 85 Monday that M orocco is trying to "B ut M orocco also has Soviet COTONOU, Dahomey I/P)—The commander of Dahomey’ s 800- cause people within AUSG have cents at the Union Bookstore, planes. T here were seven MIG not had the courage nor the de­ drag the United States into the Contrary to many beliefs,bor­ man Army seized control of the government Monday following termination to attack the pro­ M orocran-Algerian war. 17s on the airport when M rs. Ken­ der fighting between Algeria and w orkers’ demands for the ouster of the West African nation s he added. nedy landed at M arrkech for her Copies will also be distributed blems facing them. Mohammed Yazid, sent here by M orocco is not a sudden con­ first and only President, Hubert Maga. vacation. M orocco is not using to administrative offices and de­ " I t is our hope to stimulate President Ahmed Ben Bella 10 flict, said Fauzi N ajjar, a s s is ­ The w orkers, in the fourth day of a general strik e, had suc­ partm ents for faculty use. AUSG so that it will look at the days ago, said his impression those planes in the border area tant professor of Social Science. ceeded in forcing Maga to dissolve the government but the P re s i­ If an e rr o r has been made in problem s, if it doesn’t, I’d like after talks with U.S. officials was for an obvious reason. F o r many y ears the two coun­ dent his Vice President and another m inister formed a provis­ a student’ s telephone number, "M orocco is trying to present to see the students of this cam ­ the United States will remain tries have argued over the south­ ional government Sunday. Col. Christophe Soglo, arm ed forces he should call 355-1855 to have pus find someone who will— in neutral. itself as defender of western Chief of Staff, had proclaimed his loyalty to the provisional western border of Algeria. it co rrected . effect, impeach AUSG President Yazid talked with rep o rters ideals and to c re a te conditions Morocco claim s it, Najjar said, government* after seeingU.N. Secretary-G en­ for western intervention... we Senator Connolly Of Texas Dies Bob K e r r,” he said. but Algeria refuted their claim Rogin said that bills a re not eral U Thant. He said that he being brought back to Bryan or told Thant Algeria hopes a four- are defending African ideals.” Meanwhile, the Moroccan gov­ when Ben Bella declared that a ce a se -fire could not exist until WASHINGTON (TP)--Old Tom Connally of T exas, Red Cross Is one of the most colorful, powerful and ra z o r- nation African conference begin­ ernment said today royal M oroc­ to other dorm itories. "B ryan is going to find out ning today in Mali will settle can troops have moved into the AT* Moroccan troops retreated to the te rrito ry they held before tongued Senators of them all, died Monday at the age of 86. 100 Years O ld A lg erian -h eld Sahara, pushing m ore about the issu es. Then our the dispute. % the fighting began. The form er Chairman of the Foreign Re­ From Our Wire Services representative will be specific­ "1 told the secretary -g en eral close to the ore center of T in- The border is not just a strip lations Committee, who had lived quietly in The Red C ross is one century douf. The move was seen as a ally informed that he is to vote that my government is hoping that of d esert, but an area rich in Washington since he quit the Senate in 1953, old today. the way the men of Bryan, through an A f r i c a n solution will be bid to strengthen the hand of m inerals, Najjar said. The Mor­ had been ailing for y e a rs. His wife was at The national humanitarian o r­ King Hassan 11 at peace talks General Council, want him to achieved th e re ,” Y a z i d s a i d . occans probably chose this p ar­ his bedside when he died. ganization was born in Geneva, “ Our position is that this is an in Mali tomorrow. vote,” he said. ticular time to force the issue T all, courtly, with his bow tie and rumpled Switzerland, on Oct. 29, 1863, F e a r mounted among western "T h e re is no justification for African problem that has to be AHMED BEN B E L L A because Ben Bella was very busy suits, his c a re le s s , flowing h air, his wit that in the materialization of a 35- solved between Africans and that diplomats that the undeclared these rem ark s,” said Bob K e rr. with internal problems in his could hit the mark as neatly as an icepick y ear dream by Henri Dunant. is why we don’ t ask U.N. inter­ frontier war between Algeria and "1 would have commented before, Both M orocco an d Algeria own country. or as cruelly as a meat axe—Tom Connally With four other citizens of vention.” Morocco might tu rn jn ^ to a con- but 1 didn’t feel it was neces­ B ecause of Ben Bella’ s rather seemed born for the Senate. Geneva, D u n a n t inspired 16 Yazid commented on reports flict between E ast and West, openly seek peace. King Hassan is negative attitude to a ce a se -fire sary. reported to have assured western nations to adopt a general agree­ K err denied charges that the that a Cuban ship has arrived Western em bassies in North Af- and a conciliation meeting, Najjar s o v i e t t a n k s to reinforce the rica have dispatched alarming diplomats his immediate concern ment embodying the rules of an B asic Action P a r t y controls w i t h said, " I don’t think that Ben reports of sizable arriv als of is to obtain a c e a se -fire in the King Umberto Of Italy In Detroit International Red C ross move­ AUSG. "H ow ever,” he said, "m y Algerians. Bella will go out of his way personal beliefs coincide with Soviet weapons in Algerian ports Sahara where his troops never­ DETROIT (UPI)— Form er King Umberto II of Italy was scheduled ment. to quell the fighting. There exists The agreement stemmed dir­ what B .A .P . is trying to accom - "A s a sovereign nation we have a b o a r d Cuban an d Egyptian theless w e r e reported pushing to arriv e here Monday for a two-day visit. in M orocco a strong anti-king ths»«igfct i- J t 2 a r m s any­ The' form er mr.nn Vi. m\t\ he’ vq area ectly from Dunant’ s experiences - * ’"party. I wouia nor be sisepc-ts^S as* a civilian in 1859 at the lieve the arm s were part of U.S. Ambassador J o h n F e r - "T h e students of AUSG are w h ere," he said. if there was an agreement be- for three days. "W e have never objected to deals made by Algeria beforethe guson was among those received He will tour Detroit’s auto plants and cultural sites. battle of Solferino during the elected. It’ s beyond me how I can be accused of making them M orocco having U.S. Army advi­ border conflict erupted two weeks by the king in his Marrakech Today, he will be the guest of honor at a $60 a plate dinner. Italian War of Independence. ( continued on page 3) into ’puppets,’ ” he said. s o rs , tanks, planes, artillery and ago. winter palace. 2 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 9 , 1963 P ro d u c in g PdVrer E c o n o m ic a lly | From O th e r C am puses | Michigan State is c l o s e to Opposition l a s t sp r i n g to the B is c u its A w a it M is s is s ip p i D isaste r winning a round in the battle po w er plant c a m e f r o m two Pow er-packed survival biscuits, 42,500 pounds of them, havt of u n i v e r s i ty -o w n e d v e r s u s s o u r c e s - - t h o s e who felt that a appeared on the University of M ississippi campus to stock dor­ p r i v a t e -o w n e d f a c i l i t i e s . s t a t e - s u p p o r t e d institution m itories designated as fall-out shelters in c a s e of a nuclear emergency. Purified w ater, sanitary kits and medical kits a rt A power plant bill is now should not be allowed to c o m ­ be f o r e the Michigan House of pete with p r i v a t e e n t e r p r i s e \ also being made available. R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s and is e x p e c ­ in producing e l e c t r i c i t y , and EMU Committee In ve stig a te s Tape Recorders ted to p a s s w i t h little op­ t h o se who questioned the amount The Student Advisory Committee at Eastern Michigan Uni­ needed. versity has been investigating the use of tape re co rd e rs in the position. classroom . The pros and cons of the issue a re being weighed. The l e g i s l a t u r e , it would The U n i v e r s i t y c a n pr odu ce e l e c t r i c i t y much m o r e e c o n ­ s e e m , has little c h o i c e but to p a s s the bill, which is ba se d o m i c a l l y than it c a n p u r c h a s e w * Negroes Gain In C hicago E le ction s Student Senate elections w ere held at Roosevelt University on a feasibility study conducted it b e c a u s e of the dual use of in Chicago, with only eight people running for 10 available seats. this s u m m e r . s t e a m . The s t e a m that the University m anufactures for 'E M Two Negro students w ere among the candidates, showing an in crease in the interest and concern of the Negro community to good student government. Rejecting the U n i v e r s i t y ’ s own study l a s t sp r in g as being heating is used to g e n e r a t e the electricity. WT W isconsin S o roritie s Refuse To F ile M em bership bi a se d , the l e g i s l a t u r e wasted The U n i v e r s i t y h a s a r e s p o n ­ Five so ro rities at the University of Wisconsin have refused to file membership statements with the Student Government $ 1 6 , 0 0 0 and delayed the power sibility to the t a x p a y e r s to Council. Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu, Alpha Epsilon plant five months in o r d e r to s a v e thepi money w h e r e v e r Phi and Sigma Kappa a re seeking a court decision on the authority obtain a study that is even m o r e po ss i b l e. If it ca n light the m 0K of the SGC to require registration. fav or a bl e to the U n i v e r s i t y ’ s c a m p u s m o r e e c o n o m i c a l l y by D iscrim in a tio n Claimed In Wayne Area H ousing position than was the U n i v e r ­ producing its own p o w e r , it Wayne State University housing p ractices have com e under fire sity’ s report. should do so. by the “ Ad Hoc” com m ittee. Ninety to ninety-five p er cent of the landlords in the university area p ractice d iscrim ination,ac­ cording to Hartford Smith, spokesman for the com m ittee. The Cam pus UN A nd Y ou C a lifo rn ia L e g is la tu re Rules On Recorders L a s t week the C a m p us UN the opportunity the C a m p u s UN The California state legislature has passed a law which gives p rofesso rs the right to ban tape reco rd ers from classroom s c e l e b r a t e d United Nations Day, pr o v i d e s for getting to know at state educational institution. The law requires students in­ and it is fitting that a word be not only the world we live in a tending to use such a device to first secure the perm ission of little b e t t e r , but also the people THAT’S A NOVEL IDEA! p ro fessors. said on behalf of this fine o r ­ ganization. in it. Anyone who spends four H 1 R A M e V A O e The v ar io u s Camp us UN’ s y e a r s at MSU and d o e s n ’ t d e ­ Letters To The Editor A R T A B A L E P U T E V E N u E A D O R N e x i s t as affiliates of the A m e r ­ velop s o m e friend ship s with ACROSS 28. Author of M A 1 O S A MA ■ ica n A s so ci a ti o n for the United our visiting forei gn students 1. Venezuela “The Raven’ IA i N N u L A M 1 Nations. They have th e ir own does h i m s e l f a d i s s e r v i c e . He A U S G — C u b a — M cD o n e l copper center 5. Tea 29. Genus a vena C P L E O A T H A 1 L E R P L A MK national h e a d q u a r t e r s in New p a s s e s up a g r e a t c h a n c e to To the Editor: 8. Finlal 30. Pacified E R R S E p A Y o r k City, and work in c l o s e tru ly widen his h o r i z o n s . Rather Hall has thrown up Miss Ries stated that "Student Government needs student lead­ m ore objective I could go along with FALN te rro ris t activities 11. Branch 12. Alcoholic 33. Common­ wealth ■ T » ? A S P N E 6 E R D I S A P A M0 N A their hands and tossed in the F o r t h ei r p a r t the forei gn e rs who a re willing to work for in Latin A m erica. drink 36. Hindrance 1 T A L 1 c c o o p e r a t i o n with the AAUN to towel, in a move that could be the student body and not for their A H 1 S E If I knew the "tru th ” I might 13. Move a 37. Elev ator students a r e v e r y willing to the end for AUSG. They have own private i n t e r e s t s . ” Miss camera D e P o T E D 1 L E keep A m e r i c a n s inf orm ed as called it "p assiv e resistan ce” , be happy for the Cuban people carriage talk about t h e i r c o u n t r i e s . J u s t R ies, may I publicly accuse you of living under a totalitarian Com­ 14. And others; 38. Ascended to the o b j e ct i v e s and o p e r at i o n s which is another way of saying the very thing you accuse Student munist government. Perhaps if Lat. 42. Repudiate 51. Remnants 5. Pals le t them know you a r e a little "N o one else in AUSG is doing 15. Tapering of the world o r g a n i z at i o n . Government. You have shown ir ­ I had not discussed C astro with 45. Johnny- DOWN 6. Pipe with i n t e r e s t e d and they will give a n y t h i n g constructive — w h y responsible use of public office. pillar cake 1. Herring socket ends Cuban refugees I would not have On c a m p u s , UN m e m b e r s . . should we try? We quit!!* ’ You have shown disrespect for 17. Cant 46. Son of Bela sauce 7. Correct you s o m e insights that a t e x t ­ been so badly duped and could occu py an office in the Student They say they do not want to the women of Rather Hall. 19. Negative 47. Bring to 2. Cosmic 8. Brief com- also openly support the Com­ book could n e v e r fur nish. abolish AUSG or cause an up­ Miss R ies, methinks thou dost munists. 20. Capuchin court order: Vedic meroratlve S e r v i c e s building f r o m which ro a r. They do not seem to re a l­ protest too much. monkey 48. Girl's name 3. Gen. writing I can appreciate why one who they o r g a n i z e t h e i r pe r i o di c T h e r e a r e stil l s o m e co u n ­ ize how easily a move like this Howard M. Wilchins supports a Communist govern­ 21. Runt 49. Moccasin Bradley 9. Dance step could snowball. With the cu r­ 24. Movable 50. Plowed 4. Most 10. Blacken F r i d a y night m e e t i n g s . T h e s e t r i e s , m o s tl y A f r i c a n , that a r e rent discontent with AUSG, this AUSG Representative ment would be opposed to the property field capable 16. Soft Bailey Hall HUAC, but I wonder how ob­ a r e conducted in the s a m e style not r e p r e s e n t a t e d . T h e r e is a move could be quickly duplicated jective our open minded grad­ 10 18. Rust by other well-meanihg dormi­ 1 2 .3 T ~ T“ i 7 h 9 22. Red deer as the United Nations in New p l a c e f o r you. If you have an uate student is when he con­ 23. Nourished tories a cro ss campus, crippling it iS sid ers this comm ittee as vicious II Y o r k , with an agenda of p e r ­ i n t e r e s t in m ee ti ng s o m e future our student government beyond S till S h e lt e r e d ? and unconstitutional. i a 24. Lettuce 25. Pillbox world l e a d e r s and would like all rep air. li if ti tinent i nte rn ati ona l questions Somehow I f e e l that most 26. Irregular But is AUSG worth saving? to l e a r n m o r e about a world A m ericans do not have a dis­ t/M a 27. Having drawn up to be debated at the To the Editor: n k ii m o ck g e n e r a l a s s e m b l y s e s ­ t h a t ’ s drawing e v e r c l o s e r to My answer is yesl AUSG may be doing little or nothing of I read with interest the letter taste for the truth. I will grant w . % /i ü rounded that in this country the facts to h i i is appendages from one of our open minded si on s. you, stop by the UN r o o m and benefit to the University at the present. But this does not mean graduate students regarding the a re hard to ascertain due to the 914 W m 31. Blade many conflicting rep orts we get is ¿7 ■m'/ / / ri 2« 32. Threefold M o r e i m p o r t a n t than the i nt r o du ce y o u r s e l f to s o m e of that AUSG cannot be an effective and useful organization in the fu­ Cuban situation. T h i s student openly supports the Communist from our "controlled” p re ss, 30 m S 31 3 » 34. Saccharine radio and television. 29 debating s e s s i o n s , h o w e v e r , is the n i c e s t people on c a m p u s . ture. government of Cuba but considers source Too bad I do not subscribe to 35. Expunge S t a t e m e n t s like President himself objective in his analysis. 33 34 is 0V 34 ■mam. K e rr's prom ise to abolish AUSG The re st of us poor uninformed a Cuban newspaper, do not lis­ ten to the " f r e e ” Cuban cadio, 37 3$ M m m . 39 4 0 41 ¡ÉK 39. Presently 40. Geraint's souls w.ho may support our gov­ if he cannot make it effective, o r do not c a re to go to Cuba ■i f beloved STATE NEW MICHIGAN are as ridiculous as abolishing ernment a re considered im per- 44 iè and play ping pong with C astro. 42 4 i 41. Promon­ STATE UNIVERSITY the national government if the present a d m i n i s t r a t i o n can­ ceptive and uneducated. I realize I have lived a very I could then get the " f a c ts ” and 4k 4Ì t 4t tory m 42. Lacerate not solve the unemployment pro­ sheltered life for the past 36 be objective like our open min­ ded graduate student. m 43. Epoch SO Member Associated P re ss , United P re ss m er term ; special Welcome Issue in Septem­ ber. blem. The trouble with AUSG is lack y e a rs, but somehow I feel a certain obligation to my country Stuart D. Sleight 49 % ■Si 44. Mongrel International, Inland Daily P re s s Association, Associated C o l l e g i a t e P re s s Association, Second cla s s postage paid at E ast Lansing, of constructive ideas and lack when it com es to dealing with Michigan P re ss Association. Michigan. of in terest, a problem that can Communist Cuba. Maybe if I were Editorial and business offices at 341 Student only be solved by the contri­ Published by the students of Michigan State Services Building, Michigan State University, bution and support of construc­ P F A M TS University. I s s u e d on cla s s days Monday through Friday during the fall, winter and East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions payable in advance: term , $3; 2 te rm s, $4; tive ideas by interested members of AUSG. Not by criticism , a r­ YiHE KNOWS WHICH' KIDS HAVE BEEN spring quarters, twice weekly during the sum- 3 term s, $5; full y e a r, $6. gument, and meaningless debate. 6 0 0 0 AND WHICH AUSG can prosper only when KIDS HAVE BEEN the Congress learns to say some­ BAD... E ditor..................................................B ru ce Fabricant A sst. Adv. M grs......................... Frank Senger J r . , ^ V jU thing constructive or nothing at Advertising Manager.......................... F red Levine Arthur Langer all. Campus Editor...................................G erry Hinkley Circulation Manager.........................Bill Marshall We as students can help our Sports E d itor............................. •• • J e r r y C apian Campus Coordinator.......................... Dave Jaehnig student government most by fol­ Photo Chief........................................... George Junne Women’ s Housing.....................................L iz Hyman lowing the sam e principle. Editorial Editors. . . Jack Shea, Dave Stewart Assistant Campus Editor. . . John Van Gieson As for Rather Hall, let's call Night Editor................................................ L ee Brown Men’ s Housing.................................... Oyars B a lce rs a spade a spade. Well meaning though they be, let’ s not call it passive re s is ta n c e , let’ s call A nd on halioueen ni6ht it apathy. THE "6REAT PUMPKIN" RISES P overty Threatens B razil Edward Balthrop OUT OF THE PUMPKIN PATCH. AND FLIES THR0U6H THE AIR WITH HIS BA6 OF TOYS FOR ALL THE 600D From Our Wire Services jor aid program operating in the an extrem e leftist who has ad­ 268 W.Shaw Hall CHILDREN IN THE WORLD.' northeast a rea. It cooperates with mitted to M arxist leanings but One of the worst problem areas a Brazilian agency called Sudene, denied he is a Communist. Po­ S o m e F a c t s of Brazil is the region of sugar the organization for development litical observers classify him as cane plantations on the north­ of northeast a rea. a leftist nationalist. The p ra c­ tical meaning is that he opposes To the Editor: to-29 east coast near the city of Re­ A m e r i c a n experts were as­ cife. Significantly this is also signed to study the plight of U.S. influence in B razil. T here are certain highly rele­ one of thé most active areas for the sugar cane workers and the When A rre a s took office last vant facts concerning the recent Communist agitation. farm owners. One of them sum­ January he called for breaking Rather Hall AUSG which I think The cane farm s are worked med up: the sugar cane farm s U.S. aid co n tracts in his state, should be brought to the atten­ laborers who earned until re ­ can produce as much sugar on but the arrangem ents were made tion of the student body. cently about $120 a y ear. They half the present acreage if they with the federal agency and were F ir s t of all, Rather’ s "w ith- live in small shacks around the will adopt modern methods of beyond his control. d raw al"from Congress which was cane fields. An American offi­ cultivation. Poverty is one source of Com­ "not m a d e in h a s t e ” was cial visiting one of the farms Communists have been active munist power in Latin A m erica. approved by the General Council found two fam ilies totaling 17 in the northeast for more than Dictatorship is another. The Reds without ever having attended an housed in two tiny room s. a quarter of a century. They got their foothold in B razil, and AUSG meeting and without ever The laborers and their famil­ got a big boost in prestige and built up considerable numerical having a representative of Con­ ies, about a million in number, m orale when Fidel C astro seized strength, during the dictatorship g re ss attend one of their meet­ are mixtures of Indian, Negro power in Cuba and became a of Getulio V argas, 1930 - 1945. ings to explain the "oth er side.” D oes a m an re a lly ta k e u n fa ir a d v a n ta g e o f w om en and European stock. Their chief hero of the underdog. They attracted many intellectuals T herefore, the only evidence they then because they proclaimed had to go on was the testimony w hen h e u se s M e n n e n S k in B ra c e r? foods are beans and manioc flour. They a re illiterate and for gen­ Following C astro ’ s example, outright opposition to dictatorial on Sharon R ies, testimony which All depends on why he uses it. HOW'LONE HAS IT BEEN erations they passively accepted F ran cisco Juliao, the northeast rule. shall be proved not to be in­ Most men simply think Menthol-Iced Skin Bracer is the best SINCE YOU'VE HAD A their m isery. Communist leader, branched out B r a z i l i a n officials say the nocuous. after-shave lotion around. Because it cools rather than burns. PHYSICAL C H E C K -U P ? Within the past year there have of his home area and began country has only about 30,000 M iss R ies joined the All-Uni­ Because it helps heal shaving nicks and scrapes. Because it been riots in the region. Arm­ stumping the country. He aspired h ard -co re Communists. These versity Student Government in helps prevent blemishes. ed workers in several Instances to make himself a national polit­ officials find loyalties split be­ Spring, 1963, and, from the be­ So who can blame them if Bracer's crisp, long-lasting aroma marched on. tljie &ue.a^*cane mjUs. i c ^ leader, but his bid for power tween Moscow* and Peking with ginning, began_ to compile an just happens tp affect women so remarkably? the majority following the p ro - attendance record which was, at Of course, some men may use Mennen Skin Bracer because and forced them to close down. failed and he subsided into r e ­ Tension between the farm owners lative unimportance. Moscow line of L u i s C arlos best, spotty. In committee meet­ of this effect. r*“» The governor of the state of P re s te s , s e c r e t a r y - g e n e r a l of ings, her attendance was nil. How intelligent! vEw and their laborers is high. The United States has a m a- Pernambuco, Miguel A rre a s, is the Brazilian Communist P arty. In her letter of resignation, Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 9 , 1963 I a lr n tla r « ( ¿HlHIlil h x t l l t ' G rill Packs 'Em In On Tuesdays, Sells O ver 3,000 Soft Drinks D aily Faculty Women’ s Association L u n c h e o n — 11:45 a .m ., Sun Porch , Union. MSU Men’ s Club Luncheon— 12:10 p .m ., Union P a rlo rs . By L IN D A M ILL E R Chem istry C o l l o q u i u m — 4 State News S taff Writer p .m ., 122 Kedzie Chemical Lab. Entomology Sem inar— 4 p .m ., ED ITO R ’ S NOTE: T h is is 401 Nat. Scl. the second part of a three- Food Science Seminar— 4 p .m ., part series on the Union 110 Anthony Hall. G rill. Horticulture Sem inar— 4 p .m ., 204 Horticulture. Union Grill activity is at its Plant Pathology and Mycology peak on week-days during lunch Sem inar— 4 p .m ., 450 Nat. S ci. hours, mid-afternoon and early Television and Radio Seminar evening. Hot food sells steadily — 4 p .m ., Art Room, Union. from 11:15 a.m . to 1:30 p.m . Urban Planning and Landscape F o u n t a i n ord ers are heaviest A rchitecture Sem inar— 4 p .m ., from 2 to 4 p.m . and 8 to 10 p.m . L ectu re Hall, L ib rary. B u s i n e s s declines on week­ Statistics Colloquium — 4:10 ends, l a r g e l y during the day p .m ., 108 Berkey. hours, except when the football Commonwealth Council of the team is playing at Spartan Sta­ Humanities L e c t u r e — 8 p .m ., dium. "Football Saturdays a re Kellogg C enter Auditorium. our heaviest d a y s," said Robert TODDLERS H E L P DADS teor down an o ld woodon fence Saturday a t the Spartan Nursery Faculty R ecital: C o rliss A r­ Traub, Grill m anager. Religious School, on W illow and B irch . Campus C hest gave $520 to r a new metal fertce, now being nold, Organist— 8:15 p .m ., Peo­ groups meeting in the Union on ples Church. Sunday som etim es bring many b u ilt. B asic Action P arty — 7:30p .m ., custom ers. 22 Union. The G r i l l is o p e n from Spartan Pistol Club— 7 p .m ., 7:15 a.m . to 10:30 p.m . Mon­ Rifle Range, Dem. Hall. day through Thursday, until 12:30 P rofs C om m ent On B o rd e r D is p u te Block and Bridle Club— 7:30 a.m . Friday and Saturday night have gone back to the dorm or and Sprite, a re served each day. place is packed at noon." p .m ., Anthony Hall, Informal Ini­ and from 10 a.m . to 10:30 p.m . his attention at home. and if Algeria received aid and tiation. home for dinner. From 4:30p .m . Students report that their fa­ Even though the Grill, which Sunday. (concluded from page 1 ) “ Morocco could be assured a rm s from the Soviets and Egypt Christian Science Organization About 30 dozen students eat to 7:30 p.m . mostly off-campus vorites on the Grill menu are opened with the Union Building tween Ben Bella and that p a rty ." of aid and support from Tunis, the United States would probably — 7 p .m ., 31 Union. breakfast in the Grill on an students a re in the Grill. Coke, coffee, hamburger, french in 1925, was extensively expanded Some world leaders have ex­ Intervene for M orocco. Algeria a v e r a g e week-day m o r n i n g . In reference to the frequency fries, pop corn , potato chips and in 1948, it has never been big has already accused M orocco of apples. When one coed said that enough, said Dmochowski. pressed concern that the fight­ ing might cause a m ajor world H u m a n it y trying to drag the United States G reek Breakfast Nearly 150 students trail through of off campus students,. Dmo­ chowski term ed the Grill " a the h a m b u r g e r s were always With the number of students the cafeteria line from opening increasing, the cafeteria line has conflict. N ajjar, who listens to into the con flict,” he said. home for the hom eless.” cold, her companion offered that Alpha Xi Delta women were until 9 a.m . Then the pace begins Radio C airo on a short-wave The main danger in a situation Although off-campus students "they have to make up the lunch become Inadequate, expecially at treated to a breakfast Saturday to pick up. radio, says Egypt is not ready to commit h erself to a long con­ S e r ie s like this is the threat of the Russians, Najjar said. morning by the Phi Mu’ s at Often Grill business coincides spend more time in the G rill, the ratio of on- to off-campus ord ers ahead of time because this their house at 301 C harles St. with class schedules. Union Man­ flict with M orocco. "1 seriously students is about 5 0 -5 0 at any doubt that this border war will T o n ig h t "1 doubt very much if the It was held to promote United States will stand by and between so ro rities, s a i d Liz spirit ager that Michael the Grill Dmochowski fills about 10 said min­ given time. A CLEAN SHIRT Students seem to agree that break into a world w ar,” he said. "A lgeria is economically The only public address of the let m atters fix them selves. It first C in a se rie s of Humanities will most certain ly become an Phi Mu president. lark, Birmingham sei and utes after each ties at 15 before. hour and emp­ they frequent the Grill m ore on " FROM LOUIS Tuesday than any other day in and m ilitarily lacking and can’t fight a m ajor war, even with Colloquiums will be presented internationalized a f f a i r . What will probably happen is that an Bleed Best Although the tables and booths normally seat 480, Troub said the week. Thursday and Friday FOR ME? the support of N asser. at 8 tonight in Kellogg Center are also popular days. No reason international police force will that the number of patrons ex­ "B esid es this; N asser has too Auditorium. The 190 short cou rse students ceeds this during busiest hours. other than cla s s schedules could We take such good c a re of many other affairs that need Speaking on the relationship intervene and freeze the affair be given for this. our custom ers, they think they­ in A rm strong Hall set the pace From 550 to 600 a re in the Grill of the humanistic studies to con­ as was done in the K ashm ir- Coke is the biggest seller in ’re getting a present every tem porary society in an age of India situation," he said. in the hall’ s first place finish at lunch tim e. for dorm itories in the b l o o d Fall term to Thanksgiving is the G rill, even during winter time they pick up their order. science and technology, will be always the busiest time of the term . Troub said that 3,000 12- Ju st bring it to Louis. Remem­ D eb a ters Richard McKeon, a University C harles Hughes, director of drive. of Chicago professor of phil­ African Studies, says the con­ The House of A r e s and the y ear. " I guess the kids re a l­ ounce cups of Coke, root beer ize that finals a re getting pretty ber. . . cleaning and shirts flict is an expression of a prob­ House of Arch Dukes both had in by 10 can be out by 5 the osophy. W in 6 - W a y Also participating in the col­ lem that has loquium will be Richard Neutra, time among Arab states. existed for a long 100 p er cent participation and clo se ,” Troub said. have been promised certificates Late a f t e r n o o n slows down Frankfurter same day. Grill operation as most students T ou rn ey a California arch itect, and Jean Hagstrom, professor of English - "T h e re is a possibility of a by the Red C ro ss. & m ajor w o r l d conflict. North MSU took first place among at Northwestern University. Charles Cumberland, director Africa has had a long history ATTENTION CAR OWNERS Sauer Kraut Cleaner and , jß u t- six other colleges and univer­ of discord, and the U.A.R. is a sities in a discussion tournament of the p ro ject, said the y ear­ here this week-end. long se rie s is designed to an­ m ajor f a c t o r , ” Hughes said. "T h e situation is based as much complete front end repair and alignment Whipped Potatoes Shirt Laundry Members of the winning team swer the question of what the on history as it is on modern Hot Vegetade a re all sophomores: Jim Hudek, humanities should and should not id e a s." said Hughes. «brakes «suspension Roll and Butter 623 E . Grand River ED 2-3537 A cross F rom Student S ervices Building Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Robert Im - be doing in the mid-20th cen ­ tury. "B a sica lly it is Communism * wheel balancing «steering corrections le r, Frankfurt, Ind.; Harlan M c- T here will be four phases to versus anything." Ghan, Flint; Jim Robinson, Grand the program , Cumberland said. Rapids; an d K erm itT errell,D er­ The first is designed to examine « motor tune ups 55* by, Kan. the problem from a humanist : s a t '.'n o v 2 [ T h e topic discussed w a s , point of' view. The second will "Should the federal government be the viewpoint of the social s 8-12 P.M. S LISKEY'S AUTO SAFETY CENTER BalfA’s Cafeteria guarantee opportunity for higher scien tists; the third of the scien­ education f o r qualified h i g h tists, and the fourth of the var­ ■ 124 S O U T H L A R C H IV 4-7346 Lightning F ast Service Midterms D O N 'T MISS IT U ! ! school graduates?" « we s p e c ia liz e on fo re ig n c a r s ) ious university presidents. Other schools to receive tro ­ The three persons contributing phies were the University of to this set of meetings will spend Michigan, s e c o n d and third Tuesday and Wednesday in m eet­ GOT p laces, and the College of Woo­ ings with the faculty of the Col­ ste r, fourth place. lege of A rts and L e tte rs and SURE, I ’M A PART-TIM E Trophies were presented by other people in the university Je r r y M. Anderson, MSU d irec­ tor of forensics and tournament interested in the study. PROFESSIONAL NURSE. YOU ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I d irector. The tournament was the first inly A more this year for the MSU debaters. They will compete with 35 other 4 d ays DOWN? schools in the Yearling Debate HOMECOMING Tournament next weekend at Mil­ DANCE waukee, Wis. I’ma licensed practical nurse at Lansing General Hospital. A study g u id e fr o m I worK part-time because although I’m married and have a home to care for, I realize there is a serious shortage of professional hospital help. S .B .S . An Insurance Company Career? Will c h e e r y ou up! T a lk it o v e r w i t h an E .M . in te rv ie w e r Lansing General has worked out a ^ Littlefield Quality Paperbacks special schedule for me, as they wil One of the m ajor industrial insurance companies in the for all part-time employees. Redi Reference United States, Employers Mutuals of Wausau offers in­ terestin g, rewarding c a r e e r s to hundreds of college men and women. -A Cliff's Notes. Some who joined us majored in insurance, but most were unaware until they talked with our interviewers that their education could be applied and their aims realized in an insurance company. If you are a RN or LPN and are These are just a few interested in part-time or full-time Talk with our representative about the opportunities we work, why not call our personnel of our wide selection can offer at our home office and in m ore than 100 cities department? of Study Guides and large and small throughout the country. "H e will be on the campus Monday, November 4 to Interview references senior men for positions as claim adjusters, underwriters, Linda Crippeii auditors, actuarial train ees, and sales correspondents, and senior women for positions-as audit review ers. Information on appointments can be obtained’ from the placement o ffice." LANSING GENERAL HOSPITAL E iu p lo y e rs M u tu a ls o f W a u s a u 2880 Devonshire Street, Lansing Ttrrephtwe IV 5*4311 ¿cro ss From Berkey Hall HOME OFFICE: WAUSAU, WISCONSIN 4 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 9 , 1963 D o rm R u le s S h o w T r e n d L-C To Present Folklórico President Kennedy gave the dancers a standing ovation. The dancers applauded him. And the W o m e n 's L o t S l o w l y E a s i n g audience turned from the P re s i­ dent to the d ancers, clapping their hands enthusiastically. That was about two y ears ago The 60s have brought 11:30 when President and M rs. Ken­ Late minutes, study tables and on campus fall and winter te rm s; to limit participation in campus During the late 50s hours w ere nedy visited President and M rs. activ ities. It was believed that extended: 11p.m . Monday through midweek hours for all women house rules have been a part of below-waist coats had to be worn Lopez Mateos in Mexico and this system would relieve a few Thursday for upperclassm en, and students and the current dress coed life at Michigan State since over riding pants; and shorts, attended a perform ance of the slacks and ski-pants w ere worn of the heavily burdened indivi­ 10 p .m . for freshm en; 1 a.m . regulations set by the Student- 1870. Faculty C o m m i t t e e on Social Ballet Folklórico of Mexico. Before 1 9 2 5 the Women’ s Stu­ only for sports. duals and would offer others the Friday and Saturday nights for Affairs. Penalities for infrac­ Wednesday, MSU students and dent Council was the women’ s Sportswear had to be covered opportunity to develop leadership all women and 12 midnight for E ast Lansing residents will have while on campus. The provisions all women on Sunday. Smoking tions of the rules a re no longer governing group. This board en­ by a full length coat when worn an opportunity to watch the B al­ forced such regulations as re ­ on campus. of the system w ere ca rrie d out rules were set by the individual automatic. let perform on campus. quired study table for all coeds In the 40s perm issions for by a Point Limitations Board houses. The company of 75 dancers, below a 2.0 all-Unlversity grade visits to servicem en became a made up of m e m b e r s from singers and musicians will ap­ point average and 7 :4 5 p.m. week necessary procedure. women's organizations on cam ­ p ear at 8:15 p.m . in the Aud­ Visits were permitted If the pus. Points w ere assigned to night hours. itorium as part of this y ear’ s During the 30s the regulations coed’ s parents sent a le tter of were much the sam e, except that approval for the weekend leave to each activity on the basis of the time and responsibility in­ P r o f S e e s J o b le s s L ectu re-C on cert S eries. The troupe will present an women were governed by Associ­ the Office of Student Affairs giv­ volved in the various activities. a rra y of Mexican folk dances and ated Women Students (AWS). Mid­ ing the time of departure and Freshm en w ere limited to 20 week hours for upperclass women return. The Dean of Students or points and upperclassmen could A s C r it ic a l P r o b le m music amid colorful stage set­ tings designed by two of Mexico’ s were raised to 10 p.m. one of the women’ s counselors not exceed 50 points. leading a rtis ts , the late Miguel Smoking was still prohibited in granted th e final permission The early 50s relaxed the The continuing high level of that there Is no danger that Covarrublas and Robin Bond. all women’ s residences. and the coed signed out in the smoking rules and extended Sat­ shortages of college graduates unemployment in the United Elaborate costum es for the Dress regulations were num­ usual manner. urday and Sunday night hours block the path to full employ­ company are by Dasha and are During the 30s and 40s the by a half hour. However, smok­ States is the most serious econ­ ment,” he said. erous and well enforced. Women based on authentic sources. ing was still prohibited in liv­ omic problem facing this country, were required to wear hosiery point limitation system was used A DANCER of the B a lle t F o lk ló ric o de M exico goes through Amalia Hernandez, founder and C harles C . Kiliingsworth, pro­ ing room s, lobbies, phone booths and stair ca se s . fessor of labor and industrial relations, told an Employment Smelly Coal a part of her performance w ith the w id e ly -h a ile d compahy. They w ill appear in the A uditorium at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday. d irecto r of the company, began her c a re e r a s a dancing teach er. WE HAVE SOMETHING To Sing About Delta Zeta Security Conference Saturday at Kellogg C enter. No Danger She left the Instituto Nacional de B ellas Artes to compose bal­ lets on folklore themes for p re­ Odors around the coal pile at Names Actives ‘ ‘The proper d i a g n o s i s and treatm ent of the unemployment the North Power Plant a re at H annah N am es sentation on Mexican television. Seven Delta Zeta pledges went a minimum, said Je s s e M. Camp­ In 1959, with a company of problem is the most important bell, superintendent of p o w e r 50 dancers, she prepared a pro­ active Sunday at the sorority house. task to w h i c h statesmen and scholars in the field of economics plants. The odor is methane gas cre a t­ 5 H o n o r a r y A lu m n i gram for the P a n - A m e r i c a n Games in Chicago under the spon­ The new actives, all sopho­ can a d d r e s s them selves,” he ed by oxidation of overheated coal P r e s i d e n t John A. Hannah to r; Louis A. Weil, Lansing,pub­ sorship of the Office of the P re s i­ m ores, are: Candy C a r m a n , said. Houghton Lake; C hris D o l a n , In the pile. All the overheated named five honorary alumni des­ lisher of the Lansing State Jo u r­ dent of the Republic. Hickory C orn ers: B arbara Sahr- coal has been consumed, Camp­ ignates Monday. nal; Rep. Arnell Engstrom, R - Kiliingsworth said that despite Following this perform ance, ney, Dearborn, and Joan Hoff, bell said. T ra v e rse City and chairman of a steady, but slow, improvement "T h e award is given to friends the group became the official Water Is pumped from the Red the House Ways and Means Com­ Dowagiac. in the average educational level of MSU who have been helpful national company, and has since Cedar to the power plant con­ m ittee; and Frank Manley, Flint,: Thorts Right-we’re singing Also, Nancy Todd, St. C lair of the work force, the change in densers to make steam for heat­ to the University over a period •head of the Mott Foundation. appeared in Europe, Canada, the Shores: Diane T razciak , Unison; the pattern of demand for labor of y e a r s ," S ecretary Jack B r e s - United.States and all over South About CASA NOVA PIZZA. and Gail W arner, St. Ignace. has created a large surplus of ing and ele ctricity . After conden­ lin said. “ Those designated to A m erica. sing, the water Is used to cool “ The award will be presented poorly educated workers and a receive the award have never at­ on behalf of the Alumni Advi­ the coal. Among the dances to be p er­ serious shortage of highly educa­ tended MSU and so they received sory Council and the Board of A V E R Y S P E C IA L P IZ Z A Much of the coal arriving. In formed here a re : "Wedding in N O V .2 : ted ones. railroad hopper c a r s is used immediately but a stockpile is the title of Honorary Alumni.” T ru s te e s ," B reslin said. Tehuantepec on the Isthmus,” 8 -1 2 p.m. * “ The Council of Economic Ad­ The awards will be presented “ Old Songs of M i c h o a c a n , ” “ For pizza sa ke c a ll* v isers continues to insist that the kept. Campbell said the campus Friday at the Alumni Presidents “ Dance of the Quetzal Birds of C LA U D E T H O R N H IL L ■ general pattern of umemployment has enough coal stockpiled to Dinner in Kellogg C enter’s Big Puebla,’’ "C h ristm as in Ja lis ­ CASA N O V A # 2 hdz.ióós has not changed significantly and last three months. Ten Room. Prof To Talk c o ,’’ and "Wedding in H uasteca- Potosina.” 211 MAC Receiving awards are Steven Nesbit, Frem ont tru stee-elect; O n History Dancers and singers will be Own (Not Rent) a Brand New L . A. Davidson, L an sin gcon trac- accompanied by several groups Sm ith-Corona E le ctric T yp e w rite r W ednesday of m usicians, including M aria­ ches (wandering m i n s t r e l s ) , B -4 -U -% ..5 M odels to Choose F ro m ... Insurance P ro fesso r Em eritus Herbert Marlmbaists and Veracruzianos. Heaton o f th e University of T ick ets for the Ballet Folk­ BU Y!! S T A R T IN G A T D eadline Minnesota will speak Wednesday at 8 p.m . in the Erickson Hall lórico perform ance a re available at the Union ticket office. Stu­ Extended Kiva on "C lio ’ s New F ro n tie rs,’* an assessm en t of trends in his­ dents may exchange coupon B from the student activity book to rical study. for a ticket to this performance VII s 50 The deadline for enrolling in the cred it union’ s family group He is on campus as a guest or the Nov. 6 appearance of the Cleveland O rchestra. life insurance plan has been ex­ of the Honors College and the Plus departments of economics and Taxes tended to Dec. 1. After this date any CreditUnion history. member desiring the insurance Author of works in the field C O N V E N IE N T T E R M S will have to submit a statement of economic history and a past of medical insurability. president of the Economic His­ Trade-ins Accepted Until Dec. 1 the only restriction tory Association, he has served 1-year warranty on is that the applicant work full as visiting p rofessor at P rin ce­ parts and service time for the University when he ton, Johns Hopkins, and Penn­ applies for the insurance. sylvania State Universities and More than 1 , 0 0 0 University em­ the University of B ritish Colum­ ployees have already enrolled in bia. the program . It provides $2,000 A native of Y orkshire, England, ft§ « Now Everyone Can Afford io Go Electric of term life insurance on the C redit Union m em ber, $1,000 on he studied at Leeds University, Birmingham University and the his spouse and $1,000 on each of London School of Econom ics. WOLVERINE TYPEWRITERCO. P H . 482-1452 his children six months or older. Children under six months a re in­ sured for $250. Credit union m em bers should J *where Ve Vseen this headline ■ before department — Miriam Wise Riggs School o f Beauty 117 E . K A L A M A Z O O ST. OPEN DAILY • A. M. »0 5:30-MONDAY Till 9:00 contact the Em ployees’ Credit Union, 1405 S. Harrison Road. I WomanTortured THERE’S A On* Hour FR EE PARKING at Raar of Sfora — Entar Grand Ava. Parking Lat byAgonizingITCH WASH ‘ N WEAR PO LISHED COTTONS to dance to the m usic o f BIG WEEKEND AND i BA B Y CORDS i CLAUDE THORNHILL AHEAD. o n ly $ 4 .9 5 MsPjano L E N and his Orchestra LOOK YOUR Relief in four day* K O S I T C H E K ’S y o u r h a ir k n o w s V A R S I T Y S h o p 228 Abbott Rd. •r monnyback HOMECOMING DANCE S a tu rd a y , N o ve m b e r 2 BEST E. Loosing ■ _______ A u d ito riu m for i t ’s t h e r e ! HOMECOMING It’s invisible, m a n ! You can’t see it. She can’t feel it. Only your hair No T ric k s knows it ’s there! It’s CODE 10 fo r men, the new invisible hairdressing Call us and make from Colgate-Palmolive. Non-greasy CODE 10 disappears in your hair, appointment. Let Ho Down Payment ro gives it the clean, manly look that inflames women, infuriates in­ Ju st Treats our experts help ferior m e n ! Be in. Let new CODE 10 groom your hair all day, invisibly. you get ready E - Z Terms 159.50 For the big weekend ahead. fast, efficient Hoover washer-spin dryer I t ’ s al w ay s a t r e a t when you stop, at M o “EAST LANSING’S Really fast! This new Hoover will wash, rinse, and spin-dry D onalds. Speedy s e r v i c e and fine food a r e MOST MODERN SALON’ a 6 pound load of clothes in just 6 minutes! Spin-dry one load g u a r a n t e e d . F o r the b i g g e s t t r e a t in town of clothes while another washes! You can use it anywhere— in the kitchen, bath or utility room: moves anywhere quickly, stop at any of the five convenient l o c a t i o n s . WE RECOMMEND easily on easy-rolling c a ste rsl GABRIELEEN WAVES Use just 10 gallons of water to wash 6 pounds of clothes, and when you spin dry, the warm suds can be pumped right back into the washer for reuse! Tub of lifetime stainless steel: this U N IV E R S IT Y new Hoover co sts less to buy, and much less to operate: come in and see it Mondayl B E A U T Y Lansing • STOR •. AGE FURNITURE w«*' SALES INC. « -eri 4Q15 W. Saairyaw |East Lansing— ^ S A L O N Open D o ily T i l l 7 M on. & F r i . T i l l 9 <• IV 7-0173 4700 S. C e d a r 7 2120 N. Larch 11 Blk. £ a s t of C o m p u ti 2 B lk t. West of Union f TWO DOORS EAST C lo s e d S u n d a y * 4601 N . E A S T S T . (N . U S -2 7 ) OF CAMPUS T H E A T E R 2 .4 M ile * N orth o f Grond R iv e r A v e . Michigan State Ne ws, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan T u e s d a y , Oötober 2 9 , 1963 T en K n o tted I n t r a m u r a l N ew s D u f f y S e e s N o E a s y W in n e r MEN’ S 6:45 — Wolverton-Wormwood F oo tb all Schedule 7:30 — Snyder 13-11 Field 1 8:15 — Nads-Phingues Time 9:00 — B rod yod ers-F.E .S .S . 6:00 — W inshire-Windjammer 9:45 — B risto l-S ix Pak "Northwestern* w h i c h Ohio also the strongest physically,’ lems at the guard spot, which Daugherty continued praising By JEROME C A P LA N 6:45 — W orship-W orcester State still must plaÿ is capable Daugherty added. have been partially solved by the halfback c o -c a p t a 1 n Sherman State News Sports E ditor 7 :30 — Woodbridge-Wolverine F ra te rn ity Bow ling of beating any team in the con­ Chuck Lowther, a freshman great play of E arl L attim er. Lewis for his fine play. "T h ere 8:15 — Woodward-Wollstone It is alm ost inconceivable that ference, o r in the country, on from R o y a l Oak Shrine High certainly hasn't been a back In "There isn’t a finer guard in 9:00 — Kiljoys-Red Trojans one of the three undefeated but School, will be impersonating the country who has performed Alleys any given d ay ," Daugherty said. the conference than L attim er. 9 :45 — E ck ers Devils-Huskies 6 p.m. tied team s now leading the Big Brandt during this week’ s scrim­ better than Lewis this y ear. I "Tom m y M yers is the finest Ron Goovert is turning into a 1-2 Phi Sigma Kappa-A.T.O. Ten will make it through the re st have to rate him with the great Field 2 Iropback p a sser in the country fine linebacker to help us out 3 -4 Delta Upsilon-L.C.A. of the season without a loss, mages. "Low ther throws left- A ll-A m ericans from State. He's and he would have hurt us m ore on defense and John Karpinski 6:00 — Druids-Rambling W recks 5 -6 A .E .P i-D .T .D . according to Spartan Coach Duffy handed and we will use him to an all-around player too, not if our defense hadn’t played such is doing a good job on the right 6:45 - - Bacons Ham s-Dollar 65*s 7 -8 Beta Theta P i-P i Kappa Phi Daugherty. test o u r defensive p a tte rn s," like some who have just played a great game last S atu rd ay," 7:30 — SOC 1-Pills the coach said. Daugherty said. side on offense, but we still need offense or defense. 8:15 — SOC 11-Bachelors 8; 30 p.m. Daugherty said he thinks that depth th e re ,” Daugherty said. 9:00 - - P .E .# 4 -F a s t Backs 1-2 Delta Sigma Phi-Phi Delts “ there a re a lot of good team s The MSU coach thought the "W hat makes him even greater This week the Spartans will is that the other team s key their 9 :45 — P ackers-H ordes 3 -4 Delta Chi-Phi Kappa Tau in the co n feren ce" and that the Spartan’ s p re-season depth prob­ Daugherty announced that de­ face another top quarterback, championship is far from de­ lem still is not solved. "W e a re fensive back Don Japinga will be defenses on him and he has to Field 3 Soccer R esults cided. W i s c o n s i n ’ s Harold Brandt. four deep at cen ter, three deep running through plays this week, run past an •extra man every 6 :00 — Vets-Smity*s Raiders McDonel 2 , Bryan 0; Brody "B ran d t is left handed and he’ s at quarterback and in pretty good but the decision on whether he tim e he gets the ball,’ ’ he added. 6:45 — Duffwackers-Mets A 2, Shaw 1; Brody B 3, Snyder He doesn’t think Ohio State got a quick a r m ,’’ said Daugh­ shape at end, but we are weak will play against Wisconsin won’t 7 :30 - - Rangoon-Evans Scholars 2. has the edge over c o -firs t place erty. "H e’ s a big boy, too, and at tackle and guard. be made until late in the week. Sherman’ s mother and twin siste r watched the Northwestern CHUCK LOWTHER 8:15 — Fyjim o’ s-B a g ra ts team s MSU and Illinois. Although Japinga suffered a concussion in F ra te rn ity Badminton tie has fast backs, like we do, "T h e guards a re the key to the game with Michigan three game. M rs. Lewis will be back was after Lewis had gained 104 9:00 — Bethal M anor-Blue Bla­ the Buckeyes do not have to play another title contender, the other to complement him. Wisconsin s our offense and we’ve Just been weeks ago. Scheduled to be ready this weekend. Sherman’ s siste r yards rushing, caught four pas­ z e rs F ratern ity Badminton Tourn­ two team s face each other, and big and strong and they’ re the fortunate that the situation there to play is tackle Dave Herman. used to ra ce with her brother ses and returned a punt 84 yards. 9:45 — Flying Dutchman-Lions ament will be held tonight in also meet Wisconsin and the im­ most powerful r u n n i n g team has worked out so w e ll." Dau­ Herman was injured in the first when they were growing up in Field 4 the Sports Arena, Men’ s IM. B est out of th ree matches with proving Purdue. we’ve faced all season. They’ re gherty referred to the many prob- half of play against Northwestern. Louisville, Ky. Until they reached 6:00 - - Wooster-Worthington 15 point gam es. Check in with high school she could even beat IM Sports Supervisor p rio r to him. N O V .2 s t o w n (Ù X m atch. Goalie Dedich 6 Only Wants To Do Job Looking at him after the North­ western game, she said9 she could probably beat him again. That Homecoming Donee n Court Doubles 6:00 and still is getting experience in match with St. Louis, two weeks STARTS THURSDAT! r RECOMMENDEDWITHOUT RESERVATION 1 — Theta Chi (Numaw & G ray)-- “ I’ve always liked so cce r, and since 1 wasn't big enough for Big a hurry. from Saturday. "W e know they’re an aggres­ Ten football. I cam e out for the " I ’ve learned a lot since the IS HARO-HITTINGCINEMATIC ART!' T!"_ Delta Upsilon 2 — S .A .E . (Jax 8i N agler)— 6:45 sp o rt." first day in the goal,” said De­ dich. " F i r s t game I was kind of sive team ,” he said. "1 hope 1 won't be too busy that day. I f SPECIAL Few will dispute the resu lts: , -th e Z .B .T . shakey and scared . Now I feel I get a good workout, all I can hope is to do the Job well.” All The Butter Milk Pancakes 3 — Pi Kappa Phi - Delta Chi With an average of 0.43 goals like I’ve been in the goal all my b alcony (Hoffecker & Seiforth) 4 — A.T.O. - Delta Sigma Phi per game in seven outings this season, Dedich is a serious threat life. " P r a c tic e has b e e n rougher Asked whether he had any re ­ grets about his move to so ccer, you can eat . . . 49c ICMIMmil M1HM1KK IUUM (Stobel & Flake) to the 0.66 reco rd set in 1961 than game exp erien ce.” he said. Dedich said no, but qualified it __ 5 — D.T.D. (Burton & Senger)- by Ted Saunders. "T h e only matches where I've by saying: had to work hard have been Akron “ But som etim es, with the ball Beta Theta Pi (Bylsma & And with four shutouts under and Ball State.* coming at you 30 o r 40 miles Lawton) his belt, Dedich challenges the He is looking forward to the per hour, it gets a little h ectic.” 6 — Sigma Phi Epsilon (R ic- ['COMEDY SPIKEDW—N ITH. Y.FATim RCE" ms tringer & Dougherty)— L.C . A. (T eetart & Hughes) mark of 6 extablished by Bill Onopa last y ear. ALL DAY 7 — S.A.M. (Berkman & Burke)- m a n ia s “th* Battìi Winner of Theta Chi & Delta Two team s, Ohio University I Mile East •f tiw Sans* Upsilon and NCAA champion St. Louis, plus the possibility of playoff Of MSU WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30 7 Singles 7:30 C H AR LES DEDICH foes, stand between Dedich and these-distinctions. - - S.A .E. (Mackenzie)-S.A.M. (Hush) 2820 E GRAND RIVER HOW — Beta Theta Pi (Galivan)- By RICHARD SCHWARTZ State News Sport» Writer "N ever in my mind did I have any idea o fb reak in gan yrecord ," , Il F o r n o R e s t a u r a n t at Frandor Delta Chi (Knoll) Dedich said. "If I can do a good TO SUCCEED — D.T.D. (Cliff)-Phi Kappa Tau (Fassbender) F o r C harles Dedich, goal ten­ der of Michigan State’ s so ccer job. I’m satisfied .” " fc r iu « k 1 Î 2 7 V fa n o n i 4 - Delta Sigma Phi (K ram arz)- team , ‘ 'learn by experience” is IV 7-3761 IN PRO BALL! Delta Upsilon m ore than a well-worn cliche, Record or no record, Dedich feels it a honor to be compared lo w OPEN DAILY11:AM - 2AMI Jerry Lucas, one of the all-time 5 — Theta Chi (Grams)-Sigma it’ s an apt description. to all-A m erican s O n o p a and great college basketball stars, is now a pro. In the December is­ Nu Although a senior student of Saunders. Lunches Dinners Sandwiches Pizza 5 — A .E . Pi (Jacobs)-W inner of sue of SPO R T magazine, you’ll find out what Lucas (and every Theta Chi - Sigma Nu Spanish, Dedich is a freshman Problem number one has been Open FrU & Sat. 24hr. college star) has to learn to “suc­ ceed” as a pro, as his former 5 — Sigma Phi Epsilon (Hinz)- A .T.O . to varsity so c c e r. ' ■ S ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a HIS PIANO! S RATHSKELLER roommate John Havlicek gives 7 — L .C .A . (M an sb u rger)-P i " I didn’t play so cce r ’ til 1 OPEN DAILY 5 P.M him inside pointers on the NBA and its stars. . . Plus the SPO RT Kappa Phi cam e to S ta te ,” explained Dedich. ! HIS ORCHESTRA! ■ FINE FOOD ENTERTAINMENT spotlight is on college football, 1 — S .A .E . (Schaffer)-Beta Theta "Football was my sport in high ■ ■ with exciting photo reports on P i (Ellis) school. 1 was a linebacker and ■ C LA U D E T H O R N H IL L ■ George Mira, the nation’s No. 1 2 — Z .B .T .-L .C .A . (Dunwell) guard. co lleg e q u a r te r b a c k . . . Coach 3 — Sigma Phi Epsilon (Scott)- John McKay of USC and Mel D. Upsilon PHONE ED7-1311 FOR TAKE OUT Renfro of Oregon. SPO RT cov­ ers college sports in depth, and you get behind-the-scenes cover­ 4 — D.T.D. (Tinker)-A.T.O . 5 — Pi Kappa Phi-Delta Sigma For Your Pleasure . . . THE AIR-CONDITIONED age on a ll pro sports. In Decem­ (Close) ber SP O R T you’ll also want to read “ I Say Liston is Good For Boxing,” an exclusive article by (continued on page 8 ) HOLIDAY LANES Rocky Marciano. SPO RT mag­ # 4 0 Brunswick Lanes # Saack Bar azine keeps you apace of all # g Billiard Tables # Cocktail Lounge events on the sports scene.. .with authoritative coverage, sharp analysis, informative profiles and SLACK SALE L a n e s A v a ila b le F o r :■ i9 6 3 action-packed photos. . . Get WASH ‘ N’ WEAR O P E N B O W L IN G December_______ E v e r y D a y U n t il 6 p m, ■ DACRON BLEN D And F r i . , S a t ., & S u n . E v e n in g s T o o l S P O R T Reg. ST2.95 - Now $10.95 Favorite magazine of the sports OPEN EVERY DAY A T 9 A.M. stars and the sports minded I R eg .^$9.95 - Now $7.95 ‘ F r a n d o r i s Ju st South Of Us” NOW ON SALE! Reg. $8.95 - Now $6.95 IV 7-3731____________ Buy Now and Save c ä m P I I s L E N H O L ID A Y TRAVEL T H I I T W K O S I T C H E K ’S DANCE; WHENYOU TRY OUR HURRY! LAST 3 DAYS V A R S I T Y S h o p BARGAM S , /CLAUDE THORNHILL^* HEWCOIN-OPtKAlED DRYCLEANIN6 228 A b b o tt R d . 65^ to 5:30 Eve 904 1:25 - 4:05 - 6:45 - 9:25 E o . t L a n s in g , M ich . FOR M S U hi* Piano N ew m o n e y -s a v in g »#PW IHLJ.ES.TJMO.RIiGJLF.iiMS. STUDENTS & FACULTY and hit w ay to d o you r "T h e offer Chesapeake and Ohio and New York Central Railroads a saving of 25% from regular round trip coach fares ORCHESTRA d ry d e a n in g from Lansing, Mich, to certain selected destinations and on * * * * * * ——U1UI4 ►1UMIT dates as indicated. FORMAL PRESENTATIO N OF THE -.EDWMDLMIRSOft TO DAY THRU WED.! ® if a n k H g iiJ in g w m ñcr ONE C O M P L E T E P E R ­ HOMECOMING QUEEN YM ÜNNE F O R M A N C E S T A R T IN G 7 P .M Go Nov. 22 thru 27 Return limit Dec. 3 and HER COURT ■ft WADER'S LA (EJjriBtmas ONLY 1W «“ W W E Go Dec. 10 thru 14 Return limit Jan. 7 COLOTRANAVIMr D O LC E AWARDING OF TROPHIES . . . and ♦STARTS F R ID A Y * TheBeauty...TheDelight m TO WINNING FRATERNITIES, you gat ¡V IT A VIA HOAD to me nm jn s SORORITIES, AND HOUSING the OtTheWorld’s /AB i \ AnAiior Refeeie SPECIAL ROUND TRIP Inflatable Hangar ïreat Music! EASTBOUND SCHEDULE 7 :0 0 P .M . O N L Y / ÏÎÎ OAILY EXC. SUNDAY FARE UNITS FOR HOMECOMING FREE! + t - — C O -FEA TU R E I- ™ " I L v . lam ing CfcO Rfl 5: 1? FM 7 :0 0 FM S:A5AM LANSING 10:30 AM JH DISPLAYS.. . If you haven't tried our coin-operated, self-service dryclean- At . Dstrolt * * * * * * I a t 1 0 :0 0 P .M . O N L Y I jng, you’re missing a real opportunity to enjoy substantial I "D A N G E R O U S I Chang, s t . t l s s at Dstroit - Transfer not included. ' Savings on your drydeaning bill. You can dryclean anything I L O V E A F F A IR S " | DAILY EXC. SATURDAY you usually send to the cleaners . . . while you wait or do DISNEY’S Datrolt NYC HR 8:30 FM 5:50 Fit SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2rd . ybur shopping nearby. Our customers tell us they’re not T H U R S . . -O N E D A Y O N L Y only pleased with the savings, but delighted with the dry-, L A U R E N C E O L IV IE R 8-12 PM in The AUDITORIUM ; cleaning results. Why not try it today and see for yourself . . . end get the handy inflatable hanger freel Frpf o ffti W illia m S h a k e s p e a re 's H * * * — «pices in 10 days. "H A M L E T ” B ¡ SUNSHINE CENTER ■ Tickets on Sale At Union Ticket Office 5 213 Ann St., East Lansing For raturft .ch.dul.fl or additional lnform tion consult GAO HR CHERRY LANE LAUNDRY s ta r tin g ^ R f.t S A T Y A J IT R A Y ’ S , 1rw ifcl-ttTfvir- i7.CS J6." Sw Sr'JC-.Bfc IV.nhoe 4-7431 11:00 AM to 8:00 IV) S C0ÜPLE“ Corn.r of Harri.on Rd. & Wilson, E oit Lan.ing FULLSTEREOPHONICSOUND< " T W O D A U G H T E R S ’* "Tickets Will Not Be Honored In Sleepercoaches Or A vai lable For ON- CAMPUS R . s i d . n t s ■*4*MM4taMtMMSTA0ali*ilwC*.iK- * «WDnetr* Standard Sleepers.” T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 9 , 1963 6 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan DINETTE SET, chrome table with “the dinette and chairs were sold to the third caller- leaf and four ch airs, good condi­ FURNITURE SOLD UN THIRU CALI the state news certainly brings results” said this pleased advertiser tion. ^ Automotive ^ Employment 3^» For Rent + For Sale I 1958 PONTIAC Bonneville sports COMMANDER THOMAS Keane LARGE F R O N T bedroom and GEM -Travel tra ile r, 19 ft. Bath, P O PPY : Happiness’ is a quiet MSU Gets Millions um w N • electric refrig erato r, 4-burner laugh. T.Q.M . Chuckles. 24 coupe, power steering, brakes, U.S.N. Ret. Interviewing 10 a .m .- small back bedroom. No cooking, stove, s l e e p s 4. P h o n e IV low :■■■ excellent condition. $850. Call 4 p.m . for men interested in Call ED 2 -4 6 1 3 . 24 9 -3 6 1 9 ._______________________26 executive direction of a dynamic Personal For N igeria U. 372-2393 after 5 p.m. 27 A D youth p r o g r a m . Call M.S.U. ENGLISH BIKES 3-speed. $39.95. IF YOU GET shot hunting, re st W A N T SPARTAN MOTOR'S INC. Placement Bureau for employ­ EVERGREEN AR M S ACE HARDWARE acro ss from in peace with knowledge that «AUTOMOTIVE Union building. ED 2-3212. Also ment. 35 5 -9 5 1 1 . 26 Bubolz Insurance paid somebody •EMPLOYMENT SALE 341 E V E R G R E E N bike baskets and p arts. c a wad of dough from your Hun­ Home of personally selected used 1 B lock from Campus ♦FOR RENT B R tri AflY PU PS-4 months old te r 's Accident policy. 332-8671. pation, Axinn said, is " to help c a rs. F U L L a n d iP A R T T I M E registered. North on U.S. 27. C24 A grant of $2.1 million awar­ N igeria build a viable university •FOR SALE Phone 3 3 2 -1 0 1 1 ded to MSU by the U.S. Agency which is expected to be wholly •LOST 8. FOUND CORVAIR, 1962, '7 0 0 ,' 2-door. E m p lo y m e n t 3 /4 mile east on Alward Road. Phone 669-6152, Dewitt. 26 FOR INEXPENSIVE quality pho- f o r International Development self-sufficient by 1971.” tographs o f homecoming dis­ was accepted Friday by the Board Black with red interior. Standard •PERSONAL HASLETT A P A R T M E N T S GARRARD STEREO turntable- of T ru stees for continuation of "H ow ever,” he said, ” MSU •PEANUTS PERSONAL shift. 14,000 actual miles. Like F e m a le V.M. hi-fi. Console andmatching plays, call George Junne or L a rry the Nigeria program . hopes to continue its scholarly new. 1 / 2 B lock from Campus F ritzlan at 355-8311 between one •REAL ESTATE The grant, the largest AID association with the University of INTERVIEWING DAILY VM stereo tape record er console. and five. 27 •SERVICE 3 3 2 -8 4 1 2 education contract for N igeria, Nigeria long after completion of • FALCON, 1960, station wagon, 1 p.m . to 3 p.m. 332-1920 after 6 p.m . 24 T RI-LA M ÊDÀ open rush. F o r will aid the Nigerian project over our present project th ere.” •TRANSPORTATION standard shift. Like new in every 401 E. GRAND RIVER PORTABLE T Y P E W R lT E K -oly- •WANTED way. Perfect economy wagon. E. LANSING a v a il a b l e mpia precision. Buy the finest. the elite woman. Further infor­ mation call 355-3611. 28 the next two y ears. George H. Axinn, p rofessor The Nigerian government has * invested the equivalent of some * T erm s a v a i l a b l e . Hasselbring DEADLINE: F- 85, 1962, 4-door sedan, beige 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. N CW Co. 310 N. Grand, IV 2-1219. FLORIDA HOLIDAY-No snow-no of agriculture, is coordinator of $14 million of its own funds in * 1 p.m. one class day be­ AT c25 w oe-rates fitted to your budget. the program . establishing and developing the • with matching v i n a l interior. fore p ub lica tion . 3425 E. SAGINAW With the cooperation of MSU University of Nsukka, Axinn said. * Conciliations • 1 2 n o o n b n e 7,000 actual m iles. Finest '62 F o r T h e B e s t In WASHER-WRINGER type, Speed Main T ravel Bureau, IV 4-4442. 24 and the University of London, The University includes the model anywhere. P erfect. NEAR Gd. RIVER Queen, excellent condition, $75; Nigeria is developing its uni­ faculties of a r ts , scien ce, social class day before publlcatiot Mon. Through F r i . S tu d e n t A p a r tm e n ts refrig erator, a u t o m a t i c de­ CHEVROLET, I960, lmpala, 2 - IT PAYS TO KNOW your State versity at Nsukka. It Is one of science and technology, as well ;• PHONE: door hardtop, white with red froster, Coldspot, good condition, F a rm agent for low rates on the fastest-grow ing institutions as a general college sim ilar to F o r The OPENING $60: studio couch, ivory, plastic 3 5 5 -8 2 5 5 interior, automatic. Truly a fine EDWAKD G. HACKER CO. auto insurance. Call or see your of higher learning in the world MSU’ s undergraduate University foam cushions, $80. Telephone College. Of The REALTORS State F arm agent today. Ask today. RATES: ca r. IV 5-2261 655-2563. 25 for GEORGE TOBIN o r EDKAR- Chief of party for MSU is D r. There a r e 37 departments 1 D A Y . -------S I.25 FANTASTIC SALfe-You name it, MANN IV 5 -7 2 6 7 , In Fran d or. George M. Johnson, who is v ice- within the university, with a fac­ FA BU LO U S NEW 3 DAYS. $2.50 we got itl Furniture, housewares, C24 chancellor of the University of ulty of 200. Student enrollment, LARK, 1960, 2-door, standard ROOM 1/2 double, clean, quiet, curtains, h o s p i t a l uniforms, N igeria. now stands at m ore than 1600. 5 DAYS.. . . $3.75 shift. Sale priced $495. No money B IG B O Y $10 weekly, parking, 532 Ann St. clothes. Phone 485-5811. 27 (Based on 15 words per ad) 2 blocks to Berkey. 24 The new AID grant will allow In 1960 the University opened down. RES T AURANT BACHELOR HOUSE-single and VERY FINE GIBSON acou stic- Service an in crease in staff and pur­ with 13 on the faculty and 220 There w ill be a 25tf service electric guitar with plush ca s e . SKIRTS AND COATS shortened, chase of additional r e s e a r c h students. All ca rs fully reconditioned and Gd. River At Saginaw double room s, furnished. F o r and bookkeeping charge if Cost $300, must sa crifice also also mending. Phone TU 2-7 1 8 4 . equipment f o r th e university, All cla sse s are taught in Eng­ guaranteed. Personally selected men over 21. F re e parking. IV this ad is not paid within TOWN AND COUNTRY FOOD professional guitar le sso n s.355- according to Axinn. lish, the official lafiguage of Ni- . for you. 2-6477 or TU 2-0771. 27 28 one week. ____ _____ COMPANY needs men. M arried 8159, evenings. 26 At present, 27 MSU faculty and gerla. 3000 E. Michigan WHY PAY MORE? F o r p rofes- perferred with time on their Among recen t contributions of * ^ Automotive IV 7-3715 c25 hands to work at exceptional W IN T E R T E R M A P P L E S-S e v e r a 1 varieties. F resh sweet cid er daily. Hallo­ sional dry cleaning, WENDROWS. Pants, s k i r t s , sw eaters, 60£. staff m em bers are assigned to the University of Nigeria in ad­ the MSU party to the University TRIUMPH, T .R .-4 . Very sharp, Reclining seats in i960 Ramb- selling job. F o r appointment call the riv e r’ . AT s edge ween and pie pumpkins. Home Plain d r e s s e s , suits, co ats, visory and research cap acities. of N igeria, Axinn pointed out, • has everything, owner destitute. ler Deluxe. Offered by original 484-4317. C grown tom atoes. F a rm fresh eggs T hree m ore will be added with have been a continuing education . apartments on the cedar $1.19. 3006 Vine St. 1/2 block Sell dirt cheap. Call ED 7-2463. owner, 4-door, stick shift. Good REGISTERED NURSES, 11-7 or also other fruits and vegetables the additional funds, and new program patterned after the off- ' riv e r St. west of Fran d or. C26 campus educational activities of 24 3-11 shift. Full or part time. gt reasonable p rice s. Roadside equipment for agricultural re ­ rubber, very clean, no rust, en­ ED 2-4432 __________ 1958 FORD Fairlane, 6-cylinder, gine completely reconditioned. Good Salary a n d differential. Farm M arket, 3 m iles east of THE STATESMEN for the finest search and for engineering will Michigan State, and an economic Meal furnished. Phone ED 2 - ROOMS FOR-1 or 2 p erso n s.R e­ East Lansing on Grand R iver. sound in dance and party m usic. ' be acquired, Axinn said. development institute. standard shift, one owner. Good $675. ED 7-7213. 27 0802. 38 cently redecorated, clean, quiet. Old U.S. 16 at Okemos Road. C Phone 355-3232 . 26 The University of Nigeria was Howard R . Neville, acting p ro - ’ condition, $295. Phone IV 9-1895, 412 Haze, Lansing. 24 CORVETTE, 1960, 290 h.p. fuel GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT Close to c a r line and parking. ACCIDENT PROBLEM? C a l l opened for instruction in Oct­ vost of MSU, and H. John Carew, IV 4-2 2 89. 27 GET MORE for your money than ober, 1960. MSU has been invol­ chairm an of the Department of C H E V R O L E T 1957. 2-door, injection, 4-speed, positraction, for permanent positions in office, re rt-re c e ip ts . 1962 10 X 50 M ar- Kalamzaoo Street Body Sho p. sales, technical. Call IV 2-1543. ved in the program since its Horticulture, will be in Nigeria ; hardtop, V-S, stick. Must sell, 4. 11. , two tops. Excellent con­ ★ For Sale lette, only $400 down. 489-0625. Small dents to l a r g e w recks. Inception. The University grad­ during the next two weeks for c25 $500. Phone OX 9-2356. 24 dition. Cali 355-2944. 26 27 American and f o r e i g n c a r s . uated its firs t students last June. a meeting of the Joint Univer­ AUSTIN HEALEY, 1955, wire HOWARD JOHNSON at Frandor BOOKS, Animal Kingdom, A rch- BICYCLE SA LE: W e d n e s d a y , Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 CORVAIR MONZA, 1961,4-d o o r, wheels, electric overdrive and asealogist, Medieval World, Four E ast Kalamazoo. c Purpose o f S tate's p a rtici- sity Advisory Committee. They will return to campus Nov. 8. ! 4-speed, excellent condition, call two tops. Best offer 355-2621. is adding to its staff. G irls in­ Thousand Y e a r s Ago, E ssa y s, Oct. 30, 1963, 1:30 p.m . at sal­ terested in working with the pub­ vage yard, F arm Lane, Michigan DIAPER SERVICE to your de­ The com m ittee, representing | mornings, 655-2427. 25 28 lic should apply f o r w aitress History, English, good condition. State University campus. Various s ir e . You receiv e your own dia­ the universities of Nigeria and AUSTIN - HEALEY s p r i t e - 1958 Delray, 2 -d oor, 6 cylinder positions immediately. Phone IV 9 -7 2 5 5 . 26 24 makes and conditions. All items p e rs back each tim e. With our London and MSU, advises the 1961-two tops, tonneau, radio, standard. New tire s, original up­ rebuilt engine. Good Condition. holstery. Immaculate throughout. AVON starts CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER - Start a profitable HAMMOND ORGAN-Model B and may be seen at salvage yard, s e rv ice , you may include up to L eslie tone cabinet. Excellent Oct. 29 from 8:30 a.m . to 4:30 two pounds of your baby's under­ Organ Music governing body of the University of Nigeria on such m atters as Call 337-0656 after 5.p.m . 26 1956 V -8, 4-door wagon. Immac­ condition. $1425. Call 485-6625 p.m. and Oct. 30, 8:30 a.m . sh irts and clothing which will not academ ic standards, degree pro­ selling c a re e r by showing and C H E V R O L E T *^ ?, 210. 4-door, ulate also. P riced to sell. J .B .’ s hardtop. V -8/pow erglide. Phone Used C a rs, Exclusively Chevro- demonstrating their quality pro­ ducts. We train You. F o r appoint­ after 5 p.m . AUSTIN HEALEY OWNERS-Be 28 to 1 p.m. T e rm s : Cash 24 fade. White, blue o r pink dia­ T.V.'S-N ew and used. “ Uncle per pails furnished. Concert Set gram s, f a c u l t y strength and library facilities. 489-4973. See a t521 Valley Road. lets, TU 2 -1 4 7 8 . C24 ment in your home w rite o r call set for winter, hardtop, $180 B ill” says you’ re m i s s i n g a AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE 1957 CHEVY, V- 8, floor shift. 24 1955 FORD, 2- •door, rusty "E ut evenings, M rs. Alana Huckins, new, yours for $90. Call ED “ sure thing’’ if you don’t check reliable, $139. C a l l 337-2280 5664 S c h o o l St., H aslett,M ich­ 2-4 7 5 3 . 26 us for the best T .V , deal in 914 E . G ier Street Lansing, Mich. ( F or Tonight B el-A ir, 2-d oo r, hardtop. New whitewall tire , sacrifice. $550. evenings. 26 igan, telephone, F E 9 -8 4 8 3 . C24 CARPET SAMPLE SALE: over town! A lso -serv ice all makes. 1000 sam ples to choose from. T .V .’ s and H i-F i’ s. G e n e r a l STUDENT TV R E N T A L S . New IV 2 -0 8 6 4 C An unusual program of music F o lk lo r is t s 1960 FALCON, 4-door sedan, N U R S E R Y ATTENDANT f o r Phone 355-0766. 26 Ideal for throw rugs, patch work Radio & T .V ., 2727 E. Kalamazoo. 19” portable, $9 p er month. 21” for organ and solo instruments automatic, reliable, economical bowling alley, Wednesdays 12: 1955 CHEVROLET-Rebuilt "TS36 'Vette engine. Recently painted.\ transportation, call ED 2-0258 15—3:15. Must have transpor­ carp ets, c a r m ats, door m ats, Phone IV 5 -5 9 7 2 . Open 9 a .m .- table models, $8 p er month. All will be presented tonight at 8:15 dog m ats. Can be seen at 4382 8 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m . to 1 sets guaranteed, no service ‘or p .m . in the Peoples’ Church sanc­ C onduct after 4 p.m. 26 tation. Phone: M arvelanes, ED Sharpl See, make offer. 355- 7-1 3 8 3 . 26 Oakwood Dr. F o rest Hills, Oke­ p.m . 37 delivery ch arg es. Call Nejac,' IV tuary. 6947. 24 1954 FORD 2-d oor, blue, $150. M.C.T.TX reeTi 1952. All new Can be seen at 1720 Hamilton I COUNTER-CLERK, p a r t - t i m e , m os. After 4 p.m . and all day POODLES-puppies, 12 weeks old. 2 -0 6 2 4 .__________ Saturday. 28 Fem ale, $100; Male, $60. C C orliss Arnold, church music T.V . RENTALS for students. E c ­ d irector and assistant p rofessor Jug H unt Road. Okemos, Call ED 2-8818. night shift. Variety oi n o u r s .ro r top, side curtains, carpet, new T EN -SPEED racing bike. E x - IV 2-2549. onomical ra te s by the term and of music h ere, will be accom ­ X 26 night shift. Variety of hours. F o r Members of the Folklore So­ front tire s. Power train, excel­ cellent condition. B e s t offer. FIVE DAYS left to buy new E m er­ month. UNIVERSITY TV REN T- panied by several University mu­ lent. $800, IV 9-47 1 3 . 26 l96l OLDS; 20,000 20,0(30 m iles, new interview come In, 8 a .m .- 4 p.m. B arb ells, 110 pounds, $15. Call son T .V .’ s and radios at co st. A L S -355-6026. Call after 5. c sic faculty m em bers in a recital ciety a r e on a unique hunt. 131 E. Kalamazoo. 26 1959 CHEVY 2-door, red tire s, full power, hydromatic, Rick, 332-5 0 5 3 . 26 University E l e c t r o n i c s , 211 YOU RfcALLY ought to talk to on one of the largest organs in T h ey're l o o k i n g for crockery cayne, 5 cylinder, stick, very good condition, $1,690. Call SAMPLER: Young lady to do 24 Bob C a rr. Standard Life College this area. jugs, but not for storing wine. BABY BATH1NETTE. $8, c a r - Evergreen , 332-6283. clean, $790. Call B .e r t 372-0453. \ 28 in -sto re sampling of C oca-C ola, A cross the nation there is a bed, $5, gray winter coat, $7, DEER HUNTER SPECIAL-16 ft. Division. 919 E . Grand R iver, 485-2538. 1963 CHEVY “4097 4 2 5 horse- Sprite and TAB, Friday after­ blue coat, $50, two raincoats, housetrailer, sleeps 4, reason­ 337-1663. C24 Playing with him will be Byron revival of "ju g bands,” popular $100 DOWN and $14 week. Much power, straight pipes, other ex­ noons and evenings, Saturdays, $3 each, size 12-14. 332-4597. able, phone IV 7-5148. Autrey, trumpet: Lyman Bodman, in the ragtim e e ra , and the Folk­ 24 ALTEkATIONS-Hems, zippers, more for much less, 1964 Ramb­ tra s . Call Jean at 337-7093 after apply in person. C oca-Cola Bot­ 26 ENGAGEMENT AND w e d d i n g and button holes. By form er sew­ viola: E d g a r Kirk, bassoon: lore Society is trying to gather le r. Chuck or Jack , ED 7-9765. 6 p.m. 24 tling Co. 1510 N. Grand River ing in stru ctor. Call 332-2949. Louis P o tter, cello; and Daniel instrum ents. T .V ."5 USED. $2y up. New $il8 ring set, $275 value, will haggle, __________ 25 MOTORCYCLE \ Ave. 26 26 Stolper, oboe. W. William A rm istead, a s s is ­ up. L a rg e selection. LOOK before RICE. ED 2-6521. 24 • 1957 FORD, stick shift. 4-door tant publications d irector for In­ LANSING - W estside - Baby­ you buy. Storage Furniture Sales, FA N -T ravel tra ile r, 25 ft. 1665 SHORTENING COATS - s k i r t s , The concert will consist en­ sedan, radio and heater. $200. MOPED 1960, good condition, formation S ervices, explained sitter wanted 5 1/2 days a week. 4601 North U.S. 27, phone IV model. Like new, p rice is right. zipper rep air. New collars and tirely of works from the Baroque Phone 337-7213. 2. $75 or make me an offer, 222 that jug bands w ere originally 7 -0 1 7 3 . C24 Phone 882-0033 or 487-3357. 26 cuffs for men’ s sh irts. IV 4-1946. period, a time of a wealth of FORD 1963. Galaxie, '500,' X- L, N. Logan. Phone IV 4-9284. 28 Infant- Light housekeeping. Own poor Southern Negroes who made transportation. Call M rs. Anziv- PASTRAMI S A N D W I C H E S atj 302 S. L a rch .________________24_ organ m usic. convertible. 390 engine. White MOBIL HOME 1933 Schultz, e x - music with penny whistles, comb with black top and interior. Power ^ Employment ino. 1V \2-5591. 28 Uncle Fud's. One mile E ast of cellent condition, living room , MULT1LITH-T H E S E S, C ards, It will Include works by Eng- and tissue paper, washtub fiddles, bucket seats, brakes, windows BABYSI'ITER in my home. 4 Campus. F o r d e l i v e r y . Call' kitchen, double study, bathroom, p apers. No printing job too sm all. l i s h church music com poser, kazoos, and by blowing a cro ss HAVING TROUBLE fitting a part and steering. Seat belts, auto­ days a week. .4 o r 5 hours a day. 332-5689. c ideal for m arried graduate stu­ Call TU 2-9610. 27 Henry P u rcell, Handel, Vivaldi, the top of crock ery jugs. time job into your schedule? and Krebs. matic transm ission, e x c e l l e n t 3 32-8560. X 28 The jug bands, he said, w ere Earn $300 demonstrating R.C.A. GIRLS BICYCLE Schwinn, green dents, call 332-4763, evenings. TYPING SERVICE condition, low mileage, $2775. . _______________________________ 25 “ One rarely gets to hear this a p art of the ragtim e music stereo equipment. Demonstration EXPERIENCED S K A T E R for and white, white walls. Good Con­ Phone ED 2-5317. 27 combination mike man and teach­ I SKIN DIVERS r e g u l a r , U.S. TERM PAPERS, general typing, type of music, unusual because which was popular between 1890 dition. Make offer 332-4287 after 1963 CHEVY 11. super sports can be arranged to fit Into the ing fundamentals in skating. Call of its combinations of solo instru­ convertible. A u t o m a t i c . 11,000 most arduous s c h e d u l e s . For Edru Rolling Skating Arena, Holt, 7:30 p.m . 24 diver, 2-stag e regulator, $25. th esis. Reasonable ra te s, fast and 1930. Phone IV 4-9621. 25 serv ice. Experienced typist. Call ments with the organ ,” said A r­ Arm istead and the Folklore miles. Pay off balance. Phone personal i n t e r v i e w telephone Michigan. Phone OX 9 -2 4 3 8 . ^_26 C L O T H I N G - M E N ’S, woman's 355-0785._____________ 25 nold. Society a re also trying to locate 882-9305. 25 g irls’ . T ools, day bed, steel can -I AFGHAN PUPPIES-A11 co lo rs, F E 9-8313. 25 old jug band recordings and sheet •ft For Rent \ vas co t, baby tenda scales, Phone m ale and fem ale, good racing and EDIE STARR, TYPIST, T heses, d issertations, t«rm papers, gen­ m usic. APARTMENT IV 4 -6 9 2 0 . 3 -P IE C E DINNETTE S E Î , like 0296. 24 show stock. A.K.C. Call 694- _____________________ 26 eral typing. Experienced, IBM Chess Players Many jug band recordings may STORY E le ctric. OR 7 -8 2 3 2 . c never have cro ssed the Mason- FURNISHED TW O b e d r o o m new, $40. Call 355-1863, 10-5, SEWING MACHINE TYPING in my home. Shirley Gather Tonight Dixon l i n e , but some Michigan­ apartment for 3 -4 -5 or 6 stu­ 337-2157 after 5 p.m. 26 SERVICE & REPAIR d ers may have some of the 78 dents. Available now. Call Glenn ONE MAN’S grey tweed top co a t, F o r expert serv ice, clean, oil Decker, F o rest Ave. Lansing. The E ast Lansing Chess Club rpm and cylinder reco rd s, Arm ­ S E L L S F O R L E S S D. H arris, IV *-2261 o r even­ zip out lining, size 42, $12. One and adjust or for major rep air. Phone IV 2 -7 2 0 8 ._____________C will hold an open meeting at istead said. 5 8 Rambler, 2-door, radio, heater, stick shift, white wall ings, IV 2 -1 0 0 9 , EdwardG. Hack­ man’ s raincoat, zip out lining, Ju st PHONE OL 5-2054. c25 F R E E PICKUP an d delivery. 7 tonight in the Inn A m erica, He said the group would like tires. Story’ s low, low price $395. er. 38 size 38, $10. One g irl’ s tan wool General typing $ .4 0 / page. Same 2736 E. Grand R iver Ave. to borrow recordings to tape re ­ SINGER SEWING MACHINE ONE-TWO girls to live in E v e r­ coat, pre-teen 12, $10. All like IN MODERN wood cabinet. Eq­ Hay serv ice. Phone 694-8111. F re e instruction for beginners cord them. The group would also SfO ldsm obile 88, 2-door, radi ■j, heater, Hydramatic, Story 31 will be offered. like to copy the sheet m usic. green apartm ents. Call Charlotte new. Phone ED 7-7088, 520 N. uipped to zig-zag. Will accept XEROX COPIES anything: even priced to sell for only Persons who own jug band $495. or Jean at 337-7093 after 5 p.m . H arrison. 24 $5 per month. This machine Is pages in a bound book. Aldin- 24 BlC YC LES-R entals, Sales, and being sold for an unpaid rep air recordings or sheet m usic, o r 6 3 t empest Convertible, radio, heater, stick shift, white-wall ger D irect Mail, 533 N. Clip- who might be interested in learn­ tires. Like new $1995. CLEAN TWO room apartment. Service. Also used. East Lans­ bill of $34.50. Will accept any p ert. IV 5 - , , , 13. C SPARTAN F L IG H T S ing m ore about this nearly for­ Private bath and entrance. U tili­ ing C ycle, 1215 EastG randR iver, type of trade of value. F or Infor­ gotten segment of American folk­ ties paid. Call IV 5-3558 or IV 3 blocks East of campus. Phone mation CALL OL 5-2054. c25 ANN BROWN typist and m ulti- 6 0 Oldsmobile 88 Convertible, power steering, power brakes, 5-4 3 4 8 . 27 3 3 2-8303. C lith offset printing (black &whine D E A D L IN E lore, should call Armistead at radio, heater, Hydramatic, white wal 1 tire s. Story sells for & color). IBM. General typing, IV 2-6068. less $1395. HOUSE KENMORE AUTOMATIC washer in good condition, $40. Call 372- ★ Peanuts Personal tèrm papers, th eses, d isserta­ TO D AY 1399. 25' D E A R LINUS: R e m e m b e r tions. ED 2 -8 3 8 4 . C HOUSE LOCATED 126 J o n e s , for 6 0 Ford, 2-door, radio, heater, stick shift, six cylinder, white wall tires, Story sells Fords for less $795. half-way b e t w e e n college and capitol. T hree bedrooms, gas 1959 NORGE upright freezer, cellent c o n d i t i o n . Phone e x - Thursday nite at the 501 M .A.C. 8:00 p.m. Signed, Theta Delts ★ Wanted THANKSGIVING N e w B illia rd RESERV ATIO N S The G reat Punpkinv 26 EAST LANSING-one male, 21, to 5 9 Chevrolet, station w a g o n , AIR CONDITIONING, power heat. 3 -6 students. IV 2-6477 or TU 2 -0 7 7 L 27 5 -7 4 8 5 . share modern house with 4 stu­ to P a rlo r O pen s dents, Phone 332-0340, evenings. NEW YORK brakes, power steering, radio, heater, automatic, white wall tires, two tone. Story sells Chevrolets for less $995. ROOMS S P A R TA N W IVES MARRIED" MAlV-Needs part time 27 C A LL 485-4576 H ere N o v.2 5 ROOM 1 /2 double, $7.50 per work, evenings, chauffeur’ s lie— 11-5PM E ast Lansing will soon have ’5 9 Oldsmobile 88, 2-door, Hydramatic, heater, power steering, week, m ale over 21, 437 M .A.C. Reservations Now power brakes, two tone, white wall tire s. Action priced at Call 3 3 2-3794. 26 FALL F A S H IO N S H O W iense, 2734. station wagon, phone 485- 24 Being Accepted F o r its own billiard p arlor. The es­ tablishment, to be called the Story $995. NICELY FURNISHED room Christm as Flight. Golden 8 -B a ll, will be at 224 “ VOGUE VITA LS FOR T H E YOUNG AT H E A R T ” A SITTER for infant in my home, one g irl. Phone ED 2-6604. Abbott Rd. 5 9 Oldsmobile 88, Holiday Sedan, power steering, power brakes, hours 9 -5 :3 0 , Monday, Tuesday, radio, heater, Hydramatic, white wall tire s, two tone. Story MEN: one single room . Unap­ IN N A M E R IC A Thursday, "Friday. Call 355-0947. 24 DE ADL I NE FOR CHRISTMAS Opening is scheduled for Nov. 25, according to co-ow ner David sells for less $1095. proved. Two m iles from campus Tuesday O ctober 2 9 , 1963 O’L eary , of Lansing. The 8-B all in O k e m o s . Call ED 2-4590. IRONINGS - w a n t e d . Quality o r NOW. 19 will have 25 tables, including two Gerda. 27 quantity done. $1.25. per hour. for snooker and two for th ree- ■••• - »■ r / «( * .. . . yr ... 8 :3 0 p.m. ^ *' Ï '*454-6760- 26 R O U N D ‘ T R IP STORY OLDSMOBILE SINGLE ROOM-private entrance T ic k e ts A vailab le at the Door CHILD CARE-Also hot lunches for pupils. Near Walnut, Willow $49 C U S C iiO n V M * * * * * * • • A gaslight decor is planned W ORLDS L A R G E S T OLDSMOBILE DEALER with off street parking. Avail­ for the in terio r. The owners say able now $8 per week. 1060 Schools. Excellent referen ces. 485-4576 M -F 11-5PM women will be welcome. Refreshments Door P riz e s 3165 £ . MICHIGAN a t Frandor N. C edar. 26 Phone IV 4-3 4 4 8 . 26 i Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 9 , 1963 / THE BAY OF NAPLES. By Wil­ TITIAN: The Flaying of M arsyas. BOOK OF FINE PRINTS, By THE AMERICAN GUN #2. A lav­ liam Sansom. Illus. with 24 Plates By J . Neumann. With 22 full color C arl Z lg ro sser. With over 600 ishly illustrated i s s u e , hard­ CAMPUS BOOK'S in Full C olor, by Kurt Otto- plate and 11 black & white rep ro­ illus. C o m p r e h e n s i v e work bound, about guns Jn history and Wasow. Handsome book depicting ductions. A detailed s t u d y of covering history, techniques, fa­ sport; articles oh hunting deer, such cla ssica l sites as Pompeii, Titian’ s most original and b ril­ mous p rin t-m ak ers, collector’ s grouse, long rifles, etc. Many Cumae, the Temple of Posei­ liantly conceived w o r k . S i z e data, e tc. on woodcuts, etchings, beautiful pages in color. Pub. at don at Paestum , and Herculan­ 10 x 11. Special 4.95 engravings, etc. Pub. at $7.50 $6.00 Only 1.98 eum, C apri, Ischia, Sorrento, Only 4.95 BOOK & RECORD e tc ., with an engaging and in­ form ative account of Naples of today and yesterday. Pub. at THOSE W O N D E R F U L O L D AUTOMOBILES. By F 1 oyd C ly- m er. Foreword by Eddie Ricken- backer. Over 5 0 0 photos. A co lo r­ G R E A T PAINTINGS OF THE WORLD. A tour of some of the VANITY FAIR. Ed. by Cleveland Amory & Frederic Bradlee. The $5.95 Only 3.49 world’ s g r e a t museums, each ful picture history of the pioneer great best-selling cavalcade of SALE volume containing at least 24 W O R L D HISTORY O F THE automobile companies and their the 1920* s and I930*s containing hand-tipped color plates, many DANCE. By Curt Sachs. Illus. unforgettable early c a r s . Filled 141 stories, articles, poems and with gold, and often double page The famous, standard work on with ra re and unusual photos, features wi t h 544 pictures in size, and 65 monochromes in­ black & white and full color the dance from the Stone Age, jokes, cartoons, songs, facts and cluding brilliant , enlarged de­ by and about the greats in lit­ through cla ssica l antiquity, the figures. Orig. Pub. at $5.95 Only tails. 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Linscott. Handsome 4 and the coming of the Diesel- MARILYN MONROE. By Maurice study of the development of the volume set packed with complete e le ctric powered e n g i n e . Size Zolotow. The complete, unin­ Russian theatre in the 19th and works and s e l e c t i o n s by the 8 1/2 x 11 1/2. Orig. Pub. at $5.00 hibited, fascinating and heart­ 20th centuries, its traditions, in­ greatest philosophers of all time. Only 2.98 break ing story of the legendary novations, w riters an ddirectors, 2000 pages. Pub. at $14.95 4Vols. personality. Over 50 s t i r r i n g and analysis of the trends under Complete, Only 6.95. photos. Pub. at $5.75 Onl7 1.69 political influence. Pub. at $7.50 ALBRECHT D U R E R: Complete Only 3.95 Woodcuts. Ed. by Dr. Willi Kurth. DICTIONARY OF HUMOROUS QUOTATIONS. By Evan E s a r. TREASURES IN THE KREMLIN. Illus. with 346 Woodcuts. All the Thousands of choice witticisms SLANG: Today and Yesterday. 120 Photographs in Full Color. woodcuts of the m aster In this By E ric Partrid ge. A history A fabulous collection represen­ field, particularly on sacrec in alphabetical arangementculled from 2,000 y ears of choice say­ of slang from its origins to the ting 1,000 y ears of culture in them es. L a r g e , handsome vol­ present: A m e r i c a n , Cockney, gold, s i l v e r w a r e , precious ume. Orig. Pub. at $7.50 Only ings from S ocrates tothepresent law, medical, m ilitary, rhyming jew els, arm s, regalia, fabrics 3.95 Orig. Pub. at $4.95 Only 1.98 and Spoonerisms, elaborate and and costum es housed in one oi original vocabularies: a re fe r­ Europe's oldest museums, The LONDON NATIONAL GALLERY. THE CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ence work that is highly useful Armoury of the Moscow Krem ­ Text by Sir Philip Hendy, Di­ ART. Text by Wm. M. Miliken, and entertaining. Pub. at $8.00 lin. Size 10 1/2 x 12 1/ 4. Pub. recto r D irector Onl6 3.95 at $17.50 Only 9.95 ESAR’ S COMIC DICTIONARY. By FRANZ LISZT IN BOHEMIA. By Evan E s a r. Completely revised Alexander Buchner. W i t h 167 enlarged edition, known a s "T h e Illus. A fascinating book on the Laughing W ebster” full of funny p rogress of L isz t’ s c a re e r which SAVE ON COLLECTOR'S d e f i n i t i o n s , quips, epigram s, will appeal to all lovers of m usic. puns, gags, com ic proverbs, etc. Size 9 - 3 / 8 x 10 1/2. Special, 6.95 in alphabetic arrangem ent. Ready reference of nearly 10,000 en­ THE DANDY: Brummel to B e e r- trie s for speakers, w rite rs. Orig. bohm. By E . M oers. With many Pub. at $4.95 Only 1.98 delightful illus. The account of a social and literary phenom­ enon - from the clubmen of RECORDS THE COM PLETE ETCHINGS OF GOYA. Forew ord by Aldous Hux­ Regency London, through the bou- ley. All of the 268 etchings-the levardiers of P a ris, to Wilde and famous print se rie s . The D is- the Yellow Book Nineties. Pub. at $6.00 Only 1.49 fightlng, in this large and hand­ some single volume. Orig. Pub. TWENTIETH CENTURE PAR­ at $7.50 Only 3.95 Famous Labels Stereo and Monaural Classics. ODY: American & B ritish. Com­ piled by Burling Lowrey. A col­ THAT BLACKGUARD BURTON. lection of parody and satire by By Alfred B ercovici. Fantastic major contemporary w riters in­ kfe story of Sir Richard F ran cis cluding: R. Benchley, M. Mugger- Burton, the fabulous lover, daring ideg, Edmund Wilson, Thurber, exp lorer, prolific author., who Perelm an, Wolcott Gibbs, E .B . won immortal fame by tran s­ White, Cornelia Otis Skinner and lating the unexpurgated Arabian 50 others. Pub. at $5-75 Only 2.98 Nights. Pub. at $5.00 Only 1.98 THE RIVIERA. By Stephen Toul- HUMAN RELATIONS IN EDUCA­ TIONAL ORGANIZATION. By J. Classics. . . min. Illus, with 24 P lates in M. Hughes. A basic text in per­ Full C olor, by Kurt Otto-Wasow. sonnel administration. Pub. at Opera............ . Popular Handsome volume, with beauti­ $4.50 Only 1 00 ful color plates recording the unmatched bathing beaches, little fishing villages, the great r e ­ GAUGUIN WOODCUTS. B y D r.L . so rts and many of the unspoiled Sykorova. With 3 0 reproductions. places of the most famous hol­ An unusual, tall (9 x 13 1/2) F o lk Semi-Classic iday coast in the world. volume containing prints from Pub. at $5.95 Only 3.49 the original wood carvings found in his hut on La Dominique. Special, 4.95 A PICTORIAL HISTORY O F BURLESQUE. By B ernard Sobel. THE SELECTED LETTERS OF Lively text and a wealth of pic­ tu res, this is the history of burlesque from the 1860’ s to Minsky— the strippers, m instrel CHARLES LAMB. Introd. by T . S. Matthews. The best examples of the personal essay s. Pub. at over 1200 records to choose from $4.50 Only 1.00 men and great com ics. Orig. Pub. at $5.95 Only 2.98 DEMOCRATIC DESPOT: A Life C H I N E S E HOUSES AND GAR­ DENS. By Henry Inn. Ed; byShao WESTMINSTER VOX MERCURY MISCELANEOUS of Napoleon III. By T .A .B .C o r- Chang L ee. Rev. Ed. with 260 11- ley. Illus. with photos. A full and highly interesting biography lus. An extraordinary collection of C h i n e s e architectural pic­ Mozart Haydn Howard Hanson and Bawdy English Ballads showing the many facets of his tu res. Many of the houses no long­ Bach Brahms The Rochester Orchestra French Canadian Folk Songs ch aracter; shrewd politician and propagandist, his mystical sense e r exist. The 147 beautifully r e ­ produced photos and the 113 line Pergolesl Beethoven Bartók Jazz in 3/4 Time of history, and his excesses in drawings of motifs together with plus hundreds of others plus hundreds of others plus hundreds of others Christmas with Mahal la his personal life. Pub. at $6.95 several fine treatises on Chinese Only 1.49 philosophy and culture and their influence on design and the Chi­ nese dwelling make this an in­ HOGARTH: M arriage a la Mode valuable source book. Orig. Pub. and Others. Ulus, with 44 F u ll- at $10.00 Only 2.98 Page P lates. All the engravings of one of the world’ s greatest PRIMITIVE ART. By Erwin O. A DICTIONARY OF THE UNDER­ s o c i a l sa tiris ts . Rake’ s P ro ­ Christensen, C urator of D ecora­ WORLD: American and B ritish . g re ss, Gin Lane, others, Orig. Pub. at $5.00 Only 1.98 THE WORLD OF CARL SAND­ BURG. By Norman Corwin. The famous stage p r e s e n t a t i o n tive A rts, National Gallery of A rt. Over 400 illus. 32 in full By E ric P artrid ge. A fascinating and unique study of the language E. Lansing's Department Store For Students color in this mammoth (9 3 /4 of the underworld and near-un­ Drawn from ten of Sandburg’ s x 11) volume containing a world­ derworld of convicts, rack eteers, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING BOOK published volumes, it includes wide collection of early paint­ spivs, b eggars, tram ps, crooks, OF HOME DECORATION. B y some of his lighter works and ing, sculpture, c ra fts, ancestral the c o m m e r c i a l underworld: Mary L . Brandt. More than 300 his comments on C o r w i n ’ s se ­ figures, pottery, textiles, jewelry white slave, drug, etc. Pub. at Illus. with 48 in Full C olor. lections. Pub. at $4.95 Only 1.00 m asks, e tc. of many tribes and $12. 75 Only 5.95 A splendid pictorial guide with MR. DAVIS’ RICHMOND. B y cultures. Orig. Pub. at $15.00 CAMPUS BOOK rooms designed by A m erica’ s Stanley Kimmel. More than 200 Only 6.95 forem ost decorators and ideas ra r e pictures. The Capital of the RELIGIOUS PAINTINGS BY THE for every type of room. Many Confederacy f r o m J e f f e r s o n GREAT MASTER: Raphael, Rem­ pointers on buying, m aterials, Davis’ arrival to the end of ENGLAND IN COLOR. By Jack brandt, El G reco, David, Gio­ f u r n i s h i n g s , reupholstering, the war; the dram atic events and Simmons. Illus. with 24 P lates tto, Mantegna, Van der Weyden color schem es, lighting, a cce s­ colorful ch a ra cte rs high and low in Full C olor. Handsome, de­ and oth ers. 12 full color paint­ so ries, e t c . Pub. a t $ 7 .9 5 Only depicted in 70.000 words and lightful book of color photographs ings, hand-tipped, mounted for 2.98 many interesting pictures. Size depicting the beautiful, the his­ framing, size 11 x 14 3/ 4. T ext: 8 1/2 x 11 1/4. Orig. Pub. at $7.50 to rica l, the important, the coun­ CHRISTIANITY AND ART by Only 2.98 try houses, e tc ., with a detailed STORE Marvin Halverson, E xec. D ir., THE HEART OF NATURE. By commentary on each individual Dept, of Worship and the A rts, J . Holecek. Nearly 200 brilliant picture and place. Pub. at $3.00 CATS, CATS, CATS. By John R. National Council of Churchès. prehensive glossary. Only 1.98 Pub. at $5.95 Only 2.98 Gilbert. Over 300 illus., 26 in Pub. at $12.50T he 2 Vol. Set Com­ color. Complete book on cats plete, Only 4.95 BEAUTIFUL BU TTERFLIES. 56 THE AMERICAN GUN #3. A rti­ covering every aspect from an­ cient tim es to the present - the magnificent realistic paintings in cles on antique guns, hunting fantasy and folklore, fads and fan­ full color Jiighllght this in fo r -. ducks, woodcock, eoshawk, shot­ THE U FFIZI, Florence. Text by Filippo Rossi, D irector Pub. at $7.95 each. E a c h , Only cie s, facts and figures - full of information w o n d e r f u l photo­ graphs. Pub. at $10.00 Only2.98 matlve v o lu m e on the most r e ­ splendent species. Size 8 1 / 2 ” x 10 1 / 2 ” . Special, 2.98 guns, etc. Handsomely illustrated in black & white and full color. Pub. at $6.00 Only 1.98 Àcross f forti' Ttre Union Building 2.98 & Michigan State Ne ws, E a s t L a n s i n g , M ic hi g an ........................... T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 9 , 1963 JC S u rv e y T o S tu d y Shop East Lansing L a n s in g ’s A t t it u d e s W ednesday noon to 9 PM . T h e p u b lic’ s attitude toward However, Lansing is the largest L a n s in g 's p o lic e and f ir e p r o t e c - city to attempt such a survey to tion, school and re c re a tio n pro­ date. g ra m s, and g arb age co lle ctio n The survey covers 10 per cent s e r v ic e is being probed by the of the 34,000 occupied dwellings L an sin g Ju n io r C ham ber of C om ­ in the co re of the city, so 3,400 m e r c e in a com m unity attitude families will be interviewed. su rv ey. It is estimated that m ore than T h e survey c o v e rs Job oppor­ 3,000 man-hours will be needed tu n itie s, m ed ical and dental s e r ­ to complete the job. Interviewers v ic e s , and news and p ostal s e r ­ will wear orange armbands. Data collected from the inter­ v ic e s. Com m unity attitude su rv e y s, views will be coded and tabu­ which o riginated with the Nation­ lated by IBM machines. al A sso ciatio n of Ju n io r Cham ­ "T h is is the first community b e rs o f C o m m e rc e , have been service project the Jaycees have tried in c itie s a c r o s s the cou ntry. sponsored which will affect the entire community,” according to Sam Milstein, president of Lan­ sing Jay cees. S ig n - U p He estimated that such a su r­ vey would cost Lansing more than $50,000 if a private firm were hired. F o r 'B o w l’ E x te n d e d In tra m u ra l College Bowl registration has been extended to Nov. 17 to allow News all interested living units time to enter, said Frank Russ, Dowagiac (continued from page 5) junior and AUSG academic bene­ 5 — Theta Chi (Robinson)-S.A. fits chairman. "T h ere were enough dormi­ M. (Seligman) tories without officers to warrant 6 — Delta Chi (Veen)-Winner of the extension,” he said. Theta Chi & S.A.M. The first matches will be Sun­ Matches set at 7:30 and 8:15 day from 3 to 4 p.m. will be played immediately fol­ Registration for the College lowing previous matches. Bowl must be turned in to the AUSG Academic Benefits office in Student Services Building. It 1 — A .E . Pi (Zimmerman & may be made on any slip of paper Wizel)-Sigma Nu and must contain the signatures 2 — Phi Kappa Tau (Watts & of the respective house p resi­ Nelson)-Sigma Chi (P ratt & dents . Warner) -- A.E. Pi (May)-Sigma Chi Co-op Service (Fry) — Z .B .T .-S igm a Chi (Lyons) M eets Here — Sigma Nu-Phi Kappa Tau (Galvin) Helen Hurd, Dean of Students and associate professor of soci­ Independent Team Badminton ology at Rutgers University, will Tournament will begin at 7:00 be one of the featured speakers tonight in the Sports Arena of at the annual conference of the the Men’ s I.M. building. Michigan Cooperative Extension Service today through Thursday at Kellogg Center. DEADLINE— Michigan State in­ She is scheduled to speak on tram ural handball doubles team "The Changing Nature of Our ro ste rs and arch ery tournament Society,” at a conference session entries a re due in the IM office this afternoon. M rs. Dorothy Jurney, women's at 5 p.m. editor of the Detroit F re e P re s s , will also speak today at a confer­ WOMEN’ S ence luncheon for home econo­ F ie ld Hockey m ists. 5 p.m . — Residence Hall Field Hockey Final lu m p e r s Film This Week Time For Chem Majors The Institute of Chemical En­ 7:00 — Zeta Tau Alpha-A.O.Pi. 7:30 — Alpha Phi-Delta Zeta 7:00 — Alpha Gamma Delta- rise to gineers, student chapter, will all occasions Kappa Alpha Theta meet in 384 Engineering Build­ ing Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a The Celanese Corp. will de- ! SEE THE QUEEN £ • monstrate wet and dry spinning, 14.95 a process for producing synthetic 2 AND HER COURT £ fiber. ■ at the ■ The meeting is open to chemi­ 5 HOMECOMING DANCE ■ cal engineering m ajors. Top fi gu re w e a r s a wool shift j u m p e r with zip­ p e r b a c k , a l t e r n a t e be lt , and white b l o u s e . J u n ­ i o r s i z e s , in aqua o r c e l e r y . L o w e r f i g u r e , high s c o o p neck wool j u m p e r has deep side p l e a t s , s e l f b o w - t i e white bl o us e . J u m p e r in J u n i o r and J u n i o r P e t i t e s i z e s , aqua o r gold. D R E S S E S -S T R E E T L E V E L d o you know abou t soft a n d c u d d ly K n a p p ’s fre e fle ece robes c la s s e s in 10.95 b a b y c a re ? Blend ed Nylon and A rn el a r t ­ Demonstrations and p r a c t i c e in fully des igned in a w a s h ­ d r e s s i n g , handling, and bathing a new able, lightweight f l e e c e born helps you get acquainted with rob e. P e t e r F a n c o l ­ l a r , r a g la n s l e e v e s , 8.95 and 10.95 baby’ s b a s i c w a r d r o b e . You also l e a r n what to pack f o r the hospital and satin t r i m ­ and you v is it the m a t e r n i t y f lo o r of med . R e d , r o s e , a lo ca l hospital. sapphire, royal and t u r q u o i s e , t h r e e c o l o r f u l , s m a r t ly New 7-week series starts October 31« Join any 8- 18 . Thursday at 2:00 P.M. You can complete the 7 -week series whenever you join . . . it 's con- tinuous. s t y le d s k i r t s . . . 5th floor auditorium Any o r all of the t h r e e s t y l e s w ill add z e s t and zip to y o u r w a r d r o b e . C h o o s e s o l i d t one s of b l a c k , brown, Knapp’s downtown navy, c r a n b e r r y , ol ive o r g r a y . E a c h available in m i s ­ "I s e s pr o p o r t io n ed s i z e s . The h i p - s t i t c h e d p le a t s and «O 'iF.S.G A .eO e’N i g V F l . m a vimT ^^cach 1 0 , 9 5 . S l i m - l i n e s k i r t s , 8 . 9 5 . m m m m %m >KvX%%vX,.^v.% m m % v.%v»v.v.v.v.%m%%v»sv-;»K m M «;»!»>x«;.!.>>>ftöJSS5oiw M m m m m m CC,o GCo3flw s s,oo»"«x m I S K IR T S S T R E E T L E V E L