MICHIGAN W eather Inside Partly cloudy and warmer Football’ s sonic boom, p. 4; enrollment schedule, p. 7. STATE today and Thursday. UNIVERSITY Wednesday, October 30, 1963 Price 10< H o u s e C o m m i t t e e O K ’s R ig h ts B ill In c lu d e s W orld New s S till C a u s in g Bail F E P C at a Glance P r o v is io n F a c u lt y U n rest WASHINGTON, (#)— The Kenne- U.S. L a c k s Torpedoes Against Soviet Subs day Administration won its appeal Tuesday f o r House Judiciary NORFOLK, Va. IIP)— The Admiral charged with defending the based on nothing more permanent By SU E JA C O B Y education. This just seem s to be Committee approval of a com­ Atlantic against Russian submarines says the United States doesn t than a t e m p o r a r y ’m o n e y State News Staff V/riter an illogical assertion .” promise civil rights bill. P re s ­ have enough torpedoes to take c a re of them. The ATL p rofessor said he flu rry.’ ’ ’ ident K e n n e d y t e r m e d the "W e've got some good kill-weapons,” said Vice Adm. E .B . recognized the responsibility of A professor of political sci­ m easure comprehensive and fair. T aylor, who has commanded the Atlantic Fleet Antisubmarine The Educational Development the University to enroll as many ence pointed out that the entire The com m ittee, with a bipar­ W arfare F o rc e for nearly four y e a rs, longer than any other P roject has been endorsed by both students as possible without im­ future of EDP re sts on the manner tisan coalition in control, r e ­ adm iral. the Board of T ru stees and the pairing the quality of education. in which it is implemented. "T he jected a sweeping measure draf­ "B u t we don't have them in the quantity that we re capable Academic Council, but an intan­ "H owever, there has to be outcome can’t be known yet. The ted by a subcommittee and voted of deliverin g," he told the L edger-S tar in an interview. gible unrest over the document is a point where the number of stu­ document is vaguely worded and to accept instead a m ore mod­ "If you follow the theory that every kill-weapon we have will still apparent at the g ra ss-ro o ts dents is going to impair the edu­ the spirit hasn’t been disclosed. erate bill backed by House lead­ take c a re of a Russian sub, then we've got enough. But that faculty level. cational quality. The line has to It’ s simply too early to say e rs of both p arties. has never been true before and we feel that it wouldn’t hold Uncertainty over the m erit s be drawn somewhere. 1 feel that whether it will end up in a work­ Included in the compromise a re true today." of EDP is not confined to fac­ EDP is unwilling to discuss controversial proposals to ban able solutions to the University’ s Russia is credited with having about 450 subs, some nuclear. ulty mem bers w ho are simply that lin e." problems or in a m e s s ." racial discrimination in places opposed to the concept of an un­ The professor pointed out that of public accommodation and to A professor of social science limited enrollment c e i l i n g . A he used to teach a 25-student create a federal fair employment said he had a generally favor­ Algeria-Morocco T alks Delayed commonly-voiced objection to the section and he now teaches one able impression of EDP because p ractices comm ission (FE P C ). plan is failure to examine the with 200 students. "My class with It also includes a provision BAMAKO, Mali (if)—The first it incorporates a research ap­ question of how many students 25 students was a better o n e," making the Civil Rights Commis­ round of summit talks for set­ proach. He emphasized the need a university can educate ade­ he said. "B u t I still feel I am ion a permanent agency but elim­ tling the Algerian-M o r o c c a n to examine adaptations to assure quately. doing a good job of teaching. How­ inates a proposal creating a com­ border conflict ran into an un­ that the same educational results " I ’m not a person who thinks ever, I am reaching the point a re being obtained as were under munity relations service to seek explained delay Tuesday. One the project outlined by the Edu­ now where I think that any la r­ traditional methods. voluntary desegregation. official said the talks would be­ cational P olicies Committee is a ger class would result in a very A p rofessor o f humanities The Judiciary Committee is gin later. work of the d ev il," a professor poor educational situation. The pointed out that state universities expected to draft a report on of American Thought and Lang­ students would be cheated. As a like MSU face a unique histori­ the bill during the next week Present for the conference a re uage said. " I don’t think most teach er, I would be ch eated ." cal problem. "W e a re educating or 10 days and send it to the President Ahmed Ben Bella of faculty m em bers are insensitive All of the faculty reservations people today who would simply Rules Committee, where another A lgeria, who arrived in an arm y to the enrollment problem MSU concerning EDP a re not connect­ not have been considered 40 years week probably will be needed uniform; King Hassan II of M or­ faces because if is a state Uni­ Y/ORTM MONEY-for students, that is . Students are warned ed with the size of the Univer- ago. 1 don’t believe we know the to clear the m easure for House occo; Em peror Haile Selassie not to sell their homecoming game tickets, since student versity. s i t y . P rofessors in scientific action. of Ethiopia, the conference ch air­ fields expressed no particular (continued on page 6) tickets in the hands of a non*student will not be honored. The President said in a state­ man, and President ModiboKeita "H owever, I have reservations concern about large cla sse s. ment that the agreement "h as of Mali. The New York Times about this document which I would " I am in favor of a large significantly improved prospects term a m atter of conscience. I But the session was postponed Algerian and Moroccan u niversity," a p rofessor of nat­ for enactment of effective civil and Saad Dahlab, Algeria’ s Am­ bassador to M orocco, reporting to newsmen, did not explain why chiefs will meet in Bamako, Mali (1 ), in move to end border fighting at H assi feel it is not honest in a s s e rt­ ing that it can provide m ore stu­ dents with a cheaper and better ural science said. " I have seen this University grow from 2,500 students to 25,000. I could con- Expand U.N. Investigation rights legislation in Congress this y e a r.” Kennedy added: o r say when the meeting would timplate 100,000 students without "T he bill is a comprehensive Of V iet Religion Crisis Beida (2 ). getting terrib ly upset. and fair bill. It will provide effec­ start. "One can teach large cla sse s tive legal rem edies for racial discrimination in voting, edu­ K idnap in the scientific area without any impairment of education. But a cation, public accommodations, Viet Nam Violates Geneva Agreement person would have to be crazy The others will continue in­ Pazhwak said Diem’ s govern­ employment an d federal pro­ SAIGON, (4*1— A,U.N. investiga­ to think that English composition tion of South Viet Nam’ s polit­ terviews in Saigon. ment has agreed that the mission gram s. It will provide the basis Suspect WASHINGTON (UPI)— A State Department official says the U.S. could be taught under the same is free to interview all witnes­ for men of good will in every ical-religiou s cris is is expanding The investigators T u e s d a y has charged Nor.th Viet Nam with violating the 1962 Geneva set of circum stan ces. It just ses it has asked to see who city of our land to work to­ today to Hue, where 11 persons agreement by resuming shipment of war m aterials to Communist visited a v i l l a on t h e out­ are connected with the Buddhist gether to resolve their racial wouldn’t w ork.". w ere killed in the first violence guerrillas in L aos. skirts of Saigon being used as problem. problems within the framework The natural science p rofessor May 8 during a Buddhist demon­ Held said he felt EDP is distrubing to a detention center for persons of law and justice. stration. "It has also been agreed that rounded up in the m ilitary crack ­ "T h e b i l l must now pass Adolphe Menjou Dies "m any competent, hard-working the mission will be free to see faculty people." He pointed out Abdul Rahman Pazhwak of Af- down on Buddhist foes of P re s ­ a 11 religious personalities it through the House Rules Com­ HOLLYWOOD (UPI)— A Hollywood film favorite is dead. that it is absolutely vital to find ganistan, chairman of the fact­ ident Ngo Dinh Diem’ s govern­ wishes to interview, as well as mittee, be approved by the House, Dapper Adolphe Menjou died Tuesday after a long illness. finding mission, announced three ment. Lansing police a re holding a out why these people are dis­ laymen connected with the Bud­ (continued on page 5) He was 73 y ears old. turbed. of its seven members will make Police barred newsmen, but 33-year-old Saginaw construc­ dhist problem, including those Menjou spent 40 y ears in motion pictures...going far back the trip to Hue, a coastal city an i n f o r m a n t said the U.N. tion worker in connection with " I think one of the basic causes under detention. into the days of the silent screen . He was well remembered 400 m iles north of Saigon, for a representatives interviewed a the kidnap attack Friday night of unrest is that some faculty for his fashionable attire and during the 1930’ s he set styles 24-hour study. They will return half dozen or so Buddhists, in­ m em bers feel this document is for men. of 5-y ear-o ld Michelle Moran of East Lansing. Police a re with­ a ‘flash in the pan,’ that it is Thursday. cluding some monks. E d u c a t io n holding the suspect’s name until they have m ore evidence and is­ I S op ran o R evam p Russian Gold Arrives In London And Paris LONDON UP)— London Airport was heavily guarded Tuesday for the arriv al of big shipments of gold from Russia estimated sue a w arrant. The suspect walked into police Daemoniacus To Weave ;Not Comingi E x p l a i n e d at 10 tons, worth about $10.92 million. The gold was reported flown here for sale on the London market to raise Western cu rren cies to pay for Moscow’ s big headquarters about noon Monday after he had been advised by his construction boss to report a hit and run accident he was involved Spell Over Homecoming i; : The N o v . 8 r e c i t a l appearance of B irgit N ils- • ; The administrative structure and research opportunities in the College of Education are wheat im ports. being reorganized. Unloaded from planes of the Soviet airline, the gold was taken in Friday night. Officers say Daemoniacus, an ancient Ro- Tradition and innovation will queen and her court have not :• son at the Aud. has been \ The Board of T rustees ap­ the suspect refused to talk about man b earer of evil spirits, wil be combined in this y ear’ s rally been presented until the football •: postponed until May 4, the '• into London in guarded trucks. ■: L ectu re-C on cert office has : proved a proposal F riday to con­ London financial sources estim ate the Russians have sold the kidnap case but spoke freely make his first appearance in parade scheduled to begin at 6 game. Another new feature this year •: announced. solidate some 14 educational in­ nearly $400 million worth of gold in Western markets in recent of the hit and run collision. several thousand y ears to cast p.m. at the Physics-M ath Build­ te re st groups of the college into months to pay for their huge grain im ports. The suspect claimed he was a dark spell on the Wisconsin ing. Homecoming queen Donna is a parade of mobile floats which i "W e r e g r e t having to six departments, indicated John P a ris A special Russian plane brought 23,586 pounds of gold in Saginaw visiting his wife and Badgers at the annual homecom- Beukema and her court will head will be included. The 18 so ro r­ >: make t h i s ch ange," said E . Ivey, dean. A school of teacher four sons Friday night, accord­ ing pep rally Friday night. the parade. In past years the ities on campus have paired off v Wilson B. Paul, director bars from Moscow to P aris Tuesday. Two policemen armed with to build the floats. The parade ï of the con cert se rie s , "but education, responsible for all ing to Detective Captain Elwyn undergraduate students, and a machine guns watched over the gold as it was loaded into an route will include .ail .campus v the postponement was n ec- Groak. Detectives checked his school of advanced study in ed­ arm ored truck for transport to the Bank of F ran ce. story Monday in Saginaw and dorm itories. Sparty, the Delta x essary because of M etro- Up'silon Bell, the marching band, •: politan O p e r a schedule ucation, for graduate students, said his wife told them he a r ­ has been set up. rived home about 9 p.m. F r i ­ and the cheerleaders will all complications beyond our take part in the parade. :: co n tro l." Coming before the trustees day. at their November meeting is Gov. Romney will light four M ercu ry F o r e te lls "1 think it’s Just a matter of time before we can gather suf­ torches on the steps of the Cap­ itol which will be carried by a proposal to place educational research and the school for ad­ ficient evidence to prove he’ s vanced study under one head. our boy," Groak said. fraternity men to the IM field, F r o s ty T r^ ck -T rea t Police pointed out that he could have dumped the little girl on where they will be used to touch off a bonfire. A mock funeral Bike A u c tio n Sources in the college indicated this will make the graduate pro­ for Daemoniacus will be held. gram m ore closely tied to re ­ the east city limits of East Lan­ search . "W e expect this to be the Tem peratures dropped to 34 ing to Glenn Prapp, meteorolo­ sing and arrived heme by 9 biggest and best pep rally ever S cheduled "T h ese changes in adminis­ degrees Monday evening just in gical technician for the Lansing o’clock. held at homecoming,” said Bob trative structure are designed to At least three items in his time to put frost on the pump­ kins for Halloween. weather bureau. Record tem peratures were re ­ c a r match with descriptions of H arris, Bryan, Ohio, junior and chairman of Spartan Spirit. This For T oday tidy up the college’ s internal operations,” Ivey said. " I t is corded for Michigan on Oct. 23, the c a r given by Michelle, police y e a r’s pep rally has quite a Students will have a second part of a long-range program for As the m ercury fell, 2 efec- 24, 25, and 26 with highs of said. tradition to live up to, as past chance to get a bike at auction greater efficiency in the col­ tric blankets were turned on The suspect, a c c o r d i n g to 84 degrees on the 23rd and 24th. celebrations have been far from p rices due to the unusually large le g e ." "high" and winter coats cam e The previous record was set on police, has no apparent record number impounded for lack of Newly c r e a t e d departments out of storage. Students driving dull. October 26, 1927 with a tem ­ of sexual misbehavior. He was In 1960, the homecoming pep lock o r license this term . a re : elem entary education, sec­ to 8 a.m . cla sse s had to rub once charged in Saginaw with ondary and curriculum education, the frost off their c a r windshield. perature of 78 degrees. rally was themed "B acch an alia,” The bikes will be sold at 1:30 If to no one else, rapidly drop­ turning in false fire alarm s. after Bacchus, the Greek god of p.m . today at an auction at the educational administration and Those on f o o t cram med their P rosecutor Leo A. Farhatsaid ping tem peratures are a wel­ Salvage Y ard on F arm Lane. higher education, foundations of hands in pockets in order to wine. The pep rally cam e off come sight to Michigan fruit the suspect would be held in­ in fine style that year in spite During the year, traffic safety education, guidance and person­ warm their fingers. definitely "until we have had grow ers. of a student Congress decision students pick up bikes which nel serv ices, and health and phy­ "F r u it tre e s are going into reasonable tim e” to check in­ have no license or lock. These sical education. Weather rep o rters announced which cut nearly $300 from a dormancy in fine condition,’ A. formation. He said no warrant bikes are impounded at the cam ­ The dean indicated that the t h a t tem peratures dropped to request for a pep rally appro­ would be authorized until he and college’ s research program will near freezing Tuesday night and L . Kenworthy, MSU horticultur­ priation. The students went all pus police station for 90 days. ist, said. “ The drought plus cool the police were certain they had During this tim e, an attempt work closely with the learning the outlook for today is partly £ 0*5t o . qut (or ijjrhUcitv, to the extent cloudy and w arm er Vim a f rrr^n of wrestling matches in Berkey ”fs made to contact the owners, resources centeF, wirucir re ­ and less susceptible to winter The suspect has been intSr'ro- who upon proper identification signed to implement new educa­ in the low 6 0 ’s. gated only once within hours Hall. "T em p eratu res t h i s month injury. Fu rth erm ore, conditions The 1961 pep rally was dis­ and payment of $3 may redeem tional innovations at MSU in the after he submitted to detectives, have been 7 -8 degrees higher than have been excellent for apple the prosecutor emphasized. Sorority members prepare float tinguished chiefly by the enter - their vehicles. future. the normal 52 d e g re e s," accord­ harvesting.” Wedn esd ay , O c t o b e r 3 0 , 1963 2 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan - j* point of View - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ftUSG" IS R Do-NOTHtHG' EDP Becomes Reality sulted p r i o r to the f i r s t f o r ­ I fl o f U.N, Needs After nine months of h e c t i c debate the Un i v er si t y has finally taken the f i r s t c o n c r e t e mulation of E D F . Som e faculty and students M ao’s China step toward making the E d u ­ w e r e e v e r fearf ul of ‘ c a n n e d ’ • - by Bob Bearman cat ional Development P r o j e c t education. In the October 22 issue of the ing this resolution and conse­ a physical r e a l i t y . B u t this co u n tr y is c o m m i t t e d Detroit F r e e P r e s s Roscoe quently would have to face the On F e b r u a r y 9, the B o a r d of to educating its c i t i z e n s and Drummond criticized the Young adverse world opinion— not so Dem ocrats o f California for Red China. T r u s t e e s approved the f o r ­ this U n iv e r s i t y as a s t a t e i n s t i ­ adopting t h e s e extrem e m eas­ mation of a s p e c i a l c o m m i t t e e tution has little c h o i c e but to u res: 1, Immediate recognition We cannot go on ignoring a of Red China and its admission country with a population of over to expedite P r e s i d e n t Hannah’ s a c c e p t the c h a l l e n g e . to the United Nations. 2. Re­ 600 million people atd the po­ 7 point p r o g r a m . This p r o g r a m L a s t F r i d a y the B o a r d o f sumption of trade and diplomatic tential to become a m ajor nu­ T r u s t e e s p a s s e d final f a v o r a b l e relations w i t h C a s t r o -Soviet cle a r power. No type of isolation­ aimed at enabling the U n iv e r ­ Cuba. 3. Recognition of the Com­ ism has ever proved effective sity to cope with an i n c r e a s i n g judgment on plans f o r the munist government of E ast G er­ in the past and there is no ch a n g e s so s o r e l y needed. many. 4. Withdrawl of all A m er­ reason to believe that it will e n r o ll m en t while maintaining ican forces from South Vietflam. be effective in the future. quality education. In the s i x t i e s as the nation’ s Except for the last one, these The recognition of E ast G er­ inadequate edu cational f a c i l ­ £ U V te is e F ö R e d e m a n d S p y , 'S o u p - proposals could hardly be called many would end the myth of Ensuing weeks saw cons tan t extrem e. P ractical is a better i t i e s conf ro nt an e v e r i n c r e a s ­ G e r m a n reunification. While c o n t r o v e r s y . Some p r o f e s s o r s THE OJITMDRAUift*- OF word. West Germany would violently ing influx of stud ent s, how well The United States, by not re c ­ announced plans to leav e the Michigan State s u c c e e d s in its ftNVUlAV ? ognizing Red China, is not re c ­ oppose such a m easure, it should be noted that West Germany c a r ­ U n i v e r si t y , attributing these ognizing reality . F o r it is Red task will have g r e a t i m p o r t . ries on approximately $200 mil­ China, not Nationalist C h i n a - in pa rt to what b e c a m e known lion worth of trade with East The late P r o v o s t , C lifford E. which is itself a dictatorship of Germany each y ear. Thus it is as P r o j e c t X a jo ur na li st ic the Chek fam ily-that is the true E r i c k s o n was quite c o r r e c t when seen t h a t the most vigorous representative of the Chinese pseudonym for the Educational opponent of E ast German recog­ he sa id , “ this is the f i r s t e x ­ people. nition has, in a way, recognized Development P r o j e c t . Other By admitting Red China to the that country. ample of a m a j o r u n i v e r s i t y United Nations, the world may d i s s e n t e r s c la i m e d that the taking a look at i t s e l f to s e e force her to restrain her aggres­ By applying to Cuba the sam e sive actions. As the situation restriction s as it does to the faculty was not p r o p e r l y c o n ­ what can be d o n e . ’ ’ exists now, Red China is on the rest of the Communist block, the outside looking in and is an­ United States could ca rry on Homecoming Sentiments swerable to no one for her ac­ tions. Also, unless Red China is admitted to the United Nations, profitable trade with that coun­ try . Hom ec om ing c o m e s up this a bonfire on the i n t r a m u r a l the resolutions passed by that We live in a world of real­ body would have no affect on her. ities, not myths. And unless we weekend as it per io dic all y field. accept these realities, we cannot The most recent example of this The m e n ’ s d o r m s will oblige is the resolution adopted which adequately combat them. Not to does. all by acting as the ‘ wood bans nuclear weapons from outer accept these realities may lead And to add fu rt he r to our us to find ourselves a once-free e nt hu si as m , ru n n e rs in togas b r i n g e r - i n n e r s ’ for this holo­ letters To The Editor space. Any nuclear power placing nuclear weapons, would be break- nation. caust. PEA N U TS will gallop down fr o m the C a p ­ I'M T he oftLV ONE IN THIS WHOLE They ca l l this a pep r a l l y WORLD WHO WILL BE SPENDING itol with t o r c h e s and touch off and so “ B i g g i e ’ ’ and Duffy’ ’ A U S G v s R a th e r HALLOWEEN NI6HT SITTIN6 IN A. PUMPKIN PATCH WAITING FORHIM will be th e r e and even s o m e TO APPEAR .AM I CRAZV? football p l a y e r s . ing and therefore a subjective than 300 words, and should be To the Editor: College Bowl Saturday will s e e a football g a m e and at half time a c o m e l y I can see by reading my daily evaluation is likely to result. A issue of the State News, namely student just does not have the typed double spaced if possible. Names and address should also right or knowledge to evaluate be included. No unsigned letters IT that copy dating Thursday, Oct. others. Passing judgement on will be printed, but names may We note with d i s m a y that co ed will reign as queen and 24, that we have acquired a new be withheld if we feel there is m artyr on cam pus, Rather Hall, another is the job of God — r e g i s t r a t i o n for the MSU C o l ­ with h e r c o u r t will d r i v e about thanks to the fine objective news not a Resident Advisor. reason. lege Bowl has had to be e x ­ the g r id i r o n in O l d s m o b il e s . coverage of the State News that B arb ara Fox LOOK ME IN THE EVE, AND WHAT COULD always puts things in their proper 221 Gilchrist H a l l One of our prim ary ways of . I SAV ? tended. Could it be that th e r e Then those r e s p o n s i b l e f o r TELL ME l‘M NOT CRAZV.. prospective. gauging the campus tem per is a r e not enough individuals the b e t t e r di sp la ys and floats Now, I’ m always in favor of through letters from University "----------- h er eab o ut s who a r e knowled­ a " f r e e and objective" p ress residents, whether new fresh­ will be named as w in n e r s. which the State News purports man, student wife, or college geable enough to c o m p e t e ? They tell us H o m e c o m i n g is to be. However, my main concern W e t W h e th e r dean. We strongly e n d o r se the is with two things: the nature To the Editor: some thing m o r e ; It i s supposed of the headline and a few p e r­ I don’t know whether weather The State News reserv es the co n ce p t of an MSU C ollege to evoke s o m e s o r t of p r o ­ tinent facts c o n c e r n i n g the will ever weather ’ ’whether” or right to edit letters to fit space Bowl and hope m o r e student nature of the representative's whether your p roof-read er will requirements. found feeling and a s p i r i t of weather "w hether” either. withdrawal. i n t e r e s t is f o rt hc om in g . C e r ­ reunion. To the first, I would like to Linda Boyle tainly we would n e v e r r e g r e t * So the alumr.i ca n attend a say this: That the headline read 288 W. Wilson "R ath er B reak s with AUSG." the healthy dev elopment of banquet if they want to, o r even Granted, this is a sensational W h y D e s tro y ? T H E Y S IN G H O N E S T F O L K S O N G S . such a p r o g r a m . the da n ce Sa tur day night. story. However, th ere is one thing to keep in mind and that is Such i n te ll e ct ua l orie nt at ion T h e r e will be g e t - t o g e t h e r s of simply that a dorm council has To the Editor: in e x t r a c u r r i c u l a r a c ti v i ti e s various colleges. no right legally or illegally to ••Join th e great cru sad e!" withdraw from AUSG, namely shout various student (sic) lead­ is always needed. After all, B u t we a r e a big s ch o o l and because the dorm council has no e r s . " K i l l t h e evil dragon we a r e a un iv e r si t y . p e r h a p s b e c a u s e of this our representation in AUSG. The Re­ AUSG!!” "T h ey have arguments presentative represents the stu­ IN A W IL D , We urg e AUSG to redouble alumni s e n ti m e n t a l flings s e e m there every week.” dents and not the dorm council. I am afraid to say that "th e its ef fo r ts to keep alive this s m a l l . Maybe it just s e e m s S e c o n d l y , concerning th e dragon” who is really only “ a D R IV IN G , potentially fine p r o g r a m . like this only to u n d e r g r a d u a t e s . nature of the w i t h d r a w a l of lizard” cannot bite back. You S P IR IT E D , R a t h e r ’ s representative, o n e see — it has no teeth. AUSG 26. Bed cover­ 5. Pollen- thing should be noted. is blamed for all the ills and E X C IT IN G , 16. Wine vessel 28. Modest ing bearing organ Rather’ s representative h ad abuses that Its d etractors can 18 Polyn. fruit 29. Click beetle been in AUSG for less than a full m uster Including (in the same A N D S O M E T IM E S Q U IE T pigeon 6. Edge 30. Intractable 19. Periods of 28. Hinder person « quarter and had three absences breath) laziness, impetuousness, 7. Indigo light 31. Legume 31. Royal per­ to her cred it. According to the power hunger, and inability to N E W W A Y . ACROSS 13. T V equip­ 8. Term of 21.Ratite bird 32. Utmost sonage Rules of C ongress, with four reach the student body. Great 1. Faulty ment hyperbole office 34. Provided absences during her entire term white knights come to our meet­ 6. Proportions 14. Youth 23. Arikara 33. Tune 9. Epic genre 10. Thorough­ 36. Engine of office (three full quarters) ings spouting m ore fire and brim ­ 11 Turkish inn 15. Tree of 24. Jap. 35. Merganser barony fare 37. Each she would have been forced to stone than many a fundamental­ 12. Unsuitable genus L’lntus 39. Grape hand in her resignation. (These ist p reacher and AUSG can only JOURNEYMEN 38. Hostilities I 3 4 è 6 7 8 9 to refuse 11. Frosted 17. Have being 40. Yield reco rd s a re open to any student). sit quietly as he rav es, waiting %II %12 41. Fish's propeller 20. Rider Hag­ 42. Kind of gard novel light This may or may not shed a different light on the stiuation. patiently for some proposed sol­ utions or at least help. But the 13 i 14 43. Seeds 44. Speak 22. Benefit 45. Color I think however, that before one leaders leave, and so does the 16 % 25. Borneo 47. High in c o n d e m n s an existing organi­ Rather Hall delegate. After all, 15 n 18 46. More pepper plant music zation, i.e. AUSG, for its alleged their mission is done. They know NEW 19 % 20 21 21 23 orderly 48. Eng. 27. Possesses pitfalls, one should attempt to that the State News will take the DIRECTIONS 24 25 % 26 % 27 novelist 49. Stains A R O A L 1 M B c H A R E P 1 U m I1 P A Ii reform from within. One m ore point: After consid­ knives they thrust so vehemently into the back of Student Govern­ IN d20 d29 % 30 d 31 50. Miscal­ E T A L O B E L 1 S K ering the martyrdom of Rather Hall ala State News and jump­ ment and "tw ist” them into print. All right! You great student RNKMIISIC 32 33 34 d 35 3 d* %%37 38 culated 51. Ingress C A R E E li A 1 N O T D w A R F ing to the conclusion that AUSG is worthless, it might be more lead ers. Knowing that our hands 39 40 41 % 41 43 DOWN c H A T T E L 0 A P o E S O O T H E. O worthwhile for students to con­ a re tied by the fact, admitted by the administration, that the § 45 % 47 1. E. Indian s T A T E B A R sider the p o s iti v e aspects of AUSG and where it falls short only power we have is that which is given to us by them; knowing 44 48 % 44 49 court official 2. Mother 3. C holer C A R R E T R A c T A R 1 S E 11 P 0 N E of d e s i r e d expectations, to attempt to work from within. It also that our plans must be limited by this fact; knowing that SO 1 51 4. Medical 1 R 1 P A C 1 S u E R D L 0 1 S |e N D s should be worth noting, that where we a re trying our best but are % fluids k no effort appears to have been made to heal the patient, few without aid from certain of you, and knowing especially well the people will resp ect the diagnosis reputation you can gain by felling or the doctor. any d r a g o n , e v e n a harm less M IC H IG A N Jolynne Cappo one - - Go ahead! NSA Coordinator The forty some students who STATE U N IV E R S IT Y STATE N E W S voluntarily give their time every Wednesday to "b ick er and be R A A p p r a is a l lazy” can live without AUSG. Member Associated P re ss, United P re ss m er term ; special Welcome Issue in Septem­ To the Editor: But rem em ber in the end result International, Inland Daily P re s s Association, ber. Each t e r m every dormitory the only ones you a re hurting Associated C o l l e g i a t e P re s s Association, Second cla s s postage paid at E ast Lansing, > < * ^ 3 : < resident fills out a form on are the students, and the only Michigan P re ss Association. Michigan. their participation in campus ac­ ones you a re helping a re your­ Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Sis j tivities and organizations for ad­ selves. ifeaigv 'i,. a.... I.-... Published by the students of Michigan State Services Building, Michigan State University, m inistrative purposes. Also in­ Vincent J . Coffey University. I s s u e d on cla ss days Monday E ast Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions cluded in this questionnaire is AUSG Representative J u s t liste n t o th e ir C a p ito l a lb u m , “ N ew D ire c tio n s in F o lk M usic.” through Friday during the fall, winter and payable in advance: term , $3; 2 term s, $4; a Resident Advisor evaluation of E ast Lansing Y o u ’ll h e a r th e ro ck in g , d riv in g w a y th e J o u r n e y m e n sin g “ S o m e d a y B ab y !* spring -quarters, twice weekly during the sum- 3 term s, $5; full y e a r, $6. the student. The RA has to judge a low d ow n b lu es o u t of C h ic a g o . T h e fun th e y h a v e w ith “ S ta c k o le e ;’ th e wild how well the student respects so n g a b o u t a le g e n d a ry te r r o r of N ew O rle a n s. T h e i r q u ie t a n d m o v in g v ersion Edltor. . . ................................ Bruce Fabricant Advertising Manager.......................... Fred Levine A sst. Adv. M grs....................... Frank Senger J r . , Arthur Langer the rights of others, his or her academic effort, housekeeping L etter P olicy of “ A ll th e P r e t t y L i t t l e H o r s e s ;’ o n e of th e m o st b e a u tifu l lu llab ies e v e r w ritte n . Circulation Manager.........................Bill Marshall abilities, m ajor asset and hand­ T h e ir sp irite d r a g tim e re n d itio n of “ S a n F r a n c is c o B a y . Campus Editor................................... G erry Hinkley Caqjpus Coordinator. . . . . . . Dave Jaehnig icap in college life, etc. The State News welcomes all •. r;r * T' c PHiyvr . r .................. Je rry Caplan 11VV.nivw >vVvo^’s n ew in fo lk .so n e s. A n d g h a t ’s b e s t. ( fjh u *^i?m en's ^fofislng. . . . . . . ! • • .c .i& try n ia n #* .rtAc a ii ‘itrt •-- trie cu.tu. — At ' . ' Photo Chief. . . . . .... George junne Assistant Campus Editor. . . John Van Gleson student’ s capabilities and de­ they be from student, faculty, J Editorial E ditors. . . Jack Shea, Dave Stewart Night E ditor...............................................Tom Winter Men’ s Housing............................ Oyars B alcers ficiencies seem s ridiculous. He staff, or non-University subscri­ is oftentimes not thoroughly ac­ ber. quainted with the one he is judg- L e tte rs should not be longer L L o o k f o r — a s k f o r —t h e J o u r n e y m e n in c o n c e r t o n y o u r c a m p u s . Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan / Wednesday, Oct ob er 3 0 , 1963 3 A rena Theatre U n in v it e d 6K i d s 9 C a u s e P r o b le m s To Do 6Duchess numerous p r o d u c t i o n s at the G r ill EDITOR’ S NOTE: T h is is S e rv e s H ig h seems to have this problem. We S c h o o l, had become a symbol in the T o o said. " I ’ve found them burning "T h e Duchess of M alfi," an Elizabethan play by John Web­ University of Portland. E arl Boejp the la s t o f a three-part Just have to try to operate the Union Grill is now a passing cups, putting their feet on the ster, will be the second offering will play Daniel de Bosola. the sari a t. Grill for the benefit of the m aj­ memory for students. Dmochow­ tables and being boisterous. But of the University T h eatre's audi­ clandestine p a r t n e r / in th e ority—the college students.” ski said that the booth was taken they are in the m inority." brothers' vengeance against theiri By L IN D A M IL L e R Robert Troub, who as Grill out during summer term because torium arena season. This exciting drama of intrigue s is te r's m a r r i a g e . Boen, of Stata Naws S taff Writer manager is referred to by stu­ it was in the way, difficult to Every term the cushions of involves a Duchess who secretly Boise, Idaho, has performed with dents as the "b o u n cer,” said clean and monopolized by non­ booths and ch airs must be r e ­ Contempt for non-college vis­ m arries below her station against the Oregon Shakespeare Festival itors in the Union Grill is p rac­ that he has no legal backing to college youth. paired because they have been the d esires of her brothers. It as well as Idaho State University tically universal among students eliminate these people. " I tell slashed or picked apart. will be staged in modern dress and the University of Denver them to leave, and some Univ­ Troub said that the booth posed Another not-so-pleasant char­ here. Most of them are East Nov. 6 -9 on the circu lar stage Summer Theatre. Lansing high school students or ersity student says they're his the same problem as a drinking acteristic of the G rill, though in the basement of the Auditor­ Kaye Madison will be Julia, high school drop outs too young guests.” fountain that was removed two also in the minority, is public the lustful m istress ot the C a r­ to enter the service and unable y ears ago. "Crow ds gathered display of affection. ium. dinal. Miss Madison, a member Troub has been employed by around it when we were busy, Farley Richmond, assistant in­ to secure a job. of the Performing Arts Company, the Union for 10 years. Until blocking normal traffic. It only "L ack of discretion bothers structor in speech, will direct “ Love those little diaper dol­ appeared in last y e a r's “ OfThee five y ears ago, he never had seated eight, but sometimes two m e,” Dmochowski said. "L ove the cast which has been in re ­ lie s!" exclaimed one coed, sum­ I Sing." this problem. "Now they live dozen would hang around it.’ is not to be shown to the m asses." hearsal for s e v e r a l weeks. ming up MSU’s feeling toward C. David Colson is cast as h ere,” he said. "And their p ar­ Most students agree that public Christine B ergstrom , Bloomfield the unwelcome. Delio, Antonio’s faithful friend. ents pay taxes to support this A few students had not even affection is shown only at night, Hills junior, will play the title That the G rill is c r o w d e d Mr. Colson recently appeared building." noticed its rem oval, but many either by couples on dates or role. Miss B ergstrom received enough with campus students is on the MSU arena stage as the The center round booth that wish it had stayed. "W e never "pick-ups.’ ’ the Theta Alpha Phi "b e st acting the general agreement. College award" last year for her por­ title ch aracter in " J a c k , or The students refer to the high-school used it,” a group of coeds said. Submission." C a t h y S t r i p e , "But it was part of this place, Some coeds feel that the beat­ trayal of E lectra in Sophocles’ students as "playing the big time Grayling junior, will play C a r- a symbol. The high school kids nik influence gets "kind of bad." classic drama. Ferdinand, b r o t h e r to the iola, the comforting, jovial nurse. league" and say the girls are worse than the boys. A w a rd Grads who used to sit there clutter Drinking is not a major prob­ Others in the cast include: up the re st of the Grill now.” lem in the G rill; only a fewcome Duchess and secretly in love with "They use bad l a n g u a g e . . . her, will be played by Richard William A. Seeley, Grand Rapids; Anne Stefanie Kapetan, Wayne; they're im m ature...the girls are Study Grants in at night under the influence of alcohol. Leinaweaver, a member of the after the college guys, but they Other than appearing immature Dick Williams, Royal Oak; Em ­ Eight graduate students attend­ Performing A rts Company. Lein­ can tell the little ones like a and out of place, the non-college In spite of the problems facing met A. Faulkner, Sault; Henry ing MSU during the 1963-64 aca­ aweaver most recently appeared sore thumb," students said, quick youth are not any more destruc­ the management of the Grill, Blackledge, CreRskill, N .J.; and demic year have been awarded as lago in the Colorado Shakes­ to comment on the problem. tive than MSU students. Dmochowski said he could count Ken Beachler, Grand Rapids. $3,000 fellowship grants by the peare F estiv al's production of One coed believes that the Troub said that not more than student complaints on one hand. Settings and lighting will be Coordinating Council of the Mid­ “ Othello.'' younger set does not really want west Community College Leader­ tO per cent of all Grill visitors The Union Grill continues to designed by Frank Levin. Daniel S r cause distrubances. "T he univ­ Burt B. Belant will appear as to come into the G rill. If their ship Program (MWCCLP). serve as the co re of leisurely J . FleischhackerandSusan Wein­ PUT ANOTHER N IC K c L IH -J im Van F lee t, H olland sopho­ parents object to smoking, the ersity students a re just as bad the Cardinal, second brother to Recipients of the grants are: social gatherings for MSU "G rill the Duchess who uses the church e r are costuming the production. more, doesn't seem to mind the extra n icke l that “ n ic k e lo ­ Grill is the only place in East as the high school on es," he hounds." A limited number of Auditor­ Kenneth E. Borland, Detroit; Karl as the instrument for his own deons" cost these days as he view s the record selection of Lansing they can “ pull out their F . DuBois, Grand Rapids; John selfish aspirations. Belant, a na­ ium Arena season tickets are weeds." She said that the city the Union G rill jukebox. M. Eaton, M arshall; Eldon E. tive of Pontiac, received the still available; the six remain­ of East Lansing should give them ing plays for $1. Individual ad­ State Hews Photo by Larry F ritz la n Fahs, Virden, 111.; George M. "best acting aw ard" for his out­ their own place for this. Strout, Mexico, Maine; Lloyd Dell standing p e r f o r m a n c e of Mr. mission will be .50^ at the door A sign in the Grill clearly W a lla c e the nights of productions. Read, Chanute, Kan.; Wayne L . Zuss in " J . B . " last y ear. states that its f a c i l i t i e s are Rodehorst, Kearney, Neb.; and Antonio, the steward who is secretly m arried to the Duchess, Fines Pile Up N e w C o p y r ig h t L a w available to Universitypersonnel and guests only. Vernon Wanty, Sheffield, Eng­ I oa I u q u land. will be played by B. Jam es Alex­ ander. Alexander is a member As Permits Grow Union M a n a g e r M i c h a e l Dmochowski said, "W e've run The MWCCLP is a coopera­ of the Eugene, Ore. Performing Arts Company, and appeared in A collection of student driving perm its can become an expensive N e e d e d , S ie b e r t S a y s thousands of them out, but the problem is impossible to solve tive program supported in part by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. e A ^ e u j- e c u i Each year the.fellowships, rang­ hobby for unwary students. This unless a policeman checks ID's Copyright p r ob 1em s usually the many innovations in modern ing up to $3,000, are granted to is a -$2 violation and c a rs are day in and day out. C a le n d a r o f being ticketed. stem from the complexity of copy communications. rightable m aterials, th e MSU F o r example, Siebert said, mo­ "I t is natural for them to come promising men and women who have obtained a m aster’s degree The p ractice of d i s p l a y i n g in here, being so close to the Men's Club was told Tuesday. tion pictures are copyrightable C o m in g E v e n t s m ore than one permit has become but video tapes a re not. campus. No o t h e r university and wish to study toward a doc­ torate in higher education, with .. to . an aid beauty a fad at M.S.U. The perm its are Fredrick S. Siebert, Dean of “ The question here becomes emphasis on Community College something of a status symbol- the College of Communication whether the video tape is a film, as w ell Agricultural Econom ics Semi- Administration. The applicants They show a student is an upper­ A rts, said that the Copyright Act" he added, as vision n ar-3:30 p.m ., A rt Room Union. P r o h ib itio n is ts may attend MSU, University of classm en and has had his c a r will probably be revised, due to film ," he added. Botany an d Plant Pathology Michigan or Wayne State Uni­ on campus for m ore than one Sem inar-4 p.m ., 450 Nat. Sci. versity. year. Copyright laws should protect N o m in a te P r o f University College Fall Term Persons desiring more infor­ This rule is in the Student the cre a to r, he said. Faculty Meeting-4 p .m .. Wonders F o o t b a ll T e a m mation about the Kellogg Fellow­ Motor Vehicle Regulations Sec. He also said that the employer HILLSDALE (UPI)— E arle H. Hall Kiva. ships should write directly to Dr. IV, part I. is the beneficiary of the work of Munn S r., a p rofessor at Hills­ Physiology and Pharmacology George L. Hall, D irector, Mid­ Seminar-4 p.m ., 216Giltner Hall. H e lp s O n F lo a t the employee. dale College, received official west Community College Leader­ If an instructor writes a book notification Monday night that he H istory-Econom ics L e c tu re -- ZTA Accepts Attempting to create m ore hall for a university, the institution will be the 1964presidential can­ ship Program , 3032 R a c k h a m Bldg., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 8 p.m ., Erickson Hall. spirit, Case Hall obtained the aid collects the royalty, not the in­ didate of the Prohibition P arty. 9 New Actives of the football team to build dividual, Siebert said. Munn was nominated at a re­ L e c tu r e -C o n c e r t Series (B) Ballet Folklorico de Mexico-8:15 Nine pledges of ZetaTau Alpha their homecoming float. Among those helping last Thursday night A change in these laws is now in order, he said. cent party convention in S t. Louis, Mo. FRESHMEN W A L L A C E O P T IC IA N S p.m ., Auditorium. sorority went active recently. were Steve Juday, John Karpin- 3040 Vina (opposite Frandor) Ph. IV 9*2774 Im portant Conclave The new actives are Karen ski, Harold Lukas, Eddie Cotton, Presently, if an author sells a ls o o f f ic e s downtown a t 107 N . W ash ingto n. P h . IV 2*1175 n ïo v T i Les G ourm ets-7:30 p.m ., Kel­ Becket, T r e n t o n sophomore; Frank Altimore, Tony Angel, and a short story to a national maga­ T ues., Nov. 12 D r. R . C . J o n e s and D r , B . C . B u s s a rd , re g is te re d o p to m e trists logg Center. Fish eries and Wildlife Club- H arriet Behner, Monroe senior; Jim Proebstle. zine, the magazine has all the Linda Disbrow, Ypsilanti junior; Jane Luken, Queen of North rights to it. Under the recom ­ 7:30 p.m ., F o restry Cabin. 8-12 p.m. ^ Judy Gill, Dearborn sophomore; C ase, and queens from other mended system the author would MSU Promenaders Open Dance Judy and Carol Richards, DeWitt houses in North Case were also be able to decide the sale of C LA U D E T H O R N H ILL ■ SHOP EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING UNTIL NINE 7 p.m ., 34 Women’s 1M. juniors; Sharon Sheldon, Lansing present. each right, Siebert said. Agricultural Economics Club- sophomore; J i l l Spurway Lan­ Participating in the Hootenanny 7:30 p.m ., 31 Ag. Hall. sing sophomore; and Nancy Stein, held afterwards were T erry K ry- Jacobson's Men’ s Shop * 210 Abbott Road_ Cleveland senior. ger, Cadillac sophomore, Bill Spartan GuardD rillTeam (RO - Doebler, Romeo junior, and Pete ZTA concluded its festivities ' V' TC) — 4 p .m ., Ballroom, Dem. Hartung, Highland Park sopho­ Hall. with a hayride Oct. 25 at the m ore. About 400 people were Beta Beta Beta — 6:45 p.m. home of M rs. Allen Boron, *63 present, according to Bob Am s- Thur., S. Entrance Museum. alumna, near Laingsburg. le r, chairman of South C ase. Ä 1!, 218 Abbott Rd. E ast Lansing, Mich. it ò i Across From Stata Theater E O . M . END OF MONTH SALE Open Wednesday FAMOUS MAKER 9:30 • 9:00 POPLIN PLAIDS DRIP DRY YARN D YED 100% COTTON (4 5 ") $1» BETTER BLENDS 65% DACRON PO LYESTER Slack Set It Plaid 25% CO TTON by Evan Picone PRINTS I P LA ID S 4 5 " Wide S^OO yd. H o lid a y Sowing Highlighting fall’ s goldsn hues is this plaid fashion en ­ se m b l e by Evan P i c o n e . And h’ ghlighting this s m a r t outfit is petite Sue De Golia, E s s e x v i l l e s o ph om o r e. Stop in to the WOOL FELT 50% W 8. W 50% Rayon c la s s ic s b y Style Shop this week and s e e a co m pl et e line of Ev an Picone 5 4 " Wide Coordinates. R egular $2,99 P rin g le o f S c o tla n d tg v i. >i translated into pure lambswool Slack $20 by Scottish craftsmen . . . V-neck long sleeve and sleeveless pullover sweaters. Shirt $17 la rn h s o n s Sleeveless 10.95 Long Sleeve pullover 13.95 ' ■ i* t . » t . ; MEN’S SHOP Wednesday Store Hours LAN SING EAST LANSING Noon U n til 9 P.M. Wed ne sda y, O c t o b e r 3 0 , 1963 4 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan B a d g e r 's L o u H o lla n d F ro s h C a g e C o a c h L ik e A S o n ic B o o m ? S e e s V a r s it y A id Coach Duffy Daugherty never time scoring for the Badgers. ready demonstrated outstanding The dangerous halfback, how­ New freshman basketball coach equipment to become an outstand­ toughest competition will come stops thinking about the Wiscon­ ability up front. ev er, is only one of the threats Dan Peterson believes that some ing player. from the "o ld -tim e rs” on Nov. sin game. Pillath and Holland are two which the Badgers will spring of his freshmen players will give Dave K eeler, 6 -6 cen ter, has 9. The team will include form er When a sonic boom shook the of 18 seniors on the entire Wis­ campus during Monday's practice on MSU in the key Big Ten the varsity a big boost next sea­ good mobility and learns fast, Green and White players Hor­ consin squad. The young Bad­ son. according to the coach. ace Walker, Ted Williams and session, the Spartan coach said, clash Saturday at Spartan Stad­ g ers will probably have only four Peterson said that the fresh­ Tom Rand. "That sounds like Lou Holland ium. seniors in the starting lineup Peterson feels that it is too man squad will pl,ay prelim inary Peterson feels that the con­ breaking through tack le." "T h ey’ r r the t o u g h e s t team when they face the Spartans. early in the year to evaluate The Badger halfback doesn’t games before all home hoop con­ ference ban on freshman Inter­ we'll f a c e ," D a u g h e r t y said. his squad as a team , but individ­ make that much noise when he Holland, end Bobbie Johnson, tests. The squad will play all­ collegiate competition won’t hurt "T h ey 're a strong team physical­ ual accomplishments c a n be bursts through the opponents’ center Ken Bowman, and tackle campus team s, such as the IM his team . ’ ’We’ 11 get as good ly— plenty rough." cited. Andy Wodjdula were the only A ll-Stars and team s composed competition as any f r e s h m a n line, but he’ s helped make Sat­ The present squad of 15 will Daugherty is especially high seniors on the starting offensive of Spartan football p layers. The team in the cou n try," he said. urday afternoons miserable for be increased with the addition of Wisconsin foes since he broke on Badger lineman Roger P il- team last Saturday when Wis­ three m em bers of the frosh foot­ into college ball two years ago. lath and Robert Pickens. Pillath consin played Ohio State. ball squad. Peterson singled out Holland’ s r u n n i n g ability has is a tw o-year veteran, but Pick­ five of the 18 team m em bers, earned him fourth place in all- ens is a sophomore who’ s a l- The Badgers, however, a re still an experienced team . Nine who he believes will help the varsity next year. I n t r a m u r a l N ew s of their regu lars are letterm en. W o m en S a ilo r s S e c o n d The Spartanswill step up work­ Ski C lub a dvisor Donna V/iest shows P in ky McCutceom cor­ rect leg p o s itio n in g , w h ile A l Johnson and Sue A rn oldt get in Forw ards Ted C rary and Joe Johnston,'both 6 -5 , should easily MEN’ S Football Schedule 5—Canadians (Doyle)-Owens 6 — Elsworth (C olten)-Pills (G. The team of " A ” skipper K ir­ outs today to prepare for the make the adjustment to varsity Atchison) The Michigan State Women's shape for the season. sten Johnson and crew Lisa Meek Badger invasion. basketball, according to P e te r­ 7—S.O.C. (L arsen )-E van s Scho­ Sailing C l u b captured second Tim e Field 1 and " B ” skipper Miss Kennedy son. Jim H ornberger, 5-10 guard, lars place ,in the Women's Midwest Sailing Championships in De­ troit over the weekend. and crew Joan Grey lost out to Ohio State on the triangular gold cup Belle Isle course in the The squad is enjoying their p ractice sessions in good foot­ ball weather after working in Ski Club Meeting has an accu rate jump shot and good speed. Gary Spade, 6 foot guard from 6 :0 0 — Brutus-Dueces 6 :4 5 —T u rk s-T rojans 7:30— A r H o u s e - A r s e n a l 8— Indian C l u b (Naimpally)-In- ternational Club a heat wave last week. An open meeting of the Ski interested in skiing. Special con­ 8:15— A rgonaughts-A ristocrats F ootball Pass Contest regatta hosted by the University Gross Pointe, jumped 35 inches Spartan " B ” skipper Kathy Club will be held tonight at 7 ditioning exercises will be given 9 :0 0 — McNab-McC laine of Detroit. Don Japinga is practicing in p.m. in 137 Women's IM. in the vertical jump, highest Kennedy won high point skipper for skiers. since Johnny Green. Peterson Winner: George Podolan— 20 out The club will meet tonight at football gear this week for the honors in individual competition Advisors for the Ski Club are Field 2 of 25 7:30 in 32, Union to discuss firt time since his injury in calls Spade a fine playmaker with a perfect score of five The entire meeting is open to Jim Bennett and Miss Donna and thinks he has the physical Runner-up: Dennis Duffie— 19 out plans for further competition. the Michigan game. straight firsts. all students, faculty, and staff Wiest. 6 :0 0 — Em inence-Empyrean of 25 6 :4 5 - -E m peror s -E mpowerment Total Particip ants................671 ■ m w m m m m f m S 'p o r t o r i a l vH xm m m m xM 7:30—Cam eron-Carlton MSU FOREIGN FILM SERIES G r i d T ic k e t s P l e n t i f u l ; 8:15— Winchester-Winquassett 9 :0 0 —Snyder 10-12 9 :4 5 — Z oanthropists-B .M .F.’s WOMEN’ S ff presents f f S e llo u t P r o b a b le Lewis Honored 6:00— Wordsworth-Wolfram Field 3 V o lle yb a ll R esults (Losers) Butterfield, (West Mayo 1) F o r­ feit; off Campus, (N. Case 2) SUNDAYS AND CYBELE Tickets for Saturday’s home­ coming game with Wisconsin are “ still plentiful,” according to' weather or an injury to Sherman Lewis. There are no "buck day” tick­ United P re s s International named Spartan co-captain, halfback Sherman Lewis, Midwest Back Of The Week Tuesday afternoon. 6 :4 5 —Snyder 14-18 7:30—Snyder 15-17 9 :0 0 —C abanas-C avalier Forfeit; N. Case 3, (Boyd’s Blo­ opers) Forfeit; N. Campbell, (The V-W 's) and Phillips, ( Van Ho- ( F re n c h ) A t h l e t i c Ticket Manager Bill ets for Saturday’ s game as there We won’t add anything, except that he should be named 9 :4 5 —Casino-Carthage osen). Beardsley. have been for the previous home to the spot every week. He deserves it. for all students,” he said. The encounters. B eardsley said that Field 4 N. Campbell I, (S. Williams); The strangest love story ever told! Bosley Crowther of the ticket l i n e s at Jenison Field there will not be any $1 special 6 :0 0 —C asopolis-Cache West Mayo 2, (N. Case 1) F o r­ N.Y. Times called it - "A m asterpiece . . . brilliant ca st. . . House weren’t as long Tuesday, seats for the game with Notre 6 :4 5 —Caravelle-Caribbean feit; (Butterfield 2 and Jans Won­ sheer m agic!” Academy Award Winner - (Best Foreign Film of the Year.) as they were Monday Beardsley reported. He said he felt that Dame either. Green Splash P u b lic T o V ie w 7:30—Bower-M otts 9 :0 0 —Elsworth-Hedrick ders) Double Forfeit; Wonders 3, (E ast Mayo); West Landon, (Won­ after the Monday morning senior- 9 :4 5 —Thelma T h ig s-E ro s II ders 2) and Wilson, (Wonders 1). graduate student rush things usu­ S e e S o c c e r H o o p s t e rs Thurs., Fri. Oct. 31, Nov. 1 ally move slower. Football R esults The Women’ s i . M. Building will Beardsley announced that adja­ S h o w d o w n W. Shaw (5) 7, W. Shaw (1) 0 be open the following hours for C o a c h e s C lin ic 7 and 9 p.m. cent seats can be purchased F r i ­ day at the lobby window in Jeni­ The Spartan so ccer squad and There will be a meeting for all Green Splash m em bers at 6:30 (Forfeit); E . Shaw (1) 43, E.Shaw recreation : Monday thru Friday— 9 a .m .- p.m . in 106 Women’ s Gym. A (5) o; W, Shaw (7) 20, W. Shaw son for any students who wish the team from the University of An i n t r a - s q u a d basketball 9 p.m. discussion of show themes is (9) 6; W. Shaw (10) 12, W. Shaw seats with friends and parents. FAIRCHILD THEATRE Sophomores can redeem their activity book coupons for game St. Louis a re the front runners for the National Collegiate Ath­ letic A s s o c i a t i o n ' s Midwest planned. All those interested in join­ scrim m age, which will include outstanding freshmen as well as the entire varsity squad, has (6) 6; W. Shaw (4) 26, W. Shaw Saturday— 10 a .m .-4 p.m. (2) 0; E. Shaw (10) 19, E . Shaw (6) 0; E . Shaw (4) 12, E. Shaw pool hours: Admission: 50€ seats today and freshmen are eligible tomorrow. Tournament berths. ing the group must CAttend a been scheduled for Nov. 8 at (2) 6; E . Shaw (9) 26, E . Shaw Mondays t h r u Friday—noon- meeting, prepared to swim, also 8 p.m . in the Men’ s IM. (7) 25; Rinky Dinks 12, Spooners 1 p.m . and 6:30 p.m .-9 p.m. A sellout crowd of 76,000 is Both team s have 7 -0 record s at 6:30 tonight at the pool in LAST 2 DAYS 7; Shiek6 21, B litzers 0; McKin­ Saturday— 11:30 a .m .-3 p.m. expected to be on hand for the and are leading their respective Women's IM. The event, a highlight in the non 34, McFadden 7 and Mclnnes 65? to 5:30 Eve. 90? divisions in the Midwest Soccer CAMPUS M jR IS C H C O M P A N Y . ED W A R D L « .P E R S O N — . 1:30 p.m. contest, barring bad Conference. annual high school coaches clinic held here Nov. 8 and 9, will be 40, McCoy 7. M a d G o lfe r T H E A TT R F JACK 8HIRIEÏ y f 711 N .ASllNGTON Frosh Golfers the first public showing of the McTavish 7, McRae 6; McGre­ gor 13, McDuff 9; McLean 6, LEMMON MmIBTNE D o w n t o w n Ä The Bilikens an d Spartans All freshman who want to go 1963 Spartan basketball team . McBeth 2; Nebishers 41, Vikings — 3 3 7 -0 2 7 1 « R g S IiS « ► 3 3 2 -e » ** ~ „ Ä IS FLO BILLYWILDER’S jr pt. , n «R$ - 7 O* 1 played last year in the tourn­ ament quarter finals and St. Louis out for spring golf a re to meet in 209 Jenison at 8 p.m. T hurs­ The game will be sponsored 7; Embassy 45, Em erald 0: Wight T hinks T w ice Starts TR 20, Windsor 12; B r i n k l e y 6, ADU ONLY S -iRMa^Douec STARTS THURSDAY! won. This year the team s meet day for an introductory meeting. by the V arsity Club. Brandy 0: Brannigan 12, Broug­ KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine!ff)— FRIDAY TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION' jnhted*a»tist» 1:2 5 -4 :0 5 -6 :4 5 -9 :2 5 RECOMMENDEDWITHOUTRESERVATION AS HARD-HITTINGCINEMATIC ART!" MWYOMPOSY in regular season play Nov. 9 at the Spartan so ccer field. ham 6 (Sudden death overtime); Wilding 21, Wisdom 6; Wivern A golfer hit four balls into a No Advance In P r ic e s ! stream that flows beside the 25, Wimbledon 21 and Wildcats ^ E n te r ta in m e n t M a g ic Cla u d e t h o r n h il l VARSITY DRIVE IN 14, Wiçtlff 12. Arundel Golf Club course here. balconu He picked up his bag of clubs his PIANO open every n ig h t F ra te rn ity Bow ling V, AND HIS ORCHESTRA ’ 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Alleys 8:00 p.m. and hurled them into the water. His golf c a rt followed. Then the CORTHWlUl. »S?«|UT«GW CItUAgf W A L T D IS N E Y ’S I HOMECOMING DANCE weekends ' t i l 3 a.m. 1-2 Triangle-Sigm a Epsilon 3 -4 Sigma N u-Phi Sigma Delta man sat down, removed his spiked shoes and threw them after the clubs and ca rt. 5 -6 Alpha Kappa P si-T heta Chi DELIVERY SERVICE Five minutes later he waded COMEDY SPIKED WITHFARCE'.' îM IC H IG A N 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Independent Badmitton into the stream . O n l o o k e r s —N. Y. Timêt weekends ‘ t i l 3 a.m. thought he hed cooled off and Court 7:15 Doubles ——4M7J1I «¿3 would retrieve his possessions. ♦ v w w - STOKOWSKI and the Philadelphia Orchestra I pet h so in s "tiw B a ttit , A ST 2 L A Y S shows at 1:00 - 4:30 • 8:15 Phone ED 26517 1— Evans Scholar s-International Club They say the man groped until 6—-S.O .C .(G reer and Atkin)-Can- he found the bag, unzippered F U L L S TER EO P H O N IC S O U N D Theonfinai andcompieteproftam af tha Sexes’ our pizzas are lip smacking good adians (Fournel and Ellas) TECHNICOLOR* •*r*t*«H*»lum»VSTADr«'*m»>Ce I« •‘ »«nDtwn** Presented in SUPERSCOPC E STPICTUREOFTHETUR ACADEMY AWARD WINNER the ball pocket, removed a set 7— Pills (Atchison and Dempsey) of c a r keys, closed,the zipper IH O IS 1.1 OQ.PEj .GNJ.UMS. -Owens (Blom and Pettinga) and pushed the bag into deeper TOD a Y. . .L a s t Day! 8— Indian Club (Summanwar and water. M E N C E S? HT- e AA Tf u Ei “ L A DOLCE V IT A ” At 7:00 P.M. only Srivastava) - Elsworth (Theiroff and Scheen) Dripping, he strode to his c a r and drove away. O F Plus: A R A B IA [ •I t i t i “ DANGEROUS 1— Indian Club (Biswal)-Owens McDonel To Hold LOVE A F F A IR S ” 2— Elsworth (S trich ler)-In tern a- At 10:00 P.M. only tional Club After-Show Hour 3— Canadians (E v erett)-E va n s • FRIDAY • ONE DAY ONLY FIRST SHOYI 6:30 P.M. Scholars The C u l t u r a l Committe of S P E C IA L, STUDENTS M A T IN E E McDonel Halls is sponsoring a 4— Pills (Swift)-S.O.C. (B rem er) 4:00 P.M. • A dm ission P rice 65? ‘ ‘ Buy-Your-Own C -o -ffee” hour after the Arena T heatre presen­ UgjOKb Q riO riO O du)<*ty> WINNEROF5 ACADEMYAWARDSlj tation of “ Jack , or the Submis­ sion” and "K rap p ’s L ast Tape” 3 E A H E lE lr at McDonel Kiva. Thursday night. A J ARTHUR RANK ENTERPRI ——* 4U N1I ►4H44W----- Special guests will be the actors y u y jff 75 i to 5 :3 0 -$ 1 .0 0 AFTER and production crew of the com­ J^ au ren ce O uvier lii I now playTngTI pany, who will discuss the play with interested students from FEATURE AT 1:00-3:05 McDonel and owen Graduate Cen­ preset!$ 5 :1 0 -7 :1 5 -9 :2 0 P.M. te r, in Conference Room A, E ast THE C H IL L OF A McDonel Hall. “H A M L E T RMWIKIBU9Í L IF E T IM E ! where've I seen this headline before department - Jm w m m - "H am let” presented 6:30 and 9:15 P.M. A T H LE T E ’S FO O T GERM I B HO W TO K IL L IT . m m m & m IN 3 DAYS I starts FRIDAY O n ly 3 more d a ys and those I I p e sky c ritte rs can be shook “ T W I N T R I U M P H ! I o ff ond tromped to death on A fr a g ile s tu d y o f th e I the hord maple flo o r of the Aud. It 's the humane thing I o b t u s e n e s s o f lo v e a n d to do. Going w o n't be so B t h e b le n d n e s s o f lo v e r s .” -NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE hard to tho m usic of I I -• D s B B e CLAUDE THORNHILL I R oñaos Starts SATURDAY! his Piano I B BARRYNELSON DIANEMcBAIN M Elsi Jack I and his Orchestra ^ MICHAEL RENNIE;» mervymi i r c k ^ M ltckm M a r tin i H arth s I* B«ad on'ftt Slap Play ty JEM K ÍM Scumpl* b» »C H «D l BREEN Piuducad on Nie Slap by HOGER STEVENS OmcUdbyMHVYII HWÇQF . d ir e c t e d a n d p r o d u c e d b y SATYAJIT RAY a s e d u p o n tw o s t o r ie s b y R a b in d r a n a t h T a g o r e R rm u v ie e h o Mé c o é i w g D a n c e r Saturday, Navambar 2 I TECHNICOLOR* BBS]® Auditorium ^ I re le a s e FilmWARNER BROS. TECHNICOLO R! Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Wednesday, O cto be r 3 0 , 1963 5 Drury On Bridge Committee OK's Rights Bill W o r ld L e a d e rs . (concluded from page 1 ) . . _ , "T h e action by the Committee H ig h P o in t C o u n t B lin d s O n T V S e r ie s then by the Senate. I am hope- Tuesda reflects this kind of "Chief of State” , a new inter­ ful this can be done as rapidly leadershi . » view series, will debut on WMSB T here’ s such a thing in bridge N I think all the West players (TV) Nov. 6 at 12 noon and Nov. 8 as f ° ssl e ‘ The P resid en t's brother, Atty. as having too many honor points S void w ere duped into the double. Of From th e v e r y beginning Gen Robert at 6:30 p.m. F . Kennedy, said in jo r y0ur own good. I think all H Q 10 8 3 cou rse, eight trumps in any hand enactment of an effective civil D QJ 9 4 The first featured world leader a statement that without GOP tbe \yest players on the following is most unusual. w i l l be President Mahammed rights bill has required that sec­ C A Q 10 9 7 backing in the House the p os- band (including myself) were so Ayub Khan of Pakistan. Speaking tional and political differences be sibility of civil rights legislation bn nded by the 16 high cardpoints W The king of diamonds was open­ with him will be Arnold Michae­ set a s i d e in the interest of in Congress would have been we held, including four trumps, S Q7 6 3 S 10 ed and held the first trick. After lis, producer of the series. meeting an urgent national c r i ­ s is . rem ote. that we forgot about "d at ol* H K2 H J 9 6 5 4 this there is no good continua­ Some of the basic issues for "If it hadn't been for the active debbil» distribution, D AK 8 3 2 D 10 7 5 tion for W est. If he plays the Pakistan, its leader, and its re ­ UB Asks Sign-Up interest and willingness of the The hand was played by i0 C KJ C 8 6 5 4 ace of diamonds and it does lation with the West will be dis­ republicans as represented by team s at the University Dup- hold, he has set up two good cussed in depth. The program If you have talent, Union Board Congressman M c C u l l o c h and jjcate Bridge Club. The top score 5 4 2 diamond trick s in dummy. analyzes the complicated politi­ is looking for you. through h im by Congressman went tQ Fred Hamilton on a cal personality of Pakistan as the UB’S Student Services comm it­ Halleck,’ ’ Kennedy added, "w e contract of four spades, redou­ The lead of hearts or clubs barom eter for what will happen tee, under the direction of Jim certainly would not be able to bled. would be folly, so all he can-do in Asia in the next few months. Bannon, Saginaw senior, is o r - have obtained passage of the One East-W est team was al­ is play a trump, which is taken ganizing a talent file for univ- bill through the comm ittee. lowed to sacrifice at three dia­ Both vulnerable, E ast dealer. by the jack. Then the ace and sity use. Students who have tal­ With administration backing as monds doubled, and two team s bid The bidding: king are played, followed by any ent should sign up now at the well as the support of House only three spades for low sco re UB desk in the Union Concourse. leaders of both p arties, the new civil rights p a c k a g e seems at the table. Six team s played E P S IS W 1NT 2(C N card except hearts and south is sure not only of his contract but N O V .2 An organization or function four spades doubled. The three P 4S Dbl PI of an overtrick, since West is that needs talented students may assured of passage in the House, H o m e co m in g D ance diamond and three spade bids P Rdbl P P m arked with the outstanding high call Bannon at 332-0866. The file and equally assured of heavy a re real puzzles. P card s. is available on request. opposition in the Senate. WORDS, WORDS, WORDS—Ray Stanton d isp lays the model of Babe the Blue Ox that his words won for him in a lia r s ’ con­ te st at a banquet o f the MSU and U-M Forestry Clubs Saturday in K ellogg. S to ry S tr a n g e r T h a n Over 700 JSL Extra Stamps W IT H C O U PO N S BELO W AND 7T H W EEK COUPONS FROM N O R M A N D Y ROSE M A IL E R ! KROGER’ S F ic tio n , J u d g e s S a y TENDERAY RAND • S T E A K S A L E ! V A L U A B L E C O U P O N From March to September he 5 0 EXTRA TOP VALU E STAM PS MSU has one of the biggest I with the purchase of Boston Rolled worked as a smokejumper in liars in the state. Alaska for the Bureau of Landf , BO NELESS PO T ROAST Management. He jumped on 15 I For faster service, please give cashier coupon State senior Ray Stanton had fires this season. ■ before your order is rung ’to tell a mighty tall tale to put ^^edeem at Kroger before Sat., November 2. 1963. “ This is true, too,” he said. Babe the Blue Ox back on the "Being the B est L ia r is a du­ MSU F o re stry Club shelf. Com­ bious honor,” he said. V A L U A B L E C O U P O N petition between the F o restry "And that's the truth,” he T e n d e ra y S w is s o r Clubs of MSU and the Univer­ concluded. 5 0 EXTR A TO P VALU E STA M P S sity of Michigan for the big­ I with the purchase of a Tenderay gest lie has been an annual event since the 1930’ s. Vacancies Filled R O U N D ■ B o n e le s s R u m p o r R o u n d R oast I For faster service, please give cashier coupon Members of both schools’ for­ On Co-op Council ■ ■ before your order is rung Redeem at Kroger before Sat., November 2,1963. estry and natural reso u rce de­ partments were present to hear Men’ s I n t e r - C o o p e r a t i v e Council has filled two vacancies. S T E A K L» Thomas J . DeSarro, Seneca V A L U A B L E C O U P O tf the yarns based on Paul Bun- T en d eray R ib o r Falls, N .Y., senior, of Hedrick yan Saturday at a banquet in House is the new tre a su re r. He Kellogg C enter. 5 0 E X TR A TO P VA LU E S TA M P S replaces Fran cis Uteg, T rav erse Stanton, using his experiences City junior, who resigned to de­ vote more time to his duties S IR L O IN I with the purchase of 3*!bs or more BO N ELESS STEW BEEF as a smokejumper in Alaska I For faster service, please give cashier coupon as Bower House president. ■ betore your order is rung (true) related some of the ad­ ventures of an unusual member of their jump team -B ab y " P e te ” The new executive se cre ta ry is George E . Schumacher, Armada S T E A K j^Redeem at Kroger before Sat, November tvember 2, 1963 1963. ^ senior, of Elsworth House. Bob Bunyan (untrue). Stanton’ s c re a ­ T en d eray C lu b , C u b e o r Gay, Ann A rbor, who formerly V A L U A B L E C O U P O N tion of nine month-old P ete, who held the office, did not return was only 19 feet high, give or this fall. I 2 5 EXTRA TO P VALU E STAM PS take a few inches,” and wore only a diaper held . up by a gigantic T -B O N E I with the purchase of a 1*lb. pkg. of safety pin, returned the Best , K W IC K K R IS P S L IC E D BACON only ^ more I For faster service, please g»ve cashie coupon L iar award to State. Stanton has spent three sum­ days S T E A K ^ before your order is rung. ^^Redeem at Kroger before Sat, November 2 m ers working in Oregon as a HOMECOMING lookout and surveyor. V A L U A B L E C O U P O N ____________Ï I BO STO N RO LLED 5 0 EXTRA TO P VALU E STAM PS P o t R o a s ts 6 9 with the purchase of a 2-lb. pkg. of Tenderay Boneless K W IC K K R IS P S L IC E D BACON H Leass « ss s 1 plus 50 Extra Top Value Stamps w ith coupon at right Hygrade s Roll PORK SAUSAGE •» 3 9 / R IB S T E A K S For faster service, please give cashier coupon before your order is rung ^Jledeem at Kroger before Sat., November 2, 2 JUM BO EGGS Sliced Tenderay Blade Cut V A L U A B L E C O U P O N (Any Style) B O IL E D HAM ' fc 8 9 / C H U C K ROAST H ash B ro w n s F R E E ! Peschke’s Tenderay I 5 0 EXTRA TO P VALU E STAM PS with the purchase ot a R IB R O A S T T oast C o ffe e MOUSEKETEER HAT! LUN C H M EATS ib. 5 9 / plus 50 Extra TV Stamps no coupon needed , H U N G A R IA N R IN G C O F F E E C A K E I For faster service, please give cashier coupon Boneless ■ before ycjr order is rung. Pick up a Mousekeleer Hal "Sticker Card” at J^Redeem at Kroger before Sat., November 2, STEW BEEF R A L P H ’ S C A F E T E R IA the display of Kroger Bread. Save 15 "Mouseke teer Hat Stamps" from Kroger Bread labels. Tenderay Boneless R um p o r R ound R o a s t ib 8 9 / 325 EAST GRAND RIVER Place them on the card and present to Oven-Ready Yearling V A L U A B L E C O U P O N P Q P p 6-oz can Steak Sauce w ith the HEN TU R K EY S ib 4 3 ¿ • cashier. You’ll receive an official Mous- .. r n U purchase o f a 3-lb. pkg. of 2 5 EXTR A TO P VALU E STA M P S m ’•» eketeer Hat absolutely FREE. . I with the purchase ot a 16 or 22-oz. can ot Staley's Fresh G round H ygrade’s W est Va. W hole or Half HAMBURGER 3 »»■ > 1 . 2 9 S e m i- B o n e le s s H a m s ib. 69/ I S T A - FLO SPR AY STA R C H For faster service, please give cashier coupon I betore your order is rung. 8c O FF L A B E L ! H E IN Z BAN Q UET ^^tedeem at Kroger before Sat., November 2, 1963. T O M A T O FRO ZEN *S2‘ ?8 8 V A L U A B L E C O U P O N . 5 0 EXTR A TO P VALU E STA M P S SO UP D IN N E R S I with the purchase of any 2 pkgs. of Kroger or ! C O U N T R Y O V E N C O O K IE S KRO G ER KRO G ER I For faster service, please give cashier coupon R before your order is rung. ^^Redeem at Kroger before Sat., November 2, 1963. W H E A T S A LA D BREAD Heinz Tomato 15* D R E S S IN G Borden’s French Vanilla > 3 9 w ith 7th week m ailer coupon 5 0 V A L U A B L E C O U P O N EXTRA TO P VA LU E STA M P S with the purchase ot 2 pkgs. of K R O G E R B A K IN G NUTS KETCHUP 14-oz. btls. 8 8 ^ ICE CREAM Vi-gallon For faster service, please give cashier coupon before your order is rung. H^Jtedeem at Kroger before Sat , November 2, 1963. O ff Label Heinz Mushroom or Wfejte Rain Chicken Noodle Soup 4 pa<^ 56 ^ HAIR SPRAY 15-oz. can Breast O Chicken M ild CHUNK TUNA W size can 28c PINCONNING CHEESE lb. 491 / 50/ O F F ! Kroger w ith 7th week mailer coupon Kroger Textured Beauty . . . . Tiny chips of color form PORK & BEANS 21-oz. can 1 4 ^ DONUTS 2 dozen M t 4 - P c . P la c e S e t t in g “ N o rm a n d y R o se “ M e lm a c D in n e r w a r e $ 199 a monotone background P L U M P , JU IC Y SUG A R LOAF for a beautifully designed P lu s 2 7 5 E x t r a T o p V a lu e S ta m p s suede front cardigan with when you redeem all the 7th week mailer coupons matching fur blend pullover. Gold, Camel-color, Blue. Jum bo 3 For 0 0 E m p e ro r 2 lillA M M A m J ii D aa a I9 T iib m Ib I ab * Case of 8 P in e a p p le s $ 2 .5 9 G ra p e s u»- plus 50 Extra Top Value Stamps w ith the purchase o f Unit no 2 Dinnerware 5 lb bag W ild Bird Seed I; ,« and mailer coupon. C alavo r n t C w ith thé purchase o f a U. S. Fancy 2%" Min. Imported 39 / F r n itC a k e M ix ib b a g 4 9 / W ild B ir d F e e d e r ea ’ 1 . 8 9 ; D e lic ie n s A p p le s 4 lbs 4 9 / DATES * ^ Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan We dnesday, O c t o b e r 3 0 , 1963 "I . placed , . this ad In. several. . .other media, but .. . ,, p o n t i a c 1957, 4- door- Black and white hardtop. Radio and got NO results until I tried the State News” power brakes. Nice looking, can STATE NEWS W ANT-AD SELLS CAR said this pleased advertiser. iv 4 - 4772 .___________________ 2 3 ^ Automotive It Automotive______ For Rent For Sale Service with a 1958 PONTIAC Bonneville sports R E N A U L T DAUPHINE, i960. HOUSE sunroof, w e l l kept, excellent ---------- BOOKS, Animal Kingdom, A rch- asealogist, Medieval World, Four GOING TO the Em pire State for the holidays? Make reservations P ro f S a y s N A S A H a s W i low cos’ coupe, power steering, brakes, excellent condition. $850. Call HOUSE LOCATED 126 J o n e s , tire s . See at 1418 Linval, call Thousand Y e a r s Ago, E ssay s, nowl Call Main T rav el, IV 4-4442. 3"2-2393 after 5 p.m . 27 485-0970. 27 half-way b e t w e e n college and capitol. T hree bedrooms, gas History, English, good condition. C25 P r o b le m W it h P a t e n t s f % z H A D MOTORCYCLE heat. 3 -6 students. IV 2-6477 Phone IV 9-7 2 5 5 . 26 Econ 200 students were given then obtain the patents by paying •AUTOMOTIVE SPARTAN MOTOR'S INC. MOPED 1960, good condition, or TU 2-0771. 27 GEM -Travel tra ile r, 19 ft. Bath, EVERGREEN AR M S a change of pace recently when an amount equal to the highest •EMPLOYMENT SALE $75 or make me an offer, 222 electric refrig erato r, 4-burner Robert F . Lanzillotti, chairman bid. Home of personally selected used N. Logan. Phone IV 4-9284. 28 ROOMS stove, s l e e p s 4. P h o n e IV 341 E V E R G R E E N •FOR RENT of the department of economics, "T h is sort of inconsistency 1 Block from Campus •FOR SALE c a rs. Employment PRIVATE ROOM for gentleman. Two blocks from Union. P ri­ 9-3619. 26 made an u n s c h e d u l e d lecture has led private con tractors to T .V .’S-New and used. "U ncle Phone 3 32*1011 appearance. give preference to DD contracts, •LOST & FOUND CORVAIR, 1962. '7 0 0 ,' 2-door. vate entrance and phone. Call WAITRESSES WANTED-Evening B ill" says you’ re m i s s i n g a He pointed out inconsistencies according to NASA officials. In •PERSONAL Black with red interior. Standard shift, 4 to 12. Apply in person, ED 2- 1441. 29 "s u re thing" if you don’t check in the patent policies of var­ some ca se s it has resulted in •PEANUTS PERSONAL shift. 14,000 actual miles. Like no phone ca lls please. Yankee SINGLE ROOM-private entrance us for the best T .V , deal in H A S L E iT A P A R T M E N T S ious government agencies invol­ flat refusal to bid on NASA con­ •REAL ESTATE new. Cone Shop, 401 East Mt. Hope. with off street parking. Avail- town! A lso -serv ice all makes. 1 / 2 B lock from Campus ved in research and development tra cts, due to what contractors •SERVICE 29 able now $8 per week. 1060 T .V .’ s and H i-F i’ s. G e n e r a l work, particularly those of the call ’o p p r e s s i v e patent pro­ FANCON, i960, station wagon, COUNTER-CLERK, p a r t - t i me , N. C edar. 26 Radio &T .V ., 2727 E. Kalamazoo. 3 3 2 -8 4 1 2 Department of Defense and the visions,' ” said Lanzillotti. •TRANSPORTATION standard shift. Like new in every night shift. Variety of hours. Phone IV 5-5972. Open 9 a .m .- National Aeronautics and Space •WANTED DEADLINE: way. Perfect economy wagon. F o r interview come in, 8 a .m .- 4 p.m. 131 E. Kalamazoo. ROOM 1/2 doubiei $7)50 per week, male over 2 1 , 437 M.A.C. 26 Call 3 32-3794. 8 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m . to 1 p.m. 37 A V A IL A B L E Administration. The Department of Defense) 26 1 p.m. one class day be F-S 5, 1962, 4-door sedan, beige with matching v i n a l interior. NICELY FURNISHED room for SKIN DIVERS r e g u l a r , U.S. NCW working on the concept of an "incentive sy ste m ," conveys the P ro je c t X fore p ublication. ”,000 actual miles. Finest '62 F U L L a n d P A R T T IM E one g irl. Phone ED 2 -6 6 0 4 . 26 diver, 2-stag e regulator, $25. government patent rights to p ri­ C o n c e lla tlo n s « 1 2 noon one model anywhere. Perfect. MEN: one single room . Unap­ Phone IV 4-9621. 25 F o r T h e B e s t In vate con tractors, giving them a (continued from page 1 ) c l a s s d a y b e fo re p u b lic a t io n E m p lo y m e n t proved. Two m iles from campus FAN -Travel tra ile r, 25 ft. 1663 “ patent monopoly" for a period PHONE: CHEVROLET, i960, Impala, 2 - in O k e m o s . Call ED 2-4590. model. Like new, p rice is right. S tu d e n t A p a r tm e n ts of 17 y ears. ideal size of a University. I can door hardtop, white with red 355-8255 interior, automatic. Truly a fine F e m a le Gerda.________________________ 27 Phone 882-0033 or 487-3357. 26 Under provisions of the 1958 lecture to four or 300 students, BACHELOR HOUSE-single and A P P L E S-S e v e r a 1 varieties. EDWAKD G. HACKER CO. and I’m still speaking to them on e s t a b l i s h i n g act, NASA gen­ RATES: ca r. INTERVIEWING DAILY double room s, furnished. F or Fresh sweet cider daily. Hallo­ REALTORS erally retains patent rights, mak­ a one to one ra tio ." 1 DAY $1.25 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. men over 21. F re e parking. IV ween and pie pumpkins. Home He added that faculty members LARK, 1960, 2-door, standard IV 5-2261 ing the findings freely available 401 E. GRAND RIVER 2-6 4 7 7 o r TU 2-0771. 27 grown tom atoes. F arm fresh eggs often say they have no voice in 3 DAYS.. . . $2.50 shift. Sale priced $495. No money to all. Now NASA wante to change E. LANSING also other fruits and vegetables the administrative affairs of a 5 DAYS. . . . $3.75 down. ROOMS FOR-1 or 2 persons. Re­ FOR MUSIC DESIGNED with your its policy to conform with that at reasonable p rices. Roadside of DD: university. "A s a m atter of fact, (Bosed on 15 words per ad) 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. cently redecorated, clean, quiet. taste in mind, call on the L a rry All car s fully reconditioned antj/ Farm Market, 3 miles east of I wouldn't want much of an admin­ AT Close to c a r line and parking. Devin O rchestra, IV 2-1240 or There w ill be a 25< service guaranteed. Personally selected East Lansing on Grand River. Lanzillotti drew an analogy istrative choice. I’d go crazy if 1 3425 E . SAGINAW IV 4-2289. • 27 IV 2-9 8 0 0 . C and bookkeeping charge if for you. Old U.S. 16 at Okemos Road. C in viewing co n tractor’ s attitudes had to worry about where a bridge YOU REALLY ought to talk to this ad is not paid within 3000 E. Michigan NEAR Gd. RIVER ★ For Sale GET MORE for your money than Mike McNulty. Standare Life Col­ about government work. was going to be built, or changes one week.. ______ IV ”-3715 Mon. Through F r i . "B u sin ess has, for years, in­ in late minutes. F R E E Z E R - 1 5 cu. ft. Coldspot, ren t-receip ts. 1962 10 X 50 M ar- lege D i v i s i o n . 919 E . Grand "A s far as I am concerned, c25 lette, only $400 down. 489-0625. R iver, 337-1663. sisted that prospective employes ■jC Automotive 1955 FORD, 2-door, rusty but F o r The OPENING like new, $150. Phone IV 5-8896. 29 27 C25 assign all patent rights to the President Hannah does a better job of running the University than CORVAIR MONZA, 1961,4-d oor, reliable, $139. C a l l 337-2280 Of The PORTABLE TYPEW RITER-O ly- THESIS PRINTED company, as a condition of em­ WHITE GERMAN Shepard pup- ployment. Yet, when the govern­ I ever could. 1 do a better job 4-speed, excellent condition, call evenings. ____________ 26 pies. Registered 6 weeks old. mpia precision. Buy the finest. Rapid s e r v i c e , piazo prints, ment attaches a sim ilar con­ of teaching my course. If as a mornings, 655-2427. 25 1960 FALCON, 4-door sedan, FABULO US NEW T erm s a v a i l a b l e . Hasselbring drafting s u p p l i e s , also xerox Call 372-3841 after 6 p.m . 27 dition to its research and de­ faculty member I were involved automatic, reliable, economical Co. 310 N. Grand, IV 2-1219. copies- AUSTIN - HE ALEV s p r i t e - 1961-two tops, tonneau, radio, transportation, call ED 2-0258 after 4 p.m. 26 BIG BOY BABY BATHINETTE, $ 8 ~$57 , car- bed, $5, gray winter coat, $7, VERY FINE GIBSON acou stic- c25 CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT 221 S. Grand velopment c o n t r a c t s business balks. in m ore administrative m atters, I would have to worry about things rebuilt engine. Good Condition. In solution of this problem, I don’t want to worry about." 1961 OLDS, 2(),000 m iles, new RE S TAURANT blue coat, $5, two raincoats, electric guitar with plush ca se . Lansing, IV 2-5431 Call 337-0656 after 5 p.m. 26 Lanzillotti proposes: tire s, full power, hydromatic, $3 each, size 12-14. 332-4597. Cost $300, must sacrifice also C27 "T h is is the way I think of M.G.T.D) red) ¡952. All new Gd. River At Saginaw "R esearch an d development this University. I’m sold on it, very good condition, $1,690. Call 26 professional guitar lessons. 355- ACCIDENT PROBLEM? C a l l top, side curtains, carpet, new contractors enter two bids: one and EDP doesn’t make much dif­ 372-0453. 28 COMMANDER THOMAS Keane FRIGIDAIRE refrig erato r, 10 8159, evenings. 26 Kalamzaoo Street Body Shop. front tires. Power train, excel­ with patent rights, the other with­ ference. They can call it P ro ­ TRIUMPH, 1962, T .R .3 road- U.S.N. Ret. Interviewing 10 a .m .- y ears old. 11 cu. ft. $45. Phone FANTASTIC SALE-You name it, Small dents to l a r g e wrecks. lent- $S00. IV 9-4713. 26 out. If the con tractor get the job ject X or EDP— as far as I'm 1559 CHEVY 2-door, red B is- s te r . Attractive yellow finish with 4 p.m. for men interested in 3 72-1318. 2 7 we got it! Furniture, housewares, American and f o r e i g n c a rs . Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 without rights, and later decides concerned, it doesn’t m atter any cayne, 5 cylinder, stick, real white top. Black leather interior executive direction of a dynamic R EA SO N A B LE-PLA Y PEN , 410 curtains, h o s p i t a l uniforms, he wants the patents that arise, m ore than adding stripes to a clean, $”90. Call B e r t Lee, and white w a l l tire s. Com­ youth p r o g r a m . Call M.S.U. clothes. Phone 485-5811. 27 East Kalamazoo. c single shot gun, chest, r o ll-a - an open bidding would be held. toothpaste." 485-2536. 27 pletely reconditioned and ready Placement Bureau for employ­ The original con tractor could $100 DOWN and $14 week. Much for thousands of trouble free ment. 355-9511. 26 way bed, r o c k i n g - c h a i r , love WASHER-WRINGER type, Speed seat, bookcases, ironing board, Queen, excellent condition, $75; SPARTAN F L IG H T S more for much less, 1964 Ramb­ ler. Chuck or Jack, ED 7-9765. milesll Al Edwards Sports C ar Center. 616 N. Howard. C27 TOW N AND COUNTRY FOOD lamps, d ishes, hot-plates, ro as­ refrigerator, a u t o m a t i c de­ COMPANY needs men. Married te r, coffee-m aker, electric fry - froster, Coldspot, good condition, Bring Germs 25 1957 FORD, 2-door, automatic, perferred with time on their D E A D L IN E N u m b e rs , 1957 FORD, stick shift, 4-door r e b u i l t T -b ird e n g i n e , radio, hands to work at exceptional sedan, radio and heater. $200. heater, r u n s perfectly, $275. selling job. F o r appointment call pan, to aster, b rief-case. Call IV $60; studio couch, ivory, plastic 9 -2 8 5 9 . 27 foam cushions, $80. Telephone TO D AY. P le a s e ! To The Light CONSOLE 17 T .V ., new p ic- 655-2563. 25 TT Phone 33”- ”213. 2 ” Phone P e rry , 625-3173. 29 484-4317. ANN ARBOR (UPI)—Scientists C for FORD 1963, Galaxie, '500,' X- L, 1958 CHEVY, 6-cylinder stick, ture tube. One year guarantee- ENGLISH BIKES 3-speed. $39.95. Corrections in the stu- at University of Michigan are REGISTERED NURSES, 11-7 or Blonde cabinet, like new. Ex­ THANKSGIVING dent telephone book can be making p rogress in "bringing convertible. 390 engine. White excellent condition, call 484-3517 ACE HARDWARE a cro ss from 3-11 shift. Full or part time. RESERVATI ONS with black top and interior. Power after 4 p.m . 27 Good Salary an d differential. cellent condition, $59.95. Call Union building. ED 2-3212. Also made by on-campus stu- to light" deadly disease germ s bucket seats, brakes, windows • T H E PLYMOUTH- coupe, good IV 9 -1 9 8 2 . . 29 bike baskets and parts. c to :•? dents by dialing " O ." Of - fast enough to make early treat­ Meal furnished. Phone ED 2 - it; campus students who have and steering. Seat belts, auto­ transportation, $75. ED 2-0742 fiRITTANY PU PS-4 months old NEW YORK ment succesful. 0802. 38 W IN T E R T E R M not listed their number or The scientists are using pin­ matic transm ission, e x c e l l e n t after 5 p.m. 29 GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT registered. North on U.S. 27. condition, low mileage, $2”75. C A LL 485-4576 who wish to make a change pricks of light from Mercury 1960 OPEL stationwagon, green, Phone ED 2-5317.___________ 2 ? good radio, tire s, motor in ex­ for permanent positions in office, . AT the riv e r’ s edge 3 /4 mile east on Alward Road. 11-5PM may call 355-2374. arc lamps, which make antibodies sales, technical. Call IV 2-1543. Phone 669-6152, Dewitt. 26 1963 CHEVY II, super sports cellent condition. No rust, call apartments on the cedar Reservations Now of various disease-causing fungi, c25 AFGHAN PUPPIES-A11 co lo rs, viruses and p arasites glow. They convertible. A u t o m a t i c . 11,000 IV 5-6 7 7 6 . 29 riv e r st. Being Accepted F o r miles. Pay off balance. Phone 1956 O L DS convertible. Good HAVING TROUBLE fitting a part ED 2-4432 male and fem ale, good racing and C hristm as Flight. can be identified by the type of F E 9-8313. 25 shape. $250. Phone IV 9-1895, time job into your schedule? show stock. A.K.C. Call 694- Bower House glow, and by their shape. Earn $300 demonstrating R.C.A. POODLES-Puppies, 12 w e e k s 0296.___________________ 26 F o r example, an organism cal­ 412 Haze, Lansing, Michigan. 27 1957 CHEVY, V-8, floor shift, B el-A ir, 2-d oor, hardtop. New 1^5$ V-W m icrobus, c u r t a i n s , stereo equipment. Demonstration old. Fem ale, $100; Male, $60. 29 SEWING MACHINE DE ADLI NE FOR CHRISTMAS 100% Donors led " E . Coli” shines like stars can be arranged to fit into the Call IV 2-2 5 4 9 . SERVICE & REPAIR on a winter night under the m er­ whitewall tire , sacrifice, $550. bed, e x p e n s e log, $600. Call most arduous s c h e d u l e s . For COM PLETE LOVELY bedroom NOW. 19 Bower Co-op,not Beal, had 100 cury a rc ray . It causes deadly F o r expert serv ice, clean, oil Phone 355-0766. 26 339-8905. 29 personal i n t e r v i e w telephone set, two end tables, and pink per cent participation in the blood infantile diarrhea. and adjust or for major rep air. drive. Reclining seats in 1960-Ramb- FORD, 1959, radio, heater, good 882-9305. 25 form al, size 12. Call ED 2-2984. Just PHONE OL 5-2 0 5 4 . c25 R O U N D T R IP This is the fourth term in a Until recently, it took scien­ ler Deluxe. Offered by original tire s. Excellent condition. $595. 29 tists nearly three weeks to make SAMPLER: Young lady to cío SINGER SEWING MACHINE row that Bower men have con­ owner, 4-door, stick shift. Good Phone F E 9-8 0 8 5 . 29 in -sto re sampling of C oca-Cola, BABY BEDS, new full size with $49 positive identification of rabies. rubber, very clean, no rust, en­ IN MODERN wood cabinet. Eq­ tributed 100 per cent in the 1959 OPEL stationwagon, good Sprite and TAB, Friday after­ wetproof inner spring m attress, uipped to zig-zag. Will accept 485-4576 M -F 11-5PM Under the m ercury a rc , the germ gine completely reconditioned. condition, $300. Call 332-0509 drives. can be spotted in 30 minutes. noons and evenings, Saturdays, $25, deluxe play pens, $10.95, $5 per month. This machine is $675. ED 7-7213. 27 before 10 a. m. or after 4 p.m. STUDENT TV R E N T A L S . New Streptococcus glows in a green, apply in person. C oca-Cola Bot­ Used T .V .’ s, $29 up. New at being sold for an unpaid repair Service 27 ' tling Co. 1510 N. Grand River $89. LOOK B 4 U buy. Storage 1 9 " portable, $9 per month. 2 1 " worm-like c h a i n . When it ap­ .CORVETTE, 1960, 290 h.p. fuel bill of $34.50. Will accept any table models, $8 p er month. All 1958 F O R D , 4 - d o o r station Ave. 26 Furniture Sales. 4601 N. U.S. TYPING SERVICE p ears, doctors can start immed­ injection, 4-speed, positraction, type of trade of value. For infor­ sets guaranteed, no service or wagon, standard shift , overdrive. 27. Phone IV 7-0173. C25 iate treatment to prevent the dis­ 4.11., two tops. Excellent con­ N U R S E R Y ATTENDANT f o r mation CALL OL 5-2054. c25 delivery ch arges. Call Nejac, IV THESIS TYPING and printing, ease from developing into rheum­ dition. Call 355-2944. 26 '57 Volkswagen Komui. Mechan­ bowling alley, Wednesdays 12: T Y P E W R I T E R , POftT\ 6 L E ically good. OX 9-2635. 27 B E A G L E S REGISTERED, 8 2 -0 6 2 4 . C Wonch G rafic, 1720 E a s t Mich­ atic fever. AUSTIN HEALEY, 1955, wire 15-3:15. Must have transpor­ Smith-Corona, instruction man­ ALTERATIONS-Hems, zippers, Much of theUniversity of Mich­ weeks old, $15. Mother, $40. igan Ave. Lansing, Phone 484- wheels, electric overdrive and 1958 Delray, 2-d oor, 6 cylinder tation. Phone: M arvelanes, ED uals, reconditioned 9 months ago, 27 Phone 882-3551. 25 and button holes. By form er sew­ 7786. C27 igan work is centered on applica­ two tops. Best offer 355-2621. standard. New tire s , original up­ 7-1 3 8 3 . 26 $45. 332-8146 after 5 p.m. ing in structor. Call 332-2949. tions from whooping cough and 28 holstery. Immaculate through­ EXPERIENCED S K A T E R for STODDARD LECTURE books, 14 volumes. Black fox stole, other 'if Peanuts Personal 26 COLLEGE P A P E R S TYPED. Royal E le ctric P ica. Phone M rs. meningitis. Recognition of these 1554 FORD 2-door, blue, $150. out. 1956 V- 8, 4-door wagon. combination mike man and teach­ WHY PAY MORE? F o r p rofes- ills took four to five days under ing fundamentals in skating. Call furs. Phone IV 5-8 6 9 4 . 25 Dear Tex, H arris, 355-8178. C27 previous methods. Warren E ve- Can be seen at 1720 Hamilton Immaculate also: Priced to sell. sional dry cleaning, WENDROWS. GIRLS COAT and jacket, size Never has a cowboy so distur­ Road. Okemos, Call ED 2-8818. J .B .’ s Used C a rs, Exclusively Edru Rolling Skating Arena, Holt, Pants, s k i r t s , sw eaters, 60£. TYPING in my home. Shirley land, associate professor of epid­ 14. Two jackets, m isses size bed the bunkhouse. YIPEEI emiology at the U-M school of 26 Chevrolets, TU 2-1478. C26 Michigan. Phone OX 9 -2 4 3 8 . 26 Plain d r e s s e s , suits, coats, Decker, F orest Ave. Lansing. 10 and 14. Girl Scout uniform, The gunfighter 25 $1.19. 3006 Vine St. 1/2 block phone IV 7 - 7 7 0 8 .____________ . C public health, says the new meth­ BABYSITTER in my home. 4 size 16. Phone IV 2-2514. 27 PI KAPPS to Theta Chi, this west of Frandor. C26 ANN BROWN typist and multi- od reduces the time to 30 min­ days a week. 4 o r 5 hours a day. 5-P IE C E DINNETTE SET, like year you will fall. 25 lith offset printing (black &white utes. 332-8560. 28 MULTILITH-T H E S E S, C ards, new, $40. Call 355-1863, 10-5, STORY LANSING - Westside - Baby­ 337-2157 after 5 p.m. sitter wanted 5 1/2 days a week. HAMMOND ORGAN-Model B and 26 Personal Infant. Light housekeeping. Own L eslie tone cabinet. Excellent DEAR MAUDIE, E rik -o has a DIAPER SERVICE to your dé­ papers. No printing job too sm all. Call TU 2-9610. 27 & color). IBM. General typing, term papers, theses, disserta­ tions. ED 2-8 3 8 4 . C P e a c e C o s t s S E L L S F O R L E S S transportation. Call M rs. Anziv- condition. $1425. Call 485-6625 young adult dance on Friday and s ire . You receive your own dia­ TERM PAPERS, general typing, T o p D e f e n s e 5 8 Rambler, 2-door, radio, heater, stick shift, white wall ino, IV 2 -5 5 9 1 . 28 after 5 p.m . 21 and over dance on Saturday. thesis. Reasonable rates, fast 28 Can we go? Grizelda & Lenny. pers back each tim e . With our tires. Story’ s low, low price $395. WANTED: Cocktail w aitresses, CARPET SAMPLE SALE: over serv ice, you may include up to service. Experienced typist. Call 25 two pounds of your baby’ s under­ 355-0785._____________________ 25 A t M ic h i g a n cash ier, desk clerk s, dining room 1000 samples to choose from. SfO ldsm obile 88, 2-door, radio, heater, Hydramatic, Story TRI-LAMBDA open rush. F o r shirts and clothing which will not EDIE STARR. TYPIST, Theses, w aitresses for winter term at Ideal for throw rugs, patch work priced to sell for only $495. Boyne Mountain and Boyne High­ carp ets, c a r m ats, door m ats, the elite woman. Further infor­ fade. White, blue or pink dia­ mation call 355-3611. 28 per pails furnished. dissertations, term papers, gen­ ANN ARBOR (UPI) —Govern­ ment supported research for non­ lands. Food and lodging included. dog m ats. Can be seen at 4382 eral typing. Experienced, IBM 63 Tempest Convertible, radio, heater, stick shift, white-wall F o r application contact Stafford Oakwood Dr. F o rest Hills, Oke­ FOR INEXPENSIVE quality pho- AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE E lectric. OR 7-8232. c defense purposes has exceeded expenditures for d e f e n s e r e ­ tires. Like new $1995. C. Smith, Boyne Mountain Lodge, m os. After 4 p.m. and all day tographs of homecoming dis­ 914 E . Gier Street Boyne F a lls, Michigan. 29 Saturday. 28 plays, call George Junne or L a rry Lansing, Mich. ★ Wanted search for the first time at Uni­ 60 Oldsmobile 88 Convertible, power steering, power brakes, AVON starts CHRISTMAS IN TEN -SPEED racing bike. F.x- and five. Fritzlan at 355-8311 between one IV 2-0864 C FOREIGN WIFE, teach me con­ versity of Michigan. U-M figures released recently radio, heater, Hydramatic, white wall tires. Story sells for 27 OCTOBER-Start a profitable sel­ cellent condition. B e s t offer. SKIRTS AND COATS shortened, versational French free and I show that in the year ended June ^ss $1395. D E A R LINUS: R e m e m b e r , ling ca re e r by showing and de­ B arbells, 110 pounds. $15. Call Thursday nite at the Theta Delts, also mending. Phone TU 2-7184. will help you with your English. 30, the volume of non-defense monstrating t h e i r quality pro­ Rick, 332-5053. 26 501 M.A.C. 8:00 p.m. Signed, 28 American housewife, ED 2-0336. research totaled $15.5 billion, ’60 Ford, 2-door, radio, heater, stick shift, six cylinder, white ducts. We train You. F o r appoint­ AUSTIN HEALEY OWNERS-Be The Great Pumpkin. 26 THE STATESMEN for the finest 27 compared with $ 12.8 million for wall tires, Story sells Fords for less $795. ment in your home w rite or call set for winter, hardtop, $180 sound in dance and party music. R A C I N G BICYCLE w a n t e d , defense-related work. evenings, M rs. Alana Huckins, new, yours for $90. Call ED FOR TOP-NOTCH protection at Phone 355-3232 . 26 cheap, contact Mike 353-1493. Federal sponsorship of all re ­ ’59 Chevrolet, station w a g o n , AIR CONDITIONING, power 5664 School St., Haslett, Mich­ 2-4 7 53. 26 r o c k - b o t t o m rates, it’ s State T.V . RENTALS for students. E c - Ten-speed p referred but not nec- search at U-M totaled $ 2 8 .3 mil­ igan, telephone, F E 9-8 4 8 3 . C25 F a rm Mutual, the world’ s la r­ e s sary._______________________ 25 lion out of a total research vol­ brakes, power steering, radio, heater, automatic, white wall BICYCLES-Rentals) Sales, and onomical rates by the term and gest auto insurer. Call or see ume of $35.5 at the university. tires, two tone. Story sells Chevrolets for less $995. Service. Also used. East Lans­ month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT- MARRIED STUDENT wishes to W For Rent ing Cycle, 1215 East Grand River, your State Farm agent today. A LS -355-6026. Call after 5. c rent section of heated basement That represented an increase of Ask for EDKARMANorGEORGE $4.5 million in research p *o- ’59 Oldsmobile 88, 2-door, Hydramatic, heater, power steering, 3 blocks East of campus. Phone TOBIN IV 5-7267, In Frandor. TYPING SERVICE or garage for workshop. Phone jects over the preceding y e rr. power brakes, two tone, white wall tire s. Action priced at APARTMENT 3 32-8303. C 332-3476. 27 C25 Industry - supported research Story $995. KENMORE AUTOMATIC washer FR EE PICKUP an d delivery. EAST LiNSING-one male, 21, to amounted to about $1.3 million FURNISHED TW O b e d r o o m in good condition, $40. Call 372- PLEN TY O F YOU a re going General typing $ .40/ page. Same share modern house with 4 stu­ and the volume for state and ’59 Oldsmobile 88, Holiday Sedan, power steering, power brakes, apartment for 3 -4 -5 or 6 stu­ 1399. 25 abroad for research and study. day service. Phone 694-8111. dents, Phone 332-0340, evenings. local governments was $118,000. dents. Available now. Call Glenn You can arrange yoqr foreign ___________ _______ ________ 31 radio, heater, Hydramatic, white wall tire s, two tone. Story 1959 NORGE upright freezer, ex- 27 Private foundations contributed D. H arris, IV 5-2261 or even­ cellent c o n d i t i o n . Phone IV insurance for your c a r, personal XEROX COPIES anything; even sells for less $1095. ings, IV 2-1 0 0 9 , EdwardG. Hack­ 5 -7 4 85. belongings, and the property you pages in a bound book. Aldin- IRONINGS-w a n t e d . Quality or $1. 3 million and university funds 27 totaled $4.3 million in the r e ­ er. 38 leave behind at Bubolz Insurance. ger Direct Mail, 533 N. Clip- quantity done. $1.25 per hour. MOfilL HOME ltf$5 Schuliz, ex~- 220 Albert. C25 484-6760. ^ ^ 26 search program . •H i * . . / ' * • “ > , • rv?rv.#lV S-7? 13. C The' fargest* siftgle poriiOrf of' STORY OLDSMOBILE ceifent concfition, fiving room, CLEAN TWO room -apartment. kitchen, double study, bathroom, P A S T R A M I SANDWICHES at TERM PAPERS, Theses and gen­ THU ,n CARE-Also hot lunches for pupils. Near Walnut, Willow the total U-M research budget Private bath and entrance. Utili­ ideal for m arried graduate stu­ Uncle Fud’ s. One mile East of eral typing. Experienced IBM for fiscal 1963 was invested in W O R LD S L A R G E S T O L D S M O B IL E D E A L E R Schools. Excellent referen ces. ties paid. Call IV 5-3558 or IV dents, call 332-4763, evenings. Campus. F o r delivery. Call 332- e le ctric, Marianne Harrington, engineering and related physical 3165 E. MICHIGAN at Frandor 5-4 3 4 8 . 27 Phone IV 4 -3 4 4 8 . 26 25 5689. C Phone 372-3280. 27 sciences. Wednesday, O c t o b e r 3 0 , 1963 7 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s in g , Michigan E arly Enrollment^Brody Sets Placement Bureau rï •1 Schedules Given D,scuss,on students to be student teaching 1 6rody Board is sponsoring a R egistrar Horace C . King an­ winter term must complete early leadership clinic for Brody stu­ Students must reg ister at (B.M.D) engineers', mathematics , nounced early registration en­ advisement Nov. 11 to 19 and reg­ dents tonight in 150 Brody Hall and physics (M.D). rollment schedules for seniors le a st tw o days prior to in* reports Tom Thompson, Brody Swift & C o .; chemical (B ), and graduate students today. ister early Nov. 20 or 21. terview. Board chairm an. civil (B), and mechanical (B) The early enrollment sched­ ENGINEERING engineers; agricultural econom­ ules were collected from the All seniors must complete Speakers specializing in the Tuesday, Nov, 5 various fields of hall government ics (B); animal husbandry, dairy assistant deans for academic af­ their academic advisement Nov. fairs who are participatin, he 11 through Nov. 14, regardless of have been invited to address . A llis-Chalm ers Manufacturing science, horticulture (B); m ar­ said. Academic advising is the whether they plan to register committee chairmen. C o.: m ech an ical,electrical, met­ keting (B); and HRIM (B). most critica l part of registration early. Graduates will complete allurgical (B,M,D) agricultural Wednesday, Nov. 6 Thompson described the clinic because all other registration ac­ a c a d e m i c advisement Nov. 11 (B,M ), and chem ical (B) engin­ as "an opportunity to increase e e rs; mathem atics (B,M); and tivities hinge upon it. through 19. Amsted Industries Inc.: a c­ leadership effectiveness and a for Social Science will be printed HOME ECONOMICS accounting (B). counting (B); mechanical (B) and means to gaining perspective in in the State News on Thursday; Students will meet with ad­ Automatic E le ctric Co. Labor­ metallurgical (B,M) engineers. relation to the total picture of atories; mechanical (B )a n d e le c- A rts and L e tte rs, Friday: and v isers Nov. 14 through Nov. 19. The Dow Chemical C o.— Mid­ student government." Agriculture, Monday. Academic N ATU R AL SCIENCE trical (B.M.D) engineers: mathe­ land Division R esearch: chemi­ John A. Fuzak, dean of stu­ advising schedules for these col­ Seniors and graduate students m atics and physics (M.D). ca l, chem istry (M,D) engineers; dents, will address the students. leges list hours and days for must make appointments Nov. 4 General Motors C orp .—Chev­ chem istry (inorganic, physical) Following the address, the meet­ each department, the reg istrar to 8 by signing the schedule of rolet - Flint M a n f a c t u r i n g : (M,D); etomology (D); and plant ing will break up into discussion said. available hours posted on their mechanical (B) and metallurgi­ physiology (D). groups on areas of specific in­ Schedules for the other col­ academic ad visers’ doors. cal (B) engineers; industrial ad­ The Dow Chemical Co.: mech­ terest to the hall chairmen. ministration (B ); industrial r e ­ anical (B ), and chemical (B,M) R EP LAC E BROKEN GLASS BLOCKS-W orkmen started the job lo s t week and they say they leges are as follows: V E TER IN AR Y M EDICINE BUSINESS Students must be advised Nov. All hall chairmen and house lations and industrial psychology engineers; and chem istry (B); w ill be at it u n til the weather becomes too cold for the mortar to set. There are hundreds of chairmen have been asked to Students must complete aca­ 13 or 14. ,(B). Science (B,M ). the broken glass b locks s t ill to be replaced in Spartan V illa g e . _____ attend, Thompson said. He e s ­ demic advisement for early reg­ F & R L azaru s and Co.; r e ­ The Falk C orp.: mechanical timated that about 600 would istration Nov. 13 to 19. tailing, marketing, general busi­ (B) engineers. ness, arts and letters, commun­ Goodyear A e r o s p a c e Corp.: Frosh-Soph Council Names 49 Members COMMUNICATION ARTS G r id H ig h lig h ts attend. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The F r o s h S o ph Council ditions to the cultural and s e r­ riarch , Doug Griffin, Holly Van- A c a d e m i c advisement is ication a rts, social science, home e le ctrica l, mechanical (B,M,D) economics, transportation (B,M); engineers; math (D); and phy­ announced Tuesday the selection vices com m ittees. and hotel r e s t a u r a n t institute sics (B.M.D). of 49 new committee members den Brink, Ellen Strunk, Mary Whittaker, Ron Kirk, Jim Wil­ scheduled for Nov. 11 to 19. EDUCATION Highlights of the MSU-North- western game will be shown to­ : SAT. N O V 2S management (B,M ). Gulf Research an d Develop­ out of 250 applicants. Hooker Chemical C orp.: chem­ ment Co.; chem istry, mathemat­ New m em bers of the publicity son, Naomi Jacobs, and K ris Students chosen for the a c ­ comm ittee a re Sharon Seibert, Hensley a re the new members Advisement for early regis­ trants is Nov. 11 to 19. Students night at 7:30 in the Union Ball­ room. A member of the MSU ; 8-12 P.M. ! should see their advisers dur­ football staff will n arrate the ■ DON’ T MISS IT !!! ! istry (polymer, o r g a n i c , inor­ ics (M.D); mechanical (B.M.D), tivities comm ittee were fresh­ Julianne Lopuoski, Tom P rice . of the special projects com­ Tom Cook, Dave Alberg, K risti m ittee. ing regular office hours. All film s. ganic, analytical, and e le ctro - electrical (M.D), metallurgy (M), men Judy Sebfried, Sue Shodka, V e n h u i z e n , Penny Putchard, chem) (D). chemical (M,D) engineers: phy­ Jane Edgren, Janet Findlay, Rick The Mead C orp.: all m ajors, sics (M.D); geology and geophy­ Maynard, and Roger Edwards, Linda C o t t e r , Leslee Haines, all colleges (B) for sales, a c­ sics (M.D). and sophomore Gretchen Rider. George O'S t e r s o n , Susan Rath- counting (B); chem ical (B,M); Hughes A ircraft C o.— Advan­ The new m em bers of the econ­ bun, Judy Elliot, Steve Powers, Super Right Choice Beef Sale electrical (B) and mechanical ced E lectron ics: electrical (B, omics comm ittee a re Ruth Klock, Mike Hannah, and Tom Hewett. (B) engineers; art (B); and p er­ M.D) e n g i n e e r s ; and physics Mary Stealy, M argie Olsen, Bob Students selected for the news­ Musmanno, Bill R asteller, and letter com m ittee were Janina sonnel (B,M ). ;m , d ). Bielinski, S u e P ark er, A l l a n Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.: Johnson Service C o.: engineer- Chris Brown. Richard Peckham, ROUND STEAK chem ical (B,M) electrical (B,M) ng (B). John M a y o l f , Bob Borosage, Foodym, Ronald Solove, and Tom and mechanical (B,M,D) engin­ Moorman Manufacturing C o.: Kathy Kooiman, Jam ie Haley, and Adair. Lenore Wiles, Judy P a t- e e rs; c h e m i s t r y (B,M,D); a c­ ■nechanical (B) engineers; all Jacque Carneg a re the new ad- counting (B,M); business admin­ najors (B) for sales positions. - 7 9 istration, a rts and letters, com ­ i ' A The Pure Oil C o.: chemical munication a rts , and social s c i­ B,M ), mechanical, electrical (B„ ence (B). vl) engineers; chem istry (anal- Sinclair Refining C o.: chem­ tic a l) (B,M); chem istry (organic VV w it f É bs ical (B), mechanical, and elec­ >r physical, inorganic) (M,D); trical (B) engineers. ¡acteriology, biology, m icrobiol­ T -b o n e Steak Hamilton Standard: electrical, ogy (D). t Æ & mechanical, m etallurgical (B,M) , ¿SU engineers. Studebaker C orp .: B u s i n e s s (B ). W i v e s T o M e e t NpjKíV**‘y ***•> ; lb. 990 ib. M rs. Carol Shaffer, instructor ^:à ! ’ ’ Tuesday and Wednesday, A, of home management and child Fully Cooked 5uper Right Govt, inspected Grade A Nov. 5 & 6 development, will address the Pork Sale V eterans’ W i v e s Association The Martin C o .—Division of meeting, 8:30 tonight at M arried m S e m i-B o n e le s s Rib End Loin End T u rk e y s M artin-M arietta Corp.: e le c tri­ Housing. « m cal (B,M,D), civil (D), and mech­ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 10 to anical (B,M,D) engineers; phy­ sics (M,D); applied math (D); metallurgy (D); and a p p l i e d ■ ^'mechanical (D). ■ SEE THE QUEEN AND HER COURT £ { Ham 5 9 Q Ib. RM!‘35C.r45G 15 lbs. 39i ■ at the ■ Denver Division—The Martii Golden Ripe Michigan Hot House C o.: e lectrical, mechanical civil ■ HOMECOMING DANCE ■ P ota to es O W w rt Tt j - t DATRT t» im W M F - WANTS»: he*«*, ' t room* «r m ar* »til» «s**.e» fo t **•*» Roneh li« X m l» ’* W MJMBRR «*k — *11 «I«» «•»**» « » i n . X e n i» . O . P R jrmEWOitÖ. 4*iîT«r*<> t í » . 24 Wlmtoim t*« tX v * t v » » « »R hi Sé» i» *r .» H f e t » « * Cíltutsi 4KJMXUMIUX out. FR E S A PPLES % bushel «f amali Grinte* Golden _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ apples free trith purchase a t 1 ; : U »«a. t jnooih». t t t ' V t i l . bushel Of McIMtt* appi** M H per bushel, thla week only. 20 Ib. bag 590 ea. •hop Fwwf«rr*Mjr *4# * M tMÉtthr « o v ç / A. n p ’. town.. *72-4115!, W A N T f » ; W 'f c K A f R *78 woow» h*e . m i M i . f c i i C t î M - I H T E ’C Michigan Florida f i m tum *» *« « B « » )» ** * IH *- »gt*. tHot Stetti«, cifeio; J)** p .» (ROTI hi*V, l, ríO T IG L E ORCHARD I i$ miles E . of »¿«aia on Rt. S5 next ! C abbage pe Fl F« ferms otcH wir« »fl* M* ifPHt ?»« f r i s i » a i r e muli» w»»I>«r. I o bB lburn*» S o ld o S t a ü o e . 3 7 K » 4 7 . ; Y e llo w O nio ns 25Ç Pink or White m \ B K A FJSn iSS t t s j , ï s t î ÇatTok , Bervi«», tW tf. r y ^ 0. » ßtkgi * " M é jS m . Large C :nolR r.»4l t, ^ *0 4. 10 lb. Heads 5 Ib. bag ■■■ «rx "jiw. V.‘»'h W A>fijÉ bag lea. 9> :4K¡ t 4 I u Im u OgpKlMrtkH i$ U m tiâ m TWO row»« *, t» ficlm Wm 7& P TihefcTô^BÏT Iona Tomatoes WANT-AD T om ato J u ic e I Ib. 12 oz C heese Spread SPECIAL. . . :r . h 490 cans 4-99 2 Ib. loaf HM | BEGINS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1963 Sultana anquet Frozen Coffee Sale During November YOU can place a 5 day, 15 word E ig h t O ’C lo tk 1 5 * 1 .4 9 O liv e s M e a t P ies Want-Ad in the State News for only $2.00. YOU SAVE /or Small stuffed Chicken -ÍU 4 $1.75. Due to this reduced rate no refunds will be Beef 8 oz- made on ads cancelled before their expiration date. Rod C ifd o 3 1, . •», ÍJ .5 9 10 1/2 oz, jar Turkey P^9 This offer is good only for ads with 15 words or less. No Commercial ads accepted under this rate. Bokar aib.baa *1.69 Tuna Jane Parker Bakery Features Sultana W h ite B read n/nb. u»« 19c Salad D re ssin g qt. jar TATE 11 A p p le P ie D onuts Sugared - Cinnamon pkg. of 12 39,ea. 19ea. i Ann Page ea. H norm t, «air« IN Jam furo ** Ämöjfcwair Mreb Ch . ac« fS A jL.; **«• N EWS (tDodclins, .ropslr » fUt «òntrjcl (v.rh.tt i»*4 P o ta to C hips S a n d w ich Crem e C o o k ie s ^ 39 "b.bog 11/4 49 K e tch up 14 oz. bottles 3~~49C »*roiy 5r k w o r k i »<* Tit»5 D R Marvel Sultana p;ti Purpo»«» tA IIW ßröi«*: 4 MMN »St., ______ «W hr Beans w ith T om ato Sauce or *»f»irlö|fc«F5w., ^ i n m _ bOM it»k»r — Fnm so»»^. otov» Coni b***n»*ot. corport. SS Foc*- 29C. m llttf c l ' hont»« »t. ' dm w in* » I SÎ.S* « * hour. « Jt» á C O . MlUor »n« Boa . . . . I Kot*l>»«l»«d 1 » » P l* l V H I H » 3 Ib. 4 oz. can Lower duplex, 3 bedrooms. Clo«* g»t»»i»l«>n IM. uptown. Ph. D& 3-2360 er DB M W tt U k O », O r h lU I M l r o v » r * 1 » « only M» or *l f* w»*k. IR*1 B tc fa ll i t t i Flavors 1/2 gal after s. t t ttw k W aaH i P t t- til* . |D«*i«r) A ll prices in th is ad e ffe c tiv e thru Sat. Nov. 2 in a ll fiv e HOFF B1ÆCTRXÇ__ FOR root — ». boSrooo». ' O«* tM b t wants put-tlm * offlo» Industriel »odJR»»la«aU*t Wifi** Your A&P Super Market Corner of Lansing A& P Super M arkets. ___ 5 1 -A r tk k a h r H i» t** Richnrd V r. Dt»l a*a*r W W ifloor w v r host, vct a ramie i » « * * « tiU4 *« ■ » » *W both. SIS monili. *1* Hold Avo. WANT t* kt*p urt-fcehool _ **)•• work »7S-ISIT. ____ Hagadorn & East Grand River, ISM ruftNiTunc vAtuct f *m w p»o&t m * i m . SOON MVttMKMM tu o child la m r bom». * 0 0 0 IM » TIIAni lH* * F t. U V«« i S i m m - w m i. East Lansing NAN « u t i »44 fob«. ti»hl_h»*l* HOÜSE^ AŸXILABLE isiûw '• M l ! : Morloc WOMAN want* li«bt hoosowork wrt« r . * ma». w»»»w«-ff»«i g -» 0«*fjMlt»»d. p o v m ìp p s , h ea t tn o ■ äan w * -Clan. Ar»., Xtni». o feft Ì- H ti 1S tc re -H a u rs 9 - I®- 9^ * I—W. Xod. S t . S rooms, bMomant ï A ganc*- Si lair MMfA tor conni«. H M W . »dt 8ABT «itila« «TOM**/ Mf» * dno h t or. i O i H t , s * * » SS» DR »*<»« HX¿úr>. f n m *tlwn n f Mon. Thru Sat. MB «aUT-ARAMne A I Wedn esd ay , O c t o b e r 3 0 , 1963 8 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g . Michigan M ilit a r y D e c is io n F a c e s 2 1 3 4 F ro s h R O T C 1 0 0 C la s s A ir F o r c e S ets S ig h ts R e v ie w s A r m y C a r e e r On A ero sp a c e W ork Air F o rce ROTC Is on this campus to train selected outstanding The decision to accept or refuse Army ROTC is not an easy one. students to be A ir F o rce officers. This is not an easy course, It is important to know the facts when making your choice. Here but one that is filled with invaluable experience and studded with is what ROTC offers you. unforgettable scenery. What, then, is involved? What is there in G ra d u a tio n and s u c c e s s f u l c o m p l e t i o n o f th e f o u r - y e a r A r m y it for m e? Here are some answ ers: p r o g r a m p r o v i d e s a c o m m i s s i o n as a s e c o n d l ie u t e n a n t in one The ratio of officers to men in the Air F o rce is 1:6. This is of the m any b r a n c h e s of the A r m y . the shortest ratio of any serv ice, and results directly from the It permits the graduate to complete his required military sophisticated requirements of the Aerospace F o rce which is girding obligation as an officer rather than as a drafted private. And the itself to accept what President Kennedy term s one of the real officer is required to serve no longer than the drafted man. challenges facing Americans — "to sail the oceans of sp a ce ." Khrushchev’ s weekend announcement that Russia is tem porarily Cadets Receive Pay L a s t Two Years pulling out of the race to the moon does not diminish the liklihood The unmarried second lieutenant currently receives $338 per that our Astronauts will explore the moon during the current month, as compared to $78 for the draftee. In addition the student decade. enrolled in the advanced ROTC program is paid approximately $600 during his junior and senior y ears. Cadets Can Receive F ly in g T raining University credits are given for ROTC courses just as they Flying and Space Exploration are not the only jobs awaiting Air a re for any other subject. The man who enrolls in basic ROTC is not obligated to complete F o rce officers. T rue, ten of last years seniors in MSU’ s Air the four years. He goes into the advanced program after two F o rce ROTC took flying instruction at Air F o rce expense at y ears of basic ROTC only if he desires it, and is accepted. Capital City Airport. Seven received private flying licenses and one a com m ercial license. Nine of this y ear’ s AFROTC cadets Bosic ROTC L asts Two Years have already soloed, and next year about double that number are SCOTS HIGHLANDERS IS JO IN T U N IT - T y p ic a l o f the ex­ Corps m aintains high m ilita ry standards and e xcellen ce. For programmed for eventual flight training in the all-jet Air F o rce Basic Army ROTC consists of six term s. Four term s, one tra cu rricular a c tiv itie s of both Army and A ir Force ROTC, the fir s t time th is year, the marching m usical u n it is open to flying program . credit each, a re taught entirely by the military science depart­ ment and consist of two class periods and one leadership labora­ the unique 50-man Scots H ighlanders Drum, F ife and Bugle both Army and A ir Force cadets. The majority of AFROTC cadets at MSU are scheduled to serve tory (drill) per week. One three credit military history is taught on active duty in the job most directly related to their college State News Photo by Ray Eggleston m ajor. Hotel and restaurant management people will run Air by the history department. The student selects one elective course F o rce clubs and arrange the billeting and feeding on Air F o rce for the remaining term . A dvanced ROTC also consists of six term s, but each is worth b ases. Police administration m ajors will serve as Air Police or three credits.' The student attends three class p e r i o d s and one Special Investigating officers. Engineers will supervise civilian drill period each week, and is also appo inted a cadet officer in con tractors and A ir F o rce construction program s. Math m ajors will become finance officers, auditors, com ptrollers and statisti­ the cadet corps. Each cadet attends a six-week summer camp between his cian s. The Air F o rce , with the largest m ilitary budget in the junior and senior y ears, or in special cases after the senior world, can offer its newly commissioned officers executive y ear. It is usually held at F o rt Riley, Kansas. He is paid $117 experience in any field taught at MSU, including veterinary medi­ for the six weeks, plus travel pay to and from camp. cine and the biological sciences. Once commissioned, the AFROTC cadet becomes a Second Government Supplies Uniform Funds Lieutenant. If the student decides to go into the advanced program , he is Four Years Duty paid approximately $28 a month during the two y ears. Books are provided free of charge for the entire four years. During his cadet training he is taught to follow orders to The government provides funds for the advanced student’ s uni­ develop empathy with those he must later order about. He is form. taught the tough-mindedness required for problem-solving and Army ROTC graduates are awarded commissions in the Army decision-making. He is taught the communicative skills which R eserve and serve two y ears active duty. Each year a small he must have if his leadership is to be accepted in any of life’ s number of cadets are honored as Distinguished M ilitary Graduates endeavors. and are offered regular Army commissions. The regular Army THE REASON FOR IT A L L -C e m m is s io n in g as a 2nd L ie u ­ At summer camp he spends four weeks on an operational Air commission requires th re e -y e a r’ s active duty and gives the tenant in either branch is the fin a l g o a l. F o rce base learning first hand how the Aerospace F o rce maintains opportunity of an Army c a re e r. its deterrent posture. Fortunately, these four weeks are so scheduled Army aviation is also offered at the ROTC level. Under this that the cadet may sandwich in a half term of on campus summer plan, the Army will pay for flight training in the cadet’s senior school as well. year conducted by civilian flying schools. Completion of this The Air F o rc e realizes that even under optimum conditions training may also qualify the student to take the examination for the two hours a week in basic, the five hours a week in Advanced a private pilot's license. The cadet must also agree to serve three AFROTC and the crowded 28 days of one summer’ s training is year’ s active duty with the Army following graduation. not enough to adequately prepare its officers. F o r this reason the minimum active duty tour is fixed at four y ears to permit a full y e a r's training on the job during active duty. C AD ET F IE L D TRIPS - A ir sax e Force ROTC cadets go over a flig h t plan p rior taking o ff from C ap itol C ity A irp o rt in Lansing. startin g Wed. O ct 30th FABRICS FO B FA LL ’■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I i HIS PIANO! EARLY REDUCTIONS Q&M ■ HIS ORCHES TRA! ARMY ROTC F IE L D TR AIN IN G -- Moving through barbed w ire, and over o bsta cle s, th is Army cadet undergoes com­ ■ C LA U D E T H O R N H IL L on bat tra in in g a t ROTC summer camp. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I FALL FAVORITES H a m ilt o n d iv is io n O F U n it e d S ta n d a rd R ir c r a f t A erodyn am ics O n C a m p u s fo r I n te r v ie w s Com bustion COTTON C o m p ressib le Flow Control Dynam ics November 5 PRINTS P Á C R O N /c q t t o N Digital C om putation PRINTS I feg* 7 \ STR IP cS i C Analog C om putation EDP S y s te m s /P ro c e d u re s O P E N IN G S F O R B S , M S PLAIDS TOP ARMY, AIR FORCE CADETS - 1962-63 cadet com­ Electronics E N G IN E E R S and S C IE N T IS T S Electron Optics manders of the A ir Force Wing and Army Brigade, Robert M echanical K. Johnson, le ft, and Robert Andringa, were awarded the Fluid D ynam ics H eat T ran sfer A e ro n a u tica l President’ s Cup la st spring for th eir outstanding c o n tri­ E ng in e e rin g Physics Hydraulics butions to the ROTC programs. A p p lie d M echanics In strum entation F U L L T A B L E OF Internal A erodynam ics In d u s tria l E n g in e e rin g PLAIDS. PLAINS K inem atics Electrical WORSTEDS, is the time to M agneti'; Circuitry M e ta llu rg ica l COATINGS M echanical Metallurgy E n g inee ring M echanics service up for M ech anics Physics I) CORDUROY Metallurgy Winter Physical C hem istry PRI NTS & Physics A R E A S O F A P P L IC A T IO N PLAI DS -vtComplete Winter Tune Up Quality Control Reliability Space and Life S u p p o rt S ystem s Worsted S e rv o m e ch a n ism s Engine and A fte rb u rn e r C o n tro ls * Inspection and Installation Statistical Analysis S tru ctu re s A ir In d u c tio n C o ntrol S ystem s A dvanced Lig h tw e ig h t P ro p e lle rs of brakes and springs S y ste m s Analysis T h erm o d y n am ics E lectron Beam In d u s tria l M achines G round S u p p o rt E q u ip m e n t T herm oelectricity * Mufflers lifetime guarantee Tool Engineering E lectronic C ontrol S ystem s O verhaul and R epair P rogram s T ran sisto r Circuitry FREE INSTALLATION Vehicular D ynam ics Vibration Bio Science S tudies In d u s tria l Valves FREE PARKING Open V/ed. nife R e b u i l t M o t o r s a n d T r a n s m is s io n s ’t i l 9 p.m. ii rear of store DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY For interview s e e your p lacem en t officer, or write: SUPERVISOR COLLEGE RELATIONS / PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT KAMIN’S iX S H a m ilt o n U n it e d OPPOSITE OLIN MSU N. LARCH Polachek’s Fabrics d iv is io n o f 5 2 6 S ta n d a rd P ir e ra ft IV 4-4596 WINDSOR LOCKS, CONNECTICUT 417 S. Grand R iver - East Lansing An Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r Hours: Mon.-F r i. 8-6 Sat. 8-5 Sun. 9-1 t