7 K 3 C I L OR- -ffL tK T , th e n ig h t / TRKk W«1©t>A Vft V \C fM . ,A K ^ . P lu s « .? IlF fW ^ p u t n p k í iv \ X'fl<\ NOT |lMfl lci*o OP A i i v f *- ! tfeuse r n s r o t*- I mu s t (* o ie v r youf-6‘>»*Jfe O c to b e r J l j t e j b r gom p in r ¿T "THE N»«iT In s id e MICHIGAN W e a t h e r N EW S M ostly cloudy and warmer, Kidnapper Charged, p. 5; Halloween Scarecrow Looks STATE w ith the high from 57 to 62 degrees and winds from the L ik e JF K , p> 6 ; World News A t A Glance, p. 10. UNIVERSITY southwest at 10 io 18 mph. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 31, 1963 P rice 10* V o l. 55; No. 46 M S U W in s A E C R e se a rc h N o d House OK’s Power Plant; Bill In Senate Nuclear Campus A pproves Limit Saturday Late Pers Lab Set $ 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 No late perm issions will be granted for the h o m e c o m i n g The comm ittee adopted a new policy last spring which allows sider this year might be the fact that there is at present no stu­ dance Saturday night, but many coeds attending parties at indiv­ late perm issions only at the r e ­ dent-sponsored h o m e c o m i n g To Be National G r a n t , 8 2 -1 idual living units will be able to stay out until 2 a.m . under quest of a student organization sponsoring a social event. The dance,” said Louis Hekhuis, d ir­ ector of student activities. Study Base Ingham County Alumni A ssocia­ The social affairs committee a policy established by the F a c - tion is sponsoring the homecom­ designated this Saturday and Nov. Dy JA C K IE KORONA ulty-Student Social Affairs Com­ ing dance. 22 as the fall term dates when State News Staff Writer mittee. By OYARS B A LC cR S “ An interesting thing to con- organizations could apply for late perm issions. All late perm is­ State News Staff Writer The Michigan House of Repre­ E s . ■ sions for the entire year a re sentatives Wednesday passed a The Atomic Energy Commis­ resolution granting $450,000 to Michigan State for planning of C a m p u s W e lc o m e s already set with the exception of the J-Hop and Spinster’ s Spin. sion and theUniversity announced Wednesday the establishment of “ The comm ittee considered a new power plant. The bill a major research center to study these two affairs to be the only has been sent to the Senate for final approval. G r e a t P u m p k in all-University s o c i a l events sponsored by student organiza­ plant life. The project, to include a new The vote of 82 to 1 cam e $2 million laboratory and even­ tions,” Hekhuis said. after the resolution had been The Great Pumpkin invades " C h i l d r e n a re welcome to tually a $1 million yearly bud­ He added that any other latep er- postponed, reconsidered, and fi­ campus today bringing with him com e” , M rs. Hannah said, “ but get, will study the growth and missions granted for the dates nally put before the legislators. brisk, autumn weather, costumed I think they've overlooked Cowles development of plants with a view set this year would require a After some discussion rep re­ youngsters trick or treating, and House because it's out of the to analyzing the effects of radia­ special exception by the social sentative William Romano, D- various Halloween parties. way.” tion. comm ittee. Macomb, moved that the-bill be Final preparations on home­ T h e “ o l d e r ” residents of “ This could make Michigan Coeds must sign out for the put over until next Wednesday’ s made costum es have all been Michigan S t a t e will celebrate State the best place in the world specific event they a re attend­ session. made, and children from Spartan Halloween in various ways.Some to study plant scien ce,” Richard ing this weekend and are r e ­ "T h is power plant is a ‘self- Village, University Village and students have decided that Hal­ U. Byerrum , dean of the College quired to s h o w their house­ liquidating’ thing,” said Romano, Cherry Lane, will go from door loween isn’t only for kids, and of Natural Science, said. mothers some type of written “ and 1 wondered why we should to door seeking trick s or tre a ts. plan to go trick or treating at AEC decided to found such a proof that they were at the party. give them the money if the pro­ One house overlooked in the the Greek houses tonight. project in a university two years ject would pay for itse lf." past is D r. and M rs. John Han­ Many women's dorm itories will Aerial View of New Plant Research Center Site ago, he said. It was through a Romano said that in the past nah’ s residence, Cowles House, p rocess of el imination that Mich­ items such as the University on C ircle Drive. (continued on page 6 ) igan State was selected, he add­ telephone system and laundry ed. have been charged to the stu­ dents as fees. G r a n t C u lm in a tio n O f E ffo r ts A contract is expected to be drawn up within a month or “ I wanted to know if the Uni­ six weeks, according to B yer­ versity were going to charge the By CHARLES C. WELLS ton,” he said. “ The grant in States in the biological science before the b u i l d i n g ' s com ­ rum. students for the power plant.” The search for a director of State News Staff Writer itself shows that MSU's empha­ field. pletion.” By a vote of 37 to 36 the bill —The high degree with which As o t h e r buildings in the the project will begin early next Announcement of the Atomic sis on staff quality is paying week. Byerrum expressed the Energy Commission AEC grant tremendous dividends.” different colleges work together science complex a re completed, to MSU for plant study did not T hree reasons why MSU was here is not equaled at any other departments in present facilities (continued on page 3) (continued on page 3) American institution of higher will move into them, he added. come as a “ bolt out of the selected for the program , Muel­ blue” to University administra­ der said, are: learning. This will allowpersonnel working WWW to rs. —T here is a fine tradition of on the AEC p roject to move They had been working on it basic researc h and training in for several y ears, and many the biological sciences here. "Ideally th e n ew facilities should be ready by September into the vacated buildings. "T h e AEC’s decision is a te s - C o m m A rt R o m n e y termed it as the culmination of —The University has one of of 1965,” Muelder said. “ But their efforts. The grant involves the finest staffs in the United a $2 million research building, the program will move aheadeven (continued on page 3) C u ts T o S a n c t io n s to be located near the present 1 8 0 C r e d it s green houses on F arm Lane, a staff of 90 plant scientists and1 T a x R e v is e technicians a n d a $1 million annual budget by 1967. S ta te N e w s E d it o r ia l Communication A rts joined the growing list of colleges reducing senior graduation requirements Gov. George R o m n e y said “ The University welcomes the to 180 plus the required physi­ Tuesday that the revised tax announcement of this project, reform program being discussed in Republican caucuses met with which MSU personnel have work­ ed so hard to g e t,” said P re s ­ C losed M o u th No S o lu tio n cal education cred its. Announcing the change Wed­ nesday, John M arston, assistant his approval. ident John A. Hannah. "It is the and it should operate under this placed on strict disciplinary pro­ dean, said, “ Course require­ The governor told a news con­ beginning of a series of pro­ Because there has been no prom ise. However, when all par­ bation by the Faculty Committee ments in the m ajor areas are ference that although the pro­ gram s to make this campus the official word from either the ties remain silent the problem on Student Conduct for their roles the sam e, but the number of gram differs from his, it meets center of gcientific knowledge on AUSG Judiciary Committee or is not solved. in a m eetin gw ith outside speak­ electives has been reduced.” with his basic demands. Some of the effect o f radio-activity in t h e Dean of Students’ office This is the time when all e rs who had not been cleared by "Communication Arts m ajors the new p arts a re improvements plants.” damaging r u m o r s are, being doors should be swung wide open the student-faculty speaker com­ still have a large number of over the original plan, he said. He termed it a real oppor­ spread around our campus. to cle a r the a ir. mittee. electives from which to choose.” At least one Republican rep ­ tunity for he University to ad­ The rum ors a re these: It is foolish to think that by Bob H o w a r d , form er AUSG He indicated that technical de­ resentative has expressed dis­ vance further in the plant science A prominent student leader clamping a lid on all news the president, Tom Steinfatt, form er mands in communications are not sent with the Republican plan, field. The new scientists and pro­ was among those caught when as p recise as in other- major deans office and Student Judiciary head of the Forsen ics Union, saying that food should not be fessors brought to campus by a party was raided by the Uni­ can resolve this problem. P eter Werbe, form er head of the are a s, thereby making a broad exempt from sales tax. the project will enhance MSU’s v e r s i ty . In a written policy statement Humanist Club, Dick McLellan, liberal a rts program available Russell H. Strange, R -C lare program s because they will not This leader was treated with the Dean of Students office con­ NSA coordinator for AUSG and to the communication arts ma­ and Isabella, has been in favor only do research but will also undue favoritism when he was brought beforr~th'è*Student Judic­ cludes that discipline m atters others w ere known throughout jor. of including food in the sales teach, he indicated. Other colleges that have acted a re confidential between students the campus. tax since the governor’ s pro­ Milton E . Muelder, vice p res­ iary Committee. and University. Students, faculty, and admin­ a re : Business, Arts and L e tte rs, gram was announced. He indi­ ident for research development, The s t u d e n t judicia ry com­ istrato rs will not stop talking and Social Science. These col­ cated that discussion would con­ hailed the grant as the culmi­ mittee was asked to reconvene We agree that the administer­ about the problem simply be­ leges have reduced graduation tinue among Republicans. nation of several years work by by the Dean of Students’ office ing of discipline should be a p ri­ cause they do not have the facts. requirements from 192 to 180 The new plan was worked out the University staff. He said MSU to reconsider that decision. vate educational lesson, insofar When a prominent student is plus the required physical edu­ by five Republican senators and adm inistrators, deans, and fac­ The implication that undue fav­ as possible. We cannot agree involved in a disciplinary prob­ cation course work. five Republican representatives ulty had worked with government oritism may have been used to - that by hushing the issue the lem where m a n y people know The College of Engineering 'lifter Romney's p r o g r a m met ’ leaders fdr two years to get the ward a prominent studenr leader problem will go away. some of the facts, it is not also reduced cred its. Now 206 severe opposition in the senate. project here. is serious. cred its are required for students L ast year, prominent leaders just a m atter between the student Indications a re that there are SONIC BROOM SHAKES CAMPUS - A le rt State News s ta ff “ The office of research de­ Student Judiciary is based on of student organizations w ere and University. entering fall term 1962 or later. no basic changes in Romney’ s members George Junne and Jim Y ost spotted th is early ar­ velopment supported the activi­ the im partiality of its justices This will not affect seniors grad­ riv a l to campus for the day o f w itche s, spooks and goblins ties of others in providing re ­ uating this year. (continued on page 3) presentation for MSU in Washing- T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 31, 1963 2, Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan______ Advertisement all-university st u d en t g o v ern m en t CONSTITUTION AL AMENDMENT Aid Reaches Y e t School PROPOSAL 1 A rticle X of the AUSG Constitution shall be amended by m a l s handled by the cl i n i c and substitution as follows: C o n st r uc ti o n of the V e t e r i ­ Two representatives from the Dean of Students Office shall n a r y C l i n i c Building, to will also r e s u l t in ex pansion meet with and serve in an advisory capacity to the AUSG in {Te s t a r t e d in the n e a r future, of office s p a c e at G i l t n er . all its branches. r e p r e s e n t s an i m p o rt a n t ad­ V e t e r i n a r y m e d i c i n e faculty Cur rent l^A rtitde2£,read-£; vance in teaching c a p a b il i ti e s m e m b e r s who a r e now A representative from both the Women’ s Division of Student Affairs and Men’ s Division of Student Affairs shall meet for the College of V e t e r i n a r y squ eez ed into confined office with and serve in an advisory capacity to the All-University Medicine. s p a c e at Gilt ner w e l c o m e the Student Government in all its branches. The B o a r d of T r u s t e e s mo ve. PROPOSAL 2 A rticle VII, Section 4, of the AUSG Constitution shall be approved letting of bids for Opportunities f o r c l i n i c a l amended to read: the clinic at its meeting l a s t r e s e a r c h will be g r e a t l y in­ Section 4. Proposed amendments, upon receiving the affirmative week. The $ 4 . 7 million s t r u c ­ c r e a s e d by m o d e r n f a c i l i t i e s vote of a majority of those votes cast on the issue, and having been approved by the faculty of this institution, shall immediate­ ture will be lo cat ed diagonally, which will be i n c o r p o r a t e d in ly become part of this constitution. a c r o s s the ext ension of Bogue the new building. Currently, A rticle VII, Section 4, read s: S t r e e t and Wilson R o ad ,f r o m Willis, W. A r m i s t e a d , dean Proposed amendments, upon receiving the affirmative vote the C y c l o tr o n . of the C oll eg e of V e t e r i n a r y of a majority of those votes cast on the issue, and having It will house the de p ar t m e nt Me dicin e, said MSU will have been approved by the faculty of this institution, shall immediate­ ly become part of this constitution, except those concerning of s u r g e r y and medicine and the finest v e t e r i n a r y hos pital assessm en ts of the student body, which shall require that a will s e r v e as an animal h o s ­ in the co un tr y when the new m ajority of the student body vote on it. pital and a teaching cl i n i c. Al­ cl in ic is c o m pl et e d. PROPOSAL 3 so included in the plans is a 5 0 0 - The move will a l so benefit A rticle IV, Section 6, Paragraph (a) of the AUSG Constitution shall be amended: s e a t auditorium which will be the t w o - y e a r m e d i c a l sch ool 1. By deleting: made available to the whole A. The Chief Ju stice of the Student T raffic Appeals s t a r t i n g in fall of 1 9 6 4 . The s c i e n c e co m p le x. Court shall be nominated to the Student Congress p r o g r a m will-occupy s o m e of by the concurrence of the Dean of Students and the The c l i n i c , when co mpleted President of Student Government. the r o o m s v a c a t e d in G il tn er in s u m m e r of 1 9 6 5 , will enable B. The Student Traffic Appeals Court shall have the until it is housed in its own B. The Student Traffic Appeals Court shall establish the co ll eg e to move its c l i n ­ its own rules of procedure. building. ical p r o g r a m from outmoded 2. By adding: We w e l c o m e the addition of A. The President of Student Government shall have the and o v e rc ro w d e d q u a r t e r s at the V e t e r i n a r y Clinic to MSU’ s veto power over any nomination. Giltner Hall,where it has been B. The Chief Ju stice shall be nominated to Student expanding s c i e n c e c o m p l e x . Congress by the President of AUSG from members located for the past 50 y e a r s . It is a sig nificant addition to of the court. Moving to new q u a r t e r s will C. The Court shall establish its own procedures sub­ this vital portion of the c u r r i ­ ject to approval of Student C ongress. p e r m i t expansion of fa c i l i t i e s for t r e at in g the v ar io u s ani­ culum. .C u rren tl^ .^rticleJV ^ S e ctio n ^ ^ P ar^ ra£h _(a^ read s: My Monsters Are Finally Paying Off! The Student Traffic Appeal Court shall become the final court of appeals involving summonses written pursuant to the Student Responsible Capitalism Motor Vehicle Regulations established by the Board of T ru s­ tees. Associate Ju stices shall be appointed to the Court upon The student health s e r v i c e t a k 3 n an a d m i r a b l e way out of Letters To The Editor nomination and two-thirds (2/3) m ajority approval of the Student C ongress. The nominating comm ittee shall be composed of at Columbia Un iv er sit y h a s a difficult situation. the President of Student Government who will serve as ch air­ W o n d e rs H o ld s V o te man with the Chief Justice of the Student T raffic Appeal posted on c i g a r e t t e vending Confronted with mounting Court, and the other member having the longest term of m ach in es on the c a m p u s a evi den ce f r o m the A m e r i c a n service. At least a two-thirds (2 /3 ) vote is required for nomination by this com m ittee. Announcement and petitioning warning ag ainst the dan ger Medical A s s o c i a t i o n that s m o k - to the Editor: have noticed any current or po­ shall be conducted in the sam e manner as that for vacancies A tte n d a n c e tential problems in housing, em ­ It seems inconceivable to one of smoking. ing and lung c a n c e r a r e c l o s e l y To the Editor: ployment, public facilities, etc. occuring on the All-University Judiciary. The Chief Ju stice of the men or women of Won­ of the Student T raffic Appeal Court shall be nominated The health s e r v i c e , a dm in­ co n n e ct ed , c i g a r e t t e m a k e r s ders Hall that there “ just wasn’ t When you r e p r e s e n t nearly in East Lansing, please give us to the Student Congress by the concurrence of the Dean of tim e’’ to orgaize an election for 30,000 people it’ s a good idea this information. Write to Human i s t e r e d by p h y s ic i a n s, is r e ­ faced the po ssibility of f e d e r a l Relations Committee, c /o John Students and the President of Student Government. The Chief AUSG representative in McDonel to let them know what’ s being Ju stice shall determine the size of the court. At least one sponsible for the m e d i c a l t r e a t ­ reg ul a ti on . The a l t e r n a t i v e Hall. Our dorm itory is as new said for them. Agreed? P atriarch e, City Manager, City of the A ssociate Ju stices shall be a graduate student who as McDonel, yet, on the appoint­ On Thursday, Oct. 24, at 8 Hall, E ast Lansing. ment of all fu l l- t i m e Columbia a n sw e r they c a m e up with was shall serve for one y ear, and at least one Ju stice shall be ed day, both North and South p .m ., the first meeting of the The next meeting will be the se lf -d isc ip lin e. fem ale. All undergraduate Ju stices shall serv e, until resig ­ students. Wonders managed to stage elec­ com m ittee took place. Although first Wednesday in November nation, graduation, or re ca ll. The Student T raffic Appeal In r e c e n t months they have tions. the meeting, as a re all m eet- at 7:30 p.m. It is open to the The notice is believed to be Court shall determine its own rules of procedure. ings to com e (unless decreed public (which includes students). the f i r s t of its kind iss ue d at a redirected their advertising This election, far from being otherwise), was open to the I have heard the opinion voiced PROPOSAL 4 a mockery of dem ocratic pro­ that E ast Lansing, being a small m a j o r A m e r i c a n u n iv e r s i t y . It away f r o m a youth appeal to an public, the attendance was two A rticle IV, Section 2, Paragraph (a) of the AUSG Consti- c e s se s , was carefully planned by and they both were members docile middle cla ss community, says: adult appeal. In t el e v is io n the Hall advisorial staff.Through tution shall be amended by deleting: of the p ress. has no problems in term s of campaign meetings, run by the human relations, there are no “ T h e r e is m e d i ca l evide nce ad s , they have no ti cea bly r e ­ The comm ittee m em bers, in­ One representative from the Men’ s Division of Student Affairs, prospective head resident ad- m i n o r i ty - m ajority conflicts. that c i g a r e t t e smoking i m ­ s t r i c t e d t h e i r appeal to women. viso rs, students were given an cluding Stephanie B arch and Rob­ ert Green of MSU, represent Maybe the com m ittee has reached one representative from the Women’ s Division of Student opportunity to meet the candi­ A ffairs, p a i r s health. B e c a u s e it is b e ­ its goal before its start. What And now they a c c e p t qualifying dates. As a resu lt, we were three ra ce s, two sexes, several And adding: vocations and a varying point do you think? lieved that an inf o rm e d uni­ r e m a r k s o n t h e i r vending able to make a choice based of view. It did seem that each Robert Morgan 1. Two non-voting representatives from the Office of the upon a knowledge of the can­ Dean of Students, v e r s i t y student has the right machines. and every member fully expected MSU Representative didate and of his views. 2. The Administrative V ice-President of All-University to accomplish something with East Lansing Human Relations to d e t e r m i n e the s t a t e of his This kind of r e s p o n s i b l e Student Government shall sit on All-University Student It seem s inconsistent that when this com m ittee; t h a t “ some­ Commission health, this c i g a r e t t e m ach ine Government Judiciary as a non-voting member. c a p i t a l i s m is a w e l co m e North Wonders Hall, which con­ thing” being a step forward in dealing with potential community and this inf ormation a r e h e r e b r e a t h of f r e s h a i r in o u r c u t ­ tains only 100 upper-classm en, conflicts. I got the distinct im - C u rren tly A rticle IV, S ^ tm ^ ^ P a r a g r a g h J s j.jr e a d s : can stage an election. East M c- fo r his u s e . Good health is th r o a t c o m m e r c i a l c o m p e ­ Donel hall, which is reputed to pression that the members were B A P A c t s The justices of the All-U niversity Judiciary shall be: One everyone’ s responsibility.” contain a large percentage of there to help human relations, To the Editor: representative from the Men’ s Division of Student Affairs, tition. It should s e r v e as an upper classm en, is unable to do not to keep them from getting The editorial in Monday’ s State one representative from the Women’ s Division of Student We take note of this b e c a u s e e x a m p l e to o t h e r b u s i n e s s ­ so. It would seem to reflect out of hand. This being the case, News, although it d e a l t with A ffairs, and eleven students— at least one of these students we c o n s i d e r it an e x c e l l e n t e x ­ men that the way to avoid one of two things - either that the comm ittee needs some help. issues that a student newspaper being a m arried student, one an off-campus student, and a major misunderstanding ensued As H.C. T i e n , t h e elected is responsible for raising and three female students, one for each cla ss represented. ample of how the commu nity fe d e r a l c o n t r o l is to p r a c t i c e in McDonel, or that a great deal chairm an, pointed out: the func­ was on the whole thoughtful and PROPOSAL 5 of c i g a r e t t e m a n u f a c t u r e r s s o m e re sp o n si b i l it y on t h e i r of credit should go to the staff tion of the com m ittee is to re ­ well w ritten, did not, it seems at Wonders for a difficult job ceive, integrate, transm it. What to me, raise the main issue at and th ei r v a r i o u s r e t a i l e r s have own. A rticle IV, Section 2, Paragraph (c) shall be amended by well done. must be received, integrated, and hand, namely, that the AUSG adding: The President of All-U niversity Student Government transm itted is f a c t u a l infor­ dissatisfies and somewhat dis­ shall have veto power over any nomination. If AUSG is to be saved from mation. Right now we’ re in the gusts the students such as those Jobs Demand Foresight d isaster, the tim e has come to stop looking for faults with the receiving stage. This is where you come in. of the Rather Hall Council be­ cause it does little or nothing, Currently A rticle IV, Section 2, Paragraph (c) read s: We noticed r e c e n t l y that the the p r e s e n t . organization and to start working Should you have any personal and that this is attributable not for and with it. The nominating comm ittee for the All-University Judiciary d i r e c t o r of the P l a c e m e n t B ut it is hard to un der sta nd experience that relates to the to its lead er's shortcomings but shall be composed of the President of Student Government Kenneth Newton problem area of minority group to the relu ctan ce of the Univer­ B u r e a u has urged s e n i o r s to why s e n i o r s should e v e r have A satisfied voter who shall serve as chairm an with the three mem bers of the relations in the E ast Lansing sity’ s adm inistrators to delegate All-U niversity Judiciary who a re beginning their senior year. get moving e a r l y on job p l a c e ­ to be told i t ’ s t i m e to ge t a N. Wonders Hall community, specifically if you enough, or any, autonomy,power, m en ts . At the s a m e time we and responsibility to the students Petitioning shall be conducted for at least five school days job lined up. And to have to and their AUSG. for the vacancies. The nominating comm ittee shall interview can too readily r e m e m b e r the virtu al frenzy of many of l a s t y e a r ’ s jobless s e n i o r s as r e s o r t to sayi ngs s e e m s r i d i c ­ ulous. AUSG Benefits The position of the Basic Action Party toward this issue is identi­ cal to that of the Educational all petitioners and shall, by at least a three-fourths (3/4) vote, nominate to Student Congress one candidate for each vacancy. After nomination by the comm ittee . . . Y e t students have to be told does so much for the public Development P roject in its pro­ To the Editor: spring t e r m rolled around. many things and so we ca n only The vehement letters which school children of Michigan. Stu­ visions for students being made PROPOSAL 6 We could mention a little oblige an obvious n e c e s s i t y appeared on October 25 would dent Government sponsors the m ore responsible for their own college b o wl s e rie s, welcome discipline and e d u c a t i o n . A rticle IV, Section 5, paragraph (c) of the AUSG Consti­ , ,, , have us believe that AUSG is dictum about a s m a r t e a r l y and u r g e those with s o m e fo re- rotten t0 the core> ^ is sim. w e e k orientations, homecoming This is the co re of a Univer­ tution shall be substituted to read: bird and another one which sight to get c r a c k i n g , for t h e i r ply not the ca se . To argue that parade and numerous pep ra l­ sity’ s function; to educate, not All hearings shall be open to the public, unless desired closed , AUSG does nothing but bicker lies. These activities may strike to ra ise , students. Between this tel ls us t h e r e is no t im e like own Sake. and p i a y petty politics is equally M r. Rogen as useless but to ideal, as reported inthewomen’ s by the involved student. The student shall be informed of wrong. L et’ s take a good long those who participate in them they section of last Sunday’ s F re e this option. look at what this "ineffective” a re extrem ely valuable. P re s s , and the real situation group has been doing. AUSG is accused of constant here, indicated by the public Currently A rticle IV, Section 5, paragraph (c), reads: MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE N E W bickering and of never doing statement in the State News re ­ AUSG sponsors the Provost anything. It may come as a shock cently by the Sheriff of Ingham lecture serie s along with occas­ but the prim e mover -in the re ­ County that he refrains from Hearings involving student infractions of university regulations o r public laws shall not be open to the public unless the stu­ ional other speakers such as peal of compulsory ROVC was turning m iscreant students over dent to be tried requests that the hearing shall be open to Member Associated P re ss, United P re ss m er term ; special Welcome Issue in Septem­ Ambassador Choung of Viet Nam. this sam e "in effectiv e" AUSG. to the University because of its the public. International, Inland Daily P re ss Association, ber. Will the opponents of AUSG deny Rogen’s point about the lack of harshness in dealing with dis­ PROPOSAL 7 Associated C o l l e g i a t e P re ss Association, Second cla s s postage paid at E ast Lansing, the value of these services? AUSG constant communications is well ciplinary p r o b l e m s , there is A rticle III, Section 3, sentence 1, shall be amended by de­ Michigan P re ss Association. Michigan. runs the Student Insurance Plan; taken but it seem s to be his much room for improvement. The leting the words "th e Student Congress” Editorial and business offices at 341 Student enables students to overcome only valid point. If he is sin­ B asic Action P arty ’ s goal and Published by the students of Michigan State Services Building, Michigan State University, and periods of bankruptcy through cerely interested in bettering hope is to help bring about that A rticle II, Section 2, paragraph (a) sentence I, shall be amended University. I s s u e d on cla s s days Monday East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions the small loans office and runs communications he is in an ex­ improvement. We were organized by adding after "elected ” the words "during the fall te rm .’ through Friday during the fall, winter and payable in advance: term , $3; 2 te rm s, $4; a mimeographing service open to cellent position to help do so. after, not before, Bob K erb's spring q uarters, twice weekly during the sum- 3 term s, $5; full y e a r, $6. all students at a nominal fee. Student Government is for all election last Spring, taking the A rticle 111, Section 3 sentence I currently reads: Are these services “ w orthless?" students. If only those who so name of a dead and unlamented Student government, through the actively cry out against AUSG organization from Emmons Hall. Editor. . . . ...........................Bruce Fabricant Asst. Adv. M grs......................... Frank Senger J r . , Final elections shall be held in conjunction with final elec­ • Arthur Langer Campu$ Chest, contributes thou­ would spend even half this time We have discarded the name, Advertising Manager. \ . . . . F red Levine tions for the Student Congress and class officers in spring sands of dollars' every year to W6rking constructively for a bet- and never indalged in the ch a r- t a m p u s Editor................................... G erry Hinkley Circulation Manager. . . . . . .Bill Marshall term . Campus Coordinator.......................... Dave Jaehnig worthwhile ch arities. Surely Ro- ter s t u d e n t government there acte r or activities, of the o rig i- Sports E d ito r.......................................J e r r y Capian gen cannot call these activities would be no problem. A rticle II, Section 2, p arag rap h (a), sentence I, currently read s: Women’ s Housing.....................................Liz Hyman ‘nal organization. Photo Chief..........................................George Junne worthless. AUSG financially sup­ Assistant Campus Editor. . . John Van Gieson Robert M. Mazess Editorial E ditors. . . Jack Shea, Dave Stewart p orts activities c a r n i v a l , the Executive Secretary Kenneth J . Scarbeck R epresentatives on the Student Congress shall be elected by Night E d itor................................................ L ee Brown Men’ s Housing.................................... Oyars B alcers Campus United Nations and the All University Student 121 Beal Street d istricts in proportion to the population. Student Education Corps which Government E a s t Lansing Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan T h u rs d a y , O cto be r 31, 1963 3 C a ll F o r T o ta l A -T e s t B a n of the treaty signed in Moscow and the Soviet Union, the sponsors boycotted the Geneva' sessions, United States would insist on in­ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (S',— Aug. 5 banning tests above ground agreed to by-pass the question of took no part in the two weeks of spection. Fedorenko again called The United States, the Soviet and under w ater. That treatyi on-site inspection which the West negotiations on the draft. inspection unnecessary. Union and 15 other countries The resolution also asks all urged further negotiations " t o claim s is essential to distinguish In the comm ittee’ s continuing joined Wednesday in calling fo ra states to sign the limited test debate on disarm ament, Fed or­ achieve the discontinuance of all clandestine underground t e s t s ban on all nuclear tests includine ban treaty. This provision is ap­ enko said his country will sup­ not even mention underground test explosions of nuclear wea­ from earthquakes. pons for all tim e.’’ The Soviet Union has rejected parently aimed at Fran ce and port plans for nuclear free zones tests specifically. Instead it employs the language The resolution asks the 18- inspection demands as unneces­ Red China. and will pledge, with the United n a t i o n G e n e v a Disarmament sary and term ed them a cover C harles C . Stelle of the United States, not to introduce nuclear Com mittee to continue negotia­ tor espionage efforts. Staes and Nikolai T . Fedorenko weapons into these areas. tions to this end. The resolution was sponsored of the Soviet Union called for In an effort to avoid a U.N. by all 17 nations participating unanimous adoption of the reso ­ Romney clash between the United States at Geneva. F ra n ce , which has lution. Stelle said at Geneva the (concluded from page 1 ) AEC Grant plans for state income taxes or (continued from page 1 ) local option provisions which in­ timonial to the present quality clude city income taxes, a county of MSU’s faculty and p rogram s," auto, license fee of $5, and a said Thomas K. Cowden, dean BEAN P L A N T STUDIES — Martin J . Bukovac, professor of h o rticu ltu re , examines an auto­ one percent county real estate of the College of Agriculture. radiogram made of a bean plant which was grown in soil containing radioactive calcium . transaction tax. The major change is the re ­ " I t will be a real boost to our Bukovac’ s studies an uptake o f normal m inerals and radioactive fa llo u t m aterial by p la nt moval of the governor’ s first pro­ agricultural p rogram s.” He indicated t h e scientists illu s tra te the type o f basic plant research MSU w ill carry out on a large scale through a posal for school property tax brought to-campus would enhance m u ltim illio n -d o lla r contract w ith the Atom ic Energy Commission.__________________________ relief. Romney sought a 20 per­ the areas of horticulture, botany, cent tax cut on school property soil science and other work in levies. Instead, it is proposed that all property taxes be reduced by agriculture. It will also encour­ age h i g h calo rie graduate stu­ dents and faculty to come to MSU, New US Radio-Telescope 10 percent through state pay­ he said. ment of taxes to the local gov­ ernmental units. Another addition is a th ree- year program of increasing state Sen. Philip A. H art, D-Mich- igan, announced Wednesday that the commission had agreed to To Probe Other Galaxies negotiate a contract with MSU. aid to local school d istricts on WASHINGTON I#)— A g i a n t diam eter— sits in a bowl formed Qet a m ore detailed ana In his statement, Hart said, by mountain peaks. continuous picture of the nature a per student quota. American device capable of prob­ "The project will make Mich­ The new proposal p r o v i d e s igan State a national center for ing billions of miles into the It is expected to: ancj cap rices of the ionosphere. senior citizen homestead tax r e ­ research on the effects of ra ­ universe will be dedicated F r i ­ Detect r a d i o w a v e s from It would play an important lief on a local option basis only, day in the mountains of Puerto galaxies far beyond. role in detecting enemy ICBM’ s diation on plants and on funda­ with either d eferrals of tax pay­ Rico. Help answer such questions and in discriminating between mental plant studies generally.”. ments or outright e x e m p t i o n . Defense Department experts as whether the universe was real m issiles and decoys. "T h e choice of MSU for these Alvin D. Sokolow, instructor studies is excellent recognition hope the instrument will unlock created in one “ big bang." of political science, said that of the high quality of research some of the se cre ts of space most cities would probably con­ that could be used in guarding sider the municipal income tax P L A N T SCIENCE "" P ro je ct experiments such as th is one being conducted by Gertrude M. going on in our s ta te .” against a m issile attack. The world’ s l a r g e s t known WANT-AD SPECIAL but are holding off until the Orth illu s tra te the com plexity o f the many p la nt science projects underway here. Related call 355-8255 program is defined and passed. Romney has described his r e ­ work to be done on a large scale o f the Atom ic Energy Commission w ill make MSU a nation­ AOPi Pledges fixed-reflector rad ar and radio telescope— a gigantic steel dish and 5ave $1.75 form as a means to ease the al center for p la n t research. ______ Become Actives nearly a quarter of a mile In tax burden on the low income groups and businesses. The spring pledge cla ss of SIGN UP NOW: Romney promised a m ajor tax revision Sokolow said, and as $2 M illio n P la n t Science B u ild in g Alpha Omicron P i sorority went active Friday and was honored such he is keeping his word. at a luncheon Saturday with 22 (continued from page 1 ) teaching, at least on the graduate college of Agriculture is expected W e W il l I n t e r v ie w O n . . . In his campaign Romney did not alumni siste rs. level, Byerrum said. Also the to play an important part. specify the content, according to hope of getting such a man within The new actives a r e Sopho­ six months. AEC expects other professors mores Karen Fitzgerald, Detroit, Sokolow. Byerrum admitted that a lot and graduate assistants to use It will be the job of the d irec­ tor to plan and focus the re se a rch . the new facilities to further the of responsbility for the su ccess of the project lay with the univ­ Roberta Jolls, Southfield; Marsha Ruhling, Columbus, Ohio; Sharon THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 He will hire the staff which should research , he added. Schudder, Ferndale," and juniors e rsity . P ow er Plant eventually number 90. "W e have to get the best poss­ Marilyn Stawick, G rosse Pointe The University will select the director but his appointment is ible people," B y e r r u m said. However, he foresaw no major "T h e AEC really wantstomake a go of it,” he said. Woods; and Katherine Walker, Mason. Engineers: • Electrical • Mechanical* Industrial (continued from page 1 ) problem in this because of the was postponed until next week’ s session. subject to the approval of the AEC, said Byerrum . attractiveness of the program . The Plant R esearch Center is designed to complement the work 1 Fur Positions In ------------- The new laboratory will be Initially the AEC will finance done at Brookhaven National Lab­ In a short while Romano rose and asked that the postponement be reconsidered. built in the science complex south of Shaw Lane. It is expected to be completed by next September. the complete p roject. "Eventually we will incorpor­ ate the senior people into our oratory in New York. The effects of radiation on plant life have been found to i N O V .2 SALES ENGINEERING , He explained that since his budget," B y erru m sad . Present g Homecoming Dance It will include a greenhouse and be m ore complex and damaging first motion for postponement he plans call for the AEC to fin­ ■ underground radiation chamber than previously thought, Byerrum 09720727 had acquired additional informa­ tion. This m aterial showed that which will allow re se a rch e rs to expose plants to radiation for ance every thing else, including m aterials, and the salaries of said. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a E ‘‘ ” Inc. the University was in immediate technicians, graduate assistants P ioneer Electrical Manufacturers long periods. need of the facilities which the plant would provide. The AEC will be charged a fix and clerical staff, according to B yerrum . ATTENTION U R OWNERS MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN annual rental for the use of the Equal Opportunity Employer "They have to get 7,500 kil­ building which will cover the cost owatts of power every day from of construction over a 10 year One of Michigan State’s strong­ complete front end repair and alignment the Lansing Board of Power and est selling points was the flex­ Light to maintain the present period. Byerrum said that the AEC ibility and ease of communica­ «brakes «suspension standard,” he said. "And it’ s tion between colleges and depart­ has a two-fold reason for spon­ costing about $1,000 a day.’’ soring the research prcjefct: ments, Byerrum said. ♦ wheel balancing «steering corrections SHOP AT JACOBSON’ S THURSDAY - 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. With this information Romano Byerrum indicated that some — More r e s e a r c h on plants called for a reconsideration of the vote, nullifying action since themselves is needed before the of the department^ involved would « motor tune ups effect of radiation on vegetation be biochemistry, biophysics, bot­ the first introduction of the bill any and plant pathology. Also the Wednesday. can be thoroughly studied. —The AEC needs more good LISKEY'S AUTO SAFETY CENTER plant scientists to supply the N o v em b er 1st 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Following the reconsideration, Romano withdrew his motion for growing needs of their labora­ to ries. SPARTAN WIVES DAY w e s p e c i a l i z e o n fo r e i g n c a r s ) postponement and the bill was put before the House. Eight senior scientists will C o/id è lw fi Approval cam e with one dis­ work directly under the director senting vote and the bill was sent to the Senate for final vote. and augment the staff of the v a r­ ious departments i n v o l v e d by ANNEX S p a rta n C en ter Let our space-saver hangers save your room! Says Take The Badgers For A Cleaning! Make closet space grow! T hese e f f i c i e n t hangers join together to save up It’s time again! The nerve of to 2 /3 normal space re ­ Wisconsin to challenge our quired for trousers and sk irts. And each garment Spartans. hangs freely so there is no wrinkle worry. We’ll get those Badger whip­ ping clothes cleaned at Louis and ttfen head for Spartan Sta­ dium for the biggest display of Spartan cleaning power yet! a f o x - c o lla r e d sto rm co at hen, in your smartest celebration clothes cleaned by Louis, >p off the evening dancing to the victory music at the 1963 d e s ig n e d fo r w in te r w e a th e r in q u ilt-lin e d co tto n suede, omecoming Dance. w ith s m a rt w e lt-s e a m d e ta ilin g . The d y e d to m atch fo x fu r * c o lla r is d e ta c h a b le . H o n e y b e ig e o r b e a v e r b ro w n. 7 to 15 sizes. 4 9 . 9 5 • I m p o r t e d f u r l o b i l i d fo r c o u n t r y o f o r i g i n . Cleaners and Shirt Launderers Jcicnbsitns- 623 S. Grand River A c r o s s from S tu d e n t ÊO 2-3537 spo rtsw ear S e rv ic e s B u ild in g T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 31, 1963 4 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan i AWS Gets Ideas M SU S p u rs E c o n o m y From Nat’l Group A recent report by the Bureau of Business and Economic Re­ the 1961-62 fiscal year w ere dis­ bursed in the Ingham, Eaton and Student expenditures are also an important factor in stimu­ $16.5 million to private enter­ p rise. Associated Women Students, Buffalo, N.Y. and Garnet Veld, search cites MSU as a prim e stim ­ Clinton counties a r e a , which lating the economic life of the The athletic p r o g r a m drew governing body for approximately Kalamazoo senior. ulus for economic growth in the meant about $55.5 million worth are a , according to the rep ort. 274,000 people to E ast Lansing “ The national conventions a re G reater Lansing a rea. of income for the region. It estim ates that the m ore than f o r football games during 1962- 10,500 Michigan State coeds, is very worthwhile. Many of the The report noted that the first 13,000 students living in Univer­ 63. The Athletic Department es­ one of over 200 m em bercolleges ideas for the reorganization of Main sou rces of income for the recipients of operating expense sity dorm itories 1962-63 spent timated about 91,300 of t h e s e of the intercollegiate A ssocia­ State's AWS board stemmed from area generated by the Univer­ income also spent part of it lo­ about $300 each on locally pur­ cam e from outside the a re a . More tion of Women. Students. the national convention in Okla­ sity include operating expenses, cally, generating a sm aller se c ­ chased item s, adding $3.9 mil­ than 50,000 persons participated "JAW'S i s .i nation al o r g a n - hom a," said Garnet Veld, co ­ f a c u l t y sa la rie s, construction ond round of income. lion to the local income stream . in continuing education events on iz atio n which w o r k s with lo ca l president of AWS. co sts, student expenditures, ath­ During the past decade, the campus last y ear. AWS g ro u p s t aw ard s the f u l f i l l ­ letic activities and continuing University has completed new [Xiring the same y ear, th ere buildings totalling $92.7 million. were also 2,550 m arried and The report points out the Uni­ ment of m utua lly d e t e r m i n e d n a ­ tional p o l i c i e s , " a c c o r d i n g to Phi Mu Holds education program s. University officials estimated Many of the con tracts for the 7,330 students living in private versity plays the sam e role in Raye Popp, c o - p r e s i d e n t of AWS and G e n e s e , N .V ., s e n i o r . Hayride, Dance that 80 per cent of MSU* s $ 69 million operating expenses for buildings have been awarded to local firm s. housing. The report estimated these students contributed about local economy as a private bus­ iness. Members of Phi Mu sorority P r o b l e m s r e l a t i n g to the r o l e and their dates attended a hay­ FLIN T, (UPI)— The University ana r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s of women stud ents in l o c a l , national a ride and barn dance Saturday night. of Michigan is currently consid­ Flirts 'Ham-To-HarrT ering the possibilities of turning Internationa a r e a s a r e s o m e 01 The dance, followed by folk its Flint Senior College into a its m a j o r c c c e r n s . Its p u r p o s e i s to s t i m u l a t e the d evelo p m en t of the ed ucated singing, was held at Barb Booth s house in Owosso. four —year educational facility. Blind Coed Operates Radio wom an, to e n c o u r a g e h e r c o n t r i ­ bu tio ns in t h e i n t e r n a ti o n a l , T h e change from the raised to r s " , according to a d v i s e r ato r’ s license and can copy code s o c i a l , p o l i t i c a l and in t e lle c tu a l dots of B raille to the dashes Thomas L . Drake. at about 45 words per minute, s p h e r e s , and to m o t iv a te the f u lfillm e n t of h e r individual po­ and dots of M orse code has She has been interested in ham radio operating for about even though she doesn’t write the message as she receives it, PIANOMAN GARY JOHNSON proved no problem at all to one t e n t i a l. member of the MSU Amateur Ra­ four years. Drake said. r,I had a boyfriend who was a An a u d i b l e warning device F in g e r s , T o o ! dio Club. JAW'S h a s s e t up a Nation al ham and 1 just wanted to know which enables her to control the C l e a r i n g h o u s e C o m m i t t e e at Ohio N a n cy O r t o n , B i r m i n g h a m what he was talking about,” Nan­ radio’ s power is the only adap­ S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y to a s s i s t e x ­ ch ang e of i n f o r m a t i o n a m o n g m em b er sc h o o ls . T h e c o m m ittee s o p h o m o r e , (K8QEI), who has been blind since birth, is one of the c l u b ’ s " te r r if ic opera­ cy said. "Now I wouldn’t give it up for the world.’ ’ Nancy holds a general oper- tation she needs to operate. Nancy's favorite ham pastime is the sending and receiving of H onky-Tonker s e n d s at l e a s t s i x nation al r e ­ personal "tra ffic m e ssa g e s." p o r t s to m e m b e r s annually. A lso , it f i l e s a ll AWS b o a r d annual r e ­ p o r t s and c o m p l e t e d q u e s t i o n ­ 3 R e p re se n t M SU "T h ey ’re like telegram s, only they don’t cost anything," she said. > Plays By Ear n a i r e s by sch o o l and s u b j e c t a r e a . Some one who has a message A dog may be the best friend "T h e re ’ s nothing I like better B y r e f e r r i n g to t h e s e f i l e s , they asks a ham in his area to con­ of some men, but Gary Johnson’ s than to get together with the a r e a b l e to a n s w e r r e q u e s t s f o r in f o r m a t i o n f r o m local AWS A t R e la t io n s M e e t tact an operator in the re ce iv e r’s are a . The m essage is then sent best friend is his piano. Johnson, a senior in chemical guys and let *er g o ." Johnson said he considers his boards. "ham -toham ” and phones to the engineering, has built a repu­ musical ability a gift. Three officers of the campus He pointed out the contrast National co n v e n ti o n s a r e held between the economic and edu­ receiv er. tation in W estern Michigan for "M usic to me is a way of National Association for the Ad­ " I ’ ve handled quite a few m es­ his ability to play a specially meeting and enjoying frien d s," in odd y e a r s and re g i o n a l c o n ­ vancement of Colored People re ­ cational advances made by the ven tion s a r e held in even y e a r s . Negro in recent tim es and the sages from servicem en in C ali­ tuned h o n k y -t 0 n k piano. L ast he said. “ It helps me to feel cently returned from a three-day fornia to their folks in th is a r e a ," summer he played at several a part of people.” Human Relations Workshop at discrimination and segregation T h e 1963 JAW'S nation al c o n ­ that still exists, said Gordon, Nancy said. "T h e re ’ s more pa­ community events, including the While playing at a chemical Battle C reek. per work involved, but it makes Newaygo C o u n t y and Zeeland company picnic during the sum­ vention w as at O klahom a U n iv ­ Maxie Gordon, J r . , Columbia, president of the campus NAACP e r s i t y , N o rm a n , in M a r c h . MSU chapter. you feel like you’re doing good fairs. m er, Johnson had an opportunity S.C ., senior, Edna M a d i s o n , He played at the Lowell Show­ to talk with the president and r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s w e r e M i s s Mab el “ Hunt said that although the for somebody." ' M e m p h i s , Tenn., senior, and P e t e r s o n , AWS a d v i s e r ; A p ril Nancy ‘Chats’ With Friend On Sending Set Gloria Gibson, Washington sen­ Negro has risen almost to the The limited range of Nancy's boat in 1960 and returned there discuss e m p l o y m e n t . J o h n s o n McMahon, MSU g ra d u a te f r o m top of our government hierarchy home set makes foreign contacts last sum m er to play the cal­ said the president seemed inter­ ior, represented MSU at th e impossible, but she has made liope. ested in him. and has perm eated most of the NAACP Dance weekend workship sponsored by the N a t i o n a l Conference of colleges of our contry, he is many friends among area opera­ to rs. At Sparta High School his piano playing made him the star of the After graduation Johnson feels that he will have little time to The campus NAACP chapter Christians and Jew s. s t i l l o f t e n t h e l a s t one WANT-AD SPECIAL will sponsor an open dance F r i - Chester Hunt, professor of so­ day 9- 12 p.m . in Union parlors ciology at Western Michigan Uni­ hired and the first one fire d ," Gordon said. Her most constant radio com ­ panion these days is a Purdue Varsity Club m instrel show for two straight years. perform . He said, however, that he hopes to play for University University student. Yet Johnson does not read functions this vear. B and C. versity, delivered the keynote ad­ "H e is still the product of C A L L 355-8255 "W e really flirt together on music and has had only two Admission is 50:00 — Psi Upsilon-Phi Sigma 7 — East Shaw (Tayior)-Bryan defensive specialist Ron Frain. Kappa or Wilson 6:45 — Phi Gamma Delta-A.E.Pi 8 — Snyder (McKeown)-Case or OF PEARL AN D DINNER FOR TWO 7:30 — Beta Theta Pi-D .T.D . 8:15 — Uncle Toms-Owen Owis Emmons D iffic u lt P a r t Is N ex t SAPPHIRE D IAM O N D RINGS (For tha prie» of on«) 9:00 — Asher-Num ricals . Filet Mignon 9:45 - - B TS-C ar 'iers 7:45 Doubles 1 — Bryan (Bender & Doll iff)— F o r * B a s k e tb a ll T ea m All 30% Off Regular Prices . Chicken Case (Davis & Roelof) Field 2 2 — East Shaw (Parker & Doig)- biggest problem seems to be A ny g ift o c c a sio n w ill re m a in in her . Shrimp West Shaw (Burek & Hardee) After spending over a week or m e m o ry w he n you e n c irc le th e 6:00 - Phi Kappa Tau-Phi Kappa the fast break and concentrating that the State defense is no 3 — McDonel (Nelson & Kahn)- organized with a safety valve. A d a y by c irc lin g h er fin g e r w ith one Sigma prim arily .on offense, the basket­ IV 5 -7 J7 9 Snyder (Weber & Swanson) safety valve in basketball is . of th e se e x q u is ite c re a tio n s . 321 E. M ichigan CLOSED Sunday 6:45 - S.A .M .-L.C .A . ball team spend this week work­ 4 — Bailey (Lanka & Chappie)- player who doesn’t go in for ; 7:30 - Sigma Chi -Delta Chi Wonders (Hufford & Kirstein) ing on defense. 8:15 — Theta Chi-A.G.R. "T h is is the difficult part," rebound and stays back watching for the fast break. 9:00 — Sigma Epsilon-Delta Sig­ ma Phi 8:30 Doubles said Coach Forrdy Anderson 1 — Emmons (Karlson & Rodman) " F i r s t you show them how tt “ The; drill that we’re using has B E H IN D you- 9:45 — B eal-C ripplers beat a defense and then yot to be done several more times Bryan or Case 2 — Wilson (Goud & Moravan)- have to show them how to pu' y e t , " he said. "T he players art is important too Field 3 up a supposedly unbeatable de­ taking too many chances on de­ E ast Shaw or West Shaw 6:00 — PhiSigma D elta-Pi Kappa 3 — Arm strong-Bailey or Won­ fense. fense, such as trying to inter­ 3hi According to Anderson, the cept the ball. ders 6:45 - A,T.O .-Theta Delta Chi WOMEN'S "T oo often the offense gets 7:30 - Phi Delts-Triangle- around them .” 2 DIAMONDS & 2 CULTURED PEARLS 3:15 — Farmhouse-Sigma Nu V o lle y b a ll R esults (Losers) 4:00 - • Z .B ,T .-P h i Kappa Psi ‘ Kappa Alpha Theta, (Alpha Gam­ H a r r ie r s H e also plans to work on s 9:45 - Delta Upsilon-Kappa Sig- ma Delta) press-defense this week. 10 DIAMONDS & STAR SAPPHIRE ma AlDha Omicron P i, (Zeta Tau Alpha) P re p Fo r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Football R esults Delta Zeta, (Alpha Phi) 2 HIS PIANO! S EASY CREDIT TERMS S Michigan t a t eState’sMcrosscou e en tryt Windjammer 26, Winshire 8 Worship 14, W orcester 6 Wolverine 14, Woodbridge 0 The Women’s 1M Building is open the following hours for re c ­ team will be off on their first ■ reation: leg of the championship season ■ HIS ORCHES TRA! ■ C LAUD E T H O R N H ILL ■ ■ ■ Wm. H. Thompson Jeweler Wollstone 14, Woodward 6 Red Trojans 28, Kiljoys 14 Monday thru Friday — 9 a.m . - Saturday when they head for Kala­ 9 p.m. Mall Court Frandor_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mazoo to run in the first annual Zcker Devils 27, Huskies 0 Saturday - - 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. State Federation Meet. Druids 27, Rambling Wrecks 6 The State Federation Meet was 3acons Hams 18, Dollar 65’s 0 Pills 37, S.O.C. I 0 Pool,hours: organized to replace the State Monday thru Friday — 12 noon- AAU meet. All colleges and uni­ Y o u 'll Score In Clothes bachelors 7, S.O.C. II O(Forfeit) Fastbacks 20, P .E . #4 0 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. v ersities in Michigan a re eligible Saturday —■ 11:30 a.m . - 3 p.m. SLACKS Horde 7, P ackers 6 Vets 32, Smity’ s Raiders 0 (continued on page 9) Cleaned and Laundered at Flash. TH Duffwackers 33, Mets 7 Rangoon 20, Evans Scholars 13 FIT ‘ Fyjimo’ s 20, B agrats 0 Bethal Manor 12, Blue B lazers 0 Flying Dutchman 26, Lions 7 Worthington 5, Wooster 0 Fall f o o t b a l l we at her Wolverton 6, Wormwood 0 Snyder (13) 13, Snyder (11) 0 Nads 31, Phingues 9 TROLL TAMING IS A BIG can be rough on c l o t h e s . F.E .S.S . 6, Brodyodors 0 THING ON CAMPUS T h at ’ s w h y w h e n you Six Pak 25, B ristol 7 Residence Hall Badmitton want to look your bes t for a big weekend y o u Court 6:15 Singles 1 — McDonel (Newton)-Emmons should think f i r s t of (Girard) 2 — East Shaw (Kennedy)-Won- Flash. Y o u ’ ll score W in e r ’s ex clu siv e co n to u r ders (Fink) tailorin g com p letely elim in ates 3 — Bailey (L arch er) -Wilson points for good g r o o m ­ (Abel) the unsightly bag and sag 4 — West Shaw (B eck er)- Sny­ ing in c l o th e s cleaned der (Hammond) so ap p aren t to the gals just 5 — Bailey (Vrabel)-Arm strong and laundered at . . . behind you. 6 — Wonders (Browning)-West Shaw (Steinberger) T all-S hort-S lim 7 — Bryan (Campbell)-Wilson O r Stout (Mansfield) 8 — Case (Greiner)-Em mons T r y A W in e r — Y o u r C h o ice O f F a b r ic (Marston) Have your own real Troll S ta rt A t $ 1 4 .9 5 Court 7:00 Singles 1 — Armstrong-(McDonel or Em­ to keep the'baddies away mons) 99' 2 - - Bryan (Connoi)-East Shaw A genuine 3 " high kookie V/ish- N ik. He (or she) has a m ile or % PHONE IV 4 9713 se o( so ft,srh fy 1»aTr To stroke grtryrl ,Reql cute!, ‘CnKRGE iT •M ^jsitch eM k*o s. OPEN IVtRY MIGHT TO * FRANDOR Open «unday Mean to A CENTER # FRANDO R S H O P P IN G C E N TER LANSING 8 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 31, 1963 Beginning tomorrow you may place a PHONE 5 day, 15 word want-ad for only $2.00 355-8255 NOVEMBER WANT-AD SPECIAL —SAVE $1.75 and sell your “ Don't wants" for that wanted CASH! 355-8256 355-8291 Automotive it Automotive it Employment it For Sale +C For Sale m low 1958 PONTIAC Bonneville sports 1957 CHEVY. V -8. floor shift, coupe, power steering, brakes, B e l-A ir, 2 -d o o r, hardtop. New excellent condition. $850. Call whitewall tire , sa crifice , $550. DEPENDABLE C O F F E E counter w aitresses for full time work. No Sundays. Apply in person at POODLES-Puppies, 12 w e e k s old. Fem ale, $100; Male, $60. Call IV 2 -2 5 4 9 . 29 MOBILHOME 1955-Schultz. ex­ cellent condition, living room, kitchen, double study, bathroom. Placement .W A N T A D * AUTOMOTIVE 372-2393 after 5 p.m. AUSTIN - HEALEY s p r i t e - 1961-rwo tops, tonneau, radio, 27 Phone 3 5 5 -0 7 6 6 . 1956 O L D S convertible. £ood shape. $250. Phone JV 9 -1 8 9 5 , 26 The Spudnut Shop, 225 M.A.C. Ave. 28 COMPLETE L O V E L Y ' bedroom Ideal for mari ied graduate stu­ set, two end tables, and pink dents, call 332-4763, evenings. WE HAVE need of three g irls form al, size 12. Call ED 2-2 9 8 4 . 30 Bureau «EMPLOYMENT rebuilt engine. Good Condition. 29 HEATHKIT TX- 1 ’’ Apache'’ X- Students must reg ister at Chem istry (bio-analytical, o r­ 412 Haze, Lansing. Michigan. 27 t0 ^ ^ 1 ° ^ c* a^h Call 337-0656 after 5 p.m . 26 at $10 for 1,000. Call F red E lch - HAMMOND ORGAN-Model B and m ltter, Heathkit AA-151 sterec lea st two days p rior to in ­ ganic, physical (D). •FOR RENT 1958 V-W m icrobus, c u r t a i n s , horn_ 332_0716 o r 337-0924. M .G .t.O . red, 1952. ATT nevv bed, e x p e n s e log, $600. Call L eslie tone cabinet. Excellent Amp. H e a t h k i t P T - 1 AM-FM te rvie w . Royal Oak Public Schools: low­ •FOR SALE 2g condition. $1425. Call 485-6625 tuner, all in excellent condition. top, side curtains, carp et, new 339-8905. Anchor Hocking G lass C orp.: e r and middle elementary: math •LOST & FOUND 29 28 Call ED 2-4 3 9 0 . 30 front tire s. Power train, excel­ VV’AITftESS FU L L or part tim e. after 5 p.m . accounting (B): chem istry (B); (secondary); hard of h e a r i n g : •PERSONAL lent. $800. IV 9-4 7 1 3 . 26 R E N A U L T DAUPHINE. i9 6 0 , Neat and reliable. Apply Miller CARPET SAMPLE ¿A L E : over UNDERWOOD ELECTRIC type- civil (B), chemical (B ), ele ctri­ speech correction (M). •PEANUTS PERSONAL sunroof, w e l l kept, excellent Dairy Store, Okemos. 30 1000 samples to choose from . w riter, excellent condition, $175, cal (B), and mechanical (B) en­ Young, Skutt and Breitenw is- 195" FORD, stick shift. 4-door call 355-8178. 29 tire s . See at 1418 Linval, call PART TIME experienced meat Ideal for throw rugs, patch work gineers; industrial administra­ ch er: accounting (B,M ). •REAL ESTATE sedan, radio and heater. $200 . Phone 337--213. 27 485-0970. *7 clerk, apply in person, Prince carp ets, c a r m ats, door m ats, TWIN BEDS - B o o k c a s e read - tion (B ): marketing (B) and all Thursday and F rid ay, •SERVICE FORD- !Q63, Galaxie, '500,' X- L, MOTORCYCLE B ro s. Supermarket, 555 E. Grand dog m ats. Can be seen at 4382 b o a r d s , m a t t r e s s and box others (B) for sales. Novi 7 an d 8 •TRANSPORTATION convertible. 390 engine. White 1963 HONDA 50 c .c . CllO, 500 River, East Lansing. 28 Oakwood p r . F o rest Hills, Oke­ springs. 1 year old. Call 355- T h e Budd C o.: mechanical, •WANTED mos. After 4 p.m . and all day 0090. 8 a .m .-5 p.m. Reasonable. electrical (B,M) engineers; in­ Bell A erosystem s C o.: elec­ with black top and interior. Power miles, like new condition. $275. PART-TIM £ help n e e d e d de- DEADLINE: bucket seats, brakes, windows Call ED 2 -6 6 9 8 after 4 p.m. livery boys, $1.30 per hour. Plus Saturday. 28 30 dustrial administration ( B, M) : trical, mechanical (B,M,D) en­ gineers; applied mechanics (M,D) I p.m. one class day be­ and steering. Seat belts, auto­ 28 TEN -SPEED racing bike. E x - STEREO-G E R R A R D turntable, and business (B,M ). bonus. CALL ED 2-6 5 1 7 . 28 Great L a k e s Steel C o r p . : fore pub lica tion . matic transm ission, e x c e l l e n t HARLEY DAVIDSON-165 m otor- BABY SITTER for 2 p re-sch ool- cellent condition. B e s t offer. heathkit, 50 watt amplifier, AM- The Dow Chemical C o.: a c­ counting (B,M ). chemical (B ), e l e c t r i c a l (B) C o n c e l lo t Io n s • 12 n o o n O n e condition, low mileage, $2775. bike, in good c o n d i t i o n . Call e rs in my home near Berkey. B arbells, 110 pounds, $15. Call FM tuner, 2 Jensen speaker units. mechanical (B ), and metallurgi­ c/oss day before publ¡cation Phone ED 2-5317. 27 Bruce 355-6753. 28 Mon. Wed. F r i . Hours 2 -5 . Call Rick, 332 -5 0 5 3 . 26 Call Jim , IV 9-3 0 6 9 or 355- Hot Shoppes, Inc. — Air Line 9714. 28 Catering Division: hotel, restau­ cal (B,M) engineers. PHONE: 1 95 5 FORD, 2-door, rusty but ^ Employment 332-8544. 28 AUSTIN HEALEY OWNERS-Be set for winter, hardtop, $180 CORNET-HORTEN, l i k e n e w . rant, and institute management International Business Mach- reliable, $139. C a l l 337-2280 in e s --E le c tric Typewriter Divi­ 355-8255 evenings. 26 WAITRESSES WANTED-Evening For Rent new, yours for $90. Call ED $50. Phone IV 9 -7 2 0 0 28 (B). International H arvester Co.: sion: mechanical, e l e c t r i c a l , RATES: R e c li n in g seats in i960 Ramb- shift, 4 to 12. Apply in person, APARTMENT 2-4753. 26 LADIES C LOTHING, sizes 9-11. Very good condition. 534 Durand agricultural, c i v i l , electrical, chem ical, metallurgical (B,M) 1 DAY S I.25 ler Deluxe. Offered by original no phone calls please. Yankee BICYCLES-Rentals, Sales, an3 m echanical, metallurgical (B,M) engineers: and physics (B,M). owner, 4-door, stick shift. Good Cone Shop, 401 East Mt. Hope. FURNISHED TW O b e d r o o m Service- Also used. East L ans­ or phone ED 2 -6 3 7 8 . 29 IBM—Data Systems Division: 3 DAYS.. . . S2.50 engineers: and business (B,M). rubber, very clean, no rust, en­ 29 apartment for 3 -4 - 5 o r 6 stu­ ing C ycle, 1215 EastG rand R iver, UNPAINTED BlRCH furniture, electrical, mechanical, chemical 5 DAYS. . . . $3.75 gine completely reconditioned. COUNTER-CLERK, part - time, dents. Available now. Call Glenn 3 blocks E ast of campus. Phone metal cabinets, carp et, linoleum, (B,M) engineers; math, physics, The Magnavox Co.: electrical (Based on 15 words per ad) $ 6 7 5 . ED 7-7213. 27 night shift. Variety of hours. D. H arris, IV 5-2261 or even­ 332-8303. C appliances and T.V. Save on new (B,M) engineers. business administration (B,M). F o r interview come in, 8 a .m .- ings, IV 2 -1 0 0 9 , EdwardG. Hack­ and used at Storage Furniture IBM: engineering, b u s i n e s s , There w ill be a 25* service' CONSOLE 1?“’ T .V ., new p ic- R .J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.: CORVETTE. 1960, 290 h.p. fuel 4 p.m. 131 E . Kalamazoo. 26 e r. 38 Sales 2.4 miles North of Grand arts and letters, social science, and bookkeeping charge if injection, 4-speed, positraction, ture tube. One year guarantee. G R A D U A T E S T U D E N T and Blonde cabinet, like new. E x­ River Ave. on North U.S. 27. communication a rts (B,M,D). this ad is not paid within one week. __ 4.11., two tops. Excellent con­ HOWARD JokNSON'S A dor is adding to its staff. Girls t F ra n - spouse. L arge one bedroom fur­ Phone IV 7-0173. C26 Service Linde Division—Union Carbide dition. Call 355-2944. 26 cellent condition, $59.95. Call interested in working with the nished apartment including util­ THE STATESMEN for the finest Corp.: chem ical, mechanical, el­ IV 9 -1 9 8 2 . 29 it Automotive AUSTIN HEALEY, 1955, wire public should apply for w aitress wheels, electric overdrive and position, immediately! ities, telephone, to responsible couple for winter term . Close R EA SO N A B LE-PLA Y PEN , 410 ★ Lost & Found sound in dance and party music. ectrica l, and civil (B,M) engin­ e e rs. 30 LOST: Small Blue change purse. Phone 355-3232 . 26 1959 V O L K S W A G E N c o n v e r t i b l e . two tops. Best offer 355-2621. to campus. Phone ED 2-3454. single shot gun, chest, r o ll-a - Friday, Nov. 8 AVON starts CHRISTMAS INOC- Containing keys, lost in front of F a c t o r y r e b u ilt en gin e, 1961 s y n ­ 28 TO BER-Start a profitable selling 28 way bed, r o c k i n g - c h a i r , love auditorium. Call 355-7746. 26 ALTERA TIONS-Hems, zippers, and button holes. By form er sew­ Air F o rce L ogistics Command: cro -m esh tran sm ission . S 9 5 0 . 1954 FORD 2-door, blue, $150. ca re e r by showing and demon­ EAST LAN&ING-Girls to share seat, bookcases, ironing board, electrical, civil (B) engineers. C a l l ED 2 - 1 1 S3. SP A R T A N Ml »T O R'S INC. 28 Can be seen at 1720 Hamilton strating their quality products. Road. Okemos, Call ED 2-8818. We train You. F o r appointment double room . P rivate entrance. lam ps, dish es, hot-plates, ro a s­ 2 blocks to campus. Phone ED te r, coffee-m ak er, electric fry - 'it Peanuts Personal ing instructor. Call 332-2949. 26 A m e r i c a n M o t o r s Corp: mechanical (B) and electrical C O M P A C T CAR S A L E 26 in your home write or call even­ 2 -5 1 5 7 28 pan, to aster, b rie f-ca se . Call IV JOHNA, astrology stamping out WHY PAY MORE? F o r p rofes- 9 -2 8 5 9 . 27 rats and studying-fun, Kip. 26 (B,M) engineers. FORD, 1959, radio, heater, good ings, M rs. Alana Huckins, 5664 sional dry cleaning, WENDROWS. Pants, s k i r t s , sw eaters, 60£. Crawford and Co. (Insurance C O R V A IR M o n z a , 1962 4 - s p e e d , tire s . Excellent condition. $595. School St., Haslett, Michigan, W IN T E R T E R M GlRLS ÒOa T and jacket, size DEAR LITTLE ONE, Happy an- 14. Two jack ets, m isses size niversary, even if the south won't Plain d r e s s e s , suits, coats, Adjusters): all m ajors, all col­ Phone FE 9-8085. 29 telephone F E 9 -8 4 8 3 . C26 1 5 ,0 0 0 m i l e s . 1959 OPEL stationwagon, good SAMPLER: Young lady to do . AT the riv e r’ s edge 10 and 14. Girl Scout uniform, rise again. The Nut. 27 $1.19. 3006 Vine St. 1/2 block leges (B). west of Fran d or. C26 Dana Corp.: accounting (B,M). size 16. Phone IV 2-2514. 27 THETA’S ENTER the first an- condition, $300. Call 332-0509 in -sto re sampling of C oca-C ola, apartments on the cedar F actory M u t u a l Engineering CORVAI R, 1962, ' " 0 0 ’ 2 - d o o r , T Y P E W R I T E R , PORTABLE nual D.U. tricy cle ra ce , Signed b e f o r e 10 a.m . or after 4 p.m. Sprite , and TAB, Friday after­ riv e r st. M U L T IL IT H -T H E S E S , C ards, Division: engineering and natural b acki red i n t e r i o r s ta n d a rd s h ift . Smith-Corona, instruction man­ D .U .'s. 26 27 noons and evenings, Saturdays, ED 2-4432 papers. No printing job too small. science (B). Nev. c r ecu dition. uals, reconditioned 9 months ago, 1958 F O R D , 4-d o o r station apply in person. Coca-Cola Bot­ Call TU 2-9610. 27 Fairlane S c h o o 1 D i s t r i c t : O R V A IR , 1 9 6 0 ' ? 0 0 4 - d o o r g r a y wagon, standard shift,overdrive. tling Co. 1510 N. Grand River HOUSE $45 . 332-8146 after 5 p.m. 27 it Personal music teacher (B,M); and speech ’57 Volkswagen Kombi. Mechan­ Ave. BABY BATHINETTE, $6. c a r - CRUISES ARE relaxing let us DIAPER SERVICE to your dé­ correction ist (B, M). with m a tch in g i n t e r i o r standard 26 HOUSE LOCATED 126 J o n e s , ically good. OX 9-2 6 3 5 . 27 bed, $5, gray winter co at, $7, arrange one to fit your budget. sire . You receive your own dia­ F a r Bureau I n s u r a n c e : a c ­ half-way b e t w e e n college and TOWN AND COUNTRY FOOD blue coat, $5, two raincoats, Call Main T rav el, IV .4-4442. p ers back each tim e. With our counting (B). V O L K S W A G E N 'S 1 9 6 2 - 1959, 8 1958 Delray, 2-door, 6 cylinder capitol. T hree bedrooms, gas COMPANY needs men. M arried $3- each, size 12-14. 332-4597. C27 Fulton Schools: elementary ed­ d if f e re n t m o d e 's to c h o o s e f r o m , standard. New tire s , original up­ heat. 3 -6 students. IV 2-6477 serv ice, you may include up to perferred with time on their _ _ _ _ _ _ 26 VERY SHORT cou rse in basic two pounds of your baby’ s under­ ucation (B). h a r d t o h s and s u n r o o f s in a s s o r t - holstery. Immaculate through­ or TU 2-0771. 27 hands to work at exceptional FA N -T ravel tra ile r, 2$ ft. 1663 i n s u r a n c e available for those sh irts and clothing which will not Harnischfeger C orp.: mechan­ out. 1956 V - 8 , 4-door wagon. NICELY FURNISHED, unsuper­ selling job. F o r appointment call model. Like new, p rice is right. buying protection from Bubolz fade. White, blue o r pink dia­ ical, electrical (B), and civil Immaculate also: P riced to sell. vised housing for g irls. Two 484-4317. • C Phone 882-0033 or 487-3357. 26 Insurance-Auto, F ire , H o m e , per pails furnished. engineers (B): accounting (B ). Home of p e r s o n a lly s e l e c t e d used J .B .’ s Used C a rs, Exclusively blocks from shopping and cam ­ REGISTERED NURSES, 11-7 o r A P P L E S - S e v e r a l varieties. Business, ED 2-8 6 7 1 . C26 Manufacturers National Bank: Chevrolets. TU 2-1 4 7 8 . C26 pus. Call M rs. Kemp 332-6736. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE 3-11 shift. Full or part time. F resh sweet cid er daily. Hallo­ ORTHO-VENT-the s h o e wi t h accounting (B); banking and fin­ _____________________________ 30 914 E . G ier Street 3 0 0 0 East Michigan 1960 FALCON, 4-door sedan, Good Salary a n d differential. ween and pie pumpkins. Home ance (B,M); and business (B,M). spring step design for new com ­ Lansing, Mich. grown tom atoes. F arm fresh eggs New York Central System R. I-V 7 - 3 7 1 5 C2 ~ automatic, reliable, economical Meal furnished. Phone ED 2 - ROOMS fort. S e e it now. C a l l Bob IV 2 -0 8 6 4 C transportation, call ED 2-0 2 5 8 0802. 38 also other fruits and vegetables R .: civil, electrical, mechanical i ( i R V E T E E , 19^0, b la c k , 4 - PRIVATE ROOM for gentleman. Brooks, 355-3021. Weekdays af­ T.V . RENTALS for students. E c­ after 4 p.m . 26 at reasonable p rice s. Roadside engineers; transportation, econ­ sp e ed , 2 8 3 h.p. C ar, B e s e e n at Two blocks from Union. P ri­ ter 5:30 p.m . Weekends anytime. onomical rates by the term and F arm M arket, 3 m iles east of omics, accounting (B) and m ar­ M e l ' s S e r v i c e . 3 1 5 W. G ran d 1061 OLDS, 20,000 m iles, new F U L L a n d P A R T T IM E vate entrance and phone. Call E ast Lansing on Grand R iver. 28 month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT- keting (B,M); chem istry (B,M) R i v e r . P hon e 3 3 2 - 3 2 5 5 o r E D 2 - tire s, full ppwer, hydromatic, ED 2- 1441. 29 ELECTROLYSIS SUPERFLUOUS A L S -355-6026. Call after 5. c Old U.S. 16 at Okemos Road. C and production management (B). 1706. 3C very good condition, $1,690. Call E m p lo y m e n t SINGLE ROOM-private entrance hair removed permanently by Owens-Illinois Technical Cen­ 19' 1 C OR VAI R MON/A C o upe. 372-0453. 28 GET MORE for your money than short wave method. Over 20 y ears TYPING SERVICE with off street parking. Avail­ te r: mechanical, chemical (B) m a t ¡ c t r a n s m i s s i o n 9 8 h.p. TRIUMPH, 1962, T .R .3 road- ste r. Attractive yellow finish with F e m a le able now $8 p er week. 1060 ren t-receip ts. 1962 10 X 50 M ar- experience. Phone Lyle C lark. lette, only $400 down. 489-0625. IV 2-7744. FR EE PICKUP an d delivery. engineees; p h y s i c s (B,M,D); radi- , p r e m i u m t i r e s . Must be 35 N. C edar. 26 General typing $ .4 0 / page. Same chem istry (analytical, organic, sole! i 5 d a y s . C a n b e bought white top. Black leather interior INTERVIEWING DAILY 27 GR1ZELDA, you can go Friday NICELY FURNISHED room for day serv ice. Phone 694-8111. inorganic, p h y s i c a l ) (B,M,D); n e a r w h o le s a l e f i g u r e . P r i v a t e and white w a l l tire s. Com­ 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. VERY FINE GIBSON acou stic- because you’ re 18. Lenny can one g irl. Phone ED 2-6604. 26 ___________________________31 and-materials technology (B,M,D) nc-r. Phone 3 3 2 - 0 0 0 9 o r 3 3 2 - pletely reconditioned and ready 401 E . GRAND RIVER e le ctric guitar with plush ca se . drink his favorite Beverage Sat­ XEROX COPIES anything: even Charles P fizer and Co., In c.:- 5 5 3 0 ' betw een 6 and 7 p .m . for thousands of trouble free E . LANSING MEN: one single room. Unap­ Cost $300, must sacrifice also urday at the K. of C. with E rik - pages in a bound book. Aldln- all m ajors, all c o l l e g e s , for 75 m iles!! A1 Edwards Sports C ar proved. Two m iles from campus professional guitar lessons. 355- o. Maudie. 26 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. ger D irect Mail, 533 N. Clip- sales; chemical (B,M) engineers. 19t I V.W. Blacl Center. 616 N. Howard. . C27 in O k e m o s . Call ED 2-4590. 8159, evenings. 26 ARE YOU PAYING more than AT p ert. IV 5 -7 9 1 3 . C United S t a t e s Rubber C o.: rad io, h e a t e r , rec lin in g 1957 FORD, 2-d oor, automatic, Gerda. 27 FANTASTIC SALE-You name it, you need to for auto insurance? 3425 E . SAGINAW mechanical (B,M ), chemical (B, 51095, p h o n e 355-9904 r e b u i l t T -b ird e n gi ne , radio, BACHELOR HOUSE-single and we got it! Furniture, housewares, Call or see your State Farm TERM PAPERS, Theses and gen­ M), electrical (B,M) engineers; 30 heater, r u n s perfectly, $275. NEAR Gd. RIVER double room s, furnished. F o r curtains, h o s p i t a l uniforms, agent and com pare p rices. Ask eral typing. Experienced IBM chem istry (B,M ); physics (B); 1 96 0 B L T C K , all w hite, 4 - d o o r Phone P e rry , 625-3173. 29 Mon. Through F r i . men over 21. F re e parking. IV clothes. Phone 485-5811. 27 for GEORGE TOBIN or ED KAR­ e le ctric, Marianne Harrington, and math (B). hardtop . 1963 F o r G alaxie XL 2-6 4 7 7 or TU 2-0771. 27 Phone 372-3280. 27 19o8 CHEVY, 6-cylinder stick, ENGLISH BIKES 3-speed. $39.95. MANN, IV 5-7 2 6 7 , In Frandor. 5 0 0 c o n v e r t i b l e . M ust s e l l . M ak e F o r The OPENING C26 excellent condition, call 484-3517 ROOMS FOR-1 or 2 persons. Re­ ACE HARDWARE a cro ss from THESIS TYPING and printing, offer. ED 2 -2 6 0 2 . 30 after 4 p.m. 27 cently red ecorated, clean, quiet. Union building. ED 2-3212. Also UNCLE FUD’S -F o r the best Ko- Wonch G rafie, 1720 E a s t Mich­ Of The ( LAS S I C, 1953) XK Ï2Ô m o d i- fied J a g u a r co upe, n e e d s v e r y 1946 PLYMOUTH coupe, good FA BU LO U S NEW Close to c a r line and parking. bike baskets and parts. IV 4-2289. 27 c sher sandwiches in Town East Grand River Ave. F o r Delivery, igan Ave. Lansing, Phone 484- 7786. C27 E u ro p e a n l i t t l e work, $ 8 0 0 . E D 2 - 8 6 7 6 . transportation, $75. ED 2-0742 tlR lT l ANY PU PS-4 months old BUTLER, NORTH. On bus line registered . North on U.S. 27. 332-5689. C 30 after 5 p.m. I960 OPEL stationwagon, green, 29 B IG B O Y near downtown. Clean, private 3 /4 m ile east on Alward Road. ' D E A R LINUS: R e m e m b e r , COLLEGE P A P E R S TYPED. Royal E le ctric P ica. Phone M rs. C a m p u se s 1959 C H E W 2-door, red B is- room, $35 monthly; Phone IV Phone 6 6 9 -6152, Dewitt. 26 Thursday nite at the Theta Delts, good radio, tire s , motor in ex­ 2-7 2 8 3 . 28 H arris, 355-8178. C27 caync, 5 cylinder, stick, real clean, $ 7 9 0 . Call B e r t Lee, cellent condition. No rust, call RESTAU RA N T Gd. River At Saginaw MEN 21 or over. Nicely fu r- AFGHAN PUPPIES-A11 co lo rs, The G reat Pumpkin. 501 M.A.C. 8:00 p.m . Signed, 26 TYPING in my home. Shirley U n io n iz e d 485-2538. 27 IV 5-6 7 7 6 . 29 nished room. C lose in. Reason- male and fem ale, good racing and TRl-LAMBDA open rush. F o r Decker, F o rest Ave. Lansing. American student groups do COMMANDER THOMAS Keane . able. Phone ED 7-2345. 30 show stock. A.K.C. Call 694- the elite woman. Fu rth er infor­ Phone IV 2 -7 2 0 8 . c not have the seriousness of pur­ U.S.N. Ret. Interviewing 10 a .m .- 0296.__________________________26 mation call 355-3611. 28 ANN BROWN typist and multi- pose nor the sam e objectives 4 p.m. for men interested in BOOKS, Animal Kingdom, A rch- FOR INEXPENSIVE quality pho- lith offset printing (black &white as European student trade unions, executive direction of a dynamic EVERGREEN ARM S STORY asealogist, Medieval World, Four tographs o f homecoming dis­ & color). IBM. General typing, said an associate professor of f youth p r o g r a m . Call M.S.U. Thousand Y e a r s Ago, E ssay s, plays, call George Junne or L a rry tèrm papers, th eses, d isserta­ political science. At a meeting Placement Bureau for employ­ 341 E V E R G R E E N History, English, good condition. Fritzlan at 355-8311 between one Tuesday night of the Basic Action | tions. ED 2 -8 3 8 4 . Ç ment. 35 5 -9 5 1 1 . 26 1 B lock from Campus Phone IV 9 -7 2 5 5 . 26 and five. P arty. S E L L S L O R L E S S 27 TERM PAPERS, general typing, European student trade unions, Phone 3 3 2 -1 0 1 1 N U R S E R Y ATTENDANT f o r bowling alley, Wednesdays 12: G EM -Travel tra ile r, 19 ft. Bath, it Service th esis. Reasonable rate s, fast especially in F ran ce, do more • 5 6 O l d s m o b i l e , 4-door ’60 Oldsmobile " 88” Con­ 15 -3 :1 5 . Must have transpor­ e le ctric refrig erato r, 4-burner STUDENT TV R E N T A L S . New serv ice. Experienced typist. Call research into the problems they . hardtop, radio, heater, Hy- vertible, p o w e r brakes, tation. Phone: M arvelanes, ED HASLETT A P A R T M E N T S stove, s l e e p s 4. P h o n e IV 19” portable, $9 p er month. 21” 355-0 7 8 5 . _________ 25 are trying to solve, and their , 9 -3 6 1 9 . 26 d r a m a t i c , power brakes, power s t e e r i n g , radio, 7 -1 3 8 3 . 26 1 / 2 B lo ck from Campus table models, $8 per month. All ED1E STARR, TYPIST, Theses, aims extend outside the univer­ power steering, two tone, better, Hydramatic, white EXPERIENCED S K A T E R for T .V . S-New and used. "U ncle sets guaranteed, no service ‘or dissertations, term papers, gen­ sity into community life, Frank white wall tire s. Action wall tire s. S t o r y sells combination mike man and teach­ 3 3 2 -8 4 1 2 B ill" says you’ re m i s s i n g a delivery ch arges. Call Nejac, IV eral typing.. Experienced, IBM Pinner said. p r i c e d at 2 -0 6 7 4 C E le ctric. OR 7 -8 2 3 2 . c $395 Oldsmobiles for *e s s $ ] 3 9 5 “ sure thing” if you don’t check Pinner noted that the studen ing fundamentals in skating. Call Edru Rolling Skating Arena, Holt, Michigan. Phone OX 9 -2 4 3 8 . 26 A V A IL A B L E us for the best T .V . ’deal in town! A lso -serv ice all makes. YOU REA LLY ought to talk to Kem Schneider. Standard Life it Wanted trade union idea began in Fram shortly after World War 11 and ’ 5 7 D e S o t o "Sportsm an,” p o w e r b r a k e s , power 59 P o n t i a c , 9 passenger BABYSlTt'ER"" iiT my home. 4 NCW T .V .’ s and H i-F i’ s. G e n e r a l College Division. 919 E . Grand that its organizers cam e largely station w a g o n , p o w e r Radio & T .V ., 2727 E. Kalamazoo. R iver, 337-1663._________ C26 FOREIGN W IFE, teach me con­ s t e e r i n g . radio, heater, days a week. 4 or 5 hours a day. from the French underground. brakes, power steering, ra ­ Phone IV 5-5 9 7 2 . Open 9 a .m .- MUSIC FOR your Dinner, Dance, versational French free and I white wall tire s. Story sells dio, heater, two tone, white 332-8560. 28 F o r T h e B e s t In 8 p.m . Saturdays 9 a.m . to 1 reception, or term party. Phone will help you with your English. Shortly after t h e y w ereform - for less $595 Kevin Kave at 332-2575. 26 American housewife, ED 2-0 3 3 6 . ed, he said, they issued a mani­ wall tire s , Story sells Pon- LANSING - Westside - Baby­ p.m . 37 tiacs for less $795 sitte r wanted 5 1/2 days a week. S tu d e n t A p a r tm e n ts GUITARS; FOLK, classic and THESIS PRINTED 27 festo stating that the student . ’ 5 5 Ford, 2-door hardtop, as a young intellectual worker Infant. Light housekeeping. Own flamenco, imported Mexican and Rapid s e r v i c e , piazo prints, MARRIED STUDENT wishes to r a d i o , heater,autom atic, EDWAKD G. HACKER CO. had the rights to strike, social transportation. Call M rs. Anziv- Spanish. Unmatched in t o n e , drafting s u p p l i e s , also xerox rent section of heated basement V - 8, two tone, white wall '60 Ford, 2-door sedan, ra ­ ino, IV 2 -5 5 9 1 . 28 REALTORS action or p rice. Call 485-4693 copies. o r garage for workshop. Phone security, academic freedom, and tires. S t o r y ’ s low, low dio, h e a t e r , white wall free expression. p rice $19 5 WANTED: Cocktail w aitresses, IV 5-2261 after 1 p.m. 28 CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT 332-3476. 27 tire s. Story sells Fords The student trade union’ s prop­ ca sh ie r, desk cle rk s, dining room 221 S. Grand GUITARS-USED 8i NEW EAST LÀNSING-one male, 21, to ositions are that the university for less 5095 59 C h e v r o l e t "Im pala” w aitresses for winter term at Boyne Mountain and Boyne High­ it For Sale L arge selection of guitars, $18.95 Lansing, IV 2-5431 share modern house with 4 stu­ C27 dents, Phone 332-0340, evenings. should be open to students o f. Convertible, power brakes, up. R e g u l a r style, cla ssic, ten- all social c la s s e s , that, the stu­ lands. Food and lodging included. F R E E Z E R -1 5 cu. ft. Coldspot, ACCIDENT PROBLEM? C a l l 27 power s t e e r i n g , radio, 59 Chevrolet "B e l A ire " F o r application contact Stafford like new, $150. Phone IV 5-8896. ,o r’ s or ele ctric, ukelele’s, $5.95, Kalamzaoo Street Body Sho p. dents s h o u l d have social se­ h e a t e r , automatic, white 4-d oor, radio, heater, au­ Ibanjo's, used piano, $95, good IRONINGS-w a n t e d . Quality or curity notably medical c a r e — C . Smith, Boyne Mountain Lodge, 29 Small dents to l a r g e w recks. wall tires. Story sells for tom atic, two tone, white Icondition, drum sets, clarin ets, American and f o r e i g n c a r s . quantity done. $1.25 per hour. and that they should have a voice Boyne F a lls , Michigan. 29 W H ltE GERMAN Shepard pup- in u n i v e r s i t y administration, less wall tire s . S t r o y sells truimpets, saxaphones, bull fid- Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 484-6760. 26 $795 Chevrolets for less §895 OKi>, short ord er, experience desirable. Top wage spa id to good pies. R egistered 6 weeks old. Call 372-3841 after 6 p.m. 27 'dle. Everything for the musican, E ast Kalamazoo. c .CHILD CARE-Also hot lunches Pinner said. easy term s, lay-a-w ays. Wilcox They would also like the gov­ person. Apply Howard Johnson’ s, YOU REALLY ought to talk to for pupils. Near Walnut, Willow ernment to pay them apprentices' FRIG IDA IRE refrigerator. ID '2nd Hand Store. 509 E . Mich­ Frandor. 30 Mike McNulty. Standare Life Col­ Schools. Excellent referen ces. y ears old. 11 cu. ft. $45. Phone igan, IV 5-4 3 9 1 . Hours daily rates, he added. WE NEED 3 women-to makecon- lege D i v i s i o n . 919 E . Grand Phone IV 4-3 4 4 8 . 26 “ I see some reasons^ why the STORY OLDSMOBILE r.nrts for our salesmen via the 3 7 2 -1 3 1 8 . 27 8 a.m.. to 5:3$ jj.fn ................. 2.7 4Uver, 337-1663. C2$ cWE OR F iV " ÿ i L ?<_/ 4tve-in movement I have described in^ W O R LDS L A R G E S T O L D S M O B IL E D E A L E R telephone, $1.25 per hour plus 1959 NORGE upright treezer, ex- 21*’ T.V . Capehart, Blonde cab - SKIRTS AND COATS shortened, r o o m y a p a r t m e n t for winter Fran ce is possible there, but yet$ bonus. F o r further information. cellent c o n d i t i o n . Phone IV inet with doors, new picture tube, also mending. Phone TU 2-7 1 8 4 . term , at 212 R iver. 332-0245. not possible in theUnitedStates, 3165 E. MICHIGAN a t Frandor Phone 8 82-9305. 28 5 -7 4 8 5 . 27 $95. Call IV 5 -1 3 6 3 . 28 28 28 Th u rs da y , O c t o b e r 31, 1963 Ç * Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan B ro w n A sk s R e la tio n s F r e s h m e n S k a t in g T e a m M a r k e t C lu b B e g in s M o rm o n S e le c te d C h a ir m a n Olympic Prospects Here R a ce P o lic y Sen. Basil W. Brown, D-De- N a tio n a l C o m p e tio n The E ast Lansing Human Re­ Two MSU freshmen, Joan tro it, asked Gov. Romney Monday lations Commission got underway the marketing staff at MSU.Then Attending the conference along i " J o e y ” H e c k e r t and Gary if it was true that the Mormon A unique way of bringing in­ last week with the election of the five students from each school with the schools will be the man­ ; Clark, a re one of the best church discriminates against Ne­ dustrial employers together with will interpret the problems, de­ agement from the sponsoring in­ H.C. Tien, a practicing psychi- ■pairs in United States figure groes. prospective employees is being termine the decisions to be made, dustries, he said. Tl is oppor­ à tr is t, as chairm an. \ skating today. Brown submitted in the Senate tried here. T h e nine-member comm is­ and then make the decisions. tunity will allow students and : Joey and Gary, both from that a recent article in Look Through the o rg an ization of the Each school will then return management to talk and get a good sion, one of 13 such groups in : E ast Lansing, have been skat- Magazine written by Jeff Nye U n iv e rs ity ’ s M ark eting Club, a the state, is made up of two MSU ■: ing together for four y e a rs. its answers to MSU where they look at each other. stated that the Negro can’t re ­ national M ark eting C om petition faculty m em bers, one student will be fed i n t o the University’ s Many of the participants are >They have won the Midwest- ceive the sacram ent, be m ar­ C o n feren ce w as in itiated . and six E ast Lansing residents. computers, he said. In this way offered jobs due to their p er­ •:ern Senior P a ir Champion- ried in the church or be buried Inv itations have been sen t to The m em bers, appointed by the best decisions can be deter­ formance at the conference, as :• ships, and have taken third in church consecrated lots. c o lle g e s and u n iv e rs itie s a c r o s s E ast Lansing Mayor Gordon L . £ place in the United States mined in a foolproof, objective was shown last year, C ris V ••The Negro can only be ab­ the nation asking them to p a r ti­ Thomas and approved by the :•Junior P a ir Championships. solved by a divine revelation. cip a te in t h e com p etitio n , re p o rts manner. said. £ This year they will tack- At the end of the competition Last year being its first year, City Council, are Dr. Stephanie If this is what is n ecessary, W illiam J .E .C r i s s y ,p r o f e s s o r of H. B arch , department of zoology; le the toughest competition of in April, 1964, the representa­ the conference was confined to I submit that someone should marketing, and advisor to the Robert L . Green, of the College ¡ja il, the United States Senior tives f r o m the participating the Midwest, and participants in­ get together and produce a m ir­ clu b . £ P a ir Championships. T h i s schools will be brought to MSU cluded Ohio State University, the of Education; and Robert F . Mor­ a c le ,” Brown said. Schools entering the competi­ University of Michigan, Notre gan, graduate student in psycho­ competition, to be held in Brown said the article pointed tion will delegate five top m ar­ for two days and the winner is Dame, and 10 o th ers, he said. logy. £ Cleveland in January, d eter- out the apathy of the Mormon keting students as their rep re­ announced, he said. At the convention the repre­ Because of its success it was Also the Rev. Wallace Robert- ::: mines members of the united towards the Negro and thus rein­ sentatives in the competition, decided to make this opportun­ feon, pastor of East Lansing P eo- £ States World and O l y m p i c fo rces prejudices. C rissy said. sentatives will explain to the ity available to all colleges and I pies Church; Jam es R. Ehinger, £ team s. “ 1 submit that it is a shame The competition will give m ar­ rest of the conference the re a ­ sons and rationale behind their universities a cro ss the nation, he realto r; Daniel C. Learned, at­ £ The pair p ractices several in 1963 to read an article in keting students a chance to com­ torney; Thomas B. Schepers, £ hours daily and will step up a m ajor magazine about a m ajor pete on an intercollegiate level decisions, C rissy said. said. banker; Mrs- Mahlon S. Sharp, £ to three or four over the religious faith by which my an­ for recognition as future execu­ housewife, and Tien. £ C hristm as holidays in prep- c e sto rs, my children and myself tives, he said. Purposes of the commission include the receiving, integrat­ a ration for the competition. £ They both are working on their : a re branded with the brand of : Cain,” Brown said. During the s c h o o l year bus­ iness management problems will NOV. WANT-AD ing and disseminating data about possible conflicts within the com ­ £ Gold Figure Skating tests, the £ highest award an individual Joey And Gary Clown During Practice ” 1 asked Gov. Romney if this be sent from MSU to the par­ situation exists and 1 submit that ticipating schools, C rissy said. SPECIAL munity, Tien said. £: skater may receiv e. : as a Negro citizen 1 am owed The problems will be created by SAVE S I.75 C A L L 355-8255 He added that he would p er­ £ They have c o m p e t e d or son has trained a number of Gary plans on majoring in ;• some answ ers,” he said. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a sonally contact the Human Re­ £ given exhibitions in Boston, form er C a n a d i a n Olympic psychology. Brown said that Romeny seem - team mem bers. Among their hobbies are J SEE THE QUEEN J lations Commission in Ann Arbor ££ M ass.: Sioux City, Iowa; Long ■: ed naive in the civil rights area. and in other cities to fam iliar­ £; Beach, C alif., and D e n v e r , Off the ice, the two skaters horseback riding for Joey and water sking for Gary. "H e is fighting a brush fire 5 AND HER COURT { MSU FOREIGN FILM SERIES ize himself with their operations. Anyone with information about I£: Co1'Their train er, M rs. Beryl a re much like other fresh­ men. Joey is tentatively con­ Monday they gave an ex­ ; with a tea cup. Romney has dpne ■ so little that he is either ex- at t h . ■ presents .possible conflicts in the East £: Williamson of Canada, begins sidering medicine as a ca re e r hibition for the Lansing Skat­ > trem ely naive o r he just doesn’t ■ HOMECOMING DANCE ■ Lansing community should sub­ •£: p ractice each noon at Demon­ but adds, ''I t ’s a long way ing Club at its annual Hallo­ c a r e ,” Brown said. mit it in writing to Commission 'S; stration Hall. M rs. William- off. I'm really not su re.” ween party. 's e c r e ta ry John M. P atriarch e, "SUNDAYS AND CYBEIE" Tien said. L a t e — O r E a r ly ? WANTED NOW (French) M H A F ilm P r o g r a m Good news for those who have dule-you’re now one-tenth of a Fraternity leagues The strangest love story ever told! Bosley Crowther of the been arriving early, or late, for second ahead of the world. Sorority leagues N.Y. Tim es called it - “ A m asterpiece . . . brilliant cast. . . M a y Be D ro p p e d appointments lately: Don't blame yourself. It’ s time that’ s out of The variance comes because of Dormitory leagues sheer m agic!” Academy Award Winner - (Best Foreign Film of the Y ear.) a periodic change in the earth’ s Mixed couple leagues Lack of recently-m ade top- He also explained that there whack. rotation. A B ritish laboratory reports I quality films and faltering a t- I tendance may force the discon- has been no p ressu re to stop that in the Dast six months, the showing the films from local days have been getting longer— ?11 N WASH INGTON A BIG ALL-CAMPUS GOLF TOURNAMENT is being planned and individuals, are urged to establish handicaps to be eligi­ Ihurs., Fri. Oct. 31, Nov. 1 I tinuance of the Men’s Halls A s- theater owners. I sociation movie program , said I John P. Harnois, Woonsocket, MHA is losing money on the program this term , according three ten-thousandths of a se­ cond longer each day, in fact. D o w n t o w n ble. 7 and 9 p.m. Accumulated over the half- I R . I., sophomore, andMHA movie to Harnois. year period that m eans-if you’ve I program chairm an. ” lf the movie program can’t I According to Harnois, the only I films now available to MHA are serve m ore than 1,000 to 1,250 students per week in the dorm s, been sticking to the old sch e- FAIRCHILD THEATRE I those from 20th Century Fo x. we might as well discontinue it,” Admission: 50C I Warner B ro s., M-G-M and P a r - he said. I amount have stopped distributing Harnois said he believes one (REAL, LIVE G O LF— INDOORS!) I through F ilm s, Inc., which serves factor in the small attendance |f)MHA, he said. is the m ore serious attitudes Please call for information T o m o rro w “ The lack of films has caused toward studying which students us to change our film schedule now seem to have. 3 3 2 - 6 5 6 5 E x c lu s iv e S h o w in g m ore than once this te rm ,” Har­ The problem will come up for nois said. discussion at this week’ s MHA meeting, he added. E v e r y o n e w e lc o m e ON U.S. 16 - EAST LANSING 3 B i g H it s R oles Open open d a ily 10 am • 11 Pm Sat., Sun., and H o lid ays 9 o.m to 11 p.m. A H U M A N VOL C ANO OF UN P R E D I C T A B L E T E R R OR! H arriers F or 6P irates9 (continued from page 7) 3411 EAST MICHIGAN SUSPENSE! T ry-ou ts for the University T heatre’ s musical comedy, “ The to participate in the competition, FEAR I J.HE BEST IN.iftR.LfilLf.UMS. P irates of Penzance” will beheld with freshmen runners allowed to Monday and Tuesday from 7:30 run urfattached. LTODAY ONLY! S T A T E SUDDEN to 10 p.m. in 125 Music Building. Team s and individual entries F irs t Show 6:30 P.M SHOCK! Singers may audition for nine from all over the state will run -Y H ' §-;;;;A "Hamlet presented « «^'.‘.Ve> SS* MIT- m ajor roles and 36 chorus parts. in the four-m ile ra ce . Western 6 :3 0 -9 :1 5 P.M. F o r the fourth y ear, the de­ Michigan, C e n t r a l Michigan, SPEC IAL STUDENT M A T IN E E partm ents of music and speech E astern Michigan, Wayne State, and the dance division of the Department of Health, Physical and Michigan, among others, will be represented. at 4:00 P.M. * A dm ission P rice 65< ARCH HALL, Education and Recreation will The Spartans and their Western pool their resou rces to produse Michigan hosts a re expected to a musical play. dominate the contest, This Gilbert and Sullivan mu­ sical about piratical pranks on WINNER OF 5 the Cornwall coast will be pre­ ¡S A T . N O V 2 ! sented May 21 to 23. T ry-outs a re open to all inter­ ■ 8 -1 2 P .M . ■ ACADEMY AWARDS! C o -s ta rrin g HE L E N H0VEY • R I C H A R D AL DE N ested students. No special train­ ing is n ecessary. 5 D O N 'T MISS IT U ! ! “Beautiful acting and inspired interpreta­ MARILYN MANNING • DON R U S S E L L • LAST DAY- tions all the way, this visual closeness to A FAIRWAY-INTERNATIONAL IMPACT PICTURE M I C H I G A N LAST DAY! 2 E E E E lE ê : E E E lb ; E r LAURENCE OF ARABIA the drama offers insights that are bril­ CAM PUS- 65c to 5:30 E ve 90c —M■■«BB-Tllf JSSw » 441 <*oa —• shows at 1:00 - 4:30 - 8:15 liant and rare.” - N e w Y o r k T im e s Jack £ Shirley ^ 4c - » • » » » Lemmon MacLaine • - STARTS--------------------- -m FRIDAY A J ARTHUR RANK ENTERPRISE « n t * # *• "IRMA LA DOUCE” I ». ■ STARRIN G ARCH HALL, JR. 1:25 - 4:05 - 6:45 • 9:25 A f t e r th re e m uren ce XL/Uwer CO-STARRING WILLIAM WATTERS prêtmis CASH FLAGG b lu s h in g PRODUCED BY b e lly - la u g h in g y e a rs o n H AM LET by William Shakespeare NICHOLAS MERRIWETHER RAY DENNIS STECKLER INTRODUCING NANCY CZAR B ro a d w a y M a r y , M a r y is s ta r ts F R ID A Y ! S M A S H ES THE a m o v ie , m o v ie “A Complete FU N B A RR IER! n o w I Creation r — dealing with the hungers, pains V> and joys of youth in terms of compassionate ANOTHER FAIRWAY-INTERNATIONAL FAMILY FILM R understanding and truth, underlined by haunting tenderness, subtle sophistication and mature wisdom!" Judith Crist, Herqld Tribune vDnughtecs M u K In ThqMahing , / Aga t«5 Ste'»o'. // •B A R R M L S » MUMVIST*0«tnMN»C«, Ik $ W D»wn T o o t .W h is tle / E n jo y it fro m th a b e g in n in g / P h in k - B o o m / Production B a s e d on two ta le s of Tagore r HClmw • {«leHtiw_____ 21 8 d on It* Stage I’ll ) b) JUM K£ # ftoducad on It« Stage by #06111SIIVI US 0 Ociected bi K W f ll li# V S S u India's g reat storyteüer 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:10 - 7:25 - 9:35 I X C L U W V I BN OAOBM BN T IK Scteengtey-bysiCHMOi ween TECHNICOLOR® FromWARNER BROS.l a i ' i T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 31, 1963 10 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Thant Reports Funds Withdrawal F e lt R e s p o n s ib le In W orld New s Halt UN Yemen Mission C u b a , K e n n e d y Says at a Glance UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) S ecretary-G ern eral U Thant re­ and Saudi Arabia. They arrived last July 4. But Thant said today that Saudi Arabia had refused to pay any WASHINGTON JPi— Atty. Gen. C ro ss. The 5-cen t stamp shows ported Wednesday failure of U.N. Approximately 22,000 U. A. R. m ore money as long as there was Robert F . Kennedy said Wednes­ a group of Cuban refugees aboard B enB ella And Hassan Agrae On C e a s e f ir e efforts to end outside interven­ troops a re reported in Yemei no evidence that the U.A.R. would day the Administration felt a r e ­ a ship with the Red C ro ss flag tion in Yemen’ s civil w ar. He supporting the Republican regim e effect a'm ilitary withdrawal with­ BAMAKO, Mali t — King Hassan II of M orocco and P re si­ sponsibility to rescu e the 1,113 flying overhead. ordered withdrawal of the 200- which ousted the Royalists in a in a fixed time. dent Ahmed Ben Bella of Algeria signed a c e a s e -fire agree­ Bay of Pigs prisoners who gained ment Wednesday. man U.N. m ilitary observer m is­ revolt in September, 1962. The freedom f r o m Fidel C astro 's The p risoners captured in the The chiefs of state pledged themselves to halt the shooting in sion by next Monday. Thant informed the U.N. Secur­ Saudi Arabians have been con­ tributing to Royalist forces seek­ Child Group Cuba between December, 1962, disastrous invasion attempt by Cuban refugees "would not be their Sahara war at midnight Friday and submit to the Organ­ and July, 1963. ization of African Unity their dispute about where the frontier ity Council that he intends to ing to regain power. Meets At 7 The Attorney General made free if not for the efforts of maintain a U.N. civilian p resence Largely as a result of efforts The Child Development Club this rem ark at a ceremony dedi­ the Red C r o s s ," Kennedy said. should run. Hassan and Ben Bella signed the agreement before more in Yemen with the hope that it by Ellsworth Bunker, U.S. dip­ will hold its third meeting of cating a postage stamp marking "Many (of the prisoners) would might help achieve an early set­ lomatic troubleshooter, S a u d i the term at 7 p.m . today in the 100th a n n i v e r s a r y of the have very likely died without than 100 newsmen in the Bamako presidential palace. Other signers were Em peror Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, tlement. Arabia and the U.A.R. agreed 203 Home Econom ics. founding of the International Red Red C ross effo rts." who intervened personally in an effort to settle the month-old He said the Yemen problem to disengage their forces under The speaker will be Barbara " i s prim arily political and will U.N. supervision. They agreed Thomas, Hemlock senior, who conflict, and the host of the little Summit Conference, P re si­ dent Modibo Keita of Mali. By coincidence, about the time the truce agreement was reached require a political solution.” The council authorized d i s ­ also to pay for the costs of the U.N. mission, set up originally will show slides about her sum­ m er job experiece at a family SAVE SI .75 patch of U.N. m ilitary ob servers for two months and then renewed camp. NOVEMBER the Moroccan government in Marrakech announced a flareup to the restive Arab country in for another two months. Final plans will also be made of fighting W ANT-AD SP EC IA L U THANT an effort to end intervention by "T otal cost thus far has been for the Lab Pre-sch ool open both the United Arab Republic $400,000 each. house to be held Nov. 14. 3 U.S. Advisors Captured By Viet Cong SAIGON, Viet Nam f —Three U .S . military advisers are be­ lieved to have been captured by Communist guerrillas who whipped AT a South Vietnamese company 140 miles southwest of Saigon Tuesday. Two American officers and an enlisted medic disappeared in the skirm ish, fought in a marshy a r e a of ric e paddies, canals SHAHEEN’S and palm jungle on the peninsula south of the Mekong River Delta. B ig V aluel The Red blow fell on a 120-man company forming the left flank of a 300-man task force probing the countryside northeast of the South Vietnamese base at Tan Phu. 3 Russian Diplomats Ordered To Leave U.S. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. f — The United States demanded Wed­ nesday that three men in the Soviet United Nations delegation leave the country by Friday afternoon on grounds they had taken STEAK SALE part in a spy plot. In a note sent to the Soviet delegation, the U.S. delegation called for their “ immediate d ep artu re." A U.S. delegation spokes­ man said "im m ed iate," in diplomatic language, usually meant 48 hours. The men were Gleb A. Pavlov, Yuri Romashin, Third S ecre­ tary, and Vladimir I. Olenev, described m erely as a member of the Soviet delegation, which is located in New York City. The Federal Bureau of Investigation had linked all three with another Russian and an .American electronics engineer arrested in Englewood, N .J., last night on spy charges. S W IF T S P R E M IU M Secretary Korth Challenges McNamara WASHINGTON f — Outgoing S ecretary of the Navy F red Korth ROUND Bacon Fresh Lean Wednesday challenged the decision against adding to the nuclear powered surface fleet, calling it a "sh ort-sigh ted budgetary ex­ pedient of hamstringing our new ships (already too few in number) SIRLOINSj HAMBURGER SWISS with obsolete engines.” He told the Senate-House Atomic Committee that failure to build m ore nuclear vessels would be "nothing short of tra g ic” for the su rface striking forces in the next decade and beyond. Korth’ s parting shot against the veto of another nuclear c a rr ie r by S ecretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara was delivered be­ RIB P ot R oast 391 j =$100 hind closed doors. Judges To Hear Testimony To Free Integrationists T-BONE Boneless Rump Roast 69