I n s id e “ The Miser," p. 3; New year’ s celebration, p. 5; Letter from Forddy, p. 7. M IC H I G S T A T E U N IV E R S IT Y A N NEWS W e a t h e r Snow flurries today. Clear­ ing and colder tonight. High in mid 30's. Thursday, February 13, 1964 Ea st Lansing, Michigan Price 10« Vol. 55, Number 92 Johnson, Home Disagree On Cuba; Confer Today H o u se Q u e stio n s P o w e r P la n t A ctio n C a s tr o S till S ta te M u s t A w a rd C o n tra c ts O n B r itis h contracts for projects paid for By J A C K I E KORONA State News Staff Writer Rep. Arnell Engstrom , R -T ra - award con tracts for the power v erse City and c ommittee ch air­ plant. with state-appropriated funds. T r a d e L is t man, i n t r o d u c e d a resolution Under the 1963-64 appropria­ T h e B o a r d has already ac­ which included a reminder that tions bill, such State Admini­ cepted bids for the plant gene­ Plans for the MSU power plant ra to rs, but contracts have not the State Department of Admini­ stration action Is law. The Board suffered a blow in the House yet been awarded, said Univer­ P r e s id e n t C a lls stration must accept bids and of T ru stees cannot legally award Ways and Means Committee Wed­ sity secretary Jack B resiin. nesday. The University accepted the F o r 4H a r m o n y 9 The blow was softened by a bids to determine co sts, he said comm ittee suggestion to release Tuesday. W A S H I N G T O N (^ ---P re si­ G R E A T A D V E N T U R E —Getting up and going to school in the morning is a chore to the parents of these married housing an additional $350,000 to the University for continued plan­ N J . G o v e rn o r “ We thought we were acting dent Johnson and British Prim e Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home youngsters, but it's a ball to the children, who find signs to ning. Action on the suggestion according to the intent of the opened a two-day exploration of climb on and other distractions, scattered along the way. will com e in the House today. legislature and the building di­ world i s s u e s Wednesday and Q u e s t io n s L im it vision of the State Department of Administration.” SIR A L E C DOUGLAS-HOME quickly ended up in opposing camps on curtailing trade with o u t - o f - s t a t e schools, Hughes TRENTON, N .J. (U PI)~G ov. Communist Cuba. Youth Create Own Culture Richard J . Hughes expressed concern Tuesday about a move to limit enrollment by residents said. He has asked the Educa­ tion Department to communi­ cate with all colleges which have Rep. W i l l i a m C o p e l a n d , D-Wyandotte, and a member of the Ways and Means Committee said he felt the University would C iv ilia n s Diplomatic i nformants, r e ­ porting this, said Sir Alec made it c l e a r Britain has no in­ of New Je rs e y and three other New Je rse y students each sem es­ tention of joining the United States Society L ackin g9— Gottlieb states at Michigan State Uni­ versity. The governor released a letter te r to determine if there has been an admission policy change toward the students. Hannah told Hughes, Michigan have some say in the awarding of con tracts. Engstrom indicated that the To L e a v e in holding down com m erce in non- strategic goods with Cuba. “ If society is to survive it must of new ways to stop cheating, from Michigan State President bids already submitted to the Johnson, the informants said, By LIN DA M I L L E R State News Staff Writer socialize its youth.” In keeping youth out until it students think of new ways to cheat. John A. Hannah which said the school m u s t be "p articu larly State has a limit of out-of state students and if applicants from University could form the basis of th e S t a t e Administration C u b a B ase forcefully r e s t a t e d the U.S. position that the Western allies wants to let them in., Gottlieb “ It is ironic that at one time selective” on admitting students certain states " f o r lack of ade­ action. WASHINGTON (I4>))-The United must find a formula harmonizing Adults force youth to find its said that society fo rc e s youth we allowed them t o play a n in­ from states which "d o not do quate opportunity at home,” seek States is going to turn the Guan­ their attitudes toward the Com­ own culture until they a re ready to develop its own culture and tegral part by going to w ar. We admission in large numbers they The $350,000 for additional tanamo naval base into a strictly munist world. enough for higher education.” to admit adolescents into the thus in creases intergenerational speak with a split tongue.” may fill the entire quota. planning represents the rem ain­ military garrison with no wives, The differing stands on Cuba New Je rs e y , New York, Penn­ adult world, David Gottlieb, pro­ conflict. On the university level, Gott­ The educator said State will der of a sum set aside by the children or other dependents. were no surprise and the two sylvania and Massachusetts are fessor of education and sociology, His concern for the plight of lieb said adults c re a te a situation he even more selective toward legislature for the power plant. The Defense D e p a r t m e n t h e a d s of government quickly in this category, he said. told a capacity crowd in the youth is not unique to this time where becoming a ch eerlead er New Je rse y students than those The House and Senate granted announced Wednesday that fam­ agreed on the n e e d to continue Erickson Hall Kiva Wednesday. or to A m erica. He cited examples is most important. New Je rse y sends about 50p er of most other states, admitting $450,000 to the University early i l i e s w i l l be w i t h d r a w n and speed up efforts to reach “ T here is a real lack of har­ of the conflict of generations in cent of its college students to “ only the cream of the cro p .” last November. gradually over the next two y ears agreement with the Soviet Union "D espite the efforts of Stanley mony between youth and adults,” the O ld Testament, Socrates, in line with President Johnson’ s on the central issues of Germany idzerda and the Honors College, he said in the provost lecture. Shakespeare, colonial days and little v i s i b i l i t y is g iven to decision to put the Cuban base and Berlin, the informants said. the early 20th' century. scholarship. on a self-sufficient.footing. Instructions were issued to seek "Grounds for conflict have al­ ways been p resen t,’ ’ he s aid. “ Students think they can’t ex­ E ast S h a w To A s k R e v ie w “ Dependents now on station a new Western approach. will be returned to the United Officially Johnson an d Doug­ p ress themselves because adults C h a p in S a y s “ While not new or unique, the States at the normal expiration las-Home were reported to have keep files. Some think it best situation has b een i ntensified. of their sponsors’ regular tours dug into the p roblems of Cy­ L ib rary N o t “ Society must put upo r shut up. Young people are not sa tis­ to cool it and have a blank file. They are placed in a situation O f E v e n in g D r e s s D e c is io n of duty,” Asst. Secretary of De­ fense Arthur Sylvester said. prus, Southeast Asia, Cuba a nd East-W est relations. where they spend m ore time with P ie rre Salinger, White House fied with just being seen and not "Since all military tours p re­ each other and develop th e ir Men living in residence halls before the vote was to take place, Six MHA members voted in press secretary , singled o u t P o lice U n it heard.’ ’ sently are for a period of two own cu ltu re.’ ’ may yet have more lenient dress several petitions containing the favor of the motion last week those subjects as among the ones Gottlieb said adults teach citi­ y ears, and no extensions will be Two library check-out d e s k s signatures of Case men desiring and four opposed. One member zenship but fail to allow p a r­ He said society e m b a rra sse s regulations for evening m eals. granted to persons with depen­ dealt with by the two heads of are enough to handle a long check­ A proposal calling for spring change were delivered to him. abstained. Eight voters are need­ government, but disclosed no de­ ticipation. the student who loves cla ssica l dents on station, there will pro­ out line, Richard E . Chapin, li­ Wallace said he had no p re ­ ed to pass the proposal. He described a Cold War wag­ m usic by paying homage to a term d ress with the exceptions bably be no dependents remain­ tails. brary d irecto r, said Wednesday. of tennis shoes, Bermudas, and vious knowledge of the petitions. Even if the proposal is passed Johnson and the P rim e Minis­ ing on the academ ic level. When high school on the radio. ing on the base by early 1 9 6 6 .” "One d e s k isopen during li­ beachcom bers was defeated by He also said that he had no by MHA it must be submitted to ter talked alone about 45 minutes society does not place value in The water allowance for the brary hours,” he said, “ and if the He c ailed for g reater empha­ M e n ' s Halls Association last Indication of the number of men the Faculty Committees on Stu­ in th e President’ s office and the creativ e, youth is solidified 10,500 people on the base— Navy moved to the larger Cabinet Room line becomes too long, the check­ sis o n academ ic accom plish­ week. who had signed at the time of dent Affairs for final approval. against the adult world. and Marine personnel, civilian e r may get help by ringing a bell ments than social skills. Tuesday night E ast Shaw Hall the voting. North Wonders Hall fell 14 for an additional 15 minutes with He said that when adults think workers and their fam ilies— was provided for him .” mandated its MHA representative W a l l a c e said a poll is cu r­ signatures short of obtaining a advisers. There are very few times when rently being taken in the hall to majority favoring the change. reduced to one-fourth of the usual to again bring up the resolution Then Johnson, speaking at the the check out line is slowed to the determine whether the majority North Wonders president Warren s u p p l y after last Thursday’ s and vote in favor of it. The men north portico of the White House, Platt, St. Johns, A riz., junior, shut-off. point w h e r e two checkers a r e needed, he said. C a m b o d ia P r a is e s of E ast Shaw said their rep re­ sentatives did not accurately r e ­ wants a change. If so, Wallace said, he will try to bring up the had promised to vote for the Of the total number on the base, about 3,000 are listed as de­ recalled the tradition of meetings between American presidents and Chapin said the recent discus­ flect their feelings in his voting issue again at tonight’ s MHA change if a majority signed the pendents. British prim e m inisters that be­ sion of theft and mutilation had last week. meeting. petitions. failed to emphasize the role of the F ilip in o P e a c e E f f o r t South C ase Hall may also vote gan with Sir Winston Churchill. He pledged a new search f or student in the community. for the change. Je r ry Wallace, PHNOM PENH, Cambodia Ifl— Reap Tuesday, in which he re ­ peace. “ The student who is tempted to Cedar Springs Junior and South take a book or to mutilate any of the library m aterial is selfish,” Prince Norodom Sihanouk, who revived attacks on the United States Tuesday, formally ex­ newed charges that Am ericans w ere supporting elements trying to overthrow him. The United Case president said he voted against the change last week be­ Tarantula Douglas-Home, noting the im­ proving w e a t h e r , said “ we brought the sun with us and he said, “ in the respect that he is infringing u po n other students’ rights to use the same m aterial.” pressed thanks Wednesday for mediation efforts that President States, which has cut off aid to Cambodia at Sihanouk’ s request, cause he thought that was what his men wanted. However, alm ost immediately Pledges that may be a good omen.” He thanked the President fora warm Diosadado M a c a p a g a l o f the denies such ch arges. welcome and said ' 'much of our He said the library staff’ s role is not t h a t of “ k eeperofth e- books," policing the students who Philippines launched in January. But a once-expected announce­ Sigma Chi talks will undoubtedly be con­ cerned with how we can improve use them. “ The staff is here to help the ment that Cambodia was ready to accept Macapal’ s peace for­ W orld News The Sigma Chi house has a new the situation in a d ifficult and dangerous world.” mula failed to m aterialize. pet named O s c a r . He eats worms, student,” he said. He saicl for dem ocracy to work A communique issued jointly by the Cambodian and Filipino a t a Glance is about five y ears old and may live to be thirty. people have to respect the rights N a m e G ro u p chiefs of state touched briefly O scar is a Texas tarantula, an of gther.s, and the same is true in on the 3-month-old. cris is in overgrown spider. the use of the library. Ruby's Lawyer Claims Plot relations between Phnom Penh "A ctu ally, he makes an ideal pet,” William B . W arner, Jack ­ To U n d e rta k e and Washington. DALLAS (#! -Ja ck Ruby’ s defense chief charged Wednesday Macapagal said he hopes Cam­ a public relations firm helping the Judge is part of what he called son junior, said. Warner is one of bodia and the United States will a high-level Dallas plot to deprive Ruby of a fair murder trial. O scar’ s owners. L ib rary S tu d y C o lle g e s P lan continue friendly r elations t o Sam R. Bloom, head of the firm , testified he had volunteered John R. Collna, Trenton Junior, “ facilitate discussing and the to assist the judge in arranging facilities for news coverage of the is also enthusiastic about O scar. An ad hoc committee to study solution of existing problems be­ trial as a public serv ice. He said no one had asked him to do it and “ He’ s very even-tem pered,” library problems and the future SEC S tu d y Collna said, letting Oscar crawl of the library system was an­ tween them .’ ’ he had not discussed his work with anybody but the Judge and the Student Education Corps (SEC) Philippine sources said these up his arm . “ He hasn't bitten any­ nounced at the Academic Council p re ss. will be in the state spotlight generalizations w ere a w atered- one . . . y e t." meeting Tuesday. Charged With Destroying Lumumba's Body March 18 when representatives down version of the original draft W arner bought Oscar in a spe­ The committee was instructed of all Michigan’ s public and p ri­ of the communique, which con­ MADRID, Spain T -M oise Tshombe, form er president of the cial pet shop while he was work­ to make regular p rogress re­ vate institutions of higher learn­ tained a much stronger statement Congo’ s Katanga, charged Wednesday that P rem ier C yrille Adoula ing in Grand Rapids. ports to the council and to sub­ ing meet at Kellogg Center. on better relations and spelled ordered the body of P atrice Lumumba im mersed in acid so it Although Warner and Collna mit a full report by the end of The meeting, called by Gov. out thé proposed formula. would “ disappear forever” and thwart a United Nations investi­ are very happy with the new mem­ the academic year. George Romney, is an effort They said the draft was re ­ gation of Lumumba's murder. ber of t h e i r room , roommate Richard E . Sullivan, professor by the executive office to s tir vised in the light of Sihanouk’ s Jam es P. Edwards, Bloomfield of history, was named chairman up state-wide interest in pro­ rem arks to newsmen at Siem Hills Junior, is a little less en­ of the committee. Other members Two British Scientists Emigrate gram s sim ilar to SEC. thusiastic about O scar. are Rexford E . Carrow, instruc­ LONDON, -Two more British scientists quit their Jobs "A t f i r s t 1 wouldn't touch tor of anatomy; Edward B. Black­ Romney has expressed enthu­ Wednesday to take up c a re e rs in A m erica, adding fresh fuel to O sca r,” he said, “ but one night man, assistant dean of'Univer­ siasm for the project in seveal speeches during the past month, the big "b rain Drain” controversy. my room m ates held me down and sity College; William C . Deal, This made a total of six leading scientists serving notice in put him on my back. Since then I J r ., assistant professor of bio­ both in Michigan and in Wash­ the past three days of heading for A m erica in search of more can hold and pet him. I would much chem istry; Kenneth G. Hance, ington, D.C. David Gottlieb, associate pro­ i a c r d x F r c 5jb h rir. ■1 ' ' rather have a mohKey, enough."' ITT« 1 9 « f-~£i ■ . '"tiisiaWerner, -Jaek**n junior, thinks .so.as c'.tcrssot' os ■speech; “Stanley *J , — The exodus has provoked a vigorous political onslaught from O scar Is now about four and a his tarantula Oscar to'crawl up his arm, but he Idzerda, director of Honors Col­ fessor of education and socio­ he allows opposition p arties, which charge that the nation’ s top brains lege; and Robert Scigliano, pro­ logy and SEC d irector collabo­ half Inches long. He will probably may have a hard time convincing his Sigma Chi fraternity are being driven abroad by government tightfistedness toward grow to be about three times that Phata by Larry Fritslan fessor of political science. rated with the governor in o r­ brothers. ganizing the March meeting. scientific research . size. 2 M ich igan State News, E a s t Lan sing, M ich ig an T h u rsd ay , F e b r u a r y 13, 1964 4 P o i n t Of Vi ew - — In Favor Of Re-Vote A possible change in the men's d r e s s regulations situation was such m a t t e r s as clothing to in­ still in them acceptable social Unions Need hinted at Wednesday with a r e ­ port that two men's hall p r e s i ­ dents were considering changing values. This is a degrading and unreasonable view of the stu­ dents’ a n d t h e a s s o c i a ti o n ’ s More Control .B y Bob B e a r man their votes on the issue . A motion positions in the University. Recently Jim m y Hoffa, who wants to organize everything on wheels to change the rules was tabled If students are ,able to handle from trucks to co aster beds, obtained for his T eam sters Union the la s t w e e k b y Men’ s Hall A s s o c i a ­ their affair s sufficiently well to ultimate in a con tract— a nation-wide contract covering thousands of men. tion. live away from home and in an This contract gives one man the arb itrary power to shut down one After the vote, the presidents ac ade m ic atm os phere , it s e e m s of the major industries in this country. Of course Hoffa says he’d of two halls found that a majority never use this power, since it would deprive him of his favorite trick they should also be considered of playing one trucker off against another. of their men were in favor o f mature enough to decide appro­ But whether or not Jim m y Hoffa uses this power is not the main easing r e s t r i c t i o n s , and w e r e issue. What is of concern is the fact that he has this power. priate d r e s s on all oc c a s i o n s . A contract such as this one is indicative of the imbalance that ex­ opposed to their “ no” votes. The Men’ s Hall Association notwith­ ists between unions and corporations. two a r e expected to r a i s e the standing. most students would be Once the balance of power lay with the giant corporations. Through the 1930’ s and 1940’ s, however, this changed, and now the balance issue at tonight’ s MHA meeting. sensible enough to wear proper has shifted. T he irs would be the two votes clothing with or without r e s t r i c ­ What corporation president can have his company merge at will? What corporation president can say that he can arb itrarily idle his needed to pass the m e a s u r e , if in tions. industry? Unions, however, because they are not under the jurisdic­ a r e - v o t e they come out in favor. tion of the an ti-tru st laws, are able to do both. If there is a possibility that a C u r re n t all- Uni ver sit y r e g u ­ It is time that Congress made an adjustment in this situation by placing unions under these laws. To do so would not only equate man­ r e - v o t e would change the r e s u lt s , lations set fewer limits on appro­ agement with unions more than it is now, but it also might force un­ we would like to see MHA act. priate d r e s s for c l a s s e s . Students ions to take a much-needed look at their position and function in our economic community. While the original vote was in no are required m er el y to remain Unions a r e not the dynamic, growing force they w e r e 30 or 40 way misleading or u n fa i r . the new within the bounds of neatness. If years ago. Expanding at a tremendous rate during those years, the unions w e r e looked upon by lab orers as t h e i r only hope. Now, information concerning the two such clothing as sport s hi rt s and however, the situation has changed. The A FL-C IO is spending thou­ halls should be considered in the cord ur oy slacks is appropriate sands of dollars on membership drives— an Investment that, if one for c l a s s e s , it should also be c on­ checks membership record s of the p astfew years and com pares the decision. percentage of growth with that of earlier y ears, doesn’t seem to be Cu rre n t d r e s s regulations, sidered appropriate for m ea ls . paying off. which require all men to w e a r The c u r r e n t regulations en­ The reason for this is obvious. The days of dangerous working conditions, yellow-dog con tracts, blacklists, feudal company-owned d r e s s shirts and d r e s s slacks to forced by MHA appear to be un­ towns and the belief that labor is a commodity are gone. evening m ea ls , ar e an unpopular popular with students, and the Thirty y ears ago when the imbalance existed, C ongress created anti-trust laws to curb giant corporations. Laws such as these are and inconvenient imposition on issue should be considered as just as necessary now for labor as they were for corporations 30 students. frequently as the men e x p r e s s a y ears ago. By regulating unions C ongress would remedy a situation that is It is felt that students should d es ir e to review it. Tonight may detrimental to the country. These laws might compel unions to make be held to c ert ain standards in be such an oc ca si on. T h e r o o m is r e a l l y s w e l l , M o m , but th e the necessary re-evaluation of their function in our economy. b a t h r o o m f a c i l i t i e s need a l i t t l e i m p r o v e m e n t . Labor is just as much a big business as General M otors, and the sooner this is realized the sooner the existing imbalance will be de­ stroyed. Radio Idea Needs Study L etters T o T h e E d ito r Pr o p o s a ls to establish an all- ious dorm compl exes if desir ed. From Other Campuses University radio station point out a definite need in the University A s i m i l a r proposal by WBRS, Bro dy Radio, suggests that the D e fe n d s ‘ T ru e C h u rc h ’ Grads Lacking English Skills The Uhiversity of Minnesota graduates one fourth of its students community. two c u r r e n t stations, WBRS and institute a religion, if God Him­ must c o m e from the “ h eart” without sufficient skills in English, according to the results of tests The given r e a so n s for the e s ­ WKAR, S h a w R a d i o , continue To the Editor: thriving on delusion. F e e l i n g taken by students applying for a degree. A Minnesota Daily editorial self were to condescend to dwell tablishment of a campus-wide operations as part of an all-Uni among us, if God Himself were to alone cannot produce the convic­ called for s tric te r marking of papers in all cou rses to help elim i­ The “ religious editorial” of nate the problem. announce that His Church was His tion of Truth. And finally, it is station or network are va li d- -th at v e r s it y network including a pos ­ Feb. 7 requires an answer, p ar­ n o t important wh a t 1 feel o r Body, and if He were to animate this would provide “ Un iversity- sible third station. P r o g r a m m i n g ticularly in these days of “ pop­ P 5 S P U « L A P it with His Spirit, and if it were think—the " h e a rt” cannot a rr o ­ A only” b r o a d c a s ts to the entire could be se pa ra te or coordinated, ular theology” and “ massified religion.” We do not doubt the ev­ observable t h a t His teachings have been maintained unchanged, gate to itself th e imperium of Truth— but what God demands, — A R L O E A C R O R V A A D 1 C A V A L campus and would be a means of as the needs of individual p r o ­ ident conviction of the w riter, but without addition or subtraction, what He has revealed. R E S U L T 1 R E the source and nature of that con­ ACROSS 29. Greet F E N G e: asking University presentations, g r a m s demanded. we could argue t h a t there is a In a few, the idea of "th e true E R A viction is certainly based on the Church” is based on th e know­ 1. Pay check 30. Pepper C O N F O R M S E 5 “ T rue Church” and without any such as L e c t u r e - C o n c e r t Series The major argument for t h i s popularity of her opinions and not arrogance on our p art. T here is ledge that the Will ofGod is known 6. Flaunt shrub A OO S V 5 T E M s in term s of rational analysis or 12. Grown up 31. Put on shows, m ore widely available, second proposal is that it would even the possibility of another ap­ no arrogance because it is He Who and that His Will was expressed 13. Cast out 32. Gull B A T T A S H E is responsible for Truth, not men. and continues to be expressed in A U K T A L E N T and that this would offer training provide more opportunity f o r proach to religion. His Church, His Body, His People 14. Compact 33. Corroded C A B B A G E A L E A Whoever wrote this article on Secondly, if anyone wishes to 15. Stupefy 34. Indo- for future announcers. s t u d e n t on-the-job ex per ien ce against whom the "g ates of Hell” European 0 WL ■ L A R R 1 A L the impossibility ofth e“ theT rue accept the conclusion of the edi­ shall not prevail. The Incarnation 16. Tapestry G E N y y A T E The dispute, as we see it, is than the AUSG idea. WBRS is Church” is unaware of the argu­ torial, let him know that he advo­ of Jesu s C hrist is the sign and 18. Jap. family 36. Short jacket * ments for it—demonstrable by cates religious scepticism and badge 38. Sports between t h e alternate p l a n s looking into the possibility that seal of this conviction. 19. Play 42. Calabar the articulation of popular p rej­ relativism : and then, he must ad­ offered, not between those who its plan would be l e s s expensive! 22. Peacock bean alkaloid 4. Wagnerian 9. House udices— b u t espouses a t a c i t mit that all religions are m an- butterflies 43. Shirk heroine siding want or do not want to establish This s ee m s r easo na bl e, but as scepticism concerning a l l r e ­ made and in so doing would be guilty of confusion. 23. Sesame 4 4 .Jeer 5. Free from 10. Bleak ligion. Fath er Michael Azkoul 45. Invigorate germs a station. yet there is not enough info r­ F irstly , the editorial confuses If, m oreover, all religions are 24. Forerunner 11. Blissful 26. Atom DOWN 6. Small garden All-University Student G o v ­ mation a v a i l a b e , p a r ti cu la rl y “ infallibility” with "im peccabil­ untrustworthy, without objectiv­ 28. Inclined armadillos 1. Stuff 17. Baton ity.” Those of us who advocate ity, then we have no certainty that from perpen­ 2. Soft drink 7. Hatchets er nme nt has prom ised financial from AUSG, to allow for a de ­ the idea of the “ True Church” God accepts anyone of them, no 19. Joyful dicular 3. Side arm 8. Verge exclamation and legislative support for a p r o ­ cision on either plan. make no claim s to piety, m erely certainty of redemption, no c e r ­ 20. Hornlike posed s i n g l e campus r a d i o station. Most students s ee m to favor the establishment of a station, that the doctrine of the Church tainty of His forgiveness, no c e r ­ contains no e r r o r and that this is tainty of salvation. not the result of human percep­ The, again, if He does not ca re Letter t It 2 i 4 y Û 4 13 7 6 i 10 n fibers: var. 21. Sight-seer 23. Sanskrit tion but the Divine Will. Indeed, about truth in religion, there is Its plan would establish a single station to c o v e r t h e entire and we would like to see additional c o n c r e t e r e s e a r c h into the m a tt e r if the Church is a human inven­ no reason for me to be concerned. tion it cannot be “ true” or “ in­ Indeed, religion, as interesting as Policy i4 7Ì9 % 14 % 17 ii 16 school 25. N. Zealand vine c am pus, w i t h provisions f o r so a logical decision soon may fallible.” But although man is it may be, as expedient, as use­ ful, is of no ultimate concern. io 22 P 23 26. Boss 27. Moisture in s e p a r a te pr og ram mi ng at v a r - be reached. fallible, God is not. Now, if God Himself were to I n d e e d , religious conviction L etters should not be longer than 300 words, and should be 24 21 72 f % 24 i 27 drops 29. Kind of typed double spaced if possible. /? bean Names and address should also 26 / / 29 31. Buzzing F r a n c e M a in t a in s H e a v y I n te r e s t //y 32 sound be included. No unsigned letters will be printed, but names may % 30 i 31 // 35 33. Retired 34. Parched be withheld if we feel there is reason. 33 36 % 37 34 36 %39 è 4o 41 yÀ 35. Part of a church E conom y K ey To S .E . A s ia The State News reserv es the right to edit letters to fit space requirem ents. 42 44 'M 43 45 37. Bombyx 39. Person 40. Holland while boycotting American and m commune 41. Stitch . From Our Wire Se r vi ce s cost the French $5 billion, plus just war funds in Southeast Asia. Nam’ s huge rubber plantations, another $2 billion in aid contrib­ She invested $2 billion in Indo- tea and coffee plantations, and British talks with Russia? The loss of Indo-China in 1954 uted by the United States. China, most of it in Viet Nam, important shares of chem ical, Why has De Gaulle apparently was a heavy blow to Fran ce. An The blow to French morale was for roads, railroads and canals, beer, glass, textile and cement changed his view of the stategic estimated 100,000 F r e nc h m en were killed or reported m i s s i n g enormous. It contributed to the disintegration of the French po­ health m easures reducing infant mortality and in important ir­ production. An estimated 30,000 S o u t h significance of Southeast Asia? Indo-China still holds the key to SUMMER STUDV-TRAVEL IN EUROPE and another 140,000 were wound­ litical scene, the collapse of the rigation p rojects. Vietnamese secondary students p o t e n t i a l Communist advance ed. French Fourth Republic and the French assets are valued at attend French schools. westward to the Bay of Bengal, When final defeat came at the arrival of President Charles De more than $230 million in this Fran ce s t i l l is South Viet Eastward to the Philippines and battle of Dien Bien Phu the strug­ Gaulle’ s Fifth Republic. rem ote part of the w :-l.\ This Nam’ s largest custom er. Com­ eventually through Indonesia to gle to h o l d onto Indo-China had France spent much more than includes almost all oi .jouth Viet munist North Viet Nam maintains Australia. Does De Gaulle con­ 7 w e e k p r o g r a m of langu age study and a c c u l t u r a t i o n a com m ercial d e l e g a t i o n in sider Red China less threaten­ P aris. ing now? If so, why? - - F r e n c h in P a r i s MICHIGAN Thus it is n o t difficult to see De Gaulle himself has failed to - - I t a l i a n in F l o r e n c e UNIVERSITY STATE STATE N E W S that Fran ce has a continuing in­ terest in an area embracing North provide the answers except for the grandiose explanation that he - - G e r m a n in C o l o g n e an d South Viet Nam, Laos and simply is recognizing that R e d - - S p a n i s h in B a r c e l o n a o r M a d r i d Cambodia. This helps to explain China is a force in being. < 4 w e e k s f o r independent o r guided t r a v e l Member Associated P re s s , United P ress the irritation among Frenchmen Other French sources have a r­ summer term ; special Welcome Issue in Sep­ International, Inland Daily P re ss Association, o v e r the implication t h a t t h e gued that since attempts to quar­ S p e c i a l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n a r r a n g e d to and f r o m E u r o p e tem ber. Associated Collegiate P re ss Association, United States might be able to antine Communist China have for fu rth er information ca ll: Second cla ss postage paid at E ast Lansing, Michigan P re s s Association. succeed where France had failed. failed, it now is time to try other Michigan. But this still doesn’t explain methods. Even though such re a ­ Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Published by the students of Michigan the present course taken by the soning runs counter to the Am er­ Services Building, Michigan State University, State University. Issued on class days Monday independent French President ican view and in the end seem s di­ E ast Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions through Friday during the fall, winter and Charles De Gaulle. rected toward sacrifice of Na­ payable in advance: term , $3; 2 term s, $4; spring quarters, twice weekly during the There have been blatant Com­ tionalist China. 3 te rm s, $5; full y ear, $6. munist violations of the neutral­ ity of Laos and the arm istice in It may be that De Gaulle’ s sense of history h a s betrayed h i m. AMERICAN LANGUAGE & EDUCATIONAL CENTER Editor ....................: . .B ru ce Fabricant Wire Editor. ........................ John Van Gieson Korea. So how can De Gaulle be­ Under th e protective canopy of Advertising Manager......................Fred Levine Photo C h i e f ....................... .George Junne Campus Editor................ . . .G e r ry Hlnkley . Asa’ t, qftp.pus.,.e1d itoc, - .... .,t & Mym,™ Night Editor..............................L e slie Goldstone 1 adfr y i u ^ , .Frank Server J r ., lieve neutrality is a sensible, if possible, course for Viet Nam? offsetting U.S. and Soviet nuclear gower— abandoning the broader CONTINUING EDUCATION SERVICE Opposing neutrality for West alliances ofNATOandSEATOand Editorial Staff. . . .Barb Bradley Dave Stewart ............................................... Arthur Langer Germany, how can De Gaulle ad­ the hope of the United Nations— R m . 12 K e ll o g g C n t . ............................Mike Kindman .Karen Gilliland Circulation Manager................... Bill Marshall vocate it for Southeast Asia? it may be leading De Gaulle to a Sports Editor...................................Je r ry Caplan News Adviser.................................. Dave Jaehnig How can he deliberately seek nationalism which could defeat it­ 355-5079 out closer contact with Red China self. Thursday, F e b r u a r y 13, 1964 M ich igan State News, E a s t L a n sin g , M ichigan N a tio n a l T r e n d M a d e m o is e lle Ryder F o r e ig n S tu d e n t C o n te s t D e a d lin e Named for complete rules to Art Com­ The deadline for Mademoiselle E n r o ll m e n t R is e s Editor art competition, college poetry petition, College Fiction Com­ petition, or College P oetryC om - competition, and college fiction The rising number of foreign m e a n s —professors overseas, competition is March 1. Winners petition, Mademoiselle, 420 L ex­ As editor, Ryder oversees the ington Avenue, New York, N.Y. students at Michigan State is MSU-sponsored projects in some will receive cash prizes up to countries, the catalogs the Uni­ p u b l i c a t i o n of 35 highlyspe- keeping p a c e with a national $500 and publication in the August cialized technical Journals. He trend, said Betty Abu Gheida, versity sends to the United States 1964, issue. acting foreign student adviser. •'We’ ve had an increasing num­ Information Agency and to many also w rites a monthly editorial U.S. embassies abroad, and by for each issue of the IEEE Spec­ ber since World War II,” M rs. talking to returning students. trum , which is a more general The poetry and fiction com ­ petitions are open to women en­ Trio Plans Abu Gheida said. "Right now we feel it is a m atter of rising to to Many of the students coming publication distributed to the en­ MSU and other American uni­ tire membership. rolled in accredited colleges or j u n i o r c o l l e g e s . Poems or Recital Music students will present a a certain plateau, then leveling versities are selected by govern­ Ryder was chairman of e le ctri­ stories which have been published off, but this level is not p re­ mental agencies in their coun­ cal engineering at the University in undergraduate or alumni pub­ trio recital at 8:15 p.m. Friday dictable.” trie s. These foreign institutions of Illinois before coming to MSU lications are acceptable. in the Music Auditorium. There now are 884 foreign stu­ and several in the U.S. sponsor as dean of engineering in 1954. He Kathryn Heafield, B a y C i t y dents from 89 different coun­ the students, paying for almost holds 24 patents and is the author In the poetry competition, en­ graduate student, Lois T aylor, trie s at MSU. Over half of the all of their expenses. trants may submit one or more East Lansing senior, and Marion of numerous articles and f o u r students come from Asian coun­ Another large percentage of the textbooks. poems of any length. In the fic­ Schrock, East Lansing graduate trie s , while very few come from foreign students manage on per­ tion competition, one or more student, will combine the piano, Europe. M rs. Abu Gheida offered sonal reso u rces, often supporting manuscripts of any length may soprano voice, and clarinet, r e ­ M O L I E R E CO M E D Y - S h o wn rehearsing for n e xt Wednesday’ s opening of " T h e Mi se r ” are (l ef t to right) graduate students Barbaro Rowe, C h i c a g o, III.; Burton B el an t , P o n t i a c ; Thomas an explanation for this unbalanced themselves by p art-tim e jobs. ratio. About 70 per cent of the stu­ Hedrick be submitted, but all ch aracters and situations must be fictitious. spectively in the program . Miss Heafield and Schrock will begin the program with Brahm s' "T he students come from all dents are in graduate schools. Kartak Honolulu, H a w a i i ; Susan Pennington, Car bondal e , III. , ond junior William S e e l e y , in Grand R api ds . •j Photo by Goorgo Jwnno over to in crease their education. Agricultures and related fields "T h e still-developing Asian and have a t t r a c t e d 23 per cent, Officers The art competition is open to women between 18 and 26 who are enrolled in college or art “ Sonata for Clarinet and Piano,” in four movements. African countries have few in­ natural science, 13.5 per cent; Miss T aylor will Join the other Hedrick House Cooperative r e ­ school. Entrants must submit Performing Arts Co. Plans stitutes capable of such edu­ cation, while the universities of and social science and engineer­ ing, 13 per Europe are advanced as far or of the students are spread out farther than Michigan State in through the University. cent each. The rest cently elected spring term offi­ c e r s . They are president, T o m DeSarro, Seneca F a l l s , N. Y. , at least five samples of work in any medium. Slides or photo­ graphs of the o r i g i n a l s are two for the andantino-allegretto of Schubert’ s "D er Hirt aur dem Felsen ,” Op. 129. The final number will be Alvin senior; secretary , Bruce Baker, acceptable. their foreigr student p ro g ram s." Special privileges are granted E tle r’ s “ Sonata for Clarinet and Adapted Moliere Comedy Why do fo_eign students come to Cuban refugees andthosefrom to MSU. Who pays for their edu­ C o m m u n i s t cation and expenses while here? trie s. These students are not - c o n t r o l l e d coun­ North Muskegon junior; and stew­ ard, Bernie Bailey, Midland sen­ ior. Address entries or requests Piano.” limited to the time they can stay Others elected were purchas­ The Performing Arts Com­ "T h is version has capitalized on Pennington played the nurse in Many have asked these questions. pany will present an arena pro­ M oliere's stock comic situations "M edea” this y ear. Harpagon’ s The students find out about in A m erica, and while they attend ing agent, Bruce Noll, Carson City senior: social chairm an, Bob WEEKLY COOPONSPECIAL 8] duction o f " T h e M is e r,’ ’ a and c h a ra cte rs, with added lines two wily servants, Jacques and Michigan State through various MSU, they pay the tuition rates Sheardy, Lake Orion sophomore; for Michigan residents. Moliere comedy, in the Audi­ and situations to embroider and L aFlech e, w i l l b e played by torium Arena Theatre next Wed­ enrich the play in a way that Thomas C. Kartak, Honolulu, athletic ch airman, Russ Sterenberg, Muskegon junior; ed­ [« BRAKE nesday through Saturday. I surm ise the original French Hawaii, graduate s t u d e n t and E n g i n e e r s ucation chairm an, Steve Clarke, D irector John C. Hurd, a s s is ­ companies would have d o n e .” William A. Seeley, Grand Rapids tant instructor in speech, adap­ G r a d T a k e s T o p s Milton, N .Y ., sophomore; and ADJUSTMENT per wheel with coupon Hurd added that "m odern dress junior. Intercooperative Council rep re­ ted the script because he felt in a com ic vein and functional D i n e T o n i g h t I n W o r l d ’s F a i r sentative, Chuck Parsons, Mus­ that none of the current versions furniture to facilitate rounded The American Society of Civil kegon junior. Coupon Good through Sot, F e b , 15, 1964 B arbara Rowe, Chicago, 111., of the play really captured the comic m o v e m e t n p a t t e r n s graduate student, as E lise, and Engineers will hold a faculty- T r e a s u r e r will be E m e r y D e s ig n C o n te s t full-bodied fun of the original. ch aracterize the arena setting.” Bruce Lyon, Cedar Rapids grad­ student banquet at 6:30 tonight at *’I hope that our production « Burt B. Belant, Pontiac grad uate student, as Valere, furnish the Country Kitchen in Mason. A graduate student in industrial Kesteloot, Detroit sophomore. RUSS ZUKER TIRE SERVICE will recapture M oliere’ s original Thomas G reer, professor of design will be in Chicago today to student and member of the P e r­ the secondary love plot. Anselme, 6 , Michigan at Highland intent and com ic sp irit,’’ he said. forming A rts Company, plays the father o f Marianne an d Valere, humanities, will give an analysis be honored for his winning entry title role of Harpagon, who allows will be played b y George Ko­ of the possibilities for disarm a­ w h e n a r e Next to Golf-O-Tron in "Design Unlimited” for the his m ierliness to rule his every vach, Pontiac, freshman and ment an d a forecast of ways to New York W orld's Fair. ; MARATHON l 6 5 % a n d 3 5 % B r ake S e r vi ce - Custom Retreadi ng action. creative scholarship winner. eliminate another world war. P r o f T o D e s c rib e Bruce Riley, Louisville, Ky., Cleante, Harpagon's young and Tickets may be purchased in g o o d m a r k s ? will receive a $1,000 award for inexperienced son, will beplayed Others in the c a s t i n c l u d e rhe Civil Engineering office. T u rk ish D i g g i n g s first place in design competition by Thomas E . Klunzinger, E ast S u s a n Keyt, Ada, freshm an; sponsored by the Fine Hardwoods John H. Young, professor of L a n s i n g , s o p h o m o r e . Julie B a r b a r a E ck er, Lone Island. F a r m H o u s e H e a d s Assoc. classical archeology at Johns . English, E ast Lansing freshman, N .Y., freshm an, and Kenneth R. His prize-winning entry was Dave P rieu r, Chesaning soph­ Hopkins University, will speak will' p ortray the lovely and witty Keeling, W arren, Ohio, sopho­ for a pair of matched walnut cases omore, w a s recently elected here Friday at a meeting of the Marianne, courted by both Har­ m ore. president of F arm House fratern - to house hi-fi, television and Central Michigan Society of the pagon and Cleante. Miss English Archeological Institute of Am eri­ has appeared with the Enchanted Fairchild Box O ffice will be ity. storage units. The w o r k will be Other officers include Eugene unveiled in the Hardwoods A sso­ L fv e t h a t m a n ? ca. Hill Playhouse, Syracuse, Indi­ open from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m . Buck, Mount M orris sophomore, ciation’ s F a ir exhibit in April. The meeting will be at 7:30 ana, and with the Community C ir­ Monday through Wednesday for Ward T aylor, Bath graduate v i c e president; D a l e S ha w, p.m . in the Kresge A rt Center. cle P layers in Lansing. Auditorium Arena Season Ticket Decker sophomore, secretary ; student in design, received hon­ Young will describe the recent Susan Pennington, Carbondale, exchanges for "T h e M iser.” In­ and Curtis Jensen, Hart sopho­ orable mention in the competition excavations a t th e Hellenistic 111., graduate student, is ca s t dividual admissions may be pur­ for a stereo hi-fi unit. m ore, tre a su re r. sites near Nemrud Dagh in T u r­ as the c h a r m i n g , flattering chased at the door for 50 cents. key. m a t c h - m a k e r , Frosin e. M rs. Curtain time is 8:00 p.m. THUR SDAY S T O R t HOURS - 9 : 3 0 A.M. To 5 : 3 0 P.M. YOU a l w a y s s a v e a t l e a s t $ 1 . 1 0 on e v e r y L P ! BEATLES LP* MEETTHEBEATLES $2.88 45's • I WANTTOHOLDYOORHAND SHE LOVES YOU MY BONNIE only 690 Chad Mitchell Trio NEW REFLECTING Johnny Mathis only $2.88 RELEASES T E NDE R IS THE NIGHT MARSHALL MUSIC CO. Clip this Ad. .Clip this Ad. . .Clip this Ad Clip this Ad. , C lip o : o f||Ì|g| ilrafBl tj§|3 ‘ *V * )*"*.* lÉg I § s tr I m % I * J.% m i S I 8 : i, ? I J I V ' 11 n 11 «■! J I L.1 H a w h e n t h e y 'r e Tell him so with 6 5 % D A C R O N o & 3 5 % c o t t o n a Valentine Gift of X3 r+ 3“ in P o s t- G r a d cr to COIN OP DRY CLEANING CO s la c k s b y !> a 8 lb s . of dr y c l e a n i n g r e g u l a r l y $ 2 . . .with t h i s ad I p l . u l l exclusive Grip-Tab"collar is O you s a v e 5 0 0 n h . i. & easiest closing, best looking 'S ’ T h i s is t h e f a b r i c c o m b o ft- 3" H e ’ll love you for ch o o sin g sh irts that give him 3* CO SWEATERS to t h a t m a k e s m u s i c with s le e k g o o d lo o k s a n d w a sh su c h trim , flatte rin g fit an d a ll-d a y -lo n g com fort. > > Sw eaters cleaned. . .regularly a a b l e d u r a b i lit y . A n d P o s t - a spring’s subtle Grads are th e b ona fide Th e extra long sta p le S u p im a " 10 0 % cotton 7 5 0 e a c h . . .with t h i s ad shape for ju n io rs.. . a u t h e n t i c s t h a t tr im you up fa b ric fe e ls a lm o st like s ilk a n d M an h a tta n * a n d t a p e r you d o w n . T rie d - n b 2,or 990 Xi defined by contrast stitching a n d -tr u e ta ilo re d w ith b e lt lo o p s , tr a d itio n a l p o c k e t s , g ive s it the fin e tailo rin g it (and h e !) deserve. In order to get these specials this ad must be presented when clothes and circled with itsown dotted smoke ring n e a t c u f f s . O n ly $ 6 . 9 5 in a re brought in for cleaning. Expires Saturday February 22, 1964. £• th e c o lo r s you l i k e . . . a t th e CO scarf. W a sh a b le and crease-resistan t in s t o r e s you like. ►Du Pont.’ s Reg. TM * brown or navy spun rayon. 5 toT5sizes. 11.98 W IN A T R I P T O E U R O P E RHONE IV « *721 P ic k u p y o u r " D e s t in a t io n E u r o p e ” O CLEANERS AND SHIRT LAUNOERERS *5 -Jacobsons c o n te s t e n try fo rm a t a n y s t o r e f e a ­ t u r in g t h e h . i . s l a b e l. N o t h in g to b u y ! 2 E t/> Jr S v ’fw n ! h . i . s o W p js v a ii . y o u r S m if 4.''*:." '•» a l l ’s • •••- i ei * c h o ic e o f s e v e n d if f e r e n t t r i p s t h is 3M«“ • FRANCO« SHOPPING CENTER s u m m e r to y o u r f a v o r it e E u r o p e a n CO c it y b y l u x u r i o u s j e t . E n t e r n o w ! two eleven south Washington— michigon theater building CO Casual D r e s s e s Clip this Ad. . .Clip this Ad; .Clip this Ad. . . C l i p this Ad. .Clip 4 M ichigan State News, E a s t Lansing, M ichigan T hu rsd ay , F e b r u a r y 13, 1964 C a m p u s C h e s t S c h o o ls C o n c e r n E v e r y o n e R e d s H i t S w is s C alendar o f T o S p o n s o r ( > > m tn g E v e n t« F o r D e fe c tio n C h a r it y M u s ic a l E d u c a t io n O u r R e s p o n s ib ilit y F o re stry Seminar — 10 a.m ., GENEVA f --T h e Soviet Union agency called KG A, had requested T ickets will go on sale Mon­ 27 F o re stry . charged Wednesday that Yuri I. political asylum in th e United day for Musical Kaleidoscope, Editor’ s Note: This is the of our society. We know we need United States Constitution never Somewhere the schools and the Nossenko, an expert on the So­ States. He disappeared from sight sponsored by Campus Chest. Ecology Seminar — 12 noon, last of a four-part series on learning, and as our society be­ so much as mentions the word teach ers failed these children. viet d i s a r m a m e n t delegation here eight days ago. The musical program will be 450 Nat. Sci. ■* education and preparation com es progressively m ore tech­ education, Y et, th e founding They weren't given e n o u g h e n - here, had been lured to the West Soviet Chief Delegate Semyon presented Feb. 22 in the Intra­ of future teachers. nical, we need m ore and better fathers all agreed that for this couragement to go with their ed­ mural Sports arena. Anatomy, Sociology an d An­ learning. experiment in d e m o c r a c y to ucation. They didn’t get f r o m by agents using "provocative a c ­ K. Tsarapkin declared Nossen- tivity.” The chief Soviet dele­ ko’ s defection could be blamed Tickets may also be entered thropology Seminar — 4 p .m ., By KA REN G I L L I L A N D The teaching profession must work, th e people must be edu- school what they should have. gate blamed Switzerland for loose on the "provocative activity” in a drawing to be held at that 335 Giltner. State News Staff Writer keep pace with the present ad­ cated. All we can do to help eliminate security and demanded that the of western intelligence agencies tim e. Twenty prizes in all are Biochem istry Seminar — 4 vancements of th e sixties and Democracy is peculiar among this problem, to discourage drop­ Swiss get Nossenko back. and constituted a violation of being offered with first prize p .m ., 114 B essey. Why all this fuss about teacher must prepare for the future of political system s in this resp ect. outs, is to institute new teacher Swiss reaction was sharp. Rend Swiss sovereignty. being an all-expense paid date education? Why are we inclined the seventies. With the m asses ruling through training program s which w i l l Helg, president of the Geneva to Spinster’ s Spin. Crop Science Seminar — 4 to be more concerned about the T eachers in elem entary an d the vote, it is essential that they provide the schools with teachers In a statem ent read to r e ­ Miss MSU will do the draw­ p.m ., 317 Ag. Hall. teaching profession and teacher have the ability to make an intel­ who can teach more interestingly c a n t o n a l (state) government, secondary schools give us more p orters; Tsarapkin called on the ing. Students need not be p re ­ training program s t h a n about ligent decision. called the Soviet statements "un­ Entomology Seminar — 4 p .m ., than just the skills we need for our and effectively. Swiss government to demand that sent to win. other professions? And, the ability to make any de­ We can encourage more quali­ founded, unjust and unfriendly.” 401 Nat. Scl. Jobs. They teach us our way of Nossenko be returned to Geneva The tickets, which cost 25$ There is a very simple explan­ cision com es from the training of fied people to go Into teaching by He charged the Russians failed life. They prepare us to l e a r n and handed over to the Soviet each, will be sold in residence Psychology Colloquium — 4 ation. All of us, regardless of our childhood. boosting their pay and prestige. to cooperate with Swiss police from our experiences outside of delegation. h a l l s , fraternity and sorority p .m ., Ill Olds Hall. profession or job, have had con­ T h e teach ers’ role is an ob­ We can encourage our children in the m atter and even actively school. They teach us to think. hindered police work. houses, and in the Union. tact with the educational system s It is Interesting to note that the vious and a vital one. to finish school, to go on to col­ Swiss Foreign Minister F ried ­ Angel F 1 ig h t — 4:30 p .m ., Another Swiss called the So­ Penny night will also be held Mural room , Union. An especially pertinent rem ark lege. rich Wahlen immediately sum­ viet statements "so u r grap es.” Feb. 22. G irls living in dor­ in Jam es B. Conant’s report on We can pay a few extra dollars moned Soviet Ambassador Alex­ The S t a t e Department an­ m itories or sorority houses may Acrobats Club — 7 p .m ., Je n - American public s c h o o l s con­ in taxes to provide schools with nounced Monday that the 3 3 -y e a r- ander Lochtchakov to the fed­ eral government building in Bern purchase a ticket for 60tf which ison Fieldhouse. will enable them to stay out an T r a v e l, G r a d S c h o o l cern s what the schools offer to the many young people in big c it­ better equipment. We can bring forth constructive old Russian, identified as an of­ and handed him a stiff protest Latin American Studies Center ficer of the top Soviet security against Tsarapkin’ s rem arks. extra hour. ies who have dropped out of school criticism of schools an d teach­ Lectu re — 7:30 p .m ., Lincoln T O D A Y and F R I D A Y -------- Rm. , Kellogg Center, L in k S e n io r s O f W e e k and are without work. "W hat can words like ‘free­ e rs. All this we can do and must do Folk Dancing - 8 p .m ., 32 Un­ Interesting jobs, travel and Gilmore worked in Greenfield dom,’ ‘ liberty’ and ‘equality of if we want to continue In the dem­ FEATURE AT 1 :0 0 -3 :1 5 -5 :2 5 -7 :3 5 -9 :5 0 p.m. plans for graduate study are the Village. Gordon is employed by V» G LAD M IR Buddy E b s e n - L o i s N et tle ton ion. common denominators l i n k i n g Christian Science Lectu re — 8 Marge Gilmore and Maxie Gordon the Counter Guerilla Co. opportunity’ mean to these young people? With what kind of zeal o cratic tradition o u r nation fol­ lows. Education is the basis of A history m ajor from Dear­ and dedication can we expect them our way of life, and if we want a T H E A T R E p .m ., Union Ballroom . born, M iss Gilmore has a 2.7 t il ■»» as this week’ s Seniors of the to withstand the relentless p re s­ better way, we need better educa­ * 4 8 5 -6 4 8 5 MAIL ORDER BRIDE’ Folklore Society — 8 p .m ., Week. Tower room , Union. Miss Gilmore attended her so­ a l l - U n i v e r s i t y g r a d e point average. S h e i s president of sures of Communism?” he asks. tion. Persing Rifles — 7:30 p .m ., 11 rority’ s national convention this Kappa Delta Sorority, and has IWLB ESLULEORElfi ILEUM t Starting SATURDAY c o nt in u ou s f r o m 1 :0 0 p . m . Dem. Hall, C lass “ A” uniform. past sum m er, meeting girls from American Chemical Society all over the United States. Several worked on J - C o u n c i l , Union ENDS TONIGHT: . . . . a t 7:20-9:30 P.M. Board, Greek Week and J-H op. Lecture — 8 p .m ., 122 Kedzie. summers ago, Gordon traveled Gordon is a philosophy m ajor Graduate Inter-V arsity C h ris­ through Europe, the Middle E ast S b E S b S E fc : B R IG IT T E BARDOT from Columbia, S. C. and is vice - ► S S X -M I7 » • * # tian Fellowship — 7:30 p .m ., 35 and northern A frica. president of Omega P si Phi fra ­ in Union. The past two summers Miss ternity. He was athletic chairman “ L O V E ON A P I L L O W “ for Arm strong Hall and p artici­ TOMORROW: S ta rts TODAY! CAM PUS pated in intram ural football and Tapse?* 65 $ to 5:30 Eve. & Sun. 90if basketball. He is president of the T H t A T ' R 'C - T W I N - H I T LAUGH local NAACP and is in the ROTC special fo rces. — S37-OB71 „ ¿ S B m K h ► 332-0B44 — _ S H O W ^ ^ Gordon has a 2.8 average and ' ^ r i o o - 4: 00^ 7 ioO - 1 0 : 0 0 ~ ~ 2 :3 5 -5 :4 0 -8 :4 5 belongs to Scabbard and Blade and Blue Key honoraries. A VERY FORWARD After graduation this spring, «fe m e s SleWaRT GUY WITH HILARIOUS THE GREATEST COMEDIANS Miss Gilmore will attend grad­ BACKWARD IDEAS! uate school. Gordon will study SaNDi&a[)EP AT THEIR FUNNIEST! for a m asters degree in meta­ physics after he receives his se­ Broadway's cond lieutenant comm ission. Big Comedy Smash Is On The C o n fe r e n c e Screen! "f S*MCOMMA* PBfSf T o E x a m in e F R A N K A N IT A U R S U L A SINATRAMARTINEKBERGANDRESS N e w s A d s Newspaper advertising will be given a critica l look at the Eighth omgigr-.- 4^ F O R T E X A SA SCNfENPL AV BV A n n u a l Conference for News­ paper Advertising Salesmen Feb. three flirte one ring! 14-15. Charles bronson VICTOR BUONO .he thrIe s'tooges TEDDI SHERMAN- ROBERT ALDRICH Speakers come from outside “ °irLCVl: ROBERT ALDRICH TEC H N IC O LO R ' From W ARNER BRO S. the Immediate field— a retail food as "BILLY UAH" Presented Friday 7 :2 0 -9 :2 5 P.M. •ilkJUUE CHRISTIE. chain representative, two adver­ j j T DeLuxe tising agency p r e s i d e n t s , two n e w s p a p e r editors and three P See “ The Cardinal” MÄws specialists in community d e - I' From the Beginning- velopment. Today & Sun. thruTues. The event is one of three con­ at 1:45-5:00-8:14 tinuing e d u c a t i o n program s Friday and Saturday *—T — H — I — A — T— R — I - WrittenandC.rected byROBERTYOUNGSON offered this year for people in at 12:00-3:05-6:20-9:30 Winner of Tw« Acetfemy Aw irdi! the business side of newspaper I — — 482-7311 C IN E M A S C O P E g ------------------- No Advance in Prices w o r k by t h e M i c h i g a n P r e s s Next Natalie Wood & Steve McQueen in Association and the department of Att. “ LOVE WITH THE PROPER STRANGER” advertising. 1 NO W -2ND B I G W E E K ! OTTO PREMINGER PRESENTS the story of ayoung A m erican- his personal & professional conflicts— starting with his ordi­ nation as a priest and ending with his elevation to prince of the church—told against the background of two world w ars, MSU Lecture-Concert Series prohibition, jazz, the lost generation, stock market crash , burning c ro sse s of the Ku Klux Klan, Hitler’s rise to power— an exciting cavalcade filmed in its actual locales: New England, the South, Vienna & Rome. S P E C IA L F O R D C A R a v a n o f M u s ic nr™ f e s ja % s lu r r in g the lively onC8 N IN A H E R B IE S IM O N E M A N N BEAUTY and the BEARD THE RON (Y O U 'L L L O V E THE BLENDING) MOONSHINERS ELIRON When an irresistible force like Ann-Margret Folk Trio Folk Singer-Sttfiritt meets an immovable object like At Hirt... Tuesday, F e b r u a r y 2 5 - 8 : 1 5 p.m. P0W1 Yon know she can sing but wait 'til yon IS/IIIMKER r=ll_IV1 hear him! And with At on his horn for extra good measure, "Beauty" and "The Beard" U N I V E R S IT Y A U D IT O R IU M _ THE CARDINAL n a w TOM TRYON, ROMY SCHNEIDER. CAROL LYNLEY. JIU. HAWORTH, ■ RAF VALLONE. JOHN SAXON. JOSEF MEINRAD, BURGESS MEREDITH, OSSIE DAVIS. make a most happy "Bill Bailey," (DOROTHY QISH, TULLIO CARMINATI, MAGGIE McNAMARA. BILL HJkXES, "Just Because," Personality uu many R eserv ed S e a ts ; $2.50, $2.00, $ 1 .5 0 I CECIL KELLAWAYanoJOHN HUSTONasGLENNON Also: Bobby (Morse) andhis Adora-Bellos more. Get this joyous album ■MSCREENPLAY RV ROBERT DOZIER RASED ON THE INTERNATIONAL REST SELLER BV HENRY MORTON ROBINSON, today. Ton'll love it It's the blend. ON S A L E : F R I , F E B . H a t USIC RVJEROME MOROSS. PRODUCTION OESICNEO RT ITLE WHEELER PHOTOGRAPHEDBV LEON SHAMROT INTECHNICOLOR» ANOPANAVISION ». PRODUCED ADIRECTEO RT OTTO PREMINGER. A Columbi« Roloott. I RCA VICTOR A UNION T I C K E T O F F I C E Next! “ TOM J O NE S 1' The Best Comedy Ever Made!' T h e m o s t tr u s te d n a m e m s o u n d ¥ Thursd ay, F e b ru a ry 13, 1964 M ich ig an S tate News, E a s t L an sin g , M ichigan Viet Nam New Year Brings Editor Asks End Friendly Spirit Of Rebirth To 4Culture Lag9 A leading newspaperman has He said Am ericans are falter­ 4 called upon the University to ing as a nation and as individuals honesty, the impassibility before coming of spring or the New Y e a r, By HANH PHUNG strive for m ore excellence as a in the society, and that only excel­ flatteries and the incorruptibility but also exp ress the Joy of the means of eliminating a growing lence can aboliSTr the "cu ltu ral State News Staff Writer of the Spirit. individual who has discovered "cu ltural lag” in Am erica. lag” brought about by sweeping or regained an awareness of The offerings exp ress man’ s Educators should appreciate changes. Today is the Vietnamese New life's meaning. deep gratitude to the C reato r the thrust of change buffeting our He said the university must as­ ^year. The first day of the New Y ear for having placed in his heart human society these days and the sume its role to eliminate the The Vietnamese call it " T E T ” . everyape hurries to do what he power to discern good from evil. necessity to accept and deal with "cu ltu ral lag,” to make new and F o r the Vietnamese, each tr a ­ has promised himself. In the Interpreted in this manner, the the challenges thrown at us by the Imaginative efforts to encourage dition holds significance. Each family he trie s to keep an atmos­ celebration of the Spirit of the change, said William Baggs, edi­ all who come to it to seek excel­ religious or social p ractice has phere of peace and happiness, Family becomes necessary, for tor of the Miami (Fla.) News. lence. its own legend. he fulfills his duty with joy, it reminds man that the C reator The two-tim e Pulitzer P riz e - "T h e university must search On the 23rd day of the 12th visits relatives and friends. looks at each of his acts. winning journalist s p o k e at for new ways to participate in so­ mont h, Vietnamese families Q uarrels of the last year are However, this celebration is Kellogg C enter Monday to a group ciety, and as it does, it must make celebrate the "F e stiv a l of the forgotten, old relations are r e ­ not as deep as the celebration of adult educators from across cle a r, with insistence, the rela­ Spirit of the F am ily ." established. the nation. tionship between excellence and Ordered by the Em peror of of the New Y e a r’ s Eve. In himself, a m iracle has hap­ Jade to watch the behavior of New Y e a r’ s Eve everyone re ­ pened. In the new and smiling "In such a tim e,” said Baggs, concern among our citizens and men during his stay on the earth, turns to his home. Nothing is decor of every house, in the "th e university cannot be a by­ the survival o f'fre e m an," he the Spirit of the Family leaves important enough to keep a man happy animation of the streets, stander. " concluded. this world and presents to the far from his family. Even a one can read the generosity, Y E A R O F T H E DRAGON-Student* will be able to help welcome in the Chinese New Year by Em peror a report on men's be­ bad husband or father hears at friendship and hope for the fu­ attending festivities at 6 p.m. Saturday at St. John's Student Center, 327 MAC Avenue. havior. . this hour the voice of the family ture. F o r the farewell cerem ony, the in his h eart. It is his duty to fam ilies offer him a copious come home. C h in e s e H a il O c e a n o g r a p h e r T o S p e a k meal, gold, boots for his trip, This time of year is sacred, and hats made of colorful papers. it belongs not to the individual R ally P la n n e d An oceanographer from the m eteor impact c ra te rs , 2 p .m ., N e w Y e a r U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 204, and the origin of ocean This celebration represents the but to the others, the living as •fneditation of each individual at well as the dead. For S u m m e r will lecture today in the Nat basins, 7:30 p.m. 128. the coming of the new y e a r. He l.n front of each home, a high O f D r a g o n Sci Building. Refreshments will be served looks back at his past life be­ perch is dressed, with a little Robert Bietz will speak on at the 7:30 p.m. session. The fore confronting the future. The lantern on the top. At its light, R esort Jo b s Chinese New Y ear will be cele­ geosynclines, 10 a.m .; room 406, meetings are open. Spirit of the Family plays the the ancestors will find the way brated at 6 p.m. Saturday at St. role of mediator between the to- return home. C reator and man. At midnight, the chief of the Students interested in meeting representatives of various camps John’ s Student Center, 327 MAC Avenue. DR. DOUGLAS M. DEAN Fur-trimmed winter coats and re so rts may attend the Sum­ The Dragon Y ear festivities Some interpret this wrongly, family prays before the altar m er Employment Rally at 7 p .m ., will include a Chinese dinner, offering of gifts to the Spirit ancestors and asks them to join O PTO M ETR IST as a naive desire to soften his virtue. his family to celebrate the New Y ear. Tuesday. Russell B. Daubert, chairman movie travelog, g a m e s , and dancing. were to $119.00 n ow only $75.00 of recreation and youth leader­ The main dishes of the dinner But we should see this y e a r - Desiring both to live and to ship for th e health, physical ed­ 210 A BBO TT RD. Phone 3 3 2 -6 5 6 3 end celebration as a farewell know oneself, the individual looks w i l l i n c l u d e roast pork, soy party between two friends. The back to his past and thinks of his ucation and recreation depart­ ment, is the rally advisor. sauce, chicken and sweet and sour meat balls prepared and HOURS BY APPOINTM ENT ’Variety of dresses one who stays does not want to future. Each individual is a bond He will be available to answer served Chinese style. E A S T LANSING bribe the service of the future between the past and present. Complete selection of questions concerning s u m m e r C. T . Chan, an East Lansing trav eler. Besides, he can not. He understands the necessity of styles and s iz e s . camp employment. dentist, will show movies of F o r­ (A b o v e C o lle g e D ru g S to re ) The artist who first painted the pleasure of his ancestors on Other representatives include mosa. the Spirit of the Family has r e - this day. Doug Bobo, D irector of Camp Tickets are $1.25 per person -'presented him as a figure in The fire cra ck e rs that crash black. This detail reveals the at this hour greet not only the Eastern for boys at E li, Minn., and are available at the U.N. $7.00 $9.00 $11.00 $13.00 Bob Lillienthal, Camp Winne­ bago, Fayette, Maine; C l i f f Lounge from M rs. Wold. All students and faculty who are K R E S G E S Drury, C a m p Hayo-Went-Ha, taking Chinese or are interested Torch Lake; and Royal Slack, V o c a l C o n c e rt Lansing Y.M .C.A. Camp at Mys­ in Chinese culture are invited to attend the New Y ear cele­ IIIoauHcl 203 East tic Lake. bration. Grand R iv e r G r e e n w e ll K N IT T E R S NOW! • S m fi R T U J 8 fl R * BETTER YARNS ¡ D e lig h t f u l G r o u p A t KRESGE’S BETTER° PRICES HOW W O U LD By L c O N W H E E L c ii piece, showed masterful control Carton S ta te .le w s R e v ie w e r of both long phrasing and of DOT’S YARN NOOK YO U L IK E T O The Pauline and Gean G reen- pianissimo singing in the upper voice. 80b Maryland Ave. Cigarettes . well recital Tuesday night in the Songs of declamation seem to Lansing music auditorium was a fine con cert. T h e hus b a n d - wi f e , best show off his voice. "R o lli- cum” by Gerald Finzi, a nd the One m ile w e s t o f F r a n d o r , b e tw e e n S h e r id a n a n d E a s t S a g in a w Kings & Filters e Plan the Radar System for a Nuclear Guided-M issile Cruiser? m ezzo-soprano-bass team was a beautiful S c o t i s h ballad "E d ­ # Evaluate Proposals for a New Thermo- su ccess all evening. ward” by C arl Loewe w ere two such songs. $ Electric Cooling System for Deep-Diving Subm arines? They were accompanied at the piano by their son C harles. His last solos w ere two songs of Brahm s, "T re a ch e ry ” and OPEL KADETT e Develop a Quick Reaction Tactical Data System for a 10 0-K not Hydroskimmer The program opened with two duets, "Sweet Nymph,” a six­ "T h e Futile Serenade.” Vessel? M rs. Greenwell captivated the G M 9s n e w lit tle t e e n t h - c e n t u r y c anzonet by • Design Acoustic Detection and Com m u­ Thomas Morley and "Sigh No audience w i t h Respighi’ s "11 nication Systems for use Several Miles tramonto ( T h e Sunset),” with G e r m a n c a r is M ore, L a d i e s , ” arranged by Thomas Dunhill. words by the Englishpoet Shelley. Reg. Size s2.55 down into ‘‘IN N ER SP A C E ?” Gean Greenwell was heard in M rs. Greenwell’ s voice was both a t L o r e n z B u i c k If you are interested in helping develop the nu­ beautiful and pure. Her voice was clear Navy of the future—involving exotic vessels a group of solo songs, of which the first was "A ris e , Ye Sub­ warm and the vocal continuity throughout her range was mag­ KRESGE’S CAMPUS STORE of all kinds—join us here in Washington, D. C „ in the headquarters operations of the Navy's Bureau terranean Winds” by Henry P u r­ A c r o s s f r o m t h e Union cell. He has an extrem ely large nificently matched. O neupper- of Ships. resonating voice. In the Purcell voice note was so beautifully piece, his voice flowed freely attacked, you could hear the aud­ and he phrased beautifully, a l- ience’ s hushed silence cry out C L E A R A N C E , ways maintaining a fine ringing “ B ravissim o.” ON - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS quality in his voice. But at the The m ezzo-soprano also sang F e b r u a r y 17 , 1 9 64 last ritenuto^ his pitch sagged and two Howard Brockway arrange­ ments, “ The Nighingale,” and SPORT ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONIC the fine balance between the voice ENGINEERS: SHIRTS and accompaniment was momen­ "T h e Old Maid’ s Song.” The last th re e n umbers on System s Engineering fo r all shipboard tarily interrupted. Greenwell, in " C l o u d s ” by the program were duets arranged PRICED AT ONLY.. . $1717 electronics in clu d in g Com bat In fo rm a ­ tio n Centers and fo r extensive shore- William Wordsworth, a sustained by Josef M arais. based e lectron ics facilities. 24 MO. WARRANTEE All Long Sleev e S h irt s a r e Project Engineering fo r th e develop­ m ent, in sta lla tio n , and m aintenance ATTENTION CAR OWNERS included at th es e Low p r i c e s o f RADAR, SO NAR, C O M M U N IC A TIONS, COUNTERMEASURES, COM PUTERS, IN S T R U M E N T A T IO N , and c o m p l e t e f r o n t end r e p a i r and a l i g n m e n t A M P H IB IO U S FI F C TR O N IC E Q U IP ­ «brakes «suspension Lorenz Buick 215 E . Kalamazoo Values to $ 7 . 9 5 NOW MENTS. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS & MARINE ENGINEERS: « w h e e l balancing* «steering corrections « m o t o r tune ups 88 P roject Engineering the m any m e­ chanical eq uipm en ts used on board ship (Steam T urbines, 1C Engines, Gas T u rb in e s , R e fr ig e ra tio n . H e a t E x­ C o lu m b ia changers, M ine & Torpedo C o un te r­ measures, Weapons H andling & Deck LISKEY'S AUTO SAFETY CENTER Values to $ 1 1 . 9 5 M achinery, Subm arine C ontrols, etc.). 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Pre-Recorded Tapes NOW Systems Design and plan nin g o f ALL shipboard propulsion, piping, and aux­ iliary equipm ent. NUCLEAR PROPULSION: FREE LECTURE T h e in L a rg e s t E a s t L a n s in g S e le c t io n A r e a ! $5“ (Engineers, M etallu rg ists, Physicists, C hem ists—p rio r tra in in g in nuclear engineering n o t necessary) Values to $ 1 5 . 9 5 Exceptionally well q u alified in dividu als m ay be selected fo r the jo in t Navy-AEC NOW ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE L a te s t S e le c tio n Nuclear Propulsion Program directed by Vice Adm iral H. G. Rickover. *O ld Favorites Subject: • Standards These positions allow for rapid advance to the $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 to $ 1 1 , 7 0 0 rai-go within three to four “ C H R I S T I A N S C I E N C E : T H E WAY O F Buy th e S la c k s - S p o r t C o a ts c a p s years. They also include the many benefits of ^ P op s«C lassics Career Civil Service, and a most interesting series PRO GRESS & PROTECTIO N Best of job-related graduate courses wholly or partly • V ocals S w e a te rs -O u te r C o a ts paid by the Navy. Lecturer: Columbia If you cannot meet our BuShips represent­ GEO RG IA N A T E N N A N T C . S . B . H as t o O f f e r # Instrum entals -a l l a t L o w P r ic e s - ative on the date indicated above, send your interests and educational background of London, England to Mr. L. E. Probst, Code 2 6 3 R . Place: H i - F i a n d S te re o C o m p o n e n ts a t C a ta lo g u e P r ic e s BU REA U O F S H IP S Union B a l l r o o m , 1.- • «We TAPE RECORDING iND. «»*•« r Main Navy Buirumg Time: open Mon. & Sat. 9-5:00, Wed. ‘Til 9, Free Parking Behind Store ositcheklros. Washington 2 5 , D. C. 1101 E. Grand River, E. Lansing, One Block E. of Campus Lansing T O N I G H T , T h u r s d a y , F e b . 13 at 8 P M 6 M ichigan State News, E a s t Lansing, M ichigan T hu rsd ay, F e b ru a ry 13, 1964 RICKETY OLD KILN-16 1 / 2 ” “ You have very e fficien t s e r v ic e . L e t m e c o n - * m 1/ 2” x 13” inside. Has KILN SOLD IN 3 DAYS THROUGH WANT AD g ratu late you,“ said th is satisfied a d v e r tis e r . going" cone 8 resularly- j f Au to m ot iv e j f E m p l o y m e n t ______ i f F o r Sale with a MSU Leads Summer Job SPORTSCARS & IMPORTS EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an GENERAL ELECTRIC stove, $18; In Grants A f r ic a n L it C o u r s e lowcost C o m p l e t e l y reconditioned & Avon representative. Turn your guaranteed. free time into $$. F o r appoint­ 3 burners and deep well; 39” . Good working condition. C a l l Book Here 1963 TRIUMPH Spitfire R oadster ment in your home write or call: 332-8927._____________________ 26 W ANT AD 1959 RENAULT Dauphine M rs. Alona Huckins, 5664 School Grants made by the U.S. Office MAGNOVOX RECORD p l a y e r , of Education may indicate that The 1964 Summer Employment M a y B e O ffe re d D irectory is now available to stu­ • AUTOMOTIVE 1962 MGA ’ ’ 1600” Mark II Road­ S t., H aslett, Michigan or call $50. T ran sisto r tape recorder, MSU is a national leader in de­ dents at the Placement Bureau, •E MP L O Y ME N T ster evenings, F E 9-8 4 8 3 . C26 $55. Call after 5:00 p .m ., 332—veloping and expanding graduate and the department of foreign the Honors College office, the "Introduction to African L it­ 1959 SIMCA Aronde LICENSED PRACTICAL S lft^ E . 6722. 26 program s of i m p o r t a n c e to e ra tu re ,” a th ree-cred it, 400 languages. It will be held in • F OR R EN T p h y s i c a l education office, the 1960 RENAULT Dauphine Day shift. Five or six days. Sup­ the late afternoon or early even­ • F OR SAL E MEN AND ladies clothing and ice national defense. College of Social Science, and level c o u r s e will be offered 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, 2-door ervision. Good pay, ideal work­ The g r a n t s , reports Allan spring term if enough students ing about three hours per week. • L O S T & FOUND skates; a sweeper; ironing board’ the home economics office. 1962 TRIUMPH TR3 ing conditions. Phone 699-2144. dishes and toys. IV 4-3037". 26 Tucker, a s s i s t a n t dean o f ad­ T h e d i r e c t o r y lists 35,000 sign up for it. “ The cou rse will provide an •PERSONAL 1963 FIAT Spider Roadster C arl Throop. 28 vanced graduate studies, are pro­ specific summer job opportun­ Intended for juniors, seniors, unusual opportunity to become • P EA NU T S P E R S O N AL AL EDWARDS MICRASCOPE Edscorp opFIca' vided for by the National Defense ities all over the country, names and graduate students, the cou rse fam iliar with literatu re exp ress­ • R E AL E S T A T E SPORTSCAR CENTER i f F o r Rent instrument, 8 -X and 15—X eye­ Education Act of 1959. and addresses of the employers will be taught by Jack B erry ing various native cultures of • 616 N. Howard p ieces. Call IV 7-5108. •SERVICE They are made on the basis which offer them, salary, and a of the African Studies Center A frica,” said Stanley Townsend, 489-7596 C 27 APARTMENTS BABY BEDS, new, full size with of $2,500 for each student en­ chairman of foreign languages. • TR ANS P O R TAT I ON sample letter of application and •WANTED FORD - l95~ stationwagon. $210. VETERINARIAN NE e OS room - wet-proof i n n e r s p r i n g mat­ rolled in new or expanded pro­ personal data sheet to assist "C o u rse readings will be in Eng­ DEADLINE: Sacrifice. Phone IV 5-2241 or IV 2-5 8 3 7 , ”00 E . Kalamazoo. £9 mate in Eydeal Villa. Must be a Swinger. Call 332-1952 after 8:00 tre s s e s , $25.95. C a n o p y crib gram s in scien ces, languages and complete. S p e c i a l at $59.95. other.specified fields. in applying. Included in this y ear’ s d irec­ Sigma Chi lish or f a m i l i a r E u r o p e a n languages.” 1 p.m . one c la s s da y b e ­ p.m. 332-4551. 28 LOOK B -4 -U Buy Storage F u r­ This year, MSU had 26 new Anyone interested should sign tory are a limited number of fo re pu bl ¡ c a tio n . C a n c e lla tio n s - 1 2 n o o n o n e FALCON 1962. Excellent condi- tion. E xtra pair snow tire s and D E lU X E FUR'NISHED apartment niture Sales, 4601 N. U.S. 27, IV students enrolled in these pro­ 7-0173. C26 gram s, out of a total of 50 for jobs at the New York World’ s Elects Slate up for F L 499 at the foreign language office, 201 Morrill Hall wheels. $1,075. Phone IV 2 -6 6 4 0 . f o r college of professional p e r­ F a ir as well as jobs in summer c la s s d a y b e fo re p u b lic a t io n Sigma Chi officers f o r th e _______ 29 sonnel. 3 room s, ceram ic bath. HOT POTS are h e re ?$ 2 .5 9 . Also the entire state. cam ps, summer theaters, and or phone 355-8350 before Friday. coming three term s will be : PHONE: FLICK 1962, S p e c i a 1, station- Phone ED 2 -3 5 0 5 , 9:30 to 5:30 coffee cup heaters. ACE HARD- I he University ranked third in re so rts in the New England and J o h n E l l w a r d , Belleville wagon. Private owner. Low m il­ p.m. o r ED 2-3135. 26 WHERE & GIFTS, E . Grand River the nation behind the University north-central states. 355-8255 junior, p r e s i d e n t ; R o b e r t RATES: eage. Excellent condition. Call 332-3476. 27 A T T R A C T I V E STUDIO fu r- a cro ss from Union. ED 2-3212. of Oregon which had 28 and C or­ C nell University and Syracuse Uni­ B e g u e l i n , Indianapolis junior, vice president; Ronald Kirk, De­ Publication K 1 D A Y .............. S I . 25 3 D A Y S ______ S2. 50 DODGE DART - 1963. Take over payments or will sell outright. nished. 2 blocks from campus, parking. $90/m o. Utilities in­ DETROITER MOBILE H o m e , versity which had 27 each. 1962, 55 X 10, fully carpeted, col­ Altogether, MSU has 69 stu­ Prof Studies troit s o p h o m o r e , recording se cre ta ry ; and John Rohs, Kala­ Prints Article cluded. P h o n e evenings, ED ored fixtu res. T a k e over pay­ dents enrolled under the NDEA 5 D A Y S . . . . . $ 3. 7 5 (B ased on 15 words per ad) Phone 482-3465. l95s OLDS, excellent condition, 27 7 -0830. 26 ments. 694-0264. Si a m e s e KITt e n s . Eligible to 30 grants. 3 6Christs9 mazoo sophomore, correspond­ ing se cre ta ry . By ATL Prof good tire s. $1 ”5. Call 337-2405. Also elected are: Jon Zich, There w ill be a 25tf service re g ister. Call OR 7-2504. "T h e three C hrists of Y psi- 26 H ASLET! B l o o m f i e l d Hills sophomore, and bookkeeping charge if 26 lanti” are a farm er, a clerk , Lying was the worst of the THUNDERBIRD 1961, good con- s e r g e a n t - a t - a r m s ; Jim Klose, V a l e n t i n e P a r t y and an electrician . They a re "Seven Deadly Sins” Mark Twain this ad is not paid within dition. Phone 677-3111 or 677- LADIES SKI boots, size 7. R e- P a r k R i d g e , 111., sophomore, APARTM ENTS patients at the Ypsilanti State fretted about but also enjoyed, one week. tail value $45. Best offer. Call treasu rer; C 1 a u d e Delaverdac, 5251. 27 Hospital and a re the, subjects 3 3 2 -3627. 28 Pledges of Alpha Omicron Pi Milan sophomore, pledge train ­ according to an article by C. J. B .’S USED CARS 1 B l o c k from Ber key Hall of a six -y e a r research project 4 HOCKEY TICKETS. Reserved sorority will sponsor a Valen­ e r; and Jo e Westwood, Okemos Merton Babcock, p rofessor of The State News does not Exclusively Chevrolets just c o . m p l e t e d by M i l t o n seats for F rid ay 's game. $6.00. tine party Friday night at the sophomore, historian. American Thought and Language pefrnit racial or religious F o r the nicest used Chevys in Rokeach, p r o f e s s o r of psy­ O p e n i n g s for 2 - 3 - 4 Call 337-0954. 26 house. Actives and pledges and in the cu rren t Texas Q uarterly. discrimination in its ad­ town. chology. 8 -tra n sisto r radios - Special buy their dates will wear red socks Babcock reports that Twain’ s vertising c o l u m n s . The . 2801 S. Cedar, TU‘ 2-1478 The 3 3 1 - p a g e b o o k , "T h e and 5 stu d e n ts on a real good 1963 model perm its to the dance. mother said that she had to State News will not accept advertising from persons 1956 CHRYSLER, no rust, new C sale at $12.88. Limited quantity. Dennis Dacey and his combo ACE HARDWHERE, acro ss from will provide m usic. T hree C hrists of Ypsilanti,’ ’ went on sale this week. It is told Mackie Plans "discount 90 per cent for em­ broidery” because, though Mark discriminating against re ­ battery, good tires and brakes. A V A IL A B L E mainly in the words of three was "th e wellspring of truth,” Union Building. ED 2-3212. C ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or national origin. Economical transportation. $100. Call 332-1306 after 6:00 p.m . N O W BlCYCLE SALES, service and ★ S e r v i c e ____________ men, each claiming to be the Son of God. House Try one "c a n ’t bring up the whole well with one bucket.” 26 rentals. E ast Lansing C ycle, 1215 Rokeach attempted to find out Other “ lively” e rr o rs Twain 1958 VAUXHALL runs good, first F o r t h e b e s t in E ast Grand R iver, call 332-8303. WANTED: Washings and ironings what made them renounce their State Highway Commissioner a d m i t t e d t o — t o n g u e - in ­ ★ Automotive________ $150. takes it. Phone 484-9671. _________________ C in my home at reasonable p rice s. real identities and whether they John C . Mackie announced Wed­ cheek—w ere gambling, smoking, 29 Student A partm ents Equipment new. M rs. R osier, 503 would g i v e up their delusions nesday he would not run for the OLDSMOBILE 1961, F -8 5 , new drinking, swearing, loafing, and 1955 FORD stationwagon, 6; 1959 ★ L o s t & Found W. Main, 482-8975. 26 when bought together. Dem ocratic gubernatorial nomi­ tire s, runs good. 5995. C a l l stealing. The truth, Babcock im­ Renault, motor excellent, needs The social psychologist began nation this y ear. Grafek Arts Inc., TL' 2-2408, O pen dai l y LOST: Printed bibliography, au­ plies, is that under'Twain’t m is­ new transm ission. Call 355-8229. DIAPER SERVICE, sam e diapers this study in 1958. Hewas granted behaving surface lay the "good nights OX 4-6911. 26 thor, Thomas R. O’Donovan on Instead, Mackie will try for _______________________________27 for returned e i t h e r yours o r ours. a Faculty R esearch Fellowship in moral ch a ra cte r” of a man who "S ocial Mobility,” contact Dale C ongress, representing the newly FORD - 1962 convertible. White. With our serv ice, you may include 1960. Additional g r a n t s cam e saw through hypocrisies of con­ Dailey - 332-498 5. 26 c r e a t e d seventh congressional Power steering. Cruisom atic. . SPARTAN MOTOR’S in sp ectio n two pounds of baby clothes that from the MSU Development Fund duct. d istrict. 2",000 miles. One owner. 51,"95. FOUND: Medal with gold ribbon. do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. and from the All-U niversity Re­ STUDEBAKER Lark, 1960, 2 - Inscribed "N . C ase 1964 H .W .T.” AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE search Fund. Call IV 4-3210.______________ 29 Mackie endorsed U.S. Rep. Neil PEANUTS door, $395. 332-8412 Can be claimed at Student S er­ 914 E. Gier Street WOULDN 'T IT BE \ S t a e b l e r ’ s candidacy for the MUST S E L L 1 ‘57 Pontiac, m e­ vices Bldg., Room 347. 27 IV 2-0864 C 6R E A T IF T H A T RAMBLER American, 1959, 2 - Dem ocratic nomination and said chanically good.,Little rust, good EDWARD G. H A C K E R CO. S tu d e n ts S p o n s o r , LITTLE RED-HAlRED LOST: Black wallet, Computer ACCIDENT P R O B L E M ' ) Call Staebler "m e e ts in every way & R L 6A 1/E M E A rubber " Y - S " automatic. 3 3 2- door, clean, $395. REALTORS C enter, Thursday. Valuable con­ Kalamazoo S t r e e t Body Shop. Michigan’ s great need for new 8641. Pat Kellv. 26 PLYMOUTH, 1959, 4-door, auto­ tents. Reward offered. Call Leon Small d e n t s to large w r e c k s . E n g l i s h L e c t u r e r l e a d e r s h i p in the governor’s C ORVAIR MONZA 1962. Gold with or Ken. 355-6710. 26 office.” matic t r a n s m i s s i o n , power IV 5 - 2261 American an d f o r e i g n c a r s . Georgina Tennant, lecturer on red interior, automatic, radio, steering, r a d i o , heater, extra BROWN WALLET lost near Wil­ Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 Christianity, from London, Eng­ excellent condition. $1,595. C a l l M a c k i e’ s announcement met collect St. Johns, 224-3583. clean, $595. son or Dawn Donuts. Important E ast Kalamazoo. C land, will discuss its teachings with severe criticism from L t. 28 WANTED: ONE male to sub-let contents. Reward. Call Bill, 355- T. V. RENTALS f o r students. and healing power in the Union CHEVROLET C orvair, 1960, 3 - Gov. T. John Lesinski. Lesinski for Spring and Summer term s at 6855. 26 Economical rates by the term and Ballroom at 8 tonight. TRIUMPH TR- 4 has everything. speed transm ission. Sharp. $995. has been mentioned as a possible Cedar Village. Call 332-1442 or month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT­ Her subject will be "C h ristian Must sell. Drafted. Best offer c a n d i d a t e for the governor’ s takes. 337-0081. 28 3000 E. Michigan 332-5051. 48 ★ Personal ALS - 355-6026. Call after 5. Science: The Way of P ro g ress and WHATIF SHE CAMEOVERTO chair-, and has said he would wait VOLKSWAGEN 1$62, s u n r o o f , IV 7-3715 C27 EYDEAL V lLLA : 1 or 2 bedroom C P rotection .” The lecture is spon­ until after Mackie’ s announce­ ME. AND HANDEDME A 016 STUDENTS: Why l e a v e y o u r blue, one owner. Will trade down apartments completely and e x ­ STUDENT TV R E N T A L S. New sored by the Christian Science dorms when Bimbo’ s will deliver 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” ment to make a decision of his FANCY VALENTINE WITHLACE for ‘ 5ft-‘ 60 Volkswagen. C all 337- i f Em ploym ent cellently furnished. Choice of in­ your Pizzas to you! Call 4 8 4 - Student Organization. own. ALL AROUNDTHE ED6E ? 119! 28 terio r co lo rs, central re c-ro o m , table models, $8 per month, 17” 7817. C 27 BOOK KE E P E R -R EC E PTIONIST: laundry facilities, b a r b e c u e table models, $7 per month. A 11 OLDSMOBILE 19- 2 F i e s t a s ta - Permanent position, 4-m em ber areas and swimming pool. GE ap­ sets guaranteed, no service o r tionwagon. 6-passenger, luggage SE E PAGE delivery ch arg es. Call Nejac TV compartment, hydromatic, pow­ e r, regular gas engine. Excellent downtown law firm , 5 days, short­ hand desirable, accurate typist, pliances. Call FIDELITY R EA L­ ITY, ED 2-5041, GEORGE EYDE, Rentals, IV 2-0 6 2 4 . C Ball Talks With condition. IV 7-0658. 28 age 19-35, must be poised, well- groomed and have pleasant tele­ ED 2 -0 5 6 5 ._________________ C26 3 DIAPER SERVICE, three types of 1956 JAGUAR XK-140 MC coupe. Good condition. Call 355-0829. 26 phone p e r s o n a l i t y . Call M rs. Van T a sse l, 489-5753. 32 HOUSES NEW HOUSE, furnished, 2 bed- FOR COUPON SPECIAL diapers to choose from. B u l k wash for clean er, whiter diapers, fluff dried and folded. Use yours Cyprus Leaders WHAT IF SHE SAID TOME, "iJEARESTCHARLIEBROWN,WON'T room s, basement, fireplace. Up 1959 PLYMOUTH BELVED ERE, to four adults. $180 month. Phone UNCLE FUD’S PARTY Sho p. or r e n t ours. Containers fur­ YOUBE MY VALENTINE ? P arty supplies an d beverages. N I C O S I A , Cyprus, If;— Un­ Senior British officers in the full p o w e r automatic transm is­ RECREATION DIRECTOR 1 IV 5-4917. 26 nished. No deposit. 25 y ears ex­ Please ? please ? please ?" Kosher sandwiches. T w o miles perience. B y -L o Diaper Service, d ersecretary of State George Ball area w ere said to be seeking to sion. Radio, heater 6 excellent Immediate vacancy for indi­ WANTED MALE roommate to east on Grand R iver. C 1010 E . Michigan, IV 2-0421C conferred Wednesday with lead­ arrange a c e a se -fire . ' IT tires. Call IV 4 - _072 evenings. vidual with experience in re c­ share 9-room house for 4. Im­ FORT LAUDERDALE - budget e rs of the feuding Greek and Nicosia, meanwhile, was tense 26 reation work with retarded mediately. $ 3 0 /m o ., p a r k i n g . A L T E R A T I O N S , some d ress tours arranged. Call Main T ravel Turkish-speaking factions on Cy­ but quiet for B all's visit. 1960 Volkswagen. One owner, children. Salary range $5,220 Call 4 8 5-2538._______________ 29 making in my h o m e . C a l l IV Bureau, IV 4-4441. C27 prus while fighting raged in the Arriving from Ankara, T u r­ radio, Heater, 2 new snow tire s . to $6,410 annually depending 9-3176. 28 ROOMS island’ s second largest city, the key, Ball met immediately with Call IV 9-4196. 26 on education and experience. I M P O R T A N T FELLOWS or south coast port of Lim assol. Cyprus President M akarios, the 1954 V-S DODGE, black and white, Applicants must have a bach­ GIRLS OVER 21 nicely furnished, TYPING SERVICE others with degrees and founda­ After his m e e t i n g s , Ball Orthodox Archbishop who heads whitewalls, c l e a n , out of state elor’ s degree in Physical Ed­ ucation. All Michigan Civil close to campus, doubles an d tion money. When you depart from TYPING in my ho me . S h i r l e y announced he would remain here the G r e e k faction. T h e n he ID BETTER 60 IN...I THINK c a r. $150 or best offer. 355-8052 singles available. P h o n e ED stateside, arrange domestic and an extra day. He did not say crossed a no man’ s land to con­ I'M CRACKIN6 UP... Service benefits, including an Decker, F o r e s t Ave. Lansing. after 5:00 p.m. 27 2-2 2 7 6 . 30 foreign insurance for your c ar , why, but implied it was not be­ fer with the island’ s vice p resi­ outstanding state contributory Phone IV 2-,7208. C CLOSE TO campus. Nice, quiet, personal effects, travel accid en t.' cause talke w ere going badly. dent, Dr. Fazul Kutchuk, leader insurance program and an ex­ EDIE STARR, TYPIST, th e s e s , single room . Gentleman, 21 or Bubolz Insurance, 220 Albert, He originally had been scheduled of Turkish Cypriots. cellent retirem ent plan, plus d issertations, term papers, gen­ over. Call EQ 7-1598, 30 ED 2-8671. C26 to leave Wednesday night. BallA ;arried to both sides the Social Security. F o r further eral typing. Experienced, IBM Co m f o r t a b l e r o o m for male ARE YOU PAYING more than you E le c tric . OR 7-8232. C In the fighting, four persons latest U .S .-B ritish proposals for information contact M r. An­ w ere reported killed and nine an international force to keep STORY drews, D irector of Adjunctive Therapies, Plymouth S t a t e Home and Training School, graduate student. Quiet h o m e , good location. Parking. Call IV 2 -8 3 0 4 . 27 need to for auto insurance? Call . or see your State Farm agent and c o m p a r e p r i c e s . Ask f o r TERM PAPERS, theses exp er­ ienced. IBM e le ctric. Mari Anne wounded on both sides in a battle peace on this eastern M editer­ for control of medieval B eren - ranean island. GEORGE TOBIN or ED KAR- Harrington, 372-3280. 26 garia C astle, which commands Northville, Michigan. T ele­ S e /Is F o r L e s s phone (Area Code 313) Glen­ i f F o r Sale MANN, IV 5-7267, In Frandor. THESES AND term papers typed. the approaches to p ort instal­ C26 E lectric typewriter. F ast s e r ­ lations. The castle is on the A GIM FROM TODD’S view 3-1500. An equal oppor­ TWO GUERNSEY heifers 3 y e a rs vice. 332-4597. ■>« borderline of the Greek and T ur­ X PRIVATE COLLECTION - ALSO- tunity employer. THESES PRINTED old. Call OR 7-2504. 28 ANN BROWN typist and multilith kish secto rs of the city. 56 Ford 2-door Sedan with Rapid serv ice, Diazo p r i n t s , FINAL radio and heater. $145 WANTED'IMMEDIATELY, Jo u r­ ' BASSETT-HOUSlD puppy, AKC drafting supplies, also xerox cop - ‘ offset printing (black & white & neyman B arb er. Call M arshall, pedigree, 482-6076. 28 ies. color). IBM. General t y p i n g , h G a s lig h t REDUCTION Story l-5g81. 26 * ELECTRIC RANGE - Kenmore. term papers, thesis, d isserta­ THE DAN BOOK SLACK CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT Built in look. Double oven, glass tions. ED 2 -8 3 8 4 . C. G e o l o g y E x p e r t SPECIAL EDUCATION 221 South Grand ON S U I T S ’61 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan in­ cludes radio, heater, standard TEACHER Immediate vacancies for in­ doors with rô tisse rie . Phone 37 2 - 1705. 27 Lansing, IV 2 5431 C27 TYPING SERVICES, public steno. Notary. Statistical experience, G iv e s L e c tu re 6 ^ 8 Fr om o u r p r i v a t e shift, and white wall tire s. Story Sells for Less g] dividuals with experience in teaching elem entary classes 1957 RICHARDSON Mobile Home, 8 X 45. Two bedrooms. Take over ★ R e a l E s t a t e ________ •G ross, 337-2447. pick-up-delivery. Phone G race 48 S e rie s T o d a y collection comes a rare gem. A c r e a t i o n o f o u r from $24" of mentally retarded children. payments. Call TU 2-5484. designers a n d tailored Robert S. Dietz, of the U.S. Salary range $6013 to $9772 27 POULTRYMEN A T T E N T I O N ! GENERAL TYPING. Immediate t o o u r e x a c t i n g s peci fi ca* Established successful opera­ serv ice. Phone 355-1237. 30 Coast and Geodetic Survey, will annually, depending on edu­ ORIGINAL BLACK bear coat. His tion. Capacity of 12,500 layers. give a series of geology lec­ t i ons b y Gas l i ght . W a i s t b a n d h o a r d s y o u r little ON S P O R T cation and experience. Must or h ers. Ideal for college activ­ E XP E RT TYPING, Verna Mead. 6 0 Th u n d e r b i r d Convert­ Good m arket. Owner retiring. tures sponsored bySigmaGamma bl a c k b o o k (it's y o u r s have a bachelor’s degree in ities. Highest offer. Call 355- 1518 S. Pennsylvania, 485-9063. Epsilon, earth science honorary, FREE with slacks). Slit ible wi t h power steering, Call Maynard Eberly, ED 2-5616, 48 COATS Special Education from an ac­ 8234. 26 today. d r o p p e d p o c k e t s in front. power brakes, power windows, office, ED 7-1641. Hilley Inc. Smar t i r i d e s c e n t s h a d e s credited school, and be eli­ WEDDING DRESS, floor length, R ealtors 28 Dietz will speak on, "G eosyn- o f sharkskin. Trim a n d r a d i o , h e a t e r , automatic gible for approval by the De­ train, bustle, size 15. Recently ★ T ransportation clin es,” at 10 a.m . in 409 Natural slim, in f a c t t h e slimmest’ transmission and white wall finished. Worn once. $50. C a l l from $1999 partment of Public Instruc­ e v e r . Yes, ev e r y t h i n g tires. RIDE NEEDED to down town S c i e n c e ; " M e t e o r I m p a c t s r a r e but t h e p r i c e . . . tion. All Michigan civil s e r ­ 355-3080. 29 ★ S e r v i c e Story Sells T -b ird s for Less L a n s i n g , Monday-Friday, 8:15 C r a te r s ,” at 2 p.m . in 204 Natural it's a m o d e s t 6.98. vice benefits, including an out­ NEW MOON mobile hom e-1963, a.m . C a l l 355-0902 a f t e r 6:00 Science; and "O rigins of Ocean $1795 standing state contributory in­ 3-bedroom, 10 X 55, with E x - DEPENDABLE M O T H E R baby­ p.m . 28 B asin s,” at 7:30 p.m. in 128 surance program and an ex­ pando, 1 1/2 baths. Early Am er­ sits full time in Spartan Village Natural Science. cellent retirem ent plan, plus ican. Take over payments, plus apartment. Hot lunch furnished, Dietz received his Ph.D, at the SH O P AT T O D D ’S AND S A V E STORY Social Security. F o r further information contact M r. An­ small down payment. 482-9422. experienced, references. 355- ___________ 27 3017. ★ Wanted University of Illinois in 1941. He 27 GRADUATE STUDEm" is looking is a fellow of the Geological drews, D irector of Adjunctivt^ t ,£\UMPER( POOL table. Heavy for a one man apartment. Unap­ Society of A m erica and the Geo­ OLDSMOBILE T herapies, Plymouth S t a t e , .duty, excellent condition. £’,*V