M IC H IG A N NEWS I n s id e W e a t h e r Anniversary of a space Continued cold today with an achievement, p . 3; World STATE expected high of 28; warmer and fair predicted for Satur­ News, p. 5; Cagers aim for first division, p. 7. U N IV E R S IT Y day. Vol. 55, Number 98 Friday, February 21, 1964 E a s t L a n s in g , M ic h ig a n Price 10e MSU Receives Federal Appropriation Of $691,090 For Sewage Plant H EW A p p r o v e s A U S G P a s s e s H o u s in g P ro p o s a l S ta te R e q u e s t A m en d m en t R e q u ir e s C ity , T o w n s h ip , U n iv e r s ity W ill S h a r e J o i n t P r o je c t M o re In v e s tig a tio n The f e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t approved expen di­ Stu den t C o n g r e s s ’ s c o n t r o v e r s i a l h o u sin g r e s o l u t i o n w as p a s s e d ture of $ 6 9 1 , 0 9 0 T h u rs d a y for a new $ 3 .5 W e d n e sd a y night, but not w ithou t an a m e n d m e n t. T h e r e s o l u t i o n would allow s t u d e n t s u n der 21 to l i v e in u n s u p e r ­ million se w ag e d i sp o s a l plant h e r e . v i s e d o f f - c a m p u s h o u sin g i f they have t h e i r p a r e n t s ’ c o n s e n t The g r a n t f o r the joint v e nt ur e between the and have liv ed in U n i v e r s i t y h o u s in g f o r t h r e e t e r m s . city of E a s t L a n s i n g . MSU and Meridian Town­ T h e a m e n d m e n t , m a d e by A r m s t r o n g r e p r e s e n t a t i v e J a m e s J e s s e , Buchanan so p ho m o re, a n d s e - ship was approved by the D e p a r t m e n t of c o nd ed by South C a s e r e p r e ­ s e n t a t i v e B r i a n W a l s w o r th , M u s ­ Health. Ed uca ti on and kegon j u n i o r and c h a i r m a n of W elfare. Senators Pat S tu d e n ts t h e c o m m i t t e e that in t r o d u c e d the r e s o l u t i o n , d e m a n d s that the M e a n y H its M c N a m a r a and Philip co m m itte e further s t u d y off- A. H a r t a n n o u n c e d C e n s u re c a m p u s h o u s in g . T h e a m e n d m e n t s t a t e s that the Johnson approval in a w i r e to s t u d e n t s ’ r i g h t s and w e l f a r e c o m ­ the State News. W a lla c e m i t t e e i s m and a ted to “ follow up with a r e p o r t on th e e f f e c t E c o n o m ic s A rthur T . C a rn ey , a ssista n t city m a n a g e r fo r E a st L ansing, of the s u p e r v i s o r s y s t e m and how MIAMI B E A C H , F l a . L P - A F L - Student C o n g r e s s W ed nesd ay i n d ic a te d a p p r o v a l w a s e x p e c te d it i s w o rk in g out a s f a r a s CTO P r e s i d e n t G e o r g e Meany s a i d night p a s s e d a r e s o l u t i o n sa y ing b e c a u s e the c i t y had m e t all its a im s ’ a r e co n ce rn e d .’ ’ T h u rsd ay la b o r ’s demands f o r that the s tu d en ts of M SU oppose d r e q u i r e m e n t s of the f e d e r a l gov­ T h e co m m ittee must also h i g h e r w a g e s " a r e not goin g to the a c t i o n s of A l a b a m a g o v e r n o r ernm ent. “ p r o v i d e any o t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n b e s t y m i e d by e c o n o m i c g u id e­ G e o r g e C . W a l l a c e in “ op posing T h e M ichigan W ater R e s o u r c e s to the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n th a t m ay l i n e s ” la id down by the J o h n s o n the f e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t ' s i m p l e ­ C o m m i s s i o n a p p r o v e d ap p li­ help to put t h i s r e s o l u t i o n into adm inistration. m e n t a ti o n of S u p r e m e C o u r t r u l ­ c a t i o n to the f e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t e ffe c t.’’ “ T h e r e i s p le n ty of r o o m f o r ing s r e g a r d i n g i n t e g r a t i o n . ’ ’ in D e c e m b e r . E a s t L a n s i n g and T h e r e s o l u t i o n w a s p r o m p te d E a r l i e r c r i t i c i s m d i r e c t e d at “ HA PP Y BIRTH DA Y, DEAR G E O R G E ' - Sue Fortenbaugh, greetings for George Washington, whose birthday will be w a g e i n c r e a s e s without m a k i n g a M e r i d i a n T o w n s h ip b o a r d s had by an a r t i c l e by J a c k i e K o ro n a Birmingham freshman, and Snoopy display early birthday celebrated Saturday. w..t. k, 0.,, c o n t r i b u t i o n to i n f l a t i o n , ” Meany a l r e a d y a p p r o v e d bond i s s u e s f o r a r e p o r t w hich a c c o m p a n i e d the arid an e d i t o r i a l in W e d n e s d a y ’ s said. th e plant w hich w i ll b e c o m p l e t e d r e s o l u t i o n sa i d not enough in­ S t a t e N ew s w hich c o n t a in e d a H e sp o k e at a ne w s c o n f e r e n c e in 1 9 65 . v e s t i g a t i o n had b e e n done to w a r ­ “ d i f f e r e n t ’ ’ view o f W a l l a c e . at which the A F L - C I O e x e c u t i v e M S U w ill pay o ff 3 7 . 5 p e r c e n t r a n t the r e s o l u t i o n and that the C ongressm en exp ressed t h e c o u n c i l a l s o urged m a s s i v e f e d ­ of th e bond s and M e r i d i a n T o w n ­ c o m m i t t e e had not w o rk e d with $ 3 5 0 ,0 0 0 T o B e U s e d e r a l f in a n c i a l su p p o r t f o r aid to s h ip , 1 8 . 7 5 p e r c e n t . b e l i e f that the a r t i c l e and e d i ­ th e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . t o r i a l co uld b e i n t e r p r e t e d that e d u c a t io n to b r e a k the c y c l e of A llo catio n s among th r e e u s e r s T h e a m e n d m e n t w as d e s i g n e d W a l la c e w a s j u s t i f i e d in ta k in g the p o v e r t y a n d u n e m p lo y m e n t in a r e M S U , 3 m i l l i o n g a l lo n s da ily ; to end t h e s e c r i t i c i s m s and show a c t i o n he did in o p posin g i n t e ­ m a n y a r e a s of the nation . M e r i d i a n T o w n s h i p , 1 5. m i l l i o n th a t the c o m m i t t e e i s w i llin g to g r a t i o n . T h e y a l s o s a i d t h i s co uld be construed a s re p re se n ta tiv e o f the o p in ions of M S U st u d e n t s , do added in v e s t i g a t io n to b a c k up its c la im s. S e n a t e O K 's P l a n t R e s o lu t io n A s k e d to c o m m e n t on P r e s i ­ dent J o h n s o n ' s s t a t e m e n t th a t a tax cu t would give w o r k e r s m o r e and E a s t L a n s i n g , 3 . 5 m i l l i o n . T h e f e d e r a l g r a n t w ill p r o v i d e f o r i n t e r c e p t o r s e w e r s , new a c ­ A r e p o r t c o n t a in i n g a d d r e s s e s T h e S e n a te gave fin al approval l e g i s l a t u r e to g r a n t funds with arose w hen the U niv ersity a c ­ c o n t r a c t s f o r p r o j e c t s paid f o r w hich they did not b e l i e v e a c ­ t a k e h o m e pa y and e n a b l e un ion s t iv a t e d sl u d g e t r e a t m e n t pl ant and s p e c i f i c c o m p l a i n t s a g a i n s t a r e s o l u t i o n r a t h e r than a b i l l . c e p t e d b i d s f o r th e p la n t g e n ­ with s t a t e - a p p r o p r i a t e d funds. cu rate. T h u r s d a y to a r e s o l u t i o n r e l e a s ­ to r e s t r a i n w age d e m a n d s , M ean y and ou tfall s e w e r s f o r E a s t L a n s ­ su p e rv ise d o ff-ca m p u s dwellings U n i v e r s i t y secretary Jack M o s t of the o b j e c t i o n w a s to ing $ 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 f o r pla n n in g a new T h e r e s o l u t i o n r e l e a s e s the erators. said: in g . It w ill h an dle ab out 8 m il l i o n w a s to b e s u b m i t t e d t o th e ad­ U n d e r th e 1 9 6 3 - 6 4 a p p r o p r i a ­ B r e s l i n s a i d t h a t th e U n i v e r s i t y a p a r t of the e d i t o r i a l w hich p o w e r pla nt f o r M S U . r e m a i n d e r of $ 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 a p p r o p r i ­ “ I don’t think the t a x cu t will g a l lo n s d a ily . m i n i s t r a t i o n , but L o u i s F . H e k - ' T h e resolution s C o m m itte e r e ­ t io n s b i l l , the s t a t e a d m i n i s t r a ­ a c c e p t e d the b i d s to d e t e r m i n e s a i d , “ T h e c o e d s l e a r n e d that a ted l a s t y e a r f o r pla n n in g of T o b e l o c a t e d on M S U land, h u i s , d i r e c t o r of st u d en t a f f a i r s p o r t e d th e r e s o l u t i o n with r e c ­ tion h a s th e s o l e p o w e r to aw a rd costs. (continued on page 6) the g o v e r n o r , and o t h e r s l ik e t he p o w e r p l a n t . P a r t of the it will b e b u ilt about a m i l e and a d v i s e r to C o n g r e s s , sa i d the o m m end ations f o r its p a ss a g e . w e s t • o f the p r e s e n t plant on h im , a r e s i n c e r e in t h e i r c o n ­ s u m w a s r e l e a s e d in e a r l y Nov­ r e p o r t h a s not y e t b e e n r e ­ T h e h o u s e p a s s e d th e jo i n t r e s ­ H a r r i s o n R oad. v i c t i o n s , and ha v e a s m uch j u s ­ em ber. t i f i c a t i o n s f o r t h e m a s any n o r t h ­ e r n e r has for h i s . ’ ’ • C o n g r e s s m e n a l s o fa u lte d a ceived . W a l s w o r t h sa i d he thought the a m e n d m e n t would m a k e the r e ­ o lu tion l a s t w e e k by a v o te of 91-2. T h e s e n a t e v o te w a s u n a n i­ P o w e r to a w a r d c o n t r a c t s f o r p o w e r pla nt eq u ip m e n t r e s t s with F iv e J o in R e s e a rc h P ro je c t “ I a m v e r y g r a t i f i e d that the federal grant has a p p rov ed ,” said P r e s id e n t John been p a r t of th e a r t i c l e that sa i d the so l u t io n “ m o r e p a l a t a b l e to the m o u s , d e s p i t e q u e s t i o n s o f the th e s t a t e d e p a r t m e n t of a d m i n ­ A . Hannah. “ It w ill p e r m i t the m ain re a s o n W a lla c e w as a s e ­ g r e g a t i o n i s t and M i s s K o ro n a w a s an i n t e g r a t i o n i s t i s th a t W a l­ a d m i n i s t r a t i o n and a nyone who d i s a p p r o v e s of the r e s o l u t i o n . ” H e added t h a t he h a s y e t to h e a r r e s o l u t i o n ’ s co n stitu tio n ality br o u g h t up during th e h o u s e d e­ bate. i s t r a t i o n , a s ou tlin e d in the r e s ­ o lu tio n . T o A id M ic h ig a n E c o n o m y c i t y to p r o c e e d w ith th e p r o j e c t , and I hope they g e t m o v i n g on it so on .” a ny o ne d i s a g r e e with the r e - Rep. Josep h G illis , D -D etro it, C o n t r o v e r s y o v e r who sh ould l a c e w a s b o rn and r a i s e d in the F i v e f a c u l t y m e m b e r s will r e ­ by o u t s t a t e b u s i n e s s of th e 3 6 0 0 but the m a j o r i t y i n d ic a t e d the had q u e stio n e d the p o w e r o f the a c c e p t b id s and a w a r d c o n t r a c t s “ S i n c e t r e a t m e n t co u ld not b e South and s h e in th e N o rth . s o l u t io n . c e i v e $ 5 4 , 7 4 0 to w o rk on r e ­ C o m p u t e r thro ugh r e m o t e c o n - r e s e a r c h would not p r o d u c e i m ­ 100 p e r c e n t e f f e c t i v e , the of­ J e a n I s b e l l , P o n t i a c j u n i o r and s e a r c h d e s i g n e d to i m p r o v e s e c ­ ro l. S e v e r a l rep resen tativ es m e d ia te jo b e f fe c ts . f e n s i v e o d o r h a s r e s u l t e d , ” the N o rth C a s e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e , r e ­ t o r s of M i c h i g a n ’ s e c o n o m y . f r o m r u r a l a r e a s op p ose d s c r a p ­ L a w r e n c e E . D a w so n , d e p a r t - a s s i s t a n t c i t y m a n a g e r sa i d . je c te d this sta te m e n t, sayingthat T h e house of re p re se n ta tiv e s ping o f the c r a c k e d eg g p r o j e c t . (continued on page 6) s h e w as r a i s e d in th e South and r e l e a s e d $ 4 4 4 , 7 5 5 W ed nesd ay to had a s m uch c h a n c e to b e p r e ­ f i v e s t a t e c o l l e g e s and u n i v e r ­ j u d ic e d a s W a l l a c e . s i t i e s f o r 10 r e s e a r c h p r o j e c t s M i s s I s b e l l added “ We m u st s e e G o 1 . W a l l a c e a s a m a n who d e s i g n e d to c r e a t e new j o b s in M i c h i g a n . F o u r of the g r a n t s C a g e rs would eat b r e a k f a s t with J a c k i e , a r e f o r M SU p r o j e c t s . ’ K o r o n a — a s long a s s h e h a s w hite sk in .’’ MSU personnel re c e iv in g mon­ e y a r e J a m e s W. G o f f , sch ool T o R id e of p a c k a g i n g ; J o h n L . H a za r d , U N A g re e s d e p a r t m e n t of m a r k e t i n g a n d transp ortation ; B a r n e t R o se n ­ D onkeys b e r g , b i o p h y s i c s d e p a r t m e n t ; and O n U Thant H a r r y A. H u ber and E .A . B a in , both of th e f o r e s t p r o d u c t s . F a c u l t y m e m b e r s rid in g don­ k e y s w ill c l a s h with v a r s i t y f o o t - T w o o t h e r p r o p o s a l s vetoed in b a l l p l a y e r s and stud ent l e a d e r s C y p r u s P la n t he h o u s e would ha v e given at 1 ,i . c u u r d a y night in J e n i ­ s o n F ield iiou s e f o r th e f in a l e v en t $ 3 5 , 3 0 0 0 to M SU f o r stud ying U N I T E D N A TIO N S, N . Y . UP- o f Union B o a r d W ee k . s a l v a g e of c r a c k e d e g g s and u s e B r o a d a g r e e m e n t em erged T h e g a m e w ill c l i m a x th e 10th T h u r s d a y on the m a in l i n e s of an nual Union B o a r d W e e k , " T a k e S e cre ta ry -G e n e r a 1 U Thant’ s F i v e . ” T i c k e t s , 50 ce'nts e a c h , p la n for. r e s o l v i n g the C y p r u s ■ c r i s i s , but s o m e c r u c i a l d e t a i l s U A W Head a r e ' now on s a l e in th e Union C o n c o u r s e , at a l l U B w eek ev e n ts • r e m a i n e d at i s s u e . and w h e r e v e r d onk ey s a p p e a r , C y p r u s , B r i t a i n , G r e e c e and To A d d re ss on c a m p u s . T u r k e y a r e the m a in p a r t i e s in T h e d o n k ey s , b e lo n g in g to a the n e g o t i a t i o n s , with the U n ited M a rc h G ra d s r e l a t i v e of a UB m e m b e r , a r r i v e d States offering its a s s is ta n c e . h e r e W e d n e sd a y . T h e y a r e t o u r ­ W a l t e r P . R e u t h e r , U nited Auto D ip lom atic s o u r c e s said p r o ­ ing the c a m p u s today. W o r k e r s p r e s i d e n t , will g i v e the p o s a l s c a l l e d f o r the fo llow in g : C h il d r e n u n d e r a g e , four w i n t e r t e r m c o m m e n c e m e n t ad­ — An i n t e r n a t i o n a l p e a c e k e e p ­ a c c o m p a n i e d by an ad ult w ill b e d r e s s , M a r c h 13 to an e x p e c te d ing f o r c e w i t h a c o m m a n d e r a d m i t te d f r e e t o t h e g a m e . 835 g r a d u a t e s . a g r e e d upon by th e f o u r who would T i c k e t s will a l s o b e so ld a t th e R e u t h e r , U AW p r e s i d e n t s i n c e r e p o r t to th e s e c r e t a r y - g e n e r a l . d oor. 1 94 6, w a s a l s o C o n g r e s s of In ­ — An a r r a n g e m e n t f o r th e s e c ­ V a r s i t y fo o t b a ll p l a y e r s who d u stria l O rg an ization s p re siden t r e t a r y - g e n e r a l to t a k e up any w i ll p a r t i c i p a t e in th e g a m e in­ in 1 9 5 2 . H e led a d r i v e to m e r g e p r o b l e m s f r o m the c o m m a n d e r c l u d e Dan U nd erw ood, E a s t L a n s ­ the C I O w jth th e A m e r i c a n F e d - f i r s t with a c o m m i t t e e of t h r e e ing j u n i o r ; R o g e r L o p e s , San ; f * w j g j g g s | L a b o r and ¡Laser w a s F - r a n c i s c o , - C a L i t . ; j u n i o r t E it l BRODY R E L I E F — A worker "af >he East Lansing sewage ■c a u s e * } - m e m b e r s and, 4 f t h a t - n a m e d v i c e p r e s i d e n t of the f a i l e d , with th e c o u n c i l i t s e l f . L a t t i m e r , D a lla s , T e x . , jun io r; p lant adjusts an airwick bomb at the plant which should pro­ H O O P L A - - Tom Kushak, Harbor Springs sophomore, leads Dan Riley, Bloomfield H ills sen­ m e r g e d A F L C I O , and p r e s i d e n t R on R u b i c k , M a n i s t i q u e j u n i o r ; — A p p o in tm en t of a m e d i a t o r vide some relief for long-sufferings Brody residents. ior and Union Board president, in a promotion campaign for the donkey basketball game be­ of i t s i n d u s t r i a l union d ep a rt­ to t r y to s e t t l e th e b r o a d c o n ­ Photo by Dave Jaehnig tween students and faculty in the Jenison Field House, 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Phot. t>, Bob 8 « " m ent. (continued on page 4) stitutional is s u e s . Frid ay, F e b ru a ry 21, 1964 2 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan State News Policy Explained Winter Brings R e ac ti o n to W ed n esd ay ’ s e d i ­ t o r i a l and s t o r y about Alabama Gov. G e o r g e C. W a l la ce points fro m the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , faculty and student body. It is a U n i v e r s i t y n e w sp a p e r in State Of Apathy that it is published on c a m p u s by By KA REN G IL L IL A N D out that many State News r e a d e r s State News Editorial Writer do not u n d e r s t a n d t h e news students attending the U n i v e r s i t y A strange and deadly disease has stricken Michigan State— winter p a p e r ’ s e d it o r ia l policy. for the pu rp os e of d i s s e m i n a ti n g term doldrums. The excitement of fall, ofcomingback to school, of football gam es, of parties ancf of a new set of co u rses to take has all F i r s t , e d i t o r i a l s a r e written by news of i n t e r e s t and i m p o r t a n c e but disappeared. e di to r ia l b o a r d m e m b e r s — t h e to its r e a d e r s . This disease is ch aracterized by a generally low level of inter­ It is a student n ew sp ap e r in est in campus activities, over-anxiousness for vacation to come and e d i t o r - i n - c h i e f , ca m p u s ed it or , little enthusiasm about MSU. w ire e d i t o r , s p o r t s editor and that it is published by staff m e m ­ The malady might very easily be labeled ’apathy.’ It is hastened b e r s who a r e students. by the arrival of bitter winter winds, cloudy days and wet snow. And e d it o r ia l w r i t e r s . it usually plagues the campus until the sun com es out in the spring. T h e s e vie w s, on the left side The n e w s p a p e r publishes e d i ­ to r i a l s and i n t e r p r e t a t i v e s t o r i e s Particularly affected by "w in ter te r m -itis " are the on-campus of the page, a r e those of the n ew s­ students living in dorm s. During the fall, they feel m ore as if the p a p e r . its boa rd. Final r e s p o n ­ that r e f l e c t its own views and old dorm is their home away from home. But especially during the sibility for thes e opinions lies those of individual staff m e m ­ winter months, it grows more and more like a hotel— a place where they live and eat. with the e d i t o r - i n - c h i e f . bers. C lasses seem less interesting and longer in the winter, and at­ Secondly, colum ns and s t o r i e s In “ Point of View’ ’ co lum ns tendance gets poorer as the weather gets worse. Those eight o’clocks are especially hard to make— who wants to get up before the sun? which appe ar e l s e w h e r e on the and l e t t e r s to the e d i t o r , the The worst part of winter term -itis is that it’ s nearly impossible page with b y - l i n e s a r e the views new spaper d i r e c t l y reflects to cu re. What the doctor p rescrib es is a change of scene, which only com es at spring break time. of the p a r t i c u l a r w r i t e r s . views of individuals in the Uni­ They do not n e c e s s a r i l y r e ­ v e r s i t y com m u n i t y . This kind of apathy gets to be more of a problem, in any term , flect the views of the newspaper. as the campus grows. The sentiment for the old alma m ater that Thir dly, the State News is an We a r e not c e n s o r e d o r c o n ­ causes te a rs to well in the eyes of her "so n s and daughters is trolled by any g r o u p - - i n c l u d i n g disappearing. independent body within the Uni­ It is possible to argue that this kind of pride and feeling for an v e r s i t y com mu ni ty -- in de pe n de nt students. impersonal institution of learning is silly. However, this kind of sentiment plays an important part in how much interest students have in participating in activities. Library Funds Important Y o u D o n ’ t L o o k A D ay O v e r A Hundred F if t y ! It might even be that as the students continue to lose interest and affection for MSU. winter te rm -itis could become a year-round af­ fliction. The patient must do most of his recovering on his own, the doctor can’t provide anything m ore than vacations. Library D i r e c t o r Richard in l i b r a r y e x pe n di tu r es among So, students, get with it. Do something f o r the college or your dorm, and help stamp out the cripp ler, apathy. Chapin and P r e s i d e n t John A. 59 sc h oo ls studied is not n e c e s ­ Hannah both made s t a t e m e n t s this s a r i l y the key to the situation. week r e g a r d in g the l i b r a r y ’ s c u r ­ P e r h a p s , a s Chapin sa id , the Letters To The Editor re nt ro le . type of books p u r c h a s e d and a Both said that a r e - e v a l u a t i o n co n si d e ra t i o n of binding c o s t s of l i b r a r y needs is in o r d e r . and em p l o y m e n t e x p e n s e s a r e Hannah said, “ MSU needs a bl ue ­ m a j o r f a c t o r s in t h e pr o bl em of C a l l s F o r L e t t e r s O f P r o t e s t print to know where we a r e going the l i b r a r y ’ s o v e r - a l l s e r v i c e , in the future. We have to s t a r t To the Editor: governor have for resisting fed­ m arily, for the first time in the untarily, even delightedly, left zens of German descent a national but the key to l i b r a r y expansion eral m arshals? Aren’t you a bit past two y ears as far as I can r e ­ that country; in due cou rse they finding out what kind of l i b r a r y The State News staff seem s to group. I regard it as a slur on my is undoubtedly to be found in the em barrassed for equating M i s s call, the State News has presented renounced all loyalty toGermany an cestors. Whether of German or fa ci l i t i es the U n iv e r si ty should excuse Governor Wallace’ s views Korona’ s version o f American "th e other side of (F ree)C h in a.” and became American citizens. other origin they were honorable budget a l lo w a n ce s. because of geographical location. democracy with the governor’ s On various occasions, we have have.” Four innocent girls were killed I don’t believe it possible for people. rather m o r e restrictiv e one? read news, comments and editor­ When they t o o k the o a t h of Both Chapin and Hannah, how­ An expanding U n i v e r s i t y needs and a church was blown to bits; Some might conclude that your ials dealing with the problem of the h arshest, most unjust c r i t­ icism of Germany to disturb me. allegiance to the United States an expanded l i b r a r y , and can only dogs were turned loose on women editorial documents the old p re­ China in the State News, but sel­ e v e r , said that money is not the and children, and men and women And the country that precipitated they meant it. They did not regard sumption in favor of whites in dom, if ev er, have you published themselves as still citizens in only key to l i b r a r y p r o b l e m s . have one when funds a r e provided were dragged through the stre e ts. racial contest. two world w ars, set up exterm i­ what really happens in Taiwan or some mysterious way of the 0 1 d A state’ s governor actively op­ nation camps like Auschwitz and Chapin went so f a r as to sa y that to i n c r e a s e s e r v i c e and f a c i l i t i e s Whatever the reason for your behind the Bamboo Curtain. Belsen, and committed a host of Country. They were A m ericans. posed the federal government; all untimely (1 believe you used the In this confusing world, some the f a ct that MSU ranks 54th as the need is ev al uated. sorts of injustices ranged f r o m other iniquities deserves harsh If there are American citizens p h r a s e "antiquated and in­ people, with little knowledge on who give thei» loyalty to their an­ day to day. Can this be excused criticism . human” ) paragraphs, they indi- the subject, attempt to give a ce stra l homeland and consider because of a man’ s geographical The United States and Germany We Want You! location? Because Mr. W allace talked to six coeds, all of whom were of caté the inappropriateness of yet another century of "understand­ ing,” which com es down to moral blindness. straight-forw ard answer to what is a very complex problem. This has been repeatedly seen in the debate over the issue of China. need to be reminded of those of­ fenses. As one American of G er­ man descent I’ m not outraged by themselves a foreign national group within t h i s country, they should be exposed by Krueck.not Do you wrant to sound off with h a i r d o s to the U n i v e r s i t y budget, northern background and none of the program . defended. I believe that the State News f r o m the B e a t l e s to u s e s of the Furthermore, I resent a “ Po int of V i e w ? ” whom were of the Negro ra ce , I should offer information m o r e H. R. Hoppe wonder if t h e y know what the Krueck’ s calling American c iti­ The State News o f f e r s s p a c e ato m. Jam es R. Hooker often than it should offer solutions Negro is actually experiencing in Assistant p rofessor of to any given issue. A case in point to m e m b e r s of the U n iv e r si t y Opinions, which will ap p ea r in Alabama. History and African Studies is one of the contributions made Governor Wallace has defied by a member of this y e a r's Dis­ c o m m u ni ty to a i r t h ei r views on the e di t o r i a l p a g e “ Point o f the federal government, but even tinguished Faculty— "h e does not e v e n t s , si tu at io ns , p r o b l e m s and Vi ew ” column, should b e type greater than this, he has over­ looked human dignity an d has Ag rees W ith give solutions, he forces you to ACROSS 1. Straight­ 26. Corroded i s s u e s - - f r o m the c a m p u s to the w r i t t e n , d o u b l e -s p a c e d and sub­ think.” way: var. 27. Pit for abused the rights of certain indi­ int ernational s c e n e . m it t ed to the ed i t o r at the State viduals. State News A recent personal experience also suggests the urgent need for 7. Stupor 11. Place of roots, Maori 29. Anxious Viewpoints, b o t h h u m o r o u s, News o ffice, 341 Student S e r ­ Write letters protesting this an informative and background nether dark­ 33. Trite To the Editor: injustice to this cause to the State article such as Esm ay’ s. ness saying and s e r i o u s , can r a n g e fr o m coed vices. News and help us in our fight for 12. Mt. spinach 37. Part played Wednesday I was shocked, to 1 walked into a p rofessor’s of­ freedom, equality and the prin­ 14. Stone 38. Resinous say th e least, wh e n as l a p - fice last week and asked the se c­ ciples u p o n o u r country w as workers substance F a ce Baby Boom Problem founded. proached the Student Services Building I spotted a picket line re ta ry : "When is Dr. X going to leave for Fo rm osa?” 15. Monochord 39. Fracture 16. Handle 41. River Maxie S. Gordon, J r . marching in protest of an article “ No, Dr. X is not going to F o r­ 17. Coarse barrier President, written by Jack ie Korona on Gov­ m osa,” she paused a little while 42. Music 48. Remnants 4. C. Amer. hominy F re n c h S c h o o ls G r o w in g campus NAACP chapter ern or George C . Wallace. The signs these students c a r ­ and thoughtfully replied, "b u t, he’ ll go to Taiwan in e a r l y 19. Denoting origin drama 44. Explosive 49. Compensa­ tion tree 5. Religious sisters American students may com ­ always been 17 universities in Even in the liberal a rts, Joyaux 'Curious Essay' ried demanded justification. The question I would like to ask is — M arch ." 20. Helot 22. Junior 46. Marine snail DOWN 1. Muddle 6. Composi­ plain that classes are too big, or Fran ce, and there are still 17un­ said, there is a tendency to stick C harles Kao tion justification for what? 24. Thrusting 47. Football 2. Obliterates that it’s too hard for a student to iv e rsitie s." He pointed out that to tradition. He said, “ They wait To the Editor: 3. Arid land 7. Figure In M i s s Korona’ s article she sword team express his views. But they are far better off in this respect than in the last several y ears three for history to pass judgment be­ new universities have been estab­ fore t h e y start to teach som e­ Miss Korona’s curious little n e i t h e r s u p p o r t s Governor Found Show 4 T” 6 7 6 9 10 8. Dan. coin 9. Bib. name W allace’ s ideas and actions upon / 2 3 lished, but "th at still is not suf­ thing.” essay in Wednesday’ s paper I 10. Chalcedonj th e average French university student, Georges J . Joyaux, pro­ ficient.” Joyaux said, " I have studied in suppose is to be taken as an ex­ segregation nor does she sympa­ thize with them. She m erely de­ Undisturbing II i t ià ■ 13 13. Dan. fessor of foreign languages, said. T h e r e are no campuses in both and 1 would think that prob­ e rcise in aw areness: having met a J ¡ weight To the Editor: Joyaux said the French teacher Fran ce. All of the 17 old univer­ ably for advanced studies, the real " s e g ,” she know knows that fends him as a human being who, 14 ii " i s far more removed from the sities are built within citie s. American system is better, e s ­ he believes, that he is that (to like the Negro, is entitled to be The silly season is usually a students. He won’t talk to you and sentially for the opportunity for Am ericans) most appealing of hu­ heard and understood. summer phenomenon, but Alan 16 17 lé 19 23. Adjacent One reason for the many prob­ ¡Ü the student to discuss his work mans, a " s in c e r e ” person. Any I, b e i n g of Southern back­ Krueck’ s letter aboutTW -3(Feb. Ü 25. Armor you won’t talk to him ." lems is that F ran ce, and its uni­ 20 22 23 28. Soft drink number of students, even some ground, have been brought up with 17) suggests that at MSU the sea­ “ He com es, starts to read his versity system , a r e m ore con­ with the te a ch e r.” iü 30. She rode a notes, and when he’ s done, he On th e undergraduate level, faculty members might have told the segregationist ideas. Neither son begins in winter. H 25 íé scious of their history than this j j white horse leaves.’’ however, he feels "th e re might be her this, but how much more in­ I nor my immediate family uphold I fail to perceive how the TV P iü country. a tendency in t h i s country to structive to watch the real thing segregation but we do realize why program in question denounces 27 23 2à 30 31 32 31. Click beede Joyaux said the old French un­ ¡P 32. Darn anew This shows Up in the cou rses pour catsup over fried chicken. the people of the South do. Does "b y direct inference (implica­ spoon-feed the student a little too w t- 33. Smudge iversities are overcrowded and of studies as well. The custom of 33 34 35 36 3Ì much.” (Did he really? This seems too this m e a n we a r e segregation­ tion?) all people of German des­ unable to accommodate the flood studying th e "b elles le ttre s ” ¡É 34. Seamlike There is nothing like spoon­ much of an opening to the gibes of ists? cen t.” 4à 41 of students now attempting to rather than scientific are a s is a 30 ¿9 ridge feeding in th e French system . confirmed anti-segs, those ever I am confident that if the situa­ Though I have a considerable é IH 35. Neptune's enter. The post-w ar baby boom hold-over from the days when the ready to pour ridicule upon the tion w e r e in rev erse an d the amount of German in my ances­ P47 1 45 Students are under no compulsion 42 44 domain was even larger in France than universities were filled only with society which produced “ Pitch­ whites were under discimination, try , 1 don’t consider myself at­ P to attend lectures or do work dur­ 36. Penetrate in the United States, and is fight­ students from the upper cla s s e s , fork” Ben Tillman and the T a l- the Negro would be just as dis­ tacked by such criticism s of G er­ 46 47 ing the term . “ All you have to M 40. Handout ing a more limited university those who could afford to spend madges of a neighboring state.) pleased as the Southerner is with many or the German people. My m b 43. Dissolve do,” Joyaux said, " i s be ready for 49 system. their time learning only philos­ the fact that they MUST learn to German an cestors found G er­ 46 45. Unused the exam that’ s given at t1, But, surely, her little sketch Joyaux said, "T h ere h a v e ophy and cla ssica l studies. should have stayed in her note­ live with something or someone many not worth living in; they vol­ P the y e a r.” book, f o r her reaction w as whom they had been taught from puerile, like that displayed by childhood they should avoid. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY STATE NEWS ea rlie r young ladies who thrilled to Hitler’ s impassioned sincer­ ity, and her conclusion unspeak­ ably sad. By no means am 1 expressing support for segregation but I do believe that in rebelling against this article , they are infringing Gary Player says: Member Associated P re s s , United P ress 'summ er term ; special Welcome Issue in Sep­ How much more disagreeable, then, to read your accompanying editorial, for despite your dis­ upon th e r i g h t s of Governor W allace to be heard just a s much as he is infringing upo n "GOLF-O-TRON is International, Inland Daily P re ss Association, tem ber. Associated Collegiate P re ss Association, Second cla s s postage paid at E ast Lansing, claim er you seem to have been impressed with' the governor's their rights to live as they wish. the greatest” Michigan P re ss Association. Michigan. courtesy, too. Did you anticipate Editorial and business offices at 341 Student that a man away from his place of Judy Lynn Drummonds Published by the students of Michigan Services Building, Michigan State University, TRY IT TODAY State University. Issued bn class days Monday safety, trying to sell an unpalat­ E ast Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions able, let alone unconstitutional, Special Student Rates through Friday during the fall, winter and spring quarters, twice weekly during the payable in advance: term , $3; 2 term s, $4; 3 te rm s, $5; full y ear, $6. program to committed opponents would be rude to coeds from a Liked A rticle 9 holes only $1.00 Editor............................................B ru ce Fabricant W ire Editor...................... . . John Van Gieson northern university whose pres­ ident has been much involved .with On Taiwan Good a n y w e e k d o y f r o m 10 a . m . u n t i l 7 p . m . S t u d e n t Advertising Manager....................... Fred Levine affairs of civil liberty? rates of $ 1 .2 5 per n in e h o le s ap p ly a fte r 7 and w eek* Night EditqfiV, ; , . . . Winces #i S&iHpùït Edfeorr : , . -, », .•■Gci'/y Rinkley if convictions are exprainea'as » * ,.i* o cue? c - u i t o r ; A ss’ t campus editor......................... Liz Hyman A sst. Adv. M grs................... Frank Sengec J r ., the accidents of birth, then why all Editorial Staff. . . .Barb Bradley Dave Stewart . . . ........................................Arthur Langer the fuss about abstractions suqh 1 was pleased to read P rofessor ............................Mike Kindman .Karen Gilliland Circulation Manager...................Bill Marshall as justice or right? Is there none Esm ay’ s article about Taiwan,' 11 a.m. to midnight Sports Editor................................... Je r ry Caplan News Adviser..................................Dave Jaehnig PG A Professional 3411 E . Michigan in this m atter? not only because it provides a Gary Player What "justification” does the first-hand observation, but p ri­ Michigan State News, E a s t L a n si n g , Michigan F rid ay , F eb ru ary 21, 1964 3 UTE CITY EDITH» ■Al Pie He»* $ 1 )t J i m f o r k S i m m I M o l i e r e ’s Tint's f.ì to Prmt" GLENN ORBITS EARTH 3 TIMES SAFELY; NL'V V IU.'U► ' \t*DO. Ff» t »*Y »*•l>U ^Wildly Different By DOUG L A C K E Y ■ < 1 . _« • ______ Hurd has knocked most of the State News Reviewer pedantry and localism s out of PICKED UP IN CAPSULE BY DESTROYER; The Arena Theater has taken the available texts, modernized where appropriate, left anachro­ PRESIDENT WILL GREET HIMIN FLORIDA on the aspects of a magician’ s nisms where humorous, added an hat — always popping su rp rises, extra dash of sexual intrigue and produced a play dedicated to It 000 RILE TIT? eath wildly different from the one Moliere’ s stated dictum, " e n ­ CARLINOCLEARED before. INSHELTERCASE M k Feared The year began with Beckett’ s tertainment firs t.” £ for ttie Capsule as tt Those on campus unfamiliar BYETHICSPANEL "K rapp’ s L ast Tape,” a hard Began Its Re Entry with Moliere’ s genius for ch ar­ core absurdist play, followed by productions ranging from the the acte r and problem mustn’t miss this colorful procession of fan­ ’’ Duchess of Malfi” to Camus’ tastic personalities and e v e n “ The Stranger” , Just weeks ago, m ore fantastic solutions, which "O thello” appeared, a show that ■ «UUN »» *• without M iliere’ s touch, could was w e l l done wh e n 1 non- commitally reviewed it after a collapse into theatrical cliches. preview perform ance, but which Burt Belant’ s huge bulk gave him a perfect head start for a had developed into black light­ farcial Harpagon, and, when sur­ MUSIC, COM EDY, V A R IE T Y -• All will be presented at the Campus Chest musical at 7 Sat­ ning by the time it reached the dorm s. L ast night brought John rounded by polkadotted under­ urday in IM Sports Arena. Shown here are Steve Bergman, left, and Miles Marcovitch, right. wear and juggled energetically in Hurd’ s new version of M oliere’s In the background are (left to right) Jon Aho, guitar, Sam Moceri, drums and Chuck Weiss, various directions, the l a r g e "T h e M iser.” bass. Photo by David Sykes. m ass takes on a life of its own. Due to inadequate reh earsals ” r" : Jertev Ru* S in k * m u m w u k r t l . D n w ' r t o * ’. My only objection is that Belant n m in M l in such unlikely places as the hasn't changed his style from library and the Union, the show SP A C E A G E A N N IV ER SA R Y -T w o years ogo, as John Glenn orbited the earth, the New York "M alfi" and "T h e Stranger” and arrived somewhat prematurely; Times heralded the entry of the United States into the man-in-space program with this front page. it looked like a muff a minute in Should now try for more variety. Previously th e "n u rse ” in P e rs o n n e l N e e d e d F o r some spots, and the audience was “ M e d i a , " Sue P e n n i n g t o n often exposed to the sophistica­ e m e r g e s t r a n s f o r m e d as tion of the Quick Save. U.S. Lacked Imagination But the show’ s shaky produc­ tion didn’t dull the comedy a bit, Frosine, utilizing a very effec­ tive s w o o p i n g voice to p u t B o a rd A c t iv it y P la n n in g M oliere’ s dizzy but calculating and they almost had to c a rr y me matchmaker acro ss, and I must After students petition f o r Riley said that Union Board out at the clo se, with the re st of Editor's Note: T h is is the a largely hysterical audience. say what flesh was exposed took membership on the board, they would like to have m ore inde­ last installment of a five- E n te r e d S p a c e L a te well to the lights. T h o m a s K l u n z i n g e r and part series on Union Board. meet with both this y ear’ s d ire c - pendent members so that the tors and those selected to take organization would not create the B arb ara Rowe, as Harpagon’ s office spring term . impression that it is "G reek - By LINDA M IL L E R By F A Y E UNGER State News Staff Writer was a very significant achieve­ ment; we gained information of ceived w ere skinned knuckles from blowing the hatch after he Top Greek children, are both new faces, as was Bruce Lyon, who played State News Staff Writer "T h e biggest trouble we have oriented.” is trying to decide in a short " I would like to see a much had landed in the Atlantic off B arb ara’ s s u i t o r almost to o time which people can do us the higher representation from the all kinds—psychological, physi­ The United States could have orbited a man three or four ca l, mechanical, technological. "W e found out what effect space hamas. Grand Turk Island in the Ba­ Dims Post suavely, although all three im­ proved as the play progressed. Personnel and publicity are two necessary branches of any most good,” Riley said. New d irectors will be selected dorms this rush,” he said. Publicity is a small problem y ears e a rlie r, Maria Kryzwob- "It was hot in th e re,” Glenn George Kovach m a d e a delir­ organization, i n c l u d i n g Union by UB vote within the next two for the board. Advertising events locki, MSU space expert, said. " I t was the lack of imagina­ had on man and knew we could send men into space for much said, and received iced tea aboard the a ircra ft c a r r ie r Noa. Office Lights iously dignified Anselme, and T h o m a s Kartak energetically Board. weeks. They a re usually taken is accomplished largely through from s o p h o m o r e and junior the use of posters and news­ Eleven directors head the six tion of a few persons in the longer periods of tim e.” The New York Tim es reported handled his cook-chauffeur-Judge classes. paper coverage.____________ A change in governmental and The post office department r e ­ com m ittees: student services, government who did not realize Am ericans w ere in "agonizing combination, but without too much public attitude resulted from the ceived o rd ers to get in step with social, forum, publicity, public the Space Age had come that s u s p e n s e ” during the Glenn successful flight, Kryzwoblocki P r e s i d e n t Johnson’ s economy variation in style. relations and personnel. About 80 helped to unnecessarily delay our flight. "Millions of working hours The s h o w deserves to be said. Men with imagination, like drive and turn off the lights students are members at pre­ LARGEST DISCOUNTS space entrance. w ere lo st.” polished soon, because a lot of Kryzwoblocki, p rofessor of en­ President Kennedy, who under­ When the buildings are not in sent. stood the significance of the Glenn President K e n n e d y praised fresh ideas went into a generally gineering research and mechani­ u6e, a top postal aide said Wed­ Membership will be cut to about IN TOWN Glenn as "the kind of Am eri­ bright production, lt isn't clear flight, began pushing the space nesday night. 60 during UB rush March 3 -5 . cal engineering, was comment­ can of whom we a re most proud” If Moliere had anything profound C O M P L E T E L IN E ing on the anniversary of John program , he said. and complimented the entire Ca­ Deputy U.S. Postm aster Gen­ to say about m iserliness and hy­ Etoyle White, Union activities L t. Col. John Glenn, then forty d irector, said that Union Board Glenn’ s three-orbit flight. naveral staff: "T hey kept their eral Fred erick C. Belen said he pocrisy in this play, but Hurd's MAX KRAMER NEW & REBUILT AOTO PARTS Kryzwoblocki said the Glenn y ears old, was the first Ameri­ heads and made a judgment, and ordered a curb on post office version makes it far too funny no longer needs the usual 120 "You'r* cordially in* vitad to so# us for flight had an "enorm ous influ­ can to orbit the earth three I think their judgment has been utility bills— by turning off lights, for anyone to ca re . members it has taken each year. tho bot* valus» for tim es, a distance of 81,000 miles, your monoyi" ence on the space program ” vindicated.” curtailing telephone calls and C H IL D R E N 'S effecting an acceleration in the in 4 hours, Sh minutes, Feb. Since the Glenn orbit Kryz­ reducing heat bills. 20, 1962. E X C L U S IV E U.S. space tim e-table. "F r o m all points of view it The only injuries Glenn r e - woblocki said he has sensed a growing public and m oral, as well The elimination of about 5,000 jobs, the closing of some 300 AT KRAM ER'S SEAT OELTS as a technical, p ressu re to land DO SA V E L IV E S small post offices and the r e ­ a man on the moon before 1970. $6.25 ductions in public service m ail, “ The m ore 1 travel the m ore E a sily in sta lle d ! F i t s all cars! Q uick r e ­ Belen said, would be other e c ­ Students To Perform 1 am aware of the p ressu re from the people on the s tre e t. This m oral p ressu re is a healthy sign onomy m easu res. Belen spoke at the Interfra­ lease! S a fe ty -te s te d e x c e e d s -2,000 lbs. Sit a n d s t a n d m o d e l w i t h l e g f tf j p p s. C O M M E N D E D BY " P A R E N T S ” MAGAZINE In Percussion Recital that the nation as a whole better ternity Council installation and understands the value of sp ace.” honors banquet at Kellogg cen­ Kryzwoblocki said the United te r where he received the 1964 Students will use only p ercu s­ for percussion: C h r i s t i a n ’ s States may next put a "big pay­ O u t s t a n d i n g Greek Alumnus sion instruments in a recital at "P o e m for P ercu ssion ,” andLo- load” into space by Saturn rocket. Award. 8:15 p.m. Friday in the Music P re s ti’ s "Sketch f o r P ercu s­ The Gemini project for orbit­ Auditorium. sion." Two scholarships, each for ing two men is to follow. In MACHINE SH O P-A U T O G L A S S -E L E C T R IC A L -S P R IN G Students of Joel Leach, Monon- All the other numbers were r e ­ spite of a cut in funds, p ressu re $450, were awarded by IFC to gahela, P a ., graduate student, arranged, one by Leach, and in­ for a speed-up in the moon- two foreign students. -SERV IN G G R E A T E R LAN SIN G FOR i t TEA R S? will give the unique program of clude Bach inventions, and a 15th bound Apollo project is in creas­ Basil Onukogu, Nigeria Junior, — W h olesale S t R e ta il— a R IT A music arranged and written ex­ century C orelli sonata. and Samuel Ramtu, Kenya junior, ing. clusively for percussion instru­ received the scholarships. ments. -The other standard percussion "Nineteen sixty-four will be a instruments, such as snare drum, year of many achievements in K R A M E R «m "W e would like to show people cymbals, and tympani, will also space, both for the United States 8 0 0 E. Kalamazoo Phono IV 4 * 1 3 3 5 that the rhythm instruments are be used in this re cita l, Leach and the U .S.S.R .,” Kryzwoblocki also musical instruments instead said. TO VISIT EUROPE said. McDonald's of just the noisemakers in the back of the band,” Leach said. The melodic rhythm instru­ ments, such as the marimba, HILLEL FOUNDATION C ALL LANSING’S FINEST PIZZA xylophone, and vibraharp will be stressed. Leach explained t h a t t h e m a - 319 H i 11crest (at Grand River) COLLEGE La nsing- 4015 W. Sogniaw E a s t Lansing* Ion Grand River Ave. AT rimba and xylophone are much Friday, Feb. 21, 7:30 P.M. Sabbath Services at the Alumni Travel Office alike, and look the same, but that the xylophone is made of harder wood, giving it a brittle, glassy Memorial Chapel. Service in the Reform tradition. Oneg Shabbat following. Saturday, Feb. 22, 10 A.M. Traditional Service at Hillel 332-8667 4700 S. Cedar 2120 N. Larch T Blk. East of Campus| 2 B lks. West of Union LANSING'S LOWEST PRICE sound compared to the m arim ba's House. FR ID A Y STO R E HOURS - 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. organ-like tone. The xylophone is also an octave higher. 12" Pizza with Pepperoni The vibraharp, he said, uses metal b ars; produces a metallic sound, and has a motor mecha­ PORIM PARTY fre sh as a sp rin g 0 0 nism which turns small door-like Sunday, Feb. 23, 6 P.M. at Hillel House. Delicious dinner. m o rn in g . . » o u r stripe d plus tax resonators in the pipes, giving it Hamantashen. and delivery its vibrating effect. Lanny Samson and Hana Ben-David will provide entertain­ Only two of the pieces on the ment. Rides ED2-1916. 'c o ffe e -tim e r’ program were written originally Also try t h e s e other d e l i c i o u s it em s E a s y to w e a r l —3 T L * *71* for men and w oven easy t o c a r e f o r in s e e r s u c k e r w ith ^ Submarine ® 90< only.. . . perky, ap p le-d esig n buttons and larg e d oub le p o ckets. W h it e w ith red or Do you know how to determine the value of a diamond? If not, don’t feel bad, many men are in the same boat. b lu e pin stripes When you look at a diamond with the naked eye, they all look the sam e except for the cut or shape of the diamond itself. 10 to 2 0 s i z e s . If you are in the market for a fine quality diamond or just want to learn how the value of a diamond is determined stop in anytime and we will be m ore than happy to explain the 7.98 whole p rocess. We are proud of our reputation and long experience. We want to help you by explaining how you can determine the value of the diamond you might buy. There is no Ask about the "KING'S HALF A C R E " obligation whatsoever. Stop in and see us anytime. We are here to help you. Pizza by F O X 'S r\ * n u ,« ,« ..// Im n o rtv rs CA M n U f j ~ ' 30 D A Y MONEY BACK GUARANTEE F R A N D O R S H O P P IN G C E N T E R 203 S. W A S H I N G T O N ACCOUNTS AVAILABLE JL IV2-1554 y 4 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 1 96 4 Faith On Campus By Joseph Citeso Instructor Has Evidence C o u n c ils , A U S G Of Soviet Persecution O n th e N a tu r e o f E q u a lit y fess that at first I thought it quite conceited; this Evidence of stiffening relig­ the Youth Pioneer movement is for the training of p riests su r­ Time and time again, I see things that baffle me; time and time again I hear things that puzzle showing, as it must, my own conceit. W iser men than I have said that youth would think that the A p p r a is e R o le s ious persecution in the Soviet underway. The Youth Pioneers vive out of thousands In Russia, proach which most c ritic s are me. world owes it a living. I concede now, the truth of Officers and m em bers of class Union has reached MSU. aim at instilling communist po­ ■Krochta said. "W e hold these truths to be self-evident; that unwilling to apply. their observation and knowledge. governments an d AUSG cam e A copy of a smuggled letter litical, ideology and stamping "T h e communists even have all men are created equal; that they are endowed John McQuitty, president of the What is the co rre c t way for Am ericans and men away dissatisfied after taking a describing the new burst of anti- out "unscientific” influences like their own sem inaries for the by their C reato r with certain unalienable rights; Frosh-Soph Council, saw only of any nation to state the nature of equality? That critica l look at their organiza­ religious activity has been ob­ religion in children. training of godless p riests and that among these a re life, liberty, and the pursuit partial su ccess in his group’s . b i s h o p s to i n f i l t r a t e t h e way is to say, "you are equal to m e .” Its origin tions Wednesday. tained by Peter A. Krochta, in­ "What can be worse for our of happiness..." objective— to present activities is simple; love of self— that love and respect that Presidents of the Frosh-Soph, structor in Russian. Signed by children,” the letter asks, "than ch u rch es," he added. So s a i d the S e c o n d Continental Congress ofin terest to freshmen and soph­ a rational being holds for his physical being and Junior and Senior Councils and E a s t e r n Orthodox clergymen to remove t h e m from th e Korchta said he was told p ri­ through the pen of Thomas Jefferson. omores. for his soul or spiritual and moral being. C e r­ AUSG, Louis Hekhuis, director whose names were eradicated to Church?” vately by a clergyman at the At one time I was puzzled by this word "equal­ McQuitty said, "W e are not tainly, as rational beings, none of us would will­ of the Division of Student Af­ protect their lives, the letter was Some 50 million of R ussia’s World Council of Churches meet­ ity.” How, 1 asked, am 1 to Interpret the mean­ getting the best people through ingly harm ourselves physically or morally; not fairs, and about 100 members of sent secretly to the Orthodox Pa­ 220 million people are members ing that some of the communist- ing so that it encompasses all Americans, hold­ our petitioning system ,” "and as citizens of a free nation would we in any way the various councils participated. triarch s of Jerusalem ,Constant­ of the Orthodox Church. Islam trained p riests had actually been ing too, my moral responsibilities in preserving we are losing some of those we harm our own chances of social and economic op­ Mentioned as causes of a bleak inople and Antioch. is the most powerful force in the converted to religion during the our equality? do get, by the end of the first portunities. Not as reasonable beings. outlook were three major are a s: The document was called to Asian regions and the Lutheran time they were posing as real Three form s of stating this equality cam e to y e a r.” the vast growth of the student Krochta's attention last summer church is_ well-established in the priests. mind in this search , and yet I knew that there T herefore, we would h o l d these sam e things body and the University, resu lt­ Junior Council president Jack at a meeting of the World Council Baltic states. The document also reports that could only be one co rre c t way. The first held the true for those with whom we live, and likewise ing in student disinterest and a Arm istead saw a different prob­ of Churches, where he served as The persecution appears to be parents have been arrested for belief that "w e are equal because we are equal.’ ’ insure that a sound justice is maintained whereby lack of communications. lem arising for his organization. an interpreter for the Russian aimed at all religions. Leonid teaching their children religion. This Is Indeed an idealistic statement that c e r ­ we may insure ourselves against those irrational "A junior "is in a transient Bob K err reviewed the advan­ delegation. Ilyichev, Communist P artyp rop - Ilyichev complains in his a rti­ tainly holds a great deal of m erit; but it has one elements that a re a part of all societies, nations tages gained from the class gov­ stage—he Is past the frosh-soph The letter said that the com­ aganda e x p e r t , writes in the cle that although the number of flaw that makes it p ractically useless in term s and men— including ourselves. orientation stage, but has not ernment system but added his munists aim their strongest at­ party's chief ideological Journal churches has been reduced, the of preserving that equality which I set out to find. really started to look out at the number of religious services r e ­ The spirit of love is then the only rational way personal views on the su ccess of tacks or. religion, at R u s s i a n that "w e cannot and do not have That flaw being, that not one law, social code or world beyond graduation,” A rm i­ mains approximately the same. of insuring equality, that shining ideal of Am eri­ AUSG. youth. Persons under 16 are for­ the right to wait until surviving act of justice c a n be derived from it. In other stead said. can life. In the Epistle to the Romans, 13:8-10, "C la s s governments form a bidden to r e c e i v e the Ho l y elements of religion disappear by words, this equality cannot be insured. Jam ie B l a n c h a r d , S e n i o r this same m oral law can be found. training ground for leaders of Eucharist, chief sacrament of the Eastern Orthodox and Roman themselves.” He writes that "religion under Two Matches Set The second method I cam e upon was to say, ” 1 am equal to you.” Somehow, something seemed “ Owe no m a n anything e x c e p t to love one student activ ities,” K err said. C o u n c i l president, saw tw o "sch o o ls of thought” prevailing He added that reviewing or p re­ another; for he who loves his neighbor has ful­ ( atholic churches. The authors of the 4,000-word all circum stances remains anti- scientific, an ideology - which is In Bowl Contest wrong wh e n I said this, since this statement sta rts from a point of inferiority. It is as if I am filled the Law. F o r ‘ You shall not commit adult­ viewing cla ss governments or about the purposes for c la s s ' AUSG requires a long-term ap- governments, efficiency and ed­ hostile to communism.” Zeta B e t a Tau-Alpha C h i e ry . You shall not kill. You shall not steal. You letter report that a stepped-up trying to prove or justify my equality with other ucation. , Only two orthodox seminaries Omega will oppose Sigma Kappa- shall not bear false witness. You shall not covet;’ drive to enroll young people in A m ericans. If we are equal there is no need to "S e rv ice s to students and the bigma Alpha Epsilon and North an d if there is any other commandment, it is prove my equality. This is a complete contradic­ University do help prove these St. Andrews Eastern Orthodox U N IV ER S IT Y an d South Wonders will f a c e tion to equality. T herefore, this statement is not summed up in saying, 'You shall loveyour neigh­ philosophies— these products in­ B A P T IS T C H U R C H (THE AMERICAN BAPTIST Church & University Student Center Snyder-Phillips in the College Bowl at 3 p.m. Sunday. the one which I wish to use. There was left, in my mind, only one other way bor as you rself.’ Love does no evil to a neighbor. Love therefore is the fulfillment of the Law .” M odern clude Spartan Am bassadors, so­ cial functions, and the training 1216 Greencrest East Lansing The Greek competition will be CONVENTION) Sunday of stating the nature of equality, and 1 must con­ the fulfillment of the Law.” American Legion .Memorial Center, 1 Bloc^N'Orth of Divine Liturgy Vespers and Confessions 9:30 a.m . held in Erickson Hall Klva and the residence halls will meet in M u s ic I n ground for student leaders in other fields,” Blanchard said. "B u t our projects and activities Every Sat._________ 7:30 p.m. Wonders Kiva. East Lansing Bus Station Worship Service 10:00 a.m . U n ive rsity Winners of last week’ s bowls C on cert do not justify our using the term Dr. Arthur ‘F a rre ll, Ex. Sec’y of Mich. Bap. Conv. C h ristian Church were Sigma Alpha Epsilon-Alpha Xi Delta an d North a n d South O pen S t. J o h n ’s F o r T o u r s The Activity Band will feature contemporary com posers in their “ c l a s s " — t h a t term does n o t exist now.” 310 N. Hagadorn Rd. The abolition of cla ss govern­ Church School 11:00 a.m. C ase. Don Stiffler, Minister St. John’ s SBadent Parish will a non-controversial fashion. T ourists will visit the parish winter concert at 4 p.m . Sun­ ments would be a loss because of Nursery Provided 10:00- Ph 337-1077 12:00 a.m. Bible School 9:45 a.m. Angel Flight Rush open its doorsASunday to Roman Tours of the parish will begin library and view a film on relig­ day in the Auditorium. Catholics and ^ l r non-Catholic at 4:30 p.m . when visitors are ious vocations. A free supper will "W e have chosen music by the educational experience avail­ able to those who participate in Campus Bus Service Worship Service 10:45 a.m . met at the main entrance by stu­ follow. new com posers that we feel have the governments, he said. Angel Flight, women's hono­ friends to prom fte religious un­ dent guides. The history of St. The Rev. Thomas McDevitt will something to say and will be Hekhuis emphasized the differ- 4 rary Air F o rce organization, will derstanding on campus. F i r s t Baptist Church hold open rush for all interested ' " O p e r a t i on Understanding” John’ s and the Roman Catholic celebrate and the Rev. Robert recognized for their work as ence between Michigan State now Ea s tm in s te r C a p ito l at Ionia women, at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, originated in 1961 to explain the Church will be explained. Kavanaugh will explain the move­ time p ro g resses,” William Mof- and as it was In 1951, when the fit, conductor, said. present form of government by Pre sb yte rian Church L an sin g , Michigan .in the Student Services lounge. Roman Catholic Church to the T h e vestm ents, sacram ents ments of the dry Mass at 7 p.m. Moffit said that the 95 member Angels assist the Cadet Wing and confessional will also be de­ V isitors will be able to ask ques­ the students was organized. 1315 Abbott Rd., Rev Scott Irvine, M inister campus and community. band is presenting its most dif­ Secondly, "R elative values are East Lansing Church School 9:45 a.m. at the spring term blood drive. The program is presented in scribed by graduate students. tions. ficult program ev er. being overem phasized," he said. Minister Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. Rev. Robert L, Moreland bus nursery F i r s t C h r is tia n O liv e t B ap tist C h u rc h Always a warm welcome at "W e like the m usic, and feel Does a president equal a student that musicians and the layman in importance, do f r a t e r n i t y 541 Walbridge Drive "Do I Really Believe in God” R e fo rm e d C h u rc h 2215 E . Michigan Rev. William Hartman, Pastor Seventh - D ay audience will be interested in groups outweigh non-Greek fac­ ED 7-01 S3 Rev. Scott Irvine, 240 Marshall S t.. Lansing SUNDAY A d ve n tist C h u rc h the numbers,” he said.* tions? When people try to work 9:00 & 11:00 a m. Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Tem porarily m e e t i n g at One of the numbers, "Ode for with a dem ocracy on a poorly- Church School preaching Morning Service 9:00 & Morning Worship 9:00 and University Lutheran Church Band,” was composed by Robert based system of representatives, for Cribbery through 6:30 Youth Groups Washburn especially for bands, inefficiency re su lts.” 11:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Division and Ann St. Third Grade. People of all races welcom e university Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Baptist Youth Fellowship an unusual o ccu rran ce. Most band 10:00 a'.m. Church School , lutheran church Evening Service 7 p.m. 5:30 p.m. SATURDAY SERVICES works are specially re-arran ged Fourth Grade - Adults 9:00 Si 11:00 a.m Church Services F i r s t P re sb yte ria n Ottawa and Chestnut Worship Services 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. a lc-lca Those in need of transpor­ tation call: M r. B. Swagman at T U 2-2570 Evening Worship 6:30 p.m. MID-WEEK SERVICE Wednesday. 7:15 p.m. 9:30 a.m . 11:00 a.m . Worship Service Sabbath School F o r Information or transpor­ from orch estral sco re s. "S eascap e,” by Alfred Reed, will feature baritone horn solo­ ist Catherine Stripe, Grayling Donkey (continued from page 1) For church bus schedule Cribbery and nursery 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 or Rev. Hofman at IV 5-3650 call IV 2-8419_______ tation call 485-9273 graduate student, and has an Dewey Lincoln, Hamtramck jun­ Sermon c a re provided. unusually f i n e accompaniment io r; Mat Snorton, Detroit junior; The Claims of Christ-11 Facing The C ross With Christ’ E a s t La n s in g La n s in g C e n tra l F r e e p art, Moffit said. and Dave Herman, Edon, Ohio, Dr. Morrow, preaching Plym o uth C e n tra l M ethodist Methodist C h u rc h Some well-known composers J r . & S r. High Fellowship Congregational A cross From the Capitol U n ity C e n te r represented on the program will senior. STUDENTS WELCOME 828 N. Washington, Lansing’ All - University Student Gov­ 11:00 a.m . Worship Service be E n g l a n d ' s R. Vaughn-Wil- 6:30 p.m 6 :3 0 p.m. Calvin Club Church WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday liam s; the American com posers, ernment President Bob K err, Allegan at Townsend St. Washington, N .J., senior, and Call 337-9336 or 332-*903 A warm and friendly welcome 9:45 and 1:15 a.m . "T h y Sins Are Forgiven " Sunday School 10:00 p.m. Vincent P ersichetti and Leroy Lansing, Mich. house s p e a k e r Bob Hencken, for transportation awaits you at F irst P resbyter­ 11:00 a.m . Worship Service (WJ1M 10:15 a.m .) Morning Worship 11:00 a.m . Anderson, and M aurice Ja r re , Huntington Woods senior, are ian. 11:00 a.m . Sunday School "L if e ’ s Living Option” com poser of the movie theme, "A M atter of Commitment” among student lead ers that will "Renewal Through Dialogue” Wednesday Evening Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. "L aw rence of A rabia.” Dr. P e irce , preaching join the athletM. U n ive rs ity Methodist Peoples C hurch Ministers David S. Yoh, P ray er Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Moffit feels that this y ear’ s Faculty m e m b e r s who will Preaching Study C lass 7:30 p.m. activity Band is the most out­ Church E a s t La n sin g Je sse Plndell P e irce , D.D., Affiliated with Unity School “ Anger-Good and Bad” oppose the students Include Waldo Rev. Jack Fay Robinson Crib Nursery,So Bring The Baby standing ever assembled. F . K eller, assistant professor of Christianity, L e e 's Summit; F o r transportation call i 1120 S. Harrison Rd. Interdenominational Richard E. Klausli Minister Take home a copy of the "W hat He is in his fourth year at of surgery and medicine; Gilman, ED 7-1294 200 W. Grand River °f Music Then Are We To Do?” sheet M issouri _________ MSU as assistant director of Ostrander, associate professor Wilson M. Tennant, Minister at Michigan Churfch School aU 0:45 a-m. for study and application.______ bands. In addition to being con­ of history; John T. McNelly, Dr. Glenn M. Frye, Minister Edgew ood U N I T E D S t. Jo h ns Student ductor of the Activity Band, he assistant professor of journal­ WORSHIP SUNDAY SERVICES F i r s t C h u rc h of C h u rc h P a r is h a r anges and plans all the March­ ism ; and Maj. Donald Hollway, ing Band p rogram s, directs the assistant p r o f e s s o r of air 9:45 a.m . & 11:00 a.m. C h r i s t , Scientist A l l Saints Episcopal Interdenominational F r . R. Kavanaugh Spartan B rass Band, and teaches F r . T . McDevitt science. t "Redeeming G race” 9:30, and 11:00 a.m . 709 E . Grand Rivet- Ch urch 469 North Hagadorn Road 327 M.A.C. b rass and percussion cla sse s. C arl D. Renkoski, David E. 800 Abbott Road E ast Lansing, Michigan Moffit also conducts m arch­ E ast Lansing S t o r m e r , a n d Sgt. Donald Rev. Wilson M. Tennant, Sunday M asses Church S ervice: ED 2-1313 (5 blocks north of Grand River) ing band clinics a cro ss the coun­ C leeves, all of the department •preaching "C h rist and the P erson ” 7;15-8:30 - 9:45 (high) try on the MSU Marching Band’ s of public safety, will also p ar­ Sunday 11 A.M. Rev. Robert Gardner, Episcopal MINISTERS Lenten Service, Sun., Feb. 23 by 11:15 & 12:30 unique form of half-tim e enter­ Chaplain to the University Rev. Truman A. Morrison ticipate. 6 -7 p.m. Dr. Wallace Robertson Subject - Babysitting at 8:30 - 9:45 - 11:15 tainment, "P a tte rn s in Motion,” Rev. Edward Roth, Rector Rev. R. Paige Birdwell, J r . Others on the faculty team Rev. Don Strobe from Eaton Youngsters Religion Class his own creation. Rev. George Tuma, Curate include Louis B. Hekhuis, direc­ Rapids speaking "Mind” SUNDAY SERVICES WORSHIP SERVICES 9:45 a.m. tor of student activities; Jack CHURCH SCHOOL 8:00 a.m . Holy Communion at Shingleton, Placement Bureau Uhurch School 9:45 a.m . all ages & 11:00 a.m. children Sunday School: All Saints Parish 8:00 a.m Holy Communion ar 9:30 & 11:00 a.m . Sunday 4:30 p.m. Understand” -T o u r of church- "Operation Shows 'Hustler’ d irector, Tom Rand,, Placement 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Crib room Sunday, February 23 2 -5 years. University Students 9:30 a.m. Supper 6-7:15 p.m. "T h e Hustler” will be shown Bureau assistant d irector; Don through Adult C lasses Regular 11:00 a m . Chapel of Apostles, Wesley Sermon by Rev. Morrison at 7:30 tonight in the Union Ball­ Adams, director o f residence Foundation Lenten Discussion 4:00 p.m. Membership Class 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Adult and Young 9:30 a.m . Morning P rayer & Church School room . The film showing is the halls p r o g r a m ; a n d Henry Wed. Evening Meetlng-8 p.m. Everyday in the Lounge fourth of five events during Union Bullough, a s s i s t a n t football Sermon 9 :3 0 &11:00 a.m . Couples Class In The 11:00 a.m . Morning Prayer Board Week. coach. F ree bus transportation 15 to Crib room thru Senior High Daily M asses Reading Room located at 134 & Sermon 30 minutes before each serv ­ 5 :3 0 p.m. Canterbury Meeting Junior High Fellowship 4:00 p.m 8:00 a.m . - 12:10 p .m .- ice around the campus. College House Lounge W. Grand River. 8:30 a.m . - Monday thru Friday* Senior High Fellowship 4:45 p.m. Open Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 a.m. -5 :0 0 p.m. Mon., T u es., T hu rs., & F r i ­ Daily Office Tues. - 10:15 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Affiliated with United Church Sat. Masses 8:00 & 9:00 a.m . COILECE WEEK SOUTH BAPTISTCHURCH 1518 S. Washington days 7 :0 0 -9 :0 0 p.m. All are welcome to attend Holy Communion Wed. - 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion Of C hrist, Congregatlonal- C hristian, Evangelical and Reformed. Confession daily at 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Phone ED 7-9778 BERMUDA in Thurs. - 5:15 p.m. WELCOME Church Services, and visit and use the Reading Room. Holy Communion IN V IT ES Y O U L U T H E R A N W O R S H IP M a rc h 22 to M a rc h 29 Alumni Memorial Chapel Missouri Synod $276 complete K im b e r ly Downs T R IN IT Y C H UR C H 10:00 a.m . Holy Eucharist cost includes: 9:45 a.m. B IB LE SCHOO L Interdenominational Morning Worship C h u rc h of C h r is t 120 Spartan Avenue 11:15 a.m . for Student officers will be elected the Chapel Assembly this Sunday MINISTERS FR EE BUS SERVICE a Jet airfare from Detroit to Bermuda and return, C ollege Class Taught by Dr. Ted Ward 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansing 10:00 Service U :1 5 Service E . Eugene Williams S. Campbell-Williams 9:25 10:40 (2 blocks W. of Frandor Norman R. Plersm a e 7 full course breakfasts and 7 dinners. Brody Group at each dorm 9 :3 0 -9 :3 5 10:45-10:50 Shopping Center on E. Daniel E . Weiss Choice of hotels and restaurants around 9:40 10:55 11:00 a.m. “ P R O V I N G G O D IN D A I L Y L I F E ” Grand River) Morning Service - 11 a.m'. W onders-Case at N. Case 9:43 10:58 the island. E . Wilson IV 9 -7 )3 0 E . McDonel 9:46 11:00 * Luxury oceanfront accommodations ADOPTED SONS Owen 9:48 11:03 on beautiful Mermaid Beach. William H. Hail and 7:00 p.m “ W HAT M AKES GOD JE A L O U S ” Evening Service - 7:00 p.m. E.Shaw 9:50 11:05., Gerald O. Fru zia, Sr., Rev. THteodore K. Bundenthal, Pastor ED 2-0778 H u r r y ! accommodations lim ited. Ministers HE GIFT OF UNDERS1ANDING F o r your F R E E color brochure, C A L L SUNDAY SERVICES 8:15 p.m.. Trinity Collegiate FIR S T C H U R C H O F T H E N A Z A R E N E 8:30 p.m. A D U LT Y O U T H FELLO W S H IP Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Genesee at Butler Streets Fellowship—Stimulating Bible Study 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES Supervised nursery provided Film -"C en terville Awakening" Program and Buffet Supper Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Church School................................................. 9:45 a.m . Wednesday evening Bible Other Services Refreshment Hour Following Morning Worship......................................... 11:00 a.nr. Study 7:30 p.m. Youth Groups..................................................6:00 p.m .* , Thursday Evening Ladies 9:45 a.m . University Class Evangelistic Hour..................................... .7 :0 0 p.m. P asto rs: Dr. Howard F . Sugden, Bible C lass 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Wed. Evening WEDNESDAY EVE P ra y e r Service 7:30 p.m . Dr. Ted Ward and F o r Transportation call: 1 V P rayer and Bible Study H .T . Stanley - M inister Tom Thompson - Music Dir. Rev. Alvin Jones FE 9-8190 T ransportation Avai lable TR A V E L CENTER IN C F re e bus service morning and evening ED 2 -1 9 6 0 or ED 2-2434 Call 337-7966 for campus Call Church Office IV 5-0613 M l E . MICHIGAN AVE. PHONE W H H Call 482-0754 for information bus schedule If No Answer, Call IV 2-6994 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n si n g , Michigan F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 196 4 5 H a n n a On Southeast Asia T a p e M a d e N e w V a lu e s C r e a te U n re s t O f C o n c e rt The changing values in South­ harmony. The island’ s people are lieves he is destiny’ s appointed. east Asia have created a situation Chinese, Malay asian and Indian— "Southeast Asia is too big T h e Vienna Symphony concert evision broadcasting, produced that can make the people capable people with vastly different re­ to be comprehended as a whole; here Wednesday night was taped the tape, an d Robert P age,pro­ of desperate a c t i o n , William ligious beliefs--who have had it must be comprehended in the for n a t i o n a l distribution by duction and facilities manager of Hanna, form er U.S. government comparatively few problems in m icrocosm . WMSB-TV, the only scheduled TV broadcasting, directed. representative in the are a , said group relationships. taping in the United States. Pash has previously produced Equipment was provided by the National Educational Television three sim ilar tapes for the NET network. They include two con­ Tuesday in a Provost lecture. He d e s c rib e d Sukarno. Indo­ "I t is an area where values nesian p r i m e minister as ’’hyp­ Campus UN are changing, and during the notizing both the nation and him­ network. ce rts of the Congress of Strings Michigan State was chosen for the taping from among the many and a Detroit Symphony perform ­ ance. transition there is a state of self by his radiant image. Hebe- hiatus, with the ch aracter of an To Consider intellectual vacuum. Into it comes Campuses and concert halls at WMSB To Air Cyprus Action Wednesday's t a p i n g was of communism, dem ocracy, and which the orch estra is appear­ other ideas. The forces are acting Beethoven’ s Oth Symphony, the ing on the basis of work done here on the Southeast Asian people P astorale; Schubert’ s Unfinished previously by WMSB. The taping will be distributed to Symphony; and Strauss’ "T ill and they must reassu re them­ selves that they a re m overs, not Piano Recital The general assembly of the Campus UN will meet today to Eulenspiegel." MSU’s t e l e v i s i o n station, about SO educational television the moved,” Willard said. consider a resolution calling for stations throughout the nation. The facilities of Teletape P ro ­ WMSB, channel 10, will broad­ He described southeast Asia partition and subsequent self de­ Donald Pash, associate profes­ ductions of Chicago were used cast an hour-long television re ­ P R A C T IC E SESSION -- The full orchestra, under Saw allisch’ s direction, is shown rehearsing as a “ colossal” melange of hun­ termination on Cyprus. sor and program associate of tel- for the taping. cital by the internationally-re- one of the concert pieces included in its American performances. ps. m b, d... Syb., dreds of c u l t u r e s and ethnic- Submitted by F r a n c e , the nown d uo pianists Luboshutz groups who must reconcile their motion will be debated beginning and Nemenoff on Sunday at 2 p.m. Viennese Symphony nostalgia for a golden past and at 7:30 p.m. in the Erickson WMSB recorded the recital on vision of a perfect future to the Hall Kiva. campus for National Educational problems of the present and who Television. Piano works by Mo- must also reconcile their diverse Fran ce believes such action is z a r t , Mendelssohn, and Rach­ views. warranted due to the rigid fac­ maninoff are performed before He cited Concor, a small island tors upon which the dispute is Exhibits Interpretations off M alaysia, as an example of how opposing groups can live in a specially invited audience. P ierre and Genia Luboshutz, the husband and wife piano team known professionally as Lubo- shutz and Nemenoff, have worked being waged. It also feels only war can result, unless a far’ reaching and permanent settle­ ment becomes a reality. ment was interpretively the best ing idea of the Allegro moder- Another resolution has also By LEO N W H E ELER with advanced piano students at m o v e m e n t of the Beethoven ato movement (first) and run­ been entered by India. This docu­ State News Reviewer MSU since 1962. bringing out the soothing melody ning throughout the coda of the ment calls for a UN commission • The Vienna Symphony O rches­ They continue to perform pro­ of the purling brook on a fine second movement, the Andante to investigate and draw up a tra under the direction of Wolf­ fessionally in recitals and as spring day and the sounds of con moto. Saw’allisch’ s interpre­ binding decision on the boundary gang Sawallisch, the o rch estra’ s symphony s o l o i s t s . R e c e n t quail, nightingale and cuckoo. tation displayed both the com ­ between China and India. permanent conductor played with appearances i n c l u d e engage­ The Sawallisch interpretation poser’ s radiant orchestral so­ India is calling upon the UN a definitely European style to ments in Detroit, Atlanta, Boston, of the Beethoven was m ore ac­ nority and his unsurpassed sing­ to intervene as Communist China, a near capacity audience Wednes­ Chicago, Cincinnati, and Wash­ 11 ademic with less freedom of ing melodies. a member of the Campus UN, day n i g h t in the University ington D.C. interpretation than most Am eri­ has so far refused to participate Auditorium. “ T i l l Eulenspiegel’ s Merry Luboshutz and Nemenoff made can audiences are accustomed to in bilateral negotiations to re ­ The o rch estra is neari the Pranks, Opus 2 8 ,” the delight­ their concert debut in 1938 with hearing. The pianissimos were solve the question. half-way mark on its first Am er­ ful tone poem of R ichardStrauss, the Boston Symphony O rchestra, excellent, but there were only under th e direction of Serge ican tour. A f t e r playing the was indeed an appropriate piece ON VID EO T A P E — The Vienna Symphony Orchestra per* American and Austrian national restrained fortes. to end a program , because of Koussevitzky. Since then they NEW The Schubert “ Symphony No. have appeared throughout th e formance is being taped by WMSB. This is the tirst time the anthems, it was necessary for the full, unrestrained orch estral SKI E Q U I P M E N T S in B Minor (Unfinished),” was world. orchestra's performance has been recorded by on American the audience to adjust to the one of the finest interpretations sound. In 1943 they commissioned the FOR R EN T television station. Ph.» b, d«,. s,k.. l o w e r tempo of Beethoven’ s that I have heard from the open- The opening lyrical and tender composer Martinu to write a two- “ Symphony No. 6 in F , Opus 6 8 .” motive quickly gave way to a piano c o n c e r t o especially for Sawla,ll.isch’ s lower tempo in more rhythmic one of the lov­ them. T h e concerto was pre­ C a le n d a r o f able, mischievous rogue Till and W orld N e w s the Beethoven is prim arily Eu­ ropean. The real difference in his many pranks, for which he FAM ED CONDUCTOR - miered in New York and taken on extensive tours with the Phila­ his interpretation was the ex­ C o m in g E v e n ts * had to eventually pay the high Wolfgang Saw allisch, the delphia O rchestra. at a Glance treme clarity of the inner o r­ chestra p arts and the excellent Zoology Seminar— 12 noon, 401 penalty of hanging. orchestra’ s p e r m a n e n t conductor, is shown at o They a re the only duo pianists to have performed with the late instrumental control of the o r­ Natural Science. practice session. Arturo Toscanini. ch estra. Agricultural Engineering Sem­ Juror Chosen For Roby Trial The 126 piece o rch estra was inar— 4:10 p .m ., 218 Agricul­ W ianco To Shoiv Skis, Boots, well balanced, but in the B eet­ tural Engineering. HOT PIZZA DELIVERY and Poles $C50 V Ftr w*«><«ns DALLAS ,f— A husky, well-educated electronics employee was hoven, the orch estra played with too much restrain t, casting rain African S t u d i e s L e c t u r e Yugoslavia Film 50c A d d itional fo r Insurance S eries: Dr. R a y m o n d Prince, chosen Thursday as the first ju ror in the murder trial of Jack clouds over the Maytime bloom "P sy ch ia tric C o n c e p t s Among L a r r y C u sh io n Ruby for the shooting of L ee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin Gene Wianco, travel photog­ of President John F . Kennedy. of the noonday countryside. the V oruba"— S p.m. 32 Union. rapher, will present a film por­ S p o rtin g G o o d s Max E. Causey, 35, father of two boys and holder of a m asters The Andate molto moto move- Student Percussion R ecital— trait of Yugoslavia, at 8 p.m. 1 B l o c k N O R T H of degree in education, was sworn, in as juror after 23 candidates 8:15 p.m ., Music Aud. Saturday in the auditorium as M ichigan A ve. - West of Sears before him had been rejected iri the first four days of the trial. Swimming: Illinois — 2 p.m ., part of the World Travel S eries. 3020 VlNF IV 5*7465 Oops , W e G oofed Intramural Pool, Sat. ..Vrestling: Michigan - - 3 p.m ., Wianco will survey the diverse Open Fri. ’til 9, Daily ’til I Scientist Doubts Life In Space peoples an d f o r m e r lands of Pardon. . .our slip is show­ Sports Arena, Sat. Macedonia, S e r b i a , C r o a t i a , WASHINGTON .1 — A Harvard scientist says the United States ing. Hillel Foundation Sabbath Ser­ Bosnia, Slovenia and Montenegro is engaged in a "whild spree” use of money and scientific talent The picture of Harm J . De- v ices— 10 a.m ., Sat. that make up the modern Yugo­ searching in space for life which probably doesn’t exist. Blij, associate p rofessor at the Hillel F o u n d a t i o n P u r i n slavian nation. Discovery of such e x tra -te rre s tia l life is only a great gamble at African Studies Center, appear­ P a rty --6 p.m ., Sun. The film depicts the march best, says Dr. George Gaylord Simpson, an evolutionary biolo­ ing on page one in last Frid ay 's Hillel Foundation Sabbath Ser­ the theme is . . . of Yugoslavian history in the gist. He says anything approaching human life can be ruled out issue of the State News is in­ v ic e s - - 7 :3 0 p.m ., Alumni Me­ surviving remnants of the Roman for the solar system and probably doesn’t exist anywhere else c o rre ct. morial Chapel. Pershing R ifles--9 a.m .. Sat., Em pire, Macedonian Empire and Am bush . in the universe. It should have been of Jack in the Venetian cities. B erry , who i s leaving this 11 Dem. Hall, C lass ” C” uni­ Soviet Arms Contention Rejected summer to accept a position at form s. GENEVA, f — The United States rejected Thursday a Soviet . contention that the only way to slow down the arm s race is by Northwestern University. DeBlij said he is not leaving. Young Dems— 1:30 p.m ., Sun., Old College Hall, Union. TO VISIT PIZZA MOBILE the a ttire Is . . . D e liv e rs Y o u r P i z z a S izzlin g hot an immediate percentage cut in m ilitary spending. Soviet delegate Smyon K. Tsarapkin urged the 17-nation dis­ JAMAICA Sem i Form al armament conference to adopt a Russian proposal to reduce all' CAMPUS CHEST C ALL (one o r fifty) ’ military expenditures by 10 to 15 per cent. Chief U.S. delegate William C. F o ste r resisted pressure from presents neutralists in favor of the Soviet proposal. COLLEGE the cost is . . . Travel Office THE PIT RESTAURANT $4 ■Roger Stuart L ii n a P E N N Y N IG H T 332-8667 2 0 3 M .A . C . A ve. C A L L : ED 2*0863 .. FINEST IN i M MEN iu cm*’ S c CLOTHINC, n n T u iK ir: SPORT COATS PRICED TO PLEASE the date is . . . vi FRANDOR SHOPPING C E N T E R 2:00 PERMISSION FOR Y e s , as part of R o g e r S tu a rt’ s 1st a n n ive rsa ry celebration, w e ’ re g i v ­ il 1 ALL YOUNG LADIES ATTENDING FEBRUARY REDUCTION SALE F eb ru a ry 2 9 ing away a one week all expense paid on trip to F l o r i d a . PERFORMANCE, 60< . SAT. 22 the place is . . . AMERICA'S HOTTEST SPORTS CAR LINE n a m e ......................................................................................... K ello g g C enter9s A D D RESS....................................................................... I I C I T Y ............................................... PH O N E............... ij& v m ttB 1861 HOUSE “B ig T e n ” Room pi DROP THIS COUPON OF AT THE STORE & RATHSKELLER TRIUMPH SPITFIRE old world atmosphere ' the fastest selling sports cot in America the tim e Is . V . • Wonderful food CAMPUS CHEST • Candlelight TRIUMPH TR-4 9—12 m idnight $2849 presents • Dinner m usic a reol Ï J • F r e e parking s ports cai p .o .e . the event Is. . . C H A IR IC A D E 1964’ s D R A W IN G B Y MISS M.S.U. plus $2199 p.o.e. SPINSTERS SPIN "MUSICAL KALEIDOSCOPE’ Al Edwards 2 am late pers with OPEN SPO RTS CAR S T EV E BERGM AN AND NOWOUR DAILY 1 1:30 AM-10 PM tickets I.M . S P O R T S A R E N A 9 - J 1 NEWBIERSTUBE CLOSED SUNDAYS S E R V IC E FOP- M -L CENTER O V E R SE A S ÇELJ.VÇRY at IMPORTS 616 North Howard ARRAN GED S A T . F E B .2 2 , A D M IS S IO N 25C Stan Brauer IV 9-7596 Union Box O ffice 213 S . G ra n d A v e . La n s in g C lass o f ’4 9 6 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 21 , 1 9 64 ' T i l l e d position - placed 3 DELIVERY BOY needed. Must day a d . " said this satisfied have c a r . Call between 6:00 and DEUVERY BOY HIRED T H R O U G H JA N T A D a d v e r tis e r . 8:00 p.m. ★ Autom otive ★ Em p lo y m e n t i f F o r Sale ★ Reel E s ta te OLDSMOB1LE 1940 with ‘ 56 Olds BAPYSTITER NEEDED to ca re POOL TABLES - (Valley). New PROFESSORS' ! F A C U L T Y ! ! ! Higbee Calls Research Project f o r 4 g i r l s including 2 p re­ Live in luxury, 7 room spacious motor. Will trade for motorcycle or what have you. 882-1139. schoolers, Monday-Friday, “ :3 0 - 5:30. Own transportation. 882- 3 1/2X7 F u ll-slate. Delivered and set up. Phone IV 9-5805. Ed contemporary ranch. 2 full baths, 3-way floor to ceiling, fireplace, Exchanges ment of food scien ce, proposed (continued from page 1) for pulp while raw logs are WANT AD 1^59 FORD, 4 do 'r automatic, 3- “334 evenings. 36 Schultz dealer. ANNOUNCING THE f>R fe M IL R ultra kitchen, thermopane win­ Beneficial the egg salvage research project. Lawrence W. Von T ersch , in being Imported from the south • a u t o m o t iv e radio, heater, good tire s, good DESIRE IRONING ir. my home. SHOWING of the all new 1964 Mo­ dows, beautiful patios. Lots of to make utility poles. They indi- ' condition. $595. Phc re 3 5 5 -4 6 “9 $5 per double washer load. F o r bile Homes and T ravel T railers mature tr e e s '! on this oversized computer laboratory, requested cated better utilization of forest •EMPLOYMENT lot. (Lake Front) Only six min­ International e d u c a t i o n is money for computer research . products will help improve con­ after 6:00 p.m. 355- ,' 064. M u s t Information call IV 2 -2 3 7 5 morn­ TODAY and SATURDAY atSelect • FOR RENT seli' ' _____ 32 ings, 36 Mobile Homes located6 1/2 miles utes to campus. $22,500 excel­ "s till a relatively new exper­ "W e at MSU are happy to work ditions in Michigan’ s economi­ • FOR SALE North on U S-27 at Webb Rd. A fev lent term s. Call R. J . Frink, 372- ience for United States univer­ with the state in helping develop cally deprived are a s. SPARTAN MO" ORS REGISTERED NORSES) f u l l or • LOST & FOUND weeks ago the nation’ s dealers 1666, 3“2 - 3 “7", 489-6561. Walter sitie s ,” Homer Higbee, assistant Michigan industry,” said Milton FORD 1962, Galaxie, or.vertible, part time, 11-“ or 3-11. Good sal­ Other colleges anc universi- viewed these fabulous new models Neller Co. 32 dean of international program s, E . Muelder, vice president for • PERSONAL 406 motor, 4-spee; tran sm is- ary and differential plus other ties receiving state rants are; at the Louisville show for the first said Thursday. research development. • PEANUTS PERSONAL sion, c o l o r black, w h i t e top, fringe benefits. Flexible t i m e Grand Valley State College, •R E A L ESTATE $1995. schedule. Meal furnished. Phone tim e, now it’ s your turn. That’s ★ S e rvic e Higbee told a meeting of the The proposals were submitted a 12-month study of individual MSU Business Women’ s Club, to the Michigan Department of ME Re L RY COMET 961, 2-d oor, ED 2 -0 8 0 1 ._________________ 41 TODAY and SATURDAY at SE­ electronic study booths, Michi­ • SERVICE WHY PAY MORE? for profes­ that a growing interest among Economic Expansion in Decem­ automatic transm is 5ion, $1095. a d m In is t r a Fiv e c a r e e r s ’: LECT MOBILE HOMES now a gan Tech, study of using pulp • TRANSPORTATION sional d r y c l e a n i n g , WEN- students in an exchange between ber through Muelder’ s office. SEVERAL TRAINEES are being factory outlet. C32 surplus in Upper Peninsula, 19 •WANTED FORD 196 6 cyl 1er, 2-door, DROW'S. Pants, sk irts, sweat­ nations on cu rricu lar affairs, in "O ver 60 projects were sub­ added to our home ofiice staff “’ HEAD SKI1S with co-flex bot- months, $32,400; and University ane a r*H r r ■arsmis : , $1095. e rs , 60«. Plain d resses, suits, going to foreign nations to study, mitted,” Muelder added. " I un­ D EA D LIN E: in various administrative posi­ toms and step-in bindings. Good coats, $1.19. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 and in meeting foreign students derstand this is the first stage of Michigan, 5125,000 for re ­ I.NTIAC 1959, 5 v hief, 4 - condition. $65. Call 485-3916.. search ir. manufacturing proct s - ' 1 p.m. one class day be­ tions. I his is an opportunity to block west of Frandor. C32 in a continuous program of eco­ uoor, naraiop, cl esi , price 332 who come to the United States fore publication. build a ca re e r ir. a constantly ses for Michigan industry, a study $995. DIAPER SERVICE, three types of have become an integral part nomic development r e s e a r c h C an cella tion s -1 2 noon one growing industry. We are p ri­ Gas RANGE Roper, 36” , GE of Michigan’ s economy and re ­ diapers to choose from. B u l k of Am erican education. grants by the state legislatu re.” c / o ss d a y b e f o r e p u b l i c a t i o n OLDS 19n2, C s, 2 - d o o r , marily interested in Marc h grad­ refrig erato r, g o o d condition. search and training toward more wash for clean er, whiter diapers, He mentioned the Fulbright Jam es W. Goff will get $9,000 r, like new. uates with m ajors in general bus­ Phone ED 2-5682.____________ 34 effective expansion program s. PHONE: 1995 iness, liberal art s, economics, 8 -tra n sisto r radios - Special buy fluff dried and folded. Use yours program , an exchange of teachers for a tw o-year study of demands Wayne State will get $100,000 and scholars between the United for packaging m achinery. His 355-8255 3000 E. Michig! etc. June graduates who could on a real good 1963 model perm its or r e n t ou rs. Containers fur­ nished. No deposit. 25 y ears ex­ States and other nations for re ­ work will be an analysis of in- for ao n ey earp ro jectto strength­ IV 7-3T15 work part time until graduation sale at $12.88. Limited quantity. en Michigan’ s r e s e a r c h r e - * RATES: C33 w i l l be given consideration. ACE HARDWHERE, acro ss from perience. B y -L o Diaper Service, search , study, and teaching. plant packaging. sources in chem istry and indus­ 1 D A Y ............ S I .25 XK-E JAGl'AR, '62 coi .. B eau- 1010 E . Michigan, IV 2-0421.C "T h e Fulbright program , the John L . Hazard will make a Phone M r. Astalos, 485-8121 for Union Building. ED 2-3212. C try. 3 D A Y S _______S2.50 rifui1 14,500 miles. Pew ler blue, ACCIDENT P R O B L E M ? Call increasing interest of American one-year study of trade develop­ an. appointment at the Farm Bur­ BICYCLE SALES, service and 5 DAYS 53.75 All a c c e s s o r i e s . Ri cretfully Kalamazoo S t r e e t Body Shop. students to study abroad and of ment policy for Michigan. He will (Based on 15 words per ad) must sell before March 1. $5,600 c a r f o r only >3,“00' a l l ED eau Insurance Company home of­ fice in Lansing. 35 rentals. E ast Lansing Cycle, 1215 East Grand R iver, call 332-8303. C Small d e n t s to large w r e c k s . Am erican an d f o r e i g n c a r s . foreign s t u d e n t s to com e to Am erican universities and the get $24,120. To work out final details on What Is Food? 2-3145 after 6:00 p.m. 35 BABYSITTING - in my home dur- technical asssistan ce U.S. uni­ a revolutionary color sensing There will be a 25« service SHAWNEE TRAILER 1959,10X36, Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 Metaphysical Inquiry LINCOLN CONTINI .VIAL W ing the day, fenced-in y a r d . versities a r e g i v i n g other device, Barnet Rosenberg will and bookkeeping charge if 2 bedrooms, new carpeting. Steps E ast Kalamazoo. C at the convertible, clean white cla ss ic, Holmes Road, Pleasant Grove nations all a re helping meet the receive $10,120. His work is this ad is not paid within area. TU 2-5768. 34 and oil drum included. Call 485- r/ew top, whitewalls, radio, have THESIS PRINTED needs of international u n d e r ­ scheduled to take 12 months. one week. 4649. 33 complete history. Call 332-6934 after 6:00 p.m. ________32 1f F o r Rent HOT POTS are here, $2.59. Also coffee cup h eaters. ACE HARD­ Rapid serv ice, Diazo p r i n t s , drafting supplies, also xerox cop­ standing t h r o u g h education,” Higbe said. Harry A. Huber and E.A. Bahr will receive $11,500 for an 18- S AE The State News does not APARTMENTS ies. Higbee said that World War month study of how Red and permit racial or religious J . B .’S JSED C - :\S LOOKING FOR male roommates WHERE & GIFTS, E . Grand River CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT II awakened the United States, Jack Pine trees 30 feet or longer Pledge C la s s discrimination in its ad­ Exclusiv ly Chevi jlets a cro ss from Union. ED 2-3212. 221 South Grand can be used to make utility poles. v e r t i s i n g ' c o l u mn s . The 2-door, 1 ardtop. lack and at Cedar Village, 332-1442 or .______ C Lansing, IV 2-5431 C32 as a newly established world The trees are now being used Pancake Supper 332-5051.__________ 48 CARPET SAMPLES for throw power, to the need for knowing State News will not accept risina! black and white TIRED OF dorm expenses? Food? rugs, patchwork carp ets, c a r BABYSITTING. E x p e r i e n c e d about other countries and their All you can eat 75d advertising from persons inte: lor No rust. Mechanically discriminating against re­ peri No money down. E tc.? Why not try co-operative m ats. All colors and types. ED mother - by hour or weekdays in people. '‘Pink Lady9 Dance Sun. Feb. 23, 4:30-7:30 living! Save $100.00 per termlll 2-1800. 32 my home. Phone 882-7345. The number of foreign students ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or 2801 S. Cedar Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority TU 2-1478 or TU 2-6721 Denny, 332-1440. 32 DALMATION PUPPY - 6 months 32 studying in this country has in­ Special Invitation national origin. creased since the w ar. Just over will hold its annual "Pink Lady” C EYDEAL VILLA: The best deal old AKC, shots, housebroken, DIAPER SERVICE, sam ediapers 64,000 f o r e i g n students were formal dance at 8:30 p.m . Sat- to Girls In MCA, wire wheels, 22,000 miles, in furnished apartments with am­ loves children, $70. Phone 332- returned e i t h e r yours or ou rs. jf Automotive $9*5. Phone 33“—2 ’53. 36 ple parking. I or 2 bedrooms, cen­ 8927. 34 With our serv ice, you may include attending U.S. colleges and uni­ versities in 1962-63. ruday in the Union Ballroom . Cost is $2 per couple. Abbot , Mason & P h illips At The SAE House 1935" CHEVROLET) 4- door, 6 tral re c-ro o m , laundry facilities, WESTINGHOUSE, new 23” , wal- two pounds of baby clothes that (NT1AC, 2-door, hardtop. The Four Pointprogram , apian res. $300. swimming pool and barbecue pits. nut console T.V . 1year guarantee. do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. $295. Phone IV 9-1895, 41-2 Haze. automatic, new sno for U.S. universities to send ____________ 36 Call 355-0603. 35 Choice of interiop colors. C a l l $185. Call IV 2-5634. 32 AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE OLDSiv! ( lEILE 1963 convertible, THUNDERBlRD I960. Sharp 1- dynamicp full power. Many op- owner c a r . Automatic, power FIDELITY REALT Y, ED 2-5041, GEORGE EYD E, ED 2-0565. 220 ACRE DAIRY farm . Latest Surge 4 stall diagonal p arlor. All 914 E. Gier Street IV 2-0 8 6 4 C mem bers o f their faculties to foreign countries to help es­ DEPT. OF SPEECH steering and brakes. Only $1,695. C32 STUDENT TV R E NT A L S. New tablish colleges and universities 0. 355-4.29. equipment C IP. 600 gal. Zero EAST' LANSING, near campus, 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” has also important in furthering 35 A real cream pi Bill Richards bulk tank. 75 cow setup or more. furnished 2 room upper. 1 or 2 table models, $8 per month, 17” understanding. T77j \ of.KS .3 A(TENJ. One owner, Buick, out S. Cedar betweer Holt Very modern 2 apartment home. "N ot o n l y does the foreign 32 men. $60. Includes all utilities. table models, $7 per month. A 11 radio, neater, 2 snow tire s. Call and Mason. Dial OR “-3541 Just south of 1-94 near P arm a. IV 9-4196. 33 1962 CORVAIR Spider, black on CHEVROLET 19S9, Impala hard- black, whitewalls, r a d i o , etc. Call ED 2-3 0 9 0 . EAST LANSING c l o s e in, 3 32 Write Box 345, Student Services Bldg.______________ 34 sets guaranteed, no service o r delivery ch arg es. Call Nejac TV country benefit,” Higbee said, "but also the Am erican people, BOX room s, unfurnished except for Rentals, IV 2 -0 6 2 4 . C for these faculty mem bers bring *',o, 2-door, new'2-tone finish, Excellent c o n d i t i o n . 18,000 German cam era ROLLEICORD: whitewall tire s, automatic tran s­ miles. Call FE 9-8093. 32 range and refrig erato r. 1st floor Schneider Xenar 75mm f/ 3. 5; JO B R E S U M E S - 1 0 0 copies, back the problems and asp ir­ ations of the people in the coun­ OFFICE mission, radio, heater. Sharpest 1951 FORD, good condition. Call ¡:. town and priced to sell I 1 A1 332-5939 after 5:30 p.m. with southern exposure - no stu­ dents. $ 1 0 0 per month. Phone 3 3 2 - LVS and MXV. $75.00. Phone 355-6124. Leaving the country. $4.00. Aldinger Direct Mail Ad­ try to which they were assigned.” th e 1 dwards -Co., Lincoln, M ercury, i omet dealer, 3125EastSaginav.. '6 3 CUTLASS, hydromatic. Sell __________________32 5988 after 6:00 p.m. BLAKE (Frandor near), newer 34 ADMIRAL/19” television, table 32 vertising. 533 North Clippert. IV 5-2 2 1 3 . C In 1962-63 an estim ated 20,000 U.S. s t u d e n t s registered in p e R fo R m m q OPEN T . V. RENTALS f o r students. foreign colleges and universities, (North of Frar.dor). C32 for best offer. Phone 484-4244. building, furnished n i c e l y , 3 model. Good condition. Phone Econom ical rates by the term and Higbee said. A R tS 32 room s, closets galore. $125., un­ 485-1944 evenings. 34 DODGE I960, 4-door, s t a t i o n '59 FORD GALAXIE convertible, furnished, $100 plus electricity . DUMONT 21” T .V ., deluxe Hot month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT­ Trying to incorporate m ore com pany wagon, power steering, brakes ALS - 355-6026. Call after 5. interest in world affairs into automatic transm ission, radio. black, V -8, automatic, good con­ $“35. Call ED 7-0704. 33 dition, sharp. Phone IV 7-0043. March 1. Call 484-9791. ________ 33 Point automatic washing ma­ chine. F or information call 337- __________ JEAN-A-WlNS has excellent stud C the curriculum s of U.S. schools has become increasingly impor­ for 32 WANTED: One female to sublet 9632.________________________ 36 PONTIAC ' 54, dependable tra n s- serv ice, miniature S c h n a u z e r tant to nations ’’understanding COUPON EXCHANGE & CASH SALE lor Spring or Summer term at pbrta.tior,. $95. See R. B oyes,242 MK RÒBUS 1961 Volkswage: GAS STOVE Tappan yisuaiite son of international champion. each other, working together and Lppley or Call 355-3426. passenger, r a d i o , heater, 4 - 34 speed. Like new condition. $1195. Cedar Village. Call 337-2370. _______________________________ 32 oven. Storage space. Phone IV 2-2 7 70 after 5:30 p.m. 32 Also expert grooming. 372-3465. 35 progressing together p e a c e ­ fully,” Higbee said. for SAAi '939, 2-door, nearly new Call IV 2-4301. 34 HOUSES engine, 4-speed transmission., FORD l953, 6 cylinder, s t i c k whitewall tire s, excellent body, very good tire s, good condition, 3 bedroom on bus line. Furnished with all utilities paid. $125; with­ ★ Personal TYPING SERVICE IMMEDIATE SERVICE, general Meany "BECKET" clean throughout. Priced to go' ! starts good. Call 355-2989. out, $67.50. Call IV 4-9244, 9:00 IT PAYS TO KNOW your State typing, th eses, etc. E lectric type­ A1 Ed war is Sportcar Center, 6J6 32 - 5:30.____________ / 34 F arm agent for low rates on auto w riter. Phone 355-1246 after 5:30 STARTING MONDAY, FEB. 24 (continued from page 1) N. Howard, Phone IV 9-7596. r3T RAMBLER station wagon, NEW HOUSE, furnished,twobed- insurance. Call or see your State p.m. 34 have a n y bearing on wage de­ F a ir c h ild B o x O ffic e C 32 power brakes, power steering, room s, basement, fireplace. Up F a r m agent t o d a y . Ask for TYPING, ELECTRIC typewriter. mands. I don’t see any relation 19' 1 CORVAIR MON/*A, g o o d $125. ‘ 56 FORD, good transporta- to 4 adults. $175 month. Phone GEORGE TOBIN or ED KAR- shape, Sfeite with red interior, IV 5-4917. 35 MANN, IV 5-7267, In Frandor. BS degree. G race Rutherford, at this point between a tax cut H o u rs 12 :3 0-5 :0 0 P M $75. Phone IV 2-3481. ED 7-0138. 32 and our wage demands.” C32 TU 2-5202 - call anytime. 35 AVAILABLE March 21-June 30, THESES, term papers, general The tax cut bill is nearing com ­ Individual A d m issio n $2.00 ■ _____ 36 VOL KS WAGE N Ï9?ü r a d i o , 3 bedroom fully furnished house. SPARTAN FLIGHTS - Spring va- typing. Reasonable. Phone 355- pletion in Congress. I I VMOUTH I960 station wagon, 8 whitewalls, extra clean. Phone Okemos (F o re st Hills). P refer cation flights to where the fun Is. 3293 or 339-2643 after 5 p.m . "In many ca se s there can be cylinder, automatic transm is­ 484-9169. 33 faculty mem ber. 332-3013. Daytona, $79., NYC, $55 - round M i r u fY V A i i NOW SHOWING 32 substantial (wage) raises without jV l I w f l l w M I M- f o r thi s e n g a g e m e n t p r i c e s sion, r a d i o and heater. $8“5, R[ NAULT 1962 Cordinl, 4-speed, 32 trip. Don’t get left behind; call their being inflationary,” Meany w -Q— g ““j C EVENINGS & SUNDAY - A DU LTS Phone IV 5-2627. 32 beige, whitewalls, radio, heater. now, 332-8563, M -F, 1-5 p.m. THESES AND term papers typed. EAST LANSING unfurnished 2 said. ». Weekda M atinees $1.00 $1.25 ! ¡HUMPH 1962 TR 1 roadster, Excellent condition. P h o n e IV bedroom, full basement. Close 33 E le ctric typewriter. F a s t s e r ­ " I f wage increase demands are ►« « « O ' — C hildren A L L TIM ES . . .50e orginal r e d finish, whitewall 5-6507. 32 to Marble School and Shopping RALPH’S CAFETERIA vice. 332-4597, 33 justified,” he said, “ we’re not tires, radio, and heater. Like new RAMBLE R I960 4-door, standard ED1E STARR, TYPIST, T h eses, » throughout ar.d priced for imme- shift, good condition. New tires. d.atc sale' ' A1 Edwards Sportcar C all 699-2626. Center. Available April 1. Call 332—lfiiO after 5:00 p.m. for ap­ ¡TODAY' S SPECIAL. “ “ I Fish patty d issertations, term papers, gen­ eral typing. Experienced, IBM going to be stymied by economic guidelines.” « BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! C enter, ' K N. Howard, Phone IV PONTIAC 1964, Tempest sport 34 pointment. FA1RV1EW ST., u n a p p r o v e d , 36 Whipped potato Hot vegetable E le ctric. OR 7-8232. C PFANUTS I SEE V0U BEST ACTOR!" BEST DIRECTOR! 9 -7 5 9 '. C32 coupe. Assume payments. Only $62.71 per month. Call Mark male students. Opening for 3 in furnished house. Call 485-8836. 55r and TYPING SERVICES, public steno. a cro ss the street 30 yaird dash Notary. Statistical experience, for a great big treat. Ap )les for pick-up-delivery. Phone G race E V E R “A B S O L U T E L Y M A D E ! -Newsweek SINGLE ROOMS for S p r i n g Sells For Loss ★ E m p lo ym e n t term s. L arg e, quiet room s, wash sale, main lobby, Hortici ilture G ross, 337-2447. 48 M A G N I F I C E N T ! - Time Magazine Building. C32 bowl in each, lblock f r o m c a m - EXECUTIVE QUALITY typing. DEPENDABLE BLSBOYS and O nC LE FUG'S PARTY S hop. Block off campus. Reasonable. substitutes w a n t e d for Delta pus. Approved, supervised. $9. Party supplies an d bever ages. L/Es there cuas A little T h e w h o le w o r ld lo r e s No job too large or too sm all. 6 ? Ct II 4-door sedan in­ Gamma house. Call ED 2-3457. per week. Spartan Hall, 215 Louis, Kosher sandwiches. T w o miles Phone BARBIE M EL.. 332-3255 MlX-UP IN THE KITCHEN.. 332-2574._____________________ 33 jo m J o n e s ! radio, h e a t e r , auto- ______________________________ 34 THINKING OF ai Pizza P arty ?; BOOKKEEPER-RECEPTIONIST: MICHIGAN AVENUE. E a st: 10 Contact Bimbo’ s Pizza first. Call ____________________________ 29 T iti transmission and white TERM PAPERS, theses, exp er- single rooms on one floor. For 484-7817. C32 wal: t i r e s / ONE C A R E F U L Permanent position, 4-m em ber ienced. IBM e le ctric. Marianne men. Ready soon. IV 5-6128. OWNER, $1295. downtown law firm , 5 days, short­ CUT THIS OUT and paste it on Harrington, 372-3280. C32 32 hand. desirable, accurate typist, your dashboard: BUBOL'Z for TYPING In my hom e,. S h i r l e y age 19-35, must be poised, well- auto insurance. C32 D ecker, F o r e s t Ave. Lansing. groomed and have pleasant tele­ ★ F o r Sale SHOW T IM E S 1:20-3:55-6:30-9:10 Phone IV 2 -7 2 0 8 . C A D U LT ’ 62 \olkswagen 2-door wi t h phone p e r s o n a l i t y . C allM rs. TWO ROW 10 tickets, Folk and ★ Real E s ta te REASONABLE, FAST, accurate F E A T U R E TIMES Van T a sse l, 489-5753. 32 Jazz Wing-ding. Phone 332-0756. typing in home. 355-0975. 32 EN TER TA IN M EN T 1:40-4:15-6:55-9:30 ■adio, heater and white wall HAPPY HOME for faculty family. PERSONS INTERESTED in Naval ________ 32 LüCV uüAS OSiNS MV BLANKET tires. S T O R Y PRICED TO Between MSU 8t Frandor in A -l 1959 NEW MOON Deluxe 10 x O DRV THE D IS H E S ... $1395. aviation - information is avail­ 45’ , two bedroom trailer. Can neighborhood. 3 bedrooms, lwith ★ T ra n s p o rta tio n able in the lobby of the Union arrange financing. Call 337-0623 own pvt. bath. Exquisite, custom- Bldg., February 19 - February SPARTAN FLIGHTS - Spring va­ evenings. 32 built re c. rm . Built-ins galore: 26. 32 cation flights to where the fun is. EASTHANCOUM 58Plymouth Station wagon has EARNINGS ARE unlimited'-as an WHITE DINNER JACKET, tux 15 ft. of booksheves, cabinets, Daytona, $79., NYC, $55. - round radio, heater,automatic tran s­ Avon representative. Turn your an d a cce sso rie s, size 40 long, 15 draw ers, 2 desks, bar. 2 fire­ trip. Don’t get left behind; call mission and two-tone paint. free time into $$. F o r appoint­ like new, reasonable. Call 337- places, 1 3 -p c., 2 2p c. baths. now, 332-8563, M -F , 1-5 p.m . STORY SELLS PLYMOUTH5 9559. C35 Hot water heat. Garage. Roses ment in your home write or call: __________ 33 FOR LESS $395. M rs. Alona Huckins, 5664 School HEATHKITS - used; PT-1 Am- & fruit tre e s. Carpets, drapes St., Haslett, Michigan or call eve­ FM tuner; AA-50 50 watt stereo included for $22,500. Easily fi­ ★ Wanted nings, FE 9 -8 4 8 3 . C32 integrated amp-preamp record nanced for responsible buyer. change with’S h u rem ag .cart.C all ED 7-0845. 33 TUTOR FOR accounting 212, Sun­ ÜÜE NOuU HAVE VERH' TELEPHONE SOLICITORS - ex­ STORY perience only, salary plus com ­ mission. F o r interview call 33 2 - 332-4390 after 4:00 p.m. _________________ 33 INCOME: Near MSU, large colo­ nial home, zone multiple dwell­ day evening. Call 332-3476. ______________________________ 32 s e c u r e d is h e s T .' 6651 between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 BABY BEDS, new, full size with ing, excellent f o r small frater­ WANTED: F ratern al and identi­ OLOSMOBILE p.m. TEl LPHONE SOLIClfoftS: L a­ 32 wet-proof inner-spring m attres­ ses, $25.95. Canopy Crib com - nity, sorority, co-op house, e tc ., cal twins for social research . or a small family c a t i w - Call Marv Moore, daytime - 355- WORLD'S LARGEST (t/eref. S p e cia l ac $59.95. LOOK * evenings - 484-4843. 32 dies between 20 and 45, to work very nicely and have up °to $88 here in our office. $1.25 per hour B -4 -U Buy, Storage Furniture per week income. Owner mov­ OLDSMOBILE D E A L E R with advancement. F o r appoint­ Sales, 4601 N. U.S. 27, IV 7-0173. ing out of town. Phone 337-1755. W ant-ads get quick ( ALBERT FINNEY/SUSANNAH YORK HUGH GRIFFITH/ aitOilHM / M ilt /eet* hiS' MUM 0»I EDITH EVANS/JOAN GREENWOOD. .TO M JO N E S " I » «OO UCIO» «Teii'ic*» — L --------- li» «M l« Phone IV 2-1311 ment call 485-0507. 32 C32 j2 results! DIANE CILENTO/george « vine , david iomlinson. john osborne/tony richardson , Mi chi ga n State News, E a s t L a n si n g , Michigan F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 1 96 4 7 F e n c e rs F a c e I n t r a m u r a l N ew s State Aims For First Divisan I r is h , B u c k e y e s Tim e MEN’ S Ag. Council Basketball 6 — Ag. Ed.-Campus 4H Gym 11 (Ct. 3) 13-14 — East Mayo I-North Wil­ liams 15-16 — South Campbell B-South Wonders Cage Rematch With Iowa With an eye on the upcoming Big in epee has Deen Joel Serlin, 10:45 a.m. Ohio State will also have the ex­ Ten championship m e e t , t h e 9-10 for the season. In com ­ 7 — Floriculture-Packaging So­ I-2 — East Mayo 11-Rather II A week ago State's basketball tans, a first division fourthplace, season sco re rs at Michigan State ciety team was preparing for a game Big 10 finish is not beyond reality. tra incentive of shooting for the and third among all-tim e sco rers Spartan fen cers travel to Colum­ petition with Iowa last weekend, 3 -4 — South Williams-Abbot Big Ter. crown. bus, Saturday for a dual meet he swept all three of his matches 8 — Ag. M ech.-Poultry Science 5 -6 — Alpha Xi D elta-Zeta Tau with the University of Iowa with Coach Forddy Anderson's eagers will lead the Spartans from for­ Gym 11 (Ct. 4) the modest objective of escap­ now stand 5 -6 in the conference The 107-82 win over Iowa was ward post. With Ohio State and Notre Dame. for his best showing of the sea­ Alpha and, with three games remaining surprisingly easy for the Spar­ Joining Gent on the front line 6 — Block L Bridle-NAHB ing the Big Ten ce lla r. T h e Spartans, reluctant to son. 7 -8 — Pi Beta Phi-Delta Zeta tans and would seem to suggest leave the pleasant confines of Manning the t h i r d starting 7 — Ag. E co n .-P ark Manage­ 9 -1 0 — Alpha Chi Omega-Kappa Today the Spartans are prim ­ a winning season is possible. will be junior Marcus Sanders ment ing themselves for another clash However a " - 7 record seem s that they should win again in ar.d 6 -9 center Fred Thomann. East Lansing where they've fared position in epee will be Gene Alpha Theta Iowa City, perhaps by a lesser 8 — F o restry -D airy with th e Hawkeyes, b u t with more probable since State closes Stan W a s h i n g t o n and B i l l four-forflve in th e last tw o Pawlik, with a 1-1 reco rd . I I - 1 2 — Phi Mu-Kappa Delta margin, but still win. Schwartz will be the starting Notre Dame will counter with Notices 13-14 — Alpha Gamma Delta- somewhat less humble aims after out the season against Big Ten weekends, will be seeking v ictor­ But State has failed to realize an im pressive sabre squad, but Asher Students back to back victories over the co-lead er Ohio State in Colum­ guards. ies number six and seven. Aside a victory in their last ten con­ Iowa, currently in eighth place lacks depth in the other two divi­ All entires for residence hall 15-16 — Kappa Kappa Gamma- Hawks and the University of Ill­ bus. The Bucks have been out from a forfeit loss to Wisconsin for revenge since they were em­ ference road starts and Hawk in the Big Ten with a 2 -6 mark, and independent team table tennis inois last weekend. e a rlie r in the season, Illinois sions. Co-captain Jack Jo y ce, Van Hoosen coach Sharm Scheurman warned will start a youthful quintet. Soph­ fencing foil, is one of the key fig­ (4-m an team) are due in the l.M. The bowling block play-offs With a sporadic season rapidly b arrassed 102-99 earlier this has been the only B igT en team to Anderson that the Hawks would omores Gary Olsen, a 6“5 for­ Office at 5 p.m. today. will be held next week. drawing to a close for the Spar­ season at Jenison Fieldhouse. get by the Spartans, and that by ures for the Irish. be a lot tougher on their home ward and 6 -7 center Ed Bastian All basketball leagues will be­ a 14-13 sco re. ‘‘ From comparative sco re s, court. Anderson has admitted are probable starters along with they're supposed to be pretty gin play-offs Monday. Spearheading the MSU contin­ that he was not taking this game sparkplug guard Jim Rodgers, gent with a 16-2 record, is foils- man Nels Marin. Only two points, tough,” Schm itter noted. Basketball Results Woodward 59, Wolverine 27; A ll B u t S h a r k e y In S h a p e lightly. Pete Gent, fourth among single sophomore Dennis Pauling, and 6 -6 senior forward Dave Roach. the margin of fictory in a pair of 5 -4 bouts, separate the East Lansing senior from a perfect G en t 1 0 th Wollstone 62, Wooster 40; Mc­ Gregor 29, McLean 23, McBeth C A M P U S C H E S T ’S 61, McClaine 33; Woodbridge 86, F o r T ra c k T r i- G o A t I n d ia n a mark. Another key figure for State, In L o o p Worthington 64; Worship 47, Wol­ fram 36; Wolverton 38, W orces­ Heading into the home stretch If comparative perform ances Indiana, yet to reg ister a win­ MUSICAL KALEIDOSCOPE also in the foil ranks, is Lew of the dual meet schedule, Spartan are any indication of the competi­ ning perform ance, h a s s e e n A 30 point scoring binge Mon­ te r 37; Wormwood 39, Words­ Leonard, with 15-5 mark in com ­ tion which awaits State, one word second-place finishes in a pair of worth 35; Red Trojans 82, Finks trackmen will pull up at Madison, petition. Bryan Kutchins, number three man in the foil line-up, has day by Pete Gent not only boosted Michigan State to an 85-82 bas­ 40; Iron City Six 20, Fyjimos W ise., for an encounter with the sums it up— challenging. Although the Spartans boast Big to Michigan. triangulars and a dual meet loss M agician, M im ic . M im is t ketball triumph over Illinois, but 0 (Forfeit); Knads 32, Asher highly-rated B a d g e r s and the provided MSU with 12 wins against also moved the senior forward 18; Wight 54, Wimbledon 34; Win­ Hoosiers of Indiana. Ten champions Bob Moreland, Moreland will lead the Spartans 3 ingers of Swing, F o lk and Blues nine losses. Sherman Lewis and Jan Bowen in the 60-yard dash where he’ s into the top ten ranks among ch ester 53, Windjammer 43; Wi- Sabre’ s top perform er, team in their lineup, Wisconsin has the conference champ and co­ U nusual Tale n t Big Ten s c o re r s . cliff 56, Wiquassett 12; Rinky looked m ore im pressive in out­ record holder at :06.1, and also captain Lou Salamone, will putting a 14-4 record on the line. In 11 conference games Gent Dinks 53, Evans Scholars 45; 'S’ Averaging 91.2 ings this season than State. The in the 300. Lewis will compete Salamone is the reigning Big Ten has tallied an even 200 points Urban Planners 38, Stigma Poo Badgers have recorded one-sided in the broad jump where he’ s D ire c te d by Steve B erg m an for an 18.2 average to edge out 31; McNab 57, McDuff 38, East State’ s ca g e rs are fifth in the champion in this weapon. decisions over Ohio State, Iowa two-time Big Ten indoor champ, Northwestern's Rich Falk for Shaw (6) 38, E ast Shaw (8) 35; nation this season among the ma­ Perhaps the biggest sabre su r­ and Minnesota whereas State was and in the 60 and 300. Bowen will tenth place. Gent has connected Uncle Tom’ s 58, Spauins 31; jor colleges in points scored per prise f o r C o a c h C h a r l e s a narrow loser to the Buckeyes. double in the mile, in which he is Wilding 46, Windsor 20; Mc­ game. The Spartans are averag­ Schm itter, has been the perform ­ ances of two sophomore sta rte rs on 82 of 228 field goals while sinking 36 of 63 free throws Kinnon 47,-McCoy 36; East Shaw (1) 20, E a s t S h a w (3) 0; (F o r­ ing 91.2 points p e r c o n t e s t . Miami, Florida, leads with a 97,1 Still sidelined is a c e soph­ the reigning conference titlehold- omore distance s t a r , D i c k e r , as well as the two mile. MSU FOREIGN FILM SERIES in amassing his total. Sharkey, who is' in the p rocess Other top entries for the Spar­ Mark Haskell an d Mel Laska. feit); and McTavish 40, Mclnnes average. Haskell, with a slate of 12-9, Topping the loop scoring list 29. of slow recovery from a leg in- tans include Mike Martens in the presents and pulling further away each U of M is fourth in field goal jury. 8SO and mile, Ayo Azikiwe in the shows prospects of begomingone week is Ohio State’ s big center WOMEN’ S percentage, with a .484 mark. The Spartans, however, put low hurdles and high jump and of the most successful rookies rr Gary Bradds. The 6 -8 senior cen­ Bowling Schedule (Sat.) in the weapon. Laska, 7 -9 , has also been an im pressive new­ te r has dropped in 382 points Alleys 8 a.m . in ten games for a 38.2 average I-2 — East Y akeley-East Landon field goal attempts. Davidson leads in that column, hitting on 55.1 per cent of their forth a solid, showing in their Mike Kaines in the mile and two own Michigan State Relays, their m ile. In the mile relay event, VOLPONE com er on the fencing strip. most recent appearance. State’ s Coach Fran Dittrich will choose and is well on the way to break­ 3 -4 — East McDonel-Mason ! French) biggest problem has been over­ from among P ark er, Martens, Making headway after a slow ing the Big 10 season record The nation’ s leading sc o re r is 5 -6 — Rather 1-Butterfield coming a late start in training Walker, Beverly, Ron Horning beginning is the Spartan epee of 32.8 set by T e rry Dischinger Bowling Gr een 's Howard 7 -8 — West Mayo-South Camp­ Komives. Komives is averaging which led to slower development. and Dick Mather. a nidus romantic come jy by Ben Johnson that has enchanted squad. T h e weapon h a s b e e n of Purdue in 1962. ;re world. Top-notch humo bell A strengthened by the return of Purdue s o p h o m o r e D a v e 35.5 points per game, with Wes­ JNE.E EST I1LE01E1GNJFLLMS, John Lewis after some academic Schellhase is a distant second 9 -1 0 — Phillips-North Campbell tern Michigan’ s Manny Newsome TODAY. . . I I - 1 2 — W e s t Landon-West eligibility problems. Lewis, 8 -4 , with 28.6 followed by Michigan’ s second with a 33.2 mark. Thru Thursday: will be counted on heavily in famed scoring combination of Yakeley F irst Show 7P.M. 90c Monday, February 24 :T ;r * State’ s drive to retain the Big Ten crown captured last y ear. Cazzie Russell and Bill Buntin with marks of 25.8 and 25.1 CAM PUS NOW ! 65( to5:30 „ h SSI-MI7— 1 & 9 p.m. Showing steady improvement respectively. Evening & Sunday 90« rr H EA T 1 T - Feature Today “THOU SHALT LOVE IT!” 1 :1 5 -3 :2 0 -5 :2 5 -7 :3 0 -9 :3 5 "Light and witty-humorous and satirical-farcical and FRI-SAT-SUN 3 S T -0 2 7 1 S 3 2 -W 4 4 — Sat. at 3 :3 0 -5 :3 0 -7 :3 5 -9 :4 0 romantically intriguing; the direction is smooth and the FAIRCHILD THEATRE P R E S T performances beyond cavil. The final YOU’LL V in n c i 3-Features T h e r e is a m o m e n t - a lo n g m o m e n t - w h e n e v e r y t h i n g is r i s k e d w ith t h e p r o p e r s t r a n g e r . clincher is an absolute howler Of • A d m issio n : 50d KAJfT LANS INA fo N U J.1« ^ P lu s Cartoon “ PURE CINEMA LOVE IT! MAGIC... ( ^HWtllK °-ikv‘ COLUMBIA PICTURES «UStNis AJERRY BRESLERR ____ ■ __ ~ w a rm , h um an and “A SUCCESSFUL h u m o ro u s . . . hilarious Ê. VENTURE IN THE Q id S të # in th e e x t r e m e !" ■ FIELD OF LIGHT ■ J72 • W*' \ X 2 M ile * Sou th w est oi L a n sin g on M -78 ■ M I4 ENTERTAINMENT!” 1 FR Filmed in COLOR! Today 7 10-9:30 P.M. I. SAT. SUN (3) HITS 1 12) FIRSTRUNHORRIFICHITS! Sat. Sun 1 :0 0 -3 :1 0 - ‘Gidget Goes To Rome" Shown 2nd at 8:46 5 :2 5 -7 :3 5 -9 :5 0 EDIE ADAMS GREATEST ODYSSEY OF THE AGES! COLUM BIAPICTURES presents KIDDIECARTOONSHOWSAT. M Not Shown Sat. Matinee until 3:30 AT. 1:00to3:05 “SATAN SCORES AS A PRANKSTER! T h e spice o f th e film is in its v a r ie t y . . . d ire cte d w ith c o n s u m m a te skill by lulien D u v iv ie r." 1 h it n o . o V a t 7 PM - 11:35 ! ACHARLESHSCHNEER 35 minutes of Tom & Jerry Cartoons A jo via l S a ta n has 1 production Plus Thrilling Feature Attraction se ve n m isch ievou s p ra n k s t o play on I E A S T U A N C O L O R STEVEREEVESas GIANTOf M ARATHON M a n k in d and a d e lig h te d audience. "Hum or and p o igna n cy and brilliant v ig n e tte s Kiddie show admission not good For Regular Program —Cf'ok, World Tglogrom by superb p la y e rs ." ’Jason and the Argonauts" 3rd at 10:33 Next Attraction —Cri|> Horold Tribune CliFF Robertson Jane Fonda Rod Taylor E x t r a Added 3rd F e a tu r e Shown T w ic e rr rr SUNDAY IN NEW YORK Valley Of The Dragons ---------------L A S T T I M E S T O D A Y ----------------- F E A T U R E AT 1:25-3:30-7:35-9:40 Shown Tw ice At 7:07 & 12:30 G L A D M I TÍ FR A N K SINATRA 4 FDR TEXAS DEAN MARTIN Only 4 Miles E . OF Campus - US-16 -TH E A T R E A D U LTS 1:00 Starting SATURDAY! C H ILD R EN 50« " F E A T U R E AT 1:45-4:25.7:00.9:20 P.M. 'M I d Ì Ì MSU LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES o o o goes way-out in the SPECIAL j u s t d is c o v e r e d \ /f0 CRAZIESTunscien-Hfic- ; t h e e le c t r o - s t a t ic experimeni since FORD CARavan of Music \ p o t e n t ia l o f GlRl>>! g ru b b e r ! FOLK &I AZZ WING DING Im m a j o r i n g in s ta rrin g I'm a c h i m p o f p \ t h e o ld b l o c k ! ~7 A BoY-OlP&Y/ H IT NO. (2) SHOWN ON CE A T 9 PM T h e Lively Ones UP FROM vv> THE BOWELS OF NINA HERBIE W A IT D IS N E Y ™ . sT H E m i s a d v e n t u r e s o f THE EARTH COME. . . Starring Robert Hutton SIMONE M ANN M EFHJN J O N E S Produced by Joseph F. Robertson Directed by Robert Hutton AHansen Enterprise TheMoonshiners RonEliron (F o lk T rio ) F o lk Sin g e r* S a t¡r i s t Tuesday, February25-8:15p.m < HIT NO. (3) (SECO ND RUN) A T 10:08 University A uditorium R A T M L IA N D . ed ^ aralian potò R e s e rve d Seats; $2.50, $2.00, $ 1.5 0 a W T t W M Y K I R K - A N N E T T E Co-starringL-e o n A m ie s • S. . t u a r t e r w in Released01963 byBUENAVISTADistribution Co.. PPfMfiifUP^BUWAY m Walt Disney Productions -CO LO R.-=PANAV\S\OW O n sale at Union T ic k e t O ffic e Plus! WALT D IS N EY ’ S - "Arizona SheGpclog 45 min, f e a t u r e t t e ____________________ 8 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Mi chigan F rid ay , F eb ru ary 21, 1964 S w im , W r e s t lin g M e e ts A t H o m e M e r m e n A t W is . T o n ig h t U n d e fe a te d U -M O n M a ts The Sports Arena in the Men’s last week, has definite ideas pound T e rry Leonard and heavy­ Time and distance prove no White will spend their time d rill­ fastest 400-yard free style relay about the Wolves. 1M will be the scene of a Wol­ weight Homer McClure. Leonard b arrier to the Spartan swimmers ing for the Big Ten champion­ of the season, a 3:14.2 showing verine hunt Saturday. At 3 p.m . Michigan is regarded as a is the team ’ s top point-getter with who will face two conference foes ships to be held in Minneapolis against the Buckeyes Saturday. challenge, but not an impossible the Spartan wrestling team will 22 points. McClure is the only at pools 200 miles apart in less March 5 -7 . Wisconsin heads into tonight’s one. Although the Spartans have meet the undefeated University undefeated Spartan with a 5 -0 - 3 than 24 hours this weekend. It’ s been a pleasant season for meet with a 3 -3 league mark. a 4-3-1 record this winter. Coach of Michigan grapplers, winners mark. Tonight the Green and White the young Spartan team, which They’ ve been beaten by Michigan, Grady Peninger thinks they are of their last 19 straight dual The big match of the after­ take or. the Wisconsin Badgers has compiled a 4-2 dual record. Minnesota and Ohio State. a better tern than the record in­ m eets. noon will be the one between at Madison at 8:30, and they'll Last week’s victory oyer strong The Badgers have six le tte r- The Wolverines, coached by dicates and could, if prodded Leonard and Bay. In addition, if return home after the meet to Ohio State, in which four v ar­ men returning from last y e a r’s enough, ris e up to' the occasion, Cliff Keen, have recorded 10 wins Dick Cook is in shape, he should face Illinois Saturday afternoon sity records were set, has proved team , but their leading perfor­ P art of the prodding is coming this y e a r and s e e m a strong give Deitrick a battle of 147- at the LM pool at 2. to be the season’ s highlight so m er is Mark M arsh, a sophomore from Coach Peninger. In an early HOMER M cC LU R E favorite to retain the Big Ten pounders. The lllini meet will mark the far. from G rosse P o i n t , who has B& RHOUSE OF STEREO title that they won last season. week talk to his crew , he said, final chance MSU fans will have Of all the bright sophomore posted a 22.2 in the 50 and 49.9 Thus far they are 6 -0 against ” 1 don’t want a man to leave to see the Spartans In action this prospects to grace the MSU swim in the 100. the arena Saturday with the feel­ scene t h i s s e a s o n , sprinters The lllini will be led by sopho­ conference foes and will try to season. ing t h a t he could have d o n e After Saturday, the Green and Darryle Kifer and Jim MacMillan m ore Bill Hays in the butterfly up the count by one Saturday. m o re.” this week-end o n ly .. . have proved to be the most plea­ and captain Phil Karafotas in the State, after a pleasing 14-11 Doll D A R R Y L E K IF E R win over a strong Indiana team Michigan has two outstanding sant surprises. 500 freestyle. Utah 6 " x 9 " Utah with Michigan Both have consistently chalked up victories for the Green and White, and Kifer’s 21. 8 p er­ men, 167-pounder Rick Bay and 147-pounder L ee Deitrick. Bay is defending Big Ten champion Kenwood Electronics 10 oz. magnet L is t price 12.25 and Deitrick was runner-up in YOUR P R IC E 7:35 formance in the 50 last week Foe For against Ohio State is the best time recorded in the conference Ic e T e a m In 'C e l la r S e r ie s ’ the conference his cla ss last year. Jensen 4:30 • 9 w eek -d ay s 9:00 • 9 Saturdays T h e Spartan hockey t e a m least bring the Huskies down into center Mac Orme, with 31 points. “ Westedge of Gymnasts for the event this year. Kifer, form er pTep s ta r at traveled to the Upper Peninsula Warren, MacMillan, Bob Sher­ Thursday for a two-game se rie s last place with them. Wingman Doug Roberts is second State currently has a 1-7 loop with 25, while sophomore Mike State’s most successful w rest­ lers t h i s y ear h a v e been 167- Wi 11iamston” Ci L 5-1727 Tomorrow’s dual meet with wood, and Di c k Gret zinger against Michigan Tech tonight mark, 8-12 overall, while Mich­ Coppo, a brother of one ofTech’ s igan Tech is 3 -5 in conference form er A ll-A m ericans, is third. Michigan should serve as a com ­ teamed to record the league’ s and Saturday night. The skaters are seeking to get play and 8 -9 for the season. Shop Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 bination measuring stick and out of the Western Collegiate A double State win would tie crystal ball for the Spartan gym­ nasts. ‘S ’ Bowlers Hockey Association ce lla r, or at the two team s for the WCHA sixth spot. Although most league Last Chance The MSU squad has been im­ proving rapidly in recent weeks, and Coach George Szypula is In Rematch teams meet each other four times in a season, only two State-Tech The men’ s bowling team faces games were scheduled this y ear. aware that the defending NCAA champs should prove ar. adequate Western Michigan at the Union The Huskies are led b y.A ll- yardstick by which to measure Lanes Saturday at 1:30 p.m . and Am ericans George Hill and Gary the progress of his team. the Spartans are looking for r e ­ Bauman. Goalie Bauman has been an all-conference choice for two EAST LANSING The meet a l s o should shed venge. some light on the BigTer. Confer­ Las: year the Broncos were y ears and last y ear allowed an ence situation. The league meet the only squad to defeat the bowl­ average of only 2.44 goals per will be held at Wisconsin in two weeks and as it stands now, there e rs in head-to-head competition. Western Michigan t u r n e d the game. This year he is averaging 2.86 overall and 2 .9 in WCHA SAVE up to K n a p p ’s whips up is no clear-cu t favorite. trick at the Union Lanes, although play. State’ s goalie situation contin­ “ It's going to be a strong con­ ference m e e t , ” Szypula said. State defeated them in Kalamazoo later in the season. ues to be a problem. R e g u l a r goaltender H arry Woolf was in­ 50% a delicious "Any one of four or five teams The Spartan keglers are 2 -2 so could win it.” far this season and are hoping jured last w e e k in the second on remaining In Michigan, the Spartans will be facing the defending Big Ten to send their mark over the .500 point at the Broncos’ expense. game of a weekend se rie s with Michigan and is not in top shape fashion treat and NCAA team champions who Bowling for State will be Dick for tonight’ s action. Ski Apparel M J P f ig J still have three national champs left over from last y e a r’s squad. Benzon, J e r r y Weiner, Rod Pedersen, Dick Taylor and Bob R eserve wingman Alex Terpay replaced Woolf last week and may fo r juniors Top man for the Wolverines is Arno L a sca ri, defending national Hanon. MAC ORME have to do so ' a g a i n tonight. Terpay, who never played the goal & Equipment parallel bar champion and con­ CAPtion before th e Michigan game, al­ lowed 7 goals, but was credited ference winner in the side horse and high bar. with 37 saves in his debut. They also have the NCAA tram ­ poline winner in Gary Erwin and the Big Ten and national floor e x ­ We Get Letters Leading th e Michigan Tech scoring attack is wingman Dave ercise champion in Mike Hender­ Drapper. Drapper has 18 points son. — nine goals and nine a ssists----- 325 S. Washington The Maise and Blue are 3-2 in By JERO M E C A P LA N to his cred it. State’ s leading sco re r is still Downtown Lansing dual meets this season wi t h State News Sports Editor losses to Illinois and Iowa m ar­ ring theii record. The Spartans go into the con­ To the Editor 33FLAVORS! X * % test with a 4 -2 mark, fresh from a 75-37 triumph over Indiana Monday night I officiated a basketball game with one team showing I \ the worst display of unsportsmanlike conduct I have ever- seen or last Saturday. hope to see again. loi 3 i5*\Av Coach Szypula said he feels the The game in discussion concerned McDonel and Rather 11 g irls ’ Spartans are ready to meet the residence hall team s. During the twenty minutes of game time, the challenge of the Wolverines and Rather team scratched, pushed, tripped and vocally jeered the op­ all other remaining opponents on posing team. I reg ret McDonel couldn’t make the vast number of free the MSU schedule. throw opportunities c o u n t for BRUNSWICK, Ga. (TP)— A 6 2 - "They have the best attitude of them so they could have won. year-old man was charged with As if this conduct on the court any team I’ve had,” Szypula said. ."They’ re read y ," he added. violating state liquor laws when wasn’t bad enough, after the game police found 49 gallons of illicit the McDonel team gave a cheer » c Next weekend the gymnasts whiskey hidden beneath his dog­ for R ather. Several Rather girls will travel to Illinois for meets house. then gave a satirical ch eer for with the University of Illinois and NCAA runner-up Southern Officers said the underground Yakley. Obviously, they cared not hideout was almost big enough to whom they beat or how they beat y\ V Illinois. be a fallout shelter. them, just so they won. In discussing the game after­ Ski Report’ w ards, 1 was asked why I didn’t disqualify the Rather team . I didn’t really feel it was the en­ E x c e lle n t In . tire team carryin g on that way, but just a couple of g irls. My apologies to McDonel for not ridding the game of these Skiing is reported good to excellent in most Michigan areas few rude players and my thanks this weekend. WEST Michigan slopes report conditions: to the McDonel team for not Excellent— Eskar Ski Slopes. fighting these bad taste tactics \ ery Good— Avalanche, Nub’ s Nob, Pando and Walloon Hills.- with more of the sam e, but r e ­ Good Big "M ” , B o y n e Highlands, Boyne Mr.., Caberfae, maining sportsmanlike though- FLA V O R S Carousel Mt., Crystal Mt., Glacier Hills, Indiai Hills, Missau- out and after the game. Ice Cream Shop kee M ts., Mt. Mancelona, Thunder Mt., T rav erse ity Holiday and Christina Lundberg Ward Hills. F a ir B ria r Hill. Special Tobogganing good at Echo Valley. F o r UPPER PENISU'LA slopes: Excellent— Cliffs Ridge, Indianhead Mt., Porcupine Mt., Brule 17.98 Mt. and Iroquois Mt. Very Good Pine Mountain. D esi gne d for the junior figure in F o r SOUTHEASTERN slopes: Excellent;— Irish Hills and Mt. Brighton. “ whipped c r e a m , ” a lu sc i ou s t e x - Very Good Alpine Valley, Dryden, Mt. Grampian, Summit, t u r e d c r e p e of D a c r o n (r) p o l y e s t e r . Mt. Holly and Pine Knob. Good— Mount Christie. Si z es 7 - 15, SALE F o r EAST Michigan slopes: Excellent— Mio Mountain, Snow Valley and Au Sable Lodge. Top: The innocent look. . . with c h o i r Good— Blintz Apple Mt., Skyline, Otsego Ski Club, Mott Mt., Grayling Winter Sports Park, Mt. Fred erick , Major Mountain, boy s h i r r i n g plus m atching stitchin g Sylvan Knob, Fono Ski R esort and Sheridan Valley. on bodice and cuffs. F a ir— Houghton Lake Snow Bowl and Ogemaw Hills. Special— Skating and tobagonning good at Silver Valley. T o d a y & T o m o rro w C e n t e r : The swe et sh ir ti ng look. . . For Your Pleasure . . . neatly c r e a t e d h e r e in a tempting c o n co ct i o n of s h i r t w a i s t styling. THE AIR-CONDITIONED F r id a y & S a tu r d a y HOLIDAY LANES at B o t t o m : The daring dandy look. . . • 40 B r u n s w i c k L a n e s • Snack B a r in a supple shift with ruffle tucked ¿•8 B i l l i a r d T a bl es » C o c k t a i l Lounge YOUR SUPERMARKET bib and cuffs. Optional belt. L an es A vailable Far O P E N BOWLING OF E D U C A T I O N In Soda Shop C o l o r s : P a r f a i t Pink. D a y Until 6p.m. And Fri., Sat., & Sun. E v e n i n y Tool F a l e B l u e b e r r y I c e , C r e m e Mint, Banana Frappe. OPEN EVERY DAY A T 9A.M. " F r a n d o r is J u s t S o u th O f U s *9 . S P A R T A N B o o k s to r e IV 7 - 3 7 3 1 C O R N E R A N N & M .A .C . E A S T L A N S IN G E A S T L A N S IN G - S T R E E T L E V E L