Vol. 55, Number 99 Inside International dinner, p. 3; Union Board fashion show, p. 4 ; Basketball victory, p. 6. MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE Monday, February 24, 1964 r ws \ E a s t Lonsing, Michigon É Weather Cloudy and cold today with a few snow flurries. High nesr 20. Price 10« C h e a t in g C a m p u s P r o b le m Editor's Note: T his is the first of a three-part series on a special case, for the question of moral integrity perm eates the cheating. whole of society. Just how big a problem is academic cheating at Michigan State? By LIN D A M IL L E R Is it present here only in the realization that it is prevalent every­ State News Staff Writer where? Or is it a grave threat to the University’ s well-being? T cheat on every exam I take,” said Bob. ” 1 don’t feel guilty Sue does not believe cheating Is a m ajor proDlem on this campus. about it, and I never get caught. Even if I did get caught, I don't "1 never cheat and I seldom see it in my c la s s e s ,” she said. think 1 would stop unless 1 were kicked out of school.” "Maybe this is because most of my exams have been proctored Bob learns the m aterial he deems important and cheats on tests well. 1 really don’t see how a student would dare to cheat if he to have the right answers to w'hat he did not think was important. knew the instructor were watching." " I ’m learning what I want to learn, but that’s not enough here Most students agree that if the course m aterial and the in­ to stay in.” stru cto r are intellectually stimulating cheating seldom com es "A cadem ic high treaso n ,” as Dean of Students John A. Fuzak to mind. METHODS O F C H EA TIN G --A few of the more common meth­ reporter-photographer team coll defines cheating, is a problem on this campus. The student is not (continued on page 3) ods of cheating were posed for the State News camera, as a the series beginning today. Photo by Coraid Carr Za nzibar Wins Recognition S o v ie t s I n je c t N e w U.S., Britain See Move To Neutrality N o te In I s le C r is is WASHINGTON f -T h e United form you that, following the com ­ States, Great Britain and six B ritish Commonwealth nations pletion of consultations with our commonwealth governments, the MHA D efeats C h a n ge V o lu n t e e r s recognized Sunday the new left­ British government has decided ist government of Zanzibar, a to accord recognition to your nation U.S. leaders now feel may move toward neutrality rather government. “ I look forward with confi­ L a c k in g than into the Communist orbit. dence to the continuation of close G ro u p T o S tu d y D r e s s R u le The State Department said the first two U.S. diplomats flew and friendly relatons between Britain and Z an zib ar." A proposed change in dress W arren Platt, St. Johns, A riz., them or changing them Friday F o r C ypru s back to Zanzibar City Sunday, regulations for evening meals junior and North Wonders p resi­ nights only. :ompleting restoration of re la ­ for men living in residence halls dent moved that d ress regulations Another suggestion to require From Our Wire Services tions interrupted by a Jan. 12 was defeated for the fourth time be as they were p rio r to those coat and tie on Wednesday and by M e n ’ s Halls Association presently in effect. Sundays with relaxed regulations UNITED NATIONS, N .Y .— The uprising that o v e r t h r e w the form er sultanate. The diplomats are Frank C a r- Seminar Thursday night. However, a committee has been .This would make it necessary for men to wear coat and tie to the other nights was not given any serious consideration. Cyprus g o v e r n m e n t ha'S an­ nounced a Soviet delegation is in evening meals except on Friday Wright finally suggested that Nicosia to negotiate an air link lucci, designated charge d’ af­ faires, and Donald K. Petterson, who had stayed behind in Zan­ To Bring formed to define present regu­ lations an d determine what the men living in residence halls ac­ and Saturday. The motion was defeated by a a committee of five be formed between the island republic and to define m ore clearly the present Moscow. zibar after the ouster of all other tually do want. vote of five in favor, two against regulations and to do research As observers see it, the very U.S. officials— one virtually with a gun in his back. Petterson was 19 Asians Only four halls voted for the d ress c h a n g e . I h e s e were and four abstaining. A proposal to allow men in residence halls to vote on the in halls to learn what the men presence of the Russians in­ actually want. He said that the jects a new note into the Cyprus in turn expelled last Thursday. Nineteen Asian student leaders Emmons, Snyder, W e s t Mc­ change would not go into effect c ris is . The B ritish high com m issioner SLIPPIN * AND A SLID IN ’ —Participants in the student-fac- change w a s rejected because until next fall term anyway and Their arrival coincides with will be staying here this weekend Donel and South C ase. The other also was ousted Thursday for the ulty donkey basketball Saturday night, such as football cap­ there would have to be at least the committee would have all the imminent showdown phase and next week for the "Winds seven all registered "n o ’ ’ votes. same stated reason—too long a three choices on the ballots and spring term to investigate. of the Anglo-American attempt of Change in the Emerging Na­ tain Dan Underwood, above, found it hard to stay on the an­ I he change would have allowed delay by both the United States it would be difficult to obtain a to get the United Natons Security tions" sem inar, to be held F r i ­ imals, while others, below, found it ju s t about as hard to men to wear sport shorts and and Britain in recognizing the majority favoring any one of Their meetings will be open to Council to approve entry of an day through Sunday. They will get the donkeys to qo where they wanted them to. The stu­ any trousers except Bermudas, revolutionary government estab­ these. ob servers. The first meetingwill international p e a c e - keeping then stay on for the following dents won, 20-18. Photos by Ken Roberts and David Sykes L evis, jeans, dungarees, knic­ lished by President Abeid K a r- The choices would be making be held in Brody Hall at 8:30 force into the strategic island. week to see more of Am eri­ kers or beachcombers to the the regulations s tr ic te r, relaxing p.m . Tuesday. ume. can life. evening m eal. U.N. Secretary - General U Zanzibar, famous in legend They will tour the campus, Thant was reported to be having Gary W r i g h t , Pontiac junior and history as the spice island see student government, visit trouble finding countries to make and Armstrong Hall president and a form er focal point in the slave trade, lies off the east the capitol and legislature and have discussions with other stu­ M e n ’s H a l l s A t t a c k said he voted against the pro­ posed change because no clear up the force even if he gets general agreement t h a t there coast of Africa about 400 miles dents to exchange ideas and opin­ solution to the problem had been should be one. south of the equator. It provides ions in order to create better about 80 per cent of the world’ s supply of cloves. understanding among nations, Asian students will participate T r o p h y P o in t S y stem resolved. He also said he felt the opinions of the minority group Of all the countries that might generally be acceptable for such in his hall, which he said was a force, only Canada so far Canada, Australia, New Z ea­ in a panel discussion at 9 a.m. The Spartan Spirit trophy has of everything Bryan and all the quite a large number should be seemed willing and able to sup­ land, M alaysia, Pakistan and In­ Sunday in 106 Kellogg Center. once again com e under fire by other halls had done. This, he honored. ply troops for it. dia also recognized the Karume They com e from such places Men’ s Halls Association and sev­ said, leads him to believe Spar- Wright added that he felt some Thant, meanwhile, brought to­ government. as T a i w a n , Japan, Singapore, eral men’ s residence hall p re si­ change is n ecessary. (continued on page 4) gether Cypriot Foreign Minister In London a commonwealth r e ­ Hong Kong, the Phillipines, Kor­ dents. Spyros Kvprianou and British lations office spokesman said ea, Indonesia, Thailand and Ku­ Chief Delegate Sir Patrick Dean MHA p a s s e d a resolution British P rim e Minister Sir Alec ala Lumpur in Malaysia. recommending to All-University for the first time as he con­ Douglas-Home had sent a m es­ The students are editors of sage to President Karume saying: college newspapers, head of stu- Student Government that no tro ­ phy be awarded this y ear, hut Blood Drive Begins tinued his search for agreement among Cyprus, Britain, G reece, " I am glad to be able to in- (continued on page 3) stating that MHA is in favor of continuing Spartan Spirit and the trophy next year to increase p ar­ With 2 ,0 0 0 Pint G oal (continued on page 3) ticipation in spirit promotion. The winter term blood drive, special permission slips signed Andy Rogin, Birmingham soph- m ore and president of Bryan sponsored jointly by the Veterans by their parents or guardians. Peace Corps Hall, said h i s h a l l would not A s s o c i a t i o n and Associated They may be obtained in the accept the trophy even it it were awarded to Bryan. Women Students, begins today in the main lounge of the Union and Union. Doughnuts, coffee, juice and Staff Offers He said he recieved a letter will run until Friday. A goal of 2,000 pints of blood milk a re being served to the donors. Information from his hall’ s Spartan Spirit The drive will be open today President J o h n Hannah has has been set, an in crease of representative asking for a list from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m. 1,000 pints over last y ear’ s goal. proclaimed today through Satur­ of all the things Bryan had done Schedules for the week a re : day'' "P e a c e Corps Week” on to promote spirit. Red C ross nurses will conduct Tuesday, 10 a.m . — 5 p.m .; DON'T DUCK THIS ONE*-Rupture, the Vet’ s Club mascot, campus. Rogin said he does not have the drive with the help of stu­ Wednesday, 2— 8 p.m .; Thurs­ is being decorated with signs promoting the blood drive Members of the Peace C orps such a list and that he was dents in Vets Club and AUS. day, 2 — 8 p.m .; Friday, 10 sponsored by the club and AWS to be held in the Union this Washington staff and returned assured that Spartan Spirit knew Students under 21 must have a .m .— 3 p.m. week. Photo by Pete Westerman volunteers now attending MSU will be in the Union throughout the week to answer questions, provide information and admin­ World News At A Glance S t a r s W ill P e r f o r m ister Peace Corps entrance tests. This week's emphasis on the P eace Corps is a result of a threatening to destroy not only the Soviet I n M u s ic W in g D in g recruiting drive held on cam ­ pus last spring, said Hal Tufty, Wheat Deal Hits New Snag chief of the C orps’ F r e n c h - Union, but China and other Communist coun­ Ford’ s Lively Ones will hit Bearded flutist Herbie Mann trie s. The Soviet m arshals called this im­ the campus Tuesday for a "F olk speaking African division and a MIAMI BEACH, Fla. \ f - President Johnson’ s and his Afro-Cuban quintet have possible and said any attempt would be met and Jazz Wing Ding" starring member of the advance team efforts to end a longshoremens' boycott of become noted for a repertoire with “ inexorable, all-devastating retribution." vocalist Nina Simone and flu­ at MSU. the U.S.-Soviet wheat deal hit a new snag of "folk ja z z .” As for Stalin and his methods, the m ar­ tist Herbie Mann. Tufty stressed that the C orps’ Sunday when union leaders demanded 50 per Mann uses his interpretations shals said he crippled Soviet production and Also featured in this L ectu re- week on campus is more an cent U.S. shipping to be used for grain sold of African and Latin American seriously weakened the armed forces before Concert special at 8:15 p.m. informational drive that a re ­ to all Iron Curtain countries. rhythms in a form of American cruiting one. S ecretary of Labor W. Williard Wirtz said World War II. in the Auditorium will be the jazz which some critics have "W e want to clear up.some this raised problems of great magnitude that Moonshiners folk trio and folk sin g er-satirist Ron Eliron, term ed "soul m u sic." m i s t a k e n impressions of the can only be resolved by high-level discussions Ruby Jury Selection Resumes P eace C orps,’ ’ he said. “ Many In VVashingtn. The program , co-sponsored by The Moonshiners, a trio of DALLAS f -T h e slow, laborious process of the Ford Motor Company, isp art people think they must have a W irtz, after telephone consultation with John­ college men, sing folk music and picking a jury to try Jack Ruby for the slaying of a “ wing ding” tour through special skill to be in the Corps, son, appealed to the unions to lift the 10- add a bit of spicy humor to their of Lee Harvey Oswald resum es today, the be­ college campuses across the but that isn’t at all necessary. day-old boycott until such a conference could perform ance. We train volunteers for the work be called. ginning of what may prove the week of de­ country, and includes something cision as to his trial. for just about every music-loving Ron Eliron, a native Israeli, they will be doing.” , " Í ...believe it will move faster next week college student. plays a classical guitar and sings An information booth will be C O N F E R E N C E SIGNUP-Margo Wells, Grosse Pointe senior, Red Military Celebrates Anniversary Blues s i n g e r Nina Simone, in several l a n g u a g e s , inter­ in the c'nit/iF'-cow’ourse and lit­ and that we will have more ju rors qualified,", said Dist. 'Atty. Hanry M. Wade, after Satur­ )w*hose "1 Love You, P orgy" spersed with social comm entary. erature about the Corps and spe­ at desk, registers, from left to right, Steve Sink, Cadillac MOSCOW i f -Soviet m ilitary leaders cele­ day's* court session left the jury box with 10 brought her name close to the Tickets f o r the "F o lk and cific areas of work are avail­ junior; Joyce Remondini, Kingsford junior; and Sandy Henry, brated the 46th anniversary of the Soviet armed of its 12 seats still unfilled. Two college, top of the list of female vocal­ Ja z z Wing Ding" a re on sale at able. Port Huron junior, for the "Winds of Change in the Emerg­ forces Sunday by denouncing two things: their educated men with technical backgrounds have ists in 1959, has made over the Union Ticket Office for $2.50, T ests will be given at 9 a.m ., ing N ations" seminar to be held on campus Friday through country’ s Stalinist ear and the United States. a dozen record albums. $2 and-$1.50. and 1, 4 and 7 p.m. They claimed the United States has been been seated. Saturday. *-*• * D*'* s»kM 2 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan Monday, F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 1 96 4 Letters To The Editor Cooperation Aids Effectiveness The p a s s a g e of the housing re so lu ti o n Wednesday b y Al l - A p r e v i o u s l y tabled re so lu ti o n was unpopular with s o m e r e p r e ­ What O f Accountability For Actions ? To the Editor: victions, and have as much jus­ points of view, and that some segregation is a just way of people had to do them. Is there U n iv e r s it y Student G o v er n m en t s e n t a t i v e s l a r g e l y b e c a u s e it was I would like to comment on no accountability for actions? tification for them as any North­ ideas have better justification life than she can help her own d e m o n s t r a t e s a n a w a r e n e s s on p r e s e n t e d b ef o r e suff icient in­ the editorial of Feb. 19 State erner has for h i s / ’ Now, it is than’ others. If this is not the feeling that equality should be Are there not such things as News. nice to be sin cere, but this qual­ ca se , what is the justification practiced in all aspects of liv­ rational actions and beliefs and the p a r t of r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of the f o rm a t i o n was a v a i l ab l e. They irrational ones or is it all a It was, apparently, an attempt ity is not always praisew orthy— of dem ocracy.? ing.*' I wonder if she would be r e a l i t i e s of running a student asked f o r additional r e p o r t s to to be humanitarian, but in so Hitler was sin cere. Furtherm ore The second point re fe rs to willing to maintain this position m atter of conditions? What is doing, it brought up points re- it is a rather quick judgment to the statement that *'it is largely consistently. It is an absolute the purpose of learning, or dis­ government. be c o m p i l e d be f o r e a vote c a m e cussion if her statements are pungnant to its own tradition. claim that the “ integrationist’ s” a m ere chance of geography and denial of freedom , claiming that The amended r eso lut io n c a l l s up. The first of t h e s e is in belief has no m ore justification sociological conditions that Gov. people are solely the products true? for a follow-up r e p o r t on the p r e ­ The new re so l u t i o n p a s s e d l a st reference to the statement that than the “ segregationist’ s .’ ’ It Wallace is the segregationlist of conditions outside their con­ Most politicians, even dicta­ “ the governor, and others like seem s that there a re different and she the integrationalist. He trol and that therefore freedom to rs, are "n ice guys” when you sent s y s t e m of approved housing, week was a c o m p r o m i s e between him are sin cere in their con­ degrees of truth for different can no m ore help his belief that is an illusion. meet them, but what about an including additional inf ormation the two v ie w s , and as s u c h , was a evaluation of their activities as Of course conditions affect be­ they affect the lives of others? which may provide a b a s i s for wise po li ti cal move by « d. f.,... Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s in g , Michigan Monday, F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 1 96 4 3 Cheating ( a lr n d a r o f Special CoursesStudy On Campus < o m in « i Kvriil? Wrestling, Ohio State— 3 p .m ., Space Travel, Cities Challenges of space travel and what they mean to man. Space (continued from page 1) Sports Arena. dilemmas of modern man in an navigation, cosm ic rays and ra ­ " I f I reg ister late and have Econom etrics Workshop— 3:30 urbanized society' will be cov­ dio astronomy are among the to take something 1 don’t want, p .m ., 31 Ag. Hall. ered in two informal courses topics for discussion. or get a lousy prof, then I don't Dairy Seminar—4 p .m ., 126 scheduled for March. enjoy the co u rse,” said Dave. Anthony. “ Tom orrow , The Moon—The "T h e C ity" will be held on "Then all I'm after is a decent Mechanical Engineering Space Day A fter, The S tars,” will be four consecutive Wednesday ev­ grad e.” Seminar — 4 p .m ., Engineering held on four consecutive Mon­ enings from 7 to 10 p.m ., be­ A not - so - common view of Aud. day evenings from 7 to 10 p.m ., ginning March 4. Instructor is cheating is, "My main purpose Spartan Guard Drill T eam — beginning March 2. Teaching the C harles Adrian, chairman and at this university is to learn. If 4 p .m ., Dem. Hall Ballroom . course is Jam es Stokley, asso­ professor, department of polit­ I cheat, 1 don't learn anything. Physics Colloquium— 4 p .m ., ciate p rofessor of journalism and ical science. Once in a while, I don’t get P-M Cqnference Room. of physics and astronomy. graded fairly but this is a part Physiology and Pharmacology The cou rse will explore the The impact of urbanization up­ of life. Troubles a re no excuse Sem inar— 4:10 p.m ., lO iGiltner. significance of recent achieve­ on his values, beliefs, affairs, T A S T E T E S T ” Ruth Debroskey, Birmingham sophomore, for lowering myself to be dis­ Foreign Film S eries, "V o l­ ments and discoveries in astron­ behavior and living will be con­ Shyam Lata, Bombay graduate student and Suresh Mehra, honest.” pone," (Fren ch )— 7 and 9 p .m ., omy and the space sciences, and sidered. New Delhi senior, try out some recipes that may be used in The Academic Senate approved Fairchild. May 17, 1961, as policy on the preparing the mer menu for the March 7 International Club dinner. Humanist Society — 8 p .m ., integrity of scholarship an d Wed., 126 Nat. Sci. Photo by Pete Westerman grad es. T h e f i r s t paragraph states: "T h e principles of truth and honesty are recognized as fun­ Music Recital C lu b F e a s t F e a t u r e s apes damental to a community o f teach ers and sch olars. The Uni­ versity expects that both faculty T° Be Given I n t e r n a t i o n a l D is h e s and students will honor these “ L E G A L B R IB E R Y " --A l Vannice, H alsey, Neb., senior, is The sounds of viola and pi­ ano' will be featured in a stu­ Native-style dishes from over a chicken dish from Equador; at DISCOUNT PRICES principles and in so doing pro­ shown with his date, Sherry Johnston, E a st Lansing sopho­ dent recital at 8:15 tonight in a dozen countries will be served Chinese b e a n s p r o u t salad; tect the validity of University at the International Club's annual "a k a ra b a l l s ” f r o m A frica; as lo w a s more, paying Mrs. Marie Grimes, Tri-D elt housemother, to the Music Auditorium. grades. This means that all a ca ­ International Dinner March 7 in “ pulow,” rice from Pakistan; 3.77 stay out after hours. The “ penny night” tradition Saturday Katharine D err, E ast Lansing demic work will be done by the senior, violist, and Wayne Morie, the Union Ballroom . and " tirn e e ,” an Indian d essert. allowed an extra hour at the rate of a penny a minute. student to whom it is assigned, W ellsville, Mo., sophomore, c l a r ­ Foreign students will present without unauthorized aid of any Photo by Pete Westerman traditional dances, m usic, and Tickets a re on sale in the U.S. inetist, will present the cham­ kind.” ber music con cert. songs following the dinner. Lounge, Union, from M rs. Wold. Fuzak believes that a relatively They will be assisted by V ir­ The dinner, to be served buffet Only a limited number of seats R C A o C A P IT O L »COLUM BIA small percentage o f students p ractice cheating. “ An element of stealing is in­ Cyprus Force ginia Bodman and Ruben D ros- cha, pianists; Anne DeVroome and Elizabeth B a rry , violinists; style, will include " a ji de polio,” are available. WARNER B R O S .» V E R V E VANGUARD »LONDON»W ESTM INSTER volved,” he said. “ But 1 don’t (continued from page 1) G r e e k Cypriot m ajority, chal­ and Adelia Cubbon, cellist. think any of it is very m alicious.” Turkey and members of the Se­ lenge this interpretation and are The students will perform Vi­ Choose from the largest Howard R. Neville, P rovost, against mentioning the treaty in curity Council. valdi’ s "Sonata No. 5 for Vi­ Only a small segment of the The two men, after an hour any council resolution. ola and P ian o;" "K oncert for selection in Central Michigan. faculty thinks it i s a m ajor and a half in Thant’ s office, D i p l o m a t s s o u r c e s said Klarinet og O rkester,” Op. 57, problem, according to Leo A. told rep o rters they could not Thant’ s plan for a Cyprus solu­ by Nielsen; Hindemith’ s "Sona­ Complete Special Order Service. H a a k , p r o f e s s o r of social say anything. Thant himself said, tion suggested that countries con­ ta, Op. 11, No. 4 for Viola scien ce. Haak served on the sub­ " I t h i n k the picture will be tributing troops to the interna­ and Piano;” and Brahm s’ "Quin­ com m ittee on cheating for the c le a re r tom orrow .” The council tional force share most of the tet in B Minor for Clarinet and I YOUR SIXTH T A P E IS F R E E j Academic Council this y ear. is scheduled to resum e its Cy­ cost but that the United States S trin g s,” Op. 115. "No one really knows how much prus debate Tuesday. give "lo g istic support” in tran s­ there is or how to find out,” he \ F” E~. C O F £ t~ Sources informed on Thant's port and supply. said. "Students don't seem to get very excited about it.” talks said there was a dead­ lock on whether any council r e s ­ Gottlieb Talks D IS C S H O P Haak, who regards cheating as olution on the force should men­ To NAACP TH E S FE W A Y to stay alert L P s , Stereo L P s , 45s, Stereo Topes- a problem in social science, believes that th e faculty as a tion the 1960 treaty of guar­ G a ffo rd Discusses Buy Five, Get One F R E E whole exhibits lack of interest in antee concerning Cyprus in ad­ dition to calling for respect for David Gottlieb, associate pro­ fessor of education, sociology without harmful stimulants the problem. Cyprus’ Independence and te r ­ S pa ce O peration and anthropology, will address N o D o z keeps yo u m e n ta lly N e x t tim e m o n o to n y m akes On the other hand, Paul M. rito rial integrity. the campus NAACP at 8 tonight a le r t w ith th e sam e s a fe re ­ y o u fe e l d r o w s y w h ile d r i v in g , H urrell, assistant professor of philosophy, finds that when the Britain, Turkey and the T u r­ kish minority in Cyprus want Robert Gafford, manager of in P a rlo r C, Union. fre s h e r fo u n d in c o ffe e and w o rk in g or s tu d y in g , do as Live a lot in animated Plans for a University "fast te a . Y e t N o D o z is fa s te r, m illio n s d o . . . p e r k u p w ith personal integrity of a student the treaty mentioned. They in­ Life Sciences space engineering for freedom” in March will be is at stake, it is a significant problem. terp ret it to mean that Britain, Turkey or G reece can send troops d e p a r t m e n t , Beckman instru­ ments, Inc., Fullerton, C alif., discussed at the meeting. h a n d ie r , m o r e re lia b le . A b s o ­ lu te ly n o t h a b it-fo r m in g . s a fe , e ffe c tiv e N o D o z ta b le ts . Another fine product of Grove Laboratories. H CAPEZIO SKIMMERS "I f one has a concern for the in onltheir own if necessary to will fhlk on ’ ’ Physiological and welfare of the honest student, protect the T u r k i s h Cypriots Environmental Instrumentation NOW IN 12 LILTING this is enough to make it an from the Greek Cypriot majority. in Manned Space Operation" at important problem. If the Uni­ versity has no concern to control G reece and the Cypriot gov­ ernment, in the hands of the 4 p.m. today, in the Engineering auditorium. NEW SPRING COLORS! cheating, it would cre a te un­ reasonable p ressu res and a ’dog FOAM B L U E » G R E E N » R ED »N A VY eat dog’ world.” If cheating is a m ajor problem, H ur.ell said conditions should be Rocky Asks For 6Facts’ Grow with Us BROW N»GYPSY ORAN GE »LIM E STONE PAM PER PINK »CA V ERN B L U E blamed, not students. These con­ ditions a r e associated w i t h In South Viet Nam War BR O N ZEEN »R A SP B ER R Y*B LA CK changes in th e University— At Xerox, you b e c o m e a part of o n e of A m e ric a 's f a s t e s t crowded classroom s a n d late ALBANY, N .Y .if)-G ov.N elson The governor's policy state­ growing co r p o ra tio n s; a d ynam ic , well e sta b lish e d com p an y A. Rockefeller called on the John­ ment on Southeast Asia was p re­ registration. which is a world lead e r in th e e xciting and expan ding field VVilliard Warrington, director son administration today to give pared within 24 hours after he the American people “ the actual of graphic c o m m u n ic a t io n s . More th a n 8 5 % com m ercially of evaluation serv ice s, agrees held an overseas telephone con­ facts on the war in South Viet versation with H e n r y C a b o t oriented, Xerox e n jo y s c o n sta n tly in c re a sin g o perating that the expansion of the Uni­ Nam” and to say what U.S. mil­ Lodge, U.S. ambassador to South re v enues with which it c a n explo re d ra m a tic new a pplicatio ns versity sometimes cre a te s in­ centive to cheat, itary help is needed to win the Viet Nam. of e lectricity and light. For e xam ple: "With larger cla sse s, students war. The governor made the re f­ □ Total operating revenues for the first nine months of 1963 may feel less identification with "T h e American people have a erence to Lodge in reply to a right to know the whole truth question at a political gather­ reached $116,100,443; up 56% from 1962. the instructor and less obligation about what is going on ," said ing in New Hampshire, where □ Expenditures for research and engineering ($5 million in 1961; to be honest.” Warrington, who coordinates Rockefeller, a candidate for the Rockefeller is entered in the $13.5 million budgeted for 1963) have kept pace in a program Republican nomination fo rp re s i- March lO presidentialpreference of planned growth extending far into the future. all proctoring for University Col­ lege term -endexam inations, said dent. prim ary. "P resid en t Johnson has sug­ Rockefeller told rep o rters that In five years, t h e n u m b e r of Xerox em p lo y e e s h a s grown from that with the tremendous empha­ gested that criticism of foreign he had called Lodge Friday night 1 5 0 0 to m ore th a n 6 0 0 0 , and it's co n stan tly gaining sis on grades, students re so rt to all means. policy has no place in our po­ to explain personally a Rocke­ m o m e ntu m . S u c h a growth pattern c o n sta n tly c r e a t e s Fuzak also notes that the ten­ litical p ro c e s s ,” Rockefeller as­ feller comment suggesting that key jo b op p o rtu nitie s in many te ch n ica l and non t e ch n ical dency to cheat stem s from the serted. " I disagree..what has no Lodge had to bear some of the a r e a s , for a p p lic a n ts with exceptio nal abilities. weight placed on grades as sym­ place in our political p rocess is responsibility for conditions in bols of evaluation. secrecy or news management." South Viet Nam. In Saigon, Viet Nam, Lodge Many f a c e t s of our growth include: "W e say grades aren’t impor­ tant,” he said, "but we act like denied that Rockefeller had called □ 157 new products marketed since 1950. they a r e .” Seminar (continued from page 1) him to discuss the Viet Nam.- situation but declined to say why Rockefeller called Friday. O 47 new patents were issued in 1962 alone. □ A new manufacturing and research complex situated on 1,000 acres of campus-like setting to which more than Joint Student dent government g r o u p s , and 800,000$W)uare feet of modern facilities have been added since 1956.' leaders of student movements Study in Recital Set and opinions. MSU students wishing to attend Guadalajara, Mexico Among the e x c itin g p ro je c ts presently underway within t h e broad d is cip lin e of graphic c o m m u n ic a tio n s are: the three-day seminar may reg ­ For Tuesday iste r in 335 Student S ervices. Those wishing to attend all of The Guadalajara S u m m e r □ Information storage and retrieval systems □ Information transmission Two music students will p re­ the sessions including the Satur­ School,’ a fully accredited Uni­ □ New product concepts in the medium of electro-photographic sent a joint recital of classical day night banquet mustpay $4.50. versity of Arizona program , Those who will only attend the copying equipment and contemporary works for wind conducted in cooperation with instruments Tuesday, at 8:15 four major conferences should p rofessors from Stanford Uni­ p.m . in the Music Auditorium. re g iste r, but no fee is required. versity, University of Cali­ If you would like t h e s a tis fa c tio n and c h a lle n g e of working for su c h a com pany . . . and have th e potential and d e s ir e to you’ ll want Soloists are Jeffrey P ric e , St. The sem inar is jointly spon­ fornia, and Guadalajara, will several pair Johns senior and Stanley Bur­ sored by National Student As­ offer June 29 to August 8, grow . . . t h e r e ’s a p la c e and a future for you a t Xerox. roughs? N o r f o i k , V a., junior. sociation, All-University Student a rt, folklore, georgraphy, his­ Opportunities e x is t in t h e following a re a s : P rice will play the euphonium, Government, and International tory, language and literature and Burroughs the clarin et. Relations Club. Part of the funds □ Research and engineering U Finance co u rses. Tuition, b o a r d and P ric e will perform the "C on­ for sponsoring the seminar are room is $265. Write Prof. □ Manufacturing □ Marketing certo in F M inor" by Handel; from the departments of inter­ Juan B. Rael, P.O. Box 7227, □ Control the prelude and two bourrees national p rogram s, sociology, Stanford, Calif. Contact your place m ent o ffice to arrange an interview from the "Suite No. 3 for Cello” political science, and geography. w ith a Xerox representative who w ill be on your cam pus . . . by J.S . Bach; and "C on certb ” F e e t , and people by Rimsky-Korsakov. Burroughs will perform the March 2 have m o r e fun in “ Scherzo” by H. Owen Reed, or, write: Xerox C o rporation • Dept. 64 College Relations w a f er -t h in kidskin and the "Sonate” by Paul Hinde­ Box 1540 • R ochester 4, N. Y. s k i m m e r s . . . e s p e c i a l l y when mith, 7 ' recital is open to the pub­ the y’ re h e r e for ’ 64 in lic. a full r an g e of XEROX D E L IV E R Y S E R V IC E 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. c o s t u m e matching o r B usiness G roup ^ 7 * n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r com p l e m e n ti n g c o l o r s . WE A L S O S P E C I A L I Z E IN To H old P a n el Pi Omega P i, national bus­ Foot-LongHotDogs -Hamburgers -Subs iness honorary, will hold a stud­ ent- teaching panel at 7:30 p.m. Jacobsons Tuesday in the Student Services Lounge. P hone VARISITY DRIVE-IN ED 2-6517 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan Monday, F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 1 9 6 4 LOST: OMEGA watch with grey “ 3-d a y ad was v e ry s u c c e s s fu l," said this leather band at Jenison Field pleased and student a d v e r tis e r . WATCH FOUND IN RECORD TIME House, Thursday. Reward. ★ Autom otive m äSM with a 1957 PONTIAC, 2-door, hardtop. F o r Rent ★ F o r Sale Styles Go POOL TABLES - (Valley). New S E B I low cost $295. Phone IV 9-1895, 412 Haze. 36 APARTMENTS LOOKING FOR male roommates 3 1/2X7 F u ll-slate. Delivered and set up. Phone IV 9-5805. Ed P la c e m e n t B u r e a u WANT AD J . B .’S USED CARS Exclusively Chevrolets at Cedar Village, 332-1442 or . 332-5051. 48 Schultz dealer. ADMIRAL 19" television, table 36 'G entle’ Students must register at least two days prior to in­ North American Aviation, Inc., Los Angeles Division: Mechani­ cal (B,M,D) mechanical, physics Rocketdyne: E lectrical, me­ • AUTOM OTIVE EYDEAL VILLA: 1 or 7 2 bed- chanical, m etallurgical, c i v i l , •EM PLO YM EN T • FO R R EN T 1956 2-door, hardtop. Black and white, original black and white room apartments completely and excellently furnished. Choice of model. Good condition. Phone 485-1944 evenings. 34 For Spring terview. Feb. 27-28 cal, e le ctrica l, civil (B,M,D) en­ g i n e e r s , a p p l i e d mechanics chem ical, (B,M,D), engineering, physics (B,M ,D), applied me­ interior. No rust. Mechanically interior c o l o r s , central r e c - DUMONT 2 r T .V ., deluxe Hot (M,D), physics (M.D). chanics (M). • FO R S A LE perfect. No money down. Point automatic washing ma­ The “ gentle” look will get B e l l L aboratories: Physics, Autonetics Division of North room, laundry facilities, barbe­ Space and Information Sys­ • LO ST & FOUND 2801 S, Cedar cue areas and swimming pool. chine. F o r information call 337- fashion’ s nod this spring, p re­ applied m echanics, mechanical American Aviation, Inc.: E le c tr i- t e m s : E le ctrica l, mechanical, TU 2-1478 or Tl 2-6721 963?. 36 dicted the Union Board Fashion & electrical (D) engineers. • PERSO N A L GL appliances. Call FIDELITY chemical (B,M,D) e n g i n e e r s , • PEA N U TS PERSO N A L • R EA L ESTA TE • S E R V IC E MGA, wire wheels, 12,000 m iles, $975. Phone 33- -2 " 53. C 36 REALTY, ED 2-5 0 4 1 , GEORGE EYDE, ED 2-0565. C33 ★ Personal EAST L ANSING c~lose In, 3 UNCLE FUD’S PARTY S h o p . Show Thursday. Ruth M artens, Mademoiselle college board member and Lan­ Leo Burnett Company, Inc.: Advertising, marketing, econom­ ics, journalism , arts and letters, communication a r t s , s o c i a l Spirit (continued from page 1) physics, math (B,M,D). Atomics International: Chemi­ cal, m echanical, electrical, met­ 1955 CHEVROLET7 1 door, " 6" room s, unfurnished except for Party supplies and beverages. sing senior, coordinated the an­ allurgical engineering, physics, •TRA N SPO RTA TIO N automatic, new snow tires. $300. nual event which saw nearly 50 s c i e n c e , b u s i n e s s (B , M) tan Spirit does not have this in­ range and refrig erato r. 1st floor Kosher sandwiches. T w o miles chem istry, math (B,M,D). •WANTED Call 355-0603. 35 ensembles from Campbell’ s and sociology, psychology, anthro­ formation. with southern exposure - no stu­ east on Grand R iver. C DEADLINE: MICROBUS 1961 Volkswagen) 9 the Style Shop take the stage. pology, marketing, econom ics, Rogin also expressed d issatis­ Feb . 28 dents. $100 per month. Phone 332 •• SPARfAN F L ld H tS - Spring va- passenger, r a d i o , heater, 4 - "C ap es are coming strong on English or journalism (B,M,D). faction with the point system upon 1 p.m. one c l a s s day b e ­ 5988 after 6 :0 0 p.m. 34 cation flights to where the fun Is. Aeronautical S y s t e m s Di­ speed. Like’new condition. $1195. the scene with a softer, more SUMMER EMPLOYMENT f o r fo re p u b li c a t i o n . BLAKE (Frandor near), newer Daytona, $79., NYC, $55 - round which the awarding of the trophy vision: C h em ical,electrical, me­ Call IV 2-4301. 34 feminine feeling,” Miss Marten those BS, MS, or PhD graduates C a n c e l l o t i o n s «12 noon o n e building, furnished n i c e l y , 3 trip. Don’t get left behind; call will be based. chanical (B,M,D), chem istry (D), c la s s day b e fo re p u blication said as Maria Colucci, Niagara interested in summer employ­ “ If all dorms put in as much RAMBLER i960 4-d r , standard room s, closets galore. $125., un­ now, 332-8563, M -F , 1-5 p.m. physics (B,M,D), math O ). F alls, N .Y., junior, appeared in ment In advertising. M /F shift, good condition New tire s. furnished, $100 plus electricity . 33 effort on spirit as Spartan Spirit Byron C o m m u n i t y Schools:* PHONE: a three piece outfit. Call 699-2626. 34 March 1. Call 484-9791. FORT L a U M R D a L e - budget did on its p o i n t system , flogin Early and later elementary edu­ 355-8255 157 RAMBLER station wagon, 33 tours arranged. Call Main Travel Styled of gray glen plaid, the said^no trophy would be awarded cation, English (B). M /F custume sported a white silk because no one would deserve it.” RATES: 1 D A Y ............$1.25 power brakes, power steering, $125. ‘56 FORD, good transporta­ OUT OF TOWN. 3 bedrooms, Bureau. IV 4-4441. front room, large kitchen. Heat FOR TOP-NOTCH protection at C27 blouse with a smattering of dots, showing the trend to wear two Packaging He said he thinks the trophy California State Government: California S t a t e P e r s o n n e l tion, $75. Phone IV 2-3481. is a g o o d idea, but the way Board: Civil engineering (B,M ). furnished, private entrance, un­ ro ck -b o tto m rates, I t ’ s State 3 D A Y S . . . .$2.50 5 D A Y S_______$3.75 1 % T radio, 35 furnished. IV 5-1574. 37 F a rm Mutural, the world’s .larg­ patterns together. S h i f t s , l o o s e and gentle, Honorary things were set up this y ear, there is no accurate way of tell­ Gibson R efrigerator Division: Mechanical, electrical, chem­ VOLKSWAGEN est auto Insurer, Call or see your ( B a s e d _pn 15 words per ad) cropped up throughout the show. ing whether any one dorm de­ i c a l , m etallurgical (B) engi­ whitewalls, extra clean. Phone T h e re will be a 2 5 < s e r v i c e 484-9169. 33 HOUSES State F arm agent today. Ask for ED K A R M A N N or G E O R G E The version most fruitful in win­ ning audience approval cam e in Initiates Prof served the trophy more than another. neers. International Paper Company: and b o o k k e e p in g c h a r g e if BU1CK 1962, Special, s t a t i o n GIRLS TO share furnished house TOBIN, IV 5-7267, In Frandor. a pink crepe. Rogin also said that it was College of Business, A rts and Lt. Col. George A. Davies, t h i s ad is not paid within wagon. Private owner. Low mil­ Spring term . $10/week. Parking. C33 Carol Crupi, Novi junior, chose p rofessor and chairman of the only when he thr eatened to go to L etters, Communication A r t s , o n e w e e k. eage, excellent condition. Call 526 Stoddard. Call Kay, ED 2 - SHE DR£AMED she was drivlng to wear the long sleeved, front department of air science was A ll-University Student Govern­ Social Science (B). 332-3476. 33 5138. 35 In her c a r insured with Bubolz- tucked number with a shoulder recently initiated into Pi Kappa ment and the State News that the KVP-Sutherland Paper C o.: The State News does not XK- E JAGUAR, '62 conv. Beau­ FIVE B E D R O O M home, fur- 220 Albert, 332-8671. C33 length loose hairdo which com ­ point system was made public. Finance, College of Business Gamma honorary fraternity. tiful! 14,500 miles. Powder blue. nished, with garage, 2 miles NEW YORK vacation-busspecial! plemented the soft mood. permit racial or religious Col. Davies was extended hon­ It had been previously stated that (B,M), chem ical (B) engineers, from MSU. Nice suburban lo­ Round trip, $30. F o r re se rv a ­ discrimination in its ad­ All a c c e s s o r i e s . Regretfully o rary membership in the only the point system would not be chem istry (B,M ). cation. Phone TU 2-3807. 37 tions, call E ast Lansing Bus Miss Crupi’s avante garde ac­ vertising c o l u m n s . The must sell before March 1. $5,600 packaging fraternity in the world made available to anyone not con­ Lansing Board Of Education: State News will not accept c a r f o r only $ 3, 70 0' C a l l ED EAST LANSING unfurnished 2 Station, _________ ED 2-2813. ______________________ 37 cesso ry , a rhinestone studded, in recognition of his contributions cerned with the judging. English, math, French, Spanish, 2-3145 after 6:00 p.m. 35 bedroom, full basement. Close REACH FOR an apple Instead black pipe, is said to be the Arm strong p r e s i d e n t Gary advertising from persons to defense and industrial pack­ R u s s i a n , G e r m a n , general to Marble School and Shopping of a fag. If you’re riding a horse “ coming thing f o r lady smok­ discriminating against re ­ OLDSMOBILE 1940 with '5 6 Olds aging engineering and adm inistr­ Wright, Pontiac junior, said it science, chem istry, p h y s i c s Center. Available April 1. Call get one for the nag. 3 gallops e r s .” was his understanding that points ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or ation. biology, graphic arts, physical motor. Will trade for m otorcycle 332-1130 after 5:00 p.m. for ap- from Berkey, Horticulture Build- Gingham checks, softened a national origin. were to be given for the fall education, industrial arts, e le c - or what have you. 882-1139. pointment. 36 ing. C33 bit from their usual crispn ess P rio r to his assignment to blood drive, but this was not taken t r i c a l engineering, m u s i c , 3- by way of powder-puff blue and Michigan S t a t e , Col. Davies into account in the published ROOMS special education (B), M /F j f Autom otive______ SPARTAN MOTORS ★ Real E s ta te ______ a waist deep sunback, should served in Washington, D.C. as point system . The John Shillito Company: SINGLE R OOMS for S p r i n g set off blondes such as C arol chief of packaging for the U.S. Wright also said his hall con­ College of Business, accounting, AH SP RI T E ' 1961, excellent e x ­ FORD 1962, Galaxie, convertible, PROFESSORSIII LOOKIII Vacant VanValen, Roscommon sopho­ term s. L arg e, quiet room s, wash A i r F o rc e ’ s world-wide an d tributed 10 per cent of the total general b u s i n e s s , marketing, ample. Hardtop and other ex­ 406 motor, 4-speed tran sm is­ 4 bedroom home, 2 baths. Walk m ore, and Jane Hnizda, Hunt­ bowl in each, 1 block f r o m c a m - space packaging functions, a $750 votes at the fall AUSG election, personnel, retailing, arts and tras. Reasonable. Phone 337- sion, c o l o r black, w h i t e top, to Campus (Glenncairn School). ington W o o d s junior, who ap­ pus. Approved, supervised. $9. m illion -a-year defense packag­ which s h o w e d “ enthusiasmto­ letters, social science, com ­ 0196, , _ 37 $1995. $17,900, term s. Call 372-3777. peared in street-an d floor-length per week. Spartan Hall, 215 Louis, ing program . ward campus activities.»' munication arts (B). OLDSMOBILE 1963 convertible, MERCURY COMET 1961, 2-door,' 3 32-2574. 33 33 versions, respectively. dynamic, full power. Many op­ automatic transm ission, $1095. HAPPY HOME for faculty family. " T r e s m a g n i f i q u e , ” Miss tions, $2600. 355-4129. FA1RVIEVV ST., u n a p p r o v e d , FORD 1961, 6 cylinder, 2-door, male students. Opening for 3 in Between MSU & Frandor in A -l Martens said, as an emerald 1960 VOLKSWAGEN! One owner, 35 standard transm ission, $1095. furnished house. Call 485-8836. neighborhood. 3 bedrooms, I with own pvt. bath. Exquisite, custom - green knit shift caught the spot­ light. I n t r a m u r a l N ew s radio, heater, 2 snow tire s. Call PONTIAC 1959, Star Chief, 4 - 36 MEN’ S door, hardtop, very clean, price built r e c . rm . Built-ins galore: IV 9-4196. 33 Fraternity Pledge Basketball 27 ft. of bookshelves, cabinets, Basketball free throw contest $995. ★ F o r Sale [963 PONTIAC ¿ .P .O ., sell or trade for a Spider. Phone IV 9 - OLDS 1962, Cutlass, 2 - d o o r , 15 draw ers, 2 desks, bar. 2 fire­ T.V . 2 4, ’ ’ blonde console, e x ­ p laces, 1 3 -p c ., 2 2pc. baths. 6Volpone9 On 6 — Phi Sigma Kappa-Psi Up­ silon begins today. Competition will be held Monday through Friday in 7:30 — E a s t Yakeley McDonel-East 5669. 35 hardtop, low mileage, like new. cellent condition, $70; antique Hot water heat. Garage. Roses 7 — Delta Chi-Sigma Alpha Ep­ Gym II from 12 noon until 1 1961 CORVAIR '.VIONZAg g o o d $1995. shape, white with red interior, TU 2-5202 - call anytime. 3000 E . Michigan IV 7-3715 C33 glass front ch erry dish cabinet, & fruit tre e s. C arpets, drapes $45. ED 2 -5 6 1 0 . 35 included for $22,500. Easily fi­ At Fairchild silon 8 — Alpha Tau Omega-Phi Delta p.m . and 3 -5 p.m. Each contes­ tant will receive 25 shots. The Lower Gym (Ct. 1) 7 — Rather II-South Williams 36 PORTABLE T Y P E W R I T E R- nanced for responsible buyer. Theta contest will run through M ar. 6 . 7:30 — East M cDonel-East Yake­ PONTIAC G R A N D PRIX 1963, ★ Em p lo y m e n t Olympia P r e c i s i o n . Buy the ED 7-0845. 33 A witty French film version 9 — Sigma Chi-Beta Theta Pi ley finest. T erm s available. H assel- PROFESSORS!!I LOOK!!! Vacant of "V olpone,” an English comedy E ntries are now being accepted full power. Call IV 4-8 5 2 8 . 37 Lower Gym Ct. 2) DEPENDABLE BUS BOYS and bring Company, 310 N. Grand. 4 bedroom home, 2 baths. Walk by Elizabethan dram atist Ben for badminton (singles), w restl­ 1959 CORVETTE, 3-speed, two substitutes w a n t e d for Delta 7 — West Mayo I—Phillips four b arrels, soft top, radio, Gamma house. ICall ED 2-3457. IV 2 -1 2 1 9 . C35 to Campus (Glenncairn School). Jonson, will be shown at 7 and 6 — Sigma Alpha Mu-Phi Kappa ing and fencing championships. 7:30 — West Yakeley 11-Butter- snow tires, $1550. Call IV ~ - iVHITE DINNER JACKET, tux $17,900, term s. Call 372-3777. 9 tonight at Fairchild T h eatre. Sigma Deadline for entries is Friday. field 34 an d a cce sso rie s, size 40 long, 33 Directed by Maurice Tourneur, 7 — Alpha Gamma Rho-Delta Tau 3181. 35 WAITRESSES full-time and p art- like new, reasonable. Call 337- the motion picture features H arry Delta T here will be no recreational Upper Gym (Ct. 1) C35 ★ S e rvic e DODGE i960, 4-door, s t a t i o n tim e. Night work only. 18 mini­ Baur and Louis Jouvet as Vol­ swimming today and Wednesday 9559. 8 — Lambda Chi Alpha-Theta 7 — North Campbëll-WeSt Lan- wagon, power steering, brakes mum a g e . Call IV 5-7179 for pone, a Levantine ship owner, and HEATHKITS - used; PT-1 Am - NO RAISE in p rices at WEN- Chi because of fraternity swimming don automatic transm ission, radio. appointment. 37 M osca, his servant. prelim inaries and finals. FM tuner; AA-50 50 watt stereo D R O W ’ S ECO N-O-W ASH, 32 9 — Delta Upsilon-Zeta Beta 7:30 — West Yakeley-Cashm eres $735. Call ED 7-0704.. 33 FU LL or PART time commission Tau integrated amp-preamp record speed clean washers, 20^-ten PONTIAC ‘ 54, dependable tra n s- selling. C ar necessary. F o r in­ Play-off Basketball WOMEN’ S Upper Gym (Ct. 2) change with S h u rem ag .cart.C all minutes drying, lOtf. 3006 Vine portation. $95. See R, B oyes,242 terview, call IV 9-0833 from 332-4390 after 4:00 p.m. ★ S e rvic e__________ 6— Brinkley - 6-Pak R esid en ce Hall B ask etb all 7 — South Wonders-Abbot Eppley or Call 355-3426. 9 :0 0 -5 :0 0 . 35 St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. 33 _________ TYPING SERVICE 7— Stage-Eagles (SC) Tim e Lower Gym (Ct. 1) 7:30 — West Wilson-North Wil­ 34 C33 CHOOSE YOUR own hours. A CARPETING, $2.95-$19.95 per 8— E ck er Devils - Sharpshooters 7 — Rather II-South Williams liams 1959 FORD, 4-door automatic, few hours a day can mean ex­ IF YOUR clothes are un-be- DISCOUNT TO STUDENTS and square yard, famous make, ex­ (SC) radio, heater, good tire s, good cellent earnings for you as. a coming to you, they should be­ faculty. Complete typing s e r ­ tra large selection. LOOK B - 9 — Basketm akers-Cornhuskers B E p E ME C O MA ■ condition. $595. Phone 355-4679, trained Avon representative. For after 6:00 p.m. 355-6064. Must appointment in your home write 4 -L Buy Storage Furniture Sales, 4601 N. U.S. 27, IV 7-0173. C33 coming to us. Ladies tailoring. All work unconditionally guar­ anteed. Helen, 882-6878. 33 vice, theses our specialty. IBM Executive o r Selectric type­ (SC) CROSSW ORDPUZZLE E R E B U5 O R A G E MA 5 0 N S MA G A S se ll" 35 or call: M rs. Alona Huckins, w riters. Superior offset print­ BEAUTIFUL LOTS on private ing in black and white or color. 6— Dueces-Broughham ACROSS 29. Profession U S E I s A MP O T E 19 59 CHEVROLET, automatic 5664 School St., Haslett, Michi­ ACCIDENT P R O B L E M ? Call Lake near Gaylord, Michigan. B. J . P re s s , ED 2-2961 or ED 7 — B ittners-Pum pers (SC) 1. Excoriate 31. Regale S E R F I V O u MG E R transm ission, g o o d condition gan or call evenings, FE 9 - Kalamazoo S t r e e t Body Shop, 8— PH. Tom Krause, 489-9021 or 7-0971 after 5:30 p.m. C33 Em inence-Em perors 7. Manila 32. Stowe E s T 0 C ■ AT E good tires, radio, heater. Re­ 8483. C33 Small d e n t s to large w r e c k s . cently overhauled. E lain eC altri- 332-1706. 37 Am erican an d f o r e i g n c a r s . 9 — Ar H ouse-A ristocrats hemp character R u AI e A G E R SEWING MACHINE, B U Y -JU S t Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 GENERAL TYPING - Immediate 12. Dirtied 33. Old Euro­ B R O M1 P I RO L E der, Ml 1-6022. 35 GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT 6 — West Shaw 1-4 $49.95 buys a 1963 zig zag sew­ E ast Kalamazoo.______________ C service. Phone 355-1237. C35 13. Palmetto pean coin L AC R E ti p I D A M for p e r m a n e n t positions in 7 — Flying D u t c h m a n - B r o d y 14. Fruit of the 35. Busy insect 0 n 1 T E 1959 CHEVROLET station wagon, ing machine with all the e x tra s: O P E R A T office, sales, technical. Call IV DIAPER SERVICE, three types of Odors (SC) EL EV E N standard shift, low mileage. Call Guaranteed Sewing instructions. EXECUTIVE QUALITY typing. elm 37. Cistern T H AI S 2-1543. C35 diapers to choose from. B u l k 8 — E m erald-Em bers 15. Having 38. Harvest s R E W AR D 332-3351. 35 Easy term s. PHONE OL 5-2 0 5 4 . - . , . Block off campus. Reasonable. ■ e M P J r «- wash for clean er, whiter diapers No job tod large or too sm all. 9 — Cambridge-Cabana wings goddess REGISTERED NURSES, l u l l or OoD t\..cc ii . n . j i i _ . ..... 16. Before long ¿-tra n sisto r radios - Special buy fluff dried and folded’ Use yours Phone BARBIE M EL.. 332-3255 41. Chills and part time, 11-7 or 3-11. Good sal­ 17. Rice paste fever ary and differential plus other on a real good 1963 model perm its or r e n t ours. Containers fur­ „ _29 6 — McBeth-M cGregor 19. High In the 43. Swiss home 3. Hoarfrost 8. Cotton fringe benefits. Flexible t i m e sale at $12.88. Limited quantity. nished. No deposit. 25 years ex­ TYPING SERVICES, public steno. 7 — Elsworth-CSO scale 45. Negate 4. Roman bundle ACE HARDWHERE, a cro ss from perlence. B y-L o Diaper Service, 8 — Bailey 1-Bailey 8 STORY schedule. Meal furnished. Phone ED 2-0801. ADMINISTRATIVE C A R E E R S : 41 Union Building. ED 2-3212. C 1010 E . Michigan, IV 2-0421.C BICYCLE SALES, service an d STUDENT TV R E N T A L S. New rentals. E ast Lansing C ycle, 1215 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” Notary. Statistical experience, pick-up-delivery. Phone G race G ross, 337-2447. 48 9 — Bailey 2-B ailey 7 Open Hockey League 20. View 22. Mountain: comb, form 24. Potter's 46. Recusancy 47. Girl's name 48.Property room 5. Left the tracks 6. Cheeses 9. Mollusk 10. Catnip 11. Eng. coun­ try festival SEVERAL TRAINEES a re being ANN BROWN typist and multilith DOWN East Grand R iver, call 332-8303. table models, $8 per month, 17” 9;30 — Bryan-W est Shaw Sells For Less added to our home office staff C table models, $7 per month. A ll offset printing (black & white & colo r). IBM. General t y p i n g , 10:15— Canadians-Fyjimos clay 27. Unaccented 1. Caama 2. Wild pig 7. Abljah's son 18. Jap. outcast 20. Compete in various adm inistrative posi­ tions. This is an opportunity to SHAWNEE TRAILER 1959,10X36, sets guaranteed, no service o r term papers, thesis, d isserta­ Notices with build a c a re e r in. a constantly 2 bedrooms, new carpeting. Steps delivery ch arges. Call Nejac TV tions. ED 2-8 3 8 4 . . C There will be a scratch meet­ 1 2 3 4 è b 1 8 9 te II 21. Affixes ‘62Chev II 4-door sedan in­ cludes radio, h e a t e r , auto­ growing industry. W e are pri­ and oil drum included. Call 4 8 5 - Rentals, 4649. . 33 IV 2-0624. _________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers THESES AND term papers typed. ing for all fraternity swimming m anagers in the pool office, IM. ii 1 13 23. Fall month: abbr. matic transmission and white wali tire s. ONE C A R E F U L marily interested in M arch grad­ uates with m ajors in general bus­ HOT POTS are here. $2.$9. Also returned e i t h e r yours or ours. With our service, you may include E le ctric typewriter. F a s t s e r ­ vice. 332-4597. 33 Building at 6:30 tonight. A repre­ sentative f r o m each fraternity 14 1 15 24. Tennis stroke iness, liberal a rts , economics, coffee cup heaters. ACE HARD­ EDlE STAftR, TYPIST, T heses, 25. Destroyed must be present at this meeting 16 n !» 19 OWNER. $1295. etc. June graduates who could WHERE & GIFTS, E . Grand River work part time .until graduation a cro ss from Union. ED 2-3212. two pounds of baby clothes ,that do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. dissertations, term papers, gen­ eral typing. Experienced, IBM to c o n f i r m all en tires. Each representative s h o u l d be pre­ %20 21 22 %25 26. Small ' particle w i l l be given consideration. Phone M r. A stalos, 485-8121 for ______________C MOBILE HOME, Ritzcraft TO AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE 914 E . Gier Street E le c tric . OR 7-8232. C pared to indicate that fraternity’ s % %% ¿4 2S 26 27 128 28. Bread crumb ' 62 Volkswagen 2 -door wi t h an appointment at the Farm Bur­ X 50. Like new, front kitchen. eau Insurance Company home of­ Low down payment. Call IV 5 - IV 2-0864 C TYPING in my h ome^ S h l r 1 e y Decker, F o r e s t Ave. Lansing. entries in each of the events at this meeting. ANY FRATERNITY 29 % 30 31 30. Chafe radio, heater and white wall tires. S T O R Y PRICED TO fice in Lansing. 35 0329 or 332-1075. 37 J O B R E S U M E S - 1 0 0 copies, $ 4.00. Aldinger Direct Mail Ad­ Phone IV 2-7 2 0 8 . C NOT REPRESENTED AT THIS 32 33 % 34 34. Hiding place SELL $1395. SEWING MACHINE,SINGER AU- BABYSITTING - inm yhom edur- TOMAT1C ZIG-ZAG - Just dial vertising. 533 North Clippert. IV 5-2 2 1 3 . c ★ T ransportatlon M E E T I N G W I L L NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN 3Î 436 37 %% 3$ 3 Ì 40 4 36. Linden tree 38. Olive genus ing the day, fenced-in y a r d . one c o n t r o l for buttonholes, Holmes Road, Pleasant Grove blindhems, overcasting, .and t . V. RENTALS f o r students. Economical rates bytheterm and SPARTAN FLIGHTS - Spring va­ THE M EET. More specific infor­ mation on this meet such as % 41 i42 43 %44 39. Nuisance 40. Boil on the 58Plymouth Station wagon has radio, heater,automatic tran s­ a rea. TU 2 -5 7 6 8 . 34 many designs. Yours for only $62.50 or $5.00 p e r mo n t h . month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT­ cation flights to where the fun is. Daytona, $79., NYC, $55. - round order of events, number of events each man may enter, scoring sys­ 45 %4 i eye 41. Camel hair mission and two-tone paint. DESIRE IRONING in my home. PHONE OL 5-2054. C35 ALS - 355-6026. Call after 5. trip . Don’t get left behind: call tem, etc., is contained in the 41 É robe STORY SELLS PLYMOUTHS FOR LESS $395. $5 per double washer load. For information call IV 2-2 3 7 5 morn­ DALMATION PUPPY - 6 months ____________ JEAN-Â-WlNS has excellent stud C now, 332-8563, M -F, 1-5 p.m . 33 flyer that was to fratern ities. Fratern ity swimming prelim i­ % 46 42. Witness 44. Cunning ings. 36 service, miniature S c h n a u z e r naries will begin at 7:30. old AKC, shots, housebroken, son of international champion. WE NEED 5 men to help us un­ loves children, $70. Phone 33 2 - Also expert grooming. 372-3465. PEANUTS I i 1 til finals. Work selected hours 8927. 34 S e e i f I T 5 S T I L l R A IN 1N 6 35 STORY and earn $80 per week. Call ^ ^ o r.ad d itio n al information, 882- 23TT ACRE DAIRY farm . L atest TYPING SERyiCE 1 J ARE TOO SHORT! Sur^e 4 ythll diagonal psntor. All IMMEDIATE. SERVICE,, -general 6628, M r.’ RYsheiin. C34 '¡/À:j K h s h OLDStfDBILE equipment CIP. 600 gal. Z ero BABYSITTER NEEDED to care bulk tank. 75 cow setup or more. typing, theses, etc. Electric type- writer. Phone 355-1246 after 5:30 m ITT HT i if 34 r *n” Ln WORLD'S LARGEST f o r 4 g i r l s including 2 pre­ Very modern 2 apartment home, P-1*1- schoolers, M onday-Friday, 7 :3 0 - Just south of 1-94 near Parm a. TYPING IN my home. 15 years S OLDSMOBILE DEALER ¡lili]f j j É 5:30. Own transportation. 882- W rite Box 345, Student Services se cretarial experience. Electric 1 ï¥ ' M Phone IV 2-1311 7334 evenings. 36 Bldg. 34 typewriter. IV 7-0619. C35 Z-21 T T f W _ I W TT•! i , Michigan State News, E a s t ' L a n s i n g , Michigan Monday, F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 1 9 64 5 Curzi Returns D o u b le W in F o r S w im m e r s G y m n a s t s , U - M T i e Gymnastics is not normally winning the still rings with an three trampline perform ers in good for third place. MSU swim fans may be seeing MacMillan set the 100-yard considered a team sport, but outstanding 9.75. the country.” The Wolverines went into the double these days, but they don't freestyle record e a rlie r in the th ere’ s not doubt that it took Michigan swept the trampline Gary Erwin wonfirst place with final event of the day, tumbling, need glasses. y e a r, but Saturday he posted a a full team effort for the Spar­ event wi t h what MSU C o a c h a 9.7, John Hamilton placed se­ needing a sweep to gain a tie It’ s perfectly normal situation 5:07.3 in the 500 to e ra se the tans to earn a 56 -5 6 tie against G eorge Szypula called “ the finest cond, and F red Sanders’ 9.2 was for the meet. in view of the fact that Spartan varsity record of 5:08.2 set by swimmers captured two dual teammate Neil Watts against Ohio strong Michigan Saturday at Ann meet victories over the week­ State last week. Arbor. The Maize and Blue chalked end, Jim MacMillan set his se c­ MSU captured nine firs ts in ond varsity record of the season, and the Green and White now each m eet, making it possible for the Spartans to closeout their up four first and swept two events, but the Spartans made up the T e c h R u in s le e r s 1 W e e k e n d . . have nearly two weeks to prepare dual meet season with a 6 -2 mark. _ jA U i: differnece w i t h determined ef­ Scott Watson and all-A m erican shot from the blue line. A1 mann made 40 saves while T e r- for the Big Ten conference meet MacMillan in the 200-yard forts which gave them enough George Hill ruined the Spartan Patterson tied the score a few pay made 31 saves. ym*~. at Minnesota. freestyle, Kifer in the 50 free­ depth to notch the deadlock. sk aters' trip to Houghton this minutes la ter. Red Mulcahy The roof fell in Saturday night Jim Curzi returned to the Spar­ weekend (8-14), as they led Mich­ put one by all-A m erican goalie when the Spartans lost 11-1. The The Spartans mauled Wiscon­ style, Dick Gretzinger in the 100 sin, 74- 31, Friday night at Mad­ freestyle, and T e rry Hagan in tan line-up for the first time igan Tech to two wins o v e rsta te . Gary Baumann giving State a 2-1 score was 1-1 at the end of the ison and scored a 66-3 9 triumph the butterfly each set pool re ­ since he sustained an e a rly -se a - State played both nights without edge. first period. Tony Elliot scored son shoulder injury. Though not the services of goalie Harry In the second period Tech the Spartan goal on a power play over Illinois at the IM pool Sat­ cords at Madison. Dick Van Lowe was victorious yet at top form, Curzi managed Woolf who is still recovering scored two quick goals to give with Mac Orme and Doug Rob­ urday afternoon. in diving against the Badgers and to capture the side horse com ­ from his back injury. Alex T e r - them amomentary lead. At erts assisting. Tech had20 shots Four Wisconsin pool records Illini, scoring his fourth and fifth petition with an 8 .6 perform ance. pay was in the goal taking Woolf’ s 12:01 Gary Baumann went of the at the goal in the second period. fell at Madison, with MacMillan’ s triumphs of the season in the Dave P rice and Ted Wilson place. It was T erpay’ s first nets to sweep the puck away Terpay stopped 14, but six went record - breaking perform ance in UP AND UN D ER»State*s Jim MacMillan makes turn during cam e up w i t h excellent 9.35 starting assignment. only to have Rick Hargreaves slap through. Tech added four more the 500-yard freestyle highlight­ events. 50&yard medley race as teammate Darryle Kifer shouts di. Gretzinger, Lowe, MacMillan, showings to tie for first on the The Spartans played well enough the puck in the empty nets. Scott in the final stanza. ing the easy victory over the rections. psoto by g...,. j, m. horizontal bar with Dale Cooper Joe Kolbe, and B ert Desmond to win Friday night, but a three Watson put Tech ahead to stay Coach Amo Bessone gave a lot Illini. each captured two firsts during goal barrage in the last half of toward the end of thesecond of credit to Doug Roberts for his the two-day period with eight the final period gave Tech a 7 -3 period. The Spartans w ere still hard skating and hustle. Next other Spartans earning one each. Lee D river’ s time of 2:19.7 G r a p p le r s H o st O SU T oday victory. Jim Law rence started the scoring for State with a slap­ in the game until the 11:05 mark when Albert Holm scored. Bau­ week the Spartans are home play­ ing two games against Colorado. in the breastroke and G retz- inger’ s 22.5 in the 50 both e s ­ ■ The University of Michigan e rs had anything to cheer about. Leonard, 4 -0 for Michigan's last tablished I l l i n o i s dual meet Wolverines won their 20th con­ Huckins went down at the hands win of the day. m arks. secutive collegiate dual meet of Ralph Bahna, 6 -4 , Joe Ganz Boles, after nearly pinning The meets were the final out­ Saturday afternoon by defeating lost to Bill Johannesen, 6 -2 , and Dick Cook bowed to Cal Jenkins, Chrl6 Stowell, held on to win W r it e a n d T yp e a t State, 2 0 -5 , in the Sports Arena by a 6 -4 sco re. In the next ings for the Spartans before the in the Men’ s IMA. 4 -1 . match Homer M cClure, down 4-3 conference meet at Minneapolis L ee Deitrick, prim e candidate in the waning seconds, pulled out which begins a week from Thurs­ The win pushed the v icto rs’ for number one Big Ten honors a 4 -4 draw and preserved his record to 11-0 for the season and day. in the 147-pound c la ss, ripped undefeated mark. His is now left the Spartans, who host Ohio MSU finished with a league dual record of 5-2 with v ictories over Iowa, Purdue, Illinois, Wiscon­ State at 3 this afternoon, back at the .500 point with a 4 -4 -1 m ark. The only loss that Michi­ State’ s Bob Hansen, 812. Monty Byington w a s caught stalling twice and, as a result, incurred a one point peralty which 5 -0 -4 . The Spartans wind up their dual meet season this week with two home m eets, both at 3 p.m. S B S sin, and Ohio State and defeats gan has suffered this year has to Minnesota and Indiana. proved costly, as h e lost his Today they play host to tough been at the hands of the New match to Wayne M iller, 2- 1. Ohio State, while on Friday they York Athletic Club in an ex­ The dual meet season also saw Rick Bay, last y ear’ s 167-pound take on equally rugged Minne­ JIM M ACM ILLAN the establishment of five MSU varsity records in 11 events. hibition m eet. The outcome of Saturday’ s meet was never in doubt. Al­ Big Ten titlist, blanked T erry sota. New shipment of Hairstyling Fashions O fe> 2 S w o rd s m e n S p lit though A1 Huckins lead briefly in the first match of the a fter­ noon, it was not until Em erson for the newest trends Eaton & Monfag Stationery nr Boles broke the drought in the Michigan State’ s fencing team met its moment of truth Satur­ get the jump on us, kept apply­ ing p ressu re. They very defini- 177-pound cla ss that State root- Just Arrived . . . . day on G e o r g e Washington’ s nitely lived up to their role as FORTHOSEW HO birthday. a fighting team .” Body The Spartan swordsmen, in what Coach Charles Schmitter The only weapon for MSU to defeat Notre Dame was foil where LIKE6000 FOOD. Need Typing or term s "T h e annual letdown,” Lew Leonard set the pace with Permanents bowed to a determined Notre a perfect 3 -0 slate. Against the Dame outfit, 18-9, after chalk­ Buckeyes, State foilsmen fin­ ing up a 16-11 win over Ohio State in the opening round of ft dual meet at Columbus. “ L ast year it was our meet ished 7 -2 to give them a 12-6 overall record. Leonard’ s t h r e e victories, added to his 2-1 total against Ohio Number 1 GIANT SUPER SANDWICH M2.50 and up Term Paper Supplies? with Detroit in which the team State, gave him the best MSU p er­ completely fell apart,” Schmitter explained. "And from the looks formance of the afternoon at 5 -1 . State’ s Nels Marin, fared FJf iv We carry a wide selection — of things Saturday, it seem s like 3-1 before giving way for sub­ Number 2 Notre D a m e was this y ear’ s choice. Almpst everybody was stitution. Marin is 19 -3 for the season and Leonard, 2 0 -6 . GIANT MEAT MU No Appointment Necessary priced right for you down for us. Bryan Kutchins boasted his foil "T h e Irish were a high driv­ record to 15-11 with a 3-2 per­ D ELIV ER Y Mon., Tues., Wed. Student ing team which, once able to formance S a t u r d a y . EV ER Y DAY Patrician Pink Room BOOK MSU FOREIGN FILM SERIES “ FOR P IZ Z A S AKE C A L L " Spartan Shopping Center CASANOVA #2 ED 2-4522 STORE presents Open daily 8:30 A.M. • 8:00 P.M. 211 MAC. AVE- E D- 7 1 6 6 8 Across From Berkey Hall "VOLPONE” MSI) Lecture-Concert Series ( French) Famous romantic comedy by Ben Johnson that has enchanted the world. Top-notch humor. SP EC IA L T0NI6HT: Mon., Feb. 24 FORD CARavan of Music m i 7&9p.m. of < J te M is ja % w îig d iig EAST LANSING’S HEADQUARTERS FAIRCHILD THEATRE for Admission: 500 \WHsnntA »Kit titli IHEAESIJMOmGH JUM 1 the lively one* im tu uK i \w nonv5 CAM PUS Jvwfi — T H I A T R T - -T~H—*~A~ e——asi-Mt« Complete Selection Over 1000 L A S T 3 DAYS! 65$ to 5:30 Eve. 90$ I TODAY . . . OUT-OF-TOWN PAPERBACKS S Thru Thursday: 1 :2 0 -3 :2 0 -5 :2 0 -7 :2 5 -9 :3 0 I F IR S T SHOW 7:00 P.M. NEWSPAPERS in Stock “ SATAN SCORES N IN A H E R B IE W ORLD-W IDE AS A PRANKSTER! A jovial Satan has seven mischievous S IM O N E M A N N Selectionof pranks to play on MAGAZINES Mankind and a delighted audience." •GERMAN ITALIAN — Coo k. W o rid Telegram RON •RUSSIAN SPANISH .m u le o n is THE •FRENCH BRITISH UMHHOMIflS MOONSHINERS ELIRON nvm snH w ai I w « » mi ■ |