Inside Becket’ P lay, p. 3; Air MICHIGAN W eather Raid Shelters, p. 4; Radia­ STATE Cloudy, windy and turning colder, with snow possible tion Studied, p. 4; Diplo­ mats At Campus Seminar, UNIVERSITY in the morning and expected in the evening. High in the p. 5 ; Noack Praised, p. 8. low 30*. Vol. 55, Number 100 Tuesday, February 25, 1964 E a st Lansing, Michigan Price 10$ U -M M e d S c h o o l H e a d Ü D o u b ts T w o -Y e a r P la n H u bbard Select First Woman Juror S k e p tic a l G S p y "M E «MEI To Serve In Ruby’s Trial M tk * ’'tr '' If: D A L L A S l/P) — L a w y e r s assassination of President Ken­ act on TV, and thus bar them from O f P r o je c t approved a working mother of nedy. jury duty. six children Monday as the third Judge Joe B. Brown said it Ruby, operator of a Dallas ju ror in the Jack Ruby murder tria l. The Texas supreme court, was the first time the issue ever aro se in an Am erican c rim ­ strip tease joint, was said by his attorneys to have concurred in Says Wayne, U-M DONORS N E E D E D — A card for Nancy McLaughlin, Smithtown, N .Y ., senior, is placed on the the bottle in which a pint of blood she donated will be stored. Miss McLaughlin is co-presi­ meanwhile, upheld in effect the trial cou rt’ s ruling that persons inal court. The defense has sought to subpoena prospective ju rors the seating of M rs. McCollum, as he had previously in the se le c- Can’t Take Grads dent of AWS, which is sponsoring the blood drive in the Union with Vets Club. who saw the slaying on television as witnesses if they saw the ( continued on page 5) remain eligible as ju ro rs. By C H A R L E S C. W ELLS Photo by Ken Roberts The defense contends that such State News Staff Writer television viewers are witnesses The head of the University of and-thus a re ineligible to serve F a c u lt y T o S t u d y Michigan’ s medical school has Academic Advisers on Ruby’ s jury. The n in e -m e m b e r supreme court refused to hear a defense petition asking it to order Dist. S t u d e n t P o lic ie s NINA SIMONE indicated that MSU's tw o-year medical program is not such a good idea. . William N. Hubbard, J r . , spoke Judge Joe B. Brown to disqual­ Monday to members of the house Often Give Little Aid ify as ju ro rs persons who saw the slaying on TV. The defense flew an attorney to the capital at Austin Monday Persistent p o l i c y problems dealing with the student’ s rela­ tionship to the University will be re-exam ined Wednesday by the Faculty Committee on Student Dean of Students John A. Fuzak says the faculty group “ recog­ nizes the need for continuing ex­ amination of the philosophy, ob­ jectives and regulations of MSU ways an d means an d senate appropriations com m ittees. He said the MSU project is question­ able because neither U-M nor to make the plea before the Wayne State can take c a re of Editor’ s Note: T h is is t h e I’ve wanted help, but most of departments such as political Affairs. in regard to its students.” the tw o-year MSU graduates. my advisers just didn’ t seem science and history usually have state supreme court. first of a four-part series Fuzak proposed last fall that " I f there w ere as many as to know what was required,” he an average of 50 -5 5 students The third ju ror chosen and The committee has been con­ a s p e c i a l subcommittee be 50 graduates from the MSU on academic advising. said. ” 1 don’t know if it was per adviser. the first women was M rs. Mil­ sidering a broad plan for an created to ca rry on study of Uni­ school, it’s perfectly cle a r that their fault, but that’ s the way However, averages do not give dred McCollum, 40, a s e c re ­ Intensive re-evaluation of Uni­ versity policies. Students, faculty Wayne and U-M won’ t be able By SUE JA C O B Y it w as.” a c le a r picture of the load on tary and wife of a machinist. versity policies since last fall. and adm inistrators would have to handle them,” he said. He addedthat his advisers were each adviser. She could have claimed exemption been included on the subcom­ "A major expansion of third State News Staff Writer always .difficult to reach . “ My In some ca s e s, it reach es as from jury duty because of her m ittee. and fourth y e a r medical train­ junior y ear, I didn’t even go to many as 90-100 students. Faculty children. The State News suggested in ing— most likely in the Detroit . “ I asked my adviser about requirem ents, and he told me an a d v i s e r . The department se cre ta ry just signed the sh eet.” mem bers who advise graduate students have a very small num­ However, she did not claim that Faculty Group an editorial this term that Fuzak areat.-would be needed to handle appoint a special comm ittee to the additional students." to go to the catalog.” The department of sociology This is the way a senior in and anthropology is a fairly typi­ ber of advisees. Many depart­ ments have special Honors Col­ privilege and was selected to try the 52-y ear-old Ruby for the Lacks Six examine student judiciary and rule violations which are subject Hubbard’ s statements w e r e labeled by one MSU source as cal one, with about 40 students lege advisers who deal with a Nov. 24 slaying of Lee Harvey The Faculty Committee on Stu­ to judiciary action. a "pitch for additional money sociology sums up a frequent for every adviser. The la rg e r (continued on page 4) Oswald, c h a r g e d w i t h the dent Affairs h a s been waiting “ Any examination of policy has for the U-M and Wayne State student complaint about academic since last fall for six new re p re ­ to start with philosophy and ob­ fou r-year medical p ro g ram s." advising. Although an occasional sentatives. jectives, even though this may H E R B IE MANN William H. Knisely, d irector, student protests against over­ A decision by the Academic seem a cumbersome p ro cess. of the Institute of Biology and interference from his adviser, Council last fall specified that A special comm ittee just to in­ medicine h e r e , seriously ques­ many feel they have received too little rather than too much help. D e fe n s e , S ta te D e p a r tm e n ts a 11-University comm ittees in­ clude a representative from each vestigate judiciary would be like Folk, Jazz tioned Hubbard’ s comm ents. He repairing a carb u rator when a disclosed informal talks with both T h e c o m m o n p ra ctice of of the 11 academic colleges. The whole c a r needs an overhaul. U-M and Wayne officials and switching advisers in a student’ s college c a re e r makes it difficult for a faculty member to become T o S tu d y S o u th V ie t N a m increased representation would double th e size of th e Faculty Committee on Student Affairs, You’d just have a breakdown somewhere else the next week.” Fuzak said the State News Wing Ding indicated they said they would take MSU Medical school grad­ uates. fam iliar with the individual stu­ the-spot look in two months. U.S. troops committed to a full- which now has six m em bers. suggestion that some students "MSU will not be graduating dent. The University’ s complex­ ity and constantly changing re ­ WASHINGTON' (i!-D efense and State departments moved Monday to dig more deeply into the situa­ The State Department said all scale war. m atters pertaining to South Viet The new members must be ap­ But President Johnson in a pointed by the committee on com ­ be picked at random for a com­ m ittee to evaluate policy has Tonight 50 students from our tw o-year (continued on page 6) quirements hinder the adviser tion in South Viet Nam, s t e p s Nam will be placed under William speech Friday s a id “ T hoseen - m ittees of the faculty senate and m erit. What’ s a "wing ding” ? in knowing what really is ex­ which could lead to some m ajor H. Sullivan acting as a special a s­ gaged In external direction and approved by President Hannah. “ One of the biggest problems The Lectu re-C on cert series pected of the student. change In U.S. policy in that Red- sistant to S ecretary of State Dean supply w o u l d do well to be r e ­ “ As we understood it, the Idea in this type of thing is how to David G. Bailey, Pontiac sen­ beset nation. Rusk. minded and to rem em ber that this at the time of the Academic Coun­ get effective student p artici­ is sponsoring one In the Audi­ torium tonight at 8:15. F ord Mo­ Panama, io r, has had five advisers since T here has been no decision, of­ type of aggression Is a d e e p l y cil decision was to broaden the pation,” he said. "It might be tor Company is co-sponsoring variety of representation due to his freshman y ear. A sociology m ajor, Bailey said he has never The Pentagon announced that S ecretary of Defense Robert S. ficials said, to adopt any funda­ dangerous gwme.” mentally different approach tp the the growing complexity of the helpful to have some students represented who a re not working the event. But what is it? U.S. Resume received very much help. McNamara will leave for Saigon problem of saving South Viet Nam U niversity,” Dean of Students for any special interest group It’ s a bearded flutist, a female "T h e re have been tim es when about March 1 for his second on- from a Communist takeover. But the steps taken Monday ob­ John A. Fuzak said. within the student body.” blues singer, a folk trio caled the Moonshiners and an Israeli Canal Talks viously reflect deepening official folk sin g er-satirist. WASHINGTON UP)—’The United; conviction that the present effort Peace Corps Initiates Program "The F o l k and Jazz Wing States and Panama have resumed Calls For Construction against theC om m unistguerrillas is not producing satisfactory r e ­ Ding,” starrin g Herbie Mann and Nina Simone, is the first such secret t a l k s aimed at solving their controversy o v e r t h e Of New Auditoriums There are not enough auditor­ tions in back and on the sides of sults despite presence of 15,000 troops an d the expenditure o f around $5 billion — all under­ scored by a lengthening American Plan Designed For Juniors popular program sponsored by the Lectu re-C on cert S eries this year. Herbie Mann plays a flute and Panama Canal, a qualified Latin American source reported Mon­ day. A meeting between the two ium facilities to meet the needs the stage and plywood and fiber- casualty list. College juniors c a n b e g i n his Afro-Cuban quintet follow countries’ ambassadors to the of the L ectu re-C on cert S eries board sections acro ss the top has In th e current intragovern- Peace C orps volunteer training along In the notes of a perform er Organization of American States, and other cultural program s on been proposed by A. A. Schulke, mental thinking, the possibility of this sum m er — and finish after who has taken the native music Ellsworth Bunker of the United the M.S.U. campus, according to chief engineer at the cyclotron some rep risals from South Viet graduation — through a newpro- of Africa and Latin Am erica States and Miguel G. Moreno of Wilson B. Paul, director of the laboratory. These sections would Nam against Communist North gram getting u n d e r way t h i s into his own brand of American Panama, t o o k place over the L ectu re-C on cert se rie s. reflect the sound toward the aud­ Viet Nam is not ruled out, al­ spring. Jazz, weekend at th e Paraguayan em­ “ The University is in dire need ience, Paul said, and would min­ though M cNamara h a s said the Under t h e pilot Senior Year Nina Simone sings— songs like bassy, the source added. of at least two auditoriums and imize the sound absorbancy of the situation will not develop into P rogram , the Corps will invite “ I Love You, P orgy,” which Ambassador Juan Plate of P a r­ maybe t h r e e expressly desig­ stage curtains. another Korea with m asses of 500 to 700 juniors to a six-week brought her name to the lime­ aguay heads a five-member OAS nated for the whole University summer training program . Fol­ light in 1959. delegation sent to investigate on p rogram ,” he said. lowing this session, the students the spot Panama’ s charge of ag­ The Moonshiners sing too, and The first problem, he said, is that too many need the facilities W orld New s will return to their campuses to continue foreign language and play guitars. Theirs is folk music gression by theUnited States dur­ ing the rioting in the U.S. Canal in the popular sense of the term , and program s are "bumped” in Zone Jan. 9 and 10 which left more every week of every term . This becomes a m a j o r University at a Glance area studies. After graduation the prospec­ with w i t t y , spicy comments thrown into their portion of the than 2 0 persons dead and s o m e 200 wounded. tive volunteers w i l l undergo show. problem, he said. another period of training, from Panama requested the OAS in­ And R on E l i r a n , the folk Paul s a i d new auditoriums four to eight weeks, before going quiry after failure of an early sin g er-satirist who began his should be artistic and should in­ Malaysia Hits Indonesian P o lic ie s o verseas. mediation attempt by the Inter- c a re e r in Isreal, has become clude some original architecture C otps d irector Sargent Shriver American P eace Committee, a KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia {K)-Indonesia’ s “ utterly callous, known as an adept society spoof- to go along with the nature of permanent OAS agency. destructive and irresponsible” leaders are pursuing a warlike has said the program will benefit er. their purpose. cou rse that “ could explode into a d isaster of m ajor proportions,” both the train ees and the Peace PakistanIrregularsCharged The need for new auditoriums P rim e M inister Tunku Abdul Rahman declared Monday. Corps. has been discussed informally, he With a new conflict threatening on the northern Boreno frontier, "T ra in e s s w i l l be abletode- said, but other more important this country asked Thailand to call an urgent meeting of Indonesian, vote their sum m ers to a c a re e r - WithCrossingKashmirLine expenditures come first on the Malaysian and Philippine foreign m inisters. related purpose at no c o s t,” he budget. said. Paul said the acoustics of the Johnson, Wirtz D iscu ss Wheat Deal “ And the additional time will present auditorium are good r e l­ give the P eace Corps a better WASHINGTON UP; - President Johnson called S ecretary of Labor NEW DELHI, India |i)~India Kashmir. It made no mention ative to its size, but such things opportunity to line up overseas W. Willard W lrtz to a White House conference Monday afternoon charged Monday that Pakistani of casualties. as the heavy curtains, the dis­ assignments appropriate to the India filed a complaint with tance between perform er an d in a continuing effort to cle a r the way for shipment of wheat irieg u lars crossed the cea se ­ individual skills and aptitudes of U.N. military observers along to Communist nations. fire line in disputed Kashmir and members of th e audience, th e the applicants." the cease-fire line and they set The White House said Johnson "h a s a plan of action” to deal attacked a 25-m an Indian police sound absorbing a ir blowing sy s­ The P eace Corps will provide* out for an investigation. with the M aritime Union boycott against loading ships with wheat patrol. It said all but two of tem and occasional small failures room , board and pocket money, The clash, latest in the 16- sold to Russia' and its satellite nations« the Indians w ere either killed in th e PA system cause com ­ plus $75 monthly "readjustment y e a r - o l d Kashmir d i s p u t e , plaints of poor acoustics. o r captured. allowance,” normally given at the occured Friday near Keran, a Albania Seizes Soviet Buildings In Pakistan, the official gov­ The stage was tested and found completion of overseas service, town on the Krishen Ganga riv er, IN T H E C O R P S •• James Van Wormer, Saginaw senior, Russ ernment r a d i o said Pakistani to have an even echo all a cro s s, MOSCOW (JP) - Little Albania has seized a group of Soviet em­ to the sum m er train ees. 60 a i r . m i l e s northwest of bassy buildings after harassm ent that began in December, the Spanninga, Battle Creek senior, and Bob Ranking, Saginaw fo rce s, acting in self-defense, an indication of good acoustics, If a sufficient number of Jun- Srinagar, capital of Indian Kash-. he said. government newspaper Izvestia said Monday. Three Russian c a re ­ senior, learn how things are done in the Peace Corps at an fired upon an Indian patrol that ( continued on page 5) exhibit in the Union Concourse. Photo by Ken Roberts entered the Pakistani section of m ir. A plan to p l a c e plywood s e c ­ takers were told to get out of the country. T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 1 96 4 2 Michigan State News. E a s t Lansing. Michigan Dress Rule Dilemma Letters To The Editor Old, New Meet In Questions NAACP The fourth defeat by Men’ s H alls A s so ci a t i o n of the proposed r e l a x a t i o n of evening m ea l d r e s s in so m e c a s e s 80 p e r ce n t i n fa vor. Evide ntly the MHA r e p r e ­ se n t at i v es don’t feel this is a To the Editor: share of adverse publicity. If Miss Korona ca re s to take a different viewpoint of th e man, t h e n Canary Islands In your February 20 is s u e , you reported the more power to her. She only wrote a story, she r eg u l at i o n s br ing s the problem strong enough mandate to make vehement objections of the campus NAACP to didn’t ask f o r unanimous agreem ent. If news­ paper rep o rters are to be required to write what Editor’ s Note: T h is is the third article in the ’ ’Our Man Over* beyond debate of the m e n ’ s ability them chan ge t h e i r own minds. your previous day’ s a r t i c l e concerning Governor se a s” series. It was written by Henry A. Imshaug, an MSU Wallace of Alabama. It was reported that the is acceptable to everyone, they w i l l soon quit to d r e s s p r o p e r l y on t h e i r own. writing. botanist on sabbatical leave who is doing research on plant Not only a r e they ignoring the NAACP’s main objection, as voiced by t h e i r classifica tio n . He te lls of the Canary Islands, where he is president, Maxie Gordon, was that the "State When the "S tate News” wrote several articles The f i r s t t h r e e t i m e s the men; in s o m e c a s e s they actually last year concerning th e Negroes’ plight at working with a variety of lichen. News” failed to present the other side of Gover­ m e a s u r e was defeated this t e r m , appear to be attempting to in­ nor W allace. I would like to take the NAACP to Alward Lake and this y ear’s articles on d iscrim ­ ination in housing, I saw no mad rush from the Papa Noel visited our ship, the M/V Irpinia, on the evening of t h e r e was supposedly insufficient fluence t h e i r opinions. task for their stand. When I read the article in question and the NAACP to picket the "S tateN ew s.” I sawno let­ December 17, and all the children, including our own four, were hav­ inf ormation to tell whether a m a ­ accompanying editorial, I felt that Miss Korona ters to the editor from the NAACP praising the ing a party. In at l e a s t one hall, the p r e s i ­ stand taken by the "S tate N ew s." It looks to me Outside, a mountainous island ro se abruptly from the sea, the first jo rit y of m e n ’ s hall r e s i d e n t s had been duped by a firs t-c la s s politician. That d e n t - r e p r e s e n t a t i v e is telling his she had been mislead was, to me, obvious. But that if the “ State News" always prints favorable land since we left the Mona P assage, off Puerto R ico, on Dec. 10. wanted a change. she is a rep orter and she only reported the story articles, the NAACP likes it. But God help any The barren cliffs seemed uninviting but soon a few lights appeared— T h e eleven r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , men that it won’ t do any good to rep orter who writes anything the least bit con­ to the west a lighthouse at PuntadeO rchilla and to the east a small as she saw it. She had no reason whatsoever to m o s t of them do rm p r e s i d e n t s , petition o r vote in fa v or of a report it any other way. She had no obligation to trary to the views of the NAACP. village. write another articleillustratingpointscontrary This view of H ierro, the westernmost island in the Canary archi­ change, si n c e the F a c u l t y C o m ­ felt it within their power to d e ­ to what she said in her initial article. pelago, represented to us th e end of an Atlantic crossing after 16 mittee on Student A f f a i r s , he is Governor Wallace had already received his Lawrence L . Murray days of travel from Guadeloupe. cide for t h e m s e l v e s whether their To the Carthaginians, Phoenicians and other ancient m ariners, it s u r e , will veto any p a s s a g e oi men wanted a change, and c o n ­ sequently managed to prevent the proposition. To the Editor: 'Ambitious Demagogues marked the end of the world. Punta de Orchilla was an especially intriguing spot since my sab­ batical leave from MSU was being spent in the collection and study p a s s a g e of the bill. Most of the This “ r e p r e s e n t a t i v e ” is students convictions of the absolute im m oral­ of lichens. There certainly was j u s t provocation f o r ity of the Southern white. r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s a r e admittedly spreading m i s i n f o rm a t io n re­ The namesake of the point, O rchilla, is a lichen which has been picketing the State News Wednesday. The inter­ Fu rth erm ore, the News' meek disapproval of widely used in the preparation of dyes and was perhaps the main a r­ opposed to a lessening of r e g u ­ garding the p r o c e d u r e involved in view with Wallace could suggest to an indiscrim - the "u n ju st" and "v e ry much in e r r o r ” philos­ ticle of com m erce for the ancient m ariners. inating read er that the governor and his South­ ophy of segregation m a y undermine some stu­ lations. p a s s a g e of an MHA m e a s u r e . ern colleagues are almost human beings. Of dents’ hatred of the segregationists. Suppose the Although it is little used today, a cargo of orchilla left the Canary Islands for Amsterdam as late as 1957. I was, of cou rse, anxious to This time the re is a big ge r cou rse, they cannot be sincere in their actions. South were to continue its evil policy of "equal­ see this lichen growing in such abundance that men could fill an en­ The F a c u l t y C o m m i t t e e may They are ambitious demagogues — Hitlers and ity but separation” between the ra c e s ? Such mad­ tire ship with it. pr oblem. Stalins. ness! How c a n the North effectively force its not veto the p r o p o s a l . This should As a botanist I was concerned with the distribution of plants. Al­ It is beconjing apparent on the It is deplorable that everyone on campus does ideas upon the South, if college newspapers are though some plants are restricted to certain parts of the world, other not be the p r i m e co n si d e ra ti o n not recognize Southerners as the bigbted m is­ going to speak in conciliatory term s about the str eng th of petitions continually crean ts that they are. Ambiguous editorials, as plants are apparently identical in widely separated islands, or even when MHA m e e t s to decide on its segregationist blasphemers? continents. being c i r c u l a t e d and r e a c t i o n s to "L e sso n from a G overnor,” might weaken some It is important to know if these widely separated populations are adtion. David R. Webb each vote that a m a j o r i t y of the in fact identical or if they have only been presumed to be identical men d o . in fact, want a change. The M H A constitution s a y s , Both Sides Important because of insufficient study. To the Editor: into this editorial all of the nasty things of which It was necessary for me to accumulate a large collection of spec­ The r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s a r e now “ Eac h r e s i d e n c e hall will have imens from various islands and continents for direct comparison. it is accused. one voting r e p r e s e n t a t i v e on the P rotest we must when feelings run deep, and I After five montns of island-hopping and hurricane-dodging from debating whether they a r e l e a d e r s 1 simply see an attempt to understand an un­ agree with the p rotestors’ freedom to act. I’m Puerto Rico to Trinidad, during which time over 4,000 collections P r e s i d e n t ’ s A s s e m b l y , ” the v o t­ popular image and the man behind it. I seriously of their men, and as such e m ­ not at all certain , however, whether it is very doubt whether the State News or Miss Korona is were made, we were now arriving in Tenerife, the largest island powered to decide what “ is b e s t ” ing body. cle a r what it is that is being protested. endorsing the views of W allace, but I must p er­ in the C anaries. To p rotest the views of Governor Wallace and The Canary Islands have long been known as a European winter mit them to be heard even if they do. for them, or a r e m e r e l y r e p r e ­ These r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s shouiu his attempts to deny people their liberties and re s o rt. The weather is pleasantly springlike and north European sun- No one is trying to defend Governor Wallace or s e n t a t i v e s , obligated to vote as responsibilities is one thing, and in this 1 join his views. They are hardly worth defending, but seek ers are very much in evidence. vote in a c c o r d a n c e with what the with you; but to protest the printing of his views The striking feature of T enerife, however, is the construction it certainly makes sense to hear him out. the men ask. men want, and the men want a even in a favorable light in an editorial is hardly boom that is visible everywhere. If the time com es that opposing views are al­ It s e e m s that with the fourth change. commendable. ways out of order and are never to be heard then Narrow, old and presumably quaint streets with sidewalk space It seem s to me that the p re ss has a responsi­ the precious freedom which we strive to keep is for one, or le ss, are giving way to broad avenues with amph. side­ vote they have pret ty definitely bility to give both sides the opportunity to be walks. The investigating c o m m i t t e e already lost. decided that they a r e l e a d e r s , heard whether I agree with it or not and in spite Walter Kania A stroll in downtownSantaCruzprovides am ixture of old and new sinc e seven voted against t h e set up by MHA l a st week is s u r e of its implications. I am hard pressed to read > University P asto r in the sam e block; modern sk yscrap ers already completed and old Canarian architecture side by side. chan ge, and only four in fa vor. to find this to be the c a s e , if they 1 was prim arily interested in a comparison between the lichen Men in a l m o s t e v e r y hall have will e x a m i n e the inform at io n ob­ Politeness Deceiving flora of the West Indies and that ofthe Canary Islands. In the Carib­ bean, however, the abundant rainfall and high tem peratures result indicated a d e s i r e for a change, je ct iv el y . To the E ditor: I have no intention of condemning Governor in an exuberant tropical vegetation that is absent in the C anaries. Wallace or making any judgments about the state An Opportunity To Help Concerning the controversial article and edi­ of his soul, but 1 would like to ask if it is not In fact, some of the easternm ost islands in the Canary archipel­ torial on Governor Wallace. somehow missing the boat, and selling the ulti­ ago scarcely receive any rain. Although many of the agricultural The most tragic oversight, it seem s to me, was mate human goal of self-perfection short, to crops are the same as in the West Indies, the farming methods are the failure to draw the truly obvious conclusion— maintain that one is simply the product of his en­ entirely different, and theCanarian peasant (mago) must wor< harder Amidst all the f u r o r of S e p t e m ­ if they ’ r e not quite in the “ swing” that a charming personality does not n ecessar­ vironment and background, and can’t do a thing on his land to utilize the m eager water and soil. ily make a good man. about it. b e r r e g i s t r a t i o n it is e a s y to ol things. And so it is with new It is perhaps significant to rem em ber t h a t a T e rra c e s dominate the landscape and miles of aqueducts conduct overl oo k n e w c o m e r s , e s p e c i a l l y foreign students. C om ing often many of the villains of fact and legendhave con- And I might add a personal warning to Miss the precious water. Cam els have been imported from neighboring re k n o w le d g e o f ce a *e<^ their wickedness under a relatively p leas- Korona— there is a rough road ahead if she does Africa to work the fields and transport supplies. T here is good re a ­ with only a ant e x te rio r— From the High P rie st Oiaphas, who not learn to differentiate between the genuine son for calling the Canary peasant a mago (magician)! Peace Corps Week En gli sh or even l e s s , and often with no p r e - a r r a r ^ e d housing, was an impeccably upright man, and who was, after all, only having Jesu s executed becausetie was sure it was the expedient thing to do under sincerity based upon a true sense of values and that peculiar brand of "m asculin e ch arm " which is its counterfeit, an d which has just plain It’ s P e a c e C o rp s W eek on c a m ­ thev must contend with b o t h the circum stan ces, to the Wicked Queen in the egotistical opportunism as its foundation. pus. and we c a n ' t help w o n d e r i n g the routine of b u r e a u c r a c y and fairy tale of Snow White, Who was the most .. . c ,, beautiful woman in the world and willing to what effect th is will have on the im p a ct of a new c u l t u r e . commit murder t0 maintain the status. quo. Trudie S. B a rre ra s ACROSS 25. Decorated 1. Embrace letter 2 7 . 0 0 0 MSU s t u d e n t s . 6. Pet feline 27. Sponge: How many will see the p r e s e n c e To offset so m e of the se diffi­ cu l t i e s , the International C o o p e r - To the Editor Registration Question 10. Capable of slang living 31. Trickle of the C o r p s ' r e c r u i t e r s as apply­ (6) and 86 per cent experienced no financial 35. Canasta ation C o m m i t t e e , a student 11. Vocal solo The able adm inistrators of Michigan State have stre ss. play ing to them? 12. Screen founded a n d o p e r a t e d o r g a n i - once again changed t h e i r minds, this tim e re - The resu lts at this time, as communicated to 36. Dutch 13. Control How many will, even for a m o ­ zation. conducts a r e c e p t i o n p r o - garding senior registration, and the students de­ S r. Council, were conclusive. Senior registration 14. Secreted commune would be continued and expanded in succeeding 15. Tegula 37. Low ment. think of a struggling world serve to know the facts. Last fall at m id-term g r a m to a s s i s t new students fr o m time the administrationcontactedSeniorCouncil term s. 17. Babyl. chief 39. Give was beyond our b o r d e r s ? What is the problem? Is it that advisers found god 40. Covers 47. Slope o v e r s e a s with r e g i s t r a t i o n a n d in expressing a desire to initiate a pilot pre­ 4. Killed J u s t how many of these 2 7 . 0 0 0 their free time infringed upon? Is it because of 18. Maple 42. Greed registration program for seniors and graduates. 5. Pill p rocu rin g housing. course changes which always occu r, and were genus 44. Jap. DOWN A se ries of meetings followed. 6. Moccasin will c a r e ? these changes resultant from the new 180 credit 20. King of the admiral 1 Slag 7. Black The result of these meetings was a decision 2. Resinous requirement for graduation? sea 45. Rest How many have e v e r felt a r e a l The c o m m i t t e e follows up this, to initiate the program , continue it in succeed- 46. Prayer substance vulture Many students h a v e made p 1 a n s for spring 22. Danger 8. Charmer involvement with their own nation initial act w i t h . t h e A m e r i c a n ins terms with sPecific reference t0 wlntet; break. T hese plans must now be arb itrarily can­ 24. Draw ending 3. Second 9. Rich fur term , and to have members of the council poll o r with the whole of the t h r e e B r o t h e r - S i s t e r p r o g r a m . B y participantSi celed. Others must h a v e certain cou rses f o r 10. Articulation ¿ 7 9 9 billion beings now crowding our assignin g A m e r i c a n v o l u n t e e r s to The results of the analysis showed that out of graduation. The fram e-work is ready. Many colleges are %W, 2 3 4 5 i II 12. Young man 16. Heroic planet? individual foreign stu d en ts, the , 2,223 questionnaires examined, representing 69 per cent of the senior class and 31 per cent of already p re-reg isterin g . C lass card s are p re­ % 10 & 19. Cleft 21. Baseball During a time when we h e a r p r o g r a m a i m s to e a s e t h ei r su b - , . . . , MSU grad students: (1) 99 per cent of the p artic- ipants favored this type of early registration; pared and punched. What is the cause of this d rastic rev ersal? 11 é 13 group inc es sa n t l y o f a “ lo st g e n e r ­ sequent adjustment to o u r co un tr y and to provide a m e a n s for i n t e r - per cent went t£ ough regiystrafion in one Most students benefited from p re-registration even to the point that normal registration prob­ 14 %* 20 16 17 23. Deposited 26. Absolves ation” of youth content to wallow 18 % 11 half hour or less: (3) 99 per cent were satisfied 19 28. Forbear lems were eased. We ask for an explanation. a i m l e s s l y in a se a of affluence national understanding on the i n - with the reservation system for establishing the 29. Candied and a c c e p t a n c e , the P e a c e C o r p s dividual le v el . time of registration; (4) 93 per cent had no diff- iculty in obtaining class card s for all their We deserve a consideration, n o t a front page pronouncement. Registration has been analyzed. It 1 3 % 1 4 27 %%% it t i 30 30. Verge 31. River %%% % IS 1 6 cou rses; (5) 95 per cent had no trouble sched- It is not too late to act. mouth a p p ea rs well worth the “ finding.” 31 3t 33 34 3Ï ThiS t e r m the c o m m i t t e e is uline appointments with their academic advisers; The Senior Council 32. Dialect It looms as a d i r e c t challenge to 39 33. Sweet flag , apa,thy and c o m p l a c e n c y . taking applications for p a r t i c i ­ pation in next y e a r ’ s p r o g r a m . MHA Mis-Representing 36 % 37 38 % 34. Even 38. Daddy P e r h a p s in r e a s s e s s i n g o u r T h o se students seeking to b r e a k To the Editor: From their stands, it has become obvious that 40 44 4/ % 41 45 43 41. Heir 43. King role in this light, we all might do out of the “ swing” of things might these presidents do not believe in rep reseen ta- % If Arthur's well to c o n s i d e r Attorney Ge neral find such p ar ti ci pa ti o n a r e w a r d ­ At the MHA meeting held last Thursday night, the issue of d ress regulations was brought up tive student government, and have made MHA a hypocritical farce. Because continuance of this 46 47 %% lance Kennedy’ s r e c e n t s t a t e m e n t that ing a l t e r n a t i v e . T h e r e can be no for the fourth time. It was at this meeting for the threatens to destroy MHA and the whole idea of first time that all presidents took a stand, seven “ in this world of o u r s none of us question as to need for such voting against the motion, four in favor. student government, 1 feel the time has come for SP EC IAL FOR the men themselves to take action. can afford to be l o o k e r s - o n . ” service. MHA is, according to its constitution, a rep re­ GRINDS A N D sentative body set up to further the common in­ The men need new, real representatives, and te re sts of the men in residence halls. However, to get them they have only tw® alternatives— SW IN G ER S I STATE MEWS from the vote, we can see that many of the p res­ impeach their present presidents, o r, when elec­ MICHIGAN idents do not believe in this purpose. tions are held shortly, elect a president who will STATE UNIVERSITY Instead they have set themselves up as rulers represent them. WORLDFAMOUS over the men they supposedly rep resen t, refus­ ing to act as the men have requested. This is no T herefore, 1 urge the men in each dorm whose G R U n D I G Nationally Advertised president did not represent them to take action Member Associated P re ss, United P ress summer term ; special Welcome Issue in Sep­ longer solely a question of whether the men de­ s ire this change, but it has become a question now to insure that they actually do have rep re­ PORTABLE at $129.95 International, Inland Daily P re ss Association, tem ber. of the obligations of these presidents. sentative government in the future. p o stp a id , Associated Collegiate P ress Association, Michigan P re ss Association. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Seven men accepted positions representing their men in this body, but took only the powers, TAPE lE C O IIE I hows591° batteries &tapa loss Editorial and business offices at 341 Student and not the duties of these positions of represen­ C harles Poland, Tapes lectures field trips, concerts, debates, speech and language classes, party Published by the students of Michigan Services Building, Michigan State University, executive vice-president, fun' Quality built in W. Germany. Flashlite battery operated, afl-transistor recorder tation. They claim their job is to lead, not to rep­ has simplified controls, microphone. 8 lbs .12" long... takes std 3" reels, State University. Issued on class days Monday E ast Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions Emmons Hall resent. std 3V* ips speed Has recording level indicator, powerful self-containeO 'Super- through Friday during the fall, winter and payable in advance: term , $3; 2 term s, $4; phonic" speaker Built into white leatherette carrying case. spring quarters, twice weekly during the 3 te rm s, $5; full y ear, $6, 1 0 DAY M O N EY B A C K S A T IS F A C T IO N G U ARAN TEE! Ô PPP, Inc., Dept. GS, 18 Central Park Ave., Hartsdale, N.Y. Editor, . v . ...................Bruce Fabricant Wire Editor. . .................... John Van Gieson Advertising Manager...................... Fred Levine B eg Y o u r P a rd o n ' Enlosed is my check or money order: Send me_____ .recorders —each $59 50 postpaid. Night Editor........................................Lee Brown Campus Editor..............................G erry Hinkley n Separate Power Pack for plug in AC operation $9 50 ea Ass’ t campus editor........................ Liz Hyman A sst. Adv. M grs...................Frank Senger J r ., Editor’ s Note: The article which appeared on Tuesday’ s SAVE on 3” reels of tape ea. $.40. ------------------reels $----------- Editorial Staff. . . .BarbBradiey DaveStewart ............................................................ Arthur Langer editorial p a g e with the headline “ Says Taiwan is ‘Not Free NAME— —---------- — ---------------------------------------------- ............................Mike Kindman .Karen Gilliland Circulation Manager.................. Bill Marshall China’ ” was written by Lawrence H. Battistini, professor ADDRESS— -------- ——— ----------------------------------------------------- Sports Editor...................................Je r ry Caplan News Adviser........................... . .Dave Jaehnig of social scien ce. The by-line was accidentally omitted. CITY — -ZONE. -STATE- Michigan State News, E a s t L a n si n g , Michigan Tuesday F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 1 9 64 P e r fo r m e r s M cD on el StationBorn During WWl T o P resen t A rt S how 4 B e c k e t9 W in n e r s WKAR 4 2 -Y e a r-O ld V et "T h is is Pat Ford speaking health and sociological threats of Sharee Johnson, Detroit soph­ air pollution. on behalf of the entire WKAR The Performing A rts Com­ omore, received th e " B e s t in "W e have mailed some 300 staff, extending our best wishes pany will present Jean Anouilh’ s, Show” award and first place in tapes of this program to 90 sta­ to you for a very pleasant eve­ "B eck et” in Fairchild T heatre, oils in the McDonel student art tions in Michigan," Estell said. exhibit Sunday. ning.” March 3 to 8. The series, entitled “ Hold your So the p roducer-director of "B e ck e t” is the drama of the Sponsored by the McDonel cul­ B reath !” , features interviews MSU’ s radio station officially tragic relationship between the tural com m ittee, the exhibit in­ with 30 representatives of gov­ cluded 65 entries in water co lo rs, ends another day in WKAR’ s 42 primitive-minded giant who was ernment, industry, and other o r­ y ears of serv ice to th e Univer­ King Henry II of England and the oils, and sketches, which w ere sity, Michigan and com m ercial ganizations concerned with the introspective intellectual Thom­ displayed in the alcoves around pollution situation. and educational stations through­ as a Becket, Archbishop of Can­ the Kiva. % out the country. The addition of an FM station terbury, who had been his friend. In the water colors division, WKAR, one of the three oldest in 1948 increased WKAR’ s broad­ Becket became Henry's im­ Sarah Stuart, Grand Rapids Jun­ radio stations in Michigan, began casting time to 98 hours per week. placable enemy when the King's io r, took first place, and Karen broadcasting wh e n s t u d e n t s The station presently employs intrigue raised him to the hier­ Yops, Dearborn Heights fresh ­ M • • rigged World War I w ireless sets 18 students in the capacities of archy of the church. man, received honorable men­ V V,. and transm itted songs between engineering, announcing and con­ The irony of the struggle be­ tion. Olds and Wells Halls. tinuity' writing. tween these two towering antag­ C harles Wagonlander, Flush­ President David Friday' spoke Not without honors, the station onists is that Henry, for all ing junior, and leva Burkovshis, to alumni groups over the station has to its credit the George F . his later hostility toward his for­ Quincy junior, both received first in 1922. Peabody Award for outstanding m er friend, continued to love p l a c e a w a r d s in t h e l a r g e —■ fSÉ WKAR’ s f i r s t broadcast as service in radio broadcasting him. sketches division. MSU’ s official station originated in 1957, the ninth consecutive Becket, the man of saintliness Darwin Davis, Lapeer junior, in M arch, 1923, from fourth-floor Public Interest Award of the Na­ and good will, had at no tim e more and Susan B yers, Birmingham offices in the Home Economics tional Safety Council lor farm than an affection for the savage sophomore, received honorable Building. safety' and the I960 Michigan Ed­ monarch. mention. The station became A m erica’s ucational Association School Bell Frank C. Rutledge, instructor S u e Johnson, Pontiac soph­ EN T ER T A IN IN G AND INFORM ING—Dale Moore, foreground, first to broadcast college basket­ Award. in speech, will direct "B e c k e t,” omore, took first place in oils, WKAR control room engineer, is shown with Gordon Gainer, ball gam es. which featured Sir Laurence Oli­ and W a y n e Kusnery, F r a s e r the station's news editor, as the two present a newscast to Startling National Survey sophomore, took honorable men­ In 1940, WKAR moved its facil­ vier and Anthony Quinn in its Boradway production in 1960. tion. the University community. ities to its present location on the third floor of the University ARE Rutledge explained that he sees the play as a comm entary on Auditorium. COLLEGE Seven Math Students The station joined the Nation­ ATHLETICS Who’s human existence using historical al Association o f Educational c h a ra cte rs. B road casters in 1946. NAEB’ s CORRUPT? Whose "T h e play is a denial of John Donne in that it says that every man is hoplessly separate from " B E C K E T ” R E H E A R S A L —Thomas a Becket, portrayed by B. James Alexander, Eugene, Ore., graduate student, watches as King Henry II, C. David Colson, St. C la ir Shores graduate Get LC. Plant Awards purpose is to enable member sta­ tions to exchange program tapes. According to Richard D. E stell, April SPORT presents the most important report ever published his fellow man,” he said. Pinnings in SPORT . . . Ilie «hocking student, dances with the Saxon girl, Jennifer Haskins, Copper Seven students this week r e ­ Bermingham, Southfield senior; m anager, WKAR began its own findings of financial corruption B ernard J . Alexander, Eugene, Harbor freshman. The production opens at 8 p.m. Monday. . Diane Goodson, H arper Woods ceived L . C. Plant scholarship John K. Cooper, Lansing junior; , tape serv ice in 1951. “ We now ill college sports. Rased on O re., grad student, is ca st in junior and Delta Zeta, to G ary' awards for outstanding achieve­ Theodore T . T ahara, Honolulu months of investigation of col­ provide som e 10,000 tapes to the title role of Thomas a Becket. Bedsworth, San Fran cisco, Calif, ment in m athem atics. The aw'ards junior, and Richard C. Vile, New leges and universities, it pulls by Henry to make Becket admit r a d i o stations throughout the no punches. Re sure to read this Alexander portrayed Antonio in wood senior; M a r s h a 11 Rosen- senior and Phi Kappa Psi. are made annually in honor of Orleans junior. " The Duchess of Malfi” ea rlie r that he is capable of love. Miss blum, F a r Rockaway, N. Y. fresh­ cou n try," he said. conclusion to “How Immoral L e a n n e C . Trebilcock, Mil­ L. C. Plant, professor of mathe­ Recipients are judged on schol­ Madison appeared as Julia in Are College Athletics.11 this y ear. He has made numerous man; J o h n Bawiec, Lansing waukee, Wis. senior and Delta matics from 1913 to 1939. arship, interest in mathematics WKAR recently made available Also in April SPORT: appearances on the stage at the “ The Duchess of Malfi” and freshm an; D a l e Rose, Taylor Gamma, to Frank B. Senger, J r . , a s e rie s of 13 one-half hour radio Receiving to p awards of $80 and helpfulness to the department “ W H A T AN O LD M A N University of Portland. Bianca in "O thello.” She also' sophomore; Christine B ergstrom E ast Lansing senior and Delta program s which investigate the each were John R. Faulkner, B e r­ of mathem atics. LEARNED ABO U T Henry II, will be played by C. portrayed Diana in "Of Three Bloomfield Hills junior; Robert Tau Delta. rien Springs junior and Jam es R. FO O TBALL” David Colson, St. C lair Shores 1 Sing” last year. L . R ice, Corunna sophomore; Karol Lupiloff, Detroit fresh­ Whitney', Reese junior. by Y. A. Tittle grad student. He appeared in "J a c k , or the Submission,” "T he The four Barons who rep re­ sent th e inertia of man and Michael Swift, Ashtabula, Ohio senior; and Douglas J . Norwick, man, to Harvey Rose, Oak Park junior and Sigma Alpha Mu. F i v e second prize grants, worth $40 each, went to Kay E. COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC INSPECTION “ H O W W E W O N BA C K S tran ger,” and "T h e Duchess of Henry's form er life will be played White Plains, N .Y., senior. T H E D A V IS C U P ” Margene Seyler, Grosse Pointe Barks, St. Johns senior; William by Rud Colliiw Malfi” in the Auditorium Arena by four veteran MSI' perform ers: freshman, to G a r y J o h n s t o n , (or Amerlcan-Foreign-Compacts Read all about the -pert this year. E arl O. BO'en, Pocatello, Idaho, G rosse Pointe sophomore a t featuring scene s great favorite and con­ Louis, King of F ra n ce , the graduate student; T o m Clark, Lawrence Institute of Technol­ • Wheel balancing. troversial figures in SPUR I’, pivotal ch aracter who refuses to Lathrup Village senior; William E . Livingston, Eureka, Calif., King Talks ogy- Strange Prisoner •Custom brake service the maga/.ine that k*’cp< \nu apace of all events in college become impassioned, will be por­ Sharie Ann Remeny, Farm ing­ •Steering correction OKLAHOMA CITY ( ! ’ )— The and pro sports. For top cover­ trayed by Richard Leinaweaver, E ast Lansing graduate student. graduate student; and Burt B. Belant, Pontiac graduate student. On Negro ton junior, to Albert Jonothan Gladner, Dansville, N .Y., junior only Oklahoma black bear now in age, in-depth profiles, action- packed photos . . . Read Henry’ s two queens, mother captivity is in the Lincoln Park V/e also do expert tuneup Leinaweaver played Ferdinand in "T h e Duchess of M alfi.” and wife, will be played by Susan Education , and Phi Sigma Delta. Engagements Zoo here — via a stop at a jail. work on American and Compact cars April Kaye M a d i s o n , Salineville, Ohio, graduate student is cast Weiner, Fairlawn, N .J., senior and Eleanor Leinaweaver, East R eg istrar Horace C. King r e ­ J u d y Boughton, A urora, 111. The Oklahoma Wildlife Depart­ ment rep orts the bear was cap­ S P O R T as Gwendolen, the pawn used Lansing graduate student. presented ' MSU at a Negro ed­ ucation conference in Racine, junior and Sigma Kappa, to Dave T aylor, E ast Lansing graduate tured near Ada, was kept over­ night in jail there, then taken to LISKEY’S AUTO SAFETY CENTER F av o r i t e m a g a z i n e of t h e s por ts stars a n d the sports m i n d e d 1 Others in the large cast in­ clude: Fred erick A. DeSantis, W'is., early' this week. and Delta Tau Delta. the zoo. 124 SO. LARCH OFF MICH. AVE -LANSING NOW ON SALE! Purpose for the conference was Susan Sexsmith, Detroit senior Gordon Wins G rosse Point Woods; graduate student; E m m e t A. Faulkner, to design an ^action blueprint and Alpha Delta P i, to Dennis Emmons, Muskegon junior and Tuesday & Wednesday Pre-Inventory for Am erican colleges and uni­ Sault Ste. M arie freshman; Jen ­ Theological nifer Haskins, Copper Harbor v ersities in their efforts to up­ grade Negro' education. Phi Mu Alpha. J e a n n e Lombardini, E a s t freshman; P e te r Landry, Iron- King was interviewed by the Lansing junior and Alpha Delta Fellowship SAL E Chicago Sun Tim es on MSU’ s Pi, to Richard Ekins, Onondaga program wi t h underprivileged graduate. Maxie S. Gordon, Columbia, S.C ., senior, has been awarded Grant For Negroes. He outlined MSU's work at one of the opening meetings Ellyn J . Berk, Detroit;junior, to Alden S. Halpert, Kalamazoo a Rockefeller B rothers Theolog­ Monday. junior and Phi Sigma Delta. ical Fellowship. The grant will enable Gordon Foreigners The meeting was sponsored by Finals R epeat the University, of Wisconsin and to study religion at the graduate The East Lansing Lions Club the J o h n s o n F o u n d a t i o n . A level for one year at the school is offering its $250 Albert T . Cordray Scholarship to a n y for­ , $30,000 foundation grant to the P ers A vailable of his choice. Room, board, tui­ University of Wisconsin is help­ tion, books and miscellaneous eign student. Interested foreign Perm ission to repeat final ex­ ing initiate a project ot search fees will be financed by the na­ students may w rite to Paul P. for talented Negro high school aminations for University Col­ tional organization located a t Chien, chairman of the schola'r- students who would not other­ lege co u rses may be obtained in Princeton, N .J. Gordon will use the grant to ship comm ittee, E ast Lansing Lions Club, P.O. Box 403,. East wise go to college. MSU has a sim ilar plan fi­ 170 B essey Hall until Friday, said P atricia Smith, assistant Ballpoint and Cartridge Pens study the philosophy of religion Lansing, for further information. re co rd e r in Evaluation Services. nanced by faculty donations. in order to teach at a univer­ sity. A philosophy m ajor, Gordon is SHOP AT JACO BSON 'S TU ESD A Y 5:30 P.M. TREMENDOUS SAVINGS president of the campus NAACP, Omega P si Phi fraternity v ic e - president and a member of Blue Key honorary. He is in theROTC special forces and Scabbard and Blade honorary. s p r in g ’s n e w Folklore Society look for juniors . . . To Elect Officers 3-part ensem b ling The Folklore Society will elect officers at a meeting, at 8 p.m. in a m a rv e lo u s b le n d o f Thursday in the Union Tower Room. d u p io n i ra y o n a n d GRADUATES! N E E D TH A T J 0 3 ? im p o r te d s ilk e e d y - TH A T F IR S T IMPRESSION MAY M AKE T H E D IF F E R - te x tu r e d in the g le n E R C E SO D O U B L E C H E C K YO UR W A RD RO B EFO R A p l a i d s k ir t a n d lo n g e r , N EAT A PPEA RA N CE. s le e v e le s s ja c k e t... lin e n - te x tu r e d in th e o v e r - b lo u s e . By J u n io r V illa g e . G re e n o r b la c k . 5 to 15 s iz e s 17.98 were $4.95 one day only EastLansing’sDepartmentStoreForStudents Jacobson's HELP CLEA N ER DO OUR B E S T TO YOU LO O K 623 E. GRAND RIVER ED 2 -3 5 3 7 ACROSS FROM STUDENT SERVI CE S YOURS Casual Dresses CAMPUS BOOK STORE (ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING) A Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 1 96 4 AEC Center Enlarges Program A i r R a id S h e lt e r s C a n H o ld 3 5 ,0 0 0 An a ir raid siren on top of Simon predicts all the shelters C ase Hall is tested regularly will be stocked before the end on the first working day of every month. What If it should wail of the summer. The provisions will be paid for by the Federal T o S tu d y R a d ia t io n In C ro p s some other time? Government, an d U n i v e r s i t y Since July of 1962, this cam ­ maintenance men will stock the By BUD CHAPMAN pus has 43 fallout shelters with sh elters. State News Staff Writer a combined capacity for 35,000 Good well systems make It un­ With the establishment of the persons. necessary to stock water in the Atomic Energy Commission’ s Safety E n g i n e e r Albert. L . shelters. research cen ter here, MSU will Orsborn said the shelters were Each fallout shelter will have add another phase to its radiation selected by the Army Corps of an appointed supervisor and sev­ studies. Engineers. They range in capa­ eral assistan ts, Orsborn said the The new center is to develop city from 30 to 1,900. department h e a d s or building ways to protect food crops dur­ Orsborn said the campus fall­ managers will be in charge and ing a nuclear war. out shelter system is not fully they will have complete policing This means that re se a rch e rs developed yet. The shelters need authority. will have to find a way for plants to be stocked and managers must The special managers may be to get n ecessary nutrients while be chosen. required to attend the one-week repelling radioactive elements. President John A. Hannah last Shelter Managers Training P ro ­ There a re presently four major month appointed a committee to gram in Battle Creek, which is radiation research program s be­ investigate survival kit needs. held several times a year. ing conducted here. These are Theodore Simon, physical plant In the event of d isaster, Jetti­ fertilizer uptake in plants, fish superintendent an d committee son Fieldhouse would be used feed movement in stream s, con­ chairm an, said the special re ­ as the first aid station. tamination of ponds and lakes and port has been given to Hannah. Olin Memorial would still take the study of pasteurization of According to Simon, the two- c a rt of surgery needs. foods. week survival kits will include Simon pointed out that although A team of horticulturists are f o o d supplements, m e d i c a l all areas are physically usable using radioactive isotopes to supplies, and radiation detectors. now, they have not yet received show how plants respond to foliar The food consists simply of spec­ S H E L T E R PROGRAM—Dennis Brookman, F orestville, N .Y ., the Department of Civil Defense applications of fertilizer. These ially packaged crack ers highly freshman, looks at a sign in the Student Services building in­ licensing. This is expected any m aterials a r e used b e c a u s e concentrated with vitamins. dicating the location of one of the 43 fallout shelters on day, however. radioactive ions can easily be C O m pU S, Photo by Dovo Syhos B E T T E R BEANS—Working to develop high-quality, disease resistant bean varieties is the traced through the plant to mea­ goal of M. Wayne Adams, MSU crop scientist, and Axel Ande rsen, United States Department F o r Y o ur P leasure . . . sure the behavior of these ferti­ lizers. of Agriculture plant pathologist working at MSU. plants and is studied as it passes Academic Advising THE AIR-CONDITIONED M. J . Bukovac, professor of of radioactive phosphorus . in 55 hour period. horticulture, is doing research on through the plant. By this method gallons of w ater. Then the mix­ A thorough dilution makes it HOLIDAY LANES (continued from page 1) the fate In plants of normal min­ what’ s going on in other co l­ erals and radioactive fallout ma­ re se a rch e rs have learned that a plant’s entire requirement for ture is put i n t o fast-moving impossible for plants and animals stream s drop by drop in a half- to be Injured by the radioactive 40 B r u n s w i c k L a n e s »Snack B a r le g e s.” terials such as strontium 90. some tra ce elem ents, such as m aterial put into the stream s. limited number of students. This A home economics education A solution containing strontium manganese, may often be supplied B i l l i a r d Ta ble s » C o c k t a i l Lounge means that the average student- m ajor. Miss DeSpelder, said her 90 Is applied to the leaves of The concentration used in this by just one or two leaf applica­ Lones Available For adviser ratio may be much lower academic adviser was "e x tre m e ­ than the real load of most faculty ly helpful” in planning her pro­ tions. Geiger counters and radioac­ Traffic Safety research is less than one-half of that which is allowable for drink­ O P E N BOWLING members in a given department. gram . ing w ater. The isotope “ decays” tive isotopes a re also showing up And E v e ry Doy Until 6 p.m . Fri., Sat., & Sun. Evenings Tool Rowland R. Pierson, p rofes­ "She has done me a great Prof To Talk on the shores of Michigan’ s lakes, Begins Early, an d disappears within a few weeks. so r and form er acting director deal of good, but she doesn’t ponds and stream s as re se a rch ­ OPEN EVERY D AY A T 9A.M. ” F r a n d o r is J u s t S o u th O f U s 11 of the Counseling C enter, says know what’ s happening in other the growing complexity of MSU departments. I h a v e a math On Censorship e rs tra ce com m ercial fertiliz­ e r s — fish food—pond contamina­ Says Mann Radioactive arsenic is another useful rese a rch tool under study. IV 7-3731 makes the need for good academ­ minor, and she just can’t help tion and water pollution. Traffic safety education begins This tra ce s the movement of a ic advising m ore vital than me in that area at all. Harold Walsh, p rofessor of Radioactive phosphorus h a s in the crad le and should continue chem ical weed killer, sodium a r - ev er. The number of students who philosophy, will speak on "C en ­ been used in these studies for the throughout a person’ s l i f e , ac­ senite, through the food chain of "A t the same tim e,” he notes, pour into ad visers’ offices make sorship, F re e Speech and Aca­ past five y ears because it can cording to William Mann, profes­ fish. T h e present study, being with "th e sheer number of students it difficult for the adviser to d e m i c Freedom ” at 8 p.m. easily be "tagged ” to the phos­ so r of education. carried out at the Lake City E x ­ O n Cam pus MaxShuIman in creases the academic ad viser’s give them enough tim e during the W e d n e s d a y In 126 Natural problems. Students changing ma­ three-day registration period. Science. phorus already In the fertilizer. Reports have shown that about "P a re n ts play an early and im­ portant role in traffic safety edu­ periment Station, is expected to show how pollution affects all life (Author of “Rally Round the Flag, Boys!” jo rs or transferring from other C a r o l L u d f o r d , Rockford The speech is one of a series 95 per cent of the radioactive catio n ," Mann told safety leaders in Michigan w aters. and “Barefoot Boy With Cheek” .) schools have a crucial need for freshm an, said her adviser "ju st s p o n s o r e d by the Humaist phosphorus is absorbed by some of Pilot Club International from good advising. This means the signed the sheet” and didn't have Society. living thing by the time it travels the United States and Canada in adviser must know the require­ anything to say about her pro­ Any student interested in help­ a half mile downstream. a Saturday conference at Kellogg ments of other colleges and de­ gram . ing the committee to aid the THE SLO W RUSH partm ents as well as his own.” " I doubt that he really had the Bloomington students, discussed Wildlife experts point out that this means t h e fertilizers are Center. "P a re n ts must give the child BJpck, Bridle Club Illustrated he low is the membership pin of a brand-new na­ Lynne A. DeSpelder, Detroit time to talk to m e ," she noted. by Tom Morgan in his recent as fish feed. tional fraternity called Signa Phi Nothing. To join Signa Phi sophomore, s a y s h e r biggest Tomorrow; Faculty mem­ lecture, s h o u l d contact Tom WRsrc C, Ball, p rofessor of a sense of security and develop his sense of responsibility by a c ­ Gives TV Pointers Steinfatt, Humanist Society p res­ Nothing and get this hideous membership pin absolutely free, simply take a pair of scissors, cut out the illustration, and paste complaint about her academic ad­ v iser is that she "doesn’t know bers look at academic ad­ vising. ident, at one of these meetings. fisheries and Wildlife, is conduct­ ing this studyTOe puts 15 drops cepting him as a member of the family and by setting limits on In Horsemanship it on your chest. undesirable b e h a v io r ,’ ’ Mann Four Block and Bridle Club Let me hasten to state that I do not recommend your joining said. members are acting as advisers Signa Phi Nothing. The only thing I recommend in this column "B oth parents must set a good to WMSB television’ s C ulver’ s is Marlboro Cigarettes, as any honest man would who likes example in safe driving and in Clubhouse, a children’s show ac­ safety attitudes,” he said. "Y o u r quainting fifth and sixth grad ers good tobacco and a good filter, whose heart is quickened by a children learn first by your e x ­ with horsemanship /procedures. choice of soft pack or l-'lip-Top Box, and who gets paid every am ple.” week for writing this column. * T raffic safety education should Assisting producer Jim C u lver I am frankly hard put to think of any reason why you should continue with pedestrian training In selection and presentation of join Signa Phi Nothing. Some lieople, of course, are joiners by and bicycle training in the ele­ m aterial are Richard Rudish, nature; if you are one such, 1 am hound to tell you there are mentary school and in junior high Chicago, 111., graduate student; any number of lietter organizations for you to jo in —the Cosa school and d river education in the Thomas Smith, Auburn, Ind., Jun­ Nostra, for example, or the Society for the Placing of Water high school, and it should include ior; Thomas Pow ers, Grand Rap­ Troughs in Front of Equestrian Statues. refresh er c o u r s e s for exper­ ids freshman; and Ronni Egan, ienced d rivers and s p e c i a l Lakewood, Ohio, freshman. cou rses for th e aging d river, Mann said. Rudish controls an eight min­ T raffic safety education should ute segment of the half hour also include beginning courses show, t e l e v i s e d at 6:30 p.m . for the traffic violator and the Thursdays. Students will work accident rep eater, he added. with the show for 16 weeks. (none of whom attended). The first hymn goes: K e n W . P u r d y w r it e s a b o u t P o r s c h e : Signa Phi Xothing, Shining star, “ W HAT'S ALL THIS PORSCHE T A L K ? ” How wt wonder If goii an . "Why does this car, not the biggest, not the fastest, The second hymn, rather more poetic in content, is to be not the most expensive automobile in the world, sung to the tune of Also Sprach Znrnthustrn: still do things no other car will do? Why? Because -I (luernsey s a cow, it has the best synchromesh gear system mat can .4 ro/nl is a lane, be devised in the present state-of-the-art. It steers When you're eating chow, Remember the mein. like a-wish, brakes as if the great brown hand of Pending the next meeting of the national hoard of directors legend had appeared from the sky to hold it like (which tvill never be held; members are authorized to sing a toy, end runs through corners tike a train with either hymn. Or, for that m atter, Frenesi. E v e r s e e t h e “ P r o g r e s s C o r p s ” i n a c t io n ? its wheels flanged to the steel track. Engine? Rear- Perhaps you are wondering why there should he such a fra­ mounted, air-cooled, four cylinders, and so long ternity as Signa Phi Nothing. I can give you an answer—an I t s m em b ers a re a t w ork all over th e fr e e world, helping a m a rin e en g in e room to pow er one o f th e w orld’s la rg e s t lived that some owners claim it just hits its stride answer with which you cannot possibly disagree: Signa Phi m illion s o f people to p ro g re ss tow ard b e tte r lives. su p e rta n k e rs. In In d ia , W e st G erm any , Ita ly , and in the U nited T h e m em b ers o f th e “ P ro g re s s C o rp s” a re th e m en ■round 50,000 miles. It’s as comfortable a ’vehicle Xothing fills a well-needed gap. S ta te s , th e y ’re b u ild in g n u clear pow er p lan ts, launching and wom en o f G en eral E le c tr ic , w o rk in g to provide th e as runs on the read today, and it’s over-saft, over- Are you suffering from mental health? Is logic distorting th e a g e o f low -cost ato m ic power. key to p ro g re ss —low -cost e le c tric pow er and b e tte r w ays sturdy, over-strong. All In all, it’s the best thing of your thinking? Is ambition encroaching on your native sloth? In S am o a, th e y ’re developing an ed u cational T V n et­ o f p u ttin g it to w ork. M any a re e n g in e e rs. M any o th e rs its kind in tho world." Is your long-cherished misinformation retreating before a sea w ork to b a ttle illite ra c y . . . w hile in P itts b u r g h , th e y ’re a re in te rn a tio n a l law y ers, p h y sicists, fin an cial sp e cia l­ of facts? In short, has education caught up with you? w o rk in g w ith .te a ch e rs to help high school stu d ents learn is ts , m a rk e tin g e x p e rts. Add infinito ploasure to your European Holiday. If so, congratulations. But spring is upon us and the sap is m ore ab ou t com puters. G en e ral E le c tr ic is gro w in g both a t hom e and ab road . Lot us make all arrangements for delivery of your rising, and the mind looks hack with poignant longing to the In W ales, th e y ’re p u ttin g the final to u ch es on E u ro p e’s I f y o u ’d like to grow w ith us, ta lk to y ou r p lacem en t 1964 Porsche. Take delivery at the factory In old days, when it was a puddle of unreason. . firs t com p u ter-contro lled steel m ill. N e a r Los A ngeles d ire c to r. He can help qualified people b eg in th e ir G en ­ world Stuttgart or in the city of your choice. I f —ju st for a m om ent—you want to recapture those care­ th e y ’ve scored a world firs t by p u ttin g a com puter in e ra l E le c tr ic c a re e rs . less vaporings, that warm, squishy confusion, then join Signa c h a rg e o f cem en t m ill op eration s. I n B r a z i l , P a k i s t a n an d G h a n a , t h e y ’ r e p ro v id in g CO N TIN EN TAL IMPORTS Phi Nothing, and renew your acquaintance with fecklessness. fto g re s s k O t/r M o s t Im p o rta n t P ro d u c t e x tra -h ig h -v o lta g e equ ipm ent fo r huge dam s to h arness We promise nothing, and, by George, we deliver it! th e s e n a tio n s ’ h y d ro electric power. F o r M alay sia, th e y ’re * * * 1964 Mss Shulmso su p p ly in g high-p ow er diesel locom otives . . . fo r N orw ay, . GENERAL® ELECTRIC V O L K S W A G E N F O R S C H E We, (h e m a ke rs o f M a rlb o r o C ig a re tte s , p ro m is e s m o k in g e n ­ jo y m e n t, a n d ire t h in k y o u ’ It t h in k ire d e liv e r i t — in a l l fifty , V IS IT GENERAL ELECTRIC PROGRESSLAND • A m id PRESENTATION • A T THE N EW YORK W ORLDS F A IR 2845 E. Saginaw St. Lansing, Michigan s ta te s o f th is U n io n , M a rlb o ro C o u n try is w h e re y o u are. * Michig an State News, E a s t L a n si ng , Michigan Tu es da y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 196 4 ^ Seniors Of The Week N o te d D ip lo m a ts T a lk Wear 4 7-LeagueBoots T w o P la n C a r e e r s Fliers Live I n v o lv in g C h ild r e n A t S e m in a r P ro g ra m In Space Age I I iT p Mary Lou (Pinky) Cribbs and to r and an officer of Phi G am m a Jim Tuman, this week's Sen­ Delta fraternity. Roger Hilsman, assistant se cre ta ry of state for F a r Eastern Affairs, and Andrew C ordier, He later served as a faculty member in interna­ By F A Y E UNGER T •t 1I N Aside from this, Tuman worked tional politics at Princeton University, and was State News S taff W riter iors of the Week, both plan to form er under secretary of the United Nations, chief of the foreign affairs division and deputy •enter c a re e r s involving child­ on the executive boards for J - will be two of the featured speakers at the “ Winds director of the legislative reference service of Did you ever drop out of the ren. Council an d Water Carnival, of Change in the Emerging Nations” seminar to sky to ask a state policeman for the Lib rary of Congress. Miss C ribbs, an elem entary helped with the Wolverine and be held on campus Friday through Sunday. Cordier is presently d e a n of t h e Graduate a cup of coffee? education m ajor from Laings- joined the Campus United Na­ Hilsman will speak at 8 p.m. Saturday in Union School of International Affairs at Columbia Uni­ A gusty Friday noon I took off burg, looks forward to teaching tions. p arlors A, B, and C on "T h e U.S. an d the Chal­ versity. He served as under secretary for the in a Piper Colt from Capital City In California. Judges selected him as a fi­ lenge of Change in the Emerging Nations.” His Airport with Dave Blake, p resi­ United Nations from 1945 to 1961. She spent the last two summers nalist in last y e a r’ s M r. MSU speech is open to the entire campus. He has been special representative of theU.N. dent of the Flying Spartans, to as an a rts and cra fts d irector contest. Cordier w i l l speak on "How New Will the discuss the flyingclubandtoview Miss Cribbs filled the vice­ secretary -g en eral In Korea in 1952 and in the at a YWCA camp. B etter World B e?” at 2 p.m. Sunday in Kellogg the winter countryside. Congo in 1961. A psychology m ajor, from New presidency and rush chairm an­ Center Auditorium. Previous to h i s U.N. assignment, C o r d i e r Blake drove the plane down the York Tuman hopes to do clini­ ship for her sorority, Delta Zeta. Hilsman succeeded W. A verillH arrim antothe served two y ears in the State Department as an runway with practiced skill until cal w trk with children as part Panhellenic Council elected her assistant secretary of state post last May. He expert on international security. He was also it lifted into the air with a slight as its corresponding s e cre ta ry . served e a rlie r as director of the Bureau of In­ tilt. of g o v e r n m e n t organizati technical expert of th e U.S. delegation at the An honor student with a 3.2 telligence and Research. "Fly in g is like wearing seven work. Combining work a n d tra v ,,, founding conference oftheU.N. In San Fran cisco. grade point average, she is a In World War 11 Hilsman s e r v e d wi t h league boots,” Blake said over he spent a summer in Rome as Students who wish to attend the seminar may Tower Guard and M ortar Board "M e rrill’ s M arauders” in th e C h i n a - B u r m a - the ro a r of the small engine. We a waiter and sold newspapers reg ister today and tomorrow between 2 and5p.m . member. India theatre, attaining the rank of m ajor. L ater were racing scuffling clouds and in P a ris. in 335 Student S ervices. A $4.50 fee is required Musically inclined, she was he commanded a guerrilla battalion operating be­ below, the minute shadow of the Pinky and Jim hold offices in to attend all phases of the seminar. selected for State Singers, the hind the enemy lines. plane sped along the ground. a variety of University organiza­ Anyone wishing to attend only the four major Spartan B ra s s Bands, the MSU From 1950 until 1953, Hilsman was engaged in “ When you travel you don’t tions. Jim , with a 2.5 grade point speeches and panel discussions must register, \ O rchestra and B ra ss Choir. NATO planning work in London and Frankfurt. think of roads, but mountains and average, is personnel director but no fee is required. WINGED SPARTAN S—Dave Blake, left, E a st L a n s - g sr*i:or lakes and countryside. ■pf All-University Student Gov­ and John Weisbruch, center, Benton Harbor senior, look over “ The airplane is coming into i ernment, aa vJUAVsIl DUdl Union BoardU Uil CLa d irec­ its a g e ," Blake said. “ The cost the plane in which Steve Werner, White P lains, N .Y ., sopho­ of operation of a small plane is more, just made his first solo landing. per t e r m for non-flying mem­ nearest cup of coffee. After e s ­ Peace Corps C h e a tin g (continued from page 1) y Z M eans nearly the same as that of a c a r , but in a sm all plane you can beat the travel time for com m erical airlines, even the j e t s ." bers. tablishing the fact that we had no “ Our goal is turning out qual­ c a r, and a brief deliberation, they ified, capable aviators, who will offered us some of their own and be able to fly in any capacity, who Dave discussed flying. ior student applicants qualify, at Blake said industrial compan­ Editor's Note: T h is is the ulty member of the University to Paul M. H urrell, assistant pro­ conducive to cheating,” he said. will understand flying, and who How do you join the Flying’ least six different areas of train­ ies have begun hiring aviator- second of a three-part ser­ th e hearing. T h e committee fessor of philosophy, tries to "T h is is a problem in m ass edu­ will appreciate its value,” Blake Spartans? Call Steve Werner 355- ing are planned. They are: businessmen. ies on cheating. recommends th e action to be combine several types of testing cation.” said. 5437, Dave Blake, 332-2256; or — Secondary school teach ers "O r you can hop up for short taken, if any, to the dean of stu­ during the term . Willard Warrington, director Ten minutes later we landed at BobTeytaud, 353-1535. The Fly­ of m athem atics and science for trips to nearby towns and spe­ By LIN DA M IL L E R dents, who Informs the student of evaluation se rv ice s, directs Ionia Airfield and surprised the ing Spartans meet in Old College English-speaking Africa. " I f the resu lts don’t add up for cial events. F o r instance, the fly­ State News Staff Writer and institutes the action. state police stationed there with Hall, Union, 7:30 p .m ., every — Secondary school teachers a student,” he said, "th is may be the administration of University ing club plans activities like vis­ Since th e ruling of the Aca­ a request for directions to the other Tuesday. of mathem atics and science for Mary didn’t study well for the an indication t h a t something is College term -end examinations. iting Stratford-on-Avon, Canada, French-speaking Africa. — Urban community develop­ ment for Spanish-speaking Latin final exam , and the test was hard. She knew the boy sitting next to her got an A on the m id-term , so demic Council, only o n e known case of an F given for cheating has been reported to an academic dean of the University. wrong. If I can’t tell, 1 give the He doubts if any one group does student the benefit of the doubt.” m ore to prevent cheating a t Leo A. Haak, p rofessor of so­ ment. Michigan State than his depart­ for the Shakespeare festival, or flying over to the Lake Michigan Dunes for a p icn ic." 211 M A C . AVENUE CASA NOVA #2 “ F O R P IZ Z A SAKE C A L L " ED-71668 A m erica. she tried to see his answers. "W e offer flight instruction and Ted never looks at anyone’ s Some instructors do not ca re if cial science, uses alternate ex­ If a clear-cu t case of cheating plane rental at low cost. Members FO R TH E F IN E S T IT A LIA N FOOD — Rural community develop­ paper, but he sometimes takes students cheat. Though many are ams and separates students by resu lts in theUniversityCollege, can take up the plane and plan ment for Spanish-speaking Latin A m erica. — T eachers of English as a his own notes into a closed book exam. concerned, they prefer to take ac­ tion in their own hands. ch airs if possible. the student is usually given an F "Som e say objective exams are on the exam. instruction in anytime they have available,” Blake said. D E L IV E R Y E V E R Y DAY ] foreign language. Other methods of cheating in­ Expulsion is recommended for The Flying Spartans have two — Applicants to learn m ore clude exchange of answer sheets, those few ca se s in which a student licensed instructors, both club difficult languages, such as Thai, not ordinarily taught in American m aterial written in blue books, and more drastic planned efforts Women Carry Load is discovered taking an exam for a friend. mem bers. The club— open to students, STATI TNlAttf fey. colleges. like taking an exam for a student “ We a r e n o t n a i v e . ” s a i d faculty, and staff—plans to buy a Interested juniors must fill out a P eace Corps questionnaire and and stealing a test before exam tim e. In Russia, Prof Says Warrington. "W e know some stu­ dents might beat our system . But we hope they are relatively few late model Cessna 172 as soon as possible for use in addition to the C A SA N O V A take the Corps placement exam ­ What does the University do Piper Colt. ination. when a ca se of cheating com es to Work forces in Russia are ually involves going to their even­ in number. All income for the club is used Further information about the its attention? And how does the mainly women, Gladys Knight, ing entertainment at 6:30 p.m. and “ We are m ore concerned with strictly f o r self support. T h e new Senior Y ear P rogram may be individual instructor cope with associate professor of extension, returning for supper at 10 p.m ., security and good exams to dis­ initiation fee for the Flying Spar­ obtained at the Peace Corps booth the guilty student? told the food and nutrition club she said. courage cheating and to protect tans is $25. Dues are $10 per in the Union concourse. The subcommittee on cheating recently. Everything closes at midnight the student who normally would term for flying members and $5 submitted a report to the Aca­ M iss Knight showed slides and because people have to get up not cheat.” Ruby Trial demic Council which w a s ac­ souvenirs of her one-week trip to at 5 or 6 a.m . to work. cepted In October 1963. Russia after attending the annual Home entertainment is possible The present University policy, 10th International Home Econo­ through television. (continued from page 1) an outcome of the rep ort, states that in instances where a failing m ics Convention in P a ris last sum m er. "P ra ctica lly everyone has a TV set even though it runs only Engineer To Go tion of the two male ju ro rs. grade in a cou rse Is given for "Women scrubbing stre e ts and about two hours a d ay." A neat brunette, her face al­ cheating, the instructor will noti­ pouring cement w ere common She had this to say about To Purdue; Meet most devoid of makeup, M rs. fy the student’ s academic dean in sigh ts,” Miss Knight said. “ Men housing: McCollum was asked at one point writing of the circum stances. were seldom seen. Most of those "T h e re a re still six people Charles E. Cutts, chairman during her examination by the When the academic dean judges we saw were in uniform ." living in three-room apartm ents. of the department of civil and defense if she had. talked about that further action for repeated Soviet women don’t want the Rent v aries according to the in­ sanitary engineering, will travel the Ruby case at social gather­ violations is warranted, he a r ­ modern conveniences found in dividual incom e." to Purdue this week to attend ings. ranges for a hearing by a comm it­ American homes, according to Miss Knight took slides of one a meeting of the Committee on “ With my working full time tee composed of himself, the in­ the Soviets Women's Organiza­ of the 39 "P ion eer P alaces” Mechanical Properties of M ater­ and six children, I don't have stru cto r’ s departmental ch air­ tion. They want to get the women found in Russia, where students ials. any time for social activ ities,” man, three members of the facul­ out of the home. spend two hours a week at these The committee plans technical she replied with a slight smile ty sub-committee on student con­ "W hen we talked with indivi­ Lenin indoctrination cen ters. program s in this area dealing M rs. McCollum was the 49th duct, and a representative of the dual women in their homes, how­ "W earing the red sca rf, which with properties of m aterials and prospective juror called since dean of student’ s office. ev er, we found they would rather signifies a youth pioneer, holds is part of the Engineering Me­ the trial began Feb. 17, and the The student may bring his aca­ be housewives," she said. a great deal of p restige,” she chanics Division of the American 14th woman examined./ demic adviser or any other fac­ The daily Russian schedule us­ said. Society of Civil Engineers. 7 his cyclotron was built and operating by thejail of 193Uand reported M e e t A r t W ib le , G la s s o f 5 9 at the Washington April Meeting ( Phys. Rev. 37, 1707, 1931). The "f diameter oj the chamber was about 5 inches. Placed between the 4-inch dr , diameter finies of a magnet with afield of 12,700gauss and 2,000 volts on its single dee, it produced 80,000 volt hydrogen molecule ions trapped and measured in a Faraday cage to which a measured and adequate de­ celerating voltage could be applied. T h e d o -it-y o u rs e lf-w ith -s e a lin g -w a x d a y s a re g o n e fr o m c y c lo tr o n te c h n o lo g y fo r e v e r. T h e t i n y i n ­ s tr u m e n t in v e n te d b y D r . E r n e s t O . L a w r e n c e a t M U S E U M B e rk e le y in 1 9 30 has b e e n su p e rse d e d m a n y tim es b y in c re a s in g ly la rg e r a n d m o r e p o w e r fu l in s tr u ­ P IE C E m e n ts o f n u c le a r re s e a rc h . N o w - 4 1/? y e a r s later— A s s is ta n t S a le s M a n a g e r, C lassified A d v ertisin g , C h ic a g o T rib u n e. T o d a y th e business o f d is c o v e ry is c a rrie d o n b y 3 2 0 0 p e o p le a t th e B e rk e le y site o f L a w r e n c e R a ­ O n ly 4 >2 y e a rs alter joining the C h ic a g o d ia tio n L a b o r a t o r y , o v e r lo o k in g th e U n i v e r s i t y T rib u n e , A rt Wible, M ich ig an C la s s of ’59, h a s m oved through two s a le s sta ff a s s ig n ­ o f C a li f o r n i a c a m p u s a n d S a n F r a n c is c o B a y . m en ts and tw o s a le s s u p e rv is o ry p o s ts to A n d th e c h a lle n g e o f in n o v a tio n re m a in s fo r e n ­ h is p re s e n t p o s itio n a s A s s is t a n t S a le s M an ag e r, C la s s ifie d A d v e rtis in g . H e now g in e e rs — in a d v a n c e d a c c e le ra to r d e s ig n a n d in a s u p e rv is e s the a c tiv itie s of 36 s a le s p e o p le, d y n a m ic u n c la ssifie d research p r o g r a m . 3 copy w rite rs, 2 a rtists and 2 production men in the C la s s ifie d D e p a rtm e n t. E E ’s: M a jo r electronics d evelopm ent program s at L R L deal T o d a y W ib le is know n and re sp e cte d by w ith n u clear in stru m en tatio n , autom ated d a ta hand ling and h u n d re d s o f C h ic a g o and su b u rb a n c o m ­ acquisition, rad io freq u en cy and high vo ltage pow er supply m unity le a d e rs , b u s in e s s m e n , Home b u ild ­ systems, fast-cou n tin g techniqu es and sem ico n d u cto r device e r s , e m p lo y e rs , real estate men and a u to ­ developm ent. m o bile d e a le rs . T o th e m , he is the C h ica g o T rib u n e in a ll th e ir d e a lin g s . M E 's : O u r M e ch a n ica l Engin eering work co n cen trates on d e­ T h e C h ic a g o T rib u n e is lo o kin g fo r m ore sign o f accelerato rs and the instrum entation associated with m en like A rt W ib le to fill p o sts of re s p o n s i­ them , on m agnet developm en t, high vac uum system s, shielding bility in th is 116-year-old o rg a n iz a tio n . If problem s and m ech an ical engineering applied to biom ed ical you a re lo o kin g fo r a c a re e r that o ffe rs research. excitin g c h a lle n g e s , o p p o rtu n itie s fo r q u ick a d va n ce m e n t and rich re w a rd s , we invite E n g in eerin g g rad uates at all levels who w ant to learn m ore you iu c o n s id e r a ca re e r in the a d ve rtisin g ab ou t L R L should c o n ta ct th e P lacem ent O ffice fo r ap p o in t­ d e p artm e n t of the C h ic a g o T rib u n e . m ents. C am pus interview s w ill be held on M arch 3, 1964 A T rib u n e re p re se n ta tiv e w ill be on c a m ­ p u s fo r in te rv ie w s on M arch 5, 1964. W h y LAWREIMGE not m ake a rra n g e m e n ts now to m eet w ith h im ? C h e c k w ith M r. Jo h n D . S h in g le to n , RAQIATI0 N LA B O R A TO R Y D ire c to r of P la c e m e n t, S tu d e n t S e r v ic e s . B u ild in g , o r M r . W jjlia m r H . H a ig h t, P la c e ­ BERKELEY m ent O ffic e r, S c h o o l of J o u rn a lis m . OPERATED B Y THE UNIVERSITY O F CALIFORNIA B E R K E L E Y & LIVERM ORE An equal opportunity employer (thicago(Tribune 6 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michig an T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 19 64 " F i r s t inquiry to o k -w e FIVE B E D R O O m home, fu r- w ere s w a m p e d with nished, with garage, 2 miles HOUSE RENTED THROUGH 1 DAY W A N T -A D c a ll s ,” said this pleased .. a d v e rtis e r . from MSU. Nice suburban lo - cation. % ★ Autom otive______ i f E m p lo y m e n t ★ F o r Sale Campus Briefs with a VOLKSWAGEN - late 1962, sun­ TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, male TON'EMASTER G U ITAR,electric S K ] low cost roof, vinyl headliner, r a d i o , or female. Call from home or our steel. Amplifier included. Good Prize-Winning Orchestra On T.V . whitewalls, $1350. P h o n e 3 5 5 - office. Call 484-4091 for appoint­ condition. Phone IV 2-4 8 3 9 . WANT AD 2503. J . P .’S USED CARS 36 ment. BABYSITTING - inm yhom edur- 38 1~” PORTABLE ADMIRAL T.V. 36 • AUTOM OTIVE Exclusively Chevrolets ing the day, fenced-in y a r d . Good condition. Inquire at 355- The Cap and Gown S eries will ordered a wing stand-by inspec­ •EM P LO YM EN T 1956 2-door, hardtop. Black and Holmes Road, Pleasant Grove 3131. 36 present its Television O rchestra tion at 7:30 p.m. today in the A rt Mauch, agricultural econo­ Blood D r iv e Still O n area. TU 2 -5 7 6 8 . 34 BICYCLE SALES, service and mist with the Michigan Cooper­ Opening day of the Veterans ! • FO R R EN T white, original black and white in a live half-hour concert on Quonset wing offices. rentals. E ast Lansing C ycle, 1215 ative Extension S ervice, will p re­ Club-AWS blood drive netted a ] • FO R S A L E interior. No rust. Mechanically ¡DESIRE IRONING In my home. WJIM-TV at 9:00 p.m . today. All cadet personnel of thewing East Grand R iver, call 332-8303. sent a paper titled “ Why Trade?” total of 160 pints of blood. Hours j perfect. No money down. $5 per double washer load. F o r The 10-man o rch estra, led by a re required to be in their of­ • L O S T & FOUND C Law rence Witt will discuss today are 10 a .m ., to 5 p.m ., [ 2801 S. Cedar information call IV 2-23~5 morn­ graduate student George West, fices in uniform during inspec­ •P E R S O N A L SE WING MACHINE, SINGER A L - "A gricu lture Trade - U n i t e d in the Union Lounge. TU 2-1478 or H 2-6721 ings. ’ 36 won first place in the big band tion. States Views.” • P EA N U TS PERSO N A L C TOMATIC ZIG-ZAG - Just dial Donation leaders include Arm­ WE NEED 5 men to help us un­ category at the 1962 Midwest Cadets must also be able to one c o n t r o l for buttonholes, strong hall, men’ s hall; North, • R EA L ESTA TE 1961 1-ALCON. 4- d c o r , sedan, til finals. Work selected hours blindhems, overcasting. . .and Collegiate Jazz Festival held at answer questions about the Air A u to E x e c u tiv e Speaks • S E R V IC E very clean inside, x>d condition. the University of Notre Dame. C a s e , women’ s h a l l ; Bowery and earn $80 per week. Call many designs. Yours for only F o rc e . Questions may range from •TRA N SPO RTA TIO N P rice $859. Call ifter 4:00 p.m. Two weeks ago, the organi­ Jam es M. Osborn, manager house, co-op; Delta Sigma Pi, : for additional information, 8 8 2 - "What do you do in this office?” 355-5809. $62.50 or $5.00 p e r mo n t h . of the Fo rd Motor Co. place­ Farm house, and Phi Sigma Del­ •WANTED 36 6628, M r. Rishelm. C34 zation walked away with two in­ to "W hat is the chain of com­ P HONE OL 5-2054.________ C35 ment and college recruiting of­ ta for fratern ities. 1955 CHEVROLET , 4-door, ” 6 ” dividual soloist awards at the mand from the President to you D EA D LIN E : automatic, new sn ow tire s. $300. BABYSITTER NEEDED to care UXEDO and a ccesso ries - 42 Villanova Collegiate Ja z z F e s ti­ in the cadet wing?” fice, will speak at the Men’ s Red C ross citations will be 1 p.m. one class day be­ Call 355-0603. 35 f o r 4 g i r l s including 2 p re­ long - worn once. 1/2 p rice. 332- val in Villanova, Pa. Club luncheon at 12:10 p .m ., presented to organizations with | fore publication. MICROBES 1961 Volkswagen, 9 schoolers, Monday-Friday, 7 :3 0 - 0719. 220 ACRE DAIRY farm . L atest 36 It will appear at the New York C a s e H a ll Queen today In the Union p arlo rs. 100 per cent participation and C a ne d I at ions -12 noon one 5:30. Own transportation. 88 2 - World’ s F a ir this spring. He will speak on, “ A Con­ gold plaques to groups with 75 passenger, r a d heater, 4 - 36 Surge 4 stall diagonal p arlor. All S cherrie Payne, Detroit soph­ class day before p u b lic a tio n "334 evenings. sum er Looks at the College Grad­ per cent participation. speed. Like new c ndition. $1195. equipment CIP. 600 gal. Z ero om ore, has been elected Case uate Product.” PHONE: Call IV 2-4301. 34 WAITRESS: P art time, days. Ap­ bulk tank. 75 cow setup or more. A r t P r o f E x h ib its Hall queen by men residents. ‘ 59 V.W. $ '58 P FLCEOT. B est ply in person. 211 M.A.C. 355-8255 offer. Moving March 21. P h o n e 36 Very modern 2 apartment home. M iss Payne is a p re-m edical Just south of 1-94 near P arm a. An exhibition of paintings by m ajor. RATES: 4S4-~120 or 332—2048. 38 i f F o r Rent Write Box 345, Student Services Allen Leepa, associate profes­ 1 DAY S I .25 CHEVROLET, wh te 1959 Impala, so r of art has opened at the BellRingers Bldg. 34 3 D A Y S . . . .52.50 2 -door, hardtop, v hitewalls, V-S, A PA R T M E N T S ______________ Detroit A rtists Market. DALMATION PU PPY - 6 months 5 D A Y S . . . . $3.75 radio, heater. Phone IV 2-5410, BLAKE (Frandor near), newer The one-man show will con­ old AKC, shots, housebroken, nights IV 5-6066 3b b u i l d i n g , furnished njcely, 3 tinue through Wednesday. To Appear loves children, $70. Phone 332- (Based on 15 words per ad) room s, closets galore. $125., un­ Works on display include paint­ SPARTAN MO! ORS 8927. 34 There will be a 25tf service furnished $100. plus electricity . STERÈOPHONIC C O N S O L E - ings done by Leepa in F ran ce, and bookkeeping charge if THL'NDERBIRD 1951- , white with March 1. Call 484-9791. Capehart, A M - F M r a d i o , one where he spends half the y ear, this ad is not paid within one week. black ’hardtop. Hurry . $1395. FORD 1961, 4-door, 6 cylinder, standard transm iss: on. Special, EAST LANSING c l o s e in, 3 room s, unfurnished except for 36 y ear old. Phone IV 4-6275. POOL TABLES - (Valley). New 38 and in Michigan. Leepa will also have his work included in the annual "C o m - InIndiana $"95. range and re frig e ra to r. 1st floor 3 1/2X7 F u ll-slate. Delivered p araison s” exhibition in P aris Directing th e Spartan B e l l The State News does not next month. with southern exposure - no stu- permit racial or religious CORVETTE 1958, ebuilt motor, and set up. Phone IV 9-5 8 0 5 . Ed R ingers, a 10-member g r o u p dents. $100 per month. Phone 33 2 - gchultz deaie r . new top, runs fine 51895. which offers a fascinating form of discrimination in its ad­ 5988 after 6 :0 0 p.m. 34 STRING BASS - blonde K a y A i r F o r c e Inspection musical entertainment on English vertising c o l u m n s . The CHEVROLET C orvair, 1960, 4 - EYDEAL VILLA: The best deal Swingmaster, excellent natural Cadet Cap. William S. White, handbells, will be Wendell W est- State News will not accept door, very clean. $995. in furnished apartments with am­ finish. C ase. Cost; $425 - Sell; wing inspector of AFROTC, has cott, carillonneur and assistant advertising from persons OLDSMOBILE 88 Dynamic, 4 - ple parking. 1 or 2 bedrooms, cen­ $200. Phone 332-3747. 38 —A professor of Music. discriminating against re ­ door, I960, automatic tran sm is­ tral re c-ro o m , laundry facilities, During the perform ance, e a c h ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or DUMONT 21’ ’ T .V ., deluxe Hot ★ S e r v i c e sion, power steering and power swimming pool and barbecue pits. player controls from four to 13 national origin. Point automatic washing m a- brakes. You must see this one. Choice of interior colors. CALL WHY PAY MORE? F o r profes­ bells, wi t h a total of 49 b e l l s chine. F o r information call 337- 3000 E. Michigan FIDELITY REALTY, ED 2-5041, sional d r y cleaning, WEND- being played by the group. 963?. 36 it Autom otive______ IV 7 -3 T 5 GEORGE EYD E, ED 2-0565. Moving? Enclosed cargo tr a il- ROVV’S. Pants, sk irts, sw eaters, The R epertoire of this group C36 C34 60^. Plain d re sse s, suits, co ats, includes cla ssica l arrangem ents, VOLKSWAGEN engine for s a le 1 e r 4’ X7X5\ $100. ED 2-1039. RAMBLER p577o 4-door, standard LOOKING FOR male room mates $1.19. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block folksongs, popular m usic, novelty C ompletely rebuilt with Okrasn 36 shift, good condition. New tire s. at Cedar Village, 332-1442 or west of Fran d or. C34 numbers, original w o r k s for s t r o k e r kit. Completely bal­ anced - dual carb u retors. 50hp., Call 699-2626. 34 332-5051. 48 ★ L o s t & Found ACCIDENT P R O B L E M ) t a l l handbells and jazz. Kalamazoo S t r e e t Body Shop. completely chromed. C a l l IV COMET 1962, 2 -Jo o r, standard, HOUSES________________________ The Spartan Bell Ringers wil. LOST - Sterline s i l v e r charm Small d e n t s to large w r e c k s . 5-33SS between 7 :0 0 -9 :0 0 p.m. 6400 actual miles, clean, like- EAST L ANSING unfurnished 2 appear as a feature ofth eA rtist- SP IN ST ER S SPIN.«Preparing a display case in the Student b racelet with a miniature church Am erican an d f o r e i g n c a r s . ___ 36 new, must see to believe. 4 8 " - bedroom, full basement. Close Celebrity S eries of the Indians Serivces Building for Saturday evenings ‘ ‘ Spinsters’ Spin” charm . L ost near Computer Cen­ Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 19$9 .FORD", 4-door~autom atic, 0"00. 38 to Marble School and Shopping Institute of* Technology in F t. are A lyce Bechmeyer, Sheridan sophomore, and Carol Denton, radio, heater, good tires, good r57 RAMBLER station wagon, Center. Available April 1. Call te r. 355-1571. 36 E ast Kalamazoo.______________ C Wayne, Ind. in an evening concert La nsing sophomore. Coeds may get 2 a.m. late permissions condition. $595. Phone 355-4679, power brakes, power steering, 332-1130 after 5:00 p.m. for ap­ DIAPER SERVICE, three types of Thursday. for the Kellogg Center dance. p hoto by Gera(d - after 6:00 p.m. 355-6064. Must $125. ‘56 FORD, good transporta­ pointment. 36 ★ Pe rso nal diapers to choose from. B u l k s e ll!’ 35 tion, $75. Phone IV 2-3481. ARE YOU PAYING more than you wash for clean er, whiter diapers, GIRLS TO share furnished house need to for auto insurance? Call fluff dried and folded. Use yours 1 9 5 9 CHEVROLET, automatic _______________________________35 Spring term . $10/week. Parking. transm ission, g o o d condition MCA, wire wheels, 22 ,OOOmiles, or see your State F arm agent o r r e n t ou rs. Containers fur­ 526 Stoddard. Call Kay, ED 2 - good tire s, radio, heater. Re­ $9~5. Phone 33^-2753. 36 an d com pare p r i c e s . Ask for nished. No deposit. 25 y ears ex­ OLDSMOBILE 1963 convertible, 5138. _________________ 35 p erience. B y -L o Diaper Service, cently overhauled. E lain eC altri- GEORGE TOBIN OR ED KAR- dynamic, full power. Many op­ ROOMS 1010 E . Michigan, IV 2-0421.C Students must reg ister tw o elem entary (B ), all secondary colleges (B,M) interested in offi­ ‘ der, Ml 1-6022. 35 MANN, IV 5 -7 2 6 7 , In Frandor. tions, $2600 . 355-4129. SINGLE ROOMS for men for ______________________ C34 STUDENT TV R E N T A L S . New days before date of interview. (B,M) except political science c e r c a re e r s in all areas. 1959 CHEVROLET station wagon, _______________________________35 Spring t e r m s . L arg e, quiet NEW YORK vacation-bus special! 19” portable, $9 p er month. 21” and phys. ed. M/ F . Dune Scooter, Inc.: SUMMER standard shift, low mileage. Call AH SPRITE 1961, excellent ex­ room s, wash bowl in each. 1block Round trip, $30. F o r re se rv a ­ table models, $8 per month, 17” March 2 EMPLOYMENT - Dune Scooter Win Schuler’ s: Hotel, restau ­ 332-3351. 35 ample. Hardtop and other ex­ from campus. Approved, super­ tions, call E ast Lansing Bus table models, $7 per month. A 11 d river (male) must have also rant an d institutional manage­ BUCK 1962, Special, s t a t i o n tra s. Reasonable. Phone 3 3 ' - vised. $9. per week. Spartan Station, ED .2-2813, 37 se ts guaranteed, n o service o r Aetna Life Insurance C o.: A rts some ability as a mechanic and ment juniors for SUMMER EM­ wagon, private owner. Low m il­ 0196. 3 “ Hall, 215 Louis, 332-2574. COTTON is to staples as fruit delivery ch arges. Call Nejac TV and letters, communication arts, will have some public relations eage, excellent condition. Call PLOYMENT. FORD 19o9, 2-d o o r, V -8, stick, __________________________ 38 Is to aples. Aples are for saple, Rentals, IV 2 -0 6 2 4 . C social science (B,M ), math (B). work; counter girl openings. 332-34 76. 38 good shape, must sell. $600. or WANT GIRL to share niceTy!ur~ H orticulture Building. C34 Am erican Standard Industrial X erox C orp .: Accounting and DIAPER SERVICE, sam e diapers The Udylite C orp.: Chem istry 1953 PONTIAC ¿ .P .O ., sell or best offer. 332-8064. 36 nished room, cooking, 1/2 block Div.: E le ctrica l, mechanical (B) general business (B,M), m arket­ returned e i t h e r yours or ours. (B,M,D) m ajors f o r research trade for a Spider. Phone IV 9 - engineers. ing and finance (M), engineering 1957 PONTIAC, 2-door, hardtop. to bus lines. Call 332-6736. With our serv ice, you may include custom er se rv ice , mechanical, 5869. 35 ____________________ 36 $295. Phone IV 9-1895, 412 Haze. two pounds of baby clothes that Chippewa Ranch: openings for e lectrical (B) engineers. and science (B,M ), physics and 1961 CORVAIR MONZA, g o o d chem istry (B.M ), electrical and FA1RVIEW ST ., u n a p p r o v e d , do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. waterfront d i r e c t o r , arch ery , Universal E lectric C o.: E le c­ shape, white with red interior, mechanical (B,M). male students. Opening for 3 in AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE riflery, canoeing, handicraft in­ trica l (B) engineers. TU 2-5202 - call anytime. if E m p lo ym e n t furnished house. Call 485-8836. 914 E. Gler Street stru cto r. Minimum age 18. M/ F , U.S. Air F o rc e : All m ajors, all (continued on page 7) 36 36 ____________ IV 2-0864_________ C SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. PONTIAC G R A N D PRIX 1963, FU LL TIME Receptionist, also full power. Call IV 4-8528, 37 part-tim e Beautician. Apply in WILL CARE for in my home, small Factory Mutual Engineering ★ F o r Sale Med School Plan child or infant. Mature lady. IV Di v . : E le ctrica l, mechanical, FORD 1956, V -6, a u t Dm a 1 1c, person. Jacobson’ s BeautySalon, 5 -0 5 2 9 . 36 civil, physical science (B) engi­ radio, heater, good tire s, $125, East Lansing. 36 8 -tra n sisto r radios - Special buy Call 355-9798. 36 GREAT LAKES EMP1 OYMF'nT on a real good 1963 model per­ J O B R E S U M E S - 100 copies, neers. $4.00. Aldinger Direct Mail Ad­ have a third and fourth y e a r,” XK-E JAGUAR, '62 conv. Beau- for p e r m a n e n t positions in mits sale at $12.88. Limited quan­ Godwin Heights Public Schools: (continued from page 1) vertising. 533 North Clippert. Hubbard said. "Without refer­ tiful! 14,500 m iles. Powder blue. office, sales! technical. L al! IV tity. A C E H A R D W H E R E & Elem entary education (B ), spe­ IV 5-2213. C program until 1969,” he said. ence to President Hannah speci­ All a c c e s s o r i e s . Regretfully 2-1543. C35 GIFTS, a cro ss from Union Build- cial education (B,M). M /F . must sell before March 1. $5,600 EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an ing. ED 2-3212._______________C c a r f o r only $ 3 , " 0 0 ! C a l l ED Avon representative. Turn your N E W PLATFORM r o c k e r s , V E T 'S T . V. RENTALS f o r students. Econom ical rates bythe term and Internal Revenue Service, De­ troit D istrict Office: Accounting, “ They said they could probably fically, every tw o-year school take m ore than they a re now which has had the opportunity taking for the third and fourth has turned into a four-year scljjtol 2 —3145 after 6:00 p.m. 35 free time into $$. F o r appoint­ $19.95-$169.95 L arge selection. ment in your home write or call: LOOK B -4 -U Buy Storage F u r­ ASSOCIATION month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT­ police administration, business ALS - 3 55-6026. Call after 5. administration (B). M /F . year of medical instruction.” as soon as it could. OLDSMOBILE 1940 with '56 Olds He also said it is unlikely that Knisely said it is inappro­ motor. Will trade for motorcycle M rs. Alona Huckins, 5664 School niture Sales, 4601 N. U.S. 27, IMPORTANT ___________________________ C L ever B roth ers C o.: Market­ m ore than half of MSU’ s medical priate for Hubbard to speak«for St., Haslert, Michigan or call eve- IV 7-0173. C34 JEAN-A-WlNS has excellent stud ing, b u s i n e s s administration, or what have you. 882-1139. nings, FE 9-8483.__________ C34 MEETING TONIGHT serv ice, miniature S c h n a u z e r arts and le tte rs, communication students will go to Wayne and MSU with regard to expansior 3- DEPENDABLE BUSBOYS and BEAUTIFUL LOTS on private son of international champion. a rts , social science (B,M)- the U-M. ito a fou r-year program . Lake near Gaylord, Michigan. substitutes w a n t e d for Delta PH. Tom Krause, 489-9021 or CO RAL Also expert grooming. 372-3465. Milwaukee Public Schools: All "W e a re giving our students “ One example where a t\to- a program to qualify them to year medical program has Jio Gamma house. Call ED 2-3457. 332-1706. 37 35 8:30 enter any fou r-year shcool in converted to a four-year program 34 SEWING MACHINE, B LY -JU ST TYPING SERVICE A m erica. We have already had is Dartmouth,” he said. "D a rt­ STORY WAITRESSES full-time a rd p a rt- tim e. Night work only, is mini­ $49.95 buys a 1963 zlg zag sew­ All VETS with 21 months THESES AND term papers typed. Charicade Prizes requests from Kentucky, Duke, mouth has had a tw o-year pro­ mum a g e . ( a i l 1 7 5-7179 for ing machine with all the e x tra s: on Active Duty Welcome E le ctric typewriter. F ast s e r ­ Cornell, Virgina and o th ers.” gram for about 150 y ears «|rv appointment, 37 Guaranteed sewing instructions. v ice. 332-4597. 38 "T h ere will probably be no it has not gone into a four FULL, or PAR 7 time commission Easy term s. PHONE OL 5-2 0 5 4 . UNCLE FUD’S PARTY S h o p . IMMEDIATE SERVICE, general May Be Claimed need for either of the two p re­ year program .” I Sells For Less selling. C ar n ecessary. For in­ C.35 Party supplies and beverages. typing, theses, etc. E lectric type­ sent fou r-year medical schools The MSU medical head irfjll ORGAN, ELEC TR IC , 2 manual Kosher sandwiches. T w o m iles w riter. Phone 355-1246 after 5:30 Winners of the Campus Chest in Michigan to expand facili­ cated he has tried to avoid dls terview, call IV 9-0833 from AGO console, excellent condition. east on Grand River. C p.m . 34 Charicade drawing may claim tie s .” putes between MSU an U-M ove 9 :0 0 -5 :0 0 . 35 6 2 ’ Chevrolet 2-door sedan in­ Reasonable. 372-1529 or after CONSUMERS REPORT favorably The U-M dean also told the the medical issue. He said*h SECOND COOK, responsible sup- TYPING IN my home. lS y ears their p rizes by contacting the cludes radio, heater andwhite 6;00 p.m ., IV 5-9 0 3 9 . 36 on insurance from Bubolz. Con­ com m ittees that a terminal two- Intends to continue discussion -ervisory position. Necessary to se cre ta ria l experience. E lectric Campus Chest office between 2 wall tire s. S I OR V / SELLS sume some yourself. 332-8671 - year medical school program Is with both Wayne and U-M to In have experience in large volume T.V . 2 4 ,” blonde console, ex­ typewrite r. IV 7-0619._____ C 35 and 4 p.m . by Thursday. CHEVROLET'S FOR LESS. 220 Albert. C34 The winner of the all-exp ense- one that has no support in term s sure that facilities a re availajil cooking’. A 11 benefits. Apply cellent condition, $70; antique GENERAL TYPING - Immediate $1295. of n a t i o n a l m e d i c a l school for MSU students. Sparrow. Hospital Personnel Of­ glass front ch erry dish cabinet, FORT L a u d e r d a l e ' - budgTt serv ice. Phone 355-1237. C35 paid date is Paul Griffin, stu­ accrediting policy. The national outlook at MSU- i: fice. 36 $45. ED 2 -5 6 1 0 . 35 tours arranged. Call Main T ravel EXECUTIVE QUALITY typing. dent number 087425. RECH.T e RED NURSES, f u l l or PORTABLE T Y P E W R I T E R - Bureau. IV 4-4441. C27 The other winners and their “ T here is a definite national regard to its two-; ’ ar progr«n 57 Oldsmobile -4 door s e d a n Block off campus. Reasonable. comes complete with power part time, 11-7 or 3-11. Good sal­ J.K . & S.H. - ' Look before you student numbers are David P . need f o r additional tw o -y e a r fitting in with medical college, Olympia P r e c i s i o n . Buy the No job too large or too sm all. ary and differential plus other finest. T e rm s available. H assel- leap” Saturday, February 29 at medical program s, Knisely said. a cro ss the nation has been appar- steering, power brakes, radio, Phone BARBIE M EL.. 332-3255 B risto l, 374619; Dorothy Clune, the Spinster Spin. 36 "T h e American Association of ant for some tim e. * heater, automatic transm is­ fringe benefits. Flexible t i m e bring Company, 310 N. Grand. 29 363038; Ronald Abdella, 373181; sion and white wall tire s . schedule. Meal furnished. Phone IV 2- 1219. ANN BROWN typist and multilith R o d n e y Lhyle, 331286; Bob Medical Colleges has recom m en­ T h e Michigan Coordinartnj C35 SPARTAN FLIGHTS - Spring va­ $495. ED 2-0801. 41 offset printing (black & white & Schoening, 353679; Pat Covert, ded starting of tw o-year medical Council Committee on Mediea WHITE DINNER JACKET, tux cation flights to where the funis. p rogram s,” he added. Education recommended t hif 329459; Joe Whitaker, 375052; ADM1NISTRA 11VE C A R E E R S : an d a cc e s s o rie s , size 40 long, Daytona $79., NYC, $55. - round color). IBM. General t y p i n g , MSU is not the only university MSU develop a one and a hall * SEVERAL TRAINEES are being like new, reasonable. Call 337- trip. Don’t get left behind; call term papers, thesis, d isse rta - Don Goldman, 373165; Don De- 59’ Chevrolet Impala Convert­ developing tw o-year program s; year medical program . Univer­ added to our home office staff 9559. C35 now 332-8563, M -F, 1-5 p.m . pons. ED-2--8384. .. . C G e u s , 373948; A l l a n Lietzke, ible has power steering, power EDIE ST A R R, TYPIST, T heses, 362402; J o e A s s a f f , 370636; others are planned in Arizona, sity officials decided on t\tto- in various adm inistrative posi­ HOUSTRAILER Windsor, 4 6X10, ______________________________ 38 brakes, radio, heater auto­ d issertations, term papers, gen­ C a r o l y n P a p p , 344600; Sid New Mexico and at Brown Uni­ years so that MSU graduates tions. This is an opportunity to 1 bedroom, patio, choice loca­ build a c a re e r in a constantly tion. Reasonable. Okemos. 33 7 - ★ Peanuts Personal matic transm ission and white eral typing. Experienced, IBM Sichter, 330843; William Warak, versity in Rhode Island. could enter medical program s wall tires. S T O R Y SELLS E le ctric . OR 7-8232._________ C 350578; Paul Bashwell, 374932; "If there is a tw o-year school anywhere in the United Sta£es growing industry. W e are p ri­ 7633. 48 THE DELTA CHI pledge cla ss e x - CONVERTIBLES FOR LESS. TYFTNG In my home^ S h i r l e y and a student identified only as developed at MSU, the p ressu res instead of just at Wayne aiid marily interested in March grad­ HOT POTS are here, $2.59. Also tends heartfelt thanks to the Delta $895 uates with m ajors in general bus­ Decker, F o r e s t Ave. Lansing. Mangles, 357365. would develop very quickly to U-M. coffee cup heaters. ACE HARD- Chi actives, without whose inval- Phone IV 2-7 2 0 8 .__________ C iness, liberal a r ts , economics, WHERE & GIFTS, E . Grand River uable assistance th e most su c- / _ PEAN UTS etc. June graduates who could a cro ss from Union. ED 2-3212. cessful pledge raid in Delta Chi THfc I-LOGO UJATERb RATS!. J STORY work part time until graduation _____________________________ O history c o u l d never h a v e suc­ w i l l be given consideration. MOBILE HOME, Ritzcraft 10 ceeded. __________________ 34 Phone M r. A stalos, 485-8121 for X 50. Like new, DELTA CHI acrives - Fröph'ies - OLDSMOBILE an appointment at the Farm Bur­ Low down payment. Call IV 5 - D.G., D.Z., Pi Phi-Basketball - eau Insurance Company home of­ 0329 or 3 32-1075. 37 Alpha Phi, Composite-Theta’ s, I W O R LD ’S LA R G E S T fice in Lansing. 35 SEALPOINT SIAMESE kittens! 7 Gavel - T ri Delt’s, Horn-Kappas. OLDSMOBILE D E A L E R DELIVERY B O Y , nights. C a r weeks old. House broken, ador- 34 needed. A p p l y in person, 211 able. 4027 Aurelius Rd., call 88 2 - HERE’S TO Benny; he's true blue. Phone IV 2-1311 M.A.C. 36 6526. 37 ' 34 Michigan State News, E a s t L an si ng , Michigan T ue s da y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 196 4 7 Fern Cagers Win Still Undefeated G r a p p le r s S q u e e ze B y O SU pull out the meet and the big Okie face their last dual meet foe of Buckeyes Monday afternoon at the was drawn by Dick Cook as he C o a c h Grady P e n i n g e r s Phyllis Huerstel, playing less was not to be denied. the season, the’ Gophers of the An undefeated Michigan State By S T E V E E L L I O T T IM Sports Arena. fought to a 6 -6 tie with Joe ch arges w e r e up to t h e task. McClure pinned an 8 -3 decision University of Minnesota. After women’ s basketball team gained than half the game, upped her av­ State News Sports Writer The victory raisedState’ s won- Piccioni. Bob Hansen then re g ­ T e rry Leonard, rebounding from on L ester M oes, leaving McClure that, they will spend a week p re­ its third successive win of the erage to 2 3 ." points with a season lost mark over the .5 0 0 level, istered the first MSU victory of Saturday’ s 4 -0 blanking, downed Fighting obvious fatigue, after legving them at 5 -4-1. It was Ohio with an unblemished 6 -0 - 4 record paring for the BigTenChampion­ season by crushing Jackson Jun­ high output of 26 points. Ruth the afternoon as he topped Dick Norman Nominee in the 167-pound two days of re s t, the Spartan m at- State-s third loss. for the season. ships at Madison, Wis. March 6 ior College 76-16 Friday in the Backus added 19 in addition to r e ­ B liss, 10-4. cla ss 6-1. He thereby increased bounding well and setting up sev­ men won a-com e-from -behind T h e day started orninoUsly Friday afternoon the Spartans and 7. 'Women’ s IM Building. At this point Ohio State lead by his team leading team-point total 14-11 decision over the Ohio State enough. A1 Huckins lost the open­ Frid ay's meet will be held in eral other sco re s. Cheryl Towne three, 8 -5 . The count was upped to 25 for the season. the Sports Arena of the Men's tallied 13 points to round out State ing match to OSU’s Mike B e rry , by three m ore as Glen Mitchell Em erson B oles then tied the IM Building at 3 p.m. Placem ent% players in the double figures. 6 -2 Joe Ganz was victimized, as squeezed Monty Byington, 5 -4 , meet at 11-11 with a 3 -0 win over F iv e In v ited B u rea u T h e youthful, inexperienced Jackson squad just couldn't cope Champion he lost to Gary Joseph, 3-1, in a battle of 130-pouners. and State was faced with the p ros­ pect of having to make up a six L a rry McQuerry. That left if up to undefeated Homer McClure to To M asters P lay with the fast breaking Spartans point deficit in three m atches. (continued from page 6) as the Creen and White rolled to Favored F irs t blood for the Spartans (UPl)— Five newcomers will Coed Bowler quarter leads of 2 2 -5 , 35-7 and be in the field for the famed Morch 2, 3 45-13. Region Winner The Kroger Co.:-Accounting, Coach M arjorie Smith substi­ tuted freely in the rout, using both Over Clay Intramural News M asters Golf Tournament this sprang. Committee Chairman Clifford Janice Klein, Blue Island, 111., business administration, w are­ first and second units/but was un­ The oddsmakers are holding junior, has been selected to r e ­ 11-12 — Em inence-Em bassy Hvywt. — Tom Drahnak-John Roberts says first-tim e invita­ present region seven In the Wo­ housing and transportation, food able to keep the score down. Miss firm on tonight’ s heavyweight MEN’S 8:30 p.m. Ruzmich tions have been sent to Richard men's International B o w l i n g distribution, arts and letters, Smith said she felt the reserv es championship bout a t Miami Basketball Schedule I - 2 — East Shaw 1-3 Guardiloa, John Owens, Walter tournament to be held in April communication arts, social sci­ played well and gained valuable Beach. Residence Hall Swimming Time Gym I (Ct. 1) 3 -4 — Wildcats-Wiquassett Stahl, Dean Refram and Jack in Minneapolis. ence (B,M ). playing experience. Champion Sonny Liston r e ­ 8 — McKinnon-Winner (McBeth- 5 -6 — Wicliff-Windjammer N. Wonders Hall completely Rule. Guardiloa, Owens and Stahl Miss Klein recently copped Camp Sequoia, Inc.: Education, Two more games are on tap this mains a heavy choice to beat McGregor) 7 -8 — McRae-McKinnon dominated the Residence Hall were q uarter-finalists in last runner up honors in women's physical education, recreation or week. State plays host to Eastern unbeaten young challenger C as­ 9 — M cFadden-Loser (McBeth- 9 -1 0 — Mclnnes-McCoy Swimming Championships by tak­ y ear's amateur championships, bowling competition at Bowling others. Minimum age 18. M/ F . Michigan with the second team sius Clay. McGregor) I I -1 2 — McDuff-McClaine ing six first places out of the while Refram finished in the top Green, Ohio, with a total of game slated to start at 6:00 p.m. Clay has been anything but im­ Gym I (Ct. 2) 10 events. In addition to their six 16 in last y e a r's National Open. 554 and teamed with sophomore The varisty contest is scheduled pressive in training, but p re­ Weightlifting Results 6 — Wight-Wildcats first places they also took three Rule was named as one of two Ann Ransom for a 948 doubles for an hour later. dicts he will knock out the cham­ 7 — Wisdom-Winshire T here were 16 participants in (continued on page 8) pros on the PGA fall tour. total and another second place. Hot Shoppes, Inc.: Business ad­ Friday the ferns entertain Wes­ pion in the eighth round. 8 — Casino-Carleton t h e Weightlifting Tournament ministration, hotel, restaurant tern Michigan in a battle s ta rt­ Prom oters expect gross r e ­ 9 — C a c h e - W i n n e r (Cabana- held Saturday morning in the an d institutional management, ing at 6:30 p.m. Both games will ceipts from all sources of some arts, social science (B,M). be held at the Women’ sIM 55 million, a record. Cambridge) Gym II (Ct. 3) 6 — Embassy-W inner (Em erald- Men’ s I.M. Building. 139 lb. — Ken Hyde - Jeff Hamann 160 lb. — Sam P i e r c e - D o u g CAM RUS Ember s) Campbell & Jim Brye 7 — NO GAME 181 lb. — Je r r y C arr-L aw ren ce — 317-027! „ .J S K B f & l ► 999-9944 — 8 — Sigma Chi-Theta Chi Schenk T h a n t S e e k s C y p ru s P e a c e 9 — Phi Sigma Kappa-S.A.E. T astT d a y s i 65c to 5:30 Eve. 90Ç Gym II (Ct. 4) IHFBESTJILEO.RE.IGN.IlLMt 6 — E.M .U .-T o be announced 1 :2 0 -3 :2 0 -5 :2 0 -7 :2 5 -9 :3 0 7 — H u stlers-B eetles A s I s le T r a i n s F o r F ig h t in g 8 — Uncle Tom’ s -Rinky Dinks 9 — Bacon’ s Hams-Augie’ sA ce s UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. f - Thant held a working lunch that enson of the United States, A r- Gym III (Ct. 5) U.N. Secretary-G eneral U Thant included Sir Patrick Dean of sene Usher of the Ivory Coast 6 — Snyder 10-16 I TODAY . . . kept doggedly at the task Mon­ Britain, Nikolai T. Fedorenko of and Sivert Nielsen of Norway, 7 — E ast Shaw 1-9 B Thru Thursday: day of trying to sweep away obstacles in the path of an ag ree­ the Soviet Union, Adlai E . Stev­ all Security Council mem bers. 8 — E ast Shaw 4-10 9 — L .C .A .-D elta Upsilon I FIR S T SHOW 7:00 P.M. SIEVE ment for peace on Cyprus. Gym III (Ct. 6) “ SATAN SCORES McQUEEN There were no outward indi­ cations he was having any luck as dispatches from Cyprus r e ­ S a y s M o re W o m e n 6 — Snyder 12-15 7 — Wolverton-Woodbridge 8 — W orcester-Woodward 9 — West Shaw 5-Winner (West Shaw 1-4) AS A PRANKSTER! A jovial Satan has seven mischievous pranks to play on Love m with e APIMMOUH TRflftSi ported the Mediterranean island was turning into a gigantic armed N o w T a k in g Jo b s Mankind and a Starts Thurs. ■»mie imac sowman camp with thousands of Greek delighted audience." Fo r reasons ranging from eco ­ nation's and Michigan s occupa­ Time — Cooft, World Telegram and Turkish Cypriot youths r e ­ tional structure have ‘ ‘tended to Qrfnaqeousfer vems ceiving weapons training. nomic necessity to a desire ‘ ‘to 9 — Kappa Sigma Evans Scho- favor women w orkers.” serve society and fulfill them­ selv es,” women in increasing “ T h e significant growth in la rs 9:45 — Sigma Chi-Case •m m Archbishop Makarios, Greek Cypriot President ofCyprus, was numbers are entering Michigan’ s c le rica l, se rv ice , professional labor force. .and w hite-collar occupations in Fraternity Volleyball UBMKMDMBni M-6Mpresents ASevenArts Production reported ready to ask for a This is the report of Daniel general lias created a g reater Tim e Sports Arena 7:10 and 9:30 P.M. special session of the U.N. Gen­ H. Kruger, p rofessor of labor demand for women w o rk ers." 6 — Z .B .T .-S .A .E .* eral Assembly if Thant’ s efforts and industrial relations, who says Why do women go to work? 6:30 — L .C .A .-D .T .D . U< work through the Security that the rise of "womanpower in Those working for economic FRIDAY: C ouncil fail. Michigan” will continue for y ears reasons, he says, include m ar­ Residence Hall Bowling Tied in with this report was another that Makarios is con­ sidering recognizing Red China, to come. Kruger, writing in the Febru­ ary issue of the Michigan E co­ ried women who are sole bread­ winners of their families; those who “ feel they have little choice but to work” to supplement in­ Alleys 6 p.m. 1-2 — C achet-Cavalier 3 -4 — Cabana-Casino MONDOCAM Plu s: J y C liff Robertson m eow * nomic Record, notes that the ra te as a slap at U .S .-B ritish oppo­ sufficient wages earned by their 5 -6 — Casopolis-Carleton "WOMEN Jane Fonda of employed women in the state sition to his viewpoint. 7 -8 — Cameron-Caribbean O F T H E W ORLD" ro se from 27.3 p er cent in 1950 husbands; and those “ who work Rod Taylor simply because the family style 9 -1 0 — B randy- Brougham T h e 17-nation council of Eu­ to 32.7 per cent in 1960. In 1960, he r e p o r t s , about ' of life requires more than one rope called its foreign m inisters 613,000 women were employed in wage e a rn e r.” to hold an emergency session to “ Apart from economic neces­ Michigan. By 1962 the total had discuss whether it should p ro ­ sity ,” according to Kruger, “ wo­ vide some so rt of police-arm y risen to S82.000. The “ host of new social r e ­ men may also seek employment for Cyprus if Thant’ s efforts fail. lationships and attendant prob­ because they prefer business or lem s” created by this trend, professional life. WANTED: he says, will be "counterbalanced "T h is kind of woman tends to .i«11it thought of tli« In addition to a serie s of talks cifkalK What I li,i by the valuable contribution of regard homemaking as monot­ with Security Council members and principals in the dispute, women to the national wealth. onous and stultifying compared He notes that changes in the with life at the office.” interviews with ikI va,is a job where it a lot of assistants, it would be nice. students capable of Pn sif lt nl of ( A' Wi n nice. Max he the) (oiil1«-ut\ of stock options. what I think. Largest Department Store in Ohio AND A DIVISION OF FEDERATED DEPARTMENT STORES, INC. N IN A H E R B IE Will Interview on Campus S IM O N E M A N N P l a c e m e n t B u r e a u — T u e s d a y , Wednesday M a r c h 3 and 4 I (I Im XXtiling to settle for 0 You reali v hax e a wax of .1 \h e~president V seeing through a problem. Rooming with von has THE RON Look why don't xon see il \im i .iti qualify lor on.' taught me a lot. Ill El|lll!.ll)l,''.S t'M'Cllliu' MOONSHINERS ELIRON Lazarus offers rapid advancement and exceptional financial opportunity for In te rv ie w s f o r th e se fie ld s o f In te re s t: tramutìi programs the work IS interesting. Folk Trio r ° lk Singtr SotiriU capable young men and women. Q uali­ T O N I G H T : T u e s ., F e b . 25-8:15 p .m . ties sought are a b ility, initia tive and • merchandising UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM im a g in a tio n . T h e Lazarus tra in in g m e th o d p u ts tra in e e s , e a rly , in to • restaurant management • sales promotion R e s e rve d Seats: $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 decision-making positions so th a t they \, I -,,,S(. |>i ,, , ,,t nthi ; 1 fut tin« l.miitalilc’s emplox ment representative can prepare themselves for executive • finance . ampti* <)i x\tin (<• Will tain fr. Blevins, Employment M a n a g e r . O N S A L E NOW responsibility. • personnel Fh r £ Q U IT A 8 U life A ssu ran ce S ociety of th e U nited S tates U N IO N T I C K E T O F F I C E Jfi.nn rnfui IJHŸ A \« mu- of tin Americas, New York, N.Y. 10019 © 1 9 6 8 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, M ich ig an Tuesday, F eb ru ary 25, 1964 CAPtion: P r a is e s N o a c k Shop Wednesday Ode On Fight Nite East Lansing Noon to 9 P.M. W in P le a s e s F o rd d y By JERO M E CA PLA N State's two biggest a s s e ts — its He also had some p raise for Anderson commended reserve Anderson said he felt the team State News Sports Editor fast, high powered offense and the young Hawkeye team : center Bill Noack for his relief was r e a d y for the important good rebounding—w ere cited by “ They elected to run with us perform ance after FredThomann league clash with Northwestern basketball coach Forddy Ander­ and stayed close to u s ." fouled out in the second half. Saturday. Both team s are playing son as the prim ary facto rs in the Iowa trailed only 5 3 -5 0 at the Noack played only ten minutes .500 ball with State (6-6) and the ft#® Spartans 107-89 triumph over half and cam e within five points but scored ten points on four Wildcats (5-5), A first division Iowa Saturday. midway in the second stanza field goals in four attempts and fourth-place berth will be at "T h is was one of our better before six straight Spartans bas­ hitting two of two from the free stake. e ffo rts ." Anderson said. “ We kets halted the comeback drive. throw line. “ Saturday will be the last home rebounded well and had only ten State had a good night from the His effort was summed up by game for four sen io rs,” Ander­ tu rn o v ers." field, hitting nearly 50 per cent Anderson as "ten minutes of son said, “ and we would like to "W e ’ re playing pretty good as they connected on 44 baskets perfect basketball." end up on a winning note.” basketball now and steadily im­ in 92 attem pts. Iowa managed L I S T O N and C L A Y . . . E y e s Have It proving." only 35 in 90 shots. T o d a y 's the day. Tonight’ s the night I n t r a m u r a l N ew s When the Lip and the B e a r (continued from page <7) Ali Managers Are going to fight. second place m edals. Emmons, F o r C a s s i u s Clay the day is her e E ast Shaw and Wilson battled To prove what he sa y s o r dis a p pe a r. for second position in the stand­ All persons remaining in the WÊS ings with Emmons finishing just Handball Tournaments s h o u l d Listo n is angr y, just ask the p r e s s . one point ahead of E ast Shaw check with the Intramural Office Ü : Clay is noisy, we have to co n f e s s . and seven points ahead of Wilson. and play their next match by F r i ­ Wonders had 64 points, Emmons day. Which round S o n n y gets to him d o e s n ’ t 28, E ast Shaw 27 and Wilson 21. matter; R esults; E ntries a re being accepted for 200 yd. Medley Relay the Michigan State Intramural The minute he does. C l a y ’ s going to s p l a t t e r . , a .n 1st. — Wonders 1:51.5 W restling, Badmintion and Fen c­ > This day we’ve awaited m ea ns a r et ur n 2nd. — Emmons ing Championships. Deadline is 50 yd. F reestyle 5 p.m . Friday, To college s p o r t s news, for which we y e a r n ; 1st. — Mike Fink (Wonders) F o r wasting time on Miami B e a c h fighting 24.0 m i Check w i t h t h e Intrumural Is a l m o s t as s e n s e l e s s as s p o r ts column 2nd. — Dick Ernsburger (Won­ Office for all play-off schedules. ders) writing. 50 yd. Butterfly This pertains to Hockey, Basket­ ball and Volleyball. 1st. — Dave Beglinger (Snyder) 26.9 L e a g u e S till K n o t t e d 2nd. — Steve Silvernail (Won­ ders) 5 - yd. B reaststrok e The Big Ten basketball race share the title with Michigan. 1st. — BruceKordenbrock (Won­ ders) 30.8 Junior Year appears to be heading for a dead­ Both Michigan and Ohio State have identical marks o f9 -2 share 2nd. - Dick D oerr (Emmons) liest finish between Ohio State and the University of Michigan the lead in the Big Ten. Both teams have three games 50 yd. Backstroke 1st. — Jim Mclntoch (Emmons) in WÈ Wolverines. The final buzzer for the end apiece yet to play in the season. 26.7 of the Big Ten cage seasonsounds on March 9, but it may wind up MIAMI If — Royce Atwood 2nd. — John Dawson (E ast Shaw) 100 yd. F reesty le New York mm%I*®#* I H Jr- Wight was taking a nap in the 1st. — Jim Henderson (Wonders) with Michigan still seeking its bedroom of his small cottage but 53.4 first title since 1948. suddenly awoke and dashed out 2nd. — Randy Mathews (E ast A n u n u s u a l o n e -y e a r If Michigan shares the title with the Buckeyes, Michigan will be of the room recently. Shaw) Seconds later a 36-foot, th re e - 100 yd. Individual Medley c o l le g e p r o g r a m . the team to go the NCAA tourna­ ton concrete piling, which work­ 1st — Dick Doerr (Emmons) ment. A league policy says that men had been erecting near the 1:03.4 the team which last won the Big place, crashed through the roof. UP IT G O ES -S tate and Jackson Junior College cagers watch 2nd. — Steve Silvernail (Won­ Ten title would not go to the “I had a p r e m o n i t i o n of the ball round the rim during women’ s varsity game at WIM ders) big cage tournament, which in trouble,” said the grateful Wight. (Record set in the prelim inaries W rite fo r effect rules out Ohio State if they Building Saturday. See story page 7. . by D o e rr-l:0 2 .9 ) brochure JY-4 DefensemenLackey, Jake 200 yd. F reestyle 1st. — D arrell Porath (Bailey) Sigma Chi 2:10.1 iunior Year Program P i 2nd. — Rick Zwald (McDonel) Takes Crown 200 yd. F reesty le Relay Washington Square Have Only One Weakness 1st. - - Wonders 1:38.8 College Sigma Chi won the IM fra te r­ 2nd. — Wilson New York University nity table tennis championship (Record set in the prelim inaries New York 3, N. Y. edging Zeta Beta Tau and Sig­ by W on ders-l:35.0) ma Nu. Dick Warner of Sigma Diving weeks collegiate hockey will have indicated w h e n Lackey was in­ Chi won the singles crown, de­ 1st. — Doug McCall (Wonders) By DICK SONANDERS been a thing of the past for the jured in the early-season game feating Jim Gierch of Theta Chi, State News Sports Writer 114.9 points pair. with Clarkson. 21- 12, 14-21, 21- 11, 17-21 and 2nd. — Gary Schlierf (McDonel) Team Captain Lackey is from Jacobson had to play 42 min­ 2 1 -6 . C arl Lackey and Jim Jacobson have been the defensive backbone Sault Ste. M arie. He received utes without relief — an unus­ Z .B .T . w a s th e d e f e n d i n g h is hockey training f r o m the ually long period to play in colle­ champion in the tournament. They of State’ s hockey squad this sea­ son, but they both have one weak­ city 's recreation al p r o g r a m . giate hockey. faced a strong Sigma Nu doubles State Coach Amo Bessone consid­ When Lackey an d Jacobson team com prised of Bill Schwarz ness. The two upper peninsula na­ tives are both seniors. e rs Lackey to be the best skating graduate, a big hole will need to and Bob Rendel. Schwarz and aefenseman in the Western C ol- be filled. Another senior defense- Rendel defeated the title de­ They’ve been on the Spartan hockey team since their sopho­ ■ legiate C o n f e r e n c e . man, Nick Musat w i l l also be fenders in the final 21- 8 and more d a y s , but in three more His leadership qualities indi­ gone, creating problems galore 21-10. cated wh e n the players unan­ for Bessone. T here were 17 four man team s imously voted him to be the 1963- in the tournament. Sigma Nu by |É&. ; 64 captain. Lackey plays on pow­ virtue of their doubles win as­ er drives when the opposing team sured them of a second place has a man in the penalty box. He tie with Z .E .T , also plays a lot when penalties Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma need killing. An ankle injury has ‘Alpha Epsilon were tied for third been bothering him for much the season and may hurt his chances for being named to an A ll-A m eri­ can squad. Jacobson, known as Jake to his team m ates, is from Marquette. He is built well for adefenseman and has excellent balance. His main job is body checking and, ac­ cording to Bessone, he does this as well as any defensemen in the league. Jacobson a n d Lackey a r e double duty players. They see a c­ CARL LACKEY tion in killing penaltys and in pow­ er plays. Jak e’ s greatness was JIM JACOBSON £>'OinAte/i6, d o y ou know abou t p r o p o r tio n e d Knapp’s free classes Stanbury slacks * F E B . 29 in baby care? S U P E R IO R IT Y C O M P L E X * $4 per couple by Century Demonstrations and p ractice in dressing, handling and N O W S E L L IN G F O R .5 0 » 2:00 L A T E P E R S bathing a baby help you feel m ore confident with . So you’re n o t a football hero, a big Brain, * * K ELLO G G CEN TER T IC K E T S ON your own new little one. You also learn what to pack for the hospital, and visit the maternity floor oi a local hospital. 7.98 Hot: rodder. You can s till be t o p m a n in D e p a rtm e n '!... if you let SHORT CUT S A L E AT J u s t the righ t weight. . . .just New 7-Week Series starts February 27. Join any take control of y o u r top! It’ll shape up UNION T IC K E T Thursday at 2 P.M . You can complete the 7-Week the ri ght styling and just the the toughest crew cut, brush cut, a n y series whenever you join. . .it’ s continuous. ri ght p r o p o r t io n s fo r p e r f e c t cut; give it life, body, m anageability. O F F IC E . Spring t i m e w e a r . D a c r o n Give you the best-looking h air around DOWNTOWN-5TH F L O O R AUDITORIUM (R) p o l y e s t e r and cotton s l a c k s —and a feeling of natural superiority. So get w ith it! Get Old Spice in b l ac k , h e a t h e r navy, o r SHORT CUT H air Groom by h e a t h e r brown. Side zipper ShuHon . . . -- - with e l a s t i c i n s e r t at waist. tube or jar,on/y .50 plus tax. Sh or t. A v e r a g e , Ta l l . A v a i l a ­ ble in m i s s e s s i z e s . S P O R T S W E A R E A S T LANSIN G S T R E E T L E V E L