M. S. C. Library East Lar.sir-g, Mich. Michigan StaleNews f ;iv dv tonifht s FAST I ANSTVt.. MK FIHIAN, Till IM ANTIQUATED TRADITIONS SHELVED BY COUNCIL Pledge List Shows Increase Over Last Fear Group Throws Overboard FRATERNITY PLEDGE QUOTA 7 ARTS GROUP Prof.Marv He,,,inch Dies; WOLVERINE HAS Outwore Tradition Lists; Restates Necessary Rules REACHES ONE HUNDRED THIRTY PLANS VENTURE Can,,, us Figure Beloved STAFF TRYOUTS of Well- AS EARLY LIST IS REVAMPED IN DRAMATICS Diath Fndi farm krawo Trathrr, Lrcturtr. ONWEDNESDAV From Accumulation of Obsolete nt Provided; Council Sets a s F. lections. I of Probation fUjini fur Pioap-rlivi- Initiator; Slifht Clob'i EoOa.oa to B* Part ol f Rpipomp Shown in Fiosii Turnouts at Yearbook llrop in Total of Plrdgrs Srrn Rut May Nrwly foraalitrd Coorral Br Rrmovril at R. lain footinur Eipaonoo Polity LISTS OTHER MOVES STAFF TO BE REDUCED Will Prnoot Daocr Rrtital Snapihot fonlrit Annuunc ' > MarDnnald for Studrnt Motital Pruframi Aoaoootri First Forrifo Fil» PrMtotalion Partiripatinu (.i ts (,rm < m < s l'<>•./ in Ii'*tit:ih )'. M. Ilu reau W idens Scopi r >racJte Games STATE ENTERS M.S.C. ALUMNI READING TRIALS HOLD MEETINGS Members of Four Edurattonal Local Dtbatori Will ParlKipat- Districts Will Gather in io l»t»rprrtn» Rtadioi M chtian. Coatrtla P! KAPPA DELTA a. a p*nd- '•'« 'he Ui ... '• Freshmen Are Told About Var¬ RELATIONS CLUB OVER 3.100 MARK ious Forensic Activities TO MEET OCT. 12 On Campos. Italy Fi»« Ptf fcol Drtrraac BAND MEMBERSHIP HAS DECREASED Spartan Discussion and Cor ret p Group Anoounci Traditions M'ai# «Tian «0 M»'>u«a/i Year s Plans. rr No <*r .miAc uai < I ,|||. Ill II. ItU lift - i d bin nart to fi~tc-r lb* niflitrflMl. *fff v.; v L entering ft eek or *> oand dim-tor u working hard |o Hu»u- The ii'imle-r of high «WjI rfw* ( iiiuntMW erf talk* cm the arwes Totial the find tuiid up an 'irwnuu. ^ii from a dooaaxTOtM aptarit of Wirhiitao Mint* roilvK*. Wbriber h* tvpwi of fompetttlve qwt t».im fes* yewr set group . knaa. tbo prronn or Out a grrrl. inrh iwoj-rliv im :• .1 >..»-• eau-mptirv AjiealUng and wc mte tr intents. to 3.1 U. showing on «bo ind out Tkia hrhp tbo n> oabot of Ik* ■*•• MTORAUK- MvaUed Lt»* raU* . Oil i a S"T from last iinaitefhir * - • . . League Enid ;n Oetfudt eii i debate Prof Drake talked in tine fall the club.respond® extempore 4. \amal arrow tbo Iowa*. water fwater ft 40 and up lih other countriea. re&mn# uastr 5. No no Mam eoilocc property. twauwy and debate. -113 winter the cwre^potMlence Murlev on men s dete jwob- menu for the evenlni u U tlt. ,n :• ; -Mi rl«>r:»• • ;i|. In nddiMon. he spends Michigan State News li'lrtiann ' • • •' . ' tv ° ' ' V J! Rfffptioi; At Hn . ot Mrs. Warren Hrlmi • '.i i h«- cure which he feels f|CS are driven to desj . . will l>' hi Kii-at importance to hu- in an endeavor to stcur , • . Di Hudtfteaon to various ru n to • hn over i 000 cult "IP- of the Malta tive pledges from oi F'i'v >• i"'i'i)i which l •• j, constantly .Sometimes they have 1 Hidving Since th»n are s-vcrnl ftil and other wine tin more harm than good "pull' the cheapest fri< It VTI UNITIES LIS! •. „ I !h Pl.HM.KS TO I> \ I i we think they have ehcapei j College Memory Books i M. M.S. S. C. ALL-WOOL BLANKETS jgjg j M. S. C. Pillows, Pennant- I Banners and Table Runner j State College Book Store {Ilvmpic-Rainhtm K''creations ill I.I.1 \UI)S --- Ko\s i.ini; DOLLAR STATIONERY Villi! N.IIlll .111(1 .Al Mil I Printed un II, S. MARSHALL UNI UNI i oi.i.i ia: h u i i i.r INK \V\ Pointing flu* way to tin I I " NS|Nc i;I I : \ till III I' villi Nl. s1.00 advertised brand Harvest TEN FREE PRIZES DAILY \T Till: Ball Michigan State Union Cafeteria 1 : ** f .••»> meal tickets aril live «»ther »»n/.rs rem-it-lint: «f rithei I «rk i • »•< "U irctlr- «ir three c.tnd - liars or three iwtck*igr- i»f gum *Ot MAV Hi; \ MI.V.MII i MMpn Union Ballroom Ouuliiv I imkI at the Lowest Possible Priees . vertibcr ami ti.T iarij caler SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STATIONERY a. . ' ■ . «cr -< -4t trie* vh^jr HrtaiM ML S. C Collegians •VP1' '• suincnhw' jmoIw ALL FOUNTAIN PENS AT A DISCOUNT irne-, Ht sv • to .ntmuiiy incrciuc the in I'IKt Ii BANU HOTEL ROOMS FOR STUDENT GUESTS vatut "t tHrph »rp vrvivc. J Tedth 's hot rent * October lax M;lN) IA cr> student UNION a .Member Yew Club Houtw BEJ^L SYSTEM $ j % • m ■■••••■ S "*T,''5 "Li" M milt* CONItlCtlMt. IIKIH I No Service Charge iS°»WT No Check Tax --i^v October TF NT-t vost Rail, Now Feature, Marks Distant Art Centers Attract Freshman Girl* Spartan League Wednesday Kt-t eek's Social Artivitv on Campus; 1 Michigan staff V-mhers Duriinj Summer Entertained by Novel Party Date Fur Fir-t Meet Fraternity Pa«'iips(»el I'nder Way I Stutter AV. A. A. Tonight To Re October 11 »f Swim class . (o-edi F.nt it.iine<| throughout Week at Numerous C.et Together Dance for Co-edt I mcfions; 'ft Dante* to Br gin Monday: Five Repin* at 7:15 in So'#i.es to Have Open Houses. Old Armory !t('!»reseiitati\es Ojrurr t. Hipti (i'atV "i HomeEc.Dept. ti'o to NICK 111. I.I 'M II \N \ l'\ Mamnette r.lf Par! h on Ed ' Soup — Hot Luncheon l)i*h - Hit* ( sol IllSt. «|\ Yes, I Inhale! Burton's Walk-Over Shop :ji s. v\ i-»iini \ k ■ %• Smii- Ar e* Te.i Untiel * Start f- < utt*i ' w Ir At til It. ( Ll B PKAt III t Jack djcami' Try an /# energy lunch" K Corn Fl ike« (ar lumh. till lit IW mi iiiil ..I.I ««mw -liiril fxtit.iii.M. OPENING FRIDAY NIGHT Vnd t knI for I !■<>«• .Ir- .alLyou could lirio.u* 4l.lkr« fjirnn.il ri< h |.a«» iIirp-I. He* frr-hing I l.» k i ml uf firm I th • n ... «l help* Juill ferl til ami ask for! ! _ I lttth F. A. _ — k.rj. I t. IIm* n.firh brller in i1 > of th*v«l.iy than ArmorY THKRK'S r«>m.»ne«* in a I he-ierfirkl— h»»t. htau M •.!»• 11v Kf lloRii in Battle Creek* the rumjme <>( tin** tnhacw** from all • • • « over the aorlil. The wjn h br^in* in far- Ik- rn.i I p«|'iiUr rrrrab teftrd He dining mum* of tmrriraa «»f! Turkey where • hf«lerfii lRk" »«f all tin -«■ tn hl». FRIDAY ADMISSION 35c and his ORCHESTRA SATl'RDAY PARK I'LAN OANCINIi . CORN FLAKES 46099* A esterfield V. JII Thui» Uttob«> t). Sociology ( lass Sororities Report Pledging of Ninety-six Co-eds 'of Social'Work, Dormitory Library is Opened 11 in 1 Vent >1 iny of Mayo Doll ^ Wi,h D"r cuts Conr,,, of,0 D"" ' ! . Ideal Reheat NIGHT for < n-cil Partii .< LUNCH \ "ii alii ijnd at llu- I lake Goods Count, cookies and Doughnuts of all kinds; also sandwiches to order Gin* Hunt ^luip m I III CAI.L OI IONS I \NTINOPLE ®. & WE —and raw tobaccos i RENT liadios I'lauos have no place in cigarettes Phonograph* and 'I hi) ire u«l pre sc hi id Luckics tliesc fine tobaccos, after •Ncwilig Machines the wilth./ i igarcttc proper aging and mellowing, . . . tify Iter Mi l%r«t .•« .lU smoked tun ever are dien gistn die beneik of Dtiw Kr«wt ibout KOBS GIVES GRINNELL PLAYS ,. Jones and Kowatch Demoted to | /t ontemoo^rv TO FRESHMAN TEAM FOR USE Second Teem: Reynold- |~an,pus IN SCRIMMAGE WITH VARSITY Mlk Comment i vn i ic-i i *. ami • mmi m rv Coach Haw Not Picked Yearling Team From Ov?r Eight: Can¬ didates: Bad Weather Forces Confinemer' of Practice to Lecture on New Plays. i-..n*u!rr;,l : 4.1 V icrinv. handed «i PRACTICE HOUSE FOUR REVEALS SOH AI AN Aitlioi.srh Hi.- u.i LANSING ARIHORV ENDORSE CUT IN DECLINE NOTICED TO OPEN FRIDAY < PARTY EXPENSE IN H0TEl C0URSF- ampus BaH W,|| Furnish Enr»Mm*nt if Both Fr»»h and t 'or P»nrmt Each Fri- lnt«rtr«t Courcil Accept» Rnol ut,p( Clitutmm Drop:, day and Saturday Niyht uiion lo Reduc Social Cuns.drr.ihlv Bill lit Societies. LANSING GROUP HEARS ACTRESS i» \. Opened l. \ 11( V I'rstnl .i Timely '; New Feature ; GOING UP! i " • Value in i BUY VOI R : FALL SUITS i WOLVERINE 11 vii<1 ouiMtov aifi.: • - ' ' daiw il'^ - ' niftl lof (Mty r; '.r " TOPCOATS 9i:>.-«o tin',, it UtMERS: COLLEGIATE NITE i'RIDAY $1050 :l£r' NOW Roseland Ballroom Xv * »■ <■ IhU SfHiMlt mm *J , | lSj| STAN MILLKK S F AMOI S HAKI.KM OKI HfcSTK I • •'1— 11UI MAN BANC ISO *• ClMTfe for CI SMALL'S ]j 'irrrLTita*uu Price Advances October imCHTOAN STATE VFUS ( LOSING DATF. FOR GOLF CROWLEY CONDUCTS SHAKE-UP 'HIS BARRIER SQUAD Tim stale MaimtaytT TOURNAMENTS IS SF.T TO STRENGTHEN GRID MACHINE GETS IN SHAPE fotu° AFTER DEFEAT AT ANN ARBOR Variily tn:l hroih I rami Have , » JCs\ ia."» ParJones on Revamped Squad. Hand/ and M' 't - V ul Willi Injuries as Crepri and While Prepares M-h Veteran Criiinell College Fltveu V? >1 niitic j :mm,s vu \v>;- Rain Produce* Punny Sights Blondie Of The Follies' Fifty New (iirls Fluid Flrmrnl Affrrli Art ion i ill Partv (iiven of Student i and B\ (ireen Splash Farullv Water Games. Races. Speech* Ar" Entertainment nf Froth Co-eds State liraten till Superior I . of M. Team We'll Give You $125 ?O50 FOR YOUR OLD PLN Better Falls £or a Broadway Cutie trcamlincd --•bul lu'ilidu't i vi n know how to kiss er V)uo/b/(/ ' , * * «ir,! W orld's St vie and Quality I cad* kLato*| DURANTE WASIIIIIRN'S Cigars billiard. Patronize * SchiNil Supplie »OX Mo\ IKTON* \KW: SMOKE SHOP Michigan State News '0:i)m>imv 'MERRILY WE v\l> thl kspal STCDKNTS Advertisers GO TO HELL" They have faith in College Students FREDERIC SYLVIA Persons Desiring to Subscribe or Reffiater Deliver)- Complaints Call or W MARCH - SIDNEY STAN LAI'REL and OLIVER HARDY MICHIGAN: STATE NEWS OFFICE -HELPMATES" PHONE COLLEGE EXTENSION 376