Inside MICHIGAN Weather WW2 Medal Of Honor Winner, Mostly sunny and continued- p. 4; Opening Of Abrams Planetarium, p. 5 ; Big Ten STATE cold, with the high in the high 20s, winds from the Hockey Possible, p . 7. UNIVERSITY northwest at 10-20 m.p.h. Vol. 55, Number 1Q2 Thursday, February 27, 1964 E a st Lansing, Michigan Price 10* E ast E x p e rt T o S p e a k Talk May Council Forms Bloc Touch On For Crnrus Mediation Viet Nam UNITED NATIONS, N. Y . UB- T reaty of Guarantee authorizing were still demanding that the Britain, G reece and Turkey to The six nonpermanent members of the U.N. Security Council took take action if necessary to p re­ treaty should not be mentioned, precisely because the G r e e k H ilsm an Quit over the m ediator’s role in the serve the status quo in that is­ Cypriots running Cyprus fear Cyprus c ris is Wednesday. Their land republic. that any such mention will be Post Tuesday chances of getting a settlement Britain and especially Tukey used to justify Turkish invasion. looked slim. were reported insisting that the That was understood to be the Roger Hilsman, who resigned The Council p r e s i d e n t f o r treaty should be mentioned, since main issue Secretary-G eneral U Tuesday night as assistant secre­ February, C arlos Alfredo B e r- both have interpreted it to mean Thant had in mind when he told tary of state for far eastern nardes of B razil, acting for the Turkey may send troops in to the Security Council Tuesday that affairs, is expected to make a six, set up separate interviews protect the Turkish Cypriot mi­ he had run into an impasse in major policy address on cam ­ SPIN STER SPINNERS--Alyce Beckmeyer, Sheridan junior, left, and Kaye Camburn, Saline with the main p arties to the nority from the Greek Cypriot his week-long efforts to find pus Saturday night. senior, work on corsages that should set their dates for Saturday’ s Spinster Spin in a whirl. dispute-Cyprus, B ritain, G reece majority. c o m m o n ground among the p ar­ RO G ER HILSMAN Hilsman will speak at 8 p.m. PH«t* by Cvrald Corr and Turkey. G reece and especially Cyprus ties. in the Union Ballroom . His ap­ He did so after the nonper- pearance is in connection with m a n e n t m e m b e r s— Bolivia, the “ Winds of Change in the B razil, Czechoslovakia, the Ivory $11.5 Billion Cut Emerging Nations” seminar, ro D e t r o it S e n a to r A t t a c k s C o a s t , Morocco and N o r w a y - held a two-hour informal meet­ be held here Friday through Sun­ day. ing at the Brazilian mission to P r o f F o r C r im e C o m m e n ts talk about how to arrange a com ­ prom ise. Jo h n so n S ig n s T a x B ill Wesley R. Fishel, professor of political science, said the zens1 to keep the economy strong address, which will be Hils­ Sen. Charles Blondy, D-De- " I really don’t rem em ber hav­ rep orter h ad b e e n given an Diplomatic sou rces, reporting From Our Wire Services Secretary of th e T r e a s u r e through spending so that "no one man's first since returning from troit, Wednesday continued his ing used the word 'bought’ ,’ ’ assignment to do on organized all this, remarked that "th e six Douglas Dillion and Secretary of WASHINGTON — P r e s i d e n t can bury” it. a tour of F a r Eastern countries attack on MSU criminology pro­ Smucker said. crim e and had come to him for are sort of a mediating bloc,” Commerce Luther Hodges. Johnson Wednesday signed the Johnson also promised to make earlier this month, will prob­ fessor Orden Smucker for com­ "I m erely commented to the an interview. doing all they can do to bring Forty-five minutes after the $11.5-billion tax cut bill and inroads against federal spending, ably be his last policy address. ments he has made on national reporter on n a t i o n a l crim e " I am not conducting any in­ about an agreement among the signing, J o h n s o n and M r s . four countries mainly concerned. urged Americans to spend the including a new goal to eliminate Hilsman resigned one day after crim e trends to a State Jour­ trends, c i t i n g s e v e r a l public vestigation in organized c rim e ,” Johnson arrived at the Kennedy money they benefit from it. He an additional 7,500 government the State Department announced nal reporter. documents, including the 1952 Smucker said. "T he reporter But indications were that the residence in Georgetown, along signed the bill just hours after jobs in th e n e a r future. The the formation of a new inter­ "Organized c r i m e could not Kefauver senatorial report and cam e to me and I spoke to him four still were far apart on with many of the late President’s Senate approval. massive cut is expected to put agency committee to coordinate exist if public officials weren’t the 1963 McClellan senatorial off the cuff, drawing my infor­ whether any council resolution cabinet members and close asso­ The President said in a nation­ an extra $800-miilion into the policy on South Viet Nam. bought-,’ ’ the news story quoted report on cfim e .” mation f r o m public documents should uphold both the indepen­ ciates and their wives. Blondy said it was "d isg ra ce ­ printed by senatorial comm ittees dence and te rrito rial integrity wide broadcast Wednesday night taxpayer’ s pocket every month •In his talk on radio and tele­ However, official sources say Smucker as saying. ful" that a professor should make investigating organized c rim e .” of Cyprus and also the 1960 that it is up to the nation's c iti- starting early in March. vision, Johnson called the legis­ his resignation had nothing to do a generalization that all public Blondy interpreted the news Johnson used several dozen lation " a bold approach to the with policy or reported differ­ officials a re crooked. story to mean that Smucker had pens to sign the bill and gave problems of the A m e r i c a n ences within the State Depart­ Maryland “ A professor must know that charged that public officials were he cannot m a k e such a broad dishonest. statement. H e k n o w s that the Class Credits Sliced them to the onlookers. Noting that the late President John F . Kennedy fought for the m easure, economy.” ment on United States operations "No one can bury us— or bluff in the F a r East. us— or beat us— so long as our "T h at most people are dis­ he said he was taking the first economy remains strong,” he - Hilsman said he resigned to newspapers a r ■ b-,,.i "o ,*> . " Marchers up,” Blondy said. • Smucker said he did not make honest is an outright lie ," Blondy said. "People have a reputation for their honesty, truthfulness, For Undergraduates three pens to M rs. Kennedy and her two children, John J r . and said. The President noted that al­ return to university teaching. He is reported to be consid­ this “ broad statem ent" without Caroline. though the tax cut was "inspired ering offers from several uni­ Clubbed encouragement o r on his own initiative. He said that a Journal and sincerity. O f f i c i a l s hold public office because of their reputation for honesty and in- , Credit requirements for class standings have been l o w e r e d , Provost Howard R. Neville an­ transfer not to exceed 15 of the last 45 credits from an accred it­ ed four-year institution. P rior M rs. Johnson and daughter, Linda Bird, 19, watched the ce re ­ mony along with Senate and House and proposed by our late, be­ versities. loved” P r e s i d e n t John F . Kennedy, it was passed with Policy on South Viet Nam will teg rity .” nounced Wednesday. arrangements must be made with now be coordinated by a task PRINCESS ANNE, Nld., (UPI)— members of both p arties, lobby­ support of both Democrats and Smucker said he agreed with New c l a s s s t a n d i n g s are: the student’s dean and the re ­ force consisting of representa­ A wild battle erupted in Princess ists, White House officials and Republicans in Congress. Anne, Md., Wednesday.Negro stu­ Blondy on this point. "T h e re is freshman, less than 40 credits; g istra r, however. tives from the State Department, no doubt in my mind that the sophomore, 40 to 84 credits; —Thirty cred its must be com ­ Central Intelligence Agency, De­ dents tried to stage an anti­ m ajority of public officials are junior 85 to 129; and senior, pleted while enrolled in the major fense Department and others. segregation march and were met by state police. honest,” he said. "B ut some are 130 or more cred its. in the upper college in which the , State troopers used dogs, clubs not honest, and the Kefauver and The average credit load per degree is to be earned. and automobiles in a pitched McClellan reports confirm th is.” term has been changed from 16 Also the student must pass battle on downtown streets. The Journal rep orter quoted cred its to 15 plus required phy­ basic skills tests in arithmetic Drive Falling Troopers used their c a rs to Smucker as saying, "1 have a sical education cou rses. and English, complete Univer­ bump demonstrators o ff the Admission to the upper col­ sity college requirem ents, meet streets. feeling that compared to most citie s, we have honesty here (in lege is 85 or more cred its ac­ physical education and R O T C Below Goal Two police dogs bit an esti­ Lansing and East L ansin g.)" ceptable to the college of the orientation requirem ents, and A total of 706 pints of blood mated 20 demonstrators on the "Sm ucker is saying that it is student’s major. Previously the satisfactorily complete his co l­ has been donated in three days l e g s and arm s. P o l i c e m e n clean in Lansing and E ast Lans­ e a rlie r requirement was 92 c r e ­ lege’ s approved p r o g r a m of study. with two days remaining to col­ clubbed and kicked students who ing but not the rest of the sta te ,” dits. fought back with stick, bottles To be r e c o m m e n d e d for a Students must have a two point lect a 2,000 pint goal in the Blondy said. and stones. bachelor’ s degree, a student must grade average to graduate. winter term blood drive. Smucker said that he had been One state trooper said a stu­ — Earn at least 40 credits To earn a tw o-year program Approximately 214 p i n t s of answering one of the direct ques­ certificate, a student must com­ blood w ere donated Wednesday. dent threw acid in his face. tions made to him by the re ­ on the East Lansing campus after plete 90 credits exclusive of North C a s e Hall tops the The 150 to 200 students came porter when he made the state­ reaching junior standing. from nearby Maryland StateC ol- —Complete one y ear’ s work, physical education. Some 45 of women’s dormitories wi t h a ment that he felt Lansing and lege. The march was staged to normally thq year of graduation, these must be taken here on gts total contribution of 25 pints. East Lansing were honest. protest restaurant segregation in earning at least 45 cred its of­ campus. Men’ s halls leader is Armstrong P rin cess Anne. A b i-ra cia lco m ­ “ I did not charge any particular fered by MSU. Seniors meeting Students from tw o-year col­ with 54 pints. ’T H E G R E A T E S T ” person or community with co r­ minimum r e q u i r e m e n t s and Leading the sorority contri­ mittee had tried and failed to leges may transfer up to one- mediate the situation. ruption,” Smucker said. earning sufficient cred its may half the credits required for his butions is Alpha Phi with 6pints, degree. Usually this would be Jp g and Delta Sigma Pi tops fra­ 90 term credits or 60 sem es­ ternities with 28. te r credits plus three credits Bower House leads co-ops with Nina Sings While Liston Falls in physical education. 22 pints. Graduation hdnors are deter­ mined on grade point averages on all work completed prior to the term of graduation. T ran s­ COLD! fer students must have earned Fight Fails To Voice Lusty, at least 75 cred its prior to the graduation term to be eligible T R IA N G L E G O A T -T h is vis itor to Triangle fraternity was Halt Show Convincing to graduate with honors. These changes are now in effect left there recently, along with a rabbit, by pledges. Fra­ By LEO N W H E E L E R and will be printed in the 1964- ternity members say the incident didn’t get their goat, By J A C K IE KORONA State News Reviewer 65 catalog. however. State News Staff Writer The lusty voice of Nina Si­ While much of the country had L i mone and the Herbie Mann sex­ its ear glued to a radio at 10 *** tet headlined the Ford Caravan p.m . Tuesday for the Liston- Clay heavyweight championship of Music Folk and Jazz Wing Ding Tuesday night in the Audi­ A c a d e m ic A d v is e r P la y s V i t a l R o le bout, vocalist Nina Simone and torium. her accompanists had to go on Editor’ s Note: This is the dean for student affairs of the she has no particular problems "Unfortunately, in d e p a r t ­ Herbie Mann on flute provided stage. third of a four-part series on University College, said advis­ with her courses. ments where there are a large "c o o l” sounds, but Dave Pike academic advising. e rs from his college helped many "B ut I would have liked my ad­ number of students per adviser, M i s s Simone, appearing on on vibraphone and Bobby Thomas students in academic trouble. viser to show more interest. I program planning and enrollment campus in the "F o lk and Jazz on drums were the outstanding By SU E JA CO B Y " T h e academic adviser must had a 15-minute appointment and get lumped together at registra­ Wing Ding,” is an avid Sonny soloists. State News Staff Writer use strategy to meet a student’s worked out the program myself. tion,” Winburne said. Liston fan, according to her fel­ Things really started to swing The academic adviser can play particular problem s,” he said. Maybe you have to be in some He said the adviser should not low musicians. in "Coming Home Baby,” with a vital r o l e in determining " F o r example, if a student has kind of scholastic trouble to get be bothered with the mechanics Pike soloing on the vibra-phor.e, But at 10 p.m. it was her turn whether a freshman "sinks or gotten a D or F in Chem istry 111, much attention." of enrollment. to perform , while more than and "Don't You Know,” from Winburne believes academic sw im s.” ' it is the business of the academic "If the student and adviser have Brazilian composer Jobim had half the members of the Ford A coed who finished her first adviser to know that he probably advising is m o re . vital at the discussed his program before Caravan huddled around a port­ steady beats but there was little term with a 1.0 average said she won’t do any better in 112. freshman level than at any other registration, there is no reason able radio in the Auditorium dynamic variance and the tech­ point in the student’s college "couldn’t be more grateful” for "H e should advise the student enrollment cannot be a mechani­ nicians turned the sound too high. ca re e r. dressing room. the help she has received from to repeat the cou rse.” cal p ro cess.” Mann, playing the alto flute her academ ic adviser. M a n y average or a b o v e - "If a student doesn’ t get satis­ Winburne said that some stu­ Herbie M a n n ’ s A f r o - Cuban with Atilla Zoller on guitar, pro­ " I took 17 credits my first term average students, however, seem faction from his adviser, he can dent difficulties are not the fault quintet, members of the Audi­ vided some restful sounds in and flunked natural scien ce,” she to feel that they do not receive always come to m e. No student of the academic adviser. torium staff, photographers and “ Love and P e a ce .” said. “ My adviser t o l d me I enough individual attention. Should ever say that he couldn’t " F o r example, a student and rep orters crowded into the tiny Nina Simone, in her breathy, should drop my load to 12 credits Carol L . Pryatel, Charles City, get help.” adviser can work out the best room. suggestive voice began the second and repeat the cou rse.” Iowa, freshman, s a i d she re ­ Winburne says program plan­ program in the world, and if the The a n i m a t e d voice of the half of the show with "I Don't I L O V E YOU, PO R G Y—Nina Sim one sings her best-known " I followed his advice, and I ceived little help in planning her ning can eliminate many of the student registers the last day of sports announcer boomed out the Want Him, You Can Have Him," recording during the " F o lk and Jazz Wing Ding*' at the am doing much better this term .” program this term . A no-prefer­ problems involved in academic registration, he doesn’t h a v e Auditorium Tuesday night. ph.,. k> R„b..t, (continued on page 3) John N. Winburne, assistant ence student, Miss Pryatel said advising. much chance of getting i t .’ (continued on page 4) 2 Michigan State News. E a s t Lansing. Michigan T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 7 , 1 96 4 I Pickets Galore U .S . R e c o n s id e r s I t s e e m s M S U ' s i s n o t t h e o n l y • ‘ ( P i c k e t i n g ) s e e m s t o b e t h e o n l y V ie t N a m A c t io n c a m p u s i n t h e c o u n t r y ^ ’i t h p r o b ­ a l t e r n a t i v e t o t h e c o n s t a n t r u n ­ a r o u n d g i v e n t h e s t u d e n t b o d y l e m s o f s t u d e n t o p i n i o n s c l a s h i n g w h e n t h e y p r e s e n t e d t h e i r a s t h e y d i d h e r e l a s t w e e k c o n ­ By KAREN G IL L IL A N D r e c o m m e n d a t i o n f o r f o o d s e r v i c e c e r n i n g t h e S t a t e N e w s a r t i c l e s State News E d ito ria l Writer r e v i s i o n s . ” o n G o v . W a l l a c e o f A l a b a m a . A s o m e w h a t o p p o s i n g v i e w "If we stay, we should fight; if we don’t fight, we shouldn’t stay” S e v e r a l a s p e c t s / o f t h e s a m e is, in essence, what U.S. officials in Viet Nam have been saying s h o w e d u p i n t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f p r o b l e m h a v e s h o w n u p r e c e n t l y lately. M i n n e s o t a ’ s M i n n e s o t a D a i l y . i n e d i t o r i a l s f r o m c o l l e g e s What these officials as well as several influential South Vietna­ t h r o u g h o u t t h e n a t i o n . T h e n e w s p a p e r a g r e e d w i t h t h e m ese want is perm ission to engage in retaliatory sabotage against the Communist Viet Nam regim e. u n i v e r s i t y a d m i n i s t r a t i o n i n r e - T h e S t a t e N e w s ’ c o n v i c t i o n t h a t q u o - t i n g a c u r b o n p i c k e t i n g o f a n The decision facing the U.S. Advisory Mission in Saigon is a cru ­ p u b l i c a t i o n o f c o n t r o v e r s i a l m a ­ cial one. Should some new anti-Communist tactics be employed, or t e r i a l i s p e r m i s s i b l e a n d w i s e i s a p p e a r a n c e o f t h e n o t o r i o u s G o v . should we withdraw from a losing battle in Viet Nam under the guise \ \ a 11 a c e o n t h e g r o u n d s t h a t a of a negotiated settlement. r e f l e c t e d i n a n e d i t o r i a l i n t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f W i s c o n s i n D a i l y d e m > n s t r a t i o n c o u l d p r o v e d a n - Within a week or 10 days. Defense S ecretary Robert S. McNamara g e r ‘< m s . is expected to visit South Viet Nam to examine the proposals. C a r d i n a l . O n a p a g e f a c i n g t h e e d i t o r i a l T h e e d i t o r s t o o k c a r e t o n o t e , A mixture of political and m ilitary factors have added together to h o w e v e r ' ' , t h a t “ b y f a v o r i n g c u r b s make the American and South Vietnamese position untenable. p a g e t h e C a r d i n a l ' s a d v e r t i s i n g o n p i c k e t i n g , t h e M i n n e s o t a D a i l y Since the coup of Jan . 30, the m ilitary and civil service have had d e p a r t m e n t h a i l p u b l i s h e d a n a d no clear sense of purpose. No m atter how energetic or effective a s w e l l a s U n i v e r s i t y o f f i c i a l s f r o m t h e J o h n B i r c h S o c i e t y . O n the new p rem ier, Maj. Gen. Ngyuyen is, the war effort as it is today d i d n o t i n t e n d t o i m p l y d i s a g r e e ­ seem s unable to overcom e the widespread demoralization in the t h e s a m e d a y . t h e e d i t o r s s a i d i n arm ed forces. m e n t w i t h t h e o p i n i o n s o f t h e a n e d i t o r i a l “ O u r r e a d e r s w i l l Officials in Viet Nam a re frustrated by evidence that opinion at pickets.” > n o t h a v e m u c h t r o u b l e i n u n d e r ­ home is swinging against further U.S. support for the operation in s t a n d i n g t h a t w e d o n o t e m b r a c e T h i s m i l d l y d i f f e r i n g v i e w o f Viet Nam. t h e M i n n e s o t a D a i l y i s a b o u t t h e t h e s e p r i n c i p l e s ; b u t w e a r e p r o u d The gravest threat to the outcome of the war is seen in negotiat­ m o s t r a d i c a l d e p a r t u r e f r o m t h e ing a neutralization agreem ent. t o p r e s e n t t h i s v i e w f r e e f r o m r e ­ s t r i c t i o n o r s u p e r v i s i o n . g e n e r a l o p i n i o n t h a t c o n t r o v e r s y One diplomat said, "T h is country is not strong enough to win the r e g a r d i n g c u r r e n t a f f a i r s i n c o l ­ w ar the way it’ s going. It isn’t even strong enough to negotiate.” “ I t i s i n t h e n a t u r e o f o u r s y s ­ t e m t h a t c o n f l i c t i n g , e v e n o f f e n ­ l e g e s i s d e s i r a b l e a n d t h a t s t u ­ Of the alternatives available, the one favored in Met Nam is the d e n t s s h o u l d b e e n c o u r a g e d t o m ilitary strategy of transferring the fighting to m ore favorable s i v e i d e a s h a v e t h e i r c h a n c e t o b e ground. Specifically, that means initiating small scale and specific h e a r d . " v o i c e t h e i r o p i n i o n s i n w h a t e v e r sabotage attacks against key North Vietnamese industrial sites. w a y t h e y c a n . T h e r e i s a g o o d d e a l o f d i s ­ Washington sources believe that Russia has been warning the Viet c u s s i o n o f t h e q u e s t i o n o f p i c k e t ­ T h e o n l y l i m i t a t i o n m o s t a d ­ Who’s Your Friend? Cong that the border war is risking fu ll-scale or even nuclear con­ m i n i s t r a t o r s a n d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s flict. i n g w h e n u n p o p u l a r o p i n i o n s a r e o f t h i s a n d o t h e r s c h o o l s a p p e a r v o i c e d . T h e D a i l y O r a n g e o f S y r a c u s e w i l l i n g t o s e t i s t h a t a l l a c t i o n s Letters To The Editor b e b a s e d u p o n m a t u r i t y a n d c o n ­ Individual Counts More Than Group U n i v e r s i t y c a m e o u t i n f a v o r o f s i d e r a t i o n f o r o t h e r s , w i t h s a f e t y s t u d e n t s p i c k e t i n g f o r i m p r o v e ­ a p r i m a r y f a c t o r i n a n y d i s p u t e . m e n t o f u n i v e r s i t y f o o d s e r v i c e s T h e S t a t e N e w s s t a f f , i t w o u l d a f t e r a l l a t t e m p t s b y t h e s t u d e n t entire South in to -- at most — education is of no importance. derstanding is a two-way street. To the Editor: bright, more yellow one is Jup­ s e e m , i s f a r f r o m t h e o n l y g r o u p four units (the good black, the Religion or morality makes no I hope that the dem onstrators l e g i s l a t u r e t o c h a n g e t h e s i t u a t i o n Surely it is ironic that the let­ iter. good white, the bad black, and the difference. will reconsider and will not can­ w h i c h b e l i e v e s t h a t c o l l e g e s t u ­ te r appearing in Friday’ s State On July 21, 1859 Venus and Jup­ h a d f a i l e d . bad white). I wonder if the young girls cel t h e i r subscriptions to th e d e n t s i n o u r s o c i e t y a r e e n t i r e l y News criticizing Jackie Korona iter were separated by only 13 What I would suggest is that we weren’t m isled by their “ devil State News. 1 would not want to for seeing a human being as an seconds of a rc , appearing to the T h e n e w s p a p e r s a i d . “ 1 R o s e s w i t h i n t h e i r r i g h t s w h e n t h e y either give these poeple a tele­ theory.” B ecause Gov. Wallace think t h a t the e f f o r k s of Mr. individual and not as an im per­ naked eye as one bright celestial scope so that they can view the doesn’t rant, rave and foam at Ashmore’s Askansas Gazette and a r e r e d ; v i o l e t s a r e b l u e ; I ’ m p r a c t i c e f r e e d o m o f s p e e c h . sonal member of a larger group object; less spectacular conjunc­ m asses better from the pinnacle the mouth, his ideas must be r e ­ the reputation of the state of A r­ (“ segs” ), should come from a tions have occurred since. f o r p i c k e t s , , h o w a b o u t y o u ? ' W e r e s t o u r c a s e . upon which they remain seated, spectable. If someone is a nice kansas have been totally wasted. faculty member of the history Such planetary meetings had or that we force a separation be­ guy, his opinions are therefore department. 1 was under the im­ great significance to the ancients, tween their p osteriors and their acceptable. If Adolf Hitler had C arl Fields pression that the historian was a due to the belief in astrology, or been like Pat Boone we could have U-M s Sour Song resting place, causing a plumet- the influence of celestial bodies humanist and that ahumanistwas not merely one who pushed the ing back to earth where they will no doubt be surprised to find in­ accepted his "final solution” as m erely his response to his envir­ Venus, Jupiter on human affairs. teaching and learning of the hu­ In this age of radio-astronom y a n d W a y n e ’ s m e d i c a l manities, b u t also one who be­ dividuals. It m u s t be awfully lonely sitting on the moon and be­ onment. T h e r e is no right or wrong. In View Friday an d artifical s a t e l l i t e s , such L i k e a d i s c j o c k e y w i t h a s i n g l e o f U - M ' s lieved in and practiced them. thoughts are by no means dead, ing unaware that there are people R. T. Bishop To the Editor: One of th e first precepts hu­ as evidenced by t h e enormous r e c o r d , t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f M i c h i ­ s c h o o l s . on the earth. manism teaches us is that people amount of astrological literature g a n w o r e o u t i t s ‘ ‘ K e e p M S U D o w n H i s s e c o n d c l a i m t h a t t w o - y e a r are individuals and not just mem­ Kenneth Pollack Against Cut-Off F o r those interested in astron­ omy, an unusual conjunction of still printed. O n T h e F a r m ’ ' t u n e t h e f i r s t t i m e bers of a group. Mr. Hooker im­ When observing this in terest­ a r o u n d . p r o g r a m s l a c k s u p p o r t i s o u t o f plies t h a t Miss Korona should Says 'Nice Guys’ Of Subscriptions planets will occur Friday. Venus and Jupiter, the most conspic­ ing phenomenon we might recall t u n e w i t h r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s b y t h e have treated Mr. Wallace as a the importance that such things uous objects in the evening sky; B u t U - M ' s m e d i c a l s c h o o l A m e r i c a n A s s o c i a t i o n o f M e d i c a l part of the "th em .” It is unfortunate that in this day Might Be Wrong To the Editor: will pass within much less than still suggest— a curious survival d e a n . W i l l i a m N . H u b b a r d , J r . , two degrees of a rc , thus appear­ of the awe which nature inspired C o l l e g e s , f o r s t a r t i n g t h e s e p r o - and age of th e behavioral s ci­ To the Editor: in the mind of primitive man. As a form er resident of Arkan­ ing to be in close proximity. k e p t t h e n e e d l e , i n t h e s a m e ences, which a r e supposed to Jackie Korona’ s article on Gov. sas, the demonstrations following The planets will be in the con­ teach us about the individual, we g r o o v e M o n d a y w h e n h e t o l d t h e 232 George Wallace explained th e the article on Gov. Wallace r e ­ stellation P isce s, visible shortly A s e c t i o n o f A c t o f t h e are more and more treating the Ronald S. Wilkinson whole problem of prejudice in an minded m e of Gov. Faubus’ a c­ after sunset in the southwest. The l e g i s l a t u r e t h a t t h e v a l u e o f individual as an entity whose only Assistant Instructor of P u b l i c A c t s p a s s e d b y t h e l e g i s ­ overly simple manner. The equa­ tions during the 1957 integration exceedingly b r i l l i a n t s ilv e r- identity is his group membership. American Thought and Language M S U ' s t w o - y e a r m e d i c a l s c h o o l 1962 tion of Southerner with segrega­ c r is is in L ittle Rock. white planet is Venus and the less l a t u r e i n s h o u l d e n d t h i s M r. Hooker im p l i e s that we i s q u e s t i o n a b l e . . tion, Northerner with integration Faubus launched a violent v e r­ should treat the inhabitants of that p a r t o f H a t c h e r ’ s r e p e r t o i r e a n d ignores N o r t h e r n bigots, an d bal and economic attack on the H e s a i d t h a t t h e m e d i c a l undefined place which we refer to h i s f e a r t h a t M S U i s s c h e m i n g Southerners like Ralph McGill- Arkansas Gazette, which had pub­ as th e “ South” as p a r t s of a s c h o o l s a t U - M a n d W a y n e S t a t e Abraham Lincoln apparently was lished a series o f articles ex­ f o r a c o m p e t i n g f o u r - y e a r m e d i ­ “ they” or a “ them” (or perhaps m erely the right combination of plaining th e unpopular “ North­ U n i v e r s i t y w i l l n o t b e a b l e t o two "th e y s” — a white “ they” and c a l s c h o o l . T h e s e c t i o n - - Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. ern ” side of the issue. a black “ they” ). a c c e p t u p t o 5 0 M S U t w o - y e a r T h i s explanation s e e m s to Little Rock’ s Central Hi g h 3 9 0 . 1 0 1 7 - - r e a d s : It is people l i k e this who, leave no place for intelligence, should have convinced anyone that g r a d u a t e s w i t h t h e i r p r e s e n t f a ­ through a complete failure to re ­ ‘ ‘ I t i s t h e i n t e n t i o n o f t h e l e g ­ c ritica l thinking, evidence, logic understanding is the only true so­ alize that it is human beings whom c i l i t i e s . and reason. It would appear that lution to the ra ce problem and un­ i s l a t u r e t h a t t h e B o a r d o f T r u s ­ they are viewing, have perhaps I n t h e s e c o n d v e r s e , H u b b a r d caused the North to be a party to t e e s o f M i c h i g a n S t a t e U n i v e r ­ c r o o n e d t h a t a t e r m i n a l t w o - y e a r the violence in the South. s i t y n o t e s t a b l i s h a m e d i c a l e d u ­ They sit high upon their stacks p r o g r a m h a s n o s u p p o r t i n t e r . m s ' c a t i o n p r o g r a m b e y o n d a t W o - of books with smugness written on o f n a t i o n a l m e d i c a l s c h o o l their faces and view the m asses, ACROSS 26. Printer's y e a r p r o g r a m i n h u m a n b i o l o g y totally unaw are that these m asses 1. Divine mark a c c r e d i t i n g p o l i c y . being 27. Negative ■ Ñ 1 E l o o k i n g t o w a r d e i t h e r a P h . D o r may and must be broken down into 4. Impov­ 28. Thus G O L D millions and millions of indiv.J- i d e n t F o r H a a r l a n f i n a l e H a h e t c h s a n g e r ’ s U t h e m - M P e r e t h a t s ­ a n M . D . d e g r e e u n l e s s a u t h o r i z e d ual units, each with feelings and beliefs. It is these people who, erished 8. Sward 29. Clothed 30. Cotton- E N N A L n A WHY WE b y t h e l e g i s l a t u r e . ” 11. Exist seeder E G E R M S U i s p l o t t i n g f o r a f o u r - y e a r sitting u po n their doctoral de­ A p p a r e n t l y , H a t c h e r a n d 12. Dept, in 31. Author R O 5 E g rees, c a n casually t o s s o f f France 33. Edible fish r V V m e d i c a l s c h o o l . H u b b a r d a r e h o p i n g t o w r i n g a s meaningless letters couched in esoteric glibness calling for an 13. Date 34. Roman A N 3 A CARRY H u b b a r d ’ s f i r s t s o u r n o t e - - a n m u c h s y m p a t h y a s p o s s i b l e f r o m 14. Plighted road abolition of individualism and faith 35. Gypsy's o b v i o u s p i t c h f o r m o r e m o n e y t h e l e s s i n f o r m e d l e g i s l a t o r s . “ moral blindness.” 46. Merit 6. Forward 16. Tree of pine pocketbook It is interesting to note that the family 47. Blurred 7. Abated f o r U - M ' s a n d W a y n e ’ s p r o - P e r h a p s i t w o u l d b e m q r e 36. Shore bird scientist c a n take something 18. Writing 38. Rifle DOWN 8. Silken There’s more than fabric superiority in Gant. In addi­ g r a m s - - i s n o t i n h a r m o n y w i t h a p p r o p r i a t e , a n d h o n e s t , f o r U - M barely visible to the naked eye fluid 41. A Presi­ 1. Lacuna 9. Dolphin tion, “ needled-into the warp and woof of every Gant an d find in it millions, nay bil­ 19. Precipice: dent's nick­ 2. Ital whale e i t h e r t h e s t a t e ’ s n e e d s f o r m o r e t o s w i t c h t o t h e f l i p s i d e ‘ ‘ M S U , s h irt" — there’s fla ir-fit show — three vital inher- lions,' of units w'liile some of our Haw. name daybreeze 10. Burmese knife ents that make all the difference when a man wears d o c t o r s o r p l a n s f o r e x p a n s i o n W e L o v e T h e e I n T h e S h a d o w s . ” "hum anists” can only break the 20. Fore­ 42. Arrow 3. Ridicule shadow poison 4. Past U. S. 15. Unit a Gant. 22. Hack 44. Guido's president 17. Dis­ We chose Gant because they take sh irt making seri­ mounted STATE MEWS 25. Pindar note 5. Native ously. They’re hard to please (like 1we are) when it work 45. Pikelike fish metal 19. Kitchen MICHIGAN utensil comes to fit of collar, its roll, its profile— how much STATE To Prevent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 it shows above the suit collar. They're fastidious UNIVERSITY M isinterpreting \ m 12 ■ 13 22. Drum about the way the body o f the sh irt drapes and folds. ll ÍÜ n§ 23. Indigo All must integrate to achieve tha t viable ingredient which gives com fort and aplomb. In substance, Gant Member Associated P re s s, United P ress summer term ; special Welcome Issue in Sep­ 14 IS 16 n 24. Humerus International, Inland Daily P re ss Association, tem ber. Editor’ s Note: The l o s t : ü 26. Bevy shirts are keyed to the discerning tastes of well Associated Collegiate P re s s Association, Second class postage paid' at East Lansing, three paragraphs of the in- : m i 16 19 29. Assessment groomed men who appreciate quality. These men are H ÜP Michigan P re ss Association. Michigan. terview with A d r i a n H. : vm Æ 30. Played 18 our customers. 20 21 22 29 24 Editorial and business offices at 341 Student : Jaffe, associate professor i holes Published by the students of Michigan Services Building, Michigan State University, • of English, which appeared :: 25 ü 26 27 32. Duck G o n t S h i r t s in w h i t e • P l a i n C o l o r s a n d E ast Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions 33. Yellow s t r i p e O x f o r d c l o t h . Button D o w n a n d State University. Issued on cla ss days Monday : on Wednesday's editorial T ab col lars. through Friday during the fall, winter and payable in advance: term , $3; 2 term s, $4; : page, were written as a • 26 ocher $6.50 and $6.95 ¡Ü 2 9 3 0 9 spring quarters, twice weekly during the 3 te rm s, $5; full y ear, $6. : part of the interview with • m 35. Garnish­ ment : John N. Moore, associate • 31 3 2 g 3 3 36. Peruke : professor* of natural sci- • >Æh Editor......................................... Bruce Fabricant Sports Editor.................................Je r r y Caplan : ence, appearing on th e ■ P 3 4 Ht 3 5 PU 37. N. Zealand Wire E d i to r ..................... ....Joh n Van Gieson woody vine S m a lfe -Advertising Manager................... .Fred Levine. : samepage. This may have: 3 6 3 1 3 6 1 3 9 4 0 38. For each Campus Editor G erry Hinkley Night Editor ..........'...............Lee Brown A sst. Adv. M grs.....................Frank Senger J r ., : distorted the i n t e n d e d \ 41 4 2 tut 4 3 44 39. Yale A ss't campus editor.................... Liz Hyman ...................... .Arthur Langer statements of the views of • for 2 •Sportswear save 51« with coupon In order to get these special prices this ad must •Furnishings be presented when clothes are brought in for cleaning. Expires Saturday March 7, 1964. these Cut Down Prices Dine with us in gracious luxury. PHONE IV 9-9723 - DANCING NIGHTLY - H O LD EN R E ID CLEANERS AND S HI R T LAUNDERERS Frandor Shopping Center 321 E . MICHIGAN • FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER St. Jonns Logan Center IV-57179 this Ad. . .Clip this Ad. . .Clip this Ad. . . C l i p this Ad. .Clip RESTAURANT Thursday, F e b ru a ry 27, 1964 ¿ g a s i with a FORD 1954, standard, r a d i o , VOLKSWAGEN - late 1962, sun­ APARTMENTS SELECT MOBILE HO M E S , lo­ B A B Y S I T T I N G . Vicinity of P la c e m e n t B u r e a u roof, vinyl headliner, r a d i o , cated 2 m iles North of the North Northwestern School and Grand M l low cost heater, good local transportation, little rust; $100 or best offer. whitewalls, $1350. P h o n e 355- WANTED: ONE male roommate to share luxury apartment sta rt­ Side Drive-In on US-27 has a few show models left from last week’ s R iver, 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M . March 4 Cadillac G a g e C o.; Physical cation A rts (B,M,D). 2503. 36 ing Spring term . Air conditioning, Phone IV 5-4180. 38 E lectric Typew riter Div.: all WANT AD 355-6124 '56 FORD converti le, new top, 3' MGA roadster. Call T 3 T - 8 “96 evenings. , pool. Phone 337-1525. 39 prem ier showing of the 1964 Mo- bile Homes. These models have STllbENT TV "R E NT A L S . Slew 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” science, e le ctrica l, mechanical, m ajors In Colleges of Engineer- * metallurgical, chem ical, engi­ Ing, Business, A rts and L etters, • AUTOMOTIVE runs good. Must sell. See at NEAR CAMPUS, furnished 2-mar. been drastically cut in price and '59 V.W. & 58 PEUGEOT. TieTt table models, $8 per month, 17” neering, applied m echanics, phy­ Social science, Communication •EM PLO YM EN T Meridian Gulf S e - v i c e , 2139 a p a r t m e n t . Living room , bed­ will save you hundreds of dollars 3* offer. Moving March 21. P h o n e table models, $7 per month. A 11 sics (B,M,D). A rts (B,M ). Also all m ajors in­ Haslett. _____ room , kitchen and bath. Parking. • FO R REN T while they last. Also we are in sets guaranteed, no service o r Detroit D istrict, U.S. Army terested in typewriter sales, and 1961 FALCON, 4-d o r , sedan, 484-~120 or 332-2048. 38 Unsupervised. Phone 332-5374. need of used units in both 8 and 10 delivery ch arg es. Call Nejac TV Audit Agency: College of Busi­ electrical and mechanical (B,M) • FO R S A L E very clean inside, go >d condition. 39 ★ E m ployment________ HOUSES foot wide models. Drive out to Rentals, IV 2 -0 6 2 4 . C ness (B,M) engineers. • LO ST & FOUND Price $859. Call aite;r 4:00 p.m. SELECT MOBILE HOMES and Ethicon, In c.: College of Bus­ •P E R S O N A L 355-5809. 36 RANCH STYLE house, suitable JEAN'-A-WINS has excellent stud Data Systems Dlv.: E lectrical, LABORATORY TECHNICIAN for take advantage of these terrific iness Administration (B) VOLKSWAGEN se.TT: , d e l u x e serv ice, miniatureSchnauzer son m echanical, chem ical (B,M) en­ • P iA N U T S PERSO N A L general hospital laboratory. Sal­ for 3 or 4, close to campus. Call p rices. 41 Grand Blanc Township Unit 1960. Black, radio, white side- ary commensurable with train - 337-0716. 38 of international champion. Also gineers, physics, College of Bus­ • R EA L ESTA TE BEAUTIFUL LOTS on private School: Elem entary, English, art, walls. 1 Owner. Shar;-pe looking, EAST LANSING unfurnished 2 expert grooming. 372-3465. iness (B,M). • S E R V IC E ing and experience. Apply: M rs. Lake near Gaylord, Michigan. social science, history (B), spe­ Serviced on regularr schedule. 40 •TRA N SPO RTA TIO N J . lnsalace, MT, ASCP. He a d bedroom, full basement. Close PH. Tom Krause, 489-9021 or cial education (B ). M /F Sacramento State College; So­ Phone TU 2 - “62‘ . _________ 38 Technician, Lab.; The Memorial to Marble School and Shopping DESIRE IRONING in my home. •WANTED 332-1706._________________ 37 Household Finance C o rp .:C o l- cial casew ork,geography,speech VOLKSWAGEN l95v, s u n r o o f , Center. Available April 1. Call $5 per double washer load. F o r Hospital; Owosso, Michigan. VVEBCOR stereo tape reco rd er, lege of Business Administration, t h e r a p y , physical education, D EA D LIN E : radio, heavy duty cluitch and r e ­ ___________ 38 332-1130 after 5:00 p.m. for ap­ information call IV 2-2375 m orn- Arts and L e tte rs, Communication healty business f i n a n c e , busi­ two extension speakers - $100. tngs. 36 1 p.m. one class day be­ built engine. In excellient condi- WAITRESSES full-time and p art- pointment. 36 A rts, Social Science (B). ness management, accounting, Phone 355-6094. fore publication. tion. $825. Meridia: Culf - 2139 time. Night work 1 BEDROOM““HOUSE furnished. only.18 mini­ 37 DIAPER SERVICE, sam e diapers Thomas J . Lipton, Inc.¡College m usic, English, social work, field C a n c e lla tio n s - 1 2 n o o n o n e Haslett Rd. 37 mum a g e . Call IV for 5 - 1 Spring and Summer term s. Call returned e i t h e r yours or ours. of Business, A rts and L etters, Instruction, coordinator, Spanish B E a C l E PUPPIES - AKC re g is- c l a s s d a y b e fo re p u b l i c a t i o n r59‘ f i a t - 600, 2 2 .:«"" .lies. $lSC, appointment._______ 31 332-8796 evenings. 37 With our serv ice, you may include Communication A rts, Social Sci­ and Latin, French and Latin, G er­ tered, 2 m ales, 8 weeks old. Call PHONE: or best offer. ED 2-0- - 2, EARN EXTRA money in your ROOMS 332-3405. 38 two pounds of baby clothes that ence or others (B ). man. M /F 38 spare time with Judy Lee Jew els. do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. Johnson & Johnson: All m ajors, 355-8255 VOLKSWAGEN engine for s a le ’ 485-3622 for more information or quiet and clean for graduate male SINGLE ROOM, comfortable, DUtoOhrf 21” T .V .. deluxe Hot AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE all colleges (B ), packaging tech­ Point automatic washing m a­ RATES: Completely rebuilt with Okrasa 484-5521. student. Phone IV 2-8304. chine. F o r information call 3 3 7 - 914 E. Gier Street _________IV 2-0864_________ ^ ing (B). nology (B), mechanical engineer­ Faculty M em bers s t r o k e r kit. Completely bal­ REGISTERED NURSES, f u l l or WANT GIRL to share nicelyfur- 1 DAY S I .25 963?. 36 s. 5 0 hp., part time, 11-7 or 3-11. Good sa l­ nished room , cooking, 1/2 block WHY PAY MORE? F o r profes­ 3 D A Y S . . . .52.50 anced - dual ca rhiirf Moving1? Enclosed cargo tr a il- Rialto Unified School D istrict: To R e a d P ap ers completely chr med. C a l l IV ary and differential plus other to bus lines. Call 332-6736. sional dry c l e a n i n g , WEN- Elem entary e d u c at i o n (B,M), 5 DAYS . . . . 53.75 36 e r 4’ X 7X 5’ , $100. ED 2-1039. 5-3388 between ":0 0 -9 :0 0 p.m. fringe benefits. Flexible t i m e SINGLE ROOMS for men for DROW’S. Pants, s k i r t s , sweat­ English, m athem atics (B,M ), so­ (Based on 15 words per ad) 36 schedule. Meal furnished. Phone 36 e r s , 60£. Plain d resses, suits, cial science (B ,M ), business ed­ To Biophysicists Spring t e r m s . L arge, quiet TEFLO N F R Y I N G PANS, ACE coats, $1.19. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 There will be a 25< service OLDSMOBILE l 9 o ', 4-door sedar. ED 2-0801. 41 ucation (B,M ), foreign language room s wash bowl in each. 1block HARDWHERE & GIFTS, E . Grand block west of Frandor. and bookkeeping charge if with hydramatic, $175. Call 4 8 . - MALE: Efficient at shorthand or (Spanish and French) (B,M ), art, Rae P. M ericle, research as­ from campus. Approved, super­ River a cro ss from Union, ED ______________ C36 science (B,M ). M /F 5 ““9. 3220 Andrew Avenue. speedwriting. 8 hours work on sociate in physics, will preqent this ad is not paid within vised. $9. per week. Spartan 2-3212._________ c JO B R E S U M E S - 1 0 0 copies. 37 campus. March 2 -6 . $1.7 5 /h r. The T rav elers Insurance C o.: a paper today on "Synergistic and one week. OLDSMOPILE 4-doorK ard- 355-2163. 38 Hall, 215 Louis, 332-2574. ALASKAN MALAMUTE. 2 yeai $4.00. Aldinger Direct Mail Ad­ All m ajors, all colleges (B). Antagonistic Interactions of Mag­ . 38 male, AKC registered . Beauti­ vertising. 533 North Clippert. top, deluxe, radio, heater, power EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an San Juan Unified School Dis­ netic F i e l d s and Ionizing Ra­ The State News does, not steering and brakes, positive Avon representative. Turn your fully marked, wonderful disposi­ IV 5 -2 2 1 3 . C tric t: English, math, h i s t o r y , diation” at the Biophysics Society permit racial or religious traction axle. IV 4 -6 “06 after 3:00 free time into $$. F o r appoint­ it F o r Sale tion. Weekdays after 6:00 p.m . - T , V. RENTALS f o r students. Spanish, Latin, Fren ch , foreign meeting in Chicago. discrimination in its ad­ 38 ment in your home write or call: WHIRLPOOL D E L U X E Space­ 646-4611.__________________ 38 Econom ical rates by the term and languages, industrial a rts, sci­ p.m. vertising c o l u m n s . The M rs. Alona Huckins, 5664 School Saver automatic w asher-dryer 4 BLONDE END tables, bedroom month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT­ Coauthors a re Leo W. M ericle, ence (B,M,D), business education State News will not accept St., Haslett, Michigan or call e v e- combination; l i k e new. Phone lamps, occasional ch air, toy pud­ ALS - 355-6026. Call after 5. (B,M,D), elem entary education professor of botany, William F . advertising from persons A used car that nings, FE 9 -8 4 8 3 . 485-2816. 38 dle pup. Reasonable. Phone 882— _______________________________ C (B,M,D). M /F Campbell, research assistant in discriminating against re­ C36 WEDDING D R E S S , size 11-12. 1481. botany, and Donald J . Montgom- • 37 WILL CARE for in my home, small ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or doesn’ t eat gas? SECOND COOK, responsible sup- Long sleeves, chapel train, hoop SWEDISH CLASSICAL g u i t a r ; U. S. General Accounting Of­ ery , p rofessor of physics. child or infant. Mature lady. IV fice: Accounting, auditing (B,M ). national origin. ervisory position. Necessary to and veil. Call TU 2-8668. like new, w /case, capo, spare 5-0 5 2 9 .________________________36 No such animal. Also at the Biophysics Society have experience in large volume _________________ 37 strings, strap. 355-5812 between DIAPER SERVICE, three types of March 4-5 meeting, Eloise Kuntz, research Better get a bug: cooking. A l l benefits. Apply 8 -tran sisto r radios - Special buy 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. jr Autom otive Sparrow. Hospital Personnel Of- on a real good 1963 model per­ diapers to choose from. B u l k asso ciate in biophysics will p re­ ____________________________ 37 wash for clean er, whiter diapers, International Business Machines: sent a paper on "E n ergy T ran s­ FORD 1960 Galaxie, 4-door,pow­ fice._______________ __ 36 mits sale at $12.88. Limited quan­ DINETTE, wrought iron, apart­ er steering, brakes.Thunderbird '62 VVV Sedan (2) $1395 fluff dried and folded. Use yours College of Engineering,Business fer in P rotein s.” The senior au­ DELIVERY“ B O Y, nights. “C a r tity. A C E H A R D W H E R E & ment size. Lamp tables, drapes, cruiseom atic, whitewalls, $950. 1195 or r e n t ours. Containers fur­ Administration, A r t s and L et­ thor of the paper is JayantiM ag- ’60 vw Convert. , needed. A p p l y in person, 211 GIFTS, a cro ss from Union Build- trav erse rods, b ed s p r e a d s , te rs , Social Science, Communi- Chaudhuri, form er research as­ 1095 nished. No deposit. 25 y e a rs ex­ Phones TU 2-0319. 38 ’60 VW Sedan M.A.C. 36 ine. ED 2-3212._______________C ro a ster. Bargains! Skiis and perience. B y -L o Diaper S ervice, sociate in biophysics. L eroy G. 1963 STARFIREOLDSMOBILE, ’59 VW Sunroof Sedan 995 poles, $10. 485-5011. 1010 E . Michigan, IV 2-0421.C Augenstein, biophysics depart­ one owner, like new. Best offer over $2800. Phone ED 7-0801 '59 Karmann Ghia Con 1095 •60 Fiat 1200 Sedan 495 _______________________________36 ACCIDENT P R O B L E M 1? t a l i C a ta iic ia r o f ment chairm an, and Kuntz are TUXEDO and accesso ries - 42 coauthors. Kalamazoo S t r e e t Body Shop. after 5:00 .p.m . FLICK 2 -door, hardtop. 37 '59 Renault Dauphine 295 I RENTED IT long - worn once. 1/2 p rice. 332- 0719. ________________________ 36 Small d e n t s to large w r e c k s . C o m in g E v e n ts Montgomery w i l l present a Good condition; interior perfect. Am erican an d f o r e i g n c a r s . TONEMASTER G U ITAR,electric Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 F o restry Seminar — 10 a.m . paper Saturday on "B iological Best offer over $350. Call 484- 9944. FORD 1956, V -8, a u t o~m a t i c, ^' P h i l Q w A x m '4 , THROUGH THE steel. Amplifier included. Good E ast Kalamazoo. condition. Phone IV 2-4839. THESIS PRINTED C 2 “ F o restry . Ecology S e m i n a r — 12 noon, Effects o f S t e a d y Magnetic F ield s” a t the___Soutij,western 36 450 Nat. S ci. meeting of the Am erican Physi­ radio, heater, good tire s, $125. C all 355-9798. A. H. SPRITE 1959, new engine, 36 CO N T IN EN TA L IMPORTS WANT ADS n o . NEW T .V .’S, $S8-up. Famous Rapid s e r v i c e , Dlazo prints, makes. LOOK B -4-U Buy Storage drafting supplies, also xerox cop­ p.m ., 114 B essey. Biochemistry S e m i n a r — 4 cal Society in Tucson, A riz. Coi- authors are A .E . Smith, forme* INC. Furniture Sales, 4601 N, U.S. ies. 'Crop Science Seminar — 4 research associate in physics, tires, top. R'adio and heater. Iv a c a n c v 27, IV 7-0173. C36 CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT p .m ., 317 Ag. Hall. and Rae M ericle. $^00. or best offer. 332-8843. V o l k s w o g e n * P o r s c h e BICYCLE SALES, service an d 221 South Grand Entomology Seminar — 4p .m ., 38 2845 E. Saginaw 484-1341 ren tals. E ast Lansing C ycle, 1215 Lansing, IV 2-5431 401 Nat. Scl. DODGE - CORONET, 8 cylinder, E ast Grand R iver, call 332-8303. C37 M athem atics-Statistics Collo­ 4-door, 195“, radio, heater, hy- dromatiC. Good transportation. FALCON 1961, 2-door, deluxe, original powder b l u e finish, C TYPING SERYICE quium — 4 p .m ., P . M. Confer­ TWOMOREDAYS! Phone IV 5-8211 after 5:00 p.m. whitewall tire s , radio, heater, B. & R. HOUSE OF STEREO TERM PAPERS done“ quickly~- ence Room. S tatistics-P h y sics Math. Col­ EUK K 1962, Special, s t a t i o n 37 and stick shift. See and drive this sharp one today!! $985. A1 LET US HELP YOU RENT YOUR Used G errard changer with all reasonable ra te s. 2 blocks from a c c e s s o r i e s , $15.00; AM-FM Union. Phone 337-2737. 36 loquium — 4:10 p .m ., 120 Phy- wagon, private owner. Low mil­ eage, excellent condition. Call Edwards C o., Lincoln, Mercury, APARTMENT Harman Kardon; 60 watt Strom - TERM PAPERS, theses, exp er­ sics-M ath. berg Carlson amplifier; other ienced. IBM ele ctric. Marianne T rack , Miami (Ohio) — 7 p.m ., SAVE Comet dealer, 3125 East Saginaw. used and new equipment. Also Harrington, 372-3280.' Fieldhouse. 3 3 2 -3 4 '6 . 38 (North of Frandor). 19-1 CORVAIR MONZA, g o o d C37 CALL 355 8255 T0D* Y custom built speakers and en­ _______________C37 Poetry R e a d i n g , W i l l i a m 20% shape, white with red interior, N1GA, wire wheels, 2 2 ,0 0 0 miles, clo su res. Hours: 4 :3 0 -9 :0 0 p.m. THESES AND term papers typed. Gamble — 8 p .m ., 214 M orrill. TU 2-5202 - call anytime. PONTIAC GR AND PRIX 1963, $975. Phone 337-2753. 36 RAMBLER 1958 C lassic wagon, $550 or $46.16 per month for 36 STATE NEWS weekdays - 9 :0 0 -9 :0 0 Saturday. E le ctric typewriter. Fast s e r ­ 1152 W. Grand River ’ Williamston, OL 5-172" 37 vice. 332-4597. ED IESTA R R , TYPIST, T heses, Pershing R ifles, Guest Speaker 38 — 7 p .m ., 11 Dem Hall, C lass “ A” uniforms. Acrobats Club — 7 p .m ., Je n i- o n o u r r e g u l a r full power. Call IV 4-8528. 37 d issertation s, term papers, gen­ year. Excellent condition. Phone AFFECTIONATE DAY babysitter HOUSETRA1LER W i n d s o r , 46 son Fieldhouse. DALMATIAN MALE, 1 year old. C HE VROLET 195“ , A-l condition, 489- 4 2 3 8 . ■_........_3? wanted f o r boy 4, girl 2 near X 10, 1 bedroom, patio, choice 2-dopr, 2 new tires, V-8, auto­ FORD 1963 convertible Galaxie Building 1445. Callevenings, 355- location. Reasonable. O k e m o s , No p a p e r s , very reasonable. E le c tric . OR 7-8232. eral typing. Experienced, IBM C Graduate In ter-V arsity C hris­ P L A ID Phone IV 5-4153. . 38 tian Fellowship — 6:30 p.m ., 35 matic. $550. Call 655-2582. 500. L o a d e d . Must sacrifice. 1200. 38 Phone 482-5543, 815 Max Ave. 36 337-7633._____________________ 48 ANN BROWN typist and multilith Union. U G G A G E BABYSITTER ' iW F d ED to ca re REFRIGERATOR - FRIGIDAIRE ★ Personal offset printing (black & white 8i Folk Dancing — 8 p .m ., Union J . B .’S USED CARS 40 f o r 4 g i r l s including 2 p re­ 1948 model, very good condition color). IBM. General t y p i n g , ballroom. by $30. Phone 627-2672. FOR REAL SAVINGS ask this term papers, thesis, d isserta­ Exclusively Chevrolets AH SPRITE 1961, excellent ex­ schoolers, Monday-Frlday, 7 :3 0 - ¡956 2-door, hardtop. Black and ample. Hardtop and other ex­ 5:30. Own transportation. 882- 37 State F arm agent about financing tions. ED 2 -8 3 8 4 . • C ATLANTIC white, original black and white tra s. Reasonable. Phone 337— 7334 evenings. interior. No rust. Mechanically 0196. 36 MOBILE HOME, Ritzcraft 10 your next c a r through the S t a t e TYPING I n "my h o m e , . S h i r l e y 37 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, male X 50. Like new, front kitchen. Farm C ar Finance Plan — Ask Decker, F o r e s t Ave. Lansing. Columbia Prof Low down payment. Call IV 5 - MANN, IV 5-7267, In Frandor. Phone IV 2 -7 2 0 8 . C perfect. No money down. 2801 S. Cedar VOLKSWAGEN 1958, s u n r o o f , or female. Call from home or our radio, heater, excellent motor, office. Call 484-4091 for appoint­ 0329 or 332-1075. 37 C36 PEAN UTS To Talk Here TU 2-1478 or TU 2-6721 body and whitewall tire s. Priced ment^_________________________ 38 SEALPOINT SIAMESE kittens, 7 FORT LAUbFftDALE - budget “ The Social Sciences and the weeks old. House broken, ador­ tours arranged. Call Main T ravel Humanities” will be the topic of C for immediate sale! I A1 Edwards WAITRESS: P art tim e, days. Ap­ Sportscar Center, 616 N. Howard, ply in person. 211 M.A.C. able. 4027 Aurelius Rd., call 8 8 2 - Bureau. IV 4-4441._________ C27 a speech by a noted diplomat and 36 6526. 37 J.K . & S.H. - "Look before you author at 8 p.m . Friday in the Phone 489-7596. BABYSITT1NG In my licensed BOY'S CARCOAT“ - wool suit, leap” Saturday, February 29 at _______ C37 Erickson Hall Kiva. home, 1329 E. Grand River, Lans­ size 18, men’ s carcoat, and top­ STORY FORD 1959, 2-door, V-8, stick, the Spinster Spin. 36 Adolph B erle, professor of law ing. Call IV 4-5624. coat, zip lining, size 38. Phone STUDENTS On your birthday at ColumbiaUniversity and an ex­ good shape, must sell. $600. or ______________ .________________37 IV 2-4314. 37 come down for a free pizza. best offer. 332-8064.________ 36 pert on Latin Am erican relations, 1957 PONTIAC, 2-door, hardtop. FU LL TIME Receptionist, also REDUCING L O U N G E S (3) - Bimbo’ s Pizza, 484-7817. will speak at a meeting sponsored $295. Phone IV 9-1895, 412 Haze. p art-tim e Beautician. Apply in (used), excellent condition, $50 C37 by the Humanities Research Cen­ Sells F o r Less 36 person. Jacobson’ s BeautySalon, each. Original price, $189. Call WERE YOU thinking about getting te r. 196 3 OLDSMOBILE, "i I o 1 i d a~y East Lansing. 36 IV 9-1435. established with a good bank, doc­ i DON'T KNOuLlTS BEEN C0MIN6 B erle was a member of the Coupe, many a ccesso ries. All ________ _______ 37 tor and insurance agent? Choose American delegation to the P aris 62 Chevrolet 2-door sedan in­ white, low mileage, one owner. it F o r Rent ADMIRAL 21” T.V. combination, Bubolz for insurance, 2 2 0 Albert, DOWN FOR DAs5.. EV'ERVTHINé'S Peace Conference in 1919, served cludes radio, heater andwhite E ast Lansing.______________ C36 Flood ed a n d . ôood 6 rief ! Like new. IV 2-0215. APARTMENTS $65. Occasional chairs, lamps, as assistant secre ta ry of state wall tires. drapes, curtains, small ele ctri­ UNCLE FUD'S PARTY S h o p . for Latin Am erican affairs, was 39 EAST LANSING furnished, close Si ORY SELLS CHEVROLETS cal appliances. Call IV 4-7316. P arty supplies and beverages. ambassador to B razil after World FOR LESS. S I295. COMET 1962, 2-door, standard, to University and sto res. F o r 38 Kosher sandwiches. T w o miles War II and was appointed by the 6400 actual m iles, clean, like- men or m arried couple. Phone 57’Oldsmobile 4 door s e d a n new, must see to believe. 487- 332-3363. 0700. 38 LARNED STREET - 1st floor 38 ORGAN, ELECTRIC, 2 manual e ast on AGO console, excellent condition. BRAIN FOOD - apples. To raise Grand River.________ C late President Kennedy to head a task force on U .S .-L atin Am eri­ SALEENDSON comes complete with power Reasonable. 372-1529 or after your sco re , try eating the co re. can policy. He has written numer­ CHEVROLET, white 19$9Impala, furnished three large rooms; 6:00 p .m ., IV 5-9039. steering, power brakes, radio, heater, automatic transm is­ 2-door, hardtop, whitewalls, V -8, bath. Clean, private. No children, p ets. IV 2 -4 2 6 5 . 37 NORWEGIAN ELKHOtiND pup- iculture Building. 36 1, 2, 30 steps from Berkey, Hort­ C36 ous books on econom ics, law and foreign relations. SATURDAY sion and white wall tire s. radio, heater. Phone IV 2-5410, The lecture is open. pies, A.K.C. registered. Phone 8 NEW YORK vacation-bus special! $495. nights IV 5 -6 0 6 6 . 36 EAST LANSING c l o s e in, 3 room s, unfurnished except for to 5, 485-7121, nights Eaton Rap­ Round trip, $30. F o r reserv a­ Get set for spring vacation- range and refrig erato r. 1st floor ids, 4-5136. 37 tions, call East Lansing Bus Stone Marten F u rs. Neck pieces, Station, ED 2-2813. 37 Ju p iter , Venus for European t r a v e l . Choose 59'ct ievrolet Impala Convert­ s p a r t a n m o to rs with southern exposure - no stu­ zip p a c k i n g cases — Val- THUNDERBIRD 1956, white with dents. $100. per month. Phone like new. Call ED 2-1467. SPARTAN FLIGHTS - Spring va- a -P a k s—tote bags in Stuart ible tias power steering, power brakes, radio, heater auto­ black hardtop. Hurry. $1395. 332-5988 after 6:00 p.m. 39 ..., ...... , -i . __________ 36 cation flightstowherethefunis. Closest Tonight or Black Watch plaids. STEREOPHONIC C O N S O L E - Daytona $79., NYC, $55. - round matic transmission and white FORD 1961, 4-d oor, 6 cylinder, EYDEAL VILLA: 1 or 2 bedroom Capehart, A M- F Mr a d i o , NEW YORK (#1— Venus and wall tires. standard transm ission. Special, apartments completely and ex­ year old. Phone IV 4-6275. trip. Don't get left behind; call Jupiter are displaying celes­ S T O R Y SELLS CONVERT­ $795. cellently furnished. Choice of in­ now 332-8563, M -F, 1-5 p.m. tial togetherness these even­ IBLES FOR LESS. $895. 38 38 te rio r co lo rs, central rec-ro o m , ings. CORVETTE 1958, rebuilt motor, laundry facilities, b a r b e c u e POOL TABLES - (Valley). New Y 'A L L COM&... to the Varsity They a re the two bright ob­ new top, runs fine. $1895. areas and swimming pool. GE ap­ 3 1/2X7 Full-slate. Delivered Club's post-gam e d a n c e Sat­ f THIS 15 ThE END I I'M STORY jects visible in the western and set up. Phone IV 9-5805. Ed urday. Clubhouse opposite the ' CROSSING THAT Ol' I S CHEVROLET C o rv air, 1960, 4 - pliances. Call FIDELITY REAL­ RIVER J0RDA.N! ' sky just after sunset. T Y , ED 2-5041, GEORGE EYDE, Schultz dealer. 36 Men's I.M. 36 door, very clean, $995. V i They've gradually appeared C36 STRING B^SS - blonde K a y -------------- OLDSMOBILE ED 2 -0 5 6 5 . clo ser together, and tonight OLDSMOBILE 88 Dynamic, 4 - 2 or 3 boys or m arried couple, Swingmaster, excellent natural ★ Peanuts Personal make their closest approach, door, 1960, automatic transm is­ nice three room apartment plus finish. C ase. Cost; $425 - Selli- GIRLS ( * W. Landoq and the > v o e a rin g less than two de­ LANSING - c■ sion, power steering- and power 3ÿ woman*in ¿43; the difficult is bathroom. Phone 48ui-3327. $.7 $200. Phone 332-3747. g rees ap art. , 107 S. Washington WORLD'S LARGEST brakes. You must see this one. LOOKING TOR male^ roommates T e NTS: Several styles and sizes, done Immediately, the Impossible Huge Jupiter, to the left O LDSM O BILE D E A L E R , 3000 E . Michigan EAST U N S IN G at Cedar Village, 332-1442 o r sleeping bags, save 40%. L a y -a - takes a little time. and above, appears sm aller IV 7-3715 209 E. Grand River Phone IV 2-1311 C36 332-5051. 48 way plan. IV 9-3242 . 40 36 than Venus, which is sixtim es brighter now. Michigan State News, E a s t Lan sin g, Michigan Th ursday, F e b r u a r y 2 7 . 1 96 4 / HELD OVER B ig Ten H o c k e y L o o p N e x t? In tr a m u r a l N ew s Residence Hall Bowling — ain-een ► ^ 3 More Days! MEN’ S Feature 1;20 • 3:20 . 5:25 * 7:30 - 9:35 with an 8-3- 1 record. They have interest, to start a Big Ten hoc­ Big Ten schools except Iowa Open Hockey Play*Offs Alleys 8:30 p.m . By DICK SONANDERS * State News Sports Writer played against Western Michigan and small schools in Minnesota. key league. One of the reasons State Coach have ice arenas. T here is a movement for a Fvans Scholars, by virtue of their 4-3 win over Kappa Sigma, I - 2 — McN’ab-McBeth 3 -4 — McGregor-M cLean WINNER ACADEMY AWARDNOMINATION T here is a definite possibility Ohio State is unofficially con­ Amo Bessone and other coaches Christm as tournament in Wis­ 5_6 — W ordsworth-W orcester advanced to the Final and will that the Big Ten will have a sidered to be in the Independent in the WCHA want to have Big consin in which all the Big Ten 7 - 8 —Wolfram-Wormwood face the winner of Fyjimo’s and 'BestActress' hockey league in the near future. Ohio Conference by some sp o rts- Ten hockey is the inequality in schools would compete and this 9_10 — A ristocrats-Snyder 11 Sigma Chi. Sigma Chi is the At present, there are five con­ wniters. The Bucks have lost to the conference. T h e B i g Ten could be the start of Big Ten I I - 12 — Worshlp-Worthington defending champion. The final ference schools competing, but the Spartans and Wolverines in schools a re at a disadvantage in hockey. will be held at 10 tonight. they are at different levels of hockey. recruting, an d their budgets B asketball Play-Offs D on ’t M iss Natalie Wood; development. Illinois has a team only on a can't compare with other schools. Michigan Tech, Denver and Wonderful Pe rfo rm a n ce ! Michigan State, Minnesota and Michigan are competing in the Western Conference while Ohio club basis. The Illini picked up Ray Eliot as coach, which could help in speedins ud its chances North Dakota have big budgets for recruiting and can get 12 Snyder Hall To Have Time Gym I (Ct. 2) % - Bailey 7-winner (W.S. 5-10) 8 — Carleton-Bailey 8 to 15 players each season. The 9 — A rpent-loser (West Shaw State and Wisconsin are indepen­ dent team s. Wisconsin is close to playing for "big time” competition. When the Spartans and Wolves Big Ten schools get only five or six players on scholarship Weight-Lifting Room 1-9) Tim e Gym II (Ct. 3) played at Columbus, the atten- because of the allocation of money Perm ission was granted last Students will use their own 6 — Woodwar d-Snyder 15 at the Western Conference level dence was 14.000. When Illinois for the other sports. week by Lyle A. Thorburn, re s ­ weights and a club will be formed. 7 —: Cache-Dueces played its first game in 21 y e a rs, A six team set up appears likely idence h a l l s manager, to con­ Haller said that club member­ 5 — Brougham-McBeth Kids Day Sat. there was a standing-room-only in the near future. It’s possible struct weightlifting facilities in ship would be limited to Snyder 9 — Wisom-Cabana crowd. These schools also have that all the schools could start Snyder Hall’s o ld ping-pong residents. Gym II (Ct. 4) T h e Michigan State-North- the facilities, as well as the a hockey program , since all the room. 6 — E ast Shaw 1-McKinnon western b a s k e t ! : a 11 game in State’ s Jenison Fit :ld House on This is the first residence hall Stan Takes Oath 7 — Wight-Snyder 10 i muhmusm Saturday, will be a special Kids weightlifting program on cam ­ 8 — Wolverton-E.M.L'. lo v e w m t T H e l Day affair. S p a r t a n P is t o l T e a m pus. A weight bench., equipment cage WASHINGTON, f-S tan Musial, praised by President Johnson as 9 — H ustlers-U ncle Tom’ s Gym III (Ct. 5) 65C to 5:30 Ipm peRsnuuiGeiL Youngsters of high school age and a set of isom etric bars were “ a hero to the youth of thiscoun- 7 — Embassy-Empowerment E v e . 900 I ARIlOlOSOUIIAII and younger will be admitted for 50 cen ts. . Tickets may be acquired for R e ta in s N R A C row n given to th e hall by H arris F . Beeman, intramural d irector. tr y ,” was sworn in Wednesday as the President’ s consultant on 8 — L.C.A .-W inner (Sigma Nu- Theta Chi) JANCT VAN ST A R T S SUNDAY 2 BIG HITS SHEUEV MMIÎH» groups in advance by writing the The pistol team successfully day to Ohio State. The Buckeyes "M ost of the students cannot set a new Midwestern League go to the Intramural Building to physical fitness. Musial has been on the job since 9 — D .T.D .-S.A .E Gym 111 (Ct. 6) I LEIGH I0HMS0N WINTEkS HVER FRaNK SiNaroa athletic ticket office. They also defended its National Rifle Asso­ will be on sale at the field house ciation Intercollegiate P i s t o l record with a sco re of 1109 and work out,” said J e r r y J . Haller, a new ROTC team mark of 1054. Snyder . president. “ Our plans Monday, but the formal swearing in cerem onies at the White House 6 — East Shaw 4 -lo se r West Shaw 5-10 » w t v e s I CoideBkow i mis ticket windows the evening of the Championship titl.e at E ast Lans­ game. Game time is S p.m. for State's ing Saturday. T h e Spartans topped e i g h t Both old marks w ere held by the seem to be quite p ractical and Spartans. we have had good response from were delayed so his family and friends could be rounded up for 7 — McGregor-Woodbridge 8 East Shaw 9-Snyder 16 le v e r s I YourHorm t e a m s , representing Michigan, The Green and White won their the men.” the event. (continued on page 8) TtCHMCOtO«' home hoop final. W i s c o n s i n , Oh i o S t a t e a n d second match, with U-M, and broke both reco rd s. They fired Golf M eeting Xavier in a closely fought contest a team total of 1115 and a total where records w ere broken and Freshman golfers are asked to rebroken before they could be put of 1062 in the ROTC competition. attend a meeting at ~:30 tonight on the books. M i k e Golden an d G e o r g e in 223 Jenison. State lost its first match of the Spencer led the Spartans in sco r­ ing with sco re s of 280. Tom Oakey NOW SHOWÎN? posted a 279, while Mai Mathias M IC H IG A N P R I C E S F O R THIS E N G A G E M E N T shot a 276. Golden an d Spencer fired in --T - h e a t r e- E V E S & SUNDAY $ 1 . 2 5 W E E K D A Y MATINEES $ 1 . 0 0 both the open and ROTC competi­ . ►..¿-390*--- C H I L D R E N WITH A D U L T S 5 0 ? tion. In the open Individual competi- “A B S O L U T E L Y * " (continued on page 8) M A G N IF IC E N T !" —Time M a g a z i n e —— " 481 M il ►4184481 — — w 75< to 5:30 1:00 A F T E R tygyy mui^™ EASTMANCOLOR S T A R R IN G 1 :2 5 -3 :2 5 -5 :2 5 -7 :3 5 -9 :4 0 P.M. A lb e r t F I N N E Y S u sa n n a h YORK . H ugh G R I F F T H E d i t h E V A N S TO CELEBRATE NATlr'NAL \ \ Joan GREENWOOD WANT-AD WEEK . Next! " S E V E N DAYS IN MAY* à The campus cutie has 1 ■ ^ Co If t r i l i t o d-TjT J jj L laftelne** tv*** the Professor’s Apprentice standing on his head! Y o u C a n P la c e À ■ M ile s S o u th w e st of L an sin g o n M -7B ■ 3434 1 STARTS TOMORROW! S t a t e N e w s W a n t- A d FIR S T LANSING SHOWING! R A W . ROUGH R E A D Y f o r A C T IO N Jl I om« AGAR .<»«d ARIEN <««a<.cn«s«!.!w t e c h n i c o l o r ' FIR S T LANSING SHOWING! Th« NATICN’S TOP WAIT DISNEYpitwits MffilY ROBBINS WESTERN RECORDING ! THE MISADVENTURES OF a ten R allan J ; COLOR BRANDOf HERE’S HOW IT WORKS OUTDOOR OFA QUNFIBHTER ’ ENTERTAINMENT! HIT NO (3) G U ES T F E A T U R E AT 10:20 TECHNICOLOR* a,™,TDMMYWRK•ANNETTE ON THE STATE NEWS PLU S! D IS N EY ’S "ARIZON A RICHARD SH EEP D O G ” BURTON COMING "WHO’ S B E E N 5 -F O R -3 P LA N S L E E P IN G IN MY B E D ’ BARBARA RUSH JACK From March 2 thru March 11 you can [CARSON get a 5-day ad for the 3-day rate. Open F ri. Sat. Sun. 3 Big Color Feoture ENDS TONIGHT! You pay for the first three days and Feature No. 1 Presented 7:10*9:30 P.M. Gordon Betta get the fourth and fifth day FREE. No T h ea tre "The DEVIL and Scott St. J o h n PAm e 3 3 2 -2 8 1 4 D . The 10 IN refunds will be given during this TOMORROW: COMMANDMENTS" Tarzan The Magnificent special offer. . . - Tw ice at 7:07 & 12.30 “SIGHTS NEVER “ HORRIFYING. -2nd Color H it- CALL BEFORE WEIRD. PHOTOGRAPHED HIDEOUS, ...SEE IT FOR BIZARRE, YOURSELF! VORACIOUS 3 5 5 -8 2 5 5 LIVE AND AND LEARN! FRANK!’ Fascinating —Botiey Crowthf, New York Times '• Shown 2nd at 8.55 ...Shocking!” - Won* Hole Doily M*wi • —3rd Color H it- ASK FOR WANT-ADS Friday 7:05 & later M ONDOCANE Produced by GUAlTlERO JACOPE TTi TECHNICOLOR •AT.mes Eitm Release PARAMOUNT PREStHTSf K IR K D O U G L A S ANVfOM T Q U IN N CO-FEATURE: ______ HALWAINS’«u» LAST TNM N you have never su n _ F R O M anything in the worid G U N H I U . V V 0 M E N C “Tir8ta TBHMCOUR.* OFTHEWORLD PxcmHGUAITOO1AC0PÍTTI TECHNICO LOR* ■•emwRETtRUSTIN O V* mm nn»m«wm Shown 3rd at 10.59 B O Taasoau scan s t u n 4 Miles E . Of Campus Presented Friday 8:50 P.M. only A 8 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 7 , 19 64 F lo r id a A tto rn e y seventh round tecr.nical knockout. To I n v e s t ig a t e T it le B o u t MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (UPI)—'The over to the Florida state's att­ all records and medical papers within the next 24 hours. ing the report of two orthopedic won the crown Tuesday night. The commission said Wednes­ Clay’ s rem arks brought laugh­ Miami Beach Boxing Commission orney’ s office which is looking in­ relating to Liston .” Clay, a 7-1 underdog, won on a surgeons appointed by the com­ Clay said jokingly, " I ’m talk­ day night that there is no longer ter from the sports w riters wtt) has released the $250,000 purse to the fieht. Gerstein said the M i a m i Beach seventh round technical knock­ mission to examine Liston Wed­ ing about retiring now. I don't any question of the honesty of the recalled that he fought more that of Sonny Liston, who lost his F l o r i d a s t a t e ’ s attorney Boxing Commission records and out when Liston was unable to nesday. like to fight. I don’t like to hit fight and that Liston did have an 150 amateur bouts for fun— an< h e a v y w e i g h t championship to R i c h a r d G erstein announced papers will be turned over to answer the bell because of an The state attorney’ s announce­ and get hit. I just do it for the won the Olympic Light-Heavy. Cassius Clay Tuesday night. The injured shoulder. Wednesday afternoon, ” 1 have the county medical examiner "to injured left shoulder. ment of the investigation cam e money.” weight Championship in 1960. commission had held up Liston’s A spokes r, said the co m - asked the Miami Beach Boxing determine if there is justification The Miami Beach Commission as Clay was holding a news money pending an inquiry into the mission’s fi rtes will be turned Commission to make available for further investigation.” He withheld the $25 0 ,0 0 0 "liv e gate” conference in a room of the In tr a m u r a l N ew s said he expects to get the records portion of Liston's money pend- same convention hall where he Pistol | Few Prep (continued from page 7) Winner (Won 6 — I East : s-Snyder) picture taken upoi completion of ' (Smith & M e- the final match. Injured Moreland To Miss (continued from page 7) tion Oakey placed fourth with a 273 total. Open individual winner | Tickets Left f LANSING, (UPI)— State Inter­ Tonight’s Jenison Track Go 9 — C.S.O.-Augies Aces PherSon)-W i (Carpenter Si was Wisconsin’s Gast with a 282. Residence Hall Table Tennis scholastic A t h l e t i c Directoi Wierda) Wisconsin also took individual Handball Singles C harles E . Forsythe announce: honors in the ROTC shoot, when Singles — * p.m. Sf Arena In d e p e n d e n t Toble Tennis Tuesday that the four final game; B yers posted a 275. 1 — Case-McDonel (E F irst Round-- 8 p.m. Sprinter Bob Moreland will not high jumper and hurdler, suf­ of the Michigan High School B as­ nstein) s ingie s “:30p.m . Sports Arena vault at 7 p .m ., the first running In the fourth round of firing, 2 - - Bryan (Bower mftions j — pig (Baird)-Evans Scho­ Court be in the lineup tonight when the fering from a virus. McKoy Is event Is set for 7:45. State captured the team trophy ketball Tournament will be -el (Alberts) 4 — Ed Adams-Dave Imig Spartan trackmen return to Jeni­ also expected to return to com­ sellout for the sixth year in lars (Koss) with a 1097 total. Oakey was again 3 - - Wonders (Volrr arl-W i 5 — Ron S u m m e r s - Vincent son Fieldhouse for a dual meet petition for the conference meet. In the season to date, the Spar­ row. 2 Paddlers Franzer)-Indiar high with a 285. Golden shot a (Bryari-Emmons) with Miami of Ohio. tans have lost to Ohio State in Forsythe said all but 2.40C Assoc. (Kakade "Although Moreland's injury 277, D a v e Shelly a 272 an d 4 — Wilson (K iefer)- 6 — William DeW eerd-Jay Wad- Moreland, undefeated this win­ a dual meet, and placed second tickets, which a re held back fo. 3 --Thailand(H ¡1 anananda)-Al’s is not too serio u s,” Dittrich Mathias a 263. Ohio State was 5 — West Shaw (Wo dington te r in the 60-yard dash where in a triangular meet won by the competing schools, have bee: Slammers (Ferguson) said, "w e do not want to jeopar­ second in the open team ra ce , (Wilson-Bailey) 7 — M i c h a e l B ionde - J o h n he is defending Big Ten champion Big Ten title favorite Wisconsin while Wisconsin was third. sold for the finals at Jenisdi] 4 Asher (Br;cker)-Elsw orth dize his chances for the big meet. 6 — Snyder (Derry) st Sh Roberts suffered an A chilles' t e n d o n with Indiana placing third. Fieldhouse. The fieldhouse ha: 5 Indian Ass c . (Shah)-Asher With he and McKoy resting, I’ ll In the ROTC team ra ce State (Break) S — M i c h a e l Ziogas-Roger strain competing in Saturday’ s While not the winner at Madi­ placed third, trailing Ohio State a capacity of just under 12,000 (Weaver) Ridley be looking for the re st of the 7 — Wonders iRot o u t i n g wi t h W i s c o n s i n and son Saturday, State posted its and Wisconsin. In the ROTC final Forsythe also said about 2 «00 h — Al’s Slammers (P ry o r)- team to shoulder the burden.” (McKie) " 9 — F r a n k Richardson-Dick Indiana. Coach F r a n D i t t r i c h best perform ances of the winter match Golden was high for the tickets were still available foi Fig (Shultz) 8 — McDorel (Ree Swain feels resting M o r e l a n d will Dittrich considers t o n i g h t ' s in almost all of their efforts. Spartans, with Spencer second. the C lass A semifinals which] 7 — Thailand (Ka ralak)-Paddlers (Turhas) 10 — Paul Snoonian-Bob Ryder* assure his being ready to resume outing a d ress reh earsal for the "W e ’ re pleased with the way will-'be played at Jenison Fridaj (Root) Following the meet the teams ■Case-\ (McDor.el 11 — Don B lak eslee-T erry B ren ­ action for the Big Ten meet at most of the team perform ed," traveled to Ann A rbor. At the U- night March 20. The finals wfi 8 — Elsworth-Evans Scholars Big Ten meet with individual ner Columbus, Ohio March 6 -" . timings likely to determine the Dittrich noted. " I ’m hopeful that M range State lost to the Buckeyes, be held Saturday, March 21. (Thompson) 11 — Di c k W o l f e - W i n n e r 10 - - West Shaw (Derengc Doubles—8:30 p.m. Sports Arena Another doubtful starter for entries. we can keep up the p rogress right but defeated the Wolverines and The tournament is held in foui East Shaw (Kaulukui) (Blakeslee-Brenner) tonight is Fred McKoy, State’s The action will start with pole up to the Big Ten meet. cla sse s— A, B, C, and D. 1 — Al’s Slammers (Cotton & X avier. 11 — Snyder (Vaivé)-Wii Saif)-Asher (M essacar & Jones) (West Shaw-East Shaw) 2 — Elsworth-Paddlers (Hansem SPARTAN 12 — Bryan (Whittman)-E t. Wallach) Doubles - - 8 p.m. Sports / 1 — West Shaw (Zeef :• Fan C a se 2 — Bryan (Averbrook & 3 — Evans Scholars (Buchheister Si Tuffley-(Thailand (Nah&Bam- pensioh) 4 — Indian Assoc. (Basuwaiha NOW OPEN ton)-Winner (Case-W est ‘ 6 Rao)-Fig (Chaffee & Mitchell) SUNDAYS Shop-R ife M ark et 3 — NlcDonel (Schaeffer F All Table Tennis matches will Bailey be completed this evening. Resi­ 4 — Wonders (Gendel S.- Bai Snyder (Koening I Smith) 5 — Emmons (Ledge* Burns)- dence Hall team pictures will be taker, at S p.m. and the Indepen­ Noon Till 9 P.M. dent Team winner will have their SPARTAN SHOPPING C E N T E R CAPtion: 940 TROW BRIDGE ROAD ichigan’ s Finest We Get Letters By JERO M E C A PLA N LAMB SHOULDER Shoulder Chops * Jjt j ROAST State News Sports Editor Answer To Referee Ground Lamb Loaf To the Editor: In inference to a letter appearing in this column on Friday, February 22, 1 think a few items need clarification. or Patties lb The IM basketball game between McDonel and Rather II girls held Monday right, February 18, was grossly m isrepresented in the State News through the above mentioned letter. That letter, written by the referee of the game, made reference With This Coupon and the SNl Boneless Tied Lamb to the Rather team that "scra tch e d , pushed, tripped, and vocally jeered the opposing team. . .while McDonel girls rem ained.sports­ manlike throughout the gam e.” It looks to me as though the Rather so Purchase of 5c off Extra Large Gleem ‘Michigan’ s F in e st" Whole or Loin Half Shoulder Roast »>• girls must not have protested quite as loudly as the McDonel team Spartan TOOTHPASTE 55* Hlid iH because they had bleeding fingernail scratches when that game was over--and members' over— and they obviously didn’t get them from their own team The "sa tiric a l cheer” that Rather girls supposedly gave at the Coupon Exp. Sat., Feb. 29, ’64 LEU 0 ’ LAMB Skinless Franks 78c end of the game is subject only to the personal interpretation of the observer, in this case the referee. Therefore it is not neces­ SH U R FIN E sarily a true representation of the feelings of these girls. Perhaps COVJPOH Sauerkraut 303 Whole Beets 303 the referee did not consider the fact that a “ satirical cheer” could th is Evaporated Milk, T all Cream or W.K. Corn 303 just as well have been interpreted as one of “ disgust” (which is is y/ORTH With This Coupon and the >x Spinach 303 Whole Kernel Corn '2-oz. what most of the Rather players felt at the end of the game, both with the opposing team AND with the referee.) 50 EXTRA Purchase of Each Package of Kaizer - Sliced Beets 303 a lii: . ‘inn 11tets 300 vacuum Pa ck While the referee was questioned after the game as to why she SH U R FIN E didn’t disqualify the whole Rather team, an impartial observer ’g o ld b o h d j Of after the same game raised question to me concerning the “ poor BROILER FOIL Pork & Beans 300 Peas 8-oz. Sliced Beets 8-oz. Sliced Carrots 8-oz. your Coupon Exp. Sat., Feb. 29, ’64 Dark Red Kidney Beans 300 Yellow Corn 8-oz. refereeing of the game” , the ’roughness' of the game, and the "obvious prejudice” of said referee against the Rather team. So Book Matches 50’ s Mustard 6-oz. cream style or whole kernel choice it appears that this story— like most stories you h ear— also has more than one side. Of course, I realize I can exp ress only my own SH U R FIN E Totter Tom Halves or Sliced Peaches 2 1/2 opinion of the observations 1 made and the statements I head con­ Of cerning this issue, but I also recognize that there could be other G R A P E J E L L Y 18 - oz. P IN E A P P L E ORAN GE DRINK 46-oz. your explanations. It is too bad, 1 think, that this referee has exposed herself as With This Coupon and the SNl ELBOW MACARONI or S P A G H E T T I 2-lbs. F R U IT C O C K T A IL 2 1/2 choice being susceptible to controls of biased opinion. Not only can it ruin her reputation in such a position as a referee, but it exposes to 50 Purchase of Each Pkg. of Pillsbury • Blueberry • Apple-Cinnamon •Cinnamon Spartan Tuna 1/2’ s Shurfine R .S .P . Cherries 303 Shurfine Tomato Ju ice 46-oz. Grapefruit Sections 303 Asparagus 300 Y .C . Sliced or Halves Peaches 2 1/2 many the fact that she could not objectively recognize the incidents Almond • Cinnamon Struesel Of leading to the type of game,she observed. Spartan Sweet Relish 16-oz. Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink 46-oz. I hold a prime example. The statement the referee made concern­ COFFEE CAKE MIXES Spartan Sweet Chips 16-oz. Spartan Hamburg D ill Slices 16-oz. your ing "vocal jeering” is subject, like every action, to personal inter­ ST M »* Coupon Exp. Sat., Feb. 29, ’64 ] Spartan Sweet Crunchy Chips f.p. 15-oz. Shurfine Grape Jam 12-oz. Apple Butter 22-oz. Shurfine Orange Marmalade 12-oz. choice pretation. Her interpretation was that Rather girls jeered the oppos­ ing team. But I tend to feel perhaps that the Rather team could have been jeering the apparently prejudiced re feree—which is just as log­ M M SH URFIN E Shurfine ical an interpretation for my observations. My confidences in my convictions are such that 1 encourage a r e ­ ’V’v V V t V 'ì ì 'l i v ' T V ' i 1. 1' ,y" i Cut Green Beans 303 n *°S 1 sponse from anyone who objectively observed the McDonel-Rather 11 game. Karin Bram s tH£S8!jSH With This Coupon and the SN| Catsup 14-oz. Applesauce 303 Pea.s & Carrots 303 C o jif. Grated Tuna 1/2 s I | ... 1 SHORTENING 50 Purchase of Each DONUTS o'SVSho; 30-oz. Carton of Heatherwoods COTTAGE CHEESE Shurfine Y .C . Halves & Sliced Peaches 303 Shurfine Fruit Cocktail 303 Shurfine Noodles Med. & Ex . Wide 12 oz. ■ 1 W ) F0R *1 59* STM*** Dixie Belle Crackers, L b . Box ^ DONUTS Coupon Exp. Sat., Feb. 29, ’64 Shurbest Margarine 6 Slot SPARTAN With This Coupon and the Shuifresh Cheese Spread 2 69i VEGETABLES«—■6 ' - ‘1 50 Purchase of Each American Cheese so- •*<>,39<1 SPARTAN DONUTS 2 Bunches of CARROTS Sliced Cheese S i r 29<1 BMPE JUICE ts :; >1 •All Shapes andSizes Coupon Exp. Sat,. Feb. 29, ’64 •Over100Varieties •Special Ratesfor Dorms, ORANGES T i T 3d., »1 Fraternities, Sororities, and POTATOES •Campus Organizations 10 £ 69c RADISHES or6ONIONS 2 for 19c D A W N D O N U TS Prices In ThisAdAre GoodAt All Shop Rite Markets Jumbo OQa 1135 E . Grand River 332-2521 PASCAL CELERY Stalk A ir 5zni f G RANDRIVER 3630 S. 2416N EASTSTREET C E D A R 25>9 S. C E D A R 1109 E . GRAND R IV E R L O G A N A T J O L L Y ROAD 2401 W. S T . JO SEP H 555 E . GRAND R IV E R