W eather rA T N EW S Inside MICHIGAN 1 Faculty recital, p. 3; North, Partiy cloudy today with on western next foe for Spar, STATE I 'Un expected high between 32 S ' eTx ond 36 degrees; fair and tans, p. 8; Seniors of the week, p. 4. UNIVERSITY mild Saturday. 1 [In'" p E a st Lansing, Michigan Price 10c Vol. 55, Number 103 Friday, February 28, 1964 P lan For Academ ic Aid Proposed Suggests Group To Gain Help For Flunk-Outs Six Members Asks P rogram s Committee Considers In Living Units A resolution to provide th e Student Policy Study means of improving the scholas­ tic standing of students w as A m ajor obstacle to r e - e v a l u a t i o n of brought before Student Congress Wednesday night. c u r r e n t U n i v e r s i t y po li cie s will be o v e r c o m e The resolution, introduced by this t e r m w h e n s i x n e w m e m b e r s a r e the Academic AffairsCom m ittee, asks that theUniversity designate appointed to the F a c u l t y C o m m i t t e e on Stu­ special advisers to give better dent A ff a irs . guidance to students below th e 50th percentile in entrance exams The c o m m i t t e e , which now has five faculty and that it provide special recog­ nition, preferably financial, to representatives, h a s these advisers. been c o n s i d e r i n g f o r ­ It also asks that living units Committee mation of a s p e c i a l adopt program s encouraging and promoting sch olastics, such as group to e x a m i n e the that in effect in West Shaw Hall. Criticizes student’ s re la t i on sh i p to the U n i v e r s it y since A report, accompanying th e resolution says that 70 p er cent of those students below the 50th Housing l a s t fall. percentile l e v e l on entrance exams flunk out of school. The committee believes that special Unsupervised student apart­ However, a definite decision advising will enable these people ments were the target of some has been postponed partially be­ to attain better grades. unofficial criticism Wednesday’ at cause of an Academic Council T h e committee divided stu­ a meeting of the Faculty Com­ decision last term to appoint dents who will potentially flunk mittee on Student Affairs. a representative, from each of out of the University’ into three Several committee members the 11 colleges to all -U niversity groups: th e academically un­ questioned whether apartment com m ittees. MAN HUNT--Antonia Bray, Pittsburgh, P a ., senior, makes ready, those who lose interest, buildings designed strictly for Dean of Students John A. Fuzak like Sadie Hawkins as she hunts for a date to the Spinster and those with special problems students contribute to total aca­ said the committee was told Wed­ Spin Saturday at Kellogg Center. which interfere with their aca­ demic and emotional develop­ nesday that the new members demic c a re e rs. ment. would be appointed by its next H o w a r d Wilchins, Paterson, Patrick B. Smith, director of meeting. N .J., sophomore and chairman of off-campus housing, said some "T h ere was some feeling on A G E-O LD Q U ESTI ON--Whether March comes in like a lamb or a lion, Bonnie Rhoads, K ala­ th e committee, said the W e s t criticism of the apartments is the part of the com m ittee that Modern Revolution verified by complaints received in his office. it would be wise to work with the whole group in making major mazoo junior, has a mascot all ready for the new month,. The lamb, with the Chari ie Shultz name of “ 35” , met Romeo the African lion at the Potter Park Zoo Thursday. See story on p. 4. Photoby Cary Shwmakor Shaw plan was chosen as a model because of the hall’ s consistently high academic standing and the “ We receive complaints from decisions,” Fuzak said. Is Keynoter’s Topic numerous sources, and they con­ cern either student behavior or A proposal from the dean’ s office last fall suggested that amount of attention it devotes to the potential flunk-out. The report says much of the job “ Revolution in Our Time, The signed as Assistant Secretary of State f o r F a r Eastern Affairs, problems wi t h financial con­ students, faculty and adminis­ Council To H ea r R eport in West Shaw fails to the precinct tr a c ts ,” he said. tra to rs be included on a com­ Tragedy of its B etray al" will be will speak on “ The U.S. and the chairman. He m u s t know e a c h Neighbors, landlords and stu­ mittee to study m ajor policy the subject of the keynote speech Challenge of Change in th e man in his precinct, his major, dents themselves complain about questions. for the “ Winds of Change in the class standing and grade-point Emerging Nations” s e m i n a r , which opens tonight at Kellogg Emerging Nations.” This is ex­ pected to be a major statement excessive noise and drinking, according to Smith. If the committee is established, G ro u p M a k e s G ra d e S tu d y average. Then he is able to obtain of United States policy. Hilsman it will attempt to do the following: help lor the potential flunk-out “ Some of the apartments have A preliminary report on grades ing, but that they are being eval­ Auditorium. will speak in theUnionBallroom. 1. Examine the nature of the tion and the relativist usually from others with the same major much worse behavior problems has been formulated by a sub­ uated by old standards. Leo Cherne, chairman of the Sunday morning at 9 several relationship between the indi­ reacts differently in the presence or grade level. than others. There are a few of committee of the Academic Coun­ The sub-committee found three International Rescue Committee panel discussions will be held in of large and small class sizes. Wilchins admitted that theUni­ them which are connected with the vidual students and the Univer­ specific issues that they say and executive director of the Kellogg C enter. These will be led cil. The marks of the relativist in versity now has people whom the majority' of complaints we r e ­ sity in view of expanding enroll­ i n d i c a t e particular problem Research Institute of Am erica, by’ Le Thanh Chau, former Sec­ no way 'reflect how well the potential flunk-out can talk to, but ceive. ment. The sub-com m ittee, headed by areas. will deliver the address at 8 p.m. retary-G eneral of the University student has attained the objec- no one is specifically assigned to Smith said landlords who have 2 . Define the nature of the Willard G. Warrington, director F irs t, a grade point average A coffee hour is scheduled to fol­ of Hue, Viet Nam, several student tices of the cou rse, the report students in this area. This, he failed to establish a student’s real University’ s responsibility for of evaluation serv ices, will bring of 2.00 to get into upper col­ low. leaders from Southeast Asia, and the m oral behavior of its stu­ added. The same mark may rep ­ said, would be a great aid to them. age occasionally ask the Univer­ up the report for action at the lege and the 2.00 requirement Saturday a panel composed of University' faculty. resent widely differing perfor­ Final passage of the resolution sity for help it; making a student dents. March meeting of the Academic for graduation does not allow Maj. Gen. Edward Lansdale, as­ The final session Will be held 3. Make investigations i n t o mance from one term to the next is expected next week. live up to a con tract. However, a Council. the minimum-performing student sistant to the Secretary of De­ in the Kellogg Auditorium at 2 even under the same instructor. student under 21 who has evaded specific problems such as hous­ the opportunity to improve his fense; Col. Napoleon Valeriano, p.m. When Andrew Cordier, ing, drinking and student s e r­ The Council began a study of The absolutist position is c rit­ author of the book “ Counterguer­ University rules an d signed a academic status during his junior student achievement after P re s ­ r i l l a O p e r a t i o n s ; ” Rufus Phillips, form erly of the Agency form er Under Secretary of the United Nations and dean of the school of international af'airs at contract is not legally bound to keep it. “ An owner can easily establish vices. Adm inistrators have empha­ sized that the comm ittee would ident John A. Hannah's “ State .of the University” speech a year and senior y ears. Next, definition of " C ” grades icized as being entirely too sub­ jective. It results in widely vary­ ing judgment from one teacher Census for International Relations; and ago. needs to be re studied. Bernard Yoh, adviser to the Sea Swallow fighters in South Viet Columbia University, will speak on “ How New Will the Better World B e?” a student’ s age by checking his d riv er’s license and student ID,” he said. not deal with specific problems but with long-range goals and values. Hannah indicated that the qual­ ity of MSU students is in creas- Finally, the “ D” grade needs careful attention. A ” D” pre­ sently means neither passing nor to the next, and even the same instructor may change his stand­ ards. Rocks Nam, wi l l discuss "P o litical Change and the Challenge of Sub­ versive Insurgency” at 9 a.m . in failing since it is below the minimum required for gradua­ Those on the sub-committee did not condemn objective type Nigeria Hannah Dedicates Planetarium tion yet does not require that examinations. Kellogg Auditorium. A major political storm maybe World Political workshops are the course be repeated. imminent in Nigeria over the new scheduled for 2 p.m. SeveralL'n- The sub-committee rejected census figures released Monday. lversity faculty' members wi l l the elimination of letter grading Riot police used tear gas to dis­ The $530,000 Abrams Plane­ methods, believing that grades lead discussion groups which will tarium , the world’ s newest and provide a stimulus for students Policy D efin ed p erse more than 1000 students be concerned with different areas first of its type, was officially from the University of Ibadan who of the world. to work hard. tried to march into Lagos to pro­ dedicated here Thursday. Following a banquet at 6:30, They also investigated th e On Interviews test the results of the population Roger Hilsman, who this week r e - In accepting the facility, P re s ­ problems of both the “ curve” count. The students were slopped ident John A. Hannah said: and “ absolute” system s of grad­ A number of faculty mem­ by steel-helm cted police at the ing. bers have complained to the outskirts of Lagos, the nation’s "MSU officially accepts this “ Mo s t teachers employ in Profs Doubt gift and pledges its dedication p ract i ; a mixture of the two State News that interviews they have given have not ap­ capital. The possibility of a political to the lofty purpose for which schem es, they said. The absolu­ peared in the newspaper. storm is of importance here be­ Total Value it is intended.” tist is almost certainly influenced by an unusual grade distribu- The reason is that these supposed "in terview s" were cause Michigan State University is closely allied with theUniver­ Hannah indicated that if it had really with journalism stu­ Of Tax Cut not been for the $250,000 gift from Dr. and M r s . T a l b e r t dents on cla ss assignments. sity of Nigeria. The opinions here by Nigerian They were not with members students are skeptical of the cen­ The $11.5 billion tax cut signed Wednesday by President Johnson Abrams of Lansing, the plane­ tarium wo u l d still be in the Blood Donors of the State News staff. As best they can, journal­ sus results but •optimistic of a solution. Ayo Azikiwe, Lagos, Ni­ will boost business activity and planning stages. ism department instructors in crease c o n s u m e r spending, economists here believe. L eslie W. Scott, -hairman of Top ’63 Total seek to insure that their stu­ geria senior and son of Nigeria’ s President Nmandi Azikiwe, said the Board of T rustees of the Blood drive donations topped dents make this cle a r to peo­ that there was a slight possibility However the professors agreed ple Whom they contact. Of­ of the figures being exactly right. that although the cut will boost MSU development fund officially last y ear’ s record Thursday with presented the new facility to ten, however, the student fails “ However,” he said, “ if these the economy, it is not the answer a total of 1,068 pints given by the University. to make this clear. figures are accepted without a • to the unemployment problem. 5 p.m. To prevent misunderstand­ meticulous check it would be a Potential donors have from They predict that people will President Hannah said it is the ings, the State News asks that great mistake.” 9 a.m. to 3 p .m ., today to bring spend money they get from the largest project ever undertaken each faculty member who is Charles Okafor, Arochukwu, the total to the goal of 2 , 000. tax cut, and business will use by the fund. It will equip the approached for an interview Nigeria graduate student, com­ pints. this extra cash to buy m ore University better to meet the ask whether the student is an mented that with such results the Armstrong Hall is leading in and b e t t e r equipment, thereby science challenge today, he said. accredited member of the Northerners would "ru le th e donations from men’s residence boosting the national Econom y. State News staff or some other country.” Okafor, who-formerly Two pla.QU.es were unveiled. halls; North C ase, women’ s re si­ newspaper or on a class as­ attended the University of Ibadan, The grossnational product may -One honors Dr. and Mr s. Abraffis, dence îijiiià,' Th, * jbata, signment. said he did'‘not think rfiisw asa increase by $20-$25 billion in and the other mentions promi­ fraternities; Alpha Phi, sorori­ In case of- doubt call the spontaneous d e m o n s t r a t i o n . the next two to three y e a rs, Paul ties; Bower House, cooperatives; PLA N ETA RIU M DED ICA TIO N -M r. and Mrs. Talbert Abrams, of Lansing, greet those who at­ nent contributors to the fund, es­ State News office. “ The students only demonstrate E . Smith professor of econom- and Veterans’ Association, inde­ tended d e d i c a t i o n c e r e m o n i e s at the Abrams Planetarium Thursday. Abrams donated $250,003 pecially the classes of 1911, 1912 (continued on page 6) and 1923. pendents. ( continued on page 6) to the U n i v e r s i t y f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n o f the planetarium. Photo by George Junne Pt>oi»b, j»»«. 2 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing. Michigan F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 28 , 1 96 4 Point Of View Advising Time Needed The s e r i e s on^academic a d v i s ­ ing which ends in today’ s State This p r o v i d e s s e v e r a l weeks for c o n s i d e ra t i o n of v a r io u s p r o ­ To Those Who Call News points up one of the g r e a t e s t d a n g e r s of a U n i v e r s i t y ’ s size i n c r e a s i n g at a r a t e g r e a t e r than g r a m s and for worthwhile m e e t ­ ings b e t w e e n advisees. advisers an d Themselves No, 1: R o g e r H e ck rO C ft the i n c r e a s e in fa c i li t i e s a n d The benefit of p r e - e n r o l l m e n t Editor's Note: The author of this column faculty. is that it does not f o r c e students is o sophomore in the College of Arts and With the growth of the U n i v e r ­ and faculty m e m b e r s to rush Letters. sit y , the needs of students for through the p r o c e d u r e of e n r o l l ­ The first achievements of man were over nature, and one of the c a r e f u l help and advice in plann­ ment and r e g i s t r a t i o n e n t i r e l y first and greatest arrestations was F ir e . That fire ignited the am­ bitions of man, and ever since, man has attempted to sustain nature ing their p r o g r a m s goes up, while within the f i r s t few days of e a c h and bring her to her knees. the availability of a d v i s e r s ’ time t e r m . With the s t r a i n of meeting Innumerable tim es m an failed, but at times it s e e m s m a n triumphed over nature, until today we a re unaware of nature’ s de­ goes down. Not only a r e the re a deadline r e m o v e d , a b e t t e r a t ­ ception and our own illusion, when we proclaim ourselves the con­ m o r e s t u d e n t s per faculty ad­ m o sp he re for thoughtful planning querors of nature. viser, t h e r e are a l s o m ore But is it illusion? Haven’t we penetrated the vastness of the uni­ is po ssible. v erse, and isn't the atom now our toy? Maybe I am wrong; maybe c o u r s e s and al t e r na t e p r o g r a m s Rather than making e n r o l l m e n t man does control nature-but, whose nature? open to the student which r e q u i r e and r e g i s t r a t i o n a co m p le t el y What h a s man learned about h i s own nature? Man has learned little: he still scream s for blood in the boxing and football arenas, g r e a t e r c a r e on the p a r t of all m e ch a ni c a l p r o c e s s , as so m e he still m urders his brothers at the slightest provocation, reality concerned. have su g g e st ed in our s e r i e s , it still extends only as far as the senses. Most of the faculty m e m b e r s would be m o r e beneficial to p r o ­ What Man Has Learned and students to whom the w r i t e r vide the opportunity for p er so na l So, what has man learned? To control nature?To control himself? of the s e r i e s spoke emp has iz ed attention for e v e r y student, with Y es, in a perverted way man has learned to control nature and him­ the im p o rt a n ce of c a r e f u l advance the option of not consulting ad­ self: he has learned the secret of the atom, and has even tested this precocious discovery on his brothers; he has learned how to produce planning of stu de nts ’ p r o g r a m s , v i s e r s fo r e v e r y c o u r s e . too much food in the midst of starvation: and, in the midst of poverty, along the lines of the p r e - e n r o l l ­ The ext ension of p r e - e n r o l l ­ hidden by a vast shield of delusion, man has been able to ride that ment plan used by s e v e r a l c o l ­ ment to all c o l l e g e s in the Uni­ train of glory on which he proclaim s himself the hero of this c r e a ­ tion. leges and d e p a r t m e n t s . v e r s i t y would enable those s t u ­ Oh, how far reach the fingers of hypocrisy! Can man really build As c u r r e n t l y practiced,' p r e ­ dents who feel they need advice a life on a religion t h a t demands humility, in a society which wor­ ships mammon, the false god of riches and avarice? e n r o ll m en t a l l o w s students to to have it with little t rou ble , and How can man preach a doctrine of love and brotherhood, yet p rac­ speak to their a c a d e m i c a d v i s e r s would allow those students who tice covetousness and hate? We negate God andposite ourselves. In the midst of eternal life, we live as if our last moment were due. shortly afte r the middle of the “ know whe re they’ r e going’ ’ to I neither accuse nor judge anyone: I congratulate us all. 1 stand t e r m preced ing the one for which get on t h e i r ways e a r l y and in admiration of a species which has been able to cast aside reality and build a world on such a magnificent delusion. they ar e planning their schedule. su re ly . Warning (or Future Letters To The Editor . . . But Not For A While Proctoring Isn ^Primary Role But, in the midst of congratulations I must warn you-I must warn you of the blood on' our hands; it is our daughter’s blood and our son’ s. Y es, the blood of our children is on our hands, unless we r e c ­ Wilson B. Pa u l, d i r e c t o r of that for the next s e v e r a l y e a r s ognize now that something is perishing; a mighty dam which you and * built is crumbling. L e c t u r e - C o n c e r t S e r i e s , and the e s t h e t i c values which demand We built that dam, and if we don’t reduce it to gravel now the hate To the Editor: mouth, bruised jaw and possible few "incon sid erate” girls. Un ive rs it y S e c r e t a r y Jack m o re auditorium s p a c e will have concussion. • Recreational lounges exist in and revenge which has whelmed up behind it will shatter or shackle to be subordinated to the m o r e A possible misprint in Wednes­ Our c h i l d was f a i r l y lucky; all residence halls for those stu­ our children, and possibly even you and me. Nature can be held back B r e s l i n have r a i s e d a valid point. day's article on cheating has at­ other children who have fallen dents who do not desire to study. no longer. MSUdoes indeed need m o r e aud­ mundane policy of ‘ f i r s t things tributed to me a view rather oppo­ down the open stairways at Spar­ But maybe if I can wait until next f i r s t . ’ T h e r e just is not enough tan Village have been injured term , th e problem will h a v e Now is the time! Today, while you read this. Let us reduce that itorium facilities t h a n it site to my own. It is my opinion that an instructor, with a sense worse. solved itself— these girls w i l l dam to pebbles piece by piece. Let us shatter this delusion that binds c u r r e n t l y has to a c c o m m o d a t e the money available to furnish MSU Tell us please, is it so expen­ have flunked out. us. Let us be aware that all men are B roth ers, or let us beware the of the limitations of his role and wide v a r i e t y of p r e s e n t a t i o n s with all the t r i m m i n g s which a respect for students as individ­ sive to close in these stairways? P atricia K, Spalding blood and chains which befall our children. uals, will not see himself as an Y es, children should not play on planned for a l m o s t e v e r y night. could make it a m o r e pl ea sa n t Un fo rt un a te ly , with its exp an d­ pla ce in which to study. "aven ger of honest students," as if stamping out student dishonesty the stairs, but an open rail is such a temptation to children, why not Shelters Calm remove it? ing student bo dy , MSU also needs It would be n i c e , h o w e v e r , if were his mission. Although I believe that controls OR — will you wait until a child Bomb Fears many m o r e c l a s s r o o m s a n d U n i v er si t y p l a n n e r s and t h e a r e important, 1 believe t h e y loses his precious life on those To the Editor: B o a r d of T r u s t e e s would keep in dangerous stairw ays. ACROSS 29. Related l a b o r a t o r i e s than a r e now a v a i l ­ should be limited by basic value Now I feel reassu red and safe! 1. Bed canopy through considerations. To tell the truth 1 had become a able to handle the p r o j e c te d e n ­ mind the human need for e n t e r ­ I recogr,ize the newspaper’ s 7. Agalloch mother little concerned about the possi­ wood 31. Aunt: Fr. r oll m ent ex plosion, a s well as tainment and a v a r ie d life which sizable problem of selecting rep­ Joan E . Mulvihill bility of a nuclear war and the de­ 12. Persuade 32. Old sailor resentative comments from any struction of civilization. m o r e d o r m i t o r y s p a c e , m o r e top- possibly could be ov er lo o ke d in 13. — Doone 33. Frisk one person’ s view, and that the notch faculty m e m b e r s and i m ­ making MSU a bi g g e r and b e t t e r comments selected will often lend Dorm Dwellers Then I read in the State News that MSU has air raid shelters for 14. King Arthur's 35. Long-tailed titmouse themselves to more than one in­ proved ca m p u s t r a n s p o r ta t io n f a ­ c i l i t ie s. U n i v e r si t y . P e r h a p s so m e tim e in the nea r f u t u r e , funds and fancy accurate construction. Although I Inconsiderate 35,000 and my fears evaporated. All’ s right with the world again. burial place 15. Meat cake 37. Existed 38. River regret some of the consequences To the Editor: It seems rath er ingenious to 16. Waterfall island With t h i s in mind, we mu st will make n e w au dit or ium s a of this p rocess, 1 wish to com ­ have 43 shelters scattered about 17. Virginal 41. Projecting 47. Ancient 4. Sesame mend the State News for its hand­ Although M i s s Annich p re­ the campus. I suppose professors 19. Pro foundation slaves 5. Frugal co m e to the unhappy r e a l i z a t i o n p r a c t i c a l possibility. ling of an extrem ely d i f f ic u 1 1 sented an extrem e example of 20. Curtsied piece: arch. 48. Snakes 6. Resume and students in each department problem. dorm living, I have asked myself 22. Celtic sun 43. Posture DOWN 7. Lofty peak could go to their respective shel­ god 45. Forest 1. River duck 8. Lounge One Problem Solved the sam e question: ."M ust girls ters and hold cla sse s as usual. 24. Broom 46. Camped 2. Jealousy 9. Bob-o-link who want to study, get a normal It would be rath er thrilling to Paul M. Hurrell, 27. Degrade out 3. Mr. Musial 10. Confide amount of sleep and live a con­ have a cla ss in the methods of 11. Utter Assistant professor of Philosophy siderate l i f e be c o n s t a n t l y teaching science as the Big Bomb B e f o r e anyone knows it, t h e completion w i l l be f a s t in c o m ­ / 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 II 18. Espouse thwarted by selfish- individuals goes off up above. 20. Kind of fly l o n g - t i m e problem of o v e r t a x e d ing and the s t i g m a of living in who don’t seem to have any con­ sewage dispos al fa ci l it i e s will be B r o d y will be a thing of the past. Wants Action sideration for others’ interests The only ominous note is your l a s t paragraph. Do you suppose <2 1 13 21. Loathed 23. Minced o r rights?” these shelters are really safe un­ i 15 oath 14 on its way out. as the new E a s t L an si ng -M SU plant c o m e s into It is a c o m fo r t i n g thought that On Stairways It is a small minority who in­ sist on constantly d i s t u r b i n g til they receive the Department of Civil Defense licensing? it 17 % it 19 24. Wager 25. Captivates To the Editor: others with their "sp irited fun” % % % 26. Moslem being. e v er yo ne fr o m the E a s t La n sin g R. T . Bishop 20 21 22 23 regard less of the hour of day or 28. Preclude To all concerned about life in 1 % % % 30. Raven's cry Following the awarding of a C ity C ouncil to the D e p a r t m e n t of night while th e re st of us 1 o s e 25 i t 27 20 general, children in particular: sleep and study time. One can un­ % 34. Ital. paste f ed er a l g ra nt to help pay for the Health, Education and W e l f a r e is plant, con st r u c t io n is now set to c o n c e r n e d about the happiness of The telephone rings, and a neighbor's voice tells you that derstand occasional forgetful­ ness and excitem ent, but patience Letter Policy 29 32 33 30 % 34 31 36. Merriment 38. Pay one's part there’ s been an accid.ent — go to wears out with each tri-nightly begin May 1, and completion is B r o d y r e s i d e n t s . It is a l s o the hospital, the ambulance took L etters should not be longer % i % 39. Cake rem inder to th e neighbors to 35 36 37 30 39 40 p r o je ct e d for August 1 965. p le a sa n t to think that one of the her there. than 300 words, and should be froster “ hold things down.” 'â % % 42 43 44 40. Spreads to With a pounding heart you walk It shouldn’t be n ecesary f o r typed double spaced if possible. 41 This may s ee m like a long time b ig g e s t p r o b l e m s facing the Uni­ dry into the emergency room to see anyone, n o t even the RA, to r e ­ Names and address should also i 45 46 41. Sainte: away for r e s i d e n t s of the Br od y v e r s i t y has been solved in the a very small frightened girl with peatedly ask the same g irls to be be included. No unsigned letters ahbr. Group and o th er a r e a s plagued e f f o r t s to make thes e students a badly bruised and swollen face. quiet. Twenty or t h i r t y g i r l s will be printed, but names may 47 46 42. Worm Skull series show no apparent should n o t be required fo find be withheld if we feel there is % 44. Plus by od o rs fro m the old plant, but happy. bone injuries, just a badly ripped other places to study because of a reason. Students Reply W ith 4 China, we have the impression ’ Defense that f r e e election has been in Varsity Club Dance Editor’ s Note: The following be withheld. It is in response sacrificed their lives in defend­ Free C hin q ” written by a that this article was certainly not p ractice since 1946. Many non- article was w r i t t e n by to an article which appeared professorcf social science. ing their homeland. written by an expert on China, Kuomintang individuals have been several Chinese students on Monday's editorial pc-je After reading the at • en­ Is "th e retaking of Chinese since th e w riter shows little elected to important posts. who asked that their names entitled “ Says Taiwan Not titled ' ’Says Taiwan i . A F re e knowledge of Chinese history. mainland the only 'happy drug’ to Is it true that "Chiang and the the people?” Toany sensibleChi- It is well known thatTaiwan be­ KMT have been saved all these nese, the answer is a positive cam e a part of China as early as y ears by theU.S. Seventh F leet?” "N o !” The struggle between free MICHIGAN the Sui Dynasty (A.D. 420). Before The Seventh Fleet was ordered to Chinese and the Chinese Com­ STATE UNIVERSITY STA TE M E W S the conclusion of World War II, leaders of the Allies, including patrol the Taiwan Strait in 1950 after the Korean War broke out. munists is a m atter of freedom and righteousness. Roosevelt, Churchill and Chiang When 15,000 Chinese Communist Since Mao took over the main­ Kai-shek, met in C airo and re­ invaders t r i e d to t a k e o v e r land, over 10 million people had Member Associated P re ss, United P re ss summer term ; special Welcome Issue inSep- solved that Taiwan should be re ­ Quemoy in 1949, they met stiff fled to Hong Kong and other free International, Inland Daily P re s s Association, tem ber. turned to the Republic of China resistan ce. are a s. It is the duty and sacred Associated Collegiate P re s s Association, Second class postage paid at E ast Lansing, after the surrender of Japan. obligation of any peace-loving Michigan P re ss Association. Michigan. In spite of the fact that not a people to liberate the millions Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Thus historically and legally single member of the American of Chinese from under the Com­ Published by the students of Michigan Services Building, Michigan State University, Taiwan went back to the arms of armed forces was involved in the munist yoke. State University. Issued on class days Monday E ast Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions her fatherland as a natural and heavy bombardment of our off­ through Friday during the fall, winter and payable in advance: term , $3; 2 term s, $4; unquestionable event; When V -J We cannot sit around while Students and the public a r e invited to a t ­ shore islands in 1958, the Com­ spring q uarters, twice weekly during the 3 term s, $5; full year, $ 6 . Day arrived in 1945, the people more than half of our countrymen munists suffered heavy losses tend a dance sp o n so re d by the MSU V a r s i t y of the island of Taiwan went into are under tyranny and slavery. and casualties. frantic celebration over the reun­ The recovery of the China main­ Club, Saturday night afte r the basketball Editor......................................... Bruce Fabricant Sports Editor......................... ......Je rry Caplan ification with .their brothers on land is indeed a national goal and Thus, to say or imply thatT ai­ g a m e , a d m i s s i o n will be 25l n u c l e a r r e s e a r c h . T o d a y t h e b u s i n e s s o f d i s c o v e r y is c a r r i e d o n b y ■*'_>oo p e o p l e a t t h e B e r k e l e y s i t e o f L a w r e n c e R u ? diation L a b o r a t o r y , o v e rlo o k in g th e I D iv e rs ity ensembled for Easter.. . o f C a lifo rn ia cam p u s and San F ra n c is c o B ay. the dress and coat A n d ilie c h a l l e n g e of in n o v a t i o n r e m a i n s fo r e n ­ g in e e rs in a d v a n c e d a c c e l e r a t o r d e s ig n a n d in a in a washable, crease-resistant d y n a m ic u n c la s s ifie d r e s e a r c h p r o g r a m . blend of rayon and imported E E 's : M ajor electronics development program s at I.R1. deal with nuclear instrum entation, autom ated data Handling and flax , spring s importantly ► acquisition, radio frequency and high voltage powet suppls svstcms, fast-counting .techniques and sem iconductor device textured versatile fashion. developm ent. Gold or blue plaid MI£ s: O u r M echanical Engineering work concentrates on de­ sign of accelerators and the instrum entation associated With them , on magnet developm ent, high vacuum systems, shielding coat; solid, sleeveless problems and m echanical engineering applied to biomedical research. sheath with string-tie. Engineering graduates at all levels who w ant to learn nune ab out E R E should con tact the Placem ent O tlicc lor appoint­ 10 to 18 sizes. 22.98 ments. C am pus interviews will be held on March 3, 1964 LAWRENCE RADIATION LA B O R A TO R Y Jacobsons Casual Dresses BERKELEY OPERATED B Y TH E “ UNIVERSITY O F CALIFORNIA B E R K E L E Y S L IV E R M O R E An equal opportunity employer 4 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing. Michigan F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 8 , 1964 L ov e o f M an Is V ic to r io u s G e rm a n In te r n C a lls Patriarche, Fiebling I n F o lk w a y s 9 P r o d u c tio n This Week’s Seniors M .S .U . 'U t ilit a r ia n ' How the love and brotherhood of the only ch aracter not possessed. Folkways w i l l present p l a y s man triumphs over materialism At th e close of th e play it is w h i c h have o r i g i n s in Judeo- Herb P atriarch e an d L i n d a Delta. She worked on the J-Hop How does a Berlin-born, Yale "la w s " are puritanical and obso­ new spiritual dimensions to stu­ and cynicism Is discovered in the Alper who realizes that Arthur Christlan culture. Fiebling have been selected as and is a member of Phi Kappa graduate view Michigan State Un­ lete. dents.” Hillel Folkways' production of wants to love. When Arthur leaves “ We wish to pinpoint the way in this week’ s Seniors of the Week. Phi, Kappa Delta Pi and Pi Gam­ "Coming from a foreign coun­ Nischan h ad little u s e for Paddy Chayevsky’ s "T h e Tenth the synogogue with the g irl, Alper which the heritage of apeopleen- A social science m ajor from ma Mu honoraries. iversity? Bodo Nischan, intern for United try and an eastern school, I find Christianity until his junior year Man" March 3 to 5 and 7 to 9. says, "H e still doesn’t believe in riched th e Judeo-C hristiancul­ T rav erse City, Miss Fiebling P atriarch e Is an accounting Campus Ministry, finds the"MSU that certain regulations here are at Yale when he realized what he The initial production of Folk­ God. He just wants to love. And tu re,” he s a i d . "Chayevsky’ s has a 3.8 All-University grade m ajor from E ast Lansing, and educational system "u tilitarian " hypocritical." w a s f i g h t i n g — p a g a n super- ways’ Theatre i s a comedy- really, when you think of It, is play deals with the concepts of point average. She is in Honors has a 2.7 average. He was a run­ He can see the need for theUn- stition— is r e j e c t e d by m o s t drama presented in the symbolic there any difference?” College and is M ortar Board his­ ner in the 1961 Junior ” 500” and and lacking in emphasis on study universal love and brotherhood." for the sake of learning. iversity to place a guiding hand Christians. f o r m of a psychological l o v e All th e ch a ra cte rs represent Most of the 14 student actors torian. She is also correspond­ is a member of the Accounting " T h e average student h e r e on the freshman, but not on the He has noticed that some MSU story. universal types in society, each are making their stage debuts in ing secretary for Delta Gamma and Finance Club. He is now a does not get enough stimulation mature student. students take a few courses in The g i r l In t h e p l a y is possessed with his own dybbuk. "T h e Tenth Man.” They rep re­ sorority. m e m b e r -a t-la r g e in S e n i o r for his own initiative,” he said. "Why not let the guys have a philosophy and psychology and possessed wi t h a demon— th e "T h e Tenth Man” is the initial sent most major religious faiths Miss Fiebling was chairman of Council. Nischan, w ho c a m e to t he drink in th e dorms o n c e in think they have all the answers. dybbuk— which is unreal to most production of Hillel Folkways and a variety of m ajors. the tutoring committees for Tow­ He worked for th e past tw o United States from Germany in awhile?” he a s k e d . " W o r s e When he studied science at of the ch aracters on stage. D irec­ T heatre. Regenbaum said that e r Guard an d Alpha L a m b d a summers as a junior auditor for 1956, is a .1961 graduate of Yale things happen when they have to Yale, he found that the discipline tor Kenneth Regenbaum, New Friechauf Corp, in connection University and in his third year sreak off to a g ra s s e r ." Is descriptive but "ca n give no York City graduate student, said with which he traveled through Nischan is among 14 Protestant answers to wh a t every person th e girl is possessed wi t h a the United States and Canada. of study at Philadelphia Lutheran Theological Seminary. He will become a U.S. citizen this sum­ seminary students or Danforth Foundation grants to intern on asks eventually.” Nischan works on an interde­ "sick n ess of the soul.” She m e e t s the t e n t h ma n , B a h a ’i H o lid a y P re c e d e s Miss Fiebling plans to enter graduate s c h o o l . P atriarch e American c o l l e g e campuses. nominational level at State but Arthur, in a synogogue, where the plans to become a Certified Pub­ m er. After his year at MSU, he will r e ­ seeks to retain h i s Lutheran action of the play takes place. The lic Accountant and then work with He thinks that the Honors Col­ lege a: d I ecture Concert series turn to the seminary to finish his B.D. and a m aster’ s degree at the identity. His prim ary responsi­ bility to UCM is to work with title is derived from the fact that ten males must be present for a " A la ” - M o n th o f F a s t in g a national accounting firm . SpringFever are “ te rrific" and that State graduate students an d interde­ University of Pennsylvania in service in the synogogue. offers some "fin e ” courses. But nominational discussion groups. T h e Baha'i holiday A yyam -i- giving and ministering to the poor foundation of religions, the e s­ Reformation history. Arthur Is a successful lawyer more emphasis should be placed He is leading a seminar in the Ha, Intercalary days, began Wed­ and ill. sential harmony of science and " I am not here to add ’p .s .’ to who talks flippantly and admits OrLamb on learning for its own sake, as background and aftermath of the nesday and will last through Sun­ Immediately following the hos­ religion, the equality of men and education," s a i d Nischan, who to an unhappy, m aterialistic life. is done at Yale. Reformation at University Luth­ day for adherents to the Baha’ i pitality of the Intercalary days is women and the oneness of man­ works with UCM and University He, too, p ossesses a dybbuk, as Nischan h a s also discovered faith. the month of fast, Ala, which kind. For TheLion? . Lutheran Church, "but to bring eran Church. He holds Lutheran is discovered of every ch aracter that some of the University’ s table t a l k s in the G e r m a n The days of Ha have no relig­ means loftin ess.B ah a’ is abstain Baha’ is d a t e their calendar as the play p ro gresses. from the declaration oftheBabin language and assists in church ious significance, but are devoted from food and drink from suncise Arthur’ s dybbuk is his inability to sunset during this time. UNIVERSITY University services and p rogram s. to love. Through the girl he finds to hospitality to f r i e n d s , gift— Abdul-Baha, s o n of Baha’U’ 1844. The Bab, whose title means the gate, declared he was sent by “ In like a lion, out like a BAPTIST CHURCH Christian Church meaning in life and a tremendous Llah, founder of the faith, said God to prepare the way for "H im lamb” — and vice versa. This an­ (THE AMERICAN BAPTIST 310 N. Hagadorn Rd. belief in people, Regenbaum said. that the fast is " a symbol of ab­ whom God will make manifest.” CONVENTION) Don Stiffler, Minister He called attention to one of the D e b a tin g T ea m stinence from lust. Physical fast­ A Persian nobleman named cient weather guide implies many things. American Legion Memorial Ph 337-1077 Detroit Convention most moving portions oftheplay, ing is a symbol of that abstinence Baha'U’ Llah in 1863 declared that If March ro ars in with a bite Center, 1 Block North of Bible School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m . when the Cabalist, the religious A tte n d s T o u r n e y and is a rem inder..m ere absten­ he w a s not only th e one whose in its w i n d t h a t claws right leader, leads all the ch aracters in East Lansing Bus Station Young Republicans Club will tion from food has no affect on the coming the Bab foretold, but also through you, this lion March will the song: “ Light is sown, sown Michigan State will be one of EA ST LANSING attend the annual convention of sp irit.” the Promised One of a l l th e eventually meet a mild, fluffy Worship Service 10:00 a.m . FR IEN D S M EETING for the righteous, and joy for the sixteen colleges and universities the Michigan Federation of Col­ The month of Ala, the fast, ends prophets. creatu re halfway through its de­ (Quakers) upright, the upright in h e a rt." competing in th e third annual Church School 11:00 a.m. lege Republicans in Detroit F r i ­ with Naw-Ruz, New Y ear’ s Day, structive fling. Meeting for Worship, Room 101 The Cabalist also says that love F o r e n s i c Honorary D e b a t e Nursery Provided 10:00- 12:00 a.m . Peoples Church, 200 W. Grand River 3:00 p.m. day and Saturday. St. Andrews Eastern Orthodox is an a c t of faith. Arthur w as faithless because he could n ot Tournament at Bowling Green State University today and Satur­ March 21. "T h e Baha’ i faith is an Inde­ pendent, worldwide r e l i g i o n , " Soph Writes Lion March will be overcome by this unassuming charity, mild­ n ess, and purity of this creatu re. Carnival Campus Bus Service P eter Stettenhein, Clerk, love. day. Church & University Student M errie Gordon, Inkster freshman On the other hand, if March ' ED 2-1998 B a r r y Propp, P eoria, 111., The students will debate, " R e ­ Center and treasu rer of the MSU Baha’ i University Methodist springs to life lightly, daintily, Theme Song 121.6 G reencrest E ast Lansing freshman, plays A lper, a very solved: That the federal govern­ Club, said. Church Central Methodist Sunday religious man who accepts all ment should guarantee the oppor­ The basic principles of the and warmly, skipping in true A cross From the Capitol Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m . people for themselves and their tunity for higher education to all maiden s p r i n g style, halfway Vespers an d Confessions Baha’ i faith are independent in­ through its dance it will encoun­ 1120 S. Harrison Rd. WORSHIP SERVICES dybbuks. Propp believes Alper is high school grad u ates." Every Sat. 7:30 p.m . vestigation of truth, the common A theme song, especially com­ ter a shaggy, catty creatu re and 9:45 and 1:15 a.m. Wilson M. Tennant, Minister posed and written for this y ear's find itself the sacrificial lamb to (WJIM 10:15 a.m.) bus nursery Olivet Baptist Church East Lansing First Christian Water Carnival, will be used to a feline. Dr. Glenn M. Fry e, Minister "Renewal Through Identifica­ tion" 2215 E . Michigan Unity Center Reformed Church advertise the coming event, John This is the ancient law, full WORSHIP Rev. William Hartman, Pastor 240 Marshall S t.. Lansing Newcomer, theme and continuity of anim alistic symbols, that has Dwight S. Large, 11:00 a.m . Worship Service SUNDAY com m ittee c h a i r m a n , s a i d intertwined itself in the American 9:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m . Preaching Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor Thursday. culture and offers its followers "Som e Dare To Die" Crib Nursery, So Bring The Baby Morning Worship 9:00 and "L ife Is E ternal” Mornirtg Service 9:00 & The song w a s composed by a way of predicting the uncertain Take home a copy of the “ What 11:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Robert Peppel, P ort Hope, sopho­ future. Rev. Wilson M. Tennant, Sunday School 10:15 a.m . Then Are We To D o?" sheet university B^OfMKouth Fellowship 11:00 a.m . Sunday School m ore. It is designed to be played •preaching The scientific side of our cul­ for study and application. lutheran church L 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Everting Evening Service 7 p.m. Lenten Service, Sun., Mar. 1 in Latin, Oriental, contempo­ ture says March will come in Evening Worship ‘ 6 :3 0 p.m. P ray er Service 7:00 p.m. Those in need of transpor­ a lc-lca rary blues, Baroque, and other like a lamb but refuses to commit 6 -7 p.m. Study C lass 7:30 p.m. tation call: Dr. Joseph Edwards,Speaking First Presbyterian m id - w e e k ^ e r v i c e Wednesday, 7:15 p.m. Affiliated with Unity School M r. B. Swagman at TU 2-2570 form s, and can be used for danc­ itself to any further predictions. ing, marching, or just plain lis­ They have decided instrum en- i Ottawa and Chestnut of Christianity, L e e ’s Summit, F o r church bus schedule tening. tation is better than cerem ony. Worship Services Missouri or Rev. Hofman at IV 5-3650 Church School 9:45 a.m . all 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 call IV 2-8419 The song co rrelates with the 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. w ater carnival theme of world ages Si 11:00 a.m . children 2 -5 years. Cribbery and nursery c a re provided, P ly m o u th .anslng Central Free literatu re— "W iteratu re,” New­ H om e E c P ro f Always a warm welcome at First Baptist Church Congregational Methodist Church com er said. "T h e C ro ss—God’ s L ast Ap­ Seventh - Day Capitol at Ionia 828 N. Washington, Lansing The committee will attempt Attends M eeting Membership C lass 9:30 a.m. peal” L a m i n g , M ichigan C h u rc h Adventist Church Rav. Scott Irvin«, M inister Allegan at Townsend St. Sunday Sunday School 10:00 p.m. to have the song taped and use Bernetta Kahabka, associate it in* radio spots to advertise professor of home economics, is F re e bus transportation 15 to Dr. Morrow, preaching Temporarily m e e t i n g at Lansing, Mich. 30 minutes before each se rv ­ University Lutheran Church Church School 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m . Worship Service Morning Worship 11:00 a.m . the w ater carnival. representing Michigan State at ice around the campus. A warm and friendly welcome Division and Ann St. Morning Worship 10:50 a.m . "T h e Church and the Ages" Rev. Arthur Zahniser, Guest Nancy Orton, B i r m i n g h a m the 16th annual Conference on awaits you at F irst P resb yter­ Dr. E. O. Kennedy, New York Speaker sophomore w i l l a c c o m p a n y C areers in Retailing sponsored Communion Sunday ian. SATURDAY SERVICES City Ministers Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. Peppel in making a tape and by New York U niversity’ s school First Church of 9:30 a.m . Sabbath School "T h e Victory of Surrender” Je s s e Pindell P e irce , D.D., Evening S ervice 7:00 p.m. has w o r k e d on the v a r i o u s of retailing today in New York 11:00 a.m . Worship Service Rev. Scott Irvine, Christ, Scientist All Saints Episcopal preaching Rev. Jack Fay Robinson Film arrangem ents of the tune. City. 709 E . Grand River Richard E. Klausli Minister F o r transportation call E ast Lansing Church F o r information or transpor­ 6:30 Youth Groups of Music ED 7-1294____________ 800 Abbott Road tation call 485-9273 People of all races w elcom e Churfch School at 10:45 Church Service: Sunday U A.M. ED 2-1313 St. Johns Student Rev. Robert Gardner, Episcopal Peoples Church TRINITY CHURCH Eastminster Parish Subject - Chaplain to the University Rev. Edward Roth, Rector East Lansing Interdenominational Presbyterian Church F r . R. Kavanaugh "C h rist Jesu s” 120 Spartan Avenue. F r . T . McDevitt Rev. George Tuma, Curate Interdenominational 1315 Abbott’Rd.. SUNDAY SERVICES MINISTERS 327 M.A.C. 200 W. Grand River E ast Lansing 8:00 a.m . Holy Communion at E . Eugene Williams Sunday M asses Sunday School: Minister All Saints Parish at Michigan Norman R. Plersm a University Students9 :3 0 a.m. Rev. Robert L. Moreland 7:15-8:30 - 9:45 (high) 8:00 a.m . Holy Communion at Daniel E . Weiss Regular 11:00 a.m. 541 Walbridge Drive 11:15 & 12:30 - Chapel of Apostles, Wesley Morning Service - 11 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES ED 7-0183 Babysitting at 8:30 - 9:45 - 11:15 Foundation Wed. Evening Meeting-8 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Morning P ray er & AN UNWORTHY COM­ 9:00 & 11:00 a.m . Youngsters Religion C lass Sermon 9:30, and 11:00 a.m . PARISON Church School 11:00 a.m. Communion 9:45 a.m . Reading Room located at 134 for Cribbery through St Sermon Evening Service - 7:00 p.m. W. Grand River. "C h rist and the Community” Third Grade. 5:30 p.m. Canterbury Meeting Sunday March 1 7:00 p.m._ Open Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 a.m. MOTIVATED BY TRUTH 10:00 a.m . Church School 8:30 a.m . - Monday thru Friday by “ Holy Communion Service” Play: “ K lier’ s Komdy” -5 :0 0 p.m. Fourth Grade - Adults Mon., T ues., T hurs., & F r i­ Daily Office Dr. Wallace Robertson 8:15 p.m.. Trinity Collegiate Lenten Discussion 4:00 p.m. 9:00 8i 11:00 a. m. days 7 :0 0 -9 :0 0 p.m. Tues. - 10:15 a.m . Everyday in the Lounge Fellowship—Stimulating Church Services Holy Communion Wed. - 7:00 a.m . CHURCH SCHOOL P rogram and Buffet Supper All are welcome to attend Daily M asses Holy Communion Other Services Sermon Church S ervices, and visit and Thurs. - 5:15 p.m. 9:30 & 11:00 a.m . Crib room The Claim s of C h rist-Ill 8:00 a.m . - 12:10 p .m .- 4:45 p.m. Join the crowd use the Reading Room. Holy Communion through Adult C lasses 9:45 a.m . University C lass Sat. Masses on the beach at 7:00 p.m. Wed. Evening STUDENTS WELCOME 8:00 & 9:00 a.m . 11:00 a.m. Adult and Young Confession daily at 8:00 a.m. SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Couples Class in The P ray er and Bible Study Call 337-9336 or 332-6903 12:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. NASSAU 1518 S. Washington Call 337-7966 for campus for transportation Phone ED 7-9778 College House Lounge bus schedule March 22 to March 29 INVITES YOU LUTHERAN WORSHIP iTTTmrt Alumni Memorial Chapel Missouri Synod Kimberly Downs Edgewood UNITED 9:45 a.m. BIBLE SCHOOL Church 10:00 a.m . 11:15 a.m . Morning Worship and Holy Baptism Holy Eucharist | s252.50 includes Church of Christ Interdenominational :•!: • Round trip jet, Detroit-Nassau and return. "M arch to Bible School In M arch” Election of Chapel Assembly Officers 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansing 469 North Hagadorn Road College C lass Taught by Dr. Ted Ward Welcome Alumni Executives $ • 7 days, 6 nights at the luxurious Montagu Beach Hotel, East Lansing, Michigan (2 blocks W. of Frandor 6:00 p.m. Election of Gam ma Delta Officers j:|: twin with baths. (5 blocks north of Grand River) Shopping Center on E. Alpha Omicron Chapter :s # Round trip transfer between airport and hotel. 1 1 : 0 0 a.m. “ LET YOUR LIFE SHOW” Grand River) MINISTERS . 7:30 p.m. Wed. LENTEN WORSHIP Rev. Truman A. Morrison $ « 2 1/2 hour complete city tour of historic, colorful Nas- IV 9-7130 Alumni Memorial Chapel 8 sou. Rev. R. Paige Birdweli, J r . F re e bus service and nur sery provided. 7:00 p.m .. “YOU CAN’T MEASURE GOD!” William H. Hall and Gerald O. Fru zla, Sr. WORSHIP SERVICES • Sea Gardens cruise in glass bottom boat. Rev. THteodore K. Bundenthal, P astor ED 2-0778 Male Quartet, F t. Wayne Bible College M inisters 9:30 8i 11:00 a.m. Sunday, March 1 I F o r reservations call us now. SUNDAY SERVICES FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 8 :3 0 p.m. ADULT YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Sermon by Rev. Morrison Genesee at Butler Streets Bible Study 11:00 a.m. Church School 9 :3 0 &11:00 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES Supervised nursery provided Male Quartet in Charge Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening Bible Crib room thru Senior High Church School.................................................9:45 a,m . Refreshment Hour Following Study 7:30 p.m. Morning Worship.........................................11:00 a.m . Junior High Fellowship 4:00 p.m, [ LO cvoW)u y k 6 Youth Groups........................... \ ................ 6:00 p.m. Thursday Evening Ladles Senior High Fellowship Evangelistic Hour. . .......................7:00 p.m P asto rs: Dr. Howard F . Sugden, Bible C lass 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ' W fT e d W ltd ’aTid’ "" WEDNESDAY EVE P rayer Service /ia u p.rfi. F o r Transportation call: Affiliated with United Church Rev. Alvin Jones FE 9-8 1 9 0 Of C hrist, Congregational- Christian, Evangelical and .H.T, Stanley - M inister Tom Thompson - Music Dir. T ransportation A v a ila b le i TR AVE L CENTER INC F re e bus service morning and evening ED 2-196U or ED 2-2434 Reformed. Call Church Office IV 5-0613 SM E . MICHIGAN AVE. PHONE « M M Call 482-0754 for information WELCOME If No Answer, Call IV 2-6994 ’ Michigan State News, E a s t Lan sing , Michigan F r i d a y . F e b r u a r y 28 , 1964 5 W alsh Says P ro fs U .S . C o n flic t C oncept K e p t In "Iv o ry T o w e rs ’ U n iq u e ’ Serious inquiry must be made that certain works of literatu re which is both outdated and child­ Conflict is inherent in society ideology of com prom ise," he “ Politicians a r e not viewed into the varied and critica l prob­ would lead to human misbehavior ish. but the American concept of con­ said. “ As a cultural assumption with esteem generally,” he said. if they were released to society. In today’ s dynamic society any flict and its meaning is almost we believe it to be wrong to re ­ "L arg ely t h i s com es from the lems of c e n s o r s h i p , Harold Walsh, professor of philosophy, The harmful affects which may attempt to draw lim its as to what ’i unique among the nations of the fuse to compromise. fact that they must com prom ise.” result from the release of c e r ­ will be acceptable over a period world, Jam es B. McKee, profes­ McKee cited American unions **Our society craves har­ said Wednesday, Sponsored by the Humanist So­ tain works a re usually pointed out of time is hopeless, he said. so r of sociology, said Wednes­ as a prime example of bargain­ mony,” McKee said. “ Therefore without due consideration of more It is up to the individual to day. He made this observation ing and cotnprom iseagreem ents. conflict is discouraged and har­ ciety, Walsh spoke on the prob­ beneficial affects which could determine the effectiveness or in his Provost lecture to about "L ab or has been granted legit­ mony often becomes an end—to lems of censorship, free speech come about. necessity of censorship legis­ 200 students and faculty members imacy and in turn it has accepted the detriment of som e.” and academic freedom. All censorship works on a “ this lation as it applies to particular at the Erickson Kiva. the American system ,” he con­ “ People seem to assume that University instructors a r e censored, he said, by being forced is right that is wrong” attitude situations. McKee noted three other con­ tinued. attitude is directly correlated to labor under the confusing obli­ cepts of conflict: the feudal con­ But compromise is not viewed with action," McKee said. “ But gation of always telling the truth. cept, the Marxian concept of un­ as a political virtue by Americans this is not so. Conflict may re ­ T here is no such thing as de­ fined truth. Senate To Investigate Wiiiiiiê ìim È avoidable class struggle and the totalitarian view that conflict is not necessary because of total so­ — to the detriment of the political sult from beliefs but fundament­ and democratic system , McKee ally human conflict is inherent asserted. in our social stru ctu re.” In attempting to fulfill this obligation, in stru cto rsa re fo rce d to stick to the accepted facts of their fields. Title Fight Promotion cial control. The latter assumes that that which cannot be assim i­ lated must be eliminated. In effect, the instructor is W A S H I N G T O N (UPI)— Sen. tighter federal control. Exten­ “ None of these concepts a r e forced to remain enclosed in Philip A. Hart, D-M ich., said sive hearings were held in past accepted in t h e American soci­ the ivory tower of his particular Thursday his Senate anti-trust years when the subcommittee was ety,” he said. “ To Europeans, com m ittee would investigate a c - headed by the late Sen. Estes U.S. policies seem very con ser­ , field. “ This method of operation is acquisition by Sonny Liston of Kefauver, D-Tenn. vative. C lass conflict has not de­ «preposterous and will lead to promotion rights to Cassius veloped h ere.” Clay’ s first heavyweight title de­ McKee called A m erica a soci­ social d isaster,” Walsh said, fense. *Louisville L ip 9 — r * ety of moderation. Conflict is not “ and instructors who submit to it are u seless, gutless men, “ This is not the kind of situ­ NEW TAG GAM E?-Donna Ryan, Detroit freshman, attacks seen as insoluble, rather it is a s ­ ation that to an impartial obser­ Is Black Muslim the problem of putting on 1964 licen se tags from an unusual sumed that there is a solution and if they are men at a l l ." ’ • F o r learning to take place, ver is calculated to improve con­ MIAMI BEACH, F la .—"A ll 1 angle. Saturday is the last day to purchase the tags which must be on all Michigan licen ses by Sunday. Ph»«« b, s»b Boh« it can be reached, he said. “ This is part of the American IV 2-1551 fields of knowledge must be p re­ fidence in the boxing business,” want is peace—peace for myself sented with emphasis on their r e ­ Hart said in a statement. and peace for the w orld," t h e , lation one to another, he said. “ It is a stupifying falsification Hart quoted from a United P re s s International dispatch that newly-crowned heavyweight box­ ing champion, C assius Clay, said ■ M EM III 111 that instructors a re supposed to a promotion firm headed by L is ­ today in revealing that he had be­ 'ill! simply convey the knowledge that ton acquired rights to Clay’ s come a member of the Black Mus­ they have to those who do not next fight even before Tuesday lims. have it ," Walsh said. night's Clay-Liston fight in Mi­ “ My r e l i g i o n is Isla m ," he Censorship of published ma­ ami Beach. said. “ I believe Allah is God. I terial is based on the assumption "In other words, the heavy­ think this is the true way to save weight champion o f the world a world, which is on f i r e wi t h agreed to promote the challen­ h ate." S p ecia list T a lk s g e r’ s next fight, even before He s a i d he had m a d e an ex­ the championship f i g h t took tended study of the religion over To M E A G ro u p p la ce ,” said Hart. a p e r i o d of months and had be­ Hart said “ a short set of come convinced it is “ the truth Del Dyer, MSU program spe­ hearings might be useful" to his and the light." cialist, w i l l be t h e featured subcommittee, which i s con­ “ A rooster crow s only when it speaker at th e second general sidering legislation to set up a sees the light,” h esaid. "P u t him session of the Michigan Education national b o x i n g com m issioner in the dark and he’ll never crow. Association annual workshop to­ and bring the ring sport under 1 have seen the light and I’m crow­ day and Saturday at B attleC reek. ing. ” Two Debaters G iven TO VISIT TO CELEBRATE NATIONAL TopCertificate Honors EUROPE WANT-AD WEEK ... Two students received awards He also took the affirmative on CAL L at the Michigan Inter-collegiate the issue. Speech League 1964 D e b a t e ./Tournament r e c e n t l y held at MSU debaters compiled the fol­ lowing reco rd : A division: nega­ COLLEGE You Can Place A Wayne State University. tive team, 2 wins, 1 loss; affirm­ ative team, 1 win, 2 losses; B d i­ Travel Office Sharon Vondra, Lansing fresh­ vision; negative team , 2 wins, 1 332-8667 man, won an “ excellence” c e r ­ loss; affirmative team , 3 wins. tificate. She debated in division B on the affirmative of the nation­ State News Want-Ad LARGEST DISCOUNTS FREE al intercollegiate debate proposi­ tion, Resolved: "T h at the federal government should guarantee an opportunity for higher education to all qualified high school grad­ I i INTOWN u ates." C O M P L E T E L IN E M AX K R A M E R Kenneth Newton,Trenton, N .J., freshman, was the recipient of a certificate of "su p e rio r” as one " Y o u 'r t co rd ially in ­ vited to •• • ut fo r the bet* valu te for your m oney!" NEW&REBUILTAUTO of the oustanding debaters in the tournament an d was th e top- EXCLUSIVEATKRAMER'S ranked debater in the B division. Children’s Seat Belts HERE’S HOW IT WORKS Block, Bridle E a sily in sta lle d ! F its all c a rs! Q uick re. Show Entries lease! S afety-tested exceeds 2,000 lbs. Sit a n d s t a n d m p d e l w i t h l e g s t r a p s . ON THE STATE NEWS COMMENDED BY " P A R E N T S ” MAGAZINE Due Sunday Entries for the 16th annual 5 -F O R -3 P LA N Block and Bridle Show must be in by Sunday. The show will be held in the livestock pavilion, MACHINE SHOP-AUTO G LA SS-ELECTRICA L-SPRING April .3 and 4. *SERVING GREATER LANSING FOR 4t YEARST From March 2 thru March 11 you can Any student may enter, accord ­ — W h o le » * !« S t R e t a i l - — ing to Richard Rudish, Chicago graduate s t u d e n t and entries get a 5-day ad for the 3-day rate. chairm an. Registration is in the Animal Industries Room, Anthony K R A M E R PARTO You pay for the first three days and Hall. 8 0 0 E . K a la m a z o o P h o n o IV 4 - 1 3 3 5 There will be three p erfor- ’ mances with the program vary­ get the fourth and fifth day FREE. No in ing slightly for each. Shows will be Friday and Saturday night HOt PIZZA DELIVERY refunds will be given during this and Saturday afternoon. The program s will feature an special offer . .. Oklahoma cowboy who rides two Brahma bulls in a Roman stand; Chuck Grant and "Shining Gold” Olympic dressage winners; and the Victor Adding Machines six CALL pony hitch. The Michigan B a rre l R acers will ride Saturday night. Old- fashioned horse pulling is sche­ 3 5 5 -8 2 5 5 duled for the Friday night p er­ formance with five heavy-weight team s competing. Admission for the evening p er- , ’ form ances is $1. The matinee is 50 cents. Tickets may be pur­ chased at the door or in 205 Anthony Hall. ASK FOR WANT-ADS TO V IS IT PIZZA MOBILE CHINA D e liv e r s Y o u r P i z z a S iz z lin g hot C ALL (one o r fifty) COLLEGE Travel Office THE I ' l l RESTAURANT OFFER NOT GOOD FOR COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS 332-8667 203 M .A.C. Ave. C A L L : ED 2-0863 6 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 8 , 19 64 “ I needed 1 and received o ver 15 PART-TIME WAITRESS- After­ c a lls .” said this satisfied a d v e r ­ WAITRESS HIRED THROUGH W ANT-AD noons. For appointment call 8:00 - 5:00 p.m. tis e r. ★ Automotive ★ E m p lo ym e n t ★ F o r Sale ★ F o r Sale ★ Peanuts Personal with a FORD I960 Galaxie, 4-door, pow­ LABORATORY TECHNICIAN :or STEREO and stereo reco rd s.H i- 21” ADMIRAL T .V ., lowboy con­ W ^^ALK ED Tntt^ouniom eTand W orld New s low cost e r steering, brakes. Thunderbird cruiseom atic, whitewalls, $950. general hospital laboratory. Sal­ Standard .22 “ Double Nine” re ­ sole, good working ord er, deluxe ary commensurable with train ­ volver. W. Gold wedding ring model, $50. 355-5753. sang a little tune, We want to make it known, that you’ ll be singing at a Glance WANT AD Phone TL' 2-0319. PONTIAC G R A N D PRIX 1963, 38 ing and experience. Apply: M rs. (five 1/2 carat diamonds). Ken- J . Insalace, MT. ASCP. H e a d more vacuum clean er. 355-2" 8 TLFLON F R Y I N G PANS, A C l 39 s o o n . Nefariousely yours, T r i- • AUTOMOTIVE fuiF power. Call IV 4-8 5 2 8 . 3“ Technician, Lab.: The Memorial after 6:00 p.m. 41 HARD WHERE & GIFTS, E . Grand Rusk Answers Viet Nam Questions •EM PLO YM EN T CHEVROLET 195", A-l condition, Hospital: Owosso, Michigan. REFRIGERATOR - FRIGIDAIKl River a cro ss from Union, ED ★ Service_________ WASHINGTON 1 --S e c re ta ry of State Dean Rusk said Thursday 2-door, 2 new tire s , V -8, auto­ _____________________ 38 1948 model, very good condition 2-3212. C K^RAIS^li^price^a^WEN- • FOR REN T that the question whether the anti-Communist war in South Viet matic. $550. Call 655-2582. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, male $30. Phone 627-2672. ALASKAN MALAMUTe ) 2 yeai DROW’S E C O N - O - W A S H . 32 Nam should be expanded into operations against Communist • FOR S A LE 3“ male, AKC registered . Beauti­ speed clean w ashers, 20f - ten or female. Call from home or our • LO ST & FOUND North Viet Nam " i s a question for the future.” office. Call 484-4091 forappoint- "Mi' flI ! HOME, Ritzcraft 10 fully marked, wonderful disposi­ minutes drying, lOtf. 3006 Vine •P E R S O N A L J . B .’S USED CARS Rusk also told a news conference that "no m iracle in the ■ment. 38 X 50. Lfike new, front kitchen. tion. Weekdays after 6:00 p.m. - St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. Exclusively Chevrolets North” can solve the basic problem in the embattled South Viet­ • PEA N U TS PERSO N A L WAITRESSES full-time and p art- Low down payment. Call IV 5- 646-4611. 38 C37 1956 2-door, hardtop. Black and tim e. Night work only. 18 mini­ 0329 or 332-1075. STUDENT TV R E N T A L S. Siew namese, with U.S. support, have the resou rces to do the job. • R EA L ESTA TE • 3" 4 BLONDE END tables, bedroom His statem ents, made in response to questions, made clear white, original black and white mum a g e . Call IV 5 -7 1 "9 for 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” • S E R V IC E SEALPOINT SIAMESE kittens, 7 lamps, occasional ch air, toy pud­ that the Johnson administration so far has not made any decision interior. No rust. Mechanically appointment. weeks old. House broken, ador­ dle pup. Reasonable. Phone 882— table models, $8 per month, 17” •TRA N SPO RTA TIO N perfect. No money down;. table models, $7 per month, A 11 to expand the fighting. He also indicated that the United States EARN EXTRA money in your able. 4027 Aurelius Rd., call 882- 1481. 37 • w an ted 2801 S. Cedar sets guaranteed, no service o r feels the main thrust of strategy against the Red gu errilla forces spare time with Judy Lee Jew els. 6526. 37 must be delivered in South Viet Nam. D EA D LIN E : TU 2-1478 or TL' 2-6721 485-3622 for more information or • BOY’S CARCOAT - woo! suit", BICYCLE SALES, service and- delivery ch arg es. Call Nejac TV 1 p.m. one c lass day be­ C 484-5521. 40 size 18, men’ s carco at, and top­ rentals. E ast Lansing C ycle, 1215 Rentals, IV 2 -0 6 2 4 . C OLDSMOBILE ¡45\ 4-door sedan CHOOSE YOl'R own hours. A few coat, zip lining, size 38. Phone East Grand R iver, call 332-8303. JEAN-A-WINS has excellent stud Premier Claim s Murder Plot fore publication. with hydramatic, $1 75. Call 4S~- hours a day can mean excellent IV 2-4314. serv ice, miniatureSchnauzer son O C a n c e lla tio n s - 1 2 noon one 3" ._____________________________ C SAIGON, Viet Nam .f — South Viet Nam's prem ier-strongm an c la s s day before p u b l i c a t i o n 5“~9. 3220 Andrew Avenue. earnings for you as a trained REDUCING L O U N G E S (3) - sE T e c t m o b i l e h o m e s , lo­ of international champion. Also 37 Avon representative, f o r ap­ told associates that french officials paid a te rro rist about $1,300 expert grooming. 372-3465. 40 PHONE: OLDSMOBILE 19e2, 4-door hard- pointment in your home write or (used), excellent condition, $50 cated 2 m iles North of the North to kill him Thursday on one of his trips to the countryside". each. Original p rice, $189. Call Side Drive-In on U S-27 has a few J O B R E S U M E S - 1 0 0 copies, Informed sources said Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh, who seized 355-8255 top, deluxe, radio, : ester, power call: Mrs. Alona Huckins, 5664 IV 9-1435. show models left from last week’ s $4.00. Aldinger Direct Mail Ad­ power Jan. 30, reported he learned of the plot in time to call steering a.'id bra' :es, positive School St., Haslett, Michigan or RATES: traction axle. IV 4-6 "O’ after 3:00 call evenings, FE 9-8483. 37 prem ier showing of the 1964 Mo­ vertising. 533 North Clippert. off the trip. ADMIRAL 21” T .V . combination, bile Homes. These models have IV 5-2 2 1 3 . C 1 D A Y ............ S I .25 p.m. 38 C37 U.S. Nuclear Weapons Increase 3 D A Y S . . . .52.50 $65. Occasional ch airs, lamps, been drastically cut in p rice and 't . V. RENTALS f o r students. RAMBLER P5oS Cl issic wagon, REGISTERED NURSES, f u l l or drapes, curtains, small e le ctri­ will save you hundreds of dollars Econom ical rates by the term and 5 DAYS S3.75 $550 or $46.16 pe; • month for part time, 11-7 or 3-11. Good sa l­ cal appliances. Call IV 4-7316. while they last. Also we are in month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT­ GENEVA .1—The United States disclosed Thursday its nuclear (Based on 15 words per ad) year. Excellent com iition. Phone ary and differential plus other 38 need of used units in both 8 and 10 ALS - 355-6026. Call after 5. arsenal has increased 200 per cent in the two years that dis­ 489-4238. _39 fringe benefits. Flexible t i m e NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND pup­ foot wide models. Drive out to ____________________C There will be a 2 5 t service armament talks have droned on in Geneva. FORD 1963 convert ible" Galaxie schedule. Meal furnished. Phone and bookkeeping charge if pies, A.K.C. registered. Phone 8 SELECT MOBILE HOMES and DIAPER SERVICE, three types of Conceding that new efforts to get the talks moving have col­ 500. L o a d e d. Mu: ¡t sacrifice. ED 2-0801. _____________ 41 to 5, 485-7121, nights Eaton Rap­ take advantage of these terrific diapers to choose from. B u l k lapsed, U.S. negotiator William C. F o ste r declared that by next this ad is not paid within Phone 482-5543, SI 5 Max Ave. MALE: Efficient at shorthand or ids, 4-5136. 3" p rices. 41 wash for clean er, whiter diapers, year U.S. strategic m issile inventories "w ill reach approxi­ one week. 40 speedwriting. 8 hours work on SEE THE fabulousporta-washer. DALMATIAN MALE, 1 year old. fluff dried and folded. Use yours mately 750 per cent of those in 1962.” AH SPRITE 1961, e lhomas Gome; IHOLUMAN! Ä Ä K l ' S S r l . . . PANAVISION* following the competition. HUIAIS a n d t h e P r o f e s s o r 's ‘ ‘Summer and Smoke” Shown 2nd at 8:55 A p p re n tic e is in t h e L 3rd Color Feature JOHN RICHARD m id d le ! AGAR ARLEN APARADEPICTURESRELEASE TECHNICOLOR HIT NO (3) SECOND RUN ONCE AT 10:20 NRXDOUGUS m HALWALLISpfm m mxnioN BIG P R O BLEM S! BIG SINS! I t s ta r ts w h e re “ P e y t o n P la c e ” le ft o f f ! * L A S T / t h e G U N TECHNICOLOR. M iL I . B im b ic if c iï SKjn rarU B(MDNUI/M UCO E S M M .rfti t«m»n B w ft .tSSl L e **Lost Train From Gun Hill** shown 3rd at_10^S8_ T E C H N IC O LO R sur^fOMMY KÍRK; ANNEtTE león ames -'stuart efwin O n ly 4 M ile s E a s t O f C a m p u s . D r i v e jOuW starring k m m UMtxied by ROBERT SIEVENSON 5 'rreenolay by TOM and H E liN Al/ U S TB im o "i n w »M iíi«# tS " Associate Prctfucer R O N M iifR 317 M U I « u s u C » i m - t i 963 Wall . - , P.o«ütt.o»¡ T EC H NI C O LO R ® • F r ie n d ly A tm o s p h e re . M eet Y o u r F rie n d s i I R iC H A R D JA C K B U R T O N C A R S O N • B A R B A R A » A N G IE R U S K » D IC K IN S O N - WALT D IS N EY ’ S And E n jo y T h e M o v ie s . PLUS! t tifU T A U A c u r r n n n n i i A R IZ O N A SH E E P D O G ’ CO LO R A 8 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing. Michigan N o rth w e s te rn S a tu rd a y Foe Winning 4 Seniors Starters EAST LANSING Record flu X For Home Finale Saturday m arks the final home ing his best basketball this y e a r.” 6S9Goal / f. basketball appearance for four s e n i o r s , a n d Coach Forddy Anderson w i l l make the event Anderson said the biggest sur­ p rise of the four was B e r r y , who has t u r n e d in steady perform ­ More than just another basket- even m ore memorable by sta rt­ ances all y ear. B e rry , who hails be!! "'in is at stake for Michigan ing all four of them. from Winnemucca, Nev., did not State’s eagers when they host They w i l l be m erely making come to State on a basketball Northwestern University Satur­ token appearances, however, as scholarship (it was an academic day in Jer.ison Fieldhouse a t S all have proven to be extrem ely one), and " i s doing the best job p.m. in the last home game of the valuable in their three y ears on he knows how.” year. the varsity squad, according to Thomann, a 6 -9 cen ter, also Anderson. drew p riases from the veteran A win would move the Spartans Three of them. Bill Schwarz, coach. "A lot of people thought into fourth place in the Fig Ten Fred Thomann and Pete Gent have he wouldn’t make it,” he said, standings and keep alive slim been regular s ta r te rs this year “ but now he is the most valua­ hopes for a third place finish. and th e fourth, Bill B e rry , has ble player on the team and has State, 6-6 ir. the league, could slip been the number six man on the kept us alive this year with his half a game ahead of the Wildcats ■* squad, playing all 22 games and improved rebounding and ball (6-5) and r.urse possibilities of appearing in a few starting roles. handling.” catching Minnesota which sports Anderson, speaking at h i s Turning' to Gent, Anderson had a ~«4 conference mark. weekly p ress conference, evalu­ only to say ” P ete’s perform ances The Gophers would have to lose ated the quartet individually and speak for them selves.” The 6 -4 two of their three remaining con­ m * ' . c _______________ said he felt all of them had been forward is t i e d with H o r a c e LA ST TIME AT JENISON--Spartan hoop coach Forddy Anderson poses with fou r seniors, (I. to tests, while State has to win both great assets to the team. Walker for the second best season r.) Bill Schwarz, Pete Gent, Fred Thomann and B ill Berry, who will be playing their last home of theirs to force a tie. Should He said that Schwarz, who is scoring mark of 473 points and game of their careers ot the fieldhouse Saturday night. All four wi II be starting already is the second highest c a ­ Minnesota drop all three and the also an outstanding so cce r play­ Spartans defeat Northwestern and e r , "h a s had a controversial c a ­ r e e r sco re r in Spartan cage his­ Ohio State next weekend, Coach r e e r at State and is finally play- tory with a total of 1123 points. Forddy Anderson’ s uni t could capture third place outright.Two Minnesota victories or a Spartan Southern Illinois, Mini Pose I I Tough Tests For Gymnasts GcuiÀ êhfrp, Amtete loss would put State out of the By splitting t h e i r final two games the Green and White would also be assured of their first win­ Most Big Ten gyn team s are looking ahead to next week’ s con- At 7:30 tonight coach George Szypula’ s c r e w will take on At Champaign, the Spartans will be trying to turn back a featuring ning season in five years. ference meet, but f partan gym- Southern Illinois at Carbondale tough Illinois squad which de­ Anderson indicated that there nasts Will be deni d that right and then travel to Champaign for feated Michigan e a rlie r in the would be no special defense em­ until late Saturday night. a match with the lllini Saturday season. tf-O A Í ployed to stop high scoring Wild­ The MSU squad will be facing a double dose of formidable oppo­ at 7 Saturday night. If good competition is the best The lllini are young and they & IT y cat Rick Falk, who tossed in 49 points against Iowa this week, or sition this weekend when they travel southwestward for meets way to prepare for Big Ten and NCAA m eets, the Spartans should have at least one good p er­ fo rm er in each event. FILM Rick Lopassa who has been the leading sco rer t h i s year f o r with South Illinois and the Uni­ be ready when it’ s time to hit The S p a r t a n s have gained Northwestern. versity of Illinois. - the tournament trail. Last week they tied defending , , • ... . ^ strength in recent weeks with the return of Jim Curzi and DEVELOPING national champion Michigan, and . . . , . , u .u u * A. . have shown signs of continued OSU’s Bradds Heads tonight they 11 be facing the team , . , , that finished second to the Wol- verines in the NCAA last year. improvement in several events, SERVICE UPI All-American List Southern has been unbeaten in dual meets since. 1961, and the SIU squad rem em bers that the F o r Y o u r T rip plus a NEW YORK (UPI) T h e play­ On the second team areC azzie complete line in er who filled the shoes of Je rry Lucas at Ohio State has led the Russell, Michigan; Jeff Mullins, Duke; Mel Counts, Oregon State; last team to defeat them in a dual contest was MSU. HOME balloting for the United P ress Fred Hetzel, Davidson; and Ron The Southern t e a m is e s­ C ALL FRATERNITY & SORORITY COLLEGE pecially strong in still rings International All-A m erica Col­ Bonham, Cincinnati. where a form er NAAU champ, lege Basketball Team . The t h i r d t e a m ; Howard C enter Gary Bradds, who has Komives, Bowling Green; Bill Dennis Wolf, has led the way JEWELRY a 31.1 average, scored 40 or more points in six straight games Buntin, Michigan; P a u l Silas, Creighton; Jim B arn es, Texas so f a r this season. He could p ressu re MSU’s two-time NCAA king Dale*Cooper who has won Travel Office SPARTAN this season. Western and Wally Jones, Villa- 25 straight dual meets on the 332-8667 SHOPPING C E N T E R ED 2-6753 Joining Bradds on th e f i r s t nova. rings. team are W altHazzardofunbeat- en and top-ranked UCLA, Cotton Nash of Kentucky, Bill Bradley of Princeton and Dave Stallworth of & Wichita. Although Bradley and Bradds are th e only two among the na­ tion’ s top 10 s c o re rs , the "d ream team” averages 27 points a man and all five hold school scoring records. Bradds, at 6 -8 , is the tailest member of the squad and the lone repeater from last year. 100 off TennisStars ! E A C H P IN T O F B R E S L E R ’S ! Back AtIM D E L IC IO U S IC E C R E A M PRE SPRING REDUCTION SALE ForA-VDay Form er State tennis sta rs and I W I T H T H IS C O U P O N . ( F rid a y -S a tu rd a y S v n d a y ] 1964 TRIUMPH their wives will be returning to the campus Saturday to take part TR 4 DEMO Try Bubblegum, Kitchen Sink in the fifth annual alumni-varsity tennis day activities. Singles matches, pitting the e x - Spartans against th e varsity or Pistachio Nut for a pleasant change. " 3 3 FLAVORS TO CHOOSE FROM” s2865 full price squad and against their old team­ mates will begin at 8 a.m. in the 1M Sports Arena. Doubles play FREE 1 964 LICENSE PLATES will begin at 2 p.m. O PEN In the day's feature encounters Steá& Ú L. D A ILY at 1 p.m .. Tom Jamison will meet Brian Isner, current ToledoUni- hand packed^/ FLA V O R S NOON-11 p.m . versity net coach, and la sty e a r’ s Ic e C re a m S h o p 1964 TRIUMPH n u m b e r two m a n T o m m y O’ Donnell will face Dave Mills, SPITFIRE DEMO *2388 1951 championship team member. Also in attendance will be the full price five captains who have led Spar­ tan s q u a d s during.Coach Stan B a r b iz o n Drobac’ s seven seasons at State. The matches are open to the ¿ST-. 'A ’ A public and will end at 4 p.m. The alumni wi l l w a t c h the State- A .' LOW BANK RATE FINANCING S l e n d e r S lip s Northwestern basketball game to close out their day. 7 NEW smoother than SKI E Q U I P M E N T silk under knits 1964 TRIUMPH FOR R EN T HERALD 1200 DEMO Lovely, smooth Tafredda, designed ex- & M eet the perfect col lege com bination. Good pecially to be worn under knits because fo r snacks, study breaks, Sunday m eals, an y tim e . And the " A l l - A m e r i c a n ” is so *1691 full price it stays so sleek. In white, black, and champagne. Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to 20 and 14 1/2 to 22 1/2. easy on you r pocketbook. T r y one today. Top. Saucy. . .flattering lace covers the SPO RTS CARS O V E R S E A S D E L IV E R Y S E R V IC E FOR bodice and graces the side slashed hem. LEA SED — ARRAN GED ---- A L L IM PORTS 6 .0 0 Skis, Boots» S E B O and Poles V WMk p. tOc Additional fo r In tu ra n c t L a r r y C u sh io n S p o r t in s R o o d s Lansing McDonald^ 1 “ SPO R TS CAR CEN TER ALEDW ARDS Low er Right. C a n d i e . . . .embroidered- molded bodice and peek-a-boo side slit. * L tlw e a L e ft. 6 .0 0 A r r e t : , ■-d e l r e a i e * 1e m b r o i d “ ' E a s t La n sin is ingg I j •ery at the hem and bodice. Side zipper. 1 B lo c k N O R T H of 4015 W. Sogniaw on Grand R iver Ave. | | M ic h ig a n A v e. • W est of S e a r s 4700 S. Cedar 1 Blk. E a stI of Campus! I 616 N . Howard IV 9-7596 4.00 M2* VINE IV 5-74« 2120 N. Larch 2 B lk s. West it of Union I I E A S T L A N S IN G GARDEN LE V E L Open Erl, 'til >, Pally HU I