T H E W O RLDO F EM ERGIN G N ATIO N S-Subject of many d is. tries of the world got careful scrutiny. Speakers such as Breslin; Alvin Magid, professor of political scien ce, top history, highlighted symposiums, workshops and after- cussions during the three day emerging nations seminar, the former A ssistan t Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, center; Colonel Napolean Valeriano, counter insurgency dinner speeches. political, economic and social problems of developing coun- Roger Hilsman, left, shown with University Secretary Jack expert, center left; James Hooker, assista n t professor of Photos by Gary Shumaker and David Sykes. B u d g e t C u t ^ C o n s i d e r e d # « - MICHIGAN state IW S UNIVERSITY $50 Per Student Vol. 55, Number 104 Monday, March 2, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Price 10i Reduction Asked Students may have to pay as much as $50 more for tuition if sentiments of several Michigan legislators become law. Sen. Frank Beadle, R -St. C lair, state senate appropriations com m ittee chairm an, said about $50 a student will probably be subtracted from final budgets of state supported institutions. H is t o r y R id e s W it h Y o u n g The legislature is now considering budgets for Michigan’ s 10 state supported colleges and uni­ versities for the 1964-65 school _________________________________ y ear. N a t io n s S a y s A s ia E x p e rt "T h e instiutions won't he’ “ to in crease tuition by $ 5 0 ,” he said. “ They can spread the cost out any way they see fit, including putting a heavier burden on out- of-state students.” Colleges will have to make u d the $50 per student subtracted U.S. Aid R e v o lu tio n Leaders from their budgets in some way, he added. Rep. Raymond Wurzel, R -P o rt Viet Nam Essential Huron, indicated the $50 hike won’t be the final solution to the tollege-finance problem Death Plot To Areas He has proposed that students pay the actual cost of their ed­ ucation. Those who could trot Revealed B e tra y O w n P e o p le Events in all emerging nations, not just in Viet Nam, will deter­ mine the future cou rse ofhistory pay would borrow the cost from indicated Roger Hilsman, recent­ Revolution and its betrayal by sem inar held in Kellogg Center erty of his people, the develop­ the state, possibly interest free, TAM KY, Viet Nam If)— "T he ly resigned U n d ersecretary of its leaders a re the hallmarks last weekend. ment of their economy and peace and then pay it back when they C o m m u n i s t s and colonialists State for F a r E astern Affairs. of the modern world, Leo Cherne, "Twenty y ears ago, the ex­ in Southeast Asia. He has be­ a re out on the job. have offered 300 million p iastres "it is in the national Interest chairman o f th e International p r e s s i o n ‘revolution betrayed’ trayed the needs of a people House Speaker Allison Green. ($4 million) for the destruction of the United States to meet the Rescue Committee, s a i d here would have been instantly recog­ who have long suffered. R-Kingston, indicated there is of my government,’ ’ Maj. Gen. challenge of helping the em erg­ Friday. nized as Trotsky’ s indictment On the other side of the globe, some feeling for lopping money Nguyen Khanh, South Viet Nam’s ing nations,” he said at the Sat­ T hirst for power and a failure of Stalin in the Russian revo­ Cherne cited C a stro ’s Cuba. from the budgets of the four-year p rem ier, t o l d rep o rters here urday evening “ Winds of Change to be true to themselves has lution of 1917,” he said. "T o ­ "In 1958, we had great hopes schools and giving it to com ­ Sunday. in Emerging Nations” seminar. given rise to the despotic govern­ day the expression 'revolution in his revolution against B atis­ munity colleges. "T h e re will be no coups, but Speaking about Southeast Asia, m e n t s in t h e revolutionary betrayed’ requires us to ask, ta, and we gave him our full "W e all agree that community they w i l l continue to try to ■he pointed out some possible nations, Cherne said in his key­ ‘which one?’ ” sympathy and support,” he said. colleges have to grow if we are assassin ate me. These people areas of trouble. note address at the "Winds of He c it ed the W e s t e r n tr a ­ "C a stro made explicit prom ises going to educate enough students want my death to bring about Problems in underdeveloped Change in theEm ergingN ations” dition of revolution from ancient to resto re the liberal, demo­ and yet, we keep pouring money neutralization of Viet Nam,” he G reece to Am erica to explain c ra tic Cuban constitution of 1940. areas Include a developing na­ into the large schools,” he said. added. tional identity within each coun­ our protection and even pro­ “ Instead, he turned to rep res- ’ ’perhaps there should be some Khanh said he would not iden­ motion of revolution in Latin try which tends toward extreme cuts in the budgets of the larg er tify the nationality of the “ col­ (continued on page 3) LEO CH ERN E nationalism, a prim itive agricul­ ; schools.” President John A. Hannah gave B R U C E O ST ER IN K . . . Mr. MSU. . . o n ialists,” but left no doubt he meant F ran ce. Osterink A m erica, Africa and Asia. Freedom an d dem ocracy have been the goals of all our rev­ tural level which must be devel­ oped and the low level of educa­ his view of the college finance "A s you have seen, we have olutions, he said. We then make tion. problem. ” 1 am disappointed to learn that taken certain m easures in Saigon to improve the security of the Am erican community and our Crowned the naive assumption that the new revolutionary leaders had Greek Fleet Leaves Hilsman also pointed out the diversities in ra ce , ethnic origin, legislators a rt giving some con­ Malaysian Troops the sam e aim s. languages, religions and hang­ sideration to reducing university appropriations,” he said. “ Gov­ Sent To Boreno own. If the French do not under­ stand these things, other m ea­ su res may be n e ce ssa ry .” Mr. MSU “ The sense of betrayal that we experience, therefore, when we For 'N aval Exercises’ overs of colonialism which can make for trouble. He did not con­ ernor Romney’ s recommenda­ Bruce Osterink, Grand Rapids view what has happened to some demn these d iversities, however. tions for increased appropri­ Khanh was asked if his govern­ A T H E N S (UPI) Authorita­ " e x e r c is e s ” scheduled to start sophomore, r e c e i v e d the Mr. of our most cherished hopes in­ “ While the Communists would ations for higher education must KU C H I NG , M a l a y s i a IJP)- ment planned to a rre s t any of the tive military sources in Athens today was confirmed by the de­ do away with these« diversities, MSU trophy from Judy Smith, volves the betrayal not only of be put into law if we are to do Malaysia is sending troop rein­ alleged p lotters. He replied: Miss MSU, at the Spinsters' Spin their ideals, but ours as well,” reported a powerful Greek, fleet fense minister. (continued on page 6) our job.” forcements to its Borneo states " I can not say yet. You under­ has sailed from C rete for “ naval Saturday Night. Cherne said. The proposal to in crease fees of Sarawak and Sabah because of stand we want to be able to ex­ e x e rc is e s " in the Aegean Sea. Chosen on the basis of schol­ He then illustrated his point is no answer, he said. It is un­ reports of renewed fighting along pose and get the whole network, arship, citizenship, and appear­ with examples of several modern The fleet is said to include de­ fair to those young people coming the ce a se -fire line with Indones­ not just one or two of them. ance, Osterink, representing Al­ revolutions that have been be­ stro y ers, troop transports and from fam ilies with limited re ­ ia, army sources said Sunday; Of­ Assassination is always possible. pha Phi sorority, is a member trayed. landing ships. sou rces. ficials in this Sarawak capital de­ Everyone l i k e d P r e s i d e n t of the Honors College, Omicron Indonesia revolted against rhe The sources said the tran s­ "T h e role of public higher ed- scribed the situation as "rapidly Kennedy, b u t you see w h a t Delta Kappa, Green Helmet, Blue Dutch, our ally, without our pro­ deteriorating.’ ’ happened.” ports were packed with soldiers, (continued on page 6) Key, and Delta Tau Delta. He test and even with some of our Khanh said he told U.S. Am­ including u n i t s stationed on holds a 3.9 average. physical help. bassador Henry Cabot Lodge of C rete, which lies about midway The court con sists of John Aho, Sukarno, the leader of the In­ between Athens and tenseCyprus. the assassination d a n g e r last Tecumseh Junior; Jack A rm i- donesian revoltuion, “ reputiated w“ ’ before a scheduled trip stead, East Lansing junior; Gary prom ises to abide by the will The fleet movement coincided Khanh was to make to Tay Ninh. Falenstein, Sturgis sophomore; of the people, corrupted the ideals with reports theTurkish fleet has Khanh commented: ” 1 think maybe the ambas­ and Dick Schubert, Franklin jun­ of freedom with a monstrosity he been maneuvering about 80 miles io r. calls ‘ g u i d e d dem ocracy,’ ” off the coast of Cyprus for several sador had not been planning to go on that trip, but when 1 told Theme for the Spinsters’ Spin, Cherne said. days with troop transports as well Plane Wreck Found In Austria held in the Kellogg Center Big The p rice Sukarno paid for his as warships. him a b o u t the assassination Ten Room, was “ Ambush,” new power, he said, is the lib­ The Greek fleet movement for INNSBRUCK Austria 1 — A blackened, twisted heap in the snow, (continued on page 4) a wreckage of a British airliner was found in an Alpine gully a r this winter re so rt Sunday. R escuers reported all 83 aboard d perished. Austrian officials said the plane, trying to land in thick fog turday, hit a mountain peak, exploded and slipped in flames C o r d i e r S e e s S c ie n c e D u a lit y wn the slopes into the gully. The landing gear remained near the Science has become our m as­ s p e c i a l representative of the “ However, the impact of s ci­ sible for both the United States ter as well as servant in inter­ Secretary-G eneral in the congo ence has been both negative and and Russia to kill everybody on national affairs, the dean of the in 1960. positive,” he continued. earth many tim es o v er,” he said. Tribesmen Fight To Save Whites graduate school of international “ There has been a transfor­ Among positive contributions "U nless we make some progress LEOPOLDVILLE, TheCongo (UPI)— Congolese tribesmen report­ affairs at Columbia University, mation of time and space because he numbered the tremendous ad­ in disarmament the arm s r a c e edly have fought a savage battle to save the lives of a handful of said Sunday afternoon. of science, technology and ad- vance in transportation, and the will continue.” white m issionaries attacked by Communist-led te rro ris ts in Kwilu vanced com m unications.” ability to ra ise standards of liv­ Cordier gave an example of the province. Bayanzi tribesm en reportedly held off the drug-crazed Andrew W. C ordier addressed C ordier said. “ We are becoming ing to a significant extent. contradictory nature of todays’ te rro ris ts of Red Chinese schooled P ie rre Mulele while 13 Roman students and faculty in the wind­ knowledgeable of things at th e up lecture of the Winds ofChange “ We now see the world as pos­ world by noting the events of a Catholic m issionaries were evacuated Saturday. Nothing is known time that they happen. By this sig­ particular day a few y ears ago. sem inar. sessing unlimited wealth and the in Leopoldville of the whereabouts of the Catholics. A company nificant advance in world-wide On the day hat Dag Hamersjold C ordier was the executive as­ means of harvesting it,” Cordier of Nationalist Congolese arm y troops were sent to meet them. awareness we have become more received the Nobel P rize for sistant to the Secretary-G eneral said. "C o rrelated with this has involved in world a ffa irs." peace, hejsaid» was. the same day of the United Nations from 2946 been a rising level of expectation 34 Tanker Crewmen Rescued to August 1961. From the latter “ We no longer have the capac­ and demands.” that the largest ever thermo­ nuclear explosion took place in V ISITO R S G R E E T E D - B o b Kerr, president of AUSG, weU date to February 1962 he served ity for isolation that we once had. C ordier advanced the threat to BOSTON (UPI)— A Royal Candian, d estroyer has rescued 34 northern Siberia. comes a group of 19 student leaders from Southeast Asia as U n d er-secretary in charge of We’re in the world as part of it.” life on earth as the major nega­ crewmen of a Liberian tanker which broke in two during a raging In spite of all the negative fac­ at Lansing’ s Capitol City Airport. The students came here storm in the Atlantic. Two members ox the ship’ s 36-man crew General Assembly and Related This has forced a new concept tive factor produced to science. to rs, Cordier continued, it is a for the “ Winds of Change in Emerging Nations” conference . died during th* rescue operation. Scene of the rescue is 380 Affairs. of world politics upon the United “ The competition In thermo­ nuclear arm s has made it pos- (continued on page 3) and will be on campus for a week. Photo by Jim Hile » miles east of Boston. More recently, Cordier was the States, Cordier said. 2 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n si n g , Michigan Monday, M a r c h 2 , 1 9 6 4 ^ With Students In Mind. . . Students Discuss Credit Load Down The announcement that m i n i ­ Grading Studied The r e p o r t on gr a d in g p r a c ­ V otin g A ge Issue By KAREN G IL L IL A N D mum c r e d i t r e q u i r e m e n t s for t i c e s s u b m i t t e d to a c a d e m i c Stata News Editorial Writer c l a s s standings have been r e ­ council i n d ic a te s a c o n c e r n of Every major election year brings into focus the question duced in line with the new g r a d ­ the U n i v e r s i t y a d m i n i s t r a t i o n for of who is qualified to vote and, especially, of whether or not uation c r e d i t r e q u i r e m e n t , is the p r o b l e m s of i n s t r u c t o r s and 21 is the proper age to take on this responsibility. Feelings on this issue are sharply divided. There are those, w e l co m e news for many students. students caught in a web of t r a ­ both over and under the age of 21, who feel that 18-year-old s The o rig in al reduction f r o m ditions and belief s concerning are ready to vote. And there are those of both age groups who take the opposite position. 192 to 180 c r e d i t s was good news g r a d e s which they may not u n d e r ­ The examination of this question every four y ears brings out e s p e c i a l l y for those s e n i o r s who stand and w h i c h may work to some Interesting points, pro and con. Some arguments a re , however, pretty stale. T here’ s the one now can g r a d u a te a t e r m e a r l y . t heir d i sa d va n ta ge . that goes, " I f you’ re old enough to die for your country, you’ re This l a t e s t announcement i s Many s i g n i f i c a n t questions old enough to vote.” And th ere’ s the old Stand-by, "E igh teen - years-old s are Incompatibly less mature than those who are three ano ther gift fr o m the U n i v e r s i t y . w er e r a i s e d in the r e p o r t . Such y ears older.” It is not just re a ch i n g a higher c l a s s standing e a r l y that will t i m e - w o r n c u s t o m s a s the D g ra de f o r b a r e l y - p a s s i n g s t u ­ I One new point of view, from here at MSU, deserves a close examination. Sandra Wolford, 19, Grand Rapids freshman, said, "M o re 18-year-old s have a better education than they did when m ake students happy. With c l a s s dents and the r e q u i r e m e n t of a votihg laws were enacted. If an 18-year-old isn’t in college, he standings m o r e attainable p r o b ­ 2. 0 g r a d e - p o i n t a v e r a g e for all J or she is probably working, taking on an adult role as a wage- earn er and a taxpayer. If we are taking on this m ore active role l e m s of me eting p r e r e q u i s i t e s students e nt er in g o r graduating in our society, we should have a voice in how it’ s run.” and working out flexible indi­ from the upper division w er e F ir s t, are 18-y ear-old s better educated than they were a hundred y ears ago? Y es, they a re . More and more of them are vidualized p r o g r a m s a r e m o r e brought up fo r c o n s i d e r a t i o n and going to college and living away from home in a new, mixed en­ e a s i l y solved. evaluation. vironment. They are being exposed to different attitudes, and different cultures. With 40 c r e d i t s needed for But, what about the 18-year-old s in a working situation? They, The c o m m i t t e e which i n v e s t i ­ s o p h o m o r e standing, beginning too, have to face m ore of the political realities of life than their gated the gr ad in g situation drew counterparts of the nineteenth century. They have to pay taxes, students who have c a r r i e d light no co n cl u si o n s in its r e p o r t o t h e r and they have as much a right, tp say how their money is being loads t h ei r f i r s t two t e r m s can spent as the 21-an d -over group. than that individual i n s t r u c t o r s All of us, no m atter what our age, have a deep concern— the b e c o m e s o p h o m o r e s in th ei r should feel r e sp o n si b l e to “ make future ”of our nation and ourselves in the troubled times in which fourth t e r m , and thus m e e t p r e ­ we live. In a situation where an action of our government could frequent c o m p a r i s o n s of t e c h n i ­ r e q u i s i t e s for advanced c o u r s e s . conceivably destroy all of us, we seek a better understanding ques and p r i n c i p l e s with those of of and voice in our government. In th e ir so ph om o re y e a r , with The “ im maturity” and "lack of experience” charges will his c o l l e a g u e s in his field in an just 44 m o r e c r e d i t s needed to continue to plague those who aren't 21. The generation we are effort to m in i m iz e inequities to a part of will continue to be a wild one in the eyes of our elders. m e e t the junior rating students And, the traditional age for the coming into adulthood, 21, will students.” can e a s e into the h e a v i e r loads probably continue to be the voting age. Some states in this nation have given the vote to 18-year-old s, n e c e s s a r y in the upper division. It will probably take a lot m o r e and, surprisingly enough, no teen-age idols have been elected to The possibility of added fl exi- study of the c o m p l i c a t e d grading office there. In fact, no one seem s to be complaining about the b i l i t y in a r r a n g in g individual situation be f o r e any signif icant So Y o u T h in k Y o u r Jo b Stinks! situation. But, what about the rest of the states? Does the state you live sc h e d u l e s s e e m s to be what was cha ng es can be made in the p r e ­ in determine your maturity and ability to make an intelligent in mind when the A c a d e m i c Senate sent p r a c t i c e s but the attention and responsible choice in an election? approved the c r e d i t drop l a s t being given the pr o b l e m is s u r e Letters To The Edito r Many 21-y ear-o ld "a d u lts" have less maturity and less re ­ sponsibility than many 18-year-old "ch ild ren ” . Is it age or aware­ spring. to be b en efi cia l. ness and concern in political affairs that makes the responsible citizen? Age is easier to m easure, but capability is the far better determinant of the right to vote. U -M 'J e a lo u s - it is ' Arm-Chair Space Trip To the Editor: Once again we hear from one of Senator Goldwater and the not want it "to go further” than absolutely n ecessary. 1 q u o t e ing to know if his rationalization no man might exalt himself over MSU and m id -M ich ig an r e s i ­ p e r i o d i c a l l y , will include a s i x - adherents of the conservative is the same as that given in yes­ his b roth er.” All men were c r e ­ of our avid supporters who r e ­ philosophy a re "discontented” yourself, as published in the a r ­ terday’ s paper by the president ated by th e same God. God is dents will have an opportunity to foot. t h r e e - i n c h r e l i e f mod el of sides at that “ Great Sea of Learn­ ticle which appeared in the ‘State of one of the other halls. one— not many. Yet a Christian and “ dissatisfied” . 1 hasten to join the s p a c e r a c e when the the e a r t h ro ta t in g on an e x a c t ax i s ing” in W a s h t e n a w county. point out, though, that we are News’ of Feb. 26. So a committee h a s b e e n and a Z orastrian will not believe William N. Hubbard J r . , dean not malcontents, or troublemak­ Your “ liberalism ” . P rofes­ formed to study the issue. P e r­ each other "sav ed ,” though both $400,000 Abrams Planetarium, and m u r a l s of the m o o n ’ s s u r f a c e of U-M medical school (not to s o r, would appear to be dedi­ haps this committee will succeed turn to Him. e rs or neurotics. The questions ded icated l a s t week, o p e n s done with l u m i n e s c e n t paint. be outdone by his boss, Harlan quite logically a rise , then, What cated to the proposition that the in designing a proper uniform to Two Christians of different Hatcher) has made some addit­ are we? and With what a re we average American is an oaf, be worn to the evening meal— or denominations will not admit that T hu rs da y . ional misinformed, b i a s e d and completely incapable of making possibly all meals. Are the lead­ both will get to heaven. God is The U n i v e r s i t y also will utilize dissatisfied? A r m - c h a i r a s t r o n a u t s will be highly illogical statem ents con­ We a re patriotic A m ericans. any important decision about his e rs we elect to serve us, or to one, His word is one and His tr a v e l i n g exhibitions on loan fr o m cerning MSU’ s proposed two- own future or that of his coun­ perpetuate petty and needless, ir ­ m essengers are one. One God can able to slip into the U n i v e r s i t y ’ s And we are dissatisfied with the g o v e r n m e n t and indu str y. y ear medical program . seeing our country humiliated and try . We conservatives think dif­ ritating regulations? teach only one truth, yet men v e r s i o n of a s p a c e c a p s u l e with Hubbard feels that a two-year defeated around the world, with ferent. divide His truth, and hide it and a little m o r e e a s e and l e s s g e a r rnedical school at MSU is not watching the federal government Jam es Howard Eckl even divide God. C l a s s e s - - i n physics, a stro n ­ advisable at this tim e, since exceed its Constitutional lim its, Robert J . Bem is Religion has been separated tha nG or do n C o o p e r did l a s t y e a r o m y , natu ral s c i e n c e , e n g i n e e r ­ George J . Minorick from science, y e t b o t h a re a for his 2 2 - o r b i t tr ip . And the ing, m i l i t a r y s c i e n c e , navigation, U-M and Wayne State could not handle the MSU graduates. Ifeel, with seeing the bureaucracy of Big Government invade and reg­ Endorses Editorial search a f t e r truth. "Religion “ r i d e ” will be a l m o s t as r e a l as m a t h e m a t i c s and o t h e r s - - w i l l as does William H. Knisely, head of our Institute of Biology and ulate, slowly yet certain ly, the On MHA Voting Unity Found In without science is superstition. Science without religion is total affairs of the individual and usurp C o o p e r ’ s. use a “ t e x t ” that is the n e x t - Medicine, that it is ridiculous To the Editor: destruction.” Religion must be In to assume that all of the MSU the legitimate authority of the states. Baha’i Religion accord with science and reason, Settled in s e a t s with full back best-th in g to a shot through graduates w i l l continue their Your editorial of last Monday yet it is capable of tra n sce n d Do Am ericans want w ar? C er­ To the Editor: and n e c k r e s t s v i s i t o r s will space. medical t r a i n i n g at U-M or tainly not. We as a nation have relative to the Men’ s Hall Asso­ All the world today is seeking ing them. Wayne State. never wanted a part in any war ciation action on the d ress regu­ The Baha’i Faith offers the “ pitch, yaw and r o l l ” through unity. Christians a re trying to I’m sure that those students in this century. But neither do lations proposal should be re ­ world unity— unity of science of unite. The Africans a re trying s p a c e . T h e s e ef fe c t s will be p r o ­ who do choose to sta rt their third we want "accom m odation,” the peated in boldface t y p e on the religion, unity of mankind, unity to unite. Negroes and Whites Short Of Goal duced by the sole pr o j ec ti o n in­ year of training at either of these "p eace at any p rice” philosophy front p a g e . Y es, s o m e of the of religion and unity of God. are trying to break down the schools will not exceed the total that is becoming alarmingly pre­ “ representative” d o r m i t o r y Jean Pitchford s t r u m e n t in the world that adds presidents s e e m to c o n s i d e r walls b e t w e e n them to unite amount of students who have valent in this nation's foreign A m erica. The U.N. is trying to views of the e a r t h and the heavens dropped out of Wayne or U-M medical schools before starting policy-making. t h e m s e l v e s responsible f o r rath er than to their constituents. unite n a t i o n s . The AFL-CIO Music Reviewer f r o m s p a c e to the usual e a r t h - The signs a r e down and the Did it work at Munich, P ro ­ wants to unite labor. The western bound view of s p a c e shown in c o n ­ c h e e r i n g has stopped and the little their third year of studies. Harlan Hatcher and Hubbard fesso r? N e a r l y four hundred As an example of this paternal attitude, let us consider the case world wants a united Germany ’Restores’ Faith thousand dead Am ericans would, under dem ocratic government, To the Editor: s o r e s a r e healed, and the winter seem to have appointed them­ 1 d aresay, attest to the fact that of th e president of the hall in ventional p l a n e t a r i a . selves spokesmen for Wayne which we, the undersigned, live. but Russia also wants a united I’m sure the music faculty it didn’t. Can you be pleased at A flip of a switch by an o p e r ­ t e r m blood d r i v e has fallen 600 State’ s medical school as well the prospects of our nation cring­ The first time the proposal came G e r m a n y — under Communist can face the future with complete leadership. confidence now that a student a t o r will sweep v i e w e r s back pints s h o r t of it s 2 , 0 0 0 pint goal. as their own. Wayne’ s presi­ ing before the Communists and up, he voted against it, probably All these efforts stop at some critic and a headline w riter have dent, Clarence Hilberry has yet their helpmates, throwing away in good conscience. We do not through h i s t o r y to view s t a r po­ point. Christians do not try to judged them to be of n ear-p ro­ This i s n ’ t as bad as it s e e m s , to criticize MSU in any way, the world’s tomorrow for the sake condemn him for this action. The include Buddists or Moslems in fessional ca lib e r, as reported in and 1 doubt that he will. Maybe of our ease today? I can’t be. second tim e, he had been man­ sitio ns that c a v e m e n , Egyptian h o w e v e r , as the total this y e a r their unity. NAACP doesn’t ca re State News of Feb. 18. Hatcher and Hubbard should take We a re not an arch ists. We dated by his hall to propose it, and kings a n d V i k i n g explorers if we’ re still prejediced against C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s , wood - was 50 0 pints o v e r l a s t y e a r ’ s a lesson in protocol from Hil­ realize fully that there a re c e r ­ was thus obligated to vote for it. watched. berry. tain things that individuals can­ He did. The .third time, the vote women and Russians. wind quintet I winter t e r m d r i v e . It s e e m s i t ’ s The administration of U-M has not do, that must be done by was v e r y clo se. Our h e r o ab­ They want black and white to Ray B riskell The o p e r a t o r even will be able not po ssi bl e to m e e t the goal; stooped pretty low in order to governments. I n d e e d , govern­ stained; had he voted as the men be brothers, but a re not the P e rry , Mich. to play w e a t h e r m a n and whip up prevent our tw o-year medical ments a re created for no other he represented apparently wished Chinese and the Indians and the just s e t one and c o l l e c t blood in program f r o m b e c o m i n g a him to, the m easure would have Vietnamese also our brothers? reason. But we do not want our s t o r m s and cloud f o r m a t i o n s on spite of it, not b e c a u s e of it. reality. 1 think that all of these federal government "to go into passed. Always their efforts toward unity On Frank’s Satire the pla ne ta ri um dome. charges stem from a fear held new fields,” fields in which its The most recent time, he was stop short of the goal. by both the faculty and the stu­ one of the m ajority voting against “ All men w ere created from Displays in the lobby and a m ­ At any r a t e , the S p a r t a n s have intrusion is unwanted, unneeded To the Editor: dent-body at U -M ., that "Moo and unconstitutional, and we do the m easure. It wouldbe inu ‘“«st- the sam e original dust so that 1 would like to congratulate bulatory will offe r a p r e - f l i g h t bled again. At l e a s t 1 , 4 0 0 of them U .” (as they affectionately re ­ Phil Frank on his excellent c a r ­ showed that they c a r e d enough to fer to us) in rapidly gaining T E S T E R A L o E s toons. He has a ra re talent for c r a m s e s s i o n about the e a r t h , 18. Sheens 29. In reference stature in many areas that they 20. Royal Air to E N T 1 C E- <- O R N A seeing humor in everything. 1 s o l a r s y s t e m and u n i v e r s e t o give a few min ute s of t h e i r tim e have had a monopoly on in the CROSSWORD PUZZLE AV A L o N P AT T Y make a point of looking at his Force visitors. and a pint of good r e d , A m e r i c a n past. 22. Gaming 30. Soldier: L I « w I P O R ■ joke first when I pick up the The e x h i b i t s , to be changed blood to a worthy c a u s e . It’ s about time that the Uni­ versity of Michigan accepted the ACROSS 13. One with cube colloq. 31. Armpit ft B E s K B o W On D I L u G B A s E State News, and if it is missing, fact that they are not the only 1. Hebr. property rights 23. Roman bronze 33. Henchman 35. Entity E N A T K T A NT E the day Just isn’t complete. I am looking forward to seeing fine university in this state. The month 14. Current 25. Chalice T A R c A p R his satirical cartoons again soon. STATE NEW sooner they do this, the easier 27. Ital. 37. Small fish W A s A 1 T 6. Wool cloth 16. Coffer ■ MA G Linda Garcia MICHIGAN it will be for them to swallow 39. Utmost 5 T A N C E 12. Ooze 17. Golf gadget commune S OC L E STATI hyperbole their pride and recognize MSU’s T R E E S T E N T E D UNIVERSITY s 7 a 9 10 II 40. Poetic foot medical program as another vic­ / Z 3 4 5 E 5 N E 5 A D D E R S summer terr.., special Welcome Issue in Sep­ tory f o r higher education in Michigan. 12 1 13 43. Gr. long E 45. Babyl. hero: myth. 7. Stretchers 8. Father: Fr. 28. October brew Study in Member Associated P re s s , United P re ss Robert Gossman 14 15 /( 46. Calamitous 9. The 32. Author of Guadalajara, Mexico International, Inland Daily P re s s Association, tem ber. 48. Trundle Salentia 'Fables in Second cla ss postage paid at E ast Lansing, /A ssociated Collegiate P re s s Association, Michigan P re ss Association. Michigan. Says Conservative 17 20 % IS 19 % 50. Century plant Slang' 34. Vinegar of The Guadalajara S u m m e r Published by the students of Michigan Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, Isn’t 'Malconenf % 21 % 22 23 2 4 51. Boxing rings 10. Right wing 11. Noah's ale 36. Growing School, a fully accredited Uni­ versity of Arizona program ,, State University. Issuedonclassdays Monday through Friday during the fall, winter and E ast Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions payable in advance: term , $3; 2 te rm s, $4; 25 2 4 % 27 2B % 29 52. Cuts boat 15. Murgeon: out conducted in cooperation with spring q uarters, twice weekly during the 3 te rm s, $5; full y ear, $6. To the Editors: By P rofessor J a f f e ’ s defini­ 30 31 32 % 33 34 DOWN 1. Cupel dial. 38. Superlative ending p rofessors from Stanford Uni­ versity, University of Cali­ tion, I am " i ll” ; by my own, however, 1 am a "co n serv ativ e". 33 34 % if 39 % 39 % 2. Destroyer 19. Relations 21. Seminole 41. Bib. character fornia, and Guadalajara, will offer, June 29 to August 8, E d ite?.. ................. Bruce Fabricant Sports E ditor.................................. J e r r y Cap'.an Wire Editor............................John Van Gleson Of c o u r s e , P rofessor Jaffee would appear to believe that the d 4 0 41 4 42 d 43 4 4 3. Office 4. Holland State: abbr. 24. Take in 42. Snare 44. King a r t , folklore, geography, his­ tory, language and literature Advertising Manager................ ...F re d Levine Campus E ditor.......................... G erry Hinkley Night Editor....................................... Hugh Leach A sst. Adv. M grs................... Frank Senger J r . , labels " i ll” and "conservative” a re synonomous, but 1 should like 4 5 % 4 4 id 4 7 commune 5. Color gray­ 25. Time long gone toppers 45. Epoch co u rses. Tuition, b o a r d and i% room is $265. Write Prof. 4 9 A ss’t cam p is editor.................... I iz Hyman 40 26. Blind-your- ............................................................ Arthur Langer to take exception. ish-blue 47. Guam crow Juan B. Rael, P.O. Box 7227, Editorial Staff...Barb Bradley,Dave Stewart Circulation Manager................... Bill Marshall 5/ 51 6. Indian eyes: P. I- 49. Plural Or. one point, P ro fesso r Jaffee shrub Stanford, Calif. .................... Mike Kindman, Karen Gilliland News Adviser....................... .....D av e Jaehnig mulberry ending______ is quite c o rre c t: the supporters Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Monday, M a r c h 2 , 1 9 6 4 3 4Wind's Of C hange9 Symposium Betrayal 'Guerilla Warfare Requires (continued from page 1) sion at home and te rro rism in b race every revolution m erely Latin A m erica. He became dedi­ because it is a revolution, even cated to extrem ism everywhere. though there is little we can Inflexible Desire To Win1 said. When guerillas use te r r o r ­ toughness— toughness in giving, C astro, too, betrayed his revo­ lution.” The most obvious candidate do to keep it from turning to the extrem e right or left.” F o r the future, Cherne said By O YA RS B A L C E R S to the list of betrayers in Africa that he saw neither a Soviet or Stata New* Staff Writer ism , they leave themselves vul­ toughness in taking. is Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, a U.S. century. It will be a nerable to countering action by " T h e Communists d r e w a Cherne said. century of the diverse. In the An inflexible determination to government fo rce s, he said. But line— whoever isn’t 100 per cent "T h is man led his country long run, there may be a world­ win is the best means of assuring communist is an enemy,” Y o h if th e government uses g r e a t out of colonialism into a new wide society committed to our su ccess in guerilla w arfare, a force to catch the guerillas, many said. “ But we have refused to bondage,” he said. "Nkrumah own ideals, but for the near and panel of four experts decided in innocent people are bound to get make a sim ilar statem ent.” himself has become a ‘deity’ and n ot-so-near future he sees no a symposium held in connection " L e t ’s not call things by diff­ hurt and this may in the end turn has destroyed or imprisoned the end to the Sukarnos, the Nkru- with t h e ‘‘Winds of Change” the people against them, Lansdale erent names, such as C astro ’ s most distinguished leaders who mahs, and the hosts of lesser sem inar. explained. revolution or the foreign insur­ long fought for Ghana’ s indepen­ demagogues waiting to succeed The panel consisted of two ex­ gents. L et’ s call it what it is. Lansdale d i s c u s s e d s o m e dence.” them. m ilitary men: Maj. Gen. Edward Communist strategy often em­ The enemy is comm unism .” Cherne did not suggest that all G, Lansdale in th e USAF and "T h e y 're too cen tralized ,” he The International Rescue Com­ ployed. the new revolutions everywhere form erly assistant to S ecretary m ittee has been helping refu- "Com m unists need to destroy continued. "Everythingneeds ap­ in the world have gone sour. He of Defense for Special Operations g e e s of t o t a l i t a r i a n gov­ anything t h a t is strong and is proval from the top. This makes “ WINDS O F C H A N G E” —Wesley R. F ish e l, professor of political scien ce, and Maj. Gen. did suggest, however, that we and Col. Napoleon Valeriano of working against th e m ," Lansdale it quite easy to upset them with Edward G. Lan sdale, former assistan t to the Secretary of Defense, are shown at this week- ernments for 30 y e a rs. Cherne reexam ine our own expectations th e Philippine armed forces: has been president of the com­ said. “ But, on the other hand, they some imaginative thinking onour end's opening session of the seminar program. ’«,•«. bT d— s,k., of them, since so many a re be­ B ernard Yoh from Binh Hung, will support any popular ideas. In p a r t." — trayed by their leaders. m ittee for the last 10. Viet Nam and Rufus Phillips from Colonel Valeriano c i t e d the essen ce, though, they hope to take Freedom is not easily won, he the Agency for International De­ velopment at Saigon, Viet Nam. The discussion was attended by over by using parliam entary ap­ Philippines as an example of suc­ proaches an d gain m ajorities cessful counter-insurgency war­ B r o d y H a lls C e le b r a t e B ir t h d a y said, and the ultimate success of a revolution depends on the mo­ Series Recital there rath er than go to war. fare. tives its leaders. about 150 students and faculty “ But being opportunists they “ T h e anti-Communist cam ­ "W e must rem ember that re ­ The Kellogg Center Series will members Saturday morning at Kellogg Center. will turn to anything that works,” paign of 1946-54 is considered by he said. m a n y as a cla s s ic c a m p a i g n W it h F i l m , M i x e r , T a l e n t S h o w v o l u t i o n s h a v e their Robe« sp ierres and their Napoleons, as present a student recital featur­ ing a piano trio, a b rass trio, a The strategy for insurgents is A very important aspect to against Communist g u erillas,” well as their Mirabeaus and L a - tenor, and a harpist, at 8:15 to­ The Brody Board is sponsor­ questions will be taken from the pound birthday cake. The theme of to get so identified with the people consider, Lansdale said, is the he said. fayettes,” he said. "W e must night in the Kellogg Center Aud­ ing a week of special events for floor. the talent show will be "Through t h a t they c a n n o t be spotted, human factor. Guerilla w arfare is recognized all University students M arch 1 - Friday the Brody m ixer will be the Y e a rs ” in recognition of be aware that we can not em­ itorium. Lansdale said. The people c a n "W e have to consider the per­ now as the national means of war, 7 in celebration of the 10th anni­ held in the multi-purpose room Brody's tenth anniversary. provide guerillas wi t h f o o d , medicine, clothing and informa­ tion without making t h e i r p res­ sonal needs of the people,” he Valeriano said.* said. "Successful guerilla war­ v e rsa ry of the Brody residence from 9 p.m . - 12 midnight. "U nder Spanish domination the halls. At 8 p.m . Saturday the Brody The talent will be provided by GoodFoodis atradition fare demands attention to these Filipino learned t h a t guerilla M aurice C rane, a sso ciatep ro - Activities Committee will p re­ students. The show and presenta­ ence known to the government, he needs to keep the people loyal warfare can be a way of life to fe sso r of humanities, will show sent a talent show highlighted tion will be followed by a dance explained. The government, on the other and make them less susceptible protest despotism ,” he said. a n d discuss a 1962-63 campus by the presentation of a 250 featuring Matt Snorton and band. or to subversion.” Valeriano cited a number of documented film called "A P lace hand, must seek to identify so N umber 1 Number 2 Yoh posed three questions: who factors exemplified by the cam ­ to Stand” at 7 p.m. Monday in 151 strongly with the people that the is th e enemy? where is th e paign that are n ecessary in suc­ Brody Hall. Students To Play In Joint Recital G IA N T SU PER SANDW ICH G IAN T MEAT BALL guerillas cannot hide among them enemy? and what is the enemy? cessful guerilla w ars: Tuesday Mens Halls A ssocia­ Katharine D err, E ast Lansing cellist Adelia Cubbon. but would instead be turned in by Yoh sees Mao T se Tung as the — there must be a national de­ tion will present their weekly senior, and Wayne M orie, W ells- The students will perform the D E L IV E R Y S E R V IC E E V E R Y DAY the citizens, Lansdale said. mastermind behind the subver­ termination to win, movie at 7 p.m . and 9 p.m . in ville, Mo., sophomore, will p re­ "Sonata No. 5 for Viola and T actics are important to both sion in the world as manifest in — there must be the n ecessary room 151. sent a joint chamber music r e ­ Piano” by Antonio Vivaldi; "K on- 211 sides in a guerilla war, Lansdale Venezuela and Zanzibar. genious in planning and under­ “ Mao’s outstanding quality is standing the problem, and President John A. Hannah will cital at 8:15 tonight in the Music c e rt for Klarinet og O rchester, conduct an informal question and Auditorium. Op. 57” by C arl Nielsen; ” So- MAC. CASA NOVA #2 E D- 71668 — there must be good leader­ answer session with interested C a le n d a r o f toughness,” he explained. “ He has conditioned his nation to ship. Miss D err will pay the viola, nate, Op. 11, No. 4 for Viola students Wednesday beginning at and Morie will play the c la r i­ and Piano” by Hindemith; and The necessity of identification 7 p.m . in room 150. Anyone who net. "Quintet in B minor for C lari­ f k m it n g E v e n ts M th SpaceDuties with the population advanced by wishes to submit , a question to They will be assisted by pian­ net an d Strings, Op. 115” by Biolchem istry S e m i n a r — 12 Valeriano was supported by Rufus President Hannah must print it on ists Virginia Bodman and Ruben B rahm s. Phillips, using Viet Nam as the a 3 by 5 index card and hand it D roscha; violinists A n n e De The performance is open to O n C am pos M a x S h u lm a n noon, 333 Kedzie. Physiology and Pharmacology Seminar— 12 noon, 216 Giltner. Today9sTopic example. Phillips attributed the United S t a t e s ’ predicament in t h a t to the President at the door. .No Vroome and Elizabeth B ar y;and the public. (Author of “Rally Round the Flag, Boys!’’ and “Barefoot Boy With Cheek.’’) Dairy Seminar — 4 p .m ., 126 Walter F . G rether, technical country to insufficient attention Anthony. d irector of Behavioral Sciences to the ru ral base. n e w v o lu m e f o r t h e s t u d e n t o f Faculty Steering Committee "T h e Viet Cong got support A RO BE B Y ANY O TH ER NAM E Laboratory, A erospace Medical Meeting— 4 p .m ., Mural Room, Division, United S t a t e s A i r by starting at the ru ral popula­ r o m a n c e la n g u a g e s W ith the Commencement Day ju st a couple of short months j Union. F o rce , W right-Patterson A i r tion,” he said. “ United States away, the question on everyone’s lips is:'"‘‘How did the differ­ Mechanical Engineering Space F o rce B ase, Ohio, will speak on aid was not aimed at the source Seminar — 4 p .m ., Engineering “ H u m a n Perform ance In T h e of popular support— the g rass Indian Madr as ent disciplines come to be marked by academic robes wjth hoods of different colors?” Everybody is asking it; I mean Aud. Space Environment,” today at 4 roots dem ocracy of the people." everybody! I mean I haven’t been able to wulk ten feet on Physics Colloquium — 4 p.m ., Physics-M ath Conference Room. p .m ., in the Engineering Aud. -A R R O W * any campus without somebody grabs my elbow and says, “ How Duality He will discuss the manned did the different disciplines come to be marked by academic Physiology and Pharmacology space flights conducted by the robes with hoods of different colors, hey?” Seminar— 4:10 p .m ., 101 Gilt­ From the region made famous in United States and Russia which This, I must say, is not the usual question asked by colle­ ner. have demonstrated the capabili­ history and poetry ARROW gians who grab my elbow. Ordinarily they say, “ Hey,. Shorty, Naval R eserve R esearch Co. ties of people to live and perform (continued from page 1) brings this distinctive shirting got a Marlboro?” And this is fitting. After all, aré they not 9 -1 6 Sem. — 7:30 p .m ., 221 ...Khyber Clotfi. Woven collegians and therefore loaded with brains? And does not normal flight duties in the space must to emphasize the positive Computer C enter. intelligence demand the tastiest in tobacco flavor? And does environment. contributions of science. on native looms and not Marlboro deliver a flavor th at is uniquely delicious? And Joint R ecital, Katharine D err, He w i l l further emphasize The style and methods of dip­ violist, and Wayne Morie, c la r i­ dyed with the incom­ am I not short? longer m issions, lasting f o r lomacy have changed in recent netist— 8:15 p .m ., Music Build­ weeks or months, with the astro­ y e a rs, Cordier said. parable vegetable B ut I digress. Back to the colored hoods of academic robes. A doctor of philosophy wears blue, a doctor of medicine wears ing Aud. nauts moving about b o t h inside "T h is is a reflection of the madder hues, it is tai­ Spartan Guard Drill T eam — and outside their vehicles to p er­ present fluid w orld ." he said. lored in our own im­ 4 p .m ., Dem. Hall ballroom. form maintenance, a s s e m b l y , "Diplomacy is now considered a peccable ivy styling. transfer between vehicles, and other complex tasks. Special at­ continued p ro ce ss. No l o n g e r does a diplomat gloat over a dip­ Here is a sport shirt for your wardrobe " iÇ * ¿ fit * tention will be given to weight­ lomatic victory. They try to avoid lessness as studied in aircraft, humiliation of the other country that because of its M e s s ie u r s ! vision, and long duration m is­ sions. and want to avoid pressing things on it.” distinguished ap­ pearance might end "A show of force will alienate up being your Il n’y a qu’ un the country,” C ordier said. “ It will be isolated by the other coun- favorite of them all. C O L -P IX . tire s by turning them against it. seulm ent m ot In the end it will have achieved the rev erse of what it intended $7.95 pour nos NINA through the use of force. The world In the main feels that the Am ericans are a well- SIMONE pantalons— meaning people, he noted. “ But we often scratch where chic, m agnifiques, 2.47 it doesn’t itch ,” he said. "O ur program s a r e often m isdirec­ ted .” Contrary to the usual im pres­ sion of under-developed coun­ Right Over M green, a master of arts wears white, a doctor of humanities wears crimson, a m aster of library science wears lemon yellow. to ONE DAY SALE W hy? W hy, for example, should a master of library science trie s begging for aid, Cordier wear lemon yellow? élégants, said, many heads of government have said that it is impossible Well sir, to answer this vexing question, we must go back to M arch 14, 1844. On th at date the first public library in the for them to accept aid because United States was established by Ulrich Sigafoos. All of Mr. distingues, O P E N EV EN IN G S it c a rr ie s with it humiliation of the recipient country. Sigafoos’s neighbors were of course wildly grateful—all, that is, except Wrex Todhunter. BRAVO! S .B .S . M r. Todhunter had hated M r. Sigafoos since 1822 when both HairstylingFashions men had wooed the beautiful Melanie Z itt and Melanie had chosen M r. Sigafoos because sKe was mad for dancing and Mr. Be sure to order your Sigafoos knew all the latest steps—like the Missouri Com­ promise Sam ba, the Shays’ Rebellion Schottische, ;ind the forthenewest trends class ring NOW! Choice Jam es K . Polk P olka—while Mr. Todhunter, alas, could not dance a t all, owing to a wound he had received a t the Battle of New Orleans. (He was struck by a falling praline.) Consumed with jealousy a t the success of M r. Sigafoos’s library, Mr. Todhunter resolved to open a competing library. This he did, but he lured not one single patron away from Body of stones and sizes! M r. Sigafoos. “ W hat has M r. Sigafoos got th at I have not?” M r. Todhunter kept asking himself, and finally the answer came to him: books. Permanents So M r. Todhunter stocked his library with lots of lovely Mates studying just books, and soon he was doing more business than his hated rival. B u t M r. Sigafoos struck back. To regain his clientele, he began serving tea a t his library every afternoon. Thereupon Mr. s12.50 and up a little easier. . . Todhunter, not to be outdone, began serving tea with sugar. Thereupon M r. Sigafoos began serving tea with sugar and cream. Thereupon M r. Todhunter began serving tea with sugar and cream and lemon. This, of course, clinched the victory for M r. Todhunter with the help of study guides. because he had the only lemon tree in town—in fact, in the Tinting & Tipping entire state of M aine—and since that day lemon yellow has, of course, been the color on the robes of masters of library science. N o Appointm ent N e c e s s a ry (Incidentally, the defeated M r. Sigafoos packed up his li­ brary and moved to California where, alas, he failed once more. M o n ., T u e s ., W e d . There were, to be sure, plenty of lemons to serve with his tea, BOOK but, alas, there was no cream because the cow was not intro­ PatricianPinkRoom duced to California until 1937 by John Wayne.) T a p e rs S L A C K S Spartan Shopping C e n te r ED 2-4522 Open daily 8:30 A.M. • 8:00 P.M. S tu d e n t A cross From Berkey Hall STORE Free Parking At Rear Of Store >1964 M ax Sbulman T o d a y C a lifo rn ia n s , h a p p y a m o n g t h e ir m ilc h k in e , are e n jo y in g filte r e d M a r lb o r o C ig a re tte s in s o ft p a c k o r F lip - T o p B ox, as a re t h e ir fe llo w A m e ric a n s in a l l f if t y sta te s o f t h is M a r lb o ro C o u n tr y I ________ _ i m l KOTZIN CO.. LOS ANGtLES. CALIFORNIA Monday, M a r c h 2 , 1 9 6 4 f ON THE STATE NEWS YOU CAN PLACE A WANT-AD FREE 5—FOR—3 PLAN CALL TODAY 3 5 5 -8 2 5 5 ★ Autom otive ★ Em p lo y m e n t ★ F o r Sale ★ For Sale ★ S e rv ic e wi t h a SPARTAN MOTORS COOK, S E C O N D . Responsible 8 -tra n sisto r radios - Special buy HOUSETRAILER W i n d s o r . 46 WHY PAY MORE? F o r profes­ Placement Bureau on a real good 1963 model p er­ X 10, 1 bedroom, patio, choice sional dry cleaning, WENDROWS. THL'NDERRIRD 1956, white with supervisory position. N ecessary March 5 low c o s t mits sale at $12.88. Limited quan­ location. Reasonable. O k e m o s , Pants, s k i r t s , sw eaters, 60^. black hardtop. Hurry. $1395. to have e x p e r i e n c e in large tity. A C E H A R D W H E R E & 337-7633. 48 Plain d resses, s u i t s , coats, arts and letters, communication WANT AD FORD 1961, 4-door, 6 cylinder, standard transm ission. Special, volume cooking. A ll benefits. Apply S p a r r o w Hospital P e r­ GIFTS, acro ss from Union Build- DALMATIAN MaLL, 1year old. $1. 19 . 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. C38 Aetna Casualty & Surety Com­ pany: General business adminis­ a rts , social science, traffic or transport, marketing (B), chem­ sonnel Office. 42S ing. ED 2 -3 2 1 2 " C No p a p e r s , very reasonable. tration, insurance, m a r k e t i n g • AUTOM OTIVE $"95. istry, bacteriology, foodscier.ce, CONN TROMBONE, uodel "5ÏT, Phone IV 5-4153. 38 (B ), mathematics (B,M,D), chem­ •EM P LO YM EN T TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, male biology (B,M,D). M /F CORVETTE 1958, rebuilt m otor, excellent condition; $240 new, 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” ical, civil, e le ctrica l, mechanical • FO R R EN T • FO R S A L E new top, runs fine. $1895. or female. Call from home or our office. Call 484-4091 for appoint­ will sell for $200. Call 355- R e al ly want a buy? table models, $8 per month, 17” (B) engineers, pre-law and police International Milling Company, Inc.: Agriculture an d foreign Weel 9165. 42S table models, $7 per month. A 11 administration (B ), personnel ad- try • L O S T 8. FOUND •P E R S O N A L CHEVROLET C orvair, 1960, 4 - door, very clean. $995. ment. 38 SINGER PORTABLE SEWING sets guaranteed, n o service o r delivery ch arges. Call Nejac TV minlstration (B ). American Oil Company Man- trade (B,M ), College of B usi- , n ess> a r t s and letters, com­ Tie, I OLDSMOB1LE 88 Dynamic, 4 - ★ F o r Rent MACHINE: Will do zig-zag sew­ JUNIOR LEAGUE Rentals, IV 2 -0 6 2 4 . C ufacturing Department: Chemi­ munication a rts , social science • P EA N U TS PER SO N A L • R EA L ESTA TE door, i960, automatic transm is­ ing jobs, buttonholes, sews on GARAGE, room for two small buttons, blind hems, and many THRIFT SHOP JO B R E S U M E S - 100 copies, ca l, civil, mechanical (B,M) en­ (B,M) M /F Camp L en n i-L en -A -P e: Camp For I sion, power steering and power $4.00. Aldinger Direct Mail Ad­ gineers. • S E R V IC E brakes. You must see this one. c a r s . 128 N. Magnolia, ten min­ fancy d e s i g n s . Need reliable “ We se l l good Chesebrough-Ponds, Inc.: all counselor and staff positions. utes to campus. IV 9-2 5 9 3 . 42S party to assume ten payments vertising. 533 North Clippert. •TR A N SPO R TA TIO N 3000 E. Michigan used clothing and m ajors in Colleges of Business, Minimum age 21. SUMMER EM­ of only $5.10. F o r information, IV 5-2213. C •W ANTED IV 7-3715 C APARTMENTS A rts and L e tte rs, Communica­ PLOYMENT M /F PHONE OL 5-2 0 5 4 . C40 buy on c o n s i g n m e n t ’ T , V. RENTALS f o r students. D EA D LIN E : BUIOK 1962, Special, s t a t i o n NEAR CAMPUS, furnished 2-man Econom ical rates by the term and tion A rts, Social Science (B). March 6 1 p.m. one c lass day be­ wagon, private owner. Low m il­ a p a r t m e n t . Living room, bed­ STEREO and stereo reco rd s. Hi- 211 E. MICH. OPEN 10-4 month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT­ Chicago Tribune: College of fore publication. eage, excellent condition. Call room , kitchen and bath. Parking. Standard .22 ‘ ‘Double Nine” r e ­ WED-SAT ALS - 355-6026. Call after 5. Business, advertising, journal- 485-0865 Army & Air F o rce Exchange C a n c e lla tio n s - 1 2 n o o n o n e 332-3476. 38 Unsupervised. Phone 332-5374. volver. W. Gold wedding ring _______________________________ C c la s s day before p u b lic a tio n 39 (five 1/2 ca ra t diamonds). Ken- WHIRLPOOL D E L U X E Space­ G E N E R A L - Housecleaningand 1S SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: J r s . S ervice: HR1, retailing, account CHEVROLET 195", A-l condition, WANTED: ONE male roommate m ore vacuum clean er. 355-2778 Saver automatic w asher-dryer ironings. By the hour. Phone IV in advertising and journalism in ing (B,M) PHONE: 2-door, 2 new tire s, V-8, auto­ to share luxury apartment s ta rt­ after 6:00 p.m . 41 combination; l i k e new. Phone 4 -7 8 3 4 . 42S top 1/2 of c la s s . M /F Board of Education, The Meth­ matic. $550. Call 655-2582. odist Church: all interested in ‘ 355-8255 38 ing Spring term . Air conditioning, ALASKAN MALAMUTE, 72 yeai 485-2816. 38 TIME TO bring that Spring sew­ Continental O il C o m p a n y : pool. Phone 33"-1525. 39 m ale, AKC registered . Beauti­ Chemical (B,M) engineers, pack­ teaching at the college level in RATES: COMET 1962, 2-door, standard, EAST LANSING furnished, close fully marked, wonderful disposi­ TENTS: Several styles and sizes, ing and alternations to Betty. aging technology (B,M,D). one of the 116 colleges affiliated 6400 actual miles, clean, like- sleeping bags, save 40%. L a y -a - 332-2949. 40 with the Methodist Church (M or 1 DAY . . .$1.25 to University and sto res. F o r tion. Weekdays after 6:00 p.m . - Dearborn D istrict #8 Schools: new, must see to believe. 4 8 7 - way plan. IV 9-3242. 40 DIAPER SERVICE, three types of 3 DAYS. . $2.50 38 men or m arried couple. Phone 646-4611. 38 English, math (B,M ), science, PhD). M /F 0700. BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND engage­ diapers to choose from. B u l k B o r g - W a r n e r Corporation: 5 DAY S . $3.75 3 32-3363. 38 industrial a rts, elem entary and 19 6 3 ÔLDSMOBILE, OLDSMOBILE, H ÎfoTTcT oliday ROYAL QUIET deluxe portable ment ring. Brilliant white, center wash for clean er, whiter diapers, College of Business Administra­ special education (B,M). M /F (Based on 15 words per ad) EYDEAL VILLA: 1 o r 2 bed­ typewriter with ca se . Like new. Coupe, many accesso ries. All diamond 1 1/2 c a ra ts, white gold fluff dried and folded. Use yours Employers Mutuals of.Wausau: tion (M). There will be a 25< service room apartments completely and $50. Call Joe 353-1560. 42S setting. $1,300 or best offer. or r e n t ou rs. Containers fur­ Brandon Schools: All elemen­ white, low mileage, one owner. Accounting, a r t s and l e t t e r s , and bookkeeping charge if Like new. IV 2-0215. 39 excellently furnished. Choice of BABY BEDS, new, full size with 332-1770. 42S nished. No deposit. 25 y ears ex­ tary, English, math, vocal mu­ communication a rts, social s ci­ this ad is not paid within interior colors. C e n t r a l r e c - STRING BASS - blonde K a y perience. B y -L o Diaper Service, sic, Instrumental music, coun­ w et-proof inner-spring m attres­ ence, business administration, RAMBLER lvSh C lassic ’wagon, room, laundry facilities, barbe­ Swingmaster, excellent natural 1010 E . Michigan, IV 2-0421.C seling and social studies (B). one week. s e s , $25.95. Canopy Crib com­ police administration (B), m ar­ $550 or $46.16 per month for cue areas and swimming pool. ACCIDENT P R O B L E M ? *CaTl M /F plete. Special at $59.95. LOOK finish. C ase. Cost; $425 - Sell; keting, math (B ). y ear. Excellent condition. Phone GE appliances. Call FIDELITY Kalamazoo S t r e e t Body Shop. Clarenceville Public Schools: The State News does not B -$ -U Buy Storage Furniture $200. Phone 332-3747. 38 F e rr is State College: Begin­ 489-4238. 39 REALTY, ED 2 -5 0 4 1 , GEORGE Small d e n t s to large w r e c k s . Science (B), math, English, com­ permit racial or religious Sales, 4601 N. U.S. 27. IV 7 - BICYCLE SALES, service an d ning speech, freshmen commun­ A. H. SPRITE 1959, new engine, EYDE, ED 2-0 5 6 5 . C38 American an d f o r e i g n c a r s . m ercial (including shorthand), discrimination in its ad­ 0173. C38 rentals. E a st Lansing C ycle, 1215 ication s k i l l s , h u m a n i t i e s tire s , top. Radio and heater. EAST LANSInS c l o s e in, 3 Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 industrial a rts, French (B). M /F vertising c o l u m n s . The courses and English literature. I $600. or best offer. 332-8843. PORTABLE T Y P E W R I T E R- East Grand R iver, call 332-8303. elem entary education, vocal mu­ room s, unfurnished except for E ast Kalamazoo. C (M) M /F State News will not accept 38 P r e c i s i o n . Buy the C advertising from persons range and refrig erato r 1st floor Olympia DIAPER SERVICE, sam e diapers Gary Public Schools: All ele­ sic, physical education, special ‘ 58 PEUGEOT. B est finest. T erm s available. H assel- HART SKIIS, size 11 boots, education (B). M /F ‘ 59 V.W. & with southern exposure - no stu­ returned e i t h e r yours or o u rs. mentary, all secondary (B,M) discriminating against re­ bring Company, 310 N. Grand. G.A. poles - package $75. Good offer* Moving March 21. P h o n e dents. $100. per month. Phone Clarkston Community Schools: ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or IV 2 -1 2 1 9 . C40 condition. Call 332-4102. 38 With our serv ice, you may include education M /F 484-7120 or 332-2048. 38 332-5988 after 6:00 p.m. 39 Business education, industrial national origin. two pounds of baby clothes that Grey Advertising, Inc.: M ar­ TEFLON FRYING PANS, ACE do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. arts-m etal work and drawing, FORD 1963 convertible Galaxie keting, econom ics, communica­ HARDWARE & GIFTS, E . Grand elementary education, special 500. L o a d e d . Must sacrifice. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE tions, journalism, advertising ★ Autom otive Phone 4 82-5543, 815 Max Ave. River a cro ss from Union, ED 914 E. Gler Street (M). education, v i s i t i n g t e a c h e r , 2 -3 2 1 2 . C IV 2-0864 C speech correction (B ). M /F FORD 1960 Galaxie, 4-door, pow­ 40 Highland Park Board of Edu­ The Coast & Geodetic Survey-U.S. e r steering, brakes. Thunderbird TYPING SERVICE cation: Elementary education (B, cam e to Department of C om m erce: Civil cruiseom atic, whitewalls, $950. J . B.'S USED CARS ★ L o s t & Found GENERAL TYPING - Immediate M), a r t , p h y s i c a l education, and electrical engineering, math, iversity Phone TU 2-0319. 38 Exclusively Chevrolets service. Phone 355-1237. 38 secondary education, mathemat­ 15-9. Th LOST: Em erald green ring, sen­ physics (B,M). M /F 1956 2-door, hardtop. Black and DISCOUNT TO STUDENTS and ics (B,M ), physics, chem istry, year" wit timental value. Reward. Call 355- Commonwealth o f Kentucky: white, original black and white faculty. Complete typing service, psychology and sociology (M), Gophers 8604. 38 Social work, urban planning (B, interior. No rust. Mechanically theses our specialty. IBM exe­ special education (B,M ). M /F meet in M), forestry (M), civil (B,M) A used car that perfect. No money down. cutive or S electric typew riters. Honeywell: E lectrical Engi­ engineers. The i doesn’ t eat gas? 2801 S. Cedar ★ Personal Superor offset printing in black neering, Experimental psychol­ W. T . Grant Company: Market­ noon W TU 2-1478 or TU 2-6721 and white or color. B .J. P re s s , ogy, m e c h an ic a 1 engineering, Huckins FOR LOW RATES on auto in­ ing and all others of the College C ED 2-2961 or ED 7-0971 after m a t h , m etallurgy, engineering to Lari No such animal. surance it's State F arm Mutual, physics, physical chem istry (B, of Business (B,M). M /F FORD 1963, F a i r l a n e , low 5:30 p.m . C38 The Halle B roth ers: College of tied the B e t t e r g e t a bug: World’s largest a u t o insurer. m ileage, 6 cylinder, stick shift, M,D), College of Business Ad­ ing Don Call or see your State F arm E X P E R T TYPING on electric Business, arts and letters, corn- new c a r guarantee. Must sell. ministration (B,M ), accounting or. it w agent today. Ask for ED KAR­ pica, MSU g r a d . M e r r i l y n munication arts, social science, '62 VW Sedan (2) $1395 B est offer. ED 2 -5 1 0 7 . 42S (B,M,D). rolled MANN o r G E O R G E TOBIN, Vaughn, 339-8751. 48 home econom ics, retailing and ‘60 V A' Convert. 1195 Morse Chain Company: Me­ An oi 1095 1959 OLDSMOBILE, h a r d t o p , IV 5-7 2 6 7 , in Frandor. C38 EXECUTIVE QUALITY typing. chanical, geology (B) engineers. marketing (B,M) M /F '60 VW Sedan a 9 -4 e power brakes and steering. Make Block off campus. Reasonable. Holly Area Schools: E arly and ‘59 VW Sunroof Sedan 995 National Security Agency: Po­ Dick Cc deal. Call Bert L ee, 485-2538 UNCLE FUD’S PARTY S h o p . No job too large or too sm all. l a t e r e l e m e n t a r y education, '59 Karmann Ghia Con. 1095 lice administration, arts and let­ Quaday 495 or 487-3495. 42S Party supplies and beverages. Phone BARBIE M EL.. 332-3255. m ath-science, special education, '60 Fiat 1200 Sedan te r s , communication arts, bus­ w restli 1958 PONTIAC, 4-d o o r, sedan, Kosher sandwiches. T w o m iles 39 industrial aats, (B,M ). M /F ‘59 Renault Dauphine 295 iness administration, social s ci­ year, n radio, heater, power steering, east on Grand R iver. C THESES AND term papers typed. Kalamazoo P u b l i c Schools: E lectric typewriter. Fast s e r ­ ence (B) new battery and generator. Must Elementary education, s p e c i a l WHAT'S WORST than finding a vice. 332-4597. Pittsburgh-DesMoines S t e e l 42 S 38 education, science (B,M). M /F sell 1! I 337-0771. worm in an apple? Finding half Company: C ivil, mechanical (B, P h il Q o s id x w ió , ËD1E STARR,' TYPIST, T heses, Kellogg Company: Accounting CHEVY ‘55, T6 cylinder hydra- a worm in an apple. We guar­ M) engineers. antee no half worms in our apples. dissertations, term papers, gen­ The Pure Oil Company - Mar­ (B) m atic, excellent condition, starts Lederle Laboratories - Am er­ C O N T IN E N T A L IMPORTS SELECT MOBILE HO ME S , lo­ eral typing. Experienced, IBM keting Division: College of Bus­ with a touch. $290 o r best offer. WANTED - 2 girls over 21 for 1, 2, 30 steps from Berkey, cated 2 m iles North of the North E le ctric. OR 7-8232. C ican Cyanamid Company: Pack­ INC. 337-2064. 42S Spring term to share apartment main e n t r a n c e , Horticulture iness, econom ics, arts and let­ Side Drive-In on US-27 has a few TYPTNG in my h o me , Sh i r l e y aging technology (B,M) SUMMER a cro ss from Abbot. 332-8308. Building. C38 te r s , communication a rts, social V o/ksw ogen*Porscne CHEVROLET 283 cubic inch en­ show models left from last week’ s Decker, F o r e s t Ave. Lansing. EMPLOYMEOT for pkg. m ajors. 42 s Buying Florida swim suits would Phone IV 2 -7 2 0 8 . science (B). gine. $125. Phone 332-6722 after WANTED: 1 or 2 room mates fe- p rem ier showing of the 1964 Mo­ C Lompoc Unified S c h o o l Dis­ Security F ir s t National Bank: 2845 E . Saginaw 484-1341 42S bile Homes. These models have be no fun without a choice. You tr ic t: Special education, elemen­ 4:00 p.m. m ale, 21. Lansing a r e a large TYPING IN my home. 15 years College of Business Administra­ been drastically cut in price and have a choice of many com­ tary Education, secondary educa­ S p r i n g term . IV secretarial experience. E lectric tion, finance, marketing, eco­ CORVAIR 1960, 4- door, radio, apartment will save you hundreds of dollars panies for auto, fire, and life at typewriter. IV 7-0619. C40 tion (B,M). M /F 39 nomics (M). JAGUAR XK120, good condition. heater, stick shift, Folding rear 9 -2325. while they last. Also we are In Bubolz Insurance. 332-8671. C38 USAF Aeronautical Chart 8i The Penn Mutual Life Insur­ See at 2643 E . Grand River. seat. Below book. Phone IV 9 - LOOKING FOR male roommates need of used units in both 8 and 10 TERM P A P E R S done quickly- ance Company: All interested r e - “ MIAMI-budget tours arranged. Information C enter: Georgraphy, Call 332-4064. B est offer over 7690, 355-5023. 42 S at Cedar Village, 332-1442 or foot wide models. Drive out to Call Main T ravel Bureau, IV reasonable rates. Two blocks geology, math, physics, civil en­ gardless of major (B) for ca re e r $500. 39 48 SELEC T MOBILE HOMES and 332-5051. best offer. WEST SIDE - unfurnished, large, 4 -4 4 4 1 . C from Union. Phone 337-2737. 38 gineering, forestry (B,M). M /F in life underwriting. OLDSMOBILE 1962,4-door ard - •52 CHEVY, $$0. take advantage of these terrific Ramapo Central School Dis­ 38 heat furnished, private entrance. ANN BROWN typist and multilith United S t a t e s Public Health top, deluxe, radio, heater, power ED 2-0 4 7 2 . THE TENTH Man for my very trict t f l \ English and speech, p rices. 41 steering an d brakes, positive Phone IV 5-1 5 7 4 . 42S own. $1.00 and he’ s minel March offset printing (black & white & S ervice: Biological s c i e n c e s , Spanish and French, mathe­ traction axle. IV 4-6706 after 3:00 OLDSMOBILE 1964 wagon " 8 6 .” SEWING MACHINE, SINGER AU­ 3 -9 . ED 2- 1916. Love. 42S color). IBM. General t y p i n g , English, journalism, language, m atics, science, social studies, Loaded. Trade for cheaper late WANTED: One o r two male room­ TOMATIC SWING NEEDLE in term papers, thesis, d isserta- psychology, philosophy, sociol­ p.m. 38 model c a r and take over pay­ m ates to share Okemos apart­ floor model cabinet. Just dial for SPARTAN FLIGHTS - Spring va­ rinns. ED 2-8384._____________ C music, physical education, art, ogy, history, political science, VOLKSWAGEN sedan, d e l u x e ments. 4,700 m iles. TU 2-6119. ment for Spring term . Call 332- fancy d e s i g n s , also dial for cation flights to where the fur. is. industrial arts, reading- 19*0. Black, radio, white side­ 42S 6250. 42S buttonholes, blindhems, appli­ Daytona $79., NYC, $55. - round ★ T ransportation economics (B,M). rem edial, driver ed, (B,M), nurs­ The University of Michigan: walls. 1 Owner, Sharp looking. trip. Don’t get left behind; call ing, counseling, psychology (M) MERCURY 1956, $250. Good con- ques and all other household WANTED: Ride to Ithaca, N.Y. Biochem istry (B,M ), b i o l o g y , Serviced on regular schedule. now 332-8563, M -F, 1-5 p.m. Phone TU 2-7 6 2 7 . 38 dition. Phone MI 1-4943 anytime.« r iv e rs id e east sewing jobs. Original price would 38 or vicinity. March 5-M arch 9. medical technology (B,M ). M /F South Haven Public Schools: 42 S be over $250.00. Can be taken T racy 355-1282. 40 Wallingford, Conn. Board of All elementary education, biol­ Luxury Apts, on the Red Cedar c a re of for $6.26 per month or RIDE WANTED to Jackson, April Education 8i M anchester, Conn. ogy, art, math and physics (B), $55 ★ Peanuts Pe rso na l ★ E m p lo ym e n t From per month $61.97 cash. Will accept trad e- 6-June 12, Monday-Friday; be Board of Education: English, physical education, elementary ins. Guaranteed. CALL OL 5 - WANTED NEW DORM with human there by 8:00 a.m ., leave 4:00. math, French, Spanish (B,M), vocal music, instrumental mu­ LADY - F o r general house clean­ SHORT TERM L E A S E S 2054. C40 G.A., R.A., and 15 vacant room s. 337-0568. 42S elem entary education, s p e e c h sic (B). M /F ing and ironing. Full or part time. »Spring »Sum m er » F a ll Contact E . Shaw P et. 9 38 NEW YORK Spring vacation-bus therapy (B,M ). M /F 21” ADMIRAL T .V ., lowboy con­ STO RY References. Own transportation. ED 2-0014. ED 2-0255 A F T E R 5:00 P.M. sole, good working order, deluxe special! Round trip , $30. F o r re ­ March 5-6 Timken Roller Bearing Com-i pany: Mechanical (B,M) engi­ 39 model, $50. 355-5753. ★ Real E s ta te servations, call East Lansing Bus Sells F o r Less REGISTERED NURSES, f u l l or U n fu rn is h e d A ls o A v a ila b le 39 Station, ED 2-2813. 42 n eers, p a c k a g i n g technology, Birmingham Board of Educa­ physics, applied mechanics, ac­ WANTED: One girl to sublease PROFESSORS!!! F A C U L T Y ! ! ! part time, 11-7 or 3-11. Good sal­ well furnished new apartment REMINGTON PORTABLE type­ Live in luxury, 7 room spacious ★ Wanted tion: Elementary e d u c a t i o n , counting (B,M). ary and differential plus other for Spring and Summer. Study w riter. Good condition. $15. Call contemporary ranch-2 full baths. math, science, language, arts, 6 2 ’ Chevrolet 2-door sedan in­ WANTED TO buy: Ampex 600 oi Waterford Township S c h o o l fringe benefits. Flexible t i m e atm osphere. ED 7-0267 . 42S 353-2686 between 3:00 and 6:00. 3-way floor to ceiling, fireplace, social studies, reading, social cludes radio, heater andwhite 601 tape reco rd er. C a l l ED D istrict: Elem entary education, schedule. Meal furnished. Phone 38 ultra kitchen, thermopane win­ work, visiting teacher (B,M,D), wall tires. visiting teacher, special educa­ S'lORY SELLS CHEVROLETS ED 2-0801. 41 WANT GIRL to share apartment dows, beautiful patios. Lots of 2-1920. 39 English, rem edial reading, his­ Spring term in Cedar Village. THOROUGHBRED PEKINGESE STEREOPHONIC C Ò N S O L E - tion, English, Fren ch , Spanish, tory, Spanish (M,D), French, OR LESS. $1295. EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an 332-3465. 42S FOR sale. 7 1/2 months male. m ature trees!! on this over­ Capehart, A M - F M r a d i o , one science, arts and cra fts, instru­ mathematics with SMSG (B,M,D). Avon representative. Turn your Phone IV 4-0195. 42S sized lot. (Lake Front) Only 6 year old. Phone IV 4-6275. 38 mental music, math, Industrial free time into $$. F o r appoint­ ROOMS minutes to campus. $22,500, ex­ M /F a rts , vocal music, physical edu­ 57 Oldsmobile 4 door s e d a n ADMIRAL 21” T.V . combination,. G e r b e r Pruducts Company: ment in your home w rite or call: SINGLE ROOMS for men for cellent term s. Call R .J. Frink, WE PAY cash for used tra ile rs. cation, business education (B,M) comes complete with power College of Agriculture, account­ steering, power brakes, radio, M rs. Alona Huckins, 5664 School Spring t e r m s . L arg e, quiet $65. Occasional chairs, lamps, 372-1666, 372-3777, 489-6561. R. & H. Mobile Home. Phone M /F St., Haslett, Michigan or call room s, wash bowl In each. 1block drapes, curtains, small ele ctri­ W alter Neller Co. 38 IV 9-7 8 8 8 . 48 ing, b u s i n e s s administration, eater, automatic transm is­ evenings, F E 9 -8 4 8 3 . C38 from campus. Approved, super­ cal appliances. Call IV 4-7316. ión and white wail tire s. Pf A M TS vised. $9. per week. Spartan 38 WALKING DISTANCE to campus ALREADY? THIS IS and Frandor makes this ideal I ONLY THE FIRST SAME $495. MALE: Efficient at shorthand or speedwriting. 8 hours work on Hall, 215 Louis, 332-2574. 38 S E E T H E fabulousporta-washer. F re e home demonstration. Abso­ home for faculty with 1 c a r , sev­ I OF THE SEASON ¡YOUR Death P lo t campus, March 2 -6 . $1.75/h r. eral youngsters. Quality built; ARM CANT HURTALREADY! 59’ Chevrolet Impala Convert lutely no obligation. F ree Green (continued from page 1) 355-2163. 38 MEN 21 or over, nicely fur­ 3-bedroom s, big custom built ible has power steering, power Stamps. Phone 355-3020. EARN EXTRA money in your nished double room s. Reasona­ r e c . rm ., dining are a , full base­ th reat, he insisted on going. ‘We brakes, radio, heater auto­ 3‘ matic transm ission and white spare time with Judy Lee Jew els. ble. Close to campus. Also share BEAGLE PUPPIES - AKC reg is- ment. Enjoy convenience of lfull a re both in this together,* he 485-3622 for m ore information or apa rtment. 337-2345. 42S and 2 1/2 baths; e x c e p t i o n a l wall tires. tered, 2 males, 8 weeks old. Call told m e.” number of built-ins enables fam­ S T O R Y SELLS CONVERT­ 484-5521. 40 SINGLE ROOM] comfortable, 3 32-3405. 38 ily to expand without buying more Lodge, who is reported to have IBLES FOR LESS. jg 9 5 GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT quiet and clean for graduate male 17 JE W E L SWISS calendar diving furniture. Gas hot w ater heat; received mailed death th reats, 39 watch. Brand new; Call^55-9140. for permanent positions in office, student. Phone IV 2-8304. 2 firep laces; garage; lovely land­ also accompanied Khanh on Sun­ sales, technical. Call IV 2-1543. 39 scaping, top neighborhood. Easily FÛR6ETABOUTYOURARM...THE C40 HOUSES ONLY THINS THATMATTERS W i n ! w i n ! w i n ! w i n !! day’ s trip through Quang Tin UPRIGHT PIANO Good con­ financed; buy from o w n e r , Province, 350 miles north of STORY GIRLS, dition. F its nicely in m arried $22,500. ED 7-0845. 41S IS WINNING! Sajjoji. Lodge arrived with L t. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN for UNSUPERVISED, 2 general bi^rpltal laboratory. SaV;< , blocks from campus. Take.over ,Jl°qfing- Only $35. 355-2959 42S V * Gen. WikiifcSi ..w.+eland. de­ OLDSMOBILE ary commensurable with train­ entire homè. ED 2 -5 6 2 1 . 42S MEN S FIGURE skates, size 8 ★ S e rvice puty commander of U.S. forces Sh ing and experience. Apply: M rs. W O R L D ’S L A R G E S T RANCH STYLE house, suitable $10; small electric h eater-$7; JEAN-A"-WINS has excellent stud in Viet Nam, Vietnamese officials J . Insalace, MT, ASCP. H e a d for 3 or 4, close to campus. Call badminton racket - $1.50; type­ service, miniature Schnauzer son and newsmen. They cam e in with O LD SM O BILE D E A L E R Technician, Lab.; The Memorial 337-0716. 38 w riter (excellent condition)-$15. of international champion. Also a h a i r - r a i s i n g treetop plane Hospital; Owosso, Michigan. Phone 337-2003. 42 s expert grooming. 372-3465, 40 approach. Phone IV 2-1311 _______________________________ 38 ♦* Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Monday, M a r c h 2 , 1 9 6 4 5 W in n in g C a g e S e a so n A R e a lit y tans to a 107-97 victory over buzzing about the play of the 6 -3 The win moved State 13-10 in while State scored two m ore bas­ took a lead, which they lost only By DUANE L A N C A S T E R Northwestern at Jenison Field - fourth place in the Big Ten with kets on ten more shots for 53 once, trailing briefly 52-51 in guard. State News Sports Writer house, insuring State of its first Washington poured in 31 points, a 7 -6 conference mark, while per cent. At the foul line, MSU the closing minutes of the period. Four seniors, playing their winning season in five y ears. grabbed 15 rebounds and e v e n Northwestern fell to 6 -6 In the sunk 10 of 12, for 83 per cent, Although Northwestern never last home game of the basketball Many of the 7,655 fans who had dived over the back of B e rry in league and 8-11 for the season. and the visitors hit 10 of 16, for saw the sco re tied o r in their season, got the applause Satur­ com e to s e e Pete Gent, B i l l the second half to swat away a The win climaxed a successful 63 per cent. favor in the final stanza, the Wild­ B e rry , Fred Thomann and Bill sure Wildcat basket. H isperform - home stand for the Spartans It seemed as though neither cats cam e within two points on day night, but sophomore S t a n Schwartz make their last appear­ ances led both departments for bringing their Fieldhouse record team could m iss as the two squads five different occasions and only Washington got the points. The ance at home left the field house the Spartans. to 9 -2 , combined for a total of 116 points once trailed by as many as ten. high jumping guard led the Spar- In a blistering first half, which at intermission, State holding a Schwarz notched his 23rdpoint, saw the lead change hands seven 6 0 -5 6 advantage. his season’ s high, and point num­ Weekend Intramural News MEN’ S tim es, the shooting of both team s was incredible. The Wildcats hit Spartans wiped out a 36-31 defi­ on 23 of 37 shots for 62 per cent cit with nine straight points and At one point in the half, the ber 100 for the Spartans on a free throw at 2:11, and Washington tied State’ s Big Ten reco rd of 107. Tie, Loss Fraternity Swim R esults Wrestling M i c h i g a n S t a t e Intramural S .A .E. won the F r a t e r n i t y For Icemen Michigan State’ s hockey team Swimming title by amassing a total of 38 points, four more than their nearest opponent, P si Up- Wrestling Tournament P relim i­ n aries begin tonight at 7:30 in the Wrestling Room. All students whc Gymnasts 5-3-1 Top lllin i went into ovetime with Colorado have not signed up and would like College for the second and third tim es this season, but failed to do better than a loss and a tie in silon, who finished with 34. Psi Upsilon garnered the most first place medals. to compete inthetoiirnamentmay sign up at the Wrestling Room prior to the meet. To End D ual Meet Season end. MSU finished the campaign tans faced the team that placed the week-end se rie s at the Ice Basketball Play-offs A win, a loss, and a look to­ WOMEN’ S ward the future tells the story of with a 5 -3 -1 mark. second to Michigan in last y e a r's Arena. Tim e Gym II(Ct.3) Basketball Play-offs the MSU gymnasts' weekend in Sophomore Jim C urzi, side­ NCAA meet. The Spartans are now 8 -1 5 -1 6 — Bailey 7-McFadden Illinois. lined by a shoulder injury early overall and 1-10-1 in leagueplay. 7 — Bailey 2 -Empowerment The Spartans had a 4 -1 lead ' going into the final stanza of the 8 — West Shaw 5 -A risto cra ts 9 — Wisdom-Snyder 12 Delta Zeta defeated Zeta Tau Alpha to win the S orority Bowl­ The Spartans fell to Southern Illinois, 6 5 -4 7 , Friday night, but in the season, showed that he’ s back at full strength by turn­ Iowa Hoop ing Championship, while West they earned a 64 1 /2 -4 6 1/2 ing in a dazzling overall p er­ night game, but Colorado, led by Steve E bert, tied the game Gym lll(C t.5) 6 — Wight-Casino Mayo w a s disposing of South Campbell A to win the Residence decision over the University of Illinois at Champaign Saturday. formance against the lllini Sat­ urday. Coach Quits and sent it into overtim e. Doug 7 — E .M .U .-Six Pak Hall Bowling title. The contests ended the MSU Curzi won the horizontal bar Sharm Scheuerman has r e ­ ‘ Roberts and C arl Lackey each 8 — A r H ouse-Em bassy dual meet season and gave the and parallel bars events, while signed as head basketball coach i scored twice to give State the 9 — D ueces-East ShawlO Bowling Results Green and White a chance to tying for first in side horse and at th e University o f Iowa effec­ 4-1 lead. Ebert scored the tieing Gym IlI(Ct.6) turn their full attention to the capturing third in floor e x e r­ tive at the end of the season. HOW HIGH’ S T H E S K Y —State’ s Stan Washington (24) soars goal at the 15:00 minute mark. 6 — Brinkley-A rsenal 7 — Butterfield-R ather 1 Big Ten conference meet to be cise . He won horizontal and par­ Scheuerman said he would leave ceilingward to grab rebound during Saturday night s game ' At 8:55 in the extra period Ebert 7 — Woodbridge-West Shaw 9 7:30 — Abbot-Cashm eres held at Madison, W is., this week- allel competition with outstanding' intercollegiate athletics to go into scored the wining goal to give with Northwestern. Try ing to stop Stan is the Wildcats' Rich 8 — Snyder 16-Em perors sco res of 9.75 and 9.55 resp ec­ private business. Iowa currently Falk (42), while R ick Lopossa (35) and Marcus Sanders Colorado a 5 -4 victory. 9 — A rpent-B ailey 1 tively. sports a 18-13 record and is Colorado had a 4-2 lead in (31) watch in amazement. Ray Strobel with a 9.15 won 2 -9 in the Big Ten. P h o to by C a rr Saturday’ s game but this time the Notices Athletic D i r e c t o r F o r e s t Green and White cam e back with 3 goals and took a 5 -4 lead going Tim es have been set aside for F e n c e r s T a k e F in a le trampoline a c t i o n with D a l e Cooper scoring a 9.8 on the still Evashevski s a i d Scheuerman’ s rings. resignation had nothing to do with Top Fives Win into the final minute. Colorado scored the typing goal in the 1st minute of play. AlexTerpay had to Hockey and Basketball practice tonight. Hockey P ra c tic e : 9:30 — Evans B reak ’T s S trea k itan Strobel, John Nobel, and Steve the Hawkeyes’ record this year. Wells provided the Spartans with Scheuerman’ s overall record at Duke, the nation's top four cage UCLA, Kentucky, Michigan and ANGEL play goal a g a i n for State, as Scholars: 10:15 — Kappa Sigma and sophomore M a r k Haskell, third time this season. a sweep in the trampoline for the the school Is 71 wins and 67 squads, all won their weekend Classical LPs BY RICH A RD SCHW ARTZ losses. He has been head coach games. UCLA and Kentucky both •Harry Woolf reinjured his back Basketball P ra c tic e : 6 — Sigma with 12 minutes to play in the Nu; 7 — Augies A ces; 8 — S .A .E. State News Sports Writer each with five victories against only one defeat, sabre turned In Southern Illinois, the Spar- since 1938. play again tonight. Mono third period. 9 — Uncle Tom ’ s Whoever invented the leap year in 13-5 record for the after­ LANSING COMMANDERY NO. 25, K.T. - 28th ANNUAL Matmen Finish 5—5—1 must have been thinking of the Michigan State fencing team , as Saturday’ s double win over De­ noon. Contributing another three wins was Mel La ska. HOSPITALER 3:27 CIRCUS Epee, bolstered by a 4 -2 p er­ T h e 1964 wrestling season pound Big Ten champion Leland troit and Indiana at Bloomington formance from Bryan Kutchins, Stereo would seem to indicate. cam e to an end l- riday as the Un­ G ross, but eventually lost 8 -6 . registered its most successful The Spartans used the extra effort of the year with 10-8 iversity of Minnesota topped State 15-9. The Spartans thus ended the Finally, T e rry Leonard was beat­ en by John Klein, 4 - 2 , and Minn­ day, February 29, to beat the T itans, 14-13, and thus snap a overall m a r k . Accounting for CIVIC CENTER 4.27 year with a 5-5-1 mark, while the Gophers won their fourteenth dual esota had an insurmountable 15-3 advantage. five year winning streak held by other e p e e w i n s were Joel Serlin, 3 -3 , Don Lund, 2 -2 , and GEN ERAL ADMISSION MARCH 5, 6,7, 8 Detroit in th e annual se rie s. 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. meet in eighteen outitigs. John Lewis, 1-1. Thursday and Friday. Em erson Boles, showing im­ Against th e H oosiers, S t a t e A d u lts ............................. $2.00 ONE DAY The sour note of the after­ In foil, which fared 7 -1 1 , Nels Saturday. . . 10 a.m ., 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. proved form of late, continued his notched a 16-11 decision. C h ild ren ......................... $1.00 noon was foreshadowed by A1 Marin went 3 -2 , Lew Leonard Sunday. . . , . ............. 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. SALE good w o r k by d o w n i n g Bob It was the last dual meet of RESERVED SEATS Angel Huckins’ loss in the final seconds 2 -1 and George Webb 1-1. Tickets also available at Ramstad, 8-1. In the final match the season for the Spartans leav­ to L a rry Lloyd, 4 -2 . Joe Ganz ing them with a 7 -3 reco rd as they Marin, with a 2 2 -5 season r e ­ Adults $3.00 Children $2.00 Center beginning March 2 nd. of the year in the Sports Arena, tied the score at 3 -3 by decision- prepare for theupcom ingBigTen cord , tops the Spartan sco re rs. 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM Homer McClure d e f e a t e d Jon ing Don Henry, 5 -0 , but from then championships. L a s t s e a s o n , Also figuring for 20 plus p er­ Mail and Phone Orders » S to p Staebler, 2-1, to wrap up an un­ SEATS FOR THURSDAY D isc i of. it was all Minnesota, as they State wound up 7 -3 in dual com ­ formances were Leonard, 21-8, defeated year. McClure finished Ticket Office Masonic Temple A V A ILA B LE ONLY THROUGH rolled off four straight wins. petition and proceeded to capture Salamone, 21- 8 and Haskell, 2 1 - with a 6 -0 -5 mark and has to be 217 South Capitol, Lansing SCHMIDT'S SUPER MARKETS An outclassed Gary Smith lost the conference title. 13. Kutchins, with a 15-12 mark BUY 5 -G ET ONE F R E E rated as one of the top contend­ Phone 484-8977 a 9 -4 encounter with Bob Henry. Saturday’ s wins were sparked in foil and a 4-2 record in e rs f o r Big Ten heavyweight Dick Cook was stopped by Charles by the outstanding perform ance of epee, finished 19-14. Also with championship honors. In addition, Quaday, 6 -2 . Monty Byington, the Green and White sabre squad. a winning slate was John Lewis he was the top sc o re r for the Hi wrestling his best mate!, of the Led by Captain Lou Salamone at 13-7. m ' fm s m Green and White. year, nearly upset defending 157- "In the beginning of the year I would never have foretold a 7-3 & CAM PUS season,’’ C o a c h C harles Sch- m itter admitted. -T H t * T ¥ F — 337-0271 „ r e s a lí,18 „ ► a a 2 - e * n . j O n C am p us Interview s MARCH 11 LAST 3 DAYS D E L IV E R Y S E R V IC E 65( to 5:30 - Eve. 90c Í 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Shown 1:00-4:30-8:15 O ar JANE! VAN SHEUEV MARTHA WE A L S O S P E C I A L I Z E IN HIGH - lOHHSON - WINTERS- HYER .m ■ C IS w Vtavn oe s Foot-LongHotDogs •Hamburgers -Subs w ith d o lls . liv e n Shown' 2 :45-6:20-10:00 - VARSITY DRIVE-IN ED 2-6517 FRaNKSiNana Corns Biow YourHorn TECHHICOIOR Starts Thurs. A n d g a m e s. A n d t a lk in g h o rs e s . I t ’s a ll RO BERT MITCHUM n a d a y ’s w o r k . B e c a u s e o u r e n g in e e rs FRANCE NUYEN in a r e in th e b u s in e s s o f t h in k in g u p , p e r e c t in g a n d p r o d u c in g f i r s t - o f - t h e i r cind t o y s lik e C h a t t y C a t h y M- th e d o ll » H * \ ^ J C IN E M A S C O P E An Insurance Company Career? h a t r e a lly t a l k s - p r i z e d p o sse ssio n o: m o re th a n 5 m illio n li t t l e g i r l s . P r o d u c n g h e r , a n d h u n d re d s o f o t h e r s o p h is ic a te d to y s a n d g a m e s , h a s seen ou Talk it over w ith an E.AA. in te rv ie w e r n d u s t r ia l e n g in e e rs s o lv e lo t s o f f ir s t o f- t h e ir - k in d p ro b le m s , t o o - u s i n g j i g an d f ix t u r e s in h ig h ly o r ig in a l lin e la y T h e a t r e u t s to p ro v id e v o lu m e p ro d u c tio n , ye P km e 3 3 2 -2 8 1 4D . a s s u r e o p p o r t u n it y f o r c o n tin u a l prod One of the m ajor industrial insurance companies in the u ct im p ro v e m e n t. I TOCAY. . . United States, Employers Mutuals of Wausau offers in­ M a y b e y o u 're a m a n w h o lik e n o th teresting, rewarding c a re e rs to hundreds of college men and n g b e tte r th a n fin d in g w a y s to m a k P Thru Thursday: women. :h in g s s im p le r , b e tte r an d c h e a p e r. I f I 2 F E A T U R E S - 90« so, y o u 'll fin d o u r b u s in e s s s t im u la t in g StUTTCRMC AU HCOftBS! Some who joined us majored in insurance, but most were r e w a r d in g a n d loaded w it h p o te n tia l “ IMCMK MD GRUESOME...!" unaware until they talked with our interview ers that their B e c a u s e y o u r b ra n d o f t a le n t ha — Dotty Mirror education could be applied and theiF aims realized in an insurance company. h e lp e d u s g r o w so f a s t w e ’v e b ecom h e b ig g e s t t o y m a k e r a r o u n d , w it h no ONLY FORD-BUILT CARS MEET THE CHALLENGE WITH n d to e x p a n s io n in s ig h t. T h a t ’s w h ; m en t Aw ard for engineering excellence which superbly Shown 9:10 P.M . only Talk with our representative about the opportunities we can offer at our home office and in m ore than 100 cities large and small throughout the country. w e ’ r e s u b s t a n t i a l l y e x p a n d i n g ou a l r e a d y s iz e a b l e e n g i n e e r i n g s t a f f a g a in , d u r in g th e n e x t tw e lv e m o n th TOTAL PERFORMANCE! com bines the prim e essentials of great autom obiles perform an ce, reliab ility, d u rab ility, com fort and sa fe ty ." ■ PLU 5:x ” He will be on the campus Thursday, March 5, to interview W e w o r k n e a r th e L o s A n g e le s I n t e r n a t io n a l A ir p o r t a n d r a is e o u r f a m ilie S o m e t h i n g w o n d e r f u l’ » h a p p e n e d to F o r d M o to r T o ta l perform ance m akes a world of difference. Bodies JOSEPHE LEVINEprttanu C o m p a n y e a r s ! Under th e freshest sly ling seen in and fram es are solid and quiet even on th e roughest senior men for positions as claim adjusters, underw riters, n th e p le a s a n t b each a n d v a lle y com m u n it ie s n e a rb y . I f yo u t h in k you1 years, th ere's a new kind of d u rab ility and vigor th a t road s. T h e ride’s so sm ooth , so even-keeled, it seems auditors, actuarial trainees, and sales correspondents, and W O M EN senior women for positions as audit review ers. Information on appointments can be obtained from the placement o ffice." lik e to jo in u s - in m a n u f a c t u r in g , R & o r a d m in is t r a t io n - m a k e an ap p o in m ore th an m eets the dem ands of to d a y 's and to m o r­ to straigh ten th e cu rves and sh orten th e miles. And O F T H E W O RLD m e n t to d a y to se c o u r in t e r v ie w e r , cam p u s. c row ’s High-speed turnpike driving conditions. W h a t’s th e s e c re t) Q uality engineering for t o t a l per­ nothing m atch es th e sp irit, sparkle and stam in a of ad van ced F o rd -b u ilt Y -8 ’s and th rifty Sixes. T o ta l perform ance is yours to en joy in all our 1 9 6 t e a r s — from form an ce. Q uality engineering so o u tstan d in g th a t th e friskv Falcon to th e m atch less Lincoln C ontin ental. F o rd M o to r C om p an y received th e N A SC A H A chieve­ TECHNICOLOR > Shown “:20 P.M. only E m p lo y e rs M u tu a ls o f W a u s a u F RI DAY MOTOR COMPANY “ MY NAME IS IVA N ” HOME OFFICE: WAUSAU, WISCONSIN T h e A m e r ic a n R o a d , D e a r b o r n , M ic h ig a n (Russian Film) iTTy CATHY ‘ it * eiGiSTieiC ÎIUOCM ERING L EA D E R S H IP B R IN G S YOU R ST T BH -R U ILT C A B «_ OWNED *V HATTtl, INC Monday, M a r c h 2 , 1 9 6 4 6 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n si ng , Michigan S ty r o fo a m B a c k b o n e G ra d A d v is e s F r a t e r n it y U n d e r P ilo t P r o g r a m attempt to extend the program to conjunction w i t h t h e house­ which a housemother might not Mulligan said his job at Alpha fratern ity system at Alma Col­ Alpha Sigma Phi is the only O f ‘B e c h e t 9 S c e n e r y fraternity with a ' ‘housemother’ ' who can punt a football m ore purely s o c i a l Greek organi­ zations. mothers who have done a fine job and provided continuity for so be able to. Nonnamaker indicated that a Sigma Phi is to advise and coun­ lege in his studies in college sel the fraternity in personnel personnel and psychiatry. George B . Hibbard, fraternity many y e a rs .” third type of system for advis­ and administrative a re a s . than 50 yards. Eldon R. N o n n a m a k e r said ing is being considered for m ar­ He hopes to aid the fraternity Hibbard is presently consider­ rene, is basically a plastic, fre ­ advisers, said the program has Styrofoam will be the backbone Michael V. Mulligan, Algonac ing placing two m ore graduate quently used as insulating m ater­ arisen out of a need to provide there is a place for both house­ ried couples. w i t h i n f o r m a t i o n accumu­ of the scenery designs in the P e r­ graduate student, is the first ial. m a ste r's and doctoral candidates mothers and graduate advisers “ An integrated housing system lated from his experiences in the ad v isers in social fratern ities. forming A r t s Company produc­ student to serve a s a resident T h e u n u s u a l , non-realistic in student personnel adminis­ in the fraternity system . with all th ree types of advising tion, “ B ecket,” which w i l l be adviser in a social fraternity quality of “ Becket” demanded a tration with p ractical group liv­ " I t might be good to have in evidence will probably be de­ presented all this week in F a ir ­ under an experimental program child Theater. different d e s i g n a p p r o a c h , Edward A. Andreasen, assistant which may spread throughout the ing experiences. both a housemother and a grad­ uate adviser in a fratern ity ,” veloped in the future,” he said. “ Whatever advising i s used Carole Moore Armstrong Queen Styrofoam, brand name for Dow fraternity system . “ T here is already a fine pro­ director of speech and scenic de­ gram for graduate advisers in he added. t will depend on the facilities of the C arole J . Moore, Grant junior, social chairm an of the dorm, Chemical’ s e x p a n d e d polysty- T here a re already five grad­ signer, said. the residence h a lls," Hibbard Hibbard pointed out that a grad­ fraternity house, the university has been elected queen of A rm - crowned Miss Moore at the Arm ­ uate students working as advisers Frank C. Rutledge, "B eck et” said. “ We would like to develop uate adviser could offer male and what the- mem bers want,” strong Hall. R i c h a r d Curtin, strong term party. in professional fratern ities, but director and instructor in speech, this in the fraternity system in students counseling in a re a s in he added. Mulligan represents t h e first and Andreasen call Anouilh’s play Expert a commentary on modern exist­ ence using historical ch aracters. "W e decided on an abstract, (continued from page 1) modernistic setting which would SH A H EEN ’S the U.S. wants to see these na­ only give a suggestion of the per­ tions make solid progress and iod ," Rutledge said. 1‘The rhulti- LA S T W EEK OF still retain their individuality,” tude of scenes in the play made it he said. necessary to accommodate the various locales without excessive "B u t the United States must not think it is so powerful that it scen ery,”' he said. Seven foot styrofoam logs will YOUNG M O THER HUBBARD can impose its own national in­ terests and institutions on others be used to build 12 posts which will be shifted to suggest forests, pal­ who do not have the same view.” aces, and cathedrals. M e a t S p e c ia ls He indicated that U.S. policy "W e had to find a material for decisions are precedents affect­ the posts strong enough to support ing the course of human history. itself, but light enough to be eas­ “ We are making international ily shifted,” Anthony Collins, in­ law in our policy decisions and structor in speech and technical we cannot forget the future ef­ director, said. SALE U.5.D.A. Govt. Inspected & Graded J Poles operated from off-stage HUNT'S fects of our decisions,” he said. will be used to slide the posts He specifically mentioned con­ which will have a plywood base ditions that must exist if theCom - with a wooden core running up into ROUND munist Viet Cong guerrillas are the styrofoam for support. to be defeated in Viet Nam. Political stability in the na­ 300 tional Vietnamese government is Photo Exhibit Tomato Sauce the first condtion that must exist. The second is that the people 300 At Kresge SWISS in remote villages must actually Peeled Tomatoes support government civic action program s. Where the people have seen the government in action, they have given it 100 per cent Portrays N. !• Stewed Tomatoes 300 support, he said. A bit of New' York that most 300 The third condition is that lead­ tourists never s e e is the high­ e rs in other world areas must light of a photography exhibit at Tomato Paste not panic when the Communists Kresge A r t C e n t e r by Doug make advances. He labeled recent Gilbert, Holland senior. The ex­ PeaC heS Sliced Halves 300 S ir lio n proposals to make Viet Nam neu­ hibit will run through March 9. tral as this type of "p an ic.” A group of photos taken last "T o m a k e Viet Nam neutral s u m m e r portrays a "honky- 300 would be like handing it over to tonk" and contemplative scenes Apricots T -B o n e the Communists on a silver plat­ of Coney Island. Most of the sub­ te r ,” he said. “ I know that P re s ­ jects are Negro or Puerto Rican. 300 ident Johnson won’t buy this type Children dashing through a Fruit C ocktail Blade Cut of talk now or in the future.” water sprinkler in Central Park Touching upon the Red China shows that one picture may be P o t R oast 11 h oz. problem, he said, “ The RedChi- worth 10,000 words. Chili Sauce nese do not understand that in­ Boneless ternational aggression is deeply dangerous. No nation can get away Budget Cut R um p R oast with it for very long because of (continued from page 1) 300 the problem of sm all-scale ag­ Tomato Juice ucation is to educate all who are HAMBURGER gression turning into full-scale w arfare.” able to benefit from i t , ” he He wants the U.S. citizen to said. "It makes it possible for Tomato Sauce 1 0 /$ 1 re-evaluate his thinking about the poor to get an equal start government in the emerging na­ in life with the wealthy.” tions of the F a r E ast. When we start making the stu­ "W e have got to stop asking if dent pay all the cost of his ed­ Heatherwood Farms Exotic Foods the government in an emerging ucation, we will be moving in the nation is dem ocratic and has all direction where only the wealthy F ro m T h e Vi gal. MILK cart. 35$ single the developed institutions that we elite can get an education, he said. have.” "It is of the utmost importance H o t D ogs M iddle East “ The real question is, ‘Is the that all have equal opportunity government responsive to th e for education,” he said. "T ak e L ittle Boy Blue needs of its people?’ ” He s a i d the p e o p l e in the have lost A m erica.” this out of our society and you Koegel’ s •HalvahTahini emerging nations want most of Wurzel indicated he has not yet all to modernize. This does not thought enough about his plan to mean that they want a complete introduce it into the legislature. Americanization of their culture, BREAD 20 oz. loaf 22$ single R in g B o lo g n a 4 9 ( lb. •HomadeBaklawa he said. Fresh • 02833135 _ "T hey want to modernize and still retain the essence of their culture,” he added. "Jap an prob­ ably is the best example of how this has been done." QUAKER OATS Small pkg. B e e f L iv e r T issu e Free 'lb. •TurkishCoffee Betty Crocker Borden's •HomemadeYogurt Choc. White. 4 / $ l. •CornTortillas C A P IT O L AND V E E -JA Y CAKE M IX Yellow; Choc. Fudge Ic e d M ilk Vigal. Mich. U. S. No 1 •FlourTortillas BEATLE B an qu et -LPs McIntosh •CrushedW heat APPLES 3 lb. bag (Borgul) in3grinds M e a t P ie s 6 /$ 1 each California •Completelineof I ONE DAY SALE LETTUCE Large Head 2 /2 9 $ A ll 3 / $ l FoodFromIndia "Dim Instant Chase & Sanborn C re a m P ie s V erities Play It Before You Buy COFFEE 10 oz. Jar $ 1 .1 9 S H A H E E N ’S We r e s e r v e the rig h t to lim it q u a n titie s E a s t e r V a c a t io n ? S e e o u r m an on cam p u s if y o u w a n t t o s a v e m o n e y a n d s e e t h e w o r ld . H ills B r o t h e r s Coffee99< The Sheraton Campus Representative will give you free a Sheraton Student ID or Faculty Guest Card. With it you can stay at any of 90 Sheraton Hotels round the world at special low discount rates. . . even in single rooms! Save even more with 2 or 3 in a room. Group rates for clubs and teams. Wherever Sheraton is, there’s a world of things to see and do. For more information and your ID or Faculty Card, contact this Sheraton Campus Representative: 521E. GRANDRIVER Fred R. Deas M ic h ig a n S tate U n i v . OPEN1BATS 149 E a s t S h a w H oll E a s t L a n s in g , Mich. Drip 2 lb. 9am. to9p.m. Sheraton Hotels & Motor Inns C o a s t to c o a s t in U .S .A .; in H a w a ii; C a n a d a ; N a s s a u ; J a m a ic a ; with $5 or more purchase excluding cigarettes Reg. M e x ic o ; P u e r to R ic o ; V e n e z u e la ; T e l A v iv , Is r a e l. __________ J