Inside MICHIGAN Weather Jacopetti's Film s * T r iv ia l.’ p. 3; Cagers Surprised Forddy, p. 5 ; Band Perfor­ mance ‘Uninspired/ p . 6 . UNIVERSITY STATE ST A T E Mostly cloudy and colder, with a chance of snow flur­ ries. High 30-35. Snow poss­ ible Wednesday. Vol. 55, Number 105 Tuesday, March 3, 1964 E a s t Lansing, Michigan Price 10< P ro p o s e d C o lle g e F e e H ik e R e m a in s In D is c u s s io n S ta g e $50 Rise S tu d e n t B ills In Tuition N o t P riv a te Possible Firms Tell University Senator Asks Student Paym ent Of Financial Delinquents •/ By C H A R L E S C . W ELLS By SU E JA C O B Y State News Staff Writer State News Staff Writer Students anticipating a fee hike A student’ s financial problems outside the University are not of as much as $50 may have a a completely private m atter. few months of g race before state Many local firm s often notify the dean of students office if legislators act on it. a student is behind in his bills. Eldon R. Nonnamaker, associate Sen. Fran k B ead le,R -S t.C lair, dean of students, said his office receiv es "cou n tless” telephone said Sunday that the senate appro­ ca lls and letters about students who have failed to pay bills. priations comm ittee is consider­ “ AH, T H A T 'S T H E S P O T '-D a v id Colson, St. C la ir The financially delinquent stu- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ing cutting Gov. Romney’ s pro­ Shores graduate student, seated, and James Alexander, Eug- dent usually receiv es a "ta lk in g - posed budget f o r colleges. The cove, Ore., graduate student, rehearse their roles in the Per­ to " from a staff member of the cut might go as high as $50 for forming Arts Company production “ Becket” w hich will open in Fairchild Theatre tonight. Photo by Pete Westerman dean's office. In an extrem e case a student’ s registration may be Gromyko every student enrolled ice - w ith t h a t c r is p , c le a n m a s c u lin e a r o m a ! UNIVERSITY BEAUTY SALON 2 Doors E ast of C am pus T h e a te r Jacobsons Parking available ED 2-1116 4 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n si ng , Michig an T u e s d a y , M a r c h 3, 1 9 6 4 totvotA t wMr' rAmu■ j PLACE A WANT-AD •KM»* ê M lì M **«•*»•»/ "f j ¡l»* "t. c* vy.. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE iöfeC !. TS&rv FREE "JO tJP l 5 - F o r - 3 P la n DURING STATE NEWS CASHIEICHfCKEt BM W SferA1 SXJKBdL oairrW « itivctiw m e /o ti WANT-AD MONTH TODAY 3 5 5 -8 2 5 5 ★ Autom otive i t E m p lo y m e n t ★ F o r Rent i t F o r Sale ★ Personal wi t h a VOLKSWAGEN 1959 convertible, COOK, S E C O N D . Responsible APARTMENTS SELECT MOBILE H O M E S , lo­ cated 2 m iles North of the North UNCLE FUD’S PARTY S h o p . Placement Bureau $950. Volkswagen 1963, sedan, supervisory position. N ecessary WOMEN - Spring term , approved, P arty supplies and beverages. low c o s t Side Drive-In on US-27 has a few Kosher sandwiches. T w o m iles March 9 Power Controls Dlv. - Midland sharp. $1400. Will consider trade. to have e x p e r i e n c e in large cooking privileges. Close In. Also WANT AD Call Brian, ED2-1183. •43S volume cooking. A ll benefits. Apply S p a r r o w Hospital P e r­ Summer and Fall. 332 -8 9 4 5 . 43S show models left from last week’ s prem ier showing of the 1964 Mo­ east on Grand R iver. SOME ADS try to entertain you. C American Agriculture Chemi­ cal C o.: General agriculture, ag Ross Corporation: Mechanical engineers, College of Business • AUTOMOTIVE sonnel Office. 42S bile Homes. These models have Ours Just try to get you to buy engineering, agronomy, agecon., with emphasis on marketing (B, FORD 1963, F a i r l a n e , low OKEMOS, LOVELY 3 room fur­ been drastically cut in p rice and insurance. Bubolz - the peoples general chem istry (B ). M). •EM PLOYM ENT m ileage, 6 cylinder, stick shift, CHOOSE YOUR own hours. A few nished apartment for man and will save you hundreds of dollars friend, yal 332-8671.________C39 Detroit Bank & T ru s tC o .:C o l- School Dls. of the City of • FOR RENT new c a r guarantee. Must sell. hours a day can mean excellent wife. Also, apartment for man, while they last. Also we are In lege of Business, A rts and Let­ Ferndale: Elem entary education, • FOR SALE Best offer. ED 2-5107. 42S earnings for you as a trained Avon furnished. Utilities paid. 332- need of used units in both 8 and 10 MIAMI-budget tours arranged. te rs, Communication A rts, Social English, biology, physics, gen­ • LOST & FOUND representative. F o r appointment 8082. 43S foot wide models. Drive out to Call Main T ravel Bureau, IV 1959 OLDSMOBILE, h a r d t o p , 4 -4 4 4 1 . C Science (B,M) eral science, mathematics (B, in your home write or ca ll: Mrs. WEST SIDE - unfurnished, large, SELEC T MOBILE HOMES and •PERSO N AL power brakes and steering. Make W. H. Edgar & Son, Inc.: Mar­ M) counseling (M). M /F . Alona Huckins, 5b64 School St., heat furnished, private entrance. take advantage of these terrific THE TENTH Man for my very • PEANUTS PERSONAL deal. Call Bert Lee, 485-2538 keting (B). State of California: Social work H aslett, Michigan or call eve­ Phone IV 5-1 5 7 4 . 42S p rices. 41 own. $1.00 and he’ s minel March • R EA L ESTA TE or 487-3495. 42S Michigan C o., In c.: College of (M.D) nings, FE 9 -8 4 8 3 . C39 3 -9 . ED 2-1 9 1 6 . Love. 42S i 958 PONTIAC, 4-door, sedan, LOOKING FOR male room mates SEWING MACHINE, SINGER AU- Business, A rts an d L etters, State University College of • SER V IC E SUMMER JOBS for college stu­ radio, heater, power steering, at Cedar Village, 332-1442 or TOMATIC SWING NEEDLE in Communications A r t s , Social Plattsburgh, New York: Student •TRANSPORTATION new battery and generator. Must dents throughout the U. S. at 332-5051. 48 floor model cabinet. Ju st dial for ★ Real E s ta te ______ Science (B). personnel se rv ice s, sociology, •WANTED summer cam ps, re so rts, sum­ psychology (M,D) sell I!! 337-0771. 42S W.ANTED: One girl- to sublease fancy d e s i g n s , also dial for Lamphere P u b l i c Schools: D EA D LIN E: 1963 O9EVR0UET l.MPAI A con- m er theatres, national p a r k s , well furnished new apartment buttonholes, blindhems, appli­ T I S D A L E AND P E N N . , 2 - Elementary education (B ), Eng­ University of Michigan Resi­ business and industry, restau­ bedroom, oil heat, clean, only dence Halls: Hotel, restaurant, 1 p.m. one c lass day be­ ques and all other household vertible, 327, V -8, power s te e r­ rants, ranches, other Interesting for Spring and Summer. Study $7750, $500 down. Hotz 484-4408. lish, math (SMSG), science, r e ­ an d institutional management, , fore publication. sewing jobs. Original p rice would medial reading, social studies, ing and power brakes. Power places. Application is made di­ atm osphere. ED 7 -0 2 6 7 . 42S 41 foods and nutrition (B,M ). M /F . C a n c e lla tio n s -1 2 noon one glide. Radio. Call 355—41 “0. be over $250.00. Can be taken special education (B,M ), vocal rectly to employers who list their WANT GIRL to share apartment WALKING DISTANCE to campus Camp White Pine: SUMMER c l a s s d a y b e fo re p u b lic a tio n 43S c a re of for $6.26 per month or and instrumental m usic, rem edi­ 35,000 openings for 1964. Ask for Spring term in Cedar Village. and Frandor makes this ideal EMPLOYMENT: section heads, $61.97 cash . Will accept trad e- PHONE: '56 Pontiac, excellent transpor- “ Summer Employment D irec­ 33 2-3465. 42S ins. Guaranteed. CALL OL 5 - home for faculty with 1 c a r , sev­ al reading (B,M ). M /F canoe-trip supervisor, arts and tation. $135. Call 332-2480. Camp Nahelu: SUMMER EM­ 355-8255 43S tory” at the bookstore or order by mail from National D irectory WANTED: 1 or 2 room mates fe- 2054. C40 eral youngsters. Quality built; 3-bedroom s, big custom built PLOYMENT: general counsel­ cra fts, riding d irecto r, instruc­ tors in canoeing, nature, ceram ­ RATES: 1954 PONTIAC, 2-door, hardtop. Service, Box 32065, Dept. S., male, 21. Lansing a r e a large SINGER PORTABLE SEWING r e c . rm ., dining are a , full base­ o rs, openings In following: water­ ics, riding. M/ F . Good transportation. Runs well. Cincinnati, Ohio 45232. Student apartment. S p r i n g term . IV MACHINE: Will do zig-zag sew­ front, music, a rts , cra fts , dra­ 1 DAY $1.25 ment. Enjoy convenience of 1 full Worthington C o rp .: Mechanical Reasonable. $100. Call after 4:30, ing jobs, buttonholes, sews on m atics, athletics. Minimum age 3 DAYS. . . .52.50 price S3. C 3° 9-2 3 2 5 . 39 and 2 1/2 baths; e x c e p t i o n a l (B) engineers. 372-1303. 43S buttons, blind hems, and many 18. M /F 5 DAYS. . . . $3.75 WANTED: House work by the number of built-ins enables fam­ Commonwealth A s s o c i a t e s : fancy d e s i g n s . Need reliable Novi Community S c h o o l s : CORVETTE, 1961, 2 7 0 hp,4ll re a r" week; cleaning, wall washing. ily to expand without buying more E le ctrica l, mechanical, civil (B, (Based on 15 words per ad) party to assume ten payments Elem . educ., industrial arts, mu­ end. 2 tops. Excellent condition. Own transportation. Day work. WANTED - 2 girls over 21 for furniture. Gas hot w ater heat; M) engineers. There will be a 25^ service Spring term to share apartment of only $5.10. F or information, sic, arts and c ra f ts , science (B). Phone 332-544". 43S Phone IV 5-6216. 43S 2 firep laces; garage; lovely land­ a cro ss from Abbot. 332-8308. PHONE OL 5-2054. C40 M /F March 9-10 and bookkeeping charge if CORVETTE i960, white, new top, scaping, top neighborhood. Easily REGISTERED NURSES) f u l l or 42 s Oakland Unified School Dis.: Denver Public Schools: Early this ad is not paid within new exhaust system and brakes. SEE THE fabulous porta-w asher. financed; b uy from o w n e r , part time, 11-7 or 3-11. Good sa l­ Elementary education, English, elementary education (B ), math, one week. $2,200. Phone 332-0093. F re e home demonstration. Abso­ $22,500. ED 7-0 8 4 5 . 41S ary and differential plus other WANTED: One or two m ale room ­ social studies, scien ce, math, s c i e n c e * English, foreign lan­ 41 lutely no obligation. F ree Green fringe benefits. Flexible t i m e m ates to share Okemos apart­ industrial a rts, business educa­ r59 V.W. and '58 PEUGEOT. Best schedule. Meal furnished. Phone ment for Spring term . Call 332- Stamps. Phone 355-3020. ★ S e rv ic e guages, all special education (B, The State News does not 3‘ M). M /F . offer. Moving March 21. Phone ED 2-0801. 41 6250. 42S permit racial or religious PORTABLE T Y P E W R I T E R - tion, foreign language, Instru­ Minnesota Mining & Manufac- ' 484-7120 or 332-2048. discrimination in its ad­ Olympia P r e c i s i o n . Buy the mental music (B,M ), special edu­ turing C o.:C h em ical, mechanical 43S vertising c o l u m n s . The finest. T erm s available. H assel- cation (M,D). M/ F . (B,M) engineers, c h e m i s t r y State News will not accept OLDSMOBILE 1964 wagon ” 8 8 ." bring Company, 310 N. Grand. (M,D,) physics (D.) accounting Loaded. Trade for cheaper late C40 WORLD’S L arg est moving and advertising from persons model c a r and take over pay­ IV 2- 1219. storage organization. Operating ★ S e rv ic e (B,M.) discriminating against re ­ ROYAL QUIET deluxe portable March 9-11 ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or national origin. ments. 4,700 miles. TU 2 - 6 119 , 42S I HIRED IT typewriter with ca se . Like new. $50. Call Jo e, 353-1560. 42S rights in 50 states. Contact your c o l l e g e representative, J i m TYPING In my ho me . S h i r l e y Decker, F o r e s t Ave. Lansing. The Boeing C o.: Civil, me­ CORVAIR 1960 . 4-door, radio, B a rre tt, IV 5-2241. C45 Phone IV 2 -7 2 0 8 . C chanical, electrical engineering, heater, stick shift. Folding re a r THOROUGHBRED PEKINGESE engineering mechanics (B,M,D), ★ Autom otive seat. Below book. Phone IV 9 - 7690, 355-5023. 42S THROUGH THE FOR sale. 7 1/2 months male. Phone IV 4-0195. h Ab VSI rfiN U in my licensed 42S home, 1329 E , Grand River, L ans­ ËDlE STAÌTR, TYPIST, th e s e s , dissertations, term papers, gen­ applied math, physics (M,D). JAGUAR XK120, good condition. ing. Call IV 4 -5 6 2 4 . 41 eral typing. Experienced, IBM March 9, 12 CHEVY '55, 6 cylinder hydra- LADY’S SKIRTS an3 d resses. See at 2643 E. Grand River. NO RAISE in p rices at WEN- E le c tric . OR 7-8 2 3 2 . C Cali 332-4084. Best offer over >500. . 39 m atic, excellent condition, sta rts with a touch. $290 or best offer. WANT ADS Sizes 8 & 10. Sweaters, size 38. All clean and like new. IV 4-0827. DROW’S E C O N - O - W A S H . 32 TYPING IN my home. 15 years O t t a w a A r e a Intermediate School D ls.: Speech correction 337-2064. 42S ______________________________ 43S speed clean w ashers, 20 $ - ten secre tarial experience. E lectric and hearing (B) M/ F . '56 VOLKSWAGEN, e x c e l l e n t minutes drying, 10£. 3006 Vine typew riter. IV 7 -0 6 1 9 . C40 CHEVROLET 283 cubic inch en- MOVING BARGAINS household St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. condition. Good tire s, radio, must gine. $125. Phone 332-6722 after item s and lawn mower. 485-7959. sell!!' Best offer',C all IV 4-3176 after 6:00 p.m. \ 43S 4;00 p.m. BUICK 1955, Roadm aster, 2^ 42S IT'S EASY TOO! Call before 8:00 p.m. ______________________C39 43S STUDENT TV R E N T A L S . New GENERAL TYPING an d term papers. Reasonable. 339-2164. Evans To Aid 17 JE W E L SWISS calendar diving 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” 1957 FORD STVI ION WaCON, 5175. 2 Moving Vans. Call Bekin’ s door, hardtop, full power, good c o n d i t i o n , r e a s o n a b l e . ED CA LL watch. Brand new. Call 355-9140. table models, $8 per month, 17” 39 table models, $7 p er month. A 11 TYPING - immediate serv ice. C40 Smoking Meet1 Van Lines, IV 5-22 41. 43S JAMES 256 cc m otorcycle, com - 7-0624. l9"56 O L D S M O B I L E , 4-door, 43S 355-8255 UPRIGHT PIANO Good con­ sets guaranteed, no service o r delivery ch arg es. Call Nejac TV E lectric typew riter. Phone 332- 2467 after 5:30 p.m. William L . Evans, E ast Lans­ ing sophomore, will travel to pletely re-built engine, 4-speed ASK FO R T H E WANT-AD T A K E R dition. F its nicely in m arried hardtop, best offer. Call after Rentals, IV 2-0 6 2 4 .__________ C 42 Washington, D.C., this week as a transm ission, saddle bags, ex­ housing. Only $35. 355-2959. 42S 5:30 p.m ., IV 9 -7 4 7 5 . 43S J O B R E S U M E S - 100 copies, EXECUTIVE QUALITY typing. member of a 10-man committee cellent condition. Call 332-2641. MEN'S FIGURE skates, size 8 $4.00, Aldinger Direct Mail Ad­ to organize a national conference 43S FORD 1959, 4-d o o r, automatic, 1 9 6 3 OLDSnIOBTLE,'HoTTd“ay must sell. It’ s a good c a r In good ST A T E M E W S $10; small electric h eater-$7; vertising, 533 North Clippert. badminton racket - $1.50; type­ IV 5-2 2 1 3 . C Block off campus. Reasonable. No job too large or too sm all. on "Smoking and Youth." The conference, to be held Coupe, many accesso ries. All c o n d i t i o n . $595. C a l l M r s . Phone BARBIE M E L .. 332-3255. w riter (excellent condition)-$15. T . V. RENTALS f o r students. April 30 to May 2, will bring white, low mileage, one owner. Ginman, 3 5 5-4679, a f t e r 5:30 39 Like new. IV 2-0215. 3 9 p.m. 355-6064. 43S GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT HOUSES Phone 337-2003. 42S Econom ical ra te s by the term and high school students from across for permanent positions in office, UNSUPERVISED, 2 coeds. 1/2 ANN BROWN typist and multllith 1958 CHEVROLET IMPALA con- month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT­ the nation to study the Surgeon RAMPLER 1958 C lassic wagon, , sales, technical. Call IV 2 -1 5 4 3 . double and single available. 3 HOUSETRA1LER W i n d s o r , 46 offset printing (black & white & vertible 283. A .T ., R. & H. Good ALS - 355-6026. Call after 5; General’ s report on "Smoking >550 or $46.16 per month for _________ C40 blocks to campus. Call 332-1242. X 10, 1 bedroom, patio, choice ______________ ' C color). IBM. General t y p i n g , condition. Needs top. $700. Also, and Health” and to formulate pro­ year. Excellent condition. Phone EARN EXTRA money in your ______________________________ 43S location. Reasonable. Ok e m o s, G E N E R A L - Housecleaningand term papers, thesis, d isserta­ tri-pow er Maniford for ’ 61-‘62 337-7633. 48 gram s to educate youth on the 489-4238. 39 spare time with Judy Lee Jew els. ironings. By the hour. Phone IV tions. ED 2 -8 3 8 4 . • C Pontiac. Call Mickey or L a r r y GIRLS, U N S U P E R V I S E D , 2 hazards of smoking. 485-3622 for more information or BICYCLE SALES, service an d 4-7 8 3 4 . / 42S Evans' membership on th e J . B .’S USED CARS after 5:00 p .m ., 332-2749. 484-5521. 40 blocks from campus. Take over ren tals. E ast Lansing C ycle, 1215 TIME TO bring that Spring sew- ★ T ransportation board of d irectors of the Nation­ Exclusively Chevrolets 43S entire home. ED 2-5 6 2 1 . 42S E ast Grand R iver, call 332-8303. ing and alternations to Betty. al Committee of State Commit­ ¡956 2-door, hardtop. Black and 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, 1 owner, ★ ForR en t ROOMS ~ C 332-2949. 40 WANTED: Ride to Ithaca, N.Y. tees on Children and Youth lead TENTS: Several styles and sizes, or vicinity. March 5-M arch 9. white, original black and white black, radio, heater, snow tires, to his present appointment. GARAGE, room for two small DIAPER SERVICE, threetypesTof T ra cy 355-1282. 40 interior. No rust. Mechanically excellent condition. $900. Call A P P R O V E D, S U P E R VIS F. D sleeping bags, save 40%. L a y -a - c a r s . 128 N. Magnolia, tën min­ perfect. No money down. IV 9-4196. 43S room s for men. Spartan Hall, way plan. IV 9-3242. 40 diapers to choose from. B u l k utes to campus. IV 9 -2 5 9 3 . 42S 2801 S. Cedar 215 Louis. Doubles, $6.50 per _________________________________ wash for clean er, whiter diapers, BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND engage- fluff dried and folded. Use yours RIDE WANTED to Jackson, April 6 - June 12, M onday-Friday; be W A F Recruiter TU 2-1478 or TU 2-6721 SPARTAN MOTORS APARTMENTS week; singles, $9.00 per week. ment ring. Brilliant white, center Qr r e n t o u rs. Containers fu r- there by 8:00 a .m ., leave 4:00. FORD 1 9 6 3 "convertible Galaxie C THUNDERBIRD 1956, white with black hardtop. Huri^y. $1395. NEAR CAMPUS, furnished 2-m an L arge comfortable room s. H ot a p a r t m e n t . Living room , bed­ and cold water in each. Lobby diamond 1 1/2 c a ra ts, white gold nished. No deposit. 25 y ears ex­ 337-0568. 42S To Visit Campus setting. $1,300 or best offer. perience. B y -L o Diaper S ervice, 500. L o a d e d . Must sacrifice. room , kitchen and.bath. Parking. with T .V . Phone, laundry, park­ 1 or 2 RIDERS DESIRING to r e - C a p t . Elizabeth B. Mayer, FORD 1961, 4-door?\6 cylinder, 332-1770. 42 S 1010 E . Michigan, IV 2-0421.C Phone 482-5543, 815 Max Ave. Unsupervised. Phone 3 32-5374. ing, good study atmosphere. 1 turn f r o m Central Je rse y or Women's Air F o rce selection of­ standard transm ission. Special, CARPETING, $2.95-$19.95 per 40 ________39 block from campus. 332-2574. ACCIDENT P R O B L E M ^ t a i l Philadelphia for 1st day reg is­ ficer for this area, will be on $795. square yard, famous make, extra WANTED: ONE male roommate 48 Kalamazoo S t r e e t Body Shop. tration. $12. IV 4-4854 between campus Wednesday to interview MERCURY 1956, $ 2 5 0 .Goodcon- dition. Phone Ml 1-4943 anytime. CORVETTE 1958, rebuilt motor, to share luxury apartment s ta rt­ 2 DOUBLE APPROVED rooms, large selection. LOOK B -4 -U Buy Small d e n t s to large w r e c k s . 10:00-11:00 p.m . 43S senior women and graduates in­ 42 S new top, runs fine. $1895. ing Spring term . Air conditioning, kitchen privileges, parking, side Storage Furniture Sales, 4601 N. Am erican an d f o r e i g n c a r s . terested in obtaining a comm is­ CHEVROLET C o rv air, 1960, 4 - pool. Phone 337-1525. 39 entrance. Men only. Phone 332- U.S. 27, IV 7-0173. C39 Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 WANTED: Ride from Seattle or sion as Air F o rce officers. EAST LANSING " c l o s e in, 3 6090. TUBELESS 6.$0 X 13 snow grip E ast Kalamazoo.______________ C Northwest to Chicago, March 2 6 - Women between 21 and 30, door, very clean. $995. 48 room s, unfurnished except for TWO SINGLE rooms for male tire s . Used one month. Phone DIAPER SERVICE, sam e diapers 28. Will share expenses and driv­ single, have no dependents and OLDSMOBILE 88 Dynamic, 4- range and re frig e ra to r. 1st floor students. Linens furnished. Close 355-6119 after 6:00 p.m. returned e i t h e r yours or ou rs. ing. 353-2796. 43S a re in good physical condition door, 1960, automatic transm is­ with southern exposure - no stu­ to campus. Phone 332-1682. 43S With our serv ice, you may include NEW YORK Spring vacation-bus may call Capt. Mayer at 489- sion, power steering and power dents. $100. per month. Phone ____________________________ 43S • BICYCLES AND ACCESSORIES. two pounds of baby clothes that speciall Round trip, $30. F o r re ­ 9644 or visit b a t the Air F orce STO RY brakes. You must see this one. 3000 E. Michigan 332-5988 after 6:00 p.m. 39 APPROVED single room s, male, ACE HARDWHERE & GIFTS, do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. servations, call E ast Lansing Bus Recruiting Office, 108 W. Allegan EYDF.AL VILLA: The best deal cooking, parking, one block from a cro ss from Union. ED 2-3212. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE Station, ED 2 -2 8 1 3 . 42 S t., Lansing, from 8 a.m. to 5 Sells F o r Less ____________IV 7-3715__________C in furnished apartments with am­ M orrill Hall. $120 a term . Call C 914 E . Gler Street p.m. ple parking. 1 or 2 bedrooms, cen­ 332-5507 or ED 2-4546. IV 2-0 8 6 4 C - ★ E m p lo ym e n t tral rec-ro o m and laundry facil­ _____________________________ 43S ★ L o s t & Found JEAN-A-WlNS has excellent stud -JL. W a n t e d Beginning Driver ’64 c hevrolet Bel Air 4-door MALE ANDFEM ALE, fu llorp art ities, swimming pool and barbe­ DOUBLE o r SINGLE rooms for FOUND: E a r muffs. Phone 355- serv ice, miniature Schnauzer son ” sedan h a s heater, defros­ time sales work. Good com m is­ cue pits. Choice of interior col­ Spring and Summer term . Large, 4161 or contact Owen Hall desk of international champion. Also WANTED TO buy: Ampex 600 01 expert grooming. 372-3465. 40 601 tape reco rd er. C a l l ED Flunks First Test ters and white wall tires. sion. C ar n ecessary . F o r inter­ o rs . Call FIDELITY R EA LTY, quiet, approved, supervised. Cof­ for room 662. 39 A prospective operator STORY SELLS CHEVRO- view, call IV 9 -0 8 3 3 , 9 :0 0 -5 :0 0 ED 2-5041, GEORGE EYDE, ED fee. 332-0063. 2-1920. 39 43S TYPING SERyiCE ’ ’failed" her first driving course LLTS FOR LESS. $2095 p.m. 43S 2-0 5 6 5 . C39 ★ Peanuts Pe rso nal E X P E R T TYPING on electric WE PAY cash for used tra ile rs . recently. MEN 21 or over, nicely fur­ Campus police ticketed Aida R. pica, MSU g r a d . M e r r i l y n R. & H. Mobile Home. Phone nished double room s. Reasona­ DELT SIGS: We hope you didn’t Gonzalez, E ast Lansing graduate ble. Close to campus. Also share m iss your chance to “ step on Vaughn, 339-8751. 48 IV 9 -7 8 8 8 . 48 62 Volkswagen 2 - d o o r in­ student after the MSU driver cludes radio, heater and apartm ent. 337-2345. 42S the POOP” during raid. Ah Ha, training c a r she was driving col­ white wall tire s. E . MICHIGAN AVE. near. Clean You loose. The pledges. P E A N U T S |M N O T A Q U IT T E R ! I D lided with a c a r driven by William 39 STORY SELLS VW’s FOR LESS. $1395 PLA Y furnished living quarters for col­ lege students. Also, single sleep­ ★ Personal R A T H E R H A V E M Y A R M FA LL O f F T H A N BE C A L L E D A Q U IT T E R ! E . Davis, 4537 B a r n e s Rd., Mason. ing room s. IV 5-6128. 41 — ^ Police s a i d Miss Gonzalez CENTRAL MICHIGAN M o n z a failed to yield the right-of-way B IL L A R D S ★ F o r Sale Club welcomes all Monza owners while pulling out of the MSU driv­ '62 1 orvair Monza Sports 8 -tra n sisto r radios - Special buy on Thursday, March 5, 7:30 p.m. ing range onto Service Road. coupe with bucket seats, on a real good 1963 model per­ at Lee McGilliray C h e v r o l e t , Damage to the two c a r s was es­ 4-on -t h e-f 1 o o r , r a d i o , mits sale at $12.88. Limited quan­ Haslett. Please stop in and join timated at $1,000. heater and white wall tire s. tity. A C E H A R D W H E R E & us! STORY SELLS CORVAIRS FOR LESS. $1595 GIFTS, acro ss from Union Build­ 41 Culver To Head ing. ED 2-3212. c IT PAYS TO KNOW your State Enjoy 20 Colorful Brunswick Regulation F arm agent for low rates on I L /N D E R S T A N D ..T H A T 5 T H E (L A Y H0CÜ D O E S & E E T H Û V E N A L W A Y S Delta Tau Delta Size Tables STEREO and stereo records. Hi- auto insurance. Call or see your D e l t a Tau Delta fraternity Standard .22 “ Double Nine" re­ State F arm agent today. Ask for BEETHOVEN A L W A Y S U S E D TO F E E L . 6 E T IN T O TH ES E C O N V E R S A T IO N S ? elected new officers this week. STORY Beautiful Surroundings volver. W. Gold wedding ring GEORGE TOBIN or ED KAR- They are: at (five 1/2 ca ra t diamonds). Ken- MANN, IV 5-7 2 6 7 , In Frandor. Gary Culver, Hart j u n i o r , OLDSMOBILE more vacuum cleaner. 355-2778 C39 president; Drew P e sla r, Grosse W O R L D ’S L A R G E S T C U S H IO N N CUE after 6:00 p.m . '41 IF YOU’ VE got a honey and not CONN TROMBONE, model 6H, much money, be wise, economize. Pointe junior, vice president; Robert M yers, Flint j u n i o r , OLDSMOBILE D E A L E R 5 0 2 4 S. C e d a r At Jo ll y Rd. excellent condition; $240 new, Buy her an apple. Main entrance, treasu rer; and Thomas Hewett, will sell for $200. Call 355- Horticulture Building. E a s t Lansing sophomore, r e ­ Phone IV 2-1311 F o r R e s e r v a t i o n Phone 8 8 2 - 2 7 4 3 cording secretary . 9165. 4?£ C39 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n si n g , Michigan Tu es da y , M a r c h 3, 1 9 6 4 5 C A P t io n t T h e East: C a g e O ffe n s e S u r p r is e d F o rd d y Already One Upset By OUANE LAN CASTER ped 100 points for the 10th time even 93 point average with 1,209 M o r e rem arkable w ere the Besides Gent, four men are 15 points a game, 6 -9 senior cen­ State News Sports W riter this season and scored their Big points in 13 leagues gam es. games when the Spartans hit on averaging over 10 points a game. te r F red Thomann is at 14.5, By JEROME C A P LA N At the opening of basketball Ten record of 107 points for They play a running brand of a relatively low percentage of Sophomore Stan Washington, who as is Marcus Sanders. State News Sports E d itor p ractice l a s t October, Coach the fourth time, Anderson flatly b asketball f a s t - breaking and their shots and still managed scored 31 points against North­ Bill Schwartz has been sco r­ Forddy Anderson said he would admitted, " I didn’t think the of­ frequently exposing a well-tuned to move past the century mark. western Saturday, is averaging ing 10.1 points a game. emphasize “ a m ore potent of­ fense would be this good." scoring machine. It is not an offense centered E d ito r's note: T h is is the fir s t part o f a four-part series on the post-season basketball tournament p icture. fense” and promised the fans His squad ranks third in the they would see a lot of scoring. nation in team scoring, with a Following Saturday’ s 107-97 total of 2,130 points in 23 games T here were occasions when the squad hit for a tremendous shoot­ ing percentage, as it did against around a single individual (Pete Gent is the leading sco re r with a 20 point average) but a well- UCLA HoldsPollTopSpot UCLA rem ains in first place in the next to last weekly UPI S e v e r a l t e a m s ca p t u r e d tourney b e r t h s in triumph over Northwestern, the for a 92 game average, and Northwestern, connecting nearly balanced scoring attack with often basketball poll. Following the Bruins in order a re : Kentucky, game in which the Spartans top- first in the Big Ten, with an half the time. as many as six or seven men in weekend c a g e play, but s o m e of the “ s u r e to the double figures. Michigan, Duke, Oregon State, Wichita, Villanova, Loyola of Chicago, Davidson and Texas Western. g o ” t e a m s had th e i r t r o u b l e s . The b i g g e s t up se t was in the Southern C o n ­ f e r e n c e , w he re VMI ousted s e v e n t h - r a n k e d IM Ice Champs PlayOakland Top scorers MSU s i n t r a m u r a l hockey an on-camnus on-campus rink. However, returned with a goal eoal within two A Davidson to pick up the bid to the NCAA’ s. champion, Evans Scholars, plays several of the students play on a minutes. Mid-way in the third The K e y d e t s , w h o have a 1 2 - 1 1 s e a s o n m a r k , won the p o s t - s e a s o n c o n f e r e n c e t o u r ­ the top team from Oakland Uni­ versity at 9:30 tonight in the Ice Arena. In a preliminary contest begin­ rink in Birmingham to keep in period, with the score 4 -4 , the shape. Scholars broke loose to score two Evans Scholars won the IM goals and clinch the victory. hockey title Thursday night, de­ Orme, Roberts Lead Skalers ney, which d e t e r m i n e s the l e a g u e ’ s r e p r e ­ ning at 8:30 p .m ., IM sem i-final­ Sigma Chi was invited to com ­ speed, he would be the greatest was against Colorado in Decem­ feating Sigma Chi, 6 -4 . Last year By DICK SONANDERS s e nt at iv e to the national c h a m p i o n s h i p s. VMI ist Kappa Sigma meets Oakland’ s pete against Oakland tonight, but player in the league's history.” ber, when he got the 3 goal hat Sigma Chi defeated Evans for the State News Sports Writer second squad. Both games are was forced to turn down the bid. Roberts’ brother, Jack , was cap­ trick to beat Colorado, 6 -5 ; His now m o v e s into the f i r s t round of E a s t e r n crown. open to the public and admission Mac Orme and Doug Roberts tain of the Spartan team a few overtim e goal beat the T igers. Present plans call for the se­ play at Ph ila d e lp hi a , w he r e t h ey ’ ll m e e t the Over 100 spectators w e re on have been vying .for the Spartan years ago. Orme and Roberts provide the is free. lection of an MSU All-Star IM hand to watch the hard fought con­ ice h o c k e y t e a m ’ s scoring Orme, Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Spartans with as good a one- Ivy leag ue c h a m pi o n, yet unnamed. Oakland h a s no IM h o c k e y Hockey Team to take part in test. leadership all season. Orme now senior, is considered to be the two punch as any team in colleg­ league because the school lacks inter-collegiate competition. IM In the Ivy loop, P r i n c e t o n holds down f i r s t The Scholars scored first, in judges and referees will make has 14 goals and 22 a ssists for best playmaker on theteam .,H e iate hockey. They have learned 36 points. Roberts leads theteam is also a fine skater and stick to help each other when they p l a c e , with Y a l e and Penn one g a m e behind. This week P r i n c e t o n plays Penn and a T i g e r Riflemen the initial period, but Sigma Chi the squad selections. ! n goals with 20 and has 12 handler. Orme’ s senior year has are on the ice and help them­ Intramural News a ssists, giving him a total of been his best. His greatest game selves too. 32 points. l o s s would send the league into a t h r e e - w a y playoff. Take NRA Roberts, Detroit junior, cam e to State on a scholarship and 2 — William M ot z - W i n n e r Another t e a m heading toward the E a s t e r n f i r s t round is having its t r o u b l e s , too. C o n ­ Sectional Michigan State’ s ROTC Rifle M EN’ S Basketball Play Offs (Kantz-Halanchanda) '3 — Dave . Daleberg-N. Biswal plays end on the Spartan eleven. One reason he chose State was because of the varsity hockey 4 ~ Ron Ke 11 h 1 e y -T h o m a s team . Roberts had an extensive n e c t i c u t , p e r en n ia l Y ank ee C o n f e r e n c e title Team won the National Rifle The fraternity and independent C onnor. Association Intercollegiate Sec­ background in hockey in De­ h o ld e r , l o s t to Rhode Island S at ur da y . The basketball championships will be 5 — Je r ry Flynn-Dick Malleod tional Tournament Saturday. troit. decided tonight wh e n S.A .E. 6 — Freddie Blackw ell-Sutera- two squads a r e now tied fo r f i r s t p l a ce in the Competing with State were the meets Sigma Nu andUncleTom’ s He played in the recreational phun Karalak program and played for the J r . U niversities of Michigan, Ohio plays Augies A ces. The two finals c i r c u i t , and the to ur ne y bid m ay also have to S t a t e , Indiana, Notre Dame, 7 — A l b e r t L arch er-S erb io Red Wings. Roberts is one of will be played in the Sports Arena. Montalvo be s e t t le d by a pl ay -o ff. Western Michigan, Toledo, Cin­ the strongest players in the The fraternity final will get under 8 — Howard Levitz-Dave Hlnz cinnati, Detroit, Michigan Tech Western Conference. St ate Coach O ther t e a m s in the E a s t e r n f i r s t round a r e way at 7:30 p.m. and the indepen­ 9 — Dave Scott-Jim Rodman and Lansing Community College. Amo B e s s o n e says that "if. dent championship at 8:30 p.m. 10 — Steve Kantz-Winner(Scott- T e m p l e , P r o v i d e n c e and Villanova. The At­ The Spartan Riflemen won the Admission is free. Roberts had a step or m ore Rodman) lantic c o n f e r e n c e ch am p i o n , p r e s e u m a b l y team match with a score of Tim e Gym lII(Ct.5) All badminton matches will be 1,152 out of a possible 1,200. Swim Meet 6 — Bailey 8-W inner(Brinkley- played in Gym II and will begin Duke, gains a bye and plays in the E a s t e r n U-M was second with 1,137, Notre Arsenal) at 7 p.m. The tournament will be R e g io n al s at North C a r o l i n a State C ol l e g e on Dame third with 1,132, and Mich­ 7 — W i n n e r s(Woodbridge-E. GetsDunked completed in one night. igan Tech fourth with 1,123. Shaw 9 )-Snyder 16-Em perors) M a r c h 13. The Spartan team was paced 8 — McKin'non-Winner (Arpent- The National Invitation T o u r n a m e n t in New by senior Stuart Hallock, firing Bailey 1) Individual Table Tennis m a c orme The Michigan Collegiate Swim­ DOUG R O B ER T S 291 out of 300, followed by Nick 9 — Winner s(W’ighr-Casino)-(E. There will be an individual ming Meet, scheduled for March Y o r k picked t h r e e m o r e squads o v e r the w e e k ­ Steen with 290, Alan Estey with M .U.-Six Pak) table tennis tournament Thurs­ 12 at the IM pool, has been can­ 289 and Robert Harding with Gym IlI(Ct.6) end to b r i n g t h e i r total inv it ees to eight. day evening at 7 in the Table celed, 284. 6 — WInshire-Winner(Ar House- Tennis Room. Anyone interested A r m y , Miam i of F l o r i d a and St. J o s e p h ’ s of S p a r t a n Swimming C o a c h A field of 80 shooters competed Embassy) In this tournament may sign up Charles McC’affree said the main Ph ila. w e r e the l a t e s t to join the tou rne y for top individual honors in the 7 — W inners(Dueces-E. Shaw now at the Intramural Office or reason for cancelling the »event morning firing. 10)-Bailey 7-McFadden) field, which will total twelve a f t e r all bids in the table tennis room the eve­ is that it conflicts with MSU final Of the first eight Open Place 8 — W orcester-W 'inner(Bailey 2 - ning of the tournament. examinations. a re accepted. honors the Spartans took four. Empowerment) Added to this is the fact that Top honors went to freshman 9 — McBeth-Winner(W, Shaw 5 - A l r e a d y in the c o n t e s t with the t r i o a r e Estey with a 293 out of 300. Fencing th e state c l a s s B swimming A ristocrats) championships will be held at the N Y U . D e P a u l , St. B o n a v e n t u r e , P i t t s b u r g h and Second place went to Hallock T h e foil fencing tournament IM pool the next day, making a Duquesne. B e s t b e ts to be invited a r e the firing a 288. Third was Rajcyi Residence Hall Bowling will get under way tonight at conflict in preparing for the prep of Michigan with a 287. Fourth 7:30 in the Fencing Room. meet. M i s s o u r i y a l l e y runnerup (e it he r D r a k e o r went to Harding, while in eighth Alleys 6 p.m. Wichita,) Utah, C o l o r a d o and e i t h e r L a S a l l e o r Bowling G r e e n . place was Landsman with 284. Top female honors went to I-2 — West Shaw 10-7 3 -4 — East Shaw 6 -8 WOMEN'S Sailing Club . . . f o r th e Miss J . Bennet of Michigan Tech 5 -6 — East Shaw 10-7 The Sailing Club will meet at Contemporary dance competi­ Tomorrow: Tbe Middle States Picture. firing a 288. 7 -8 — West Shaw 1-3 7:30 tonight in Union Parlor A. tion will be held Thursday In the 9-10 — West Shaw 5-2 Women’ s I.M. Building. Movies of the 1958 Port Huron II-12 — West Shaw 6 -8 Building Hours — 9 a.m .-9 p.m. to Mackinaw races will be shown, sound o f Shackleton Succeeds Mason Alleys 8:30 p.m. 1-2 — Em inence-E.M .U. 3 -4 — Embassy-Em pyrean Open Swim — 6:30 p .m .-9 p.m. E x e rcise Clinic— 12-1 p.m . and 4 -5 p.m. and final plans for spring term will be discussed. Members in­ terested in g o i n g to t h e St. 5 -6 — Six Pak-Brutus Petersburg, Fla. , Regatta should t h e t im e s ! As Young Fund Coordinator Kayak Club — 4:30 p .m .-6 p.m. 7 -8 — Cache-Cam eron Open Fencing — 7 - 8 p.m. plan to attend. Th e m o s t im p o r t a n t t h in g in th e g u i­ 9-10 — Cachet-Cabana ta r y o u buy . . . Is s o u n d ! Is it a u t h e n ­ ii-12 — Wilding-W'indsor t ic ? G R E T S C H G U IT A R S a re ! □ M o re fo lk s in g e r s v a lu e th e m to d a y fo r Bob Shackleton, veteran radio ifications which Shackleton pos­ t h e ir p e rfe c t b a la n c e and good lo o k s and television voice of Michigan s e s s e s ,” Kinney said. Badminton Singles COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC INSPECTION th a n m u s ic any o th e r g u ita r s . [J d e a le r fo r t h e j u t h e n t i c S ee you r so u n d State athletics, has been named Shackleton joined the Michigan o f th e t im e s . . . G R E T S C H . A v a ila b le coordinator of th e R a l p h H. State staff as sports editor with 1 — Dennis Kantz-Suvvit Halan- for American-Foreign-Compacts in A n d F o lk , a s k Ju m b o y o u r and C la s s ic d e a le r m o d e ls . a b o u t th e Young Scholarship Fund through WjCAR radio in July, 1948. chanda featuring G re tsc h F o lk G u it a r C o n t e s t . Y o u c a n which financial aid is extended tr •Wheel balancing w in a 2 0 th C e n tu ry -F o x R e c o rd s co n tra c t! I W r it e fo r F re e G R E T S C H Spartan athletes. The appointment is effective fS’ Club Earmarks $6,500 •Custom brake service •Steering correction F o lk G re ts c h G u it a r B r o o k ly n M fg . C a t a lo g . 11, N . Y . C o ., 60 T h e F re d . B ro a d w a y , __________________ immediately. S h a c k l e t o n suc­ ceeds Don L. Mason, f o r m e r Spartan All-A m erican f o o t b a l l To Support Student Athletes V/e also do expert tuneup player, who has resigned to enter The Varsity Alumni Club has “ The Alumni Varsity Club Is work on American and Compact cars private business. earm arked gifts totaling a min­ pleased to make this contribution ‘ ‘We a r e very g r a t e f u l to imum of $6,500 to th e Uni­ to the Spartan athletic program , Mason f o r getting the program v ersity’ s Ralph H. Young Fund in which all our members are so LISKEY’S AUTO SAFETY CENTER off to such a wonderful sta rt,” through which athletic g ran ts-in - vitally interested,” s a i d club 124 SO. LARCH OFF MICH. AVE -LANSING S a i d Jack Kinney, d i r e c t o r aid for all varsity sports are sup­ President John C arv er. of Alumni Relations. T h e fund ported. “ The Ralph H. Young Fund is raising and disbursement activi­ The club’ s board of directors a great step forward in our alma ties a r e conducted t h r o u g h voted unanimously to make an m ater’ s athletic operation. Kinney’ s department. immediate gift of $2,500 to the fund and also pledged a minimum "H e re ’ s the way for all Spar­ “ We a r e fortunate, a l s o , to tan fans, alumni or otherwise, to BOB SHACKLETO N have available as his successor a person with the splendid qual- of $1,000 a year for the next four y e a rs. * help.” An Insurance Company Career? DEPT. OF SPEECH CAM PUS Talk it over w ith an E.M. in te rvie w e r i T H l A T I f f — aa 7 -o *T t o sa-»*4 4 ~ ( ~u~~~>if>» irT T r* * 1------ LAST 2 DAYS One of the major industrial insurance companies in the 65$ to 5:30 • Eve. 90c I TODAY. . . United States, Employers Mutuals of Wausau offers in­ teresting, rewarding c a re e rs to hundreds of college men and Shown 1: 00 - 4 : 3 0* 8: 1 5 M Thru Thursday: women. JANET VAN SHELLEY MARTHA f 2 FEATU R ES - 90c IflGH-tOHKSON WINTERS HYBt Some who joined us majored in insurance, but most were « w sves M M T T U M C A U R C C O tP S ! th e ^ ^ ■us ■Osify Mirror I" unaware until they talked with our interviewers that their education could be applied and their aims realized in an p e p fo c n u h q U p v e rs insurance company. ARts 2nd Hit! 2:45-6:25*10:00 MONDOOHNE Get the bug in Europe. Talk with our representative about the opportunities we can offer at our home office and in m ore than 100 cities co m p a n y Shown 9:10 P.M . only large'and small throughout the country. F rbnk SiNaTRa ■ PLUS: tid e op you r V olksw agen m Eu rope and s a v e a bundle o n im port c o a ls E u ropean trav el e x p en ses. Y ou r lo c a l V W d e a l e r handles everytHing* CoideBlow “ He will be on the campus Thursday, March 5, to Interview p a r e h o s t , delivery, insurance, licensing, the w o r k s . Just tell him w h ere y o • P re s e n ts S' I0SEPH E LEVINE prtMnta > w on t H d e liv e re d : Fran ce, W o ly , G r e a t B r i t a i n , Ireland, G erm any, D e n m a r k « senior men for positions as claim adjusters, underwriters, l e l gie e L Sw itzerland o r The N etherland s auditors, actuarial trainees, and sales correspondents, and YourHorn W O M EN senior women for positions as audit review ers. Information BECKET Itä n c ö ü Ö K O F T H E W O R L D 7: P h il G o r d o n s on. appointments can be obtained from the placement office.” Starts Thurs. Intrigue and Suspense! C O N T IN E N T A L IMPORTS MARCH 3 -8 ROBERT MITCHUM as TECHNICOLOR ■ ADMISSION *2.00 - Curtain 8 PM Shown 7:20 P.M. only V O LK S W A G EN Fairchild Box Off ice Hours FRIDAY: f o r s c h e E m p i liipioyors - AliMKVls M u tu a ls - o f W HOME OFFICE: WAUSAU, WISCONSIN March 3 -6 1 2 :3 0 -9 :0 0 P.M. “ MY NAME IS IVAN” Lansing, Michigan (R ussian Film) 2845 E. Saginaw St. March 7-8 Open 7:00 P.M. 6 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan T u e s d a y , M a r c h 3, 1 9 6 4 'Students Tools B a n d P e rfo rm s In Of Revolution’ By JA N IE KN AUER French protectorate which leaned toward the Nazi-style indoctrina­ 6U n in s p ire d 9 C o n ce rt S ta te N e w s S ta ff W r ite ' tion of youth with organizations designed for physical e x e rcise . By LEO N W H E E L E R Thompson, both graduate stu­ played with commendable techni­ Students are used as instru­ “ A great deal of money was State News Reviewer dents, s a n g Guiseppe Verdi's cal skill. ments by political aspirants in spent to get youth to participate "S cen e and D uet," from Act II The closing number was Tcha­ the emerging nations of the world, The 95 piece University Con­ in ideological w arfare,” Chau of the opera Rigoletto. ikovsky's ” 1812 O v ertu re" which L e Thanh Chau, f o r m e r se cre ­ c e rt Band, under the direction said. Thompson, singing the part suffered in the interpretation. tary-general of the University of of Leonard Falcone played per­ "Then one night the Japanese of Rigoletto, was less than con­ Hue in Viet Nam, said Sunday. Chau spoke on "T h e Role of the attacked the French and set up the first nationalistic government haps its least inspired concert in many years Sunday afternoon vincing in his anger over the fact t h a t h i s daughter Gilda Sororities Set Student” in the newly forming na­ tions of the world as part of the of Viet Nam. This government also set up elaborate youth move­ in the auditorium. The program included band (Miss Taylor) had been seduced by the Duke. Rush Theme "•Winds of Change" seminar. versions of works of Berlioz, ment p ro g ram s." Often Thompson had to reach Polly's P o s t Script is th e Government leaders and those Wagner, Paganini, V e r d i and Vietnamese political parties for his high tones. theme of the informal spring rebelling against the administra­ Tchaikovsky. The melodic line overthrew the Japanese in 1946 M iss T aylor has a fine voice term sorority rush. Coeds who tion appeal to students, who arc of Berlioz’ s " R o m a Carni­ and set up their own national and the entire range of the duet have paid for registration need considered the intellectual elites val Overture” had little con­ government, still using students sounded well in her voice, but only fill out the coupon in today’s of the society, Chau said. tinuity. There was a great lack as the best means for spread­ her m ercy-plea for the liber­ State News and send it to 339 Stu­ He definted a student as a p e r- of cohesiveness in the arrange­ ing political ideas. tine was unconvincing. dent Services. between ace: L E THANH CHAU ment. The French took over again in The "P relu d e and Fugue in Women who have not paid for »3. In W a g n e r ’ s Liebestod,’ ' 1947 and established a new cab­ F Minor,” by Bright and the rush may sign up next Monday Given the 1¡istcry of Viet Nam which is Isolde’ s hymn of love inet department, S ecretary of "Symphony No. 6 for Band, Opus through Friday. and other cou ntries with sim ilar and d e a t h , the performance situations, tl i e student has bc- come aloof an d detached, he said, State for Youth Affairs. The French remained in power Crandall Wins lacked feeling and was played 69, by P ersichetti w ere written for bands. The new, informal approach to rush is due to openings in houses with too little restrain t. The Concert Band perform ance caused by reductions in credit r e ­ "The. regirrles have noticed this and have begun, using the devilish until 1954, when the Diem re ­ gime took over. Stressing loyalty Theological Lois T a y l o r and Tom O. of the "P relu d e and Fugue” was the finest number on the program . quirements, said Sally Green, to the ruling family and govern­ Fennville junior and Panhellenic weapon of division to get the stu­ dents arguing among themselves ment leaders, and organizaing a republican youth movement mod­ Fellowship Singh Plans "P erp etu al Motion, Opus 11,” by Paganini and transcribed for first vice president. for pretty puffers in order to work up interest.” Ronald Crandall, Bay City sen­ band by Nicholas D. Falcone, "In the 1940’ s Viet Nam was eled after the Nazis, they led the B lood D rive Falls Sin ce the smoking s c a r e , if you’ ve occupied by the Japanese army, was a French protectorate and students back into their tradition­ al role as political instruments, ior, has won a Rockefeller The­ ological Fellowship to study for Talk On India brother of the band d irecto r, featured six c l a r i n e t i s t s who 6 0 0 Pints Short found you’ r e unable to stop o r c u t - was withstanding Communist na­ he said. one year, all expenses paid, at Baljit Singh, assistant profes­ The Associated Women Stu­ down, then switc h. B e the f i r s t to tionalistic' movements in th e On Nov. 1, students h e l p e d one of 86 seminaries intheUnited so r of political science, will dis­ dents Vets Club blood drive, mountain areas, all at the same overthrow the Diem regime. States and Canada. cuss the difficulties facing India own this sm all-scale b r i a r with tim e,” Chau said. "T he student does not want to A divisional social science ma­ at th e International Relations Drazin To Head which closed Friday, collected 1,400 pints of blood. The total For SO y ea rs, Viet Nam was a be an instrument of any govern­ jor, Crandall is a part time lay Club meeting at 7:15 tonight in s pa r kl in g r hi nes to ne t r i m . It’ s new, ment, party or state,” Chau said. minister at the Wheatfield Meth­ 32 Union. Z B T Fraternity was 400 m ore than last year, but fell 600 pints short of this y ear’s i t ’ s d if fe ren t, i t ’ s l a d y - l i k e ! $2.00 When the students do help in odist Church in Williamston. Following the talk, club elec­ D r e w Drazin, Great Neck, goal. forming a rebellion, they become He is a resident assistant in tions for next year will be held. N .Y ., junior, Sunday was elected Five living units had 100 per Lansing Man frustrated and disgusted with the results, he said. McDonel Hall and a member of the Honors College, Green Hel­ All interested persons are in­ vited to attend. Coffee will be president of Zeta Beta Tau fra ­ cent participation. They a re Phi COSTUME J E W E L R Y - E A S T LANSING S T R E E T L E V E L ternity. Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma P i, "T h e people who gain power met and Campus Crusade, youth served. Joins Staff are usually in the m ilitary, be­ church group. O t h e r officers a r e D a v i d Farm house, and Phi Delta Theta Jackson, Detroit Junior, vice A n n o u n ce D airy fratern ities and Bower House Of Planetarium cause students have no substitute for the administration they over­ throw,” Chau said. Baroque Trio Scholarship P lan president: Andrew K ram er, De­ co-op. troit sophomore, se cre ta ry : Jim L eaders i n other divisions PiecesShow M i d d l e m a n , Shaker Heights, w ere women’ s residence halls, H arris D. Dean, Lansing busi­ Because of a shortage of educa­ Ohio, sophomore, tre a su re r; and men’ s residence halls, N. C ase; nessman and astronom er, has A $2,000 scholarship, spon­ tors and those to be educated, the G r e g W arren Detroit sopho­ A rm strong; independents, Vets VividContrast been appointed to the staff of sored by theC hicagoD airyT ech- regim es see the students as a nology Society, is being offered to m ore, historian. club; and so ro rities, Alpha Phi. Abrams Planetarium. m e a n s of fighting p o v e r t y , students enrolling in dairy manu­ Dean, who is retiring as pres­ disease and illiteracy. The Baroque T rio will p re­ ident of Dean and H arris Ford "Students are encouraged to sent a concert at 8:15 tonight facturing next fall. The annual scholarship will al­ F o r Y o u r P lea su re . . . Dealers, will work part-tim e as go into the countrysides and help in the Music Auditorium. lot $500 for each of four y ears. THE AIR-CONDITIONED a lecturer and assistant curator. educate the people th ere,” he In the Baroque e ra , instru­ Further details a r e available He is known in the Lansing said. ' mental music finally cam e into area for numerous "s p a c e ” pre­ its own. The stylistic sameness from Laurence Harmon, profes­ HOLIDAY LANES sentations to s e r v i c e clubs, Music Auditions and steadiness of Renaissance sor of Food Science, 221 Anthony Hall. The deadline for applicants • 40 B r u n s w i c k L a n e s « Sn ack B a r schools and professional groups. music changed to emotional and is April 15. He received the B.S. degree Scheduled Today #8 B i l l i a r d T a b l e s « C o c k t a i l Loun ge Navy9Marine in meteorology at the Univer­ varied works with short sections Auditions will be held from 10 and strong con trasts. sity of Michigan , and a certificate Lanes Available For to 12 a.m . today in t h e Music T rio members are Daniel Stol- OPEN BOWLING in astronomy from the graduate TestsOffered Building Auditorium for chorus p er, oboe, Edgar Kirk, bassoon, Every Day Until 6p.m. school of the University of Chi­ singers interested in full-tim e and C orliss Arnold, continuo. And Frl., Sat., & Sun. Evenings Tool cago. summer w o r k in professional All are members of the music As the leader of the Lansing OPEN EV ER Y DAY AT 9A.M. tent operetta theaters in th e faculty. team in 1958, he re ­ Information a b o u t com m is­ East. They will be assisted by Rus­ "Frandor is J us t South Of Us ” ceived a C ertificate of Apprecia­ sioned officer program s for co l­ Lewis T. F ish er o f Melody sell Friedewald, flute, Jam es IV 7-3731 tion from the Smithsonian A stro- lege students and graduates, and F a ir Theaters w i l l conduct the Niblock, violin, and J . Loren physical Observatory. Ir, 1963, qualification tests for seniors auditions. Apprentice and fellow­ Jones, tenor voice, also of the he was a delegate to the Nation­ will be given today through F r i ­ ship students interested in work­ music faculty. al Aeronautics and Space Admin- day by visiting U.S. Navy and Ma­ istratior.-Industry Conference in ing at Melody F a ir may be inter­ During the Baroque period, viewed at this tim e. All singers the ground b ass, o r continuo, rine Corps ground and aviation be a gay deceiver Washington. officers. The tests will be held must furnish their own accompa­ a short, repeated melodic phrase, from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . each day nists. was adapted to the music, put­ in the Union lobby. with sophisti-quettes Ag Economist ting an emphasis on top and bot­ tom parts. Examinations for women’s of­ ficer program s last one hour. The Lectures Today Theodore W. Schultz, profes­ Fee Hike F o r the first tim e, the word "so n a ta ” was applied to a musi­ cal piece, but it referred to the style, not form. There were two men’ s ground program tests r e ­ quire an hour and a half, and the aviation program requires three $ i. Pr. sor of economics, University of (continued from pa 9* 1) hours. T here is no obligation main sonata form s, the "so lo Chicago, will lecture on agricul­ after taking the te st, which will J u s t a r r i v e d , the c l e v e r ankle-high tural economics today and Wed­ should have to give them a free sonata,” for solo instrument and be given and graded on campus at s h e e r s e a m l e s s m e s h nylons that nesday. education." continuo, and the “ trio sonata,” request. Schultz will speak on " E c o ­ The only solution to this prob­ for two instruments and continuo. look like full sto ck in gs under s l a c k s . General linej supply, and med­ lem is to establish a system Solo pieces at that time were nomics of Transforming Agricul­ ical an d dental program s a r e With sling s t r e t c h nylon cuff that tu re,” today at 3:30 p.m ., in 206 w'hereby the student would pay the designed to bring out the v ir­ open for men and women. Horticulture, and on "Reflections total cost, he said. Those who tuosity of the perform er. hugs ge ntly, s t a y s in p l a ce without Engineering, law, theological cannot pay could get loans from The humanities student may on Teaching and Learning inCol- and aviation program s are open binding o r drooping. B e i g e tone, leges of Agriculture, at S p.m. the state to be repaid when they recognize in this music a r e ­ to men only. are able. peat of the trends in thought, s i z e s 8 1 / 2 to 11. in Kellogg Auditorium. Schultz will give a public lec­ Wurzel said he thinks college architecture, and art present in ture on "Human Capital and Eco­ enrollments are getting to the the transition from Renaissance H O S IE R Y -E A S T LANSING S T R E E T L E V E L point where one cannot get in un­ to Baroque. nomic Growth,” at 8 p.m. Wed­ nesday in 109 Anthony Hall. less his parents are alumni or Composers represented in to­ he is in the upper 10 per cent of night’ s concert will be Bach, for a very African Art Talk his high school c la s s . Telemann, Marini, B oism ortier, He had no doubts that colleges Handel, Lotti, and Vivaldi. special Janheinz Jahn, anthropologist and expert on African culture, could take ca re of those wanting to g e t a degree in th e f u t u r e . occasion! will speak at 8 tonight in Union Parlor C. His topic is "How However, he said he felt they had better get more efficient by oper­ Pre-Spring T H E T H E E N G A G E M E N T P E R F E C T C E N T E R R IN G W IT H D IA M O N D W esterners Can Learn To Appre­ ciate African A rt.” ating year-around and possibly at night in some ca se s. clearance K e e p s PRICES NO PAYM EN TS T r u e a r t i s t r y is e x p r e s s e d in t h e b r i l l i a n t U N T IL A P R IL 20th fa s h io n s t y lin g o f e v e r y K e e p s a k e d ia m o n d Credit Need Not e n g a g e m e n t r i n g . E a c h s e t t i n g is a m a s t e r ­ Be Established p ie c e o f d e s ig n , r e fle c tin g th e fu ll b r illia n c e a n d b e a u ty o f th e c e n te r d ia m o n d . . . a 60 Chevrolet Ifopala p e rfe c t g em o f fla w le s s c la r it y , fin e c o lo r Convertible LAVIER $ 3 0 0 00 a n d m e tic u lo u s m o d e rn c u t. V8 P.S. R&Heat Also lo S5000 Sharp T h e n a m e , K e e p s a k e , in th e r in g a n d o n t h e t a g is y o u r a s s u r a n c e o f f i n e q u a l i t y 63 Fairlane 509 K «e e p s a k e a n d la s t in g s a t is fa c tio n . Y o u r v e r y p e r ­ D I A KA O M U KI NGS V8 Std. Shift 10000 One owner Miles E xpress your pride and joy s o n a l K e e p s a k e d i a m o n d r in g is a w a i t i n g y o u r s e le c t io n a t y o u r K e e p s a k e J e w e le r 's Bikini brief * with the most precious gift, $100 down 14.31 per wk. a brilliant and beautiful Keepsake diamond ring . . . s to r e . F in d h im in th e y e llo w p a g e s . P r ic e s f r o m $ 1 0 0 to $ 2 5 0 0 . R in g s e n la r g e d to s h o w new Jantzen pantie a perfect gem in a master­ 62 Corvair 500 piece setting. ..¿A b e a u ty o f d e ta il ® T r a d e - m a r k re g is te r e d . R,r,«,n|.„.rfln,howd.l.,l - L ... * . 2 dr. St. Shift R8.H Pri.r in.luil,. 1 . 'FlnIJ $100 d awn $ i. [~HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WE0DING~| 12.60 per wk. I P le o s e s e n d -tw o n e w b o o k l e t s , " H o w t o P l o n Y o u r E n g a g e - | Whisper-light nylon tricot bikini j m e n t o n d W e d d in g " a n d " C h o o s in g Y o u r D ia m o n d R in g s ," | 63 Pontiac Tempest , b o t h f o r o n l y 25c. A l s o s e n d s p e c ia l o f f e r o f b e a u t i f u l 4 4 b r i e f with mi nimum shadow panel. 4 door Std. shift R&H THOMPSON’S I p a g e B rid e ’ s B o o k . J a n t z e n ’ s underlying s e c r e t for daily $100 down f r e s h n e s s under panty g i r d l e s , and 16,08 .per wk. JEWELRY Oe s p o r t s w e a r . Delightful, m e r e wisps in white, b l a c k , pink, blue. Size s 4 S E E B ill O'Shaughnessey 223 M.A.C. AVE. C*ty— --------------- ------------------ _____ __ Co_______ Sto»* to 7. 2501 E . Mich. 482.6405 332-2293 I K E E P SA K E DIAMOND RINGS. SY R A C U S E . NEW Y O R K j L I N G E R IE - E A S T LANSING G ARD EN L E V E L